…I’m trying something different.
A friend wonders if I could increase my site traffic if I stopped including the entire post in my RSS feed. I said huh, I dunno, might be worth trying, so I am. For the record, I don’t care much about traffic at all — in all my enterprises, I remain stubbornly unambitious and opposed to financial success of any kind — but I’m curious what effect it might have.
It could go either way, a “feh, more nose-picking from Little Miss Boring, no need to see more,” or “let’s go over and click ALL her Google ads and make her rich.” I’ll be watching my analytics for a while. Let the experiment begin.
It goes without saying that if you really hate it, let me know. Reader service is what we’re all about her at NN.C.
Seamus said on November 29, 2007 at 4:56 pm
I really, absolutely, positively hate it.
I am always happy to see a new nancynall post show up in my aggregator’s counter, but when I clicked in, I was disappointed to find such a short post. Then I found out why. You made me click again!
I always prefer to read in my aggregator (bloglines in my case).
Although I make no claims my opinion is the only one and will follow you either way, I most certainly hope it’s a short, failed experiment.
[Added: I’m not an add clicker either way, so that makes not one bit of difference in my case.]
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Nick said on November 29, 2007 at 5:54 pm
I click over to nn dot com about half the time from Google reader. You have such an uncluttered and visually pleasing design here that I would really rather stretch my left index finger a quarter of an inch to press the “v” key to make your site open in a new tab.
I’m happy to come here with the ads even though I require neither a “Free Drupal install” nor a “Windstream Portal” at the moment.
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nancy said on November 29, 2007 at 6:21 pm
OK, I switched it back. You say it there, it comes out here.
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jcburns said on November 29, 2007 at 9:20 pm
“…an uncluttered and visually pleasing design.”
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nancy said on November 29, 2007 at 9:23 pm
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John C said on November 30, 2007 at 8:29 am
Um, er, hmmm. I, ah. Um. I have no idea what any of you are talking about.
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del said on November 30, 2007 at 8:54 am
Nor do I.
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Seamus said on November 30, 2007 at 2:36 pm
Nor do I. 😉
And Nancy, thank you.
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brian stouder said on November 30, 2007 at 2:43 pm
As Dick Martin used to say to Dan Rowan: “you lost me at the bakery”
Leaving that aside, I became an nn.c ad clicker months ago. I figure it must have added up to a Big Gulp of icy cold Diet Coke by now…
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LA mary said on November 30, 2007 at 6:41 pm
They somehow eliminate the ads with the crafty anti-spam, anti-virus software here. I don’t see the ads. I can see videos either. I’d click on them if and be nice if I saw them.
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nancy said on November 30, 2007 at 7:04 pm
RSS = Real Simple Syndication. If you look in the address window of your browser, you should see a little button that says RSS. Click on it. This page will reload in plain text — that’s the “feed.” If you bookmark this feed, it’ll tell you when something new is posted. Your browser may vary, but how I do it is, I have a bookmark folder just for RSS feeds. When a little number appears in parentheses next to RSS, I know someone has added something.
I only subscribe to my fave sites, or ones that are frequently updated, like Romenesko. It saves me the time of hitting the same ones over and over. For my uber-faves, I read the feed and then click over to the site, so they get the page view. And if I really like what I read, I hit an ad, too.
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Jill said on December 3, 2007 at 11:59 am
I always prefer to have the whole post in my Google reader (the posts are never that long anyway). Sometimes I click over to read the comments, but not always.
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