Spring break-let.

It should be obvious to all you sensitive readers that my spirits and energy are flagging, and the best treatment for flagging spirits is, of course, a road trip.

So we — Kate and I, plus the dog — are hitting the road. Are we bound for Florida or a cruise, as many of Kate’s classmates were this week? Are we going to Madrid, like the kid next door? No and no. We’re going to that city of light, city of magic, Columbus, Ohio. Call me on my cell if you need me, and if you don’t have the number, you don’t need me.

In the meantime, one last bit o’ bloggage. While I’m increasingly weary of the line-by-line Internet “takedown,” every so often someone finds a new way to do it, as when World o’ Crap marries Peggy Noonan to her spiritual predecessor, Jack Handey.

Oh, and it seems Jon Carroll batted another triple today. Or it might just be that I’m vulnerable to the message — trapeze art and change and listening to your broccoli. Yep, that could be it.

See you back here after the weekend. I have a full tank of gas, temperatures in the 60s and a mind to do anything, anything! With an 8-year-old in tow, however, it will likely be something like “have another scoop of ice cream.”

Posted at 8:15 am in Uncategorized |

4 responses to “Spring break-let.”

  1. mary said on March 31, 2005 at 2:45 pm

    Thanks for the Jack Handey/Peggy Noonan link. I’m avoiding all the Schiavo creepiness, and that column helped me a great deal.

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  2. basset said on March 31, 2005 at 9:38 pm

    I can empathize with that trip – for the first time in my life (I’m 49), I went somewhere for spring break last week, and where else but scenic and inviting Dayton, Ohio.

    My ninth-grader wanted to see the Air Force Museum and the Wright Brothers’ shop, so we drove the six hours from Nashville on Thursday night and checked into our room in Miamisburg. I’d spent some time on virtualtourist.com and other travel sites trying to figure out exactly what we were in for, and the consensus was that Dayton’s either boring or scary depending on where you are, and you can make the transition from one to the other before you know it.

    Just to make it even more interesting, I caught a stomach bug which took hold just as we got there, and that affected our visit in exactly the way you’d expect – if you were in the “Inter-War Years” exhibit at the museum early on Friday afternoon, yes, that was me retching and snorting in the mens’ room next to the entrance.

    All this is not to say that we didn’t have some interesting experiences – the Waffle House in Moraine comes to mind – but just on balance, well, I’d rather be a garbage collector in Nashville than the mayor of Dayton. Looks like it’d be safer, anyway.

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  3. basseet said on April 2, 2005 at 12:31 pm

    well… another thread comes to a screeching halt right after a basset post. guess I need to change my deodorant or something.

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  4. Nance said on April 3, 2005 at 7:30 pm

    Relax. It wasn’t much of a thread to begin with. I’m back in town, at back on the job, shortly.

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