Not that anyone cares, but…

…the short piece I wrote about screenwriting for the Journal of the Knight-Wallace Fellows is up.

(This runs counter to my naturally modest and exceedingly self-effacing nature, plus the picture shows the full effect of months of eating like a starving hog and hours of sweaty frolic on the Argentine pampas. I’ll have you know I’m exercising daily and eating stuff like turkey in hopes of getting reacquainted with my actual chin.)

Posted at 5:49 pm in Uncategorized |

One response to “Not that anyone cares, but…”

  1. Lance Mannion said on May 20, 2004 at 8:19 pm

    I think you’ve still got a bankable script there, Nance. The Amish are hot. Forget the TV show. Just tweak your story a bit. How about if instead of the girl being an au pair she’s a young single mom. And while she’s in town visiting with her son the kid sees a guy murdered. One of the cops who investigates is a rugged but sensitive type who takes a shine to the mother and…


    Good column though. Expresses the same sense of enjoyment of the class that came through in all your phone calls. I think you should pack up your fellowship and your screenplay and head west. Apply to USC or UCLA.

    You can live off of Kate’s residuals from all the cute kid parts in Fox sitcoms she’s bound to get.

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