
The events of the last week of July 1967 in Detroit are one of those things everybody knows, and nobody knows, including what to even call what happened. “Riot” is the generally accepted language, although among African Americans, “rebellion” or “uprising” is nearly universal these days. Ever the wishy-washy moderate, I usually opt for “civil unrest,” because the most destructive element of the violence was the widespread looting and arson, which is hard to justify as an act of rebellion, especially considering how many black-owned businesses were destroyed that week.

But never mind that for now. Everybody knows the precipitating event was an early-morning raid on an illegal drinking establishment, known as a blind pig in the local parlance. Detroit still has zillions of these, mainly after-hours bars. I’ve never been to one because I’m a thousand years old, but my young friends all have their favorites. It’s where Detroit’s techno/house music scene took root and continues to thrive. They continue to be busted by the police, too, although I’m not sure if the customers are rousted with quite the vigor the law displayed in the 1967 raid on the establishment on the second floor of a 12th Street print shop. It was the rough handling of the folks being put into paddy wagons, especially the women, that supposedly moved Bill Scott to climb onto a car and exhort the crowd of onlookers:

“Are we going to let these peckerwood motherfuckers come down here any time they want and mess us around?”

The crowd roared back, “Hell, no!” and the bottles and rocks started to fly.

That’s from my colleague Bill McGraw’s excellent story of the family who owned the blind pig, whose own history reverberates with fallout from that night to this day. I’ve posted it before, but it’s worth your time if you didn’t get to it then.


The city was 40 percent black by that point, but its police were still overwhelmingly white and dedicated to keeping the black community in its place — in their neighborhoods, and out of white ones. Unlike most cities its size, Detroit grew horizontally; one reason it has the specific and unique problems it has today is that sprawling footprint, mostly covered with modest working-class housing for the huge labor force that gathered there in the early 20th century. They came from all over the country and all over the world, and working side-by-side in factories didn’t necessarily make them love one another. My friend Michael once drove me around his old neighborhood, where something like four Catholic churches existed in just a few square blocks — one for the Italians, one for the Hungarians, etc., like the punchline of the joke about the two Jews on a desert island.

Anyway. It was with all this knowledge in our heads that we went to see Kathryn Bigelow’s “Detroit,” which will open in a theater near most of you August 4. We got the “now playing in select theaters” early run.

Bigelow is a director I run hot and cold on. Hated “Blue Steel,” found “Point Break” ridiculous, liked “The Hurt Locker,” found “Zero Dark Thirty” troubling but worth seeing. She’s undeniably skilled, with an eye for finding beautiful images in horrific stories. “Detroit” kicks off with the blind pig raid, but quickly gets to the main narrative — the events of one night at the Algiers Motel, a fleabag at Woodward and Virginia Park, stormed by police, National Guard and Army troops after they heard shots fired from the building.

They never found a gun — which was said to be a starter pistol one guest was messing around with — but did find a number of black teenagers, 17-19, some members of The Dramatics, a singing group. Two of the teens were white girls, visiting from Ohio. At the end of the night, three of the young men were dead, and the survivors told of being tortured and terrorized by Detroit police in search of the gun and the shooter. This story didn’t come out immediately, but after an investigation, which led to murder trials for the Detroit officers and acquittals by all-white juries. The facts of what went on that night have never been definitively established — the cops claimed self-defense — but the rough outlines of the narrative have: Three dead teens, no gun found, survivor stories of torture.

That’s what Bigelow and her team were working with. And I’ll give her this: That lady knows torture. The police lined eight men and two women up against a wall in the motel for an hour, and that’s about how much screen time it takes, too. It’s an excruciating hour. Individuals are peeled off and taken into rooms, where police then fired gunshots, coming out to tell the rest that, well, we killed that guy, and would anyone now like to change their story and produce the gun?

There’s little relief in that hour. State police decide not to intervene. A few of the Guard/Army troops commit acts of mercy or stand in judgment of the insanity unfolding at the wall, but no one really intervenes. The baddest of the bad guys is a punk-faced, trigger-happy racist with a penchant for shooting people in the back and the unfortunate gift of making weaker men follow his lead. The other two are nearly as bad. One sneeringly asks one of the girls why she “fucks niggers” and how she can stand the smell of Afro Sheen.

Eventually the incidents at the motel conclude, and the film swings into an awkward third act — trials for the cops, recovery for the victims. You can feel the air go out of the balloon after the blood is mopped up. It really doesn’t feel like Bigelow’s heart is in this part of it, although this is where the greatest injustice happened. No one was ever held responsible. One victim is left with PTSD. Bad police are still abusing black people with impunity, and the president is encouraging them. And a corner that once looked like this now looks like this.

I walked out impressed by Bigelow’s technique but hardly entertained, or even enlightened. I think the critic for Roger Ebert’s site, Angelica Jade Bastien, got it exactly right:

Watching “Detroit,” the latest film directed by Kathryn Bigelow and penned by Mark Boal, I hit a breaking point I didn’t realize I had. I was disturbed so deeply by what I witnessed that I left the theater afterward in tears.

It wasn’t the relentless violence inflicted upon black bodies or the fiery devastation of the riots ripping apart Detroit but the emptiness behind these moments that got under my skin. Watching “Detroit” I realized that I’m not interested in white perceptions of black pain. White filmmakers, of course, have every right to make stories that highlight the real and imagined histories of racism and police brutality that pointedly affect Black America.

…“Detroit” is ultimately a confused film that has an ugliness reflected in its visual craft and narrative. Bigelow is adept at making the sharp crack of an officer’s gun against a black man’s face feel impactful but doesn’t understand the meaning of the emotional scars left behind or how they echo through American history. “Detroit” is a hollow spectacle, displaying rank racism and countless deaths that has nothing to say about race, the justice system, police brutality, or the city that gives it its title.

We saw the film at a multiplex on 8 Mile Road, and were apparently the only white people in the theater. (We were certainly the only ones who sat through the credits to see my boss’ name; he did research for screenwriter Boal, and was listed as a consultant.) “Well, I HATED that,” a woman said, loudly, as she filed out, and I expect that will be a pretty uniform opinion among black folks. To be sure, it’s a terrible story with an unhappy ending. The bad guys got away with it. And they were terrible bad guys.

But in the end, it’s an incredibly bloody film that is ultimately rather bloodless.

One final note: When I was young and ignorant, my boyfriend’s stepfather was a retired prison guard. He’d worked at Riker’s Island, in New York. I asked him what sort of weaponry he carried as a guard, and he quickly corrected me: He never carried a gun, or even a nightstick. Guards can’t take the risk of being disarmed by prisoners.

I thought of him during the riot scenes, which underline how fragile order really is, how thin is the social fabric we all walk around on and under, every day. It doesn’t take much to turn a Saturday-night party into something far more sinister, something police flee from, how quickly even these guardians of order can be overcome. Temperatures rise, tempers flare, a guy stands on a car and shouts encouragement — that’s it. And the correction, the restoration of control, is worse. It leads to harsher policing, more fearful citizens, more guns in nervous, fearful hands.

I hope I don’t live to see something like this happen again, but I fear I will. We always speak of events in incendiary terms, of “powder kegs” and “ticking time bombs” and “lighting the fuse,” etc. But all these things have to have a supply of powder, a bomb, to exist. How about building fewer bombs? Just a thought.

Posted at 12:10 am in Detroit life, Movies |

68 responses to “‘Detroit.’”

  1. Andrea said on July 31, 2017 at 8:25 am

    Thank you for the thoughtful review of both history and the film. I admit I was not aware of the events of 1967 and their aftermath.

    Could this be the powder keg you are thinking of? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/07/28/president-trump-encourages-violence-yet-again-this-time-by-police/?utm_term=.0d33ccf165e8

    335 chars

  2. coozledad said on July 31, 2017 at 9:08 am

    “Detroit” is a hollow spectacle, displaying rank racism and countless deaths that has nothing to say about race, the justice system, police brutality, or the city that gives it its title.

    White translations of the black experience ultimately are going to fail to detect the pervasive idiom of existential dread. Reading James Baldwin’s critiques of race conscious films from the sixties, it sounds like that has always been the case.

    White film will always be the exculpatory jury pardoning itself for having delivered the message that a few white rogues may have overstepped the bounds of humanity, but us whites are taking care of the situation. It’s all better now than those bad old days

    Nothing further from the truth. Racism devoured the core promise of this country and handed the whole show to a foreign racist autocracy; and it was done with the collaboration of a plurality of whites. Yet when they started writing the epitaph on this election, our press went hunting for the opinions of stupid whites, so much so it’s become a fucking genre.

    They want to talk about the threat to European culture in a country that has none. They want to talk about “white suffering” in a country where whites routinely cut their own throats to spite blacks, liberals, gays Mexicans, Jews…you name it they despise it. The only thing they appear to have any stake in, in this country, is preserving the idea of whiteness, a sham in and of itself.

    Now we’re living under a Herod who’s lionized fascist policing techniques, and created a personal bodyguard that terrorizes innocent civilians. Racism has now delivered “white” into the machinery of his own persecution. And when ICE agents come to pack him off because some functionary wants his property, his neighbors will only know he disappeared.

    1826 chars

  3. brian stouder said on July 31, 2017 at 9:38 am

    Cooz – Hear Hear!!

    18 chars

  4. Judybusy said on July 31, 2017 at 10:02 am

    Hi all. I have a heavy heart today. I came home Friday to find one of our newly-adopted cats had died during the day. We’d had them just over two months, and my partner was really close to this little guy. He was the more social of the two, always around, wanting pets and love. It’s noticeably quiet in the house.

    It got really bad yesterday when a friend had called to tell us a mutual friend was murdered on Saturday. I still can’t really believe it. We both took today off from work. Our friend went in to work that day and some asshole on a crime spree entered the building and just shot her. He is still at large. She and her wife have been together for over 20 years. Bev was so sweet, kind, and gentle. We weren’t super close, but if we had a patio party or winter gathering, they were always invited. They missed the lat party because they were in Ireland. They loved to travel, and it was so fun to follow their adventures on Facebook. I have stuff planned every night this week, really fun stuff with people I love. Do I stay buttoned up about this or share? I can be really good at compartmentalizing, but jeez. It’s so horrible.

    1144 chars

  5. Icarus said on July 31, 2017 at 10:17 am

    @Judybusy, oh that’s terrible.

    Can you let everyone know ahead of time that you look forward to doing the fun stuff with them but might not be the best company right now?

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  6. Snarkworth said on July 31, 2017 at 10:25 am

    So sorry, judybusy.

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  7. Heather said on July 31, 2017 at 10:27 am

    So sorry to hear about both those things, Judybusy.

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  8. Dorothy said on July 31, 2017 at 10:32 am

    Judybusy – both things are just hearbreaking! I’m so sorry to hear your news. The fun stuff you have planned with friends, though, might be just the distraction you need to get through the week. I hope your week gets better after this.

    237 chars

  9. Suzanne said on July 31, 2017 at 10:58 am

    Judybusy, how awful!
    Life really is so precious and fragile. Cherish your time with your friends this week, even if you aren’t the best company.

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  10. Jenine said on July 31, 2017 at 11:33 am

    Sorry to hear about your losses, Judyb.

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  11. Julie Robinson said on July 31, 2017 at 11:38 am

    Testing. Posts disappearing into the ether.

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  12. Julie Robinson said on July 31, 2017 at 11:42 am

    Judybusy, I’m so very sorry; that is an awful, hellish one-two punch. I’m glad you’ve both taken time off to cry, rage, and mourn.

    If you normally recharge through being with people, definitely go, but if it’s through solitude, listen to that need. In my own experience in a family of secret-keepers, compartmentalization only works as a short-term coping strategy. Long-term, whatever’s been stuffed down will come out one way or another.

    Sending you both love and wishes for peace.

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  13. ROGirl said on July 31, 2017 at 12:05 pm

    How awful, Judyb

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  14. Sherri said on July 31, 2017 at 12:29 pm

    That’s terrible, Judybusy. Maybe you do some of the events this week and not others. And give yourself permission to leave anytime you need to!

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  15. Peter said on July 31, 2017 at 12:46 pm

    Judybusy, I am so sorry to hear about those tragic events. It’s awful how violence shatters so many innocent lives. I hope you’ll be able to find closure and move forward.

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  16. Jolene said on July 31, 2017 at 12:50 pm

    Very sorry to hear your news, Judybusy. Your grief over your friend’s shooting is a reminder that the impact of the awful gun violence in this country is both far-reaching and enduring. The pain reaches far beyond the front pages. I hope you find solace, whether in solitude or with other friends.

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  17. Scout said on July 31, 2017 at 12:56 pm

    Judybusy – sending my deepest condolences for your double loss. Take good care of you.

    Nancy – that was an amazing post. I’ve never been to Detroit except to pass through via the airport, and the local color you provide is always enlightening to me.

    cooz – I was nodding my head all through your post. This especially” “Yet when they started writing the epitaph on this election, our press went hunting for the opinions of stupid whites, so much so it’s become a fucking genre.”

    We just finished watching the seven part documentary ‘The Keepers’ on Netflix. The documentarian, Ryan White, did an amazing job with this story which involves the cold case murder of a Catholic nun which dovetails with a horrific story of pedophile priests with powerful connections. It is a compelling story. Recommend.

    811 chars

  18. Heather said on July 31, 2017 at 12:58 pm

    I second “The Keepers.” The abuse and coverup is horrifying, but the tenacity of the women who have been trying to ID the nun’s killer is truly inspiring.

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  19. Jeff Borden said on July 31, 2017 at 2:22 pm

    I freely admit I am not religious and practically an atheist, but I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools for 10 years. How can people in this administration be so cavalier in their cruelty toward others when they are studying the Bible on a weekly basis? I find this story appalling.


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  20. Sherri said on July 31, 2017 at 2:33 pm

    Sam Shepard has died, of complications from ALS.

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  21. Deborah said on July 31, 2017 at 2:45 pm

    Judy Busy, how awful. Sending you vibes of peace and comfort.

    Sorry to hear about Sam Shepard too, I always thought he was most talented.

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  22. nancy said on July 31, 2017 at 2:46 pm


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  23. Dorothy said on July 31, 2017 at 2:51 pm

    UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! I had the NYTimes website open on my computer. I walk away for 5 minutes and come back to that headline in red on my screen. I thought I was seeing things!!

    177 chars

  24. Peter said on July 31, 2017 at 2:53 pm

    I was just going to post this! What am I going to do without the Mooch?

    What part of the Mooch Experience did you enjoy the most?

    a. Yelling at reporter
    b. Saying Steve Bannon sucks his own dick
    c. Going after Reince Preibus for leaking a document available via FOIA
    d. Getting divorce papers from his wife because he went to work for Trump?
    e. Sending a congratulatory telegram to same wife after she gave birth last weekend?

    Oh, good times.

    461 chars

  25. Connie said on July 31, 2017 at 2:55 pm

    Scarramuchi gone already????

    28 chars

  26. brian stouder said on July 31, 2017 at 3:00 pm

    They screwed the mooch!??! Dammit-to-hell anyway!

    Why CAN’T a foul-mouthed, silver-spooned, brash master-of-the-universe ego-centric maroon be the communications guy for a flatly incompetent President of the United States?

    I betcha this was the first thing the new general who got Reince’s job insisted on

    312 chars

  27. Icarus said on July 31, 2017 at 3:08 pm

    Working for the Trump administration is akin to being the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts

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  28. Julie Robinson said on July 31, 2017 at 3:10 pm

    Hahahaa, Icarus.

    And just when Colbert had truly nailed him, too!

    68 chars

  29. Scout said on July 31, 2017 at 3:10 pm

    Ah, Mooch, we barely knew ye, and yet you seemed the most appropriate possible megamouth for the job of ‘splainin’ this president* and his policies.

    148 chars

  30. Dave said on July 31, 2017 at 3:14 pm

    Colbert said it was like a gift after he wondered what he would do after Spicer quit. Somehow, I believe that he’ll find plenty of material in whatever these clowns do next.

    Judyb, so sorry to learn about your friend. The violence is nationwide and never-ending yet, guns, guns, we won’t see a change in our collective lifetimes, I fear.

    342 chars

  31. Peter said on July 31, 2017 at 3:32 pm

    Slate is reporting that Kelly insisted on getting rid of the Mooch.

    They also mentioned that when Mrs. Mooch was giving birth, Mooch was at the Boy Scout jamboree with Trump. Now that brings some clarity to the Trump/divorce/birth sequence.

    This might be Trump’s best week yet. Then again , it’s only Monday.

    317 chars

  32. brian stouder said on July 31, 2017 at 3:35 pm

    ….maybe they can bring back Mr Spicer….or better yet, they could cut out the middle-men, and just go directly to Melissa McCarthy.

    “Melissa – your country needs you”

    178 chars

  33. Rana said on July 31, 2017 at 3:37 pm

    Aw, JudyBusy, that’s terrible. I am so very sorry. ((hugs)) if you would like them.

    That feeling of hollow spectacle masquerading as outrage and desire for justice reminds me of how, in so many police procedurals, violence against women is presented both as something to watch and be stimulated by (basically, it’s a form of violence porn) and as something terrible that needs to be punished. The latter part always feels hollow because the women are basically ciphers; they’re just bodies to show us how bad the bad guy is, and to provide us with exciting violence to entertain us, not people whose lives are being damaged.

    This is why I always preferred Cold Case. Partly it was the interesting aspects of seeing crimes and violence in various historical settings, but largely it was because the show never lost sight of the humanity of the victims, and the reverberating effects of long-past crimes on them, their families, their friends, and so on.

    962 chars

  34. Minnie said on July 31, 2017 at 3:39 pm

    Tony, we hardly knew ye.

    I’m starting a GoFundMe site to bring him back.

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  35. LAMary said on July 31, 2017 at 3:42 pm

    So much for the Mooch. He had so much potential.

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  36. Sherri said on July 31, 2017 at 4:20 pm

    I was thinking more in terms of Spinal Tap drummers than Defense Against Dark Arts teachers, but both are appropriate.

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  37. LAMary said on July 31, 2017 at 4:27 pm

    I thought Melissa McCarthy and her mobile podium were wonderful. She’s probably making too much doing movies to be interested in Spicey/Mooch’s job.

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  38. Suzanne said on July 31, 2017 at 4:35 pm

    I’m thinking of writing a book: Anthony S and the horrible, terrible, no good, very bad 10 days. Think it might be a best seller!

    129 chars

  39. Peter said on July 31, 2017 at 4:40 pm

    Oh, the tweets: “Scaramucci is now going to write a 20 page book about his time at the WH”. “Scaramucci is resigning to spend more time with his – wait a second, that’s not going to work here”.

    And on a related subject – Trumpcare failure: “John McCain getting credit for sinking Trumpcare where Murkowski and Collins stood tall the entire time is like EVERY OFFICE MEETING EVER”.

    385 chars

  40. brian stouder said on July 31, 2017 at 4:51 pm

    Peter – your EVERY OFFICE MEETING EVER quip looks like a thread-win to me!

    And – here’s the first-swipe at polishing the turd, from the Fox turd-polishing shop:


    The headline:

    Scaramucci Firing ‘Could Be Viewed as Moment the Comeback Started’

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  41. Judybusy said on July 31, 2017 at 4:57 pm

    Thanks, all for the kind words and advice. I am really glad I took today off. Tonight, I’m getting together with 3 longtime female friends. I got all plotty–one’s bday is tomorrow, and it was just going to be me and her, coincidentally getting together. It then occurred to me to invite the other two, and they can make it! It will be a surprise for the birthday gal. Happenin’ at one of the best patios in town: W.A. Frost.

    Tomorrow is National Night Out, and as I’m block club leader, not negotiable. Wednesday I am backing out of–a happy hour with an out-of-town acquaintance that I dearly like, but an evening at home with Melissa will be good for both of us.

    Thursday I cook for Grace House, which always fills me up.

    So, I told my boss why I wasn’t coming in, and she shared the news with my team via email. I’m not happy–she meant well, and usually has great judgment. But, that was my choice, and I was leaning towards not saying anything. I’m getting the support I need from my wife and other friends of the woman. I don’t want to be distracted as I prepare for my new job, which I begin 3 weeks from today.

    Thanks again for this wonderful community, thanks for listening.

    And OMG, the Mooch!

    1219 chars

  42. Deborah said on July 31, 2017 at 5:06 pm

    As Peter says , it’s only Monday! This is going to be another doozy!

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  43. Deborah said on July 31, 2017 at 5:19 pm

    From Twitter:
    Reince Priebus: 189 days.
    Sean Spicer: 183 days.
    Mike Dubke: 86 days.
    Michel Flynn: 23 days.
    Anthony Scaramucci: 10 days

    139 chars

  44. Jakash said on July 31, 2017 at 5:39 pm

    A couple more tweets:

    “gotta add ‘scaramucci’ to the dictionary as a measure of time”

    “Naw. We wasn’t together, together. Only for like a scaramucci. It was nothing.”


    Then there’s Matt Taibbi, writing in Rolling Stone 3 days ago…

    “Glad-handing hedge-funder turned White House press chief has reignited the comic potential of Trump presidency. It’s too bad he won’t last past the end of this sentence” …

    “I already miss Anthony Scaramucci. Of course, he hasn’t officially been fired yet (checks Twitter), or committed suicide by jumping into boiling steak fat at his Gotti-esque Hunt and Fish Club restaurant in Manhattan (checks Twitter again). But it sure seems like he’s not long for this earth. Even by Trumpian standards, has any federal official had a more disastrous rollout?” …

    “Making Scaramucci Communications Director because he dresses like the owner of a Lamborghini dealership fit like a glove with the Trump ethos.”


    1136 chars

  45. Jolene said on July 31, 2017 at 5:42 pm

    Scaramucci divorced, fired, and now declared dead.

    An error,it turns out, but still funny that it happened and that it happened today.

    342 chars

  46. Bitter Scribe said on July 31, 2017 at 5:58 pm

    So you can be too vulgar for Trump. Who knew?

    52 chars

  47. Deborah said on July 31, 2017 at 6:24 pm

    Earlier reports said that Trump “loved” scary moochy’s remarks. So Trump wasn’t the one to give him the heave-ho, Kelly was. Sure Trump had to approve it, but what else could he do? Also giving Kelly publicly the power to do the hiring and firing, now Trump can wash his hands of it and not take the blame when it goes sour, he can now say, “Kelly did it”. Of corse behind the scenes he’ll still be pulling all the strings.

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  48. Deborah said on July 31, 2017 at 6:25 pm


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  49. Andrea said on July 31, 2017 at 6:53 pm

    Condolences, JudyB, and best wishes for you and your circle of friends as you grieve together. I am especially sorry to hear of the shocking and violent death your friend suffered. So needless and horrible. I hope that in time you are all able to find comfort in your memories and justice for the survivors.

    307 chars

  50. alex said on July 31, 2017 at 8:35 pm

    So sorry to learn of your losses this week JudyB and sending you hugs. We’re about to take our kitty to the vet this week for the first time ever and get her checked out — if we can catch her and put her in a carrier anyway. She’s been around here about four years and has been out of sorts recently. She has always been resistant to intervention, but we don’t want to wait until there’s no fight left in her.

    Just read this NYT piece on college kids and their parents arguing politics in the age of Trump. Leave it to the Times to find the most far-out unconventional battles royale. Conservative blacks lording it over their daughter that she doesn’t have their vast experience knuckling under to the man. Lesbian mothers who don’t see why a butch woman needs a fake dick and her boobs cut off. And on and on…

    Effing cell phone didnt copy the link and I’ll lose everything if I try to go back for it. Fuck iPhones! Goddamned pieces of garbage.

    956 chars

  51. susan said on July 31, 2017 at 9:32 pm

    The Mooch didn’t resign to spend more time with his family, the family resigned to spend less time with the Mooch. Can’t blame them.

    132 chars

  52. Deggjr said on July 31, 2017 at 9:38 pm

    On Peter #24b, in my long-ish life I’ve never heard anyone say that phrase. Perhaps I’ve lived a sheltered life but I did live three years in a fraternity house.

    I’m actually slightly encouraged Scaramucci was fired for that.

    231 chars

  53. Jill said on July 31, 2017 at 9:48 pm

    Judybusy, I’m adding my condolences to those above. I’m so sorry for your losses and shocked at your boss spreading the news. Sharing should’ve been your choice.

    163 chars

  54. Jakash said on August 1, 2017 at 12:13 am

    I realize most nn.cers see plenty of tweets on their own and others don’t even care, but folks *really* seem to be enjoying this one:

    “I guess we all know how Steven Bannon is gonna celebrate today’s big news.”


    274 chars

  55. 4dbirds said on August 1, 2017 at 9:08 am

    Judy, I am so sorry to hear about your losses.

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  56. Dorothy said on August 1, 2017 at 9:51 am

    One of my favorite tweets yesterday was “RT if you’ve had periods that lasted longer than Scaramucci”

    101 chars

  57. brian stouder said on August 1, 2017 at 10:05 am

    Jakash – you said a mouthful!

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  58. coozledad said on August 1, 2017 at 10:50 am

    We done read us enough books, hoss. Now let’s get a look at the tits on them girl wrasslers.

    The Dunning Krueger Party.

    189 chars

  59. Peter said on August 1, 2017 at 11:53 am

    Degg Jr., you never heard that expression? I guess I’ve worked in construction and design projects for the financial industry for too long – I’ve heard that term used as a complement as well as an insult.

    And I know what some of those guys would say to Mooch today if they saw him: “if you want any sympathy look in the dictionary – it’s between shit and syphilis”.

    369 chars

  60. Brandon said on August 1, 2017 at 2:01 pm

    Hated “Blue Steel,” found “Point Break” ridiculous, liked “The Hurt Locker,” found “Zero Dark Thirty” troubling but worth seeing.

    Enjoyed Blue Steel at the time. Ron Silver (R.I.P.) was intense as a murderous yuppie. Point Break was over the top, but the idea it should have been remade was even more ridiculous. Never saw The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty. Nor have I seen Near Dark but I plan to, now that I think about it.

    489 chars

  61. coozledad said on August 1, 2017 at 4:21 pm


    Bill Shine to head communications
    Each Fox viewer dumb as bricks
    None of them a moving target
    Gullible shit eating meth drenched hicks
    Has anyone phoned that pervert Assange… Ungyur, or fucking Hannity?
    Anyone who’d strap this lie on
    Zero in and peddle bullshit
    In denial of humanity?

    354 chars

  62. coozledad said on August 1, 2017 at 4:44 pm

    Bending the goddamn knee. Hyperflexion, even:

    TRUMP: You did a good job.

    BAKER: Thank you sir.

    IVANKA: Good.

    BAKER: Good.

    TRUMP: So good.

    IVANKA: Very.

    TRUMP: Don Jr. is good.

    BAKER: I’ll make a note of that. He is good, yes.

    350 chars

  63. susan said on August 1, 2017 at 5:45 pm

    Meanwhile, outside this effin’ swindled and ignorant country we live in, there is real life going on.

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  64. Charlotte said on August 1, 2017 at 5:52 pm

    OKay everyone — go check out Amy McGrath’s ad — http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/news/a56756/amy-mcgrath-ad-paul-ryan-wall/

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  65. Sherri said on August 1, 2017 at 6:16 pm

    Checks and balances, people!


    (Yes, I’m on vacation and no, I’m not managing to stay completely away from Twitter. Downtime between plays and it’s too hot to do much else (forecast high of 106 today!)

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  66. Deborah said on August 1, 2017 at 6:24 pm

    Wow, Charlotte, great ad, I put it on my FB timeline.

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  67. Dexter said on August 1, 2017 at 6:24 pm

    Tom Ryan was a radio on-air guy in Detroit/Windsor back in the 1960s…here he recalls his life in old Herman Gardens, Detroit, and on to school and eventually, a radio career, including the time the uprising of 1967 occurred. https://detroit1967.detroithistorical.org/items/show/100 No bullets? Good listen, on topic here.

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  68. LAMary said on August 1, 2017 at 6:43 pm

    I already miss the Mooch. It worries me that Kelly will replace him with someone boring.

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