Or is the Time/Newsweek “in memoriam” section this year going to be particularly big? The great ones are going at an alarming clip. Today’s departure was William Steig. While most of the obits will mention him as the creator of “Shrek,” my fondest memory is of “Doctor Desoto,” which, according to Amazon, is out of print. I guess that’s why we have libraries.
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Mindy said on October 6, 2003 at 3:06 pm
I had a similar thought recently. Too many great people have passed away too often this year, and here it’s only early October.
I know someone who pinched an out-of-print book from a public library with the stupid reasoning that it had more than one copy and could therefore spare one. We are no longer friends. What’s next, dig up the landscaping at the courthouse and take it home?
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