Craigslist is the place to go for several things: Free classifieds that skew to younger eyeballs, casual sex hook-ups and pornography of a different sort:
I need someone who can correct,explain grammatical errors,show grammer rules and using more complicated words to rewrite my essays through e-mail.
My short essay will be included not over 500 words.
I need someone help me over 3 or 4 months, and you can return my assignment the next day or the day after next day.
I will pay 2 dollars for per assignment.
Two dollars. Not even five. Not even a medium latte.
Try Bangalore, bub. We pay union wages here.
Busy day, plus I’m coming down with something. I’m off to buy zinc and pick up dry cleaning, but I leave you with bloggage:
NN.C is in its sixth year of Proudly Bringing You the Irrelevant and Uninteresting, but my thirst for online shenanigans remains unslaked. And so this week comes the soft launch of Grosse Pointe Today, a learn-as-I-go experiment in web-based hyperlocal community journalism. I’m not looking for congratulations as much as I am feedback, so if you go over there, pretend you live here and tell me what would make you visit such a site on a daily basis. My ambitions are not so much to be the next William Randolph Hearst as Mitch Harper, only with less politics.
Columnist goes toe-to-toe with publisher, and publisher blinks. To paraphrase Homer Simpson (“Kill my boss? Dare I live the American dream?), Carl Hiaasen is truly living it. The American Dream, that is.
Scalzi has a list of Mark Foley’s next ten heart-rending personal disclosures.
Off to head this rhinovirus off at the pass.
alex said on October 4, 2006 at 12:10 pm
Love the color palette on your new site, but still think serif type is essential in long text if you want to keep readers’ eyes from falling out of their heads. And that familiar voice — it’s like reading your newspaper column again.
Not sure what I’d suggest otherwise as I’m unfamiliar with all things Pointey.
316 chars
Marcia said on October 4, 2006 at 12:27 pm
All of your two dollars are belong to me.
Anyway. Are you going to do any people/society stuff? Perhaps just a hint of local gossip peppered with some finely seasoned snark will bring them back.
And nobody throws together that recipe better than you.
261 chars
brian stouder said on October 4, 2006 at 12:34 pm
I’ll have to go find the Hiaasen article later on – but this sentence was intriguing
On Tuesday, two of the three fired El Nuevo Herald reporters, Pablo Alfonso and Wilfredo Cancio Isla, accepted offers to return to work, with back pay. The third, freelance reporter Olga Connor, is in Spain.
So the editor fired three reporters who were also in the pay of the US government, and Hiaasen had some take on all this, and NOW the propaganda flaks get REhired with BACK PAY (and a promise not to take any more money from Uncle Sam), and the editor is told “adios”????? And this is a GOOD thing?
(OK – now I’m back on suspension…. without pay)
659 chars
MichaelG said on October 4, 2006 at 1:29 pm
I tried to post the following to your new endeavor but it wouldn’t take. Which one of your rules does it break?
Pointers? It never really occurred to me to wonder what they called the denizens of Grosse Pointe. A little reflection would may have provided me with the insight that they probably wouldn’t want to be called anything gross. But “Pointers”? I’m having trouble stifling a giggle.
Good looking site and a great idea. Plenty of potential to have all the stuff a small town paper or shopper carries. I think the best example of an expanded blog is Josh Marshall’s TPM. I don’t have time to think about this now but will try to come up with some stuff.
673 chars
Danny said on October 4, 2006 at 2:07 pm
All of your two dollars are belong to me.
Hilarious. Didn’t think I would see that here on NN.C. For all of you who might be curious, here is the wiki article on the clutural reference point of “All you base are belong to us.”
284 chars
Danny said on October 4, 2006 at 2:08 pm
All of your two dollars are belong to me.
Hilarious. Didn’t think I would see that here on NN.C. For all of you who might be curious, here is the wiki article on the clutural reference point of “All your base are belong to us.”
285 chars
nancy said on October 4, 2006 at 2:10 pm
You did nothing wrong, Michael; as the site gets running all comments are moderated. Once you’re approved you’re good to go.
Thanks for the input.
149 chars
Danny said on October 4, 2006 at 2:10 pm
Sorry for the double post and poor typing.
Maybe I should join Brian in “after-blog” detention. We will clap electronic erasers and right hundreds of sentences about html syntax and posting etiquette for penance.
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nancy said on October 4, 2006 at 2:15 pm
And then you’ll stay late again and write “I will not confuse ‘right’ and ‘write'” 500 times on the blackboard.
111 chars
Danny said on October 4, 2006 at 2:27 pm
LOL. Damn, that is embarrasing.
Hey, about your neighborhood blog. In general, it looks great. One of the things I wish we had in my locale is good place to go for neighborhood, crime-watch type information.
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Connie said on October 4, 2006 at 2:53 pm
And Mr. two dollar can’t even spell grammar. No wonder he needs help. Or maybe he wants Kelsey.
97 chars
brian stouder said on October 4, 2006 at 3:04 pm
“I will not confuse ‘right’ and ‘write’�? 500 times
I remember being sentenced to write 500 sentences* saying “I will not talk in class” – musta’ been the 4th grade – and thinking I’d scored a moral victory by writing “I’ll” instead of “I will”.
* I was a repeat offender; 50 sentences for the first offense, 100 for the second – and then 500 for the third
** yeah yeah yeah – back onto suspension
426 chars
MichaelG said on October 4, 2006 at 5:21 pm
Take about 30 secs on a Microsoft Excel blackboard.
51 chars
MichaelG said on October 4, 2006 at 5:22 pm
What is moderated?
18 chars
ashley said on October 4, 2006 at 9:43 pm
I don’t think they do essays, but RentACoder will do stuff for dirt cheap.
152 chars