How hipsterism settles into kitsch: Ten years ago this town couldn’t catch a break. Today, Detroit tsotchkes everywhere.
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Deborah • MarkH • Jeff (the mild-mannered one) • Joe Kobiela • beb • Sherri • Hank Chapin • brian stouder • and YOU.
Today in nn.c history.
March 14
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Deborah said on May 10, 2014 at 1:29 pm
what’s in those packets on the shelf?
Must be beautiful weather everywhere, since there aren’t any comments yet. Lovely in Chicago. I got ciabatta rolls and basil at the Lincoln Park green market this morning. I’m going to make pesto.
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MarkH said on May 10, 2014 at 5:18 pm
Rain/snow in the Tetons, intermittent sun, temp 35.
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on May 10, 2014 at 5:59 pm
Poured all day; just now stopping but cooling off considerable.
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Joe Kobiela said on May 10, 2014 at 6:07 pm
Ran a 25k in Grand Rapids Mich, this morning,
2:07:27 for 15.5 miles, largest 25k in the country, 5000 ran it
Pilot Joe
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beb said on May 10, 2014 at 7:10 pm
Our friends in California would love to have it rain all day. Detroit, sadly, was forced to endure partly cloudy skies with temps in the low 70s, a light breeze, and tons of pollen (all the flowering trees have flowered). Also the Tigers won. And a pair of our grand-nieces turned one today.
And just a reminder: Mother’s Day originated as a protest by mothers against WWI.
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Sherri said on May 11, 2014 at 1:54 am
The sanest thing written about Benghazi:
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Hank Chapin said on May 11, 2014 at 5:38 am
I was thinking of buying a Shinola watch, a product of the new Renaissance Detroit. I thought it was handsomely designed in a rugged fashion and I like the watch dial to have clear, block numbers–either black on white or white on black. However, the prices were $450 and up, so I’ll have to wait for a special occasion. I wonder if their bicycles even cost that much. But it IS a sign of resurgence.
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brian stouder said on May 11, 2014 at 9:32 am
Grant and I spent Saturday at IMS watching the first Indy Car roadrace there, which was excellent – except for a genuinely scarey-looking accident right on the start, which (it turned out) didn’t seriously hurt anyone….although it DID spray shrapnel every which-way, and sent his honor the Mayor of Indianapolis to the hospital with cuts and bruises (he was in the flag-stand, above the start-finish line, to wave the green flag).
A very long, beautiful day of wandering the grounds* and taking in the sites, along with an impressively large crowd of people. One thing that actually did bother me a little bit was a large open-air display of beautiful vintage automobiles, behind the pagoda. It was sublime, really – leaning in and seeing the controls and flourishes and amenities in a ’55 T-Bird or a Bentley or a Hudson or any of dozens and dozens of others….until I got to a 1936 Mercedes Benz limousine….the thing was built in a bad time, and almost certainly owned by people engaged in bad enterprises.
It was parked next to an English motorcar of some sort from the same era, and it got me musing…which is the point of any museum piece, I suppose
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