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Suzanne said on June 29, 2024 at 8:42 am
Looks yummy! Raining heavily here so no market today.
Posted this at end of yesterday’s comments so reposting here because I am so brilliant you all need to hear me 🙂
I honestly don’t know what happened to Biden on Thursday. He appeared completely out of it, kept getting lost in mid-sentence, and had almost no inflection in his voice. He apparently spoke to some supporters after and was fine, back to feisty Joe. Trump spoke in actual sentences and really put on a good show, except everything he said was complete unadulterated BS. Biden tried to counteract the BS but it’s impossible in a minute or two. Interesting but not the least bit surprising that the moderators never asked about Project 2025 or the SCOTUS members being given millions by billionaires or Trump’s indictments, nor did they once point out any glaring factual errors.
I am still voting for Biden.
Last night, we started watching Netflix’s Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial. Chilling. If people can’t see the similarities to today, they ain’t looking.
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David C said on June 29, 2024 at 9:11 am
I’m still voting for Biden too. If I had been 21 in 1944 I would have voted for FDR even though it was plainly evident that he was going to keel over soon. Old Biden>Criminal Trump, Half dead FDR>Tom Dewey’s mustache (That’s really the only thing I know about Tom Dewey, so I went with that).
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brian stouder said on June 29, 2024 at 10:40 am
Agreed! Joe ain’t young, and indeed – all of us are here for only so long…….but if awful-awful happens, then we get President Harris, and that would be a tremendous consolation.
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Jeff Gill said on June 29, 2024 at 10:47 am
Eat more colors. It’s good advice both visually & nutritionally.
(Nice pic.)
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Jason T. said on June 29, 2024 at 11:23 am
I think Joe’s done a good job — just righting the ship of state after 2017-2021 was a tremendous accomplishment, akin to what FDR had to do in 1933.
But the administration has done great things to advance consumer-friendly legislation, infrastructure improvements in both urban and rural areas, protection for working families; it’s been a solid four years. Other than Merrick Garland, most of his cabinet and judicial appointments have been good, too.
The debate was an absolutely unforced error; his team insisted on holding it out of — arrogance? hubris? stupidity? It’s one thing to step on a rake accidentally; it’s another thing to put the rake in front of yourself and then step on it.
Getting voters to focus on his accomplishments (instead of on “inflation”) was already an uphill climb; now, Biden’s own campaign has made his fragility the only issue. Good work, everyone. Every single one of them ought to be fired; however, I suspect it was Biden’s own idea to demand the debate.
I would have been happier if Biden had done a better job — any job, really — of grooming Harris to be his successor, and then, last year, announced his retirement so that she or someone else could step forward.
He was a relatively spry-looking 77 when he ran the first time; he looks every bit of 81 years old now.
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Icarus said on June 29, 2024 at 12:57 pm
The presidency ages everyone, except those who don’t do any real work during their term, and Biden was already ancient last time.
At the beginning, Trump sounded as presidential as is possible for him, but every response had a juvenile “yo mama” type ending sentence that took away from it.
Biden should have kept his promise to be a one-term president and the Dems should have started grooming someone to run in his place. They think he’ll win again and he can step down and let Harris run the show. But they also thought Hilary would win.
we are so screwed.
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Deborah said on June 29, 2024 at 1:09 pm
Being a US president ages one. Especially after 2 terms. It’s got to be one of the most stressful jobs in the world. They need to have some experience and wisdom under their belt to begin with and then they have to deal with everything coming at them during their terms. Of course if you do it like Trump, working as little as possible except talking on the phone, which for him is basically shit talking all day long, how hard can that be? But Trump has aged a lot facially when you see current photos of him now. Some people say it’s Ozempic face, who knows? I still can’t figure out what keeps Melania continuing as his wife except she must love the drama and the hubris.
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David C said on June 29, 2024 at 1:40 pm
The closest thing I find to Biden promising to be a one term President are articles from Politico and the like saying something like aides to Biden say, or some Democrats say, they pinky swear that maybe they think Biden will step down after one term maybe. If Politico said the sky was blue, I’d have to go out and check. So, I don’t find anything that shows Biden made a definitive, public promise that he would only serve one term. If he said it, it would have been headline news. Since I can’t find those headlines, it’s nonsense.
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Icarus said on June 29, 2024 at 2:29 pm
David C @ 8: Yeah I did a google search but nothing solid came up. Call it the Mandela Effect.
I still think he should be a one term and let someone else take the reins. We have got to start electing younger people to these important positions. I’m not talking just got out of college young, but at least stop at anyone past the legal retirement age.
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David C said on June 29, 2024 at 2:53 pm
Yeah, I agree with you that we need younger blood, Icarus. If Joe did step down, it would be a huge, nasty fight at the convention. It would give the press ammunition for endless Dems in disarray stories. I don’t see it working our favor at all. Joe’s the horse we have, so we’d better saddle up and get riding. If we have elections in ’28, and I think we will, I can’t think of anyone who might be running who would be over 65 years old. Pretty sad when 65 would be considered a younger candidate but that’s where we are. Mayor Pete will be 46 in ’28 and Gretchen Whitmer will be 56. VP Harris will be 63. I’m sure there are more that I’m not thinking of, not you Gavin Newsom. We’ll get there.
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Deborah said on June 29, 2024 at 3:43 pm
The fact that Gavin Newsom was once married to Kimberly Guilfoyle is enough to make me question his integrity but then if you ever met my ex you might question the same of me. So who am I to talk?
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Deborah said on June 29, 2024 at 4:44 pm
We got morels again today, which is amazing to get them twice. Again we got about $7 worth at $34 a lb. Totally unexpected, we had planned to grill steaks which we will still do, but will sauté the morels in butter to go over the steaks. Yum.
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David C said on June 29, 2024 at 5:10 pm
I don’t hold Kimberly Guilfoyle against Gavin Newsom. I wish there was a better way to put that. I just don’t want to hear all the California as the Republicans imagine it crap.
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Jeff Borden said on June 29, 2024 at 5:27 pm
Newsom’s popularity in California has tumbled over past couple of years and stands at 47%. That’s not a disqualifier, of course, bur he doesn’t walk on water. And California had an astonishing $100 billion surplus just three years ago, but has run multi-billion-dollar deficits the past two years blamed on inflation, poor returns on investment and a slowing tech sector. Running a huge, complex state would be an excellent primer to being president and a running mate could bring the necessary foreign policy chops, but I don’t see it this year.
The best retail politician the Dems have is Mayor Pete. But this stupid country of ours is a long way from electing a gay man. And that is a damned shame.
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alex said on June 29, 2024 at 7:38 pm
I think Whitmer/Warnock would turn out the Dems and kick Republican ass. Just my humble opinion.
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Mark P said on June 29, 2024 at 11:14 pm
Alex, I completely forgot about Warnock, I guess because he’s just doing his job in Washington instead of braying like an MTG-style jackass. He managed to beat Republicans twice for a Senate seat in Georgia. And he’s smart. I still laugh when I think about some of his campaign ads showing him walking his dog and cleaning up poop while talking about what the Republicans were saying. All he needs is exposure.
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Sherri said on June 30, 2024 at 1:22 am
Let’s think about who has to turn out for a Dem to win. College-educated whites are mostly going to turn out, no matter who’s on the ticket, because it’s pretty easy for them to vote. Non-college-educated whites are less likely to vote, and less likely to vote Dem, so optimizing for them isn’t important. Blacks overwhelmingly vote Dem, and the GOP has done everything they can to make it difficult for them to vote, so you need to give the someone to vote for.
Now, I said college-educated white will vote, and they will lean Dem, but they’re not solidly Dem, and they find some candidates threatening. Like Hillary. Or, in my more cynical moments, any woman, or any person of color. There’s always something not quite right about this particular candidate, though of course, they want a woman president, and of course, they voted for Obama.
Mayor Pete, even though he’s gay, is not as threatening, because he’s a white guy, and was a McKinsey consultant, so he’s not going to socialize everything, you know. The problem with Mayor Pete is he has no support in the Black community.
Biden didn’t take the lead in the 2020 primary until James Clyburn blessed him before South Carolina.
You simply can not pass over a sitting half Black VP and replace Biden at the top of the ticket with someone else and expect Black voters to turn out. You can’t elevate Kamala to the top of the ticket at this point unless Biden resigns the presidency and she takes over as president; if the argument is that Biden’s to old, then he’s too old right now.
Frankly, the only way I can imagine replacing Biden and having it result in a more likely win for the Dems is if Biden dies. And if I’m going to wish for someone to die, I’ve got some Supreme Court Justices on the list ahead of him.
I wish all these pundits would speculate about how to fix the Court instead of playing amateur campaign strategists. They might not know anymore about that, but they’d probably do less damage.
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Dorothy said on June 30, 2024 at 6:57 am
I am truly trying to avoid reading all of the opinions and suggestions online or listen to any shows that are so overwrought about Thursday’s debate. Yes it was a debacle. Yes he looked bad. But there is still so much time available. I think we all saw how forcefully he spoke in Raleigh the next day.
The more I think about it, when the subject turned to Trump denying he said he called dead soldiers “suckers and losers”, knowing that the President was very close to his son Beau, I think it had an unnerving and anger-inducing reaction on him. He was practically shaking when he turned to the world’s most prominent liar and spoke on that topic. I have no trouble imagining he had to restrain himself from going over and putting him in a choke hold. I have a snowball’s chance in hell of ever being close enough to do that to that repulsive person, but if I DID have a chance, I’d have a hard time not punching his ugly face with all my strength. Or maybe a lower target would be more tempting, just below his beltline. His former chief of staff, Gen. Kelly, verified that Trump said that as did another person who was there. The fact that he flat out denied that he said it just makes my blood boil. That people STILL support him and think he’s a wonderful person ALSO makes my blood boil (I’M LOOKING AT YOU JOE KOBIELA). He mocked a disabled reporter. He was heard on tape talking about grabbing women by their private parts – HOW DAMN MANY MORE EXAMPLES DO YOU NEED TO MAKE YOU OPEN YOUR FRICKING EYES?!
I’m a little wound up this morning, I guess. More than I realized. But I take nothing back. I have faith that President Biden will prevail. He needs all of us to spread the word and support him. I know he’s a good person, a devout person, a faithful person. That’s enough for me and should be for you.
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Joe Kobiela said on June 30, 2024 at 8:50 am
Why bless your little heart.
Pilot Joe
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Suzanne said on June 30, 2024 at 9:05 am
I am convinced that a great many people don’t see any connection between their vote and what happens in real life. I see it over and over. Politics is like a reality show they enjoy watching but do not understand how it affects their day to day lives. My husband and I watched a Netflix series about the rise of Hitler and one of the things mentioned was how much people enjoyed his performances, even when his words got more and more extreme. And then were surprised when they found themselves in a hell of their own making.
I listen to people often who have a veritable arsenal in their home shake their heads over increasing gun violence. People love their taxes being lowered and then whine about their roads being lousy or their water lines not being maintained. If Project 2025 goes into effect, with the administrative state dismantled, there will be hand wringing when they find they are unable to access services they are used to. I know a ton of retirees who are dead set against single payer health insurance but love their Medicare. In other words, their lives run relatively smoothly and they have no clue all the things that go on behind the scenes to make that happen but will happily & blindly vote for the people who want to destroy all of it.
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Deborah said on June 30, 2024 at 9:28 am
Suzanne, exactly. I don’t understand it at all.
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Mark P said on June 30, 2024 at 10:47 am
Dorothy — Anyone who still supports Trump at this point cannot be reached. There were Germans who still supported Hitler and the Nazi Party long after the war was over, and they saw the devastation of Germany that Hitler was directly responsible for, and they knew about the death camps. They were evil people who were perfectly willing to accept the destruction of everyone’s life as a result of their actions. So, too, today.
People might say, “But I know some Trump supporters who are not evil people, just misguided.” But evil is as evil does.
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