- As a former resident of Defiance OH, who looks back fondly and at times w/ horror at that part of the US (and for whom, growing up, Fort Wayne was THE BIG CITY), mad props to you, Nancy for this journalistic coup! This made my day.
- Well, alex, one of my second cousins from my corner of NW OH was on Dan Quayle's staff and folks there were very, very proud of her for that......
- Late to this party, but Nancy, your comment in the thread was worth the price of admission. When you are hot, you sizzle!
- I understand Spitzer's endorsement of Hillary was off the campaign website within hours of the breaking news.
- But Nancy, I purposely watch movies like this at home because I cannot stand the violence. I have had to leave movie theaters because of that. In fact it took me 5 years to steel my nerves to watch John Travolta in Pulp Fiction. So, is the violence in both A Country for Old Men and There Will Be Blood in service to the storylines and not gratuitous? Then I can steel up again and watch them at home, possibly in a year or less....
- You know, perhaps if we had not repealed the Glass Steagall Act and kept the division lines a little clearer between banks and securities houses, we might be in somewhat better shape. Because houses, despite splitting the income streams into tranches or whatever they called it, are not really the same as securities. But folks thought this was the next big ticket to riches without having to work for it and so.....
- that is very, very scary
- thought this was some good commentary on Obama's speech. I got an email from a lawyer acquaintance who has never sent me a political email before--but he was so moved by the speech, he felt compelled to direct all his friends to at least read it if not listen to it. That's some rhetoric!
- Jeff MM: But the problem with Hillary's recollection is that the video of her trip shows that there was NO sniper fire even in earshot. Moe99
- Drive by trolling.....
- Del, that's my middle name, which is why I go by moe on the internets.
- Nancy, Did Alan grow up in Defiance? I did and Terry Ryan, the author of The Prizewinner of Defiance, Ohio, was my camp counselor at Camp Palmer. I'm probably a bit older, having graduated in 1970.
- Nancy, My dad was the town pediatrician ('til 69 when the family moved to Rochester,MN) and he saw the Ryan kids but I don't think he knew about the alcoholism, it was so well hidden. At least when the book came out, he said he had not known. Betsy (the youngest) was in my class at DHS and we were both big English mavens. I was sorry to learn of Terry's death a while back.
- Harl, My dad's family were longtime Paulding residents. My great grandfather was appointed postmaster there by Theodore Roosevelt and I have a photo of him and his two assistants proudly posing outside the office. WH and Seth, my grandfather, had a car dealership and ran a bus company that went between Paulding and Fort Wayne. I remember being taken to Fort Wayne to see Gone with the Wind when it was revived at some point. I fondly remember GC Murphys there because they had carmel corn, a real treat. I have a picture of me posing with the Santa Claus at Wolf and Dessauer. I was the only one because my younger sibilings were too afraid to go up there. W&D had wonderful Christmas windows for kids to gaze at. Do they still have John Paulding days in the summer? My grandmother and Aunt Beebee used to take me to those. Great fun.
- Harl, I tried that address but it bounced back. Was I supposed to put the "t" after the @? you can reach me at It's not going to get much spam, so I am boldly printing it here.
- Snow in Seattle too. I think it's catching. Btw, Goeglein loses his position as most recent WH aide fired for bad behavior:
- Nancy, As a Seattle resident for 27 years, I remember how aghast I was at journalism here when I first moved from D.C. We rented our house from a Seattle Times reporter so we subscribed to the Times (they also had the better comics then--always a deal maker) over the PI. Neither paper has ever done reporting well imo. The PI was a Hearst publication (nuff said) and the Times was owned by the Blethen family, which seemed to be totally parochial. I remember one afternoon (the Times was the afternoon paper then) looking at the top headline, and it was huge, which read: BILL MUNCEY DEAD!! Who the heck was he, we grumbled. And it was not until we got to the second page of the article that we learned that he was a hydroplane driver. Ah well. But your point about the boots on the ground nature of print journalism vs. blogging is well taken. I think that is one site that is going beyond simply commentary and I would suspect we may see more as they figure out how to create and maintain a stable revenue stream. For now, we are in the midst of that old Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."
- Nancy, this is OT but worth a read from Harpers. It's the tale why attorney John Yoo gets a plum position after writing the memo legalizing torture and the attorney who fought against it is in danger of being disbarred. As an attorney, I am outraged. And I wish more Bezerkely grads would live up to their backgrounds and do something about Yoo.
- Fri afternoon, I am driving youngest son back from a college road trip to OR. He decides to confide in me at that point that his dad's girlfriend got him a new BMW 2 seater sports car for his birthday. The only non-cussworthy response I could come up with, after I pulled my jaw up from the 8 year old Subaru station wagon that I drive, was to tell him that back when we were married, one of our favorite jokes was: What's the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? With a porcupine, the pricks are on the outside. I guess money can buy happiness.
- ps: it's the ex that got the car, not my son. Sorry to be so klutzy w/ the pronouns this ayem.
- I believe that Hillary is a lightning rod for every right wing kook out there. My Republican friends from Defiance, who I stay in email correspondence with, if only to give my left leaning ship some ballast, go ballistic when her name is mentioned. And they aren't big McCain supporters at all. It's just some visceral reaction like hitting your knee with the hammer produces. That being said, I still do not like, do not trust Hillary. Her career has been built on expediency. When I think of her, I do not come up with any higher goals that she has illustrated as motivating her campaign for president. She, just like McCain seems to feel like somehow she is owed the presidency because of all she has been through. And for those who want experience in their candidates, may I point out that Abraham Lincoln had less experience than Barack Obama. All of that being said, I tried to come up with a woman politician without Hillary's baggage, who I could look to as a possible presidential candidate. Now, I have two women Senators from my home state, Patty Murray who is nice enough, but reputed to be a dim bulb and Maria Cantwell who is second cousin to the Wicked Witch of the West if her treatment of staff is to be believed. And I know the Governor, Christine Gregoire, having worked for her and really would not vote for her either for very substantive, non-sexist reasons that are too long to get into here. So, what is it about politics that draws these types of women? Are there any women elsewhere who could carry a presidential candidacy without being utterly consumed/changed? Don't get me wrong, I think the pressures on men candidates are enormous, but given the additional sexism that women have to endure, I have yet to meet a woman who could go through all of that and succeed. And I don't know where we start to combat it.
- baldheadeddork: I am in awe. What great snark!
- RE the garb to greet the pope. As someone who was raised Catholic but left the church in 1991, I would bet that the Bush women thought that wearing black was a formal way of showing respect and besides, they probably thought to themselves: isn't that the color the nuns wear?
- There's actually two quizzes on that page. I got 16 out of 20 right on the top one and 13 out of 15 right on the bottom one. Of course, I got BMW wrong.
- Actually there's a Defiance connection to Two Buck Chuck. One of my classmates from DHS is a big distributor of it. He lives out in Reno. Say hi, Jeff, if you're reading Nancy's blog!!
- OT. News from Muncie Indiana that was featured on Now how is it that the GOP big wigs get to look at criminal files?
- Loved this Jon Stewart video from earlier in the week: And OT: Looks like the OH AG is in a bit of hot water:
- Richard Cohen started going downhill when he was caught in pari delecto with the wife of another big time journalist a while back. Not a nice guy.
- In this story: a woman who escaped from another branch of this same sect describes how children are conditioned, starting in infancy, to not fight back against the total control exerted over members of the sect. This in particular struck me, hard. In fact, I'm feeling a bit ill: Everything you did was monitored and controlled and everybody reported on everyone else,” she said. “It was a police state. You were not allowed to make decisions in your life. I had no power over my life or the lives of my children. It was a terrible way to live.” The alleged control began in infancy. “The method he would use with infants was a form of water torture,” Jessop said of her former husband. “He would spank the baby until it was screaming out of control, and then he would hold the baby faceup under a tap of running water so it couldn’t breathe. He would do this repeatedly. Sometimes, it would go on for an hour, until the baby was so exhausted it couldn’t cry anymore. This method he called ‘breaking them.’” Did I miss something here, or is she describing waterboarding babies?
- I may be repeating myself here, but as my first comment appears not to be posted: In this story: a woman who escaped from another branch of this same sect describes how children are conditioned, starting in infancy, to not fight back against the total control exerted over members of the sect. This in particular struck me, hard. In fact, I'm feeling a bit ill: Everything you did was monitored and controlled and everybody reported on everyone else,” she said. “It was a police state. You were not allowed to make decisions in your life. I had no power over my life or the lives of my children. It was a terrible way to live.” The alleged control began in infancy. “The method he would use with infants was a form of water torture,” Jessop said of her former husband. “He would spank the baby until it was screaming out of control, and then he would hold the baby faceup under a tap of running water so it couldn’t breathe. He would do this repeatedly. Sometimes, it would go on for an hour, until the baby was so exhausted it couldn’t cry anymore. This method he called ‘breaking them.’” Did I miss something here, or is she describing waterboarding babies?
- Nancy, I hope that tomorrow you can give us the low down skinny on the text messages that were just released involving the mayor and his lady love......
- In this story: a woman who escaped from another branch of this same sect describes how children are conditioned, starting in infancy, to not fight back against the total control exerted over members of the sect. This in particular struck me, hard. In fact, I'm feeling a bit ill: Everything you did was monitored and controlled and everybody reported on everyone else,” she said. “It was a police state. You were not allowed to make decisions in your life. I had no power over my life or the lives of my children. It was a terrible way to live.” The alleged control began in infancy. “The method he would use with infants was a form of water torture,” Jessop said of her former husband. “He would spank the baby until it was screaming out of control, and then he would hold the baby faceup under a tap of running water so it couldn’t breathe. He would do this repeatedly. Sometimes, it would go on for an hour, until the baby was so exhausted it couldn’t cry anymore. This method he called ‘breaking them.’” Did I miss something here, or is she describing waterboarding babies?
- I've tried to post this story about members of a related FLDS sect several times, but I guess I'm not a trusted user. Hopefully this can get posted because I think the information is important.
- Me, I want Barry White music for this.....
- What is it about extramarital sex that makes folks' love notes sound like junior high? My ex forgot to delete from the delete file, his mash notes to his lover and I've saved them over the past nine years, wondering whether to use them now as he's running for his first statewide office (he told me he wanted a divorce the day after he was sworn in for the first time as a state legislator--with me and the children there to complete the photo perfect scene just once for him) or later if he ever runs for governor, as he has boasted to friends that he will do.
- An engineer's guide to cats. Hope I'm not duplicating this, but seemed we needed a little light for today.
- Nancy, here's a nifty Bush Administration scandal in the making involving Dow Chemical in Michigan:
- One more very entertaining youtube for the weekend: Brings new meaning to paper dolls......
- Here's my theory on digestion vs. keeping the weight off horses' broken legs: You're going to have to strap the horse up off the ground to make sure no weight is put on the broken leg. And to do that you probably have to have all four legs off the ground. What that means is a big strap under the belly of the horse and all the weight pressing down on that strap means that there are organs being squashed and I'll be the organ getting squashed the most are the stomach and intestines. I can ask my sister, the veterinarian, for confirmation.
- Kudos, Nancy! I've lived in Ohio and in two states that should be divided vertically: Kentucky and Washington. In the case of Kentucky, the hills and most of the liberals are all in the east, though coal is mined throughout and in Washington, most conservatives live in the eastern part, though both sides have mountains to their western borders. Makes for interesting statewide races.
- So, not to be all Eyore today, but $7.50 a gallon gas is being predicted at Goldman Sachs:
- Sue, another dentist story for you. When I was a first year law student, lo these many years ago, my torts professort was this meek sort of a fellow. He was teaching about 'res ipsa loquitur' the latin term for 'the thing speaks for itself.' Basically, iirc what it means is that the action is so complete in and of itself, that you must draw the conclusion that negligence was involved. And the example he gave was this: a woman went to see the dentist for a long procedure which involved being made unconscious with the anesthetic and when she woke up, her little finger on her right hand was broken. She asked the dentist about it and he wouldn't say what happened. Same for the dental assistant. So eventually she sued him for the injury. How is it that you can go in for a root canal and wake up with a broken pinkie? sure sounds like negligence to me! Turns out the anesthetic she was given had this propensity to, as the patient was going under might have involuntary muscle spasms and she had seized the dentist's crotch as she went out and was hanging on to it with her muscles seized up and unconscious, and the only way they could break the hold was to break one of her fingers. So there you have your dental/legal lesson for the day.
- Found out about Kenyon and Bill Watterson when my oldest son went there. Did you also know that Jamie Lee Curtis' daughter is there? The husband/dad is the director of Spinal Tap just can't think of his name (hate this growing old stuff)
- nancy, great video! Let me know if you ever make it to Honolulu. I have a good friend there who has his 24' sailboat moored on the island there, and he enjoys taking friends out for a sail.
- Nancy, How about a rocket launched office chair?
- I have a well worn Mitch Ryder album. Last time I played it, my kids broke a lamp jumping up and down and running around the living room. Guess I'll have to get a CD. I've almost replaced my Steely Dan, Creedence Clearwater, and Spirit albums. Ah misspent youth! Btw Nancy, no coverage of the First Family wedding?
- At times like these, I always remember the aphorism: Politics is hollywood for ugly people. Jane Hamsher, Quentin Tarantino's former producer, knows a thing or two about Hollywood, and it is her contention that John McCain is so full of botox, that he can't wiggle his eyebrows. I think we should all focus on that when next he appears on our tv screens. And eww to the reason for pierced tongues. Why am I always the last to know these things?
- In an odd bit of serendipity, the NYer article you posted about the touch up artist mentioned a movie he'd touched up due out this spring starring a woman, whose veins were showing on the top of her foot, which he through his magic tricks, removed from the picture. This is, of course, to be contrasted with the article you posted which dealt with SJP's oddly visible veins in her hands as she's in London for the premier of her movie this spring month. I will let you put 2 + 2 together.
- This article in Slate addresses the question of whether you can tell if a photo has been touched up:
- Nancy, I went to college with a kid who's dad was no. 2 in the Chicago mob (or reputed to be). He drove a Lincoln Continental Mark IV on campus which, since it was 1973 was absoutely outrageous and unheard of. He'd drive the car from his dorm to the dining commons, about 3 blocks straight north. Lots of wonderful stories about him, the shortest that once a bunch of us were in a park in Mpls with open bottles and the cops came by. He went into action, charming them so intensively, that they didn't inspect our stuff. It was an amazing thing to watch. And pre-Godfather movie days.
- Clever stuff:
- Ok, OT for a little politics but did anyone see that the president gave up golf to show solidarity with the families who have lost sons and daughters in the Iraq war? I didn't think my jaw could drop any lower.....
- My great grandmother, Cara Murbach Fauster, a resident of Archbold and Defiance, OH wrote this out longhand and gave it to each of her 3 living daughters for their kitchen walls. It comes from the 1918 edition of the Fannie Farmer Cookbook: "Cookery means the knowledge of Medea and of Circe and of Helen and of the Queen of Sheba. It means the knowledge of all herbs and fruits and balms and spices, and all that is healing and sweet in the fields and groves and savory in meats. It means carefulness and inventiveness and willingness and readiness of appliances. It means the economy of your grandmothers and the science of the modern chemist; it means much testing and no wasting; it means English thoroughness and French art and Arabian hospitality; and, in fine, it means that you are to be perfectly and always ladies—loaf givers."—JOHN RUSKIN. I have my grandmother's copy on my kitchen wall just for remembrance. My grandmother's ham loaf was a wonder and I will post it when I get home from work and can find the recipe. A good Paulding, OH recipe.
- Marianne's Ham Loaf (Marianne was my grandmother's friend) 1 lb fresh pork 1 lb ground ham Grind/mix them together 2 eggs 1 c milk 1 c cracker crumbs 1/2 c ketchup 2T chopped onions prepared mustard to taste Mix all ingredients together and bake at 300 for 1 hour Sauce on top (this is what makes it yummy) 1/2 c brown sugar 2T vinegar 2T water mix together and top your hot slice of ham loaf. Or you can put some on the ham loaf before you bake it I suppose. I rarely get to make this as oldest child was a no red meat person....
- Here's an interesting article about a bake-off, taste-off using a dozen different Euro-style butters, with significantly different results:
- Just sent you a note, Nancy. Guess where Was(Not Was) ended their tour this spring? That's right, Seattle!!! And guess who only figured it out last night and drove like a banshee to Ballard to the Tractor Tavern to see them after book club? And in a wonderful bit of karma, the guy ahead of me in line had an extra ticket, so it was absolutely worth the price of admission, even though I only got the second set! They were fabulous! Thank you for turning me on to them. Haven't danced that much in a couple of years. Next time, I'm bringing my posse.
- Gotta go w/ bhdork on this one. Bush loves campaigning and he is inserting himself whenever and wherever possible in the McCain campaign. And dollars to donuts, he is probably trying to call the shots behind the scenes, because it's his money dammit!
- When I was in lawschool we formed our own legal fraternity as two of the three extant legal fraternities hired strippers for their rush parties and we weren't so impressed with that. We named it Rho Epsilon Hork, Sibling Society and Motorcycle Gang. Every admittee was a president, because it looked good on your resume and when you graduated you were given immortal status. Our Chief Justice was Ollie Burger (this was during the short lived hey day of Ollie's Trolley hamburger franchises) and in the event of a tie vote, we'd flip the Chief Justice. We also used him in secret communion ceremonies. The genesis of Rho Epsilon Hork stemmed from a fictional fellow named Ralph Hork who used to run for student office first in undergrad and then in law school. When we ran him for 3rd year rep to the Student Bar in law school, he actually got the most votes because the 3d years didn't know who he was. His platform at that time, iirc, was "shoes."
- Not to be too Machiavellian, but with the exception of the appointments to the Supreme Court (which with a veto proof majority in Senate could take care of that issue), I'm not sure I'm opposed to a Republican in the WH. Because the next 4 years we are going to see the wheels come off in Iraq big time, and if a Dem's in office, it will all officially be the Democrat's fault. Regardless of who put us there. Regardless of who had no after the invasion strategy. Regardless of who had no exit strategy. This would be a Vietnam redux in other words. With a Republican in the WH the blame falls squarely where it belongs. I've become accustomed to trying to make caviar out of shit sandwiches lately.
- wrt MRIs and metal. It's one more reason not to get tatoos because many have metal in the paints used. It can create severe burns if the tattoed individual undergoes an MRI. So far, it's worked with my kids. Along with the question, "have you ever seen a tatoo that looked good on a geezer?" Not that they will ever be a geezer mind you. wrt to euphemisms for Mr. Johnson and/or "the act" There was a dorm in my midwestern small liberal arts college that was the Animal House dorm (Dayton Hall). On one of the men's floors in the john, the residents started a list on the door to a privy. It went way long, and the last one written over the weekend, was "fetchup my ketchup" with a foot long hot dog hanging from a string next to it (yes, the cafeteria was serving them at the time, why did you ask?).
- via wikipedia, jury's still out whether tattoos do not cause problems via MRIs: There's plenty other problems to mention as well.
- from Australia: "unbutton the mutton and wring the rattlesnake"
- JoeK: My former next door neighbor in Seattle is a Metro bus repair guy and as a hobby is a hydroplane restorer. He was a technical consultant on Madison. He went to the premier of the movie afterwards and had a lot of fun on the set as well.
- Richland High School in eastern Washington is part of the Tri Cities (Richland, Pasco and Kennewick), whose existence is attributable to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, where the atomic bomb was developed during WW 2 (in addition to the research done in the SW USA). Richland High's team name is appropriately the Bombers, with a mushroom cloud as the symbol:
- Burgoo, the Kentucky state stew, uses squirrel meat in its most authentic form. I've made it for Derby parties several times, alas but only with other meats. The squirrels in my backyard provide exercise for my miniature dachshund, Scooter. As a result, I would not do without them. Perhaps, I should loan you Scooter for a weekend of fun, Nancy?
- Posted it y'day but has not escaped the moat yet: the inventor of the Pringles can had himself cremated and part of his remains went into, yup, a Pringles can.
- Speaking of art, Alton Kelly died.
- Ok, ok. I hate to weigh in with the wingnut side on this but I will say that there was an attorney in Seattle, named partner in a mid sized firm, still had his military crew cut in the '80s. Rock ribbed Republican in a city that has very few, and unashamedly so. However, he said that he would never vote for GHWB. Reason being he flew the same plane in WW2 that GHWB flew and he said that it was configured such that if the pilot ejected it opened the hatch and imprisoned the gunner sitting behind him. So the drill was the guy in the back ejected first. GHWB lost his nerve and popped out w/o giving his partner the first chance, thereby consigning him to his death. I dunno. The attorney was a real straight shooter and highly respected in the legal profession. He was not a tin foil hat kind of guy at all.
- Glad to be a part of the crowd here, even if I'm late to the party. Weatherwise, I'm back in my wool suits as the temps in Seattle are hitting 47 during the day (!) and it's raining again. My next door neighbor who is a feisty little ol' lady I am taking as my role model, told me last night that we are in Juneuary. Sounds about right.
- Howie: This has been awhile, but we had a lovely time at the Excelsior on the Upper West Side, just north of the American Museum of Natural History. The rooms were large, it was next to Central Park and the subway and it seemed reasonable given the cost of hotels in NYC.
- OT: Here's a Father's Day gift for the Dad who can't get enough of the internet:
- tornado footage from the Chicago area yesterday. My daughter is stranded a Chicago O'Hare right now as a result.
- Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card as well as the sequel: Speaker for the Dead. Eventually Card gets way too Mormon for my taste, but these are both award winning books, the first one features a school for gifted kids in outer space. My boys got hooked on science fiction fantasy with these. College of Magics by Caroline Steveremere. A girl's school in France like Hogwarts. I think it was actually written early on in Harry Potter fever or before. It is not a copy. Dave Duncan's King's Blades and King's Daggers series. As you can see, I just love rousing adventure stories to captivate me as I am sitting under a tree on a blanket listening with half an ear to the drowsy hum of insects while I read voraciously. Too bad we haven't cracked 65 degrees yet this June in Seattle. And it's rained every day but one.
- Well my youngest graduated from high school, Tuesday night. I organized a dinner for 32 people--my son's two best friends and their families and ours. All 3 families divorced and the two friends come from blended families. The ex shows up and hands out donation envelopes to the adults sitting at my table. He's running for state Treasurer in our state and as a Democrat. I thought that graduation night was supposed to be about the kids. More than one reason he's the ex.
- The best way for people to overcome their fear/racism is to have an African American elected and see in a concrete way how unbased their fears are.
- Maybe if you were a devotee of his show, and there apparently were many, his death meant something. But for me who only saw him on occasion, he seemed rather a blowhard, a guy who seemed like the quintessential frat boy. A glad hander, one who only studied the night before the test, someone who went for the easy gotcha. I never saw why he rose to his position when he was alive and the response to his death confirmed to me, yet again, the vacuousness and the onanism of the mainstream media.
- Scholarship on the Civil War has undergone some profound changes. When I went to high school in Defiance, Ohio our US History teacher, Mr. Gordon made it clear that the war was fought over states' rights first and foremost. Well, actually it was fought about slavery first and foremost, but unlike most history being written by the victors, the South was able to rewrite the history of the Civil War, as historian James McPherson, proves in his book, This Mighty Scourge. There's also a wonderful essay from the New Yorker earlier this year that lists several other books of interest, one by the now president of Harvard, Drew Gilpin Faust. I read it but it was very, very difficult to read all about the many deaths and what grew out of it. Here is a link to the New Yorker review. I would also highly recommend the fiction book, Lincoln's Dreams by Connie Willis. Reading that made me realize that here in the upper left hand corner of the map, no one really grasps the significance of the Civil War because this was a territory at the time. Albeit under the Dred Scott decision, one could bring their slaves here and it had to be honored. Off to enjoy our heat wave: it was 77 dgrees yesterday and for the first time all year, we slept with the windows open. Ah, summer in Seattle!
- Alex, Where did the Flory family live in Defiance?
- Alex, We lived in a newer (at the time) section of NE Defiance, but my great grandfather, Gramps Fauster lived in a big old house on Holgate Avenue, in front of the Maumee River. I remember going there as a small child for Christmas and the Christmas tree would go all the way up to the second floor, positioned next to the stairs in the front hall leading up. I wonder if the Flory's house would be near there, given the proximity to the river. The Fausters did not make it to the US until after the Civil War, around the time that Germany reunified, although the Fausters came from Schaffhausen. The women tatted and sold lace to finance the trip from what I was told.
- Woman climber saved by her sports bra. Seems apt for today's column.......
- I've heard from a Philly attorney that one of her clients requires her firm to outsource legal research to India. Money saving, probably. But it vitiates the attorney client privilege.
- The TX GOP platform wants to get rid of all the nudes in DC: Those found at the Smithsonian and other spots of noted debauchery.
- Vatican now in favor of showing breasts in Virgin Mary paintings. That sure sets me back a ways given my strict Catholic upbringing at St. John's w/ Monseignor Vogel.
- Ok, OT but does no one go to the symphony any more? The Detroit Symphony had a guest conductor recently that was a robot:
- An improbable love story: w/ photo:
- Here's something fun for Sat night (it still is here in the Pacific daylight time zone). Make sure you stay for the finale. Unbelievable! China circus on the Russian bar:
- My daughter is spending her summer in rural Montana at a clinic there--the Univ. of WA places its incipient second year med students in a rural setting for the summer. So far she is really enjoying it. No idea if it will be a career calling for her. More on the "Ohio is a fertile ground for bigots" meme:
- Who's criticizing McCain for lack of moral courage? the only thing that Clark said, after he said that McCain was a hero to him and millions is that getting shot down and being a POW is not the kind of executive military experience that one can draw on to be president. I would note that being tortured has not stopped McCain from endorsing torture. He also did not support the benefits for veterans offered by Webb, but is now lying his ass off and saying that he did. Lying is not a good trait in my mind for our highest office, although many have lied to get there and once in office.... But, ymmv.
- Jeff, you are so wrong about McCain and torture. He initially came out against it, but has endorsed it at least in the past 6 months.
- Jeff: Voting no on a torture ban bill, makes one a supporter of torture in my book. It may be simplistic, but so is torture--you are either for it or agin it and McCain, as a consequence, despite all the obfuscation thrown up by his freinds in the media, is voting to allow torture. If the press made it that clear and that simple, then maybe people would suffer as a consequence of their actions. It would be nice for a change. btw, coozledad, I am in awe of your rhetorical abilities.
- I watched a jet dump its fuel over Puget Sound when I was a staff attorney for the Seattle Regional office of the Securities and Exchange Commission. It mostly evaporates, iirc. The jet was in trouble and coming in for a serious landing and they didn't want the fuel on board for obvious reasons. So might want to recheck your sources there for the concern.
- If jet fuel evaporates in the air, it doesn't get into the water--at best 2%,0,5187004.story?track=rss
- One of my favorite books as a kid was Booth Tarkington's Penrod. It's set in Cairo, IL at the turn of the last century and is funny as all get out. But it too is racist, reflecting the age in which it was written. Here's some fun for the 4th of July, reminding me once again, why dating these days is such a pita:
- Julie--poodles and Siamese are reputedly allergan free. You could check that out. I know of one family that acquired a labradoodle (combination lab and poodle) to see if that would work, and so far so good. BTW the LOLcats site is hiring:
- Onion News hits the nail on the head, yet again:
- Brian, Two can play this game. Did you know that MLK, Jr was a Republican? Well the good folks of the National Black Republican Association have used some of your arguments to turn it all on the other side of the coin, so to speak:
- Well, if you have a spare $4K you could buy an allergy free cat:
- There was an article about Nixon in the New Yorker many years ago when the author met with Nixon and reported that Nixon referred to himself in the third person, as in, "When Nixon was the leader of the free world." Now if that isn't bat shit crazy, I'll eat my hat. I have two friends from college, who married and did very, very well thereafter. But he (the male half of the duo)still keeps a framed copy of Nixon's resignation note in their downstairs bathroom. Always a treat to see it.
- In 1995, our office hosted a delegation from Belarus. We had sent one of our senior antitrust attorneys there for a year to teach them about free markets. This was a payback of sorts. There were 5 men in the delegation plus a political officer. When they got into SeaTac airport the dogs went wild. Seems that they had packed a bunch of fatty bacon in their suitcases along with their many, many bottles of vodka, because you ate the bacon first to absorb the vodka so you could drink that much more. (It was very good vodka, btw) As part of our hosting duties, we took them to Costco to see how folks out here shopped. During the tour, one of them asked the Costco guide, "what happens when you run out?" He could not believe it when the Costco representative cheerfully replied, "We just get more shipped in."
- "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." Clarence Darrow
- LA Mary, your post reminded me of a trip to Coldwater Lake during my childhood. 5 kids 2 parents and a dog in the back well of the second seat of a station wagon, that my father would turn around every so often to swat because she could not stay still. I can't remember which dog it was (we went through 6 in Defiance), probably Duchess the boxer.
- FISA wins in the Senate by a big margin. you can see how your Senator voted here while saying goodbye to the Fourth Amendment:
- sorry Danny, the vote I posted was on the amendment that would have stripped retroactive immunity from the bill. Here is the vote approving FISA. You want the government in your underwear drawer? Sobeit. ps. obama voted for FISA. Not a big surprise, but a disappointment nonetheless. I'll vote for him, but no money from me. At least my senators voted against FISA.
- Letting my freak flag fly on this glorious summer day:
- Horribly OT, but just had to share. A fellow soprano from church has a cousin who has composed and directed a symphony of Grateful Dead music with the Russian National Orchestra. Those who might be interested, can listen to snippets here:
- Brian, I worked with Lew Puller, Jr. at DoD and played bridge with him and his wife Toddy on several occasions. He was a great guy, but haunted by his own Viet Nam demons that eventually destroyed him. I'm sure being Chesty's son was also a burden. I've got an entry up on my very ill tended blog in case some of you have a hankering to read something not quite as well-written as those of present company during Nancy's absence (have a great vacation Nancy and Alan):
- Thanks Brian. Went in and added "or an admiralty lawyer" because he left the partnership a year later as a result of his divorce. It was terribly sad--the wife was/is an alcoholic and he tried to get custody of the kids but lost after a long drawn-out trial that financially ruined him. And she punished him by turning the kids against him. One hopes that eventually they will make their peace with their dad when they become adults. This war is not over, even yet.
- Frank Rich has a sobering piece up comparing the Bush Administration's crimes to those of the Nixon administration in today's New York Times. Anyone associated with the Bush Administration with very few exceptions, does not come out looking good, shall we say.
- Amen, Amen brothers. How about a song or two from the past?
- CD: Your youtube led me to this:
- Remember that Saul Steinberg cover of the New Yorker from back in 1976--where the map of the US is entirely dominated by Manhattan? Well that's the fishbowl view and attitude that is present in the current cover. The New Yorker does not get that the rest of the country is not as sophisticated in their understanding of Obama and racism and hatred of Moslems. They are tone deaf on that and it is hurting Obama with just the sorts of folks in the heartland where either most of us live or still have relatives there. I fully expect my Saturday conversation with my mother will be to try to emphasize that yes, Obama is a Christian, not a Muslim and he is a patriot and would be very good for the country. Sometimes it feels like being the little kid with his finger stuck in the dike. But one has to try.
- So tell me Danny, do you think Clinton should have been impeached?
- Good news on this thread. Me, I'm waiting to take my 18 yr old to Group Health to see if he has a broken jaw from playing icehocky last night. Arrived at Urgent Care at 12:30 am and didn't get home til after 3. Of course the xray was not operative then (though he did get 6 or so stitches in his chin), so have taken the day off from work to shepherd him there when he wakes up. If I didn't have two briefs due, it would be wonderful hookey.
- Catherine--thanks for asking. We went back across the water Tues (in my case, Lake Washington) to Bellevue Group Health because the Urgent Care doc had ordered a fancy mandible xray on equipment that our Group Health facility in Seattle did not have. We arrive, check in, and then are told 5 minutes later that THIS Group Health also does not have the fancy xray machine for the xray that has been ordered, and they are going to have to make a special request to the Univ. of WA Dental School for an xray there and it should take a few days. I am thoroughly irritated by now and my son is cringing telling me not to go postal on this, let's just leave the facility, but of course, how could I fulfill my god given duty of embarassing him if I did not pursue this further? So I get on the cell phone and call his attending physician's office and talk to his nurse, saying something like, "I'm sure you have some machine that can take and xray and give you a competent result, I mean what did you do in the days before super xray machine anyway?" So the nurse talks to the attending and he goes online and changes the order to a regular xray, so we can get it done right now, not 3 days from now. Which we do and by the time we get back on the road, 2-3 hours has elapsed and we're into rush hour traffic and it's an hour to get home. But they just called 15 minutes ago and youngest son is ok, no fracture. Hooray. He can finish the last year of his summer swim team on a high note--swimming in the final two meets. Thanks again for the interest.
- Jeff, Kentucky has long been home to those making moonshine and growing pot. In fact, one of the finest in that regard was a graduate of my law school class: former paratrooper, narcotics police officer in Lexington and finally big cocaine runner: We might as well give it up, legalize, and tax the hell out of marijuana. We need the revenue for sure.
- the Year of Living Biblically, for your enjoyment.
- Driving up to Seattle from Olympia after a hearing this am, an SUV passed me sporting a McCain sticker. Also on its back side was a sticker w/ a picture of a very dark Obama that read: "Be afraid. BE VERY AFRAID" ready for the deluge?
- Brian--it's the veiled racism that is getting to me.
- Food purists are today's Puritans. I have a former brother in law who lives in Maine in a house he built w/ an outhouse in the back. No electricity and the running water is from the stream next to the house. So no hot water either. He and his current wife are vegans. And there was always this sort of looking down their noses mentality that went with that that was very hard to deal with. But the family is descended on both sides from stern Calvinists so it makes sense in an odd sort of way. This fellow repairs foreign cars to make a living but does not own one--rides a bike. And as soon as he's made enough so that he will have to pay income taxes, he quits. Life just seems so grim for him.
- The second Starbucks ever constructed was in Seattle and across the street from the federal building where I worked. Now the federal building had recently put into effect an edict that you could not maintain a coffee pot at your worksite. All the better to promote the cafeteria in the basement, they thought. Well, you can imagine the stream of folks that moseyed over to this Starbucks daily from a 30 story building. And our office was there every day. We liked to credit ourselves with the push that lifted Starbucks up into the stratosphere. But, of course, being employed by the SEC meant you were barred from buying initial offering stock. So that kept me out of buying both Microsoft or Starbucks when it came out. And of course, I could not envision buying in the secondary market because, by that time the stock would be so over valued. >bangs head on desk< Ah well, I always wanted to work my whole life.
- I have a friend who has instructions on how to make and run a still. He's in China for the eclipse of the sun (not the Olympics) but here's his website:
- Here's another Indiana pastor named Jeff who has an interesting sermon style:
- Alan will get a kick out of this. I was reading a New Yorker article when I was 14 or 15 and it mentioned cunnilingus and fellatio. I asked my dad, the doctor, who was reading in the study with me what those words meant and he replied, "Dear, I just don't know." I'm sure it hit him for a loop coming from his oldest daughter. Several years earlier our dog went into heat while we were on vacation and we had come back from the vet's unawares and within minutes there were numerous suitors lined up in the front yard taking their turns. I was in the kitchen with my mother looking out the front window, and turned to her in disgust, "I'm sure glad humans don't do that." Again, I was met with silence. Ah those teaching moments go by too fast.
- ok, another good website today. This one is a map of those involved in crimes in the current WH:
- Dorothy Dunnett, the best writer of historical fiction ever did not object to the creation of two encyclopedias helping her readers keep straight the amazing tangle of history that she used in both the Lymond chronicles and Niccolo series, to weave the stories. She was very generous to her numerous and enthusiastic fans.
- Well my oldest son spent the night at The Hampton Inn next to the Detroit airport due to what was billed as weather problems back in NYC. Really. Thought of doing a call out here in case he couldn't find a place to stay, but it all turned out ok. So far. He thought I was a bit over the top when I told him, all 22 years of him, that he could NOT go wander around Detroit proper at night. He's really only experienced Seattle, the Twin Cities, and a bit of the cleaned up NYC so he has no idea what's out there.
- History will not be kind to W. And it's here already!
- Karl Rove is being played by Toby Jones, an actor I've admired for his work in The Painted Veil and Amazing Grace. I hope he can muster the nastiness and presence needed to portray Karl. He's like a junior Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
- We got Wag the Dog via Netflix. Just like Z. Easy to order, hard to sit through the latter.
- Nancy, the last two glasses of that lemon crap was coming out of both ends for me (sorry to say). I didn't stop throwing up until 12 hours past the colonoscopy, of which I recall blessed nothing. But that drink was murder.
- Nancy, can you comment on the proposed court reform plan in Michigan? I realize the Nat'l Review is right wing and have no idea about what the Mackinac policy center is, but I have no idea if this is fact or opinion.
- Here's a wonderful Rachel Maddow smackdown of Pat Buchanan moment: obviously she's not being deferential enough to her elders. NOT.
- The latest shitackular mcCain ad
- I remember hot summer days spent in speedboats on Clear Lake in Indiana. What I would not have done for a cottage and a boat! To my mind, the ideal lazy vacation. These days there are fewer boats on Lake Washington or Lake Union in Seattle, victims, no doubt, to the rise in gas prices. A friend's son took a summer job with the Parks Department helping unload boats from the public dock into the water and reports that it is very, very slow business.
- Ok, now you've got me going. Lena's feeling a mite puny, so her husband, Sven, takes her to the doctor. The doctor, concluding his examination, comes out in the waiting room and says to Sven, "You know, Lena has acute angina." Sven, looks up at the physician and says, "Yah, doc, I know dat already. I peeked!"
- Dayum, Caliban, do you ever come up for air?
- Basset, our basset hound in Defiance was named Digby. My father could not bear to neuter him, so he grew up a wanderer. Became a special pet of the students at Defiance College because he showed up there so much. He was finally adopted by a Defiance College student after he graduated and went to live with him. He was great. And, Basset, I think Caliban is right about Hamdan. This guy's actions did not violate any laws on the books at the time they were done. Plus, he's not going to be released after his 5 and a half years up but kept indefinitely as a enemy combatant. This is not the America I grew up with. We don't play like Soviet Russia, at least we didn't used to. As an attorney I am sickened by how they twisted the laws to get this result. Here's the American Constitution Society on it:
- Brian--I've only recently come back to reading American history and it has been focused on the Civil War. Do you have a book on this you can recommend? I understand Edwards campaign manager, former US Rep David Bonior, is pretty pissed about Edwards. I do not fault him for that. I'd like my donation back too, as I feel it was given under false pretenses. And don't think that I haven't speculated about how the ex would feel if his peccadillos during our marriage came out these days, as he's running for state office.
- Brian, James McPherson is kind of a personal hero for me. I hope you report back on the panels. I just remember in high school US history at DHS, Mr. Gordon (we called him 'chrome dome" behind his back--go figure) plying us with the idea that the Civil War was more about states' rights than slavery. McPherson blew that one out of the water. It was a revelation to me, and was the catalyst regenerating my interest in US history (I majored in medieval history in college).
- Brian, It's funny but there are two sci fi/fantasy books that truly express my feelings about medieval history. The first is a classic: A Canticle for Leibowitz, which perfectly to my way of thinking, describes the medieval mindset...the monks copying endlessly the paper contents of Leibowitz' briefcase because it, to them, represented knowledge. And the second is The Domesday Book by Connie Willis, who also wrote a book entitled Lincoln's Dreams that is more about Lee than Lincoln, but still intriguing. The Domesday Book is about a graduate student in history at Oxford in the way future, when, to get a Phd, you have to agree to be sent back in time to do one small thing. The protagonist volunteers to go back to England in the mid 1300's but there is a problem at the control panel when the machine is set, and she ends up sent to the year the plague strikes. The middles ages was both better and worse than historians and popular media such as the movies portray it. And to be honest Henry VIII is sort of moving away from what is generally defined as the middle ages and into the Renaissance, which gets me into periodization in history which I wrote my senior thesis on, but have blissfully forgotten most of it. Anyway to finish: Lincon's Dreams, which I read probably more than ten years ago, led me to the realization that for folks in the Pacific NW, the Civil War really is like an old movie. Their forebears didn't live through it, or if they did, it was part of forgetting on the move westward. There were no battles to indelibly stain the soil and consciousness of the area. And I found that to be a loss. Thanks for the recommends.
- Brian, that's so good, I'm stealing it. Hope Nancy doesn't find my plagiarism!!
- In Defiance, we didn't have those fancy letters before our phone no. On Clinton Street our phone no. was 42591. Then when we moved to Elliott Lane it was 782-6591. Because my father the pediatrician in Defiance, I could never stay on the phone longer than a few minutes because it had to be free for emergencies.
- I went to law school w/ a guy who flew helicopters in VN. He said they had some sort of radar that would ping when the anti aircraft would lock on them and they had x no. of seconds to get out of the way. He said it was interesting to be stoned up there, but it was really amazing to be flying when one was dropping acid. He said that lots of those who flew used either dope or acid or worse.
- Loved the Gilbreth book, Cheaper by the Dozen, and also the sequel: Belles on Their Toes. Out here in Wa state, the book of choice in that genre is The Egg and I.
- Speaking of swill, does anyone else think Stella Artois is nothing better than a Bud? I lived for a year in Brussels, and although I was a starving student, we would drink something else when we went to the bars. My favorite was Chimay ale, but that was only when I was flush.
- OT, but I am flabbergasted that Burger King would do this:
- Reminds me of an apocyphal story from my Kentucky days. It is said that the coal miners in E. Ky eat their lunch dessert first when they are down in the mines for exactly that reason, Nancy!
- I got my youngest ready for college. Just wait til you see the bill for that, especially if they're not living at home. Here's the tip: Fed Ex Ground. It's cheaper and faster than the post office and they help you tape your boxes shut and will even box it up for you if need be. Oh, an OT for parents everywhere:
- Here's an interesting piece about Biden. I didn't know his first wife and baby daughter were killed in a car accident right after he was first elected to the Senate. He commuted DAILY back to Delaware to be with his young sons. He's also one of the poorest members of the Senate.
- Oh, and Catherine, I'm a female attorney, been one for 32 years and have suffered my own experiences with sexual discrimination and survived but not forgotten. And I absolutely REFUSED to support Hillary because of her position on the war. There are a lot more of us out there than you seem to think.l
- Someone said this morning, Obama's choice was reminiscent of Jfk selecting LBJ as his running mate. Also was done to inoculate against charges of inexperience.
- Late to this party, as I was in S. Cal dropping my youngest off to college (small gulp) but, Nance, have you noticed how Lizard Breath's new mate Anthony really looks like her father? Talk about Oedipus/Electra issues. I just hate this strip in a way you only can with something you used to love.
- Since everyone else has done such a good job pointing out the falsities in Jeff's arguments re 'winning' in Iraq and waterboarding ain't torture, I will just say, "Me too." Happy Labor Day weekend to all. on edit: here's what Glenn Greenwald has to say and it's indirectly a response to Jeff as well: "...As one would expect them to be, virtually all of the prime-time speeches at the Democratic Convention have been -- from a rhetorical perspective -- very well-crafted and well-delivered. Bill Clinton's speech, in particular, deserves all the plaudits it is receiving, both in terms of content and delivery. But as competent, well-executed and even dramatic as the Convention has been, at least as striking is what has been missing. First, there is almost no mention of, let alone focus on, the sheer radicalism and extremism of the last eight years. During that time, our Government has systematically tortured people using sadistic techniques ordered by the White House; illegally and secretly spied on its own citizens; broken more laws than can be counted based on the twisted theory that the President has that power; asserted the authority to arrest and detain even U.S. citizens on U.S. soil and hold them for years without charges; abolished habeas corpus; created secret prisons in Eastern Europe and a black hole of lawlessness in Guantanamo; and explicitly abandoned and destroyed virtually every political value the U.S. has long claimed to embrace...."
- here is info from a wikipedia entry (that seems to have been taken down recently) on Palin that is interesting to me: "On September 11, 2007, the Palins’ eighteen-year-old son Track, eldest of five, joined the Army.[7] He now serves in an infantry brigade and will be deployed to Iraq in September 2008. She also has three daughters: Bristol, 17; Willow, 13; and Piper, 7.[8] On April 18, 2008, Palin gave birth to her second son, Trig Paxson Van Palin, who has Down syndrome.[9] She returned to the office three days after giving birth.[10] Palin refused to let the results of prenatal genetic testing change her decision to have the baby. “I’m looking at him right now, and I see perfection,” Palin said. “Yeah, he has an extra chromosome. I keep thinking, in our world, what is normal and what is perfect?”[10]"
- Oh, and one more thing, Jeff. If waterboarding is not torture, then why are we hailing McCain as a national hero?
- The art is sort of a combination of RCrumb and this:
- Wow! Let me never get on your bad side, Nance.
- Just read the first 6 articles. All on Palin. Anyone who thinks she's a solid pick has drunk the Kool Aid.
- I think this letter to Andrew Sullivan, who Jeff must agree is a conservative pundit on his same bandwidth, offers a bit of pause: "I had been reluctant to acknowledge how flawed and dead the conservative movement has become; that's over now. No more excuses, no more clinging to old visions of rational discourse and principled debate. I really have witnessed the death of conservatism and its replacement by a kind of toxic babbitry which would be merely laughable or cringeworthy if it were not also so extraordinarily dangerous. This election year has been a series of revelations and disillusionments--the crudely ugly tactics of Limbaugh and Hannity (and--worse--their embrace by Buckley's heirs at National Review), the thinly-veiled racism and nativism of the campaign against Obama, the transparently cruel and God-hating ideology of movement Christians; but--even though dismayed by McCain's bizarre campaign--I had retained some illusions as recently as this morning. I believed McCain to be at least a patriot, sincerely concerned with issues of national security. His nomination of Sarah Palin ended that illusion, too. No remotely serious politician--no honest patriot--would think of placing this individual a heartbeat away from the Oval Office, however admirable she may be, however lively her biography. Moreover, the elation on the right regarding Palin's nomination made clear to me that none of them has ever been remotely serious about national security, either. On the contrary, as the left has insisted for years, for them it really has all been about political advantage, noise and bluster and ugliness with no core of principle, no genuine strategic commitment. The very same people who, only yesterday, insisted that Obama's resume was too dangerously thin to entrust him with the oversight of our national security, today are celebrating Palin's accession as a triumph for conservatism (evidently this is because she is hostile to both abortion and polar bears). Their hypocrisy is staggering--they truly do believe in nothing but their own entitlement to power by any means. And I'm very much afraid I must conclude this is as true of McCain as it is of his ghastly cheerleaders, the Limbaughs and the Hannitys. Nothing else could explain the elevation of a woman so singularly unqualified in every aspect save gender."
- Joe, Let me clue you into something. There were many women in the Democratic side who actually opposed Hillary. And were not afraid to speak up about it. And Hillary, like Sarah, is a woman!!! So don't you dare think that if Sarah had been appointed the VP for the Dems that plenty of women would not have spoken up about what a frakkin travesty it was. Doesn't matter party, she's unqualified at the present time to hold this office. And, yes, I was one of those women who spoke in opposition to Hillary.
- LA Mary, I've also heard USC referred to as the University of the Scholastically Challenged or U$C. Mostly from Stanford graduates.
- Is she the mother of the baby? I realize this is National Enquirer territory but we've been here before with John Edwards, so what's sauce for the goose....
- The proprietors at Making Light disemvowel chronic troll posting, which includes unneccessary profanity. So Nance, how about disemvowelment? There's a website out there that you can use:
- I'd like to know, after watching this video, how anyone could kill a moose.
- btw, the Republicans at the convention in St. Paul may not have donned hairshirts and sackcloth and ashes in solidarity with NOLA:
- Think about if this had been Chelsea....
- Uh, Jeff, I know that many families have daughters who are pregnant out of wedlock, but is that the meme they want to be playing out over the country right now?
- Do not forget that the Bush Administration, whose views are shared by McCain and Palin, this summer proposed regulations that would make it ok for health care workers in hospitals to refuse to provide IUDs and birth control to patients, if it was against their religious beliefs. People who are in the health care profession are in a secular profession. If they object to providing birth control pills, they need to find another career.
- This is news for Detroit....Did you know there's a tire company that has put scent into their tires? And they think it is a marketing advantage. Fancy that!
- Take your bets on Palin's chance to I ran into a former coworker on the bus last week. She's an attorney in a private plaintiff's firm and they are handling an antitrust lawsuit on behalf of nurses in the Detroit area, who allege were the victims of a conspiracy among the hospitals to keep their wage artificially low. She visits your fair city quite a bit.
- Jeff: here's corroboration of the book banning from a Wasilla native brave enough to provide name and email address:
- guess there are cracks developing in the Republican facade
- This may be a duplicate post: Cracks seem to be developing in the Republican facade.
- The press, regardless of whether McCain is treating them badly, likes a contest, and so if they write about Palin in the right way, a contest they will have. Putting selling newspapers above what's right for the country smacks of the Republicans doing the same thing. I've always been interested in candidates who put larger societal goals ahead of promoting themselves because that seemed to more give their campaigns and their terms of office a sense of being something a bit above the daily grind. It's late and I'm botching this but it analogizes for me to my life. I'm not a very religious person despite being raised Catholic by a mom who said the rosary daily and made us say it with her when the five of us kids got too rambunctious in the car on long trips. I'm currently an ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church and just came off chairing a successful pastor search. Although I don't believe heart and soul in the all the tenets of organized Christianity, what I do believe strongly is that if you hold a perspective that is outside yourself --not completely self centered, but focused on others around you and yes some ineffable transcendant existence beyond my comprehension, it helps maintain an equilibrium that I would not have otherwise. Kind of like when I am in a sailboat, it helps the stomach if I focus out a long ways when I'm up on deck. And I like politicians that seem to have goals that stretch beyond the immediate self promotion and/or immolation of opponents. And I don't think Palin or McCain have that. They are small minded and only interested in being elected, not in improving society at large, but only at the margins, their side of the margins. And I think that kind of focus bodes ill for our country long term. Mind you, I've seen first hand the effects that politics can wreak on human egos. My former spouse ran for the state legislature 10 years ago and I thought he was doing it for all the right reasons, and I and my family supported him wholeheartedly and financially. When he won, we were ecstatic and I took our three kids out of school so they could see their dad be sworn into office in January. The next day he told me he wanted a divorce. It's like he started believing his press releases. These days, I cannot recognize the ex as the person I married back in 1980 when he was a hot shot congressional staffer and I was a Special Assistant to the General Counsel of a very large governmental agency in D.C. He's become this slick guy with an expensive haircut in contact lenses, wearing a black cashmere mock turtleneck and Italian loafers. And he's a Democrat! Obviously it takes a person of strong integrity to withstand the flattery faction that surrounds you once you are a winner. Should he ever lose a race, perhaps he can rediscover some humility. I think and hope and pray that Obama can withstand the tectonic forces that are at play around him. I don't think that the same can be said of either McCain or Palin.
- With respect to Palin's executive experience as mayor of Wasilla. Wasilla has a city manager who runs the city day to day. From what I understand the mayor is little more than a figurehead. Hope the MSM media figures that out. Could be yet another contradiction to add to the mass we have already. Apologies to Gasman on the prior thread. I just saw your post on this. Funny Danny didn't see it and went off on her executive experience as mayor. He needs to read up a bit more on the facts on the ground.....
- Brian, this must be the manifestation of pizazz envy. Up on the overhead at concerning the Palin speech: "RNC highlights include slam after slam of Obama Watch Now: Live on »" Tell me truly, does this sound presidential to you? And Joe, in a word: the answer is "no" to your question. The two are not even remotely comparable.
- Well Mittens wins an award for being out to lunch. From Think Progress: Romney mocks Gore for non-existent private jet. Last night, at the Republican National Convention, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (R) called for “the immediate drilling for more oil off of our shores” and followed with a personal attack on Vice President Al Gore that received thunderous applause: And I have one more recommendation for energy conservation — let’s keep Al Gore’s private jet on the ground! ThinkProgress contacted Gore spokesperson Kalee Kreider, who replied, “Gore doesn’t own a jet.” Oh, and the stock market is down, what is it? 300 or 350? Is that confidence or what? Especially as the theme for the RNC last night was supposed to be "prosperity." hahahahahahaha
- Obama's response to the RNC today: You wouldn't know that this is such a critical election by watching the convention last night. I know we had our week. And the Republicans deserve theirs. But it's been amazing for me to watch over the last two nights. If you sit there, and you watch it. You're hearing a lot about John McCain, and he's got a compelling biography as a P.O.W. You're hearing an awful lot about me. Most of which is not true. What you're not hearing is a lot about you. You haven't heard one word about how they're going to make the health system work - so that when a union is negotiating with a company it's not all just a discussion about higher premiums and you guys can actually start talking about higher wages and benefits. You haven't heard one word about how we're gonna create more apprenticeship programs like the ones we have here. Or give other people a chance to train in new trades. You haven't heard one word about getting serious about green and alternative energy. The kind of work that is resulting in all the expansion and hiring here. You haven't heard one word about how we're going to strengthen unions so that working people get a decent stake. You haven't heard one word about how we're going to improve math and science education so that we can hire more engineers to create more products in green technology. You haven't heard one word about how we're going to deal with any aspect of the economy that is affecting you and your pocket day to day. Haven't heard one word about it. Literally. Two nights. They have not said a word about it. They have not said a word about it. They've had a lot to say about me. But they haven't had anything to say about you. And the thing that I'm insisting on in this election is that we can't keep playing the same political games we always play. — Barack Obama York, Pennsylvania September 4, 2008
- an African American perspective.
- Thought of the mild mannered one when I read this on the Making Light site, except Patrick Nielsen-Hayden is pretty po'd about it: "September 04, 2008 Slime, and several answers to slime Posted by Patrick at 04:32 PM * 35 comments “I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities.” —Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin, acceptance speech, September 3, 2008 A. Serwer on Tapped: [C]ommunity organizers aren’t just those rabble-rousers who help keep people from getting evicted or protest police brutality—they’re basically the ordinary people across the political spectrum who to try hold government accountable to its citizens. Mocking that really shows how much contempt the party has for ordinary people. Republicans look down their noses at alleged “elites” while directing their anger at community organizers, who actually live and work among the people politicians only pay attention to when they’re looking for votes. But it’s not surprising that a party that has spent the last eight years running government into the ground would be irritated by an active citizenry demanding that government actually do its job, rather than simply letting incompetent pols go about their business. If there’s any takeaway from this theme, it’s that the right would rather Americans shut up and fall in line. If I had spent my mayoralty subjecting people to loyalty tests and trying to ban books, a community organizer might make me nervous, too. If I had been mayor of a town that was left with 20 million dollars in debt after my tenure, I wouldn’t be on TV talking about how well I had handled my responsibilities and how awful community organizers are. Because, after all, community organizers have the responsibility of helping regular people cope with the messes irresponsible politicians leave behind. Christopher Hayes at the Nation: [M]y dad is a community organizer, so lemme spell this out: the difference between a community organizer and a politician is that a community organizer can’t tell anyone what to do. They have to listen. So they can’t order books banned from a library to indulge their own religious sensibilities. They can’t fire someone because they didn’t follow orders to fire an estranged family member. They can’t ram through a $15 million dollar sports complex that leaves their local town groaning underneath the debt. Unlike politicians, they don’t have any power other than the power of people who want to see something changed. Al Giordano at The Field: Palin couldn’t help herself last night. She had to say, in a few fateful words, “I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities.” Translation: I got elected and therefore I am better than all of you! Joe Klein at Time magazine’s “Swampland” blog: This morning, I received a press release from a group called Catholic Democrats about the work—the mission, the witness—that Obama performed after he got out of college. Here’s the first paragraph: Catholic Democrats is expressing surprise and shock that Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s acceptance speech tonight mocked her opponent’s work in the 1980s for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. She belittled Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s experience as a community organizer in Catholic parishes on the South Side of Chicago, work he undertook instead of pursuing a lucrative career on Wall Street. In her acceptance speech, Ms. Palin said, “I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities.” Community organizing is at the heart of Catholic Social Teaching to end poverty and promote social justice. So here is what Giuliani and Palin didn’t know: Obama was working for a group of churches that were concerned about their parishioners, many of whom had been laid off when the steel mills closed on the south side of Chicago. They hired Obama to help those stunned people recover and get the services they needed—job training, help with housing and so forth—from the local government. It was, dare I say it, the Lord’s work—the sort of mission Jesus preached. (As opposed to the war in Iraq, which Palin described as a “task from God.”) This is what Palin and Giuliani were mocking. They were making fun of a young man’s decision “to serve a cause greater than himself,” in the words of John McCain. They were, therefore, mocking one of their candidate’s favorite messages. Obama served the poor for three years, then went to law school. To describe this service—the first thing he did out of college, the sort of service every college-educated American should perform, in some form or other—as anything other than noble is cheap and tawdry and cynical in the extreme. Perhaps La Pasionaria of the Northern Slope didn’t know this when she read the words they gave her. But Giuliani—a profoundly lapsed Catholic, who must have met more than a few religious folk toiling in the inner cities—should have known. (“I don’t even know what that is,” he sneered.”) What a shameful performance. Christy Hardin Smith on Firedoglake: Cleaning up a local riverbed or a walking trail with your kid’s scout troop? Republicans think you’re a loser. Working with a job training or literacy program to help folks move from welfare to work? Republicans think your efforts deserve ridicule. Promoting a spay and neuter program at your local animal shelter? Republicans are laughing at you. Volunteer at your church pantry to help the least of these? Republicans are mocking you. Christy nails it. If you spend any time whatsoever doing stuff to help other people out, these freaks gathered in the Xcel Energy Center despise you. No more mercy. These people need to be more than defeated. They need to be driven from our public life. "
- Watched the first episode of Torchwood after fixing dinner for me and my daughter, who came to visit. Much better use of my time than observing the RNC
- Apparently the tech person in charge of the backdrop for McCain's speech goofed:
- DC Mayor, Marion Berry, the cocaine addled jerk, also comes to mind.
- Joe Biden delinieates the divide between R and D as well as anyone. Damn straight, Joe!!!
- Troopergate Investigation sought to be shut down by republicans: Danny--you got anything better than that? I think Joe perfectly encapsulated the differences in the R and D conventions. The Rs now have a cult of personality going to rival what they said was Obama's. Now why do you think that they went for the People magazine version of campaigning rather than highlighting the issues and their proposed policies? Could it be that they are bankrupt on that score?
- Speaking of ecumaniacal, the Catholic Church is now calling Nancy Pelosi in to the archibishop's office for her stand on abortion. At least it's not an auto da fe: Oh and Danny, I stand by my statements. You have given nothing of quotes made by either McCain or Palin (who by the way are trying to now kill the troopergate investigation--predictable in my book, after all IOKIYAR) concerning concrete proposals made on those issues mentioned by Biden. Here's what Obama had to say in his nomination speech: I will stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas, and I will start giving them to companies that create good jobs right here in America.... I'll eliminate capital gains taxes for the small businesses and start-ups that will create the high-wage, high-tech jobs of tomorrow.... I will -- listen now -- I will cut taxes -- cut taxes -- for 95 percent of all working families, because, in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle class.... And for the sake of our economy, our security, and the future of our planet, I will set a clear goal as president: In 10 years, we will finally end our dependence on oil from the Middle East.... As president, as president, I will tap our natural gas reserves, invest in clean coal technology, and find ways to safely harness nuclear power. I'll help our auto companies re-tool, so that the fuel-efficient cars of the future are built right here in America.... I'll invest $150 billion over the next decade in affordable, renewable sources of energy -- wind power, and solar power, and the next generation of biofuels -- an investment that will lead to new industries and 5 million new jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced.... I'll invest in early childhood education. I'll recruit an army of new teachers, and pay them higher salaries, and give them more support. And in exchange, I'll ask for higher standards and more accountability. And we will keep our promise to every young American: If you commit to serving your community or our country, we will make sure you can afford a college education.... If you have health care -- if you have health care, my plan will lower your premiums. If you don't, you'll be able to get the same kind of coverage that members of Congress give themselves. And -- and as someone who watched my mother argue with insurance companies while she lay in bed dying of cancer, I will make certain those companies stop discriminating against those who are sick and need care the most. Now is the time to help families with paid sick days and better family leave, because nobody in America should have to choose between keeping their job and caring for a sick child or an ailing parent. Now is the time to change our bankruptcy laws, so that your pensions are protected ahead of CEO bonuses, and the time to protect Social Security for future generations. And now is the time to keep the promise of equal pay for an equal day's work, because I want my daughters to have the exact same opportunities as your sons. Now, many of these plans will cost money, which is why I've laid out how I'll pay for every dime: by closing corporate loopholes and tax havens that don't help America grow. But I will also go through the federal budget line by line, eliminating programs that no longer work and making the ones we do need work better and cost less, because we cannot meet 21st-century challenges with a 20th-century bureaucracy...." I didn't hear anything quite that concrete w/ McCain's speech or Palin's.
- And now McCain's folks are LYING about the gaffe involving the the picture of Walter Reed Middle School which was featured behind him during his speech. Is there nothing to small that these folks don't lie about?
- The bbq coleslaw recipe in Joy of Cooking is the absolute best.
- Craig Robinson used to coach the Brown basketball team. This fact courtesy of my daughter, Brown '07.
- Below is a paragraph from this week's Time magazine article on Sarah Palin: "[Former Wasilla mayor] Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." The librarian, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire her for not giving "full support" to the mayor." Mary Ellen Baker resigned from her library director job in 1999. Here is the list of books Palin tried to have banned. As many of you will notice it is a hit parade for book burners. A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner Blubber by Judy Blume Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson Canterbury Tales by Chaucer Carrie by Stephen King Catch-22 by Joseph Heller Christine by Stephen King Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau Cujo by Stephen King Curses, Hexes, and Spells by Daniel Cohen Daddy's Roommate by Michael Willhoite Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Peck Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Decameron by Boccaccio East of Eden by John Steinbeck Fallen Angels by Walter Myers Fanny Hill (Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure) by John Cleland Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes Forever by Judy Blume Grendel by John Champlin Gardner Halloween ABC by Eve Merriam Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling Have to Go by Robert Munsch Heather Has Two Mommies by Leslea Newman How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou Impressions edited by Jack Booth In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak It's Okay if You Don't Love Me by Norma Klein James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman Little Red Riding Hood by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Lord of the Flies by William Golding Love is One of the Choices by Norma Klein Lysistrata by Aristophanes More Scary Stories in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz My Brother Sam Is Dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier My House by Nikki Giovanni My Friend Flicka by Mary O'Hara Night Chills by Dean Koontz Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Ordinary People by Judith Guest Our Bodies, Ourselves by Boston Women's Health Collective Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones by Alvin Schwartz Scary Stories in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz Separate Peace by John Knowles Silas Marner by George Eliot Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain The Bastard by John Jakes The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier The Color Purple by Alice Walker The Devil's Alternative by Frederick Forsyth The Figure in the Shadows by John Bellairs The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck The Great Gilly Hopkins by Katherine Paterson The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood The Headless Cupid by Zilpha Snyder The Learning Tree by Gordon Parks The Living Bible by William C. Bower The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare The New Teenage Body Book by Kathy McCoy and Charles Wibbelsman The Pigman by Paul Zindel The Seduction of Peter S. by Lawrence Sanders The Shining by Stephen King The Witches by Roald Dahl The Witches of Worm by Zilpha Snyder Then Again, Maybe I Won't by Judy Blume To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary by the Merriam-Webster Editorial Staff Witches, Pumpkins, and Grinning Ghosts: The Story of the Halloween Symbols by Edna Barth
- Mea culpa. I had received this via email from a professor of English at a Seattle college, and assumed his source was true. Guess we can all be taken in. Mea maxima culpa to the group.
- this is an article published in the local Alaska paper. the Mat Su Valley Frontiersman at the time of the attempted book banning. Seems like Mayor Palin really was getting into this loyalty stuff way back when. She seems to be a worthy successor for Cheney, especially as she's getting her 'hiding out' practice in early.
- Brian, At least is on to this:
- Looks like the ghost of Donald Segretti is alive and well in the Republican party:
- My Fort Wayne restaurant memory is one named Johnell's. Had french cuisine, and was very high brow back in the late 60s. My mother promised to take me there if I got my hair cut. It was below shoulder length, which was de rigeur for girls at that time, but she also wouldn't pay for contact lenses, so I agreed, got my haircut and it was sort of like Twiggy's (for which I was mightily embarrassed) but I got the dinner at Johnell's and all I remember is that a glass of coke was 50cents, which was exorbitant since I could still get a nickel coke at Daoust's Drugstore walking home from high school. And not to be without a political note of the day: Wasn't it PT Barnum who said, "You'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."?
- the mental asylums were closed on Reagan's watch. Another one for the hypocrites.
- Did you know that Obama showed up at the RNC? (it's humor, guys)
- Here's another Hiatt video that I particularly enjoy:
- If we're going on impressions and not issues, this makes it simply a high school popularity contest. Is this how we want our leaders selected?
- That's right, Ms. Mary. She was for the bridge when she ran for governor in 2006 and only later announced she was agin it but took the money to use anyway she wanted. She also headed up a 527 for Stevens, so they were buds once.
- "By every economic measure known to man, Democratic Presidents have out-performed Republican Presidents. And by the way if you believe the economy was better under George W Bush than Bill Clinton you’ve got a real clear choice here. "If you think what America needs is a tax cut for people making over half-a-million dollars a year then vote for McCain. If you think middle-class people are struggling – that their incomes are going down and they need help – vote for Obama. It’s a very simple choice". - CNN's Late Edition, James Carville
- Prince George's PD exonerates their own in the shooting deaths of the mayor of Berwyn Heights two black labs in a botched drug raid. Kwame should be on his knees thanking his creator that he's from Detroit.
- So why exactly ARE you voting for them Jeff? What policies are they proposing that are so much better than those adduced by Obama? I really would like to know.
- Oprah won't book Palin b/c she won't book presidential candidates period. She had Obama on her show before he declared, not after. This Newsbusters sounds suspiciously like a right wing trash machine.
- AHA! I was right! NewsBusters is a very conservative organiztion: I thought they were giving truth short shrift. And btw as a Seattlite, the former home of the Sonics and currently sporting the Mariners and Seahawks, I understand your sports pain, Detroiters.
- Okay, here goes with the second try of the day. Obama to Palin: Don't Mock the Constitution. Which reminds me of President Andrew Shepherd, in "The American President" whose following lines were supposedly written because Dukakis had no good response to GHWB's "accusation" in 1988 that Dukakis belonged to the ACLU. "For the last couple of months, Senator Rumson has suggested that being president of this country was, to a certain extent, about character, and although I have not been willing to engage in his attacks on me, I've been here three years and three days, and I can tell you without hesitation: Being President of this country is entirely about character. For the record: yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU. But the more important question is why aren't you, Bob? Now, this is an organization whose sole purpose is to defend the Bill of Rights, so it naturally begs the question: Why would a senator, his party's most powerful spokesman and a candidate for President, choose to reject upholding the Constitution? If you can answer that question, folks, then you're smarter than I am, because I didn't understand it until a few hours ago. America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free"......" It is terribly sad that once again the Republicans are only interested in playing the bully and not noting the deeper reasons behind our structure of government. Once again, they are trying to make this into a high school popularity contest. I only hope that they go broker underestimating our intelligence. Edited to add that Bob Hebert is going full bore in the NYT today:
- Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats. -- H. L. Mencken
- Just got back from the doctor's office where I had my monthly allergy shot and spent a large amount of time reading the latest Sunset magazine and drooling over the restaurant and recipes portion. What's not to like about a new fish and chips restaurant in Seattle that serves french fried smelt? My Minnesota and Seattle roots entwine!!
- Does anyone remember Brauer's delicatessan in Toledo? Is it still in business? It was my first experience with a Jewish delicatssen, being a small town girl from Defiance. And I was in love with their pickles and the Rueben sandwiches on rye.
- Welcome to Swiftboat 2008, only this comes direct from McCain campaign headquarters:
- The consequences where McCain wins playing this dirty. I actually think it would be a lot worse than Kevin Drum says.
- Man rubbed with spices, other beaten with sausage A stranger broke into a home east of Fresno, rubbed spices on the body of one of two men as they slept and used an 8-inch sausage to whack the other man in the face and head before he fled, Fresno County sheriff's deputies said Saturday. By The Fresno Bee FRESNO, Calif. — A stranger broke into a home east of Fresno, rubbed spices on the body of one of two men as they slept and used an 8-inch sausage to whack the other man in the face and head before he fled, Fresno County sheriff's deputies said Saturday. Lt. Ian Burrimond said a suspect was found in a nearby field and taken into custody. Deputies, he said, had no problem linking a suspect to the crime: "It seems the guy ran out of the house wearing only a T-shirt, boxer shorts and socks, leaving behind his wallet with his ID." Arrested was a 22-year-old Fresno resident. The spices and the sausage, Burrimond said, were taken from the victims' kitchen. He said money that had been taken was recovered, but the sausage was discarded and eaten by a dog. "That's right, the dog ate the weapon," Burrimond said.
- Danny, The photo was old news as of last week. So far Palin's other news (troopergate, banning books, taking unearned per diems, bridge to Nowhere among others) seen to be holding up just fine. ps: CBS just took down a McCain web ad it admitted was misleading. Nice going McCain campaign!!!
- Jeffrey Rosen in TNR on Joe Biden's constitutional underpinnings. Not your usual surficial journalism. Oh, and Danny, I offered my mea culpas for the list of library already on the list. You can take off the hobnailed boots. But the abc report makes it clear today that Palin did inquire about banning books, not once but several times, and that she tried to fire the librarian who was reinstated after the town went ballistic in its wake. The librarian told the abc reporter she resigned after two years because of the rough treatment she suffered under Palin:
- And TPM is selling lipstick on a pig tshirts w/ McCain/Palin on them if you are interested: mens: womens:
- For those babies who have everything:
- joodyb: everytime I think I've seen it all, I haven't. And to think that the inventors and marketers of high heels for babies live in Seattle. Oh, the shame! And speaking of shame, finally Giblets from Fafblog tells us the reality of Sarah Palin:
- I've been to Europe 4 times and Australia once. I lived in Brussels for a year while getting my LLM in International Law at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I lived with an older Jewish couple who had survived the Holocaust because he was a chemist with a Swiss pharmacuetical company (they had come from Poland so he could attend the University Libre de Bruxelles and get his Phd). After Kristallnacht, they gave their son to a gentile couple in the country and they left everything in their apt, going to live in the factory. No one ratted them out. They made it through and I heard a few harrowing stories about it, especially after we watched the first night of the American Holocaust series that was being broadcast in Brussesl for the first time. Their son became the dean of the law school at the french University of Brussels and I corresponded with him irregularly over the years after my couple died. PS. I've been to Mexico and Canada more times than I remember and to the Caribbean twice, once for the honeymoon from hell
- Nice story about how a dog helped a woman's depression.
- Danny, It's more than the libararian and you know it. Today comes the story that Palin is pushing earmarks of $3.2 million to fund research into seal DNA In the Wall Street Journal we learn that Palin's one time ethics advisor told her and her husband to apologize for troopergate: Edited to add: Palin got caught quoting Westbrook Pegler yesterday. Former AZ Senator Dennis Deconcini talks about McCain's judgment problem: And the Washington Post editorial page, lately a doormat for the Republicans, even takes some time to chastise McCain for his loss of honor in conducting his campaign this week:
- I'm not gonna mess up the perfectly lovely travel discussion we are having in the other thread, but I do think this is a new one on Palin: While Palin was mayor, her town charged rape victims for rape kits. Nice.
- a recent McCain interview by a reporter in Maine. and the sale of the luxury jet on ebay? Eh, not so much:
- Connie--Youth for Understanding. I was sent to Offenbach, Germany to stay with a family there the summer of 1969. Highlights included doing the family ironing for them, teaching their daughter better english because she was coming to the US the next fall to be an exchange student. Said daughter was into smoking and picking up American GIs ( I got into the former but not the latter). The mom had a nervous breakdown while I was there, spent a whole day locked in her room screaming. Didn't dare say a word about what was going on until I got home. I did manage to make off with a fork w/ a swastika on it when the family went for vacation to a familienfarienheim in Innsbruck, Austria and took me. They were using nazi flatwear in the dining hall. Gave it to my brothers upon return so it's now lost to the mists of time.
- the first part of Palin's abc interview and she says we might have to go to war with Russia! Bombs away!!!
- I'm very sorry, but I interrupt our idylls abroad to bring you some humor:
- Okay, the former owner of my house is a graduate of Columbia and I get all the alumni association trip literature. Today this arrived: "Around the World by Private Jet" An exploration of the World's Greatest Treasures and Legendary Places. Cusco & Machu Picchu * Easter Island * Samoa * Great Barrier Reef * Angkor Wat * Lhasa, Tibet * The Taj Mahal * Tanzania Safari Adventure * Luxor, The Pyramids & the Sphinx * Fez, Morocco February 2-25, 2009. You are advised deep into the brochure that "our programs are classifed in three categories: Value, Superior and Luxury," and that this one is rated 'Luxury' Care to guess what it costs? $56,950 w/ a single occupancy supplement of $8,545. Well, now there's a tour, I could get behind.
- I've always understood the Bush doctrine to mean pre-emptive strike, which was a significant 180 from our prior policy. Ok, here's James Fallows on it. His use of the term 'preventive' is what I meant by my use of the term 'pre-emptive' so obviously I'm not cut out to be a VP candidate either. What I did know is that we changed the rules so that a barely credible (and in hindsight a lie) assertion about WMDs was enough to cost our country 7 years and 800 billion dollars and counting of war and its blowback. Where are we going to get the wherewithall to pay our creditors back on this? We certainly aren't making any financial sacrifices for it in the present.
- I have an elderly black lab (Max) and a miniature dachshund (Scooter) who make a great Mutt and Jeff pair for walks. This summer Scooter decided to fetch in the water just like Max and it makes quite a sight as he has to whip his tail back and forth to remain upright while swimming back. I've had a number of folks comment on it as they mosey past us.
- Connie, LOL!! My dearly departed cats used to do the same thing towards the end of the Christmas season. I think they were telling me it was time for the tree to go. My dachshund sleeps under the covers at night. All three of my dachshunds did this. I ask every dachshund owner I see if their dogs do this and to a person they agree. I think it was because they were bred to hunt badgers in their dens that they like dark, enclosed spaces. That breeding also explains why mine fiercely barks at all the bigger dogs we encounter.
- She also didn't sit up straight. I was my mother for once, yelling into the tv screen. ps: I keep waiting for Palin supporters to weigh in in her defense. What gives?
- OT (grin) but this apparently is the top song in Pakistan right now. This was provided to me by a friend in Germany.
- Gibson was the same way with Obama. Do we want a double standard--with women getting easier times? I don't think so. And Danny, if you think McCain is going to change things, take a look at his major donor list. And after that, if you still believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.
- I note you didn't add 'good looking' to the mix, Danny. (vbeg)
- Gasman, the reason for the Iraq war was an Oedipal complex pure and simple. Bush 2 has always wanted to show his dad who really has the cojones in the family and this was the perfect opporturnity because dad had to swallow it lock, stock and barrel. It was perfect revenge as far as W was concerned.
- So Jeff, abortion tops the economy for you? We appear to be headed for a huge economic meltdown w/ $800 billion in debt to foreign countries (read China) for the Iraq war with the likely bill to be trillions upon trillions? Perhaps you want all these unwanted babies to be born so they can shoulder some of the debt we are leaving to our children and their children? (only said slightly tongue in cheek) Are you also opposed to birth control pills as a form of abortion? IUDs?
- I'm back from our church retreat weekend and it seems nothing has changed it's only getting worse. Here's a taste of the above article: Roubini and the Bail-in this weekend Eloquent plea to watch the happenings and interpret the results for today. I cannot say it better....rdan If Lehman collapses expect a run on all of the other broker dealers and the collapse of the shadow banking system Nouriel Roubini | Sep 13, 2008 It is now clear that we are again – as we were in mid- March at the time of the Bear Stearns collapse – an epsilon away from a generalized run on most of the shadow banking system, especially the other major independent broker dealers (Lehman, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs). If Lehman does not find a buyer over the weekend and the counterparties of Lehman withdraw their credit lines on Monday (as they all will in the absence of a deal) you will have not only a collapse of Lehman but also the beginning of a run on the other independent broker dealers (Merrill Lynch first but also in sequence Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and possibly even those broker dealers that are part of a larger commercial bank, I.e. JP Morgan and Citigroup). Then this run would lead to a massive systemic meltdown of the financial system. That is the reason why the Fed has convened in emergency meetings the heads of all major Wall Street firms on Friday and again today to convince them not to pull the plug on Lehman and maintain their exposure to this distressed broker dealer...... The reason why Lehman is having a hard time to find a buyer is that it is most likely insolvent. If you had to mark to market the value of it illiquid and toxic assets (the $40 billion of commercial real estate assets, its remaining residential MBS and CDOs, its holdings of real estate private equity funds) Lehman is most likely insolvent (i.e. has negative net worth with liabilities well above its impaired assets). So leaving aside the potential and now dubious value of its franchise (an option to the value of a much slimmed down financial institution) no financial institution should be paying even a single penny to buy an insolvent firm. That is why all the potential suitors of Lehman (such as Bank of America and others) are waiting for the government to provide another sleazy Bear Stearns deal where the government would buy at higher than market value the toxic assets of Lehman (the commercial real estate assets for example) so as to make the net worth of the remaining institution positive and worth buying. But such action – borderline illegal in the case of Bear as pointed out by Paul Volcker – would be a scandal in the case of Lehman and severely exacerbate the moral hazard problem. But here lies the conundrum of this Lehman crisis: no one seems to want to buy for a positive price Lehman unless there is a public subsidy (taking off their toxic assets off the firms’ balance sheet). The government cannot afford to provide the subsidy as the moral hazard problems are becoming severe. But then if on Monday no deal is done Lehman collapses and goes into Chapter 11 court and you have the beginning of a systemic financial meltdown as the run on the other broker dealers will start. Thus, what Fed and Treasury are trying to do this weekend is another 1998 LTCM bailin or Korea 1997 bailin, i.e. trying to convince all the major institutions to either support a purchase of Lehman or maintain their exposure to Lehman if no buyers is found. Can this bail-in work? It is not clear as there is a major collective action problem: you can’t only convince half a dozen major Wall Street firms to maintain their exposure to Lehman. You need also to convince all the other counterparties of Lehman (including the hedge funds and the other broker dealers and banks) not to roll off their claims and credit to Lehman. This is a much more messy collective action problem and coordination game than in the case of LTCM and Korea where the number of involved counterparties was more limited (less than 20 in each case). Paulson and Bernanke and Geithner (the troika managing this financial crisis) have all made public statements in the last few month to the necessity of finding an orderly way to close down – rather than bailout – a major and systemically important non bank financial institutions: the embarrassment and losses for the Fed that the bailout of the creditors of Bear led made it paramount to avoid another Bear like bailout. That is why they are now playing tough with Lehman and its creditors. But in this game of chicken the Fed and the Treasury may end up being the ones to blink. Faced with the risk of a generalized run on the other broker dealers they may decide that greasing again a deal for the purchase of Lehman may be less costly and less risky than testing whether the system can orderly work out a collapse of Lehman (something that is highly uncertain). Even in the case of the Bank of America purchase of Countrywide such public subsidy was significant (the FHLB of Atlanta lent to Countrywide over $50 billion and Bank of America has most likely received plenty of tacit forbearance from the Fed to support its takeover of an insolvent Countrywide). So implicitly or explicitly the Fed and the Treasury may decide – however reckless and moral hazard laden that choice may be – to provide some explicit or implicit subsidy to a private purchase of Lehman. The trouble is that, in spite of all public statements regarding the need to provide an orderly demise of large broker dealers, the Fed and the Treasury have done nothing to create such insolvency regime for such broker dealers. So the only option for Lehman – if a buyer is not found - will be the one of ending up in Chapter 11 and trigger massive losses on its counterparties that will in turn trigger a run on such counterparties.... Read the whole damn thing and then let's think about who is going to be the candidate who will best grasp what is going on here and figure out how to tackle it. Keeping in mind that the architect of this disaster, Phil Gramm (who was responsible for the deregulation that permitted this to come to pass) is back in McCain's highest levels advising him on economic issues. And probably trying to cover his weiny little ass as well. I don't think McCain has the brain cells to comprehend what is going on here.
- Well, I get to go Jeff one better and mention that I am back from my weekend church retreat (Presbyterian, thank you very much). We spent it talking about our experiences at camps, conferences and retreats and I was reminded of my time as a camperoonie at Camp Palmer in Defiance (where the late Terry Ryan of The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio was my counselor), Camp Libbey from the Toledo Council of Girl Scouts (my dad was the camp pediatrician since they were physically located in Defiance County somewhere); and Camp Ladyglen in Grand Rapids, OH. And we sang a number of camp songs such as Little Bunny FrouFrou, the Johnny Appleseed song before dinner, and the canoeing song ("My paddle's clean and bright, flashing in water..."). Any other suggestions for a sing a long?
- speaking of the financial meltdown, the point was made that John McCain wanted us voters to tie our social security in to the financial markets with his privatization proposal that seemed sooo nifty a while back. Here's the money quote: As part of Social Security reform, I believe that private savings accounts are a part of it—along the lines that President Bush proposed,” McCain told the Journal.[Wall Street Journal, 3/3/08; Campaign Website, accessed 3/3/08] Also the Lehman Bros bankruptcy filing is the largest in history: Roubini's predicting that there will be no independent broker dealers left:,MER,AIG,GS,MS,WM,XLF
- Palin should fit in very well.
- title of it should tell you everything. Anyone who votes for McCain after this should be ashamed of themselves for supporting such a liar.
- More humor for the day: Hockey moms against Sarah Palin:
- Danny, that's not the official McCain campaign position: they need to get their stories straight.
- Just get to about 7 minutes in where they compare Bush's 2000 acceptance speech with McCain's in 2008. It is damn scary.
- Got this from my friend, the Klickitat County prosecutor: Confused? I'm a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight..... * If you grow up in Hawaii , raised by your grandparents, you're "exotic, different." * Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, a quintessential American story. * If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim. * Name your kids Willow, Trig, Bristol, and Track, you're a maverick. * Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable. * Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded. * If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran ' s Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience. * If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive and next in line behind a man in his eighth decade. * If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian. If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and then left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a true Christian. * If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society. * If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state's school system while your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant, you're very responsible. * If your wife is a Harvard graduate laywer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family's values don't represent America's. * If your husband is nicknamed "First Dude", with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable. OK, much clearer now.
- This from Robert F. Kennedy Jr in the HuffPo: Fascist writer Westbrook Pegler, an avowed racist who Sarah Palin approvingly quoted in her acceptance speech for the moral superiority of small town values, expressed his fervent hope about my father, Robert F. Kennedy, as he contemplated his own run for the presidency in 1965, that "some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies." It might be worth asking Governor Palin for a tally of the other favorites from her reading list.
- Nance, I'm watching Rosemary and Thyme for the sheer British stiff upper lip, escapist murder mysteries solved by two unlikely older women fun. Not quite as high brow as Mad Men, but I want to forget and I also want the bad guys caught, unlike real life.
- Colin Powell loses more lustre than I thought he had, the longer this goes on. When I met him back in 80 he was a Colonel working for SecDef Brown. He and my boss, Togo West, were buddies. But he has chosen some very sad paths since his glory days w/ Bush1.
- Uh, Nancy, you discounted the vote suppression in Macomb County a while back, but it appears that the Obama campaign has filed suit over it? Any more information that you can come by locally?
- Just a minor correction, but it illustrates the inconsistency of the Bush administration: Bear Stearns was rescued, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were rescued, AIG was rescued but Lehman was not. I have no idea why Lehman got left out of the bail out but am cynical enough to think it has to do with how much they gave to the Republicans over the years. I started work at the SEC as an enforcement attorney in 1983 and left in 1994 when the Clinton administration closed the Seattle Regional office as part of reinventing government. I am not a financial analyst by training but here is my inexpert take on the situation: Since 1983 we have had the following gyrations in the market ( caution in that I am only listing the biggies now): the insider trading scandals in the early part of the Reagan administration involving folks like Ivan Boesky and Michael Milliken. In 1987 we had the market meltdown. In 1999 we had the blow up of the dot com market, and now this. All of these were brought about the conflict between the overwhelming desire to make money juxtaposed against lax regulation/oversight by the regulators.* If you look at the investment market, you will see this is what happens historically--folks are looking for a way to get rich by exploiting the system which can occur if those in charge of the morals either don't have the tools to do their job or look the other way. Home ownership traditonally was supposed to be different from investment or securities ownership because home ownership is a cornerstone of the American myth in the Jimmy Stewart, It's a Beautiful Life sort of way. There was a separation between securities and mortgages in terms of how they were regulated and controlled embodied by the Glass Steagall Act, which was repealed by a Republican Congress in 1999 (Phil Gramm was the prime mover but Bill Clinton signed it into law) What happened as a result is that the controls in place got removed and mortgages became the next, big thing in investment. People began to view their homes not just as a place to live for the rest of their lives but as their major investment vehicle. And the protections that had been in place to assure that e.g. home buyers met the financial worthiness to purchase were gone. It was like the residential real estate sector of the economy got turned into Wall Street with all the greed and none of the controls in place. And the homeowners were the base of this but their take was incremental compared to the ones that made money off of them in the fees and the slicing and dicing of the mortages into different tranches and reselling them on the market--essentially mortgages were cut up into complex investment vehicles where the interest payments went one way and the principal payments went elsewhere; they were recombined and resold to generally very large investors as money makers but there was no way to assess the soundness of these new, hybrid investment vehicles, so certain insurance companies either expanded their roles or were created to assure investors of the creditworthiness of the investments. It all grew like topsy, because at the bottom line, there was no there there as to whether these investment vehicles were in fact solid--it became quite the pyramid. I know that I am not explaining this very well, but I would urge those who want to know more to go and read back posts by Duncan Black at his Eschaton blog. He cites to folks like Nouriel Roubini who really do look at what was going on in the market, without drinking the kool aid or wearing the rose colored glasses and tell us what was/is going on. *I had a case involving the sale of a machine that was said to separate gold from dirt. It worked very well in people's living rooms because the dirt was finely ground like the gold flakes that were added to it, but in the wild, the energy that had to be expended to get the same consistency cost way more than the gold that could be extracted. But once people had seen this device work, they got 'gold fever.' It is real and it is like a virus. The desire to make money can overcome all the constraints society places upon us. I have seen it in real life.
- I remember a quote from someone who said about the 1929 stock crash: "when the elevator boys were giving me stock tips, I knew it was time to get out."
- Vise peeper palin
- Let me weigh in on what I mean by government regulation. In general what I want is DISCLOSURE. I want a transparent market so that investors know the risks before they invest. Most people when you talk about government regulation see the big hairy hand of NO coming down, and that's not what I mean at all. I think folks can invest in anything they want as long as the pitfalls are cleanly and clearly spelled out in registration documents and periodic reports filed with the SEC, who I hope to hell, find their cojones one of these days. God, what I would not give to have another Irving Pollack. Now there was an enforcement director.
- Do we all remember how Gerald Ford botched his election bid when he goofed on Poland at the debates? I watched and knew at the time it was a boner. Well McCain has no idea in the world where Spain is and thinks that its President, Zapatero, is some sort of bad guy. Randy Gives it His Best Shot McCain Unsure If He’ll Meet With the Prime Minister of Spain McCain's Pain in Spain McCain is older than Reagan when he was first elected to the WH. I think McCain is in the midst of a very obvious spiral down into senile dementia. If you watched any of his media interviews, he does not come across as on top of any topic other than to woodenly recite Republican talking points. If it were a deposition or hearing testimony, I could get it all stricken as nonresponsive. Folks, if you continue to argue that McCain is the greatest thing since sliced bread and a better informed candidate than the Democrat, I have a bridge in Alaska, I would like to sell you. I bet you dollars to donuts we see a suspicious bulge on McCain's back during the debates, or else they've come up with something a little less obvious for him to use.
- Here's another Christian minister's glowing endorsement of Sarah Palin. The Aesop's fable that 'you are known by the company you keep' springs to mind.
- This is a coda to yesterday's discussions of all things financial. I think the reforms proposed are excellent.
- Quote from a Yahoo article about McCain on the meltdown on Wall Street: ‘Palin also talked about business tax cuts that would be a priority in "a Palin and McCain administration."’ hmmmm.....
- a model of doublespeak, Ms. Palin is.
- Well now, just got a breaking news email from CNN that says that Treasury Secretary Paulson (that would be Bush appointee, Paulson) says that Hundreds of Billions of Dollars needed to stem financial crisis!!! Now is the time for all good folks to ask: why are we in this basket? and where are we going? And it is time to hold those accountable (cough--Chair of the Senate Commerce Committe for how long?--cough) by turning them out of office in November. Oh, and Nance, here is some good stuff on the Michigan voter suppression lawsuit filed by the Obama campaign against the Republicans:
- So why has our most celebrated POW put the brakes on information coming out about other POWs? The first paragraph in a 9000 word article at The Nation, by the author of the book that became the movie The Killing Fields: "John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home. Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus the war hero people would logically imagine to be a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books...."
- Uh, Danny, McCain, even if he was president could NOT fire the head of the SEC. He could ask him to resign, but he doesn't have the power to fire the head of an independent agency. And Danny, there's nothin' on Obama wrt to the current financial crisis. The feeble attempts to say former Fannie Mae head Franklin Raines (a Seattle native) is advising the campaign are lies.
- Using the figures cited by Danny, he's added some basis to my earlier suspicion that Lehman Bros didn't get a bailout because they didn't support Repubs sufficiently. The candidates cannot accept donations from companies, and Obama has gone one further and is not accepting money from lobbyists. But both candidates can accept donations from individuals. And I don't think you can really limit that unless you want to go to fully government subsidized elections. And Danny, I do not see you as a supporter of government subsidized elections. Bail out of the financial markets, sure, but not elections. Why that would be just too, too socialist..... Oh, and here's why McCain's call to ban naked shorts (love that term) is wrong: Course, the SEC in all its gutless wonder has done just that for the next two weeks, to try to 'calm the market.' Do any of you hear the subtext being offered to us: "Pay no attention to that man in the corner!!" and the true cost of the bailout:
- Can you please define what you mean by natural law, Danny? There are quite a number of philosophies that fit under this very large umbrella of a term.
- JC, I fear that Jeff's position is not to bother him with the facts, as his mind is made up. I mean, just take a look at this breathtaking mendacity: It simply beggars the mind to believe that rational people could support this guy for President.
- Jolene, Too funny. Other news of note: the Seattle Times, a conservative bastion owned by the Blethen family, endorses Obama as the most qualified. Love it esp. because they endorsed the Republican who is running against my ex husband in the state Treasurer's race. Obviously they have perspicacity and taste. and this.
- Ooh, I love it. And what "various topics" is Obama being tutored on, Danny? Still haven't heard which version of Natural Law theory you subscribe to. Here's a wonderful Mark Fiore cartoon/video: Forget healthcare, we now have Wealthcare!!!
- Danny, when did you graduate from law school? Because when I attended law school and then did a Master's of International Law several years later, the concept of Natural law was so 'out there' that the only place you would find it was as part of the outline of a Philosophy of Law course. cf: We, in the United States, follow common law, as does England, while Europe and Louisiana are civil law states. Do you know what the difference is? Common law is embodied in the doctrine of stare decisis. Do you know what that is? This is bedrock legal jurisprudence, Danny. Natural law these days is commonly cited by 'constitutionalists' as they attempt to argue, e.g. that the IRS is illegal and that they do not have to pay taxes. The folks in Idaho in their compounds cite Natural Law to prove their racial superiority. So, Danny, what is Natural Law for you? Because our courts, both federal and state, cite to case law as precedent for their rulings. Not to Natural Law. The use of the term Natural Law is a dog whistle in legal circles.
- a conservative endorses Obama
- Danny, Let me repeat myself. There is no basis in current legal jurisprudence for "natural law" to have any sort of weight in court decisions. You just cannot go to a court and say "natural law" compels you to find that marriages between two men or two women are illegal. 'Natural law' has no sort of cachet or weight with our courts. You have to find a basis in the constitution (best) or laws or other court decisions to successfully win in court. And if your citation to laws or decisions is inapposite to the constitution, then you lose (this is shorthand, there's a lot more to it). Natural law is a non sequitur to most judges and lawyers, and like I said, it operates like a dog whistle for constitutionalists and Aryan nations members. And as far as having effing 'royalty' (Lady Rothschild) support McCain because Obama is too elitist? Well, if the irony hasn't hit you by now, you must be humor impaired.
- Yes, Danny, I am aware that there is a proposal to amend the constitution and it is entirely consistent with everything I have been saying. The court ruled that the constitution gave rights to all regardless of sexual orientation, thus gays could marry. (remember the constitution trumps all) The proposed amendment to the constitution would take away marital rights for gays. Which, if it passes, could happen because again, the constitution again trumps laws and legal decision. Thus, we will have to see what the vote is on this. But lay off the natural law stuff, k? There is no way that anyone can point to what 'natural law' is because depending on whose talking it could be anything. That is why the founders of this country in their wisdom, set up the system of governance that we have. Natural law simply is an attempt to subvert it. In times like these, I tend to fall back on the movie A Man for All Seasons. In this scene, More and his son in law Roper, are discussing whether the ends justify the means: "William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law! Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil? William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that! Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!
- Yah, Jolene, it's amazing how handy that quote has come in over the past 8 years for many, many deeds done by this administration. This is my other favorite quote: "Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats." -- H. L. Mencken obviously inapposite to the first one, but we are only talking about temptation, after all.....
- In light of our discussion thus far, take a look at the language of the bailout bill proposed yesterday and see what you think: This little section has me very concerned: "Sec. 8. Review. Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency." You tell me where they get off precluding judicial review.
- Danny, I've always known that Obama was not where I was on the marriage thing. It's why I didn't support him early on and placed my money on someone else. But even with that, I will support him now, as he more closely approximates my other views wrt governing in this country. There will never be a candidate that I see eye to eye with on everything. Also, here's a website titled Economists for Obama. Some interesting stuff there:
- Teresa Nielsen Hayden and her husband Patrick are editors at Tor magazine and have a blog that is second only to our hostess' in erudition and content. Teresa brought up a subject in a longish post on the presidential election that is worth pondering: why will McCain not make his medical records public?
- From what I have read, McCain's medical records were provided in May to select individuals from the press to read for a limited period of time. We are now relying on their understanding and memory. WRT Obama, a doctor released a summary of the medical information concerning Obama:
- How John McCain Lost Me Elizabeth Drew "I had already concluded that that there was a disturbingly erratic side of McCain’s nature. There’s a certain lack of seriousness in him. And he does not appear to be a reflective man, or very interested in domestic issues. One cannot imagine him ruminating late into the night about, say, how to educate and train Americans for the new global and technological challenges. McCain’s making a big issue of “earmarks” and citing entertaining examples of ridiculous-sounding ones, circumvents discussion of the larger issues of the allocation of funds in the federal budget: according to the Office of Management and Budget, earmarks represent less than one percent of federal spending. Now he’s back to declaring himself a maverick, but it’s not clear what that means. If he gains the presidency, is he going to rebel against the base he’s now depending on to get him elected? (Hence his selection of running mate Sarah Palin.) Campaigns matter. If he means “shaking up the system” (which is not the same thing), opposing earmarks doesn’t cut it. McCain’s recent conduct of his campaign – his willingness to lie repeatedly (including in his acceptance speech) and to play Russian roulette with the vice-presidency, in order to fulfill his long-held ambition – has reinforced my earlier, and growing, sense that John McCain is not a principled man. In fact, it’s not clear who he is." Elizabeth Drew is not a casual McCain fan or a Democrat masquerading as a supporter -- she is the author of "Citizen McCain," a highly laudatory 2002 biography of McCain described by the National Review as "hagiographic." Watch this video on McCain's physical condition and failure to release his medical records:
- Strawman argument, Jeff. I would expect better from you.
- Jeff, there's no convincing those who are happy in their current state, as you are. Don't ply us with false desires.
- Jolene and Catherine, I am honored to be in your presence. Thank you.
- A sobering look at the history behind this meltdown. Everyone should read this. Everyone.
- 2 peas in a pod, GM?
- My 11 year old black lab is Max, short for Maximum Puppy a number of years ago. His companion, is 5 year old Scooter (also known as Scootie), a miniature dachshund who rules the roost.
- Well, we all know that MTM is almost blind, for all practical purposes, which means she lets someone else tell her how she looks.
- Bill Clinton can kiss my butt. I've developed a deep distrust bordering on hatred for him. Sure he's smart, but he's narcissistic to a degree that impairs his judgment in a number of ways. He wants to be President again and he's not particular in how he can elevate himself to a comparable level. Sure he's well spoken and all but it's all in service to himself front and center.
- Off to Lake Chelan in E. Wash. to give a presentation to a bunch of folks on taking testimony during a deposition. Look forward to lots of reading matter from y'all when I return late tomorrow.
- Back from Lake Chelan, a beautiful lake in the midst of a dry landscape, formed by the erection of a dam in the midst of the last great depression. It was gorgeous and sunny, and I get to come back to gloom and doom both literally and figuratively. John McCain is a fucking loser. He's trying to cancel the debate to make a smokescreen to postpone the VP debate because neither he nor Sarah Palin feels that they are ready to debate. Whatever happened to those screams by McCain that Obama was a chickenshit for failing to do Town Halls with him. I am sorry, but if you are president, you do not get to say to Russia: "time out on Georgia, while we grapple with the stock market." No, as president, you have to juggle all that is put on your plate, whether by your own action, or some other nation's. This is pure weaseling. This comes from Matthew Yglesias: Eric Rauchway takes a look at some historical September 24ths that didn’t seem to require suspension of political campaigns: – September 24, 1864: The nation is literally at risk of collapse, mengaged in a large-scale civil war: “Yet the campaign for the presidency was “now being prosecuted with the utmost vigor,” as one could read in the New York Times.” – September 24, 1932: The nation is mired in Depression, coping with it a full time job, “Yet Herbert Hoover prepared to give a large speech in Iowa and Franklin Roosevelt had just given what became a famous address to the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco.” – September 24, 1944: World War II well under way, with the United States engaged in fierce fighting, “Yet President Roosevelt had just officially launched his campaign for a fourth term, while Thomas Dewey took his turn speaking in San Francisco, challenging Roosevelt’s supremacy.” But John McCain feels he can’t do debate prep and make up his mind about the bailout proposal at the same time. He wants an extension. And Jeff, I don't care what you come up with, it's a pos right out of the starting gate. Even though you gave yourself extra hours to come up with it. And, you know those letters to the editor and blog comments supporting McCain? Well, just maybe they were ghost written by McCain staffers:
- Jeff: a job is a job. When I'm at a hearing or in court, my brain still works out what I want to say wrt something else that I am working on. And I'm sorry, but being a stated supply is a job. I was married to a PK for 18 years and got to see first hand how his dad, a Presbyterian minister worked. It's a job. Just like being a fireman, or a counselor or a therapist. LIVE: LETTERMAN MOCKS MCCAIN CANCELLATION Wed Sep 24 2008 17:41:58 ET David Letterman tells audience that McCain called him today to tell him he had to rush back to DC to deal with the economy. Then in the middle of the taping Dave got word that McCain was, in fact just down the street being interviewed by Katie Couric. Dave even cut over to the live video of the interview, and said, "Hey Senator, can I give you a ride home?" Earlier in the show, Dave kept saying, "You don't suspend your campaign. This doesn't smell right. This isn't the way a tested hero behaves." And he joked: "I think someone's putting something in his metamucil." "He can't run the campaign because the economy is cratering? Fine, put in your second string quarterback, Sara Palin. Where is she?" "What are you going to do if you're elected and things get tough? Suspend being president? We've got a guy like that now!"
- Mark H: anything east of King County (which is the size of Rhode Island and holds Seattle in its grasp) and the Cascade Mountains is considered E. Washington, because this state only has two divides and it is geographic as well as political, since this region east of the Cascades has traditionally gone for Republicans. But on this trip, I saw not ONE sign for McCain although a number of Rossi signs (he's the Repub. candidate for governor) and a large number of Obama signs and some Gregoire ones as well. And some Allen Martin signs which made me laugh, as he's the Republican running against the ex.
- Campbell Brown rails against the the McCain campaign:
- Caliban, you may not know it, but Edgar Martinez is and was a strong Bush supporter.
- Bill Clinton: the Democratic Party's Iago "Thought of the Day via Mattew Yglesias It sure was nice of Bill Clinton to put important national concerns above petty partisanship by agreeing to host a John McCain campaign speech and help the GOP nominee burnish his bipartisan credentials. You might think a former President would be so committed to an axe-grinding agenda that he couldn’t see the big picture. But not Bill — he puts country first, not some personal agenda. Oh what’s that you say? His wife ran for the Democratic nomination and lost? Think that might be relevant?" Then here is a bit from Letterman two days ago, where Clinton was on and Chris Rock followed him: And given Palin's jaw droppingly dumb performance with Katie Couric, he should be ashamed of the following: Bill Clinton said Monday he understands why Sarah Palin is popular in the heartland: because people relate to her. By KAREN MATTHEWS Associated Press Writer NEW YORK — Bill Clinton said Monday he understands why Sarah Palin is popular in the heartland: because people relate to her. "I come from Arkansas, I get why she's hot out there," Clinton said. "Why she's doing well." Speaking to reporters before his Clinton Global Initiative meeting, the former president described Palin's appeal by adding, "People look at her, and they say, 'All those kids. Something that happens in everybody's family. I'm glad she loves her daughter and she's not ashamed of her. Glad that girl's going around with her boyfriend. Glad they're going to get married.'" Clinton said voters would think, "I like that little Down syndrome kid. One of them lives down the street. They're wonderful children. They're wonderful people. And I like the idea that this guy does those long-distance races. Stayed in the race for 500 miles with a broken arm. My kind of guy." Palin, the governor of Alaska, became an overnight star when Republican presidential candidate John McCain tapped her for his running mate. Her family, including her Down syndrome baby, Trig, her pregnant 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, and her husband, Todd, four-time winner of the 2,000-mile Iron Dog snowmobile race, have garnered intense media interest. "I get this," Clinton said. "My view is ... why say, ever, anything bad about a person? Why don't we like them and celebrate them and be happy for her elevation to the ticket? And just say that she was a good choice for him and we disagree with them?" The global initiative, a project of Clinton's foundation, will hold its four-day annual meeting in Manhattan starting Tuesday. After that, Clinton said he will be busy campaigning for the Democratic ticket of Sens. Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Gee, Mr. Clinton is like the woman who asked Mary Lincoln, "Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?" and part two of the Sarah Palin interview:
- "Whenever a major national figure talks about 'putting politics aside' for the good of the country, it's time to hang onto your wallet." William Hartung @
- Julie, I thought she had a tanning bed back at the gov's mansion.
- OMG, Couric interviews Palin on foreign affairs. You thought the other two parts of the interview were execrable? Just wait:
- Now THIS is dirty campaigning:
- The Sarah Palin hits just keep on comin' and yes I dropped my 'g' to be in solidarity with Ms. P.
- Slate's top ten list of McCain's next Hail Mary moves: 1. Returns to Vietnam and jails himself. 2. Offers the post of "vice vice president" to Warren Buffett. 3. Challenges Obama to suspend campaign so they both can go and personally drill for oil offshore. 4. Learns to use computer. 5. Does bombing run over Taliban-controlled tribal areas of Pakistan. 6. Offers to forgo salary, sell one house. 7. Sex-change operation. 8. Suspends campaign until Nov. 4, offers to start being president right now. 9. Sells Alaska to Russia for $700 billion. 10. Pledges to serve only one term. OK, half a term.
- My bank went under last night. I have no idea if I'll be able to draw on my home equity line of credit, which was my plan to pay for my share of the kids' college education. And it made since, as I had a mortgage that was less than a fifth of the house's assessed value. Now, I suppose that is all thrown in a cocked hat. But what really gets my goat this am, is the word from Yglesias' blog about the compensation that the new CEO of WA Mu, who has been on the job less than a month is going to be paid: "My understanding is that even for the super-elite it normally takes a couple of months to wrack up tens of millions of dollars. But Alan Fishman gets the job done with super speed: But the seizure and the deal with JPMorgan came as a shock to Washington Mutual’s board, which was kept completely in the dark: the company’s new chief executive, Alan H. Fishman, was in midair, flying from New York to Seattle at the time the deal was finally brokered, according to people briefed on the situation. Mr. Fishman, who has been on the job for less than three weeks, is eligible for $11.6 million in cash severance and will get to keep his $7.5 million signing bonus, according to an analysis by James F. Reda and Associates." I hope there's a tidy place in one of the circles of hell for guys like this. Although Dante, the author of The Divine Comedy, was the son of a banker and understood commerce, usury was still a sin when he was alive. Let's hope that (particularly wrt credit card interest) we can get the neo cons to revive this religious concept.
- But Catherine, who is Wall Street, if not the greedy B school folks and the regulators?
- It was a great debate. Both guys did very well. I'd call it a tie but I think McCain edges Obama out simply because of his experience. And Obama needs to keep it in even if McCain is lying his ass off, as he was tonight. Although, I love Joe Biden's take on it: Here's one of McCain's lies per Yglesias: McCain in Lebanon Washington Post: McCain seriously misstated his vote concerning the marines in Lebanon. He said that when he went into Congress in 1983, he voted against deploying them in Beirut. The Marines went in Lebanon in 1982, before McCain came to Congress. The vote came up a year into their deployment, when the Marines had already suffered 54 casualties. What McCain voted against was a measure to invoke the War Powers Act and to authorize the deployment of U.S. Marines in Lebanon for an additional 18 months. The measure passed 270-161, with 26 other Republicans (including McCain) and 134 Democrats voting against it. I’m not even really sure why McCain felt the need to lie about this. It is, however, interesting that he brought it up at all. Back in the 1980s, McCain hewed more or less to a realist line that’s very different from the neoconservative foreign policy he’s adhered to for the past 10 years. Polls are mostly trending in Obama's favor....
- Michael G, Just a caution for me. The Repubs in the Senate have filibustered more bills more times in the past year than any other session on record. That's something that is not discussed much in the MSM and it's one of the main reasons that nothing has been done in Congress other than pork for a while now. Btw, did anyone notice that Palin was not available after the debates like Biden was, to spin the reaction? No, she was in a bar in Philly:
- A vacationer with the McCain family on a small island in Fiji recounts the experience:
- I'm sure that Obama used "John" as an indicator that they were peers. Which they are, but why McCain gets pissed off every time he is faced with it. Hence, why McCain refused to look at Obama (he also refused to look at him in the press conf in the WH earlier this week)
- McCain also confused 'financial' with 'fiscal' As a president, I would expect him to know the difference:
- There's no one as Irish as Barack Obama: Sent to me by a former minister at my Presbyterian church!
- Last summer my youngest son and I went on a Newman fest and watched a bunch of his movies. He was a class act, saying about why he didn't stray from his marriage: "Why go for hamburger when I can have steak at home?" or wtte (words to that effect). I saw Penn and Teller in NYC years ago and Newman was in the audience. Penn picked me to do a magic trick with him so, I guess I could say, Paul Newman saw me once (g).
- Michael, you are right. And if the MSM won't cover it, then Reid should have done some stunt like donning pirates' outfits to point to how we were being robbed, but it would also note the origin of the word filibuster which is from the Dutch. vrijbuiter -- freebooter or pirate.
- OT, but this to my mind, is great, riveting journalism: Explains maybe why McCain was so pissed last night.
- Just when you thought it could not get worse:
- Breaking news on Bullwinkle J. Moose:
- I handwrote postcards for the Obama campaign on Sunday. It took 2 hours to write 15 postcards. My neighbor who hosted it had an interesting story involving her mom, who was the discharge nurse on duty when Mrs. Cindy McCain checked out of the hospital with her baby. She said it was the worst experience on discharge because the dad was such a boor--didn't want to stick around to listen to the discharge instructions, was abusive to staff. Hmm.......
- who's gonna watch the additional outtakes from the Couric Palin interview at 6:30 EDT tonight? I understand it gets worser and worser.....
- Joe, when Biden realized his gaffe involving the fellow he asked to stand up and be recognized, he repaired it quickly by asking the audience to stand and recognize him. The audience quickly and cheerfully obliged. Haven't seen any recognition on Palin's or McCain's part of their many gaffes. McCain's spokesman today blasted Obama for being at fault on the bailout meltdown. Then when McCain took the airwaves, he tried to be magnanimous and say there should be no finger pointing. Well, it's a little too late, Mr. formerly straight talk but now just a gasbag. Oh, and there's a wedding gift registry for Bristol and Levi at JCPenney's:
- Mark, You might want to check on how long Rosh Hashanah has been observed in Congress. Just sayin'
- From tonights Palin-Couric segment: Couric: And when it comes to establishing your worldview, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this to stay informed and to understand the world? Palin: I've read most of them, again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media. Couric: What, specifically? Palin: Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me all these years. Couric: Can you name a few? Palin: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news, too. Alaska isn't a foreign country, where it's kind of suggested, "Wow, how could you keep in touch with what the rest of Washington, D.C., may be thinking when you live up there in Alaska?" Believe me, Alaska is like a microcosm of America. here's the video which is even worse:
- Okay, we've seen the first part of this, but we haven't seen her fumble around about the morning after pill and her lesbian girlfriend:
- Well, hugh hewitt compared the gibson and couric interviews to 'poo quizzes. Seems to me this is stuff she should already know.
- meant to say 'pop'. Guess that's what I get trying to write on my blackberry on the bus going to work....
- Rolling Stone has a lenghty and devastating piece about John McCain today:
- Joe, Rolling Stone has more investigative chops for the stories it does than many other 'zines. They did a bang up job on the Karen Silkwood case, as just one example, but you were probably still in nappies then.
- SP plays the flute: And, it seems that there's a right wing organization that is paying frat guys to demonstrate for McCain/Palin at the debate tomorrow night. Reminds me of that old KY saying: "he was so ugly, his momma had to tie a porkchop around his neck to get the dog to play with him."
- Sept. Oct. madness, leading to the final four
- Joe writes: "I have family in the military, so i want some one as president who has the military’s best interest in mind." When's the last time McCain voted for assistance for veterans, Joe? Don't hold your breath. His veterans' plan that he's promoting would remove everything but injuries received during combat from treatment at VA hospitals. Like them apples? No wonder so many servicemen and women are supporting Obama. He's got their interests at heart.
- Joe, Rather than play cutsie with us by darkly muttering about the fine print in Obama's tax plan, why don't you just tell us what it says? Otherwise you look like Sarah Palin trying to list her reading materials. Seems that there's a stark difference between Biden and Palin in their understanding of how our constitution works:
- I'm on vacation, visiting my son at macalester college but I love the look!
- Finally on a decent public computer at the library at Macalester. The best comment I heard about the debate last night came from a historian at George Mason University who said Palin came across as "Gidget goes to Washington." Sat through a discrete math class this morning with my son and it was all Greek to me. Gotta look up Fibonacci since they covered Fibonacci number sets.
- Ok, Jolene, I'm in tears. What a wonderful story about Harry. My black lab is 10 now and I'm watching his inevitable decline, as I have my other dogs through the years. My first word as a child was not "MaMa," it was "doggie" with a soft 'g' and I grew up with a variety of dogs in Defiance, who were never chained or fenced and as result, many died and only one that I knew of lived to old age, because my parents gave him to a student at Defiance College who had adopted him on one of his many peregrinations (he was an unneutered basset hound named 'Digby'). Gene Weingarten has it just right when he talks about how dogs love us wholly and unashamedly. We are so much the richer for their being here.
- Jolene, I'd be careful of they have some things in there that are hastily written and badly sourced. I'm at a Mac computer and cannot cut and paste from it, because I can't figure out the controls, but will do so when I get logged onto a PC at the college library. There's also this editorial today from Frank Rich at the NYT that I think is worth a read: And in response to an earlier question, you can add a certain amount of RAM to your hard drive, but eventually it lowers your computing speed.
- The full Tina Fey schtick from SNL last night. I sure wish I could figure out how to use this MacBook better.
- Hey, Joe and whoever's left here supporting McCain: I'll bet you cannot come up with a story comparable to that.
- Just to cut off the next line of attack. It seems that right wingers are going to claim that Obama's related to and supports a Kenyan politician named Raila Odinga Obama. The BBC reported the alleged relationship in Jan. of this year, but the Obama camp has steadfastly denied any connection and/or support of Odinga, who is, in some circles, reputed to be a terrorist. I don't have the ability to further research here, but just wanted to put out an alert.
- Jolene, I'm finally at home and able to cut and paste a friend's comment on for you: " I was just reading through and I was surprised at how superficial some of their own analysis is. For example, they were saying that an Obama ad was misleading when it referred to McCain's recent article saying that (paraphrasing) we should do for health insurance what we have done in the last ten years for banking. According to, Obama's ad claims that McCain said he would "reduce oversight of the health insurance industry ... just 'as we have done over the last decade in banking.' " But the ad takes the comments out of context, failing to explain what exactly McCain meant by the comparison to banking. He was talking specifically about allowing the sale and purchase of health insurance plans across state lines. is not paying attention. McCain's proposal to allow the sale and purchase of health insurance plans across state lines is intended to create a national market that will therefore be less subject to regulation by the states, and he specifically said that his purpose (or one of them) was to open up the insurance market to "provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation." McCain's idea was to avoid state regulation in order to allow more "innovation" in insurance products. When abusive mortgage lending practices were getting out of hand here in Arizona, our state attorney general (Terry Goddard) wanted to crack down on some of those practices - and so did some other state attorneys general. They were told by the feds that the field was occupied and that additional state regulation or attempted enforcement action aimed at inadequate disclosures were preempted by federal laws and regulations. Obama's ad was right, and missed the real significance of what McCain is proposing. And even if they didn't understand what this issue is all about, when they said that McCain was "only" talking about allowing sales across state lines, they were flat wrong on the facts. He admitted in plain English that his purpose was to reduce state regulation and to encourage "innovation" in health insurance markets that would be less "burdened" by state regulation."
- Just catching up here. Reporters were not allowed to interview attendees at a Palin rally today: ---------------------------------------- Who They Are, What They're About 10.06.08 -- 7:04PM By Josh Marshall So we have McCain today getting his crowd riled up asking who Barack Obama is and then apparently giving a wink and a nod when one member of the crowd screams out "terrorist." And later we have Sarah Palin with the same mob racket, getting members of the crowd to yell out "kill him", though it's not clear whether the call for murder was for Bill Ayers or Barack Obama. It didn't seem to matter. These are dangerous and sick people, McCain and Palin. Whatever it takes. Stop at nothing.
- Loove this onion video:
- I just hope that this does not result in open violence breaking out.
- Serious food for thought from Matt Yglesias and George Packer.
- Seen in San Fran on a tee shirt: "Because I want sex with Palin doesn't mean that I want to be fuc*** by McCain"
- Ah, Del. Happy to help. Nancy, this is not over til it's over. I still remain concerned that Osama bin Laden (or someone pretending to be him) could precipitate an incident which will send voters scurrying back to the McCain/Palin fold. Those types know that a McCain presidency would do them far more good than to have Obama as our Commander in Chief. And with listening to my 83 yr old mother as a sounding board, I would not discount the value of racism as keeping voters from Obama either. (the Tom Bradley effect here) Racism is touched on in the Packer article. The fear mongering by the McCain camp has racism as its base and it is never far away from us. I will not rest easy until the results are in Nov. 5. As it is I do not sleep well these nights. Here's some good fact checking on McCain's lies last night:
- Sharkworth: Throw it away or feed it to the dog. For those of you still on the fence regarding Obama, may I recommend this article from the HuffPo: The organization that Obama has built transcends simply getting him elected and should benefit our society past that. His attention to structure bodes well as we are forced to retool our country. Palin's mockery of community organizers is put paid for the fraud that it is by this article. a new video out about McCain's rage:
- If either Mark or Joe could offer substantive reasons for supporting McCain, it would be worthy to take them on. But, for example the 'facts' cited by Mark that only 50% of working class families pay federal income taxes is in a word, unsupported. Many of us, when we write in, offer a web address for more information. I'd appreciate the source of that comment, please, Mark. Oh and with regard to Sarah Palin's quals, I'll let conservative columnist David Brooks take the stage: "[Sarah Palin] represents a fatal cancer to the republican party. When I first started in journalism, I worked at the National Review for Bill Buckley. And Buckley famously said he'd rather be ruled by the first 2,000 names in the Boston phone book than by the Harvard faculty. But he didn't think those were the only two options. He thought it was important to have people on the conservative side who celebrated ideas, who celebrated learning. And his whole life was based on that, and that was also true for a lot of the other conservatives in the Reagan era. Reagan had an immense faith in the power of ideas. But there has been a counter, more populist tradition, which is not only to scorn liberal ideas but to scorn ideas entirely. And I'm afraid that Sarah Palin has those prejudices. I think President Bush has those prejudices."
- Find out who in Congress really supports our troops: And Obama and babies:
- It's easy to do paste a website here. you go to the address line of the post you want to bring here, left click and drag your mouse across the address and then right click your mouse and click 'copy' then you come here, right click your mouse and click 'paste' The Urban Institute has similar figures to those at the Tax Foundation but they also have this caveat at the end of their executive summary: "Even though these tax units bear at most a modest net federal income tax liability, they often face significant payroll and other taxes." So these taxpayers, whose income is so low, they don't pay income taxes, pay sales tax, gas tax, and of course have social security and medicare deducted from their wages. And as a proportion of their income, I submit that the sales and gas taxes that they pay are a far higher percentage of their income than that of taxpayers who do file and pay income tax. The 8.9% sales tax on non food items in my state takes a bigger hit from the pockets of the poor than it does those of the upper middle class, and by this I mean those earning more than $50K a year. More info on what US households earn:
- Donna Brazile to lift our spirits:
- interviews w/ McCain Palin supporters in Strongsville, OH. Ugly.
- A list of sleazy McCain ads. Because we need to list them. and on McCain's rage:
- Obama's bought a half hour of prime time for Oct. 29 from CBS:
- more Barack detractors. One continues to support Hillary.
- My one moose reminiscence. We were staying at Lone Mountain Ranch (it later became Big Sky when Chet Huntley bought it) but at the time we were there it was a working cattle ranch that hosted dudes in the summer to make money. We were on a day ride and ran into a moose and her calf. Sam, the owner of the ranch, got down and took a chunk out of the calf's ear with his knife, said he was branding it as belonging to his ranch. As a kid, I didn't think anything about it, but thinking back it seems like an unnecessary infliction of pain on a small animal. I assume the calf was reunited with its mother after the herd of us left.
- October 10, 2008 By: Hilzoy Temper, Temper Here's a story about John McCain's temper (h/t): "McCain's game is craps. So is Jeff Dearth's. Jeff was at the table when McCain showed up and happily made room for him. Apparently there is some kind of rule or tradition in craps that everyone's hands are supposed to be above the table when the dice are about to be thrown. McCain -- "very likely distracted by one of the many people who approached him that evening," Jeff says charitably -- apparently was violating this rule. A small middle-aged woman at the table, apparently a "regular," reached out and pulled McCain's arm away. I'll let Jeff take over the story: "McCain immediately turned to the woman and said between clenched teeth: 'DON'T TOUCH ME.' The woman started to explain...McCain interrupted her: 'DON'T TOUCH ME,' he repeated viciously. The woman again tried to explain. 'DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO?' McCain continued, his voice rising and his hands now raised in the 'bring it on' position. He was red-faced. By this time all the action at the table had stopped. I was completely shocked. McCain had totally lost it, and in the space of about ten seconds. 'Sir, you must be courteous to the other players at the table,' the pit boss said to McCain. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? ASK ANYBODY AROUND HERE WHO I AM." This being Puerto Rico, the pit boss might not have known McCain. But the senator continued in full fury -- "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"-- and crisis was avoided only when Jeff offered to change places and stand between McCain and the woman who had touched his arm." There's more:
- NYT: October 10, 2008 Letter Prosecuting Weathermen To the Editor: "Re “Politics of Attack” [editorial, Oct. 8] and “Obama and ’60s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths” (front page, Oct. 4): As the lead federal prosecutor of the Weathermen in the 1970s (I was then chief of the criminal division in the Eastern District of Michigan and took over the Weathermen prosecution in 1972), I am amazed and outraged that Senator Barack Obama is being linked to William Ayers’s terrorist activities 40 years ago when Mr. Obama was, as he has noted, just a child. Although I dearly wanted to obtain convictions against all the Weathermen, including Bill Ayers, I am very pleased to learn that he has become a responsible citizen. Because Senator Obama recently served on a board of a charitable organization with Mr. Ayers cannot possibly link the senator to acts perpetrated by Mr. Ayers so many years ago. I do take issue with the statement in your news article that the Weathermen indictment was dismissed because of “prosecutorial misconduct.” It was dismissed because of illegal activities, including wiretaps, break-ins and mail interceptions, initiated by John N. Mitchell, attorney general at that time, and W. Mark Felt, an F.B.I. assistant director. William C. Ibershof Mill Valley, Calif., Oct. 8, 2008" Mark Felt, of course, was later identified as Deep Throat.
- Does this mean, that if Obama wins, the fighting over the Vietnam War is over?
- More hatemongering at a McCain rally today Have to add a great humor piece just to raise spirits:
- The only 'acts' that could link Obama to Ayers are the meetings they attended together as members of the Annenberg charity board and the one coffee that Ayers gave for Obama when he first ran for state office. Other than that, the right wing has nothing. I will point out that Ayers is a Distinguished professor at the University of Illinois and received an award from the city of Chicago for his work in education. But if we go by the rabid right wing, he has to wear his scarlet "A" forever, there is no hope of redemption by subsequent good works. Yet this only applies selectively. G.Gordon Liddy, despite his criminal conviction and serving a prison sentence is deemed socially acceptable. These double standards are the downfall of the Republicans. Anyone who cites Ayers as a reason for not voting for Obama given the absolute lack of connections to anything that even remotely resembles a parking ticket, has my utter contempt.
- They're now going after Michelle Obama. I would call them swine, but I think too much of pigs:
- Betty White
- Alaska panel report released by unanimous vote (lots of Repubs there). Finds Palin abused her power when she fired Walt Moneghan. This isn't the kind of person we want as vp, my friends. Here's the report...all 263 pages of it for you night owls:
- Gasman, don't be too sanguine about McCain's 'reformation.' NPR this am said that 15 minutes later at the rally he was back to demonizing Obama for his association with Ayers. It's like he can't really quit himself of the practice, it's too ingrained in him now.
- This was too long to post here, so I wrote it over there:
- An invocation given at a McCain rally. From the AP "I would also pray, Lord, that your reputation is involved in all that happens between now and November, because there are millions of people around this world praying to their god — whether it's Hindu, Buddha, Allah — that his opponent wins, for a variety of reasons," [Pastor] Conrad said. "And Lord, I pray that you would guard your own reputation, because they're going to think that their god is bigger than you, if that happens. So I pray that you will step forward and honor your own name with all that happens between now and Election Day,"
- jibjab humor
- "...Rove is not a genius, or even very clever: He's totally and completely immoral. It doesn't take genius to claim, as Rove ludicrously did last fall, that it was the Democrats in Congress and not George W. Bush who pushed the Iraq War resolution in 2002. It doesn't take brains to compare a triple-amputee war veteran to Osama bin Laden; you just have to be a mean, rotten cocksucker...."
- beb--would that be the same Cerebus Group that is headed by Dan Quayle?
- To answer my own question, yes it is our very own Dan Quayle (my second cousin from Defiance was on his staff way back when, to the almost universal acclamation of Defiance-ites) and the spelling is actually Cereberus. Oh, and here's a world poll on the US presidential elections: Hmm....I thought foreign affairs was McCain's strong spot.
- Voter fraud in Montana: This is written by Montana's Lieutenant Governor, a Republican.
- Welcome back Jeff TMMO! Other good news of the day: Paul Krugman wins the Nobel Prize in economics
- Every pundit? I take strong exception to that on at least dr. Krugman's behalf.
- Glenn Greenwald on Obama's influence over the stock market per Jonah Goldberg
- Levi Johnston has not registered to vote, despite being eligible to do so. and he thinks Barack Obama seems nice enough.
- In Vancouver, BC, I met an attorney who was descended from a group of Russian dissidents, Christians, who were persecuted by the Tsar's government and had resettled in NW Canada courtesy of Tolstoy who donated the profits from a book of his (went back and looked it up and the title is actually Resurrection) to fund their departure from Russia. Found this in a google search:
- On a lighter note, "Yes we Carve." Obama related pumpkin carving for Halloween.
- The back and forth is absolutely hilarious. Not as good as Rachel Maddow with Frum, but again, it points out the shallowness of the Repubs on the economic crisis. I want the away from regulating my banks stat!
- This is way close to my roots in Ohio. And it rings so true of folks that live there, unfortunately. How ironic that it is Al Jazeera that brings us this report.
- Dexter, my paternal forebears were Paulding County residents (next door to Williams County): my great grandfather, WH Cullen, was appointed postmaster of Paulding Oh by Theodore Roosevelt. It is heartening to hear your news. Edited to fix the county designation
- apparently not photoshopped post debate pic
- I enforce contractor registration laws in WA state and RCW 18.106.020 provides in part: "No person may engage in or offer to engage in the trade of plumbing without having a journeyman certificate, specialty certificate, temporary permit, or trainee certificate." However, in Wa state you can work for a contractor to do contractor type work and not need to be registered as a contractor, so perhaps Ohio is more lax on this. But frankly, I would not want anyone near my pipes unless they were certified in some way. I know, that's harsh, but having seen what I've seen, I don't think it is unrealistic.
- a little music interlude for the late afternoon.
- Obama brings down the house at the Al Smith dinner: (part 1) (part 2)
- McCain repeated one major lie on Letterman. He said that Ayers said in an interview on 9/11 that he had not 'bombed enough.' The interview occurred prior to 9/11; it simply had the misfortune to be published then, but what Ayers said is that he felt that he did not do enough to end the war in Vietnam. Given that at the time of the interview, he was a tenured professor at a large university, who had received an award from the city of Chicago for his civic work, I am certain that he was not advocating a return to bombing. As opposed to G. Gordon Liddy, who has advocated violence since his release from prison.
- an untypical Homecoming reminiscence:
- For Levi Stubbs, RIP:
- I met Powell when he was a full bird colonel, serving as a Special Assistant to SecDef Brown in the Carter Administration. I was Special Assistant to the General Counsel at DoD and my boss, Togo D. West, was good friends with Powell. Togo's career rose, but not like Powell's. I have no idea if they are still friends. And my opinion of Powell fell precipitously as well after the UN speech. But I still find Powell to be the only member of this current administration to have any sort of weight with me because of his earlier good work in the Geo HW Bush administration. His presentation today on Meet the Press well illustrates why I think he is still highly regarded in DC and around the world. --------------------------------------------------------- Ok, this is completely OT but I think it's important since it comes from Saginaw County:
- I was going to respond substantively to the column you cited, Jeff, but a look at Mr. Jacoby's other columns show that he is firmly in the camp of damning Mr. Obama for his association with Bill Ayers, and other similarly 'grounded' attacks on the Democratic candidate. So here's a capsule summary: The $5,000 credit for health care is too little for the average American's health care costs given the annual cost of medicine in the US. And for those who suffer catastrophic illness, like my friends in NYC who are dealing with recently diagnosed cancer in their 24 yr old son, they would have been unable to pay the actual cost of his treatment because $5,000 without changing how medicine is paid for, doesn't even begin to get you into the door.
- John Cole over at Balloon Juice is a Republican convert to the Democratic cause. I remember visiting his site in 2002 and vowing never to come back. In 2005, he was so disgusted by the Schiavo case and torture, that he made a 180 degree turn. His perspective on health care in today's thread is instructive: An example of something that I find very funny. Over the past few years, we have watched major corporations dump their pensions and move hundreds of thousands of people off private health insurance on to medicare and medicaid at the government’s expense (Delta Airlines comes to mind, I believe United was another one from the 2005 PBGC mess), we have doubled the national debt and passed the MASSIVE prescription drug plan, we have watched the government nationalize several industries, the government is currently nationalizing the banks, the Republican party candidate is proposing spending near a half trillion dollars allowing the government to buy private mortgages, and the right wing is running around screaming “SOCIALISM” because Obama is proposing increasing the top tax rates a few percentage points. That is funny. Sad and depressing, but funny.
- Did you see that not only did the Chicago Tribune break with its tradition and endorse Obama, but so did the Salt Lake Tribune? I'm sure Rush will tell us that they are no better than Colin Powell.
- Brian, where is Claude Rains when we need him?
- Note to self: Do not drive car w/ Obama bumper sticker to N. Carolina.
- Note to self: Don't ever vote in N. Carolina (hope coozledad can give us an update sometime soon)
- Note to self: Do not be a bear in N. Carolina.
- Sarah Palin's candidacy reminds me of really attractive co-workers who were on the rapid promotion track with our male bosses, who lacked major clues as to the substance of what the office responsibilities and goals were, but they were 'just so nice.' TBogg has a wonderful piece on it:
- Biden has two instances of plaigiarism to his discredit. The first, and worst imho, occurred in law school but he had to repeat the course. Probably did not help in his class rank. I will tell you that John Y. Brown, the big whiz behind KFC graduated last in his class at UK lawschool and ending up employing the guy who graduated first in the class. John Y. also was governor of Ky but hell, that's not necessarily a recommendation (anyone remember Phyllis George Brown? now there was a looker) Anyway, back to Biden: the second instance of plagiarism was on the campaign trail in a stump speech where he had used the quotes but always attributed them to the English politician he was quoting. He forgot once, and that was all it took to unleash the hellhounds on him. I remember being pretty down on Biden for that and it was not until this time that I learned the whole story. Furthermore, I thought that the Christian god, the one I visit every Sunday in my little Presbyterian church (I know my mother is saying buckets of rosaries for my soul--St. John's parish in Defiance, Allen), and the one that keeps Jeff (tmmo) occupied, was a god of forgiveness (and this goes double wrt Bill Ayers, who by gosh and golly has gone through a horrific gantlet these past few weeks and has not said one word in his defense--that takes some restraint, I would think). But I guess that forgiveness comes only for McCains BFF, G. Gordon Liddy, even though he was convicted (unlike Ayers) and spent 4 years in prison and when he got out was still full of "let's kill them all' kind of rhetoric. But hey, It's ok if you are a Republican. It's been the theme of my family of origin since before I was born.
- How about some Jon Stewart humor?
- Dexter, there was a bakery in Defiance that sold those novelties too: chocolate covered grasshoppers and deep friend ants. It was on the east side of Clinton Street downtown about a third of the way through if you were coming through from the north. I think it was named Meek's. We never bought any but gaped like crazy when we went in with Mom hoping she'd buy something more than the loaf of bread they ran through the slicing machine. I always wanted Wonder Bread, which was made a couple blocks further on, but Mom had to have the bakery stuff. I understand now.
- RNC has spent $150K on Palin's wardrobe. No wonder the guys are falling all over themselves.
- Jeff tmmo, I hope you are not saying that TR is the equivalent of McCain Palin because what you've listed thus far sounds very little like the hate and fear spewing forth from the current Republican candidates' campaign and their surrogates. Each morning I wake up and am reminded of Dorothy Parker's line, "What fresh hell is this?" But, thank goodness, there is something that can pull me out of my dark hole: Bassets for Obama. The video, please: I still have a tshirt I used to wear while walking around Greenlake that reads: Dog Being Walked Against Reagan. Maybe I'll try to find it.
- You are way too charitable given how repubs jumped all over dem's haircuts (edwards and clinton)
- this was remaindered at the last thread, but I love it, so I'm putting it back up: Bassets for Obama in Seattle. Hooray!
- It's gonna take a lot more before I feel sorry for Sarah Palin. This was a voluntary acceptance of the nomination. She said 'yes.' She gets to take the consequences as a result without anyone else to blame. Let's talk more about this Nov. 5. You did see the press piece that police across the country are gearing up to stop post-election violence?
- I hope that the election is perceived to be free and fair:
- October 23, 2008 Politico's Ben Smith: "Upon arriving at the Hamilton County Board of Elections in Cincinnati to vote early today I happened upon some friends of my mother's —three small, elderly Jewish women. They were quite upset as they were being refused admitance to the polling location due to their Obama T- Shirts, hats and buttons. Apparently you cannot wear Obama/McCain gear into polling locations here in Ohio.... They were practically on the verge of tears. After a minute or two of this a huge man (6'5", 300 lbs easy) wearing a Dale Earnhardt jacket and Bengal's baseball cap left the voting line, came up to us and introduced himself as Mike. He told us he had overheard our conversation and asked if the ladies would like to borrow his jacket to put over their t-shirts so they could go in and vote. The ladies quickly agreed. As long as I live I will never forget the image of these 80-plus-year-old Jewish ladies walking into the polling location wearing a huge Dale Earnhardt racing jacket that came over their hands and down to their knees! Mike patiently waited for each woman to cast their vote, accepted their many thanks and then got back in line (I saved him a place while he was helping out the ladies). When Mike got back in line I asked him if he was an Obama supporter. He said that he was not, but that he couldn't stand to see those ladies so upset. I thanked him for being a gentleman in a time of bitter partisanship and wished him well. After I voted I walked out to the street to find my mother's friends surrouding our new friend Mike — they were laughing and having a great time. I joined them and soon learned that Mike had changed his mind in the polling booth and ended up voting for Obama. When I asked him why he changed his mind at the last minute, he explained that while he was waiting for his jacket he got into a conversation with one of the ladies who had explained how the Jewish community, and she, had worked side by side with the black community during the civil rights movements of the '60s, and that this vote was the culmination of those personal and community efforts so many years ago. That this election for her was more than just a vote ... but a chance at history. Mike looked at me and said, "Obama's going to win, and I didn't want to tell my grandchildren some day that I had an opportunity to vote for the first black president, but I missed my chance at history and voted for the other guy.""
- Pat yourself on the back, Nancy, for smelling out the rat in this story.
- Hey, Dwight: What do you think of Charles Fried? 24.10.2008 Reagan Appointee and (Recent) McCain Adviser Charles Fried Supports Obama Charles Fried, a professor at Harvard Law School, has long been one of the most important conservative thinkers in the United States. Under President Reagan, he served, with great distinction, as Solicitor General of the United States. Since then, he has been prominently associated with several Republican leaders and candidates, most recently John McCain, for whom he expressed his enthusiastic support in January. This week, Fried announced that he has voted for Obama-Biden by absentee ballot. In his letter to Trevor Potter, the General Counsel to the McCain-Palin campaign, he asked that his name be removed from the several campaign-related committees on which he serves. In that letter, he said that chief among the reasons for his decision "is the choice of Sarah Palin at a time of deep national crisis." Fried is exceptionally thoughtful and principled; his vote for Obama is especially noteworthy. --Cass. R. Sunstein UPDATE: Fried writes to TNR: I admire Senator McCain and was glad to help in his campaign, and to be listed as doing so; but when I concluded that I must vote for Obama for the reason stated in my letter, I felt it wrong to appear to be recommending to others a vote that I was not prepared to cast myself. So it was more of an erasure than a public affirmation--although obviously my vote meant that I thought that Obama was preferable to McCain-Palin. I do not consider abstention a proper option. Posted: Friday, October 24, 2008 12:40 PM with 9 comment(s)
- Let's all have a glass of milk, some cookies and watch this video. Or perhaps you're a D&D fan?
- JC--I read the National Review piece as well and came away shaking my head. For McCarthy innuendo must be an italian suppository, he's that full of it. There is not one shred of fact in that screed, not one piece of information that actually connects the dots. It's got desperation writ large over it, given the date.
- That 25% of the Defense budget would come from expensive new weapons systems. I'm not sure that's not a bad idea. But perhaps we should just continue to build ever bigger and better ways to kill people, especially since no one else seems to be doing it.
- that fruitfly research Palin was mocking? Led to the discovery of a possible gene marker for autism. Now that's some well thought out sarcasm, would you not say? And I'm with Kevin Drum on this: And you know the part I'm really looking forward to? Sarah Palin's role in all this. I expect her to rip McCain absolutely to shreds. On background, of course, but it will be no less vicious for that. Her future, such as it is, lies with the wingnut rump of the party, and she knows what her audience wants: John McCain's blood. And lots of it. They never liked him in the first place, and I expect them to be howling for his head on a platter starting at about 8:01 pm EST on November 4th.
- Jeff, I find it ironic that given your profession, you can't see that cutting from new weapons spending (not current weapons, like the Predator drone which is already in use, but pie in the sky sorts of things that no other country is spending) As a friend of mine wrote: we need a well equipped armed forces, but well equipped does not mean flying billion dollar a plane bombers or half billion dollar a plane fighter jets to fight third world jihadists. For the cost of one or two of those planes, we could have equipped everyone in Iraq with appropriately armed vehicles and would have plenty of leftover change. Military spending is fungible; there is plenty that is necessary and plenty that isn't. One of the few good ideas Rumsfeld had before he became obsessed with empire was reducing the hugely expensive weapons programs under development designed solely to ensure that when the crunch came, we would prevail at the Fulda Gap. Oh, and bulding on your comment, Brian, which came out as I was writing mine, it seems that you, Jeff, are making a flying leap of faith when you assume that connections were made between Ayers and Obama at Columbia. So far all we've read is conjecture of the rankest sort. Give us proof, or give up the argument.
- This is the American Conservative magazine questioning McCain's fitness. Not some left wing publication. Just the first two paragraphs: He has been called McNasty and Senator Hothead, but John McCain has called his fellow senators far worse. Newsweek reported that he “erupted out of the blue” at Budget Committee Chairman Pete Domenici, saying, “only an a--hole would put together a budget like this.” He called Sen. Chuck Grassley a “f---ing jerk” and capped a profane tirade during last year’s amnesty debate by screaming “f--- you” at Sen. John Cornyn. Then there was the scuffle on the Senate floor with Strom Thurmond when the South Carolina senator was a less-than-spry 93. No one is immune from his outbursts. A pair of Arizona physicians, Robin Silver and Bob Witzeman, went to meet McCain to discuss their concerns about a telescope project he wanted to fund. “He jumped up and down, screaming obscenities at us for at least 10 minutes,” Silver told CounterPunch’s Jeffrey St. Clair. “He shook his fists as if he was going to slug us.”
- Try this poll of Kerry v. Bush on for size, Jeff. It's rather closer to the truth.
- Jolene--Real Clear Politics rocks!! Funny we got to the same site.
- love James Wolcott. The last paragraph sums it up nicely: And to think they called us "sore losers" in 2000! They haven't even lost yet and they're already blaming the victor, acting all butch and making with the big talk about stocking up on gold and ammo as they hole up in the shag-carpeted panic room and let their whiskers grow. They can't face the fact that conservatism has epically failed; this is their way of pouting and refusing to come out and play, leaving everybody else to deal with the ruin left behind.
- Gasman, That article conveys also how those involved in the campaign are so intellectually bankrupt--their major motivator is not any kind of overriding policy belief. It's that they want the power. Period. Anyone who doesn't see that by now, well.......
- "Quote of the Day» Bill Kristol: “Neville Chamberlain also had a fine temperament and a good intellect.” By the same token, I suppose, Adolf Hitler was a hothead who took on the special interests." via Matthew Yglesias
- Gasman, I hope you don't mind, but I have copied your post on the Alaska Daily News and sent it to practically everyone I know. I know, I know. I am the latest plagiarist on this blog...(vbeg)...whatever that guy's name was. How soon we forget.
- mark--I looked at the Fox news article, and read what Obama said to the radio station in 2001 and from my experience as a law student and a lawyer for 32 years, what Obama was saying was that the civil rights movement depended to heavily on the courts to make the changes in society that they wanted and the courts could not be the be all and end all for this--that the civil rights folks would have to work to change the laws to fit their agenda. It was not strictly redistribute the wealth (which the McCain campaign now seems to feel is their boogeyman ticket to victory) it was far more general than that. But you know what, mark? The reason i believe this will not become a hot ticket item in the waning days of the campaign is that it is too comples and esoteric for the average voter to really grasp and get excited about. Now a mistress or some graft, that could be well used in a hurry.
- Oh shoes! I love shoes. In fact bought two pair this weekend, one at the new DSW store (what a delight!) But I do not do heels anymore. I have a problem disk in the S-1 area to take care of and heels are not the answer.
- I was at my favorite consignment store Saturday, bemoaning to the proprietress and friend the fact that she had all these cute shoes but they were size 7 or 6.5. "I'd have to cut my toes off to fit into them, I moaned." So I go into the dressing room to try on a blouse and this other woman walks in the store and starts exclaiming about how many cute shoes there are just her size. I laugh out loud and walk out to find that its a woman who dated the same guy I dated back in Kentucky 30 years ago. We had quite a visit there in Seattle Sat. We're getting together for lunch later this week.
- Julie, thanks for the Straight No Chaser heads up. I've ordered the CD and it should brighten the holidays considerably. btw does anyone know what breitbart tv is? Someone I know on another forum keeps posting vids from it claiming that it shows the resurgence of McCain. Like this one, for example:
- Breaking: Ted Stevens guilty on all counts.
- mark, I am surprised that you, an attorney with many years under your belt, are not familiar with the Volokh web site or the luminaries of the right wing that populate the blog. They are, truly, heavyweights in this business, with better policy discussions than on many blogs both right and left. Take a look:
- I adore Zappos. Free postage both ways and the selection is great. Best place for shoes on the internet.
- A light hearted frolic and detour back to bygone days of public offerings:
- print share 10.28.08 -- 3:18PM // link | RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (24) Quite a Piece of Work Not only was Indiana's minority-vote suppressing Secretary of State Todd Rokita one of the foot soldiers credited with shutting down the Florida recount. He's also got a way with words that may reveal some of the mindset that leads to his penchant for vote suppression. Back in 2007 he said ... During a speech Thursday at a Republican event, Todd Rokita said 90 percent of blacks vote for Democrats. "How can that be?" Rokita said. "Ninety to ten. Who's the master and who's the slave in that relationship? How can that be healthy?" --Josh Marshall
- Brian, Re JFK's death. I was in 6th grade at Spencer School in Defiance and Mrs. Stratton was my teacher. We used to gather after recess outside her door and the girls would sing,"We love you Beatles, oh yes we do. We love you Beatles, and we'll be true. When you're not with us, we're blue. Oh, Beatles, we love you." Our principal Mrs. Barto came to our class after lunch and told Mrs. Stratton that JFK had been shot. Mrs. Stratton relayed it to the class, at which time, several students cheered or clapped. I can't remember which, it was so surreal. Defiance was (and probably is) somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun. This was the weekend of my birthday, and I was angry because my best friend slept over Friday night and we didn't get to watch cartoons in the morning as we'd been planning. It took me probably about 6 months to understand the enormity of what had happened ,when I read a National Geographic article on the assasination. I did see Jack Ruby shoot Oswald on tv however. That was too easily done.
- Well, McCain is due in Defiance tomorrow for a campaign stop. I bet the folks there are in a collective swoon right about now.
- Had to drive down to Olympia this am for a meeting. On they way down heard the first part of a radio ad for my ex (who is running as the Dem for state treasurer). Good thing I don't carry firearms or violence would have been done to the radio. He's campaigning as an outsider, yet he's been a state legislator in Olympia these past ten years and worked as a consultant and an aide to a governor down there for another 15. The other thing that sticks in my craw is that he hasn't paid me for his share of some college expenses for the youngest that I paid a while ago, yet he's managed to raise $200K for his race. Jerk.
- Joe the Plumber is appearing with McCain in Defiance, Oh today. McCain may take Nixon's place as the town's favorite presidential candidate.
- Obama's 30 minute spot brought home to me better than anything else I have seen or read this season, how so many people are hurting. I would have been absolutely bored out of my mind with the Ross Perot pie charts again. And although Obama could have lectured us for 30 minutes given his experience in that as a law prof at the Univ. Chicago certainly gives him that ability, he instead tried to show us and not simply talk about it. And, unfortunately, mark, the only way you can show it is to offer up specific examples. He gave us real people, as far as I could determine and he didn't try to overdramatise their situations--the facts were sufficient. I thought it was powerful and compelling overall. And that was even though I was watching on my small screen computer late at night, because I'd had to stay at work to finish a brief. The infomercial took me out of myself to think of other, more hurting people and I don't do that much these days. In fact the effect was so powerful that afterwards, when reading about other political snark, I was offended by the vulgar tone, and that usually does not hit me. And in this instance it was about tshirts w/ pictures of Palin that read: "VPILF". Now, in general I would not have been put off by anything nasty about Palin, but I thought this was petty and beneath the Dems. Luckily I can report that the feeling has passed, in part since the Repubs have not let up on slime slinging. Obama was not my first choice in the Dem primary. I wanted a candidate who could win the general election and I feared that he could not win given his background and the make up of this country. Yet he has, by dint of his steady, consistent approach and incredibly hard work, just mowed down those fears in me, and I hope in a majority of Americans.
- JTP failed to show up for the Defiance rally. Dang!
- The modern day equivalent of the golden calf.
- Alex, there's a few bloggers that I think got it right about Khalidi: The problem with the McCain campaign is that it has devolved into zero policy and 100% personal attacks. There is no redeeming value in McCain or Palin at the present time.
- It is not a private event, sorry Mark. It is a public event, particularly as McCain has accepted government funding for his campaign. Give me a cite to legal precedent that says an appearance by presidential campaign at a public venue is a private event. N. Iowa University is a public institution. Oh, and Mark, please provide a cite for your allegation that Obama has removed media from his plane. I could not find it doing a google search.
- mark, If individuals attending a campaign event, held on public property start to misbehave by shouting, yelling or otherwise trying to impede the crowd's hearing and understanding of the candidate, the police have the right to swoop in and get rid of them because by that behavior, they are interfering with the speaker's first amendment right to be heard. But, if an individual is tossed out of the rally, simply because in the subjective opinion of a campaign flack, they 'look' like they're going to cause trouble, then whose rights are being infringed now? I believe that if a candidate for president of the US is taking federal funds and is campaigning on public property at an event that is ostensibly open to the public (to be distinguished from a $1000 a plate dinner type of thing), they are holding a public event and as such, they have to have a better reason than "she looks like she is going to disrupt an event." I don't even think wearing a shirt or carrying a sign with the name of the opponent is sufficient to keep someone out, but I can see where that is a gray area. But I will not cede that point without a fight either.
- mark, go back and read the posts. you're trending into victimology territory with your reshuffle of the facts.
- I was just getting ready to post it myself, but you beat me to it! Do you know her?
- "Microtargeting? 11.01.08 -- 8:54PM By Josh Marshall Sounds like that vaunted GOP microtargeting machine might be ready for a bit of a tune-up. From TPM Reader QG ... Interesting anecdote and probably a testament to ground organization. I have no idea what this means. Friday night (which happens to be the start of our Sabbath) my wife answered the phone to hear a man stating he was from the McCain-Palin campaign. He asked who she was supporting. She replied that we will vote for Obama. He replied with "but he's a f-----g n---er!". Before I get to my wife's response I'll first have to say that I understand desperation and I also understand that this pitch may actually work for a few people. I also understand that there are people who are whack-jobs phone-banking for both sides. But here are some facts: My wife and I are Black. Citing the fact that Obama is a f----g n---er as a way to sway our vote may not be a great idea. My wife and I live in Maryland... Baltimore, MD.... One of the most African American areas of Baltimore Maryland. How on earth did our phone numbers get on to a McCain volunteers phone bank list of potential voters to be calling at this stage in the game? We have never received a call from the Obama campaign. Just weird. Not sure what to make of it... but that's not a good sign of organization. If it did anything it made us want to donate more. BTW, the rest of the call went downhill from there. My wife prayed for forgiveness after the call."
- Oh, and Republican Representative from Utah, Chris Cannon, tried to hire an Oxford don who had a computer program that could compare Ayers' book to Obama's book and determine if the same person wrote both. Cannon backed out when the Oxford don told him he would release the data no matter what the result was. Hate that pesky truth stuff.
- Nancy, have you seen "My Damn Channel?" with the Wasmopolitan Calvacade of Recorded Music?
- Suzi, The writer about the phone call was someone from Josh Marshall's site (he's the fellow behind ) who was identified as QC. I Probably should have italicized it rather than put quotation marks around it to try and keep the attribution clear, as I am neither male, nor black.
- Nice story about a conservative who went canvassing for Obama.
- I've got y'all beat: none of my 3 kids liked peanut butter. Now that's unamerican my friends. I myself hate chicken noodle soup b/c my mom served it 3 out of 5 days when I'd come home for lunch from Spencer Elementary School in Defiance.
- Dorothy, Opus is, alas, dead.
- BBC finds another Joe the Plumber with a different outlook
- Not to let an opportunity go to waste the GOP has sued Obama for his trip to Hawaii. they have outdone Scrooge:
- Reports from a friend in Virginia is that there have been many calls to Dem households telling them that the polling places have changed and misdirecting them to non existent polling spots.
- A german 'auf wiedersehn' to Dubya. The pictures are priceless. I will be glad to see the last of him, unless it's behind bars.
- Dang. they're off the air, now.
- Obama's last campaign speech at Manassas, Virginia last night. Truly inspiring, especially given the day he had yesterday (with the news of his grandmother's death).
- As a former Catholic from Defiance, Oh but now a professed Presbyterian for the last 17 years (and an ordained elder for 13 of them), I take heart from Hagan's experience. As should all folk, regardless of religious persuasion or not.
- Tonight, I am thinking the best of everyone involved. That includes McCain and Palin and Jesse Jackson too. I might even think a nice thought about the ex, who is leading and then behind in his statewide race. But, just tonight, k?
- Christine Gregoire is beating Dino Rossi which hopefully will take that guy out of Republican politics in my state for a long time. He offered up nothing in terms of policies, just revenge on Gregoire for beating him by 133 votes 4 years ago. The ex looks to be winning the State Treasurer's job in Wa. state. That should keep his ego nicely inflated for the next 4 years. Darcy Burner (D) is behind Dave Reichert (R) just barely in her second try for the US Representative slot for Washington's 8th District. What folks did not appreciate about the race is that she was clearly viewed as a carpet bagger. All of us in Washington are to some extent, but she hasn't been here long enough to shake that label. Death with Dignity was approved along with increased funding for a 3 county mass transit plan. In fact, the money issues were all approved which was surprising in these lean times, but I think the voters in WA were charged up civically by the presidential race. And that's not a bad thing.
- Remember, remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder Treason and Plot, I can think of no reason Why the Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent To blow up the King and Parli'ment. Three-score barrels of powder below To prove old England's overthrow; By God's providence he was catch'd With a dark lantern and burning match. Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring. Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
- Nancy, my last post got hung up. Could you please retrieve it? As it is Nov. 5 today.....
- LA Mary, I could only dream of a bonfire. Seattle bans them. Tis one of my favorite memories of childhood, burning leaves and roasting marshmellows over the fire. Alas, I'll not be able to enjoy that bittersweet odor again.
- the long knives in the Republican party come out and things do not look pretty for Palin. She didn't know Africa was a continent according to McCain insiders.
- CNN's first use of a hologram. Is this the future?
- Nancy, you are too modest. Your line about bill kristol was to die for.
- Oh, Connie, I do hope your daughter is ok!
- Jeff (tmmo), you really got it bad for Sarah don't you? It's ok. Guys get that way sometimes. Even Krugman had a blind spot for Hillary.
- Maybe they can have a Piper cam like the puppy cam, Danny.
- Jeff, You've really drunk deeply from the punch bowl, haven't you? Palin is an ill educated, but beautiful woman, and you're thinking with the wrong set of brains here, clearly. She has offered no new thinking on any issue, no deep thinking on any pre-existing issue. What she's good at is reading cue cards, which ws about the only thing her tv journalism degree prepared her for. Your outlandish claims for her ability to chart the future of the Republican party do you no credit. Her debate with Biden offered nothing of substance to support your claims. And, neither she nor anyone else associated with her has stepped forward to dispute the claims about her actions during the campaign. If they were lies, I would have thought she would have spoken up now. But perhaps you are a member of the Red state circular firing squad: RedState is pleased to announce it is engaging in a special project: Operation Leper. We’re tracking down all the people from the McCain campaign now whispering smears against Governor Palin to Carl Cameron and others. Michelle Malkin has the details. We intend to constantly remind the base about these people, monitor who they are working for, and, when 2012 rolls around, see which candidates hire them. Naturally then, you’ll see us go to war against those candidates. It is our expressed intention to make these few people political lepers. They’ll just have to be stuck at CBS with Katie’s failed ratings. Initial list: Nicolle Wallace Steve Schmidt Mark McKinnon
- I'll take part of what I said back. Palin has issued a non denial denial:
- Trooper Wooten, the former brother in law of Sarah Palin, has been removed from patrols for his own protection against Palin supporters who have threatened violence: Classy group. And Bill Ayers finally speaks up: I admire his restraint during the election. I think he was unfairly targeted and subject to some scurrilous abuse. Yet, I wish he had a better editor for the article.
- There are bad Democrats just as there are good democrats. I am delighted that Rep. Mahoney (a Rahm Emanuel protege) will no longer be around. I have questions/problems w/ Emanuel and think that he's too closely aligned with establishment Dem interests and may not be the best Chief of Staff Obama could have chosen. I don't think anyone here is only ragging on Republicans. It's just that they've been in power for quite a while and those were the go to guys if you want things done. Only thing is they only did it their way and that included cronyism and greed par excellence. Now that the Dems are in power, you may have your chance. But I will not defend law breakers no matter what party.
- Danny, I would guess you're not a standard Christian, because they believe in forgiveness for sins. And since, Ayers was never convicted of anything, then you can't go around convicting him as you are neither judge nor jury. As opposed to G. Gordon Liddy who is currently hosting folks on his radio show who are advocating armed insurrection. And don't forget, G. Gordon Liddy is a BFF of McCain's.
- mark and Danny: Ayers showed remarkable restraint during the campaign in not responding to the vicious daily attacks that went on against him and subjected him to phone and other threats of bodily abuse and murder. I think that's pretty damn remarkable. If you were targetted with the same, intense, irrational hatred, I would think you would respond just as you do here; loudly and profanely. Ayers did nothing of the sort, nor is his listed response hostile, it is more rueful in nature. That chapter in his and our collective lives is over and done with. Quit trying to relive it. And quit trying to say your view of that portion of our history is the only way to see it. It is not and you are exposed for your narrow mindedness when you attempt to do so.
- Obama roasts Rahm Emanuel back in 2005:
- wrt the dress, I was watching the victory speech with my 90 year old neighbor and we both noticed it, but she was the first to say something. I think that it probably looked fine in person, but tv exaggerates or emphasizes points that one would not notice in real life--people look fatter, etc. As it was, Maggie said briefly that it wasn't the most attractive dress she could have chosen, I agreed and that was that. It seems to me, that Michelle Obama makes all her own choices wrt clothes. Which, after l'affaire Palin, is truly refreshing. ps: if you wanna see some sore losers, Roy at alicublog has a bunch.
- Danny: Ayers never said he wished he'd bombed more. All he said is that he wished he'd done more to end the VN war. It's you and your like minded compatriots who have exaggerated that. I double dog dare you to produced an attributed and sourced quote that says that he wished he'd bombed more. I posted a link to his letter, because although I thought it was badly written, I admired his restraint during the campaign. You jumped all over it and I was responding to your ill considered comments.
- The Hillsdale College tshirt was a very nice touch, Nancy!
- I"m on a private list serv with a bunch of lawyers from around the nation; we formed it when Steven Brill's Counsel Connect went the way of the inter tubes and folded in 1999. Not one of us on the Politics thread voted for McCain this time out. Everyone to a member voted for Obama and this includes at least 10% long term Republicans. They just could not take the mendacity any longer.
- Why has no one mentioned shepherd's pie yet? And my 3 kids went to public schools in Seattle. I had to work to make it work for them. I think I've told the story about the elementary school principal who was fired because of my detective work here, but the results were solid: my daughter is in her second year of medical school at Univ. Washinton, my oldest son is finishing up a physics/math degree from a fine liberal arts college in MN, and the youngest is in college in S. Cal. He did not go to the math/science magnet school in the Central District like his sibs and I think his education was much the poorer for it, though his high school had by far the most wealthy parent group in the city.
- Man, if I were Hillary Clinton, I think I'd stick to the lifetime sinecure that the Senate seat offers her vs. the Secretary of State. She can chair the Foreign Relations committee and get about the same experience/and/or mileage out of that. I don't see where she derives a major benefit from switching jobs. OT: take this BBC Hollywood quiz: I got 7 out of 10
- Ok, I got left behind as the last post previous, but this is worth sharing. Take the BBC Hollywood quiz. What's your score? Mine was 7 out of 10. Went back and checked and Brian, I had the same experience--I missed the first 3 and got nervous but then finished strong. Wonder how our barkeep will do.
- my first car was a Chevy Chevette in 76 (don't I win a prize for worst car?). When you turned on the airconditoning you were down to two cylinders. Luckily it only lasted two years for me. I went off to Europe for a year's worth of school and came back and was car-less in DC for another year and a half. Moved out to Seattle in '81 in a 69 Plymouth that had a slant six in it. Finally got a VW rabbit after the battery in the Plymouth died one too many times and that lasted for a long, long time. Current car is an Outback wagon, which gets terrible gas mileage but otherwise is a great car.
- Brian, I think one of the main reasons that no one buys a car every two or three years and no one has a boat anymore, is that wages have not kept up with real prices. That's why our houses became our banks for the past ten years or so, because we had no other way to pay for the extras. And now that is coming back to haunt us big time. Because I see no way that Obama can ever convince Congress to increase wages to the level needed, nor can it be done without setting of a huge round of inflation. This should have occurred gradully over time and kept pace with the price increases.
- OT (but the discussion on the GM bailout has been great): I.F. Stone's grandaughter speaks: she thinks he would be a blogger these days.
- Nancy, here's a must see zombie movie: Nudist Colony of the Dead
- With all these Clinton retreads being mentioned for high office, it's just like Hillary won.
- Oh, and mark, you're an attorney. Want to explain to the rest of us how torture trumps the rule of law in the US? I await your response with bated breath.
- these car execs are not helping their case
- Danny you are so out to lunch on this. There are significant differences between marriage and civil unions: Here's a snippet: What's the Difference? The most significant difference between marriage and civil unions (or domestic partnerships) is that only marriage offers federal benefits and protections. According to the federal government's General Accounting Office (GAO), more than 1,100 rights and protections are conferred to U.S. citizens upon marriage. Areas affected include Social Security benefits, veterans' benefits, health insurance, Medicaid, hospital visitation, estate taxes, retirement savings, pensions, family leave, and immigration law. Because same-sex marriages in Massachusetts and California, civil unions, and domestic partnerships are not federally recognized, any benefits available at the state or local level are subject to federal taxation. For example, a woman whose health insurance covers her female partner must pay federal taxes on the total employer cost for that insurance.
- Mark, the rule of law in the US, which I invoked and not the Constitution, includes the Congressional ratification of treaties, such as the much neglected Geneva Treaty governing the treatment of POWs, regardless of where they are captured or detained . We have abrogated and trampled on the rights we agreed to provide such persons and we are shameful in the world's eyes, for not just doing so, but for trumpeting our "cleanness" in this regard for so many years. Lo, how the mighty are fallen. And you can pull a John Woo all you like, but all the legalisms and distinctions you will try to draw are nothing more than turds in dixie cups. Here are the applicable provisions, mark. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PRISONERS OF WAR Article 12 Prisoners of war are in the hands of the enemy Power, but not of the individuals or military units who have captured them. Irrespective of the individual responsibilities that may exist, the Detaining Power is responsible for the treatment given them. Prisoners of war may only be transferred by the Detaining Power to a Power which is a party to the Convention and after the Detaining Power has satisfied itself of the willingness and ability of such transferee Power to apply the Convention. When prisoners of war are transferred under such circumstances, responsibility for the application of the Convention rests on the Power accepting them while they are in its custody. Nevertheless if that Power fails to carry out the provisions of the Convention in any important respect, the Power by whom the prisoners of war were transferred shall, upon being notified by the Protecting Power, take effective measures to correct the situation or shall request the return of the prisoners of war. Such requests must be complied with. Article 13 Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated. Any unlawful act or omission by the Detaining Power causing death or seriously endangering the health of a prisoner of war in its custody is prohibited, and will be regarded as a serious breach of the present Convention. In particular, no prisoner of war may be subjected to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind which are not justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of the prisoner concerned and carried out in his interest. Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity. Measures of reprisal against prisoners of war are prohibited. Article 14 Prisoners of war are entitled in all circumstances to respect for their persons and their honour. Women shall be treated with all the regard due to their sex and shall in all cases benefit by treatment as favourable as that granted to men. Prisoners of war shall retain the full civil capacity which they enjoyed at the time of their capture. The Detaining Power may not restrict the exercise, either within or without its own territory, of the rights such capacity confers except in so far as the captivity requires. Article 15 The Power detaining prisoners of war shall be bound to provide free of charge for their maintenance and for the medical attention required by their state of health.
- Where's our Thanksgiving recipe thread? I have one to add in the general spirit of this year: Turkey Dressing 3 eggs 1tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 3 cups washed popcorn (uncooked0 1 green pepper, seeded and chopped 1 cup diced celery garlic and salt to taste Mix ingredients well and stuff turkey. Bake at 350, until popcorn pops and blows the ass off the turkey.
- mark, You're a one man band for full employment for attorneys the way you're proposing to go in and fix up all those laws one at a time. It'd be more efficient to just make marraiges between gays as well as straights, legal. See? Problem solved. Then you can go back and fine tune your other issues to your heart's desire and do it on the merits of each issue, rather than cloud it up with the other crap..
- This is good news: Judge orders 5 detainees at Gitmo released. And this was a Bush I appointee, the government thought would be very sympathetic to them....
- Did you know that the airport scenes in Casablanca were filmed at the Long Beach airport, which still looks like that? I flew in there at the end of this summer to visit my college freshman son and bring him as much crap for his dorm as I could fit in one big suitcase.
- wrong on two counts, Jtmmo. Check out your for the airport connection. And conservative republicans were not more accepting of their atheist, agnostic compatriots than liberal dems were of Christians, such as myself. I have never felt out of place in the wilds of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Washington in the halls of the democratic party, although I have been embarassed to admit that I am a Christian given how the Republicans have mucked up the brand name.
- Ah, I must apologize Jtmmo. When I flew on Jet Blue to Long Beach they told us that the airport was featured in Casablanca. After running my own checks, I find you are correct. I will say that the airport does look like it had never advanced beyond the 1940's and some Ong Beach residents would like it to stay that way, despite Jet Blue's activities contra. Again, you were right.
- Thank you, Brian. Nicely done.
- Glad the hogshead is no longer on the top of the fold, so to speak. As someone who is not a big fan of american automobiles, the latest news that they're giving big bucks to Citi kind of brought me over to side of the car makers. At least the big 3 produce something, rather than push paper.
- My favorite dressing, basset, is the apple/raisin/onion/celery dressing made with soft bread chunks in the Joy of Cooking. It has a tangy taste if you make it with Granny Smith apples and I like to substitute half dried cranberries in with the raisins.
- happy birthday fellow Sagittarius!
- A Kentucky treat that has become a Thanksgiving staple at my house chess pie. 1/2 c melted butter 1 1/2 c sugar 1 1/2 t corn meal 1 1/2 t vinegar 3 eggs Preheat oven to 450. Use mixer at low speed to combine the ingredients in the following way. Combine sugar w/ melted butter. Then add eggs and remaining ingredients Pour into 9" pie shell Put pie into oven and immed turn heat down to 400. Cook at 400 15 minutes, then at 300 about 20 minutes (these times are approximate and depends on the oven and whether the eggs are fresh--which takes longer) Pie filling will puff up full. Give pie a little jiggle to be sure center is firm before removing it. Place on rack to cool. Pie may be browned before serving.
- Nance, As an attorney in Seattle, licensed to practice in Washington state for 27 years, I can attest that Richard Sanders probably did do what he said he did. He's a huge ego-driven libertarian, and real pain in the butt to have as a Supreme Court justice, if you, as I do, represent the state.
- By GARDENING WITH CISCOE Garnet Yams with Maple Cider Glaze in Puff Pastry (Serves 4-6) This is the most requested winter-season dish in my repertoire. It can be done ahead of time and popped into the oven at the last minute. It's absolutely gorgeous to serve and there's not a marshmallow in sight! 2 medium or large organic garnet yams 1 cup maple syrup 1 cup apple cider 1/2 cup pecans 1/4 cup fresh cranberries Zest of 1 lemon 2 sheets Aussie Bakery frozen puff pastry, thawed Egg wash (1 egg beaten with 1 tablespoon water) Prepare the yams: Up to two days ahead, wrap the yams in aluminum foil and roast in a 400 degree oven until tender, about 45 minutes. Cool and peel. Keep in refrigerator until ready to use. Prepare the syrup: (You may do this step two days ahead as well. It will be quite thick once refrigerated, so let it come to room temperature before finishing the rolls.) In a heavy saucepan, combine the maple syrup, apple cider and the pecans. Bring this mixture to a boil and cook for 10-12 minutes, or until mixture is reduced by about half. Stir in the cranberries and lemon zest. Set aside to cool. For the pastries: (You may prepare these the day before, just be sure to refrigerate them right away.) Lay one sheet of pastry on a baking pan lined with parchment or a silicone baking sheet. Brush very lightly with the egg wash. Lay the yam in the center and cut it into 8-10 slices, (being sure not to cut thought the pastry). Gently press the slices down to fan them vertically. Sprinkle them with a little salt and pepper. Spoon half of the pecan mixture over the top of the yams. Roll the pastry up around the yams, tucking in the ends and sealing the seam well with your fingers. Repeat with the remaining pastry sheet. Cut a few slits in each roll and brush the surface lightly with the egg wash. You may cut out designs from extra puff pastry and apply them to the surface. Finish them with a light coating of egg wash as well. Bake at 400 degrees for approximately 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. Allow to cool slightly and cut each roll into 4-6 slices.
- I am making turkey carcass soup. I love it because it depends on what's leftover plus some fresh rosemary from my garden. This year, it's a bit darker than usual because the gravy was dark. I tried a new turkey roasting recipe which included a turkey rub made of butter and paprika and halfway through the roasting you poured a cup of warm white wine over the turkey which added great flavor to the drippings, though they were darker than usual. Yum!
- Fun stuff.
- Well, if you need Christmas gift ideas, there are the necklaces made by the displaced women of Uganda. I can put you in touch with a friend who is selling them on behalf of the organization in Seattle. The Seattle Public Library is also selling them. The prices range from $8 for earrings to $15 for multi strand necklaces.
- Mark, I've only been practicing law for 32 years, so I may not have it quite right, but in this time, every time there was a new, incoming president, the US Attorneys were reshuffled. I don't think you can find, even when Bush 1 succeeded Reagan, a case where that did not happen. And to try to somehow claim that Obama is a bad guy if he does it too, just will not wash. From the war on drugs, to illegal immigration, US attorneys deal with issues that are shaped from the policies above, and as a result, the person is charge is fully within rights to ask for the resignations of the US Attorneys. And as for the State Department and ambassador appointments, there are more political pork appointments there than you would think, xref. the failed Hormel appointment to Luxembourg. And even where careerists are appointed, this is the time that they are shaken up, sent back and reshuffled out. I used to follow it more closely as I passed both the written and oral Foreign Service exams and turned down 3 offers to join, as I had just married and moved with the ex to Seattle and thought that love trumped all. More's the pity.
- You know, Mark, it gets a bit tiresome this 'bipartisan' line being used like a carrot or a stick for Obama especially with regard to the appointment of US Attorneys. This is how the game is played. It's not like there are not a large group of attorneys who could come in and do a great job for the new administration. I remember when Clinton Yale school classmate, Kate Pflaumer, got the nod here in Seattle. She didn't have much experience in criminal yet she managed to run a very professional shop. And no one was muttering darkly about how the appointment somehow tarnished Clinton's bona fides as our president on both sides of the aisle. I think you should just give it up.
- Well, Liberty is not fully accredited as a law school, so you wouldn't catch me attending there. And accreditation is not some sort of partisan witch hunt either.
- If we're recommending books all of a sudden, let me put in a plug for the best escapist fare this side of George RR Martin. Joe Abercrombie has a trilogy out that is a great quest by mostly ordinary, hard living folks in some sorry fantasy land. The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged and The Last Argument of Kings. Makes me wish I hadn't read them yet to be recommending them to y'all. Because I get enough non fiction in my real life.
- Brian, I hope you know that Abercrombie's books were fiction. Which I use to escape. A good book and my bus ride turns into a very pleasurable ride. This morning, instead I did a phone conference with a judge and opposing counsel on the bus. "That's ok, your honor, I'm not driving." I prefer a good book however.
- In a major way, Danny. Who are your favorite authors?
- Joe the Plumber has recommended books for Christmas:
- Oh, basset, I loved Cryptonomicon and I flunked trigonometry when I was masquerading as a senior in a suburban Mpls high school for a college sociology project. I never took a single math course in college as a result. But the plot in Cryptonomicon is way better and overpowers the math. Best of his since Snow Crash (which has the very funniest first chapter on record). Do try it again. Or better yet, start with Declare by Tim Powers and then go to Cryptonomicon. I've got Anathem for my holiday reading. Just sent a Pamela Freeman book, the first in her Castings Trilogy to my oldest son so he could have something to read after finals. btw, here's Matthew Yglesias' take on the NYT surrogate mom:
- Hated, absolutely hated the Baroque Cycle even though Stephenson gave a shout out to my favorite writer of historical fiction: Dorothy Dunnett. Stephenson's oeuvre is spotty for me. Also hated the Diamond Age. Danny, here is a partial list of my favorite authors besides the master JRR Tolkien who I first read when I was in junior high in Defiance, OH: George RR Martin: still have to put him first though his procrastination is making me crazy. Joe Abercrombie: A great new Trilogy starting with The Last Blade Patricia Briggs: A Washington writer. Like her fantasy better than her coyote changer stuff Greg Keyes: His last quartet was fabulous Bujold: Love everything except the Subtle Knife crap. That was to gag for. Mary Doria Russell: Jesuits in space written by a woman who converted to Judaism. What's not to like? Connie Willis: Recommended Lincoln's Dreams before but as a former medieval history major, her Domesday Book is fabulous (the American publisher changed the term to Doomsday because they figured that the American reading public would not get it) Great book Sherrie Tepper: Grass should have won big the year it came out but lost to Hyperion (which I did not like as well) Robert Jordan: Loved him when he first started writing but the series went on too long and especially the 5th book, which he wrote when he was going through a divorce, sucks. I don't like who they hired to finish it either. Tim Powers: a master of the craft. Declare is a great read but almost everything he writes is. Sean Stewart: Galveston is a wonderful book, particularly given the hurrican this summer. Martha Wells: an underrated writer. Doris Eagan: She's now the executive producer for House, MD but her trilogy about being a graduate student on another planet is great fun Barbara Hambly: The Ladies of Mandrigyn is great fun. Tad Williams: Love Everything he has written so far. Dave Duncan: Lots of fun from the first series to the last. My boys particularly liked him. Orson Scott Card: Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead but outside that he gets too Mormon for my taste. Patricia Wrede and Caroline Stevermer: Great series these two authors have put together. Pamela Freeman: two of three finished in the Castings Trilogy Patricia McKillip: started reading her more than 30 years ago and she does not disappoint Ursula K. Leguin: left hand of Darkness is a classic Those are what I can come up with off the top of my head, but I know that there are more.
- One more: Guy Gavriel Kay. A Song for Arbonne and The Lions of Al Rassan take myth to new heights. I thought the Arthurian legend had been mined out, but The Fionnavar Tapestry had me crying at the end. And I've only done that with one other book: Pawn in Frankincense by Dorothy Dunnett.
- Favorite funeral home in Defiance? Stick and Frye. No joke. when I die, I have a bunch of music I want played. First off, the second movement of the Brahms Requiem, followed by some Bonnie Raitt, U2, Steely Dan, ending with the Carmina Burana. There will be more.
- Constabulary notes from all over. Today, it's Dayton, OH. Wife shot during sex. Another cautionary tale regarding keeping guns in the house:
- But what would your epitaph be? Here are some noteworthy ones:
- Danny, Went back and looked for divorce info and I can't find it. I just remember reading it somewhere online Jordan readers were grousing about the decline of quality in the volumes. I will check with a friend back in DC who followed it more closely than I--she even got Jordan to autograph copies of his books about 10 years ago and he did not take kindly to her suggestion back then that he move things along. It's my greatest fear wrt George RR Martin because he's rather overweight and aging and there's no end in sight for the Song of Ice and Fire Series. Which is by far the best I've read because he is not afraid to off major characters which drives the plot in ways you don't normally see in this genre since it is so character dependant.
- Rana, thanks for the library thing recommendation. I'll go home and join after work. It would be good to have an online collection like that. i just wish that I could keep track of who I loan my books out to because I never get them back. I ordered a used edition of The Blade Itself from owlbooks on Nov 1 and it has not come yet. i am crabby.
- My donor intentions are on my driver's license.
- To respond to John c: If you buy one of those fancy caskets, your body is not going to fertilize anything. You have to be buried in a plain, wood casket with no embalming chemicals to do the earth any good. I'm not sure how many funeral services offer that these days.
- Happy Feast of St. Barbara! Making Light has a wonderful disquisition on the origins of the saint and her followers. Which is my mother's and sister's name and so fitting. And good ol' clarence thomas has revived a lawsuit filed against Obama's election on the basis he's not a US citizen. Nice work mr. oreo:
- Danny, I sure as hell hope not. The State Capitol, as far as I know, is the province of the state legislature and they will probably deal with it in whatever cowardly craven way they choose to do so. Oops. Spoke too soon. Here is what the Seattle PI had to say: [Governor Christine] Gregoire, a Democrat, and Republican Attorney General Rob McKenna put out a joint statement Wednesday noting that the federal case led the state to create an inclusive policy: "The U.S. Supreme Court has been consistent and clear that, under the Constitution's First Amendment, once government admits one religious display or viewpoint onto public property, it may not discriminate against the content of other displays, including the viewpoints of nonbelievers." What a great guy, that Rob McKenna! I would note for the record, he and his family are Catholic.
- This is for Jeff tmmo, as it seems that Bill Donohue, one of my least favorite Catholics is getting involved here with your favorite Catalan Christmas tradition.
- The one other explanation of Thomas' behavior that I came up with yesterday is that Thomas, as an African American, may have been sensitive to charges of bias, if he failed to refer the matter to the full court. But I rather prefer the gotcha explanation. I understand from Court gossip that Thomas is a bitter man with a chip on his sholder even now, all these years after his nomination debacle. Although it was good to publicly raise the issue of on the job harassment--it was a teachable moment for many--Thomas should have been voted down because he was not a lawyer of the caliber that would make a good Supreme Court justice. But, of course, no one had the guts to say that out loud.
- Another acquaintance of mine made the point that the Detroit bailout vs. the bank bailout pits the blue collar vs. the white collar workers. Guess which one is getting a more sympathetic ear from Congress?
- del, some of the photos in that video still resonate but the equation of Bush w/ Gore is truly wrong as proven by subsequent events, and dated. Music's not bad tho....
- You will all be glad to know that the atheist sign posted next to the Nativity and hannukah displays in the State Capitol in Olympia, has been recovered the day after it was stolen and will be going back up (whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal"?) and that a Festivus display will now also be put up, this by a private citizen.
- B.b.b.b.but Sarah Palin and her family are soo good looking!! Gah. As if that had anything to do about how to competently run a government.
- I love my bird feeders in the backyard, but they're a draw for rats. Does anyone have any ideas on how best to trap the rats without getting the squirrels or poisoning my dogs in the process? I have an aging black lab who is worthless and a miniature dachshund who is clueless on catching the rats. Either a terrier or a cat, but with a cat the birds would be at risk. Life is complicated.....
- As a lapsed Catholic and a Presbyterian elder, I have to say these mega churches seem to take on a life of their own. People are drawn to success for success' sake. But I like my little church, precisely because it is little. My kids grew up surrounded by all generations. We may not have lived near relatives, but they had aunts and uncles galore courtesy of the church. Just went to our Christmas pageant last night and it was so homely and tender and touching. As I age, I tend to value the quieter events in my life. They are touchstones for my soul. And for the holidays and dog lovers everywhere, "Bailey the unknown Reindeer:"
- Del, As a singer for some years (I was lucky to be under the tutelage of Dale Warland at Macalester College in the early '70s), I think the Carmina Burana is the closest thing you can get to orgasm while singing, it's that much fun. And I was introduced to it, maybe 14 years ago, so I am late to the party. Gasman, Have you heard of Carlos Nakai? His "Winter Dreams" CD is one I play at this time every year. Turns out a classmate at Macalester, James DeMars, has written some songs that he has performed. Small world.
- Alex, Macalester College, which is in St. Paul MN. Not the same as Manchester.
- Yeah, I figure it's a done deal for Caroline, if she wants it. My sister Barb had a Caroline Kennedy doll, which was odd coming from my very Republican parents, but perhaps the fact that the Kennedys were Catholic helped with the allure for my mother.
- apropos of yesterday's discussion, one of the biggest churches in Seattle is found at the Center for Spiritual Living, just down the road from where I live. We were there this weekend for a sing along Messiah to benefit the orchestra of two of my kids' public high school, Garfield. What does anyone here know about the Church of Religious Science (an offshoot of Christian Scientists that believes stuff entirely separate from them)?
- Disclaimer: I'm in favor of a bailout. But this is worth posting:
- Brian, I'd still pick that job over being a crab fisherman off the coast of Alaska. Now's their busy season.
- Ooh, ooh. Love the following:
- Got back to the office after a hearing this pm, and wolfed down the Fair Trade chocolate I had hidden in my desk drawer. I finished it and then had to look twice, because I couldn't figure out how it disappeared so quickly. That's how bad it's been here... And i think that the air landing strip at the Miramar base the crippled plane was heading for was mostly closed down because it's too close to a residential area. Ya think?
- It's time to play Name That Goon! Rod Blagojevich vs. Tony Soprano. Hands on buzzers: One's a trash-talking thug trying to stay one step ahead of the law. The other was played by James Gandolfini. Can you identify the speaker of the ten quotes below? 1. "Unless I get something real good...shit, I'll just send myself, you know what I'm saying." 2. "What the fuck am I, a toxic person or something?" 3. "Log off, that "cookies" shit makes me nervous!" 4. "They're not willing to give me anything except appreciation. Fuck them." 5. "You got no fuckin' idea what it's like to be number one. Every decision you make affects every facet of every other fucking thing." 6. "I've got this thing and it’s fucking golden, and I'm just not giving it up for fuckin' nothing. I'm not gonna do it. And I can always use it. I can parachute me there." 7. "That motherfucker's full of shit. He's shaking me down." 8. "Our recommendation is fire all those fucking people, get 'em the fuck out of there..." 9. "I could have made a larger announcement but wanted to see how they perform by the end of the year. If they don't perform, fuck 'em." 10. "Jesus Christ! The money I've been dropping in here, I could've bought a fuckin' Ferrari."
- /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Answers: Tony Soprano: 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 Governor Blagojevich: 1, 4, 6, 8, 9
- Danny, I would have agreed with you in 2000 that there was not a dime's worth of difference between the Republican and Democratic parties. After 8 years of the cravenness and mendacity of Bush, I KNOW BETTER. You are profoundly mistaken, my man. But I find I repeat myself. Edit: Danny, here is something from Josh Marshall that illustrates why Repubs are different from Dems: "What Happened 12.12.08 -- 9:48AM By Josh Marshall A quick update from a knowledgeable source who works in that big building with the dome ... I don't think it'll be hard to explain why Senate Republicans had the final say: that's what the Constitution and Senate rules require. How else would we have passed anything? I do think it'll be hard for Senate Republicans to explain themselves. They were invited, repeatedly, to participate in more than a week of negotiations with a Republican White House. They declined. They were asked to provide an alternative bill. They refused. Finally, one of their members - Senator Corker of Tennessee - participated in a day-long negotiation with Senate Democrats, the UAW, and bondholders. Everyone made major concessions. Democrats gave up efficiency and emissions standards. UAW accepted major benefit cuts and agreed to reduce workers' wages. Bondholders signed off on a serious haircut. But when Senator Corker took the deal back to the Republican Conference, they argued for two hours and ultimately rejected it. Why? Because they wanted the federal government to forcibly reduce the wages of American workers within the next 12 months. Heard this morning that President Bush may still use TARP money to rescue the automakers. He reportedly doesn't want to end up as the next Hoover." Oh, and when have the Republican Senators ever agreed to take a pay cut of their own for the public good? Thought so.
- Dexter, I have some absinthe courtesy of a friend who distills liquor (which is still illegal to do in your own home as far as I know). It's ok, but I wouldn't drop everything else in life for it. I've got most of the bottle left after 2 years, so it's not high on my favorites list.
- Well, I went and sang the Christmas parts of the Messiah at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. Qute a few members of the Seattle Symphony Chorale showed up so it felt really professional and quite moving to be singing the Hallelujah chorus and watch the audience stand up. (I know that's not part of the Chritmas part, but everyone expects it) I'd like to do that again.
- Guess they're going to have to make journalists remove their footwear to attend presidential press conferences in the future. Inaugural parade preparations. I hope this one makes the television:
- George Packer has an article in this week's New Yorker, Official Stories, which may go a long way to explaining the source of the Iraqi's anger and frustration: In the past few days, two official documents on Iraq and the war on terror have come out: a bipartisan inquiry by the Senate Armed Services committee into treatment of detainees, and a report by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Reading through the executive summary of the first and highlights of the second gave me a distinct feeling of nausea—a sense of being dragged back down into an extremely unpleasant experience in which I’d been immersed for years and that I’d only recently started to leave behind. No chance. A few sentences into each document and it was real and vivid all over again: the official lies and deceptions buried under acronyms and jargon; the headlong folly of arrogant policymakers; the fateful decisions made in the shadows or on the fly, and the years of terrible consequences. These two documents bring very old news; there’s nothing remarkable about their main conclusions. The nausea I felt came from having seen and heard almost all of it before. The Senate inquiry finds that the humiliation and cruelty inflicted on prisoners at Guantanamo, Bagram, and Abu Ghraib followed from directives that originated in the White House and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The Inspector General’s report (which, at 513 pages, contains far more revealing detail than the declassified version of the Senate inquiry) establishes that the U.S. government was completely unprepared for the reconstruction of Iraq, owing to the almost criminal negligence of those responsible, and that the years since the invasion have been marked by bureaucratic confusion and incompetent execution, with private contractors playing a large role in the disaster. In both narratives, President Bush and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld are the prime culprits, heading a large cast of failed officials, along with a few quiet dissidents. Both documents show, without quite saying so, that years of official statements amount to a long string of lies. Throwing shoes in a sense is benign in that the weapon of choice does not cause serious injury (usually in the Middle East soft shoes are worn, not hiking boots) but given the shame attached to showing someone the sole of your foot, it has siginificant emotional and psychological consequences. It's like giving the finger used to be here in the US before common custom debased the effect. And Bush has been known to give the finger. So, I think that given the mendacity and the corruption and the greed that have completely impoverished the country of Iraq, the gesture is completely understandable and that Danny is overreacting for all the wrong reasons....But I repeat myself.
- a pretty darn good youtube video put together by an advertising firm, far as I can tell. Wonder if this will get them any business? Then, I hope these guys are invited to the inauguration parade. From Plymouth, Michigan, the Fred Hill briefcase drill team:
- Jeff (tmmo): all beaches in Hawaii are public. And the term skid row was originally skid road and originated in the Pacific NW: Finally, we can be grateful that we do not live in Galveston:
- how do you post a picture, just out of curiosity? As a picture or as a web address? Nothing like answering my own question.....
- I posted my picture on my blog site. I generally don't since, I don't advertise the fact that I'm female. Somehow I don't get as much sh*t if folks don't know that generally. It's down a ways on the right hand side.
- Love the pix of everyone. Jolene, yours made me laugh out loud! Brian and Jeff, great families to go with the great guys. And Del, you are so young to be so distinguished! I am honored to be in y'all's company.
- I was up til 3 wrapping and dog walking, so I got nutthin' today. Good piece Nancy. Can I share it (the Detroit part) with friends?
- Julie, When are you coming to Seattle? They say the snow should be gone by the 6th of Jan. I just spent the am shoveling off my deck. Roofs are collapsing under the weight of the snow. If it's after the 8th (when I get back from my Grand Canyon/Death Valley tour), let me know. Would enjoy meeting some NN devotees in person!
- 75% of Americans say they are "glad" Bush is done:
- I had Christmas eve breakfast with longtime family friends. The dad of the family used to be the CFO of Wa Mu and retired in 2004, in part because no one would listen to him as he tried to slow down the furious pace of sales of mortgages. WaMu was a great local bank before greed transformed and ultimately destroyed it. He says the book to read is "Collapse." I will take him up on it.
- Yes, beb, that is the book. The other one that I think is must reading, which I am on the reserve list at the library for, is The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb. I would also recommend this article by the author of Liar's Poker:
- String Cheese Incident was a group adopted by many bereft deadheads after Jerry's death. I've seen them twice in concert in Seattle and have enjoyed them greatly. Good to know they're still chugging along! And LA Mary, give me a call when you get up to Seattle, if you have a moment. I'm off to Death Valley and the Grand Canyon tomorrow until Jan 8 but will be back, hopefully rested and refreshed after that. Best way to reach me is via home email reginac23 at
- Back from hiking Death Valley and the south rim of the Grand Canyon (in the snow) and it was absolutely fabulous. Not so much crowds at this time of year, and the mules were beautiful, though we just hiked rather than rode them. I've been reading all the posts since I left Dec. 30 and have a couple of things to say that relate back. One on the subject of verbosity. You should go read Booth Tarkington, an old time Hoosier author iirc. His Penrod series is laugh out loud funny and all the more so because of his use of words, many of which we don't see any more these days. It's racist by current standards, but in his time I am sure he was considered progressive. You can write well using lots of words, but it takes a great deal of talent. I have a post on my blog site listing over 200 names of Kentucky towns that I found funny when one night during law school at UK, a couple of us got loaded and had nothing better to do, since driving would have been deadly. Brownie does show up as one of the towns though there are a number of more colorful spots than that. Rode home from my 9 day hiking trip with a group of sports equipement sales reps back from a Las Vegas convention. The guy next to me said the sports industry is being held up by phenomenal gun and ammo sales. They cannot keep anything in stock. And as the daughter of a Republican Ohio family for whom "FDR" was a dirty word, I became acquainted with what really occurred during the depression when I went away to college in MN. Anyone who thinks that FDR didn't do enough or prolonged the depression, has been drinking right wing kool aid for too long. Look at the facts and read Krugman for starters. And the CCC signs in both Death Valley and at the various lodges and buildings scattered around the south rim of the Grand Canyon were a welcome reminder that "make work" can actually create things of lasting value for our society. May we have more of the same in the coming years.
- must not gloat about the selection of Rev Watkins for the National Prayer Service on Jan. 21
- remembering an old dispute here from pre election days, it appears that about 1/3 of ambassadorship appointments historically have gone to political donors or heavyweights. And Obama looks to continue the tradition (but considering the source of the article, I will wait to see what actually happens):
- The best part of is the customer reviews: and before we get carried away about who's worse, JTP or Palin, don't forget they have learned at the feet of the Master:
- cooze, that was Caroline Kennedy, that the poster was quoting. Obama is far more eloquent on the stump.
- Alex, Pajamas Media is a right wing enterprise (though it does include turncoat BalloonJuice in its pantheon of bloggers)
- I had a law school classmate, Andrew Thornton, who had been a Lexington blueblood, but got into police work, specifically the drug trade before he went to law school. In law school, he went from busting drug purveyors to purveying himself, a lucrative career that he expanded upon graduation. He got into flying up large kilos of cocaine from Mexico or Central America, and throwing them out the airplane with parachutes attached to them in the Great Smoky Mountains with transponders attached. But his plans went awry when he jumped out of the plane (which was set on automatic pilot and crashed into Smokies further up) carrying a bale of cocaine and his weight and the bale were too heavy for his parachute. He bought the ranch, so to speak, in the driveway of some really surprised Tennessee homeowner as I recall. There was an execrable book written about it titled The Bluegrass Conspiracy. He was someone I stayed way far away from in law school because he was a real asshole. ps. when the police went to track down the cocaine bales in the mountains, they found one very dead bear next to one. Seems the bear had sampled liberally of the contents. Nice way to go.
- Geithner employed a housekeeper who was legally in the U.S. and married to a citizen when she was hired, and who was in compliance with immigration laws until about three months before she stopped working for the Geithners. He is being criticized for not catching the change in her status during that three month period while she was still employed by them. To which I say - are you kidding me? In those circumstances, unless somebody showed me that he had actual knowledge of the change in her status and didn't do or say anything about it, that ought to be a complete non-issue.
- wrt whether Vietnam Vets were spit on, I offer this piece by Jack Shafer in Slate: And I offer that as someone who was a friend of Lou Puller, Jr., Chesty's son.
- Joe--where do you live?
- Hell, do what the lead character in The Big Easy did: run your computer under a huge magnet. That should take care of things. And speaking of things, I do not think that things can get worse. Macallan Distillery has discontinued "Amber" liqueur. Ambrosia of the gods I tell you. I am bereft, crushed beyond measure. It is as if the Dude could not get Kahlua anymore.
- I was in the Carter administration, a political appointee, who got to watch the gleeful Reaganauts take over. I remember the rise in conspicuous consumption that accompanied them, the increase in use of limousines was the most apparent outward sign. Their glee was loud and shrill and it lasted the full 12 years. Whatever the Democrats are doing now is only at best on a par with the Republicans when they came into power in 1981. Rat bastards. And, while I was in the Grand Canyon, I had dinner at the swanky El Tovar hotel in the south rim and had to listen to a fat, right wing American asshole loudly proclaim to a group of Europeans that Obama was nothing but a Marxist/socialist whore. It seems that the term has been passed around to the faithful neo con underground. I expect to see much more use in the future.
- Ah, but it seems that they still have the mainstream media to do their bidding. HBO also failed to introduce the Gay Men's Chorus, though they'd intro'd every other group performing.
- What beb said wrt to the ultimate failure of the Bush AIDs in Africa policy.
- LAMary--Yes, that was El Tovar. It would have been a perfect dinner without that right wing SOB mucking up the sound waves. Right after New Year's is a perfect time to visit because the crowds are down. PS: here's some proof on the disastrous African AIDs policies of the Bush administration
- Fiat is 'buying' a 35% stake in Chrysler. Such a deal! And I will be in a hearing up in Bellingham so will miss the live action. But I have a half bottle of french champagne I am going to take over to Maggie, my 90 year old next door neighbor, when I get home from work and we will toast to the new administration.
- I listened to as much as I could before my hearing this am. The music by John Williams had me in tears. I used to sing that Shaker song to my kids as part of their bedtime ritual. And I cried at the oath of office as well. Then I dried it all up and went to my hearing. Bless NPR for replaying the Inaugural address so I could hear it on my drive home. I thought it it exactly the right notes. As opposed to Rick Warren's invocation which was wooden words, woodenly spoken and the naming of Jesus four times plust the Our Father was a deliberate slap to those not Christian. Warren, in my opinion, stands exposed by his own actions for the narrow minded git that he is.
- Per NPR this am before the invocation was offered, Billy Graham, no slouch of an evangelical, never mentioned Jesus in his invocations for serious events such as this and that omissions has been widely understood to mean it was done in the spirit of inclusiveness. I stand by my opinion of Warren's invocation.
- It's the way that you prepare brussels sprouts that determines whether they are bitter or not. Steaming and baking them are good ways. I'll post a recipe from a very good cook in a bit after I'm off the phone on a conference call for work.
- wrt to the myth that the New Deal prolonged the Depression:
- Heating time may vary depending on your oven: Set the oven at 400. Wash and cut the sprouts in half lengthwise. Toss with olive oil and chopped garlic in a bowl, and spread in a glass baking dish in one layer, salt and pepper, and bake for about 40 to 60 minutes or until tender and the outer leaves start turning brown. Toss around halfway through cooking. Variations = sprinkle with grated lemon zest, dried or fresh thyme, or both. The roasting takes away the bitterness and converts much of the carbs in the sprouts to sugar. They are sweet and savory.
- Read Rev. Watkins' sermon and I thought it was well done. But she's calling for lots of things that fit into the Obama agenda, that socialist Marxist. And I don't think that these are things that you all agree with, Jeff tmmo. Or at least, your political support seems to be at a variance with it.
- Here's a cold and flu alert: Remember Airborne? Well it settled a multistate consumer protection lawsuit recently with a large number of states for hyping its efficacy. I guess there still is no cure for the common cold. But, please, stay home and don't infect the rest of us. I did for four days last week.
- Well, it appears that Samuel Alito continues his boycott of all things Obama. As far as I know in addition to boycotting Obama's visit to the Supreme Court last week, he did not attend the inauguration either. Knows how to hold a grudge, he does. Neither Obama or Biden voted to confirm him.
- a catchy little number: Courtesy of Calculated Risk.
- I'd like a full factual basis for the assertion above that Ayers and Obama were anything more than acquaintances. I get so darn tired of all these Obama smear jobs that are kept going with an assertion that it will somehow be proven in the future. I want it proven now, dammit. Or shut up.
- This is so frackin' stupid that we have to do someone else's research for him. The wiki entry on Obama says he received his undergraduate degree from Columbia in 1983. Here is what it says about Ayers(please people it is Ayers not Ayres) and I am quoting verbatim just so we can get the time frames down: "He began his career in primary education while an undergraduate, teaching at the Children’s Community School (CCS), a project founded by a group of students and based on the Summerhill method of education. After leaving the underground, he earned an M.Ed from Bank Street College in Early Childhood Education (1984), an M.Ed from Teachers College, Columbia University in Early Childhood Education (1987) and an Ed.D from Teachers College, Columbia University in Curriculum and Instruction (1987). He has edited and written many books and articles on education" Ok, so Jeff tmmo would have us believe that somehow after Obama graduated from Columbia in 1983, he came into contact with Ayers while Ayers was at a completely DIFFERENT college because Ayers did not even enter Columbia until 1984. Nice try but >>honk<< you lose fella. I want a bottle of Macallan's Amber liqueur. Thanks so much for playing.
- This is really getting ridiculous. Assuming that a master's program takes two years, this means that out of their respective careers, there is only one possible year of overlap in NYC: 1982-83. Now Ayers was at Banks St School in a graduate program. There currently are 1,052 students enrolled at Banks Street. Columbia's population is 23,000 students, of which 5,475 are undergrads. Banks Street may be physically located near Columbia, but there is no formal relationship between Columbia and Banks Street. Take a look at Columbia's website, they list relationships with Barnard, the Jewish Theological Seminary, Teachers College and Union Theological Seminary. So Ayers would not have received credit for taking courses at Columbia. And he could not have been a Teaching Assistant in any course that Obama took (which I originally thought was possible until it was clear that neither attended Columbia together, and that Banks was not affiliated with Columbia) And wrt to the sheer speculation that they attended the same class together somehow, that is such a thin reed as to be nonexistent. Ayers was a graduate student, and Obama was an undergraduate student. It's been awhile, but when I was in college there was a big difference in the course offerings between graduate and undergraduate. I can't envision Ayers as a graduate student somehow sitting in on an undergraduate course offered by Said. There were/are undergrads who took graduate level courses, but those are students who have excellent academic records, something that the inference has always been, that Obama didn't have at Columbia. So the idea is that out of a universe of 20,000+ students, they attended different schools and different programs in the same city together and somehow they sat next to each other or became acquainted in a class that one man may or may not have taught and which the graduate student would not have received credit for attending. Don't think so.
- "Moe, when I was at the University of Illinois, there were any number of upper division classes and seminars that were attended for credit by both graduate and undergraduate students." And how many graduate students from other institutions ( I assume there are some near to the University of Illinois) attended undergraduate classes at Illinois?
- MichaelG--you raised some points that I thought were good and tried to address them. When I went to Macalester College in St. Paul MN lo these many years ago, one of the things they touted as a reason to go there was you could take courses, if you wanted at the other Twin Cities colleges like St. Kates, Hamline, Augsburg, St. Thomas, etc. Turns out we didn't because it took too much time and we could generally get the courses we needed on campus. But the colleges had a formal arrangement to do so, just as Columbia has a formal arrangement with a number of other schools in the NYC area and they state that on their web site. Bank Street is not one of the schools listed that they have an arrangement with, so I would imagine that it would be far trickier to get into a Columbia course if you were a Banks St. grad student than if you were enrolled at one of the schools that had a formal arrangment with Columbia. Just pointing out additional problems of proof in this case that no one has really addressed, and certainly not thinking that you are raising your points in anything more than a manner of thinking out loud. Like I do sometimes.
- Deborah, Is there a 'not' missing in your penultimate sentence? Thanks.
- What mark seems to forget, despite being an attorney, is that the life of an attorney is writing. Not very good writing, to be sure for the most part, but writing. It is worth noting that Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review. This, in other schools, is the editor in chief. In my law school career, the person with the highest grades was supposed to be appointed to editor in chief (in my class of '76, this did not happen because the school faculty had reservations about appointing the woman who had the highest grades). And how did you receive your good grades in law school one might ask? Well, by writing essays to your final exams. And, if I am correct, Obama not only had to have extremely high grades, he had to go beyond that and write for the position. Given the august company he was keeping at the time, Obama could not have been a slouch in the writing department unless mark wants to suggest that the Harvard faculty prostituted the hell out of themselves to appoint the man to the position. I have had several law school and attorney acquaintances whose writing has made me sit up and say, "Damn they're good." And these are just legal briefs for the most part, mind you. It should also be noted that one of the authors on the list posted by the Gman is and was an attorney with no 'authorial' background at all: John Grisham. So yeah, maybe if Obama was an auto mechanic, his facility with words might be as astonishing as mark and Cahill try to make it out to be.
- You know, I would say that I am a Christian. But I am certainly not a "Focus on the Family Christian." That's a subsect. And I rather hate the manner in which they appropriate the term as if they are the only Christians out there. In fact it raises some unchristian ire on my part as I think they ignore the fundamental lessons of the gospel in their supercilious, self satisfied weltangschaung.
- Obama ended up in Chicago TWICE. The first was right after college where he worked in the non profit sector. He then, after this seasoning, went to BOSTON and law school at Harvard and then, upon graduation, WENT BACK to Chicago to work in a law firm and teach at the University of Chicago. Now if you are trying to tie Obama to Ayers, would it not make sense to do it the first time around since after he's established himself in Chi-town, there is a reasonable rationale for going back there after graduation from law school. But, that won't fly, because Ayers was going to graduate school in NYC during the same time period Obama was first working as a volunteer in Chicago. And frankly, in my current situation, having oldest son currently a senior in college and getting ready to graduate in May, he's going to go where he can find a job, thank you very much. I would bet the same applied to Obama. So please, show me where Ayers got Obama his first job as a community organizer in Chicago? The record is simply not there. I would just give it up, Jeff. You keep digging bigger and bigger holes for yourself. Your tin hat is showing a little too much.
- Jeff, Show me where there is an Ayers tie to Obama's first job as a volunteer. If you can't then you have less than nothing.
- Hey, you caught me just as I am making my world famous Belgian/Canadian curry on my gas range. I adore gas ranges. It's an industrial strength Garland cast iron amd stainless steel one that hides the grease well, so I am well satisfied. Especially after 19 years with an electric range in an all electric mid century modern house. Was delighted to downsize 3 years ago.
- Pretty fun to watch the 44 presidents shift into the next one.
- Who, exactly, were the clients defrauded by Madoff? When I was at the SEC, we investigated what we called "affinity fraud," which were, given my location in the west, Mormons fleecing other Mormons. Did Madoff bilk mostly Jewish clients or was it all over the board?
- 500+ dogs siezed in puppy mill raids and many are pregnant with probably 1500 puppies to come. Major heartache up here for us dog lovers.
- Fingers crossed for you Deborah. And toes too.
- wrt to tightening the belt exercises, I was reminded that my father's parents (Paulding, Ohio) sold their Lake Hamilton vacation home at the heighth of the Depression for $2,000. It was on the lake, and my fahter had many happy memories of hanging out there as a kid. I wonder what we will be forced to do these days.
- JGW: Let me second the recommendation of Battlestar Galactica. I dropped direct tv this fall after my youngest went off to college and so my friend Anne and I catch it on Sat nights on the It's terrific. I can't imagine why those interested in eschatology would not find this absorbing to the nth degree. So you don't think Dee was a cylon?
- Neil Gaiman awarded the Newberry: delightful!
- Ah, but Dexter, you forget that when Garrison Keillor ran off years later with the Danish woman who had been an exchange student in his high school, he left his significant other, Margaret Moose, who had helped produce A Prairie Home Companion, in the lurch. Many of us long timers were rather incensed by the callous way he treated Margaret, as she was a universal favorite. Garrison's first broadcast of A Prairie Home Companion was at Macalester College but a number of years after I had graduated.
- Don't forget that on the Pacific NW coast, you also have to get used to the grey and rain 24/7 for about 6 months. It can be quite wearying to the soul. And we're getting many more freezes and snow than we used to.
- Track Obama's progress at living up to his campaign promises:
- Caliban, I just came from Safeway where they were playing that Talking Heads song. I told the checkout guy it was weird to be hearing it in Safeway. Put Last Chance Harvey on your Netflix list for the future. It's a quiet movie but Dustin Hoffman does a damn fine job of being a guy whose lost more than he's won most of his life. And what can I say about Emma Thompson? I think she was superb. And Caliban, if you think Blade Runner is the best, why are you not watching Battlestar Galactica? It's longer and playing with the same themes.
- Well, I'm all bummed out that the most recent Battlestar Galactica episode had a "to be continued" sign at the end. It left me on the edge of my seat. The writers and directors are not afraid to kill good characters, so there really is uncertainty in this. It also didn't help that I watched it at the home of some friends who have a very large tv with a great sound system. Good thing I don't.
- Our "liberal" media at work:
- more news from Detroit and the freep: family terrorized by Detroit police for two hours in mistaken drug raid.
- In Seattle, one of my neighborhood bars is much more popular now that there's a smoking ban in place. I go there probably every two weeks for dinner with my daughter or friends when I never would have done so before. And it's now always crowded. So at least in my experience, it has been a net plus. But the smoking rate is lower in Seattle than other parts of the US.
- My mother had euphemisms for the words poop and pee. At least we didn't have antimacassars on the arms of our chairs.
- I remember that the Victorians used to cover the legs of their chairs-- they were so sensitive that others would be offended to view exposed legs, even if they were on inanimate objects and had never been alive. I wonder what those coverings were called.
- This was in our bar news this month and I think the grammar tips can be used by more than lawyers:
- Ok, here's my Russian vodka story. In 1995 the head of the Antitrust section of the Washington Attorney General's office spent a year in Belarus, teaching lawyers and other government officials about the laws of competition in the US and Europe. When his year was over, he got the governor to pay for a delegation of Belarussian officials to come over to the US for a several week visit (with their KGB handlers too). When they arrived at the SeaTac airport, they set off all the dogs in security, because along with the copious amounts of vodka in their suitcases, they had packed large quantities of pig fat which they believed, if they ate before drinking their vodka, enabled them to drink that much more vodka. Well two other couples and my ex and I hosted the group for dinner one night and they brought vodka, lots of vodka with them. They opened the refrigerator and the stove to make sure that they were real (they'd been told that American's houses were stuffed with fake appliances). Then they got down to eating our grilled salmon and drinking their vodka neat, which they did with furious and singleminded abandon, toasting all of us numerous times, and singing loud, long Russian songs. We'd been warned about drinking, so all but the ex husband took very tiny sips to nurse our one shot glass for most of the evening. The ex (the current Treasurer for the state of Washingon) was two sheets to the wind as a result of his attempts to keep up with the Russians, and very vocally and extensively sick thereafter (I have blackmail pictures somewhere). But they left 3/4 of a bottle of vodka with us as a parting gift for the evening, and I put it in my freezer and it lasted for almost two years. It was extremely good. I still have the bottle and the top name on it in cyrillic is 'rapevka' only the e is backwards and the v is upside down. and there are two dates to either side of that: 1893 on the left and 1993 on the right. The number 100 is prominently displayed in silver under the other name on the vodka bottle which looks like 'kpbiwtavb' again with the v upside down. PS. The other good story to come out of their visit (at least the one that is printable generally) was when they went to Costco and were being shown around. The first question from a group member to the Costco representative was, "But what do you do when you run out of all this stuff?"
- abc lays claim to being the most idiotic MSM ever.
- Nancy, Love the Dorothy Parker quote. My first cat was named Dorothy in her honor. Then came Whimbeldon (an abandoned kitten who looked like he had swallowed a tennis ball the first time we fed him), and Thurber who replace Dorothy when she was killed by a car right after we moved to our first owner type house.
- Thanks Dexter. I guess that's my job, to spread sweetness and light where ever I go.... vbeg
- Ok, Chicago hotels. For several years, when my four siblings and I were kids growing up in Defiance, our parents would take us on the train to Chicago right after Thanksgiving. We would stay at the Pearson Hotel, which is no more--the fancy downtown shopping center rests on its bones. I had my first English muffin at breakfast at the Pearson. After breakfast we would Christmas shop at Marshall Fields, and gawk at the decorated windows with the moving tableaux, and eventually purchase plenty of Frango mints to take home (who knew that they actually originated from the Seattle Department store Frederick & Nelson? we didn't that's for sure). Each time we'd go, my folks would take us out for one very nice dinner at a very nice restaurant. I can remember two of them. One was at the Kungsholm, a Scandanavian restaurant where I had my first pickled herring at the grand buffet that they served in the evening. And then you went downstairs where they had a puppet show on a small stage and gave performances composed of the music from Broadway shows. We saw "Damn Yankees" that way. There was an older gentleman sitting in front of me with a toupee that fit very badly--it was much too small in the back. But I bet he really liked being able to be a red head late in his life. The other dinnner was more spectacular. It was held at the Conrad Hilton and we took a taxi to get there from the Pearson, which was a real event since there were 5 kids and two parents squeezed in to one taxi. s I recall the taxi we took had two seats that popped up from the floor when there were this many people. But we got there without incident and ordered dinner. My younger brother John had some sort of tantrum during dinner and refused to order anything or just ordered an appetizer, can't remember exactly what happened. That was a rare occasion when one of us would cross the parents. And things were rather tense after that. However, the raison d'etre for going to the Conrad Hilton was revealed after all but the coffee cups and dessert plates were removed. The stage in front of the two tier restaurant drew back and there was an ice rink. With ice skaters skating to music. Just like Holiday on Ice only a much smaller venue. What a nice evening's entertainment to take the kids to. Until the last act. The orchestra cleared its collective throat and roared into a rousing rendition of "The Stripper" as a woman covered entirely in balloons skated out and the other skaters took to popping those balloons with pins while skating around her. I'm sure in retrospect she must've had a body suit on, else the frostbite would've been compensable, but it was truly a moment of horror for my parents. 5 children under the age of 16. My brother John put his head on the table, and brother Mark crawled under the table where he stayed until it was over and the lights came back up. I can't remember what Barbie and Peggy did. But it was an evening that I will never forget. Though I have no idea if the food was any good or not.
- Dorothy Parker, hung over, was far more witty than 99 3/4% of the rest of the country.
- Ready for summer? Heard from an acquaintance in Melbourne, Australia that the temperature there has hit an all time high: 115 F. And they're going through a bad spate of wildlfires too. Climate change means these sorts of extremes.
- The blue on blue makes it harder to read because the contrast is down. Just my 2 cents.
- I never got to see the Tut exhibit when it was touring in 1978 (that was the point in time I was moving to Brussels), but I have very fond memories of visiting the Toledo Museum of Art as a kid, where they had a very impressive Egyptian exhibit with a sarcophagus and at least one mummy, that I think was funded via Libbey Owens Glass. When I worked at the Seattle Art Museum in 1983, I was able to pick up a poster from the Tut exhibit which I then framed, and it is on one of my walls at work. The Tut Exhibit put the Seattle Art museum on the map and is still talked about by old timers in Seattle.
- whatever happened to just good ol' printing the money up as you need it?
- Turns out the octomom's doc is an LA resident. Damn. And mark, you say you are an attorney. Do you not do litigation? The commentary here generally is pretty mild compared to what I've seen attorneys dish up in cases.
- If you've not read it, I recommend John Brunner's The Sheep Look Up Somewhat dated science fiction, but it postulates what happens when the world's food supply becomes contaminated. I have been thinking of it for a while given the peanut news. And I have an unopened box of those orange peanut butter crackers in my office. Ah work, the impetus for so much prepackaged food.
- Time to give Geithner the boot. He has no idea of what he is doing. And the markets are catching on.
- You know, Body Heat was sorta spoiled for me when it first came out because I read an article about when they filmed it the temperature was in the low 40s high 30s and they had to spray water on the actors to get that sweaty look and the actors were freezing at the time. So it was hard to believe the heat part for me.
- food news from Indianapolis and it is not good. So which of the microwave popcorns use diacetyl? And of course, popcorn has to do with movies in a big way.
- I heard from a friend in Chicago that Joaquin Phoenix did not want to go out and promote his current movie and this is the way he is getting back at the producers.
- I worked with FDA inspectors when I was an Assistant Attorney General in Consumer Protection on a case involving the sale of meat certified as beef that contained pork. They were very professional and knew a great deal about the scientific and legal processes that they were involved in.
- BREAKING NEWS Judd Gregg withdraws his name from the Commerce Secretary spot. He just can't abide the stimulus bill. Even though he lobbied hard to get the job.
- It's means "it is" while Its is the possessive. Or else my 9th grade English teacher at Defiance High School, Mrs. Stoner, is spinning in her grave.
- pity the poor maid.
- a darker look at the attempt to harmonize religion with science:
- Andrew Sullivan thinks it's war:
- Sue, Why can't we hold the Repubs accountable for how vets are being treated at the VA for PTSD? Haven't they been in power for the last 8 years minus 3 1/2 weeks? How long would you give the Obama administration to change the treatment approach at the VA?
- Gregg chickened out. Plain and simple. Just could not take the abuse from his party. Anyone as high up as Gregg and with his reputation as being the "idea man" behind the scenes for the Rs, was smart enough to know what the job entailed and what Obama wanted from it. My g*d, the Obama administration even backed away from their threat to take the census bureau away from him and he still bailed. What. A. Wuss.
- Sue, I appreciate your clarification. And agree with it.
- Gman- There's one point in Zakaria's article that a business lawyer in NC that I know took exception to and that's this: In addition, home loans in the United States are "non-recourse," which basically means that if you go belly up on a bad mortgage, it's mostly the bank's problem. He said that he was not aware that home loans were 'non recourse' in the US. Does anyone here know?
- C-ban, I've been reading Krugman and agreeing with him for nigh unto 7 years now. The only time I did not is when he was on the Hillary bandwagon.
- Lucky I live in the Pacific NW where we are blessed with a surfeit of artisanal beers. My favorite is Mac N Jak's Egyptian Amber. There is nothing better anywhere for any price, although Sam Adams Winter Brew comes in a distant second. And yes, that beer is from Boston.
- Hey the WaPo thinks Obama did a righteous job:
- That's some darn fine SNL.
- Brian: Obviously opinions differ significantly. I tend to think that the negative press Phelps got was way overblown. Though he must've been real grateful to A-Rod later in the week. But still, it's damn hypocritical. Frankly, I would like to see marijuana legalized and taxed just like we do booze. I'm tired of losing the war on drugs and I'm even more tired of putting money down the rathole to fund it.
- I am surprised Jefftmmo, that you do not remember Chris Matthews saying, after the fall of Baghdad that "we are all neocons now." And then there was this: and this:
- Memories are funny things particularly paired with the Depression or WW2. My ex husband's mother was the daughter of a German Reformed minister in Archbold,OH. They were driving one day and the car got stuck on the railroad tracks and her parents and a brother were killed. Her father actually lingered for a period of time, and it is very likely that he was tended to by the Drs. Murbach in Archbold who were my great-great uncles on my father's side. They were members of the German Reformed Church where my ex's grandfather had his ministry. My former mother in law and her surviving brother were split up after her father died because it was the Depression and no one in the family had money to take them both in. Her brother went to Chicago, and she was sent to live with an uncle, his wife, and their daughter in Cleveland, another German Reformed minister, but very different from her father. The uncle and his wife lobotomized their daughter when she reached teenage years because she was too artistic and wild for them. My former mother in law eventually found refuge with another uncle, also a minister, but she never spoke much about her experiences. We discovered the connections and the sad stories a number of years after we married. My maternal grandfather was a doctor in Little Falls, MN. My mother remembers patients paying him in eggs, chickens, or her father just writing the bill off. And food being given out the back door to transients just moving through the neighborhood looking for work. Despite this, for her, FDR, was a dirty word because he was a Democrat.
- My paternal forbears, the Fausters, hailed from Schaffhausen Switzerland, and tatted lace to make the extra money they used to emigrate to America in the late 1800's. Another part of the paternal lineage, the Murbachs may have come from there as well. I have a Murbach history that was online for awhile but I think is taken down now, talked about a line of Murbachs that settled in Brazil rather than the US and disappeared. It was suggested that they had been indentured servants and were badly treated by those who assisted them in coming over to Brazil.
- the one place that looking both ways before I cross does not work is in England (and Australia, so make it two). It's just so ingrained that I look left and then right. I narrowly missed being hit by cars several times upon visits to each, because of the way traffic flows there.
- Some good news.
- The problem is, Jeff tmmo, there are so many more Michelle Bachmans than there are comparables that identify themselves as Democrats. A small sampling starting with Huckabee:
- The correct phrasing for tomorrow's festivities is (from my Catholic High School in Rochester, MN where I spent just one year): "Asses to asses and bust to bust." Off to walk the dogs after a long night chairing my first worship committee meeting in at least 12 years.
- Dexter: hmm...presbyterians (the denomination to which I've belonged the past 18 years) don't do that ashes thing much.
- mark, why are you spelling Jindal's name with an 'h?' I don't think I've seen that in the media.
- I'm not being published from my current site, but also wanted to mention that Jindal is an exorcist:
- Connnie: Yeah, I was an Eagle for a year. 1969-70
- Pilot Joe, If we'd let the free marketeers free rein instead of the adults currently in charge, I can tell you we'd be in a death spiral now. We still may be in one in a few weeks, months or so, but it was of the making of the previous administration. Not the current one.
- Jindal lied in his speech. Heh.heh.
- Ok, I will confess that I really loved The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. But I'm a sucker for fast moving plots vs. solid characterizations. I just want a couple of hours that go by without me noticing because I'm so deep into the book, wanting to know what comes next. And my book group, whose idea it was, loved it too. Must be the Scandanavian influence extant in Seattle.....
- Why are there no consequences for bad behavior here? These folks' greed and shortsightedness pushed all of us down the rathole. Why should they get off scot free? I don't care if they are bankers in $5,000 business suits. They fucked up big time and they should bear the responsibility for their actions.
- As long as Rush is the public face of the Republican party, they will continue their decline.
- Just saw this teaser line on Wonkette: Rush Limbaugh Has Balls of Steele.
- Rush really is a dick.
- Any Hoosiers here think Evan Bayh's being a wanker?
- I don't seem to recall that the Democrats adhere to the Eleventh Commandment ("thou shalt not speak ill of another fellow party member"). We can crap all over our own, and we do so all the time. It's the Repubs who are getting messed up by said commandment, because they do not have the discretion or the honesty to point out that their Emperor isn't wearing any clothes.
- Danny, how can they be so old? I mean we're not that old, are we????
- I've been following the attorney layoffs at the big firms courtesy of and I have to say that despite mark's claim in the penultimate post of the last thread, these layoffs were not done to reduce income below $250K for the mananging partners. They were done because there is NO work. I have a friend who I used to practice with in private practice and she reports that the real estate investment firm that was a significant client has just closed one of their two office floors. There is NO work right now. And, on another topic, the Democratic party is looking for an eye-catching slogan to put on a billboard to let Rush know how much we appreciate him. I think someone here, among the many talented writers, should enter and win:
- Jeff B, I would wear that slur from C-ban w/ pride. As Michelle Bachman would say "You is da man!" (vbeg)
- It's that time of the year again and there are new peeps colors to celebrate: Although I must say the orange ones taste no different than the yellow peeps.
- Jolene, here is the address of that story: Very good journalism, but very tough to read.
- Ok, I'm going back to a debate that was a while ago, having to do with the firing of US Attorneys when a new president comes into office. I seem to recall that there was a heated, or at least testy, discussion about the whys and wherefores of such behavior. It appears that Obama is parting from his predecessors in that he is keeping a large number of sitting USAttys in their jobs, at least for now. Fancy that.,0,6248126.story
- I thought Yoo was tenured at Berkeley and presently teaching at Chapman university school of law?
- As an attorney in state government who has yet to earn what starting attorneys 30 years my junior in private practice make in my home town of Seattle, I take some exception to the exception made for attorneys above. We have yet to hear how the state budget will affect our personal bottom lines, but the fear is palpable at my office.
- I figure if I can master 2d Life before i go into the nursing home, I can have the life I've always dreamed of during my dotage.
- Basset, I am betting that if any male on this forum, were castrated like the chimp was, in an attempt to quiet them down, they'd be throwing as many rocks as they could too, whether they are Democrat or Republican. Now moving on to the less controversial realm of religion, this just has my blood boiling:
- Got this note from a law professor friend in FL this am about the Madoff plea: It seems to me that the real story here is that Madoff is trying to protect his family members from prosecution and forfeiture proceedings. By pleading without an agreement, he avoids any obligation to cooperate with prosecutors who may wish to charge his sons (and perhaps his wife) and who would likely seek to obtain the hundred million or so that he has transferred to his wife (and perhaps the money his sons made). Although prosecutors can subpoena him to testify before a grand jury once he pleads, they have no leverage with which to compel him to testify since the threat of civil or criminal contempt proceedings against a witness who is already in jail for life is empty. Ken Lay saved his wife's ill gotten assets by dying; Madoff found an easier way. Given the scope of his crimes and the public outcry that would follow, it's hard to imagine prosecutors negotiating any plea that would let Madoff serve less than fifteen years and that would shield any family assets, so pleading without a negotiated plea to charges potentially carrying a much longer sentence is no big deal at his age.
- Danny, I read the first 6 or 7 volumes of the Wheel of Time series. My son has read them all. I gave up because it was never going to end. We're still waiting for the final volume, which is being ghostwritten, to be released.
- Fun for the evening:
- Vatican says washing machines did more to liberate women than the pill. Yet another reason I am glad to be a presbyterian these days.
- Madoff is being defended by one of the smartest securities attorneys in the business: Ira Sorkin. You can bet your bottom dollar that everything that has been going on since Sorkin was hired is exquisitely scripted.
- Madoff transferred around a hundred million dollars to his wife. I would bet it's coming from there.
- Rana, I had some ex-in laws who were the same way about being vegans. I likened it to modern day Puritanism.
- Santelli took the place of Joe the Plumber, another guy who made it all about him.
- Hasn't Jon Stewart poked fun at Obama and/or his administration since January? I can't remember the episode but I don't think our current president has gotten a free ride. But, Brian, Joe the Plumber may not have originally sought the spotlight, but he sure hungered after it once it was supplied to him, just like Santelli.
- Danny, Here is what you DID say: "Someone made the observation that if Cramer had been criticizing Bush’s economic policies instead of Obama’s, Jon Stewart would not have said a peep."
- Danny, I think others on this thread have made it clear that Stewart has criticized Obama and has not felt compelled to pull his punches. He is rather equal opportunity in that regard.
- It's snowing in Seattle, big puffy flakes that are covering the daffodils and crocii (?) that have already bloomed. Sigh.
- I bet someone here would know the answer. My grandmother, a dyed in the wool Republican from NW Ohio (Defiance and Paulding to be exact), went for a year to Miami University in Oxford, Oh. At some point when George HW Bush was Vice President, I recall my grandmother telling my that Prescott Bush (she called him "Pres") was a BMOC on the campus of Miami when she was a coed there. I cannot find any verification whether that's true or not. Prescott Bush graduated from Yale, iirc. Does anyone here know anything about this? Thanks.
- Scout: Yes, that is exactly what they are saying to themselves to justify their inhumanity.
- I haven't heard from any Repubs except those cut from the Rush/Cheney sort of cloth these days. And when others attempt to speak up, they put on the kneepads pretty damn quick thereafter to kiss ass. So, sorry, Jeff tmmo, unless one of your ilk goes public and stays unbowed, no there aren't any like that out there.
- Look, my boss, the WA AGO is a Republican and I am likely to vote for him for governor next election, particularly if my ex husband is the Democratic nominee (assuming Gregoire steps down after two terms) but even McKenna has not come out these days to challenge what is passing for accepted Republican wisdom on the national news: Rush, Cheney, Boehner (he's from your state), McConnell, Graham. They're all a bunch of knee jerk failure mavens. They want the economy to tank just so they can try to claw their way back to power. They don't care how many middle class people they hurt because their allegiance is to the wealthy. They do not give a tinker's damn about most folks. Just about themselves. And that is the measure of the leadership of the Republican party these days.
- Cohen is a wanker of the first order. There are 138 posts on another site that I visit documenting his wanking for the past 4 years. He's the kind of guy who was tut tutting Clinton's vicissitudes with Monica while having his own affair with Kati Marton, wife of Peter Jennings, in '87. It was discovered by Ben Bradlee who refused to lie for them. Jennings divorced her 5 months after learning of the affair. Here are some old samples:
- Our dentist in Defiance was Dr. Krause. He did not use anesthetic, which was my first introduction to intense, focused pain. I still got my share of cavities though.
- ooh, ooh, LAMary, I am such a fan of Leonidas chocolates! I spent a year as a graduate student in Brussels and I would treat myself to one praline when there was something to celebrate. I liked the white chocolate enrobing a mocha creme with some sort of nut on top. Just absolutely the best.
- Well, Nancy, your mention of Michael Dorris derailed me for a bit this am. I attended a presentation he gave back in the mid 90's before all his family troubles and eventual suicide and looking him up on the internet this am was just so sad. I don't know what to believe right now. Wiki says he lied about his native american heritage, but that's contradicted elsewhere. Anyway, thanks, again to you for raising interesting issues that pulled me out of the daily rut.
- added what I needed to my first comment. Cannot figure why it would not come up online. sorry for the duplication
- Jeff tmmo, I know you don't want to pass a law, but we just spent 8 years without any financial laws, even if they were on the books, being enforced. And look where that got us. I think we have to go back to more government scrutiny and control because frankly the lack of it did not work. And there's no one else to do the job.
- As a former SEC attorney, I don't think that was the case per NPR, Jeff Tmmo. To this day, I rely on my former SEC accountant, but now he's in private practice and I hire him as an outside expert in some of my employer services cases to provide information to the court about whether the employer paid appropriate industrial insurance premiums. I, and the rest of the SEC enforcement attorneys at the Seattle office relied upon our accountants heavily in putting our cases together. The SEC had and has numerous very fine forensic accountants on staff. Just as the SEC top brass killed the investigation into W's insider trading in Harkin Energy in 1989, before that investigation was ever finished (I was there at the time and heard of this from several DC enforcement attorneys involved), I am convinced that the same sort of 'kill' instructions came down from on high for numerous cases the SEC investigated during W's 2 terms. It had served W so well when his father's administration helped him out in 1989, I am sure W concluded that was how you did business.
- a friend of mine who is a foreign currency trader for Wells Fargo sent me the following:
- That's so odd, Nancy, because I can pull up the article (you guessed right) using either spot. What I take away from it is that it is easier for us to put faces (and thus condemnation) on individuals than it is large institutions. Enron, we could see the consumers who were harmed by the steep rise in energy prices so it was easy to fix our basilisk glare upon the corporate officers. With AIG, outside the bonuses, there are no faces to target with our wrath.
- apparently for the right wing gasbags, the WH growing their own garden is very "Khmer Rouge" Nice.
- Well, I'm rooting for the Huskies to top the Boilermakers tomorrow, but I doubt that I will watch. I drove my younger sister to Purdue, when she enrolled there as a freshman in 1973 and I don't think I'd ever been to a quieter, more boring campus. A friend who's an attorney in Olympia WA, and had gone to Purdue as an undergrad, confirmed my opinion years later.
- Extreme sheepherding. Posted for C'dad:
- A friend and lawyer from California has produced one of the finest expositions and discussions of international and US law and how they apply to torture administered by the US military in the Iraq War. I highly recommend it as source material for all the applicable conventions, US Constitutional provisions, statutes and case law. And it is written in a highly readable style for the lay reader:
- AIG sues US govt for return of taxes paid:
- Any BSG fans here?
- As a former Catholic, I cannot get past the fact that the Catholic Church is ignoring Gingrich's two failed marriages to welcome him into the fold. The admitted adultery, I realize, can be wiped away by confession, but the marriages? They have to go back and change history. Which of course they do when they annul marriages ex post facto divorce. I know of one where the unhappy couple was both Catholic to begin with! I wanted to ask the wife, who had sought the annullment, if that made her two kids illegitimate, but I refrained.
- Or Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. At that rate, we'd not make it to work sober.
- Funny that pro-life all the way around. Notre Dame, the pre-eminent Catholic institution of higher learning which is now embroiled in the "how dare you invite that fiend Barack Obama to speak at graduation because he's an abortion supporter!" has had other presidents deliver commencement speeches, who have supported the death penalty, among them George Bush pere et fils. It seems that once you're born, all bets are off as far as protection and the Church goes.
- Well, I hate to say it, but back in the day, I actually wished out loud that Clinton would resign after the impeachment, even though he was not removed from office. His behavior, although consensual on the part of Lewinsky is considered per se sexual harassment and grounds for dismissal, had it been a Univ. of WA professor and a student, which is basically what it was given the relative placement of the participants to the activity in question. Clinton is a very smart man, as long as he thinks with his higher brain. He was a frakkin' idiot and as a consequence I have no respect for the man. Don't care that he was the president. He befouled the office.
- Sue, I received an email yesterday from a colleague that I could barely read. I enquired back as to what font she was using, and she replied: "Papyrus." You'll have to put me in the camp of Times New Roman. It just looks right.
- Aw, c'mon brian, don't let those of us out of the know stay that way. What happened to Dorothy?
- On the horrors of the privatization of government: for weeks I have been hearing (from law related blogs) about these two judges who got kickbacks for sentencing juvenile offenders to a private jail. They raked in $2.6 million by sentencing kids who should have been put on probation. There was one horrific story about a young girl who had acted up in class and got 3 months. I would say the state of Pennsylvania is looking at a jillion private lawsuits brought by these kids and their parents.
- Speaking of changing topics, one of the other sopranos in my church choir has a song on indieheaven and if you are so inclined, could you vote for it by going to the site? The back story is her brother, a professor at the Univ of Washington, was killed several years ago when a load of logs came loose on the truck ahead of him and his coworker. Both died when the load crashed into his truck. Laurie had a very hard time accepting his death and wrote a group of praise songs as part of her long grieving process. I'm not a real fan of this type of music, but she has worked very hard to get them recognized and right now her current offering is no. 2 on the list. You can go there and listen to it, and if you feel so inclined, vote for it: You vote by clicking the 5th star after "People We Love" (even if the star is gray, votes count once a day per each computer) Her husband, was recently let go from his job as a sound technician at KOMO tv, so this has been a bit of a positive light in her life. It was at no. 5 when she sent her plea out on Wed and today it's at no. 2. It would be nice to have it go to no. 1, so if you are so inclined, thank you very much. moe
- Sue--I think Laurie views it as a possible way to get her music noticed and perhaps to make it more of a career. I have no real clue, but she's trying all sorts of ideas to make it work for her family right now. It's a very scary time. They announced that layoffs are coming in our office. We'll know more after the state legislature announces the budget in April.
- Unfortunately, Seattle was way ahead of its time. I remember waking up Christmas day, 1986, to the news that the Goldmark family had been gruesomely murdered by a drifter who had been inspired by right wing writings, among them, something called The Duck Book that a colleague at the SEC was investigating at the time for suspicious securities activity in addition to its hate mongering. The killer, David Lewis Rice, confused Charles Goldmark, a prominent attorney in Seattle, with his father whose legislative career in the 50's had been destroyed by false allegations of membership in the Communist party and being Jewish. Rice killed the parents and two little boys after he tied them up by bashing their heads in with an iron, and when that did not work, shoving sharpened objects into their brains through their eyes and/or ears. I would urge every last one of you to find and read John DosPassos' book USA particularly the part about the Wobblie riots in Everett and Chehalis, WA back in the early part of the 1900s, just to get some historical perspective on the violence that has arisen in this country as a result of economic instability. Guess who gets the shiv in the back? Yeah, right, not the blue collar worker, that's for sure.
- I have allergies, but those of the sneezy type. I got them in the fall in Ohio, and here in Seattle they come with the budding of the alder trees. I take allergy shots (one of the only homeopathic remedies allopathic doctors agree on) and one Zyrtac a night during the heavy season. Here's something to brighten your day. Matt is a Seattle native:
- when the media was the media:
- Yeah, mark, we did so well under a 'hands off' type of president, that's why a majority of Americans still seem to think Obama is just all right with them.
- Well, I have to say that the Detroit airport, where I was at last night after spending 5 days with my mother in Lexington, is truly one of the nicest airports I've been through. The NWA/Delta ticket taker was wearing a Michigan State tshirt and after a raft of first class and other privileged travellers had been allowed onto the gateway, announced, "Now open for boarding: All Michigan State fans." It got a good laugh. And as I was just in KY where Coach Calipari is front news all day, every day, I'll have to go with Michigan State as my choice tonight as well.
- Since I was incommunicado, visiting my mother in Lexington last week, can I just add a ps on the worst gift ever from the Thursday thread? Christmas, 1998: the (now) ex husband gives me the vacuum cleaner from his recently deceased mother's very humble estate. That should have been a tip off of what was to come.
- Paddy O': what would be a halfway point between Denver and Seattle? I have a case of Amber liqueur (a true drink of the gods no longer sold in the US by the Macallen distillery in Scotland) that I have to deliver to a friend and Denver resident and there is no way to do it legally (thanks Prohibition holdovers!) other than drive it. So I thought perhaps we could meet halfway but can't figure out what that would be.
- Does anyone else remember begging their parents for baby chicks at Eastertime? These being baby chicks that were dyed in food coloring, different pastel colors. What a mess, as I'm looking back on it with parent eyes. I cannot believe that they gave in. We must've been real whiney butts.
- Let me be the first to go off the tracks, but here is a worthy followup to the Antwerp, Belgium train station video. Just think, we could all sing together using this method:
- amazon just got caught taking GLBT books off its virtual shelves:
- Sorry to hear about the death of Mark Fidrych. I always enjoyed him.
- C'dad: I'm stealing that poetry to share with others. That was damn good. Just got back from a session meeting and the report back from our Presbytery meeting last month about the vote on the measure to open up ordination to GLBT folks was just very bad, so I am in a foul mood. I take consolation in knowing that by the time the current 20 somethings have taken over, it's not going to matter, because they don't care about such a stupid thing.
- wrt the tax protests today, I feel like I did when Bill Clinton's dalliance forced us parents of small children to provide sex education a bit early. I had no idea that 'tea bagging' was something else entirely.
- This is one teabagger I could support! What a great pimp!
- Jeff tmmo--Glad you like Visions and Miracles. The catalyst for the music was the Albigensian Crusade that drove French troubadors into Spain. And Spain at that time (pre Ferdinand and Isabella and the Inquistion) was one of the most open parts of Europe. You can hear it in the music--there are courtly musical themes woven into the wild skirling melodies from Islam and plaintive voice of Jewish songs, all wrapped up into Christian religious symbolism. Ensemble Alcatraz's other CDs focus on music from the same time period but from other countries. Visions and Miracles is my favorite of theirs, however. Thanks for the reminder.
- One of the biggest surprises moving here was discovering how absolutely conservative the Seattle Presbytery was. People, in general, are very liberal here. However, this is the most unchurched area of the country, and those who stay affiliated with mainstream Protestant denominations tend to be the conservative types (except, of course, the Unitarians....) The 800 lb gorilla in this is University Presbyterian, largest Presbyterian church in the state and the only sermon I ever heard there was back in 1981 with the preacher talking about 'godless Communism.' I joined a much smaller church that is fairly liberal but has no voice in the larger Presbytery. Oh, well. Unlike one of my fellow members, who dropped out in disgust after the vote, I intend to stay and be a squeaky wheel where ever possible. Bet you couldn't have guessed that!
- Ok folks, I think it's time to turn to the OLC torture memos and look at all the evil created by the Bush administration. It is profoundly depressing to me that Jay Bybee serves as a Judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, given his absolute moral depravity as shown by his part in the memo writing process. Better writers than I have already weighed in. Make sure you have a wastebasket nearby because it induces nausea in a most serious fashion. Keep in mind that the only ones who have been promised not to be prosecuted are those who relied on the memos in their conduct, not the authors of the memos or those higher up. I retain a slim reed of hope that justice will eventually be done, but this stain on our country's honor is indelible and will last for my lifetime and probably that of our children.
- Jeff tmmo: If the federal tax system is not the problem why then, were the demonstrators so focused on Obama? Why not focus on the states and localities that are raising their taxes, or better yet AIG and the other bankers that caused the crisis that has necessitated this tax increase?
- Guys, If you had read my comment from last night on the previous thread (it was posted around 2 am your time--don't know why you weren't up (big grin)), you would see that Obama has not said he will not prosecute the authors of the memos. Only that he will not prosecute those who relied on the memos for their actions. I know, it's a small hope, but I continue to carry it. I doubt that shame alone will remove Jay Bybee from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. It's interesting that several of the signal participants in this were Mormon.
- LA Mary--the Glenn Beck site you cited had at the top an article about the Grey Gardens movie that forms the basis for NN's post today. Another serendipitous find for this group.
- Here's another Susan Boyle song, although only on CD. She sang "Cry Me A River" ten years ago for a charity event. Sorta proves she's not a flash in the pan:
- The more I read about Henry Clay, the more I dislike him. Thanks for that bit of information that only confirms my beliefs, Brian.
- As someone who only recently acquired the guts to sing a solo in front of people, I rather appreciated my first view of Susan Boyle. I give the woman credit for having nerve to go out into a hostile audience and perform. I'm not sure my voice would not have quavered a time or two before taking off. And face it, this society has a real Cinderella complex--we all want to be discovered in some fashion. The real problem here is overkill. Pet rocks or other fads, anyone?
- Brian, The Andrew Jackson bio by Meacham got the Pulitzer. Glad I put it on my reserve list this weekend.
- Well, we on the west coast had Ted Bundy around for quite a while and he found the coeds he killed the old fashioned way--he talked them up at libraries and such. No one ever thought of holding the libraries responsible. Guess the lawyers weren't too creative back then. Speaking of creative lawyers, I really appreciated the following snark on TPM: If only Saddam Hussein had been smart enough to solicit a legal opinion from his government lawyers that gassing people was within the law, he could have been playing golf in Myrtle Beach right now. I've been having fast and furious discussions with attorneys who think that Nuremburg is not of precedential value here and that basically, everyone in the chain of command has a good defense to prosecution. It does not make me very proud of my profession.
- I kinda like the theory put up at TPM today about Cheney--that he had a stroke and a personality change resulted. I have to say when I was at DoD during the Carter administration, he was regarded as an excellent Secretary of Defense and rather bipartisan too. Something seems to have happened to make him a paranoid delusional. It can happen--it happened to my 2d cousin's husband, Platt. He had a brain tumor though. Disappeared, left his wife and very successful job and they found him in Mexico two or three years later with no idea what he had left behind. Very odd. But Cheney is not odd. He is evil.
- The Senate Armed Services Committee Report on Detainee Abuse is out and makes for some very interesting reading for those of you who suffer from insomnia: I just want to know who Captain Donovan is. He's my new hero (I read from p. 245 of the pdf on forward and he comes out strongly against waterboarding and other 'offensive' interrogation measures, going so far as to even complain to the military lawyers. Good for him. Wish there were more in the service.
- So the harsh interrogations were attempting to prove ex post facto a link between Saddam Hussein and Al Quaeda. Have you noticed as regards the real conservatives here, that we are mainly hearing crickets?
- Nancy, so sorry to hear about the knee. This getting old stuff is crap.
- Something about the combination of the 13 year old strip searched at school together with the abuse of detainees by our military just really strikes me badly. But this part of the argument would have been worth being there to see: Justice Breyer: "And in my experience, too, people did sometimes stick things in my underwear."
- I wish someone would have the guts to ask Justice O'Connor if she regrets her vote in Bush v. Gore. She spoke to our office two years ago, but we were not allowed to ask such questions.
- I was tired of just hearing crickets. Thanks for the pep talk Mark, but if there was a nutcase aiming an RPG at a Seal team, I think the appropriate response is to take him out, not waterboard him. Oh, and Mark somehow I think being waterboarded by your own guys in a Training exercise is far different than being held in isolation, naked and waterboarded 183 times in one month by, say, Al Queda in Pakistan, if you are an American service member. Apples and oranges. Think about it, k?
- White crosses helped me finish my honors thesis in college. Three days blazing away at the manual typewriter in my dorm room. Took me a week to recover. Also restarted my smoking habit, which took another 7 years to break.
- Well, Nancy, in a twist on the old saw: "Just wait til you have kids," my youngest son is a classic ADHD, inattentive type. He's been tested multiple times and the docs are in agreement. Yet, in his first year of college, he threw away his prescription and tried to go it without the drugs because he feels a stigma attached to the diagnosis. I tried to tell him, it has nothing to do with whether he is a good person or not but rather similar to whether he has blue or brown eyes. To no effect. And from what I understand third hand(the colleges don't provide parents with grades anymore--privacy concerns--even though we're the ones paying the bill) he has done rather poorly academically. While all these 'normal' kids use it to enhance their performance and do it gleefully.
- One of the two guys we waterboarded so fiercely was mentally ill to begin with. I can't imagine what state he is in now.
- You know what, mark? The issue is not whether torture is effective. The issue is that torture is wrong period. No if's, ands or buts. It's wrong. But it is so nice to see Dick Cheney, who while he was in power, was always in a secure location, now dogging the airwaves to whore for his 'beliefs.'
- Speaking of fertilizer, has anyone else read "The Alchemy of Air?" It's by Thomas Hager. It tells of how nitrogen was separated from the air courtesy of the dedication of a German Jewish chemist at the beginning of the 20th century and how that act, 1) saved the world from starvation and 2) allowed the creation of even bigger bombs. It is a fascinating and ultimately tragic story for the inventor and his marketer, a Christian industrialist. You find the blurb from Amazon here: I still think about this, more than a month after reading it. And I don't often do that with non fiction books.
- Apparently the type of waterboarding we used was learned from the Khmer Rouge. And now US Federal Judge Jay Bybee has told the Washington Post anonymously through anonymous friends that he's rather sorry about the memos. Sorry my ass. He did it to be a good soldier and get his lifetime sinecure on the federal bench. If he's really sorry, he should resign for the shame he has brought upon the judiciary and if he doesn't, he should be impeached. Frakkin' a**hole.
- Jeff B: Nixon was pardoned by Ford because he didn't think the American people should have to go through that. That led to Iran Contra where everyone was let off or pardoned by HW. Same rationale. That led to the present day situation. As you can perhaps see, this is a steadily escalating problem, one that will continue to escalate until the notion of accountability comes into play. And people, even those in high office, are made aware that actions have CONSEQUENCES. I'm sorry, but I think that we can do both. We fought a world war on two fronts and finished it in far less time than we've been in Iraq. We can do this too. Or perhaps you've lost your belief in our abilities? ps: thought of one more example. The USSCT's decision in Bush v. Gore, where they cut the election recount off early because they didn't think it would be good for the country. I'm rather tired of that rationale. It hasn't worked yet.
- Here's the federal law on the subject: TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 113C > § 2340 Prev | Next § 2340. Definitions As used in this chapter- (1) "torture" means an act committed by a person acting under the color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering (other than pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon another person within his custody or physical control; (2) "severe mental pain or suffering" means the prolonged mental harm caused by or resulting from- (A) the intentional infliction or threatened infliction of severe physical pain or suffering; (B) the administration or application, or threatened administration or application, of mind-altering substances or other procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or the personality; (C) the threat of imminent death; or (D) the threat that another person will imminently be subjected to death, severe physical pain or suffering, or the administration or application of mind-altering substances or other procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or personality; and (3) "United States" means the several States of the United States, the District of Columbia, and the commonwealths, territories, and possessions of the United States. ______ The operative phrase is "acting under color of law" Care to admit error, Jeff tmmo?
- Brian, You ever see A Man for All Seasons? There's a part in it where Thomas More is talking to his son in law, Wm Roper, about exactly how far he would go to destroy the devil. And may I remind you that the devil is a 1000 times more evil than KSM or anyone else for that matter. William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law! Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil? William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that! Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake! You cannot make exceptions unless you want to kill the law entire. We are a nation of laws, not of men. At least I hope that will someday be the case again.
- You know, Jeff tmmo, you are not sounding very Christian in the way you try to parse the torture thing so that the US somehow sidesteps the fact that it engaged in torture. Consider this: the military itself called the techniques that we employed, torture, in 2002. And at least one interrogator killed herself as a result of these actions. Just as one cannot get a little bit pregnant, one cannot do a little bit of waterboarding. Even some US troops who were subjected to the treatment as part of SERE training have reported suffering signinificant ill effects. And these were guys who knew that it was playacting all the time. Can you imagine what it would have been like had the actual administrators been Al Quaeda operatives and the US military undergoing waterboarding had been held by them with no hope for release? I believed you to be capable of more discriminating thought.
- More information on the torture we inflicted. I find it interesting that the FBI withdrew from the procedures once their agents made it clear to the brass what was going on. Perhaps the FBI is just a bunch of namby pamby wusses, eh? From what a minority of the commentators have written here, they seem to think that these interrogation tactics were nothing more than a trip to the dentist's office. I was at the dentist's office Friday and they tried out a new gizmo on me. Instead of using a sharp scaler to scrape away the crap on my teeth, they had a super energized tiny water pik type of thing. At one point during the procedure, the device that sucked up all that water malfunctioned and I got a huge buildup of water and could not breathe. Just for a brief instant I had a tiny inkling of what it must be like but a thousandfold more awful. It was not a happy occurrence.
- Just to make two more points: 1. I am bipartisan about torture. If it can be shown that the Democrats in the Gang of 4 endorsed torture and their actions were somehow responsible for the adoption of torture methods, then they need to be investigated and prosecuted. 2. I am a lawyer by trade--33 years worth. I've had more than a few trials and I know that once you get into the court room you've given up your control over the case and submitted it to either the judge or the jury. I happen to believe that in general juries are the bedrock of our nation and am willing to see this to its conslusion. Let justice be done though the heavens fall is a favorite quote although I've forgotten the original latin.
- Thanks for pointing out Roy Cohn's essential hypocrisy, LA Mary.
- The Reagan Department of Justice prosecuted a Texas sheriff and several others for waterboarding prisoners. Isn't that interesting?
- I type under a pseudonym because, as a government attorney, I want to freely express my views, but be careful that it does not somehow reflect upon my employer. I came to this blog a year ago over the Tim Goeglein fiasco, discovered that Nancy's husband and I had grown up in Defiance (in fact Alan was friends in elementary school with my youngest brother) and that cemented it for me. It felt like home.
- Dorothy! That was MY favorite cookbook as a kid too. The only thing I made more than once was the chocolate fudge but it was harder than anything. I think it called for more powdered sugar than needed but I loved that fudge. I may have to order it via Nancy! thanks so much. Oh, and ps. I had an art history professor in college in St. Paul, who claimed his wife was the model for Betty Crocker at the time (1972). He said the image would change as the styles did, but they always had someone that they selected to be the current template
- Hmmm...earlier post held up. Maybe this one will go through. Anyway, saw this on msn today and thought...Serendipity! A little history about Betty Crocker:
- I had dinner with an attorney in Louisville back in 1977, and she made red eye gravy for our dinner from bologna she fried up for us. This was the large thin slices of circle bologna and she cut into it in 4 places so it wouldn't curl up. I was a lot skinnier then.
- We talked at worship committee last night, how a pandemic would affect church. No more passing of the peace. And communion could be affected to. At the worst, we could be asked by the health authorities to hold off on church services entirely. Here's a fascinating look at tracking diseases:
- Can't call it swine flu either. Not kosher.
- C'dad. There is no response after your diary entry. What a day!
- I asked someone who knows a bit about hedge funds for his reaction to the statement that interfering with what hedge funds are entitled to hurts retirees, and this was his response: "I think that is extremely unlikely for almost anybody, and certainly not true for any substantial number of people. Only a bizarrely incompetent hedge fund would be so heavily invested in Chrysler bonds (or any other specific investment) with somebody's retirement money that even a total loss of that investment would affect anybody's ability to retire. Individuals who could wind up in that situation wouldn't be on a list of qualified hedge fund investors in the first place, and those whose retirement funds invested with a hedge fund wouldn't have all of their money with any one hedge fund, either. There would almost certainly be multiple layers of diversification between a potential retiree and Chrysler bonds. What is likely true is that the current holders of Chrysler bonds bought them after "the troubles" became apparent. People who had retirement money heavily invested in Chrysler bonds should have been steered away from taking or maintaining a heavy position in something like that a long time ago, and would likely have sold and taken a loss (or a paper loss measured from some high water mark in the past), which is how the "vulture funds" and hedge funds that own those bonds today acquired them."
- mark--you've not proven anything with respect to hedge fund money being invested a) on behalf of pensions (2005 is 4 years ago, if you hadn't noticed) and b)in Chrysler bonds. IIRC most investment in Chrysler bonds is of recent vintage, i.e. the bond ownership has turned over, so anyone who curently holds it, had to know there was more than enough risk when they bought into it. Given that the bondholders are late to the party, their petulance strikes me as just that. In fact, in thinking about the plague of entitlement sensibility, epitomized in the Chrysler bondholders, it seems to me that it goes much further in current society and can be ascribed as the root cause of the evangelicals' belief in the efficacy and legality of torture. This sense of entitlement can also be seen in the current Republicans' self destruction. The world owes them a living, one that is living large. Forget others' rights, if it interferes with their god given right to make a buck at the corporation's (and the workers') expense. And forget others' rights if we need to get information and justification for our going to war against Iraq in 2003, particularly if they are just Muslims.
- Why mark, you're straying into ad hominem territory! If that's all you have....
- Bloomberg seems to agree that the hedge funds lost a big game of chicken they tried to play with Obama, and if they continue, they will garner even more opprobrium.
- I hate to speculate on who the nominee will be. Big waste of time. I'd rather wait until the nomination is made. That is when the sparks should fly based upon past experience.
- Talking about covered up history, here in Washington state, no one talks or teaches about the Wobblie uprising post WW1 and Russiand revolution, when one wobblie member, Wesley Everest, was castrated, tortured and then hung by the outraged business interests in Centralia, WA after provoking a violent confrontation with the Wobblies where Everest killed one man and wounded another in self defense. I first read of it in John DosPassos' book, USA, right after we'd moved to Seattle in 1981 and it struck me that no one talks about this, no one reads about it in history books. Like the Armenian genocide, if we don't say anything, maybe it will go away.
- Jeff B, I think Matewan was a John Sayles movie.
- just a bit more info to put up here on the true nature of the Chrysler hedge fund investors for future reference.
- Nancy, Seattle is bike heaven. You can bike almost year round if you don't mind the rain (ignore our record snowfalls of last winter, I'm hoping they were an aberration). Coming up in July is the STP or Seattle to Portland ride. One of my friends from church (we call ourselves the caffinators because we meet at the local espresso house after service b/c Presbyterian coffee is not very good) is married to one of the guys who started the STP lo, these many years ago, and she's back training for it again. From what I understand it's quite the event. You can stay with me when you decide to do it.
- Hey Hoosier--you're right, I forgot about the hills. Living here for 28 years will do that to ya. But the Burke Gilman trail is pretty flat and the route around Lake Washington is too. The real 'Alp-like' hills are out in the distance--pretty for looking at on days like Saturday past. Oh, and the term global warming actually means chaos in weather patterns, so a place like Seattle, famed for its mild winters, can suffer a horrendous winter and it is part of the global warming pattern.
- An alarmist culture that we live in per Skenazy? I don't dispute that at all--look at the swine flu pandemic fears these days. But you know who flogs these fears? Our media! It sells. Readership, viewership. And given the kinds of crises we have had in the past 8 years, it takes a fair ratcheting up of the fear factor to hook the public's interest. So the media have to really flog it these days.
- From wikipedia (because it was the quickest route): "Some effects on both the natural environment and human life are, at least in part, already being attributed to global warming. A 2001 report by the IPCC suggests that glacier retreat, ice shelf disruption such as that of the Larsen Ice Shelf, sea level rise, changes in rainfall patterns, and increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events are attributable in part to global warming.[63] Other expected effects include water scarcity in some regions and increased precipitation in others, changes in mountain snowpack, and adverse health effects from warmer temperatures.[64]"
- Danny: Could you please provide names and CVs of genuine skeptics of the global warming phenomenon? It would be nice to get some facts on the ground here, so to speak.
- Ring tone: Bolero, by Ravel. Why not? Most folks have never seen 10.
- As someone who supported her husband through graduate school for 12 years (it was why we moved to Seattle from DC)and as someone whose own family financially supported said husband's first run for public office in 1998, only to be told that by said husband in Jan. 1999, the day after he was sworn into office, that he wanted a divorce and no there was no one else. Who then a month later discovered undeleted graphic email in the family computer addressed to the woman who supposedly did not exist. And whose divorce became final in Oct. of 1999. And whose former husband is now the recently elected Treasurer of the state of Washington (courtesy of his very wealthy girlfriend). All I can say to Elizabeth Edwards is: "You go grrl!!!!"
- I agree with you Elizabeth as to Ms. Edwards perhaps wants to leave something to her children that is her own and not rely on the continued good will of her husband. From personal experience, the ex was fairly reasonable at the time of the divorce wrt splitting the proceeds from an 18 year marriage with the exception that I was given no credit for the 12 years worth of grad school support. But when it came time to renegotiate child support, after he had acquired his rich girlfriend, she loaned him her attorney and I had to give up after blowing through $5,000 of my attorney's time--and this was just to renegotiate child support. If John Edwards has $150 million, he would not be a pushover in any divorce proceeding, particularly as he has no career left in the public sector to worry about. I think Elizabeth Edwards has tried to chart a course for herself that leaves her some dignity and allows for her to provide for her children, and that has to be rewarding for her personally.
- mark, too late--I've been involved in divorce law through my own,and in pro bono work a while ago, and Washington state is a community property state. This was something I had to study to pass the bar as I had attended law school in a non community property law state. You ever gone through your own divorce, mark? It's not very fun, particularly if you have young kids. And if you are in the late stages of breast cancer, I can see where one might want to avoid the additional stresses engendered by the process.
- My parents were old school Republicans, of the type that were endemic around NW Ohio in the '60s. In fact my mother voted her party over her Catholic religion in the 1960 election. Although they did get my younger sister a Caroline Kennedy doll as a Christmas present the next year. Go figure.
- Nancy, have you read the essay by Walter Pincus in the Columbia Journalism Review on the state of journalism today? Good stuff to think about.
- Mayonnaise in Belgium is far different from the mayonnaise we get here. When I lived there, I used to buy corniches of french fries on the street with a big dollop of their homemade mayo on top. Was it ever good! You can duplicate it at home, but it takes time.
- Just remember that the generic brand of mustard in this country is named French's . I mean that has got to be renamed Freedom's or it ain't real Amurcan.
- Look, the Republicans made hay like crazy when Kerry put swiss cheese on his Philly steak and they think they can do it again (sorry to steal your thunder, Caliban). And just remember that many folks believe that Colbert is serious in his denunciations of Democrats, that's how frakkin' stupid denizens of the far right are. So of course, Hannity's jokes will be taken seriously.
- Dexter, while you're at TJ's get the chocolate truffles. They are to DIE for.
- As I prepare to go to my son's college graduation next week, this seemed apropos:
- Thanks Danny! He is a physics major, math minor so I'm thinking he'll do just fine. But great advice to pass along.
- Given my personal situation, I feel rather sorry for Elizabeth Edwards. She doesn't talk about it, she gets pasted. She talks about it, she gets pasted. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
- This month's Esquire has a sneak-peak review of "The Road Is the Most Important Movie of the Year": . . . . The Road is no tease. It is a brilliantly directed adaptation of a beloved novel, a delicate and anachronistically loving look at the immodest and brutish end of us all. You want them to get there, you want them to get there, you want them to get there — and yet you do not want it, any of it, to end. You should see it for the simplest of reasons: Because it is a good story. Not because it may be important. Not because it is unforgettable, unyielding. Not because it horrifies. Not because the score is creepily spiritual. Not because it is littered with small lines of dialogue you will remember later. Not because it contains warnings against our own demise. All of that is so. Don't see it just because you loved the book. The movie stands alone. Go see it because it's two small people set against the ugly backdrop of the world undone. A story without guarantees. In every moment — even the last one — you'll want to know what happens next, even if you can hardly stand to look. Because The Road is a story about the persistence of love between a father and a son, and in that way it's more like a remake of The Godfather than some echo of I Am Legend. Only this one is different: You won't want to see this one twice. . . .
- Jeff tmmo: My college advisor recommended A Canticle for Leibowitz as providing perhaps the best contemporary understanding of how the medieval mind worked. I returned the favor years later, when I recommended The Domesday Book by Willis to him. And yes, early versions of that book were titled "Domesday" which is the true spelling of the first census book of England. But of course the reading public couldn't figure it out, so they changed it.
- Dwight, You realize you've converted absolutely nobody here. My rant is a little more mundane. I HATEHATEHATE Sears home repair service. I just spent from 8am to after 6pm waiting for a repair person who was supposed to show up by noon at the latest and fix my washing machine. What a frakkin waste of a day. Sears will never get my business again. I cannot wait to tell the service clerk that once I get off hold, where I have been for the past 20 minutes for yet the sixth time today. I gave up a day of work to just sit around home. I will never buy anything from them again. And it's a damn shame because most of my appliances came from them.
- Gotta say Obama reversing himself on the torture photos the day after Liz and Dick Cheney did a full court press on them, looks like he is bowing to Republican pressure. Not. too. smart.
- It's unfortunate that Obama caved. Now the Repubs will think they have him under their control. Until this sordid mess is fully aired and dealt with in a responsible manner (including prosecutions where necessary)it will be growing like a chancre under our national skin and feeding off of our fears and hatreds.
- sigh.
- Hate to admit it, but Palin has a point there about Obama and Clinton both opposing same sex marriage. It's the hypocrisy!! Speaking of hypocrisy, I also thought this comment by Josh Marshall was trenchant: "If we need to keep evidence of torture, like photographs, secret, to protect our troops, doesn't that suggest that torture isn't a great way to keep them or us safe?"
- More evidence that the Republican attacks are working on neutering the nervous nellie democrats.
- I'm at the airport going to my oldest son's college graduation. I ran into a woman who I have known since 1982. I asked about her son, who I remember as going to MIT. "Oh, he's 41 now," she responded. Where does the time go?
- Commencement speker today was Tonderai Chikuhwa, a graduate of Macalester College and a UN officer charged with trying to rehabilitate children who have been kidnapped from their families and forced toserve in rebel armies or as sexual slaves in many parts of Africa. It was a different kind of commencement address--much more sobering and very graphic but it was powerful because it spoke truth. And hopefully it was something that I will not soon forget when I deal with my own troubles, which seem rather more mundane tonight.
- 6 degrees of separation: the nephew of my college roommate is marrying the daughter of Sarah Jane Olson this year. Nice kids. Hope the media doesn't bother them.
- Kayak woman--the article about the Spokane banker who rescued the ducklings this spring mentioned that it was the second time. Since it was the first time I had seen it, I was charmed.
- Catherine, Don't forget The Lonely Doll. I wanted a wardrobe like that! The spankings administered by the papa bear really date it however.
- Mark: "I agree with adrianne, I think. Unchecked power. But I think unchecked power creates the conditions under which our worst demons find voice and a supportive crowd." e.g. George W Bush administration.
- Dorothy, It's the hypocrisy that really rankles. Folks can tsk tsk all they want about how the Irish are so bestial and yet they can't see the same behaviour in their own national backyard.
- Catherine, Apropos of your question a few days ago, here is an mp3 of the commencement address given by Tonderai Chikuhwa, the 1996 alumnus of Macalester who works for the UN trying to save child soldiers in Africa:
- My Presbyterian church has a large black and white poster hung outside our entrance. It reads, "Torture is a Moral Issue."
- I recently spent a weekend scanning photos from my college days and posting them on my facebook site. We're having our 35th year reunion in June and more folks have signed up than in the past, so I thought I would get the ball rolling. But that was in the early 70's and the effect was more counter culture still. I was amazed, however, at how short the guys' cutoffs were compared to what we see today.
- Yes Dexter, congratulations! How did you do it?
- To go with those onions: bacon vodka, what's not to like?
- Well, the SCt nominee is Sonia Sotomayor, and predictably the Repubs are using Jeffrey Rosen's talking points from his earlier article at TNR to trash her. Nothing like anonymous sources, eh? ps. and best of luck to your puppy. This is the hard part of having a dog.
- Brian, that's the article the repubs are using to attack her. Many of the assertions made have been debunked by others in the press.
- wrt opposing the nomination of John Roberts to the SCt, I rather enjoyed the New Yorker piece about him recently:
- "The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo" is good Scandanavian writing. And more in Elmore Leonard's genre.
- When I see a picture like the one Jeff has posted, what I see is a headache. Washington is one of 6 states in the nation where the state insures and maintains its workers' compensation fund. It usually works out quite well--without a third party insurer taking its cut, we can offer better benefits at a generally better price than you can find in third party states. However, if you are an for profit employer and you have people working for you, regardless if they are paid, you have to cover their workers' comp premiums. The law is clear: workers cannot bargain away their rights. This leads to problems for me like that pictured above, when the owner of the farm is presented with a notice of assessment for unpaid premiums, penalties and interest. It's a work in progress.
- Del, there is no minimum work requirement to be a covered worker in Washington state. In fact the 6 part statutory test that you have to satisfy to be considered an independent contractor is extremely difficult to meet and you have to meet all 6 parts of the test. So, it's more of a headache here.
- Del, no farm workers' exemption from coverage in WA state. Way too high on the injury scale there. Need to insure for the risk.
- Not only is Puerto Rico a US possession, all those born there are American citizens. Look it up--coutesy of the Spanish American War. And Danny, do yourself a favor and go read some of Sotomayor's decisions rather than 3 paragraphs taken entirely out of context. This woman has had what, 20 years on the bench, and this is the best you can come up with? Go back and eat some more Cheetohs, guy. ps: give me one example of an American who took a Japanese name to blend in while working in Japan. James Fallows wrote for the Atlantic for years from Japan and he didn't take a Japanese name. He DID write about how it was difficult for a gaijin to find housing in Japan and how most foreigners, as a result were ghettoized. I don't think you want to be taking Japan as a country the US should emulate, guy. Back to the crunch!
- They've attacked her gender and her nationality. Why not her religion? If she's appointed, she will be the 6th Justice of the Catholic faith on the Supreme Court.l
- Jeff tmmo, We agree that Harry Reid is a back bencher in terms of ability, but I am sure we part ways as to what a good Senate Majority leader should be doing.
- Danny, Three paragraphs taken out of context from three separate incidents over a multi year period, when during the same time period the judge has written numerous legal decisions. What are those 3 paragraphs? I am assuming they are the following: 1. Sotomayor also claimed: "For me, a very special part of my being Latina is the mucho platos de arroz, gandoles y pernir -- rice, beans and pork -- that I have eaten at countless family holidays and special events." 2. Sotomayor made an offhand remark at a conference that appellate courts are where "policy" is made. 3. At a 2002 lecture in Berkeley, she said, "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." Now Danny, none of these quotes indicate that Judge Sotomayor is unfit for the Supreme Court. Particularly when George HW Bush (who nominated Sotomayor to the federal district court during his watch) said this of his own Supreme Court nominee in July, 1991: "I have followed this man's career for some time. He is a delightful and warm, intelligent person who has great empathy and a wonderful sense of humor."
- Wonder what Krikorian thinks of the name of Father Andrew Cutie (pronounced koo-tee-AY), the priest who just left the Catholic Church to join the Episcopalians over an affair. Just the name, just the name.
- With respect to how the nomination of Sotomayor should be handled, here is Exhibit A: Again, if you have a problem with her nomination, it should be based upon her written record, which is substantial. Off the cuff remarks are fluff and tell us nothing of substance wrt how she would tend to rule. And if you took the time to review the record, as Glenn Greenwald and others have done, it would show you that she is not a liberal, rather she is a moderate judge. But hey, continue in your 'knee jerk' conservative right wing ways, and you drive more and more moderates from your party. Be my guest.
- When I left my first law job in 1978 and went to Europe to roam around (and ultimately get an LLM in International Law from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel--but that's another story), I purchased a 3 month Eurail Pass and thought I would leave all my cares which included my watch, behind. Of course when I got to Europe, I discovered I needed a watch, so I could make my train connections. Went to the cheaper department store in London and purchased a wind up watch, which seems so quaint these days. I still wear watches most days, but find that I use my cell phone to check time more than I do my watch. Nancy, that Crescent News photo of Alan brings back memories of the time my picture wound up on their pages. I was all of 7 or 8, attending Camp Palmer and they had me kneel down and point to a disc on the shuffleboard court. Pink glasses, buck teeth and a turned up sailor cap. I was mortified but my mother cut it out and saved it.
- I truly thought the Sotomayor debate could go no lower. I should know better. G. Gordon Liddy: Let's hope Sotomayor isn't "menstruating" at key Supreme Court conferences.
- Danny, Then I expect you're down on Sammy Alito and Clarence Thomas because they said remarkably similar things in their run ups to being confirmed. Right???
- Dorothy Parker, James Thurber, Robert Benchley and other writers for the New Yorker in the 30's used to hang out at the Algonquin Hotel, where they would slice each other to ribbons with their wit.
- Here's a dissection of the opinions in which Sotomayor was one of the judges. This is the kind of analysis that should be employed in discussions as to whether she's a good candidate for the Supreme Court. "So Judge Sotomayor rejected discrimination-related claims by a margin of roughly 8 to 1."
- Danny, If I agreed with Obama and Gibbs all the time, I'd be nothing better than a toady. As it is I think they made a mistake apologizing for something that they did not have to apologize for, particularly if you read the entire speech, that Brian has so conveniently posted for us. You do not have to give in to the overt racism that is present in the criticisms of Judge Sotomayor, but for some reason they found it necessary to do so. Sets a damn bad precedent, as it emboldens and empowers the aholes. Maybe Obama has a long term view that I am not privy to and this fits in with it, but for me, he's goofed by even acknowledging these stupid, non substantive criticisms.
- This is OT but with the car discussion it sorta fits in: Rather nice takedown of the No global warming critics.
- Just so you know how hollow the protestations of Operation Rescue really are.
- I wish that these sorts of testimonials had come out before Dr. Tiller's death.
- Booman has some good points on Dr. Tiller's profession.
- Yes, Dorothy, thank you for your courage and your candor. It's stories like yours that put the lie to the right wing cant that passes for truth out there.
- Here's mark's list: John Brown Bill Ayres Bernadine Dohrn Mark Rudd Eldridge Cleaver Timothy Leary Patricia Hearst Donald deFreeze Angela Atwood Ted Kaczynski They're fairly close to those that Jeff tmmo is talking about as far as lefties who have committed violence. What I want to know, is what organizations were getting the same amount of publicity with their whacked out notions that the folks at Operation Rescue, or Bill O'Reilly or Tucker Carlson are now getting as they condemn Dr. Tiller and continue to incite anti abortion supporters to violence? I think rather than slinging around these charges, it would behoove those who make them to provide names.
- mark, I was using your list as a shortcut to respond to jefftmmo, so since you didn't understand that I will restate it. Jeff--=Name me the MSM pundits and mainstream organizations who were in the news inciting folks to do the types of violent behavior that the individuals and organizations you listed accomplished. For ease of reference here are those individuals and organizations you listed: Sara_Jane_Moore Diana_Oughton MOVE Black_Liberation_Army David_Koresh [And no this is not liberality as it is classically defined whatsoever] John_Allan_Muhammad Earth_Liberation_Front On another topic, watched The Front Page by Billy Wilder last night. That era is gone.
- As someone who uses the Seattle Public Library weekly (in fact I was just there after work today picking up The Incredible Hulk video and a Peter Hamilton book I'd put a reserve on online)I can attest to the regular clientele there. Only problem is they're homeless and have no other place to go. And more of them are expected as the economy continues its sad, slow spiral down. The staff is very good and tries very hard, but in fact they've made it not very friendly to stay and read there in part because they're trying to control the transient population. So, I just pick up my reserve books and head out.
- mark, I'm surprised you would try to jump on that rather puerile argument that Obama called the US one of the largest muslim countries in the world. I'll let Steve Benen do the honors here: Money quote: "Greg Sargent explained, 'Hard-core rhetoricians will note that Obama was employing an obscure tense known as the "conditional," and an arcane rhetorical device known as a "hypothetical." He said that if you were to take the number of Muslims in America, then one could see America as ranking up there with other Muslim countries -- in numerical, hypothetical terms.' This really isn't complicated. In fact, given the size of the U.S. population, and the rich diversity of our spiritual landscape, you can pick practically any faith tradition, plug it into the president's sentence, and it'd be true, too. If you took the number of Christians in the U.S., we'd be one of the largest Christian countries in the world. If you took the number of Jews in the U.S., we'd be one of the largest Jewish countries in the world. If you took the number of Hindus in the U.S., we'd be one of the largest Hindu countries in the world. If you took the number of Buddhists in the U.S., we'd be one of the largest Buddhist countries in the world. That doesn't mean we're a Hindu country, or a Jewish Country, or a Christian Country, or a Muslim country, or a Buddhist country." And for those of you who have more than a passing familiarity with your tweezers: The gold standard.
- Just don't take your tweezers to school:
- mark, according to wikipedia there's no fast figure for Moslems in the US. Newsweek pegs it at 8 million in the high range. However, should you desire to keep trying to prove Obama's an idiot, well I can't stop you, but let me guess what your next talking point will be...the fact that he said 'thank you' in Arabic while he was in Egypt today, thus proving his fluency in Arabic? It's already making the right wing rounds, so just wanted to let you know about it.
- Russian tea was big when I was in college from 70-74. Just back from my 35th year reunion in fact. Quite the time. But I have found a most satisfying substitute for Russian tea: Market Spice tea from the Pike Place Market in Seattle. It is truly a wonderful morning beverage if you don't want coffee. The oils in the cinnamon and orange come through nicely with the tea. Highly recommended.
- Hmm..can't find to edit my post, but this is the amazon address for Market Spice tea, which you can order via our hostess, thus providing a kick back:
- When I worked at DoD, my boss had a nameplate on his desk that read "Cedant armae togae." In other words: Give arms up to the togas or Let those with togas (the civilians) rule the military.
- Jeff (tmmo): I certainly prefer our arrangement where the civilians control the military to that of many S. American countries (just for one example) where the military runs it for themselves and the politicians have little voice. Your mileage may, of course, vary. Chacun a son gout and all that. And as a black man was my boss, I am sure he noted the ironies in the Latin quote, but felt that it could be updated to include women as well, as his top two assistants were women. Things do change; it is our only constant.
- beb, you just reminded me of the pickled watermelon rind my Aunt Bebe (Bernice Sullivan) from Paulding, OH used to make. Oh they were good. I just wish I had the recipe!
- Would love the recipe, Jolene. I'm at reginac23 @ Thanks.
- Don't worry mark, Seattle is having an extremely hot, dry June. Climate change means chaos basically. And to tie ends up on the "Cedant arma togae" quote, wikipedia thinks it is something a bit more than you thought, Jeff tmmo: Cedant arma togae, concedat laurea laudi. Yield, ye arms, to the toga; to civic praise, ye laurels.
- I vacationed in Fripp Island S. Carolina in 1991 and there was quite a bit of government dredging new sand in to protect the new condo developments. Can't expect that it has changed over the years.
- Guess we better tell the Dutch to evacuate too.
- Anyone near the financial district in San Fran? Beware of the dive bombing bird protecting her nest: There's even a blog for the bird: Have to say I like my grilled cheese sandwiches toasty. (ducking for cover)
- Hammertime:
- Connie, Brian--you didn't read the grilled cheese thread? It's like the Seinfeld episode on onanism only better written!
- Bill O'Reilly on Tiller is the same effect as using a dog whistle on a dog. All the right words are there to incite someone, anyone to kill him. Just not said directly so O'Reilly can disclaim responsibility. Very cleverly done. May he rot in hell.
- Dorothy, I was back in Paulding in 1981 after Aunt Bebe died. She had lived for years in her parents' house (WH and Lulu Cullen) so it was full of photographs, letters, and clippings from the newspapers. WH loved to clip articles that caught his interest--I framed one--a full page from the Chicago Tribune from 1932 that is a map of all the clans of Ireland. Part of the saved letters consisted of those that their son Seth (my grandfather) sent to them from France during WW1. Seth wrote, among other things, about how his job was to ride on the outside of ambulances at night and direct the driver where to turn. The ambulances couldn't have their headlights on because the Germans would mark and shell them. I put together a little packet of these letters and gave them to my grandmother, thinking she would really appreciate them. She threw them away as soon as I left. I still kick myself about that.
- Nancy have you heard of the Netflix independent filmmaker competition?
- Nancy, Is there a way you can get a kickback from amazon in the UK? There's a book that came out in Britain on June 1 that is not coming out in the states til July 29 and it's one of the few authors who I will buy and buy in hardback (Joe Abercrombie). But no idea how to do it to benefit you.
- Westboro Baptist Church is picketing at my kids' high school: Inner city science and math magnet school with nationally ranked jazz band and orchestra.
- There are a lot of black and and lot of jewish students there. I understand they think god hates both groups.
- My we are crabby tonight. And all of you without the benefit of the 19 year old back from a year of screwing up at college and into fouling the nest, yet again..... Did I mention that vodka goes right well in lemonade?
- And I grew up as a Catholic jealous that the Protestants had a 'get out of hell' free card. Per my childhood friend, JulieM, they were already saved and didn't have to a damn thing more. No mandatory Sunday and holy day church attendance, no confession, no fasting.
- Jolene, You should try giving up candy for lent while working at the Economos' Candy Store in Defiance, OH.
- I love the edit feature. I can't believe what typos I miss the first time around. And, just for fun, heh, heh, heh:
- Thank you beb and Pilot Joe for the heads up on UP! Saw it and adored it. Squirrel has been in my vocabulary for years--it gets my miniature dachshund running ahead of me, rather than me dragging him (and thus earning me dirty looks from passersby--who do not know that when we finally turn the corner to go back home he is SPRINTING fast as his little legs can go, wearing me out)
- Dave, Pet Sematary did it for me too. I have not read another book by King since. I've tried, but I don't get his writing style. Today, I missed getting off my bus to work because I was so deep into my book. That has never happened to me and I am just exhilarated to have a book that is so absorbing and so much fun. It's the book I ordered from and it's by an English author named Joe Abercrombie. Kind of a blue collar George RR Martin. His first series is The First Law Trilogy (The Blade Itself, Before They are Hanged, and Last Argument of Kings) and it was a real barn burner. I emailed him at the end of it because I was perturbed by the ending and he wrote back! His new book is in the same sort of sleazy medieval type universe of Styria and it's titled Best Served Cold.
- I'm certainly not interested in continuing to pay for the debacle in Iraq except via reparations to those who have been harmed by our unjustified and unprovoked attack on that country. Get over it. We are not the world's nursemaid or patrol cop. Once we get our own act together, then let's talk about the rest of the world. But we've got more domestic problems than we can shake a stick at, and unless there is some country out there who is in immediate danger of attacking us, we do not have a decent justification for further aggressive action.
- Just saw The Visitor starring Richard Jenkins. Very touching film. And it is a blue moon when I agree with someone at the American Conservative, but I do:
- Happy father's day to all you dads out there! Hope the weather's good and you have something cooking on the bbq.
- Saw the movie The Visitor and thought it was extremely well done. Made me think about it all weekend, truly the work of a good movie.
- Out here in the unaccustomed sunshine of Seattle in June, the lawn services don't show up until Saturday. Which, of course figures since that is the only day I could even consider sleeping in, if such a thing was possible.
- Jeff tmmo, what do you think of Jenny Sanford's press release? South Carolina's First Lady Jenny Sanford released the following statement Wednesday: "I would like to start by saying I love my husband and I believe I have put forth every effort possible to be the best wife I can be during our almost twenty years of marriage. As well, for the last fifteen years my husband has been fully engaged in public service to the citizens and taxpayers of this state and I have faithfully supported him in those efforts to the best of my ability. I have been and remain proud of his accomplishments and his service to this state. I personally believe that the greatest legacy I will leave behind in this world is not the job I held on Wall Street, or the campaigns I managed for Mark, or the work I have done as First Lady or even the philanthropic activities in which I have been routinely engaged. Instead, the greatest legacy I will leave in this world is the character of the children I, or we, leave behind. It is for that reason that I deeply regret the recent actions of my husband Mark, and their potential damage to our children. I believe wholeheartedly in the sanctity, dignity and importance of the institution of marriage. I believe that has been consistently reflected in my actions. When I found out about my husband's infidelity I worked immediately to first seek reconciliation through forgiveness, and then to work diligently to repair our marriage. We reached a point where I felt it was important to look my sons in the eyes and maintain my dignity, self-respect, and my basic sense of right and wrong. I therefore asked my husband to leave two weeks ago. This trial separation was agreed to with the goal of ultimately strengthening our marriage. During this short separation it was agreed that Mark would not contact us. I kept this separation quiet out of respect of his public office and reputation, and in hopes of keeping our children from just this type of public exposure. Because of this separation, I did not know where he was in the past week. I believe enduring love is primarily a commitment and an act of will, and for a marriage to be successful, that commitment must be reciprocal. I believe Mark has earned a chance to resurrect our marriage. Psalm 127 states that sons are a gift from the Lord and children a reward from Him. I will continue to pour my energy into raising our sons to be honorable young men. I remain willing to forgive Mark completely for his indiscretions and to welcome him back, in time, if he continues to work toward reconciliation with a true spirit of humility and repentance. This is a very painful time for us and I would humbly request now that members of the media respect the privacy of my boys and me as we struggle together to continue on with our lives and as I seek the wisdom of Solomon, the strength and patience of Job and the grace of God in helping to heal my family."
- Alex, you castigate Jenny, you are flinging it at me. I figured I was willing to stay in the marriage because of two things: 1) the children and 2) the marriage itself, the most sacred vow in public that I felt I had ever taken, superseding even my oath as I was sworn in as an attorney. Someone once told me that the greatest gift a man can give his children is to love his wife, and this still rings hard and true with me. Again, you castigate Jenny, you are throwing rocks at more women than you know.
- Nancy, if I was AWOL from my job for 7 days and had not notified those who were statutorily obligated to fill in for me (read Lt. Governor), I would have been fired. The man not only crapped out on his family, he crapped out on the entire state of S. Carolina. He doesn't get a pass on this one just because of a 12 year affair. And I thought the emails to the mistress were reminiscent of the ones I found in the family computer ten years ago. The line that sticks in my memory is where he wrote: "I want to be in between your legs all night long." 'bout the same level of authorship and raging hormones. And TPM has some unanswered questions that those caught up in the emotion of the presser didn't ask:
- Hey mark, rest assured that Sanford was way out front about how awful Bill Clinton was for the affair and for his lying:
- I too felt the same way about Farrah. But I got a kick out of our hostesses' posting this so soon after inviting commentary on Sanford. For those of you who have seen "UP," I think it was her "squirrel" moment.
- Bet the governor of S. Carolina is relieved by this [SQUIRREL].
- I'm so darn busy w/ a new puppy (miniature dachshund and perhaps some beagle) that I don't have time for tv. But good to know that Gov. Sanford is taking a biblical angle to his defense, i.e. David didn't resign after Bathsheba, so why should he?
- You know, Jefftmmo, I lobbed you a softball. Oh well. How's this for starters: The man needs to read his Old Testament again if he thinks David walked away scot-free from his sins. The immediate punishment levied on David for his wrongful actions with Bathsheba included plague and famine upon the land of Judea, and the death of David and Bathsheba's first child. The long-term punishment included the rape of his daughter Tamar by her half-brother, Amnon, and the murder of Amnon by David's son Absalom, who was himself later murdered by David's general (and nephew) Joab during Absalom's rebellion against David. And David, as the king anointed by God's direction, didn't have the option of resignation. So which of his kids does Sanford want to execute?
- oh, mark. you really don't need to confirm your bona fides like that.
- Well, there's finally one picture out there of the SC Gov's mistress:
- Just out: MN S.Ct rules for Franken. Oh, and I thought this essay about MJ was on a par with that of our hostess.
- Someone should tell the Gov. of SC to stfu: I'm not sure what I would do if I were his wife and heard that he'd described his mistress as his soul mate.
- Bassett, I was in NYC in 1981, on a subway Sun am when a guy carrying a gun walked through the car as bold as brass. The 80's were scary times there. But when we took the kids on a cruise to Bermuda in '98 and stayed in the upper W. side both before and after our cruise, I could not believe how much things had changed for the better. There I was with my kids and instead of freaking out, I was actually relaxing and enjoying myself. You really should visit, it is so different and so much fun.
- The Jenny Sanford admiration society:
- Guess the Washington Post is more of a ho than we ever even guessed:
- This is a fabulous column, Nancy. ps, just found this Jon Stewart riff on l'affaire Sanford and had to share:
- I will bet that Ms. Palin's troubles that caused her to resign were not the privacy lawsuits--the state pays for the defense of those unless and until she's shown to have acted outside her scope of duties as governor. I think there are some things that we have yet to hear about that will be shown to have been the catalyst. And I think the article in Vanity Fair is a good summation of her career these past two years or so.¤tPage=all
- Good piece on healthcare that works in other countries (France and Holland). I have to say that during my one year stay in Belgium ('78-'79), I was required to have health insurance, selected a healthcare provider from a number of choices, and was able to be seen quickly when there was a medical emergency and well treated. Ps, I think John Cole at Balloon Juice gets Palin just right:
- The reason Sarah Palin is so popular in this country, is shown in Jay Leno's "Jaywlaking" segments where ordinary people cannot name things like the largest state in the Union, or identify a picture of Colin Powell. These folk are Palin's natural fodder. Here's a poorly recorded segment of Jaywalking: I think that eventually Sarah Palin will tell us that she has gone Galt. Because she has.
- I like TBogg's take as well.
- One HuffPost writer is calling it the "Iquitarod."
- Ms. Ky's rumination is the second one. I would say, that if the name and address are correct, it is odd to be receiving this sort of judgment from a former prostitute.
- Can someone just tell ABC to go to hell if this is what they consider "news?" The Obamas, unlike Sarah Palin, have never used their children as political props. It's summer, for god's sake, I'd take them on a trip with me too. But that does not make their wardrobe newsworthy. If they stole the money from the DNC to outfit themselves, then yes. But not now.
- Do folks here know that Lance Armstrong, along with Americans Levi Leipheimer and Chris Horner, are cycling for Team Astana which is sponsored by the City of Astana and the country of Kazakhstan? I hope Borat is there to cheer them on.
- Palin, like Sanford, cannot stop talking: ...But as for whether another pursuit of national office, as she did less than a year ago when she joined Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in the race for the White House, would result in the same political blood sport, Palin said there is a difference between the White House and what she has experienced in Alaska. If she were in the White House, she said, the "department of law" would protect her from baseless ethical allegations. "I think on a national level, your department of law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out," she said. There is no "Department of Law" at the White House....
- C-dad, I have bookmarked that site. It is fascinating in a very odd way. Thanks!
- Okay, I have a dumb Michael Jackson question because I am not up on my MJ lore. Are his kids related to him by blood? I am assuming it was in vitro fertilization but I really don't know.
- Well, this is the first time I've seen the kids without their masks on and I was startled at how very unlike Jackson they look. And I seem to recall that it was artificial insemination that was used for conception with no real designation of who the father was at the time. And I wondered if the masking was done to try and keep these sorts of inquiries to a minimum. And on the converse we have Angelina Jolie and Madonna adopting children of another race with little comment. So why would MJ feel the need for all this secrecy if that's what was going on?
- Orth's last article in the series indicates that the natural father of Rowe's children was probably white. That's a devastating article. Will read the others as well. Thanks for the lead, Jolene.
- There is a legal presumption that children born to couples in wedlock are the legitimate offspring of the parents. So, Jolene would be right wrt to the older two of Jackson's children. Have no idea about the third and I have been staying as far away from the debacle as possible.
- I realize that all you journalists out there probably have feelings about outsiders criticizing your profession but I thought that these were some worthy comments:
- I find the intensity level from all these adultery stories to increasing as we've moved up to homicide/suicide and bribery and tax evasion. One wonders how it could get much worse....
- That is some fine cross examination there.
- Thanks for the story about Chief, Nancy. I shed a few tears. I tried to adopt a puppy from a shelter this summer. Sent applications to 3 different places, but did not receive a reply from one. I guess the fact that I am a single woman living alone who works full time was a shot against me. But I have a fenced backyard and two other happy, healthy dogs who would have loved to have a third (I did have a 3d--Heidi--a rescue dachshund who died of old age 3 years ago) again. So I adopted via the want ads and picked up a 7 week old dachshund/beagle mix, Truffle, who at the present time is sleeping with Max and Scooter after running all over the house with them.
- alex, are your equating Peggy Noonan with Reagan for a reason?
- Ah, now I get it. Thanks.
- Sue--you are right on the mark about my concerns w/ the DoJ and also with DoD General Counsel, Jeh Johnson. As I served as Special Assistant to the DoD General Counsel in the waning years of the Carter administration, I confess to being absolutely poleaxed that Mr. Johnson seems to be drinking the right wing koolaid on indefinite detention of those at Gitmo. I think he's trying to gain macho cred with the military or somesuch as his resume has absolutely no service on it and the military are swift to condemn those without it.
- via Wikipedia: The Tempest Prospero was the rightful Duke of Milan, who (with his daughter, Miranda) was sent off to sea on a carcass to die by his usurping brother Antonio twelve years before the play begins. Prospero and Miranda survived the trip and found exile on a small island. He had learned sorcery and uses it while on the island (through the help of an adviser, Gonzalo, who sent some of Prospero's magic books with him) to control the other characters. On the island, he became the master of the monster Caliban, the son of a malevolent witch, and Ariel, a fairy who has become enslaved by Prospero after he is freed from his prison inside of a tree.
- Dexter, my condolences on your loss. Dogs give us our better selves just through their unconditional love. My lab, Max is 12 and I am dreading the day. I think it's why I got a miniature dachshund puppy this summer. So that my other dog, Scooter, also a minidox, will have a friend after the inevitable.
- I was an exchange student in Offenbach Germany and we were up early to watch it on tv. I remember being peeved as hell because I could not hear what NASA and the astronauts were saying because the tv interpreters were so loud. I did not speak much German as the only languages offered by Defiance HS were French, Spanish and Latin. But Youth For Understanding had run out of french households and placed me in Germany.
- Funny dat. I posted about this a while back: But, for me it was done in terms of albums not just records. Oh, I remember playing my transistor radio next to my towel at the pool in the summer and it was always turned on to CKLW. At night, you could get WBZ in Boston and a station in Chicago whose letters I don't remember (WLS?). I still have in my 45 collection such hits as "Judy in the Sky with Diamonds," "Time Won't Let Me," and "Born on the Bayou." The slow move from singles to albums was finalized by college when I discovered fm. Love the Firesign Theater send up of the difference between am and fm on their Ralph Spoilsport part of the "Marx/Lennon" album. But there I go talking about albums again.
- Yes, it was Judy in Disguise by John Fred and his Playboy Band. All I can say is that it was 8am and I hadn't had my coffee yet.
- Dexter-your link doesn't work for me. Wah.
- C'dad, I swear you have Faulkner beat all to hell these days. I am in awe. As a partial frolic and detour, here's a recipe for chocolate chip cookies you can bake on the dashboard of your car.
- My mother ruled how my hair would look until I got to high school in 1966. Before then it was pixie cuts, done by some of Defiance's finest hairdressers. So the hair grew for two years, until sophomore year of high school, Mom told me that if I wanted contact lenses, I had to cut my hair. So I received a mod haircut where one side was longer than the other. But, of course, boys only like girls that had long hair, even if the short haired girls wore contacts. Mission accomplished.
- Sue, Nah. It's so silly as not to be worthy of note or comment. I never thought Bush got private assurances from his nominees.
- Ok you Hoosiers, is it true that back in the '60's the album by the Kingsmen, Louie, Louie, was banned for sale in Indiana because the officials thought there were dirty lyrics in the song? I remember something like that, but since I was from NW Ohio at the time, I thought I would check with actual residents.
- Off to the Lavender Festival in Sequim:
- Well, a very long time ago (pre-1970)my Aunt Marg saved an advertisement from the Defiance Crescent News that was advertising a "Menstrual Show"
- fun optical illusion
- The edits of Sarah's speech were reminiscent of edits applied to some of my first work as a law clerk working in private practice. Sometimes what came out looked nothing like what went in. But I learned a lot from the process and now offer the same 'learning' opportunity to the law clerks in our office. I think Ms. Palin is past the time where it would sink in for her.
- Somehow, Danny, the equation does not add up. Reverend Wright has never had a national bully pulpit like Pat Buchanan has. So apples/oranges.
- Somehow, Danny, that just still does not make up for Pat Buchanan being beamed into millions of homes, night after night. He's the modern day equivalent to the fascist right wing priest on the radio prior to WW2.
- Beb, the caller was a woman: The woman, Lucia Whalen, is the circulation and fundraising manager at Harvard Magazine, a news and alumni magazine affiliated with the school. The magazine’s offices are down the street from Gates’ home. By the time police arrived, Gates was already inside.
- Am I wrong in thinking that this sentence needs a negative somewhere? I can’t help but think that if everyone was making a living, we wouldn’t all want our country “back.” I think that the sentiment is that if everyone is NOT working, that they would want their country back. If they are working, then what is there to want back? the "wouldn't" makes it a double negative, I guess but double negatives are the hardest for readers to absorb. Sorry, it's just the latent editor in me...
- I would bet that the members of the Commission are Bush administration holdovers. 4 Repubs, 2 Dems, 2 Independents. Yup.
- Sue, You have to be born in the US to qualify for presidency according to the US Constitution. Hawaii is in the US but Kenya is not. Article II, Section 1 (in part): No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
- Rana, Yes, I am very sure of this. On a lawyers' private poltical site, where I have been a member for 10+ years, we had a discussion about how John McCain could be technically barred from the presidency under this provision because he was born in the Panama Canal. But we basically agreed that it was not worth the effort needed to try to disqualify him. We (the lawyers) are reasonable folk. The 'birthers' are not. And this is what they have seized on to try to disqualify Obama--the very false assertion that he was born in Kenya, not the US. Please keep in mind that this was what I studied when I took Constitutional law lo these many years ago in law school and it was agreed at that point as to the meaning of this Article. "or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution," simply means that at the time the constitution was adopted, most could not claim US citizenship by birth because when they were born, the US did not exst--it was a British colony then.
- MarkH, Now why would I think that those put in office by the Bush Administration might not be playing with a full deck? It has something to do with the quality of Bush appointees overall. And it has not been pretty. Wikipedia has a 179 page list of the Bush scandals and there are numerous appointees and Bush employees listed therein. As one small, milder example, just look at what's been done to NPR--when the Board that governs their operation shifted to Bush appointees, what I was listening to in the morning was many times no different in point of view from what I could hear on Fox. I look at the total ineptness of the SEC under Christopher Cox and again that tells me something about Bush appointees. What about "Brownie?" The list goes on and on. As Aesop wrote many years ago, 'you are known by the company you keep.' So yes, I have, until proven otherwise, a deep rooted suspicion of Bush appointees. And just the resume does not cut it. Justice Roberts has a sparkling pedigree but his decisions on the Supreme Court have been, so far, 100% in favor of corporate interests, and some in my opinion are decidedly wrong.
- No a/c in my house in Seattle. We've had a hot, dry summer this year, but my secret is lots of trees and shade in the back yard that keeps most of the house cool as well. We had an attic fan in our house in Defiance, and on hot nights my Dad would open up the drop down to the attic and run the fan. It didn't work very well. I remember the Andrews had the first air conditioner in their car. It ran air over ice cubes. We thought that was pretty spiffy.
- Crowd control???? Crowd control???? The man was in his own home for cripe's sake. There was no crowd. Talk about sticking with the facts. I'll take Gates' over some white cop's effort to cover his butt after he realized how gigantic his goof was.
- mark, you really do not get it do you? Have you never dealt with police reports that sanitized or exaggerated things to the benefit of the police? As I said, I would take Gates' recitation of events over that of the police. And the photos I've seen show Gates handcuffed on his porch. If I were handcuffed on my porch for no reason, I think I'd be justified in yelling about it too. And I've not read that Gates verbally attacked the policeman's mother.
- Plus the police report states that a number of police officers had gather outside the Gates house. That in and of itself can cause a crowd to form. I've read the police report, and I will offer a link to it here so that others may read it themselves without the necessity of searching for it. And all I can say mark, is 'feh.' It sounds like Gates was unreasonably disturbed in his home by a bull headed police officer, who couldn't bring the temperature of the situation down. He finally had to show Gates who was boss. And as this conservative black writer at TNR makes it clear, relations with cops are a lightning rod for minorities, whether they are liberal or conservative: And, "I'll talk to your momma outside." Now That's some really bad insult there. /sarcasm off.
- I'll be happy to take this opinion by Judge Alex Kozinski of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on this case even though Boston is in a different Circuit. Kozinski is no bleeding heart liberal either.
- mark, I've worked for two state attorney general's offices for almost twenty years now. And what you say about how police are trained, is crap where I live and work, and should be crap everywhere else. In Washington the government is not exempt from private suit. Maybe that is what drives police here to be more polite.
- mark, Here is what it says at the top of the force continuum chart as I found it at the Seattle Police Department website: "CONTINUUM OF RESISTANCE: OFFICER’S PERCEPTION OF VIOLATOR’S ACTIONS VIOLATOR’S GOAL: ESCAPE/ASSAULT" There is nothing, not one iota of evidence in the record that Henry Louis Gates was attempting to escape or assault the police officer. Force continuum was not applicable. And unlike you, who likes to cite big sounding things without providing a link to them, here it is:
- The Florida physician who sent an email photoshopped to make it look like Obama was a witch doctor has apologized. He offered that he once organized a career counseling day for African American boy scouts, so he could not be considered a racist. I assume that the good doctor was taking tips from Officer Crowley.
- Loved the wedding video, Nance and am forwarding it to my daughter, 24, should she ever decide to get married after medical school.
- This really belongs in this thread and not today's but some important things are said here that should be noted.
- editing fun. And Nick, get in the spirit, man! Those kids are so happy and everyone in that church is having so much fun. I loved seeing the little old lady in the front clapping along.
- And Jeff tmmo is scarce these days, too.
- basset: slivovitz? I lived for a year (1978-79)in Brussels with a couple from Poland, who had escaped the Nazis in WW2 because the husband was a chemist with a Swiss pharmaceutical company and when Krystal nacht came to Brussels, they decamped to the pharmaceutical factory, which had the guise of neutrality and lived there and no one ratted them out for the duration of the war. They had given their son up to a Gentile couple who lived in the country. He later became the dean of the law school at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (the 'Libre' part simply denotes that there is no connection to the Catholic Church--sort of a state university connotation). I, instead got my LLM in Internationl Law from the Vrije Universiteit Bruxelles. There was a dividing line between the Flamands and the Belges. And that was typified by the universities. Any way, my hosts, one night offered me Polish vodka which had a picture of a buffalo on it and within the bottle was a stem of grass, which M. Ingber said was the grass that the Polish buffalo used to eat. No idea, but it burned going down. Anyway, I think slivovitz may be what you are looking for. Moe---Channeling Caliban a bit myself tonight.
- Deborah, Agree with you on the MoDo opinion piece today. Now my limited understanding of the crime Gates was charged with, disturbing the peace, was that as long as he was in his house, it was not 'public' and thus the peace could not have been disturbed. Once he was on his porch, it is 'arguably' public and the charge was filed. However, Massachusetts may have done away with this altogether, so that could be why it was dropped. Another point is whether the 'crowd' outside the house was there because of the ruckus Gates was making, or whether they were drawn by the fact that there were a number of policemen on the lawn--kind of like a car accident. Hopefully this will all be discussed during the beer session.
- Eugene Volokh is a noted conservative law school professor at UCLA who has put together a first rate legal blog. Here is what Eric Pozner at has to say about the Massachusetts statute that was used to charge Gates, and its judicial interpretation:
- Dorothy, I think you actually state it in your piece: the officer was "reacting" to Gates. That's when it's lost. An officer is trained to not react if the sitaution is not physically dangerous to others. I'm Sure it was hard on the psyche to have to listen to an old fart half his size verbally berate him, but even under the Massachusetts law, that is not disorderly conduct and he probably knew that, if his training was up to date. I like to hope that our society is flexible enough to allow for give and take--I'm reading The Book Thief right now and its description of being an ordinary citizen in Germany during WW2 is chilling. I can see how easy it is to get there from here.
- Just got this in from a constitutional law professor and wanted to share with the group: "MA construes its disorderly conduct statute narrowly because it has to in order to avoid having it declared unconstitutional on its face; like every other state, it is bound by Lewis v. City of New Orleans, 415 U.S. 130 (1974), and by City of Houston v. Hill, 482 U.S. 451 (1987) Speech cannot be the basis for a disorderly conduct arrest unless it threatens an imminent breach of the peace. As the Court observed in Hill, 'The freedom of individuals verbally to oppose or challenge police action without thereby risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state.' If that is true for Hill on a street corner, it is even more surely true in one's home."
- ....desparation? I'm sorry, it's the editor in me. I'll stuff it right back in.
- Hmm...Danny, my inner editor once even queried our talented hostess. So no, I don't think so.
- If anyone other than Palin had pulled the same stunt halfway through office, they would have been branded a "QUITTER." Why does that appellation not apply here?
- Retiring Ohio Senator Voinovich does not mince words describing his party: the money quote for me: "We got too many Jim DeMints and Tom Coburns," Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) told the Columbus Dispatch. "It's the southerners." "They get on TV and go 'errrr, errrrr,'" he said. "People hear them and say, 'These people, they're southerners. The party's being taken over by southerners. What they hell they got to do with Ohio?"
- Was it here that someone mentioned that Madge's arms have been christened by the british press as "bingo wings?"
- Jefftmmo? Was that a magical moment or what?
- My mother was from Little Falls MN where her dad was one of the town's doctors and a personal friend of Lindbergh. From my mother's recollection, Lindbergh used to fly over my grandfather's clinic and tip his wings to Drs. Claude and Barton Holst. I've known for a long time about Lindbergh's fascist impulses. This is nothing new to learn for me. And it is worth noting that Michelle Bachman represent that part of MN these days, so some things haven't changed.
- Lindbergh's father had some problems in that department too, iirc. Charles Lindbergh was the world's rock star of the era. Hard not to think you could do whatever you pleased with that sort of adulation following you around.
- Well times have really changed. From the angst associated with "Dealing with the, uh, Problem," we've moved on to law reviews dealing with similar, uh, problems: edited because you need a password to get to the site. Here is the syllabus: "Cultural Cliteracy: Exposing the Contexts of Women's Not Coming" Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice, Vol. 23, 2008 Washington U. School of Law Working Paper No. 09-05-01 SUSAN EKBERG STIRITZ, Washington University, St. Louis - College of Arts & Sciences Email: Cultural cliteracy denotes what an adequately educated person should know about the clitoris. This paper elaborates three ways to enlarge understandings of the clitoris. .... edited again because even though it is a law journal, I just can't get past the subject matter. I am sooo old.
- Jeff and Alex--you made me laugh on a hot, tense day in Seattle! thanks for that.
- It's over. Jeff tmmo wins today. Oh, and here's an open cite to the law journal article mentioned above.
- Here's the Univ. of Washington. It does not get much better than this. Except when it's 104 degrees.
- Melatonin, folks. Melatonin. Works wonders for aiding sleep. I used to have wonderful, vivid, technicolor dreams when I was younger but those dried up along with restful sleep until I started taking melatonin. I don't take it very often, but when I do, it works. Oh, and Christmas cactus? I have one that was given to me in 1986 and has grown enormously in my various offices, all of which were northern facing until our move 3 years ago where I was assigned a southern facing office. That was the first year the cactus failed to bloom at Christmas. So I found a northern facing window for her and it's back to normal. Just saying.
- Jen, my daughter can do that as well. Guess her ivy league education paid off. Her father used to put a paper napkin up to his face and push his tongue through it. Was used to entertain the kids when they were little, too. His less effective trick was to try to dribble water out of his mouth while holding a napkin underneath his chin. That one did not work so well, as I recall. Me? I remember faintly (it's been years) if you wrap a dollar bill tightly around a cold beer bottle, you can't burn a hole through it with a cigarette.
- I owe my existence to maraschino cherries at the bar. The bar at the Old Faithful Lodge to be exact. My parent worked there the summer of 1950. Dad was a bartender and Mom was the hostess at the restaurant. Mom loved maraschino cherries and would sneak into the bar at quiet times and steal them. She got to talking to the tall, gawky blond haired bartender and the rest is history, as they say in journalism. (g) Of course there were some rocky points on the road to marriage. Like the time my dad's sister and her husband showed up that summer and mom seated them in the worst table in the room. Or the time my dad heard on the radio that war had been declared in Korea and he and a couple of buddies got drunk--thinking they were going to be drafted. They ended up carrying on some (bunch of guys dancing with each other in the parking lot is what I recall from the story to Waltzing Matilda?) at the same time as mom's parents drove up. But, somehow everything got smoothed over and the wedding took place Aug. 10, 1951, in Little Falls, MN.
- Looks like the Seattle Times needs better reporters: Perhaps this reporter could work for Bonner Consultants in Washington D.C. They both seem to be good at making things up. And further depressing news on the current state of journanimalism:
- "I’m aware of no proof that Sarah and Todd Palin were married to begin with. I insist on seeing the certified vault copy of their long-form marriage certificate. When all they have to do is release it to quell these ugly rumors, their failure to do so is highly suspicious."
- I'm off to a week long music camp at Whitman College. As Tigger says, ttfn!
- A week away at adult music camp and I want to go back. All I can tell you after my welcome hiatus and reviewing the week with fresh eyes, is that the rhetoric, particularly from the Republicans, is getting worse. And I fear that the right wing will resort to major violence to impose their will on the rest of society. Perhaps we, as Democrats, could do as that NYT woman whose husband had a midlife crisis, and just ignore them, saying, It's not about me, it's about you and I will wait til your spell of madness has left you and you return to the political dialogue a rational person. But I don't think most of us have that sort of patience. However, it would be nice to ignore the uglies, wouldn't it? And, Nancy, I am so sorry to hear of your puppy's demise. After the huge welcome home my three gave me, it hurts to know that there is one waggy tail less in the world. My sincere regrets.
- Congratulations!
- LA Mary: My grandmother, Helen Cullen, from Paulding OH, told me about taking the train to Las Vegas in the early 50's. It arrived in Vegas at night and she said you could see the sky lit up for many, many miles before the train arrived there.
- Does no one remember the "Dare to be Great" program founded by a guy with a harelip? When he would say it, it would come out very oddly, but he managed to become very wealthy before the SEC took him down.
- somehow that joke does not tell very well. Perhaps you had to have been there or something.
- Making money = doing right is serious Mormon theology as well. I spent a lot of time in Salt Lake City investigating numerous affinity frauds informally associated with the Mormon church when I was with the SEC in the '80s and early '90s.
- When my younger brother (the one who went to Spencer School with Alan) was doing his anesthesia residency at George Washington Univ. in D.C., he was on ob duty and one of the patients he was administering the anesthesia to decided to name her baby girl, Placenta, because she'd heard the word used in the operating room and it sounded so pretty. Oh, and TPM had more on Rove's lies yesterday, mark, that go beyond any emails to Miers. I'll save you the trouble of looking it up: But you're on your own as far as finding the original emails.
- Jason T--my actual name is Regina and I cannot tell you the number of times folks in Seattle pronounce it like it rhymes w/ vagina. That's because Regina, Saskatchewan is pronounced that way. The German pronunciation (which is where my name comes from--my maternal grandmother whose folks hailed from Alsace Lorraine)is different--the 'g' is a hard 'g,' but at least the 'i' is short.
- oh, mark, bless your heart. If and when I want or need advice about lawyering, I'll ask for it. Elsewhere.
- we used to add "under the sheets" when reading the titles of the songs on the jukebox. After a few beers, they were hilarious. That rather dates me....
- Rick Pitino. Nice guy. Oh, and for an instructive comparison of US vs. British health care:
- Brian, Rick Pitino, this Catholic father of 5, paid the woman $3,000 for an abortion. And the Catholic University of Louisville doesn't think that might be a violation of their morals clause? This is frakkin' crazy. Hey, Danny--I have yet to see one instance of where an ex pat American had to pay more for the medical care in the UK than they did in the US. Please post if you can find that story.
- Sent an email to Whole Foods, telling them I would never darken their doors again, but they wouldn't let it go unless I indicated a store to whom it was directed, so I settled for one in Dallas.
- Ah yes, health care reform, bad. Current US health care system, good. Rinse and repeat. The GOP is reprising their role from the first 2 years of the Clinton administration, when health care reform went down in flames. At the mid terms in 1994, the Repubs emerged the winners, in part due to this, and they're hoping for a repeat.
- I went to law school with a guy who said he flew helicopters in Vietnam. They had radar that would go 'ping' when the Viet Cong antiaircraft guns would target them. That 'ping' meant that they had a very few seconds to move very abruptly to get out of the line of fire (almost wrote get the hell out but I remembered our hostess' earlier discussion of this). At any rate he said he liked to go up stoned or worse to see how good his reflexes were under the influence.
- Christy: You are right. U of Louisville is not a Catholic institution. I misspoke. Bellarmine, another university in Louisville is, and Louisville is one of the spots in KY where there are more Catholics than in the rest of the state. My parents lived for a year in W.Ky and my mother got a taste of what it was like to be a real minority as Catholics made up only 10% or less of the population and she was accustomed to something quite different in the midwest. Indeed there were stories about how during the depression, in eastern KY the catholics were driven from town before the blacks were. At any rate, my goof.
- Danny, cite please. And, iirc, in the USA, one is presumed innocent and must be proven guilty in a criminal trial using the standard of 'beyond a reasonable doubt.' Ayers was not tried b/c the FBI botched his case. You don't want the protections afforded by the law to apply to him? Then they apply to no US citizen. Whether they apply to foreign nationals being held by the US on the accusation of terrorism, is another question.
- Oh Danny boy... Why don't we just read the entire thread to get the full context. There are a number of other commenters who rounded out the discussion rather well.
- Guys, guys, we're missing the real story. Jenny Sanford has moved out of the Governor's mansion in S.Carolina and the Buenos Aires beauty is in the US and Mark's in contact with her!! Gotta love these fellows....
- fun for Friday night.
- 4dbirds: Just think what their reception would be in the US these days? What were we thinking???? Oh, the humanity (g).
- generate your own Kenyan birth certificate.
- The Pitino scandal just gets weirder and weirder:
- C'dad, of course the mafia connected never wanted anyone like Pitino fouling their nests. Drew too much attention to the operations. Went to school with a guy whose dad was no. 2 in the Chicago mafia. Lots of stories to tell, but first, he was the only guy at school who drove a Lincoln Continental Mark IV and he drove it from his dorm to the food service because he thought the walk was too long for his meals.
- Bless your heart, Danny boy.
- Gerry Hoy has a minor counterpart here in Washington state. An attorney named Bruce B****, who specialized in securities laws, many years ago represented a company that was manufacturing 'cowdominiums' and the company was doing a public offering for which he would appear at the dog and pony shows around the Pacific NW. Cowdominiums were circular and had a cement floor that inclined to the center of the room where there was a big drain. All the effluent was hosed to the drain and then picked up and recycled and processed to be used as feed for the cattle once again, because cows are notoriously inefficient processors of their feed. Bruce was promoting the safety of the 'feed' that was processed by the cowdominium processors and the way he would do it was to bring a baggie of the feed and break a piece off and eat it during the presentation. Never was present for any of the sales but I still see him ambling about downtown Seattle from time to time.
- LaRouchies are idiots. Every last one of 'em. They're on the sidewalks of Seattle this summer and I just give them a wide berth. Anyone who would believe the crap that little felon dishes out is no better than those that follow Limbaugh.
- Hey, Nance, you can put 'that' squirrel in all your vacation pix:
- Palin quit the job she was elected to do with almost two years left in her term. She is a QUITTER, regardless of anything else. Anyone who supports or defends her is an idiot. Period.
- c'ban, frankly, I think Howard Dean was far more demonized than Kerry was and in hindsight, with the Ridge revelations coming out, it seems that Dr. Dean was right and Kerry was a wimp back in 2004 on the raised terror alerts by the Bush administration for reelection purposes. What a surprise. Not.
- Danny, I belong to one of the two health cooperatives in the country--Group Health cooperative--and have been a member for 25 years. I have received excellent health care overall, as have my children. When my daughter Sarah was 16, the doctors detected and successfully removed a dermatofibrosarcoma about the size of a small apple. It's highly unusual to occur in someone so young, and, as a result my father, the doubting Thomas pediatrician/anesthesiologist in Lexington, had the pathology independently analyzed and the diagnosis was confirmed. I don't see a problem with single payer. It would beat all to hell the present, bloated system, where a large percentage of our population is not covered whatsoever and we who are covered have increased costs when hospitals must pay for their emergency room visits. Here--why don't you take a look at a summary of the present House bill, written by one of the smartest attorneys I know (he lives in Illinois). Then you tell us what you think:
- So current thought has it that with the current recession and jobs lost, 50 million of our citizens are without health insurance. AP offers a bunch of caveats above to be sure. But when will the ravening hordes be satisfied? Is 50 million enough to get serious about health care reform? Is $1500 a month for health care for a family of 3 too much? I submit that once you start to argue on their terms we've lost. The issue is, should health care, just like public education, be a right available to all US citizens? Why is healthcare any less important here than education? Added: the US ranks 29th in infant mortalityin 2004 according to a CDC press release last fall.
- Good, basic health care is a right, Jeff. It's in the defining that things go hinky. I'm not adverse to letting folks but gold plated policies to cover themselves, but my son who lives in RI now and is just starting his first job, may never get the surgery he needs on his foot because he was too busy this spring because of college graduation to get it done before he left the family policy. It could be considered a pre-existing condition.
- the birthers have a new trick up their sleeve. Can't wait to see if Palin, Bachman, and others of their ilk jump on it:
- 4dbirds: I'm doing that study too.
- Two things from the prior thread. First, the 1017 pages of the HB really amount to much less. They are like a deposition transcript, double spaced with very wide margins. The word count on the bill runs to 3000 or so words which is a far smaller sized regular novel. At any rate, those who bitch should remember, I posted a summary, a non partisan summary on my blog site and repair there to read it. Second, Jeff tmmo and others offer single payer vs public option as discrete alternatives when, if you look at how the health care systems of other countries are organized, you will find that there are a wide variety of just one of those. Take Canada vs. Britain for example. Very briefly, citizens of both countries are covered for their health care, but in Britain the doctors are paid by the government. Not so in Canada. etc. etc. etc. Read the cited article, google for some more. PS: ROGirl had a cite to a WaPo article by Reid that I think think should be reposted here because it is very good, on point and compares far more countries' health care systems:
- The French healthcare system? Googgle:
- beb, you're right, what I misstated is that using the word count, it comes out to the size of a 300 page book. See the comment to this Matt Yglesias post:
- Danny, you saying that the detainee torture either neither occurred, or that it should not be punished?
- Sen. Coburn reflects some of the twisted thinking of the right wing here.
- Since when has leading the Democrats meant anything more than herding cats? I seem to remember a quote from Will Rogers 75 years or so ago that he was not a member of an organized political party, he was a Democrat. This was always an issue if the Dems get back in power. Not so, the Republicans. They'll drink the kool aid and go off the cliff for their party, no matter how completely bogus and insane they are. I'd prefer to be with the group quarreling under the big tent, thank you very much. Even though I grouse about it. A lot.
- the stupid, it just keeps on coming: Bachmann repeated the myth, adopted early by Sarah Palin, that the health-care plans being debated in Congress would set up "death panels" to determine which old folks are entitled to health care. "Thank God that Sarah Palin said that," she told the callers. "These are true.".... She also suggested that it might be some kind of religious destiny that hardy souls such as herself are in Congress at this time. "We all need to consider that in God’s timing that he may have allowed us, as members of Congress, to be in the position that we’re in just for this specific issue right now," she said. "Everything that all of us have worked together and labored for over the years, all of it could be undermined with this one bill. President Obama realizes that. The radicals that are on the pro-abortion left, they realize that. They could win it all. And the unborn, and the vulnerable, the disabled and those at the end of life could lose it it all." But it was Bachmann’s fervent call to utilize prayer and fasting to beat back health-care reform efforts that was the true highlight of the call. "That’s really where this battle will be won — on our knees in prayer and fasting," she told the listeners. "Remember: faith without works is dead. So we’re asking you to do all of it: pray, fast, believe, trust the Lord, but also act."
- mark, So, insurance companies are blackmailing their policy holders over this. I am not surprised.
- Mark H: May I direct you to my website where I posted a summary of the House bill prepared by a very, very smart ERISA attorney? Subtitle A --contains the grandfathering provisions for current health insurance plans and policy holders; current policies and policy holders will not be subject to all that follows, as long as the current arrangements continue in effect Now if the current policies are grandfathered in, how is it that mark's parents were threatened with losing their policies?
- Senator Ted Kennedy passed away tonight. He was 77. Younger than yours or my parents, mark.
- nancy, Max and Ruby books were a staple in my house when the kids were growing up. I even have a stuffed Max and Ruby somewhere! Went back and read your Patti Davis column. Dayum, I was with ya even before I knew ya! And Danny trying gamely for this long to convert the rabble dfh heathen, man is he persistent or just hard headed? All I can say is that I was in DC when the Carter administration handed over the reins to the Reagan administration and the signal change that I recall is that the number of big shiny limousines on the roads increased ten fold in the 6 months we were there before the ex got accepted to grad school at UW and we moved west. The amount of conspicuous consumption to hit the WH and the rest of DC was ginormous and I was shocked to find the WaPo lathering over the newcomers as if they were the 'bee's knees.' Guess it was a foretaste of the present. And I believe that Reagan was the long acting poison that operated to destroy the Republican party from within. But, as a member of the Carter administration, even in such a lowly position as I held, I remember how Ted Kennedy's run for the presidency in 1980, the "ABC" movement, and his continual bad mouthing of Carter even after he lost the primary, helped doom a second term for Carter. I don't deny that Carter also bore responsibility for the defeat, but I thought Ted was a very sore loser and that really did not help (nor did Anderson's third party campaign). Later on, Ted became more gracious, but I certainly did not see it at this same time, 29 years ago.
- Funny, I don't remember the left misbehaving at either Helm's or Snow's death. Must be like all the exaggeration of what took place during Sen. Wellstone's funeral. That big lie was enough to get Norm Coleman elected.
- Looks like the WH micromanaged the torture program:
- That's great news, Dexter.
- Me, forget guns, I'll get my rocks off singing, thank you very much. I knew that performing the Carmina Burana was close to orgasm, but now I know why:
- Idaho gun toters now bragging about getting Obama tags.
- Dexter, we had that hotel room mixup here in Seattle with tragic results. The resident of the room shot through the door killing a noted, local record producer. Another gun toter story.
- Jaycee and her family will probably require years of therapy to deal with all she has been through, to try to mainstream her two daughters (can you imagine not being in the world for your entire life only to find out you're the product of statutory rape and be a teenager to boot?), and the guilt her mother and stepfather must feel, even though it's probably not deserved. At this point, it is not a happy ending yet, despite the media's attempt to put a smiley face on it (read: CNN). I can only hope that good things will eventually come from this evil. But, for now, it's not all roses and puppies.
- How do you explain away, then Jeff, the rhetoric coming out of the Idaho gubenatorial race? Is this also a misrepresentation of the teabagger/neoconservatives? I saw a whole lot of hate, rage, violence expressed against Obama by the tea baggers, that has not been denounced by the Republicans in DC yet.
- Seattle's Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist on the teabaggers and gun toters.
- Mark H., I'm putting the film on my library queue based on your recommendation. Thanks for that.
- This was awesome per me and my 19 yr old son.
- Crinoid girl: I think it was an attempt to attract as many interested generations as possible. That said, he does not disappoint.
- Glenn Greenwald sorta put it best about our nepotistic society:
- I like Patrick Nielsen Hayden's take on the Glennzilla piece. PNH is an editor at TOR and his blog, Making Light, cowritten with his wife Teresa, is a good read. Our children and grandchildren will remember these strutting second- and third-generation media peacocks they way we look back at the White Russian officer corps—as examples of astonishing decadence. They will wonder how these people, out of all those who could be discussing the day’s events, were the ones chosen to be on television, day after day, as the world careened toward ruin. And I have been fascinated with the Jaycee kidnapping case as one is mesmerized by bad traffic accidents. I view the wife as a cringing Gollum type character. It's impossible to feel anthing but rage for either the husband or the wife. I hope but I think there is small chance that Jaycee will be able to successfully reintegrate her life or the lives of her daughters with her family or society at large.
- We're number one! In percentage of GDP paid for medical services. Hooray!!
- C'dad, the funerals of my grandmother and great aunt in Paulding, OH featured open coffins as well. Luckily I was a bit older than you were, so no permanent damage to my psyche. But it was weird. They were them but they didn't really look like they did when they were alive.
- Joe--you indicate your desire to be an organ donor on your driver's license in Washington State. I have done so for years, but luckily, have not had to fulfill it.
- My cat veterinarian told me that cats have one of the active ingredients in LSD swirling through their brains, and sometimes the cat just gets a bigger hit. Makes sense to me. Scooter, the wiener dog, is Meat Loaf sometimes, Scootie others.
- mark, your post made me laugh out loud! Have you watched The Dog Whisperer? I like it, but my sister the veterinarian, says that there are a number of vets who don't subscribe to his practices. She thinks they're ok and so do I.
- And don't forget, "My Pet Goat."
- In 8 years of Bush, I don't think I saw an advance copy of his speeches, ever. I don't recall anyone taking that as creepy, left or right. And may I remind those present that there is an excellent summary with a link to the full health care reform bill, and if you read them both, you will discover to your surprise that it is NOT a full rewrite of health care in this country. But I understand why some would not want facts to get in the way. I mean Pat Buchanan yesterday was suggesting that Hitler was just way misunderstood and that if the Brits had just let him take Danzig and Poland, everything would be all right now. One of the biggies on the right side of the aisle there. And he's not going to lose his job over it.
- The health care bill summary with a link to the bill itself: More on Pat Buchanan, official Hitler apologist: I tend to think that those who go ape over Obama speaking to schoolchildren, also tend to agree with Mr. Buchanan on how Hitler was pushed into war by those nasty Brits. There's a bunch of posts on his website that are in Polish and I don't think the Poles are very happy with his thesis. Oh, and there was an article on the WSJ earlier this week that stated that the stimulus plan seems to be having an effect on ending the recession. I guess instead we shoulda just done what Hoover did back in the early 30's, which was nothing. We would be in such better shape now. NOT.
- Has everyone read the Levi Johnston tell all on Sarah Palin in Vanity Fair?
- From How long did it take the right to go from: "if you criticize the President you are a traitor" to "School children should not trust the President." --Josh Marshall
-,28277,179328,00.html Can anyone say Double Standard? I'm sure you can. C'mon Sarah, mark, join in the chorus!!!
- Al Franken at the MN State Fair:
- LA Mary: LOL! I wonder of Jefftmmo will reveal where he first learned of this urban legend?
- This was a needed hit of lightness for me this morning, as the youngest was involved in a car accident last night. Not his fault and he is uninjured. But we had words. Somehow, I don't think it is ok for him to tell me "Fuck you," in response to a question. YMMV. Anyway, the heartwarming story about a waffly Seattle wedding that is a youtube hit:
- Remember the tea party discussion earlier? Well one of the local tea parties is calling Obama both Goebbels and Mengele. I would call that fearmongering in the extreme. If this doesn't stop, we are close to armed violence.
- Nancy, Sorry about the 22% price hike for Michiganders holding Blue Cross Blue Shield policies.
- Dexter, I gotta say, after reading your post I consider myself luckier than I did a while back. It's pretty hard to yell at your kid when you have a huge case of laryngitis. In fact it hurts just to talk. He got dropped off at the airport today to fly back to sophomore year of college, only to discover his cell phone had left his pants pocket and was still on the passenger seat. This occurred half an hour after I had left the airport and there was no way to return it in time. It will be a few days before he can get it. At least I know he's there safe. But just when I thought all stress was gone, there it is back again. Kids. Gotta love 'em.
- jeff b: Do you remember the names of the New Zealand whites? In Seattle we get a fair amount of wine from both Australia and New Zealand.
- Oh my, the Obama speech is out. Let's wring our handkechiefs, now. On command:
- The right wing outrage reminds me of the time in the summer of '78 I prosecuted a guy in E. Ky named Odell, for assaulting his mother. Odell sat in the courtroom the day of his misdemeanor trial and watched all the trials that went before his and when one guy got off for selling marijuana, he used that guy's questions on his mom when his trial came up. If it worked for the first guy, it should work for him too, right? And like Odell, the right wing has appropriated wholesale the emotional tone of those who criticized George Bush for his trampling on our Constitution: from the lies used as a basis for the Iraq War to the spying on American citizens, to the firing of the US Attorneys (to name only a few). The right wing saw how legitimate outrage created a momentum to change and they think if they use the same tone, the same outrage, that will get them back in to power. However, the targets of their outrage are so far different than the depredations committed by Bush and his gang of thieves. What is scary is that this debasement of the debate is like crying "Wolf." Next time it happens (say, if the Republicans return to power), folks may ignore the next wave of outrage as baseless and more serious harm will be done to our way of governing.
- I'm going to do a pre-emptive strike on the word count mavens out there just waiting to tell us all about how Obama only talked about himself, and offer this word count of Ronald Reagan's speech to schoolchildren lo these 20 or so years ago:
- Thanks, JeffB!
- I saw part of the President's address today at the body shop where the Subaru is getting fixed. Since it was in the suburbs (which are fairly conservative) I made sure to tell everyone what a great speech it was. Only problem was the other customer there was African American and he seemed to already agree with me. Could not believe it was on Fox News. I thought they weren't going to cover it.
- So what part of OH does Jean Schmidt represent? This woman's a loony too!
- Frankly, pound for pound, measure for measure I think the ratio of bad Republicans to bad Dems currently seems to be about 10 to 1.
- This list is two years old, so there's a few more to add to it like Senator Vitter and Governor Sanford, but it's pretty long:
- Politics is Hollywood for ugly people. Don't know who said it, but it is apt more than not.
- The movie cut off right where the paint can is being swung, or is that the end? I couldn't get it to advance any further. Dang.
- I do think you are going too lightly on Rep Wilson. The man's own party leaders condemned him and forced an apology out of him within an hour of the speech's conclusion. When a friend watched the WGN morning news this AM, the resident GOP hack/commentator wouldn't even look into the camera when he fielded this question. I couldn't find one source out there willing to give this guy even a hair's breadth of rationalizing excuse for his behavior, and that includes Fox: He had to unplug his website and his office phone. He had to apologize to everyone under the sun. He raised $100k for his opponent overnight. His own party leaders threw him under the bus. But I am sure Rush will be a big defender today. And he did violate House rules with his behavior: Which makes him subject to censure.
- THIS is why what Rep Wilson said was so important.
- This was not the first time for Wilson. What. A. Dick.
- And Joe Wilson was not the only one making loud, derogatory noises last night:
- Jeff--seconds on the huzzahs for your all clear colonoscopy. The preparation is far worse than the procedure.
- I had just come back from a morning jog and was met by my kids (It was 3 hours later here) and we watched the first tower fall on tv before they went to school. Got to work and was sent home. On the bus there was a dark middle eastern looking fellow speaking in arabic loudly and excitedly into his phone. Made me wonder for an instant. Got home, took the dogs for a walk to the neighborhood park, and marveled at the complete silence in the sky.
- Hey, UW has to meet U$C next Sat on their turf and the Huskies have only won one game in their last 16 or so outings. I look for plenty of boo-hooing in Seattle next week.
- As I may have mentioned before my mother was a U Minn graduate during the days when the Gophers could beat Michigan once in a while and retain possession of the Little Brown Jug. We had a small version of it that made the rounds between our house (MN) and the Fauster house (MI). Early on I was taught to hate Michigan and it doesn't make it any better that the ex went to grad school at the Univ. of Michigan. So I tend to enjoy Michigan defeats more than most. I also get real tired of their fight song being played incessantly during the event. I have an acquaintance who, as a Stanford grad, feels the same about U$C. His favorite titles for that school are "University of the Scholastically Challenged" and "University of Spoiled Children." Fine by me. As someone who attended a college that set a record for losing football games back in the '80's, and who only went to Kentucky football games as an excuse to party, I tend not to get too upset at wins or losses in college football. I am concerned about the increasing professionalisation of the sport and kinda like the idea put forth by another acquaintance that every year, the college team with the worst record be eliminated from Div 1 football until the very last team gets wiped out. It would take a while, but would be fun to watch the ship go down.
- This, to me, epitomizes the teabaggers.
- del, Nothing chills my soul like your prediction on unleashing the corporations to fund our elections. Without an independent press to stand fast against this, our lowly internet takes on more importance. We are returning to the time of robber barons without a Teddy Roosevelt in sight.
- Speaking of royally fucking up, this former Republican candidate for governor of Kentucky has done so:
- I had my wisdom teeth pulled the spring of 1970 at St. Mary's Hospital, one of the two hospitals serving the Mayo Clinic. Back in those days it was full anesthetic surgery--they put you under and you had a day's hospital stay afterwards. I recall waking up from the anesthetic in a ward filled with beds of other women waking up from being put under, but they had all given birth! I cannot imagine what it was like not to have been present at the birth of your child. My dad was in the anesthesia residency program at Mayo at the time, and they were perfecting epidurals then. I remember him coming home and talking about it to us kids, it was such a break with tradition then.
- a Bush speechwriter pens his memoir: Not lookin' good for ol' Bushie there..... my favorite part of the article: "When White House press secretary Dana Perino was told that 77 percent of the country thought we were on the wrong track, she said what I was thinking: “Who on earth is in the other 23 percent?” I knew who they were—the same people supporting the John McCain campaign. Me? I figured there was no way in hell any Republican would vote for that guy. John McCain, the temperamental media darling, had spent most of the past eight years running against the Republican Party and the president—Republicans on Capitol Hill and at the White House hated him. Choosing John McCain as our standard-bearer would be the height of self-delusion. It would be like putting Camilla Parker Bowles in charge of the Princess Diana Foundation. As it turned out, I was the one who was deluded. The people I worked with in the White House were the most loyal of the Bush loyalists. Dana Perino was so sensitive to criticism of Bush that she once said she couldn’t watch the Democratic convention because it would be “too mean” to the president. Yet I watched them embrace McCain enthusiastically—backing a guy who’d worked so hard to undermine them. It was a cynical bargain."
- Oh wait! I have one more favorite part of the memoir: Referring to Sarah Palin: "I'm trying to remember if I've met her before. I'm sure I must have." His eyes twinkled, then he asked, "What is she, the governor of Guam?" ... "This woman is being put into a position she is not even remotely prepared for," he said. "She hasn't spent one day on the national level."
- Well, I hate to say, but my shopping decisions lately are governed by ebay. Brooks Brothers no iron shirts are a standard size for me and they are a great deal there. Especially white. It has taken me more than 30 years to reconcile to white shirts, although I was only forced to wear them daily for my senior year at the Catholic high school in MN (where we had moved to from Defiance, OH). They were required along with a navy jumper.
- Pretty good Danny. Here's the real deal, although in my day it had to touch the knees:
- sugar will cut the bitter taste of tomatoes in sauce. I like brown sugar best.
- Perhaps this explains why Rep Wilson is on edge these days....
- Boy, howdy, the cavalcade of stars flaming out is pretty high today: Mary Travers from Peter, Paul and Mary, and Henry Gibson of Laugh In fame.
- Still true today as it was almost 5 years ago: But there's a few more things to add to his list of issues like birthers and health care reform. And I bet John McCain would no longer be on his list of sober, realist Republicans after the 2008 campaign.
- mark, if you don't BUY insurance, you are a drag on the rest of society that does buy insurance, because, well, we're just so damn wimpy that if you were to be seriously injured and without the means to pay for medical treatment, why we would pay for that treatment ourselves.
- Limbaugh on Obama today: "Just as he is ACORN, just as he is Van Jones, he is racism"
- Yeah, the Board at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting are all Bush appointees and have turned what used to be a great news source into meh. Oh, and "it's" = "it is," while "its" signifies ownership. Or Mrs. Ellie Stoner taught me wrong in 9th grade.
- This one stops at 2006:
- Arrgh you scurvy dogs, and Avast ye mateys! Tis Talk Like a Pirate Day today!!!!
- Well they don't call them coffee BEANS for nothing! Looks like birther lawyer, Orly Taitz is in a hell of a lot of trouble: Not that there's anything wrong with that.
- What "lies" about the Bush administration are we talking about here, Jefftmmo? I refuse to accept that assertion without proof. Here's a list of Bush scandals and it lists almost 300 of them. But this was 2 years ago, so I would think we could add at least Gale Norton's investigation to it....
- Actually I found a typo in Roger Ebert's otherwise very interesting column (you don't "deflect" from China, you "defect"). Of course I tried to post about it and I will bet it doesn't make it past the censors. But now, I want to see each and every movie that has not gotten picked up by a distributor. Dang.
- This is a rather amazing piece from "Ukraine's got Talent" on You Tube. Since you are our resident Russian expert, Nance, perhaps you could translate the words for us at the end:
- I think we can thank Michelle Bachman and Glenn Beck for their indirect help in this: ps. Deborah, your praise of Nancy's cattle egret metaphor is spot on. I have a friend from college who used to write for Rolling Stone, who in a cover story on the band Kiss, compared their fans to a species of African dung beetle, who would come running when they heard the cows farting. Vivid, vivid.
- fyi, my friends:
- Thank you each and every one. The biopsy procedure went well yesterday. My lung did not collapse after the needle puncture, and it appears that the doc did get a sample of the growth. It's hard to do with an organ like the lung because it is not a stationary object--it slides against the chest wall--so I had to stop breathing at exactly the right point--took about 20 practice stops but sample was there in the preservative, an innocuous white ribbon of goo. Should know by Tuesday at the earliest or Thursday at the latest. Thank you again. Your care is very much appreciated.
- As long as we are talking about a subset of malapropisms, let me mention my favorite: mondegreens. Jimi Hendrix singing Purple Haze, "S'cuse me while I kiss this guy."
- Where to begin? First, hats off, nancy, to yet another first rate tightly written essay. I learn more by coming here than reading the MSM. What gets me about Polanski (and his ilk)is the lack of consequences. I was brought up and I learned through life, that if you make a mistake, you own up to it and take responsibility for your actions. Otherwise, you spend a great deal of energy avoiding, covering up, denying. And things get very twisted when that happens. I'm in a situation where I have to acknowledge reality and do a bunch of things that I really don't want to do. Or else it will not get better. Committing crimes is no different. I had an attorney friend who did an internship with a prison project and she said the prisoners she worked with were almost uniformly in denial that they had committed crimes. Now, I know that the Innocence project does good work, but I don't believe that everyone who is behind bars is innocent. I do believe that unless folks own up to what they did,and work from there, nothing really improves. So good on ya, nancy! Keep up the great work! ps: 4dbirds--just saw your post. Great minds think alike!
- Not only that, so is Richard Cohen, the guy who had an affair with with Peter Jennings' wife in '87, opining that oh yes what a terrible thing but Polanski should get off because so much time has passed and his victim doesn't care.
- Ok, LA Mary that reference to Tierra del Fuego brought it all back from Firesign Theater: "Hiya, friends! Ralph Spoilsport, Ralph Spoilsport Motors - the world's largest new used and used new automobile dealership - Ralph Spoilsport Motors - right here in the city of EMPHYSEMA! Let's just look at the extras on this fabulous car! Wire-wheel spoke fenders and two-way sneeze through wind vents, star-studded mud guard, sponge-coated edible steering column, chrome fender dents - and factory air conditioned air from our fully factory-equipped air conditioned factory! It's a beautiful car friends, with doors to match! Birch's Blacklist says this automobile was stolen, but for you friends a complete price: only two-ninety-five hundred dollars in easy monthly payments of twenty dollars a week , twice a week and never on Sunday!" SCREEEEECH....."Ralph, Ralph, I'll take it! I can't WAIT to get away from it all!" "Well OK, fine! Let's just take a look inside your beautiful new home! C'mon in!" ..................... "Can I get Duluth?" "Duluth? Bucko, you can get Tierra del Fuego!" ..................... Turns out one of the FST members was from up here and Ralph Spoilsport was based on a local car salesman named Ralph Williams who was sued by the Attorney General's office for Consumer Protection Act violations in selling his cars. Figures.
- "Shadow Valley condoms. If you lived here, you'd be home now!" I've decided that the tv series, House, MD is an update on the old Firesign Theater quiz show, "Beat the Reaper"
- LA Mary, that made me laugh. Damn, I wish I knew about it. Do you think they would come back and do it over the internets? Did you ever see the Doo Dah parade the day before the Rose Bowl? There was the precision briefcase drill team and the Phyllis Schlafly cheerleaders who used to chant "69 cents is toooo much!" (69 cents being the average of what women earned to every dollar men earned)
- thank goodness lef arkins is on the Polanski case: And LA Mary, I read the John Perry article on Newsmax, before they took it offline (thank god for the internets 'cause it still can be found). I emailed them and told them I thought they were coming close to treason with that column.
- Where to begin? Part of the transcript is posted in Lef Arkins' blog that i pasted above. The young woman sounds very consistent. And at 13 she is too young to consent to it anyway. As someone in another blog wrote, and I am loosely paraphrasing here: It doesn't matter if the girl seemed to indicate that it was ok, and that her mother signed an affidavit attesting to the fact she was 19 and gave her Polanski to do with as he chose, and even if the Bishop of the Archdiocease of Los Angeles signed a certificate that exonerated him from liability, Polanski was still guilty of rape. There is no way, under law, that it can be excused. Polanski pled guilty to lesser charges but he still fled the jurisdiction without serving about half of his ORIGINAL sentence. THAT is pissing on our judicial system and most of the lawyers I have talked with about this case have agreed with me: he has to come back and take responsibility for his crime(s). Sorry cosmo. Getting the hell out of Dodge is not even a lame excuse.
- So perhaps the attorney lied about the ex parte contact with the judge. Well, well, well. And if Polanski pled guilty, he did it on the advice of counsel. He was not some pro se shlep. He can sue his attorney for all I care, but he was represented and he took the plea. I would appreciate it if he would take the responsibility for it and behave like an adult. Some of us have to take responsiblity for things we never wanted to but have no choice. He chose his course.
- btw, moving on to lighter things and reminded of the nauga hunts from a thread either yesterday or the day before, I got an email from my former cleaning person who has set up a very active estate sales business in Seattle. She is conducting sales at two estates this weekend, but this item in her West Seattle sale caught my eye: "#1 Sat./Sun. October 10/11 condo in West Seattle, and an auto once belonging to the movie actor Ricardo Montebalm" Hokay, who wants me to act as proxy for them on this once in a lifetime opportunity?
- Dave's extortionist seems to be in a bit of financial trouble. $6,000 a month for child support? That's a huge amount. Ok, just had to add this video of Chris Rock on Leno commenting about Roman Polanski.
- Well I'm of the camp that thinks that money needs to be spent by the government in this major recession but I think the money spent so far should have gone more into infrastructure rather than propping up Wall Street. Would've preferred seeing the govt taking over the mortgages and letting folks stay in their houses on renegotiated payment plans, but hell I divorced an economist, so what do I know? Oh, and when I was an enforcement attorney at the SEC when they had a Seattle Regional Office there were several very well publicized sexual harassment lawsuits brought against the agency. What was claimed was that the sexual congress that went on in the office created a hostile work environment for the young women who were not bending over, so to speak. The SEC settled those lawsuits and closed the offices thereafter. The Seattle closure resulted in the Reinventing Government team headed up by VP Al Gore, in 1994. so had no connection to the other regional office closures. But I didn't hold it against him.
- Oh, Joe that is indeed amazing The girls come from a middle school in Kings District in OH. I didn't think they looked old enough to be in the Naval Academy and one of the posters gave their home site: Where IS Kings District? I've never heard of it.
- My first cat was named Dorothy after Dorothy Parker. Love the name. Third cat was Thurber.
- Everytime I read about these outbreaks (some of the first detected occurred in Seattle 20 years or so ago) I am reminded of The Sheep Look Up by John Brunner. The other good scifi read on pandemics is The Doomsday Book by Connie Willis, but it was more a viral sort of thing iirc.
- Ohhh, Dorothy, big hugs to you from Seattle. As long as we're on food, a friend of mine sent me this to cheer me up and it really made me laugh. I hope it does the same for you: It actually made me think of coozledad. Now why would that be?
- I was told it would be a good idea to have a bottle of the stuff next to my front door, when people come visiting while I am in chemotherapy. For now, Truffle the 5 month old dachshund puppy does the job, licking my hands almost obsessively. It's toughest when I'm typing on the computer, so I'm blaming all typos on that!
- My dad subscribed to Gourmet. Once in high school, I made Chicken Kiev and some fruit tarts from its recipe pages. It was good but it took way too much time for my liking then. Now I realize the preparation is part of the whole
- Well, there's always the way I'm taking to lose weight. Don't recommend it, however.
- crossposted over at Balloon juice, but take a look at the Wa Po graph on whether Obama deserves it. These guys could not graph their way out of a paper bag. But, of course, they probably meant the 50% who voted for Obama to look more like 25% contrasted with those 50% who say Obama did not deserve the award. Oh where is the Post ombudsmen to wring his/her white gloves now?
- Rather, mark, I think the people of this country, first seeing the glee when Chicago lost the Olympic bid, and now the brickbats thrown when Obama received the Nobel Peace prize, will become more disgusted with the right wing. Oh, there will always be that 27% of true believers, but I hope the rest of the country is innoculated against this stuff.
- The committee and its advisors prepare a short list in March, and review things from March to late September. Then they vote. The idea that Obama was awarded the prize based on his first two weeks in office is cute, funny and wrong. Obama is giving the money away. Here is an email an American friend living in Australia received from the Obama camp today. She was impressed enough with it that she sent it to a bunch of her friends: Virginia -- This morning, Michelle and I awoke to some surprising and humbling news. At 6 a.m., we received word that I'd been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009. To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize -- men and women who've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace. But I also know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes. That is why I've said that I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations and all peoples to confront the common challenges of the 21st century. These challenges won't all be met during my presidency, or even my lifetime. But I know these challenges can be met so long as it's recognized that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone. This award -- and the call to action that comes with it -- does not belong simply to me or my administration; it belongs to all people around the world who have fought for justice and for peace. And most of all, it belongs to you, the men and women of America, who have dared to hope and have worked so hard to make our world a little better. So today we humbly recommit to the important work that we've begun together. I'm grateful that you've stood with me thus far, and I'm honored to continue our vital work in the years to come. Thank you, President Barack Obama
- Jeff tmmo: you will note I said the Obama camp. I know that was a broadcast email and so did she, but it still was nice and you can't make me believe he didn't have a hand in drafting it.
- Grosse Pointe War Memorial sounds similar to the Skylark Club in Defiance, OH. It was open both Friday and Saturday nights, but I was only allowed to go one night. Saturday was the usual choice. We had the same arrangement where girls would dance in circle and boys would sit on the sidelines for the fast dances. Unless you were going steady with a guy who was brave enough to do the fast dances. Slow dances were coed and consisted of big bear hugs done to a modified 4 square/step. But long about sophomore year, the guys in my class started something different. During the fast dances they would swoop, like red tailed hawks, into the center of the circles of girls and wave their arms like wings as they made figured 8s inside the circle--then they would dash out, only to return some time later. Us girls were thrilled to have them involved. Only thing is I could never figure out how to do "the skate" despite hours of practice in front of the full length mirror in my bedroom.
- Jon Stewart on CNN factchecking: I went to Steely Dan at the Paramount last night and I have to say that they were spectacular. Small venues like the Paramount really help their type of music. And as they played the entire Aja album from start to finish, I was in heaven.
- The fun theory. This is just great!
- I'm glad you saw it, Del. I always hesitate to post late at night in the comments, because folks are moving on, but that particular video was great fun. Those crazy Swedes!
- More extreme sheep herding.
- Opinions can't be racist???? C'mon there, get a grip, JoeK. via wikipedia: "Barack the Magic Negro" parody Main article: Barack the Magic Negro On March 19, 2007 Limbaugh referred to a Los Angeles Times editorial by David Ehrenstein which claimed that Barack Obama was filling the role of the "magic negro", and that this explained his appeal to voters.[37] Limbaugh then later played a song by Paul Shanklin, "Barack the Magic Negro," sung to the tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon".[38]
- Reindeer, paddy o? That's a pretty rancid smell if the miniature reindeer, that the xmas tree company displays next to our church every year is any indication. I always feel sorry for the little guy. Last year I decorated my fig tree when my xmas tree bit this dust. This year I may start from that.
- Given my current condition, I could not listen to This American Life this weekend. Tell me did Uwe Reinhardt come down against the public option, like it looked like he was going to do? One of the side effects of my lung cancer is a deep cough. Thus I have to keep telling folks that, no I am not contagious that rather I have lung cancer. So I find I have to be fairly open about this. Reaction has generally been ok, but sometimes I just wish I could say, "treat me as you would normally. Wait til chemo starts (the 29th) to treat me with kid gloves...."
- Youngest son had H1N1 immediately upon arriving at college 9/4/09. The college sent me a $99 late fee charge last week because he waited until he was well to enroll (3 days). In the interim, I was diagnosed, he decided to take the year off and returned home from CA, and I am still getting the bill for $99. Color me unhappy.
- Thanks, Dorothy. If I can't make it go away by whining on the phone, I will ask you. I had a deli attendant at the grocery store tell me last night she couldn't listen to my voice. Not a choice, my friend. Not a choice....
- I go in for my annual mammogram this Saturday, which was reset from earlier this month because so much of the staff was down with the flu (possibly swine flu--I know it made the rounds at UW pediatrics I know).
- I think Leonard Pitts has a rather good take on the Rush as NFL team owner question:
- Sue, I may be totally off base but I blame Rahm Emmanuel for most of Obama's inexplicably boneheaded moves. Even though Emmanuel's brother Ari, is also a graduate of my alma mater, I've always thought that Rahm back when he was on the Clinton staff and later as a US Rep from Illinois, was always too ready to play patty cake with the corporate lobbyists that did not have the people's interests at heart. I'm sure Rahm considers himself a pragmatist. I think he's been terribly corrupted by the system and can't recognize it in himself.
- So Mark Sanford gets to wax on about Ayn Rand in Newsweek. wtf?
- Nance, The Seattle film critic, Dennis Hartley really liked Where the Wild Things Are too:
- Jeff, your link is not working. And on to another subject who can tell me about this overreaching prosecutor from Illinois?
- Deborah, I thought this was an interesting article. There are folks who can make lemonade from lemons!
- small fries, Brian, you crack me up!
- OT: I'm catching up with all of you late tonight PDT, but will probably fall off the map tomorrow. fyi:
- Judybusy, I have a bag of crocosmia in the back of my Subaru Outback that I separated out this fall and have been giving away to any who are interested. They are small red orange lily type blossoms that bloom in late July-Sept. and they spread like wildfire, making you think you might have some talent (but no, it's just that they are that hardy). I'll send you some of the bulbs, if you email me your address! I'm sure if I glove up I can do that small job--they've already been dug up from the soil. Thanks for all your support.
- I was in 6th grade when Kennedy was shot. It was Friday, the day before my birthday, and my best friend Beth was spending the night. I remember Mrs. Barto, the principal of Spencer School announcing over the intercom that Kennedy had been shot late in the afternoon and then right before school was out, another announcement that he had died. There were kids there who were gleeful about it, because Kennedy was a Democrat and you still don't do Democrats well in Defiance, OH. Beth still came over to spend the night, but we got up Saturday morning expecting the watch cartoons and it was all co-opted by the event and the aftermath. I don't really think I got the gravity of the situation until some time afterward. I do remember watching Ruby shoot Oswald on tv.
- I really like Hank Steuver and what he writes generally, but I think that he is being a bit too sensitive on the use of the term, c***sucker, that spurred Henry Allen to fisticuffs. Frankly, after reading examples of Allen's writing, I think the goad to Allen's sensibilities was that he was no longer sufficiently on top of what constitutes "journalism," not that he was somehow gay. In that regard, I am proud to note that the gay rights initiative passed handily in Washington state yesterday. Yay! And the tax rollback measure was defeated! Yay! And the former tv news personality who is on the board of the Discovery Institute and was not so secretly funded by republican right wingers was defeated in her bid to be King County executive. Yay! And your beginning sentence, Nancy? I think that the last part should come first, not the other way around, but I am too foggy to suggest how to do it this am.
- Betcha didn't know that! Ha!
- I found Nancy when she exposed that horrible Bush appointee (whose name I have thankfully forgotten) who plagiarized his columns.
- That was an incredible piece of writing from Guy Lofaros. I was in tears at the end. It is a strong reminder of the high caliber of the people I worked with daily when I was at DoD 1980-81. Thank you for posting that, sir.
- Ah, Danny, should I be flattered?
- No, I will have to catch it on hulu! Thanks!
- Thought of Hank Steuver and Tinsel when I saw this photograph:
- I remember back in the '80's an article in The Atlantic discussing how the US intelligence community kept up on what was going on in the Soviet Union using mundane sources. It was amazing how Sovietologists used all kinds of arcane publications and information to try and decipher what was going on in the USSR. That article and one about "Have you ever tried to sell a diamond," have stayed with me all these years.
- Thanks, Deborah. I sent the article to my lovely daughter, who sniffed that she still wanted a rock when she got engaged. A big one. Ah well. The article that I first mentioned, which is not available from the Atlantic is "Watching the Russians" by John Cullen Murphy. It was published in February, 1983. Too bad it's not accessible.
- Re: Ronald Reagan from yesterday's thread. I did not recall that Pakistan acquired their nukes under his watch:
- Brian, have you seen the latest kerfuffle over John Keegan's recently released book on the Civil War? I was a big fan of Keegan's until this. James McPherson's writings brought me back to reading about the Civil War.
- "1988--President Reagan waives an aid cutoff for Pakistan due to an export control violation; in his formal certification, he confirmed that `material, equipment, or technology covered by that provision was to be used by Pakistan in the manufacture of a nuclear explosive device.' "
- Not inconvenient at all, Danny. Everyone has some responsibility for this state of affairs. Reagan does NOT get a free pass.
- these photos are really amazing.
- Wonderful post, Nancy. Truly inspirational. Thank you so much.
- btw, Sarah Palin's book tour takes her through the heartland starting with Grand Rapids, MI Nov. 18.
- I love the Whistler Peacock Room at the Freer Gallery in D.C.: Ruskin was an unquestioned arbiter of taste during his day, as evidenced by my great grandmother, who copied his preface to the Boston Cooking School cookbook (by Fannie Farmer) and gave it to her 3 daughters, all of whom had it framed and hanging in their kitchens. I have my grandmother's copy. My great grandmother, good Christian that she was, took out the references to the classical figures, but the original reads: "Cookery means the knowledge of Medea and of Circe and of Helen and of the Queen of Sheba. It means the knowledge of all herbs and fruits and balms and spices, and all that is healing and sweet in the fields and groves and savory in meats. It means carefulness and inventiveness and willingness and readiness of appliances. It means the economy of your grandmothers and the science of the modern chemist; it means much testing and no wasting; it means English thoroughness and French art in Arabian hospitality; and, in fine, it means that you are to be perfectly and always ladies -- loaf givers." John Ruskin
- C'dad: Jo Hiffernan was a red haired beauty. That model appears to have brown hair. There's a Whistler portrait of Hiffernan in this article:
- Fingers crossed for you, crinoidgirl...
- Sue, I bet Schultheis doesn't want them aborted. He embodies pernicious evil similar to John Huston in Chinatown.
- Julie: Great song for a Friday!
- Wonkette captures a page from Going Rogue that seems to encapsulate laPalin's pov. She was for change waaay before Barack Obama was....
- Cool caves:
- Al Gore is pretty funny:
- Good tip mark. Now if I only was a good turkey slicer... btw here is someone who wildly loves LaPalin's book:
- It was in the prior thread, Jeff!
- There has not been a declaration of war. Without that there are no enemy combatants. The bombing of the US Cole was a bombing of a naval vessel. A criminal action against a US military target. The World Trade Center and Flight 93 were not military. Hence the difference in trials.
- mrak--I will concede you the Pentagon. Given that, why not have the civil trials, followed by a military tribunal? They were separate crimes after all.
- Sarah Palin on Oprah.
- Holder's speech announcing the prosecutions: ...In each case, my decision as to whether to proceed in federal courts or military commissions was based on a protocol that the Departments of Justice and Defense developed and that was announced in July. Because many cases could be prosecuted in either federal courts or military commissions, that protocol sets forth a number of factors – including the nature of the offense, the location in which the offense occurred, the identity of the victims, and the manner in which the case was investigated – that must be considered. In consultation with the Secretary of Defense, I looked at all the relevant factors and made case by case decisions for each detainee. It is important that we be able to use every forum possible to hold terrorists accountable for their actions. Just as a sustained campaign against terrorism requires a combination of intelligence, law enforcement and military operations, so must our legal efforts to bring terrorists to justice involve both federal courts and reformed military commissions. I want to thank the members of Congress, including Senators Lindsay Graham, Carl Levin and John McCain who worked so hard to strengthen our national security by helping us pass legislation to reform the military commission system.
- Uncle Jay explains the news.
- The wisdom of saving your emails.....if you were on the McCain campaign.
- MSNBC reports that Walmart has lowered the price of Going Rogue from $27 to $8.98.
- After your last comment in the prior thread, I went to amazon to try to find out where her book was ranked. Could not find that information, but was nonplussed to read that the average review was 4 stars. Huh? ps. loved this review:
- fun stuff from Sweden. Actually not the full monty, if you get my drift....
- Jeff tmmo. My eye caught the CAT scan reference. I'm sensitive to that these days. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know.
- My younger sister, who was 37 at the time, had her breast cancer detected via a mammogram. It saved her life. We have a paternal aunt who had breast cancer but that was not enough of an indicator, even in prior times. So, no, I am not on the bandwagon on this, even though the plural of anecdote is not data. And I actually wish that given the sharp increase in lung cancer rates, particularly those for women, that chest xrays, or better yet CAT scans would become part of a regular health plan. My chest xray in 2005 was clear. 4 years later, not so much. Off to round two of chemo today. 6 or 8 hours depending on how fast they get the solutions down.
- Peter, I second your suggestions. I'm in a room to myself with either a view of the sound to the west or the cascades to the east on non cloudy days. I value privacy and that should be the highest goal, so yes to flat screens w headsets and ambient lighting. Fold out walls in rooms w more than one patient would be nice as well as private attached bathrooms.
- Joe K, why do you think I chose my moniker back in the day? The three stooges epitomized high comedy for me in Defiance, OH.
- C'dad! Once again you win, hands down.
- Thank you all. Here is an interesting take on roads in Detroit:
- Hey, here's some Christmas shopping ideas courtesy of the TSA: they're selling what they bag at the airports on ebay.
- Ah, well I was mislead by the "NTSA" part of the title in the ebay page. Thanks!
- Well, all I got to was level 5. Grumble grumble. For a free game, it's pretty darn fun. Oh, and I thought these holiday shopping tips were pretty darn good:
- John Cleese on She Who....
- Remember that fellow in Europe who has been in a coma for 23 years and it was reported that he is communicating now? Well, this doctor has some doubts:
- Pink Glove Dance.
- The TMZ article said that the other woman was someone named Rachel Uchitel. This Rachel Uchitel? If so, kind of sad....
- Hey! I did post an article above at #11 w/ lotsa pix about Tiger's extra marital squeeze from her wedding announcement in 2004 in the NYT.
- Dorothy, I had the very best of Thanksgivings. Thanks for asking: Had to wait til my daughter sent me the photos to post, though.
- Wolf Hall, the Booker Prize winner for this year is extremely well written. I normally don't read much historical fiction, having been spoiled by Dorothy Dunnett, but this is worth a look see. I'm more of a science fiction/fantasy sort of person.
- Perhaps you could recommend the following for your college roommate:
- I have to take exception to the pooh poohing on small breweries. We are blessed in the Pacific NW with some of the best brews on record. And one in particular, Mac N Jack's African Amber, is the best beer I've ever had. Bar none. But they don't bottle it, so you have to find a bar that has it on tap. I've got hard liquor in my basement, but pre-chemo, I mostly chose wine or beer as the drink of choice. Although gin and tonics were da bomb on those very rare hot summer days in Seattle. And when I worked as a waitress at the St. Paul Country Club, we were allowed a mixed drink from the bar after we got off work. I took my vodka gimlet (which was my drink of choice then in 1974) on the bus in a paper cup.
- Swerving off topic briefly. Here's a free lecture on Masterpieces of Holiday Music from the Teaching Company. Highly recommended:
- When I was 9 I got sick and barfed before church one Sunday. But my mother didn't see me, so she thought I was lying (I had made it to the toilet luckily), and I had to go with the rest of the family to mass (at St. John's Catholic church in Defiance). I made it until about the sermon and threw up all over a guy in the pew in front of us. Luckily I had not had communion or the priest would have been required to dispose of it in the approved fashion.
- Oh, Jeff tmmo! I am delighted that it is not cancerous but remain concerned about the rest of the story. And yes, I loved A Canticle for Leibowitz . Best depiction of the medieval mind set I have ever found.
- Well there is always James Woolcott, who I put in the same class with our own coozledad, in his ability to turn a phrase. Here it is: "recidivist subway grinder"
- More Republican crazy:
- Oh, Jeff tmmo, do keep us informed as to you status. This is not fun, but from what I gather, it could be worse, so I will keep that in my prayers for you.
- My mother in law (who died the year before I was divorced), was orphaned at a very early age,when her mother and older brother were killed in a car/train accident in Archbold, OH. Her father, the minister at the German Reformed Church there, was also seriously injured, and died about a year thereafter. Because it was the depression, no one in her extended family could take both surviving children, so she and her other brother were split up and she was sent to live with an aunt and uncle in Cleveland. Uncle was also a minister but of much sterner stuff. Maybe ten years later, they had their only daughter lobotomized when she proved to be too rebellious for them to handle. It seriously affected my mother in law, who was in her teens at the time. So this is what I think of when the topic of lobotomies comes up.
- Chess pie is a traditional favorite here. It was learned in Kentucky and has followed me all over the world. It contains sugar, eggs, butter, vinegar and corn meal. Recipe will follow later if anyone wishes. But have to run. Off to chemo round three. There unfortunately will be a round 4 as well because the CT scan yesterday was a mixed bag.
- Chess Pie Ingredients 1/2 cup melted butter 1 1/2 cups white sugar 3 eggs 1 1/2 teaspoon corn meal 1 1/2 teaspons vinegar 1 (9 inch) unbaked pie shell thawed Directions Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. In a large bowl, mix the butter, and sugar together. Mix in the eggs, then stir in the cornmeal, and vinegar until smooth. Do Not mix too much. Pour into pie shell. Put pie in and immdiately reduce heat to 400 degrees. Bake for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) for about 20 minutes (this will vary depending on freshness of eggs) Pie filling will puff up full. Give pie a little jiggle to be sure center is firm before removing it. Place on rack to cool. Pie may be browned before serving.
- Connie, in Seattle, you can recycle the used oil. I am not sure of the procedure but they put it into biodiesel.
- My daughter makes pie crust with vodka. The vodka evaporates during the baking process and makes the crust flakier. Brian, over the years I've found the chess pie to be very idiosyncratic--each new oven I've used has required some getting used to. The crust may brown during the baking process, but make sure the filling is firm before you pull it out. Will be interested to hear back.
- How do tattoos look on the old folks, Holly?
- Sue, is it an apples to oranges comparison? I can't tell how many permanent vs. how many temp helpers there are.
- Can I just say that I think the governor of Washington does not know how to send a nice Thanksgiving letter out to state employees? You would think that it would be good to focus on family and helping others. Well that's there, but in the letter is this: Sent to all staff on behalf of Governor Chris Gregoire Dear Fellow State Employee: What was a good idea nearly 400 years ago is still a good idea this week. Let’s stop and give thanks for all we have – friends, family, food, health. It’s been a hard year for many of our friends, neighbors and co-workers. In this economic crisis, thousands of Washingtonians have seen their pay cut, are struggling to keep their health insurance, or have lost their job. People are turning to our state programs for assistance, many of them for the first time. You can be proud that you are there to help. Of course, the increasing demand for state services comes at a cost. And, even as some positive economic signs have emerged, consumer spending is low and unemployment is high. After our latest caseload and revenue forecasts, the state budget gap is now $2.6 billion to be cut from a total available budget of $9.3 billion. To put that in some context, the budget for the entire Department of Corrections is $1.6 billion. Our budget gap is larger than our community college system. It’s bigger than the budgets of our four regional universities and our two research universities, combined. We cannot leave our communities without the public safety provided by the people at the Department of Corrections. We cannot hope to compete economically if we have no access to colleges and universities to educate the next generation. We cannot devastate the safety net of last resort for our most vulnerable. We clearly have difficult choices ahead of us as we balance our budget. It is the most severe economic crisis in 80 years. For today, though, I simply want to thank you for the outstanding work you do. Amid historic challenges, you continue to work hard and represent our state well. I know this Great Recession has taken a toll on the people you serve, your families and your programs. The public needs you more now than ever. I know that the pressures you feel are also greater than ever. Thank you for your continued dedication as we move though this difficult period. For more information about the budget situation, visit my website at You will find a video and PowerPoint presentation with a more detailed description of the challenges we face. After our last budget update, state employees submitted 100 cost-cutting ideas. We need that kind of innovative spirit. Remember, if you have another idea, don’t reply to this email. You will not receive a response. Go to my website to get your idea to the right place: Now if that don't warm the cockles of all the hearts of state government employees everywhere, I don't know what does.
- Holly, a southern confection. Recipe is on yesterday's thread.
- LA Mary, Mr. Peeble has too much flesh on his face. What about the guy that does the sweeping up at the end of Fractured Fairy Tales?
- mark, per Matthew Yglesias, what you are citing is an example of Gore Derangement Syndrome:
- Well mark,given this description, I don't accept breitbart as objective journalism. Journanimalism perhaps. try this one instead: We're not entitled to our own facts. Al Franken.
- did you watch the video I linked to, mark? The photographer was a doubter before he got started. The majority of climate scientists are still agreed that we are in the midst of significant climate change. Despite what Gore said. And if you get beyond the headlines and the puffery, Gore is not outside the accepted knowledge. Just like death panels and all. Trying to come up with some sort of spin to take our eyes off the ball. Those pesky facts with their liberal bias.
- My daughter came over last night and we made homemade caramels, bourbon balls, and dipped some of the caramels in the Dilettante bittersweet chocolate with a dusting of sea salt on top for variety. I haven't made bourbon balls for almost 20 years. I hope they taste as good as I remember them. And on the health care front, I am essentially at my current job until the end. My co program advisor and I had talked about going into private practice at some point earlier this year. No more dreams for me. Things, as always, could be worse.
- I think we need to regard health care in the same way we regard education in this country: that it is a fundamental right of each and every citizen.
- And, for the good of our country.
- My Jersey Shore nickname is Pooker. More apt these days. In an odd bit of serendipity, I just got done posting a fruitcake recipe on my blog. Not quite the same class as NN's however. Randy, the author of the fruitcake recipe, was a history professor at Defiance College. And a very funny guy. In 1972, when I was going to college in St. Paul, I took an interim course with a class of his, where we travelled south of Tucson and excavated a Civil War era fort for the month of January. I'd go back to the hotel room at night and watch the weather reports coming out of MN and laugh.
- Jeff tmmo, glad to see the meds are working! Whether carp have standing, all I can say is that you can tune piano, but you can't tunafish.....
- A high school friend of mine started a newsletter back in the early 90's after her 14 year old became an alcoholic. And CA was a 21 state at the time, so you really can't say that the age limit had anything to do with it. Basically, parents need to stay involved with their kids when they hit adolescence, despite the crap they're going to get for it, and model decent drinking behavior themselves. Regardless of the drinking age.
- My college alma mater did not and does not have the Greek system. I think sororities and fraternities are unnecessary for small liberal arts colleges. That being said, when I went to college was the time when the Greek system was in decline. None of the 5 of us kids ever joined up, much to the chagrin of my parents (Tri Delt and Beta Theta Pi) Miami University in Oxford OH is the birthplace of a number of fraternities, iirc.
- Nancy, You called it right with Brittany. Doesn't make it any better, but as you point out, the culture is perpetuated.
- I'm sure you looked lovely c'dad.
- Ok, going completely off topic, but this is great fun: There's dispute about whether the caller is real or not but Sen. Barasso's reaction is incredible, given what the caller is saying. My favorite part is the comments to the post: "Let this be a lesson to you: leave the Prayer Safety Catch on unless you really know what you’re doing." "The bastards killed Oral Roberts by mistake!"
- Happy Festivus everyone! Time to air grievances and for feats of strength.
- Agree, Dexter. I've been going through old photos and the Christmas ones are truly fun to look at, again and again. Now for you Detroit Lions fans--is Barry Sanders truly the best NFL running back ever?
- It's been a wonderful holiday chez moi. I hope the same can be said for each of you. Merry Christmas!
- Cougar caught in Seattle's Discovery Park:
- wrt the underpants bomber, the best quote I've read about this business: "I wish that, just once, some terrorist would try something that you can only foil by upgrading the passengers to first class and giving them free drinks."
- Ah, Whitebeard, you've joined that club that no one wants to be a member of. Thinking of you, and praying for a good outcome on Tuesday. Please let us know.
- Barbara Ehrenreich has a book out about how the power of positive thinking groups have undermined America. Most notably in Americans' inability to recognize reality. What a shock.
- LAMary, I am honored and humbled by that. Thank you. And as to the paeans to grapefruit today--that is the only thing that I am not allowed to eat while on the Tarceva oral chemotherapy. Of course, it sounds mighty good to me right now. Oh well.
- Happy Birthday LA Mary!!
- What a great story, LA Mary. One I will think about for a long time. First place I remember finding chocolate on my pillow was a very nice European style hotel near the UCLA campus, Hilgard House. Would love to go back and see if it is as nice as I remember. And I could stay there on a government rate!
- wandering off into something else, what if Shakespeare wrote The Big Lebowski?
- Judybusy, Wolf Hall is worth the wait. I went out and bought a copy after the library book was due. I've loaned it out to friends and can't remember who has it right now. Surely the sign of a good book. ps. Here's a fun quiz:
- Deborah, Have you contacted your Attorney General's office, Division of Consumer Protection? They can sometimes be a lever when you don't seem to be making headway. What state are you in? In Washington communications complaints have been no. 1 for the last few years.
- Whitebeard, best wishes on your upcoming surgery. Please keep us all updated on your situation.
- "I belong to no organized political party. I'm a Democrat." Will Rogers
- George Clooney is our modern day Cary Grant. Michael Clayton v. N by NW. Any other comparisons folks might have? Tom Hanks a modern Jimmy Stewart?
- I wrote my first post upthread on my BB from the hospital this am prior to surgically implanting a substance on my frozen vocal cord to expand it out. No major talking for 5-7 days as we see if the implant worked. My throat feels just like yours does, Jolene! We can be sisters! So hears some fervent hope for you that you heal fast
- "Grunchy." What a great term, Rana. And C'dad, you paint with more than brushes. Love to read your posts.
- I read the Lord of the Rings to the kids when they were young. We all enjoyed that.
- C'dad you beat me to it. Halperin is a Republican tool of the first order. Here is what Joan Walsh had to say about it (the comparison of Reid with Trent Lott): "One guy is talking, perhaps inelegantly, about why he's wholeheartedly supporting our first black president; the other is wishing the country had elected a racist. That's exactly the same thing!"
- mark: but the interpretation of Reid's remarks is false.
- It's an extra $350 to see her at the Tea bagger convention.
- Actually, Haiti was turning itself around economically and politically before the earthquake: And Whitebeard, all good thoughts going your way.
- David Frum has some trenchant thoughts on she who must not be named.
- Happy Blogversary to Nance and a big thank you to her and the supporting cast of characters. Feels like home.
- Connie, cellulitis is very serious stuff. Here's hoping that the antibiotics do their magic rapidly and you can rejoin the other side of the ledger.
- Limbaugh: "The U.S. military is now Meals on Wheels. It always is with Democrat presidents" I hope this man dies from infected piloidal cysts. and soon.
- Ironically, the Posse Comitatus Act, in force since the end of Reconstruction, would only grant to the US Military, a "meals on wheels" type of function in situations such as these. Back when Mount St. Helens blew up in 1980, I remember the discussion that took place at DoD General Counsel's office as to whether the military could intervene and offer assistance in that disaster, without running afoul of Posse Comitatus. The decision was reached that humanitarian aid was not included in the statutory prohibition.
- In Seattle, we have several decent local pizza chains: Garlic Jim's and Pagliacci both are worthwhile. But I still pine for good Chicago deep dish pizza. Once got it delivered to me from an internet order. My boys still remember it fondly. ps. I know this is way OT, but the debate further upthread got me to wondering which Catholic order is responsible for administering Ave Maria Univ? I think the Jesuits are first rate in academics (Gonzaga is a great institution in my state), but don't know much about the other orders.
- Sue, this piece resonates with me on the Coakley loss:
- I'm sure mark is in absolute heaven over the SCT ruling, but I am really, really depressed about it. When our country was founded, corporations were not part of the political/economic landscape that was the basis for our Constitution. As a result, our founders did not anticpate and plan for this huge wrinkle in the fabric of our country. Individuals have defined lifespans. Corporations do not. In essence they exist to keep themselves in existence--and the way that they do that is producing profits for their shareholders, an increasingly select group. We are not talking about returning the profit to the people. As a friend of mine wrote to me today, "What we should outlaw is the idea that corporations are "persons" for the purpose of free speech and equal representation. I've said it before - corporations don't vote. People do. Corporations only exist to do business - and the most vocal and active of them exist to make profits. Like religion, I don't think mixing corporate interests with politics is a healthy idea for the citizenry." So what do we do to limit corporations and their increasing power? Do we propose limits like Obama has today on the banks? Do we give them finite lifespans? I don't know the answer, but I have a deep sense of dread about the future of our country. The Supreme Court has just lifted the controls from an engine that we the people no longer can restrain, one that threatens to significantly change our country, and not for the better as far as I am concerned. I think the next arena of change will be net neutrality. Because it's the place we can all meet and talk--and yes organize and campaign, it behooves those in power to gate its access. And I keep thinking about the fact that the Dems did not filibuster Roberts or Alito and in fact many of them voted for them. We are well and truly screwed. ************* On our hostess' topic of note today, I have a former brother in law who lives in a cabin he built by himself in Waldo Maine. Running water but no heat and an outhouse. He works as a car repairman up to the point he would have to start paying taxes then stops. He is vegan and no milk too. These are our modern day Puritans. They suck the joy out of life. Not a good day, is it?
- More dumbshittery today from the TSA. We really have sunk so low:
- Jeff tmmo: I don't recall that there were corporations of the size of ATT or other mega corporations back in Colonial times. Please correct me if I'm wrong. And I too have Republicans that I think are on point here-- Teddy Roosevelt. Is he out of your pantheon?
- If any of you have a good response to this fellow as to why you can't support the Senate bill, I'd like to see it. I'm in the same boat eventually. and here's a good article about how Americans have historically viewed corporations: The money quote for me: "I would add that yesterday’s Court decision sheds light on one other important matter. The conservative forces on this Court are not about preserving the intent of The Constitution despite their pretense that this is their mission. We saw it last week when they stepped in to tell a local District Judge that he could not broadcast the Prop. 8 trial in California challenging the California constitutional amendment prohibiting same sex marriage. For the first time in history, the Court issued such an order interfering with the procedural and administrative process of a local court. Now, despite clear and convincing evidence that the Framers of the Constitution would have strongly disapproved of their actions, the Court has greatly expanded corporate rights in the nation’s elections. This is a Court with a mission of activist change – not Constitutional preservation. While that may please the more conservative elements of our society who think it is time to pursue a more conservative court agenda, none of us should pretend that these are people who desire a strict enforcement of the our founding principals and documents. They don’t. They have something entirely different on their minds."
- the address on the TPM post changed--here is the updated address:
- The Onion hits another one out of the park. This time it's Rush:
- Just to make everyone's day. The guy who surreptitiously filmed Acorn employees got cuaght trying to do a bit more ambitious tape of Sen. Mary Landrieu in New Orleans. FBI is investigating.
- Nance, your description of Bayh could have been of the ex as well. The guy, who for most of our marriage couldn't exercise because of his two bad knees, now is a fitness and tanning booth hound. And Italian loafers and very nice suits. I should use all the photos of him from when we were first married and he was still wearing double knits and had his gold front tooth, as blackmail if he runs for governor in 2012 as is rumored!
- Brian, The photos plus the graphic emails he sent his (unknown to me) girlfriend in TN while we were still married, and he in his first election campaign making a big deal about family values, should do the trick.
- Jeff tmmo, On my lawyers' blog there is wide agreement that the SCT in Citizen's United has opened the door to foreign corporations' financing of political campaigns. Simply saying in the majority decision that they are not addressing that particular question simply means that it can be done unless Congress bars it and they get the chance to specifially rule on the issue. Silence may not betoken consent, ala Thomas More, but it certainly does not signify prohibition. Those on the SCT are presumably smart enough to understand this. Which is why Alito's wagging head and tongue were so stupid on myriad levels.
- You may find this offensive, Jeff tmmo, but I think the point is well taken. From Digby on Alito: "I think that any justice who thinks that unregulated free speech for corporations is sacred while the speech of some kid with a sign that says "bong hits 4 Jesus" can be suppressed has already amply embarrassed himself."
- two things. Jeffrey Toobin's take on Alito and the personal antipathy he feels for Obama: And this discussion why Roe v. Wade is next up for reversal by the Supremes comes from a con law professor I know who is also an ACLU Board member and confirms Theodore Kettle in your newsmax cite, Sue: There's a fair amount of commentary on the web already about the prospects for foreign money working its way into (and in the case of China, dominating) U.S. politics. As you note, Kennedy noted but ducked the question. Roe v. Wade may be next to go if a case offers the opportunity to overrule it. See this passage from Roberts' concurring opinion explaining when stare decisis loses its force: Stare decisis is instead a “principle of policy.” Helvering , supra , at 119. When considering whether to reexamine a prior erroneous holding, we must balance the importance of having constitutional questions decided against the importance of having them decided right . As Justice Jackson explained, this requires a “sober appraisal of the disadvantages of the innovation as well as those of the questioned case, a weighing of practical effects of one against the other.” Jackson, Decisional Law and Stare Decisis , 30 A. B. A. J. 334 (1944). In conducting this balancing, we must keep in mind that stare decisis is not an end in itself. It is instead “the means by which we ensure that the law will not merely change erratically, but will develop in a principled and intelligible fashion.” Vasquez v. Hillery , 474 U. S. 254, 265 (1986) . Its greatest purpose is to serve a constitutional ideal—the rule of law. It follows that in the unusual circumstance when fidelity to any particular precedent does more to damage this constitutional ideal than to advance it, we must be more willing to depart from that precedent. Thus, for example, if the precedent under consideration itself departed from the Court’s jurisprudence, returning to the “ ‘intrinsically sounder’ doctrine established in prior cases” may “better serv[e] the values of stare decisis than would following [the] more recently decided case inconsistent with the decisions that came before it.” Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. PeÅ„a , 515 U. S. 200, 231 (1995) ; see also Helvering , supra , at 119; Randall , supra , at 274 ( Stevens , J., dissenting). Abrogating the errant precedent, rather than reaffirming or extending it, might better preserve the law’s coherence and curtail the precedent’s disruptive effects. Likewise, if adherence to a precedent actually impedes the stable and orderly adjudication of future cases, its stare decisis effect is also diminished. This can happen in a number of circumstances, such as when the precedent’s validity is so hotly contested that it cannot reliably function as a basis for decision in future cases, when its rationale threatens to upend our settled jurisprudence in related areas of law, and when the precedent’s underlying reasoning has become so discredited that the Court cannot keep the precedent alive without jury-rigging new and different justifications to shore up the original mistake. See, e.g., Pearson v. Callahan, 555 U. S. ___, ___ (2009) (slip op., at 10); Montejo v. Louisiana, 556 U. S. ___, ___ (2009) (slip op., at 13) ( stare decisis does not control when adherence to the prior decision requires “fundamentally revising its theoretical basis”).
- Nancy, welcome to the fanatic side of my Catholic family. My mother and 2 sisters are all anti abortion, can't support Democrats because of this. My middle sister was in DC last Friday protesting Roe v. Wade. And she's a veterinarian! I just don't respond when they bring it up. What would be the use? There is no middle ground.
- Glad for the notion of soups. I can heartily recommend the chicken coconut curry soup dished out by our local Metropolitan Markets. Which I will be serving for lunch (just got the word y'day they would be passing through) with my dear friend Randi, her husband and daughter. Randi and I went to Spencer School and Defiance Junior High together, so this will be a midwestern reunion. And Joe K, as a 5 year resident of Lexington who still has family there, let me recommend that you go visit when Keeneland is in session. 2 weeks in the spring and 2 weeks in the fall. Unfortunately they now have an announcer system, but it is still the prettiest track out there.
- John Cole over at Balloon Juice has the best line: "If Mike Pence really is regarded as one of the deep thinkers for the GOP, I’m beginning to understand why they refused to admit Terri Schiavo was brain-dead."
- basset, when I lived in KY, what you heard about was the teaser male horse, not a female teaser. Mares are vicious when they are in heat and you need someone to 'get them in the mood" so they don't damage the stud. Studs are multi million dollar investments and a 'love bite' or a kick from a mare in heat can really damage that investment. The teaser pony is introduced and at the very last minute, yanked out and the stud is 'inserted' into the breeding room in place of the teaser pony. So the figurative job that no one really wants is to be the teaser pony for the stud. There was in fact a lawsuit filed in Lexington against a farm where the teaser pony actually made it--the mare gave birth to a colt that looked nothing like the stud and everything like the teaser pony. All the guys in my law school class were high fiving each other when we learned about it. It musta been a guy thing.
- I caught this today because my youngest likes to watch college basketball.
- Used to be that politics was considered "Hollywood for ugly people." Now it seems that politics is "Hollywood for beautiful but really dumb people."
- I tried to get a manual Subaru Outback in 2000 when I purchased my current car. The dealer had nothing in stock and after 25 years of driving manuals, I thought that I'd try an automatic. We have lots of hills in Seattle, and an automatic makes that part easier. But if I had a choice, I'd probably go back to a manual.
- I remember being on airline flights where small packages of cigarettes came with your meals. And then, when I worked at the KY AG's office from 78-78, there was a time when Anita Madden, wife of Preston Madden, who owned the horse farm, Hamburg Place, hosted a dinner in honor of the states' attorneys general (National Association of Attorneys General or NAAG) who were meeting in Lexington for their national meeting. Festive tents were erected in the pastures of Hamburg Place and part of the centerpiece on each table in those tents, was a crystal vase filled with cigarettes for the enjoyment of the attendees. Ah yes, the Maddens were also tobacco farmers as well as owners of a highly regarded horse farm.
- Washington and Oregon would do well if they joined and split in the middle vertically--the west side is so different from the east side. When we moved from Ohio to MN, one of the linguistic oddities I noted was that they said aunt exactly how it was spelled, while we said "ant." Then, of course, we moved to Kentucky and all bets were off. I understand Europeans love a southern accent--it seems more melodious to them. Some of the phrases that I heard during the 5 years I lived in KY were descriptve and wonderfully evocative. "Howah yuu?" "Fahn as frog haar..."
- C'dad. That is a horrible, horrible ad. I'm thinking maybe there should be a political ad competition similar to the short movie competition that our hostess participates in so we could get some real talent putting together these ads.
- Here's the Carly Fiorina ad with a better soundtrack:
- A friend of mine, an attorney in CA wrote this about the Satan sheep ad: The Firona commercial will test to what extent the 11th Commandment is finally dead. R's attacking each other this viciously can only help the Dems. I think Fiorina is going to play it coy with this ad and get away with it. She has to attack Campbell in the primary because he has the advantage of a long and fairly inoffensive history in CA. If Campbell buys some blue jeans and manages to come across as a reasonable "Scott Brown" type candidate** and more likely to beat Boxer, then he might be able to pull it off. If anything, though, he is too middle of the road for the folks in the Central Valley and behind the Orange Curtain, which are crucial to the Repub primary, so she has to run well to the right of him. Hence the commercial. Expect more, and soon, because she has to cripple him early. Her weak points are that she was *not* loved at HP, and she comes across as a dilettante who is going into politics because no corporation its right mind would hire her now. In addition, she made some statements in support of overseas outsourcing that are sure to haunt her. However, if Fiorina takes the primary, Boxer will have a lot to worry about. The higher the unemployment rate goes up, the better a non incumbent will look, even a dilettante. ** A bit of a stretch for him, but a lot easier for him than for Fiorina, who can come across as patrician. I found it significant that we really don't see Fiorina's face at all in the ad. Understandable given its content.
- C'dad--who's Martin? And now for something completely different: I was in tears, but the good kind.
- Ah, Martin AMIS! I am a bit slow today.
- Word is there may be two Supreme Court vacancies soon: Stevens and Ginsberg. Reid better get some cojones or there won't be appointments til there's a new administration.
- Mark and Joe: If you back down on the teleprompter crap that was slung about Obama, I'll not gloat that Palin needs to not only consult her palm pilot but have cheat notes written on her hand. and Palin in her speech, where she was using her hand notes to crib, even criticized Obama for using a teleprompter!! Can one say "schadenfreude?" And I would bet there are many who do not know how to properly pronounce corpsman. If all you've done is read the word, not hear it used in daily parlance, it could be a trip up. How about colonel? adjutant? reveille? or in the legal profession: voir dire? I remember as a kid knowing lots of big words because I read a lot. But not knowing how to pronounce them. And making a number of gaffes as a result. I would bet that if Obama ever says the word 'corpsman' again, it will be pronounced correctly, If not, I will buy you each a latte when you next come to Seattle.
- Crinoid girl: my sympathies as well. And yes, robins do winter over if there's enough food for them. They change their diets in the winter to more seeds and berries as it helps them stay warm. And I heard from another Illinois resident that the R contender for lt gov. is no great shakes either and may be replaced now that Cohen is gone. Cohen made his announcement during the Super Bowl, in a tavern, that he was dropping out. Nice.
- Jeff tmmo, go read the book The Help and see if you think racism is just a smidge below socialism. I would think that someone with your background, would be fervently denouncing racism.
- I too suffered a partial placental abruption when I delivered my third child. Luckily it was during labor and luckily labor was far enough along that my son was born without ill effect other than a low apgar score. The Tebows were in the Phillipines where abortion has been illegal since 1870. How is it that doctors there were recommending a banned procedure?
- That's really disappointing. I don't see any good side to racism. Perhaps you could enlighten me.
- Gee, nothing like having two parts of the story in two of my pregnancies. When I was pregnant with no. 2 child, I developed giardiasis, which is a protozoan infection, found in streams around here if you go hiking and do not purify the water before drinking. Despite the recommendation that treatment wait until the end of pregnancy, I was successfuly treated with a low and quick dose of flagyl. My second born, my first son was a-ok. And unlike his slacker parents was a great athelete, and had a fantastic career as a swimmer in high school and college. Hmm...wonder if I should give Ms. Tebow a call?
- Aloha from Hawaii. Snow? What a concept! Back, alas next week.
- Got your great news whitebeard while waiting in the airport for my flight back to seattle. Congratulations!
- As someone who has lost most of her voice in the past 6 months due to cancer and as someone who has relied on her voice to practice law and to sing in choir, I put Roger Ebert on the top of my list of heroes. Just going out and doing what needs to be done, rather than succumbing to fear and/or anger. He does this all with such humility and grace that I have nothing to complain about. Thank you for this good and well written reminder of just how important he is.
- Kim, I am with you all the way on Kidder's Mountains Beyond Mountains. Read it on my vacation this past week and it was so anti-Mitch in its clear eyed writing. Of course I am sure that the author knew that if he got all Mitch in the book, Paul Farmer would have dismissed him utterly with a well placed "Comma."
- Why is CNN trying to say that the plane crasher was not a terrorist? What he did was a terrorist act just as much as what the bombers did to the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma. He may not have been a member of any group that espoused the destruction of the US govt. but his letter is an encitement to do just that. I wonder if he will be canonized in the coming days by certain right wing groups.....
- Sue, I am sure that the Obama administration does not want it called a terrorist act because of their fear that the Repubs will be screaming, "It happened on his watch!" This fear that drive this administration is crazy making. Just call it for what it is--a terrorist act--then look at the anti government rhetoric that this nutcase and the tea baggers are spouting, make the connections and a conclusion strong enough to drive a stake through the heart of the movement. But no......
- Funny mark, I don't recall my "camp" exhorting its members to violence against the government. That tends to come from the tea bagging side far as I know.
- It doesn't really matter if Mr. Stack is id'd as a left leaning or right leaning crazy. Flying your airplane into an occupied government building is an act of terrorism. Particularly for the inhabitants of the building but it has ripple effects for all government workers. This balloon juice post and commentary sets it out far better than I can. ps: as does Dave Niewert, who has been covering this sort of thing in the media for a long long time:
- I can tell you, James, as a former federal worker and a current state employee that I and my co workers find this sort of behavior by Stack and McVeigh and others (there was an aborted attempt to bomb the Austin IRS building a number of years ago) to be quite terrifying to us. When they built the new federal building in Seattle, they added all sorts of extra anti bomb features as precautions. Using your line of thinking, that was a waste of money.
- If 9/11 had never happened, then there would not be the deep symbolism attached to flying an airplane into a building. And given the Murrah bombing, an attack on a government building also resonates deeply. Put that together with a man who at least in the 80s associated with the no tax folks, got in trouble with the IRS and spent the better part of his suicide note railing against government and trying to encite fellow citizens to overthrow the government by violence (Allons, citoyens!) Why didn't he fly his plane into a Goldman Sachs or GM building? He had problems with those guys too. But no, he chose the IRS. For very obvious reasons. It was a terrorist act. But when it's done by a white person, even with all the facts attendant here, it still seems very hard to call it that.
- New Republican Senator Scott Brown from MA has said he can identify with Mr. Stack's frustrations. And they are cracking jokes about it over at the CPAC Convention. How soon before he becomes a martyr for certain far right wing or far left wing elements?
- Johnny Weir stuff: I wish that the blog of our NBC tv affiliate, KING5, would get an editor: " Johnny Weir dawns a hat of flowers after 6th place finish" The word is DONS not DAWNS
- "The point being this kind of insanity, obsessively focused on blaming others conspiring against you for your troubles, has a long history." Sure does, Jeff, just look at the rants Osama Bin Laden put out there prior to and after 9/11. No argument from me.
- Aticle about the IRS worker killed in the plane/building collision last week.
- Just to let folks know, my ct scans last Friday were encouraging--the tumors in the left lobe are shrinking by as much as 25% in my oncologist's estimate when going over the radiology report with me.
- I try to visit Pere LeChaise every time I visit Paris, and both Lexington, KY and Seattle have very interesting older cemetaries. In Lexington the Catholic cemetery is right across from the larger and much wealthier Protestant cemetery. In Seattle, the Japanese and Chinese plots are in separate, distinct sections of the cemetery. Also, has any one else read Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology? It helped develop my fascination with times gone by.
- I understand John McCain is now saying it wasn't he who suspended his campaign in 2008 to return to DC to work on the financial crisis--it was done at the request of George W. Bush! What he forget to figure in his calculations for making this revelation is that he has now confessed to being W's beyotch!!!
- If Rielle hied herself to a nunnery or beguinage, then I might consider thinking about describing her as having 'quiet dignity.' But that's a pretty big "might."
- The Governor of NY appears to actually have a staff problem that was not handled well:
- Yes, mark, I think Grover Norquist's dream has come true. The pliticians have poisoned the waters so effectively that only anarchy is left.
- Oh, I dunno, you get hit with lung cancer and you tend to go out of your way to proselytize to the addicted. Besides, my lungs tend to curl up when I'm on the street and pass by clots of smokers hanging around the entrance to buildings. I just want to scream at them, "Do you know what you're in for???" Good thing I don't have much of a voice.
- Pat Robertson certainly hates Chile more'n Haiti b/c of what they did to his good bud, Augusto Pinochet. ps. It's satire, but rather good at that.
- I think this defines cutting off your nose to spite your face.
- Someone here a while back posted a youtube video here of Stephen Frye debating the issue, "Whether the Catholic church is a force for good." Here's the story about the full debate:
- Ok, Bob Johnson, that had me in tears. but the good kind.
- Jeff tmmo: I'm with Rana on this and I am saddened by your childish reaction. It is very similar to something that happened to me yesterday. I am a member of a private attorneys' forum and I posted the Stephen Frye youtube video of the Intelligence Squared debate that someone had posted here. I thought it was a well done piece of argument and, hey, lawyers appreciate good argument but this is one of the responses I got verbatim from one of the other members: Look, Regina, let's strip away all the formalities, lift all the pretense of academic intent, and distill this down to the bare essentials of your real point for this and all your posts that have the word "Catholic" in them. Agreed: All non-"recovered" Roman Catholics should be slowly tortured, killed, and gibbeted, all their books burned, All their artifacts melted down or ground to dust, all their buildings dismantled, all their land salted, so that now and forever all evidence or memory of their existence will cease to defile this world. There, are you happy now? And can we talk about something else?
- Ah yes, Snarkworth, but well turned phrases can be spoken and serve as foreplay too. I once had a boyfriend, a photographer, who was witty as hell verbally, but dyslexic. His "Merry Xams" homemade holiday card that he sent out one year was quite unintentioanl but became, locally, rather famous. Still friends after all these years and he remains a fabulous photographer.
- I had those big round tortoiseshell glasses in high school but would never let my picture taken in them. Rather regret it now
- Nance, you had to love this exchange: Fey: Great movies begin with great writing. Downey: What does an actor look for in a script? Specificity. Emotional honesty. Catharsis. Fey: And what does a writer look for in an actor? Memorizing. Not paraphrasing. Fear of ad-libbing. Downey: Actors want scripts with social relevance, warm weather locations, phone call scenes that can be shot separately from that insane actress that I hate, and long dense columns of uninterrupted monologue, turning the page, and for instance seeing the phrase, "Tony Stark, continued." Fey: And we writers dream of a future where actors are mostly computer-generated and their performances can be adjusted by us, on a laptop, alone. Downey: It's a collaboration, a collaboration between handsome, gifted people and sickly little mole people.
- And the US has responded brilliantly to terrorism: We make Josef Mengele look good--at least he didn't pretend to be something else.
- On Nancy's turf, everyone knows Lynda Barry. On the private lawyers' blog I frequent, no one knows who she is. Which is why I looove you guys! Yay!!!
- Why we need healthcare reform.
- Ah, just luv those hot tubs.....
- Actually, he was 30 at the time, so I guess she could've been his daughter. She was underage no matter what.
- C'dad, you are a man after my own heart. Only your link is to page two. Here's the full meal deal:
- Ok, this is off topic, but Jeff tmmo put me on the scent and while it is worth sharing, it also requires the use of shovels. Remember when Newsweek published some tripe about the quiet dignity of Rielle Hunter? Well, when that article was being written, Miss Hunter (whose birth name was Lisa Druck) was talking with GQ about her travails, and that finished product is out. The photos and her interview show her to be nothing more than a tart. I feel sorry for their child.
- Beb--yeah I would say the $150K was high, specially since it only got 7 or so years of silence (it was paid in 2002)
- Deborah: more for you.
- Anal humor was very big with my younger brothers growing up. Dingleberry(ies) was a word used followed by much laughter. My bros even classified their farts into 3 categories: Toby (for the noisy ones), Rose (sweet and sticky), and SBD (silent but deadly). Good thing they have their older sister around to remind them of the good old days.
- My real name, Regina, always been pronounced with a long 'e' in place of the 'i'. So, even though if we were in Canada the name would rhyme with vagina, mine does not. Plus, I am not the queen, as much as I might like to be.
- I'm with you, crinoidgirl, John @7 was being facetious. Perhaps Joe K was too?
- I was reminded of a previous post from this week about the use and abuse of language by journalists when I read this NYT blog piece:
- Let's hope the neo cons don't go postal on us now. It's really too bad that I am too scared of their reaction to celebrate.
- Beck: "Jesus Martinez" might favor health bill, "[b]ut not the Jesus from Nazareth that I know"
- Let's help Rush make it to Costa Rica:
- I got a sturdy little water bottle on a Delta flight from Ft. Lauderdale back in 1999. I still have it and wash it in the dishwasher to keep it going.
- There you go, Joe. They say it happened to them. Unless you want to call those Congressmen liars.
- Julie, I can totally identify. The 80's for me were all about raising two kids and holding down a full time attorney job. I had time to celebrate C & E and that was about it.
- George W--still a real classy guy. And Joe K, this one is caught full on the video.
- I'm stealing that line, alex, that was so good! And, in honor of the 80's I am rewatching the Big Chill tonight. My daughter was not impressed and left after dinner. Hmm...
- The thoughts about freaky dancing reminded me of gatoring, which was popular during my time in law school at the University of KY 1973-76. That involved two participants who got horizontal with each other (a close relation to Lucky Pierres back in college, but that's another story entirely) and lots of vigorous, rhythmic humping to the music. I recall much discussion of gatoring, but only seeing it done once by a young woman and a fellow law student, who is now a senior member of the Fayette County Bar Association in Lexington.
- Example A in why the present US health care system should not be allowed to continue:
- Well Linda, the GOP and Heritage Foundation and AEI all appear to be subsidiaries of Fox News.
- Julie, I didn't much care for the book either and I probably was the lone dissenter at my book club. More bloggage. Did you know that the teabagger Vanderboegh, the fellow who's been enciting his teabagger friends to violence, gets by on government disability? And he doesn't see the irony. At all.
- Forgot my ps and qs. I, too love your column, Nancy. My youngest brother is gay and I've been extra sensitive to this issue since he told me back in 1983.
- Alex, my grandfather owned a cottage on Hamilton Lake and I heard stories from my dad about memorable vacations there. They sold it in the midst of the Depression for $2,000.
- I've just discovered and spent the weekend watching all the Doc Martin episodes that I could fit into my schedule. 30 Rock is next.
- Maybe we should all sign up and then derail the cruise. Just daydreamin'
- Glenn Reynolds, right wing law prof at TN, thinks the arrest of the Hutaree was somehow suspicious. In this same vein, I am waiting to hear condemnation of the Hutaree from Republican officials.
- Roy Edroso has several good finds here.
- ROgirl, that gives me chills. Especially as the anniversary is coming up.
- I remember as kids getting baby chicks for Easter. I think they were dyed. My mother says that she thinks she took them out to some farm. But she also once told me when our pet turtle went missing, that it had crawled into a wall outlet and electrocuted itself. But, of course, she can't remember that now. OT: Just caught this nugget about she who.... Fox News' Sarah Palin interview show features Palin interviewing celebrities using interviews of the celebrities that were made years ago. Nice work for the half term guv.
- Improve Everywhere improves on the "man goes into a bar" joke.
- Dorothy, yeah you're right. Need to edit better.
- Jeff B. When your show features the issue of pornography, will you be playing it on your pornograph?
- I remember the jasmine, LAMary. That made evenings in LA magical for me. Lately I've discovered the joys of and have fallen in love with Dr. Martin Ellingham of Doc Martin. Actually what I've fallen in love with is the coast of Cornwall. Doc Martin is a British version of House, MD and Martin Clunes, the actor who plays the title role, is superb. He was in a 90's British series titled, Men Behaving Badly, and Clunes' character there was the complete opposite of the incredibly repressed and incredibly plain spoken, Doc Martin. Highly recommend and since the first 3 seasons are on hulu, you can view them at your leisure. Youtube has the 4th season.
- Best smell of all is Daphne. Never knew about it til I moved to Seattle, and then one Feb/Mar stepped out of the house and sniffed, "What is THAT?" Ambrosia for the nose. Basset--prayers for the Mrs. from here.
- Bob (NG), I've seen some reports on the internet that Rep. Johnson is in the final stages of Hepatitis C which could explain his mental processing problems. He apparently was a successful attorney before going to the House. I, too, was aghast at his statements, however.
- Connie, Count me in the Butler cheering section! Defiance High School teams were the Bulldogs and their colors were blue and white. And Basset, so glad to hear that Mrs. B is not joining that club where no one wants to be a member.
- I went back and read your article from 2008, Nance. It slightly predates my discovery of your site (thank you so much!) and discovered that everyone has gravatars! Even Ashley. How cool.
- Nancy, where do we go to register our incredulity and deep seated anger with Good Housekeeping? I'd really like to let one fly there.
- I think that this FCC decision may have a silver lining--it will force Congress to legislate and actually give the FCC the powers they need to regulate this industry. I hope.
- I've been refighting the Civil War all day with some attorneys who've taken the mcDonnell flap to proclaim tha the north was just as bad as the south because they had slaves too. Talk about a false equivalence argument. Luckily I found this to keep me amused. Although I may get accused of an antiCatholic bias now.
- wrote to Good Housekeeping today: Dear Sir or Madam: Something that purports to be a photograph of Michelle Obama (I will not say 'graces' because it is too ugly for words), is affixed to the current cover of your monthly magazine. I think you owe the world a huge apology, especially those of us who have to look at that piece of crap as we wait in line to purchase our groceries. But more than us, you REALLY need to apologize to our lovely First Lady for using photoshop in such a crass and deeply insulting fashion. This has demeaned all of us. Your publication most of all. Sincerely, H. Regina Cullen ps: got an out of office reply from them.
- The New Yorker's review of Treme.
- Deborah, I wonder if will be showing Treme? It may be a week later, but I can wait. HBO is not cheap these days. And I've got to take my 7 year old dachshund in to the vet tomorrow to get kidney stones removed. You don't want to know what that is going to cost....
- Why are you there? I recommend "O" at the Bellagio. Took my boys to see it. I assume it's still there because the stage was so expensive to build.
- I would have chuckled, Connie. Must be my early onset aging, but do we know yet who are getting the awards, Nancy, or is that to be revealed tonight?
- What about "Girls Just Want to have Fun?" Good luck tomorrow, John. And do report back.
- Who here considers Fox news an actual news network? Think again: The video, unlike all their personnel, does not lie.
- Actually, as a former SEC Enforcement attorney, I was greatly cheered this am by the news that Goldman finally got hit with a can of whupass. It's not much in light of their utter venality, but it's a start.
- Veering wildly of topic (can that be done here?) I have to say Sen. Lindsay Graham's friends sound more like enemies these days. I wonder if this will get any traction?
- Sitting in Ohare for 4 hrs waiting to fly to Lexington to see mom (86) because she can't travel and I can. This is the closest, physically, I am with the majority here, until I return in July to attend my 40th class reunion at Defiance High School.
- Good thing I'm limited by my BB while on vacation, Cosmo, because otherwise you'd get an eyeful from me on what a foolyou are and how wrong you are wrt polanski and rothlisberger
- Something more to cogitate on today. I'm off to my ct scans and results will be available when I meet w/ a new oncologist at 4pm PDT today. This is the hardest part.
- Basset: My best to you and your wife. Here's something I found quite by accident about Kurt Cobain today, while noodling around waiting for the dr's appmt: Courtney Love sounds worse than a harridan. And Bill, best of luck to your wife and you too.
- News was not so good from the ct scans. Neck tumors are quiet but the mediasitnal and lung tumors are growing and I've got on in the right lower lobe that I wasn't aware of, which bumps me into Stage IV. So, instead, following Nancy's lead, I'm concentrating on getting in shape and participating in the Lung Walk this Sunday (paleopeople, crinoidgirl). My team is named DeFeet Lung Cancer and with 14 or so of us there, we hope to put up a good fight. Here's hoping for good weather.
- Crinoid girl the donation site for DeFeet Lung Cancer is I am pleased to report that my team is in the tops for donors, beating even corporate ones. It probably doesn't hurt that this walk appears to be one that is in its infancy. But we'll take the kudos wherever we can get 'em. Nancy, tell Alan that my brother, Mark, his former classmate at Spencer Elementary School in Defiance, is helping me out here. There was a trial done at UCLA two years ago that showed Celebrex used in conjunction with Tarceva increased the potency of the Tarceva. So if my oncologist turns me down, we're going guerrilla. What is there to lose at this point?
- Oh, Basset, I do hope things are drying out for you. What a disaster. My mom's had a bit of it as well, up in Lexington and I gather Derby Day wasn't too much fun either. Just a quick report from yesterday. The Lung Walk 2010 was a great success. My youngest, son Matthew, even showed up and walked with me. We had 15 team members there, all in tshirts I had made for them--grey with red Gothic lettering: "DeFeet Lung Cancer." We were the 6th highest team in terms of money raised--over $2700 and I was the 2d highest individual. So thank you, thank you all for your good wishes and assistance. I have a second opinion consult set with Seattle Cancer Care Alliance this Friday at 10am so let's see if we can't learn something new. moe/Regina
- Damn. Thanks for checking, Sue. I am so sorry. And, no, Nancy, you should not be kicking yourself.
- Treme in 1836 by Barbara Hambly, a favorite author.
- me three
- Basset, Is there anything we can do from long distance? Just say the word.... Moe
- Saw the first episode of Treme tonight, courtesy of a bootleg, and it was fabulous! A New Orleans funeral is quite an event! btw didn't take a day but now Focus on the Family (now known as the Family Research Council) is saying, "Rekers, who dat?"
- And now, courtesy of we have the news that in fact Dr. Rekers and "Lucien" engaged in sex. In particular, something called the 'long stroke.' What is that? Someone here must know .
- "There is a sound to silence..." Especially if you suffer, as I do, from tinnitus. Another danger to attending lots of concerts. And when I warned my son about possible negative consequences from his prolonged use of ear buds, he told me, "That's ok, mom, when I get to be your age, they'll have a cure for it." Kids.
- My late dog, Sally Puddles Muttons, introduced me to coprophagia. According to my vet cats are poor digesters of all the protein they eat, so their you know whats are attractive to dogs. I had two cats at the time, Whimbeldon and Thurber, so Sally had a hey day, so to speak....
- Back from my second opinion at Seattle Cancer Care. I love that oncologist. Anyone named Renato from Brazil is a god in my book. The fact that he's on top of his game, knows where the clinical trials are that I can participate in, if I get the tumor tested (which Group Health has been resisting all along) and it turns out ok. Well, this is far better than the handwringing I endured last week. At least this guy is aggressive and he has some ideas (not to mention a very lovely accent). But I digress....
- Yes, thanks Sue. Group Health has agreed to get the tumor tested to see if it carries the EGFR mutation. If it doesn't, then I am halfway to being approved for a clinical trial of a drug designed to treat tumors that have something called an ALK mutation. I just have to show that the tumor is ALK positive. Group Health has been resisting testing my tumors in this fashion because of the cost (anywhere from $700 to thousands of dollars according to who you talk to). The drug I've been taking for the past five months was designed for tumors that are EGFR positive and it doesn't work. So in essence I've been getting all those zits all over my body for no reason. This also might lead one to conclude that my tumors are EGFR negative. But no, we have to do the test to get into the clinical trial. So now I just have to get GH revved up to scheduling the surgical procedure by which they remove the cancerous lymph node from my neck so they have enough tissue to test. Moving with glacial speed we are......
- Jeff tmmo, Which is why I wrote the doctors back yesterday after the second opinion consult with Dr. Martins at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. It is now memorialized and for use in the future. And of course there is an immediate issue. One of the GH doctors wrote back to warn me that it could be 2-3 weeks before the test results were back. I found a testing company online that promises a 5-7 day turnaround and this am just heard from Dr. Martins that UW can do it in 5 days. Hmmm...Guess I am going to have to transform into a cancer bitch around here to get anything done. So sad. A year ago I was a huge fan of Group Health. Not so much anymore.
- Something to think about this Mother's Day. Do you get your hair cut regularly at a certain salon? Get your pet groomed? If so, might want to tell them about Matter of Trust, which takes the hair and makes oil spill matts and booms with it:
- What you do is you go to via Nancy's kickback lounge and you get one of these: I use it all the time as the only one in the house who drinks coffee (the dogs don't care too much for it).
- Warm fuzzies for Eli. Hope that all gets put back in place w/o surgery.
- My Max, the black lab, is 13 and also has a harder time getting around each day. Rimadyl seems to help his aches and pains. It's not cheap but it works. Don't know if you want to try to get some for Lexi or not, Alex.
- Here's some fun. I'm specifically thinking about coozledad here...
- I too have to admit that I have never seen a full episode of L&O. I was saving all this tv for retirement at the old folks' home. Oh well....
- It's late, so what the heck. You would just know that Terry Schiavo's wretched family is still profiting from her name--illegally.
- Amen to that observation, Deborah. It's amazing how acquiring elective office can change one's personality. And now for something completely different, an interesting take on the question of 'whither journalism and whither the internet?'
- Brian, my honors thesis was on historiography in college. Have you seen this site?
- Well, ever since the publication of Twilight, my last name has gotten way better known. I'm told it is as common in Ireland as Smith is here, but before the book, everyone thought I was Jewish and my last name was Cohen...
- Watched all 4, Bassett, and was very moved by the experience. Even more so when I saw this video that you put together back in 2008 about the Harpeth River:
- Heart of Atlanta was a 1964 case, Jeff tmmo. The shock over the decision was done with by the time I entered law school in 1973. I can't believe that you are that old?
- Corporations and other business entities are basically government creations, Jeff tmmo. They are not only created via government action, they are sustained through government action: roads, police, fire, utilities, all contribute to their upkeep and well-being. So to impose a nondiscrimination requirement on them if they serve the public, does not seem to be to great an imposition. Regardless of whether it is through the aegis of the commerce clause or otherwise. I wonder if the country club where Rand Paul held his victory party is integrated or not. Doesn't have to be if it is private. Look at that golf club that sponsors the Masters which still does not admit women and was only forced to deal with the black question when Tiger Woods won. So we don't have complete integration in our society yet.
- My representative since about forever has been Jim McDermott, an out there liberal. But he's been something of a dilettante, never trying to rise through the hierarchy (or perhaps being blocked by those in power, who knows). I think it's time for someone new to get involved, however, I think he's there for the foreseeable future.
- Julie, I think the point to be made from SP's hissy fit is how inappropriate the response is to the provocation. I can see mentioning it and saying how concerned you are about your privacy being invaded (even though as Jeff B points out she has brought this upon herself by her own behavior), but to basically accuse McGinniss of being a pedophile? It's striking how low they immediately take the discussion. And I think indicative of their trailer trash background.
- That's a great tshirt, Jason. I'm sending it to my son who already has a Transylvania University sweatshirt to shock the unitiated in Seattle, who've never heard of Jefferson Davis' alma mater.
- I love Robert Ebert.
- Nah, that's gravatar changing things around w/o being asked. Puppy came last summer. btw, guess who used to live in the house McGinniss is renting in Wasilla? Ex-cons. Used to be a halfway house until 2008. Just who did Sarah think was looking at her in her tank tops then?
- Here's another subject to rant about today. Since it's raining and I'm going to a doctor's followup appointment from the surgery two weeks ago, I'm in a rant mode: The money quote: ...So, what are we left with? Perhaps the dullest, most inconsequential White House "controversy" in a very long time. The White House counsel's office prepared a memo, explaining the situation in a way that even Rep. Darrel Issa (R-Calif.) can understand: "There have been numerous, reported instances in the past when prior Administrations -- both Democratic and Republican, and motivated by the same goals -- discussed alternative paths to service for qualified individuals also considering campaigns for public office. Such discussions are fully consistent with the relevant law and ethical requirements." Obviously. When the Reagan White House offered Sen. S.I. Hayakawa (R) a job in 1981 in the hopes of convincing him to drop out of the Republican Senate primary race in California, no one cared. When George W. Bush's White House approached Rep. Ben Gilman (R-N.Y.) about a job in the hopes of convincing him not to run for re-election, no one cared. Mundane political efforts like these fail to raise an eyebrow because they're the very definition of routine. As Ron Kaufman, who served as President George H.W. Bush's White House political director, said this week, "Tell me a White House that didn't do this, back to George Washington." In this case, it's even thinner, since Sestak wasn't even offered a job, but rather an unpaid advisory position, which a) wasn't particularly enticing; and b) was quickly dismissed anyway...
- Nancy, I will have you know that I have a number of "BC" themed cereal bowls that my mother got for buying gas pre-1973 oil embargo. Those were the days, eh? I swear I'm not a hoarder (grin)
- 57 and rain in Seattle.
- My father used to make rhubarb wine from a patch of rhubarb in the backyard in Defiance. I thought it was pretty good. It was quite sweet.
- Might think twice about concealed carry laws.
- Brian, I bet it doesn't take 40 years.
- We had a senior skip day when I graduated from Lourdes High School in Rochester, MN (I grew up in Defiance but we moved to Rochester my senior year in high school). We were told that we had to make up the day after graduation, or we would be kicked out of National Honor Society. So, of course, I was one of those who meekly made up the day. Prospero, I bagged a political forum earlier this week after I suggested that given the way the Israelis handled the situation, any arms that they claimed were on the vessels they boarded, would be open to question. The pro-Israel harpies said I was anti-semitic and probably read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in my spare time. They can go fuck themselves.
- Another Rush in the news. Rand Paul told not to play Rush at his campaign gatherings:
- LA Mary, what is the biggest oil spill in history if not this?
- I googled Top Ten oil spills and got this: I just have a problem translating British tonnes into our gallons.
- How about if turn Detroit over to the Jews in Israel? Solves two problems. (only slightly tongue in cheek here)
- The video of Helen Thomas is particularly interesting, as it was the statements made therein that got her fired.
- "You are going through a very difficult and scary time of your life. We are there to support you through this, and will be thinking/praying for you as you endure what has to be done." And then call and ask what evening would be good to bring dinner. Or better yet, show up and do some weeding in her yard or mow her lawn for her. I received this advice from a breast cancer survivor in my office, who was quite empathetic with my situation. She told me to visualize all this care and prayers for me as a bright light that I can see in my mind, and call on to wrap its light and warmth around me in my deepest dark times. It has helped. But I'm not sure how you can put all that in a card without crowding everyone else out.
- Michael G, Does Beaujolais Nouveau hold up over time? In Belgium they went wild at the stores when the new bottled stuff came out. Lots of posters and displays. I got the sense then that it was a wine to be drunk rather quickly.
- I actually read Ulysses in high school but absorbed it better when it was part of the Firesign Theater schtick in Marx/Lennon.
- Julie, have you read Megan Whalen Turner? She is a first rate YA author.
- I read a lot of Madeline L'Engle, including her non fiction writing too. I understand her children said her fiction was closer to reality than her non fiction, after her death, which sort of put a pin in my balloon.
- Gorgeous, Mr. Mark. We in Seattle are facing a high of 64 degrees today. And grey at least in the am.
- Well, well, well.
- Hey mark, that worked out well for Exxon Valdez--how many decades were those injured by the tanker run aground in the courts trying to receive compensation?
- "...The oil emanating from the seafloor contains about 40 percent methane, compared with about 5 percent found in typical oil deposits, said John Kessler, a Texas A&M University oceanographer who is studying the impact of methane from the spill. That means huge quantities of methane have entered the Gulf, scientists say, potentially suffocating marine life and creating "dead zones" where oxygen is so depleted that nothing lives..."
- The new gravatar is a color print my son did in his printmaking class. It's the Ice Palace festival in Beijing last winter. Gravatar cut out the sides. Thanks for asking. And Mark I don't subscribe to the notion that corporations are deserving of all the constitutional protections that actual US citizens enjoy. Particularly this one. YMMV of course.
- There's a new GOP meme about the BP fund: Yesterday, though, the Republican message seemed to shift a bit, at least in some corners. What was initially deemed an outrageous presidential abuse turned into a GOP idea that Obama shouldn’t take credit for. Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), for example, issued a statement yesterday implicitly arguing that there couldn’t have been a shakedown, since BP intended to put $20 billion into the escrow fund before the White House meeting. “The true outrage,” Franks said, “is that this was never the President’s idea at all.”
- high today 64. showers predicted.
- Okay, I have to join the sun mourners club, abeit late. Add me to your list, Deborah, Sue, Coleen,Drothy, Julie and Dave's wife. Here in Seattle we have fabulously long summer days (though this year they've all been grey) and the winter sucks with the sun going down at 3:30 or so it seems. Julie, have you tried mega doses of Vitamin D? That seems to help me.
- I well remember staying up all Thurs night, trying to get the college newspaper, the Mac Weekly,(affectionately known as the Smack Weekly) put to bed. We had a machine that typed the columns and had a dedicated student who did most of the typing but come 1am Fri morning, it was a free for all. Wish I could remember the name. We had only two albums it seemed in the news room: "Marrying Maiden" and "Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen."
- deb--this is the reverse FB where the kids show up AFTER the parents!
- For my money, I will still go with Krugman and the example set in 1937 when FDR cut back spending. I think we can better direct spending, but I don't think cutting back will get us out of this and will instead extend the pain.
- Jeffrey Goldberg doing his part to also get rid of Ezra Klein at the WaPo
- I like mayo on my pommes frites! But only good, homemade mayo. I fought the red light cameras, MarkH and got my fine reduced. I was turning right at midnight and there were no cars anywhere else, so made a California stop. The judge had video too, so it was good that i was honest about it all but the ticket was reduced from 124 to 75 so I thought my time well spent. Oh, and Krugman is still beating the drum against cuts:
- Tucker Carlson is the bad guy wrt the Weigel firing
- Someone said that Sessions reminded them of the Keebler elf. Only grumpy. I can agree with that.
- I thought this was an interesting take on finance: Plus this was in the comments: Bruce Sterling: Large financial centers in certain cities around the planet are certainly going to kill millions of us by destroying our social safety networks in the name of their imaginary financial efficiency. You're a thousand times more likely to die because of what some urban banker did in 2008 than from what some Afghan-based terrorist did in 2001. Financiers live in small, panicky urban cloisters, severely detached from the rest of mankind. They are living today in rich-guy ghetto cults. They are truly dangerous to our well-being, and they are getting worse and more extremist, not better and more reasonable. You're not gonna realize this havoc till you see your elderly Mom coughing in an emergency ward, but she's going there for a reason.
- Sorry to hear of the throat cancer diagnosis for Hitchens. Treatment will not be fun at all. And he should give up his smoking and drinking. But nicotine is the second most addictive substance next to heroin according to Dr. Weiss at UPA. Oh, Judybusy, Fran's Chocolates are also made here in Seattle from scratch and they are to die for as well. But for my money, Leonidas in Brussels is the tops. They have a mocha enrobed in white chocolate that is unequalled anywhere else. I used to treat myself to one after tough exams.
- Okay the Nashville attorney who sent this, swears it is true: Filed in federal court in Nashville: Bernard Madoff v. Dolly Parton dba Dollyworld; Jonathan Lee Riches 6/29/2010 3:10-cv-00631 Echols (Nashville) Civil rights action. Plaintiff Madoff used to date defendant Dolly Parton before he was convicted of financial fraud and is terrified of defendant "Theft Kingpin Jonathan Lee Riches", Parton's current boyfriend. He is scared because Riches "put a prison hit out on me to silence me from showing intimate pictures of me and Dolly Parton shaving each other at the Penthouse in Embassy Suites." Bernard Madoff Pro Se
- The smell of chocolate was the first smell I encountered when I got off the train in Brussels in 1978, somewhere south of the city center. It was a marvelous introduction to the place.
- Awesome Sue. I'm going to spread that around.
- you left one out, prospero: Grace Slick.
- In Seattle, the fog descended along with the cold wet weather yesterday, so gave up going to the fireworks. If you can't see them, why bother? Instead, curled up and read a book on my IPOD.
- Just to set the record straight, Bremerton is all the way across Puget Sound, to the west of Seattle, an hour by ferry or two hours around the Sound by car. It is perhaps something of a bedroom community (although the shipyards there employs many of its residents) but it is not a Seattle suburb. 27 years ago, I was in private practice, doing asbestos defense (the irony, it buurns) and we had quite a bit of business in the Bremerton area because the shipyards were going full tilt during WW2 and no one wore masks. The deposition I most remember was outside of Bremerton in this worker's house. Had to be because he was so sick and weak from mesothelioma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He was on oxygen. The name of the game was to get the plaintiff to identify the types of asbestos insulation and blankets he worked with at the shipyards to assess liability. As a result there were always 12-15 attorneys at these things representing all the manufacturers. Well, the worker's house was very small and it was incredibly dirty. Not only were the sink and counters piled high with old dishes, the worker had cats that had sprayed indiscriminately throughout the house for several years. So put this together with a court reporter and 15 attorneys, you get the picture. It was perhaps, one of the shortest depositions ever taken. I was quite glad to be on the ferry going back to Seattle that afternoon.
- Ok, here's a question for you Hoosiers. I remember that Indiana banned sales of the Kingsmen Louie Louie album because the song was judged to be indecent. My friend, Connie Zimmerman, swore she had to prove she was an Ohio resident when she purchase the album back in '66 in Fort Wayne.
- I'm taking a body building substance called L-Glucamine. It helps prevent neuropathy which is a side effect of chemo. I can't tell you how odd I feel going into those Super supplement stores to buy this stuff. But it works which is a blessing. I have a friend who has neuropathy as a result of his chemo and this former college football player has to use a cane to help him when he walks. So I thank my lucky stars.
- I don't think it is illogical to be intolerant of intolerance, mark. And ridicule is a proper weapon to be used wherever effective.
- and Hattie, those Mormons also have well stocked basements when the anarchy comes. On another note, thought Roy Edroso was in fine form today:
- Well, can I just complain about my baseball team? We have shit for pitching and not much talent aside from Ichiro for hitting. This is turning out to be a very crappy season. And we just traded Cliff Lee for no names from the Rangers....(can you tell I just went to two Mariners/Yankees games?) End of rant.
- Ok, I have to say that "Despicable Me" is the very best movie I have seen in a long time. Even though it is a cartoon. And I haven't checked what our favorite movie reviewer had to say yet about it either. So YMMV
- There was another artist who got his start doing graffiti. Was is Basquiat? I just remember that he turned into a conventional artist and eventually died of AIDS.
- I've decided that the right wing/teabagger crap is a virus. I think it is spread by ear worms when listening to Rush Limbaugh and in another fashion when reading Michelle Malkin and others of her ilk. John Cole is on of the few who can speak to coming out from under its influence. Unfortunately, very few are cured but those who are, watch out!
- hair soaks up oil very well. I am donating my hair to since it all got shaved off this past weekend. I learned French quite well back in 78-79, when I lived in Belgium with a couple who didn't speak English, and dated a medical student from Lebanon who also didn't speak english. It was the latter more than the former that helped bigtime, although I suspect I speak French with a Belgian/Lebanese accent from time to time.
- Teresa Nielsen Hayden figured out the basis of the writing quiz:
- Posted this on Nancy's FB site, but I think Grace Potter and the Nocturnals is a great group. New discovery for me.
- Joe K, you sould go read some of Paul Krugman's columns. He's the Nobel Prize winning economist. And his point is that the stimulus was not large enough. that's why we're having the long drawn out recession. YOu only need to look back at the FDR administrations, particularly in 1937 to see the truth of what Krugman is saying. It's counterintuitive to some degree, but you need to spend sufficieint money to put more people back on their feet. Why, I wouldn't mind if later term unemployment required work with it. Sort of a revived Civilian Conservation Corps. And Crinoid Girl: congrats and best wishes on the new job. And Scout, here's hoping that your employment future turns rosy.
- Here is a fun site. Interpretation of catalogue pictures: Then this (courtesy of coozledad):
- My friend, Anne, has a daughter who is working Comicon for her employer. I'll be sure to forward that link to her to make her day! Thanks, Sue!
- I will be in Defiance this coming weekend for my 40th high school reunion. Anyone nearby?
- My son had my car all last week because he lost his key to his VW (they are specially made these days and take a week). Things could have been worse:
- Rana, consider this essay by Rachel Maddow from her June 25, 2010 broadcast:
MADDOW: He signed a bill that gave amnesty to undocumented immigrants. He grew the size of the federal government and the budget, added a whole new cabinet level agency and added tens of thousands of government workers to the federal payroll. He tripled the deficit. He bailed out and expanded social security with a big fat tax increase. He raised corporate taxes by hundreds of billions of dollars. He raised taxes on gasoline. He, in fact, signed into law the largest tax increase in history. He supported federal handgun controls. He called for a world without nuclear weapons. He was Ronald Reagan. As a conservative saint, as the right-wing rock star, as king of the Republican prom in perpetuity, as a transformative figure for people who call themselves conservative, the facts of Ronald Reagan`s legislative record are awkward. Ronald Reagan`s record has in it a lot of things that would get him kicked out of today`s Republican Party, which is not to say that President Reagan was a secret liberal. He was not. What he was, was complex, but accomplished in his own way. With the passage of financial regulation in Washington today, President Obama took to the very un-momentous setting of "Twitters," as he called it yesterday, to say this, quote, "Last night`s House Senate agreement on Wall Street reform represents the toughest financial reform since the Great Depression." It turns out that a lot of things that have happened in the less than two years of this administration are the biggest or first or most important in generations. On the occasion of the Wall Street reform announcement today, Taegan Goddard at "CQ Politics" wrote, "Not since FDR has a president done so much to transform this country." Even before today`s historic Wall Street reform agreement, President Obama, of course, did what politicians have been trying to do for more than 60 years. He passed health reform, which, for the first time, establishes government responsibility for the health care of American citizens. Consider also the stimulus bill. It didn`t just throw a lasso around our entire economy and yank and yank it back from the brink. It also pumped about $100 billion into the crumbling embarrassment of our national infrastructure and transportation system. It was the largest investment in infrastructure since Ike. For solving our country`s energy problems, something Obama has compared to man walking on the moon, it contained about $60 billion in spending and tax incentives for renewable and clean energy, also a historic investment. It also included an unheralded but giant investment in science and tech, amping up the budgets at NASA, the National Science Foundation, and an experimental energy research agency that was created under President George W. Bush, but never funded until now. President Obama also expanded state kids` health insurance to cover another four million kids. He signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act amending the 1964 civil rights act for equal pay for equal work. He signed a nuclear arms deal with Russia that would reduce both countries` arsenals by a third. He created a new global nonproliferation initiative to keep nuclear materials out of the hands of terrorists. He set forth an international way forward on that radical left-wing proposition of Ronald Reagan, a world without nuclear weapons. Then there are the legislative and policy achievements that don`t just build on previously-set precedents, but set new ones. The Hate Crimes Prevention Act, also known as the Matthew Shepard Act. It had languished in Congress for years. The Food and Drug Administration permitted for the first time to regulate tobacco. Better late than never, he dismantled the scandal-plagued Minerals Management Service, broke it into three parts so that the folks who collect money from oil leases aren`t the same ones regulating the industry. And now, it will actually investigate the industry that it was busy schtupping and doing drugs with during the last administration. Obama fired two wartime commanding generals in little over a year. He overhauled the astonishing stupidity of the student loan system in which banks were being subsidized to give loans that were guaranteed by the government anyway, a license to print money. That was ended in the savings put toward actual aid to students. He canceled a weapons program that was bloated, unnecessary and totally irrelevant to either of our current wars, the F-22. Why even mention the cancellation of a single weapons system? Because that never happens. Weapons systems never get canceled. The F-22 did, which is itself a miracle. In each of these achievements and in the list of things he has yet to do - "Don`t Ask, Don`t Tell," closing Guantanamo - in each of these things, there is room for liberal disappointment. I sing a bittersweet lullaby to the lost public option when I go to sleep at night. But presidential legacies are complex. Not even the Reagan administration`s legacy is pure as the conservative-driven snow. But Taegan Goddard at "CQ Politics" was right today about nothing this big happening since FDR. The list of legislative accomplishments of this president in half a term even before energy reform which he`s probably going to get to is, to quote the vice president, "a big freaking deal." Love this administration or hate it, this president is getting a lot done. The last time any president did this much in office, booze was illegal. If you believe in policy, if you believe in government that addresses problems, cheers to that. Good night.
- Remember when Justice Thomas complained of his 'high tech lynching' during his confirmation hearings? A master of hyperbole when contrasted to the present example.
- Nancy, I'll wave in your general direction when I'm landing at the Detroit airport Friday afternoon. Coming into Defiance for my 40th high school reunion this weekend. I'm having a darned hard time picking out what to pack. It's like I'm back in high school or something.....
- Looks like the Michigan AG has an exciting backstory here, perhaps....
- I'm waiting in the Cincy airport, returning from my 40th high school reunion in Defiance. Since I'm on my BB this will be a bit shorter than I would normally post. The sweet corn was absolutely fabulous! Loved seeing everybody (kisses to you Bill--he lurks here). One of the best stories was about my classmate, Rick, who is on his 4th marriage to a 26 year old w a tatoo. Rick says all 26 year olds have them. She's a year older than my daughter. He made this revelation late Sat nite otherwise I would have given him more shit than I did. I'm still flummoxed.
- My father, who was a Beta Theta Pi at Miami University, used to call SAE, "Sleep and Eat" or "Sigma Alpha Everybody." My mom was a Tri Delt from UMN. Poor folks, none of their five kids went greek. T'was the times...
- Jolene and Nancy--thanks for the article. It had me in tears by the end, but it's extremely relevant to my situation. Sent it to my kids with ORDERS to read it.
- prospero, where did your dad practice pediatrics? My brother, Mark, who was the elementary school classmate of our proprietress' husband, had the same experience where the mother named her daughter Placenta because she heard the name during childbirth, when he was doing an anesthesia internship at George Washington in DC.
- I'm flattered Sue. Thanks for making my morning! In the 6 degrees of separation category, the attorney quoted in the FB article, Parry Aftab, used to be a poster at an attorney web site named Counsel Connect set up by Stephen Brill (who founded American Lawyer). We were all newbies then, but she's gone off to fame and fortune with the internet as her client.
- I'm watching the Blue Angels wrap themselves around the buildings downtown as they practice for the big SeaFair on Sunday. Any hydroplane fans here? I certainly can't figure out how those races work.
- Our dog, Mandy, went into heat while we were on vacation when I was in the 6th grade. We came back to a pile of neighborhood dogs lined up to service her. I remember watching the antics from the kitchen and turning to my mother in disgust, saying, "I'm sure glad humans don't do that." You would have thought that was a teachable moment but no. I had to wait til 7th grade when Julie and Holly set me straight as we were walking home from school. I was still disgusted.
- women's shirts also cost more to have washed and pressed than men's do. even if they're the same cotton button down style.
- Oh, let's go back to talking about She Who. More fun.
- I still love Ballreich's potato chips, to the point that I order some every few months. Delivery costs are high, but it's worth it.
- Dexter, most vodka these days is from grain not potatoes. Bought the extra large complete version of Calvin and Hobbes for my youngest at Xmas two years ago. It is a family favorite. And yes, I was aware that Watterson was a Kenyon grad given that oldest son went there a year. But didn't know about the artist.
- one of my fave cartoons from a Seattle cartoonist, Lynda Barry:
- I am number 97 on the Seattle Public library's wait list for Laura's book. It has four rave reviews already. Looking forward to it!
- beb--I wrote my initial post while waiting for chemo at Seattle Cancer Care and didn't have the resources to check on the Seattle Public Library site, but since I've returned home, I discovered that the library (thank you so much) has ordered 31 copies so my wait should not be as bad as feared. Also a note about calling home. My parents moved from MN to KY end of my freshman year in college. I was signed up to share a dorm room with a girlfriend, but instead took the money and used it to rent an apt. w. my boyfriend and another couple at the college. You can bet that I kept all phone communications to a minimum that year!
- By remaining silent, Obama would have given the impression of consent (see "A Man for All Seasons"). I'm glad he spoke out but I am not surprised to see the media twisting his words and the conservatives coming unglued about it.
- Brian, I've heard Rick Steves speak and he is great. Don't miss him. Sean Astin was Frodo's friend, Sam, in the movie, LOTR. He was great there, but I don't think he's made the transition forward very well.
- Nancy, a brilliant post and takedown of Dr. Laura. In my top ten faves of yours. Great work.
- I saw a post on an outdoor church bulletin board yesterday that said: "The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion." Got that right.
- Dexter, try pancake mix on your onions next....
- How is that within the space of 6 hours the founder of Wikileaks can be charged w/ rape and assault by a Swedish prosecutor and then have the charges withdrawn? Could there be behind the scenes manuevers by a bumbling national security agency?
- Love the title of this post, Nance. OT but did anyone see the near mob violence yesterday at Ground Zero when the mob mistakenly thought they had a Muslim in its clutches?
- For me the original clown car was the AMC Pacer. I worked with a woman who had one. Roomy inside, but no get up and go. My paternal great grandfather (WH Cullen) and grandfather (Seth Cullen) sold Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicles and Graham Brothers Trucks as the Armory Auto Co. in Paulding, OH in the 1920's. But I remember my grandmother, Helen, and Aunt Bebe driving Cadillacs when I was a kid in the 50's and 60's, those ones with the big fins and the multi textured horn sound. She and my Aunt loved to go for Sunday drives in the country around Paulding. I and my sister would sit in the back seat and fall asleep. Sometimes they'd stop for an ice cream at Charloe.
- It was Alice. Dorothy Parker said, You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think. The only ism Hollywood believes in is plagiarism. Heterosexuality is not normal, it's just common. If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to. Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses.
- Mark H, that was *ding, ding, ding* another Dorothy--this time a journalist--Dorothy Thompson.
- Dexter, the best mayor that Cleveland ever had.
- Bassett, that NBF statue is very, very weird. It does not give me a good feeling. I prefer the Seattle type of statutes. First one up, "Waiting for the Interurban." As originally installed: Then, all dressed up: Then the Fremont Troll:
- Ancient Greek statutes were painted.
- England has no problem with salmonella. They don't require the farmers to vaccinate their chickens for it, but for those who do, they give a big red imprimatur on the egg. Guess which eggs English consumers purchase? 90 percent of the eggs in Britain bear the mark.
- I am so sorry to hear of your loss, mark. What a tragedy.
- Maybe the airlines can just put us to sleep for the duration of the flight? I did this when flying to visit my mother in KY last spring, because I was taking some anti nausea drugs and it was so pleasant to nod off at the beginning of the flight and wake up at landing. I did fly business class from NYC to Seattle once when I was working for the SEC--it was quite random because we were never allowed to fly anything other than steerage. Happy Birthday, Dorothy! And many more.
- I'm in the midst of an argument with another attorney who contends that Clinton lying about his blow job was worse than the lies (he won't say that) told to get us into the Iraq war. There's absolutely no equivalence there as far as I'm concerned. But this is part and parcel with the effort to resurrect GWB's reputation. And yes, GWB was an idiot, Jen. When I was at the SEC, I was local counsel for the first jury trial involving insider trading. It was in Federal District Court in Seattle and two high powered attorneys from DC did the heavy lifting. They were in Seattle for two weeks for the trial and I had them to Easter dinner and we became friends. They told me details of the pending insider trading case that was going on against citizen GWB at the time, and based upon their personal experience, they didn't think much of his intelligence. It's amazing how elected office can add glamour to a person. Watched it with the ex.
- Why is it that Vanity Fair has the hard hitting journalism these days? Late add on: Tony Blair's self serving autobiography is out today and he describes Bush as a "true idealist" who displayed "genuine integrity and political courage" and had a world view of "immense simplicity," per CNN. Immense simplicity, eh? Just what we need in today's world.....
- Ah, yes, Dwight, because Nancy always has promoted violence and taking hostages? I don't think so. Troll.
- warning: profanity
- Brian, the owner of the oil rig is Mariner Energy. No connection to BP that I can find, but note with interest that the CEO and the General Counsel and one other high ranking officer came from Enron:
- Actually, I had a friend who took her family to Disneyland this summer and she said the tickets were $100 a person.
- Alex, I do necks and backs as part of my current legal practice of workers' comp and let me tell you, you do not want to go under the knife. Surgery is forever. There's no going back. I've seen some studies that show that you get as much relief from good massage as you do from surgery. And if the surgery fails you are screwed big time. Just my 2 cents.
- basset, are you from Jasper? My sister's former husband grew up there.
- Guess what, the tea party is merely the most recent iteration of the "Know Nothing" Party. Used to be that Catholics were filling the Muslim/hispanic roles of today. Read it and weep.
- Catherine, have you read the next book by the author of Snowflower? Shanghai Girls. About escaping China and coming to CA during WW2. Shows the current fear and prejudice against immigrants has many historical antecedents.
- I guess the whole experience of history will shift profoundly thanks to the internet:
- Amazon question for you Nancy--if you are taken by Amazon to another site--for example I was looking for a flannel sheet and was taken to the LLBean site--do you stil get a kickback if we enter through your magic door?
- Oh, forgot, I am now 52 of 135 holds on Laura Lippman's book. They still have 32 copies in circulation so the wait should not be too long.
- Connie, I would say that it is not hypocritical to oppose "Burn a Koran" for the same reason that the First Amendment permits us to have opinions. But it would be a problem if we, via the government, somehow prohibited it. Same argument with building the mosque that is really a community center and two blocks from Ground Zero.
- Josh Marshall has a good take on this: For weeks the right wing has been stoking the fires of anti-Muslim rage. Now when the logical extension of that rage surfaces in FL, they try to say, "not me." It's a bit too late for that at this point.
- Hats off to you, Sue! I am in awe.
- C'dad, is it polled cows that have the horns or don't have the horns? I get so confused on this point....
- Oh my C'dad. TMI. LoL!
- C'dad are you anywhere near Climax, North Carolina? There's a goat dairy whose cheeses sound quite appealing:
- LA Mary: Just serendipity. Making Light has a wonderful post on cheese.
- Michelle Bachmann's District has always been right wing Republican. My mother and her family hail from there. Charles Lindbergh's father was the US Representative and he's not got a very good reputation (which might explain ol' Charles'numerous affairs and illegitimate children disclosed after his death--like father, like son) father:
- O'Donnell and her ilk are just proving that sex sells--in a new way in political parties and races. These women are all capitalizing on Sarah Palin's huge success. And because the candidates are good looking, many voters are willing to overlook their more obvious mental lapses. I don't possess the time to really analyze it and this is still somewhat inchoate, but I think that the media with their Jon and Kate Gosselin sorts of reality crap have lowered the bar on what the public finds acceptable in all realms, including the political. If it looks good, it must be good.
- Sue--LOL!!! and then there is this, sigh, about why the american mainstream media is so fffed up:
- Oh, Nance, I hope the rest of your day is better. This falling stuff is scary.
- Dorothy, Break a leg!!
- As long as we're talking about corruption, looks like ol' Joe Arpaio has a few problems himself. Got this from a friend in AZ today: Other shoe drops - after fighting over access to financial records from the sheriff's office for months, and threatening the sheriff with contempt, and finally getting a court involved, the county got the financial records from "America's Toughest Sheriff," Joe Arpaio. They've been going over the documents for a while, in an attempt to audit the sheriff's spending for a period of several year. And today's headline: Joe Arpaio's office misspent funds, analysis says The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office misused at least $50 million from a fund for jail operations, and county supervisors may have to use the general fund to repay the money, top county officials say. Findings by the county's Office of Management and Budget show the Sheriff's Office tapped the money to pay for functions not allowed under jail-fund rules, such as salaries for deputies who worked on public-corruption investigations into county supervisors and judges. $50 million. That's a lot of misspending for a sheriff's office, even in a very big county. But Separate investigations by The Republic have documented the questionable use of public funds by high-ranking sheriff's officials, who routinely used county-issued credit cards to charge expensive meals and stays at luxury hotels. The Republic also found that another fund meant to improve conditions in county jails was spent by sheriff's officialsspent by sheriff's officials on out-of-state training, stays at luxury hotels, a staff party at a local amusement park and a $456,000 bus to transport inmates to court. That bus remains parked in a county lot because supervisors have refused to license and insure it, claiming it was illegally purchased. Hard to see how all of that adds up to $50 millon, and I suspect that most of the problem is going to be found in a handful of other big-spending categories that have nothing to do with the jail or the permitted use of jail fund money, including Joe's so-called "public corruption" cases (every one of them dismissed and provoking claims against the county), and his pet "human-smuggling unit" which doesn't want to bother with actual human smugglers, because they might be dangerous, but likes to go after illegal immigrants for "smuggling themselves" into the country: • For years, it used detention-fund money to pay for employees to patrol Maricopa County, among other duties. • County human-resources data, information from a racial-profiling lawsuit and other documents show many Sheriff's Office employees were not working in the same job assignments recorded for them in county records. Money used to pay for staffers performing duties not allowed under the tax has to be paid back, county officials said. • In some instances, sheriff's administrators are believed to have used money from the agency's detention fund to pay for controversial public-corruption investigations and activities involving its human-smuggling unit and other units.
- Was Albom always this bad? I passed along the smackdown to another forum and now some spoilsport there is inferring that the author of the takedown is stupid because he doesn't like bunts. Well I don't care much for them either but I'm not very deeply educated in their pros and cons. Kirk?
- I wish the article on the Detroit Wright house had the captions properly placed. Very poor editing.
- Paddy'o, the AT&T Gateway Tower in Seattle, now owned by the City of Seattle, looks like a circumcised ....bldg, especially when you are taking a ferry from the peninsula back into downtown Seattle. We also have a Ban roll on Building, a Darth Vader Building and the Remington electric razor building. Tours on request.
- Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't care for bunts. From a friend in MO: Nostalgia aside, sacrifice hits are down by 30% from 1975 levels, and more from the Rizzuto days. The reason is not fantasy, not a lack of attention to fundamentals, but sabremetrics. It is about twenty-five years ago that Bill James proved by the evidence that bunting costs teams more runs and more wins than it gains them. It's no accident that the bunt has passed out of favor since then. It's not that managers are overawed by statistics, but that James was right, and they do score more runs and win more games when they bunt less. Nothing sells like results.
- Veering a bit from the subject matter, but since it's about journalism, I figure I'm ok, has a piece on the degradation of 60 Minutes which is a great rant but the comment from Prudence is well worth a visit: For the media insider's viewpoint on how one network (ABC) stopped having a news division when it started being run by Mean Girls, I give you the innocuous NY Observer article that sparked 6+ pages of searing smackdown by current and former ABC staffers. The comments are fascinating, by about page 6, you've got people who are/were high up and on the inside commenting. Law suits, revenge, the whole 9. The comments to the ABC story are wonderfully delish.
- mark, you've simply made a strawman to further your argument. The only point being made here is that government has its place as does business. One need not worship solely at the altar of profit, although it seems that you are a true believer. A friend of mine who quit his government job to be an ebay seller had a pertinent point on this: [E]very once in a while it would be good to pause and remind yourself that good government, and strong government, is what's responsible for the social and economic stability that makes operating a benign profit seeking entity even possible. By maintaining law and order, government creates an environment where a profit seeking entity isn't prey to criminal gangs and/or everyone with a bigger gun and lesser morals. By maintaining a regulated market, the government ensures (or attempts to ensure, at least) that new entrants to the market are not destroyed by unfair practices, and that the market does not devolve into monopolistic robber baron fiefdoms. Political/economic/social philosophy aside, "allowed" to make a profit is the realistic view. The investment and resources that go into creating a stable playing field for profit seeking behavior is enormous. Getting to play on that field is a privilege, and realistically, it's the entity that built and maintains the field that gets to say who plays on the field, and how the game is played. That's the way the world works. And, off topic, but I'm sure that you'd like to know, David Simon of The Wire and Treme has won a McArthur genius grant. I didn't know he was married to Laura Lippman. A much deserved award for him.
- I will note for the record that I posted about Mr. Laura Lippman's award here first, yesterday.
- Catherine, I've heard Sherman Alexie speak. They need to recruit him for TED pronto. He's an amazing speaker. This was for the annual meeting of the AGO attorneys, back when we had money for stuff like that. He had us laughing so hard we were in tears.
- Matt Taibbi visits a Tea Party rally and lives to write about it: These folks define idiotocracy.
- In a marvelous case of serendipity I found this on the web right after my post, where five scientists tell about the most accurate science fiction in their fields: My favorite along these lines is a classic, Cyril Kornbluth's "The Marching Morons." It's the original version of "Idiocracy" — the basic idea is that selection now favors the stupid, and so if we go forward in time, that's what we'll see. The concept is simple and well-drawn; the consequences unexpected.
- For C'dad especially.
- Prospero, my belief is that if you don't vote, you can't complain, so I always vote. I've only missed one election in over 35 years of voting now.
- Thanks Michael for the inquiry. I'm making a long convalescence from the flu. I have a cough that sound like a walrus fart and I'm flat out tired by the end of the day, but other than that can't complain. You can always check on me at How are you? Heat levelling off?
- speaking of crotch. I saw a young woman yesterday who had pair of very tight pants on that had something like a jewelry item (a pearl on a wire) dropping from the pants' crotch. Am I missing a new fad here?
- Meg Whitman gets hoist by her own petard.
- Deborah, this was on a long wire and was pointing out the back end. I didn't have the guts to ask her as I was walking around Greenlake w/ the two dachshunds last night. btw looks like the MI AAG is on leave:
- Prince Albert makes it to "The Social Network" as well.
- Kathleen Parker, Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell. I sense a pattern here.
- Anyone going to be in Seattle this Saturday? Want to go dancing for a good cause?!/event.php?eid=164994900184038
- Jeff tmmo, How many of those drug convictions are for marijuana? I would guess that the majority are for meth or oxycontin type substances.
- Well, the Daily Beast has decided that all the Mama Grizzlies share a look with.....Monica Lewinsky!
- Glenn Beck is actually using dogwhistles to alert the Mormons the end times are coming.
- Answering the question we already had figured out here....
- You know, Joe, I'm just going to have to disagree with you there. I think Obama is far more intelligent and has a savvier political sense than most people, myself included. I would say the same about Winston Churchill, having just watched The Gathering Storm. I think that's who Cheney (and a large part of the W administration) modeled himself after. Only problem is Winston was right about Hitler and Cheney was wrong about Saddam Hussein.
- Brian, specifically thought of you when I read this, but it's of general concern that this sort of stuff is being published in recognized military journals these days.
- Hoo boy does the WaPo need a decent proof reader. See if you can spot the errors. And in a review of the Secretariat movie no less:,1158958/critic-review.html#reviewNum1
- It's also my son Seth's birthday and that of his great grandfather, for whom he was named. Although I didn't know that when Seth was born. Found out later doing detective work on the family. Happy birthday to all!
- George S. Kaufman was my favorite humorist and playright (or is it playwrite?). The comments recalling other quips are also worth it.
- Thanks, Jolene. Drew a blank on it today.
- Happy Birthday Deborah. We had a blast putting on a fundraiser for Saturday night. Dr. Jack West is a wonderful man for answering all these worried cancer sufferers and friends and family, all for free on the web to anyone who has questions. Pictures can be found here: I'm the pudgy woman with no hair.
- Cheney, I believe, saw himself as a latter day Winston Churchill, perceiving a true global threat while the rest of the world were miniature Neville Chamberlains. Unfortunately for him, he was very very wrong and we are all suffering the consequences.
- No one has yet commented on the Chilean miner who has his wife and his girlfriend waiting for him to come up. I hope some news outlet covers that reunion.
- Here it is.
- radio reports identified the woman greeting Barrios as his mistress.....Need to get the story straight here...
- Another wonderful column, Nancy. Thank you.
- Here's some family dysfunction bloggage from gin and tacos:
- Here's some fun my friend Candace at BGSU sent me: Laurel and Hardy and Santana
- C'dad, a friend of mine from college, Carl Lumbly, was in that movie. Didn't know it when we went so were vastly surprised and pleased to see him on screen.
- Happy party, Basset!!
- I watch only one show a week on commercial tv: House, MD. I was so pissed last night. There were 5 anti Patty Murray ads all in a row, only one of which had been paid for by her opponent. They were stupid and fact less. But they were very very negative. Then there were the initiatives. There are two on the ballot to commercialize liquor sales and keep the new liquor stores open til 2AM (you can buy beer and wine in grocery stores now but not the hard stuff). This, coming on top of the news about the banksters revving up to take over houses when folks default on property taxes, leads me to conclude that we are indeed living in Potterville. Then there is this: Glad to know that there are knucklehead assholes in every religion.
- The $116B Obama tax cut that no one seems to recall: And we've all benefitted.
- Anita Hill took and passed a polygraph test, Joe. Clarence Thomas refused to take one. I can tell you this much from personal experience. In 1989, I was selected by my then office (Seattle Regional office of the SEC) to be the EEO rep and traveled to San Diego for training in that. Our trainer was a black woman who had worked at the EEOC under Thomas and over the course of the three training days, she regaled us with a few stories of how stupid Thomas was. When he was nominated, and Hill became a target, I called her because I had her card and suggested that she speak up. She never called me back. Wonder why. And then there is this:
- Joe, I'm sorry. You don't get it. from the WaPo article: But Lillian McEwen, a former Senate Judiciary Committee lawyer who said she dated Clarence Thomas from 1979 through the mid-1980s, told The Washington Post in an interview that Hill's long-ago description of Thomas's behavior resonated with her. "The Clarence I know was certainly capable not only of doing the things that Anita Hill said he did, but it would be totally consistent with the way he lived his personal life then," said McEwen, who is writing her own memoir but has never before publicly discussed her relationship with Clarence Thomas. McEwen also told the Post she was not surprised that Virginia Thomas would leave Hill a message, even after all these years. "In his autobiography, Clarence described himself as a person incapable of doing what Anita Hill said he did," McEwen said. "He is married to a woman who is loyal to him and religious in a way he would like to be. This combination of religiosity and loyalty and belief that he is really the kind of person who he describes in his book would just about compel her to do something like that."
- Thank you Julie. Anyone who has watched episodes of Mad Men knows the truth. And given that sexual harassment is the sort that leaves no fingerprints, it will always be a 'he said, she said' sort of thing. Anita Hill was subpoenaed, she didn't volunteer to testify. She knew what would happen to her if she testified and yet she did. She spoke for all of us women who have been sexually harassed in the workplace (my account is in the post above, if you just click on it Joe). And given that over the years, she has not wavered, she has not sought out the limelight, she has merely persevered, her words still resonate. As opposed to Mr and Mrs Thomas who still harbor grudges, it seems.
- Dexter--Anita Hill had several co workers who were willing to testify that at the time the harassment occurred she had talked with them about it and was very troubled. The investigators for the Senate also got Thomas' video rental history and he did rent a fair amount of pornography (Does "Long Dong Silver" ring a bell?)
- apples and oranges, Joe. One is not the other. Paula Jones wanted the notoriety but Anita Hill did not. She only appeared because she was subpoenaed. You don't see her on tv shows like "Dancing with the Stars" or whatever their ilk was back 19 years ago. Paula Jones would have killed to have as much publicity. Anita Hill has never wanted it.
- Joe, I think you can take up your GWB rant with prospero, it wasn't Bob not Greene afaik. And for all you know, which you don't, I wanted Clinton to resign at the time. I thought his behavior was execrable.
- OMG. The birth rate disparity means we're going to be overrun with bubbas in 20 years! Guess we better hang on to the Senate, as the House will be Tea Party Central. OT. I am an inveterate spell checker and reader. Yesterday I finished reading Lionel Shriver's latest, "So Much for That" because I've embarked on a mission to read all the fiction books nominated for the National Book award this year. I wasn't sure I could read or finish it because it dealt with a woman who was dying of cancer, but found I really enjoyed and related to a number of aspects of the book, except the ending (which isn't a bad idea). However, I was disgruntled to find the word "hued" used where what was meant was "hewed." So I looked up the internet address of the editor and sent her an email. Not only did I get a nice response from the editor, this morning I woke up to a nice email from Ms. Shriver! My day is made.
- Jolene, I've offered Yglesias at least four times to edit his work for free. And Coates is the other one. He had a great post on the culture of poverty but it's impact was severely tempered by a number of typos that were no brainers. In fact in my email to Ms. Shriver's editor, I mentioned Coates!
- My thoughts exactly JayZ!! Bet it is icy in the Thomas household these days...
- I read 20 Harlequin romances the summer of 1976 to relax while studying for the Kentucky bar. Never went back. My favorite cruise story (not mine--although I went on one in 1998 with my parents and siblings and all of our families--it was ok but I'd rather be on a beach. and I chaired a multi-state investigation of a cruise line in 1999 when I was in Consumer Protection--they used Robin Leach as their spokesperson and were very very unfair and deceptive in their practices)involved a college friend who became the medical director of a very large cruise line headquarted in Seattle in the 1980's. They were looking to upgrade their medical staff from retired doctors to those who still practiced medicine. His first night on the ship, he was dressing in his tux for dinner at the captain's table and he got a phone call that someone in the early meal service had suffered a heart attack or stroke or something else really major. Initially he had qualms about running to the dining room clad only in his pants, but pulled on a tshirt and ran. He found a vacationer on the floor, unable to breathe and the elderly attending doctor unable to perform an emergency tracheostomy. He did the tracheostomy but the patient died. He said the weirdest part was that the diners all around, ignored the hubbub and tucked into their Baked Alaska without so much as a notice. Then there was the problem when all the latex gloves went missing. Turns out they didn't stock smaller size condoms for the Phillipine wait staff. So there you go.
- Nancy, both anecdotes were told at a dinner for 4--me, my ex, the doc and his wife who is also a doc. We were all classmates at Macalester. Those facts plus the point that the dinner was in the early 1980's, argues for the glove story to be true. Carter is not someone who would embellish tales.
- It's his Bourbon County chairman doing it. Nice work.
- Richard Cohen just does not know when to shut up: Cohen, among other sexual indiscretions, had an affair with the Katie Marton, wife of Peter Jennings, in 1987 and Ben Bradlee found out, refused to lie and Jennings divorced her 5 months later.
- My parents voted for Nixon over Kennedy in 1960, thereby putting politics over religion, which was not insignificant on my mother's side for the time. And I recall when JFK was shot in 1963, there were guys in my 6th grade class (Abby Stratton was the teacher, Alan) that cheered. As I had been raised to believe that FDR was a dirty word, I didn't realize the significance of the assassination or the cheering until much later. All I knew is that it ruined Sat. morning cartoons on my birthday, the 23d of Nov.
- Let's talk about those hostages in Iran, mark and recall that the Reagan team negotiated with the Iranians to make sure that they weren't released until after the election. That was sure playin' by the rules, wasn't it?
- Goebel Brewing Company in Detroit 1905. Comments have a modern view of the site.
- Why trickle down economics is a fraud:
- Snarkworth, thanks for the laugh at chemo this am!
- RoGirl, if it's any consolation Tom and Lorenzo agree with you:
- We vote by mail in Wa state for the most part. And the kids get their ballots delivered to my house because they change addresses so frequently. Threw out the one that came to Seth because he's registered to vote in MN now. But Sarah and Matt filled out their ballots along with me and we sent them in. Then Sarah gets a letter from the King County elections bureau. Her signature on her ballot does not match the signature on file. D'oh. She's in her 4th year of medical school and her signature has become a "doctor's" signature. Not sure if her ballot will be counted but she has three ways to fix it retroactively. She could go in to one of their offices (which of course she hasn't the time to do and they are all out in the boonies) or she can have two citizens attest that she is who her signature says she is or she can send in an attestation page with a copy of a picture id with a matching signature line. She chose door no. 2 but it will not get in til after the election. Which I hope is not another 24 vote cliffhanger, but with Dino Rossi involved it could be. Where are these idiot voters? And how can we reach them and change their minds? I don't think I've seen so much stupidity on display ever in my life.
- dissection of the Tea Party meme.
- I have to say, with 8 years of Bush/Cheney under my belt, I'm more familiar with tearing down those in power than helping build them up. So perhaps there's a silver lining in this. /sarcasm.
- Dave Weigel had a good tweet about Evan Bayh's editorial. Something about "Shut up quitter." I can get behind that. Patty Murray is winning but the Seattle Times doesn't want to give up their wet dream of Dino Rossi taking it away from her. I didn't drink last night, probably just as well. A woman down the street from me committed suicide Sunday night. She'd been living with her mother, who went into a nursing home after a series of strokes rendered her incompetent and the other siblings were selling the house to pay for the care. This woman, who was in her late 40s early 50's, had been into drugs, in jail for a period of time, had no job and faced being homeless. She'd lived off the proceeds of the estate sale of the contents of the house from earlier this summer but the money had run out. An offer on the house was received Sunday and she hung herself in the basement several hours later. Right before trick or treating started in my neighborhood.
- Catherine, Maybe when the glaucoma kicks in? (big grin)
- Well, Dexter, let's be all bipartisan and talk about Mark Kirk who lied just as much about his military record or more, and still got elected as the Republican Senator from IL. ps. I meant to tell Sue I loved her initial post. And Jeff Borden, I am stealing your summary of the GWB interview. Damn fine snark.
- The hits just keep coming. Erick Erickson of Redstate has a list of the next RINOs to be booted from the GOP Senate in 2012: John Barasso (WY) Scott Brown (MA) Bob Corker (TN) John Ensign (NV) Orrin Hatch (UT) Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) Jon Kyl (AZ) Richard Lugar (IN) Olympia Snowe (ME) Roger Wicker (MS)
- Dexter, was the GI Bill gone by the time of VN?
- I've been paying for health insurance all the years I've been employed--33 of them and in the early days, I didn't use it. So I subsidized older, sicker folks' health care as a result. That's what insurance is: spreading the risk. And the best way to do that is to include every US citizen in the health insurance/health care pool.
- When I lived in Lexington back in the late '70's, I had a boyfriend named Dave who was a rabid and vocal Pirates fan. Of course we would go to Cincinnati for the Pirates/Reds games but we'd have to move ever 2 or 3 innings because Dave was so obnoxious, it was that or get into fights. I still remember those times and Dave fondly.
- Just back from the American College of Physicians luncheon where my daughter was given the "Outstanding Medical student of the year" award.* Dr. Pauw, the presenter, said of her: "She has a heart of gold and the soul of a healer." I came close to tears. *this was for the 5 state region of Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
- Been having a debate on another forum about healthcare, and I learned something today. I thought 100 billion made a trillion. I was wrong. It is 1000 billion. So, if total health care costs in this country are 2.3 trillion and medical malpractice costs are 8.6 billion, that's .3 percent of the total. Amazing.
- I got that it was a joke, Joe. Kind of hard to have a sense of humor these days, isn't it? OT: conjoined twins share a brain.
- There was a story out during the GWB presidency, where a woman who was driving in a car with Barbara out of the long Bush driveway, watched as GWB, riding a mountain bike ahead of the car, drove slowly swerving from side to side to make sure that his mother took the longest time possible to exit the property. The woman wrote that GWB was obviously pissed at his mom. And this was when he was 30-40 years old. I think putting tacky stories like this in his "memoir" are nothing more than that petulant adult, still trying to get back at his parents.
- Found the anecdote I remembered. Now, mind you, GWB maintains that the reason he put the fetus in the jar story in his autobiography was to show how he became closer to his mother. Really? What about the 20+ years afterwards, drinking, drugging and getting his girlfriend a Mexican abortion? He claims that it brough he and his mom closer together but frankly that's a lie. He was drunk and a troublemaker for more than 20 years after that, and if rumor is correct, at least one girlfriend went to Mexico for an abortion. This story, to me, is illustrative of what his real relationship with his mother was post-miscarriage: Around the same time, for the 1972 Christmas holiday, the Allisons met up with the Bushes on vacation in Hobe Sound, Fla. Tension was still evident between Bush and his parents. Linda was a passenger in a car driven by Barbara Bush as they headed to lunch at the local beach club. Bush, who was 26 years old, got on a bicycle and rode in front of the car in a slow, serpentine manner, forcing his mother to crawl along. "He rode so slowly that he kept having to put his foot down to get his balance, and he kept in a weaving pattern so we couldn't get past," Allison recalled. "He was obviously furious with his mother about something, and she was furious at him, too."
- I was not a Hillary supporter, but I thought that interview was great! She's someone I'd like to have a beer with.
- Michael G, I saw that same Shakespeare play on TV: A Midsummer Night's Dream. The cast, these days, sounds fantastic. I wonder if it can be purchased. Answering my own question:
- Watched all three of the Sherlock episodes, Julie and loved 'em. Now have to wait almost a year for the next installments, assuming we get them at the same time as Britain does. I think Benedict Cumberbatch is quite fetching.
- alex, you need to give your audience more background. I am shocked, shocked, I tell you that Bush plagiarized from his subordinates' books!!!
- I have to say reading your comments made the chemo pass that much faster today. Several times I laughed out loud then had to explain it to my friend, Anne, who was there with me. Thanks guys!
- Julie and LAMary: word.
- The ex gave me a vacuum cleaner our last Christmas together. It was a used one from his mother's 'estate' (to be honest she was quite poor when she died). Should have figured it out because that was the same Christmas he went out and bought himself nice, new fancy underwear.
- It's a great day when I agree with mark and Rana and LAMary and Jolene. And for those of you who are out of ideas for Christmas gifts:
- What LA Mary said, Brian. Your intellectual curiosity, particularly about Lincoln and the Civil War, has made me think a few times. Thanks for that.
- Thanks, Alex. I sent it to my brother Mark and his partner.
- Thanks all for the bday wishes. I got the day off from work, courtesy of a record snowfall. Got up and discovered that the cold had frozen my hot water tank. But not before Max, the 80 lb arthritic black lab had gone down to the basement and taken a dump and couldn't get back up the stairs. My back is killing me. So I was outside with my hair dryer and an extension cord for a half hour and my feet frozze. But once back inside it has been putter heaven. And I have to note that ever since the City of Seattle instituted free composting, I don't have a clogged kitchen sink. Oh, and in preparation for the new True Grit, I got the old one to show my 20 year old son. Half way through he turned to me and said, "This movie sucks, Mom." Just the sensibilities of the younger generation...But frankly, it was pretty bad. Even with all the star firepower.
- Present, Nancy.
- Happy birthday November baby! Us Sagittarians must stick together!
- Actually, I was delighted to see Cohen at the top of the hack list. I've been fuming about him for years. And his affair with the wife of Peter Jennings, for which he was ratted out by none other than Ben Bradlee, put him on my list. This, together with Delay's convictions have made my Thanksgiving memorable.
- I stayed home and made turkey soup from the carcass and a crockpot. It goes into Max's dog food to soften it because of his laryngeal surgery--he has to have soft food. He's loving it! Oh, and I also washed windows. How's that for excitement? PS: Tim G has company--FOX News plagiarizes the Onion.
- Adrianne, Thanks for the review of "The Warmth of Other Sons" Need to put that on my TBR list.
- When you have one child, you can double team him or her. Two children? Man to man defense. Three? You move to (a very porous) zone defense. I have holes in my memory of those days, which is probably a good thing.
- Jeff tmmo, Kenneth Miller was a professor of my daughter's at Brown. She thought he was the best. She certainly got an excellent science education there. And at Garfield,her central Seattle public high school.
- Jeff tmmo. Unfortunately you are participating in the "if A then B is equal comparison." It's a logical argument fallacy. You cannot post a comparable number of numbnut Democrat sayings or philosophy to equal all the crap out there that the Republicans are swilling and spitting out into the public discourse. I triple dog dare you to do it. What you can find is numberless, craven Democrats without the spine to speak up and take these aholes down.
- I need levity today. Lots of it.
- A friend from Mpls must've read my mind. She sent me this today:
- I thought this was an interesting observation about Nate Silver and many currently practicing the craft of journalism (or as Atrios calls it, journanimalism :
- Jeff tmmo: It is far closer to that than you imagine. I received this analysis of the tax cuts from an attorney in AZ. Too bad the media can't take the time to understand it and write about it accurately. "...income over $250,000 will be taxed at a higher rate. But even those who make $1 million a year will see the first $200,000 (for single filers) or $250,000 (married filing jointly) taxed at the lower current rates, and the lines will be moved so that some income now taxed at 33% will go down to a 28% marginal rate. Everybody paying income taxes now would see the Bush income tax cuts extended at current rates, and people up around the top 3% (at ~$200,000) would see their marginal tax rates go down on part of that income. Under Obama's proposal, income approaching and then over $250,000, which is now taxed at 33 and 35% - the change from 33 to 35% is at $373,650 - will go down to 28% at the lower end of the range, and will go up to 36% at $250,000 (married filing jointly) or $200,000 (for single filers), and then to 39.6% at $375,700 and above (whether single or married filing jointly)."
- Part of the reason that I am so frustrated about this tax crap is that the media is NOT reporting what Democrats are saying. I hate to sound like prospero, but it seems that Sen. Kerry was dishing it out y'day but all we get in the intertubes is crickets:
- sigh
- The Wikileaks story is starting to resemble the plot in the SF book, Neuromancer. William Gibson got it very right many years ago....
- Well, Sully thinks that Obama is ahead of the curve.
- the dark side of cancer fundraising.
- Kirk, we used the "between the sheets" line when we would read off titles from juke boxes in restaurants (when they still had them). And LA Mary, my two brothers classified and named farts. SBD was the most popular because of the surprise element, but then there was Toby, named for a loud rip roar and Rose which was a sweet and sticky fart. We had long conversations about these growing up but generally sotto voce because in our household we could not use the words 'pee' (dodo was the accepted term) and 'poop' (we had to say grunt instead). A Defiance, Ohio upbringing here.
- Coozledad, will you make it to Elizabeth Edwards' funeral to block Westboro Baptist church from doing evil Saturday?
- In Kentucky, Versailles is pronounced "Ver-sales" and Athens, of course, has a long "a" with the emphasis on the first syllable. I also have a list of all the weird town names from that state/commonwealth:
- I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the proprietress and everyone here. It is always a day brightener to visit.
- There's a reason Bea Arthur denied being in the Marines. I'm sorry she felt she had to do it, because it would not have mattered to me. But this was a while ago.
- well my basement flooded today. First time for me and I'm still up trenching and drying.
- Dorothy, just back from chemo and more trench digging so I too have joined your prayer tree for your husband. Might we know his first name, so I can offer it up at church on Sunday for the whole congregation to join in? They're good at this. edit: Ah, see his name is Mike by re-reading the comments. Speed, not comprehension was my strong suit. Prayers and good thoughts coming your way from the upper left hand corner of the map!
- a draft would mean that draftees would come from all segments of society including the richest sectors, which is what put the brakes on the Vietnam war finally. I tend to believe that history would repeat itself here. And Jon Stewart pulls the mask off the sanctimony of the Republicant's (his word). As Ashley Morris would say, "fuck them fucking fuckmooks."
- There are a number of legal problems in Judge Hudson's decision invalidating part of the health care act as well. TPM has a good precis: And a friend of mine, who is a law school professor wrote this: I think [Judge] Hudson is wrong for reasons that go beyond his treatment of the N&P power, but I also acknowledge that the constitution eventually means whatever five justices say it means. I think he is wrong because Wickard v. Filburn decided that the government can compel participation in a market by forbidding you from feeding your cattle with grains you have grown for their consumption: "The effect of the statute before us is to restrict the amount which may be produced for market and the extent, as well, to which one may forestall resort to the market by producing to meet his own needs" (emphasis added). Raich more recently held Congress had the power to regulate home production of marijuana for home consumption, with no showing that anything -- not the seeds, not the dirt, not the pot, not the water -- came from outside CA. Beyond Wickard and Raich, the claim that the uninsured are not in the market is sheer fiction dressed up as formalism. As soon as they incur any serious illness or injury, they will show up in the emergency room or the Medicaid office and expect the rest of us to pay for their health care. People who can but choose not to buy health insurance are betting (with absolute confidence) that if anything bad does happen to them, government or government-mandated charity care will pick up the tab. The government does not have to keep taking that one-sided bet. Heads you win, tails we lose. It really does seem preposterous to claim that Congress lacks power to address such an obvious free-rider problem, in the context of an industry that is pervasively regulated, covers a large fraction of the economy, and buys and sells goods and services and financial obligations in interstate commerce every day. Perhaps Congress can also do this under the spending power. Once a society becomes sufficiently civilized that it pays for health care for those in need (which may be the real political debate here), it can enact rules to prevent that generosity from being abused. The enforcement mechanism can be characterized as a tax; that would also settle the question. Hudson (and Vinson in FL) seem to think that Congress has to call something a tax before it can be a tax, which is an odd way for one coordinate branch to treat another coordinate branch's enumerated powers, and to Romeo v. Juliet: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." It should be an easy case based on the last seventy years of commerce clause, necessary and proper clause, tax and spending clause cases. But as I said, getting to five is what counts.
- Tim O'Brien is a graduate of my alma mater--Macalester College. He is a real treasure.
- Do you want to be a journalist?
- My ex's family is a long line of ministers, mostly German Reformed. My former brother in law is a fervent vegan who built his own house in Waldo, Maine and who does without electricity or hot water. And he only works (as a foreign car repairman) until he reaches the IRS minimum for tax purposes. I decided some time ago that he's the modern day manifestation of the Puritan mentality. ps. who's going to see Glenn Beck in Wilmington OH?
- Richard Cohen pens a Mitch Albomesque obit of Richard Holbrooke (whose 3d wife was Katie Marton):
- Oh, Dorothy, I am so happy to hear that! And thank you Bob, not Greene for the rousing defense of lawyers. We're not all like that.
- Another note about drinking alcohol in cold weather. My dad did a 2 year residency at the Mayo Clinic in anesthesia when I was a senior in high school and a freshman in college. I remember one of his stories had to do with snowmobile riders who put their flasks in the back pockets of their snow suits then would take them out for a big ol' swig in the midst of nowhere after riding for an hour or two. Alcohol can go much lower than the freezing temp for water, and what they did was they froze the inside of their throats. Very dangerous stuff to hear my dad tell it.
- The Secession Ball is tomorrow night in Charleston. Tickets are $100 per.
- Louche is from the French word for squinting. Here are some definitions that include more than you thought:
- Am writing from chemo on my IPOd, so this may be sketchier than usual, but any time your spouse gives you a vacuum cleaner for Xmas should be the occasion for warning bells to start going off. Particularly if it's a used model from said spouse's impoverished mother's estate.
- Steve Landesberg, of Barney Miller fame, has died of cancer at 65. I liked him. Jeff (tmmo) there was a New Yorker piece a number of years ago about a housing initiative that did not require you to be clean and sober before you were given a home. Can't find the article but did find this:
- a fun detour:
- Shoot, Deborah, I thought grandkids were supposed to be great fun. Dang.
- My son (whose self portrait is currently my gravatar) saw Black Swan and loved it. He now wants to go to ballets. So if that led him there, so much the better. Maybe he will develop an appreciation for the real thing.
- Coozledad, I've always said that onanism is its own reward.
- Coozledad, Here's Bernadette Peters on the Tonight Show:
- Oh, Scout, I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. Such a bad time for this to happen. My 13 year old lab, Max, is having a very hard time walking down stairs. He still loves to run after his kong but it's not really a run, since the back legs don't work too well. He was our Christmas puppy back in '97 and it was my best Christmas ever. At least I don't get the official Christmas card from the ex, the state treasurer. I'm sure his letter is full of all sorts of fun things, like the 2 1/2 week trip to Corsica this fall and his wedding in August. Today he took our kids skiing. At least it's local, last year it was to an expensive resort in Utah, where his wife owns a condo.
- God, I love you guys...
- Scout, I am so sorry to hear of Norman's passing. Max, Scooter, Truffle and I will say a prayer tonight for him.
- My cats were Dorothy Parker, Whimbeldon, and Thurber.
- David Sedaris on 6-8 Black Men:
- Heard another term worth remembering over the holidays. You know what to call the ponytail hairstyle preferred by aging, balding hippie men? A skullet. That made my evening. ps. the health scammers are prevalent in the cancercare industry:
- My favorite scent, Memoire Cherie, by Elizabeth Arden, was discontinued years ago when an ingredient became illegal. I've since found a place in TX that makes the perfume, but then I went into a period of not wearing anything as a member in my choir was allergic to perfumes, and I've just not gotten back into the habit. Have to say, I'd like to shake each and every on street smoker I walk past. Even outside, their stink cannot be avoided.
- John, here are some leads for you:
- those performing the services as government employees are paid far in excess to those performing the same service in the private sector. That's a good one, mark. I have never been paid in excess of attorneys in private practice. I even took a pay cut to jump from the federal service to the state of Washington in 1994. At this point in time, I earn maybe, if I am lucky, one third of what attorneys with my years of experience earn in the private sector. I chose government work because I needed regular hours raising my kids, so I went into it eyes wide open. But when some yahoo like you tries to tell me that I earn more, after watching my former associates from private practice pay off the mortgages on their 3000 sq ft mansions by the lake and purchase vacation homes or travel abroad every year, that's so full of crap as to merit a diaper.
- Jolene, I read Drew Gilpin Faust's Republic of Suffering. It's a superb history book but you're right, a real downer. I don't know how she could have seen it through to the end. My book club read it and had a very interesting discussion as a result.
- I had my son install my exterior light when he was home and then I fixed the jammed disposal on my own, by sticking a broomstick down it and manually turning the grinders. Out popped a piece of metal that had gotten stuck underneath. All this meant is that the $500 I would have spent there got spent on veterinary care for Scooter when he herniated two disks. Nothing like a credit card.
- I dream of houses frequently, but they are all different kinds in different neighborhoods, but they are always my house, the one I own and live in. It's very perplexing when I wake up because I have to add a new type/style of house to the collection. As far as the autism/thimerosol fraud, that doctor is still proclaiming his innocence and CNN gave him a platform to do so without pointing out the lack of basis for his claims. I find that to be on a par with most of their shoddy reporting these days.
- Jolene, you are right, but what I did not know is that untaxed native Americans are still not counted as part of the population following the 14th amendment.
- As someone who really didn't need a bra until late in life (thank you breast feeding!), I've always been hard to fit. Lately it's worse with the port installed directly below my right clavicle--I have to find bras with straps that don't rub and irritate it.
- the error behind the assumption that government workers make lots of money
- prospero, here are the significant findings from the report you have cited: What are the major findings from this study? A total of 378 statistical tests were conducted. Each child was tested on 42 neuropsychological outcomes, 3 exposure periods and the full model plus gender specific analyses. Among the 42 outcomes measured, the study found that the majority of the outcomes had NO association with thimerosal exposure and most associations would be what is expected by chance alone. Only a few statistically significant associations or consistent patterns between exposure to thimerosal and neuropsychological functioning were found. •Among males, increased prenatal exposure was associated with significantly better performance in visual spatial ability (Stanford Binet Copying test), and poorer performance with attention and executive functioning (WISC III Digit Span Backward Recall test). There were no significant associations for females. •Increased exposure from birth to 7 months of age was associated with significantly better performance among males on achievement (WJ-III: Letter-Word Identification test) and among females on fine motor coordination (Grooved Peg Board Non-Dominant Hand test) and attention and executive functioning (WISC III Digit Span Backward Recall test). Among males, higher exposure was associated with poorer performance with attention and executive functioning (Brief Parent Rating of Behavioral Regulation test), and a higher likelihood of motor and phonic tics reported by the child assessor were observed. •Among males, higher exposures during the first 28 days of life had beneficial associations with improved performance on five motor coordination (Finger-Tapping-Dominant-Hand and the Finger-Tapping-Non-Dominant-Hand tests) and general intellectual functioning (WASI Performance IQ test). Among females, higher exposure was associated with poorer scores on one test of verbal intellectual functioning (WASI Verbal IQ) and a lower likelihood of motor tics reported by parents were observed. The weight of the evidence in this study does not support a causal association between early mercury exposure from thimerosal-containing vaccines and/or immunoglobulins and neuropsychological functioning at ages 7 to 10 years. emphasis added
- This article indicates it is flushed out, albeit slowly. And at the risk of repeating myself, prospero, because I don't seem to be understood, the conclusion of the study seems to be that the exposure is not toxic: The weight of the evidence in this study does not support a causal association between early mercury exposure from thimerosal-containing vaccines and/or immunoglobulins and neuropsychological functioning at ages 7 to 10 years.
- I am trying to approach this with an open and horrified mind, but the evidence so far is leading to the tea party: 5 dead thus far, including a 9 year old girl. The man in custody is 22 and has a very bizarre website: Her opponent in the last election: Palin's website may be taken down now, but here is a cached version: news about the judge killed:
- The other way the right wing puts it is that Rep. Giffords was a right wing leaning Dem and the Obama and left wings targeted her for assassination. Fox News talked about how this was hard for poor Gov. Brewer. As if. They can all go to hell.
- This Tweet from SP completely discounts her contention that the symbol used above was from surveying: "Remember months ago "bullseye" icon used 2 target the 20 Obamacare-lovin' incumbent seats? We won 18 out of 20 (90% success rate;T'aint bad) 8:43 AM Nov 4th, 2010 via Twitter for BlackBerry®"
- Tom Delay sentenced to 3 years:
- Joe, Did you view the youtube I posted at #33 above? Please do so. Did you know that John Hinckley was trying to impress Jodie Foster when he shot Reagan? His parents were wealthy Republicans and donated to George HW Bush's campaign. In fact, another Hinckley son was supposed to have dinner the night of the assassination attempt with Neil Bush. For you to try to make the assassination attempts against two sitting presidents somehow equivalent to the present day horrors means you don't get it. They are all wrong. One does not excuse the other. We are a nation of laws, I hope. Not a nation of lynchers. Loghner will get his day in court, and hopefully a fair trial. Your comments about killing him now are intemperate.
- John Hinckley was found not guilty by reaason of insanity. There is that possibility, especially given that the public defender assigned to him defended the unabomber and other violent individuals. I am still not convinced by your argument. There's a sort of "well the other side did it too" that totally beside the point.
- Deborah, I file that Ailes statement under the heading, "who knew there was gambling going on?" I will believe it when I see it and Glenn Beck was not toned down yesterday. Ooh, and this from Rush Limbaugh via Andrew Sullivan:
- Jolene, your link is weird. What am I not seeing?
- The Corporation for Public Broadcasting still is full of Bush appointees. Which explains the rightward drift of their news in the past 4-5 years.
- All but one of the current CPB board were appointed by Bush. One hopes that the conservative agenda at CPB has lightened since this: “In 2004 and 2005, there were complaints by people within PBS and NPR that the CPB was starting to push a conservative agenda [7][8], while board members counter that they are merely seeking balance. Polls of the PBS and NPR audiences in 2002 and 2003 indicated that few felt that the groups' news reports contained bias, and those that saw a slant were split as to which side they believed the reports favored. The president of CPB, Patricia Harrison, is a former co-chair of the Republican National Committee; between 2001-2010, its chair was a Republican. The charge of a conservative agenda reached a head in 2005. The point man of the controversy, Kenneth Tomlinson, was the chair of the CPB board from September 2003 until September 2005. During his time as Chair, he drew the anger of PBS and NPR supporters by unilaterally commissioning a study of alleged bias of the PBS show, NOW with Bill Moyers, conducted by a conservative colleague, and by appointing two conservatives as CPB Ombudsmen.[9] On November 3, 2005, Tomlinson resigned from the board in the face of allegations of scandal. A report of his tenure by the CPB Inspector General, Kenneth Konz, requested by House Democrats, prompted his resignation. On November 15, the report was made public. It found evidence that "the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) former Chairman violated statutory provisions and the Director’s Code of Ethics by dealing directly with one of the creators of a new public affairs program during negotiations with PBS and the CPB over creating the show." It also "found evidence that suggests “political tests” were a major criteria used by the former Chairman in recruiting a President/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for CPB, which violated statutory prohibitions against such practices".[10]”
- mark, actually Obama's "bring a knife to a gunfight" was courtesy of a character in The Untouchables who was commenting on "the Chicago way." Obviously his saying this phrase once is completely comparable and much worse than the violent rhetorical excesses displayed by Limbaugh, Beck and Palin over the last few years (at least ten for the first two) or so. And Mark H, NPR still seems to me to be bending over backwards to make false equivalences in their news programs. I think it is a reaction to the constant attacks they are bombarded with by FOX news. So in that case, the FOX strategy seems to be working. I would agree that the NPR broadcasts are not as tilted as they were several years ago, but I still think that they are afraid.
- Looks like the GM bailout worked. Can't wait to see what the right wing hankie wringers have to say about this.
- It appears that the Chinese Mommie Dearest story is more complex than the WSJ let on:
- "were" or "weren't" Linda? I get confused easily.
- That is great news, Dorothy! I'm pulling for Mike! Chemo is no fun and if he can avoid it, so much the better.
- I realize that this may set off prospero, but I didn't know that Bush's cyber guru was killed in a plane crash 3 years ago:
- Congratulations on the ten years, Nancy. I've been blogging for 7 but not so regularly as you. I've hit a rough patch where I'm trying to writing about my great aunt and my grandmother and the rest of their families but I have so much information from their estates with letters, newspaper clippings, antique photographs, that it is difficult to organize and present coherently. btw I have several issues of a Fort Wayne paper (the competiton to the Journal Gazette) that I took from the family home in Paulding that date the day after Pearl Harbor. I was wondering if you would like them, as I am sure my kids would not be interested. I found that all the extraneous things in the paper like the classifieds and the ads are really interesting.
- We had to destroy the village to save it. Shades of Vietnam coming back to haunt us:
- I don't have a dog in the current marital fidelity matters involving Sarah and the first Dude. But I will note that it was the National Enquirer that broke the John Edwards story. Now how many right wing pundits went on air to criticize them when they did that?
- Why Josh Marshall continues to pay attention to Sarah Palin. Makes sense to me.
- Anderson Cooper said it was the Comcast merger that gave the heave ho to Keith. I miss the old days when the govt was agin' media monopolies.
- Brian, I too went to see True Grit last night. Wasn't looking forward to it because I didn't like the original very much (saw it 4 months ago to bone up for the new one and it just seemed wooden and not very real). But like you I came away very amazed at the powerful reaction it engendered in me. I wonder if it will beat The King's Speech out for Best Picture? A quintessentially American movie vs. a quintessentially British movie--the type of conflict that I like to see!
- Hey, Nancy. Tell Alan that my brother, Mark, Alan's friend from Spencer School is doing good these days: I am so proud of him. He worked hard to raise the money and get the equipment.
- Cooze, at least some of the men from Galliano sported decent pants that fit right. Every single one of the pants on the models from this designer suck. And I mean that in a bad way...
- Christopher Hitchens is in high dudgeon about "The King's Speech." History may be 20/20 but living it at the time sure isn't.
- Louie Louie is Washington's state rock song because the Kingsmen hail from here. I remember when that song was banned in Indiana.
- My two older children did very well in the public school system. They went to Garfield, the high school in the worst part of town, but one that was a math/science magnet. My youngest didn't want to follow them so he wound up at the richest public high school and did rather poorly there. I was and remain extremely impressed with and grateful to the Garfield staff for giving my kids an education that has stood them in great stead in their lives. Elementary school was another story:
- Nancy, thank you. That is high praise.
- I shared Hank's link with lots of folks yesterday. Combined with the other links supplied on the thread it gives me lots of ammo to refudiate some charter schools supporters that drive me crazy. Currently I am in a debate with some hoser about this sign: His riposte? Comparing Obama to Jesus? You libs need to get a grip. It gets worse from there....
- Nancy, Laura Lippman has been nominated for an Edgar for her latest mystery! Let's break out the champagne and Cassis and make kir royales!
- For Brian, Lincoln's other Mother:
- Bill Maher has some interesting comparisons to make between football and baseball:
- Rana, if the judicial decision in FL is upheld, there will be NO health care reform whatsoever. he threw out everythng.
- Looks like Judge Vinson, the judge that struck down the Health Care Act yesterday, may have been caught Goeglein in his decision. He cribbed from a brief filed by the Family Research Council, an organization the Southern Poverty Law Center labelled a 'hate group' in 2010.
- Jeff tmmo, when you mentioned LSD above, my first thought was, "who would be taking drugs at this time?" Sorry, long day.
- Just be glad you aren't in Queensland.
- When I was living with a family in Offenbach Germany the summer of 69, I got into an argument with Marita, the daughter, about whether Bert Bachrach was a German or an American citizen. I'd grown up listening to Mr. McCarthy on the morning radio and he knew it all, so I wrote to him from Germany. Only I addressed it to Charlie McCarthy. However, he was kind enough to respond and tell me that Bachrach was indeed a German citizen at the time, so I lost the bet.
- Dave, you're right. It WAS Bert Kaempfert. I just could not believe that the guy who wrote "Strangers in the Night" was not American
- Ok, coozledad, that Virginia Woolf reference went right by me. I don't get it. Can you help, pls?
- Frank Zappa: Don't eat that Yellow Snow
- Coozledad, natural fertilizer is insufficient to create the amount of food that we need. At the turn of the last century, the world was facing a severe food shortage because of a lack of fertilizer. Islands filled with guana off the west coast of S. American had been denuded to try to keep up with demand. Fritz Haber, a Jewish German chemist, discovered how to separate nitrogen from the air and create fertilizer which actually saved us from famine. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for this. It also, ironically, became the basis for the creation of poison gas in WW1 Furthermore, Haber, a German patriot, who had served in the German military in WW1, had to flee for his life when Hitler came to power. He died a broken man in England. You can read a fascinating biography of him here:
- Jolene, I have passed those photos on to everyone I can think of. Thanks so much. Speaking of Georgia, Mark P., is this your state legislator?
- I have a Sabooroo too. That's how they pronounce the name in KY. It's a 2000 that leaks when it rains (not good in Seattle) and leaks oil, but it's been a great little car for me all these years.
- Oh, beb, let us know the denouement. How tragic.
- Brian, The Kids movie ran afoul of the the Who's song. Which was why it was titled the way it was. My pick for the Oscar is True Grit, anyway.
- Seattle's been the Emerald City since 1985 and it's very well accepted around here. There was a contest and that appellation won. My submission was City of the Silver Linings.
- More on Ms. Trunk: she married a farmer back in April, except that it wasn't really a marriage because if it were the IRS would slap a lien on his farm because she owes taxes. She's got quite a following. Go figure.
- Here's someone who didn't like the Chrysler ad:
- LA Mary, Rep. Chris Lee's resignation is either a sign that the GOP is going heavy, for now, on cheaters, or he does have more trash coming down the pike. I would note there are a number of GOP heavy weights who have suffered no consequences or did not resign for their transgressions, like John Ensign and David Vitter for starters.
- In Seattle, they recently constructed a small trolley to go between the south end of Lake Union and the downtown. South Lake Union Trolley right? The tshirts (which are gone) are a hoot. It's been renamed but I can't remember the new one.
- The stump of one of the apple trees Johnny Appleseed planted was part of a small park in Defiance, OH. I didn't know he was a Swedenborgian. Makes a weird sort of sense. Wonderful book that is tangentially about Swedenborgianism: The Chess Garden by Brooks Hansen. also, has anyone seen Mr. Deity and the scripts? Loved it.
- Best name I can come up with from Defiance was the Sticke and Frye funeral home.
- One of the attorneys in my office, who is in a different division than me, is named Rusty Fallis. Then, I think it can be safely claimed that Kentucky has more weird town names than any other state:
- Something was done in 2010 with an actor re: Johnny Appleseed. Titled "Don't Call me Johnny"
- well written, mark. Would have loved to see the race.
- In Hawaii til next Thursday. Good time to let current events slide. Aloha
- The WI law kills collective bargaining rights which essentially neuters any union. As a state employee myself (albeit one who is not a union member --attorneys are exempt as 'professionals') I know that I make a third of what my counterparts in private practice do on average and 80% of what the county prosecutors make. The governor of WI is doing nothing less than breaking the state unions and anyone who says it's not that bad is seriously reality impaired.
- Yeah, del. I think the prosecutors are unionized. The Consumer Prptection Division in my office tried to unionize. They were litigated out of existence by the then Democratic AG who is now the hub of WA
- guv not hub. Typing on an iPod is a bitch.
- Had a mai tai on the back porch tonight and watched the sun set into the Pacific ocean. I do not want to go home!
- Ok, it's been a roller coaster returning to the Emerald City. I fly back Wed night and as soon as the pilot announces the 27 degree temp in Seattle and we can see the snow falling from our plane windows, the folks in the airplane start the chant, "Turn around! Turn around!" Coldest weather on record for this month. If I could, I'd turn around right now, too. As it is we celebrated the miraculous return of my brother's and partner's dog today after 3 days missing in the south Seattle industrial area, after she was attacked by 2 big dogs in downtown Seattle. Truly a wonderful feeling for Mark and John as Lily, who originally was a rescue dog, is their child. So am most grateful for this particular gift of grace.
- Gawker must be overwhelmed. I can't raise the site.
- squid tattoo
- My youngest son frequented hookah lounges for a few years, even after I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Hopefully he's out of that sub genre now in rural Vermont.
- I am 200 something in line at the library for Major Pettigrew. I sure wish they would get Kindle enabled. A friend who works at Amazon says that is possible. They already do e-books.
- Excuuse me but I seem to recall that we fought the Brits to gain our independence. Is Huckabee saying he would've been on the Redcoats side back then? Or is he just angling for an invite to the wedding? Edited to add these points about brain injuries in football. I wonder if the sport will survive?
- this is great news, Velvet. Ever since my brother's dog was found last Saturday, I've determined to 'pay it forward.' This morning, however, the guy I gave all my change to was pissed because it wasn't the $3 he was asking for. Love that gratitude!
- Just saw the Oscar winning documentary, "Inside Job." I wish more people would go see it. Time to be demonstrating on Wall Street and time for some perp walks for fancy pants financial services CEOs. I wouldn't recommend to prospero though, because his heart might not be able to take it.
- Oh, Dave. My favorite bumpersticker is, "I want to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am." I understand exactly what you are going through. Hugs and sympathy in abundance.
- A younger member of our church works at Amazon. He said that Kindles should be able to download books from the library, but the librarian I emailed wrote that it was not possible given the current state of technology from amazon. Wonder who is right here?
- Guess it's not going so well for the Indiana Secretary of State:
- What a great column and comments today! Here's my contribution, stolen from a friend's FB post:
- Looks like the WI GOP revealed their true hand and have decertified the public employees union. That's what it was all about, all the time.
- Julie, Seattle is just a few hours away from Vancouver. (hint, hint)
- Michigan is screwed?
- Does anyone here have contacts in Japan that could be of use to a couple who is searching for their son who was teaching English in Sendai (the epicenter of the earthquake). His name is Aaron Strumwasser and they are frantic with worry. They've tried the State Dept and google and everything else they can think of, but no contacts yet. Thanks.
- Thanks Little Bird. btw on another topic entirely, I'm wondering if the folks here remember about tomorrow. No, not Daylight Savings Time, but the idiots who are going to pull to the side of the road and spend an hour honking against Obama cheered on by Sarah Palin. I fully expect most of us will see a few. We should keep a running tally.
- Good news from Japan tonight. Aaron called his folks and they are so relieved! He is staying at a shelter in an elementary school. No idea what's next, but at least they know he's alive and well. His father called my brother in tears about a half hour ago. Here's the KING 5 story about them before they got the call:
- Thanks, mark. And Tori, I will post the search request on my FB when I get home from work.
- a graphic to show the change in taxes proposed by Snyder. hint: the poorer classes lose
- MJ Rosenberg thinks Maher is anti-Muslim:
- Julie, best of luck to you and to your sister. Take care.
- Wow. Lots to think about here. Thanks to Nancy and both Jeffs. And Monty Python is so ON TARGET these days, Sue.
- Kirk, the link ThinkProgress gives works--it goes to the Columbus Dispatch. Not Cincinnati. Understandable confusion perhaps if you're not from Ohio or the surrounding states. And Prospero, Preston Reed is as fine a guitarist as I've seen lately. And I have been quite a fan of Knopfler.
- Nancy, I prefer ginandtacos take on the Michigan legislation to yours:
- Rep Anthony Weiner gets it right: Mock the Republicans. Greatly mock them.
- I enjoyed the Washington/Georgia game. But the Huskies are going to be bounced outta there Sunday by North Carolina.
- Happy Birthday, Brian. I, too, feel like I have come to know you here. Just be careful about those birthday spankings!
- Keep in mind that many of the tattoo inks have metal in them which would make MRIs, if ever needed, very very painful. Your daughter looks great and just where she wants to be. Heads up: Treme is back April 24. Just about the same time that Game of Thrones starts on HBO. Winter is coming!
- Dorothy, "Winter is coming" is a theme from Game of Thrones. Sorry for the inside joke.
- The funding cut off is $5 million. The F-15 we lost today cost $27-29 million. The 110 cruise missiles we fired were $600K apiece. The math is pretty depressing. And I haven't even touched on what it would cost to retain childhood immunization.
- Lewis Black got it right about Trump:
- I really don't want to make Jeff tmmo's day worse than it already is but...pole dancing for Jesus?
- Ooh mark, willing to make a friendly wager on whether Huntsman will be the nominee? I'd put up a good Washington Chardonnay that he will not.
- My son posted this on his FB and I thought it was quite good. But I am out of the current music scene.
- Nice one Bob NG.
- The GOP seem to have crossed yet another line in Wisconsin:
- Interesting article about a lecturer at the Univ. WA who is one of the leaders of the Libyan rebels:
- Jeff tmmo: the one thing that corporations have that ordinary humans do not is the ability to live forever. And their ability to live forever is dependant on their continuing to create profits for their shareholders. Not on their ability to make society a better place. Given that, I don't think they should be treated the same as humans.
- Maybe if we didn't have all the Republicans and half the Democrats telling us that we, as a country, are broke, I would feel more generous about spending money on other countries. But when we have people like Nikki White dying at age 32 from lupus because she could not get healthcare in the US (the first page of T.R. Reid's book The Healing of America), I have to wonder what is going on here.
- The one thing I can't give up about my front loading washer is that the dryer is stacked on top of it. I moved to a smaller house a few years ago and any little bit of space savings helps.
- My son, Seth, was an All American swimmer in high school and he went to Kenyon thinking he could join the swim team. He couldn't. His times weren't good enough, so he transferred to Macalester where he was captain of their swim team for two years. They didn't win many meets but boy did they have fun. Their water polo team came in 2d in nationals for club sports one year which was also quite fun. I think that losing, while crappy, does teach you some life lessons.
- Dorothy, my son has no hard feelings and neither do I.
- Looks like the governor of Michigan is taking tips from Scott Walker: Only this time, it's unemployment benefits.
- Coozledad, I think it's important not to forget that this woman majored in journalism......
- At the upscale consignment store where I shop, the St John's knits stay on the rack, while the Eileen Fishers fly out the door. The other thing apparent from the Newt and Callista videos is that she does her own hair.
- Let me use one of those Wayne State $10 words here: Schadenfreude:
- Callista's eyes are open atypically wide--so much so that you can see white above the iris--which is more a sign of a tight facelift than anything else. I once was in a store in LaJolla with an older woman who could not blink her face was so tightly pulled up and back.
- remind me of the dishwasher tip. I think I need it. Thanks. btw I laughed out loud at this April 1 headline: BREAKING - POPE TO STAY HOME FROM MASS THIS SUNDAY - WANTS TO JUST WATCH TV.
- Just saw Get Low tonight and highly recommend it. Robert Duvall, Sissy Spacek and Bill Murray make an understated but deeply thought movie.
- I was at a Dark Star Orchestra concert Thurs night and there were men my age surreptitiously smoking hits of weed in the audience. Had to clean my clothes when I got home to get rid of the smell. When I was way younger it would have been ok, but these days with the lung cancer, not so much. p.s. And I have been prescribed Dronabinol by my oncologist. It's truly medical marijuana in a pill form. But most of the dreamy high part has been removed as it's for nausea.
- Prospero, you ever tried melatonin for sleep problems? I love it because it ramps up the dreaming for me. ps, have we discussed the safety bonuses that Transocean execs got for their excellent work last year?
- Lola? Or Luna? I'm confused.
- Sue, I think your argument is spot on. I drafted and filed the Washington state lawsuits against Publisher's Clearinghouse and Reader's Digest back in 1999. These were generated in part by the large numbers of gullible seniors who bought into the belief that if they purchased lots of things from the sweeps runners, they were on the inside track to be the next big winner.
- I'd love to have a working two party system but as long as the Republicans' only strategy is "my way or the highway," it ain't gonna work. The Republicans have NO realistic counter proposals ; witness Paul Ryan's attempt to kill Medicare using phony numbers and lying about Alice Rivlin endorsing the plan.
- Some humor to make up for a shitty day:
- Sue, they don't listen to the people who vote for them, they listen to the people who finance their campaigns.
- This video was sent to me from a fellow choir member (back when my vocal cord wasn't paralyzed and I could sing). It brought a smile to my face: Sue, you are right but it's the donors that give the Republicans their talking points that the sell to the voters. I'm not sure how we can drop the scales from the voters' eyes.
- The US seems to be a third world country, what with Ikea coming in and taking advantage of our workers:,0,5341610.story
- I have never heard a Kid Rock song. There, it's out.
- Another good book to recommend in the period isThe Scarlet City by Hella Haasse. Recounts the time when Rome was sacked by the French. A minor Borgia plays a key character.
- Well April 12th is the sesquicentennial of the start of the Civil War. Thank goodness historians are finally going back to the real narrative of the war: Nance, I don't know if Mr. Gordon still taught American history when Alan went to DHS, but it was his teaching and the "states' rights" crap that drove me away from American history to European history.
- Nancy, maybe next year you could travel down to Valparaiso, Chile and enter into this downhill bike race:
- Thank you RO Girl for the Was Not Was video. It's exactly what I was thinking about when I watched the TRex terrorize those school children. How fun!
- Was not Was back in the day....
- This is a mind bender This is another avenue to the video if the above does not get you there:
- If you haven't read the series, Dexter, you are missing a great deal. Martin is an incredible writer and although the piece tonight was fun to watch, half the beauty of it is in the language in the books. I've been a fantasy fan since 6th grade when I stumbled upon The Lord of the Rings, and there are only two other authors who even come to the toenails of Tolkien for this kind of epic fantasy. One is Martin and the other is Guy Gavriel Kay. After that is Greg Keyes. Keep an eye on the women, Dexter, several of them come into their own.
- wrt to the OC teabagger: have you ever noticed they don't believe in evolution, unless it's something like this?
- Paul Ryan's plan is not just that, Jeff, and it's disingenous to cherry pick. That being said, I think the greater danger is the coporate lobbying and power and the Supreme Court recognition of corporations as "persons" and being given most of the rights of citizens in this country. If we're going to do that, then they should be given a finite life. If the want to continue on in perpetuity then they have to go back to being less than.
- I don't know about the rest of you, but the rich no longer have to pay for their stadiums (stadii?) when they buy their Seattle sports teams. They just get the populace to pay for it and if they don't they move out (frex Seattle Sonics). And if we flatline the tax code at 25% for corporations, we are still going to have corporations defecting to other countries with lower tax rates. It's all show and no real go here.
- Speechless: Damn straight
- This is the other part of the Ryan proposal that was ignored, Jeff tmm.
- Gotta say I don't like the creeping sidebar because I have to go back to the main page if I want to go to amazon and look at a book, based upon someone else's comment. I guess I'm just lazy.
- Thank you one and all. Your presence and thoughts were felt all day.
- Let me join the cadre of admirers, Nancy, for several very well turned phrases re: Albom. Where you wrote, "Albom has made more money off dead guys than Yoko Ono." we can also add Deborah Koons Garcia, Jerry Garcia's widow, and sister in law to my ex husband. I am going against the grain here, but I am a big fan of fantasy/sci fi. When well done, it is a great out of body experience. My kids would get frustrated trying to get my attention when I was absorbed, but now they too enjoy the genre and we have lots of discussions and recommendations to each other about current reading. Game of Thrones is expertly written--I always get sucked in even re-reading because he is such a great wordsmith. Which is not to say that I am happy with him--if he doesn't finish the series before I go I have promised to come back and haunt him. What I've like about these stories is the notion of the quest. There aren't many that can do it well--I rank Martin, Guy Gavriel Kay, Greg Keyes and Joe Abercrombie (and maybe Daniel Abraham lately) right below Tolkien in terms of epic fantasy. Connie Willis and Lois McMaster Bujold are also masters (an Mary Doria Russell--Scout), but theirs is a different sort of fantasy. Some people watch tv, others game, some do crafts or hobbies, me, I read. And wrt Mr. Caswell, our modern day incarnation of Scrooge: An attorney I know got all huffy about it and said, "Well I donate my clothes to Goodwill and they are usually designer made and clean." My retort is, unless you shop there, you don't have a leg to stand on. One year when the kids were very little and we were going through some hard financial times, I shopped at Goodwill and let me tell you those stores are not very nice. There's a lot of crap that gets recycled. The fact that she never married and has no kids, I think, is part of it for her.
- Sue, I bet the books your friend recommended were by Goodkind. He's really into pain and degradation. I don't read him at all. Same thing for Stephen Donaldson.
- Well, I don't have HBO so I can't watch either of them and I can't read Treme, paddyo,' but I have read Game of Thrones. Jeff tmmo, Vonda McIntyre used to live in Seattle. I don't know if she still does. She donated an autographed set of three of her books to a NW Women's Law Center auction I chaired a number of years ago. Dreamsnake is my favorite of hers.
- Damn straight, Nancy.
- A very welcome put down of racist, Donald Trump.
- Lady Lulu Digby-Elliott
- Ok, I cheated and used my great grandmother's name and our 4th dog. It's really Lady Claude Gypsy-Elliott.
- Remember when gays were blamed by Pat Robertson and his ilk for 9/11 in NYC, New Orleans and the Haiti disasters? Well with all this severe weather in the south, including the drought in Texas, I wonder what cause these faux Christians can ascribe to these disasters?
- Joe, first you try to imagine the reality of being descended from a racial group that was enslaved for over 200 years, and for which it has taken 150 years to get where we are today (which is not yet equality), then you can make that comment. So far, I haven't seen any empathy yet.
- James Fallows does a damn fine job answering JoeK's question of yesterday.
- also for JoeK: This black guy explains why it was and is racism:
- Oh, and Mitch Daniels proved his clown credentials last week:
- On the same date 8 years ago: "Mission Accomplished" 66 years ago: "Hitler dead" quite a day.
- Amen, Lex.
- The reason Bin Laden was alive all these years, is that the Republicans wanted him alive. With a boogey man to pull out at need to boost their ratings, and keep US citizens in fear, why give him up?
- Joe, the only reason I can figure out why neither Bush nor McCain considered OBL worthy of notice is...... They wanted to keep him around. Why would that be? You tell me.
- 6 degrees of separation time. I was Special Assistant to the General Counsel for the Department of Defense in the last year of the Carter Administration. Immediately after the botched raid in Iran, the General Counsel was tasked with providing a formal legal memorandum to Congress justifying the raid as an exception to the War Powers Act. In reminiscing about the major flurry of activity that took place then, I am laughing ruefully since that little law seems to have been ignored by our current incarnation of Congress for over ten years. I am so glad that the OBL raid resulted in no US casualties.
- for the guys here:!5797898/color-the-walls-with-your-pee
- The pictures I probably should not have seen as a child were the Gustav Dore illustrations from Dante's Inferno.
- Joodyb, I googled the lithograph and the history behind the Matterhorn disaster. Interesting stuff that I didn't know. Thanks for that! ----------------------------------------------------------------- And now for something completely different, here's the WH celebrating their success Sunday:
- Yesterday, coming home from work I missed my bus stop by about a mile because I was enjoying Major Pettigrew's Last Stand so much! Thanks for the recommend, Nancy.
- Mary Russell has a new book out too: Doc which is a retelling of the Wyatt Earp-Doc Holliday narrative. I'm on the list at the library for that one.
- Just be glad we don't live in Silsbee, TX. I'm sure I would have been run out on a rail by now.
- another worthwhile TED talk on how the internet information we receive is skewed to algorithms that 'predict' what we want to see:
- TLo not only like Treme, they like Game of Thrones. Hoorah!
- Thanks, Jolene for the shout out. I really enjoyed the Hitchens piece.
- I've generally been lucky in my choice of post-college digs. I remember one weekend in college when the guys living above my friend Margaret's triple, left while their record player was still playing, quite loudly. The needle got stuck on a scratch and played the same line over and over and over for the entire weekend. Luckily my room was on the opposite side of the hall. My neighbors in Lexington were colorful but not threatening:
- Just finished You Don't Look Like Anyone I Know by Heather Sellers a professor at Hope College. She grew up with propognasia, the inability to recognize faces. It wasn't until she was mid way into adult life that it was finally diagnosed. It illustrates the thought in the Nazi story that when you're a child you have no way to make comparisons with others' lives. It is one amazing story.
- Cara, here's my entry, sort of. Did you know Florida outlawed sex between humans the other day? 'Tis true. My friend who lives there, says that's why the state is named Floriduh.
- Prospero, I read Penrod to my sons when they were growing up. Only book outside of LOTR that I read out loud to my kids. Had to editorialize about the casual racism in the books, however. But no one beats Tarkington for choice descriptions. I love his writing.
- Heather, I watch GOT with 4 other folks. We've all read the books, several of them have read them twice, so any stray questions about characters are answered quickly. One thing we are all agreed on is how closely the show hews to the novels. This is a series that is loosely based on the Wars of the Roses so its going to get a lot worse before it gets better (we hope, but the written series is not completed yet). There is also a bit of an homage to Dorothy Dunnett's Game of Kings the first in her Lymond series (which has been thankfully finished for many years). I highly recommend Dunnett's Lymond and Niccolo books if you like detailed historical fiction.
- Judybusy, I too loved the Wheel of Time series for the first 3 books then my ardor dropped off after that. My oldest son has continued reading them. I think Game of Thrones is a far, far better book. And wrt to Seattle rain, maybe we have had it easy in the past, but this year we've had some gullywashers that rival those in the midwest. And we've yet to have a day where the temperature topped 70 degrees. We look a lot like that planet in Battlestar Galactica that was so dreary to live on. Many folks would like to move to sunnier climes if they had the opportunity. In my 30 years of living here, I've never experienced the dissatisfaction like currently.
- I wish I knew enough 4th Amendment constitutional law to offer more than has been said by other commenters already. But, I will defer to others on this issue. On the other hand, I thought this was pretty funny. Shortest deposition ever?
- mark, just saw your post about Libya and I have to say, I rather agree with you. What a nice feeling. But it is tempered by the fact that the AAG who heads up the DSHS branch in my office is married to a fellow from Libya who was teaching in the economics dept at UW and is now the finance minister of the rebels.
- GOT was really good tonight. My two sons were with us for the viewing and both were blown away.
- There was an article in the Atlantic 25 or more years ago, titled: Have you Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond?" Short answer, you won't get paid anywhere close to what you paid for it retail.
- Ahnold is probably one of those guys, for whom a rubber feels like taking a shower with a raincoat on..... Anyway, I showed up at this blog several years ago because of plagiarism. Guess what? It's still going on in the world, this time from a big shot climate change critic:
- Rush Limbaugh endorsed McCain, Joe. QED
- Here's something for Ben Stein: Not sure which is worse: DSK or the Sperminator.
- More owl stuff:
- the utterly indispensable deficit chart:
- Why is it when I read prospero after he's either gone off the meds or sauced up, I think of Psychotic Reaction by the Count Five?
- If you don't get raptured, you can loot to your heart's content. My favorite southern saying is a response to, "how are you?" "ah'm fine as frog hair."
- I've signed up with the post-Rapture looting crowd. Be there or be square this Saturday! Speaking of islands, I thought this was an interesting map:
- So all the rest of you looters at heart can join in for tomorrow's festivities!
- Guess all the promised tea partier attendees got raptured ahead of time.
- I posted this yesterday without much explanation but it's worth going back to in light of the Obama and pre-67 borders of Israel. It's a current map of what passes for Palestine these days. It looks like an archipelago except that the sea is all Israel.
- This is depressing news:
- Additional evidence of the dumbing down of the media comes from an attorney friend in AZ: "This guy has been making me crazy - he's supposed to be "checking the facts" against claims made by politicians, but he's an idiot and his "fact checking" is incompetent. This recent column supposedly testing Ryan's claim that Obama wants to raise the top tax rate from 35% to almost 45% is just unbelievably bad, and it's pushing me over the edge - he concludes that Ryan is telling the truth, and that Obama is fibbing by saying that he wants the rich to pay only "a little bit more" (raising the top rate from 35% to 39.6%, where it was during the Clinton years). He starts by saying the top rate is 35%. Obama says he wants to add 4.6% to that. So far, so good - everybody knows what's on the table. But then he adds 2.3% for Medicare tax. Obama hasn't proposed any increase in the Medicare tax, which is actually 1.45% (the employee's portion) and has been since at least 1990. If you're going to count an existing payroll tax, you can't say you're starting from a top rate today of 35%, and you can't say that this is an increase proposed by Obama. The "fact checker" admits that it's an existing tax, but he adds it to the existing top rate, anyway, to "verify" Ryan's claim. Then he adds another 2 percentage points for the elimination of deductions, which reduce an effective rate to something below what would otherwise be the nominal top rate for that taxpayer. If you're in the 35% bracket, a deduction reduces your tax on your last dollars in the top rate to something lower than that - phasing out or eliminating deductions will bring your effective rate up to the nominal rate on the last dollars earned, but doesn't raise the top rate. A person in the 35% bracket who loses a $1000 deduction would see another $1000 taxed at precisely 35% - but no dollars would be taxed at a rate higher than 35%. That escapes our fact checker, who has now agreed with Ryan that Obama is trying to raise the top rate by 4.3%. He then counts .9% increased tax on income on high earners in the health care bill - already accomplished last year, so this is also a part of the existing tax law, but I don't have a quarrel with counting that, as it was recently accomplished by Obama and Democrats in Congress over Republican opposition, and the Democrats are still defending it against Republican attempts to undo it. This is actually on top of the top marginal income tax rate, so I'm okay with incuding it. So he has agreed with Ryan that Obama is trying to add 2.3% and 2% and .9% to the top rate, for a total of 5.2% beyond what Obama admits to - 4.3% of that is bogus, and I think .9% is legitimate. The "fact checker" ultimately decides that Ryan is telling the truth when he says that Obama is trying to raise the top rate by 10%, which is flat wrong. He then gives a "Pinocchio" to Obama for saying that he only wants the rich to pay "a little more" (the 4.6% increase in the top rate that Obama refers to in his speech) because of the "hidden 7.5 percentage points." What 7.5%? He's actually described only 5.2%, of which 4.3% is "hidden" only because it is demonstrably false. And 4.6% plus 7.5% is 12.1%, not 10%, so the fact checker should have recognized that his numbers don't add up. He doesn't. What a freaking idiot. One of the important things the media can actually contribute to debate of public issues is fact checking, and the Washington Post has turned that job over to a complete doofus."
- C'dad, is this dick of a Congressperson from your district?
- If the Democrats do not seize Medicare as a pivotal issue, they deserve to lose:
- There's a new movie a la Atlas Shrugged coming out about Sarah Palin. At Balloon Juice, they're trying to give it a title. Win. Win.
- None other than Michael Brown is now on national media criticizing President Obama for being in England and not returning post haste to respond to the tornadoes in Missouri and elsewhere. Heckuva job, Brownie!
- I doubt the queen cares, it's our ever so fair and balance US media that is making it into a brou ha ha.
- Sherri, I've begun to think that Seattle resembles that drizzly planet on Battlestar Galactica where the survivors settled for a short time before the Cylons found them again.
- Thanks all. Glad to have the hair coming back, even if it's lots more gray at the roots now. By the way, we should all rejoice that we are not seismologists in Italy. More evidence that the Amanda Knox trial was rigged:
- Reading you from pre-op getting ready for my vocal cord implant. Imagine not being able to talk for a week!
- Daily kos had a thorough debunking of this. Weiner's fb acct was hacked. I thinkthe reason he is not discussing it with the media is he's trying to pursue a criminal action against an Internet presence named patriot76, or Dan Wolfe who has a direct pipeline to Breitbart. And if you haven't heard of it, I recommend radio station KEXP. Eclectic interesting and fun. You can stream it on your computer.
- Reagrdless of the merits of this 'brou ha ha' ('brou ha ha? ha ha ha--an old Firesign Theater reference), this is a win headline: ps: you have to click to see it
- Weiner was framed:
- What is it about elective office that tranforms the winners into dicks who think with their other head? This is truly a bipartisan disease, though it seems to be mainly found in those with the ychromosones.
- Deborah, I have had to restrain myself from cackling when I've seen the ex lately (at our daughter's graduation for instance) since he's got his own dirty laundry in the basement, so to speak....
- Oh, and add my bestest wishes to your ever growing pile, Jeff B! Hope you are back on your bike in no time!
- Weiner is a class A wanker. All those smarts blown up by teen age behavior I don't think my youngest would engage in. He should be subject to the same shaming we provide for the Republicans with the fig leaf exception that Nancy notes: he at least has not pretended to the family values hypocrisy so beloved of most Republicans. That being said, the local issue in Seattle is that the young woman at the epicenter of the controversy was voted by her senior class to be "most likely to be involved in a tabloid scandal."
- At least with the domestic production of marijuana, we're a little less under the thrall of the Mexican drug lords. I'd like to see marijuana legalized and taxed, taxed, taxed. The quality would be regulated and the hypocrisy that allows these medical marijuana outfits to dispense to generally anyone who can find a willing physician, would be gone as well. But you know who are the biggest lobbyists against legalization? The private prison industry and the law enforcement industry. They lose their 'cash crop,' so to speak. It's like their only reason for being is to continue to grow, not to help develop a vibrant, law abiding society.
- I learned something new in the Weiner scandal. Some men wax.
- Yup, I am talking about the junk. Supposedly the photo from Breitbart shows him clean as a whistle. When my son was swimming competitively in high school and college he shaved his body but not there. Another guy I know said that supposedly guys think that if you clear out the underbrush, they think the tree looks taller....
- Hey it's June. June is the month for weddings. Like this one:
- If we're going to talk about the economy and point fingers, then first let's view this handy dandy chart to see the source of the deficit. Those facts have a pesky liberal bias once again.
- Seems to me, mark, that Obama is trying to steer a boat where only one oar is working and that's only part time. The Republicans don't give a good gd whether the economy breaks up--only that Obama be defeated, frex their failure thus far to extend the debt ceiling, something they had no problem voting for when Bush was Pres. The policies that are causing the deficit are ones that were put in place by Bush and because of the Republicans, are not being withdrawn, cf. the tax cuts. I'll grant you Obama is slower to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan than I'd like but that would get all the hawks on his back about being a chicken shit. And the no backbone Democrats are not very helpful either. He's trying to steer a course between Scylla and Charybdis and it's very tricky.
- Ok, anyone who has not seen "Midnight in Paris" needs to go asap. I am still laughing 3 hours later. Woody Allen's best in 30 years.
- There are huge holes in my television/movie/pop music viewing and listening histories courtesy of having 3 kids and working full time. Most of the 80's and a good bit of the 90's remain for me to discover in my retirement, should I ever have one. That being said, I cannot tell you how very very much I am enjoying Game of Thrones. I've read the books, so know what's coming, yet I am still in shock from last night's episode. GRR Martin turned all the fantasy tropes on their heads when he wrote the first volume and it was a very good thing. But tough. Kind of like life.
- Dexter, the books are very well written. Lots to keep track of, but Martin is a masterful storyteller. Vol. 3 is my favorite thus far. ps, if Roseanne did give Joss Wheedon and Jud Apatow their starts, I am indebted to her. Firefly and Freaks and Geeks are two series (which I bought) that are my favorites.
- John, I suffer from severe tinnitus exacerbated by my chemo. When I am in a situation involving lots of people and noise I take care of myself by bringing ear protection. You have to do that for yourself because in a crowd situation no one knows your status and griping ain't gonna fix it. Sentencing for judges is also in the zero tolerance limits yet we still get abusive men who get free and kill their significant others and like tragedies. And if you really want to go to the "we follow the rules no exceptions" let me introduce you to my own private Idaho. Taxing agency in the state I used to represent took that no exceptions attitude as well. They were hell on small businesses. A self employed logger (this is a decision of public record so I can mention it) was audited and assessed unpaid worker's comp premiums because he couldn't produce his hourly records. Law says if the employer provides no records at the time of audit, the agency can assess at highest number of hours for highest classification of work for the period of the audit and this agency took that seriously. Guy was assessed $16,000 for a year's premiums. He was going through a divorce and the ex refused to turn over his records at the time of audit. Law also says if you don't turn over your records at the time of audit you can't protest the audit. He did anyway and went to hearing. By the time of the hearing, he had his records and they showed he earned a total of $13,000 for that entire year. So of course the judge (1) allows the appeal and (2) reverses and remands the case. The head of the program I represented is livid and tells me we have to appeal because that's not what the law says. Think that fosters good will in the community? Think that leads to an equitable result? And this one was not the worst. I resigned two months after my cancer diagnosis and went back to being a simple line attorney.
- This, This is one damn fine rant: ...• Oh, Christ: Virginia Postrel, "Need a Light Bulb? Uncle Sam Gets to Choose: Virginia Postrel. By Virginia Postrel. June 10 Reader, I'm assuming you're an adult, which means you're just as flummoxed as I by the phenomenon of people over 25, with IQs at or above bathwater, openly proclaiming themselves libertarian. I'm assuming you're aware that every man-made object you've touched today involved some degree of regulation by government, and that you probably understand why, and perhaps are even conversant with 19th century fatality rates from railroad and industrial accidents directly attributable to laissez-faire. Or, if you've only been paying attention since the dawn of the 21st century, you might recall how large-scale domestic processors of meat, eggs, spinach or peanuts have behaved when they thought no one was watching, let alone how the Chinese believed a soupçon of automotive solvents added that certain something to pet food. What I'm saying is there is no way you can believe this shit and claim to've thought anything out. And in a country which has seen armed international conflict over the shooting of a pig, mass panic over a science-fiction radio broadcast, injury to hundreds of its citizens who thought a picture of a lemon on a free sample bottle of dish soap meant it would zest up a glass of iced tea, and the career of Sarah Palin, the Great Light Bulb Rebellion is absolutely the stupidest political movement of all time. However, we're nothing if not a resourceful race, and there's nothing so dire, misinformed, or risible that mentioning The Ol' Perfesser can't make worse...
- Coozledad, You realize that the Alred Krupp built his office over a pile of shit because he thought that smelling it inspired him? This is from William Manchester's The Arms of Krupp:
- You really need to work the term coprophagia into that title too, C'dad.
- John C: That made my morning!! Thanks ever so much.
- Doghouse Riley is also good today: It's all good, but this paragraph is a fave: Because I could swear that the only difference between the hidebound Republican party of 1981 and the hidebound Republican party of today is that the former had a Living Saint as its titular head, and so could cut a few backroom deals--and raise taxes a dozen times--to keep its ass out of a sling. Seems to me like the problems the Republican party faces now--they're of their own making, Dave--stem from thirty years of failure of its Divinely-inspired solutions, which failures have been met, in each and every instance, by a conviction that doing what it was doing except A LITTLE LOUDER was just the ticket. So that now you can't mention tax reform, you can't mention real Defense cuts, you can't mention putting the culture war on simmer. That's the rigidity of the man recently placed in handcuffs. As for Democratic rigidity, well, I suppose we could reclassify jellyfish as vertebrates, if that makes your column work. I'm thinking H.L. Menken at this point.
- That's a wonderful review of Sowell, Nancy. And it's right, if you are going to pen a rant, at least have some spirit about it and give us a new insight or two while you are at it! And C'dad, apropos of yesterday's discussion, you can add this to the ick files:
- I worked with Lew Puller at DoD General Counsel's office back in the day. We played bridge together during lunch with a couple other attorneys. He had a homemade contraption built to hold his cards because his hands had been so mangled by the ied that took his legs, he couldn't hold them, but he was a great bridge player. I remember he wrote an editorial in the Washington Post in 1981 or 1982 for Memorial Day where he talked about how he thought the federal government could not hurt him any worse than he'd been hurt, but then he had children. When he went through basic training at the Marines, they had to change the curriculum and take out all the Chesty Puller stories. He looked a lot like Stephen Colbert. He was an amazing guy and I was privileged to know him. Re: his book. I read it a long time ago and don't have much of an impression due to the passage of time. Sorry.
- News today is Sean Bean was stabbed outside a bar in London after he confronted a guy who made lewd comments about the 22 year old Playboy model he was with. Reports were he refused to go to a hospital for treatment (does he not know what happened to Khal Drogo?). Went back into the bar and had another drink
- The trial of Teresa Butz's murderer is going on right now in Seattle. One juror asked to be excused because he couldn't take the pictures or testimony. The defendant is very, very scary. ETA: a friend wrote what I consider the final word on the Weiner fiasco Personally, I think there's a lot of over-analysis going on. I have no doubt that, when I was a government employee, if I'd been caught sexting from work, I'd have been gone, and no one here, or anywhere else, would have had any sympathy for the idea that I could have done anything so irresponsible and stupid and still held my government job. Yes, I understand the difference between a Congressman and a GS-11 bureaucrat. No, I don't think the result should be any different. There was an infamous incident in my office, handed down anecdotally to each succeeding generation of newly hired investigators. An investigator from our office was fired after a photo of his government vehicle (the license tag gives it away as such) appeared in a local newspaper. Seems he decided to visit a strip club after concluding his day at a field audit, and the photo of his g-car in the strip club parking lot ended his employment run. Was it illegal? No. Did it violate any specific rule for use of a g-car while on a field audit? No. Did it violate any sort of rule at all for him to recreate in this way off hours while on a field audit? No. Was he fired for it? Yes. Honestly, this isn't a difficult case. People in the real world get fired from their real world jobs for much less egregious work misconduct. For him to claim he should still be allowed to keep his is simply a continuation of the above-the-rules privileged mindset that got him thinking he could act this way and get away with it in the first place.
- Can we just agree that jokes about Clinton/Monica are stale these days? It's been 15 years. Time to move on. And this said by someone who wanted him to resign at the time.
- Christopher Hitchens joins the chorus on Mamet:
- Don't agree with Hitchens about Iraq, but his writing about his cancer has been very affecting for me.
- reaction to Ep 9 of Game of Thrones is heated: The only thing they left out of Ep 10 tonight was the comet.
- One more quibble with the end of GoT--Dany's hair was burnt off "to a crisp" by the fire, but I'm sure that would have played havoc with the aesthetics of the final scene. Overall, it was immensely satisfying and I've read the books. I really love this guy's immediate reaction to the penultimate episode:
- Ebert did not think that the 'jackass' should die hideously. He simply called him by the name Dunn self identified with. That is all. But people are attributing all sorts of bad things to what he said that I could see from reading his twitter, he did not mean. Ebert, with his own experience of alcoholism and physical destruction from cancer has little sympathy for Dunn's boastful, self destructive tendencies. Perhaps, had Dunn lived to be the age Ebert did, he would have too. Now we will never find out and that is Dunn's fault, not Ebert's.
- I was 29 when John Belushi died and I seem to recall there was an awful lot of carrying on about how drug abuse can kill you. I don't recall having my fee fees hurt by that.
- ps. the reviews on Bristol Palin's "book" are not very positive: And Sarah Palin has prematurely ended her bus tour. Why does this sound familiar?
- Back east visiting mom and she said how disappointed she was that gay marriage passed in NY. My physician brother is gay and in a long term relationship. So there I was with a voice not recovered from surgery trying to explain to my 87 year old mother who refuses to wear her hearing aids, how very wrong I think she is. Guess I'll have to start drinking early because dinner is at my other brother's tonight. The NRA member and KY banker. Hoping the blood pressure maintains.
- Back from KY. Don't know which was more stressful, visiting mom, or coming home to my house where my youngest was in charge and he ran out of his ADD medication (you would think a 21 year old could figure out that you call before your meds run out to get your Rx renewed but nooooo). I am taking the day off just to deal with the chaos. And of course the three hour time difference is hitting me as well. So, I've forgotten if this youtube video on the Whole Foods parking lot has been posted here before:
- I am betting that it was the defense that leaked the letter. Her prior behavior puts her veracity in question, just like his prior assaults on women should put his to the test. So it's a draw. And that does not meet the criminal standards for a conviction. Truly unfortunate all the way around.
- Took a drive out in the country when I was back in Lexington last weekend, and looked at all the pretty horse farms that remain. And I thought of all the landed estates in England that have been broken up over the past century and a half because of war and the restructuring of English society, and it hit me. We are regressing back in this country to the landed, moneyed interests that we supposedly left behind when we revolted against England. All of those tax breaks for the wealthy that Bush put in place and Obama was too cautious to repeal, guarantee that our top 1% never have to even worry for a nanosecond that their share of the pie won't continue to increase at the expense of most of the rest of us. After Ta Nehisi Coates recommended it, I've been reading The Thirty Years War by CV Wedgewood, which was written in 1938, with shivers of recognition of how history can repeat itself, even 300+ years later. Wedgewood discusses how the 17th century witnessed a rise in religious fervor in reaction to the Renaissance secularism, and how this was tied into the war and became the Catholics vs. the Lutherans v. the Calvinists in the fighting, except that sometimes the sides would change and, for example, Cardinal Richelieu would support the Huguenots over the Catholics, when it suited his ends. As did everyone else in the game. How the economies had moved from feudalism to money based, except the landed still held the power without the money needed to maintain order--only in emergencies like war did the rulers have the authority to raise taxes. And how mercenary forces were created by nations such as Sweden, that rode roughshod over Europe, which went from 20 million to 13 1/2 million by the end of the conflict. And of course, my favorite: the defenestration of Prague.
- Me too, Deborah. I had to use Mozilla Firefox for a while to go on site. It wouldn't load using my MSN browser.
- state workers in wisconsin replaced with prison labor. When we get done, Dickensian will be seen as good times.
- The Republicans--helping us eat shit.
- I remember coming back to Seattle in '91 from a very trying visit with my family by myself with two of the kids (then 6 and 4). The ex was home with the baby, because this was the first of our major marriage crises--he wasn't sure he wanted to be married anymore, so he did not come. My 4 year old son was misbehaving terribly before we boarded so I pinched his ear, at which point I discovered he was running a high temperature and had come down with an ear infection! He slept most of the way home on the plane after I gave him tylenol but after that I vowed never to deal in physical punishment again. I have a great deal of sympathy for parents traveling with children as a result of my own experiences. As to our increasing obesity rates, I wonder what the role of corn sweetener is in all this as well as the other factors mentioned so far. I am at the opposite end of the spectrum. Because I have cancer, losing weight is seen as a bad thing. So I have to try to maintain my slightly overweight status because of that. It's very odd.
- >picks jaw up from floor<
- journalism gossip on the Murdochs' blowing up News of the World:
- C'dad, keep in mind that Murdoch is transferring the sunday edition formerly published by News of the World to The Sun. So the sleaze will continue. He just gets to fire 700+ grunts and save big time on labor costs and make it look like he's taking action so he can save his bid for bskyb.
- In 1972 the Seattle Regional office of the SEC won a case against "Dare to Be Great," but the FTC enforcers lost their case against Amway in 1979 at the FTC (the Commissioners ruled against them though at first glance looks like a win). , As far as I know, no other regulatory body wanted to expend the time taking them on after that.
- 4 of the 5 sibs in my family (all Boomers) are divorced. My parents, strong Catholics, were married 51 years before my father's death. Not a great predictor of marriage stability in my family. Lots of trenchant observations today, Nancy. Great work!
- Yeah, coozledad, I've been coming to the same conclusion, which is why I've held back as well.
- I Hate to Cook was my mother's favorite cookbook. Our suppers consisted of such staples as ring bologna boiled in water, Welsh rarebit (which I hate to this day), fish sticks on Friday and chop suey from a can if we went exotic. My father, on the other hand, subscribed to Gourmet magazine but never cooked. I am sure that must have been a point of friction for them, though they never argued in front of us.
- Prospero, here's a picture of ring bologna: Seems to be a Michigan specialty. In KY I've had fried bologna with red eye gravy made from the fat rendered out during the frying. Now that's some eating!
- Oh, Nancy, I didn't realize that jodhpur had the 'h' placed before the 'p' until just now. I learned something new today!
- The definition of a true friend is one who says, "Oh, I'm not going to start 'Dance with Dragons' for a while so you can read my copy since yours has not arrived from Amazon yet." I may come up for air a time or two in the next few days, but..... And why is it that my daughter can get her copy in Minneapolis, but mine is two days late and counting???
- Genius. Sheer genius.
- That guy reminds me of "high heel Neil" who was indeed a Republican. Great article about him in the New Yorker by John Berendt, the author of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Then there is this. Does Eric Cantor = Eddie Haskell?
- C'dad, that fellow flying in women's underwear sure does get around alot:
- Murdoch owns Scotland Yard: Rebekah Brooks arranged her arrest to stop her testimony before Parliament: The rot continues in the US with the 'Foxification' of the Wall Street Journal:\ era&st=Search
- Dexter, I find a good massage does miracles on a bad back. You just need to find a good masseuse.
- what I need is a DVD recorder that can break through the encryption on a VHS tape that is not on DVD. It's a made for tv movie, a favorite, titled Cast a Deadly Spell with Fred Ward. A film noir set in LA after WW2 but magic has been released and now all the typewriters type themselves and other fun things. Never got put on DVD which is a shame because it's very entertaining. One guy dies of a thousand paper cuts. Anyway, if you have any suggestions, they would be most welcome.
- C'dad, I have a bunch of old 78's some jazz, some Broadway, some Yale glee club, if you want them. They are very very heavy so we'll have to figure out how to get them to you.
- Today's high in Seattle is predicted to be 64.
- I think you mean Larry Summers, Prospero. He knows assholes because he is one.
- My brother worked with another doctor who had a sex change operation. He determined he was lesbian and wanted his wife and kids to stay with him. His wife declined.
- My furnace was on when I got home. Should have closed the windows. I hate to whine but I will never complain about being too hot again. This is not summer when you wear socks to bed in July.
- I have been a member of a private summer swim club in Seattle for the past 18 years. When I first went there as a guest, they had a diving board in the deep end that had a high dive. When I joined the high dive was gone and when we rebuilt and renovated the pool 5 years ago, we did away with the board entirely because the insurance was too expensive. There was a bad accident at another pool in the state resulting in a quadriplegic injury which the insurers used to raise the rates beyond what we could afford. So we installed a curvy slide. The little kids love it and I think that we will all adapt. But it has not been easy. Here's another nifty boat story: Have to say that I cringe when I see folks smoking these days, especially those involved in sporting endeavors. It's very hard, even in an outdoor setting, to be around cigarette smoke. My lungs just seize up.
- good points, mark.
- The Norway massacre coupled with the bugfuck crazy of the Republicans on the debt ceiling has me more stressed than I enjoy this weekend. I keep wondering what is going to happen to the market (read 401Ks) and if we will be able to recover from this plunge into idiocy. I thought this description of the Republicans' strategy by John Cole back in 2009 is apt for their behavior today: I really don’t understand how bipartisanship is ever going to work when one of the parties is insane. Imagine trying to negotiate an agreement on dinner plans with your date, and you suggest Italian and she states her preference would be a meal of tire rims and anthrax. If you can figure out a way to split the difference there and find a meal you will both enjoy, you can probably figure out how bipartisanship is going to work the next few years.
- Two very good articles. But not happy, I'm sorry to say. The first on the debt ceiling madness: The second on US right wing terrorism published the day before the Norway attacks: I wish some Republicans would read these, really read them. But instead I get reactions like, "what do you mean 'home grown?'" This is incredible.
- Very bad journalism in my own backyard:
- Looks like my earlier post is hung up somewhere in the ether. Some much needed humor today: If anyone can translate the label on the third cake, please do. Or don't as necessary!
- I'm wondering, what is parallel lines? Can you submit your video work to them, Nancy?
- Well, here's another tea bagger US representative who is a hypocrite through and through: Joining grifters Michelle Bachman and Allen West.
- We need some humor again:
- I post this for Brian because I think he's the civil war aficianado here. But it is interesting in its own right. Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation.
- C'dad, I find it extremely interesting that LGF would go to those lengths to expose Gellar. What gives here?
- Wonder if Joe has experience fall out from this.
- As a commenter on the Balloon Juice site notes, these trillions in cuts are phased in over 10 years and don't start until 2013. If Republicans lose control of the House and Dems retain control of the Senate, they can be undone. But it would take a lot of work. And cooler heads.
- There is no sharia law passed in the UK. That is one small religious group headed up by a reformed British libertine (nothing worse than that), taking the law into their own hands. I don't think that works either here or in the UK. One wonders what is really going on there.
- MarkH, read the first article, and here's the money paragraph for me: Under the act, the sharia courts are classified as arbitration tribunals. The rulings of arbitration tribunals are binding in law, provided that both parties in the dispute agree to give it the power to rule on their case. So, like arbitration, both parties have to agree to the jurisdiction of the sharia court. Oh, and on a totally different point, looks like there is some voter fraud going down in Wisconsin. But it seems to be coming from the Republican side of the ledger. I am shocked, shocked I tell you! Oh, and the Republican congressperson really knows how to turn a phrase:
- What's interesting about Gifford's appearance and vote is that it forced the House members to stop behaving like little kids (each party wanted the other party to vote first) and behave like adults.
- George RR Martin was at Town Hall in Seattle last Friday. It was sold out. My friend and I got there and had to take seats in the back. Most of it turned out to be book signing but there was an hour of him speaking and questions. I learned that there are gay characters in the books, its just that he wrote about them very subtly--HBO given its time and storytelling constraints was more open about them. He said that he was surprised by the number of women who have written to him demanding, no recommending, no suggesting that he make the gay scenes more graphic. Got a chuckle out of that. Did get vol. no. 5 autographed.
- Actually, I can answer the question as to whether Gates went to public school. He went to my kids' public school, View Ridge Elementary for a number of years, then his folks moved to Laurelhurst and I think he finished grade school at Laurelhurst Elementary, also a public school. I don't know about middle school but he went to Lakeside, THE private high school in Seattle. It reflects the growth in his father's income as an attorney in private practice.
- Cabela's has a new store in Olympia. I won't patronize them because of the politics of the owners. REI is more to my liking.
- There's an Athens KY (pronounced with a long "a") and Versailles (ver-sales) KY as well. And of course Lou ah vuhl, which will immediately identify you as an outsider. Here in WA we have Sequim (squim) and Puyallup. And geoducks (gooeyducks) are rather tasty mollusks if you tenderize them first.
- Connie, you're right. I said that backwards.
- This keeps up, we should be told to eat cake pretty da$% soon.
- anyone following the market today? Hope you've got your seatbelt on. Why is it that the smartest guys in the room waited til after the vote on the debt ceiling disaster to tank the market? I thought Wall Street was supposed to be the bellwether of our economic health?
- Sue, this is from a friend who understands this stuff better than me (and prospero has touched on some of this above): The news on the latest consumer spending report, which is part of the reason the market is tanking: The fact that the rich feel secure enough to dispose of some of their income at the moment is an outlier. The other 99% of us are spending less, not more. As for stimulus and trickle down, it's not that hard to figure out. If you give a rich person $1000 to spend on shoes, you get a purchase of one pair of Christian Louboutin. If you give poor people $1000 to spend on shoes, 50 pairs of shoes get sold. If you give a wealthy guy who already owns a Ferrari a million dollar tax break, he buys a Bugatti. If you give a thousand middle class workers a million dollars in tax breaks, that's a thousand folks who can now afford a down payment on a new Chevy? Which has the bigger economic impact? How hard is that to figure out? Then there's this: Corporations are hoarding cash. Nearly $2 trillion is sitting in corporate vaults (metaphorically speaking, but accurate enough--money in cash and cash equivalents isn't being invested in capital, human or otherwise, and has for all practical purposes, been withdrawn from the productive economy). The level is record, both in absolute and percentage terms, and the rate of increase has been fantastic. So ironically enough, just as the GOP has coined the new talking point of dubbing corporations 'job creators', corporations have actually ceased to perform this function in our economy. All the cash they've accumulated in the recovery is just being hoarded. So, you want to stimulate the economy. Do you: (a) give more economic resources to economic actors that are hoarding cash, (b) give more economic resources to economic actors that purchase very expensive things in small quantities, or (c) give more economic resources to economic actors who need to spend it for food, clothing and shelter? Once you recognize the reality that *all* changes in the status quo of taxation and budget policy are ultimately about the distribution of wealth and give up the pointless posturing about the dangers of Marxism, I don't see how this question is so hard to answer correctly.
-,21061/ Sometimes, it seems like satire is all we have left.
- Spoiler alert if you plan to watch the beard series. I saw the fellow's picture in the attached article and said, "I bet he went to Evergreen College!" the granola/hemp institution of higher learning in Olympia. And I was right.
- Steve Benen in the Washington Monthly, yesterday: "Remember the Promise Keepers? Say hello to the Promise Breakers... “What we have to be, I think, focused on is truth in budgeting here,” Cantor told The Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Journal. He said “the better way” for Americans is to “get the fiscal house in order” and “come to grips with the fact that promises have been made that frankly are not going to be kept for many.” He added that younger Americans will have “ample time to try and plan our lives so that we can adjust” to the post-Medicare society… [N]ote the rhetoric the oft-confused House Majority Leader uses: the United States has made promises to the public, and as far as Eric Cantor is concerned, “many” Americans will simply have to accept that those promises “are not going to be kept.” Why not? Because Republicans say so. Promises to Grover Norquist are sacrosanct, but promises to senior citizens are not…"
- Doc by Mary Doria Russell is quite good--fictionalized biography of Doc Holliday.
- George Martin takes questions about Game of Thrones.
- I hope that this little gem of satire finds a much wider audience.
- Jeff tmmo: It seems that there is a word missing in the first verse of the King James version of Matthew cited: "Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven." ye do not what ? your alms before men
- Earth to Joe: Wake up big fella! It was the Republicans in Congress that put the hurt on us today. They're the ones so willing to default on the debt ceiling. They're the ones not willing to compromise. Speculating about McCain and Palin is a nice trick to take your eyes off the real story. This is just like The Emperor's New Clothes, only you're not seeing the real picture here. It's better explained here:
- And Joe, if you are taking your talking points from Michelle Bachmann, you might want to reconsider: Sue, Obama's got some advisors these days that are in bed with corporate interests. I think that's a real problem and one that is difficult to identify and deal with.
- Mitt Romney is not worth your while, Brian. This is yet another reason why:
- Letters from Defiance as a soporific for the day: Joe, all you need is the following chart to show you exactly why the deficit has zoomed up, and whose responsibility it is:
- Funny thing, mark. I seem to recall that Mitch McConnell said that the Republicans got 98% of what they wanted with the debt ceiling bill that tanked the markets. I would posit that the markets are not responding to the 'blame the tea party' stuff (which Obama is not doing--he is trying to say both sides are at fault, which I disagree with) they are actually, finally looking at the deal and the completely wrong headed intransigence of the Republican party, and seeing that this self inflicted wound is likely to be replayed time and time again as the Republicans throw tantrums when they don't get what they perceive they want. I rather think that the bio of Michelle Bachmann in the New Yorker is a great exposition of what we can expect from the R candidates in 2012: I shudder to think who she would appoint to the Supreme Court.
- more evidence that conservatives and liberals think very differently
- You can raise the retirement age, and I suppose with most of us working service jobs we could continue into our 70's. It's the hard labor jobs that do not translate well. And there was a study done that showed we would not save much money by means testing SS payments.
- Just got back from a session meeting at church and find that it's time for a glass of wine to scroll through the WI election returns. Not sure I can face it otherwise.
- My book group read The Help and I thought I had too, but I saw the trailer for the movie and I guess I didn't. Is that really what the book is like?
- a 30 year historical timeline on the deficits: Another keeper.
- Alex, I am so sorry. There are vet euthanasia services that will come to your house, so your dog is in a familiar place. I found out about it after I had Heidi put to sleep in 2006 when she suffered a stroke and never came out of it. My heart goes out to you. Please let us know how you are, when you feel ok writing about it.
- What Julie said.
- National Review gets it wrong. AGAIN.
- The claim that Pawlenty was a strong contender in 2012. He just dropped out. Oh, and this is a revelation about Perry and how he allowed an innocent man be put to death:
- I have a friend in Idaho who promotes straw bale construction:
- Well, we can all go seasteading if we prefer to live in a libertarian utopia: "...It goes like this: Friedman wants to establish new sovereign nations built on oil-rig-type platforms anchored in international waters—free from the regulation, laws, and moral suasion of any landlocked country. They'd be small city-states at first, although the aim is to have tens of millions of seasteading residents by 2050. Architectural plans for a prototype involve a movable, diesel-powered, 12,000-ton structure with room for 270 residents, with the idea that dozens—perhaps even hundreds—of these could be linked together. Friedman hopes to launch a flotilla of offices off the San Francisco coast next year; full-time settlement, he predicts, will follow in about seven years; and full diplomatic recognition by the United Nations, well, that'll take some lawyers and time. "The ultimate goal," Friedman says, "is to open a frontier for experimenting with new ideas for government." This translates into the founding of ideologically oriented micro-states on the high seas, a kind of floating petri dish for implementing policies that libertarians, stymied by indifference at the voting booths, have been unable to advance: no welfare, looser building codes, no minimum wage, and few restrictions on weapons. It's a vivid, wild-eyed dream—think Burning Man as reimagined by Ayn Rand's John Galt and steered out to sea by Captain Nemo—but Friedman and Thiel, aware of the long and tragicomic history of failed libertarian utopias, believe that entrepreneurial zeal sets this scheme apart. One potential model is something Friedman calls Appletopia: A corporation, such as Apple, "starts a country as a business. The more desirable the country, the more valuable the real estate," Friedman says. When I ask if this wouldn't amount to a shareholder dictatorship, he doesn't flinch. "The way most dictatorships work now, they're enforced on people who aren't allowed to leave." Appletopia, or any seasteading colony, would entail a more benevolent variety of dictatorship, similar to your cell-phone contract: You don't like it, you leave. Citizenship as free agency, you might say. Or as Ken Howery, one of Thiel's partners at the Founders Fund, puts it, "It's almost like there's a cartel of governments, and this is a way to force governments to compete in a free-market way." Read More
- Looks like the Univ. of Miami has eased the heat on OSU in the NCAA infractions arena: NPR's Tom Goldman just spoke with All Things Considered host Robert Siegel. As Tom said, it's not just the "impermissible benefits" [the NCAA's term] that players are alleged to have received that make this a huge story. Those include "cash, jewelry, prostitutes, bounties for injuring opposing players, paying for an abortion for a stripper who was paid to have sex with a player." The alleged misdeeds "go miles beyond the recent infractions reported at Ohio State or USC," said Tom. Then, he said, there's "the scale. ... [This] allegedly went on for about eight years ... [and] involved over 70 football players and other athletes" and perhaps a half dozen coaches. NPR also mentioned that the Athletic Director of Miami was involved and spoke out publicly about the NCAA sanctions against OSU at a time he probably knew Miami was in deep trouble.
- Anyone who's been to a movie in the past few years can testify to the increasing numbers of commercials they are subjected to BEFORE the previews come on.
- How about my last post in the previous thread to threadjack the conversation here? Looks like the Univ. of Miami has eased the heat on OSU in the NCAA infractions arena: NPR’s Tom Goldman just spoke with All Things Considered host Robert Siegel. As Tom said, it’s not just the “impermissible benefits” [the NCAA's term] that players are alleged to have received that make this a huge story. Those include “cash, jewelry, prostitutes, bounties for injuring opposing players, paying for an abortion for a stripper who was paid to have sex with a player.” The alleged misdeeds “go miles beyond the recent infractions reported at Ohio State or USC,” said Tom. Then, he said, there’s “the scale. … [This] allegedly went on for about eight years … [and] involved over 70 football players and other athletes” and perhaps a half dozen coaches. NPR also mentioned that the Athletic Director of Miami was involved and spoke out publicly about the NCAA sanctions against OSU at a time he probably knew Miami was in deep trouble.
- Geo.W Bush was no 'common' folk working the ranch in TX, Joe and you know that. He's the scion of privilege from birth. Gimme a frakkin' break.
- Rick Perry competes with Michelle Bachmann to see who can get the most of the corndog in one bite.
- beb, I've been thinking about the SEC destroying its files all weekend. This does not seem to be anywhere close to the proud agency I started work for in 1983 and left in 1994 when they closed the Seattle office. But it did shift in a major way during my time, particularly when the higher ups, with pressure from the WH, closed the insider trading investigation into Harken Energy and George W. Bush in 1989. When I left 17 years ago,the SEC had become a culture of bending over backwards to help the targets of their investigations. When I was investigating cases, I did not have automatic authority to subpoena records. I had to write a memo laying out my case and tying it to the laws, documenting why there were probable violations of the securities laws that merited having subpoena authority to investigate. Initially it went straight to the Commission but eventually they set up a Regional Office in D.C. where the memos were vetted first. The Regional Office could return it for any reason whatsoever, and they often did with red lining aplenty. We would joke that law review articles were easier to write than Commission memos. So eventually it could take 6 months or more just to get authority to subpoena documents. When we thought we had sufficient evidence to file the case, we again had to file a memo with the Commission through the Regional Office which would once again vet and return the memo if they felt we didn't have the evidence or the law sufficient to sustain the filing. Once we finally made it through the labyrinthian maze we then had to notify the targets of the investigation that we planned to sue them (this is civilly, mind you, not criminally). At that point the targets could file something titled a Wells submission contesting our action and then they could appear in person and argue to the Commission that there was no need or merit to an SEC action. Of course, the Commission was quite busy, so scheduling this appearance could take quite a while and then we had to fly into DC from Seattle to do our presentation. It could take upwards of two years to complete an investigation. It certainly stifled initiative.
- What a great post today, Nancy. I've tried to spread the alarm about the pending death of the Statistical Abstract. And the post about Apple and Steve Jobs. Your vacation must've agreed with you. Welcome back!
- There was also an earthquake in Colorado this morning. Wonder what's up.
- Who is this Indiana Republican Rep. Phillip Hinkle? And why the hell is he not resigning?
- After graduating high school in 1970, I went to a small college in Minnesota, one that offered me a full tuition scholarship which made it easier for the family because my father was not in the private practice of medicine but doing a residency in anesthesia at the Mayo clinic, for which he was being paid resident's wages. It was Macalester College or Rochester State Junior College for me because I was the oldest of 5 kids. So I selected Macalester and it was the best choice I could have made. One thing about small colleges is that you can, if you want, develop wonderful relationships with your professors. I still correspond with my history professor/advisor and his wife. Also, my classmates from college are my very rock--they have been my friends for 40 years now and when I am in Minneapolis, Portland, S. CA or Australia, to name just a few places they can be found, we always find time to get together. So small colleges have lots to offer, and many can make it as affordable as going to the state schools, particularly for someone as gifted as your daughter. Do not despair, Nancy, there are lots of choices out there.
- For Coozledad. Why not to work for the NSA from Good Will Hunting back in 1997. Mighty bit of prescience there.
- What about the movie with Humphrey Bogart that has a hurricane in it? Hate forgetting this stuff.
-,,20483493,00.html why does Indiana but not Texas make the list of the ten most depressing states?
- Brian, I laughed too. Here's some more humor. Rick Perry's college grades:
- Julie, it's part of the whole picture with Perry. He's the guy holding pray for rain events last spring, who says Social Security is Ponzi scheme that we have to do away with, that the head of the Fed is a traitor, who openly speculated about having Texas secede from the union, who has aligned himself with the Dominionists, who lies about Texas' record of job creation. On and on. This is another George W. Bush without any of the upsides, such as they were.
- Ok, this should have gone up yesterday with Ed the Knife, but I didn't find it until today. It is definitely not safe for work, so please don't open it unless you are safely at home with no one else around. But it's the kinder gentler version of Ed--how you can look like you are emasculated without going under the knife.
- Happy, happy day to Dorothy, Connie and Basset! And many more.
- Oh, those clever Republicans. What will they think of next.
- I understand this guy is a former Republican mayor of Indianapolis:
- Obama, much as I think he's wrong, is still trying for that bipartisan approach. Still trying to work productively with Congress which I think is god damned stupid because the Republicans would as soon lynch him as deal with him. Bunch of racist fucks. At any rate, Obama is much nicer than I am.
- Look, Obama thought the date was agreed upon with Boehner's office before he announced. Then, of course Boehner pulls the Lucy stunt and pulls back the football yet again so Obama can look ridiculous. And of course, folks like mark jump all over it, because that's what it was designed for. It's all of a piece with this: Conservative columnist Matthew Vadum is just going to come right out and say it: registering the poor to vote is un-American and “like handing out burglary tools to criminals.” “It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population to destroy the country—which is precisely why Barack Obama zealously supports registering welfare recipients to vote,” Vadum, the author of a book published by World Net Daily that attacks the now-defunct community organizing group ACORN, writes in a column for the American Thinker I'm just sick and tired of it.
- From what I read today, the reason Obama caved on the air pollution laws, at this time, is because it would have hurt a couple of crucial Senate races.
- ps, does anyone else see nothing but the words that my browser does not support this?
- Laura Lippman has a new book out. Goody!
- I'd just returned from a jog and the kids had the tv on downstairs. We watched the second plane crash into the WTC and then I got them ready for school and went to work. Where I was just sent home because no one knew what building would be next. Taking the bus home, I was behind an Arabic speaking fellow who was on his cell phone constantly talking in a very loud and excited fashion. My private response was not kind. Went out to the playfield by our house that afternoon and it was eerie how there were no jets in the sky. Things were very, very quiet.
- Can we add Richard Cohen to the shitpile with Mitch Albom?
- Nancy Grace looks so plebian compared to the models and clothing made by Chinese designer, Guo Pei:
- You know, maybe if Bush had gotten out front in this, saying that he decided to lay low, or whatever. But it was other folks that were making his decisions for him. That did not feel like he was in charge (h/t Alexander Haig)and he was the President, for gawd's sake. If his judgment can be overruled, or he can be ordered about, who is at the handles of our national government? Where is accountability?
- The comments are also worth reading. One in particular echoes where I am--Obama seems to be the only one trying to compromise these days. It makes him look lonely out there, and weak. I am livid with some of his decisions (Gitmo, EPA, Bernanke, debt ceiling compromise to start with), but I knew going in that whoever was elected would not be agreeing with me 100%. As far as the Republicans go, I pretty much disagree with them 98% (thanks John Boehner) of the time. We are at the precipice.
- Perhaps Joe has the inside word on how it was that the Saudis in Kentucky got to fly out of the country while the rest of the US airspace was shut down.
- Joe, you still haven't answered my question.
- Mark H. those wealthy Saudis were probably less at risk than the guys who drove taxis in NYC.
- Dick Cheney was/is far more evil than I thought: This is a guy who admits to no mistakes while being vice president: I sure wish that some of those countries who have charged Cheney with high crimes practiced rendition.
- Joe: "MR. RUSSERT: But, Prince, here's the question. This is a photograph of you with the president down at his Crawford ranch. He brought his family. Alison Walsh of The New Yorker wrote you are almost a member of the Bush family. That was her interpretation after doing an enormous amount of research. And 140 Saudis did leave the United States when Americans couldn't fly. The FBI agent--the FBI spokesman, John Inurelli, said, "I can say unequivocally that the FBI had no role in facilitating these flights." Jim Thompson on the 9-11 Commission asked Richard Armitage, the deputy secretary of state, "Did you, the State Department authorize this?" "No, sir." I asked the vice president of the United States on this program, did he know anything about it? "No, sir." Hundred and forty Saudis leave the country two days after September 11, and nobody knows who gave permission. You don't know anything about it. You didn't ask anyone for permission."
- Nope but I love Talking Points Memo's dissection of it, especially the comments: Favorite comments: "first clown out of the car." and "she's insulted circuses everywhere."
- It's been two years since the diagnosis of lung cancer, which makes me an outlier by most standards (18-21 months is the median life expectancy) and in that time I've had plenty of opportunity to consider the possibility of god, or not. Like those of you who have suffered unimaginable losses and not only had to live through them, but the well meaning but tin eared sympathy of others, I can identify. My worst experiences are when someone comes up to me and tells me, "I've been having a very tough day, but then I thought of you and what you're going through and I realized I was not so bad off." Thanks so much. What I do know is that it is my relationships with others, my children, my dear friends at work and church and here, and some of my relatives, that make this endurable so far. And perhaps I can get a glimpse of god in those relationships and that is enough. I think, Maggie, that the kaddish may be a development from the story of Job. Something I need to reflect further on. But thank you for that!
- I don't think I've mentioned today how idiotic I think Rick Perry is:
- Speaking of "She Who" there's some schadenfreude big time: Loved the Heaton piece. Best thing I've read for the ten yr anniversary bar none. And mark, quit making sense, ok? This is scaring me ;>)
- Alex!!!! A smart guy like you smokes? I thought you would've figured out that 1) it's an extremely expensive habit 2) that takes time out of your day and years from your life, and 3) it smells so bad to the rest of us. Even if you're not smoking around us we can smell it and trust me, my lungs go into a paroxysm these days just being around smokers. I've been thinking of having a large button made. The first line which would be arching around the upper half of the circle would say: "I Have Lung Cancer." Then bisecting the middle of the button would be the line: "You Can Too." Finally circling the botoom half of the button would be: "Ask Me How." I smoked half a pack a day for 9 years and quit the day I got married. Made for the honeymoon from hell. But it was worth it. Heart attacks are no fun. Neither is cancer, my dear. So here are strategies for quitting that I used successfully: 1) don't hang out in the places you normally smoke. If you have to, take long baths in the bathtub at home if there is no other place for you to go. 2) hard sugarfree candies are your friend. 3) be patient. the urge takes so damn long to go away but just take it one moment, one day at a time. 4) take up walking. then take up jogging. I would walk for a block or two and jog for half a block and build upon that. Ride a bike. Do something good for yourself. 5) limit your alcohol intake the first part of this. It ruins your self control and as I recall there was nothing better than a drink and a cigarette together. 6) love yourself. I see smoking as the penultimate act of self-hatred because you know they are bad for you. Really bad. Yet you continue to do it. Good luck. We want you here. No more Ashley Morris' scenes, ok? love,love
- I'm with Jeff Borden. Yesterday's election in NY of a GOP, breaking a Dem trend since 1923 indicates to me that a large portion of the electorate does not pay attention to the larger political currents that are swirling us down the toilet.
- Mark H: What I didn't say clearly enough is that I think the electorate knows superficial stuff that they glean from the ads but they don't read deeper and understand that a very large part of our fiscal crisis actually stems from the profligacy of the Bush administration (2 unfunded wars? tax cuts for the wealthy? deregulation of Wall Street?) and the refusal of the Republicans to do anything to ameliorate the current deplorable economic condition because it would help Obama. In fact, that is what we see in NY where the electorate have elected a GOP representative because they are assigning the blame for the current economic travails to Obama. When, if they would look a bit further than their tv screen, they might see who's really behind the curtain.
- Which is your favorite sign? I think mine is the donuts one.
- Can we add this to the headline hall of fame?
- Thai coconut chicken soup here cures most ills.
- Alex, there's a part one to that video and a followup on Shirley 8 years later on YouTube. Thank you for that.
- Update on Shirley and Jenny. What wonderful animals elphants are. Thank you again, Alex, for the video.
- Joe, I like diving boards too but I understood when I was on the board of my neighborhood pool that we could not have one after the remodel, based on liability reasons. Airshows may go the same way no matter how much you like them.
- My ex's grandfather was a barnstormer in the early days of aviation in North Carolina (thus neatly tying in Joe and Coozledad). He was from the red neck part of North Carolina in New Bern. I'm sure the proximity to Kitty Hawk had a hand in it. Turns out his wife was unfaithful to him and he sought a divorce from her in the late 1920's. The ex's dad was a boy of about 11 but he had kept a diary that was used to establish that his mother was having the affair. After the divorce, custody was awarded to the mother. I understand that mother and son were not close. Son went on to be a minister, who also was unfaithful to his wife--they were divorced after 39 years of marriage, 4 years after I married the ex. Amazing how these sorts of behaviors repeat down the years. There sure are parts of North Carolina I have no affection for.
- Sue--LOL! Your comment made my day!
- There is no correlation between tax cuts for the rich and job creation. WSJ said so 2 years ago:
- something fun to read for today. We used to vacation at Lone Mountain Rance in Montana before Chet Huntley bought it and turned it into a resort. It was a working cattle ranch when we were there and went on lots of long trail rides. Never met a bear but did meet a mama and baby moose once. And get caught in a lightning strike on top of a ridge. Fun stuf..
- Another outstanding video of Elizabeth Warren. She is really something!
- Actually, I thought she DID answer most of the question, in particular the 'gotcha' question about the Chinese military. Obviously YMMV. You got anyone you think is better than her? Scott Brown?
- It's my understanding that the cost of a death penalty case far exceeds what the cost would be to keep the convicted individual in prison for the rest of his/her life. So the money argument fails. As far as movies to see, I recommend 50/50, coming out Sept. 30. As someone who has been there, I think Joseph Gordon Leavitt does a superb job of conveying what one goes through when you get hit with a cancer diagnosis out of the blue. Based on a true story, involving a scriptwriter for the Ali G show. Seth Rogen was actually this guy's friend so the role he plays is based on himself. It isn't too Hollywood, or at least wasn't for my taste. I thought the supporting actors were excellent as well.
- I'd be happy to see what would happen if the Post Office got into cable. Couldn't be much worse than the monopoly players we have now. Cloy just reaffirms that there are a number of misogynists out there ready to take ad hominem whacks at qualified, smart females. Got tired of it with Hillary (though in the end I supported Obama over her) and this is no different.
- In keeping with Holly's sentiments, I offer the following from
- Not in Washington State, Dexter. We are one of the few states that permits actions against government employees and/or departments for negligence on up. It's cost the state a pretty penny over the years. Your story reminds me that my ex had a great uncle who was a German Reformed minister in Cleveland, OH. The ex's mother lived with this family after she was orphaned. The minister and his wife had their only daughter lobotomized back in the 1930's because she was had an artistic temperament and was prone to what they considered unbecoming behavior. So they got some doctor to do the deed and it definitely made their daugher more docile and biddable. I didn't find out about this until ten years after my marriage.
- Delighted to see that Charles Pierce is blogging at Esquire.
- Here I've been thinking you so reasonable of late Jeff tmmo. In Washington state we have a single payer health care plan that comes in the guise of worker's comp. The state, rather than a multitude of insurance companies, administers a fund that covers all but the largest of employers, who self-insure. The unions are one influence, but so are the employers. I don't think the unions game the system any more than the employers do. However, as the ACA is phased in, a lot of workers' comp is going to be redundant. I could be out of a job eventually because of that. That is not such a bad thing.
- A report from someone who is working the SB5 issue in Ohio.
- Our Presbyterian church is looking to furlough our 4 employees for one month next summer to try to balance our budget. This is what happens and this is how you do it when membership is dying off and not being replaced by younger members. But just because we are going through this process does not give me the right to bash state workers and call for the same draconian measures. Although with a required balanced budget for the state and the lack of an income tax to bring stability to government revenues, we have had to give back 3% of our salaries and take furlough days ourselves. I'm rather in favor of unions as protecting workers. I've seen it up close and personal with agency employees other than attorneys (we cannot organize). Without the union, the folks who work for the program at the Department that I represented, would have had no protection against their supervisor, a certified asshole. You'd be interested to know Jeff, that his heavy handedness on one assessment case, caused a small Methodist church to go out of business. The Department audited the church and claimed that someone working there, who was actually funded by the county, was an employee and they owed several thousands of dollars in unpaid workers' comp premiums, penalties and interest. The litigation supervisor who handled the appeal was aghast at this but the supervisor was adamant that the Department would not drop or settle the case. The church did not have the money to pay and went out of business. Mind you this is just one of a host of stories I have from working with this jerk for over two years. He downgraded those on his staff who tried to settle cases--initiating adverse actions against them. Good thing that these folks had their union to protect them--without that they would have been up the proverbial shit crick.
- I dunno. Seattle is where Amanda Knox is from and the comments in the media stories have been completely over the top. I would be glad to see that sort of ad hominem sexist crap stop.
- OT: Pets eat the darndest things:
- Dexter, this has been done before with less cursing but probably the same amount of family, nudity, and drugs. I refer you to the Grateful Dead: Just back from a weekend in Eugene, OR where we saw two concerts of Furthur, a band named after Ken Kesey's bus and composed to two Dead alumni: Bob Weir and Phil Lesh. It was great. Insane Clown Posse is too hard edged for me. And I hope my kids.
- I had lunch with my ob/gyn last spring. She was downtown attending a medical seminar on obesity. It is the largest, unaddressed medical issue facing physicians these days. It causes a host of other medical conditions including diabetes and cancer. It's not simply a social problem, it's a medical problem as well. Perhaps someone could delineate for us the fine line to walk between ignoring it and addressing it.
- LA Mary, you make valid points, but 2/3 of the American population is either overweight or obese, which makes this problem far more widespread, although not as immediately dangerous, perhaps.
- Terry Ryan was my camp counselor at Camp Palmer in Defiance, OH
- Joe Cocker's lyrics misheard. Made me laugh--a great feat on chemo night.
- Gov. Kasich somehow found a way to give himself a raise. Nice going guv!
- Remember when the Republicans were foaming at the mouth about vote fraud and ACORN? Well it was all a ruse so we wouldn't notice that they've disenfranchised 5 million voters across the nation by making it difficult for the poor, the students, those that traditionally vote Democrat, to register to vote. Anyone who defends this sort of attack on one of our fundamental rights deserves heaping helpings of scorn.
- My parental involvement in Seattle public schools--grade school level.
- Combining murder and good eating......
- Suzanne, I waited for a few hours, til I calmed down over your remarks about Jobs being responsible for his pancreatic cancer because he may have smoked.. I am hoping that you were trying for some humor.
- Thanks, Dave. Got it now.
- So, do folks here think that Scott Brown's riposte to Elizabeth Warren (the "Thank God" she didn't take of her clothes remark) will have any long term effect? I'm thinking that as long as the campaign stays on the issues, Warren has the upper hand, but this sort of sexism can hurt her in Massachusetts. For all the wrong reasons.
- The good news: at least there are no women running.
- Bert Jansch, founder of Pentangle. RIP 1943-2011.
- Richard Thompson will be in Seattle Nov. 2 for a concert. He's opening for the Webb Sisters. Anyone want to join me?
- I'm reading Roger Ebert's autobiography right now, and I'm at the part where he started in journalism as a sportswriter. Worth a read. Happy Birthday, Deborah. And Peter, lol. I contend that I work because it's the only way I know I can pay for my illness.
- Nancy, truth is stranger than fiction. The GOP in Mass think they have constructed a scary Elizabeth Warren video from her soundbites alone: And something on the 'are Mormons Christian' debate:
- Happy birthday Michael G. Hope the candles fit on your cake!
- The article on Jobs mentioned that his tumor was not the kind of tumor normally associated with pancreatic cancer and major death rates. It was a much milder tumor that in some cases wasn't even metastatic. My daughter had a dermatofibrosarcoma that was removed her sophomore year in high school. It was about the size of a plum in her abdomen. They just had to make sure the margins were clear and that was it, aside from regular checkbacks. No chemo or radiation. If Jobs had gone in earlier, he might have had the same result from what I read in the gawker article.
- Joe, here's another look at why Herman Cain is not to be taken seriously. He's the next Michael Steele of the Republican party.
- Well, Joe, if you take Mr. Cain seriously, why don't you post why his 999 tax program would be a boon to the various income classes in our society from the poorest on up? Then perhaps we could engage in a substantive discussion of the merits. Seems to me that under the 999 tax program the poor and lower middle class and the middle class are going to be spending a far higher proportion of their income on taxes than will the wealthy. But let's hear from you on this.
- taps foot..... Joe, I'm waiting.......
- Why Cain is not serious about his bid:
- I think the reason Obama notified Congress is that if it is considered to be a military conflict, the President is required to do so under the War Powers Resolution.
- Oh, and when Herman is questioned about his 999 plan, his response is "I don't want to get into this class warfare thing." Right, except that's what the GOP has been doing the past two weeks. So it's ok except when it's not convenient. RRIIGGHHTT. He may not be an idiot, but the things he says sure are idiotic.
- First Bobo, now Jokeline. Love me some Charles Pierce. ooh, and this:
- Sorry, Jeff tmmo--I put Thomas Friedman in the same pile as David Brooks and Mitch Albom.
- I'm in Denver this week and the big story here is that they've determined where the listeria on the canteloupes came from. A farm owned by someone named Jensen had subpar cleaning facilities. It seems that the FDA had never paid a visit to them ever. Now the media is tut-tutting about that when I am sure that pre listeria outbreak, it would have been seen as government overreach, particularly if they developed regulations (you know the kind that kill business, not people). I am so very fried with these 'no government' types I could scream. Good thing my vocal cords aren't up to it these days.
- As a member here who has had cancer for the past two years or more, I think I have more than hypotheticals to speak about. Jobs was a fool, in my opinion, for thinking he could cure or arrest his prostate cancer with alternative treatments. One thing allopathic medicine has in cases like that is hard science and tons of research behind their treatments. The wheat grass crowds only have anecdotal evidence, and as has been said before: "the plural of anecdote is not data." That said, I can see where a combination of allopathic and alternative treatments can create a patient centered symbiosis. I make sure to get a massage every two or three weeks because I think that touch is remarkably healing. But to entirely omit medicine in favor of chiropractors or naturopaths is disaster waiting to happen. And if your doctor is not sympathetic, find another one. Here is Swedish Hospital oncologist, Dr. Jack West of cancergrace, talking about how the internet has made patients better educated and better able to participate in their treatment: ps. Connie, I hope your convalescence is short and sweet.
-,26393/ What a great idea!
- Pot roast was a staple growing up. As a result I got pretty tired of it and haven't really made it much. Same with chicken noodle soup. Then there's things that I can't find in Seattle but don't miss, like ring bologna. My mother's favorite cookbook was Peg Bracken's "I Hate to Cook Book." Luckily my daughter and older son are far better cooks than I was at their ages.
- Joe, perhaps you can elighten me as to why the Republicans are opposing the jobs bill. In fact, I'd like you to point to any legislation approved by Obama that they voted for. I don't think you will find anything.
- Good for the Repubs, Jeff tmmo but I could have guessed they'd vote to repeal or resist the imposition of taxes. Any other examples that you could cite? Here's one example of Bush bipartisanship: Hats off to the Republicans. They could really put the screws on. Oh, and the reason I am up way too late is that I discovered this evening that the Fifth Season of Doc Martin is on YouTube. It is like catnip to a cat. What a wonderful series. I'm going to pay for this in the morning.
- The money quotes (and ones that I think Joe should read very carefully): People aren't jealous and they don’t want privileges. They just want a level playing field, and they want Wall Street to give up its cheat codes, things like: FREE MONEY. Ordinary people have to borrow their money at market rates. Lloyd Blankfein and Jamie Dimon get billions of dollars for free, from the Federal Reserve. They borrow at zero and lend the same money back to the government at two or three percent, a valuable public service otherwise known as "standing in the middle and taking a gigantic cut when the government decides to lend money to itself." Or the banks borrow billions at zero and lend mortgages to us at four percent, or credit cards at twenty or twenty-five percent. This is essentially an official government license to be rich, handed out at the expense of prudent ordinary citizens, who now no longer receive much interest on their CDs or other saved income. It is virtually impossible to not make money in banking when you have unlimited access to free money, especially when the government keeps buying its own cash back from you at market rates. Your average chimpanzee couldn't fuck up that business plan, which makes it all the more incredible that most of the too-big-to-fail banks are nonetheless still functionally insolvent, and dependent upon bailouts and phony accounting to stay above water. Where do the protesters go to sign up for their interest-free billion-dollar loans? CREDIT AMNESTY. If you or I miss a $7 payment on a Gap card or, heaven forbid, a mortgage payment, you can forget about the great computer in the sky ever overlooking your mistake. But serial financial fuckups like Citigroup and Bank of America overextended themselves by the hundreds of billions and pumped trillions of dollars of deadly leverage into the system -- and got rewarded with things like the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program, an FDIC plan that allowed irresponsible banks to borrow against the government's credit rating. This is equivalent to a trust fund teenager who trashes six consecutive off-campus apartments and gets rewarded by having Daddy co-sign his next lease. The banks needed programs like TLGP because without them, the market rightly would have started charging more to lend to these idiots. Apparently, though, we can’t trust the free market when it comes to Bank of America, Goldman, Sachs, Citigroup, etc. In a larger sense, the TBTF banks all have the implicit guarantee of the federal government, so investors know it's relatively safe to lend to them -- which means it's now cheaper for them to borrow money than it is for, say, a responsible regional bank that didn't jack its debt-to-equity levels above 35-1 before the crash and didn't dabble in toxic mortgages. In other words, the TBTF banks got better credit for being less responsible. Click on to see if you got the same deal. STUPIDITY INSURANCE. Defenders of the banks like to talk a lot about how we shouldn't feel sorry for people who've been foreclosed upon, because it's they're own fault for borrowing more than they can pay back, buying more house than they can afford, etc. And critics of OWS have assailed protesters for complaining about things like foreclosure by claiming these folks want “something for nothing.” This is ironic because, as one of the Rolling Stone editors put it last week, “something for nothing is Wall Street’s official policy." In fact, getting bailed out for bad investment decisions has been de rigeur on Wall Street not just since 2008, but for decades. Time after time, when big banks screw up and make irresponsible bets that blow up in their faces, they've scored bailouts. It doesn't matter whether it was the Mexican currency bailout of 1994 (when the state bailed out speculators who gambled on the peso) or the IMF/World Bank bailout of Russia in 1998 (a bailout of speculators in the "emerging markets") or the Long-Term Capital Management Bailout of the same year (in which the rescue of investors in a harebrained hedge-fund trading scheme was deemed a matter of international urgency by the Federal Reserve), Wall Street has long grown accustomed to getting bailed out for its mistakes. The 2008 crash, of course, birthed a whole generation of new bailout schemes. Banks placed billions in bets with AIG and should have lost their shirts when the firm went under -- AIG went under, after all, in large part because of all the huge mortgage bets the banks laid with the firm -- but instead got the state to pony up $180 billion or so to rescue the banks from their own bad decisions. This sort of thing seems to happen every time the banks do something dumb with their money. Just recently, the French and Belgian authorities cooked up a massive bailout of the French bank Dexia, whose biggest trading partners included, surprise, surprise, Goldman, Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Here's how the New York Times explained the bailout: To limit damage from Dexia’s collapse, the bailout fashioned by the French and Belgian governments may make these banks and other creditors whole — that is, paid in full for potentially tens of billions of euros they are owed. This would enable Dexia’s creditors and trading partners to avoid losses they might otherwise suffer... When was the last time the government stepped into help you "avoid losses you might otherwise suffer?" But that's the reality we live in. When Joe Homeowner bought too much house, essentially betting that home prices would go up, and losing his bet when they dropped, he was an irresponsible putz who shouldn’t whine about being put on the street. But when banks bet billions on a firm like AIG that was heavily invested in mortgages, they were making the same bet that Joe Homeowner made, leaving themselves hugely exposed to a sudden drop in home prices. But instead of being asked to "suck it in and cope" when that bet failed, the banks instead went straight to Washington for a bailout -- and got it. UNGRADUATED TAXES. I've already gone off on this more than once, but it bears repeating. Bankers on Wall Street pay lower tax rates than most car mechanics. When Warren Buffet released his tax information, we learned that with taxable income of $39 million, he paid $6.9 million in taxes last year, a tax rate of about 17.4%. Most of Buffet’s income, it seems, was taxed as either "carried interest" (i.e. hedge-fund income) or long-term capital gains, both of which carry 15% tax rates, half of what many of the Zucotti park protesters will pay. As for the banks, as companies, we've all heard the stories. Goldman, Sachs in 2008 – this was the same year the bank reported $2.9 billion in profits, and paid out over $10 billion in compensation -- paid just $14 million in taxes, a 1% tax rate. Bank of America last year paid not a single dollar in taxes -- in fact, it received a "tax credit" of $1 billion. There are a slew of troubled companies that will not be paying taxes for years, including Citigroup and CIT. When GM bought the finance company AmeriCredit, it was able to marry its long-term losses to AmeriCredit's revenue stream, creating a tax windfall worth as much as $5 billion. So even though AmeriCredit is expected to post earnings of $8-$12 billion in the next decade or so, it likely won't pay any taxes during that time, because its revenue will be offset by GM's losses. Thank God our government decided to pledge $50 billion of your tax dollars to a rescue of General Motors! You just paid for one of the world's biggest tax breaks. And last but not least, there is: GET OUT OF JAIL FREE. One thing we can still be proud of is that America hasn't yet managed to achieve the highest incarceration rate in history -- that honor still goes to the Soviets in the Stalin/Gulag era. But we do still have about 2.3 million people in jail in America. Virtually all 2.3 million of those prisoners come from "the 99%." Here is the number of bankers who have gone to jail for crimes related to the financial crisis: 0. Millions of people have been foreclosed upon in the last three years. In most all of those foreclosures, a regional law enforcement office -- typically a sheriff's office -- was awarded fees by the court as part of the foreclosure settlement, settlements which of course were often rubber-stamped by a judge despite mountains of perjurious robosigned evidence. That means that every single time a bank kicked someone out of his home, a local police department got a cut. Local sheriff's offices also get cuts of almost all credit card judgments, and other bank settlements. If you're wondering how it is that so many regional police departments have the money for fancy new vehicles and SWAT teams and other accoutrements, this is one of your answers. What this amounts to is the banks having, as allies, a massive armed police force who are always on call, ready to help them evict homeowners and safeguard the repossession of property. But just see what happens when you try to call the police to prevent an improper foreclosure. Then, suddenly, the police will not get involved. It will be a "civil matter" and they won't intervene. The point being: if you miss a few home payments, you have a very high likelihood of colliding with a police officer in the near future. But if you defraud a pair of European banks out of a billion dollars -- that's a billion, with a b -- you will never be arrested, never see a policeman, never see the inside of a jail cell. Your settlement will be worked out not with armed police, but with regulators in suits who used to work for your company or one like it. And you'll have, defending you, a former head of that regulator's agency. In the end, a fine will be paid to the government, but it won't come out of your pocket personally; it will be paid by your company's shareholders. And there will be no admission of criminal wrongdoing. The Abacus case, in which Goldman helped a hedge fund guy named John Paulson beat a pair of European banks for a billion dollars, tells you everything you need to know about the difference between our two criminal justice systems. The settlement was $550 million -- just over half of the damage. Can anyone imagine a common thief being caught by police and sentenced to pay back half of what he took? Just one low-ranking individual in that case was charged (case pending), and no individual had to reach into his pocket to help cover the fine. The settlement Goldman paid to to the government was about 1/24th of what Goldman received from the government just in the AIG bailout. And that was the toughest "punishment" the government dished out to a bank in the wake of 2008. The point being: we have a massive police force in America that outside of lower Manhattan prosecutes crime and imprisons citizens with record-setting, factory-level efficiency, eclipsing the incarceration rates of most of history's more notorious police states and communist countries. But the bankers on Wall Street don't live in that heavily-policed country. There are maybe 1000 SEC agents policing that sector of the economy, plus a handful of FBI agents. There are nearly that many police officers stationed around the polite crowd at Zucotti park. These inequities are what drive the OWS protests. People don't want handouts. It's not a class uprising and they don't want civil war -- they want just the opposite. They want everyone to live in the same country, and live by the same rules. It's amazing that some people think that that's asking a lot.
- Happy Birthday, Julie!
- bad lip reading for Herman Cain
- Here I thought Herman Cain was the second act Michael Steele, when all along he's the next Clarence Thomas:
- Joe, Cain's employer paid off Cain's accussers in exchange for a pledge of secrecy. That did not happen in the Paula Jones case. (btw I am one of the few who detest Bill Clinton as a result of the Monica Lewinsky crap--I have no respect for him and thought he should have resigned). I am sorry that, like the Clarence Thomas hearings, it has come to this and not to Cain's manifest unfitness to hold public office.
- Maybe he could be the Fiirst Choir Director.
- more connexions to Rove listed.
- worst halloween candy: candy corn and circus peanuts. Ack, ack ack.
- Caliban, I think MarkH was pleasantly surprised at LaHood's candor. Not the opposite.
- exercise can be fun!
- best takedown out there of why the criticism of Cain is not racist:
- Two of those couples are from Seattle. You can add my brother, Mark, and his partner John. Together 16 years and they can't marry.
- Caliban, you need to rein it in. Seriously.
- history major here (took every European history course I could--all pre-1900s) and all the journalism courses my college offered. Realized that was not going to pay the bills even if I went to grad school so went to law school instead.
- Just saw Anonymous. Highly recommend.
- Dexter, I think I've mentioned here before that I used to work, and played bridge with Lewis Puller, Jr. He was a very smart and charming man and quite adept at hiding his demons. I was so saddened when he killed himself.
- So the media seems willing to give Herman Cain and, eventually, JoePa a pass for their behavior, or lack thereof. As someone who quit her first job as a lawyer, because my married boss was pressuring me to go to bed with him and punishing me when I said "no," I am damn well steamed about Cain skating past his sordid deeds and am appalled that Paterno is not being formally held responsible for his most Catholic behavior of looking the other way. I worked hard on my church's formal policy on the guides for adults who work with our youth and these stories anger me severely. Alex, I wish only the best for you and your partner. You are in my prayers. I hope that Joe and you will finally meet. And that it will be whatever it will be. Off to surgery, myself this afternoon. Should be day surgery to remove a possibly cancerous lump on my head. I'll be glad when it's gone.
- Kirk, you're right. I misspoke. The media right now seems like a group of hyperactive terriers--ankle biters. The folks that count, the Republican voters in Cain's case and the PSU administration in Paterno's case, seem to be willing to ignore the obvious.
- The wonderful sound effects guy on Prairie Home Companion died. He was a communications major at MN:
- I think sports (particularly football) are a stand in for combat these days, Caliban. Historically the military has been infused with religion, the better to bind the "Band of Brothers" together into cohesive fighting units. All the way back to the Crusades and before. So it seems a logical extension to infuse sports with the same religious fervor that imbued fighting troops for all those centuries.
- I asked a law professor who is an internationally recognized mental health expert about whether being raped as a child has a permanent effect on one. Here is his response: 1. While there are almost always exceptions, the scar is there forever. Few can ever "overcome" it (I hate that word in this context, but u know what I mean) 2. A statistically significant number of those so abused become abusers themselves. Not all do; not all abusers were abused. But the correlation is robust. 3. Just as in the case of heterosexual rape, the impact is much more lasting and much more calamatous if the perp is family member or trusted figure. There is incontravertable evidence, by way of comparison, that there is a valid/reliable statistical correlation btwn the sexual abuse of women by relatives/trusted figures and the likelihood that that woman will later become so mentally ill that hospitalization is required (whereas there is no evidence that the type of sexual assault that everyone fears the most [the 7-11 parking lot at midnite] has any correlation w long lasting psychiatric disability.
- Maggie, thank you for your post. I note that Sandusky has 6 adopted children. I wonder if they were at risk during their childhood.
- Caliban, this is a good description of the rah rah feel good head in the sand attitude towards sports that exists in colleges these days.
- Suzanne, that is such good snark!!
- F fix O or R repair D daily
- McQueary now saying he did stop the assault and spoke with the police: JoPa transferred his share of the family house to his wife for $1 back in July:
- Can we add David Brooks to the Mitch Albom list?
- “There is no blue without yellow and without orange.” Vincent van Gogh quotes You are sooo wrong, caliban:
- here's a nice Victoria Beckham dress in blue and orange (which are also Macalester College's colors):
- I tried to post on my IPOD this am but since it's not appeared, I will try to recreate it. Kudos, Maggie for a great post upthread. I was waylaid by OWS in Seattle two nights ago when their street protests delayed my bus home by an hour. I got a friend to let my dogs out for me, so I was fine. Then I learned the next day that the police had directly pepper sprayed the petite 84 year old Olberman interviewed and a pregnant young women. Making friends whereever they go, those cops in Seattle. My favorite foreign phrase comes from Australia where many Cockneys (who are noted for their colorful language) made their home voluntarily or involuntarily. It refers to a need for a male to go to the loo: "Unbutton the mutton and wring the rattlesnake."
- Thanks, guys. I'm feeling the love.
- Something to share with all of you. Thanks so much for your support.
- a former cop on the UC Davis incident.
- Our First Amendment rights are absolute. Only where there is immediate danger to the citizenry or pornography, can they be curtailed. Yet we are outstanding hypocrites in that we have roundly condemned other countries who do not have a First Amendment, for responding to peaceful protestors with violence, yet that is EXACTLY what we are doing in our very own country. When will folks wake up?
- Dexter and Basset: This is for you:
- Stay classy, NASCAR fans:
- career advice for women thinking of going into the newspaper bidness back in 1940.
- coozledad, that Mercedes van still costs less than Alan's Escalade. Amaaazing.
- Happy birthday Nancy! You and I are separated by mere days (mine is tomorrow). I will be 39 for the 20th year.
- Thought this was a fine discussion of why ignorance is so powerful in our politics right now:
- product reviews of pepper spray at amazon
- Julie, I am sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful woman. May your memories of her continue to enrich your life. And Dexter, I too had been following Sean Holten after you mentioned him. I am so sad to learn of his passing. He had a great spirit.
- Dorothy, I am late to this, but I am so sorry for the betrayal of your friendship. It will work itself out but right now is a hard time. Reminds me when I found the undeleted email in the family computer that the ex had sent to his girlfriend who I knew nothing about til that point. You will recover, promise.
- Back in the day (late '60's and early '70's) if a girl got pregnant, she was expelled from school if her condition became known. I remember one young woman, a year ahead of me at Defiance High School, who disappeared for a year and the rumor was she had gone off to have a baby and give it up for adoption. But because she had not stayed at the high school during her pregnancy she had no trouble getting back in.
- Dexter, Tim O'Brien is an alumnus of my alma mater: Macalester College. Very proud of him.
- Having been an inhabitant of KY for 5 years, and having a brother in law for 14 years who was a thoroughbred horse farm manager, I learned a bit about horsebreeding. To begin with, you need what's referred to as a "teaser pony" because you want the mare to be receptive by the time you introduce the very, very expensive stallion. Thoroughbred breeding requirements do not permit artificial insemination. I can only think that to be a teaser pony would be the worst job in the world. Also, I remember when I was in law school in Lexington there was a lawsuit filed when a foal was born looking more like the teaser pony than the stallion.
- Nancy, does that mean Seattle Slew is gay, like those penguins?
- I was at the Minnesota Wild game two weeks ago, where they had the tribute to Derek Boogaard. When Trivial Pursuit was all the rage in the early '80's, the hockey category was always greeted with groans and the usual answer given by us non hockey fans was "Gordie Howe." So given my ignorance, I was not aware of the deeper issues surrounding Boogaard's death until I read the NYT series. Of course, none of that was mentioned that night by either the family or the Wild. Thanks for highlighting it, Nancy.
- Read the additional article that the Crystal Cox article appends at the end: The attorney, Bruce Johnson, is a friend of mine and a noted First Amendment attorney in Seattle.
- Saw "Straight No Chaser" last night in Seattle. Love those IU acapella singers. Quite a wonderful night. If you ever get the chance to see them, I highly recommend it.
- Our first dog was a dalmation named Gypsy. I was about 6 or 7 at the time. We lived on North Clinton Street in Defiance, which is a very busy street. Gypsy, unbeknownst to us was deaf, a comman trait in dalmatians. She would never come when called but my parents ascribed it to orneriness. One day while they were gone, and we had a babysitter, Gypsy got out and ran across N. Clinton. We called and called but no Gypsy. Finally she came back and crossed the road and was hit by a car. I was the oldest kid, and as I recall Gypsy dragged herself to the porch but the babysitter would not let us bring her in because she was afraid of the mess she would make. So I went down to the basement and got all the rags I could find and we stuffed them around her, crying our eyes out. Our parents finally got home and took her to the vet's where she died. It was a very traumatic time for us kids.
- My mother is from Little Falls, MN, and her father and uncle were friends with the Lindberghs. Charles would fly over their clinic and tip his wings. Charles' father was the US Representative from the district, which is now Michelle Bachmann's, and as I recall his politics were very similar to hers. He also had a mistress problem, so the apple didn't fall far from the tree there.
- Great news, Maggie! I hope things continue on improving for you.
- Wasn't there a Superbowl commercial where Tebow's mom said she didn't abort Tebow when she was pregnant with him and his family was in the Phillipines, despite her doctors' recommendation? From what I recall, the Phillipines, a predominantly Catholic country, prohibited abortion at the time with severe penalties for violations.
- CNN has Tim G featured on its front page today:
- This is what I wrote on March 17, 2003, on a group list of international members (it's a place for Dorothy Dunnett fans to talk about politics or anything else): I just wanted to issue an apology to say how sorry I am for the military action the USA will be undertaking in 72 hours. Whether Saddam and Co. turn tail and run or whether they fight it out with massive casualties to both sides, the losers are all of us. International law has been disregarded by a band of renegades, some of whom have desired to emasculate the UN for years. I am saddened and angry that the voices of so many in this country were not listened to by our unelected president. 9/11 was a significant tragedy. This will only compound, not fix that mess. regina I got a lot of shit for this from the Israeli member of the group and some knee jerk conservatives, but my pov has been borne out in the subsequent 8 1/2 years.
- Lawyer holiday humor:
- Hitchens infuriated me with his stand on the Iraq War, but he was required reading all the same. Here's another provocative column of his on blow jobs:
- Here's a nice story for the season:
- Nancy, don't you teach at Wayne State?
- Which still doesn't answer my question, Brian. Why would men want to wax there?
- Such wonderful news! Congratulations. I'm very glad you are not abandoning us, however. I count on being able to come here and learn something and kibbutz with the folks.
- quite a Christmas story from Sweet Juniper:
- If LA Mary vouches for Bloom, I'm with her! In need of a last minute gift: And with regard to anti-Catholic sentiment, I lived in Defiance, OH, and Rochester MN before my first encounter with anti Catholicism in Kentucky. Never before.
- On the plant returning to Seattle from Mpls. Have a hearing tomorrow where the other side failed to provide me with their Dr's report until I asked for it: got it at 4:30 the day before I went on leave last Thurs so I am not looking forward to that ( my motion for a continuance was denied). Add to that the fact that I came down with a cold after I spent an hour and a half in a deposition last Tues with a lawyer who was sneezing up a storm and using Kleenex willy Nilly. I should have postponed the dep sooner but I've never done that before. Word to the wise. Deborah, California Guitar Trio has a song with Lamy in the title. I bet there is a connection.
- California Guitar Trio: "Train to Lamy"
- Johnny Cash singing Nine Inch Nails.
- The Newtster is still lying about the circumstances of his first divorce. I thought I'd post that to cheer us all up.
- We need more good news on such a bleak day. Here's a baby polar bear.
- "FLK" was also used at the University of KY hospital when I lived there 4dbirds. It meant the child was suspected of being a product of incest.
- C'dad, the Dead Kennedys are simply following in an earlier song tradition set by Sweet Pie (who used to perform in the nude) with his boogie woogie song, "Too Drunk to Ball."
- the very last of his song seems to be cut off by that youtube, which is a shame, so here's another attempt:
- It is "OR-Y-GUN" not Or-eh-gone." And there's a Versailles, KY pronounced "Ver- Sales"
- Alex, I thought you might get a kick out of this:
- Nancy, your link doesn't work for me. Here's what I found: ASSOCIATED PRESS STYLEBOOK (2009) GANTLET, GAUNTLET: A gantlet is a flogging ordeal, literally of figuratively. A gauntlet is a glove. To throw down the gauntlet means to issue a challenge. To take up the gauntlet means to accept a challenge. ______________________ GARNER’S MODERN AMERICAN USAGE (2003) GANTLET; GAUNTLET: Although the latter is more common in most senses, the former is still preferred in one of them. One runs the gantlet (= a kind of ordeal or punishment) but throws down the gauntlet (= a glove). The trend, however, is to use gauntlet for all senses. Like many trends, this one is worth resisting: keep gantlet for the ordeal.
- The headline is simply the best. Loves me some Doghouse Riley:
- Just read your piece Jeff, and it was excellent! I'll be passing it on to friends. I don't know if I mentioned it here, but I read in another forum, a discussion of "It's a Wonderful Life" and one writer said he always took the view that George actuallly died and the denouement to his situation as revealed in the movie, is actually his fevered imagination in his last moments. Makes the movie immeasurably darker.
- Indiana leads the way again:
- My grandfather, Seth, and great aunt, Marg, used to hunt pheasant in and around Paulding, OH. I remember hearing about it growing up and seeing a picture or two.
- I predict that an idiot is going to win the Iowa Republican primary.
- Yum!
- Here's what each vote in Iowa cost. It is going to be a grim year for tv. I suggest folks start weaning themselves off of it.
- A little bit of color just left Kentucky. He was a year behind me in law school and his exploits were legion back then. One time he showed up for a final exam in the wrong section of the class--he hadn't attended all semester and forgot who his professor was.
- Caliban do you have any proof that Romney was born in Mexico?
- I'd have to say LA was the scariest driving I've ever encountered, but I haven't driven much on the eastern seaboard.
- And Mitt Romney's favorite book is L. Ron Hubbard's Battlefield Earth.
- An interesting problem I've been having is going back in time on Facebook. I belong to a group of former Defiance folks on a site, "I Miss the Valentine Theater." I've tried to go back to when the group started because there was something said by one of the members that was really off the wall and I wanted to verify it. But Facebook doesn't let you go back, except manually, which is very, very tedious. And then I get to mid 2010 and it just stops working.
- Charles Pierce takes down NYT weasel editor Arthur Brisbane, and does so in a most satisfactory manner: The newspaper bidness is in trouble, and this is not the way to staunch the bleeding.
- Brisbane is still trying to justify his question on Romanesko. I wonder if he appreciates Clinton's trying to parse the definition of "is," now. What he can't see (probably because the air is too rarified in the tower he inhabits) is that he is a modern day scholastic, counting the number of angels dancing on the heads of pins, while the real story escapes him. All the life and vitality is being sucked out of the newspaper industry by their fears of reporting the truth.
- Jakash, you wrote: Seems to me that is just a terrible example of the kind of fact-checking people are expecting of journalists. While saying that he “misunderstood” is almost certainly bullshit, that’s not something that can be factually countered by a reporter. But it can in this case, because for a number of years (before Mrs. Thomas got great paying gigs) Thomas correctly listed his wife's income. It just takes a bit more digging.
- Jimmy Fallon is genius!
- Good for you Maggie. It's great to have you back!
- I understand that the games at Chuck E Cheese's have changed to mostly gambling ones--that's the way to lead our youngsters!
- Rick Santorum's wife lived with an abortion provider for 6 years before she married Rick. He was an older man who had delivered her! And, if you didn't think racism was alive and well, well think again:
- back to spinach! It was one of the dishes my mom made that I loved. She used frozen spinach and mixed sour cream in with it. It was good.
- Suzanne, your analysis of the idiocy of the blue collar vote with regard to assuming lazy slackers are sucking off the government teat, but don't try to take my medicare away from spot on. It's truly quotable.
- Sue, if Romney is the nominee now way will Huntsman be the VP. Two Mormons on one ticket would surely sink it. And speaking of Romney, it's now bruited about that he has $33 million in the Cayman Islands.
- Brian, there was substantial discrimination and some violence against German Americans during WW1. They burned piles of German books, right in Columbus: And my grandmother told me that in addition to burning the books, the German-Americans stopped speaking German outside the home, as they had in their churches because they were afraid of reprisals. But what really gets me is that during World War 1 some dachshunds in the US were killed as somehow being too German.
- Support please,Joe, for your assertion that Obama has a billion stashed away. Last I knew, a billion was a thousand million. That's quite a haul if true. Back in September, Obama's war chest was 99milion. I know, I know these facts have a pesky liberal bias.
- Worst grades in high school were for gym because I refused to wear the uniform. Didn't want to take my blouse off, I was too embarassed about my lack of a chest. Some of the older guys called me "Twiggy" which, at the time, I did not consider a compliment. I wanted to call attention to two articles about the current state of prisons in the US. Well worth a read, both of them: I am hoping that something will change for the better, but am not holding my breath.
- I think the worst news flowing from Apple is their conscious use of slave workers in China.
- JC, you're right. I was in a hurry this morning so shortened my post. At the expense of clarity.
- Ok, JC I read Tim Cook, and I call bullshit on him: “Unfortunately some people are questioning Apple’s values today, and I’d like to address this with you directly,” he says. “Any suggestion that we don’t care is patently false and offensive to us. As you know better than anyone, accusations like these are contrary to our values. It’s not who we are. For the many hundreds of you who are based at our suppliers’ manufacturing sites around the world, or spend long stretches working there away from your families, I know you are as outraged by this as I am.”
- Indiana legislative hijinks!
- Gentlemen, I hope you are thinking about new additions to your fall 2012 wardrobe:
- How about some basketball hijinks for today?
- Missed the whole thing and don't regret it one bit.
- Shouldn't we be focusing on this?
- Here's another fraud circulating among the right wing mouth breathers on the internet: The Plot Thickens An intensive investigation has revealed the identity of the man whose Social Security number (SSN) is being used by President Obama: Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in France in 1890, immigrated to the United States in 1924, and was assigned SSN 042-68-4425 (Obama's current SSN) on or about March 1977. Ludwig lived most of his adult life in Connecticut .. Because of that, his SSN begins with the digits 042, which are among only a select few reserved for Connecticut residents. Obama never lived or worked in that state! Therefore, there is no reason on earth for his SSN to start with the digits 042. None whatsoever! Now comes the best part! Ludwigspent the final months of his life in Hawaii, where he died. Conveniently, Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, worked part-time in the Probate Office in the Honolulu Hawaii Courthouse, and therefore had access to the SSNs of deceased individuals. The Social Security Administration was never informed of Ludwig's death, and because he never received Social Security benefits there were no benefits to stop and therefore, no questions were ever raised. The suspicion, of course, is that Dunham, knowing her grandson was not a U.S. Citizen, either because he was bornin Kenya or became a citizen of Indonesia upon his adoption by Lolo Soetoro simply scoured the probate records until she found someone who died who was not receiving Social Security benefits, and selected Mr LudwigsConnecticut SSN for Obama. Just wait until Trump gets past the birth certificate and onto the issue of Barry O's use of a stolen SSN. You will see leftist heads exploding, because they will have no way of defending Obama.Although many Americans do not understand the meaning of the term "natural born" there are few who do not understand that if you are using someone else's SSN it is a clear indication of fraud. Let's all get this information out to everybody on our mailing lists. If the voters of this great nation can succeed in bringing this lying, deceitful, cheating, corrupt, impostor to justice it will be the biggest and best news in decades for our country and the world. Here it is debunked in snopes:
-,18127/ the next onion article the Republicans will fall for.
- "In December 2000, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruled that companies that provided prescription drugs to their employees but didn't provide birth control were in violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prevents discrimination on the basis of sex. That opinion, which the George W. Bush administration did nothing to alter or withdraw when it took office the next month, is still in effect today—and because it relies on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, it applies to all employers with 15 or more employees. Employers that don't offer prescription coverage or don't offer insurance at all are exempt, because they treat men and women equally—but under the EEOC's interpretation of the law, you can't offer other preventative care coverage without offering birth control coverage, too."
- Well the News Sentinel has somehow blocked me from further commenting. Assholes. I just wanted to tell Bryan Brown this: "Note to self: do not argue with someone who cannot spell Dietrich Bonhoeffer's name correctly." If anyone still has posting privileges could they put that up there for me?
- Registered under another name and was able to post it. C'est fini!!
- Mark, the Israeli's hands are not clean in this matter either: Israel is gunning for this by provocations such as the assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists.
- I can't post it here, because I am at UW waiting for a Ct scan. The cancer has spread to the brain (3 lesions) so I have stereotactic radiation in my future on Feb 28 to be exact. BUT I posted on my FB site a history of the Catholic church's inconsistent position on abortion and also Garry Wills' excellent article in the New York Review of books about the hypocrisy of the Catholic hierarchy. My position is that this group of old men who won't fully admit women to the church, and can't keep their hands off young kids have no business dictating morality to ANYONE until they get their own act together
- my news is not good:
- Dexter, Interesing video about absinthe drinking. However, it's my understanding that absinthe is legal in the US. I get this information from a friend of mine who manufactures and sells distilling equipment for the growing designer hard liquor manufacturers here in the PNW.
- Well, Jeff, tmmm, Ron Paul is claiming that we are slipping towards fascism and he is the only person who can save us from it. That's way out there paranoid in my book, although we have a number of Bush era laws and conventions we still need to rid ourselves of. If he's blaming Obama, then Paul is definitely smoking crack. Also, in response to something further up, a better look at absinthe: And as an ordained elder in the Presbyterian church, I despair of what foks now commonly believe Christianity is, based on the actions of the 27% of our country who obviously have never read the bible (did you know aside from not spilling seed on the ground, there is no reference to abortion whatsover in there?) and are so full of hate for their fellow 'men' who are different from them, that they blindly follow stupid pricks like Romney, Santorum, Gingrich and Bachmann (let alone Palin who you used to defend). If a church is doing political work, it should lose its tax exemption period. When I was on the Board of the NW Women's Law Center, we had to be very careful of our actions so we would not lose our 501(c)(3) status. Churches should be held to the same standard, n'est ce pas? When you say things to C'dad like that Baby Jesus still loves him, it makes me cringe. The concept of God and Incarnation was brilliantly explained in The Chess Garden by Brooks Hansen and after that I hate to see it demeaned in adult conversation.
- Sorry, Caliban, about MC5 member Micheal Davis dying at 69.
- Hexadecimal, As someone who is probably in her last 6 months of life with nonsmall cell lung cancer, I am appalled at your cavalier attitude towards those who do not smoke. I do not choose to have to breathe the second hand smoke of all the smokers gathered outside of my building when I go into work. I am forced to breath it. How can you reasonably force the rest of us to inhale the poison you voluntarily force into your lungs?
- I haven't seen the end of this season of DA but I am hoping my view jibes with TLo as well. It's been a wonderful diversion and caused me to go back and reread the Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy. Amazing that it won the Nobel Prize in 1932.
- Mary McCarthy went to Garfield High School in Seattle for awhile in the earlier part of the last century. Garfield is an inner city high school the Seattle School Board resurrected as a math/science magnet and my two oldest children received a fantastic education there. Her early childhood was a horror.
- Got this from Charles' Pierce's blog but his article is gummed up so can't read all the wonderful ranting he does. I think these anti science folks see themselves as Frodo toiling to Mt. Doom and science is the evil eyed Sauron. They are fucked up enough to see themselves as little heros in a big war.
- Lurves me some Doghouse Riley. My favorite: Perhaps you heard, in one of those "Pig Ignorant News Roundup" or "Signs the Coming Apocalypse is Wholly Justified" segments, about Indiana State Representative Bob Morris, who explained in an email to his Republican colleagues that he didn't join in a resolution honoring the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts because "a small amount of web-based research" had proven to his satisfaction that the Girl Scouts' real mission was turning America's self-identified girls into Satanic, pro-abortion, Sapphic analinguettes, using instructional materials thoughtfully provided by Planned Parenthood. The apparently contradiction--that turning girls into lesbians would interfere with Planned Parenthood's mission of giving every teenager in America an abortion before age 16--can probably be resolved by doing a slightly larger amount of web-based research.
- I am proposing on my FB site that a grass roots Lysistrata movement be started. Lysistrata was a Greek comedy where the wives were tired of the constant warfare, so gave up having sex with their men. To turn it to modern sensibilites, Wives and girlfriends of men who support contraception and other bans on family planning and health should develop their not inconsiderable skills in onanism. There are massagers and other sex toys that can more than make up for a guy's absence during this time of protest.
- I still think it would be great if we had a bunch of buttons printed up that read "I'm with Lysistrata!" And, Malvolio, you may be one of a kind, but most men I know want the 'real thing' vs a self administered hand job.
- I'm surprised no one has jumped on this piece of shit federal judge.
- Joe K: Sorry I'm late to respond but your comparison of Rush Limbaugh's constant misogynistic venom with any liberals statements is wildly off the mark. Ed Kilgore at washington monthly sets out why:
- John Cole does the math on Limbaugh's attacks so we don't have to. 53 times in 3 days he called Sandra Fluke a slut or worse. There's no apology sufficient for that sort of excrement.
- Brian, I tend to believe that if Israel attacks Iran, it will not turn out exactly as you have predicted. I think more and more Americans are getting fed up with the racist and jingoist Israeli government and will not give then a pass if they are the agressor. I may have posted this before but I think it is an important article:
- I vote YES
- Actually I think disemvowellment would be more fun. Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden originated it at their Making Light site.
- One of the Defiance Ohio FB sites is celebrating the opening of anew Bob Evans restaurant with adjectives like "beautiful" while noting that the local Nancy's restaurant has closed. All without irony. And, yes Joe K. The reason that college education at every level is going up is cuts from the government. Now for those of us who are older, many of our parents were educated on the GI Bill and had their college costs subsidized by the government after WWII. Do you think that was a bad idea, Joe? Do you believe that education is a good thing for our society? Do you believe that educating our citizens makes them more productive, financially secure and happy doing jobs that are intellectually stimulating? If it is a good thing for society to have educated members, why is it not a good idea for society to continue to make education affordable and effective? Do you really want to go back to the Victorian times, where only those with money can afford to be educated, thereby stratifying and ossifying our society? It's happening right now, all because of lazy thinking, which is, of course, fostered by bad or no education. Do you really want to wish that on our children, Joe?
- Jeo, I'm not sure why you think the current generation is not bucking up and getting the job done. do you have any statistics to point to? It seems to me that these sorts of complaints are endemic to the older generation as they look back on their lives, whether it's today, or in the 30's or even prior to that. If you have anything to substantiate it, please let me know.
- Republicans used to be for public education. Now they aren't.
- Joe K: Do you have ovarian cysts? Do you bleed copiously to the point you need to take iron supplements during your periods. Hey, I ran regularly and swam on a swim team, immediately prior to my diagnosis of lung cancer.
- Joe K: From one of your google sites: The final tally--$5.07 trillion of spending under Bush, $1.44 trillion under Obama. By the way, those figures for Obama are projections from 2009 to 2017. In other words, both presidents are being judged in eight-year time frames. And Bush "wins" the spending contest in a runaway. and Jefftmmo, nationally there is huge support for contraception. I don't know how you can simply ignore that fact.
- There's been many a time that I have envied Nancy a well turned phrase or three.
- Happy PI day. And Joe, here's list of 244 accomplishments made by Obama:
- Joe, take a look at how the promises were 'broken.' Most by failure of the legislative arm to do anything about it.
- Bank of America. Why have there been no perp walks?
- Deborah, I am so sorry. Our pets become part of our family. This cartoon expresses it all for me:
- Looks like Andrew Sullivan was at the state dinner. I'm afraid that I disagree with the proprietress about Shelley's dress. Too dark and don't like the two piece idea. She's looked so good so many other times.
- Kay, I was about to post the same Shelly in Zac Posen picture! Great minds think alike!
- Oh, Deborah, my heart goes out to you. Not being there makes it so much tougher. Please let us know how you and Little Bird are doing.
- I'm in Ft. Lauderdale for a week of sun and sand so will be mostly lurking. Although I am on a Janet Evanovich kick, so mosey over here to order the next kindle volume to keep up with my beach reading.
- From what I understand, transplant patients are reviewed for quality of match and possibility of long term success post-transplant. I know of a 65 year old alcoholic awaiting a liver transplant and I understand he is not at the top of the list.
- Health care is not like a business because its goal is to treat sick and injured people, not to make money (which they can only do by limiting access to healthcare). Matthew Yglesias gives a damn good primer on it:
- Why the Battle of Shiloh matters.
moe99 on Copycat.
February 29th, 2008 8:22 pm
moe99 on The count is now...
March 4th, 2008 2:27 am
moe99 on Good career move.
March 7th, 2008 6:27 pm
moe99 on The first ladies.
March 11th, 2008 7:33 pm
moe99 on We drink the milkshake.
March 17th, 2008 6:16 pm
moe99 on We drink the milkshake.
March 18th, 2008 12:31 am
moe99 on We drink the milkshake.
March 18th, 2008 2:09 am
moe99 on Ripped from the headlines.
March 19th, 2008 12:54 am
moe99 on I missed the memo.
March 25th, 2008 7:17 pm
moe99 on Family duty.
March 26th, 2008 1:03 am
moe99 on Family duty.
March 26th, 2008 4:46 am
moe99 on Fruit salad, anyone?
March 28th, 2008 12:06 am
moe99 on Fruit salad, anyone?
March 28th, 2008 2:06 am
moe99 on Fruit salad, anyone?
March 28th, 2008 5:55 pm
moe99 on Fruit salad, anyone?
March 28th, 2008 8:19 pm
moe99 on Splutter, splutter.
March 28th, 2008 10:33 pm
moe99 on My plea.
April 8th, 2008 5:50 pm
moe99 on My plea.
April 8th, 2008 9:01 pm
moe99 on Stupid things, facts.
April 14th, 2008 6:37 pm
moe99 on Stupid things, facts.
April 14th, 2008 6:38 pm
moe99 on Our Hillary problem.
April 15th, 2008 7:25 pm
moe99 on Our Hillary problem.
April 16th, 2008 4:56 am
moe99 on Bonehead.
April 16th, 2008 6:35 pm
moe99 on Midday palate cleanser.
April 16th, 2008 11:35 pm
moe99 on Oh, totally.
April 17th, 2008 6:00 pm
moe99 on Oh, totally.
April 17th, 2008 10:21 pm
moe99 on Cancel my subscription.
April 18th, 2008 10:01 pm
moe99 on Thanks, guys.
April 22nd, 2008 11:18 pm
moe99 on In my Face.
April 29th, 2008 10:59 pm
moe99 on In my Face.
April 29th, 2008 11:01 pm
moe99 on In my Face.
April 30th, 2008 1:41 am
moe99 on In my Face.
April 30th, 2008 8:10 am
moe99 on In my Face.
April 30th, 2008 8:13 am
moe99 on The naughty bits.
April 30th, 2008 11:55 pm
moe99 on The naughty bits.
May 1st, 2008 5:01 pm
moe99 on Scowly.
May 2nd, 2008 8:28 pm
moe99 on Scowly.
May 2nd, 2008 10:34 pm
moe99 on Scowly.
May 3rd, 2008 2:10 am
moe99 on Not again.
May 6th, 2008 7:00 am
moe99 on Ready for your closeup?
May 6th, 2008 5:49 pm
moe99 on Um, I forgot.
May 7th, 2008 6:15 pm
moe99 on Um, I forgot.
May 8th, 2008 1:29 am
moe99 on Um, I forgot.
May 8th, 2008 5:22 pm
moe99 on How it went.
May 8th, 2008 7:43 pm
moe99 on The red... doormat, maybe.
May 9th, 2008 9:48 pm
moe99 on Are you OK?
May 10th, 2008 10:30 pm
moe99 on Marital aids.
May 12th, 2008 5:43 pm
moe99 on The service economy.
May 13th, 2008 8:18 pm
moe99 on The service economy.
May 13th, 2008 11:20 pm
moe99 on The service economy.
May 14th, 2008 5:31 pm
moe99 on Today, I'm Pat Parsley.*
May 14th, 2008 7:39 pm
moe99 on Today, I'm Pat Parsley.*
May 15th, 2008 3:15 am
moe99 on Today, I'm Pat Parsley.*
May 15th, 2008 10:37 pm
moe99 on Today, I'm Pat Parsley.*
May 16th, 2008 5:32 am
moe99 on Today, I'm Pat Parsley.*
May 16th, 2008 6:28 pm
moe99 on Two for the road.
May 19th, 2008 10:15 am
moe99 on You guys can drive.
May 21st, 2008 8:27 pm
moe99 on You guys can drive.
May 22nd, 2008 1:49 am
moe99 on It's just fun to say: Mulch.
May 23rd, 2008 6:55 am
moe99 on Internal derangement.
May 23rd, 2008 10:47 pm
moe99 on Internal derangement.
May 24th, 2008 1:37 am
moe99 on Internal derangement.
May 24th, 2008 2:00 am
moe99 on Do not want.
May 29th, 2008 7:59 pm
moe99 on Do not want.
May 30th, 2008 1:44 pm
moe99 on How to cook a wolf. squirrel.
May 30th, 2008 7:28 pm
moe99 on The egoless among us.
June 3rd, 2008 5:42 pm
moe99 on Photo Booth phun.
June 4th, 2008 12:59 am
moe99 on The end, finally.
June 6th, 2008 10:37 am
moe99 on I love you guys.
June 6th, 2008 7:27 pm
moe99 on I love you guys.
June 6th, 2008 10:12 pm
moe99 on I love you guys.
June 7th, 2008 6:39 am
moe99 on The props.
June 9th, 2008 7:39 pm
moe99 on Just keep driving.
June 10th, 2008 7:44 pm
moe99 on Baby mama drama.
June 12th, 2008 4:58 pm
moe99 on Brief hiatus.
June 16th, 2008 12:54 am
moe99 on Camping in Fallujah.
June 17th, 2008 6:38 pm
moe99 on If it keeps on rainin'...
June 21st, 2008 8:41 pm
moe99 on Farewell, you %#&$.
June 23rd, 2008 11:39 pm
moe99 on Farewell, you %#&$.
June 24th, 2008 5:56 pm
moe99 on Behind closed doors.
June 25th, 2008 1:03 am
moe99 on Revenue streams.
June 25th, 2008 7:37 pm
moe99 on Revenue streams.
June 26th, 2008 1:12 am
moe99 on Revenue streams.
June 26th, 2008 1:53 am
moe99 on Gee, thanks.
June 26th, 2008 8:42 am
moe99 on Lost in the towers.
June 27th, 2008 10:39 pm
moe99 on Lost in the towers.
June 29th, 2008 7:56 am
moe99 on We can do it.
June 30th, 2008 7:03 pm
moe99 on A little levity.
July 1st, 2008 5:17 am
moe99 on A little levity.
July 1st, 2008 9:22 am
moe99 on A little levity.
July 1st, 2008 6:10 pm
moe99 on Where I'm calling from.
July 1st, 2008 10:28 pm
moe99 on Where I'm calling from.
July 1st, 2008 11:11 pm
moe99 on Mixed grill on Wednesday.
July 3rd, 2008 6:47 pm
moe99 on Mixed grill on Wednesday.
July 4th, 2008 12:31 am
moe99 on Two from the road.
July 4th, 2008 10:11 pm
moe99 on Two from the road.
July 6th, 2008 6:08 pm
moe99 on Mixed grill on Wednesday.
July 7th, 2008 7:44 am
moe99 on The Jesus people.
July 8th, 2008 8:16 am
moe99 on The tyranny of choice.
July 8th, 2008 7:11 pm
moe99 on The tyranny of choice.
July 8th, 2008 10:21 pm
moe99 on The tyranny of choice.
July 9th, 2008 1:33 am
moe99 on You can't fire me...
July 9th, 2008 11:51 pm
moe99 on You can't fire me...
July 10th, 2008 2:36 am
moe99 on No, I am Bossy.
July 11th, 2008 12:31 am
moe99 on Solitary man.
July 12th, 2008 3:19 am
moe99 on On hiatus.
July 12th, 2008 9:02 am
moe99 on On hiatus.
July 12th, 2008 6:49 pm
moe99 on On hiatus.
July 13th, 2008 5:55 pm
moe99 on On hiatus.
July 14th, 2008 8:42 am
moe99 on On hiatus.
July 14th, 2008 5:16 pm
moe99 on On hiatus.
July 15th, 2008 9:07 am
moe99 on On hiatus.
July 15th, 2008 7:45 pm
moe99 on Postcard.
July 15th, 2008 10:01 pm
moe99 on Postcard II.
July 16th, 2008 10:05 pm
moe99 on Postcard.
July 17th, 2008 5:58 pm
moe99 on Postcard II.
July 18th, 2008 8:05 am
moe99 on Postcard II.
July 18th, 2008 11:10 pm
moe99 on Postcard II.
July 19th, 2008 12:41 am
moe99 on DTW.
July 21st, 2008 9:43 pm
moe99 on Refill on that?
July 22nd, 2008 5:41 pm
moe99 on Refill on that?
July 22nd, 2008 11:20 pm
moe99 on Refill on that?
July 23rd, 2008 12:39 am
moe99 on Parasites.
July 24th, 2008 6:35 pm
moe99 on Parasites.
July 24th, 2008 8:15 pm
moe99 on Open primaries.
July 27th, 2008 5:23 am
moe99 on An internet diet.
July 28th, 2008 8:23 pm
moe99 on Oliver Stone's revenge.
July 29th, 2008 6:47 pm
moe99 on Oliver Stone's revenge.
July 29th, 2008 8:54 pm
moe99 on Oliver Stone's revenge.
July 30th, 2008 5:32 am
moe99 on Will I get a souvenir DVD?
July 30th, 2008 6:44 am
moe99 on What election?
July 31st, 2008 5:00 pm
moe99 on Allegedly, some might think.
August 1st, 2008 10:40 pm
moe99 on Allegedly, some might think.
August 3rd, 2008 7:19 am
moe99 on Niña, Pinta, Knot Workin'.
August 4th, 2008 5:32 pm
moe99 on Almost famous.
August 8th, 2008 1:43 am
moe99 on Whose bitch are you?
August 8th, 2008 8:04 am
moe99 on Still reeling.
August 9th, 2008 7:47 pm
moe99 on Still reeling.
August 9th, 2008 9:30 pm
moe99 on Does this work?
August 11th, 2008 10:23 am
moe99 on Does this work?
August 11th, 2008 7:21 pm
moe99 on Krogerblogging.
August 13th, 2008 6:45 am
moe99 on What gets left.
August 14th, 2008 1:21 am
moe99 on Saturday sailbloggimg.
August 18th, 2008 10:10 am
moe99 on Write like Mitch.
August 18th, 2008 9:41 pm
moe99 on Write like Mitch.
August 18th, 2008 11:29 pm
moe99 on Volcano in evening light.
August 20th, 2008 6:18 am
moe99 on Tuesday night pie.
August 20th, 2008 6:35 pm
moe99 on The transitional period.
August 22nd, 2008 9:11 pm
moe99 on Biden?
August 24th, 2008 8:55 am
moe99 on Biden?
August 24th, 2008 9:58 am
moe99 on Biden?
August 25th, 2008 5:34 pm
moe99 on The Foob wedding.
August 28th, 2008 5:36 pm
moe99 on Whew. I need a cigarette.
August 29th, 2008 7:49 pm
moe99 on Whew. I need a cigarette.
August 29th, 2008 8:25 pm
moe99 on Whew. I need a cigarette.
August 30th, 2008 12:36 am
moe99 on Who made thee?
August 30th, 2008 1:10 am
moe99 on Whew. I need a cigarette.
August 30th, 2008 4:23 am
moe99 on What a weasel wants.
August 30th, 2008 5:51 pm
moe99 on A small rant.
August 30th, 2008 6:12 pm
moe99 on A small rant.
August 30th, 2008 8:10 pm
moe99 on A small rant.
August 30th, 2008 8:53 pm
moe99 on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 12:08 am
moe99 on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 3:18 am
moe99 on A small rant.
September 1st, 2008 2:47 am
moe99 on A small rant.
September 1st, 2008 9:12 am
moe99 on A small rant.
September 1st, 2008 10:08 am
moe99 on A deep cleansing breath.
September 1st, 2008 6:11 pm
moe99 on A deep cleansing breath.
September 1st, 2008 8:07 pm
moe99 on A deep cleansing breath.
September 1st, 2008 9:00 pm
moe99 on A deep cleansing breath.
September 2nd, 2008 1:43 am
moe99 on Labor Day parade.
September 2nd, 2008 6:39 am
moe99 on Solidarity eventually.
September 2nd, 2008 11:37 pm
moe99 on Solidarity eventually.
September 3rd, 2008 12:20 am
moe99 on Creative differences.
September 4th, 2008 2:18 am
moe99 on Creative differences.
September 4th, 2008 2:21 am
moe99 on Creative differences.
September 4th, 2008 10:14 am
moe99 on The end of everything.
September 4th, 2008 10:30 pm
moe99 on The end of everything.
September 4th, 2008 10:50 pm
moe99 on The end of everything.
September 4th, 2008 11:14 pm
moe99 on The end of everything.
September 5th, 2008 12:05 am
moe99 on The end of everything.
September 5th, 2008 2:55 am
moe99 on The end of everything.
September 5th, 2008 3:51 am
moe99 on The end of everything.
September 5th, 2008 8:01 am
moe99 on Quel fromage.*
September 5th, 2008 5:26 pm
moe99 on Quel fromage.*
September 5th, 2008 8:29 pm
moe99 on Quel fromage.*
September 6th, 2008 7:06 pm
moe99 on Quel fromage.*
September 6th, 2008 7:35 pm
moe99 on Quel fromage.*
September 6th, 2008 9:56 pm
moe99 on Quel fromage.*
September 6th, 2008 10:13 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 6th, 2008 10:48 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 6th, 2008 11:45 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 7th, 2008 2:51 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 7th, 2008 3:31 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 7th, 2008 4:11 am
moe99 on Quel fromage.*
September 7th, 2008 9:09 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 7th, 2008 6:52 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 7th, 2008 10:19 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 8th, 2008 3:49 am
moe99 on Romantic comedy.
September 8th, 2008 8:31 am
moe99 on Romantic comedy.
September 8th, 2008 10:56 am
moe99 on Romantic comedy.
September 8th, 2008 7:18 pm
moe99 on Romantic comedy.
September 8th, 2008 9:03 pm
moe99 on Romantic comedy.
September 9th, 2008 1:18 am
moe99 on Romantic comedy.
September 9th, 2008 1:45 am
moe99 on Romantic comedy.
September 9th, 2008 5:14 am
moe99 on Romantic comedy.
September 9th, 2008 5:19 pm
moe99 on Home of the losers.
September 9th, 2008 6:00 pm
moe99 on Home of the losers.
September 9th, 2008 6:09 pm
moe99 on Home of the losers.
September 9th, 2008 11:09 pm
moe99 on Like this.
September 10th, 2008 2:43 am
moe99 on Like this.
September 10th, 2008 6:13 am
moe99 on No comment.
September 10th, 2008 5:19 pm
moe99 on No comment.
September 10th, 2008 6:09 pm
moe99 on The silent minority.
September 10th, 2008 9:09 pm
moe99 on The silent minority.
September 10th, 2008 11:19 pm
moe99 on The silent minority.
September 11th, 2008 12:08 am
moe99 on The silent minority.
September 11th, 2008 2:23 am
moe99 on The silent minority.
September 11th, 2008 4:32 am
moe99 on The silent minority.
September 11th, 2008 7:37 am
moe99 on Not about cathedrals.
September 11th, 2008 5:20 pm
moe99 on Not about cathedrals.
September 11th, 2008 6:15 pm
moe99 on The silent minority.
September 11th, 2008 6:55 pm
moe99 on The silent minority.
September 11th, 2008 8:20 pm
moe99 on The silent minority.
September 11th, 2008 9:00 pm
moe99 on Not about cathedrals.
September 11th, 2008 9:55 pm
moe99 on The silent minority.
September 12th, 2008 12:43 am
moe99 on Not about cathedrals.
September 12th, 2008 2:45 am
moe99 on Not about cathedrals.
September 12th, 2008 7:02 am
moe99 on Not about cathedrals.
September 12th, 2008 5:14 pm
moe99 on Hi, neighbor.
September 12th, 2008 5:17 pm
moe99 on Hi, neighbor.
September 12th, 2008 6:46 pm
moe99 on The squared circle.
September 12th, 2008 8:31 pm
moe99 on The squared circle.
September 12th, 2008 9:18 pm
moe99 on The squared circle.
September 12th, 2008 10:23 pm
moe99 on Hi, neighbor.
September 12th, 2008 11:43 pm
moe99 on The squared circle.
September 13th, 2008 2:54 am
moe99 on The squared circle.
September 15th, 2008 12:56 am
moe99 on The squared circle.
September 15th, 2008 3:27 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 15th, 2008 7:07 am
moe99 on The meltdown.
September 15th, 2008 5:16 pm
moe99 on The meltdown.
September 15th, 2008 10:42 pm
moe99 on The meltdown.
September 15th, 2008 11:09 pm
moe99 on Thanks, Ted.
September 16th, 2008 12:24 am
moe99 on Thanks, Ted.
September 16th, 2008 1:23 am
moe99 on The meltdown.
September 16th, 2008 2:16 am
moe99 on The meltdown.
September 16th, 2008 3:48 am
moe99 on The meltdown.
September 16th, 2008 9:05 am
moe99 on "Mad Men" love.
September 16th, 2008 9:07 am
moe99 on "Mad Men" love.
September 16th, 2008 4:45 pm
moe99 on "Mad Men" love.
September 16th, 2008 8:31 pm
moe99 on The house with the tarp.
September 17th, 2008 6:00 pm
moe99 on The house with the tarp.
September 17th, 2008 6:59 pm
moe99 on The house with the tarp.
September 17th, 2008 9:50 pm
moe99 on The house with the tarp.
September 18th, 2008 7:39 am
moe99 on Sigh.
September 18th, 2008 6:27 pm
moe99 on Sigh.
September 18th, 2008 7:55 pm
moe99 on Sigh.
September 18th, 2008 8:38 pm
moe99 on Sigh.
September 18th, 2008 9:39 pm
moe99 on Sigh.
September 19th, 2008 6:49 am
moe99 on Sigh.
September 19th, 2008 8:38 am
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 19th, 2008 5:35 pm
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 19th, 2008 6:12 pm
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 19th, 2008 7:11 pm
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 19th, 2008 8:48 pm
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 19th, 2008 10:41 pm
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 20th, 2008 3:25 am
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 20th, 2008 6:10 am
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 20th, 2008 10:17 am
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 20th, 2008 6:45 pm
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 20th, 2008 7:08 pm
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 20th, 2008 7:38 pm
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 20th, 2008 8:04 pm
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 20th, 2008 8:34 pm
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 20th, 2008 8:43 pm
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 21st, 2008 12:21 am
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 21st, 2008 2:55 am
moe99 on The threatening cloud.
September 21st, 2008 6:22 am
moe99 on A little history.
September 21st, 2008 10:34 pm
moe99 on A little history.
September 22nd, 2008 4:50 am
moe99 on A little history.
September 22nd, 2008 6:26 am
moe99 on A little history.
September 22nd, 2008 7:53 am
moe99 on Slouching toward Wall St.
September 22nd, 2008 7:39 pm
moe99 on Slouching toward Wall St.
September 22nd, 2008 8:21 pm
moe99 on Slouching toward Wall St.
September 23rd, 2008 12:12 am
moe99 on Don't look there.
September 23rd, 2008 3:08 am
moe99 on Don't look there.
September 23rd, 2008 7:55 am
moe99 on Two this and a that.
September 23rd, 2008 6:06 pm
moe99 on Clogged.
September 25th, 2008 2:50 am
moe99 on Clogged.
September 25th, 2008 3:43 am
moe99 on Two this and a that.
September 25th, 2008 9:31 am
moe99 on Clogged.
September 25th, 2008 10:11 am
moe99 on Clogged.
September 25th, 2008 5:31 pm
moe99 on Get the stretcher.
September 25th, 2008 5:48 pm
moe99 on Get the stretcher.
September 25th, 2008 8:32 pm
moe99 on Testosterone poisoning.
September 25th, 2008 10:07 pm
moe99 on Testosterone poisoning.
September 25th, 2008 10:33 pm
moe99 on Testosterone poisoning.
September 26th, 2008 9:11 am
moe99 on TEOTWAWKI.
September 26th, 2008 7:29 pm
moe99 on TEOTWAWKI.
September 26th, 2008 8:22 pm
moe99 on TEOTWAWKI.
September 26th, 2008 9:49 pm
moe99 on TEOTWAWKI.
September 27th, 2008 3:38 am
moe99 on TEOTWAWKI.
September 27th, 2008 7:11 am
moe99 on TEOTWAWKI.
September 27th, 2008 7:05 pm
moe99 on TEOTWAWKI.
September 27th, 2008 8:50 pm
moe99 on TEOTWAWKI.
September 27th, 2008 9:20 pm
moe99 on TEOTWAWKI.
September 27th, 2008 9:31 pm
moe99 on Saturday afternoon market.
September 27th, 2008 10:42 pm
moe99 on Natural-born world-shaker.
September 28th, 2008 12:46 am
moe99 on TEOTWAWKI.
September 28th, 2008 2:43 am
moe99 on Natural-born world-shaker.
September 28th, 2008 4:22 am
moe99 on Natural-born world-shaker.
September 28th, 2008 10:49 am
moe99 on Natural-born world-shaker.
September 28th, 2008 10:58 pm
moe99 on Send caffeine.
September 29th, 2008 7:22 pm
moe99 on Send caffeine.
September 30th, 2008 1:11 am
moe99 on Send caffeine.
September 30th, 2008 8:36 am
moe99 on Luxury amid the chaos.
September 30th, 2008 6:53 pm
moe99 on Luxury amid the chaos.
October 1st, 2008 5:10 am
moe99 on Luxury amid the chaos.
October 1st, 2008 7:56 am
moe99 on Luxury amid the chaos.
October 1st, 2008 6:12 pm
moe99 on Luxury amid the chaos.
October 1st, 2008 6:36 pm
moe99 on Urban renewal
October 1st, 2008 9:54 pm
moe99 on Urban renewal
October 1st, 2008 11:19 pm
moe99 on Urban renewal
October 2nd, 2008 12:32 am
moe99 on Urban renewal
October 2nd, 2008 1:36 am
moe99 on Urban renewal
October 2nd, 2008 7:14 am
moe99 on Urban renewal
October 2nd, 2008 5:39 pm
moe99 on Paging Tim Gunn.
October 3rd, 2008 8:47 pm
moe99 on Paging Tim Gunn.
October 3rd, 2008 10:00 pm
moe99 on Paging Tim Gunn.
October 4th, 2008 5:25 pm
moe99 on Paging Tim Gunn.
October 5th, 2008 11:19 pm
moe99 on Paging Tim Gunn.
October 5th, 2008 11:57 pm
moe99 on Paging Tim Gunn.
October 6th, 2008 5:27 am
moe99 on Paging Tim Gunn.
October 6th, 2008 12:03 pm
moe99 on Just doing our part.
October 7th, 2008 5:28 am
moe99 on Just doing our part.
October 7th, 2008 6:00 am
moe99 on Just doing our part.
October 7th, 2008 4:40 pm
moe99 on Just doing our part.
October 7th, 2008 5:05 pm
moe99 on Rooting for grubs.
October 8th, 2008 12:57 am
moe99 on My 9/11 movie.
October 8th, 2008 6:19 am
moe99 on Advantage: That one.
October 8th, 2008 5:27 pm
moe99 on Advantage: That one.
October 8th, 2008 6:52 pm
moe99 on Advantage: That one.
October 8th, 2008 11:26 pm
moe99 on Advantage: That one.
October 8th, 2008 11:43 pm
moe99 on Advantage: That one.
October 9th, 2008 2:11 am
moe99 on Advantage: That one.
October 9th, 2008 2:42 am
moe99 on A few words about moose.
October 9th, 2008 6:34 pm
moe99 on A few words about moose.
October 9th, 2008 7:12 pm
moe99 on A few words about moose.
October 10th, 2008 12:36 am
moe99 on A few words about moose.
October 10th, 2008 3:31 am
moe99 on A few words about moose.
October 10th, 2008 4:34 am
moe99 on A few words about moose.
October 10th, 2008 8:22 am
moe99 on Make up your mind.
October 10th, 2008 6:34 pm
moe99 on Make up your mind.
October 10th, 2008 7:06 pm
moe99 on Make up your mind.
October 10th, 2008 8:21 pm
moe99 on Make up your mind.
October 10th, 2008 11:01 pm
moe99 on Make up your mind.
October 11th, 2008 12:33 am
moe99 on Make up your mind.
October 11th, 2008 2:52 am
moe99 on Make up your mind.
October 11th, 2008 4:23 am
moe99 on Make up your mind.
October 11th, 2008 7:54 pm
moe99 on Make up your mind.
October 11th, 2008 8:39 pm
moe99 on Make up your mind.
October 12th, 2008 12:23 am
moe99 on Detroitywood.
October 12th, 2008 4:06 am
moe99 on Detroitywood.
October 12th, 2008 9:36 am
moe99 on Detroitywood.
October 12th, 2008 10:46 pm
moe99 on Detroitywood.
October 13th, 2008 1:10 am
moe99 on Detroitywood.
October 13th, 2008 4:29 am
moe99 on Swallowed up.
October 13th, 2008 5:11 pm
moe99 on Swallowed up.
October 13th, 2008 8:21 pm
moe99 on Swallowed up.
October 14th, 2008 1:13 am
moe99 on Swallowed up.
October 14th, 2008 2:56 am
moe99 on Bye.
October 14th, 2008 5:27 pm
moe99 on Bye.
October 15th, 2008 2:56 am
moe99 on Don't light a match.
October 15th, 2008 7:50 pm
moe99 on Don't light a match.
October 15th, 2008 10:47 pm
moe99 on Don't light a match.
October 16th, 2008 12:40 am
moe99 on Don't light a match.
October 16th, 2008 5:15 pm
moe99 on Caught up.
October 16th, 2008 8:11 pm
moe99 on O.I.D.
October 17th, 2008 12:33 am
moe99 on O.I.D.
October 17th, 2008 6:27 am
moe99 on O.I.D.
October 17th, 2008 10:21 am
moe99 on In the manure lagoon.
October 18th, 2008 1:10 am
moe99 on Oh, Mr. DeMille.
October 20th, 2008 12:17 am
moe99 on Oh, Mr. DeMille.
October 20th, 2008 9:18 am
moe99 on Oh, Mr. DeMille.
October 20th, 2008 4:52 pm
moe99 on Oh, Mr. DeMille.
October 20th, 2008 5:41 pm
moe99 on The second opinion.
October 20th, 2008 5:43 pm
moe99 on The second opinion.
October 20th, 2008 7:13 pm
moe99 on The second opinion.
October 20th, 2008 8:47 pm
moe99 on The second opinion.
October 20th, 2008 10:15 pm
moe99 on The second opinion.
October 21st, 2008 1:45 am
moe99 on The second opinion.
October 21st, 2008 2:13 am
moe99 on The second opinion.
October 21st, 2008 8:10 am
moe99 on But,'s organic!
October 22nd, 2008 2:45 am
moe99 on But,'s organic!
October 22nd, 2008 5:59 am
moe99 on But,'s organic!
October 22nd, 2008 6:52 am
moe99 on But,'s organic!
October 22nd, 2008 5:53 pm
moe99 on Look sharp.
October 22nd, 2008 7:58 pm
moe99 on Look sharp.
October 22nd, 2008 11:54 pm
moe99 on Look sharp.
October 23rd, 2008 2:44 am
moe99 on Look sharp.
October 23rd, 2008 3:51 am
moe99 on Old man smell.
October 23rd, 2008 9:39 pm
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 24th, 2008 9:43 pm
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 24th, 2008 11:21 pm
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 25th, 2008 2:19 am
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 25th, 2008 7:17 pm
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 25th, 2008 7:43 pm
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 25th, 2008 8:15 pm
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 25th, 2008 9:50 pm
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 12:45 am
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 4:20 am
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 7:22 am
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 8:06 am
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 6:23 pm
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 27th, 2008 3:43 am
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 27th, 2008 8:29 am
moe99 on Tawana told a lie.
October 27th, 2008 6:07 pm
moe99 on The pink heels.
October 27th, 2008 6:10 pm
moe99 on The pink heels.
October 27th, 2008 8:29 pm
moe99 on The pink heels.
October 27th, 2008 10:28 pm
moe99 on The pink heels.
October 27th, 2008 11:18 pm
moe99 on The pink heels.
October 28th, 2008 12:24 am
moe99 on The pink heels.
October 28th, 2008 3:17 am
moe99 on This one's for Joody.
October 28th, 2008 4:53 am
moe99 on Untitled.
October 28th, 2008 11:58 pm
moe99 on Untitled.
October 29th, 2008 8:02 am
moe99 on A silver lining.
October 30th, 2008 2:38 am
moe99 on A silver lining.
October 30th, 2008 3:13 am
moe99 on Shopping list: Sugar.
October 30th, 2008 5:17 pm
moe99 on Shopping list: Sugar.
October 30th, 2008 5:58 pm
moe99 on They haven't changed.
October 30th, 2008 9:42 pm
moe99 on They haven't changed.
October 31st, 2008 2:01 am
moe99 on They haven't changed.
October 31st, 2008 5:05 pm
moe99 on Spooky business.
October 31st, 2008 6:40 pm
moe99 on Spooky business.
October 31st, 2008 11:20 pm
moe99 on Spooky business.
November 1st, 2008 6:03 pm
moe99 on The witch on the block.
November 2nd, 2008 12:14 am
moe99 on The witch on the block.
November 2nd, 2008 6:41 am
moe99 on The witch on the block.
November 2nd, 2008 6:59 am
moe99 on The witch on the block.
November 2nd, 2008 9:19 am
moe99 on The witch on the block.
November 3rd, 2008 1:10 am
moe99 on The witch on the block.
November 3rd, 2008 7:19 pm
moe99 on Rain on the roof.
November 3rd, 2008 9:56 pm
moe99 on Rain on the roof.
November 3rd, 2008 11:29 pm
moe99 on Rain on the roof.
November 4th, 2008 1:07 am
moe99 on Rain on the roof.
November 4th, 2008 1:25 am
moe99 on Sleeping in.
November 4th, 2008 9:59 am
moe99 on Sleeping in.
November 4th, 2008 7:35 pm
moe99 on Take a chill pill.
November 4th, 2008 10:45 pm
moe99 on Take a chill pill.
November 4th, 2008 11:08 pm
moe99 on Polls-closed/closing thread.
November 5th, 2008 3:49 am
moe99 on Polls-closed/closing thread.
November 5th, 2008 8:40 am
moe99 on Now let's see the puppy.
November 5th, 2008 6:02 pm
moe99 on Now let's see the puppy.
November 6th, 2008 12:59 am
moe99 on Now let's see the puppy.
November 6th, 2008 1:04 am
moe99 on Now let's see the puppy.
November 6th, 2008 4:00 am
moe99 on Now let's see the puppy.
November 6th, 2008 6:53 am
moe99 on Slash and burn.
November 6th, 2008 6:55 pm
moe99 on Slash and burn.
November 6th, 2008 8:12 pm
moe99 on Slash and burn.
November 6th, 2008 9:49 pm
moe99 on Slash and burn.
November 7th, 2008 2:05 am
moe99 on Slash and burn.
November 7th, 2008 6:39 am
moe99 on Slash and burn.
November 7th, 2008 8:56 am
moe99 on Slash and burn.
November 7th, 2008 9:45 am
moe99 on Let's ask the group.
November 8th, 2008 7:13 pm
moe99 on Let's ask the group.
November 9th, 2008 12:01 am
moe99 on Let's ask the group.
November 9th, 2008 1:11 am
moe99 on Let's ask the group.
November 9th, 2008 4:11 am
moe99 on Let's ask the group.
November 9th, 2008 5:55 am
moe99 on Let's ask the group.
November 9th, 2008 5:44 pm
moe99 on Let's ask the group.
November 9th, 2008 7:50 pm
moe99 on For your consideration.
November 12th, 2008 9:38 am
moe99 on Who, us? Racist?
November 12th, 2008 10:34 am
moe99 on Carb-loading.
November 14th, 2008 4:01 am
moe99 on Carb-loading.
November 14th, 2008 6:32 pm
moe99 on Look, a shiny object!
November 14th, 2008 6:43 pm
moe99 on Look, a shiny object!
November 16th, 2008 3:36 am
moe99 on With candles.
November 17th, 2008 7:13 pm
moe99 on With candles.
November 17th, 2008 10:42 pm
moe99 on With candles.
November 18th, 2008 12:14 pm
moe99 on Ten cents a dance.
November 19th, 2008 3:43 am
moe99 on Ten cents a dance.
November 19th, 2008 6:26 pm
moe99 on What the market wants.
November 19th, 2008 9:10 pm
moe99 on What the market wants.
November 20th, 2008 2:02 am
moe99 on Ten cents a dance.
November 20th, 2008 6:23 am
moe99 on What the market wants.
November 20th, 2008 6:50 am
moe99 on What the market wants.
November 20th, 2008 6:29 pm
moe99 on Link hors d'oeuvres.
November 21st, 2008 12:19 am
moe99 on Link hors d'oeuvres.
November 21st, 2008 6:22 am
moe99 on Link hors d'oeuvres.
November 21st, 2008 6:52 am
moe99 on Link hors d'oeuvres.
November 21st, 2008 10:08 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
November 24th, 2008 3:02 am
moe99 on The cheaper cuts.
November 24th, 2008 7:26 pm
moe99 on The cheaper cuts.
November 25th, 2008 6:10 am
moe99 on Another one gone.
November 25th, 2008 4:33 pm
moe99 on Another one gone.
November 26th, 2008 12:12 am
moe99 on Some side dishes.
November 26th, 2008 8:00 pm
moe99 on Some side dishes.
November 27th, 2008 9:39 pm
moe99 on Turkey sandwiches.
November 28th, 2008 11:26 pm
moe99 on Turkey sandwiches.
November 30th, 2008 7:08 pm
moe99 on It's not you, it's me.
December 1st, 2008 6:57 pm
moe99 on It's not you, it's me.
December 1st, 2008 10:52 pm
moe99 on It's not you, it's me.
December 2nd, 2008 12:37 am
moe99 on It's not you, it's me.
December 2nd, 2008 2:08 am
moe99 on It's not you, it's me.
December 2nd, 2008 6:18 am
moe99 on It's not you, it's me.
December 2nd, 2008 8:30 am
moe99 on It's not you, it's me.
December 2nd, 2008 10:29 am
moe99 on Pushing the buttons.
December 3rd, 2008 1:19 am
moe99 on Pushing the buttons.
December 3rd, 2008 8:30 am
moe99 on Pushing the buttons.
December 3rd, 2008 6:20 pm
moe99 on Pushing the buttons.
December 3rd, 2008 7:11 pm
moe99 on A fellow of infinite jest.
December 3rd, 2008 8:35 pm
moe99 on A fellow of infinite jest.
December 3rd, 2008 9:28 pm
moe99 on A fellow of infinite jest.
December 4th, 2008 12:38 am
moe99 on Pushing the buttons.
December 4th, 2008 1:40 am
moe99 on Pushing the buttons.
December 4th, 2008 2:49 am
moe99 on A fellow of infinite jest.
December 4th, 2008 9:06 am
moe99 on A fellow of infinite jest.
December 4th, 2008 5:32 pm
moe99 on Less tone-deaf, maybe?
December 4th, 2008 7:41 pm
moe99 on Less tone-deaf, maybe?
December 4th, 2008 8:30 pm
moe99 on Less tone-deaf, maybe?
December 4th, 2008 9:31 pm
moe99 on Street justice.
December 5th, 2008 6:56 pm
moe99 on Street justice.
December 5th, 2008 7:18 pm
moe99 on Street justice.
December 5th, 2008 11:57 pm
moe99 on Street justice.
December 6th, 2008 1:39 am
moe99 on Street justice.
December 6th, 2008 7:56 am
moe99 on Street justice.
December 8th, 2008 12:38 am
moe99 on Religi-tainment.
December 8th, 2008 7:18 pm
moe99 on Religi-tainment.
December 9th, 2008 3:15 am
moe99 on Religi-tainment.
December 9th, 2008 5:40 am
moe99 on My doppelganger.
December 9th, 2008 6:09 pm
moe99 on My doppelganger.
December 9th, 2008 7:11 pm
moe99 on My doppelganger.
December 10th, 2008 11:19 am
moe99 on My doppelganger.
December 10th, 2008 6:34 pm
moe99 on Captain, we have a problem.
December 10th, 2008 6:40 pm
moe99 on Twilight High.
December 12th, 2008 2:36 am
moe99 on Twilight High.
December 12th, 2008 3:29 am
moe99 on Twilight High.
December 12th, 2008 3:30 am
moe99 on On generosity.
December 12th, 2008 9:52 pm
moe99 on On generosity.
December 15th, 2008 7:13 am
moe99 on Go ahead, knock it off.
December 15th, 2008 7:16 am
moe99 on Go ahead, knock it off.
December 15th, 2008 6:08 pm
moe99 on Little luxuries.
December 16th, 2008 8:24 pm
moe99 on Paper cuts.
December 18th, 2008 5:48 am
moe99 on A few of my favorite things.
December 19th, 2008 5:59 pm
moe99 on Digging out.
December 19th, 2008 10:11 pm
moe99 on Digging out.
December 20th, 2008 4:03 am
moe99 on Digging out.
December 20th, 2008 10:15 am
moe99 on The different Detroits.
December 23rd, 2008 7:45 pm
moe99 on Boxing Day.
December 27th, 2008 8:08 pm
moe99 on Boxing Day.
December 28th, 2008 10:18 pm
moe99 on The things we carried.
December 29th, 2008 8:01 pm
moe99 on The things we carried.
December 29th, 2008 10:48 pm
moe99 on The things we carried.
December 30th, 2008 3:03 am
moe99 on Start your engines.
January 10th, 2009 4:04 am
moe99 on The buzz.
January 12th, 2009 4:51 am
moe99 on An album.
January 12th, 2009 8:08 pm
moe99 on Dumb and dumbererer.
January 13th, 2009 7:33 pm
moe99 on Dumb and dumbererer.
January 13th, 2009 10:47 pm
moe99 on Dumb and dumbererer.
January 14th, 2009 4:22 am
moe99 on The Roman way.
January 14th, 2009 7:05 pm
moe99 on The Roman way.
January 15th, 2009 2:28 am
moe99 on The Roman way.
January 15th, 2009 10:24 am
moe99 on Popping out.
January 16th, 2009 10:08 am
moe99 on It could be worse.
January 17th, 2009 6:53 am
moe99 on To the New York island.
January 19th, 2009 8:17 pm
moe99 on To the New York island.
January 19th, 2009 8:55 pm
moe99 on To the New York island.
January 19th, 2009 9:33 pm
moe99 on To the New York island.
January 19th, 2009 11:33 pm
moe99 on 1.20.09
January 20th, 2009 9:42 am
moe99 on 1.20.09
January 21st, 2009 4:15 am
moe99 on 1.20.09
January 21st, 2009 8:49 am
moe99 on Byproducts.
January 21st, 2009 10:46 pm
moe99 on Byproducts.
January 22nd, 2009 12:44 am
moe99 on Byproducts.
January 22nd, 2009 1:24 am
moe99 on Byproducts.
January 22nd, 2009 6:03 am
moe99 on Byproducts.
January 22nd, 2009 8:55 am
moe99 on The hat.
January 23rd, 2009 1:48 am
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 24th, 2009 2:19 am
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 24th, 2009 4:49 am
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 24th, 2009 12:55 pm
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 24th, 2009 8:13 pm
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 25th, 2009 12:22 am
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 25th, 2009 2:50 am
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 25th, 2009 8:22 am
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 25th, 2009 7:25 pm
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 25th, 2009 11:02 pm
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 26th, 2009 12:57 am
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 26th, 2009 1:30 am
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 26th, 2009 2:10 am
moe99 on Refreshing.
January 26th, 2009 4:01 am
moe99 on The big con.
January 26th, 2009 7:03 pm
moe99 on The big con.
January 27th, 2009 1:46 am
moe99 on The big con.
January 27th, 2009 4:48 am
moe99 on South of the bloody border.
January 27th, 2009 7:12 pm
moe99 on South of the bloody border.
January 28th, 2009 7:23 am
moe99 on Impostor Rabbit.
January 28th, 2009 11:20 pm
moe99 on Impostor Rabbit.
January 29th, 2009 10:04 am
moe99 on The big dry.
January 29th, 2009 7:07 pm
moe99 on You haven't seen it all.
January 29th, 2009 8:03 pm
moe99 on You haven't seen it all.
January 30th, 2009 8:48 am
moe99 on A Raymond Carver story.
January 31st, 2009 11:54 pm
moe99 on A Raymond Carver story.
February 1st, 2009 11:41 pm
moe99 on A Raymond Carver story.
February 2nd, 2009 2:31 am
moe99 on Say goodnight, womyn.
February 2nd, 2009 8:08 pm
moe99 on One more time...
February 3rd, 2009 6:36 pm
moe99 on One more time...
February 3rd, 2009 7:29 pm
moe99 on One more time...
February 4th, 2009 9:03 am
moe99 on Miss? Another cocktail.
February 5th, 2009 9:02 am
moe99 on What it is, is stealing.
February 6th, 2009 12:56 am
moe99 on What fresh hell?
February 7th, 2009 1:49 am
moe99 on What fresh hell?
February 7th, 2009 3:42 am
moe99 on What fresh hell?
February 7th, 2009 5:42 am
moe99 on What fresh hell?
February 7th, 2009 7:45 am
moe99 on What fresh hell?
February 7th, 2009 7:08 pm
moe99 on What do we think?
February 8th, 2009 9:10 am
moe99 on What do we think?
February 8th, 2009 11:47 pm
moe99 on What do we think?
February 9th, 2009 4:38 am
moe99 on Whinypants.
February 9th, 2009 10:42 pm
moe99 on The ick factor.
February 10th, 2009 7:36 pm
moe99 on The ick factor.
February 11th, 2009 12:45 am
moe99 on Three old movies.
February 11th, 2009 7:13 pm
moe99 on Three old movies.
February 11th, 2009 9:22 pm
moe99 on Surly bubble.
February 12th, 2009 8:36 pm
moe99 on Surly bubble.
February 12th, 2009 11:27 pm
moe99 on Surly bubble.
February 13th, 2009 12:56 am
moe99 on Surly bubble.
February 13th, 2009 3:44 am
moe99 on Surly bubble.
February 13th, 2009 4:38 am
moe99 on Surly bubble.
February 13th, 2009 6:16 pm
moe99 on Is this war?
February 13th, 2009 8:19 pm
moe99 on Is this war?
February 13th, 2009 9:35 pm
moe99 on Is this war?
February 13th, 2009 11:15 pm
moe99 on Is this war?
February 14th, 2009 12:20 am
moe99 on Is this war?
February 14th, 2009 3:40 am
moe99 on Is this war?
February 14th, 2009 11:43 am
moe99 on Is this war?
February 15th, 2009 1:07 am
moe99 on Is this war?
February 15th, 2009 1:20 am
moe99 on Is this war?
February 15th, 2009 4:33 am
moe99 on Is this war?
February 15th, 2009 10:59 am
moe99 on Is this war?
February 16th, 2009 12:35 am
moe99 on Your memories may vary.
February 16th, 2009 11:54 am
moe99 on Your memories may vary.
February 17th, 2009 2:43 am
moe99 on Sticky fingers.
February 18th, 2009 8:43 pm
moe99 on Sticky fingers.
February 18th, 2009 9:36 pm
moe99 on Sticky fingers.
February 18th, 2009 10:11 pm
moe99 on Stiff peaks.
February 25th, 2009 8:03 am
moe99 on Stiff peaks.
February 25th, 2009 9:30 am
moe99 on My civic duty.
February 26th, 2009 4:08 am
moe99 on My civic duty.
February 26th, 2009 4:16 am
moe99 on My civic duty.
February 26th, 2009 5:51 am
moe99 on Duty done.
February 27th, 2009 4:09 am
moe99 on Alone with oneself.
February 27th, 2009 11:56 pm
moe99 on Carry on, all.
March 2nd, 2009 10:20 am
moe99 on Carry on, all.
March 3rd, 2009 12:45 am
moe99 on Carry on, all.
March 3rd, 2009 5:05 am
moe99 on Bigger love.
March 3rd, 2009 11:32 pm
moe99 on Bigger love.
March 4th, 2009 12:37 am
moe99 on Going John Galt broke.
March 4th, 2009 11:10 pm
moe99 on Going John Galt broke.
March 5th, 2009 4:18 am
moe99 on Going John Galt broke.
March 5th, 2009 8:40 am
moe99 on The funnies.
March 5th, 2009 6:43 pm
moe99 on The funnies.
March 6th, 2009 6:02 am
moe99 on The funnies.
March 6th, 2009 7:40 am
moe99 on Here come the tycoons.
March 9th, 2009 6:35 pm
moe99 on Here come the tycoons.
March 9th, 2009 9:24 pm
moe99 on Here come the tycoons.
March 9th, 2009 11:50 pm
moe99 on Money problems.
March 10th, 2009 4:39 pm
moe99 on Money problems.
March 11th, 2009 12:11 am
moe99 on Money problems.
March 11th, 2009 7:31 am
moe99 on Literary criticism.
March 11th, 2009 6:09 pm
moe99 on Literary criticism.
March 11th, 2009 10:17 pm
moe99 on Literary criticism.
March 12th, 2009 1:10 am
moe99 on Literary criticism.
March 12th, 2009 2:12 am
moe99 on Literary criticism.
March 12th, 2009 6:14 pm
moe99 on Literary criticism.
March 12th, 2009 7:15 pm
moe99 on More money problems.
March 12th, 2009 7:59 pm
moe99 on I ♥ J.S.
March 13th, 2009 9:01 pm
moe99 on I ♥ J.S.
March 13th, 2009 10:02 pm
moe99 on I ♥ J.S.
March 13th, 2009 11:20 pm
moe99 on I ♥ J.S.
March 13th, 2009 11:58 pm
moe99 on Well, I'll be damned.
March 15th, 2009 6:23 pm
moe99 on Well, I'll be damned.
March 15th, 2009 10:33 pm
moe99 on Business geniuses.
March 16th, 2009 9:16 pm
moe99 on Business geniuses.
March 17th, 2009 5:23 am
moe99 on Business geniuses.
March 17th, 2009 7:07 am
moe99 on Green.
March 17th, 2009 5:37 pm
moe99 on Green.
March 18th, 2009 5:44 pm
moe99 on Conflicting reports.
March 18th, 2009 7:59 pm
moe99 on Blackouts.
March 19th, 2009 8:29 pm
moe99 on Blackouts.
March 19th, 2009 8:39 pm
moe99 on Blackouts.
March 20th, 2009 1:24 am
moe99 on Blackouts.
March 20th, 2009 12:11 pm
moe99 on Blackouts.
March 20th, 2009 5:20 pm
moe99 on White House, green thumb.
March 20th, 2009 6:06 pm
moe99 on White House, green thumb.
March 21st, 2009 7:21 am
moe99 on White House, green thumb.
March 21st, 2009 8:31 am
moe99 on White House, green thumb.
March 21st, 2009 5:59 pm
moe99 on White House, green thumb.
March 21st, 2009 9:44 pm
moe99 on White House, green thumb.
March 22nd, 2009 6:15 pm
moe99 on White House, green thumb.
March 23rd, 2009 4:59 am
moe99 on The bankruptcy of Art.
March 25th, 2009 6:06 pm
moe99 on The bankruptcy of Art.
March 25th, 2009 7:42 pm
moe99 on The bankruptcy of Art.
March 26th, 2009 1:39 am
moe99 on The bankruptcy of Art.
March 26th, 2009 7:59 am
moe99 on V. 2.0.
March 26th, 2009 7:20 pm
moe99 on V. 2.0.
March 27th, 2009 7:42 am
moe99 on Apples in search of a barrel.
March 27th, 2009 5:43 pm
moe99 on Apples in search of a barrel.
March 27th, 2009 8:00 pm
moe99 on Apples in search of a barrel.
March 27th, 2009 8:29 pm
moe99 on Apples in search of a barrel.
March 29th, 2009 2:51 am
moe99 on Dietary laws.
March 31st, 2009 7:32 pm
moe99 on Dietary laws.
April 1st, 2009 1:45 am
moe99 on Dietary laws.
April 1st, 2009 4:00 am
moe99 on What it was like.
April 6th, 2009 4:43 pm
moe99 on Basketball weather.
April 6th, 2009 6:42 pm
moe99 on The Whatever BBQ.
April 10th, 2009 7:03 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
April 11th, 2009 11:08 pm
moe99 on First a hologram, now this.
April 13th, 2009 5:49 pm
moe99 on First a hologram, now this.
April 13th, 2009 7:29 pm
moe99 on Boats against the current.
April 14th, 2009 5:37 pm
moe99 on Boats against the current.
April 15th, 2009 8:12 am
moe99 on A break more ordinary.
April 15th, 2009 9:58 pm
moe99 on O.D.
April 16th, 2009 7:10 pm
moe99 on O.D.
April 16th, 2009 8:43 pm
moe99 on O.D.
April 16th, 2009 9:16 pm
moe99 on O.D.
April 17th, 2009 8:17 am
moe99 on O.D.
April 17th, 2009 5:27 pm
moe99 on My Edie problem.
April 17th, 2009 5:33 pm
moe99 on My Edie problem.
April 17th, 2009 8:40 pm
moe99 on My Edie problem.
April 18th, 2009 5:51 am
moe99 on My Edie problem.
April 18th, 2009 8:01 pm
moe99 on To 'come a cropper.
April 20th, 2009 10:09 pm
moe99 on To 'come a cropper.
April 20th, 2009 10:41 pm
moe99 on Notes and clarifications.
April 21st, 2009 7:20 pm
moe99 on Notes and clarifications.
April 22nd, 2009 3:51 am
moe99 on Notes and clarifications.
April 22nd, 2009 7:27 am
moe99 on Notes and clarifications.
April 22nd, 2009 5:57 pm
moe99 on Gimpy.
April 22nd, 2009 6:33 pm
moe99 on Gimpy.
April 22nd, 2009 8:48 pm
moe99 on Gimpy.
April 23rd, 2009 12:20 am
moe99 on Gimpy.
April 23rd, 2009 7:16 am
moe99 on Eyes wide open.
April 23rd, 2009 5:43 pm
moe99 on Eyes wide open.
April 23rd, 2009 6:17 pm
moe99 on Eyes wide open.
April 23rd, 2009 10:12 pm
moe99 on Eyes wide open.
April 24th, 2009 2:10 am
moe99 on Drunks, again.
April 25th, 2009 8:32 am
moe99 on Drunks, again.
April 26th, 2009 5:14 am
moe99 on Drunks, again.
April 26th, 2009 10:08 pm
moe99 on Drunks, again.
April 27th, 2009 5:01 am
moe99 on Drunks, again.
April 27th, 2009 8:32 am
moe99 on Drunks, again.
April 27th, 2009 4:58 pm
moe99 on Drunks, again.
April 27th, 2009 5:18 pm
moe99 on Drunks, again.
April 27th, 2009 5:36 pm
moe99 on Mothers, fathers and sons.
April 28th, 2009 2:50 am
moe99 on Mothers, fathers and sons.
April 28th, 2009 10:29 am
moe99 on Garbage in, garbage out.
April 28th, 2009 5:59 pm
moe99 on Garbage in, garbage out.
April 29th, 2009 12:06 am
moe99 on Garbage in, garbage out.
April 29th, 2009 2:22 am
moe99 on Garbage in, garbage out.
April 29th, 2009 2:29 am
moe99 on Garbage in, garbage out.
April 29th, 2009 6:35 am
moe99 on Pig flu! Panic!
April 29th, 2009 6:06 pm
moe99 on Pig flu! Panic!
April 30th, 2009 1:37 am
moe99 on A few words about words.
April 30th, 2009 6:31 pm
moe99 on A few words about words.
May 1st, 2009 2:02 am
moe99 on A few words about words.
May 1st, 2009 8:54 am
moe99 on A few words about words.
May 1st, 2009 4:48 pm
moe99 on A few words about words.
May 1st, 2009 5:17 pm
moe99 on Exit, leaving no footprints.
May 1st, 2009 5:42 pm
moe99 on Exit, leaving no footprints.
May 1st, 2009 10:23 pm
moe99 on Exit, leaving no footprints.
May 2nd, 2009 12:58 am
moe99 on A few words about words.
May 2nd, 2009 2:02 am
moe99 on On wheels.
May 4th, 2009 6:14 pm
moe99 on On wheels.
May 4th, 2009 8:31 pm
moe99 on On wheels.
May 4th, 2009 9:18 pm
moe99 on On wheels.
May 4th, 2009 11:34 pm
moe99 on On wheels.
May 4th, 2009 11:56 pm
moe99 on Snow Flu day.
May 5th, 2009 7:28 pm
moe99 on Who cares anymore?
May 6th, 2009 7:19 pm
moe99 on Who cares anymore?
May 6th, 2009 9:15 pm
moe99 on Who cares anymore?
May 6th, 2009 10:06 pm
moe99 on Who cares anymore?
May 7th, 2009 4:33 pm
moe99 on Inoculated.
May 7th, 2009 11:50 pm
moe99 on The condiment question.
May 8th, 2009 5:16 pm
moe99 on The condiment question.
May 8th, 2009 6:14 pm
moe99 on The condiment question.
May 8th, 2009 6:31 pm
moe99 on The vasectomy sale.
May 9th, 2009 9:50 am
moe99 on The vasectomy sale.
May 9th, 2009 5:35 pm
moe99 on The vasectomy sale.
May 9th, 2009 9:01 pm
moe99 on Onward, Don Quixote.
May 12th, 2009 6:03 pm
moe99 on Onward, Don Quixote.
May 12th, 2009 7:10 pm
moe99 on Onward, Don Quixote.
May 12th, 2009 8:28 pm
moe99 on Onward, Don Quixote.
May 13th, 2009 4:35 am
moe99 on Stage fright.
May 13th, 2009 8:37 pm
moe99 on Stage fright.
May 14th, 2009 12:34 am
moe99 on Stage fright.
May 14th, 2009 2:29 am
moe99 on Grub Street revisited.
May 14th, 2009 6:22 pm
moe99 on Grub Street revisited.
May 14th, 2009 8:31 pm
moe99 on Closeout sale.
May 15th, 2009 7:26 pm
moe99 on Closeout sale.
May 17th, 2009 6:57 am
moe99 on The plastic confessions.
May 19th, 2009 5:04 pm
moe99 on Culling the bookmarks. Again.
May 20th, 2009 11:42 pm
moe99 on Culling the bookmarks. Again.
May 21st, 2009 1:27 am
moe99 on That Irish twinkle.
May 21st, 2009 6:00 pm
moe99 on That Irish twinkle.
May 21st, 2009 8:53 pm
moe99 on That Irish twinkle.
May 22nd, 2009 4:04 am
moe99 on That Irish twinkle.
May 22nd, 2009 5:53 pm
moe99 on Ah, memories.
May 22nd, 2009 6:53 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
May 24th, 2009 6:15 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
May 25th, 2009 6:12 pm
moe99 on Poor pup.
May 26th, 2009 5:40 pm
moe99 on Poor pup.
May 26th, 2009 7:14 pm
moe99 on Poor pup.
May 26th, 2009 9:42 pm
moe99 on Still the best.
May 27th, 2009 6:23 pm
moe99 on Still the best.
May 27th, 2009 8:20 pm
moe99 on Still the best.
May 27th, 2009 9:03 pm
moe99 on Still the best.
May 27th, 2009 10:29 pm
moe99 on Closed systems.
May 28th, 2009 6:33 pm
moe99 on Closed systems.
May 28th, 2009 6:59 pm
moe99 on Closed systems.
May 28th, 2009 8:13 pm
moe99 on Closed systems.
May 28th, 2009 11:15 pm
moe99 on Closed systems.
May 29th, 2009 2:23 am
moe99 on Closed systems.
May 29th, 2009 10:35 am
moe99 on Smile at the Speed Graphic, kid.
May 29th, 2009 6:35 pm
moe99 on Smile at the Speed Graphic, kid.
May 29th, 2009 11:58 pm
moe99 on Smile at the Speed Graphic, kid.
May 30th, 2009 3:52 am
moe99 on Smile at the Speed Graphic, kid.
May 30th, 2009 5:16 am
moe99 on Smile at the Speed Graphic, kid.
May 30th, 2009 8:44 pm
moe99 on Smile at the Speed Graphic, kid.
May 31st, 2009 2:35 am
moe99 on We can all get along.
June 1st, 2009 10:39 am
moe99 on We can all get along.
June 1st, 2009 6:57 pm
moe99 on We can all get along.
June 1st, 2009 8:59 pm
moe99 on We can all get along.
June 2nd, 2009 1:46 am
moe99 on We can all get along.
June 2nd, 2009 6:31 am
moe99 on We can all get along.
June 2nd, 2009 4:35 pm
moe99 on We can all get along.
June 2nd, 2009 5:51 pm
moe99 on I beg you, no.
June 3rd, 2009 3:56 am
moe99 on I, tweezer.
June 3rd, 2009 8:03 pm
moe99 on I, tweezer.
June 3rd, 2009 9:29 pm
moe99 on I, tweezer.
June 4th, 2009 9:28 am
moe99 on Good country cookin'.
June 8th, 2009 10:30 pm
moe99 on Good country cookin'.
June 8th, 2009 10:32 pm
moe99 on Good country cookin'.
June 9th, 2009 1:47 am
moe99 on Good country cookin'.
June 9th, 2009 5:12 am
moe99 on Good country cookin'.
June 9th, 2009 6:53 am
moe99 on Good country cookin'.
June 9th, 2009 9:56 am
moe99 on Leftovers and mixed grill.
June 9th, 2009 9:11 pm
moe99 on Leftovers and mixed grill.
June 9th, 2009 11:07 pm
moe99 on Leftovers and mixed grill.
June 10th, 2009 2:00 am
moe99 on Trouble is gone to.
June 10th, 2009 10:22 pm
moe99 on Trouble is gone to.
June 11th, 2009 4:23 am
moe99 on Trouble is gone to.
June 11th, 2009 4:54 pm
moe99 on My so-called life.
June 12th, 2009 12:37 am
moe99 on He was a soldier.
June 12th, 2009 6:20 pm
moe99 on He was a soldier.
June 13th, 2009 7:41 pm
moe99 on 'The '90s sucked, man.'
June 15th, 2009 4:50 pm
moe99 on 'The '90s sucked, man.'
June 15th, 2009 8:42 pm
moe99 on 'The '90s sucked, man.'
June 15th, 2009 9:29 pm
moe99 on Hi, neighbor.
June 17th, 2009 9:23 am
moe99 on Tea and misogyny.
June 17th, 2009 11:49 pm
moe99 on Tea and misogyny.
June 18th, 2009 4:20 am
moe99 on Tea and misogyny.
June 18th, 2009 8:03 am
moe99 on Conversations with myself.
June 19th, 2009 1:53 am
moe99 on On the other hand...
June 19th, 2009 2:01 am
moe99 on A walk in the woods.
June 20th, 2009 12:20 am
moe99 on A walk in the woods.
June 20th, 2009 7:29 am
moe99 on A walk in the woods.
June 21st, 2009 7:11 pm
moe99 on The bride wore blue.
June 22nd, 2009 5:55 pm
moe99 on Scree scree scree.
June 23rd, 2009 5:52 pm
moe99 on Reaching the tricky parts.
June 25th, 2009 5:34 am
moe99 on Reaching the tricky parts.
June 25th, 2009 7:33 am
moe99 on The governor regrets.
June 25th, 2009 5:24 pm
moe99 on The governor regrets.
June 25th, 2009 8:13 pm
moe99 on The governor regrets.
June 25th, 2009 8:35 pm
moe99 on The sex symbol.
June 25th, 2009 11:43 pm
moe99 on The sex symbol.
June 26th, 2009 2:04 am
moe99 on 'Shocked and saddened.'
June 26th, 2009 10:01 pm
moe99 on 'Shocked and saddened.'
June 27th, 2009 12:29 am
moe99 on 'Shocked and saddened.'
June 29th, 2009 12:03 am
moe99 on Dancing machine.
June 30th, 2009 12:26 am
moe99 on Hung up.
June 30th, 2009 11:05 pm
moe99 on Hung up.
July 1st, 2009 2:44 am
moe99 on Hung up.
July 1st, 2009 9:01 am
moe99 on Lunch for one.
July 2nd, 2009 2:42 am
moe99 on Diving for beaters.
July 2nd, 2009 9:45 pm
moe99 on No, some, or lots of pulp?
July 3rd, 2009 9:03 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
July 4th, 2009 9:09 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
July 5th, 2009 10:14 pm
moe99 on Sarah vile.
July 6th, 2009 6:44 pm
moe99 on Sarah vile.
July 6th, 2009 8:01 pm
moe99 on Sarah vile.
July 6th, 2009 9:26 pm
moe99 on Sarah vile.
July 7th, 2009 1:50 am
moe99 on Sarah vile.
July 7th, 2009 4:10 pm
moe99 on Speedblogging.
July 7th, 2009 6:10 pm
moe99 on Speedblogging.
July 7th, 2009 7:32 pm
moe99 on Speedblogging.
July 7th, 2009 8:21 pm
moe99 on Speedblogging.
July 8th, 2009 12:00 am
moe99 on Speedblogging.
July 8th, 2009 3:44 am
moe99 on Speedblogging.
July 8th, 2009 6:03 am
moe99 on Speedblogging.
July 8th, 2009 3:58 pm
moe99 on Popculch Gulch.
July 9th, 2009 1:21 am
moe99 on Take two.
July 10th, 2009 1:43 am
moe99 on Take two.
July 10th, 2009 5:36 pm
moe99 on The Committee at work.
July 10th, 2009 6:30 pm
moe99 on The Committee at work.
July 10th, 2009 10:53 pm
moe99 on The Committee at work.
July 10th, 2009 11:22 pm
moe99 on The Committee at work.
July 11th, 2009 12:35 am
moe99 on The Committee at work.
July 12th, 2009 5:46 am
moe99 on This year's model.
July 13th, 2009 5:20 pm
moe99 on Lie, memory II.
July 14th, 2009 5:58 pm
moe99 on Turn your radio on.
July 15th, 2009 6:11 pm
moe99 on Turn your radio on.
July 15th, 2009 9:24 pm
moe99 on Turn your radio on.
July 16th, 2009 3:13 am
moe99 on Fire.
July 17th, 2009 12:28 am
moe99 on Glad that's cleared up.
July 17th, 2009 8:42 pm
moe99 on Glad that's cleared up.
July 17th, 2009 11:15 pm
moe99 on Glad that's cleared up.
July 18th, 2009 3:53 am
moe99 on Glad that's cleared up.
July 18th, 2009 5:12 pm
moe99 on Refreshing Friday.
July 20th, 2009 5:13 pm
moe99 on Refreshing Friday.
July 20th, 2009 8:52 pm
moe99 on A personal friend.
July 21st, 2009 5:35 pm
moe99 on A personal friend.
July 21st, 2009 7:17 pm
moe99 on A personal friend.
July 21st, 2009 9:05 pm
moe99 on A personal friend.
July 22nd, 2009 6:03 pm
moe99 on Lost causes.
July 22nd, 2009 7:07 pm
moe99 on Lost causes.
July 23rd, 2009 3:53 am
moe99 on Lost causes.
July 23rd, 2009 7:39 am
moe99 on Lost causes.
July 23rd, 2009 9:25 am
moe99 on Lost causes.
July 23rd, 2009 4:25 pm
moe99 on Justifying ourselves.
July 23rd, 2009 7:58 pm
moe99 on Justifying ourselves.
July 23rd, 2009 11:23 pm
moe99 on Justifying ourselves.
July 24th, 2009 12:13 am
moe99 on Justifying ourselves.
July 24th, 2009 1:17 am
moe99 on Justifying ourselves.
July 24th, 2009 2:54 am
moe99 on Justifying ourselves.
July 24th, 2009 5:55 am
moe99 on Justifying ourselves.
July 24th, 2009 7:44 am
moe99 on Justifying ourselves.
July 24th, 2009 4:58 pm
moe99 on Stops at all donut shops.
July 24th, 2009 5:47 pm
moe99 on Justifying ourselves.
July 24th, 2009 6:15 pm
moe99 on Stops at all donut shops.
July 24th, 2009 8:33 pm
moe99 on Stops at all donut shops.
July 24th, 2009 8:57 pm
moe99 on Stops at all donut shops.
July 25th, 2009 7:23 am
moe99 on Stops at all donut shops.
July 26th, 2009 5:28 pm
moe99 on Stops at all donut shops.
July 27th, 2009 5:13 am
moe99 on Stops at all donut shops.
July 27th, 2009 6:05 am
moe99 on Stops at all donut shops.
July 27th, 2009 5:11 pm
moe99 on Stops at all donut shops.
July 27th, 2009 6:15 pm
moe99 on Falling headliner standard.
July 27th, 2009 6:44 pm
moe99 on Falling headliner standard.
July 27th, 2009 10:01 pm
moe99 on Falling headliner standard.
July 28th, 2009 2:38 am
moe99 on The helping profession.
July 28th, 2009 5:14 pm
moe99 on The helping profession.
July 28th, 2009 8:19 pm
moe99 on The helping profession.
July 29th, 2009 3:39 pm
moe99 on The helping profession.
July 29th, 2009 4:52 pm
moe99 on The helping profession.
July 29th, 2009 5:37 pm
moe99 on The trouble with Nora.
July 29th, 2009 8:06 pm
moe99 on The trouble with Nora.
July 29th, 2009 9:25 pm
moe99 on The trouble with Nora.
July 29th, 2009 11:53 pm
moe99 on The trouble with Nora.
July 30th, 2009 8:41 am
moe99 on The early shift.
July 30th, 2009 9:13 pm
moe99 on Hey ever'body, watch this.
July 31st, 2009 6:17 pm
moe99 on Hey ever'body, watch this.
July 31st, 2009 11:09 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market
August 2nd, 2009 4:29 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market
August 2nd, 2009 11:28 pm
moe99 on Hands off the Hellman's.
August 3rd, 2009 10:07 pm
moe99 on Angry.
August 10th, 2009 2:50 am
moe99 on The red carpet.
August 10th, 2009 6:18 pm
moe99 on The red carpet.
August 11th, 2009 5:49 am
moe99 on Sails at sunset.
August 11th, 2009 7:49 pm
moe99 on Sails at sunset.
August 12th, 2009 12:01 am
moe99 on Sails at sunset.
August 12th, 2009 4:07 am
moe99 on The monologues.
August 12th, 2009 5:38 pm
moe99 on The monologues.
August 12th, 2009 6:25 pm
moe99 on The monologues.
August 12th, 2009 8:04 pm
moe99 on The monologues.
August 13th, 2009 12:20 am
moe99 on Just desserts.
August 13th, 2009 6:38 pm
moe99 on Just desserts.
August 13th, 2009 7:42 pm
moe99 on Just desserts.
August 13th, 2009 8:20 pm
moe99 on Just desserts.
August 13th, 2009 10:23 pm
moe99 on Just desserts.
August 14th, 2009 7:49 am
moe99 on Just desserts.
August 14th, 2009 5:42 pm
moe99 on A quick bite before I leave.
August 14th, 2009 8:33 pm
moe99 on A quick bite before I leave.
August 14th, 2009 11:30 pm
moe99 on A quick bite before I leave.
August 14th, 2009 11:41 pm
moe99 on A quick bite before I leave.
August 15th, 2009 1:41 am
moe99 on A quick bite before I leave.
August 15th, 2009 5:09 am
moe99 on A quick bite before I leave.
August 16th, 2009 2:48 am
moe99 on Up in the air.
August 18th, 2009 12:41 am
moe99 on Up in the air.
August 18th, 2009 5:25 am
moe99 on Up in the air.
August 18th, 2009 7:45 pm
moe99 on Up in the air.
August 19th, 2009 12:51 am
moe99 on Up in the air.
August 19th, 2009 11:24 pm
moe99 on Up in the air.
August 20th, 2009 1:02 am
moe99 on A fresh thread.
August 20th, 2009 9:13 pm
moe99 on A fresh thread.
August 22nd, 2009 4:54 am
moe99 on A fresh thread.
August 24th, 2009 1:38 am
moe99 on Let's show some slides, eh?
August 24th, 2009 5:09 pm
moe99 on Let's show some slides, eh?
August 24th, 2009 9:16 pm
moe99 on Let's show some slides, eh?
August 24th, 2009 10:31 pm
moe99 on Let's show some slides, eh?
August 24th, 2009 11:46 pm
moe99 on Pander bears.
August 25th, 2009 4:48 pm
moe99 on Pander bears.
August 25th, 2009 7:00 pm
moe99 on Pander bears.
August 25th, 2009 8:02 pm
moe99 on Pander bears.
August 25th, 2009 9:34 pm
moe99 on Pander bears.
August 25th, 2009 9:54 pm
moe99 on Pander bears.
August 25th, 2009 11:25 pm
moe99 on Pander bears.
August 26th, 2009 12:52 am
moe99 on Pander bears.
August 26th, 2009 2:20 am
moe99 on Pander bears.
August 26th, 2009 6:44 am
moe99 on Pander bears.
August 26th, 2009 8:39 am
moe99 on He will be missed.
August 26th, 2009 7:02 pm
moe99 on He will be missed.
August 26th, 2009 7:37 pm
moe99 on He will be missed.
August 26th, 2009 11:22 pm
moe99 on He will be missed.
August 27th, 2009 7:27 am
moe99 on Ouch.
August 27th, 2009 9:49 pm
moe99 on Ouch.
August 28th, 2009 3:39 am
moe99 on Ouch.
August 28th, 2009 8:34 am
moe99 on Tents, shacks and salvation.
August 28th, 2009 6:19 pm
moe99 on Tents, shacks and salvation.
August 28th, 2009 10:33 pm
moe99 on Tents, shacks and salvation.
August 29th, 2009 12:29 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market
August 29th, 2009 6:31 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market
August 30th, 2009 9:17 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market
August 30th, 2009 7:38 pm
moe99 on Green.
August 31st, 2009 5:57 pm
moe99 on Green.
August 31st, 2009 7:42 pm
moe99 on Green.
September 1st, 2009 2:26 am
moe99 on People of the state fair.
September 1st, 2009 8:16 pm
moe99 on People of the state fair.
September 2nd, 2009 6:02 am
moe99 on Miss Lisa.
September 2nd, 2009 8:24 pm
moe99 on Miss Lisa.
September 3rd, 2009 3:34 am
moe99 on Farewell, Bill.
September 3rd, 2009 7:42 pm
moe99 on Farewell, Bill.
September 4th, 2009 12:21 am
moe99 on Farewell, Bill.
September 4th, 2009 1:56 am
moe99 on Farewell, Bill.
September 4th, 2009 3:52 am
moe99 on Farewell, Bill.
September 4th, 2009 5:33 am
moe99 on Farewell, Bill.
September 4th, 2009 7:43 am
moe99 on Budget cuts.
September 4th, 2009 6:22 pm
moe99 on Budget cuts.
September 5th, 2009 4:30 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 5th, 2009 7:25 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 6th, 2009 6:15 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 7th, 2009 1:25 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 7th, 2009 6:51 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 7th, 2009 7:48 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 7th, 2009 8:12 pm
moe99 on Dangerous words.
September 7th, 2009 10:55 pm
moe99 on Crazy people.
September 8th, 2009 9:13 am
moe99 on Crazy people.
September 8th, 2009 11:04 pm
moe99 on Crazy people.
September 9th, 2009 2:55 am
moe99 on Crazy people, part deux.
September 9th, 2009 7:44 pm
moe99 on Crazy people, part deux.
September 9th, 2009 8:28 pm
moe99 on Crazy people, part deux.
September 9th, 2009 9:43 pm
moe99 on Crazy people, part deux.
September 10th, 2009 1:32 am
moe99 on Crazy people, part deux.
September 10th, 2009 3:56 am
moe99 on The toy department.
September 10th, 2009 5:10 pm
moe99 on The toy department.
September 10th, 2009 5:49 pm
moe99 on The toy department.
September 10th, 2009 9:09 pm
moe99 on The toy department.
September 10th, 2009 10:24 pm
moe99 on The toy department.
September 11th, 2009 12:35 am
moe99 on The toy department.
September 11th, 2009 6:31 am
moe99 on What came after.
September 11th, 2009 9:43 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 13th, 2009 8:34 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 14th, 2009 1:11 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
September 14th, 2009 4:46 am
moe99 on Fun with numbers.
September 14th, 2009 5:15 pm
moe99 on Fun with numbers.
September 15th, 2009 9:49 am
moe99 on Farewell, lively dancer.
September 15th, 2009 6:29 pm
moe99 on Farewell, lively dancer.
September 16th, 2009 2:18 am
moe99 on Farewell, lively dancer.
September 16th, 2009 2:22 am
moe99 on New for fall.
September 16th, 2009 5:35 pm
moe99 on New for fall.
September 16th, 2009 6:03 pm
moe99 on New for fall.
September 16th, 2009 9:11 pm
moe99 on New for fall.
September 17th, 2009 4:39 am
moe99 on New for fall.
September 17th, 2009 7:46 am
moe99 on Help me find a way.
September 17th, 2009 5:34 pm
moe99 on Help me find a way.
September 17th, 2009 7:52 pm
moe99 on Help me find a way.
September 17th, 2009 10:27 pm
moe99 on Help me find a way.
September 18th, 2009 4:52 am
moe99 on Help me find a way.
September 18th, 2009 8:29 am
moe99 on A whole lot of nothin'.
September 19th, 2009 9:02 pm
moe99 on Stay awake for it.
September 21st, 2009 6:56 pm
moe99 on Stay awake for it.
September 21st, 2009 7:59 pm
moe99 on Oliver! Stumpy!
September 22nd, 2009 5:52 pm
moe99 on Mo' money, Michael.
September 23rd, 2009 5:57 pm
moe99 on Mo' money, Michael.
September 24th, 2009 3:27 am
moe99 on Treadmill as symbolism.
September 25th, 2009 9:17 am
moe99 on Data-mining the past.
September 26th, 2009 10:40 pm
moe99 on Free crack.
September 28th, 2009 6:30 pm
moe99 on Guilty, guilty, guilty.
September 29th, 2009 8:05 pm
moe99 on Guilty, guilty, guilty.
September 29th, 2009 10:14 pm
moe99 on Guilty, guilty, guilty.
September 30th, 2009 6:58 am
moe99 on Guilty, guilty, guilty.
September 30th, 2009 6:22 pm
moe99 on Guilty, guilty, guilty.
September 30th, 2009 7:02 pm
moe99 on Quel fromage.
September 30th, 2009 10:14 pm
moe99 on Quel fromage.
October 1st, 2009 3:22 am
moe99 on Quel fromage.
October 1st, 2009 7:33 am
moe99 on Quel fromage.
October 1st, 2009 8:08 am
moe99 on Oh, Dave.
October 2nd, 2009 9:08 pm
moe99 on Oh, Dave.
October 3rd, 2009 1:38 am
moe99 on Oh, Dave.
October 3rd, 2009 6:15 pm
moe99 on Oh, Dave.
October 4th, 2009 6:35 am
moe99 on Mystery meat.
October 5th, 2009 6:04 pm
moe99 on Mystery meat.
October 6th, 2009 3:12 am
moe99 on Something's gotta give.
October 6th, 2009 5:30 pm
moe99 on Blowed up real good.
October 7th, 2009 7:45 pm
moe99 on Fat City.
October 8th, 2009 5:56 pm
moe99 on He won what?
October 9th, 2009 4:11 pm
moe99 on He won what?
October 9th, 2009 9:19 pm
moe99 on He won what?
October 10th, 2009 3:54 am
moe99 on He won what?
October 10th, 2009 4:31 am
moe99 on Steaming the windows.
October 12th, 2009 5:27 pm
moe99 on A day off since 1492.
October 13th, 2009 8:58 pm
moe99 on A day off since 1492.
October 14th, 2009 8:48 am
moe99 on Another mixed grill.
October 14th, 2009 5:12 pm
moe99 on Freak show.
October 17th, 2009 9:13 am
moe99 on Freak show.
October 19th, 2009 7:55 am
moe99 on God bless us, every one.
October 20th, 2009 1:49 am
moe99 on I (sorta) haz a sick.
October 22nd, 2009 1:47 am
moe99 on Hiatus.
October 22nd, 2009 10:04 pm
moe99 on Hiatus.
October 23rd, 2009 3:10 am
moe99 on A day in Collegeland.
October 23rd, 2009 6:34 pm
moe99 on A day in Collegeland.
October 23rd, 2009 7:54 pm
moe99 on A day in Collegeland.
October 24th, 2009 12:58 am
moe99 on A day in Collegeland.
October 25th, 2009 6:10 am
moe99 on A day in Collegeland.
October 25th, 2009 8:17 am
moe99 on A day in Collegeland.
October 26th, 2009 9:11 am
moe99 on Deadbeat.
October 27th, 2009 2:33 am
moe99 on Deadbeat.
October 27th, 2009 8:16 am
moe99 on The writerly stuff.
October 29th, 2009 9:57 am
moe99 on The writerly stuff.
October 29th, 2009 5:00 pm
moe99 on Halloween tourism.
November 3rd, 2009 3:22 am
moe99 on It's all local.
November 4th, 2009 10:34 pm
moe99 on It's all local.
November 5th, 2009 6:37 am
moe99 on Searching for something.
November 5th, 2009 11:28 pm
moe99 on Let's wait and see.
November 6th, 2009 9:27 pm
moe99 on Let's wait and see.
November 7th, 2009 12:20 am
moe99 on Let's wait and see.
November 7th, 2009 12:40 am
moe99 on Saturday afternoon Costco.
November 7th, 2009 10:45 pm
moe99 on Red in tooth and claw.
November 10th, 2009 3:30 am
moe99 on Red in tooth and claw.
November 10th, 2009 6:16 am
moe99 on Attractive nuisance.
November 10th, 2009 7:19 pm
moe99 on Attractive nuisance.
November 10th, 2009 8:18 pm
moe99 on Attractive nuisance.
November 10th, 2009 10:18 pm
moe99 on Attractive nuisance.
November 10th, 2009 10:58 pm
moe99 on Attractive nuisance.
November 11th, 2009 7:24 pm
moe99 on The names of the dead.
November 12th, 2009 1:36 am
moe99 on The names of the dead.
November 12th, 2009 2:51 am
moe99 on Art by committee.
November 12th, 2009 9:33 pm
moe99 on Art by committee.
November 12th, 2009 10:10 pm
moe99 on Art by committee.
November 12th, 2009 11:10 pm
moe99 on Art by committee.
November 13th, 2009 2:59 am
moe99 on Early meeting bugout.
November 13th, 2009 11:35 pm
moe99 on Early meeting bugout.
November 14th, 2009 7:05 pm
moe99 on Early meeting bugout.
November 16th, 2009 9:39 am
moe99 on Early meeting bugout.
November 16th, 2009 10:35 am
moe99 on The birthday kids.
November 16th, 2009 7:03 pm
moe99 on The birthday kids.
November 16th, 2009 8:06 pm
moe99 on The birthday kids.
November 17th, 2009 1:12 am
moe99 on The birthday kids.
November 17th, 2009 1:43 am
moe99 on The birthday kids.
November 17th, 2009 3:28 am
moe99 on The birthday kids.
November 17th, 2009 8:36 am
moe99 on Puzzlers.
November 17th, 2009 9:57 pm
moe99 on Puzzlers.
November 18th, 2009 4:56 am
moe99 on Puzzlers.
November 18th, 2009 9:57 am
moe99 on More shiny objects.
November 18th, 2009 7:25 pm
moe99 on More shiny objects.
November 18th, 2009 8:54 pm
moe99 on More shiny objects.
November 19th, 2009 7:37 am
moe99 on What can you do?
November 19th, 2009 7:39 pm
moe99 on What can you do?
November 19th, 2009 8:23 pm
moe99 on What can you do?
November 20th, 2009 9:27 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
November 22nd, 2009 8:22 pm
moe99 on Hooray for Hollywood.
November 23rd, 2009 11:22 pm
moe99 on Don't assume.
November 25th, 2009 10:04 pm
moe99 on Don't assume.
November 25th, 2009 10:56 pm
moe99 on Don't assume.
November 26th, 2009 6:43 pm
moe99 on Don't assume.
November 26th, 2009 11:27 pm
moe99 on Don't assume.
November 27th, 2009 8:50 pm
moe99 on Don't assume.
November 30th, 2009 1:54 am
moe99 on Back to the mangle.
November 30th, 2009 8:21 pm
moe99 on Back to the mangle.
November 30th, 2009 10:57 pm
moe99 on Back to the mangle.
December 1st, 2009 7:17 am
moe99 on Pages.
December 1st, 2009 10:41 pm
moe99 on Pages.
December 2nd, 2009 2:09 am
moe99 on My cocktail problem.
December 2nd, 2009 7:35 pm
moe99 on Kentucky-fried does.
December 3rd, 2009 8:11 pm
moe99 on Kentucky-fried does.
December 4th, 2009 5:33 am
moe99 on Carping.
December 4th, 2009 8:25 pm
moe99 on The end of the weekend.
December 8th, 2009 2:35 am
moe99 on The wall cracks.
December 10th, 2009 2:00 am
moe99 on The wall cracks.
December 10th, 2009 6:10 am
moe99 on The wall cracks.
December 10th, 2009 8:41 am
moe99 on Don't go to no trouble.
December 10th, 2009 6:19 pm
moe99 on Don't go to no trouble.
December 11th, 2009 2:21 pm
moe99 on Don't go to no trouble.
December 11th, 2009 7:26 pm
moe99 on Don't go to no trouble.
December 11th, 2009 8:57 pm
moe99 on Cold, cold, colder.
December 12th, 2009 4:29 am
moe99 on Cold, cold, colder.
December 12th, 2009 10:10 am
moe99 on Cold, cold, colder.
December 12th, 2009 7:18 pm
moe99 on Cold, cold, colder.
December 13th, 2009 12:40 am
moe99 on Nice night for a drive.
December 14th, 2009 10:46 pm
moe99 on Free advice.
December 15th, 2009 7:47 pm
moe99 on Free advice.
December 16th, 2009 1:14 am
moe99 on Free advice.
December 16th, 2009 2:30 am
moe99 on Free advice.
December 16th, 2009 7:38 am
moe99 on Cake 'n' cookies.
December 16th, 2009 6:55 pm
moe99 on Cake 'n' cookies.
December 16th, 2009 11:55 pm
moe99 on Cake 'n' cookies.
December 17th, 2009 12:52 am
moe99 on Binning it.
December 17th, 2009 7:17 pm
moe99 on Poor Brittany(s).
December 21st, 2009 7:05 pm
moe99 on Poor Brittany(s).
December 21st, 2009 8:59 pm
moe99 on Poor Brittany(s).
December 22nd, 2009 2:48 am
moe99 on Take your vitamins.
December 22nd, 2009 10:52 pm
moe99 on My name is Olga.
December 23rd, 2009 3:20 am
moe99 on My name is Olga.
December 23rd, 2009 9:19 am
moe99 on The hero's fate.
December 23rd, 2009 7:08 pm
moe99 on The hero's fate.
December 24th, 2009 8:08 am
moe99 on Merry Christmas.
December 26th, 2009 1:27 am
moe99 on The fool's errand.
December 30th, 2009 12:25 am
moe99 on The fool's errand.
December 30th, 2009 12:40 am
moe99 on Oysters, snails, champagne.
January 1st, 2010 9:27 am
moe99 on Interesting times.
January 4th, 2010 9:33 pm
moe99 on Just being supportive.
January 5th, 2010 9:09 pm
moe99 on Just being supportive.
January 6th, 2010 3:10 am
moe99 on Flakeout.
January 6th, 2010 8:49 pm
moe99 on Waiting for snow.
January 8th, 2010 1:28 am
moe99 on Pulp blogging.
January 8th, 2010 8:15 pm
moe99 on Pulp blogging.
January 9th, 2010 11:37 pm
moe99 on Pulp blogging.
January 10th, 2010 3:20 am
moe99 on Pulp blogging.
January 11th, 2010 9:16 am
moe99 on Screen gem.
January 11th, 2010 6:04 pm
moe99 on Screen gem.
January 12th, 2010 2:36 am
moe99 on Screen gem.
January 12th, 2010 4:21 am
moe99 on Screen gem.
January 12th, 2010 9:29 am
moe99 on Watch your language.
January 13th, 2010 2:14 am
moe99 on Watch your language.
January 13th, 2010 2:56 am
moe99 on Watch your language.
January 13th, 2010 7:31 pm
moe99 on Faults and other problems.
January 13th, 2010 9:43 pm
moe99 on Faults and other problems.
January 14th, 2010 8:36 am
moe99 on There will (not) be cake.
January 14th, 2010 10:37 pm
moe99 on There will (not) be cake.
January 15th, 2010 2:57 am
moe99 on More misery.
January 16th, 2010 12:29 am
moe99 on More misery.
January 16th, 2010 1:11 am
moe99 on You still suck.
January 20th, 2010 2:41 am
moe99 on Pay attention.
January 20th, 2010 10:23 pm
moe99 on Baby it's cold inside.
January 21st, 2010 11:19 pm
moe99 on Baby it's cold inside.
January 21st, 2010 11:37 pm
moe99 on Baby it's cold inside.
January 22nd, 2010 1:00 am
moe99 on Nowhere but up.
January 23rd, 2010 8:06 pm
moe99 on Nowhere but up.
January 24th, 2010 1:44 am
moe99 on Cocktails in Brobdingnag.
January 25th, 2010 11:45 pm
moe99 on Hero or fool?
January 26th, 2010 11:56 pm
moe99 on Costume party.
January 27th, 2010 7:45 pm
moe99 on Costume party.
January 27th, 2010 9:46 pm
moe99 on iLike.
January 28th, 2010 8:56 pm
moe99 on iLike.
January 28th, 2010 10:27 pm
moe99 on iLike.
January 28th, 2010 11:09 pm
moe99 on iLike.
January 29th, 2010 6:53 am
moe99 on Soup without tears.
January 29th, 2010 9:22 pm
moe99 on Soup without tears.
January 30th, 2010 4:15 am
moe99 on Soup without tears.
January 30th, 2010 8:22 am
moe99 on Soup without tears.
January 31st, 2010 6:20 am
moe99 on Soup without tears.
January 31st, 2010 11:56 pm
moe99 on Stuck in neutral, or not.
February 1st, 2010 7:50 pm
moe99 on Stuck in neutral, or not.
February 2nd, 2010 10:06 am
moe99 on Detroitywood.
February 4th, 2010 12:47 am
moe99 on Detroitywood.
February 4th, 2010 8:28 pm
moe99 on Frozen.
February 5th, 2010 4:39 am
moe99 on Thawing.
February 5th, 2010 7:02 pm
moe99 on Thawing.
February 5th, 2010 8:13 pm
moe99 on Thawing.
February 5th, 2010 8:37 pm
moe99 on Thawing.
February 6th, 2010 2:14 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
February 7th, 2010 11:48 pm
moe99 on Crib notes.
February 8th, 2010 7:09 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
February 8th, 2010 7:27 pm
moe99 on Crib notes.
February 8th, 2010 9:08 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
February 8th, 2010 10:09 pm
moe99 on Crib notes.
February 8th, 2010 10:22 pm
moe99 on It's all in the angles.
February 11th, 2010 8:24 pm
moe99 on Lunatic fringe.
February 17th, 2010 3:02 am
moe99 on My hero.
February 18th, 2010 12:06 am
moe99 on This halo, it chafes.
February 18th, 2010 10:43 pm
moe99 on This halo, it chafes.
February 18th, 2010 11:41 pm
moe99 on This halo, it chafes.
February 19th, 2010 12:13 am
moe99 on This halo, it chafes.
February 19th, 2010 12:29 am
moe99 on This halo, it chafes.
February 19th, 2010 1:23 am
moe99 on This halo, it chafes.
February 19th, 2010 5:31 pm
moe99 on The heemanee.
February 19th, 2010 9:30 pm
moe99 on The heemanee.
February 19th, 2010 10:34 pm
moe99 on The heemanee.
February 20th, 2010 12:25 am
moe99 on The heemanee.
February 20th, 2010 9:30 pm
moe99 on The heemanee.
February 22nd, 2010 11:48 am
moe99 on Among the dead.
February 22nd, 2010 7:00 pm
moe99 on Among the dead.
February 23rd, 2010 4:13 am
moe99 on Our own private Idaho.
February 24th, 2010 7:10 pm
moe99 on Our own private Idaho.
February 24th, 2010 9:19 pm
moe99 on Dear Prudence.
February 25th, 2010 6:50 pm
moe99 on Lame excuses.
February 26th, 2010 7:13 pm
moe99 on Old school.
March 1st, 2010 7:18 pm
moe99 on Old school.
March 1st, 2010 9:35 pm
moe99 on Old school.
March 2nd, 2010 9:09 am
moe99 on Not a perfect day.
March 3rd, 2010 9:43 pm
moe99 on Not a perfect day.
March 4th, 2010 7:18 am
moe99 on Not a perfect day.
March 4th, 2010 6:19 pm
moe99 on The pen is messier.
March 4th, 2010 6:26 pm
moe99 on The way we were.
March 5th, 2010 8:18 pm
moe99 on Creative differences.
March 8th, 2010 9:25 pm
moe99 on We are not amused.
March 10th, 2010 8:23 pm
moe99 on The good stuff.
March 12th, 2010 4:06 am
moe99 on The good stuff.
March 12th, 2010 6:22 am
moe99 on Wrongspeak.
March 13th, 2010 1:00 am
moe99 on Wrongspeak.
March 13th, 2010 2:29 am
moe99 on Wrongspeak.
March 13th, 2010 3:30 am
moe99 on Beware the Ides of March.
March 15th, 2010 6:14 pm
moe99 on Beware the Ides of March.
March 15th, 2010 7:54 pm
moe99 on Beware the Ides of March.
March 15th, 2010 11:22 pm
moe99 on Evolution and solar radiation.
March 16th, 2010 5:58 pm
moe99 on Evolution and solar radiation.
March 16th, 2010 8:44 pm
moe99 on You and you and you.
March 17th, 2010 8:20 pm
moe99 on Go Bobcats.
March 20th, 2010 8:00 pm
moe99 on Go Bobcats.
March 22nd, 2010 7:27 am
moe99 on Now we see what happens.
March 23rd, 2010 1:23 am
moe99 on Now we see what happens.
March 23rd, 2010 9:47 am
moe99 on Daddy's sleeping.
March 24th, 2010 3:58 am
moe99 on Daddy's sleeping.
March 24th, 2010 6:14 am
moe99 on The way they did it.
March 24th, 2010 6:22 pm
moe99 on The way they did it.
March 24th, 2010 10:35 pm
moe99 on The way they did it.
March 25th, 2010 7:29 am
moe99 on Let's try on rings.
March 25th, 2010 9:58 pm
moe99 on Let's try on rings.
March 25th, 2010 11:26 pm
moe99 on Let's try on rings.
March 26th, 2010 1:50 am
moe99 on My labor today is elsewhere.
March 26th, 2010 7:34 pm
moe99 on My labor today is elsewhere.
March 26th, 2010 9:05 pm
moe99 on My labor today is elsewhere.
March 27th, 2010 6:21 pm
moe99 on You don't have to be Jewish...
March 29th, 2010 6:19 pm
moe99 on You don't have to be Jewish...
March 29th, 2010 7:15 pm
moe99 on You don't have to be Jewish...
March 29th, 2010 11:59 pm
moe99 on You don't have to be Jewish...
March 30th, 2010 2:06 am
moe99 on Crazy in the hinterlands.
March 30th, 2010 6:11 pm
moe99 on The bad duck.
April 1st, 2010 4:37 pm
moe99 on The bad duck.
April 1st, 2010 6:31 pm
moe99 on The bad duck.
April 1st, 2010 7:24 pm
moe99 on The bad duck.
April 1st, 2010 11:50 pm
moe99 on Happy Easter.
April 2nd, 2010 6:25 pm
moe99 on Happy Easter.
April 2nd, 2010 7:53 pm
moe99 on Happy Easter.
April 2nd, 2010 11:46 pm
moe99 on Happy Easter.
April 3rd, 2010 8:33 pm
moe99 on By any other name.
April 6th, 2010 6:53 pm
moe99 on Wow.
April 7th, 2010 9:58 pm
moe99 on Wow.
April 8th, 2010 5:52 am
moe99 on Wow.
April 8th, 2010 8:43 am
moe99 on We connect people.
April 8th, 2010 7:31 pm
moe99 on We connect people.
April 8th, 2010 9:17 pm
moe99 on We connect people.
April 9th, 2010 3:31 am
moe99 on Where I'm blogging from.
April 9th, 2010 6:31 pm
moe99 on Last day.
April 13th, 2010 12:47 am
moe99 on Last day.
April 14th, 2010 12:47 am
moe99 on Tax day.
April 16th, 2010 5:24 pm
moe99 on In which we loaf.
April 16th, 2010 6:48 pm
moe99 on Fail.
April 21st, 2010 6:33 am
moe99 on Curse you, Craig.
April 22nd, 2010 4:11 am
moe99 on Caught some Zs.
April 23rd, 2010 6:35 pm
moe99 on A dangerous man.
April 28th, 2010 5:28 pm
moe99 on A dangerous man.
April 28th, 2010 9:58 pm
moe99 on The people parade.
April 30th, 2010 6:01 pm
moe99 on The people parade.
April 30th, 2010 9:36 pm
moe99 on Funny guy.
May 3rd, 2010 9:19 pm
moe99 on Funny guy.
May 4th, 2010 2:12 am
moe99 on Funny guy.
May 4th, 2010 9:44 am
moe99 on Waist-deep.
May 4th, 2010 8:53 pm
moe99 on Waist-deep.
May 5th, 2010 8:05 am
moe99 on Neck-deep.
May 6th, 2010 7:12 am
moe99 on Drinking Miss Daisy.
May 6th, 2010 10:19 pm
moe99 on Drinking Miss Daisy.
May 6th, 2010 11:12 pm
moe99 on Drinking Miss Daisy.
May 7th, 2010 2:49 am
moe99 on One pill to change it all.
May 8th, 2010 4:38 am
moe99 on One pill to change it all.
May 8th, 2010 6:53 am
moe99 on One pill to change it all.
May 8th, 2010 6:46 pm
moe99 on Coal miner's daughter revolts.
May 9th, 2010 6:31 pm
moe99 on Disaster.
May 11th, 2010 7:15 pm
moe99 on Disaster.
May 11th, 2010 9:54 pm
moe99 on Disaster.
May 12th, 2010 2:18 am
moe99 on Swallowed.
May 14th, 2010 2:24 am
moe99 on L&O.
May 14th, 2010 10:05 pm
moe99 on A tortured man.
May 19th, 2010 8:28 am
moe99 on You won't be missed.
May 19th, 2010 6:29 pm
moe99 on Odds and ends.
May 20th, 2010 6:22 pm
moe99 on Odds and ends.
May 21st, 2010 4:11 am
moe99 on Meanwhile, down Nashville way...
May 21st, 2010 7:32 pm
moe99 on Be reasonable.
May 24th, 2010 5:32 pm
moe99 on Be reasonable.
May 24th, 2010 7:23 pm
moe99 on Who speaks for you?
May 26th, 2010 2:25 am
moe99 on Blotto.
May 26th, 2010 7:39 pm
moe99 on Oh, Larry.
May 27th, 2010 7:45 pm
moe99 on Oh, Larry.
May 27th, 2010 9:36 pm
moe99 on Oh, Larry.
May 27th, 2010 10:02 pm
moe99 on I miss the free toasters.
May 28th, 2010 9:43 pm
moe99 on I miss the free toasters.
May 30th, 2010 7:45 am
moe99 on I miss the free toasters.
May 31st, 2010 12:36 am
moe99 on Happy holiday.
May 31st, 2010 10:53 pm
moe99 on Acting childishly.
June 1st, 2010 11:37 pm
moe99 on Out of gas.
June 2nd, 2010 10:46 pm
moe99 on Disaster, the sequel.
June 4th, 2010 7:42 am
moe99 on Think of England.
June 4th, 2010 6:47 pm
moe99 on Think of England.
June 6th, 2010 10:48 pm
moe99 on Think of England.
June 7th, 2010 5:56 pm
moe99 on Housecleaning.
June 8th, 2010 9:03 am
moe99 on To the glue factory.
June 8th, 2010 7:21 pm
moe99 on Stealin' it.
June 9th, 2010 7:01 pm
moe99 on A day away.
June 15th, 2010 7:05 am
moe99 on Bloomsday.
June 16th, 2010 6:16 pm
moe99 on Bloomsday.
June 16th, 2010 9:15 pm
moe99 on Bloomsday.
June 16th, 2010 10:15 pm
moe99 on Pound! Pound! Pound!
June 17th, 2010 5:09 pm
moe99 on Pound! Pound! Pound!
June 17th, 2010 9:33 pm
moe99 on The cleanup.
June 18th, 2010 7:10 pm
moe99 on The cleanup.
June 18th, 2010 8:42 pm
moe99 on The cleanup.
June 19th, 2010 3:41 am
moe99 on The cleanup.
June 19th, 2010 9:28 pm
moe99 on The cleanup.
June 20th, 2010 7:23 pm
moe99 on Happy solstice.
June 22nd, 2010 11:11 am
moe99 on The craft of assembly.
June 23rd, 2010 4:03 am
moe99 on The craft of assembly.
June 23rd, 2010 10:58 pm
moe99 on Because you asked...
June 25th, 2010 3:28 am
moe99 on Because you asked...
June 26th, 2010 5:32 pm
moe99 on Reconnaissance.
June 28th, 2010 6:39 pm
moe99 on Chainsaws and confusion.
June 29th, 2010 5:58 pm
moe99 on Eye-catching.
June 30th, 2010 7:06 pm
moe99 on Eye-catching.
June 30th, 2010 7:29 pm
moe99 on G&B = good.
July 1st, 2010 6:28 pm
moe99 on G&B = good.
July 1st, 2010 7:30 pm
moe99 on G&B = good.
July 2nd, 2010 7:18 am
moe99 on In which I mutter.
July 2nd, 2010 6:49 pm
moe99 on In which I mutter.
July 3rd, 2010 6:12 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
July 5th, 2010 7:46 pm
moe99 on Motown in Motown.
July 6th, 2010 7:40 pm
moe99 on Motown in Motown.
July 7th, 2010 8:38 am
moe99 on The motorcycle gang.
July 7th, 2010 8:47 pm
moe99 on The motorcycle gang.
July 7th, 2010 9:30 pm
moe99 on The motorcycle gang.
July 7th, 2010 10:24 pm
moe99 on Dream houses.
July 10th, 2010 9:52 am
moe99 on Dream houses.
July 11th, 2010 10:59 pm
moe99 on Exit at the courtroom.
July 12th, 2010 6:09 pm
moe99 on Exit at the courtroom.
July 13th, 2010 7:34 am
moe99 on Second languages.
July 14th, 2010 6:49 am
moe99 on Midsummer.
July 16th, 2010 6:27 pm
moe99 on Different colors.
July 19th, 2010 7:51 pm
moe99 on Plainly wrong.
July 21st, 2010 7:42 am
moe99 on Lifetime achievement.
July 22nd, 2010 8:31 pm
moe99 on They were holding his cell.
July 23rd, 2010 7:29 pm
moe99 on They were holding his cell.
July 26th, 2010 12:35 am
moe99 on Hot time in the old town.
July 27th, 2010 4:46 am
moe99 on Hot time in the old town.
July 27th, 2010 5:48 am
moe99 on Hot and crushed.
July 27th, 2010 7:37 pm
moe99 on Ghetto economies.
July 28th, 2010 7:09 pm
moe99 on Ghetto economies.
July 28th, 2010 9:40 pm
moe99 on Copy, paste, taste.
August 3rd, 2010 2:45 am
moe99 on Follow the bouncing ball.
August 3rd, 2010 9:57 pm
moe99 on Spilled tea.
August 4th, 2010 11:18 pm
moe99 on Spilled tea.
August 5th, 2010 8:03 am
moe99 on Word by word.
August 5th, 2010 7:21 pm
moe99 on Word by word.
August 5th, 2010 9:55 pm
moe99 on Word by word.
August 6th, 2010 12:20 am
moe99 on Mind-shopping.
August 7th, 2010 12:59 am
moe99 on Mind-shopping.
August 7th, 2010 11:51 pm
moe99 on Screamin' memes.
August 11th, 2010 8:58 pm
moe99 on Queuing in Purgatory.
August 12th, 2010 10:32 pm
moe99 on Queuing in Purgatory.
August 12th, 2010 11:35 pm
Moe99 on Fly-by.
August 16th, 2010 6:45 pm
moe99 on Fly-by.
August 17th, 2010 1:56 am
moe99 on The old conservative.
August 17th, 2010 9:52 pm
moe99 on The old conservative.
August 18th, 2010 8:36 am
moe99 on Daddy's girl.
August 18th, 2010 10:48 pm
moe99 on Inappropriate anger.
August 19th, 2010 8:05 pm
moe99 on Lick and a promise.
August 21st, 2010 2:39 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
August 21st, 2010 11:45 pm
Moe99 on A millstone I call home.
August 23rd, 2010 7:59 pm
moe99 on Baby let's cruise.
August 25th, 2010 2:35 am
moe99 on Later.
August 27th, 2010 8:31 pm
moe99 on Later.
August 27th, 2010 9:11 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning Milwaukee.
August 28th, 2010 9:29 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning Milwaukee.
August 29th, 2010 12:11 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning Milwaukee.
August 30th, 2010 12:35 am
moe99 on Salty.
August 30th, 2010 6:42 pm
moe99 on Salty.
August 30th, 2010 9:25 pm
moe99 on Upgrade.
August 31st, 2010 11:04 pm
moe99 on Whiny little babies.
September 1st, 2010 7:04 pm
moe99 on Whiny little babies.
September 1st, 2010 8:55 pm
moe99 on Whiny little babies.
September 1st, 2010 11:53 pm
moe99 on Whiny little babies.
September 2nd, 2010 4:04 am
moe99 on Whiny little babies.
September 2nd, 2010 9:10 pm
moe99 on Good weekend, all.
September 3rd, 2010 6:10 pm
moe99 on Good weekend, all.
September 4th, 2010 2:57 am
moe99 on Good weekend, all.
September 4th, 2010 9:11 pm
moe99 on Making more time.
September 7th, 2010 11:21 pm
Moe99 on Making more time.
September 8th, 2010 12:57 am
moe99 on Making more time.
September 8th, 2010 1:42 am
moe99 on Making more time.
September 8th, 2010 7:16 am
moe99 on Making more time.
September 8th, 2010 7:24 am
moe99 on Imperfect humans.
September 9th, 2010 8:58 pm
moe99 on Imperfect humans.
September 9th, 2010 9:44 pm
moe99 on (more).
September 10th, 2010 7:58 pm
moe99 on Old times there: Not forgotten.
September 15th, 2010 7:46 pm
moe99 on Old times there: Not forgotten.
September 15th, 2010 9:18 pm
moe99 on Old times there: Not forgotten.
September 15th, 2010 11:36 pm
moe99 on Old times there: Not forgotten.
September 16th, 2010 2:35 am
moe99 on Old times there: Not forgotten.
September 16th, 2010 6:14 am
moe99 on Clone me next.
September 16th, 2010 9:04 pm
moe99 on Clone me next.
September 16th, 2010 9:36 pm
moe99 on Kwazy.
September 17th, 2010 6:38 pm
moe99 on Kwazy.
September 18th, 2010 1:02 am
moe99 on On the menu.
September 22nd, 2010 7:53 pm
moe99 on The power of graphics.
September 23rd, 2010 10:40 pm
moe99 on Hard times.
September 24th, 2010 6:18 pm
moe99 on Hard times.
September 24th, 2010 11:37 pm
moe99 on The power of graphics.
September 25th, 2010 12:30 am
moe99 on Invisible-hand jobs.
September 27th, 2010 10:36 pm
moe99 on Invisible-hand jobs.
September 28th, 2010 7:43 am
moe99 on Tedding tomorrow.
September 28th, 2010 7:44 pm
moe99 on Tedding tomorrow.
September 28th, 2010 8:13 pm
moe99 on Tedding tomorrow.
September 29th, 2010 7:29 pm
moe99 on Tedding tomorrow.
September 29th, 2010 7:48 pm
moe99 on Tedding tomorrow.
September 30th, 2010 2:46 am
moe99 on Tedding tomorrow.
September 30th, 2010 6:31 am
moe99 on Tedding tomorrow.
September 30th, 2010 8:40 am
moe99 on Shocked. Awed.
October 1st, 2010 7:23 pm
moe99 on Shocked. Awed.
October 1st, 2010 10:02 pm
moe99 on Shocked. Awed.
October 2nd, 2010 12:33 am
moe99 on Shocked. Awed.
October 4th, 2010 12:48 am
Moe99 on That boy ain't right.
October 4th, 2010 6:06 pm
moe99 on That boy ain't right.
October 5th, 2010 6:11 am
moe99 on That boy ain't right.
October 5th, 2010 6:26 pm
moe99 on His ride's here.
October 6th, 2010 4:27 am
moe99 on Deeds, good and otherwise.
October 6th, 2010 8:24 pm
moe99 on Deeds, good and otherwise.
October 7th, 2010 1:04 am
moe99 on Deeds, good and otherwise.
October 7th, 2010 7:35 am
moe99 on Bad boys.
October 8th, 2010 1:51 am
moe99 on Bad boys.
October 8th, 2010 7:52 am
moe99 on Rough cuts.
October 8th, 2010 6:10 pm
moe99 on Rough cuts.
October 9th, 2010 10:16 pm
moe99 on Rough cuts.
October 10th, 2010 12:22 am
moe99 on Lost weekend.
October 12th, 2010 5:28 am
moe99 on Fly away, bird.
October 12th, 2010 8:15 pm
moe99 on Make it un-snappy.
October 13th, 2010 9:18 pm
moe99 on Make it un-snappy.
October 13th, 2010 9:54 pm
moe99 on Make it un-snappy.
October 14th, 2010 12:09 am
moe99 on I remember Mike.
October 14th, 2010 6:44 pm
moe99 on Families, feuding.
October 15th, 2010 6:29 pm
moe99 on Families, feuding.
October 16th, 2010 3:02 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
October 17th, 2010 1:43 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
October 17th, 2010 11:13 pm
moe99 on Bad goat.
October 19th, 2010 8:00 pm
moe99 on Bad goat.
October 20th, 2010 12:00 am
moe99 on She wants what?
October 20th, 2010 7:10 pm
moe99 on She wants what?
October 20th, 2010 7:24 pm
moe99 on She wants what?
October 20th, 2010 8:15 pm
moe99 on She wants what?
October 20th, 2010 10:33 pm
moe99 on She wants what?
October 21st, 2010 12:02 am
moe99 on She wants what?
October 21st, 2010 6:28 am
moe99 on Detroit, high and low.
October 22nd, 2010 6:52 pm
moe99 on Detroit, high and low.
October 22nd, 2010 9:10 pm
moe99 on Detroit, high and low.
October 23rd, 2010 11:33 pm
moe99 on Consider yourself trolled.
October 25th, 2010 11:28 pm
moe99 on Consider yourself trolled.
October 25th, 2010 11:47 pm
moe99 on Please, tread on me.
October 27th, 2010 2:37 am
moe99 on Please, tread on me.
October 27th, 2010 3:55 am
moe99 on The Heartland speaks.
October 28th, 2010 6:00 pm
moe99 on The Heartland speaks.
October 28th, 2010 6:36 pm
moe99 on The Heartland speaks.
October 29th, 2010 1:20 am
moe99 on Sic 'em again.
November 1st, 2010 9:13 am
Moe99 on The pumpkin debrief.
November 1st, 2010 6:50 pm
moe99 on The pumpkin debrief.
November 2nd, 2010 7:49 am
moe99 on Come wade in the sewer.
November 2nd, 2010 8:54 pm
moe99 on Come wade in the sewer.
November 2nd, 2010 10:34 pm
moe99 on Come wade in the sewer.
November 3rd, 2010 7:34 am
moe99 on The mop-up.
November 3rd, 2010 6:05 pm
moe99 on The mop-up.
November 3rd, 2010 6:54 pm
moe99 on The mop-up.
November 3rd, 2010 9:55 pm
moe99 on The mop-up.
November 4th, 2010 2:41 am
moe99 on The mop-up.
November 4th, 2010 3:06 am
moe99 on The mop-up.
November 4th, 2010 9:31 am
moe99 on The hospital of you.
November 5th, 2010 4:34 am
moe99 on Life's rich banquet.
November 5th, 2010 7:09 pm
moe99 on Life's rich banquet.
November 6th, 2010 12:07 am
moe99 on Life's rich banquet.
November 8th, 2010 12:23 am
moe99 on One sweet hour.
November 9th, 2010 3:33 am
moe99 on Calling in.
November 9th, 2010 7:29 pm
moe99 on Calling in.
November 10th, 2010 4:20 am
moe99 on Catching up.
November 11th, 2010 2:14 am
moe99 on Self-destructing in 60 seconds.
November 11th, 2010 10:16 pm
moe99 on Self-destructing in 60 seconds.
November 12th, 2010 12:16 am
moe99 on Counts, recounts.
November 12th, 2010 11:26 pm
moe99 on The senior portion.
November 16th, 2010 4:10 am
moe99 on Adults like to fret.
November 17th, 2010 10:14 pm
moe99 on Dash out.
November 19th, 2010 2:55 am
moe99 on Worlds to conquer.
November 19th, 2010 10:47 pm
moe99 on Worlds to conquer.
November 20th, 2010 3:26 am
moe99 on Worlds to conquer.
November 20th, 2010 8:38 pm
moe99 on Under the sink again.
November 24th, 2010 2:50 am
moe99 on Under the sink again.
November 24th, 2010 4:56 am
moe99 on The countdown.
November 24th, 2010 10:16 pm
moe99 on The countdown.
November 25th, 2010 8:30 am
moe99 on The countdown.
November 27th, 2010 9:06 am
moe99 on On E.
December 1st, 2010 2:29 am
moe99 on Who ARE these people?
December 1st, 2010 11:41 pm
moe99 on Older and still dumb.
December 3rd, 2010 2:29 am
moe99 on Older and still dumb.
December 3rd, 2010 10:29 am
moe99 on Bad news on the doorstep.
December 3rd, 2010 8:45 pm
moe99 on Bad news on the doorstep.
December 3rd, 2010 10:18 pm
moe99 on Bad news on the doorstep.
December 5th, 2010 12:56 am
moe99 on My virtual office.
December 6th, 2010 7:21 pm
moe99 on My virtual office.
December 6th, 2010 10:31 pm
moe99 on My virtual office.
December 6th, 2010 11:38 pm
moe99 on My virtual office.
December 7th, 2010 12:31 am
moe99 on The joker's smile.
December 7th, 2010 7:08 pm
moe99 on The joker's smile.
December 7th, 2010 8:54 pm
moe99 on The joker's smile.
December 8th, 2010 12:33 am
moe99 on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 12:18 am
moe99 on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 10:06 am
moe99 on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 8:15 pm
moe99 on Your holiday DJ.
December 10th, 2010 9:24 pm
moe99 on Your holiday DJ.
December 11th, 2010 10:22 pm
moe99 on Your holiday DJ.
December 13th, 2010 9:42 am
moe99 on Yo, snow.
December 14th, 2010 1:56 am
moe99 on Freedom.
December 14th, 2010 9:10 pm
moe99 on Freedom.
December 15th, 2010 1:15 am
moe99 on Freedom.
December 15th, 2010 9:41 am
moe99 on How it's done.
December 15th, 2010 7:37 pm
moe99 on How it's done.
December 15th, 2010 9:08 pm
moe99 on How it's done.
December 16th, 2010 2:40 am
moe99 on Gamesmanship, part 2.
December 17th, 2010 11:47 pm
moe99 on Gamesmanship, part 2.
December 18th, 2010 1:53 am
moe99 on Gamesmanship, part 2.
December 20th, 2010 3:22 am
moe99 on Gamesmanship, part 2.
December 20th, 2010 11:58 am
Moe99 on Homewreckers.
December 20th, 2010 7:20 pm
moe99 on It's just an expression.
December 21st, 2010 9:25 pm
moe99 on It's just an expression.
December 22nd, 2010 1:34 am
moe99 on Days ahead: Merry, bright.
December 27th, 2010 9:45 am
moe99 on Opened presents.
December 28th, 2010 3:57 am
moe99 on Silly season.
December 28th, 2010 7:38 pm
moe99 on Silly season.
December 28th, 2010 9:24 pm
moe99 on For auld lang syne.
December 29th, 2010 7:42 pm
moe99 on For auld lang syne.
December 30th, 2010 10:17 am
moe99 on For auld lang syne.
December 30th, 2010 10:06 pm
moe99 on For auld lang syne.
December 31st, 2010 3:53 am
moe99 on For auld lang syne.
December 31st, 2010 8:47 am
moe99 on Movie nights.
January 3rd, 2011 9:36 pm
moe99 on That stinks.
January 4th, 2011 9:03 pm
moe99 on That stinks.
January 4th, 2011 10:34 pm
moe99 on That stinks.
January 5th, 2011 12:31 am
moe99 on That stinks.
January 5th, 2011 8:29 am
moe99 on Leave the lights.
January 5th, 2011 7:24 pm
moe99 on What am I doing here?
January 6th, 2011 10:00 pm
moe99 on What am I doing here?
January 7th, 2011 8:49 am
moe99 on A house for the girls.
January 7th, 2011 7:11 pm
moe99 on A house for the girls.
January 7th, 2011 10:48 pm
moe99 on A house for the girls.
January 8th, 2011 3:01 am
moe99 on A house for the girls.
January 8th, 2011 9:30 am
moe99 on A house for the girls.
January 9th, 2011 1:13 am
moe99 on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 6:24 am
moe99 on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 10th, 2011 1:45 am
moe99 on Fault lines.
January 10th, 2011 9:33 pm
moe99 on Fault lines.
January 11th, 2011 1:08 am
moe99 on Fault lines.
January 11th, 2011 4:23 am
moe99 on Fault lines.
January 11th, 2011 6:42 am
moe99 on Mommy dearest.
January 12th, 2011 1:57 am
moe99 on Mommy dearest.
January 12th, 2011 10:05 am
moe99 on Kitchen purple hearts.
January 12th, 2011 8:35 pm
moe99 on Kitchen purple hearts.
January 12th, 2011 10:45 pm
moe99 on Kitchen purple hearts.
January 13th, 2011 12:40 am
moe99 on A dog's life.
January 13th, 2011 8:37 pm
moe99 on A dog's life.
January 14th, 2011 1:02 am
moe99 on A dog's life.
January 14th, 2011 6:38 am
moe99 on The bad penny.
January 19th, 2011 12:37 am
moe99 on The bad penny.
January 19th, 2011 3:57 am
moe99 on Tin for the 10th.
January 19th, 2011 8:16 pm
moe99 on The First Closet.
January 20th, 2011 10:08 pm
moe99 on Venison stew.
January 22nd, 2011 1:37 am
moe99 on Venison stew.
January 22nd, 2011 2:22 am
moe99 on Venison stew.
January 22nd, 2011 8:54 am
moe99 on Venison stew.
January 23rd, 2011 11:18 pm
moe99 on Venison stew.
January 24th, 2011 11:21 am
moe99 on Strength and fitness.
January 24th, 2011 9:29 pm
moe99 on Down Downton way.
January 26th, 2011 2:53 am
Moe99 on A bigger page to write on.
January 26th, 2011 9:31 pm
moe99 on Waiting for Oscar.
January 27th, 2011 8:14 pm
moe99 on Waiting for Oscar.
January 27th, 2011 10:24 pm
moe99 on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 28th, 2011 7:14 pm
moe99 on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 28th, 2011 9:37 pm
moe99 on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 30th, 2011 8:06 am
moe99 on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 30th, 2011 9:16 pm
moe99 on Snowpocalypse now. Er, Tuesday.
February 1st, 2011 6:32 am
moe99 on Won't get fooled again.
February 2nd, 2011 2:43 am
moe99 on Won't get fooled again.
February 2nd, 2011 7:33 am
moe99 on Won't get fooled again.
February 2nd, 2011 9:43 am
moe99 on Disappointment of '11.
February 2nd, 2011 11:51 pm
moe99 on Disappointment of '11.
February 3rd, 2011 2:41 am
moe99 on Disappointment of '11.
February 3rd, 2011 3:21 am
moe99 on Disappointment of '11.
February 3rd, 2011 8:32 am
moe99 on Severe. Clear. Cold.
February 3rd, 2011 8:29 pm
moe99 on Severe. Clear. Cold.
February 4th, 2011 6:04 am
moe99 on She's got the look.
February 5th, 2011 2:34 am
moe99 on She's got the look.
February 6th, 2011 2:59 am
moe99 on She's got the look.
February 7th, 2011 5:00 am
moe99 on Explication de texte.
February 7th, 2011 8:06 pm
moe99 on Explication de texte.
February 8th, 2011 12:12 am
moe99 on Explication de texte.
February 8th, 2011 3:10 am
moe99 on Dull girl.
February 10th, 2011 5:01 am
moe99 on Harry Baals.
February 11th, 2011 7:14 pm
moe99 on Harry Baals.
February 11th, 2011 9:20 pm
moe99 on Harry Baals.
February 12th, 2011 12:42 am
moe99 on Harry Baals.
February 12th, 2011 11:19 pm
moe99 on Harry Baals.
February 13th, 2011 8:18 am
moe99 on No toddling zone.
February 15th, 2011 11:52 pm
Moe99 on Fed up.
February 19th, 2011 4:37 am
Moe99 on Fed up.
February 20th, 2011 9:18 pm
Moe99 on Fed up.
February 20th, 2011 10:32 pm
Moe99 on Fed up.
February 20th, 2011 11:39 pm
Moe99 on In deep.
February 22nd, 2011 7:56 am
moe99 on Thousands strong.
February 27th, 2011 9:06 am
moe99 on Ruminations with eggs.
March 1st, 2011 8:36 pm
moe99 on Ruminations with eggs.
March 2nd, 2011 7:00 am
moe99 on Wild man.
March 2nd, 2011 10:31 pm
moe99 on Wild man.
March 3rd, 2011 3:55 am
moe99 on Gov. Idiot.
March 3rd, 2011 7:20 pm
moe99 on Pleased to meetcha.
March 4th, 2011 10:38 pm
moe99 on Pleased to meetcha.
March 6th, 2011 10:21 am
moe99 on Pleased to meetcha.
March 7th, 2011 9:02 am
moe99 on A 24-hour fly-by.
March 8th, 2011 12:44 am
moe99 on The new ethicist.
March 8th, 2011 11:34 pm
moe99 on Ash Wednesday.
March 9th, 2011 9:13 pm
moe99 on Ash Wednesday.
March 10th, 2011 4:59 am
moe99 on Swept away.
March 11th, 2011 8:04 pm
moe99 on Swept away.
March 12th, 2011 12:20 am
moe99 on Swept away.
March 12th, 2011 7:55 am
moe99 on Swept away.
March 13th, 2011 12:17 am
moe99 on Swept away.
March 13th, 2011 6:35 am
moe99 on Even less.
March 14th, 2011 11:49 pm
moe99 on Even less.
March 15th, 2011 1:47 am
moe99 on Even less.
March 15th, 2011 10:00 am
moe99 on Unshockable.
March 16th, 2011 12:58 am
moe99 on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 8:19 pm
moe99 on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 10:04 pm
moe99 on New Normal.
March 17th, 2011 6:08 pm
moe99 on Friday.
March 18th, 2011 8:53 pm
moe99 on Friday.
March 19th, 2011 7:49 am
moe99 on Saturday afternoon birthday.
March 20th, 2011 2:19 am
moe99 on A grand night out.
March 21st, 2011 7:10 pm
moe99 on A grand night out.
March 21st, 2011 8:37 pm
moe99 on Virtual travel.
March 23rd, 2011 4:00 am
moe99 on The numbers.
March 23rd, 2011 6:58 pm
moe99 on The numbers.
March 23rd, 2011 8:03 pm
moe99 on The numbers.
March 23rd, 2011 10:15 pm
moe99 on The numbers.
March 24th, 2011 8:20 am
moe99 on A girl and her bijoux.
March 25th, 2011 2:54 am
moe99 on They keep us in the dark.
March 25th, 2011 6:22 pm
moe99 on They keep us in the dark.
March 25th, 2011 9:43 pm
moe99 on They keep us in the dark.
March 26th, 2011 2:08 am
moe99 on They keep us in the dark.
March 28th, 2011 1:41 am
moe99 on Housework for dummies.
March 28th, 2011 6:51 pm
moe99 on Housework for dummies.
March 28th, 2011 10:49 pm
moe99 on Housework for dummies.
March 29th, 2011 1:45 am
moe99 on Among other things.
March 29th, 2011 7:20 pm
moe99 on Dutchday, anyone?
March 31st, 2011 12:50 am
moe99 on The clatter of the keys.
March 31st, 2011 8:34 pm
moe99 on The clatter of the keys.
March 31st, 2011 9:30 pm
moe99 on The clatter of the keys.
April 1st, 2011 1:18 am
moe99 on Mint condition.
April 1st, 2011 10:41 pm
moe99 on Mint condition.
April 2nd, 2011 10:19 am
moe99 on A little foggy.
April 4th, 2011 7:08 pm
moe99 on Tuesday mornin' coming down.
April 5th, 2011 8:03 pm
moe99 on The 'ho show.
April 6th, 2011 5:57 pm
moe99 on The 'ho show.
April 6th, 2011 7:40 pm
moe99 on Fly away, little bird.
April 7th, 2011 6:58 pm
moe99 on Fly away, little bird.
April 8th, 2011 5:20 am
moe99 on Ship of drunks.
April 9th, 2011 10:35 pm
moe99 on Ship of drunks.
April 9th, 2011 11:47 pm
moe99 on Ship of drunks.
April 11th, 2011 5:32 am
moe99 on Strike up the band.
April 11th, 2011 6:23 pm
moe99 on Strike up the band.
April 12th, 2011 1:16 am
moe99 on Go down, Moses.
April 13th, 2011 8:31 am
moe99 on Not wowed. Yet.
April 15th, 2011 3:02 am
moe99 on Farewell, Erica.
April 15th, 2011 6:52 pm
moe99 on Farewell, Erica.
April 16th, 2011 2:21 am
moe99 on Farewell, Erica.
April 17th, 2011 2:04 am
moe99 on Farewell, Erica.
April 18th, 2011 7:27 am
moe99 on What the wind brought.
April 18th, 2011 8:02 pm
moe99 on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 5:28 pm
moe99 on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 6:34 pm
moe99 on Question for the room.
April 20th, 2011 4:43 am
moe99 on Question for the room.
April 20th, 2011 8:20 am
moe99 on So what's new?
April 22nd, 2011 7:23 am
moe99 on Good Friday.
April 23rd, 2011 8:23 am
moe99 on He was just the stenographer.
April 25th, 2011 8:08 pm
moe99 on He was just the stenographer.
April 25th, 2011 8:18 pm
moe99 on He was just the stenographer.
April 25th, 2011 10:33 pm
moe99 on He was just the stenographer.
April 26th, 2011 1:45 am
moe99 on A thin line, etc.
April 27th, 2011 7:52 am
moe99 on A thin line, etc.
April 27th, 2011 7:15 pm
moe99 on A thin line, etc.
April 27th, 2011 7:41 pm
moe99 on Big government II.
April 28th, 2011 7:00 pm
moe99 on All the silly ladies.
April 29th, 2011 11:19 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
May 1st, 2011 7:46 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
May 1st, 2011 11:37 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
May 2nd, 2011 3:21 am
moe99 on Osama bin Hidin'.
May 2nd, 2011 9:00 am
moe99 on Osama bin Hidin'.
May 3rd, 2011 5:07 pm
moe99 on Geronimo EKIA.
May 4th, 2011 3:06 am
moe99 on Geronimo EKIA.
May 4th, 2011 6:52 am
moe99 on Park bench.
May 4th, 2011 6:32 pm
moe99 on Park bench.
May 4th, 2011 8:35 pm
moe99 on Park bench.
May 4th, 2011 11:28 pm
moe99 on Park bench.
May 5th, 2011 6:06 am
moe99 on Kremlinology for dummies.
May 6th, 2011 12:33 am
moe99 on Urban explorer.
May 6th, 2011 6:30 pm
moe99 on Urban explorer.
May 9th, 2011 2:52 am
moe99 on Repeal!
May 9th, 2011 5:56 pm
moe99 on Repeal!
May 9th, 2011 11:28 pm
moe99 on The A team.
May 11th, 2011 1:59 am
moe99 on The Bumpuses.
May 12th, 2011 1:52 am
moe99 on All happy families.
May 12th, 2011 7:58 pm
moe99 on All happy families.
May 12th, 2011 8:10 pm
moe99 on All happy families.
May 12th, 2011 10:28 pm
moe99 on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 13th, 2011 6:26 pm
moe99 on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 13th, 2011 11:59 pm
moe99 on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 14th, 2011 8:04 am
moe99 on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 15th, 2011 5:42 am
moe99 on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 16th, 2011 7:22 am
moe99 on No fleas here.
May 17th, 2011 12:56 am
moe99 on Splitsville.
May 17th, 2011 7:06 pm
moe99 on Splitsville.
May 17th, 2011 10:49 pm
moe99 on Splitsville.
May 18th, 2011 3:10 am
moe99 on When egos collide.
May 18th, 2011 6:25 pm
moe99 on When egos collide.
May 19th, 2011 1:29 am
moe99 on When egos collide.
May 19th, 2011 9:51 am
moe99 on Sounds funny.
May 19th, 2011 9:42 pm
moe99 on I can hear music.
May 21st, 2011 1:30 am
moe99 on I can hear music.
May 21st, 2011 2:34 am
moe99 on I can hear music.
May 21st, 2011 8:08 pm
moe99 on I can hear music.
May 23rd, 2011 4:29 am
moe99 on What weekend?
May 23rd, 2011 5:07 pm
moe99 on No one's as Irish.
May 24th, 2011 11:06 pm
moe99 on No one's as Irish.
May 25th, 2011 4:47 am
moe99 on No one's as Irish.
May 25th, 2011 9:38 am
moe99 on Waiting out the rain.
May 25th, 2011 9:34 pm
moe99 on Waiting out the rain.
May 26th, 2011 2:36 am
moe99 on Once more, for the money.
May 27th, 2011 12:47 am
moe99 on Third world city.
May 27th, 2011 8:45 pm
moe99 on Third world city.
May 28th, 2011 1:41 am
Moe99 on Movement.
May 31st, 2011 4:05 pm
Moe99 on Radio on.
June 1st, 2011 6:58 pm
moe99 on Trendy, trendy, trendy.
June 4th, 2011 12:02 am
moe99 on Trendy, trendy, trendy.
June 6th, 2011 7:57 am
moe99 on Faking a little blogging.
June 6th, 2011 11:49 pm
moe99 on Faking a little blogging.
June 7th, 2011 12:31 am
moe99 on Faking a little blogging.
June 7th, 2011 1:02 am
moe99 on Battle of the bulge.
June 7th, 2011 9:48 pm
moe99 on Casualties.
June 8th, 2011 5:38 pm
moe99 on Butt rock for beginners.
June 10th, 2011 3:26 am
moe99 on Butt rock for beginners.
June 10th, 2011 4:02 am
moe99 on The blaming of the shrew.
June 10th, 2011 7:11 pm
moe99 on The blaming of the shrew.
June 11th, 2011 12:56 am
moe99 on The blaming of the shrew.
June 11th, 2011 3:10 am
moe99 on The blaming of the shrew.
June 11th, 2011 11:31 pm
moe99 on The blaming of the shrew.
June 12th, 2011 10:03 am
moe99 on Payin' dues.
June 13th, 2011 9:43 pm
moe99 on Payin' dues.
June 14th, 2011 12:38 am
moe99 on Authority problems.
June 14th, 2011 7:28 pm
moe99 on Authority problems.
June 15th, 2011 1:50 am
moe99 on Authority problems.
June 15th, 2011 3:10 am
moe99 on Authority problems.
June 15th, 2011 4:42 am
moe99 on The thunder said, "That costs too much."
June 15th, 2011 6:39 pm
moe99 on The thunder said, "That costs too much."
June 15th, 2011 7:38 pm
moe99 on The thunder said, "That costs too much."
June 15th, 2011 10:18 pm
moe99 on The thunder said, "That costs too much."
June 16th, 2011 2:57 am
Moe99 on Insomnia.
June 16th, 2011 7:37 pm
moe99 on Oops.
June 17th, 2011 7:32 pm
moe99 on Oops.
June 18th, 2011 10:26 pm
moe99 on Oops.
June 19th, 2011 3:32 am
moe99 on Oops.
June 19th, 2011 6:39 am
moe99 on Oops.
June 20th, 2011 8:20 am
moe99 on Answer: Who cares?
June 21st, 2011 6:06 pm
moe99 on Answer: Who cares?
June 22nd, 2011 6:03 am
moe99 on Stating the obvious.
June 22nd, 2011 7:12 pm
moe99 on Stating the obvious.
June 22nd, 2011 7:21 pm
moe99 on Dive-bombed.
June 25th, 2011 4:02 pm
moe99 on Writes too much.
June 28th, 2011 6:59 pm
moe99 on Rules of the road.
July 1st, 2011 11:49 pm
moe99 on Rules of the road.
July 2nd, 2011 11:20 am
moe99 on Rules of the road.
July 4th, 2011 10:46 pm
moe99 on Hangin' in the Treme.
July 7th, 2011 1:51 am
moe99 on A look back.
July 7th, 2011 8:30 pm
moe99 on Fat nation.
July 8th, 2011 6:59 pm
moe99 on Fat nation.
July 8th, 2011 8:30 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
July 9th, 2011 7:15 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
July 10th, 2011 4:37 am
moe99 on I don't like Mondays.
July 11th, 2011 11:42 pm
moe99 on The big D.
July 12th, 2011 7:58 pm
moe99 on The big D.
July 13th, 2011 3:00 am
moe99 on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 6:07 pm
moe99 on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 8:16 pm
moe99 on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 9:37 pm
moe99 on The ongoing grind.
July 14th, 2011 7:32 am
moe99 on Mr. Swish and Mrs. Beard.
July 15th, 2011 7:08 am
moe99 on Going to the mat.
July 15th, 2011 7:43 pm
moe99 on Going to the mat.
July 16th, 2011 9:42 am
moe99 on Going to the mat.
July 17th, 2011 7:08 pm
moe99 on Off to the HoF.
July 19th, 2011 11:54 pm
moe99 on Checking in from the North Coast.
July 20th, 2011 5:02 pm
moe99 on Checking in from the North Coast.
July 20th, 2011 7:04 pm
moe99 on Here comes the judge.
July 21st, 2011 6:37 pm
moe99 on Here comes the judge.
July 21st, 2011 10:25 pm
moe99 on Pleased to meet you.
July 21st, 2011 11:34 pm
Moe99 on Drumroll.....
July 22nd, 2011 7:36 am
moe99 on Playground rules.
July 22nd, 2011 8:10 pm
moe99 on Playground rules.
July 22nd, 2011 10:10 pm
moe99 on Playground rules.
July 24th, 2011 7:23 pm
moe99 on Playground rules.
July 25th, 2011 4:44 am
moe99 on Half a day at the Hall.
July 26th, 2011 2:11 am
moe99 on A little flotsam, a little jetsam.
July 27th, 2011 4:14 am
moe99 on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 27th, 2011 8:30 pm
moe99 on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 28th, 2011 8:58 am
moe99 on Planking squirrels.
July 29th, 2011 6:56 am
moe99 on Work-related casualties.
July 30th, 2011 9:39 am
moe99 on Work-related casualties.
July 30th, 2011 8:55 pm
moe99 on Saturday afternoon Maker Faire
July 31st, 2011 2:52 am
moe99 on Faire weekend.
August 1st, 2011 8:36 pm
moe99 on Faire weekend.
August 1st, 2011 11:25 pm
moe99 on Faire weekend.
August 2nd, 2011 2:22 am
moe99 on Faire weekend.
August 2nd, 2011 4:55 am
moe99 on Itching and burning.
August 2nd, 2011 6:21 pm
moe99 on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 12:16 am
moe99 on The expensive blue line.
August 3rd, 2011 11:19 pm
moe99 on The expensive blue line.
August 4th, 2011 5:47 am
moe99 on The expensive blue line.
August 4th, 2011 7:22 am
moe99 on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 7:21 pm
moe99 on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 8:01 pm
moe99 on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 10:08 pm
moe99 on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 10:42 pm
moe99 on Bearded.
August 5th, 2011 8:43 pm
moe99 on Bearded.
August 6th, 2011 6:54 am
moe99 on Bearded.
August 7th, 2011 8:55 am
moe99 on Bearded.
August 7th, 2011 11:02 pm
moe99 on Gnashing.
August 8th, 2011 6:20 pm
moe99 on Gnashing.
August 8th, 2011 8:19 pm
moe99 on Gnashing.
August 8th, 2011 9:53 pm
moe99 on Gnashing.
August 9th, 2011 12:00 am
moe99 on Gnashing.
August 9th, 2011 12:34 am
moe99 on Gnashing.
August 9th, 2011 2:53 am
moe99 on Gnashing.
August 9th, 2011 10:00 am
moe99 on Gnashing.
August 9th, 2011 4:35 pm
moe99 on Gnashing.
August 9th, 2011 7:08 pm
moe99 on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 7:34 am
moe99 on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 10th, 2011 7:15 pm
moe99 on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 11th, 2011 1:10 am
moe99 on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 11th, 2011 4:37 am
moe99 on Who wants yesterday's papers?
August 12th, 2011 10:31 pm
moe99 on How. DARE you.
August 15th, 2011 12:51 am
moe99 on How. DARE you.
August 15th, 2011 2:12 am
moe99 on The Snyderman house.
August 15th, 2011 10:21 pm
moe99 on Farewell, Joe.
August 17th, 2011 2:43 am
moe99 on St. Bobby of Bloomington.
August 18th, 2011 9:07 am
moe99 on Gotta light?
August 18th, 2011 9:09 pm
moe99 on Gotta light?
August 18th, 2011 11:46 pm
moe99 on Gotta light?
August 19th, 2011 5:16 am
moe99 on Go for it.
August 19th, 2011 7:11 am
moe99 on Go for it.
August 22nd, 2011 8:49 am
moe99 on Dumb by the numbers.
August 23rd, 2011 7:59 pm
moe99 on Dumb by the numbers.
August 23rd, 2011 10:05 pm
moe99 on Dumb by the numbers.
August 24th, 2011 2:01 am
moe99 on The University of Insanity.
August 24th, 2011 8:53 pm
moe99 on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 26th, 2011 11:56 pm
moe99 on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 27th, 2011 4:45 am
moe99 on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 27th, 2011 11:46 pm
moe99 on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 5:32 am
moe99 on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 29th, 2011 7:31 am
moe99 on Animal-watching.
August 31st, 2011 3:32 am
moe99 on Back to school.
September 1st, 2011 4:29 am
moe99 on Give him his due.
September 1st, 2011 10:53 pm
moe99 on Give him his due.
September 2nd, 2011 7:18 am
moe99 on Moms like who?
September 2nd, 2011 11:06 pm
moe99 on Moms like who?
September 3rd, 2011 12:23 am
moe99 on Moms like who?
September 3rd, 2011 4:58 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market
September 3rd, 2011 9:18 pm
moe99 on Saturday morning market
September 4th, 2011 2:25 am
moe99 on Crazy talk.
September 6th, 2011 5:15 pm
moe99 on Crazy talk.
September 6th, 2011 9:13 pm
moe99 on Crazy talk.
September 7th, 2011 5:12 am
moe99 on Rah rah monkeys.
September 7th, 2011 6:56 pm
moe99 on Rah rah monkeys.
September 7th, 2011 7:18 pm
moe99 on Rah rah monkeys.
September 7th, 2011 9:20 pm
moe99 on Rah rah monkeys.
September 8th, 2011 1:53 am
moe99 on Rah rah monkeys.
September 8th, 2011 7:55 am
moe99 on School supplies.
September 8th, 2011 7:37 pm
moe99 on School supplies.
September 8th, 2011 9:44 pm
moe99 on School supplies.
September 9th, 2011 6:05 am
moe99 on Asking the big questions.
September 9th, 2011 8:34 pm
moe99 on Asking the big questions.
September 11th, 2011 1:52 am
moe99 on Mush from the wimp.*
September 12th, 2011 11:56 pm
moe99 on Get well soon.
September 13th, 2011 6:46 pm
moe99 on The nut shot.
September 14th, 2011 8:01 pm
moe99 on The nut shot.
September 14th, 2011 11:06 pm
moe99 on The nut shot.
September 15th, 2011 7:46 am
moe99 on Bikes and bagels.
September 16th, 2011 6:00 am
moe99 on Blondes in trouble.
September 17th, 2011 12:18 am
moe99 on Blondes in trouble.
September 17th, 2011 9:39 pm
moe99 on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 2:26 am
moe99 on TURN IT DOWN.
September 19th, 2011 9:54 pm
moe99 on TURN IT DOWN.
September 20th, 2011 9:10 am
moe99 on Digital Winesburg.
September 21st, 2011 12:27 am
moe99 on Digital Winesburg.
September 21st, 2011 1:54 am
moe99 on Our fabulous language.
September 21st, 2011 11:58 pm
moe99 on Our fabulous language.
September 22nd, 2011 5:40 am
moe99 on Our fabulous language.
September 22nd, 2011 9:26 am
moe99 on Jangle guitars.
September 22nd, 2011 6:45 pm
moe99 on Jangle guitars.
September 23rd, 2011 12:42 am
moe99 on Worth the trip.
September 26th, 2011 8:35 pm
moe99 on Worth the trip.
September 27th, 2011 8:25 am
moe99 on Young love.
September 27th, 2011 10:37 pm
moe99 on Young love.
September 28th, 2011 1:30 am
moe99 on RSVP with regrets.
September 29th, 2011 1:03 am
moe99 on RSVP with regrets.
September 29th, 2011 2:26 am
moe99 on As seen here.
September 29th, 2011 6:01 pm
moe99 on As seen here.
September 29th, 2011 8:36 pm
moe99 on As seen here.
September 30th, 2011 9:46 am
moe99 on No sexy kittens.
September 30th, 2011 6:06 pm
moe99 on No sexy kittens.
September 30th, 2011 7:13 pm
moe99 on Wasted.
October 3rd, 2011 6:04 pm
moe99 on Wasted.
October 4th, 2011 7:05 am
moe99 on A little respect, please.
October 5th, 2011 12:11 am
moe99 on A little respect, please.
October 5th, 2011 10:06 am
moe99 on Schooled.
October 5th, 2011 7:39 pm
moe99 on Schooled.
October 5th, 2011 11:34 pm
moe99 on What's it worth to you?
October 7th, 2011 9:18 am
moe99 on What's it worth to you?
October 7th, 2011 6:20 pm
moe99 on Leftovers, today.
October 7th, 2011 8:58 pm
moe99 on Leftovers, today.
October 9th, 2011 7:20 am
moe99 on Konsciousness.
October 10th, 2011 10:42 pm
moe99 on Konsciousness.
October 11th, 2011 1:03 am
moe99 on Rocktober.
October 11th, 2011 8:07 pm
moe99 on Spirit of 1576.
October 12th, 2011 7:58 pm
moe99 on Spirit of 1576.
October 12th, 2011 11:12 pm
moe99 on Literally.
October 14th, 2011 2:39 am
moe99 on Clutch work.
October 14th, 2011 8:34 pm
moe99 on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 12:06 am
moe99 on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 1:05 am
moe99 on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 1:42 am
moe99 on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 10:07 am
moe99 on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 10:30 pm
moe99 on A spoonful of sugar.
October 17th, 2011 6:54 pm
moe99 on A spoonful of sugar.
October 17th, 2011 7:12 pm
moe99 on A spoonful of sugar.
October 18th, 2011 1:04 am
moe99 on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 20th, 2011 8:22 pm
moe99 on The un-genius bar.
October 22nd, 2011 3:54 am
moe99 on The un-genius bar.
October 23rd, 2011 10:33 pm
moe99 on This wheezing carousel we call life.
October 26th, 2011 10:05 pm
moe99 on Beef therapy.
October 28th, 2011 6:31 am
moe99 on Beef therapy.
October 28th, 2011 12:20 pm
moe99 on Beef therapy.
October 28th, 2011 8:00 pm
moe99 on Priest-killing' time.
October 30th, 2011 3:39 am
moe99 on Priest-killing' time.
October 30th, 2011 7:57 am
moe99 on Priest-killing' time.
October 31st, 2011 4:05 am
moe99 on Travel is very broadening.
October 31st, 2011 10:05 pm
moe99 on Travel is very broadening.
October 31st, 2011 10:54 pm
moe99 on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 2:56 am
moe99 on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 6:43 am
moe99 on Little cat feet.
November 2nd, 2011 12:02 am
moe99 on Little cat feet.
November 2nd, 2011 7:41 am
moe99 on Where is the love?
November 2nd, 2011 11:05 pm
moe99 on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 6:29 pm
moe99 on Your moneybags, sir.
November 4th, 2011 12:36 am
moe99 on Your moneybags, sir.
November 4th, 2011 9:21 am
moe99 on Details, details.
November 5th, 2011 7:52 am
moe99 on Saturday morning market.
November 7th, 2011 12:11 am
moe99 on Another one.
November 7th, 2011 7:57 pm
moe99 on Another one.
November 7th, 2011 9:21 pm
moe99 on Another one.
November 7th, 2011 10:41 pm
moe99 on The mop-up.
November 9th, 2011 9:48 pm
moe99 on Ten November.
November 10th, 2011 11:43 pm
moe99 on Ten November.
November 11th, 2011 12:52 am
moe99 on Ten November.
November 11th, 2011 9:16 am
moe99 on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 11th, 2011 11:34 pm
moe99 on Not guilty.
November 15th, 2011 10:51 pm
moe99 on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 1:18 am
moe99 on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 7:50 am
moe99 on Get over yourself.
November 16th, 2011 9:12 pm
moe99 on Get over yourself.
November 17th, 2011 5:10 am
moe99 on Get over yourself.
November 17th, 2011 9:19 am
moe99 on Link salad.
November 18th, 2011 12:54 am
moe99 on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 18th, 2011 9:26 pm
moe99 on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 19th, 2011 10:02 am
moe99 on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 20th, 2011 6:06 am
moe99 on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 20th, 2011 8:10 pm
moe99 on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 21st, 2011 8:02 am
moe99 on Create the problem, sell the cure.
November 21st, 2011 8:41 pm
moe99 on Create the problem, sell the cure.
November 21st, 2011 9:36 pm
moe99 on Create the problem, sell the cure.
November 22nd, 2011 9:00 am
moe99 on This was this, but that was that.
November 22nd, 2011 6:45 pm
moe99 on We are not pleased.
November 29th, 2011 7:45 pm
moe99 on We are not pleased.
November 29th, 2011 9:30 pm
moe99 on We are not pleased.
November 30th, 2011 8:27 am
moe99 on Powerless.
December 1st, 2011 10:09 am
moe99 on Who are you?
December 2nd, 2011 1:54 am
moe99 on Dried-plum face.
December 4th, 2011 8:46 am
moe99 on Mostly cloudy.
December 5th, 2011 10:44 pm
moe99 on Mostly cloudy.
December 6th, 2011 8:58 am
moe99 on Beaten to death.
December 7th, 2011 9:42 pm
moe99 on Beaten to death.
December 8th, 2011 1:22 am
moe99 on He looks so neat.
December 9th, 2011 8:34 am
moe99 on That left a big hole.
December 10th, 2011 1:06 am
moe99 on That left a big hole.
December 12th, 2011 1:36 am
moe99 on A few kitchen notes.
December 12th, 2011 11:05 pm
moe99 on A few kitchen notes.
December 13th, 2011 2:08 am
moe99 on Ginger for the gloom.
December 14th, 2011 11:19 pm
moe99 on Mission accomplished. More or less.
December 15th, 2011 9:20 pm
moe99 on Mission accomplished. More or less.
December 15th, 2011 11:33 pm
moe99 on Gone now.
December 16th, 2011 10:28 pm
moe99 on Gone now.
December 16th, 2011 11:28 pm
moe99 on Gone now.
December 17th, 2011 1:52 am
moe99 on Gone now.
December 17th, 2011 8:52 pm
moe99 on The lead today is buried.
December 19th, 2011 10:57 pm
moe99 on Cite, please.
December 20th, 2011 11:19 pm
moe99 on Always check the film.
December 22nd, 2011 9:37 pm
moe99 on Boxing Day.
December 27th, 2011 7:50 am
moe99 on Boxing Day.
December 27th, 2011 10:15 am
moe99 on Boxing Day.
December 27th, 2011 6:53 pm
moe99 on FFL.
December 27th, 2011 11:20 pm
moe99 on FFL.
December 28th, 2011 7:24 am
moe99 on Hanging up.
December 29th, 2011 6:52 am
moe99 on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
December 30th, 2011 2:30 am
moe99 on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
December 30th, 2011 2:47 am
moe99 on Hanging up.
December 30th, 2011 10:37 am
moe99 on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
December 31st, 2011 6:32 am
moe99 on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
December 31st, 2011 8:16 am
moe99 on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
December 31st, 2011 8:53 pm
moe99 on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
January 1st, 2012 4:01 am
moe99 on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
January 1st, 2012 8:12 am
moe99 on The $30 chicken.
January 3rd, 2012 7:12 am
moe99 on A little stroll.
January 3rd, 2012 11:57 am
moe99 on The people speak.
January 4th, 2012 9:30 pm
moe99 on The people speak.
January 5th, 2012 7:51 am
moe99 on A new gear.
January 5th, 2012 8:25 pm
moe99 on A new gear.
January 5th, 2012 9:26 pm
moe99 on From the East German judge, an 8.
January 7th, 2012 12:33 am
moe99 on Saturday morning WTF?
January 8th, 2012 10:37 am
moe99 on Someone is watching.
January 12th, 2012 1:17 am
moe99 on End of a long week.
January 13th, 2012 8:28 am
moe99 on End of a long week.
January 13th, 2012 8:52 pm
moe99 on End of a long week.
January 14th, 2012 1:57 am
moe99 on End of a long week.
January 14th, 2012 3:06 am
moe99 on Car prom.
January 15th, 2012 11:22 am
moe99 on More car prom.
January 17th, 2012 1:28 am
moe99 on The drear.
January 18th, 2012 7:46 am
moe99 on Is that cheddar old enough to vote?
January 19th, 2012 7:51 am
moe99 on Is that cheddar old enough to vote?
January 19th, 2012 8:43 am
moe99 on Never darkened, but today? Dim.
January 20th, 2012 5:38 am
moe99 on Second opinions, please.
January 21st, 2012 7:30 am
moe99 on A bit of a breeze.
January 24th, 2012 8:56 pm
moe99 on Jane Winebox.
January 26th, 2012 6:07 am
moe99 on The minors.
January 27th, 2012 8:40 pm
moe99 on The minors.
January 27th, 2012 11:20 pm
moe99 on The minors.
January 28th, 2012 4:43 am
moe99 on The minors.
January 29th, 2012 2:38 am
moe99 on The minors.
January 29th, 2012 3:33 am
moe99 on Puppet show. Spinal Tap.
February 2nd, 2012 11:10 pm
moe99 on Oh, grow up.
February 6th, 2012 10:31 am
moe99 on Oh, grow up.
February 6th, 2012 9:45 pm
moe99 on Oh, grow up.
February 7th, 2012 1:30 am
moe99 on Oh, grow up.
February 7th, 2012 6:53 am
moe99 on Running on fumes.
February 9th, 2012 8:51 am
moe99 on Wily.
February 11th, 2012 9:05 am
moe99 on Wily.
February 11th, 2012 9:46 pm
moe99 on Have a heart.
February 15th, 2012 1:51 am
moe99 on And away we go.
February 17th, 2012 9:50 pm
moe99 on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 7:17 am
moe99 on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 9:28 pm
moe99 on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 10:06 pm
moe99 on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 11:22 pm
moe99 on Friday afterthoughts.
February 20th, 2012 3:03 am
moe99 on In da club.
February 21st, 2012 1:36 am
moe99 on Cookies and nuts.
February 21st, 2012 9:20 pm
moe99 on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 24th, 2012 8:31 am
moe99 on Waiting for whatever.
February 24th, 2012 11:28 pm
moe99 on Waiting for whatever.
February 25th, 2012 9:27 am
moe99 on Waiting for whatever.
February 26th, 2012 11:17 am
moe99 on Waiting for whatever.
February 26th, 2012 7:51 pm
moe99 on Judge not.
March 2nd, 2012 4:54 am
moe99 on Monday's laundry.
March 6th, 2012 1:57 am
moe99 on Monday's laundry.
March 6th, 2012 4:41 am
moe99 on Breakups are messy.
March 8th, 2012 10:48 am
moe99 on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 11:15 pm
moe99 on Hump-tastic.
March 9th, 2012 1:49 am
moe99 on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 10th, 2012 1:20 am
moe99 on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 10th, 2012 5:34 am
moe99 on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 10th, 2012 7:29 am
moe99 on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 11:25 pm
moe99 on How it happened.
March 13th, 2012 8:12 am
moe99 on Dropping the top.
March 14th, 2012 8:43 pm
moe99 on Dropping the top.
March 15th, 2012 2:17 am
moe99 on Dropping the top.
March 15th, 2012 4:05 am
moe99 on Dropping the top.
March 15th, 2012 6:50 am
moe99 on Dropping the top.
March 15th, 2012 10:55 am
moe99 on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 1:20 am
moe99 on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 9:28 am
moe99 on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 19th, 2012 9:52 pm
moe99 on The artists.
March 21st, 2012 4:17 pm
moe99 on The smell test.
March 26th, 2012 6:51 pm
moe99 on Karma carries a gas can.
March 29th, 2012 8:02 am
moe99 on As we say: -30-
April 9th, 2012 7:53 am