Hopeful signs.

I’ve been seeing it here and there — maybe even in these comments — that there are fewer Trump yard signs in evidence, and this is maybe a hopeful sign. I, too, have noticed this. There’s the guy across the street and a few others here and there, but definitely not as many as ’16 and even ’20. However, I don’t think this is good news. I think it’s a sign of trench warfare. I think we’re just exhausted. Why bother with a yard sign? Is it going to change any minds? I don’t think so.

That said, I impulsively stopped at the Grosse Pointe Dems storefront and picked up two Harris/Walz signs, one of which is in my yard. Gave the other to a friend. We’re hopeful.

But I’m mainly here to tell you that the social-media work I’m doing is eating my leg off, and it all comes to a climax this coming weekend, which is my way of saying this may be the last you hear from me until after Labor Day. The next few days will be action-packed. But I’ll have my laptop, and I’ll try.

Today I mainly want to draw your attention to Neil Steinberg’s excellent blog on Robert Kennedy Jr., on the occasion of the utter rejection of all he claims to hold dear, and his willing embrace of Trump flunkydom.

None of it is news at this point, but this was a sharp observation, I thought:

RFK Jr.’s story is not at its end, unfortunately, but now continues, to a fresh hell, the humiliation of being a Trump acolyte. Take a glance at a piece I wrote in 2016, “Chris Christie in rags” about the “stunned, miserable stare” on Christie’s face when he found himself standing in Trump’s rogue’s gallery of supporters, just another supernumerary to the Great Cheetoh God, hoping to huff a contact high of ego and power. The former governor of New Jersey later tried to reinvent himself as a person with a functional conscience, and speak out against Trump. Too little, too late. Or as I sometimes will write a reader: a person who thinks that Donald Trump is a good idea for this country can’t really expect anyone to care what he thinks about anything else. It’s the same reason you don’t ask homeless people for stock tips. I wonder as RFK slides deeper into the Trumpian netherworld whether it will ever occur to him that he had done this to himself.

It’s sorta breathtaking, in a way: An environmental lawyer has now allied with a man for whom the environment is a golf course. A vaccine opponent who’s now in the pocket of the man who, in his one decent act as president (although a no-brainer), fast-tracked the Covid jab. And I keep thinking about RFK’s voice, his spasmodic dysphonia, which he is said to believe was the result of a flu shot, and refuses to treat. I hadn’t heard him speak in a while, and on Friday, I was struck by how difficult he is to understand. The condition is treatable, with Botox shots to the larynx, but he refuses to get them. And now he’s hoping for a high-level position in the second Trump administration — Trump, a man who picks his inner circle on the basis of how they look, and was said to be repulsed by Nikki Haley’s slight skin discoloration. You just know he’s imitating his new supporter the minute Sad Bobby leaves earshot.

But you know what? It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. So the hell with him.

Now it’s back to the video-editing mangle with me, and I wish you a pleasant unofficial last week of summer. We’ll see if my yard sign gets stolen.

Posted at 4:29 pm in Current events |

100 responses to “Hopeful signs.”

  1. Dave said on August 25, 2024 at 4:55 pm

    There’s an upside down American flag and a T**** flag underneath that we pass all the time near Noblesville, IN. Saw a young man with quite long hair wearing a “Let’s Go, Brandon” hat at a church fish dinner a week ago. Hat didn’t fit my image of him but what do I know.

    Guess we should take a ride through the rural Hoosier countryside and see what we can see. It would be wonderful to see Indiana go against how they usually vote and go blue for Kamala, oh, and not vote for those statewide candidates, too, Braun and the rest but I doubt that will happen.

    564 chars

  2. alex said on August 25, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    Indiana went for Obama in 2008, and if Harris can spark the same enthusiasm it’s conceivable that she could eke out a win here as well. Let’s see if she hands Trump his ass at the debate and where things spiral from there.

    If the best he can do is call Harris a “communist” and “stupid,” and make completely baseless accusations that she destroyed the state of California, I think she’s probably got it sewn up.

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  3. David C said on August 25, 2024 at 5:58 pm

    Maybe this is old news but it just kicked up this morning for me. RFK Jr’s daughter said when she was 6 years old, he took a chainsaw to the putrid head of a whale that washed up on the beach, strapped it to the roof of his car, and drove it five hours home. He’s into animal skulls and skeletons. On the spectrum of weird shit, this comes out way ahead of not being able to order doughnuts and act human. So I just hear someone is saying he wants to replace Vance with Kennedy. It’s probably someone thinking it’s a stupid thing Trump would do and are trying to head it off at the pass. With him, you just never know.


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  4. Dexter Friend said on August 25, 2024 at 6:14 pm

    Thanks, brian s. Next time I am in Logansport I’ll chug a Diet Pepsi with ya. I don’t get down there much anymore however. Carla Lee drank Diet Pepsi all day every day but since she passed over 3 1/2 years ago I have not indulged, as I drink Diet Coca Cola and Sugar Free Dr. Pepper.
    I was mortified that Kennedy cast his lot with the rapist. This monkey wrench into the works could swing the election. As it stood, this election was going to rival Bush v. Gore 2000. Now what ? Just keep slogging away.
    Men are still favoring the rapist, and this is still up to women. They must vote like never before, and if they do, we will win. Not by very much, and Trump will call for a war of sorts, but fuck that bastard.

    723 chars

  5. Brandon said on August 25, 2024 at 6:19 pm

    It’s the same reason you don’t ask homeless people for stock tips.

    Alice has been receiving financial guidance for years from Nicholas “Nick” Blanchett, a homeless man she frequently fed at her diner. Nick had been a regular customer who left large tips until he lost his job, wife, and custody of his children. Nick still visits the diner regularly and pays Alice with investment advice. Nick was working for William as a stockbroker until William fired him without cause.

    The Family That Preys, Wikipedia

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  6. Heather said on August 25, 2024 at 6:22 pm

    I kinda want a Harris/Walz sign but it’s preaching to the choir in Chicago. Still, maybe it could help with turnout? I also want to get some pins to wear out when I’m out in the burbs.

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  7. Julie Robinson said on August 25, 2024 at 7:04 pm

    Same here, Heather. We were going to order one and it was $20, fine, but $17 shipping? We’ll look for a local source. There’s so many other signs for liberal causes in our yard that no one could doubt our feelings.

    I just finished a book that was probably a complete hatchet job about the Kennedys, and really, I’m not sure why I ever picked it up. Ask Not: The Kennedys and The Women They Destroyed by Maureenn Callahan, who I see works for the Daily Mail. I’ve read plenty of horrible stuff previously, but if a tenth of it is true, they’re awful people. I’m not going to repeat what I read because I’m doubting her research and sources. Anyway, just what I’ve read in mainstream media about RFK Jr is enough to makes your toes curl.

    Team Diet Dr. Pepper. Only one a day. Trying to wean myself off, not doing well.

    823 chars

  8. Deborah said on August 25, 2024 at 7:23 pm

    I am filled with hope, I am so enthusiastic about this election coming up, I don’t think I have never been this optimistic in my life. I realize that this can be dangerous, that I could be setting myself up for a huge depression even worse than 2016 was. I realize that it’s going to take us/me doing things I’m/we’re uncomfortable doing, donating more than we can probably afford. Things like going door to door, phone banking etc which is pretty scary for me to think about as a very, shy, introvert, who is not great thinking on my feet etc. but I need to push myself, this is serious, more so than ever before. I did some phone banking in 2004 and 2008, that wasn’t so bad so I need to push myself to DO SOMETHING more. Times a’wasting. I need to get off my butt, quit scrolling, DO SOMETHING.

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  9. SusanG said on August 25, 2024 at 8:43 pm

    Read the VF profile of Kennedy. Made my skin creep. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/robert-kennedy-jr-shocking-history

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  10. Peter said on August 25, 2024 at 10:36 pm

    It’s sad that this country is so polarized because I received an e-mail from the local Republican Party this morning – for $10.00 I can get a Trump Vance sign – “we’ll put it on the lawn for you, or leave it at a spot where you can keep it hidden until the time is right” and I started making a list of people I could prank, and came to the realization that this might not turn out to be the great practical joke I thought it would…

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  11. Jim said on August 26, 2024 at 4:26 am

    Jr was trying to do things until Hamberder “promised” him more money, so he`s now helping Hamberder .

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  12. David C said on August 26, 2024 at 6:14 am

    Here’s a way to check if your social security number was stolen in the NPD data hack. Mine was. Mary’s wasn’t.


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  13. Mssr. Coffee said on August 26, 2024 at 6:52 am

    I read, the other day, the claim that the key Kneepads demographic is highly educated, highly mentally ill White women. This may well be correct.

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  14. Jeff Gill said on August 26, 2024 at 7:05 am

    A slightly different take in the same direction: I have a spasmodic dysphonia (SD) diagnosis, and have checked out all my treatment options. The Botox shots are . . . awful. Had two cycles of them — they have to put the scope up your nose and down your throat, which I’ve learned to tolerate remarkably well they tell me, but then jam a pretty thick needle directly through the front of your throat and the cartilage underneath to paralyze your vocal cords. SD is diagnosed, in part, by the fact that on inspection your vocal cords are whole and intact, no nodules or thickness or damage (also, by the fact that when you try to sing, you are unimpaired, with a secondary indication that when you throw down a few ounces of hard liquor, the symptoms mostly go away). So Botox treatment for SD is supposed to completely kill your vocal cord function for a couple of days, but then you get softer but unimpaired function for weeks after as the Botox wears off.

    That’s what is supposed to happen. For some, and the numbers range from 5% to 40% depending on who you’re reading, there’s a strong reaction to Botulinum toxins and effectively you get bupkis for benefit, other than losing your voice for two weeks, and then it wears off all at once. That was me. They tried again, then told me after the month was over from that attempt “Botox doesn’t work for you.”

    I don’t know about RFK Jr. Maybe he tried Botox, maybe he didn’t. What I DO know is I shifted to vocal therapy — which is the classic if over-used “I had to learn to speak all over again.” That may be an exaggeration, but you really can learn to take the neurological workaround of how the wiring for singing is largely unaffected and use that. SD is a neurological ailment, whatever the cause or trigger, like an essential tremor but in a certain group of throat muscles, or like a localized Parkinson’s.

    So you get intensive training, and exercises to do at home, and learn how to subtly sing your way into speech. There’s a bunch of other stuff about posture and how you hold your head and being conscious of how your throat is set as you speak — it takes attention, and what I can’t and never will be able to do again is casually say a loud clear thing with my chin down looking to one side, which sounds small, but means if I’m on the sofa reading while my wife behind me to the right in the kitchen calls out to me, I don’t respond, I think and turn and lift and focus and then say something. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    My RFK Jr. point? That stuff works for EVERYone, up to a point. What DOESN’T work is trying to push, to power through it. And that’s what’s painful for me listening to him talk at stuff like his press conference: he’s defiantly trying to push past it, and the muscles just clamp down harder. There’s no way he wasn’t offered vocal therapy — he just is not practicing it. And to me that says something. I get that it’s hard and inconvenient. I have been back to preaching the last couple of years, but I can honestly say I’m twice as tired after a sermon in a service, because I’m pushing out twice as much air with twice as much need to focus and think about HOW I speak, let alone what I’m saying. It’s not awful, it’s just work I have to do now.

    RFK Jr. doesn’t want to do the work that takes restraint, care, time, and attention. He wants to power on through. Even when, time after time, it doesn’t work. Yet he keeps doing it, even when a solution is near at hand, but one that calls on him to hold back a bit, be more intentional, take more care. Yeah.

    3557 chars

  15. alex said on August 26, 2024 at 7:12 am

    I read that the Turd demographic that does the most trolling is white male incels who have to go to the Third World to get laid.

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  16. Mark P said on August 26, 2024 at 9:28 am

    Alex, I think you’re right. Incels are typically angry at women because they blame them for their own shortcomings.

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  17. Dorothy said on August 26, 2024 at 9:51 am

    We saw Marc Cohn at the Ludlow Garage on Saturday evening and it was a terrific show. I knew his two biggest hits (Walking in Memphis and True Companion) but other than that wasn’t really knowledgeable about much else. As soon as he started singing I thought “Boy does he sound like Warren Zevon!” And on the way home I Googled him because he talked a good bit about his family and how his career began. He won a Grammy for Best New Artist in 1992. And in 2005 he was shot in the head in a carjacking attempt! Yikes!

    He did 90 minutes and I’m glad we went. But we have seen three shows there and realized on the drive home that we really don’t like the long drive (90 minutes one way) to get there and get home. So while we still own a dog, no more Ludlow Garage trips for us. And after we DON’T have a dog, if there’s going to be someone we really want to see perform, we’ll book a hotel and stay overnight in Cincy. We saw the Young Dubliners in April and they were terrific. The other one was Hiroshima who we saw there when we still lived in Dayton.

    Speaking of Dayton, I saw two people in the audience who I knew from Dayton! This delighted me because in 2001, when we were house hunting in Cincinnati (moving away from Pittsburgh for the first time in my life) I got pangs while waiting in the lobby of a restaurant for Mike to meet me there. So many people were walking up to friends and embracing, and I just thought “Oh that’s not going to happen to us for such a long time, moving to a new city and not knowing a soul here!” So the fact that I saw two familiar faces from Dayton in Cincinnati while living in Columbus, well that just made my night!

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  18. Dave said on August 26, 2024 at 11:46 am

    David C. at 12, I only got one page of names, I found one of my old addresses but the person listed wasn’t me, I am not David A., yet it was my old address. I could only go down through David A’s, I’ve a fairly common name so there are lots of us. I tried both other states I’ve lived in with the same result. So, is there a way to get to Page 2?

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  19. David C said on August 26, 2024 at 11:55 am

    I’m not sure Dave. It didn’t seem like there were pages. I had to scroll down for probably five minutes before I found my name and my last two addresses. I am David Gene, and also at my previous address there was a David M. and it showed a partial SSN that matched mine. I imagine whatever data was entered into the list is there forever, right or wrong just waiting for someone to steal.

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  20. JodiP said on August 26, 2024 at 11:56 am

    I did a phone bank with the DFL last week and got a free lawn sign. 95% of the time no one answered. I talked to 2 women one in her mid-80s, the other in her mid-70s. One was willing to help with phone banking, and the other 1 plans on giving rides to people to the polls so that they can vote!

    I talked to one woman who was focused on the horrible situation in Gaza and wants to hear More from Harris before deciding if she is going to vote For her. I didn’t think it was our role to persuade people, and I just kept saying I hear you.

    I do think it was a mistake not to have a pro-Palestinian person speak at the DNC. I don’t like describing them this way because I am both pro- Palestinian and pro-Israeli and desperately want a ceasefire and a long-term plan for peace.

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  21. Jenine said on August 26, 2024 at 12:15 pm

    @Jeff, thanks for that insight. I didn’t know you were able to preach again, that sounds like good news (haha).

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  22. jcburns said on August 26, 2024 at 12:28 pm

    JodiP, I agree, I want the best for Palestinians and Israelis.

    That said, could we maybe not make choosing support for either one group or the other a vital part of this election? I kinda feel like we’re being distracted from picking a leader for the United States. Y’know, this country here.

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  23. Dorothy said on August 26, 2024 at 1:01 pm

    EXACTLY jc – I can never really figure out why people are so vehemently pushing the United States to do more. There is only so much persuading and coaxing and cajoling one can do.

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  24. Mssr. Coffee said on August 26, 2024 at 1:32 pm

    #s 15 and 16, you weren’t supposed to respond. Follow the rules.

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  25. Sherri said on August 26, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    When Google Maps tells you it has found a faster route, do you take it?

    This past weekend I was in Vancouver, WA to referee a powerlifting meet. On Friday when I drove down for what would be a two and half hour drive in ideal conditions, conditions were not ideal. Heavy traffic, heavy rain, construction meant that I-5 was moving very slowly. It took me three hours to get to Olympia, and the longer I drove, the later Google said I would arrive. Then, it said it had found a faster route.

    Foolishly, I (and hundreds of other drivers) took this two lane road, that also had closures due to construction, and created a miles long backup, which I’m sure the residents of the area were thrilled with. I gave up on this alleged shortcut, turned around and retraced my route to I-5, and later there was one of those temporary highway signs near construction on I-5 saying “Stay on I5, avoid alt routes”, because presumably Google was creating chaos.

    I should know better by now, that there just aren’t alternatives to the major roads. Which is why when traffic goes bad here, it goes insanely bad. It took me 6 hours to get to Vancouver, 143 miles away.

    1168 chars

  26. tajalli said on August 26, 2024 at 4:13 pm

    Regarding the NPD data breach: apparently the data they possessed had been scraped without the consent of the individuals involved (3 billion!!) and there will most likely be a class action lawsuit.


    Fortuitously, I’d already placed a fraud alert and also credit freezes with the three reporting agencies (TransUnion, Equifax, Experian) because there was a break-in to my complex’s mailboxes and an outgoing check of mine was stolen (name, address, phone, signature image, bank routing/acct numbers).

    There was no problem with the first two agencies, but Experian had a highly dysfunctional phone system and I’ve not received written confirmation of the credit freeze or of recent attempts for credit status had been filed by them. Spoke to humans at the other two agencies.

    The credit freeze is probably the best action to take – it can always be temporarily lifted if you yourself need to provide access.

    1031 chars

  27. David C said on August 26, 2024 at 5:26 pm

    I placed a freeze on all three credit bureaus this morning. The worst part was getting through all their sales pitches to pay them a monthly fee for credit monitoring. They don’t make it easy to do the free and legally required thing to just put a freeze on your reports. This will probably be a financial bonanza for them.

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  28. Mark P said on August 26, 2024 at 5:54 pm

    Mssr Coffee -respond to what?

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  29. Dave said on August 26, 2024 at 8:16 pm

    Don’t encourage him.

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  30. Deborah said on August 26, 2024 at 9:11 pm

    I just got an email from my niece in Minneapolis, she’s there manning a climate change booth at the state fair and she said she was in a shed with a thousand people who are sheltering from a tornado. I’m trying to get info online but not finding anything. JodiP, do you have any info?

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  31. basset said on August 26, 2024 at 10:49 pm

    We’ve never put a campaign sign in our yard, but this seemed like the time to start. Nine phone calls to three different party offices here in Nashville found me exactly one live human, and he wasn’t any help… just said they didn’t have any, didn’t know when they would, and if I left my name and number someone would call me back when they did. We’ll see… maybe the camo cap I ordered from the national
    campaign office will show up sometime too.

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  32. Carter Cleland said on August 27, 2024 at 9:34 am

    There’s a genocide occurring in Gaza, largely facilitated with the acquiescence of the U.S., and fueled with its arms. We’ll be extremely lucky if we’re not dragged into a larger war, something Bibi would love to see.


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  33. Jeff Borden said on August 27, 2024 at 9:39 am

    The best shortcuts come through the Waze app. Google Maps are fine, but they can’t match Waze for up-to-the-minute changes. Waze also alerts drivers to speed traps better than Google.

    Sparring over the Harris-tRump debate is getting more entertaining. Dems want hot microphones, so viewers will hear every insane comment the old dotard makes. The QOP wants them muted because they know tRump cannot contain himself for 90 seconds, much less 90 minutes.

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  34. Jason T. said on August 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    I’d like to believe that Trump’s support is dwindling, but out here in Western Pennsyltucky, our neighborhood grew a bumper crop of Trump signs about two weeks ago. And two houses have put up brand-new “TRUMP/VANCE” flags.

    I know, “signs don’t vote,” but back in 2016, the lack of Clinton signage around Pittsburgh — and the plethora of Trump signs, including homemade ones — was an early indication that her campaign was toast, at least in Pennsylvania.

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  35. jim said on August 27, 2024 at 3:30 pm

    Here in my CO neighborhood there is a terrific yard sign. Old timey drawing of a 50’s type women, with “Grab him by the ballot” as the message.

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  36. susan said on August 27, 2024 at 3:56 pm

    Yeah, Jim, I have that yard sign from the 2020 election. I’m sorry to say I’ll get to use it again.

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  37. jim said on August 27, 2024 at 4:38 pm

    Heh! Susan, yours is the Rosie the Riveter model. This one is Donna Reed.

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  38. susan said on August 27, 2024 at 6:23 pm

    Ha! Donna Reed! Haven’t seen that one, yet. She holding a vacuum and mop, wearing high heels and an apron? Ready to clean up all the crud?

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  39. ROGirl said on August 27, 2024 at 7:12 pm

    It’s been very hot, humid and rainy, with periods of sun all day. About an hour ago a torrential rain and wind storm blew through in about 15 minutes. Many branches and leaves were strewn about, but nothing big came down. My power, of course went out, my neighbor is running his noisy generator, and I brought out the candles.

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  40. Dorothy said on August 27, 2024 at 7:27 pm

    My husband prefers Waze; I prefer Google maps. My main complaint about Waze is how it shouts WATCH OUT to warn you about (1) a car parked on the side of the road (2) debris on the road (3) a speed trap (4) anything else that doesn’t fall into one of those categories. I know it’s petty of me. But couldn’t they program it to say CAUTION without that panicked tone when it yells WATCH OUT ?! You’d think I’d be used to it by now but it always makes me jump a little.

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  41. FDChief said on August 27, 2024 at 8:11 pm

    There’s no “good” policy on Gaza. That ship sailed, hit the rocks, caught fire, and sank in the aftermath of 1968. Had the Nixon Administration leaned on Tel Aviv to trade the Territories for some sort of agreement…but no. Probably not; both Israel and the Arab states hoped for a military victory and Israel wanted strategic depth.

    By this point the only effective “diplomacy” would be cutting Israel off completely…and that has huge downsides because the US public has been so saturated with Islamophobia that it’s a certain electoral loser here.

    I wish the whole mess wasn’t stuck to us. Truman’s State Department warned him that if he wanted to set up a religious war he could offer Ben-Gurion & Co. Utah. Putting US prestige behind a sketchy WW1 piece of imperialism? Certain trouble, and so it’s been.

    I don’t blame the DNC for wanting to glide past the whole ugly mess.

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  42. alex said on August 27, 2024 at 9:33 pm

    Writing from Put-In Bay, Ohio, tonight and if we’d taken Siri’s directions on Apple CarPlay we’d probably be underwater in Lake Erie. Absolutely vexatious sometimes. I told her to take us here via the Indiana Toll Road and as soon as we hit the Ohio Turnpike she was directing us off the highway to God knows where.

    It’s lovely here. We’re staying in a little cabin. The restaurant scene looks like a bunch of parrot-head stuff but tonight the crowds were small and the evening abbreviated by a storm that blew in and made us retreat indoors. It came in so violently that it was blowing buckets of silverware off the tables. This was at a place called the Keys.

    Tomorrow we plan on bicycling around the island. A nice respite.

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  43. Colleen said on August 27, 2024 at 10:03 pm

    Our GPS once directed us to a cornfield. “You have arrived.” Er, no, this is a cornfield. But I could see our destination on the other side….so it was close….

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  44. Dorothy said on August 28, 2024 at 8:58 am

    happy birthday Jeff Gill!

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  45. Scout said on August 28, 2024 at 12:07 pm

    I just checked the link and my data has been breached. Fortunately I always carry a freeze on my credit with all three agencies, so I don’t think I’ve had any issues. I will definitely take part in a class-action suit when/if I’m contacted.

    We need a landslide. Today’s post by Heather Cox Richardson is encouraging. https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/august-27-2024?r=dnmfs&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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  46. Joe Kobiela said on August 28, 2024 at 1:08 pm

    If your around I will be flying in to Bryan Thursday around noon be there thru lunch, stop by and I’ll buy you lunch.
    If not lunch stop out and I’ll show you the airplane and buy you a Diet Coke.
    Pilot Joe

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  47. Icarus said on August 28, 2024 at 1:27 pm

    GPS is great except when it isn’t. When we lived in Chicago, many times I’d use GPS just to determine arrival time but it bothered my wife that I would go off script on the final leg. As a native Chicagoan, I know that I can get to our final destination a number of ways.

    oh and this


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  48. MarkH said on August 28, 2024 at 2:38 pm

    Count me among the talking-to-machines haters. The wife loves this shit. Two weeks ago at a family reunion in Philadelphia, she and I decided on some sight-seeing to Valley Forge. Good thing I had google maps and a paper map. Should have been easy – go west on Hwy. 1 out of Media. But NOO, Siri had us heading south on I-495 into Delaware until I realized something amiss. Siri not good for marital bliss.

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  49. Julie Robinson said on August 28, 2024 at 4:14 pm

    MarkH, we have to talk to the big G to turn our lights on and off. I hate it, the kids think it’s great, and my mom is just plain puzzled.

    We got our Covid vaccinations! There was some drama at the last minute over our daughter’s insurance not covering the shot if she got it at CVS. So she made an appointment at Walgreen’s, and when she went they said they don’t actually have the vaccine despiste taking appointments, and it would probably come in on Sept. 6. Too late, we leave the 3rd, so we ponied up $200 and she got it at CVS.

    Not sure what happened to Walgreen’s but the stores here are crap; dark and dirty with little stock on the shelves. We avoid unless buying last minute movie candy.

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  50. brian stouder said on August 28, 2024 at 9:54 pm

    In our household, if you declare “ALEXA, turn off Mickey!”, one of the lamps in the living room shuts off. Then you say the same, substituting “Minnie”, to shut off the other. In our bedroom, you say “ Night night” to turn off the light, or “Rise and shine!” to turn them on. If this was in a movie even just a few years ago, I’d have said ‘that’s silly!’…. but now it makes perfect sense!

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  51. Icarus said on August 29, 2024 at 9:38 am

    On my On This Day on Facebook yesterday, I had a post of our very first Echo Dot that my wife received as a gift from NW for some event in 2018. Since then I have added many more echos and other Alexa enabled devices.

    I have an Alexa enabled coffee maker because I didn’t want to program the coffee twice: once for weekdays and once for weekends. That’s a good reason to give up some privacy, right?

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  52. Joe Kobiela said on August 29, 2024 at 12:19 pm

    Sorry Dex
    Had too divert to Wauseon due to weather, maybe another time.
    Pilot Joe

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  53. Jeff Borden said on August 29, 2024 at 1:19 pm

    Life in ‘Murica 2024.

    The Army staffer who was verbally abused and physically pushed aside by one of tRump’s bodyguards at Arlington National Cemetery reported the incident to her superiors. Asked if she wanted to press charges, she declined. Why? Because she feared the retaliation of his rabid cultists. This is far from the first time citizens have chosen not to pursue some action against the orange sack of chicken fat because they feared for their lives and/or reputations from assault by his goons. It’s understandable, but still sickening. HRC was being nice when she called his cultists “deplorable.”

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  54. Sherri said on August 29, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    I got my Covid shot today, and the pharmacist really pushed for me to get the flu shot today as well, insisting that it wasn’t too early. Everything thing I’ve read, including the CDC site, says wait until Sept or Oct, and the last time I got the flu shot in early Sept, my doctor fussed at me. From what I can tell, the immunity from the vaccine is good for about six months.

    The pharmacist said she wanted to make sure I had the right information. I’m suspecting that Rite Aid (who owns Bartell’s, my pharmacy) is pressuring for more shots. The pharmacist (a different one) who gave me my Covid vaccine said they were giving about 100 shots a day, which was keeping them really busy, but “was good for the company.”

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  55. Julie Robinson said on August 29, 2024 at 3:44 pm

    Sherri, they pushed flu shots at us yesterday too, but our doctor told us specifically to wait until October, as that would provide the best immunity for the flu season, which generally starts later in the fall. Around here, they aren’t seeing any flu, just lots and lots of Covid. I think you’re right, they just want the bucks.

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  56. tajalli said on August 29, 2024 at 3:48 pm

    The pharmacists at Safeway have consistently done rather aggressive, even argumentative, up-selling for additional vaccines at the Covid appts. Pharmacists as sales reps rather than disinterested purveyors of health information. Meh.

    I’m waiting for my one year anniversary in November – my immune responses have been very strong with each successive vaccination despite the progressive emergence of variants, so I’ll still be well-covered in November.

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  57. Sherri said on August 29, 2024 at 5:14 pm

    The pharmacist really didn’t want to take no for an answer today on the flu shot. It was kind of obnoxious. I had to tell her three times that I was going to wait, she kept telling me that I was wrong about waiting, “it will be the same shot later”, “it will last just as long”, etc. It was really beyond reasonable, and of course, counter to all advice from the CDC.

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  58. David C said on August 29, 2024 at 5:40 pm

    I’ve never had a flu shot in August either. The company always has a flu shot clinic in late September and that’s when I get mine. Whenever I get a Covid vaccination at a pharmacy, they’re always trying to up sell me. Wisconsin has a really good immunization registry, so when they give me crap, I just whip out my phone and show them that I’m not due. I just turned 65 so I may have to let them up sell me a pneumonia vaccine.

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  59. Deborah said on August 29, 2024 at 9:34 pm

    Julie, maybe you mentioned it here before, if so sorry I missed it, where are you going in Europe?

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  60. Julie Robinson said on August 29, 2024 at 11:18 pm

    England, Ireland and France, as much as we can cram in. Going to Rathvilly, County Carlow outside Dublin, where my great grandparents were from. The rest I only know vaguely since Sarah’s making the detailed plans. I’ve never been so uninvolved with a trip before but we’re in the middle of a medical situation and the bathroom is being remodeled. I swear contractors have THE worst timing. And every single doctor visit or lab has been rescheduled at least once. I’ll be so glad to get away.

    Oh, and we found out we can get a Harris/Waltz sign locally for $10. That info came from our German neighbor and new US citizen, who said she doesn’t have any extra time right now, she’s learning about American democracy. She’s reading Heather Cox Richardson’s book.

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  61. Jeff Borden said on August 30, 2024 at 12:03 pm

    While the election is still close –amazingly — the sense that tRump/Vance is panicking is palpable. The felon is flailing around on abortion, which is freaking out the forced birth base. And he’s now advocating for FREE coverage for all IVF procedures. His stance changes by the day, if not the hour. Lumpy is scared and it shows.

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  62. David C said on August 30, 2024 at 1:00 pm

    It’s almost as if hitching your wagon to a liar and narcissist isn’t a very good strategy.

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  63. Dexter Friend said on August 30, 2024 at 1:20 pm

    Toledo VA has no flu shots, no Covid19 shots, and have no timetable yet. I was told to check back in October.
    Harris…damn she made me mad last night when she said she was “open to having a Republican in her Cabinet.”
    The thin edge of the sword is like a Trumper in the Cabinet…keep those bastards the hell OUT . Lankford…maybe, OK…none of those goddam Trumpers. SHIT NO !!!

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  64. Dorothy said on August 30, 2024 at 1:49 pm

    Dexter I had to blink a couple times to make myself realize that VA stood for Veterans Administration rather than the state of Virginia in your first sentence. I’m not usually that foggy but today I kind of am. I think this heat is frying my brain. Despite staying indoors 95% of the time when I take the dog out in the yard or run to the mailbox that little bit of time is enough to just make me hot and dizzy. There are three houses under construction across the street from us and I’m glad to see no one is working in any of them today. Those guys need to stay out of this crushing heat. When they do the roofs they are all wearing long sleeves and pants and hats to protect themselves from the sun. They’re all Hispanic and work such long hours. I don’t know how they do it.

    The city is reeling about the news that one of our Blue Jackets hockey players died along with his younger brother last night. They were bicyling the night before their sister’s wedding (which was supposed to be this afternoon). They were hit by a drunk driver. Now two kids are fatherless, parents have lots two sons, a wife is now a widow and the bride lost her brothers. Can you even imagine what that would be like?

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  65. Jeff Borden said on August 30, 2024 at 3:55 pm


    Putting someone like Kissinger or Liz Cheney in the cabinet is not a terrible idea. We don’t care for their policies. . .especially hers. . .but they are honorable and would send a good message for President Harris. (I like the sound of that!)

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  66. alex said on August 30, 2024 at 4:50 pm

    Other than Trump and Biden, past presidents have always had both parties represented in their cabinets. People are chosen who will serve their country, not their party. I think this sends a strong message that Harris wants to return things to normal.

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  67. Deborah said on August 30, 2024 at 5:32 pm

    I wouldn’t complain if Kinzinger were on Harris’s cabinet but not Cheney. While I respect her for not bowing to Trump and co-heading the Jan 6 Investigation quite successfully, I have a hard time with the Cheney’s family rising to power when Dick was the VP. Plus she treated her sister horribly, which she later apologized for, it was appalling.

    Tonight is the 100th Zozobra celebration in Santa Fe. Still not interested in going. I’ve mentioned it before in the comment section of NN.c so I won’t repeat what it is all about again. Not my favorite night of the year but lots of people go and find it fun. It’s too drunken and rowdy for me. One of our neighbors went years ago and when leaving she encountered a lone infant screaming on the ground in the mud, no parents in sight. She had had a lot to drink herself by then, but she managed to scoop up the baby and handed him/her over to a policeman letting the cop know it wasn’t hers and that she was afraid it was about to be trampled by the exiting crowd. That’s what kind of a crowd can be there. No thanks.

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  68. alex said on August 30, 2024 at 6:11 pm

    My hubby just had his annual physical with our family doctor today and she gave him his annual flu shot.

    She also had this caveat: The new COVID vaccine isn’t widely available if it’s available at all and pharmacists are unloading old stock on unsuspecting customers. So be sure to ask whether your pharmacy is carrying the new one and specify that you want only the new one.

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  69. David C said on August 30, 2024 at 6:14 pm

    Just yesterday dear old patriotic Liz spewed the killing babies after they’re born horse shit and Project 2025 gives her a lady chubby, so no, not her. At least Kinzinger is loud and proud about voting for Kamala. Liz isn’t. She’ll probably write in herself or the old man.

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  70. tajalli said on August 30, 2024 at 6:32 pm

    Alex, thanks for the heads-up about pharmacies using older version COVID vaccines. I’d gotten several notices much earlier this year that the CDC recommended my age group get a second (booster?) dose and I sort of wondered if the intention was to use up excess stock.

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  71. Julie Robinson said on August 30, 2024 at 9:08 pm

    Pharmacies were supposed to destroy or send back their old stock of Covid vaccine; shame on them if they haven’t. When I made our appointments, the website said it was the new vaccine, and the vaccination record shows it as the Pfizer 2024-2025 12YR+ with the lot number. I’m not sure how you could ascertain that ahead of time, but you could ask to see it at the pharmacy.

    The new kitten has the zoomies and is running all over the house, climbing everything, and bugging his new auntie kitty. When the contractor is here he can’t go out to the lanai and he comes and whines at us about it. I think he’s in his teenage years.

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  72. Sherri said on August 30, 2024 at 10:03 pm

    I don’t particularly value bipartisanship, so I don’t think it’s important for Harris to put a Republican in her cabinet. Doing so won’t help her with Republicans in Congress, so what’s the point?

    There’s this belief that somehow bipartisanship magically results in better policy, or better representation, but that’s bullshit. Bipartisanship only worked when white men in the two parties ignored everybody else. Once the needs of women and marginalized communities began to be considered, bipartisanship disappeared, unless those needs got discarded.

    Yes, I know the Civil Rights Act was bipartisan. And it forever changed the makeup of the parties as a result.

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  73. Mark P said on August 30, 2024 at 10:04 pm

    I’ll need the new Covid booster, but I probably won’t be able to get my wife out of the house for hers.

    Speaking of cats, two male cats showed up at our house about two weeks ago. They are unfixed males, probably under a year old. They are well socialized and affectionate, which is a shame because we can’t keep them. Our local cat rescue’s web site says they can’t take any more cats, and they recommend that anyone with an unwanted stray try to find a home for it on their own. I think they will end up at the pound, which is almost certainly a death sentence. Everyone wants kittens; no one wants cats. It’s too bad, but the last thing I want is more cats. The last of our four outdoor cats died about a year ago, and I was relieved. They made a real mess of our front porch, where I made some little houses for them. My wife is a cat person who complains constantly about our indoor cat’s litter box. I’m a dog person, and I would be happy with no cats. It doesn’t help that all of our cats have been rotten as pets. I always said that if you took all the best qualities of all the cats we have had and mixed them up into one cat, you would have one halfway decent cat. I have also said that since the best cats are the ones most like a dog, just get a dog. YMMV.

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  74. Sherri said on August 30, 2024 at 10:43 pm

    Is it just me, or is it sociopathic for the NYTimes writers to write about Trump’s “affordable housing policy”, which is mass deportations, as a normal policy to be evaluated? What if his housing policy was lynching?

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  75. Dexter Friend said on August 31, 2024 at 5:31 am

    NNC veterans here know how I am open about my alcoholism and my long-time sobriety.
    The hockey star, 31, and his brother, 29, were killed on a rural road while cycling. A driver illegally passed another vehicle and smashed the cyclists to death. The driver said he had drunk 5 or 6 beers. There were times in my drinking life I drove over the limit, drunk. 5 or 6 beers to a seasoned drinker usually doesn’t cause fatalities, but of course maybe some handle it badly and yes, 5 beers could cause a fatality. The sickness of alcoholism and it’s results are sad and devastating and awful. Now this driver will likely spend many years in prison, as public sentiment is already stacked against him. Just 9 years and 11 months ago I had to park my bicycles due to arthritic problems. Like all cyclists , I had many close calls with bad, likely drunk drivers. The fact the brothers were cycling on a rural, lightly traveled county roadway, and rubbed out like that just makes it worse in a way. The story made headline news everywhere, even front page NY Post, which I glance at once in a while for fun. Not fun this time.

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  76. ROGirl said on August 31, 2024 at 7:41 am

    Neil Steinberg hits one out of the park again.

    The bottom line that keeps drifting out of sight for the major media is this: they’re running against Donald Trump. The liar, bully, fraud and traitor. Convicted felon. Who led an insurrection against the country and will do so again, given the opportunity. Who cares what Harris said about fracking in 2020? Who could possibly care? CNN apparently. It’s like the old joke where the flight attendant pushes the cart down the aisle and says, “For dinner, we have chicken, or shit mixed with broken glass” and the passenger replies, “How is the chicken prepared?”

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  77. alex said on August 31, 2024 at 11:29 am

    The carping about Harris not giving substantive interviews was a Republican red herring and the mainstream media swallowed it hook, line and sinker and have relentlessly accused her of being evasive. Then she gives a substantive interview and the media bitch and moan that it’s not substantive enough, not specific or detailed enough on policy, yada yada.

    Why is she being held to a different standard than Trump? When has he said anything substantive, or for that matter truthful, about anything? Why isn’t he being taken to task for his cynical flip-flops on issues? Right now he’s pretending to be both anti- and pro-abortion and thinks he can gaslight both sides into hearing only what they want to hear. Project 2025 is Trump’s detail-specific policy but he pretends to disavow it. And they’re beating up on Harris for adjusting her positions on fracking and universal health care to be consistent with those of the administration in which she is currently serving?

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  78. David C said on August 31, 2024 at 1:39 pm

    The oligarchs who own the media companies think Trump would be good for them and wouldn’t possibly arrest or push out windows the heads of the companies and give them over to someone more to his liking. If they look at his fuckery with abortion, which they won’t, they’d know he’d fuck them over in a microsecond.

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  79. Sherri said on August 31, 2024 at 4:14 pm

    As we’re told that Trump is “moderating” his position on abortion, I want to know, exactly what is the moderate position on a woman’s bodily autonomy?

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  80. Heather said on August 31, 2024 at 7:50 pm

    Mark P @73, sorry to hear about the cat situation. Rescues and shelters are overwhelmed everywhere, it seems. I think it’s a combo of climate change, which means it’s kitten season year round in many places now, and vet care and pet food becoming more expensive, so more people are abandoning their pets.

    See if you can find someone to foster the cats until a spot at a no-kill shelter opens up–that’s what happens to some of the cats and kittens I foster if they don’t get directly adopted.

    Some people do want older cats–if I ever adopt again, I will definitely get one that is at least 6 or 7, if not older. Kittens can be a handful, and not everyone is up for that.

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  81. Julie Robinson said on August 31, 2024 at 8:43 pm

    Heather, you speak truth about kittens being a handful. I thought if Mom got another cat it would be a senior like herself, but apparently it was kitten day at the cat cafe. They were supposed to go just to let her play with cats, and feel better after losing her previous cat. I was NOT thrilled when one came home.

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  82. Suzanne said on August 31, 2024 at 9:59 pm

    This is interesting:


    “…Trump’s perverse talent is to simultaneously project the roles of persecutor-victim-rescuer—the unholy trinity that occurs in dysfunctional/loveless families and societies. Trump’s shameless personification of that unholy trinity and his shameless objectification and manipulation of others makes him irresistible to those ashamed of their own darkness.”

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  83. Deborah said on September 1, 2024 at 7:15 am

    Suzanne, interesting indeed. It took me through a rabbit hole after awakening at 3am. No more sleep for me. It explains a lot at the same time opened up more questions and doubts. The drama triangle of persecutor-victim-rescuer in dysfunctional families was something I vaguely remembered hearing before at some point. Referring to it regarding society was fascinating.

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  84. alex said on September 1, 2024 at 9:50 am

    Thanks Suzanne. I’m fascinated to see Trumpism explained from a psychoanalytic perspective, having been an analysand for many years and having learned just how difficult it is to unlearn dysfunctional behavior.

    Donald Trump is indeed a sicko superpower. People who feel powerless get vicarious enjoyment from watching him misbehave with impunity. People defend him in the same way dysfunctional families make excuses for their own bad actors.

    What struck me most about Trump when he declared his candidacy in 2016 was that everything he said and did would have been cringeworthy coming from anyone else, but in order to cringe one must feel empathy for the person committing the faux pas. He was so stone cold that I felt absolutely none.

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  85. Jeff Borden said on September 1, 2024 at 6:02 pm

    The head-snapping changes in tRump’s view of the Floriduh issue in November to repeal the abortion ban was incredible. Says one thing Thursday. Complete reversal Friday. Now, he’s offering free IVF to any and all. Even one of the Fox drones joked that tRump might as well throw in a set of Ginsu knives.

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  86. Sherri said on September 1, 2024 at 6:47 pm

    There’s something seriously wrong with the NYTimes political coverage…

    A correction was made on Sept. 1, 2024: An earlier version of this article incorrectly said that a local chapter of Moms for Liberty had accidentally quoted Adolf Hitler in a newsletter. The group, which later issued an apology, was aware that the quote was from Hitler when the newsletter was published.

    How do you write that the group accidentally quoted Hitler, when they attributed the quote to Hitler? How does this not get caught by an editor?

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  87. alex said on September 1, 2024 at 9:01 pm

    A correction was made on Sept. 1, 2024: An earlier version of this article incorrectly said that a local chapter of Moms for Liberty had accidentally quoted Adolf Hitler in a newsletter. The group, which later issued an apology, was aware that the quote was from Hitler when the newsletter was published.

    This is why no one can write satire these days. ROFLMFAO

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  88. basset said on September 2, 2024 at 6:45 am

    Made a find at the library book sale yesterday… $2 for a “compact” Oxford English Dictionary, four thousand pages of unarguable authority and text so small it comes with a magnifying glass. which was missing, but oh well. I may just set it by the front door and salute it whenever I leave the house.

    meanwhile… I have now seen two “I (heart) Global Warming” shirts in public.

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  89. Mark P said on September 2, 2024 at 9:27 am

    I keep thinking someone could make a fortune selling Trump stuff like T-shirts with things like “I (heart) rapists”.

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  90. Julie Robinson said on September 2, 2024 at 10:33 am

    basset, I had the compact Oxford but its weight meant it got passed along to someone in D’s office before we moved. For many years it was a favorite possession, since in the pre-internet days I so enjoyed looking up obscure words and tracing their meanings. The print is super tiny, and I’d advise a lighted magnifier.

    Those Moms for Liberty were from Florida, right? There was a group here that ran that ad, not in Orlando though.

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  91. Dexter Friend said on September 2, 2024 at 10:35 am

    The 2 most offensive signs I have seen the past few years are “Joe-Ho-Gotta Go!” and this latest one, a giant flag flying atop an old decrepit manure spreader in this yard on OH-15 north of Bryan: “Trump was right about everything”. This family has flown Trump flags since 2021 atop the old manure spreader, with “Beijing Biden” always staying. Oh, we know where these people get their news. Their TV is “tune in and throw away the knob” Fox News and a computer history search would yield all the usual suspects.
    I have committed to calling people to encourage them to vote for Harris-Brown-Kaptur. My step-daughter in Findlay started arguing with me on what she sees as the merits of Trump. Same old shit. Thing is, she’s so dedicated to job and family she never watches any news at all. I try to pass on some bits about Trump and she says Harris is a failed VP, no more Kamala. My step-daughter has two advanced degrees in medicine and psychology but let me tell you folks what you all know: that doesn’t mean shit when it comes to studying candidates, and so far I have converted zero fence-sitters or Repuggs.

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  92. David C said on September 2, 2024 at 12:35 pm

    The local Moms for Batshittery tried their book banning thing here last month. All of the usual books, of course. The school board told them to pound sand. When I heard that it was coming up at the last board meeting, I was a bit concerned. A three of the board members ran against mask mandates. Only one supported banning books. So, we’re lucky. They’re crazy, but not that crazy.

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  93. alex said on September 2, 2024 at 1:04 pm

    I shared the article linked by Suzanne with my neighbor the psychology prof. He says the drama triangle is central to his teaching and he completely agrees with the premise of the piece. He and I and others in our circle frequently ponder Trump’s strange magnetic hold on people.

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  94. ROGirl said on September 2, 2024 at 2:54 pm

    I’ve been seeing more trump signs in my neighborhood and I just saw an older woman at a store with a bedazzled cross-body purse decorated with that awful name.

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  95. Sherri said on September 2, 2024 at 7:30 pm

    The particular Moms for Liberty chapter that quoted Hitler was from Indiana.

    The reporter who wrote the article that prompted the correction used to be Maureen Dowd’s assistant, which explains much. In the same paragraph where he reported that MfL “accidentally” quoted Hitler, he also referred to Hitler as the Fuhrer.

    I can remember when the NYTimes style was not to use nicknames. The baseball player Ichiro Suzuki was universally known as Ichiro, except in the NYTimes, where he was Suzuki after the first reference. (Now that the Times dumped its sports department for the Athletic, Ichiro is Ichiro.)

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  96. Jeff Borden said on September 2, 2024 at 7:38 pm

    I’m acting like tRump has a 10-point lead. Walz was right: We can sleep when we’re dead. Much hard work lies ahead. We all know the QOP will do ANYTHING to reinstall this traitor. A tsunami is required.

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  97. Sherri said on September 2, 2024 at 8:50 pm

    I really don’t understand how the media works anymore. That article which originally said the Moms for Liberty “accidentally” quoted Hitler, was about Trump’s appearance at a Moms for Liberty event. At this event, Trump said the following:

    “But uh, the transgender thing is an incredible thing… your kid goes to school & comes home a few days later with an operation the school decides what’s going to happen with your child & you many of these childs [sic] 15 years later say ‘what the hell happened, who did this to me?’”

    Pretty wild claim. Do you think that appears anywhere in the article?

    The media has debated whether Walz saying IVF when he and his wife actually used IUI was lying. The media has questioned whether it is appropriate to refer to Walz as Command Sergeant Major. When interviewing Harris, CNN felt it was important to ask her about Trump saying she had turned black.

    But Trump saying schools are performing gender reassignment surgeries on kids doesn’t even merit a sentence. Just Trump being Trump, like when he talks about post-birth abortions.

    Video of Trump saying the above: https://youtu.be/5DkM0l2osSo

    Gift link to the NYTimes article about the event: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/31/us/elections/conservative-moms-for-liberty-trump.html?unlocked_article_code=1.H04.jSD4.MRtCX-N-XQje&smid=url-share

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  98. ROGirl said on September 3, 2024 at 5:51 am

    RE: Moms for “Liberty” and Hitler

    That whole “kinder, kuche, kirche” thing must have really resonated with them.

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  99. Jeff Gill said on September 3, 2024 at 6:50 am

    Der Führer hat immer recht, ROGirl.

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  100. Dexter Friend said on September 3, 2024 at 10:46 am

    I believe some if not most do not grasp the situation in Israel. Joe Scarborough is best at explaining it, how Netanyahu financed Hamas to cause a split which weakened the PLO, years ago. How Netanyahu’s neglect at defending the boundaries allowed terrorists to breach the borders and kidnap and murder Israelites on October 7. And of course now, blood is on both the hands of Hamas leaders and Netanyahu with the execution of 6 hostages just mere days ago. Netanyahu for refusing a cease-fire and a subsequent release of all 107 hostages. Now 101, and a defiant Netanyahu goes on television with crude maps defending IDF actions around the Philadelphia Crossing.
    Scarborough also told of something the MSM is totally ignoring, the terror of the settlers in The West Bank, as Joe pointed out, that area is looking like Gaza. Those Israelites are terrorists, forcing Palestinians off their land, burning out olive groves, burning down houses! Bulldozing whole blocks and seizing the land…and hardly a word is said. At least Joe S. tries to inform us of that devastation.
    One more thing…Longwell was right…we are all real damn sick of Trump, all manner and form…sick of that rapist.

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