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brian stouder said on August 18, 2008 at 2:26 pm
I wonder if his readership even gets the faux-cleverness of his ‘eight is enough’ mantra; that show must have gone off the air 30 years ago.
If I was going to make a dated pop-culch reference, why not some play on “With Six you get Eggroll” (although that might be too close to the sort of Chinese ‘joke’ that the Spanish basketball team made)
PS – did y’all catch the typo in one of the Proprietress’s recent headlines? (typos are always so much more fun when they’re in a headline!)
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 18, 2008 at 2:38 pm
Darn you all, i went and read it.
Why is eight enough? Why not come back in four years at 27 and try for a couple more in London? Say, “Cheaper By the Dozen” (by which i mean the Gilbreth book, not the Steve Martin movie, also rapidly receding into the ancient mists).
Seriously, did anyone actually get an explanation out of the piece for *why* eight would be enough? Because, as anyone knows who has ever bought a tray of pecan swirls while driving, eight is certainly not enough.
You need Doritos, too.
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moe99 said on August 18, 2008 at 2:41 pm
Loved the Gilbreth book, Cheaper by the Dozen, and also the sequel: Belles on Their Toes. Out here in Wa state, the book of choice in that genre is The Egg and I.
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John said on August 18, 2008 at 2:52 pm
I am a resident of the ancients mists, as I have also read (albeit many moons ago) Cheaper By The Dozen and its sequel. I even have seen the real movie (1950 version with Clifton Webb and Myrna Loy).
And I loved the film The Egg And I especially since it was the springboard for the Ma and Pa Kettle movies.
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Gasman said on August 18, 2008 at 3:10 pm
Oh no he didn’t! If he is going to use an archaic cultural catch phrase reference like that, there really should be some purpose. But as the previous posts have noted, we are not told why eight is enough. I’m beginning to understand the loathing for all things Mitch.
But, eight is enough.
p.s. – Nancy, please go back and read my post in the previous thread regarding your tastes in pedestrian barley-swill. If we ever meet, I promise to buy you a good beer that you will enjoy.
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Dave said on August 18, 2008 at 3:43 pm
Mentioning “The Egg and I” and “Cheaper by the Dozen” makes “Eight is Enough” sound positively modern.
How many on here immediately thought of Ma and Pa Kettle when they read, “The Egg and I”?
We really are getting to be a dated group, Nancy, and you’re younger than several of us.
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LAMary said on August 18, 2008 at 3:46 pm
Now we know Gasman is the resident beer expert, and I long ago accepted the perfume/cologne seat. Not that anyone has ever called on my expertise. Just think, between Gasman and me you could have the makings of a great semi-cheap date or the answers to your Christmas shopping for spouses questions.
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brian stouder said on August 18, 2008 at 4:14 pm
Mary – noted!
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Kirk said on August 18, 2008 at 4:27 pm
I developed my beer taste the same way you did, Nance, but eventually I wised up to the world of ales, stouts and porters (and good lagers, unlike Budweiser, Coors and similar mass-produced garbage).
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moe99 said on August 18, 2008 at 4:29 pm
Speaking of swill, does anyone else think Stella Artois is nothing better than a Bud? I lived for a year in Brussels, and although I was a starving student, we would drink something else when we went to the bars. My favorite was Chimay ale, but that was only when I was flush.
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LAMary said on August 18, 2008 at 4:44 pm
It’s been a long time, but I agree with you on the Stella Artois comment. I lived for a little while in North Brabant, Netherlands, and opted for Heineken most often. I’m not a huge beer fan, though. I preferred genever.
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Kirk said on August 18, 2008 at 5:51 pm
If you want a good lager, try Yuengling. Unfortunately, it’s available in a very limited part of the country, mainly Pennsylvania (where it’s brewed) and the East Coast.
And I agree that Stella Artois is pretty ordinary.
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Gasman said on August 18, 2008 at 6:55 pm
Y’all are thumping Stella Artois. I will defend her honor. Stella is not as hoppy as most Pilsners or lagers, but that is precisely why I like it. I maintain that it is far superior to Budweiser and Heineken. Admittedly, It is toward the bottom of the Belgian beer spectrum, but in my opinion, much better than any mass produced U.S. brew. Heineken also uses adjunct fermentables – i.e., cheap stuff like rice, corn, or sugar – which is why it tastes basically like an American beer. Incidentally, those beers that use adjuncts vary their recipes according to what is cheapest at any given time. The Belgians, Germans, Czechs, and the Brits tend to brew all grain beers. This makes them more costly, but much tastier. The one big exception are the Belgian Lambics flavored with fruit. The fruit provides very little fermentable sugars and is mainly there for flavor.
However, Stella and I will remain an item.
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MichaelG said on August 18, 2008 at 7:16 pm
I’ve also spent time in Brussels. My ex Mother in Law lives there. Chimay is a little to alcoholic for my taste. I don’t think beer should be that strong. I’ve tried any number of good beers there but I can’t remember any brands other than Stella and Chimay right now. They used to have the pub system there where the brewer owned the pub and all they served was their brand(s). I haven’t been there lately so I don’t know if they still do. Stella is the Bud of Brussels but I think it’s not bad at all. It’s light (not “lite”) and refreshing when ice cold on a hot day. Gasman’s right. I like it. But don’t forget the Brits and the Irish. My feeling is that there are different beers for different moods and times. Guinness is great when you are in the mood. If I want something a little heavier than Stella, in the winter for instance, I like Steam, Sierra or Red Tail — all Northern California brands. Now that Stella and Bud are married maybe she’ll shape him up. I never could stand Bud and I agree with Nance about those fou fou beers. Ugh.
Know why the Brits drink warm beer? Because they have Lucas refrigerators. Nyuk, Nyuk.
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LAMary said on August 18, 2008 at 7:42 pm
Again, I’ve never been much of a beer fan, but back in the seventies when I had a job in an unairconditioned warehouse and went home to an unairconditioned apartment, I used to down a Rolling Rock pony, or a Coors pony, that I kept in the nearly freezing top shelf of my fridge. Took the edge right off the heat and the commute.
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 18, 2008 at 7:53 pm
Rolling Rock at 34 degrees on a hot day, but Samuel Smith’s Oatmeal Stout for every other. Guinness for special occasions, like June 16 or Feb. 2.
Do they still make Heileman’s Old Style in Wisconsin? The Rolling Rock of the upper Midwest, once the anchor of the left field bleachers at Wrigley Field.
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Catherine said on August 18, 2008 at 8:15 pm
Little experience with Belgian beer, but I spent a hazy summer in Munich’s biergartens. Y’all can keep your Eurobeer (especially that wheat stuff) — I’ll take a Bohemia (yes, from Mexico).
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nancy said on August 18, 2008 at 8:18 pm
Is Chimay the real dark one? We have a Belgian bar here, and I think JohnC bought me one on my first visit. It was served in a wine glass, which seemed appropriate, because it was somewhere between the two. Beer and wine, that is.
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Catherine said on August 18, 2008 at 8:25 pm
Since we’re completely OT with Mitch: Yes, Mary, I do have fragrance questions… many of them. Here’s the first one: Why is it that I like tuberose and I like gardenia, but I don’t like the Aerin Lauder Tuberose & Gardenia scent? I found it cloying and old ladyish. Am I missing something? Is there another fragrance that I should try?
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coozledad said on August 18, 2008 at 8:56 pm
I used to homebrew some, too, but I lost my taste for the chewy beers. Pabst isn’t horrible in glass, and it’s actually about right for a summer beer if you’re going to knock back 3-8 of them.
North Coast Brewery makes a wheat beer that’s as light bodied as a Pilsener, and has none of the cloying fruit esters that weissbiers sometimes have. It’s called Blue Star.
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basset said on August 18, 2008 at 10:13 pm
Yuengling (how do you say that, anyway?) came to Nashville a few months ago, heavily advertised… didn’t strike me as anything special, just standard mass-produced American lawnmower beer.
I miss the old Stroh’s that was actually made in Detroit, out of Detroit River water with the iron ore and dead bodies right there in it.
I also miss going on the Stroh’s brewery tour and getting a free pitcher and a bowl of pretzels at the beginning. and another at the end.
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Gasman said on August 18, 2008 at 10:28 pm
It’s funny that you trash Eurobeer in favor of Bohemia. Bohemia is very much in the style of a Dortmunder or Munich lager. It is a decent beer. That and Modelo Negra are probably the best Mexico has to offer.
Nancy, Chimay has three different strength beers; white, red, and blue (in relative strength, weakest to strongest.) The red is somewhat like a Cabernet and the blue is more like port in terms of taste.
Maybe the best of the Trappist beers is Orval. It is not nearly as strong as the Chimays and I think it tastes pretty damn good. It is a golden ale, strong by American standards, but not too big for the monks.
Incidentally, at many of the monasteries the beers that the monks drink the most of tend to be the lowest in alcohol and usually are not sold to the public. Often in the 2-3% range.
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Dexter said on August 18, 2008 at 10:38 pm
For years, “LaCrosse brewed Old Style, brewed purely by nature in God’s Country”…was a mass-produced beer made in Evansville , Indiana,home of the ultra-cheapos like the now defunct Wiedemann’s, Black Label (which used to be brewed at the Carling Brewery in Frankenmuth, MI), many other cheap brands. I quit drinking 16 years ago and lost track, but I know Pittsburgh Brewing Company bought that Evansville operation eleven years ago… I always wanted to know where my suds was brewed. I even developed a fondness fof Fort Wayne Falstaff towards the end there…old Otto the Brewmaster made a hellish-good Haffenreffer , a throwback to the 1930’s, and DAMN good, and for massive drinking jags, the Falstaff beer was ony five dollars a CASE !!
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 18, 2008 at 10:57 pm
Evansville is God’s country?
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LA Mary said on August 18, 2008 at 11:04 pm
The Lauder scents are all well made but a bit sturdy. I’m not sure what’s in them, but the are strong and long lasting in a slightly stodgy way.
Try Jo Malone Red Roses or Tuberose. They also have a Gardenia scent. Jo Malone is not at all old ladyish. You’re in Pasadena, no? I think they have Jo Malone at Barney’s and at Neiman Marcus (aka Needless Markup). Also, try Shiseido Relaxing Fragrance. I found it at Macy’s on Lake. It has a nice middle note of gardenia. The lotion is actually nicer than the spray.
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Joe Kobiela said on August 18, 2008 at 11:12 pm
Drank Carling’s in high school cause it was cheap. 99Cents a six in Kinderhook Mich. Drank a lot of Bud and Old Style when I played rugby. Never did drink it purely for taste just drank to catch a buzz.
Pilot Joe
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Catherine said on August 19, 2008 at 12:57 am
Mary, thank you for the tips! Your knowledge is clearly encyclopedic. I’ve never even heard of Jo Malone but shall seek her out. Also, the Shiseido, especially as I’m actually after a lotion. Macy’s on Lake is, alas, closed for remodeling. Maybe Sephora, aka the black hole into which I will someday permanently slip? Will report back!
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Randy said on August 19, 2008 at 9:46 am
Anybody like Hoegarden (sp)?
I think it is Belgian, and it’s cloudy with a bit of a citrusy flavor. I recommend using it as the beer in beer can chicken.
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LA Mary said on August 19, 2008 at 12:27 pm
Catherine, the Macy’s in Glendale carries it too, or at least they did about a year ago.
This must be fascinating to most of you.
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basset said on August 19, 2008 at 1:26 pm
Evansville Brewing has been out of business for several years… story I heard was the company was not doing real well, they turned out a bad batch, and the resultant problems ended up sinking them.
they did indeed make a lot of cheap beer, and some good stuff too… Gerst, for example, a custom label for the Gerst House and Sportsman’s Grille restaurants in Evansville and Nashville.
Pittsburgh Brewing, of course, produced the famous Old Frothingslosh, “the pale, stale ale with the foam on the bottom.”
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Scout said on August 19, 2008 at 7:07 pm
For Bassett – it is pronounced “Ying-ling”. When I was a pup we used to call it Yingyang. Yes, I grew up in Central PA, where Yingyang and Rolling Rock are practically like mother’s milk. Back in the old days we called RR’s Rockin’ Rollings. Those were the days, now once.
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John said on August 20, 2008 at 9:30 am
Rolling Rock had seven ounce bottles (ponies, we called them) which would fit comfortably into pockets if one was given to sneaking beer into movie houses. Just remember to dispose of the bottles properly. Don’t let them roll down beneath the seats as the clink clink of the bottle pachinko is very distinctive and will attract the attention of the house ushers.
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nancy said on August 20, 2008 at 10:42 am
Ushers? Why don’t we just change the name of this blog to Geezers Galone, and get it over with?
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John said on August 20, 2008 at 2:38 pm
Okay, okay. So the movie story was from the early months of ’75, but it seemed just like yesterday. And to be fair, the usher was the same white haired lady who sat in the ticket booth and gave us all the evil eye. She knew we were up to no good, but really didn’t seem to have the energy to grill us.
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