Another missed day, alas. No excuse, sir — we watched “Weiner” and loaded the car to take Kate back to school. In Michigan, school years start when they’re supposed to start, after Labor Day. At least, Kate’s does. But it made for a busy day and “Weiner.” Which is excellent, if you enjoy portraits of narcissists, and the slow burn of a wife figuring out exactly who she married, and how soon she can get out of said marriage.
Huma was such a great catch for this schmuck. And he threw it away for phone sex with a white-trash ho’ of the first order.
Today and tomorrow were/will be action-packed as well, and then, on Saturday? Wheels up for Cali. Is it coincidence that our local hip-hop throwback station played this Biggie Smalls track today? (Yes, it probably was, because they play it a lot.) There will be photo posts this weekend, and a big one I’m scheduling for Wednesday, because you just know Trump will shit the bed at some point and I want to give you fresh posts to fill up with comments.
He certainly did last night. I didn’t see the speech live, but I read about it, and man oh man, it’s hard to know what, exactly, is going on in that particular clown car. But while perusing Slate’s coverage, I found this piece on yet more weirdness found by spelunking in the Indiana Policy Review, currently drawing attention because Mike Pence once led the foundation that funds the thing. The first archival nugget they noted bears the unmistakable writing style of T. Craig Ladwig, who generally drops the initial in his byline. I always suspected he wanted to use it, to ape his hero, R. Emmett Tyrell, but he couldn’t quite ante up the guts. The second is right out of Crazytown, a detailed description of gay sex by one Col. Robert D. Ray, R-Closet. No clue who this guy is — the piece bears an editor’s note acknowledging it was first published in a journal called First Principles Inc. — but hoo-boy. I can’t cut and paste because the magazine was scanned directly to PDF, so just click and enjoy.
I remember reading that thing when it came out every month or so, and wondering what color the sky was in their world. I should have taken better notes.
And so we’re into the bloggage: Trump is speaking at an African-American church on Friday. His team is leaving nothing to chance. He has various scripted responses to expected questions:
To a question submitted by Bishop Jackson about whether his campaign is racist, the script suggests that Mr. Trump avoid repeating the word, and instead speak about improving education and getting people off welfare and back to work. “The proof, as they say, will be in the pudding,” Mr. Trump is advised to say. “Coming into a community is meaningless unless we offer an alternative to the horrible progressive agenda that has perpetuated a permanent underclass in America.”
In the pudding! Good to know.
And oh, I’m outta gas. See you Saturday or Sunday, then. Surf’s up.
Suzi said on September 2, 2016 at 12:24 am
Natives never say Cali.
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Dexter said on September 2, 2016 at 1:14 am
It is a weird start to the local school year here, as I guess this was set up from square one; We have a brand new high school campus and large crews have been working hard to get it all done for a late September opening. It was decided to delay the entire K-12 system as well.
Trump should ask Ozzy if he could borrow “Crazy Train” for a couple months. I have just quit posting much of anything about this election because I am so disappointed as I do not care for either candidate. Even Joe Biden stumbled around when asked if he thought The Clinton Foundation has been handled properly …”she’s getting better at that…” Trump and that patsy president of Mexico…Jeezuss! What a show…and now he’s back on his “tripling deportation , first thing!” All the third party candidates I have read about are ass-clowns as well. However, I never sit out any election. If the election was now…HRC-Kaine. 🙁
I have friends is Cape Coral, FL…hope they’re OK…it appears the hurricane is hitting Florida where the land bends and heads southerly, and is heading for Charleston with Wilmington on up clear to Boston likely to be affected negatively.
Keep your seat belt tightly buckled, nance…another report (United AL) of hard turbulence trashing the interior of a plane and injuring 20-some passengers. Our flights to and from Las Vegas were perfect…smooth air, quiet cabins, great flight attendants…but that’s Southwest for ya. Bon Voyage…hey, in Oceanside on the main drag through town we saw a re-con 1968 VW bus for sale…maybe you could rent it and haul your board up and down the PCH. Bicyclist that you are, I bet you’ll find a way to take advantage of the wide bike lanes and thousands of cyclist and rent a bike for a few hours of pedalling.
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 1:30 am
The media was so busy trying to figure out exactly how many immigrants Trump is going to deport and whether he’s going to use a deportation force that they didn’t pay attention to what he said about legal immigration, but you can bet the white supremacists heard it.
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 2:38 am
I’m voting Hillary, because evidently that will get me a taco truck on my corner, and there’s a paucity of good taco trucks up here. Will the taco trucks arrive immediately? I hope so.
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Alan Stamm said on September 2, 2016 at 7:22 am
Donald’s clergy host on Detroit’s west side Saturday, Apostle (your word, bishop, not mine) Wayne T. Jackson, is as pliant an interviewer as a campaign could ask for . . . which is precisely what they did.
He hands over all 12 softball “questions” in advance and says sure, you can help edit the taped cable TV infomercial “so that the final version reflected the campaign’s wishes,” as an insider tells The Times at Nancy’s link ^
–> Takeaway: Great Faith Ministries is a marketing arm of Team Trump.
And catch how carefully the apostle qualifies his words when asked about $: “There was no payment received by Impact Network, Great Faith Minisitries nor Bishop Wayne T. Jackson for agreeing to interview” Trump.
See what he does there, sidestepping the possibility of a sweet donation for attending the service or just being an apostle who lies down and rolls over on command.
My friend Kim Trent, as WSU Board of Governors member, says on Facebook: “It would send a powerful message . . . if Jackson’s church members stayed home instead of allowing themselves to be used as human props for this hateful, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, phony liar.”
Amen, sister.
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alex said on September 2, 2016 at 7:23 am
The natives may not say Cali, but the rappers sure do.
Don’t know that I’d watch “Weiner,” but I’ll try to catch Todd Solondz’ “Weiner Dog” when it comes out on Netflix.
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nancy said on September 2, 2016 at 7:33 am
Next you’ll tell me the locals don’t say “Frisco” or “Berdoo.”
The locals never cooperate with cities’ marketing/colloquial nomenclature. Has any native, ever, said, “Back to the Motor City?” I don’t think so.
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Alan Stamm said on September 2, 2016 at 7:47 am
2/ Regret the bold ‘n brash shouting. HTML can be risky biz for a sleepy-eyed amateur who forgot to close his code.
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nancy said on September 2, 2016 at 8:02 am
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on September 2, 2016 at 8:14 am
Not California, but almost there in Nevada:
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Julie Robinson said on September 2, 2016 at 8:44 am
We flew Allegiant from the Fort to Orlando, including a two hour mechanical delay, and today’s Washington Post has an article accusing them of being negligent in that area. But we are here, and Hermine’s rain will not dampen our moods, because we are on vacation.
As a 59 year old woman in a 37 year marriage, I may not have any context to understand Anthony Weiner. But sending pictures of your crotch with your toddler next to you on the bed? Why-oh-why-oh-why?
Clock ticking on how long it will take someone on the right to say it’s really Huma’s fault, because she should have been around more taking care of her man.
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Suzanne said on September 2, 2016 at 8:56 am
Well, Julie, I can’t imagine any world where I’d want to receive a picture of anyone’s crotch, toddler or no.
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Danny said on September 2, 2016 at 9:04 am
My wife, who is a native Californian (hence I get to stay), is annoyed that I consider everything north of Camp Pendleton to be Los Angeles. Too bad. It really comes down to traffic for me.
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Danny said on September 2, 2016 at 9:38 am
Nance, I’ve had the same observation about Huma. She was quite a catch for that loser, Weiner. She’s quite accomplished and capable. And she’s beautiful and très chic with her great taste in fashion. He’s so clueless, he probably won’t even miss her.
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Heather said on September 2, 2016 at 9:49 am
Sherri, I’m with you! And as a Facebook friend said, running a taco truck doesn’t sound too bad either.
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adrianne said on September 2, 2016 at 10:02 am
And…with the rich selection of Trump fiascos (underage models here illegally, having to pay a tax fine for illegal donation to his foundation, etc.), what does the New York Times do a story on? Clinton Foundation fixer Doug Band asked for diplomatic passport to go to North Korea to assist in the release of 2 American journalist. The State Dept. said, sorry, we can’t do that. That’s it.
This shit, along with Patrick Healy’s fiasco of a story on Trump’s immigration speech, constitutes journalistic malpractice. They need to fire everyone’s ass on the political desk and start anew.
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brian stouder said on September 2, 2016 at 10:13 am
Lawrence O’Donnell delivered a splendid review of Trump’s immigration speech last night, well worth catching.
And earlier they played the video of Rachel Maddow’s wee-hours response to the Donald’s rant – which was superb. She pointed to the 19th century’s Whig party implosion, and the rise of the Know Nothing (ie – ‘American’) anti-immigrant (and especially anti-Catholic) party – and said there’s nothing new here, at all.
Couldn’t agree more with her
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Sue said on September 2, 2016 at 10:57 am
Immigrants with food trucks have been harassing hard working Americans since at least the ’30s.
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brian stouder said on September 2, 2016 at 11:03 am
The Republican party DOES seem to be getting a distinctly “Hunger Games’-ey vibe going, in this election…right down to the ridiculous hair and the bread-and-circus media events
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 11:19 am
Julie, your timer already expired. Rush was all over that immediately, saying Abedin was “presumably going to be Hillary’s chief of staff, but she has not been chief of her husband’s staff.”
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 11:23 am
To paraphrase Longfellow, when the Gray Lady is good, she is very, very good, but when she is bad, she is horrid. The NYTimes has been horrid about the Clintons for a long time.
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Jean Shaw said on September 2, 2016 at 11:46 am
Re: Weiner–it’s more than good old narcissism. Our friend the retired psychologist (now that he’s retired, he can say these things in public) said, “I don’t have to see him in person to know that he has attachment disorder.” He also went on to say that it can be treated but takes a lot of very hard work. Not sure that old Anthony has what it takes, but maybe the threat of child welfare investigating will get his attention.
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Deborah said on September 2, 2016 at 11:49 am
Why in the world would the right wing complain about taco trucks? Isn’t that an individual with an entrepreneurial spirit starting a small business? Aren’t they all about that?
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St Bitch said on September 2, 2016 at 11:51 am
I’m not prone to headaches, but tRump’s immigration rant gave me one. My two takeaways are ‘police state’ and ‘ethnic cleansing’.
Oh boy…snark-sensei Christopher Guest coming to Netflix! Sue and anyone else who’s a fan of Chris O’Dowd, have you caught him in the pre-Hollywood Brit comedy series “The IT Crowd’?
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 11:56 am
Many people have wondered whether Corey Lewandowski, hired by CNN despite still being paid by Trump and still advising Trump, has a non-disparagement clause in his contract. Given that the agreement that volunteers who sign up on the web site are expected to accept contains the following, it seems likely:
No Disparagement. During the term of your service and at all times thereafter you hereby promise and agree not to demean or disparage publicly the Company, Mr. Trump, any Trump Company, any Family Member, or any Family Member Company or any asset any of the foregoing own, or product or service any of the foregoing offer, in each case by or in any of the Restricted Means and Contexts and to prevent your employees from doing so.
Say whatever the hell you want about Pence, but don’t say anything bad about Trump steaks, now or in the future!
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Joe K said on September 2, 2016 at 12:16 pm
Allegiant is known with in the pilot world to be minimal at best with their mechanical inspections, most pilots, my self included won’t fly them some of their own crews won’t let their family’s fly them.
Pilot Joe
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 12:19 pm
Does Paul Manafort strike you as someone who works for free? Do you think Kellyanne Conway joined the campaign out of strong desire to see Donald Trump as the next President, so strong that she didn’t want to get paid? This seems fishy.
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MichaelG said on September 2, 2016 at 12:35 pm
I came home from Barcelona last week. I already had appointments for a CT scan and a meeting with my oncologist scheduled for late September. There were a few aches and pains evident so I contacted my Dr. to try and get earlier appointments. I had a CT scan on Wednesday (08-31) and an meeting with my Dr. yesterday. It develops that the cancer has grown and spread and that there are traces all over (liver, pancreas, lymph nodes etc.) and that the stuff in my lungs has grown quite a bit and the tumor on my leg has returned. Bottom line is that I’m fucked. I’m going to start another round of chemotherapy. Dr. L is encouraging because of the excellent response I’ve had to chemo in the past. She hopes this will buy me another six months of decent health and a good quality of living. Me too. We also briefly discussed end game alternatives but I think I’ll leave that for another time except to note that she said that she would fully cooperate with whatever the law allows.
People in California don’t say “Cali”. People in San Francisco don’t say “Frisco”. Or at least they didn’t used to. People in Southern California do say “Berdoo”.
Don’t know about your corner, Sherri, but I’ve had some wonderful tacos off trucks in Anaheim and for very low prices as well.
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 12:46 pm
Oh, MichaelG, I’m sorry. I hope that you can maintain a good quality of life for as long as possible, and that be a long time.
One of the things I miss about California is good Mexican food, deciding which of the many good taco places within walking distance I wanted to pick up a taco from today. Up here, the tacos aren’t as plentiful or good.
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Scout said on September 2, 2016 at 12:47 pm
MichaelG… that sucks. But you’re a fighter and there are miracles. I love that you have been traveling and enjoying life to the fullest. We should all be doing that because by degrees, we are all in the same boat.
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St Bitch said on September 2, 2016 at 12:48 pm
So sorry, MichaelG!
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 12:52 pm
At this point, I think the press is spending so much time trying to find something in the Clinton emails simply because there are so many of them. “We need a Clinton story, and nobody wants,to read about her mental health policy, so go dig something out off the emails. There’s bound to be another email where Doug asked Huma for something.’
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 1:18 pm
Cincy, Columbus, easy to mistake them, right?
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Jakash said on September 2, 2016 at 1:21 pm
Neil Steinberg’s take on the alt-right. Nailed it, as usual:
“They liked to arm themselves and parade around and pretend to be significant, fantasizing that the world is about to go through some kind of cataclysm and collapse so they, by merit of their superior firepower and Aryan bloodline, will become kings — or at least find a girl to like them.
None of this is new. In fact, it’s very old. The same old poison in a new bottle, and that bottle is the Internet. The online world is a masked ball for haters…
“Now they can create flashy websites that seem more impressive than the former brochures left on bus station urinals.
“Trump is Pied Piper to these people, leading them from their caves, from within their dim chat rooms, blinking into the light of his rallies…
“The alt-right view of America is distorted in the fun-house mirror of their fear. Republicans can ignore facts, but facts do not ignore Republicans.”
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adrianne said on September 2, 2016 at 1:29 pm
MichaelG, sorry to hear about your latest tests. Fight on, good sir!
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brian stouder said on September 2, 2016 at 1:42 pm
What Adrianne said!
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Sue said on September 2, 2016 at 1:48 pm
I don’t know anyone from Chicago who refers to it as “Chi Town”. Plus, we got the short end of the stick when it comes to songs because everyone thinks of those stupid ‘toddlin’ town’ and ‘my kind of town’ songs instead of ‘Sweet Home Chicago’.
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Sue said on September 2, 2016 at 1:51 pm
Oh dear, MichaelG, just read your comment.
Stay with us, ok? And we’ll stay with you.
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David C. said on September 2, 2016 at 1:59 pm
Soon all the manly man Republican men will be wearing them. I’m sure only to use to repair their guns in an emergency.
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Heather said on September 2, 2016 at 2:39 pm
Very sorry to hear your news, MichaelG. Hoping for the best possible outcome. Keep us updated.
Deborah, I am sure if it were a white person or even a white immigrant with a taco truck, it would be considered entrepreneurial. That pesky brown skin ruins everything!
Don’t ask me why but I peeked at the comments section on a Breitbart article today, about immigration. Someone posted something like, “Whenever I am in a diner, I look at the Mexican busboys and dishwashers and wonder what horrible things they have done.” Who thinks like that???? I desperately wanted to comment that I thought the same thing when I saw a white guy in a suit, but didn’t want to lower myself into the muck.
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Bill said on September 2, 2016 at 2:42 pm
MichaelG, Sorry for your news. Grace and peace.
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Jerry said on September 2, 2016 at 2:44 pm
MichaelG, best wishes at what is a shitty time. Can I say that whatever happens I much admire your approach to your illness so far. I think you have been very impressive.
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Suzanne said on September 2, 2016 at 2:52 pm
MichaelG, hang in there and take every vacation you can!
Yesterday on some NPR program (it might have been some BBC News Hour) I heard part of an interview with a conservative talk show host from Wisconsin. He was quite apologetic about what right wing talk radio has wrought. I never heard of this guy, but it did surprise me to hear him take responsibility for what, in retrospect, he said he was a part of starting, the end result being Trump. Maybe there is hope, yet…
And Deborah @ 22, why don’t they champion taco trucks owners as entrepreneurs? Hmmmm. Probably for the same reason they have such hatred of the Obamas who, too, are the success story they say they want everyone to attempt. I’d say ethnic backgroung might have something to do with it.
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Jolene said on September 2, 2016 at 3:27 pm
Suzanne, that radio host was, undoubtedly, Charlie Sykes. I had never heard of him until the Wisconsin primary, when he gained a lot of attention outside his usual media market for his “Never Trump” stance. Apparently, he has a big audience in and around Milwaukee (most likely, more around than in given the demographics) and played a significant role in Trump’s defeat in that election.
Since then, he has appeared on lots of political talk shows. He is as horrified by Trump as most of us are and, even more, he is as horrified by what Trumpism has revealed about the fever swamps on the right. Several times, I’ve heard him bemoan the post-truth environment that has emerged, the imperviousness to facts among Trump supporters, and he has done a lot of on-air agonizing about the extent to which talk radio has contributed to that situation.
On the one hand, it seems a bit naive to have just now noticed the detachment from reality among some of the most extreme right-wingers. On the other hand, he seems like a decent fellow who is genuinely disturbed by what is occurring. I think he’s planning to write a book on these issues after the election.
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Jolene said on September 2, 2016 at 3:35 pm
MichaelG, I join Jerry in admiring how you have confronted your illness. I particularly admire your solo travel. Not everyone has the emotional wherewithal to travel alone to another country and find whatever there is to enjoy there. I hope that savoring those experiences will help you through what may be hard times ahead.
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Deborah said on September 2, 2016 at 4:21 pm
MichaelG, sorry to hear the latest medical news. I too admire your approach. I hope that I would have the grace that you have exhibited here, if/when I’m in a situation like that.
Actually Hispanic immigrants are very entrepreneurial in general, they start small business when they move into communities, Asian immigrants seem to be similar. Maybe they start their own businesses because they have a harder time finding employment with existing businesses because they’re discriminated against.
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Judybusy said on September 2, 2016 at 4:25 pm
MichaelG, what crappy news. I am so sorry. I really hope the chemo works again. Like several others, I am very glad that you have been able to travel and you have been generous enough to share your tales with us. Your forays to Spain are particularly inspiring; I have never been, but you have made me want to go even more!
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Deni Menken said on September 2, 2016 at 4:25 pm
Michael G,
We all enjoy your company here so very much. In my short-sighted interpretation, I think this means extra butter and really good chocolate whenever you like. You do seem like a person who completely gets the concept of saying “yes” more than “no.”
You know, a brave person.
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 4:29 pm
They’re not racist, either. Why, some of their best help are Mexicans, and they love them!
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Sue said on September 2, 2016 at 4:30 pm
Suzanne and Jolene:
He is not a decent fellow. He is not genuinely disturbed by what’s happening. He is a kingmaker in WI but is getting no further. He had a candidate for president who behaved as he was told or else had to call in and publicly make amends, yet his microphone couldn’t get that candidate past the early primaries.
He still hates teachers. He still hates public employees. He still hates Milwaukee, or a certain part of it, and gleefully cheers on the continuing demise of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He still has an ex-wife who is good (bad) enough to be on Trump’s short list for the Supreme Court. I never realized he was such a good actor, but do not be fooled by this awful, awful man.
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 4:44 pm
They’re not racists, either:
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on September 2, 2016 at 4:53 pm
MichaelG, I can’t improve much on what Scout said, so I’ll just add that if I get out to Cali-for-nigh-yay any time soon, I promise to buy you a taco at the stand on whatever corner you pick.
And on your itinerary of exotic locales, have you considered Ohio yet? We just had Bruce Willis in the village, so we have to have something goin’ on.
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brian stouder said on September 2, 2016 at 5:04 pm
And lots of presidents are from Ohio….like William McKinley…!!!
(and ol’ US Grant, along with several others)
And those who would be president must first win Ohio…
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 5:25 pm
If you want something really strange to read this weekend, check out this LATimes piece about an elementary school dispute that turns into something very strange. The first five parts are out, and the final part will be out on Sunday.
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susan said on September 2, 2016 at 6:01 pm
Gosh MichaelG, such a letdown after a gustatory trip to Spain. I wish I had your chutzpah to travel alone to Spain. Or as One-L Bachmann says, choot-spa. I’m so sorry. But you’re doing everything right.
Taco trucks? The only place around here you can get beef tongue on your taco is from the taco trucks. Yummmmm! Sherri, you live on the wrong side of the mountains!
Now, I don’t know if you caught Drumphth making a sly reference to 1965 in his “speech” the other night, which was not picked up by the wonderful media we have. I didn’t because I cannot listen to his frothing fascistic anger. But no doubt, Drumphth’s KKK base did. As did Eric Schmeltzer. More to the point,
In 1965, we passed the Immigration and Nationality Act. That law essentially repealed the crux of a 1920s law called the Emergency Quota Act.
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Andrea said on September 2, 2016 at 6:06 pm
MichaelG, grace and peace to you. I hope you can continue to enjoy the time you have left. I hope that for all of us, actually.
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beb said on September 2, 2016 at 6:12 pm
MichaelG, I send you the best of wishes; and what Scout said.
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kathy t said on September 2, 2016 at 7:28 pm
Michael G, so sorry to hear your sucky news and hoping that Modern Medicine works wonders for you. Trying to copy your attitude.
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 9:20 pm
One of the two major candidates has a foundation that demonstrably did something wrong. The press cares more about creating the sense that there’s something ring with the other one.
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Sue said on September 2, 2016 at 9:37 pm
The excellent Shepherd Express lays it on the line about Charlie Sykes’ recent ‘soul-searching’:’s-part-of-the-problem-.html
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 11:28 pm
You know, when George Wallace was giving these speeches back in 1968, there actually were riots in cities. Crime is low, unemployment is low, every demographic group says their lives have improved under Obama, yet Trump’s running Wallace’s campaign and he’ll do better than Wallace.
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 11:51 pm
Trump’s getting the old gang together. I guess they’re gathering content for Trump TV, so they can try to make money off of delegitimizating this Clinton presidency.
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Sherri said on September 2, 2016 at 11:51 pm
Oops, forgot the link.
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LAMary said on September 3, 2016 at 12:19 am
I’m not a native but I’ve been here 33 years. I don’t say Cali, Frisco or assume everyone is an airhead, a wannabe actor or struggling screenwriter. This state is the sixth largest economy in the world and produces more than its share of Nobel winners.
Danny, you’re right about traffic. If rush hour is all going towards LA, I consider it LA. All the way up to Ventura.
Michael G. I hope you know that a lot of people you’ve never met consider you a friend and a part of their lives. Stay as honest and strong as you are. Talk to the people you love.
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Dexter said on September 3, 2016 at 1:03 am
MichaelG… best wishes buddy. You have a great outlook.
My dad said everybody called it “San Berdoo” back in the late 1930s when he was taking a tour of the country as a young man. During my year in Monterey nobody mentioned it much, but the first thing I learned was to never say “Frisco”. It was always “The City”. I went every chance I had. This year’s trip was smooth, as son-in-law Aaron knows Encinitas, Carlsbad, Oceanside, and San Diego well, being a truck driver for a few years before he tired of it and went back to teaching little kids in school again (in Las Vegas). His family also had access to a little house in Encinitas just east of The 5, so he had been there multiple times. Going and coming, we always hit the freeways at the right times and never got stuck, always moving right along, 100 mph in the barren desert, and never slower than 55 as we neared the Pacific. The only disturbing thing was the road rage…it seems they all had road rage against other drivers, our daughter, Aaron the Wheelman, the two granddaughters…they all had trouble dealing with other drivers’ quirks. Lori especialy fought wih taxi drivers, who she hates…we all know how aggressive taxi hacks are. Oh well.
Joe…I had heard the same thing about Allegiant, but folks love those rock-bottom rates, including my own kids. I chose Southwest because of what I read: they go overboard in inspections and maintenance. That fried cowling early this week? Nobody’s perfect. But that was scary.
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David C. said on September 3, 2016 at 6:55 am
Mr. “Taco trucks on every corner” is not a good person.
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beb said on September 3, 2016 at 11:40 am
I’m not on twitter or facebook but my daughter tells me that #tacotruckoneverycorner is trending. “SEK” at Lawyer, Guns and Money waxes exuberant over the prospect of a taco truck on every corner — jobs for cooks, truck mechanics, manufacturing, etc.
and of course a lot of people just like the idea of convenient take-out meals. So once again Trump scores! … just not the way he expected.
And something to think about as tropical storm / depression / hurricane Hermine tears up the east coast. There have been something like 8 500 or 1000 year floods in this counntry in the last year or two. You can’t tell me global climate change is a myth when it’s kicking us in the pants on a regular basis.
And from Mike The Mad Biologist, a link to this:
A primer on what’s wrong with McMansions. Deborah’s comment about Trump speaking in a convention center her husband designed reminded me of this. With clear illustrations and simply language the author explains what makes McMansions so ugly. A follow-up feature when through one building interior and recounted it’s failings, noting along the way that this or that feature was to hide that the contractor had built the room wrong. Fascinating stuff. Note — the author contrasts McMansions with mansions which display good design so you can see what the good looks like.
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beb said on September 3, 2016 at 12:09 pm
The LA Times agrees, a taco truck on every corner would be a great idea:
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MichaelG said on September 3, 2016 at 1:06 pm
Thank you all for your good wishes. I’m humbled.
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ROGirl said on September 3, 2016 at 1:38 pm
MichaelG, I’m a bit late to the punch, but sorry about your news. When I read about your travels to Barcelona I wondered if you had any of the thick hot chocolate. Maybe not in the summer, but it was a big hit for breakfast.
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Colleen said on September 3, 2016 at 1:44 pm
MichaelG, add me to the list of well wishers. Hated reading the results of your last tests. Peace be with you.
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MichaelG said on September 3, 2016 at 3:05 pm
I have sampled the hot chocolate in BCN and it’s excellent.
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Sherri said on September 3, 2016 at 3:55 pm
James Fallows with a look at how the press is failing this campaign:
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Sherri said on September 3, 2016 at 4:14 pm
Two headlines. First, from the NYTimes, “Where Has Hillary Been? Ask the Ultrarich”
Second, from the WaPo: “How Trump charms wealthy donors in private – by seeking their advice”
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Diane said on September 3, 2016 at 6:46 pm
Please add me also to your well wishers. I admire your spirit and wish you many more wonderful travels.
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Dave said on September 3, 2016 at 7:53 pm
MichaelG, I have enjoyed your many postings and all of your descriptive travel writing. I’m sorry to learn of your most recent findings and hope for a successful turnaround. I say, with great dismay and what always seems like a coldhearted statement, that something is going to get us all but it’s easy to say that when it’s you that it’s not currently getting. I’m sorry, Michael, all I can do is send positive thoughts and believe me, I’m trying.
Although I know they’re out there, I can’t understand Anthony Weiner. I’ve not been able to grasp in any fashion that sending pictures of your most personal parts is somehow part of the romantic game. What is wrong with these people?
As a sidenote, when I saw Bret Farve crying while accepting his NFL Hall of Fame award, I was thinking, you texted your parts, too, you’re another one of those guys. Is this truly a prevalent thing anymore? I’ll never get it.
Oh, and I’m cringing recently when I read that Trump is gaining in the polls. How anyone can support him is beyond me. We were in Upper Sandusky, OH, a couple of days ago, doing family genealogical research, my wife has been working on her family for awhile, and met the Presbyterian pastor there. My wife’s family lived in the area and were strong Presbyterians for a good many years. But I stray. The pastor there, who has been there for forty years, told us that hardly anyone he talks to in the area supports Trump, they’re dismayed with Hillary but won’t vote for Trump. As a mostly rural county, I thought it might be otherwise.
OTOH, when we drove through Hancock, MD, this week, in the very western part of Maryland, there were Trump signs in a lot of front yards.
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Deborah said on September 3, 2016 at 9:06 pm
On our road trip we hardly saw any Trump signs, at residences or on vehicles, like maybe two. I saw more Hillary stickers on cars (the H with the arrow). But not seeing nearly as many signs altogether as I did for Obama and Romney during those campaigns. I’m not one to put bumper stickers on my car, but I’d be very reluctant to put a Hillary sticker on my car for fear of retaliation, someone keying my car or something like that, there’s so much rancor and hate out there. I have been looking for a Hillary button though, I’d wear one of those.
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Sherri said on September 4, 2016 at 12:12 am
US parents aren’t alone in not wanting to let go of their college student:
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MichaelG said on September 4, 2016 at 12:15 am
So far no Trump or Clinton ads or signs or bumper stickers here. Not much at all except for a couple of ads for props on the TV. I don’t even know how many props there are or what they are. I could easily look on the Secretary of State’s web site but I’ll wait until I get my mailer. My congress person is Doris Matsui, a Dem who is essentially unopposed. The senatorial race? It’s between a Democratic Hispanic woman and a Democratic Black woman. So no matter what, we will have a minority Democratic woman replacing Barbara Boxer.
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MichaelG said on September 4, 2016 at 12:18 am
Between Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein we have to be the only state in history to have two Jewish mothers for senators at the same time.
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MichaelG said on September 4, 2016 at 12:20 am
And a woman of Japanese descent in congress. Tell me I don’t live in California.
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kathy t said on September 4, 2016 at 5:16 am
Sounds like you live in a Shonda Rhimes series (been bingeing on Grey’s Anatomy not only for the wild inaccuracies in the practice of medicine but also for the edifying spectacle of a highfalutin’ surgical team or hospital board containing upwards of 75% women of color).
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David C. said on September 4, 2016 at 6:42 am
I’ve only seen one Trump sign in the city. It was strange because it was at a big-ass house down by the lake. Usually yard signs are in the working class don’t take m’guns area. I see a lot of signs for the down ballot races, but just the one for Trump. It seems odd, but probably means nothing. I went to the bike shop downtown yesterday and went to the Democratic Party HQ across the street afterwards. The place was really hopping. There must have been 15-20 people there, which I thought was pretty good for a holiday weekend. They gave me information on how to log on to phone bank from home and I volunteered to drive people to the polls on election day. There are only 65 days left and I have to do my best to not listen to the bed wetters until then.
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Deborah said on September 4, 2016 at 11:03 am
Since I’m going to be in Chicago for a longer time this fall I need to find a way to volunteer for the Democrats running in any way I can. We don’t have a car in Chicago anymore so I won’t be able to drive people to the polls, I suppose I’ll end up making phone calls, which I hate to do. In 2004 I hosted a phone party, about 10 people showed up with their cell phones and we made calls to Ohio for Sherrod Brown, which I thought was kind of weird but that’s what Move-on had us doing. I’ve gotten texts from Hillary’s organization to host something or other in Chicago, but so far I’ve been traveling when those things were to occur.
We have two units in the apt complex we live in where people are moving in or renovating. Yesterday there was a dilapidated old couch in our parking lot and this morning there’s an old toilet out there. Gross. They promise the stuff will be going to the dump today, it better be.
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beb said on September 4, 2016 at 1:20 pm
Since we’re all getting splattered with political ads now I question for a lazy Sunday afternoon. Are any of the candidates in your area running as a Democrat or Republican? That is, do there ads ever state “Democrat for Congress” or Republican for governor”? I ask because the ads I’ve seen here in Michigan and down in Indiana have all avoided identifying the candidates’ party. Is this something new or what?
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