Our co-prosperity sphere.

As you might imagine, this was the big news in our household today, if you define “big” as “the sort of event that starts your back teeth grinding.” Alan went to work as an employee of Gannett and came home an employee of MediaNews Group. So did several hundred other people today, in one way or another (some were Knight Ridder employees and became Gannettoids). Just another day in corporate journalism.

This has many implications, and I’m speculated out. All I know is: a) I don’t want to move again; and b) I really don’t want to move again. So keep fingers crossed.

When I’m stressed, I clean. It beats chain-smoking, and at least the toilets are all sparkly when you puke into them later. When the bathrooms are clean, I open a bottle of wine. Tonight, pinot noir to go with a really greasy and good pasta-with-sausage-and-cream thing. I figured after a hard day of shedding one corporate identiy and assuming another, Alan deserved calories and alcohol. The early indications are that things might work out (although I remain deeply skeptical). I’m thinking about getting a real job, but nothing available appeals to me. What I’d really like to do is replace the voiceover guy who does the promos on NBC, the guy with the low, growly voice who says, “And on ‘ER,’ Dr. Carter makes a very special…goodbye.” Why should he get all the work, roughing up the pipes all day with Marlboros and whiskey, then running through the day’s assignment:

“A ‘Law & Order’ twist you won’t believe”

This is a job for me.

Bloggage later. I’m too tired now. Oh wait, there’s this, a neat skewering of press tour week for the upcoming TV season. In keeping with our journalism theme today, doncha know.

Posted at 9:45 pm in Uncategorized |

11 responses to “Our co-prosperity sphere.”

  1. mary said on August 4, 2005 at 12:20 am

    I know exactly how you feel. The ex, without ever changing jobs, went through four changes of employer. It was white knuckle time every time the ownership changed. I still liked the first one: a smallish foreign company with a European idea of what vacation time and health care should be. He’s still in the same job, but now a giganto mega company owns him. He has survived every change, which is pretty rare. Unfortunately, I think he has survived by being invisible, not indispensible.

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  2. Dorothy said on August 4, 2005 at 7:53 am

    I get a queasy stomach every time I hear about someone possibly losing their job. Doesn’t matter who it is, those feelings are hard to shed. We went through it twice and it doesn’t get any easier. I swear it changed me in a very profound way – I just hope it doesn’t show too much. Currently my hubby seems to be happy and stable with his current employer. But all he has to do is come home and look at me funny, and my stomach lurches all over the place. He’s learned not to look at me so funny. Unless it means something else entirely!

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  3. Nance said on August 4, 2005 at 9:08 am

    I don’t think anyone’s losing their job, at least not immediately. It’s the accompanying b.s. storm that always makes me ill. The CEO of Knight Ridder kissed off one of the chain’s longest-held, most distinguished and decorated papers with a speech that sounded as though the sale was a force of nature, like a tornado, unstoppable. No element of choice was involved, but as always, there was, ahem, profound regret:

    This is a very difficult thing for me to have to say, but we� have agreed to sell our interest in the Free Press and our ownership interest in the (Detroit Newspaper) Agency to Gannett. The Free Press has always been one of Knight Ridder�s very best newspapers in all sorts of ways� Truly outstanding service to the community, caring about the community and the diversity that is so important to Knight Ridder. The Free Press has been a leader in the industry. It�s very difficult to turn the Free Press over to somebody else.

    Just…vile. Carl Hiaasen wasn’t hard enough on this guy.

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  4. Carmella said on August 4, 2005 at 9:08 am

    Good luck with staying put, Nance. Is that your home on Flicker?? GEORGOUS!! Absolutely charming! Fingers crossed!

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  5. Nance said on August 4, 2005 at 9:10 am

    Is that your home on Flicker??

    Uh, no.

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  6. Carmella said on August 4, 2005 at 9:13 am

    …oh! Well, I am positive YOURS is equally charming!

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  7. Dorothy said on August 4, 2005 at 9:22 am

    I was sort of speaking in general terms, Nance. Did not mean to imply that you guys were facing imminent job loss. Sorry ’bout that! I hope everything evens out soon.

    Speaking of jobs and journalism, my daughter got hired at the Virginian-Pilot last week. This is about 3 weeks before her Dow Jones internship ended. We’re so happy for her. She loves it there and she says the people are just terrific.

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  8. Mindy said on August 4, 2005 at 11:05 am

    Keep those wine glasses clean and continue filling them. Gadfrey, you haven’t been in your house long enough for your boxes of Christmas decorations to get dusty. Another move is unthinkable. My fingers are crossed.

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  9. danno said on August 4, 2005 at 11:26 am

    Um, Nance, looking for a job?? Isn’t the leadership of Detroit job up for grabs this year??

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  10. Ricardo said on August 4, 2005 at 1:39 pm

    My brother-in-law worked for the Detroit Times for many years until they closed (just after marrying my sister). After a few years of unemployment, he hooked up with the Free Press. My dad, most uncles, and brother woked as carpenters in Detroit. This profession also experiences a lot of unemployment when they are not selling autos.

    Until Detroit deversifies its industries, I am convinced this will remain the pattern of boom and bust that began in 1929 (read the Ford family history-especially the Guardian Trust chapter). The auto industry is hypersensitive to the US economy and everything else is tied to the auto industry.

    One positive thing: if the News is to become the kind of paper as the (LA)Daily News, eveyone will be pleased with the quality of the paper.

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  11. humble reader said on August 4, 2005 at 6:00 pm

    I’m with you, Nance, on the alternative career path. My fantasy job is headline writer for tabloids.

    “Decapitated woman has baby. Talking head tells all.”

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