Outta gas.

Thursday night as I write this, watching NBC’s atrocious Olympics coverage, although the decathlon color commentator used the term “toeing the line” correctly, in this case, literally. They’re lining up to run the final event, the 1,500 meters, and so they’re toeing the line. But that’s not what I’m thinking. I’m thinking:

I wonder if Caitlyn Jenner is watching this at home. And if so, what she’s wearing.

Boy, I feel a little empty by this point in the week, and certainly in the Olympics. I find myself wondering things even the dumbest coverage doesn’t address, like: Why do so many of these track athletes wear more eye makeup than a drag queen? Is there a downside to all that belly-button jewelry? And is there a fresh layer of douchebaggery Ryan Lochte has yet to reach?

Moving on to the bloggage, because I ain’t got nothin’: Gawker is no more. I’m sorry to hear that, not because I’m a huge Gawker fan, but because Peter Thiel is not a person whose integrity I trust. But they were influential in their time, both in the good and bad sense, and did some very good stuff over the years. This roundup contains a lot of it.

Donald Trump has pivoted, for reals this time! What’s the over/under on when he un-pivots? A friend of mine has already claimed 2 p.m. today; anyone want a different spot?

Finally, remember the cake-kicking lady from a few months back? Didn’t like the cake Kroger bakery made for her son’s birthday party, and she allegedly drop-kicked it all over the department? She has a history of these things. Cake-kicking AND ice cream-slapping.

Off to the weekend. Enjoy it.

Posted at 8:56 am in Current events |

49 responses to “Outta gas.”

  1. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 19, 2016 at 9:08 am

    I’ll take Monday, 8 pm. Kellyanne has scared him enough to hold it together through the weekend.

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  2. alex said on August 19, 2016 at 9:27 am

    The next time he sits down for an interview on TV.

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  3. Sherri said on August 19, 2016 at 10:34 am

    When’s his next rally? He usually can’t last very long after being constrained. I’ll take 7 pm, assuming Conway has taken his phone away so he can’t tweet.

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  4. Jolene said on August 19, 2016 at 10:45 am

    I m so offended by the idea that this ignorant, awful man is even a contender for the presidency. Think of the huge set of issues the president needs to address–college loans, climate change, cyberwar. And that’s just a few that happen to start with C. Trump knows nothing–nothing, I say–about any of these issues, but that doesn’t stop him from saying that he will fix it, whatever it is. In last night’s speech, he urged African Americans to give him a look, saying, literally, “I will fix it,” it being all the problems that minorities face.

    Today, people are acting like he did something remarkable by reading a not fully apologetic statement written for him by somebody else, an effort to make amends, I assume, for saying things that no reasonably mature, decent person would have thought to say. “Low bar” doesn’t begin to describe the idea that he should be applauded for his statement.

    Here’s the latest in the Post’s continuing coverage of his failure to live up to his promises to give money to charity. He’s just an awful person, and I hope he is massively defeated.

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  5. Jolene said on August 19, 2016 at 10:47 am

    It’s too early in the day to start drinking–not that I drink all that much later in the day–but listening to people talk about Trump’s “apology” is making me crazy.

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  6. adrianne said on August 19, 2016 at 10:55 am

    And…Paul Manafort, Putin’s bitch, has been heaved off the S.S. Trump. Buh-bye!

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  7. Dave said on August 19, 2016 at 11:00 am

    Likewise, Jolene, when he says he said things in the heat of the moment after saying for months on end what wonderful judgment and decision-making skills he has, and how, despite Manafort, Lewandowski, and others representing him, that he has the ability to make such great hires of only the best people.

    I’m about ready to disown some Facebook folks but mostly, I block out the distasteful postings and say nothing. Have you seen the particularly ugly one about Trump’s cabinet, under the caption, “Sounds About Right”, which has shown up on my Facebook feed at least twice, posted by folks considerably to the right of right.

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  8. Deborah said on August 19, 2016 at 11:20 am

    Because most if not all of my Facebook friends are responsible people I’m rarely subjected to raving Trump supporters. But occasionally in comments on posts that show up on my FB feed I see what friends of my friends say and I’m flabbergasted sometimes. Occasionally I can’t help but reply, which is stupid on my part because I’m sure not going to change those peoples’ minds, as a total stranger. I can’t imagine why my friends subject themselves to that blather. Again as I’ve said here before I live in a liberal bubble, apparently. I do have right wing relatives, but none of them are for Trump, thank goodness.

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  9. Jolene said on August 19, 2016 at 11:21 am

    I think I mentioned before a Face the Nation interview in which President Obama, asked his view of what makes a good president (or maybe it was an effective administration), said, “The first thing you need is a good team.”

    Here, in response to Manafort’s resignation, is an article that talks about the difference between being an effective administrator and being a media celebrity.

    Key paragraphs:

    “For now, though, Trump is still running for president. We’ve never had a businessman president, but it’s an idea that’s kicked around routinely in American culture in a range of contexts. The appeal, almost invariably, is that the outsider from the private sector will have management chops that you just don’t find in the bureaucracy or the United States Senate.

    But a celebrity candidate is precisely the opposite of this. Someone who gets ahead in life on the strength of individual achievements or force of personality may have some admirable qualities but almost by definition doesn’t depend on coordinating a large team. A Trump campaign that exists entirely as an extension of Trump’s persona is unlikely to win, but it’s at least a viable product. An actual Trump administration that tried to function this way would be a disaster.”

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  10. Dorothy said on August 19, 2016 at 11:45 am

    I’m trying to not listen to all the Trumpiness in the news but it truly is unavoidable. Yesterday or the day before when Kellyanne whatshername was announced as the new campaign manager, I knew her face immediately. A few weeks ago one Sunday morning she was on the (newly revamped) Today show, where Willie Geist sits down with three other media people and they discuss the election. Kellyanne had this smile plastered on her face for the first 10 minutes I swear, and it NEVER changed, even when she was talking. She was the fakest person I think I’ve ever seen. How she talked and smiled like that at the same time astonished me. Eventually I think her cheek muscles must have cried out in pain and she stopped smiling. I’m guessing she’ll last about 6 weeks in her new position and then her boss will replace her, too.

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  11. Sherri said on August 19, 2016 at 12:02 pm

    My parents are visiting for a few days so I’m pretending there isn’t an election happening, because my parents are far to my right and I really don’t want to know how much they hate Hillary or if they’re going to vote for Trump. I made the decision to maintain a relationship with them years ago, and discussing politics always makes me question that decision. Not so much because we disagree, but because when w disagree, it gets toxic. So, I stick to topics we don’t disagree on.

    Told you I was the black sheep.

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  12. Sherri said on August 19, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    Ken Starr has now lost all his jobs at Baylor: http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/starr-resigns-baylor-law-professor-severs-school-ties-41514011

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  13. Jakash said on August 19, 2016 at 12:41 pm

    I hear you, Jolene. Today reminds me of the follow-up to the first debate of 2012, when Romney surprised everybody against Obama. The bump he got was depressing, but at least that was a genuinely impressive performance, not just saying “Oh, this bullshit I’ve been bellowing for a year now — uh, gee, I regret some of it. You know — heat of the moment and all. For a year. But I never lie, of course!” Anyway, time for me to back way off on the coverage for awhile, as I did then.

    I’ve seen Ms. Conway on TV a few times, but she hasn’t made enough of an impression for me to differentiate her from the many other members of the vaunted right-wing Blonde Brigade. I just don’t get it, though. From what I’ve seen today, conservatives seem to like and respect her. She must be smart — she’s on TV!! ; ) How can she look at a guy like Rumpelthinskin and decide, “Hey, maybe if I’m really clever, work really hard, and this buffoon does everything I say, I can get this narcissistic, completely unqualified, reality TV star ignoramus elected President.”? I realize that some right-wingers have a more favorable view toward fascism than I do, but it hadn’t occurred to me that aspiring to be Goebbels could be a thing…

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  14. Suzanne said on August 19, 2016 at 12:49 pm

    New York had a businessman in charge in Mayor Bloomberg and many on the hard right didn’t like him either. At least the far right leaders I know. They always bring up his ban on big gulp sodas & complain he wanted a nanny state. Apparently, they only want a businessman in charge if he does exactly what they want.

    This Ryan Lochte & Friends thing ticks me off on o many levels. Just boys being boys?? He’s a freaking adult, older than my kids! And yet gymnast Gabby gets skewered for not putting her hand over her heart for the national anthem (I watched the 2 American shot putters on the awards stand last night. No hand over heart, no singing) and Michael Brown in Ferguson is really just a guy being a guy by Ryan Lochte standards and ends up dead. Ugh. Makes me angry. And driving through my small town today, I bet I saw at least 10 Trump signs in yards.

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  15. Sherri said on August 19, 2016 at 12:59 pm

    Jonathan Chait says that Hillary should shut down the Clinton Foundation because of her reputation for venality and the conflicts of interest inherent in the existence of the foundation, that not even having a third party run it is good enough.

    The conflict of interest he’s worried about is wealthy individuals currying favor through donations to the foundation, because the favor-currying would still apply even if someone else is in charge. Okay, sure, I’ll buy that. But, then, should we also have son-in-law Mark Mezvinsky shut down his hedge fund for the duration? After all, couldn’t investments in his hedge fund and the support of her grandchildren “curry favor”? Where is the favor-currying line? Spouses? Immediate blood relatives? Or does it depend on how long a Special Prosecutor investigated a land deal before eventually triggering a perjury trap unrelated in any way to the original investigation?

    Just curious. I don’t remember anyone saying that W shouldn’t be in the oil business and shouldn’t take money from the Saudis when his daddy was VP and POTUS, and you’d have to think that helping out a screwup son would be currying favor.

    I think Hillary is about as ethical and honest as the typical politician, maybe more so. I also think she’s had water dumped on her constantly and then criticized for being wet.

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  16. beb said on August 19, 2016 at 1:25 pm

    I got my politics from my Dad. He was a liberal and complains now that he doesn’t have anyone at home he can talk politics to. My brother turned conservative. My sister married a Republican and does whatever he wants. But me and dad, we’re liberals. My wife is, too. Which is probably why after 37 years we have never eyed a carving knife speculatively. Our daughter used to hate hearing us talk about politics but these days her concerns revolved the rights of LGBT, minorities and immigrants.

    So, Sherri, go luck keeping politics out of the conversation while your parents are visiting.

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  17. Sue said on August 19, 2016 at 2:18 pm

    “we have never eyed a carving knife speculatively”
    I’m stealing that.

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  18. brian stouder said on August 19, 2016 at 2:57 pm

    Oddly enough, o’ Jeb offers us a day brightener –


    the lead:

    FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) The 22nd season of the Omnibus Lecture Series at IPFW features four well-known speakers.

    Officials at IPFW announced early Friday that former Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush; Fort Wayne native and New York Times journalist Charlie Savage; NCAA president Mark Emmert; and ground-breaking Dr. Bennet Omalu, the basis of the Will Smith movie “Concussion.”

    If we can get tix, we’ll surely be there to hear Jeb, in his new role as “the sane one”

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  19. David C. said on August 19, 2016 at 3:42 pm

    I listened to “Keepin’ it 1600” or maybe it was “The Bob and Chez Show” this morning and they pretty much said Kellyanne’s done nothing in campaigns for the past 20 years except Todd Akin and she’s a shitty pollster too. With the Breitbart goon, if this is a pivot, it’s a pivot to the crazier.

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  20. brian stouder said on August 19, 2016 at 4:45 pm

    Sooner or later, the bubble bursts. I shall vote for “sooner”


    The lead:

    Charlotte (CNN) — A man who identified himself as half-Indian was escorted out of a Donald Trump rally on Thursday out of concern that he was a protester, but the man insisted he was a Trump supporter and said he feels that he was racially profiled.

    Jake Anantha, an 18-year-old from Charlotte, was approached by a member of Trump’s security team and then ushered out by police. He was told that he resembled another man who had previously disrupted Trump rallies.

    “I told him I’ve never been to another rally in my life,” Anantha said. “I’m a huge Trump supporter. I would never protest against Trump.”

    Anantha is a registered Republican, according to state voter records, who registered to vote in March. Anantha, who said he’s a student at Central Piedmont Community College, was wearing a pro-Trump shirt with another pro-Trump shirt underneath.

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  21. Joe K said on August 19, 2016 at 5:27 pm

    Ok I waited a few days thought maybe he had something more important to do, but as bad as Bush got treated after Katrina, you would think Obama could pull himself off the golf course for a few hours and fly down to Louisiana, but no he needed to attend a $10,000 a plate fund raiser for Hillary with the rest of the limousine liberals, yea I know he phoned fema, bfd, lots of African American people flooded out, where is black lives matters? Also Sharpton? Jessie? Such a bunch of hypocrites. Last week cussing the Baton rouge police, this week begging for help, Wonder where mean Donald Trump is today? Oh yea Louisiana!
    Pilot Joe

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  22. Peter said on August 19, 2016 at 5:36 pm

    Pilot Joe, I have to agree with you on a few items there. People ripped Bush, correctly, for not showing up in New Orleans till who knows when. Trump, for all his faults, does show up, and while there’s plenty of political grandstanding involved, it’s what a president would do.

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  23. Peter said on August 19, 2016 at 5:38 pm

    Oh, and put me down for 9.00 am Labor Day. I think Trump’s going to really really really try this time, but the long Labor day weekend will just prove too much to bear.

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  24. Jolene said on August 19, 2016 at 5:54 pm

    Joe, you are off base. It’s not trivial that Obama recruited an experienced emergency manager rather than a man who had previously headed the International Arabian Hirse Association. Craig Fugate had been working in emergency management for years before joining the Obama administration, including work in the Jeb Bush administration in Florida.

    He is in Louisiana; Jeh Johnson, the Secretary of Homeland Security has been there, and the national head of the National Guard was there. This morning, I read that 900 FEMA personnel were on the ground, with more on the way. Don’t you think it’s more important that they were there than that Obama show up to have his picture taken? That’s all that Trump is doing. The governor of Louisiana has praised both Fugate and the president, saying that they are providing all feasible help.

    I don’t object to the idea of symbolic gestures as a way of showing concern, but let’s be clear that symbolic is what those gestures are.

    Here’s one guy’s analysis of why Obama didn’t interrupt his vacation.

    Instead of worrying about what Al Sharpton is doing, send a check to the Red Cross.

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  25. Sherri said on August 19, 2016 at 5:55 pm

    Bush’s problem with Katrina was “heckuva job, Brownie” and the utter incompetence of FEMA under his administration. Had FEMA been functional, or had Bush been willing to recognize that It wasn’t, the flyover wouldn’t resonated as a symbol of a President out of touch.

    The only reason to go to Louisiana is for a photo op and the governor said wait. FEMA is on the ground doing its job.

    I’m unaware of anywhere else Trump has shown up, and he makes lots of promises about donating money but doesn’t follow through.

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  26. Jakash said on August 19, 2016 at 5:57 pm

    FWIW, Pilot Joe,

    “President Barack Obama has come under fire for declining to cut his summer vacation short to travel to flood-ravaged Louisiana, but the state’s governor said a presidential visit at this time would only cause more headaches for officials.

    ‘It is a major ordeal, they free up the interstate for him,’ Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Thursday. ‘We have to take hundreds of local first responders, police officers, sheriffs, deputies and state troopers to provide security for that type of visit.’

    ‘I would just as soon have those people engaged in the response rather than trying to secure the president,’ Bel Edwards continued. ‘So I’d ask him to wait, if he would, another couple weeks.'”


    “Bush was also on vacation when the hurricane struck, though much of the criticism his administration received was a response to the woefully unprepared response of FEMA at the time.”


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  27. David C. said on August 19, 2016 at 6:03 pm

    Well, there’s this Joe.


    President Barack Obama has come under fire for declining to cut his summer vacation short to travel to flood-ravaged Louisiana, but the state’s governor said a presidential visit at this time would only cause more headaches for officials.

    “It is a major ordeal, they free up the interstate for him,” Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Thursday. “We have to take hundreds of local first responders, police officers, sheriffs, deputies and state troopers to provide security for that type of visit.”

    “I would just as soon have those people engaged in the response rather than trying to secure the president,” Bel Edwards continued. “So I’d ask him to wait, if he would, another couple weeks.”

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  28. Jakash said on August 19, 2016 at 6:08 pm

    Well, Usain Bolt, I ain’t. Gonna have to settle for the Bronze in that “jump at Joe’s bait” event! Gold to Jolene, by 1 minute! Silver to Sherri by 2… Congrats! But at least I beat David, though his use of italics made his comment much classier than mine! D’oh! ; )

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  29. David C. said on August 19, 2016 at 6:19 pm

    Forth in the world (or ours, anyway) ain’t so bad. I’ll take it, Jakash. It sounds like I get Mr. Congeniality for the italics.

    I heard this was in the works, and it came out today. Friends of ours are farmers and Chris was interviewed in “The Atlantic”. They’re the nicest people and raise a pretty good chicken too. How farming fits with his background is really interesting.


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  30. Sherri said on August 19, 2016 at 7:20 pm

    Good article, David. One of the ways I’ve been avoiding politics and other touchy subjects is talking about the history of my grandparents’ farm. My mother and her siblings are in the process of selling the land now, in several different parcels. My parents live on the land, and have 11 acres and will add some more to give themselves about 30 acres.

    My grandparents had a small dairy farm when my mom was growing up. My grandfather and his brother together had managed to expand the farm during the Depression, buying adjacent land when it was foreclosed. I knew that, but hadn’t known how they had managed to get the money. I found out that while farming, my grandfather had also worked as a sherriff’s deputy. He also hadn’t married until he was 35. After he quit working as a deputy, he worked for the Corp of Engineers appraising land for the dams that were built in the area. My grandmother ran the dairy farm while he traveled doing that, along with raising 4 kids.

    By the time I can remember, he had retired from the Corp and they were no longer running a dairy, but they still had cattle and raised tobacco. When my grandfather died, my grandmother sold the cattle and rented the farm to someone who has been growing corn and soybeans on it, and when my grandmother died, my mom and her sibs kept up the arrangement.

    We’ve also talked about the adjacent land, most of which isn’t farm anymore, but all of which used to be owned by kin, of course.

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  31. Deborah said on August 19, 2016 at 8:42 pm

    Good for you Sherri, I wish I had talked to my parents more about family history when they were alive. I didn’t know until after my dad died what he was doing in the Caribbean during WWII when he was in the Navy etc.

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  32. alex said on August 20, 2016 at 9:29 am

    Here’s an AP piece in the local paper with a photo from NN.C regular Adrianne’s neighborhood: http://www.journalgazette.net/features/home-garden/Make-your-meadow-14738801

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  33. alex said on August 20, 2016 at 9:43 am

    And it looks like Trump has stepped in it already, it’s just not being widely reported yet. His “direct appeal” to black voters in front of a white audience sounds exactly like what you’d expect:


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  34. brian stouder said on August 20, 2016 at 11:23 am

    Alex, I saw that clip (of Trump’s “What the hell have you got to lose?” schtick) last night and just shook my head.

    Hillary’s campaign must be producing their response-ads to that, even as we speak.

    Between his irrational and flatly dangerous views of war/nuclear weapons/NATO/friendly Putin/evil Muslims – he looks like yet another historical precursor (or hysterical, cursing white guy); a precursor to yet another unimaginably terrible human cataclysm (aka – war); and THEN the question “what do you have to lose?” is precisely the same question one faces, if you’re playing Russian roulette (with a fully-loaded revolver!)

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  35. David C. said on August 20, 2016 at 11:28 am

    File this under No Shit, Sherlock.


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  36. Sherri said on August 20, 2016 at 12:23 pm

    That African-American voters should be voting for Republicans because they’ve done so poorly under Democrats has been an article of faith among conservatives for decades. Once again, Trump is just saying out loud what they’ve always believed.

    But Trump’s message wasn’t intended for African-American voters, anyway, it was intended to make suburban voters believe he wasn’t racist, so they could vote for him and not be racist, either. Because they’re not, you know, they’re color-blind, and he just not politically correct,

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  37. Jakash said on August 20, 2016 at 12:51 pm

    I’d be more concerned about the “pivot” if it weren’t so transparently phony. The message “Only I can fix it”, coupled with “I never lie”, when his way of fixing things is declaring bankruptcy and stiffing folks he owes money to and he lies more than any candidate in history — well, that message would only seem likely to appeal to the type of “Obama is a Muslim”, low-information voter that he’s already locked up. I just don’t see suburban independents, or even reasonable Republicans, falling for it, if they haven’t already. We’ve had a year to get to see how he acts and know what he “thinks”, if it can be called that. Handing out a few cases of Play-Doh while wearing his snappy blazer and ridiculous baseball cap doesn’t do a whole lot to redeem the fact that he claims climate change is a hoax, either.

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  38. beb said on August 20, 2016 at 1:11 pm

    Sue @17: I’m sure I borrowed “We have never eyed carving knife speculatively” from an old detective novel, probably one of Raymond Chandlers, probably as part of a description of the San Ana winds but feel free to use it as you like.

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  39. Deborah said on August 20, 2016 at 3:06 pm

    Indian Market is happening this weekend in Santa Fe. It’s a big deal, mainly with Texans, the town is loaded with them right now. A couple of years ago they tried to change the name to Indigenous People’s Market but it didn’t go over well and has since been dropped. I go for the roasted corn. This is the first year my husband is in town at the same time as the market so we’ll wander around and look at the art, some of the art is excellent but unfortunately there is often crap too. There are usually a few sad, frantic toddlers screaming for mommy and daddy, totally lost, while their clueless parents are wandering around in the fog of the crowds. When they realize their kid is missing they become frantic too, understandably. The weather is great this year, high of about 73 and partly cloudy, maybe rain late in the afternoon/early evening. Tomorrow we go to Abiquiu for a concert at the home of one our neighbors out there, who is a professional violist. Then Monday morning we leave for our road trip to Chicago after dropping my husband off at the airport in Albuquerque, his classes at IIT start that afternoon so he’s flying back.

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  40. Charlotte said on August 20, 2016 at 4:57 pm

    Massive fish kill on the Yellowstone — FWP has closed the river from the park to Laurel (183 miles), closed river access on the tributaries including the Boulder and Stillwater rivers. Looks like a parasite, probably brought on an unwashed boat, but I’m sure the low water levels, high temperatures and unprecedented visitor numbers contributed too. River was awfully pretty this morning with no one on it. Feels like the whole area is breathing a sigh of relief. (Helps that we got some rain, and cooler weather too). A disaster for the guide industry, which is considerable, as well as for boat rentals and the woman who just started an SUP rental business. No one knows how long it’ll be closed. Here’s a clip: http://www.livingstonenterprise.com/content/yellowstone-river-closed-response-ongoing-fish-kill

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  41. Sue said on August 20, 2016 at 7:56 pm

    I keep forgetting the worst part of hosting a party (or in this case, co-hosting):
    There is always someone who won’t leave. Always.
    3 hours after the party was supposed to end, my co-host finally said, well, I’m done, thanks for coming.
    It was fun and an afternoon party so no harm done but gosh.

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  42. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 20, 2016 at 8:40 pm

    Charlotte, will you be at the Roosevelt Arch on the 25th for the centennial bash for the NPS?

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  43. basset said on August 20, 2016 at 9:09 pm

    spent this morning cutting up a big fallen oak with several of my deer-hunting buddies, rolling the pieces down a hillside, and stacking them at the bottom… then looking at the pile & feeling like we had done something. most satisfying.

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  44. Scout said on August 21, 2016 at 11:31 am

    “The awkwardness. The yacht club blazer. The hat. It’s all there.”


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  45. Sherri said on August 21, 2016 at 1:08 pm

    A look at how the two campaigns are deploying resources: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/08/20/why-donald-trumps-1980s-style-campaign-is-struggling-in-2016/

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  46. MarkH said on August 21, 2016 at 2:59 pm

    Charlotte –

    Been reading this weekend about the horrifying turn of events on the Yellowstone. Everyone down here on the Snake and its tributaries watching concerned as well. We have had a seasonal drought which has not only drawn down the reservoirs, but simultaneously reduced stream flows throughout the Snake River plain. The results have been similar to the Yellowstone:low water and high heat increasing water temps. No sign of parasites or evidence of invasive water species (yet), but it’s just a matter of time. Does Montana FWP have mandatory check stations for watercraft before entering state waters? Wyoming Game and Fish does but it’s impossible to cover every boat launch on streams and lakes in the state, although G&F could make a better effort.

    Sad this has to occur when the National Park 100th Anniversary celebration takes place in Gardiner on the 25th. But of you can go, Jeff, you get to see and hear John Prine and Emmylou Harris starting at 7:00 PM at the arch. Dang, I have to work.

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  47. Charlotte said on August 21, 2016 at 5:52 pm

    Jeff and MarkH — I won’t be at the Arch — the tickets disappeared in about 5 minutes online, and although the organizers are friends of mine, and I could probably volunteer or something — I HATE crowds, and the idea of being trapped in Gardiner with 7000 people (where are they going to park the cars?) is kind of a nightmare to me. There will be a big screen in Sacagawea park here in town though, and I might ride my bike over for that —

    The river thing is pretty wild — they’ve apparently got wash stations set up on the Interstate rest areas outside of town, but they haven’t had mandatory ones. Seems they’ve got FWP folks at fishing access sites, and the local outfitters are all behind it. But the river’s been just hammered this summer — SO many people, and the water’s been low for a month at least. I hope WY has mandatory wash stations, and the Park too — seems MT learned a bunch from the whirling disease outbreaks of the 90s.

    We did see a magical salmon fly hatch last night as we drove up into Tom Miner Basin to watch bears (blogged about that here: http://livingsmallblog.com/2016/08/21/montana-saturday-night-watching-grizzlies/). The salmon flies were hatching in huge clouds, and in the midst of those clouds were these jellyfish-like clumps — they were all rising in the evening heat, and rotating slowly in the thermals coming up off the valley floor. It was beyond lovely.

    And since I don’t live off tourism, it’s kind of nice to have the break …

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  48. Jeff (the mild-mannered one) said on August 21, 2016 at 8:38 pm

    You can watch it live on streaming video Thursday evening at http://www.nps.gov (if the link works, always an interesting question). I’ve got a pile of weird school-year-start mediations all this week, so I will be perched here in Ohio doing my duty, but for the NPS I will be posting and linking and celebrating aplenty. They’re no more perfect in terms of human aspirations than any other institution, but their sheer existence is one of those small wonders I think we all should celebrate. My own commemoration was driving down an hour and half from here and participating in a new Long-Range Interpretive Plan for our state’s NPS site, and making sure our sites get incorporated in the design . . . my goal is to ultimately see, after we finish the World Heritage nomination process for the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks, the Ohio History Connection sites be handed over to NPS for management and interpretation. I’m still young(-ish), so I hope to see it. And am working for it.

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  49. Deborah said on August 21, 2016 at 10:43 pm

    We leave tomorrow morning early for our road trip from Santa Fe to Chicago and back. Today has been hectic, I’m looking forward to a relaxing scenic drive. I’ll be checking in from time to time, the trip will be over early on the 2nd I hope, I don’t want to be driving on Labor Day weekend.

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