Today is one of those days, the first one back in class after fall break and with a to-do list a mile long. It starts with Russian 101 in 49 minuntes and goes on from there — haircut, office hours w/prof I need to schmooze, a really interesting-sounding lecture on libraries and the Patriot Act, then home to print the first five pages of my quote screenplay unquote, then off to screenwriting study group and then, finally, screenwriting 310.
In other words, little to see here today, other than that wholesome-looking picture below.
In the meantime, may I suggest some of my fave blogs of late: The Minor Fall, the Major Lift, The Antic Muse, Low Culture and, of course, Dong Resin. Please try not to notice how much I’ve been stealing from them, OK?
See you back here late tonight, mos’ likely.