
    Hattie on A bleat.
    May 8th, 2007  9:21 pm

  1. All the neo-cons are being pulled from the tit, and they are screaming like the little babies they are. No sympathy here.
  2. Hattie on Happy Mother's Day!
    May 13th, 2007  12:55 am

  3. That is the way my father used to act, actually, although I suppose mothers might do stuff like that. My big objection to that clip is that only Joan Crawford could do Joan Crawford. Faye Dunaway only thinks she can chew up the scenery. Crawford and Davis: we will never see their like again.
  4. Hattie on That special day.
    May 24th, 2007  9:05 am

  5. It's not just at that college. It's everywhere. I am glad I don't have to teach any more.
  6. Hattie on Got a match?
    May 31st, 2007  9:53 pm

  7. She is posed prettily rather than athletically, shown in isolation rather than as a sports meet participant. I have pictures of girl basketball players from my local paper where they are really kicking ass, puffing and yelling, staring each other down, not looking like models, too busily engaged in the game to be thinking about how they look. To me all young athletes look good, male or female, be they hot or not, because they are fit and healthy.
  8. Hattie on Another sleepy, dusty day.
    June 3rd, 2007  9:19 pm

  9. 85%. Do you think she was lip-synching?
  10. Hattie on Appreciating the error.
    June 23rd, 2007  11:01 am

  11. I like the one about making house slippers by cutting the toes out of old tennis shoes. Now that's fashion flair for you!
  12. Hattie on We're back.
    July 26th, 2007  2:55 am

  13. Keens. I can walk for hours in my Keens.To me the best looking shoe is the comfortable one, always. Sure, they were not exactly the style in Paris, but boy were my feet happy. http://www.zappos.com/n/p/dp/12188472/c/53289.html
  14. Hattie on The whore's look.
    March 18th, 2008  7:15 am

  15. That coldness. Yes. I experienced that once when I got a manicure and pedicure. The young woman treated my hands and feet like pieces of meat. It was indescribably odd. So Johns accept that. Strange.
  16. Hattie on Yes, he's a DEMOCRAT.
    April 2nd, 2008  9:13 pm

  17. Well, maybe her fertility has gone down, causing her to lose that old sex appeal. A guy last night was going on and on about that in my presence. He was a dried up old stick himself.
  18. Hattie on Our Hillary problem.
    April 16th, 2008  6:09 am

  19. Rambling around: I think this is all to the good. Yes, that nice guy really does call women cunts. That women does have a crush on the black guy. Etc.These are not trivial matters, I think. We have got millions of citizens with a bad attitude. I can't see myself having Koombaya moments with people who bully Clinton supporters. I'm completely off lots of leftists I used to like. I used to listen to Randi all the time but no more. I was through with her when she said that she was better looking than Cindy Sheehan. She is a media trollop.
  20. Hattie on Bonehead.
    April 16th, 2008  9:32 pm

  21. Damn. All this dressing in black. Maybe they thought they were going to a wake.
  22. Hattie on Off the Florida keys.
    April 24th, 2008  11:40 pm

  23. Well, I've got an antique body. It's a true product of the good old days. Anyway, Nancy, I enjoy and admire your writing . Above all, I love the way your mind works.
  24. Hattie on Slick.
    April 26th, 2008  7:48 am

  25. Hilo farmers' market: http://www.hilofarmersmarket.com/ Come visit.
  26. Hattie on Simple, stupid.
    April 29th, 2008  5:31 am

  27. Not the Capital Times. I had a nostalgia attack, thinking about the good old days in Madison in the 60's . Man this Calfornia girl got cold out there. But it toughened me up going through all that in those times.
  28. Hattie on In my Face.
    April 29th, 2008  9:34 pm

  29. Those Facebook pages just look like a big mess to me.
  30. Hattie on Scowly.
    May 4th, 2008  9:40 pm

  31. We're falling for this fascist stuff about if the streets were only clean and the poor people would shape up and work hard everything would be hunky-dory. Yes, let's all move to Singapore, where everything is right. As Friedman says in his op-ed column today. Even around here I'm seeing a lot of scowly faces. I can't scowl because I am congenitally optimistic and good natured. It's a character defect of mine.
  32. Hattie on Not since 1968...
    May 5th, 2008  5:22 am

  33. Kinda nice.
  34. Hattie on Not since 1968...
    May 6th, 2008  7:46 am

  35. You can't place a value on a person according to his or her age, education, or income. At least in my book you can't.
  36. Hattie on Marital aids.
    May 12th, 2008  9:30 pm

  37. I'm laying my snark aside, because even these people deserve a nice wedding.
  38. Hattie on It's just fun to say: Mulch.
    May 22nd, 2008  8:28 pm

  39. Mulch is a good thing, but don't put it right up to the trunk of the tree. And abandon the idea that there is anything left in this world that is local. You will be much happier.
  40. Hattie on Less pump pain.
    May 28th, 2008  6:56 pm

  41. Looks like the era of the soccer mom is at an end. Her precious ones will be taking the bus. It's all to the good.
  42. Hattie on Sunday fried fish.
    June 2nd, 2008  8:28 pm

  43. Everyone: get the colonoscopy. My husband's father died of rectal cancer at age 63. My husband got a colonoscopy at age sixty. The Dr. snipped out a pre-malignant polyp. At the follow up, he said, "Congratulations on saving your own life." My husband's now 66, and I'm sure glad he's still around. Nancy: You are such a fine writer. I wish there were someone around here in journalism (Hawaii) with your eye and your heart.
  44. Hattie on Sunday fried fish.
    June 2nd, 2008  11:47 pm

  45. Joe K. Our economy is dead. Two airlines just went bankrupt. Not a good time for job hunting here. Try Seattle!
  46. Hattie on The egoless among us.
    June 3rd, 2008  8:32 pm

  47. My friend who grew up around movie people says that the really powerful people in Hollywood are extermely staid and conservative.
  48. Hattie on I love you guys.
    June 7th, 2008  8:11 pm

  49. Nancy: It is your excellent writing that keeps bringing me back here.
  50. Hattie on A man after my own heart.
    June 10th, 2008  5:14 am

  51. This is so cool that I am almost tempted to take up biking. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQz-CZvkY8k&feature=related We need an aesthetic of biking! (Hope this does not screw up the margins)
  52. Hattie on Just keep driving.
    June 10th, 2008  10:21 pm

  53. I loved Alcott's books, but I'm not the one to make pronouncements about what a young girl would like to read now. There's a real generational difference. I can't even remember what my daughters read. Shows you what a neglectful mother I was. I enjoyed reading the Judy Blume books as an adult, books like Tiger Eyes. Depends on what kind of girl she is, I guess. I don't think what we read needs to mirror our experiences 100%. Books are a great way to look around at the world, after all.
  54. Hattie on Baby mama drama.
    June 12th, 2008  8:16 pm

  55. Well, Nancy, suburban noise is 365 days a year in my neighborhood, plus which we are right under the flight path for our airport. But I kind of like it, because it masks the perpetual ringing in my ears!
  56. Hattie on I are an elitist.
    June 19th, 2008  8:58 am

  57. Yes, but melons ARE a luxury item in Japan,so what's your complaint?
  58. Hattie on Solitary man.
    July 11th, 2008  10:34 pm

  59. The use of "I" in the objective case is so common that it could be considered standard usage. So said one of my professors in a linguistics class.
  60. Hattie on Postcard.
    July 16th, 2008  5:36 am

  61. I'm very happy that you are enjoying my home town. I'll probably get there in September.
  62. Hattie on Postcard II.
    July 17th, 2008  6:38 am

  63. SF was not always that way. I blame the Summer of Love. And Alice Walker, who had the gall to open her restaurant right down the street from my family home in Berkeley. The whole neighborhood is now very fancy. People warned you away from the Wharf, but that's where a lot of the good restaurants are, like Scomas. Seafood, big steaks, sourdough French bread with lots of butter, all that kind of stuff. The Yuppie austerity diet has its points, but when I go out to eat, I want lots of meat, cream, and other calorific goodies. And an elderly waiter, like the one we had last time we ate as Scoma's, with a good line of patter, always makes me feel at home. Oh, and don't believe anyone who says to stay away from the tourist traps. In Northern California, that's where all the fun and non-snobby stuff is. In your place, I'd go to the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz.
  64. Hattie on Postcard II.
    July 17th, 2008  6:43 am

  65. Hattie on DTW.
    July 21st, 2008  8:10 pm

  66. Fascinating thread. As a commenter on my blog would put it, "Everyone seems to be on some bandwagon or other." It is mighty tiresome.
  67. Hattie on Will I get a souvenir DVD?
    July 30th, 2008  6:30 pm

  68. I've been through this twice. It is not much to endure compared to full on bowel cancer, as I have seen it experienced by several friends and relatives of mine.
  69. Hattie on What election?
    August 1st, 2008  8:51 am

  70. The worst troll I ever had was a Canadian. Death threats and everything.
  71. Hattie on Whose bitch are you?
    August 8th, 2008  4:26 am

  72. You could have honest politicians if you got the money out of the campaigns.
  73. Hattie on What gets left.
    August 14th, 2008  8:12 am

  74. Could those poor old bulky people send their grandparents' corpses back to Sicily? They could all move back there, maybe? What awful lives. Awful.
  75. Hattie on How amusing.
    August 14th, 2008  11:00 pm

  76. OOOH. Looks great. Scary rides but no scary dark people!!!
  77. Hattie on Items in search of a blog.
    August 21st, 2008  8:19 am

  78. The U.S. coverage of the Olympics is very bad. I had the pleasure of following the Olympics in Europe once. Totally different experience.
  79. Hattie on Peach Dessert II
    August 25th, 2008  6:59 am

  80. My mother's peach cobbler looked like that. Alas, she was no baker, and the crust was soggy on the bottom and tough around the edges. I'm sure yours is much better.
  81. Hattie on Biden?
    August 25th, 2008  7:06 am

  82. Nice to get some varied perspectives here.
  83. Hattie on The heart of the house.
    August 28th, 2008  7:20 am

  84. Burgers. That's what I need. There is a big Irish Catholic family in the city where I was born that have been in left politics for four generations now. Talk about a clan. The Hallinans of San Francisco.
  85. Hattie on Street smarts.
    August 28th, 2008  10:39 pm

  86. A good book to read is *The Gift of Fear.* http://www.amazon.com/Gift-Fear-Gavin-Becker/dp/0440226198 Don't avoid situations, but have your radar out. I think it's something kids have to learn. If they don't they may avoid interesting but not very risky situations, or they may fail to avoid dangers that are obvious. Street smarts are a great skill to have.
  87. Hattie on Who made thee?
    August 29th, 2008  11:31 pm

  88. One touch of nature...
  89. Hattie on Whew. I need a cigarette.
    August 29th, 2008  11:35 pm

  90. She's short and cute, but can she spell potatoe?
  91. Hattie on A small rant.
    August 30th, 2008  11:08 pm

  92. Why anyone thinks this is anything but a big fat mistake on the part of the Repubs is beyond me. But I appreciate the rant. If I had to live around the kind of assholes who think McCain-Palin is the "real" America, I'd be pissed off too.
  93. Hattie on Creative differences.
    September 3rd, 2008  10:40 pm

  94. “Put your hands together, and touch your index finger to your lips…” This worries me. In the interest of sanitation and controlling the spread of germs, we must teach our children to keep their hands away from their faces and mouths.
  95. Hattie on Saturday morning market.
    September 7th, 2008  1:40 am

  96. My coleslaw: Lemon juice Oil As much fresh crushed garlic as you can stand Salt Pepper Don't ask me proportions. I don't do proportions. You must figure that out on your own.
  97. Hattie on Saturday morning market.
    September 7th, 2008  1:41 am

  98. Oh, and cabbage, shredded, of course. The best tasting cabbage comes in after the first frost, for those of you lucky enough to experience frost.
  99. Hattie on Thanks, Ted.
    September 16th, 2008  2:22 am

  100. Get the pig hunters and pig dogs out there. Even if you don't like hunting, and I don't, there is no more destructive (and fecund)creature on the face of the earth, except, of course, for man.
  101. Hattie on Thanks, Ted.
    September 16th, 2008  11:08 pm

  102. Well, the Hawaii pighunters don't vote.
  103. Hattie on The house with the tarp.
    September 17th, 2008  10:00 pm

  104. I sure got a kick out of that interview with the guy who got rolled by the hooker. It almost makes it up to me for seeing my country fall apart.
  105. Hattie on Don't look there.
    September 23rd, 2008  1:36 am

  106. I have a friend whose feet are perfect triangles. The only shoes she can wear are those rubber aqua shoes.
  107. Hattie on Make up your mind.
    October 10th, 2008  8:39 pm

  108. Fine and dandy. Look where laid back and happy has gotten us. Let's be uptight and pissed off and never believe things are easy, ever again. That, young ones, is the road to TRUE happiness.
  109. Hattie on Bye.
    October 14th, 2008  11:46 pm

  110. Pardon my grumpitude, but there hasn't been a good movie reviewer since Pauline Kael died.
  111. Hattie on In the manure lagoon.
    October 18th, 2008  11:56 pm

  112. My attitude was, "These don't make me laugh. What kind of person thinks these things are funny?" I had the same reaction to anti-Hillary photos and the Hillary nutcracker. We don't want to believe that some people are no damn good, but my conclusion is that some people are no damn good.
  113. Hattie on But, but...it's organic!
    October 22nd, 2008  8:25 pm

  114. I'm a lousy housekeeper and can't sew at all, but I love to cook.
  115. Hattie on A silver lining.
    October 30th, 2008  9:40 am

  116. Reading about that poor man reminded me that there are advantages to being a woman. And Sarah Palin grinning from the sidebar was quite a shock. She's so uncaring.
  117. Hattie on A question for the room.
    November 7th, 2008  10:31 pm

  118. I wouldn't bother with orchids where you are. Just buy a plant, enjoy it while it's in bloom, and then throw it away. It's probably just a clone plant from a huge greenhouse in Canada anyway.
  119. Hattie on A question for the room.
    November 8th, 2008  1:08 pm

  120. I live in Hawaii and have a shade house where I grow the orchids that do well here with little care. Whenever I see orchids in places where they struggle to survive, I feel intensely sorry for them. Orchids affect me that way.
  121. Hattie on Carb-loading.
    November 18th, 2008  7:51 pm

  122. Plate lunches and moco locos are a thing of the past for me. Much as I love them, such a load of carbs, fat, and salt is not for anyone but a surfer in their 20's.
  123. Hattie on A few of my favorite things.
    December 18th, 2008  8:25 pm

  124. I actually shook hands with Richard Nixon once. How that happened I do not want to discuss. He had more pancake makeup on than I have ever seen on anyone. What a phony.
  125. Hattie on Happy holidays, heathens.
    December 25th, 2008  5:16 am

  126. Best to you from Hawaii. Try not to be too jealous.
  127. Hattie on What it is, is stealing.
    February 7th, 2009  1:07 am

  128. It seems like a hopeless task. You know it's now possible to download any movie you want to see, for free. How to regulate that?
  129. Hattie on Whinypants.
    February 9th, 2009  10:57 pm

  130. I stopped reading the New York article where it said the city was full of "bright, creative people."
  131. Hattie on Alone with oneself.
    February 28th, 2009  11:50 pm

  132. Nobody wants to address the real problem. Detroit has been abandoned.
  133. Hattie on Notes from the North.
    March 8th, 2009  4:27 am

  134. This is fabulous. No wonder newpapers are dying, when blogs like yours provide insights like this.
  135. Hattie on You shouldn't have.
    April 3rd, 2009  12:07 am

  136. He should have given her a Kindle loaded with the Complete Shakespeare and other English classics. That would have been perfect.
  137. Hattie on A last lecture.
    April 23rd, 2009  7:18 pm

  138. That is wonderful.
  139. Hattie on Inoculated.
    May 7th, 2009  6:20 pm

  140. Well, I almost died of measles at age five, in 1944. My father was sent home from the army to be there at my death. These anti-vaccination people are crazy. And I'm sick of celebrities.
  141. Hattie on Inoculated.
    May 7th, 2009  10:05 pm

  142. Hey, let's not stop with measles. Let's bring back cholera and diphtheria to thin out the herd! Jesus people are getting more ignorant by the day!
  143. Hattie on Saturday morning market II
    May 9th, 2009  8:12 pm

  144. Livestock?
  145. Hattie on Onward, Don Quixote.
    May 13th, 2009  7:16 am

  146. What if writers were publically funded and the public could download any work they wanted for free? This could be paid for by a tax on internet use. After all, you can get a book from the library or lend a book to a friend or neighbor, and that is not illegal. In my mind, downloading a book is not the same as stealing it from a bookstore but more like making use of work that has already been sold. I doubt if anyone will agree with me, but I don't see how you can provide a living to creative people and distribute their work widely any other way.
  147. Hattie on Onward, Don Quixote.
    May 13th, 2009  7:56 am

  148. We need somehow to rethink all of this rather than making it a moral issue. BTW: I have a Kindle. I download several newspapers a week for which I pay 75 cents a copy. What I get for that is just the "meat" of the paper, the front page, opinion, etc. and a few photos. This is fine with me. More newspapers need to jump on board with this one.
  149. Hattie on Stage fright.
    May 13th, 2009  8:50 pm

  150. Don't worry. They will love you!
  151. Hattie on A day away.
    May 19th, 2009  4:20 am

  152. The important thing,and let us not forget this, is that men must rule over women's reproduction. If women could simply decide how many children they wanted, what would become of us? I understand the need some have to interfere in the lives of others. Having no lives of their own, or perhaps being mentally ill, they simply cannot let women alone.
  153. Hattie on 'Shocked and saddened.'
    June 26th, 2009  9:18 am

  154. Oh, cripes. This is filling me with Boomer hatred. Guess we needed a diversion from all that war stuff in Iraq and social turmoil in Iran. Back to your beddy-byes, kiddies.
  155. Hattie on 'Shocked and saddened.'
    June 26th, 2009  9:44 am

  156. No, I feel sorry for Boomers. Sold a load of garbage and told how great it was.
  157. Hattie on 'Shocked and saddened.'
    June 26th, 2009  11:15 am

  158. P. S. I do apologize and do not mean to offend. It's been a long day. Actually, it's been a long life of seeing pop icons come and go!
  159. Hattie on 'Shocked and saddened.'
    June 26th, 2009  9:13 pm

  160. If there is a lot of nostalgia around Jackson's death, then I have to agree with Simone Signoret, who wrote a book called *Nostalgia isn't What It Used to be.*
  161. Hattie on Speedblogging.
    July 7th, 2009  6:19 pm

  162. Catching up with your ever entertaining blog. And well written, of course.
  163. Hattie on Hands off the Hellman's.
    August 4th, 2009  8:07 am

  164. Great post! Alice Waters takes credit for vegetables! This Berkeley girl can't stand all that stuff!
  165. Hattie on Pander bears.
    August 26th, 2009  9:12 am

  166. Hey, we can't afford health care. America is a poor country. Not like rich Cuba. Seriously, folks, this zero sum game should be pretty obvious. Playing the young against the old is such a transparent ploy. And it's crap, too. I'm old, but I've got kids who are struggling to care for themselves and their kids. You think I don't care about that???? Now: are we a crappy country that can't take care of its people, or are we AMERICANS who have what it takes? Who can provide the best health care in the world to all our citizens? Well?
  167. Hattie on Saturday morning market
    August 30th, 2009  4:10 am

  168. Oh I remember that late summer harvest frenzy in the Midwest. Those peaches look wonderful.
  169. Hattie on A day off since 1492.
    October 13th, 2009  4:51 pm

  170. Let's see. The local minimum security prison just closed, throwing 70 civil service employees out of work. The teachers are being cut by 17 days, giving Hawaii the distinction of having the fewest school days in the country. But we did not get any mail on Columbus Day!
  171. Hattie on God bless us, every one.
    October 19th, 2009  8:34 am

  172. (Shudder)
  173. Hattie on They're too good.
    October 23rd, 2009  1:25 am

  174. I guess it's a place for sex positive foodies.
  175. Hattie on The end of the weekend.
    December 8th, 2009  2:50 am

  176. I get my news from the Guardian Weekly and (on my Kindle)The Independent and The Frankfurter Allegemeine (in German).* I wasted seventy five cents on the Sunday Times download yesterday. What dreck. Trivia, log-rolling, sycophancy,and all around lies. *They have actual reviews of movies,art and literature where they discuss the pros and cons of the work, imagine that. It's because the Germans are so backward compared to us. They still believe in cultural standards, how quaint. Is any American critic going to stand up and say, " Broadway musicals stink and Andrew Lord Webber writes middlebrow crap?"I think not. There was also a fine and informative article about the Copenhagen conference. Try finding something like that in an American newspaper.
  177. Hattie on Merry Christmas.
    December 25th, 2009  9:58 pm

  178. We are enjoying a bright, beautiful and blessedly quiet Christmas Day in Hawaii. Our Prez is on another island, but it feels kind of nice to know that he is aware of our existence! Mele Kalikimaka!
  179. Hattie on Screen gem.
    January 11th, 2010  10:00 am

  180. Don't forget those eyes.
  181. Hattie on Sore. But a good sore.
    April 30th, 2010  11:45 am

  182. Watch the weight watching. I'm 70 and I don't want to end up looking like a defrosted chicken like a lot of my friends who are always running around avoiding food. At a certain age, thin turns to gaunt.
  183. Hattie on The annotated She-who.
    May 13th, 2010  3:09 am

  184. Annotated or just annoying? Who is going to buy that book? I don't get it. --unfrozen cavewoman grandmother
  185. Hattie on Swallowed.
    May 14th, 2010  9:39 am

  186. I come from the original "you guys" place: California. As a little girl I would say,never being as fast as my friends, "Wait up, you guys." Wading through the treacle. That is good.
  187. Hattie on Vissi d'arte.
    May 18th, 2010  10:18 am

  188. L.A. Mary: That would be Die Fledermaus. --The Pedant who Corrects Commenters on Blogs. One of the regrets of my life is that I have not seen much opera, but I did get to see Tosca at the Met. What a treat that was.
  189. Hattie on I miss the free toasters.
    May 28th, 2010  7:00 pm

  190. In Seattle, I grabbed a free copy of The Stranger and read that Barbie Doll quote. Sex and the City 2 is great snark bait, I think. Yes, we can all look on the bright side these days. Things are looking up. Turn that frown upside down.
  191. Hattie on Think of England.
    June 6th, 2010  8:05 pm

  192. Best thread evah!
  193. Hattie on To the glue factory.
    June 8th, 2010  8:13 pm

  194. Jeff Borden: I agree with you 1000%.
  195. Hattie on A day away.
    June 14th, 2010  9:23 pm

  196. Even cheap, lousy food is expensive these days, so you might as well buy the good stuff.
  197. Hattie on Happy solstice.
    June 21st, 2010  9:59 pm

  198. Will there be an Applebee's in heaven?
  199. Hattie on Motown in Motown.
    July 7th, 2010  9:54 pm

  200. Nobody doesn't love Motown!
  201. Hattie on The motorcycle gang.
    July 7th, 2010  9:57 pm

  202. I live in Hawaii. This darn perfect weather, day after day, all year around, is really hard to take. But don't come here anyway,because our governor just vetoed a civil unions bill. Thank you, Mormons, Catholics, and assorted Bible thumpers.
  203. Hattie on Daddy's girl.
    August 18th, 2010  10:46 pm

  204. Horrid old bag. I say this as an old bag myself. That's why I can say that and you can't. That's what you'll look like if you spend your time trying to look young when you are actually an old bag with a rotten personality. Those chords in her neck! The white white teeth! GAAAAAh! Santa Barbara! Where the Taco Bell architecture and the stupid rich people prevail. Like that stupid movie with Meryl Streep acting like someone hit her over the head with a mallet and that Alec Baldwin acting cute, all 300 pounds of him. My mother grew up in Santa Barbara, and she has stories of "LINDY" Lindbergh parading around in white and high-hatting everyone. Lindbergh was said to be pretty dull and conceited. Just like....Oh.
  205. Hattie on Saturday morning Milwaukee.
    August 29th, 2010  5:19 am

  206. Godawful!
  207. Hattie on Imperfect humans.
    September 10th, 2010  9:37 pm

  208. Oh, God, Nancy, that was great. How I envy your writing energy.
  209. Hattie on Old times there: Not forgotten.
    September 15th, 2010  10:04 pm

  210. I guess masturbation is an exclusively male selfish act, spilling the seed and so on. Glad I don't have to worry about that. Gotta go now.
  211. Hattie on Families, feuding.
    October 15th, 2010  8:31 pm

  212. 4D birds: As you say, "we’re all deserv­ing of the best this coun­try offers." Yes. Why not? How bad does it have to get before we stand up and say,"We're the best and deserve the best?"
  213. Hattie on Consider yourself trolled.
    October 26th, 2010  8:23 am

  214. That Murray thing is pernicious crap. I hope liberals don't fall for it or start blaming themselves for living in a "bubble." This is a ploy to make us feel isolated and un-American when it's Murray and his kind who are out of it. I'm supposed to watch Oprah to show that I'm a real 'Murican? I don't even watch TV. How's that for elitism? Oh, I just back from The Nation Magazine cruise to Bermuda. That was an odd experience and also fabulous. Most of us were older than god but pretty darn smart. We got to meet some of the older lefties like Calvin Trillen and Jim Hightower and younger people such as Chris Hayes and Melissa Harris-Lacewell and many many others. It was energizing and heartening to hear such smart people talking about social issues and being able to dialog with them. Liberals don't mind being waited on hand and foot and eating great food and having smiling Indonesian cabin boys clean their staterooms three times a day... Ha ha ha. Eat your hearts out, peasants. Enjoy your crude and simple minded pleasures! I came back rested and ready to kick some reactionary butt, believe me.
  215. Hattie on The Heartland speaks.
    October 28th, 2010  10:38 pm

  216. Yes, and every time I read about NYT coverage of the politics of "liberal" Portland Oregon, a bastion of blue in a sea of red to their way of thinking, I laugh and laugh. How can they get it so wrong?
  217. Hattie on The hospital of you.
    November 5th, 2010  12:12 am

  218. We deserve what we get. I hate to say it, but Americans are Big Dopes.
  219. Hattie on The hospital of you.
    November 5th, 2010  1:05 am

  220. Yes, pretty much.
  221. Hattie on One sweet hour.
    November 8th, 2010  8:43 pm

  222. Ms. Love. Don't you just Love the NYT?
  223. Hattie on Who ARE these people?
    December 1st, 2010  9:24 pm

  224. I think those white people are reallyreally boring. They are trying to get a life but can't quite figure it out. There are legions of these fools around. I mean, we all do stuff. Big deal. And I can't listen to music much any more since I'm hard of hearing. I used to love the Rolling Stones but these days it's all noise to me. Grumble grumble.
  225. Hattie on The joker's smile.
    December 7th, 2010  9:18 pm

  226. She performs the almost impossible feat of making Newt look good by contrast.
  227. Hattie on It's just an expression.
    December 22nd, 2010  7:50 am

  228. I think most popular entertainment is garbage. And then to charge a bundle for it on top of the insult of having to sit through stuff geared to the mentality of a ten year old... Count me out.
  229. Hattie on That stinks.
    January 4th, 2011  10:41 pm

  230. I got news for you. Honolulu hotels still have miso and fish at their breakfast buffets. We have a great team in state government now, though, and are actually getting some of that change you can believe in.
  231. Hattie on Leave the lights.
    January 6th, 2011  1:24 am

  232. Tell them they will get big fat legs from exposing them to cold all the time, and that will stop them.
  233. Hattie on What am I doing here?
    January 6th, 2011  8:36 pm

  234. None of my grandkids are autistic. All of them have had all their shots. Somehow, the experience of almost dying at age five of the measles makes me feel very grateful that my children and grandchildren have not had to suffer from "normal" childhood diseases.
  235. Hattie on Fault lines.
    January 10th, 2011  11:09 pm

  236. If he were a Muslim, no one would be saying he was insane. They would be saying he was a terrorist.
  237. Hattie on Mommy dearest.
    January 13th, 2011  12:55 am

  238. Yes, I almost fell for this and was off on a rant about Centuries of Childhood and Immigrant drive and rearing little fascist robots. But I realized it was a crock after thinking about it all for a while.
  239. Hattie on Explication de texte.
    February 7th, 2011  9:51 pm

  240. Gee makes me feel like running out and buying an overpriced boring looking sedan so I'll have something to drive to the grocery store and the senior center. I am going wild wishing I could do a satirical ad based on my town, Hilo, Hawaii, as I go about in my 2000 Toyota Camry, attracting no attention whatsoever. That would be a hoot! We've got poverty here, lots of it, but we don't try to pretend otherwise. Around here what we see are little guys in monster trucks, which leads to the usual speculations about masculine insecurity.
  241. Hattie on Harry Baals.
    February 11th, 2011  11:36 pm

  242. I used to work with a salesman named Harry Annis.
  243. Hattie on Fed up.
    February 19th, 2011  4:53 am

  244. I always sign off on the weekends, too. The world can wait a while for my personal revelations and dazzling insights, and I can even get some reading done.
  245. Hattie on A 24-hour fly-by.
    March 7th, 2011  11:00 pm

  246. I am on my fourth e-book and third Kindle. The first was a Sony reader, the second a Kindle 2, which I destroyed with careless handling, the third a Kindle 2 which I ruthlessly dumped for the Kindle 3. I read about three times as much as I used to, and I don't have piles of books and newspapers and magazines around any more. One thing I love is to read a review of a book in the NYT (Kindle download, 99 cents) and download a sample for free and decide whether or not to buy it. As to libraries and librarians: it's all data base management now, so anyone thinking of going into library science should do that instead. It's a lucrative profession and uses the same skills as librarianship.
  247. Hattie on It's his money.
    March 10th, 2011  9:15 pm

  248. Yes, Nancy, it's crap. We all know that cooking is something that women do and get no credit for.
  249. Hattie on Even less.
    March 15th, 2011  2:35 am

  250. Somehow your report from Michigan does not reassure me. What you don't want to face is what a mess the place is.
  251. Hattie on New Normal.
    March 16th, 2011  9:41 pm

  252. Man, the whole world is turning into a dump.
  253. Hattie on A little foggy.
    April 4th, 2011  10:07 pm

  254. Oh god. Drunks and potheads make for such a wonderful public ambience, don't they.
  255. Hattie on The 'ho show.
    April 7th, 2011  10:52 am

  256. Vaginas about town (Tina Fey came up with that. Isn't it great?)
  257. Hattie on Storm-toss'd.
    April 20th, 2011  8:55 pm

  258. World's greatest commenters here. What riches!
  259. Hattie on Storm-toss'd.
    April 20th, 2011  11:15 pm

  260. I cook stuff and have people over. Can I be famous too? Oh, and a good con man always provides some benefits. Madoff did, for instance, to some people anyway.
  261. Hattie on So what's new?
    April 21st, 2011  8:14 pm

  262. this is very wide on my new wide-screen monitor. I think a little color might be a good thing.
  263. Hattie on Big government II.
    April 28th, 2011  9:10 pm

  264. In Michigan, the chickens have come home to roost. As long as racism rules the roost, it will be so.
  265. Hattie on All the silly ladies.
    April 29th, 2011  9:32 pm

  266. Do I detect snark? Why Nancy!
  267. Hattie on Geronimo EKIA.
    May 4th, 2011  9:37 pm

  268. Be kind to Wolfie. He's still getting over the shock of discovering that there are so many black people in America.
  269. Hattie on The Bumpuses.
    May 11th, 2011  9:01 pm

  270. Where I live, everything happens outdoors and windows are always open. Luckily, our neighbors are a civilized bunch, aside from the constant comings and goings in large vehicles.
  271. Hattie on Movement.
    May 31st, 2011  9:02 pm

  272. Life in America everywhere stupid people doing stupid shit while the wars go on.
  273. Hattie on I can see clearly now.
    June 2nd, 2011  10:46 pm

  274. Naipal has that shitty smoker's personality. I'll bet he really stinks. He hasn't written anything in years that's worth reading, either.
  275. Hattie on The thunder said, "That costs too much."
    June 15th, 2011  9:56 pm

  276. Rip off! Go get the damn poem and read it for free.
  277. Hattie on The big D.
    July 13th, 2011  7:50 am

  278. I'm tired of all the whining. I was born in 1939. Beat that, you whippersnappers! Filling up the world with your kids and your stuff! Grr! Get off my lawn! Seriously, the self regard of the average American twit is too much for me, sometimes.
  279. Hattie on Who wants yesterday's papers?
    August 12th, 2011  8:09 pm

  280. Have a good time. I eagerly await your new old columns.
  281. Hattie on The University of Insanity.
    August 24th, 2011  10:01 pm

  282. I don't understand. My whole philosophy of child rearing was, "Go play in the traffic." It worked. My kids know so many things, are so competent, so well educated and have great careers. If she can't get into Michigan, so what? It's a big world with all kinds of stuff going on. Is it too late for her to do a junior year abroad? What put my kids over the top was out of the U.S. experience and knowing foreign languages.
  283. Hattie on Ed the knife.
    August 30th, 2011  7:12 am

  284. I am privileged to live on the Big Island of Hawaii, considerable amounts of which are national park. So we're up there all the time, hiking around. On a recent trip to the wide open spaces, we did not even think of going to national parks. We stayed with friends or in cheap motels and had a great time! We visited state and county parks and saw petroglyphs old mining towns. You meet people that way and see stuff you would not believe.
  285. Hattie on Moms like who?
    September 2nd, 2011  9:16 pm

  286. Thank you thank you for this, Nancy. All the crap about trivia was making me cross-eyed. Oh, and it looks as if your first comment here is spam.
  287. Hattie on Mush from the wimp.*
    September 12th, 2011  10:47 pm

  288. God how I agree with you.
  289. Hattie on Get well soon.
    September 13th, 2011  8:29 pm

  290. You younguns! Why are you feeling old? I really AM old, and I feel younger than springtime, though I hope not in an obnoxious way. I say avoid doctors, take no drugs, legal or illegal, get lots of outdoor exercise, watch the drinking, don't smoke, and eat what you like.
  291. Hattie on Bikes and bagels.
    September 16th, 2011  12:03 am

  292. I love this. The house where my mother lived is just up the street from Chez Panisse, Alice Walker's restaurant in Berkeley. She snarled a lot about the foodies, bike riders and other Yuppie manifestations (she walked and took the bus). She did not mind being cranky and unpopular and not into selling herself. Another generation, for sure.
  293. Hattie on Blondes in trouble.
    September 16th, 2011  8:27 pm

  294. That's a good point about gossip sources like Gawker being "too meta." It's more fun to figure out the absurdities of these people on one's own.
  295. Hattie on Rocktober.
    October 11th, 2011  10:09 pm

  296. Occupy Detroit — it’s sort of a joke, isn’t it? Lotta laughs here.
  297. Hattie on Spirit of 1576.
    October 12th, 2011  5:49 pm

  298. Thanks for the kind words on the League. We do a lot of the unglamorous political stuff and really appreciate it when people take notice of our efforts. Oh, and I loved Professor Corey, the World's Foremost Authority! Think I'll go watch a few clips on You Tube now.
  299. Hattie on Get over yourself.
    November 17th, 2011  11:45 am

  300. Yes, all that hoo ha about college sports and the strange mixture of self pity and conceit is remarkable.
  301. Hattie on Dried-plum face.
    December 2nd, 2011  8:38 pm

  302. There was a prune plum tree in our neighborhood in Portland, Oregon, that had the sweetest fruit you can imagine. Prune plums are wonderful fresh, and I think they would grow where you live. One of my favorite things to eat is German style plum cake, which uses fresh prune plums. The dried ones? Meh. A friend of mine grew up on prune plum farm in Santa Rosa, California, and she will have nothing to do with prunes in any form.
  303. Hattie on The lead today is buried.
    December 20th, 2011  5:27 pm

  304. Congratulations!
  305. Hattie on FFL.
    December 28th, 2011  9:11 am

  306. God I lived in a poor white semi-rural slum in the 50's and saw stuff like that all around me. Terrible that it still goes on. And yes, kudos to the resilient young people who transcended these ghastly conditions and made something out of themselves and provided stablility for others. Lots of them did, out of that place. But they had opportunities. Where are the opportunities for self betterment these days?
  307. Hattie on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
    December 29th, 2011  8:42 pm

  308. I have the original MC 5 album in my basement somewhere.
  309. Hattie on The people speak.
    January 4th, 2012  11:12 am

  310. Yes, gays are so appreciative of people that will be friends with them. Geez.
  311. Hattie on More car prom.
    January 16th, 2012  9:13 pm

  312. Fashionistas and fast cars. Somehow this is not my image of Detroit!
  313. Hattie on The drear.
    January 17th, 2012  9:24 pm

  314. Sounds like those Germans have a lot to live for with their good design and all.
  315. Hattie on Solitary dinner.
    January 26th, 2012  7:57 pm

  316. I'm going to be spying around Phoenix for a few days. Or as it's also known, the Giant Kitty Litter Box. Awful place.
  317. Hattie on Running on fumes.
    February 8th, 2012  10:04 pm

  318. Vandalism and poverty and dead dogs on the street in the U.S.A. I'm shocked. (sarcasm)
  319. Hattie on Have a heart.
    February 14th, 2012  8:17 am

  320. Your Valentine's Day posting is my favorite so far. (BTW: URL is wrong but can't fix it)
  321. Hattie on Spleen with a side of bile.
    February 23rd, 2012  9:15 pm

  322. My husband works in high tech, and it has been my great luck to have met many an asshole like Steve Jobs. It's a type. He's just the best known one. The thought that anyone could be jealous of these men, or grateful to them, makes me laugh. You take them for what they are worth and make sure you get yours, that was always our attitude. You don't think they created all that stuff and all that wealth on their own, do you?
  323. Hattie on Spleen with a side of bile.
    February 23rd, 2012  10:35 pm

  324. Mary McCarthy got where she was by trashing other women to the point where she could be considered an honorary man. But even so she had her strengths as a writer.
  325. Hattie on E-day.
    February 28th, 2012  9:38 pm

  326. Fingers crossed.
  327. Hattie on Sweeping up the confetti.
    February 29th, 2012  10:04 pm

  328. I love your blog, but watch the agism.
  329. Hattie on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
    March 2nd, 2012  8:32 pm

  330. Breitbart was evil. And with four children an overpopulator. Unless they were adopted or something.
  331. Hattie on A mixed grill.
    March 6th, 2012  8:46 pm

  332. Although it is not worthy of me, sometimes I ask myself whether these government haters don't have it coming.
  333. Hattie on A margarita to celebrate your independence.
    March 13th, 2012  9:17 pm

  334. The Oregonian is not publishing the Trudeau cartoons, although they did not flinch from reporting on their employee who killed himself screwing a young woman. While young women getting birth control and abortions is taboo, old guys porking them is just in the nature of things. I'm sure Rush would agree with me on that. As to charter schools: I started writing a long, long screed but decided to bag it. People are having to learn about all these dubious educational opportunities the hard way, because they won't listen to actual educators.
  335. Hattie on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
    March 20th, 2012  6:08 am

  336. There is still such a thing as professional journalism. I made a small foray into journalism recently and only barely managed not to get my ass handed to me for not knowing the rules. I feel it was a lucky escape. You can think you are smart and all that, but non-professionals need to think twice and then think again before stepping into that territory!
  337. Hattie on Dresses and feathers.
    March 29th, 2012  8:34 pm

  338. God the clothes I had when I was an office girl in SF in the late 50s and early 60s. That little navy blue suit! The grey dress! The burnt orange dress! The red two piece outfit with the pleated skirt! The camel hair coat with the belt in the back! I miss them still. My "costume," however, was usually a black straight skirt and a white blouse. No slacks, of course. And everything was made in the U.S.A. It must have been colder in those days, because these garments were all wool and fully lined.
  339. Hattie on Divine? Not me.
    April 2nd, 2012  9:55 pm

  340. WE have lost our way as a country, and this is just one example.
  341. Hattie on Not from hunger.
    April 5th, 2012  12:53 am

  342. Nancy: If you lived in my neighborhood, you could HAVE a goat.
  343. Hattie on As we say: -30-
    April 9th, 2012  10:28 am

  344. True about Mike Wallace, and a nice tribute.
  345. Hattie on Gusty. Calm expected eventually.
    April 17th, 2012  9:28 pm

  346. I love your luxurious meal. I didn't know about the tip of adding an extra yolk to omelets. Good one.
  347. Hattie on And is Ochocinco his real name?
    April 26th, 2012  8:59 pm

  348. When will we be hearing about Obama's mistress and love child? That Parker woman: what a tool. Not a very sharp one, though.
  349. Hattie on Saturday morning mystery spot.
    April 30th, 2012  5:52 pm

  350. Ah, Madison. Where the pushback is in full swing. Would that I could be there!
  351. Hattie on The cheering section.
    May 3rd, 2012  7:06 pm

  352. We all get to go to hell in our own ways, I guess.
  353. Hattie on A small victory.
    May 8th, 2012  9:22 pm

  354. I stopped putting family photos and personal information on Facebook AGES ago.
  355. Hattie on Progress.
    May 11th, 2012  10:59 pm

  356. There seems to be a lot of interest in bullying right now, thanks to Romney's behavior in high school. I was bullied a lot for not being cute, for wearing funny clothes, having the obvious stigmata of economic marginality and geekiness and so on. Guess what. That made me strong, willing to go my own way if I had to. If I don't meet the standards of perfection dictated to females, well that's tough. I learned I could survive all that. Apparently all Ms. Romney heard growing up was how beautiful she was, inside and out. That set her up to be the tool of others and to expect the perfect life. Poor thing. The worst bully I ever encountered in high school was a Mormon kid who is now an active Bishop and probably a worthwhile person, if I can judge by his career path. His politics are way to the right. He is now portly and plain. This is all information I gleaned on him from googling his rather unusual name. In class he would tell me I was ugly, had big feet and should shut up. He was a skinny puny guy who rolled up the sleeves of his shirt to the armpit and had a comb stuck in there somewhere to groom his greasy hair. I guess he picked on girls because he wasn't big enough and strong enough to take on the boys. Anyway, this is a good experience to have. Consider the source. This is not a powerful person but a guy with geek problems of his own that thought he would take it out on someone he perceived as weaker than he was. That's why I think kids should go to public schools and mix it up with all kinds. I think most bullies are like him. Romney is qualitatively different, of course, since he was so willing to instigate an assault and had a gang to back him up. Romney is a very bad man and should not become President.
  357. Hattie on I dew.
    May 17th, 2012  9:20 pm

  358. Yes! It's those darn gypsies!
  359. Hattie on Everybody loves Photoshop.
    May 18th, 2012  10:49 pm

  360. This proves that it is still more or less OK to say anything at all about women. There's a market for it.
  361. Hattie on Appalled, but not by this.
    May 23rd, 2012  8:17 pm

  362. At age 72, I've seen it all when it comes to death (yes, that bad bad word). Holding my MIL's hand while she breathed her last was pretty intense. She was 97. And I say that one real problem and what really has elders worried is that medical care and long term care have gotten so expensive. I was with a group of peers yesterday and not a one of them had not had some horrendous medical procedure in the past 10 years or so. One woman was incredulous that her quadruple by-pass cost $250,000, and their co-pay was huge. It should not be this way. This rich society needs medical reform,badly. Right now my brother in law is in serious trouble with cancer. Does he want to die and graciously make way for others? Nein. Luckily he has good insurance to cover the radiation and chemo. What we old people would really love from you youngsters is to be regarded as people,not "problems." If we are a drag on the economy with our needs for food, clothing, shelter and medical care, we are, of course, sorry. And if we get on your nerves, consider what a drag you were as kids. So what is your vision of old age, anyway? Sick, demented, physically repulsive, right? And costing the earth to keep alive. How about an attitude adjustment? You Boomers are next, ha ha. The youth generation gets old. Maybe what I'm saying is, "Lighten up. We all gotta go sometime." Even if we weren't around taking up room and breathing the air, you would still have problems. Hey, some of us can even help you. Money, babysitting, wise advice...Don't be too hasty with the cyanide pie. And for god sake, lighten up. You're depressing me.
  363. Hattie on Appalled, but not by this.
    May 23rd, 2012  8:43 pm

  364. That's more like it, sonny!
  365. Hattie on Snack platter.
    May 24th, 2012  9:37 pm

  366. Even the Jehovah's Witnesses get their kids vaccinated these days. I no longer understand this country. Who are all these tacky people anyway, who don't mind letting their children contract life-threatening diseases that can be prevented?
  367. Hattie on Day one under the bridge.
    May 31st, 2012  7:18 am

  368. I see people's financial worlds collapsing around them because they thought rich folks were going to give them some and let them play. No way. Read your Vonnegut. The world is theirs, including the sun in the morning and the moon at night. And don't you forget it. And defend SS. You'll need it some day!
  369. Hattie on Martinis on Mackinac.
    June 4th, 2012  6:21 pm

  370. Wow. There are so many roads to hell. Hope you are feeling better, but take it easy. You don't want to suffer a relapse.
  371. Hattie on Extra-large.
    June 7th, 2012  9:58 pm

  372. I think you have hit on something, Nancy. Everything has gotten bigger: houses, cars, people. This is the peasants' vision of the good life and how rich people live. And god knows we Americans are peasants at heart.
  373. Hattie on No showers, please.
    June 13th, 2012  11:07 pm

  374. Yes, Honey is the worst song in the history of the universe.
  375. Hattie on T, U, V.
    June 19th, 2012  7:54 pm

  376. Well in MY day they called them "private parts," and I guess some still refer to them as "lady bits." Somehow I deeply do not care about all this stuff. It is whatever would be the female equivalent of juvenile. would really be shocking is for a lot of naked women to stand up there and deliver that play. Women who just have ordinary bodies of all shapes and sizes. Women of all ages. Who would dare to do that? My objection is that these women want to be bold without exposing themselves or being really daring. What's daring is to put your own words and your own body on the line.
  377. Hattie on The dark...something.
    July 20th, 2012  10:02 pm

  378. Right on. But please don't call me a geezer. That hurts my feelings.
  379. Hattie on Once upon a night in the west (of Michigan).
    July 23rd, 2012  10:38 pm

  380. We must be brave and cheery as our country goes to hell.
  381. Hattie on Nice gams.
    August 24th, 2012  10:30 am

  382. Read and really was impressed with The Atantic Mag this month, which I am not always.
  383. Hattie on Lance the imperfect.
    August 29th, 2012  9:24 am

  384. I can't look at the convention either, and I feel sorry for media people who have to endure being there.
  385. Hattie on Conventional behavior.
    September 1st, 2012  12:01 am

  386. In honor of Clint Eastwood: http://books.google.com/books?id=vEPadAOcqD8C&pg=PA26&lpg=PA26&dq=talking+asshole+on+a+stick+ferlinghetti&source=bl&ots=3FyGtxZFtI&sig=-tlkRm-RgraSyxworOro5xYjo5o&hl=en#v=onepage&q=talking%20asshole%20on%20a%20stick%20ferlinghetti&f=false
  387. Hattie on The neighbors.
    October 23rd, 2012  9:53 pm

  388. Squeamish racism from your neighbors, flat out racism from Ann Coulter. How do your neighbors feel about having a black president? I can't believe that there is any other reason Romney is running so well in this campaign.
  389. Hattie on Light the fuse.
    November 19th, 2012  9:15 pm

  390. This is our country! Big, loud, mediocre! 99 44/100 % content free!
  391. Hattie on Open thread.
    December 5th, 2012  10:04 pm

  392. I worked as a teacher in a prison for many years (not an inmate, I hasten to add) and from time to time I would ask my students if they had ever had head injuries. Usually, about 3/4 of the class would raise their hands. I think there is a real correlation here.
  393. Hattie on Right to get to work.
    December 12th, 2012  12:14 am

  394. We haven't gotten back to slavery yet, but we're working on it!
  395. Hattie on Honest Abe.
    December 19th, 2012  10:41 am

  396. You made me laugh. Thank you.
  397. Hattie on Hey.
    December 25th, 2012  9:04 pm

  398. No snow here!
  399. Hattie on Back to work.
    January 3rd, 2013  12:58 am

  400. Wasn't that cruise a kick? And a nice piece of journalism, too. Happy New Year!
  401. Hattie on Couch movies.
    January 8th, 2013  12:10 am

  402. Great review of the Queen of Versailles. Love being able to download films like this on Netflix.
  403. Hattie on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
    January 18th, 2013  10:47 pm

  404. A whole school of crap journalism has evolved around sports. This latest nonsense is the result of that.
  405. Hattie on Bloody damn snow.
    February 1st, 2013  10:10 am

  406. Well, after spending some dark days in Seattle, I got home to Hawaii, where it's warm. But I had to endure the worst bumping around ever in the plane on the way back. So we all suffer. Hope the weather eases up on you. And I can't stand Downton Abbey. One episode was enough for me to decide it was completely phony. A minority opinion, I know. I'll take real life any day, lousy as it can sometimes be.
  407. Hattie on Bloody damn snow.
    February 1st, 2013  9:40 pm

  408. When I look at McCain, I see the ruin of a potentially great man.
  409. Hattie on Dem bones.
    February 5th, 2013  10:49 pm

  410. I thought the whole superbowl thing was awful. We have sunk to new depths of crudeness and awful in this country.
  411. Hattie on Tapped.
    February 22nd, 2013  7:34 am

  412. Posted the article about charter schools on my Facebook page, because a lot of my friends have fallen for pro-charter school propaganda.
  413. Hattie on Higher education.
    February 23rd, 2013  1:31 am

  414. Holy flying monkeys! That building looks serious!
  415. Hattie on Dietary laws.
    March 12th, 2013  7:27 am

  416. We have different faiths, but we all enjoy a refreshing cola beverage from time to time. Classic!
  417. Hattie on Fabulous headline goes here.
    March 20th, 2013  9:15 am

  418. My home is a sovereign nation. I call it Bitchistan. Our literacy rate is 100%.
  419. Hattie on Saturday morning, early spring.
    April 8th, 2013  9:06 pm

  420. Good work, bunny!
  421. Hattie on A simple idea.
    April 11th, 2013  8:06 pm

  422. Are younger people catching on that the Republicans would like to saddle them with the care of their elder relatives? That is what reducing SS and Medicare would do. The whole "family values" rhetoric is about forcing family members to provide free care for children, the handicapped and elders. And the givers of free care will be women in their most productive years, leaving the big prizes in jobs and other perks for the men.
  423. Hattie on White birds and snow.
    April 15th, 2013  11:04 pm

  424. HOAs are the natural habitat of people who mostly get ignored.
  425. Hattie on Breaking.
    April 16th, 2013  11:24 pm

  426. The news sources are not covering themselves with glory, are they.
  427. Hattie on One big happy.
    April 29th, 2013  9:54 pm

  428. God I love this. Now I am going into the bathroom to puke.
  429. Hattie on Farewell until whenever.
    May 1st, 2013  7:45 pm

  430. All the best, Nancy. Fingers crossed for you!
  431. Hattie on Convalescence.
    May 7th, 2013  12:14 am

  432. Looks OK. I would have expected more swelling.
  433. Hattie on Upright.
    May 8th, 2013  11:07 pm

  434. I love my cardiologist, who is an Iranian-American motormouth. And yes, the original BBC House of Cards is great. They even buried Maggie! I think it's best to be awake for these procedures. Even if you are not conscious, the body remembers. Glad you are healing so well, Nancy.
  435. Hattie on Freedom fools.
    June 14th, 2013  12:52 am

  436. You have grown, as the John Lennon song says.
  437. Hattie on A river ran through it.
    June 18th, 2013  1:51 am

  438. Sounds blissful.
  439. Hattie on Back.
    June 19th, 2013  6:21 am

  440. I always thought di Suvero's stuff was crap. Those boys really got away with it once upon a time.
  441. Hattie on Wendy, maybe.
    June 22nd, 2013  12:27 am

  442. Good luck. We sure do neglect people and animals, don't we.
  443. Hattie on The new girl.
    June 25th, 2013  12:54 am

  444. She looks like a dream dog. Lucky you!
  445. Hattie on Hello from up here.
    June 29th, 2013  3:46 am

  446. Yeah, Alex Jones doesn't bother with that wussy respectability stuff!
  447. Hattie on Saturday morning market.
    July 2nd, 2013  4:45 am

  448. I'm seeing all kinds of farmers' market goodies I can't get in Hawaii. So the jealousy is going the other way, for a change.
  449. Hattie on A weekend at the movies.
    July 8th, 2013  11:21 pm

  450. Just a tad insensitive, but typical.
  451. Hattie on The fat lady sings.
    August 2nd, 2013  7:55 pm

  452. I'm not much of an opera fan, but I do think Wagner is pretty funny, even without the added touch of horny crocodiles.IMHO most opera is kitsch with occasional beautiful moments.
  453. Hattie on Death and Detroit.
    August 30th, 2013  5:20 pm

  454. What does anyone expect. Detroit has been left to rot. You'd think we'd be ashamed.
  455. Hattie on Glowing.
    September 3rd, 2013  11:07 pm

  456. My head is very sweaty right now. But I prefer getting things done to being bandbox fresh. And sure Diana Nyad is exhausted after that swim. But look at that body! I would kill to look like that.
  457. Hattie on Majoring in money.
    September 7th, 2013  1:23 am

  458. I'm glad my daughters and I went to colleges that don't have major sports teams. It's disgusting. And these rich people with their stupid ideas infuriate me!
  459. Hattie on Hare hare.
    September 9th, 2013  10:00 pm

  460. Wow. With the resources Detroit has, getting one of those richie riches to throw a billion or two its way would allow miracles to happen.
  461. Hattie on Farewell, Albuquerque.
    October 1st, 2013  6:53 am

  462. I feel more alive than I want to be, sometimes, so I'd rather stay out of trouble.
  463. Hattie on Slippery when sweaty.
    October 8th, 2013  1:58 am

  464. She looks precious.I'm an old lady,so I can say that. The belt is such a clever way to add style to a simple dress.
  465. Hattie on Not getting it.
    October 18th, 2013  10:08 pm

  466. If I had been just a little bit drunker at that college party so longer ago when a man tried to rape me I would not have been able to fight him off.
  467. Hattie on Not getting it.
    October 18th, 2013  10:09 pm

  468. long, of course.
  469. Hattie on Nobody reads anything.
    October 18th, 2013  10:10 pm

  470. Well, Nancy, I read you, because you such a good writer and have things of interest to write about.
  471. Hattie on Links, not a lot.
    October 22nd, 2013  8:45 pm

  472. Just to cheer everyone up, I saw a school of spinner dolphins cavorting around off the Kona Coast a couple of days ago.
  473. Hattie on Two ways of looking at something.
    October 24th, 2013  8:19 pm

  474. Oh for Pete sake. (eyeroll) Are people seriously bitching about Maddow?
  475. Hattie on Don't spend it all in one place.
    October 29th, 2013  11:27 pm

  476. Good reporting from a real journalist! I guess what turns people around is realizing that tea partiers are out to wreck their communities, so they had better step up and defend amenities if they want to keep them.
  477. Hattie on What's it worth to you?
    November 4th, 2013  6:40 pm

  478. Nancy: Bummer. I hope you aren't going to be incapacitated for too long.
  479. Hattie on A gray-haired Saturday.
    November 11th, 2013  10:29 pm

  480. I'm at the age where I get this "You poor thing, you didn't need to ask," reaction when I ask for the senior discount.
  481. Hattie on Saturday morning grocery.
    November 19th, 2013  8:07 am

  482. The kale has sailed. I can't digest it anyway. I do not care what people say. It is not food.
  483. Hattie on White knuckles.
    November 22nd, 2013  8:28 pm

  484. I tried resurrecting my turntable once and playing some of my old favorite records,but the records were in bad shape and would all have to be cleaned. Maybe some day someone will want to take on that task, but not me.
  485. Hattie on Monday, Monday.
    November 28th, 2013  11:59 pm

  486. I share your gripes.
  487. Hattie on Happy Thanksgiving.
    November 29th, 2013  12:01 am

  488. Let us give thanks today, so that we do not have to give thanks on any other day!
  489. Hattie on Get-well cards.
    December 19th, 2013  8:15 am

  490. Ah, yes. Oliver Stone. He is so not respectable, which is what makes him so great. Glad your surgery went well.
  491. Hattie on The minimizing of the crap.
    December 27th, 2013  12:06 am

  492. My daughter has been going through some of my late mother in law's stuff. I can't even look at it, but she is stronger. She did find a good quality Revere Ware pot, though, which I'm glad to have. And a very happy holiday season to all!`
  493. Hattie on Closet no. 1.
    December 27th, 2013  10:16 pm

  494. My husband would go wild over those hats!
  495. Hattie on Saturday morning market.
    December 31st, 2013  6:52 am

  496. What? You do not find them quirky and fun?
  497. Hattie on In my day, we were cold.
    January 6th, 2014  11:12 pm

  498. Greetings from Hawaii. It was 64F in the house when we got up. (We have no heat.) Such hardship. It's a pleasant 70 degrees now with brisk trades and bright sunshine. But we deserve it, because we were in Madison Wisc. in the 60's. It got down to -29F once. There was a blizzard that shut Chicago down, too, during that time. My husband was on the road then between Chicago and Madison and the car broke down. He had to wait until a trooper showed up. No cell phones in those days. He could have frozen to death. We took the train into Chicago to pick up our car as soon as the streets had been plowed. We also had no garage parking (This was student housing.), so he had to bring the battery in every night and re-install it so he could drive to work. And I will never, as long as I live, forget the sound of one of those razor scrapers scraping the frost off the windshield. Ugh and shudder.
  499. Hattie on Big Brother.
    January 15th, 2014  7:58 pm

  500. They are so dumb. They put up ads on Facebook for things I have already bought!
  501. Hattie on A good report card.
    January 21st, 2014  9:27 pm

  502. Our cat hates to be boarded, but we know he is safe while we are gone. I always tell him he's just an animal, and he has to go along with it.
  503. Hattie on The great works.
    January 25th, 2014  12:55 am

  504. That poor woman and her family. When will the American freak show ever end?
  505. Hattie on A culture of deception.
    January 28th, 2014  10:47 pm

  506. I just buy the Costco stuff. Tastes fine to me. Italian olive oil is not necessarily better. If you can find it, California olive oil is the best. Or used to be.
  507. Hattie on One day at a time.
    January 29th, 2014  3:14 pm

  508. Hot tip:If you want to be thought of as cool as you get older,be a man.
  509. Hattie on Cabin fever with better TV.
    February 11th, 2014  1:04 am

  510. Glad you are getting out to better weather for a while.
  511. Hattie on Postcard.
    February 18th, 2014  1:26 am

  512. Lovely girl.
  513. Hattie on Someone was here.
    February 22nd, 2014  3:36 am

  514. How about that!
  515. Hattie on The worst story ever.
    March 11th, 2014  7:49 pm

  516. I can recommend Blake Bailey's The Splendid Things We Planned as a full length portrait of family pathology. I think it relates to the Lanza case.We tend to believe families are OK if they have enough money. But that is not always true.
  517. Hattie on Phoned in.
    March 14th, 2014  12:57 am

  518. Get warmed up soon.
  519. Hattie on Trolling.
    March 15th, 2014  12:50 am

  520. I plan to write a book that I am sure will be well received. I will title it "A Waste of Time."
  521. Hattie on Measured out in coffee spoons.
    March 24th, 2014  11:52 pm

  522. I do get tired of young people doing cute things and monetizing them.
  523. Hattie on The land of the old.
    March 28th, 2014  11:08 pm

  524. I'm not going to live in some crappy place just because I'm old. So Hawaii suits me just fine, thank you very much. Not only that, but I don't get the useless oldster treatment from people around here, either, because they are NICE TO OLD PEOPLE! I think people should decide where they want to end up in old age and get there before age 55 so they can make good local connections while they are still young(ish) and frisky.
  525. Hattie on One too many.
    May 1st, 2014  7:59 am

  526. I had not thought of that, but I guess it's true. There is that worried look men get on their faces when they are afraid they have given themselves away, whereas women don't care about hiding themselves that way. What DO men have on their minds??
  527. Hattie on Eat the rich.
    May 2nd, 2014  9:46 am

  528. Rich people. Yes, it is hard not to wish them ill. Alice Waters and that whole food thing. Like nobody ever thought of fixing and eating food before. My cousin dragged my mother to her Berkeley restaurant once: it was within walking distance of her house. She was not impressed. She had been preparing food herself for years and was, as a matter of fact, a great cook.
  529. Hattie on Good dogs.
    May 6th, 2014  8:39 am

  530. One of our local pests moved there. He is not missed.
  531. Hattie on Getting it, in writing.
    May 7th, 2014  10:06 pm

  532. The people I see falling for charters schools are the ones who have not understood that they belong to a permanent underclass and still have fantasies of special deals for their kids.
  533. Hattie on The big day.
    May 12th, 2014  9:25 pm

  534. I loved the photo of your first moment of motherhood, and your comment, like, where's the users' manual. That is exactly how I felt!
  535. Hattie on One million stories in the Naked City.
    May 14th, 2014  10:16 pm

  536. Nancy, you are the best!
  537. Hattie on Eat the candy.
    May 28th, 2014  8:37 pm

  538. Interesting the way so many of us are putting 2+2 together. How should a person live? Is this what we want?
  539. Hattie on It figures.
    May 29th, 2014  3:46 pm

  540. Bummer! Get better soon!
  541. Hattie on A passing thing.
    June 2nd, 2014  10:37 pm

  542. The think about Maya Angelou is that she was unique. She has no successors. I do like that photo a lot! And see how famous you are! You have several fans in Hawaii, even!
  543. Hattie on A passing thing.
    June 2nd, 2014  10:38 pm

  544. God. Thing. Looks like I can't revise my comments on your blog any more.
  545. Hattie on Saturday afternoon sailing.
    July 15th, 2014  4:38 am

  546. Love the photo. It all looks so fresh, clean and free!
  547. Hattie on Cultural exchange.
    July 21st, 2014  8:50 am

  548. You are showing them a good time! Yes. Raps, it's called in German.
  549. Hattie on The throwdown weekend.
    August 18th, 2014  10:26 pm

  550. What about the cop screaming at demonstrators, "Get the fuck out of here?" He sounded crazy.
  551. Hattie on Up in smoke.
    August 19th, 2014  8:06 pm

  552. The boomers are getting old, but that doesn't mean they intend to grow up. They are spoiled and self indulgent. Talk about a blanket condemnation, but honestly it's all I see. And they haven't worked hard. That's crap. They always have had it easy, as a group. I'm a little older, born in '39, and was brought up with a lot of restrictions. So I'm not inclined to experiment with drugs, sex, etc. especially not in old age. I think that's grotesque and unbecoming behavior and that's a fact. All right, I'm an old pooperoo, but I can face myself in the morning!
  553. Hattie on Parents and their toys.
    August 23rd, 2014  7:20 am

  554. Really good piece in The Bridge. Explains a lot.
  555. Hattie on A little ragged around the edges.
    August 27th, 2014  8:08 pm

  556. I'm laughing about your yoga experiences,so like mine. I hate the woo woo stuff and luckily now have a very down to earth instructor.
  557. Hattie on Drenched.
    September 11th, 2014  9:13 am

  558. I count on you for the real news out of Detroit.
  559. Hattie on Whew.
    September 17th, 2014  6:37 am

  560. Gee. If it weren't for wars a lot of people would not know what to do with themselves. Of course the best wars are ones other people fight and die in. Those are the kind warmongers like best.
  561. Hattie on It's heeeeere.
    October 1st, 2014  11:34 pm

  562. Those deportations go on all the time. Several were deported from the prison where I used to work. One I know about was deported to Vietnam although he had come here as a small child, spoke no Vietnamese and had no family there that would be willing to look after him. Would not even have known who he was.
  563. Hattie on The inevitable.
    October 24th, 2014  7:37 pm

  564. Gosh, I just hope it isn't ebola. That could put a cramp in your Halloween plans!
  565. Hattie on Bad boy.
    October 27th, 2014  9:05 pm

  566. Here is the question no one asks: Do we need this guy?
  567. Hattie on End of the line.
    January 2nd, 2015  1:32 am

  568. Happy New Year! Always a treat to read about you, your doings, your opinions!
  569. Hattie on Catch up.
    January 9th, 2015  8:46 pm

  570. We live in Hawaii and are headed into the cold for a week, and I'm cringing. I can't bear cold weather. As with you, it saps my energy.
  571. Hattie on Saturday night fire.
    January 12th, 2015  8:12 pm

  572. I can't believe how good those photos are.
  573. Hattie on Fortunately, there's a vaccine.
    February 3rd, 2015  8:53 am

  574. The idea of parents' rights superseding the rights of children and the public gags me. Children are NOT the property of their parents. And I confess, the Missy Eliot charm eludes me, but I am a moldy fig. Have a nice week, Nancy.
  575. Hattie on Troll II: The entrollening, plus more.
    February 7th, 2015  12:28 am

  576. You smelled badly, eh? I hope you have improved your smelling skills!
  577. Hattie on We want it chunky.
    February 10th, 2015  5:55 am

  578. We have both avocados and limes in our yard, so we're all set.
  579. Hattie on Crumpled tissues.
    March 17th, 2015  8:51 am

  580. Good article. Hope you are feeling better soon. Highlights help, I hope.
  581. Hattie on Wha gwan Internet?
    April 10th, 2015  10:17 pm

  582. Well, they don't mind certain kinds of contact with women, as evidenced by their large families. I guess they are trying to say they are so horny they can't be in proximity to women without losing their self control. I got no sympathy. And that plastic surgeon: Well, he is one sad case.
  583. Hattie on Ten years after.
    April 21st, 2015  1:27 am

  584. Nice posting. I find forgiveness difficult, too, but, as you say, most of us do.
  585. Hattie on A placeholder.
    April 27th, 2015  6:27 pm

  586. Guardian has pix from a drone.
  587. Hattie on A placeholder.
    April 27th, 2015  6:29 pm

  588. Here:http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2015/apr/27/drone-footage-kathmandu-nepal-earthquake-video
  589. Hattie on Trending!
    April 29th, 2015  3:16 pm

  590. Normcore does not work for the basically stylish. It works for me,though.
  591. Hattie on Abandon all effort.
    May 12th, 2015  7:42 pm

  592. Crazy days in medialand.
  593. Hattie on Clams on the side.
    May 22nd, 2015  11:14 pm

  594. When I worked in a prison, I taught English to a man who had raped his stepdaughter at gunpoint. Nice fellow.
  595. Hattie on Flattened.
    June 3rd, 2015  6:47 am

  596. #15. Nancy,I'm so glad you mentioned that.
  597. Hattie on Brave new world.
    June 10th, 2015  9:05 am

  598. Times may have changed, but you still have to do the damned wash.
  599. Hattie on Here comes Bobby.
    June 25th, 2015  7:36 pm

  600. Har har! How mad this makes those a-holes is a big part of the euphoria I'm feeling today!
  601. Hattie on Better than the finale.
    July 7th, 2015  8:35 am

  602. Hoo hoo! Any photos of the fireworks debacle?
  603. Hattie on Things can't stay the same forever.
    July 9th, 2015  12:16 am

  604. Nooooooooo!!!! Keep the blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought of stopping once, but I'm very glad I didn't. My little corner of the blogosphere poops along, year after year. It' my little home in cyberspace. I can control content 100%, say what I want, ban trolls. Happy happy.
  605. Hattie on Not what you think it is.
    July 16th, 2015  10:58 am

  606. Both of my daughters and my grandkids live in Seattle. They would probably be OK, though it could be quite a mess after a big earthquake. I worry most about my friend who lives on Long Beach, Washington, which is essentially a sand bar with no elevations. There would be nothing left there after a quake like the one predicted. Got to get the Coates book. I read an excerpt and was struck with how powerful it was.
  607. Hattie on The horn section.
    July 20th, 2015  10:33 pm

  608. Now I do like that pie.
  609. Hattie on Bullies.
    July 24th, 2015  1:08 am

  610. Why do so many approach in a confrontational way? When I was last stopped the cop said,"Do you know why I stopped you?" Why didn't he just state the offense straight up,which was an expired license plate sticker? What would he have done if I asked him if I had three guesses? Yanked me out of my car and beat me up?
  611. Hattie on Here we (might) go again.
    August 17th, 2015  2:43 am

  612. Walker petrifies me.
  613. Hattie on Woolgathering.
    August 18th, 2015  8:44 pm

  614. What is Michael Moore conveying by wearing one of those hats when he has a full head of hair?
  615. Hattie on The slush pile.
    August 21st, 2015  11:40 am

  616. Honestly. Amerika has flipped its wig.
  617. Hattie on Still steamed.
    September 9th, 2015  6:40 am

  618. Somewhere in my basement I have that first MC 5 album. Might be worth something.
  619. Hattie on Beanies, bandies and breezes.
    September 14th, 2015  8:49 pm

  620. Too bad the goobers can't get their slaves back.
  621. Hattie on Leopards and spots.
    October 1st, 2015  6:55 pm

  622. I was taken in by this flim-flam man, hardened cynic though I may be. It's a huge disappointment.
  623. Hattie on Once more, with feeling.
    October 3rd, 2015  3:57 am

  624. I hate the Bushes with a hate that is strong and true.
  625. Hattie on How did I like them apples?
    October 6th, 2015  7:44 pm

  626. I was just watching a video about elks in Estes Park in the fall during rutting season. Their behavior seemed so familiar, somehow. Except humans do it all year around.
  627. Hattie on Petals.
    October 19th, 2015  4:56 pm

  628. Flower house is quite inspired.
  629. Hattie on Petals.
    October 19th, 2015  8:08 pm

  630. It would interest me to see the flower house after plant decay had set in.
  631. Hattie on A virus.
    November 17th, 2015  1:38 am

  632. I'm with you 1000% on all of this.
  633. Hattie on Dry turkey.
    November 30th, 2015  8:32 am

  634. Maybe it's the tryptophan, but I, too, am facing the upcoming season in a suspiciously tranquil frame of mind.
  635. Hattie on Weirdness here.
    December 2nd, 2015  8:00 am

  636. Not having to be "on" all the time is the most wonderful thing about retirement.
  637. Hattie on It's a tough town.
    December 12th, 2015  7:48 am

  638. Well, you can't say that life is boring in Detroit!
  639. Hattie on Collapse.
    December 15th, 2015  11:34 am

  640. My reaction to any invitation to participate in Christmas craft projects is to run away screaming. Even when irony is involved. You are a lot more courageous, obviously. And I'm sick of the Ask. I get several phone calls a day from this or that charitable organization, "public" radio or television stations, alma mater or what have you. I don't even pick up the phone for those calls any more. And all solicitations by mail go right in the round file. I have a few pet charities and that's it. I would far rather pay taxes for services. Oh, wait. I do that, too. I would like the Republicans to let the government work for all the people. Just a dreamer. Must be the holiday season that makes me believe in fairy tales.
  641. Hattie on How to read the news.
    December 18th, 2015  11:09 pm

  642. Our local paper has several yuge articles about the new Star Wars movie.
  643. Hattie on How we got here.
    January 4th, 2016  2:00 am

  644. Those guys in Oregon expect to get their way by intimidating everyone and then going boo hoo when they get called on their crap. The Burns people should go out there and call their bluff, letting them know that they aren't scared of them and don't feel in the least sorry for them, either. I enjoyed your reflections on blogging. Blogging's done a lot for me too, and, though very much under the radar, I have been getting surprising feedback, some from people who don't or can't comment. A person I respect a lot, a real journalist like yourself, even said I do some good stuff. Best of New Years to all the gang!
  645. Hattie on One day at a time.
    January 5th, 2016  7:39 pm

  646. These people think that everyone secretly agrees with them and will rush to their side with snacks, drinks and words of encouragement. And money, even. They are so funny. I'll bet that area will get way more visitors, so it's good publicity.
  647. Hattie on A break from craving bread.
    January 6th, 2016  9:00 pm

  648. I read German and am looking at articles and response on Huff Post Germany. Most of it is what you would expect,but the cultural differences are there. One is an underlying assumption that women should serve men and never antagonize them. The corollary is that those women who were attacked must have done something to deserve what happened to them. Additionally, the thinking about women's rights is like something out of the 50s or 60s. One commenter even said the women had it coming because they were advertising sex without delivering the goods. And that underexposed 15 year old sluts were driving men mad. So they are nuts on the subject but the cultural differences make for a slightly different mode of nuttiness. The stuff about immigrants and refugees is about would you would expect: expressions of racism, tolerance,hypocrisy,etc.etc. in the comments. Germany is so male dominated, Merkel notwithstanding,that the Huff Post is about the only place I've seen extensive pieces and comments by women outside the traditional realms assigned to them. I'm researching the differences now.
  649. Hattie on A break from craving bread.
    January 6th, 2016  9:45 pm

  650. More top of my head stuff on the Cologne incident: There was a very short clip on Spiegel Online interviewing women at a demo against the foot-dragging of the press and police. The young women said they were groped on public transportation, accosted on the streets and in general were feeling less and less safe in public. One older woman said it was a change in the culture caused by North African immigrants. With the lack of substantive reporting on the incident, that's where it stands now. Very fragmentary.
  651. Hattie on A break from craving bread.
    January 6th, 2016  9:47 pm

  652. Sorry for mistake filled posts but trying to get the goods here across the language barrier.
  653. Hattie on The state of the union is...
    January 14th, 2016  3:41 am

  654. We're all fashionistas now.
  655. Hattie on Shiny new models.
    January 19th, 2016  1:25 am

  656. You are very pretty. Deal with it.
  657. Hattie on Bund-tastic.
    January 26th, 2016  1:47 am

  658. Those Bundys piss me off in a major way. In my gentler moments I think the sheriff should send out a posse to round them up, tar and feather them and run them out on a rail. I'm sick of the impunity granted to men like them, who are a bunch of failures who have nothing to offer anyone and want the world to revolve around them anyway. They pine for a way of life that ceased to exist more than 100 years ago, where, basically, men like them could do whatever they wanted and everyone else had to stick it. You don't want to know what I think should be done to them in my ungentler moments. No mercy here.
  659. Hattie on Not covered in drivers ed.
    January 27th, 2016  10:40 pm

  660. Michael G: I lived in Pacifica in the 1950s. In those days it was a dumping ground for poor whites. I'm glad in retrospect that I spent some time there. It's made me very realistic about things I would have missed if I had had a nice middle class upbringing, and I have a lot of stories I could tell about these destitute people who came from all over the South and the Midwest and from Canada too. The only thing that differentiated us from our neighbors is that we were better educated, had books in the house and so on. We had moved from Berkeley and eventually moved back there. Glad the Bundy bunch got the shove. I wish I could feel sorry for them, but I think they are a bunch of creeps.
  661. Hattie on Water, everywhere.
    January 29th, 2016  9:17 am

  662. Is this for real? Or are they the offspring of Trump and a pit bull?
  663. Hattie on Falafel is not an anagram of alfalfa.
    February 4th, 2016  5:33 am

  664. What flitted through my mind were those awful cartoons by Tom Tomorrow of the Gore-bot. You'd think he'd be ashamed.
  665. Hattie on Dip?
    February 6th, 2016  1:58 am

  666. We are planning to go on a hike with the other people we know who don't watch the Super Bowl.
  667. Hattie on Clearing the desk.
    February 17th, 2016  10:21 am

  668. Oh, that aluminum that you can't get clean. Anyway, I don't make popcorn any more, because it sticks in my craw.
  669. Hattie on Very, very successful.
    April 5th, 2016  1:19 pm

  670. That New Yorker piece on the Colorado Springs creep was amazing. One of the quality pieces they publish now and then that keeps me subscribing.
  671. Hattie on Desperately seeking zzzz's.
    April 6th, 2016  10:35 am

  672. Great piece, Nancy.
  673. Hattie on Barrel's bottom.
    May 6th, 2016  7:55 am

  674. Maybe Woody Allen could do a remake,starring himself and Soon Yes.
  675. Hattie on Barrel's bottom.
    May 6th, 2016  7:56 am

  676. That's Yee. Dang autocorrect, but it kind of works.
  677. Hattie on This way to the weekend.
    May 21st, 2016  8:41 am

  678. Don't forget Rush Limbaugh calling 12 year old Chelsea Clinton the White House dog.
  679. Hattie on A few details.
    June 1st, 2016  6:30 am

  680. Kids can disappear in a flash. We were at the Basel Zoo, watching a dolphin show, when suddenly we realized our three year old had disappeared. She had just ducked behind a side wall. My mother was with us, and her knees gave out and she fell. So scary. Kids are fast, and a few seconds with your eyes off them is enough for them to vanish.
  681. Hattie on Please shine down on me. 
    June 7th, 2016  6:30 pm

  682. It's important not to take things out on one's fellow passengers. They are suffering, too. Since we live in Hawaii, we fly a lot and have worked out a lot of routines to make it all easier. I'm looking forward to looking around Iceland with you, Nancy!
  683. Hattie on Water. Falling.
    June 11th, 2016  6:56 am

  684. Getting a vicarious thrill out of your epic journey!
  685. Hattie on The swimmer, revisited.
    June 14th, 2016  12:19 am

  686. I'm glad you are having such a fantastic time!
  687. Hattie on The end of a long week.
    June 24th, 2016  11:44 am

  688. I watched the live BBC feed and saw Cameron's resignation speech. I'm worried. If I were in England I would be desperate and trying to figure a way to get the hell out of the country.
  689. Hattie on We're in a land with no maps.
    July 20th, 2016  1:22 am

  690. A big red juicy steak! That's what I crave!
  691. Hattie on Saturday morning market. 
    July 31st, 2016  11:40 am

  692. I love currants and never find them. Lucky you!
  693. Hattie on Overtaken by events.
    August 12th, 2016  1:33 am

  694. Oh, this reminds me that the Clintons were once considered to be hicks and upstarts.
  695. Hattie on Midweek melange.
    August 31st, 2016  8:06 am

  696. Have a good time in California. I eagerly await your impressions!
  697. Hattie on Old Familiar H.S.
    September 5th, 2016  1:28 am

  698. That school does look familiar. Glad you are having a good time!
  699. Hattie on Several sunrises.
    September 9th, 2016  11:05 pm

  700. Everybody has a right to OD on sunrises, sometimes.
  701. Hattie on It's important to try new things.
    September 22nd, 2016  7:57 pm

  702. I love your spirit, Nancy!
  703. Hattie on Rainy day.
    October 2nd, 2016  3:20 am

  704. I don't know if anyone mentioned it, but pineapples don't grow on trees. It's been raining and raining in Hilo, but our whole infrastructure is built to take it, with good drainage, flood plains, etc. etc. It gets hotter and more humid every year, and we have had some wild storms and near misses from hurricanes.
  705. Hattie on Oh, grow up.
    October 4th, 2016  9:51 pm

  706. The kids nowadays...
  707. Hattie on May the best white guy win.
    October 8th, 2016  12:06 pm

  708. I loved that McMansion stuff! What a commentary on our big, empty-minded country!
  709. Hattie on Turning the pack loose.
    October 13th, 2016  8:18 pm

  710. Funny how the whole thing has come down to being all about gender.
  711. Hattie on Turning the pack loose.
    October 14th, 2016  7:44 pm

  712. Nancy: I think your report on the dog park is an outstanding piece of journalism. You're the best!
  713. Hattie on Men in dresses.
    November 7th, 2016  9:13 pm

  714. Funny to imagine that all that stale old male chauvinist stuff still goes on.
  715. Hattie on Honestly...
    November 9th, 2016  11:15 am

  716. I'm 77. This is like the Kennedy assassinations, and Martin Luther King's. And there were many terrible years after that. We forget the true, cruel, murderous nature of our country, which leads us to be overly optimistic. I'm not afraid for myself, at my age, but I have daughters and grandchildren who will have to live through the terrible times ahead.
  717. Hattie on One long day.
    November 17th, 2016  11:13 am

  718. I literally gasped when I read this, Nancy. Holy shit!
  719. Hattie on Media string.
    November 18th, 2016  6:22 am

  720. Turning people against the press will be an important part of the Trump agenda. That means we need to support even the lamest kinds of journalism while agitating for improvements. Don't fall into Trump's trap here. Don't do his work for him by helping to destroy the press.
  721. Hattie on Leftover mashed potatoes.
    November 21st, 2016  9:43 am

  722. It's grim. I was looking forward to peace and quiet in my twilight years. Instead it's constant worry, especially about the fate of my children and grandchildren.
  723. Hattie on Cans to the curb.
    November 28th, 2016  7:49 pm

  724. I think the NYT obit is the best thing written about Castro.
  725. Hattie on Peeling and pulling.
    December 3rd, 2016  10:15 am

  726. Oh boy. I could only take a minute or so of that blonde thing yapping. Anyway, enjoy your weekend!
  727. Hattie on Last days.
    December 31st, 2016  5:26 am

  728. Nancy, I admire your drive and stamina so much! Sounds like you will be kicking major ass in the New Year.
  729. Hattie on Dribbled.
    January 13th, 2017  1:48 am

  730. I'm sure Trump calls them "whores."
  731. Hattie on By the time I get to Toronto...
    January 27th, 2017  9:19 pm

  732. Pence is the choice of white people who only feel comfortable around people just like themselves.
  733. Hattie on The current situation.
    February 2nd, 2017  1:36 pm

  734. And I had to go and get lung cancer on top of all this.
  735. Hattie on A cold, conquered? Fingers crossed.
    February 14th, 2017  11:33 am

  736. I was just thinking how boring the clothes are that the Trump women wear, compared to the beautiful things Michelle and her daughters wear.
  737. Hattie on A bit better.
    February 17th, 2017  11:35 pm

  738. Yes, I have lung cancer. Haven't smoked since I was 29 and am now 77. Waiting to find out about treatment.
  739. Hattie on A constant roar.
    March 6th, 2017  10:04 pm

  740. Will this nightmare never end?
  741. Hattie on The end of the rope.
    March 23rd, 2017  11:06 pm

  742. What galls me about all these Republicans is how incompetent they are and how they just goof around and laugh off the suffering of others.
  743. Hattie on So, so done.
    April 7th, 2017  10:14 pm

  744. Just got to keep exposing these people for what they are and fighting them at every turn with whatever we've got.
  745. Hattie on Who is this man?
    May 12th, 2017  11:01 pm

  746. These fools are using up all our brain space.
  747. Hattie on Not interested.
    May 23rd, 2017  9:48 pm

  748. Sherri: Thanks for asking after me; I am now going through the slog of chemotherapy. It is working well for me, but I am avoiding optimism in my case. After this round of five or six infusions I'll be put on a palliative regimen. If I am healthy enough I may have radiation and surgery. I prize every day now.
  749. Hattie on In which I am doctor-shamed.
    June 16th, 2017  8:13 am

  750. You look fantaaaastic! Glad you are feeling better!
  751. Hattie on Rainbow connection.
    June 27th, 2017  8:46 am

  752. Did not like Wonder Woman. Should I go stand in a corner or something?
  753. Hattie on Wooden stakes and garlic.
    July 20th, 2017  8:42 pm

  754. Six months of Trump and cancer. 5th round of chemo. But I'm still fairly OK.
  755. Hattie on Just because...
    August 23rd, 2017  2:05 am

  756. My son in law went to Eastern Oregon and saw the total eclipse. He said it was completely worth it. Can't wait to see his photos and vids.
  757. Hattie on Open your eyes and see.
    September 1st, 2017  12:26 am

  758. As a committed feminist, I say her beauty was transcendent, and she was sold off to a sordid man. A tragedy.
  759. Hattie on Bad moms.
    October 26th, 2017  2:07 am

  760. Damn! I love your blog.