Moving on.

Let’s send up a NN.C cheer for our old friend and frequent co-conspirator Dr. Frank, who has been our frequent houseguest in A2 this year. He just announced he’s off to Madison, Wis., to head St. Mary’s Hospital there, starting this summer. And in that everything-is-connected sort of way, he recently e-mailed:

I can truly tell you that my time in Ann Arbor opened my eyes to the value of living in a major university community, and made me much more receptive to the Madison situation…so…it’s all your fault.

We wish him well. Deb, you’re the resident Cheesehead here. Teach him the secret handshake.

Posted at 7:05 pm in Uncategorized |

One response to “Moving on.”

  1. Chan S. said on April 15, 2004 at 12:18 pm

    Wow – that’s truly a Big Deal — St. Mary’s is not just “an institution” here, as they say, but is regarded with much respect and affection by its patients. Professional kudos aside, if Dr. Frank is like most of us immigrants to Madison, he will love it here.

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