His sister said he always wanted to drive it.
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David C. said on November 11, 2012 at 1:15 pm
I’ve never met a 12 year old boy who hasn’t always wanted to drive. According my my mom, my older brother was about 5 when he couldn’t understand why he wasn’t allowed to drive. When he was allowed to drive, he had six accidents in four years. The sixth killed him.
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Prospero said on November 11, 2012 at 7:54 pm
Animated version of Get Your War On,The horrors of Obama’s reelection.
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Deborah said on November 11, 2012 at 8:42 pm
Must be a busy day for everyone today, not many comments. I had a great day, a delicious breakfast of oatmeal and bacon! Then a friend of Little Bird’sfriend in Santa Fe came for lunch and afterwards we played Scrabble (and she won). He brought wood for the fireplace and we had great fires all day. Snow this morning but then it cleared up and burned off. Now they are saying it will get down to 13 tonight. Oh boy!
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brian stouder said on November 11, 2012 at 9:09 pm
Deborah – I love Scrabble! Always save your ‘s’s – those things are golden.
My aim is not to throw stuff onto the field from here in the cheap seats, and indeed, this weekend has been a blur for us, with a marvelous wedding at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Notre Dame. I’d never set foot at the University of Notre Dame before Saturday, let alone been in that magnificent Basilica, up ’til Saturday.
It was a pleasant weekend after a vexing week; in fact, the last 6 weeks have been very crowded with all sorts of challenging stuff. (we all get our turn in the barrel, eh?)
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Kaye said on November 11, 2012 at 9:25 pm
Brian, are there a few free hours in your life to see “Lincoln”? I am looking forward to your review. This isn’t (just) selfish on my part, I am looking out for your mental health. When it is your turn in the barrel it is important to take some time away from the big issues and just be.
Deborah, I like your day-in-the-life reports. I’m not familiar with the area and you make it sound inviting.
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Deborah said on November 11, 2012 at 9:27 pm
Funny you should use the word “vexing” Brian, it is one Little Bird used on a triple word score. I was devastated. hee hee.
I really, really wish we still had the edit feature here my comments are fraught with typos and bad wording.
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brian stouder said on November 11, 2012 at 9:33 pm
By the way, I was impressed by the Bridge coverage of the multitude of Michigan ballot measures and so on; this really was an interesting and consequential election cycle.
As has been noted by others hereabouts, Indiana voters really did an impressive job, too. Yes – we went for Red Romney (even despite his creepy marred-American-flag lapel pin); but at the same time, lots of those same Red Romney voters split their ballot and rejected Mourdock – which a few around here saw coming – and ALSO fired our radical-right buccaneer Republican Superintendent of Public Education, in favor of the Democratic nominee.
I cannot tell you how genuinely surprising (and surprisingly refreshing!) that news is….wow!
And the new governor-elect Pence – who managed to squeak into office as Governor Daniels leaves – has joined Governor Daniels to try and preemptively clip the new Superintendent of Public Education’s electoral mandate.
I hope Ms Ritz tell them both to go straight to hell. Ms Ritz faced the exact same electorate that those two men faced, and the statewide mandate she earned is beyond question. She is in there to do the public’s business, and to run our public schools.
Watch this space; it should become interesting fairly quickly
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brian stouder said on November 11, 2012 at 9:36 pm
Kaye – the deal Pam and I made was – I’ll go with her to see the new vampire movie (the Twilight one, and not the Lincoln one!), and she will come with me to see the Spielberg’s Lincoln….so I’ll have something to say about both, no doubt!
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Little Bird said on November 11, 2012 at 9:51 pm
It should be noted that Deborah nearly always wins at Scrabble. My winning was a fluke. But a fluke I will gladly accept!
(we have completely different strategies, she plays to block, and I play to score)
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Danny said on November 11, 2012 at 11:52 pm
Brian, you could just watch “Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Killer” and be done with it. It is available on PPV. And you are sstill going on about that frickn’ lapel pin. Geesh!
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on November 11, 2012 at 11:55 pm
Brian, I hope you visited the Grotto . . . built by a Protestant ancestor collaterally speaking of mine, a John Gill. The Dr. Tom Dooley letter is an inspiring read while you stand there, whether to pray or not.
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whosear said on November 16, 2012 at 2:27 am
I had a classmate like that in 7th grade…still in contact with hime…and he’s not in prision….so there is hope for, “Hope and change” after all.
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