
So I get a new blog playground, and almost immediately have to take a break. Another housekeeping note: I’ll be blogging Sunday, Monday and Tuesday from the North American International Auto Show, for the Free Press. This won’t be NN.C-type blogging, just straight reporting on the series of press conferences that stretch over the three-day press preview. You can see by the schedule it’ll be a bit hectic, so I don’t know how much gas I’ll have left in the tank by the time I get home. From the pacing, I expect I’ll be huffing Simoniz by Tuesday noon, but you never know.

If you’re interested in following the action, go to and look around. I’m sure there’ll be a link from the main page.

This is a very cool show. I was last there two years ago, when I was a journalism fellow. The thing about press days is, every booth has a bar and a noshing opportunity, and what a time we had, wandering from Jaguar to Jeep to Porsche, swilling wine as we went. I especially remember the party atmosphere — and frozen daiquiris — at the Mini Cooper booth.

This year, alas, no alcohol for me. Maybe Gatorade.

Posted at 11:04 pm in Housekeeping, Media |

4 responses to “Cars.”

  1. brian stouder said on January 8, 2006 at 10:59 pm

    Sounds like a good bit of interesting work.

    If you get the chance, meander to the Mercedes display and say to the suits there something like

    “Fernando Alonso in 2007? You Dogs!!”

    Or if you catch a free moment with the Michelin sales pukes – something like “so you guys are going to RACE in Indianapolis in 2006, eh?” – which is a double-edged sword, because Michelin is leaving Formula One altogether after 2006….

    or not!

    439 chars

  2. vince said on January 9, 2006 at 1:15 am

    Sure enough!
    Direct links from the FREEP homepage.

    Your name wasn’t there, but the headline was a dead giveaway. Who else could get away with using the word “pimp” in a hed?

    Ok. Actually the odds were good at finding your pieces.
    4 of the 5 links went to stuff you’ve written.

    Way to crank out that copy! And you still made ’em interesting!

    358 chars

  3. vince said on January 9, 2006 at 1:18 am

    By the way … can you define “crossover” vehicle?

    Is it half SUV/half car? Souped up station wagon?

    I’m not sure why that Ford Edge you wrote about is touted to be so revolutionary. Hasn’t the Subaru Outback looked awfully similar – and been around — for years?

    271 chars

  4. jcburns said on January 9, 2006 at 2:54 am

    Nice Rickie Lee Jones reference there on the Toyota minivan…and I’m not sure what Chuck Scott would say about your venture into the photo-workaday-world…

    157 chars