One, two, three, four, etc.

Did I mention that I signed on to be a census enumerator? Yes/no? Whatever. I did. At the time, I thought it was like working the election — something I could do for a few weeks that would be for the common good and wouldn’t jam me up with one of my bosses. But that was before I lost one of my jobs, and so now it’s pretty simple: The money will come in handy.

I had my first shift yesterday. When were were hired, we had to raise our right hands and take an oath that we would protect the privacy of all the people we interviewed for the rest of our lives, which gives it a certain frisson, and makes blogging about it problematic. I speak only in general terms, then. Based on my first four hours:

1) If a census worker knocks on your door, answer it.
2) If you agree to an interview with a masked census worker on a sweltering hot day, be nice enough to crack the storm door, at least, so I can understand what you’re saying. It’ll go faster.

That is all.

Otherwise, people were pretty cooperative, for the most part. Fear still rules the land, though; the number of Ring doorbells out there is mind-boggling. I realize some of this is for package security, but honestly — it kinda makes you feel for the Mormons and others who have the temerity to knock on front doors in the course of making their living.

Maybe I should dress as a Girl Scout. Offer cookies for cooperation.

This may make blogging spotty from time to time here. I’m signing up for nights and weekends, in hopes of doing what little I can, in my own nerdy good-citizen way, to maintain the norms of our endangered republic. If you follow the news, you know we have until the end of September to conclude the census. So I’ll be out there until then, with a brief break for a few days up north, as Alan burns his vacation time, not to be confused with his furlough time — four weeks so far — which, if nothing else, has been good for the house. We got the living room painted, and this week he’s doing the doors, shutters and trim outside. The latter involved ladder work, which I am increasingly less sanguine about as time goes on, as well as battle against a wasp nest found behind one of the shutters. But it’ll look good when it’s all done. (The shutters are done, but have to be re-hung.)

Not as good as Alex’s house, however, the photos of which I saw on Facebook today. He had the great good luck to couple up with a construction worker, and between the two of them have been able to turn a well-located but otherwise ordinary old-lady ranch house into a wonderful home. No wonder he enjoyed working from there during the lockdowns.

So that’s it for now; I’m going to do some work, shower and then hit the pavement again with my ID hanging around my neck. Expected high temps today? Eighty-eight. Kill me now.

Posted at 9:58 am in Same ol' same ol' |

58 responses to “One, two, three, four, etc.”

  1. Jeff Borden said on August 24, 2020 at 12:13 pm

    The NYT today has a Page One story on how poorly the census is going and how inaccurate it will be particularly to people of color who are undercounted. But then, that’s always the case, isn’t it? Whatever shit hits the fan will splatter more heavily on our black and brown citizens.

    I’ve seen a few drinking game proposed for the RNC. If they were followed –every tine you hear China flu or radical leftist or illegal immigrants– you’d be crocked by the second hour of the proceedings. I’ll be giving it a pass though I may duck in to see what gun-toting Ken and Karen from St. Louis have to say.

    602 chars

  2. Connie said on August 24, 2020 at 12:30 pm

    I have been working as a census enumerator for three plus weeks. I have been all over my own neighborhood, (there is no house at this location, I watched them tear it down in June and it was empty on census day), all over new suburbia, and in seasonal lake side neighborhoods. For the last several days it has been apartments, including the largest, cheapest apartment complex around. I have spent several five hour shifts climbing up and down to the third floor and my not so good knee on my “good” leg is complaining. Another shift there yet today. I am planning a three day weekend and then we will see.

    Here’s a tip. If you end up in an apartment complex go to the office and get a map. They will also tell you to how to figure out how the address signifies which entrance and which floor. My current complex has 47 buildings, each with three or more entrance stairways to three floors of four aptmnts each. Whew. Also, I have met many dogs.

    955 chars

  3. Scout said on August 24, 2020 at 12:36 pm

    My interior painting project went on hiatus (I got lazy) for a while, probably due to the lethargy I feel this time of year. All I have left to complete is the hallway and the spare bedroom, which I can complete in 3-4 days tops. The really big project I keep putting off is painting my kitchen cabinets and installing new hardware. That is going to be a slog and neither of us is up for the interruption to our cooking that it will require. But I still want to do it, so hopefully when the oppressive heat lifts here I’ll have renewed vigor.

    A good friend of mine is also a census worker. She says there is no way the count will be accurate this time. She started back in February, but then they suspended for two months when Covid hit and now they have to try to make up for lost time to complete it by deadline. Of course, there is no interest by the current admin to have an accurate count.

    Not watching the RNC shitshow. I refuse to give fat Hitler ratings since that is his only measure of how liked he is. Anything that is worth knowing about will be on Twitter within moments of it happening. I felt so uplifted by the DNC I’m not inclined to let the trump family liars and their sycophantic enablers harsh my mellow.

    The Conway family drama sure is interesting. Their daughter is suing for emancipation and now Kellyanne and George are both stepping away from politics to spend more time with family. Maybe in this case it’s actually true.

    Happy Monday, all. I’m going to go watch Mr DeJoy get basted and grilled by the House.

    1547 chars

  4. jcburns said on August 24, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    I certainly love the title “enumerator”.

    So, Nancy, is the deal that you get a list of people? addresses? that, as far as the Census Bureau knows, have not returned their forms or filled stuff out online? (In other words, before you knock, are you pretty sure they haven’t done anything yet?)

    We got someone up at the Green Cottage in June, who ended up leaving a little bag with forms on the door handle. Not really sure what to do, because we answered our census (in April! We’re fastidious!) online and based on our “actual residence” in Atlanta. The forms didn’t say what to do if this was a second home.

    Stay cool!

    629 chars

  5. Jakash said on August 24, 2020 at 12:42 pm

    Good luck with your enumerating, NN. On behalf of some in the endangered republic, thanks for helping out in your “nerdy good-citizen way.” You, too, Connie. Seems like a pretty iffy time to be knocking on people’s doors, whatever the temperature, but I hope folks continue to be “pretty cooperative.”

    Serendipitous or careful blog strategizing, I don’t know, but 2011’s post on the Wayback Machine starts out: “This is my goal over the next four years, and foolhardy it may be: To get my daughter admitted to the University of Michigan. She doesn’t have to go there.” 2 clicks later, 2015: A photo of a lovely maize and blue-accented M Go Blue cake saying “Congratulations, Kate Don’t Be Stupid.” The odd thing being that the plaudit is in quotation marks, while the admonishment is not.

    If The Onion did the booking for the Republican’t convention, I don’t know how they could make the line-up any more preposterously nepotistic and lame.

    958 chars

  6. Icarus said on August 24, 2020 at 1:16 pm

    I got a cheap video doorbell (Zmodo) for the sole purpose of being able to answer the door when campaigners come by to ask who I’m voting for in local, state and federal elections. The package security is a bonus. However, the brand really is cheap. Usually by the time the app lets me know someone is at the door (when it works, it goes offline a LOT) and I’ve hit the answer button, the person has walked away. Also, no zoom or pan & tilt. You truly get what you pay for…next house gets the best available.

    on a similar subject, though this may be the wrong crowd, if you decide to buy wifi enabled outlets, light bulbs and other items, get them all from the same ecosystem. Even if they work with Alexa, you sometimes need the mother app to configure/enable them and it is a PITA having 4-5 different apps. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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  7. basset said on August 24, 2020 at 1:22 pm

    Not gonna watch, don’t think I could stand it.

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  8. Julie Robinson said on August 24, 2020 at 1:29 pm

    Our lad was an enumerator last time around and he volunteered for the low-income areas. He hadn’t seen much poverty before, and I think it was a consciousness raising experience that eventually led to his super lefty status today.

    He didn’t have bad knees or bad feet or any of the other ailments of our generation, though. I salute you both, Connie and Nancy. It’s not just hot here, it’s a gazillion percent humidity.

    JC, surely they are used to second home people in the far north. If there was a mail in option, you could have written your status and sent it in.

    I flipped the news on over lunch and they broke in with the convention. Before I could turn it off I would have already been drunk, having heard both China flu and radical left, as well as the quieting of the four more years chant with the suggestion it should be 12 more years. All in 15 seconds.

    874 chars

  9. beb said on August 24, 2020 at 1:46 pm

    Can we all hate-on what Melania did to the White House Rose Garden?

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  10. Heather said on August 24, 2020 at 1:53 pm

    What, beb, you don’t like the garden’s snazzy new corporate office park look?

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  11. Mark P said on August 24, 2020 at 1:54 pm

    I heard the turd in chief say 12 more years. I suspect our math-challenged would-be Jabba meant eight more years, totaling 12. But, to be fair, Trump is stupid.

    He was smiling like the cat that ate four cheeseburgers as the “crowd” cheered. I think Fat Mussolini is actually closer to his persona than Fat Hitler. “Hitler” suggests a depth of personality and an utter absence of ridiculousness. “Mussolini” suggests the right mix of self-importance and ineptitude. I would kind of
    like to see the parade of clowns at the Banana Republican Convention, just for the chance to heap ridicule on them, but it is just not worth losing my lunch over.

    660 chars

  12. Connie said on August 24, 2020 at 2:33 pm

    We have a census iphone with a census app. If you have signed up to work on a given day you will have a list of addresses downloaded as your daily assignments. You will click on the address and answer questions for that address in the app. Which has a provision for seasonal addresses.

    And we are to observe strict rules regarding masks and social distancing. I generally sweat through several masks a day.

    407 chars

  13. Deborah said on August 24, 2020 at 3:41 pm

    I swore off the internet today and through this week, except for nn.c and Heather Cox Richardson. I just can’t do that to myself, I’ll go mad if I keep checking Twitter all day long. We don’t have cable in Santa Fe anymore so I won’t be watching TV either. I’ll watch something interesting on Netflix etc.

    We are finished with the Santa Fe kitchen improvements, we took out a clunky breakfast bar, put the stools we had for that outside on a patio, got a matching bistro table for out there. In the kitchen we got a knock off mid mod tulip table and 4 knock off Bertoia chairs, we got a farm (that’s what they called it, more industrial to me) light fixture for over the table. We got an IKEA storage unit (billy shelves with doors). And today 2 spotlights got installed. It looks so much better, lighter, brighter.

    We also mostly dismantled our veggie garden, kept the tomato plants and a few other things. It was looking trashy and wasn’t producing anything except a few tomatoes. I’m still taking the chicken wire cloches apart That I spent hours making in The beginning of summer to keep the critters out, as it turned out for no purpose.

    I’ve finally gotten the hang of the new garden hose, so it was worth it.

    I have about 3 more weeks in NM then it’s back to Chicago until Thanksgiving.

    1327 chars

  14. Joe Kobiela said on August 24, 2020 at 4:15 pm

    Update from the front lines, currently repositioning thru Charlotte on American Airlines. Plane up to Hartford is packed, terminal is packed, people are masked but no social distancing, of course if mask work there is no reason to keep 6 ft. People are traveling again. Wheels up is having a record summer we are extremely busy.
    Pilot Joe

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  15. Sherri said on August 24, 2020 at 4:37 pm

    As usual, PJ is wrong. Masks are not a substitute for social distancing, they’re a layer of protection on top of social distancing.

    Masks “work” in that they reduce the likelihood of transmission. It’s not a binary, it’s probabilistic. Six feet of distance is not magic, nor is 15 minutes. If we all do things to reduce the probability of transmission, then we reduce the community spread. If we reduce the community spread, then it becomes possible to do more things safely. Right now, we have the worst of all worlds: lots of places with high community spread, with people who refuse to do simple things that reduce transmission, and trying to do all the unsafe things anyway.

    692 chars

  16. Jeff Borden said on August 24, 2020 at 4:38 pm

    The story emerging from Liberty University honcho Jerry Falwell Jr., who was recently put on a leave of absence after posing with another woman with his pants unbuttoned, has turned into a reality TV episode.

    The handsome young pool attendant the Falwells met and befriended at a Miami hotel six years ago has gone public with details of a bizarre menage a trois with the evangelical powerhouses. Pool boy was bonking Becki Falwell while Jerry Jr. sat in a chair in the corner and watched. He has numerous pieces of evidence including emails and texts proving he performed these services several times per year at hotels in Miami and NYC as well as the Falwell family home in Lynchburg, Va.

    This ties into testimony from Michael Cohen that he did some behind the scenes work cleaning up for the Falwells at precisely the same time they shifted allegiance from Ted Cruz to the Orange King.

    Whatever else will be said about the administration of tRumpy the Klown, it’s hard to imagine anyone will ever come close to equaling its low-rent trashiness.

    1213 chars

  17. Mark P said on August 24, 2020 at 4:52 pm

    Update on remote learning in Georgia. Dozens of maskless high school students posed for a “class photo” packed together cheek-to-jowl at an Atlanta-area high school. The students said it has been tough on them not to see their friends and teachers on a daily basis . The principal said the kids are lonely and wanted to have some school spirit.

    So, right after the photo, all socially refreshed and spirited-up, they said they put their masks back on and went home to spread the virus to their siblings, parents, and grandparents. Not really. I added that last part.

    571 chars

  18. alex said on August 24, 2020 at 4:59 pm

    beb, I’ve kind of worn it out, but on Facebook I’ve made cracks about Melania’s aesthetic. Looks like she did a Slovenian wax on the White House grounds.

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  19. Scout said on August 24, 2020 at 5:05 pm

    Jeff Borden @16 –

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  20. Julie Robinson said on August 24, 2020 at 5:06 pm

    Not only is the new rose garden ugly, they took out roses that were over 100 years old and trees that Jackie Kennedy planted. They said those would be replanted elsewhere on the grounds, but has anyone successfully transplanted a 60 year old tree? It’s costly and rarely works.

    The pool boy story is not new, but before this I thought it was Jerry and the pool boy. Now it seems it was his wife and the pool boy, but that she did it out of retribution for his affairs. Such good Christian people.

    500 chars

  21. David C said on August 24, 2020 at 5:33 pm

    I’m not sure if Hillsdale or Liberty wins the fundie perv contest. Bonking your daughter-in-law and sitting in the corner while the pool boy bonks your wife are pretty close.

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  22. Deborah said on August 24, 2020 at 5:58 pm

    Bonking the pool boy while your husband watches, grabbing them by the pussy, raw dogging a porn star when you’re 3rd wife had recently given birth to your fifth child. Suggesting that you’d like to sleep with your daughter if she wasn’t your daughter. What a bunch of degenerates. You know there are pee tapes, you just know it.

    334 chars

  23. Deborah said on August 24, 2020 at 6:11 pm

    My husband just texted me that he’s in Chicago, back at our place and found out that our neighbor across the hall has Covid, he’s 80 but is asymptotic. He’s near the end of his 14 day quarantine but I told my husband it can take longer than that and to take every precaution when he’s in the hallway, or in the elevator. My husband is going to get another Covid test before he sees his uncle again later in his trip. I’m going to make him get another one when he gets back to NM as well. Yikes.

    504 chars

  24. Dorothy said on August 24, 2020 at 8:13 pm

    Deborah my son quarantined for 4 weeks – he was fairly asymptomatic for much of it and just today he went back to work for the first time – physically in the building. An 80 year old should probably try to do the same. Four weeks, just to be on the safe side.

    At my campus we went to level 3 yesterday afternoon after 38 cases of Covid were counted, and that meant all teaching had to immediately change to all virtual. It was the first day of classes today. It was very quiet in my building – I was just there from 7:50 to 12:15, and finished the day working in the afternoon at home. But my boss told us (via Facetime since Zoom went down this morning) that now there were 68 cases on campus. This is beyond discouraging. Even though there were no students in the building the stress is just off the charts these days.

    823 chars

  25. Colleen said on August 24, 2020 at 8:41 pm

    we filled out the census soon after we got it. I have received a couple of phone calls from census people in Indiana seeking information about my time living at an address I have never been to. So I haven’t called back.
    Not gonna watch the RNC. Gross. It’ll just make me mad and despairing for our nation…

    309 chars

  26. Heather said on August 24, 2020 at 9:07 pm

    I’d rather not engage in kink shaming. Falwell Jr. is welcome to cuck as much as he wants, or do whatever floats his boat, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult. He just shouldn’t be doing it while claiming everyone who engages in anything but the most vanilla of hetero relations is going to H-E-double hockey sticks. I mean, is any of this a surprise?? Next you’ll be telling me that Pence is probably gay.

    421 chars

  27. Deborah said on August 24, 2020 at 9:32 pm

    If you want to be kinky with a consenting adult, be kinky to your hearts content but don’t be predatory or hypocritical or a cheat. Just don’t.

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  28. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 24, 2020 at 10:15 pm

    I’d say y’all just missed Guilfoyle, but you probably heard her even if you weren’t watching on your television. As @dick_nixon says so often these days on Twitter: “For God’s sake.”

    184 chars

  29. alex said on August 24, 2020 at 10:23 pm

    The authoritarian right’s moralistic masquerade is seen once again for the tired act that it is. Thank you Jerry Jr. for driving the last nail into its coffin.

    159 chars

  30. Bitter Scribe said on August 24, 2020 at 10:38 pm

    …it kinda makes you feel for the Mormons and others who have the temerity to knock on front doors in the course of making their living.

    Oh really? I already feel something for jerks who knock on my front door to tell me that my religion, whatever it is, is all wrong and that they are in sole possession of the Truth. And what I feel is not empathy.

    361 chars

  31. Sherri said on August 24, 2020 at 11:47 pm

    I don’t want to kink shame Falwell, but did notice how he threw his wife under the bus with his statement when he was trying to get ahead of the story.

    And of course, he’s president of a university where co-ed dancing is frowned upon, so the hypocrisy is rank.

    Evidently, the call was for twelve more years at the RNC tonight. Why stop there, why not say what they really want, King for life?

    402 chars

  32. Sherri said on August 25, 2020 at 1:44 am

    From a friend of mine on FB, the best comment of the day:

    Asked for a statement, Jerry Falwell Jr. said:
    “That’s me in the corner.
    That’s me in the spotlight.
    Losing my religion.”

    193 chars

  33. Suzanne said on August 25, 2020 at 8:27 am

    When I heard about Jerry F Jr, my mind immediately went to all the people who asked me if we really wanted to send our kids to large state universities because did we know what goes on there? They might not be safe!
    And all the people who sent their kids to small Christian colleges for that very reason.
    Jokes on them, isn’t it?

    333 chars

  34. alex said on August 25, 2020 at 9:42 am

    People send their kids to small Christian colleges because they want them to remain unexposed to ideas, and on that front Fallwell U. is still in a league of its own. Sexual debauchery has become so normalized in the Trump era that it doesn’t even matter to evangelicals anymore. Jerry Junior just needs to ride this one out and it will soon be forgiven and forgotten like the “Access Hollywood” tapes.

    402 chars

  35. basset said on August 25, 2020 at 10:08 am

    “The Hill”’s online headline this morning:

    “CNN cuts away from Trump address to GOP delegates, compares him to Pontius Pilate”

    139 chars

  36. brian stouder said on August 25, 2020 at 10:28 am

    ‘ride this one out’ – I nominate Alex for the Thread Win!

    57 chars

  37. LAMary said on August 25, 2020 at 11:56 am

    My holier than thou former co-worker sent both her boys to a heavy duty Christian high school then to a college that was the same speed. She later said they were both virgins until marriage and had never masturbated. She did not say there were not liars.

    254 chars

  38. alex said on August 25, 2020 at 12:09 pm

    Another funny headline from The Hill:

    Melania Trump ‘against’ QAnon if it’s ‘harmful to children,’ spokesperson says

    And presumably she’s ‘for’ it if it benefits her husband. Maybe we’ll learn more when she delivers her speech tonight. *SNORT*

    249 chars

  39. 4dbirds said on August 25, 2020 at 2:16 pm

    I will not watch any of the Republican convention. Truthfully, I didn’t watch the Democratic one either. I have been on a Food Channel kick for several weeks and have gained ten pounds. My sister, in California, wants us to meet up in October probably in Tucson. We would both have to fly and I would have to fly farther and have to change planes. I love my sister and I know she is being safe. She is my best friend and we’re both lonely but after several days of thinking about it, I’m going to have to decline. I can’t expose my daughter to any of it. No matter how careful I am, I could bring something back that will kill her and me. I am so bummed. I hate this virus and the assholes who wouldn’t comply with simple protective measures to get rid of it.

    769 chars

  40. Deborah said on August 25, 2020 at 3:01 pm

    So I got LB and myself into a pickle today trying to do a project to disguise this really ugly metal garden shed on the condo property. It sits at the end of our side yard and we’ve spent considerable time and money (our own over the years) on trying to hide it from view from the patio with trees and shrubs. It was kind of in deep shade during the afternoons so didn’t stand out so much, until our neighbor’s cut down the trees providing the deep shade. The shed was a light tan color like all of the buildings in Santa Fe and I got this wild hair that if we painted the front of it a dark green it wouldn’t be as visible through the greenery we planted. So we went to Home Depot and found some enamel paint that was premixed that seemed would be the right color. Wrong. Of course in the cool of the morning when we started to paint we realized it’s way too blue-y green. So then after spending a couple of hours doing the first coat, LB came down with a migraine from the paint fumes. Then I had this new idea that we would get some more paint, a yellow-y green at Home Depot and some natural sponges and I would dab that on the shed surface over the first wrong color. It worked pretty well in terms of blending in with the greenery in the yard but still has aesthetic issues. So then I came up with cutting some leaves off of various plants and using them as stencils on the surface and lightly spray painting over them and then peeling them off so the sponge texture is revealed in leaf shapes. Bingo. That seems to be working, making the shed face recede quite effectively. But what an ordeal and of course by the time I came up with the solution it was way too hot to work in the intense afternoon sun of NM. So I’ll get back at it tomorrow morning. One of the stupider projects I’ve come up with, but in the end I think it’s going to be ok. That ugly shed has been bugging me for years, an eyesore at the end of what should be a pleasant view.

    We’re going to get some more Austrian pines to plant in that same side yard to help shade what got cut down by our neighbor. Austrian pines grow really fast here and they’re drought resistant. My husband wants to plant 6 pines but I think we can only fit 4, when they’re fully grown they can be quite majestic. We planted one 8 years ago shortly after LB moved in, it was only about 2′ tall, it’s probably 25+’ tall now. I’d also like to plant a honey locust tree, also fast growing and drought resistant here. They make good shade trees.

    2494 chars

  41. Mark P said on August 25, 2020 at 3:40 pm

    LAMary, as they say, there are two types of boys, those that masturbate, and liars

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  42. Jakash said on August 25, 2020 at 4:50 pm

    “[Trump smacking the bag of cocaine out of Don Junior’s hand]

    I said white POWER, you idiot!”

    162 chars

  43. Jim said on August 25, 2020 at 6:30 pm

    All boys are liars and masturbators.

    That is all.

    52 chars

  44. Sherri said on August 25, 2020 at 7:16 pm

    There’s always a grift with these people.

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  45. Deborah said on August 25, 2020 at 8:10 pm

    There’s a woman speaking at the RNC tonight, Abby Johnson, she’s right out of the handmaids tale. She believes in head of household voting, the man of course. She’s a piece of work and she has a platform at the RNC. Wow.

    I’ve not kept my promise to myself to stay off of the Internet. I’ll have to do better tomorrow. Not watching the RNC though.

    349 chars

  46. LAMary said on August 25, 2020 at 9:08 pm

    I grew up with four brothers and I have two sons. You’re not breaking any news to me.

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  47. beb said on August 25, 2020 at 9:35 pm

    Melania’s Rose Garden looks like a corporate headquarter that’s been abandoned for five years and everything planted there has died. What she did is a crime against history! Defacing public property. Pissing on the winds of change! (I’m not sure about that last one. It sounds like a good slogan but what does it mean?

    Amanda Maricotte has a good take on the first night of the RNC

    The short take is that Don Jr may have been on coke but this is how fascists speak…

    I don’t know which is worse:
    Getting Cucked?
    Knowing that you have been cucked?
    or watching while getting cucked?
    And conservatives were worried that they might have to explain what a BJ is to their children? Let’s see them explaining cuckolding.

    My wife may have to unfriend her cousin (one of her few living relatives outside her sisters) because this cousin has been a total Trumpist. She can’t quite bring her to do it but it’s the only thing to bring my wife peace of mind. (That and Animal Crossing, an inventive and non-violent video game.)

    1153 chars

  48. Sherri said on August 25, 2020 at 9:57 pm

    Considering cuck was the favorite insult of the alt-right back in 2016, shouldn’t conservatives have already explained cuckolding to their precious children?

    159 chars

  49. alex said on August 25, 2020 at 10:14 pm

    Half tempted to see what the gold-digging Slovenian slut has to say that will appeal to suburban women. Reminds me of way back in ’88 when the GOP promised that Dan Quayle (whom they billed as “the Robert Redford of politics”) would seduce the female vote with his masculine allure. Knee slapping good times, I tell ya.

    319 chars

  50. Deborah said on August 25, 2020 at 10:58 pm

    All of the photos and videos I saw today of the first night of the RNC, everyone looks and sounds mad as hornets about this country. Yelling and scowling all the time. Which is funny because Pilot Joe always talks about how great his life is going and how happy he is, he must be the only Republican who feels that way from the looks of it.

    340 chars

  51. Joe Kobiela said on August 25, 2020 at 11:45 pm

    I am, sorry you aren’t.
    Pilot Joe

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  52. Mark P said on August 25, 2020 at 11:49 pm

    Wait, Joe, are you saying that you really are the only happy Republican?


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  53. Sherri said on August 25, 2020 at 11:55 pm

    I’ve got a appointment at my pharmacy to get both the flu shot and the shingles vaccine on Thursday. I saw over the weekend that the flu shot was available, so I’m getting it done early.

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  54. David C said on August 26, 2020 at 6:16 am

    Abby Johnson is even worse than you thought, Deborah.

    One of the Republican National Convention’s top speakers said in a recent video that it would be “smart” for a police officer to racially profile her biracial son, because “statistically, my brown son is more likely to commit a violent offense over my white sons.”

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  55. Mark P said on August 26, 2020 at 8:43 am

    What Abby Johnson said is a very good example of prejudice. But then we are talking about Republicans, so, move along, people. Nothing to see here.

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  56. Joe Kobiela said on August 26, 2020 at 9:14 am

    Good one, laughed at that one.
    Pilot Joe

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  57. Suzanne said on August 26, 2020 at 9:20 am

    I was invited to a movie night with some acquaintances a few years ago but it turned out the movie was Unplanned, Abby Johnson’s story. It was awful. I became angrier and angrier as the movie went on; poorly produced, story was pure propaganda, and the women I was with lapped it up. Every word of it.

    As I understand it, Johnson was raised in the evangelical patriarchal purity tradition, went to college & made some bad decisions with her new found freedom, and, being unable to cope with real life, returned to and doubled down on her roots. It’s very similar to the Amish Rumspringa, after which most return to their Amish communities. With no real world skills, no way to navigate the myriad choices and traditions that the broader world offers, no way to cope with the complexities of life after having been raised in a very structured, authoritarian culture, they return to the place that they understand the rules.
    My take of Johnson is that she also figured out how to make a ton of money for herself while doing so. She fits right in with the modern GOP, doesn’t she?

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  58. Deborah said on August 27, 2020 at 8:32 am

    I keep having Covid dreams in between my bouts of insomnia, they’re bizarre and frightening. My husband said he dreamed about Vietnam which he hasn’t done for decades.

    It rained last night in Santa Fe, so hopefully that helped the fire situation.

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