Not your daddy’s drumline.

Seeing the link to this year’s marching band tab at my alma mater reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to do for a while — check out and see what’s what in this year’s moving-music season. I will not admit to an interest in the “sport,” per se, but after being sentenced to helping produce last year’s band tab, I will admit to being kinda-sorta interested in the mad spectacle of it all. And after seeing IU’s pathetic performance at the football game a few weeks ago, I can’t help but wonder: How can a state so marching-band-crazy filter down into a Big 10 band that still plays “Eye of the Tiger”?

Anyway, I looked up Homestead High, a reliable artistic and performance leader in northeast Indiana, to see if they’re still doing an out-there show. In previous years, their musical salute to Lizzie Borden was a big scorer, but last fall, “Sybill: The Art of Insanity” was a disappointment in state finals. I thought the show was way cool, but maybe the judges thought it was time for the drill teams to go back to smiling and twirling flags and knock off with pretending to be all crazy ‘n’ stuff.

But no. Steve Barber is still the Timbaland of marching; the show is “Gravity,” and features the drill team jumping around on trampolines and flags that don’t droop.

I still think this is a Sports Illustrated story, but what do I know?

Posted at 9:32 am in Uncategorized |

3 responses to “Not your daddy’s drumline.”

  1. Connie said on October 10, 2003 at 7:00 pm

    My daughter’s local HS band is a perennial top competitor. We’ll be at Fort Wayne tomorrow, but at Snider rather than Homestead. It’s an amazing world. Two more weekends after this one and it will all be over. Whew.

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  2. danno said on October 11, 2003 at 11:01 am

    Alot of people don’t realize how difficult and demanding it is to be part of a h.s. marching band (not to mention a drum corps!). One must be able to have physical dexterity (marching and moving), stamina, be able to memorize and play music (in tune!) and do all of this in sync with other people!! As a former marcher, I continue to follow bands and am in amazement of what they do nowadays (my time was in the early 80’s just as the new performance age of bands was beginning). My hats off to all of them!!

    P.S. I cannot understand how IU has such a sucky marching band after producing the Star of Indiana Drum Corps that was a national champion??!!

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  3. Marci said on October 13, 2003 at 9:41 am

    As a former Spartan, I feel it’s within my rights to proclaim that Mr. Barber has finally lost his mind.

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