While I was gone, Alex wrote a nice recollection (scroll down) of Zoltan Herman, the Hungarian refugee who made his career as a Fort Wayne restaurateur. You might recall I wrote about our visit there last summer, when Zoli told us his dream to sell the place and return to his native land for his twilight years. (One look revealed he didn’t have many left.) Well, he didn’t make it.
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Bob said on December 22, 2003 at 12:14 am
In its heyday, Zoli’s was excellent. It was my first choice when I wanted to take out-of-town guests out for dinner. The food and service were first-rate and the prices made for a good value, considering the quality of the experience. On the rare occasions when I entertained at home and wanted a perfect finishing touch, I bought pastries there. They were always a hit.
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