I feel like I’ve been half-here for a while, but there you are. Sometimes life intercedes. Tonight was the annual college fair for the two Grosse Pointe high schools, always an event. We picked up flyers for the obvious bigs — OSU, MSU, UM-Ann Arbor, Wisconsin — and a few long shots — UVA, Kenyon, Wash U., Vanderbilt — and went to the presentation by Michigan, everybody’s first choice. Today the potential student’s major of choice is music production; at Tulane it was astronomy. In other words, pretty typical 17-year-old and that? IS FINE. There are kids who know who they are from toddlerhood, but not in this house. And that’s good.
Which is why I’m advising a big school with a comprehensive menu of course offerings. It’s nice to be able to change your major without having to change your school.
My orthopedist and his son were sitting in the Michigan presentation. The man who spent parts of not one but two office visits complaining about Obamacare. To me. Yeah, that guy — my former orthopedist. For the record, I didn’t decide not to go back simply because he harangued me twice about Obamacare, nor because his head physical therapist had Fox News blaring in the therapy room, where he and some old fart were loudly discussing the shortcomings of the Kenyan BENGHAZI pretender BENGHAZI in front of several other patients, all African-American. No, it was because he suggested that we could lower health-care costs with tort reform. I replied that I thought that question had been settled by medical economists years ago, and that all the fuss over medical malpractice is really over, what? One percent a year? Maybe? At least some of which is caused by truly incompetent doctors?
That earned me a mini-speech about the artificial-joint companies being sued unjustly, and I thought, man, life is too damn short for this. No wonder this guy wants to replace my knees.
And then we went out to dinner. Nothing like contemplating college to raise a powerful thirst for chianti.
So once again I have little to report. My mind is taken with local matters. Except for Dogeweather, of course, which makes me feel equal parts delighted and a moron. Today I was working with Wendy sitting next to me, and she became bothered by something outside. She stood up and looked out the window for a while, hackles raised. All I could think was so hackles and much fierce, in Comic Sans, in color. Yes, I spend too much time online.
Happy Wednesday, all.
Dexter said on March 19, 2014 at 12:57 am
With all the legacies coming to Ann Arbor from New York City it’s really tough getting admitted to Michigan, but good luck. It’s really where the student fits best, that’s what matters.
I remember Bob Ufer, the late great M football radio man who had been a track star at M and was the most relentless promoter of everything-Michigan in history, and when it came time for his daughter to enroll, naturally, he refused to encourage her, and he implored her to investigate schools everywhere, to make sure she made the right choice for her, and not her dad’s legacy. She went to Madison where she flourished at UW. To each her own.
I have been getting caught up with my dental health, more next week, more the week after. My dentist is an OSU grad and of course has little mementos around his work station , and he’s always needling me (!) about my being an M fan. I always pay tribute to the man with the pliers in one hand and the giant syringe in the other. Go Bucks. Then I go home and rinse my mouth, a little more than necessary. Stinkin’ Buckeyes!
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LAMary said on March 19, 2014 at 1:11 am
Thank you for the dogeweather site. I’ve got it saved in my favorites.
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Dexter said on March 19, 2014 at 3:44 am
Oh, I forgot what I wanted to post. I was watching some crazy cable show in which a former Brit army captain was brought naked to a Fijian island and left there like that for 60 days. About all he had was a satellite phone, only to be used if say, a wild boar chewed off a leg or arm. As the last episode, Day 60, was shown, a camera cut to a scene of three, four birds on a high branch, clearly, against the sky. My grey cat was sitting on my chest as I was in my recliner, and he was watching the TV with me. He leaped towards the TV stand and meowed loudly, watching those birds, wanting to KILL KILL KILL. Cut to commercial, and the cat slowly looked at me and then to the floor and slinked off…ashamed, he had been had.
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Deborah said on March 19, 2014 at 4:05 am
Wow haze, much chilly, so creepy!
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Connie said on March 19, 2014 at 7:23 am
Dexter, I think Michigan has a legislature imposed limit on out of state freshman admissions.
I will note that at MSU, a very large school, I felt like a small town kid lost in the crowd. I wish I had had the kind of experience my daughter had at Butler.
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Basset said on March 19, 2014 at 7:35 am
Same for me at IU. If Kate gets serious about music production, send her to Belmont here in Nashville – good school with many industry connections, internships, and ways to make contacts.
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Julie Robinson said on March 19, 2014 at 7:37 am
So shower, much uh-oh.
Connie, I felt the same way at IU at first until I made friends, but the options were good when I changed majors and I ended up loving my time there. Our daughter’s Valpo experience was probably similar to your daughter’s at Butler and that was right for her.
Not to squelch any dreams, but the music technology grads I know are baristas, because home editing software has almost killed recording studios.
Dexter, that’s hilarious. Does kitty also attack himself in the mirror?
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on March 19, 2014 at 7:44 am
I found Purdue to be intimidating to some degree in the first semester, but quickly found it was a city of neighborhoods, so to speak, and once you got into a community or two (dorm radio station, D&D club, campus newspaper) it suddenly became a very congenial place. There were people who for whatever reasons, often academic, who never got much beyond their major (to be fair, some programs like chemical engineering said right up front “you will have no life outside of the department, so learn to enjoy the company of your classmates”) and always felt like a number, but that was not the experience of my wife or me own self.
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Basset said on March 19, 2014 at 8:32 am
Music business grads from Belmont and music tech grads from nearby Middle Tennessee State seem to place pretty well; home recording does indeed make the process a lot more accessible.
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Basset said on March 19, 2014 at 8:40 am
Of course, the true hipster just needs an old cassette recorder – call it “lo-fi” and you’re there.
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coozledad said on March 19, 2014 at 9:11 am
Ellis Wiener asked an interesting question out on Alicublog: Why do the righties get to spout that ignorant, made up shit? Why do they feel comfortable doing it?
I definitely wouldn’t be seeing a physician who bathed in that Fox News dreck. They would be the kind of opaque frat fuck who joined the profession for golfing, a BMW and access to pharmaceutical grade blow.
I’m sure there are a lot of them out there, because cookbook diagnoses have become a huge problem. They aren’t making many good doctors because med schools and residency programs select for doggy asswipes who refuse to listen to the staff. Fuckers can’t read books. Can’t do the continuing education that is demanded.
I went from grade school and all the way through high school with a woman who became a neurosurgeon. She was obsessed with money from childhood, and had difficulty communicating. Last I heard she was being sued for two separate incidents where she operated on the wrong damn side of someone’s spine.
A couple of wrongful deaths. Her ass is still plying that trade. She’s got a few patient testimonials up from the ones she hasn’t killed.
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coozledad said on March 19, 2014 at 9:17 am
This site pretty much explains why the American healthcare system does in fact, suck, and why we barely edge out Slovenia in terms of access to decent affordable care.
You don’t let MBAs into anything you don’t mind being fucked up. Ever.
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brian stouder said on March 19, 2014 at 10:03 am
Cooz – in all seriousness – go see the Lego movie. It’s funny, surprisingly clever, and unfailing pleasing; and you can choose to see meta-politics in it (as I did) or just as easily disregard it.
On Big Med, let me just say that in my lifetime in Fort Wayne, there has never been a time when at least one of our three large hospitals wasn’t renovating/expanding/erecting steel/pouring concrete at their existing facilities, right up to the day (at least for two of them) when they shuttered their facilities and relocated altogether into brand NEW fantastic (suburban) palaces*.
No kidding – it is spectacularly eerie to go into the all-new suburban sprawl north of town, which surrounds our newest fantastic suburban healthcare-palace, at night.
Almost any residential street you get lost on up there, as you curve left and right and try to read brand new street signs (which are literally unreadable at night, as they are non-reflective wooden posts) as you search for whichever brand new home you’re trying to find, will eventually afford you the grand sight of the glowing Emerald City in the near distance. And just to liven things up, one of the fleet of medevac helicopters that operate from there is usually arriving or departing, too.
Really and truly, going into that area (especially at night) reminds me of nothing so much as the Capital City in Hunger Games.
*The theory I subscribe to is: our hospitals are “non-profit”, and they’re got more liquid cash than Duke Energy has coal-ash, and so they’ve got to raise their expenses, and therefore cement will always be flowing, and steel will always be rising
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Kath said on March 19, 2014 at 10:04 am
A German restaurant in Minneapolis is getting flack for hosting a Nazi-themed Christmas Party on a night when the restaurant was closed. Participants claim that they are historical re-enactors who dress up to “educate” the public about “history.” Frankly, I would have preferred that they admit to being sexual fetishists who were gathering for their annual screening of The Night Porter and the “good” parts of Cabaret.
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Kath said on March 19, 2014 at 10:11 am
Sorry. My XML is not working. Here’s the link: http://strib.mn/1p9aIOr#MCaVbCcaqBJEo6UC.16
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brian stouder said on March 19, 2014 at 10:21 am
Kath – I quit reading and began skimming after this line:
He [the restaurant owner] also defended the practice of wearing German uniforms, likening themselves to fans who dress up as Star Trek characters.
The reporter was being nice, referring to “German uniforms” rather than Nazi crap, even after the article pointed out that several ‘party-goers’ wore SS uniforms.
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Bitter Scribe said on March 19, 2014 at 10:39 am
What exactly is your orthopedist’s problem with Obamacare? Is he getting stiffed or something?
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Joe Kobiela said on March 19, 2014 at 10:47 am
How do you get a music major off your front porch?
Pay for the pizza!
I’m here all week, tip your waitress
Pilot Joe
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coozledad said on March 19, 2014 at 10:55 am
Frankly, I would have preferred that they admit to being sexual fetishists who were gathering for their annual screening of The Night Porter and the “good” parts of Cabaret.
It is ultimately about sexual fetishization. In these guy’s case, it’s the sexualization of mass slaughter,racism, and death.
If you want to get technical about it, the whole Nazi thing was rooted in cosplay, a longing for the odor of shit and death percolating up through the mud of the Somme. That’s why Hitler like to stretch out under a glass-topped coffee table. Freaks, every fart-sniffing one of them.
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Charlotte said on March 19, 2014 at 10:56 am
Off to the orthopedist myself this afternoon — ankles. A lifetime of twisted/sprained ankles is catching up with me.
Colleges — I had a miserable freshman year at the U of Ill. Too big, too conservative, too Greek for me. Beloit was a great fit for me — but since I seem to have become a sort of go-to college counselor around here, different kids need different schools.
Had a fabulous late-afternoon ski yesterday — nearly 2 feet of new snow up one of my favorite forest service roads — fat old me had to break trail, which was a workout, but so beautiful. Not many places left where you can ski brand new snow, all alone, on a gorgeous sunny afternoon. Oh, and “new” ski swap skis are terrific — I’ve moved from 1960s old wood board technology to probably mid-1990s — metal edges, fishtail bottoms. Was glad of them in the heavy snow though.
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Snarkworth said on March 19, 2014 at 11:09 am
Has Kate considered Oberlin? Conservatory kids mix happily with the regular curriculum people. Liberal arts schools can be great for kids whose interests are evolving.
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nancy said on March 19, 2014 at 11:13 am
We’ll be visiting Oberlin this spring, in fact. I thought she should see some small schools, too.
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mark said on March 19, 2014 at 11:15 am
Surprised to see Vanderbilt on your list. Attendance there would require a little greater tolerance of the one-percenters than is usually shown here. A very good school though, and Nashville is a great, fun place to live. Basset is correct about Belmont, in my opinion.
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Joe Kobiela said on March 19, 2014 at 11:18 am
I really think Hillsdale should get a visit.
Pilot Joe
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Dorothy said on March 19, 2014 at 11:20 am
I can SO see Kate on stage at Kenyon with the jazz ensemble, being directed by Professor Ted Buehrer! I’d drive two hours one way just to see her play if she decided to go to Kenyon. I think they do 3-4 concerts a year, all free, at Rosse Hall. I know it’s very expensive, though. I won’t get my hopes up…
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nancy said on March 19, 2014 at 11:20 am
I picked up a flyer for any place with a beautiful campus, which explains the presence of UVA on the list. Both are very dim long shots.
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mark said on March 19, 2014 at 11:23 am
I doubt that any place is a true long shot for your daughter. Heck, if you’re going to throw a small school or two on the list, add Bowdoin.
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on March 19, 2014 at 11:26 am
Hello, http://www.denison.edu!
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brian stouder said on March 19, 2014 at 11:34 am
For Grant – our graduating senior – it’s IPFW, baby! –
and that school’s basketball team came within 3 points of making “the big dance” – which would have been sublime.
Anyway, then he can still live at home as he matriculates, which is a good thing
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Joe Kobiela said on March 19, 2014 at 11:36 am
In all seriousness, my youngest daughter is a systems librarian at Ohio Northern in Ada, she loves the school there, might be one to check out.
Then again both my girls loved I.U.
Pilot Joe
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Sherri said on March 19, 2014 at 11:47 am
Belmont is a Christian college, until recently a Southern Baptist college, that fired their women’s soccer coach when she told her team she was having kids with her same-sex partner. All colleges do stupid things, of course, but Kate might find the atmosphere to be a culture-shock.
My daughter decided early on that she wanted a small liberal arts school. She’s very happy at Whitman.
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Suzanne said on March 19, 2014 at 11:52 am
I switched my “lady doctor” after enduring an anti-Obama rant at my last yearly. Nothing like having your parts examined while wearing the lovely paper gown of joy and having your doctor seem to pay scant attention to you because he’s to darn busy telling you and the on looking medical student how “Obama-care will be the ruination of medical care in this country. Mark my words!” Well, I marked his word and now have a new doctor!
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Jeff Borden said on March 19, 2014 at 11:54 am
Neil Steinberg has another good column today that looks at the billionaire who just bought the GOP primary and will be running for governor. His entire pitch is that the problems in Illinois are completely the fault of “career politicians” and he’s going to go to Springfield and shake things up, even though this is his FIRST effort at elective office. Bruce Rauner bought the Carhartt jacket and he wears an $18 watch, but he owns seven homes and got rich as an investment banker. He brags about his lack of political experience or background as selling points.
Steinberg wonders what would happen if someone applied for a job at one of Rauner’s companies and bragged about not having any experience in the position, which made me laugh out loud.
Why would anyone think someone who runs as an anti-government candidate is going to actually work the levers of governance? It’s akin to announcing you hate children, but are available as a nanny.
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LAMary said on March 19, 2014 at 11:57 am
JeffTMMO, what years were you at Purdue? One of my classmates played football there and was pretty well known. I’ve run into a few Purdue grads over the years and every one of them seemed to know who he was. He graduated in 75.
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Connie said on March 19, 2014 at 12:04 pm
Brian, I will disagree about the living at home thing. Leaving home and living in the dorm was a huge part of growing up for me. I had never met a Catholic or a black person before I went away to college.
And Nancy, Butler has a beautiful campus and both music production and music business courses.
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Sherri said on March 19, 2014 at 12:05 pm
Cooz @12, good link. I read her entry on mammograms and the recent study showing that screening mammograms have no impact on mortality. I find it interesting that as we find out more about the uselessness of screening mammograms, my breast center where I’ve been getting mammograms has gotten more aggressive about getting women to get an annual mammogram. I used to get a letter from them every year reminding me that it was time for my annual mammogram. Then I would get an automated phone call reminding me. Now it has escalated to a person calling me ready to schedule my appointment right now. At their web site I also found this: http://www.overlakehospital.org/app/files/public/594/pdf-OHMC_BH_Mammo_Parties.pdf
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Colleen said on March 19, 2014 at 12:07 pm
Hanover College grad here. Loved it. But am currently underemployed…at the Emerald City hospital Brian mentioned.
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brian stouder said on March 19, 2014 at 12:08 pm
The thing is, the whole ACA is simply aimed at affordable healthcare; the insurance companies – far from being supplanted – now have new customers streaming their way, with subsidies for their premiums.
The tactical problem is that every damned thing that any damned insurance company decides to do – from now on and for the rest of our lives – can now be blamed on “Obama!!”
For the two decades before the Obama presidency, the cost of our own employer-provided health insurance went up and up and up.
Our employer absorbed all of that, but did let us know that we were getting larger raises than we could see, thanks to those ballooning expenses.
And, the coverage kept falling.
And now, as if by magic, that is all “the good ol’ days” and everything that displeases anyone from now on is blameable on “Obama!!”
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Sherri said on March 19, 2014 at 12:11 pm
wow light rain, very raindrops, much coat
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Jeff Borden said on March 19, 2014 at 12:18 pm
I’ve always been happy with the education I received at Kent State, where virtually all of my journalism professors were working newspaper people from the Akron Beacon Journal, Cleveland Plain Dealer and Cleveland Press. I worked alongside and competed against other journalists from more prestigious and expensive universities –and, sure, I would’ve loved to have gotten a “name brand” degree from Columbia or Northwestern or Mizzou– but I never felt outclassed on the job.
Land grant colleges rock.
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LAMary said on March 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm
Dogeweather doesn’t work on my office computer because my location is blocked. I was enjoying it last night and early this morning at home.
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Basset said on March 19, 2014 at 12:31 pm
Haven’t seen any political rants from any of our doctors but I did bail on one who wouldn’t STFU about Lasik surgery. Even has a framed letter and gold record from several members of Lynyrd Skynyrd up on his wall thanking him for doing theirs.
About Belmont… yes, there was that, I didn’t think of it when I posted. Sorry. Try Vanderbilt then, it’s just a few blocks away. Or Middle Tennessee State, if you can live with a directional state school.
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Jolene said on March 19, 2014 at 12:35 pm
Basset, what is a directional school? Have never heard that term.
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alex said on March 19, 2014 at 1:00 pm
Very chilly, such wet, so wow.
My relations are a bit strained with the husband of a friend who has a case of Obamacare Derangement Syndrome so severe that he’s letting his family go uninsured. His wife can’t get him to look at the ACA web site and he refuses to believe her when she tells him what the cost of premiums would be. They’d previously been insured by his employer health plan until he quit and became self-employed. Dumbass would sooner risk losing everything than participate in the “socialist Ponzi scheme” as he calls it.
Fortunately, none of my physicians are such lunkheads.
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Bitter Scribe said on March 19, 2014 at 1:07 pm
Jolene: A “directional school” is usually one that has one of the points of the compass in its name, like Northern Illinois or Western Michigan. If it has more than one compass point, like Southwestern Louisiana, it’s a “multidirectional school.” It’s a bit of a putdown that wouldn’t apply to, say, Northwestern, which technically has a multidirectional name but is a very high-toned private school.
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Dave said on March 19, 2014 at 1:07 pm
There was a fellow where I worked who would have gladly participated in a Nazi-themed party. When his views became more widely known, he became mostly an outcast among the workforce. I found it hard to believe when I’d first heard the rumors but then I found some pictures of him online in full Nazi regalia.
Yes, he’s still working there.
My son lived in Nashville for about 16 months and didn’t enjoy Nashville at all, said he felt out of place. He’s recently moved to Miami, as of three weeks ago. We shall see how that works out after some time passes.
Florida has a governor who bought the election. Pros used to rant on about him all the time and with good cause, he’s done nothing for the state except take care of his cronies, it appears to me. That seems to be the entire method of operation here, after reading the story about Arizona yesterday and what term limits has contributed, I thought comparisons to Florida, another term limit state, would be entirely proper.
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Dave said on March 19, 2014 at 1:09 pm
Alex, how does one get to be so close-minded? Another mystery to me.
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on March 19, 2014 at 1:46 pm
Mary, I only arrived at Undue Purversity* in ’78. Was on or around campus through my marriage in ’85, then on to seminary in Indianapolis.
*Seen in the rear windows of many cars around campus; a simple surgical procedure on the basic sticker, and trim off the excess “i” when you’ve snipped the two words apart.
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on March 19, 2014 at 1:48 pm
I’ve thought it would be interesting to attend West Central Pennsylvania University in Railton PA, which Hank Devereaux would probably agree is a directional school.
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coozledad said on March 19, 2014 at 2:24 pm
Kingsley Amis, a racist, was writer in residence at Vandy back in the sixties. He found the faculty there too racist for his brand of racism.
Right now the big school for the 1% wingdings looks like George Mason University. It’s about on an intellectual par with Lees-Mcrae or Louisburg College in NC, but right wing think tanks are using it as an agar to breed them up some fresh head.
They’re home to the Mercatus Center, established by Rich Fink (motherfucker’s actual name) during the brief intervals he wasn’t licking the Koch Brothers’ balls outright.
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Ann said on March 19, 2014 at 2:41 pm
Big school, small school. I was very happy at Michigan, where I found my people very easily and loved all the choices. OTOH, when I graduated, I’m not sure a single professor in my department even knew my name. My daughter went to Pomona, where all her teachers knew her name from her first weeks in class and she had a great experience. My son started at Macalester, hated it, happily graduated from DePaul. Niece started at Beloit, didn’t even last a semester, graduated from U of M. One of my nieces bounced U of I to U of Chicago to Hofstra where she ended up happy. My only takeaway? Although it’s blown up as this major life decision, the reality is that whatever choice she makes doesn’t have to be the final one.
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Julie Robinson said on March 19, 2014 at 3:20 pm
Big school, small department, and it was not unusual to dine (in groups!) with profs at their place or yours. Perfect combo.
With the cost of college, living at home for a least of couple of years makes sense. But yes, living away from home is def a big part of the whole experience. What I don’t get is kids who go to a local school and then live in the dorm. It’s the worse of both possible worlds.
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nancy said on March 19, 2014 at 3:27 pm
The lawyer who bought Alan’s mom’s house after she died turned it over to his son and two roommates, who were attending Defiance College together. Yes, they were locals. Yes, the place isn’t as nice as it used to be.
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J. Bruce Fields said on March 19, 2014 at 3:48 pm
Don’t leave out the University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople. Definitely multidirectional.
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on March 19, 2014 at 4:02 pm
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Dexter said on March 19, 2014 at 4:40 pm
My niece graduated from Otterbein in Westerville. She did well there, she played the violin in an orchestra group; I am not sure exactly if they have a full orchestra, but they play with the Westerville Symphony. Private, expensive, niece was well-funded by several scholarships. My daughter attended OSU at the same time, and she loved it and excelled every way possible academically. She had close friends and they all stuck together and they all graduated but one, who was not academically able to do university studies. So they both had great college experiences in completely different settings.
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mark said on March 19, 2014 at 4:51 pm
If she goes to Butler, there is Hinkle fieldhouse, where this took place: http://www.theindychannel.com/news/daily-extras/video-frisbee-trick-shots-bring-some-march-madness-to-hinkle-fieldhouse
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Deborah said on March 19, 2014 at 5:24 pm
Totally off subject. We’re in a bar in Taos celebrating because Little Bird sold a number of pieces of the jewelry she makes to a shop owner in Taos. The pieces will be for sale at this shop in the plaza area, more specifically in the John Dunn plaza. She uses spent bullet casing with vintage beads and various stones. We had a bunch of the casings silver plated and they look fantastic.
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LAMary said on March 19, 2014 at 5:29 pm
I like University of Denver a lot. For one thing, it’s in a beautiful place which is an advantage, but it’s also in the city of Denver so there’s a lot to do even if you don’t do mountain type things. It’s largish but not huge. Condoleeza Rice went there. Madeline Albright’s dad taught there. Kristi Yamaguchi went there, as did the guy who owns all the Hard Rock Cafes. The two big sports are hockey and skiing. No crazed football stuff. The city of Denver isn’t as gun crazy as the rest of the state, either. There are pockets of hipness.
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LAMary said on March 19, 2014 at 5:30 pm
Jeff, Undue Purversity is like the bumper stickers here for the local favorite hamburger chain, In and Out. People edit the stick to say “in and out urge.”
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Kirk said on March 19, 2014 at 5:41 pm
Lots of directional schools have changed their name in an attempt to cast off the directional stink. All four Louisiana directional schools have changed to Louisiana-Monroe or Louisana-Lafayette or wherever the others are. Southwestern Missouri State is now Missouri State.
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LAMary said on March 19, 2014 at 5:49 pm
Didn’t Newt Gingrich teach at some Georgia directional school? It always sounded cheesy to me.
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David C. said on March 19, 2014 at 6:42 pm
My doctor is a PNHP (pro-single payer) doctor. I couldn’t be happier with him.
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Basset said on March 19, 2014 at 7:36 pm
Believe Newt taught at Marietta College just north of Atlanta.
Jr. wanted to go to the profoundly tree-hugging Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa, NC… way expensive and didn’t look too academically rigorous though.
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David C. said on March 19, 2014 at 8:11 pm
I thought Belmont University sounded familiar. Genesis drummer Chester Thompson is on faculty there.
A poutine hot dog? Please just shoot me now.
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alex said on March 19, 2014 at 8:54 pm
I had to go look up poutine. At first blush it was so, so… putain, poonytang, puddin’ thang. Was expecting it to be some freakish Nawlins nosh but it’s Quebecqois.
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Basset said on March 19, 2014 at 9:29 pm
David C, Mark Volman also teaches at Belmont – he was the frizzy-haired one in the Turtles and Flo & Eddie:
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LAMary said on March 19, 2014 at 10:50 pm
Looked it up. Newt taught at West Georgia University.
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Dexter said on March 20, 2014 at 4:55 am
Marietta, Georgia, home of a great La Quinta Inn and the starting point of Sherman’s march to Savannah. (We always stayed the first night at that La Quinta on our way to Florida in the spring.)
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Basset said on March 20, 2014 at 6:58 am
Ehhh, I think Newt lived or lives somewhere not too far from Marietta and I made that connection some way… good catch, anyway. now I’ll go back to not thinking about him if I can help it.
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