Detroit’s finest.

Late news tonight: Rosa Parks has died, proof that big things frequently start small. RIP.

Posted at 10:42 pm in Uncategorized |

6 responses to “Detroit’s finest.”

  1. Dick Walker said on October 25, 2005 at 4:58 am

    I can’t remember who wrote it:

    “In Montgomery, Alabama, a tired black woman took her seat on the bus� and somewhere, off in the universe, a gear shifted.”

    RIP, Ms. Rosa.

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  2. Mindy said on October 25, 2005 at 10:11 am

    Miss Parks has been in my thoughts for many months. I’ve been looking forward to the fiftieth anniversary celebration of her seat on the bus with the great hope that she would live to see it and to remind the world of the huge changes occurring in her lifetime. Alas.

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  3. mary said on October 25, 2005 at 11:37 am

    I work as a headhunter in health care. Last week I presented a candidate for very specialized position that required a lot of clinical knowledge as well as a thorough knowledge of Medicare and insurance regulations and policies. My candidate is a black woman. She sailed through the interview with the corporate level person who would be her supervisor. Then she had an interview with a group of employees from the office she’d have as her base. Ten people, rapid fire questions for an hour after keeping her waiting nearly an hour to start the meeting. I got a call afterwards from the HR person in that office saying they were not interested in her. He suggested I present her for a nursing position (paying about 25k less) in one of their facilities where the administrator was “a minority woman, like herself,” suggesting she’d be “more comfortable” there.

    I’ve had this happen two other times with highly qualified black candidates. I’ve become very touchy about words like “abrasive” to describe a black nurse with multiple degrees and lots of experience. I have never had a white candidate with two masters degrees called “abrasive.” This particular candidate was not “abrasive.” She was “unable to deal appropriately with a high pressure situation.”

    If I were independently wealthy I would rat out this HR guy. I’m not, and this little local office is part of a huge national corporation which gives me most of my business. I have decided to not act on orders from this office anymore, but to continue to work for the corporation. I suppose luckily I don’t have to tell my candidate she is not considered a good fit for the job, because she told me immediately after the interview that she wasn’t interested in working for such a rude bunch of people. I don’t blame her a bit. She also knows that as a nurse she can find a job in a heartbeat, due to the massive nursing shortage. The people in that office however, have been trying to fill their position for eight months now. Maybe they should rethink their approach.

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  4. Mindy said on October 25, 2005 at 11:53 am

    Three years ago my brother-in-law accepted a position with a bank in Chicago. After being employed only four months, he was honored with a “diversity award” for his excellent treatment of all clients no matter their appearance, race, background or financial situation. How amazing. Even more so because the bank recognized his attitude and made it known to his coworkers.

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  5. Dorothy said on October 25, 2005 at 12:06 pm

    Talk about two ends of the spectrum there – Mary’s and Mindy’s stories.

    I find it kind of sad, though, that Mindy’s brother-in-law was awarded for something everyone should do all the time. Why should that be a big deal? But I understand why it is.

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  6. Loulou said on October 25, 2005 at 11:38 pm

    My granddaughter’s mom is AfroAmerican. My granddaughter [21] would probably say “Rosa Who?” if asked. But I emailed her with an article about the demise of that brave lady and hope she takes it in. RIP, Rosa

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