Go see “Lost in Translation.” You really won’t regret it. I promise.
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James Burns said on October 19, 2003 at 10:19 am
Regret it? No. Think it’s great film? No.
It’s always fun to watch Bill Murray get face time in films. He’s a funny guy, and some of the karaoke scenes were a yuk. The undertone of a more physical relationship between Murray and Scarlett Johansson, even though it just appears to be a flirtation, is kinda icky, despite Murray’s charm.
Yes, the cultural differences are interesting, and the feeling of disconnect between eastern and western cultures, but where was the story? What was the conflict? What was the result of that conflict? What did the characters learn. All we got was a weird travelogue rather than a story.
In my humble opinion, of course.
Now “Kill Bill”, on the other hand…
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