Pink is for girls.

Ohio primary weather

This was a shot from the weather radar yesterday. Pink = freezing rain. Freezing rain is the worst winter weather — it just sucks. Trees fall down, wires fall down, your furnace goes out, you wreck your car or, at the very least, you have to spend half an hour chipping ice off the windshield before you can drive down the road at 2 miles per hour.

I guess it will be Hillary Clinton’s favorite weather forever.

As you can see, we got a bit of weather ourselves, so we’re having a rare snow day. Snow days mean I get some extra sleep (good thing) but have a kid around the house — also a good thing, but bad for blogging. Check this space in a bit.

Posted at 8:44 am in Current events |

9 responses to “Pink is for girls.”

  1. Michael said on March 5, 2008 at 9:58 am

    I miss ice storms, though. They’re so pretty (when you work at home.)

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  2. beb said on March 5, 2008 at 10:09 am

    Most of the time when a weather forecast says 3-5 inches of snow we’re lucky to get 2. This time we got 6-8 inches of heavy snow. Good thing I bought gas for the snow blower last night.

    What’s really pretty is dawn following a wet snow shower when you have a heavy layer of white on all the branches and shrubs sitting there in stark contrast to the dark bark of the trees. That is magical.

    And generally doesn’t bear down the branches and powerlines like an ice storm does.

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  3. brian stouder said on March 5, 2008 at 10:45 am

    Well, last night, when the storm was going full-blast, and it seemed that granular Tide detergent was pouring from the sky, Pam and I went to the movies (The Other Boleyn Girl; Pammy loved the book, and wanted to see the movie)

    and half way to the theater it was looking less than wise to be out.

    But when you have young folks, and you have a babysitter (Aunt Deb & Uncle Gregg) lined up, then neither hell nor high water (nor a genuinely impressive winter storm!) will derail an actual date!!

    We had the Rave theater almost entirely to ourselves (easy parking, no line for tickets, or popcorn, or refills! WooHoo!!); but the trip back home at 9 was just about scarey (by then we had somewhat wet instant mash potato flakes coming down, and it was thick enough to collect between the windshield and the engine hood, impeding the wipers to the point that I had to stop and clear them.

    But – the movie was good stuff (although there was a pronounced bit of hostility toward uppity women in the movie, which caught my attention)

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  4. brian stouder said on March 5, 2008 at 12:11 pm

    One cannot help but admire HRC’s never-say-die attitude. Aside from Hillary herself, Harold Ickes looks 10 feet tall now, too (as opposed to Mark Penn – who should be whacked)

    I had thought that if HRC could win BOTH Ohio and Texas, then she’d have moral cover for whatever happens after that….and truly – nobody can say she didn’t ‘earn’ the nomination, if she ends up with it now.

    There is no room to whine and complain on either side; this is electoral politics in all its glory, between two effective, compelling, and indefatigable campaigners.

    My comment from the cheap seats: Bravo!!

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  5. sue said on March 5, 2008 at 1:58 pm

    Last Sunday we had – finally – temps above freezing and then lots of rain. Sunday night, temps went back down, Monday morning – sheets of ice on every walking (and driving) surface. The streets were taken care of pretty quickly thanks to our dedicated but exhausted City plower/salter guys, but most sidewalks waited until someone could salt. So, anywhere that people were walking, you had that careful step-step-step thing that people have to do on ice. If you had more than a couple people walking together or close to each other, it took on a surreal “March of the Penguins” quality. It should have been funny but no one can find the humor anymore. Spring cannot come fast enough.

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  6. Carolyn said on March 5, 2008 at 9:35 pm

    So, Nancy,
    You leave the flyover state of Indiana for Michigan.
    I depart from Hoosierland for Florida.
    We both live in delegate-rich states.
    And what happens in the race for the Democratic nomination?
    Indiana is suddenly relevant!!

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  7. brian stouder said on March 5, 2008 at 9:43 pm

    Indiana might have a little bit of relevance in May(!)…but maybe your Florida fiasco and Michigan mish-mash will lead to do-over elections….

    so that a June free-refill Florida and a Michigan mulligan re-race will STILL vastly overshadow innocuous Indiana’s May primary

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  8. nancy said on March 5, 2008 at 11:50 pm

    Oh, yes, Carolyn — don’t think that hasn’t crossed my mind a few million times. I was counting on getting to shake a presidential-hopeful hand at least once, and who is, to date, the only candidate to show up in Grosse Pointe? Mitt Romney!

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  9. Carolyn said on March 6, 2008 at 12:02 am

    Thank you, Brian and Nancy.
    I guess there is hope.
    I can say that the candidates are making a little time here to fund-raise on the barrier islands.
    And John McCain will be at the diner 10 blocks from here for breakfast tomorrow.
    Just send me some Democrats!

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