This is, I think, my favorite beer commercial EVAR. It played maybe twice. And now it’s mine, all mine:
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michaelj said on April 10, 2007 at 5:53 pm
God. Damn Nancy. There is certainly not such a thing as a good beer ad. Beer ads are about removing everything from beer that makes it beer. Beer’s the closest thing that anybody’s gotten to milk. Now beer in the late sixties in Detroit meant Ballantine, for $99 per six
You’re from what I’d never have called th Iles, if you hadn’t said it.. I’m from the bloomfields. I’m at least ten years older than you are. If you want to have the slightest clue about Detroit music you hear SRC, but after that MC%. And all of these post-modernest critics that think Iggy is so fucking good. He didn’t come into the same world as Bob Seger. Iggy is a jerk, Iggy isn’t Detroit.
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michaelj said on April 10, 2007 at 6:01 pm
I DON’T LET THIS CONTINUE OR LET THIS DROP. yOU’VE GOT TO CONSIDER WHAT SORT OF CREEPS ARE PEEKING IN. These bastards think you and I are nitwits. They are stupid beyond comprehension. Who’s smarter here. Not that I care or think it makes a differencfe in a million years.
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brian stouder said on April 10, 2007 at 7:19 pm
“What’s the frequency, Kenneth?”
MJ – I liked the commercial! so sue me!
And as far as D-town, if I ever visit there (and we might this summer) – Henry Ford/River Rouge (etc) stops will be on the agenda – but also underground railroad sites. Detroit has a very proud history with regard to moving people from slavery to a new life and freedom; and places related to that history is what I would want to see
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Danny said on April 10, 2007 at 7:36 pm
Here is one of my favorites. An oldie, but goodie for Rainier Beer.
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Bill said on April 10, 2007 at 10:45 pm
Imagine how great this would look in hi-def!
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ashley said on April 10, 2007 at 11:04 pm
I like it.
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Marcia said on April 11, 2007 at 7:56 am
Methinks Michael’s been using my keyboard.
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alex said on April 11, 2007 at 9:48 am
Brian, there’s plenty of good UGRR stuff right here in Hoosiertucky, although it’s been given short shrift by the establishment until relatively recently. If you haven’t done so, be sure to check out the Levi Coffin house. Better still, read his autobiography — it can be found online in .PDF format at the University of Michigan. Just google Levi Coffin and Michigan. I’ll attest it’s one of the best reads ever and should be required reading in the Indiana public school curriculum.
As for beer ads, my computer at home is dead and my computer at work is without sound so I couldn’t fully appreciate the Bud ad. My fave is still the Amstel ad where the couple in the sauna decide it’s time for a beer — and then douse themselves and the lava rocks with Budweiser.
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brian stouder said on April 11, 2007 at 10:01 am
Alex – thanks for the tip.
I read Bound for Canaan – which centers on Levi Coffin (near Shelbyville, isn’t it?) and the Rankin family home down on the Ohio River at Ripley –
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alex said on April 11, 2007 at 10:26 am
Fountain City, Brian, just north of Richmond.
Some great UGRR stuff close to home as well. I was really kind of miffed at PBS’ “History Detectives” when they did a segment two seasons ago about an abolitionist flag discovered in an attic in the Lagrange County town of Ontario. They concluded it must have come from back east somewhere because that’s where the Underground Railroad was going on.
I wrote them and received no reply, but had they really done their detective work they would have known that the town of Ontario was home to Oberlin’s sister school, the Lagrange Collegiate Institute, and shared the same board of directors. The school eventually folded, and its last remaining facilities were destroyed in the 1965 Palm Sunday tornadoes, but between the 1830s and the end of the Civil War, the town of Ontario was a huge hotbed of antislavery activism. Also, St. Joseph and Branch Counties in Michigan, immediately to the north of Lagrange County, had considerable black populations before the draconian federal laws of 1850 made it necessary for them to flee to Canada.
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brian stouder said on April 11, 2007 at 10:46 am
The more I read about antebellum abolitionism and the fouled up emancipation/reconstruction ‘process’ – the more amazed I become. The story is so understated that it actually seems to be something that we collectively repress – very like those phantom memories Nance was musing about the other day.
And indeed, it is not an overstatement to say that people like Don Imus, who unthinkingly brushed another thin layer of derision onto Americans of African descent, deserve all the official disapproval that they get
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