Rhymes with ‘Niagara.’

I’m thisclose to closing down comments and going back to the old send-Nance-an-e-mail system of feedback. Today I spent 20 minutes killing comment spam for boner pills. My blacklisting system can kill 80 at a time, and I must have reloaded at least six or seven pages’ worth, so that’s, what? Fifty million? Yes.

But speaking of which, I got an interesting call today: I was the high bidder, by default, on a geegaw from the Rockin’ Docs silent auction. There was a disputed high bid, the next two people down on the list didn’t leave phone numbers, and so there I was, little old me, high bidder (at $37) for a clock with a little blue pill that goes around on the second hand. A border around the edge asks, “Is it time to talk about (the pill whose name I dare not speak, for triggering another wave of comment spam)?” Plus there’s a necktie, AND two pens, all emblazoned with Big Pharma’s big hit.

I know just who I’m giving it to. That is, if I can stand to give it up.

Posted at 10:03 pm in Uncategorized |

9 responses to “Rhymes with ‘Niagara.’”

  1. basset said on September 23, 2004 at 10:42 pm

    I just put a (dare not speak its name) clock on eBay… no bids, not a one, in four days. ah well.

    have the tie too, awhile back I had the opportunity to run my mouth on local tv and someone at work dared me to wear it. y’know what, on camera all those little yellow logos on a blue tie look just like yellow stripes

    322 chars

  2. Linda said on September 24, 2004 at 12:32 am

    I hope you don’t have to resort to doing away with this comments section. I really enjoy it.

    I still say everyone should be allowed to kill one person in their lifetime and get away with it.

    (tongue planted firmly in cheek)

    228 chars

  3. james said on September 24, 2004 at 12:47 pm

    Who? Who? (Or, “to whom,” I should say.) Who gets the clock, if you decide you can bear to part with it?

    107 chars

  4. M said on September 24, 2004 at 2:42 pm

    I know just who I’m giving it to. That is, if I can stand to give it up.

    By “giving it up” you mean, um, the clock, right?

    132 chars

  5. Nance said on September 24, 2004 at 5:47 pm

    Uh, yeah. That’s what I meant.

    I picked it up today. It’s a loud ticker — reminds you of time’s fleeting sands. Why bother with sex? it reminds us. You’re old, and the world doesn’t want your mediocre genetic material, anyway.

    Meanwhile, I’m cursing myself for not checking eBay, where — right you are, Bassett — I could have picked it up for a song. But this way, my money went to the free clinic, a worthy cause. It’s all about the community support.

    Also, did you see the L3v!tr@ pen? Go to eBay, search that term, only without the silly spambot-confounding characters. It’s too, too amusing.

    627 chars

  6. first-time caller said on September 26, 2004 at 1:42 pm

    Can I venture way, way off topic? Before you give up comments altogether, I’d love to know what you thought of “Shutter Island.” Trick endings in of themselves are not my idea of great literature, but I’ve never been more happy (in a brokenhearted kind of way) to be bamboozled by a novel.

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  7. deb said on September 26, 2004 at 2:45 pm

    ahem, nance…you STILL haven’t told us who’s getting the clock. you avoiding the question, or what?

    101 chars

  8. basset said on September 27, 2004 at 8:28 am

    mine went through a week on ebay with no bids… anyone want it? pay the postage and it’s yours.

    97 chars

  9. deb said on September 27, 2004 at 11:38 am

    yo, basset — i’ll take it off your hands. it’ll make a lovely gift for my hard-to-buy-for 50-year-old husband. just what every man wants, right? and, we actually NEED another clock, so.

    e-mail me with your address and let me know what you need to cover shipping.

    268 chars