Hello. I’m Johnny Cash.

Tuesday can eat a dick. It was one of those days. But here I am, so let’s hope for better things today.

And once again, the world has rushed ahead of my capacity to think of anything to say about it. Shall we go to the links? No, one story:

We’ve been having some issues with our basement. Nothing terrible, no flooding, but seepage and some cracks that indicate it could get worse if we don’t do something about it. So a parade of professionals have been trooping through, delivering estimates. They range from $900 to $10,000, to give you an idea of how fucked-up basement work is.

Anyway, the other day one rang the doorbell. He was 20 minutes early, and Alan — whose responsibility this is — was still selecting which underwear to put on for the day, so I went down and let him in. Opened the door expecting the usual basement-company rep, which is to say, a youngish man with a logo’d polo shirt, chinos and a clipboard, maybe in one of those cases with an iPad.

This man was far older. Coal-black suit that had seen better days, and coal-black hair, ditto. The hair did not match the face, which is to say, not a thread of gray anywhere. Ronald Reagan hair.

But he was very nice, introduced himself, and I let him in, introduced him to Wendy and showed him to a seat in the living room. Went back upstairs and informed Alan that Sheldon Adelson was downstairs waiting for him.

As it turned out, he had an explanation for his startling appearance. He’s a Johnny Cash cover singer. His most recent gig was in Port Huron, and “they paid me handsomely.” He sings ’60s/’70s-era Johnny, and doesn’t care for the Rick Rubin era, although he was impressed that Alan knew about it. He left us with an estimate and his CD. We listened that night; he’s not bad at all, although we cracked up when the third track opened with, “This song is dedicated to” and the name of the basement company, which I won’t name because Google.

This town. It still cracks me up.

So! To the bloggage!

Years ago, when I lived in Fort Wayne, I met the author of this column. He was a friend of a friend, and a very nice guy. He had recently married, and his wife was sweet, notable for her amazing ginger-redhead coloring — a true coppery red and that pre-Raphaelite-angel skin that looks almost translucent. They had a baby named Henry. I saw Larry once in a while, at parties our mutual friend would throw, and at one of these events I found him sitting alone and struck up a conversation. “Where’s your wife?” I asked.

“She died,” he replied. Hoo-boy, that’s something you don’t want to hear. Later, I heard the story of what happened, which is detailed in the column. It’s a terrible story, but I think he came away with the right lesson. He doesn’t name the disease, but I heard it was malignant melanoma (that skin, so unsuited for the sun). One of the worst cancers you can get.

Anyway, he went on to become a champ single dad, adopting several more kids and appearing on “Oprah,” where his widowerhood was mentioned, but not the story behind it.

Paul Krugman gets to the heart of something that’s always been in the back of my mind, but never really moved to the front. After opening with an anecdote about Stephen Moore, the president’s nominee for the Fed board, shit-talking the Midwest, he notes:

This is not the story you usually hear. On the contrary, we’re inundated with claims that liberals feel disdain for the heartland. Even liberals themselves often buy into these claims, berate themselves for having been condescending and pledge to do better.

But what’s the source of that narrative? Look at where the belief that liberals don’t respect the heartland comes from, and it turns out that it has little to do with things Democrats actually say, let alone their policies. It is, instead, a story line pushed relentlessly by Fox News and other propaganda organizations, relying on out-of-context quotes and sheer fabrication.

Conservative contempt, by contrast, is real. Moore’s “armpit” line evidently didn’t shock his audience, probably because disparaging views about middle America are widespread among right-wing intellectuals and, more discreetly, right-wing politicians.

Mm-hmm, that’s right.

Finally, want to buy Patti Smith’s former house in St. Clair Shores? It’s quite something, and I totally would if I had the dough. (I do not have the dough.) Her son is the Realtor, which is amusing.

Let’s hope Wednesday fails to suck. On with it.

Posted at 8:24 am in Current events, Detroit life |

56 responses to “Hello. I’m Johnny Cash.”

  1. Suzanne said on May 1, 2019 at 9:21 am

    Here’s the thing. People like Moore get away with making fun of the people who support them because the people do not engage with any media, any literature, anything at all that will give them a viewpoint other than that liberals are evil and hate America and want to kill babies. They will never hear someone like Moore mocking them. My husband spoke with a man we know from our area recently, a good family man, all his kids went to college, he works hard, can fix anything and proudly told may husband that he had read a book recently, the first he’d read in over 20 years. This is not a aberration in rural America. If there is reading going on, it’s books by Bill O’Reilly or some other conservative pundit or Christian novels or self-help books. They have no clue they are being played.

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  2. basset said on May 1, 2019 at 9:40 am

    Friend of ours delivered the mail to Johnny Cash’s farm outside Nashville for several years, never saw him though.
    And here’s another house: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/business/realestate/hot-property/la-fi-hotprop-george-harrison-son-venice-canal-20190429-story.html%3foutputType=amp

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  3. Icarus said on May 1, 2019 at 9:42 am

    Finally, want to buy Patti Smith’s former house in St. Clair Shores?

    okay but only if it comes with that suit of armour and the bar, fully stocked. Technically, we have the dough , it’s listed only a bit more than we paid for our house in Chicago. But we are trying to retire earlier than society expects and that means moving to a lower cost of living (red state).

    spent Easter in Olive Branch MS and you know how I can tell our relatives are really angling for us to move down there and take care of the elders? Everyone was on good behavior. Very little liberal baiting or MAGA type references.

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  4. ninja3000 said on May 1, 2019 at 10:21 am

    Nice lede as usual Nance…

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  5. Jeff Borden said on May 1, 2019 at 10:24 am

    A sizable number of conservative bomb throwers live in New York City and Washington, D.C. They profess their love for the fine folks in Bug Tussle, but they certainly don’t want to give up their access to 21 or the parties on Embassy Row, much less live next to the lumpen proletariat. I recall a review of an Ann Coulter book that smeared the New York Times for looking down on Walmart shoppers. I’d bet serious money she’s never crossed the threshold of a Walmart.

    I have my annual physical on Monday. I’m pondering what kind of drugs I can ask for that will help me cope with the insanity from here to November 2020. I’ve ridden out a few political shitstorms, but this one looks like the largest I’ve seen. It’s going to be awful.

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  6. Suzanne said on May 1, 2019 at 10:38 am

    If you find any meds, Jeff B, let me in on the secret. I am gonna need them too. I just had something come across my facebook feed about religious exemptions for vaccines, tying it to people’s pro-life stance. Right. Because nothing says I am pro-life like letting my kid die from measles or some other perfectly preventable disease.
    I swear, the whole world has gone completely insane.

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  7. JodiP said on May 1, 2019 at 10:41 am

    I am really concerned about election security in 2020 vis a vis social media and machine hacking. Trump, of course, can’t stand to hear anything about it, because if it’s brought up, he thinks people are saying his 2016 win wasn’t legit. The Post’s podcast, Post Reports, had lots on that cheery news this morning, as well as the state of measles outbreaks around the country.

    I love the story of the Johnny Cash impersonator.

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  8. Heather said on May 1, 2019 at 11:05 am

    Speaking of health issues, I found out an ex-boyfriend died last week, probably of a heart thing. He was only 50. Apparently he had sky-high cholesterol, like above 400, and when we were dating 4-5 years ago he had dangerously high blood pressure. He went to the doctor once and got some meds for a month, and then never refilled them. I begged him to take it seriously, but you can’t force someone to take care of themselves. It’s very sad. He ignored his emotional and mental health too (I also urged him to see a therapist many times), and I can’t help thinking that was also a factor.

    Anyway, guys: take care of your health.

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  9. Mark P said on May 1, 2019 at 11:49 am

    Suzanne, nothing says I am pro-life like letting my kid’s measles or some other perfectly preventable disease kill someone else’s pre-immunization-age kid.

    I heard a radio program yesterday about the problem of dealing with anti-vaccers — whoops, I mean immunization hesitant or whateverthehell they call themselves. They were talking about how the a-v idiots are essentially completely immune to facts. So what else is new.

    Some pediatricians are refusing to treat children whose parents refuse to allow them to be vaccinated. They tell the parents that allowing their unvaccinated kids into the waiting room threatens the health and, indeed, the life of their other patients. I liked the quote from one doctor who said he was perfectly willing to let an adult practice a religion that threatened their own health, but was not willing to let their religious practice threaten the health of children, especially the children of other people.

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  10. Suzanne said on May 1, 2019 at 11:52 am

    Apparently some pro-lifers won’t vaccinate because some vaccines are grown in fetal cells from years ago that have been kept alive. https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-ingredients/fetal-tissues

    So, lets kill people now by refusing to vaccinate from cells that were taken from a fetus long before many of them were even born. That makes us pro-life!

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  11. Deborah said on May 1, 2019 at 11:58 am

    I’m at the eye dr waiting for the doc to come in, I’ve had my eyes dilated so this comment may be full of typos.

    I just read in the nyt that there was a mass shooting in Charlotte, NC where I still was yesterday morning. It was nowhere near me, but once again it has happened in the US. This one, 8 people shot, 2 dead, with a hand gun this time. A male suspect of course.

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  12. Deborah said on May 1, 2019 at 11:58 am

    I’m at the eye dr waiting for the doc to come in, I’ve had my eyes dilated so this comment may be full of typos.

    I just read in the nyt that there was a mass shooting in Charlotte, NC where I still was yesterday morning. It was nowhere near me, but once again it has happened in the US. This one, 8 people shot, 2 dead, with a hand gun this time. A male suspect of course.

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  13. nancy said on May 1, 2019 at 12:13 pm

    Guys, this is great. Your lunchtime read.

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  14. Sherri said on May 1, 2019 at 12:40 pm

    That’s the first time a women’s championship team has been to the White House with trump. Previous champs have either not been invited or have turned him down. Kim Mulkey, the Baylor coach, immediately said they’d go.

    She’s a perfect fit at Baylor.

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  15. Julie Robinson said on May 1, 2019 at 1:08 pm

    There’s a lot of side eye in those pictures. The body language is clear.

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  16. Suzanne said on May 1, 2019 at 2:08 pm

    So, Trump went high class again with the Baylor team and served hamberders. No doubt because he’s been told that’s what those people like to eat.

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  17. Dorothy said on May 1, 2019 at 2:22 pm

    Gee wouldn’t it have been a crying shame if any of those basketball players standing right behind sneezed really loudly, and with voluminous nasal spray, got it to land right on the back of that germophobe’s head? Aww the poor guy. If I were there I’d make a point of not eating one bit of any of that dumbass fast food that was served. It’s got to be one of the most insulting habits for that jerk to come up with. He’s the perfect example of the expression “you can’t buy class.”

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  18. Mark P said on May 1, 2019 at 3:43 pm

    You can’t buy class? What? You mean gold-plated toilets are not class?

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  19. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on May 1, 2019 at 3:44 pm

    I hate Deadspin except when I love it. This is one of the better reasons for Deadspin to continue. Mmmm, brisket. Memories of long-dead elderly relatives come back, and the perfect context for the already priceless pictures.

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  20. Andrea said on May 1, 2019 at 3:58 pm

    @Mark P. My neighbors’ grandson died at age 6 weeks, after contracting whooping cough from an unvaccinated person. He was born full-term and healthy. Such a heartbreaking funeral, watching those poor shell-shocked parents slowly carry up the church aisle a tiny coffin cradled in their arms. The memory of it fills me with rage, even now, nearly 8 years later. I cannot imagine how that family feels about the current measles outbreaks.

    The coffin was about the size of a box you get a nice pair of winter boots in.

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  21. Sherri said on May 1, 2019 at 5:00 pm

    Some more context on the Baylor visit.


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  22. Deborah said on May 1, 2019 at 5:27 pm

    Andrea, I went to a funeral of a friend’s baby who died of SIDS. A completely different circumstance of course, but when you see a coffin the size of which you described you never forget it, the saddest thing in the world. And when, like the situation you commented on, it could have been prevented it is even sadder.

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  23. Jeff Borden said on May 1, 2019 at 9:33 pm

    One of my second grade classmates contracted polio. We never saw him at our school again. I remember standing in line outside public school auditoriums after Sunday Mass to receive the Salk vaccine on a sugar cube. I had no idea at the time of how serious the threat was. Those who refuse to vaccinate threaten to return us to an olden days that aren’t so golden.

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  24. beb said on May 2, 2019 at 1:24 am

    Jeff Bordon @5 — move to Michigan and get a medical marijuana license. It is, I think, the only way to stay sane.

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  25. MarkH said on May 2, 2019 at 3:40 am

    Actually, Jeff Borden, the oral vaccine you took via sugar cube was Albert Sabin’s. Jonas Salk’s injected vaccine came first and prevented the disease’s worst effects. Sabin’s inactivated polio virus prevented the disease from taking hold. Both researchers determined that the disease introduced itself through the intestines.


    We had two cases in our family, my Uncle John contracted it at age 9. He survived, though it seriously deteriorated his left leg. Far worse than that was my cousin Andy whom I never knew. He suffered the worst effects of polio and died in an iron lung at age 2. That wasover a year before I was born, only a few years before Salk’s vaccine appeared. Our family practice doc keeps an old iron lung machine on display outside his office with a large sign as a reminder to vaccinate.

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  26. Deborah said on May 2, 2019 at 6:33 am

    I vaguely remember getting a polio shot in the Dr office, and I remember the sugar cube that was distributed at school in the sickroom (do they even have sickrooms anymore?) I didn’t know any kids personally who got polio but as an adult I had friends who had polio as kids. All of those adult friends died relatively early (in their early 60s) I assume the polio caused some lasting stress on their bodies. One guy walked with forearm crutches which looked extremely painful and difficult, towards the end of his life he used a wheelchair. Another friend was extremely petite because of the polio as a child, she had 2 sisters who also had polio, her family put in a swimming pool to help the girls gain muscle strength, they didn’t have a lot of money but they felt the pool was absolutely necessary. Only one of the sisters had some deformity in one leg.

    A little off subject, but have any of you been to the Salk Institute in San Diego? It’s a gorgeous place.

    Today is a travel day, I finally got up at 4am because I kept waking up to check the time. Leaving for Midway at 6:15.

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  27. Deborah said on May 2, 2019 at 8:27 am

    Actually the Salk Institute is in La Jolla, designed by Louis Kahn https://www.salk.edu/about/visiting-salk/about-salk-architecture/

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  28. Heather said on May 2, 2019 at 8:30 am

    There was a huge article about sexism and gender discrimination at the Salk Institute in the NYT Mag a couple weeks ago. Pretty depressing.


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  29. Julie Robinson said on May 2, 2019 at 9:55 am

    With all the vaccination discussions swirling around, we looked through our health records and found my hubby had zero vaccination records and I had every single one. Since both his parents and childhood doctor are long gone, we’re assuming he’s covered, given the high compliance rate of our generation. We were both born before 1957, the cutoff date for repeat measles shots. Before we got married I had a titre done that showed questionable immunity to rubella (German measles we called it then), which of course can cause birth defects if a mom has it while pregnant. So they gave me an additional MMR, risk averted.

    Before my family traveled to Guatemala I also had yellow fever immunizations. Too bad there were no shots for Montezuma’s Revenge!

    Our local theatre building was designed by Louis Kahn, and after the art museum had an exhibit on his work I got interested in him. He was a real bastard in his personal life but designed some glorious buildings, and the Salk Institute was my favorite. Too bad the hallowed setting and purpose didn’t inspire better behavior among the researchers.

    The exhibit showed all the plans for what was to have been an arts campus, with art museum, art school, music school, etc, covering the entire block including what is now Freimann Square. But they ran out of money, and ended up cutting back on the theatre building as the relationship devolved between architect and builders. Kahn kept proposing fanciful add-ons, and the committee kept writing him about additions they hadn’t asked for. You could feel the vitriol on both sides in the politely worded letters. Kahn probably thought he was working with a bunch of hicks who couldn’t see his vision.

    One glaring omission is accessibility, with two sets of stairs in and out of the auditorium. Rickety stair rails on the outside and no rails on the inside make it very tricky for oldsters like my mom. There are renovations coming to supposedly improve this, but the plans I’ve seen are inadequate. I foresee a time when I won’t be able to take her to shows there anymore.

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  30. Connie said on May 2, 2019 at 10:13 am

    I remember having measles, a year or so before the vaccination became available. And my memory includes doctor house calls.

    And I remember going to the high school I would one day attend and being lost in a wall to wall crowd of taller people as we all got our sugar cube polio vaccine.

    My daughter missed the chicken pox vaccine by about the same year I missed the measles vaccine.

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  31. JodiP said on May 2, 2019 at 10:30 am

    A friend shared that she was recently tested to make sure her measles vaccine was still effective–and it wasn’t! She works with immunocompromised people, so she is getting her vaccine again. I am putting this on my to-do list. I know I got all my shots, but apparently, effectiveness can decrease over time.

    Pod Save the World is really good today. It includes the news that Trump has invited Rouhani, Iran’s leader to dinner eight times. I guess I missed the news last June which reported Trump would meet with him without preconditions. He is so f’ing clueless. There would usually be years of negotiations, conditions, etc. before a president would meet Rouhani.

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  32. 4dbirds said on May 2, 2019 at 10:42 am

    As an army brat and a veteran, I’ve had every vaccine available at the time to include a plague vaccine (and booster). I had the measles as a child as it was before the vaccine and had the German measles when I was 20. I was in the army and three of us in barracks got sick. We were hospitalized to keep it from becoming an outbreak. I get the flu shot every year, had the pneumonia vaccine and am on the list for the new shingles. I’m a firm believer in science and its benefit to human life.

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  33. Julie Robinson said on May 2, 2019 at 10:45 am

    We stood in lines three times for those sugar cubes–mom kept the cards we got.

    Apparently there were both live and killed measles vaccines, and one was better than the other at efficacy. It should be kept in the refrigerator until given, which wasn’t always followed in the past, especially before it came in single doses. Lots of variables. I read a horrific story of a young, healthy man who contracted measles and not only was hospitalized, but still has a suppressed immune system many months later.

    Get this: he was never vaccinated for anything. Home-schooled and even went to college online, so no one ever asked him, and somehow he made it to the age of 26 without developing awareness of the need. Now he is a believer and getting his shots.

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  34. Deborah said on May 2, 2019 at 1:59 pm

    I had measles, chicken pox and mumps when I was a kid. I was the sickest with mumps. LB had chicken pox and was fully vaccinated for the other stuff.

    Louis Kahn is my favorite architect, I especially like the Kimball art museum that he designed in Fort Worth.

    I’m back in NM, glad to be in one place for awhile.

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  35. Bitter Scribe said on May 2, 2019 at 2:14 pm

    I just got an email notification of a seminar about media that left me deeply depressed.

    It was for the “Kagan Media Summit” by “S&P Market Global Intelligence.” Among the speakers are:

    • The CEO of Sinclair Broadcasting (which is doing to local broadcast news what Fox did to cable news)
    • An executive with Meredith (publisher of the Ladies Home Journal and similar mags that somehow got its hands on Time magazine)
    • Someone from Google

    If that’s the future of media, and it probably is, I’m glad I’m retiring in a few years.

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  36. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on May 2, 2019 at 2:59 pm

    Schools still have nurse’s offices/clinics (one room and a bathroom), and they are busy busy busy places. Was in two today; that’s often where I set up shop as a mediator when the conference room is being used for state testing make-up.

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  37. Peter said on May 2, 2019 at 3:23 pm

    As a Patti Smith fan, that house threw me for a loop – I figured she was a mid-century modern type. And her son is the realtor? I remembered when he had a band.

    At the last concert of hers I went to, she said she wasn’t feeling well, and had spent the whole day with a big bowl of soup and binge watching House Hunters, then went on a rant about HGTV.

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  38. Jakash said on May 2, 2019 at 4:08 pm

    This is a funny piece about being immune to cute animal videos, etc.

    “I’ve watched, stone-faced, as hedgehogs swaddled in blankets nibbled on mini blueberry muffins before sharing them with ducklings wearing tiny footie pajamas. Yeah, you heard me, someone specifically tailored the footie pajamas to contour to their little webbed feet. And if you think those footie pajamas weren’t the kind with a butt flap, and both buttons on that butt flap were securely fastened, that one wasn’t undone, causing a corner of the flap to droop and partially expose a fuzzy little duckling butt? Well, think again, motherfucker.”

    “So I appreciate kid, but spare me the theatrics. There isn’t a tweet in your bookmarks, not a photo in your camera roll, not a viral video out there with enough cuteness to elicit even a modicum of emotion outta me, and if you think otherwise — holy shit, is that fat raccoon learning how to ice skate?!?”


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  39. Heather said on May 2, 2019 at 7:43 pm

    Peter @37, Patti sold it to someone a few years ago, so that’s probably not her stuff.

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  40. Andrea said on May 2, 2019 at 10:12 pm

    Sad news for journalism fanshttps://twitter.com/cschrappen/status/1123737939740102657

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  41. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on May 2, 2019 at 11:43 pm

    I was just so glad to see this happened in the Detroit area and not ours, since it appeared in our paper:


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  42. beb said on May 3, 2019 at 12:54 am

    The last I heard, Virginia was not in the Detroit area. Needless to say “drinking was involved.”

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  43. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on May 3, 2019 at 7:38 am

    In the silly world of newspapering today, it’s a story from a Detroit outlet about a Virginia family that appeared in the “Local” section of our Ohio paper.

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  44. Connie said on May 3, 2019 at 9:19 am

    News from Deadline Detroit: Journalism Society Awards.
    Nancy Derringer, a staff member, won fourth place for a feature about radio station 910am, its owner and its roster of “notorious” program hosts. http://www.deadlinedetroit.com/articles/20125/are_you_notorious_in_detroit_when_does_your_show_on_910_start

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  45. Julie Robinson said on May 3, 2019 at 11:25 am

    Congratulations, Nancy! Facebook has trained me to expect balloons and confetti when I write those words.

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  46. Sherri said on May 3, 2019 at 12:47 pm

    Yay, Nancy!

    Does it seem like your seasonal allergies have gotten worse? Blame the patriarchy! 🙂


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  47. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on May 3, 2019 at 6:48 pm

    Facebook reports a glorious commencement day in Ann Arbor for our proprietor’s nearest and dearest. Kudos and blessings!

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  48. Dexter Friend said on May 4, 2019 at 12:57 am

    Saluting 2 graduates, U of M’s Kate, and and an honorary doctorate bestowed upon Jack White, the pride of Detroit, from Wayne State. https://www.freep.com/story/entertainment/music/brian-mccollum/2019/05/03/jack-white-honorary-doctorate-wayne-state-detroit/1091317001/

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  49. Suzanne said on May 4, 2019 at 9:09 am

    Congratulations to the proprietress here and her daughter! The best part about one’s child graduating from college? No more FAFSA!

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  50. Deborah said on May 4, 2019 at 1:57 pm

    Congratulations to Kate and her family!

    LB and I are going to see Sting in Taos on Sept 2, and I signed up for my first air bnb for that night. We’re staying in an earthship completely off the grid. We’ve stayed in them before, we have friends who are architects in Taos and they used to work for the guy who builds them. If you ever go to Taos you should check them out. I’d Google and include a link but I’m in Abiquiu.

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  51. annie said on May 4, 2019 at 4:01 pm

    I forget if this is the place I first heard about Rachel Held Evans, the religion writer who challenged evangelical beliefs about women, bible literalism, lgbt issues. I occasionally read her blog. Am stunned to learn she died this morning, age 37, after a short illness.

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  52. Suzanne said on May 4, 2019 at 4:54 pm

    I heard earlier in the about Rachel Evans. I read one of her books-searching for Sunday-and occasionally checked in on her blog. Scary that she was so young and had, apparently, a seemingly normal bout of flu and UTI that went quickly from normal to death. She has 2 young children. I can’t imagine trying to explain to a toddler why mommy isn’t coming home, ever.

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  53. beb said on May 4, 2019 at 5:52 pm

    Jeff@43 — It’s all USA Today affiliates.

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  54. Julie Robinson said on May 4, 2019 at 5:56 pm

    Rachel Held Evans had been in the hospital since the middle of April with what she said was the flu and a UTI. She developed an uncontrollable high fever and started seizing. She was put into a medically induced coma, but when they tried to bring her out she was seizing again and her brain became swollen. My heart breaks for her husband and two bambinos, ages three and not quite one.

    The same thing happened to me about 20 years ago, except they got my temp under back 106 after packing my body in ice. My family was spared the grieving hers will now endure. Jesus wept.

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  55. Sherri said on May 4, 2019 at 7:58 pm

    So unbelievably sad about Rachel Held Evans.

    A good friend of mine is lucky to be alive. On a recent trip, he caught a cold, which morphed into pneumonia. Even after antibiotics he wasn’t feeling well, and when he went to the doctor, they ended up sending him immediately to the ER, because his oxygenation levels were below 90%! He had a pulmonary embolism, which fortunately didn’t just kill him. He had two clots in his lungs and another in his leg and spent a week in the hospital.

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  56. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on May 4, 2019 at 8:06 pm

    Didn’t know Rachel personally, but had many mutual friends. One quote to give you a sense of her spirit:

    “There is a difference between curing and healing, and I believe the church is called to the slow and difficult work of healing. We are called to enter into one another’s pain, anoint it as holy, and stick around no matter the outcome.”

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