Guys who peek at other guys in the shower.

Someone I know wondered this weekend whether the story about Arnold Palmer that Trump told this weekend came from his good buddy Jack Nicklaus. Not that we’ll ever know. Another reason to despise the Golden Bear. You Buckeyes know that Nicklaus is probably the most famous native of Upper Arlington, the Columbus suburb where I grew up. (There’s also Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s, but he moved in later.) Jack is MAGA now, so I don’t feel bad about disliking him.

Or rather, Jack supports “the best candidate.” I expect he’ll consider the guy who talked about Arnie’s shlong the best. The guy who posted this last night:

Check out the package on that piece of fan art. MAGA is always going on about “stolen valor.” You’d think this would bother them. You’d think wrong.

Some of the early reports about the Arnold Palmer remarked didn’t say what Trump actually said. There were a few headlines like this, from the Scaife-owned Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (thanks, Jason):

I think even the NYT referred to “memories” about Palmer, but fortunately the rewrite desk sharpened it up:

Former President Donald J. Trump on Saturday spewed crude and vulgar remarks at a rally in Pennsylvania that included an off-color remark about a famous golfer’s penis size and a coarse insult about Vice President Kamala Harris.

…His monologue culminated in lewd remarks about the size of Mr. Palmer’s penis. Moments later, Mr. Trump gave the crowd an opportunity to call out a profanity. He went on to use that four-letter word to describe Ms. Harris.

“Such a horrible four years,” Mr. Trump said, referring to the Biden-Harris administration, as he surveyed the crowd of hundreds of people in front of him. “We had a horrible — think of the — everything they touch turns to —.”

Ugh. Oh well. Short shrift today, because my weekend was pretty full, but unexceptional. A Friday-night movie (“A Clockwork Orange” at a revival house), a Saturday bike outing, a Sunday bike outing, a welcome-home dinner for Kate, who’s been on the road this past week. Then I had this really weird dream just before I woke up, and it fogged my head for hours. Now I gotta get to work.

So I hope your week isn’t starting like mine.

Posted at 12:15 pm in Current events, Same ol' same ol' |

23 responses to “Guys who peek at other guys in the shower.”

  1. Dexter Friend said on October 21, 2024 at 2:28 pm

    The Harris campaign is now worried so many Black men, especially young Black men, are so apathetic or worse, pro-Trump, their attitudes may possibly throw the election to the rapist.
    It still is this: how many women will vote. Men poll strongly for the rapist felon, so women must charge to the polling places. Otherwise…
    This weather is strange here, no rain, beautiful warm days, nirvana. Yeah, you’d think. My neighbor has an adult son who lives with her. He must be in his late 40s, felon, been to prison oh yeah. This asshole now has 3 motorcycles, none with any mufflers whatsoever. He revs them up all hours of the clock, unnerving. He takes off…a break…then 5 minutes later, back again. He loves to open those throttles to rattle my windows. I want rain and snow before I do something ….

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  2. LindaG said on October 21, 2024 at 2:43 pm

    Seems that not too long ago, Nicklaus and Trump wanted to build golf courses in Florida national parks but were turned down??$$

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  3. Dave said on October 21, 2024 at 4:21 pm

    Dave Thomas had that strong Fort Wayne connection, too, and I just read recently that the Wendy’s located on the site of a restaurant where he once worked, Hobby Ranch House, I think, was just closed, on North Anthony. I’d post a link but it was in the Journal Gazette so I’m sure it is behind a paywall

    I don’t know if Nicklaus was involved but they did want to build golf courses in Florida state parks and the state quickly fired the whistleblower who dropped a dime on them. Is dropping a dime still a suitable phrase?

    Of course, the despicable governor tried to downplay it, the same one that I read had workers pile up debris after the recent storms so he’d have some debris to stand in front of for his televised commentary. We talked to my brother-in-law and wife yesterday, who live in Clearwater Beach and they say there’s debris everywhere you go, should have been no problem setting up some already available piles of folks cast-off losses. Brother-in-law lost a car, an Infiniti, that he bought new in 2003, and kept all this time.

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  4. alex said on October 21, 2024 at 5:24 pm

    You can tell by his attacks on her intellect and by his “stolen valor” the two biggest things he feels insecure about.

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  5. Sherri said on October 21, 2024 at 5:35 pm

    My husband and I filled out our ballots this weekend and dropped them in the ballot dropbox this morning. We finished our 200 postcards to Nevada voters, which will go in the mail next weekend. My plan is to ignore the election as much as possible between now and Nov 5. Unfortunately for me, that may mean giving up on watching live sports, because the ads during college football especially this past weekend were awful. I need the equivalent of RedZone for college football – no commercials, only the highlights.

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  6. David C said on October 21, 2024 at 6:07 pm

    In a weird way, I’m glad the Tigers washed out of the MLB playoffs. The Republican ads annoyed the hell out of me. I discovered that I could mute the ads, close my eyes, count to 140 between innings or 120 for pitching changes, and they’d be over. Weird way to watch a game but it kept me from throwing something at the TV.

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  7. Julie Robinson said on October 21, 2024 at 7:21 pm

    Nicklaus was part of the group lobbying our Despicable Me Governor to decimate the precious state park land. The plan has been withdrawn after public outrage from pretty much the entire state.

    Wee Willie White Boots (after the 2022 hurricane he wore super-feminine white boots) also made the mistake of live streaming the lead-up to his press conference, including the careful placement of debris. Our state rep, Anna Eskamani, ran it on her Instagram page.

    The governor’s office also sent threatening letters to TV stations running ads in favor of Amendment 4, to restore women’s rights to all health care. It’s been overruled by a judge, but I don’t think they’ve started running them again, so I guess they accomplished what they wanted. The lawyer who sent them has resigned, saying he only did it only duress. Found his spine a little late.

    The specific ad featured a woman who was found to have brain cancer while she was pregnant. She was able to receive abortion care so that she could then be treated for her cancer. She talks about how she wanted the baby, but wanted to live and care for her older child. It’s a bit of a tear-jerker.

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  8. Deborah said on October 21, 2024 at 7:25 pm

    We’re spending our last night in the Northeast. Tomorrow we fly back to Chicago from Boston.

    I must say on this trip we’ve seen way more Harris Walz signs than Trump Vance signs. Way, way more. That was nice to see but I guess expected. Except for our quick trip to New Hampshire New England is predominantly blue. But even New Hampshire where we were (Exeter) had many more Harris Walz signs.

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  9. alex said on October 21, 2024 at 10:26 pm

    If you want some inspiring images, see photojournalist Peter Turnley’s work on Facebook or Instagram featuring Kamala Harris in Michigan. He’s a hometown boy who done us proud.

    In other news, we need another house like we need a hole in the head, but my partner just received news that a lake cottage is going up for auction. It belonged to a dear friend who died a few months ago and my partner did much of the remodeling work on it over the years. We always thought it would be an ideal getaway place for summer, even though we already love where we live and we own the house next door as a rental and we’re about to inherit my dad’s place (he’s 97) in the near future. So we’re going to look into what each of us can afford to borrow and then we’re going to bid on it at an auction. Are we crazy?

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  10. Jeff Gill said on October 22, 2024 at 8:41 am

    Grim humor, but this one did make me laugh:

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  11. Dexter Friend said on October 22, 2024 at 11:58 am

    Dave, I think the Hobby House where Dave Thomas worked was right downtown Fort Wayne, not up on North Anthony.

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  12. Dorothy said on October 22, 2024 at 12:25 pm

    alex if you buy that lake house and decide to rent it out, my husband and I could rent it for a week of fishing at some future date. We live in Ohio so we’re not that far away. I assume there’s fishing at this lake?

    Sherri like you I am going to do my best to stop watching much network t.v. before election day because my anxiety is ramping up too much. I’ll stick to Netflix, the PBS app, Apple TV or Turner Classic Movies where there are no political ads. I am wondering how it’s going to feel to work the election this year. We are not allowed to show our preferences in anyway while we work, but I am going to wear my new string of pearls and I hope I don’t get told to take them off. Maybe no one will make the connection and I’ll get to wear them all day.

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  13. Julie Robinson said on October 22, 2024 at 3:24 pm

    Dexter, Hobby House was on N Anthony, where the apparently now-closed Wendy’s is located. That’s my hubby’s neighborhood and he used to mention HH and Dave Thomas. There was another Wendy’s almost across the street, but I guess they thought a corner location would get more traffic. They also put a gas station on the same property. It was actually a nightmare to get in and out because that intersection has three streets coming together, oy veh.

    Alex, our landlord experience was horrible, and even the time owning two homes was difficult to manage. But you’ve already been doing it for years; if you’ve got the time and money, go for it.

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  14. Colleen said on October 22, 2024 at 4:08 pm

    Sooooo…apropos of nothing in this thread….I have to share how completely appalled to the point of nausea to a FB thread on WOWO’s page. There are some Christian groups who want to use a building near my old neighborhood as transitional housing for immigrants (some from…gasp..HAITI) as they get established. The story was completely biased against the project, and did not talk to representatives of the groups heading the project.

    Well. The comments are sick making. Hateful. Narrow minded. Ignorant. Xenophobic.

    Not coincidentally, I’m sure, the neighborhood was papered with pro KKK, anti immigration, fliers yesterday.

    I despair for our country.

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  15. Dexter Friend said on October 22, 2024 at 4:36 pm

    One last thing…I remember a Hobby House (the flagship) at Clinton & Jefferson, and also the Hobby House at N. Anthony & Crescent. For a year I lived on West Washington and have a clear memory of the downtown place.

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  16. alex said on October 22, 2024 at 5:15 pm

    Dorothy, there’s great fishing there and it’s a no-wake lake. Hubby and I discussed it a little further and it feels like all work and no play with the properties we already have. I just came in from mulching leaves (too hot, dry and windy to burn today). Something we have to consider carefully.

    Fort Wayne and its social service agencies have always welcomed refugees with open arms and it’s disturbing that people who’ve been bitten by the MAGA bug are trying to turn this city’s ethos upside down. I can’t bring myself to look at the sewer that is WOWO’s web site and frankly don’t want anything to do with people who listen to its talk shows. It’s now eight years since the 2016 election and I’m still recovering from the shock of learning that so many of my fellow citizens are not just stupid but hateful.

    I remember talking to Mayor Henry back in 2015, during the Syrian refugee crisis, when Governor and future VP Mike Pence was making the false argument that these people were terrorists and that he was protecting our state by forbidding any resettlement efforts in our communities. Pence may not have been all in on the coup attempt but he was and still is still a fascist asshole through and through.

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  17. tajalli said on October 22, 2024 at 9:23 pm

    Well, not everyone is hateful, quite the opposite. My wallet slipped out of my hoodie pocket, must have been just as I got out of my car, at the library. I did as much backtracking as I could, a very narrow window of when I could have lost it. Remained calm, remembered the rememberance practice I’ve used for 45 years, drove home (sans license, registrations) considering what I had to cancel.

    There was a message on my machine when I came in the door – someone turned it into the library, they checked my name or library card, got my phone from my account and are keeping it in their safe until I can pick it up.

    There’s lots of good people out there, they’re just not noisy about it like the bad guys.

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  18. Dorothy said on October 23, 2024 at 7:11 am

    This is petty but I don’t care. I’d like to have the chance to burn the fingers of the person who did that mock up of TurdBrain in a Steelers uniform. And maybe not just their fingers.

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  19. alex said on October 23, 2024 at 9:10 am

    For your listening pleasure:

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  20. Dexter Friend said on October 23, 2024 at 9:49 am

    Baseball mourns Fernando Valenzuela, gone at age 63. He came from Sonora from extreme poverty, maybe the harshest circumstances of any MLB player in history. He set Los Angeles on fire in 1981 and for years with his screwball.
    Man, he was somethin’.

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  21. brian stouder said on October 23, 2024 at 12:54 pm

    Alex for Thread win! (I’m still chucklin’!)

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  22. Jeff Gill said on October 23, 2024 at 2:44 pm

    Plus, Valenzuela was a Golden Glove fielder atop the mound, and a not too shabby batter. He had all the tools.

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  23. alex said on October 23, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    Plus, Valenzuela was a Golden Glove fielder atop the mound, and a not too shabby batter. He had all the tools.

    Not one like Arnold Palmer’s.

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