Smells like onions.
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Dexter said on May 23, 2009 at 2:31 pm
Those are great lookin’ onions! I think I’ll stop at a market on the way to tonight’s BBQ in Toledo. I’ll buy some onions and OMG!—this year’s strawberries are from heaven, not so much visually, but taste-wise.
I had a physical exam and went today for the review…all-OK , but I was a bit disappointed, as my goal was to lose fifty pounds by Memorial Day ( I started on the 4th of July, 2008). Missed it by THAT much! One pound off; I lost 49.
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beb said on May 23, 2009 at 5:08 pm
Went to Greenfield Village for the Civil War Muster. Great day for sightseeing. Not too hot. Crowds were enormous. Always glad to see our touristy sites busy. The building that had a fire earlier this year has been restored. You wouldn’t know anything had happened to it.
At first glance those onions looked like some kind of Lovecraftian boob monster. Time to get my head out of the gutter.
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Jolene said on May 23, 2009 at 5:10 pm
From Facebook, some radishes to go w/ the onions. Click on “Next” in upper right corner to see other great food photos and famous guests. (Not my guests, I hasten to add.)
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Lex said on May 23, 2009 at 8:16 pm
Smells like onions, but LOOKS like alien eyes on stalks.
Which are just as good to cook with, but still.
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on May 24, 2009 at 8:29 am
Dexter, congrats — 49 is quite an achievement.
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moe99 said on May 24, 2009 at 11:15 am
Yes Dexter, congratulations! How did you do it?
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on May 24, 2009 at 3:52 pm
Could it have been . . . an onion diet?
(Sadly, i’m on a french onion dip diet, which doesn’t seem to be working very well.)
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on May 24, 2009 at 4:41 pm
OK, Dancing With The Indy 500 Fence aside, i think it’s really going to be difficult for the Blackhawks to pull this one out. Detroit is an efficient machine in some ways, even if not in the auto business. At the United Center, they are taking care of business, big time.
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Dexter said on May 24, 2009 at 7:30 pm
To lose that much weight was easy for me, in a way, because I knew what made me fat in the first place: rich desserts and a penchant for Baby Ruth candy bars.
I have tried pills to no avail over the years, but this time I limited myself to just a small amount of an occasional dessert.
Maybe , too…I gave up processed meats; luncheon meats mostly, and I sub a little olive oil for margarine as the need arises.
Also, I have incorporated a mind set that prohibits me from second helpings.
Last night at the BBQ at my daughter’s we had the best damn kabobs ever…prime steak and veggies all marinated, also chicken and pork kabobs, I could have eaten one of each, but just one, just one—I had the steak. Same with the corn on the cob, one. And when the cheesecake and coffee came, a reasonable slice, one, just one.
Now I have to lose 22 more my October 1. The race is on.
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Dexter said on May 24, 2009 at 7:38 pm
JMMO: It was men against boys on West Madison Street…not even a lot of fun to watch. Red Wings rule today.
I was SO SICK of that blubbering ( Indy 500 victor) Helio Castroneves,I switched back to hockey for good. What the heck did he do to find himself on prison’s doorstep last month, and what did he do to get out of it?
And he damn-sure wasn’t going to blow a tire and lose at the end, with his whole family praying to the Lord as if this really was life and death….I was hoping Danica would win, but Penske had his star chained to Castroneves.
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Danny said on May 25, 2009 at 10:12 am
Dexter, congratulations. Way to go!
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moe99 said on May 25, 2009 at 11:12 am
To go with those onions: bacon vodka, what’s not to like?
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Catherine said on May 25, 2009 at 12:00 pm
Moe, you reminded me to share the menu for the Mother’s Day brunch I was lucky enough attend:
coffee-cucumber martinis
doughnut holes fried in bacon fat & rolled in cinnamon sugar
bacon ice cream with whole wheat waffles covered with honey-cinnamon-chile de arbol syrup
sous vide egg topped with fresh peas, wilted escarole and popcorn dust, and a slice of thick-cut, apple smoked bacon
chocolate chip cookies
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beb said on May 25, 2009 at 5:00 pm
A Memorial Day question: Do you wish people a Happy Memorial Day, a merry one, joyous one or a somber Memorial Day? It’s a holiday, right?
I’d like to get a bumper sticker that reads: “I support all our troops, even the gay ones!”
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Dexter said on May 26, 2009 at 1:51 am
j.c. change the format? The click-on comment button has changed.
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on May 26, 2009 at 7:52 am
Photo for Deborah (and any other Chicagoan or Chicagoite in general) —
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