Stems and seeds today — but for a good reason. Lance and I have been asked to contribute to The American Street, and I spent much of today thinking about what we should write about. I want to do a point-counterpoint chit-chat post along the lines of Slate’s Breakfast Table (do they even still do that?), something that would capture the sparkling nature of our regular e-mail exchanges, because we’re so witty and smart ‘n’ stuff.
I sent Lance one draft of an opening volley, and an suggestion for next week, and he wrote back: “I’m sick. I think we got some bad stromboli.”
Well, OK. Sometimes you just can’t sparkle.
I think the Lance ‘n’ Nance pairup starts Sunday. When it’s up, I’ll link.
Also, I’m reading a new Fred Busch book, “North,” and I’d like to get back to it. I agreed to take Kate to the pool today precisely for the hour or so of reading time it offered. I’ve only been three times, but already I love the Grosse Pointe Woods pool and someday soon I’ll tell you why. But not yet.
Fortunately, bloggage:
Well, now we know why Evan Bayh has a Flickr account. He’s watering the ground for a 2008 presidential run. I hope he does better than poor Dick Lugar.
One of the most interesting things about technology is how regular folks adapt it to their own ends. The ChiTrib tells us how GoogleMaps is spawning its own cottage industries. (Although I couldn’t get to load.)
You all have a good weekend.
blue girl said on June 10, 2005 at 9:36 am
Good luck with “Lance & Nance.” That’s really great.
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juan said on June 10, 2005 at 11:13 am
A point-counterpoint between you and LANCE?
Isn’t that kind of like a point-counterpoint debate between Rush Limabaugh and Sean Hannity?
I can see it now.
“Bush Sucks”
“No! Bush REALLY Sucks.”
“I disagree. I say that he sucks, but doesn’t suck donkeys.”
“Lance, you ignorant slut, Bush CLEARLY inhales equine phallus.”
“Okay, I conceed the equine part, but I was thinking of something less mutated. Something like a Shetland pony.”
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MarkH said on June 10, 2005 at 11:26 am
Juan and I obviously asked ourselves the same question re: “Lance ‘n’ Nance”. But if I did have an answer, it certainly wouldn’t have been as entertaining as HIS!
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harry near indy said on June 10, 2005 at 11:33 am
poor dick lugar?
nancy, please!
he’s one of those go-along-to-get-alone moderate republicans who’ve been steamrolled by the wingnuts. he deserves no sympathy.
and evan bayh? i don’t think that man’s ever done anything spontaneously in his life. if he got a cold, even his sneezes would be calculated.
but, with that said, i’d rather see them representing indiana in the senate than, say … oh, souder, the representative from your former part of the state.
and hostettler, the one from sw indiana, and mike pence, too.
if lugar runs for the senate again next year, he would’ve served 36 years. i don’t know if he’s running again, but i bet the powers that be in the indiana gop organization will try like hell not to get an overly religious wingnut nominated.
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Nance said on June 10, 2005 at 12:43 pm
Point-otherpoint, then. Jeez. Shut UP.
My “poor Dick Lugar” comment was based entirely on an NPR piece I heard back when he was running for president. It was from New Hampshire, and there was an interview with someone saying, “Research shows the American people want a dignified president with wide foreign-policy experience, this, that and the other thing, etc.” So there’s Dick Lugar, who by any measure fits the description to a T. And he couldn’t strike a spark in a match factory. Just goes to show you what research is worth.
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mary said on June 10, 2005 at 12:51 pm
Did you look at The American Street? It appears to be a website with a point of view very different from your own. I don’t think the intention of having Lance and Nance discussing things is to have one of them representing the right. It looks to me like the site discusses issues, not ideology. You may be unfamililar with the concept of differing ideas existing among those with a shared political bent. It is tolerated outside of the right wing, however.
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Bushwick Bill said on June 10, 2005 at 2:12 pm
Mary said, “You may be unfamililar with the concept of differing ideas existing among those with a shared political bent. It is tolerated outside of the right wing, however.”
Yeah, sure, get back to me when the Democratic Party nominates for president a pro-lifer…
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mary said on June 10, 2005 at 4:59 pm
There are pro life Democrats, and they hold office. It’s been suggested many times that the reason Democrats haven’t been successful lately is the fact they do tolerate debate. This is seen as a sign of weakness these days. The Dems don’t have anyone nicknamed “The Hammer.”
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Laura said on June 10, 2005 at 11:31 pm
Stems and seeds, eh? Wow, I’m having a 70s moment. Thanks for taking me back.
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Lance Mannion said on June 10, 2005 at 11:55 pm
That’s very true, Mary, but you know what else? Bush is a moron. A seventies moment, Laura? You know who was really stupid in the 70s? Bush. Harry, Dick Lugar is a smart guy. Not like that George Bush, eh? Blue Girl, thanks a lot. You know who’s too stupid to wish us luck? George Bush. Anybody seen Nance? I need to ask her a question. I wonder if she thinks George Bush is as dumb as I think he is.
Got to go write my piece for the American Street now. I’m having trouble with it. I can’t think of any more ways to say Bush is an idiot. I’d better get out my thesaurus.
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brian stouder said on June 11, 2005 at 12:27 am
“It looks to me like the site discusses issues, not ideology.”
hahahahahahaha!! That sounds like “I’ll respect you in the morning” or “the check is in the mail” or “that dog don’t bite”!
“You know who’s too stupid to wish us luck? George Bush. Anybody seen Nance? I need to ask her a question. I wonder if she thinks George Bush is as dumb as I think he is.”
See, and the inside joke is – we learned this week that W had slightly better grades than Kerry had at Yale (Kerry said “I told my father that “D” meant ‘dignified'”!! hahahahahahaha!!!)
Seriously, it (the blog) sounds interesting. Lance needs an editor, and Nace probably scored a big scarlett “A” in that
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mary said on June 13, 2005 at 11:35 am
I used to work for a journalist who was the bureau chief and sole reporter at a backwater outpost of a very major newspaper. She had a list of folksy phrases one could substitute for moron. Allegedly she knows Bush, sort of second handedly, from high school, and she doesn’t think he’s a moron. She doesn’t think much of him, but she says he’s not stupid. A jerk, yes, but not stupid.
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Lance Mannion said on June 13, 2005 at 11:40 am
Thanks for that, Mary. I’ll have to keep that in mind whenever I give way to any more knee jerk Bush Bashing.
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mary said on June 13, 2005 at 4:58 pm
In case you do feel the need to call him a moron, here are a few of the folksy phrases:
Dumber than a box of rocks.
Square root of stupid.
So stupid he couldn’t empty water from his boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.
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Lance Mannion said on June 13, 2005 at 7:05 pm
Wait a minute, Mary, I thought we were talking about George Bush. You’re describing me!
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