What if we’re doing it wrong?

One reason the campaign so far is driving me insane is the… well, pretty much everything, but mostly the yelling at one another. I think it’s safe to say virtually everyone in my social-media feeds are anti-Trump — the conservatives may be pro-Trump, but not vocally so — and are ramping up the rhetoric weekly, daily, maybe some even hourly. He’s the orange ape, the deranged Cheetoh, Drumpf, etc. He’s a threat to the republic. He’s a fascist. He’s a disgrace. And so on and on and on.

None of it seems to be doing any good. If Trump is flagging (and I’m not sure he is), he has only himself to blame. But here’s what keeps nagging at me: What if this is part of the plan?

What if Paul Manafort is saying, “Apologize to the Khans? Fuck that shit — double down! Mention Cruz’ daddy again. And say no one cares if Melania did a lesbian photo shoot because she’s prettier than Hillary. The base loves porn, especially girl-on-girl. Be yourself! The people love you!”

In other words, we are directing our outrage and shaming at someone who is honestly incapable of feeling it. In some ways, Trump no longer worries me; the people advising him do. Manafort isn’t stupid. Roger Stone may be a snake, but he’s not dumb, either. Are they only in it for the paychecks? Why would you be in it for a paycheck when your client is a known welsher? Mike Pence is finished; once you stand before an audience, in this campaign, and rebuke the president for “name-calling,” how can you ever be taken seriously again? (In Pence’s case, we might ask how he was ever taken seriously in the first place.) But is Manafort? Or anyone else working on this campaign? I doubt it.

I worry that we’re fighting the last war, as the saying about bad generals goes. Clay Shirky, in his tweetstorm a few days back, said we’re bringing fact checkers to a culture war, implying we’re setting ourselves up for ruin. He’s right, but what’s the alternative? I still believe in facts. What are we supposed to do, have Hillary tag-team John Cena and settle this in a wrestling ring?

Now here I am, all worked up again. Time for some talking dogs!

OK, a little bloggage: This girl, a swimmer and Syrian refugee competing in the Rio games as part of the first-ever refugee team, won’t advance beyond her preliminary heat, but in the Olympics of Awesomeness? She’s a multi-gold medalist:

After four days, Mardini and her sister were packed with 18 other people, including a 6-year-old boy, on a dinghy meant to accommodate six. On their first attempt, they were caught by border agents and sent back. On their second, the engine died after about 20 minutes, and the dinghy took on water.

…Of the 20 people on board, only the Mardini sisters and two young men knew how to swim, so the four of them jumped overboard. It was about 7 at night, and the turning tide had made the sea harsh and choppy.

Mardini and her sister swam for three and a half hours, helping the boat stay on course — even when the two male swimmers gave up and let the dinghy pull them along. It was cold, Mardini said. Her clothes dragged her down, and salt burned her eyes and skin.

“I’m thinking, what? I’m a swimmer, and I’m going to die in the water in the end?” she said.

But she was determined to keep a good attitude — and not just for her own sake.

“The little kid kept looking at me, scared,” she said, “so I was doing all these funny faces.”

Now there’s an Olympian worthy of the title.

Another great Josh Marshall observation on who else?

And with that, we reach Wednesday. Time to start writing a Big Thing, for me.

Posted at 12:01 am in Current events |

49 responses to “What if we’re doing it wrong?”

  1. Linda said on August 3, 2016 at 6:18 am

    Nancy, you seem to be working on the assumption that Trump’s pros like Stone masterminded all this. I don’t think so. Trump does what he wants, because he knows so much more than the peasants he hires. His professional “handling” reminds me of what a long term GOP operative said about his getting professional handlers: it was like hiring a fox trot instructor for Charles Manson. After a couple of lessons, you’ll say, “oh look, he’s doing the fox trot.” But he’ll still try to cut your head off, because he’s still Charles Manson.

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  2. alex said on August 3, 2016 at 6:44 am

    Not that I take Huffpost derp all that seriously, but here’s one time I’d like it to be more than clickbait cloaked in wishful thinking.

    I’ve suspected from the start that Trump wasn’t in it to win it and didn’t expect to come this far. Now that he has won the nomination, panic is setting in, and he doesn’t have the self-awareness to know how to deal with it. He’s probably going to get squickier as time goes on and none but the most deranged of his supporters will still be supporting him come election day.

    He reminds me very much of the abusive ex-husband of a friend whom I once had to testify against in court. He was representing himself, of course, and was the biggest and most shameless fool that this courtroom had probably ever seen. My friend confided that the judge told her and her ex that they were the most dysfunctional couple he’d ever dealt with in all of his years in family court. I don’t think she was as deserving of the criticism because there is no amount of assertiveness that could have made this stalker creep leave her alone other than the threat of jail.

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  3. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 3, 2016 at 7:31 am

    Alex nails it, for me, with the self-representation analogy. That’s Trump exactly.

    I’ve seen blowhard abusers convince themselves they’re doing fine, because on one level, the system is set up to reward some very basic compliance steps, which in running for POTUS can be filled in with sheer cash. And in self-representation, if you’re just smart enough (or have a girlfriend just smart enough and dependent enough) to hit the filings, you can make it to court, and the judge and clerks will keep the appearances running along, to where the counterparty starts to wonder “does he have a chance to pull this off?”

    But they always end up yelling at the judge — hint: this doesn’t help — and going off on a number of tangents and in the end, they lose, and lose hard. Joe Scarborough was talking yesterday about someone I felt like he was hinting was one of the Trump children who had told him not long ago “Donald doesn’t want to lose, but he really isn’t sure he wants to win.” That fits everything about the whole sequence these last few months. He’s the classic dog chasing a car, and because of the traffic lights, he suddenly ran right into the back of it, and now has jumped a hop in reverse, and is crouched there barking at what not long ago he’d been pursuing.

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  4. Jolene said on August 3, 2016 at 7:37 am

    Two anecdotes re how Trump’s awfulness has affected kids:

    At yesterday’s rally in Ashburn, Virginia, a ten-year-old boy shouted, “Take the bitch down,” when Trump mentioned Hillary’s name. Reporters were shocked and asked his mother if she thought that language was appropriate. His mother said, “Children are children.” When asked where he’d learned that language, she said, “Democratic schools.”

    On MSNBC’s The Last Word, Lawrence O’Donnell played the tape of Trump’s initial Muslim ban announcement and asked Mrs. Khan how they had felt when they heard him say that. Mrs. Khan replied that, in their extended family, they had young nieces and nephews who were frightened. They asked if they would be sent back immediately, even wondering if they could finish their homework.

    So, hate and fear. That’s what Trump is teaching kids.

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  5. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 3, 2016 at 7:59 am

    It’s “government schools,” I thought.

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  6. Suzanne said on August 3, 2016 at 8:19 am

    I’ve had the thought, too, that Trump sees this as a great reality show and in the end, will look at the camera and say, “Gotcha, idiots!” I wonder what Pence is thinking in all this? Probably nothing. Thinking isn’t his strength.

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  7. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 3, 2016 at 8:19 am

    You want to stop worrying about Trump? Scroll through this interview with Captain Random.


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  8. susan said on August 3, 2016 at 9:36 am

    This bothers me, in regards to Alex’s Huffpo link @2: What on earth do the RNC enablers think if Trump actually wins? If they can’t control him now, what kind of horror would Trump be as president? Holy shit. They probably don’t think beyond 12 hours at a time, though. Or as Suzanne proffers, thinking is not a Republican attribute. Cripes.

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  9. Jolene said on August 3, 2016 at 9:57 am

    So far this AM, Trump has been declared unfit to lead by Gen. Michael Hayden (ret.), former head of the NSA, and Bill Bratton, retiring NYPD Police Commissioner, who also pointed out that, as we know Trump’s “law and order” theme is unjustified by actual crime data.

    And, apparently, Republicans are thinking. Although Reince Priebus has bent over backward to justify his conduct up to now, he was, it is reported “apoplectic” about Trump’s unwillingness to endorse Ryan and McCain in yesterday’s WaPo interview.

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  10. Deborah said on August 3, 2016 at 10:03 am

    Jeff that WaPo article is telling. Trump doesn’t ever sound very intelligent, he repeats phrases all the time. What is it with that, is it on purpose or is it because he can’t think of what to say next and gives himself time by repeating himself? His vocabulary isn’t very extensive, but that goes over with his base I guess. He is a cartoon of himself. How can that be appealing to anyone? I hope he doesn’t just lose the election, I hope he gets trounced royally. But he’d probably find a way to turn it around to his advantage.

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  11. adrianne said on August 3, 2016 at 10:18 am

    Jeff tmmo had the best analogy – Trump has caught the car, now what?

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  12. Deborah said on August 3, 2016 at 10:55 am

    Well here’s something I learned today, Bristol Palin married her latest baby daddy in June. Dakota Meyer came out crisizing Trump for what he said about the Kahn family. As if anybody cares.

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  13. J. Bruce Fields said on August 3, 2016 at 11:02 am

    “Why would you be in it for a paycheck when your client is a known welsher?”

    Eh, statistically I imagine the average Trump employee is still pretty likely to get the expected paycheck.

    A lot of people keep trying to find interesting explanations of this whole phenomenon when the most boring obvious explanations are working pretty well.

    I keep trying to think of a democratic equivalent–what if a lefty nutcase had emerged from a crowded primary field, and my only choice was between 1) hoping they wouldn’t screw everything up in office, and 2) returning the court to a conservative majority? Add to it that I might have unknowingly bought into more of the daemonization of the other candidate than I should have. I dunno, I guess I have a little sympathy. Not much.

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  14. Alan Stamm said on August 3, 2016 at 11:17 am

    This just in . . .

    “Key Republicans close to Donald Trump’s orbit are plotting an intervention with the candidate after a disastrous 48 hours led some influential voices in the party to question whether Trump can stay at the top of the Republican ticket without catastrophic consequences for his campaign and the GOP at large.” — Chuck Todd and Hallie Jackson, NBC News


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  15. brian stouder said on August 3, 2016 at 11:57 am

    Alan – that’s a heckuva link, indeed.

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  16. Sherri said on August 3, 2016 at 12:00 pm

    Key Republicans tried the intervention route before, didn’t they, after the Star of David fiasco? Trump can not be handled. The real proble now is that Trump is losing, and that is unacceptable for a man who has to always be seen to be winning. That’s why he complains about fire marshals; he needs bigger crowds than Hillary, because he’s polling worse than Hillary. He constantly talks about hOw many more votes he got in the primaries, how many people he b

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  17. Sherri said on August 3, 2016 at 12:06 pm

    Oops, accidentally hit submit.

    Anyway, he needs to be winning, to be dominating, and when he’s not, he loses it. That’s why he’s still fighting with the Khans. How many times has he said he was “viciously attacked”? You attack Trump, he has to humiliate you, and the Khans won’t be humiliated.

    I don’t think Trump cares about being President, but I don’t think he’ll withdraw, because that would be losing on an historic scale. If he withdraws, there will have to be some incredible, unbelievable excuse, the greatest excuse in the history of the world, an excuse no one else could have imagined, so much more important than being the leader of the free world.

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  18. brian stouder said on August 3, 2016 at 12:14 pm

    Well – and really, Mike Pence will get a better book deal out of this, then he would have had he stayed in Indiana, and got trounced by John Gregg.

    A palate cleanser – from Mr Stamm’s linked site:


    a marvelous story, about people who anonymously worked their hearts out, during (what would normally be) the best years of their lives – so as to keep America great (as always)

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  19. Sherri said on August 3, 2016 at 12:16 pm

    As for a Democratic equivalent of Trump, that’s almost impossible with the current makeup of the party. The party is a broad enough coalition that it would be difficult for a demagogue to win the nomination. Trump won the Republican nomination because years of purity-winnowing had narrowed both party leaders and the base to such a narrow group that other candidates couldnt build up a big enough base independent of Trump’s supporters to mount a credible threat. Well, except for Cruz, and all the party leaders hated Cruz and were willing to try the devil they didn’t know vow the devil they did.

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  20. brian stouder said on August 3, 2016 at 12:30 pm

    Sherri – you’ve gotta be right.

    I honestly and truly thought Jeb’s campaign was going to take off….and it never even left the gate.

    Three Bushes in 30 years was a bit much, and I (incorrectly) ascribed his scrubbed candidacy to Bush-fatigue….but Trump actively knocked over other icons of the modern GOP, especially including previous nominees McCain and Romney.

    There is an essential irrationality in being “anti-establishment” and also a self-proclaimed “conservative”; it almost literally equals the old “we had to destroy the village in order to save it”

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  21. Judybusy said on August 3, 2016 at 12:40 pm

    Any idea why Trump won’t endorse McCain and Ryan? I’ve always thought helping your party down ticket was a big piece of the campaign work for Presidential candidates.

    I agree with Nancy–my FB feed is also full of liberals including one Jill Stein supporter, and it’s Cheeto mania all the way. I come here for a calmer discussion. Thanks, once again for the conversations.

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  22. adrianne said on August 3, 2016 at 1:02 pm

    Judybusy, it’s all personal with Trump. He won’t back McCain and Ryan because their endorsements of Trump were so tepid. So … Revenge! Politico is reporting that a bunch of ex-Trumpsters are working on the campaign of Ryan’s challenger, a Tea Party idiot named Paul Nehlen. Here’s the link:


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  23. Sue said on August 3, 2016 at 2:00 pm

    Judybusy, I believe Trump actually used the same words about Ryan that Ryan used about Trump – not ready to endorse at this time, or something. And tea party idiot or not, I hope Nehlen wins the primary. That’s how badly I want Ryan out of there.

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  24. Sue said on August 3, 2016 at 2:01 pm

    Does anybody believe, as I kind of do, that we can trace Trump’s decision to run back to this? Thanks Obama!

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  25. Sherri said on August 3, 2016 at 2:19 pm

    There is no reciprocity with Trump. He beats you, you’re a loser. He doesn’t care about helping anybody else, or about other Republicans except to beat them. See Josh Marshall on the concept of “Dignity Wraiths”.

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  26. Jeff Borden said on August 3, 2016 at 2:24 pm

    I am no conspiracy theorist, but what if the GOP figures out a way to knock tRump off the ticket? My understanding is that some kind of a party committee made up of fewer than 200 people would make recommendations for a replacement. Let’s say they draft John Kasich. After months of preparing for tRump in the general, HRC’s campaign would suddenly confront an entirely new opponent with little time to explore his potential failings and weaknesses, which obviously are manifest in tRump. Given the hefty negatives for Ms. Clinton, isn’t it possible the GOP could turn the disaster that is tRump into an electoral triumph with another candidate? Or would the tRump fans exit the party en masse? Would they follow Roger Stone’s prediction and get violent?

    I’m 65. I’ve never witnessed a presidential election like this in my life. I truly have no idea what is going to happen.

    But I fear tRump tapped into something that isn’t going away any time soon. A more clever con man will emerge in the future to tap that deep reservoir of rage the orange ape has been exploiting. tRump may go away, but his followers will remain, stewing in their resentments, real and imagined, waiting for another demagogue to lead them forward.

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  27. Sherri said on August 3, 2016 at 2:32 pm

    Vox explains the Republicans options: http://www.vox.com/2016/8/3/12368148/trump-drop-out-republicans

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  28. FDChief said on August 3, 2016 at 2:35 pm

    Again…the thing about this for me, anyway, is that “it’s not really about Trump”.

    Yes, the man himself is a human dumpster fire.

    But the GOP nominated this Towering Inferno. Not just nominated him, but preferred him by ridiculously large numbers compared to the relatively safely-loony-wingnut alternatives. This joker IS the GOP right now.

    And that…that’s an immense problem.

    I don’t like the generic “conservative” policies that the GOP held up until the late Nineties. I’ve already read enough about the original Gilded Age to know that I don’t want to return to it. People like me were pretty much disposable in those times and I’m not okay with that. What passes for the “left” in this nation is tepid enough about things like plutocracy and crony capitalism without turning the levers of power whose basic philosophy of governance is culled from the works of John D. (“the public be damned”) Rockefeller.

    But…the sort of stuff the GOP is advocating now is just nuts. Not just “wingnut nuts” but genuinely nuts. ISIS headcutters working at the local halal market? Mexican rapists? Abolish the EPA and the IRS? (presumably because our water is TOO clean and paying taxes is SO 1945…) Make the New Deal social security programs block grants to the states (because we all know that state governments are SO much more rational and efficient..?) Open theocracy with these “religious freedom” laws? Doubling down on “trickle down”?

    The only real difference I see here between the current campaign and the bog-standard GOP candidate is that Trump has allowed the open racists, xenophobes, sexists, and every other loathsome tapeworm that nested in the bowel of the GOP to poke their heads out of the party’s rectum to enjoy the daylight.

    That’s bad, I agree. But it ain’t like you’d want to give the rest of what’s typically in those jockeys a Slovenian Headlight Tour. The ugly in GOP policies isn’t just orange-skin-deep. It goes all the way down to the sigmoid colon…

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  29. Sherri said on August 3, 2016 at 2:35 pm

    Josh Marshall reviews the problems of replacing Trump even if he were to drop out: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/it-doesn-t-get-easier

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  30. Sherri said on August 3, 2016 at 2:48 pm

    So, I think the Republicans are stuck with Trump. The question is, how far down does he drag them? Will this be a wave election? Despite gerrymandering, does the House come into play? House control seems so unlikely, but it’s only August, and Trump has shattered any notion of what’s normal. You have a narcissist at the top of the party, and even if the Republicans start running away from him now, it’s a little late. What, banning Muslims wasn’t enough to make you abandon him? Calling Mexicans rapists? Attacking a federal judge? No, your tipping point was that he wouldn’t endorse Paul Ryan?! Not exactly a good look.

    So, then the question becomes, whither the Republican Party? Do the center=right sane people regain control and stop pandering to the racists, or are they going to continue to cater to white resentment? Are they going to continue to let the theocrats like Ted Cruz set the platform, or does a more tolerant party emerge? Is this an extinction level event for the current party? Unlike 1964, I don’t think the GOP can keep heading down this road and survive, because demographics will overwhelm them.

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  31. Deborah said on August 3, 2016 at 2:51 pm

    Gin and Tacos on who the Trump supporters are, it’s pretty simple http://www.ginandtacos.com/2016/08/03/scooby-doo-mystery/


    “Trump has allowed the open racists, xenophobes, sexists, and every other loathsome tapeworm that nested in the bowel of the GOP to poke their heads out of the party’s rectum to enjoy the daylight.

    That’s bad, I agree. But it ain’t like you’d want to give the rest of what’s typically in those jockeys a Slovenian Headlight Tour. The ugly in GOP policies isn’t just orange-skin-deep. It goes all the way down to the sigmoid colon…”

    Thank you FDChief, Oh how I’ve missed that kind of colorful language since Coozledad has been MIA.

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  32. brian stouder said on August 3, 2016 at 2:54 pm

    If Bernie Sanders was about 48 – he could lead a genuine split within the D party…

    and then folks like us would have to coalesce with sane, displaced R’s and displaced D’s – and the resultant new party could become major fairly quickly.

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  33. Sherri said on August 3, 2016 at 3:00 pm

    Then there’s this: https://storify.com/DemFromCT/john-noonan-on-nuclear-deterrence-and-donald-trump

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  34. brian stouder said on August 3, 2016 at 3:16 pm

    Sherri – and for the record, President Merkin Muffley had the inverse problem.

    Whodathunk we’d elect Dr Strangelove?

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  35. Joe K said on August 3, 2016 at 4:00 pm

    I used to fly cancelled checks out of Willow run, unfortunately only a very small part of the factory is left, but before it was torn down, one night I was waiting on freight and there was a b-24 that was built in that factory, doing touch and goes, how cool was that!! 50 plus years after the factory built it, there it was still flying, by 1944 they were build one b-24 every hour, 24-7,
    Pilot Joe

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  36. brian stouder said on August 3, 2016 at 4:07 pm

    Joe – I’ve not been to an airshow in too long; there’s a biggie coming to Baer Field yet this year, I think – which will feature the Thunderbirds.

    But aside from the sexy jets and all that, the throaty baritone of the propeller-driven planes are always, always the star of the show. (even at Dayton, where everything imagineable shows up)

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  37. basset said on August 3, 2016 at 4:19 pm

    Joe, about 35 years ago I was in downtown Wichita on a Sunday afternoon and saw a B-24 and a B-29 making a low pass together. Unforgettable. A year or two before that, I rode in the tailgunner’s seat of a B-25 over Mississippi with a P-51 formed up behind… amazing how loud a B-25 is from inside.

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  38. Sherri said on August 3, 2016 at 4:19 pm

    All the talking of dumping Trump or Trump withdrawing overlooks the, ahem, elephant in the room: this is what the Republican base has become. That’s why McCain won’t unendorse Trump; he’s afraid of losing his Senate seat. The Republicans need those voters to win down ticket races. They disavow Trump, those voters are going to be pissed.

    It’s not like Trump has changed who he is or flip-flopped on a bunch of issues to seek the nomination; Trump has been in the media for decades, and this is who he has always been. It’s not Trump that is the Republican problem; they’ve been building this bonfire for years and now seem surprised that someone came along and lit it up.

    We all have to put out the fire and take the matches and gasoline can away from Trump.

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  39. brian stouder said on August 3, 2016 at 4:43 pm

    …and for something completely different – this story rather pointedly knocked me off my pins (so to speak) yesterday –


    the lead – which tells one more than you ever wanted to know – is surpassed only by the mug-shots

    MERCER COUNTY, Ohio (WANE) – According to a press release from the Mercer County Sherrif’s County Department, Paige Waterman, 29, and Chelsie Hedge, 21, both of Celina, Ohio were arrested after Mercer County police obtained a body cavity search warrant and removed a syringe from each of their vaginal cavity areas.

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  40. Sherri said on August 3, 2016 at 6:32 pm

    Speaking of the Trumpsters, The Gray Lady even displays profanity in quoting them: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/04/us/politics/donald-trump-supporters.html

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  41. Jolene said on August 3, 2016 at 6:40 pm

    Kansas held its primary election yesterday, and Rep. Tim Huelskamp, one of the most hardline members of the Freedom Caucus (i.e., Tea Party), lost to a more moderate Republican. That guy will, undoubtedly, win in the general, but it’s one less truly horrible person in the House.

    This piece in Politico explains the internecine politics that caused him to lose and illustrates why being Speaker of the House might be the hardest job in America.

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  42. Suzanne said on August 3, 2016 at 6:41 pm

    Some Facebbok friend of mine posted that NY Times video. Scary, scary stuff.

    Maybe it’s the day. I’m not feeling well and my Facebook feed seems to be full of a more than normal pro-Trump stuff from people I thought had more sense. One in particular very religious good guy type who posted something about Trump being the moral choice. Pragmatic choice, ok, if you are of a certain [lunatic] mindset, but moral?? MORAL? I am flabbergasted.

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  43. Jolene said on August 3, 2016 at 6:51 pm

    Here’s another video of Trump supporters. The people at this event are not quite so pumped up, but that’s probably because they appear to be waiting for the candidate to speak. Listen for one particularly lovely comment at the end of the clip.

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  44. Sherri said on August 3, 2016 at 7:01 pm

    That intervention seems to be going well: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/donald-trump-old-feuds-megyn-kelly-daytona-beach

    Of course, I read the intervention was being led by Gingrich and Giuliani. I know, maybe all the Gingrich, Guiliani, and Trump wives can get together and work this all out.

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  45. Sherri said on August 3, 2016 at 7:24 pm

    This kind of shit at the grass roots GOP organization level is just unacceptable: http://www.pe.com/articles/ready-809746-holding-republican.html

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  46. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 3, 2016 at 11:46 pm

    The election, by the way, starts not in 90-some-odd days, but in about six weeks. Sound crazy?

    Early voting starts in some states around September 23; the last presidential election saw early voter totals over 30%, and assumptions are that the number will at the very least hit 35% — the question is how much higher might it go?

    Anyhow, we’re not waiting for Election Day any more, it’s Election Month (and change), and it starts very very soon. So if anyone’s going to change the narrative, they need to be doing that . . . soon.

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  47. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 3, 2016 at 11:48 pm

    Don’t take me and my friends as terribly common, but I see this link all over the place among evangelicals I associate with:


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  48. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 3, 2016 at 11:58 pm

    Hunted this up from Jim Geraghty on National Review:

    Early in-person voting starts September 23 in Minnesota, September 24 in Michigan, September 25 in Vermont, September 29 in Illinois, October 3 in Nebraska, October 10 in Montana and South Carolina, October 11 in Indiana, October 12 in Arizona and Ohio, October 19 in Tennessee, October 24 in Wisconsin, October 27 in North Carolina, October 29 in Florida. Washington starts mailing out its ballots October 10. More than 31 percent of Americans cast their ballots early in 2012. As Yogi Berra said, “it gets late early out there.”

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  49. Sherri said on August 4, 2016 at 12:17 am

    I thought Rachel Held Evans was an apostate to evangelicals these days. I agree with her that pro-choice policies tend to reduce abortions, and that Hillary Clinton’s positions are more broadly pro-life than what the Republican Party has had on offer. I have also read the post by Shannon Dingle that Evans links to, which goes into even more detail.

    I’d wish for Clinton to come out in favor of abolishing the death penalty, though.

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