Googling the Black Keys the other day, I came across this year-old, sadly appalling essay by Denise Grollmus, who if you don’t know the name is the former Mrs. Patrick Carney, and he is one-half of the Black Keys. A key, if you will.
They married young and divorced only a little older, and if you think the story of their breakup is worth wading through for the special insights she will bring to the tale, something about love and commitment and fame and Grammys, you’re not going to get that. If you think it’ll be worth it because there’s lots of dirty dirt about backstage cheating and groupies and whether Mick Jagger’s equipment is really the tiny todger Keith Richards says it is, you won’t get that, either. Which is why I finished it irritated. It’s not a short piece, and frankly, the most interesting part of it was this bit from the comments:
Patrick Carney has to be screened for Marfan Syndrome, if he hasn’t already. I’m struck by his physical features and how, like many I know, fit the MFS profile. His height, lanky frame and long limbs and face and glasses.
OK, no, that wasn’t the most interesting part. This was:
I started going to therapy, where I was diagnosed with alcohol-induced mood disorder, a diagnosis that I quickly dismissed because I thought I knew better.
This is an actual diagnosis? Alcohol-induced mood disorder? Where I come from, honey, we call that “being drunk,” and a disordered mood is sort of the point. But OK, I get it: You married your sweet rocker boyfriend, you were happy for a time, and then you weren’t, and you got a divorce. If you’re really the master’s level creative nonfiction writer your website says you are, you ought to be able to do a lot better.
Why do couples do this? I guess it’s natural for a writer to seek revenge in writing — lord knows I’ve tried often enough. But this sort of thing is just squicky. No greater lessons are learned, no grand conclusions drawn, no attempt made to justify the intrusion into a couple’s intimate life with a bigger truth about our frail human hearts. It’s one of those things for which the kids have a word: FAIL.
Has anyone noticed I’ve been silent on the Rush Limbaugh affair? I have. I’m just sitting here, watching the pinball bounce around the machine, only really I’m thinking about “Angry Birds,” which isn’t pinball. I had finished all levels of the game and was on the verge of deleting it from my iPad when I launched it one last time and discovered a new level, and a new bird. It’s orange. Its trick is, after it lands, it inflates like a balloon for a few seconds, then deflates and fizzles off into the ether. It’s a tricky one; if you can’t wedge it into a place where its inflation will knock a few pigs loose, it’s not much use to you.
Anyway, I’ve been wondering if Rush is the orange bird, inflated but just about to start hissing air out and flying around the room for a few final seconds. And even as the advertisers jump off his sinking ship, I don’t see this ending any way other than well for the fat man. His bunker is too well-padded with money, and there will always be someone to advertise their crap on his show. Every photo I see of him, he’s with some other old white man, who’s frequently laughing maniacally at something Rush said, mouth gaping open and double chins a-quiver. He’s yesterday. Sandra Fluke — and Denise Grollmus — are the future.
Although who knows? Maybe he’s going off his rocker. I’m told she was Tuesday’s target, a Michigan woman who’s written a book about food. And no, I can’t figure out why he was upset, either. But it’ll be good for book sales, I’m sure.
A little bloggage:
Hey, basketball fans: Amy Welborn’s son edited this. (NOTE: Link fixed.)He works for Turner Broadcasting. Discussing this with J.C., who also worked there, I wondered if Amy’s son might have ever seen three enormous Ampex 2-inch videotape decks that used to be there, each wearing an engraved name tag — Jill, Kelly and Sabrina. (The original Charlie’s Angels, for you youngsters.) J.C. said of course not, those decks were long gone, but here’s a bit of super-ultra-obscure broadcast trivia: They were originally called Larry, Curly and Moe, the names written with Magic Marker on index cards. They were sent out for service, back to Ampex, and Ampex returned them with the new names, and the fancy tags. A little joke between the company and a good customer. Their decks were angels, not stooges.
It’s been a long day. I think I’m going to bed.
Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on March 7, 2012 at 7:03 am
He thinks he’s Mencken. He’s not, he’s Barnum. Or Barnum’s bearded lady. Either way, he will inevitably be one of those figures, like Francis X. Bushman, that mere decades after his passing from at least the public eye people will be thumbing through popular culture or journalism, see his name, and pause to think about whether or not it’s worth looking up who exactly they were in their day. Then they’ll have a faint recollection “yeah, something like the Fatty Arbuckle of his day” and they’ll move on.
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alex said on March 7, 2012 at 8:04 am
Glenn Beck supposedly still has a job, but wherever he is he’s toiling in obscurity, no longer in our face every day via the MSM with his latest provocative statement making news as if it were the latest earthquake or stock market crash. I’m hoping el Rushbo will be put out to pasture in the same fashion, even though there’s no Roger Ailes to fire his fat ass.
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beb said on March 7, 2012 at 8:14 am
The Forbes site has a suckky ad that you have to watch before going on to their site. I don’t think I’ll read whatever it is they have to say about anything. If you don’t want to be accessable, don’t get on the internet.
I was surprised to see that overnight Rush has gone from 13 dropped advertisers to 35. How many advertisers does this guy have to loss? I’m sure many of those will be creeping back once the heat is off.
Interesting that Romney won Ohio by barely 1%, while Santorum won Tennessee by 10% and Oklahoma by almost %5. Winning small and losing big – these are not the signs of a great candidate.
Colbert’s “The Word” last night shed light on an uncomfortable issue – the president’s declaration that he has the right to kill Americans if they are terrorists, anywhere in the world. And who decides who is a terrorist….the president. This is a power-grab of Stalinist magnitude.
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Icarus said on March 7, 2012 at 8:20 am
thanks for the heads up Beb. We don’t have cable so we watch Colbert and The Daily Show online, its a day late but still relevant and usually very entertaining.
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basset said on March 7, 2012 at 8:26 am
Two-inch quad tape… that brings back some memories, most of them good. Need to fix the link, though.
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Peter said on March 7, 2012 at 9:02 am
squicky? Is that a future entry for the OED?
Francis X. Bushman – that brings back memories. Mostly memories of reading his name in High School and wondering who in God’s name was that?
Our HS TV station had a two inch tape deck that was a retread from a commercial station. When we got a 1/2″ tape machine everyone stared at it as if it was a microchip “I never thought they would make tape THAT small”.
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Little Bird said on March 7, 2012 at 10:28 am
I think I need to change my avatar now….
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Malvolio said on March 7, 2012 at 10:30 am
When I worked for Georgia PTV in the 70s, Ted Turner was an incessant visitor to our studio on the UGA campus. We were on VHF, Channel 8 and Ted’s media empire was just beginning with his station on UHF Channel 17 in Atlanta. He was obsessed with a trade to put his flagship on the VHF band. That never worked out, but the boom in cable took care of all of that. Whenever I see Trump tootling his own cornet about self-madism and his Galtian rise to riches, I wonder what Captain Outrageous would say about him if he weren’t a nice guy. Ted was hugely popular with those of us on the GPTV studio crew, because he’d show up to visit with pizza from Steverino’s and brewskis. The studio lounge had the first huge-screen, three gun, back projection TV any of us had ever seen (and engineers to make the picture perfect), and we’d cue up tape of the Bear Bryant Show, scarf pizza, drink beer, and make fun of the ‘Bama coach, who always appeared three sheets and couldn’t get the names of his players right. Probably my favorite job ever, other than being self-employed.
Francis X. Bushman had an incredibly long acting career, stretching back to 1911 and early silents. He guest starred on 50s and 60s TV shows like Perry Mason, Batman, Dobie Gillis, Dr. Kildare and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. Most of his movies are long forgotten, but he did have a role in Sabrina, the classic chick flick, with Audrey Hepburn, Bogart and William Holden.
Watching political results last night, I was interested to see that while Santorum led in Ohio, the Heads kept saying “Wait for Cuyahoga County.” Presumably, more sophisticated, sensible, moderate, and, so, more likely to be Willard-friendly. Not a pleasant reminder of the similar message from 2004 when somehow Ken Blackwell served Cuyahoga up for W, when all the experts said Kerry was a lock. I still believe that between Blackwell and his Diebold buds, Ohio was stolen, and nothing will ever convince me otherwise. The bastards said they would do it before the election.
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Dorothy said on March 7, 2012 at 10:35 am
beb in the top right hand corner of the Forbes site, you can click on “skip advertisement” (or something to that effect). Takes you right to the article.
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Dexter said on March 7, 2012 at 10:36 am
Don Imus trashed Limbaugh this morning, comparing Imus’s “flippant, wrong remark” regarding members of the Rutgers basketball team to “a three day, sickening attack on an innocent person…” who was Ms. Fluke. Imus then went silent and rolled his eyes and shook his head back and forth. Imus sued CBS and won, and received somewhere north of ten million dollars in the end, for wrong-doing in the firing process, but Imus is still bitter as hell at the way he was fired.
Jimmy Norton, the foul mouthed comedian who is third mic on “The Opie and Anthony Show”, (XM 105) , is engaged in a “silent strike” , protesting the ad-mens’ pullout from Limbaugh’s show.
That makes for great radio, Jimmy. Right.
I dusted, lubed, and aired the good bicycle late yesterday afternoon for a short , easy 45 minute ride around the city. The past couple winters I mostly abandoned winter riding, so yesterday’s ride really felt great.
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John (not McCain) said on March 7, 2012 at 10:52 am
“they’ll have a faint recollection “yeah, something like the Fatty Arbuckle of his day”
Unfair – Fatty was framed, and Rush is guilty as sin.
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on March 7, 2012 at 10:59 am
Point taken — how about “the D.C. Stephenson of his day”?
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Bitter Scribe said on March 7, 2012 at 11:14 am
JTMMO, the old-time media figure I always think of in connection with Limbaugh is Westbrook Pegler, who was much more literate but every bit as much of a fat-mouth jerk.
He finally flamed out when it came to light that he had sneeringly told an audience that the Jewish victims of the Holocaust were all Communists, “but nobody mentions that.” Dismissed by his newspaper (the N.Y. Herald Tribune, IIRC), he started writing for the John Birch Society house organ, but eventually got too jerkass even for them.
I don’t know whether Limbaugh is ever going to say anything comparable (not about the Holocaust per se—I don’t think the man knows enough about history to do that, for one thing—but comparably outrageous). Probably not. Thanks to media fragmentation, Limbaugh’s audience is sufficiently concentrated with mouth-breathers so that practically nothing he says could cross the line. There is no line.
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Connie said on March 7, 2012 at 11:35 am
I do know who DC Stephenson was and have no clue about Mr. X Bushman. Don’t even care enough to google today.
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Malvolio said on March 7, 2012 at 11:36 am
Well, DC Stephenson certainly had the pork face for the comparison. Looks like Jimmy Johnson with somewhat better hair.
How transparent is the hypocrisy of GOPers that make wildly inflated and unfounded claims for job creation connected to the Keystone XL Pipeline, but claim transportation spending won’t put Americans to work? They voted against the transportation bill this AM.
Contemporary description in Time Magazine of Westbrook Pegler (from Wikipedia): At the age of 44, Mr. Mister Pegler’s place as the great dissenter for the common man is unchallenged. Six days a week, for an estimated $65,000 a year, in 116 papers reaching nearly 6,000,000 readers, Mister Pegler is invariably irritated, inexhaustibly scornful. Unhampered by coordinated convictions of his own, Pegler applies himself to presidents and peanut vendors with equal zeal and skill. Dissension is his philosophy.
FX Bushman played Messala in the first 20s movie version of Ben-Hur. His Wiki entry is quite entertaining. Fascinating, if accurate:
He appeared in well over 100 movies.
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on March 7, 2012 at 12:03 pm
Oh, Connie, if you have Indianapolis roots, you should know about D.C. Stephenson. Malvolio’s link is fine, and the Wikipedia entry at last glance was a good overview.
But I bow to Bitter Scribe’s even better analogy, and sum up my original point using his insight — Limbaugh thinks he’s Mencken, but he’s actually Westbrook Pegler.
(Hat tip to the Scribe!)
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alex said on March 7, 2012 at 12:10 pm
Forty-three and counting. I’m sure he won’t go quietly, but it looks like he may soon be just a footnote to history.
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Connie said on March 7, 2012 at 12:10 pm
Jeff, I have Seymour roots actually, (14 adult years)and he lived there near the end of his life. But I first learned about Stephenson in the same college class for which I read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”, an English comp class organized around the theme of American Radical Thought.
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Jeff Borden said on March 7, 2012 at 12:22 pm
It’s going to be hard to keep from using Limbaugh as an example of ad hominem demagogeury when I teach it this spring. Usually, I went with Glenn Beck, comparing and contrasting him with Father Coughlin, but I also had to include Keith Olbermann, even though he was not nearly as egregious as Beck.
There is a season to everything. It is entirely possible that Limbaugh’s may be ending, though it could take quite a long time to run its course. I suppose there are some fresh young faces among the Republican appartchiks at Fox News who might make a radio splash at some point, but for now, if you scan the radio lineup you are talking about an aging group of angry old white guys: Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O’Reilly, Savage, Levin, Bennett,
One thing I find quite amusing and that fits perfectly into the narrative of “family values” conservatives is the advertiser that is coming to the rescue of Limbaugh and offering to buy up his inventory: Ashley Madison. This is the pay site devoted to helping married people cheat on each other.
So, the great defender of traditional American values –the frequently married but childless recovering drug addict and Vietnam draft dodger– may find economic salvation from a company who makes money by facilitating extra-marital flings.
Sounds about right.
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LAMary said on March 7, 2012 at 1:09 pm
I went to college with Westbrook Pegler. He was either Jr. or the third. Not sure which. He would be in his late fifties now.
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Malvolio said on March 7, 2012 at 1:22 pm
I always thought Blimpbaaah was most accurately characterized by the medical condition that got the fierce warrior his 4F excuse from military service, a pilonidal cyst:
Fracking gross.
So all of those people that have called Rush a boil on the universal butt wer not far off the mark.
The extent and seriousness of the failure of cooling systems and containments at Fukushima in the wake of the tsunami proceeded from and were exacerbated by Jappanese government regulators’ reluctance to interfere with private operation of the plant. And of course, the predictably unfortunate decision to store spent fuel rods within the containment in cooling pools mounted adjacent to the reactors. It’s difficult to understand how it’s possible that nobody has figured out a safe way to deal with nuclear waste after all this time. It’s probably like coal-fired power plant emissions. They know how to do it but refuse to spend the money.
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Malvolio said on March 7, 2012 at 2:09 pm
Endangered species in need of protection:
local editorial boards.
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brian stouder said on March 7, 2012 at 5:23 pm
Say, an end-of-workday digression.
The other day, Alex said
I wonder how bad things have to get before people realize they’re voting against their own interests.
And this got me thinking. Now that my age is one short of a full deck of cards (make of that what you will), here is my own record of presidential votes.
Looking back, and assigning ‘V’s for visceral votes and ‘T’s for thought-out presidential votes I have cast, we see: RWR-V, RWR-V, GHWB-V, WJC-V (I was angry at poppy), WJC-T (the thought was – “Bob Dole?”), GWB-V (just didn’t like Gore), GWB-V (war, middle of the stream, changing horses…I don’t think this counts as ‘thought’, really), and OHB-V (both primary and general).
When I was 19, my first presidential vote was giddily cast for RWR versus Jimmy Carter – which was purely against any personal interest that I or my family had at the time.
And 3 years ago, I was even more giddily wowed by Obama’s speeches, loved his book, shook his wife’s hand here in Fort Wayne (and you canNOT over-estimate how meaningful a handshake and/or a traded word or two is), and switched parties (permanently) to support him in the primary.
Bottom-line: I almost never consult “the bottom-line” before casting a vote for president; where’s the fun in that?!
As it happens, I believe President Obama’s policies actually do all align with my best interests to a much greater degree than any of this year’s blighted crop of Republicans (by far), but Al Gore’s and John Kerry’s did too – and at the time – it didn’t sway me a bit, in their cases.
By way of saying, there is “voting one’s interests” and then there is “becoming energized”; a term which carries a double meaning in 2012, I think – since (despite Alex’s disagreement with me a few days ago!) in my opinion the one thing that can defeat President Obama is a chucklehead-move by Israel against Iran, and the huge disruption that would cause to the worldwide energy/economy…in an instant.
Consider – the GOP wet-dream comes true*, and we awake one morning to news that war has erupted and gas spikes to $6.45/gallon. I think that would mean President Romney, and a dog carrier for the top of the fuselage of Air Force One
*it would be such a buzz-kill for everyone but Rush Limbaugh and his amen-corner, who would be spewing Santorum all over every damned thing!
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Malvolio said on March 7, 2012 at 5:36 pm
How about voting with some semblance of intelligence? Republicans like the Big Tent analogy. What Big Tent Kemo Sabe? It’s true sometimes self-interest is not the best way to vote. But voting for anybody you can see for a fact objectively will fuck you over really doesn’t make much sense. Sometimes one might vote against self-interest in the interest of “the least of my brethren”. That has never meant voting for GOPers, who always represent rich people and scurrilously claim to be “The Party of Lincoln” That’s why they absorbed the Dixiecrats so fast nobody seems to have seen it happen.
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Malvolio said on March 7, 2012 at 5:55 pm
Ronald Wilson Raygun is a medical conundrum. Did he know the revolutionary whackos on Grenada were nuts and had no military resources? If he did, he was a war criminal murderer. Did he know about the internecine connections between US Drug dealers and the Freedom Fighters (most gag-inducing sobriquet ever)? Those people just didn’t give a shit if it promoted “Morning in America”. Relatives of Archbishop Madeiros are mildly interested. Raygun murdered him at the Communion Rail. You have to believe he was already oldtimers to think not. What did he care, It was just another Catholic. And I’d like to say. GOPers piggybacking on Catholics?
fuck y’all bigtime. We are the Whore of Babylon.
and a demonic sect. What these assholes said in the past about Catholics, and excuse me we were around considerably earlier..
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Jakash said on March 7, 2012 at 5:55 pm
Well, Brian Stouder, with all due respect, that post is genuinely depressing to me. If somebody as smart and as good at presenting his opinions as yourself has only voted once out of 8 times basing his decision on a rational thought process, what hope is there for influencing the people who don’t even realize that they COULD base their political decisions on actual information?
I tend to give people a pass for voting for Bush the Younger the first time, though I didn’t at the time. But the fact that you, of all people, could witness the train wreck of his first term and still vote for him again is chilling to me.
Apologies for the presumptuousness of even commenting about this, given that I don’t know you at all and am only familiar with your fine contributions to this blog from the cheap seats.
On the other hand, I’m always mystified at how Bush got reelected and why people vote against their interests, and your forthright “digression” certainly goes a long way toward explaining that, which I assume was your intent.
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Sherri said on March 7, 2012 at 5:59 pm
After reading your comments here, Brian, I never would have guessed you had voted for so many Republican Presidents. Myself, after a young and foolish time of libertarian leanings and the consequence of a conservative upbringing, I voted for Reagan twice, but GHWB’s selection of Dan Quayle as VP offended my little meritocratic heart, and then I grew up, and I’ve never voted for a Republican again. For anything.
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Malvolio said on March 7, 2012 at 6:07 pm
I think its clear Raygun wasn’t close to compos mentis when he was Pretzledent. But Brian, teabangers voting for GOPers is remarkably self defeating to the point of teenage cutting. You know that’s true. But aside from anything else, how does GOPer policy line up with the intentions of Their Lord ans Personal Savior. Well it doesn’t so, shouldn’t they shut the hell up about Jesus?
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Malvolio said on March 7, 2012 at 6:08 pm
And in Brian’s defense, no matter how anybody voted, it took Diebold and Scalia to ever make the ultimate moron President.
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LAMary said on March 7, 2012 at 6:20 pm
First time I voted it was for McGovern. Nixon was too nervous and sweaty and weird.
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JayZ(the original) said on March 7, 2012 at 7:10 pm
I, too, voted Republican in 60, 64, and 68. I had been raised in Chicago and found the Daley machine so repulsive it prevented me from thoughtfully evaluating issues and positions of the candidates. Sometime between 68 and 72 I read William Lederer’s Nation of Sheep, and it had such a profound impact on how I perceived the Viet Nam war that I started becoming interested in politics. I did a complete 180 by the time Nixon and McGovern ran, and I’ve been a Democrat ever since.
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Deborah said on March 7, 2012 at 7:20 pm
I voted the first time for McGovern and worked on his campaign when I was in college. I have always ever voted for Dems. A republican has never appealed to me at any election. In some ways I’m probably just as guilty as many Republicans who vote in a knee jerk fashion. There have to have been viable Republicans running in some of the many elections I have voted in. I realize this at least. Maybe someday I’ll actually vote for one but I don’t see that happening anytime soon, from what I see out there.
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beb said on March 7, 2012 at 7:37 pm
While I don’t consider myself a movement Dem I have to admit I’ve never voted for a Republican.
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brian stouder said on March 7, 2012 at 7:46 pm
I tend to give people a pass for voting for Bush the Younger the first time, though I didn’t at the time. But the fact that you, of all people, could witness the train wreck of his first term and still vote for him again is chilling to me.
You know, it took the catastrophic category 5 Hurricane Katrina to blow me out of being a complacent Republican. As the terrible news from New Orleans continued to unfold, I remember initially believing it would only be a matter of hours before the US Navy (et al) would swoop in to New Orleans with fresh water and the rest….and it didn’t happen. Then a week had gone by, and on the TV screens I watched American citizens trying to do the right thing – doing what I’d be doing if I were there – going to that convention center and waiting patiently for assistance…or even just fresh water. And, nothing. Nothing at all. Days went by, and nothing was happening, except my fellow citizens (and their families) were becoming desperate. And, not for nothing, but the networks could get people in there, and cameras and all the rest. How could the US military not get there – bring fresh water and crackers – take care of those people!
That national debacle – in one of America’s biggest cities – was flatly outrageous, and here in the cheap seats of good ol’ nn.c, Ashley Morris seemed to be equal-parts heart-broken and angry. I couldn’t deny, the government headed by George W Bush (the guy I voted for, twice!) was either criminally inept, or else was actually and deliberately hostile toward them – the citizens of New Orleans; lots of people who (incidentally?) didn’t look like – for example – the angry “tea party” people we would be seeing three years later.
In the ensuing days, between the brainless calls (by some) that we should just level New Orleans and start over again, and the vindictive screeches from others that “those people” were just a lawless mob of looters, it became very clear to me that if my family and I lived there, we’d be doing whatever we could to survive, too.
NN.c’s own Ashley Morris had lots to say at that time and later, and it was (finally) plainly obvious to me – he was right. I was as wrong as I ever possibly could have been, I think….but, whaddayagonna do, eh?
Live and learn.
PS – really, if I have any point at all – it’s that presidential election time is all about ephemeral things; hope, charm, emotional attachment, parochialism…or anger (righteous or misplaced), force-of-habit, or blissful complacency. I think most of my presidential votes were in the latter category
edit – Beb, I remember being a little stunned when Nancy once remarked (possibly here, or possibly in her old News-Sentinal column – although that may have been a tricky place to say such a thing) that she often declared as a Republican at primary time here in Indiana, because the Democrats never win anything*, and it was her one chance to try and select the best person THEN, since that person would win in November. At that time, I couldn’t imagine declaring as a “D” for such a reason. I still have the “team-sport” mindset to this day; now that I’m a “D”, I cannot imagine declaring “R” for that reason….although thinking about it, Nancy’s approach was logical then, and remains so.
*Friend-of-nn.c Mark the Shark once said that a giraffe could win an election in Allen County, if she was on the Republican ticket, and he was (of course) correct!
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LAMary said on March 7, 2012 at 7:52 pm
Our municipal elections are theoretically non-partisan, but everyone knows who is the democrat and who is the republican. I voted for Richard Riordan for Mayor and he was the republican. I was very familiar with his opponent, Michael Woo, and I thought he was smart and interesting and ineffectual. He had been my councilman for a short time between redistricting battles. Riordan turned out to be a pretty great mayor. The 94 earthquake happened on his watch, and he got things fixed and working remarkably well. The collapsed section of one of the busiest freeways got fixed amazingly fast. This I appreciated. I was on one side of that collapse and my OB/GYN was on the other, and I was about to have a baby.
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on March 7, 2012 at 10:15 pm
Hat tip, LA Mary. I assume young Pegler was known as “Skip” or some such.
I’m still embarrassed that I voted for Al Gore.
The US Government has nothing to be proud of in the Katrina response, but Brian, I think it’s worth noting that the work of the Navy & Coast Guard was criminally undercovered, largely because there was no live video feed as they rescued, retail, some 23,000 people along coastal areas. And due to the speed with which things developed that week, there wasn’t even much in the way of documentation by the services, and the news quickly “tired” of distant zoom shots of people being lifted by cables from roofs to helicopters. They did look all painfully similar.
Anyhow, not defending Brownie, just wanting to let the Coast Guard & Navy have their due.
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Malvolio said on March 7, 2012 at 10:38 pm
JEFFFMO, HE WON, BUT THAT ultimate activist judge said W did, And look at the mess that resulted in.
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Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on March 7, 2012 at 10:46 pm
Actually, I voted for him earlier than that one. 1988. Al called himself a “raging moderate,” a title I’d still claim, but to my shame, I voted for him mainly because I thought he seemed the smartest.
Silly, silly me. It would be like voting for Newt because he “wrote” the most books.
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Dexter said on March 7, 2012 at 11:42 pm
I voted for McGovern …first election I was eligible. The picture is of George McGovern’s 15 year old Newfoundland doggie.
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jcburns said on March 7, 2012 at 11:46 pm
I’m pleasantly surprised that more than one of your commentors have even been within the tri-state area of two-inch tape. (Quad forever?) Here’s one pic of folks editing on a one-inch machine while using Jill and Sabrina (left and right of the pic) as playback:
These boxes (‘carts’) contain 2-inch videotape commercials/short spots:
…they’re sitting behind me in my office. What, me hoard?
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moe99 said on March 8, 2012 at 2:48 am
Brian, I tend to believe that if Israel attacks Iran, it will not turn out exactly as you have predicted. I think more and more Americans are getting fed up with the racist and jingoist Israeli government and will not give then a pass if they are the agressor. I may have posted this before but I think it is an important article:
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basset said on March 8, 2012 at 8:10 am
I remember those quad cart machines, we had one hissing and clacking off to one side of master control… hell, I used to string the film A and B rolls together before the newscast and run it down to the director with a stack of audio carts. Fraught with opportunity to screw it up, that.
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