The stakes.

Sorry for not much to say today, but my brain is buzzing and I need to get some real work done. In the meantime, I remind you that this idiot is going around saying this, and I honestly can’t imagine anything worse for the country:

Please vote as though your life depends on it, because it does.

Posted at 8:47 am in Current events |

49 responses to “The stakes.”

  1. Bitter Scribe said on November 1, 2024 at 9:31 am

    Does Trump even notice or care that this guy is going around essentially saying he’s been offered a cabinet position? Has he made any comments about it? Does he even remember who RFKJ is?

    187 chars

  2. Dorothy said on November 1, 2024 at 9:34 am

    We always think the situation can’t get any worse and then something even more awful comes along. I hope that won’t be the case after Wednesday morning. I don’t believe all the prognosticators saying we won’t know for a few days who won. I’m remaining optimistic that we’ll know by mid morning Wednesday, maybe sooner.

    318 chars

  3. ROGirl said on November 1, 2024 at 9:46 am

    Dorothy, it can always get worse. The worst thing we know about today isn’t as bad as the next bad thing they plan to do. Even if he loses, worse things will be in the offing.

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  4. David C said on November 1, 2024 at 9:52 am

    If North Carolina comes in early for Kamala, and I think there’s a good chance of that, it’s all over. I think we’ll know earlier rather than later, too. I feel better about this one than I did Obama/Romney and if I remember correctly, that one was called in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.

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  5. alex said on November 1, 2024 at 10:10 am

    After reading the Jason Stanford piece linked by David C a couple of days ago, my optimism is renewed. And the latest Marist poll shows Harris ahead in the blue wall states, for what that’s worth. I won’t rest easy until it’s over though.

    I remember reading how Romney and his wife, sitting in the Fox green room, were unable to grasp his loss after they had been assured by Fox that he would win that night, and Romney conceded very belatedly after taking time to get his composure.

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  6. Brandon said on November 1, 2024 at 2:57 pm

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains to DJ Vlad the treatment he underwent in Japan for his spasmodic dysphonia.

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  7. Peter said on November 1, 2024 at 3:28 pm

    Dorothy, that reminds me of an old Jewish joke: A pessimist is someone who looks around him and wails “It can’t get any worse!”, but an optimist is someone who looks around him and says “It can get worse!”

    I agree with David – I think this election will be called Tuesday evening, because I think Kamala will win enough other states that Georgia and Pennsylvania won’t matter.

    And yes, my doctor has changed my dosage. Why do you ask?

    441 chars

  8. Julie Robinson said on November 1, 2024 at 3:30 pm

    Brandon, your link took me to a scammy sounding Medicare ad. Did he get Botox shots, or something else?

    David C, you’re the second person today to think NC holds the final key. The other person said the NC votes will be counted and announced by 8 pm. I’ll likely still be at the poll then; maybe not, since as of yesterday 43% of eligible voters have early or mail voted.

    My mom keeps saying “if Trump wins” and I keep telling her not to say that. No need to invite trouble.

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  9. Brandon said on November 1, 2024 at 3:52 pm

    Was that the ad playing just before the video?

    This seems to be the procedure he underwent.

    In 2000, Isshiki’s group invented a surgical approach for ADSD patients named Type 2 Tyroplasty. The mechanism of ADSD is still not fully understood, however, it is a common knowledge that the strangulated voice is caused by a tight closure of the glottal gap which blocks the airflow from the lungs. The concept of this surgery aims to smooth the airflow by making the glottal gap wider during phonation.

    The surgical procedure is as follows: Following local anesthesia using xylocaine, a 4cm (1.5 inch) incision is made at the front of neck to expose the laryngeal cartilage. Thyroid cartilage is carefully separated at the midline to avoid perforating the larynx lumen. By spreading both sides of the thyroid cartilage, the anterior glottal gap becomes wider, the airflow through the vocal folds becomes smooth and the voice strangulation is relieved. The gap between both sides of the thyroid cartilage can be adjusted, so patients are asked to speak during the procedure to find the most appropriate gap which makes patients feel there is least strangulation. After determining this gap, the corresponding sized titanium bridge (2.0-5.0 mm), which were specially made for this surgery, are set in place and fixed by nylon suture at the superior and inferior part of the gap between both sides of the thyroid cartilages. Surgery is finished by closing the skin incision. The procedure take between one to two hours. Patients are allowed to speak three days after the surgery, and can talk loudly one month afterwards. A possible complication which could be serious is postoperative hemorrhage resulting in airway obstruction; however, this has never been experienced.

    This easy, quick and adjustable procedure has been developed in Japan and is a standard therapy as well as BTX injection at the present time. A remarkable advantage of this procedure is its permanent effect and reversibility in theory.

    2093 chars

  10. Sherri said on November 1, 2024 at 4:04 pm

    Very sad situation out this way. Family shooting where parents and three kids are killed, 11 year old daughter is shot but escapes to a neighbor’s house, 15 year old uninjured son (oldest in family) calls 911 and says 13 year old brother killed everyone then shot himself. Authorities and surviving daughter say 15 year old shot everyone.

    Too. Many. Guns.

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  11. Dorothy said on November 1, 2024 at 4:05 pm

    Wednesday at 8 PM?! Yikes we won’t even be done packing up the equipment from the election site by then! And I am doing the ride along to deliver the ballots. I know we’re supposed to be completely neutral while we are working but I might have to let my joy burst out in front of the VLM while driving to deliver the ballots if an announcement is made around 9:30 or 10:00 pm!

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  12. Sherri said on November 1, 2024 at 4:14 pm

    Rose Eveleth neatly explains how all those anti-trans rules and gender testing requirements end up effecting all of us:

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  13. basset said on November 1, 2024 at 6:27 pm

    My Nashville poll worker training included directions not to wear earbuds so no one would think we were getting secret instructions through them. We also are no longer allowed to leave the polling place on breaks.

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  14. Julie Robinson said on November 1, 2024 at 7:02 pm

    We aren’t allowed to leave our polling place. We have a potluck in the kitchen that everyone contributes to. Reading the texts coming in, I can see we’ll be eating well.

    Brandon, I only let the video play about 4-5 seconds before I closed it, but it was something about a secret Medicare benefit good for two years. At any rate, the procedure doesn’t seem to have helped RFK.

    Sherri, the most recent gun tragedy here is a 17-year old who started shooting outside a bar downtown last night, killed two and sent seven to the hospital. So the mayor is making bars stop selling alcohol and hour earlier than now, at midnight. The shooter hadn’t been in any of the bars, so not really sure how that helps.

    Both are awful, both another example of why we need better gun control.

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  15. alex said on November 1, 2024 at 10:27 pm

    Hallelujah Jesus! The house with the Confederate flag draperies is on the market — for an astounding $75K. Astounding because the bad juju is so bad there’s probably no one who’d want to touch it at any price. Looks like the Realtors de-Maga’d it before listing it:

    This place is less than a mile down the road and has always been a fucking eyesore and I’m so glad the noxious people living there have been foreclosed upon. I guess it’s hard to make a cheap house payment when all your money is going toward meth. It’s an otherwise good neighborhood where the real estate isn’t cheap. Probably a teardown so we can squeeze in another faux farmhouse McMansion or faux Mid-Mod. The one rare occasion where I actually concur with redevelopment.

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  16. Deborah said on November 2, 2024 at 8:45 am

    Sherri, that was an interesting link about Tested. I hadn’t heard of that podcast, I’ll definitely listen to it. An interesting subject that is little understood for sure.

    I’m very familiar with Powers of 10, the film by Charles and Ray Eames. They were a fantastic multitalented design couple. Their creations live on.

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  17. Jeff Gill said on November 2, 2024 at 9:17 am

    Yesterday I went in north Indy to get my hair cut. Got into a fairly anodyne conversation with the stylist at first; she’s a year younger than me, so older than the usual run of staff here. She asked what brought me here, since she could tell from the data print-out I usually get trimmed in Ohio, and I gave her the Reader’s Digest version about the house we are clearing out here, my trip to be in it for Beggars Night, and going to see my declining mother on Saturday.

    As she cut, she had been humming and singing bits & pieces of songs as she worked. She asked what I did & I gave a brief explanation of not-really retired but nearly so, but didn’t say I was professionally a minister (I said I had recently resigned from a juvenile court position). She asked, though, if I had a church around here, and I replied with an affirmative, that an old friend was a minister nearby whose church I attended when in town. I thought I knew where she was going, but I was wrong.

    On the speakers, “Hold On, I’m Coming” came on; she started to sing along. Then, scissors in my hair, she asked “do you know whose theme song that is?” Welp. I replied “certainly — that’s Sam & Dave.” She chuckled. “Oh, that’s not all. You know, big changes are coming. You gotta have hope.” I agreed. She said a few more things like that, but never using the T-word.

    She finished up, took off the hair drape, then as we walked over to the check-out, she almost whispered, “Here’s what you need to do. You go home, and look up medbeds. You ever hear of those? Medbeds?” I made a neutral strangled sound in response. “They’ve been keeping them a secret, but everything is about to come out about them. He’s going to let all sorts of secrets out, you watch. No more secrets.” I wanted to ask her what she thought about Jeffrey Epstein, but was busy digging out my credit card.

    “Okay, what you really need to do, I want you to remember this [now she really was whispering]: when you look up on Google, type in ‘military medbeds.’ They can grow back legs, heal illnesses, and maybe, God praise, they can help your poor momma.” I smiled, tapped the tip (yes, 20%, the haircut was fine), and backed away rapidly as she beamed and waved.

    So I think, but I just don’t know anything for sure, I met a 62 year old African American woman in Fishers, Indiana who is a Trump/RFK Jr. supporter. I like where the polling momentum seems to be going, with late deciders breaking hard for Harris, and women showing up generally . . . but honestly, we have so much brokenness to heal up in the coming months. Meanwhile, my mother was taken by my brother to vote on Halloween Day, and I posted about it. My Trump supporter followers on FB have let me know they will be notifying her local Board of Elections of fraud, oh, and where does she live?

    I replied cheerfully they were welcome to piece that out for themselves, but if you interviewed her in person, she might not know who her children are, but she can speak at length & with precision about Donald Trump, Mike Braun, Dave Hall, and Todd Rokita, better than your average low-information voter, and as to her utter contempt for each of them, so good luck with that.

    And so it goes.

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  18. brian stouder said on November 2, 2024 at 10:37 am

    Jeff – you got me smilin’!

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  19. Mssr. Coffee said on November 2, 2024 at 12:54 pm

    ” … and I honestly can’t imagine anything worse for the country … ”

    This bespeaks a terrible poverty of imagination. Another several vaxx boosters may be in order.

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  20. Dave said on November 2, 2024 at 2:49 pm

    Great news, Jeff Gill, this means my college buddy can get his leg back. I had no idea.

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  21. Sherri said on November 2, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    I always say read/listen to Dahlia, but an especially high recommendation to this week’s Amicus podcast. Dahlia welcomes Timothy Snyder, and it’s an amazing discussion that I can’t summarize here.

    One thing that really stood out to me was Snyder’s discussion of how we think about freedom, how the American default notion of freedom tends to be of a white male property owner with a gun. That reminds me of my oldest and dearest friend from college days sharing with me, when we were in our 30s, her therapist telling her that maybe she needed to come up with a model of success that wasn’t that of a middle-age white man, because she was never going to be one! (She was a physics PhD, so there weren’t a lot of other models around…) Kind of woke both of us up.

    Anyway, worth your time.

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  22. Sherri said on November 2, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    That’s Sir Strip Search Sammy, of Bourbon-Two Sicilies! (You can’t make this shit up, first he hangs out with Thurn and Taxis, which I thought was a board game, not a person, now this.)

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  23. basset said on November 2, 2024 at 9:27 pm

    Anyone have room for another cat? Mrs B’s dad passed recently in Frankenmuth and we are trying to find a forever home for “Willie,” short for Wilhelmina, a nice gray tabby about 6-7 years old, there or around Cadillac. Talk to me offline, thanks.

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  24. Jim said on November 3, 2024 at 5:35 am

    Jr is just another tart .

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  25. David C said on November 3, 2024 at 6:09 am

    This has a gift link to Tim Alberta’s The Atlantic article and Trump’s shit show of a campaign. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving felon.

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  26. Suzanne said on November 3, 2024 at 8:20 am

    This from a British news publication:

    “The events of the last few years have demonstrated that the unthinkable can become mainstream, the fringe can become normal, at unprecedented speeds.
    The Musk-Trump plan is the fruition of a global network war aimed at tearing down the entire infrastructure of a viable democracy in the United States. We should stop underestimating the risks, and start waking up to who is fighting this war and why.”

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  27. Peter said on November 3, 2024 at 8:36 am

    I’m sure most of you have seen the news about the latest Iowa poll – I think if it’s accurate, and if it’s happening in other states, this may turn into a 1980 election repeat with the race called before polls close on the west coast.

    On the other hand, last night I dreamt that I was flying over the city on top of an inflated giant bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos.

    I’m not saying the two are related. I’m just saying that I’m not a reliable source of information.

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  28. David C said on November 3, 2024 at 10:41 am

    I’ll believe anyone who dreams of flying on a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos. Now if it was Cool Ranch Doritos, I wouldn’t believe anything.

    So about the Iowa poll. Ann Selzer has a pretty good reputation. Even if the poll is off in Trump’s favor by 5 points, he’s only ahead 2 points in Iowa. He won Iowa in 2020 by 8%. So if a shift of 6% is common across the country, it puts a lot of states in play. Not popping any Champaign corks yet, though.

    448 chars

  29. Joe Kobiela said on November 3, 2024 at 12:23 pm

    4hrs after leaving detroit metro, eating lunch at epcot.
    Love to fly
    Pilot Joe

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  30. Peter said on November 3, 2024 at 12:48 pm

    David, I have to agree with you – it’s Nacho Cheese or GTFO.

    Remember when they brought back Original Taco Flavor a while back? I fondly remembered those; I got a bag and couldn’t finish it – it was so lame compared to Nacho Cheese.

    On the other hand, I have two colleagues who are Mexican and love Cool Ranch. Both had the same reason, though: their parents (one of them) and spouse (the other one) don’t like Cool Ranch, so they stock up on it, knowing that no one else will eat their stash.

    Thank you for attending my TED talk.

    543 chars

  31. Dexter Friend said on November 3, 2024 at 1:16 pm

    Many here on this blog, are world travelers, having visited many destinations. My daughter is in Quito, Ecuador, for a destination wedding. Have any of you ever been to Ecuador? I know I certainly have not.
    I am scared, shitless that not enough women are going to get to the polls in Pennsylvania to overcome the gender gap lead that Trump has among men. Right now it’s a dead heat completely tied.

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  32. Dave said on November 3, 2024 at 1:56 pm

    Yes, Dexter, we’ve been to Quito, where we traveled in 2019. We found it to be noisy, full of buses and narrow streets, full of tiny shops that sold what we thought of as junk, mostly and marveled that anyone would want it. In Quito and in Costa Rica both, in the city, at almost every intersection, people come out when the lights turn red and try to sell you anything from drinks to performing some dance moves for money to selling more junk, you feel sorry for them because is this their life? Everyday, they get up and head for what one suspects they think of as THEIR corner?

    We were guided by a Ecuadorian nun who is a distant relative of our daughter-in-law, an 80 year old lady who we could barely keep up with, wearing what I believed to be a wool habit. Temperatures in Quito, because of the elevation, are consistent year around, I suspect if I look right now, it’s overcast and about 65 degrees. Darn, I’m wrong, it’s about 70:

    We went to the highest point in the city and it gave my wife and son breathing difficulties to the point where they both had to sit down and take it easy for a bit of time.

    She can try the national dish of Ecuador, cuy, what we would call guinea pig. There are restaurants that have signs with smiling guinea pigs hanging out front. We didn’t try it.

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  33. Deborah said on November 3, 2024 at 4:17 pm

    Did anyone watch the SNL Kamala/Kamala routine? it was really cute. I watched it on You Tube today, I don’t stay up late enough to watch SNL.

    I’ve been a trad wife these last few days making candied orange peels dipped in chocolate. I feel like Martha Stewart almost, if I knew what I was doing. This all came about because we quit going to Whole Foods because of Jeff Bezos. We used to buy fresh squeezed orange juice there and couldn’t find it available at any of the other stores we checked out so I started making it myself. Which led to having lots of orange peels and trying to not be wasteful. It turned into quite a procedure when the chocolate I was melting turned into basically fudge and I had to go out and buy more. The second batch of chocolate melted just fine and everything turned out fine. I have no idea what happened the first time around. But I saved the “fudge” and will add some nuts to it and make some fudgey nutty candy tomorrow. Meanwhile I’m going to have a lot of candy to give away.

    The fresh squeezed orange juice I’m making is more like an orange smoothy. My husband likes pulpy OJ so I peel the oranges first cutting off as much of the white part (rind?) as I can, then I put the orange sections in chunks in my bullet blender and spin it like crazy. It makes super pulpy OJ but it tastes really great and my husband loves it. It’s very easy that way too.

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  34. Julie Robinson said on November 3, 2024 at 6:02 pm

    My dream last night included huge vats of frosting and large unfrosted cakes. Whut?

    basset, so sorry about mrs. b’s dad, and hope Willie finds a great new home. If we were closer, my son might be tempted, as they lost their diabetic cat today while they were on the way to the vet. He’s pretty broken up but also knows they did everything possible. They came over afterwords and after a long hug, he played with our resident cats. My mom’s cat loss is still fresh enough that it revived that for her too. So, an extended cryfest was held.

    Joe, you had a beautiful day for Epcot, except for the brief and intense rain. Food and Garden Festival?

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  35. Jeff Gill said on November 3, 2024 at 6:28 pm

    Plus, where in Epcot? Tangerine Grill? I love that place. The restaurant in the Mexico pavilion is pretty good, too.

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  36. Joe Kobiela said on November 3, 2024 at 8:12 pm

    Jeff Gill,
    France, cheese plate and a huge baguette, wife and I shared for $18.00 total. Best deal in the place.
    Staying in our condo at old key west resort,vacation club members.
    We love it.
    Pilot Joe

    207 chars

  37. Dorothy said on November 4, 2024 at 6:48 am

    This daylight saving time is a beast when it bumps into election anxiety. I woke up at 3:30 today. But I did fall asleep before 9 PM last night so I had nearly 7 hours of sleep. I’m pretending this is dress rehearsal for waking up at 4:15 tomorrow morning. Also I asked at my PMP training Saturday if we have to stay on site for all of our breaks on Tuesday. Jane the training lady said we can leave for lunch but they want us to stay put for other breaks. I’ve decided to stay put for lunch, too. I was going to meet Mike and Olivia for lunch since he’s watching her all day (no school since it’s a polling place) but I might not get my parking spot back if I leave for lunch.

    I think you all know that if you’re in line when the polls close, a poll worker stands at the end of the line to prevent anyone else from queuing up. And then the people in line still get to vote, of course. Well yesterday when the early voting ended, it took another 90 minutes to process the people who were in line. Of course this was in Franklin County, so this might not necessarily be the case in my suburban city tomorrow. But if it does, my long day is going to be proportionally longer. Hope I don’t fall asleep driving home when I get back to the church after I do the ride along to deliver the ballots.

    I am taking all these early voters as a very positive sign for our gal Kamala.

    1392 chars

  38. basset said on November 4, 2024 at 7:18 am

    Nothing for Willie yet, we’d take her but we’re nine hours away and already have one cat who would not get along with her.

    Strange dream the other night… the Indianapolis 500 is about to start, the first of the marching bands is parading down the front straight and I’m in among em, in the same band outfit, holding a DSLR video camera up over my head and getting pics for… who? Have spent a lot of time behind various cameras but never been part of a marching band.

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  39. alex said on November 4, 2024 at 8:36 am

    I awoke from a strange dream at about 4:00 AM. I was with an elderly friend (whose recent death I just learned about yesterday in the obits) and we were in a Sea World sort of giant swimming pool where the public could swim with porpoises only we were swimming among some sort of dangerous sea creatures that kind of looked like muskrats or beavers but were supposed to be lethal and I was wondering the whole time why are we here and why are we putting ourselves in harm’s way?

    I’m hoping it’ll be a quick and decisive election night and that Trump will get the rebuke he so bigly deserves. I’ve been through both the NYT and WaPo this morning and I’m just sick of reading the Cletus safari stories from the Blue Wall states where so many people have become inured to lies and impervious to facts. It’s like “Night of the Living Dead” only fer realz.

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  40. David C said on November 4, 2024 at 9:42 am

    I almost always have a bad fall time change. I can lose sleep like nobody’s business for the spring change but sleeping an extra hour doesn’t seem to work. So I was expecting an especially bad one for the same reason as Dorothy. I did just fine. Everything I see shows Kamala is going to kick his orange ass all across the country. I don’t see any group Trump is improving on from 2020. Elmo’s GOTV is a disaster. Brain genius Musk if getting scammed for millions. Leaving the canvassers one of his subs hauled around in a U-Haul stranded when he fired them is not a good look. Everyone hates a shitty boss and that’s some real shitty boss shit. Fellating a microphone and hating on Puerto Ricans as his closing statement isn’t going to work. He’s toast.

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  41. Jenine said on November 4, 2024 at 10:15 am

    Putting in a good word for Ecuador. My daughter has visited three times, once for study abroad in Quito and the Galapagos islands. The other two times were with her boyfriend who has relatives in Cuenca in the mountains. It’s a real ring of fire place – I would love to visit the volcanic mountains near Quito. Very high altitude.

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  42. Deborah said on November 4, 2024 at 1:39 pm

    Best thing I read on the internet today: Dress appropriately tomorrow it’s going to be -45.

    I started grinding my teeth while sleeping lately, something I haven’t done at all since I was married to my ex. My jaw is killing me, finding it hard to chew, so I’m making soup tonight. Also started taking my anxiety meds. I wish I was more optimistic, I’m telling myself that I’m a glass half empty person in general so maybe that’s all it is. Hopefully.

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  43. Julie Robinson said on November 4, 2024 at 3:09 pm

    -45°? No! 85° here.

    Almost 2/3 of our precinct have already voted, but that still leaves around 800 left. We do have additional sign-in tablets and one more help desk person, so fingers crossed.

    I’ve just done a review of my instruction book for tomorrow and am headed out to the pool to work out body kinks.

    Democracy! Bring it on!

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  44. Dorothy said on November 4, 2024 at 3:28 pm

    That’s a good one, Deborah. ‘-45.” I prefer to call the coming days “anticipating 45’s sentence on November 26”. Who wants to bet on the chances of him leaving the country before that date in the dark of night?

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  45. David C said on November 4, 2024 at 4:14 pm

    I can’t imagine that the Secret Service would allow Trump to leave and I bet the DOJ keeps pretty close tabs on him too. He’s would no longer be of use to Putin, or Mr. Bone Saw anyway. Maybe his little rocket man would take him in. He and North Korea deserve each other.

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  46. Peter said on November 4, 2024 at 8:42 pm

    Oh, things are just going great at our polling station: One precinct is supposed to have 7 judges, but only one showed up tonight to set up. She told me that 4 of the other judges bailed and the two that are left are high schoolers.

    Then I opened the shrink wrap for the ballots in my precinct and found – they’re for a different precinct. When I called HQ they said I shouldn’t have opened them until tomorrow morning, and I said “so instead of 11 hours to fix it you would have gotten 30 minutes…”

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  47. Sherri said on November 4, 2024 at 10:16 pm

    I may be completely delusional, but I don’t think it’s going to be close tomorrow. I think a combination of Dobbs and the disgusting message Trump has been putting out there is going to result in a massive turnout and repudiation of Trumpism. A whole new generation of voters is hearing Trump talking about grabbing women by the pussy for the first time on TikTok, and they don’t want any part of it.

    People who are mostly invisible to the national media, like the Divine Nine, have been organizing like crazy. Harris has run an amazing campaign. When you can put together a coalition that stretches from AOC to Dick Cheney, while your opponent’s coalition stretches from Elon Musk to Franklin Graham, I don’t see how even the electoral college can screw us over.

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  48. David C said on November 5, 2024 at 5:52 am

    I’m thinking the same thing, Sherri. I read this morning that Kamala has put together a coalition from AOC to Dick Cheney and Trump from Elon to Franklin Graham. I don’t think you win with the latter.

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  49. Jeff Gill said on November 5, 2024 at 8:57 am

    My very best to all the pollworkers in the community here, including our host! Thank you for your service.

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