
Well, it finally happened. A moment of silence, please, for my old PowerBook, now pushing up daisies on my desk, just about as dead as dead can be. I was happily pecking away, leaving a comment for Lance Mannion, when the cursor froze and, metaphorically speaking, it dropped to the floor clutching its chest. It may still be possible to resuscitate it — and I plan to try, because you always need a few more old computers lying around the house — but it certainly isn’t possible to do my work on the thing, and so I went over the river and through the woods to the Apple store on Saturday.

The PowerBook is dead, long live the MacBook. It has a built-in camera:


With special effects, I hasten to add.

Oh, well. Any fatal error has a good news/bad news component. Good news: It didn’t happen during tax preparation. Bad news: I hadn’t backed up for a while, so some stuff is just lost, at least until I can recover it, which may be a while.

All this by way of saying posting may be light for a few days, as I figure out a few things, including where the hell my copy of MS Word is, because I can’t find it anywhere. It’s not like a writer needs MS Word, oh no. I can pull it off the last backup, but I’d like a clean reinstall.

Anyone feel like hitting me for a video chat, do so. And no, I will not take off my shirt.

Posted at 9:42 am in Same ol' same ol' |

15 responses to “Alas.”

  1. Mindy said on April 22, 2007 at 11:13 am

    Rust in peace, PowerBook.

    25 chars

  2. brian stouder said on April 22, 2007 at 2:15 pm

    And no, I will not take off my shirt.

    Well for one thing – it would require a whole new NN.C business model!

    118 chars

  3. nancy said on April 22, 2007 at 2:25 pm

    Yes, but I have the marketing slogan:

    “Snappy commentary. Boring stuff. Tits.”

    81 chars

  4. brian stouder said on April 22, 2007 at 6:33 pm

    hahaha!! And the heck of it is – the site would certainly rack up (so to speak) traffic and loot; although it would make an awkward addition to your resume’

    “Titular head of NN.C Enterprises, an organization dedicated to snappy commentary, items of passing interest, and the appreciation of the timeless beauty of the female form”

    (or some such!)

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  5. basset said on April 22, 2007 at 8:20 pm

    and just in time, this from Reddit… 23 allegedly perfect pairs…

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  6. Bill said on April 22, 2007 at 9:08 pm

    I bought Anne a new 15″ Powerbook a couple months ago when her ‘puter showed signs of being in a “failure mode”.

    She gave me her old aluminum 12″ Powerbook – which I intended to use as a MacTopo Garmin GPS mapping machine (I have other Macs – but not a portable). The hard disk died within a couple hours.

    I researched how to replace the disk drive and prepared for surgery.

    I replaced the disk drive and it is now functioning as a first-rate topo-mapping computer when we are on the road. It is the greatest.

    Either rest in peace or fix your old machine.

    Mr. Bill

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  7. nancy said on April 22, 2007 at 9:12 pm

    Dr. Burns and I have already been in consultation. He’s scrubbing in as we speak.

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  8. Bill said on April 22, 2007 at 9:15 pm

    Ooooh. Dr. Burns. You ARE serious!

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  9. mouse's moom said on April 22, 2007 at 9:18 pm

    This is the Anne of Bill. Yay for Doc Burns. He helped me out with some stuff up in the Yoop last summer. My MacBook is 13″, not 15.” I was grumbling around about not being able to buy a new 12″ but I got used to the 13″ pretty fast.

    One problem… After I owned the damn thing for 2 months, I was at Barry Bagels (Westgate, Ann Arbor) with my coffee buddy Marci, and she noticed that there was no way to hook up a phone cable. Say what? So I dunno wtf I’m gonna do when I’m at my cabin on L. Superior this summer where there’s no wifi. Kee-reist!

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  10. ashley said on April 23, 2007 at 1:10 am

    Boy, was that Jane article a disappointment.

    Gimme your iChat handle, babe. Promise I won’t ask for nudity.

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  11. nancy said on April 23, 2007 at 7:45 am

    My AIM ID is on the right rail, but for you: nallnd

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  12. alex said on April 23, 2007 at 9:05 am

    I swear you’re channeling Rosie O’Donnell in that picture, Nance.

    My iBook remains dead and the geek in Chicago who’s trying to find me a remanufactured G4 (so’s I can try to salvage my data) hasn’t been in touch in weeks.

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  13. ashley said on April 23, 2007 at 11:21 am

    You shouldn’t need a G4, just an external chassis to put your drive in. THat’s what I did. Firewire, baby!

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  14. jcburns said on April 24, 2007 at 11:11 am

    Alex, there’s a $29.95 USB 2.0 Universal Drive Adapter that can take any old drive (2.5″, 3.5″, SATA, IDE) out of an old laptop or desktop and plug it in to a USB port on a functioning machine. It’s way easier and less scary than it sounds. I agree with Ashley, you most certainly don’t need a remanufactured G4.

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  15. Bruce Fields said on April 24, 2007 at 2:20 pm

    “After I owned the damn thing for 2 months, I was at Barry Bagels (Westgate, Ann Arbor) with my coffee buddy Marci, and she noticed that there was no way to hook up a phone cable.”

    No problem:

    A google search for “usb modem” may turn up some other options too.

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