Scrap paper.

I find the news of the day so disorienting I’m just going to download a bunch of random slides, post-it notes and half-scribbled cocktail napkins in my head, none of which have any point, but what the hell, here goes:

I’ve been commuting via bus lately. Probably a column in that one, but for the purposes of this discussion, all you need to know is that I was walking my neighborhood without Wendy, which I usually don’t do. I was trudging home on a steamy day. On the next block over, I walked up on a yard with a loose dog. Biggish, not a leviathan, and very friendly. Some sort of pitty/boxer-y melange, the sort that, when it wags its tail, the whole back half swings back and forth. I stopped and petted, of course, because I like dogs. A woman working in a yard a door or two down called the dog — Moxie, Maxie, something like that — closer to her. A squirrel was scampering around her, oddly close, for a squirrel. Also, it had pricked ears.

She reached down and scooped it up. It wasn’t a squirrel, but the tiniest puppy I think I’ve ever seen. The pup wore a eensie little collar with an ID tag that nearly covered her chest: Sophie. She was a Yorkie/chihuahua cross, and nine weeks old.

“I took her to the vet today. She weighs .88 pounds,” she said. I cuddled Sophie for a minute, and gave her back. She’ll be bossing Moxie/Maxie around soon enough.

* * * * *

I keep thinking about something that happened in July, when we went to Fort Wayne for an afternoon, for one of our old neighbor’s, sadly and unexpectedly deceased, “celebration of life.” (I always have to put that phrase in quotes; it doesn’t sound natural to me.)

The event was at Foster Park, which you locals most likely know — lovely gardens close to the entrance on Old Mill Road, a golf course behind, tennis courts, picnic pavilions. We were in a pavilion, reached by the main park road, which is paved. The parking is sort of haphazard; most people kinda bump onto a gravel shoulder, diagonally.

As we were leaving, carrying our cooler to the car and saying our goodbyes, I heard a child wailing. I looked over, and saw a little boy, maybe 3 years old, sitting on the park road, a few car lengths away, just where the gravel shoulder joined it, crying hysterically. A car was coming, too fast, and I held my breath; I didn’t have time to grab him, but surely there was an adult nearby who would.

The car passed the boy with room to spare, but no adult appeared. He continued to cry. I walked over and looked around. No obvious parent in sight, so I picked him up, said, “Let’s find your mom.”

We walked toward the nearest potential group of suspects, near the playground. “Point to your mom if you see her,” I told him. He was still crying, nowhere close to calm. I started asking random people; no one knew. The deceased neighbor’s daughter, a sometime nanny, speaks Spanish, and asked the boy where his mom was. No answer. We walked deeper into the playground, and I started calling out, “Whose little boy is this?” Again, nothing.

Finally, finally, a kid pointed to a woman sitting on a bench, waayyyy on the other side of the playground. She was on the phone. I walked over to her, the boy still yelling his head off.

“Is this your son?” I asked. Without even interrupting her conversation, she nodded and held out her arms. The boy reached back. OK, then.

“He was sitting in the road,” I said. She nodded in that yeah-I-hear-you way, while continuing to uh-huh-uh-huh whoever she was talking to. There didn’t seem to be anything else to say, so I walked away.

I looked back once. They were sitting on opposite ends of the bench, he in the hiccup-y end game of a crying jag. She? Was still on the phone.

Some people don’t deserve children.

* * * * *

I mentioned I’ve been taking the bus lately. Frankly, the extra time it takes me to get downtown is balanced by the lack of concern over parking and traffic.

It’s also an eavesdropper’s dream, a reward for anyone with eyes to look around the world and see what’s there. The other day I got on to find a man in surgical scrubs, carrying his clothes in a plastic bag, wearing a surgical mask. There’s a hospital two stops up, so the explained where he came from. But what happened to him? What was wrong with him?

I spent a few stops thinking about that, looking out the window. When I looked back, he was gone.

There are about a million stops on my route. The drivers don’t stop if no one is waiting. If there’s a hobo sleeping on the bench, they’ll slow down and honk. If the sleeper doesn’t stir, no stop.

Before I know it, we’re at the Rosa Parks Transit Center, where I take my bike off the rack and ride the last few blocks to the office. It’s a great way to start the work day. In summer, anyway.

Two summer pictures to close things out. Aretha, a mural at Eastern Market:

And the prettiest tomatoes ever:

And that’s it for the midweek memory dump. Have a nice Wednesday.

Posted at 9:01 pm in Same ol' same ol' |

61 responses to “Scrap paper.”

  1. alex said on September 25, 2018 at 9:39 pm

    Had to do a double take on the ‘maters. Thought it was a mouse peeking out at the bottom of the photo.

    Would love to learn how to do that volumetric thing with Aretha’s eye sockets. That’s how you draw Huckabee-Sanders eyes.

    225 chars

  2. Dexter Friend said on September 26, 2018 at 12:36 am

    You good sports fans know the Lions hosted Monday Night Football (Lions beat New England, and that’s really another story), and during breaks we got to see street scenes of Detroit, a nice hand-held camera tour of Eastern Market, and…that Aretha mural.
    I have ridden buses , trains, taxis , but not for a while. My best bus story: Greyhound, from the old station in downtown Fort Wayne, heading to Winston-Salem to begin my baseball adventure; I was 18. A long ride, nobody really carried water much then, and I didn’t have enough sense to pack food, so when the bus driver gave us a break, I’d buy chips, Coca-Cola, candy bar, whatever. As night fell, an African-American family climbed aboard, south of Columbus, Gallipolis-bound. A grandma-type carried aboard a blue enamel roaster pan with lid, a son-type carried a picnic basket aboard. Others took seats and we rolled. Soon, the lid came off the roaster, paper plates appeared, and the most fragrant fried chicken pieces were passed around to the family, along with all the side dish servings. I was dying for just a drum and thigh, but of course I sat in silence, suffering.

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  3. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on September 26, 2018 at 8:22 am

    As is so often the case, Keanu says it all.

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  4. Deborah said on September 26, 2018 at 9:56 am

    If Avenatti has a credible witness/victim he better get her out there, quick.

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  5. beb said on September 26, 2018 at 9:58 am

    O.M.G. — 9-26 at about 9:30am — I just saw a pro campaign ad for Brett Kavanaugh. A Supreme Court noominee being promoted by an ad! What has the world come to?

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  6. john (not mccain) said on September 26, 2018 at 10:02 am

    So about a month ago my employers start blocking this place because of “lingerie – swimwear.” Last week it was “marijuana.” Yesterday it was “gambling.” I hate missing parties.

    “It’s also an eavesdropper’s dream”

    What’s the etiquette when you overhear a murder confession?

    305 chars

  7. Bitter Scribe said on September 26, 2018 at 10:08 am

    Nancy, kudos to you for rescuing (that’s the right word) that little boy. I sure hope that idiot mother gets a clue before the kid wanders off again and there’s no Nancy to save him.

    Deborah: Avenatti is about five minutes away from going permanently into my “tiresome opportunist” file.

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  8. Suzanne said on September 26, 2018 at 11:37 am

    Yes on Avenatti, but so far, he delivers the goods. He just dropped a sworn statement from a named woman who swears that Kavanaugh and his buddies groomed women, got them good and drunk, and had their way with them. I don’t know how much legal weight this holds, but, like many of these situations, once there is a hole in the damn, people come out of the woodwork.

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  9. Jenine said on September 26, 2018 at 12:09 pm

    Those are good pix. For my own part, I always like a random grab bag blog post. So many glimpses of stories on public transport.

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  10. Jakash said on September 26, 2018 at 1:00 pm

    This is kinda harsh (as well as wishful thinking), but I’m pretty much on board with it:

    “I think to a limited extent Avenatti is useful but I do not like him, I want him to go away when his usefulness is concluded, and if you think he should be president I don’t respect you. I don’t want him to go away *now* because again, I think he’s useful and we need to be making use of every tool in the toolbox. But again: at some point in the near future I want him outta here.”

    Wow, John (n m), that’s pretty strict control employed by your employers. A site can’t *discuss* gambling? Surprised that “prettiest tomatoes ever” got through. ; )

    713 chars

  11. beb said on September 26, 2018 at 3:42 pm

    For a while when I was working I was unable to access this site for a rolling number of reasons, mostly because it was a privately owned. Both gambling and alcohol were other topics that were blocked, with cause because you don’t want employees gambling or drinking on the job. It seemed harsh and Orwellian to me.

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  12. Scout said on September 26, 2018 at 4:11 pm

    Kavanaugh’s lied about so many things, big and small, that nothing he says is believable. And I still want to know who paid off his massive credit card debt. To whom is he beholden? So many questions, and word to the Groping Old Perverts who are trying to ram this nomination through: none of this is
    a good look. Talking to you Grassley, Hatch, Graham and Trump.

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  13. Deborah said on September 26, 2018 at 4:43 pm

    Avenatti is an interesting guy. I wasn’t convinced of that until I heard David Axelrod interview him on his podcast. Yeah Avenatti is a whipper snapper, or a hot dog and I normally can’t stand people like that, but he’s got some redeeming qualifications, like being first in his class at George Washington University Law school, he put himself through school working on various campaigns etc. I don’t like that he’s a self promoter but hey, if he can help us get rid of Trump and the craven GOP, I’m OK with him.

    I’m back at uncle J’s for a few days again. I would really like to stay in Chicago but there’s so much to do here getting uncle J’s affairs in order before he becomes completely incompetent, that my husband needs to be here 3 out of 7 days a week. And Uncle J asked me to come with my husband, so how can I refuse? I’m going back to NM on Tuesday where I’ll be for 2 weeks, I feel like I’ve not spent much time actually in the city over the last month.

    I can’t beleive I’m going to have to do the dreaded travel days again, but I love NM in October with the changing Aspen in the mountains and the Cottonwoods along the rivers. Pure gold.

    It’s only for 2 weeks then back to Chicago until Thanksgiving.

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  14. Heather said on September 26, 2018 at 6:11 pm

    I’m watching this Trump press conference for some reason, and whoo, it’s a doozy.

    Anyway, I found out today that I have gallstones so it’s probably surgery for me. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, as far as surgery goes, but I’ve never actually had surgery before so it’s a little scary. I hope I don’t have any gallbladder attacks in Rome when I go next week, but if I do at least the hospital care will be cheap.

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  15. David C. said on September 26, 2018 at 6:26 pm

    I was listening to the lefty station on Sirius XM. They started playing Shitler’s presser and I had turn it off. I can’t stand to listen to the evil bastard. Today is one of those days I feel hopeless. I always climb out of it, but every time it seems to take longer.

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  16. Deborah said on September 26, 2018 at 7:19 pm

    Heather, I was told I had gall stones maybe 20 years ago when I had a cat scan for something else. I went to a specialist but surgery wasn’t recommended because the stones never bothered me, and never have.

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  17. basset said on September 26, 2018 at 8:34 pm

    I was all excited about getting the lefty talk station when we first signed up for Sirius several years ago… and found I didn’t particularly want to deal with political posturing and argument whether I agreed with it or not.

    Mrs. B update: first of the home therapists is due to arrive Friday, she is walking well and balance is good, went to her primary dr. today and his instructions were to keep getting stronger and put on another ten pounds.

    Episode two of “The Crown” is playing in the next room, I just can’t seem to get into it. Lots of other Brit stuff on Netflix that looks interesting, though.

    and Leyton Orient is still unbeaten and at the top of the National League with a chance to get promoted back into the Football League next year, what a turnaround. thought about them when I heard Dunkin’ Donuts was rebranding, Orient’s owner is also CEO of the Dunkin’/Baskin Robbins combine.

    We oughta have relegation in American pro sports. Essentially, the tail-end teams in each league go to a lower league at the end of each season, and the lower league’s leaders go up… could lead to some interesting matchups. Orient was in the Football League system for something like 130 years and got relegated out last year, you can imagine how the fans would act if they got back in after this season.

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  18. Julie Robinson said on September 26, 2018 at 9:51 pm

    Deborah, I can so relate. A big reason we’re on this trip is to take care of my mom’s business affairs, and thankfully we were able to accomplish some big ones. But I am tired of sitting in banks and offices, no matter how many times they politely offer water or coffee.

    We visited two local history rooms, and came away with lots of fantastic family history, including the ship on which my great-grandfather sailed from Ireland. Lots of pictures, lots of documents, lots of new connections.

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  19. LAMary said on September 26, 2018 at 9:52 pm

    That press conference was awful. I had it on the radio while working and it was so hard not to scream. Despair ensued.

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  20. Julie Robinson said on September 26, 2018 at 10:06 pm

    Forgot to say that we went to the library where my mom worked for almost 40 years, and there are still three of her fellow employees working there, even though she’s been retired for 15 years. Even better, two of the current staff remembered her from when they came in as kids. I was so touched by that.

    I’ve also had a wandering child experience like Nance. Years ago we were driving through a residential area in Bloomington when I spotted a toddler walking around looking lost. I made my husband stop the car and I got out and asked her where she lived. With my mommy, she said, and held up her arms to be picked up.

    So I scooped her up, started asking the color of her house, and after a few minutes a frantic looking woman came running down the street. All was well, and I can throw no stones, because a few years later we lost one at an amusement park. Four adults on the trip and still he eluded us. Until you’ve had a runner you’ve no idea how fast they can slip away. So I don’t judge.

    Dexter, the black family probably schlepped their own food because they never knew what towns would have places where they could safely buy something.

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  21. Deborah said on September 26, 2018 at 10:26 pm

    Dexter, I’ve told my story here before about how when I was 14 and my sister was 15 we rode a greyhound bus unaccompanied from Miami to our aunt’s house in Kansas City. We went through the Deep South, through Montgomery and Selma, Alabama during the height of the civil rights protests. Off and on there were freedom riders who got on the bus and I had totally forgotten about the food. They bought their baskets on board and passed it around to the protesters. They sang and commiserated with each other. What an experience that was for a couple of young, white, teenagers.

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  22. Gretchen said on September 27, 2018 at 1:07 am

    Julie, I lost my grandson at the grocery store just yesterday. I turned to get a cart, just for a second, I swear, and he was gone. I ran into the store yelling Alex, Alex, but didn’t see him. So I ran out towards the parking lot, still yelling. But a couple of men heard me, and saw the oblivious kid wandering off, and also started yelling Alex, Alex, and got my attention and got him heading back towards me. Thank you, anonymous kind men.

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  23. Gretchen said on September 27, 2018 at 1:11 am

    That’s an amazing picture of Aretha. She looks fierce. I think it’s a recent development that women can look fierce. I’m glad I’ve live to see it.

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  24. basset said on September 27, 2018 at 6:55 am

    A British perspective:

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  25. Dorothy said on September 27, 2018 at 9:10 am

    Scout I am in NO WAY defending Kavanaugh but as far as his credit card debt being paid off, I remind you that he comes from money. He went to expensive schools. I’d wager he had money left to him from a death in the family (or some other way) because I know someone who inherited about $400,000 from a conservative family member who saved religiously. They paid off credit card debt with some of that inheritence. Kavanaugh’s already been investigated by the FBI so if there were anything untoward about that issue, I imagine the FBI would have nailed it. That being said, all these other issues should nail the coffin shut on his proceeding any longer to be a SCOTUS, but we all know the atmosphere in DC these days. Nothing is predictable.

    To counteract Nancy’s story about the thoughtless and inattentive mother, here’s a cute one. Someone at work told this story. A young teacher my co-worker knows was taking her son to his first day of kindergarden. This teacher enrolled him in the school district where she teaches instead of where they live for her convenience. He can be picked up by the school bus at the school where she teaches, and then after his morning is done his sitter picks him up. She got filled up and started to cry just a little bit while taking him on that first day. Watching her in the mirror from the back seat he very solemnly said “Mommy do you cry EVERY day when you’re driving to work?!”

    Finally, FYI my husband is doing VERY well nearly three weeks after his blood clot/bleeding artery issue. He’s home from work for one more week, his voice is back to normal, his appetite is good and his scar is healing pretty well. We are thanking our lucky stars he came through so well from this ordeal. We watched the PBS show NOVA last night about transplants and how they affect donors and recipients’ lives and we were both sobbing messes about it, so soon after his hospitalization. We are organ donors too so of course we were reminded of how close he came to making good on the donor issue.

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  26. Sherri said on September 27, 2018 at 9:43 am

    Dorothy, the questions about Kavanaugh’s finances aren’t as simple as that. It’s not just the credit card debt. How did he buy a house for $1.25 million in 2006 when his 2005 confirmation to the Federal bench claimed a net worth of $91K? He’s got two kids in private school and belongs to a $92K initiation fee country club. He also had borrowed against his retirement account.

    If he had received inheritance money, it should have been reported on his financial disclosure.

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  27. Kim said on September 27, 2018 at 9:47 am

    Basset@17 – agreed about relegation. If nothing else, it provides a setup for the redemption story. We were in Ferrara, Italy a couple weeks ago, which is home to SPAL. After nearly 50 years of sliding from Serie A into the fourth division (and two bankruptcies in this century), they’re back in Serie A and the locals can’t believe it. Incidentally, a former teammate of my soccer kid plays for Gateshead.

    Heather, I had an issue while in Italy and on the hotel staff’s recommendation went to a pharmacy before the hospital. The pharmacist asked (in English) what my physician at home would prescribe, I told her, she said she trusted me and gave me an antibiotic for $8. No way that would happen here, starting with the language accommodation.

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  28. Deborah said on September 27, 2018 at 10:02 am

    Sherri, I read somewhere that It was not required for Kavanaugh to disclose if he received money from relatives. Kagan had received an inheritance and disclosed it even though she didn’t have to and Sotomayor had won about $7,000 at a Casino which she disclosed properly.

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  29. Sherri said on September 27, 2018 at 10:30 am

    He doesn’t have to disclose money from family, you’re right. But it’s not just a one-time thing. He’s far outliving his means, with both ongoing and big lump-sum outlays. Not explaining how those are getting paid is shady af. If it’s because they didn’t want to highlight that he’s got family money, then you’ve got a problem with the lifestyle, which is well beyond a “regular dad” kind of lifestyle.

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  30. Heather said on September 27, 2018 at 11:31 am

    Deborah, I have had several attacks of incredible abdominal pain so unfortunately I think the surgery is probably a must.

    I can’t tell if it’s the gallstones making me nauseated or this hearing. I don’t think having this prosecutor cross-examine her is playing very well.

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  31. beb said on September 27, 2018 at 11:55 am

    There’s also the question of where that debt came from. He said he bought a bunch of season tickets for the Nationals but there’s more debt that what those tickets cost. It raised questions whether he was gambling and lost heavily. With all the people mentioning Kavanaugh’s heavy drinking and belligerent behavior when drunk I think any reasonable person would conclude that he is not Supreme Court material. But of course we’re not dealing with reasonable people.

    How would relegation of major league sports clubs work? All the clubs are owned by vain millionaires who would never accept demotion of their team. Plus, are their minor leagues that NFL leagues could be relegated to? And what about stadiums? Minor leagues can only support small stadiums while major leagues need massive stadiums. There’s too much money sunk in the existing major league teams to talk about demoting one.

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  32. Peter said on September 27, 2018 at 1:01 pm

    So now that we’re at lunch break – a client of mine always said they don’t give out trophies at half-time, but boy oh boy it’s not looking good for Brett.

    It’s circumstantial, but I think the damning moment came when she talked about seeing Mark Judge working at a Safeway, and wish someone would find out when he worked there, and then some conservative commentators said that he didn’t work there, and lo and behold, someone posted a screen shot of Judge’s book where he talks about working hungover at the Safeway one summer.

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  33. Deborah said on September 27, 2018 at 1:19 pm

    I watched only the beginning of Dr. Ford’s testimony because I had to do some other things where I couldn’t be near my computer or have the sound on because other people were there and involved in business. All I can say is that I found what I did get to see was amazing. I teared up throughout and continue to do so when I think about it. That poor woman was terrified, but she did an excellent job. Anybody who says that wasn’t credible is flat out wrong. I think the only recourse the GOP has now is to say it happened but it doesn’t matter. Then they have to contend with Kavanaugh’s lies or his vileness if he claims he doesn’t remember, it would seem that it was/is so meaningless to him he can’t even be bothered to think about it. This man doesn’t seem to have much compassion and is obviously not fit to be on SCOTUS.

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  34. Sherri said on September 27, 2018 at 1:43 pm

    I just can’t watch. It’s not good for me or my health. I’ve read a little Twitter, but I have to be careful about that. Instead I hit the gym.

    That election is going to make me the strongest fucking woman in the world.

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  35. Sherri said on September 27, 2018 at 2:47 pm

    Hah! John Rogers thinks like me!

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  36. Jakash said on September 27, 2018 at 3:03 pm

    Sen. Lindsey Sham is going with, essentially: Something happened to her, but I used to be a prosecutor and you can’t investigate something where you don’t know the time or place that it happened. So, it’s just he said / she said and those fucking Democrats are to blame for everything, really.

    But my favorite is Orrin Hatch, on what he imagines to be his best behavior. “‘I don’t think she’s uncredible,’ said Hatch, the senior senator from Utah, when asked during the lunch break in Ford’s testimony. ‘I think she’s an attractive, good witness.’ When CNN asked what he meant by ‘attractive,’ Hatch responded, ‘In other words, she’s pleasing.'” And really, isn’t that what’s most important, at the end of the day? Whether a woman testifying at a Congressional hearing about a traumatic event in her life seems pleasing to old white men? Aye yi yi!

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  37. Sherri said on September 27, 2018 at 3:13 pm

    There are way too many people on the Judiciary Committee who were on the committee when Anita Hill testified. I don’t like term limits, but damn, the Senate is *old*.

    Vote ‘em out. Honestly, if there were a Dem alternative to Cantwell, I’d be happy. Maybe I should throw some money at DiFi’s opponent, though that’s a big climb.

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  38. Deborah said on September 27, 2018 at 3:15 pm

    Holy cow, Kavanaugh sounds like a complete asshole. A typical male approach, intimidate with your tone.

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  39. Peter said on September 27, 2018 at 3:17 pm

    Listening to Kavanaugh’s rant right now and I just want to tell him to shut the fuck up. He said that the democrats on the committee are an embarassment.

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  40. Deborah said on September 27, 2018 at 3:21 pm

    The difference in the two couldn’t be more clear. The woman trying to please even in the face of everything she had to face, the man belligerent, angry, intimidating. Wow, just wow.

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  41. alex said on September 27, 2018 at 3:27 pm

    Mr. Choirboy says his 10-year-old daughter offered to pray for Dr. Ford and then he got all choked up… Man, can’t this fucker stop lying for even one minute? Jeezopeet.

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  42. Deborah said on September 27, 2018 at 3:27 pm

    OK, that’s it. I can’t watch this anymore. What a travesty.

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  43. Icarus said on September 27, 2018 at 3:39 pm

    I think he’s going with the “if I were the type to sexually harass women, wouldn’t I have been caught by now” defense.

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  44. Icarus said on September 27, 2018 at 3:50 pm

    also, anyone else think of Aunt Lydia when Rachel Mitchell started her examination?

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  45. john (not mccain) said on September 27, 2018 at 3:57 pm

    So it turns out whisky sours are contraindicated when about to give Senate testimony. Please make a note of it.

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  46. Jakash said on September 27, 2018 at 4:09 pm

    Icarus @ 44,

    Actually, I didn’t. But now that you mention it…

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  47. beb said on September 27, 2018 at 4:24 pm

    I turned on the TV to watch the 4 o’clock local news and got The Dickhead instead, angrily complaining about being questioned. He’s a;; concerned about how his family is being affected. Never a word about the trauma Dr. Ford has had to put up with all these years. Seeing him so angry like this suggests he’s not well tempered to put on the Supreme Court. (He’s also filibustering the 5 minute time limit the Senators are granted to question him.)

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  48. Scout said on September 27, 2018 at 4:26 pm

    “Don’t ever ask Ford why she was terrified to be in the same room with this man again. Now you know.”

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  49. Sherri said on September 27, 2018 at 4:33 pm

    From what I saw when I went to a SCOTUS hearing, angry would fit right in with Alito.

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  50. susan said on September 27, 2018 at 4:36 pm

    and Clarence Thomas

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  51. Suzanne said on September 27, 2018 at 4:39 pm

    Oh my oh my. I came home halfway through the Kavanaugh opening statement. He seems completely unhinged. Nearly crying at odd times, red in the face, anger spilling over. Up until now, I thought he was probably a jerk in high school & college; now, I fully believe he still is an angry, entitled, immature jerk who has never had to answer for anything. And now he’s raging.

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  52. The Garden Fairy said on September 27, 2018 at 4:43 pm


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  53. Deborah said on September 27, 2018 at 4:50 pm

    Jesus is anyone else listening to Lindsey Graham cracker disintegrate. They all think all they have to do is bluff and bluster as loud as they can to get what they want.

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  54. Sherri said on September 27, 2018 at 5:04 pm

    Senator Fucking Piece of Shit (R-KY) is going to ram this nomination through anyway, and none of the Republican Senators have the courage to stop it. I can only hope that this does for the national GOP what Prop 187 did for the California GOP in the 90s.

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  55. Jakash said on September 27, 2018 at 5:05 pm

    Evidently, to be “pleasing” during one’s appearance is not required for the guy. About the only thing missing from the Clarence Thomas playbook was a reference to “high-tech lynching.”

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  56. Deborah said on September 27, 2018 at 5:26 pm

    Theatrics, that’s what we’re seeing. Red faced screaming because that’s all they’ve got. Sad.

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  57. Deborah said on September 27, 2018 at 5:58 pm

    I have very little contact outside of my bubble. How is all of this being received by the general public? I’m from Mars so I have no idea.

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  58. Heather said on September 27, 2018 at 6:18 pm

    Deborah, the Republican base loves it. After all they’re mostly white guys who love to complain about how victimized they are. I’m really terrified about this guy being confirmed. The only glimmer of hope is if we take back the House and Senate and can impeach him. He’s every entitled white male bully you’ve ever met in your life and it’s driving me crazy that some people refuse to see it.

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  59. The Garden Fairy said on September 27, 2018 at 6:38 pm

    Well, now we know that Cruz and others were NOT LISTENING to Prof. Ford’s testimony this morning. She was very clear about having been in conversation with friends about how/ where/ when/ who to contact once it became clear that Kavanaugh was the nominee. She elected “civic” process over media.

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  60. alex said on September 27, 2018 at 6:44 pm

    I think it’s pretty telling that he refuses to answer directly whether the FBI should investigate or if Mark Judge should be called to testify; he’s fearful of both prospects obviously and he has clearly shown that he lacks judicial temperament. He didn’t do himself any favors firing off his litany of recriminations at the Democrats, or by granting Fox News an exclusive interview to portray himself as a virgin choirboy. Dr. Blasey Ford came across as genuine and he comes across as very rehearsed, not to mention belligerent and entitled. What a fucking shit show. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer horse’s ass.

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  61. Bill said on September 27, 2018 at 9:55 pm

    So proud of my senator, Dick Durbin. He forced a no answer from Kavanaugh to agreeing to an FBI investigation. He knows he wouldn’t survive it. A sure indication of guilt.

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