Rep. Bluto.

Those of you in the Fort Wayne orbit have already seen this, so I apologize for the lateness. (DIF fumes clouded my brain.) However, the Josh Jennings for Congress campaign, created and executed by our online penpal Nathan Gotsch, is pulling off a last-weekend stretch run that’s really turning heads.

Also, it’s funny. Enjoy:

There are other spots, too.

Posted at 6:59 pm in Current events |

4 responses to “Rep. Bluto.”

  1. MichaelG said on November 6, 2006 at 10:35 am

    Two of the worst are running for their lives here in California: My congressjerk, John Doolittle, soon to be indicted in the Abramoff affair and Richard Pombo from the Tracy area who was honored last week by “Rolling Stone” as one of the ten worst in D.C. Both have been in congress for years without a shadow of opposition. Placer County where Doolittle and I live is the most right wing county in the state. The OC is a commie stronghold compared to Placer County. The races are so tight that Laura Bush her own self has been here twice in the last couple of weeks to stump for the dynamic duo. In the past both Pombo and Doolittle would regularly ring up 40 and 50 point pluralities. I think both will probably win this time, but it will be close and these races are in two of the most secure Republican bastions in the country. This election will shatter the myth of these guys’ invincibility and set them up for 2008.

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  2. Danny said on November 6, 2006 at 11:52 am

    Michael, it cracks me up that you are mentioning California politics and bastions of the GOP in the same breath. I mean, registered dem voters are 43% to the GOP’s 34%. The state congress is solidly dem and will always be. All state-wide offices are dem with the exception of the governator, whom most would characterize as pretty liberal. Our senators are Barbie Boxer (who cried when Bolton got provisionally approved, for God’s sake!) and Di Fi. Possible next speaker of the house is none other than San-Fran-Nan.

    You have a skewed perspective.

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  3. MichaelG said on November 6, 2006 at 1:32 pm

    I’m aware of all that, Danny, and none of it changes what I wrote above one iota. Pombo and Doolittle are still Republicans who have enjoyed almost unopposed tenure in Congress for many years (Doolittle was elected in ’91 and Pombo in ’93) and are facing real races for the first time in their careers. Placer County is still the most conservative county in the state. Go to the Secty of State’s web site and check the results of the 2004 general election. Look at the results for Placer County and compare them to other counties. Last time out (2004) Pombo took the 11th dist 61 to 38 and Doolittle won 65 to 34 in the 4th. Those are percentages and neither spent a dime campaigning. Believe it or no, both districts, particularly Placer County and the 4th, are still solid Republican Bastions with 48% of registered voters Rep to 30% Dem in the 4th.

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  4. Caleb Cook said on November 7, 2006 at 12:47 pm

    Josh Jennings bears an eerie resemblance to yours truly.

    And all this time my parents have been claiming I don’t have a long-lost twin. Ha!

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