Thanks, Paul.

It’s Kate’s and Alan’s birthday today, and I have a deadline, so no long entry tonight. I regret it, because evidently we’ve got some new visitors around here, thanks to the faraway Indianapolis Star, where we made the sidebar of a story on blogging.

The sidebar! The story of my life!

Just kidding. I appreciate the publicity, and here’s the short version of what you can find here: Daily life, with links. I used to write more about my work (I’m a journalist), but I do that less these days. I have a husband, a daughter and a dog, all of whom make occasional appearances here, although I try to respect everyone’s privacy. Themes: All of them. Politics: Confused, angry and baffled. Attitude: Determined to be amused.

And I’m always making empty promises. Among them: Tomorrow will be better. See you then.

Posted at 7:46 pm in Uncategorized |

4 responses to “Thanks, Paul.

  1. Paul said on November 16, 2004 at 8:31 pm

    No, thank you, for (among other things) introducing me to the smoldering hotness that is Nigella. Now, to get tickets to her show–if such a thing exists!!

    156 chars

  2. Pam said on November 16, 2004 at 11:25 pm

    Just saying hello….I was also a sidebar link today. Pretty good for a Tuesday!

    Interesting site!

    101 chars

  3. Carolyn said on November 17, 2004 at 11:46 am

    Indy Star says you have a “fun” blog. Not a bad word for it! Count me among your loyal followers. CMD

    101 chars

  4. Dave Reilly said on November 17, 2004 at 12:13 pm

    Happy Birthday, Kate! Happy Birthday, Alan!

    45 chars