- The money issue is interesting. For absolutely, on-record certain, Foley has passed on $550,000 to the Republican National Campaign Committee. Over the next few days, somebody is sure to keep a running talley of his further largesse as skittish individual GOP colleagues trip over their tongues to give money back or to sexual abuscharities or whatever. Meantime, $2.7mil sits in Maf54's coffers, and that must be driving the party money politburo slobbering crazy. (Aesop's fox and those grapes he lusts after but can't reach.) Metaphorically, this recalls R. Raygun and his wistful reminiscence about an America in his youth that simply wasn't aware there were Negroes. So now it's sexual preference Bantustans in Big Tent Country, and campaign loot serves for identification papers before curfew. One way or another, it's the cash, stupid. So after years of these bastard's making political headway excoriating Clinton's policies concerning gays and the armed forces,it seems that the Grand Old Prevaricators were past masters of don't ask/don't tell, praise the lord, and pass the contributions.
- I go to extravagant lengths to avoid New Years Rockin' (Chair) Eve, but somehow, it seems impossible without avoiding other people entirely. My immediate thought about Dick Clarke was "Holy sh*t, somebody damaged the painting."
- I knew if there is God in heaven and any shred of justice left in the world that the single most odious American had to be John McCain. On the money, so betting the farm on the Colts. McCain is a political hypocrite almost without equal. Is he4 still spending Keating money? But, you know, what separates this whited sepulcher from William Jefferson and Mark Foley are skin color and sexual predilection. The real deal is his absolute, abject failure to come to Kerry's side in the Swift Boat farrago. McCain hid behind Kerry in the effort to normalize diplomatic relations with VietNam, presumably to preserve reactionary bona fides. Kerry got that job done, and McCain took credit. This sanctimonious sonofabitch was a victim of the Atwater-Rove chickenhawk axis of slime. The half-black bastard campaign. So he keeps his mouth shut when Nixon's scumbag zombie rises from the grave to slander somebody that served in service to somebody that fell down on the job of keeping the O Club in booze because of a crank addiction. Stupidity, intolerance, drug addiction, avarice, mindless hatred--human failings. Self-congratulatory, self-aggrandizing hypocrisy--deadly sin. Oh, and speaking of onanism as worldview, how in the world does Ralph Nader not make this list?
- Judy Dench did not have the nicest breasts in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Dianna Rigg did.
- Here's the deal. Every single word he says about W is true. Information wasn't mistaken or mismanaged, these guys just lied their asses off. Do Americans seriously not understand that the Project for New American Centurions tried to talk Clinton into this misadventure in 1998? The problem seems to be that this is an apparently motiveless crime. Maybe they thought it was about the oil, but they've FUBARED that infrastructure along with everything else. So where does that leave us? Halliburton/KBR etc. profiteering? Can any human enterprise actually be that vile and that venal? My favorite thing in all of this is that the PNAC didn't ask W to join up, they asked Jeb. But then he got caught stealing Florida. And Dimes, Powell was involved in the coverup of My Lai, and Condi is the work-wife. W supposedly talked Congress into this mess. If anybody would take the time to read the legislation, it required the administration to come back with proof before invading Iraq. I don't think that happened.
- Grew up in Detroit. Lived in Boston in 1978. Detroit never, ever had a storm that came close, including the '65 ice-out. As for 3.2 brewskis, Nazis make that in Colorado, right? Or is it that Mexican stuff that requires citrus?
- This is distressing. I think you're a pretty good writer, Nancy Nall, keedo. I don't think I say that about very many people. For instance, there's Dan Froomkin, who's self-referential and not too suave. I grew up in Detroit. Not really. In the suburbs. But we had the bus-shaking by the Doughboy fans. And my friend was the ultimate hero, Bill Thigpen, who trashed the Tractors and outplayed Rudy T and the Tractors and Mass in Polish in Hamtramck. Best basketball player the city ever saw, inclkuding Spencer Heywood. You're not quite as old as I am. But I'd say, Bob Seger rules at the Birminghan Teen Cnter, if you're talking about Heavy Music and Ramblin' Gamblin Man. So, Nancy. I lived in cetrer field at Tigers games when the bottle got passed around, I got into the Chessmate when you had to do do the two-doors and I was just a kid. Not packing. Two doors. Detroit. John Lee. Anybody that was around for the real deal knows it was SRC and MC5, and SRC first. Iggy was a secomd thought. It was pretty much the equal to Boston music in the Seventies, and I don''t mean Boston, although More Than a Feeling was a mighty fine imitation of the Cars. There were so many better bands then. Private Lighetning, for instance. The Rings. Limbo Race
- Larry would have shot the lights out like Richard Thompson no matter what he was wearing, and if his daddy had gambling debts, Larry would have paid them before anybody got shot to death. As for pencils, it's still possible to buy mechanical Scriptos if you look hard, and that is the Lamborghini of pencils. With the .1 leads. And with all due respect or none at all, Big Chiefs should not be used, in remembrance of John Kennedy Toole, whose mom pestered Walker Percy into getting a book deal, but only after the kid she drove certifiable killed himself. Thanks mom. Gray-Saling is where Bilbo went when there were no more adventures, right? There's a conjoined lawyerly couplet in Savannah called the Dove-Barrs. And this ferret business reminds of these brawny alleged country alleged musicians that shoot penned animals. Ain't that a man. Pencils, Pilots, Logitech, doesn't matter Nancy. All take you wherever you didn't intend to go in the damned first place. I do remember this scrawny middle-aged guy scribbling on yellow legal pads with a Bic at the Birmingham Surf Club while we had swimming practice. We all figured he was a pervert. He was writing Get Shorty and escaping from J. Walter Whatever. Ya ta hey.
- Oh, and Larry still made Isiah look like the poseur he's always been, and DJ still layed that perfect pass in the bucket. And the world still owes a debt to the Chief for doing what everybody else wanted to do.
- Dentists aren't juicy as murder victims, but I think they rev up headlines when they commit mayhem. (We knew they were all former Nazi torturers; why would anyone want a career inflicting pain?) It's also interesting to me that professions and, particularly, vocations that extract the most empathy and bathos for victims evoke maximum prurient interest in murderers and molesters.
- Now that I think about it, there's also a decided inverse value involved in this calculation. The less jazzy a headline murder victim your job or circumstance make you, the more likely it is that you make a fascinating murderer. Spinster Librarian Aunts in Bachelor Caller Serial Murders. Autopsy Finds Traces of Elderberry Wine and Arsenic.
- Yeah. And there was Judge Crockett, and newspapers stood for something, and the guitar players were Sonic Smith and Brother Wayne, Brother Wayne Kramer, or, even better, Gary Quackenbush. Holy crap. People used to believe in principle, civil rights, Coleman Young, the AFL, George Meany and the Constitution. Nobody even thought it was quaint to not torture people. Not even the Giacolones, who could teach those sensitivity classes these aholes attempting very badly to run things seem to be in such remedial need of. And if Gaius Baltar is a noted criminal, you know fictionally, well, I'm just sayin'. We have met the weasel the Short Boat Folks prefer, and, unfortunately, he appears to be us. But there will be beer at the O Club in Fort Worth. I know Nancy's not old enough to remember the saga of George Crockett. But I'll say this. If you lived and breathed around 12th Street and Tuxedo and Tiger Stadium, somewhere around 1964-1969, Detroit was special. Ever get checked for weapons in the lockdown doors at the Chessmate to get in to see John Lee (There are other blues artists, but, then, again, there really aren't). I compare the manufactured hoopla of the net to the rumor mill bracing a real live city when Martin Luther King was shot and the ineffectual vice principal told us to head out to Seven Mile Road, because the 'motors are running'. Me and my brother left the car on Livernois, bought an irridescent paisley tie at Louis the Hatter and decided to go sip whiskey from a pint in dead center at Tiger Stadium with old black guys that are Tommy Lasorda in real life. Now Martin being shot was a terrible blow. But, you know, it was galvanizing. Bobby got shot, only thing I actually cared about was committing Sirhan's murder. Bobby had recently been at the Michigan Democratic Convention, and we met him. And he was a guy to believe in. What sort of character assassination would be levelled against him by golems these days? John Kerry may be wooden, although I fail to understand why being overtly intelligent is a political deficit. But goddamn. He drove the swift boats, and his crew says he was a hero. He didn't have to go. W didn't show up in Alabama. Is there actually any doubt about these facts, and why one guy is somebody to pay attention to and the other is the dictionary photo of an asshole?? What the fuck is wrong with people? I used to work in 1969 at the incinerator door, next to the ER drive in, at Metropolitan Hospital. Few blocks away, 13th and Indiandale, TMU cops and Panthers shot it out, regularly. The cops actually mobilized in our parking lot. I could stand on the loading dock, while diseased limbs and organs burned, and basically keep score of who was winning by the ER arrivals. Back then, people said the TMU ran Detroit in daytime and the Panthers ran it at night. Not a really salubrious situation, but a damn site better than what we've got now. As brutal as the TMU and the Panthers were, they were not the insane running the asylum.
- Here‘s a fitting tribute to Neal Shine.
- What the hell. When things actually meant...things. And Detroit had two newspapers, one of which was a racist rag.
- In either 5th or 6th grade I informed a nun that, since I'd ransomed the little bastard, I could name my pagan baby anything I wanted, and I liked the sound of Lucifer. I pointed out, reasonably, I thought, that the fallen one had been an archangel, and his name was simply Latin for Bearer of Light. Just one in a long line of run-ins with the Sisters of St. Joseph. (This took place at the parochial school attached to St. Hugo of the Hills, in Bloomfield HIlls, the country bumpkin, J. Walter Thompson flogging, Pultey-sheltered, nouveau-riche poor relation to the various Grosses back in the 60s. The Church was supposedly dismantled and looted from somewhere in France and brought back to commemorate a beloved son lost on a WWI battlefield. It's an architectural gem, as I recall it, with an astounding pipe organ that evoked Bach. Worth a drive to see.) Interesting juxtaposition of this Pagan Baby piece with the discussion of repressed memories of sexual abuse. Restoring repressed memory in order to bring massive lawsuits was surely the psychotherapeutic cottage industry of choice for a lot of charlatans in the 80s and 90s, and a lot of clients were certainly highly suggestible (by choice or nervous temperament). I'm not saying that abuse wasn't all too common, but sometimes, I'm pretty sure I remember fondling at that Babdiss day camp when we moved to Memphis. Now there are some deep pockets. Any way, here's a well-footnoted article on the subject from a website that I don't really think has an axe to grind.
- Actually, y'all, there is such thing as beet pornography. Well, it's decidedly softcore and hipper than thou, and it's pretty funny, in a particularly smart-assed way: Jitterbug Perfume. Very enjoyable book. Though, since it's Easter, the more suitable Tom Robbins Coming about discovering Jesus' body is in some Vatican crypt catacombs and liberating it in a hot-air baloon with a shaman orang as a partner. Maybe I did abuse drugs and that's why I get a kick out of these Tom Robbins ditties. I know the guy's a guilty pleasure for an adult. But when I hear about Sanjaya I assume that's some Bangladeshi Pagan Baby adopted by a hermaphroditic dwarf team on Great Survivor Race, so I'm left with books I think critics dismiss Tom Robbins because he's cutesy, he's a hippy. But they're jealous of just how easy it comes to him to be funny, wise and well-written. Same critics won't say a word good about Tom McGuane. He's a smartass, a roughneck, and holy shit he lives in the wilderness (of course, so does Cormac McCarthy, and these jerks kiss his ass in their somnambulations.) Since this is, I'd like to point out that if there's a Great Michigan Novel, it is most assuredly and undeniably The Sporting Club
- velvet, if K23 were produced, wouldn't God's creation become horny minks? Personally, I LOVE THE BOOK BECAUSE pAN IS INVOLVED. I've never found any sort of musk to be remotely inspiring. Open fields, rain, saltwater. Saltwater and serious aloe. These things Jack Daniel. These things produce offspring. The Boss for three hours, that produces progeny.
- Way I see it, every other DNA bearing creature does this bizarre thing without embarrassment for some sort of genetic imperative. What makes us human is we really like it and it causes us endless pain ands happiness as almost equal parts, hypersensory perceptions, enduring attachments, kids we value more than ourselves. Anybody would be willing to do things during sex they'd rather not tell anybody else about. who call's the shots? What we've got is an obscene commentariat that have decided the Brit POWs (Look aholes, they invaded, they spied, if the Iranian Navy tried it in Urqharts's Bay, you know where we should be thankful Burt Lancaster believed in preserving wetlands.) The deqal is these are the most egregious chickenhawks that ever lived. Please, somebody confront the pitiful little shit psychiatrist that never knew shit about anything remotely related to foreign policy or anything but the AIPAC Party Line. Yeah, that asshole. Well he actually thought his mortal body might have served when he looked at the india rubber ball in his Commander in Thiefs announcement of Mission Accomplishe. Is there a tether? And Jerusalem? As I see things, what makes God God is that he really doesn't play sides. He think your all a bunch of idiots
- I need to move my sorry ass. I got on to this frequently too twee, actuallu rarely too, from Eric Zorn. Thinks he knows something about music. Here's what I think before anything else. The prayer to the blessed virgin makes more sense than anything else.
- OK, Nancy. Stop your whining about the weather. Isn’t it amazing that entirely insane politicians (and who elects wackjob’s like this?) cite totally bizarre weather occurrences to insist that mankind hasn’t completely FUBARED weatther in general? I made fun of Pagan Babies. There were probably nuns that were raped and murdered by Raygunistas because they felt a vocation. I apologize. In the long run, we Catholics, at present, aren't oppressors, we're a demonic sect. The Supreme court said so in Gore v. FLAPainted Lady.
- Blessing or curse, I've no idea, but I spot typos and editing errors from across rooms. (I still make them, of course.) Even on my 15.1-in. computer screen. As yesterday, with annoy. Errors in online journals are almost always transparent as to intended meaning, but this one's a little baffling. Some are revelatory in scary Freudian implications, some are pretty funny. There's a question of etiquette involved in communal corrections of errors online. Sarcastic editing, casting aspersions on native intelligence and education, are the pointy sticks (not in civil conversation that takes place at Nancy Nall's inviting virtual kitchen table) when things get ugly on blogs, particularly when the attacker, or cornered victim, isn't checked out on more effective linguistic and rhetorical weapons. When the atmosphere is convivial, and there's something inherently funny about the error, I say edit away. Otherwise leave it to self-correction. That's my rule, unless the offender is just some ignoramus that really pisses me off with dumbass political or sports comments. The term public auction seems to take an inordinate number of beatings in print. An ad in the Savannah paper a few years ago had it in the morning edition sans 'l'. Frantic editing produced an amended version for the pm: no 'l' in public, no 'u' in auction. I believe this was somebody fired on a Friday at lunch that came back liquored up to wreak revenge, a kinder, gentler workplace shooting. When the College of Cardinals elected Karol Woytyla to serve as J2P2, the Athens (GA) Banner Herald ran about a 64 point headline announcing First Non-Catholic Pope. See, he was from Poland...
- God. Damn Nancy. There is certainly not such a thing as a good beer ad. Beer ads are about removing everything from beer that makes it beer. Beer's the closest thing that anybody's gotten to milk. Now beer in the late sixties in Detroit meant Ballantine, for $99 per six You're from what I'd never have called th Iles, if you hadn't said it.. I'm from the bloomfields. I'm at least ten years older than you are. If you want to have the slightest clue about Detroit music you hear SRC, but after that MC%. And all of these post-modernest critics that think Iggy is so fucking good. He didn't come into the same world as Bob Seger. Iggy is a jerk, Iggy isn't Detroit.
- I DON'T LET THIS CONTINUE OR LET THIS DROP. yOU'VE GOT TO CONSIDER WHAT SORT OF CREEPS ARE PEEKING IN. These bastards think you and I are nitwits. They are stupid beyond comprehension. Who's smarter here. Not that I care or think it makes a differencfe in a million years.
- Village Voice, Adrianne? I think I(gnora)mus probably would not have multilayered the insult, so he probably would have said "buzz-cut dykes", and I don't think he'd have gotten out of Rockefeller Plaza in one piece. It's disheartening to see the twin Revs. Sharpton and Jackson as the banner-carriers for this cogent issue. Al's 15 minutes should have ended with Tawana Brawley's, and Jesse should have been way to busy falling all over himself apologizing in Durham to get involved. Could have been a twin bill with the kindly chuffy Coulter doppleganger Nancy Grace. Best thing that could come of this? Hair-trigger effect. Next time BabaLoofah O'Reilly says a kidnapped victim of child abuse was enjoying himself too much to escape; or Michael Savage characterizes the Voting Rights Act as 'a chad in every crack house'; or the fatass junkie identifies another Halfrican-American; or, whoever pictures Mrs. Clinton in cornrows and a grille--the noxious vermin is immediately virtually-exterminated by his employer. Or by Tom Delay, if he can remember where he put the malathion. Regarding the comments from a few days ago about Home Diamondvision Jumbotrons. Nancy: Zorn riff today about Jolly Green Giant reminded me of the night the Spirit of Detroit went out for a ramble.
- Nancey. Could up something that actullay has to do with your understanding of what was being offered you.
- That well-regulated militia the NRA thinks justifies some New Wild West, let the aholes takes their asses to Baghdad and put down terrism before it follows us home. People don't think this self-grandioose bullshit connects with putting a sock in it and landing on an aircraft carrier, well, the Scottie dog might have pissed in their ear when the pretzel knocked their ass out. And we need to monitor library borrowing but the Tejas legislature thinks the identity of secret packers should be sacrosanct. I've got an idea that it's easier to ascribe evil to a venal invasion for profit than to some clearly nutso guy in Blacksburg. And to the wackjob lobbyists that didn't just arm him, they gave him a 31-shot clip. The 31-shot clip was a bouquet from the administration to the NRA, and a repudiation of the Brady Act. For what reason? Can some gun nut explain this? I suppose, if his fellow students had also had the banana clips...And if it takes 31 shots to bring down Bambi, should you be trusted with a gun? So we actually want you in our militia? But I suppose somebody pretty clearly nuts still has his Second Amendment Rights, even though they're about as real as the voices telling him to pull the trigger.
- You can find politically non-inflecfted encomiums on th WaPo sit from Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon on the Washington Post site. These guys, very good writers, just thought that Halberstam was inspirational in his uncompromising dedication to ferreting (bullying? he was pretty big) out the truth. The idea that fundamental truth about a society could be found in sports culture wasn't original with him, but it was exceptionally insightful. Cf. his commentary on Bill Walton. If you're partiicularly gifted at sport, or crreativee endeavors, or acting, does that mean you cede your rights as a voter, a critic of your government, or to just have an opinion? President Bulworth would most certainly be running things more intelligently than circling the plutocratic wagons Idiotocracy based upon greed sure doesn't seem to be working. In the meantime, Laura Bush says nobody feels the agony nore than W and the Scottie dog. What about the families of the casualties, you idiot Stepford. If W actually got more votes than Kerry in Cuyahoga County (Which you basically have to be an idiot to believe) you have your bizarre Swift Boat slander slander from a guy that was Nixon's golden child. Progressive's claim this was all Kerry's fault. I think they were about as close to the war as the coke-head and Mr. five deferments. So -called progressives that find Kerry objectionable are nitwits, in my estimation. With regard to Sheryl Crow. If you don't get that the single-pane comment was a joke, you need a transplant, or you're some sort of luddite denier of scince. Sheryl Crow wrote or co-wrote the songs on her first album. Every guy imvolved thought he was getting in her pants. Every one pf them thought their best shot was the gorgeous chick. But then you could always consider Harrison Bergeron. What happened? They all got song-writing credits. And because tey all fibgred she was quite attractive, since most of them projected themselbes as her boyfriend, andd they were buddies in the first place. What I'd say is this. Every Say is a Winding Road is so much better than anything on the Music Club album, these jerks should just shut up. Marginal talent?Bob bob Dylan disagrees. He wrote Stayed in Mississippi speciffically for Snaron . She's an unusual female, the way people consider things, Brilliant bass, good finger'picker, spectacular songwriter. These peolpe that dislike Sheryl Crow bought this crap from somebody resembling Rush Limbaugh. You are not supposed to play stringed instruments if you're female. And if you actually have seem combat as opposed to avoiding it, you must be lying. If Pat Tilmann returned from the dead, and told the truth, about what he thought about th war on terr, these chickehhawk assholes wouldn't think twice about calling him a lliar. Do I read back, Nancy. Bob Seger annoyed you and Iggy rules. Those of us that lived here wouldn't have worried about song selection. MC5 and SRC were so much better . And as far as Seger is concerned, 2+2 is on my mind.I'm about 10 years older than you arer, I'd guess. In the 60's, SRC was incomparable. gor sheer talent, but I've got to tell you, MC5 had two machine gunner lead players that put the Stooges in the ground. Sonic Smith and Brother Wayne Kramer. You listen to Kick Out the Jms and listen to the Btooges and your tell me who knew what was goinhg on and who could play. And then listen to Milestones, by SRC. Lots of talent, but since I can play guitars--it's the Quackenbush. But Bob Seger wrote some brilliant songs:Noah.Persecution Smith. This idea about sharing movies. When my keedo was about that age, we loved Princess Bride, BraziL, for newer movies, for fact, Big Fish. And World Accrtding to Gatp (takes some splainin').
- The pissing story wouldn't have phased Jack Valenti. That's Lydon Johnson personified. Backin the Seventies, JoeKennedy came to talk to the principals of the engineering firm I worked for in Boston, about his ideas regarding cheap hearing oil for people in need. Every woman in the company basically went nuts. My point about Cheryl Crow was this: claiming she hasn't talent is bogus. She's an accomplished bass player, a very good singer, a fairly accomplished piano player, and probably a decent guitar player. Running her down is probably some sort of misogyny. . She's written brilliant songs, that are far superior to anything that those boys got paid for on her first album. If you don't like 'Every Day Is a Winding Road' I guess you don't like music. If you think there's a song on the first album, for which those aholes got writing credits and lots of cash, that's as good as, for instance 'Steve McQueen' or 'Every Day is a Winding Road', you're lacking sense.
- It's something that bugs me that people assume female musicians just get where they get because they're women. For instance, Georgia Hugley is one of the greatest drummers that ever lived, but I guess she's just a chick, like Cheryl Crow. And anybody that thinks Nancy Wilson did anything but strum chords doesn't really know much.
- I had no intention of introducing rancor to sucn a copacetic website. Dreamboat (big as she wants to be) sure can sing. The band?.Lamo Led Zep wannabes. Fortunately, we've got Chrissie Hynde that brought rhythm to rock 'n' roll. I'm not denigrating the Wilson sisters, although I figure Dog and Butterfly is as close tas they got to a good song. But Nancy Wilson is a guitar player like John Cougar can play guitar. Or all of those country characters that sling one. This is somdthingthat gets my dander up. Joan Armatrading can play. Bonnie can play. Sinead couldn't if her life depended on it. Cheryl Crowe seems to be able, like Beck and Steve Stills, to play anything she picks up. Claiming she can't is an abject lesson in objectifying women. Oh, and what I said about the quality of the songs, every day is a winding road. And that's one of the truly great songs written in the last few years. (I get a little bit closer) That doesn't really add to the arugment unless you listen to the song and hear how downright cool that sort of voice-over is. Honest to God, I think people don't like her because she was born good-looking. It's a burden some of us have to carry. I wouldn't prolong this discussion but the idea of women rockars is compelling. There simply haven't been enough of them. Patti Smith. Chrissie Hynde. Martha Reeves.. Ronnie Spectorr. SISTER RE. Oh, my God, Merrie Clayton, who put Mick in the ground on the greatest Rolling Stones song ever made. But did any one of them play an instrument? Probably.
- The idea that Mitt would like Battlefield Earth is sort of spectacular, but it's not really surprising. Joseph Smith. L. Ron. The difference, other than centuries? Do the temple u-trou interfere with the miraculous and mysterious workings of the e-meter? Are the Sons of Dan watching his back and running his campaign?If hip-hop nation is criticized for 'don't snitch', what about a latter day religion that insists on always snitching? Blaming bBattlefield Earth on science fiction is pretty base calumny. I suppose if Kurt Vonnegut was a science fiction writer, Tom Pynchon is too. I guess Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell is period science fiction, and Lempriere's Dictionary. (H. G. Wells or Chas. Dickens--well, that's a very close call, and Dickens was obviously aching to write science fiction.) Every one a better writer than a hack like, say, Ernest Hemingway. Maybe not a good example since almost anybody writes better. Except William Faulkner. Who'd have thought the secret to longevity would be selling bras. As second careers go, this sounds interesting, sinced I've never really seen a bosom I didn't find attractive. But I've always been a fool for long legs, and I fear my good heart and naivete might be taken advantage of in this business. And my IRA won't make it to 95. As far as nursing in public, I get queasy thinking about what's going on in the minds of officious men that have a problem with that. Calling Mr. Tobias. Justice Thomas?
- The Grosses don't have Libertarians, since the demise of the Giacalone family. They have Republicans in Libertarian clothing that want Fredo to read all your emails. Since the resident doyenne brought this up a few days ago, here‘s an appreciation of the man and the arms disguised as a review of the Warren Zevon book. The reference to Linda Ronstadt interested me, since I’ve always held a grudge against her for singing Poor Poor Pitiful Me. Sorry, but that’s a quintessentially male song. It’s like Joan Baez mutilating The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down. Comparisons with Hemingway are also pretty annoying. I mean, Warren was a talented writer. Actually, comparisons of this guy to anybody are probably more odious than most comparisons are odious.
- America's mayor put the communications center for crises at the absolute most likely ground zero for a catastrophe. Really clever planning. And he put the noted mobster manque Bernard Kerik in charge of everything. The fact that Republican 'base' voters would support a guy with weirder than Hollywood (or Bollywood) private life after they spent $70 mil of our money on the voyeur pervert Ken Starr, just so they can win ought to make sane people question their motives.
- Gee, I don't know? Where could they have put that communications center? Cheney's bunker. And who would have thought, if they hadn't read the hair on fire PDB about flying airplanes into buildings>? Maybe the communications center for all of NYC's first responders needed to be located within walking distance of Kerik's lovenest. Then there's the matter of Rudeboy Giuliani managing to outrage even a staunch loyalist Bushie like Christine "Stop and Frisk" Todd Whitney by lying his ass off about air quality in the lower east side. Well, you know, those people didn't vote for him anyway. Maybe he'd like to be Pretzeldent to hold off the lawsuits for a few years with spurious claims of executive privilege. Being a whackjob is one thing. Being a politically corrupt malfeasor of a mayor of the biggest city in America is another. Anyway, if the so-called GOP base will support this guy, it pretty much proves there's no morality in the moral majority, just a mindless obsession with domination of other people's thoughts and actions. And shredding the American Constitution while they're at it. I'd vote for any decent dog of whatever color against any Republican so my opinion doesn't count for much, but if Hagel doesn't run, the Republicans don't seem to have a candidate worth anything more than derision, indictment, or bankruptcy by class action civil suit for wrongful death.
- I've never subjected myself to this Lileks levity for lucre, because I always figured from his inane political bile that he might cause me to feel compelled to break my lifelong abstinence from Pepto Bismol. If this is a fair and balanced representation of his attempts at humor, it's worse than I could have imagined. About as funny as Mallard Fillmore. Or a screen door in a submarine. Or (shudderput you in mind to beat the diarrhoea (if that's the correct perverse Brit spelling) out of his whinging arse if your too far into Pepto Bismol withdrawal. The best humorists in newspapers, at least those that make me laugh (ruefully), are political cartoonists, maybe because they can get away with anything but outright obscenity, and maybe because their happiness with depression is infectious. (Check No. 27 if you've got a sec.)
- Pleas indulge me. My previous that got lost in translation or the ozone, one: I've never subjected myself to this Lileks levity for lucre, because I always figured from his inane political bile that he might cause me to feel compelled to break my lifelong abstinence from Pepto Bismol. If this is a fair and balanced representation of his attempts at humor, it's worse than I could have imagined. About as funny as Mallard Fillmore. Or a screen door in a submarine. Or (shudder Andy Rooney, with whom Lilleks shares a remarkable capacity for whining and passive-aggressive public Onanism, probably for 10% of the cash the old fool gets for two minutes a week . I do like Pepto Bismol, though. Not that Jack Bauer could induce me to drink pink chalk from third grade New Math Class emulsified in weapons grade trans fat. This may sound snotty, but if you put this stuff in your digestive tract, you might be happier indulging your pica disorder married to your cousin down in Kaolin Kountry. What I like, for sure, is Pepto commercials. Mexican tourist who drank the water, not the cerveza; urban hipster Electric Slide white office worker rappers; Super Max Godzilla and Wonder Woman. Ultimate poop jokes for children of the Summer of Drugs. As for humor columnists, Mona Charren is hard to beat, especially that stock byline photo. Hitchens' bizarre denial of reality and his own past whoppers is funny if you're in the right mood. But his nasal, unadulterated, and entirely odious neurasthenia can just put you in mind to beat the diarrhoea (if that's the correct perverse Brit spelling) out of his whinging arse if your too far into Pepto Bismol withdrawal. The best humorists in newspapers, at least those that make me laugh (ruefully), are political cartoonists, maybe because they can get away with anything but outright obscenity, and maybe because their happiness with depression is infectious. (Check No. 27 if you've got a sec.)
- My family ate dinner together. My dad, who's second-generation Norwegian and Irish, and who looked so Jewish he walked into ceremonies unchallenged said Grace. When I was a kid, I thought his rabbinical approach and his sort of priestly palms up , index fingers in was sort of silly. He was years ahead of the Catholic Church's ecumenical movement. When I was a little kid, we came upon the Slaters Branch Bridge. My dad was working at a hospital that gave free care to displaced miners. The Tug River was raging, we were driving the black and white ford wagon with the padded dashboard, that was eventually inhabited by a gnawing rat. The crossing was by way of the Slaters Branch Bridge over the Tug River. One lane,whinging bridge made with single cables and planks. My dad moved on to working at Metropolitan Hospital. 12th and Tuxedo. And the motor city was burning. Two missions: Universal health care for union workers. Protection of the disenfranchised. Well that's my mom and dad. FBI at the door. In Little Rock, with Fedoras and Overcoats. Latwe, more in the shadows. There was a movement called (Christian Family Movement), and it was the essence of the thinking of the last great Pope ( that would be John XXIV). I think it was based upon the idea that personal belief was sacrosanct but none of is an island. As Catholics, we're used to being considered non-Christians, satanic cult even, like the Mormons. Seems to me, if you're a Christian, you could make the argument that the Catholic Church goes back to Jesus, or at least Peter, the Protestant Church to the intestinally impacted Martin Luther, or to Joseph Smith, whose rapsheet ran on and on. I know, I'm extending my welcome. Newt Romney is totally disposable. Do any of you know about his dad? Who was an exceptionally honorable man and Governor of MI. You'd need high-tech equipment to discern Mitt from Newt. These guys are supposed to be thinkers but they're the worst forms of idealogue. Shouldn't they be paying more attention to actual threats, like Moe, Curley and Larry trying to pretend to be pizza guys at the gate at Ft. Dix? If there's somebdy that reads Nancy Nall that beleves thse bozos represented a threat, I'd like to hear it. How do the most recent threats differ from the whackjob that was going to cut down the Brooklyn Bridge with an acetylene torch in broad daylight? Kerry said this was a police operation. Mindless W ridiculed this idea. So far, so true. Google BCCI. Boy did that embarrass people that had airplanes standing in for them at the GOP gaggle. Maybe that plane was the one the August PDB was talking about. It flew right into the GOPlutocrat bunch. I grew up in Birmingham, more or less, and went to school in the city with Louis the Hatter and the Michigan Weekly, and deep center bleachers at Tiger Stadium. A classmate of mine, Bill Thigpen, was the best hoops player in the state, made Rudi T look pretty bad,, and when he brecame a victim of a gang-style murder, it was automatically ascribed to the Panthers, not the cops. Yeah, right. The Grosses just never got it. You had to row up in downtown Detroit to
- john c: No proscription on humor at grace. Nor theology, nor atheism, nor abject Wonderful Life idiocy. It's what anybody chooses to believe at the moment. I'd say, it usually is thanksgiving for the people that are joining you around the table, and those you choose to remember. Some things are so important, there's pretty much nothing you can do but acknowledge the implicit humor, or they're too sad to bear, or both. People die and we all deal. Or not. How about grace where everybody acknowledges the short-comings of the departed, everybody forgives them, and all of us wonder what's next. Never happen? Or not. Well. anyway, I believe in the Teillhard version, though not as it took my mom away. I believe in imparted wisdom. I believe in somebody that has a clue. I belirve in somebody that knows Grosse Pointe is the anti- something. Let me put it this way, Nancy, if you grew up around here, Iggy was a grand jete, we thought he was an idiot. In retrospect, compare any of that iggy drivell with anything on 'Back in the USA'. No joke: that one-chord shit with the wah-wah doesn/. get the Ramones. And as as far as guitar playing was concerned, there's Sonic and Gary Quackenbush. I grew up with these guys. Iggy vs. SRC or MC5 was kind of a joke.
- ashley: Dr. Scott? What about his Jezebel daghter? I went to Jesuit school, I think I know what they're talking about, I'm pretty sure its bullshit, but where's the scam? What's their hustle?
- Making fun of Mommy Dearest is , aside from cripple shooting, seriously lame. She also made Bonnie and Clyde and played a memorable mother, sister, mother, sister in what may be the best movie ever made.
- I'm annoyed by Falwell's just up and dying like that. He gets a pass on the temporal embarrassment of not being Rapturized. No public confessions of lust or crank, no 700-foot Jesus. Sur;y guilty of federal mail fraud to the tune of millions, but, like Kennyboy, beyond the retribution of the hoi polloi he swindled. In my pre-Cambrian J-School days, some newspaper chain actually tried the highlighting gimmick. My news writing professor said he thought it was a great idea, so long as the lede was red, and the rest of the piece descended through orange, yellow, etc. down to beige, gray and invisible. Imagine my amusement when Homeland Security Terrism Watch came along. Isn’t this really a case of an idea birthed before its time? Now we’ve got Power Point, the apparent operative mechanism for the entire federal bureaucracy and militaary-industrial menage. Doesn’t always work, sadly, as with the half -page, all-caps, hair-on-fire PDB regarding AIRPLANES! and BUILDINGS! Some people need Cliff’s Notes for their Cliff’s Notes, boiled down to the Masterplots version. Even with the neurotransmitter reinforcement, the message can still get jumbled by an old cocaine injury. Color coding couldn’t hurt. Maybe there’s some merit to the idea of amping the salient points, given the current state of journalism. The Washington Post ran a story today headed A Casualty Of War: MySpace. I’m all for MySpace going away, but DoD’s virtual phone-jamming of lines of communication for troops in Iraq is pretty infuriating. So some graphic equivalent of klaxons and alarums would be useful when this is buried in the 19th graf: The Defense Department barred access to the Web sites even as the military has stepped up its campaign to upload official videos to the Web, including on YouTube, to help portray U.S. combat efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan in a favorable light. So troops’ lifelines to families take up bandwidth needed for military propaganda. Some readers who might feel that’s the real story may well have quit reading in disgust long before arriving halfway down the jump. Scarlet letters would trummp piss-yellow journalism.
- Thanksgiving break, 1969, my freshman year at Holy Cross, a UDHS friend and I traveled 670 miles home to Detroit from Worcester. Joe lived in Gesu Parish around Six Mile, and at 2 am we were on the John Lodge about 500 ft. from our exit. Down in that infamous ditch (did I hear they raised it?), an extremely unfortunate snockered soul wandered into the path of the car directly in front of us, and set off a chain reaction crash that eventually ensnared 24 or 25 cars. The wayward vagrant catalyst somehow recovered, though I personally saw him airborne for about 30 ft. , and mounted some sort of absurd lawsuit in which I later testified by telephone deposition. Nothing came of it. We emerged unscathed despite riding in a '66 Corvair. The Corvair did not. Ten days later, we hitched a ride back to Massachusetts with a classmate from Toledo. 30 miles outside of Buffalo, on the backroad connection between Queens Highway 401 and the NYThruway, we skidded on black ice and rolled this guy's GTO convertible about five times, 30 ft. down a steep embankment and came to rest upright. Driver was white as the two feet of snow we landed in. My friend and I laughed our asses off. I think it was a sensible decision that that was the last road trip we ever made together. Here‘s a page of odious Falwellisms for anybody that doubts this whited sepulcher’s execrably black soul. I’m not in the Grave Dancers Union, but dying doesn’t give you a ticket out of jail when you’ve been a world class anti-Christian hypocrite your entire life.
- Ok, all you newspaper junkies and would-be copy editors, is this headline intentionally outrageous or outrageously unintentional? I was almost afraid to read the story--thought it might be some weird Prince of Wales-Camilla tampon thing only more beastly. I never had an opinion about Ralph's Corvair Crusade. Geetting Noxious W elected, that's another story. Our Corvair ended up looking like a discarded black PVC trash bag. Ralph Vader just ended up looking like the omphaloptic center of his own universe.
- Using ‘reply’ in a business setting can help keep important correspondence in a useful chronology, but…danger lurks. Forcing your self to type in a correct address on a fresh email in response can obviously prevent a lot of friction. Unless you're Kommissar Karl Rove, illegally using an RNC address. Then it's just lost in the ozone, or stuck in Lodi, again. I've never seen the problem with spam and mass redirection of idiotmail. Delete, delete, delete. Spam filters work pretty well. I guess I don't ever feel like 'I have to take this.' Maybe Jack Bauer does, but I'm not saving the world 48 times every 24 hours. I answer to one person alone on my cell phone (ringtone, Waterloo Sunset). Connected? World of Two suffices nicely. Simpler that's what, and simpler is good for not angrying up the blood, though I like fried food. But you know, if your stomach disputes you, lie down and pacify it with cool thoughts. Works with Cheney, too. My pitching philosophy is simple - keep the ball away from the bat. And everybody would do well to take Satchel Paige's advice, and 'dance like nobody's watching. '
- And MarkH, there's a great song by Soul Asylum on that particular subject: They say misery loves company We could start a company And make misery, Frustrated Incorporated
- Laura says Cornhole is a game for the super white. I wonder if it started out in the black community as Downlow or something like that. Some sort of crackerization, like the way Electric Boogie became Electric Slide. Haven't seen The Queen, but it's hard to imagine bibulous, brilliant Inspector Jane Tennison transformed into the most socially proper human being on earth. Amazing dramatic range all the way back to Caligula.
- You never get the Kinks out. You Really Got Me. On the other hand, Van Halen pretending to be Ray and Dave, seriously lame. And on the Shakespearean front, the 'sit upon the ground' speedch in Richard II is so great nobody but Derek Jacobi should ever say it. Unless they do a cross-dress veersion and then Inspector Tennison would be suitable. Shakespeare may be a dream we dream one afternoon, long ago. If you don't get it on some level, you're pretty much half a human. But anyway, regarding sleep, etc. Dreaming's a wonderful way to liive your life. You just have to know when it's time to wake up. Unreqyited dreams ar no fim, but I always talk some gullible prof into letting rmake it up. Michael Stipe who isn't a blowhard like Bono, said I don't sleep I dream. Boy, that boy was right. So back to the Bard. What Caliban, the anti-human, said about this subject is almosr unbearably gorgeous: Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open and show riches Ready to drop upon me that, when I waked, I cried to dream again. Twangling? Go to bed with the radio playing. It will do you both good. The world's a somewhat better place when people talk about Shakespeare in a glass snowball that Nancy Nall made up. I'm the only person I know that's never had a nightmare. If things look grim, I am always aware of how they 'turn out out for the better. Of course, I'm the protagonist, but frequemtly' everything goes to shit and the outcome is bittersweet. Am I missing something? I have dreams in which circumstances are dire. Imminent end of mankind, et cetera. And I might save it, or it's ineffably sad and I can't save anything. And I don't. And I wake up the next day. Now, I'm a fairly well-adjusted guy. But I have dreams exactly like this, and they progress from one sleeping moment to the next. This doesn't bother me, at all. I enjoy dreaming with plots. Oh, and I can wake up and go back iimediately to the sane dream. So, you know, what Caliban said you Shakespeare mongers, Devonian and otherwise, , and the lunatic is in the grass.
- As is the case with pretty much anything that can happen to anybody, Ray Davies got the whole barfing on the costume thing down: Everybody's a dreamer and everybody's a star, And everybody's in movies, it doesn't matter who you are. There are stars in every city, In every house and on every street, And if you walk down Hollywood Boulevard Their names are written in concrete!
- Tigers vs. Angels. You're getting a rare chance to see a truly badass great hitter. And an allaround good guy: Vladimir Guerrerro. Years from now, some talentless hack like Mark Fainaru-Wada will claim it was steroids, but this guy is an assassin at the plate. Comerica? No, Briggs. Earl Wilson and homie Bill Freehan. Earl Wilson was elegant and refined. 6-3 and 215. First black guy to pitch for America's designated racist city, in the days of Louise Day Hicks (Falwell's alter-ego). Pitched a no-hitter. But the one-hitter at Tiger Stadium stands out, because he jacked three homers. I was sitting in the center field bleachers, with the stumblebums passing a pint of Early Times and unadulterated baseball lore. Before the wuss rule that allows Clemens to throw at guys that tear him up, without getting thrown at. I know y'all aren't all hardcore Detroiters, but somebody's got to remember Ernie Harwell calling 'Norm Cash guarding the bag at first'. Norm Cash actually did guard the bag at first. He also hit 360 something one year. No apparent steroids. Kinda like the only time Barry hit more than 40 something homeruns. And Ernie Harwell was Red Barber's equal, but neither was Vin Scully, and all these guys were poets.
- Jon Carroll never met a homeless VietVet he could take advantage of. Like, you know, Mike Barnacle. Ahole went off on columnists that fudged, when all the while he was packing fudge like it was going out of style. And now he's getting the big bucks backing up Spinmaster O.
- Brewer and Shipley? Watchu talkin' bout Willis? It's Jim Pepper, who apparently actually was an Indian, as Brewer and Shipley most certainly were not. It's a pretty good song. I'd say, if you love music, this theme is pretty much gorgeous. I know your not supposed to think that if your hip, but damn, it's gorgeous. I'm not big on chanting, but that's just gorgeous. Oh-ran-ikah.
- What's this muslim-type families horsecrap? I figure I'm a muslim-type family member because I'll kill you if you f##k with my brother. Racist garbage.
- Men You Should Avoid: Mr. Bad Example. Are we kidding? Warren invented this category, and I wasn't far behind, if I do say so myself. Roland the Thompson Gunner? Excitable Boy? And he did it with such style. Best piano player ever and a decent guitar player, but he's not Steven Stills, who's actually the best guitar player that ever lived. Apologies to Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton, that played on Steven's record. He's just better. Only a little better than Jimi. Way better than Eric. That one's not even close. Go and Say Goodbye.
- Guys somebody should have avoided: the bastards that signed that PNACenturions letter to Clinton back in '98. Marcia, please excuse my intemperance. I blame the lawless times we're living in. Everybody's suspect when, as Garrison Keillor says, The party of Lincoln and Liberty has been transmogrified into the party of hairy-backed swamp developers and corporate shills, faith-based economists, fundamentalist bullies with Bibles, Christians of convenience, freelance racists, misanthropic frat boys, shrieking midgets of AM radio, tax cheats, nihilists in golf pants, brownshirts in pinstripes, sweatshop tycoons, hacks, fakirs, aggressive dorks, Lamborghini libertarians, people who believe Neil Armstrong's moonwalk was filmed in Roswell, New Mexico, little honkers out to diminish the rest of us, Newt's evil spawn and their Etch-A-Sketch president, a dull and rigid man suspicious of the free flow of information and of secular institutions, whose philosophy is a jumble of badly sutured body parts trying to walk. Well, the moonwalk probably did get shot in a studio. But President Segway has to report to Congress July 15. The infamous enabling legislation for the invasion had a whole section called Reports to Congress. Can they just throw his ass out if he blows this one off too? As far as saving radio is concerned, how 'bout all Norman Greenbaum, all the time? Steve Howe's mighty good, he just tends to doodle a lot, and cute can take you only so far. Stills is like the hoops player that makes everybody else better, including Neil. Listen to any live version of Bluebird.
- Mark Fainaru-Wada is one bd facial hair piece of crap. If he knows something about Barry Bonds, let him prove it. As things stand, he's got all the credibility of Rick Reilley. Meaning, None whatsoevever, He apparently invaded a grand jury. That doesn't prove shit burtt that he groke the law. This i s all so tedious. How would steroid abuse affect hitting home runs? Well, it wouldn't. Askany scientist. It might make you more likely to come back quickly from rapid muscle abuse, like pitching. It sure as hell has nothing to do with hitting baseballs. That's hand-eye coordination. Sterpods don't get that. Just nonsense. What is it with this crap? One season, bonds hit a ton of homers, Other than that, he never hit more than 49,. He's just a great hitter, and a great base runner and a great teammate, and a very great fielder I rhink he's just a great baseball player I think anybody that would argue with that assertion just doesn't know much about baseball.. Jeez, I wish I could have been as good a ballplayer as Barry Bonds. Hall of famer, bud. If cutesies keep you out, Rick Reilley and Fainaru are on the outside, looking in. I was only a decent high school athlete.Ran a sub five minute mile once. Fainaru-wada wasn't either, so he's got to make some shit up to tear somebody down? Randy Newman said this best. Jesus, what a jerk. And shield laws ntwithstanding, the bastard broke the law. But what the hell's the law in the Goodling era?.
- Michael G. I used to be a pretty good middle distance runner in High School. In those days, we ran yards, not meters. I ran a 1:54 something 880. I ran under five minute mile. I couldn't keep those times up, and I think it was because of swimming. These sports don't lend themselves to each other. Anyway, I love middle distance running. My dad used to take me to the NCAAs at I think Ford Auditorium. We saw Mohinder Gil, a triple-jumper, the best that ever lived. He made a jump that exceded the world record by several feet but officials claimed he fouled when he clearly had not. He broke the record bya proverbial mile. Around midnight and time to clear out. My dad saud it was time to go. Wvewrybody in the place started chanting "Mohinder'. He'd taken off his turban and leaped, and everybody in the place knew he was better by three feet than the world record. The chanting went on. My dad relented. A Sikh? Nope. They moved us out. They didn't count his jump, but it would be an unassailable record today. You know, he pulled a Bob Beamon. You couldn't go 29 ft. He was my hero. Like Tommy Jones. Those guys on the stage? Those were my heroes. Pure balls. And I was some dumbass white kid that knew what I knew about race and heroes. I was a kid in '68. And I was white and lived in Birmingham Michigan. Almost as white as Grosse Pointe. But I knew. I was born lonely down by the riverside, learned to spin fortune wheels and roll dice, I was just fourteen. when I knew I had to leave home, knew I couldn't stick around, I had to roam.
- So Michael G. IG. I want this kid to run like hell, and win. Running middle distance is strange. When I did this, it was hard for 660, you stay even, and run like hell for the rest. You either burned them on the last turn or you got burned. Strange races. No strategy. No sprints. Middle distance comes down to one thing. Who gives up. Running out the end. Somebody gives up when they know they're beat. These are the hardest races anybody runs. You celebrate your finisher wherever they finish, because it's just really hard.. Nobody that hasn't ever done this has a clue. Not like sprints, not like miles and longer. It's just incredibly difficult. You trash yourself for a while and then you try to run as fast as you can next time. I apologize for sounding like an idiot. I think running in competition doesn't change by your gender. You run against your competition. Trying to run faster than everybody else is just hard. I couldn't run faster than my little brother (had a tryout with the jets, and if you think I'm lying, he had 12 interceptions and 18 tackles for loss in his college career with Princeton), and it drove me nuts, until I realized if you stretched it out, over several hundred feet, like 440, and 880 and a mile, he couldn't touch my ass. I could outrun him forever. Not that I'd want to. He's my best friend and he's my little brother.
- Kim, in this case it came a year later. Met somebody at the Michigan State Fair. 14. I was caught and brought back. All-state and National honor society following. I'd say it was an aberration, but things went from bad to worse, and it seems to have become a life's work. Underwhelming expectations at every opportunity. If underwhelming can be a verb. The two greatest Detroit bands at that time were MC5 and SRC. SRC was Yes before there was such a thing, I guess. They made a song about an angel that gives up being one to have a dream. Sounds cheesy, but it isn't. I don't know any of y'all, but if you like something with science fiction lyrics and insanely great guitar playing, backed by little brother's B3 Hammond (and the Hammond organ is a mighty instrument) , SRC is worth checking. For the most part the songs are stories. I know this sounds lame but I'll tell you what, this is some of the greatest guitar playing and singing you might ever hear. You know Beck's Bolero, these boys put it to shame, and they introduce it with about five minutes of "In the Hall of the Mountain King". An exceptionally talented band. I know. If you like the song Citadel by the Stones. Or if you like the Call or Screaming Blue Messiahs. MC5 is another whole story entirely. Iggy's cool these days. Those boys couldn't play a lick. We all thought they were a joke, and yeah we were jocks, but in those days, in Detroit, if you were swimmer jocks you were very cool and you most certainly had the best drugs. Anyway. Other than SRC, MC5 basically ruled. You had two guitar players that could play better than anybody, almost. Better than Clapton, not Jimi, quite. They played insane leads apart from each other that seemed to come together. They had a song called "Come Together" and at the end they'd say "and I hope you all did-- come together".Which of course, adolescently, we thought was the height of cool. These guys were alleged revolutionary types. And their manager, John Sinclair got put away. I don't know about that. I do know they were spectacular rockers. "Kick Out the Jams" is one of the most astounding live albums ever made. This is not yer Lynnyrd Skynnyrd. More like Alvin Lee and Alvin Lee's clone. All these metal bands? Metallica? Gimme a break. I should be a big fan of triples. I'm a huge fan of players that hit triples because it means they're fast. My possible favorite player that ever lived kind of specialed in triples That would be Kirk Gibson, but he used to be a Tiger. I used to sit in center field with old me that would pass a pint of Ancient Age and tell stories about age-old Tigers legends.I used to listen to the Tigers on TV and even on the radio. George Kell and Ernie Harwell. If you love baseball and you can't tune in Vin, this is as good as you can get. Tiges had a truly great first baseman named Norm Cash. He wasn't Gil Hodges, who was such a man he only wore a glove because everybody else did, but he was hellaciuos, and he hit 361 one year, which is just amazing whatever sort of rube he may have been. . But Norm Cash had a peculiarity. With every pitched ball, he grabbed a sac, and it wasn't first base. Seemingly incomprehensibly, he'd cup his non-glove hand over his nads. And George Kell, I think, would start the call of every play by saying, Norm Cash, guarding the bag at first. Tigers had a guy with what I think may be the greatest baseball name ever. Purnal Goldie. He homered his first at bat in the majors. And sank like a stone thereafter. An object lesson in why baseball is the greatest game. We were just kids. We thought this was the funniest thing we ever heard. Every time.
- Did Norm cash cork the bag he was guarding at first?
- In the end, nothing, and nobody, 'escapes the screws'. What happens after that? I've got a pretty good idea, and you don't meet five tedious people, and for almost everybody, there are no televangelists or smarmy Sports Reporters. I think it's either Pop Staples or Curtis Mayfield, although George Burns would please me just as well. Grand jete or grand bouffe. Groucho or George Harrison would also be acceptable. There's there there, one way or another.
- Why, in the movies, do white folks find it so comforting to discover God is in fact black, Jack, and was just slumming when He was driving Miss Daisy? Hell, maybe He's Anthony Hopkins or Ralph Richardson. Those of us that aren't going to be rapturized have ample, too much, time to consider this biblical question, but maybe if you're rapturized, you meet up with Fred G. Sanford and he's really pissed off. If you go straight to hell, it's the Cos, and I don't mean the Cap'n Sitting Bull or Ralph Jameison Cos, I mean the jello and Ghost Dad, eternally, Cos. Shivers up me timbers.
- OK, shooting fish in a barrel. But these nitwits send this stuff through the tubes: Can you keep a secret? OK, there are no secrets on the Internet. But I am excited to divulge to you the first word of an intellectual explosion that The New Republic cases in our June 4 issue. Paul Berman has written a 28,000 word essay--an incendiary pamphlet, really--about the extraordinary -though exemplary- case of the Islamicist thinker Tariq Ramadan, who has become the darling of liberal commentators in Europe and increasingly also in the United States. Berman's essay is a detailed examination of not only of Ramadan's thought, but more generally of Islamicist thought since the 1920s--and more, of the bizarrely cordial reception that certain strands of Islamicist thought have recently found in the West. Berman's essay is erudite and vivid, a model of the history of contemporary ideas. And a model also of the battle of ideas: Berman has written a stirring defense of the liberal ideal against its enemies (and even against some of its friends)--an unforgettable call to intellectual responsibility. People will be arguing about it for a very long time. Subscribe today for only redacted to read this first-rate essay and the rest of our June 4 issue. You may recall Berman's 2004 book, Terror and Liberalism, which was on the serious best-seller lists for months and months, and began the intellectual debate in which we are all, willy-nilly, now unavoidably ensnared. Reading his essay will be both a responsibility and an opportunity. From Martin Peretz, Editor in chief of New Republic. Did he put it on MySpace first? Fer sher. The serious best seller lists for months and months? I know this guy is the nepotism-run-amok poster child, but did it never dawn on him that Islamicist is a synonym for Wahabist, as in Ole Dirty Bin, and their families are business partners with Prescott's spawn? The magazine's a post Cold War freakshow, but they're entitled to an opinion. But does anybody proofread? Edit? He's the freaking editor in chief. I guess they couldn't figure out a way to get the smileys in the i-dots through email. This is the single worst attempt at writing in English I've seen in a long time. And this is the apotheosis of neocon thought. Can anybody discern a point, other than begging for a subscription, much less a point of view? Cooler heads should have prevailed before hitting send. But this is so hilarious. He didn't actually say internets, but that was probably spell-check. No political statement intended but if you can't write, at all, spam and fodder are pretty much separated at birth. As I imagine the old man wishes he had been. instead of letting Tommy-boy run the magazine.
- I guess I was in the 99th %tile, but, in my defense, I'm sure I heard the song 250,000 times on WXYZ and WKNR (Detroit) in the space of three months. Really liked the first several thousand. I noticed about five years ago I'd started to appreciate it again. I've always wondered whether the song had some basis in real events. Sure seems possible these people were the Choctaw Ridge branch of the Bundren family, and Lucinda Williams may have been acquainted with some kin over to Pineola.
- Donn't have a clue who reads back this far on a Nancy post. I just took time to watch that video. Now this woman could really sing. She's obviously listened to somebody like Nina Simone. (Well, there is nobody like Nina Simone. Those chocalat and creme jazz singers, most of whom seem to be surnamed McCrae?) May sound stupid, but Cher had this sort of voice before she became a baritone, and if I were her lawyer, I'd be looking at a suit against somebody involved in her thoracic plastic surgery. I suppose my point is this. I've always succumbed to the idea that singer's were either guys that stood out or women that sang good songs but but, with few exceptions, didn't really stand out singing guy's songs. I know, that's benighted. I've got a podner that keeps telling me this for a fact. Obviously great and unmistakably great male voices in rock 'n' roll are unmistakeable, and I guess that's the yardstick. Who's unmistakable? For guys, the list seems inexhaustible, for women, not so much, but at champeenship levels, nah. It seems to me that the one person to be beyond this is Van. The guy singer, for me in yearrs, is David Hidalgo. Obviously, this has to do with the songs and the sides. How many women in the past 30 or forty years are so obviously recognizable as Greg Allman? Drugs dvision: In this corner (and these are little league matchups-everybody gets a trophy) , Mick vs. Marrianne. Well, the girl's version of "It Is the Evenig of the Day" is way better. But Mick is Mick. But Marianne produces "Broken English", so is it raw and emotional or cool. The nub: She claims she wrote Sister Morrphine, and Stones did a harrowing version with a truly haunting vocal. Verdict: I own both. When I feel inclined to listen to something I'd rather put behind me, I listen to both of those and then put headphones on for Moonlight Mile Moonlight Mile wins, but it might have been even better in broken English. USA,USA: Well, you have the Mell, you know ROCK. What a jackass. For the girls, I'm going with Joan Baez. As odious as her taking on a character of the male persuasion is, I guess she didn't trash the song. And she clearly meant the best about perseverance, and this isn't that other conversation about gendER. verdict: She always meant well. He's always Cougar. So this could go on and on. But where it should stop is obvious. We have the song "Poor, poor Pitiful Me'. I'd say it's a great song but if there was ever a gender-based song. 'Put me through changes, lord. , like a waring blender. Women do that to men, not vice versa. I'd like it too be pointed out. Joan baez can sing "Nicola y Bart. The Night They Drove Ol' Dixie Down is Levon Helm's song and she had no business singing it. Ie's abominable. and Poor, Poor Pitiful Me has to do with what women do to men. You could try writing your own songs., ladies Butt they aren't likely to be that good. Then we have the mope ballad. Has She Got a Friend. We've got Richard Thompson, that wrote the song. If girls think this way, On the other hand, weve got Maria McKee, that used to be in an awesome that lived up to it's name. Don't know about anybody else, but I'd like to deal with the idea of lone justice with US Grade A certified torturers that never freaking served. How about waterbarding for the names of the Enron shills that Dickless won't identify? Maria McKee has a great voice. Better than Anne Richmond Boston? I think not. Girl singers? No. Brownups that can really sing. So, so much for my opinions. Here's what I'd like to know. What are intelligent peoples' opinions about modern female pop stars? Way I see it, used to be you had to have a good voice. No lack-of-breath sopranobuys enhancement. Real singers didn't need this crap. Top range: well that would be Judy Collins and Sandy Denny. Down hear with the rest of us: well Chrissie Maria Mkee, Aimee Mann, Xene, omen that didn't need some sort of overdub for they're nonexistent vocals. People still think Madonna can sing. I'd go back to a woman singing a woman's song, Or, since it's not suppsed to only Lysistrata and supposed to be collaborating, a John Pryne song and, who, Rita Coolidge? 'Send me am angel; that flies from Montgomery'. Which woman understood that old woman's state of mind as well as John Prine did? So anyway. I don't know how many of you re Michigan types. I wouldn't know what that means. Nancy's a bery good writer, sort of sliding in. I grew in Detroit. Sort of. It wasn't remotely like the way Nancy sees Detroit., and maybe she got here for the bad stuff, she might have a clue. I umderstand Nancy wants to see some cultural understanding of Detroit. She thinks Iggy meant dick to anybody. No, he didn't. Know what Robyn Hytchcock says about this sort of gu"? He was an idiot. Her was a fool. Aslobbering fool with a speech defect.: and I saw his name------he's called Ray. Iggy was a perceivedl ooney Politics was MC5. Alternative politics was SRC. Eweteman was SegerKind of like today. 2+2. . Bac in the datt, in Detroit, when W was bolting and Cheney was excersising more important comemtments, my dad was picking me up at my date's Lake St. Clair lakefront. We went to the draft board. I had the most bizarre draftboard on the face of the earth, because it was Fr.. Coughlin's. I was just supposed to go. Numbers didn't work out, Kerry went. And og cout That's not my Catholicism. I believe in liberation theology, but more, I'm a Theilhardist. That would be the anti-Raygun.We're seriously on the side of retting ahold of weapons to defend ourselves. Jesuits of this persuasion tend to get shot/ killed andburied in shallow graves when Ws claim they're running things. Seems safer than when its the Raygunites. More than anything. We are all part of God becoming This males sens in physics, actually becomind God. As this turns out, it all becomes quite clear why there are idiot savants that could quote you the lyrics of, I guess something as dense as Bob Dylan would would fit the bill. Billie Joe McAllister? I know the words to Bob Dylan's Dream, and Desolation Row, and the Gates of Eden. It's kind of an idiot savant thing, remembering lyrics. I can look at the Jumble Puzzle and I know the words, immediately. I mean, am I supposed to expect something to ignite? WEverybody sybsumes the idiot savantism. I'm a high acchiever in real life. I ett good grades, whaatever. I'm sure a large number of y'all have never tried hallucinogens. You probably should find some safe haven and give it a try. So,what I was saying about Men and Women and vocals. When you get right down to it. Men are more notable singer, mainly because they break conventions.s. When you get right down to it Merrie Clayton Gimme Shelter Way more frightening, and that's the point of the song. It's supposed to scare the shit out of you. Mick sounds kike this is more of this, Merrie Clayton sounds like Hair on Fire. Al Quaeda intent on inside the US. This had no effect on the Presiudent. O8/01. Yeah he's almost terminally stupid and he needs hair on fire. But this wasn't good enough. It was hair on fire. How's anybody that brain-dead So what I started talking about? We've got btrathless popstrs now. They seem to need all sorts of electronic boosts. Nsdonna does. Jewell can just sing. More than that, did Nancy Wilson need overdubing? I don't think so. Who are all these people? People used to have their owbb voices and they could sing. Joni, for sure. Does it take much of a man to see his whole life go down, To look up on the world from a hole in the ground, To wait for your future like a horse that's gone lame, To lie in the gutter and die with no name? Only a hobo, but one more is gone Leavin' nobody to sing his sad song Leavin' nobody to carry him home Only a hobo, but one more is gone
- Respect is, after all, an Otis Redding song, and Sister Re's version is very good, but the Otis at Monterrey (with the shout out--I thought Run invented that) is far better. Aretha's finest, I think, are Chain of Fools and I Never Loved a an (the Way That I Love You). An estimate is an implied contract. It can be exceeded reasonably without consultation, but not trebled. Unethical, like Dick Cheney, most likely illegal, like Dick Cheney. I'd write a check for the estimate plus maybe 50%, and copy the BBB. They will not go to court. Otherwise, starting a job is a contractor's license to larceny.
- Of course, Aretha never loved a Man, not a definite article. It’s hard to type in Hurricane Season, with nothing but the Uninterruptiple Power Supply and the monitor for light. Far as Dickless, I meant to include this. Is there a Nobel for arrogance? We're not supposed to have fire season on the barrier islands, but, day to day, everything here smells like burned wet dog thanks to the Okefenokee immolation. Maybe 40 mph wind will alleviate the annoyance.
- LA Mary. It's criminal to name any dog Smokey. Like branding him (I'm assuming) with the effulgent crimes of Phillip (Can't Fool the Fatman) Fulmer. As far as Silvio is concerned, the great moment was his dream about the missing cheese. I think this was an inside joke. There was never any cheese missing on The Sopranos. There was The Godfather and then everything else, including Goodfellas that was purely the crappiest movie critics went nuts over that wasn't called Raging Bull. Really asinine, by Rocky standards. Sopranos is undeinably entertaining, but when people start in on "morally ambiguous", well so's Karl Rove. Jesus, creeps are creeps. Lee Atwater wouldn't tolerate Karl Rove. It's the HBO flagship, but one. That would be Deadwood. Can Robert Altman sue these people? We'd rather watch McCabe & Mrs. Miller, and the outright theft of intellectual property is stunning. They couldn't duplicate the incandescence of Julie Christie, or Senator Bulworth, for that matter. Actually, and I'm certain about this, the quintessential mob movie is Atlantic City. Elmer Gantry a tired old oil tycoon at the beach. We'd all have been a whole lot better off if he'd been president. Or Atticus. Instead we got the guy that wished he was Charlton Heston, and thought Grover Cleveland had been president.
- I know people think Darker Than Amber is great, but I think Dreadful Lemon Sky. As great as he was, this guy couldn't touch James Lee Burke. Even in a battle of titles, Dave Robicheaux kicks Travis's ass. Then there's Easy Rawlins. I think, how to write. But you know, in this discussion, I feel like the cocktail onion on a babana split, and I figure you know who made that up. But, duty calls.
- Alex: When Christians ululate, in my vicinity, it sounds like 'How 'bout them Dawgs'. If Christians would get around to playing instead of practicing, this would be good, Overall..
- MichaelG: I think Dave Robicheaux appeals to me because he's Catholic, and it seems to have failed him, but he takes in strays. Or, he's failed that too. I think he's like Travis McGee in stern morality and thinking lyrically. If you like investigations, I'd commend >i>Smilla's Sense of Snow, by Peter Hoeg. And I'm not joking about Walter Mosley. Just brilliant writing. Easy Rawlins' sidekick is an absolutely amoral mofo more dangerous than Hawk, called Mouse. Easy leaves him with a prisoner, and tells Mouse not to shoot him. Easy returns and finds the prisoner strangled . Mouse says, 'You told me not to shoot him." Then he adds, 'If you ain't want him dead, why'd you leave him with me?'
- LAMary: Whatever his real name is, and this could be forthcoming as Scooter nears the slammer, John Le Carre is one great writer. The Spy Who Came In From the Cold was my introduction. Seems to me that The Constant Gardener is his finest work. The touchstone, the grail of the genre, is Graham Greene. As wonderful as Graham Greene's novels are, particularly The Quiet American, Getting To Know the General is easily the best thing he ever published. Couldn't HW have just put Torrijos in Country Club Prison with Pineappleface instead of blowing up his plane? Watch your back, Scooter.
- Everything that's so totally wrong with James Lileks: A Children’s Museum, however, is more of a Funatorium. You are encouraged to touch things, which is poor training for subsequent museum visitation. The Bleat, 03-20-2006. He wrote 'talkers' names on the blackboard when Sister was out of the room. If he played rugby, he would have punched opponents in the nads.
- And for y'all that like Elmore Leonard, get a copy, or a tape, of The Friends of Eddie Coyle by the estimable newspaperman George V. Higgins. Or rent the movie, in which Smirnoff School of Acting alum Robert Mitchum is riveting.
- The Moviegoer is great. Sort of hard to read, because there's a too much Binx Bolling in my own personality. The Second Coming is my favorite from Walker Percy. Everybody that falls down needs to find someone that picks things up.
- For sure, Lileks wouldn't have played rugby, but he would have cheered W on from the sidelines. Funny how the Praetorian Press goes nuts over this photo but buys the Swiftboat calumny whole hog.
- My arthritic knees make me think everyday I might a wheelchair. Betwen Kevoorkian and J and J, I guess I know what model and make. I looked for Kem Nunn at the library today, so no luck. Read something a month or so ago about this guy. Guess I'll try the bookstore, amd T.J. Parker will haveto do for now. What's noir, after all? Dark? Is Walter Mosely noir? Is mixing noir with social commentary noir? Or is mixing the detective genre with intelligent social commentary noir? Social commentary? Easy's commentary on bklack and white in America is spectacular. I think it's mixing up really good writing with social commeniyaary and detective plots. James Lee Burke has a guy that seems to believe in the finality of personal brutality, when it comes right down to it. So is it Phillip Marlowe, is it Travis McGee, is it Easy Rawlins? Is it Raymond 'Mouse' Alexander'? It's not any surfer. Boyo, I love these books. I love these books, but when it comes down to the nub, I love the truth. I don't want to think the truth is Mouse. Mouse said 'If you didn't wan't him dead, why'd you leave him with me?' Our heroes spare villains. That HBO Western, well that was obviously stolen from McCabe and Mrs. Miller and the TV version doesn't come close. Not even close. As far as obscenity, I'm only seeing Sopranos on A and E, but I don't see how I'm missing anything. Just saw Paully Nuts and Christopher in the snow-covered Jersey badlands. Morons. Bobby Baccala is not only a better person, he's a smarter guy. Orange vest, hunting rifle, spotlight. He's way smarter than the captains, he's smarter than Tony, and he's just a better guy. When it all comes down to it, it's habeus corpus. Every right somebody wants to claim, these asshoes have taken away. If you disagree, you're a Guantanamo ready danger to democracy.
- I despise the term blog. It‘s just ugly and stupid and truncated to be uglier and more stupid. But I start every day by checking one, and it isn‘t Nancy Nall, though I read this every day, because Nancy is a very good writer and a halfway decent editor, and it‘s endearing that somebody thinks Iggy was Detroit music when there was MC5. The one I check is River. This is a young Iraqi woman. I guess English is her second language, but she’s absolutely eloquent, and elegant, in English, unlike, well, you know, anybody appointed to the executive by himself or the Supreme Court. Shadow government isn't ever easy, just ask Larry Macdonald. So anyway, I’ve been reading her dispatches since around 2003, and when there’s nothing new, I worry that something’s happened to her. There’s a litany of anti-Constitutional offenses perpetrated in the name of PNACenturions, but if they’ve managed to harm this beacon of intelligence and peace and universal harmony, there’s no ring of hell they’re worthy of. No torment that can match their crime. I know this isn't a political forum, but I think y'all stand for honest journalism. River's that, in spades.
- Oh, and 'monkeywrenchers'. Interesting application, but any acknowledgment of one of the world's greatest writers is welcome. We think of monkeywrenching as physical acts of discomfiture against machines like bulldozers, and we know they'll win in the end, but Hayduke lives.
- Hey Martha, why didn't Peter Pace and Henry Kissinger write tget out of jail free note?s.
- On the other hand, Spike Lee did Inside Man, which was an excellent movie. If I'm allergic to anything about movies, it's definitely Kevin Spacey.
- The goat that ought to be led to the ALTER is the neo-federal regime that's ignored a litany of annual reports from the American Society of Civil Engineers on infrastructure issues, particullarly urgent bridge reconstruction. According to ASCE (all the way back to the 80s), somewhere between 80 and 90% of bridges are in need of repair, the majority drastically so. The most recent estimate for bringing all US bridges up to safety performance standards is$190 billion. I guess I'd be a Noxious-Weed-hating partisan trying to coddle and encourage evil-doers that hate are (sic) freedom if I pointed out that the invasion and occupation have burned $500 billion on the books so far (Lord knows what mare in accounts for slushy days and unavoidable future outlays). Anyway, since I'm picturing a surgical grade gonad guillotine, perhaps "alter" is a fortuitous solecism. Remove these dumbasses from the ongoing propagation of the human genome.
- Christopher Hitchens onanistic porn strikes me as the equivalent of Republican chickenhawkism. Never used it and still didn't lose it. This guy scores about 15 on the O'Reilley Disgustometer, but now he's acting like the gross fat guy on CSI that wanted to suckle and be spanked for pooping his gigantic diapers. Intelligent design? Yeah, right.
- Wee Tucker is the allegorical tampon Prince Charles wished he were, except it's only the bowtie that would lead anybody to believe he'd been there. Olbermann is actually on at 8p. He certainly gets a kick out of mocking FauxNews, but these are the aholes that ran the Swiftboat slander about 300 times a day and claimed it was news and not slander. Unfortunately, there are about a tenth of a billion people that view Fox as religious divination. By the vagaries of our Constitution, these idiots get to vote. It'd be wonderful were H.L. Mencken around to offer observations on his putative booboisee. Spinmaster O touts his own veracity when he lies, lies, lies. An accurate account of his mendacity would use up NancyNalls' bandwidth. Keith may be smug, but calling Shrub and the party organ (so to speak, I mean, they are certainly dickheads) liars isn't onanistic so much as it's flogging a a falafel.
- As far as Worst Person, there are so many aholes and so few days in the week. Mr. Diebold that guaranteed a Shrub win in Ohio and then saw 25thou votes from Sandusky Co. vanish into the ether wasn't ever a winner, but I'd imagine Olbermann thinks he registers way below despicable. At least once, Olbermann named himself a Worst Person, when he'd gotten some insignificant facts wrong in the Worst Person sweeps. He's really not the guy taking himself too seriously. There are sexual offenders and hillbilly-heroin junkies spouting a corrupt party line on airwaves that y'all own. It's nice when someone poindts it out.
- My opinion, that's a great photograph. If I hung it on my wall, I could regale myself with my buddy Jack, watching my brother David trying to level it without actually reaching for his pocket laser level. In other news. Barry Bonds faces thirty years in prison for perjury because the sleaziest 'journalist' not connected to Brittany released Grand Jury testimony? In the first place, anybody with a modicum of information and intelligence realizes steroids wouldn't improve hand-eye coordination. And even journalists would have to figure Mark Fainaru-Wada and his partner ceased to be journalists when they gave those Snickers to the Grand Jury member to cash in for the big bucks. I don't like to judge, but I believe I've seen this guy with a suitcase and a deck of cards near Times Square. How is it that, these days, anybody can accuse anybody of anything? Evidence be damned. On the other hand, if I accuse the pretzeldent (and I actually invented that patronym) of making shite up, I hate America? Well, I don't hate America, and I sure as hell don't hate W, who's so far beneath hatred he only comes up as necessary to comment on his shitheel behavior. Whoda thought a coalition of astoundingly amoral and greedy businesspeople could find common ground with an astoundingly amoral and greedy bunch of 'Christians' to fund an invasion and illegal (officially,now, under Iraqi law) occupation? Government by Blackwater? Anyway. Whether or not she ever intended to, NancyNalls writes a superbly written web log (she never intended to write well, she's incapable of not writing well; as she says she didn't intend this sort of web journal.). Careful writer. Decent contributors, too. So I ask you. Have all these years of Lee Atwater and Karl Rove made truth relative? Ronald Raygun said that in his youth "who knew black people" existed. Then, he launched his presidential campaign nearly on the spot where Schwerner and Cheney and Goodman disappeared before they were lynched. But anyway, best apartment I ever had was two floors, upstairs from Leon of Italy, in Belmont Square, Massachusetts, down the street from the Fire Department and around the corner from the HQ of the John Birch Society. Leon of Italy for a Reveah Beach goombah ranks with legendary names for beauty parlors. Another good one: Crown of Glory. I think they meant Crowning Glory. Maybe not. Votin' fer that fella from Law & Order this year. Or the one that married his cousin and anulled it cuz she was his cuz, and had his mob boss watch over the pile from the apartment donated for NYC's finest to get some sleep. Guess I'll vote for Huckaby of Mayberry. The truth? Depends on what your definition...
- I grew up in Bloomfield Hills. I went to school on Seven Mile. UDHigh. We wemt down to Cass, this was in '68, after Martin was shot. We were thinking about James Brown. It was pretty normal. We were just kids. We liked each other or we didn't get along. Just kids. I kinda fell in love. Big deal. We were just kids at the Michigan State Fair. Honest to God the Supremes were playing Reflections. Anti miscegenationists, Michigan's got a milliion rednecks. They attacked, we ran. To the MC5 house on Cass. I know Nancy likes Iggy. In the day, MC5 was the obliviator, SRC was the best band without question in Detroit. Seger, with himself playing lead guitar,and Pep Perrine on drums, was three. Thaatshow things were in Detroit. I suppose this is boring, but Nancy reaches out. Seedy Detroit? My very good friend Bill Thigpen, he humiliated (strike that) outplayed Coach Rudy Tomjanovich, later to gain fame by running directly at a gigantic guy about to throw a punch. Dumbest white brother ever. But James said, Dooley's Junkyard Dogs. Dooley's Junkyard Dogs. Streetscapes I'll watch Spenser reruns to see the finest city God ever put on the face of the earth. Of course, Robert Urich and his costars were quite good anyway. BOSTON DOES RULE.
- Dorothy says Barry looks bigger. Magic looks like he's put on 100, easy. My brother Mark was a 150 lb. distance swimmer in college, he's about 240 now. Is this proof he usd steroids? Well, he got older. This whole thing has to do with personal animus In my mind what matters is he would most certainly have hit those homeruns. Nitpicking about steroids should focus on pitchers. Who was clean? Clemons (and we don't mean the agricultural school), or Bonds. The pitchers cheated, and anybody that doesn't realize that is a moron. Know something else? Hank Aaron in the Launching Pad doesn't enter the equation with Barry and the Babe. Not close.
- How can anybody write about Joe Nuxhall without referring to David Clyde? Tell y'all what, if W keeps getting kids killed, American Legion might end up Triple A. Of course, in a world where anybody knew better, W wouldn't emerge from the bushes. I know this isn't a political forum. The ascendency of this character is an affront to people of decidecly mediocre intelligence and accomplishments. Every one of them could do better without slandering another guy for being brave enough, several times, to do more than guard the liquor cabinet at the OClub, in Texas, or Alabama, whatever. And for Brian: I love baseball. I went to Dodgertown at seven months gestation and my mom played catch with Carl Furillo and Roy Campanella. But when an owner masquerading as commish gave home field in the world series to the winner of the all star game, I had a sort of seismic sense of trouble like Smilla's sense of snow. Bad shit was afoot. I believe Barry Bonds is one of the best that ever played. Five tools. In that regard, he's better than everybody but Roberto Clemente and Fred Lynn. Anybody that thinks the cream or the clear made a difference is either an idiot or a sleazy sportswriter looking for bucks. I think Freddy Lynn sans pot and bad weather was the Natural. Oh, and that idea he could run into walls forever. But that's why we played 'neat falls' when we were kids. It's supposed to hurt. And we roll with it.
- Message to Micheal Heaton: Have ya read the books by Adrian McKinty, ya wee sleekit bastard? It's not The Dalkey Archive, and it's not JC von Damme. Little of both. Actually, Adrian McKinty is probably not for some tastes. If you like John D. (Warren's Best Friend) McDonald, or BladeRunner, you'd find this engaging.
- LAMary. Youve fot a Springsteen name. If you live on Avenida anything, Lou Dobbs may come creeping behind heavily armed agents of Blackwater, all of them so scared they don't know whether to piss themselves or murder an innocent onlooker. Thanks to the Tough Guy in Charge, who understands combat, having played an electronic game, these guys will go entirely free if they shot you full of holes. As John Cougar says when he's not plagiarizing the Kinks, the Beatles or any other number of bands, ain't that America.
- That Packard building looks like a backdrop in 12 Monkeys, a seriously underrated movie, but, hell, if you've got a job as a critic, I suppose admitting that Bruce Willis was seriously good in something Quentin Tarrantino didn't do feels like it's beneath you. Does anybody really believe Reservoir Dogs was a good movie? Mediocre gag drawn out waaaaay looong, I think. Not as good as A Boy and His Dog, for a one-off based on an old joke. Movies take time. Blade Runner was trashed, but it's brilliant. There's Chinatown</i. There's </iBlade Rummer Treasure of the Sierra Madre and everything else. I'd like to see Waterworld on IMAX. Kevin Costner's ego? I'd say Costner sublimated his alleged ego and provided ahtleticism Errol Flynn wouldn't have put down a smoke for. Anybody that doesn't think that the way that catamaran works is genius is a sol-free idiot. I say it's a great movie, and not just because Dennis Hopper is <insanely funny and the kid <isn't cute. In the long run, for lifelong swimmers like me, maybe this was another sports movie. He didn't get baseball as well as R. Redford, but he got as close as you could without bringing in J. Henry Waugh. He nailed golf, to the wall, with the help of tremendous performances performances friom both Don Johnson and Cheech Marin (only Jack Nicklaus comes close, and I'm part of Arnie's Army. I'd go in there, in the haunted building, because it's haunted for sure. I grew up in Detroit. We went all sorts of places not safe for white boys, and didn't think much about it. I find it amazing, and sort of depressing, that car theft and burglary count against my city as violent crimes. Stealing am Escalade off the street is violent crime? Burglary, done right, is obviously non-violent. Violence against Beemers, unless its carjacking, hardly seems to fit this racially tinged 'study'l. I can hear the lambs crying. One thing the social engineers seem to miss entirely is violence committed by people drawn to the city but not from the city. I understand not going in that Packard building alone, but I don't think I buy fear of a broken leg. You were skeert. Detroit's dangerous and always has been. Even around the edges. One thing left out by the alleged study is who comes to the city and commits crimes. I realize that doesn't take the city off the hook for where things happen, but I'd say the source is more important, even in such a poorly framed study. When I was 17, I had a girlfriend who lived in Rapid City. Rapid, to the cognoscenti. She had a very fine 442 and we drove up into the Black Hills and found an abandoned mine that this picture of the remains of riches and gigantic Packers reminds me of. There was actually a table set out with a ledger book, where they'd apparently been paying the miners. Maybr they died Ithere. It was too creepy to spend much time. and I think I may have been reading The Stand at the time. Spooked us both, and that was in the widerness, not in the most damgerpuscity where there were wild blackberries and water to drink from gelid streams. Like breaking a spell. Well. As usual, there's room for thought here. I doubt Detroit's so dangerous. I may prove it by taking a walk down Woodward through numbered streets, and getting filled, next time I'm staying at the Pontchartrain. I once got manhandled by Detroit's finest here. Up against the glass after hectoring Geoge Corley Wallace. He seems to have proliferated like roaches, but at the time, we seemed to be the dangerous citizens somebody was warning you people in the Grosses about. It was dangerous. in those days. The photo is stunning. Ozymandias comes to mind, but it's like slouching toward Bethlehem. Which makes me wonder. Does Nancy Nall have a favorite poet? In her serious, or not so serious moments? If the notable drug addict Percy Shelley wrote Ozymandias, does that mean maybe still-cocaine-addled W has intimations of mortality? Well, on the subject of his presidential legacy, he told Bob Woodward (and you could trust that fly on the wall far as you could swat him), We'll all be dead. So who is the Nancy Nall poet laureate? Ogden Nash? Well, she's quick and witty. Mordant? William Butler Yeats (Cast a cold eye). Iggy? Ray Davies? I kind of wish Christina Rossetti. I think, in the end it's somebody with snow on woolen shoulders and a forward attitude, like Robert Frost or Auden. Like Ray Davies, actually. Those ratings are based on vocabulary. Bloggers (oh,I hate that faux-logism) that seem to need ill-used big words are loneilier than the number one, and more ubiquitous than Daughtry. The rating system doesn't take into account misusing those words, even after spellchecking (gnarrh). That's the emoticon for me grinding my teeth. Nancy writes well. Other b loggrers cant' claim the same. In the end, there is much to be said for grammar, logic and diction. (And don't look for that comma before and diction; it doesn't belong there.)
- I'd have to say that as far as live albums are concerned, Kick Out the Jams beats the Who and Silver Bullet. But maybe you had to experience MC5 in person. And Bob Seger in '67 at the Birmingham Teen Center was the best Bob Seger. Too bad nobody thought to tape that. If y'all go to South Dakota, just drive up into the Black Hills. Clean streams, wild blackberries, abandoned mines that look as though they'd been populated until yesterday. Stunning.
- Could somebody explain to me what the J. Geils conection is to actual Detroit music? I hate to come across as some elitist, but I grew up going to the Motown Revue and the Michigan State Fair. We had SRC and MC5 and Bob Seger System. And we had Motown. We didn't lack for musical talent. I know Hideout was before Nancy's time, but, for instance, Pep Perrine on drums behind Seger on lead on Ramblin' Gamblin' was nonpareil, and Heavy Music, those were better than all of the other regional records of that time in space, including Geils. Actually, SRC was as good as MC5, maybe better. I went to school in New England (at Holy Cross) about that same time, and there were Bary and the Remains, James Montgomery etc. Those Boston bands put Giles in the also-ran, but Detroit ruled. Good grief, Amboy Dukes were actually better. I know none of you ever heard Detroit music first hand in the late 60s. If you think "Somebody Help Me" exists in the same universe as "Shakin' Street", well that's the same sort of mindset that leads to voting Republican. Listen to the Sonic and Brother Wayne Kramer twin guitars on any song on "Kick Out the Jams" and you see where Skynyrd got the idea. Anyway, I don't understand J. Geils hagiography on an allegedly Detroit website. I did kinda get the drinking with Magic Dick reference. I was in Jack's on Mass Ave. with Peter Wolfe when Reggie Jackson actually cheated in the '77 World Series. The wooma-gooma voice of the J. Geils Band was outraged about the obvious cheating. Amazingly, the only other time I ever saw the guy was the night Isiah threw the inbound pass rightto Larry. Who hit DJ for the game winner. We were on the sidewalk. On Massachusetts Ave. Outside Jack's, home away fromhome of Bonny, the crazy redhead, Raitt. The club where they both became famous. About 200 back from the TV. He was a DJ before he ever got to sing "Love Stinks". Good guy. Boston guy. Anyway, that was the night Isiah became a legendary asshole pariah by attempting to denigrate Larry when Larry punked him on the court. "If he (WAS) black, he'd just be another player". Try the subjunctive, moron. Worse than Matt Millen's ouvre. We went home and played "Tales of Lucy Blue" aka, "Ramblin''Gamblin Man". Of course, if you love Detroit music, and you've got a brain these days, Edwin Starr was clairvoyant, except that it was "war" and not "occupation" he thought was patently useless. Two plus two is on my mind.
- Would everybody agree that Warren's Werewolf is the greatest werewolf song? But of course, he also wrote the great "lawyer" song. Did any of y'all ever see Warren in person? I can play a 12-string pretty well. This guy was ridiculously good. But he wrote condensed versions of history, world and personal. "I heard Woodrow Wilson's guns I heard Maria calling Saying, "Veracruz is dying And Cuernavaca's falling" Cuernevaca was a bad place to get caught up in historic moments. Apparently, Warren's best friend in his later years was John D. McDonald. Surprising he didn't seek out his fellow LA curmudgeon Walter Moseley, who carries the John D. McDonald flame. Walter Moseley wrote this: "You said don't shoot him, right? Well I didn't. I choked him. If you didn't want him killed, Easy, why'd you leave him with me?" Raymond "Mouse" Alexander. The definitive Don Cheadle role.
- I worked on the line one summer, courtesy of a UDHigh classmate's dad. I threaded nuts onto bolts for autpmatic transmission assemblies. Next guy on the line bolted them down with a pneumatic wrench. After two weeks, I couldn't stand it and switched to a janitorial job paying about $3 less per hour, and eventually just went back to minimum wage washing ORs with Wescodyne at Metropolitan Hospital. Is it still there? I don't think there was a woman on the line at the time. At the risk of being accused of descending into Sour mash woolgathering, this reminds me of the finest Detroit movie, and it neither involves (past tense or present in discussing movies?) Eminem nor Michael Keaton ( great movie). That would be Richard Prior, Harvey Keitel, Yaphet Kotto and Paul Scrader: Blue Collar. As a conspiracy idea, this movie was at least as good as The Parallax View. I wish Warren Beatty had put Bulworth in the original tinderbox ghetto. I'd never seen this video, but it's impressive. Martha is exceptionally attractive here. This song is better than any Supremes song. So's Dancing in the Streets; I saw both groups at the Michigan State Fair. Martha and the Vandellas ripped it up. Supremes played Reflections, and it was outstanding. I know this predates Nancy as a Detroit denizen. Used to be, we had the Motown Revue between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Two days for about $6. Temps, Tops, Steveland, Marvin and Tami, Supremes, Smokey, Martha & the Vandellas. White kids, black kids, no borders, music only. And really, identifying Iggy with late 60s Detroit rock is understandable. If you weren't there, you wouldn't know about SRC, though MC5 should have registered. We may have been drug-addled, but we thought Iggy was nuts, seger ruled, and the Quackenbush brothers were close to subway Gods. We didn't have a subway, but the reference should be obvious. Actually, the apex of rock in SE Michigan in 1968 was Procol Harum playing songs from Salty Dog at the Birmingham teen center before the album came out.
- If Martha had shown up in that get-up, I might have bobbled my assignment.
- oHow do we say? how do you heel
- oHow do we say? how do you feel
- In the day, we didn't live in the Grosses. We lived in Birmingham. Or Bloomfield Hills. We lived at Tiger Stadium. Nancy doesn't get it when she embraces Iggy. SRC was the band. . She's right but for all the wrong reasons. If you know anything about Detroit, tell me where Louis the Hatter and the Chessmate were. One street, actually.
- Isn't it strange what triggers memories, as Marcel Prousst might say about madeleines, or onion bagels, if he's grown up near the Fabulous Modern Bakery on 7Mile. In this case, vaulting a table in a single bound. My brother Chris was the singular athlete in a family of good athletes. Two of four played college football. Three of us were All-State in HS. My dad was a protege of Albert Sabin, who, family lore says fed me (God knows what) some sort of babyfood in my high chair (I know I would have preferred coffee black.) So anyway, we were getting the vaccine, like it or not. Chris bolted down a hospital corridor in abject horror at being stuck with a needle. Alert orderlies wheeled a gurney into his path, but Chris cleared it with no problem. He can't have been more than four. Now he's an incredibly highly paid corporate lawyer in Phoenix. What fueled his leap? He might claim some sort of inciipient Libertarianism (although he grew up with a giant Bobby Kennedy poster over his bed.) And although he knows you can't let everybody go packing. I asked him this specifically, and he agrees with me that it would take a dangerously out-of-control society to agree that Bob Knight should ever be allowed to get within miles of a gun. But anyway, he jumped the table. In his Senior HS year, at 5-11 tops, he cleared 6-7 in the Michigan State Meet, having never high jumped in competition, and also went something around 25 ft. in long jump. I suppose this is related to the Urban Legend about picking up a jeep and turning it around on a narrow jungle track. So anyway, Nancy, I think you were provoked, and you made a leap. We do things in unusual circumstances. I think you 've got an accurate memory. I wish you'd been blessed with something more benign. Like breakfast pastry. There's something abot this site. We have Bobby Riggs. Negotiated rules said Bobby was giving doubles lines to w
- Nancy Nall seems to understand what made Detroit speciaL, but she she never lived in the city. I lived in a suburb, too. Birmingham. I did go to school inside7Mile. Earlier today, I heard Persecution Smith on the MIT (wmbr, and download Winamp) radio station. Persecution Smith is what Detroit was about in the late Sixties. We knew you couldn't trust the government. It's definitive about why some time in history in Detroit was just better, and more instructive about politics Civics class. I used to trust the pledge of allegiance, until they beat me bloody down at the station. They haven't fot a word out of me since I goy a million years probation. When did doggerel written by a devoted Socialist become the fold standard for patriotism? Tomorrow, those wackjob homeless guys in Miami face life. They were supposedly committed to Al Quaeda. There oath of alliegance was administered by an FBI agent that promised them cash and shoes. I'm shaking in my boots. What's wrong with this country? Are we, is this country, joking? Like Jose Padilla, the famous 'dirty bomber'. The guy's IQ is approximately 70. Actually, Billie was given the doubles lines against a really old guy. If she wanted to prove something, she could have played Johnny Mac with the same rules. Or some other old guy. Game over. But she would have played him.49 vs. 70 is kinda stupid.
- Kill bill isn't Kill bill if it doesn't have Kwai Chang Cain. Old fool with eyerows,simply tedious. Attempt at Braid Lunner. Not even close. Blaid Lunner did a man's work.
- Painterly? I think I actually know what this means. I mean, I took a film course in jschool, supposedly for the easy A. Ahole didn't think anybody deserved an A Jack Nicholson, my dear, was never inestimable, and I thought criticism in Departed is a reversion to form. You know, Jack just plays Jack. This is such patent pap, I suppose there's no sense listening to anything that follows. Nancy, how much of your opinion, on both these movies, is based upon horrendous violence that's really hard for a human being to watch. I find it fascinating that so many Tarrantino acolyte critics criticize violence in The Departed, etc. Apparently they're Busheviks and believe Reservoir Dogs depicted tough interrogation rather than outright violence. Cutting up your face might make you give up the location of the putative suitcase, but why would you think your torturer would be about to kill you? And apropos of important things: gutdom Michigan, how did you lose to some team as immobile and unimaginative as Big Farm, and inflict Buckeyes on the football nation? When LSU smokes those guys, will the Big Ten admit playing Youngstown, Kent and Akron makes your record a sham? Rose Bowl takes Illinois. Yeah, well, tradition. Illinois? Tradition is camouflage for protecting the Ur-bowl from playoffs. If they wanted a midwestern conection, Mizzou beat Kansas convincingly. If there were playoffs, it's the #1 and #2 pretenders against Georgia and USC, and USC meets Georgia in the championship. Georgia and USC are the best teams now. The business about LSU only lost in overtime is spectacularly stupid. Overtime was instituted to do away with ties. So losing is like kind of a tie? There are all sorts of ideas about why the Big doesn't have a League Championship. They don't have enough good teams. Anyway. Today we have the release of the NIE concerning Iran and nukes. And not only was Iran not trying to make weapons since 2003, they couldn't until 2015. Weren't we getting ramped up by Wolfowitz (who's working for W again) to shock and awe?The idea that Iran wouldn't be interested in nuclear power because they're sitting on the ocean of oil is bittersweet. Oil? Nah? What sort of idiots would do that? Something that bothers me is the idea that Congress approved Shock and Awe. This is even more revoltingwith the passel-tongue Bush brain claiming it wasn't their idea. Google the so-called authorization that Hillary takes so much grief for. Read it. It didn't approve any invasion. What it said, is that W was supposed to try talking Saddam out of a confrontation. The Pope knew what the plan was, and it's a good bet Democrat's should have to. The old Polish guy said he'd go to Bagdhad to protect innocents. What a jerk. Two days later, the US launched several 500-lb. bombs on residential neighborhoods, and originally announced they'd killed Saddam. Mainly they killed kids at some regional version of MacDonalds. People that have run things for W are considered sensible. They blew up a country, on the basis of entirely bogus testimony they blamed on somebody else, but which history will prove they just made up. People these days wan't to talk about why these soldiers have died, and why thousands of soldiers have been left where they're getting no benefits. Greatest Generation? Kiss my ass. These aholes that other considerations screwed over VietVets. They're doing this same thing with the war they chose. They skate. Geez, W said he was in Texas, then he said he was in Bama. Everybody else is chattel. Deal isW was protecting the O club. Kerry was sneaking up some river. Everybody in the world knows this is absolutely true. But somehow there are voters that say it isn't? What is wrong with people? Or maybe the machines were just hijacked. In Sandusky County? Yeah. Maybe. We Sandusky County, we had the President, well the gut I said I'd make the president These dickheads chose not to believe but to promote bogus shit from a guy so whack the CIA called him curveball. I think they meant screwball. Nobody's seen him since. I think it was Chalabi.
- An SEC. A Southeastern Conference. And love may fail, but courtesy will prevail. So will the Southeastern Conference. Football's for dummies, of course. Not like soccer, where strategy is crucial and the plays amount to passing downfield or across the field. But there's college soccer thanks to real football. (The Georgia football team goes to the line with two plays and the QB calls it with the snap count, or he changes the play altogether. I guess you can be dumb and still know what you're supposed to do.) Football conferences fund research, and every other intercollegiate sport and activity, along with college newspapers. Football funds Title IX, for that matter (which is so number-befuddled it wiped out sporting opportunities for both women and men). So long as people buy into the myth of advertising and pay cash for watching talented and intelligent athletes play a very complicated sport, it's doing more good than most politicians. Every pulling guard puts a swimmer in the Olympics. Some of them go to med school. Of course jocks are a drain on society. W wishes he had an old Big Ten lineman to pardon him, instead of a bunch of political vampires who had other priorities and chose not to serve in any sense but service to cocaine (while slandering John Kerry--and that was slander. legally) . They sure loved Pat Tillman, of the Pathetic AC 10, when he used to be a hero. Now his family is aiding and abetting terris. Of course, if you think college sports don't contribute to campus life and American society, you probably still insist that Iran is building bombs, there were WMDs, Congress approved the invasion, and W giving Wolfowitz a new job are all good things.
- I apologize for spouting opinions. I apologize for running on too long. Hell, it's only bandwidth and I'm not taking up all that much. NancyNall is a seriously good writer. She almost never makes grammatic errors. No, she's exceptionally funny, class sarcastic and just really well written. And she abides speech, no matter if its Stellazine induced (I don't take it, my pard does, so I drink to keep back.) I would say if you want to talk about Detroit music, it pretty much starts with John Lee and ends with SRC and MC5 and Bob Seger and Hideout, not Iggy. And Marvin and the Supremes. We loved Motown. Why not? It was brilliant, Smokey, particuarly. But if I'm not primetime, if I worked for National Media, I'd hire NancyNall. Girl is a very fine writer. See y'all.
- Sorry. I won't intrude again
- Mindy. Ronettes rule. I say this as somebody that was a teenager when Ronny(i?) was a teenager herself. In pop music, it seems to me that originals are memorable. I wish the Boss would write a Christmas song, or let Clarence write one and immortalize it. Lord knows what it says for my self esteem that I've a weakness for tough girls. When I was nineteen and I went to Holy Cross, some friends and I were hitchhiking tothe Drumshambo Pub. (The Irish implications are imponderable.) Three girls clearly tougher than any of us (Two of their names were Whitey, Angel and Blackie. I took them at their word. We were hitching, and some guys pulled up. The ensuing conversation revealed that they'd welcome the companionship of the young ladies, and, as a gentleman, I objected on the ladies' part. One of the thugs in the Dodge Hornet objected (nice name for a muscle car--sounds like Georgia Tech). He took a swing, I nailed him in the jaw, my friends lit out. Last I remember. Next thing, Sunday morning, and it turns out Blackie knocked the guy out for hitting me. I can attest to the fact these were actual young women. Somehow they got me to my dorm room. Since that day I've thought, isn't that sort of experience what college is all about? And a couple of years later, I heard Warren for the first time, and 'Poor, Poor Pitiful Me resonated. For Christmas rock 'n' roll music, 'Father Christmas' fits my Jesuit liberation theology ass better than anything else. It amuses me that Shane McGowan's down and out (and spectacularly heartbreakingly gorgeous) Christmas melody and narrative shows up on Christmas cover albums. 'It was Christmas eve, babe, in the drunk tank'. KT Tunstall does a wonderfully exuberant version of what I think is a Christmas Classic on 2000 Miles. Scott Richardson and SRC, for those of y'all that remember late 60's Detroit music, used to do that 'Bells' song, in the manner of 'Hall of the Mountain King'. Actually, aside from all of the wonderful Motown original Christmas songs, and 'Christmas in Hollis" for the hip hop kid Nancynall readers who don't know how imaginative rap used to be, 'Merry Christmas Baby, by Otis, is probably nonpareil, so to speak. You either get Otis or you don't. Michael Bolton, John Bolton less a finger in the eye. Rod Stewart, much less so: Rod made a couple of disgraceful recordings, and unfortunately they get played on the radio. 'Maggie Mae' kind of sucked, after a while. Like 'Ode to Billy Joe'. Great songs overdone. But, oh my God, if you listen to Faces albums, brilliant. Anyway, there's the whole idea of Bob Dylan covers, and 'Only a Hobo' is so much better than 'All Along the Watchtower' it's not close. 'Three-button Hand-Me-Down'. (Did you ever stand and shiver, while lookin' at a frozen river--not a bad couplet.) In the long run, maybe Rod did his best on 'Ol' Man River' with Jeff Beck. I've always thought of this as a Christmas song: And then there's Keith Emerson's, Greg Lake's and Carl Palmer's Christmas idea, which seems quite current when the architects of Armageddon are running things. 'The Christmas we get we deserve.' Of course the ultimate chickenhawk doesn't get his apparent Christmas. Nobody's going to die in Tehran from Mothers of all Bombs. I was present at Michigan Dem Party conventions when I was a kid. Every time I hear something about the Republican Party being the party of Lincoln, I get a chill when Abe rolls over in his mouldering grave. Republicans are the party of racial divisiveness in America, and have been since the Southern Strategy was devised for Tricky Dick. Lee Atwater said so on his deathbed. When campaigns are launched at Bob Jones U (I'm Catholic, and when some mail fraud criminal several centuries down the road tries to manipulate Constitutional government and calls my religion a Satanic cult I'd like to beat up his no'count children when he's endorsed by the First Republican) and Arkadelphia (was Raygun's Oldtimers so advanced even then he didn't know about the three guys buried and unearthed there?) and butter wouldn't melt in these assholes mouths, my question is how stupid is the electorate? Of course, maybe the dope is that there's no hope. Democracy is the form of government in which the people know what what they want and they get it good and hard.
- James. You might wait until the devil rises up and drags Cheney into hell before you here Inagadadavida by Ella. Now, Pearli might accommodate you, and that would be just about as good, wouldn't it. I heard Odetta and Nina Simone sing Bob Dylan songs, in person. Saw Iron Butterfly in person do Innagadavida live in Ford Auditorium in Detroit, but they were overshadowed by billmates Sly and the Family Stone and , the scenestealing Chambers Bros. For ridiculously long songs from the late 60s, Time beat Inna buy a mile. And please, don't take me the wrong way. Innagaddadavida (and I no longer have my album to check spell) was a terrific song. But the lyrics of 'Time Has Come' are pretty amazing. Apocalyptic, actually. 'I'm thinking about the subway' and 'the rules have changed today'. I'm not sure which Chambers Bro wrote the lyrics, and I'm not sure whether or not 'the rules have changed' had to do with the death sentence the Nixon administration called the draft lottery for those that didn't have other priorities, and what that meant back then. These days, nobody worries about that, since the chickenhawks have created an underclass they can convince there's something like the GI Bill and the finest generation backwash of gratitude. Check out Lt. Whiteside: In my generation, and I studiously avoided Viet Nam participation, nobody was taken care of when they got home. Well they were. By people like me that were probably on the enemies list. For taaking care of veterans. I didn't get privileged admission to the Nar Guard and ignore duties, nor did I just make shit up like Cheney. What I did was to prepare for leaving the country to go to college in Montreal, with no guarantee I'd ever be able to return to the USA. These chickenhawk bastards have wasted so much cash on Blackwater and Cheney's portfolio, actually caring for damaged soldiers challenges their bottom lines. When you came home from WWII, you got a house for next to nothing and went to school for zip. When you came out there was a job. Could somebody explain to me how W hasn't lied his ass off about the NIE? Well, no. He may be stupid. But we're left with two ways of seeing things. He's either lying his ass off, becaues we'll all be dead, and we got away with lying our asses off before, edging toward endtimes. Or he's entirely, a moron, like when he just didn't get a clue from the 9/11 warning about Al Quaeda. I don't expect anything better from this heinous war-profiteers. I know this isn't a political site. But holy shit, you people seem to be intelligent commentators on language (maybe), but certainly on calling assholes on just lying. I don't think anybody's said this. This all makes it clear the administration lied, like flying carpets, to Congress and to the American people about Iraq. Beyond all comprehension, they thought they could get away with it again. I know nobody thought any of the neocons were cool, but these assholes need a whirlie. They tried to pull the same shit twice, who's dumb enough to buy it? People have been buying Cheney's shit for years. Romney trying on JFK? Sorry bud. Where's Loyd Bentsen when the country really needs him? I'm not big on requiring religios bona is based upon a scam separating secularism from politics. If you're religion all comes down to the underpants, shut the hell up.
- Something came to me in a dream. Actually two things. Shouldn't everybody be seriously woried about this bisarre Wizard of Os, and that Jerk behind the curtain, nonsense regarding what the President knows? Trying to develop, trying to pursue? WTF and all the way to something like they might have thought about. What the definition of is is? What do you think? Blowing up Iraqis for no good reason? Haven't these chickenhawk assholes exposed their modus from Iraq. What's the other argument? There isn't one remoteley sensible. They lied their asses off and they did it for cash. I'm willing to listen to arguments, but you'll lose.
- del Well maybe if they think this happens, God meant it to.. This is not reality based.
- del, how the hell do they continue to just lie and get away? With the NIE and the CiA not backing them up don't they look kike lying shits for years? I mean, were lhey lying their lying asses off about Saddam begore they blew up all those innocent people? Ehen they said they had the slightst clue they knew where he was? Or did they just murder those people? For no reason whatsoever? Wouldn't that make them war criminals? These chickenhawk can't just make up the rules. They killed people for no reason. Could somebody esplain to me how that isn't patently obvious? Who dropped the bombs for entirely fabricated reasons, If you think there's a difference from Nazis and Guernica, show me. The US bovernment commidtted war crimes they'll never admit to. But they comitted them and continue to.
- I never wrote dick been alleged to me, Somebody busted in here and caused intercessions, Assholes, Why s anybody bothering with me? Let him face a man. I'll kill him with my bare hands. What sort of dickheads are bothering with my stuff. Why wouldn't be doing this on the net but it apparently is some sort of internet creep. No balls.
- If you (and I'm talking about Ron Paul) claim to be a Libertarian, how do you not tout your posiition on legalizing drugs? This guy mails me cardboard slick pamphets daily. They're as full of abuse of the English language as the are of non-English speakers, like illegals flaunt US law. They may flout the law, but, please, they don't flaunt the law. You flaunt that big diamond or your Bat Mitzvah spread. When the Lou Dobbs candidate can't speak English, and spends a fortune to flaunt in direct mail. how am I supposed to feel? Actually, having been raised by intelligent people, and having been predisposed to loving language, I know how to feel. And loving musical satire as I do, Randy Newman has this one. 'Jesus what a jerk, you're tripping over your own self now'. Every cReepub is a total asshole. Any one of the Democratic combatants is perfectly acceptable as a sane aternative. Sorry Nancy. I konw this isn't political. When things get to blowing off the Constitutiom in the interest of Cheney's cash from Halliburton, things have gotten out of hand. There's a pretty good question of good citizenship here. Beyonce is Diana lite? Reporters are standing up, for a change. The administration tried the same lies they used about Iraq. That's obvious. World War III, you asshole? We already heard that.
- What in the world made you subject yourself to this? If you're bound and determined, as they say, to be evil enough to be put away by the state, I suppose you should do it in Utah. Pretty clear these days that lethal injection is cruel and unusual. Catholic Church may, or may not, be benighted about abortion. Far as killing grownups for revenge, or politics, pretty clear. The late Pope was a willing shield before Shock and Awe. Didn't see Jerry Falwell volunteering. Mosaic law. Whose oxen are taking the horns? I witnessed somebody being killed by gunshot in Worcester, Mass, I think on Sept. 5, 1969. Not something I'd ever want to see again.
- Merry Christmas, y'all. I'm inclined to God Rest Ye. Saw MJQ on the old Today Show do that very merry carol when I was a kid, and those guys could play. Of course, its a drinking song, and somewhat cynical. Newspaper typos are something thoughtful people should cherish. They tend inadvertantly to communicate national angst If you apply 'peddling' to the invasion and occupation, you end up with Cheney's war profiteering. Republicans love Musharraf, who is the patron saint of A.Q. the H.R. Macy of the nuclear bazaar. Our great anti-terriss pal seems to actually make things easy for Al Quaeda, and then his nemesis is murdered. One way or another, this is all money for Vice Presidents with stock holdings. Shiite Iraq is Iran West without moderates, Kurdistanis a powerful rogue state, and the Sunnis willnever give up. Anyboddy with n internet connection could have seen this exactly before the invasion. We spent a bunch on Doctors Without Borders, for Christmas and for tax season. Mostly my idea, picturing biplanes and silk scarves We build Jimma houses and makethe food runs. We don't think we do enough
- Cosmo. Dubya got reelected, if you could call it that, on the basis of the Swift Boat slander and the Ohio vote hijack (announced ahead of time). His 'reelection' was about as legitimate as Putin's or Musharraf's. Please cf Mencken's opinion about democracy, stupidity, and deserving to get it good and hard.. If Musharaf didn't have Bennazir Bhutto killed, they certainly looked the other way. If it was Al Quaeda, why didn't they kill the US great ally in the war against global terrism (no typo)? Inesplicable. As in, Lucy can't splain. Anyway, there's no such thing as worst typo. They're all wonderful. The Athens (GA) Banner Herald 48 point headline for J2P2: First Non-Catholic Pope, surely rules.
- Carry on, Nicola y Bart. I thought the world ended when my mom died. But it didn't. It was only less excellent. She loved Warren Zevon but she loved James Taylor even better. My dad loves James Taylor, I'm pretty sure because my mom did. And Rhymin'. And there's the 'Mother and Child Reunion' business. Fairly awesome song. My dad went to law school when he got bored with emergency medicine. I'm pretty sure he likes 'Lawyers, Guns and Money'. Me, I'm partial to 'When the Levee Breaks'.
- Considerably better than The Five People, right from the getgo. Really, don't you think most people have stories like this in their family histories? As much as this might sound like Mitch Albom, people do rise to greatness. No telling if they had it in them in the first place. Maybe there's a certitude of moral fiber genetically endowed. Was John Brown a driven moral actor or a maniac? My dad's 89 and he's undertaking an autobiography. He taught at the University of Arkansas Med School when the first female, black sudent, Edith Irby Jones, attended. A few years later, he encountered her in her final stages of a life-threatening pregnancy, when she'd been denied treatment at an all-white hospital. Things turned out well, eventually. My dad raised hell, got her medical attention from a superb (white) obstetrician. Dr. Jones suffered post-Caesarean complications and was unable to nurse. My mom had recently produced me, so she nursed the baby. My dad was a little late for WWII (served in the Philipines, but hell, sounds like MASH to me, I mean they were doctors), but I think he acted heroically when confronted with racism. I think my mother did too. Anyway, I see a connection between the unassuming war hero and the unassuming civil rights hero. I saw that connection with Kerry, but what in the world would I know about being a true American ensuring the bourbon supply at the Tejas National Guard OClub iinstead of cruising the Me Kong when Nixon decided to invade Cambodia? Happy New Year, y'all, the year before President Richardson extracts the troops and welcomes the Other America that does the dirty work.
- Architects know how to do renderings. Pictures of how the results will appear. If they really want to tell you how a building will turn out, they'd let you talk to a spec writer that knows what materials can be used, and how they're applied, how they can be used, and to their junior associate designers that know how things can actually be built. Architects, in general, know nothing about either, and don't care. In larger firms, guys that might once have known something about building real buildings that real people might inhabit drink coffee around fax machines and dream up ways to market their practices, to enhance their partner disbursments. Partnerships are earned by landing big fish with pretty pictures, drawn by somebody making dick. When architects get to court, as they usually do on large projects, it's everybody else's fault. In fact, it's usually the fault of moronic and greedy owners and contractors, but the blame almost always devolves to subcontractors that did what they were told by architects, usually against their own warnings and advice. Everything lands in court, and everybody eventually splits the cash. Except the little guys. So, since the boomtime Raygun years the money has been changing hands but never stopping with the people who do the work or the people who know how it ought to be done. It's interesting, it's all about language. Architects use the word 'involved' all of the time. As opposed to 'I decided'. Instead of saying 'I think' or 'I believe' or 'I know', Architects (pardon the capitalization, that's the way we do it in AIA documentation) seem to have been trained at RISDee or Penn State or whatever to say I suppose, you know if you did that , well, maybe. Oh, and I may have been asked to consult on that. The people that do the real work, and still know what they're doing, aren't payed well at all, but they know design and figure partnership and bucks are only a kiss away. Sleaze factor. I don't think most of these people succumb, because they've grown up seeing their designs usurped by the very guys they've seen usurp their ideas to land the bigger bucks for other office plums and those dinner dates and marketeering. Modern architecture is exactly like MadMen on HBO, without the Scotch. Mies van de Roh sold people on the beauty of faceless and indifferentiable steel boxes with vaguely green glass. But as usual I'm beside the point. The point is that art is art and, by its essence and nature is impractical (beside the point). Architects are for people to whom price is unimportant, and they sure as hell know nothing about wiring and plumbing. If you're Mad Ludwig and you don't care what it costs, hire an architect. If you live in the real world of cash on the barrel head, if you need advice about a house you own, or that you're thinking about acquiring, get a licensed home inspector, for all the good that that will do (they'll be working with the real estate lady, and probably having an affair with her). Or, you could get a plumber and an electrician or a construction spec writer. Architects (like advertising) would cease to exist without somebody telling them what was possible and how to do it, and that it actually mattered. My apologies to Deborah. Not all architects are poseurs with no societal value. Just most of them when they hit the big time and turn into showmen and Mickeymarketeers. Ever hear of those panes of glass showering down on people walking near the Hancock and the Copley T stop in Boston? IM Pei designed the Hancock with apparently no consideration for the wind tunnel effect of an insular city with higher winds than Chicago built an airplane wing tower of glass along the lines of cowpaths, on backfill. Because he could. Mr. Pei graduated from MIT and the Harvard School of Design. The building looked cool and actually mirrored the eights practicing on the Charles. Some engineer (a few million bucks and several 4bys of plywood in) finally figured out how to make it work. They put in sensors that tell the automatic temperature control system to suck in when the wind sucks out. Mostly, architects know nothing about materials and applications in my experience, and, in my experience, they care less about their lack of knowledge, the building should be what it wants to be. I once had an argument about wood for carels in a public library. The designer said 'they want to be Pau lope'. I said he should use red oak, which is endangered, but at least it's farmed, and the cost difference was monumental. Mortally stupid idea. Pau lobe is a gorgeous and incredibly hard (think drill press through iron bars, and everything pre-drilled, like a prefab metal building) wood, that costs a fortune and does cause Brazillian farmers to cut vast tracts of rain forest land to get at. This was a public project, so it required public hearings. When this subject and its cost came up, I pointed out that pau lope was endangered in the rain forest. Far as I know, it wasn't, but it was a liberal town in Massachusetts and the deal was done. Case closed, but my architect said, 'OK, red oak, but it wanted to be pau lope'. And I thought I did a good thing stiemying a visionary's conversation with the wood. It wasn't like calling Pablo Picasso an asshole, which nobody ever did, more like saying three noses was one to many. But I had to interrupt what seemed to me udtter nonsense. That's architecture. I understand his artistic instincts and those carels would have been beautiful and jackknife-proof, but, give me a break. Now maybe somebody will find her initials carved inside a prepubescent heart of love, sometime in the future, no thanks to the thoughtless architect. And those people in Newton saved a bunch of cash. Architects are artists thrust into the real world, and they get corrupted by the need for money. Whoever designed the top of the Chrysler Building (and I'll guarantee it wasn't who got the credit for it) was, in my mind, a more brilliant artist than, say, somebody that dripped paint on a large canvas. More like somebody that did Nighthawks at the Diner.
- Oh, and the drunk guy? Let him kill himself however he chooses, because that's probably the way he feels now. Bet he wouldn't write it off as inevitable. Carbon monoxide poisoning is apparently painless. None of the state offered options are. If people want to support the current death penalty options, make them say it's for revenge, not deserved punishment. This wasn't an offense against humanity compared to the invasion of Iraq, and the defender of the NatGuard Oclub walks free. The judge and the jury make up a social sampling that have surely driven a car with an illegal blood alcohol level. As have most of the people calling for this guy's head on a pillory. There but for the grace of God. Maybe W can be on hand to mimic the condemned. It's a lonely nation. Will the real Martian please stand up. No, that's privileged. And he stopped cocaine some unspecified time ago. And we don't torture. Isn't torture a transitive verb that requires an object, or a human being?
- Chris Matthews elides by more syllables than Lou Holtz, but if he isn't talking about Notre Dame, South Carolina or Georgia Bulldogs, the Really Old Ball Coach generally has some vague idea what he's talking about. The Swollen Head is rarely coherent, much less rational. Straight out of the W School of Communications. And then there are those creepy man-crushes: "Does [Fred Thompson] have sex appeal? … Gene, do you think there’s a sex appeal for this guy, this sort of mature, older man, you know? … Can you smell the English leather on this guy, the Aqua Velva, the sort of mature man’s shaving cream, or whatever, you know, after he shaved? Do you smell that sort of — a little bit of cigar smoke? You know, whatever." Holy crap, Tweety, get the loofah and order some falafel from the Persian takeout. And this about Rudy, "I think we want a president -- like, we grew up in a big city, you know, I grew up near Boston -- four-alarm fire, the police commissioner's there, the police, the fire commissioner's there, the mayor's there. They're standing on the street corner telling us what's going on as they look up at the fire." Actually, Rudy was trying to reach his safe room in the Command Center. Oops, put that sucker in the WTC after the Blind Mullah Bombing. Dang, I hate when that happens. I wonder if the NYPD was trying to deliver Judith to the bunker with the phenobarb and a copy of My Pet Goat. What sort of panic must have ensued when Rudy only had the Fire Department radio and his Valentine was trying to reach him on the Police band? The prospective Republican candidates are hilarious. I feel safe in saying that because there is no way in the world any of them can get elected (otherwise, it wouldn't be funny at all). I seriously hope they settle on the guy that believes Our Lord walked with the dinosaurs descendants of the pair Noah took on the Ark. And when he opens his Walmart Campaign Wedding Registry, I'll be sure he gets a case of SlimFast in the camo edition cans. Anyway, Ron Paul has already killed entire rain forests with the campaign tripe he's sent to our address alone. Nothing will stop him from running, and I don't see Democratic voters going for the guy that mails out facsimile Social Security cards in the name of Juan Doe. For the Greedy Old Plutocrats, this election could be a defenestration of McGovern proportions. And I'll laugh my ass off. Lee Atwater repented suborning the Constitution, on his deathbed, and this will be his Revenge from Beyond the Grave on the obscene spawn of his star pupil's one-party revolution. What's going to be left of the Gigantic Oil Purveyors will, in fact, be three parties scrabbling for meager attention: the Norquist Party, the Antediluvianist Rapturites, and the PNACenturions.
- So there is an American Taliban. Are these people wackjobs capable of suicide bombings. Yeah probably, and dis they hide the murderer Rudolph in the NC badlands for years. Yep. My ex-wife and I went through the horrible experience of an abortion, back when we were too young to assume the responsibility of raising a child. If you asked either of us now, since we have a perfect child, we'd both have the baby. At least I knew she'd be treated well and the procedure would be aseptic. Holier than thou assholes ought to shut the hell up. They condone shooting doctors with rapid-repeaters and scopes. They insist celibacy advice convinces kids not to have sex. Anybody with a sort-of intact cerebral cortex knows this is just made up shit. Are these assholes nuts? Kids will have sex because its normal, and a biological imperative. And, it's fun. And some Bush hag told them it would make their palms gtow hair. Where do they come from? Bosnia? Al Quaeda in Iraq, as if that's an actual terriss group instead of Iraquis opposed to shock and awe, and the occupation.? That would be W's conservativism. These people are terriss a whole lot more threatening than the retard Jose Padilla.
- Whatever happened to Hells Angels showing up to shut these shickenshit mofos mouths/
- These are the same jackasses that bought into the Short Boat calumny. Where, to this day, is John Edwards? Any doubt Kerry's boat was in Laos, or Cambodia, or both is pretty much hilarious. We know for a fact that W was well in to his coke-inducd defense of the O Club at that time. These are pretty much facts in had. W avoided the flight surgeon, Kerry pulled guys out of dange while taking wounds himself. This didn't happen? These decorated heros are lying? It must be nice to be a chickenhawk. I didn't go to Vietnam. I was 18 in the lottery in 1970. At the time, I was IA. Then I went to college. 4H. Then, my dad told me they'd never reach my number. My second number was 86. Its complicated but I'm out of it. I'm not scared. What's revolting is that anybody brings this shit up. Trying to make something out of nothing,
- Nancy, that's almost, close as anybody'ss gonna get, to another Bronte sister. Shit, I saw Heathcliff walking the moors. I'm not joking.
- Nancy. No joke. I thought it was excellent. You know the Merle Oberon and Sir Whatsis version that's supposed to be definitive? How does Hollywood decide there's a happy ending to this story? There obviously isn't. And once again I've managed to be a jerk to a really nice girl. Story of my sorry life.
- Uh, what were y'all doing this morning when you rooted out the multefareous garbage from your newspapers and really woke up, when you saw that Parade magazine had a live interview with Benazir Bhutto? More lives than a cat or Generalissimo Franco? Sadly, I believe she's still, and quite, dead. I'd say this was a day nose-trick with Maxwell's House was in order. Sometime back when Nancy was talking about superbly absurd typos, I shared the 'Pubic auction" (amended in later edition to announce 'Pubic action"), and the truly immortal Athens Banner Herald WWIII headline about the first non''Catholic Pope. I really wish they had a photo-op picture of her with W, because he's lunch too. On the side of Syrianness, I mean seriousness, this woman seemed to embody a love of country and intellect Pakistan and the world were in dire need of. The idea of personal corruption that's connected to her, and to her family, like rosy-fingered is connected with dawn, is pretty much a manufacture of the bastards that strung up her dad to take power and dthe omnipresent American World Dirty Tricks apparat. Her transgressions, if they existed, were in the range of less than $10mil. In other words, what it cost for one of AQ Khan's government-built bidets. If the USA insists on setting up tinhorns like Musharraf, shit will definitely flow downhill. Raygunism at its finest, unintended consequences included, because these people wer nitwits, blind ideologues or maneuvering for cash. The same people that produced the Taliban brought us the Nuclear Bazaar, and God knows who's been shopping there. Anyway. How could Parade publish this? They didn't know about the banana peel left by a security guard that caused her to fracture her skull on the sunroof knob? They had since 12/27/07 to amend this. I mean, obviously this isn't actual journalism, but is Walter Scott running things? She was killed two weeks ago. Even Dana Perino knows that, and she only knows what she's been told. W probably got in today's Presidential Daily Brief and sent a sympathy note to Beavis. There's what's perfectly strange, and then there's what's just inexplicable.
- These fools actually cited a Pakistani election, day after tomorrow. This is FUBAR beyond the capability of... well, Little Miss Runamok, Alberto Gonzalez, or Harriet Miers could pull this off. Heckuva Brownie, for sure. And a majority of Americans still believe the WTC bombers were Iraqis carrying out a plan masterminded by Saddam. For a long time, I've believed the Florida Election Board and the Supreme Court had put Americans in Bizarro World. Now they'll believe Benazir Bhutto isn't dead. It's a lonely nation because the real Martian wouldn't be caught dead here, much less please stand up. Parade would say, the real Martian, she's still alive.
- Nancy, you're being gracious. This was positively inexcusable. I know what it would have cost, and when this turns into some hand-wringing about seemliness I will vomit. She wasn't light or breaking news. She was the face of a world neocons don't want to face up to. I understand the economics. So do they. They had to have a backup. They sure as hell didn't print this before she died. NFW. Whatever history says, Musharraf killed her and he did it for whatever AQKhan passes his way. That's what I think. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm pretty sure I'm not. Shipping this when the only guy in the world, who's a catspaw for AQ Khan, that wanted her murdered, that's Bushian.
- It's not rotogravure, it's digital. They could have inserted more photos of little blonde kids petting lions. The press run these days takes about an hour and a half. They could have inserted some acknowledgment the woman is assassinated. The more this story gets jerked around, the more it sounds like Michael Palin insisting the parrot is dead and John Cleese telling him it isn't. But when you're talking about sitting on nukes, maybe it's not so funny. (Which was probably Terry Gilliam's point in the first place.) Aside from anything else, everybody involved swore there was nothing racial about the pursuit like a rabid dog of Barry Bonds (including reproters never prosecuted that leaked sequestered Grand Jury testimony) , but Roger Clemens, the Roid-Rage poster-child gets his day in court with 60 Minutes. Steroids can make you able to pitch when you're hurt. Steroids never added an inch to a homerun. These are medical facts. So for the Michelin man white pitcher rthe jury's out and for the black guy that looks just like Magic at the same age, he cheateId. I guess it was Barry that threw the splintered bat at Mike Piazza after almost killing him with a 97mph fastball about a week earlier. It's your country. It doesn't exactly suck, but it sure as shit is not what anybody expected. if they actually read the Constitution. I'll explain,, if you like.
- All I ever meant to say in the first place is that these Fred Phelps people are trashing funerals, figuratively walking on gravestones. Down south, that amounts to fightin' words. I do admit I figure what they do is the next thing to condoning or paying for swiftboating, and I think if they find a voting booth they're voting for W or Huckabee. Once you disrespect gravesites there's no going back. Saddam: seriously long purgatory where he has to be towell-clad with Ron Raygun. Gerry Ford? Holy shit, he pardoned the spawnof Satan to be President. Well no hedidn't actually The current sad excuse putsNixon to shame. Nixon never thought of signing orders. Actually, these chickenhawk assholes never gave a shit for the Constitution, American Government, or a single US citizen. If nobody's watching, they probably intend taking over. They do have it all in place. Or they're actually even too stupid for that. But they did pull the short boat thing. And Americans were that guttdom stupid.
- Bassett: Exactly.
- Looks pretty much like an assisted suicide setting, but you can't hear the Smiths album. Apropos of nothing, here's something even stranger: Ted Stevens thinks money's being wasted. Or not. And wasn't it natural gas that did the real damage back in Aught6?
- The glass of wine in the photo brings up something that's been interfering with my normally straightforward thought processes. An ancien amour (she's not ancien, the amour is, mostly) sent me an album by Jay Farrar for Christmas. Called Terroir Blues. Jay Farrar used to be Jeff Tweedy's partner in Uncle Tupelo before Jay became entirely obscure and Jeff became Wilco, an excellent band when he's not in rehab. Mr. Farrar is capable of playing guitars well enough that sometimes he sounds like Stephen Stills and sometimes he sounds like Richard Thompson. Either is impressive, both superb. I know terroir has something to do with growing grapes, but not what it means exactly, nor how to pronounce it if I decided to recommend the record. Which I heartily do. It's brilliant. An actual album, download-unfriendly and endlessly surprising, like a Beatles record or Electric Ladyland. Or Astral Weeks or Frank's Wild Years, or Arthur. Gratuitous loosely-rhymed couplet from Jay Farrar inserted to forestall fulminations about shuffling songs: Call me on the telephone tell me what a fool feels like/you've been pushed before push back with all your might. But, really. We've got Shuffles for our bikes and our kayaks, but the best music of the last 40 years was made into albums carefully conceived and ordered. Any song made between 1966 and about 1990, no matter how individually compelling, is better in the album setting. Marvin Gaye made brilliant singles. I've got the MP3s. But Ain't No Mountain doesn't come close to What's Goin' On? Put Satanic Majesty's Request or Magical Mystery Tour out of order. Everybody's heard Jesse Colin Young sing Get Together on the radio. Would be less cloying if the next song was Darkness, Darkness. Would any of these people go onstage and play songs at random? Well, some of them might, but the point's clear.
- Where is it written? And this is pretty funny: Neither can write his way out of the plastic bag they're clawing each other in, but one's just a harmless nerd and the other's a vile slug. But what in the world is a real conservative these days. Safire? Bey Buchanan? Michelle Malkin? Jeb? They'd better figure this out. I'm putting my money on Richard Viguerie and Grover Norquist. Permanent feudalism was always what conservatives intended. But how do they deal with Huckabee? This is a stupidity revolution on a roll. A letter to the editor in today's Seattle Times called the "fair tax" national sales tax "progressive". Now, "Orwellian" has been battered into meaninglessness by the current administration and the people disgusted with it. But calling a presale tax on food and clothing "progressive", and using the "presale" feature to claim the tax is 23% instead of 30%, put the ratcage on my head. Even W wouldn't spout this crap. Well, yeah, if he thought he could get away with it, and somebody could teach him the elementary math, l'etat ces moi. Should be a pretty simple signing statement. All of that aside, when a prospective candidate comes out with something so nuts as to be, seemingly, immediately disqualifying, how does he remain a viable candidate. Huckabee's tax proposal is pretty close to pulling down his pants and waving his weenie in a school zone. One of my homestate Senators is Jim Deminted, who also believes in a national sales tax. He's there to make Lindsay Graham seem human.
- Danny, is it possible to waste bandwidth? If it runs out, there are always the other internets.
- "But there is absolutely no way that Barry did not do steroids and there is absolutely no way that it did not help his home run hitting." That's rational? You know this because Rick Reilley and Jim Rome said so? How about your assumption, with no evidence, that I'm white, or ever felt guilty about anything? In track and field, steroids have been used for a single purpose, to quicken recovery and allow more intensive training schedules. Steroids don't build muscles, they allow muscle-building, and they sure have nothing to do with hand-eye coordination and bat speed. The idea that muscular strength actually has much to do with hitting homeruns is pretty silly. Watch a Mariners game. The premier singles hitter (probably, hitter period) in the history of the game can jack one pretty much when he decides to. Ichiro's about a buck50. That a substance that facilitates quick recovery from exertion would help aging pitchers, well a moron could see that. And then there's Roger's insane onfield behavior to account for. Unless Fred Phelps told him Mike Piazza is in fact gay and that offended his Christian soul. Far as OJ is concerned, found not guilty in LA, more or less guilty in Simi Valley. Evidence against him is less compelling than the single-bullet theory, and his Javert should be in prison for falsifying evidence instead of playing militia in Idaho. People in Simi Valley would vote for a cop videotaped beating the snot out of a black guy who wasn't resisting. Oh, wait. Something like that actually happened. I do believe the Aryan Brotherhood not only uses but traffics in anabolic steroids.
- OK MichaelG, what about plastic containers? No way there's an easy IKEA solution to keeping bottoms with tops. You'd think after all this time the Tupperware people would have produced a handi solution. We've got pushpins in the walls above the sink and the stove, Bentham utilitarianism, but I can never remember what goes where. (And I'll mail a candy cane to anybody that explicates that gratuitous literary allusion, unless there are too many of you.) I do all the cooking 'round here, and my secret to some semblance of simplicity is use only one knife.
- I refuse to pay good money for freezer bags, which actually cost twice what they're alleged to because you have to double them. And freezing mason jars would be a problem. I cook for two, and spaghetti sauce made with fresh tomatoes is our staple. Buy all the marked down produce and make it in a gigantic batch once a month. Containers for the freezer are a necessity. I've got a major league collection of Helluva Good Bacon Horseradish tubs, each of which holds a perfect portion for two, and it's plastic not headed to landfill.
- Connie. It's an interesting idea. If it's true, it begs the question of why Jeremy Bentham actually wrote pretty good poetry. Oh damn. You mean he was being ironic? Both Emerson and Thoreau characterized themselves as poets. Thoreau was capable of a decent effort. Emerson was execrable, period. There's the bee poem: BURLY, dozing humble-bee, Where thou art is clime for me. Let them sail for Porto Rique, Far-off heats through seas to seek; I will follow thee alone, 5 Thou animated torrid-zone! Zigzag steerer, desert cheerer, Let me chase thy waving lines; Keep me nearer, me thy hearer, Singing over shrubs and vines. Holy crap, that makes Styx sound profound, like poets.
- There's no place but one where pasta should meet potatoes, minestrone. Regarding my opinions about Roger Clemens and the obvious racial divide: he taped a private phone conversation without telling his corespondent he was taping it. Unless there's some signing statement of which I'm not aware, this is a direct violation of federal eavesdropping laws. And if this didn't amount to suborning a potential witness, by threat of force and other extortion, I'm Greta Van Susteren, before or after the fair and balanced makeover. But he get's the benefit of the doubt? Because he's not a jerk? Barry never dreamed of being such a monsstrous jerk. Actually, when Roger says he didn't play his career for the Hall of Fame? Well, I believe he's done idt for the cash, so I guess he doesn't lie all the time. Piazza is a surefire Haller. No catcher ever hit like that. His caught-stealing is qestionable, but anybody knows anything about baseball would know Nomo's delivery would make things impossible. So Clemens' assaults by intentional beanball and throwing the bat shards is almost inexplicable. Well, there's roid rage. I apologize for bringing this up again, but this jerk questioned my commitments to my beliefs, my knowledge and racial equlity in the face of a bunch of decent people whose opinion I think is kinda valuable. You know, the utterly estimable Randy Newman, who I think is a son of the Middlewrs had a comment on this sort of garbage in the song Mr. Sheep. That would be Jesus, what a jerk. I may not be black, but I just might strike a match for freedom myself. On the subject of steroids, he's incredibly ignorant, and he was exceptionally insulting on the subject of race. So anyway, cooking. Potatoes are the ultimate, actually perfect, thickening agent that doesn't involve just cooking for hours and hours. You can't make chowder without redskins, in my opinion. Maybe this is my unadulterated Irishness. The potato is the perfect food. But it does better on it's own with condiments and bacon bits, odr sliced up pepperoni. Let me ask you this;' You all think ifyou jack steroids you get dytong, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzznoy om s nbillion yrstd And I graduated from the Henry Grady School of Journalism. What I loved more than anything was the newspaper room, where we had the Louisville and Sacramento papers when they were awe-inspiring. Nancy might be able to enlighten y'all about Henry Grady. Ralph McGill risked his life, and so did Reg Murphy. And there were Crawford Long and Henry W. Grady. I think these were all white guys lacking white guilt. Jesus, what a jerk. Sorry for these preoccupations. I graduated from a Southern school, but I was around Boston for Louise Daye Hicks. It's kind of amazing that Manifest Destiny in all of its manifest ugliness isn't the mortal stain, but it's slavery. Of course now it's the willingness to commit torture, and run secret prisons. Not my values. Not my country. If you think the voter suppression and fraud in Volusia County, and Diebold's CEO vowing W would win '04 in Sanduskuy County no matter what it takes If you're so teisted you think Kerry was a traitor rather than a hero. Buy that, W. Horseshit. It's not a willing suspension of disbelief, it's a willing suspension of reality. Dodging the draft in '68 wasn't cowardice, it was intelligence. Unless you were just a chickenshit.
- If you think you use steroids, you get strong? Man, I've beentaken to the cleaners,Jammed once and for all.
- Buy what? What Terroir Blues? The rest of what anybody says. This is so good its ridiculous
- There’s no fighting in Why not? Bandwidth? None of this had to do with records. That's just stupid. Only time I ever thought I was on a roll was somewhere around 1500 yards in a 1750 season. People that dislike this woman want to talk about her nearly perfect plan for providing health care to almost every American. Why are there Americans that don't think Americans should have health care, and if if a woman proposed it it's particularly odious? Give me a Godamm break, you troglodytes, aholes. Jesus what a jerk. What I think is if you flat-out lie, they ought to kick your ass out. Anybody claiming Roger is telling the truth, they're making Barry look like a big-time truth-teller. Anybody that instinctively believes Roger is telling truth does so because he's white. Fact, jack. And he's a major league liar. I seriously doubt it's ever been convenient for Barry to be black. If you've the unmitigated gall and the racist intent to actually claim this, you're a racist pig that obviously hates Bonds because of his skin color. Why not just admit it? You might feel better?
- Pete broke the law, and there was no position on the field at which his ineptitude could be hidden. Maybe he belongs in the HOF of baseball, but only as the inspiration for the designated hitter position. Bad infielder, woeful outfielder, ludicrous first baseman. Meanwhile, Goose goes in, Jim Ed doesn't, Hillary rules, and nobody even considers Freddy Lynn, who was a better ballplayer than all of them put together. Weren't Hillary's speech and Barrack's concession enough to put Republicanism to bed permanently. Not Bobby, but it's encouraging to see there's some there there. I'd love to see how the two comments are rendered in PowerPoint in today's Presidential Brief. And the look on W's face as he tries to figure out where it all went wrong. Far as I know, Sammy didn't break any laws. Of course, far as juries of his peers are concerned, neither did OJ Simpson. Neither did Detective Fuhrman. Selective prosecution and conviction in the Court of Public Opinion seem to be an unfortunately enduring aspect of the great American experiment in democracy, which, of course is barely a Republic, and more like monarchy, what with signing statements and illegal pocket vetoes and all. Does the USA have a Runnymede? Right in our backyard, here in Hilton Head. Drag his sorry ass down here and he'll get a fair trial before admitting to trashing the Constitution. These things are all connected. Bonds will be exonerated and everybody will still believe him guilty. If Clemens is so mind-numbed by injections he lies under oath to Congress, he'll probably get away with that, too. And Mark Fainaru-Wada, the astoundingly slovenly alleged journalist, won't ever be prosecuted for quite obviously breaking the law to make a slew of cash. If only Mark Twain and HL Mencken were here to comment on the grand nature of American Democracy in action. That would be some kinda web log.
- What exactly is potted meat as opposed to canned? Or spam? How is this subfood group related to scrapple, and to head cheese? It would take more than sixteen slugs from a thirty aught six to get me to taste test any of this stuff. Who eats this offal anyway? Now, Slim Jims are a whole 'nother story. Upton Sinclair, in his dreams.
- Jack was in the best movie anybody ever made, and the portrayal of Jake Gittes is just as good as at it gets in movies, and that would be Chinatown. The point of movies is is to fool you. Maybe rosebud fooled you. Maybe the story of Ilse and Rick fooled you. Maybe those photos in Blowup fooled you. If you say Jake Gittes and Mrs. Mulray didn't fool you, you didn't ever like movies in the first place. If you say that's not true, I'd say you're lying, or you don't know what you're talking about. There is no way there's a better movie. Aside from Bladerunner. Best movie ever made.
- Oh, god. Breaker Morant broke my heart. But in that vein, there are Paths of Glory and Gallipoli. One with the most gorgeous song. The other so morally frightening it should have put an end to chickenhawks waging war with other people's lives. And this brings up Edward Woodward, the poor man's Michael Caine? Yeah, but he was "The Equalizer". I love shows too smart to survive. Especially if the so-called high concept is involved. What ever happened to Miss Parker and Jared? Sex and the City? Under inducement. And bored to tears. Pure vengeance with a superbly deserving targeted villain?. Brilliant TV. Especially when the hero is in love with the seeming villain. I'm thinking about Fraser and the woman he brought back from the wilds of the Northeast Territory, with words and music by Sarah MacLachlan. And a deaf wolf named Diefenbaker.
- Julie Robertson, I'm not sure about a national treasure. I think Roger Ebert writes very well while never showing an iota of effort, and if he likes a movie, I know I'll like it. One of my brothers thinks that music critics should say 'If you like Kiss, you'll like this', and leave it at that. I fet his point which seems to be a variation of 'Those that can't'. Bit I think artistic expression precludes that view. Carlos Santana says everything is everything. No it isn't. Some of it's dross. Like teaming up with Rob Thomas. We're listening to Arthur. Now I'd say that's as good as anybody's offered since the British Invasion (including Seargent Pepper and Satanic Majesties. It's particularly informative since the PNACenturions have acted it out for real on the world stage. On the other hand, Dave Davies' guitar estravaganza at the second half of Australia would mean if you're a deadhead, you'll this album. Critical writing is just writing. It's either good or it isn't. By nature, it's sort of second-hand. Somebody that couldn't imagine something questioning somebody else's powers of imparting imagination. About Arthur. If you've never heard this, you should. But that's just my opinion, casting a cold eye on Oh, and Julie, Roger Ebert wrote the funnest worst movie of all time, Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. 'You've been a man all along, and a Godammed ugly one.' And Roger Ebert proved he could write a script and bring Tab Hunter out of the closet.
- Bassett. The choice is between Maureen Dowd and Anne Coulter. I'd take the one with a brain and no racial animus.
- Actually, modern readers consider the architect McCauley a great writer. Mainly, he critisized the work of his friend Thomas Carlyle. We hold our friends close. We hold our enemies closer. Other than that, Carlyle wrote drivel and just about nothing else. And in an ague of envy, he burned Carlyle's manuscript for The French Revolution, claimed it was an accident, and stewed when Carlyle reproduced it verbatim. The French Revolution, it's brilliant.
- I don't think so. One's got great legs, the other's anorexic. Bob le Flambeur isn't as good as Pepe le Moke, much les Chinatown. And what wrong attribution? I know. McCuauley burnt Carlyle's papers. As we say, my bad. No attribution. I know the difference whether or not anybody else does. It's the glory of these internets to be nearly right and to be right almost simultaneously.
- How bout them naval threats. Ahole created shock and awe out of nothing at all. Gulf of Hormuz, Gulf of Tomkin. If my country is willing to subborn te Constitution for an inveterate idiot, they're too goddam stupid to care about the rule of law.. If I'm a I'm a traitor, Yep, I never even thought about a signing statement. You give up your freedom, for some Neocon shit, you're a traitor. This is too bizarre. Naval threats? You looney tunes.
- How ‘bout that Michigan 4th Congressional District? This is the guy that replaced the legendary David Stockman, who I think is probably the last honest Republican. Stockman famously told an Atlantic Monthly interviewer: "I mean, Kemp-Roth [Reagan's 1981 tax cut] was always a Trojan horse to bring down the top rate.... It's kind of hard to sell 'trickle down.' I don’t know anything about Siljander, other than that he’s a publicly born again Falwell acolyte and once called the Koran ‘the devil’s book‘, but I do know the group he aided and abetted is associated with another Muslim charity for which Richard Perle hosted a benefit a few years ago. Next thing you know, a GOP president will be giving Saudi Arabia smart bombs to trickle down to Wahabist maniacs while simultaneously telling Olmert he feels Israel’s need to blow up Iran. Nah, couldn’t happen. Unrelated: A Piggly-Wiggly (that’s a grocery y’all) flyer in our local paper is advertising Wild Caught Large Sea Scallops. You’ve got to move pretty fast to catch those suckers, I bet. I know I’m too old to be running down those marine mollusks. We do manage to catch oysters every once in a while, but scallops, way too quick. Tim Russert? Separated at birth from Jimmy Johnson. Putting a somewhat human face on 'the other white meat'. Old Major and Napoleon.
- Oops. Sorry about the italics.
- Years ago, there was a guy that practiced a particularly flamboyant, and wildly successful, style of criminal defense in Georgia. He was the guy you got if you were caught standing over the body with a smoking over-under. He also had impeccably clean and conditioned hair that literally reached the small of his back. My brother was in the courtroom with a client waiting for her case to be called, an elderly black woman accused of bootlegging, which at that time in GA meant she supplemented Social Security by selling half-pints of Ancient Age on Sundays to her neighbors. When the big-time mouthpiece approached the bench, she said, in awestruck stage whisper: “I di’n’t know they was lawyers looked just like Jesus.” General hilarity ensued, although the judge was not amused and my brother’s client was mystified at the uproar. This sartorial showdown may end up producing new case law. Personally, I think wearing an ascot is a crime of aggravated pomposity and offense against the sensibilities of humanity. Unless it’s just intended to piss off an insufferable prig of a judge, in which case I applaud the ingenious affront.
- It's not so much the cold, its the astounding weather that it engenders. In '64, Detroit had a kind of balmy wave. It melted a pile of snow, and suburban lanes and downtown streets were turned into lakes. A few night before I was supposed to get downtown from Bloomfield Township to take the entrance exam for the Jesuit prep school U of D High, the Siberian Express blew through and all of that standing water turned to glacier about 10 in. thick. Jebbies weren't making exceptions for impassable conditions. We were all playing street hockey on ice skates. My mom and dad were thinking about the private school equivalent of Cass Tech. (Everybody in the neighborhood but my dad probably worked for a car company, or J Walter Thompson.) Our neighbor, Dick Homchick (and I'm not making that up, but Dickensian, no?), had a new Chevy that featured front-wheel drive, revolutionary at the time. Put his kids in the trunk and hauled ass around the subdivision with some of us in the trunk, broadcasting Halite donated by every household. So we got passable streets. I got to Seven Mile, nailing the entrance test, and going to UD High. Always wondered what would have happened if I'd had to go to Southfield and ended up at Michigan instead of Holy Cross, and, eventually, Georgia, where I met my match, married, had one perfect child, and run into a roadblock. Weft and warp. Nature weaving. Hot cold, sunny penumbrous, it seems to me scientifacilly based. Weather is something to be absorbed and reveled in, including frigid air. Like what CS Lewis thought about rain. Nancy and her pals didn't consider the temperature when they ventured out without hats. (The admonishment from a neighbor about wearing hats sounds precious, but I choose to think it was just human concern.) So, it's not the cold, it's the humanity. Is the're a way forward? W. told 'mission etc. Squirrely little piece of shit. So, Nancy This is cold? . Of course it's cold. It's not that cold Nance.
- I went with my best friend Nancy to buy tickets at the Orpheum in Boston. We actually skied in, but the wind was astounding. For the Kinks. We found a homeless guy frozen at the theater entrance. I don't think we could have saved him, but we tried. That's what cold does to compassionate conservatism. Not a chance.
- Brilliant movies? Chinatown and Blade Runner, and everything else. I'm willing to listen, but once there's been Shock and Awe, and that many people die, you can say what you like but slaughteringl innocents is acceptable. Officially.
- loaded for winter driving. Damn, that's seriously irresponsible Jeff. I admit it helps to be loaded when gravity fails and negativity won't pull you through. Pot's better than brewskis, though. It's all in slo-mo and it seems like you're on the side of the angels. I'm doomed or blessed ("it's a blessing and a curse, you'll thank me later", A. Monk), to never take inclement weather news (both weather and news) with more than a moue. We lived in a Boston satellite town (there are no suburbs) through the blizzard of '78. I was managing a solid waste transfer station (garbage truck dump on the way to the landfill). We served most of metropolitan Boston, and we couldn't close until the last of the 40 yd. trucks dumped their loads. You can't leave a compacted load of garbage on a truck. Methane forms, spontaneous combustion is inevitable, the first thing that burns is the hydraulic lines, and a $125k truck is toast. So I watched the snow mount, for hours. We had a Triumph Spitfire, wonderful roadster, but it cleared clear ground by about 8 in. By the time I got out of there, accumulation was around 24 in. It took me three hours to get home, maybe 3.5 miles from work. When I got home, I poured a large Lynchburg elixir, and after one sip, the phone rang. My brother Mark was calling from somewhere he could "see the Citgo sign". I had thought he was safe in Georgia. I went out to find him. Mark had a very large Chrysler. We learned to drive doing donuts after dates in the Motor City, both of us could handle the weather. I got him safely back to our apartment in Watertown. Then we thought about the ramifications of the storm and realized a heroic effort was necessary. We went back out, but this time in the Chrysler tank, with a toboggan. We bought several cases of Molson's Golden (and it's OK, but I sure wish they had Sam back in the day.) We bought several cases of DeKuper cherry brandy half-pints. We loaded what we could in the trunk of the beast and the rest lashed to the toboggan. Got home safely, unloaded our cache, and put on Back in '72. Around 6am, I was wide awake and realized we had neglected food. Wind was 45-50 mph, but I put on wondrous new Thinsulate boots and about half the clothing I owned and headed out. Chest high drifts in open spaces, but somehow reached a local mom and pop. I despise ski-mobiles, but I was ecstatic to see one parked in front of whatever the Italian version of a bodega is, with vapor clouds coming from the boiler stack. So I bought about 15 lbs. of cappacola, mortadella and Old-World hard salami, and all the provolone in sight. And all the day old bread. Slogged it home in a big trash bag, in the pillion seat of a Ski-Doo. When I got home, the storm had cleared, there were 48 in. of snow, and people had awakened and ventured out. I was personally iced in. I mean, my face, my beard, my clothes. We fed and watered the community. After a day or two, the landscape was pristine, gorgeous, and the sun broke through. Our street was a glacier about three feet thick, until emergency workers showed up with heavy equioment. The first few assaultsn the icepak by backhoe were hilarious. The Caterpillars bounced off. Much-maligned Michael Dukakis managed this pretty well, even if his ubiquitous TV presence in the infuriating crew-neck sweaters infuriated everyone. (Probably deserved a Presidential Medal of Freedom for a 'good job'.) Nonetheless, cabin fever set in, despite the alcohol and the great sandwiches. On the fourth day, the sun began to melt our icy bars. We went out en masse, everybody on foot, and laid waste to the frozen bread dough section at the supermarket. It was like 28 Days Later without the zombies. So I say: Lake Effect? Try the Atlantic. Cruel mistress. If Gordon Lightfoot thinks there's something about the Lake that comes close to the wave that cleared the lighthouse in Boston's inner harbour, his idea of a real storm is pretty wimpy. And I grew up with ice-storms in Detroit. Yep, Michigan's colder than New England in Winter. But the pure whim and inchoate violent urge of North Atlantic weather make those Detroit ice storms seem trivial. Cold is something with which modern man can deal. Being buried in precipitation isn't, especially when the wind conspires. Maybe Michigan is headed for turning arctic. Maybe not. I sure don't know. I'm not a scientist. Anybody stupid enough to claim human behavior has no effect on global climate is either a sophist ahole, or a wackjob, or both. Claiming these things have happened before is the saddest refuge of ideocrats, and, logically, makes the opposition case. Why now? When it happened before, did Manhattan rule the world below the new sea level?
- And I don't mean to interject something as mundane as football, but refs stepped in to make these games today ridiculous, and they made things a Pats game and they're doing their best to screw up the other. It doesn't matter the sport. Refs are aholes that wished they could but couldn't play. They screw everything up. On crucial calls, they're wrong more than they're right, and they do it on purpose. They're jealous.
- Well, Danny, condolences. Chargers had the misfortune of relying on Philip Rivers, the one QB that's a more insufferable, self-important prick than Tom Brady. Didn't have to be that way. Drew Brees would have won that game. Of course, had Ladainian Thompson played, quarterback position would have been rendered moot. And you're right, it's not really the game officials. Belichek lobbied the league to change the holding rules all last offseason. And he had a plan. Pats were called exactly 11 times on the entire season. Now, there's almost no such thing as offensive holding against a Pats lineman. Rooting for Eli ought to be the new national pastime. As he sinks he rises. I don't necessarily think NYC is the belly of the beast, but it spawned Rudy 911, and without Brooklyn, it's got no soul. If you root for the Pats, it's like rooting for W. You deny the Constitution and the laws of physics when it suits your greedy needs. People in New England wouldn't like the comparison, but the Pats are the epitome of the Wadministration. You change the rules in your favor and tell everybody else to including Congress to f**k off if they object. And then you eavesdrop. But, it's only football.
- Is it possible that anybody didn't see Reggie Jackson cheat like a bastard by sticking his ass in the way, in the outfield, in the 1977 World Series? He cheated his ass off. Game over. If you cheat, you win. That'd be the Yankee's way.
- All holding, all the time. That would be the Pats. Some of us actually played football. What's going on here is strange. What I think is Pat's japped on Robert Edwards. He was franchise running back, and they bailed when he got hurt. They claimed they'd stand behind him. They stabbed him in the back. The Pat's are revolting.
- So Rudy's an unmitigated thug and a creep. He thinks Bernie Kerik will keep us safe. Hucksterbee thinks we should alter the Constitution to make it more like what, I don't know, Kit Marlowe thought it ought to be like. Who wrote the King James, you dumbass?
- Witness is a great movie. It's not Blade Runner, but as Gaff would say, what is? I believe Harrison Ford made his living as a carpenter before he was Indiana. Pegs instead of nails? I know how that's done. Bet he does too. Danny Glover in the granary, Arthur Hitchcock, eat your heart out.
- Fearless Leader: Having protected the OClub Jack Daniel stash, W knows what it is to put his life on the line. Well, mission accomplished, ahole. Good luck in Cambodia, or Syria or whatever, you fraud. Chickenhawk, extraordinaire. He did actually enter the militarywhen Dheney had other priorities. My hero Does John Edwards get itchy when people in the press talk about Bill doing the pit bull that NP candidates are supposed to do? Somehow, I missed his attack on the neo-Nixon Raygunian Short Boat liars back in '04. As Randy Newman says, Jesus, what a jerk. That was his job. Yeah, he didn't drive a boat into Cambodia, but his boss sure as hell did, and the opposition had other priorities, like destroying his septum searching for coot in Alabama..
- Who let the dog's out. It takes a village of idiots to consider what the GOP has to offer. When five minutes of moderately contentious debate causes the NYT to call it a racial catfight when the other hour and 55 minutes dealt with issues, Ko,,issar Karl would seem to have won. But, you know, John McCain has a black lovechild, and the Southern strategy isn't the foundation of Republican politics, and Hucksterbee didn't talkabout the battle flag in glowing terms. u I live in South Carolina, and this flag crap pisses me off big time. Who's this born-again jagoff to come down here and try to start some crap up he knows nothing about? He thinks he's Ron Raygun, and my whole state is Neshoba County, Missippii. Heritage? Try the actual Stars and Bars, instead of the Battle flag ya'll let be coopted by skinheads and hoodlums. These people are racist numbnuts, and that seems to characterise Republican voters in general, along with their full slate of pretzeldential hopefuls. Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Kucinich. Damn sight better than the wackjobs and dangerous little Mussolinis the Republican Party proposes.
- I suppose the jackass has nothing really threatening to worry about until next Devil's Night, when the bullets simply fall from the sky, like Billy Graham's perfectly fitteth $5grand bespoke suits. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that Ms. Nall is assiduous and more than deliberate in avoiding Roger 'Poster Child for 'Roid Rage' Clemens. I hesitate momentarily to bring this up, but something's always struck me as supremely odd about baseball and performance enhancing drugs. On the off chance that there's a fan of this journal that's actually an endocrinologist (or whatever may be the appropriate medical specialty), I've got a question about steroid use. People seem to believe that injecting steroids builds muscles. This is obviously erroneous. As I understand it, steroids allow a brutal training regime by cutting out the recovery time. I'm pretty sure that's true, and if there's any sporting endeavor for which this would be more useful than pitching in the majors, I'm Marion Jones. All of this is fraught with other bizarre complications. Alert readers might wonder why Dan 'Scumbag' Burton and his fellow Republicans were so knee-jerkedly solicitous and protective of Roger. (And think of the absolute wonder of being called 'disgusting' by somebody that disgusting.) Well, jeez, Roger's not glib like Curt Schilling but these turds stick together no matter what sort of floculator is applied. That one's easy. But what in the world are sportswriters thinking, who should know better, when they imply that hitting homeruns has much to do with bulk? I'd say Ichiro goes about 140, but he can pretty much jack one whenever he feels like it. It's the pure beauty of the homerun--hand-eye coordination. So we're left with the Bubba vs. Barry scenario. Anti-Barry Jeremiahs point out swiftboatedly that, well, he's personally prickly. Sorry, Roger Clemens is an even bigger asshole than Michael Jordan, and MJ only cheated (repeatedly and egregiously) on the court. Has Barry Bonds committed obvious blackmail, and tampered with witnesses. Nope. So there must be some sort of difference in the two cases. One's slightly more chocolate? Of course, in politics, the mirror image is in play. If race was injected in the Democratic Party nomination fracas, Barrack's side manufactured it out of whole cloth, and they've goosed it to great effect. This does me great psychic harm. I was on this guy's bandwagon from the jump. But, really, trying to make Bill Clinton out to be a closet racist is pretty much like trying to say that that foul sonofabitch Nixon never sent any Swift Boats into Cambodia. Why are Americans willing to hear some moronic talking point and proceed as if manufactured garbage is the Rosetta Stone for figuring out what to do next. Saddam blew up the WTC. W's still getting away with this shit. I think it's because Americans are still convinced they have some sort of control. The Constitution's been hijacked, and there is a self-righteous multitude of progressives telling me I'm less liberal-than-thou because I don't find Obama's claims to having opposed Shock and Awe very convincing. He wasn't voting and he wasn't presented with the fraudulent evidence. Aside from that, Congress never authorized the bombing and invasion. Try reading it. The Scalia Appointees believe they can do anything they please, having been appointed unitary executives. Walter Scott's got his annual dictator issue in today's paper. Putin's not there. Neither is his soul mate. Hillary? Barrack? He's not JFK, mostly. He's not Bobby, by any stretch of the imagination, but nobody is. Bobby might have been the last chance at something permanently good. They should both be on the ticket, in whatever order, and it would go a long way toward setting things straight. Actually, probably better if Hillary is the VP ramrod. The fact that the USA had it's most recent elections with less credibility than Ratznestistan and included unconscionable slander against an actual war hero vs. a piece of shit frat boy asshole that no-joke dodged the draft, if people vote for a Republican, I'm giving up any hope for the human race. And on the subject of bourbon, it's alright but it's not sour mash. Invariably tastes like silage. But the Saint James is good. I always thought that Sister Morphine was a superb rewrite or reimagining of St. James Infimary, whoever may have written it, and my sentimental favorite is Ms. Faithful.
- But Mark, it's only bourbon. As I said, bourbon isn't sour mash. If the difference escapes you, I'll buy the drinks. Furthermore, good as I was at football (and track), I'm a swimmer to the core, and anything that would bulk up is non grata. I was entirely open to response in my questions about steroids. I wouldn't be doggone, I'd be long gone if somebody could actually explain to me how roids could cause somebody to hit home runs. I was not attempting to be cute. I read this log because nobody gets away with being cute. It seems to me that there are a surprising number of people both erudite and recondite that contribute to Ms. Nall's amusement, and I'd really like to know from a professional. Wouldn't steroids be perfect for a pitcher and no help whatever to a hitter? I guess, in general, my question has to do with normally intelligent people's perfect willingness to buy into whatever. I don't know, I see Barry with his kids and I see the Bush misAdministration vs. Barry Bonds, with echoes of that Nancy Reagan harpy and just say yo, er no, and I see Dan Frigging Burton joining in, and I see the conspiracy raising it's ugly head. And, boy oh boy, it's racist to the core. Now it's my opinion that if you took back every hoop on which he traveled, Michael might not even be Isiah, and I know for a fact that if you called the proper offensive foul whenever he won a championship by cheating, he'd just be another good black player, but you know, Isiah is never going to get closer to dealing with throwing the ball to Larry than he is to spelling his name right. To this day, people act like MJ made some amazing dunk. J did that you idiots. J took off from the top of the key. So there's the NBA and politics. Michael Jordan said that Republicans watch basketball too. Guess so Mike. How many of them live in the Ninth Ward? Charles Barkeley seemed to be a Republican back in the day. These days, he seems pretty sure the Pretzeldent is shit on a stick. Take your hoops legends as you will, I go with Round Mound, not the ultimate shill. Would you go into battle with Charles or Mike? That's easy for me. How often can you flat out lie? How often can you subborn the Constitution? How often can you get appointed in dodgy circumstances and claim a right to just say Congress is full of shit because your signing statement is law? How can you sustain the stink of Swift Boat bullshit when the astounding lie is compounded by your own cowardice in the face of service? Do you people, who I think of as fairly enlightened and well-informed, actually think shock and awe was authorized in some fashion by Congress? Bullshit. Read the Act. Asshole was supposed to come back with some sort of evidence, after listening to the UN and al Baradei. Fat chance. Not something either Shrubs or Obama wants you to think about. What the hell, it's only a fact. Could there ever be a more embarrassing episode in American history than letting the shrub underground get away with SwiftBoating? They practiced on McCain in 2000 in Soudth Carolina. McCain stood up to torture, though he now supports it's use wholeheartedly. C'est la vie, or le guerre. The Bush campaign called my home to tell us that McCain had a bastard black child. Should you be allowed to be Pretzeldent if you did that? Could you be a more despicable asshole? You wouldn't think so. But SwiftBoat broke new ground. That guy that said Kerry pulled him onto the boat from the Mekong, well he just made that up because he didn't like Republicans listening with impunity to anything he ever said about anything whatever. So, you know, he must be a liar. And MarkH, there's no bourbon/sour mash mashup. If you like bourbon, you don't actually appreciate uisqebaugh. Some things can't be sorted out. If you don't reinvigorate with the sour mash, you get an inferior and somewhat insipid product. That's why they called bourbon something French. Some uneducated fools think it has to do with scotch. And is there an America? Is there a functioning brain? How have things gotten so bad?
- Anybody that describes himself as invidious and is talking about something as important as old newspaper names is a champion. My particular school of J was named after Henry W. Grady, and his heir was Ralph McGill. Serious names they couldn't conjure in Missouri. This was a formidable journalist. Took no shit from anyone. About anything. The finest old newspaper names, brilliant names and even better papers, are the Courant (Hartford? I think), a truly great paper, the Plain Dealer, the Sacramento Bee. If you want to get right down to it, the most audacious paper was Colonel Lebbeus Zevely's The Unterrified Democrat published in Linn, Missouri, in 1866, and the newspaper is still published under that peculiar name. Ironically, it now supports the Republicans. Kiss my ass. Then there's the absolute best, the Tombstone Epitaph. Are you kidding? That's gold. Nancy might have some idea about the Birmingham Eccentric. That's where we lived if we were part of the city's lifeblood, were upwardly mobile, but couldn't afford the various Grosses. I think they still publish, and it used to be a pretty good weekly. Whatever they're thinkin' in N'awlins these days, I vote for any newspaper name that includes Picayune. I mean, it's just a totally sublime word, and doesn't this shout out that there's nothing too silly for us to cover it. Like Dubya showing up several days late and billions already in Halliburtons' hands for those trailers no human hand will ever make bacon and scrambled in. Maybe that's the problem, Picayune as opposed to humongous. What's the origin of Plain Dealer? In JSchool, we had a (world-class, I'd guess) reading room, with every important paper. Now I thought at the time the Plain Dealer and the Bee and the Courant were the important papers because I'd heard of them and my classmates hadn't, and gottdom, I knew they were liberal. I thought they provided editorial insight, because they weren't the NYT. Jesus, we're dumb in school when we really need to be smart. So now I'm old and I know they all waver. But now I know what I know. When these papers trash this simian usurper of the constitution, I know they're right. When they seem to give him a pass, they're sniveling. If there's a citizen that would stand up and be counted in favor of 'signing statements' let's see him or her, and we'll send you to either Guantanamo or Mariel, your choice, asshole. I doubt you could find such an abject groveler in the entire populace of the USA. I still love everything about the idea of newspapers. I used to think they made some real sort of difference. I don't think it's a failing on the part of the papers. I'm afraid it's people that have failed. We've got a wonderful local here called The Island Packet. How cool is that for a newspaper name? I'm not jumping the rails, but humanity's in a pretty sad state. How are newsmongers supposed to deal with mindless death and destruction like what's gone on in the last week, when the commander in chimp tells us we've all got to be terrified, all the time, or our patriotic resolve is questionable? Nobody can get away with the big lie as long as we've got the Bee and the Plain Dealer. Well, yeah they can. To this day, Americans are so stupid that 40% of us actually believe Saddam and not our Saudi friends were responsible for the WTC towers being knocked down. And W will trot this shit out and get away with it. What the hell is the matter with people?
- Scotch is basically scotch. And of course, it's spelt without the e. It all tastes the same.There's always that ineffable taint of ...Scotland. There's Jack, brought to America by Irishmen, and there's the rest of the world of paudeen whiskey. And the typical wee dram is a fairly large dose, because it simply doesn't taste very good, so you have to make the most if it.
- Alas, my only professional writing, if you don't count two books nobody knows about but me, has all been technical and legal, and had to do with owners suing Architects and vice versa, and how to build gabelled roofs. They do this at every juncture, the owners and architects, and it's always the English language that saves the day, and my paltry bank account, because judges and arbiters (who insist on being called arbitrators, as if they need to orientate themselves) couldn't read blueprints with Remingtons to their frizzy heads. I think I write pretty well, at times, , and it's the dark art of weblogs that makes me get flippant and somewhat untidy. Otherwise, I'd say I was a model of editorial decorum. Tell you what. Take a read in Rolling Stone of this guy trying to be Hunter Thompson and Ralph Nader at the same time. That would be Matt Taibbi.He won't like it. He hates everything. I can tell those spirits one from another blindfolded, and I've tended bar too. And if I moved too fast and loose, which I doubt I did, glad to see you're keeping me up to standards. I seriously doubt there's a cultural or political connection I made that's very difficult to follow. If you've made even the slightest effort, I appreciate that, and you're decidedly welcome to point out at any time how insufferable an asshole I am. And, Dexter, birding on the Platte, tremendous. Only thing better would be crashing around like an idiot in gaiters with a fly-cast hookup, and soaking up the birds' disdain, to reinforce my indelible human-ness.
- Wolf Blitzer vs. the Round Mound? In Valhalla, baby. With Dickie V. The most singularly English-challenged neocon not named Bush against somebody that always says exactly what he thinks, and generally humorously. Well it's the Lethal Weapon against the unarmed man. Wasn't it Wolf that cowered and wet his pants when Arthur Kent stood up on the Baghdad rooftop? What a sorry excuse for a human being. And now he's going to take on Charles Barkley? Could we get the Ann Coulter installment? The perfect anti-Clemens, and Chuck used to be a Republican.
- Back in those waning of the 70's and the 80s, which had some seriously good music against all odds, and the 90s, my least favirite for being linked to hippies though they were pretty much better than the poseurs and salsemen that followed, Boston was the car theft capital of the world. Different altogether than treating the SUV like Travolta's bouncing bull. In those days, the victim knew in that dark midnight of the soul's whatever it was Hades, the carnapping was arranged by a phone call to the ragtags of Whitey Bulger's minions, the car was in Fort Point Channel or a Blue Hills quarry in Canton, and the insurance check was on the way. I guess there's greed and then theirs homicidal psycopathy. Detroit used to have bosses, mostly surnamed Giacalone, and those good fellas lived in what passed for some gorgeous Grosse Pointe mansions. Boston was the Wild West end of Somerville. No more threatening yo the average citizen, but surely more entertaining. The boss was, after all, the blood on blood brother of the unlikely little dictator that Newt moved in for as the more telegenic Little Hitler in the Revolution. Joyriding would have been cleaned up with some ultimately inconsequential physical harm, and the boys would have promised never to repeat their transgressions. In Detroit, they would more likely have been floating in Lake Ste. Claire for the sin of independent behavior. Brothers Bulger is a wonderful story of American politics. Whitey's still at large, far as I know, but he'd be creakin'. Billy ought to come clean about his nefarious attacks on, oh, Universal Health Care. But anyway, why do people steal cars? Chop 'em and sell the parts? Put the primos in containers and send 'em to Europe. Ride around like Cody Jarret and crash and burn in glory? Perhaps when you're faced with a political monolith entirely lacking in a human component, you just have to say "Fuckit". And I sure as shit don't mean that weasle Tom Cruise. I mean Bulworth. In my estimation, being pretty old here, and having told the Kicking Ass DNC blog after his convention speech that Obama was inevitable, He might be getting JFK right. JFK never got RFK right, and Obama's not Bobby by any means. Neither's Hilary. This great divide is manufactured. Obama doesn't no dick comparedwith Ms. Clinton as far as health care is concerned, and it's the most important subject as faras the general economy is concerned. Didn't FDR put everybody to work, including artists and glib sonsabitches? I'll take one of those second jobs. ThinkI'm qualified. Didn't the Republicans descend into heinous Reconstruction practice? The Republican Party did one good thing and descended into odious self-interest 150 years ago. It's a recent topic, editors. There are all sorts of editors. I can turn engineer's gibberish and architect's CYA crap into something that moves projects foreward, gets buildings built, and minimizes post-construction lawsuits so things get built that ought to. Then there are literary editors, and even more interesting, translators. Was Maxwell Thomas Wolfe's editor or his collaborator? How important to the American legacy of Gabriel Garcia Marquez is Gregory Rabassa? When it comes to poets, I'm at a total loss on this subject, but I think I need a second language. Now there is the subject of newspaper editors. In Jschool, I edited a one-off campus paper (caper), for a 101 sort of class. I took this seriously, but always felt loath to stymie the initial impulses of the writers. Didn't see how it could hurt back in those days to just let the budding writers just let it rip. Nancy has brought up the idea of keeping you're ass from getting sued. I wrote a column about an annoying campuus revolutionary I thought of as particularly self-aggrandizing. I was the editor, so there was nobody to edit my copy. I'd say I tore him a brand new one in the instance of his spectacular self-importance, his denigration of women's opinions, and his overall weenie appearance and intellect. There was no editorial control. I was the editor. Everything in the column was sourced. The guy was spectacularly a jerk, and he was in it more to get laid than anything else. But, you know, I just found him such a despicable toad, I couldn't help myself. And this jerk threatened the Henry W. Grady School of Journalism with a lawsuit. This scummy jackass said I'd defamed him in the name of the UGA, and it was that cash his idiot claim was entitled to. Jackas. Now, I sure as shit didn't defame this jerk. But I found myself threatened with expulsion by my Dean, who was somebody I revered. Welll or maybe. If it had been Ralph McGill, maybe. Now, what are newspaper editors supposed to do. First place do no harm, kind of like doctors. You know, first place I've always thought is to keep anybody without a lot of experience from embarrasing herself.
- What are newspaper editor's ? So so we do no harm? supposed we do do? So I ask the sonehow slightly cleverer than I. How do we put up with editors? I tell you, I'm such a good editor you'd just go along with whatever I said. no, it'd just kind of scary. Supposed to think everything is scary. Guess its not. ia everrything seriously weird? Supposed to make things things come up all right. Here's where we get into this. I know it's supposed to be stupid. I .THINKS EVERYTHINGS NUTW
- 0h. I think the idea was simultaneous. Which happens occasionally and serindipitously. I think it happens when you've been practicing. The rapacious trial liars are much like claiming there are lions on the American savanahs, munching on otherwise benificent companies like Walmart, that want nothing but the best things for consumers, and there are sharp lawyers trying to take advantage of these honest consumers. I'd say, that's Bungle in the Jungle. These assholes are after your cash. That's what they do. Hillary? Barack? Both are trying to make everything better for everybody. Republicans, well somebodys going to be saved, shether it's rich people or rich people that buy into the rapture. If the voting populace screws this up, the way they they did with the creepy draft-dodger vs. the actual war hero, (if they actually did, because anybody not a moron knows Kerry won Ohio) well fuck this country. Seriously, everything out of the mouth of the president shits on the Constitution. Does a single American elieve in a single signing statement. Was George III nuts? How does this shit go on? He hasn't been running anything for years, and Cheney is so clearly certifiable, it just seems like he needs to find some sort of Geli to go in the bunker. But it doesn't seem like there's a female on the face of the earth that would go anywhere with Cheney. And I seem loony? These assholes are running the country, and they're spending $10bil a month without it showing up in the budget. That WMD shit? They made that up. They made it up in 1998 and tried to talk Clinton into it. It's difficult to understand how what seems to be a good people could be led so wrong. It seems to me this is all the logical conclusion of Newt and the 1994 Republican Revolution. Newt is awesome. He served his wife with divorce papers while she was taking cancer news. They despised Health Care Change. It doesn't take a genius to understand that the Clinton Health Care Plan would have put the country on path that would have cut off the current economic black hole. The problem seems to have been been that it was proposed by a Democrat. If you can't see that you're an idiot. If some sort of the Clinton plan had been put in place, things would be spectacularly better. But she was just a woman. And those are facts jack. And if her ideas don't count because shes a woman, well I'd say this. There is no single issue other than health care that bears on the the overall economy of this country. Anybody that doesn't doesn't understand this is an idiot. Or at least somebody without a clue. The economy of health care includes something like $80bil. Are you nuts? Wheres that money going? You Asshole? Down a gottdum hole, you stupid insensitive piece o shit. There's a guy that's supposed to be the commander in chief. Does he know where this money is going? Well he has no clue. You gonna put this on? Pure stupidity on the part of the pretzeldenet. Look assholes he's dummer than grunt. You cant get stupider than this asshole. Oh, excuse me. I was thinking about the Pretzeldent. In my world, this asshole pulled the black bastard ao McCcain which McCain seems to have written off as just a good joke about darkeyism. / oh
- Could I make a comment?
- No joke. Look, most of y'all are are democrats. Most of y'all made up your minds. First thing I've got to to say, if you think you're gonna pull that john mccain bullshit your an asshole.
- Hillary actually seems to know what to do. How important this might be and how it makes any difference is cloudy at best. Since Obama is so clearly JFK, not my characterization but apparently the public's, let the metaphor stand and make her the barracuda VP. I was an early supporter of Barrack (rhymes with Jack). Back in the day, the comparisons were with the more estimable Kennedy brother. I've no problem with Obama. I could do that job and so could most of you. Can he get anything done? Well there's where he seems most like Jack. LBJ could accomplish anything he wanted. He actually went from your typically racist Tejas representive in the world's greatest deliberative body to the guy that ensured voting rights for black Americans. Maybe Jack could have gotten that done, but he didn't. Bobby could have done everything by the force of his personality, but the country jumped the shark. The spectacular difference in how Americans act and think engendered by this one guy's assassination is positively stunning. Would we have bought lies made up years before? That were peddled to a previous President? That took a mannikin with Cheney's arm up his back? I don't think any of this really bad stuff would have happened. And Obama might be JFK, if John Kerry hadn't already nailed that. But he sure as hell isn't Bobby, at least yet. And his followers sure need to back off the more "progressive" than thou. What's 'Progressive"? We beep if we find your Thunderbird annoying. Far as I can see, calling oneself 'progressive' means you're such dumbasses you voted for Nader and can't understand how things went so wrong. Oh and I find Michelle Obama the most smarmy, obnoxious political wife since Quaker Oats. Geez, Bar Bush again? Lyndon Johnson would love Barack Obama if he weren't running against him. And if Deanie Babies weren't so hyped to take on the party, I might take a caucus result seriously. Barrack's navel as the center of the universe seems to fascinate him slightly too much. But God, vote for the Democratic ticket. One way or another. Anything's better than some chimp pulling his pud and accompishing nothing better than killing more people. This guy might be alright. What he says about the war is bullshit. Read the so-called enabling act. It told W to listen to al Baradei, not to do anything else. Claiming that isn't true isn't plagiarism, it's just outright lying. But you know, he's a politician, so he'll say anything. You know what Charles Barkeley said" Wolf Blitzer vs. the Round Mound? In Valhalla, baby. You all do realize you're talking in a wotrd that barely exists where somebody is listening to everysinglething you say/
- If ya'll want to investigate, I'd suggest Teillhard. He seemed to know what he was talking about. You're phones are being listened to. I'm guessing you aren't talking to terrorists.
- NYT is just right. Story only tried to claim some Republican trying to claim one of those youtfulul indiscretions. Should a normally intelligently dumbass believe Mr. Keating isn't lying his ass off. All of this comes from McCains own whackoff people. Wat we're supposed to believe, according from Rove in 2000, he's gay and he has a black love child. That was the push poll I got and I've never voted for a republican in my life. So if somebody did that to you, why would you buy the surge which is such a crock?
- So Nancy is Franka Potente and Tom Tykwer at the same time. Nice, nice very nice. And the moon is racing through some impossibly German city to save some boneheaded nordic lover from his idiotic romantic self. Bokonon knows. It's not for everyone to know. As my own movie critic, I know, matt Damon makes a great spy, but most especially with Franka. There are Bond Girls and there are exceptionally intelligent women caught up in spy plots. And who's responsible for the music on Darkside of the Moon? Roger Waters would have the world believe he made it all up. He should be happy Sting and Bono came along so he's maybe not the biggest unfounded egoist. The synth parts are stolen in large part from Hawkwind. But the guitars are entirely originally Gilmour, Sid's true friend and companion. And therein lies the rub that chaos Roger Waters' arse.
- Y'all should remember Like Romeo Said to Juliet by the Chambers Brothers.The other side from Time, which I assume inspired the 'cowbell' line and was, if you listen to the lyrics, not just brilliant but prescient in the most disturbing way. Pythons? They make boots, right? Which lead to dromodrosis, known to you ordinary people as stinkfoot. But I can see a good time was had by all. And what the hey. As for the Times and John 'Keating' Macdonalds, or whatever, Jesus would like people to actually read the story. They didn't allege an affair, and the whole story was about his saying one thing and doing another. And once you've dumped a wife for an extremely rich trophy, the youthful indiscretions card is no longer trump. If you're a dog, idt's probably easier the second time. But who cares. How did this ahole skate through Keating, in the first place, and how does he explain Paxson? Making this into something about something the NYT is supposed to have done is pure, unadulterated bull. If there's a media issue, it's entirely in how the media eats up what comes out of the Bevo. McCain isn't an idiot like Dan Burton. (Aren't you people proud to keep electing the scumbag? Sweet home Indiana) But if he says torture just doesn't work and then tells W it's OK to torture a functional retarded guy like Jose Padilla (and if you think he hasn't been tortured into a vegetable, I've got a Brooklyn Bridge I could take down with an acetylene torch for you), well, does he possess morals or is he a sociopath that just wants to win the next election? Pete Davies and Bad Monkies. Send the big snakes to the Naval Observatory. That's one gigantic head needs to be crushed. I know it isn't a political forum, but if it's Detroit, it can't help it. What the hell is wrong with people?
- My kid grew up listening to her parents' music, which is all over the map. The Boss and the Detroit Boss, but also Tom Waits an REM. When she picked me up at the airport recently, Making Plans for Nigel came on the CD player when she started the car. Good taste for 27. She did go through a Backstreet Boys phase when she was about eight, but she met them backstage and decided they were obnoxious.
- Brian, Sting is a Francis of Assisi model of humility compared with Bono. I expect young Paul Hewson will become a Yank soon so he'll be available to take on the solipsistic Savior role when Ralph f**ing Nader gives up his Holy Ghost. I mean, the guy named himself Vox Bono, which, but for the grace of God would probably have been Vox Populi.
- Damn Nancy, I guess those Thin Mints are going in the freezer until after Lent. Can they survive the trip from the front door? Caveat emptor. You could damn a pagan baby to eternal hellfire. They seem to have changed the names and the results are about as pleasing as that old consultant-generated NBC logo. When everything's Wonder Bread, everything's white bread. Caramel DeLites?
- Well damn, Alex, Buckley actually called Gore a "goddamn queer" and threatened to punch him in the face, but only after being called a "crypto-Nazi" at least twice by Mr. Vidal. This all somehow happened with no tape delay on live TV. I was watching (and I think I've got the slurs right). Wait, here it is. The funniest thing about it was hearing that sanctimonious dickhead Howard K Smith (who evidently came back as Wolf Blitzer and Brit Hume) swallowing his tongue and gurgling "gentlemen, gentlemen, there's no need to resort to name-calling". I truly despised Howard K. at the time, because about two months earlier, he'd anchored coverage of the California primary, and spent the evening denigrating Bobby Kennedy, right up until the time Sirhan pulled the trigger. I was hoping Vidal and Buckley would jump the moderator and beat him to a pulp. Buckley ended up suing Vidal and being counter-sued. It's interesting that both guys were founders of magazines at radical poles of the political spectrum, but Vidal had it all over Buckley by virtue of his participation in the infamous Bob Guccione production of Caligula. The exchange was part of my formative years, maybe the Yorick scene to add irony to two assassinations, and avid personal participation at the Chicago convention. (Very nice, Nancy.) By the way, If any of you are fans of John Doe, Wilco, or both, npr has both streaming live from some club in Washington tonight at 8p est.
- William Frank Buckley, Jr. Requiescat in pace Superciliously Sesquipidalian to the Denouement I believe that middle name must have caused him borborygmus, which is what you live with when you're a scion of that privileged class that's never afflicted with actual flatulence.
- Nancy Nall in the LAT.
- As for any scruples or feelings of regret about exposing this guy, he's a Kommissar Karl acolyte and they all deserve exactly what they get.
- And in the NYT, with a working link. Oh shit. Batten down the hatches. I don't know how this works, but does this shake out some sort of financial windfall?
- I'd like to ask William Walters one question: Had this been handled privately, would Mr. Goeglein have behaved honorably in acknowledging his dishonorable behavior, with the identical result concerning his employment?
- Most likely, if you're an infamous white plagiarist, rather than Jayson Blair or Janet Cooke, you've already got an offer at Faux News to play Mike Barnicle Junior on TV.
- Here‘s a piece from the Columbia JR with a useful discussion about some cases of plagiarism, and the ethics involved with in dealing with this thought crime. Full disclosure: In third grade, I handed in a Robert Service poem with some artful disguise and claimed authorship, because I was too lazy to write something original. I hardly think it likely that professionals cheat out of lassitude. It seems in some cases to be a product of self-destructive urges. The pressure excuse seems pretty lame. In most cases the motivation is both murky and mysterious.
- Actual criminality aside, how is this significantly different from the ethical transgressions of Claude Allen, the White House shoplifter? Both pale in comparison to shitcanning a million emails, but the smaller the fish, the faster they get caught and fry. And both seem compulsively self-destructive.
- Seriously extensive coverage of l’Affaire Goeglin. (Over/under on elapsed time to “Copygate”?)
- Jeff, So, when the most egregious Constitutional Criminals in American History leave office, you'll be there with the classic and obligatory torches and pitchforks? Right? Yeah, right. Now that's hypocrisy worthy of enshrinement in the Hypocrisy Hall of Fame at SMU.
- Wench? What a jerk. Given his age at the time, shouldn't Clinton really be given the benefit of the youthful transgressions doubt, like his chief persecutors Dan 'Scumbag' Burton, St. Henry Hyde, and Newt? Seems only fair.
- Ashley: Or perhaps a partner in crime? OK, that's intentionally trying to cause trouble. When self-proclaimed Conservatives assert that the other side engages in smears against the pure of heart, I hear Lee Atwater rolling over in his grave, and it's time to head out, crank up the kayak, and go looking for the first blackberry patches until these stale conversational winds change. In 2000, ahead of the SC primary, we got calls indicating that, not only was John McCain the father of a bastard black child, he was gay. (And we're registered Democrats.) I'd say it was a safe bet that tis calumny was directly traceable to Rove. Now McCain happily embraces W's support. It's encouraging that Republicans and Conservatives (whatever that means in the New American Century) have retreated from eating their own to a siege mentality under which even the most scurrilous must be defended. Did they kick Larry Craig out of Congress yet. Now there was a victim of the "drive-by" liberal press. Move along folks, nothing to see hear.
- William Walters Says: March 1st, 2008 at 12:39 pm Citation? (So, yeah, it's about CSM, but who the hell said it?)
- Mr. Walters. OK. I was kind of kidding. Seems this subject has been done in, and rational discussion is teetering on the precipice of invective (if it didn't go over the edge some time ago). I'm never the voice of reason, but this is starting to resemble the Great Boston Molasses Disaster of 1919.
- Rheinhard Says: March 1st, 2008 at 3:33 pm I understand how Nancy might not just cut this short. She actedaccordingto professional ethics, for all the good that's ever going to do when the people that own the world are entirely unethical. But couldn't somebody just open another thread more felicitous and salubrious? This is taking on a seriously pale and foetid cast. Look aholes, she was right. The nut of the offense is his embedment with the holier than thou and the Rovian seat of power. But how in the world do the Republicans get to be the Holier than thou? Look at their heroes and their heroes' lame excuses. I think these things play out regularly in fringe and mainstream churches in the interest of the Republican Party every Sunday. Fact is, Shock and Awe wasn't ever authorized. If you think it was, please read the Authorization. These people were lied to at the top. They required a return with evidence. True, right? Who approved anything at all? Congress told the seedy little asshole he'd better come back with proof. But what does this all mean? This a revoting development. Nobody ever actually approved the invasion. Obama sure as shit didn't object in public. One thing, nobody ever approved the invasion without it going through el Baradei, and the moron press, and the idiots that serve as gatekeepers. Read what that shit said. Now I figure Barrack is entirely aware of this. So is he lying his ass off? Fact is, for a fact, claiming Congress approved the invasion is ridiculous. Barrack didn't have a vote. Had he, he would have been absent. Well anyway, this forum needs a sharp slap. nn.c isn't political place, although she's a fine writer and no matter what she's talking about an intelligent reader gets an idea. I guess if you favor Bob Seger you must be un-American. For a Detroit kid, there's Hideout Bob, and SRC and MC5 (and Third Power and any number of other good bands.). Somewhere at some mansion long torn down I think on Gratiot, there was a house.
- Nancy: If it's worth a turd. Back when I was the smartest print guy in jrl 101, at the Henry Grady School. I was the editor of a one-off paper, a class project. In 1970, I think. We ran a clearly fabricated interview that was clearly true and got sued. Now, if you want to be from Detroit and include music, SRC is inestimable. So I was the
- Apprentice to Darth Holden Says: March 1st, 2008 at 4:56 pm Are you comparing W to Churchill? Odious. Intellectually stultifying. W is a pre-junvenile that was told he could preempt congressional restraints on whatever he did about Iraq. He chose the infantile Shock and Awe. If you read the alleged enabling legislation, he basically blew the binders on his actions out. It's fine to say Congress approved his actions. Could somebody assess the Congressional requirements he was suposed to meet? This is no shit. But let me get back. When I was a kid, I fell in with a very beautiful kid, and we'd been separated by circumstance. Her name was Shirley, and this was in the Bahamas. Intelligence. I'm not joking about reading the so-called enabing legislation. Nobody enabled shit.
- William Walters Says: March 1st, 2008 at 5:12 pm You mean 'Grasshoppa', right? When you set out on the big lie, the big lie starts to turn on you and eat you alive.
- Nancy. If you decamp because this is insufferable. Well. I'm figuring you do something like I do and rered Count Zero. No but what the hell. I'd like to wake to something more salubrious. Or more interesting: Palate Cleanser:This is fascinating, I think, and very well-written. To me, Wikipedia is sort of a guilty pleasure and the lazy way out if you're trying to find out about something. But it's a hoot, and I figure I'm well-informed enough to take some of it with a grain of salt. On the other hand, some vestige of some sort of intelligence. This is a long national nightmare. You can't be more ignorant than Bush. Sorry, You can't be more ignorant. It's actually impossible.
- Is Fort Worth supposed to be Ground Zero. These assholes have trashed the Constitution of the United States. Nobody in the heartland seems to understand. Look. if y'all are willing to put up with signing statements, y'all are assholes and idiots.
- Hillary actually knows what she's talking about. Obama is pretending to be Bobby. Pretending to be Bobby is pretty annoying to anybody that actually went on the line. "We'll have problems, we'll have bigger ones.'. We do have Hillary's comment about after the contest. Obama didn't know who his supporters would vote for. McCain? What an asshole. If the guy can claim the Clintons are racists, I guess he's capable of just about anything. But they're guilty of smears.
- Please stop. There's no way in the world the right wing apologist's can take the high road. They invented the low road, and Lee Atwater admitted it on his deathbed. They ran with Swiftboat, when Kerry was an unadulterated war hero and W guarded the bar at the OClub and actually remembers part of it. Conservatives, if there are any, are tinhorn turds that couldn't fight their way out of an Iraqi paper bag, and they've been subsumed by New American Centurions. The Shortboat smear of John Kerry exposed the immortal stupidity of American voters. But, so what. Now that the assholes elected the worst Pretzeldent ever, have they learned a lesson? Probably not. Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. Either I made that up or HL Mencken did. But these recriminations have got to stop. It's not Nancy Nall's fault some Rove acolyte chose to plagiarize his ass off. You can't divide it any way but one. It's like Cheney and Halliburton. Crooks. All that aside, this guy has some serious psychological problems. Made it really easy to get caught. And as for the holier than thou Conservatives: Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.. HL Mencken said that, and sadly, these lemmings prove his point every day. Honor? Running with the Swiftboat aholes, when you didn't just dodge the draft, you skipped on the National Guard, that defines the opposite of honor. Pretty much defines the New American Centurions, whose idea of honor is filling mercenary coffers an torturing retarded guys like Jose Padilla. Meantime, and at the risk of sounding like a YouTube whack, just leave Nancy alone. Let her get a good night's sleep and write something in the morning about Kwame Kilpatrick that won't get everybody's underoos in a bunch. One thing broached earlier that I'd like to see pursued: In your concern for Keep on Goeglein's career and his family, do you still support the conspiracy in the heart of the administration to expose the covert CIA agent Valerie Plame. Simple question. Only simple answer required.
- At this point, this discussion is running in quicksand. I guess Ms. Nall is fairly traumatized and undoubtedly exhausted. Could try the Beatles: Good night Sleep tight Dream sweet dreams for me Dream sweet dreams for you. Close your eyes and I'll close mine Good night Sleep tight Now the sun turns out his light Good night Sleep tight Dream sweet dreams for me Dream sweet dreams for you. Good night Good night Everybody Everybody everywhere Good night. But you really need the music. Or, you could try the Beatles: Tomorrow Never Knows, though I’d recommend closing your eyes and listening, instead of the video. The main chord in this song is just a perfectly tuned guitar with no left hand. Or, you know, there's All Things Must Pass. At the end of the incredibly quotidian day, this thieving jackass will show up on Faux News to get paid for telling America why the Clintons and Obamas are despicable. How they do.
- And this is who this dickhead really is, before anybody feels sorry for him. Kommissar Karl's right nut.
- Cats are doused with lighter fluid and set ablaze by sociopaths, because they can, and by psychopaths, because they must. Oscar Wilde and Ambrose Bierce and Dennis Leary are 'mean-spirited'. Jeffrey Dahmer and Bill Frist tortured animals. Nice leap of illogic. Where do you place Ann 'Rode Hard and Put Up Wet' Coulter (not to be mean-spirited about it) on your compressed-to-the-point-of-unintelligibility scale of human behavior? How about George W's mocking portrayal of Karla Faye Tucker? Finally, do you really think your bud Goeglein is Candide buffeted by a cruel world? Let the jackass defend himself if he can. He's a grown man. He knew he was doing something despicable and apparently didn't care. I'm not a psychiatrist, but I think that's a pretty good working description of a sociopath. Which explains a lot about his political associations.
- Gee whiz, Wally. I'm not a baker or a mechanic or a hack writer representing the most corrupt bunch of Constitutional arbatageurs ever seen in North America, either. You can take that comment accordingly, but if his plagiarism wasn't sociopathic, your pal probably needs help to steer him away from self-destructive behavior. Then again, maybe he's just a True Believer in the New American Century and the philosophical motto of the Centurians: Rapio ergo sum.
- I thought Mike Barnicle was incompetent, brazen and pretty much an idiot for plagiarizing George Carlin. But looting the Pope is shameless, and reinforces the sense I have that once he'd gotten away with it the first time, proselifting became a self-destructive compulsion like smoking crank. And damn, I thought you'd at least make some money for the drama and trauma.
- Funny you should say that, Nancy. I wrote this Saturday, when the blizzard had still not reached it's height: Palate Cleanser:This is fascinating and, I think, very well-written. To me, Wikipedia is sort of a guilty pleasure and the lazy way out if you're trying to find out about something. But it's a hoot, and I figure I'm well-informed enough to take some of it with a grain of salt. On the other hand, some vestige of some sort of intelligence. They should probably make this the official Wikipedia entry for Wikipedia.
- So SRC is the greatest Detroit band. Even better than MC5. I guess you could look at this however you'd like, but Bob wasn't the best singer and he was a great guitar player but not the best by a mile. Nancy comes lately, but hell, nobody got William Butler Yeats. He wrote two tremendous anti-war anthems, he always had his mot heartfeld self at heart. He wrote Mpak. If you don't get that song, you aren't from Detroit. Can't cpnceive So whatever I think? Bogus. Can't conceive. Whatever. whatver you think, ahole.
- Damn. Dis anybody in Congress sign on with W? Here's the deql on NaFTA. Clinton did the tight thing. Obama made shit about, and thats a fact jack,ahole he had to to deal with the U N. Is Obama lying his ass off? For sure.
- Damn. Dis anybody in Congress sign on with W? Here's the deql on NaFTA. Clinton did the right thing. Obama made shit about, and thats a fact jack,ahole he had to to deal with the U N. Is Obama lying his ass off? For sure.
- How does ny corn make my celery cost so absurdly much? How des this have to do with with my price for vegetables? Americans are dumber than grunt.
- So SRC is the greatest Detroit band. Even better than MC5. I guess you could look at this however you'd like, but Bob wasn't the best singer and he was a great guitar player but not the best by a mile. There were the Quacknbush brothers and there was Detroit rock. Nancy comes lately, but hell, nobody got William Butler Yeats immediatley either. He wrote two tremendous anti-war anthems, he always had his mot heartfelt self at heart. He wrote Two +two. but asshp;es pursue other idiotic wars. Hillaary voted to make the asshole stand up to UN inspection. I DO'T AWW HOQ RHDid he do that? Well, no. How the hell do people get away with claiming that was a vote for shock and awe. When all gets settled. Seems you disliked this guy with good reason.
- So Harl Delos, you're one of those Raygunites voting for Barrack, right?
- Frot Wayne. Secret code for Fort Wayne, where the women are stealthy and the fellas all look like the well known dentist Dr. John Patterson. I never got On the Road. It always reminded me of somebody that thought getting high was better than being high. I have come within about 25 pages of finishing it, but there are Joseph Heller, Ken Kesey and V to reread. Not to mention McGuane. The big stomp on the carbon footprint would be Archer Daniel, and all those Bob Dole plane-rides paid off. The ethanol carbon footprint is around -7:1, and if you shop for vegetables, the impact is already clear. Starving the masses will most likely be more effective than making it expensive for them to drive.
- Dexter, Travels With Charley is one superb book, in my estimation. I always thought David Byrne was talking about the midwest when he sang "I wouldn't live there if you paid me", but otherwise sounded nostalgic in The Big Country. Of course, the real Big Country was a way better band than Talking Heads.
- Nancy, you take a brilliant guitar player that can make the box sound like bagpipes, mix in some Cinnamon Girl and Shane McGowan Celtic sensibility, you get Stuart Adamson. With the notable exception of Once in a Lifetime, Talking Heads never came close to this sort of inspiration. Big Country is like the Call, Screaming Blue Messiahs, Jeffrey Lee Pierce and Tonio K. Nonpareil and sui generis. And not only was the real Big Country a better band than Talking Heads, they blow U2 all to hell. Of course, so does REM and Mike Stipe isn't a pompous ass. LAMary: What makes the subway great is that nobody can stop anybody from doing anything. Humanity uninterrupted. Actually, the real subway in Boston is far more interesting than it's younger cuz in NYC. Don't make eye contact.
- No joke, I like Talking Heads. And as for Radiohead, they do to, since they plagiarized the name for their band from a David Byrne song. And, Once in a Lifetime segues fairly perfectly into There, There. "You may ask yourself, how did I get here?" and "just because you feel it doesn't mean it's there". And giving the album away was brilliant. It's like the Motown Revue for five bucks for two days.
- Ach, the Proclaimers. I get it when they haver. a word for a celtic style of rhythmic music that tends towards repetition and crescendo That's Gaelic, and it's Ravellian. O'Bolero. I'm thinking of the Pogues and Black 47, who do this well, but are also great at just bashing away from the getgo, like Bottle of Smoke and Maria‘s Wedding</a.
- Dexter: If I had the price of a token for every ride I've taken on the T, I'd still be living on Hilton Head but I wouldn't be suffering fool clients gladly. The T is wickid cool, and provides an alternate life separate from home, work, friends and family. I was riding the Mass Ave. bus one time. (Generally, the bus is a lot more potentially interactive than the train, and you really need to avoid eye contact.) Some old black guy decided to regale a group of black kids with guesses about their African origins, based on his interpretations of their facial features vis a' vis tribal characteristics. (I couldn't make this up.) The kids weren't taking Pops seriously, but they were good-natured. Eventually one of the kids pointed at me, the token caucasian, and said "Where in Africa he from?" I couldn't help myself. I said "South Africa". This was considered pretty hilarious. When you're on the T, it can seem like normal life is in complete abeyance, and the travel time is a distinctly other, separate existence. Like Benny Profane yo-yoing. "The division of the world into two domains, one containing all that is sacred and the other all that is profane—such is the distinctive trait of religious thought." (Citation: Emile Durkheim.) I don't think mon ami was talking about public transportation, but I swear most times it was as weird as Mitch Albom running into whackjobs in dyspeptic heaven. Plagiarism? Well it’s kinda connected to running America by Pretzeldential Daily Briefs for Dummies.
- Y'all on Nall are mostly about the written word, but if your cable company has Turner Classic, The President's Analyst is on tonight at 10p est. This is one of the most sublimely caustic and hilarious movies ever made. It's almost never on TV. I have to wonder whether this programming has anything to do with retroactive immunity. James Coburn is incomparable, even better than the Fllint movies, and Godfrey Cambridge used to be a national treasure. This is a great movie.
- That bit of Johnny Rivers made my day.
- Good grief, how's it feel to be virtually hobnobbing with self-proclaimed electronic big boys in the rarefied atmosphere of Slate? I've got to know: Just how effete is Michael Kinsley? Is Mickey Kauss really a consummate horse's ass, or does the internet add 15 lbs. of fatuity? What's the deal with Christopher Hitchens' adenoidal whine and chronic neurasthenia? Did both get worse when he became an American citizen? (And who's to blame for letting that unfortunate naturalization come to pass?) Is Dahlia Lithwick gorgeous, to match her verbal talent, rapier wit, and towering intellect?
- Perhaps Abe Lincoln is just embarrassing to the GOP in an election year. They claim him as a patron saint, but Lee Atwater killed the myth of the party of Lincoln (and tried to apologize on his deathbed, and for that, I hope and believe he made the saved varsity. It's the party of Nixon and Strom Thhuhhhmond, Delay and Trent Lott. What's amazing is that anybody without an ideological or financial axe to grind sticks with them. How is it they're convinced their redneck asses have a stake? I'd like some enterprising reporter to ask McCain if he intends to pardon the neocons when they're convicted of lying their asses off. I wasn't trying to be sarcastic about Slate. Well, not entirely, and your response was typically and deftly sardonic. I assume, I hope, you actually got paid for your excellent piece. I most certainly think Ms. Lithwick must be, how the kids say, hot, if she can write so felicitously about complex legal issues and, you know, explain it all. On the other hand, Kinsley is wimpy, Kaus obnoxious and Hitchens entirely insufferable. Not good dinner party fodder. I've been thinking about the Talking Heads. In actuality, I read that David Byrne plagiarized Once in a Lifetime from some real estate company's training documents. Sounds spurious, but he's awfully, in the sense of scary, eccentric. Stuart Adamson ripped And the Walls Came Down from the headlines. It’s also true that this greatest song, by a mile, by Talking Heads is elevated by the crashing major guitar chords towards the end. How about Train in Vain. I contend punk started in Detroit. It started with MC5. But SRC were the more impressive musicians and Seger was everyman. Critics dismiss Quackenbush as relying of sustain, but nobody ever came close to that sound. Like the Stones, the Beatles and Credence. Sex Pistols and the Clash and the Jam? Maybe so. All lost in the supermarket. MC5 was the musical equivalent of a putative revolution, which is all Sonic and Rob Tyner, and John Sinclair ever hoped. Brilliant music and revolution on the side. This banner was taken up by Michael Bean and Bill Anderson. How do the Butthole surfers have a song called Jet Fighter? Thren there's Ray Davies taking up this hopeless cause. Ray Davies took up this lost cause, and that's Ray. Guy played like Dave, pretty much, but Raymond wasn't buying . It seems kind of obvious that it's all about the guitar playing. Why the Georgia Satellites are soooo much better than say, the Black Crowes. Way back in the day, Bob Seger played the lead parts. Of course, in that band, as in the Who, it was the bass player that took the foremost part. Or the singer. If you listen to Cream, Clapton's amazing but Jack Bruce is mesmerizing. Best vocals that weren't Stevie Winwood. And when the Who needed a solo, we got the Ox on My Generation. Played the Precision faster than Pete could play the strat, or whatever. But anyway, when it comes down to what's denigrated as post-Punk, who ever wrote better lyrics than Shane McGowan? William Butler Yeats? Well yeah, but he's the finest poet ever lived. Well, nobody did. Only the absolute best Beatles songs came close to Ray Davies. And he tossed them off like it was nothing So if you're a Democrat, isn't the idea of eight with Hillary and eight more with seasoned Barrack an attractive scenario? Just to leave y'all with a little something, how spectacularly excellent are the Georgia Satellites. "Her skirt rolled up and I could see she was French. And I said toujours l'amour, avec mon amour" That's rock 'n' roll, I guess. My, my,my mon cheri, baby I sure would be delighted in your company anytime that is good for you would be convenient with me." There are great bands that never get recognized. Georgia Satellites are surely one. How did anybody catch onto Heavy Music? Or Ramblin Gamglin. Truly great songs. SRC wrote and played Paragon's Council. Ir sure sounded like Cheney running things. And holy shit, that's a frightening mpnster. You seem like somebody that means the best, Nancy. And you get the idea that Bob Seger used to be special. And Iggy They were very good.. Back in say '67 Bob was amazing and Iggy was strange, but attractive. he Seger song we loved was Noah . If you want to get in touch with your inner Detroit, it's MC5 and SRC you want to listen to. MC5 and SRC ruled.
- i remember an ice storm back in '63. I needed to get downtown to take the UDHigh exam. Our neighbor had a front-wheel chevy because he was a Chevy exec. He rode us around on our sleds to wear down the ice. Got me to the test on time. Those were the days in Detroit. Community, even in the suburbs. We stood up for one another. In Pulte enclaves. Lamplighter Lane. Now, Pulte builds Sun Cities, and claims they're Hilton Head. With tax breaks. Jesus what a jerk. Mr. Sheep, as Randy Newman might say.
- Del, I'd say best Seger song had to do with fortune wheels and roll dice. But I was there, when he used to play lead guitar. 2+2 yeah, unfortunate days. Too bad the Pretzleldent didn't see that up close, since he was so sure it was right when he skipped. I figure John Kerry probably buys into your take, since he was there. He saved guys lives. What in God's name could have clouded Americans' minds, to buy into the short boat assholes? I had friends that met their maker at Hue. I didn't go, and I don't regret my refusal to participate. I wouldn't go. I objected wholeheartedly. It was unadulterated bullshit, same as now. But I wonder to this day, might I have kept somebody from getting killed? This shit now, stop-loss and endless deployments. Fuck the Masters of War. They haven't got a clue, and they never sacrificed. New American Centurions. Kerry knows the sacrifice. All along the Mekong Delta and into Laos without a doubt Mcsain doesn't and the dumbshit is on board the waterboard express, even though his personal bopgraphy is based on the idea it doesn't work. What a scumbag. It'sincumbent upon American voters to actually read the alleged authorization. The law required W to let Al Baradei complete inspections and the Pretzledent report back to Congress. He did no such thing, he just went ahead with Shock and Awe. Asshole lied his ass off to Congress and invaded. It's spectacular how the MSM blames this on Congress. Defies reality. Blaming Congress is a canard. Neocons wanted to invade and they diIt's like the whole running NAFTA charade. Story after story with no mention of the environmental and labor agreements put in place by Clinton that W just abrogated. These aholes rewrite history and get away with it.
- Jesus Dexter. Way I heard that it was "doan mean shit". I was accepted at McAlester, short hop, and at McGill, in Montreal. I didn't buy it and I wasn't going. Grace of God. When they ran the first lottery, a friend of mine from High School came up six. He was actually ROTC, so I guess the number wasn't so threatening, but I wasn't buying that shit. Nobody was taking my friend for something that stupid. I'd been to Chicago for the convention. Gave some, took some. But this seemed more serious to me. Lord help me, I suppose I was anti-American if you looked at it in a Nixonian kind of way. This guy wasn't really even my friend, in High School. Uber-Jock. A Wizard and true star. In college, I realized he was a really good guy. Against all odds, the Student Center had a bowling alley in its basement. It was supposed to be a pool, God know's what happened. So I'm sitting with this guy and I'm tripping, and he looks at the bowlers and says 'Pyramus, New Jersey, make that spare.' You had to be there. So, we're UDHigh lettermen contemplating eternity, and I'm thinking 'Shit, this is Joe Hart'. This guy played hoops lefty with a cast on his right wrist and crushed Brother Rice. (You have to know about Detroit high school to understand the importance.) So, tripping my brains out, knowing about the bad lottery call, I said "Joe, you going?" He said, 'Pyramus ,Nj, male that spare.' Way cool. I was all-state in two sports, but this guy was a legend. I have to think, he could have done anything. Might have pulled some guy out of a river. That's what Kerry did and that's what the shortboaters denigrated. How the hell did these assholes get away with this? W flew security for the O-club, except they wouldn't let him fly because he was cocaine-dependent. So anyway, here's my new-found friend, who actually lived in my dorm room the year before, and we're UDHigh (it's a Setroit thing, though they may have missed it in the Grosses) (We're Catholic as opposed to Anglican). And I can't see Nixon sending this guy to war. In fact, I can't see anybody being sacrificced for any war that scurvy brarded slome had promised to end but was still listening to Curtis LerMay. This was just a few months abyer that ahole shot Bobby Kennedy, and I was in an upstart frame of mind. I made up my mind that Joe Hart was my friend, and he was not going to get killed for no reason in VietNam. So, I launched a tirade. I committed any number of physical acts of civil disobedience and I launched myself into the anti-war movement. It's notable that there was a campus uprising at the same time that involved the Black Student Union. Clarence Thomas claims to have taken part, but I don't thinkhe did. This was at the College of the Holy Cross, an exceptional liberal arts school at the time, with one of the finest English Departments ever assembled. I managed decent grades. So the lottery came atround again and I was 115. Not good. But my draft board was Royal Oak, Fr. Coughlin's territory. I dropped my student deferment because a friend of my dad's on the draft board said volunteers would keep the number down. Reclassified 1H. I have to say, Dexter, I don't think I should have gone. I believed, and I believe now, for sure, it was just wrong. You did what you had no choice about. I wish you'd had a choice. I wish you hadn't had to to go through that. I got beaten by Chicago police trying to stop the war. Beat some up too. All in all, we're both still alive, against any sane odds. I guess that's something. Oh, and my pal Joe. Last play, last game, playing linebacker, and damn he was good. Trashed his knee making a tackle. Army had no use for his damaged ass. Isn't that a perfect outcome. the student Center
- I have to admit, liberal and surrenderist (and if America buys this sack of shite from John McCain, HL will throw up but otherwise lie peacefully in his grave, knowing he was right about getting it good and hard) and friend to terriss that I am, I cheered for killing those commies in Red Dawn. I think it's about internal logic, and it all made some perverted form of sense. Patrick Swayze? It's like what John Hiatt said about Billy Ray Cyrus: "But, oh how that man could dance." The best movie he made was Steel Dawn. With the absolutely incomparable Brion "Time to Die" James, with the inimitable Anthony Zerbe as the completely despicable villain when Alan Rickman was still just a glint in critics' eyes. Next of Kin is primordial. You f**k with my brother, I f**k you over big time. If it's got Liam Neeson, I'm in. He's just excellent. Hell, I liked Darkman and Nell. I've been watching movies a long time, and I wouldn't venture a guess at what's a 'bad' movie. Leave that to the Mystery Science Theater guys and robots. I believe Chinatown is surely the best movie anybody ever made, followed closely by McCabe and Mrs. Miller. Get right down to it, movies are just great, period. There are movies like Shoot Loud and Cry Uncle and Bucket of Blood nobody ever heard of that reward the two-hour investment of nothing but time. Evil Roy Slade, the brilliant John Astin's most brilliant moment. And sometimes we watch those Seagall potboilers, and we like them. We'd like to turn the Muscles from Brussels loose on any reality show of your choice. Imagination, even hackneyed, violent imagination, trumps total aholes acting like aholes while camera-preening on "reality" that are so scripted they make my molars ache. Michael J. Pollard is just too strange to be human, but, you know, Little Fauss and Big Halsey. They had to get a shrimp to make Robert Redford big. My female BF and I took a different route. We went to see Blade Runner about 50 times, on the last of the big screens at Coolidge Corner in Brookline. New stuff all the time.
- Dorothy, <iThe Blob, with its inherent message that, you old farts, the kids may have a point, was a terrific movie. i wonder when somebody will take movies seriously enough to immortalize Thomas Pynchon. And TC Boyle. and William Gibson. Paranoia as a normal state of mind is underrated. The Blob was anti-McCarthyism, but you know, It was just a movie, Ingrid.
- Steven Seagall made a movie called The Glimmer Man, with, I think, Marlon Wayans, maybe Damon, that was pretty good. This all comes down to William Faulkner and willing suspension. You just buy the absurd premise and the result is satisfying. Somebody makes an effort to make something up, I'm on board. Creative alternatives are crucial to human existence. How we know we're actually alive. Otherwise, you've got Donald Trump and his improbable hair masquerading as the real world.
- Brian, Tremors is exceptionally entertaining. Class by itself, actually. Set out to make a ludicrous horror movie and succeeded on all counts. Ken Russell did the same thing, with The Lair of the White Worm but he couldn't condtain his artistic impulses. He did make The Devils. Good bad, and evil, at the same time. Are there actors and actresses that just guarantee people will trash a movie because they're in it? From my point of view, you've got the totally insufferable Will Farrell and Adam Sandler. The latter is naturally funny, the former more obnoxious than Chris Farley and David Spade mashed up. How is it that nobody gives any credit to Kevin Bacon? He plays everything well, including truly slimy villains. The River Wild. Now that's a movie I could see in this discussion. I think Meryl Streep is at her best in this movie, David Strathairn too. And, damn, Kevin Bacon is superbly villainous. I suppose this is another bad movie. But I really like it. And I'm right.
- Please tell me you got paid for the Slate piece. KStreet? Probly Faux News.
- But Jim Carrey made The Truman Show, which is quite affecting (although Ed Harris steals the show). And there's the phony Capra The Majestic in which Carrey played Mr. Smith bludgeoning Congress a lot better, more convincingly, and more understatedly than Jimmy Stewart was ever capable of. Bad movies? The iconic, beyond criticism. It's a Wonderful Life. An atrocity. Raging Bull, how many times can you say f**k and punch a woman in one minute on screen? Moronic, Neanderthal. Planet of the Apes. Yeah, right, right wing nutjob and values of free human expression. You know he wanted to say "filthy N****r" when he said "filthy ape". That was kind of the point of that movie, wasn't it? Adam Sandler's probably an acquired taste, but if he didn't look so odd, he's actually capable of being a decent actor. I mean, he always looks like a Beastie Boy. Will Farrell, on the other hand, plays straight up same, all the time, and he's inexcusable. It wasn't funny on SNL, it's not funny now. I've been forced to sit through Will Farrell movies, and this guy is a jerk.
- I liked The Pelican Brief best of any Julia Roberts role. If Hugh Grant's in a movie, I'm not watching. God, what an insufferable twit. I mean, it's bad enough to be caught in a car, in drag, with former As pitcher Dave Stewart, you know... I did watch Bridget Jones, because I liked th book, sort of, and because my companion made me, and, really, because I hoped Colin Firth would beat the snot out of that metro twat. Ms. Roberts best role was probably the amoral, duplicitous fundraising ho that tried and failed to seduce Rey Curtis, and then hung him out to dry in court anyway on Law and Order. Really Bad Movie: Sleepless in Seattle. Spare me the labored, winsome dramaturgy.
- Patch Adams was berry berry bad. That's a function of Robin Williams. When he's good he's great. When he's overindulged by the script and the director, he's unbearable. Doesn't anybody else get this feeling of ichoate rage watching Dr. House kill the patient 10 times in an hour and then get lucky, while eating vicodin like popcorn and professionalizing being an ass? Critics have long knives out for Robin Williams and sometimes he richly deserves it (one of my brothers went to private school with him, at Detroit Country Day). Death to Smoochy? On the other hand, he's capable of excellence and nuance. Insomnia, Garp, Good Morning Vietnam. He (under)played the diametric opposite of the obnoxious Patch Adams character in Awakenings, and he was superb. Hardly anybody ever saw it, but Robin Williams made a movie called Moscow On the Hudson, that could have starred Tom Hanks but thank God didn't. Truly fine movie. There's a disconnect in this argument. I think Nancy's talking about so bad they're good movies to some extent. Mystery Science. In my estimation, Don "Sonny Crockett" Johnson put this category away with A Boy and His Dog, although Lori Petty and Ice Cube and Malcolm McDowell might have outdone him in Tank Girl.
- Far and Away. As bad an overblown epic as Gone With the Wind. Only some 5-7 Scientologist dumbass could make Nicole Kidman look bad. As for GWTW, I guess the movie wasn't all that terrible compared with the unreadable potboiler it was made from. Danielle Steele, her previous life cut short by an Atlanta taxi cab.
- Jenny Garp is the great feminist character of the 20th Century. 19th, Anna Karenina or Hedda. Nah, Hester Prynne. Elizabethan? Katherina, although Helena (Oh, spite, oh hell.) gives her a run, but that might be my Diana Rigg infatuation. Did you actually read The Women's Room? Don't think I've ever met anybody that made it through. Bad angry writing with no appreciable point of view, lacking Erica Jong's resolute Yiddishness and dubious sense of humor. Marilyn French was a poorly regarded English prof at Holy Cross when my brother went there.
- How about turning Bobby Gentry into drivel, with Robby Benson, for execrable movies?
- Guy's an asshole. BFD. Everybody connected to Q has lied their ass off. It's what these dunbasses do for a living Ifr you'w cit tge niat bogus Kennyboy lyibf sack of shit ever appointed, what do you do? You lie your ass off.
- The anti-Hillary has been staggering. Or at least it might be if you hadn't lived through the Deanie-Babies. When di d Bubba say anything that could remotely be considered racist? When was the last time you heard a potential nominee say "I know her supporters will vote for me. I don't know if mine will vote for her."? Who they voting for Barack? McCain? What an asshole. Very poor cgoice of words, and tgoughts. We went for a bile ride and thought about Nancy's comment on Scarlet and feminism. A book we both read, Alias Grace, seems to fit. This book is so good, I'd actually recommend it. And Oryx and Crake. I'm not really thrilled with most women recording artists. Joni, Maria McKee, Alanis (going on in a nude bodysuit in the gtermath of Janet jacksin was so damn funny, Aimee Mann, Joan Armatrading, Judy Collins (who was blessed with a perfect voice, and knows how to bend it, if you're looking to get silly. Nobody on the face of the earth sings like this). But maybe Steve Stills or Jack Bruce. I take endless domestic grief over this, but Margaret Atwood is the only consitsently excellent woman writer in this century. The Brontes, well yeah. Jane Austen? Wake me when it's over.Well. there's Gaye Weldon, but she's so mean-spirited,
- Hwre's the deal: Now consider how the Commander in Chief just lied to Congress. How would you have voted?href="">This is the so-called authorization. Does this say the asshole can institute shock and awe? Nppe. They did it because they could. Nobody in Congress ever voted for the Invasion.
- Nobody authorized the invasion and nobodddddddddy sure as shit authorized the occupation, W is out on a limb with Cheney and Perle and those aholes that signed the PNAC letters One thing's for sure, nobody in Congess ever signed on for either the invasion or theo ccupation. Read the law.
- Scarlet, a feminist ? You have to do better than that. Margaret Atwood is so good she can write rings around anybody you bring up. .nk pu [ k' pp Wow, Feminism in movies, hard '
- There‘s so much Anti-feminism to go around. Why is it usually women on the drive-by?
- Something Else. Fine writing about a not-well-enough-respected man. Actually, the word John Nance Garner used was piss. I think you still can't print that in papers of record. If hawks are threatening the tufted titmice, call Tripp Isenhour. Randy Johnson atomized a seagull and nobody charged him with anything. A Tin Cup moment.
- We used to have a gigantic jade, which became infected with spider mites. A mild solution of water and dishwashing liquid did the bastards in. When we owned a farmhouse in Brockton, MA, our trees, including pear and apple, were beset with tent caterpillars. You could actually hear them chomping. I truly lost my senses, and declared a borderline psychotically obsessive war on the bastards. Crushed them with hammers, burnt them with smoldering cigars. Bacillus thuringiensis proved effective. McCain? Straight talk? If Americans vote for this mumbling equivocator against anybody we deserve what we get, and we'll get it, good and hard. Everything with this guy is a youthful indiscretion, or, even better, a lapse in judgment that led to the appearance of impropriety. Should have spent time in Club Fed for Keating Five. His abject fawning over W goes way beyond gag reflex. Shrubco and Bush's brain slandered McCain unmercifully in 2000, and now they're best buds. Obama is dissembling about what he did on his Canadian vacation, and Hillary's guilty of some double-talk on NAFTA, but how is it that nobody in the press mentions how W came in and simply abrogated the Environmental and Labor agreements B. Clinton grafted onto the unadulterated Free Greed situation left by Bush pere, who proved unequivocally that getting shot down doesn't prepare you to be President? (HW did something similar with Somalia, spitefully leaving a no-win briar patch for his successor. Probably BaBar's idea.) Any problems with party message and party unity for Democrats are the daily newspaper landing with a thud on Dr. Dean's doormat. Obama's positions on issues differ from Clinton's about as much as Clarence Thomas doesn't judge cases Scalia-free. What's going on is liberaller-than-thou Deany Babies have their guy and that's about that. It doesn't help when the hope candidate spouts Raygun hagiography and says he knows his opponent's supporters will vote for him, but he's not sure his will vote for her. As for the invasion and McCain's vision of endless occupation, it would be nice to think American voters had a clue about Public Law HJ 114. The so-called authorization required the Pretzeldent to allow the UN and el Baradei to proceed, and to return to Congress with additional evidence before taking action against Iraq. (The incredible campaign of disinformation by the misAdministration is actually beside the point, though it's not far-fetched to think Congresspeople just wouldn't believe a President would flat-out lie his ass off to Constitutional deliberators and law-makers.) Inconvenient for the Obama troops slagging Hillary's vote, but, then again, he wasn't there. Nobody voted for the invasion, and Barrack will persist in misrepresenting the facts of this matter.
- This is what Hillary Clinton said on the Senate floor when she cast her Iraq vote: Because bipartisan support for this resolution makes success in the United Nations more likely and war less likely, and because a good faith effort by the United States, even if it fails, will bring more allies and legitimacy to our cause, I have concluded, after careful and serious consideration, that a vote for the resolution best serves the security of our Nation. If we were to defeat this resolution or pass it with only a few Democrats, I am concerned that those who want to pretend this problem will go way with delay will oppose any United Nations resolution calling for unrestricted inspections. This is a difficult vote. This is probably the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Any vote that may lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction. Perhaps my decision is influenced by my 8 years of experience on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue in the White House watching my husband deal with serious challenges to our Nation. I want this President, or any future President, to be in the strongest possible position to lead our country in the United Nations or in war . Secondly, I want to ensure that Saddam Hussein makes no mistake about our national unity and support for the President's efforts to wage America's war against terrorists and weapons of mass destruction. Thirdly, I want the men and women in our Armed Forces to know that if they should be called upon to act against Iraq our country will stand resolutely behind them. My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of preemption or for unilateralism or for the arrogance of American power or purpose, all of which carry grave dangers for our Nation, the rule of international law, and the peace and security of people throughout the world. Sounds considered and statesmanlike.
- Hawks (mostly redtails), ospreys, eagles (bald and golden), feral chickens and occasional peacocks (God knows where they came from). We have them all on our barrier island. Herons (Great Blues, many of whom are snow white), egrets (Peter Matthiessen's plume birds), kingfisher (once), cormorants, anhingas (snakebirds!), turnstones, skimmers, all sorts of gulls. The most impressive, easily, in grace and almost prehistoric magisterial presence, is the brown pelican. Seen from the right perspective, late on hot summer beach days after some Sam Adams, they strongly resemble pterodactyls, and can glide from out of, to into to out of sight without appearing to move a muscle, inches off the water. We also have a pileated woodpecker that's the bane of our early mornings. And all sorts of songbirds. Congresses of crows. Turkey vultures with 8-ft. wingspans. Redwing blackbirds and wood storks. And gators and dolphins that pace our kayaks in the estuaries. Dolphins are shameless about mating. Libertines. Gators, more fastidious. We have signs that warn "Do not feed or molest the alligators." Isn't a human being dumb enough to "molest" an alligator somebody that 's swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool? And we've got snakes, copperheads that swim in our pool but no water moccasins (which is fortunate, because they scare the shit out of me), small timber rattlers, much larger king snakes that supposedly eat rattlers. A friend claims to have seen a coral snake. A very large, non-venomous constrictor called a pine snake is pretty common and they keep the rabbits in check. And we have deer, but they eat rich peoples' azaleas, so they're endangered by Homeowners Associations. People have "Save the Sea Pines Deer" bumper stickers to protest "culling" (foul euphemism for slaughter, try hand to hoof, you cowards). W have TShirts that say "Arm the Sea Pines Deer". There is nothing much more funny than some dumbass hunter falling out of a deerstand and breaking his inebriated ass. I imagine somewhere 'Feather-footed through the plashy fen passes the questing vole', but they live underground so they're hard to spot. It's all Bungle in the Jungle, and we never take it for granted.
- Possums are one of those creations God should apologize for. Incredibly nasty animals, and they don't smile, they smirk. Like raccoons without brains and a nice Ivy League coat. Wily and innately evil. Born to be roadkill, armadillos without the half-shell.
- It's like Art Linkletter said, "People eat the damnedest things. Or something like that. I'm sure I've eaten both squirrel and possum, disguised as Brunswick stew on blue Sundays at the bootlegger's in Athens. Why do people eat rodents with bushy or cottontails but would be hohorrified by rat cassoulet? Who were the intrepid gastronomes that first braved things as revolting looking as squid, or conch or Quahogs, or snails? (I'm partial to all four, but slugs and gastropoda are still slugs and gastropoda.) Brains? Tripe? Sweetbreads? Giblets? There's a word for that stuff, and it's offal, but I guess it's all protein.
- Could somebody just phone in where and how Clinton went so negative on Barrack. Just one comment. Anything? Didn't happen. I just don't see that having happened. Basically, utter bullshit. Or maybe udder since W tried to milk bulls on more than one occasion, and boy I thinkthis is Rovian. All hat ring a bell? MMMoron. Maybe he thought that was Kennyboy whose teats he was yanking.. You couldn't in a zillion years hit a bird with a golf shot. Even if you really wanted to. And I love watching hawks circle. They're going to eat the tufted titmouse that's just been blathering on our balcony, Kafkaz, second or third best poem, But who cares? Houseman, Gerard Manley Hopkins, William Blake, Christina Rosetti?. Everybody's second to Yeats in channeling something mystical, or nystifying. Well, there's Under Ben Bulben which puts most other attempts at poetry to abject shame. Think about Yeats' contemporaries. I think hawks concatenate. I don't think ospreys do. They just choose to dine, rapaciously. Awesome sight. Raptors only eat things still alive. Neocons regulalary dine on the dead. If you live in what passes for the country, but it's really the city, you probably think the brother was the poet. I'd say Christina ate his lunch.
- McCain's worse than W. He believes he's honest. And worse than that shitheel isn't a good idea.
- Yeah, del, but some of us just have an aversion to lying. Barrack says "trust me" but as far as the invasion and NAFTA are concerned, he's not only lied his ass off, he's accused his opponent of lying, when she was telling the truth. That's news that will not appear on MSNBC. Keith will stick with the lie and slag Hillary. I swear, this is Deanie Babies gone wild. People with no idea of the process, that think Kucinich is cute. And never bothered reading Public Law HJ 114. And the guy gets all hagiographical and post-climactic about Raygun. Did Ronny open a big tent for black people? Does Barrack think Raygun did, when he waxes poetic? The worst bullshit is Kennedy comparisons. Ms. Obama sure as hell hasn't got Jackie's class. More like L'il Kim or Courtney Love. And Jackie wasn't Ethel, either. But I'm sure that's inserting the race card. What's stupid is, these people are talking about Jack when they're dying to mean Bob, but they're too dense to get it.
- Do y'all think bumrushing caucuses is remotely democratic? Caucuses, by definition, are exclusionary. It's Deany Baby heaven. We're more liberal than thou. Which makes us, ta-da, progressive, so we get to tell the whole state how to vote.
- Seating Michigan delegates makes more sense than awarding delegates by caucus states. And those folks aren't more liberal. They seem to believe in election by anointment. These people stabbed Kerry in the back, and let Kenneth Blackwell do the dirty work. Obama may think he's Bono, but Michael Stipe mumbles more effectively than Bono over-emoting to truly obnoxious effect. NAFTA? Well he told a foreign government that was just window-dressing. And the Authorization? He's about as familiar with what that said as Rush Limbaugh is. Nobody in Congress authorized Shock and Awe. Not Kerry, not Hillary, not anybody but Cheney and Rummy and the aholes that tried talking Clinton intoNeocons this stupidity in 1998. Thanks to later signees Rummy and Cheney, they just went ahead and did it. And then, with Ken Blackwell’s help in Cuyahoga and other Ohio counties, Americans were stupid enough to re-elect thesejerks that figure they can whipe their pimply white asses with the Constitution, or maybe just do that Grover thing and drown the government like unwanted kittens. Invading Iraq was just the ultimate signing statement. Almost half of American voters voted for this war crimina, after his crimes were painfully apparent. We live in a country where people let Swift Boaters decide their votes. And re-elect Stalinists to export democracy by force. If he had a clue, Johnny Cougar would say "Ain't that America." Real Americans are waiting for Independence Day.
- Once it was engrossed HJ 114 became a Public Law. What it said, in part, was that W had to allow el Baradei's investigations, and consult Congress before proceeding in any fashion. If you say that's not so, you dissemble in a Barrackian fashion. Obma knows what the bill said, and he's admitted that he'd have voted for it given the manufactured evidence. When you write your own myth, you're probably too close in time to clean up all the inconvenient details.
- It's revolting that Americans and Iraqis got killed because some idiot draft dodger was the perfect brain-dead tool for bastards that want to make America a one-party state with no government but Kennyboy's elect.
- MSNBC: I can honestly say, I talked the Kicking Ass blog into tuning into Keith Olberman every night back in '04, but in the last several months, he's made every effort to portray Hillary as nuts and Obama the voice of reason. I believe both candidates are, in general, and it's not just anybody but Bush. Clinton's health carelan is more solid, and well-conceived economically, and more likely to start an economic turnaround than Obama's. I understand both pretty well, and they don't differ greatly, but the latters is a rehash lacking crucial elements of the former's. On the Iraq invasion, well, if W and the Stovepipe gang booted Al Baradei, they broke the Public Law. You can parse the language of the Authorization however you want and claim Shock and Awe-shit was 'authorized, but the troop invasion circumvented what the lying assholes had talked Congress into by pure subterfuge. I know for a fact Obama wasn't there and had no access to the manufactured 'intelligence' presented to sitting members of Congress. I figure the House and the Senate were presented with bogus evidence none of them were prepared to think involved the President just lying his ass off, or the President of Vice moving his lips to say the same. How's Congress supposed to judge, in that situation, the President capable of monstrous duplicity? When LBJ foisted Tonkin Gulf on America's legislative bodies, dthe die was cast. In the current case, PNACenturion's appeals to President Clinton notwithstanding, every single thing they were told was a carefully-woven tissue of lies to hoodwink them I was surely following it closely. I didn't know dick about the whole thing, but what I could find out in a moment's Google about Saddam's capabilities, intentions, plans and thinking, anymore than Obama could in the Illinois House. But Hillary Clinton should have had some sort of premonition about Doug Feith so they'd no more about what Obama didn't know?? This criticism is a deliberately nonsensical crock of shit. And if you never heard the spectacularly well-planted and designed information, you didn't know shit to make a judgement, but you could sure lick the frosting on the other end, when you had no vote, and what the hey. Tell you what. I figured one way or another all of this was Sunni vs. Shia. vs Kurds and American troops signed on for one, tops two. Now I was right about that. Don't think Obama was. If you didn't see Turks vs Kurds, how do you claim prescience. Prescience seems to be Obama's claim to fame. How did he miss Kurdistan? Domestically. I said the caucuses were anti-democratic. In Dem caucus states: 6% of Democrats took part. Total dems in states: 2.35mil in Michigan and Florida. In all the caucus states that expressed their superiority, because they bum-rushed caucuse, 1.2mil. Somebody's screwing with the process. These voter registration numbers can be jacked around hoowever anybody likes. Hillary sai in January these delegates should be seated The argument that nobody got to run adds. Well I dom't think anything precluded running ads. Obama's full of shit, and seems to be disenfranchising voters. But I'm supposing that's somehow racist. I know this is silly. The Obama campaign says Bill Clinton is some sort of racist. Yeah, right. What kind of idiocy are you. Please explain how anything Bill Clinton said was racist. Please explain his Obama's campaign said it was racist? Well, you can't. The race card is being wielded like the hammer of the Gods. Accusing Hillary's campaign of racism is so lame, it's kind of like claiming Hillary supported the war. You make do with the lies presented? Racism brought by the Clinton campaign? Well, anything critical. Seriously lame, but that's the whole deal. Do Americans flinch more from a woman or from a manly black guy? I do know this and I don't really care about that. Americans would like to reinstate the Constitution. In the long run, I don't care. I just don't want to see some whackjob insisting we've got no rights of privacy, assembly, or to think what we like. My opinion? McCains about as insane as Ronald Raygun, and he's entirely for full-on Bush KBR-Blackwater traitor for cash. Barak said the most obnoxiouslyi nadmissable thing. Her supporters would supporters would support me but mine wouldn't support her. They support removing the troops but not if I don't do it? Is he that self-messianic? If he thinks this way, is it surprising he sucks up to Raygun? Cu.t of Personality It's a fact. I don't favor lne over the other. But If you try to go all Ralph. You're an asshole. I'm old enough to believe nobody meant anything but Bobby. Truth? That was John KERRy. Given pre-announcded cheating in Ohio, he got cheated. They ate Ohio alive and they cheated like bastards. They said they would and they did. So Hillary and Obama? John Kerry would have been better. But you assholes let him get slimed, and somehow that was his fault. DNC, progressives, how wasn't that trainwreck your fault? How wasn't John Kerry your candidate? Not heroic? Not patriotic enough> ?Here's the deal lWhat I was going to say. It's hard to explain.The President of the United States just chose to liehis ass off toComgress to make cash, and the Congress was supposed to assume he was a monster. They didn't want to believe the President was a monster that would lie his ass off. So he just lied. And Congress was supposed to think the President was such a scumbag he'd lie about everyrhing he said? He still stilld't. If you say he co
- The C word is , and there is only one, in england, and I'm american so you can take this howevever . Christoher Hitchens is a cunt In England I believe this is a guy with no vonceivable excuse. And I think thats why you would use that * Nancy. Way into. If you want neurashenic , post, drip asshole. look no further. You claim to Bob Seger. I wasn't born lonely. Wasn't born down by the riverside. I saw Bob Seger when he played guitar. In those days, Bob Seger ripped. If you knew anything about this, there was SRC and there was MC5. If you dont get that you have no clue. Good luck , I hope I just.evaporate/
- Is it possible Christopher Hitchens isn' a cunt? No, h's a cunt no matter how you look at it. He kind of defines this expletibe.
- Men aren't pigs. DNA says pretty close, and women pretty much piglets with saucy trotters too. Older than the Bible. Women will eternally act like they don't bother, moron guys will zoom in on tits. I've never seen the attraction. Legs. Maybe. Maybe. How 'bout intelligence that shines through. John Steed and Mrs. Peel. If there are avatars. Steed is a perfect gentleman, with brains. Mrs. Peel is gorgeous, and smarter than everybody, and she can kick about anybody's ass. Steeds reserved, but he can kick everybody's ass when Mrs. Peel is done with them. So, she's pretty much my ex-wife, who wouldn't take shit from anybody, and I loved her for it even when it was definitely not convenient. But, I think my point is: If you don't think misogyny trumps racism, listen to Olbermann playing the hysteria card. Holy shit, Keith, what woman hurt you so badly. Aside from that, McCain is nuts about Iraq. What he says, you vote for this idiot, you deserve to be disenfranchised. He's looney. No matter how anybody wants to put it, this isn't anybody but W. Although McCain, that was egregiously slandered in 2000 by W, but now they're buds. So now nobody wants to come back on the so-called authorisation. Nobody authoriized the invasion. You read it. Nnobodyauthorised the invasion, did they? That just happrned. Did they find Bin Laden there? The worst thing is so-called progessives that harp on this vote without a clue what it actually said. These assholes didn't stand with Jphn Kerry. Holier-than-thou? Vote Nader, you assholes. Dante's waiting. There's no circle of hell not prepared for somebody that votes for McCain. who's appantley insane. Shat vou;d Tell you what. Last time we we had an Oldtimers guy, we fucked over the Constitution and funded the most despicable scumbags you could ever hope to find. Iran-Contra? Please? Who wasn't a criminal? But this is the thing. When people pull this sort of shit, they claim it was for the greater good. This was all for the greater greed.
- Tell you what. I said caucus states are more dogass and anti-democratic,. My opinion was greeted as we would expect. I'll say this once and future. Bussssssh 2.0 Caucas States Votes: 1.9 mil Michigan and Florida votes: 2.4mil. So how are the caucuses represetative
- Connie, Did you burst into the shower with that request? Was anybody with you? Musical instruments? If you need an answer about physiology, Dr. Laura's your man (and maybe Ann Coulter's), but you might want a second opinion from Doctor Mike Marshall (kinesiology). Tracking down Spitzer was pure payback. Dumbass was dumbass enough, but he screwed with the wrong people. The investigation was run by a loyal Bushie from the USAttorney firing days, and was based on bogus warnings to the USAtty's office from Wall Street bankers about 'structuring'--that thing drug dealers do to keep transactions under FBI radar. Unadulterated witchhunt. Done in by bizarre sexual compulsions, but I'd say busting pension fund rapists was worth the peccadilloes. And the Mann Act charges? Not in billions of years. Just move along here. Nothing to see but misdemeanor soliciting. Meanwhile, Larry Craig still has a congressional office in Washington. Hookers may have been travelling business class, but, you know, it was just business, and nobody was transporting them anywhere but overpaid USAir. Lady and crapper? Maybe she was thinking about the King, and I don’t mean Mitch Ryder. And isn't Spitzer young enough to get the GOP youthful indiscretion mulligan? I mean, he's not old as McCain, who's clearly working on his second trophy wife but wants to try the President thing first. What's the matter with his staff that they don't make the obvious infidelity link with Raygun? Even Barack loves Ronnie.
- Oh. And has everybody forgotten Ollie North's bimbo, Fawn Hall, who stuffed shredded Iran-Contra evidence in her (apparently) Granny panties. Maybe it's quibbling, but I think there are politicians that get in trouble over sex, and there are politicians that get in trouble over sex while criticizing another politician for getting in trouble over sex, or, say, shredding the Constitution. The latter couple get radio shows and Faux News facetime, and, I'd hope, a more desperate and painful circle in hell.
- Emperors Club? Spitzer's Client 9. Does the buck stop there? I doubt they had nine clients. Who might Messrs One through Eight be? How did one name get out? Doesn't the "strategic" leak make it reasonable to speculate about other clients, and their identities?
- Were y'all aware that John D. MacDonald was a good friend of Warren Zevon's? It may be heretical to say this, but great as Travis McGee is, I think the character has been perfected in Dave Robicheaux. Ezekiel Rawlins is better than both, and he's got the best sidekick, Raymond "Mouse" Alexander who famously said: You said don't shoot him, right? Well I didn't. I choked him. You didn't want him dead Easy, why you leave him with me? There's a pretty good version of Darker than Amber that was made in the late 60s (I think), with Rod Taylor and the immortal Theodore Bikel as "Meyer". Writing detective books must be daunting when Raymond Chandler's been, gone and done that. I like the one-offs about people given a moral push into reluctant and doomed investigation, like Smilla's Sense of Snow and Cutter and Bone. Both were made into decent movies, and Gary Sinise playing Captain Dan in the wheelchair plagiarized John Heard's portrayal of Alex Cutter.
- I have never understood the allure of strip clubs, or "tittie bars" as we call 'em down South. When I worked in Boston, clients would invariably suggest a lunch break at 11:30, and, just as invariably, suggest going around the corner to the Combat Zone. My partner at the time (and my best friend to this day) is a very beautiful woman, and you could have bet successfully they'd been ogling her all morning, and were getting some sort of pocket pool self-gratification by suggesting she go to the strip club with the boyos. We'd tell them we had other plans but they should help themselves, and we knew the day was shot. Going to strip clubs is one of those things, like cannibalism and premeditated murder that mammals eschew, other than humans and rats. What's the point? I did skip school once in Detroit to go see Lottie the Body, but that was old-school burlesque house ecdysiasm. Lottie was pretty amazing but she was preceded by a woman who went about a buck ten eighty, and a working mom with a Caesarean scar. Vaudeville comic too, and that was seriously ugly. This was something suburban kids going to school on 7 Mile did, like drinking Ancient Age with the 12th Street oldtimers in the bleachers at Tiger Stadium. Brian Stouder: I don't care who wins them, caucuses are bumrush affairs run by intimidation, by people who've decided to appoint themselves arbiters of correctness. You know, middle school imposed on the political process, in the Biergarten. Democracy is never an option, and some pigs just know they're more equal than others.
- I don't support either, but I. This is great journalistic sport. I support both. W is an inconceivable greedy moron thathas not l the nations indterests at heart. His administration is more concerned with Halliburton Needs to have his ass disposed of. Did Geraldine Ferraro say something impolitic? Maybe. If Obama had been Joe Biden. Did Bll Clinton make some sort of racist comments? Not in a billion years. The Obama people are so full of shit on this they should be gagging. But you know, they were dumb enough to say so. There aren't any racists involved, and Barrack apologitzes. What Ferraro said was one true fact. If Barrack wasn't a black gur, if he was your typical white interlocutor, the women vote would would would rule. That is what she said, as a matter of fact. Apparent;ly there are ways and ways of playing the race card might be beneath Obama. it's pretty clearly something his opponent never considered. If somebody could point out how Bill Clinton said anything remotely racist, I'll kiss Keith Olbermann's ass. Just never happened, If it's about Shock and Awe, and the invasion and occupation, if you think Congress authorized thi, you're an idiot with an agenda. Intelligent people in Congree were presented with evidence. Should they have assumed the president was just lying his ass off? Well, how. Lyndon lied, if your old enough to remember. This was so far more massive lying, you'd have to expect prescience. I didn't believea word. On the other hand, it's easy to see how Members pf Congress would believe th CommanderinChief wouldn't just lie and muder people with th initial shock ans awe. Murdering iraqis? I truly belive this asshole thinks , whaever they're just
- How did Bill Clinton raise race in anything he said? This is idiotic. Obama's campaign I know her supporters will vote for for me. That is so dogass, it's beyond comprehension. He figures his supporters will back McCain against Clinton? That is what the anointed said. He's enamored of Raygun. That's how he'd vote? It's a reasonable question. Hillary would vote for Barrack. Would barracck vote for some looney toon like McCain? What the hellishetalking about? He thinks Rpn Raygun made sense? Well, he said so.
- Unless I miss my mark, most of y'all think the Constitutioin means deliberatiioive, and three branches. Signing statements are kinda, obviously bullsjhit. It 's a declaration of rights and hpw we state them. So he's an insufferabe asshole. Point that out. And esplain Obama's earmarks with his wife salary boosts. This is werd, because this is exactly what rpub.ivans dp fptr a ;obong. Some voyeur already spent nearly $100 mil slaggng the Clintons tands t thelargesse of the Republican Party. They got nowhere.
- two birds, at swim.
- John C. was pretty much a major conman, and the Freeway is tres bizarre. But that's Detroit. That is most certainly the worst stretch of road going through Southfield, other than Woodward Avenue.
- Ms. Nall: Riding while impaired is an actual crime. All over the road. Do you ride one of those bikes with one really gigantic wheel in front and a tiny one in back? This was after beverages with lunch, right? And how about Freddy Mercury for the soundtrack? Nah, Syd Barret would be better. Harl: I live in SC. Nobody here thought what the ex-Pres said was remotely racist, just an accurate assessment of how voting gets done here. When Jim Clyburn bailed on Hillary, that was all she, or he, wrote. One way or another, this state will remain polarized. Black people will vote for Obama in November and the state will be a landslide for McCain. I'm a caucasian Democrat, which is rarer here than the Lord God woodpecker, but South Carolina black voters vote as a bloc, and I regularly vote with them. And white dumbasses throughout the state will continue to elect hypocrites like Lindsey Graham and full goose loonies like Jim Demented. Acknowledging the effect of racial voting patterns is not racism. It's anybody's prerogative to vote for a black guy because the voter is black, and it's certainly understandable in the land of Strom. For all anybody knows, Ferraro was sundowning, because she always seemed like a pretty astute politician. Maybe it was the lingering effects of the concussion from when HW supposedly "kicked a little ass." But claiming anything Bill Clinton said was racist is a purposeful and egregious injection of race by the campaign of the black candidate. I assume you have a hard time with execrable sexism in coverage of Clinton, and you expect a sincere apology from Barrack for his "claws come out" catfight allusion. And Harl, if it's Obama vs. Mccain, I'd bet my '69 Cougar Hillary will vote for Barrack. If it's Clinton vs. McCain, there will be malcontents voting for Ralph Vader, and screwing the country over for another few years.
- As far as Obama and Raygun are concerned, I guess Adolf Hitler was "transformational". R. Reagan was a stone racist, and racism was the kernel of his appeal and political career. Incredibly bizarre reference for the "hope" candidate. How about Stalin, or Ghengis Khan, or Oliver Cromwell, but no, those guys were monsters. If another Democrat said that, she'd get reamed.
- This is a perfect summing of what I think about President Gumby. And what’s Obama’s point? Hands across the aisle? What if they tend to greed and racial insensitivity, and some doctrinaire and obscene parody of Christianity that would make Jesus weep, on the other side. Make nice? I don’t think so.
- Nancy, please be careful on the bike. Lack of your presence by stupid driver would be difficult to bear, and put a horrible dent in my internet experience. Common sense, serious style and EB White. What a woman. And for basketball fans, how bout them Dawgs? Astounding.
- Dexter. I just insist my dog never shat in anybody's lawn. Isn't the past tense of shit a hoot. I always clean up, but this discussion is sort of asinine. And isn't Tiger rolling one in the exact opposite of them Dawgs? I am sort of thinking about the bubble whiners. Win three in less than 24 hours and then complain. But really, Nancy, take care on the bike, and on the Google, and on the internets. Just take care, OK? I value your persistent existence, and talent. It's consistently good writing, which you normally have to go to fiction for.
- I've never been here in March, if I'm still welcome. Is basketball Kosher? Way fun.
- Is basketball Kosher? Not good ones. NBA basketballs are covered with pig leather. Cheap basketballs are made of rubber, though, so they’d be pareve. Perhaps I should have said hoops. Reggie Miller said the composite ball was OK. Larry could have shot anything they put on the floor from behind the backboard. That's why Larry was Larry and not just another white guy. Actually, the NCAA basketballs are made of some composite Halliburton probably thinks is safe in drinking water they don't have to drink themselves. So, I guess that's kosher in the Wolfowitz and Cheney households, anyway. Dogs? They're all close to perfect. Stupid owners get in the way.
- Dexter, we played Cooley in hoops. Cody was on Cathedral Street. We never played them in anything, but my first real girlfriend went there. Annette, and I'll be eternally Goddamned because I can't think of her last name. Oh, Fillion, her last name, that is, and I awear I'd forgotten. Football, only Catholic League, but nobody else could play worth a damn . Very late sixties and very trying times. Our star basketball player was a seriously gigantic guy called Bill Thigpen. 6-6 or 6-7 about 250. Great brain and huge heart. He shredded Rudy T when we played Hamtramck (believe me, that's how you spell it.). He took a job as a reporter for I think, the Michigan Citizen, and was murdered when he got too close to some drug scum in Wayne County. I'd love to hear the true story of Bill Thigpen if Nancy Nall could get to it. I always wanted justice, just couldn't get there. I'd flatter myself to say he was my friend, but he was sort of a hero of mine. Cody High. Gutdom, Dexter. Makes me think of the greatest song Steveland Morris ever wrote. "I believe when I fall in love, this time it will be forever." I believe that melody is better than the Beatles or the Stones ever managed.
- Jeez Harl, I never said sporting goods are food. I think you did. My diet's mostly vegetarian. And if I chose to eat NCAA basketballs, they're rubber, not traif. But there I go with that anti-semitism. I don't know how I live with myself. The Bill Clinton racism crap is still crap, unadulterated, and any claim it wasn't something induced into the race for divisive purposes by Obama people is pretty much ridiculous. I'm not arguing with you about anything important. Hillary's being pilloried by Olbermann, and that's seriously pissing me off, I don't care one way or another, if we just have no more Bush. But the coverage and the Deanie-Baby possibilities are exceptionally unfair and have me worried. Taken at his own word, Barrack's gonna vote for Vader. What sort of shit is that?
- And an American that votes for McCain, who sucked up to Bush after the massive telephone slander by Rove in 2000 SC, well, probably ought to be disenfranchised for terminal stupidity. I'm on your side. I'm voting Barrack if he's nominated. You voting Ralph? Deanie babies did, out of spite, and look what that inflicted on us.
- Kafkaz For one thing, I think moving to Harvard from MIT is probably evolution, in the forward sense. But why are serviceable words called 'curse' words? If I'm watching a basketball game and inveigh against the f@#@ing refs, I'm not cursing them. I might want to, but there's no curse applied. Is damn a curseword? Well, literally, yeah. Is fuck a curseword? Nope. So when you trample on the language, what does any of that mean? There's actually a single curseword. That would be damn, or damned. Anything else might be offensive, or anathema in polite conversation, but it sure as shit isn't a curseword. This subject is abused further with the term expletive. "Rosy-fingered"? I think down south in our benighted nature, we may have figured this out. It's cussing, y'all
- Gangs of New York is a spectularly great movie, I think. I don't know what movie people call it, photography, but the settings are astounding, and every one of the principal actors is excellent. The establishing shots from above of the Four Corners are stunning. I know that sounds trite, but I can't think of a better word. It kncks you for a loop. I think it's very like The Godfather for creating a time in a scene. Leo was supposed to be some dumbass heartthrob. Pretty good actor. Daniel Day Lewis, mighty good. I mean, I thought it was us against the Brits when I saw My Left Foot. Positiveley terrifying amoral villain. I love the Coen Bros. but once they made Raising Arizona, it seems like an uphill struggle. That movie is about as good as Brazil and Blade Runner. But actually, nothing's nearly as good as Blade Runner. But I've got no taste in movies. I love Princess Bride. My name is Inigo Montoya, and Wallace Shawn was awesome, as was Count Ruger. Try to ride your bike upright. You're sort of an almost national treasure. I don't know how you'd take this, but there used to be Fannie Flagg. I know that's not your persuasion, but you might have a book as good as that in you. Sure would beat Five People.
- If I could be an actor I'd like to be the infuriating, logical villain. Or Harrison Ford. Or somebody totally jaded that understands logic just don't get it , like Jake Gittes. Movies, where we'd live if we could.
- Dexter. That's obey the Dawg. My horse won. Inquisitions and suppositions. It‘s St Patrick‘s day. And Shane McGowan said: There was half a million people there of all denominations The Catholic, the Protestant, the Jew, the Presbyterian Yet there was no animosity, no matter what persuasion But failte hospitality inducing fresh acquaintance With me wack fol the do fol the diddle de idle day Failte translated from Irish, not Gaelic, means welcome. So Happy St. Patrick's day to y'all.
- Oh Dexter. There is really no way to conceive of the evil that's Noah Cross. When he's staggering down the street in Chinatown, he has no idea he's ever done anything wrong. But if anybody's confronting evil, I'll take Jack. Maybe what makes the movie so good is that the good guy is Jake Gittes, whose kinda slimy. And he doesn't rely on morals, but he sure as hell has a personal code he won't violate.
- Who's cooler? Bobby Dupea, Jake Gittes, or Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise as anybody?
- Nancy. I hope I didn't offend you with that reference to Fanny Flagg. But, Fried Green Tomatoes is pretty much what the dickhead Mitch Albom always wanted to write and was incapable of. And it made a superb movie. With the woman I don't live with but I'm crazy about.
- Oh, shit. Is dickhead a curseword?
- And it's not Kathy Bates. it's the tomboy. But, I've said too much already.
- Get some sleep.
- Touche, Miss Crabtree. There's something heavy on my heart. It's just that framing and rebranding as "Progressives" gnaws at my soul. The self-serving grandiosity, the lock-step correctness implied, the unadulterated sanctimoniousness all have, kind of shallow, roots in the Dr. Dean candidacy. Anything promoted by self-proclaimed Progressives has been the aim of old-fashioned liberal Democrats for, well, decades. Why we went to Chicago, for instance. But it's your journal, and we weren't getting anywhere anyway. No more from me but movies and music and popular culture. I hope the inherent racism in bringing up Little Rascals didn't offend anybody progressive. This is something well worth reading. Patriot games. Never having to risk your life if you’re born wealthy (and keeping the 111th Fighter Squadron OClub safe for Jack Daniel's deliveries.). Makes me think of an old-school liberal on the subject of required national service.
- It's possible the Glass Steagle Act might have mitigated the mess, but when you have an administration radically, and I think, unreasonably, opposed to any federal regulatory action, it's pretty hard to see how it would have made any difference. Bankers and stock market cowboys were cut loose by W. Gramm Leach Billey contained tools that could have prevented the looting, but the Pretzeldent was more interested in establishing the financial Wild West, where Kenny-Boy and other GOP financiers could skate out of town with other people's cash. Lot's of which funded his campaigns.
- Gena, Shock and Awe has never been on the books officially, doesn't even count against the federal deficit, and it's hard to see when that will ever be paid for. The bastards that engineered this had no interest in America or prosperity, or the commonweal. But hell, it‘s not all bad news.
- We buy books, and music, and occasionally Jack and pot. Two I-pods, a desk'top and a laptop. Six year-old Mazda convertible and an ancient F-150. We work hard doing real jobs very well. I don't think we could be considered part of any consumer society. We never spent beyond our means. Bear Stearns sure as shit did, and they're bailed out before folks in the Ninth Ward. We went to school and prospered more or less. Why should our futures be threatened by an institution of criminals making signing statements? Liberals are regularly accused of engaging in class warfare. Seems to me that most of us that actually think no man is an island are looking up at Shock and Awe crashing down. The situation seems to be some manipulated peristalsis, and the money's migrating north. We'll be fine. We have oysters, potable water and blackberry's in abundance. And the most abhorrent version of the federal government won't make it across the bridge. OK to talk politics when everybody else is?
- Gena. Praying. I do. I've read Teillhard front to back, and it kind of convinced me my ridiculously devout childhood Catholicism makes sense. I'd like to see the world overtaken by liberation theology with RPGs,though. But praying might help. So I say prayers. I figure you can't pray for personal enhancements. That's counterintuitive to the whole idea. I guess I pray people would grasp that idea that forms the idea of every religion. We're supposed to take care of each other. Love may fail (though I don't think that's possible, I pray that's impossible) but courtesy will prevail. That's Nancy Nall's responsibility. Nobody's called me a gentleman since Cissy Erwin at the Athens Academy prom.
- That's a nice thing to say Gena. I'm 56, and fairly handsome, I suppose. I mean, people have said so. How do you sort these things about yourself. How you look?How you think? I'd say I'm pretty decent looking and I'm smarter than just about anybody. That's what I think about myself. What a crock. Or not.
- Why's that exactly? Why's that
- Actually, I think Rosanne said nevermind.
- And that's clever?
- I do attempt to be a gentlema., I was reared that way. Eagle scout, but you know, so was that guy on the Texas Tower. But there's whack and then there's whack.
- Meaningless point of style. If it were up to me, I’d insist on moustachios. And on which syl-la’-ble are you placing the accent. Years ago, I went with my erstwhile wife and our best friends to see Raging Bull. They thought it was great. I thought it revolting, in the way of glorifying a despicable pig. To this day, I don’t get it. I’ve got no problem with violence in movies, but that seemed entirely gratuitous, and the dialogue seemed to be more or less improvisations on the F word. I’ve got a Leonard Maltin movie guide (really handy for crosswords, and free from the discard bin at the library). That prig consistently underrates movies because he’s put off by explicit violence, but he loves Raging Bull and slags Taxi Driver. Incomprehensible. I think the murder of Mr. Tyrell by Roy Batty may be the most cinematically perfect act of violence, although retiring Zhora through all that plate glass and Leon beating the shit out of Deckard give a run for the money. "Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!". Harm no humans, but where's the dramatic tension in that?
- It seems to me a good reading strategy is to alternate big books (frequently reread, in our case) with detective stories and science fiction. This can lead to obsessive compulsive behavior. My clients thought I'd fallen off the face of the earth when I was engrossed in Jonathan Strange and Mr.Norrell, and when it's time to revisit V or Lemprierre, I'm dead to the world for a couple of days. If I've got a lot to do, better to stick to Walter Moseley and James Lee Burke. What the Dead Know is excellent. I've never read anything else by Laura Lippman, but Tess Monaghan sounds like worth a shot. The idea of transcending genres is interesting. William Gibson used to be a science fiction writer back when he invented cyberspace, but Pattern Recognition and Spook Country are social and political commentary, and eschatology, along the lines of DeLillo and Walker Percy. And just as beautifully written. The Spenser books are favorites, because he spells it with an "s" and because Parker gets Boston perfectly. And Tony Hillerman, because Coyote's always lurking. The idea that characters take over from writers must be true, because Kurt Vonnegut said that Kilgore Trout dictated much of his work. Of course, that's a character that's an invented author, and a hack writer at that. Christopher Hitchens needs an ENT more than he ever ever needed a dentist, unless he's just faking that neuralgic drip business to sound like Bill Buckley.
- Danny, John McCain will kiss Shrub's butt cheeks after Rove savaged him in 2000. He'll do anything whatsoever for political expediency. That's a mitigating factor in your opinion? Meanwhile, who was the editorial genius that decided on these bozos for the five year anniversary retrospective on Shock and Awe in Week in Review? McCain was too busy? Maybe he was having drinks with Little Miss Runamuck. I guess they're never going to admit they flat f**ked up.
- Costs of the thrift failures. McCain should have been duplicating his Hanoi Hilton time at Club Fed somewhere. Thing about McCain is, he’s never done anything wrong, he’s just given the appearance of wrongdoing. Wide stances and youthful indiscretions--last refuges of scoundrels.
- Aside from saying Goddamn America, and his insane personal attack on Hillary Clinton for the temerity to be born a white woman, and saying Jesus was black, and insisting during his rant that he wouldn't stoop to divisiveness, what's the problem with Reverend Wright? When he insinuated that implicit US support for state terrorism may have contributed to unrest in the so-called Arab world, he was closer to the mark than fundamentalist whackos that attribute the WTC destruction to God's vengeance for, what, the US becoming the whore of Babylon. And when did this become a Catholic country, Bishop Hagee? If the US is the sole support of the Israeli state and the Israeli government picks Summer '06 to blow up most of Lebanon in two or three days, people will get pissed off, and if that wasn't state terrorism, I guess state terrorism doesn't exist. The guy's still psychotic, and you'd hope somebody that wants to run the country would have seen signs that counseling was in order for his mentor. But Wright's statement about state terrorism is nothing like Farrahkan's anti-Semitism. If you Google back at Ha'aretz, you can read Jewish people saying the same things about Gaza and the West Bank and Lebanon. The idea that finding the Israeli government's behavior reprehensible is the same thing as anti-Semitism is a transparent intellectual canard The Arab world is the Thirld World, sheiks excepted, and foreign workers chattel. In some convoluted way, this guy thinks black people in America are part of the same Third World. He's about as graceless as Geraldine Ferraro.but he's not AIPAC. The American government doesn't act in the world as an agent of pure beneficence, no matter how many lapel pins, and screwing people over will bring retribution. There are equal and opposite reactions. Raygun bonded with DeKlerk, like Shrub looked in Putin's eyes. How's that working out, you pisant? There is nothing in the world an American Republican loves more than an Autocrat not named Castro. If it's capitalism we're stuck with, that's not Adam Smith's version with the sugar coating. No invisible hand of divine guidance. Dog eating dog. China eats America but dies of smog before enjoying the repast. That might sound pessimistic, but maybe there's a chance human beings will remember why they're human. It's not the opposable thumb, it's the intrinsic value of every human life
- Brian. Frightened you a bit. They destroyed every bridge, dam and major roadway in the entire country. The Hezbollah kidnapping of Israeli soldiers was entirely likely a response to an Israeli incursion into Lebanon. It's halfway understandable to think Israelis life in constant danger. But with American firepower, everybody that lives next to Israel lives in constant danger, and if you llive in Gaza, or the West Bank, Israelis can blow you up or starve you to death, with impunity. What's really strange is that Israel pulls this shit no matter the makeup of the government. I doubt there's any good will on either side, and seven and a half years of neglect from the US hasn't helped. Characterizing the Israeli actions in July, 2006 as defending themselves seems ludicrous to me. They tried to pull a fast one, got embarassed, and then decided it was time to level Lebanon's infrastrictire. It's also worth considering that Israel interfered intentionally with the Lebanese government's attempts to deal with Hezbollah's actions in the South of Lebanon. If the Lebanese army came any closer to the border, the results would have been identical. How many members of Hezbollah were in Beirut and Tripoli. None, but that's where the damage was done. But, if your sponsor can wage an outright war of choice and aggression, and you've got the same airplanes and depleted uranium and weaponized white phosphorus, what's to stop you from trashing another countr and innocent people?
- Harl: Beatle Paul has written some pretty dumbass lyrics: "Sister Susie, brother John Martin Luther, Phil 'n' Don Brother Michael, Auntie Gin Open the door, let 'em in, yeah" Ridiculously, I think I might know what he's talking about, in this case. But: "Hand Across The Water (Water) Heads Across The Sky Hand Across The Water (Water) Heads Across The Sky Admiral Halsey Notified Me He Had To Have A Berth Or He Couldn't Get To Sea I Had Another Look And I Had A Cup Of Tea And Butter Pie" Maybe more dumbass than marrying Heather Mills. But, shoot, I doubt brains, or cleverness, or forethought, or even money have much to do with getting married, or who you decide to do it with. I think this is as good a Beatles webpage as I’ve come across. If you go to individual songs, this guy has all sorts of fascinating comments about weird production things. My favorite Beatles lines almost, and I'd guess John Lennon wrote them: "How does it feel to be One of the beautiful people Tuned to a natural E happy to be that way Now that you've found another key What are you going to play ." My favorite Beatles lines for sure, and I know John Lennon wrote them: "Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream It is not dying It is not dying"
- There are 499.000 hits on Google for Catholic Church cult. Hagee's responsible for a few. As a Catholic I'd find this mildly offensive if it weren't for the abject stupidity and arrant bullshit involved. My question: If you're church came 16 century's later and was founded on the idea you were making corrections to take the church in the "right" direction, isn't your theological foundation a cult? But, I'm a deluded cult member. Hagee? Wright? I'd pick the guy that dislikes a manufactured State over the unreconstructed, unmitigated bigot. Neither associated Presidential candidate has a decent leg to stand on, though. They knew and didn't care, or they didn't know. Which is worse? Doan mean much. Being an out and out bigot doesn‘t prevent you from being President, it‘s a jumpstart. Hell, it's positively transformational.
- Connie, my apologies. I actually like both those songs, and we play the Wingspan album regularly. Jet is a great song and so are Band on the Run and Venus and Mars. Oh, and especially Junior's Farm. But Admiral Halsey and the little farting noises, and Mademoiselle Kitty, I think he was trying to piss John off.
- One thing is for sure, Jolene. Tonight at 8p est Minister of Information Keith Olbermann will proclaim it the greatest political speech in the history of political speeches and possibly greater than the entire works of W Shakespear.
- OJ was tried twice, for all practical purposes. In the criminal trial, the case was so lame, the alleged evidence so obviously manufactured by a guy that could have founded Aryan Nation, and the prosecution so inept there was nothing to do but acquit. Then they went to Simi Valley, where you can't get a verdict against white cops, two of whom admitted they were guilty, for beating the absolute shit out of some guy with about a 70 IQ for no apparent reason. Score one for the ubiquitous and incredibly obnoxious Mr. Goldman. Justice surely wasn't served. Whatever OJ did or didn't do, he was found not guilty by a jury of his peers in proceedings that looked like a lot more legitimate trial than the utterly ludicrous civil trial. I don't know, so I wouldn't say Nicole Brown was an unfit mother, but unapt, yeah. Out clubbing until dawn with a seedy personal trainer or whatever, it always seemed completely plausible she was the victim of a coke deal rip. Marsha and Chris and the State of California presented no evidence whatever that OJ killed her. The second, civil suit for wrongful death seems like a fairly grotesque loophole in the legal system that let's somebody be convicted after they've been found not guilty in a criminal trial in which the state's evidence was depantsed. Fuhrman should have gone to jail, for sure, for perjury and manufacturing evidence. If you actually paid attention to the prosecution case, it seemed to exonerate the defendant by basing arguments on a timeline Spiderman could't have managed.
- The thing Paul did about rearranging the credits bugged me. I figured Lennon, McCartney was alphabetical, and trying to figure out who was responsible for what was a large part of the immense allure of Beatles music. And, then, Beatle George wrote Frank Sinatra's favorite Paul McCartney song. The first John album, pretty great. "But you're still f**king peasants as far as I can see." Yow. I like the gorgeous song he wrote for his son, Beautiful Boy: "Before you cross the street, Take my hand, Life is just what happens to you, While your busy making other plans." But, the more often I hear Maybe I‘m Amazed, on which Paul plays piano and scorching guitar, and sings better than just about anybody, the more I think it's a masterpiece. Wings, lots of nonsense, but Jet and Junior's Farm are superb. I don't know, it's like Steven Stills and Neil Young. Really good, better together. Can't live with 'em...never mind.
- Jolene: Would that be the colossal head Chris Matthews that once said "We're all neocons now", and gets wet over John McCain because he smells like Old Spice? Why isn't his voice squeaky from the helium. He'd break tethers and rip out light poles on Thanksgiving Day. Olbermann makes no attempt at pretense of objectivity any more. He tries to badger Rachel Maddow and Dana Milbanks and his other guests into alternately mocking and painting fangs on Clinton. It's revolting. We skip the first 15 minutes and tune in for Oddball, which is occasionally the funniest thing on TV, and then come back for Worst Person in the World.
- There's a George Harrison song called Dream Away that plays over the credits in the Terry Gilliam movie Time Bandits. Great movie, great song, and some day I'll find out what the opening verse means. George was also the writer and director of Magical Mystery Tour, which might require pot and a certain sarcastic sensibility, but it's pretty entertaining, and actually had the Bonzo Dog Band in it.
- joodyb, Yeah, but what was Tasmanian Devil playing? This has been driving me crazy. Viv Stanshall was just getting warmed up to do the career-defining vocal on Tubular Bells, natural born Master of Ceremonies. You know that Neil Innes and Eric Idle are taking The Rutles to Broadway, right.
- DooDah. Funniest band ever that didn’t include Fee Waybill, Mark Motherspaugh, or either of the Mael bros. Not politically correct, either.
- So is change a groundswell for acting in the interest of all our fellow citizens, or something we're supposed to embrace for the poltical sake of people offended by the DNC configuration of 2004? I'm offended by the DNC configuration of 2008, not because I prefer one candidate over the other. I think anybody that votes for McCain instead of either maybe shouldn't be locked up or sent off to the Outback, but should at least be disenfranchsed. The way Obama is like Jack is an anomaly. Back in 1960, you'd do better to have had a black guy for president as a papist, except Catholics were supposed to have secret arsenals buried beneath churches in Memphis and Birmingham. Based on the inevitable and instant apotheosization of Barrack's speech It was not JFK's inaugural. It wasn't by a mile "I have a dream." It was literate, and given the spectuclar dyslalia of public discourse, it was admirable. Maybe I went to see the Davies Bros. and the Boss too many times, but I didn't hear the change part. Maybe if every single person in the USA had been afforded seriously good health care in 1993 before the Contract On America put it out, think that have caused Americans to fell like race didn't matter and we worked and spent for the common good? Maybe Hillary didn't have it perfectly tuned back then. If she didn't, she knew what the single most important social and economic issue was. Still is. Anybody want to dispute that if even some of her reforms had been implemented and massaged for 15 years we might not have 50mil innocents that can't defend, protect, or find treatment for themselves, and their independent parents So anyway. I said I wouldn't clog the bandwidth. And the only political thing important now, McCain's more nuts than anybody thinks. But some things I think are fascinating: DNC was the villain that did in Dr. Dean. Dr. Dean didn't invent reinsurance in the Carribean to protect Enron? Right. Kerry didn't stand up for himself against the ShortBoaters, and should have supported Edwards. Too much cutthroat. Best president? That's Kerry, without a question of a doubt. (Think about that when you compare Obama with JFK.) The coverage off this competition is so unfair, it drives me nuts. I figure, Anybody thinking more clearly than Joe McCarthy understands that discussions in exceptionall badly-writen novels are sort of beside the point. Didn't somebody already usurp the government after lying to a monster they couldn't be remotely considered just flat out lying his ass off for corporate greed that never had anything to do with anything good or well-intentioned whatsoever? A day of poisonous water was another few$mil. For Perle, moreMuslims blown up. Does Perle, does Shrub (I' Kidding He Doesn't Know When That Rat Dog Pisses On Him). These idiots are big on talking about al Quaeda. They make this shit up. Al Qaeda in Iraq? Anybody ever hear about such an obviously hokes I figure on this site you people actually know that the idea of Al-Qaeda in Iraq is totally made up horsecrap. Mark Fuhrman could say he was Al Quaeda and none of te idiots would have aclue But who are the imperialists? Who reigned down shock and awe and for what entirely invented reason. War criminals, if I'm not mistaken. These people are the scumb of of the earth. My idea about moral guidance? Well sort of obvious. If it's funny,l it's road warrior, if it isn't, it's Tank Girl But seriously. How does this work? Al-Qaeda in Iraq is some totally made dumbshit Is anybody not aware of this? I had a '72 VW Camper and fixed all sorts of things I had no reason but some mild mechanical inclination to understand. I had to fix it once, in Pittsfield, MA. Took the canoe down and hiked to the Autozone, canoed with spectacular expertise, you know a j-stroke you go anywhere (hell fuck, I was a genius eagle scout and how the hell do you ever get ove that? societal debris. Fixed and we saw Ian Humter, the flawless straight guy everybody thought was gay, Mick Ronson, or that may have been Raymond douglas Davies and his beloved brother Dave.
- I don't know about any of you else, but I'd like to know if anybody knows about River. You know Baghdad Burning Blog. She's been out of transmission since fall of 'O7. Truly brilliant diarist, and its always entertaining to read a foreigner who's English and insights are better and more clever than the entire Executive Branch. A gifted writer, in horrible circumstances. I can't believe none of y'all ever came across her. Read back. She's way too good to have been ignored. Maybe this is some sort of liberal guilt for not blowing up the assholes before shock and awe, but this young woman wrote brilliant dispatches throughout and now seems to have disappeared. I hope she's all right and her extended family too. I know she won't, but I wish she'd see this ad it's Easter and I hope she's well. Fish and freshwater, if it's not trout, it's inedible. I suppose people find ways to eat pike and musky, but I suppose people get seriously hungry and will eat anything. Big enough bluegill filleted is decent garlic butter with scramled and Texas Pete. Yeah. 'm an entirely incompetent novice about the Koran, but I came across this: In Surah 19, Maryam, verse 33, Jesus said shortly after his birth: "So Peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)" . The scriptural convergence, whether you think it real or mythical is pretty impressive and it sure makes fundamentalist war mongers, Washington assholes, and W, with no intention of risking their own lives and limbs, look like motel cowboys. Just my opinion, but whited sepulchers are whited sepulchres, however you spell it.
- Music? Seems to me there's a lot to be said for selecting intentional context. Sometimes, we do the lazy thing and hit shuffle, and marvel when something perfect for our moods comes on. Frequently, the shuffle produces something on the next cut that's perfect. That said, don't people understand that arranging albums used to be part of an artistic process? Albums beat sound bites, all to hell. I'd suggest Shine on Brightly by Procul Harum as a perfect example. Every song builds towards the musical intention of making a point with In Held Twas in I.. In the PowerPoint for idiots version, does somebody think A Day In the Life ended last because they tacked it on? How long do movements in spectacular music by Mozart, or Beethoven, or Eric Satie, or Ravel (These are just personal favorites, amd I know they just sound like some fratboy choice, but it's what I like). How long do they last? Do you pluck them out of the air compared with what they're implicit in? Is artistic elitism something we insist upon because we know the artist was right, or at least had the right to claim how to judge? Nobody on the face of the earth could convince me that When the Levee Breaks shouldn't have come last. I suppose I'm saying these guys thought these things through. You take these things as you find them. If you move the movements <rroica around on your Ipod, you may think you've rearranged. You've trashed it. I'm not saying idiot disconnected hook-ups are useless. The idea that ALBUMS are passe is not a good indicator for the future of mankind. Being controlled one moment at a time. If you like albums with plots, try Gary McFarland America the Beautiful, or any album by the Kinks. No joke nancy Do you get Ray, or are you dumb? You're call. Holy shit I care about this place. I wouldn't intrude.
- And I'm long gone. Mostly, because the attacks on Hillary's campaign are orchestrated. It's my personal belief most of this is Gov. Dean's revenge on the DNC. Now he's the DNC. So he causes trouble. And who let this ahole loose? Progressives. What's the deal with Hillary's phone reord's? How ' bout Rove,s if you care? Asshole did away with something like drbrtsl million. How 'bout Obama's with Reznick? Who the hell cares, in the long run, let's have Kommisr Karls's records, amd his emils, but he deleted them. The deal with about investigating Clintons, first Robert Fiske did. He said there was nothing there. Voyeur Ken Starr spent another $60 mil. Nothing. Tell you what. Is Obama claiming Hillaty had Bince Foster killed? I doubt it, but his campaign is certainly tryingto bring this shit up. It's a grossly unfair canvass on which this campaign is being waged. If a reasonable wuestion about anything Barrack says is raised, it must be racism. If you raise racism at the drop of a hat, as with the former President, who obviously isn't a racist, shouldn't you have to deal with it? So there's a speech that Olbermann thinks is more affecting than either Jack or Bobby, and approaches MLK. Jeez Keith. Jack maybe, MLK in a milliion years, Bobby, I know you're not a self-aggrandizing tool. Keith, when did you become Goerring for the cult of personality? Excuse me? What he said is that there's a racial divide. No shit asshole. That's revelatory? How stupid are Americans? Raygun went to Philadelphia, MS and talked bout states rights. That's as divisve, and nd that's as disgusting as you get. It's OK for Barrack to channel that but Ferraro is offemsive. I think Barracks campaign has been spectacularly misogynistic. And opportunistic. They make up attacks that probably weren't ever coming and screw over attackers that never existed. And they're allowed to get away with these attacks scot-free. Let's here Barrack on the subject of the three guys in the bayou. Raygun is a transitional figure. No. Barrack. We was a racist SOB. I know that there are a gigatic number of Catholics in this country. We don't take wackjobs like like Rev. Hagee seriously But wjat about Bob Jones and other nutcase purveyors of hatred that nitwit jerks like McCain suck up to for cash? Are comparisons between Ferraro and Hagee even anything but stupid? All dreck and the architects get away scot-free. I wouldn't go on so long, but I know you've all packed it in. It may sound silly, but seems like a more intelligent group as far as getting allusions, etc., so it's sort of fun. Love may fail, but courtesy will prevail. I'll let that be my guiding light, since I've intruded importunely.
- Buying the lies? Everybody thought Ollie North was a patriot and not a war criminal. C'set la vie. I aways thought he was a war criminal.
- A friend of mine has a more or less political blog. She's got an underdevolpped attitude, she seems tp me tp have excellent visual taste, keen eye for the news. So it struck me that there are sidebars and politics that clog Nancy's suburban byways (if you could actually call the Grosses suburbs) Well , what I thought was that some of the political nonsense, of which I've never taken part, well, gentlemen could remove to that site for philosophical and political discussions and leave more bandwidth (whatever circle of hell accounts for that) for Nancy's estimable musings, especcialy since it's spring and all. I don't know if this is OK. Is there a something I need to get John Yoo to sign off on? Old-time Nancy Nall folks seem to have gotten kind of uncomfortable with the traffic. And being the pompous bore I'm inclined to when confronted with the internets, I thought of this. My friend Jen has a gorgeous website, and she loves to talk politics. She also thinks Raymond Douglas Davies rules, has an absurd memory for music trivia (that doesn't remotely touch my own) and has a photo of herself with Johnny Thunders ( and she looks like a babe). I'd pick Sonic Smith, but most of y'all may be hardcore Fort Wayne and never heard of anybody but Ian Hunter, who definitely said Cleveland Rocks, (but where do you go in Indiana?) I saw plaintive posts about when this used to be easy to read through. I thought, apparently foolishly, that Nancy made money for how many people visited. But so I thought, take some of these discussions elsewhere than email. I don't know if this is kosher. Visit my girl's website (Well not my girl, my actual girl would be annoyed at that charaterization, and could I sound like a more pompous ass?). You'll find her intelligent and quick. Probably more of both than you are. Is this alright Nancy? It just struck me as a good idea. Or, I'm a dumbass. Qwell surprise. French, what a halfway great language. (But Stendahl managed, well, and so did Victor Hugo and Voltaire. A function of editing? How many words did Tom Wolfe send to Maxwell Perkins, and where the hell did Max get off? I sort of get the idea you think editing is slash and burn. How about translating? Like Gregory Rabassa?) Total number of words en francais, 40thou: en englais, 200thou and counting, and nobody was counting pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis I enjoy editing, except editing myself. If I wrote the word, I must have meant something, and if I edit properly, I end with nothing but stray verbs. Rendering unreadable and incomprehensible drivel concise and instructive. Does Gregory Rabassa edi when h's translating Autumn Comes to the Patriarch. Yata hey.
- Chelsea's really smart and she's fairly attractive. Some disgusting bastard like Rush could make a joke while rubbing himself, but he couldn't get laid unless about $5grand and some oxycontin turned up in his size 52 tightie whitey u'trou. That might be so horrifying ClarenceThonas might speak up, If he can still speak. All thse years, NANCY drama? Torn from the headlines. No totally spectacular and luminescent gorgeous ADA with perfect cheekbones announcing she's gay and exits stage right. This would have been a stilted Angie Harmon episode, I guess. (An aside: who was the best female ADA? I'd say it's a no-brainer: Claire Kincaid, who left the series by being killed by a DUI driver while saving Lennie Briscoe's soul. It wasn't Survivor, but it was pretty dramatic, and actually intelligent, and the characterization so popular with TV critics that the writers avoided characterization should have been 86ed about then. Actually, criticism of the entire Law and Order franchise by people that devote their lives to spouting about who Simon Cowell likes is depressing, lame, and dumbing down. But in the eternal interest of dumbing down, y'all aren't abut to listen to Russell Mael, so we have John Mellencamp. So he turned down Raygun. BFD. The Boss had already done that and there was no comparison. ). Wait. Was it supposed to be The Wire? What The Wire tried to do more than anything was recreate Pembleton, Bayliss, Moses Gunn as the Araber, the Box, and the corpse of Adena Watson. Nothing on cable, maybe nothing in movies, ever got closer to parsing evil. I think The Wire is great. Moral ambiguity? Alright. How about moral certitude? Saw and Order got that sometimes. So did The Wire. The unsolved case of Adena Watson is the best thing, for acting and writing, that's ever been on TV. Mild-mannered Jeff. When I was a kid, living on the banks of the Tug River in Kentucky, there was a pretty lady that lived on a hill in a mansion and she had an egg hunt every Easter. I'm not making this up. I found the prize basket, including Eisenhower silver dollars in a decrepit outbuilding. A month later, the shed was torn down and there was a nest of copperheads. Shit, that would have put a damper. But why wasn't I bitten? Chosen? Doubt that seriously. Pure luck? I doubt luck is ever pure. So I don't think there are chosen ones. I'd like to have been. Muad Dhib, you know? Meantime, I think John Donne pretty much got things right, and nobody's in this alone. Sometimes shit happens. Sometimes adults (or arely formed idiots) make them happen. And they meant to get rich, or somehow aggrandize and falsify their roles in history. Or both. Well, I mean Cheney. Is there a conceivable excuse for the six deferment piece of shit that questioned Kerry's patriotism over several decades? weSe wWhf
- Ricardo: HIGH FIDELITY is pretty much a myth. The song remains the same.
- Hillarys an asshole and Obamas God. If you believe his Grandma called somebody a nigger. You're almost too stupid too breath. He made this shit up.
- Eric Zorn's used to be fair. The opportunity to trash Hillary even when you make an ass of yourself, that's hard to avoid. He can't make an asshole of himselve relative to common sense the way Keith does, but he's a partishanshit heal bastard. If you don't thing so, you're a artisan shitheel bastard/?? . There's nothing makes Barackthe second coming, but when it seems all about race, its all mpre abpout gender, I think that that that really dislike is more about gender. So, what I started out to say abuopt Warren. If it makes you sad to liisten to The Wind., lieten to Eccitable Boy. Listen to it. Then listen to The Wind again. Then listen to Meuteneer. Thou, streneer: I think you'r missing the point. I think you can claim to be a derivative poet. I think you can nail it. I think you can say "Cast a cold eye", and nobody's going to touch that in about a gillion years. So anyway, about Warren. It's said, but I'll tell you what. He wrote someaid songs back in the day. Warren understood recriminations better than I could admit to. Sad songs, too, But maybe alright? My back turned, looking down the path. And as dark as possible. Warren was a warrior. I think he wasn't a captive of any of these. I'mpretty much sure he could just make this up. But what I meant to say. Warren devoured the language like W.H. Auden, in my opinion. Slightlessly less mundnd, slightly more clever. He was almost A. E. Housman, and almost Lou Reed. Almost Ray Davies. Morobs
- One I ever meant about the the windThuu Aind<i
- Anybody of you heard of BCCI? You've got te internet, so look it up. How to derail the banking avenues of Al Quaeda. John Kerry actually started the process, but HW Bush put the kibosh. W nailed it to the wall and enabled the resurgence in Afghanistan. Somebody want's to say that's not true, let's hear your lame shit. Here's the deal. Iran-Contra was spectacularly illegal. The assholes screwed with the election. They promised weapons if the Irani government would hold on to the hostages. This is so obviously true, the peroretrators actually went there. .If your such an idiot you don't think Raygun was a party, you think he was a moron. If you buy this shit, ypiu're an idiot. So, you're a richer idiot. Trickle down. Anybody believe that horseshit?
- There's Bob Seger and there's Persecution Smith , and if you have some question about stop-loss and how GIs are being fucked over, you have Two+two. And th commander in chief is a draaft dodger. Don't think so? Conoare his record with the guy that ran against him. Read that bullshit from the Swiftboaters. Cowards defending a nonentity by siming a hero. Ain't that a Republican.
- Madonna: Cyndi Lauper wrote several better songs, and she's a far better singer. In that vast wasteland, Time After Time, vs. Like a Virgin. No shame? Any taste? And, if you don't like Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun, you need some sort of transplant. Anything approaching rock 'n roll songs, there are few women that aren't in some Pantheon that are good rock singers. Dreamboat Annie? The Robert Plant imitation? Fairly impressive. Yeah. Merry Clayton? Incomparable. Joni? No rock. Judy Collins? Listen to Pretty Polly with her ex-boyfriend. But can a voice so impossibly pure be a rocker? Please tell me I'm not just some lowbrow dumbass. So how does this gender separation come about? We've got Excene. Look up Lone Justice. Listen to Koko Taylor sing Whang Dang Doodle. Metal? Metal vocals are hilarious. So actually, 'm interested in who's the best girl drummer. I apologize for saying girl, but I thought they sort of said that first. Well, there's Mo. Baseline. I'd say that 's Georgia Hubley next. But what woman is a great rock singer? PJ So all of y'all following the NCAAs. Who cares. Georgia outplayed Xavier by miles and got screwed over by the refs. I wouldn't havn't caught that. Harridan, better word virago. Lamaseries? Feudalism, Human sacrifice. They didn't do this in this last Century? Is somebody joking? There was no feudalism? How dummnb and whatever are these morons that have the monks innocent.? They ran a feudal society. If you believe the lamas , I sure as shit don't. What they did to they're , peasabts. They practiced a particulaurly particuliarlialy odius brand of brand of feudalism.
- I'm not abought here to make a cckaun abiut a singer. And . I swear i
- Dorothy, they're having a throat warming Irish with a brew back. Since God possesses the spectacular and universal intelligence to provide for the invention of these balms and truth sera to go along with intellectual evolution of humans toward cetacean levels, take it to the bank. Warren's inexplicable. To me, the first deal is his facility with employing (exploiting) the English language. Made fun of manipulation, and I know this sounds like some dumbass How does the guy that wrote Jungle Work and Roland write Looking Down the Path and Keep Me In Your Heart? He knew everything he was taking about. I tried to say this before but messed up. I don't really understand choking up bout listening to Warren. I can understand feeling sad. I feel that way about what wouln't Jimi have done. Jimi would have advanced music tonally and melodically, like John Coltrane. Warren would have advanced literature, culture, and perfect irony. What do the fans get out of Boom Boom Mancini. I know, lot's of y'all think you love Warren. Well, you do. And you're right. Y'all that are such big Warren afficiandos: How brilliant is he playing the twelve-string? Ferocious, and in and almost as good as richard thompson. What I think about Warren, and I'm just catching up, because I've been buying since about 1975. I love it when people get it. I can't figure out how nobody ever got Nils Lofgren. He's so good this seems like a joke. Warren made songs where he indicted himself as some sort of a jerk. But he made brilliant shit up. Roland. Or he created his only inexcusable persona: Mr. Bad Example. Do y'all know everything this guy was thinking about. My idea is the best song Warren made was Poor Pitiful Me. Women rule. and warren never thought so. Jeff, choose the olives carefully, and leave in the pimientos, and add some Balsamic.
- Didn't know the guy. Saw the picture. Had some idea. I'd say try this: Nor dread nor hope attend A dying animal; A man awaits his end Dreading and hoping all; Many times he died, Many times rose again. A great man in his pride Confronting murderous men Casts derision upon Supersession of breath; He knows death to the bone -- Man has created death. Everybody's a great man. I doubt everybody's murderous. As I said, I didn't know the guy, but Yeats on death and desiderata, well, we could all do worse, but it doan mean shit. Things are frightening. I couldn't sleep at all for days. Not to this day. That's just me, but I expect y'all are intelligent to understand the problem. If it's not interesting, no sweat, and the mob interests in Grosse Pointe, well, I was an idiot to get involved in a high school production with mob ties.
- So sad about Ree. It's difficult to think this isn't intentional. Yea, the mayor's a jerk, but the neglect is ractionary reaction to Chocolate City. Don't you find it odious when people say white people are intrinsically racist? Even MLK said so, and there are commentators on the anniversary of his assassination that say the same thing. I'm not, and I'm sure nobody in my family is. But the federal government, as it's currently constituted, sure is. Homes will be rebuilt, with no questions asked, in the Sierra Nevada before they're rebuilt in the Ninth Ward. If there's prosecutorial energy and exuberance that needs expending, why aren't they all going after the greatest war criminals and human rights violators since the guy that only had one? Anyway, I love Detroit, and looking like the West Bank is pretty hard to take. This is why the GOP opposes sampling for the census, even though there's no scientific doubt that scientific sampling is hundreds of times more accurate. Racially condensed inner cities vote in large numbers for Democratic candidates for anything. The Gross Oil Purveyors would rather they ceased to be, or, better yet, festered and provided cannon fodder A more (though I'm still so pissed about the rape of Detroit I'm not fit for human company) felicitous subject: Go immediately to and type in the name of your favorite band. I know lot's of you have already done so, but it's way too good not to share. One of my brothers said music critics should just shut up and tell you, if you like this you probably like The Pogues, so you'll like this album. That's sort of what Pandora does. It's free, streaming, and endlessly entertaining. Maybe Hillary should move to someplace on 6 mile, in Jesu parish, and run for mayor. Free wireless for everybody and a laptop in every home with a subscription to Pandora and noted frequent-nonflyer political prisoner James Brown on the box. Say it loud.
- Brian, I 'd say if I won $60mil I'd be torn between Detroit and Boston. For vibrant music, it would have to be Boston in the 80s and 90s, although when I was a kid you could go to the Chessmate on 6th and Livernois, stand in the lockbox to prove you weren't carrying, and see guest bows with John Lee by Buddy Guy and Memphis Slim and Pinetop Perkins, inter alia. But I guess if I had $60mil, I could drop in wherever I pleased. Chicago may be hog butcher, but Detroit made Cadillacs and the rides for 20th Century Manifest Destiny (albeit American home grown genocide. Indians have cars, they're just sitting in yards on blocks, like the couches and washing machines on Appalachian porches). A great American city left to turn into Megacity 1. I don't believe the decline of Detroit into the American West Bank is any coincidence. It's like denying representation to the residents of DC. In the word's of an astounding MC5 song, it's the American Ruse.
- There are perils deeper than Davey Jones' locker from watching Monty too much. Also, jugs are one thing, but didn't y'all ever go to a Polynesian themed restaurant where they had the nets and blown-glass floats. Given viral nature, somebody's going to desecrate an AC/DC classic with a pirate video, and it won't be Gilbert and Sullivan. What'll be next, amphorae? And how will men respond? Test tubes, beakers, retorts? I guess that'll depend on the level of confidence. But, I mean, even asscrack plumbers know their are male and female fittings. But I'm all for 'answer songs'. Otherwise we'd never have heard Queen of the House.
- And aside from anthropologically, how did huge jugs get to be obsessively sexually attractive? Large external mammaries=fecundity and successful continuance of a genetic line. Pretty unevolved. But anybody with a brain knows the mammalian antecedent is nonsense. So is this some brain-dead and drooling male infantilism? Champagne glass, sounds good. Flutes perfectly delectable. Hardly any at all? No problem, looks like an athlete. Gigunda, okay. Never met a pair I didn't like if I liked the woman attached to them. Whence this idiotic obsession. I hope this isn't offensive, but I've seen lots, and none was like any other, and when I saw them, I liked every single one, or (more properly) both. Good grief. What's the basis of the obsession? I guess this could get me thrown out of the He-Man Woman Haters Clubhouse. Legs are a different story entirely.
- Jim, Isn't collecting and recycling obsolete computer paraphernalia a function that ought to be taken up by the Federal government? There's more than enough mercury and lead being ingested without jumking computers in landfills where the access to groundwater is virtually instant. It doesn't carry the immediacy, but how is the threat morally seperable from the War on Terr (sorry, but as long as the Pretzeldent can't enunciate since Barney pissed on his head after the pretzel took him down, this is Shrub English 101)?
- I'd like to amend my statement. Rechere, I've never seen gigundas in real life, only in photos. Not so hot. But it's like what Wyclef says, shake what yo mama gave you. I still don't get the entire idea. I've seen girls victimized with taunts and inuendoe for having big boobs in 5th grade. And of course, for not having discernible boobs. I thought it unfair to the girls and spectacularly stupid for the boys. So there's disfiguring surgery. Or normal beauties with normal breasts. I just figure the other half of the human race is mostly glgdeous, one way or another. What the hell? So now, Keith Olbermann militates, humiliates, invents, badgers, etc. (and then he's so disconnected he makes fun of Rendell claiming Fox has been balanced when he hasn't, remotely.) I've got to think this has more to do with what's swingin' in the u-trou, or some ur-myth about the bitch that needs dominating. Anyway, y'all hurry to and tell them your favorite band. Nothing in the history of the internets, has ever been so fun, and it's free. Told me almost immediately after I said Led, I'd like Highway to Hell. Well, I do, but what was that connection? On the other hand, I said Van Morrison and I got back Rain Street (so gorgeos it'sheartbreakibd) and the Dropkick Murphsy. Brilliant concatenation. Squeeze gives you XTC and Nick Lowe, so I guess they're onto something. I'm going to try Hasil Atkins.
- Holy shit Dexter. Raising questions about all of those records required to be maintained going up in smoke? You could dissappear into a secret prison in Ratznestistan. This is howthese assholes have conducted themselves as the (il)legally constituted government. They robbed voters in Florida in 2000, including physical intimidation of Black voters. In 2004, Ken Blackwell just jobbed the machines. Blackwell actually said ahead of time he'd do it. I'm not personally comfortable with a nitwit ventiloquist dummy defending the decisions of psychopaths. But, you know, that's what you've got at the moment. Thank moron voters. Thank the despicable Swift Boat liars (this calumny ought to be prosecuted as treason). Thanks indicted asshole Ken Blackwell, and he'll have presidential pardon fast as W can spit out. Those extra few days will do him good. In the last week the misAdministration was whining about not being able to track terriss fundraising. Kerry figured this shit out in 1988, but the culprits were the Saudis and their girlfriends in the Bush family, and I don't mean Quaker Oats. Kerry had the goods on funding al Quaeda, Saudi compliance, and Bush subservience. Lopk up BCCI. I'm sure y'all remember when the dickhead draftdodger mocked the actual war heroe's ideas about battling al Qaeda. Well Stephen Adler. the New Centurion, says Kerry was right, but they don't know how to do it without offending the House of Saud. I'd say the PNACenturions are assholes, but that would obscure the unmitigated traitorous behavior. In a fair world, Rummy, Cheney and all of their stovepipe accomplices should be in Guantanamo, and I'd suspend the rule of law a little bit longer. Had Kerry's investigation been pursued initially, it's entirely likely there'd be a way of following, and stymying terrorist cash flow. But it embarrased Raygun and Bush, who'd used BCCI to fund al Qaeda. One way or another, had Kerry been running anti-terrorism for the last four years, we would have been shutting down money trails instead of committing atrocities with no results besides the most despicable single document in the history of this country. I'd say, they stand up, we lock their asses up. They've trashed US and international law, with malice aforethought. They've a single excuse for their malfeasance: If the president did it it's legal. OK. I think I heard this before.
- nancy says: April 4th, 2008 at 4:48 pm It's entirely likely those components were obso;ete brfore they got there. Why leave profiteering to thr actual imaginary war?
- Wow, Dexter. I'm cynical, but the idea of the American voting popilace being stupid enough to vote for incurious George three times is hard to comprehend. Oh wait. They didn't vote for nim the first time. That was the Scalia election where Cheney appointed himself Mr. Interlocotur. And damn, they didn't vote for him the second time when Kenny-boy Blackwell hijacked Cuyahoga County. So there's been a coup. Snouldn't concerned citizens have exercised their actual 2nd Amendment rights and raised armed rebellion against the clear usurpation of the government and subsequent serial subornation of the Constitution? And if Ken Blackwell wants to shoot skeet, couldn't he stand in front of Cheney's lady 20 gauge gun and save taxpayers money? Alan Drury was making stuff up, but these bastards have stolen the government. Their guiding principle is, if the Pretzeldent does it it's legal, a syllogism so plainly illogical and undemocratic that representative democratic systems would abhor it more than nature abhors a vacuum. (And I swear that's exactly what Dick Nixon said.) But you're right. People are nothing but reliable. Confronted with self-government, they appoint themselves and choose democracy, because they know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. Worst? Sure. When Dante makes another round, he might find a 10th circle.
- There's Raging Bull' It's repugnant. Violence in movies is acceptable. Beating up women isn't. If there was a word aside from f**ck in Raging Bull, well, yeah, guess I missed it and the wife beating was odious. Did I mention this monosyllabic asshole brutalizing his family wasn't worth making any more than a few mimutes of a documentary? It's just not a good movie. Auteur, auteur. I thought New York Stories was good. Gutdom, he made The Last Waltz so I know he's got soul. Look how he get's Ringo when the estimable drummer hits a fill. Goodfellas? That's all how Shoeless Joe plays it, and thr women. The Departed? now there's when the director made a director's movie. I don't know what you think about the great American novel, but I know, Nancy, ypu've given it some thought. I thought that was Look Homeward Angeland I know it's Hucklebery Finn, and why doesn't the Second Coming know this?doesn't poll well? and it was his editor we should thank. It's possible that jottings from Kurt Vonnegut about spoonfuls of syrup, with no editor, might fit the bill. Or bushwhacking a piano, or Easy Rawlins walking mean streets he knows by heart. I just read Cosmopolis. It's not good (well, it's good, but it's kinda like Grand Street but not goof) and I cherish Don deLillo. This book seems like he's trying to catch up to William Gibson, who didn't invent the internet, but cyberspace, yeah he did. Invent that idea of cyberspace. Wipe a third time. We have al lof you infornation and if its unconstitutional, so what, your pretzeldent is protecting you against terriss. If the prezeldent does it it's legal.
- Hint of the north wind? Been reading John Crowlley? I think it's fairly obvious that the 'authorization' required Shrub to return to Congress with some kind of proof before acting, and to allow el Baradei to provide whatever proof might be available. Given that Obama has voted Dem the way Clarence Thomas affirms Scalia, he's full of shit on this issue. When you get right down to it, I think it comes down to people in Congress just not considering the idea that a President of the Nunined Snakes (no typos, that's how W says it) would flat out lie his ass off. Despite the popular huzzah, it's only partially about oil, in the grand scheme of war profiteering.
- And Olbermann is relentless in his dislike of Hillary. He actually badgers his guests when they don't buy into his attacks on her. But, I have to admit, unlike the Gigantic Head, Keith hasn't waxed stupid on McCain's Old Spice. Nothing to do with anything, but does anybody actually buy Barack's story about his Granny and the N word? Stilted delivery, lame prose, unadulterated bullshit. There's a real difference, though. Hillary and Barack might produce tall tales under campaign pressure. BFD (aside from the fact that Keith Olbermann will crucify Hillary days in a row and ignore Obama's liberties). McCain, on the other hand can be told ad infinitum that al Quaeda are Sunni and Iran is the Shia heart, and he still convolutes the two. Next thing, he was riding that tank as a liberator at Auswich with Ron Raygun. This is bizarre on so many levels. Anybody that thinks al Quaeda in Mesopotamia has anything to do with Osama, or predates the US invasion, is delusional. Anybody that thinks the Shia we're supposed to like, as opposed to that loose cannon al Sadr, didn't spend years drooling on Kahmeini's slippers in Teheran instead of, oh, I don't know, fighting an insurgency against Saddam, well Doug Feith has a research job for you. Classified, though, but you get to meet Rumsfeld, that sexy man. The greatest draft dodgers the world has ever known are screwing with the lives of a volunteer army for personal profit. They're making every effort to leave a Democrat with a briar patch, the way HW left Somalia and NAFTA for Clinton. (Clinton forged the labor and environment side agreements to NAFTA, but W abrogated both, something that seems to have evaded the conciousness of David Sirota and all of the mainstream press.) Dexter, I remember Joe Pyne. True whackjob. Hell, I heard Father Coughlin in person at the Shrine. Both guys were superior anti-semites, so it's probably good their days are gone. These days, supporting the Badr Corps makes you a friend of Iraqi freedom (nurtured in Iran) and, I suppose, a friend of Israel. Mixed up, muddled up, shook up world.
- Chris Matthews? Can't he afford a speech therapist? Elides half the syllables. Randy Newman has him pegged. "Jesus, what a jerk." Mr. Sheep.
- I used to have a patch madras jacket. I thought it seriously cool. Back around '68. Stolen from the family wagon, along with all of our clothes, at a Hamtramck motel during a total family breakdown that had been coming on for years since the death of my little brother Matt. We left Detroit and moved to Memphis, and moved back again a week or so later. Dysfunctional doesn't come close. But anyway, I like that jacket, and I could get away with wearing it to Sunday Brunch at Cracker Barrel on Hilton Head Island. There is certainly such a thing as being hipper than thou, and mockery is short surfeit when you have every reason to be ridiculed for your own fashion choices. These days, I'm partial to a Herschel Walker jersey dressed up with a black linen blazer. With tasteful pleated khakis. De gustibus and plus ca change. And I'd like my jacket back. And my brother, too.
- WTF is a Richard? I assure you, I'm not, whatever it may be. I like to think of myself, as I'm sure all of you do, as uncategorizable. Tall and handsome? Check. Aryan as hell? Check. Inquisitive? Intelligent? Teillhardian? Yup. If /richard has to do with Kings of England , I'm of the II variety, not IIIrd. For God's sake, let us sit upon the ground And tell sad stories of the death of kings. (I think this is the greatest speech Shakespear wrote. It might be bizarre I have an opinion. While I'm at it, the decond soliloquy is a whole lot better than To be, or not to be.) More Caliban, less Prospero, aside from wishing something true. But Caliban has the second best speech Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open and show riches Ready to drop upon me that, when I waked, I cried to dream again. Laura: Isn't pastel impossible for real madras? How would it bleed effectively?
- Seriously Dave, I couldn't be bothered.
- Seriously. A Richard? You mean a dick? How clever. There is no possibility of a lamer piece of shit bit of cell-phone garbage, Chad. Seriously sorry. Hilarious, though. What is the result when dickheads call people dicks? Too dumb for words.
- So how does that ahole get off calling me a dick and left free to gaze longingly into his own fundament?? If I'm pricked do I not bleed? Who exactly did I offend?
- What exactly is the 'plant-wide PA system'?
- Hillary :sexism::Barack:racism. I know this was dealt with and summarily concluded a couple of days ago. I think it begs the question of what I think is a healthy competition. I couldn't guess about the variegated nefarious and ignorant opinions from Republicans, abut I think I see an undercurrent in th Waterworld-vast ocean of hardcore Democrats, old-school liberals, "Independents", and hardline Progressives. (And Lord forgive me, but I believe the "independents' think iit's cool to be self-styled iconoclasts and the "Progressives" are are Deanie babies, and not much of this has to do with any ur-culture at all) In '04, when the Enron governor self-destructed, the HoDean faithful latched onto the DNC and the press as villains. Fact is, now Howard Enron Dean is the DNC, and whatever these people thought was the establishment is mounted and ready to ride against Hillary, the Mendacious. If Barack wants to talk about his well-educated and accomplished Granny and throw her under the 18-wheeler wheels, well, that lie is more monstrous than than anything about Bosnia? The old lady never called anybody anything that made the kid cringe. But David Sirota, Keith Olbermann, HuffPost and any number of outposts that pick like turkey vultures on one claw and broadcast spin on the other. Their in-knd contributions should be listed as campaign contributions. I wouldn't say either campaign has digressed into racism and sexism attacks except in spin. (If you think anything Bill Clinton has said indicates racism, raise your hand so the Asshole Patrol can throw a net over you.)Progressives hated Kerry, because of perceived NDC slights, and enough of these idiot idealogues voted for Nader to give Kenneth Blackwell all the room he needed to cheat like a bastard. Now it seems they've grabbed control and everybody, including their sanctimonious asses might pay. There has been some commentary about Hillary losing and having to make amends. Why? Barack already said it. He said he knew that Hillary's supporters would support him but he didn't know if his would support her. Dean's supporters didn't support John Kerry. How'd that turn out? Kinda like Bolsheviks taking over. It get‘s down to who knows what he‘s talking about. I don't have a horse in this race, except that I know for a fact the Republicans are intellectually devoid of intellectual substance, because ... well because, since 1960 they're the party of getting Time Magazine to hype racial differences. Way I see it: Clinton campaign has never once raised any race card; Obama's campaign has seriously brought in gender. In the campaign, Hillary has embraced Obama's campaign and his has treated her like some leper clone of McCain. Governor Dean was an offshore tool of Enron. Why's he running the DNC? And why is the mainstream "progressive media" slandering Hillary? I don't care, one way or another, I want Republicans gone, and not because of their policies but because their policies change day to day with the self-serving bull from Dana Petrino. I do not wan't self-appointed "Progressives" to think they can dictate to attempt a hijack of liberal politics. Here's the deal. Hillary knows what she's talking about, Obama regurgitates her ideas in some hazy fashion. That's an undeniable pattern. If Americans are really worried about security, how'd everybody miss how Kerry shut down Osama in the 80sKerry shut down Osama in the 80s? Oh, it embarrassed the House of Faud? House of Bush? The Oldtimer and the Freedom Fighters? HW bailed on his crewmembers. W couldn't make any of his appointments, but that was Dan Rathers' fault. Kerry performed heroically but some Nixon retread played on Faux News four times an hour slandering an actual war hero. People bought this shit. Hillary was never under fire (at least not dangerously) and Barack's Granny sure as shit never used the N word in his presence (was he so attuned as a kid but didn't know anything about the times?). I don't care. Hillary's made her support clear. Barack says if your not on his side you should compound the astounding error and vote for onanism. Kerry should have been the President. Osama would be history or last gulp penury. Even the mis Administration says they've fallen down on the banking police aspect that W mocked. Kerry exposed the unitary presidency as an out and out coup by Ollie and the Old Timer, and they reamed him for his efforts, but the effect persevered. The hideous excesses of Iran-Contra were shut down and Raygun had to disgrace himself by pardoning traitors. So, as far as patriotism is concerned, since the 80s, the Republicans and the neocons are the traitors. Democrats and liberals bear the flag with or without flag lapel pins. "Progressives" live in some sort of bitter limbo, where they've every right to express opinions, but they damage their credibility eith blind support of some guy that's promising but he's not, by any any stretch, Bobby. It would be a Godsend if the "Progressive " spinmeisters would back off this astounding horseshit and admit that most of the anti-Clinton crap was their own imaginative spin. If it gets right down to it, Hillary has made it clear she supports an Obama candicay. Far as I know from the public record, Obama might vote for Ralph (his partner in Onanism and omphalaikos-gazing, I am, so the Universe revolves around me), or himself, or a write-in for Reagan. It might be a good idea if statements along these lines were made a little clearear. Anyway, the hardcore HoDean DNC types that deplored the DNC lockstep that didn't exist in '04 but most certainly rules in '08 ought to think about the consequences of their behavior.
- Making things ain't pretty, Nancy? But what's pretty? Diego Rivera murals? i>Metrp[olis? Maybe there's pretty and there's what's beautiful and the one doesn't exist without the other. And perhaps the pretty doesn't exist without the beautiful in the first place. Frank Loyd Wright. It's all pretty when the water falls and the Inn is available to art critics. I think the designer was keen on the muscle, skin and bone necessary to put all those things in place.
- Awesome? Well, at least its not a complete perversion of the actual meaning, just foolish hyperbole. The one that gets me is nauseous. If you insist on being nauseous, it's everybody around you that's ralphing. You may well be, but what you really mean is you're nauseated (of course, if you pretend to be nauseated, like Chunk in the theater balcony, you might be nauseous). And is there a human bodily function with more, and more inspired, colloquiallisms attached than barfing? Are barf and fart onomotopoetical?
- Dexter: You know the story of John Kennedy Toole's mom haunting Walker Percy, I guess. Good book, kind of derivative of Mott the Hoople by Willard Manus. Even Walker Percy liked it though, or the old lady impinged on his southern gentleman noblesse. On the other hand, there are Love Among the Ruins, The Thanatos Syndrome, and, most of all, The Second Coming, by the master. Particularly good while the Pope is in town.
- My senior prom was at Deerfield Village. My mom was a chaperone. I helped pick out her dress. Second floor of some mansion. What do y'all think about Danica? Just another Kuornikova.? Well she started racing open wheel when she was 16 and she was very good with sorry ass cars. So what's the point? She just races smarter?
- Kiss my ass. Richard? Moron.Whay to go moron. The clue you think you have, not in this lifetime.
- Why is it that Barack can make stuff up like his Granny and the N word, and Hillary is still accused of murdering Vince Foster? Are Americans just stupid? If Barack thinks McCain would be an improvement, or even the most remote departure, he needs to ride the short bus for remedial ed. Hasn't Keith Olbermann become the Goering of the Obama movement? He badgers guests that aren't properly anti-Hillary. Would it be too much to expect anybody in the news bidness actually understood that Republican state legislatures in Florida and Michigan set the primary dates? Did they do this on purpose? I'd hate to ascribe that level of intelligence to people I despise. But the most bitter man in America, you know him, you find him whack, Howard Dean, chose this as his opportunity to strike back at the DNC. Of course, he is the DNC now. So Deanie-baabies screwed Kerry over because the off-shore guy made an ass of himself. Isn't it fascinating how the Barack people squealed like stuck pigs after the last debate? Fair should be fair. Right? The guy's not Jack and he sure as hell isn't Bobby. He's a decent candidate with a misogynistic mean streak. He lies at the drop of a hat about his own grandmother. Hillary Clinton didn't make him do this. If I didn't know better, I'd swear Barack thinks Hillary ought to stifle herself. John McCain, on the other hand wants this to be Bush land in perpetuity. (This hasn't resonated with young Barack yet, but it might still.) Perpetuity. 100s of years. Question: Does Barack actually think McCain would be better than Shrub?
- I always thought Me and Mrs. Jones was the perfect embodiment of insincere, sleazy, adulterous braggadocio from a smirking, egocentric Lothario with no real interest in the object of his lust. So, I suppose, it’s the perfect soundtrack for the unbridled id of Kwame “Je t’aime--moi non plus” Kilpatrick. For some reason, this put me in mind of Clarence Carter, the anguish of love bordering on obsession, and heartbreaking Stax/Volt guitars (courtesy of the singer himself). So, thanks for making my day. Of course, Clarence was not immune to the concupiscent angle on this sort of arrangement. (Neither of these ‘videos’ is remotely watchable, but for sincerity and salaciousness, the two songs are wonderful. I seriously doubt that Strokin’ ever got any air play.)
- John McCain's middle name may be Dubya, but he show's here he's capable of disernment far beyond the Pretzeldent's capabilities. Takes of man of refined sensibilities to smoothly parse the nuances of appropriateness of his own application of the C word to his trophy wife and a Sun City Harridan calling Clinton the B word.
- Ah, in much of Appalachia. who's really good? Matt Damon is. If you saw Basketball Diaries, or <iGangs of New York, you know Leo is. What's the best Robert DeNiro? I'd say it's <b<Midnight Run</b<. Hands down. What's the best Johnny Depp movie? Hard to say.Scissotkands? Briilliant. Benny and Joon? Well, it's got the most gorgreous woman. But then, there's Don Juan de Marco. Purely brilliant.
- World Press Freedom Day. And in Appalachia, fat people are considered 'kindly chuffy' and Santy Claus comes down the chimley. And Brian, little Alan Price probably had it right: i When there's a bluebird singing by your window pane And the sun shines bright all day through Don't forget boy Look over your shoulder 'Cause there's always someone coming after you (la la la la) When everything in life seems just as it should be At last success seems just around the door Don't forget boy Look over your shoulder 'Cause things don't stay the same forever more (la la la la) Hope springs eternal in a young man's breast And he dreams of a better life ahead Without that dream you are nothing, nothing, nothing You have to find out for yourself that dream is dead (la la la la)
- If that link didn‘t work, this one should.
- Is it a tragedy when a thouroughbred dies? I‘m a confirmed Teillhardian, so yeah, I think it is.. There‘s something extremely perverse in mankind‘s breeding skinny legs into horses so they can run very fast. If you‘re going to screw with genetics, and you claim to love horses, wouldn’t you try to make them stronger so things like this wouldn’t happen? This is a stark, conflicted and painful commentary. The Janjaweed ride horses. They don‘t break down in the backstretch.. Ethnic cleansing? Perversion of language. Like breeding thoroughbreds. They don't call it Messenger DNA for nothing. Given the unholy blessing of drone bombers, couldn't W just blow these assholes up? But they're in his side of the gene pool where oil is concerned. Recent efforts to sock in the government in Iraq are fascinating. Get your ass humiliated and leave the briar patch for the next guy. That is what HW did with Somalia. Bailed out.
- Princess Anne is a gender unto herself.
- Stateitude? I grew up, in more ways than one, in Detroit, lived 20 years in Greater Boston (and it is greater), and spent the last ten wastrel years on the beach in South Carolina. But, hard-pressed, I'd say I'm from Georgia. And if a state ever needed to cede property to another, we'd gladly give South Georgia to Florida. ButFlorida strange. Hiassenn is a very good writer. Went to the Grady School, and Athens is Ralph McGill territory, Reg Murphy, Max Cleland, too. And Joel Chandler Harris, maligned second-hand for tar-baby when the briar patch is the perfect metaphor for what Presidents Bush leave their replacements, on purpose, with piss-poor bad will, Yalie cowardice and unresolved rancor at their own venality, cowardice and incompetence. Itg's the mantra, stupid. Bail out or get way loaded. It's the briar patch, stupid. These days, Bush and McCain don't favor a GI Bill. How hypocritical do you have to be to get no votes from anybody? I diaagree with you Nancy, about where the best writers will end up. The best writers love books. But, I don't actually care. Thomas Gibson knows how things will turn out, and until Tom McGaune weighs in, that's the best we can do. Tom McGuane is the best wrter going, or it's Roddy Doyle, or Lawrence Noroflk or Susanna Clarke (and gutdom, Mr. Norrell is awe=-inspiring). Then you have, I don't know, John Gardner, and Stanley Elkin. And Robert Coover. I love newspapers almost more than anybody does. NancyNall doesn't love newspapers for writing. It's writing on deadline. A uniqe talent.
- And isn't Detroit part of Ontario? I mean in the Windsor Raceway heist kinda way? Or Justice in Ontario? Me and my brother stole gasoline from an Ontario quickie on the same night those guys used masks to rob the raceway. We lived in fear till we made it through the Windsor tunnel. Cops were crawling all over the place, and we thought we were the perpetrators they were after. It was a blue Ford, not a "'57 Biscayne" We had a little money once They were pushing through a four lane highway Government gave us three thousand dollars You should have seen it fly away First he bought a '57 Biscayne He put it in the ditch He drunk up all the rest That son of a bitch His blood's bad whiskey I was raised on robbery. And if Massachusetts could claim the Kancamagus highway and the Swift River, Im all for stateitude. And Georgia could claim Point Clear, and Biloxi. And the storms will blow from off towards New Orleans. I was born in Cinncinati. It's really part of Kentucky, slave trade and all. And boy, they didn't like Jackie Robinson. But a Kentucky Colonel put his arm around him. All in all, this is an interesting idea. When I was gestating, my mom was playing catch with Roy Campanella,. So Brooklyn and LA are immortally intertwined. It's a small world after all. But it isn't. We, as a nation,torture people, for no good reason and with no results. We've got a niggling pervert for a president that thinks this is all right because nobody's doing it to him. Asshole should have served on a Swift Boat instead of Bummingham coot patrol.. We've got a judicial system that believe's torture is hunky-dory, and you can just dick around with the election process. Scalia can say get over it but does anybody with a brain think they didn't rof that shit? And what happened? Shock and Awe. You let things get out of hand when you let lunatics run the Supreme Court, and Dickless Cheney appoint himself VP when the pretzeldent is a pretzeldent.
- Republican aholes set the primary dates in Michigan and Florida. Count the votes. HoDean, take a short hike off a short pier. Who appointed you emperor? You lost fair and square becuise you're an asshole that got in bed with Enron. It's the reinsurance, asshole.
- And that statetricty in Lake County. Read Cuyahoga.
- Brian Stouder: You and Allison Dubois. Now we've got a Republican that sits in opposition of a GI Bill that Viet Vets never got. And the bill's opposed by the administration that Scalia and Kenneth Blackwell foisted on a supposedly free Republic, not to be mistaken with the Free Republic that chose the defender of the Austin OClub over the actual war hero. If this level of hypocrisy doesn't rise to the necessity of total repudiation, what does this say about the idea of voting? Mencken was an unreconstructed genius, but "getting it good and hard" has gotten pretty old. It's very difficult to comprehend a voterin compos mentis voting for a Republican. We're supposed to believe Democrats are damaging their chances with a prolonged nomination fight. Why? McCain wants to let capitalists run free in the lland of health care only for the wealthy. This is actually the most crucial economic issue in this campaign. Hillary owns this debate, but Obama's within the realm of sense and sensibility. McCain isn't. When McCain said 100 more years in Iraq, what he was really saying was eight more years of corruption, cronyism and abject stupidity. No less stupid is the Enron reinsurance creature Howard Dean. He got played by Republican majority Statehouses in Michigan and Florida, and he's too damn stubborn and outright stupid to admit it. Obama wasn't on the ticket in Michigan? Why? Nobody campaigned in Florida. Maybe a good thing. She beat his ass by slightly more than the NC returns. I don't care any more. What's crucial is doing away with McCain. But the Democratic Party would do well to ditch Governor Little Hitler that Feels Aggrieved (and all of the hagiographic bad sports that love him) and acknowledge the votes in Michigan and Florida. Kerry wasn't strong enough in replying to the Short Boat slander? What did HoDean ever say? Where was John Edwards? Additional deferments, I guess. Jackasses enabled Blackwell to steal the election, recalcitrant, and it all comes down to ego versus patriotism and the interests of aactual Americans. We don't grow bananas, but the election process has been pure banana republic lately. And, you know, conservatives tried to impeach William O. Douglas, and Michigan's own Whizzer White. Scalia should go, for legal incompetence, if not for appointing an incompetent President. Eight years with Ratznestistan elections, and it's made the idea of representative Democracy a mockery.
- And dentists are in crisis. John Patterson is leaving the fold. But at least he's not offing himself. I don't know about y'all but I like Cecil. Suicide rates are a fairly depressing subject, and dentists may not lead the category, but they seem more homicidally despondent than members of most other professions. I don't mean to be flip about this, but I can understand deciding to be a doctor, or a lawyer, or even a CPA if there's nothing else professional available to you. But, a dentist? You really identified with Dr. Christian Szell in Marathon Man? Where do people get off assigning values to career choices? But still, I wouldn't be a dentist rather than homeless. A failing of ambition on my part. But, thank God for those that choose torture. And they employ all of those gorgeous assistants. There's a paucity of great dentist literature, but the everlastingly estimable Gunther Grass fills in the details in Local Anesthetic. This isn't surprising, since he stunts his greatest hero's growth by plunging him down the steps of a root cellar and later treats readers to self-induced tears in the Onion Cellar. Maybe someday we'll get the Walker Percy version. Or John Kennedy Toole's. What we are left with is the best book anybody ever wrote. That would be V, by the greatest living author not named Thomas Gibson or Tom McGuane. He's on about reconstuctive dentistry. And precious metals and jewels. Funny how all these guys are named Tom. Doubting pays off. And I can read both Latin and Greek and translate what the hell they meant to say. Leonardo could do that backwards thing, but if you're seriously right-wing, you would have burned his ass. So much for the great generation. The great generation got fried in Viet Nam so a bunch of greedy old farts could claim to be the great generation. Been IIraq/Afghjanistan troops are being screwed by pompous aholes like McCain. These are the same scmucks that pulled the swift-boat lie. GHard to believe Americans are that frigging stupid. I mean WTF?
- Do you vote in a country where you're you're viote counts? Do you believe Scalia should vote for you? Do you believe the Swift-doat bullshit, or dpo you believe W japped on service and Kerry did what was right, and he wasn't just honorable, he was awesome.
- Whitebeard. What about your dawber? Why do we have so many names. You'd think Americans had a bad time getting it up. I saw "Wanda", and a spectacularly good movie it is, so I think Brits are more conflicted, and I think it's such a male thing, nature takes it's course, and women tend to be gentle and forgiving.
- Plantar fascitis is the singularly most painful and inexplicable affliction there is. Well. Maybe not. But it hurts like hell. Jeezus, Nancy. It even hurts when pedalling my bike. I deal with this , and godamighty, it hurts. It's got a real morphogenesis. But it's one of those things people don't believe is real. They should try it, I've got spurs on my arches, and on the back of my palms. Contact of any sort is excruciating. Sometimes it goes away, and comes back, which is exceptionally depressing. My dad's a doctor, and he's told me you might could just whack the lesions and they'd go away. Like crush them. I dont think he believes it. I mean, he's a doctor. Something about ganglions. Tried it once on the back of my hand. Put the book on the back of my hand where the growth was and just whacked the shit out of it.. Hurt ike hell. The book was The American Language by you know who. No Shit. I think I knew something about the American Language. I know you do too. Were you always good at it? Did you understand it was a gift. Did tyou practice? What books did Whadtd you read when you were a kid? When I was four, or so, I read the Mytserious Island. When I was five, I read The Cloister and the Hearth, and I love that gook to this day. When I was six, I knew Pooh by heart. Oh hell. My childhood reading was just bizarre. I read Sherlock Holmes and Fu ManChu. But you can't tell me you didn' t read well ahead of your grade. Ms. Nall. What did you read? You read Ursala K LeGuin. Damn. Great writer. If you didn't, why not? In Detroit, there's a kernel of learning. Most ridiculously excellent high school, and Latin and Greek. Not Cass Tech, but they were black and they were proud. Always mixed with the best looking girls from Grosse Pointe and they were always the mafia girrrls. And looking back, we loved them.
- Aha!! Jonah Goldberg (a heel if there ever was one) was right!. Jonah Golldberg is a part of the human body.It blows wind and defecates. But its the one from which a fart emits. He's surely a fart and not even a full-blown turd. Half-baled, half-baked.. Jonah Goldgdrg is a fucking moron, and that's all she wrote. He writes tripe. He's a moron
- There's no doubt, the government creeps in Myanmar are blocking humanitarian aid. When the government creeps in the USA object, they have no moral leg to stand on. The Shrub Administration turned aside more than $400,0000,000 worth of aid for Katrina victims. Hevkuva job, assholes. Fact. jack. What is wrong with these dickheads? /
- Myanmar aid? There's about $400million never got to New Orleans because it was blocked by the Bush misadministration. That's a fact they dont want tyou to know about. They buggered this deal beyond belief. Myanmar does it on purpose, W did it by utter incompetence. They werenen't the gang that couldn't shoot straigt. They couldn't find the trigger. They were positivelely incompetent. .
- Look. Can't somebody bring these assholes to trial. They would not have ignored things had it been rich mormons and movie wstars in the Sierras. Pure fact. The aid pledged was several hundred million. The aid deployed was less than $40mil. Soo W didn;t wan;t to take aid from China. So he screwsed Nawlins over to look cool? Asshole.
- No joke. Bush administration turned down hundreds of millions in aid for Katrina but their dogging a regime they back behind eveybody's back when it comes to torture??
- I got The Skids best CD in the mail today. The Skids was Stuart Adamson's band. You may know him as the guy that did the bagpipes guitar trick and made the positivelely brillant song "In A Big Country". It wasn't a trick. He just knew how to make it cry and sing. Ray Davies thought Stuart was a worthy collaborator. So, in my opinion, there you have it. Shane McGowan and Richard Thompson did him the honor, too. Mighty good. He wrote incredibly gorgeous songs, that had to do with Scotland, freedom, fucking the Brits, and what the Brits did to womankind in shackling the Celtic lands, which demeaned the Brits more than their victims. I think you'll all like Stuarts's songs. They're really amazing.I'd say excuse me, but I wouldn't really mean it. Listen to what the boyo did. You'll really like it. Apparently he killed himself. God knows why
- I don‘t thinkpolar bears are in any way cute. I saw a polar bear act in Boston Garden one year when it was the year off for Gunther Gebel Williams and the Big Cats. Huge and terrifying, and spectacular, and my then seven year old daughter said they looked more intelligent than we all did watching them. I don’t know what I think about the ethics of command performances by positively magnificent predators that could woof their ‘tamers’ on a dime. I guess I don’t really like it, but when it’s RBB&B and little kids and adults are shrieking, and I get a glow in the dark polar bear T-shirt, I turn into a dumbfounded dumbass. Hell, I eat meat occasionally, but if cows got hold of bolt-guns and started nailing slaughterhouse employees, I’m fine with Brussels sprouts and good for the cows. My favorite cartoon is Gahan Wilson’s, with frogs standing over those petroleum encrusted lab trays and humans pinned down ready for pithing. Serves us right. But Roy Innes claiming Black Americans are being disadvantaged by protecting Polar Bears from having to swim thousands of miles for a meal and keeping from drowning? That is one seriously coopted black man, and an idiot. The idea that the inevitable demise of any species of God’s creation for the comfort and convenience of mankind is acceptable amounts basically to a sort of defeatism that Ralph Innes may not realize is the slippery slope to terminal racism. There’s Alpha and Omega, and noogenesis, according to the greatest biologist of the Twentieth Century, whose also the greatest theologian of the Twentieth Century. It’s spectacularly infuriating that the propagators of intelligent design as an alternative ‘theory’ support killing off entire species in the name of the God we’re supposed to all be becoming. Of course, ‘intelligent design’ posits as its basic beliefs that God wasn’t smart enough to design natural selection and evolution into the equation, but She was boneheaded enough to intend we all end up born-again white men with beholden females. Racial divisions by skin color and physical features amount to an exceptionally phony ploy in the grand scheme of biology, with no basis in any sort of science. Exaltation of one species over another is just about as stupid. If you make the rules, you find yourself superior. Opposable thumbs? Masturbation. Language? Blogs. Bigger brains? Duplicity, cowardice, addictions, delusions of grandeur, people that think William Faulkner wasn’t a jerk that wrote impenetrable and entirely indefensible crap for whiskey money. So we get Thomas Mann, but we’re plagued with Hermann Hesse. William Gibson, Tim LeHaye. It’s like Adrian Monk says, a blessing and a curse. Good Steven King, bad Steven King. Language may be something we do because it entertains us. I’m open to the idea that whacking sea lions is just as entertaining, but I don’t have the genes for it. Clive Cussler, for Christ's sake, who’d be a good excuse for cutting off all human typing digits and feeding them to starving polar bears. I don't know if there's anybody good enough to balance how horrendous this guy is, and millions of allegedly evolved humans read this drivel. People actually recommended The Davinci Code to friends. What sort of species is it that resorts to such wanton cruelty not in the interest of survival? (And I apologize to everyone that just thought it hilariously ...atrocious just doesn't get it, but there must be a word...abysmal? No. Brainless? Closer.) If Roy Innes finds himself on an ice floe with a starving polar bear, who’s superior? The bear, and the black guy’s lunch, same as some bona fide racist like Trent Lott would be. All tastes like blubber. But shoot, science is the devil’s work, and there‘s always the rapcha. When it comes, and I’m still here, I want a baby-blue T-Bird, with the top down and the keys in the ignition, a working debit card with Warren Buffet‘s account number, and a ferocious 14-foot tall furry white bearish guy for my sidekick, and bandoleros wouldn‘t hurt.
- Ohhhhkkkay. McCain is slightly less lucid than Ron Raygun sundowning.
- Mr. Ryder (as we‘d say in the NYT) has chosen to open his website to Devil With a Blue Dress On. What caused kids to go actually berserk back at the Birmingham Teen Center when Mitch was young and I was younger. (He's only 62, but those knee drops and subsequent surgeries have to have taken a toll, and I bet at least one of his knees is stainless steel.) was Jenny Take a Ride. It's been most of a lifetime, but I'd pay to see him do that song. The version of Rock 'n' Roll on the Michigan Rocks album is very good, but I don't think anybody but REM and Yo La Tengo can really do Lou Reed just right. Although, I'd imagine Lou wouldn't mind waking up one day with Solomon Burke's style, Wilson Pickett's voice and James Brown's death-defying stage show. Which about sums up Mitch Ryder. Michigan Rocks is a very low budget sort of compilation that probably never made it to modern audio media like tapes and those disks, but if you can find it (and play it) on vinyl, it's pretty great. On the Seeds and Stems label, but of course. MC-5 (unbowdlerized on my copy), Dick Wagner and Frost, Scotty Morgan (who wore an ascot, somewhat unforgiveable in those days, but he sang white boy soul like Michael Hutchence)and the Rationals doing the Otis and Sister Re song, Stooges (1969), Journey to the Center of the Mind (when Ted Nugent wasn't, ahem, ingesting hallucinogens), Ramblin' Gamblin Man!!!, an amazing version of I'm So Glad by SRC. Soundtrack of my wasted youth. I bought this album at a Goodwill Thrift in Brockton MA. As for Rock 'n' Roll, the definitive version (my choice) is on the amazing live Rock 'n' Roll Animal album with Frost and Alice Cooper alum Dick Wagner (not to be confused with the Nazi composer that Robert Duvall likes).
- I was thinking about Lou Reed covers and a href="">Cowboy Junkies< comes to mind. A good friend of mine said that when REM covers the Velvets, they’re reverent. Much as I think Margo Timmins has a gorgeous voice, she seems “reverent” to the point of somnolence, except on the lala bridge. She’s a beautiful woman, but on this, she sounds like, and she seems to be trying to look like, a character in a Lou Reed Song: A junkie ran down a lady a pregnant dancer She’ll never dance but the baby was saved He shot up some china white and nodded out at the wheel And he doesn?t remember a thing Maybe it was that NYT fashion mag heroin chic thing. But slap a little Maria Mckee into that delivery. I do think Mitch and Detroit (great name for a band, balls got some heft) banged it out. But the urgency of the vocals was always driven percussively by the staccato chords, and the vocals are what some people call bad singing and I say is nearly perfect espression.. None of the Velvet songs by Lou Reed were anything but settings for plays,probably., but once he blew through them, there was less of a need to act them out.. Listen. Laurie Anderson didn’t just latch onto some schlub with a …schlub or Chris Noth. Nancy. Were you always an original Detroit riotttgrrl. Back in ’69, it was a boys club, to our chagrin. Or did you find your way there through Silver Bullet? What’s the greatest song Seger ever made? And you can’t say Ramblin. And you can’t say Heavy Music. Noah? You know that one? Brilliant but no. I mean, I’m not trying to be a jerk. You think Bob and Iggy rule. They were really good, but SRC and MC5 were so much better. First Family wedding? First snout out of the cockpit. These aholes bail.
- Oh sorry Nancy. Didn't mean to impugn your Detroit credenetials. I understand why you've taken to the motor city. I mean, if you come from Ft. Worth, anything looks good. This is a lamo battle. I assume you agree that Curtis Mayfield is so far superior to Marvin Gaye this ones beyond question. But gutdom. If you don't know Curtis is betterturn it in..OK, I've had it.. Obama wins wecause HoDean ws so pissed off. That's why immense numbers of voters don't count. Thet probably equal the morons that voted for nader. Howard Dean is an idiot with an axe to grind. He fucked over Kerrywhen Kerry was the actual hero. If you don't understand this your fucking dumber than Georfe Bush. Nobody's that fucking stupid. Not possible
- Keith also said: “I've never had a problem with drugs. I've had problems with the police.” So Moe 99. Mick is OK, Keith is definitely not. Talking about kids here. My kid can take "Until They Make Me Run", but she's a grownup young woman of fairly spectacular accomplishment. I figure she takes Mick and Keef the way she takes her dad. Mostly lying, but pretty messed up. Is he a liar? I don't think so'. But I'm not lying about those encounters at the Birmingham Teen Center. Procol, Salty Dog, through the roof. Teagrden and Van Winkle, who said Seeger had feet of clay.. Played ping-pong with Skip. And Gary Brooker bought me a coke. Co-cola. And they didn't just play Salty Dog with our friend Danny Harteau on Bill Scollins shoulders. Then they played Whiskey Train and Power Fused. Chopped up churned out weeks of greasy, spark plug burned out powerfused. We were kids. This was inspiring. Actually, I never lie about anything. Most definitely about Detroit.
- What do you think about Margaret Atwood? Alias Grace might be the great American novel if Angle of Repose isn't. Both are better by miles than F. Scott. Isn't Oryx and Crace better than The Road? Without a doubt. I'm pretty much committed to the idea that Don GeLillo has kumped the shark (though Great Jones Street is astounding) and Tom McGuane won't actually write any more. TC Boyle may erupt at any minute, just after Martin Amis makes an ass of himself. So who do you think is going to write something really good? Maybe Walter Moseley. Certainly, James Lee Burke, but nobody's considering him for being seriously, like Elmore Leonard and other guys that can't carry his jock. I think it's time for Thomas Pynchon. Mason & Dixon was Jonathan Strange before anybody heard of that book. That's a fact, jack. Jonathan Strange was superb, but it wasn't actually as good as Lemprierre's Dictionary. But anyway, get and read a copy of Oryx and Crake. Brilliant
- Howard Dean? Enron reinsurance. Patron saint of...patronage? Vermont the New Bermuda. Meanwhile, How does the 50 state plan let Republican statehouses disenfranchise 3 mill voters while bizarre caucus states skate? What a self-serving jackass. And this is Howard's revenge on the Democratic Party. Very petty little man that challenges Ralph Nader in the belly-button gazing contest to see whose umbilicus rules the world by virtue of its owner gazing at it. Could Howard at least be honest enough to start his interminable money-grubbing emails to me with the thrilling idea of the 48 state strategy? Rewards for lawlessness? Republicans set those primary dates, and the little pitbull that couldn't ate it alive. He's a virtual Republican. And that's not progress. He might be a master of internet money scrounging and obscuring his unseemly ties to guys like Kennyboy, but that's not hardly progressive. Oh, I forgot the stupid obscenities. Blast. Jehosaphat! And we like rolling in the dirt but no Sherman tanks please. I don't think they're still clanking along except when the generals drive to MSNBC to make Keith look like he's not a pouf with incredibly bad Brylcreem.
- The Grande was a ridiculously cool building. Like the Bradbury in LA. I‘m So Glad. I saw Cream there. And wasn't that Jack Bruce's band?
- My better angels say leave ajenna Bush alone. But, I think, let her deal with crap like Chelsea Clinton had to. I think on of them has more resources, but I don't know that, and they're both kids. Modern weddings are archaic gatherings of people harboring internecine jealousies, familial devotion dislikes that may rise to hatred , like the Thane and Mrs. NacReth getting hitched. Something obscene always happens. I was boxed in and made to marry the mother of my child in a parodic double ceremony with a sister in law and her beax that my father-in-lawdespised so much I had to take my wife's sister out of the home after she'd been tied to a Lally column to keep her from the worthless jackass. Some dumbass ideation of some dumbass Sicilian form of honor about the eldest daughter required to get hitched first. At one early point of the reception, in as tony aa place as Boston offers, and Boston is tony, other groom's brother reported to the head table that "Ma fell down." During the dancing, I guess, and I guess she was lit. Both marriages ended in divorce. Quelle surprise. Whatever. Many weddings are atrocities that the crucial participants either live through or they don't. My ex-wife lived on through. and she's happy and I'm not unhappy and we had a perfect child. We should probably have had the sense to run like hell I tend to avoid weddings. I've a (I guess) second cousin (my cousin's adopted daughter) that's so gorgeous she was a born degas model, and she's smart and strong. She married a guy I thought pretty shady, and I thought about how my daughter idolized her cousin. They're doing fine, and my keed has found a guy she thinks is fine, and he's given her a chunky diamond. Funny how things turn out. I owe an apology. Whitebeard: Mine’s gray and red these days, so no matter how much I despise shaving, I’m forbidden to let nature take its course. Fortunately, I’m encouraged in other matters of nature and even sometimes the unnatural. I apologize for being snide, but I won’t get over Guv Dean’s abandonment of Kerry when the lying jackal Swiftboaters struck. Seriously, how does anybody with a brain and a cinscience let this swift boat sit go on? His response was a guerilla raid on Democrat central with the implied message that the Presidential race didn’t really matter all that much. Edwards was no better. Isn’t the job description for a VP nominee pitbull, to eat purveyors of scurrilous attacks alive? And wasn’t Kenneth Blackwell empowered to game Cuyahoga County by the retreat to Naderist omphaloskopsis by lots of the same people that have gotten holier than thou these days and rebranded as “progressives”? Everybody abandoned Kerry. From the point of view of someone that battled in Grant Park, you can all just shut up about liberal being a dirty word. Fact jack. Kerry was a hero no matter what whores like Brent Bozell say. W protected and stocked the O club. Kerry was way up the MeKong, and he got shot and he did what he had to do. The SwiftBoat attack on Kerry had less to do with 2004 than it had to do with how much they hated Kerry for the BCCI investigation, and exposing Nixon years before that. Raygun unwitting criminal., no shit, he pardoned all the criminals. Kerry embarrassed these asshole criminals, if Americans weren;t morons and they held a grudge. And since they were terrorists of a state variety, they held a grudge like Chiggurh. I just watched No Contry for Old Men. John Kerry is Lewellyn Moss. Soebody want to tell me Kerry wasn't screwed over by the true believers?Baileded and voted for Dean and Nader'
- Whitebeard. Mine’s gray and red these days, so no matter how much I despise shaving, I’m forbidden to let nature take its course. Fortunately, I’m encouraged in other matters of nature, and even sometimes the unnatural. I apologize for being snide, but I won’t get over Guv Dean’s abandonment of Kerry when the lying jackal Swiftboaters struck. His response was a guerilla raid on Democrat central with the implied message that the Presidential race didn’t really matter all that much. Edwards was no better. Isn’t the job description for a VP nominee pitbull, to eat purveyors of scurrilous attacks alive? And wasn’t Kenneth Blackwell empowered to game Cuyahoga County by the retreat to Naderist omphaloskopsis by lots of the same people that have gotten holier than thou these days and rebranded as “progressives”? Know what, if you won't stand up to these bullys, you're just one of them.
- Seriously. What is this progressive horsheshit, These people are maling up crap.
- bEANS AND RICE, You di jasmine rice about one ride to onae and a half. You never make rice with water, you use stock. You soak one pond of dry beans, and progagly you soak the beans with dried gatlid, frsh parsley etc, because you intend to just pour the rice in. Let it go about 7/6 hour
- Go to the store. Buy a couple of lbs of jasmine rice, costs a little more, tastes better. Use about 5 cups of stock per pound of rice (the package directions will give you mush). Once it's rice, throw in about half a cup of chopped fresh coriander or cilantro. Same thing, but one's Spanglish. Just let it wilt into the hot rice. Boil a lb of Black beans with some roasted garlic cloves for about five minutes and then let them sit for a long time. Several hours is good. s Mix the beans and rice, while roasting all sorts of peppers, including anaheims and other hots to taste, celery, thinly sliced carrots, sweet onions, some sweet peppers Shut it down while the peppers are crisp. The onions will be perfect. Sizzle some hocks and the meatier the better and toss in whatever greens the market was throwing out. Mix this up with everything else, put in salvaged margarine containers (damn bisphenol) and freeze. Do not measure. Use you head. And your tastebuds. Chicken, barbecud and shredded is good. I've been talked into soy chorizo, and it's OK. I don't know what Nancy thinks, but beans and rice with little chunks of flesh is just tastier, especially when the flesh is pork variety. Fried rice or pork fried rice, and I'd rest my case. Toast some bread that you simply dipped in the olive oil on sale (unless Nancy hooked you up with the good stuff, and she' right, but what;s on sale is still is still tasyty.) but what I'm talking about is throwing slices of day old into a vegeble bag with decent oil, a tad of balsamic and dry spices and herbs of your choice that have been cooking in the oil and vinegar. You slice the bread ang soak the top in a dinner plate of the good stuff and put it under the broiler for a minuteor two. If you aren't facing a drug test, sprinklings of poppy seeds made everythting better. We cook gigantic amounts monthly, at the same time we roast and sauce the tomatoes on sale. Everything freezes quite well, but the rice is less on the tooth. If American assholes are going to turn corn into fuel for Urban Assault Vehicles, with no green benefit (and corn fo fuel is stupid---try sugar you nitwits) and drive up the cost of basics globally with mindless (well, the cash is lining campaign pockets, even for the holier-than-thou) subsidies, buying the throwaways makes economic and gatronomic good sense.
- Colleen: My cowardly employers made me tell somebody she was fired once. There was really no reason for her termination, and I had no explanations to offer. She said "I thought we were all friends." This was pretty close to devastating because it was true. Only close because I understood the politics and realized I'd be severing my connections with my employers before long. It was a privately held engineering company that got out of the control of the brothers that owned it and into the hands of corporate bureaucrats Name was Marge and she looked, dressed and purported herself like Nancy Carmichael. She was sort of obsessed with Tom Selleck, or more specifically, his legs. Her job was to turn engineers' heiroglyphs and stupidity intoEnglish and something a typist could understand. She brought nasturtium petals to the office, to put on her salad. She was good at her job. What I think was remarkable, or what had a lasting effect on me anyway, is that she took it personally. I mean, in her consideration, against rationality, it was my fault. I thought it was too, however irrationally. Might be trite, might tend toward Albomism (for which a vaccine is needed urgently), but it seems more like the bosses and workers and who takes responsibility for disrupting the lives of human beings have higher powers that face neither recriminations nor repercussion. Me, I wish I could explain to my friend Marge.
- Gutdom. I've heard of Kevin James, but I had no idea. He probably wouldn't like this, but I'd nominate him for Human Being Best Disproving Intelligent Design Single-Handedly. And beating Big Head Odd on his own show for ranting in a high-pitched tone of voice. I hope Kevin's mom was watching. What Chamberlain did was to sign the Munich Agreements, that ceded some nondescript and otherwise unimportant part of Czechoslovakia called (inexplicably, since it's not in Africa) the Sudetenland to Germany. How this led to Nazis overrunning Benlux is anybody's guess, but I suspect the whole theory reeks of dominoes. And we know how that works. Corrupt Reaganistas mate unnaturally with Central American neo-Nazis and, next thing you know, our borders are breached, G. Gordon Liddy is making millions being born-again, and Ollie North is a bigger dickhead on radio than Kevin James. Tweety can look smug as he wants but Sylvester says, this happened in 1938, not 1939. Sometimes, a little knowledge is better than nothing at all. The point is that W hasn't got a damn clue about any of this, either, and his response to the same question would have been more hilarious (if not identical). Or not, depending on the Horace Walpole index. But doesn't Hardball have a tranquilizer gun sharpshooter? This yahoo is the put him out of his own misery poster child. Brian, you don't do crosswords? Dell is de rigeur. If it were a Big Valley, Barbara Stanwyck would blow your nuts off with a scatter-gun, tell Heath to get you into the bunkhouse and have Jarrod defend you on the trespassing charge, but you'd soon find your lucky head in the lap of Linda Evans. Sue. There is a wonderful kettle moraine spot in Washington GA called Shakin' Rock Park, so I guess the glaciers or their kin made it farther south. One of the boulders is triangular on the bottom and as unbalanced as the proverbial stool or Dickless Cheney. It's got to weigh several tons, but my daughter could move it with a touch when she was little, and I don't want to think about what she was considering about her potential to wreak havoc.
- Nancy, None of the kids liked Menlo Park best? This reminds me that we used to take our lightbulbs to the Detroit Edison shop on Main Street in Birmingham and get free replacements. That was an eco-friendly utility. Gog and Magog?
- Think McCain isn’t really McBush? Try a comparative reading of this column by Gail Collins and this one by Fred Kaplan. Barring some insidious plot from the vast left-wing conspiracy, sounds like time to hit the theramin. Dexter: There's a pretty great song by Screaming Blue Messiah's called Big Big Sky, about honeymooning in Ocean City, Mary-land. I spent a summer hiding from Athens, GA cops and irate parents in Ocean City once, but my Ocean was in NJ. Saw the Boss before I'd ever heard of him at a club in Cape May.
- It's a beautiful world we live in. It's OK to talk about hyseria if your Keith Olbermann. Whho would suggest you despised Hillary Clinton and usds a national bully pulpit to undermine her. Brian. Old Orchard Beach is probably a better intoduction to east coast, but you'd probably better be a strong swimmer. I used regularly to argue with lifeguards about going in the water. I could swim better. Of course, I can wim better than almost anybody, or at least I think so. Old Orchard is tourister's delight. The sea crashes on the rocks while you have your lobster roll with cliquot. with undescovered . What I said to Dexter was kinda made up. That Messiahs song wasn't actually about a wedding or a honeymoon. It was about considering both, either, years later. My bad. There's Stuart Adamson and there's Bill Carter, that both found some reason to trust Ray Davies. I'd imagine their suicides had some setious effect on Ray. How about Waterloo Sunset. which is clerly the most gorgeous song anybody in the Invasion ever made. People are inclined to blame John Kerry for the Swift Boat damage. Shouldn't HoDean have trashed it? Shouldn't Edwards have attacked? They didn't and ego is the only conceivable expanation. And they opened the wy for omphaleksis and personal invective. Was this about Kerry's service in Viet Nam? No. It was about Nixon sending swift boats into Laos so.illegally it had to be secret. Kerry saved a crewmembers life. So according to this turd Paul O'Meill he was making something up. Of course, thirty years later, Americans buy some horseshit from a brushcut Nixon surrogate that hated John Kerry beyond comprehension. Never let it be said that American voters are stupider than grunt. Kerry did a JFK in saving his buddy out of the Mekong.Jesus, what a jerk, should have let the guy drown so right-wingers couldn't accuse nim of trying to promote his political career. Anybody listening? has no idea where he was at that time. Kenneth Blackwell just rousted and made up the Cuyahoga County returns. While the Constitution was being jacked, these aholes stole itr in the first place. Look, if a brain, would you be better off had Kerry been President? Of course you would. Godamighty, W's a ninny, he's been jerrymandered by exceptionally evil bastards like rumsfeld and cheney and Daniel Pipes. These truly evil bastards hide behind crap like Heritage Foundation and Cato. While your all eating this up, I'd like to consider Bobby Kennedy. I went to the wall at Chicago. I know none of you have a clue.I wouldn;t have taken beating for Eugene McCarthy. Bobby, they could have beaten me to death. You're backing a horse. He's not Bobby. But nobody i None of you are old enough to remember Bobby. You've got no reason to expect anything better. The best of humankind hs been and gone, We shouldn't give up. .
- But you can't stay here when every single hope you had is shattered. In a big country. Stay alive.
- I say, leave Sean Penn alone. If asholes invaded like the paparrazi does his, I'd kick ass too.Bottom feeders. You're rihht Terry. If Kenneth didn't steal all those votes why can't I to this day not type in those votes? Was this ever investigated? Did Reaganistas set out against Kerry because he prosecuted BCCI, which embarrassed and held the Raygun bunch accountable for xibiartibg with criminals and terrorists? Can't be. They were, they did, they'll get way with it. Johc Kerry was ridiculed by W when he said that police work would solve Anybody thats not a nitwit knows hes right. That leaves G. Bush out of th eqyation
- Anybody stupid enough to claim police work wouldnt be the most intelligent approach? Hands?
- I don' really care. If you put in with self-proclaimed moron, good luck. But he's a moron, and just as we reap shall we sow. It was big news about Einstein's letters mocking God. But he said god does not play dice. Kins os dVW IR qY HQ < I wouldn't think this is a big deal. But I'm a Teillhardian and everythings a big deal of of some sort.So what's it with Albert dismisding God when he said God doesnt play dice with the universe? There's alway what Oppenheimer said. See, you have made me , Siva, the destroyer. But we can choose the Van instead. Or octopus grigori
- Holy shit. I didn't send that. I meant to make fun of Hucdabee, if it's possible to make fun of Elmer Fudd making a jgun joke bout a balck guy thinking he was a target at an NRA meeting. Thank you, Gov. Hucckabee. Nobody could make that up.
- Jeff. Amen. I've read Greeks , mostly playwrights in the original. I was a soldier for Bobby the way some people have soldiered for Dean since 2003 and beyond. We wouldn't give up on anybody and we sure as hell would never give in. I'm old school liberal and don't take kindly to rebranding and holier than thou 'progressives that have bought into that Lakoff bullshit. Here's my problem. A few years ago I helped start the Obama bandwagon on the DNC blog. I still like the guy, though he can be cringe-inducing. What's up with wearing a fucking lapel pin. His campaign has injected race where race was not in play, over and over, and overt misogyny has been their stock and trade. But since that water's been carried by Keith and Dana, I guess it's alright. In the long run, I want Republican hypocrites groveling. Vast right-wing conspiracy, no joke, and I'd like to see see Scaife and the ShortBoat assholes squealing like piggies with their cash sticking out of every hole. My take, as an unreconstructed Bobby Kennedy liberal, Dean and all of these latter-day progressives sold Kerry out for the asinine 50-state crap, in service to a guy that was happy to get in the sack with Enron on reinsurance and lucky to duck the consequences. God. It's virtually identical to McCain and the S&Ls. Did Dean ever say a word about the disgusting slander? This shit ran constantly on Fox. And it was swill and easily dismissed. Did Dean say a word? Moguls must have interjected themselves in the discourse. W spent the Vietnam years in a coke and Jack Daniels haze. Kerry led men after volunteering, performed heroically, saved some of his men from sure death, but he was villified for his service when the cretin from tejas was bailing for bama, and when Nixon's handpicked little buzzcut asshole Paul O'Neill was slandering a war hero (and we know how he considered that designation), HoDean and the vp nominee that had opted out sat on their hands. Not counting Michigan and Florida (particlarly Florida) is spectacularly elitist, and I'd love for somebody to attempt to convince me this isn't HoDean's intentional affront to the DNC, which these days he actually is. Anybody with a brain knows the dates were set by Republican legislatures. If anybody believes caucus states represented real voters in those states I'd say you believe that truck driver was going to cut down the Brooklyn Bridge in broad daylight with an acetylene torch. I thought knowing something about health care instead of spouting pabulum that was your opponent's plan regurgitated but watered down almost to McSheep level ought to count for something. So far, on this subject, and on Iraq getaway, it's hard to tell the difference between McBush and Obama. Hillary panders? Why is that guy sporting the flag pin? It's a smaller thing than anything, but has she put one of those on? Every objection raised by progressives, and I have no idea what that means, aside from voting for Nader in the last two elections and giving opportunity to Blackwell to cheat his ass off in the last election and Scalia to steal one from the bench in the previous. And the elitism seems to be who's more liberal than whom, or who liked Howard more than whom. If it's terrism floats your boat, the Raygun administration wrote the playbook for state-sponsored terr. (That's the way the twit pronounces it.) These PNAC assholes hate Kerry more than anybody on earth. He exposed the Raygun ventriloquists for the state terrorists they were. He also exhibited exactly how to shut down terrorists, Either the remains of the PNAC don’t actually want to shut down terrorisrs, or they won’t admit some soft on crime liberal exposed the Great Prevaricator and showe their ignorant asses how to do it.
- Dexter: You seem to know about these things. Don't four-year old horses run faster than two-year olds? Across the board?
- Well, or threes? Isn't this inbreeding exactly the same hubris that means that most goldens will suffer with hip dysplasia when they're six? The tired trainers' explanation is that the horses are athletes and they just want to run. Au naturel, horses are about as likely to run as cows are. Truth is, horses are beautiful to human eyes and cows aren't. And they can run fast. Hell, man up and try breeding cheetahs for two-year old speed. Horses don't take much offence, cheetahs might kill your ass. I believe that all of creation is creation in the process of becoming God, and it's a joint effort. It's a philosophy I espouse, a theosophy, I guess, and I'm sure as shit not preaching. I suppose it's difficult to understand. Harder to explain. If your inclined to physical science, I'd say it's like red shift. Matter in the universe is accelerating outward from some unidentified point. If acceleration is constant, eventually matter becomes energy. E=mcsquared. That's God, and I know that might sound loony but anyway, I think of this in terms of biology rather than physics. I know this is not how one species treats another because it can: Sheiks and oilmen. Kind of like carving the turkey Kind of like mowing the lawn Everything get's to this certain dimension Winds up on a cutomer's plate And it's gone. How's this really different from swimming dads or obsessed soccer moms? Mr. Marinovich and his boy Todd? I don't think it is. One thing's almost for sure. Surrogates will break down. If they're thoroughbred horses, it's a bolt to the forehead in the backstretch. Kids? Just permanently fucked up.
- What Nancy says rings true. Personally, Ive no doubt that Health Care is the single most important thing You can look at it two ways. Economically, this is gigunda dollars. Should we spend them to make sure every person is a person? My answer, as a Catholic, is yes, unquestionably. I'd argue this is a religious imperative and an economic one. We also buy into the last Pope, who probably had all the intel, saying that Bush was full of shit and offering to be a shield. The last and current Pope were Hitler's victims, when they were kids. although he's been made out as some nascent pubescent Nazi. Well of course he was. His family was on a short line. Read Babi Yar. So, anyway. Yeah I'd vote for any democrat in the election approaching. Not because they couldn, but, because they offer intelligence compared to the horrible result of ideological stupidity of the previous administration that guaranteed no attention to domestic problems. These morons talked about drowning the federal government in a sink, and they bragged they'd do just that. It wasn't ever that Mr. Bones bullshit W, it was those guys like Daniel Pipes and Cheney, the PNACenturions. A vote for any Democrat at all is a vote against the shadow government that made a fortne for Cheney. A vote for McCain is a vote for allowing Cheney to make more money on stop-loss GIs of one sort or another. Who supports the troops? One thing about the more progressive than thou. Those of us who are lifelong liberals, we find this bemusing. We did the work. Obama's OK. Hillary knows what she's talking about. Any Obamaniac that wants to tell me Hillary is old politics, well Howard Dean made a fortune through the re-insurance scam he devised. If that isn't old politics and graft, I don't know what might be. I do know Howard avoided Vietnam by mogul injuries while Kerry was saving his crewmen in Laos. Is ignoring the Swiftboat slander worse than letting it ride when you're running things or ignoring it when your the VP nominee? I'd say its a reasonable suggestion that Ho Dean didn't make the slightest effort to support the guy that was clearly a better presidential candidate , and he made the way clear for Kenneth Blackwell to rob the election in Cuyahoga County. And the same guy dismisses Florida and Michigan? Caucuses are the singularly most anti-democratic devices in American politics. Bum-rush themm abd you make it seem a state has voted for you democratically. A joke. Well. it's the rules. But who made the rules? Who said Michigan and Florida don't count? I can't imagine that two huge states that would vote for Clinton disappear from consideration because Republican legislatures in both states changed the Primary dates, to grease one candidate's path to the nomination. If you think back to the beginning of the primaries, I'd vote for Gravel before McCain and and other asshole that was still in the competition. Anyway, It's Barack and McCain. Denigrationand criticism, two obviously different things. Bill Clinton was accused of racist comments. What a joke. The press accused of anti-feminism? Olbermann and Tweetie? No doubt. On issues if you pay attention, Hillary know's what she's talking about and Barack triangulates. Bottom line is Republicans are greedy ac what is.
- What Nancy says rings true. Personally, Ive no doubt that Health Care is the single most important thing You can look at it two ways. Economically, this is gigunda dollars. Should we spend them to make sure every person is a person? My answer, as a Catholic, is yes, unquestionably. I'd argue this is a religious imperative and an economic one. We also buy into the last Pope, who probably had all the intel, saying that Bush was full of shit and offering to be a shield. The last and current Pope were Hitler's victims, when they were kids. although he's been made out as some nascent pubescent Nazi. Well of course he was. His family was on a short line. Read Babi Yar. So, anyway. Yeah I'd vote for any democrat in the election approaching. Not because they couldn, but, because they offer intelligence compared to the horrible result of ideological stupidity of the previous administration that guaranteed no attention to domestic problems. These morons talked about drowning the federal government in a sink, and they bragged they'd do just that. It wasn't ever that Mr. Bones bullshit W, it was those guys like Daniel Pipes and Cheney, the PNACenturions. A vote for any Democrat at all is a vote against the shadow government that made a fortne for Cheney. A vote for McCain is a vote for allowing Cheney to make more money on stop-loss GIs of one sort or another. Who supports the troops? One thing about the more progressive than thou. Those of us who are lifelong liberals, we find this bemusing. We did the work. Obama's OK. Hillary knows what she's talking about. Any Obamaniac that wants to tell me Hillary is old politics, well Howard Dean made a fortune through the re-insurance scam he devised. If that isn't old politics and graft, I don't know what might be. I do know Howard avoided Vietnam by mogul injuries while Kerry was saving his crewmen in Laos. Is ignoring the Swiftboat slander worse than letting it ride when you're running things or ignoring it when your the VP nominee? I'd say its a reasonable suggestion that Ho Dean didn't make the slightest effort to support the guy that was clearly a better presidential candidate , and he made the way clear for Kenneth Blackwell to rob the election in Cuyahoga County. And the same guy dismisses Florida and Michigan? Caucuses are the singularly most anti-democratic devices in American politics. Bum-rush themm abd you make it seem a state has voted for you democratically. A joke. Well. it's the rules. But who made the rules? Who said Michigan and Florida don't count? I can't imagine that two huge states that would vote for Clinton disappear from consideration because Republican legislatures in both states changed the Primary dates, to grease one candidate's path to the nomination. If you think back to the beginning of the primaries, I'd vote for Gravel before McCain and and other asshole that was still in the competition. Anyway, It's Barack and McCain. Denigrationand criticism, two obviously different things. Bill Clinton was accused of racist comments. What a joke. The press accused of anti-feminism? Olbermann and Tweetie? No doubt. On issues if you pay attention, Hillary know's what she's talking about and Barack triangulates. Bottom line is Republicans are greedy acuisitors. For years, people have voted for Republicans against their interests. Time to stop. what is.
- Record Recommendation: The Ray Davies record Other Peoples Lives. If you like the Kinks. This record got mediocre reviews. Don't know why. In the first place, people claimed in print it was retread Kinks. That's like saying The Old Man Down the Road stole from Run Through the Jungle. If you buy that your Zaentz. Ray Davies has written gorgeous melodies: Waterloo Sunset, Oklahoma, USA Some mother's Son for example. These things seem to come to him as easily as AC/DC riffs. I love AC/DC, but as spectacular as those riffs are, what comes close to You Really Got Me? When he wasn't Mick or Paul or John or Pete, he was better and ahead of them all in both lyrics and melodies. If there was a genius in th Brit invasion, it was Ray and the Kinks. So, Ray invented Punk on th melodic side, and if you listen to guitars., Dave is ridiculously good. Throwaway, anything on any album. This is the great band nobody ever said so. As Justin Wilson said, I guatontee.
- Dexter, Who is Steve Shine? My names John Lee Pettimore. Bloggage, is two lbs enough? Reasonable? McCain is snake oil y'all. Does he disttance himself by not being an asshole but stifking with efery idiotic policy?Y'all ever listen to Steve Earle? Any given occasion he makes an ass of himself. Iran is funding Al Q in Iraq. What an idiot. That would be a moron.
- How do you laugh at anything with catafalques involved? Don't bother. What a mindless jerk. I could tell you it was my best friend. Wasn't. My brother's best friend. And he was with him. Al Q in Iraq never existed before the invasion and has nothing to do with AQ. That's made up. AQ in Iraq has nothing to do with AQ and Osama. Claiming anything different is just lying.
- R. Emmett Tyrell?? That's recalling the evil undead. Does somebody still publish that ash? Anyway. Nancy claims Detroit. As a gentleman, I'll grant her that, even though the Grosses are a long way from Briggs, and 'sportsmen' from those parts used to mean something more like pugs from Joliet and less like home-grown thugs. I've been a Celtics fan since I was little. I believed Bill Russell was the incarnation of black Jesus, and I had fistfights with my brother who thought Wilt ruled. ( We were sort of obsessive. We replayed Yankees-Dodgers by box-scores, rightie-leftie, including pitchers, with whiffle balls and we didn't just keep score, we kept box-scores). In the modern era, we have Isiah, who thought Larry was just another player, whose mother couldn't spell his name. And the twit threw the inbounds and the Hick just knew where he was inbounding, and so did DJ, and I was standing outside a Cambridge Bar because we were so blue collar we didn't have cable. And Larry caught and threw it to Denis. F**k you Isiah. Maybe people think that's the hick from Frebch Lick. He went to the small city and ate it alive. Now he is the soul of Indianapolis, but, you know, there's Peyton. If the Pats didn't cheat, who knows. . All Grown up, and cosmopolitan. Piston's, not so much. Cheat (see Rasheed bumping with Garnett, offensive fouls moron) . I don't know. I shouldn't consider betting, but I put money on the Celtics. For purists, Garnett buries Rasheed, Rondo outplays Chauncey. Paul Pierce is just too good. He was better than LeBron and these guys don't have LeBron. My appologies, Ms. Nancy Nall, but it would seem to be the only thing important in the Motor City. Interesting, isn't it, that the City loves its nickname. If you say Beantown to somebody from Boston, they look at you like you come from Area 51. Celts in six, and I'll put money on it. Could they bring back Laimnbeer and let the Chief nail his ass? Pistons still play cheap-shot, like the Spurs, but real basketball will beat David Stern eventually.
- A remarkable letter from an SI writer to Jon Lester on the occasion of his pitching a no-hitter. This is not just for Red Sox fanatics. Not even just for sports fans. PETA people take an unerringly overly-optimistic view of their effect on the larger world, but maybe this is an authentic ray of hope in the brutish sphere of thoroughlyoverbredbred racing. NN‘s comments about fashion and Rachel Maddow reminded me of the OJ-trial makeovers. Greta seemed to make out better than Marsha, but she also seemed more competent during the TV ordeal. Maddow is very smart, and she‘s funny by way of sarcasm leavened with good nature. Here‘s an interesting bit of analysis regarding the Dem nominaqtion race.
- “You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” So, Kerry said that four years ago, and despite the fact that any functional literate could read it in context and know he was calling W an obtuse asshole, he was victimized by willful misrepresentation. And now, Clinton said something equally as clumsy and vulnerable to intentional inference absent implication, once again, for political purposes. Actually, her intention and meaning were as clear as Kerry’s had been. Maureen Dowd says Hillary’s attitude is “[shit] happens“; Other opinionates have characterized the verbal blunder as “wishful thinking“ (what was she thinking?). Keith Olbermann did his highest moral dudgeon church lady to date, and I’d have to say, after all these months of making Sen. Clinton out to be (code word) hysterical, Keith came off as downright menopausal psycho. People that see this as nefarious or proof that Hillary’s got 666 tattooed on her scalp, I figure they fall into three groups: gullible consumers of campaign spin; people that see “old-guard” liberal Democrats (circa the olden days of 2000) as inherently evil; and people that also gave vent to previously repressed inappropriate and impure thoughts about Miley Cyrus when they saw the Annie Liebovitz pics. Meanwhile, RFK, Jr. provides the voice of reason. It’s still depressing that people make voting decisions this way. Obama's the candidate, fait accompli, and his own comments in this matter were sensible and balanced, while his campaign crew and supporters came across like Swift Boaters. Wouldn't it make more sense at this point to ignore Hillary instead of going into Rove overdrive with an intentionally misrepresented statement that doan mean shit? It's like they all think they're trying to kill Rasputin. Get a grip, y'all.
- Stubby index finger. Jeez. You don't remember Evil Roy Slade>? John Astin was one brilliant actor. Or Paths of Glory. Chickenhawl shit. Coul'd the country admit to lying its ass off? W.Not even funny. Kweet, he nailed those assholes. Con't think so? Look at the ovcious criminals. Ollie North skates? Morons.
- Me and my partner Steve can play better hoops than Obama. We'd kick they'te ass., I guess somebody at the NSA should start investigaring us. The sesxism is so obviously real. The racism is so obviously manufctured.
- We've all got messed up knees. Donkey wash. Things we used to do without thinking, like roaming the outfield, waiting until the bsll was almost on the ground before scooping it. Ice cream. I know what Bob Marley said: My feet is my only carriage, and I've just got to push on through. Hillary's the Terry McCaulliffe evil empire Nd Gov. Dean did't fry his own ss. Now he's opted dacswly fo reverybody in FLA and Mic higan. This little slime is too close to Kenny-boy and reinsurance. Progressives, you didn't invent the idea or the movement. Some of us have been on the line, like in Chicago. Talk big talk, but the Obama campaign hs introdced race where it simply did not exist. And not by accident. It's positivele hilarious thatwe're supposed to think ill of Hillary becaue shemay have said this before. Where, exactly, ws the outrage the first time?
- I used to be a fan of Keith Olbermann's show.He's mace her out to be a psycopath, but guttdom Keith your obsession is tres bissare. Everything he says about Hillary is something demeanin g about her gender. Hia comments on Clinton are vituperative when there's mp apparent reason. It's pretty clear that in Keith's mind she's an ornery bitch that ought to lay back and enjoy. Hia commentary on Clinton has gottem to a point of ohsessive hatred where the FBI pughtto be following him. And for such a large guy, what a wimp. I figure he's never done anything like that, but he'd sure as shit accused somebody with no evidence. Here's the deal. Hillary wants to be VP so she can sneak up and murder the Pres. Like she murdered Vince Foster. But this controbedjoyshit isn't comomg from the freeper insane, it's coming from those assholes that believe in Chairman Dean. Hillary said something, and he said it clumsily. Her voters will vote fot me but I don't know if mine will vote for her (and this was a serial comment that's the injection of race into the campaign), and, if you have the brains to understand McCain is same old, Obama's President. He'ddp qwll to listen to Mrs. Clinton on policy, because je's clueless and she kmpws what she's doind.
- Lecturing young folks? Say it ain't so. (And it wasn't, Shoeless hit .375 in that series). I once drove a Z-28 about 150 mph on Woodward Avenue. In the late Sixties, the Big Three made their cars in popular opinion and folklore on that straight shot. We ride our bikes in the rain. Proper dress and an umbrella help, but it is freezing at the frocery store when you're soaked. I don't think it's passed the legislature, and Lindsay Graham might be offended, but I believe Yuengling is the SC state beer. I was at the rollout for Sam Adams at the Durgin Park Oyster Bar, and we took the teeshirts, made fun of the tags on the bottlenecks, and said, damn, that's good beer. We used to get six-packs of Ballantyne for $.99 at the drugstore in Birmingham back in the day. Whippersnappers don't know what they're missing, what with texting and worrying about the next fill-up.
- Workin' for the Yankee dollar.
- /I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert. Waiting on the fulminations over Barack's imaginary uncle that rode into Auswitch on the same tank as carried R. Raygun. Whose ox is gored? Had Hillary said this, we'd be hearing from Olbermann about how she's' a natural born liar, shot Vince Foster in some hysterical, menopausal rage. That is Keith's point, isn't it? She doesn't smell like Aqua Velva or Old Spice. All of the intentionally imagined racism is actually sexism, Mi and FLA doan mean spit, because HoDean ate Republican pie to satisfy his own immense ego. on-Amefocan ceeps And really, does anybody believe Granny denigrated black people to the nappy-headed boy? On the other hand, getting shot down and incarceated for raining down napalm doesn't make you a war hero. Slightly better than bailing out on your best friends and letting them die in the Sea of Japan. Not nearly as cool as bolting Tejas armory wen it looked like your sorry ass might have to serve. You might ask John Kerry about that. He did serve. With distinction. Saved guys lives. You payed for a 24/7 horsrshit slur on the man's reputation, and, really, it's prertty hard to see this as anything but personal cowardice and persobal greed. For the last nearly eight years, the US has been dominated by an asshole appointed by the ultimate asshol Scalia, and both these jerks believe the Constitution doan mean dick. W has invaded your privacy for no other reason than he could, He's willingly tortured his fellow human beings and got nothing from it but porn material. Enriched
- According to Fox News, the Scott McClellan book was ghost written, possibly by George Soros. This is why the anti-Hillary vituperation from self appointed ‘progressives’, who are more liberal than thou, is disturbing. Pat Oliphant is, OMG, mainstream media. Does he buy into the Vince Foster fantasy? Does he believe the Clinton’s are hillbillies and his intellectuall inferiors? (Fat chance cartoon-boy.) Is he suggesting seriously that Barack is in mortal danger from a Clinton assassination attempt? It’s just about as reasonable to figure some progressive martyr needs to take peremptory action. Bull goose loony, but, maybe like Nurse Ratchford they think buzzing and fuzzing would do the trick. I mean, after all, a woman President? I guess it’s within legal purveyance for any political party to shitcan actual voters and delegates, especially when your 50 state strategy didn’t account for letting Republicans set primary calendars, and the Chairman was so misused by the Terry McAuliffe politburo. But suggesting the Clintons are some inbred, morally reprehensible trailer trash and voters fron two immense states with serious electoral votes don’t count is irresponsible and fuels the ego of a little man that made a total ass of himself on a world stage. Did it ever dawn on anyone that Obama recused because he was going to get his ass kicked in Michigan? Sure did in Florida. OK, this is from the Freepers, but even blithering idiots stumble on the truth occasionally, like anosmic hogs stumble onto truffles sometimes. Best Paper in the Country, that would be the Boston Globe, nailed his mogul-jumping, sore-coccyx ass to the wall on this one. Snatched from his grasp when it was so close it might have been a Quarter-Pounder about to slide down the cheese-hole.. I know Barack’s the nominee. I think the extended battle is salubrious. McCain’s abandonment of vets is so heinous it’s hard to imagine anybody but that solid 30% buying a word he’s said. But, you know, these are American voters, and, eith this bunch, stupidity knows no bounds. When did getting shot down while raining shock and awe make you a war hero? How is Poppy a war hero for bailing on his two best friends? So he had balls flying at his age. He chickened out. And whatever brass he showed doesn’t rub off on W and the enhanced flight suit. What seems to be the problem with letting it go to delegates and seating all of them? Back in the day when I used to be a regular on the Kicking Ass democrat blog, I listened to Obama speak at the ‘04 convention. I thought he was special. He’s not Bobby. Just another politician that leans toward decency and intelligence. Hasn’t a clue about policy the way Hillary does, and when he wins, he’d better listen to her on health care and NAFTA. The NAFTA debate is fascinating. Are American voters so gd stupid they don’t know about the side agreements? That W abrogated immediately? Monumental debases. Conservativeslayt this all off on Clinton. They do understand it was a fait accompli, based on fast=track authority.. How can anybody be this stupid. War on Terr (look, that’s how the asshole pronounces it, not my fault). John Kerry figured this all out years ag0. It’s the banking. Republicans hate him more for this than being a bonafide hero in Southeast Asia. He exposed Reagan and Ollie North. Every single one of those assholes should still be in jail, including R Raygun in absentia..Kerry’s a hero. If we are no longer graced with Teddy (and, if you aren‘t some knee-jerk conservative, we were graced with Ted ), well, it’s Kerry. Actual war hero. The United Snakes, oops, States, faces monumental economic problems. Chief, by a mile, because conservative aholes haven’t considered long-range ramifications, is health care. These people claim to be Christian. What would Jesus say about health care? Is there some sort of question? Would He say its for rich people? What should Allah say? I believe in the idea of liberation theology. Jesus meant to pass itaround. Maybe that's radical Catholicism. Ibbicents died, frequently raped by US PRproxies. Tell you what, nuns weren't If he were still alive, I’d say you’d have to incarcerate in Guanantanamo.even thoughgh he wanted everyone saved.. Shiva? Destrroyer of Worlds? Not a Christian. They did theit best and robbed him of his security clearance. Of his life. And hanged the Rosenbergs. Nuns were Catholics, so despite the fact there was Catholicism before Martin Luther got constipated, we can do away with Catholicism.
- According to Fox News, the Scott McClellan book was ghost written, possibly by George Soros. This is why the anti-Hillary vituperation from self appointed ‘progressives’, who are more liberal than thou, is disturbing. Pat Oliphant is, OMG, mainstream media. Does he buy into the Vince Foster fantasy? Does he believe the Clinton’s are hillbillies and his intellectuall inferiors? (Fat chance cartoon-boy.) Is he suggesting seriously that Barack is in mortal danger from a Clinton assassination attempt? It’s just about as reasonable to figure some progressive martyr needs to take peremptory action. Bull goose loony, but, maybe like Nurse Ratchford they think buzzing and fuzzing would do the trick. I mean, after all, a woman President? I guess it’s within legal purveyance for any political party to shitcan actual voters and delegates, especially when your 50 state strategy didn’t account for letting Republicans set primary calendars, and the Chairman was so misused by the Terry McAuliffe politburo. But suggesting the Clintons are some inbred, morally reprehensible trailer trash and voters fron two immense states with serious electoral votes don’t count is irresponsible and fuels the ego of a little man that made a total ass of himself on a world stage. Did it ever dawn on anyone that Obama recused because he was going to get his ass kicked in Michigan? Sure did in Florida. OK, this is from the Freepers, but even blithering idiots stumble on the truth occasionally, like anosmic hogs stumble onto truffles sometimes. Best Paper in the Country, that would be the Boston Globe, nailed his mogul-jumping, sore-coccyx ass to the wall on this one. Snatched from his grasp when it was so close it might have been a Quarter-Pounder about to slide down the cheese-hole.. I know Barack’s the nominee. I think the extended battle is salubrious. McCain’s abandonment of vets is so heinous it’s hard to imagine anybody but that solid 30% buying a word he’s said. But, you know, these are American voters, and, eith this bunch, stupidity knows no bounds. When did getting shot down while raining shock and awe make you a war hero? How is Poppy a war hero for bailing on his two best friends? So he had balls flying at his age. He chickened out. And whatever brass he showed doesn’t rub off on W and the enhanced flight suit. What seems to be the problem with letting it go to delegates and seating all of them? Back in the day when I used to be a regular on the Kicking Ass democrat blog, I listened to Obama speak at the ‘04 convention. I thought he was special. He’s not Bobby. Just another politician that leans toward decency and intelligence. Hasn’t a clue about policy the way Hillary does, and when he wins, he’d better listen to her on health care and NAFTA. The NAFTA debate is fascinating. Are American voters so gd stupid they don’t know about the side agreements? That W abrogated immediately? Monumental debases. Conservativeslayt this all off on Clinton. They do understand it was a fait accompli, based on fast=track authority.. How can anybody be this stupid. War on Terr (look, that’s how the asshole pronounces it, not my fault). John Kerry figured this all out years ag0. It’s the banking. Republicans hate him more for this than being a bonafide hero in Southeast Asia. He exposed Reagan and Ollie North. Every single one of those assholes should still be in jail, including R Raygun in absentia..Kerry’s a hero. If we are no longer graced with Teddy (and, if you aren‘t some knee-jerk conservative, we were graced with Ted ), well, it’s Kerry. Actual war hero. The United Snakes, oops, States, faces monumental economic problems. Chief, by a mile, because conservative aholes haven’t considered long-range ramifications, is health care. These people claim to be Christian. What would Jesus say about health care? Is there some sort of question? Would He say its for rich people? What should Allah say? I believe in the idea of liberation theology. Jesus meant to pass itaround. Maybe that's radical Catholicism. Ibbicents died, frequently raped by US PRproxies. Tell you what, nuns weren't If he were still alive, I’d say you’d have to incarcerate in Guanantanamo.even thoughgh he wanted everyone saved.. Shiva? Destrroyer of Worlds? Not a Christian. They did theit best and robbed him of his security clearance. Of his life. And hanged the Rosenbergs. Nuns were Catholics, so despite the fact there was Catholicism before Martin Luther got constipated, we can do about Catholicism. No fucking clue. Give it a break. You havene't a clue.
- I'd say this was Indy's best moment. Roy Batty was an enemy that put Nazis to shame. A perfect human being. Roy could say "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. " And he meant it My shooting skills are excellent. I do not chose to shoot anything but targets. Shooting anything that lumbers, or runs faster or jumps higher than Champ Bailey, or stands upright in your sights to protect its young, well that just doesn't seem sporting. Give them guns, you manly assholes.. They might learn to shoot at you morons. And for God's sake, let them aim back and shoot you in your lame fat asses. Lame fat asses that wouldn't survive, much less feel manly without guns. Sorry sacks of shit. Let's plug wolves from several hundred yards with high powered rifles and dead on sights. And tell ourselves we're real men. Viagra's not good enough? Jerks.
- I wouldn't be too quick,editorially, to jump on reflexive pronouns. They're used correctly so infrequentlly. Myself, I.. oh what the hell. As long as Kobe talks about Kobe like he was watching it instead of draining the three, we're all buried in ungrammatical English. If everybody had taken Latin, this might not be so vexing. There is certainly something something to be said for languge itself, and itself's various parts. Mostly, you can just dele the self part. It's ill-advised adverbs and adjectives used as adverbs that really piss me off. But myself lets it ride, noamigh sayin? Ourselves are going over to 278 to pick up roadkill, 'cause Clinton's their ownselves might be coming for supper. We're rednecks no matter how much schoolin' we get, and we don't know our ass from a hole in the ground. We do know that if you use a reflexive pronoun as the subject of a sentence referring to yourSELF, you sound like you took English at University of Michigan. Or Florida. Cutoffs remain the same. Or, you're a Republican. Cutoffs remain the same.
- Why would anybody drive to Dearborn? Thousands of miles, nothing to show. Airport assembly line used to be there, where they turned out B-25s like clockwork. But it's some sad remnant of what America used to be about. Workers making living wages with serious health care and rock-solid pensions. Now it's museum town, and golden parachutes for inept CEOs.
- '54 Buick,eh? a Boat, a tank. We had a '59 Checker and my dad thought nobody could possibly get hurt in that car. Some drunken Southfield yahoo ran a red light coming from a bar on 11 Mile and split my little brother's head wide open. I ran to the bar and called the cops and an ambulance, and ran to Mark and did boy scout training--applied direct pressure with my brand new suede jacket. All survived, but it was a memorable night. They took us to Botsford Hospital, an Osteopathic Hospital. I told the ambulance drivers to take us to Beaumont. Physician's child, and I knew my dad would be pissed off about the osteopath business. They insisted on x-raying his leg when it was obvious his head had been whacked. My dad took us out of there, and I sat in the backseat and tried to get Mark to talk to me. He drifted in and out of consciousness, and I thought he'd died, and I'd already had a little brother die of leukemia, and, for a fact, I would have given my life, on the spot. He didn't die. Grew up to be a champion long distance swimmer and an expert on Stratfordian Shakespeare, and the best man I know. Funny how things work out. He despises Hillary. I can't figure out why anybody does unless they buy some Karl Rove bullshit. I think she knows what she's talking about and Obama's going to end up listening to her. How do you know your dad is a hero? Well, he's your dad, so of course he is. When he hounds you about vital signs while driving like a maniac, rings true, and I've never been more scared in my life. Made it to Beaumont, got major league surgery, you can barely see the scar. But I saw the blood and his skull.
- Everybody with a brain know the difference, unless they're Bushco, between enormity and enormousness. Are you nauseous or nauseated? Or just inducing nausea? The lies these assholes have spread are enormous. They constitute an enormity. Hitler without the brains. Just greed. But Cheney had other interests.
- So he didn't choose to serve. Way I look at this, my friend Randall Gillis died so Cheney could get rich off his bones.
- Randy didn't choose to. Cheney chos not to and he's spent his rebolting life trying to make John Kerry look bad. If you were about to be killed, which guy would you rather have show up tp save your ass. Cheney, you're a war profiteer. John Kerry is a hero, even if you 'orgressives' don't want to admit it. Saved guys lives. What the hell is wrong with you? Hodean? Bullshit.
- That's Leslie Caron. And she's more attractive than Cary, at least in my opinion.
- Tell you what Nancy. Dow sucked, serious assholes. Dow still sucks. 'you know this as well as I do. Jesus what a jerk. Jesus what a jerk.
- Who said what, Church Lady Olbermann notwithstanding? It might be helpful if sensible voters would acknowledge that bum-rushing caucuses is just about as undemocratic as electoral politics is capable of getting. Lee Atwater? That would be trying to make the former President out as a closet racist based on cowardly spin worthy of Atwater himself. When it all comes down, who played the race card and who flung mud? Even the Church Lady seems to get that. One thing is important. No more Cheney. No more government by Blackwater and Halliburton. And holy shit, trying to paint the Clintons as Militia fellow travelers ain’t the way. That's just bogus. Wolves are more or less better than humans. Humans shooting wolves for sport are somewhat less than human. Prokovief had this right. Wolves do what they must, and they swallow ducks. ("What kind of bird are you if you can't fly?" - "What kind of bird are you if you can't swim?").
- David Sirota is a progressive saint. So's Matt Taibbi. They despise Hillary because of her 'ambition'. This is pretty hilarious. Anybody ever run fir President without being ambitious? So Obama's a patron saint and some bastard that just cares about the little people and nit his political career. Sure thing. Both those assholes have intimated she killed Vince Foster. How is that progressive? And what the hell is progressive? Holier than thou. Progessive/ I'd say Bobby. Obama isn't Bobby any consiederation. if you think so, you're an idiot. Deafeatist , and oh,. we're jokes. The most despicable piece of shit in the history of the Presidency. What a fucking mook. Waht a scumbag. He bagged VietNam and . trashed Kerry/ You couldn't possibly be a bigger assh0le. It's actually not possibleto Be a more disdisring piece of shit. I may be a jerk, but I'm bit that big a jerk. If we consider issues, a Hilllary has it all over health, the environment. There isn't anything more important than health care. This woman ha it down better than anybody. .
- David Sirota is a progressive saint. So's Matt Taibbi. They despise Hillary because of her 'ambition'. This is pretty hilarious. Anybody ever run fir President without being ambitious? So Obama's a patron saint and some bastard that just cares about the little people and nit his political career. Sure thing. Both those assholes have intimated she killed Vince Foster. How is that progressive? And what the hell is progressive? Holier than thou. Progessive/ I'd say Bobby. Obama isn't Bobby any consiederation. if you think so, you're an idiot. Hillary is self-arandizing,, obama ism't. If that's progressive , You' an idiot. you think sof some such such shit.'. .
- Never let anybody we care about screw with our emotions, somebody we care about. i, do dare. It's ridiculous , Who's to say..
- In the Summer of '68, it was down to Bobby if you weren't some effete jackass that was Clean for Gene. If you had a brain, you were for Bobby. I don't mean this culturally, and I don't mean that had something to do with my genes. When Bobby was shot, I was staying up late, watching California primary election returns. I was making a pineapple upside down cake for an English class celebration with a weird character named Fr. Polakowski, SJ. My parents were out at some Mich. Dem fundraiser. I watched that faux-Brit twat Howard K. Smith say that the other networks had declared Bobby the winner in CA, but that his recalitrant ass wasn't throwing in the towel. Like he had an axe to grind and anybody cared what his pompous ass thought. Bobby was shot, and I couldn't believe it, but I'd seen the same thing happen to his brother Jack, and my whole family had watched spellbound while Oswald was murdered on live TV. I woke up my brother, same as I'd done when Bob Beamon exceeded 29 feet. Chris had a Tennyson quote of Bobby poster over his bed. Our parents had been quintessential Kennedy people since '63. .Gorgeus mom that made her own style in the midst of Memphis Bevo-impersonators and was there every step of the way as my dad defied defied convention and treated, well, black people, as people, and wasn't above just bullying when it came down to it. I suppose there's something like a Bush dynasty, but if anybody wants to put those war profiteers, bailers and draft-dodging coke hos in the same breath as the Kennedy's, I'd be obliged to kick their greedy, cowardly asses. It's just so shabby and money-grubbing. I was on the Obama bandwagon after his '04 convention speech. You could look back to the day after the convention on the DNC blog I said he was a candidate with no need of a second name. Maybe he's not. NcCain is so purely Bush, it's just not worth considering. When Poppy got shot down, he left his two best friends to drown or get blown up. War Hero? McCain, shot down and incarcerated? War hero? If you had been Vietnamese and he was raining down death indiscriminately, would you have thought he was a war hero or a criminal? When W absconded to Alabama from the Tejas O Club, was he a hero? But 'Bring it on" when somebody else got blown up or committed suicide because it was too expensive to treat traumatic stress disorder. Piece of shit, most Lynnyrd fans would say. So he runs against a hero that is so much smarter, and braver, than his sorry ass is he can't comprehend. So he gets wackos from Nixons world to make up shit. And then. And then. It's a done deal, and Kerry actually beats this little scumbag. But Kenneth Blackwell, the Secratary of State, bags Cuyahoga County that is so Democrat historically, and we have an idiot instead of a hero? It was robbed without a doubt. When Republicans rob votes, they attack African American voters, by telling them they might be investigated if they vote at all. In the last 20 years, there have been exactly 4 episodes of deliberate lying at polls. This is like what Republicans say about welfare fraud. There isn't any, you scumbags. There was a guy that made all this shit up. His name was Lee Atwater. When he was dying from an inoperable brain tumor, He said it was bullshit. What I do have to say: Progressive. Kiss my ass. We invented this long before your beady eyes invented yourselves to make out like we didn't understand issues. We understand issues. If you look at what the candidates have said, the only place Obama comes close to getting an issue is when he plagiarises from some hillary site. What's he say about health care So I'm undesirable. If you say so, could you coment on National Health Care? No you can't Neither can Obama. Asshole's not Bobby by any stretch. How about global warming. Obama got a clue? Spouts some lame imitation of hillary. Not made up, moron. She knows what shes talking about, you have no clue.
- When Barack gave his stemwinder, I could have been the first onboard. I commented on the DNC Kicking Ass that this was a presidential candidate and only one name would be necessary. Like Bob. Crakshaft needs to consider the Up Your Bunghole Prostae Exam cavity search. I don't mean to inject anything like seriousness (or, as a disdictional friend of mine in college said, sort of to the point, Syrianly; the guy once said all pandonian was breaking loose, and, when he asked me to edit a paper, I found he had littered it with "for all intensive purposes"). but Richard Reid was a full-goose looney incapable of harming anybody Syrianly but himself. The Cuyahoga Line truckdriver that was going to cut down the Brooklyn Bridge cables (1000s of strands of wire wound into 29 or so 2 inch cables, wrapped around each other to make 39-1/2 inch support cables) in broad daylight with an acetylene torch. The Liberty City Desperadoes that were scamming a guiding light FBI plant they thought was Al Quaeda into trying to scam some Desert Storm boots, I-Pods and $50 grand. Don't know about y'all, but when every leading political cartoonist other than Ann Telnaes runs some horseshit about Hillary's bunker mentality , and every one of them makes an ass of himself, by mysoginistic vituperation aimed at Phantoms not wearing sttriped birth control panties, maybe ole' Crank's got a point. It's all a crock. I mean, might terriss (sorry, that's the way Mr. Inter-Coke-aTur's puppet says it) just be a, gasp, boogeyman? Like really black OJ and cafe-au-laity OJ, and Willie Horton In the meantime, if Hillary Clinton points out that Lyndon Johnson's legendary vast incriminating files were'nt 'called in, there would have been no civil rights Act of 1965. that's somehow like Nixon and the Southern Strategy. And if Bill points out his wife knows more about health care in the USA, than anybody, that's racist.? Don't care now. Every important world government (well every one is important, I mean the one's that can do anything) has adopted the tactics of John Kerry, which ought to tell Mark Trail and RexMorgan and maybe Margo Magee, we hit these aholes in the bank account. Kerry did that to the Raygunistas and they had to shut down. They still sleazed by and managed to blight the country and advance some perverted Malthusian agenda based on the idea they were intellectually superior, and they got over on greedy preachers that never believed for a minute that 'Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do it to me.' Can't comics heroes be Christ figures? Naah. The idea there's some global struggle over right and wrong is just totally belied by Commandant Mission Accomplished crawling to kiss the shit-whiping hand of Saudis and administration officials that know where Bin Laden is because they send him money at the drop box. So assholes steal Cuyahoga County and the ultimate draft dodger (and I don't see anything wrong with dodging the draft.) I guess, neither do the champions of the New American Century, that made it into an art-form. I doubt there was a racist component to opposition to Obama. I decided I supported Clinton when Obama said repeatedly, something like: Her supporters will vote for her. I don't know if mine will vote for her. Who was slagging party unity? Y'all have time to read their competing platform-style statements about energy and health care. Obama's vague, sometimes he plagiarizes, Clinton knows exactly what she'd try to do. Hillary's ought to make the Democratic Platform. She knows what she's talking about and he mostly is speaking in platitudes. Please tell me people that find daily newspaper cartoons diverting actually care about politics too. There's a spectacularly wonderful word for what Obama online has unleashed toward a good woman that just started out to ensure that every American get's good health care. Vituperation. Did Obama attempt to coopt Hillary's statements on health care and the environment? Yeah, he doesn't know so much, she does, and what the hey. Are these the two issues that mean more in some ongoing economy? Well Hillary knows that for a fact and Barack's guessing
- Untwisted paperclips (hyphenated?)? We used to bend them till they broke, Jumbos, and fire them with spectacular force with doubled-up rubber bands. This actually was a second generation transmogrification of sticking each other in one extremely southern glute with hat pins. God knows where we got hatpins. This permutation of mortally embarrassing combat peaked in 7th Grade at St. Hugo. (It's in Bloomfield Hills, and if you've never seen the church, it's like the Detroit version of the Cloisters, and if you haven't been to the Cloisters, please visit it first when you get to NYC, because anybody with the concatenation of cynicism, skeptitude, imagination and appetite for wonder to frequent this spot will be spellbound.) Anyway, we shot twisted paperclips. I'm sniffing the air. We did every foul thing we could think of . But the Sisters of St. Joseph were wily. They actually infiltrated with young nuns with visible hair and recognizable names. Meanwhile, Sister Melita laughed like Satan when Tom Sansone stumbled two flights down to the cafeteria on marble flights. Look. If you were a girl, this was negligible, and if you didn't have self-esteem and you were a guy, it was negligible. If you'd read "Penrod and Sam" and "Huck", you knew this was Aunt Polly. So anyway, the paperclips. I shot a broken clip at a guy that since became a courageous Fransiscan and offered his life with his twin sister in Guatamala. It didn't do to be thoughtful or intelligent in those days, so I mocked them to try to stick with whoever was thoughtful. I hit the flat plane of Sr. Aurelia's snood, the twisted clip broke a statue of Mary, the class went numb like lightning had struck. Clip hit Mary, clattered broken to floor. Aurelia, a nice nun, for all her age, swept the books from her desk when she reeled and said "Oh, Shit." Woman in her Seventies. Mortified. Never saw her again. Where in the world do peoples' ideas about Catholicism come from? Last two centuries, we've got John XXIV, we've got J2P2 who told the raisin smuggler he'd camp in Baghdad shortly before the nadless shit landed on the Lincoln, and we've got Teillhard. Really reactionary. And I'll tell you he'll guarantee W is despicable. Some idea Catholics are dangerous. Babdiss? Nah. Catholics think things through, and if you want to consider what people think in the last two decades, here's the deal: There are some 3mil whack job Catholics. There's everybody else. Those aholes made kerry out to be persona non grata. They were bought and paid for scum and that's a fact that might take 15 seconds to prove. Know something? Kerry wasn't worthy of the Governor's backing? Not good enough for his VP? These assholes climbed in bed with Nader. Who was responsible? Progressives. There is no other way to look at this. My thirty years of beating at Chicago and dying when Bobby died, and I'm supposed to think Obama means a shit? Howard Dean is a canker. Howard Dean believes he's a hero and John Kerry isn't. Even Obamaniacs with no brainstem understand why this is horseshit.
- Dow isn't the dap. Back in 1998, all those whack jobs like Daniel Perle and you know those scum like Rummy and Heart-Attack Man tried to talk Clinton into invading Iraq. These bizarre piece of shit misanthropes were called the PNAC. They had always had more important priorities. It was pretty important to them that other people might die so they sure as shit didn't have to. How does anybody get off. These assholes are murderers, and they aren't committing murder for any reason but some some vile political enhancement.
- Most obvious thing: If you go into a clean room, that's what you wear. If you go into a clean room, you're a moron without a clue. You stick a sock in it and act like you have a big dick when it's more or less run of the mill. How stupid are voters? So stupid its beyond comprehension.
- ELP made the great miscue; the greatest song most people ever heard was the first, and everything but "Welcome back my friends" was kind of anticlimactic. Oh what a lucky man was about John Kerry, right, before 527 villains and Diebold laid him low. When the Levee Breaks is totemic. Listened before I went to bed, for years, full volume on earphones. I would have thought Nancy was a faux Fleetwood fan. There's ripping and tearing, and there's Yankees and Dodgers, and there's Peter Green and Lindsay Buckingham-Nicks. I dunno. What's the best Sex Pistols' song Bod Save the Queen. What's the best Foreigner song? A conundrum. Now, Arcade Fire. A very good band. Echoing U2, not hardly. (If you know how to play guitar, the Edge is guitar techs and tunings.) The Boss, maybe. Big Country, sure as shit. Peachy held Danny's hand: I find it hard to believe, Nancy, that you didn't fly a flag of some sort on the limo. If you're so caught up in the cinema, how about Zero de conduit? There's something so obvious its's ridiculous. We wake up andit wa all a bad dream.
- Why does some media whore like Huffenpuff continue to rag on Kerry? The deal is pretty obvious, Kerry risked his life and served, W snuck out the back door. Shitheads raising this crap are a bunch of Cheney's that had other priorities. You can lie your ass off, Kerry's a hero Baracjk never imagined. Raygunistas hated Kerry because he exposed them. If you don't understand this, you're a moron.
- So-called progressives that japped on Kerry, how do you feel when barack starts backtracking? Here's the real deal. Kerry couldn;t believe a president would flat out lie his ass off Kerry is a hero. Getting shot down doesn;t make you a hero. Avoiding the draft on Daddy.s dime. The entire idea that bailing makes you a hero is repugnant.Blavkwell's obscene intercention in Ohio is enough to convict the asshole of treason.Anybody that voted for ralpmh is a moron. and elected a war criminal.So much for progressive. Kerry won, if this scumbag didn;t cheat in Cuhahroga county,.
- Peace. Take a kook at this website, As I've said. So-called prgroessieves are turning on Barack. Holier than tho. Kerry was a spetacular patriot, running a Swift Boat and testifying as a Winter Patriot. Swift Boat aholes seem to believe W's non involvement was excusable.. Well, objecting and turning up as torturer in chief are two entirely different things. How do lying to Congress and lying about Texas national Guard equal anything but mendacity? Employ common sense. Kerry foresaw a political career, or Nixon's pet slanders Kerry. The internet is supposed to turn out the whole truth. Who's a liar about what what he did during VietNam? That would be W., and McCain has jumped on the lying bandwagon. How does getting shot down make anybody a hero> It doesn't. Wesley Clark left VietNam on a stretcher. W exited Vietnam with a tequila shot. Poppy left WWII a scared teenager that bailed out. W avoided Vietmam coked to the bills while Kerry served and W's surrogates maligned him. This is quintessentially Republican. Party of Dickless Cheney and other priorities. Party of Jack Bauer when you've got nothing to lose. Party of torturing the family of Sheik Khalid Mohammed when you couldn't prove he had anything to do with anything but being an ass kisser to the same Saudis whose ass you were kissing. Weley Clark s a traitor? Colin Powell is a traitor for covering up war crimes, and furthering the Shock and Awe agenda of the midget that benefitted from American stupidity. Does anybody still think Rudi is an American hero? No, he's a piece of dreck. W? Jesus. Piece of shit that jawboned tax cuts that screwed over taxpayers. Anybody sticking with this ahole is some bizarre shit that still belirves he's Cheney.. Randy Newman had words for this. Jesus, what a jerk.
- Hillary had the idea. Tip O'Neill didn't like it. There's nothing wrong with Canada's health care system, other than that ghouls like the Frist family aren't raking in big bucks. Cuba has a better health care system, with no money. Granted, boob jobs may require a wait. Privatizers will pay mucho dineiro to so-called experts to 'splain this crap, but that sure as hell won't make it true. Check out recidivism rates from the Erlichman school of free enterprise Christian prison reform. Why are there more contractors than soldiers in Iraq? Somebody's making a pile and nobody's getting a bang for the bucks. With regard to healthcare, seems to me it's everybody's duty as a human being. Commonweal. That's why we agree to pay taxes, and Grover Norquist should die a painful death in an ER waiting room. But no. He's got the best coverage rich asshole's money can buy.
- City Lights Bookstore? Yeah, sort of. Lawrernce Ferlinghetti? Bukowski with a wryly arched pinkie avoiding the shift key. Aquarius Records? Absolutely. I've been to San Franciscoand actually rode the elevator in the Francis with Edward G. Robinson. A gentleman, and a true star. And Kayak Woman. At least nobody dumped jet fuel in your lake. We live in fear that something like that might happen in Port Royal Sound, what with the marines at Parris Island. We invade their shores occasionally by kayak, and always get off with stern warnings.
- Lombard Street isn't supposed to be, but for the non-jaded tourist, it is pretty amazing. In a day and age when people drive Rovers half a mile an hour over speed bumps, like those Olive Oil muscles will take out the tranny, the ultimate is worth driving, or biking, down. And the landscaping is exceptional. I think it's extremely funny that the Wikipedia entry for Lombard Street describes it as 'east-west'. Mostly, it is, but sorry, its most famous stretch throws passes to itself like Crazy Legs Hirsch, who shoulda played for the Niners. Or at least Vince Lombard-i.
- I've got no problem at all with dumping fuel if it saves passengers lives. I'd imagine the ecological damage of the plane's crashing for having the fuel burden would be a whole lot worse. I suppose, at any given moment, somebody is performing excretory functions in most of the bodies of water on the face of the earth. Doesn't mean I have to like the idea.
- Watching the Dodgers beat the Giants would be good, but they don't play at Candlestick anymore, and juan Marichal would be incarcerated. I rode a bike over the bridge, Jennie. I don't often admit it, but heights spook me, mostly when people in movies are threatened. In real life, and what seems a former existence, I was a competitive diver and threw ridiculous tricks off 10 meter platforms, occasionally with very bad results in training. Pressure blisters and welts. Water is hard as concrete when you're traveling per second, per second. Suicide by bridge is undoubtedly possible, but don't you have to have the talent to hit just right? Scariest bridge is over the Savannah River. (I love Boston, and I think bridges amd not meaningless McDonalds arches are architecture's crowning achiements, but why did they just copy the design?) The GW is spectacularly windy, all the time, and when they put up 'windy' signs, have to think they mean business. Drove over in a Wagoneer towing an 18-foot trailer with a Suzuki 750 strapped in. HAIR-RAISING. The most beautiful bridge ever built is the Tappan Zee (and the Brooklyn a close second.) Of all the despicable horsecrap foisted on gullible Americans by W, the guy that was going to burn down th Brooklyn Bridge in plain sight with an acetylene torch is probably the most ludicrous. The cables are 16 inches thick and each contains 19 strands, containing 2381 wires at a total of 21,432 wires in each cable. Good luck wacko trucker from Toledo. There are actually people in the Nunined States (That's actually how the Ninny in Chief pronounces it) that believe this sort of stupidity, and they believe W served and John Kerry shot himself to get a Purple Heart. Gates of Eden, y'all.
- San Framcisco in the movies: I think Clint is brilliant. I think he's often spoken truth to power he doesn't trust as far as Shane could throw 'em. Joey Wales would spit tobacco juice on W's faux cowboy boots. I also figure he'd know a Swift Boat LT from some fullofshit Republican operative. I don't think he believes people of color are evil or that bona fide wack jobs like Elmer Fudd Scalia should be walking around with assault weapons. I think he's made some great movies. "A Perfect World" was among them.
- My dad owns a 15 year old house on Sea Pines Plantation (that's actual Hilton Head, unlike the Sun City at Hilton Head which is actually Bluffton. ) It's a wonderful, sprawling place my parents bought for a relative song from some Cindy McClain clone that bought it to stage a wedding. It's housed some massive family reunions to effects both wonderful and horrendous. He also owns what's called a 'patio' lot. We've proposed several home designs, every one of which meets the published requirements, and been turned down. Numerous and only marginally onerous homeowners restrictions apply, but these seem to be honored in the breech. People buy 'teardowns' and put up unsightly mausoleums seemingly at will, and they violate height and massing regulations like its's going out of style. If someone killed my birch trees to erect some Bush era cathedral of excess, I'd consider taking Scalia at his word and bear arms. Seemingly, this sort of thing is cash and carry. Way back in the day, my brother Chris and I transplanted birches from the woods behind Lamplighter Lane, in a Pulte subdivision. I'd say the tree-killers are terriss. No habeas. Nuke 'em. Birches are so purely beautiful, they had a semi-great poem written by a semi-great poet. Did Nancy's husband plant those trees to memorialize a birth? Was there reckless disregard. Ridiculously awesome lawsuit. I'm open to other opinions on "Birches" Having tried poetry, it's kinda hard to be judgemental. At least he wasn't Joyce Kilmer, Since is a national brand, with a Michigan connotation, who's the best Michigan band (it isn't the Stooges, and it's a tossup between SRC and MC5). Whose the best Michigan writer? That would be Tom McGuane. Best Blogger (though I despise the term), that little old second coming of HL Mencken in Grosse Pointe, though the Grpsses aren't actually Detroit. Having transported to Georgia, I feel qualified to say, Margaret Mitchell couldn't write her way out of a paper bag. Gone With the Wind is horrible. Hemingwayesque in it's literary turpitude.
- If Detroit wants to invade, maybe Windsor. But probably Birmingham. Or the Bloomfields. Kinda like the Grosses, but more nouveau.
- When I was fifteen, I knew all the words to Bob Dylan's 115th St. Dream, Hattie Carrol, Gates of Eden (a particular favorite), and the tablature, and a reasonably good impression of the prophet. And I also knew Teillhard's cosmology inside out. Both have stuc llike epoxy, which was Superglue before idiots decided epoxy blending of resin and hardener and polymers were just too difficult for humans to grasp and aproduct was required that could bond skin better than any other substance. So if Bob Dylan says Barry (?!?) Obama is some form of human communication to important to ignore, and very smart and caring people like the Boss and Mike Stipe agree, I guess I'm captivated. Is he preferable to a tired warhorse like McCain that actually disgraced his service in the military by buying into Swiftboat bullshit qnd bridling at perfectly reasonable comments by Wes Clark obvious campaign bullcrap?? Duh, and even Doh. After all, not even getting shot down but bailing on your best friends made HW a war hero, and this seems especially specious. W flew containment around the O Club.The big campaign initiative seems to be offshore drilling, and holy shit, that takes a village of morons. They don't drill where they're allowed, no reserves would be tapped for years and years, and the tipping point has likely been reached.Impact on pump prices is quite obviously zero. In many ways, Obama's a jerk. Claiming attacks by Obama and by surrogates weren't sexist is so disingenuous, they reek of hypocrisy. It's interesting to me because I keep track of Talmuddic arguments. Whose ox is gored is the prime consideration. It's always Hillary and the goring is pointed and calculated. The abject failure of Gore, Edwards and Obama to defend Kerry was pointed and obvious The guy was a hero and these heroes abandonded him. Not their finest moments. They acted like assholes. The national record says John Kerry was a hero. Well he was. Obama wasn't, I don't suppose. Kerry pulled a guy out of he drink. The guy says John Kerry pulled him out of the drink. I think he was a hero whether or not Obama think's he was. Obama can kiss ny ass in this one. So can McCain. The guy that was saved probably knew what he was talking about. And Karl Rove that orchestrated this bullcrap is the biggest liar in the history of the USA. Does anybody think he ever told the truth? He's the most egregious liar that ever lived. He lies. That's what he does.
- Thecenti. i, i DIDNT CARE.
- Alt-Christian? Being Jesuitically educated (like Alfred Hitchcock), and steeped in Teillhard like it's Tolkien, I always figured I'm alt-Catholic. But since the president of the Uninuhd States (that is how the jerk pronounces it) endorses the opinion that we're not actual Christians but members of a 'cult' (don't cults come after, splintering from the one true branch?). Anyway. Bob Jones. Falwell. Pastor Hagee. Franklin Graham. Carl Sandburg would like a word with you. Ole Strom was one duplicitous piece of turd. Anybody that would actually call himself a Dixiecrat puts aeons of evolution into question.I wouldn't usually be glad somebody's dead, but this uber-bigot's descent into eternal damnation might spare an American city some sort of pissed-off God natural catastrophe. Fittingly, since Strom was enamored of Brown Sugar and so prolific, the Williams sisters are currently taking the penultimate white sport to a seriously higher level. Penultimate, if you think golf's a sport, but a black guy put that argument in abeyance when he did a Kellen Winslow at the US Open.
- Jesse Helms was an aider and abettor in two murders. One took place at a Communion rail. How in the world does an alleged and self-proclaimed religious leader call a vile and outright bigot "my friend and long-time senator from my home state of North Carolina, was a man of consistent conviction to conservative ideals and courage to faithfully serve God and country based on principle, not popularity or politics." Says more about "Reverend" Graham than it does about Helms. (Maybe says more about the scum Franklin, whose putting words in his father's mouth to enrich himself with earmarked tax money.) On a different subject, anybody ever notice the remarkable physical similarity between Helms, Elmer Fudd, Phil Gramm, Karl Rove and Dick Cheney? Misanthropes and Racists Anonymous, all cloned from Jesse hisownself. Professional con-artist religionists that espouse bigotry should be headed for some lower circle of hell than Dante imagined. Helms thought delusionally that he ran the CIA, and he was responsible for the murder of Jose Napoleon Duarte in support of fascists that murdered priests and nuns. But what the hey, they were cultists. Romero's murder was engineered and financed by Americans, including, with no doubt whatsoever, Jesse Helms. Most likely, Salvatore Allende and most likely Orlando Letelier. Co-conspirator Henry Kissinger is still walking around and if God rains down hell for sins, his continued existence is remarkable. John Kerry exposed much of this extreme moral turpitude in the Iran-Contra hearings. American "Conservatives" aren't conservatives. They favor and pursue radical measures like murdering good men and manufacturing base slander when murder isn't convenient. Claiming you want to shrink government to the size of a kitten so you can drown it in a bathtub isn't Conservative. It's radical, and it's aimed at the heart of political freedom, free speech, human rights, equality, teachings of Jesus, and pretty much anything else decent produced in human discourse since that last New American Centurion Hamurabai. And they can't get that right. Lock up a few hapless guys and claim they're evil and torture their ass. Works for Rove. Wouldn't have worked for GW. What George (widely regarded as a good president) said was: “Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause… for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country.” - George Washington, charge to the Northern Expeditionary Force, Sept. 14, 1775 So, murdering, or torturing, foreign leaders , or their soldiers, or anybody schmuck trapped inside 'enemy' lines means you ought to be tortured and murdered, not necessarily in that order. This should actually be the case, although I wouldn't say death is an option. I've watched Paths of Glory about 13 times. People kill people when they were just fucking wrong, and you can't take that thut who are these bombastic assholes that claim American values don't mean Dick since Dick scared the bejeezus out of the terrified? Habeas corpus rights threaten your life? No, asshole, they protect you. Rhese people love the death penalty Cheney. He's an ass asshle wants tpotale your moneys to take your money
- There once was a guy called William Carlton Orto.. He loved beer. He made beer and he loved beer, and he could wax eloquent. He knew about hops etc. He also knew more about music than anybody that ever lived. Actual music. Like why I Cover the Waterfront was John Lee's fines hour, and Koko Taylor's apotheosis. That would be talking about Raxor-totin' Kim on Wang-Dang-Doodle. Ort loved some gitl that loved tje Wwatern Movies Legend has it he excised his own balls with a rusty pair of scissors in a church. Maybe so. One odd fellow. My friend. Detroit msic? It's not all Nog Sehrt. It's MC6 and the Rationals, amd SRC. Wish you'd been there for the Holden Agee, Nancy. I saw Procul at the Birmingham Teen Center. They played Devil Came From Kansas. Don't beg for silver paper, when I'm trying o sell ypu cheap. I'm not sure what that means,, but if you listen to the astounding guitar, I guess Ort knew. Procul played awesome shows in Detroit. They played Salty Dawg at the Teen Center in Birmingham when nobody had ever heard it. My brother's best friend, Danny Harteau was a keyboard match for Gary Brooker amd Matthew Fisher. Who's tp say?
- Anything you say. Can't say, What you say.
- Before and after
- Just back from the market. The unintended consequence of turning things over to ADM is that any sort of American-pr0edued cheese is so expensibe it makes me gogIle. I mean goggle, you know, with disnebelef. Anybody with a brain knows that corn is a net loser if you haven't pegged your future on corn futures. Less than 1:1. Misadministration and and oil field services companies know for a fact that off-shore might mean six months 15 years down the line, Isn't that worth embarrassing Democrats with bullshit with a sadly stupid electorate. Oil companies have no reasonable expectation of pipeline oil. In fact, oil companies have no expectation of any oil beofre 2028. If you're confribted with people offering pie in the sky, Could you act intelligently? We always get oil from offshore drilling. It floats up. If people are this goddam dumn, If you believe the solitary executive can can the Constitution, What country do you you live in. Executive privilege for Karl Rove? Are you joking. He's a disgusting personal and political piese of shit. He never had anyything to to do with anything that wasn't purely political .. His claim is so rediculous. What we'be bot isKarl Rove is the most outrageous liar. ge's an amazing lirs/.
- With regard to war crimes, DU is the new cluster. And anybody thinks they're smart is a moron. These are weapons of mass destruction. Using this shit kills American soldiers, and it will be killing the newly-Democratized for years. Everything Dan Rather said is true. Everything the Swift Boat Liars said was a fabrication. These are facts. Murricans still believe the latter and discount the former. So goddam stupid it's painful. And these idiots vote. How does dropping bombs from 20,000 feet and killing people indiscrimantly, and getting shot down make you a hero? Wesley Clarke had this right. Being the guiding hand in Keting Five, that's priceless. But really, if he'd met the cunt first, he wouldn't have had to nail all of those creepy financiers. The heiress should fear for her life.
- Serios question. Should some guy that said (then) 16 year old Chelsea Clinton was ugly because Janet Reno was her father be in the running for President? Aside from the facts extant, which would be that Chelsea's fairly attractive, earns a living and knows more about economics, the internets and just about anything than John McCain does. I take Obama with a large grain of salt. I doubt he'd make high-profile fun of an insecure teenager in an untenable position to raise funds from similarly sexist sympathists. Sexism? Obviously on par with Rush. Creepy? You be the judge. Demographics suggest he skews younger and richer. Homophobia? Holy crap. If not for his legacy status, W wouldn't have been flying surveillance for the OClub. If not for his legacy, McCain would have washed out for crashing so many planes. Incompetent pilot. As for W. Pick his ass up on January 21, 2009, and make the little snot serve out his National Guard term. There have been mediocre, maybe bad, presidents before, but none of them has been pusillanimous, false, intentionally stupid and obtuse. Nor so anti-democratic. Nor such a willing tool of people that don't believe in anything in the Constitution. McCain's Bush again alright. With Oldtimers. Some bastard shot Bobby, this is as close as we're going to get. Not close enough, but consider the options. Four more years? Your internet service will either be shut down or delayed while the Pretzeldent reads your email.
- Profiling is vile. In the first place, it reinforces the idea that cops are seriously stupid white guys. Would a caucasion star of the Dallas Cowboys ever have been arrested? (I know Michael Irvin, but he let them share the blow and the hos.) I really meant Dee Brown: What a heinous criminal. That's the USA, to this day. Apartheid is a thing of the past, if Israe says so. But it's condoned, and it's practiced.
- Is the rejuvenation attributable to Chrissie? They let me go they were very paranoid. Hey Mr. Tambourine man. If this guy could win this, Tiger would be happy. That's got to be one of his heroes. Yes to dance between the diamond sky with one hand waving free. Of war and truth, the tryth just twists. These bastards are liars.
- What we think. It's all right ma. You don't get that you're a moron. Though the masters make the rules for the wise men and the fools, I've got nothing to to live up to. It's alright ma.
- Food should nourish. Food should enhance. Cooking well is a pleasure. If somebody can tell me how organic makes food better, I'd like to hear it. Any idiot knows Archer Daniel has created a black hole in the Gulf, with chemical runoff. And now, they're hitting the jackpot with corn ethanol. That sits at a 7:1 on the energy expended, energy produced scorecard. Meanwhile, cheese, a WIC staple, goes through the roof. Why feed those cows when you can run those seven or eight SUVs that take Cheney to lie to the House of Representatives. If we're going along like lemmings on offshore drilling, his profits on oil field services ought to be paying the bill. These people are dreeps and concessionires. They've raped the government for eight years. Four more with Mr. Keating Five would seem a little excessive, even for these pirates.
- Maliki is no great shakes, but he’s not a murderer like Allawi, nor an outright fraud like Chalabi, the bsaefaced liar only W could love. But, you know, he’s the priminster (that’s a Riddley Walker reference, and if you haven’t read it, hasten to, it fits Iraq so well, what with mining DU and all.) So if he thinks Obama is making sense about getting the hell out of Dodge, he’s apparently got no problems with the Demo nominee’s national security bona fides. He may not want it to sound like an endorsement, but he didn’t say anything good about 100 years and permanent bases. Maybe Iraq blows up into three countries, one at permanent war with Turkey and the other two permanent Irani puppet states. If McCain knew the difference between Shia and Sunni, he might realize that wouldn’t be so terrible. Brits and the US created Iraq from disparate and antagonistic groups for the sake of Big Oil, and these things don’t ever work out well. In 2004 I thought American voters weren’t a class of morons. It seemed incomprehensible that enfranchised citizens could be gulled by unmitigated crap like W as not a draft dodger and Kerry as some sort of poseur elitist dilletante.This is so nuts, so patently phony, I figured The Bard of Baltimore would be proved wrong. But no, got it good and hard. Contemplating McCain‘s four more wars, um, years, the first thing that comes to mind is the truly revolting slagging he got in our home state of SC from Rove and his vile henchmen. These days, I have to wonder what sort of manly man brownnoses a pure bastard that had push-robo-calls about your totally imaginary bastard black child. Grovelling isn’t presidential. Nutless. Wesley Clark got shot four times and directed his men to a temporary victory. McCain rained down death and got shot down, probably disobeying orders. Which one’s a more credible war hero. Kerry pulled a wounded comrade out of the MeKong, W made sure the Oclub was well-stocked. Where do these jerks get off? McCain’s whining (thank you Rove clone Phil Gramm) about Obama and international stature is pitiful. Obam's bot the endorsement of the Prime Minister of our great ally in the battle to spread democracy. If W could get Saudis to buy in, it might be more convincingg. But there is no underestimating the stupidity of American voters. Getting what you deserve can be brutal.
- When you ride a bike instead of driving, it's amazing what sorts of mayhem occur fairly regularly. We generally leave the car parked until it's time to make the 211 mile trek to see them Dawgs kick somebody's ass in Athens. I do the groceries by bike with my surplus Norvegian Army backpack that I got for $19.95 online from Quartermaster, that specializes in tactical underwear and killing tools. A missing manhole cover, say one of the fine products from Neenah Foundry (and I know, because I specify them for construction projects), is not quite deadly but very problematic for bikers. I imagine it could be a matter of life and death if I hit one of those open storm drains or sewers when I'm riding my Triumph. It leaks oil but goes fast, and I'm thinking of ditching it for a Vincent if I can find one. (Good enough for Richard Thompson, good enough for me, and Brit bikes rule, Harley's not withstandin'.) But anyway, what sort of world, exactly, are we living in when people feel the need to rob manhole covers for scrap value? Did the apocalypse come without a bang and such a sigh we didn't notice? No joke. Mad Max? William Gibson world? Stainless Steel Rat? How did things come to such a sorry state while Democracy was being outsourced by force? We've got a government that says that CO2 is several things beyond simple elemental atoms and covalent bonds. Now that's creationism at a whole new level. And manhole covers are currency. Not a pretty picture. Jeff is right about non-voters, I suppose, but I'm more worried about idiots that have that franchise. One thing to think about Kerry. What dredged up the intense hatred that produced the feloniously fabricated, basically moronic Short-boat slander (that was bought hook, line and sinker after Fox ran it 24/7)? BCCI investigation that exposed Great Communicator as greater Constitutional criminal. But people still buy that crap and if they don't, aholes like Ken Blackwell make sure their votes never get counted. This election, they will come out of the woodwork. You know, the minimal, woefully uncritical coverage of McCain's reinvention of the surge is hilarious, but it's not funny. Surge didn't do dick. First Sadr called off the dogs. Second, Iraq became an unseemly network of racially cleansed neighborhoods separated by US-built walls (while millions became emigres). Then, there was the Awakening, which, when you get right to it, was handing over palletfuls of cash to tribal leaders to cease being members of the fabricated Al Qaida in Iraq. Then there was the 'surge', which was supposed to buy time for forming some sort of Iraqi governmental consensus. That hasn't happened. The only thing Iraqis agree on is that they want America gone.
- Have y'all had the pleasure of visiting Cocktail Party Physics? I took Latin and Greek, German and Russian, and have grown to an overripe upper middle age sorry that science other than biology completely escaped me, as did any sort of math that didn't involve Archimides and the 2,3,4 rule that rules carpentry. I rue the lacunae in my education, but I guess the more you are educated, the less you know. My knowledge of physics is limited to a nebulous understanding of the fascinating phenomenon (and isn't alliteration without repeating consonants something to consider, and does it exist outside of English, where ghoti spells fish?) of red shift. As I understand it, this proves that all matter is moving away from some central point (Bang!) and accelerates as it moves away. If E equals MC squared, doesn't that mean that matter must reach a point where it goes so fast it all becomes energy? That would be intelligent design, I'd say, and maybe the point of Kurt Vonnegut, other than that love may fail but courtesy will prevail. Anyway, Cocktail Party Physics is a wonderful contribution to the internets Al Gore invented after John Kerry didn't really get wounded pulling him out of the Mekong, and some of you might enjoy it. And Jeff, Berliners are more like crullers, or even Napoleons, than doughnuts. Re voting: Part pf the problem is the intensely ignorant that vote religiously and the informed that give the fundamental right a pass.
- Anybody that came from MA would embrace the Pixies as a prety good bamn. They're not the Lyres, who were much better, Their no Barrece and and the Savanes, who could really rip it. Not Limbo Race, nor the Zulus. Now we've got Birdsongs, and, holy crap, Burma. I grew up in Detroit. I used to sit in center field and dtalk to a bunch of huys that could have been Joghn Kee Hooker. I have to listen to morons rgaarding Detroit music. Now We have to deal with trashing Boston music at the same time? I'd say you'd have to remit to Barry and the Remains. 'Truth is the light, light is the day, more folks know, less they have to say. Tell you what. I could decide a death penalty case, but I've got to tell you right now, No way is it right to take anybody's life, no matter what you thought he did.
- <a One of the things I do everyday when I get up is to check the Bartleby word page. I’ve no idea who’s responsible these days, but when I first encountered it, when I found you could open a browser and several search engines, I thought it was amazing. I went immediately to newspapers, because I'd spent my undergrad years reading legendary papers . Now it doesn't matter because you've got Dana Milbanks whoring? I was stunned that it was a product of Matt Drudge’s old man. You know who it was named after, and as far as I know, the scribbler still refuses to take part or to take responsibility. This is spectacular irony. Like John kerry saying that terr was something for police. He did say that, and the Rand folks said so. Right? Do Tom Ridge was a patsy/buffon and everything the misadministrtioon was a boondoggle, and people that fell for that Swift-Boat shit were idiots. Bartleby is a wonder and what I think is an attitude adjuster before diving into the alimentary tubes of the mysterious internets. The half-gainer is called a reverse dive and involves leaving a 17 ft. Duraflex board front ways and directing your body back toward the end of the board., which 99.44% of humankind wouldn’t have the wherewithal to try, and they shouldn’t try it, and every competitive diver hates. It’s a required dive; foreward, back, inward, reverse. Some meets, you don’t have to even try it. In diving, you try to take the dive straight up and straight down. IgCogonoscenti know that vertical and no splash are de rigeur. You come up straight of the end of the board with maximum force and do the dive in the air. And then you stop your movement. You do it all at the apex of your physical projection of the board. Rudimentary physics would indicate this isn’t possible, but I’ve missed kids diving off the side when I was in the late stages of a double-twister two-and-a-half off a three-meter. It hurt. Meantime, you live in the land of propagandists. I personally don’t see anything Hitlerian. Subborning and purloining the Constitution and the only international treaties that ever made men look like more than acquisitive hominids, what’s that compared to the legal brilliance of John Woo? So anyway, when I greeted the day, after my companion, who believes it’s just the two of us in the long run, and we’re getting on old, there must be a baby, I was confronted with some WWI apologist that sounded like the damnation of the neocons. The Bartleby poem of the day for today: The entire collection (did you know about Google books?):,M1 If you look at even just the T of C, it's pretty obvious this was meant as anti-German propaganda, which I guess makes it worse that it fits the NACenturions so well. Click on the Sir Owen Seaman entry. I think Wilfred Owen had a specific jingoist ahole in mind. Regarding drilling: “There are some instances [that] within a matter of months they could be getting additional oil. In some cases, it would be a matter of a year. In some cases it could take longer than that, depending on the location and whether you use existing rigs or you have to install new rigs, but there’s abundant resources in the view of the people who are in the business that could be exploited within a period of months.” Drilling to affect gas prices is a flatout lie. Maybe a nickel a gallon 15 years out. This is a fact. How is anybody in a better situation by lying about this? Anybody with a brain knows this. With regard to McCain's campaign, I'd like to ask a question. On the issues, in which case has he told the truth? Regarding his opponent, in which case has he even considered the truth? It's not purely political, and I've been an asshole, but, but economically, the most important thing is health care. Hillary knows this hands down. ObamaHas a clue. McCain, he thinks everybody get's his coverage. He's a health Care elitist and he's been absent whenever this subject has come to the Senate. He's a lying snake. His laughter is exceptionally innapropriate. This war hero business makes me think of Poppy bailing. Aside from all of that, McCain is acting like the most constipated idiot the world has ever seen And the most connected with Rove. Lee Atwater made a death-bed confession.
- Bd for the Graasse. What the hell is wrong with you?Havw noxkuw
- Trrying to out somebocy
- mjdawg
- mjdawg, mjdawd
- mjdawg, mjdawg
- Any of y'all believe anything about Cipro-Man? If he despised the sorrority girls, wjhy didn't he send them the weaponized Anthrax he was incapapable of sending? He had some connection to some sort of liquid. How did he weaponize?? When the eidence is bogus. The evicence means this bastard was framed. Handan. well He said he took the job to make a living, and he couldn;t have cared less whose river he was. So we got him. We tortured him and what we got was his admission was what he said in the first place. He was the driver.Whoopee. I'm a patriot. This was some bastard trying to make a living. Torture him? Not my country. Make up swiftboat? Same thing's going on right now. There is not a single thing McCain has said is remotely true, and he'll just lie his ass off. If the electorate is so stupid, dmaybe there's no hope. Kerry was the best. They took him down. Mayfe, there's nobody else.
- Whose bitch? Well, if Paris Hilton made you a bitch when you're campaign thought you were being cute, you're just a crypt-keeperfool. For a fact, in the time it would get to foul the ANWR offshore, proper tire inflation would save 1o times more oil than might ever be pumped a few years from now. What a maroon. Not quite as smart as Paris Hilton, and we thought she was an idiot and not particularly attractive. Holy shit Paris, if nanny told yoeu back in the day you were hot, whatever that moronic crap means, she was lying. On the other hand, if you can read a sensible energy policy of a teleprompter, you're smarter than yoda. What we know for a fact is McCain campaign lies. Making conservation out to be a joke is ridiculous: proper tire inflation between now and when anybody would pump ANWR and offshore Florida is something like 15:1. These are facts. According to the American Petroleum Institute, you know, Exxon, Mobil, those guys. If theya aren't lying, they're spectacularly stupid. Now if somebody want's to claim there's an immediate impact on fuel prices from drilling, well then I'd guess they'd have to admit that the hedge fund investors are jacking current prices, but McCain and his oil buds insist those guys have nothing to do with current pump prices. If they can have it both ways, then rev those Harleys and threaten sensibilities with Cindy unclad. Botox never did wonders, and it sure wouldn't work on saddlebags. And his abandoned first wife would probably look just as attractive. As far as some unrealized oil bonanza is concerned, outside chance it would produce something like a tenth what proper tire inflation would realize in the next 15 years. So is the old fool lying or is he just deluded? With regard to the tire guages, does he believe that's Obama's energy plan or is he an abject liar? Or is he a tool of oil companies? Or is he an idiot that can't even read a teleprompter without a Karl Rove implant on his back? WaPo and NYT, supposedly countering lies by pointing out that GOP lies means wading into the muck. If people that vote buy that shit, sems like there ought to be a bullshit and an intelliogence test at the polls, and most Murricans wouldn't get past either. They already proved they couldn't tell shit smeared on the Constitution from shinola. Choose your issue. McCains taken both sides, and not only dan he not get either side right with a telestrator, his fist aligns perfectly with anti-American cash influxesd to his campaign. Who makes money from offshore drilling, right now? Oil companies? Some. Oil consumers? (That would be ifiot voters) Not likely. Oil field services companies that have been serving tainted water and food to UStroops in Iraq and Afghanistan on no-fid contracts? Bingo Like Halliburton. Who gets rich? That obscene mole in undisclosed bunkers. In all likelihood, Mayor Kilpatrick is an arrogant asshole that will get what's coming to him. Bush and Cheney invented shit, attacked the Constitution , subborned the Constitution, lied their asses off, ruined people that actually hoped to serve for not being willing to serve, and they did it in service to AIPAC, the PNAC, Republican Party nihilism, stupidity, partisanship, anti-Americanism, in thrall to misanthropic creeps like Grover Norquist and Wayne Connerley. They don't like people that believe in accountability and they believe in some sort of unaccounatable monarchy, and it's pretty clear they stooped to forgery and condoned murders committed by their predecessors: Orlando Letelier, Omar Torrijos, Pineapple Face that undoubtedly has the goods on HW and so survived in some ultimate Club Fed. These are a bunch of assholes that let Chalabi run free in the world and willingly suspended disbelief to belive every lie he told and promulgate it like it was truth from some victim of Saddam instead of some international crook that embezzled $50mil from international banks. Banking is where this sleaze takes place, and Kerry caught the Raygunistas at it, in the Iran-Contra contretemps. Bush family had been running the scam for years, all the way back to Prescott. Why they hated him so much they pulled Swiftboat. Here's the deal. If Americans can buy Swiftboat when it was such a load of crap, and they can ignore the proof that W was in Bummingham whuffing coke while Kerry was pulling a bud out of the Mekong under fire, and both of these circumstances are supported by credible witnesses, what makes anybody think electing a president is rational or beneficial to the general good? I'd really like to hear from anybody that would try to claim the bastards didn't slander Kerry. That immense lies weren't percolated and told through the stovepipe, that Kenneth Blackwell and Diebold didn't rob the election, and that things wouldm't be better if the imp hadn't been impacted for his second four years.Tell it to vets on their fourth tour and the familes of those who died for no reason but PMACenturion , chickenhawk bloodlust when those aholes had nothing personal to lose. Kwame Kilpatrick, Randy Newman's got you covered (trippin' all over your ownsel now). Bush and Cheney, and your Screwtape minions that parsed torture and shitcanned the Constitution, our side (I mean me and my scary companion from whom I have to hide the knives) , we'd leave you to Tom Waits, 'way down in the hole'. If any of you think McCain is the maverick, guess again. Anybody that gets slimed the way McCain was in SC in 2000 and then licks the boots of the slimers isn't somebofy that's telling the truth, and sure as hell isn't anybofy to trust. But he's busy with the image of his beauty queen and her millions taking off her top to flash bikers, who famously love it when they sag below the horizon. Horizon, you know. That imaginary point nobody ever gets to. Like the surge, you know, that increases on the beach and recedes. The surge troop levels increased but now they're 15.000 more kids in harms way for no good reason than homeland politics. And as far as bending the English language is concerned, what about that they stand up, we'll stand down crap? Not in Kirkuk, not ever. Aside from paying millions in American taxpayers money in actual cash with no accounting involved, are the Sons, and the Daughters, of Iraq anything but a mirage, and wasn't that the surge success, along with Sadr melting into the woodwork? Along with massive numbers of people leaving the country and ethnic cleansing of neighborhoods? With apharteid walls preventing people that enjoyed their neighbors in better times from simply going to work. W is lecturing Chinese about human rights. Can some Chinese spokesperson say Guantanamo?
- I had a lesson in journalistic restraint when a great JSchool professor named Charlie Kopp told a newswriting class I could always be counted upon to be colorful. I was suitably abashed, I guess, but I also sensed approbation from somebody I admired. To this day, I still believe in writing simple as a precept, but one to be smashed to bits, because, writers, like girls, just want to have fun, and because we can. In the particular instance, my argument with 'reeling' would concern accuracy. While a reeling Kwame would be a thing to reckon with, I doubt he reels except after a few fifths of Cristal at the Love Shack (somewhere around 13th and Indiandale). 'Seething' was probably more like it, a 'churning urn of burning funk', and I'll bet 'homicidally enraged' wouldn't have been entirely innacurate. All in all, had editors allowed the reporter to describe Mayor Kilpatrick as 'supremely pissed off and looking for revenge with murder in his heart for the police', journalistic objectivity, accuracy, and readers would have been well served. Detroit politics has always been down and dirty, and Chicago lays claim to roughhouse, but y'all are pikers. Mayor Curley ran Boston from inside, when he was away. Will Dee-troit step up. Don't free Kwame. (Why is it that you can't find an interested American that won't claim her own homies produce the most despicable, crooked politicians?)
- He is still the mayor, right? Somebody wallowing in the same trough got him into trouble in the first place. The idea of the jacket emblazoned with the political honorific puts me in mind of Joe Ely, a great (if that's not overreaching diction) Texas singer, songwriter and guitar-slinger. Joe's got a Nudie suit we've seen him perform in with kingsnakes embroidered on the lapels. (Red touch yellow, and etc.) I'm all for reporters just stating the facts. W lied his ass off and fabricated evidence. Dick Cheney would kick the Constitution's ass beyond the Magna Carta. Nobody wants to just admit to facts. Read that stifled hysterical schoolmarm Howard Kurtz, who regularly equates legitimate criticism with outright lies and rounds them up under the banner of 'going negative. People like that with good jobs on papers of record said that pointing out lies and dealing with facts about W's lack of service (well, technically, it was actually desertion) was somehow the same thing as some Nixon psychophant making up alternative reality about Kerry's service in both VietNam and across a couple of borders. These things aren't commensurate. It seems the basic problem is the inability of Americans to confront reality, read English, separate truth from bullshit, consider the welfare of others, sniff out liars, act like the Christians they claim to be in overwhelming numbers, think, I guess. And there's the rub. Words are code agreed upon, and pictures are easily manipulated code. In my opinion, the description of Kwame Kilpatrick's clothing was fairly obviously trying to portray him as Shug. You can fall all over yourselves insisting that the Skinny Guy, phallic symbol, Brittany, phallic symbol, Paris ad cocntained no racial intent. Same guy made that ad made the Tennessee ad about the Playboy Mansion and 'Call me Harold'. They're coming for our women. My companion says they may be coming for her, and while those black bucks are alluring, I'm still OK. A lot to consider. Who changes your copy and should anybody, ever? No. who writes the misleading heads? Nobody's going to admit to it. Every paper in the world had heads insisting that the 'terriss' Hamdan was found guilty. No he wasn't. Before he took the horrible tour and was subjected to torture, the Yemeni guy with a grade-school education said he took a job driving Osama, to pay his bills. He was convicted of driving not ms. Daisy but it might as well have been. Let's get KennyBoy Lay's driver to Gitmo. And these assholes will insist on keeping this guy forever like he's dangerous, instead of just like every poor bastard trying to find a job because the moron fried the economy. So if you are ndeed irony-proof, and not inquisitive at all, I guess you're a Lucky Man. People make fun of jackasses like you. You know, that's how things stand. Nobody talks about Keating 5, but I guess if you languished, you must be telling the truth. Way I see it, dropping bombs from about a mile and getting shot down seems either incompetent or detached. How about this? I didn't know McCain but I heard he was an ignorant cowboy with eyes on the prize. He made up those purple hearts. No wait, he didn't have any. But he must be a hero because he was a POW. Kerry actually saved guys he cared about from being hurt or captured. So, what are these idiots carrying over to some old white-haired fool that never had anything to do with VietNam but killing civilians at the safe remove of several thousand feet? And he was such a fucking maroon he got shot down. Holy shit, he went through hell. In the first place, the Bush eternal campaigners denigrated this argument, and they're right. Being a POW doesn't make you either a war hero or a leader. NFW. Tell you what. Let's bring up the W anti-McCain ads from SC. Seems fair, since this ahole is W incarnate. Bring those on. Actually, bith these idiots ckaim tp have seen service. This goes back and wy back. These two nitwits dishonored vets. Seems to be a Republican thing. Kerry wasn't a hero. Kiss Nixon on the cheek goodnight and remember, there ws Eliot Richardson, who just was not buying the moral turpitude. Those were crooks. These assholes tried to destroy the Constitution. They ought to fry.
- This business about Hamdan found guilty is revolting. He was found guilty of being the driver. He admitted to that a long time ago. He took the job to provide for a wife and a kid. The guy has been globetrotted and anybody purporting to be American is a war criminal with a hand in slicing and dicing and terrorizing people that had no closer connection to terr than that they had Arabic names. That's a fact.
- I was thinking about the term 'reeling'. Lo and behold, we have Steely Dan, a song so great it needs no introduction. these guys paid some literary ante up. Now if anyobdy wrote better lyrics: I remember the thirty-five sweet goodbyes When you put me on the Wolverine Up to Annandale It was still September When your daddy was quite surprised To find you with the working girls In the county jail I was smoking with the boys upstairs When I heard about the whole affair I said oh no William and Mary won't do Well, yeah lot's of people did. Sue me. Still pretty excellent. I assume she's got legs. W & M is sort of below our social class., and if Liberty is what we aspire to for law school, we've been hoist by our own petard. It's an interesting question, whose bitch are you? Obvious answer. Not one you meant to antagonize. Who brought up this odious subject? Old white-haired dude that seriously looks like the crypt-keeper. No other way ou could cut it, He should have shut the hell up. All of this is mind-bogglnmg. Paris Hilton is smarter and reads a teleprompter so much better than McCain, he comes across like Barney Fife on meth. And on energy, McCain's campaign says, what she said. That is what they said, right?
- Any of y'all that receive VH1 Classic: The great music documentary Wattstax is showing at 8p est tonight. Haven't seen it in years, but it's in the pantheon, with Last Waltz, Gimme Shelter Monterey Pop. Cultural dysphasia precludes inclusion of Woodstock. Hippies. As I recall, Bad Moth... real life alter ego Isaac Hayes is in it, and great footage of Sly.
- Old times, in Detroit, there was Lakeside, with a wooden coaster and an extremely scary Wild Mouse. There are also carney rides to consider, like the Zipper. My kid, Emily, knew no fear. Neither did I but for her safety. I mean she had to outlive me. Nasncy loves Detroit I wouldn't say a thing about wierd priests, but we had Fr. Flannacan. So, these places are hotbeds for wierdos? I'm stymied here And it comes to me. Nancy's an ocassionalyl brilliant writer.Nancy thinks shes a clue about detroit music. Thinks she has it wrapped. Musically, those days, you had SRC and MC5. In the late 60s Wverybody decided Eric was God. Notwithstanfing Jimi, that could put him in the ground, and Neil and Steven. It's always astounded me that people would listen to the little stingers on For What It's Worth. The whole thingk is the rhythm guitar and Steven's vocal But every one of you gets to bote. Anybody doesn't feel diminished and sullied by what the Lerry identified everything as a police matter, Su wasn't rigtht? Fact is, W and the PMAC turned out to be idiots
- Coasterpalooza was pretty entertaining. Why do people like 'em? Double shot of adrenaline with endorphins chaser. Or maybe it's the human compulsion to make metaphor the massage. Everybody know's life's a roller coaster, ad nauseam generally. Life is a carnival, if you ask Robbie and Levon, and my personal favorite is "Life is like a beanstalk, isn't it?" from Keith Reed and Procol Harum. When the conversation gravitated toward coaster maintenance, I started to feel queasy, and I never feel that way hurtling upside down at high speeds. It was the proximity of heaven in facing death-defying amusement park 'attractions' (they make 'beverages' more 'appetizing'), where you might be importuned by stereotypical aholes including a plagiarizing Detroit sportswriter. But then, life as ride on roller coaster made a perfect penultimate scene in Steve Martin's masterpiece Parenthood. And just ask the Ohio Players about love and roller coasters. The American economy has been up and down, but if somebody wants to make Alan Greenspan and Bernanke the kindly Capraesque maintenance guys, I'm gonna hope that most of the time a roller coaster is just a thrill ride, because they seem more like that gremlin on the wing in the Twilight Zone
- I think this is a reliable link to the transcript: Jeff, turns out that, for some reason, we recorded it. My opinion: Obama was thoughtful, which quality will be mildly denigrated in press analysis as 'nuanced'. McCain seemed rehearsed to the point of being canned. OF course, Obama went first, and it's entirely likely that McCain's handlers employed some electronic sur4veillance skullduggery and just cut and pasted from the old fart's stump speech. Most inane question from Ranger, I mean Reverend Rick: What level of income constitutes being rich. McCain actually put the figure at $5mil, which should strike anlysts as tone deaf at the Roseanne National Anthem level. Interesting theological note: Preacher asked both candidates "Does evil exist, and if so, do we ignore it, do we negotiate with it, do we contain it, or do we defeat it?" Their responses: One of these answers is theologically sound, in line with Augustine and Thomas Aquinas and Reinhold Niebuhr. One seems perilously close to embodying the cardinal sin of pride. Fathers of modern Christian thinking or deposed archangel. You be the judge. Of course, we watch with our biases and antipathies intact.
- Jeff, I was heartened to discern direct echoes of Jimma Ed's favorite philosopher priest in Obama's suggestion we can all be soldiers in creation's movement to defeat evil. This is a unifying thread of refined and annealed gold in the works of Paul Tillich and the Process theologians. Teillhard too, although he sees it more as imperfection to be made ultimately perfect. These guys are theologians by trade and critical acclaim, but I always figured they were really philosophers with a particular point of view and intellectual foundation. I suppose that's nuance, but I can't comprehend any way that's a weakness and not a prerequisite for valid investigation of human essence, soul, condition, or the institutions and social constructs those real considerations that sentience and self-awareness render inevitable. The soldier metaphor stirs my Jesuit soul, and I think it's instructive that Black Liberation Theology is a tactical target for the disciples of Rove, after the Reagan administration attempted to murder the Jesuit and Maryknoll white liberation theologians in the 80s. Now, the purveyors of Iran-Contra were evil, bankers for murderers and dope cartels, assassins in their own right. Until it ceased to serve his purposes in hard-core neicin circles, McCain clutched Kerry's coattails (how's that for inspired alliteration?). When that became a liability, it hit the rubbish pile like the corpse of a raped nun in Guatemala. In this way, I 'm standing on solid rock (petros) when I insist on being both pro-life and pro-choice, and a devout Catholic. (And gutdom, I take a load of grief and derision, but if to deny the coexistence of these two imperatives seems to me the height of intellectual indolence. Christ's teachings found politically inconvenient and not tried.) At Saddleback, McCain told the story of the closeted Christian Vietnamese Guard at Hua Lo Prison, on Christmas Day. I'll tell you, I believe in David Bowie and Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence more than I believe in this. Maybe it happened, but I'm genetically predisposed to believe he's lying his ass off. In the modern world, manufactured perception trumps reality. As the great nuanced Armenian folk artist Tonio K says: but love got twisted and the streets got mean now everybody's got their secret as the night comes down like a guillotine. So it's August and we count down to "ecstacy, when sympathy is all the situation wants". In 2004, when I heard Obama's stemwinder (a linguistically gorgeous term that should have been retired to the political Hall of Fame with Teddy's plaque, but voters in democracies know what they want, and they've got glass jaws). Somehow John Edwards' infidelity is supposed by "pundits" (or "pundints" as the pretzledent of the Nunined Sates likes to say--can't this ahole speak reasonable English?--, well, what's he got to do with anything, and how 'bout Dan 'Scumbag' Burton. The Youthful Indsicretion thing for Republicans is like eating dirt in public. Maybe, Republicans love the Edwards story because there's a cancer connection to Newt's biography. But Edwards didn't abandon his wife and present her with divorce papers while she was receiving chemo Anyway, Jeff, McCain has no theological leg to stand on as I see things. He's made an ass of himself by targeting Osama. 9 aND GOOD GRIEF, w SAID HE COULDN'T CARE LESS==what is wrong with the idiots?In the 21st Century, nations don't invade Pakistan, they threaten Russia for doing exactly the same thing Bush and the New Centurions did invading Iraq. It doesn't take a nuanced analysis to figure this was the idea when Reagan and his henchmen decided to trash elected governments in Central America. It's not really difficult to understand that Kerry became Target 1 for his skill and dogged pursuit of truth. Now, if really dumb American voters weren't abject sheep, and if Americans in general didn't cower in fear, how could the little turd that declared "Mission Accomplished" have snaked 2004. It's entirely possible he didn't and Diebold made it happen, but if that's the case, Why Is America Sleeping. Americans like the idea of war heroes being elected. McCain rained down terror, and somehow managed to get his ass shot down. If I were Pastor Rick, I'd ask John McCain if he ever dropped napalm and he be foregiven? Would you take a courts-marshall, see your career come to an end, to avoid responsibility for incinerating and maiming innocents? Kerry's well out of this. His heroic behavior and his service is obvious. Anybody interested in disputing this, I'll give you ciirdinates abd U wukk kick your ass.He ran an honorable and truthful campaign. Jobbed by scum like Karl Rove, a draft dodger, and Cheney, a draft dodger extraordinaire. So what does that mean about the efficacy of voting in America? Voter's are so fucking stupid it's mind-numbing. Now. For anybody still reading and believes reading on the net is reading. Kerry absolutely nailed the Raygunista bastards. His work if you choose to explore it , exposed corruption Nixon never dreamed of. It exposed INSLAw, and the murder of a family friend of mine. The 'October Surprise' was a gven for these traitors. They most assuredly made sure the Great Communicator was inhogurated, for cash and weapons. Deal is, Kweey caught thir anti-American asses. Cod awmighty, they hated him and there was no slime that couldb't be considered. Here's the deal. Kenneth Blackwell fucked with the manikis or people believed Kerry wasn't in fact a hero. What exactly is wrong with the idea that Kerry was a hero? His cimpatriots say he waded into danger. Are those guys left-wing liars? Assholes. He was a hero, he saved guy's lives. How 'bout W's VietNam experience. There's no way of comparing in real time. Know why? W was always out of the mix. I wouldn't say he's a coward. I never had any idea of going anywhere. The idea was heinous, the war was just wrong. The little shit thought it was right but somebody else ought to take it to the enemy. Same as his dad, when he bailed out on his best friend, same as W when it seemed to threaten the O'Clubs stock.
- Jeff, I was heartened to discern direct echoes of Jimma Ed's favorite philosopher priest in Obama's suggestion we can all be soldiers in creation's movement to defeat evil. This is a unifying thread of refined and annealed gold in the works of Paul Tillich and the Process theologians. Teillhard too, although he sees it more as imperfection to be made ultimately perfect. These guys are theologians by trade and critical acclaim, but I always figured they were really philosophers with a particular point of view and intellectual foundation. I suppose that's nuance, but I can't comprehend any way that's a weakness and not a prerequisite for valid investigation of human essence, soul, condition, or the institutions and social constructs those real considerations that sentience and self-awareness render inevitable. The soldier metaphor stirs my Jesuit soul, and I think it's instructive that Black Liberation Theology is a tactical target for the disciples of Rove, after the Reagan administration attempted to murder the Jesuit and Maryknoll white liberation theologians in the 80s. Now, the purveyors of Iran-Contra were evil, bankers for murderers and dope cartels, assassins in their own right. Until it ceased to serve his purposes in hard-core neicin circles, McCain clutched Kerry's coattails (how's that for inspired alliteration?). When that became a liability, it hit the rubbish pile like the corpse of a raped nun in Guatemala. In this way, I 'm standing on solid rock (petros) when I insist on being both pro-life and pro-choice, and a devout Catholic. (And gutdom, I take a load of grief and derision, but if to deny the coexistence of these two imperatives seems to me the height of intellectual indolence. Christ's teachings found politically inconvenient and not tried.) At Saddleback, McCain told the story of the closeted Christian Vietnamese Guard at Hua Lo Prison, on Christmas Day. I'll tell you, I believe in David Bowie and Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence more than I believe in this. Maybe it happened, but I'm genetically predisposed to believe he's lying his ass off. In the modern world, manufactured perception trumps reality. As the great nuanced Armenian folk artist Tonio K says: but love got twisted and the streets got mean now everybody's got their secret as the night comes down like a guillotine. So it's August and we count down to "ecstacy, when sympathy is all the situation wants". In 2004, when I heard Obama's stemwinder (a linguistically gorgeous term that should have been retired to the political Hall of Fame with Teddy's plaque, but voters in democracies know what they want, and they've got glass jaws). Somehow John Edwards' infidelity is supposed by "pundits" (or "pundints" as the pretzledent of the Nunined Sates likes to say--can't this ahole speak reasonable English?--, well, what's he got to do with anything, and how 'bout Dan 'Scumbag' Burton. The Youthful Indsicretion thing for Republicans is like eating dirt in public. Maybe, Republicans love the Edwards story because there's a cancer connection to Newt's biography. But Edwards didn't abandon his wife and present her with divorce papers while she was receiving chemo Anyway, Jeff, McCain has no theological leg to stand on as I see things. He's made an ass of himself by targeting Osama. 9 aND GOOD GRIEF, w SAID HE COULDN'T CARE LESS==what is wrong with the idiots?In the 21st Century, nations don't invade Pakistan, they threaten Russia for doing exactly the same thing Bush and the New Centurions did invading Iraq. It doesn't take a nuanced analysis to figure this was the idea when Reagan and his henchmen decided to trash elected governments in Central America. It's not really difficult to understand that Kerry became Target 1 for his skill and dogged pursuit of truth. Now, if really dumb American voters weren't abject sheep, and if Americans in general didn't cower in fear, how could the little turd that declared "Mission Accomplished" have snaked 2004. It's entirely possible he didn't and Diebold made it happen, but if that's the case, Why Is America Sleeping. Americans like the idea of war heroes being elected. McCain rained down terror, and somehow managed to get his ass shot down. If I were Pastor Rick, I'd ask John McCain if he ever dropped napalm and he be foregiven? Would you take a courts-marshall, see your career come to an end, to avoid responsibility for incinerating and maiming innocents? Kerry's well out of this. His heroic behavior and his service is obvious. Anybody interested in disputing this, I'll give you ciirdinates abd U wukk kick your ass.He ran an honorable and truthful campaign. Jobbed by scum like Karl Rove, a draft dodger, and Cheney, a draft dodger extraordinaire. So what does that mean about the efficacy of voting in America? Voter's are so fucking stupid it's mind-numbing. Now. For anybody still reading and believes reading on the net is reading. Kerry absolutely nailed the Raygunista bastards. His work if you choose to explore it , exposed corruption Nixon never dreamed of. It exposed INSLAw, and the murder of a family friend of mine. The 'October Surprise' was a gven for these traitors. They most assuredly made sure the Great Communicator was inhogurated, for cash and weapons. Deal is, Kweey caught thir anti-American asses. Cod awmighty, they hated him and there was no slime that couldb't be considered. Here's the deal. Kenneth Blackwell fucked with the manikis or people believed Kerry wasn't in fact a hero. What exactly is wrong with the idea that Kerry was a hero? His cimpatriots say he waded into danger. Are those guys left-wing liars? Assholes. He was a hero, he saved guy's lives. How 'bout W's VietNam experience. There's no way of comparing in real time. Know why? W was always out of the mix. I wouldn't say he's a coward. I never had any idea of going anywhere. The idea was heinous, the war was just wrong. The little shit thought it was right but somebody else ought to take it to the enemy. Same as his dad, when he bailed out on his best friend, same as W when it seemed to threaten the O'Clubs stock. Waht the hey.
- So what's the deal Nancy? Genteel d'ont get it. It does not behoobe you to stand apart when one patyy reaches out and the other talks like wormtongue. I know where I stand. It's with telling the truth. Do you think the bastards told the truth about Kerry;s war record? ? And know what I say, W is so despicable a coward, let the little shit compare his Viet record with Kerry's. Ptoblem is voters are so damed stupid. So is there some way the Agora can come through and name the democratic choice? Not in eight billion years. But there are people that make us embrace the future. Michael Phelps in that one you thought he lost. In swimming, fetting touched out happens all the time. The second made a bad decission. He goy youched out. These things happen. If you'd ever been a swimmer, you'd know. Glide vs, chop, not even close. I thought I understood this. 't get it.
- Don't know what to say@kat i bleyve. All of creation is God becoming God.
- Yoh, Jeff, and against all odds, I remain Catholic and Teillhardian in a sort of windhover sort of way. We did'nt think much about Edna St, Millay. Until recntly, when this idea about holding chaos to 14 linwa caaaaame to our attention. I know it sounds ridiculous, but we are plural . Let me say this as a former swimmer, Michael Phelps owes one relay to Lezak. The other, he swam a 50.15 fly , and Jason lost .05 on that lead. Acting like Phelps was somehow Spitzian demeans our sport. Nobody cheats nobody on water except in diving. The .01? Every swimmer knows you take it to the wall. This happens frequently, and getting touched out is not uncommon. You come in lazy, you lose, and talk big in the aftermath. . What Phelps did is how you win. What anybody else did is how you lose, and recriminations are ludicrous. Try those races when Phelps was rested, you jerks. Ass handed to you, monsieur. Jason Lezak won the one. Phelps won the other. Fifty almost flat? Ask an actual swimmer. That's in another world, and in that relay, Phelp's won the gold for his teammates.
- I'm rereading the Rings, Jeff. I aaalways thought Keith Reid had this perfectly: You'd better listen anybody, 'cos I'm gonna make it clear that my life is unimportant; what I've done I did through fear There's a river running through me: on its tide I tried to hide nonetheless I could not shake it, and in the end it swept aside all my feeble unimportance. I can't say it, never mind Can't you hear me mother calling you? I'm cold, I'm deaf, I'm blind And if only 'cos you're lucky, we both know that's no find I did think I'd be an actor. What I am I'll leave behind You'd better listen anybody, 'cos it's me and you --that's it and in case you find your maker perhaps you'll plead for us a bit All my sick is in my stomach, all my sweat is clearly fear and if you could see inside me I don't think you'd have me here Tell the helmsman veer to starboard, bring this ship around to port and if the sea was not so salty I could sink instead of walk And in case of passing strangers who are standing where I fell tell the truth: you never knew me, and in truth it's just as well Could be Jesus. Mission in transition, Mission accomplished, that's Boromir's call, and pride comes before a fall. Interesting that McCain iwll hunt evil down, swear I've heard that before, dur W lost interest.
- Corvettes didn't ever live in the same universe as Z-Cars. And I despsise Chevys in general. . The Stingray is an abomination. Actually, there are Corvettes and there are Stingrays. Tod and Buz drove a Corvette, but a Shelby ustang would have been better. Comparisons with Jack are wonderful because they remind Americans that excellence might defeat stupidity. I think, Bobby's the touchstone. Republicans will claim that piss won't trickle down, but if American voters are so stupid they can't see wealth being consolidated in the few, so much for American democracy. There's something seriously to be said for the idea that patriotism means concern for the commonweal. You know, McCains embrace of Rove's and the little pisant's politics ought to stick in people's craw. We get battered with what Hillary said about Barack, in the heat of a campaign that excluded Michigan and Florida. In 2000, the Bush campaign said John McCain was nucking futs. What sort of blind ambition causes you to embrace inept policies cobbled together by total wack-jobs from the New American Century and Kommissar Karl, after they came up with that push-phone crap om South Carolina about you'r black love-child? Have you no shame? People are so stupid, they buy Jerome Corsi. Facts are, W was a coke-snorting weasel and Kerry was an actual hero. That's whar happened. It's also a sure thing that Kenneth Blackwell and his pals at Dibeold stole Cuyahoga County, same as Republicans jobbed Volusia in 2000.
- Palmer Woods? Almost Oak Park. Right next to Ferndale. Time back way back I came within an inch of a hole in one on the 14th hole at Palmer Park. Politics? Does raining down bombs make you a war hero instead of the guy that pulled buddies out of firefights? Did McCain ever stand up against the Swift Boaters? There is no question that was the saddest episode in the history of American politics, and it surely proved voters are just as stupid as HL ever impugned. (I know, impugn is a transitive verb, but so is torture.) McCain stands for torture, and he took credit for Kerry's accomplishments in recognizing Viet Nam and returning vets' remains to the US. Here's the deal as I see it on the McCain gravitas. His so-called maverick status came mostly from Kerry's aggressive prosecution of the Raygun gang. Before that, McCain was best known nationally for being in bed with a savings and loan rapist. If John McCain had a remote understanding of honor, he wouldn't suck up to people that slandered him in disgusting racist fashion, and he would have stood up to his Millionaire Partay when they slandered an actual war hero. Now McCain's got the gun-mom, PTA-toting mayor of Cicely for a running mate. If she had money and peroxide, I'd say Cindy should worry. She is younger. I suppose her qualifications for the VP job are baby factory, PTA and gunshow credibility. Having a bunch of kids is a decidedly good thing. My mom had five. But she was too smart for charlatan's like the Arizona beer baronette. She is undoubtedly connected to Ted Stevens. She's also an idiot that thinks the six months worth of oil in the North Slope is worth trashing the Bay of Alaska.
- Brooks & Dunn? I would have preferred Wycleff or Willie. But if the Gross Old Petroleums trot out Lee Greenwood again, the deal would be done if American voters weren't so damn stupid. Babbling heads are bloviating (isn't that a superb word? I don't think it actually has any etymology, kinda like the NRA lady that is supposed to draw Hillary bitter-enders.) about John McCain's newest younger woman. First impression, wow, if you're not looking at the TV screen, you'd expect the Flying Nun. First thing, after killing the lawyers (thank you Dick the Butcher), ask her about kits for making weapons full auto, and how she spells potato. We felt dreadful and perilous, in the true Tolkien sense of those words, when Blackwell stole Ohio. And it may not be Mordor, but gutdom the Republicans have come close. The fact that they've couched upward migration of wealth and ease into a shrinking percentage is disturbing enough, but do they have to denigrate and insult the intelligence of the bottom 99 by hijacking the idea of Christianity? Peggy Noonan, Camille Paglia, Jean Schmidt, not available, I guess. Really, this choice is so cynical and transparent, it's kind of amazing the nation doesn't barf in unison. Sarah Palin believes a woman's place is biscuits in the oven, in a tree stand, standing by a man that calls his wife a c#nt (could somebody ask her opinion on that choice of words?). But Ted Nugent is whacking off. If McCain's strategists think this Stepford Wife is going to attract disgruntled female Hillary proponents, they're dumber than McBane is senile. Michaela and LAMary, Hillary supporters that held a grudge had a point. The garbage alleging racism about the Clintons was crap, and she was denigrated for being a woman. I don't think they care, because the Clintons care about the direction of the USA. One way or another, voters have to consider who it is they'll be comfortable with running the country. Obama? Sure, he's Jack all over. Biden? You know that Kinnock speech, well he quoted it 12 times and attributed it 12 times. So that's kinda bullshit and it sure doesn't get to Keating Five territory. McCain? Republican neocon base hates him (which is a benefit). Phalin? GOP woman. Intelligent women would never vote for Republicans because that party is malignant toward women.
- LAMary: I supported Hillary, never held animus for Barack. She knows what to do about health care, and in the long run, she'll make Barack listen. I've always thought the idea of feminism was less compelling than equal rights. It's a single human race. I kind of think that idiotic foriegn policy isn't the province of guys. Margaret Thatcher was a true asshole, and although she wasn't tested, we're all supposed to assume she was female. Anyway, this idiot has brought out McCain's military service. He was a pilot. He rained down death. John Kerry pulled wounded buddies out of the MeKong. Who's a war hero? When they got home, Kerry questioned the government, McCain stood with the Swift Boat Liars. Who's a hero? If you don't get this, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
- We had a very large rabbit named Hoppy. I had a dog called Sandy that was an awesome collie that weighed about 75 lbs. My brother Chris had a Dachsund named Baron, and that was Sandy's best friend. DThe dogs were protective of the rabbit and each other. Baron was run over, by a neighbor that never got over it. Sandy pined (a truly great dog, and no joke, a collie and a dachsund)). The rabbit didn't give a shit. Did it occur to anybody that McCain pulled this out of his ass. And really, how did Governor Palin oppose the Alaskan scumbags? Well she didn't, or she wouldn't have been elected.
- I believe that's about John McCain. I find it exceptionally difficult to believe women would vote for some ahole that called his wife a c#@nt, instead of the pickaninny. That is the characterization the ahole chose in both cases. This is Rovian. Whatever it takes. If you had brains, the alleged Temple is actually more like a theater, but, you know, what the hey, we can lie one way or another. W had columns in the background. Pat Buchanon says the VP nominee is a beauty queen. Andrea Mitchell says John McCain is a foreign policy guru. Apparently she didn't get the deal on Georgia. Moron. Is she not a fucking moron? Holy crap?
- Sorry, I think she's a joke. I think McCadaver is Bush warmed over. Nobody needs this shit anymore. I thought in 2004 that my fellow Americans couldn't possibly be that stupid. I knew for a fact Kenneth Blackwell would steal votes in Cuyahoga County. Why that asshole isn't in jail, well that's beyomd me.
- World Assemblies of God Fellowship is a cult. I say this as member of what the Republican Party has called a "demonic cult". You know, Catholics. I thought it would be hilarious if McCain chose the Holy Underpants. This woman believes every criminal has a right to an AK until some jack-booted thug from ATF pries it from her cold dead hands. She is Jeanne Schmidt, but better looking, or at least not zombified. The insult to women's intelligence in general goes right along with the troglodyte's comment on his own wife, however correct he may have been.
- But you know, the baby murderer, drill, drill, drill female vote is probably huge. These people also think home schooling is peachy keen. And the Constitution is flypaper we need to get rid of, because it doesn't really let moral arbiters like her and W screw your lives over. And guess what. She supported the Bridge to Nowhere in 2006 before she thought it wasn't such a good idea. How's that ofr moving out from under the Feds?. Oh, and she said Hillary Clinton was an "insufferable whiner". That ought to go over big time with disaffected voters. No joke, she is Camille Paglia with a lobotomy. But, you know, W knows Alaska is right next to Russia.
- Voters are spectacularly stupid. People believe W served in the Texas National Guard, even though he was criminally AWOL. And people believe John Kerry somehow staged getting shot and pulling his buddy out of the Mekong. What I'd like to know is what the hell is wrong with people? You know what fueled the Republican vitriol against Kerry? He exposed the patron saint when he investigated the patron saint: I believe Cheney was involved in that too. These people are sorry excuses for actual people. Lee Atwater took it all back when he was dying.
- What the hell does it mean when it's a jest to say some psychopath like Karl Rove is controlling elections? I guess if you're the moral equivalent of Enron, that's all probably fine. Oil company executives eat salade nicoise with VP Elmer Fudd, and they take home 35 times the cash that rig workers clear. I'm sure they all get a big kick out of that, but I'd like to see the oil rig guys beat shit out of the Republicans..
- The surge is fascinating. What it actually was is monster cash to warlords and Shia militias choosing not to fight, and US will abandon those guys like stink removing from shit, and all hell will break out. That's McCain's wisdom. McBane was slandered by Karl Rove in South Carolina in 20000. Apparently, he thinks those tactics are perfectly fine when Democratic candidates are targets. Maverick? Horseshit. High road campaigning? He's a scumbag that was fine with Swift Boat. What a hero.
- Coozle: Did you know that the infamous SKM never said a word to his captors until it was proved to him that his family was in the same boat he was? If Americans really wanted to track down the 911 murderers, torturing the Saudi royal family might have been more effective. Fact is, top-down, these people are war criminals.
- Do you support aholes with am agenda that torture people and claim it's to protect you? Do people understand the fact that the New American Centurions tried to talk Clinton into this shit, but he refused to have anything to do with it? There really is no excuse for immoral behavior, no matter what some tortured legalistic piece of shit like John Yoo might fabricate. That's the kind of legal advice you get when you rely on Fundy diploma mills. But hey, it's a republic. Each and every one of us is responsible for the inhuman and illegal behavior of these aholes. And they've invaded a country that was a key ally of Raygun, they've tortured people, they've screwed over Americans that needed health care for the $4billion a week, including wounded vets. There is basically no way in the English language to express or describe the moral turpitude of the current administration. And John McCain wants four more years. Know what? Bullshit. And the hockey mom thinks the Constitution guarantees a right to sell cop-killer ammo at "gun shows". Great Murrican. Long national nightmare from which we all need to wake up. Stolen in 2000, stolen in 2004. Brownshirts lose this time. Assholes.
- You got your basic choice between that asshole hack that cut and pasted The DaVinci Code or Will Shakes, who was actually responsible, along with the catamite Kit Marlowe, for the Bible those anti-Christians like to beat. Me, I'll take twangling: Be not afeard: the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs that give delight, and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices, That, if I then had wak'd after long sleep, Will make me sleep again; and then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open and show riches Ready to drop upon me, that, when I wak'd, I cried to dream again.
- I would gladly forfeit our lifelong dream of winning Powerball, buying an island and declaring an independent monarchy if I could infiltrate one of those faux town meetings and ask McCain "How do we beat the bitch?" And what does the bitch think about Keating Five? There is so much of this that assaults common decency and intelligence. Women will vote kneejerk for a woman that thinks carbon dating is voodoo, Creationism should be nationally mandated science teaching, interfering in tawdry small-town romance, low rent rendevous need a governor's interference, and the Constitution guarantees a right to untrammeled gun-show dealing in assault weapons. The love of my life is spitting bullets over this travesty. but I think she's missing the greatest insult. It's the name. Michael Palin may be a lesser light in the Monty Pantheon, b-b-b-but he's a pescophile that truly loves a Fish Called Wanda. Sarah Palin does disservice to his name. This c*nt believes in slaughtering fishes for her livelihood. Well, no she doesn't, and anybody that has some idea about her husband Fabio reeling in the Great White Salmon is an idiot. Quite a stutter. God's second blunder was Republicans. First was probably not Michael Palin.. It's an agreeably arguable contention that Kevin Klein's character is basically Dickless Cheney. Is it possible somebody could discern a more despicable piece of shit? Now there's the subject of how she's damaged his name. Michael Palin is a clown, because it dawned on him one day. His pal, John Cleese, is the comic rendition of the sun setting on the empire. He's not Ray Davies, but he's close, and who is? Their compatriot Terry Gilliam understood a Stalinist turd like W years ago. Gun-mom is not remotely funny, and if she believes the world is 5000 something years old, she's an idiot, or a liar, or a Pharisee. We figure she's a "mean girl".
- Some asshole prayed that God would rain on Obama. God seems to have made his choice. Heckuva job. Fucking morons. god
- They don't want the human tragedy connected with Katrina. Of course they don't. They don't give a shit, but they're afraid it will look bad, These people are aholes.
- OK. Does anybody in their wildest imagination think this idiot is Hillary? She doesn't believe in universal healthcare. She believes Creationism is equal to actual science. She's a Republican Stepford idiot.
- Ladies, Sorry , Bitches, Whoa, we meant cumts. John McCain thinks women are dumb. I don't claim to understand women. It's my firm belief that women represent the best the human race has to offer. Here's the deal. This idiot believes everybody ought to be armed with an assault weapon. She's a jerk. She's basically a moron bevo-hair Repiblican lady. She has no clue but Miss Congeniality. She's basically Lindsey Lohan sans brains. And when Gustav hits, these pep[le dom't care about human beings. Why would they? They're Republicans, abd there isn't any cash there. .
- Suzi, She seems like the mean girl. But you know what, McCain is the mean gitl. He seemed to sign on with the Swift Boaters. McCain latched on to Kerry's senate investigations. And kept arms length. Ahole. Do you believe Bush lied his ass off about WMD? You know he lied his ass off. These people subborned the Constitution. They lied, she lied, do we vote for assholes that lie their asses off? Sorry, but these are dickheads. She believes real science is made up. She's a moron. And McCain is contemplating his nexr trophy wufe if she'll bleach her hair.
- McCain rode Kerry's idea that there was something to be said for law enforcement. Where the hell does some nitwit like W get off. What an asshole. He made his way on tha, but Kerry tiook down Raygm for anybidy with a brain. Gustav is about to nail Mawleans. Tjese aholes fucked that up beyond belief. I'd ask intelligent people to consider. Ix the USA in some lonh war? An intelligent person would decide it's something for law enforcement. It asure as shit doesm't mean some Stralinist whack-jobs ought to trash thee Constitution. It is fairly clear Republicans buy into Grover, and they think the Pretzeldent is supposed to be king. Holy shit, not these assholles. Rovian is 666.
- So, she's OK. She believes creaiinonsm is science. Shes a moron.
- Holy shit. She believes. What a mpprn. This cunt is a flaming ashole
- Ehat I'd say
- She also believes Catholics are devil's spawn. I dont' think we're some sort of cult. I'm pretty sure we predated Martin Luther's bad bowel movements. If there's a Twentieth Century philosopher more prescient than Teillhard, lets hear it from W's brand of rich asshole self absorption. Bring the asshole on and mission accomplished. Kiss my ass, Ms Point Guard, and welcome to the occupation. Rabid anti-Catholics are basically whack jobs. She is a bigot, and sitting in that gunstand and shooting at papists is seriously heinous. Shooting immobile moose is another story. What Randy Newman said. Jesus, what a jerk. You shoot some mammal that doesn't move. Ahole.
- My dad is a pediatrician. He loves kids. This was bull, and anybody thinks this had to do with anything but bullshit is an idiot.. You despicable piece of shit.
- She's an idiot. She believes Creationism is science and should be taught in school. You can' get stupider than that.
- Sarah Palin may not be a total bimbette, and pretty soon, she might be suffering from the Truman Syndrome. Me, I'd prefer Mick Travis if I had to take on some movie character psychosis, or normality in the face of lunacy and abject criminality. But criminality and being a Republican is kind of au naturel, like Nixon, and that's a vision nobody wants to live with. Or Jack Lint. Michael Palin in the role of a lifetime. I've always found it exhilarating that the best Monty was the American. It's possible American voters are so purely blood simple stupid they might select the grimacing, lecherous oldtimer and his high school fantasy VP pick. It's going to be difficult with Kenneth Blackwell on his way to prison. He's not? Quelle surprise. But Ohio knows how to do it right: Seems old after a while, but there was never anybody other than Evelyn Waugh and Eric Blair that exposed the total self-righteous sense of entitlement that nitwits like the Bush family exude. Not superior to me. Not superior to the average NancyNall contributor. Sure as shit not superior to the Constitution, even if mom is the Quaker Oats guy. Anyway, HL said Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. I love that guy, but I prefer H. I. (You know, Raising Arizona.). Actually, the entire chase scene after the Huggies with a panty on his head is pretty much a perfect metaphor for Junior's idiotic invasion of Iraq. And if somebody wants to bring up psychosis, there was Desert Storm, and this little pisant couldn't ever outdo Daddy. Mission fucking accomplished. I want Barack to be President. I want my country cleansed of crooks and unmitigated creeps like Karl Rove and the McCarthy stooge Ronald Raygun.. Lee Atwater damned these jerks on his deathbed. Bush One bailed out of a plane. Bush More Important said Mission Accomplished. Flaming asshole. McCain said all of that was alright, and he threw Kerry under a Short Bus to do so. Slandered by these subhuman scum, but he sucks up to them. Randy Newman has this right. Jesus, what a jerk. Ms. Palin sullies her surname. Bad joke, and I believe evangelicals are Actually Americans and they don't buy this gun-mom bullshit.
- Mona Charen seems to be having some sort of triangular love affair with Maureen Dowd and Hillary Clinton. Hillary is not in the mix except for campaigning for Obama. These ladies can't write their ways out of bags. Mona Charen's byline photo is basically straight out of Oscar Wilde, and Dorian Gray would like his picture back. There are "national" columnists that are inexcusable. Mona's right up there with David Broder. Maureen Dowd's obscene obsession with what a cunt Hillary is is gaining all the time. Fine. OK. You made your asinine point. Shut the hell up. She's not running anymore. God, what a conflicted moron, that's too cute by miles to be a decent writer. Meow, dumbass.
- Can America screw the pooch on this one? You've got a guy and cheerleader, and he's an angry old fart that claims to be a war hero because he dropped bombs and got shot down. You'vw got a bunch of idiots tha think they proved their manhood by dropping hose bombs on VietNam. Viva Viagra. You've got, in the other corner, the first black man to make it this far, possessed of actual intelligence. I figure, if capability for nuanced thinking is bad, why not elect one of those guys from Blue Collar Comedy? But please make it Tater Salad. What the hell, vote Sarah Palin and make America's streets safe for Streetsweepers from the gunshow. It's interesting. Did the crabby oldtimer think this was going to energize Hillary supporters? Probably did, but not in the right way. Honestly, McCain used to seem like he thought of women as second class citizens. Now he's proved he thinks women are idiots. Or bitches, or cunts, or whatever. How is it possible that America contemplates electing somebody that called his wife a cunt in front of a bunch of reporters? He's marginally more intelligent than W, but that's not saying a whole lot. Americans, ask yourselves, are base stupidity amd abject sexist inanity the criteria? For deciding on a Comander in Chief? Demonstarable stupidity doesn't make somebody a man, and a man doesn't denigrate women. We've been down that road, and it defined failure on the decks of aircraft carriers. Unless you think trashing the Constitution is a good thing, this election is strictly no-brain. This manly men crap is simply a load of Rush Limbaugh crap. Weasels that couldn't stand up in a fistfight. You know Rush. Resembles Jabba. Made fun of Chelsea Clinton. Well, she's gorgeous and he continues to be a truly revolting mound of blubber. How the hell did voters buy W as the defender of the OClub and Nixon's boy could slander Kerry. American voters are stupid. I always wanted my country to be more intelligent, It's really a drag to find out that intelligence and compassion are detrimental to political success. Alan Price had something to say on this subject: Poor people are poor people - And they don't understand A man's got to make whatever he wants- And take it with his own hands. Poor people stay poor people - And they never get to see Someone's got to win in the human race- If it isn't you, then it has to be me. So smile while you're makin' it- Laugh while you're takin' it- Even though you're fakin' it- Nobody's gonna know. Nobody's gonna know. It's no use mumbling. It's no use grumbling. Life just isn't fair- There's no easy days There's no easy ways Just get out there and do it! And sing and they'll sing your song- Laugh while you're getting on- Smile and they'll string along- And nobody's gonna know. Nobody's gonna know. Nobody's gonna know. And nobody's gonna know. He also had this to say: When there's a bluebird singing by your window pane And the sun shines bright all day through Don't forget boy Look over your shoulder 'Cause there's always someone coming after you (la la la la) When everything in life seems just as it should be At last success seems just around the door Don't forget boy Look over your shoulder 'Cause things don't stay the same forever more (la la la la) Hope springs eternal in a young man's breast And he dreams of a better life ahead Without that dream you are nothing, nothing, nothing You have to find out for yourself that dream is dead (la la la la) Dead (la la la la) repeat to fade
- Somebody should ask Mrs. Palin about selectivity of cold dead hands and gun ownership: Republicans do believe in Cheney's idea of unitary executive. That is, unquestionably, monarchy, old style. I expect we'll be handcuffed and detained for calling Dickless Dickless and suggesting King George is pretty much an idiot. Our mayor down here in Beaufort County is a verically challenged liittle Napoleon that went to the Citadel. All sorts of delusions, and marshall law is probably not out of the question. Please consider the fact that if Shrubs had the long war suspension of habeas corpus and every human right civilized people don't even need to discuss, those people in Twin Cities would probably be on their way to Guantanamo, with stops in Morocco and Egypt. Republicans have made it clear they stand for mindless uniformity of sanitized thought. They aren't Luddites, because they did know how to make all of the incriminating emails disappear. But inveighing against intelligence, the GOP stock in trade, seems demonic. CS Lewis had never heard of Karl Rove and Grover Norquist when he invented Screwtape and Wormwood, but if the shoe fits Cheney and W, they wear it. How does a moderately intelligent human being buy this "at war" with Al Quaeda bullshit? There is actually a country that makes Al Quaeda possible, and that's Saudi Arabia. Do the New American Centurions want to go to war against them? Hand-holding among Cheney, Rummy and various Ayatollahs got Raygun elected while keeping hostages imprisoned. Republicans in office have murdered foreign leaders, moved guns and drugs to support brutal fascists, and lied their asses off about all of it to Congress. And they continue to lie.
- If you believe global warming doesn't exist, and you aren't buying some version of evolution, are you a dumbass, cute, somebody it gives most people the creeps to see embraced by McCain, Republican woman? It doesn't require a global renaissance but imposed stupidity as a prerequisite for citizenship and patriotism seems kind of counter-productive. And she could be blond in the drop of a bottle of peroxide, and she's younger than Cindy. There is the problem about the cash. And how does this greedy wrasrl skate on Keating? Keating was Nationwide before Rosemary gave birth to Nationwide. And McCain was grubbing money from middle-class Americans' hopes and dreams. Terr isn't a new concept, and the Republican Party is well practiced.
- I wouldn't go so far as admitting the Lords of New Feudalism were human, because, being one, which I can't do anything about, I hope humans have some redeemable characteristics, but there's always Calvin and Hobbes: Come to think of it, love may fail, courtesy will prevail. Kerry was Harrison Bergeron, and we're all supposed to think being stupid and thuggish, and a bully that's actually a cringing wimp is a standard to be achieved.
- McCain in a nutshell: Noun, verb, adjective, adverb.
- Actually, this looks more potentially like "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds" If I were Superman, I'd have a hard time deciding whether the Shrubs or the Pattersons needed annihilating first. But I guess however I decided, I'd be handcuffed and detained. Derwood. Trains are a soundtrack. Mystery Train, Train Time, Train to Nowhere, Train Kept Rollin, It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train To Cry, Orange Blossom Special, Wabash Cannonball, Last Train to Clarksville, Midnight Special, the spectacular Train in Vain, Nighttime in the Switching Yard, Folsom Prison Blues, Casey Jones, Smokestack Lightning, oh, and Love in Vain, and the Rolling Stones did a decent rendition of the song from the Devil at the Crossroads. And People Get Ready. So gorgeous it breaks your heart. I heard Curtis sing it at a Bobby Kennedy rally on Tuxedo Street in downtown Detroit, and it may sound corny, but that does seem to me to be what America's about. Hate to beat a dead horse, but we'd still have viable trains in the USA if Dwight Eisenhower didn't build the interstate system for Jimmy Hoffa.
- Here ya go: Fact is it wouldn't make a noticeable change.
- Who held the gates. I'd say it was Who held the gates? I'd say it was Ray Nagin. Not any Republican.onfusion in the Heron House. If there wasn;t great damage, ot was becaise great ddamage was done on the Republican watch a few years ago, they can kiss the Ninth wards' ass. I doubt there was ever a possum in the Grosses, but there was surely a possum in Bloomfield Hills. Mean bitch, and my mom took her on. We knew about that from growing up in West Virginia on the banks of the Tug Rive in abject West Virginia. I'd say it was more gnarly but hot half as trailer park. A political announcement followed me home today. Please don't take my picicture. I had a bad day. There was a disturbance in the Herron House. Morons think Sting and Bono sing truth. The little pimple faced boy that tried to buy beers at Ted Hardy's salloon did. Standing on the shoulders of giants leaves me cold. lLeaves me cold. is so much better than making it up on the fly with Kyrie. The little turd wasn't even Shane McGowan. And anybody would be goddamned to try to find a melody in the pretuned guitars and the pompus nonsense of U2. But we could make up something about anybody. We don't like somebody, he's a monster. We did make it up and he's just a sad guy that you're family hated because he was a moron that loved your sister. You stalked this guy. You ruined his life. Because you could. What's the evidence abainst the guy? You say so? You're a stalker. It is impossible for you to deny this. You're the governor and you're a stalker. Holy shit, you idiot, you stalked the guy. The chief is a spectacularly good person. Not true? Well she is. She wouldn't lie to anybody and she wouldn't lie to anybody. She might fudge the truth. She believes criminals shorld get convicted. Who doesn't? ray NagiWho held the gatesW
- Ray Nagin isn't a crimnal and karl Rove is responsible? Despicable pieces of shit. Sarah doesn't lie. If you believe that horseshit you could not be stupider. Holy shit, what an idiot. What the hell is wrong with people? They're so goddam stupid it's frightening. People can't be that fucking stupid, can they?
- How is it that anybody in good conscience supports a political party that engineered the Swiftboat crap. All's fair? Including lying your ass off in service to a weasel that bailed on the Tejas National Guard and then did the same thing to Alabama? Those are not allegations, they're facts. What is wrong with people? The current administration actually told y'all that Saddam blew up the WTC. What sort of cognitive dissonance is involved in not calling these assholes liars? I think it's fairly certain American troops committed atrocities and war crimes in VietNam. Lieutenant Calley said so, and we support our troops. Does pointing this out make you un-American? Well, no, it makes you American, if you aren't some scum-sucking Nixon toady in white bucks like Paul O'Neill. The point is just that the Republican Party lies, cheats and steals American souls if it means resorting to racism or questioning an opponent's patriotism. Why does anybody put up with this garbage? Maybe I'm naive, but I don't get it. Mass hypnosis? Facts of this matter are clear and undeniable. They lie. They malign and slander American citizens that have served the country honorably, they promote sleazy bastards that never did any such thing. Which part of this canard do voters not get? Is it about 'framing'? Sorry, I think a rational human being's reaction to the idea that 'framing' works is launching from a tall building. There isn't a human race just so we could be manipulated by so many Screwtapes. Funny, if you believe that's wrong, you believe the TV preachers and the Bushes have been lying all along, and the assholes are working for Randall Flagg. Dan Quaill made W look like a warrior. His wife made Mrs. Cheney look like a hack pornographer by writing hack PNAC spy pornography. Reagan was a sad case. Poppy bailed on his buddies. Ollie North was a whole lot more American terrorist than Johnny Taliban. Henry Kissinger murdered Allende and installed Pinochet, a butcher, a true star. If there's a country worth saving, it's worth saving from Mr. Keating Five. How does he skate on that monstrous criminality. Oh. He's a Republican.
- Know what's the funniest thing about the flying nun pick? Conservative columnists went full goose loony over the idea that the Obama campaign didn't 'vet' Hillary, as if that were necessary. Harry and Louise made their bogus case a couple of decades ago. Believes in universal health care. What a jerk. Seems like McCain looked at Sarah's tits and the campaign called that vetting, because, after all, that would get those Hillary die-hards. Ya know, cleavage. If she takes off her glasses does she become miraculously ravishing? Did y'all know that 'vetting' actually means having a veterinarian check out a horse to make sure it's up to a race? With no snowmobiles. Is there anything more foul, Republican and Mordor-like than a Snowmobile. Well actually, Ski-Doos. Nowhere. Nohow.
- Oh wait. Here's how he gets away with everything:
- Nancy. Nothing would appall the cruelest robber baron, although that's a nice turn of a phrase. They are a class simply incapable of being appalled by their own porcine behavior. Death to the labor movement in America was more about the UAW' partnership with Big Auto and the Partnership of the Traveling Annual Strike Threats than anything else. This year it's Chrysler, and we're all agreed on the terms, so where's that Canadian Club? Then Dwight Eisenhower created the Teamsters Golem, but Jimmy Hoffa wasn't Walter Reuther. The problem is that somehow corrupt Detroit auto workers unions became the face of labor. Maybe I'm naive, but I thought it was Bobby Kennedy and Cesar Chavez. Or trying to force management not to lock fire doors in chicken factories that go up in smoke with workers as tinder. Or Walmart threatening a significant number of Americans with loss of their soul-killing jobs if they vote incorrectly. Back in the day, I made a chunk of cash threading nuts onto transmissions in Ann Arbor. And I still have my lapsed UAW card, parked next to my 1969 draft card. I'd say the best question to ask about the labor movement is: Why does the US have a minimum wage that guarantees living in poverty without recourse to medical care? Well, and how much profit is obscene? And why should nitwits that lunch with Cheney make 350 times as much as the people that buy their golden parachutes when they run companies into the ground and invariably start with raping pension plans? Last thing I'll ever have to say about Sarah Palin: Her dad is famously an ex high school Science teacher. Was that Creation Science or does the old man believe in carbon dating? Plumbing the depths of Republican hypocrisy is like dropping a rapacious and toothy old fool off the edge of the Flat World. Coozledad: My everlasting problem with groups that identify themselves as Christian is that they invariably define Catholics as unChristian. Even if it's just an intellectual quibble, I can't figure out how we're the cult when we were there first. Then, there is the fact that for the most part, the Christian Identity Movement is some bad-mullet, trucker-hat attempt to sanitize the Klan. Tell you what, anybody that would consider voting for anybody with even the remotest aroma of wackos like that, they need to be disenfranchised immediately, and probably chemically castrated. And if this is all about post-denominational Christianity, that's all fine but she couldn't explain Teillhard and these people are more concerned with handling rattlers and which pigs are really more equal.
- Jeff: NAFTA is a puzzle. Everything that so-called progressives hate about it, and blame Bill Clinton for, has to do with issues that were addressed in the inaptly named Side Agreements, which actually made up the beef of NAFTA and were the heart of Clinton"s international trade agenda. But you won't hear about this from ideologue nitwits like David Sirota, whose obsession with this subject is almost as unhealthy as Pat Oliphant's insane insistence that Bill and Hill are racists out to get Obama. (That guy needs a vacation and a sanatorium.) The Side Agreements imposed labor, environmental, wage, insurance and other requirements, with means and methods to enforce them. Of course, W shitcanned the Side Agreements within about a week of his illegal investiture, and set across-the-border corporations loose to plunder at will. Which, of course, they did. Unions sort of made an unholy alliance with Moloch when they could have used the terms of the agreements to modify corporate predator behavior. Seems like a gross miscalculation, but maybe. like PeeWee, they meant to do that.
- Danny: If you think Teillhard was worried about being excommunicated, well he was a Jesuit and they weren't going to kick anybody out for untraditional opinions. Shoot, Jesuits invented, and were killed by Republican lackeys for, liberation theology. Noogenesis makes more sense than Creation Science, and is a useful way to understand 'evolution'. It's pretty ignorant of his work to discount Teillhard's use of the term Christogenesis, and asserting he was a 'theist' is just saying he believed in a God that breathes soul into creation. Maybe you meant deist, because he did seem at times to think dolphins were getting to Omega faster. It would be a simple intellectual exercise to attribute the origin of any 20th Century idea about post-denominational Christianity to Teillhard's 'musings'. In this and the previous centuries, there hasn't been a philosopher worth a pillar of salt that wasn't a theologian. Shit, Nietzsche was a theologian. It makes eminently good sense to approach creation as process, if you give anything beyond reptilian acquisition and self-protection a thought. If you don't buy that, fine. What that leaves you with is Hobbes, Freud, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short, and a political party you can't trust as far as you could throw all their fat asses at the same time. Of course, reasonable doubt is essential to faith and the Constitution, but unfortunately, it's got no place in fundamentalism, most flavors of evangelical doctrine, charismatic or Pentecostal christianity, or the Republican Party. So, who are the True Believers? Doubt is the hope of certitude (so I guess Rene the Dirty Old Fart was a theologian too--Cogito, um cogito pretty sure--ergo sum..) Certitude without doubt, well that's how ant colonies survive, and if there's hell below, the road's paved with some sanctioned version of true belief.
- Palin's speech was written by Matthew Scully, whose job was to provide a veneer of openness and moderation to ideologues. As with McCain, God knows what he believes. Of course, the implicit convolutions and contradictions inherent in the message are as convoluted as a patch of wisteria, which Southerners know is the only thing so primally self-preserving a force of nature it can devour kudzu alive. Invasions of privacy by the media are emanations of dlite attacks, but conservatives are free to attack the idea of any Constitutional right to privacy as nonexistent. I'd like to believe that if Chelsea Clinton turned up pregnant in '96, Republicans would have said that was a family matter, but an idiot could see that was a fat chance. And the Clinton's are smart enough to understand that educating kids about contraception is an intelligent choice, both life-affirming and protective of family. It would also be consistent with the Democratic platform that lines up with the American Council of Catholic Bishops' idea about making abortion as rare as possible. The Republicans excised that idea from their platform. She will apparently continue to claim she opposed the bridge to nowhere. In this instance, she's not a hypocrite. She's a liar. (Too harsh? Prefabricator? Executive experince at fudging?) She woofed it at the trough, and when the Bridge became an object of ridicule, she took the money and ran to other programs she claimed were more important for her state. No doubt, they were. They couldn't be less important. Is it to much to ask that Americans have the hindsight to understand that Congressional didn't think even Bushco could lie with such abandon? Why is it that there are still Americans so dumb or recalcitrant they won't admit that the case for the invasion was compelling and that it was a soggy tissue of lies at the same time? If the President tells you something, is it your sworn duty to question his honesty? His judgement, yeah. Alegedly incontrovertible evidence in an emergent situation? There was a difference at the time that people seem to have forgotten. the Democrat's that voted with W believed he was telling the truth about some sort of imminent threat. Republicans were voting a Party line. In the first place, there's the original invasion of Iraq by W's dad. Kuwait was slant drilling and stealing oil. There's the historical consideration that Kuwait was just made up. Somebody in the previous Bush administration sent an emissary to Saddam and said that's your oil, they're stealing it, and we don't care what you do about it. Slassic Cartwright moveto induce an excuse. where is April Glaspie these days? The invasion is not a topic of conversation for Republican conventioneers. Sarah Solipsist thought it was all about oil, but now she doesn't It was. Like the abject spectacle of the USA sucking up to a bunch of Stans to run pipelines. Like Palin and Alaskastan. Lexisnexis doesn't show a hit for Afghanistan and terr. My bad, terrorism. Let's try Could somebody from the National press ask the Great Moose Hunter if she's ever even this the slightest the slightest consideration. When Republicans bring up the proximity of Russia and Alaska, sorry, that's to dumb to consider, if you don't mean a Ceilei, with the resident Russian sub skiipper., and Mark Knoppler providing perfect music. My ex and I have experience with employees and fiscal responsibility. W don't think that qualifies us for anything. It doesn't have a whole lot to do with raising a perfect daughter. Sarah Palin questioning Barack's agility to lead is really something , ludicrous. It's not impossible American voters are dumb enough to buy this. W was a draft dodger. Clinton wasn't. Kerry pulled comrades out of the Mekong under fire. There is proof these things happened. Getting shot down doesn't make you a hero when what you were doing in the first place was a war crime. John McCain backed Kerry's investigations. Including everything to do with the Reagan Gang. Including Ollie North, Cheney, Rummy, etc. McCain bailed for political purposes. Kerry thought McCain was his ally. McCain slunk off. Then there was the investigation of bcci. McCain started out hot on that one too. Kerry nailed these miscrants too. McCain bailed again. What says more about the maverick bullshit and McCain's character is how the little bastard hid behind his across the line colleague. He let Kerry take the lead in everything and McCai cclaimed to be a maverick. Then he stabbed Kerry in the back. All anybidy with a brain needs to know about John McCain is that most of what he claims in the senate, John Kerry accomplishe, And when Jerome Corsi and Swift-boat came around, McCain bailed like Poppy Bush. He'res a question or two Did you think it was fine when Raygunistas raped and murdered Maryknoll mums because they were freedom fighters. Kerry exposed these asholes. None of this may be important. but if you don't think you're civil liverties have been trashed in the interest of people we sure as shit don't want to run our government. Kerry's story. We were floating along and all hell blew up. W's: We were running low on Maker's Mark. Kerry was heroic in battle. That's what everybody there says happened. John McCain claimed he had Kerry's back. He proved to be the most bask-stabbing peece of shit ever hit the face of America. McCain isgned on to Kerry prosecutor mode and he just fucking abandoned him. McCain knows Kerry was a war hero if that's possible. More than being a sky pilot. He ought to say so. He ought to admit to what W did was runningfromservice like a chickenshit chickenhawk. When did Sarah Pali n express an idea that wasn't horseshit She geliebes her family is should be entitled to privacy. She doesnt beliebe anybody els ise is entitled to privacy. She believes it's the absolut right for everybody to hound another kid id the same situation about their choice? No, she things she knows better. Bridge to Nowhere , she lied her ass about that. Way I see Republicans will lie their ass about anything. Biggest lie, this revolting bitch claimed she opposed the bridge to nowhere. No she didn't. She can take this to nowhere but if she does shes a fucking liar. Kerry wa sesented with somebody ckaiming to be the president. Was he supposed to find out he was a baldfaced liar? Bush II and Bush I they simply lied. Blaming their perfidy on Democrats is unjust.
- t I remember of the Grande. Arthur Browne fire. I never saw any of the great Detroit Bands at the Grande. Creme, but Procol at the teen center playibbd SAalty Dawd, scr, mc5, basically fuck evereybody else, not even close.
- How does getting your ass shot down He clawed his way out of his Keating ignominy and he did it over Kerry's back make you a war hero? Waht make's McCains story more conpelling and more credigle than Kerry's And diddn't mcCain jap on Kerry, whose investigative excellence expose Republicans as creeps that would do anything and debigrate any war heros actions if they thought it might mean some genefit with a moronic electoratee? What a hero. Why the hell doesn't he just shut up? He betrayed Kerry, when Kerry exposed corruption. He's not a hero. He clawed his way to respectability, he did it on Kerry's back, and he stabbed Kerry in the back by not repudiating the Swift Boat liars when he knew they were lying thehit asses off. Kerry exposed Republicans as frauds and murderers, so they hated him and sank to previous levels of abject character assassination. Even so, they still had to cheat at the ballot box, and if you don't think Ohio was roffed in 2004, well you're an idiot. Now things are all good? Cheney is so rich he could fuck up American politics for years to come if somebody doesn't put his profiteering ass in jail. Far as profiteering, there's that Alaska pipeline. and that was a bigger earmark than the Bridge that Sarah thought was hunky dory until it was ridiculed and she doled out the cash. These people are the biggest liars in history. I'm a Catholic and I can honestly say we would have spent the money to better effect for more poor people. Actually, in the last and the first part of the new Centuries, Catholics got killed by American conservatives and their Central American sssurrogates trying to get social justice for oppressed people. In the aftermath of Raygunism, the Jebbies and the Maryknoll nuns seemed to be Commonists that needed raping and slaughtering, and mass graves. This is the sort of foriegn policy Neocon goverment supports, so respect for lige and parading Terry Schiavvo is'n't surprising. These bastards are shameless and you can't underestimate the stupidity of Anericans. Saudis blew up the WTC, you idiots. This was made up shit. Oeople in America believe Saddam was connected with th attack. This is insne.
- She's affiliated with the Assembly of God. She's affiliated with nutcases connected to secessionist bastards thad think Tim McVeigh is a martyr. She spoke at their convention in this year. She ought to be on a no fly list because of her associations. Why isn't she? No shit, she looks a whole lot more like Tonya Harding than some terris. I sppose.But who actually looks like a terriss and how does that protect anybody. I took a flight that waited forever, recently. It couldn't be me. I've got blond hair and very blue eyes. My favorite thing about my own appearance is that my eyes are a near purple blue that is a lot like Lix Taylor's. Shouldn't I have been a suspect? When these scurrilous assholes mounted their assalt on the Cibstutution, they called it degending the Honeland. I'be alwys thought they favored Stalinism, buy its pretty amazing they didn't go straight for Vaterland. Aren't you scared? Wow. The huns are t the door. Actually, they're in Pakistan but the midget that declared mission accomplished with that sock stuffed in hisflightsuit said "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care." So why is the country acting like bunch of pussies and cowering when these assholes manipulate the Terr rating. Lipstick Pitbull is holding down the Russian front on the Berring Strait, so what is there to worry about" Morons voting? Well, there's that. Does it dawn on anybody the Republican speechwriters added a single line to a speech they already wrote for Mitt? Or that this bimbette trailer trash believes creationism should be taught in schools, along with tellin teenagers just say no to sex. Anybody ever been a teenager? Even Murricans are not that fucking stupid. What were the books this idiotthought should be remkoved from the Public Libraries? If John McCain is a war hero and a mavericck, how;d he let Kerry take the heat on BCCI, Iran Contra. for which Republicans hated him so much personally they brought back ghosts of Nixon past to make up lies. Where was McCain then? He knew swigtboat was pure bullshit. He knew for a fact W went awol. Where was Mr. Straight Talk? McCain latched on toKerry to pull his sorry ass out of the moral morrass of Keating Five when he was in it up to his neck, for cash. The facr that this political phony just stood by and let Cheney and Rummy get away with every heinous act Kerry proved against then, and let Regan skate, maverick? Bo along to get along until you can put your trophy wife;s cashinto play, and bail on Kerry like HW bailing out of that bomber. Abd don't stand by your pal that saved your asswhen the slime machine goes to work. Aside from anything else, how the hell did anybody buy that Jerome Corsi bullshit about what Kerry did in Viet Nam, and, with no doubt, in Laos.Assholes went to the Republican Convention with purple bandaids. Were any of them ever there? No. A theory. These assholes so wanted to love the little pretzeldent, they had to believe Kerry was fraudulent. For purposes of their own belieg in their pindick manhood, they had to believe this big guy didn' perform acts of heroism. Clearly, he did. He doesn't seem proud and doesn't like to talk about it. What W did: He went to Texas. He parited. Tjey were going to kick his ass out of Texas, so he webt to Alabama, where he never showed up. He collected a check and partied some more. Kerry ran a Swift River Boat. We was engaged in numeous firefights. In one of the firefights he pulled a mate to safety after charging the enemy to provide cover. This account is from the guy Kerry saved. Republicans say Kerry somehow staged this to win a Purple eart so he could use it in 2004 to try to get elected President. Republicans weren't there. Guy Kerry saved was. Americans believed Republicans that this was all staged. W served, Kerry didn't What is wrong with American voters? This is mind-boggling. Kerry could have been out of this but chode to go. W weaseled his way into guarding the Mexican border and the liqupr supply at the OClub. Kerry could have done his time. So could W, I guess. Kerry took lives nd sved lives. W cranked and whined. Kerry decided the war was bullshit. W decided this whole thing s burden and he could pary harder if they'd float his ass to Birmingham. Where he just blew off the guard, because the coke would prevent him from getting in a plane. Kerry had the brains to know the war was Nixon bullshit, and he tossed the medals. He also decided he'd ry to make sure nobody else died for nothing. W Kept going to bats and getting coked up because he knew if somebody else was etting killed, at least it wasn't h Twent years later, or so. Am election. And people sort of decide but the gix is most certainly in in Cuyahoga County. B;ackwell's got tjhs nailed for serious bucks So idiots think W is the war hero and some scumbags makr it out like the real hero made it up. And people are fucking idiodts It's temptied to say "What fools these mortals be". But given four years of hindsight, and to this day I think the shitheels stole the election, and I'm sure Diebold is criminal in the actuality. But fuck. How does the so-called and self-proclaimed greatest nation in the world end up with Tonya Harding running for Vice President abainst Joe Biden. We are supposed to forget McCain is a whacko jerk devoid of principles. he wouldn't shitcan at a momemts notice if it served his bizarre hunger. You see this asshhole's face? Fee Fi Fo Fum. Assholes an ogre. What I really think about McCain. I live in South Carolina. Back in 2000, I got push poll calls from the bushes about McCain's illegitemate black kid. Kinda disturbing but Rove? Not human. But how in the world do you vote all of the time that is wrong on every issue, and suck up to him wheen he's gone all Willie Horton on you? All's forgiven? Maybe if you've got some overweening, obscene ambition to command the miliatry like your dad never did, McCain makes sense. This ahole wants to blow up the world ober Souyt Ossettia. He's nuts, amd a paroxysm makes a bimbette that believes Creatiunismand abstinence should be taught in school as facts. These are not rational people.
- In real life, the z-virus is spread through political reporting. From Jim Vandehei: "Tom DeLay, the former House majority leader, told us this week that his wife, who is even more conservative than he is, doesn’t think much of McCain. But she loves Palin, perhaps enough to get her to now back the GOP ticket. He said he was astonished how Palin has woken “the sleeping giant: Republican women.” I've never had a nightmare. Bevo-hived hordes may do it. Detroit has had statesmen for mayors. John C. Lodge, back when Republicans had souls, noblesse oblige, and the white man's burden, the sort of good Republican that seems to be extinct. And Coleman Young, who was canned from a job with Ford for fomenting labor activity and having the unmitigated gall (a phrase that will never go out of style when used sarcastically) to think black people are citizens. McCain still thinks Saddam teamed up with the Ayatollahs to destroy the WTC. But if he really wanted to pound this into the heads of the moron portion of America, why didn't he choose Rudi. Now there's a philandering mayor. It could have been 9/11 and "I was tortured" alternating 24/7. McCain claims he could have gotten medical help if he gave up information. What exactly did he think the Viet Cong could do with any information he could fess up? I wasn't there, but how does this make him a hero, except in some Hollywood Dream? When the political game got rough, he japped (yeah, yeah, I know) on his buddy John Kerry. Sort of, let's him and you fight. And now he's built a political campaign around getting shot down and having the courage of his maverick convictions until things got hairy. Grimacing poseur and a great candidate for Batman villain. Me and my 'gal' (and that's the politically correct term now, right, and she'd kick Sarah's ass in a heartbeat, and she'd try to kick mine for calling her a gal, thank God) always take a vacation for Halloween. We watch Under the Volcano, take a slurp every time Albert Finney does, and pretend it's the Day of the Dead. Anyway, in Detroit, Halloween's for suckers. It's Devil's Night when things get serious and the ammo hits the fan.
- Best line on the internets today is from Joel Achenbach's blog on the WaPo site: My favorite Tweeter: Thomas Pynchon writing "Isn't that Salinger?". Being read by Michael Moorcock, I hope.
- Colossal Heads: Chris Matthews is on Jay Leno tonight. Gargantuan battle of fatuous assness. Who gets a thrill going up his leg first. Both will trash Hillary, because no two guys ever making obsc3ene amounts of moneyy for no apparent reason ever feared emasculation more. Well, there's Rush, but he's been singing in the Vienna Boy's Choir for a while. Sometimes a cigar is not a cigar, but wouldn't he have made a triumverate of blather? Jay Leno used to be, long ago and far away, a decent standup comic. Warmed up for Steven Wright and Denis Leary and Paula Poundstone. Who actually watches these shows anymore. None of these guys conjure up a Dan'l Boone axe to the crotch or a "pet my pussy" moment. There was one foot in the grave Warren on Letterman. And Craig Ferguson's monologues are insane and sometimes they're really funny. Steve Earle is on Letterman tonight, and he ought to do Snake Oil, for the GOP, or A bible and a Gun, or America V. 6.0, or Ellis Unit One for the pro-life hypocrites that believe in ultimate vengeance.
- John McCain riding in like Lochinvar is enough to make you puke. The lipstick disturbance is beyond asinine for obvious reasons. But, whoa. McCain's offended by what he perceives as sexist commentary? Didn't he tell people in public that Chelsea Clinton was homely because Janet Reno was her dad? I think the asshole said that. Didn't he talk about lipstick and pigs and Hillary Clinton so many times they'll never all be accounted for? Didn't he call the treasure-chest wife he ditched his maimed ex-wife for a trollop and a cunt? Yeah, but, he's a maverick. Right. After Keating, he had to do something. He latched onto Kerry and let him do all the heavy lifting. Kerry pursued Iran-Contra criminality, exposed spectacular Constitutional malfeasance for cash, and years later when Swift Boat vengeance came around, McCain was as detached as he was bombing Hanoi. What makes a war hero? Getting shot down and recreating your own narrative ad nauseam ad alia, or ahving your crewmates relate acts of heroism? Invading Iraq was a foregone conclusion when the 2000 election was purloined. Project for the New American Century tried to talk Clinton into it in '98. Meanwhile, I'm bemused by all of the lists being proffered of questions to ask Gidget Goes to Cheney's Bunker. I'd ask just one. "Is there anything you've told the truth about in the last three weeks?" There is a sense of regressing past adolescent to childish to infantile in repeating the same asinine lies over and over. Somebody needs to stick a wad of Dubble-Bubble in her mouth next time the Gov to Nowhere brings up the Bridge without acknowledging the access road. Sadly, I believe Americans are such supremely inept participants (consumers) in faux democracy that charlatan savants can have them hoodwinked. Get it good and hard.
- Any discussion of invasion justification brings up W's Daddy. Poppy actually sent a diplomatic envoy to Saddam to basically encourage him to redress the gross injury of 20 years worth of slant drilling of Iraqi oil by the Kuwaitis. Her name was April Glaspie. Nobody's heard of her since. When it comes down to face to face, in politics, in illegitimate wars, in honest intellectual debate, Shrubs and McCain have a lot in common. Always the sleaze that says "Let's you and him fight."
- Brian, I'd wonder more about the over under on transformers in their morte form as oil rigs washing up like horseshoe crab shells on my beach in Hilton Head. But maybe they aren't actually there: Drilling is the perfect nexus for degenerative American politics. It obviously doesn't make a lick of sense. Meantime, drilling is not quite so dangerous as storing nuclear power biproducts, which can't be stored. Best slution so far: concrete. Plytobuum devours concrete. Before the cement trucks have finished dumping at the top of the decomissionning ramps, the trucks are degrading. You could try to explain this to McCain until hell froze. Anyway. The problem with what passes for political discourse is this spineless genetic moral decrepitude that causes otherwise decent reporters to handcuff an outright campaign lie to a mild defense and claim balance. Assholes. Pointing out that in the long run maybe Kerry pulled his crewmates out of harm's way but some white buck seersucker Nixon buttboy made a bunch of bullshit up, and that was fair trade for W just japped on his Guard Commitment, well how was any of that fair, or balanced, or reality-based? Of course, at this point, chief Repubs have said "This isn't about issues". What's it about, you assholes, mind control? I'd contend that American voters shat the bed in 2000 and 2004, but I don't believe the majority did. Anybody that believes W won in Volusia County without blocking roadways, activating RR crossings, etc., and anybody that believes Scalia and his homunculus Clarence had no axe to grind, or knew what was going to happen ahead of time. How seriously do you take your vote for President? In 2004, voting irreguoarities in Cuyahoga County, after most of the votes were counted, lasted hours after the voting booths closed. Anybody that doesn't thing that idiot psychophant Blackwell cheated is an idiot. I suppose that even though McCain is a ghoulish mindless hack, h get's away with murder. In the area of Congressional investigations, McCain embraced Kerry, who really knows what he's doing, prosecuting. Look. If you're talking about inexcusable behavior, Raygun adnministration murdered priests, nuns, diplomats. They manipulated international markets and the ub=nternal oerations of actual governments. An aside: Boy in Reagan years, murdering nuns was just oneof those things. Here's a deal. Well, Catholic They killed great men. They thought, I don't know, they were greater? Actually, I doubt they thought they were greater. They killed Ateler. They blew up Omar Torrijos's helicopter. I'd say. If you died in the wool conservatives had admitted W was a full-of-shit golem set forth by Project for the New American Century. Well Fuck You. Daniel Pipes? Cheney Pipeline? Ypu could all be gunned down for treason.
- So blow up sitting out there in the Gulf? Where do blind assholes like that get off?
- She doesn'thave a resume. She falls short of Shelley Vincoueur. She is inexcusable. Dumbass piece of shit. If you want to consider looking across, I'd suggest Local Hero. This nitwitwouldn't get it. Most of you actually believe in , I don't know. I sure as shit don't. You think Americans have brains? I sure as hell don't. I think they're so goddamn stupid it's hard to understand.
- Look, you idiots. Do we believe
- Palin is inexcusable. Why does Charley Gibson buy into this absurd bullshit about deference? She has got to be kidding. You can't make this up. Look. It's one thing when she lied. Then she lied again. Then she lied her ass off. Like Happy Jack. Lied, lied, lied, lied, lied. It's how they do. Liars. Bigtime liars. Revolting pieces of shit.
- Americans are just so stupid there isn't any hope. The abject calumny directed at Kerry, well you would have thought nobody could be that fucking stupid. How many times can we hear that . How do we beat the bitch? Does somebody actualy believe getting your ass shot down makes you a hero? Here's the deal. Kerry was a war hero. Neither McCain nor Poppy was a war hero. Fact, Jack. You can make shit up until the cows come home. But, Kerry pulled the guy out of the Mekong, W lit up another. Whatever.
- Paul Theroux' take on Thoreau's disgust with moose hunters:,0,1809784.story?track=ntothtml In the actuality, people don't hunt Bullwinkle, they just gun him down. (Man, that possessive looks strange, but I swear it's correct.) Regarding Mr. Nugent's claims to have never ingested drugs---Ha, Ha, Ha. I saw him. The great moose-skinner seems to have made a serious error in blithely quoting the McCarthyite psychopath Westwood Pegler. You can lead the governor to the teleprompter, but you can't make her think:,0,1809784.story?track=ntothtml Some commenter on this Huffpost actually asks if this is really more outrageous than Reverend Wright Gutdomming America. Well, yeah.
- I don't suppose anybody's got time for all 1070-something pages of "Infinite Jest" today, but here's a David Foster Wallace Atlantic artricle that comes in under 10 pp. (He left out the footnotes in favor of an inspired, color-coded interactive alternative, so the digressions are less lengthy.) It's an interestingly skewed commentary on what passes for American political discourse in dark times. "Infinite Jest" is worth the effort, for readers that have read "Gravity's Rainbow" at least twice.
- We lived in Bloomfield Hills when I was a kid, and half the neighborhood were J. Walter Thompson families. Madison Avenue? The real advertising was in Detroit, and the drama took place in Pulte subdivisions. The problem with Mad Men is that every single character older than ten is despicable, except, perhaps, Peggy, who is played by the same actress that used to regularly say "penis" as a precocious tyke on Picket Fences, which was actually better than Mad Men or the Sopranos. And, The Wire, good, but not even close to the Adena Watson story on Homicide. Here in Hilton Head Island, the hurricanes just pass us by, thanks to God's general disgust with Myrtle Beach. With regard to Pink Floyd, David Gilmour is the genius player (guitar and sax) and the best singer, and he was the only one that remained Syd Barret's friend, through thick and thin.
- So much for free markets and the benevolent hand: When the Republican Party decides to pay for Golden Parachutes for corporate malfeasors with somebody else's money (well, mine, in fact,, and yours), I guess the dream is dead.
- How's everybody feeling about privatizing social security about now? You know, let Lehman Bros. gamble with the future. What could go wrong? AIG's got your back, at no cost to taxpayers. Not long ago, this was the cornerstone of W's second term legacy, and McCain was his chief legislative cheerleader. Biden voted for the morally bankrupt bankruptcy bill, and should be ashamed of himself. As should every single Republican member of Congress, which corrupt bunch voted for it unanimously, and W, who couldn't wait to sign it with nary a signing statement after Clinton vetoed it twice. What this has to do with the current sinking ship is a little beyond me, and trying to blame the economic wasteland on anybody but greedy and manipulative Republicans, serial deregulators like Phil Gramm (McCain's Brain) appear to be Oxycontin-based, not reality-based. Actually, where this all started was the raging desire to let the Smartest Guys in the Room establish hedgeHog heaven with neither control nor oversight as the 21st Century paradigm for capitalism run amok. True to expectations, they've eaten their own. Anybody stupid enough to believe a word out of McCain (R., Keating) on this subject deserves whatever she gets.
- This Mary Tyler Moore item? We saw it coming. Why should Mary Richards give a shit about anything but Joker makeup and a Jack Nicholson brestionnaire when Phyllis walks with the living dead? So dressing absurdly in domino may make sense. Was it really any worse than poncho and flung tam? We saw this coming. Couple days ago, the Red Carpet michigass sneaked through my filters and my love won’t let me use the mute. (The TV program channel brought to us by Time Warner out of the goodness of their adamantine corporate oxygen pumps demands attention to Botox bimbos and Joey Fat One, and Sharlie has got to hear what they’re saying, the better to sink her sardonic teeth into like Dorothy Parker. She‘s funny off her meds and acquiescence beats an argument every time.) So anyway, one of those trout-lips says here’s Cloris Leachman. Okay, I think, she’ll make a mockery. But they ask her about Dancing With the Stars. Holy crap, seems she’s a contestant. Nobody asks her who she’s wearing. She appears to be shorter than Madeleine Albright, and looks like a dead ringer for Billy Crystal as Miracle Max. Horror rises like bile, and these harpies treat her as an insane vestige of a once-fine actress. So Cloris exudes dysphoria and her lack of balance and I want this to end. And talks about wetting her pants doing the first number, and I’m looking for sarcasm, but she’s vacant. She discusses adult diapers. Surely Lars is still Nordic man enough to forestall this ignominy. No relief in sight, and I think Sharlie went off her medicine, because she‘s got nothing vituperative to say. Just saying, if Mary saw this, she may have thrown vanity to the wind. What the hell does she care? Mary and Phyllis and Rhoda, it’s not Danny and Peachy but it’s close to Butch and Sundance, which wasn‘t close to Danny and Peachy either. I’m forever surprised and disappointed by cattiness, and still find it funny. I think, to my chagrin, that Cathy Ggriffin is funny, sometimes. Upper arm wattles? Shit, it’s her world, she was a spectacular talent, now she’s old. Her best friend is paraded like the blind elephant, and if she wants to wear a dress with no sleeves, y’all are being catty and self-referential. My pard who’s heading to 50 but still looks a perpetual 39, she’s not talking on this subject, except to say it wasn’t the sleeves, it was the rose. We saw Dracula with the Edward Gorey staging, way back in the 70’s. Everything black and white. Mary’s 72.and in full possession of her faculties There with the grace of God you might go. This idea about sleeves sounds like Burka to me. Exactly whose standards is she failing to meet.? Michelle Obama has been criticized aboutsleeveless dresses. She seems toned like Tweetee. (If you don’t know who that is, she’s a born assassin named Deanna Nolan that plays for the Detroit Shock in the captivating WNBA. If you think you’re a sports fan and don’t follow the WNBA, you’re a poseur. We’re a household sort of divided. Sharlie loves the Shock. Me? That jerk Laimbeer traded Tasha Humphrey, and when the Chief cold-cocked his cheating ass, it was the finest NBA moment since Havlicek stole the ball. Sports fanaticism. I know for a fact that Frenchy Fuqua deflected the ball on the Immaculate Reception. I used to despise the Steelers for this. Now I love the Steelers because Hines Ward is the smiling face of that team. And because he plays con brio and blocks better downfield than any receiver in the history of the NFL. Pats this week? Smallest violin in the world. Is it elitism that so many of these opinions are based on alma maters? The two best players on the Pats are Ben Watson and Richard Seymour. I want them t do wel, I want the Pats to be humiliated. Zombie movie? If it's set in Detroit, there's got to be a place for Human Being Lawn-Mower. I always thought the song was about Fahrenheit 451. If a potential president thinks books should be banned, shouldn't that be a deal breaker? But, if people want to knuckle under to Cheney's energy tea party, and creeps get to install unitary presidency because Cheney thought Nixon was treated poorly, who's anybody to object? NancyNall participants seem fairly informed. Does anybody believe W didn't bolt and Kerry saved crewmates under fire at risk of his life? Republicans committed crimes to steal the last two presidential elections. Their campaign didn't just make Lee Atwater roll over, it made him puke and drown in his effluvia. Where do these assholes get off? WP takes exception to Obama's characterization of McCain's stance as 100 years of war. How is that an exaggeration? If we sray, there will be retalition. That would seem fairly obvious to anybody that understood the difference between Sunni and Shia an US hegemony. They're modus operandi was based in abject racism. Prevent black people from voting, Somebodyt want to tell me that's not what these bastards did. The idea that Kerry was somehow lacking is so lame it's infuriating. He won and the Republicans and Diebold did what they could to usher in the nitwit. McCain claims credit for everything Kerry accomplished. He vanished and let Kerry take the heat,. On MIAs, on dealing with VietNam. McCain was a total asshole on these subjects. Kerry drove them home. These are facts. McCain bailed in every circumstance and tried to piggy-back on Kerry. The deal: Nobdy would have thought the Pretzeldent would just lie his ass off to impose some absurd bunch of lies. It was a crock. If you htink Daniel Pipes ought to be running your country, Well Pakistan and Israel, and both countries are nuts, are sitting on bombs and it would seem they're unstable. We're supposed to worry about Iran, that actually signed the NPT. Did India? Did Israel? Absurd. I don't realy think this, but no future. Zombies in the MC. I grew up in the Motor City. We sell Four Roses over the counter if you can reach the counter. And I wanna be Anarchy. I wonder what Catholics think? I know for a fact that Bishops that have interfered are an extremely small bunch of assholes. Blaming thiis on Catholics is such an immense lie it amoumns to Catholics believe in human rights. The US bovernment thinks that's passe. They think beating the shit out of anybody is acceptable .
- Here's the deal. If you believe in that little shit Nixon lved, you believe W wasn;t a lying asshole. These assholes wouldn't know a hero if he smaclrf his ass in ther face
- Waht is Henry Kissinger going to say about seeing Russia from Alaska on a clear day? I can see Parris Island everyday and invade it frequently by ocean kayak. Bet I know know more about defense of this country than Sarah Palin does, I just read The Yiddish Policeman's Union, so I.d bet I know everything you need to know about Alaska. But you might not be able to get the book in Wasila. Would people get a grip? Dude says Alaska should secede. Does Sarah stand by her man. She believes Alaska is the repository for righteous folks when the rapture comes. FBI is wripping up peoples' homes to try to catch the Palin email infiltrator. I assume they're just strolling past the law-breaking involved in wholesale avoidance of Public Records laws. Unitary presidency in defence of unitary Vice Presidency is bad enough. Unitary Alaskan Governship? The moral outrage about invading the privacy of the greatBullwinkle hunter is relatively hilarious next to the clear estra-legal attempt to obfuscate public records. With no real knowledge of the situation, it seems to me the First Dude hasn't the balls to take on the First Brother in Law man to man. The guy Monegan is telling truth while the Dude is sullying the idea of the Dude, who will abide, and tacking that wanigan on the gubernatorial double-wide for the skinhead, the out-of-control kid and the neo-naxi new shotgun son in law.. I guess he might not be a neo-Nazi, but I'm willing to take him at his word he's a redneck. If you live in a WaPo world where mild exageration is identical to outright lies, who's to say. According to Papers of Record, it's the same thing to say McCain stands for 100 years war and to claim Obama standfs for virulent and intrusive sex education for Kinderhatyners. What sort of objective reporter equates these things? The liberal press posed clearly bogus questions about Kerry's war record against the undeniable evidence that W just bailed, and they acted like this was fair and balanced. Is John McCain a war hero for being shot down? Tell you what. Look at the record in the senate. McCain has insulated himself from criticism and piggybacked on brilliant Senatorial behavior by Kerry. Fact, jack.And McCain's hung Kerry out to dry. In my home state, South Carolina, (well, it's not, I grew to 18 in Detroit, and after that, I'm a proud citizen of Georgia). Lindsay Graham represents me as a senator. My Senator was against torturing the wayward detained before John McCain convinced him that torture was legitimate. Now they're both assholes, and potential war criminals. Way to go, tortured moral conscience. Is it difficult to undestand that residents of North Viet Nam were ill-disposed to a jet jockey that had been killing people indiscriminately from 50.000 feet? Hero? I don't get it? Bombing isn't heroic, by any stretch of the imagination. Getting shot down isn't heroic. Seems like smart bombs blow up Afghan brides and grooms, regularly, and aren't we proud? If Afgjams comgregate, Al Quaeda must be there. Morons. Next it'll be Athens GA. A veritable hot-bed. Code Orange? Assholes.
- This is the best use of the internet tubes I've come across maybe ever: Please type in 1952 Vincent Black Lightning and hit play. It will make your day. Like Bonnie and Clyde in slightly less than five minutes. Or Screaming Blue Messiahs playing Wild Blue Yonder live. Try Flat Duo Jets version of Harlem Nocturne. Topically, Legal Tender by B52s. The Winterland live version of Chest Fever is amazing. Superfly live. A site this good makes me think I might be being invaded by mortal viruses, but the music is so excellent.
- Bullshit. These ashole believe they somehow believe they're masters of the universe. They rob all of us blind. If you believe in a golden parachute, it is physically impossible to be a bigger fucking moron. Paulson? Well there was a spectacularly good movie. The hero said Mom Dad don't touch it. Bushenomics, kiss my ass.
- Are we joking? Asshole.
- Good news: 300 home runs, 500 doubles, a career batting average higher than .300, a career on-base percentage higher than .400 and a career slugging percentage higher than .500. It's astonishing nobody talks to John Kerry about being left high and dry by the Straight Talker. To this day, that ahole is making claims about normalizing relations with Viet Nam and getting POW information. Kerry did. McCain didn't. Facts, Jack. But every single day, Gidget, becoming Roseanne as we watch, without a clue, other than sucking on the federal teat more than anybody else in history and repeating the same old lie every single day. Since 2002, Obama has played some part in getting nearly a $billion in earmarks for Illinois. In that same amount of time, Palin has accounted for $half a billion for Alaska, including the road to the bridge to nowhere (this repetitive lie has got to be some sort of Tourette). Population of Illinois: around 15 million. Population of Alaska: 670,000. Neither a pig nor a pitbull, she's Cheney with lipstick, and if you read Sisters, Vice President Elmer Fudd probably had to put on rouge to allegedly father children. Two despicable PsOS. Between them, they went to 13 schools before getting degrees by default. I don't suppose there's anything wrong with that, but it's interesting both arrived at the same preoccupations: lying their asses off, Stalinesque secrecy, evasive and illegal email behavior, stonewalling subpoenas. The question is: Are Americans that stupid?
- Riverside Park stirs memories, but Edgewater Park, that's almost as good as Tiger Stadium:
- If the bailout doesn't bail out mortgagees, isn't it really throwing good money after bad and nationalizing golden parachutes? I mean, haven't the markets corrected themselves? Life, according to the Smartest Guys in the Room and the New American Centurions, is supposed to be Hobbesian, nasty, brutish and short, and they're supposed to end up with the swag and the most toys. Paulson wants to make sure the robber barons retain their yachts. Barney Frank should go Savonarola on their porky asses. If the assholes are being bailed out, they should also be reduced to penury, and their bank accounts should be seized to replenish the pension funds they raped.
- It's at once melancholy, ironic and nauseating hearing Darth Nader talk about winning the popular election and losing in the electoral college: Is it possible this omphaloptic onanist reprobate has forgotten his own part in the 2000 presidential heist? But that's water under the bridge. The really interesting question is what is Sarah Palin doing narrating videos for a Moscow newspaper? Maybe maybe Mat-Su Valley Girl's more experienced with Russia than she can express in coherent English in the face of an intimidating elitist media beast interviewer like Katie Couric.
- Not Motown, Stax via Jerry Wexler. This + caffeine can part the Wide Sargasso Sea speed you through the Horse Latitudes: In all of the Paul Newman hagiography, where's a discussion of the fascinating 'competition with Steve McQueen? Marlon Brando was another planet, and odius comparisons probably existed only in the mind of Josh Randall (on TV, Mcqueen ruled), but this was a celebrity meme in the good old days before before memes were invented. The same thing could have happened with MM and Liz Taylor (and, believe it or not, Shelley Winters, who I once saw launch herself naked and plowed into a HoJo's pool in Athens, GA during shooting of the cult classic Poor Pretty Eddy, and Joan "British Open" Collins, the more talented writer of the Collins siblings). Is it possible that 'girl' roles were considered interchangeable? Could Taylor have played Cherrie, Monroe Maggie the Cat? (Could either have been so good in "Come Back, Little Sheba"?) Newman and McQueen made made dueling movies. "Secret War of Harry Frigg" and "Soldier in the Rain" provided one degree of separation from Jackie Gleason, and both are superb. "LeMans" and "Winning", Neman's performance a tad better, McQueen's movie considerably. There's a long list of parts for which both must have been considered, and dumbass, clueless self-styled film historians like Leonard Maltin would have it that McQueen got sloppy seconds. Mythically (if there's a difference from truth other than human filters, ask Joseph Cambell or Sigmund Freud), McQ was supposed to be in Butch Cassidy": Paul Newman got the better movies, maybe, but maybe not the better parts. Interesting but dumb debate. In the end, signature roles in comparable films--Cool Hand Luke and Pappilon provided breathtaking, heartbreaking, soul-shaking performances. Boys Republic and the Marines vs. Shaker Heights and Yale. Both made the Milhous enemies list. Newman earned it the old-fashioned way. McQueen was a political conservative, so apparently he was just the sort of person with values and an iconoclastic streak the vengeful Quaker couldn't abide. Shared scenes in Towering Inferno were striking (and why it's the only disaster movie ever worth watching.) On the roof, ready to blow the water tower? Two ultimate cool heroes that should have had more self-preserving smarts than to get themselves into such a fine mess (and distinctly like the Butch and Sundance 'the fall will kill you' and the final charge scene). Paul Newman great movies missing from the obits: Hombre: Proverbial coiled spring. Hunsucker Proxy: Diabollically funny viscerating of everything he hated about corporate culture. Judge Roy Bean: What he thought of runamuck politicians. Mr. and Mrs. Bridge: American's get quiet desperation as well as the First World. Sometimes a Great Notion (best of best), and directed by Hank Stamper aka Paul Newman: I don't know anybody that ever saw this movie before it was butchered for TV and renamed "Never Give an Inch", other than me, my ex-wife, and my parents. Made from Ken Kesey's novel that was better than "Cuckoo's Nest" . An Epic of the American West. To my mind, it's a terrific adaptation of a very good novel that comes close to the pinpoint scintillation of Wallace Stegner. This movie is a lot like Cool Hand Luke, with its famous set-pieces: eggs, broken aviator shades and hard-boiled eggs, which scene ends with Luke crucified like Jesus and Sgt. Elias Grodin (the one nobody talks about is the psychological brutality of the washing the car scene. In Sometimes a Great Notion, the Moviegoer gets: Hank trying to save his brother from drowning when a chainsaw accident pins him against a creek bank with the creek rising. It's Paul Newman, Breath of Life has to work, but it doesn't. Hank revving up the biggest chainsaw God ever wrought to saw a desk in half in front of a weasel union man worried his balls were inline. Might seem playing against political type, but by this point the unions were a branch of the Republican political establishment ("Blue Collar" is pertinent). Stampers float several acres of logs to market. On the top of the tugboat's cabin is the patriarch's severed arm and hand, middle finger extended. If you like Paul Newman and literate movies, this is a good one. Sprawling scenes of a Great Northwest assholes are trying to obliterate, in spectacular splendour (the rafting scenes) mixed with claustrophobic family head-butting. Republicans tried to make regulation of logging a wedge issue in the last several decades by talking about shutting sawmills down. Abject lying. The logs were being rafted and sent to Japan. They were never being milled in the USA. Meantime, if this isn't a McCain photoshoot, what is: Finally. I'd like to ask a question. Ms. Palin is Sally Field without the intelligence or acting chops. Shouldn't she go on SNL and say 'ever mind'? And McCain? I'd like for this to be about the fact he's not got a clue. Racism intervenes. How is it possible with all the tubes and the several internets nobody has identified McCain with that Ghostbusters' nemesis Slimer? Identical. Everything they say and everything they said. Republican candidates will damage America. Next debate question: What does McCain think about Bobby Kennedy? Before we lost track, Bobby was the gold standard. Who do American's beleve is better for them" In a time warp, I'd take Bobby. We're supposed to think that the Constitution produces the best for the Commonweal, the best for everybody that signed on. Bpth a christian and a Muslim point of view. Actually, is that pOS joking? He japped on Kerry so many times in the Senate and claimed credit, it's enough to make you puke. McCain has taken some sort of credit for the BCCI investigation. He impeded the investigation. He will say anything The idea there are MIAs? Kerru proved this was wrong. McCain made a bunch of shit up. He went out of his way to hang Kerry with himk with him because he didn't believe Mc'Caain was a lying scumbag.out to dry whan he knew he was just lying his ass off. Kerry stuc
- Stupider than Spiro, and that's saying a lot. Some republican asshole is going to try to make it out like she was ambushed. She is a nit. She's so dumb it' hard to think what McCain might have been thinking.
- nobody can be this stupid. She's an idiot. Somebody want to say she isn't? Dumber than Katie Couric. Evertyhing ia a crock.
- Damn. I thought I suggested that NPR link, like last Thursday, you betcha. Must have thought the inclination was entirely too proximate to my most recent making an ass of myself. I'd say I'm one of those that thinks the commingling of Greed and Cheney Repulidanitis is attributable to me. The piece is so objective it's almost a shock to the system that calls the Palin arround comments a 'distortion' when it actually constitutes actionable libel in civilized countries. So if you went to JSchool and esteem American English, you're appalled and wish H. L. was around. How about Ralph McGill (for whom my school is named), who would have been appalled and incensed at the "not one of us" slander rendered in insidious pastel through bloodthirsty lipstick the color of raw liver? So much of this is seedy. Rich Lowry? Yeah, well Pat Buchanan (who doesn't even know how to spell his own surname, or he's trying to make sure he's identified with anti-Republican interlopers). Politoporn? If this phony frontier diva is what Republicans have to hold onto aside from their joysticks, this just seems like moral bankruptcy. William Ayres was never accused with bombings until the FBI tried to scare him into testifying against Berardine Dohrn. He didn't know dick except he was keen to get into her pants. I was there, and sex raised it's head in the airspace. Weathermen blew up a bomb that killed a policeman. First time out. They never injured another human being. Blowing up things without hurting anybody seems to me like throwing tea of a wharf. So anyway. Connecting Obama with terrorism is so bizarre, the question becomes: Are American's morons? Second: are we all chickenshit jerks? Three: Is any american safer since W ifnored the Presidential Daily Brief that said Obam, planes? And how much money did Cheney make? War criminalal bout to bolt. When these ahole conservatives pull this shit, WTH? Voters are idiots?
- John McCain rictus: The likeness is remarkable n'est ce pas?
- And ya know, goshdarnit, if Palin's a hockey mom, her favorite player is Claude Lemieux: I grew up with Gordie, a truly dirty cheater, but a piker compared with Lemieux and Ulf Samuelson. Cowards.
- Having lived through the assassinations in short order, I was numb to the WTC. Somebody that died might have made a difference. Actually, everybody that died would have made a difference, Families, history, who knows. If Bobby had been president emeritus, the USA might be a shining city on a hill instead of a pariah state that operates a gulag cum torture. Boffy would robably would have talked about 'death be not proud'. Needing leaders but get gamblers instead. It's incomprehensible that Americans don't see this as logical comeuppance, and the grandiosity of American exceptionalism was the cause of the tragedy. We export democracy, brutally, and ignore or hold hands with Saudi Arabia and Wahabbism. We don 't put Cheney in jail, we coddle a pretzledent that was warned in no uncertain, hell, hair on fire, terms this was going to happen, we support Shock and Awe. WTC is what the Project for the New American Century wanted to happen. Venal idiots in charge of the government. These aholes believe bunkers will save them, and they'll go to Sitka in the sky. They're better than we are, and if these jerks are better than I am at anything other than stealing Cuyahoba County in 2004, I'd say wipe it and start over. If we're a democracy, we need to think about the Rosenbergs railroaded and J. Robert Oppenheimer: If there's an artistic punctuation point, I guess it's 'O, Brother, Where Art Thou'. The 9/11 message: Dumbasses should have voted for the war hero and not the idiot that can't tell a cow from a bull:
- Actually, there's a movie that could dispel bad feelings, that is roundly ridiculed, and stars Scout's dad, who could be president in a perfect world. Amazing Grace and Chuck. Plots sort of silly. Utopian? Sports star and a statesman president. The believable part is a Little Leaguer that doesn't think people and countries ought to be in the business of blowing anybody up. This movie stars Alex English. He went to a school that couldn't spell basketball if you spotted them everything but the ultimate l, and he played nba for a bunch of bad teams. In the '80s, he scored more points than J or Larry or Michael. Like J and Larry and Magic, he was a consummate team player, and never got the absurd benefit of dogass refs the way Jordan did. Anyway, if Sarah is anything but a masturbatory right-wing totem, and a transgender hero(ine), peace on earth might come to mind when she can't speak English and the questions are too specific for her notes. It's a strange brand of Chrisitianity that dwellls on endtimes and identifying the saved as Alaskan separatists. If intelligent theology involves hope, where does that leave the theological elitists? I just finished (and highly recommend, along with Kavalier Klay) The Yiddish Policeman's Union, so I betcha, I know everything about Alaska. Delaware 870thou, Alaska 670. Snide dumbass Spiro wannabe, accomplished at local graft and bullying, not quite as clever. The election is a referendum on the stupidity and gullibility of American voters. Anybody that believes McCain suspended his campaign should be disenfranchised for being a moron. As far as Michigan is concerned, Fait accompli, and they forgot to tell Ulf Samuelson. Florida, Minnesota, Wisconsin--blue, blue, blue. Milhous hated John Kerry. So do Republicans in general. Had Kerry been elected, would the economy reached dire streaits, would Osama roam, not bloody likely. And Americans were so fucking stupid they allowed Ken Blackwell to rob the election, and pretend W didn't bail for a couple of lines. There's a great Christmas tune by ELP. About believing and being disabused of belief. It holds true. The Christmas we get we deserve. Contract ON America. Know what we want and get it good and hard. McCain, incompetent asshole: More than anything, McCain was a target of Karl Rove. Black love child. Now the shitheel embraces the architects and the authors of that campaign to produce bullcrap against Obama. It's like W;s Vietnam record. Lying sack-o-shit. Died-in-the-wool conservatives? Vote for Ron Paul. McCain is devoid of principles, personality, humor, judgement, template for a new Cheney, if that's who you want running the country. Cheney started the Century by ensuring his Halliburton nestegg and insisting on no oversight. Palin> Same old. I don't know. Is there somebody so beknighted they think drill baby drill has anything to do with energy indepemdence? The argument is much like the Weyerhaouser consideration. Renewable. Like scrub pine planted in rows replaces hardwood forests. But Palin thinks there were dinosaurs and giant ferns 5000 years ago, and God put them here, and will do it again, to provide gas for snow machines. She actually has said so. And W made the OClub safe for democracy. Past is cetainly prologue.
- "That one"??? Sounds like the little brown one. Look, the guy is beholden to the mob and wants to hang this on Ayres. Who did not bomb the Pentagon, aside what Freepers might say. Actually, Ayres was only ewver accused of anything to try to force him to implicate Bernardine Dohrn, who he was in love with. Evidence? Well, none whatsoever. Other than Cointelpro agents testimony. Biggest liars until the Bush administration. Anybody buying this is an idiot. Kinda like calling Obama Boy. Incontinent, closet racist (this close to saying boy vs. thoughtful and gracious. Is America comfortable with a closet racist? Who understands foreign policy? The surge is hilarious. Surge means increase and decrease. Palin says troop numbers are lower when it's plus 17,000. And anubody that wants to talk about the surge wants to ignore the millions paid with no oversight to the Awakening. W's stated margin of victory for the surge is Political stability. Yeah, ypu idiots, right. They don't understand to this day the pure-D influence of Iran. They do not understand the popular support for Turkistan. They don't seem to understand anything to do with politics in Iraq. Mainstream media? Supposedly it's a wash on lying. Not in a million years. This shit started with Swiftboat pure bullshit being played off against W and his Guard Duty. W ditched to avoid a positive coke test. Kerry was pulling a wounded buddy out of the Mekong. McCain economic message: pay those 300 to 1 golden parachutes and make sure those poor damaged CEOs don't have to suffer paying taxes. That is his plan and he can't get around it.
- Maybe McCain isn't a total scumbag. He knows for a fact that negative crap is crap.He doesn't seem willing to go with the Hussein garbage. Bill Ayres is a bagatelle. On the economy, McCain couldn't actually say his only choice is Phil fucking Graham, who thinks Americans are whiners, It's entirely likely that Gramm's riches have elevated right alongside Cheney's, and McCain trust is profiting. You betcha. Grotesque wink, wink. If people are so stupid they elect McCain, Puil Gramm is the Treasury Secretary, and we're all screwed.Earmarls? Vast majority are reasonable expenditures. It is worth considering that Alaska ate that shit alive and built the road to the bridge to nowhere. What are these nitwits talking about? Thanks but no thanks? Has that woman ever told the truth about anything? No.
- 'That one' sounds like the 'little brown ones'. Privilege in American culture produces the Manchurian Bush. When moms is Quaker Oats or that deceased white man on the dollar bill, and the family Sopranoed their current candidate of choice, who fathered an illegitimate black baby, but all is forgiven, well, sure, you betcha. This raised it's head like Putin menacing Alaska in 2004. Intelligence, sophistication, reading, apparently those things are anti-American. For a fact, terrorist interdiction is all about law enforcement. It works. Invasions don't, except to enrich Cheney. Is it too much to expect that voters understand that Kerry was slimed and the Sanduskuy results were hijacked? County after county in Ohio and Florida were just robbed. Now you clever people that like reading Nancy Nall. Know anything about magicJack? Seems to good to be true.
- If you were libeled, would you champion the lies used against you? Wouldn't that make you a jerk? John McCain couldn't figure out how to fly a plane without getting shot down. The moron W didn't get shot dowm so repeatedly. John Kerry saved guys lives. Who's the hero? Kerry is. McCain is bullshit.
- Prosciutto is one of God's gifts to humanity, along with cappacola and Genoese salami, by way of Italy, which has France beat four ways to Sunday for real food. French people think guts are comestibles if you apply enough beurre. Six yokes in three eggs is serendipitous. I'd say Nancy Nall for Treasury and USA just might make it out of this mess. You really should buy a Powerball ticket today. But aren't the yolks the part that's bad for you? I mean, that's about 1250 mgs of cholesterol. Well, yeah, but they taste so good and contain vitamins, riboflavin and niacin. And all the rest is just albumen, which just sounds disgusting Egg whites can be combined with whiskey, but are better known as a constituent of gin fizzes: but mixing them with sour mash is anathema and seriously non-kosher. Thomas Friedman is tops in inanity and a poster child for pure bonehead, but blind pigs locate truffles: Dan Quayle can officially consider himself removed from his title as emptiest head ever nominated for national office. You really wouldn't think glossolalia was a qualifier for high office, but As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. And the Pretzeldents dad once said he'd had sex with Ronald Reagan. Possibly less disgusting and more believable than his marital alternative, Quaker Oats.
- And just when she seemed to have descended into the wastebin of I'm the Cutest Mean Girl irrelevancy, Maureen Dowd engages in righteous indignation: The connection between Obama and Ayres doesn't rise to tenuous. If Americans find Reverend Wright more worrisome than Pastor Hagee, I fear for the body politic, and not just because Catholics are seriously tired of whack-jobs calling us a non-Christian sect and Satan's spawn. It's the inherent sense of being chosen, for the rapcha or whatever. If you feel the need to presume to moral superiority, you're neither moral nor superior. And you probably should be disenfranchised.
- Miss Sarah junts moose from an airplane. Another circle in hell for unmitigated yahoos that pull that sort of merde and act like it makes them the one with the nads in the family. And how many times can McCain have TIA's and claim that's what he meant in the first place? And if you can look at the accompanying photograph and claim he isn't a dead ringer for the gluttonous green ghost at the Hotel Sedgewick, you may be having a sundowner moment of your own. Screw the Scary black man meme. How about the terminally dyspeptic rictus?
- Thanks to HL, we don't call them strippers. They're ecdysiasts. Baltimore Bard had a word for those voters Jolene is worried about, too. Booboisee. The astonishing thing is that they think they're in on the joke. My fellow prisoners?!?! Gidge thinks "He meant to say that." It really is reasonable to wonder whether McCain is suffering transient ischemic events, or if he's terminally woolgathering. Alzheimers presidents let Ollie North run the country and the Constitution gets trampled. I've got a friend that's a neurologist, and when she saw this she said "TIE". Perhaps the tragic moose hunting accident won't be necessary. Despite his closet racism (howzabout palling around with Evan "Pickaninny" Mecham?) and the apparent honorectomy, I don't wish McCain ill. (Smirking W, another story.) But a McCain vote seems a likely Palin vote. She believes God told her Alaska is bigger than Biden's Congressional district, and the anointed last refuge in end times. McCain's old, these things happen. His running mate's a nitwit, who exceeds debate expectations by not pulling a Freddie Rumsen on TV.
- "That one" sounded distressingly like Poppy assuring the nation that he loved all his grandchildren, including "the little brown ones". Yup, outdated link, but germain. If this were Miller Analogies, I'd say Republicans:clueless racism::shit:stink.
- Sarah told Bill Kristol she couldn't understand why Mc'Cain didn't bring up the pastor. Ahem. Well, there's Pastor Hagee: This guy's a world-class anti-semite. More than that, this guy call's my church the Whore of Babylon. If you live in the unined states (Can the whiney little ahole speak English or only whine? Or talk like Gidget?) Then there's Ms. Palins pastor, who probably believes in female circumcision. The board on which Obama served with ayres was selected by th Annenberg Foundation. Big time terriss. Well, no, so Republican it could make you gag. So what is the woman that sleeps with the Alaskan separatist trying to pull? She sleeps with the asshole. If there's something mor tenuuous than non-esistent, I'd like to hear the word. Now, om the other hand, 'Kill Obama'. 'Bomb Abama'. These assholes never heard of the little firls in Birmingham. What I'd like to know for a fact, how do you say 'Kill Obama' in a nest of Special Agents and not get arrested? If somebody said kill McCain, they would have been pummeled, beaten, detained. How do people deal with unlatching from relity? Sarah can't talk about a pasoor. Her's is insane. MccCain can't talk about pastors. Republicans cant deal with cheating. In 2004, Diebold's CEO said he'd do whatever it took fo W to win. Anybody that doesn't think Republicans didn't counter in Cuyahoga County is an idiot. And we've got ACPRN and their maybe 3.000 votes that don't count. Between 19975 and 2007, know how many fraudulent botes GOP identified? Fewer than 2000. In the country. Doesn't quite get the Deibold bullshit in Ohio. Democrats dont cheat, Republicans cheat their asses off. But you people that read Nancy Nall. So you buy raicism I xan't believe that. . Obama is dangerous? Yeah. He's a wilding nutcase.So aside from footbaL How does the lying ass Tenness ee GOP claim they aren't dogass pass ibterference. Tennesse could go 0-1 9n the Pac PAC-TEN Regarding Sarah: Does this bimbo want to bring up pastors with hers in the windand entirely a nutcase? and Pstor Hagee? How do Americans take on racists? If you just decide Obama's un-presidential and scary, . You are a racist piece of shit that really ought to be disenfrannchised. You people go to McCain ralless and say Kill Obama. And Bomb Obama. Are you so dense, or such unrecalcitrant racists you don't know agout the bombing of little girls in Birmingham? What conceivable argument could you present to the disgusting shit you fomented? Bomb Obama? You peo[le are so despicable, it's difficult to comprehend. My feeling about Sarah? Spiro. I know you all appreciate the language, is there somethingmore tenuouis than tenuous trhatding Ayres?Muons? Doesn't come dowm to sleeping with and giving the you'vetcha to a bunch of Alaska whacks tha have their terroris bonafides on the wall. But those people are right? If you believe in the Constitution, you sure as shit don't buy unitary presidency. Tell you what. Unitary Presidency means W should jave been king. Mc'Cain is an idiot, but he thinks this is right.YOU BUY THAT SHIT? i T
- The war in Iraq isn'nt going abnywhere. FUBAR You'd have to be a fucking idiot. The war in Afghanistan, that's just FUAR? Bush administration is such a spectacular liar, they make this shit up fpr the get go. If somebodedy cab tell they weren't lyinf their ass off, they're a serious lyar. If you say I'm bot telling the truth, you'r a liar.
- OK. So we think bombings are acceptable speech? I mean little girls in Birmingham. What the hell is wrong with these wackjobs and how did some scumbag that ought to be hunted down by wolves turn Americans bloodthirsty. Everything that came out of Sarah's mouth frothed the lunatic fringe. If somebody at a McCain rally or a Palin ralluy says 'kill him' how the hell does a sea of Secre Service not descend? Cpi;d somebody explain hoew a deat threat doesnt result in some fat-ass whack job npt being tasered and taken into custpdy? This is the secret service and a presidential , the mosy likely presidential, next president of the US. They didn't find this threatening.. They caught Rudolph? There was a terrorist.. McCains connection with this guy was palpablr. This is something that is spectacularly obvious, but it's not some made up idiotiotic sort of connection like 8 year old Obama and Ayres. Nobody sane would make that connection. Nobody would try to connect the eight year old kid with somebody you needto kill for a terriss connection. Nobody that wasn't entirely nuts. What the hell is wrong with these people? They caught the assasin of the abortion doctors? Rusolph Secret Service and people eliciit bodily threats against obama, don't you arrest their asses? If he's smart and inconvenient, well, you'd tell the Decret Service to back off. I'm not saying anybody that believed in Reaganism despised Bob Kennedy. But they did. I was never thrilled with quoting the right poets from wrong poems Actually, everything his sister said was better, and then we gpt real poets..
- So, anybody. Does anything about the terrorist Palling around make the remotest asmount of truth? It doesnt. If you don't think trashing the Constitution is terrorism, Especially when putting a total puto moron in charge might make things worse. You're on tape, the truth will come out. You buy despicable jerks, mariecela. You can convince yourselves of your whatever. everybody has you cold. You have no clue. AThere is always someone comeing after you, you son of a bitch. You're fucked.
- Back in the day, I used to walk in a neighborhood in Hrosse Pointe. We thought the next door neighbor was witch Haighieh. We stood ar the propertyline. You are witch Haigheigh. Were we nuts? Well, I know we weren't. Obvious question: Were you ever scared of a house? If you were scared of a house. Why?
- But here's the deal. These bastards set this up years ago. Nixon put his favorite whiteshoe in play. These assholes can bring up the 2000 or so votes that might have been jiggered by ACORN morons. How about most of Ohio and all of Volusia County. These assholes didn't pull that? Yeah, they did. W flew the O club, but mainly the little prick went AWOL .Kerry pulled guys out of the Mekong. Things that actually happened. If you don't think so, you probably think McCain is a hero for crashing planes. What sort of disconnect with reality is at work? I'm not joking. If some fatass citiizen at a McCain rally says 'kill Obama', and you're a fed, how do you not arrest his grotesque ass? Never heard of Medgar Evars? How about those little girls that haunt Condi Rice when some ahole says Bomb Obam? When Obama met William Ayres, Ayres was Reagan youth. Annenburg Foundation. If there's a MSM in the bag, why don't we get the tortured associations of McCain and the totally insane preachers that believe Catholics are demonic and don't even speak in tongues. Here's my favorite thing. Or things. Catholics are a demonic sect. But Catholics produce Aqinas, and if you think you can get to the death penalty from Aquinas, you're a mail criminal asshole trying to convince somebody you'll deak with a tumor over the phone. Why haven't TV preachers been prosecuted.? If the FCC Caharter means the people own the airwaves, How does that obscene Australian purport bullshit and own a single broadcasting license? I am not joking. These assholes ran Swiftboat 24-7. It was an unadulterated lie. How did they get away with this? And the revolting piece of shit is not even an Americian. So there's some idea that the airwaves belong to the people. And anybody with access is supposed to serve the publid good. And Rupert buys everything and purports to be fair and balanced. So he owns mosssssssssst of it and he's dspicable. Guy's such ab asshole nobody could trust him. Ever. Airwaves belong to the people. Not to Fox. Those people are assholes. We're all smrater than those aholes are.
- Is there anything quite as politically obscene as Republicans scouring foreclosure listings to disqualify voters while using ACORN as a straw to incite people thankfully too sclerotic and obese to act on their violent urges. Vote fraud is virtually non-existent in the USA. Josh Marshall isn't non-partisan, but fair's fair and this is dispassionate: If Republicans are keen on disenfranchisement, they should probably put lipstick on the obvious racism involved: On the other hand, if you call Barack Obama an Arab at a McCain event, you probably should have your voter registration and your drivers license lifted.
- Undecided? Nitwit.,0,6236237.story?track=ntothtml
- Leonard Pitts is a gas: "First, let's concede the obvious: Every politician wants to be seen as Everyman or woman. That's why every primary season brings the curious sight of millionaires in plaid shirts wandering through county fairs eating fried things on sticks. It's why Hillary Clinton hit that bar and Barack Obama went bowling, badly. In that sense, Sarah Six Pack is nothing new. The "g" droppin', moose shootin', eye-winkin' hockey mom has plenty of antecedents. But there's a difference. Those antecedents were smart, wonkish people pretending to be one of us. Sarah Palin "is" one of us. And by 'us,' I don't mean you, necessarily, or me. I mean the lowest common denominator us, the us of myth and narrative, the us of simple mind, the reactionary, ill-informed, impatient with complexity, utterly shallow us." The racist, in other words. I'm betting I'm not the only one that thinks 'hockey mom' is a misprint with 'c' for 'n'. There is still time for W to actually say this.
- A great Tejas double feature for free on Hulu: Iraq wasn't the only victim of obscenely cynical invasion and irresponsible indifference to the damage of occupation. But, sure as hell, there's an exit strategy for Crawford.
- So, one of McCain's keepers was in bed for cash with Saddam between the father and son Iraqi expeditions: This would be shocking if there hadn't been strong evidence for years, which Dickless Cheney and Rummy were too contemptuous of American citizens to be bothered withh denying, that the dastardly duo could see Iraq from their backyards and were pulling the same crap. Sure put's a crimp in Ms. Alaska Independence's all-Ayres strategy. And now what' McOldFart supposed to talk about at the debate?
- I remember vividly seeing scenes like that flying into Detroit in 1967 after a family vacation in Freeport GB, while being told by our pilot that the city was about to be put under martial law and that we'd better get our baggage and get our white asses the hell out of Dodge, out Woodward Avenue to Birmingham and the Bloomfields. Still smoldering, with troops and tanks too, when I went to Metropolitan Hospital (12th Street and Tuxedo, hard by the John Lodge, couple blocks from the Ground Zero blind pig)) with my dad. He had a Public Safety Physician's pass through checkpoints and 24-hour curfew, and the rest of us didn't think he should make the drive solo. Human agents for the conflagrations, for sure in Detroit, most likely in California (subprime arson?). Different tinder--slumlord deathtraps in the ghet-toe, redwood and glass greed cathedrals in mismanaged forests.
- Pat Buchanon and the other GOP talking heads insisting (again) that McCain won the debate and will get a bump. First thing everybodyy's going to see tomorrow is what McOldFart has in common with Ted Stevens: And the story makes it look like Cindy has the First Dudes in that family.
- So, Joe was dissembling his unsightly Plumber asscrack off: Think he was a plant?
- Is it possible to be a bigger asshole than to claim you can't be a racist because you voted for Alan Keys? I don't think anybody's pointed it out, but W push-polled MCain in 2000. Illegitimate black kid. How does a candidate respond to scurrilous lies? W never showed up in Alabama. That is a fact. McCain: they did that lying shit to me and it was heinous, but if they do it to my opponent that's reasonable. Straight-Talk? Tortured. Waterbparded. McCain and W are lockstep. Say that ain't so, Joe. Well, you lie. Joe the Plumber? Thing nobody seems to point out: Carefully crafted, moronic question. Just like Jeff Guckert. Remember Guckert" This was a plant. Inept and insidious. Made up financial situation. Ambush situation. Guy that looks like WWF reject. How about somebody in smoking rags asking Poppy "Why did you bail, you phony war hero"? McCain was a very bad pilot. Crashed and crashed and crashed. Like Happy Jack, sans brains. This war hero shit is just a chancre. Kerry is, but he knows it doan mean shit other than saving compadres. Republicans guarded OClubs. Voters are such dumbasses they buy this bullshit? McCain was an incompetent pilot bound to get shot down, couldn't fly to save his life. If somebody's looking fo a Vietnam hero, we have John Kerry. Knew it was wrong put his ass on the line. Where did W measure up? Look into McCain and how he japped on Kerry and claimed authorship.
- Do any of you think there's an ounce of sincerity in anything fromSllimer McCain. Does anybody think the Big 10 is better than the Mac? Nobody thinks those things are funny. They're racist aholes. How bout those Republicans? We don't act like racist Had it but Penn State vs. Mississippippi xouldn't
- Who's the best girl drummer in all of music?
- What the surge accomplished: And River doesn't grace the internet any more. This is the last thing she posted: The surge amounted to handing out millions sans receipts and accountability to Sons of Iraq thugs and putting 30,000 more US troops in danger for no reason but to advance Cheney's assaults on the Constitution, rule of law, human rights, decency, humanity. Those troops are still there. And, of course, Sadr went along with all of this out of the goodness of his heart and no cash changed hands. Nearly eight years of stolen election hubris, and more than 20 years since Newt Gingrich hijacked America's collective brain and soul. They set out to steal Iraqi oil, like so many devious Kuwaitis, and they failed. They set out to suborn the Constitution, with the astoundingly odious David Addington, that makes Jabba look like Fat Albert. Conservatives are left holding a bag of steaming PNAC anti-American shit. And they don't like it. But WTF did they think would happen? Racism? How do we live in a country populated with nitwits that teeter on buying each new version of trickle down (i.e. being pissed on)?
- What makes the voting fandango in Ohio so infuriating is that Ken Blackwell got away with fraud in 2004. In Cuyahoga County, Republicans engaged in caging and other nefarious voter suppression techniques. The Chairman of the state's Republican Party said he'd deliver: Yup. Disenfranchised thousands to elect the odious little piece of shit draft dodger cocaine addict. Well, he proved malleable. Dumber than grunt, yet people believe signing statements sugsume law, because, you know, the pretzeldent is wise. Shit.
- If John McCain knows how to get Osama Bin Laden, but he won't tell anybody, shouldn't he be turned over to the CIA for enhanced techniques? Nazareth was a Slade tribute band right? Noddy Holder! Oi! Oi! They did strangle a marginally decent song by the astoundingly overrated Graham Parsons.
- There will always be an England: If Brits can learn to turn out palatable food after all these centuries since Runnymede or whatever, so can Americans. Alton Brown is the Renaissance Man for a Department of Food.
- By some editorial oversight, this feature omits the classic "The Cemetery Precincts":
- This mailer from the RNC goes beyond muck to tar pit:
- I‘m trying HTML here so excuse me if it doesn‘t work. Sarah Palin says she‘s hardcore pro-life. I’m happy that she sees the moral and scientific bankruptcy of the death penalty and wars of choice on innocent bystanders. As a Catholic , this is important to me. I believe, like the Democratic Party and the American Council of Bishops (aside from the two-hand count of bad papal choices that choose self-aggrandizement in suggesting John Kerry shouldn‘t go to Communion; is he beyond Extreme Unction if he mortally wounds himself skiing in Colorado?), that abortion is an indicator of serious societal bad Karma, and if people could be convinced to take part in fostering social jusssstice and equity, and concern for the common weal demanded by Jesus of Christians,, the practice would become rare. As George Clinton said, ‘If you dance to the music, you got to pay it to the piper. ‘ These are bedrock philosophical tenets of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. I’m not sure about other religions, great and small. The acceptance that seems to be inherent in Buddhism is difficult for me to get my brain around. The idea that Sister left a pet in charge when she left the room and your checkmarks determine where you stand after summer vacation is disconcerting. How bad were the thoughtless things I‘ve done? Do I keep doing things, like Bill Murray, until I get it right?. I don’t mean to be disrespectful, and reincarnation sounds both Teillhardian and something like William Jennings Bryant. So there’s Sarah. If she could be spirited away on a snow machine and replaced with a Renaissance woman like Tina Fey, you know, the one without the lantern jaw pre-op look, I’d go for that, maybe. Still, how is it that everybody’s concerned about Palin’s ability when McCain is a very bad pilot that that thinks he’s entitled? I would like to have been in the room when the anti=matter Mary Tyler Moore announced herself ‘pro-life’. I would have asked her what she thought about the shitheel draft-dodger W mocking , mocking Karla Faye Tucker. How did GOP voter suppression thugs and imaginary voters in Florida, and Ken Blackwell , and W’s suitably mindless Ohio Campaign Chair square queering Cuyahoga County with their Lord and Personal Savior? Whatever it takes. It's pretty easy to claim you're a Christian. Despite having been brought up in a family that goes to church at an outpost of what Falwell and his pals call a demonic cult, I went to Jesuit School, I believe no man is an island, I believe we're all responsible for what happens to all of us. I think that's hard-core pro-life. The evidence against Troy Davis is running out with the tide, same as his time on earth. If cops hadn't muscled and misled alleged witnesses, there'd be no evidence. And now, the rush to judgement is fading down a moonlight mile. But the United States of America is still going to kill him. Maybe he did it, but it seems the only witness against him was the perpetrator. The death penalty is monstrously expensive, and it's just monstrous. If you go along with this, you're the same sort of asshole that buys Scalia embedding W, Ohio being blat out robbed in 2004, and Hammurhabi being a Christian forefather.
- Sorry for running on. There is just something about claiming Christianity that fries my ass. The socialism business. Jesus didn't believe in Ada Smith's benevolent hand. People that claim to be Christians would invariably tell you that Catholics are some sort of bizarre cult. Excuse me, we were there first. As I understand it, you're not a Christian unless you choose the Lord Your God as your personal savior. I kinda boughtr it from the getgo. So. Do You believe in God? Personal question. Do you believe some scumbag corporate Republican can guarantee Ohio when he's sitting on all the eminently fuckable voting machines? Gore won. Kerry won. W is McCain light. W said McCain had a lovechild that was dusky. W's dad bailed out of a plane. He was scared. W fled to Alabama. John Kerry was a man. There is a lot to be said for bashing Creepupublicans for the revoting shit they pulled on Kerry when his opponent was a chickenshit ahole. Latr refuge. Republicans including Cheney are Nixon=era draft-dodgers. If American voters had an ounce of decency, W with no clue vs. Kerry? Dive me a break. AThis starts with the booboisee. People are so fucking dumb they think they're Republicans? Morons.
- That young girl is a brain-washed idiot. I lived in Boston when Chuck Stewart had the BPD stop and search every black man period, Her black eye? Not swollen. 6'4". Horseshit. Why didn't they just track down some Celtics player? Racist assholes. If any of you knew about Boston, you'd be asking about Levi Hart. In Boston, if a murderer says it must have been a black guy, we invade Roxbury and make every 'Nuck' take dpwn his pats. The kid is a whackjob. She needs help. I'd like some consideration. How the fuck is Matt Drudge anything but a butthole? I've had it with Obamaniacs, Here's the deal. This whole idea about taxes. Soes anybody thing inheriting wealth trickles down? Cutting tazes on beanie babies means rich people get richer.
- Here's the deal. These assholes think they've been rubbing dthe country and they thought Kommissar Karl was somehow in chage. If you dthink doing dthat fade with Max Cleland and Sackless wasn;t despicable enough to beat these ASSHOLES TO A PULP. Look at the way these aholes behaved. They think voters are morons. They think there's no way voters have the brains to understand that the last two elections were pure bullshit. Know What? Mccain can whine about John Lewis. Fucking joking? These aholes have have done evertthing to act like they aren't a bunch of racists bastards. When you get right down to it, in 2000, these assholes stole Volusia County. In 2004, they stole Cuyahoga County. The Republican Party cheated their ass off. They lose.Despicable pieces of shit.
- My family is from Georgia. They lived through the Sackless Chambliss obscenity. Saxby ran ads where he morped the face of Max Cleland with the face of osama. Saxbu didn't serve. Max did. You know, John Kerry did, with honor. This is what the GOP does. They really amount to scum and liars. Saxby denigrates a Viet Vet when he had other things to attend to. W denigrates Kerry. When Kerry was a combat hero and W was making sure the OClub had Wild Turkey. Greenspan is just shocked that the hand isn't benevolent. Holy shit. This seemed sort of obvious to me when I first heatd about Adam Smith. Benevolent hand? Let's just put a sales tax on necessities and call idt a fair tax. If you're rich, a national salestax might be an inconvenience. If you live from paycheck to paycheck, you are croaked. This is loony. Fair Tax taxes the poor. 23% on milk is not the same as 23% on buying a really big boat. Here's the deal. People that inherit wealth don'dt create jobs or wealth. Nothing ever trickled down except piss. The idea that inherited wealth produces jobs when its untaxed is a lie beyond comprehension. We're Americans. We're supposed to think that we care about every American. That's actually Christian. Americans are actuually so stupid they don'trealize that the invaison and occupation of Iraq are being funded off the books by the biggest earmark ever invented. Saxby is the Republican Party, and he believes in trickle down. Repulicans apparently believe that insurance company bean counters will provide some sort of reasonable health care. Anybody that believes this is an idiot or a yhrall to whack job liars like people in thr pocket of theFrist Family. If the country had signed on with Hillarys's plan, back inthe nineties, We'd be in a much better state. Whar I'm saying. If you care about your fellow citizens, if you care about human beings, you couldn't possibly believe McCain isn't a piece of crap. He's a liar. Everythg comes out of his mouth.
- "So despite Sen. Kerry’s apparent inside track to victory" Despite a moral certitude that his opponent was a petty, mindless twit. Ohio was still there for stealing. Despite the fact that W was a malleable piece of stupidity, nothing could stand in the way of stealing Ohio. Brian, don't go gentle. There's a Constitution, and signing statements are bullshit. Who do Cheney and this pissant draft dodger think they're for aanti-Americans, she could investigate herselg and Dickless Cheney. What the hell is wrong with this anti-American scum? McCain has embraced the foul tactics he reviled when they were used against him. We;ve suffered through a campaign based on outrageous slander against Kerry, whose apparent sin was serving and saving lives, and not getting loaded at the O Club. Perhaps, America has moved past the stupidity. If Americans still believe what trickles down isn't piss, they could vote like sheep for another pilot that didn't know how to fly the plane. MxXain couldn't 'slip the surly bonds of earth'. He's not a tougf guy, he made a career out of hiding behind Kerry's courage. You could look it up on the Google Barack's not Bobby. Nobody is, but he's not a nitwit run by amoral and venal bastards, so things would have to be looking up.
- When you get punched, your eye swells. Go to the polls Glasshoppa, but if this isn't race-baiting, I'm Barney Fife. Everybody knew from the get-fo the girl was lying. The obscene jumping on the story is the story. The McCain campaign and its minions, and their immediate willingness to go all Chuck Stewart is the only story. The 'B' was gone during her frofmarch. Old news? Nooooope. Injecting the racist card never gets old. Nothing Joe said had any connection with reality. This assault was a fabrication with a racial twist. Lee Atwater is rolling in his grave. If they steal it or they simply act like you never voted, it must have been meant to be. Like you lived in Ohio, or Volusia County. If you're black, stay back. If you're brown stick around, Ed Rollins has a chicken bone to pick with you. It's spectacular that Republicans are up in arms about registration fraud when they excel at vote fraud and voter suppression.
- Rush said that Obama was actually going to Hawawii gecause of his unAmerican origins. How long Catiline, Except Catiline could actually speak the language and he wasn't the least of Willard;s rats. Rush was actually a pub-flogging liberal in a previous incarnation, presumably as a cockroach. How is it that morons that claim to be independent thinkers allow themselves to be led by nose rings by an obese oxy-poppin' moron? And they aren't disenfranchised? Hawaii was a state two years before Obama was born, pindick. I always thought Thomas Jefferson was right about government and newspapers, but, have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? With the exception of rags owned by Rupert Murdoch, who did his damndest to destroy the Dodgers, newspapers attempt honesty every day. Tubes pump unmitigated bullshit. I'd like to soak the infamous fedora in lighter fluid and set fire to it with Matt Drudge wearing it. It's bad enough that these internet and radio assholes trash journalism, but do they have to be such sans-gonads chikenshit little weenies when they do it?
- I'd drag your asses back to Troy Davis. No physical evidence. Nine eyewitnesses, seven of whom have recanted. Who bears responsibility for ending a life in the name of the state? One of the eyewitnesses is the most likely murderer. If the Supreme Court isn't capable of seeing injustice, isn't the GOP argument about Court appointments obscene. These Republican-appointed aholes said in a binding decision that proof of innocence is not enough proof to overturn a guilty verdict. Yup, they said that. This guy probably didn't commit a crime. It's almost sure as shit he didn't kill this off-duty cop. The doubt is monumental. Does Scalia get this from his reading of the Federalist Papers? Nope. He's an asshole that delivered the Florida disenfranchisement. This scum of the earth's interjection of his perverted Constitutional beliefs aside, Troy Davis is pretty clearly an innocent man. If he's executed by the state, well, I believe capital punishment is murder, but this murder may be more heinous than most. This guy was framed, and it's pretty obvious. Scalia believes Sirhan should sit in solitary for having killed the best man America ever produced. But he believes with no extant evidence that this guy should be executed. Well, Scalia is one despicqable shit that beleved Bobby Kennedy was usurping the Nixon imperial presidency. VP runs things anyway. Steal Florida. Steal Ohio. Vote fraud, registration fraud? What's the difference unless you're an idiot?
- AOScott sure isn't somebody reliable. Roger Ebert likes the same movies I like. He has good taste, and that pompous movie critic shit, well, Blade Runner is the best movie anybody ever made. And Chainatown is certainly second. Scariest movie? When things go a little to long in Poltergeist.
- Look, you dumbasses. A man's life is at sake. He didn't kill anybody. The evidence is overwhelmimg. You believe Scalia or you belivee the facts. Look. Swift Boat was the most outrageous lie in servivr of a chickenshit draft dodger. McCain? Only what he said. Kerry, he was a hero. . In the senate, McCain sort of japped on Kerry. What a jerk.
- McCain was a liNr. Kerry was a hero. Fact, jack. McCain claimed he dealt with Viet Namese. Bullshit. Kerry did, McCain lied.
- I'm not joking. This is a man's life at stake. I'm not dumd ebough to believe Bushevisk fon't be;ieve they hold some moral imperative. This guy in Savammah is most likely innocent. Almost everyy that testified against him has recanted. Another says one of the eye-witnesses was the murderer. W thinks he knows who the murderer is. He mocks her. How about the innocent shock and awe victims you ghoulish shock and awe perpetrator? Ge's a war criminal and so's Cheney. There is no such thing as blowing Iraqis up and claiming it was a justified war. Pretext+murder equals murder. In what universe do these assholes get away with this? The original attacks that were suposed to get Saddam. They just killed Iraqis indisriminately. Thousands of them. They just blew people up and didn't give a shit who they were. I'm so proud of my country. The surge? Well pay enough. Pay those dangerous warlords to stop shooting at you. Wow. Surge. Horseshit.The evidemce is ludicrous.. There is no evidence. The eye witnesses recamted.
- And you kill this guy?
- Who knows. I think anybody that anybody that bought into W was a moron. When I think of what kind of morons tt thos day it took skandering John Kerry, there is actually no way to forrgive Republicans. Yall did dthis to the angry beast. You all lose big time, except we all lose. Kerry is a bulldog prosecutor. Unlike osme mindless twit that believed Cheney was the real Pretzeldent, Kerry wiykd have stood up like a man and hunted down Oama Bin Laden. Or at least, he might have tried. The idea that it was police work, well, that was always the right idea you morons, Here's the deal. T. Boone thought he was clever to stick with W, when that was a little piece of shit and Kerry was a wartime hero, well T. Boone, you can fuck over actual voters.. You can pretend guys that can't fly planes are heroes because they get their asses shot down, Jphn Kerry saved his buddy from being killed. Hanoi Hilton? We've pmly got McCain to vouch for that. He thought he had to to live up to some bixarre family dignity. Kerry thought he owed it to his country. Actually, he probably only thought he owed it to his buddy.. T. Boone Pickens and Daddy Bush tried to paint John Kerry as some sort of anti-American. W bailed out and T. Boone is the architect of Swift Boat. He knows that's bullshit. In 2004, Republicans vowed to do whatever it took to rob the eletorate. If you athink they didn't steal Cuyahoga County, t bOONE. hE'S THE BIGGEST LIAR THAT EVER LIVED.
- If you had a chance to vote for a very smart guy for President, you know, the guy that understood terrorism is criminal behavior and police work brings it down, who was an actual war hero, and his opponent was a barely functional idiot in thrall to an evil sonofabitch that had better things to do than serve in Vietnam and got four or five personal deferments, , who would you vote for? T Boone Pickens would Swift-boat your ass, and you really should be disenfranchised for abject stupidity. And if the political party of the latter includes a whack-job Secretary of State that promises to deliver Ohio for the mumbledy moron President that invaded a sovereign country on evidence invented and defunked in 1998, and vanished votes on demand? Well, we keep Murrica and Newnined States (that is exactly the way the little shit pronounces it). Trash the Constitution? We doan need no steeenking Constitution. Here’s the deal. John Kerry was a war hero, if that’s possible. Both the Bushes ran away at the possibility. Prescott just realized how muck money he could make off Jews. T Boone funded slander. He's a somewhat larger fraud than Palin. To this day, when the Swift Boat shit is a bad joke, this scumbag stands by it and Fux insists it had a kernel of truth. Meanwhile, W just bagged service and got away with it. There is no accounting for how stupid people are.
- What Ted Stevens said: This verdict is the result of the unconscionable manner in which the Justice Department lawyers conducted this trial Does he mean the Justice Department fashioned by Kommissar Karl Rove? Under the bus, Ted.
- We get Savannah TV in Hilton Head, so we're treated nightly to Sackless Chambliss that actually claim his Senatorial opponent supports soliciting children for prostitution. Once you've morphed Max Cleland into Osama, this shit is like heroin. Mitch McConnell is playing political Saw with Ted Stevens. As much as I want to see those three quintessential GOP aholes humiliated, McCain remains the ultimate avatar of abject Republican reptile brain desperation. Most pitiful ploy right now? Tossup. On one hand, the twat is claiming the LATimes is protecting Obama. TLA fing Times. That employs Jonah Goldberg and Max Boot as its star pundintz. What a perfect storm of panic, ignorance, and total disrespect for the electorate. Still, resorting to robo-calling in your home state five days before the election, well, goshdarn it, you almost feel...yeah, right. Run a campaign like so many Mole Men, and you get what you deserve when you break into a whole new circle of hell.
- "Alot" is sort of like a verbal tick, like people that know better unable not to say "new-cue-lar". The one that gets me is endemic misuse of "bias" for "biased". What the hell? "I am Woman"? "We are Marshall"? "I am become death"? "We are all bias"?
- That Khalidi guy McCain is trying to tie Obama to? Might want to go Emily Littella on that one. All Bozos on that Straight Talk Bus.
- "Joe's with us today -- Joe, where are you? Where is Joe? Is Joe with us here today? Joe, I thought you were here today. All right, well, you're all Joe the Plumber, so all of you stand up!" -- John McCain at a rally yesterday in Defiance, Ohio. The famous plumber-with-a-publicist made it to a later rally in Sandusky, Ohio. This reminds me of an old joke. Two morons are walking along and find a dismembered leg. First says to second, 'That looks like Joe's leg.' Eventually, they Joe's disembodied head: 'Joe! Joe! Are you alright!?' Sums up the decomposing campaign succinctly.
- Don‘t know exactly what to make of this, but I imagine Rob Reiner’s mom up in heaven was saying “I’ll have what she’s having.” Feel free to move about the Oval Office. (This is interactive.)
- Jeremiah Sullivan Black (1810–83) QUOTATION:How shall we avert the dire calamities with which we are threatened? The answer comes from the graves of our fathers: By the frequent election of new men. Other help or hope for the salvation of free government there is none under heaven. If history does not teach this, we have read it all wrong. Jeremiah Black was, like, Buchanan’s BFF. Until the Insane Clown SecState of the FLA stole 2000, historians had Buchanan as bad as idt gets. Then Ken Diebold Blackwell disappeared voters like Pinochet with Raygun’s blessing and Kissinger’s surrogate muscle, and the deal was sealed. Roll around inyourgrave James, but you were just liy-liverd, not a rook nor conational subborner. I‘m programmed by years of puer abuse by the Sisters of Saint Joseph at St. Hugo of the Hills in the suburb so old school rich it looks down of the Grosses, but Sister Chitister shoulda been a Jesuit. In the Catholic Church, no matter what a handful of whack Bishops say, we believe Christianity is bound up in the ideas of Great Commandments, and God wasn’t so worried about Number 1. People that hold power noware the progeny of bastards that figured murdering Jesuit organizers and raping Maryknoll nuns was an excersie in American power. I understood the potential of American politics when I met Bobby Kennedy, I think in Cobo Arena, in 1968. I understood the power of crushing an idea, and an idea, when Bobby got shot and I went to Chicago. Barack is funny on the Cheney delight Eminence gris from Nixon to the present.. Why hasn’t the MSM vetted those connections Terriss? One bomb from being rid of that obnoxious court. Here’s the deal: these bastards come rom the AEI. They morphed into the I’ve been trying for weeks, months to point out to family and friends, Republicans and Democrats, that the McSame meme (there’s no way to express how vile I find the term meme) is lame. Code for fucking the country up in a hand basket? Well, for sure. But gutdomn, it’s so much more. People need to understand that there’s been an assault on the Constitution. It’s one thing for Grover to talk about strangling government, it’s another for a nitwit to say he just invalidates everything Congress says. If you’re somehow undecided, please read that previous link. If you think that your America should wage peremptory war, or that the President by theft twice in a row is somehow imperial. How did it get to a point that Americans believe in If we believe in imperial presidency, we choose between Babar Bus and Lady MacBeth. assault on the Constitution. Honest to God. If you don’t think these assholes threaten your security, go to sleep, you’re already coopted. It isn't Calibans Island. These assholes want to kill your ass, or at least make you subservient.
- Memorable campaign ads? Sure. Llibby Dole wins the Suxxxxxxby Cambliss award for despicable piecefe of shit. If you make a Presbyterian elder Sunday School Teacher out to e an atheist, you ought to put a forrk in her so she can’t say <I.she comes from a Christiaan faith that doesn’t direct her to bear false witness. Saxvy is running ads saying his opponent favors child molesters. This has gotten to a sorry state. If a Democratic points out out inconsistencies, that matches bogus claims about patriotism or belief in God. Saxby Chambliss morphed Max Cleland into Osama. Saxby was the draft dodger. John Kerry was a reluctant war hero. W fot high and protected the OClub. One is true. The other’s wild slander. Are Americans this stupid? Not without voter fraud and outright vote theft. But the Republican Party specializes in both. Look into Kerry’s work regarding MIAs and how McCain latched on Facts are, Kerry ran the BCCCI investigations and exposed Republican thugs. These PNAC assholes hate Kerry more than anybody on earth. He exposed the Raygun ventriloquists for the state terrorists they were. He also exhibited exactly how to shut down terrorists, If Barack says McOldfart would perpetuate Cheney’s W ventriloquist act, that’s as negative as claiming Obama’s some sort of foreigner that threatens America with ingrained Socialist and Islamist beliefs? Rignt? So much for the fair and balanced WaPo. One’s true, one’s esperate, ungrounded character assassination. How the fuck is that both sides go negative? 84 cases of vote fraud identified since 1998. Several hundred thousand voters disenfranchised illegally by Republican operatives in the same time and space. Vote suppression in volusia and Broward counties in 2003 is legendary. These assholes think it’s funny. They blew their horns, and the walls came down. I don’t think they’re laughing anymore. An idiot on FOX? That's where you end up if you're a Republican with a dead intern. When you claim too be a political party, and you plumb unspeakable depths, and you fester in the American Enterprise Insitute and pop a boil with the PNAC, Jack Bauer needs to torure your ass. Somebody's supposed to say highjacking the Constituion is bullshit.
- I cannot conceive how any man can have brought himself to that pitch of presumption, to consider his country as nothing but carte blanche, upon which he may scribble whatever he pleases. Edmund Burke said that. Somewhere back in the 18th Century. Prescient does not begin. I think he was talking abut signing statements and kneejerk religiosity from irreligious men that don't value human life. I see this election as America snatched back from a precipice, but that might be kinda dramatic. Whe I woke the computer today, I got Ah, May followed b>No Woman No Cry.....and going out to poll-watch.
- My Logitech wireless keyboard is failing. That was Ah, Mary, a song as great as Fortunate Son.
- Election Day music. As Robbie says, you all know the Doctor. We’re having a real problem with Chuck Todd talking about Ohio. If you believe W won Ohio in 2004 without Blackwell and Diebold, seek professional help. How is it that we got Rev. Wright ads in The Last Days and no Hagee? I mean, if the media “is” so in the bag for Obama, why has it been months since anybody heard about McCain’s rev that calls the Catholic Church ‘the Great Whore’? You know, it will be nice to have a Vice President that’s not a reptile thrall of the oil industry. Or was he actually running the oil industry? Fact is, it’s been an eight year nightmare of misgoverning by PNAC and the American Enterprise Institute, in a fucking Swiftboat World. Republicans can lie there asses off and claim large turnouts favor McOldFart, but it’s all over. Best argument for shitcanning the Electoral College? Pretzeldent W. It's actually almost never made a difference, but I suppose the same argument holds for the Supreme Court. McCain's campaign is lobbying to count alleged military absentee ballots in Virginia. Maybe the asshole could have voted for vets in the first place instead of sticking with the niggardly policies of the current misAdministration. They might have had timely postal service. Not with somebody else‘s. Remember when the election used to be about keeping you safe from terriss? Or Senner Obama? Or other words of more than two easily elidable syllables? Or using ‘hate’ as a noun when hatred is a perfectly excellent word? Or ‘torture as an intransitive verb? Seems to be the economy again. We live in South Carolina. People here are so dumb they think Lindsey Graham isn’t a bald-faced liar. Twenty minutes ago, we got a robocall asking us start with the idea that Barack Obama is ‘foreign’. The polls close in 90 minutes. We already voted, but who in the world did these idiots think they were going to influence?
- Pennsylvania voted for Kerry, Gore, Clinton, Dukakis, ad nauseated infinitum. Why did Republican strategists hang their hats there? Holy shit, think they might have counted on racism? Apparently, Libby Dole has lost. Oh happy day, and come on Kentucky and Georgia. Dole's 'atheist' ad was stunningly disgusting, basically mind-boggling. Nobody will ever go lower than Sackless Chambliss morphing Max into Osama, but Mrs. Dole moved into second place ahead of the truly egregious 'Call me" trashy white girl ad. Mitch McConnell makes Ted Stevens seem like something other than a slimy invertebrate while virtually driving the earthmovers filling the hollers and fouling the entire East Coast watershed.
- Jeff, I believe that qualifies either way as 'total destruction of a planet'. Not sure what to make of it. Are Americans not stupid selfish booboisee? The GOP has been fueled for decades by the incredibly moronic, pusillanimous self-delusion of political lemmings that were convinced they were living on capital gains instead of being reamed at work. The idea that somebody could point out an instance of tax cuts on the obscene proceeds of inherited wealth contributing to either employment or wealth is just about as unlikely as finding actual vote fraud not perpetrated by Republican Secretaries of State. I'll be happy if my dim view of America's collective intelligence and ethics proves wrong.
- A win for people that believe bearing false witness is actually sinful. Nobody ever crushed an offensive ad like Hagan did. Too bad somebody didn't step on T. Boone's tongue that way in 2004.
- The idea that this is some sort of middle right, kiss my ass. Glycerine. What some asshole like Robert Novak says, He said 2004 a mandate, for W. We don't believe in racism. I was in Grant Park in 1968. I gave as good as I got. Bloodied myself and blood handed to those assholes that thought to drive us down.. My parents stood for equality. They deserved my comittment. They marched in Blooomfield Hills and Grosse Pointe.. If you didn't believe in open housing, what sort of ocscene bastard racism did you actually believe in? You probably find Barack unacceptable to this day, because your a racist bastard. This doesn't have anything to do with Socialism. Tou can't define Socialism. Socialism abd Barack, miles and miles, assholes. It's not just a happenstance that we've got socialism and trashing your civil rights. These aholes believe they ought to be able to mine your every communication. You're a terriss. People need to understand that there’s been an assault on the Constitution. It’s one thing for Grover to talk about strangling government, it’s another for a nitwit to say he just invalidates everything Congress says. You think I'm an asshole or you think Dickless Cheney is? You people have allowed these scumbgs to trash your Constitytion, and your Constitutional rights. You are some serious morons. You bought Cheney. You thought you were somehow endangered and the endangerment wasn't these aholes turning the country into McCarthyville. Those Hollywood types? Sure as shit more reliable than Rovians. Was a word these assholes said about Iraq true? Is Saudi Arabia the hotbed for anti-American anti-aAmericanism? Kuwait? Pulleaze. These bastards slant drilled. US said it was fine. US sent April Glaspie. She told them it was fine. Please consider. In 1998, William Kristol and David Addington tried to talk Clinton into invading Iraq.. Their idea was cash on the barrelhead from Shell, Mobil, etc. big gucks for Cheney. Nice try. Cheney made a fortune nonetheless. And wrote himself in as WP and catspaw for Enron before they bailed. Anybody that doesn;t understand the illegal operation that enriched Cheney is an idiot.
- Republicans believe in racism. If you think that's not true, you're an idiot. These morons claimed Barack was a socialist. Do they have a clue what socialism is? Apparently not. Are they that stupid? Nope.So were they just lying there ass off? Yeah, they were. Every republican that claimed Ogama was a socialist was lying his ass off. But you know, they also know John Kerry is a hero. They know Kerry told the truth about dealing with terrorists, It's police work. They know when dealing with the Republic of VietNam, and MIAs, McCain was lying and Kerry was telling the truth. In the history of American political politics, the Swift Boat shit was the most despicable crap anybody's ever pulled, and Ken Blackwell had to steal seeveral counties. So Robert Novak? You fucked the country over, and you know it. Assholes, sstole the election in Cuyago, stole the election in Volusia, stole the election and shat on the Copnstitution, And what we got was Mission Accomplished. Republicans wan't to claim Americans just lobed Reagan. The'se bastard's were wll into bacging the Constitution. They took you for fools. Long Con, and if you belibed thase aholes ever believed in the Constitution, or American pricnciples, you were had.
- Sweiftboat bullshit was pperpetrated by Nixon's favorite. Since you didn't take part, like the Nixon scum, how would you have the slightest idea? Republicans lie their asses off.
- If people had had the sense, and the balls, to understand the grotesque lies, wouldn't we be looking at a more manageable fuckup than we are looking at now? I mean, W and Viet Nam? He wasn't buying that shit. He was partying and buying out. Do we believe the USA is the bully? Do we blow up weddings in Afghanistan and insist we were were right? Are Afghan weddings bait like storms find trailer parks? Things aren't going well, and my country tis of thee is missing enemies and blowing up innocents. We'd better do something about that sort of shit. When HW left office, he made sure Clinton would deal with a shitstorm in Somlia. He made sure. W is trying to make sure the environment is fucked. No matter what anybody thinks about blobal warming and endangered species, W and his surrogates are trying to leave a bigger problem than anybody could imagine, and dthey'te trying to leave an environmental holocaust it will be difficult to turn toward good. You can try to claim Michael Chriihton wasn't an asshole, but his legacy is the idea that global warming is a hoax. Sure it is, you jackass, and Ihhofe isn't insane. Republicans stick with Ihhofe and Sam Brownback, and science isn't science. He wrote one good book, 'Eaters of the Dead'. God knows where that came from, but everything else was bogus. McCain tried to put "quotation mards" around How did anybody vote for W vs. Kerry with any sort of clear conscience? This boggles my mind. I'd think people did, and bastards in Ohio hijacked the vote. Here's the deal. Anybody that doesn't think Ohio wa jobbed i a fucking idiot. Robbed in Florida in 20000, robbed without a doubt in Ohio in 2004. They lied, they cheated, they manufactured in Ohio. Thee ahole that tole that election have blood on their hand. It's my demographic that seems so difficult to comprehend. Kerry chose to serve. He wa a hero. He aved live. McCain blew up the Forrestal. McCain had Kerry's back until it went afoul of the Raygunistas. He realized the people we were supposed to believe in lied their ass off. He repudiated his status as a hero. He turned traitor on Kerry. when the Swiftboat hit the fan. Maybe thats not what he did when he was tortured, I wasn;t there, But he turned his back on Kerry when Kerry exposed the great movement to fuck over the Constitution. If I'm wrong about this, lets hear the opposition. Kerry is to fine a man to expose McCain. They knew among them what a despicable. Obama is seriouiusly like Bobby. Not Jack But shit,' like Bobby. But nobody's like Bobby. Nobody's like Bobby, He's like Bobby, A lot. But nobodyy's that cool. Bobby is better than anybody, by a mile. Whatever. Bobby Kennedy was better than anybody. He was just better than anybody. If you don't get that you're a moron.
- I'm prejudiced. A collie. Smartest, best looking, most intuitive of human feeling. I'm prejudice (Isn't that a part of speech like bias?) I had two great collies when I was a kid. Both died too young. I was thinking about the greatest chord nonsense. It's quite obviously the unidentifiable chord in interim and at the end of Day in the Life. Serious sustain. Or that Link Wray E-chord repeated at the beginning of 'Rumble'.
- Orchids? Murder. They call me, Mr. Tibbs. And Eric Zorn shuts down comments. Been drunk, never abusive.Never rude. Ocasionallly intelligent, Sometimes smart. Many times a dumbass Sometimes I write well. More ofren, I don't If peoplw are so dumbass hateful they shut down Eric Zorn coments, we're a lonely nation. And I don't know why. And if you DON'T't get the musical referenc. Youre an idit. Tou dumb zxx.
- Thar's a very handsome German Shepherd. Wonderful dogs but kind of strange, and the dog in that picture has 40 lbs. on any coyote. There was a shepherd in our Pulte subdivision, Lamplighter Lane in Bloomfield hills when Swuirrel Road was dirt with a waste oil makeover. Something between 18 and 21 mile tan the other way. We went to Saint Hugo's with vicious Sisters of Saint Joseph, and Groves and UDHigh and Brother Rice for High School. Every dad in our neighborhood was a J. Walter madman, or a doctor, or a Chevy or Ford thrall. For some reason, there was natural enmity between my collie Sandy and this dog Duke. Fortunately, Sandy was huge for a collie, probably 80 lbs. and perfect tri-color. They staged horrific battles, but they'd stop fighting if a kid was endangered. After awhile, they got along. They protected kids liable to run into the street after fly balls, when drunken and drugged mindless driving was endemic to such a neighborhood. I mean dogs taking down kids in the ubiquitous drainage ditches in the face of implacable, speeding Detroit rolling iron (as Stephen King puts it). If there are coyotes, I say they're gorgeous animals, superb bloodlines, and remarkably adapted, and who put them in the suburbs in the first place? If the problem is preying on household pets, the cockapoo and the bichon frise seem bred to be victims, and I've had quite a few cats no canine would ever put a glove on. When a redwood mansion burns down, how is it possible people don't understand it was built where it should not have been? If there are fires that shouldn't have happened, mindless humans were the incendiary agents. Why are there possums on the half-shell all over I-95? If armadillos walk to Georgia, this has more to do with unregenerate nouveau bullshit than anything in the natural world. Bears and wolves, sharks. They belong in the natural world. Sometimes things happen. People choose to kill other species. This is not reallly defensible unless they mean it for sustenance. Shooting eagles and wolves from helicopters, that's not remotely excusable. Niggling and lame economic revenge, you assholes. JoodyB. I'm a fan of William James. In my family, I'm probably the William as opposed to a couple of brothers that sound more like Henry. Well, there's transcendentalism and there's realism. For style and plot, Henry rules. Daisy Miller is more or less perfect. William seems to have gotten a grasp on Dante and William Blake. But it seems like the Blake renderings. Brilliant as they are. You can insist on reality all you want. Creation is God becoming God. If you don't deny God, it's a fact. I know people think that's ridiculous. I believe god created God becoming God. If you believe God doesn't exist, you think that's idiotic. It makes a great deal of sense to me. The guy that thought of this wasn't some whackjob. He was Pierre Theillard de Chardin. He was brilliant. He was the most brilliant scientist of the last century.
- That's not a coyote. Coyote ought to be running free.
- Urban wildlife? These animals belong where they end up. You have Hines Ward in the NFL game. He's the best player in the NFL. You nail anybody that comes near you. How you play football. Whine about that, you're a weenie. Two best quarterbacks, no doubt. Serious football. Pats don't play this. Real deal.
- Urban wildlife? These animals belong where they end up. You have Hines Ward in the NFL game. He's the best player in the NFL. You nail anybody that comes near you. How you play football. Whine about that, you're a weenie. Two best quarterbacks, no doubt. Serious football. Pats don't play this. Real deal. Hines Ward is the best football player on the face of the earth. These dickheads can claim he shouldn't nail morons that don't pay attention.
- It never made a consideration. I knew when he made that speech he was basically Bobby. That's what I thought. That is what I thought was a sure thing. Maybe I was a dumbass. I thought he was better. I thought he sounded like Bobby. I believed for a long time that if you understood Bobby, you meant everything to everybody. That is what he's meant. Bobby means more to anybody, and everybody, than anybody in the history of national politics. Bobby was the best man. Nobody could say that's not true. He was just the best we could imagine. His kids know the truth. These people screw you over beyond belief. Holy shit, you couldn't make this shit up. People getting golden parachutes are breathing this shit.
- Rana, yo'ure nuts. Little dogs are just too stupid. They're inexcusable little pieces of shit and they get eaten. They aren't real dogs. They're put in an exceptionally bad situation by assholes that don't care about dogs. What is wrong with assholes that do this sort of thing to midget dogs?
- HW left Clinton with Somalia, on purpose and spitefully, and uncaring of human reality, death and destruction. Born to the manor, privileged, rich by inheritance from dealing with the Third Reich, who were these interlopers to replace Quaker Oats as First Lady? Here‘s what W has delivered surreptitiously, possibly with no clue, to mess up his predecessor. This is purely a case of taking advantage of a bad situation to make things worse for American taxpayers and better for bankers. This is pretty clearly Paulson giving banks license to steal money from taxpayers. Paulson and the banks surely benefit. How does anybody else? Nominally, our entire financial future rests in Wachovia, and nobody at corporate has had the decency to contact us about Wells Fargo taking over and what that might mean to our investments. We’re supposed to be happy our checking and credit card accounts still work, I guess. "It's just like after September 11. Back then no one wanted to be seen as not patriotic, and now no one wants to be seen as not doing all they can to save the financial system," said Lee A. Sheppard, a tax attorney who is a contributing editor at the trade publication Tax Analysts. "We're left now with congressional Democrats that have spines like overcooked spaghetti. So who is going to stop the Treasury secretary from doing whatever he wants?" Uh, the President that employs him, you ahole? Mr. Signing Statement. Yeah, right. Sounds like a Banana Republic to me. On another subject, why are DJs a topic of conversation when there's Songza? DJs used to be clever, like Charles Laquidara, or friends that introduced you to music you might like. Now it's Lex and Terry and Twins I'd like to have sex with. This is Dumbing Down. This is Hillbilly Heroin Rush Culture. This is Jim Rome pretending to be a black athlete when he was punked by a seriously good football player he called Chris Chandelier. Republicanism. Family Values promoted by perverse, incourteous speech and behavior. There are three DJs worth listening to: Miami Steve, Bob Dylan and Dee Snyder. I guess if I have a point about ratdogs, it's that why did people do that to dogs? Knowing about genetics and perverting other species seems like an unrepentable and unforgivable sin. If a cockapoo is a reality, I like it inherently. Hardly ever met a dog I didn't. I don't want it eaten by a coyote. But a coyote's got to eat. And they were here first.Far as cats are concerned, I think cats inflict unspeakable oain on th noses and ears of canines, leading to retreat, and salvation. Any cat worth its salt. One way or another, humans ought to be smart enough to figure they take risks when they invade on nature. Chimps have opposable thumbs. Humans claim superiority by possessing reasoning abilities. Yet, we still allow our votes to be stolen. And rats reason. Smartest Monkeys? Maybe. Maybe not.
- There are major league Grade A assholes in America. Robert Novak is one of them for sure. But Novak promoting Newt for President? Serial philanderer? Served divorce papers on his cancer-ridden wife in the hospital? Contract on America? Holy shit. They really need to take away that guy’s driver’s license. Hell, Bob, why not Phil Gramm? The FCC in the last eight years has been a mindlessly politicized tentacle of Bushco. Like the Justice Department. Fact is, Fox has operated as a house organ in the grand tradition of Pravda. Anybody that denies that is disingenuous at best, and, at worst and in fact, a liar.Vagaries of "the law" notwithstanding, Swiftboat was slander. Actual malice and outright lies. And where did those ads run on TV but over and over on Fox? There is an FCC Charter. The people own the airwaves and broadcasters rent them. If you think George Carlin is a blight and biased politicization from some numbmuts Aussie ahole isn't, or a delusional Korean preacher, or Scaiffe, I'd say you're a moron and you don't pass the polling test.
- Author, author. The Hillsdale shirt is perfect. College Republican Central. The lLving Dead have been making W's lips move for eight years. Was Joe Lieberman in that car? And was it driven by a Mossad agent? That's Ed Rollins, right? Kommissar Karl? Shouldn't it be Lee Atwater rising from the grave? These guys were the National Security Guarantor Party. They prosecuted the pizza delivery to Fort Dix guys and that truck driver that was going to take down the Brooklyn Bridge with an acetylene torch in broad daylight, and the guys in Miami that wanted combat boots and way cool camo. If they can't deal with real terriss, no match for zombies. Meantime, John Hinderaker thinks W should be a role model for Obama as far as public speaking is concerned. To avoid putting his foot in his mouth. Or somebody else's. Aiiyee, Hadji, another zombie. Let's get this copter movin' Race. You shoot these ghouls in the head. Field dressing? Call the Gov in Alaska. Say it's Berlussconi and he wants a dry hump, towels optional. You'll get right through. As in the the greatest, transformative and inventive instant of the genre, the level-headed, sensible, highly-principled, reasonably handsome black guy will save our asses. We hope. Unless some local yokel member of the NRA kept a bazooka in his living room and blew his brains out with a lead harpoon. (That disturbing image is Lou Reed's, not mine, though I'd probably give in to zombiehood to get such a perfect image by eating a brain. In context, he meant it as bittersweet and tragic comment about the inevitability of human bigotry and stupidity rather than mindless violence. Which was probably George Romero's point in the first place. But he had to make a whole zombie movie to get to it, and Lou just wrote another gorgeous song.) Anyway, the movie's quite entertaining, which I imagine was most of the point. I mean, aside from how much fun it was to make. The various splats and organs were quite effective. It was somewhat gratuitous to talk about planting Ron Raygun. You can call Nancy When she gets off the phone from the President-Elect. But, you know, the seances could figure in a sequel. Bruce Campbell is interested based on the rushes. Oh, and my brother and I used to kick Michael Stipe out of a bar in Athens for no ID, so I'd be remiss in not pointing out the truly great I Walked With a Zombie by Roky Erikson, who was imprisoned in Texas and had his brains sort of eaten by electric shock therapy (Zombie MDs). REM made a very good cover version of this song on an album called When the Pyramid Meets the Eye. Roky also sang about ghosts, vampires, etc. He said if you have ghosts, you have everything, which seems kind of insightful for somebody that's had his brain devoured. So if there's a market for high concepts for future film endeavors...
- Is Hillsdale a real school, or did Republicans just invent it, like a Sears poncho? Oh shit, they invented Pepperdine, and Liberty Law, it''s... like a virus from outer space invading rotting brains of corpses. Before we know it, a black guy will have to save a bunch of namby-pamby white asses from zombies. And I was going to say get shot for the trouble. But it's not social commentary by George Romero anymore, and that's not remotely funny. It's ironic, but all those unConstitutional Bushco eavesdropping methods better be on red alert. Hillary was an asshole for bringing this up? It's like Tonio K says: "They but Jesus on a cross, they put a hole in JFK, they put Hitler in the driver's seat and looked the other way." Funky Western Civilization. When Kerry was slandered by a fucking hypocrite draft-dodger that just had better things, like lines and shots to do, it reminded me of The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead. The best people seem to be defenseless against the most crass, deceitful and evil. God save Barack. It's exceptionally important.
- People call George Romero the Oracle of Pittsburgh? Damn, that's almost like being the Bard of Baltimore. <ight be overthinking, but it seems that the reason Nancy's gang's (natural born ringleader, Guignol Guru of Grosse Pointe) effort is so astute and entertaining is political text, sub and uber. Every great zombie movie is brimming with subversion.
- Speaking of the living dead, this was one long strange trip to political oblivion. This poor fellow should have gone with the brown acid. Maybe he can claim it was a real-time demonstration of Raygunite economic theory.
- Brian, that is why the knotheaded, no-nothing charge of socialism was virulent and slandrous. (The spell-check is telling me knotheaded needs a hyphen and slandrous needs an e. What sort of idiot fascism is that?) If you claim to follow Jesus, or any worthwhile religious leader and philosopher, you pretty much have to believe in the Commonweal. The least of my brethren are my responsibility. Actually, if you believe in nothing more than the American Constitution, you wind up in the same place. John Prine meant Jesus was a socialist when he said He was a carpenter, when it came down to human dignity and the value of life. Now. on another subject. Any y'all ever read The Snow Leopard? How about Far Tortuga and At Play in the Fields of the Lord? And the crowd thins. Peter Matthiessen wrote those books, and I believe he's brilliant, on a par with Thomas Pynchon and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. (and in some instances, Tom McGuane and TC Boyle, and Umberto Eco and Mark Helprin, and most assuredly Margaret Atwoodand William Gibson, and a host of others book critics that can't write a lick like to turn their noses up at, and how's that for ending a sentence with two prepositions?) So then Peter Matthiessen wrote an amazing trilogy that started with Killing Mr. Watson, segueing into Lost Man's River and Bone by Bone. I think these books form a definitive statement about America as a unique outlaw nation without Wonderbread in its formative years. So now, the old guy has reduced, he says 'distilled' the three to one. And it's nominated for a National Book Award. People are shocked, just shocked. It's not a real book at all. The questions this tempest raises in this teapot are fascinating to me. One thing, first off, is, wouldn't these bastards go gaga if John Updike did this with rabbit? Is it a new book? (Me? I might read this. Well, yeah I'll read it because I trust the writer.) Who cares so much about the National Book Award? (We're not nitwit Brits whining about the Booker shortlist, after all..) What's more interesting is struggling with characters and prolixity, and the role of editors. When I was a kid, I thought Kurt Vonnegut was a driven nail, short, sweet and incisive. At the same time, I would have said that Look Homeward Angel meant the great American novel had been achieved. (The wisdom of advanced age makes it quite clear that Huckleberry Finn put that one to bed.) . Was Maxwell Perkins a co-author? I mean, it's long, but it was going to be twice as long as War and Peace. Did the editor save the book from being the most overrated doorstop in the history of novels? Then, there's The Stand, which is one hellacious novel, published originally at about 700 pp., restored to superlative effect at plus a thou. Yeah, yeah, Steven King. Lots of great writers have done post-Apocalypse: Cormac McCarthy, Margaret Atwood, Russell Hoban better than anybody (If you haven't read Riddley Walker don't wait). Steven King got the actual Apocalypse down, with a locomotive plot and electric characters. I doubt Peter Mathiessen gives a shit about the award, but he's scrwing with my life if he claims the 'distillation' is an improvement. I love the originals.
- JGW, it was just walking around money. I was actually interested in all y'alls opinions about writers and authors, writers and editors, writers and translators. You seem like a literate bunch. There are so many questions here, that are so interesting to consider. Who's a great writer in the Modern twentieth century. Something I forfot about, what about translators. Is Gabriel Gatcia Matquez so brilliant without Gregory Rabassa? Fiction is one thing, but poetry, I'd say the translator is an artist at worst, in many cases the actual poet. I suppose it depends upon whether you think the poetry is the emotional intent or the language.
- Time for buying guns in America. A spokesman for Cheaper Than Dirt, a large gun store in Ft. Worth, says People are terrified of losing their right to protect themselves. The volume is 10 times what we ever expected. It started with assault rifles, but at this point people are buying ammunition, high-capacity magazines, Glocks—it's all flying off the shelf. With the economy the way it is, people are worried about instability. They are scared of civil unrest. Bob Seger saw this coming time back way back. That's Riddley Walker. .
- I've got a '67 Triumph. There is a great motorcycle song. I'll be damned, and Brit bikes leak oil, but I'm going to get a Vincent. If you're riding a Harley, you're a moron. Thing is, that sort of disability just makes you a Republican, not a justified handicapped parker.
- I hate to say this, because parking in a handicapped spot when you aren't is something I consider deserving of a whole circle in hell, but you can ride a motorcycle with a full leg prosthesis. Mostly, mildly fat Republican people feeling entitled that claim glandular disorders do this sort of thing, and they're usually driving Beamers. Slap a bumper sicker in the middle of their windshield. Meanwhile, nutcases buying guns worries me more. Actually, anybody buying guns worries me. Please take a look at this. I know Ron Paul wouldn't condone this, but this asshole was a campaign adviser. If anybody doubts Barack is a potential target of whack-jobs, think again.
- Nope. Triumph Bonneville 650, seeping oil. And, damn it's fast, but it skids in the eighties and the rain, and I have to admit its starting to feel heavy. I don't like to think I might have to consider something befitting older age. I could not abide a Honda, but Yamahas seem like good bike for back country and the beach. Used to have an Indian with a sidecar. Some dumbass GA State trooper made me parallel park it to get a sickle license. And I can imagine your plastic pocket protector and your recreational vehicle, Joe. You know, you don't know me from Adam. It's the internets and they lead us to lies and recriminations. There is no such thing as Beuford, bud. That's Beaufort. It's one incredibly beautiful ante-bellum town lost in time 3.5 miles from here by kayak. Next to Parris Island, where they train marines and FBI agents. We invade regularly by swimming Port Royal Sound, three or four times a year. I could do it in two hours, but my companion slows to observe fauna, and she draws me into the fantasia. Excuse me. But rutting dolphins, that's inspiring when you're almost naked in the first place. I rode a Honda 50 once. When I was a kid, in the Bahamas. Serious juice. I hit something on the beach and the front wheel went off toward the ocean. The fork buried in the sand. I've got scars. I wouldn't get on a Honda if somebody in a James Bond movie held a gun to my head. Good luck in Brigport, Joe, in whatever altered state that might reside. Dave K. If I ever said you were a moron, I apologize, abjectly. Mostly, these days, I scare the shit out of myself on the bike, to tell the truth. I scare the shit out of myself crossing the street on my bicycle. And I think about mortality. Odds are seriously good I shouldn't be alive at this point. Always makes me think of my hero, Ray Davies. No matter how hard I try it seems I'm too young to die. Life goes on. And if anybody listened to that Richard Thompson song about the Vincent Black Lightning and doesn't want one, well, you've never ridden a motorcycle and you probably think Shane McGowan's just a sot.. And, Dave, you hit a deer and lived to tell? Holy crap. I hit a deer driving a '69 Cougar that had to weigh 4000 lbs. and barely made it out alive.
- Fastest car you ever owned? Fastest car I ever drove and how fast I drove it. Z-28, and about 140 mph on Woodward Avenue. Ever owned? Maxda 626 pn the way out the Mass Pike to be in time for my daughter to make it to the world on time. You can't drive faster than that. There's a story, too, but all I was thinking was blowing it out and I couldn't get a ticket. I think Warren Zevon was thinking about Tim Buckley, Ricardo. I had to call somebody long-distance. I said join me in LA. Maybe James Garner was just Maverick. Smart, handsome and the long con. Seems to resonate. Once Sam Adams and the bomb-wielders were done, it took tall tales, buffalo guns and Fenders. It's an MC5 song. But Gibsons were always better guitars. Dexter. I've seen pigs on the highway. I think coyotes might make up for that. Some sort of natural herding device, and they might eat laggards. Or the coyotes will get them. Or the rednecks surely will. The problem on the roads is the armadillo. They don't move very fast, so they're possum on the half-shell. Aphrodisiac for coyotes. If predator species return, homo sapiens has to root for the wolves, not the bears. Bears don't give a shit, but supposedly you can make yourself look big and make a lot of noise.
- How is it great to baIl out AIG but GM ia nthem. And Ford says we don't want you're money. You can be all Sarah all the time. You can't be that fucking stupid. I am a moron and this is my wige. She is frsting a cake with paper knife. So, she isn;t a despicable bitch? She bagged fidelity. It's OK to lie your ass off.
- Fox calls henhouse black. Man bites dog? Mixed metaphor? Take that bull by the horns and run with it. Biggest crooks in history. No shame. These assholes will try this with Blackwater before all is said and done. Little Miss Runamuck must get a shiver up her thigh when embedment is the story of the day. You know, the misadministration screwed up badly on embedding exceptionally foul environmental regulations. Thought they were clever. Like they japped on the NAFTA side agreements and home heating fuel to Korea. Clever frat boys. It's contagious. crooks. Nudist Colony of the Dead is on Hawkeye's to do list.
- For fans of James Brown, Etta James, Sister Re, etc, free music:
- Het rey et y'all, and ya ta hey. Rollling Stone has its 100 best singers out. . Missing Chrissie Hind and Ray Davies,. And Steven Stills and Richard Thompson. And Shane McGowan fer chrissake. Roky Erikson, Jeffrey Lee Pierce, John Prine, Nick Lowe, Jimmy fucking Hendrix, the guy in the Zombies, Joan Jett, Dr. John, Arthur Brown, David Gilmour, Ringo, Keith Relf, Steve Marriott, Rick Danko (who was at least Levon Helm's equal, and if you don't think so, listen to any version of Stage Fright), Axl instead of Alice, I think that's asinine. Most of all, I think this is moronic for including Madonna. It's not that she's not deserving, but how in the world does anybody think she's a better singer than her contemporary Cyndi Lauper., equal in nerves and brains, wrote better songs, and didn't ever need overdubbing. And had the brains to cover great songs, like Money Changes Everything. Some of the inclusions are just silly. Some of the exclusions just make this seem like an idiotic publicity stunt. No Bo Diddeley? With John Lee, they got this right. Leaving of Michael Stipe, it's ridiculous. Listen to Finest Worksong. or Radio Free Europe Jim Morrison was brilliant. Five to one and the killer approached before dawn, he put his boots on, that's reciting half-ass poetry and not singing like Jimi singing I'm a voodoo child. Not by anybody's stretch of an imagination. Anyway, Bjork, I love that from way back before she became a caraicature, when it was Sugarcubes. . But there were the Cocteau Twins. Travelling Man George Jones? Whiny jackass resorting to a a lawnmower asshole. That's a better singer than Willie Nelson or Bob Seger? Really stupid list, like their guitar player list. Not Shane McGowan? c'mon you morons. The list is so stupid. Soister, well Chain of Fools. Somehow in the discussion of Otis they seemed to miss Dock of the Bay. I'd say sting is a nearly great vocalist, but he couldn't touch aybody that ever sang for the Zombies. Now that boy could sing. And there's the obvious question about seperating the singer from the song. Great singers? Rita Coolidge. Emmylou is not on this list. Hasil Adkins. Is'nt Mike Ness a great singer?
- There's the idea of great women singers. They can't be quite so good. There's Anne Richmond Boston, Aimee Mann, Chrissie, Maria Mckee. Do you have to know what you're talking about? But you moake this list and leave out Chrissie Hynde? Dumbass. That 100 llist didn't include Warren Zevon. If you didn't get Ray Davies, you're an idiot. If you missed Rita Coolidge and included Natalie Cole, You're an idiot. If you think Madonna can ing, she was never in your universe Cyndi, not even close. One wrote better songs and was a most better singer. Go to Sonbza and get Money change everything. Great song by Tom Gray. What Cyndi thought about everything. Great song. Randy Newman isn;t as great a singer as Tom Waits? But if its just rocke and roll. How is Bon Scott and his alter ego left out? If it's pure gorgiosness, where's Emmylou,? The guitar slinger shit was ridiculous. Neal is in the universe with Steven? You can;t play and you can't opine. One's a genius. Others a sort of genius. They seem to be best friends Steve and Neal. One guy's the best guitar player not Richard Thompson. He writes pop songs his best friend cant understand.
- Jeff., Where the hell did I dine? Pretty good. Do You, feel like I do? Woke up this morning with a wineglass in my hand. Who's wine, where the hell did I dine? How do they get Eric Burdon so right and so wrong at the same time? It's Sky Pilot, you idiots. But are these arbiters joking? Theres 'Girls in their Summer Their Summer Clothes,: And they missed Woodie Guthrie. These folks don't no diick about vocals. They haven't got the best of the bestby a mile. Aretha, that would would be Chain, chain chains.. (My doctor says take it easy, but your lovin' is just so good). There's Ah Mary by Grace Potter. Now that girl can sing. Girl singers, boy these guys have it hung. Madonna is a singer? Self-promoting axshole, sure. Just about as good singer a Justin Timberlake. Beat of my heart, she's the shot of a gun. Nobody can be that stupid. Somewhere in the future, Grace actually tells you how you fucked things up
- # Catherine says: November 20th, 2008 at 11:42 pm Jeff, I think it seems odd for anyone to think of leaving faith out the mix. That said, the present day Republican party has tried to bring in the libertarians *and* the fundamentalists. These two camps, there’s no way they’re going to co-exist for long, let alone sing Kumbaya around the bonfire. jcburns, why AREN’T you doing PR for the Big 3? That is truly a great idea for a campaign. JGW, hang in there. It’s going to get better. And when you try to codify faith, well, that's just unConstitutional. And that's exactly what these bastards have attempted. If their faith ws anything but Halliburton and Enron, and Norman Podhoretz, they might deserve audience. And they've attempted to make huge bucks doing it. Jesus, who believed in the Commonweal, would not approve.
- And the internettati bu;;shit goes on. I think if he'd this place, somebody would have talked the kid down. What is wrong with people? Who's a better singer than Axl Rose? Burtom Cummings,,Bavid Gates, Sammy fucking Hagar, and that boy sucks. Noddy Holder. Every one of whom would have talked that kid out of killing himself. People urged him to do it, and didn't call the cops? That's monstrous, criminal. People are supposed to look after one another. It might be some Catholic idea of Commonweal, but the island's small, and nobody should go gently.
- Be not afeard: the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs that give delight, and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices, That, if I then had wak'd after long sleep, Will make me sleep again; and then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open and show riches Ready to drop upon me, that, when I wak'd, I cried to dream again. That man knew what he was talking about. That kid, he's on all our own heads.
- First thing is, instead of killing all the lawyers, make some restuffed potatoes with the orange ones. Real deal doesn't taste that much different from an Idaho. No allspice, no cinammon, just some nutmeg. And whack a progressive. If this is 'we wanted and we got it good and hard, are you people joking? Obama's the savior, Hillary's the demon. Why doubt Barack's vision now? He's surrounding himself with people that know what they're doing. If you think you thought you were getting Kucinich in wolfs clothing, as a veteran of Grant Park and the worst of times, I'd have to say, you're morons. Read The Savage Detectives. You make your bed and lie in it There's always the one book I should have read. Anyway, there's still time. Some of you appreciated the headsup about The Presidents Analyst. If you can get God knows who. John Gielud, you idiot.
- Isn't it amazing how the savior got so stupid so fast? When a group of people choose to call themselves Progressives, you know there's trouble in River City. Liberal isn't good enough for these self-righteous bastards? No joke, next pompous prig calls himself a progressive gets a broken nose for bitching about Hillary. I don't believe you actually need a passport to go to Long Island. Block Island, that's another thing. My shopping experience in NYC: I stole a multicolored leather web belt from Macys back around '71. Pretty amazing getting away with robbing the world's largest department store. For pure shopping frenzy, nothing will ever touch the Filene's wedding gown sale. would-be brides? How much alcohol was involved? But that's crass, and there's no accounting for love. This reminds me of the Ray Davies song about turning out the living room lights, and the Ray Davies song about Fat Flabby Anny, and the Ray Davies song about Lola. But he had a child with Chrissie Hynd. Ain't Lola, by any stretch.
- Bassett. Last I heard, Flint was part of Detroit. Mark Farner sure thought so. ? mark was a better appropriation. Not really, but the Grosses are pretty much Bushco, not Whitney Young territory. But there's always the boy from Ann Arbor. .
- How Germany did Sarah better, with brains and a long time ago.
- Roger Ebert is very smart, and he's a naturally gifted writer. Sort of like Keillor without the presumption and the turn toward the florid. One thing I can say is for sure in this world--if Roger Ebert likes a movie, I know I'll like it. On the other hand, he's ambivalent about my favorite movie, Blade Runner. What he says: And yet the world of "Blade Runner" has undeniably become one of the visual touchstones of modern movies. The movie's Los Angeles, with its permanent dark cloud of smog, its billboards hundreds of feet high, its street poverty living side by side with incredible wealth, may or may not come true -- but there aren't many 10-year-old movies that look more prophetic now than they did at the time. Mighty good writing. Deckerd is human and Rachel lives forever.
- Way I see it. You've never said a single dumb thing in your life. Yeah, right. Eric Sevareid said “Men want power in order to do something. Boys want power in order to be something. “ Bill Clinton's flaw was not understanding the depth of penetration of the claws. In 1998, the New American Centurions wrote Bill about shock and awe and laying hold. He dismissed them as the little boys that thought they could rule the world and be somebody. But the little boys had cash and armies by 2002, and they thought they could do anything they pleased. Their target was their ally, Saddam. They trashed the world, because they could. And then they stole almost every vote in Cuyahoga Count and perpetuated a moron Fratboy way of seeing the world. (And aside. Lot's of this has been ascribed to “jock”culture. Not in a million years. I'm an ex-jock but only because I have arthritis and those ex-jock ideas come back regularly to haunt me. Was W a jock? Was Cheney a jock? I admit, I went to a small school on 7Mile run by Jesuits, but we all thought we should contribue. And there is nobody didn't think, well, we ruled. So. Nancy. What would makeof the way things are and the way you started out with? I'd say listen to Ray Davies Babe ruth called wcweybody
- So, what about eggplamt?
- This bullshit about Clintons is idiot garbage from Rovistan. Y'all are foolas that still believe in shock and awe. You're motherfucking morons, you chidkenhawk assholes. The bullshit pulled on Kerry was inexcusable. Are you oeople idiodts? Little W as a coward, Keerry was a hero. And you're ll bunch of morooonz. Kerry was a hero, McCain sure as shit wasn't. Anyboddy with a brain understands. Here's where you get ya dick. Dickless Cheney, you assholes. Viagra woudn't work, but he's fucked ou up the ass. You coul'dnt be bigger idiots.
- This keeps you from really writing.
- Can we lie our ass off? Saxby? He's sackless. He is a most despicabble liar, even for a Republican. His ads weren't quite so vile this time. No , they were more vile. There was not a single thing true in any Sackless ad He's your Republicqan Party, movong on He only talked about victimizing young girls when his opponent had had his daughter abducted. He didn't morph Jim Martin with Obama, the way he did with Max Cleland, whoo lost three limbs in VietNam when Sackless had other things to worry about. He did a riff on Jim Marttin's daughter being abducted and blamed it on the dad. That's your Republican Party. Scum of the earth. These people are inexcusable. If Guantanamo stays open, send W.
- Ben Stein and the Bush administration trashing the Constitution? Eyewash, Ben Stwin is one of those halfway intelligent idiots. He wants so much to beliieve idiocy, he ends up believing idiocy. The particular idiocy in this instance has to do with the idea Ben Stein thinks he had important information. We hope he didn't. He's a third-rate commedian. Was he telling W what to do aboutt the 'hair-on-fire' presidential briefing? Saxby claims Sarah Palin won it for him. Ben Stein is supposed to be smart. Does he have a clue about the Constitution? No duh. Nope. He'a about as smart as Bill O'Reiley. And that's painfully stupid.
- Anybody that took part in SwIiftboat ought to have their asses transported to Gitmo. Kerry was pulling a guy out of the river. While that was happening, W was protecting the liquor supplyat the O-Club. Facts-jack. That's what happened. Nobody's ever served the country better and been treatec more poorly than John Kerry. The felonious nature of the election eas more obvious than the felonious bullshit pulled in sending the election to Scalia in 20000. This Obama's right-center thing from pundints on the right is actually sad, if they weren't some evil spawn of Wormtongue and Screwtape. ( Wasn't CS Lewis' satire embodied in embedding the most repugnant slang term for intercourse he could think of ? I mean, when 'screw' is used to refer to business dealings, people are talking about the dirt road, with pain, degradation and domination maximized.) What's mystifying is the reaction from the 'rebranded' Progressives. I think they feel wounded and betrayed because Gary Kucinich isn't the newly named World Czar. Maybe Obama could mend offended sensibilities by making Jerry Brown Extraterrestial Emmisary. Part of this arises from the overwhelming hatred (h long a tred, it's a noun, while hate is a verb) for Hillary. One thing I'd like to point out is, where the hell were they when Hillary's health care plan, possibly but not fatally a long shot, bit the dust in the face of their Silent Majority imitations. The seeds of current tsurris were there and health care was the epicenter. So now these do-nothing malcontents want to cause problems? I went to college with these hipper-and-holier-than-thou jerks. Are women's rights, and human rights, and the Constitution (not to mention the Declaration of Independence) something these Lakoff-worshippers discovered when Liberals stumbled over them, but somehow missed the significance? You didn't invent the struggle. There was actual head-bashing when you were gleams in you fathers' eyes. So, this makes my day. He's the guy you voted for. If he does nothing but restore America to some sort of moral authority, he will have accomplished a great deal. As of January 21, 2009, we won;t torture anymore. And thats a transitory verb. Requires an object. Back to a president that speaks American English in actual sentences. Can't be a bad thing.) A word about Hillary. Does anybody think, if she'd had the truth instead of the Stovepipe Gang's version, she would have voted for the invasion? Senators were fed an even more cooked version than everybody else. When HW was leaving office, he and his surrogates cooked up Somalia. To leave a briar patch. It's in their genes. And another thing, in retrospect, Is there an American that doesn't know John Kerry was a hero and W was a draft dodger? Everyrything that McCain claimed about repatriating American remains was actually done by John Kerry. The lying by Republicans was spectacular, mostly from guys that 'had other priorities. They still had to disappear tens of thousands of votes in Ohio to make it work. What Kerry did that was inexcusable was to expose Reagan and BCCI.. That's why God invented the Google and the Internets, all those tubes. I believe gay people ought to be free to do whatever they want, including getting married. I sure as shit believe they ought to have benefits and legal rights. I think, anybody that reads thisThis doesn't interfere in any way with my faith, which is staunchly Catholic, no matter what some ahole self-promoting Bishop in Colorado might say.. There's a Catholic idea about the Commonweal. I think Obama gets the idea. Give him a chance.ev. Glenworthy is wagging his little tail. There's a semi-great Leonard novel that's all abou trepans and embalming fluids called Pagan Babies.(His Best book, by a mile.) Didn't Elmore Leonard set out to write semi-greqt novels and made a few milliomn. I may have regaled y'all with tales of this wierdo sitting on a deck chair at the Birmingham Surf Club writing longhand on lawyers pads. We thought he was creepy. We were kids. How could we know he'd sell those books for Stephen King money to Hollywood? Things are rarely what they seem. Evolution is most interesting for the rabid opposition its espoused, that, in general, is so ignorant it's Hitlerian. Making some attempt at connecting Hitler and Darwin is tortured And Hitler's children like modern neocons cahn't make a connection. Hitler couldn't make a connection. I mean, if the International Jewish Conspiracy was outsmarting the Aryan race, how evolved was the Aryan race? QED. The inherent coefficients of not making sense pile up.
- Anybody that took part in SwIiftboat ought to have their asses transported to Gitmo. Kerry was pulling a guy out of the river. While that was happening, W was protecting the liquor supplyat the O-Club. Facts-jack. That's what happened. Nobody's ever served the country better and been treatec more poorly than John Kerry. The felonious nature of the election eas more obvious than the felonious bullshit pulled in sending the election to Scalia in 20000. This Obama's right-center thing from pundints on the right is actually sad, if they weren't some evil spawn of Wormtongue and Screwtape. ( Wasn't CS Lewis' satire embodied in embedding the most repugnant slang term for intercourse he could think of ? I mean, when 'screw' is used to refer to business dealings, people are talking about the dirt road, with pain, degradation and domination maximized.) What's mystifying is the reaction from the 'rebranded' Progressives. I think they feel wounded and betrayed because Gary Kucinich isn't the newly named World Czar. Maybe Obama could mend offended sensibilities by making Jerry Brown Extraterrestial Emmisary. Part of this arises from the overwhelming hatred (h long a tred, it's a noun, while hate is a verb) for Hillary. One thing I'd like to point out is, where the hell were they when Hillary's health care plan, possibly but not fatally a long shot, bit the dust in the face of their Silent Majority imitations. The seeds of current tsurris were there and health care was the epicenter. So now these do-nothing malcontents want to cause problems? I went to college with these hipper-and-holier-than-thou jerks. Are women's rights, and human rights, and the Constitution (not to mention the Declaration of Independence) something these Lakoff-worshippers discovered when Liberals stumbled over them, but somehow missed the significance? You didn't invent the struggle. There was actual head-bashing when you were gleams in you fathers' eyes. So, this makes my day. He's the guy you voted for. If he does nothing but restore America to some sort of moral authority, he will have accomplished a great deal. As of January 21, 2009, we won;t torture anymore. And thats a transitory verb. Requires an object. Back to a president that speaks American English in actual sentences. Can't be a bad thing.) A word about Hillary. Does anybody think, if she'd had the truth instead of the Stovepipe Gang's version, she would have voted for the invasion? Senators were fed an even more cooked version than everybody else. When HW was leaving office, he and his surrogates cooked up Somalia. To leave a briar patch. It's in their genes. And another thing, in retrospect, Is there an American that doesn't know John Kerry was a hero and W was a draft dodger? Everyrything that McCain claimed about repatriating American remains was actually done by John Kerry. The lying by Republicans was spectacular, mostly from guys that 'had other priorities. They still had to disappear tens of thousands of votes in Ohio to make it work. What Kerry did that was inexcusable was to expose Reagan and BCCI.. That's why God invented the Google and the Internets, all those tubes. I believe gay people ought to be free to do whatever they want, including getting married. I sure as shit believe they ought to have benefits and legal rights. I think, anybody that reads thisThis doesn't interfere in any way with my faith, which is staunchly Catholic, no matter what some ahole self-promoting Bishop in Colorado might say.. There's a Catholic idea about the Commonweal. I think Obama gets the idea. Give him a chance.ev. Glenworthy is wagging his little tail. There's a semi-great Leonard novel that's all abou trepans and embalming fluids called Pagan Babies.(His Best book, by a mile.) Didn't Elmore Leonard set out to write semi-greqt novels and made a few milliomn. I may have regaled y'all with tales of this wierdo sitting on a deck chair at the Birmingham Surf Club writing longhand on lawyers pads. We thought he was creepy. We were kids. How could we know he'd sell those books for Stephen King money to Hollywood? Things are rarely what they seem. Evolution is most interesting for the rabid opposition its espoused, that, in general, is so ignorant it's Hitlerian. Making some attempt at connecting Hitler and Darwin is tortured And Hitler's children like modern neocons cahn't make a connection. Hitler couldn't make a connection. I mean, if the International Jewish Conspiracy was outsmarting the Aryan race, how evolved was the Aryan race? QED. The inherent coefficients of not making sense pile up. You all despise Kerry You let him risk his liife, and he didn't have to. He could have bern a legacy like W.. Were you there? actually saved somenbdy's life. When he could have died. But you have some shit.He exposed Reaagan and his machine as a bunch or Consitulionql Rriminqls. If you think Olly North is a hero for raping nuns. sleep well. Someome will find you.
- Nuthatches and a wreath is a most soothing image. Our feral peacocks (wherever they came from) make my day. When things come to federal money, why doesn't anybody bitch about the Bushco obsession with keeping the Raygun SDI obsession alive? Thesetests are shams designed to succeed. They send up sitting ducks, and they've missed more than half of them. "Countermeasures are very difficult to deploy" actually means if counter measures are deployed we don't hit anything but Dickless Cheney's lawyer. And no amount of cash paid to Raytheon could have prevented that near tragedy. Moron with a shotgun and a couple brewskis jacking his meds. Remember the glorious success story from the HW years about how the Patriot missles were 90% effective? Well, Patriot missle system weremnt as it turned out. More like 10%. Of course, North Korea is a poor choice for a partner in a new cold war. They don't have missles that go any farther than half-way across the Sea of Japan. And the $100 billion figure is a lie. They've spent closer to half a $trillion, and committed to nearly a $trillion. That money could have been useful in the rust belt in general and in Detroit in particular. Michael Bean had it right: I don't think there are any Russians And there ain't no yanks Just corporate criminals Playing with tanks But in this case, the tanks are rockets, and the cost plus the stupidity is astounding. I always heard the last line as 'and renegade banks'. Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya.
- I dlivered papers in Detroit. Well actually, Bloomfield Hills Township, which probably doesn't exist anymore. My route manager was Mr. Shipinsky, and my mom wacked my brother Chris around the head and neck when she heard him refer to my employer as 'Shit-pissie'. She only did that when we were eleven or twelve and she quit when we laughed at her efforts. There were a couple of dachsunds from the Seventh Circle on my route, most of which was a Pultevision called, improbably and uproariously, Lamplighter Green. Most dachsunds are sweet and amenable, but these twop were vicious, and it was hard to stay upright on the Schwinn two-speed while kicking the crap out of them and flinging the anti-Judge Crockett drivel onto Witch Hagee's doorstep. The Schwinn was a marvel. Seriously streamlined, and you could change gears by backpedaling. There was an Andean hill at the end of my route, and I couldn't have made it without that transmission. One mewspaper patron, and he wanted the paper in his mailbox. Once a month, that mailbox held the carnal glories of a brand new Playboy, and I admit, I stole it. Immoral? Yeah, but I've built Habitat houses as an adult. The Playboys made the rounds of 6th grade at St. Hugo of the Hills, along with underlined copies of Terry Sothern's masterpiece Candy. The Sisters of St. Joseph were never the wiser, but I was caaught with a copy of The Ugly American and punished rudely and incessantly. Little Annie Fannie, si. Fidel, no. So it seems to me that 24/7 news is facing a life and death challenge. A responsible President not amenable to thongs andPepperdine vixen pudgy heat-seaking missiles who told her friends on a video she was taking her kneepads. After Nixon, did the Republicans think a hummer was going to get it? But a reasonable person would haveto say, this was a scripted event. So, when that didn't work, the braintrust sent a letter to Bill Clinton. I think this was like, send moneymom, the tri-Delts won't even look at us unless we've got cash to wave around. They're Republicans and they're neocons, and they go to Bohemian Grove to drown cats and worship Grover Norquist when the moon's dark. So now, after gaining and keeping power by disappearing votes in Volusia and Cuyahoga Counties (In Diebold We Trust and real votes would have rendered Justice Long Dong and Justice Syill the Wabbit moot), Democracy they claim to want to export isn't good enough for the USA. But never fear, you troglodytes that believe rich aholes have you covered, there's always Fox News, now in Newspapers of Record.Oh Rupert, where art thou? Eight years of this kind of seriously pitiful bullshit to look forward to. Wanna bet the Illinois Senate vote was nearly unanimous and that dissenting votes were bought and paid for?
- Couple things are pissing me of. Wh0 the best trilogy O film
- Couple things are pissing me of. Not really. There's the the most perfcct. Steed and Mrs. Peel. Nodody ever matcsached Mrs Peel. You can still exhidit your less than ubtelligencee and insist on experience like Tremt Lott and Ted Stevens,Intelligensce amd academic knowledge of the Constitution is a nad tjing. You kust had scum that wanted to trash the Constitution, you morons, and you almost let ligelong traitors like Cheney slip away. That piece of shit is a rat and needs to be locked down in Guantanamo. He's the terrist.
- I know there will be Nancy Nall contributors that will find this funny (perchance predictable), but I disagree with the general sentiment about using fewer words. Words are endlessly evocative of intelligence, stupidity, concupiscence and generosity, dismissal and acceptance, ineffability, inchoateness, denial, independence, servility, resignation and defiance, madness and sanity, elation and despair, grievance and reconciliation and accord. Any number of dualities (bad word, I know, sort of Zoroastrian, dichotomies? conflicts?) that define humans. Yin and yang, to make sense of ylang. Obviously the problem is the lack of an editing function, or, more precisely the dysfunction that sets in when self-importance shocks and awes or baser instincts take control. Editing is obviously built in. That's why none of you ever demanded that Gramma "Pass the fucking gravy". (Although, if somebody didn't actually do that, there's an urban rumor factory that needs to be tracked down and destroyed in its nest, and if I were Obama, I'd appoint W Urban Legend Czar.) So, we have social editors. Things you just don't say, and if you insist, people will ignore you or punch your lights out. Or diagnose you with Tourette or Aspergers and medicate and patronize you into wordlessness. It's kind of ironic (and this is probably the word people use incorrectly more often than any other) that the scolds that want to edit public garrulousity are pedantic polysyllabricators like Safire and the late great saint of actually concerned Conservative American politics, Bill Buckley (yeah, he was an ahole but he was our ahole). Besides, most editors are prudes, incompetents and envious dicks that couldn't write if you held an O. F. Mosburg & Sons 395 Magnum Autoloader to their pointy little heads. I could have typed 'shotgun' but that would have been fun, but not so much fun. The body electric is superb, but Walt Whitman would have been bolloxed if he were deprived of The Word Electric. I had a girlfriend in high school that liked to say 'I'm such a riot''. As obnoxious as that might sound, it was part of her charm (and her dad was a member of the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club), and despite the fact that a riot requires more than one person, she was pretty close to right. Limiting words is dangerously close to annihilating metaphor, which demise would accelerate global warming and subsume important truths. We don't think about it until we go to the hospital, but the body is electric. EKGs and sex and TDs with the clock run down to 00:00, and getting your bike knocked down by a pickup carrying day laborers that speak only Espanol, that's as much electricity as a bolt of lightning through a skeleton key on a kite string. Escaping death, experiencing birth. People not adept at words become effusive and, usually, eloquent, even (and frequently especially) if what they say is banal, in situations like these. So, I'm for everybody talking and writing and typing they fool head off (and dialect is indispensable by definition, nahmsayin?), as long as that doesn't mean texting (a truly foul word) while driving. Nobody should ever begin a sentence with the word 'frankly'. What, otherwise I would have assumed you were making this shit up? 'In all honesty...'. Lying jackass. 'In What context, Charley?' I'm a nitwit with no clue what you're talking about. 'My friends', those Republican bastards painted me as the illegitimate father of a pickaniny but they're buttering my bread at the moment. There are all sorts of words and phrases that could be cut from common discourse with no collateral damage (by which we mean innocent deaths that would dwarf those of military targets except the military targets amounted to zero and you can't divide anything by that). Blogosphere? This positively oozes self-importance and mangling English like oozing pus. But cutting down on nouns, adjectives, verbs, conjunctions, adverbs, interjections, paranthetical asides, pronouns? That is something up with which we will not put. NNall people. Thanks for forbearance. Literate bunch in general that would rather see verisimilitude when truth would do the trick. And I suppose that makes my point. One's fun and freighted, the other isn't. If somebody calls me a liar, I'd take that under advisement. If somebody calls me the founding father of my personal Ananais Club, they've used far too many words, but, you know, they've said a mouthful they're going to have to eat. Words obfuscate and they enlighten. It's not the number, it's the deployment. Proffered poorly, drivel. Salaciously, seductive. Insinuating, dishonestly. Encouraging, thrilling. Well. A few thousand words too many. Happy New Year y'all. We live in a tourist mecca, so we stay home, but if you're going out, consider innocent bystanders and the cops.
- And beb, That extra 'ta' in orient and etc. drives me nuts. This is some form of jargon that attempts to make normal words and functions somehow self-aggrandizing, like resume lying. I'm sure there's somebody that's called herself a 'facilitatator" without a clue. All of those 'ta's could be eschewed to make more room for words like 'eschew' and 'effluvium' and 'preternatural' and 'ineffable. People don't appreciate the unGodly wonder of the English language. There are something like 600,000 uninflected words in English. The closest competitors are French, Spanish and Russian, but they all count varied forms of basa-boru and Burger King, the chauvinist batardes. Ought to be sent to the gulag or the guillotine, with nary a friijoole con queso taco.
- Once upon a time, Thom McGauene wrote The Sporting Club. Absurrdly great first novel. Perfect hero, perfect anti-hero. Then he wrote The Bushwhacked Piano, which was just as good and had brilliant title. Now, he lives inthe Missouri breaks somewhere and lives off his royalties. Tom McGuane is a better writer than most Americans considered good writers. He wrote novels with few words. William Gibson ism't verbose. He might be Hemingwayesque, if Hemingway possessed imadination, and with the exception of the Old Man, he didn't. We like what we like when we read it. Most times, the editor gets in the way of the good stuff. Thomas Wolfe was prolix, supposedly, and had a great editor, Maxwell Perkins, a pretty fine writer. To many words? For fiction, shut your trap, and try to do better. I'd point out Thomas Pynchon. Read Gravity's Rainbow. Verbose? Only what he obviously thought was necessary. A classic case is The Stand. Did the editor or the author know which was the better book? Well, the author did, and this is post-apocatalyptic as good as almost anything. Yeah, it isnt as perfect as The Road, or as imafinative as Oryx and Crake. Or as sorrowful as The Pesthouse. None of those prize-winners could touch John Crowley's books, Little,Big nor mpst especially Engine Summer. I think you pile words up, you make an impression. I think it could be political. So, happy new year. I'm eschewing the too many words. I'm voting for every one means something. You know how everybody seems to think it means something to say that's just you're opinion? That's why I said it, asshole.
- ineffable ichoate
- There are words too ecxellent. N'est. se pas? What do you think is the best book you ever read? Most of you tjhink it was something Jphn Grisham wrote. I'd say charles dickens,but who knows
- Of course there's no such thing as best book, or best album. Referees cheat, like claiming that O receiver wasn't juggingl going out vs. Clemson and he was out of bounds anyway. He jugglled the ball that was no catch. Horrible call. Referees change games and if you care about football, they steal games, Most obviously, Drew Pearson threw Bobby Bryant to the turf. He greabbedthe guys jersey'and everybody in the world saw saw it. Guy just cheated. But everybody in the world saw what really happened on the immaculate reception, too. Dead ball. I dont really care, but people that couldn't play making bad calls is really not acceptabable
- Dana Milbank did every thinking human being a favor by falling out of favor with Keith Olbermann. Pandering and bullshit, and what sort of news was he ever reporting? This just in. Dana Milbank thinks Dana is cute beyond all rational consideration. He's not a bloviprevaricator, but he treads that line. He decided he could make shit up about Obama and get away with it. What Dana Milbank is, well, what's between a worm and a really gigantic snail? But he wins the Raygun Hagiography Award, standing right up there on the pedestal with David Broder. Jack Anderson is not throwing up a little in his mouth. He's blowing chunks. This little shit is going to skate, with apologists.. Nobody is ever going to make him pay for impugning Kerry's record in BietNam and Laos when he was avoiding service at rvery opportunity, and Cheney had other things to do. Like destroying the Constitution. Yoo? Holy shit, when did we all sign on for war trialls? These are war criminals. So were the perpetrators of appatheid, and if you don't see that's what Israel has done to Baza, Ypu are a fucking idiot. Bantustan with occupation. and Israel gets away with it, because Jews were victimized. So, you can go all Hitler, because of Hitler?
- Has anybody ever seen a car from an autoshow driving down the road? Has anybody ever seen one of those absurd Fashion Week costumes on somebody going to work, or a party, or to John R and Brush?? I love fine China. Royal Doulton Carlysle to be exact. I think when there's fine China involved, this makes holidays nicer at the dinner table if you don't invite Cousin Eddie. I was a High School football player, but I liked choosing patterns a lot. Something to do together If you all haven't seen Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, see it immediately. There's something odd about this and I can't put my finger on it. Powers Booth seems to me to be somebody that could carry a movie. He made the brilliant Emerald Forest with a brilliant director, and then he sort of disappeared. He showed up as a scumbucket in 24, and he was superb. Press credentials? Who get's to ask Sara anything. I went to JSchool at UGA. Pretty good school. My school decides what sort of meia offerings are good. My school is named after Henry Grady. Atlanta Constitution. Ralpn McGill was the legendary editor. There used to be a paper called the Michigan Daily. A friend of mine named Bill Thigpen was mursered while investigating drug delers for that paper. Bill was a gentleman, but I suppose he pushed too hard. There's a guy named Danny Casolaro that was an old family friend, He figured out that Raygun and Bush regimes had robbed mom and pop computer comanies blind to sell their software to finance raping nuns and shooting Bishops at the communion rail. Danny's dead too, and Elliot Richardson thought the cover-up was obvious. When the old men do the fighting and the young men all look on. And the young girls eat their mothers meat from tubes of plasticon. Be wary of these my gentle friends of all the skins you breed. They have a tasty habit - they eat the hands that bleed. So remember who you say you are and keep your noses clean. Boys will be boys and play with toys so be strong with your beast. Oh Rosie dear, doncha think it's queer, so stop me if you please. The baby is dead, my lady said, "You gentlemen, why you all work for me? So Nancy, deck .em and, look, it's likely if somebody's pushing you out of the way, there's a story. Maybe, it's a big story. Yeah, there is something buried in this levity about what's a journalist and what's a story. In my opinion? If you can write and youb'e goy facts? That might be a story. If you've bot Drudbe to start with, you're an idiot.
- Geithner paid his taxes. Does anybody that wants to find such fault with this fuy want to ask Cheney about Iraq contracting and Halliburton/Blacjwell profiteerubg and whether he made a bundle on tainted water and those slow-boat fuel shipments? Didn't think so. It's fairly obscene that the military-petroleum complex is getting religion at this point and don't want to question Cheney about his energy luncheon-mates. One obvious thing is that they don't want to open up Raygun's and HW's records to scrutiny. That cash from Pineappleface might look bad, particularly when Noriega's got the goods on Bush.
- They're all just looking to get out of Washington without getting caught. When the Pretzeldent thinks he has to admit to torture but claim it was justified, you'd have to be an idiot not to wonder what sort of war criminals these assholes are. They sid, quite ungrammatically, 'We don't torture'. Well, yeah they did. And you can posit the shibboleth hypothetical, if lives were at stake, but that was never remotely true, and these bastards were so drunk with extra-Constitutional power, they just did it any way. Shrub said he was assured it was all legal, but his counsel and his justice department were under dire pressure from the stovepipe gang to say it was legal beforehand. So the question is, didn't they just want to do it in the first place? Because they thought they could get away with it? Are they sadistic whack-jobs? Cheney's trying to clim that the CIA convinced his fat ass that Saddam was connected to the bombing of the world trade center. This is just patent bullshit. Fact is, the biggest Constitutional terriss that ever lived were running the government on the basis of two stolen presidential elections.
- I wasn't around for the plummeting Wall Street guys, but I'd bet they opened their parachutes to float down unscathed with bib buvcks in the Caymans while pension funds crahed. Meanwhile, Cheney's Halliburton stock increased in value by 3000%, mainly because he lied his ass off after creating the invasion and occupation.
- Brian, I don't know how my name changed. I do use the aprilglaspie name sometimes. April Glaspie was the Dtate Dept. employee that was sent by HW to tell Saddam the US didn't give a shit if he invaded Kuwait when those notorious liars were slant drilling oil out of Iraq. She was an unwitting pawn in an obvious setup for launching Desert Storm. Far as I can tell, April Glaspie has disappeared. This is how these bastards do business. April Claspie is sort of a hero of mine, because she went public at exactly the same time as the Kuwaitis squealed like little pigs and the world was treated to thee story of Iraqi soldiers ripping kids from incubators. Wjich was totally invented by her dad, who made up another famous story about Iraqi rockets landing in Kuwait City. So, she lies her ass off because her dad lies his ass off. , two generations of Bushes apart. HW assured April she was telling the truth to Saddam The ramifications of intentions gone bad is spectacular. When Bush I was dealing with Saddam before he became persona non grata, he was an ally against the Ayatollah. When Hamas was a rival of Fatah, the Israeli government built them with American cash. Now we have Hamas elected democratically and the Israelis pursuing apartheid in Gaza, and we have the Taliban resurgent thinking about Americans like the second coming of the Soviets. And Afghanistan is poppy central. Just say yo.
- People believe they can game American representative democracy. Cheney's made a bundle, and he's laughing at everybody that thinks a vote matters. It doesn't, if you have the Supreme Court sewed up. You can shoot a guy when you're under the influence. He was, or why did the Secret Service keep him from the cops so long, He believes hes supposed to get away with anything. He knows what heinous war crime he wants to commit, so he bullies a bunch of political appointee turds that are scared shitless of him into backing his ludicrous story, while he retreats to his bunker. Ever read Scerwtape? That's Cheney and W, Wormwood licking Scretape's ass. If you're comfortable with treating the Constitution like toilet paper, Cheney is your boy, but why not steal an election for Kommissar Karl. These people, to use that term loosely, think the Constitution is a joke. But you nitwits vote for them. Not this time.
- Geithner's alleged failure to file had to do with the IMF. Did Wolfowitz meet all of the international requirements while he was attempting a John Bolton on the organitarion?? No. Ask the comb. Here's the deal. If Republicans want to raise procedural and idiotic roadblocks, who had lunch with Cheney when he was making energy policy?. Might seem silly, but if it was some Enron type, that's obstructionof jusice, no doubt. Cheney believes he's covered his trail, but bunker or no, this guy is a criminal. He's a war criminal, but he's a criminal in the US Justice system, too. Actually, he agetted Karl Rove in eviscerating the Justice Department and turning it into an RNC campaign tool.. These two assholes pulled this shit and they're going to get away with it? These two are crooks Nixon only dreamed of. The Bush administration, right up to W are guilty of war crimes that are embarrassingly obvious, You get right down to it, every signing statement by W ws a crime. W? Moron or coconspirator? Lying your ass off to Congress, under oath or not, you broke the law.
- What pisses me off is that the biggest liars in the history of, possibly, the world, are getting away with questioning good people about niggling bullshit, These bastards and their lackeys in the Senate and House are strutting when they rugger-stamped every foul trashing of the Constitution that's gone on for eight interminable years. Don Vitter sitting there and raising questions of personal ntegrity is almost hilarious, but there are people that despise Hillary Clinton that are too dense to get the irony. People are so goddamned stupid, they don't see there's something parodic about Joe Wurzlewhatever getting paid by Republican Propaganda Inc. to report on another egregious invasion and occupation and say media shouldn't be allowed to report on invasions and occupations while he's allegedly reporting on an obvious invasion. Rich people ought to admit they got rich with no effort, for the most part, and just pay up. The cash the Bush brethren got from Prescott, that was from Naxis, so give it to Israel, but make them turn over the nukes. The middle east lives in the shadow of Israel's nuclear weapons, Iran is ssssssssomething like ten years from nuclear capability. So who's a nuclear threat. Given Israeli politics, I'd say the Israelis. The world's not safe when anybody has these weapons. But expecting Iran to live with Israels capability of nuking the entire Middle East is ridiculous. Worst comes to worset, wouldn't it be like Pakistan and India? And worst comes to the unthinkable. wouldn't we get Israeli politicians acting tough in a parliamentary run-up and just blowing up Iran? That sort of imperialistic aggression is the way Israeli democracy works, isn't it? But they're cute. Bibi and Tzipi, you know. It's like the Marx Brothers. I think her name must be Tzipporah, and the abject criminal's name is Binjamin. Is it a requirement of Israeli government that you be indicted and convicted of fraud and larceny? Used to be you only had to prove you had once been a member of Gush Emmum or Hagannah or the Stern Group or Irgun (now they could teach Hamas something about terrorism). Motto: murdering Palestinians since 1948. So as long as there are choppers and $4bil annually of American cash, this whole threatened victim thing is kinda ludicrous, especially wityh the nukes and effective delivery systems sourtesy of the USA. The entire region lives in danger, and it's not from unguided home-made Hamas missiles. W was enamored of democracy in Legananon Israel blew that to smithereens. No roads, no water, no fuel. That's what's been done to Gaza, and now they'tr just blowinh up kids. I cab't believe Americans buy thi bullshit.Gaza needs medical supplies and access to docotrs. Three hours a day is tea. Israel has imposed a debilitating apartheidembargo for 18 months and now they're blowing the place up, and killing emergency personnel. Sounds likee genocide. But, having had that done, Israelis aren't capable of that sort of behavior. Are they?
- Nancy, golf courses covered in snow are why God made fluorescent orange Titleists. Winter rules, liberally interpreted, shave strokes. AMC does everyone a service and presents all 17 episodes of The Prisoner for free. We got a Netflix subscription for Christmas and are planning to watch the brilliant screen debut of Malcolm McDowell in If..., while the incurious jackass is smirking his lame last-act ass off the world stage tonight. (Great movie by Lindsay Anderson that forms a trilogy with O Lucky Man and Clockwork Orange. I'll bet Blockbuster doesn't have the first two, and you sure as the devil won't ever see any of them on television.) Pop-under? What's that? With Firefox browser and the AdBlock Plus add-on, I'm only occasionally and vaguely aware those things even exist, when a ghostly little (block) indicator appears on the monitor.
- Yellowstone is amzing. Lake Powell before we blow the Glen Canyon Dam is even better. Y'all have the luxury of discussing the safest place on the plane. There's a conversation that every first time flyer had and it always had to do with being near the wings. Apparently, that was a fairly acute surmise. All I meant was, that sucker made an amazing landing. I bollocksed that Lindsay Anderson reference a day or two ago. I was just thinking about Malcolm Mc'Dowell. Of course, Brittanica Hotel is the third Mick Travis movie. I'd like to know if anybody ha a clue how he got away from the College showdown. Fortunately, my incipient Oldtimers didn't convince me to include Tank Girl, though, that's a pretty damn good movie, and if you didn't think Lori Petty was funny, you have no sense of humor. All of those are. One of the great things about Netflix is the ability to see directors and their favorite actors over several movies. Nobody moved a muscle in Chinatown if the director didn't direct it or the star didn't insist, and Faye Dunaway didn't , well, insist. Israel is blowing another country to smithereens after choking the life out of them for months. I know the Israeli government cowers before the idea of being swept into the sea, but they've got Apache helicopters and phosphorous bombs and they've seeded Gaza and the West Bank with bomblets that look like toys. How they should be threatened is with cutting off the military support they've used to blow up UN warehouses. Everything W says about invading Iraq would be funny if it weren't so sad. Cheney and Rummy, and W abd Condi, insisted that Saddam was connected to the WTC attacks. Well, anybody that isnt an idiot knows that was fabricated. What people seem to forget is that invading Iraq was proposed to Clinton, by th Project for the New Century in 1998. So, you know, they robbed the 2000 election and made scads of cash And meantime, there was the whole idea of the unitary presidency to promote. This eight years was an attempted coup' but the asholes got their lunch. People that pulled this shit are out and out war criminals. Truth and Reconciliation? That's what Thirld World countries do. Nixon had guys in Banana Republic uniforms playing Hail to the Chief.
- Jeff, where do you get Jesus and racism? I got whatever you do to the least of my brethren, which means blowing up Lebanon and Gaza means you moved to the dark side. If it's those rockets from Gaza, they're as unguided as they are hopeless. On the other hand, Israel says oops when they blow up UN warehouses, after they've run a starvation apartheid regime for 18 months. That's what they did, and now they're blowing up hospitals and ambulances and claiming those were errors they regret. Bullshit. Israel wants the US to oppose nuclear development in Iran. Israel has nukes because they bought technology from AQ Khan and they partnered up with the old-school white South Africans to steal fissionable material from the United States. That was a natural partnership. Racist Bantustans and all.
- I'm so proud of my country I just can't stand it. My mom and dad blackmailed a maternity ward in Little Rock into accepting a black patient that was my dad's med student, and a black woman. My dad carried her into treatment while my 5'-2" mom held off the Little Rock cops. But that's not what makes me proud. It's the outpouring of blog commenters that have stood their asses up to claim they're just as qualified as Caroline Kennedy to be a member of Congress How about inuring yourselg against the iniquity of taking bribes like Ted Stevens. . How in the world did Harvard and Columbia Law manage to process all of those students? There was Dan Burton who was well into his forties , and the odds that he'd gotten over his predilection for sex for cash were slim and none. Why would anybod prefer a good mother with a history of looking out for the least of God's creatures, and raising spectacular amounts of cash for NYC's least considered, with an admirable educational background and a solid grounding in doing the best for people in a bind be qualified to be a Senator? She never ingested malathion like Tom DeLay. She'd never used her spouse shamefully like Mitch McConnell. But why I'm proud? Millions of nitwits can claim this woman is not qualified. Newspapers would prove she is. The internert is whatever truth you make of it. And mostly, it's bullshit. Seriously. Palin vs. Caroline? Sorry, if you pick the bimbo, you're an idiot. So why am I proud. Not, really. It's a country that devalues female intelligence. Women don't think women are smart because they're women. You're just smart or you're stupid. And maybe you're racists. Racists amongst you, wake up. It's a brand new world, and that wedge disappeared.
- When I was a little kid, People showe'ed up at my house in Fedorahs. We werem't threats to anybody's sedcuriity. W was on vacatton. He goy a PDB that said Bin Laden was going to grab a plane. that didn't alert gis sorry ass? Let me put it this way. If it had been some warning about the Me Kong. Kerry would have pulled that bastard out of the drink. W would have feen defending the O Club in, what, Austin? Swigt-boat assholes were the biggest liars that ever lived, if you don't count Ken Blackwell. He robbed Gore and he robbed Kerry. The assholes roffed two presidential boyrd and installed the most despicable, pitiful failed Pretzeldent that ever lived. These people did this got cash. Cheney has made his money.
- Betty La Vette? Aw we're nor talkin bout Shaft. Not really, we mean Superfly.
- Denis Miller is the most despicable pussy any ever came about. Senis Miller, not a joke anymore. He's just a jerk.
- And Audrey Hepburn thinks these people are morons. know what? Here's the deal you digraceful asshole. Kerry and Bush. One guy thought what the hey as long as someboduyelse might get hurt. Another guy thought they wo'nt get me when I'm protedting the O Club in Tejas. How does this little piece of shit pull this shit time after time.? Ketty's a hero, Ws wooging coke aomewjere in Alanama. What was wrong with American voters in Cuyahoga County? Well their botes didn't cound because Ken Blavkwell never intended they're votes to count.
- OK. The New York Island. Well the dickhead got the PDB that said Osama was interested in attacking in the US. It said he was interested in hijajacking planes. His Sevurity adviser told him this ws hair on fire. That was all before the WTC was bombed. How did the little moroon keep anybody safe? Asleep at the wheel while attacking mesquite. Agter that, there were the anthrax attacks. And those were sort of funny bevause they were clearly home-grown and the targets seemed to se Democrat and nobody that had luncheob with Cheney. So what the hell. Then we got serious. We caught the pizza guys, and the shoe-bomber, and that truck driver that was boing to take down the Brooklyn Bridge with an acetylene torch in broad daylight. Saved. Meantime, trains in Spain were victimized and whatever about some plot on the Btit Undergtound, where Brit cops murdered some innocent guy. Because everuybody was so scared. Going very well. And then there were those dastards in Miami that wanted boots. Tjhand Fod the little sjit saved us from those maserminds so he could continue Guanatanamo. More than 1000 people were plucked and incarderated. There are at least a couple of people with no connedyion to terror whatsoeber that were were snatched and flown to hgod knosw where for torture. How dos anybody yty to lvaim they were justified.? Doesn't matter how you look at all of this. There were war crimesd commted. For W to claim he didn't do anthing he knew was womg, wellm, he's probably a liar. They left him out of the PNAC, and he so desperately wanted to be one of the big guys, he thought blowing up a whole country made him one of the foys.. It wasm't ever about the oil, with the Bush Family. It was all anout oil field services. Jussssssssst ask April Glaspeie. HW told her to tell Saddam it was cool to invade Kuwait for slant-drilling with American technology to rog Iraq blind., HW told Saddam to invade the part of Kuwait that is a historical part of Iraq. Cute. I don't think that if you think back to that undniable Nazi collaborator Prescott (I mean. what choice did he have? )
- What exactly did the little shit defend us from" Those guys in Miami that wanted to net eVWRYBODY TOLD THIS FUCKINNG MORON AHEAD OF TIME, oSAMA AIMING AT BUILDINGS WITH CAAPTURED PLANES, oK, we know he's an idiot, huy, holysahit, nobody is so goddamn fucking stupid t miss this. Ir'a the most amazing thinf. Peolple actually think this scurvy little shit protected then from anything? Fucking stupidiity is underrated. Look, you morons, this asshole endangered you.
- Hey. You lookin' at me? You know. things are dire and Obama has to face the revolting prospect of the Progfessives along with enerything W fucked up. These people have re-branded and fiven new meanining to holier than thou. Progressives? Fine, if that's the way you think you hve to frame tthings. Aome og us were radicls. Some of os were liberals, You know, old school that stood on lines and got beten, befpre everything boy yo be civilized on the net. Y'all thing Chicano is Obma's hometown. You think this is David Plouffe emailing you. Y'all think that you've accompliished something. We thought we accomplished something in 1965, and heroes got got shot.
- What's the water temp criterion for polar bear swimming? When I lived in Boston, we took regular trips to the astounding Kancamagus Hwy. campgrounds along the Swift River around the Independence day (dry ice and Molson's golden), and regularly swam in rushing streams and waterfalls where the agua never exceeded 45F. There's a huge pool downstream from Lower Falls, shaped and dimensioned pretty much like a 50m pool, and the water probably reaches lower fifties. Best place to swim I've ever come across (aside from Lake Powell, but when Hayduke blows the Glen Canyon Dam, Lower Falls will move up to no. 1). The coldest water is inner city indoor pools without heaters. I went to UD High, now known as UD High and Jesuit and they let in girls and little kids. We were a competitive swimming dynasty in the 60s but we didn't have our own pool. We used the downtown Y in Detroit, which must have been torn down since then. The pool was on some upper floor. There was a regulation 16 foot Duraflex board and my brother Chris and I were the divers. Diving there was an adventure, because the ceiling was about 10 ft. above the board. Reverse dives were mind-bogglingly frightening. Anyway, we practiced at St. Martin de Porres pool, where the water was very cold, but the broken windows and lack of any sort of heating system provided an arctic environment. Windows were all shattered into glass pinecones we had to avoid in bare feet and the only heat came from gas unit heater mounted on the pool deck. We all got horizontal burns on our thighs from huddling around that sucker in the Detroit winter. We also used to visit State O' Maine beaches (named after John Irving's bear, I hope and fervently believe). HighSummer water temperature at Ogunquit and Old Orchard, and etc. is probably around 54F. Swimming there is more problermatic, because currents and riptides are more obstinate than original Down Easters. I serially embarrassed my wife and friends, and amused my daughter with civil disobedience when lifeguards would try to cite some undertow rule and tell me I couldn't swim outside some sort of Lake Ste. Claire wussy pontoon swimming area. My exceptionally logical argument was that the guards themselves would have to brave the undertow if some fool ventured out and I could swim better than they could. Chopping holes in ice to risk hypothermia seems like serious stupidity, if it's not attributable to some specific defective gene, And I haven't ever gone that berserk. But, damned if we don't have Norwegian blood mixed with the Irish in my family. I'm the only brother with blonde hair and blue eyes, so maybe the frigid water compulsion gene is regressive. I suppose I prefer that evolutionary package to brown eyes. As there are people that rip presents open and those that unwrap, there are people that think they can accomplish gradual immersion and those that embrace the water as long as it's still a fluid and not bruising you with chunks of solids. It was hilarious recently when Keith Olbermann made a risible error talking about some guys in wetsuits with SCUBA ironing underwater and said it was 5F. I think he meant C. Otherwise, the Heloise divers would have resembled oxygen-deprived, quite dead, wasps in amber. I've thought about all of this to a ridiculous extent. Probably, because I was born to run and was pretty good at it but I was born to swim and really good at it. Like an otter. If it's a childhood experience shared universally to claim a superpower for your own, I wanted to be able to breathe underwater. Once you're in and acclimated, any swimmer knows you swim faster in colder water. More to grab, so maybe it's physics. The difference in the long run would be swimming with the fishes or attempting anaerobic existence. Then you'd wake up in methane soup with Ted Williams' head as God, and my dad was born in Brooklyn, so I prefer some sort of Jackie Robinson paradigm. Really cold water swimming? Those fat people might have a lifestyle awakening, but sudden chill immersion can't have a beneficial effect on cardio-pulmonary deficiencies. If you feel rather than think you were born to swim, water temperature is just a matter of millieu.
- Has Bill Ayres been hiding out? Is he a fugitive? Was he right about Cointelpro? Was he right about Vietnam? Has he served his community well in his second incarnation? Is his connection with the President astoundingly tenuous. Well, yes, in every case. Did W illegally avoid the draft and never get closer than Tierra del Fuego to honoring his coke-addled commitments to the Alabama and Tejas Air Guards? Did Reagan and BushI murder Archbishop Oscar Romero, or at least facilitate the killing? Was Henry the K complicit in the murder of Orlando Letelier and the death Salvador Allende? Did Kenneth Blackwell bury Cuyahoga and other County votes in Ohio to boost Shrub? Did Ollie North and Rummy and Cheney engineer Iran-Contra? (Well if you don't think so, excuse me, you're an idiot, and don't burn yourself near the stove because you haven't any ethical nerve-endings left. W/Dickless classified material at a spectacular rate. Hundreds of thousands of pages per fucking minute. In the FDA. In the USDA. What sort of monstrous things can these aholes make money off from to the detriment of Americans? It's the current meme that Caroline Kennedy must have nanny issues. Yeah right you idiots. Aside from comparing a Constitutional scholar with a nitwit (and I mean Sarah Palin). She wasn't qualified but this nominee is? Gov. Paterson has made an ass out of you and me. This is so much obstructionist GOP shit it's amazing. Exhibit 1: Corporate connections. Well, Cheney had this blind trust. The cash into Cheney's 'blind trust' for electrocuting soldiers and providing tainted water is fairly amazing. William Ayres has a nondescript job in which he clearly, clearly, does nothing but good. These people are so shameless, Bush let Zhiri go. He's the Republican poster child. Why did they let him go? Now Republicans are ginning up some sort of crap to claim this is Obama's fault. This business about these guys return to terrism is such horseshit it barely dignifies consideration. Under these considerations, HW should have gone straight to Guantanamo for selling out his crwmates. W is a victim of lobbyists? Of Cheney, who's blaming If being at the same table or fundraiser makes you suspect? The whole thing about memes from Paterson where the shameless politician puts out idiotic memes, what qualifies you to be a senator? Intelligence, thoughtfulness, organizational ability, fund-raising ability. Noat being a dumbass obstructionist. How did John Cornyn get elected. How did Trent Lott? What's wrong with people? Qualifies? Then there's twinkletoes, Dick Morriss. He's appalled about the already paid IRS doubt of T Geichnener, wheo's already paid his debt. Morriss is into the IRS for millions, and if you think it has to do with professional sucking on his toes for cash. This is the sour grapes bullshit you get. Don Vitter? Excuse me, on the subject of bad ethics. On the subject of email. Let's have all of Rove's you assholes. Let's have Cheney's list from the energy luncheon. How could anybody claim that's not public record unless he was breaking the law for his personal benefit? My approximation? The country has never seen a criminal of this sort. Subvert the Constitution while fucking over the economy for his own personal monetary benefit. It's what he's done. The truly most astounding thing about the pile of merde these little shits have buried everybody under is the absolute gact that the PNAC tried to talk Clinton into invading Iraq in 1998. They didn't think W was even worth considering. They didn't even ask him to sign. They thought he might go AWOL in Bummingham. Here's the deal. Kerry said that the way to deal with a criminal group was by police work. That is proven true. W approach has arrested wackos, some would-be gangstas in Miami that wanted boots. That nut-job that was going to cut down the Brooklyb Bridge with an acetylene in broad daylight. W and whatever has Osama running free and he's clamped down on journalists. If you think that kept you safe, you are just about exactly as stupid as W, and if a PDB came across your desk that said Osama wanted to target buildings with hijacked airplanes, you'd be an idiot too and read a kid's book upside-down.
- Well, Jeff, that was a long time ago. If it's not torn down, I can't imagine why, unless it was a National Register building. The pool was a dungeon. You'd have to have been a competitive diver to know how horrible the place was. My brother was barely 5'11'', and fairly compact. Dest diver I've ever seen. By Sophomore year, I was 6'-1" and really skinny. He could throw tricks and I had to realize I was going to get hurt. Thing about diving nobody understands is that the water is unforgiving and it's pretty much like hitting learn divesbut you know you have to mount up and do it again. One of the great things about swimming as a sport is that siblings almost never compete. Different strokes, different distances. Two of my brothers were exceptional freelstyle sprinters, but years apart. My brother Mark excelled at 800 and 1500. I could swim everything medium well, and the way swimming meets work, you have to get lots of seconds and thirds. I could do that in everything but backstroke. My back is poor, but I could score IM points anyway. But that's a lot more than anybody cares about concerning how swimming meet strategy works. It's all about cold water. What's cold and what's too cold? In 1978, about a month after the blizzard of '78, I tried walking home from work, a mere six miles, because (and nobody remembers this) by Easter, we had another storm that dropped 28 in. of snow. I came upon a virtual lakespanning six lanes of a large road. I waded in. Miracle ny toes and feet are intact. I marched through some water that approximated 40F Really dirty bergs bruising my calves, freezing my extremities. Two things. Nobody ever had that sort of blizzaed in a civilized place at one time. And thhat was freezing. So what do y'all think is polar bear cold? You haven't a clue. People think the 10 meter is scary, but if your spinning, the 3 is more painful. But no joke, what do y'all think is cold water? <bmoe99 says They never had anything other than tenueous crap to do with each other. But really, when you consider the years that have gone by, who's a war criminal? Ayre's or Ollie North? Or HW or Kissinger. Or Cheney? War criminals to go around and William Ayres isn't one of them. How about my childhood friend Danny Casolaro and Bush-Reagan connections to the Octopus--second phase and Iran-Contra, which grew uncontrolled from Cointelpro into rejuvenation in the Defense Department stovepipe.
- del Down here in South Carolina, we have the 'Squat and Gobble" I realize this takes some salacious crap from staties pulling up, but salacious indicates intent.
- Obama knew Ayres. So does everybody in Cointelpro South and the rest of the right wing conspiracy to deny anybody with a brain from thinking the Oldtimer was anything byut a petrified President manipulated by Rummy and Cheney and the rest of the criminals that signed the PNAC letter to Clinton. They weren't interested in W's signature. And everybody else that ever had to do with education issues in the history of Illinois. If Ayres was some dangerous cell leader, why didn't the wice Pwesidewnt kwieww the wabbit.? With his Mosburg with the widdow woman 18 gwain shot? That isn't any good for anything but shooting lawyers in the face? People believe memes. Memes come from the internet. Memes must be true because, oh shit, they were on the internet. Holy fuck, if this is how stupid people are, they better chill abd read a newspaper. And pay for it. Everybody'd do better to go catch the scumbag making off with the cash in his wheel chair. But reality says the cash made off the shoddy construction responsible for the three electrocution deaths of uS troops will never get back to a senior administration official that was making money on tainted water and no armor. It's astounding that there are people that are so bigoted or blind or stupid or all three they still want to apothosize these war criminals.
- Ben Stein isn't stupid, but he masquerades as some sort of libertarian free thinker. He's so bound by perverse ideology, he's like an impacting turd that refuses to emerge. His singular talent, such as it is, is a brilliant straight face while he makes excuses for Constitutional criminals. If the afterworld is just, he'll have Buster Keaton kicking him in a grovelling ass, forever. We're supposed to think that American citizens like Sean Penn, Brad Pitt, Anjelica Huston, Tim Robbins, Penny Marshall, Waerren Fucking Beatty, Holly Hunter, Jane Fonda--we're supposed to think that they're not intelligent, involved American citizens impelled to use a soap box to insist on American values because those values don't coincide with some knee-jerk Rovian horsecrap. They're Americans, asshole. They're voices count. Walker, Texas Ranger was a Huckaee man. One huckster has to stand by another. Jean Claude van Damme votes for endorsed sunrise. Somewhat strange. What I think is the deal, Wolfowitz, Elliot Abrams, Armitage William "Snake-Eyes" Bennet, Bill Kristol. These people don't give a shit about America, and they've proved it. None of these dickheads had anything directly to do with slandering Kerry, but every single one of them claimed anti-terrorism requires endless military deployment, which I guess qualifies them as functional short bus. Kerry was ridiculed for pointing out that terrorists are criminals and that cops and prosecutors would bring them down. W supposedly kept the US safe. W's approach landed Jose Padilla, the dirty bomber whose IQ is somewhat short of W's. They caught the truck driver from Cleveland that was going to take down the Brooklyn Bridge in broad daylight with an acetylene torch. And those sorry wannabes in Miami that thought they'd get some Timbalands, Oh, and the cell that would have infiltrated the army base by claiming to be delivering pizza. On the subject of torture. Shrubco claims they got something from Sheik Khalid Mohammed by waterboarding him. What they got, and it was nothing to speak of, they got by telling him they'd kidnapped his wife and children. They did. And this wasn't the classic hypothetecal. No bomb. No exigent circumstances. That's torture, with the esspected lack of results, and the guy that ought to rot in hell is Cheney. Is their proof that would stand up in a court of law that SKM did anything illegal? Maybe. Has it been presented? Nope. Is seizing his family a heinous offense. No doubt Is using their detention against him in an interrogation a despicaple act and a breach of international law. Undoubtedly. Other international criminals believe some greater philosophy justifies the means. When Cheney said that Americans had no business knowing about Kenny-boys participation in his post-inaugural tea party, he said he was beyond the hoi polloi. He's a despicable piece of traitorous shit that ought to be hunted down. So, Ben Stein in his movies apothosis. "Bueller, Bueller?" Maybe he once, time back, way back, had principles, but Ben Stein is a poster child for Neoconservatism and that (bowel) movement's predilection for groupspeak. Is there anything in Nancy's assessment of Madoff that doesn't fit the appointed VP leaving the building because he threw his back out shredding documents? They sure as shit both got really rich, and the only thing preventing them from profiting on spectacular monetary and Karmic losses to everybody is permanent incarceration in something resembling Guantanamo. Neoconservative activism dates exactly to a letter from the Project for the New American Century in 1998 that was written to President Clinton, urging him to invade Iraq because the chimera country is sitting on an ocean of oil the US and GB didn't rape and pillage back in the early part of the last Century. They couldn't talk Clinton into this greedy land grab, even with self-styled strategic intellectual architects and impresarios like Wolfie and Rummy and Cheney and Screwtape Daniel Pipes and that deer in the 200o election headlights Jeb on board, so they found the coke-excavated W interlocutor and tried it again with a bunch of made-up threats. They stole an election and then they wreaked havoc. (They would have wrecked havoc, but despite their nihilistic leanings that would make their Lord and personal savior weep, that's not linguistically possible.)
- As far as Hollywood folks are concerned. I know, it's their and not they're. But seriously. I'll take cool hand Luke over the wooden nonsense about filthy apes.
- Coozledad. Yeah, halfway funny. But, it's kind of beyond question at this point that John was right and Blago is going to Club Fed. There's something here I'm having a hard but increasingly easy getting a handle on. For one thing, the GOP assault on Clinton was led by experienced politicians. Died in the wool Republicans that held the moral high ground. Like Dan Burton. Now, got Vitter opposing the Attorney General. Is this asshole joking? Voulez vous couchez avec moi. Vitter???? This business about pardons for anybody is fascinating. HW thought everybody that had to do with murdering Maryknoll sisters and Jesuit priests including yourself and anybody that No trial. No Constitutional rights. Is their some way Ricky Schroeder has a preferrable way of looking at things?
- The Bush bastards broke the law. That's kinda hard to deny. the guys that weren't the soldiers, fine. Cheney was a torturer. Rove broke the law concerning politicixation of the Justice Department. How in the world are ther people so pitiful they still want to claim these people aren't assholes? $50 mil corporate jet. What is wrong with these Eames Chair assholes? You could beat them over the head. These people believe they're somehow better. Pardon me, I,m stupid. I thought if they got money from the Feds they were supposed to lend it. If I'm AIG, I figure it's my cash. And I want more. John Boehner thinks he deserves it. He's an asshole.
- Clearing brush in Crawford? Where? Not in a million years. If Ben Stein has a kid and the kid doesn't want to blow the old man to smithereens for geing such an insufferable dick, well hasta la vista. If somebody thinks W is ever leaving Houston or Dallas, Barney's going to piss in your ear. It's illuminating. The bastard has no clue about the damage done.. W might have an alibi. He was relatively dumb as grunt. Cheney started plotting this shit when Tricky was President. He's been aiming for a coup since he dodged the draft six times in the 60s. He's never worked for anybody but Halliburton profits and he's f*cked over the Constitution to enrich his fat ass. These things are obvious, and he ought to be tracked down and made to stand up to a firing squad of blind lawyers with vintage Mosburg over/unders. Benecict Arnold wasn't dick compared with Dickless for betraying everything his country stood for, and he He scurried down a hawser when the Iran-Contra ship pf state required mass pardons of traitors. Cheney invented the stovepipe. He felt it made him invisible while Kommisar Karl was inventing the myth of Kerry being something other than the reluctant war hero he actually is. And you know, somehow drawing attention away from the absolute fact that W dodged the draft he supported. Anybody that claims these aren't facts is a gutdom liar, and that wienie John O'Neill, well he was Nixon's catspaw, and nothing he ever claimed about service is true. Nothing whatsoever. So they slandered Kerry, and yeah, it's slander by law. Kerry's problem with these died in the wool Raygunites is that he burned down the house of cards around the Freedom Fighters and R. Raygun's mafioso like Ollie North. This stretches all the way back to Kissinger and Letelier and Allende, and it proves Kerry's point that if you want to interdict terriss, you do it by police work. That's how you catch Bush associates at nefarious activities.
- Stovepipe. Does anybody think this was intended to protect Americans? Does anybody think they wouldn't have screwed with some rampam=nt GOP ahole that said he'd do abything he could to elect W and he owned the company that was supposed to be counting the votes. And Cuyahoga County came up 40thou short.
- So. They couldn't rob this presidential election (They robbed the last two, and the one that pisses me off most is the last one. The election was won, and this scumbag made it dissappear in Ohio. This was a case of just stealing and disappearing votes. Whaat's really disgusting is that this came down to draft dodgers impugning a war hero. Fact's are clear. One guy could have avoided service and chose to serve. Served true to his buddies, and thought his country was taking a wrong turn. Back in the states, there ws a party animal. He woofed coke an Jack Daniel's and ssspouted some country right or wrong. He had no intention of making food on his idea. First guy got sent up te MeKong and got into firefights. Other guy got loaded and missed his qualifying exams. Ywars later, one of those guys has his patriotism questioned. Was it the guy stumbling around trying to keep from getting shot while saving a crewman's life, or was it the guy on his hands and knees protecting the Birminhgham O-Club from incoming? In 2004, Americans voted for the shitheel defending the booze cache. Or they really weren't so dogass, because without cheating in Ohio counties, W was revealed as a wastrel little pisant. One way or another, the little shit is history. Isn't it amazing that no matter how elsde you think of him, steaming mound of ordure, no matter what, he's so small. I take this somewhat personally. People that take part in the cottage industry of belittling Kerry should take a big step back. I guess you morons are so progressive you don't remember Iran'-Contra and th investigation of BCCI. You probably think of Raygun as the last good guy, and not the ghoulish face of American imperialism that Kerry exposed. This is why Republicans hate John Kerry.
- This was done on Third Watch. Pretty good show that got better from an inauspicious Adam 12 sort of beginning. An apparent corpse was found froxen in a basement because some trickle down landlord had cut off the heat. The humancicle was revived. Third Watch caught on to the story arc, and introduced a supremely evil villain called Luther Mahoney, who may or not have been executed by Cop. Thhis show began dumbass, got smart, and then got smarter and more engaging, then it was cut off at the knees. There was a show called Due South, that was funnier (a deaf Huskie called Diefenbaker and shadowy agents called Huey, Dewey and Louie, and spooks called Helms, Casey and Bush), and better than anything else available. Two Seasons. There was Briscoe County, and, lately, the Middleman. Dresden Files. Given imagination and good acting, people prefer Sanjaya? Incredibly lousy singing and ridicule? DThat's what people want on TV? When I was a kid, we had Paladin and Bonanza, and Run For Your Life. The Fugitive. Twilight Zone. Dancing With the Stars? If I had to choose, I'd take intelligence and imagination. This is why you have some misanthropic, racist asshoe like Simon Cowell on TV. There really isn't any excuse for a smarmy little nouveau riche shit like this spoiled little boy that focuses a magnifying glass on vulnerable people and doesn't just enjoy pulling wings from sockets, he justifies his sorry ass self. John Updike wrote three good novels, but it's not like he's John Cheever. Re: Netflix. No advertisements here, but a question. Y'all that subscribe, how do you pick movies to build your queue? Read reviews? Remember something you think you liked in formative days? I think Blade Runner is the best movie I've ever seen. Not to put to fine a point on it, but it seems to be dealing with both existence and essence at the same time. And throwing in memory and time. It's what you could call philosophical., but maybe Deckard's in love and nothing else matters, and Rachel lives because he wants, wills her to. So, if you have a NetFlix account, how do you choose your movies? Next on my queue is Local Hero. Amazing movie, but to me, it's a lot like Long Rriders. Great film, great soundtrack. Great movie. I've noticed that Netflix hasn't got Brewster McCloud. This is a Robert Altman movie, for God's sake. Every Frank Capra, not every Robert Altman? Our most recent Netflix was City of Lost Children. There's not another movie to compare it to. The opening scene is the single scariest thing I've ever seen. I grew up in Detroit, so I'm not scared of anything, but this carries a frisson. Seriosly good movie if you don;t mind lame subtitles. Recrwational French is better.
- The abandoned frozen guy story, well, Bob Dylan wrote this song. Only a hobo. Rod Stewart as good as Rod is (Gasoline Alley is just as perfect as When the Levee Breaks or You Really Got Me.) One morning I took the T to downtown Boston, Filene's, Jordan's, you know all of those Department stores that bit the dust. I was on the lookout for tickets to seethe Kinks, Box office was closed, wind-chill was about -5. Boston is laid out by cowpaths with ill-advised skyscrapers, and the wind is hellacious. It blows you down icy sidewalks where the snow has been piled up like your an iceboat with the jib engaged. I found a guy in the entramce, and he appeared to be frozen. I mean, he was blue, and he was dressed in rags. I thought he was dead. There was no such thing as a cell phone at the time, so I bashed on the theater door and said 'Call an ambulance. I went back to trying resuscitation. Bastard woke up and puked, and I bought him some coffee at th Capitol Coffee Shop. He remained pissed off at me. That coffee shop has a gigantic Paul Revere style teapot that pumps out steam. It always reminded me of the Fabulous Star Bakery on Seven Mile. Places that sold baked and boiled goods and always thought they knew what was about to happen. I wouldn't say I saved that old guy's life. He wasn't old, and he really just wanted to put an end to things. No matter how hard I try, it seems I'm too young to die. Hard to say. Bastard was pretty stiff. I'm no dummy. I thought he was a gone, and I know resusitation r. Then he's spitting bile at me. So, we saw the Kinks and, as usual, Ray and Dave and the companie were amazing. Slightly wierd, my brother and my sister-in-law, well, you know. But there's the unknown. You may ask yourself? How did I get here?
- So, you've got a story. Run like a bunny. But this seems like a Danny Casolaro kind of story, so take care. Raymond Carver? How bout Sherman Alexie? Humm. I'd say TC Boyle and Breece D'Jay Pancake (if that's his real name) wrote better stories. Harlan Ellison could turn all of them out on a dime. Dashiell Hammett wrote better short stories than novels, and he always wished he was Raymond Chandler. What ever happened to short stories? Is it all the fault of editors at the New Yorker? No plot, no bang for the buck, just ennui? Hilton Head island gets it Detroit on. I'm 57, and this is the fourth shooting incident I've witnessed in my lifetime. What are the odds. I saw a guy shot to death on Shrewsbury St. in Worcester MA while my future wife and I were walking to the movies. And we were tripping. This one, I was stone sober and almost run over by the Sheriff SUV. Before that, my brother's dog Spotter was crapping on the lawn of some unhinged J. Walter Thompson account executivve and the rat-bastard shot him in the tail with a pellet gun. My dad confronted the coward and snatched the rifle from his hands and broke it in two. The other instance, well, that bullet was aimed at me, and I sure as hell didn't deserve it, though some of you may beg, nay, clamor, to disagree. It was a dark and stormy night. Not Really. It was snowing a blizzard, and we were trudging through about a foot and a half up Commonwealth Avenue, looking for my stolen Gibson 12string. I threatened with a steak knife. The guitar was unfortunately fucked. What Tony Blair and Alicia Silverstoneand President Segway have in common. Clueless. Bonus points: Which one had the brains to treat Elizabeth Hasselbeck like she was trying to be Michelle Malkin and she didn't exist? When will these media whores get it that you can't be Ann Coulter without the Adam's Apple? Why the sun will never set on the Brit Press. And what it might be like to be an ex empire. Calling William Boot. Lord Copper on the line.
- Math is gorgeous, but I never got it. On the other hand, everything's math and I get that, McCaskill rules. The bucaneer daptains are robbing everybody. They buy jets and drapes and they don't give a shit about anybody. This is the Raygun Revolution. The people thatr run things make 300 times what the people make that make things. WWJD? Drive their greedy asses out of the marketplace. There's something to be considered regarding flaming assholes like John Cornyn. Who exactly is the constituency. They despise poor people and they have made more people poor than any group of bastards in US history. They haven't enriched trhemselves (other than Dickless). So what the fuck is wrong with these people? They hate poor people? They just hate people in general? How do the run on this?
- Isn't lesbian separatism ultimately a zero-sum game? Maybe they can learn to train bees for cross species pollinization. Maybe they think David Crosby as in vitro dad is good enough. There's Leda fertilized by the cob, but how can those terrified vague fingers push the feathered glory from her loosening thighs? And how can body, laid in that white rush, but feel the strange heart beating where it lies? If anybody manages to hijack a roadside electronic sign, please consider "Hayduke Lives!" as the initial proclamation.
- Cultural, mostly non-football observations on the Super Bowl and the great unwashed (internets Nation): 1. Preponderance of denigrating comments on halftime. I believe this is blogghorea rooted in the Boss deciding he was an American first with a right to express an opinion about a crooked anti-Constitutional governmental mafia during the last eight years. Sour whine grapes and hyssop. These are a bunch of people that would have preferred Up With People backed by Ratt and that dude that looks like a lady. Bruce notoriously branded himself a non-jock with the 'speedball' reference, but he made fun of himself by changing the words. And the exuberant exhortation to put down the chicken fingers was a riot. 2. Complaining about the officials in this game is a direct manifestation of a nation consumed with getting well fast by succumbing to a touch of Bill Bennett disease. All of these whinges go on online during the game as bettors see their bucks with wings. This abject, ignorant shit goes on every year, and every post ends with '...and I'm not a fan of either team'. Right, asshole, it's not the exquisite nature of the athletic ability and what those of us that have experienced it realize is the purity (sometimes nobility, sometimes not) of the competition. No problem with Cards fans that want to believe they wuz robbed, but jerks that actually know something (generally less than they presume, since they didn't play) about football to foul the ether with their bookie angst is ludicrous. They probably didn't think Iron Mike's chomping cartilage should have disqualified him because they'd backed him monetarily. 3. Some purely football. /the now infamous roughing the passer call, well the guy took two additional steps and hit Roethlisberger in the back with his helmet. Au-to-ma-tic, and as Eddie Albert would have to admit if he didn't have money on the game, hi-sto-ry. Same with the roughing the holder. Helmet to helmet. Both would have been $10-25grand fines in the regular season. (Hell, they dole out those fines for perfectly legal plays, just ask the heroic Hines Ward.) The TD by James Harrison? Only desperation made this a question. Larry Fitgerald made a terrific play and without a doubt was unfortunate enough he got his body underneath Harrison's knee on the big guy's way to the endzone. But if you're on top of an opponent, you aren't down. No brainer. The truly bizarre and questionable call was the holding in the endzone that prolonged the game. DL bullrushes OL and bulldozes him, then he just stumbles over the vanquished body. I've watched this many times, and (and this is technical) the centers hands never, ever, went outside the defensive lineman's shoulder pads. Not holding, by any stretch of rules or imagination. Right call, came over. The personal foul on Ike Taylor by the Cardinals bench was an atrocious example of a player victimized by second-guy-sight on the part of the officials. Cards player threw a punch, Taylor pushed him in the sternum. And then, the Kurt Warner fumble. Contrary to blogger and general internet obtuse comment, the play was most certainly reviewed by NFL officials in the pressbox. Unless Kurt Warner wants to claim he can direct a bouncing football 30 or 40 yards downfield to Larry Fitzgerald with his biceps, this is just stupid. He had no idea where the ball was and threw his arm forward in desperation. And he was hoping to get a bad call and one more chance. Which brings me back to the cultural aspects. Announcing. I played HS football, and I tutored UGeorgia football players (along with swimmers, softball and baseball players, basketball players, and competitors in every other sport. They attended study halls, with tutors. It was the football and men's basketball players, and the softball players that needed the most help. Most of the kids didn't really need help, because they were motivated to succeed at everything. There are several of these kids, whose names you'd have to go Marathon Man on me to find out, that struggled, but kept up grades and succeeded. Some kids didn't. I hope it wasn't my fault. Mainly, I was trying to get them past over-officious TAs that had it in for athletes. I'm sure this sort of thing goes on at every Div. I and Championship level school in the US. Fine essays with vindictive red slashmark's, and open ridicule, and yeah, I got pretty defensive of children reduced to tears by academic bullies with neither credentials nor an actual grasp of grammar. My point is that these young people set off on a challenge. Regarding a degree, most of them thinkit's the Grail. And having been an undergraduate at the same school, albeit the actual best JSchool there is, and if Columbia in either location is so great, why do we decide the Peabodies.? What I mean is that I saw always saw brains, insight, perseverance, willingness to help, dedication to families and their dreams. I also saw tireless dedication from the Athletic Department to helping people persevere and succeed on their own terms. No papers were written, no tests were taken. So part of what I mean is that people that think jocks are stupid beneficiaries of some sort of noblesse oblige, get a life and consider your own exertion toward your C+ and Gentleman C degrees. Then again, nobody ever says these things about soccer and lacrosse players. Culture, class, good neurologist. Herschel walker got his degree in criminal justice from UGA recently. He stumbled, then mostly plowed through and mostly trampled obstacles, like it was Bill Bates on the two yard line. So. if you support football, there's a lot to support your argument. If you don't, you think a brainless game like soccer supports your opinion. Super Bowl's not even a game anymore, it's a party. But it floats on the surface of dultural problems and prejudices. And if the Romans had Colisum, well...
- I imagine Little Miley can buy and sell us all. If her dad wants to buy her a Prius, that's their bidnes, I think. If it were a Porsche Spyder, , well maybe that Achey Breaky cash is running out, and her momma should be worried. But really. how's a dad buying his kid a car worth pointing out? The kid could be stocking the 10-car garage at her crib with a fleet of Escaldes with Biggy effigies in the passenger seat if she felt like it. Pretty soon she'll be a trivia question. Or not. She seems to be somewhat talented. I suppose there are child stars that are denigrated and don't even care just as often as there's kiddie-pop that thankfully fades away. You know, there's the Jonas Bros. that think they're John and Paul, and there's Mmm-Bop, which to this day is as exuberant and brilliant a One Bad Apple and ABC. But really, Miley gets her license and her dad buys her a Prius? Horeurs. Kid seems sensible and fairly talented. And that seems to be an inordinately sensible car choice for rich and ridiculously privileged people. The implication that there's something wrong with this is just strange. Should they have bought a '73 Gremlin Levi edition? What exactly is the problem? I don't get it. That's not some spoiled rich kid kind of choice. I suppose some electric two-seater would have been even more Enquirer-worthy.Maybe it's old fart annoyance at a kid that's inheriting the economic quaqmire from eight years of greed and Halliburton run wild in service to Cheney's stock options having an opinion about where the hell the money went.
- Tim Goeglein has accepted the consequences of his 'mistakes', a “a pretty rare thing in Washington”. Aside from scumbag youthful indiscretionists like Dan Burton and a bunch of other grotesquely obese holier-than-thou Republicans, and chief obstructionist Vitter, who found Presidential pardons outrageous, if they didn't involve selling weapons to Iran to buy drugs to pay for murdering Archbishp Romero at the communion rail and rape Maryknoll nuns. And they stand for family values, as long as they aren't Vitter's ho's, whose kid's should never get reasonable health care. And Tim Goeglein will put on the appropriate spin. So, Nancy. You did this hack a favor. Now he get's paid to fart money for the Gaseous Odiferous Plutocrats.
- Someday, somebofy will discover the secret life of Dorothy Parker, and we;ll all be impoverished by that bitch Simon Cowell's flatulence of the subject of a great dame's life. Women that think for themselves can't buy a break. Now supposedly, Selma Hayek was touring African refugee camps, came upon a starving child, was lactating, and fed the keedo. Now, who knows if this really happened, but if it did, so what. Seems fairly normal to me. Many cultural ramifications, I suppose, the least credible a bunch of salivating bastards making jokes about awesome teats. This is how nannies and mammies used to operate, and it's obviously a good thing. Turning it into titillation is the work of the anti-press. My mom did this same thing for a child whose mother was incapacitated because she'd been denied care after delivering, in a whites only hospital in Little Rock. She'd had practice, with me and my brother, and she didn't have any hollywood bona fides nor Hollywood boobs. She saw a need and was able to fulfill it. This is the sort of small thing that makes every one of us better. Seems to me that even considering race when contemplating behavior is unchristian and counter-productive. In the Fifties, my mother was risking anathema, but I'm sure that never crossed her mind. Child in need, say no more. This is universal. My dad never picked up a gun but what the army made him. He was medcal corps as a doctor and the closest he dame to combat was a sniper blowing te head off a cobra that was dangerously close to hin on his way to Mass one morning in the Philippines. He also faced down redneck sheriffs protecting whites only in the hospital where the child my mom suckled was delivered. o now we've got idiot reprobates like Vitter and McConnell talking about tax breads and trickle down. Tax breaks and liessez faire for rich people caused the current state of affairs. If the CEO class got away with all of the cash in the first place, how the fuck is giving tax cuts to pirates a stimulus plam? This doesn't seem like rocket science, but Keynes fot the Nobel and David Stockton is a disgraced remnant of Morning in America. If you give the money to rich people and let them hide it away, deflation digs it's own hole and the money dissapears. If you spend it on public works, people can afford to feed themselves, and buy stuff, and pay taxes, And vote. Golden parachutes don't trickle down. They enrich perpetrators. We're supposed to think that caps on CRO level pay and obscene bonuses will somehow retard the migration of 'talent' into financial arenas. What talent is that? Digging deeper holes? Golden parachete? Lay off a few thousand workers and bail with millions. In 1960, captains of industry made 30 times what the rank and file brought home. In 2002, it was 300x. That's Morning in America, and that's trickle down, and people are so fucking srupid, they don't think it's sad that the GOP is taking advice from Samuel Wursenwhatever's imlicensed plumber's crack. For eight years, there was a dry drunk turd that didn;t have the brains to wake up when Batney pissed on his head agter he was rendered helpless by a pretzel. In all that time, he was consciously or unconsciously doing the vile work that Dickless started way backl when he sanctioned murdering ArchVishop Romero. Raping and murdering Maryknoll nuns? asua;ties og wat from Mr' 'Better Things to Do', while Kerry was saving lives and these assholes were already plotting against him. It's fascinating about what Kerry uncovered. Ollie North was a hero? In what universe? What you've been kept safe from: Waclps that thought they could infiltrate Fort Hood delivering pixxa; dipshits in Miami, that wanted some combat boots and some cash; guys that thought they could drop a lighter in a cistern 60 miles away and light up La Guatdia, My favorite: The guy that was goimg to tale dowm the Brooklyn Bridge in broad daylight with an acetylene torch. Then again, in August of 2001, the Presidential Daily Brief said Bin Laden likely to hijack planes, but why would anybody take that seriously. This isn't made up. That's what they told him. Hair on fire. Two posibilities: dumb as fuck, or saw this as a great rallyung point for trashing the Constitution. One way or another, Grpver Norquist, who hates the United States more than amubpcy that ever lived and ought to be hunted down, well loook, Norquist is insane. He needs to be shrumk small enough he could be drownedd with every memory of R. Raygun, Ome day, the Swift Boat shit will come back to haunt these assholes. There's still evidence far bavl as Chilean assassinations, and there's no statutete of limitations. Kerry proved BCCI was the favorite bank of both terrorists and rhw Raygun Mafia. Dickless and Rummy.. dreat American freedom foghters.
- Dexter, there is no such thing as that river but that it was stolen from Colorado. There'd be no SoCal if somebody nutted up and blew the Glen Canyon Dam. Hayduke Lives. And while all y'all are feeling good about yourselves, consider what Alan Price and Mick Travis came to realize: When there's a bluebird singing by your window pane And the sun shines bright all day through Don't forget boy Look over your shoulder 'Cause there's always someone coming after you (la la la la)
- MichaelG, There's beauty yet in the , to this day, and no matter whats been done to it in the interest of corporate avarice. Maybe it's stark, but it's beautiful. Beauty wasn't on the minds of the despoilers. Cash was. Sort of like the despoilers of the Constitution that stole two elections, and if you don't think the second one was stolen, canvass Cuyahoga County. What I wonder is what possessed these people. Money and greed, sure, but that can't explain this sort of behavior fully. The Screwtape Letters comes immediately to mind. Political liberals are saddled with the epithet 'knee-jerk'. I'd say that's bullshit. The bunch of bastards that want to make government dsmall enough to drown it in a bathtub would seemingly like to reduce humanity and natural environment to toxicity. This is knee-jerk abd slavish worshipping of Mammon, while claiming fraudulently to be Christian. On another subject, but it's the same old thing, how is spending on schools and creating jobs at the same time pork barrel? Thank you Senator Demented (my Senator, along with schizophrenic Lindsay Graham, and I'm so embarrassed we elect sanctimonious, know-nothing hypocritical morons in SC) for worrying so much about the un-Christian schools. The damage done to Christian principles by self-proclaimed Christians is incalculable, but they're protecting the pissing territory of such notable Christian entrepreneurs as G. Gordo and Ultimate Freedom Fighter Ollie North. Employ the rod and scar the children forever. Dexter, In the inane history of knee-jerk denial of facts accumulated by unbiased scientists, global warming denial is right up there with Holocaust deniers. The overwhelming consensus and solid findings are somehow questionable because they aren't 99.44/100 pure? Even Bjorn Lomborg admits to reality. When facts are denied and distorted, politics raises it's hideous head, and when that happens, follow the money.
- Here's the Salton Sea photos I wanted y'all to look at. Looks like Mad Max.
- Does it come with fedora, Scoop? Clackety-clack. Where's the steaming cuppa Joe and the smoking Old Gold?
- Michael. I get it. But blasted and scarred and altered irrevocably, there's innate beauty. I like tooling Lake Powell on a big houseboat, but I'd blow the dam at Page if I thought I wouldn't get arrested. I'd also like to sit on a hill with a Mossberg over-under and pick off snowmowbiles. Of course (beautiful and well-placed), those are just thought dreams. I think those photos show the desolation and the damage, and somebody ought to be made to pay.
- Dexter: Annie Liebowitz took racy pictures of Miley Cyrus? Why wasn't I alerted? If subtle humor is your game, a discernible modicum of subtlety and humor is probably a good idea. Maybe they aren't just some dumbass rednecks and they're conscious of setting a good example. And how did 'social consciousness get to be 'social conscience'? MichaelG: When I say the Salton Sea exhibits ravaged beauty, I guess I'm thinking about Patti Smith and Bonny Raitt. Now, the Aral Sea, that's more like Marianne Faithful circa Broken English, or Shane McGowan since he took his first drink of whiskey ( I sincerely doubt this poet ever drank scotch, so I feel confident in spelling with 'e' intact. And yeah, commas are beautiful. The fundamental punctuation mark of the periodic sentence. Proper comma deployment and understanding of the proper use of the semicolon are hallmarks right up there with opposable thumbs. I wouldn't noormally do this, but in researching this post (yeah I do use the Google, and y'all deserve no less) I was confronted with this achingly gorgeos bit of poetry: The last time I saw you was down at the Greeks There was whiskey on Sunday and tears on our cheeks You sang me a song as pure as the breeze Blowing up the road to Glenaveigh I sat for a while at the cross at Finnoe Where young lovers would meet when the flowers were in bloom Heard the men coming home from the fair at Shinrone Their hearts in Tipperary wherever they go. I believe if it's not AE Houseman or Auden, or Gerard Manley Hopkins, WB Yeats is the finest poet of the last several centuries. Bad teeth and all. Shane McGowan is right there. Modern poetry is drier than a dessicated bone, and the point is usually more elusive than the point of one of those bloodless, navel gazing New Yorker short stories about angst, or something. Regarding Stimulus '09: Why are Paul Krugman and self-styled Progressives acting like there's just one bite at the apple? Roosevelt didn't, you know, stay the course when things were working well. And why does anybody with a functioning brain give the all tax cuts all the time nitwits ink or consideration? Embracing greed and ditching regulation caused the problem' Tas cuts don't trickle down except as urine. Money in pockets works. Firefox: Since I went for this alternative several years ago, I've read online about problems. I've never had one. Not one. It's faster and more reliable. And the new website? Well I'm all for typewriters, preferably Selectrics, and my little Sears model that remembers 20 characters back. I still use that sucker at the beach. What's the worst that could happen? Regarding Newspapers: If everybody is satisfied with Matt Drudge, I guess dumbing down is complete and I need to resign myself to Twitter and stupidity. Somebody's going to have to do something about this rampant ignorance as a badge for being opinionated under the influence of deliberate obtuseness. Rush is a destructive moron y'all.
- What ever happened to Riverbend? Newspapers are fishwrap and internet rules. Right? Isn't it LCD? Morons in, morons out.
- Wow. We just sat through The Dark Knight. I think A knight's Tale is brillian, so Hearh Ledger is OK with me. But mimicing Christian Slater's boice beyind makeup is brilliant acting? Just not a very good movie. Batman Begins is infinitely better.
- Bush tax cuts were targeted at the well off, W's bread and butter. They didn't spend it, jusst like they never earned their money in the first place Money was sequestered, not circulated. That's how. Anyone dumb enough not to get this mightbe dense enough to choke on a pretzel, pass out, and get urinated on by an obnoxious terrier. Where's the second trillion? Hell, I stand to inherit one, but I'd say tax estates like the rest of the free world.
- nd the best and the brightest spent their bonuses gor trashing the world economy.
- Cheney and Rummy are war criminals, long before they ever had to do with invading Iraq. Rummy is collateral. Cheney is architectural and made a fortune off the invasion. Anybody that's missed this is an idiot. And it isn't about oil, it's about oil field services, and these venal bastardss couldn't give a shit if a drop of oil ever get's to an American gas tank. Meantime, these despicable, greedy bastards want to short-circuit international law, because, after all, they've trampled on it, They've obliterated international law defenses for Americans by torturing innocents for fanricated homeland purposes. No joke. look up the Project for the New American Century.
- Stimulus, slightly less than $800billion. Invasion and occupation, $1Trillion, almost right now, For what? Nothing. Is it difficult to understand that these criminal bastards raped the national treasury and left it for somebody else to clean up their mess? And now he's supposed to clean it up in less than four weeks when they soent eight illegitimate yeare trashing the Republic?
- There's a lot to be said for "Love may fail, but courtesy will prevail, Then again, "sometimes ya gotta act like ya gotta pair. Republicans are acting like assholes. President should tell them it's tough, but they wandered away from what might be good for the country. Holy shit. Vitter? Spokesman? Back when it was Maryknoll nuns, Raygun thought that was acceptable. Then they shot the archbishop at the communion rail. Everybody in the world knows who was responsible. Know whaat? Those were nartyrs.
- Here'a the deal Paul Krugman. Where were you for the last eight years? Three weeks and we have to throw up our hands, and the first shot isn;t good enough? Something must be done according to your presdigitation right now? Jackass.Randy Newman understands. Jesus, what a jerk.
- Spruce trees are part of the ch(sm)arm of the Grat Midwest. Mow Yews, thats a blight that needs to be attacked with vigour and a chainsaw. I believe they grow all over the Grosses and shade faux-tudor minii-mansions. At least they used to. Meanwhile, journalism in general and newspapers specifically have been befouled by a patently racist political cartoon that espouses assassination as the ultimate resort for the bubbling grease atop the Republican stew that has reduced to the point of sticking to the stockpot and stinking like burnt flesh. I don't believe the ludicrous pirate robber Baron means to have the President taken out to advance his delusional goal of ruling the world. But the NYPost is his veritable flagship, the preternaturally abusive, offensive and inflammatory cartoon appeared in pages he owns, editors he owns and has failed to disown chose to print this filth, and there really must be a way to deport the slimy piece of shit. The defense from Murdoch editors is that the cartoon makes a connection between to stories in the news. Chimp shot dead, stimulus. What non-comma connection. What cultural disconnect removes these assholes from a blatant appeal to skinheads to rid Conservatives of this troublesome priest. It's actually clear as a bell. I saw a Chicago Trib online poll that said that only 40% of respondents thought that the intent of this cartoon was racial. What else do they think was going on. Most of the people that voted probably thought the chimp should have had a plunger up his ass a few times before the coup de' grace. Kit Bond goes a world tour of Missourri to announce the benefits to the state of his participation in the stimulus bill. Asshole voted against it When I was a kid, I read Screwtape. I think, I wonder about, the efficacy in the name of Democracy or something resembling it, Matt Fucking Drudge? Are people hynotixed with bogus information? Bogus information in the internet is like gogus information in real newspapers. The first is valued at 400 yo 40, the people that do work are peons. Fact is, Obama'sedging forward. But he's doing it witout KBR leaning on him. And oil field services companies that dabble in security would rather he was just mon-ecistemy. Anyway, neither freedom of expression nor freedom of the press lets you incite wackoss Ibtention was clear, and homeland should shut their ass down Guantanamo should be kept open long enough to send the cartoonist for rendition to some Medievalstan. If they don'nt make him feel like his organs are failing or he's dying, turn it up. John Yoo, and Bybee,said that was OK. If these assholes ever practice law again, justice might be done. I've got five brothers and a dad. What was my mom to make of this She knew she wanted a daughter to civilixr us. That would never have happened. But holy shit, It's alright to suggest murdering the President to get the Stim more like Boehner? Trying to claim the cartoon wadn't totesquely rasict is so asinine it just beggars belief. It deliberately pointed a bullseye.
- No American with a modicum of decency can let these assholes get away with this what's gone one with the last seberal years and some Reagan dickhead that thought sloauthj=hering MatyKnoll nuns and raping them was funny. This has been a netioun of war criminals for several years. If you don't think so, let's here some king of evidencee the invasion and occupation didn't enrich Cheney.
- So it's Sunday night , and there's nothing not noxious (a good name for a band?), or even a decent rerun on TV. Not even a compelling NBA game or the B's playing more sound hockey than everybody else in the NHL, including the weaselly Redwings. So the pard I've chosen to grow old with, All Things Considered, is considering me with daggers in her striking, alluring, and somehow threatening gaze and manner because I've got paper copies of the NYT and WaPo, plus Rolling Stone, two months worth of the Atlantic, an Oxford Americanr, and a virgin copy of Foreign Affairs. And I have to wonder whether she's taken her meds and whether I know where all the Henckels are. Rolling Stone has a letter in which some character calls Born to Run, Darkness and The River “the Holy Trinity” although, he didn't capitalize Holy Trinity, which is dysfunctional style and insulting, but not like trying to claim conflating the Connecticut chimp and the President's sitmulus efforts in a Murdoch “newspaper”. So Spirits in the Night, that I first heard in a vaguely scary club on Cape May is an also-ran. And Sandy. And Incident on 57th Street. And Darlington County. And Nebraska, and The Ghost of Tom Joad. And The Nothing Man, and I don't know, another 100 or so brilliant songs, are derivative and unoriginal. As Randy Newman said about Mr. Sheep, “Jesus, what a jerk. And the news today is all about the deficit. Funny, but so sad. Do we live with a government dependent on the will of the people so uninformed? If you consider the deficit as Shares of Non-Social Security Federal Spending Paid for by Borrowing, you have Truman none Eisenhower 3%, Kennedy-Johnson 6%, Nixon-Ford 14%, Carter 13%, Reagan 25%, Bush I 28%, Clinton 6%, Bush II, fy 2002 23% Bush II, fy 2003p 32%. I know we're talking about the fatass fake plumber with the Plumber's crack running straight down the middle of his mug, but, shit, this is simple math. Born again deficit hawks in whatever's left of the brain dead GOP carcass occasion cognitive dissonance. Even people that ought to know better attribute the W-eficit to invasion and misguided occupation spending, but if you understand government fund accounting and so-called emergency funding, you know a lStagarleeing portion of the Halliburton enrichment agenda isn't even on the books yet. If there's a NN participant that truly understands fund accounting, I'd love to here an informed explanation. I've got a masters in public management and this subject caused me trouble. In the end, I think I had some sort of epiphany during the final, but the math of which I was phobic in Statistical Analysis, my personal Kampf (and that's another story), was nothing intellectually to trying to comprehend accounting in general and fund accounting specifically. So there's this final question. They get away with the astounding malfeasance of the last eight years, including absolutely purloining two national elections? Republicans probably hate and fear John Kerry more than anybody in the world. What Kerry shares with Old Dirty Bin is that he's a bogeyman they need to rally the feebleminded to their cause. They despise Kerry because he tracked down the administration criminals and their international banking catspaws and mad Reagan look like Nixon. In a perfect world, Ken Blackwell will learn bridge at Club Fed for wangling Cuyahoga County. Truth and Reconciliation? Sounds good. Until you consider that Cheey and Rummy were there with Nixon, came back for Raygun, and would have stuffed W in a shoebox if they thought they could get away with it, even though every evil thing they ever did had been exposed, by Frank Church and Kerry. They could be the undead. Spike through the heart would be a very good thing. I say Cheney thought raping and murdering Maryknoll nuns was good strategy. Muy macho when you took six Vietnam deferments and falsified the little prick's Guard records so you could grab the Oval Office. The attacks on Kerry's patriotism are litterally mind-boggling. He was on missions in Cambodia and saved his crewmen's lives with fast thinking and disregard for his own safety. W was drifting off to Bumingham, in a cocaine haze, blithely These people funded Monica Lewinsky's kneepads and designer thongs, they murdered Danny Casolaro and seem to be getting away with it, they shredded records and stuffed the remains into Faun Hall's underpants. Mostly, they attacked the Constitution because they have no respect for it. The truth would be good. Hanging by their ballocks would be better. My point about truth and reconciliation is simple. Prevent the recurrence of people that present such a threat to what we all are supposed to believe. Cheney? Better things to do, this guy said this when he worked for Raygun and thought murdering Maryknoll nuns after raping them and burying them alive was something a reasonable and decent American would do. He's a monster. I'd reccomend the movie Salvador. Reagan administration was so stupid in its bloodlust they couldn't figure out the difference between the name of the country and its capitol. So it was just Salvador. All Dickless ever cared was that his cash was being laundered.
- Gasman, Why should everybody lose? Do we just give up because everybody's stupid. The tax-cut mantra has produced a monumental deficit. people are too dumb to see this? Obama is attacking problems with a tremendous amount of intelligence and imagination. W was so locked into wasting cash on making Cheney and the other progiteers rich. This shit has stopped. It's fascinating that progressives, whatever that means, are so pissed off at Obama. For example, that Gitmo is decent these days. Of course it is, you morons, it's a new Gitmo. These people are dealing in real time. Nobody's evver going to be tortured there again. We have the President's word, and it's believable.. We had a government by assholes, that worshipped Ronbald Raygun. We don't any more. We live in a country that believes in the rule of law. It seems to me, here's the deal.The idea that Cuyahoga County wasn't just robbed is a joke. It was. Which means the loast two elections were entirely bogus.
- Gasman. we all got urinated on when the obscene 30:1 went to 400:1 comoensation during the stolen Bush years.If those bastards are the talent, , where do they think the rest of us stand. They created fantasy and rewarded themselvesfor failure. And that's Ameroca? People workedd their asses off and were defrauded by bosses that were taking golden paracjutes of one sort or another. They should all go to jail. Amd the momey should be spread around where it can do the most good, and if that's redistribution of wealth, the wealth was undeserved, and in fact it was stolen from the people that generated it.. Capitalism as some blind excuse for robbery isn't a valid philosophy, and self-appointed robber barons ought to have to give all of their ill-gotten gains back. Fuck 'em, Who exactly appointed these crooks captains of industry? The singular thing the Republican Party has succeeded in is to convince the trailer trash and the desperate they stand for them. These bastards stand for nobody but the rich people, amd they mean nothing but to shrink the confines of rich people as much as possible, from the bottom up. The middle class they coddle, the dumbasses they convinve by racust means that there's some vast unwashed, People buy this, and they're morons.
- Inserted into penis ends? Bada fada bada. The Obamaspeach was awesome and the Republican response was ...weak... We just watched Frozen River. Have to say, I'm a Melissa Leo fan since Homicide. But this is stunning. Her performance is as good as Tommy Lee Jones in Three Burials (if you haven't seen that movie, that's kindqa like missing Hamlet, coming up.) Anyway, Frozen River is superb. Better than the Ozcar nominees. Why are the best movies about Americans on the fringe of polite society? Eight years of marginalizing everybody that wasn't rich or a Halliburton catspaw? Redistribution of wealth is a belleweather of conservatives, and we're supposed to believe Obama is a dangerous socialist. While W was pretzeldent, CEO salaries went from 30 times the average worker's takehome to 300 times.That's a fact. Who was contracting the middle class to benefit the wealthy class creating derivatives and other crooked schemes? Who was keeping the invasion and the occupation off the books by making all that funding 'emergency'? WaPo says Obama is playing a budget trick by including the occupation cost? Where were these bastards the last eight years? And that fiscal responsibility shit from Republicans? Bobby Jindal, Great Brown Hope? Jimma Ed without the sincerity, genuineness and intelligence. Also lacking any sort of humility in the face of his ambition. But gawdamighty, that jackass was Barney Bibe on the national stage.
- Dexter. Re.:Jindal. Everybody that ever fade dun of Jimma, they can ear it. First, he looked like a joke. Then, he sounded hilarious. Then everything he said was a demonstrable lie. The fact that he anchored his most obvious lie to his participation in fucking over Katrina victims? that's those Republican scamps. Heckuva job. Republicans? Self-inflicted wounds.
- When you live with a scizophrhrenic, that ditches meds sometimes, this sort of question gets to be moot. So, insanity on the home front and Tom fucking Delay on the TV is disorienting. Tom Delay?. Jindal was embarrassing, but isn't a Republican coup there's somebody stupider than Palin? A meagre injection of sanity. The cost of the invasion and the occupation was never included in the budget by W and Cheney. This isn't something Deorne Will would bring u[/ He's tpp wprried anput sec-lives, even though his includes tampoms. George always wamted to be royal. They raped the Clinton-era surplus and used trickery and energency resolutions to disguise their shifting wealth to the already wealthy. And they tried to act like they were all Grover Norquist. Whoever believed in this horseshit? Is the newspaper vs. internet dizcusion about truth? I think it's about honest reporters, and I'd rather see it on paper. Meantime, threre are billions that are too fucking stupid to understand that Matt Drudge is a selpro,ptomoting asshole that lies his ass off.
- The Dreadful Lemon Sky. That's the best one. It's always humanity and not the whodunit. Spenser is mighty good and Travis McGee is wonderful. Raymond Chandler presents an entire universe of moral ambiguity. In the long run,you've got Dave Robicheaux and EZ Rawlins.
- Jesus H. Christ. How fucking stupid are people? W left the cost of the invasion and occupation out of the budget. Obama's including it. Duh. Grown-ups are tunning things now. Thank God. And, you know, Rush may wish the President fails but I sincerely hope Rush succeeds. Alienated whack-jobs with a smaller piece of stick.
- Fashion reporter? Tres chic. Levis bought fashion and presented normal people with the eternal conundrum. The powers that be left me here to deliver, and I chose Wranglers for less cash. Isn't the idea of fashion kinda strange? You've got designer clothes nobody would wear without a shotgun to the cranium. I used to work in an office of a world-class architect. Architects are poorly paid, and, in general, they deserve to be. Another story. Anyway, they li8ve by style, they think Barney's and Mont Blanc pens lend them legitimacy when they hem and haw about responsibility for anything. When it all comes down to it, it's construction details, how to actually build something, and the feasibility of the materials all of these besotted jackasses are thinking about after they looked at the renderings (the spectacularly attractive pictures of what everybody wanted the project to look like. Discussing drugs? US law still says that marijuana is a narcotic. People are sentenced, and many get third strikes, based on this asinine canard. My opinion is that pot is a matter of choice, like the Jack I',m drinking right now. It doesn't cause the sort of lung cancer drain on the economy that tobacco does; that's mostly a function of the tar, etc. in the papers, and nobody's smoking a pack a day of jointsAnyway, what sort of drug causes Boehner to claim the budget is spwnding when a large part of it is tax cuts for the people that bore the brunt of the wealth upward constriction that W engineered? The GOP line requires willing suspension of common sense.
- And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?. I believe in newspapers, and I know for a fact ywitter is guano. Tweet.What sort of dumbassery is people willing to buy? Twitter? Holy shit. Mprpms. Twitter? Seriously. Noobdy is that fucking stupid. Beseone is Tw. Morons. And I've just made fun of making fun. Are you dickheads so goddamn dumb you don't get how stupid this is?
- How is it these assholes that thought the they could make up dictatorship, How do they get out of the consecynces? These bastards are we kidding, Bushco thught they could eat us all alive. Look you morons. They were trying to to subborn the Constitutiion. You stupid ass W moorons, Xheney wasn't a terrorist? He is a terrorrist.
- Jeff Borden. I haven't smoked pot in 20 years. I would say you're a flamer moron. Mitch McConell, well he's earmard central. The idea that earmarks are bad spending is some osrt of dumbass crashing planes McCain can just eat alive. All of these alleged earmarks could be balanced with that shitheel's blown away planes. Fuck the bad pilot.
- OK. this dumbass hass the most dumbass name in the history of dumbass namessa. But claiming that health care is a privilege is so stupid in so many ways it seems to personalize and identify the GOP perfectly. First thing is, who pays for Wamp's health care? Thid calls for taxpayer revolution. I used to withhold tax money from my phone bill to refuse to fund the Viet Nam war. The IRS never got back to me to discuss my civil disobedience. I suppose it's OK for us to withhold some pittance to make sure my hard-earned dollars aren't funding Mr. Wamps health care. Second thing: He's born again, right? Did Jesus have a litmus test for income, or worth to society, or Republican compassion-blight? Well, No, I think he just cured lepers and dead people without considering whether or not Mr. Wamp thought they'd earned it, the old-fashioned way, like AIG executives. Shouldn't the federal government act like proxy Christians (and really, you could insert any of the so-called great religions) and do business in the interest of the least of my brethren? Third thing. Is this guy such a kneejerk idiot he doesn't understand the effect on the economy of pretending to be the greatest nation in the world and leaving fully one third of it's people in dire straits when they get sick or hurt? OK. Bpbby Jindal. But he's at least a mildly amusing foil to a mildly amusing psycho perv on Chuck. But Republicans!!!Rush man-boobs boouncing and udder stupidity? Wamp? Boner, the King of Earmarks, except he has to accelerate to catch up with Kyl.
- I love ties. I've saved an astonishing silk tie with large red white and blue peace symbols that was a Christmas present from my mom and dadnearly forty years ago. Wore it for my first passport portrait and every new one since. I'm probably biased (but that's why I'm saying it instead of anybody else), but the thing about Irish exports is a serious commitment to quality that I believe springs from Irish myth. I mean real myth surviving in modern culture. American myth is the alleged saintliehood in the face of discernable and provable facts: Ronald Reagan charmed the Evil Empire into dissolution with grandfatherly benificence manifest destiny raised all boats; Starwars works,; the stock market isn't some rich assholes game of baccarat and they don''t keep score and preen over the demise of the less fortunate. So Irish. Well, there's the best poet (And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?) and jaysus, how did hee see Bushco coming. There's a playwright (G. B. Shaw) that saw the blasted heath and the necessity of choosing peace. The novelist that set fire to the rules and begat Thomas Pynchon, and Pynchon begat Thomas Gibson.* You're great flaming queer with such spectacular talent he could epigrammatisize Romans like Juvenal and Ovid intttto oblivion, like NWA vs. everybody butt Chuck D and Run DMC. Aactually, the idea of producing only the best resides in WB Yeats, you know, Irish poets learn your craft. It's soomething that goes way back. Connamera men, and Fiach O'Byrne Brits have treated Ireland like land to grow fodder for imperialistic wars for severaal Centuries. They implanted religiouss hatred as a time-honored wedge issue to keep tthe Irish under their boot. Of course the finest Irish export is music. When mass marketers tell everyboody it get's to be everybody's Irish time. I have to laugh. Tthere's a Pogues' song that says, "this land was always ours, was the proud land of our fathers, it belongs to us and them, not tto aany of the others." Sso when you listen to Shane McGowan at Christmastime, in the drunktank. Think about several hundred years of mindless and brutal oppression Theere's another Pogue's song, called 'The Galway Races'. Rather ecumenical idea: There was half a million people there Of all denominations The Catholic, the Protestant, the Jew, the Presbyterian Yet there was no animosity Yet there was no animosity No matter what persuasion.
- W's faiilure. Well he and his Mr. Interlocutors wanted the Constitution to fail. Most Americans would see a difference between wanting some obscene idea of Cheney promoting a lobotomized version of psychopathic Nixon versus governing sensibly and trying to get out of a greed-induced briar patch. Bushco not failing meant mindless wars of aggresssion and enrichment of Blackwater and Enron and nitwit nihilists like Grover Norquist, and rubbing it in by calling it Christian. Fail? Hell yes. Hoping for failure for somebody trying to find a way back out of the cave those assholes put the country in? That's treason.
- You might not speak English without coffee, Nancy, but you write it clearly. Here in the backwaters, Hilton Head Island, we get the NYT and the WSJ without interruption. I love actual newsprint and ink smudges. I love thundering two-story presses, pressmen and women doing a craftsman's job, and accountability. Online nmews sources publish whatever the hell they want and the pyrites standard is something wallowing somewhere between Drudge and and Guckert. I like newspapers availalble on the net. It's the only way I can read the Boston Globe, the Bee, the Loisvill Courier Journal, iconic papers from my days of being able to read them more immediately on paper in the Graady School reading room. The disconnect is a function of gullibility, fried attention span, failure of critical thinking, and almost understandable insularity coupled with a neurotic need for like-minded reinforcement. There's an opportunity here for people that run government. The NYT is a product of a large corporation, but it's mom and pop compared with Newscorp. That unspeakable behemoth slouching toward Bethlehem is an abomination of deregulation that mirrors the country's economic auto da fe. And bag Rupert. Who let him get away with this drivel. Talking Points say newspapers have done themselves in by leaning liberal. Exactly which papers are liberal? And let's see a scintilla of evidence. Suppose the demise of newspapers is a f'ait accompli. What are we left with? Morons patting each other on their backs? Really? Jonah Goldberg and his idiot confrere? Charlie 'Total Whackjob' Krautheimer? Sludge growing deeper around Cal Thomas. These people are insane, but they're kept in check by Eugene Robinson. There's something inherently valuable about print on paper. You can't make it dissappear, like some mendacious website. I'm Catholic. I take my faith seriously. Misrepresentation of American Catholic beliefs is odious. There are 80 million Catholics in the US. These whackos aren't 1million. I wish everybody that is so up in arms found it revolting when Cheney and Rummy and Ron Raygun raped and murdered Maryknoll nuns.
- When I was a kid, I matriculated at the Cranbrook School theater school. Back in those days, it actually snowed in June.Ineggable and wonderful. I lived in my natural habitat through the blixxard of '78 in a Boston suburb. What nobody seems to remember is that we we got another 54 inches or so begore Easter that year. Read the first forty or so pages of the Perelandra Trilogy (read all of those books, this is a stylist, with a point of view and a way of looking at things that's about as intelligent, and perfectly imagined, as Lord of the Rings). Weather is something to be embraced. Climate change is nature's way of telling you something's wrong,
- Dexter. Who took notes for you? You stored a lot away in spite of yourself.I used to think that Henry Adams was the height of intelligence. The more he was educated, the less he learned. I read Teillhard, and I figure the more we're educated, the more we understand about God becoming God. If there's a big black hole and it goes to nowhere, why do we feel like we need to straighten everything out Sometimes you eat the bear. Sometimes the mosst gotgeous woman you ever sw gets murderred, ffor no good reason.
- I used to deliver the Free Press. Great paper. There was also the Michigan Daily. Bill Thigpen was my High School compatriot. Look him up. Shot dead by Detroit gangs, a reporter for the Michigan Daily. Now, that was a great paper. Thee used to be the Atlanta Constitution. Reg Murphy was the editor. Before Reg, there was Ralph Magill. He was born in the 18th Century, and he believed black people are people. If anybody believes Drudge and journalism without newspapers is a viable construct, wave your non-existent dairness doctrine freak dlag high. Newspapers are birdy-doo catchers, and O'Reilley isn't a self-promoting piece of shit that thinks more about loofahs than he does news. Seriously, you morons, news from the internet? This might work if people weren't so stupid.
- Lenin is dead. Lenin is alive. Lenin will rise again. That bit about Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again wasn't actually part of Mass when Nikki the K was around. Personally, I believe in the Jesus part, and I'm pretty sure the Lenin part can be left to Anne Rice. Actually, that part of the liturgy is a product of Vatican II, which is a blueprint for a much better world. I'd be willing to bet the Christians were ahead of the curve. I think it's kinda funny to inspect Catholicism this way. Catholics may have launched the Crusades, but Protestants imposed orthodoxy on English Christians in the name of every Christian sect that's broken out since. There's something else worth considering. Catholics admit to errors while the all-encompassing Christian renegade offspring brook no dissension. American Catholics don't buy half what Benedict says, and it seems interesting to me that so many non-Catholics are so interested in so few theologians. There are something like 375 American Bishops. The Karl Rove wing doesn't use up two hands. There are 68mil Catholics in the US. Nutcase prima donnas like Donahue represent between 2 and 3 million. Infinitesimal. This is a perfect example of how the net distorts. The Catholic Church in the Western Hemisphere is best represented by Archbishops Romero and Paulos Faraj Rahho, who basically stood for human dignity. Victims of revolting American exceptionallism. How has that been blogged? Well, it hasn't. If your an American, how do you sanctify R. Raygun and Ollie North and claim land reform is creeping socialism instead of Christianity?
- Dexter, lost luggage almost always ends up in Huntsville eventually. Years and years of flying, I've never dealt with lost luggage but once. In, I think, 1970, a plane was taken and landed in the desert. I was on my way back to the US from Switerzland. Detained in Heathrow, didn't make connecting flight, shuttled back to Swissair. Who said I'd be put up and my parents waiting at Logan would be informed. They weren't. So I spent a carefree day in London and a night of luxury at the Cadogan Square. A favorite hotel of Oscar Wilde. Meannwhile, my parents were waiting in Boston to drive me to college and received no message. I wined and I dined and I saw London on foot like Pepys, and my mom and dad tore their hair out. When I got to Boston, I was appropriated by a typically Brit young woman that looked like Lynn Redgrave sans avoir du pois. Absurd, I could have had lb's of hash on me, we blew through customs, and I could have been carrying a pound of Turk hash. I know, I wouldn't have wanted to be the customs people or the airline factotums. My mom was a lioness where cubs were concerned. So all was right, even though it was 1970, and there was a crook in the White House and the Constitution was unnder attack by Republican racists. All my parents cared about, was that I was home safe, and they dposited me safe and sound with ny stereo and a little bit of European pot. Matijuana is classified as a Class I substance, like heroin. This is rampantly moronic. Marijuana isn't a gateway, marijuana isn't damaging like alcohol. It's pretty difficult to claim any facts about any adverse reactions whatsoever. Robert Parrish is one of the fiercest competitors in the history of NBA hoops. The Chief liked to smoke a joint, have a glass of wine, and listen to 'A Love Supreme' when he got home from the wars. His vindictive ex sicced the cops on him ad he was busted for less than an ounce because he wound down with a toke. Who's looney here? There are people talking about legalizing and taxing, I said this was no-brain in 1969. It's the perfect crop for rotation, and the prospect of taxing packs of Js is immense. Health concerns? Nicotine, nope. Tar, nobody is going to be smoking a pack a day. Nobody but an idiot would try to claim pot is a health risk in the same universe as smoking cigarettes.
- It's entirely possible that some sort of return to respected trade skills would produce a society in which people with high school reading and 'rithmetic skills could earn a living wage. In the rush to call criminals and financial crooks the best and the brightest to be rewarded with millions for failing utterly, everybody's lost sight of individual contributions to society. And, yeah, I suppose considering everybody's contribution equal in value is socialism, but trying to deny the idea is radically, in the sense of radix, roots, is denying the tenets of Christianity. Did slave-owning Plantation owners denigrate the brawn and the brains and the crop management expertise of their minions? Well, yeah, they did. Is there a Big-Farm Agribusiness that didn't take the best of the family farms they subsumed and wipe any sense of intelligent land management from corporate consciousness? Did the Lord ever have any expertise at growing crops? Can the Donald fix his Maybach when it craps out? The gross imbalance imposed on modern economics by concentration of wealth and bogus claims about how wealth was generated led directly to the greed and elitism characterized by Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey. Meantime, no matter, and to the great chagrin of these Teabaggers, it's the anniversary of Jackie in the Big Leagues. I never realized this happened on his birthday. And please tell him I said Happy Birthday, although I imagine he's being curmudgeonly about the entire idea. Kinda makes these Teabaggers seem like they've got no nuts in there unless they're shredded. How much did Armey and Newt and their corporate overlords spend on this mindless excercise in futility? How does the Stimulus rise to an affront to anybody but millionaires about raising the upper marginal rate to 3% less than what they were paying under Raygun? And of course, all those fools are still thinking they're part of the Republican Big Tent. Says a lot about gullibility and enfranchisement, and is this stupid or is it delusional? Jackie Robinson became a Republican, I'd imagine because of Eisenhower, but what do these amoral idealogue Republicans and their mindless flock have to do with the guy that left public life with a prescient and explicit warning against the neocons and Blackwater? His baseball statistics were ridiculously good: And he stole home 19 times, which is astounding. And he even did it in the World Series. His military career was fascinating: Robinson was commissioned a second lieutenant and re-assigned to Fort Hood, Texas. There he joined the 761st "Black Panthers" Tank Battalion. Jackie was drafted to the United States Army and was assigned to Fort Riley, Kansas. White men with Robinson's level of education were allowed to go to Officer Candidate School, whereas blacks were not allowed. Robinson asked Heavyweight Champ Joe Louis, whom he met during basic training, for help to be allowed to train to become an officer. After Louis talked with a friend in Washington D.C. the army allowed Jackie and several other black men to train to become officers. Robinson was commissioned a second lieutenant and re-assigned to Fort Hood, Texas. There he joined the 761st "Black Panthers" Tank Battalion. Robinson was charged with insubordination, disturbing the peace, drunkenness, conduct unbecoming an officer, insulting a civilian woman, and refusing to obey the lawful orders of a superior officer, for an incident that occurred aboard an Army bus. The driver ordered Robinson to the back of the bus and he refused. When the bus reached the end of the line the driver summoned the Military Police, who took Robinson into custody. Robinson confronted the officers on scene and the officers recommended he be court-martialed. The charges were reduced to only include Robinson's alleged insubordination. He was acquitted by an all white panel of nine officers. So, is baseball a skill, a talent, an intellectual pursuit? What's the value to society. I'd say, you just don't know. White people insisted on thinking they were superior? In the cas of athletics, it seems clear they knew that was bushwa and tried to put off the inevitable. Every race has it's champion, and I'd prefer to think of the competition in terms of me and my brother playing whiffle ball games, batting righty and lefty, pitching righty and lefty, keeping score with actual box scores from the `963 Dodgers and Yanks. This elitist tax eruption today? The Obama stimulus raises the .01 tax rate to 3%less than what Reagan wasted on Star Wars. That's a fact. This is utter bullshit, and the people standing out there in tricorn hats are tools. And they don't deserve it when nobody but Dick Armey's clients stand to gain anything. The puppet=masters here are disgraceful. And FOX, well they should have their FCC licenses pulled.Shameless promotion of 'grass roots' Armey and Gingrich and the military industrial complex. For cash, I'm sure.
- Nancy, the objection to the teabag baloney is claims that it's grassroots. That's idiotic. People that haven't much are being taken advantage of by rich bastards. Otherwise, it goan mean shit. It doesn't take Phil Gramm's nor Dick Armey's degrees to understand that almost everybody get's a break from the stimulus. These bastards are lying their asses off to align their victims with their unholy selves. This is simple arithmetic. The Bush misadministration exclude the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from the budget. Obama's made the honest conclusion that that's money spent that has to be accounted for. Emergency spending? Assholes planned for this when they sent the first PNAC letter trying to bamboozle Clinton into illegal invasion of Iraq. These traitors need to shut the hell up. Gramm and Armey devised the assault on the banking system. Hell, they created a banking system that isn't anything of the sort. How dthe hell is Goldman-Sachs a bank? There's no way any of this had to do with actual banks except they were coopted by gigunda financial firms that people like Gramm and Armey allowed to call themselves banks. Economics is fascinating. Macro, that is. When extremely greedy Republocrats can fuck with the economic system, it's pretty much like they turn it all into a puddle of goo and blame it on anybody else that's not melting. You've got to be an idiot if you don't see how Newt and Armey and Phil Gramm haven't reaped billions for their dogass apologias now.
- I wouldn't guess I'm on your team. I wouldn't say I ever mashed anything together. Maybe I've been pointillistic in some fashion. It's a weird day for me. My dad's birthday. Tax day. The anniversary of Jackie, and aside from that, his innate importance, which he must have hated, dut that was one of the best baseball players that ever lived. Stole home 19 times. I'm 57 years old. I don't remember being introduced to a black person, because it never entered my parent's realm of reality that it made a difference. My folks were shodowed by the FBI because they had friends that were African Americans. These tortures that have been running the country, take it with a grain of salt when they criticize their successors that are trying to do things right.
- So I saw some of the coverage of the tea-baggers yesterday on the TV. One thing I noticed was missing from these rallies...not a single African American or person of color at all. --------------------------------- Posted by briannorwood That's because the rally was for working taxpayers. Posted by davicar2 at 7:37 AM : Apr 16, 2009 That's a comment from an idiotboard on a CBS site. I'd guess militias are populated with the underemployed, but thank God and the willfully misconstrued 2nd Amendment, they've got guns. Look, the Tea Parties were a halfway clever idea on the part of supporters of Ron Paul. They were coopted by the Obnoxious Aussie Traitor Network (and boyohboy did those Fox 'personalities' seem like they'd been at the pipe) and a bunch of shills for very rich people, like Newt and Dickless Armey. The 150,000 or so hapless souls that attended the 900, 700, 500, or more likely 150 parties were a bunch of deluded jackasses that make up the hardcore despise Obama Republican 'base'. Not one of them faces an increaased tax burrden, if they pay taxes at all. All in all, it's depressing that the people duped into this asinine behavior against self-interest have no clue that the largest part of the 'Obama deficit' is actually honest fund accounting and accurately reporting costs of the manifestly illegal PNAC invasion of Iraq in the budget. (Bushco left that out.) That money, over the past eight years went almost universally to private concerns with no oversight or accountability, with a smidgeon, begrudged apparently, by Teabaggers, for payroll and health care for actual soldiers.
- Fox has been running with the 'MSM' disn't covering this grassroots movement' meme.,0,6233800.story?track=ntothtml Yeah, they are. And for some inexplicable reason, they aren't reporting on the actual numbers of people involved. Teabaggers are people with legitimate complaints, in part, succumbing to cynical manipulation, and their numbers, such as they are, are augmented by whackjobs that don't only think John Wayne fought and won real wars, rather than, like Six-Deferments Dickless Cheney, lets you and him fight Dickless Cheney, have other things to do. And if somebody murders police officers and pretty much quotes Glen 'Crying Man' Beck, well, that's collateral damage in the neverending War on Socialism. Not that any of these Bozos other than Newt could actually define Socialism, and not that any of them wouldn't probably attend Tea Parties against Jesus if they were presented with his words in a blind tasting. Some of the people misleading these ignorant citizens are self-interested entrepreneurs and opportunist con-men. Some of them are actively and prosecutably seditious. Some of them are flaming assholes that give breathing a bad name. Some of them might actually not be carbon-based. Who is a rational and honest voice on the American political right? Seriously, isn't it time for James Jackson Kilpatrick to climb out of his grammar obsession and rescue this booboisee from utter malign mindlessness. Shit, raise the obnoxious but lovable Bill Buckley from the dead. George Will is, and always has been, a noxious font of deliberate disinformation and such a slimy Royalist he probably would have agreed to be the string on the Prince Chuck tampon, and now he's just a full-goose loony prevaricator. The various Goldberg? William Kristol? Dr. Krauthammer? Short bus to Bedlam, move along folks, nothing rational to see here. Ann Coulter? Anybody ever see her in the same room with Dee Snyder? Michelle Malkin? I don't think she ever meant for any of this to happen, and she exudes fear of being revealed as a media creation and a ValGirl twit. What the right is left with for something approaching brains is unreconstructed neoLiberals like the twin neurasthenic porkers, Chris Hitchens and PJ O'Rourke. Problem is, these guys entertain the idea that Raygun tax and spend was bogus, that the current President may be right about some things, and that W, the Musical, was an unmitigated asshole.
- I don't understand the identification (not obsession, although obsessing on unfettered souls would probably be mental healthier than identifying with tortured spirits like Marilyn Monroe and Anna Nicole)) of gay men with Big and Little Edie, but it's always seemed to me that they lived strange lives that were strangely satisfying to both of them. It seems to have been symbiotic on a psychological plane. They were rich in a fashion and managed to live undeterred in a manic world of two, with no apparent comprehension of their strangeness. If I could be placed in those surroundings with a roomful of vintage Gretsches, Guilds, and Telecasters, some Marshall stacks and a gold-top Les Paul, I'd probably be perfectly serene and ask the raccoons to sit in on vibes when the Tasmanian Devil didn't make rehearsal. So, you know, as those Firesign guys would coopt from some dead philosopher, what is reality? It's what you make of it? Cogito ergo sum? Of course, we could all, individually, be rendered brain dead and respond demonstrably to external stimulus, so there's a scientific hitch in that giddyup, at least so far as corporality is concerned. And we also dream. Did Edie and Little Edie dream they were film stars in the gilded sense of that term? Dream waking? It's what they always wanted to be. Makes sense for Junior, and for the gay men that love them. Repressed true free spirit expressed. Yup, cheap psychology from a non-practitioner. One aspect of the story that's always rankled is the idea that Jackie Kennedy was embarrassed by her relatives. Maybe the Beale dames wanted to be Jackie Onassis, like Larry Bangor. Anyway, Jackie tried to fix up the house and that was somehow Macchievellian. That's pretty much like claiming Hillary Clinton killed Vince Foster. Liberals went to lengths to hide deviation from social norms, while J. Ed never wore dresses and W didn't pass out on the floor and have the infernal Barnie piss in his ear. Here's a review of a new book that sounds good: Louise Erdrich territory, and maybe even the Twentieth Century and Beyond's greatest female novelist, Margaret Atwood. I mean The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse and Alias Grace. There must be some strain of feminism in Gray Gardens. If the world denies you, make your own, and tell everybody else to fuck off. That might not be overtly feminine, but it might be more audacious for women. Perhaps that's not feminism at all, just humanism, or more triumphant individuality than Ayn Rand giving herself to the manly man ravishments of John Galt conceived (as Randy Newman said, Jesus, what a jerk). Then you have Sissy Hankshaw, the prototypical feminist heroine (not) and Daily Alice Drinkwater (surely). I'd vote for Julie Christie as Mrs. Miller, but I'm a guy so my vote probably shouldn't count. Hidden in the genealogies and twisted webs of Little No Horse is a feminist protagonist with a capital F. A word about the Great Teabag Kerfizzle (and doesn't the ubiquitous use of kerfuffle grate on the synapses of anybody that loves English and abhors meme words and memes in general? I mean, it's almost as annoying as meta). This turned out to be a confluence of rebels with no clue, funded by really rich bastards that have betrayed the US in one way or another for personal aggrandizement. Rupert, DeLay, Armey, morons that think they actually will pay more in taxes even though there's no chance that's true, because they listen to FoxNews and don't realize Raygun nailed them for more money to fund StarWars, Timothy McVeigh acolytes, bag ladies, sececionists (and Texas and Alaska, if you want to leave, don't let the screen door hit you), and, most obviously, racists to the bone that figure a black guy in the White House means enslavement of white people. Stupidity and paranoid schizophrenia are excusable human foibles. Exploiting same for money and imagined political leverage is execrable.
- I'd like to know what any of y'all think about John Madden. I played football through high school and I know a fair amount about the game, but I'm not expert. I do not believe in all these years Madden did games he ever said a single thing I didn't already know. Seemed like a good guy, but the Biff! Bam! Pow! got old fast. Alex Karras was infinitely better. Colinsworth is better.
- Would anybody be unhappy if Texas left the union? According to polls, most of Texans are rational, but 20% want to secede. We say, let the assholes secede and grant amnesty to the large numbers that prefer sanity.At the least, it would slough off the rude carapace of some rough beast, and Americans could blame W on somebody else. We could deport Blackwater to Tejas. We live in South Carolina, and our governor is betting his Presidential chances on turning down stimulus cash. Laying off 7500 teachers too. Meantime, Newt says Jimmy Carter got a Nobel Peace Prize for being 'an anti-American President'. If I were mean-spirited, I'd point out that Jimma was a personal bastion of family values compared with the guy that served divorce papers on a woman receiving chemotherapy. Isn't one of the deals with these bastards that they have no shame. No shame? In the end? Whatever, the President's an alien, or a Democrat, or thoughtful, or well-spoken or taking on too much or not taking on enough, and, holy shit, he's a black guy. I'll say a few things. Newt may be a more or less refined piggy, but, whether or not he's a personal racist, he's going to play that race card until the electronic reader stops taking it. Every time some ahole Republican spouts this sort of crap, some potential McVeigh buys fertilizer. That makes Newt a terrorist like he was hiking through the Kush and making tapes for Al Jazeera. His treatment of former wives makes Newt disgusting to any decent human being. What we have here is an entire administration, and their lying shit enablers. There's no point at all in attempting to prosecute CIA grunts. But the misAdministration is guilty, and no matter what guys like Jonathon Turley is selling, nobody has ruled out prosecutions of the actual perpetrators. This pattern of we're the progressives so we should run the government and why doesn't the spade do everything we want since we're so inortant and got him elected is so idiotic and so obnoxious it reminds me of dumbass hippies in the 70s. Yeah, they're war criminals. But disgrace the real villains. The ABA can insist that sitting W judges and lawyers like Yoo and Fredo are either incompetent stooges or seriously heinous Himmler analogs. It seems to me that disbarment is probably fine. On the other hand, Cheney should have his pacemaker removed and be slammed repeatedly into one of those special effects walls, then he should be confined with scorpions, and then he should be waterboarded. I know that sounds extreme, but the alternative is probably driving a wooden spike through his black heart. I believe Cheney was involved in the murder by the US Government of Omar Torrijos. The bastard is a disgusting piece of shit that ought to be prosecuted. His interest in Scooter has to do with what this weasel might relate. Can American Republicans define sophism? I'm sure they're running like hell from Dickless. He's evil incarnate, no matter how you look at it. Republicans are so stupid, they'll probably try to resurrect Rummy. This teabag slang, well I just got that. Damn, that is kinda gross. Given the funding for these anemic, seriously anemic, gatherings, were those DeLays nads, or Newts, or Dick Armey's And did Dick Armey go for the whole Dick? In the privacy of their own bedrooms.
- Has it eluded everybody that when Bushco filed numbers and budgets were considered, they just left out Iraq and Afghanistan? They left out several hundred billion because it was inconvenient. Obama put it in the budget, because, you know, we're collectively spending it and paying a gross amount to enrich Cheney, and of course, he knows that, but he's not admitting anything from his bunker. Cheney doesn't believe in the Constitution. Cheney doesn't seem to believe in anything but Cheney. He's a war criminal, and beyond that, he's a traitor. He believes the President is a king, and he believes he's the president. He had six deferements because he believed he had better things to do. He denigrated Kerry's service in Viet Nam and Laos. Cheney is such an idiot idalogue he'd never admit anybody went to Cambodia or Laos. So why do the hardcore stick with this draft-dodger? Kerry got shot, a few times. He saved a bud out of the river. Hw acted heroically. What did Cheney do? Shit, maybe he was partying with Lieut. Bush in Birmingham. This is one of the most spectacular idiiot pieces of shit in the history of American elections, and it says more about the abject stupidity and herd mentality of Republicans than anything ever did. W was a child of privilege that couldn't fly a plane if it bit him. He thought he ws a ladies man but he was Steve Dallas. Kerry was a stellar officer. Here's the deal. W was confronted with a pre-flight medical exam. He knew it would show up coke. He went AWOL. Kerry found his men under fire and he rescued them. Now, that's exactly what happened. W is either cowardly or not, well, yeah he is. He wishes he was brave, like Lieut Kerry. Hw knows, for a fact, in his heart, he never won an election, he wasn't ever a legitimate president, Cheney never coopted the Constitution, and all is right with the world. And you idiots that voted for the homuculus, way stupid. Don't know how to put this, but, you vpte fpr an idiot with a venal sck of shit at his bck.
- Dexter, I don't like documentaries generally. Directors intrude, and unless they're brilliant, it's wasted. I love When We Were Kings, but I'm sure that's just because I love Ali. When I was a kid, I liked boxing, probably because my dad did. There's a movie called Bright Leaves, sort of a southern version of the Hamptons, that's fairly astounding. And doesn't Sister Re look fine. That hat made that hatmaker beaucoup bucks. Here's an Aretha moment for everybody to enjoy. I think this is her best song (the album version has a solo by Duane Allman)
- Any one of those people in Nancy's first graf would be superior to the grotesque idealogue Scalia. A seated judge that claims to be strict constructionist but ignores the Federalist Papers on the subject of the Second Amendment, actually, any judge that held for W vs. Gore, has proven he couldn't care less about individual rights and is willing to twist the Constitution to match reactionary personal beliefs, and the letter of the Constitution. There's going to be an inane partisan tempest in a teapot no matter who Obama nominates. These mindless twits should just shut up. Roberts and Alito are fellow travelers of Republicans that don't buy any part of the Bill of Tights other than their flawed, strangled interpretation of the Second Amendment, and they're blights on the intentions of the Founding Fathers, who understood they couldn't foresee assault weapons and gun manufacturers that make semi-auto weapons and conversion kits you can buy without actually identifyinng yourself. Consider the damage by mindless opposition to well-qualified Obama. appointees. The fact that corrupt Republican Senators like Vitters can hold up Sibelius Craig Fugate is outrageous. James Lee Witt knew what he was doing, and W needed a loyal Bushie that was entirely incompetent. So no matter who Obama chooses for the SC, nitwits like Boehner and our Senator Lindsay Graham (who has to be the most conflicted bastard in the history of the US Senate, and why doesn't Lindsay just admit these bastards are torturers, he'd sleep better) will have phony reservations they claim are principled opposition. Fact is, Obama is not going to nominate anybody a reasonable person could object to. Concerning the judiciary, Republicans are hyper to the point of werewolfism about original intent, but they nominate plastic pocket protector tough guys like Scalia and Clarence Thomas. How does stopping a legitimate recount coincide with Constitutional principles? I guess if you go duck hunting with Cheney and he doesn't blow your face off, KBR can electrocute all the soldiers it wants and that's just fine. I'd like to see these bastards prosecuted. Everybody seems to have forgpotten about Cheney's stovepipe. SERE said the torture would produce false positives. These bastards were trying to get detainees to implicate Saddam, and that is such a spectacular lie, it's hard to comprehend. Gravitating back to 2004, we have the Swift-boaters. Cheney was hip-deep. Six questionable, actually ridiculous, deferments, but Kerry was such an opportunist he wounded himself? Outright slander. Everything that comes out of Cheney's mouth is an outright lie. There's no way of ascertaining why he was so keen on torture. It seems fairly obvious he thought somebody could be made to implicate Saddam in 9/11. Everybody was supposed to ignore the cash this jerk made off this grotesque lie. So, how does the nation progress? One way or another, Cheney must be prosecuted. Disbar every single asshole lawyer that had anything to do with this massive perjury. If there's a path to follow, it's the Stovepipe Cheney is Mr. Interlocutor for W. Cheney thought it was just fine for nuns to be raped and murdered in Salvador. There's actually no excuse for this dickhead. He's a pissant excuse for a civil servant with no brains to muster but hindbrain. He fixated on the idea of imperial presidency, he appointed himself VP for the most lame dumbass ever appointed President, and now his criminal behavior and greedy disregard for human life has come back to haunt his ass.
- Elvis is fascinating, and there's no way to consider Elvis apart from ho weird he was. J. Edgar? Far as music is concerned, spectacular out of the gate, bloated and saccarine later. But "Suspicious Minds", that's brilliant. "In th Gnetto" is pretty good. If Steve Stills had just made "For What It's Worth" and stroked out on the crapper He's an icon and Neil's buddy. Anybody knows the history of these guys knows both played best when they played off each other. So what did y'all thingk about Time's most influential? Rush? Apotheosized by Glen Beck? Small number of people that claim some connection with sanity, That pompous windbag Bono, that never met snything he couldn't steal from the Alarm?
- When I was in JSchool at the Grady School, there was a room where we could read the Sacbee and the Mercury, and the Boston Globe, the Christian Science Monitor, Louisville Courier-Journal, and other papers that actually meant something and carried editorial weight. Do people believe Twitter is news? Or thinking? I'm on board with technology, but if it's going to mean everybody's stupid, I'll walk out into the Atlantic. Albert Einstein was only half as smart as Oppenheimer. Einstein said Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. Relying on the net and letting newspapers die is proof. The net is 99 and 44/100 blatherhammers. Einstein also said A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty - it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man. Thomas Jefferson said Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear. And so, Teillhard said Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God. Joy is discovering intellibence and compassion where you thought it couldn't possibly exist.
- There's a good reason to care about the Kennedys. Somehow, we have been presented with Kennedys and Bush'es. Patriarchs? Rum-runner vs. Nazi-sympathizer and war profiteer. War-profiteer vs. rumrunner? I'll take the well-intentioned miscreant with the intelligent progeny. This might have been the American 2oth Century if it weren't for murders and abberrations like Reagan. A Kennedy died flying the Channel. Kennedy's didn't believe they were removed from the equation, when they could easily have pointed out better things to do with their time. Kerry isn't a Kennedy, but, well, of course he is, and the Swift=Bpat shit in the face of W going AWOL is so outrageous, it shames Americans. These chicken wienies attacked Kerrry. Shit. Kerry is loathe to draw ttention to his Riverine experience, but he saved one guy's life. That's a fact. Kerry grew up thinking Kennedys were heroic. Jack was. I could swim that far with a coconut, but how many people could? Kerry in Laos or Cambodia? It's not much like like Olly and Guatemala. So, Nancy, bored by the Kennedys? How about the PNAC and how the Cheney Stovepipe attacked the Constitution.
- What does Edwards have to so with anything? Didhe decide it was OK to torture people? With regard to KSM, where exactly is his family right now? His family was seized immediately. SWhere are they now?
- Everybody thought it was OK . W won. ?? The fuck he won. Anybody with a brain knew this was stolen. Kerry said it was a police consideration. Mo shit.
- If somebody wants to point fingers, and somebody should. It's the bunker: Xgebet kiked the entire idea of torture. It all makes sense. He had better things to do, like making Kerry out to be a wimp when Kerry servec and these assholes didn't, and parading as a manly man when he was a xcum-sucking coward.. You can cut and paste anything you like on what really happened. W bailed. Kerry served. Danny Casolaro knew scumbags like Ollie North murdered people for cash. Ronald Raygun was the patron saint of the School of the Americas. Tell you what. It was alright for SOA thugs to rape and murder Maryknoll nuns because it waas OK with Ronald Reagan, because Ollie North said they were seditionists. Now that shitheel is making big bucks.
- Dexter. Don't be an asshole. Jacqi caught brain matter so making her out to be a gold-diggrt is fucking moronic.. If you think you can presume, let me disabuse you of that Bono-lke feeling. I was eleven, and I saw Oswald murdered right when it happened. I was making pancakes, because somebody had to geed my brp5thers and mu mom and dad wete poleaxed, because we thpught there was hope and it seemed to be snatched away. Jack Kennedy was important. Eight years of Scalia-enforced stupidity ends with sensible and measured thought. Tell you what. It was PNAC and stovepipe and torture. It's intelligence and hemanity now. If you think that's a bad thing, fuck you.
- I know Nancy likes Iggy, and so do I, but MC5 was real Motor City, not Ann Arbor, and this just brightened my day: OF course, SRC was another more hospitable planet, like something HI dreamed way into the future. Objectively, Ayn Rand would never have been satisfied with anything but a planet populated by Ayn Rand and maybe an anatomically correct Ann Coulter and a slave population to work the genuine simulated stones mines. Ms. Rand did give Jackie Susann a run for the Krugerands on the hack-unreadable-deathless-prose-rip-the-shirt-off-a-real-man-like-rock-Hudson list. Exceptionalism is anti-intellectual, and the last refuge for unspeakable bores with over-inflated egos when patriotism goes lame. George Will is making a run on the rail these days.
- How does one admit to reading Ayb Rand? How would the world have changed if that woman ever got laid? Seriously. When I was about eleven, I thought Invictus was the most profound statement of purpose and brilliant poem ever put to page. When friends suggested <i<Atlas Shrugged, I said, whoa, that's Nazi bullshit.But you're an intelligent lot. And I;d bet idealistic, and, at least in your callow days, impressionable. I hold this is a badge of honor I knew all along Cyndi could write and sing and Madonna was a media ho. You doubt? Money Changes Everything vs. the execrable Papa, Don't Preach. Who among you knew Faulkner was a drunk that couldn't even keep his characters atraight. Once people saw the horror of As I Lay Dying, how did anybody unleash this boring hack on the general public? Bud seriously. Ayn fucking Rand? She'd be fired from As the World Turns for ripping bodices and salivating over male enhancement. She couldn't write to save her life. But really, who cares? Her idea that we're all crabs in a bucket is PNAC Republicanism distilled. We just care about ourselves. People don't react that way. People do the most amazing things. Cheney had other priorities. Kerry pulled guys out of the drink. W just wandered around and never showed up. Republicans are perfect;y willing to get your ass killed, as long as it iiiisn't theirs. These days, I buy Bob Dylan and WB Yeats, mand maybe Barrack.
- Nancy. But can you define louche? I think it's William Hurt. Or John Hurt. There;s blood lust refardibg the torturers. How about humiliating all those assholes, Cheney and the stovepipe included. And if Cheney keeps blowing his hole, put him in revolving stocks. to tour the country. The deal is fairly clear. Cheney is the piece of shit. HUMILIATE THIS SAD EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING.
- Look. I know I might be a jerk. Look, this guy is taking on a gargantuan task. His involvement is incredibly admirable. It's a thankless task, and it exhibits his love of country and Detroit. Let's find some slackers freom Texas that care about anything but oil field services. These creeps have raped the economy. They've electrocuted soldiers. What is oil field services? Well, we charge them up the ying yang and nobody ever holds anybody accountable. This is how Cheney is rich, and there has never been an American that was a more despicable POS. He doesn't care about anybody. If you think that isn't true, examine his stovepipe. Seriously, the stovepipe. This creep thought the entire American population was more or less stupid. He needs to go to jail bigtime. Cheney is so revolting, it's hard to imagine this sort of crap. I'm not makeing this up. My dad is a positively brilliant doctor. That's a fact jack. He also dabbles in philosophy and theology. He sort of gets Teillhard, but I think I'm more astute on this subject. Say what you like, if you doubt his honesty, I doubt yours. And that's a fact jack.
- I don't know about how people consider lying scum like Cheney. VLook. I know I might be a jerk. Look, this guy is taking on a gargantuan task. His involvement is incredibly admirable. It’s a thankless task, and it exhibits his love of country and Detroit. Let’s find some slackers freom Texas that care about anything but oil field services. These creeps have raped the economy. They’ve electrocuted soldiers. What is oil field services? Well, we charge them up the ying yang and nobody ever holds anybody accountable. This is how Cheney is rich, and there has never been an American that was a more despicable POS. He doesn’t care about anybody. If you think that isn’t true, examine his stovepipe. Seriously, the stovepipe. This creep thought the entire American population was more or less stupid. He needs to go to jail bigtime. Cheney is so revolting, it’s hard to imagine this sort of crap. I’m not makeing this up. My dad is a positively brilliant doctor. That’s a fact jack. He also dabbles in philosophy and theology. He sort of gets Teillhard, but I think I’m more astute on this subject. Say what you like, if you doubt his honesty, I doubt yours. And that’s a fact jack.
- Isn't Kill Bill about unattractive feet, but that woman is gorgeous. The whole thing is fairly brilliant, but it's not Blade Runner. Hell, it isn't Time Bandits or Mildred Pierce. And Chinatown? Not in that universe. It is, however, as clever as Citizen Kane, and Mildred Pierce is more clever. If it's mileage, I'd go for those Scottish boys. Actually, I mean Stuart Adamson, although the Haverers are endearing.
- Hrlan Ellison' a smartass, and he's really the science fiction equivalent (or doppelganger or evil twin, cue theramin) of my old Bloomfield Surf Club nemesis Elmore Leonard. Mr. Leonard would sit in a deck chair weiting on legal pads while the pool was closed for swimming practice, and then demand we all leave the pool when the lifeguards called the first adult swim, even though he was the only adult around. Anyway, I'd say both are masters of interior monologue and outwardly aggressive dialogue that embraced Raymond Chandler and not that abusive drunk Dashiell Hammett. And how anybody could abuse an examplar of truth justice, the American Way, and a role model for boys and girls alike that aspired to literary excellence Lillian Hellmann is beyond me, unless it was just the booze roaring and babbling and being considerably bigger and envious. To be fair, I'm biased in favor of Raymond Chandler and Nathaniel West instead of, say Hemingnway and Hammett, who, I think, managed to latch onto naturalism at the expense of turning the quotidian, which is magical, into the mundane. Simplistically, in one case, bourbon-soaked impenetrability in the second. Dash, if I may call him that, was tubercular from his experience in WWI, and undoubetdly alcoholic from same. His girlfriend's heroism must have bothered him, because he saw himself as the hero rescuing the cursed Dain girls etc. Which brings me to Cheney, who indicts himself with every arrogant utterance. Cheney brought John Kerry to Nixon's attention, and recruited John O'Neill to attack Kerry. Nixon pursued a Vietnam policy that lacked the slightest semblance of rationality. I mean, if trying to blow up the northern portion of Vietnam didn't work, invading Laos probably wasn't going to either. Budt they sent the Riverine boats there anyway, Kerry followed orders, and he saved crewmates from dying and performed missions. When Kerry grew up and became a man of conscience, and figured out this was a boondoggle. Cheney convinced Nixon Kerry was somehow untrue to his country. Years later, in service to the little ventriloquist shrub he was banking his financial future on through PNAC and eternal Halliburton contracts to fry soldiers in their showers, Cheney was still pissed off. It's fascinating that in the old, Cheney discusses his vagrant academic oddyssey by noting that Yale didn't suit him because it was "cliquish and elitist". Them cheerleaders were shutting you out? Meanwhile, he went to a bunch of schools and got a bunch of deferments because he had "other priorities". So it's 2004, and Cheney remembers John O'Neill and they get together with Rove. Rove and Cheney were draft dodgers extraordinaire. W never did anything but fly cover for the OClub. And they launch Swift Boat, and beyond all hope and comprehension, Americans are such ninny's, Republicans weren't draft dodgers, they were protecting against such dangerous Commonists like Kerry they would serve honorably and save Americans from imminent death. This is sort of strange, when you look at it. Can Americans be so bone stupid they don't see what these folks did in the first place, but see through the incredibly unseemly and mendacious smear. Holy shit. If Americans are that dumb, they might think 2000 was on the fair and square. Now we have Cheney as blunderbuss. He's such a fucking idiot he's admitted to approving torture. He claims he's exonerated by plots foiled. Yup. That Cleveland truckdriver that was going to cut down the Brooklyn Bridge with an acetylene torch. The schizophrenic whack that told them about the Library!Liberty!Library tower. Cheney claims that he's proven right by the lack of attacks, but every "attack" he claims was stymied is, well, hilarious. So here's what I say. Cheney is spouting sedition. And now he's attacking Colin Powell ad hominem. It's not unreasonable to see Cheney's crap as striking out at people that walked his talk back in the day when he was chickenshit to walk it himself. And he hates them for it. Does Cheney belive in the Imperial Presidency, or does he believe in a little nitwit that Barney pissed on to carry his Strangelove agenda? I think it's clear that what he despises about Kerry is Kerry's heroism when he wasn't capable of it. Couple of other things to think about regarding the asshole that appointed himself vice for the moron Pres. Rummy and Cheney negotiated the deal with the Ayatollahs to hold the hostages until after American elections in 1980. This is a fact, jack. When the Bush administration sent an envoy to Saddam to discuss the slant drilling theft by the Kuwaitis of Iraqi oil, they told him they couldn't care less if he invaded Kuwait. TDhey wanted to try Shock and Awe. If you consider current numbers about Iraqi innocents? That first attack-add 50,000. Isn't Shock and Awe just a ready admission of having committed war crimes? In the long run, Obama will smooth things out. In the short run, human life is sacred, and when Kerry pulled a crewmate out of the MeKong, wasn't that an act of heroism? It's hard for me to imagine anybody questioning the service of John Kerry. Especially, anyboody that''s daddy bought them a place in the guard and carte blanche to just bail out of the committment. Or somebody that got all those deferrments because of better things to do. According to Republicans, it's the Dems that chicken out. In real life, it's clearly the Fortunate Sons. So Cheney decides Colin Powell ought to hang up his Republican credentials. Well, he should. These cowards dishonor him. He served, they didn't. Kerry pointed out that terrorists are criminals, and trating them that way is the best way to catch them. Undoubtedly, that's true. Cheney thinks Rush is a better spokesman for Republicans? He's right. Brain dead whale blubber washed up on the beach of intelligent government. I don't know what y'all think, but Cheney is like Nixon rejuvenated. And we don't want it. Nixon was a traitor. Dheney is a traitor. Neither of these assholes bbelieve in the Constitution. Rush believes in Jabba. He's a disgusting drug-addled pig that doesn't give a shit about the American Constitution. Back in the day when the Constitution was being written, there weren't abject traitors like Cheney. But holy shit. It would do my heart good. If people would admit Kerry won if that infernal asshole Ken Blackwell didn't cheat his ass off and steal Cuyahoga County. These assholes robbed two presidential elections. For a draft dodger, by a draft dodger. These bastards never gave a crap about anythingthey claimed to care about. They wanted to make cash. Isn't that hilarious?
- if you bought that Swiftboat shit, wake up, you are an idiot. Cheney baileed. W bailed. Kerry saved his shipmates. That little Nixon piece of shit in his suit. He's the biggest liar in the history of American politics. He'a Catspaw for Nixon. Hwll with the constitution.These assholes believe you have no rights. They beliebe Cheney should be able to tell the suprme court you're a bunch of assholes, and some wack job that can just shoot anybody in the face can get away with it, even if he couldn't care less about the Constitution. He's the most despicable asshole in the history of mankind. He thinks Scalia has a brain and can judge fairly. Vuck you all, but Scalia, he shoots his friend firsts and then shoots them again.Scalia couldn't imagine recusing himself. If he can't imagine recusing himself, he's an entirely uincompetent judge. He should have recused himself several times. If he refused to recuse, he is the single most arrogant piece of shit in the history of judgeship. He thinks he can do anyhing he wants to make whatwever cash he wants. He's a crook.
- Hwre's the deal, no shit. Swift boat was the most amazing horseshit of all times. Kerry was a hero. W was a liar. Know what. Who cares. Believe W and Cheney you goddamn idiots. It's hard to believe humjan beings can be that goddamn stupid. This Swiftboat shit these lying pieces of shit made up? yeah right. The people you believe blew up several thousand Iraqis for no reason ecxept they could try to claim shock and awe. They do not give a shit about human lives. You can buy this Chebey horseshit, but you killed innocent peoople. Cheney is the biggest liar in the history of mankind. He believes torturing people for no purpose is a bood thing. Look, you put him in that naxi uniform. There isn't some question about what's torture. Does Cheney think he's some sort of hero? He did things for which the US hung somebody. Cheney knew this for a fact. I
- It's fairly obvious the State of Israel practices a form of Apartheid and just blows up Palestinians when it gets tired of bulldozing their homes and asking for papers.. Is their any part of that statement that isn't true? Any rational observer would say it's true. But somehow, this bestial governmental behavior is OK? Because if I point out that blowing up all of Lebanon may have been fine for W and Bibi, it was criminal, and the wanton destruction of the West Bank is sure as shit as disgusting as anything happening in Darfur. And this is because Jews were victimized, so its OK to be the victimizers? Facts in the modern world. Israel is spectacularly brutal and regressive, and engages regularly in spying on the US, from which it gets the bulk of its income. But if you point any of these facts out, you're not disgusted with the obscene politics of the state of Israel, you're anti-semitic, even though those nomads are semites too.. Anybody that doesn't think there's anything wrong with AIPAC'S obscene influence on US voting is seriously too stupid to be allowed to vote.
- i>the hissing of summer sprinklers . A very fine literary allusion. I qouldn't say that lightly. It might be suspect from a male view, because, Joni Mitchell is really attractive. She's beautiful, she's statuesque, and when Joe Walsh was looking for Stevie Nicks, the Canadian Venus was writing muscular and evocative poetry and setting it to bass-heavy melodic lines with jungle rhythms that evoked Monk. She was writing jazz for a new age. Women in jazz are supposed to have pipes, and Joni has an idiosycratic, pitch-perfect scat voice as evocative lyrically as, I don't know, WB Yeats? and ridiculously assertive. She's remarkable. But, you know, I can recognize Ella's voice, or Carmen McRaes, and neither of those ladies wrote wordscapes like Coyote. Lord knows, Both Sides Now seems jejeune now, but it was both brilliant when she wrote it and prescient. Judy Collins, and Clarke, and the Steve Stills connection are compelling, and Ms. Collins sure had the brains to recognize a brilliant songwriter when she heard one. My Father is so beatiful Dick Cheney may be the only asshole on the face of the earth that wasn't affected. So I guess Judy Collins knew great songs when she heard them, and had the most perfect voice genetics I've ever heard. I'm nodt averse to opera, though opera librettos would make the people at Lifetime Movie Network blush. But Dame Kiri or whoever is the flavor of the operatic day doesn't touch the purity of Judy Collins. And, she can do Marat Sade with such a vengeance, she sounds like Seven of Nine. So I digress. Isn't sleep the most singular, and wonderful, and possibly frightening human beings share with each other? The greatest dreamer, maybe not, the most evocative dreamer, in liiterature is Caliban. Caliban describes very strange dreams. Does he ever sound scared. I'm relatively old, and I can honestly attest, I've never had a nightmare. Judging by my friends ad associates, and people I love, I figure this is kind of strange. Mostly, I'd attribute this to enjoying dreams. And knowing that I was dreaming. Recurring dreams, certainly. Threatening circumstances? All the time. I dream plots, and return to them after awakening and going back. In fact, I want to return. This from Will Shakes is the way I most frequently feel: Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices, That, if I then had wak'd after long sleep, Will make me sleep again; and then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open, and show riches Ready to drop upon me; that, when I wak'd, I cried to dream again-- So, if there's a point to nightmares, why haven't I ever had one? No joke. I had a dream where I was progressing up a moving stairway. The handrail was poisonous toads and snakes. I wasn't scared. I put my hands on them. I've tried to figure out why everybody has nightmares and I don't. I'm pretty smart. I saw an IQ test rating when my parents were called to Mother Superiors office to figure out why I hated school. I loved school. I was in a three grade room in first grade and just sort of assimilated the 2md and 3rd. Then, I went to several grades of some whack nuns and some great teachers. And then I went to the Jesuits. That doesn't really require exceptional intelligence, just curiosity. Everything important in the enlightenment, JesuitCatholics are taking a bad rap. Those whack-jpbs fu;minating over Obama and Notre Dame. Look up how many Bishops think they're idiots. The Catholic Church is being tarred by 1% of Catholics. Donahew may be loud, but he represents almost no American Catholics. Here's part of the deal on Donahue. He is remotely consistent. He believes the death penalty is bullshit. If most of his followers heard that, they'd fry his ass. Here's another way of looking at things. If you know a comatose patient is jelly, would you extend her suffering for seriously bogus politival concerns? You'd have to be some sort of heartless bastard. There's a litmus test. Anybody that is so keen to save the life of somebody braindead better sure as shit believe the idea of capital punishment is bullshit. They do not. There's another litmus test. Cheney believed you could just bag the Constitution. And he could take some draft-dodging jerk, and just ignore the real world. Here's one deal. These assholes tried to talk Clinton into this horseshit and he laughed at them. They despised the Constitution. Cheneys intention was to bag the Constitution in favor of his bixarre idea that there is a PRESIDENT that just makes the Constitution ridiculous. Here we have the Vice President subborning the Constitution. You can say anything you want, Chebey usurped his position. He's a criminal, and that's a fact. Cheney believes in the imperial presidency. This is sad. What we have here is two draft dodgers that impugned the heroism of John Kerry. All of those progressives that dumped on John Kerry, shame on you. If you're holier than thou, Kerry went througj shit you wouldn't ever comprehend. Bigger balls than you could possib;y imagine. Are you so stupid and full of yourselves you don't know anything about Kerry vs. Reagan? Kerry expiosed Reagan, you dumbasses. That's why they hated him so much. These idiots thought propping up military bastards was resonable and responsible, so Chenetyt thought military nuns . Was that OK? Cheney and Rummy thought it was perfectly fine. Cheney and Rummy thought murdering and raping Maryknoll mums was acceptab;e. If somebody wants to claim these guys didn't. you are liars.Those nuns weren't actual Christians, they were Catholics. Because no matter how you look at it, we Catholics aren't real Christians. How does this shithead get off blaming his assault on the Constitution on Christians?
- I know that I shall meet my fate Somewhere among the clouds above; Those that I fight I do not hate, Those that I guard I do not love; My country is Kiltartan Cross, My countrymen Kiltartan's poor, No likely end could bring them loss Or leave them happier than before. Nor law, nor duty bade me fight, Nor public men, nor cheering crowds, A lonely impulse of delight Drove to this tumult in the clouds; I balanced all, brought all to mind, The years to come seemed waste of breath, A waste of breath the years behind In balance with this life, this death. Count on WB Yeats to take things seriously. And personnaly. And to get things right. In American parlance, he could be talking about commanding a riverine boat. And being stabbed in the back by people claiming to care about troops when they intended to undermine the Constitution. Promote judges that think the Fourth Amendment is inferior to their bogus interpretation of the Second. And disengranchise everybody in Florida that didn't vote to have Cheney run the US gobernment from a bunker with the Bikll of Rights suspended in the interest of imperial presidency. If you think that's dangerous bullshit, you must have been pallin' around with terriss. How is it that Cheney was acting legally but Republicans want you to think Pelosi was a coconspirator in acting illegally? Does this make any sense? Cheney's interest in torture was single-minded. He wanted to force bogus testimony that there was some sort of connecyion between Saddam and 911. He knew it was bogus. He knew for a fact it was bogus. His interest was in phonyi ntelligence. Cheney can say anything he wants, His interest was producing lies intended to stop inhumane treatment. I don't have a clue about what the President is supposed to do about anything so horrendous. If he points out Cheney, at this point, people like Boehner will claim it's political. And You know What? American voters are such idiots, they'll buy that. It must have been Nancy Pelosis's fault they lied their ass off to her. She wasn't in any position to do anything, and if she'd opened her mouth, she would have broken the law. So my senator, Lindsay Graham says Pelosi was on board, but it wasn't illegal anyway. But somehow, she should have raised a red flag when that didn't occur to him. And Lindsay is a JAG lawyer. Lindsey Graham is a good man, and I never vote for him because if he were actually a good man he couldn' be a republican. But Senator Graham, you were one of the Gang of Four. You heard the horsesshit told to Pelosi. You are on record as saying waterboarding is torture. So what did Nancy knnow, and why in the world does that mean dick? Mow the idea that {e;osi was flat out lied to is exceptionally easy to believe. These people bought the imperial presidency horseshit Chene was peddling. Lying to Nzncy Pelosi was just part of the imperial presidency. Do you nitwits know that the Project For the New American Century tried to coopt Clinton. They took over when Scalia shut down legal voting in Volusia County and most of the rest of Floridd in 2000. If you think mthere was anything legal about Florida voting, you're an idiot. You probably think Kerry didn't win Cuyahoga County. Kerry was a hero, Bush was a pindejo. None of you care.Kerry ran the SBCCI investigation. He proved Reagan was full of shit and turned South America into hell. and Cheney and Rummy pretty much made the whole thing up. But he wasm't a war hero like W or Cheney. People that vote are idiots. And even the majority of idiots sisn't elect W. That took a psycopath pn the Supreme Court.
- Alex. Heres my deal about Catholicism. There are sabout 350 Bishops. Most of them believe in social justice and, like the President, believes in making abortion rare. In the first place, actinbg like these anti-Kerry whack-jpbs represent Catholics is loony. My understanding of my Catholicism comes from reading Teillhard. It's more or less hillarious reading about the Church (well it's a hoot reading about the Church, since preachers like Billy Graham and Oral Roberts say we're a cult, and I could swear we were here first). The State of Israel can mock the Pope, but if somebpdy wants to claim they aren't practicing apartheid, p;ease explain to me how there is some difference? DThere is no difference. If you were mistreated, and your reaction is to mistreat others in virtually the same fashion, You are tempting God. You can't claim international dispensations for bad behavior amd practice the same bad behavior against a people incapanle of protecting themselves, when you've systematically destroyed their defenses This is bizarre. Israel is supposed to be democratic. That would seem to preclude,on the face of things, treating Palestiniams like Schwartzwes . That is what you thimk.And black people are inferior, um;ess they're plllayimg soccer. And Palrstinisasthat have lived there forever.
- What I actually meant to say, Is that the state of Israel can claim to be unbiased all it wants to, but the government practices apharteid, plain and simple. Now I know I'lll be accused of anti-semitism. In the first place, you idiots. the Palestinians are semites. You cannot claim that because you're people were horribly mistreated 60 years ago you can act like Naziz and blow up virtualllysll of Lebanon and enslave Palestinians living in the West Bank. If somebody can explain to me how this isn't exactly what Israel is doing, feel free.And I don't know about y'all, but the fact this misbehavior is bought and paid for by the USA while these people spy on us and build a nuclear arsenal. Whatever. Israel is sittng on a bunch of nukes. Iran is trying to get electricity to Qom.
- Most of them Black Panthers are pretty old and decrepit by now, or they're deceased. Isn't this Nancy Pelosi red herring hilarious? I mean, to take it seriously, you have to buy, first, that the misAdministration ever told the truth to anybody about anything, and second, the incredibly convoluted argument that none of this was illegal, but if it was, she went along with it. I like to think the best of mankind, but anybody buying the Cheney roadshow is seriously too stupid to be allowed to vote. And isn't it spectacularly telling and predictably misogynistic that this is all about Pelosi. Weren't Bob Graham and Richard Shelby and Porter Goss at those "briefings"? With the exception of Goss and Shelby, these are fiarly honorable and trustworthy people. Do any of them have anything to say on this subject? And I really think God doesn't just understand blasphemy in the face of all the garbage thrown at mere human beings and their mistreatment of one another, She appreciates it. And is probably a closet practitioner. Like, what the hell was I thinking when I created these miscreants? Holy crap, is that My Image and Likeness? And avocado pits? What was I thinking? Oh, and that black panther sighting, that was in Warren, where the Force of oxycontin and meth is strong. Those hillbillies ought to be scraped off the mountaintop and dumped in a holler.
- If Randall Terry is a Catholic now, he should be denied Communion for advocating murder of abortion docs, for advocating the death penalty, for aiding and abetting Eric Robert Rudolph, and for lending his support to the purveyors of Shock and Awe. In the global reality of things, the people that marred graduation for a bunch of Notre Dame matriculants are an ant-farms-worth of Catholics. Most of these people believe as I do that abortion is wrong, but like most Catholics, I believe that supporting a one-party christianopoly without addressing life issues like advancing poverty by upward distribution of wealth, incarcerating minorities, and institutionalizing poverty for political purposes is a greater evil. There were about 40 Catholic Bishops that objected to the President speaking at Notre Dame. You wouldn't know this from the coverage, but there are something like 320 Bishops. These guys have the same axe to grind as Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, and I wouldn't question anybody's beliefs, but consider, does Karl Rove give a shit about the fate of the unborn? The President's not a Catholic, and he may not overtly espouse the view that mankind and creation in general are God becoming God, but he's at least a closet and at best an empatheric Teillhardian. When he says we work for a common goal based on social justice, I'm inclined to make him an honorary Catholic. The opposing view is so seriously imbedded in divisive politics, it's their commitment to life that's suspect. The protests were minuscule in relation to the coverage, and Obama's response is at least sensible, if what you want is to render abortion non-existent if it isn't for medical causes. As a Catholic, I'm sick and tired of being connected to idiocy like the Schiavo Watch. That poor woman's brain wasn't even jello. Of course, her family was reluctant to let go of her. To have some shitheel like Frist make her death political when his family's HMO bean-counters consigned people with a conceivable chance to death, at the same time, for cost-effectiveness, I don't know. I find this odious. Unlike most of these zealots, I'm a devout Catholic who's ever been instructed by abusive nuns or scripture, andd by Aquinas and by St. Augustine (my confirmation name). I think it's wrong. None of these people have the slightest clue what they're talking about. I believe that, in the current situation, anybody that thinks abortion is wrong would do anything possible to make it not happen. So I'd have to believe assholes like Randall Terry don't care about anything aside from screwing over the Constitution.
- This business about stem cells? Do you (opponents) have clue about how any of this research works? This killing fetuses crap is such a lie it's almost too much an out and out lie to consider. There are lots of them. Bush said they were sacrosanct. Why? Nobody was going to make a real kid, and nobody's cloned anybody yet. This is a strawman.
- How does the use of steroids have to do with hitting homeruns? Well. Only an idiot would think it does. Steroids might make some sort of difference if you're putting shot, but probably not. The idea that steroids have anything to with HRs is idiotic. HRs come from perfect vision and bat on ball. The entire idea is entirely stupid. Hank Aarron is an icon. What he did was to be consistently very good for a long time. Great hitter, mediocre rbi. Decent fielder, nodt great and great arm when he was a kid, clutch good. Manny, brilliant hitter, good fielder with reasonable arm. Clutch, I take Manny, every time. These things overwhelm me at times. Simply put, if somebody wants to tell me I should think one way or another and they show me Randall Terry, that asshole thought pro-life was the Atlanta bomber. Nothing says pro-life like apotheosizing some dirty little piece of shit like Wric Robert Rudolph. He's a hero for defending the unborn. He disfigured a nurse that never meant anyuthing but the best for the young women she counseled. DThis guy was pro-life? He packed a bunch of nails into a bomb, to make his point that life was sacred? These nitwits will tell you W was pro-life, when W mocked Tammi Faye Tucker. Ya'll know who ATammi Faye Tucker is? Tammi Fay Tucker is that woman that W thought was some some sort of idiot when he hadn't proved himself some sort of idiot. There is just no fetting around the fact that these assholes thought the Constitution was just something they could ignore.
- Baloney on bat speed. That is nonsense. There may be some muscle building but anything to do with baseball, only an idiot tdhinks it works. Manny was using one of those enhancements, and he's embarrassed. Bat speed? Bat Speed? You can't be dumber.Bat Speed? No jke, that is the single most idiotic thing I've ever heard about how guys hit. They hit because they are better hitters. Barry Bonds is so much a better hitter that anybody that says he isn't is a moron. He could just hit better than anybody else, you understand? Here's the deal if you aren't stupid. Barry is the best player that ever lived.Best pitcher is Sandy Koufax.
- Rabdall Terry? That asshole isn't any kind of a Catholid, He thinks youre just supposed to kill them all. Bo joke. Randall Terry is the biggest liar in the history of mankind. He believes he knows about lifw but ne believes in the death penalty.
- Randall Terry always was so sure he knew who ought to be killed. He made people targets. He aided and abetted in nurders. Put his as ib jail. And is making fun of Tammy Fae Tucker pro-life? These bastards don't give a shit, and they got the Death House in Texas ro prove it. Culture of life. Fuck you, you spectacularly choosey murderers. There is no doubt Cheney would have llked to have nurdered Tenet before Tenet lied his ass off to Congress. Bob Graham wrote it all down, Tenet was ling his ass off. He was scared shitless of Cheney. AReally, are Americans this godamned stupid?
- Where are those sanctimonious bastards that invaded Notre Dame? Catherine. George Will was never an idiot. He used to be a pedantic sophist jerk like Buckley and JJ Kilpatrick, willing to twist facts and ideology to justify whatever had got his granny panties bunched up. To this day, if he thought he could accuse Obama of some civil rights impropriety, George Will would be all Thurgood Marshall. It seems fairly obvious to me that George never actually believed in anything. The problem now is that the poor old guy is senescent. He really needs to just trot off into that verdant pasture where chauvinist piggies grumble about grammar and talk to Andy Rooney about how all those kitchen implements he doesn't like got there. Buckley and JJ and Safire were actually good writers, so Will should expect to be peered at through lorgnettes down long Patrician snouts. Oh, and being a Raygun shill is not excused by hiding behind self-promoted love of baseball. George Will don't no dick about baseball. And this is a wonderful bit about Detroit: Credit cards? Well, even 15% used to be called usury. But you play, you pay, you get your legs broken. Meanwhile, there are little Kennyboys running around that want to repeal the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and let the smartest guys in the room start stealing again:
- Johnny Thunders isn't in that picture. I grew up on Detroit in 1968. You can take Iggy, or you can take MC6. I know who I take and it isn't Iggy. Iggy was monstrously good, but anybody thinks those guitars were as good tas Sonic Smidhe and Brother Wayne Kramer is kinda lame.I wouldn't go into anything. You listren to that first overproduced album, ans you listen to MC5. Look, listen to the songs by Stooges, if you understand guitars, they basically just stole and played every song by mc5. Doan mean dick, actually but at least admit to it.
- Bo joke, Nancy. Late sixties, we all thought Iggie was ridiculous. On the other hand, MC6 ruled abd SRC was the best band around. This is the way people thought about things at the time. Iffy was nuts, Scott Richardson was the voice of an angel, MC5 was how you play the guitar. Iggy was kinda too stupid to understand the warwheels.
- Isn't the WorldWideNet the biggest echo chamber there is if you don't count standing down at Phantom Ranch and screaming "Why me, Good?" at the infinite universe? Apparently, one-third of Americans will watch a deliberately meretricious truncated video clip and insist that Ms. Sotomayor is a racist, when an anechoic chamber of context would prove that A'lito (emphasis on the first sylla'ble told his confirmation inquisitors: Because when a case comes before me involving, let’s say, someone who is an immigrant — and we get an awful lot of immigration cases and naturalization cases — I can’t help but think of my own ancestors, because it wasn’t that long ago when they were in that position. [...] The echo chamber causes people you'd expect to know better to disregard the utterly different meanings of "empathy" and "sympathy". It leads to the disheartening instance of journalists granting legitimacy to questioning the intellect of a salutatorian in her Princeton graduating class who edited a prestigious legal journal at Yale. Objective journalism should shout back "you're so full of crap" when a completely legitimate judicial decision on a Title VII case is misrepresented as an assault on brave 9/11 firefighters, especially when obstructionist jackasses that mock "empathy" also want to make it all about the heroic dyslexic firefighter. Sympathetically, I appreciate the guy's effort, and his frustration. Empathy means looking at both sides, and deciding the defendant has the law on it's side. That's what judges are supposed to do, right? The opposite of activism. The net enables dissemination of information and deliberate disinformation and malignant slander and paranoid ramblings without informed edidting, and the information prospectors use the personal sieves of their own biases, preconceived notions, neuroses, axes to grind and oxen to be gored. Gold slips downstream and pyrites and sewage are treasured. How is a guy that promoted himself to de facto President and Bones to Shrub's Mr. Interlocutor (with the complicity of SC justices that clearly ignored the Constitution and disenfranchised Florida), who's considered by a large portion of the human race to be both a war criminal and a profiteer, getting the jump on prosecution by spouting easily disproved bullshit? And decided that separation of powers and three equal branches of American government were as anachronistic as the Geneva Conventions. Well, the echo chamber said he could. Everybody knows what T. Jefferson thought about the Republic without newspapers. It's painful to watch newspapers go fetal against the onslaught and resort to the unfiltered pandering of blogworld. I wrote after spending time with a cantankerous and wonderful small-town south Georgia publisher and editor (owned his own presses). Man had bidness sense and journalistic integrity (a Georgia tradition to be proud of, like Ralph McGill). Now the business foundations are eroded to the point of accelerating collapse, and Americans are so echo-chamber-intoxicated they don't even see that inexorable assault on newspapers is just part of breaking down the Constitution. I think papers need to go small, weekly guerilla warfare. The echo chamber is essentially fear-based, conformist and totalitarian. And it's not just alive and well, it's virulent. The flaws of the echo chamber are perfectly crystallized in the cosmic joke from Kommissar Karl Rove's liver lips. Asked to defend his contention that's become meme about SoSotomayor's intellectual capabilities and her promotion via affirmative action rather than personal ability and intelligence, wedge issue Turd Blossom said "I know lots of stupid people who went to Ivy League schools." That's got to be the Death of Comedy piled on top of the Death of Irony. No shit Karl.Your meal ticket's a boneheaded fratboy legacy.
- Rove's denigrating SoSotomayor's academic credentials and intellect kust bugs the piss out of me. Did Rove graduate from college? I don't mean to say a college degree means much more than dick, but excelling in both undergrad and Law School indicates some sort of intellectual rigor, and if you haven't displayed same, you should really shut up about anybody else's achievements. Echo chamber records seem to indicate that Rove considered higher education a tool to avoid going to VietNam: n December 1969, the Selective Service System held its first lottery drawing. Those born on December 25, like Rove, received number 84. That number placed him in the middle of those (with numbers 1 [first priority] through 195) who would eventually be drafted. On February 17, 1970, Rove was reclassified as 2-S, a deferment from the draft because of his enrollment at the University of Utah in the fall of 1969. He maintained this deferment until December 14, 1971, despite being only a part-time student in the autumn and spring quarters of 1971 (registered for between six and 12 credit hours) and dropping out of the university in June 1971. Rove was a student at the University of Maryland, College Park in the fall of 1971; as such, he would have been eligible for 2-S status, but registrar's records show that he withdrew from classes during the first half of the semester. In December 1971 he was reclassified as 1-A. On April 27, 1972, he was reclassified as 1-H, or "not currently subject to processing for induction". I was partying and pontificating in Thoreau and Shakespear seminars at Holy Cross thanks to AP exams while Karl was at Utah, and we shared a 2-S. He was in graver danger than I with the bet your life lottery number of 84. Mine was 85. I let my student deferment lapse to 1-A because a friend of my dad's on the Royal Oak draft Board said that they'd never reach my number because of a high level of volunteers (Fr. Coughlin apparently lived.) And then, Bush's brain and I got reclassified. Sometimes, you find something out on the net that just knocks you back. But, I transferred to Georgia, graduated from the Grady School, and got a Masters in Public Administration from Suffolk University in Boston. I can't figure out from Google if Rove ever graduated from anything but high school and hard knocks. Still, finding out about his Selective Service timeline's coincedence with my own is spooky. I wasn't dodging the draft, and I couldn't say Rove was either. I was nursing an acceptance to McGill and I thought I was opposing an immoral war. Whatever Rove was thinking at the time, he didn't pull that cowaedly Dickless Cheney deferment two-step, although I'm sure they both thought black and brown cannon fodder owed it to their benevolent country to serve as cannon fodder. Anyway, those two aholes engineered the most despicable slander against John Kerry in 2004. That was the echo chamber in action. In slandering Kerry, these guys that chose not to serve (other priorities) smeared their intellectual superior that chose to serve. That is how the echo chamber works. Men that served with Kerry attested to heroism. In the echo chamber, he was an opportunist and, somehow, despite risking his life when he could have avoided it easily. Meanwhile Cheney and Rove got started doing dirty tricks and junior league cointelpro for the Crook and branded Kerry a Jane Fonda fellow traveller. Potency of the echo chamber demands willing suspension of disbelief in anything that contradicts your self-aggrandizing and ideology-bound little world, and facts be damned. It seems that echo chamber politics requires subjugation of free press. Baseless slurs against Kerry and attacks on Sotomayor require only that people do nothing but buy crap from liars.
- Krik'orian, almost rhymes with diarrhea. And the there's Scal'ia. And Sososudia is dumb like Harriet Miers, and she's hysterical, and she likes beans and rice. Oh, and the reversal record, she's got a better batting average than anybody currently serving on the Court. Every charge and objection is exposed as ridiculous. If the critics had brains, wouldn't they just shut the hell up?
- There's another thing about the idiot wind, and that's the canard about Sotomayor seeing appeals in cases she adjudicated. She's exhibited, in her career, the integrity to recuse herself when required. Could Scalia say that? But these bastards are really just saying she's unqualified, dumb, hysterical because she's a woman. This is all disgraceful, and if you are a Senator that endorsed the "high tech lynching" whine, I know obscenity when I see it. If Rush and Newt and Rove press this, politically, and American voters aren't idiots, Republicans are the zombie party.
- The President's speech is exihilarating. It's a rum dodge to claim any human beings are exceptional, but, you know, human beings are exceptional. But if it's runs hits and errors, we've got Carl Rove claiming he knows a lot of Ivy Leaguers who are stupid. Is he that stupid? I mean, you have your legacies and your overachievers. W and Sotomayor? The cigarette pack is fairly clever, because it leaves the denouement to the protagonist. I mean, she can just quit smoking. I'd say this is John Crowley territory, and the cinematic opportunities, lit flame etc. are very cool. And there's Roy Batty: Fist jab? Got a sweet black angel. Sometimes it just floors me how racism gets a walk. And Scout, fly the flag dealt you. Einstein said: I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God.
- Nancy's an import from the authentic flyover, but she at least evinces, if she doesn't really get Detroit. I would have thought the demise of Tiger (nee Briggs) Stadium was worth a cold eye and horsemen pass by. I went to Vero Beach six months in utero, and I've got photos of my pregnant mom playing catch with Karl Erskine and Jackie and Roy Campanella. When I moved to Boston in 1974, I despised the omphiloptic assumption that the universe emanated from the Red Sox. Mostly, I despised the arrogance of the place, the overt racism and the ascribed godhood of that crypto-racist leftfielder that shot pigeons with Uncle Tom Yawkey. In '75, there was a new day for the Sox and the Nation. I went to Fenway and it hit me like tiprap in a canvas bag that this place was almost as cool as Tiger Stadium. I love Fenway, the way that people love Arles or the banks of the Seine, as a connection to art so totally idiosyncratic and brilliant, it's more or less holy. So I thought about Tiger Stadium. Especially, when it got to the World Series. Which team should I despise? Reds, the product of Bowie Kuhn's PR, like Michael Jordan just gets to cheat rules, (and boy, if you saw the winning basket against the Lakers go away on Pau Gasol just blatantly grabbing the rim, you have to think commisiners just screw players and coaches over. Some idiot on Jim Rome's show actually claimed Gasol had to have moved the rim for a call to be made.) So anyway, I watch Freddie and Jim Edd and Dwight Evans for a whole season, and I grew up in Detroit. And it's obvious, this is the best outfield since Willie Horton, (no not that guy Republicans blackened to create the Southern Strategy, the guy with biceps twice the size of Hulk's.), Mickey Stanley, Jim Northrup. My personal opinion, and no joke people ought to reconside3r this Yaz crap. Jim Edd it was So here I stand. Fenway aint Tiger Stadium.diculous And now I'm considering how amazing was that outfield and that ballpark. Tiger Stadium ruled. Two things that happened to me at Tiger Stadium: My brother Chris was exceptional at athletics. So was everybody inRest of us were very good.
- youre the most majorleague liar
- Look you dumnasses. I've beem screwed over
- And if you like baseball Freddie is so good it's ridiculous, and JimEdd is
- Do anyway. It'd noteve close theseRedSox idiots come close to Freddie and Jim Edd. Are you all just fucking nuts? Yuve screwed the poock
- Paul felt charity covers a multitude of sins. When I was a kid, my high school bunch of hooligans and I used to summer on the banks of Lake Huron, where one of us premature reprobates was the son of a line worker that had put enough away to buy a cottage. We made movies, lived on bushels of corn, and we went to Mass on Sunday. Progressiver-than-thou folks that think they've been abandoned by Barack need to consider elapsed time. I'd point out that know matter what anybody was hoping for, the President can snap his fingers, but if he's a very good President, everything is thought thoroughly through, and things may take some time. Koyaanisquatsi It is no excuse to point out that the predecessor wasn't elected legitimately in either 2000 or 2004. Anybody with a brain knows 20000 was the Scalia appointment. I got over that. The Ken Blackwell Cuyahoga County bullshit? Sorry Bush lost and Diebold ruled. This is something different I suppose. Kerry said you catch terrorists with smart police action. Nobody's been caught otherwise. Google Kerry and Republicans have hated John Kerry for several decades. Kerry st everything in motion to expose these bastards as supporters of incredibly offensive graduates of the School of the Americas. Seriously, W bailed. These jerks Kerry knew more what he was talking about than anybody. He might have been a better Presi One thing I'd like to point out. Sarah Palin dragged her kids a while ago. She'd be ashamed of whacking Dave if she hadn't dragged the kid on the national stage. And she knows which preggers daughter Dave was talking about. Two things. If I could do anything with tge Stanlley Cup. I'd throw it to my brotherwhen he was jumping off the diving board. Papi is returned. You people are interesting.
- Theres this idiotic Sarah Palin dragging her kid into prime time. She owes an apology, and this has nothing to do with Lettterman, Bo joke. She used her kids shameslessly, She's so stupid she might not even understand this. Dave isn't the Dem dragon you need to confront Sarah. You're party might not exist outside of the fat-ass that thought he was so funny about Chelsea. Chelsea's succesful, bright, attractive and Rush, you look like Jabba. Rush is a revolting piece of crap, the Clintons are successful.
- I Want You Back is so much better than anything else Michael Jasckson ever did it's not funny. I saw Michael at the Michigan State Fair when he was a little kid. "Recovering Catholic" is sort of obnoxious. I'm a Catholic, went to school with nuns, went to Jesuit high school, and college, for a while. Some Catholics read Teillhard. Making fun of Catholics with not an intellectual leg to stand on is lame. The Catholic Church has taken a lead in science and admitted to past transgressions. Shouldn't everybody else on the religious frontier catch up? The idea that Catholic priests are sexual predators is idiotic, and the idea of recovered memories for cash is pretty compelling.That guy was lying his ass off about Bernardin.
- Senator Ensign and his buds believe Creflo Dollar is a piker. 35% percent of Americans identify themselves as Republicans. 40% of that 35% back the Queen of living, breathing salmon. In the meantime, 70% of Americans believe you porvide universal health care no matter what the minimal cost to rich people that are covered by Medicare and Congressional health care provisions. There's an obvious connection with WWJD If Jesus presented himself today, He'd demand whatever you do for the least of my brethren. He'd be adamant on the subject of social justice. Republicans want to point out JFK and LJ as meddlers in Central and South America, but if it's CStreet, screw them, they aren't elite. For a long time, Republicans have duped people. They've convinced people their policies that have disenfranchised everyone that wasn't living in the lap of luxury they're part of the class that's trickling down. No you aren't If you can't admit you ought to pay for universal health care, you really aren't Christian, you really don't believe in the Constitution,. Here's the deal. If you believe in some form of Jesus, and you believe in the Constitution, you have to believe that this coundtry will take care of every soul that finds its way here. It's really sorry that Republicans that excoriated Clinton have all turned out to be whited sepulchres. Dan Burton memorial award. The attack on Ashcroft on the basis of John Yoo's legal opinion is so much like Newt delivering the divorce papers. Nobody could slog through the slime. There doesn't seem a whole lot of doubt that W was pulling a Nixon and trying for blackmail. Buxh.1 went looking for blackmail against reporters and civil servants to advance the imperial presisency. They already stole the presidency and got away with it. Gore won, Kerry won. This was a coup, and maybe things have been set right.
- Defending the garden. We piss on it, in the Doc Hollywood way. A seriously good movie. Here's the deal. If you claim to be a Christian, or if you just claim to be an American, how do you sleeo if you deny human rights and medical care to anybody because you claim you were here first. You weren't.
- Way back time back. My ex and I bought a farmhouse in Brockton Mass. We had an apple tree and a pear tree. And if you don't know about Riddley Walker, you don't know about the little shining man that interferes with college football on TV. We were invaded by caterpillars, you could hear rgw su=yagustibg little bastards munching on leaves. I decided on the obliteration of the caterpillar, because, these were my fruit trees. I attacked them with a hammer abd with the burning end of cigars. Nut then I saw it made more sense to use Bt, a biological agent. And it worked. Things are looking up, even though what amounts to Republican leadership hopes it isn.t.
- Sure. Just read Shakespeare, Deborah. Be not afeard: the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs that give delight, and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices, That, if I then had wak'd after long sleep, Will make me sleep again; and then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open and show riches Ready to drop upon me, that, when I wak'd, I cried to dream again. Sarah Palin went to six different schools. She must have heard this along the way. But you drag your kids out for personal agrandizement, what the hell do you think will happen. She's not really a bad mom, she's just conflicted. O, that this too too solid flesh would melt Thaw and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix'd His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God! God! How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, Seem to me all the uses of this world! Fie on't! ah fie! 'tis an unweeded garden, That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature How good looking is she supposed to be? Better looking than Ann Coulter, Ann Coulter looks exactly like Odo, the shape shifter, but with anorexic pins. How does a major syndicate continue to publish Rich Lowry when he's put his masturbatory fantsies onlinee? But anyway, we won't do away with ourselves when Republicans are that went out of their way to trap Clinton, they actually formed a definitioun of sex that excluded blow jobs and the intern is on video talking about bringing her kneepads, So who's a scumbag Dan Burton? The entire scenario concerning Ashcroft? Damn, but that's a whole lot like Newt delivering the divorce papers. But you know what, you teabaggers are slurping up the tax benefits. Because, those bastards weren't screwing you over. The stupidity is stunning.
- Well, she is a bad mom. But she probably has no clue. Munchaussen by proxy, and more or less an idiot.
- Stooges were pretty good, but they weren't MC5. Fred and Brother Wayne played everything the Ashford brothers couldn't play. Human Being Lawnmower. Black to Comm, Looking at You. Rob Tyner was a better singer than Iggy. Just better musicians.
- Caliban is Prospero unbound to do all sorts of magic. The trick is to have a magical daughter, and she's Emily, not Miranda, and she's perfect and brilliant, and she's magical. You pass along values and you feel like you've pulled a fast one when she makes you proud. She takes the right turn whenever I've steered wrong, frequently. Someone that's me, sort of, who thinks I know right and wrong, who makes things right where I've acted like a jackass (no Midsummers Night reference intended). We skirt disaster, and somehow get to be old unscathed. It's a miracle I'm not dead, though I'm damned if I can figure out what purpose my continued esistence serves.How do you justify being the train wreck from which you always emerge with barely a scratch? But we rage against the dying of the light and feel pretty good that there's one thing we didn't bungle. Pride doesn't quite get it. The force that through the green fuse drives the flower. And you do the best you can. And you see how well it turns out and you can't believe your undeserved good fortune. Because you were a beast to begin with. Listen to this: I cried to sleep again.
- Nancy. Very sly pronoun manipulation. I use the feminine form regularly when writing. Try as I might, I can't seem to manage this in conversation. This is not a lie. I was at Tiger (nee Briggs) Stadium when Reggie Jackson hit that transformer structure on the roof. This is a lie. I saw Yale Larry bounce a punt of that same transformer housing. Of course he didn't but he certainly punted footballs out of the stadium vertically. Did y'all notice Dr. Sam Brownback has introduced legislation to ban Dr. Moreau? Are we not men? Is that "big old poopyhead" a reference to the noted social commentator Ruthie in One Big Happy? Ain't that America when Jeff Sessions can accuse Sotomayor of racism. This asshole thought the Klan was Kool before he found out some of them might have smoked pot. Watch some of the Judiciary Committee proceedings. The woman took this bigoted jerk to school. Senator Sessions, meet Judge Cederbaum. As Randy Newman once3 said, Jesus, what a jerk. The Republicans want to claim the Democrats shouldn't back Sotomayor because they found Miguel Estrada unworthy, an embarrassment even to morons that think Scalia and his Mortimer Snerd to not be bench activists, entirely ludicrous. Well, they all look alike. And they all come from Mexico.
- I've got some connection with you and your daughter, Nancy. I have a daughter, she's 28 now, and she's close to being perfect as far as what a parent could expect. She excelled in undergrad, except for some idiot grad student that didn't think she wrote well enough, I used to work for the Univerity aof Georgia athletic Department as a tutor. We have a pretty good J School named for Henry Grady. You know, that guy that risked his life to expose bone racists like Jeff Sessions. When this idiot that had no clue about grammar or syntax or choice of vocabulary tried to intimidate my child, was she an idiot or was she trying to ingratiate herself with some sort of creepo professor? Seems kind of obvious. So when Lindsay Graham thinks Sonia Sotomayor should question her beliefs or her past actions, is he a condescending prick or just a pamoered moron? Here's onedeal. Sessions is a Klan idiophant, Lindsay is limp, and the lady makes the two bastards look like eeasels. When you get right down to it, empathy is sort of funny. Because these nitwits don't actually understand the difference between sympathy and empathy, and Alito and that toad that likes to shoot animals with Cheney are incabable of defending theirr empathy votes. Scalia shitcanned the Florida vote. What's his precedent. There is no precedent. There is no precedent. Asshole just decided with no conceivable basis a twit was president.W? Grover Norquist approves. Think about 2004. W ran like a creepy bastard from serving. Kerry served. These assholes want you to believe Kerry derved to endanger himself so he could run for President sometime in the future. Sure. He saved compatriots. But he thought that aout ahead of time. Like W thought about gailing? When you gewty right down to it the assholes that jad neyyer tjhings to do slandered Kerry andthey should be groought to court. AThe swiftboat shit was such crap it was a joke except Americans seem to be idiots. As it was, Kerry won the election and it got stolen straight out in Sandusky County. Judges imposing themselves, Gore beat that asshole. Kerry beat that asshole too, but Ken Blackwell stole the election. Are you all so dumb you forgot the srovepipe. Cheney believed if you stole the election you could impose the Project for the New Century. Isarael can do no wrong. International law don't mean shit,Palestinians arem't even second class ditizems. They're canon fodder and Israel can just blow up Leganon and fet awa7 with it. That is what Israel did. They sit on nukes they refuse to acknowledge. They threaten every other state in the middle east. They threaten peace, constantly. They occupy territory in contradiction of international law. They re defending themselve's. They threaten everybody. Admit to the nukes at Cremona, you bastards. Here's the deal. Iran has signed on to international treaties, including the nonproliferation accords. Israel has actual nukes and won't sign. Which country is threatening peace? If Israel won't back off the wettlement, who's threatening peace? The settlements are so clearly illegal, no matter how you look ar it, wgat the hell are the Israelis talking about? This is clearly apartheid. DThere is no way of getting around this. They're treating the Palistinians as Bantu, they've set up Bantustans, and the racist implications are unavoidable. Israelis claim a special situation. They claim jews were singled out for horrible treatment. Palestinians are being singled out for singular treatment identical to what Israelis claimed. They should be allowed to act like animals towards others bewause somebody acted that way toward them? No joke. The Israeli state is sitting on a bunch of nukes. They got those nukes by pallin around with South Africa. The State of Israel learned about apartheid from South Africa. Palestinians deserve a state as much as Israelis do. The United States ddoesn't owe dick to Israel. We have created the state and made it last with spectacular ingusions of cash with no questions asked. They've got nukes they got by sharing with DeKlerk? Iran signed the non-proliferation treaty It only makes sense that they are interested in nuclear power. Their absolute right. Israel is sitting on nuclear bombs. They couldn't care less about strategic considerations of the USA. They spy on us. Israel doesn't really exist without American aid. If Israel threatens Iran, who's the scarier partner?
- Naancy. You really think Iggy is worth taking to the grave. MC5 was way better. Seriously, those twin guitars were so much better than Ron Ashford it was not close. But the Quackenbush brothers were better. I was there. SRC was the best.
- Thank. god you are both ok. I mean that with all my thoughts and prayers. Maybe it doesn't mean anything, but it can't hurt.
- Bo joke. Fiona is so so awsome. I'd marry her in a moment. But there' something wrong. There's the Vincent Black Lightning consideration, and Bonnie and Clyde.
- This is entirely to hilarious not to share: Which part of whited sepulcher escapes the governor? I'm pretty sure it was only two specific Mountains of Culture he was reclaiming in Buenos Aires, and they were actually Tetons. The Family. The Fellowship. The Mafia. The Cosa Nostra. Except mobsters, in general, have been patriotic in a psychopathic way. These guys think they answer to each other and God has signed off on it. If you shit the bed, Vitter and Sanford and a bunch of otdher Pharisees. Chip Pickering was having sex with a female member of the family whose business funded his entire political career. Oh, and Chip is the one son of the ultimate 20th Century racist Mississippi judge. Anyway, three data points make a trend. And these jerks call the house on C Street a church for tax purposes. I'd say any politician that's ever visited the "church" should be chemically castrated and waterboarded. And here's all anybody really needs to know about the health care debate:
- Who do y'all think the most current friend of Mitch Albom is meeting in heaven? I'd say Patrick McCabe, that wrote Butcher Boy, or Shane McGowan, but neither is dead yet that I've heard about. Maybe WB Yeats can explain to him how it's a whole new Rose and Cross World and a glorious Golden Dawn to walk into. Or, Shaw, and yer dreary unbringin' was preordained by bastard Capitalists that were too obsessed with possessions to see the Utopian Way. Some international futbol star that stepped on a hand and made a dangerous play that molded your sad but somehow meaningful life. I used to like Mitch Albom when I knew nothing about him but that he was a sardonic counterpoint to the hysterical (and I really mean the woman part) Mike Lupica slot on The Sports Reporters. But then there was best-sellerdom and the hand-wringing over Barry Bonds, who allegedly betrayed the lifetime committment of these little weenies to beloved sport. Nobody's proved Barry took steroids. (Nobody's even alleged proof that Manny was trying anything but dealing with erectile dysfunction.) Not only that, but nobody has proved steroids have much effectiveness in any sport but weightlifting and field events. It's safe to say, no matter what any naysayers say, steroids have absolutely nothing to do with hitting a baseball. file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/Desktop/steroids%20NOFX.htm and please scroll down. So is Mitch a facile writer that's got an ear for manipulating people. Hell, yeah. I suspect the manipulation is what Nancy finds particularly offensive. Frank McCourt told stories in lyrical prose about his life, so I suppose he was a valuable memoirist. People think Proust was a genius (yeah, probably). McCourt was Irish so he did it in about 600 pp. where it took a French guy thousands. Mitch Albom isn't going to meet any of these guys in heaven. He's going to wake up from a dream of Wynona Ryder carressing his battered wimp frame to find Richard Simmons, RuPaul, Billy Mays, and that guy in the question mark suit giving him a 900 number to call now. Ephemera heaven. On the tour, watch Versus. Lance already said he can't accelerate like the young guys. If he can grind tomorrow and somehow catch up, he's formidable, but he's probably going to pull a Tom Watson. The Health Care Debate: Suppose you didn't know anything about it. Like you didn't know that government costs and funding didn't really have anything to do with it and it was about the percentage of the GNP being devoured by serious care being rationed 95% in favor of rich people right now. Or, the current US federal deficit resulting from putting the cost of the Iraq invasion on the cuff instead of the federal budget for eight years and being accounted for honestly now. Or the trillion spent on not being able to shoot down anything with missile defense unless you flew a gigantic weather balloon behind the target. Or, how much of the deficit comes from purely and idiotically Lafferesqe ideas about cutting high-end taxes when those taxes were lower under Clinton than when Reagan or HW was President? When Bush was President, Republican , and some Democratic, zombie-whores for the Frist Family and a consortium of health care providers that don't give a shit about anybody but profits, and the family members they can readily pay for, legislated a prohibition against the federal government could negotiate pharmaceutical costs. Who was this intended to benefit? Americans? This is all leftover hangover from Lee Atwater and Kommissar Karl Rove. The idea is to make these idiot rednecks think they're one of us, and it's so virulently racist it's a whole lot like Nazism. Ever see The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? What the Republicans want to do isn't much different. In the movie, it was a guy that thought he had to be a heartless Nazi for his family to survive. Health care now? My dad went to work for Kaiser-Permanente sometime in the late 50s. He'd been investigated by the FBI, because he was a favorite student of Dr. Katie Dodd. She was a remarkable woman, and since we lived in her house, she was sort of another grandma to me. She believed in treatin everybody. Made her a pinko. What the hell is wrong with people? If you're a conservative, does that mean you have a biblical objection to taking care of the least of my children? That's What Jesus Would Do, you idiots. My dad was a professor at University of Arkansas. He had a gifted student that was a black woman. He made these people deal with her when the baby was due. Does Chuck Grassley think she should have waited on a federal appointment. My dad didn't. He carried her into the OR and told everybody to get the hell out of the way. This entire health care discussion? Are you assholes kidding. It's the United States. We take care of our own, even if some scumbag Republicans thing its some sort of political...Waterloo? Really. Look. People that read Nancy Nall are generally fairly intelligent. This debate has degenerated into Republicans saying fuck everyone if we can break the Nigger. I'm sorry if that's offensive but holy shit, that's what they said and that's what they meant. They tried the Sherrif Bart. He fnnessed them. He's a lot goddamn stupider than they are. They say things like Chuck Grassley thinking we could all get covered if we got elected. You all know Chuck Grassley said something spectacularly stupid. Chuck said you get his health care plan if you go to work for the government. No you don't. As spectacularly obnoxiousas what this asshole said was, it did not come close. All of his staff works for the government. They don't have his insurance coverage. In the grand scheme of how rich and entitled people live in a different world, Nobody living in Appalachia ar living on urban streets does. Republicans think they're the butt of jokes about liberals. No joke, y'all.
- No shit. Bah dah Bah dah. Everything I think you know is some bullshit.
- Nancy, you actually find this jerk offensive. Because you actully write better than he does. Well you do write better. So do half these dumbassses that think your a good writer. I think you're entertaining. And a decent writer. Actually, ok/
- Nancy thinks she actually saw Iggy. I saw him and he wasn't Scott Richard. This is something about SRC and Persecution Smith.
- Why don't people get behind? These assholes pulled this garbage on national TV abut 2 lbs. of ham How is it that there's anybody dumb enough to buy that sort of shit? The Plumber is that stupid.
- LAMary. The deal is are Americans so stupid not to understand there are Rwpublicans they can't see don;t care about anybody that isn't better than they are and covered by Big Insurance. These [eople thinkthere is something wrong with the government using its size to negotiate a price for meds. Does somebody find something wrong with that? Republicans seem to think drug companies should just tell us what drugs should cost. Does this make any sense? Tell you what. They used our cash to develop the drugs in the first place. Republican health care says they should tell us what the drugs ought to cost. These are absolute facts. And they payed spectacular amounts of money to solidify their position. So are you idiots or do you think for yourselves. And seriously, if there's a government option or a mediocre private choice, they claim we should all have a choice. If they can't compete, they should just shut the hell up.
- Look, no joke you idiots. If we care about the united states. We care for sure that everybody will be helped if they're hurt or sick. ARepublicans think not caring is some sort of Political point to make. They've made this clear. What is wrong with these assholes? They have made it quite clear they couldn't care less about policy and policy holders, they care about what the insurance companies that pay their way tell them to say. That's a fact jack. The insurance companies will deny claims. And they'll deny claims, Then, they'll sort of start acting reasonable. The whole ideas is to keep denying claims until it seems like people just aren't buying that bullshit but it gets to be oppressive. Then they drag their their feet until only the most offended keep at it. These bastards keep devouring premiums and they watch people die and nobody makes them pay. Am I just making that up? Or do I know for a fact Insurance Companies have been pulling this sort of shit for years? Do the right thing you scumbags.
- This guy Brian Stouder really knows what he's talking about. Y'all do well to listen to how balanced and sensible he is and how much he believes in people getting along. I guess you've all seen Schindler's List. There are Republican members of Congress that thought it was pornographic. Well, yeah it was, but of course, they take money to extend the settlements and don't understand how that's pornographic. And I suppose they can watch Schindler's List and not comprehend the absolute Apparteidheit in the separation wall and the economic and racist strangulation it doesn't just represent but enforces. I don't know how a reasonable person discusses the settlements. They're illegal. Ta-da. They're isn't anything remotely that legitimizes them. The Israeli state exists because the UN and spme big powers say it exists. All of those powers say the settlements are a bunch of wack job Israelis like bisarre bastards in Wyoming. These people claim some sort of religious justification. Avigdor notwithstanding, bullshit. The other claim is obvios as good Meantime, Israel teamed up with the most despicable of the Deklerks tp steal fissionable material from, oh my goodness, the good old USA, but we don't care because they're our friends. And Israel may not admit it, but they have an unstable government with a bunch of deliverable nukes. I can't imagine why Iran might feel nervous. So who is it making the middle east unstable? Back in the nineties, there were Mossad agents sitting onAmerican nuclear sites. Iran signed on to the NPT. Why didn't Israel? Israel is a muclear state. They stole the fissionable material by spying on the US. They bought the technology from AQ DDhan with US money. Israel exists in what it calls a state of war. No shit assholes. Israel created Hamas in its idiotic opposition to Fatah. And abput three years ago, Israel blew up Lebanon entirely and got away with it. And people can't figure out why Muslims think the US and Israel are out to get them. I know, if I point this out, I must be anti-semitic,
- I know there are a bunch of newspaper people that read Nancy's blog. Isn't this head incredibly offensive? Reporters bear the brunt of criticism unfairly when when whiskey soaked ink stained copy editors put bogus headlines on stories. Recent attempts at being fair and balanced when no Republican has said anything remotely true about health care must have tried their souls. But this one dishonors service, and it's [retty much as inexcusable as anything they tacked on to a Grassley story. I'm waiting for the Alzheimers slug.
- Anybody that's mot Catholic really should shut the fuck up on the subject. I was raised in the CFM 60s days and I've read everything Teillhard ever wrote, and I actually understand what he was getting at. Catholics, for instance, understand that if you claim to WWJD and understand the bible, you wouldn't be keen on idiots at town halls holding up bibles to object to government having it's greasy hands on your Medicare. I'm prejudiced about this, and I know it's popular to comsider the Catholic Church a drag on intellectual advancement, but please consider the bastard offspring. These people consider racism part of their Reformation. That's not true? Yeah, it is. It's a Rovian world when it should be Teillhardian. Peole are abject idiots at Town Halls and spout unmitigatd bullshit while wielding nibles? What would Jesus say about the least of His brethren being taken care of? Actual Catholics believe this is basic human rights. Catholics gave their lives in Central America to oppose phony 'Chritsian' Reagan atrocities. So don't make snide and uninformed generalizions about Catholics. It's intellectually dishonest and it's just stupid. And its spectacularly bigoted.
- Dptty to intrude. Here's an article that is right down the alley of you journos that love newspapers. I have since I was a kid. It's not the same as electronic books. The books were always there, the newspaper stories are epheneral but make a slam bang appearance and a lasting impression. Idiots that quote Twitter as gospel rely on newspapers on line. Anybody that denies that the net leeches don't report but report hard-earned reporting, well those are people that propagate email monstrosities about health care. When I went to the Grady School, we had a reading room. At least 100 dailies, including the SacBee, the Mercury, and. of course, you know, the NYT and WaPo and Chicago Tribune. But when I was a litttle kid and an Eagle Scout, we had the Birmingham Eccentric. What a wonderful name, right? And now that I'm older and watching Papers of Record act like everything is he said and she said, and outright lying and presentation of facts should be treated as equally valid, I've got The Island Packet for a daily. Nobody but an idiot is going to actually claim that anybody's heath care initiative covers abortions (much less encourages them). It's already prohibited by federal law that federal money can fund abortions. Nobody that's not a racist att heart is going to propagate a lie that health care reform bills propose covering illegal aliens. (Every version of the bill specifically denies care to anybody in the US illegally.) Why does anybody believe this fabricated crap? Well they see those freedom fighters with big guns. And news services report this as if there's a level playing field, instead of dogass lies versus truth. Y'all are fairly astute. Is there a single thing the Republicans have said that approximates the truth? Which brings me back to local papers. Isn't the best strategy for survival telling the truth and pointing out that equating facts versus lies is some cover your ass baloney? The despicable assholes that attacked Kerry and date back to Nixon's insane dislike, that produced the spectacularly and demonstrably scurrilous Swift Boat crap, well they're knee deep in this campaign, Most decent people feel remorse when they lie. If there are people that will lie when they know they're lying, and a bunch of the populace that's so ill-informed and scared they won't actually avail themselves of easily ascertainable facts, how's a representative democracy any way to run a government? Three things: 1. There aren't any death panels. And, Medicare has already dealt with the idea of end of life decisions. So we pay for it. And that encourages ma and pa to off themselves? It's difficult to think Americans are stupid enough to buy that. My Dad's 87 and in failing health. He's a doctor and a lawyer, and he's served his country in both functions, and served his country as a veteran. Why not ask him instead of some scumbag insurance company shill. 2. All of this garbage about health care in England and Canada, all anybody needs to know is that the purveyors of this lie brought up Stephen Hawking. If you're stupid that to tell an outrageous lie about the smartest person in the world, you have got to be dumber than grunt 3. If Republicans are lying their ases off, they're trying to obviate repudiation of every thing they stand for. Including the sort of outright racism behind the birth certificate crap. If the local papers want to make a point that they're valid and viable, they need to promote the truth.
- What in the world is a reporter thinking that reports calculated and outright lies as legitimate balance to the very facts that disprove the lies? They did this in 2004. There's the well-known case of Dan Rather and the W National Guard papers. To this day, everybody's convinced they're was fraud. The expert hired by Scaife said he couldn't be sure. The secretary that would have typed the documents says unequivocally that the facts are incontrovertible. We're supposed to think Dan Rather is a nutcase with an anti-Bush agenda and Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck are credible? Is there a community paper in the Grosses that has any journalisitc credibility? They probably believe Kommissar Rove had nothing to do with political manipulation of the Justice Department, and the lying sac of shit deserves an apology. Puh-leeze. Nobody in the history of American politics has lied on a dime like the current Republicans, and as far as hypocrisy is concerned, In 2004, they hated Kerry more than anybody on the face of the earth. He exposed Reagan as an anti-democratic supporter of death squads and his administration as a bunch of war criminals that thought fucking over the Constitution was a right given them by Grover Norquist. Slander Kerry, make up idiot crap out of whole cloth about health care. These are unprincipled people and they think the Constitution couldn't apply to them because, they're exceptionable. And thanks to tp newspapers, the NYT and the WP, reasonable Americans are led to believe it's just fair and balanced, and pointing out that abortion isn't covered and illegal aliens are specicifaclly excluded is an opinion rather than a fact, aand the opposing 'viewpoint' is worthy of consideration. Man, that isn't journalism. There are facts and there are lies. If the guys that were on Kerry's boat say he was a hero, maybe he was. If a jerk that never had anything to recommend him than that Nixon thought he was clean cut and never went on those riverine expeditions denigrates Kerry, what sort of idiot would buy the bow-tie and seersucker suit?. Here's something instructive about the way these people think. Chuck Colson went ballistic on Kerry because he only spent four months in Viet Nam. How many months did Chuck spend? Alll I mean is that these bastards lie without compunction. Once again, I ask you, has one Republican said a single thing remotely true about health care? And are Americans this stupid? It's interesting Obama's brought up the morality of a system that denies 49mil, most of them kids, any coverage. His opponents claim to be Christians. I am too, but I'm a devout member of the Whore of Babylon. You know, Catholics. We believe health care is a basic human right no matter what the profit margin is. I'd be willing to bet Jesus thought just about the same thing and He wasn't real concerned about failure to compete on the part of colluding insurance bastards.
- I didn't know y'all when the Gop was lying it's ass off about John Jerry. Surely this swiftboating on health care must strike you as foul, Do something. Yoy're American citizens. There are wack-jobs packing AKs at Presidential rallies, This isn't normal, and it isn't acceptable. Plaxico Butrress gets two years for shooting himselg at a club but it's OK to wear a TShirt about murdering the commander in chief and pack an automatic.? You Mark Furman assholes. He's a black guy that isn't from Kenya. What's wrong with health care reform is the fact that the President is a black guy. Or how do you explain these idiots that want government hands off their Medicaare?
- Brian, the GOP was running a bitch that talked one game and bailed. Heroism is an interesting thing. Buy all accounts of his shipmates, Kerry was willing to ridk his life for his mates. Couple years ago, I went into a rip and pulled out a floundering swimmer. I figured I could outswim anything the ocean had to offer. I swim in that shit all the time. Kerry got shot rescuing crewmates. Republicans, apparently, say he only sort of got shot, and it wasn't as dangerous as W defending some Tejas OClub. The point about things like this is that all of the Republicans found bizarre ways to avoiid danger. Sometimes, it was six deferments. But they thought the cause was good and friends of mine that died served a noble purpose. If there are voters that buy this horseshit, how is there a reasonable representative democracy? And how does anybody with a brain buy opposition to universal health care from people that claim to care what Jesus might think? And if voters are this dumb, what's the difference? If you can just spend money and lie your ass off and entirely misrepresent legislation, and get wackos to show up at Presidential appearances with AKs that are somehow legal, isn't the country a piece of shit occupied by idiots? Heres the deal. No Republican politician has told the truth about any health care bill. The opposition? There is not a single claim that isn't an outrageous lie. And there are Grandma's shaking in their button-ups about losing some of those Medicare benefits provided them by AIG out of the goodness of their corporate hearts. And thank God and Humana and the life-saving free surgery from Bill Frist that we've still got that genius Steven Hawking, that would have been written off by a death panel if he was a Brit. How can so many people be so stupid? I've been a lifelong devotee of the exquisite sarcasm of HL Mencken. Somehow, I always hoped it couldn't be true that Americans were such morons en masse.
- Do Americans believe you should be taken care of if you're sick? So Americans purporting loudly to be Christians believe that Jesus woiuld have cited wildly unrelated precexisting conditions to refuse help? Do Americans that get sent to make lud fools of themselves at town hall meetings actually believe their Medicare coverage isn't managed and funded by th federal government? Dp Americans beliebe the VA is run by Blackwater, or XE or whaever these murderers for hire call themselbes? So what are these idiots talking about? And why are cops just fine with redneck bozo Timothy McVeigh wannabes packing automatics within a few hundred yards of a President they don't think is legitimate despite his stomping his opponent born in the Panama Canal Zone? Why is the President pilloried for saying an arrest in a Cambridge home of a Harvard professor when rhe ocp had azscertained the homeowner's legal status and his identity within six minutes was stupid? Sergeant Crowley's behavior wasn't stupid? Calling backup and claiming his momma (?!) was insulted? Tht wasn't a cop acting stupid? It was stupid. That's a fact. tough job cops have to do? Well, but this was an infirm little guy and you knew for a fact he was in his own house. This isn't really worthy of consideration. I lived in Cambridge for years, abd I'm white, and it's my opinion based on several encounters that Cambridge cops refularly act like thugs. This became an issue because the President that remarked on the unmistakable stupidity of the cop's behavior is black. So he's not really a citizen. So he isn't really legitimateley the President. Because he's Kenyan. Okay. These people are nutcases. Senators and Members of the House promote this idiocy by promulgating claims they cannot be stupid enough to know they aren's lying, and they are inciting dangerous people. So serious wckos bring guns to Health Care Town Halls when they couldn't care less about, haven't even memorized the absurd talking pointlies, about Health Care. People like Chuck Grassley can act like they're civilized, but they go out of their ways to encourage this sort of irresponsible and repressive behavior. They clam to be acting responsibly when wvery single thing they say is a hateful lie couched in inflammatory terms. What bothers me more than anything is people holding up bibles. If there is a valid New Testament message, it's certainly that we are all responsible for "least of our brethren". What's the point when some teabagging zombie holds up the Bible? I'm all right Jack? I don't think it's in the book. So have these people thought anything through? If it's Jesus, well, His actions and His statements were pretty clear about moral responsibility to take care of everybody. He wouldn't have been keen on freedom fighters raping Maryknoll nuns, murdering them and burying them in shallow graves. Raygunites though that was just fine while they claimed they were Christian Soldiers. So Obama's got a point about health care and a moral imperative. It's just not compelling with phony Christians out to hire Blackwater. It's one thing when Republicans flat out lie to scare people. It's another when they believe they're ordained and it's Christian Jihad, and W can be appointed by Scalia, but the actual President must be a muslim sleeper because he was born in Hawaii and he's not a generic frat boy or an ugly old shriveled white guy.
- Christian lawmakers support insurance companies that spend more on disqualifying people that have paid premiums for years than actually taking care. That is the system we have, and it appears to put old folks away at least two or three years erlier than the UK or Canada. Health care is better everywhere else. What's the problem. The ultimate capitalist sharks that have fed on everybody that paid premiums and then suddenly needed care and they just bailed on them? And major league numbers negotiating for perscriptions might cut into the drug company advertising budget? Drug companies don't spend money on research, they try to convince idiots to influence doctors. Drug research? That's virtually all athe government, but since you all want hands off My Medicare, we're so gd dumb we think Pfizer cres.
- People that feel they have some born-again right to consign somebody else to damnation are truly reprehensible. If one of your brothers got elected President and assassinated, you might get a pass from reasonable people on some bad behavior. If you're other brother was a white guy that electrified Watts and was assasinated? Who else wouldn't have crawled up into a ball? But he always kept the ideal of protecting every American. What's the objection to the Public Option? it might mean the bastards that sell you insurance can't actually compete? Isn't that the problem. Tjey're cheating they're asses off and enriching Bill Frist, and they're telling you it's socialism. If Frist is your mentor, that idiot made a diagnosis on Terry Schiabo when her hrain was mush, and he did it by some bizarre video. In the grand scheme pf things regarding health care, Has anything the opponents ever said been even close to true? If the point of the opposition is just lying their asses of, supposed to think voters aren't morons. This a fact. Nothing whatsoever opponents of universal jealth care is remotely true. You believe this horseshit?It's a unique strategy. Lie about everything. They haven't said a single thing remotely true.To this day everybody in the US believes in reform, and more specifically, they believe insutance companies ought to be kept honest. If insurance companies can't compete, aren't they fucking you over? ?
- And if physicians won't tell the truth, we're left with out and out liars like Tom Coburn. He thinks that if Obama supports vets, it must be socialism. Republicans vote against veterans of the obscene invasions and occupations neocons make up in the first place. What in the world is wrong with these chicken-hawk bastards? And what in the world is wrong with any American voter that thinks this behavior is OK? When the president acts in the best interest of vets, how is it aceptable that some asshole that thinks hookers that obviously have better ideas about social justice and family values take a back seat to Senator Vitter? Where's his moral justification for putting holds on Preaidwbtial nominations? He comported with hookers. It's not like an allegation, it's a fact. And this sleazeball is holding up a Presidential appointment of somebody unquestionably qualified? Look you morons. Scalia only believes in the Constitution he made up in his own twisted mind. Perps are guilty, and absolute proof of innocence doesn't mean we can't fry somebody. That is what this guy said. I say that makes him a psychopath. Explain to me how I'm wrong. And how W wasn't a happy idiot, and how he wasn't a whole lot worse when he thought it was funny doing his little imitation. He thought it was just as funny blowing up innocent Iraqis and missing Sadam by miles, and not caring, because a dead Iraqi is like a dead Indian. Neocons are like a post-industrial joke now. Palin is the anit-neo neocon. Those people thought they were intellectuals. They were bumrushed by idiots. The future for Republicans is crystallized in a single phrase: Keep your government hands off my Medicare. And there is probably no way to deal with stupidity that entrenched. I'm an absolute believer in the stupidiy of Ameericans. Lf Ameericans want to believe the Health Insurance and Drug Company people havtheir best interests at heart, you folks are looney tunes. When Bush was president, he made a deal with Phaarma where they could charge whatever they wanted to and the government would have to just eat it. So that make sense to anybody but a Bush toady? Mope There's a President trying to fix an inordinate mess. Gay rights? Gay marriage? Are we kidding? There are a lot of things more important to a lot of people. I am so sick of backbiting on single issues. What I really mean, somebody's sexual preference isn't particularly important to me. What this has to do with Patrick McGoohan, I haven't a clue. Not even remotely.
- Are y'all suggesting Harrison Ford, Kurt Jurgens and Robert Mitchum are gay? What about Admiral Nelson and Commander Crane? Is Detroit actually this far gone? This sounds like Eurotrash Brit doing bad French intellectual, and the writing is hilariously atrocious, like that hyphenated French guy that seems to have something criminally damning on the editors of the Atlantic , but it's disturbing. Those Megacity One urban jungle auto plants this guy is talking about make it fairly obvious he was out at Willow Run or Dearborn, rather than Clark Street Assembly. Of course, this is Julien Temple, who took sides with Malcolm McLaren against the Sex Pistols, and redeemed himself with Earth Girls are Easy. Stick to film, bud.
- Isn't it fairly obvious that Massa's problems, aside from anything else, have to do with drinking? Is it possible that people can be defined, as in ripping and tearing vs. unwrapping, between Lita Ford and Joan Jett. Ms. Jett is actually a talented actress, starred in the single best episode of Highlander, and the estimable rock movie Light of Day. Dakota Fanning is on the way to being Jodie Foster redux. Brains, talent, total lack of pretension.
- When Robert Mitchum was asked what school of acting he followed, he said "the Smirnoff School" Robert Mitchum was pretty much a sardonic, self-deprecating quote machine, and smoked more pot than Woody Harrelson. Anybody that claims The Enemy Below is not the greatest submarine movie ever made is a poseur, and the Germans singing So Leben Wir is a perfectly humanizing anti-war statement.
- How is it Americans can be so stupid? No Republican politician has said a single thing true in 13 months. Not one. Not a single thing. And Americans are buying this crap. And anybody believes in the democracy? Republicans don't. These aholes actually believe that 60-40 was written in the Constitution. You know, they claim it's normal partisan politics to put holds on every Presidential appointee and attempt to stymie government altogether. No it isn't. Nothing like this obstructionism has ever happened, and of course if you aren't clear on the concept, he's an honest black guy. Why are Americans so stupid they believe this? Was W having the DTs for eight years while thinking he was running shock and awe to no effect but fucking up Iraq for the sake of some loony tune PNAC pipe dream about owning all the oil in the world? P. Kennedy was a reasonably good Congressman while Republicans screwed over the entire world for fun and for profit. Republicans intelligent enough to manipulate a keyboard know for a fact they are absolutely full of merde. It's dawned on them in their later years. PNAC? Nobody could be that fricking stupid. But you all were. W for Pres? Moron, but Scalia loves shooting ducks, If you think it's your Constitution, and you think it's your government, think again. DickCheneyworld. Holy shit. Don't Americans have an ounce of decency? Seriously, fuck you racist aholes. You've all got to be kidding. Republicans have a single message. He's black. Must be untrustworthy. Nobody named Ahmed can be trusted at security? Nobody can be trusted, you moron, When did Americans get so fucking stupid?
- Here's something that's right up the alley of az bunch of sophisticates like the Nancy Nall crowd. Last year's winners. And can politics get any funnier than Lindsay Graham (regrettably the most nearly sane one of my allotment of two senators) threatening that Republicans will be less cooperative if health care reform passes? Less?. Seriously Senator, as Billy Preston says, Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. The most sure thing in Teabagger politics is that some nitwit will insist on keeping government's hands off their Medicare.
- Stooges were decidedly mediocre in person. The point was much more to see what young James would do to hurt himself, more than any actual musical talent. If there's a Detroit band from that era that belongs in the HOF, it's obviously MC-5. SRC, Bob Seger System, Third Power, Frost, Rationals were all considerably better than Iggy's band. In fact, without MC-5, it's hard to consider the Hall credible. Ciudad Juarez is certainly the murder capital of the Western hemisphere, probably the world. Detroit used to pretend to that distinction, but the Mexicans hired Roberto Bolano to publicize their claim to the title in a novel something like 7000 pages long. (Not really, about 900, and it's extremely good, but not quite as good as The Savage Detectives.) It is amazing that only the deaths of gringo and gringa make a media ripple. Maybe only the gringo. Most victims in Juarez are women. Given it's proximity to Tejas, it's not unlikely that this results from some sort of El Paso redneck bloodsport right of passage.
- Oh, and Mitch Ryder and His Detroit Wheels were way better.
- Intelligent grown-ups running the government. Who'd have thought? Did anybody notice Obama took the Stovepipe Gang out of the chain of command? Dexter, it's always a pleasure riding the bike in Hilton Head, even when the weather doesn't cooperate. But you're right, Spring rules.
- Wrong Athens, Nancy. In Athens GA, sports rules, except for music, and of course Howard Finster. Best football player that ever lived. Best female hoops player that ever lived. Several of the best bands that ever hit the face of the earth. The folk artist that defines folk art. And then there's Lamar Dodd, and Henry Grady, Ralph McGill, and Reg Murphy, the ultimate American newspapermen. Sportsmen all, I'm guessing. There's some perceived dichotomy between sports and intelligence, which in itself is ignorance on parade. You can't succeed at sports without particular intelligence. You can't be REM instead of U2 without superior intelligence. Jock is as stupid a sobriquet as nerd.
- Meanwhile, is T. Jefferson restless in his grave because Tejas doesn't like him anymore? Apparently, those educators think Phyliss Schlafly was a Founding Father.
- I've seen Arlo quite a few times, and he includes these verses: As I went walking I saw a sign there And on the sign it said "No Trespassing." But on the other side it didn't say nothing, That side was made for you and me. Nobody living can ever stop me, As I go walking that freedom highway; Nobody living can ever make me turn back This land was made for you and me. In the squares of the city, In the shadow of a steeple; By the relief office, I'd seen my people. As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking, Is this land made for you and me? It's simply astounding how obtuse people can be.
- I think those were two White Sox fans that went after the Royals' first base coach on the field, with a box cutter. Wouldn't you think nobody that's a fan of the Pale Hose would actually make comments about another team's fans? Do they park their trailers outside Comiskey?
- And here's the story on the mighty Bobcats' victory, from the best basketball writer of all time, who covered the best player ever at the Garden.
- Lost in the hoopla. This is mighty big, and easily as abhorrent to Greedy Oil Plutocrats as health care reform. The education loan system in place for decades has involved the federal government handing over vast piles of cash to private "lenders", who charge the government ridiculous fees to transfer it to putative scholars, who are then charged usurious interest rates. This has been widely characterized as a subsidy to a private industry, but it's obviously more like a direct transfer of funds to brokers that reap profits for a service of no value whatsoever. This legislation represents a spectacular fiscal and policy reform initiative, but nobody seems to have noticed. Of course, now it's on to Mitch McConnell. Still, the current business as usual is such straightforward theft of federal funds, it's difficult to imagination how even Senator Whinehouse can can pull the wool over anybody's eyes, no matter how flat out, Teabag obtuse. Meanwhile, the long opening scene of Breaking Bad last night was a surreal masterpiece.
- If you add up the solid 48% that just thought the bill should be passed, and the 75% that agreed to every aspect and provision, and you account for all the Naderite bellybutton-gazers that think it's ok but not perfect, where does Boner stand on the No, No No.? Well. He's so full of shit it's coming out his eyes. If Americans aren't smart enough to understand this obstructionist political bullshit, we all deserve to crash and burn. This is a kind of clear case of social justice. How does anybody that claims to be a Christian deny it's our social responsibility to take care of everybody? It's astounding to me that people think it's political. Medical care for people in need. Republicans say it's socialism, and they claim to be Christian. I know that's bullshit, but please. We've got these assholes never resorting to the truth. Never. Not once. As the Godfather said, please, please please. Somebody expose something that was actually true that any Republican said about anything concerning any policy since the black guy got elected that was connected remotely to the truth. One thing true. Well, you know, unless he's a Marxist mole, born in Kenya and determined to remake the US into a Soviet State. It wouldn't seem radical to say that every human being deserves the best medical care possible. Are we not men? Republicans say let the market decide.I ssy, God damn them.
- Alex, more than two thirds of people that said they opposed health care reform said they did so because it didn't include public option or single payer. Those people are going to vote for Republicans? Sure they are, Senator Whinehouse, the Oompa-Loompa. How do you live in a state that elected this fool and not move away immediately?. Boehner's got better dope than we can get our hands on. The orange guy is funny because he's a stupendous ahole with an even funnier name, no matter how he claims it's pronounced. He has lied his ass off from Day 1 about health care, and, damn, he's got to be tired. Convincing people the filibuster is in the Constitution. Actuall, that isn't even difficult, and his day job pays extremely well, and he takes the benefits and the paychecks. If I were a Teabagger, I'd light this sumbitch up. Just saying. I mean, what a crew of numbnuts. The very people that whip them into a frenzy are the bastards keeping them down. And they've no clue. American willful ignorance is the single most powerful force on earth. Or is it nuns? We pray humbly it's the nuns, who of course are a bunch of socialists that believe in social justice, and we all know that.s Socialism and anti-American. Nuns have an absolute imprimatur when it comes to certainty about social justice. And believe me, as a Catholic School boy of the 60s, it pains me to say this. Nuns were the prime targets of Ronald Reagan's thugs trained at the School of the Americas to keep American business interests safe. If the US isn't about social justice, it must be about cutthroat Hobbesian competition. I vote for we try to take care of each other.
- Coozledad The idea that God is male or female is kinda beyond my Pierre de beliefs. I saw Arlo once, at Tufts, I think, and a skywriter made a perfect O. Arlo looked up and said "God's a chick". That would all be fine with me. We're all in the process of becoming God together. As far as the nuns are concerned, it's bizarre I suppose, but I saw the recent Nun's revolt as a sign. like the Jews returning in The Second Coming. Will Barrett didn't duck under the car to save his life. There was a lot more that needed to be said. And if you've never read the Great American Novel, Walker Percy is waiting, and it's so damn good you won't believe it. As far as American writers are concerned, there are all those Toms. Pynchon, Robbins, McGuane. it's an arguable proposition that Women? There is Margaret Atwater, the undeniably greatest female writer in my opinion. We're meant to have opinions, and to stand by them fiercely. Go Dawgs. Maybe it's God's sense of humor. Some things aren't included. Human beings are supposed to take care of each other. Social justice is something real. If you don't believe that, you are clearly somewhat less than human. Human rights human dignity, aren't things to make a joke aboutm or to base a political strategy upon. Newt recently made it crystal clear. LBJ was a political asshole for insisting black people are people under the law. What does that make his party?
- Magic and Larry--everything Michael Jordan never was nor will be, unless Denton Cooley invents a personality transplant. I never met Larry, but I played fast-pitch in Boston with his brother Eddie. He could crush the ball. As far as that blue collar vs. showtime bidness, Magic's style was extremely sound fundamental basketball, and Larry frequently appeared to deny the laws of physics. TCM is showing Steve McQueen movies today, and one of his best, Junior Bonner is on at 5:30. Pretty close to a masterpiece for Sam Peckinpah, and a brilliant performance by Robert Preston.
- Why Hot Tub Time Machine deserves a break: 1. No J. Apatow involved. Those are stupid movies. 2. No bitten in the nuts by a dog joke. (I'm just gussing.) 3, John Cusack's in it, and thia guy is brilliant, and if you don't believe that, warch Natty Gann or Being John Malkovich. snK 4. It's the best movie title since Snakss, which the inestimable Samuel Jackson agreed to make when he heard the title. Would you all agree, Michael Caine is as good as it gets. Sir Michael. Michael Caine famously said somethng about making the stinkers so he had the cash in hand to make the good ones. Tht's whTSteven King ssaid about The Arand.Sean Connery probably agrees. Those two guys made The Man Who Would Be King, as good a movie as any of you ever saw.Katherin Hepburn never had to make a bad movie, It was all a factory running 24 houra. Bringing Up Bzby I don't know. Do you think Dressed to kill is amazing, or don't you?
- Pity? Tbey can't be thar srupid unless in tentional. One Republicn say one single thing they said that was true about health care reform, One zinglw thing tht was remotelly true. Letg's hear it. One thing anybody said tht remotely pproched the truth? One simgle time they approached telling the truth? Well they didn't nd they still got their mssive paychecks They got payed big bucka for not xoing their jobs beczuze the shrink government moronz fell them to and they are zych morons they listen t Glenn Beck, There is no possiblle way you can stupider thzn that.
- Accusations Fly Between Parties Over Threats and Vandalism. Seriously, NYTimes? Seriously Republicans? I don't think anybody but an Eric Cantor staffer shot a bullet through his window, anymore than I believe, despite his obviously grandiose opinion of himself, one in ten Americans has a clue who he is. Jeanne Schmidt, that was one of her alters. Mad Progressives borrowed a gun from the Teabagger next door to shoot at Eric Cantor? I suppose it's possible that Republican Teabag rabble just want to shoot up a Congressperson, but considering the timing and their problems with reality and verisimilitude, I think the right-wingers here staged things. He's the next Newt, but how many Americans have a clue who Eric Cantor is? Nobody posted his address on Freeperworld. Whatever. The Times head is such total bullshit, it makes you wonder whatever became of the Liberal Media. That bullet at Eric Cantor's place. It landed on the floor about 2 inches beyond the pane of glass. Inflammatory Fox News rhetoric, Sarah Palin's crossshairs, will probably get somebody killed. But seriously, when you see the way these people do business, you have to figure that's what they meant to happen in the first place. Maybe it's me, but the prevailing journalistic compunction to say that both sides are as bad as the opponent is anti-journalistic. Your supposed to identify the liars and malfeasors. In this particular case, you've got Teabaggers stirred up by Republicans threatening members of Congress with decidedly racist and homophobic overtones. This blithe "both sides do it" crapola is inexcusable.
- I actually broke a windshield with my head once. But I suppose that's fairly apparent. Stone cold sober, trying to prevent a hopeless drunk guy from killing somebody. But what's Michael Steele's excuse? When Mr. Steele took over the committee last year, it had $22 million in cash on hand. This month, records show, that amount is $9.46 million. . Not all Republicans are moralistic spoilsports. They like to have a good time at lowlife sex clubs called Voyeur as much as the next guy, so long as you aren't. I swear, this guy (or his posse, since you know he's OG) has jacked the GOP. Next stop: Club Thunderbolt, n'est-ce-pas?
- Wouldn't kill over an Eddie Hazel record. Hasil Atkins maybe. Parliafunkadelictment Thang, another whole story. Saw them, Bootsy con diaper included, at UGA. Under the influence of LSD. A good time was had by all. The Adena Watson and sweating the Araber episode of Homicide was clearly the best hour of TV ever made, and decidedly better than most movies. The Wire was very good, but no Frank Pembleton, so never as good. Sopranos? Not even close. Damages? When Patty's insanity manifests, pretty close.
- Photo's great. Pun's virtually unforgiveable. Actual quote from Ms. Palin's new scripted TV series: “So you, having a kind of a downer day being in a valley, to then have been at this peak now, Angelica, because of your selfless action.” Who is going to man up and take that writing credit? And I suppose this could be taken as sexist, mean, or both, but too bad, she's a totally objectionable and rapacious pathological liar and opportunist that has behaved so reprehensibly she deserves everything she gets short of the vigilantism she favors for the President. Anyway, I doubt Rich Lowry is sitting up straighter lately when she winks right at him. Looking mighty rode hard and put up wet these days. Ms. Palin is starting to look like Sam Lowry's mom when the plastic surgery goes south in Brazil.
- Rod Taylor played Travis McGee in Darker than Amber, Sam Elliott in a TV version of The Empty Copper Sea. Yall will probably jeer, but since Harrison Ford's too old, I'd say Bruce Willis, off a stellar performance with Mos Def in 16 Blocks. Actually, in a perfect world, Dave Robicheaux would play Travis McGee.
- I'm Catholic. I find large chunks of doctrine kinda hard to by into you, Historically, this is pretty easy approach to buy into. Papal infassibility, oh, around 1870. I went to Jesuit school in High School. I was esucated in one spectacular manner. Before that, I was tortured by nuns.Not really tortured beccause we ave back what we g0t It's my belief that recovered memory is horseshit and when you think there's cash hand you'll lie you're ass off.
- Catholics are pedophiles and THE OTHER denominations arent? Give ne a break. Kiss my ass, it's ridicu;ous
- Holy shit, Coozlsdad. I grew up in Detroit and hung around with those guys that wrote Black to Comm. In those days America was acting against Americann princip;es. When America decided to align itself with School of them,Anericas thugs to allow creeps ro run things by raping Maryknoll nuns and leaving them buried in shallow graves, every single Reaganista shared in the murder. aJohn Negropante, for instance, People on the neocon right should really not open up discussions. They got away with ballot box fraud in Ohio,. These are the people that murdered the Ardhbishop giving communion. Pardon me if that offends somebody, but that's exactly what the US countenances, like shooting the Cardinal while he was giving communion. Kussinger, Bush, Negroponte, all of their soon t be neocon buds. These were people that funded slurs against J, Kerry when they avoided combat abd pulled off the ridiculous dheat in Pulski County. Ronald Rygun thoughht the Archbisop should be assassinated while he was giving communion,.
- In the land of web logs, this one is literate. Consistently intelligent, and always grammatically correct. And I mean the commentors, too. Somebody that doesn't just love the English language, but savors it. And wields it well. Couldn't anybody in the world claim to have had sex with Tiger Woods? How do you save voice mails? And why would you ever go through that process if your intention wasn't blackmail in the first place? Writers steal from other writers. How it works, unless you just burn the manuscript of somebody that writes better. I'm writing a novel that is an indirect steal from Dickens. Sidney Carton's Cat. Now, if one of you steals that idea, that's plagiarism, or probably not. You can't steal specific words, no douhnut, and if a beignet and chickory make me think one way or another, Proust has no case. Even if that's why I think what I'm thinking, John Goodman's pretty good, but he ain't John Candy, and he'd do well to change his diet. Katrina was a defining moment for the W misadministration. Defined them as idiots. Bastards cut taxes on rich people to wipe out a budcget surplus, and sold contracts to enrich Cheney, and cut taxes on hedge fund managers. Who should those teabaggers be aiming at, if they weren't toothless, drooling morons? Apologists, please tell me that isn't exactly what happened. Sonsabitches ran the invasion and occupation off the books, and they tried to pull this shit with Clinton before Scalia appointed the malleable idiot in chief despite the popular vote. Despite the manifest evidence, I find it difficult to believe Americans can be so fucking stupid.
- I suppose it's trendy, but Colbert is not in a final sprint with Jon Stewart.Real news is funnier and more revolting. Here's the deal, Bag all the polls, Forget about elections, Shouldn't Michelle Bachmann run the country? No joke, a real American. And only possibly certifiable. Is the whole country both racist and unhinged?
- Have ya'll ever seen That Metal Show on VH1 Classic? Giving new meaning to low-rent production values for home made TV. But these guys, in their sincerity and ineptitude and midless devotion to the idea that ridiculously derivative and repetitive music represents some saving grace, well, they're somehow sympathetic figures. They can't possibly describe what metal is, aside from occasional Sabbath vs. Maiden discussions, and they entertain AC/DC in the discussion. In my opinion, this is sort of an insult to AC/DC (Ozzie rules supreme, if you ask me, and yes, I've got an opinion about this music, and it's basically Motorhead.) They've interviewed Lita Ford, and Geddy Lee with Alex Lifeson. Can't be metal, can it. Far as I know, they never talked to John Kaye, who I think introduced the term in Born to be Wild. Famously, the HOF called Jethro Tull heavy metal. In a perfectly superfluous and absurd faux pas, some moron mistook a band that's sui generis with some sort of category. They can and do play metal, but they clearly think it's some cosmic joke. I like to watch this show. It's spectacularly dumb and sophomoric. But these people have peersevered through four decades, and they're true believers. But I'm interested in whether or not people with brains have an opinion about this show as TV. I suppose, this all has to do with the fact that I find Chelsea Lately very funny. I think people have invaded Tiger's life. I'm pretty sure any who in the world could produce something that sort of sounds likemhim, and anybody coul'd accuse him. In all of this, has anyb0dy proved anything? Most of these womwn accusing aare just making it up. Most of the women these rapiata served, they were swcqred too. Theyn raped nuns
- What I was attempting to get at was that holy crap, you idiots, Ronalx Reagan condoned the rape of nuns, He sure gave cover,. Anybody wasnt's to say that didn't ha--en is a major league liar. Ronald Wilson Reagan thought the Cathoolic Church was a ho;e in his side. He wanted the archbishop deead. Fuck you puta,we have you nailed.Ronald Raygun and Ollie North thought it was ok to murder Maaryknoll nuns and to rape them.This didn't happen. you liars?. Sure as shit did. I'm catholic. I've had it with everything being aimed on Catholics, I was diddled by Baptists at Bapdiss camp. Recovered memory is horseshit. These people can make anybody say anything. We've got Cardinal Berardin. Nothing wrong, phony memory. Oddda are spectacularly good,
- Nobody is threatened.
- That whole polish air crash, just a guy, right? Just a guy lots os oeople cared about, You're full of ahit if you think he'a juat a guy. He had a wife and kids. Jesus. Try to act like decent human beings. Too strange.
- Polish air crash. Graham Greene. Getting to Know the General. You couldn't read a better book.
- I know y'all have reached the Nancy weekend where nothing is supposed to be taken seriously. "Rush never said he thought the left bombed the oil platform" This is incredibly, stupendously, disingenuous. Rush is aware that he doesn't need to say he believes anything, his listeners are programmed to believe anything that passes those grotesque blubbery lips must be true. Fascinating question about Limbaugh, does he believe a word he says or is so venal that it's all scripted and calibrated to maximize his obscene profits? There's William Buckley style sophism, where he expects with style to be called on it, and there's venal sophism where the perpetrator couldn't care less about the damage he does. Once upon a time there were people like Bill Buckley that knew haw to write English. Presented arguments and didn't just make shit up and expect expect zombie ditto=heads to spout it. Buckley was full of shit and prpbably knew it, but he was a decent and sometimes superb writer. Wasn't a playground, but years ago my daughter' mom and I had split up through every fault of my own. Our glorious child and I were on the beach at Hilton Head, and Emily and another little girl took to each other. Other kid's mom was fairly gorgeous and we struck up a conversation as the kids were building moats and towers, with drizzl. I was enchanted with the scenario. I was liking the direction this seemed to be taking, when the other kid asked Em if she'd watched Smurfs that morning. Cold as ice, my beloved daughter, too smart and with a ridicuously adult vocabulary beyond her years, said "Smurfs are infantile"." To this day, I've no idea how my five-year old developed this opinion, or where in the world she got the words to express it. Emily's mom and I weren't doing flashcards or treating her like a little adult savant. Matter of fact, honestly, I wasn't acting like one of Nancy's lecherous exhibitionist weekend Dads. I was standing on the beach with a woman I found attractive and interesting. I actually always admired how the cartoon's writers had established "Smurf" as a stand-in for fuck as an all purpose word that could serve as every single part of American English speech. Anyway, Emily's playmate appeared humiliated and hurt, and I felt terrible for the kid. Of course, I couldn't ask her mom to dinner after she looked at me like I must be some sort of Svengali., or something. We saw them again several times over the next few days, but they avoided us. I wanted to figure out a way to explain to Em how she'd been cruel, but eventually decided she'd had no cruel intentions. Playground dynamics have many levels. I was stunned watching my own daughter display no tact. I mean, if you meet somebody at a wedding that thinks it's the height of hilarity for the band at a wedding reception to open with "Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw", do you tell them they're trailer trash? No, I don't suppose you do. But maybe kids don't blurt, they just say exactly what they mean. These days, Emily is making seriously good money rehabbing people from devastating closed-head injuries. I've never asked, but I don't suppose she remembers her callous behavior when she was five years old. She does something for a living that's incredibly difficult (and she finds it rewarding). Of course, thanks to thirty years of the spectacularly predatory student loan regime, where basically banks made profits for absolutely nothing, our extended family will be paying for her qualification to do commonweal good and save everybody cash at the same time. Maybe adults act like self-aggrandizing jerks at playgrounds. Maybe they feel a need to assure themselves they're doing the best they can rearing chidren. . I'd have to say, Nancy, whatever goes on at playgrounds, adults are superficial and mildly interesting compared with the primal interractions of the kids. String theory? Butterflies? Nah, little kids. Fortunately, we're talking about humans, right, or it could be Brazaaville Beach. Molding your children with foreign languages and targeted education is bizarre, pointless and dangerous.
- Odious Republican bullshit from a Utah carpetbagger. How would a geneticist explain production of this hypocritical fungus from the genes of a genuine old-time Republican good guy. Crack your checkbook you unprincipled whiner. Apparently, there's another Romney manse in Bloomfield Hills that's also a blight on its neighborhood. Damn liberals, Bloomfield Hills is just crawling with radicals.
- derwood, Set DVR for # ThursdayMay 20, 2010 # 2:00 am Breaking BadSkyler hatches a plan; Walt and Gus come to an understanding; Jesse pursues a new opportunity.
- Bobby Knight once held a gun to a parking attendant's head and fired the pistol. He got away with it. He's not Israel, but he's close. What in the world do the people that run that country think? Blow up Gaza and Lebanon for good measure with no good reason. Commit actual (legally) piracy? What the hell. We've got $4mil daily to attempt to obliterate Arabs from the Holy Land and if you don't believe us, just ask Jerry Falwell. I suppose I must be anti-semitic, even though the term itself is incredibly stupid, since all of those Palestinians are semites. Seems to me the Israeli government is rogue and more threatening to world peace than Iran, and US funding for invasions are more threatening and more of a threat than the homegtown movememts they generate. If you claim to be a player in world affairs, you really shoudn't use $4mil daily in US aid to practice a form of apartheid so extreme it denies hospital care to children. You really shouldn't get away with a Holocaust because you were victims of one decades ago. Exactly what's happening. And, that refuge of scoundrels? That's no longeer Patriotism. It's actually deciding there's no atrocity Israel can't commit and claiming that criticism of their anti-world behavior must be anti-Semitic. Bullshit, you morons. Palestinians are Semites too, and Hamas was an Israeli creation, but shit, best intentions. It's 1.5mil people denied hospitals and normal trade because Israeli government doesn't think they're actually human. It's apartheid for sure. Jimma was right about everything and Raygun was a whackjob Messiah that convinced normal people they were on the taxcut bus. What trickles down is piss'/ I know this isn't Nancy fare. But what the hell. Israel committed piracy and they're blaming it on the victims. Fairly simple, fairly obvios. I don't think Buchenwald provided license to act like Nazis. I defy anybody to contradict this. In the long run, it's a pogrom. I defy anybody to contradict that. The fact is that an actual government committed an act of piracy. When does arrogance become stupidity? The sticks and stones vs. the Uzis doesn't really work. Is Israel the permanent paranoid state? Is there a Teabagger around that wants to cut off that money in the interest of smallifying government? I thought not. Blowing up other countries with no reason, using exclusively US money to do it, committing murderous piracy on high seas and trying to blame it on the victims, rogue state. Dimaona? Axis of evil. Israeli government would nuke the US if it seemed politically pertinent.
- I once endured a 12-hour flight delay in the company of Julian Bond. Tensions were high after we sat on the apron doer about three hours before they brought us back to warm coke products bathed in the light of the hokiest neon excuses for creativity in the history of modern art. Maybe China Mieville could make that place up, but I'm thinking it would take a Screaming Blue Messiahs song by Bill Nelson to grasp the inherent absurdity. You're stills So anyway, this is a flight with 125 folks, mostly about my vague middle age. And nobody recognized Julian Bond but me? Seriously? He got unceremoniossly escorted off the floor of the Democratic National Convention, and somebody finally pointed out he was to young to be the Vice President. I'd been part of a committee that invited to speak at Holy Cross years earlier. He told a great joke. The press always wanted advance copies of his speeches. Thy wanted to be able to say he was a textual deviate. Fox eould run with that these days, and it would have a half-life that extended Plutonium. When you tell the truth, loonies will drag you d0wn. The thing I remembered from this IF YOU 5Y9NK S0ME MO0NO4ON 28N
- ENDURED. Juian Bond. Whqdy seriously ('m 230n
- Howard Fineman says that Sharon Angle makes Rand Paul look like Gerald Ford. That's fairly brilliant political commentary and no wasted words. This woman wants to protect our national bodily fluids from fluoride in drinking water. It's my idea that when a state elects somebody certifiable (like Rick Perry) they should be asked politely to leave the union. Did anybody notice that the NYT today had a picture of victorious Blanche Lincoln under a kicker that said "Anti-incumbent rage"? What a buncha maroons. Well, ya know, Arlen Specter. Meanwhile, here in South Carolina, the Democratic primary produced a seriously mentally challenged guy nobody ever heard of to run against the statewide embarrassment (we have so many) Sen. Demint. Dementos say they had nothing to do with it. Sure thing, and corporations are people. And do any of you have an opinion on the emergency action by the Roberts court regarding Arizona campaign funding. Sometimes it seems the Teabaggers are right but have no idea where the abuse is coming from.
- One of my favorite words, Brian. Unformed but intending to be something we are pretty sure we're not gonna like. It was a favorite word of HP Lovecraft, along with ichor. But it always makes me think what strange beast is slouching? Hypocrisy and custom make their minds The fanes of many a worship, now outworn. They dare not devise good for man's estate, And yet they know not that they do not dare. These people actually believe W cut their taxes and Obama is a Kenyan socialist.
- Listen y'all. We live in SC. Hilton Head, so we mostly live in denial, but still burdened with DeMint, and particularly cruelly, Joe Wilson. We vote on machines called Election Systems and Software iVotronics, that can apparently be manipulated by refrigerator magnets and Palm Treos. All the national reporting is claiming Senator Demento had no apparent motive for shenanigans. Not sure where this originates (yeah, right), but instate polling before Tuesday indicated that Vic Rawl was had moved to within 7% in a putative race against the incumbent. Greene is indigent according to the SC justice system, so somebody sure as hell gave him the $10grand. Despite Greene's apparent lack of resume, money, and minimal social skills, and his gross web-surfing predilections notwithstanding, I don't ever vote none of the above. If the ballot ends up Demint/Greene, my conscience would dictate tapping the Rain(coat)man.
- And now, NPR says the Spill is going to mean we have more tourists than usual this year. Embarrassing politicians and sunburned fat dangerous drivers. What's nest? Toads or locusts?
- Brian The open primary means that when you've shown ID and reservation, the poll worker asks which party's ballot you want to complete. You're escorted to the machine and the poll person inserts a cassette of some sort that loads the ballot. If I thought the GOP ballot had a space to vote "Anybody but those dickheads Demint and Wilson, I might have been tempted to risk the embarrassment of being seen voting for SC Republicans. Clearly, the possibilities for screwing with primary results in this system come in a variety of permutations.
- Sure Brian, But no GOPer was going to worry about it. Demint had nominal competition at best on the other side. Also, it took me about two minutes to find out that there was a seriously inordinate high number for Dem turnout. Last off-year election (2006), 140,000 or so Democratic Party ballots were cast. This year, about 200,000 (faced with the same Quixotic odds of actually winning). 30% increase seems eye-catching, and, considering we use Habro vorting machines with no paper receipt, nose-wrinkling.
- Next sentence: He sighed dejectedly and reached for the sprung-back first edition of Sisters.
- My homestate after Michigan slouches into the fray to ensure SC it's not the only idiot state. How many of y'all went to public universities and colleges. Remember the admissions process? If you'd no credentials to prove you weren't from Mexico, would you have been accepted. Y'all are pretty discerning in general, and very smart. I'd appreciate some opinions about the astoundingly xenophobic comments about this article if you haven't got anything better to do. Are these people simply unregenerate nationalists like Bill the Butcher or brainwashed and obtuse? I'd say these comments represent everything destructive of democratic social order by an inclination over anonymous internet to bulldoze civil discourse and logical consideration of informed comment, ignorance of facts, and unadulterated partisanship. Oh, and W's favorite, straw man fallacy. I don't know why I engaged these people over so many comments. I guess I always believe nobody can be that dumb and/or spiteful (and I don't invoke the virgule haphazardly), and I want to think human beings are part of creation becoming God (that's Teilhard, and I want to believe in that theology so much, I do.). (Doesn't the punctuation belong both inside and outside the parentheses depend on the parenthetical phrase itself, and it's connection to the sentence?) And far as y'all is concerned, how is that not part of standard English? More useful than most contractions by a mile. But as a very good, and very smart college friend of mine once said, with neither sarcasm nor any awareness of how funny it was, "Serianly, all pandonion is breaking loose." (He actually had a lithp, but I haven't seen him in years, and would really like to, and his sister was a close friend, so while I'll report his quasi-Spoonerisms I won't do that Mark Twain thang.) Isn't there a frightening no-nothingism inherent in American politics these days, to go along with the crass, self-aggrandizing obstructionism? I'm only running on like this because it's the weekend. If you look at the linked article, I'd like to know if I'm wrong about some $half-mil per annum political hack pushing a partisan agenda with no possibility of effecting anything but GOP obstructionism and race-baiting politics. Everything on Nancy Nall is polite, and everybody says what she wants to say.
- Look y'all. I know I'M some obscene liberal. I really xBut please listen to this horseshit These people are shameless. you don't care?
- Considering Rand Paul, and his heinous dad, anybody ever consider the intimate family connection with fucking Lester Maddox? I mean, Lester was a clown. But as far as civil rights were concerned, you can bet he thought the same things about civil rights as Rand. Pickrick Drumsticks. That's the face of the Republic Party these days. I worked in Ann Arbor in the day, Dexter. The line was a soul-killer. I chose sweeping floors. I had the job, union job, because my dad took care of Walter Reuther's grandkids. I knew Mr. Reuther. He was s fine old guy. Dexter, did that VW ever have unwanted acceleration problems? Great thing about VWs is you can fix just about anything yourself. We had a 70 something camper. Ridiculously cool and convenient. We used to put a canoe on top. I don't think bungees were an option at the time, so it all depended on the quality of my half hitches, no worries, Eagle Scout. Much fun driving the bus. We had the popup and hammock, but not the captains chairs they came out with later. Endless stories about the VW, but I wouldn't bore y'all. Road trips, like Mott opening for the Kinks, and buying Darkness on the Edge of Town at the local mall on the way back to the campground, and playing that sucker into the ground with Quebecois playing Funky Town and other disco drivel on either side.. Why did life have to get less enjoyable? Not really, but that sort of serendipity seems like a past that can't be caught up with. Might happen again, right?
- I could see where the insects could produce some high anxiety in a large part of the populate. southeast Georgia, small black flies with bright red thoraxes serve this dubious environmental purpose. They don't but they sure do swarm. What sets the "love bugs" apart, their raison d'être. the source of their relative insectoid immortality, is that you see that red thorax at both ends. Love Bugs do not fly solo into that Great Windshield in the Sky. They don't mate for life like swans, these flies copulate for life. Wonder if the Lake Ste. Claire carwash had anything to do with Rebecca DeMornay. What could this fellow's parents have been thinking? Did Tom Pynchon and Kingsley Amis collaborate on a book about namin' no babies? Was the book made into a film by Stanley Kubrick with the cast of Monty Python? Intriguing video about New York City. The chord changes and vocal in this song are Nick Drakish, which is a very good thing. Beck's ludicrous book: Thrillers often are marred by laughable prose, but few have stumbled along with language as silly as this one. When Gardner's son, Noah, meets patriot Molly Ross early in the novel, Beck writes: "Something about this woman defied a traditional chick-at-a-glance inventory." It gets worse: When Noah notices that a few strands of Molly's hair have fallen out of place, Beck tells us, "these liberated chestnut curls framed a handsome face made twice as radiant by the mysteries surely waiting just behind those light green eyes." Twice as radiant. Guess that's quantified in lumens, or would it be Watts? Incandescent or fluorescent?
- Re Mr. Haimerl. I went to UGA Grady School. Pretty damn good school. You know, Ralph McGill, Reg Murphy. I had a couple of professors that just knew better than to insist on excellence. They insisted absolutely on diligence and economy. We had copy writing at some ungodly hour in the morning (it was still dark), but the drill was the same every day. Prof would spin a story, wreck on the highway or family tragedy, sometimes something threatening civilization, we'd get a little time to ask 4+1 questions, and we'd be expected to bang out a cogent story in about 10 minutes. Copy would be ripped from our manual typewriters with about ten seconds to go. We got about half a minute to mark up our copy. Then we'd face review by peers. I'd say we were all generous to each other, and I'd say we were all generous, because we all understood this was difficult and we were all in the same boat. That guy was is Elliot Brack. He published a barely suburban Atlanta weekly, that was one of the first such that actually expanded to two or three times a week by focusing intensely on local news. Not floral club announcements, local news. Real newspaperman. His car was like Clint Eastwood's in True Crime. You know, Krystal wrappers and beer cans. But he knew exactly what he was talking about. He exposed us to a real newspaper world. We had to report facts. Surmise and opinion weren't acceptable options. I don't know how many of us became working reporters. I know everyone of us was well trained to do the job. These days, people think you can be a reporter by plagiarizing real reporters. You can actually pick and choos within reported stories to make any sort of asinine claim you want to on the web. So Nancy's story about Duncan Hailmert, that puts me in a nostalgic mood. What passes for reporting on the web is a combination of laziness, axes to grind, outright and abject theft of work product. I graduated from a great Jschool. I was taught not to jump conclusions, and to track everything down. If somebody finds those values on the net, other than maybe Juan Cole, I don't see it. Far as tonight's address, lot's of liberaller than thou rebranded progressives are claiming Obama should channel Jimma Ed. Right. He should be tough and call for energy austerity. But not too tough and not too much austerity. Here are two things to consider. He's supposed to create jobs but the idea of bumping Bush's real (counting the adventurism) deficit are supposed to make our knees weak like little weenies. And BP trashed the Gulf after meeting with Cheney, but, really, what's available is putting those assholes into receivership and just nationalizing their ass. How would any of this play with Brains like squeezed-out teabags. And Progressives thought it was a matter of a magic wand. Obama's in the most untenable place in the history of the American presidency, because of Rove politics and his own supporters' entirely endeserved self-righteousness.
- Kobe walks too. But only so you don;t notice. Mainly what he does is rvery dirty thing. He reaches in, and when he reaches in he's cheating on Jordan. Jordan's greatest moment, he cheated. He knows it. He pushed off,committed a cheat offensive foul. But Republicans buy shows too. Treme is good, but I'll take Raylan Givens. And the last episode, holy crap. Almost as good at making all of us face up to what we all need to to face up to. And there's Saving Grace. Mad Men, revolting turds. Grace, God knows. I don't actually care what happens to Don Draper. He's an unmitigated jerk. So is his wife. I have to know what happens to Grace. You see the difference. You can do the no irresponsible provide everybody in purgatory. What an immense load of crap. I want to know why Doc was always short of breath. Never mattered the scene, Matthew Fox was always short of breath. It seems to me, this is the single most overrated TV show that ever lived. Was the mystery even close to being as interesting as Jared and the bastards that stole his family, or who fucked over John Doe? Not close. Why do all these people think the totally dreary frackin' Gallactica was remotely good? Its only interest was whether or not it was liberal or Cheney. If it waas Cheney, I spit on this horse-shit. I only bring this up because y'all tend toward smart. Ever see The Proposition? It's violent. It's brilliant, in my estimation. There's good, I mean the best you could expect from human beings. It might not be what you expected. Damn good movie When Cheney had his meeting, he told these assholes they could ignore safety in drilling the gulf. Is their anybody so fucking stuoid they didn't connect Halliburton with this shit? Cheney fucked everything and bailed. He's a ccriminal.
- I've read it. More than once. I'd say to people that find it daunting, and I can't believe I just said something so pretentious, just dip in. Open it in the middle, because I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter. Nancy, you love the English language, and you're very good at slinging it. I'm pretty sure James Joyce was playing with language because he loved it. If you look at Ulysses as fun, with words and the weirdness of people's psyche's and dreams, it's a great summer read. Or you can slouch and read Yeats, the truest poet. These Irish guys like Ken Bruen, Patrick McCabe and the quintessentially superb Roddy Doyle seem to be pretty entertaining. Those are all James Joyces's children, although that wouldn't scan in Bob Seger lyrics. Maybe it's some secret ingredient in the only stout God approves of. Why do Brits co-opt their names and reputations, as they've attempted with James Joyce and Rory Gallegher ? Why do Brits insist Catherine Zeta-Jones is British when she's Welch? It's language. Not opposable thumbs. It's the Brit's last denial of loss of empire. They passed down exceptionalism at Yorktown, but the pernicious bastard exists in big and little pockets everywhere. It's the raison d'etre of movement neocons (and I employ the Freunch because, man they hate the Freunch). Do we actually speak and write English in this country? Nope. HL Mencken had this right. We speak American. If there's some sort of argument for American exceptionalism, which there isn't, since Americans stole a continent for God and produced Sex in the City II, it might be expansive vocabulary. Japanese people have besi-boru. France is so threatened by English incursions, they made it a cabinet post. It's the most wondrous language devised. I don't think it's been deployed more effectively than by WB Yeats in austere miniature, or by James Joyce on the HD big screen. We have bangers and mash, Mr. Guinness's brew and later in the day, if we make it that far, some Power Irish, that beats Jameson's all to hell. Happy Bloomsday, keedo. But shit, I think Gravity's Rainbow is a great book, not quite as good as V.
- Deborah, hey. You design carpets? I imagine this is a pretty expensive way to buy a rug, but I'm interested. I need something about 8x12 and light colors to go with pale yellow walls, and a celtic motif would be superb. No joke. We just had our condo renovated and need to refurnish. I hope I'm not being rude about this. The idea of a unique rug designed (is that the right word?) by an artist has struck my fancy. I'm serious about this. On another note: how many of you read One Hundred Years of Solitude? Ulysees is no more difficult or challenging. Try Autumn Comes for the Patriarch with no punctuation for about the first 28 pages. What the hell is difficult about Ulyss Unless some nitwit told you so?. You are all fans of English language deployed well, and you do your best, and it's mighty good. But, Ulyses, it's just not that difficult. Start in the middle and pretend it's ee cummings.
- The Ayn rand books are just too poorly written to waste time on. I read Atlas Shruugged, and it's drivel. The author was a psychobabble nutcase, and her political ideas were looney-tune. If that psycho idiot ever went Galt, she would have starved to death in a day or two. Isn't it relatively obvious that every individual depends upon every other? To my way of thinking it's the message of love, like Chrissie said. "looking at the stars." God becoming God. Yeah, nuts. But that's what I've really come to believe. And I believe in language and how it might be salvation, and maybe not. Maybe the best guitar solo ever played.
- LA, no, Wales is no more part of England than Ireland is. Scotland sure as hell isn't. I suppose you think Belfast is Britain. Julie, read the Wrinkle in Time. What's juvenile fiction, and does one of us at all want to abandon being juvenile? Want to be an authentic adult? I've been an adult a long time. Was an adult when I was a kid. But the books are good.
- I might be wrong about 100 Years. I suppose it's accessible. I always thought Autumn of the Patriarch was the better book. It's just that I think if you go along with Joyce, don't try too hard to get everything, and enjoy his delight in sound and language, well, it's a snap, and a riot, and true fun. And that kid novel bit, Bridge to Terabithia is pretty good. del Yeats was pretty much afraid of everything human unless he was writing poems about all of it. He was afraid of Maud Gonne, for instance (who had the map of Ireland all over her face). But "Cast a cold eye...", that is something to write that actually earns the term awesome. I love the poems because they're austere, but yearning. I like Auden, too, and Eliot, but those guys really meant that separation and approached misanthropy expressing themselves. When I was young, AE Housman, who tended to be lugubrious, was a favorite. Lots of very fine poets all at the same time (or so). How do y'all feel about them Rosettis? Sister was the better painter and better poet, I think. SHE SAT AND SANG by: Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) SHE sat and sang alway By the green margin of a stream, Watching the fishes leap and play Beneath the glad sunbeam. I sat and wept alway Beneath the moon's most shadowy beam, Watching the blossoms of the May Weep leaves into the stream. I wept for memory; She sang for hope that is so fair: My tears were swallowed by the sea; Her songs died in the air.
- LA MARY, Ron Raygun made shit up all the time. Reagan had to pick out a desk at the White House warehouse for the Oval Office, and he saw one he really liked. The man in charge told him the desk had belonged originally to Grover Cleveland. Gipper said "I played him in a movie once." Shortly before or after he marched in to liberate Auschwitch. What in the world does it say about America that it survived eight years with an Alzheimers (Oldtimers) president? I mean, it's a loaded question. In Republican, the word for tax cut is "Suckah!!!".
- Oh, and more 'juvenile' fiction, The Halloween Tree. I believe writing comes more naturally to Ray Bradbury than to Stephen King. And that's saying a lot. Hard work for most people.
- What I kinda mean about reading Ulysses. You don't actually have to get it. You keep plowing through and it all makes some kind of sense in the end. I'm pretty sure that's what James Joyce was doing in the first place. Did John Gardner know all of that shit about The Book of the Dead? Did he expect everybody that read The Sunlight Dialogues to understand all of it? These guys were writing jazz, and I'm pretty sure they were surprising themselves. Part of the enjoyment, part of the understanding, well, that's osmosis, and everybody's happier and better for it. Writing for Octopus Grigori. "all Pointsman will score, presently, is an octopus--yes a gigantic, horror-movie devilfish name of Grigori" 51; "an octopus is much too elaborate" 52; "they're brewing up something that involves a giant octopus" 112; "the inner room where octopus Grigori oozes sullenly in his tank" 113; "an octopus? Yes it is the biggest fucking octopus Slothrop has ever seen outside of the movies, Jackson," 186; "Shaking Slothrop waves the crab at the octopus" 187; "this octopus is not in good mental health" 187; "that was no "found" crab, Ace--no random octopus or girl, uh-uh" 188; "'I saved a dame from an octopus not so long ago, how about that?' 'With one difference,' sez Blodgett Waxwing. 'This really happened tonight. But that octopus didn't.'" 248; "From out of her body streams a flood now of different creatures, octopuses" 447; "Octopus Grigori in his tank, watching the Katje footage" 533; "Gerhardt von Göll, with his corporate octopus wrapping every last negotiable item in the Zone" 611
- MichaelG Absolutely correct. Clapton's not God, just good. On the other hand, Danny Gatton may have been better than anybody. Technical wizardry, speed, lyricism? I'd probably answer differently every time the question was posed. Jimmy Page through the Leslies in Fool in the Rain (or George on Let It Be). Brian May in the interlude before We Are the Champions. Jeff Beck for about two bars on Ole Man River. Jimi Hendrix and Steve Stills never played what could be called a break or a solo, I don't think. I suppose, neither did Keith Richard. It's just fun to talk about, and didn't you enjoy listening to that? And Yelberton Abraham Tittle was better than Joe Montana, but both pale in comparison to Francis Tarkenton.
- MichaelG I suppose there's only one person that's legitimately the best ever at what he did. Babe, Jackie Robinson, Keith Moon, WB Yeats, Frank Loyd Wright, Will Shakes, worthy candidates. The indisputably consummate performer is Bill Russell, and I won't dignify any claim otherwise by arguing.
- Dexter Contrarian, but I'd say Dex Romweber. Or Danny Gatton. Or Jimi. Or Steve Howe. Or Stills. Or Richard Thompson. Or Tal Farlow (who's better than Les Paul, by the way). Wes Montgomery. Mark Knopfler. Dave Davies and Peter Greene. Thank God for so many astounding guitar players. Life would be drab without them. Shoot, Pat Metheny, Rory Gallagher, Lightnin' Hopkins. How 'bout John Lee. No skills really, whatsoever. Pure balls and God's grace. That's why it's art. Bill Carter. Bill Nelson. Michael Been. Robbie.
- If the last thing you listened to was White Cliffs of Dover, you'd swear nobody was as good as Eric Johnson.
- Just listen to this massive guitar playing, and the prescient political message. And nobody ever heard of this guy unless they came acrossthis. There used to be political liberals. Then these people started to listen to George Lakoff and became more liberal than thou progressives. They convinced themselves they elected a President, and they assumed they owned him. And that he should magically produce what they think is perfect society. When there's no magic wand, these idiots decide to turn on the President because, if he didn't produce everything they wanted on Day One, he must be some sort of corporate shill. Morons. Sorry about the screed, but it's late and I don't suppose anybody's paying attention. The Barrack isn't what we expected meme is just so fucking annoying. These people thought you could fix eight years of Dickless by waving a magic wand. I suppose if Obama had proposed all new folks for MMS on January 21, 2009 Senator Kyl wouldn't have a personal hold on the appointments to this day.
- That Payack nitwit reminds of Roman Hruska making a fool of himself on behalf of G. Harold Carswell: Even if he were mediocre, there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren't they, and a little chance? We can't have all Brandeises, Frankfurters and Cardozos. Like internet twats that rely on the "thesaurus" card when somebody with whom they disagree displays a working vocabulary larger what you'd expect from monosyllabic 6th grader. Critics of the President, particularly died-in-the-wool free marketeers, insist simultaneously that he's not handling the spill forcefully enough and that he's shoving big government down the throat of poor, downtrodden BP--a bizarre combination of hypocrisy and schizophrenia.
- Barton worked for Knox Oil and Gas, um, I mean Atlantic Richfield, before he sullied the Congressional rolls. He's received $1.4mil in campaign contributions from the industry since 1989. And if "progressives" keep pouting about what the administration has failed to accomplish by magic instead of organizing and voting for the greater good, this maroon could end up chairman of the committee that's supposed to keep these avaricious bastards in check. I love both language versions of 99 Red Balloons, and she's one gorgeous woman to this day, but who knew Nena could see the future? The South Koreans seem to have been contaminated by L'il Ill Kim. (Actually I like the German better. Sweeter and less sarcastic than the English.)
- Oh, and Barton's crowning legislative achievement? That would be the Energy Policy Act (2005), codifying the dubious proposition that all of America's energy policy problems could be resolved by taxpayer funding of flat-out, no-strings subsides and tax cuts for the GD oil companies. His history seems to indicate quid pro quo representation of oil concerns, for cash, to the detriment of his constituents. Ya know, graft. He's a crook. Rand Paul wants literacy testing at the polls. Here's a suggestion, quick and dirty: Poll Watcher: Would you vote for Joe Barton? Teabagger: Hell yeah. Poll Watcher: No ballot for you. Come back one year.
- My goodness, you're an interesting bunch of folks. Smarter than normal. In general. Much nicer. Iggy, I like that that a lot, but that is not as good as MC5, not even close. And no way is either as good as SRC. I think you had to live there. Angel Song. Sustain, positively brilliant. Corporations aren't people unless you actually think Justice Birdshot is actually a person. What original intent says IBM is actually a person. These people that claim original intent, they're making shit up as they go along and they think IBM is more a citizen than I am because they have more cash. That's original intent Justice Scalia? In what universe? Because they have more cash? If you're a teabagger, with a conscience, shouldn't you find the judge heinous? But shit. They don't. They want to impose some idiot will over the Constitution. There's nothing to do with their whack ideology that actually has anything to do with the Constitution. They want to impose looney toons. These whackos have nothing to do with the Constitution. Shit, that's a canard.
- And morons in Korea think balloons mean war. Here I stand. Sitting pretty. In dust that was once a city. Ninety nine luftballooons go by. What is wrong with people? We can spend $2trillion on some rocket defense that could't work in a billion years and will cost $2rillion Reagan had alzhhimers, you idiots. He had no idea what he was talking about, anf middion defenxe is insane. So you knole, put that money toward job creation. You morons.
- Nancy, I'nm surprised you don't find Nena sort of inspiring. One woman cottage industry. Wrote one undeniably great song. One brilliant hit wonder. When it cut's into upbeat, it's great guitar and great synth. It's just superb, and you have this ridiculously gorgeous woman in a varsity jacket singing about how the end of the world was an idiotic error by some pro-war madman. And she doesn't blame the asshole. Just a dumb mistake. And she's sad, Andd she knows it's the end of the world, but she thinks about the red balloons. It's pretty difficult to imagine a more perfect song. In the German particularly. The English is somewhat more sarcastic, and not quite as sweet and just beautiful. And then South Koreans,in their monumental whackness, are sure L'il Jung Ill is screwing with them. Christ, they're as nuts as he is. He might be fucking around. Ain't gonna work. And these morons want to spend about $2 trillion on this star-wars stupidity And the Republican deficit warriors want to spend this idiotic wasted cash. Mske the assholes actually filibuster. It's gotten to this. Mske the aholes actually fiiibuster. Call their asses. Make their obstructionist asses actually vote. Let's get something done. This threatened crap is fucking nuts. The threat of of whackjob Senaators standing in the way of democracy is bullshit. If a majority of senators says something is supposed to happen, it's suppossed to hspprn. Thid 60 business is Republican horseshit. Make these morons actuza run aa filibuster. There is no way they can survive this, because they lie their asses off as a matter of course.
- UD High, in Detroit. We sent the paper out for printing and got back galleys to proof and paste up. It was extremely enjoyable work, a lot like carpentry, in my opinion. Our paper was printed on slick and looked a lot like skinny Time Magazine. Y'all frequently note the deaths of great people. Notable passing of a delightful humane being. My bad. There are nincompoops on there claiming to have heard and used the term in the 70s, but I'd swear that's bullshit, like movies set in the 60s with characters high-fiving. Anyway, what other pro athlete ever spent all his money on hospitals and got fined for brokering peace?
- Remember way back when there were conservatives with principles? Best description of the reptilian right I've ever read. Don't mean anything derogatory by reptilian, just that these folks are limbic, so-to-speak, but it's not alliterative. Oh, and every other country in the whole wide rest of the world requires redundant blind shear rams, because, holy shit, one might break. Before W, so did MMS.
- Deb, I've been reading most of the day, and the 'terror? torpor?' trope is the best thing I've come across. I probably won't have means of attribution whenI use that in the future. It's kind of like a definition of characters' reactions to really bad shit in Elmore Leonard novels. Well put.
- Wimbledon, y'all. vs. the World Cup. How many soccer players would have besmirched the game by taking a dive? Both guys rule. This was like The Old Man and the Sea. Reminded me of when John Roddick played two marathon matches in one day, fought through cramps time and again in 100F Athens, GA humid heat, and put away the national championship for UGA. But this was like doing that three days in a row. As we say, somewhat ineluctably to folks from other schools, "Damn good Dawg". Web is full of ignorant comment pining for the days of short pants and Davis Imperials, claiming Isner's got nothing but his serve. First place, his opponents serve was close to being as devastating. In the end, Nicolas Mahut hit great serves and Isner hit what amounted to right-left passing shots that were impossible to return. (He actually hit three in that last game, far as I'm concerned, like nobody wanted to make a close call at 69-68, but that ball was in at 15-love.) There were people on blogs saying both players sucked because they lacked a NASCAR Driver's will to win. Anyway, when it came to the end, I didn't get to see it, because tennis was moved to ESPNU, whatever that is, and both ESPN I and II were showing Italy barf chunks at the World Cup. I got a kick out of the well-intentioned Patrick Mc saying it wasn't exactly the level of play that made the match compelling. You might be fooled Pat. You never reached anything like that level except in doubles with your brother. He's sort of right. But what level of play would somebody expect from God after 11 hrs.? Far as I know, only one person that ever picked up a tennis implement after that sort of ordeal could hit those two shots past an opponent so valiant. Anyway, to my mind, the whole show made an open mockery of soccer players specializing in taking dives.
- Oh. That would be John Isner.
- Regarding Russ Feingold and any number of 'progressives', , and the financial rules contemplated by the Senate. Did these self-absorbed, self-congratulatory idealogues ever here of Voltaire? Who wasn't just smarter than they are, but a damn sight more revolutionary. The perfect is the enemy of the good. This same shit happenned about health care. Did Barack Obama candidate ever bring up the public option? Nope. This sort of Ralph Nader navel-gazing also ignores the beneficent effect of incrementalism in American politics, especially when the baby steps are actually huge. It's like there's some sort of Progressive purity test. Bullshit Senator, you seize your advance and declare victory, and you don't spavin or hamstring the horse you rode in on. In my opinion, Feingold's behavior is bizarre and self-serving, and it sure isn't anything like Paul Wellestone whose memory he mined like Don Blankenship. The idea that Obama should have been able to wave a wand? If people are this stupid, whatever. Maybe almost everybody is too dumb to be allowed to vote. If you tried, you could not screw over the US economy worse than W did. If you were a responsible chief executive, you would have included all those years in Iraq and Afghanistan in the budget. Nope. There's your deficit, along with deciding rich people should'nt pay taxes. Seriously, in the fce of facts, how's there an argument?
- Regarding Russ Feingold and any number of 'progressives', , and the financial rules contemplated by the Senate. Did these self-absorbed, self-congratulatory idealogues ever here of Voltaire? Who wasn't just smarter than they are, but a damn sight more revolutionary. The perfect is the enemy of the good. This same shit happenned about health care. Did Barack Obama candidate ever bring up the public option? Nope. This sort of Ralph Nader navel-gazing also ignores the beneficent effect of incrementalism in American politics, especially when the baby steps are actually huge. It's like there's some sort of Progressive purity test. Bullshit Senator, you seize your advance and declare victory, and you don't personalize this, you don't spavin or hamstring the horse you rode in on. In my opinion, Feingold's behavior is bizarre and self-serving, and it sure isn't anything like Paul Wellestone whose memory he mined like Don Blankenship. The idea that Obama should have been able to wave a wand? If people are this stupid, whatever, don't let them vote.. Maybe almost everybody is too dumb to be allowed to vote. If you tried, you could not screw over the US economy worse than W did. If you were a responsible chief executive, you would have included all those years in Iraq and Afghanistan in the budget. Nope. There's your deficit, along with deciding rich people should'nt pay taxes. Seriously, in the face of facts, how's there an argument? The deficit is the cost of the tax cuts for rich people and the two wars that didn't actually count until Obama recognized and institutionalized the cost. Are voters this stupid? Anybody that dumb should not be allowed to vote. You can float two invasions without a clue, and fund them outside the national budget, while cutting rich peoples' taxes to next to negligible, while trashing a $500bil surplus, and just leave it for the next guy when you've allowed banks to destroy the economy? How exactly was anybody supposed to clean up this mess? They actually figured out how, pretty much. So Republicans try to stymie job creation, blatantly, for cynical and disgusting political reasons. There is no job creation without federal spending. If you aren't some scumbag politician like Boehner, you know that's true. But, hell, you don't care because denying jobs spending and federal support for job seekers is not in your political interest. Even if you have to strangle funding to troops in Afghanistan. Take a look. Republicans are shameless and they don't actually care about funding the troops. They sure as shit don't care about Americans that want to work that are struggling struggling to get by. How does a Teabagger justify this behavior? How does an actual patriotic American? How does a religious person, Christian, Muslim, whatever, justify abandoning people in need? I know Christianity doesn't countenance abandoning people in need. You know, if his teachings make Jesus unAmerican, I'm on the side of the least of my brothers. Jesus kind of transcends politics. He said we should treat every other person the way we'd wish to be treated. Which part of that is dificullt to understand? Not really what he meant. What I think, there's something bigger going on. Maybe I'm wrong and it's all just a smackdown. OK. But you don't know. It behooves you to treat your fellow man well. And why not? If its all some sort of joke, why not be decent to your fellow dupes? No shots fired. But if I'm right? Theillhards right about everything. I know that sounds glib, but it's what I believe. Greedy Republican politicians think people that lose their unemployment should still vote for Republicans. How in the world do they figure? These people are assholes.
- Look y'all. I just think that holier than thou crap from so-called progressives is incredibly obnooxious. My mom and dad were plain old fashioned liberals. These holier-than-thou types, STFU. There is no reason to consider. If you are too stupid to understand Voltaire, you are probably taking on a level of intellectual activity you really aren't suited for.
- Look you dumbnasses. Government spending puts people to work. That is a fact. It's difficult to understand how you are so fucking dumn. Way to go you godamn idiot. You're a moron, and a true idiot.
- Mr. Kurtz. He dead. And Russ Feingold believes he self-aggrandizes by insisting on perfect instead of very good. He really doesn't do anybody any favors, and he gets more like that really creepy omphtaloptous solipcist Ralph Nader all the time. Who cares what this bastard thinks is a perfect world when actual progress can be made? He only cares about the potential perfect world for how it shines on him. Because, you know, he knows he's perfect and nobody else is. And that's American 'Progressivism" as opposed to good old fashioned being a liberal. You know, they got this crap from George Lakoff. Rebranding and holier than thou. That's a fairly finite opinion. It's also quite obvious that deficit witch hunts when people don't have jobs is Ayn Rand bullcrap. Government should be spending bigtime and putting people to work. W didn't just decide rich people shouldn't pay taxes, he decided to invade two countries without including the cost of the invasions in the national budget. Quelle horeur when an adult realized somebody had better count those costs. Tada. There's your deficit. How difficult is that to understand? Although it's still a little hard to understand how the pointy-headed little asshole gave away the surplus to rich people immediately upon being appointed by Scalia and Cheney. I may seem obtuse at times, but this is all straightforward. The invasions were done off the books. Obama included them in the budget like a responsible adult. What part of that Republican irresponsibility and hypocrisy is difficult to understand? Seriously, if that subterfuge took you in, you are too stupid to be allowed to vote.
- Mitch McConnell (R, Massey) actually stood up in the Senate and said: The principle they're defending here is not some program. The principle Democrats are defending is that they will not pass a bill unless it adds to the debt. I mean, Mitch is an ahole of the first order, but seriously. If a guy says this, and somebody votes for him, shouldn't that voter be denied a chance to serially offend? It's not the refusal to understand that when Obama actually put W's invasions, wars and occupations on the books, it's Democrats acting like adults. It's not how mind-bendingly obtuse it is insisting that letting rich people not pay more then pocket change in taxes while receiving all the benefits of being a regular citizen taxpayer actually promotes job growth and increases public revenue. It's not that McConnell's statement is so crass, so callous, so utterly despicable and manipulative. Thing is, it's just an incredibly over-the-top piece of partisan horseshit. No joke, anybody that would vote for this guy, well, is basically too dumb to vote, and paradoxically, deserves the government and the shabby treatment she gets. The rest of us don't.
- cruelly misshapen piece of head-cheese Fred Hiatt is an unmitigated (fill in the blank). But head cheese? That's just cruel. How about scrapple? Anyway, I'd piss on Drudge's shoes if I ever ran into the pisant Ananias. This schmuck needs a beating, badly. Remember when Prince Charles wanted to be reincarnated? Tucker Carlson was genetically predisposed and born a tampon in his current life (and he'd be ensconced in Ann Coulter if she had a vagina instead of an Adam's apple). With a bow. SUSPICION CONFIRMED. Whatever the hell, though, it's difficult to believe anybody that can tie shoes and/or breathe thinks Drudge is a journalist. Guy's got an obtuse, sociopathic compulsion to turn cut and paste into flat lying his ass off and just making shit up. If you think too much about the idea that people read Matt Sludge and believe they're well-informed, you might never leave the house. Here's a piquant comment on this subject. As for Weigel himself, what in the world was he thinking in the first place? Why associate with people you find repulsive and dishonest? There’s also the fact that neither the pundits, nor possibly the Republicans, will be punished for their crazy outbursts of racism. Newt Gingrich is an amoral blowhard who resigned in disgrace, and Pat Buchanan is an anti-Semite who was drummed out of the movement by William F. Buckley. Both are now polluting my inbox and TV with their bellowing and minority-bashing. They’re never going to go away or be deprived of their soapboxes.
- Jeffrey can't even possibly be the the biggest D-bag Goldberg, because Jonah is. What I don't get in this hilarious situation is why WaPo fired Weigel. Seriously, is there something in their corporate structure that institutes the Conservatives Czar? Does Matt Drudge have some first right of disapproval? Why don't they just hire one of the Goldbergs, or steal David Brooks from NYT, if they're squeamish. Hell, William "Bill" Kristol. A paper of record firing a reporter because Republican assholes get annoyed because he thinks they're Republican assholes might be the strangest aspect of this circus. This reminds me of the endless he said/she said about MSNBC and Fox. It's not about points of view. One of those outlets doesn't make shit up.
- You could just as easily say Americans hate rock 'n' roll, Nancy. They buy Lady Gaga, Glee, Justin Bieber, and that jiggly Brit lady with the bad makeover. And while French jazz fans deify Miles Davis (cooler-than-thou, solipsistic, smoked Disque Bleus), they don't seem particularly knowledgeable about jazz players that dwarf him. There are a sizable number of American jazz fans, moi aussi, that return often to Giant Steps and A Love Supreme, or to the whack space jams of Sun Ra or brilliant melodicism of Yusef Lateef. Every great tenor player is an American, after all. Most of us like REM, Metallica and Peter Tosh, too. MC5 (greatest Detroit band ever), particularly Wayne Kramer and Sonic Smith, were saturated and steeped in Coltrane, and played Arkestra compositions whole, and live versions of Black to Comm contained wild improvisations with two guitars, drums and bass playing as many different time signatures as the Brubeck Quartet on Rondo a la Turk (which Keith Emerson and the Nice actually stole). There are plenty of things Fronch people love and I detest, but neither jazz nor escargot are included. I find it interesting nobody ever sees Sarkozy and Putin in the same place simultaneously, and alleged Gallic rock music is execrable. The most lionized French novelist of the moment is Michel Houellebecq, a bizarre navel-gazer who writes hilariously bad sadist-porn based on his own life, or a life he wishes he had. The country last produced great novelists 100 and more years ago. France screwed up Viet Nam before the US did, at practically the same time as their spectacular FUBAR in Algeria. I guess W was trying to even the score. Dumbasses have a Minister of culture whose primary job is to keep le mots Americaine from befouling their glorious language. 600thou Amerenglish words to 40thou--Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ? Tu as un grenouille dans la gorge ? Mostly it's attitude that rankles. I've been to Paris and the palpable, unwarranted superiority exuded by both Eurotrash hipster ravers and old-time DeGaulle partisans with those obnoxious long pipes, sitting in grimy cafes, on rues en merde, well, that's obnoxious. Pompous-assism aside, American jingoism directed at France, particularly the surrender bidness, well read a history book, George Washington. Anyway, for every arrogant French bastard from Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel to superficial phony Bernard-Henri Levy, there's a corresponding George Will or Krauthammer. Hell, the US made that drawling neurasthenic, born again war-mongering snot Christoper Hitchens a citizen. (I sort of don't like the guy.) I do love my Bodum, all-recycled plastic French press. And I love it that the French Disease and the English Disease are both syphillis. (My French is rudimentary, so forgive my errors. It just seems kinda, you know, simple.)
- "Fries" is not a generic term. If they're really good fries, putting anything but salt on them is what WB Yeats would call Philistinism.If the fries are from BK, bring your own ketchup or homemade mayo, but the mayo better have some garlic, or chipotles, or some imported chile powder. If they're from some other fast food place, starvation is imminent, earth is under siege, and you absolutely must eat them, slather those suckers with anything available to make them edible. You'll need you're strength. Denigrating ketchup is moronic. Back in '04, Swiftboat types tried to dump on John Kerry (you know, the candidate that commanded a boat in the riverine, fought and took bullets to save friends and crewmembers from certain painful death, you know, John Kerry; while his opponent got the "guarding Tejas from Mexico" gig and couldn't show up for duty in Texas or 'Bama because he had previous commitments to coke) because his wife's company had production plants in India? People really like ketchup in India. I've lived to be 59 last Thursday preferring ketchup to mustard on hot dogs. I decided on this when I was about eight. About the same time I knew for a fact that Cervantes beat Walter Scott all to hell, and Wilt could score 100 and never live in the same rarefied air as Bill Russell. I'll eat a hotdog with Gulden's at Fenway, and enjoy it immensely because I've got a Gansett, a dog, and a preternaturally gorgeous stadium in front of me, and a perfect sport. You don't have to be a good hitter to be a good baseball player, and you don't have to know Wordsworth or AE Housman to understand sports mimics war,is forever it's superior because nobody dies, and that war corrupts sporting competition while it destroys its Participants and their treasuries. In sports, there is always room to come back and play again tomorrow. War? Good luck. Anybody following Nancy that thinks war is better than a slamdown? Y'all seem to think being talented at at a sport means some sort of moron. Wh0's on the other end You've got Auden. Idealogue and brilliant formal poet. Auden criticized Housman as somebody that 'Kept tears like dirty postcards in a drawer'. Yeah? I suppose he meant his compatriot wasn't tough enough. Pardon me if I've misinterpreted Donnish Brit poets gay society back then, But seriously, or Syrianlly as a friend of mine that thought he could beat me at Scrabble once said minutes before he projectile vomited several Coney's in his dorm room once said. Hibachis and gas grills aside. First, you have to grill or broil them yourself. Second, good dogs, like Sabrett's or Nathan's or Hebrew National, they're good with nothing if broiled in your oven or grilled, can be adorned with whatever suits your preference. We belive in loading those suckers up with everything available and washing them down with Yuenglings, which might not be better than Sam, but it's a personal preference.
- Jeff, I'll be gotdammed. There is so much at play. Read Panama by somebody in the 20th Century that has a clue. Thomas McGuane.
- Thanks, Brian. I don't feel old. And I'd say somebody with your sensibilities ought to go to Fenway or Dodger Stadium for the love of the grass and grown men playing a kid's game exceptionally well. It's a knockout. You'd like it. My brother was a consummate athlete, sprinter, diver, DBack, running back, and, I was good at all of those, but not as good. But he was a rightfielder and I played center. Baseball's got five talents and almost nobody has all of them. I could catch anything, and wing the ball back to the infield. Couldn't hit for dick. To this day, we don't agree on much, and politics the least of the tinderboxes available to us. He has John Bonham, and I'll swear Keith moon kicks his ass. (Even when I know both guys are incomparable.) For my money these last two decades, Georgia Hubley is better than everybody else, including Charley Watts, who will still be great when he's 98 or so. But Syrianly, y'all don't know who Georgia Hubley is, and you never heard of Alan Dawson. My brother insists Wilt was better than Bill Russell, because he thought so when we were little, and he's got to be smart enough now to know that's ridiculous. He will not give in. We used to play cutthroat whiffleball games, batting and pitching lefty and righty, with the previous day's Dodgers and Yankees boxscore lineups. We actually wrote down scoring sheets and kept them in a notebook. Competition knows no bounds. I was in riots at Grant Park in 1968, and in Ann Arbor in the same year I was nearly trampled by mounted police. I've certainly felt my life threatened by police, at times in more personal and way more threatening situations. I wouldn't trust a cop if I was related to him. I've had run-ins with cops in scarier situations and felt glad to emerge alive. One time on Comm Ave. (Boston, right), I was holding up my brother while he puked in some hedges. I nudged those cops until they were annoyed enough with me to leave Chris alone. Spent the night in the Charles Street Jail when these old farts that arrested me were better acquainted with Jim Beam than I was.
- Dex, Wilt was awesome. He just was incapable of matching Russ, in any fashion, on the court . In anything but sexual partners penetrated, apparently. But championships? Hell, some poseur that reaches in, fouls the crap out of everybody and gets away with it, and walks with the ball at will can act like a little girl and kiss the trophy with fake tears running down his cheeks. OMG, that's Jordan. And he knew for a fact he fouled the crap out of Byron Russell and would never have got the shot off otherwise. Jordan thinks this all funny. Michael Jordan cheated, and he knows it. If you ever competed in anything, you'd find this repulsive. Larry, Magic and J beat people on the straight-up. Jordan is not in their league by any stretch of David Stern's imagination. And if that dumbass thinks Michael saved his ass, there was no league without Doc, Magic and Larry. They didn't need their own rules. Just played hoops. But Republicans buy shoes too. Taking extreme assholism to another level. I've got to believe he's got Hitchens on speed-dial. Two people so convinced they're the center of the universe must be talking. I know y'all don't care about sports. Michael Jordan is like Darryl Issa, but apparently never stole a car or burned a building for profit. He just cheats like a mofo and benefits from it. There ya go. Knew they had something in common. Sarah-kind of people. Mendacity-plutocracy. Drill, baby. Drill.
- No one to bat ideas around with? Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You're gloriously unfettered and free to be a mom and express yourself, and to do whatever you Goddamn please. You've got all sorts of suggestions and informed argument every time you open this site. Smart people, sensible, well-informed people that actually know how to write cogently in English think you're more than clever. We talk to each other at a place you created. Whatever. As far as Tucker is concerned, he's not really the bowtie, he's the tampon up what passes for Ann Coulter's alleged vagina since the surgery Did they build her a clit? Here's exactly why the Pres popularity polls are an absolute joke. Facing a whack nation, a spavined economy and a large and loud nutcase right wing sound machine, the President gets backbiting from absolutist idiots on the more-progressive-than-thou-liberals Naderite Onanist solipsist jackasses that should be on his side. News institutions like WaPo report approval ratings. They are apparently either obtuse or too busy to report that huge numbers of people that don't support health care and banking reform are Spock baby's kids that believe in all or nothing, and are too stupid to realize perfect isn't the enemy of pretty damn good and much improved over yesterday. Is this situation difficult to understand. I mean, it's one thing when people think you're a tool and another when they're pissed off you didn't use the magic wand you never claimed to have. Look at what's been accomplished. People reviled and despised W. Feeling like you didn't get everything you thought your tantrum warranted? That's between you and your Doc, Baby Huey. On another front, Supreme Court alters several hundred years of grammar, makes commas irrelevant. How can you be a strict constructionist if you can't read English? Could everybody put a fork in Matt Drudge? Does he report news? Has he an iota of intelligence? What does it say about humankind that anybody at all pays attention to a word this moron says? I mean, no joke. Drudge is dumber than box-a-hammers, he's never, I repeat, never actually reported anything. He's a phony little sick twat that tries to cause trouble.
- Jeff Sessions is a peculiar case. He wanted more than anything to be a judge. He was found wanting, because he's basically a grimy weasel. Now, he gropes around in the darkness and blames everybody else for his failings. If Citizens United wasn't made up partisan bullshit, bulls never actually shat. The deal is, these guys tell outrageous lies with straight faces, and idiots, including so-called reporters, eat it up like it's Nutella on Challa.
- rap-Celtic throwdown That would be Black 47. Great band. Brits fucked us over, but we party on as long as the Powers and Guinness hold out. I thought Boner was the Senator for Oompah-Loompahs. The deal is, not one of those Republicans has told the truth about one thing in the last year and a half. Seriously, name a single incident where any of the scurrilous rats said anything remotely true. This might sound like a joke, but let's hear about an instance of a single one of these bastards talking about public policy and saying anything that even crept up on the truth from behind. And people buy this shit and swallow it whole, like the Swiftboat brought it by.
- Linda, I see your point. But what I mean is, everything that comes out of their pieholes is an outright lie. They seem to be pathologically incapable of even attempting to say something true. It's almost strange. Except, you know, they are Republicans. But when was the last time any of them raised a policy objection based on a fact? I don't think anybody can answer that question without talking about when the black democrat got elected. I'm open to suggestion. When was the last time a Republican in a Federal office actually told the truth in public?
- Why do women wear makeup at all? Jeff Sessions wanted to be a judge. He wanted to be a judge so badly he could taste it. He couldn't be a judge because when you get right down to it, he is a 19th century racist. Back in 1985, Sessions was a prosecutor, and he went off on three voter registration activists over 14 votes he claimed were fraudulent. That's 14 votes. Later, apparently, he thought hijacking the Florida recount and anointing a pointy-headed nitwit was consistent with Original Intent. Sessions is Lester Maddox weithout the sense of humor. The way Senate SC hearings work, the parties seem to pick a pointman. What the hell are GOPers thinking settling on this bitter old fuck? And voter fraud? Gross Oil Polluters can beat this dead horse all they want. It simply does not exist. They say a few phony registrations by canvassers paid hourly by Acorn. I say, Acorn weeded out every one of them and self-reported. In the last ten years, there have been fewer than 20 cases of voter fraud prosecuted successfully. Voter fraud is actually less likely to occur than lightning striking a person other than Lee Trevino. In the general context of Session's public career, it's not hard to get to what's really behind Republican weird obsession with voter fraud and their heebie-jeebies about the census. They do not want black folks voting if they can do anything about it. I mean, can you say screwing with polling spots in Volusia County? These aholes do not believe in anything resembling democratic ideals. And they deploy moron thugs like Sessions (kinda funny, actually, because this little wuss takes genteel to dainty). Of course, the other prong for the GOP was to make out that Thurgood Marshall was an activist judge. Seriously? About what? Jim Crow? You wanna go that way? And Roberts and Scalia and Clarence Thomas haven't ignored Original Intent on the subject of guns, and they didn't appoint a fucking unmitigated and undeniable draft dodger President? Seriously, you morons, that conditional introductory phrase regarding the militia, they didn't really mean that part? And stopping the Florida recount is assuredly the most despicable POS judicial behavior in American history, and it was absolutely, purely partisan. Their supporters get slugged in the gut same as the rest of us. How do Republican tax and spenders on unfunded invasions and occupations convince their cannon fodder they're in a big tent? One of life's great mysteries. Like how Scalia and Roberts aren't activists. Or how anybody smart enough to breathe actually buys any of this shit.
- I used to sub teach. I loved it. I could pretty much do anything I felt like, but I was always true to lesson plans if they didn't involve worksheets and wordfinds. I had a reputation with the school administrators for taking classes that normally ate subs alive and not needing help. There are poor excuses for public school teachers, but there are very few of them. Teacher pay is something people can actually live with, if they love the job, but I bet there are places you make more trying to get lattes right. On the other hand, it's a difficult and crucial job, and should be paid three, four, five times as much. Americans always bring up athletes and entertainers. How 'bout them CEOs? They get fired and paid multiple $millions for running companies into the ground, and these days, get to run for office in California. Is there a teacher in the US that writes lesson plans and goes to work everyday that doesn't deserve more cash than Meg Whitman? No. She's one of those austerity folks that doesn't think laying off teachers matters. I imagine she went to some Prep School that specializes in producing twats that can fail at running companies and extract $millions when they get fired. And leave it to private schools to raise racist sexist pigs. I'm pretty sure Meg Whitman would like to help Grover put public education in a small enough bag they could drown it. Then we'd have Griff and Will endlessly trashing companies and taking the parachutes and the zero-sum tax breaks, just like mom and their classmates at Cholmondely Prep. It's not a stretch to see that the modern Gross Oleageanous Plutos rely on stupidity from their base. These people pay for the rich people tax cuts and believe beyond comprehension that their own taxes have been cut. Don't they needed a continuing supply of morons to perpetuate this scam. Oh, I know. Fuck up public schools.
- Oh. And have any of y'all read a David Foster Wallace novel? I've read the first and the Great One. I liked them, but I don't get it. He's not good like Wallace Stegner, because Tom McGuane nailed that down and added an uproarious sense of humor to the letterperfect dustbowl Woody prose. OK. He sure as shit can't touch TC Boyle for gotcha plots and teeming vocabulary. Or Tom Robbins for being flatout hilarious and outrageous. Or Peter Matthiesson's perfect style and certitude. Seems like he's trying for Thomas Pynchon, but he falls short of Benny Profane, much less the Khyrgyz Lights. Gabriel Garcia Marquez isn't a comparison to consider. That's one-off incomparable genius like Tolkien and CS Lewis, Tom McGuane got more done in 250 pp. at a time. Panama for instance, as did Kurt Vonnegut. The latter may have nailed the political 20th and 21st Century state of politics in The Euphio Effect and Harrison Bergeron than anybody that wrote anything else over the last five of six decades, and not only was he succinct, he undertood that in the long run, love may fail, but courtesy will prevail. So David Foster Wallace, maybe shoulda been just Dave, is a good and very entertaining writer that killed hisself. Why does he have acolytes? Did a fine writer succumb to some idea of producing an ultimate novel. Fool's errand. My opinion, that would be V, but every single reader has a different opinion, and I'm just starting 2666, and The Savage Detectives is ridiculously good. Too bad he never got to try a book as an actual adult. It would have been exceptional.
- I'd imagine Beauregard Sessions goes to a whites-only men's club for Christmas. Those are people he's attracted to, and it hasn't dawned on Jeff that the Savior believed in fair distribution of wealth and rights guaranteed for human beings.
- Disappointed you, Nancy? Ninety-two in the Shade is about as good as anybody can write. I also think the whole bat-tower and Blappeople coleslaw bidness in Bushwhacked Piano is something I'd be proud to have made up. Nobody's Angel is better than the Coens, and they should make it into a movie, but they're years late because that's a Jeff Bridges part, and who'd play it now? I'd say Tom McGuane might be America's version of Martin Amis, and it makes me happy to be Murrican. Both guys, their mediocre books are mighty damn better than whatever sells well. McGuane's not a flaming asshole friend of Hitchens, and he's the absolute opposite if anything anybody could call effete. He might smoke cigarettes, but if he does, he rolls 'em, not buy's Gauloises at the shop. You see, I like books by both these guys. But, I'm an American jock. We're supposed to be dense. We placed out of every English but choosing Joyce and Yeats. We wrote brilliant papers about both guys, because we love them both. Dumb jocks. You never know. I don't think McGuane actually tries anymore, but this sumbitch wrote more good books in a short time than anybody but Walter Mosely and James Lee Burke. If the guy just decided he likes to fish and ride horses, he's already written a bunch of spectacularly good books. What would you say? Richard Brautigan? Jesus, I think not. Whaddaya think Nancy? Dashiell Hammet or Raymond Chandler? To me this is obvious. And I think you have the finest blog on the net. And you write beautifully, and with attitude, skill and taste. But if you answer that question incorrectly, well that would be like my brother taking Wilt over Russ. One of those guys cranked procedurals. The other had existentialism more perfectly than and poseur. Bonus Question: What's the best book by Don DeLillo? That would be Great Jones Street. Far and away. Jim Harrison? That's Oprah-ready. He's like that White Dog Terry Mitch Albom clone. These are atrocious writers. No joke. If you're talking about detectives, if you don't mean Walter Moseley, no clue. Seriously, Nancy, what detective you like? Don't tell me it's Bogey. I think people can write bonafide lit in socalled genres. I'd say that Perdido Street Station, by China Mieville, is a very fine novel. There actually weren't any supergroups cooz. I mean. who?
- How about Lawrence Norfolk, AS Byatt, and Susanna Clarke? Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell is spectacular, and Lemprierre's Dictionary is even better. Peter Carey? Richard Powers? Steve Erickson? Ishmael Reed? Holy crap, Mark Helprin. If somebody's written something better than Refiner's Fire in the last 30 years, I missed it. OK, Jim Harrison isn't completely hokey. But teetering on the Terry Kay cutesy line. No joke, y'all, Read The Sporting Club and The Bushwhacked Piano. Pretty close to perfect novels.
- God, I feel terrible. I called Hitchens something like a "neurasthenic creep" on this very site a couple of days ago. His politics and support of the Iraq invasion aren't so much insupportable as they're inexplicable. He's always seemed too smart and cagy to be taken in by something as exceptionally crass as WBush hucksterism. The whole business of his deciding to buddy up with Paul Comblicker was a shock to me. Did y'all know that the PNAC didn't even consider asking W to sign on? I think he would have embarrassed them. Jeb yeah, W not a chance. I despise Hitchens' political anti-awakening but he's a wonderfully cool and entertaining writer, even that bullcrap harping on religion, where his arguments are sadly lame. Esophogeal cancer is grotesque. Bob, what in the world is a 'swanky' axe. It's a tool. I admit to owning a 24 oz. Estwing ripclaw hammer, and I can drive a 16d nail in two whacks with that sucker, but 'swanky'? I believe Estwing makes axes too.
- Axes for dilettantes that require accessories like manpurse axe-cases and slings? Fuck me. What purpose do they serve that a saw doesn't. Now, a maul, that's a serious tool if you're splitting logwood. Now, that's an axe. Anybody that decides to call herself an artisan? Sorry, have you got an autographed Gimli model? Rana understands tools and why we love them. They would usually end up with blood on them at some point if they're used properly. Y'all are truly hilarious and frighteningly obsessive on the subject of chocolate. If there aren't caramel and nuts inside the chocolate and Snickers on the wrapper, I don't get it. I use chocolate for mole, and I swear by Colorado Spice ground ancho and Abuelita Marquita. It's from Nestle, which makes me cringe with embarrassment, but it dissolves easily in a little Dos Equis. Beards? Have done. Shaving is annoying, but if you only shave downward and you look for a couple of hours of clean-shavenness, doesn't even take two minutes. Mine comes in red, and my hair's blonde. But really, enough about guys. How 'bout them lady beards? My brother Mark was on the wrestling team at Detroit Country Day with Robin Williams. He's funnier than Colbert. Robin Williams, that is, though I'm pretty sure my brother's a lot funnier than Steve. An interview might be a possibility.
- Damn Nancy. I could swear a few days ago you expressed displeasure with the word "artisanal" as a product descriptor. I understand it's a real word with a valid definition and a spot in the OED. But good grief, they put it on Kraft cheese (yech) and manufactured white bread. It is not long before somebody starts selling "artisanal" Gameboys I read True North and liked it pretty much OK. But really, this guy isn't even Edgerton-quality. He actually said "I've never felt influenced by Ernest Hemingway though I suppose there is something inevitable there." No way I can conceive of. And why make some cloying connection between yourself and a the single most overrated writer that ever banged a Smith-Corona and think you're aggrandizing your work? Really run of the mill. Oprah-ready. Comfy, no thinking required.
- On the other hand, when he was asked about his career, Thomas Pynchon said "Hey, over here! Have your picture taken with a reclusive author! Today only, we'll throw in a free autograph! But wait, there's more!"
- Mitch McConell and the GOP. At their best. Is there room for argument about this? Republicans, nutshell. Some of them are racists, but mostly it's about greedy bastards who aren't making the same scratch as the out of power party. GOPlutocrats are aiming to crash the American economy for selfish aims. Rush said a year ago they were going to do this, and it's painfully clear they don't give a shit who get's hurt. But how in the world does anybody, Teabagger or no, put up with this sort of shit? UnAmerican? Absolutely. Traitors? Certainly, but probably not prosecutable. Scumbags? Worst possible sort.
- Jason T says he can't imagine a young Margaret Chase Smith posting photos of herself in a low-cut Little Bo Peep costume, and I have to agree. But, c'mon, give him a break--Rudy Giuliani's just a gal that likes to have a good time.
- Was there ever a finer song ever written? I know y'all all have a candidate. But you have to admit this is gorgeous. So Pete Quaiffe died, and he was a terrific bass player and tried to keep Ray and Dave from knifing each other. Played incredibly inventive bass lines. The difference between the Kinks and the Beatles and the Stones. Kinks never resorted to filler. Ray and Dave meant every single song. And every one was excellent. Is Mr. Kite as good a song as Death of a Clown? In what universe?
- Didn't there used to be a ridiculous numgbe of great female rock singers that didn't require autotune? All those Brits like Annie Haslam, and the exquisite Irish Maddy Prior? So why does anybody listen to some poseur like Lady Gaga? Could Madonna sing as well as Cyndi Lauper? Could she write a song as good as Time After Time Nope. Not in a million years. So female singers? Maria Mckee, Grace Potter, Exene, Bonnie Raitt. Anne Wilson. Chryssie Hynde, Joni Mitchell, who do y'all think is a wonderful female rock singer? Only six or seven of them match Plant. Chryssie Hynde is sui generis. Her voice is incomparable, and she's tougher than bikers. In fact, she'd tak their names and crush their balls. For a long time, I didn't think female singers were worthy of rock. What a dumbass. Those names I just mentioned, well. Polly fucking harvey. The incredibly gorgeous Aimee Mann. You can't sing any better than that. Unless you're Grace Potter. You can't sing better than that. She is so good it's a joke. Whatever anybody says.
- Cooz. The Kinks are Ray and Dave, and Pete Quaiffe and Mick Avory. They were so good it was ridiculous. There's actually no such thing as a better band. Somebody ever make a song as good as You Really Got Me? As we say in North Georgia. Not Hardly. Listen to the bass introducing Waterloo. Inrecidbly beautiful.
- Dexter, I think this is the crescendo ending John and Paul might have been borrowing. "On the dew-soaked hedge creeps a crawly caterpillar." Damn. And this was actually the song Pete Quaife liked best. This is a favorite of mine, because the guitar solo is stunning and sublime. It put's Dave in Peter Green territory. (And who are those Fleetwood Mac poseurs that made all that cash?) You know, when Fleetwood Mac was a great band. Anyway, the horns are off the charts. (Pun intended.) The backup singing and sha-la-las are perfect Beach Boys sans that consummate transcendental asshole Mike Love. This is another personal favorite, and you really should click on this one if you like the Kinks. Ray is Ray at his best and so is Dave. Instead of that revolting, maudlin James Stewart movie every Christmas. Infinite Joke. And of course, Ray had a kid with Chrissie Hynde and she dumped him for the empty haircut in Simple Minds. What was she thinking? This is another personal favorite, and you really should click on this one if you like the Kinks. Ray is Ray at his best and so is Dave. And this is so wonderful there's practically no way to describe it. And, please click this one. It is worthwhile. I think Ray Davies is the best songwriter since George and Ira. I think Dave "Death of a Clown" Davies is right up there. One of my brothers rhinks they're the best, and if you listen to Muswell Hillbillies, it's hard to disagree. I think it's actually better than Village Green. One way or another, the Davies boys are fairly easily as good as the Beatles, maybe better, but most people aren't ever going to say so. Rolling Stones are another matter. Their best songs aren't the ones that made them famous. Standing in the Shadows. Moonlight Mileis the best song they ever made. "I am sleeping under strange, strange skies." and "my dreams is fading down the railway line", that's almost as good as "If I ventured in the slipstream, between the viaducts or your dreams." But really, if you tell the mother of your kid, that used to be your lover and left you for that Simple Minds simple mind "you'll find better things" and wish her "bluer skies", I guess you're a pretty good guy. I think what always made the Kinks different ant better than their Brit counterparts is that they always took everything personally. Paul and John may have thought "I'm Not Like Everybody Else" But they didn't do a song about it. I'm personally invested in the idea that Ray and Dave can put an end to the soap opera. I've got a brother I'd put a fork in over french fries, and I'd rather we got along. Aside from that. Incredibly brilliant band. And a guy that acctually understands the way things are going. Oklahoma, USA. All life we work, but work is a bore. If life's for working, what's living for? About that private eye bidness? I'd say James D. handed over the thing to Robicheaux and Walter Mosley.
- If you write a line in a song that says "I am just living to be dying by your side" and follow it up with "my dreams is fadin' down the railway lines", even if you're the fucking Rolling Stones you're probably pretty serious about something, involving art or terrism. Or you think you're Rimbaud,or Nancy Nall, or something. Stones are into the conspiracy. They're whack participators
- Jeff, nope. Fireworks are awesome wherever. You mean natural vs. man-made. God made people that could figure this shit out. Maybe it's just gilding the spectacular natural beauty. But it's gilding, and that's worth a good deal. Over the Tetons? Better than ever. Over the Alps or the Canyon, Jefe!! Amazing. Is Yellowstone better because it's less obvious than the Canyon? NFW. I love these places. I love Lake Powell, and that's man-made. It's also the best place to swim there is. This whole man-made whole-earth bidness is sorta complicated.
- Deborah, I seriously doubt there's a proper spelling for ciabatta. Good taste in bread, though.
- Isn't Dr. Khoruts pretty much a genius, on a a small scale? How did the guy figure this out? My way of thinking, he was faced with human tragedy on a very small scale and he had the compassion and brains and ingenuity to get another human being relief from a condition that seemed to most people like some bad scatological Graham Chapman joke. My best friend I've ever had (and yes, that's a childish construction), that I haven't seen in way too long, was a comparative languages major at University of Vermont. She's fluent in several Slavic languages, can translate Icelandic. Genius in Russian. She's read The Master and Margarita in Russian on the bus while we were commuting in Boston, which made me very jealous. Her French, German, Spanish and Italian are good, and she's so gorgeous she could probably get past guards with her somewhat limited Mandarin. I think 'language aptitude' is an intellectual situation akin to savantism. I've got a poco Spanish, a little Russian, en peu French, kleine German. Mainly because I can still read Latin and Greek from my Jesuit days in High School. I would love to master Spanish someday so I could prove conclusively and academically that Autumn of the Patriarch is better than One Hundred Years of Solitude (and both are brilliant, but nobody's read the former and everybody claims to love the latter, and most of them haven't read that either). Anyway, in the future, shouldn't languageskills be something instantly commodified, by brain wave machines or Leo DiCaprio, or something? English has 250,000 working words, French maybe 40thou. Nuance is obviously everything. In Oriental languages, it's tone, pitch and intonation. And what about utopian/utilitarian invented language schemes like Esperanto? Meantime, Good luck with all of that. I believe that language, languages in their endless abilities to please, appall, convince, cajole, bamboozle, campaign, defraud, exhort, console, connect, survive, but also express love, insight, compassion, wit, humor, need, depravity, duplicity, People understand, or fail, or refuse, to understand in their native languages seemingly at will, sometimes deliberately. It's evidence of some Teilhardian idea that the universe is a cog in the machine of God creating God (in which I firmly believe). How did some African people get the click in their language? Y'all exercise it every day. Words cross over languages and France has a whole bureaucratic wing to keep people from saying "baseball" like it was French. English, actually American, and that vocabulary expands like the universe. Red Shift. Outward and accelerating. Einstein knows what comes not next, but inevitably.
- I'd take Tom McGuane in an instant, but I'd pause at Thomas Gibson. He's brilliant. David Foster Wallace is the literary definition of "hot mess". Guy needed Thomas Wolfe's editor. Representative Ompah Loompah? Obama's a Commoniss, the banking regulation legislation should be repealed, the Tea Party isn't racist. The guy's so bizarre, his legislative impetus so strange and class-based. I mean, if people will vote for this asshole, there is no hope whatever for representative democracy.
- Dexter, Margaret Atwood rules. Female, Canadian, exotic-looking older woman that's undoubtedly great at sex. I got John Crowley, and I'd rather have had William Gibson, but I'm not displeased. Y'all should try Alias Grace.
- What do you have to write to be TC Boyle, or Roddy Doyle, or Walter Moseley? It's unlikely any of those guys ever really needed an editor. Why isn't anybody rockin' Hemingway? Because he couldn't write his way out of a paperr bag. Scott Fitzgera? Somewhat better, not great. Best novels that didn't involve magic? It's contemporary writers, Now, if this thing came up with Thomas Pynchon, I'd know for sure it was shit. Nobody does that. Maybe it can dial down and do Martin Amis. I'm really smart and needy beyond a clue.
- I tried writing like Martin Amis, and it told me I was Christopher Hitchens. Anybody ever seen both in the same place? Neurasthenia rampant. I write like like Thomas Carlyle. Or more like Mark Twain. O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world That has such people in't! Y'all are the most enlightened folks on the net. A blessing.
- John D. McDonald? Shoot, I think I write like Kurt Vonnegut. Or Peter Carey. I'd be happy with James Lee Burke.
- Jack Hugeman? Oh, a pun. Partially clever, Nancy. Even a blind squirrel finds nutmegs sometimes. At least nobody can blame this on Lamestream. It's Rupert's organ, shriveled and repulsive, the WSJ. I never heard of this band, but if they can get Bryan Ferry to sing, they must have decent intentions. If 94 people were arrested for Medicare fraud, that's about ten times the number of people arrested for those Republican shibboleths, welfare and voting fraud, in the past thirty or forty years.
- I've actually slept, eaten, imbibed excessively and engaged in sex in one of those Habitat 67 apartments, and they're comfortable and pretty cool. Beats Brewster all to hell. Actual facts. This business about Obama and sinking polls is tremendously misleading. 25-30% of the disapprovers are the Naderite, navel-gazing solipsists that insist on Progressivism because being an old-fashioned hardcore Liberal is just too pre-Lakoff. These dumbasses insist that their uninformed idea of perfect should always trump good. Exceptionally stupid, and pretty much the exact opposite of Progressive. Holy crapthis woman is certifiable. This combination of delusional personality with abject stupidity is probably pretty rare. How do people that vote for her rationalize her behavior? And why in the world shouldn't they be excluded from voting on the basis of voting for Bachman?
- Paddyo, probably had a few brewskis and got high first. Why parties matter when you vote. Republicans represent almost nobody, and they're willing to just make shit up in defense of obscenely rich people that don't recognize the social compact that the Constitution and being an American is supposed to bind us to each other. Transparency? We know what the government is doing now, and we sure didn't back in the days of Rove and three years of 5mil disappeared White House emails. You don't have to go back very far in time to find less transparency. Tell me who attended Dickless Cheney's energy luncheon before you criticize the current administration. And the Supreme Court aided and abetted the bastards it appointed (Dickless appointed himself) sans voting, while just calling balls and strikes. What press scrutiny actually exists? Kerry was a decorated war hero and W was unquestionably a draft dodging cokehead, and Wapo and the NYT made people believe that SwiftBoat was legitimate and Dan Rather slandered the pointy-headed little dickwad.
- Cooz, the best reason to like Thom Yorke is that he wrote There, There. Just because you feel it doesn't mean it's there. Remarkable, haunting song. Thankfully, not everybody can be Coldplay. Kinks were likely better than Beatles, Peter Green Fleetwood Mac put the Lindsay Buckingham version in the ground, Graham Parker and Joe Jackson were just as good (though not as prolific) as Elvis. People get these things wrong all the time. How many people even know about Yo La Tengo? Georgia Hubley is either the best or the second-best girl drummer ever. There is always Mo Tucker. And Raymond Douglas Davies made an album with a choir, and it's very affecting. I still think he's better with Dave.
- Hank Cochran didn't just write country music, he was connected at the hip with his "brother" Eddie.
- Mark, I really think it's a good thing to have an intelligent President instead of a nitwit. Republicans hanging the deficit on Obama is just spectacular mendacity. Bush ran the wars off the invasions and occupations off the books. And Bush tax cuts benefitted the richest 1.3% of Americans. And tax cuts don't need to be accounted or paid for. They increase revenue. Yeah, right. Even David Stockman says trickle down and the Laffer Curve are ludicrous. This is a transparent government to anybody with a functioning brain beyond the stem and a computer, dealing with the fact that the partisan greedy aholes that caused all the current problems did it in secret, and pretty much on purpose. The PNAC-installed a government and they invaded, occupied, tortured, enabled, kissed big corporation's asses for profit, and subverted the Constitution for years, without being held fiscally, morally, or Constitutionally responsible by anybody. They redistributed wealth upward at an obscene rate. And they don't think voters should know about their plans to go back to business as usual.
- I think Hank Cochran wrote I Fall to Pieces, great song, but that was definitely a case of the singer not the song. Make the World Go Away? Maudlin crap. I could be wrong about these, but I think I'm right, and I sure didn't look anything up. For some reason, I actually just know useless things like this. For a fact, the only reason I know anything about Hank Cochran in the first place is that I think Eddie Cochran was a genius nearly in the realm of Gene Vincent. And I've got a vinyl copy of the Monument Sessions album. Not even trying to be clever, but, you know, when you assume.
- What do y'all think about women singing rock 'n' 'roll'? I mean, it's a whole lot more interesting than POS Oompahs making absurd shit up or trying to claim Kiss can play.
- Wouldn't it be a better country if David Gergen were a typical Republican? Shouldn't somebody beat the shit out of Breitbart? The lie and the manipulation in this case are stupendous. At the least, shouldn't any news outlet claiming to be legitimate just put the kibosh on this mendacious asshole? And what sort of representative government can America claim when large numbers of people, and putative voters, buy this shit hook, line, sinker? Look, Drudge is bullshit and Breitbart is so full of holes he's hilarious. These people are absurd, but there are people that eat this shit up. If you add these looney-tunes to the solipsistic aholes that think Obama hasn't lived up to their demands, well. The accomplishments make a litany. You know, nobody ever mentioned the public option during the campaign in 2008. If people are so stupid they reject incrementalism, and doing the best thing politically possible, knowing for sure it gets the camel's nose in the tent, well, Naderite assholes, and we'd rather starve than take the half loaf. These people aren't just assholes. They're navel-gazers that think they're more important individually than any political cause they claim to believe in. Just like Darth Nader. I gaze at my omphalos. It's the universe' So WaPo says 60something% don't like the health care legislation. They choose not to tell you that a good 30% are self-righteous assholes that wouldn't approve anything but single-payer. How in the world is that remotely legitimate reporting?
- Red Smith was a notorious racist. Mitch isn't, he's just an atrocious writer that worships that inexcusable hack Rick Reilley. Red Smith called Muhammad Ali by his slave name always, to his grave, I suppose. Like the weasel would step in the ring to dispute the appellation. Look, if a thoughtful, charismatic, extremely good looking greatest boxer in history decides he's Muslim, if you aren't a bone racist, you call him whatever HE chooses. There are sportswriters and there are excrescences that can't be scraped off the sink without more effort than anybody really wants to exert. I'd say that Mitch used to actually be a decent writer. These days, Bob Ryan is OK, Peter Gammons is very good. Peter King on the NFL is journeyman but so heartfelt, who cares. Red Smith was an out and out racist jackass that couldn't write his way out of a paper bag. Muhammad Ali thanks him for his presence. I'd take a moment to call out Jay Mariotti. Frank Thomas is illustratively the best White Sox player that ever lived. He's also a borderline Hall-of-Famer. .300 lifetime average, 521 HRs. But when he was injured this weenie Chicago sportswriter thought he was funny calling the guy "Big Skirt" Please count the multiple ways in which this is offensive, and how this little gelled jerk never played sports. Jackie McMullen stands out. She played D1 and she is a superb writer.
- Jolene. Roger Ebert is really smart. If he likes a movie, I'll probably like it too. He never condescends. He's just the smart guy that's your friend that knows about movies. He werote the single funniest movie in the history of movies, He obviously gets this whole thing. Roger Ebert is the Ray Davies of movies criticcis
- John C. Isn't it fascinating how Dick Schaap's kid mimics his voice andtone anddoes ambush journalism? Isn't it amazing how Lindsey Lohan is getting special treatment? I think it's fairly obvious it was special treatment when she got put in jail. Meanwhile, Chelsea Clinton can't get married without vultures. A world we'd rather do without.
- These assholes do not know shame. What they know without a doubt is that voters are morons. What's Rangel supposed to have done that isn't normal House behavior? Vitter's still serving, right? Oh wait, Charley's a black guy. And Vitter? There may have been goats involved. It might not be race. Rangel annoys shit out of incumbents, Vitter goes along to get along to move smoothly into escort time. Much more acceptable
- I've seen squirrels relax like that lots of times. On the interrupted white line. Sorry. Hospitals and neighborhoods is an interesting subject. My dad was Chief of Pediatrics at Metropolitan Hospital, I think at Thirteenth and Tuxedoe, one or two blocks from Twelfth and Indiandale, where the blind pig was where the riot started, and where there was a Panthers safe house. They've probably changed the street names. That was not a stable neighborhood, even though the UAW was a dedicated client. Prone to inflagrations and $4.50 gallons of milk.
- Back in 1990, it reached 100 degrees every day for the entire month of July in Athens GA. I cleared what was basically a privet and Kudzu jungle in front of my mom and dad's house, probably 1/2 an acre, with a roto-tiller and planted 30 some azaleas. Ridiculed by friends and family alike. They live, to this day. Actually, they thrive. Intense heat is both frangible and manageable. And it's way better than freezing toes waiting for a train. That sucks. Climate change is undeniable if you aren't an idiot, and the potential for damage to the way we all live is obvious. But weather? CS Lewis had the best idea. Weather's weather, and we just enjoy it as it comes. It might be vexing, or felicitous, it's there one way or another, it's the quintessence of vicissitude, so enjoy it and jump in the cool shower after the sweaty bike ride and hang those damp clothes on the line.
- All of you progressives, too cool to be liberal, read the Wikileaks about Afghanistan and vote for a Republican. That will make things so much better than just whining about how health care and financial reform just weren't good enough. I swear this is the revenge of Ralph Nader, who single-handedly got W appointed in the first place. Solipsist omphaloptical jerks. Politicians are all the same? They sure as hell aren't. Roger Ebert is a superb writer, and he's also just a guy you can trust absolutely to know if a movie's worthwhile or if it's lousy. And he wrote Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Regarding the oil spill Gulf FUBAR situation, how many replacement parts for the Department of the Interior would be on permanent anonymous hold in the Senate right now had the President decided to fire all of their asses? And since when is 60-40 democracy. If Senate Democrats have a failing, it's in not just making the assholes actually filibuster.
- Why parties matter when you vote. Republicans represent rich people and trailer trash convinced they're included, and they're willing to just make shit up in defense of obscenely rich people that don't recognize the social compact that the Constitution and being an American is supposed to bind us to. These people also claim to be Christians, but have no clue about the second of the Great Commandments. Why Republicans are just so full of shit. And Sue, you want the one that can get elected, and get things done despite filibuster anti-democracy. But one way or another, the progressive rebranding is an undeniably dumb sack of shit that smacks of self-absorbed Naderite absolutists. Nothing good ever got done that way in the USA. Polls on health care are ridiculous. Papers of record report that Americans don't favor the legislation. They leave out the part about how everybody is pretty much in favor except for rightwing reactionaries and the liberaler than thou crowd that decided late in the game that the public option was crucial. Funny, public option never raised its head during the campaign. Obama's good, but there's some sniff test he isn't passing? Progressive? That's Lakoff talk from the left, and that's obnoxious. Liberal's OK with me, and it was the same in Grant Park. Insisting on the whole pie at once instead of the undeniable camel's nose in the tent and inevitable change is crybaby Darth Nader stupidity. More has gotten done than since LBJ, and Civil Rights for black people was kind of a no-brainer in the Land of the Free. The President can do only so much. He can't make the Supreme Court actually read that delimiting clause that makes everything they say about gun ownership pure bullshit. If Scalia finds it remunerative to decide corporations are people, there is nothing the President can do about it. He can't insist on math and force McConnell to admit 51's a majority. He can't do everything, but he's accomplished a great deal in the face of purely crass, greedy and irrational opposition. And he's got a boatload of so-called Progressives dogging his ass at every turn. I believe they miss W. But how do they vote? Obama's unsatisfactory? Try Newt, you dumbasses. Or just get with the program.
- No, Sue. Didn't fool me, and I wasn't taking any chum. Feingold is exactly the sort of holier than jackass I was talking about. Fairly transparent. But I don't think any of this is a joking matter at this point, particularly when Americans are being encouraged to behave like racists, as a standard political ploy. And Progressives are an infantile, instant-gratification bunch, in general. It's not even what has he done for us lately, it's why hasn't he done everything already. And, for sure, that's just stupid. This is GOPlutocrats grassroots, and it's worse than Nixon ever conceived. And superior is, of course, a relative term. I'm very good at swimming, probably superior to most people not named Mary T or Michael Phelps. Other things, like intelligence and sarcasm, I'm probably somewhere above average. Far as politics are concerned, I just can't see undermining somebody that is getting things done for the better just for the sake of personal gratification. That's why self-proclaimed 'progressives' annoy the hell out of me. I think that's a reasonable political opinion, but it isn't superior in any fashion. But I'm thinking you equate superior with an attitude of superiority. Surement pas. I know en peu, and every obscene insult en espanol. But not, unfortunately, what it takes to be superior.
- Hell, Jeff. I''m going to have to vote for the deeply demented Republican plant Alvin Greene, because I won't skip a slot and the alternative is Jim Demented. Turnout in the off-year 2010 SC Democratic primary was 35% higher than in the 2008 Presidential primary. For some reason, that doesn't make hairs stand up on the backs of political analyst's necks. Mitch McConnell is a particularly heinous brand of American traitor, I think. Newt lite, so to speak. These people do not believe in the Constitution nor in commonweal, and they do not give a shit about their fellow Americans. And their anti-Americanism is painfully obvious. As Steve Earle would say, it's called snake oil, y'all. How do they fool so many people so much of the time?
- You know, the entire Republican redistribution of wealth talking point would be funny if it weren't sad and true. They have been actively moving wealth away from the middle class to the very wealthy for years. Attempting to prevent that apparently makes you a socialist. What's hilarious is the trailer park denizens that are bent on boosting the agenda, convinced they're on the gravy train. There is a serious divide between Trent Lott and the average Teabagger. What they have in common is racism. Oh, and if the Tea Party throws out Tea Party Express, does that mean Beck and Fox too? And what's left? Citizen's United? The remnants of the PNAC? Lott was a funding father of teapartyism and now he's ripping them a new one. What Republicans intend and what the Teabaggers are founded on is inciting the poor disadvantaged white male Amurcan. This is just wrong, and it sure ain't America.
- Ralph Vader didn't piss in my Cheerios, Rana, he, and navel-gazers like him made sure W's thugs could steal Florida and the 2000 election. Michael Blackwell took care of 2004, aided and abetted by the Deanie babies that couldn't forgive Kerry for beating the Governor (who now seems to have lost his mind--or has he-- and endorsed Newt the serial adulterer). I think what bugs me is that Progressive as a political label is a Lakoff style rebranding, so it seems bogus, and so many people that call themselves Progressive are strident, absolutists, and, more than anything else, holier than thou. And, I'll admit, I was one of those Freedom Rider, Chicago Convention liberals. Politics is supposed to be the art of the possible, and in two years, there has been a tremendous amount accomplished in the face of pure negativism and desertion on the part of people that thought getting elected President was a free pass to do everything at once. What I really can't understand is what unsatisfied Progressives, to use their own term, think is an alternative course to that being tracked by the President. I haven't heard viable aternatives. Feingold's sno on finance reform amounts to very hollow posturing. That's a personal agenda St. Paul Wellstone wouldn't have fallen for. As far as voting is concerned, what's your choice? Rand Paul? Newt Gingrich? Mitch McConnell? Carly Fiorino? And yeah, I believe these guys are guilty of treasonous behavior. They certainly do not uphold and defend the Constitution. The things you want to happen, they'll get done. Controlling ;the immense damage of eight years of PNAC/Enron running the country doesn't get fixed in 18 months. I'd like to think there's good faith and common sense on the 'progressive' side, but sometimes it just seems like idealogical purity run wild with no sense of political facts of life. Meanwhile, I don't think I labeled anybody anything. Well, except myself.
- There were nearly 100,000 votes cast for Nader in Florida 2000. If they'd gone to Gore, Scalia and Cheney could not have hijacked the election. Whatever other skullduggery took place, and it surely did, no matter how many Volusia County black voters were disenfranchised, had Nader not interjected himself, the PNAC wouldn't have been able to effect the unfunded invasion of Iraq.
- Rana, I understand and respect your political position, and nothing I've said is meant disrespectfully. Eight years of ridiculous misadministration is frustrating, and my dislike of Nader goes way back to the Vietnam era in Worcester. And it's just a fact that if Green voters had used their votes in Florida to prevent the Enron and PNAC takeover, the US would be in a much better place right now. I agree with you that your vote is your most potent weapon to get things right, but the people that voted for Nader in Florida in 2000 wasted their votes and enabled small-minded, Enron-driven corporate America.
- The Iowa Republican Party wants to strip William Faulkner, Theodore Roosevelt, Elihu Toot, Cordell Hull, Ralph Bunche, George C. Marshall, Linus Pauling, Ernest Hemingway, James Watson, and Martin Luther King of American citizenship posthumously to embarrass President Obama. It's rumored they've hired Orly Taitz as their general counsel. And I'm kinda surprised none of y'all have expressed an opinion on the Conservatives Gone Wild outrage over the indignity to his Office of the President appearing on The View. I'd bet my condo that none of these Tenthers and Party of No members expressed misgivings about the Ws' coffee klatch with Dr. and Mrs. Phil six years ago. Except Gov. Rendell. Of course, his criticism came in a conversation on a serious news outlet--Morning Joe. These loony-tunes antics are pretty compelling evidence that Obama enmity stretches way deeper than mere political disagreement.
- Try this, Brian.
- This sounds like unmitigated mail fraud.
- Pleasw tell me the world is watching the most horrific episode of CSI_New York. Sorry, but badsly written drama has got to interest a sentient human being more than badly scripted supposedly real shit. Are people really this gd stupid? this is Sarah politics, and what it requires is fucking morons. There is no [olite way to get atound this. You have got to be a moron. If people like this go to bvote, they should ask to read Chinese. No shit. Back in the day, if you were black and couldn't read Chinese, you didn't get to vote. You pale teapartyers, lets here that. What does that Chinese say? You racist aholes. There is just no way a normal, sensible human being could possibly figure Teabaggers weren't just whack=job racists.
- Just where does Newt see Sharia law creeping in? Roberts court? What an astounding asshole. Look, you idiots, is he saying that the 2000 and 2004 elections were hijacked? By Muslims? By the PNAC? What is this idiot talking about? Kennetth Blackwell said he'd steal 2004 and he did. Are we kidding? Lying scumbags that stole elections and they're admitting it. These people have no shame. And their devotees are so fucking stupid there is no way they should be allowed to vote. We're talking about idiots here.
- What does Rush have to say about the dog's wedding. Really, didn't that comment put him in Jim Rome territory? Anyway, she's far more intelligent, accomplished and attractive than the latest hooker the fatass Oxy and Viagra addict paid to be the new Mrs. Rush. Which marriage will last longer? I'm betting on the dog. "Tops in mindless" was a telling phrase in a Tom McGuane novel. Limbaugh told an absolutely tasteless and self-aggrandizing joke on air about being propositioned by Hillary Clinton, about the same time he ridiculed the appearance of a 13-year-old. Dennis Miller wouldn't stoop to such assholery, and with his brain damage, Dennis will stoop to almost anything. Why is Rush employed? He gives tops in mindless a bad name.
- Know what else? Wasn't that an extremely weird thing for the cigar (in this case, undeniably penis) sucking Uncle Ernie of FoxNews to spew? What sort of pedophilia was he spouting. He's obsessed with Obama's kids, too. What goes through what passes for minds of Dittoheads when Jabba spews this pedophiliac bile? I mean, some of them must have teenage daughters. Anyway, Chelsea was named for a Joni Mitchell song, which is pretty cool. I imagine she laughs off crap like this. How's that for fair and balanced reporting? No news today? Lets invent a bizarre controversy.
- ROGirl, Rush is a fact of American life. I can certainly comment on his bilious presence without promoting it. That gross piece of shit doesn't exist in his current disgusting state because people criticize him. Too many Murrican citizens are so stupid they can't comprehend he's used them to get rich.
- ROGirl: My point exactly and half of America takes his bullshit into the voting booth with them. Of course he shouldn't affect voting but he does. As do Beck and every other idiot Fox broadcasts telling abject lies all day at every hour. Check out the FCC Charter. There's actually no way these mendacious turds should have a license. Re Rush: When he pulled the White House dog bidness, my daughter was 13 too. Bill Clinton was proscribed by position from just beating the shit out of the asshole, but, really, wouldn't that have been the first impulse for any dad? I can honestly say I would have beaten him to a gasaeous pulp. Aside from the exceptionally vexing, I know Nancy thinks Iggy's the shit (and I think Stooges were nobly failed Ramones), but I grew up in Detroit and SRC and MC5 were better. Probably, Seger System was too. Anyway, we went whenever possible to the Chessmate club at 6th and Livernois to get frisked and see John Lee. Two doors with buzzers. One way or another, that is Detroit music. So I just got this Hooker tribute album called From Clarksdale to Heaven. John Lee Hooker songs played by Gary Brooker, Jeff Beck, Mick, Peter fing Green, Jack fing Bruce, and guitar-slinging Andy Fairweather Booga-Rooga Lowe, and a cast of thousands. This is an album all y'all should get ahold of. Oh, and a version with the man himself (with Booker T) of Red House that Jimi would have probably envied. Awe-inspiring. Best record I've heard this year, by a mile.
- What to do with too many fresh tomatoes is chop them in quarters, put them in a plastic bag with basil, fresh garlic, salt , pepper, olive oil, good vinegar. Toss and roast for a while. Then you put everything into the Cuisinart. What results is the best tomato sauce you can freeze, basically, forever, but, for sure, all winter long.
- Oh. and Mick Taylor, the guy that escaped the Stones young without drowning in suspicious circumstances, is on that record too. They are all still records, right? They had to be recorded.
- sealilly, When I went to UGA, the J school had a reading room with subscriptions to just about every paper in the US, including Rocky Mountain News. Great paper. I got to be a devotee, and loved Sacbee, The State, and the Courier-Journal, too. Hell, that long ago, Reg Murphy ran the Atlanta paper in the style of Ralph McGill. Ain't that a man. Those were good days for newspapers, and if it's all interet all the time, everybody's lost a piece of their heart. And soul.
- Y'all see the oldest continually operating farm in American history is giving up the ghost. It wasn't the death tax that laid it to rest, was the low spark of high-heeled boys. Like Archer Daniel Midland. Anecdotes, shamecdotes, Drudge and Beck and the Freepers will pick this up. They'll be lying like Breitbart. Corporate Ag put family farmers into a downward spiral from junior partners to indentured servants to sharecroppers, while Congress funded corporate welfare Caligula would have found embarrassing. What family farm ever succumbed to the estate tax? I find this morally repugnant and exceptionally unpatriotic, and it certainly is a blight on free enterprise, and I understand that some Democratic politicians colluded. But there were never enough Democrats to effect this massive welfare queen scam by the Republicans to effect this abomination without the treasonous filibuster behavior. It is treasonous, because it corrodes the Constitution and the idea of the rule of majority, and basically imposes some sort of twisted and unaccaountable House of Lords on American People. If there were a way consistent with the anti-Republican and unConstitutional Senate rules to make these shameless anonymous assholes have to stand up and spend hours explaining why they don't give a shit about unemployed people, uninsured people, poor people, people of a different skin color, I'd say make them stand up and give that garbage a try. As American politics seems to meet some abyss where it's progressive vs. populism, I'd say if you don't know which side is legitimate, you're probably too goddamn stupid to be allowed to vote. Charlie Rangel's a bone of contention? Mitch McConnell did the exact thing for way bigger cash at UK. In neither case is there any evidence of any benefit to the donee. But I tell you what, who's done more for Americans and who's grubbed like a mole for his own enrichment? That's another one of those poll questions y'all ought to be asked? Trent Lott basically invented this alleged offense, and, despite being a racist creep and incredibly slimy on campaign finances, nobody ever even brought this up. As far as taxes are concerned, what Rangel's been notoriously accused by Republicans of isn't close to tax evasion, nobody ever gets close to prosecution of any sort, and, if the IRS proves a tax burden, paid, no har no foul. So, yeah, it's a witch hunt. It's like the Kerry's yacht shit. How 'bout that Duke-stir? Kerry bought his. Cunningham had his given to him by a bunch orf Rove oppo experts with ties to both Enron and Halliburton. Not to be too sardonic, but hair on fire, asshole. This may seem to be nitpicking, but it isn't. You cannot equate the billions in cash stolen by Halliburton in Iraq when the self-appointed VP that had his fist up Uncurious George's butt and his portfolio and net worth growing with every $1mil pallette disappearing with anything. It's unheard of. Was the PNAC point just stealing cash? Was it stealing oil, I mean, Saddam sure thought so, and it's not implausible. But really. How fucking stupid to you have to be not to understand peak oil? As much a fact as global climate change. Do Teabaggers believe there are Captains of Industry that are nudged by a benevolent hand to make things turn out all right for them instead of treating them like malleable fodder for making them poorer while they get richer? If the electorate is stupid enough to be convinced of this delusion, then what's the conceivable value of voting?I suppose this makes me susceptible to being accused of elitism, and I'm not suggesting my opinion is more valid or more rational than anybody else's, but seriously. If experts in science don't count because Michael Crichton defies basically indisputable science, some whackjob like Sam Brownback gives this non-science a public and political imprimatur, and people that don't believe in carbon dating decide it's not consistent with the Old Testament, how should this sort of insanity affect national policy? But it does. On the other hand, expecting the President to pull a sorceror's apprentice and just turn all of this idiocy around without doing it incrementally is grossly unfair and spectacularly counter-productive. "Conservatives", and the appellation is ridiculous, because, there aren't any anymore, have collapsed into a pudding of nitwits in Congress with no idea but abject opposition and people that insist that the government needs to keep it's hands off their Medicare. Far as Conservatives are concerned. There were once guys like Buckley and JJ Kilpatrick and Safire that could think their ways out of paper bags that knew trickle-down was horseshit. George Will sorta thought so, but he was hedging his bets. He does not know shit about baseball. Anyway, "Conservatives" must feel proud that they're represented by Breitbart and Drudge. This is what the President faces, and, holy shit, people actually take this seriously. So when you voice your disapproval of the lack of a public option (which was never any part of any campaign proposal) you let these assholes count you as opponents of health care reform. In my opinion, this is not a case of settling for better than nothing. It's fairly amazing change accomplished in no time. Against astoundingly obtuse, nihilistic political opposition. If you all, progessives, I don't know, insist on instant remedies and everything perfect like there were a magic wand, buy some leather jackets and tommy-guns. Won't happen instantly. Nobody but Ben Spock and Gov. Dean ever said it will. And neither one of those guys probably knew it, but they were lying. Sorry for running on, but the current deranged state of American politics is on my nerves. When you read poll numbers, you have to be an idiot not to understand that all of the Progressives dissatisfied with undeniable progress made so far aren't satisfied. Do you understand the sort of ammunition you're giving to pollsters and backbiting so-called, self-proclaimed liberal websites like Politico and asshole know-it-alls like Chris Cilizza. It didn't all turn out immediately like Alice in Wonderland. It's moved several miles towards American people and their rights. If you don't see that, just how is it possible that an intelligent American voter doesn't understand that nothing changes on a dime? Even if you hold your breath until you turn blue? I know nobody's read this far, so I'll repeat my claim that, from the left, instant gratification is in play here. I've had personal experience with Ralph Nader. He's vindictive solipsistic, venal, and deliberately hurtful to people that had been devoted to him. Not to me. I thought he was a self-centered ahole first time I met him, and I had nothing to do with him. . It's my feeling he meant to undermine Gore for his own purposes in 2000, and he did it. What his purposes may have been are buried in his sociopathic mind.
- Another thing occurs to me, that would be funny if it weren't so sad. The Republican take is that with Geithner etc., Democrats are in bed with Wall Street. Please. Is there an American voter that doesn't understand innately that Wall Street, fund managers, all of these voracious, predatory crooks did not enrich Republicans? Could Enron have run the scam bigger and more damaging than Madoff? Could Halliburton have defrauded the government and the people while enriching the VP, I mean stealing whole pallettes of cash, without Cheney knowing about this? It's not like he might have benefitted from the outright thefts of cash. He has for a fact been enriched by bogus contracts, shoddy work, and outright theft of massive amounts of cash. They electrocuted American soldiers, and they got paid a ridiculous amount for it, most of which they stole. They charged for gasoline for tankers filled with sand. These things are facts. Who engineered that shit? In the long run, if Cheney gets away with his spectacular crimes against the Constitution and human rights, and, boy, if you try to claim that isn't true you're an unmitigated liar and asshole, I'll still wish he wasn't a pitiful little weasel you couldn't actually feel good about beating the shit out of. I don't know. Maybe people are that fucking dumb.
- Making no excuses for Rangel, how in the world did this differ from Mitch McConnel's behavior. Oh, Don Blankenship, dead miners, buying a State Supreme Court judge, and systematically trashing the Appalachian and East Coast aquifer for cash. That's a whole lot more Republican. Why not gouge the eye when you fuck the people over for profit. My friend Rana. Here's where the difference comes into play. Filling in hollers by mountaintop mining will eventually destroy the aquifer that provides pure water to the entire east coast. Republicans would ignore this fact in the interest of private profit.You could not find a Democratic politician in Appalachia that would sign on for this shit. They might be on the wrong side of DADT. They wouldn't poison a watershed. If you don't see a difference, I guess you just don't want to. There is a major league difference.
- Anyway, adieu. I've been a total asshole and a poor guest. So adios, adieu. Yah ta hey.
- Born July 4, 1911 in Rochester, N.Y., Mitchell William Miller was the son of Russian Jewish immigrants. Well. if you listen to Republicans, Mitch wasn't a citizen. For eight years. You got your Tenth and your Fourteenth now. Question for Republicans. How did these Constitutional shortcomings slip by the Constitutional scholar W? There is no conceivable basis for this sort of shit. But if there were, how did these morons just stumble over it when W's advisers miss this one? If there's a voter that misses the absolute connection between Sharon Angle's lunacy and Fox, my point would be, how does this whackjob gets to vote? If you're nuts, you get to vote, and if you got put there for three strikes when you comitted a victimless crime? Sarah's a moron. If you don't understand that, sorry, you're a fucking moron. Nobody can actually be that stupid. Vote for Rand Paul, you morons. If you're born in the US, your'e a ciitzwn. If you say no, Asshole.
- OK. Politics. As Far as the thriving Detroit arts scene, buy all them MC5 and Seger System tapes. Not to mention Motown. And SRC was the best band, and the Stooges were OK. Anyway, Can the masters of the non-filibuster get any more obvious or any more partisan? Make Mitch actually do a Jimmy Stewart. He's an equally bad scenery chewer and horrendously bad actor. Mitch McConell did exactly the same thing as Charlie Rangel did. How is this not obvious to everybody? The abject stupidity of the American electorate is depressing. John Ensign? Reall? Newt serving divorce papers on the terminal cancer patient? Look. These assholes have returned to the Laffer Curve, which is pretty much looney, just on the face of logic and math. Here's what I propose. Anybody that can identify a single positive proposal from Republicans since Obama was elected, let's hear it. Setriously. How do we move the country forward? I thought we did that with health care reform. No? And do Americans think it's fine that the Supreme Court is the whackjob Cheney court that believes more in lobbyists and Enron criminals than human rights? That's how things stand. If you take a political stand, aaren't you willing to be identified? Scaife isn't.
- Why would anybody vote for any asshole that spouts this 14th Amendment crap? It's like claiming the limiting clause in the 2nd Amendment was some sort of hiccup they didn't really mean. Of course, why would any reasonable human being stay in the same room with somebody as terminally greasy and disgusting as Mitch McConnell? Somebody that knew him when he was a little kid may have heard this oleaginous piece of shit approach the truth, but that sure hasn't happened in his public life. The Democratic Party does not produce hypocrite liars extraordinaire to match this. And where'd Mitch's wife come from and what does M. Chao think about all of this? She was born in Taipan, but she's not turning over her birth certificate. This is Orly Taitz garbage that even Michelle Bachman is probably smart enough to avoid. Mr. McConnell Republican? Hell. Maybe his brain died. Prop 8 was bullshit perpetrated on California by a combination of bigotry and the foolish Prop system, and of course, the Church of Jesus Christ of Lattter-Day Saints, who, no matter what they say, believe that grotesque fat guys with guns should have several teenaged wives. These people brought about Prop 13 back in the day, probably the seminal moment in the extended history of PNAC and Bush types fucking up the American Dream. Rand Paul. If I woke up to find my parents named me after an atrocious writer who was also a bigot and an idiot, I'd probably drink myself to death. I wouldn't become a bigot and an idiot in real life and run for Senate.
- Heat is easily defeated by a long bike ride and a cool shower. How nuts are Republicans? Nobody can tell me there is no difference among politicians. Homogenizing America is pretty much making everybody subservient, while suborning the basic idea of America. And there's no difference between the parties? Yeah. There is. Some jackwad yellowdog like Ben Nelson isn't spouting crap like this 14th Amendment offal. GOP is run without principle nor ideas by media bozos like Beck and Limbaugh. And people vote for these aholes? All of the clever Southren Strategy GOP geniuses like Rove have created a zombie hoard, and they're just frozen in horror at what they let loose. Seriously, how does a sane person vote for Sharron Angle? Shouldn't that stand as a de facto poll test? I'm sorry, but you should be disqualified from casting a vote. Same for Rand Paul. Elect people like this, I'll change my mind about the 2nd Amendment and hunker down. Meantime, Rush says we don't even know it's actually the President's birthday. Because you can't trust a Kenyan birth certificate. From the weirdos that brought you the Panamanian Presidential candidate. And Rana, the whole story about Rand Paul's name came straight from the horse's ass's dad's mouth, so when they pull shit like this, they need to be called out. How many racist assholes run as Democrats? I'd say that's none. The Pauls want to do away with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. How many Democrats agree? Claiming there is no difference, they're all politicians, whatever such sludge, is just unmitigated bullshit, like holier than thou political Puritanism of the Progressive variety. Aside from anything else, isn't this 14th Amendment merde puzzling from the semi-pro-life political party? I suppose those furrin babies would be granted reprieve if they were immediately snatched from their parents, placed with good Christian gun rights and capital punishment supporters and named after a horrendous excuse for a writer that was also a neoconservative saint.
- I don't care where Rand Paul got his name. He could be John Galt Paul, or . He's a racist pisant, and he's not a doctor of any sort that a medical professional would send a patient to. Here's Rand Paul, en flagrante. And morons in Missouri want to be guaranteed NOT to have health care, but them Teabaggers got their butts kicked yesterday. That Palin imprimatur ain't the shit it's supposed to be. This is a little disappointing. Running against a full goose looney is probably easier than dealing with a semblance of normality. Of course, if elected, every one of these Republicans will go to Washington and vote NO on anything the President proposes, because, you know, he was born in Kenya and reared by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
- ROgirl My dad was a pediatrician, and once, doing new baby rounds, came upon a child named Placenta. Mom said it just "sounded so pretty" when the nurses said it. How did the Torns decide to name their kid Rip? And how did Chuck Long's parents know he'd be a QB? Maybe Trig will grow up to be the next Charlie Epps.
- Making no excuses for Rangel, how in the world did this differ from Mitch McConnel's behavior. Oh, Don Blankenship, dead miners, buying a State Supreme Court judge, and systematically trashing the Appalachian and East Coast aquifer for cash. O, yeah. That shit.
- Little Bird, I think you are visible from Alaska. I mean NATO, Socialiss, Putin, right? Mark. Rip Torn is brilliant in every role he undertakes. I think Maax in The Beastmaster was a high point. Seriously, he was both mesmerizing and repulsive as Nathan Bryce in The Man Who Fell to Earth, which aside from anything else, was a brilliant movie almost as good as Blade Runner, but nothing else is that good. Only David Bowie's second best, though, and while I like Labyrinth a great deal, I mean Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence. And Rip Torn on Larry Sanders, seriously hilarious.
- In my defense, I heard Rip Torn tell Johnny Carson that was his real name. I mean, isn't that like swearing in front of a judge I guess these people lie at the drop of a hat.
- Heartland is a superb movie. It would go well with Days of Heaven and Places in the Heart for movie night.
- It used to be 30:1, now it's 300:1. That's the GOP big tent and redistribution of wealth all wrapped up in one. And they've convinced hillbilly teabaggers they're included in the heist so long as they take care of the dirty work.
- LAMary, I'm pretty sure that if there was a main Fug, it was Ed Sanders. Of course, there probably was no main Fug. Greatest Fugs song? Saran Wrap. "After the prom, ain't got no scumbag..." These guys were the story of Johnny Rotten before he was born. Republican Hyp0crisy 101: Of course, they also believe that this nun is a member of a an anti-Christian cult. Every teeveeevangelist has stolen working folks' money by reviling the Catholic Church as a cult, and this is the religious wing of the Republican Party. This is the sort of thing Republicans have drudges to perpetrate. See, when you say one political party is as crass and venal as the other, that's just bullshit. One of them is absolutely as shameless as it is mindless. Lady Gaga and Madonna? Say hello to weak voices and Auto-Tune. Cyndi Lauper is the real deal.
- Another version of that song y'all might enjoy. And Tom Gray, the guy that wrote it. And I think he meant it. And, see, Cyndi Lauper got the point. Loiterers will be prosecuted.
- Check out this judicial activist. This is a judge nominated by Raygun. Tell me again how there's no difference between Republicans and Democrats. No way this sort of scurrilous shit ever comes from the left. No fucking way.
- Moe: I think my dad was teaching at University of Arkansas Med School and doing new baby rounds when he met those people. I know it sounds like urban legend. Like Lemonjello and Orangejello. He swore it was true, and that he tried to talk the woman out of it, so, you know, he was my dad, so I believe him. And Jolene. These morons actually carried signs into Town Halls that said Keep Government Hands Off My Medicare. jcburns: So Mitch's parents knew each other way back when they were little kids at family reunions.
- Commoniss one world bike riders, Republicans are monitoring your unAmerican behavior and you're not going to get away with it. That means you Nancy Nall. Again, I ask: shouldn't the act of voting for a candidate this crazy be sufficient grounds for permanent disenfranchisement, or at least enough to bar participation until a doctor's note is procured? I remember Sohio gas stations, and got enjoyed the bit, but in what twisted universe is James Whitcomb Riley a "great" poet. I mean, maybe not quite as excruciatig as Joyce Kilmer, but he ain't no Vachel Lindsay, the Prairie Troubador, either.
- The sleeves aren't long enough? If I go to Men's Warehouse to buy a suit, I get a perfect 44L jacket. I also get gigantic pants that need 15 I've bought Men's Warehouse suits for funerals and weddings in. cut out of the pants. Everything else? Things fit. Levis, 33x34, pants in general, since I was a kid Off the rack. . 16-35 shirts. Of course, I never really thought about what fit right. I guess women do. Men buy shirts by armm length and neck size. Women will never sign off on neck size. But why? Holy shit who cares?. Sleeve length, Men have been doing this since Shakespeare. If women want a things to be fair in sports, and that is the point, and everything else, Women cannot beat men in any sport if they attempt to play at the same level. Isn't it conceivably some sort of cosmic geometry? Men's measurements tend to be planar while women are more round (thank Gosd) ? And isn't that a good thing? I know that's ridiculous, but I like to think it isn't. Women come in infinite shapes and sizes. At any moment, many of them are pretty close to perfect. Does somebody think Serena could beat Andy Roddick if you didn't make up out of bounds? Not in a million years. And Roddick would have to play lefty. What happened to Boise last time they played a good team?' B'dah, b'dah. Wow, they got their ass kicked. humiliated.
- Sorry Brian. I agree with you on most things, but clutch and accelerator ain't sports. I think the movie was superb. Heart Like a Wheel, and Bonnie Bedelia is wildly attractive, but that is not sports in anybody's wildest imagination. Now women athletes? That's a different story. It's entirely possible to claim Teresa Edwards was better than anybody for a long period of time. This whole thing started with Billie Jean playing the doubles court lines and one serve. Venus would smoke Nadal with the same rules. This is all pretty much stupidity. Great women athletes cannot beat great male athletes on level playing fields with actual rules enforced. That is a fact. Serena could not get a racket on her good buddy Andy's serve. That's kind of a fact. Billie Jean needed the doubles lines and one serve to beat a never-was clown that smoked two packs a day. This argument is idiotic. The Champ's daughter is the absolute greatest female boxer that ever lived, and she couldn't stand a round with any welterwheights. I'm not saying boxing's a sport. Driving cars and bowling sure aren't.
- HP knows how to pick 'em. Hurd acknowledged there were "instances in which I did not live up to the standards and principles of trust, respect and integrity that I have espoused at HP." Hurd, who is married with two children, will get a $12.2 million severance payment and nearly 350,000 shares of HP stock worth about $16 million at Friday's closing price. The company also extended the deadline for exercising options to buy up to 775,000 HP shares. Why do corporations pay this kind of money to morons that run companies into the ground, and Americans believe governments's the problem? Californians are about to vote for Carly Fiorina, and she was so atrocious she made this asshole look halfway decent. Just get me one of those jobs. I'll run the company into the ground and walk away a billionaire. The entire idea that government is "bureaucracy" and business isn't is hilarious, or not, if you aren't sorta stupid, depending upon whether or not you think stealing your money is funny. It is, most certainly, your money, and they don't even pay taxes on it. People that buy their groceries from Archer Daniel Midland continue to blame the Gummint for their financial problems, and claim "they" threaten family farms. Really? Who kills family farms? I mean. This is a no-brainer even brain-dead Amurricans ought to be able to figure out. It's not the estate tax that almost nobody ever pays.
- So, I know you Nancy folks aren't sporty, but how about the truth? Barry Bonds has been tested about a billion times and nobody can say he juiced? Why should he be hounded? What scientific basis can anybody purport that anabolic steroids have anything to do with homeruns. That would be zero. Home Runs are the result of hand-eye coordination. Upper body strength is negligible. This witch-hunt is fucking stupid. Rana, I think the question was about sports. And I really find it disagreeable to disagree with you. Speed? Strength? 100 yds. or meters? Usain wins every time. Stronger, faster, every single time. Guys won all the Ironman Triathlons like that means shit. Consider actual sports. Men are better. Who cares? Women are women. Much better. Nice, nice, very nice. It's written in the Book of Bokonon.
- I bet, amongst the 5 billion human beings on earth, that one could find a woman who could exceed any particular athletic achievement one could point to. Nope Brian. If somebody could find a woman that could run faster than Usain Bolt or a woman that could play baseball better than Ichiro, or a woman that could throw an oblong ball like Randall Cunningham, they already would have. As far as bowling and stickshifts, being on ESPN2 doesn't make an activity a sport. The only way racing cars is a sport is if the titles are involved, and that's called sporting, not sports. And women don't actually win car races. I've been put in an argument that nobody can win. If a woman can beat a man at any sport any time, I'm wrong? How's that work? Ultra-marathons have basically as much to do with sports as hotdog eating. Low threshhold for self-punishment. Women win marathons at more than 20 minutes slower average than do men. Bobbi Gibb won the first three Boston Marathon women's opens. Her best time was 3:21:40, in 1966. Japanese guy won the men's title that year in 2:17:11. Margaret Okayo, from Kenya, ran the Boston Marathon course in 2hrs., 20 min., 43 seconds, fastest ever, in 2010. Robert Kiprono Cheruiyot, also from Kenya, ran it in slightly less than 2:06. Closing the gap? Sure. Right now, the 100 meter men's world record is just south of 9.58. Women's that would be FloJo at 10.5, back in the Eighties, and nobody's come close since. Candace Parker's a great BB player, but she couldn't play Shaq. That's silly, on the face of it. Making me out to be some sort of sexist about this is asinine, and it's a gross disservice to my daughter, who was a better volleyball player in high school than Karch Karai. If Dorothy "Dottie" Kamenshek could have hit Bob Feller, she would have played in the majors. Bill Veeck would have signed her. For sure. Diferences in athletic ability don't demean one gender or another, they're just differences. Vive la difference (which, in the inimitable wisdom of French, is feminine.). East German bioengineeers made women into men, or vice versa, for competition's sake. Was that a good thing? They swam faster than Mary T. and Shirley Babashoff. Better athletes? No way in the world. Men run faster, jump higher and are stronger, in general, than are women. So what? Female lions do all of the hunting. I don't know how I got dragged into such a ridiculous discussion, but making me out to be some sort of neandathal (and I know that's not how it's spelled, that's the Jimmy Castor spelling) sexist about this is silly, and mildly annoying. Racing cars is not sports (and women don't do very well at this either). Bowling is a hobby Steve Buscemi can participate in with Heart Attack Waiting to Happen John Goodman. Ultra-marathons are bizarre behavior that somebody ought to look into. Track, hoops, softball, swimming, those are all sports at which women excel, against women. Gymnastics, my alma mater owns this sport. And A League of Their Own is one of my favorite movies. I've swum 200 IM and every other event in a swimming meet, and run half-mile and mile and played football. The current 800 meters women's record is held by Caster Semenya (RSA) (who some people think is a man). I ran less than one second slower in 1968. Brian. Let me know when you find the female Herschel Walker. Probably smarter too. And when a woman runs a mile in less than four minutes. I know she's out there. I'm not just making things up, and I don't appreciate being treated like I've got something against women. Women cannot compete equally in actual sports against men. So fucking what? Who cares? But it is a fact. The difference is the difference. Denying differences in athletic abilities between genders is pretty much as dumb as denying human generation of climate change. Or claiming steroids make ballplayers hit more homeruns.
- W made 77 trips to Crawford, totalling 490 days, 18% of his two terms. (He has not been back since.) Seriously, though, was that really bad for America? Dorothy, I didn't say Bonds never took PEDs, I said he's been tested more than any athlete not named Lance Armstrong, without a positive result. He told Feds he'd never tested positive nor used steroids and investigators have held a perjury charge over his head for years that they obviously can't prove. As far as obvious physical changes, take a look at age-similar photos of Magic Johnson. The morphological similarity over time to Barry is like an original movie on SyFy. Earvin's head is the size of a regulation NBA ball these days. Minly, I don't think anybody's even tried to prove by medical studies that steroids make hitters better, and there are studies indicating otherwise. I'd prefer science over hysteria. I'm pretty blase about videos, viral or otherwise, but this one's brilliant.
- Sharron Angle was the guest of honor at the so-called Doctor's Teaparty in San Diego. Of course, the fete was organized by American Asociation of Phisiacians and Surgeons, a real tiny conservative fringe group reviled or ignored by physicians in general and too whack for the AMA. So I suppose that amounts to looney squared. Anyway no big deal, but is anybody else as surprised as I that the event was held in what can only be a replicaa of the famous and sacred Blue Mosque. A fairly provocative opinion about plagiarism in NYT today.
- The only thing necessary for the triumpn of evil is for Progressives to decide it doesn't matter and vote for solipsist losers like Ralph Nader. There's a clear difference. If you don't think so it's that belly-button gazing. The president doesn't have a magic wand. It's not Disney. You know, there's the Senate, where completely anonymous blocks can be put on judicial and agency appointments forever. Republicans will say that's standard procedure, but that's horseshit. And current behavior is unprecedented, and the supermajority reigns on every single vote. Is that the way the government is supposed to work? And 60=40- means democracy? It doesn't and the asshole progressives that blame the president are a bunch of idiots. Whip the Senate into shape, you dumb bastards. The President can't pass legislation, but what he's accompished is astounging. McConnell can gum the works for Massey at the drop of a hat. Are people this goddamn stupid? Then why are they allowed to vote? No joke, change the Senate rules. You can't? Neither can the President, and he can't wave a magic wand and make everything Progressives want just come true immediately. Politics happens incrementally and expecting everything to change all at once in an atrocious economy with racist opposition looking for nothing but making everything fail makes things more difficult. How in the world is it that people don't catch on to the fact that the entire GOP effort is to fuck over everything as much as possible? I mean, a normally intelligent person could see that's what they're doing. I'm sure it's only partly because the President's black, but really, these assholes ran the invasions off the books and ran the surplus into the ground. What the fuck are they talking about? and if Americans are stupid enough to buy this bollocks, that's about that, and Cabo anywhere looks good. This is not a matter for debate. The deficit results from Mission Accomplished and letting people that make obscene amounts of money managing hedge funds destroy the American economy and never pay taxes. This is bush and republican doing and trying to pretend otherwise is flat stupid. They're all the same? In another universe. This is instant gratification expectation that the President gets a magic wand. Tantrums when that doesn't work out? Rostenkowski went to federal prison. Ted Stevens didn't. Which one was a bigger crook and which one a bigger betrayer of the public trust? No-brainer. Major league bribes from defense contractors or cheating on stamps and franking privileges? And Charley Rangel did something Mitch McConnell doesn't do in his sleep and W didn't spend hi whole phony Pretzeldency doing. And about that Jenna and what's-her-name and what's her other name, the First Lady, going on safari and you know, they didn't pay for any of that. Well, they didn't pay for any of that. They just went on safari while the idiot fucked around in Crawford or Kennebunkport or Camp David, back in 2007 when the Smartest Guys in the Room were in the process of crashing the American economy on purpose for profit.
- Brian, What I think is that people seemed to think the Presidency is more than it is, and he's taking a load of grief for things he's got no control over. There's a Senate with idiotic rules that allow a bunch of obstructionist idiots to fuck up the country, including the economy. Everything wrong could be nudged in the right direction if it were't for the Newtish crap. This business about lame duck Congress. That's how these assholes passed the Bush tax cuts in 2001 and 2002, and how the Greasy Old Poletti launched the Clinton impeachment idiocy. So how is that Democratic Party subterfuge? One way or another, these jerks don't give a shit about anything but money coming in, and if they have a redeeming characteristic or a spark of intelligence that didn't originate in the hindbrain, let me know. These are a bunch of assholes beholden to corrupt business interests. Democrats aren't. You can say one's bad as the other. No Virginia, not even close. And the one that isn't a total shill is tring to do things right. Seems to me, that's a major-league difference. Change doesn't happen all of a sudden. President's got no magic powers. Obama's approval ratings in polls are idiotic and so historicacally skewed it's bizarre. Both sides. Not good enough for you? That's idiot self-indulgent shit like voting for Darth Vader. It wouldn't be unreasonable to posit that Nader voters elected W, out of a pure and clean bellief they knew more than anybody else did. Thanks, you self-absorbed morons. The idea at this moment that there's no difference between the two dominant political parties is just idiotic, probably self-serving, but there is one concrete comparison. People v. money. In a general election, that's your choice.
- Brian, Voting for the noble loser is invariably voting for the biggest asshole or at least giving some jerk like Scalia an excuse to appoint W. In the case of Nader, he's only tied for biggest asshole. I've got a long personal history with this navel-gazer. He's an asshole, he has no agenda but self-aggrandizement, and this guy's a whacko that thinks the world revolves around his "insights". Let me ask. Did Kerry really lose Cuyahoga County? Assholes cheat, and continue to behave like assholes. The results were horsecrap.
- Nancy typed y'all. It's a singular, useful and wonderfully inclusive Southrenism and it should be part of the English language. Useful (and why doesn't useful have a second l?) There's y'all and all y'alls friends. Everybody? This is usually accusatory. Friendly. All of y'all. Useful and concise. Like "All of y'all morons that deny climate change with no science and a wealth of political baggage". Before I went to JSchool, I was an English major. The English language is astounding, like poisonous trigger frogs in the Amazon. Strange. Changing momentarily. But "y'all"? That's functional. On huffPo: Why in the world would anybody take this Bimbo seriously? Sometimes, she sort of knows what she's talking about. Mostly she used to make a living as an idiot doll for the right wing. She's a Bush bunch right winger that suddenly got Gospel. And before anybody says anything about saying Bimbo, sorry, but she defines the term. She belongs on Nip/Tuck.
- Try Frog Applause. The greatest Far Side had a bunch of sharks and bobbing human limbs. In the distance was a sinking ship labeled Acme Manequinn. The sharks looked exceptionally distressed. The caption: Is this some kind of cruel hoax? Try Frog Applause. Kinda self-important, referential, post-modern. I love every DeLillo novel, although Great Jones Street is far and away the best, and they are almost as good as Idoru . And I think Tom McGuane and Thomas Pynchon are the key to the universe. Perfect writing? Every one of those guys did that. Margaret Atwood might be the most superb writer that ever typed, but there's Peter Carey. T. Boyle. Ishmael Reed, Walter Mosley. Bolano. And Kavalier and Klay Every book I read is excellent. Well, I'm picky, but this makes me think there's hope for a sadly-conflicted and afflicted mankind. I know Nancy likes Laura Lippman, but compared to Dave Robicheaux, we're talking Travis McGee. Comic strips made me think of this. How does Gil Thorpe not get fired for never even getting to the playdowns, and what in the world are playdowns? I'm an ex-aathlete and we went to playoffs (and won them. usually). So what's this playdowns shit? Anyway, listen to this: astounding guitar playing.
- Detroit liquor stores. Beb? If you could reach to put the money on the counter. Colonel Leverts. If you could reach the counter. We used to buy pints of Ancient Age to pass up and down the bleacher rows. About $1. 39. Endless baseball wisdom. And Willie Horton was probably my favorite Tiger, but Ron LeFlore was clearly the best not named Al Kaline. Jim Northrup, hit grandslams. Mickey Stanley, the Freddy Lynn of his time. You crash the fence. For a while, Mickey Stanley was a defensive outfielder about as good as Ichiro, and that's so good it's ridiculous. Oh, and Denny McClain and Mickey Lolich were pretty good. Used to be on Seven Mile, Detroit rocked.
- School for the Gifted is a favorite Colleen. We hung it on our cubicles for architects in big trouble, but we restated the theme: No Brains, no service. Victor Fehrenbach and DADT amount to one of those things Progressives feel let down about. Obama was left with an unseemly and astounding mess. Actually, a mess that engulfed everything a president needs to deal with. Think about it. FUBAR. How the hell does a reasonable person think it was going to be fixed overnight with a nuclear option Senate and assholes like McConnell and the Oompa Loompa around? If the shitheels won't vote for anything including climate change legislation, how would you expect them to vote to repeal DADT? His left of center backbiters think it should have been cleaned up already. Instant gratification. All Things Must Pass. Get out the vote and push the Senate past 60-40, and more will be accomplished. Whining because the President couldn't do magic is counter-productive. What's been gotten past those aholes is fairly remarkable, and if voters vote for obstructionist idiots, we get the government we deserve, I guess. Who signed TARP into law. Really. You all said Obama. As W said, it made a lot of sense and he was a black fella way bigger than me and my Segway that already whupped my ass. Not enough and at gunpoint, but I rest my case. About voter stupidity, lying Republicans, and the sad, moronic state of political reporting these days. Oh, and on climate change? It's actually best that Congress doesn't get involved. The President runs the EPA.
- So. We're disenchanted with the politics of hope. So, because the magic wand didn't work, let's just hand everything back to Contract On Americans. Hell, we can all sit on our asses and make more money on unemployment. Every single Republican is signed on to the idea that Americans receiving unemployment benefits do so because it's easier and more profitable than working. Boner and Newt think so. Do any actual Americans believe this isn't bullshit from privileged jerks making cash for denigrating people in hard straits? Maybe, if you serve your cancer-stricken wife with divorce papers in the hospital, you get a lifetime pass to belittle the small people. But aren't those the same people that staple teabags to their straw hats? I'd bet ;ots of them are unemployed. And they don't get this? Mindlessness of American voters could fill the Grand Canyon. How does anybody vote for one of these assholes, or claim there's no difference between the parties. Is it optics, like Maureen Dowd said? Far as I know, optics has to do with science and cameras, so she's acting like an idiot. Aside from all that, one of two parties will fill every House and Senate seat next time around. Republicans are a lock to fuck over normal people in the interest of Big Bidness and the WWE. Your vote. Your decision. This mosque crap? When I was a little kid living in Memphis, I was told by camp counsellors that the church I went to Mass at had a secret basement with guns and bombs stashed. Those good Babdiss believed that for sure, while they tried to diddle us.
- Anchor babies? McCain was born in Panama, you idiots. And current law says you have to be 21 to do anything whatever about citizenship for your parents. This is way looney, anti-christian, whack. Decidedly Republican. Excuse me but I'm going off to toke up and worship Aquabuddha.
- Quayle(e) thinks “Everyone across America is tightening their belts...The only place it hasn’t happened is D.C.” Like the CEOs whose compensation averages 300 times what they deign to pay their employees (10 times the adverse ratio in 1975), you moron? Particularly the big-timers like Carly Fiorina that get obscene mountains of filthy lucre for running their companies without intact head gaskets or oil until the engines seize, and then buy primary elections with the proceeds. For Republicans, there's the Stupid but Calculating Wing, with Cantor, Quayle, Rep. Oompa-Loompa et al. Then there are the Bull-Goose Looneys (without McMurphy's charm, and apologies to Ken Kesey) like Angle and Rand Paul, and my current favorite, Gohmert. The AWOL governor seems simultaneously in charge of both groups. I still think anybody gullible, stupid or just plain irresponsible to vote for cndidates like these people should be disenfranchised.
- rand Paul didn't actually get his name from his daddy, he made up all by himself. So guess what, he made this bizaarrw shjit up himawllf.Creepeier than anybody thought. He named himself after an horendous writer> Does anybody think Ayn Rand is a remotelely decent writer? Sorry. Really bad. She wrote those bosom rippers. She was an absolute idiot. You want to listen to an idiot? You should be banned from ever voting again. You voted for =piece od ahit rhR
- Are you kidding. My brother and I got John Unitas, He was well known, one great guy. Johnny U gave a signature so he;s a jerk? What's wrong wirh you assholes?
- How about if somebodu=y took the bucks awY DROM
- Anchor babies? McCain was born in Panama, you idiots. Whrn facts don't fit, Republicans and their lackeys just lie their asses off. I believe what Republicantsts object to is a President with a functioning brain. devoid of prejudice against faith of anybody else. Apparently, that makes him a muslim anchor baby out to subvert our wonderful way of Republican life subservient to big corporations. Who actually believes this bullshit?. Who believe's he's working for Wall Street? Are Americans so stupid they don't understand that Senate rules and the phony filibuster don't limit what anybody can accomplish.? Deanie babies want instant gratification. Try the Senate, you morons. It doesn't work. Tha's Obama's fault and you feel betrayed? No magic wand comes with the office. What exactly do you suppose he should do>? The Senate is blocking appointments at rate that that beggars belief. For no reason but the appointer in chief isn't a nitwit and might be a closet muslim. The dissatisfaction is woefully misguided and poorly aimed If you want something accomplished beyond the astounding health care and financial oversight accomplishments, make the Senate change the rules. 60-40 isn't democracy, but these assholes insist on the idea that it is, and teabagging Republicans are right on board. What is up with that idiotic shit? Everything the instant-gratification Progressives claim Obama hasn't delivered on, that's the Senate filibuster, and if you don;t understand that, you are an idiot. Lay the blame where it belongs, and don't blame a President that's already gotten an amazing amount of things done. Seriously. if you claim Progessive, vote obstructionist Senators out of office and let the President do his job. At this point, blaming things on Obama and not the whackjob obstructionists like Mitch is just fucking obtuse. W was a draft dodger. That's a fact. So was Cheney. They both sucked up to the PNAC and created an invasion and occupation that cost $3billion, off the books. Republican politicians say that waste of cash . They were demonstrable traitors, and they were responsible for the obscene Swift Boat libel. That shit on the art of a cokehead idiot AWOL POS is so outragousas W should have Barney piss on his head again. Throw their asses in jail and let's get on with things. Does KC Jones count as a celebrity? I think so. I used to ride the Green Line with this professorial ex-Celt fairly frequently, A gentleman, unrecognized in a city he helped make great. Not Russ, the greatest basketball player that ever lived. Michael Jordan? Walked every time and the league approved. If Kevin McHale got the Jordan extra step, he was unstoppable. Not Havlicek, just a great player. Unlike Michael, never reached in. Unquestionably the second best defensive player in the history of hoops. After Russell. I Like David Lee Roth. I think Jump< is a brilliant song, and Eddy never had a better singer. Van Halen with that total ahole Sammy Haggar was just depressing. And Dave is a wonderfully good singer. That's pretty much undeniable. Not AC/DC but they used to be pretty good. How does anybody choose when it comes to rock and roll? I'd say the Kinks are my favorites (followed closely by anything to do with Lou Reed), but I'd say Waterloo Sunset is the most gorgeous song anybody ever wrote. Is that rock? I think so. When the Temps and the Supremes got all psychedelic, was that rock 'n' roll or what? Papa Was a Rollin' Stone? Jimi should have played that. I once met Agnes Moorehead. At the same time as having a drink with Paul Henreid. Gracious people. Ms Moorehead had a dry martini. She was old, but elegant Closest thing to Bette Davis you'd ever get..
- I have always thought Los Lobos a great band, with three superb songwriters, two excellent singers, and a mind-bending guitar player. Robert Plant's take on Angel Dance is fairly astounding. Meanwhile, my latest copy of Rolling Stone features Katy Perry, Michael Cera and Matt Taibbi talking out of his ass about something he doesn't know shit about, but, you know, Obama betrayed our trust when he signed TARP. Last issue was Lady Gaga. They should go back to Richard Dreyfuss. And people said rock is dead. RS may well be. The porn covers are starting to be embarrassing when I see my mailman. Linda, if people are pissed at Obama because of the economy, which was the particular blow to the head that made them so obtuse. This all happened before he was elected, and people that don't or won't understand that are either brain-damaged or just can't abide a black President. Lord knows, there are lots of the latter. The problem with Obama's recovery attempts all have to do with "not quite enough", but honestly, given the Congress he has to live with and can't just shoot, what the hell else could he have done at this point. Much of the Deanie Baby disconnect comes from Obama supposedly abandoning Public Option, like anybody even thought about that during the 2008 campaign. It's a wimpy sort of sop approach to purveyor's of Adam Smith health care in the first place, and it is not an idea endorsed by candidate Obama no matter how much anybody whines about it. Listen to the Humanas and Bill Frist, Juvenile Small Animal Abuser, squeal about what got passed in the dysfunctional Senate. Once in a century historic. And PGA. If half the players can't get a round in in one day for three days straight, you think you may have skewed the results? This one should actually not count.
- Here's David Hidalgo playing his own song. I think Robert Plant managed to turn affirmative into ominous. Added treat. Song named for my daughter. Try profiling that Mescan, Arpaio, you crooked asshole.
- Linda: I get that, but being a human being is a poor excuse for bone stupidity, outright racism and irrationality.
- Doesn't David Johansen have pretty credible grounds for a lawsuit over that "gentlemen's" club. One of the strangest, most irritating aspects of the whole manufactured ground zero vituperation is the ignorance, real or feigned, of Islam and it's various forms required to spout rightwing bullshit, like Newt and the triumphalism crap he made up out of thin air. (And what's he consider the American embassy complex in Baghdad, by the way?) The leaders of Cordoba Initiative are Sufi Muslims, i.e. the mystic hippy, peace and love branch of Islam. Sufi's have been tormented and persecuted by Salafists like the fierce puritans represented by Osama and Al Quaeda for centuries. If Sufis were Catholics, they'd be Teillhardian cosmologist theologians. The poet Rumi is a revered saint of Sufism. Sound like a terriss? Sounds like Jess Colin Young to me.
- Cooz, like Hares with intact intellects and imagination.
- doubting Obama is a fool's game. on the mosque, he knows exactly what he's talking about. Everybody else is sound and fury. He never is. But morons sure make it like that. Jeff, does sosmebody try to win? I admit to trying to be occasionally entertaining or annoying. Or whatever causes an interesting discussion. Brian, you know who Sean Astin is. He's Samwise Gamgee. Now if Nancy's in bad situation, that's just untenable. Just casually, without even trying, she's an excellent writer. We don't come across excellent writers every day. JJ Kilpatrick? Idealogue and only medium at the English language. Nancy Nall? Smooth, a fine stylist, somebody whose prose is instantly recognizable and sharp. In my opinion, that isn't worth jack, really clever, piquant (it's a favorite word, I think it means everybody else is sort of boring and you aren't). You know, Gary Larson was second best. How could he help it? There was already Charles Addams. The maternity nurse asking should I wrap it or will you take it here. So, I think Nancy's overeacting. I know that's dumbass crap. We're talking about a spectacularly smart woman wirh skilla, I think she ought to write a book. Real book. Plot and that shit. Nancy, not a thriller, I don't think, it's just a feeling, but the book, undoubtedley. Mighty good. In my opinion, Nancy Nall's pretty much a national monument. We don't have Nancy, we are being deprived of the net. Here's the deal. Slag these lyinf bastard shitheels. Wanna be TV or real? This isn't bullshit, these people will own your souls.
- There is no excuse ffor JJackson. Your quote, he still holds on, Racist pig. Seriously, that's why I was a racist and why I still am? He was not very good at words, either, Buckley was marginally verrer and he weas full of shit too,
- Look jcburns, this is no joke. Nancy's absurdly entertaining. I mean intelligence and a sense of humor. So, you know, shut the fuck up since you have neither. If that's what you've got for satire, go back and reload, because it's so fucking lame it wilts on demand. It takes some doing to be a major league dumbass. Or, you can just be a natural.
- Newt Gingrich thinks we should all be as religiously intolerant as the Saudis. Yeah, like Saudis attacked the WTC instead of Iraqis, right, Newt? Yeah, you fucking moron. Does anybody understand how full of shit this guy is? Thing is, he's supposed to be the right's intellectual, so does he know and just doesn't care, or is he a total fraud? Comsidering the way he treated ex-wives, I'd go with total fraud. Why does anybody that believes in the sanctity of Christian marriage, one man one wife, listen to this asshole? There's a major league Republican putsch about lame duck and how that shouldn't affect Senatorial politics. Last time, the aholes impeached Bill Clinton. How in the world do Americans not call these assholes on their blatant hypocrisy? I know. There's an excuse. They're fucking stupid, and they believe Senate rules instead of sane governnce make sense. The President has a magic wand he is just not waving, And when McConnell says outright he wishes he could have obstructed more, he's just joshing. And nothing's been accomplished. Against all odds and totally bullshit Senate rules, a lot has been accomplished, No instant gratification, Seriously, Deanie Baby Progressives, do something about Mitch McConell and arcane Senate rules first and then expect a Presidential magic wand. How dumb are y'all? No shit, assholes, change the rules in the Senate and then you can complain about the President. How it works, you idiots.
- Dr. Laura's doctorate is in physiology. I'd certainly go to her for marriage counseling based on that fact alone. But she never invented her own past and made a TV career out of pure bullshit the way Nancy Grace did. And she never drove an innocent, grieving mother to suicide the way Nancy Grace did. I mean, a couple of semesters at Northeast Missouri JC makes Rush an expert on things about which he has no intention of telling anything remotely connected to the truth. But there I go, being an elitist. These people are self-inflated egos, spewing bullshit and hatred for personal profit over airwaves putatively owned by all Americans. Is that remotely right? Rush just makes shit up and lies all the time. All the time. When was the last time he said anything that even approached the truth? Basically, they attack the Constitution in the name of raking in cash from racists. I might be a flaming old-school liberal, but these people are lower than Father Coughlin. Beck is insane and might believe every loony thing he says. Rest of them? Like George Wallace insisting "I was out-niggered, and I will never be out-niggered again." And Nancy's a talented writer, and nice enough to let me talk to y'all despite my frequent transgressions of good taste, common sense and sobriety. When I said "national monument" I meant an oasis of rational thinking and courtesy on the internet. Exceptionally rare. Sort of one of a kind. Ahem. Well anyway, write the book, keedo. The question is, Faye Weldon, Margaret Atwood, Brontes, Tom McGuane (who wrote the great Michigan novel and whose sense of sarcastic and absurd suits you well). Maybe Carl Hiassen. Devilishly good and it's fake mystery to cover up acerbic social commentary. I know this is idiotic. Long may you run. You could write something about a child wizard. I'm a 59-year old guy. I used to read Erma Bombeck right after I found out what Molly Ivins shouldn't have said. The deal is skill. For my money, Nancy Nall never wastes a word. A precise writer with a ready and extensive vocabulary (and internet morons will accuse you of using a Thesaurus because words baffle their ignorant asses). My working vocabulary, dumbaass, not yours. So, Nancy, DeLillo or I'm betting on 210 pp of Graham Greene style. Getting to Know the General? Probly not. Probly better. I've spent years and it isn't right yet.
- Know what? 9/11? Bullshit you assholes. W should have known it was gonna happen. He was warned. So how is this a GOP attack point? This a perfect example of the deep and abiding stupidity of American voters. The Mosque? Are you assholes braindead, and if you are, should you ever be allowed to vote? It's difficult to come to the realization that so many Americans are flat-out stupid.
- Here's Mitch. If you don't think the Republican Party did't decide on racism and obstructionist shit. Take a look. He only wished he hadn't obstructed more. Seriously, people are allowed to vote for assholes like this? That's America?
- Sorry. Taking offense is a totally moronic talking point, and you don't accomplish anything but acting like Beck. There is no way to deal with morons. He only wished he hadn't obstructed more. Mitch, you kidding me? Mitch, are you that fucking stupid? Cheat, lie, get elected, make cash. What Republicans do.
- Newscorp contributed $1mil. Justice Scalia doesn't think he's done enough by stealing an election and appointing a few war criminals. Let's just rig elections with cash.
- Newt claims to be an intellectual. How exactly does that play when he puts himself squarely in the Ananias Club about Islam? I mean, he just makes shit up, and morons buy it. The thing this disgusting POS ever did that defines him is serving divorce papers on his wife dying of cancer. Making up some outrage about the WTC, that's even low for this despicable, pluperfectly cynical jerk. He cares nothing about anything but Newt's political career. How is Ensign not in jail with mom and pop? And the President's a Muslim? Conjoining Muslim with Terriss is about as anti-American as you can get, short of invading Iraq and claiming it's revenge for WTC. And that's exactly what Cheney did. Nefarious lying asshole, enriching himself. What is wrong with Americans. Two wars off the books that created the deficit along with moronic tax cuts for people who's income was $1Nil and shattered American economy. That was the W puppetmasters, you fucking idiots. And Mitch "I wish I could have obstucted more" McConnell. The small bidnesses Republicans chant about: mostly law firms and hedge fund managers. Not producing any jogs, mon. Is there a Republican agenda besides more money for rich people? Well, yeah. You could fool me.. It;s moving the CEO level compensation to 300 to 1 in the last 30 years. These assholes lay off workers and run companies into the ground, and then they try to buy office in California. And Republicans and teabaggers think this is the American Way. Sharron Angle. If the chickens for health care didn;t convince you, everything else she's said ought to convince you she's certifiable. Don't like Harry Reid. Me neither. Why doesn;t he do something about bullshit Senate rules? Make those aholes actually stand up and filibuster against helping unemployed folks. Devoid of mindless and destructive Senate obstructionism, what does a single Republican have to offer? Nothing but letting millionaires get away with contributing nothing to Ameerican eonomy while reaping financial benefits. Rich people don't make jobs. and whoile white shoe law firms are technically small businesses, so are hedge fund managers. These are the small bidnesses Republicans represent. How are Americans so dumb they con't get this? It's like the famous campaign against tj "the death tax". Your mom and dad didn't make that much money, you idiots. No family farms involved, and Archer Daniel Midland ian't paying taxes. You know, fuck htis shit, these people are lying an taking free plane rides. The Bush tax cuts were written and passed in lame duck congresses. Shit, the Clinton hooha was lame duck Those were Republicans. Now they want to claim their work is Obama tax raises? I'll say again, anybody stupid enough to buy this horseshit is way too dumb to be allowed to vote. My personal feeling about all this is that Americans are morons and deserve an idiot like W. He fucked the economy with off=books PNAC invasions and occupations. His tax-cuts for very rich people were so moronid and politically directed it's almost hard to believe, and the guy that inherited this shit is at fault? I mean, previously, all the right companies were raking in cash. The deficit hit the roof when Obama included the costs of the invasions. W had them off the books. Bush had already destroyed a budget surplus with his idiotic tax cuts. Tax cuts? Like taking a gran or two to allow your government to behave like war criminals. How was running the invasions and occupations somehow not part of the budget for eight years? It's one thing to be to be an idiot, it's another to drag hordes of semi-literatehordes of Americans with you.
- Brian, The real problem seems to be self-identified Progressives. Not good enough and wave the magic wand. Like it or not, and I don't like it at all, Wall Street, driven by pure Republican greed created the economic mess,and the deficit is largely the product of pursuing invasions and occupations with no apparent purpose but enriching chicken-hawks like Cheney and the rest of the PNAC. Might take a while to fix that. What exactly is the President supposed to fix that he hasn't made giant inroads on? The most idiotic navel-gazing dumbass would have to admit that government option never came up during primary or election runs. Camel's noze in the tent DADT? Deader than doorMear. Just shut the hell up. This Deanie-babyshit is counter-productive. If things aren't happening immediately enough, chedk on history, If you think the health care bill is lacking, consider the 100 years it took to get anything done. Consider the fact that the current Senate is so opposed to anything whatever proposed by a black guy people claim in large numbers, is a Muslim and that equals a terriss Every independent economist says things would have been monstrously worse. In fact they say there should have been more cash. They are obviously right. So Teabaggers that think TARP was a plot hatched by Muslims in Indonesia several Decades ago, and not the work of W, we're supposed to listen to that shit because Chris Cillizza thinks the President should go to church more often? Consider the idiotic idea that when the President tries to get something done, he's dealing with a majority. Consider the anti-democratic behavior and the moronic rules of Senators like John Ensign, who should be in jail, with his Ma and Pa. Of course, why aren't Cheney and Rummy in jail? Meanwhile, they ran two invasions W never counted on the books. more than $1trillion. So, who fucked up the economy? Who trashed the surplus? Who was left to try to clean up the mess? The black guy. Sherriff Bart. FUBAR when he got there. Might have been Komissar Karl's plan all along. Fut seriously, Senate rules? Somebody here thinks tat comports with the Constitution and these aholes haven't thwarted the will of the people? On health care? Most people support national health, and looney tunes objected to the President over a twinge he never supported nor proposed. Look how that reads in polls. Tell you what. If Obama says he'd like the economy to improve and people have more jobs. 33% will disapprove, because he's black and a Muslim, and a Democrat. 33% won't have an opinion. 33% percent will disagree because We're so disappointed and wanted instant gratification. One way or another, he can't win. No magic wand. Ad MS reporters report you morons as disapproving, you fucking idiots.
- Why bring this up now? ? Oh, there's an election. I don't doubt there are people that care about this. If they are so dumb they think these bastards give a shit and aren't doing the Giulliani, they need custodial care. Newt famously had divorce papers delivered to his wife while she was cancer-ridden in a hospital, He's worried about how this looks? The hypocrisy of the alleged outrage would be hilarious if it weren't for the intentional racism. Muslims didn't blow up the WTC, a bunch of whacko Saudis that belonged to al Quaeda did. I think al Quaeda did that and not Muslims. You fucking assholes. and many were hand=holding level. You don't bow to them according to protocol, you actually kiss them abd hold hands.. And their families were in America ar the time, and W Bush had them spirited safely away. Then he basically spent the next several years convincing idiots that Saddam did it, killed 4thou p;us American soldiers for Halliburton profit and turning a budget surplus into a spectacular deficit, only to have his lackeys blame the spending spree on a black guy. Born in the USA. Republicans made the deficit. And without a doubt they were the sort of chickenhawks that eschewed actual military service. Does anybody believe W didn't run out on his commitment to the Tejas Guard? Hell yeah he did, Does anybody doubt W and his supporters made up the Swi Blind trust I'm sure. These assholes are bona fide war criminals. The invasion was illegal in the first place. Try to prove that's wrong, without bringing up a hilariously duplicitous shadow minister from Kuwait, Look, ideologue assholes on the Supreme Court appointed an idiot and an evil guy with his hand up the idiot's ass making his mouth move that appointed himself. For eight years. It's no reason to allow an OOmpah-Loo,pa and the most venal politician of the last two centuries. It's pretty much an asolute fact that everything Charlie Rangel did wrong, well Mitch invented that shit, Put it this way. I've had with idiots. If you're an idiot, You should not be allowed to vote, If you believe the President is Muslim (as if that makes you a terries) or you believe he's not Merricun, that makes you an idiot AND a Racist. Things have gotten to the point of satire when Foxnews transfers cash within the company and peoplee get upset.ftboat bullshit for cash and prizes to be named later? Mot if they have working brains. So how do these war-mongering chickenhawk profiteers get away with this sort of incredibly slimy shit? Seriously, Americans believe in any inane bullshit Republicans feed them. W was a VietNam war hero while Kerry was faking injuries in Cambodia, If you put that on the net, it must be true.
- Ground Zero Mosque. Killer phrases? Am I nuts, or is the tone of this fawning and adulatory? From NPR? How about if we all agree to call it the decrepit Men's Warehouse fire trap nobody wanted that will probably end up an anchor for a rejuvenated neighborhood two blocks and invisible from the WTC site, which, by the way, remains an eyesore because all those wounded Americans that claim it's hallowed ground haven't figured out how to max profit on it and who gets what cut.
- What do the Teabaggers and cynical neocons do now that Rand Paul's ripped them a new one. And is Beck a secret Muslim sympathizer? And am I delusional or did Republicans write the sundown aspects into the Bush Tax Cuts in 2002 that they bullied through a-gasp-lame duck Congress? If they were concerned why'd they wait until election season to produce massive misrepresentations of the situation in relation to their manufactured deficit hysteria. Oh yeah, Dickless said "deficits don't matter". I bet that's not exactly what the asshole said.
- I thought this story about the Chilean miners very rich in some fascinating and poignant details. Byline: Seattle Times news services (one of my favorite papers online). So then I came across this piece in NYT, with a decided similarity to the Seattle Times report. I've had little active involvement with journalism in 20 years. I'd be interested if y'all could explain how this worked and who produced this fine writing and reportage, as we used to love to say presumptuously back at the land grant JSchool. (Both of these articles are accompanied by stunning photos, and the editors managed not to pull a Time/Newsweek fiasco, which is a whole other story.) In high school, my brother and I used my mom's midnight blue '63 TBird convertible for social engagements, frequently on Woodward Avenue, where we also may have participated in some acceleration-related illicit activity from time to time. When the first Camaro ZCar came out, I think in 1969, Chevy ran magazine ads with "Meet you on Woodward Ave." for copy. I always figured some dad was set up at JWT for life by something his kid told him, hypothetically speaking.
- I haven't had a chance to read this list of road songs from NPR, so no imprimatur. Sure I'll find some omission or inclusion annoying. Still, it 's a nice coincidence it's in my email today, considering what y'all are talking about. 95 rather than 100 is a clever touch.
- If this isn't enough evidence that Republicans are sleazy enough to team up with Fox and they're not lying lying scum bastards it's at least evidence that many of us are too fucking stupid to be allowed to vote. And a list of road songs that doesn't include Highway 61 and Get Out of Denver, and ignores Tennessee Plates might have good songs but it's lacking. I would have liked to hear more comments, I mean, posting a list is just asking for it. Anyway. Thanks, y'all. And with that, I've probably worn our my welcome. And Nancy, back in the day, to use a spent phrase, nobody in Detroit cared a shit about Iggy. MC5 and SRC and Bob Seger. Still good music amd Iggy's still sort of exhibisionist rehashed drivel. And where is the respect for the two-horse. Ugliest car ever built, but it chugs along. I learned to drive with a manual transmission with a Ghia and I drove one through a total flood in a Storrow Drive tunnel flood. You'd have to know Boston, but we made it floating. They float and you can sort of steer. Then I drove a Triumph Spitfire around in the Blizzard of '78. Didn't clear the snow. Cars are amazing if you know how to drive them.
- Manual transmission isn't rocket science. You feel the gears engage, the car starts to move. You let out the clutch. Let out the clutch and step on the gas. My kid got this almost immediately. Her mom rides the clutch in reverse to this day. We're divorced and it's not my car, so I can just make fun.
- I was born in Children's Hospital, in Cincinnati. It was the capital of slave trade, not bedbugs. So far as rolling street racing in Detroit is concerned, that happened, Woodward was shut down for miles through Southfield and Birmingham, it wasn't like it was difficult. Ask Glenn Beck. These bedbugs were imported by formerly "good muslims". We all know this has it's roots in Al Qaeda, and that points right at Lichtenstein. Bastards are hiding Insects of Mass Torment. They're just another form of roach. They live forever and will torture human beings until there aren't any humans anymore when Israel uses the non-existent nukes from Dimona to blow Iran to hell. What the hell is wrong with people? Iran's got no capability of blowing people up with nukes, and Israel does because they stole intelligence and fissionable material from the US? For sure. How in the world is that not a terriss state? It's not like I'm making something up, like W and the Neocons They made shit up and created a a massive deficit by running two off=budget wars that made massie profits for Haliburton for excetionally shoddy workNor do I propose or intend any action. Whackjobs make every whackjob more likely to act. Israel's got no nukes trained on Teheran, right? How much of the deficit comes from the illegal invasions? How much comes from the obscene rebates to extremeley rich people that never smelt a buisness they couldn't devour? Factory farms and salomolla. Seriously. You people aren't idiots. How do you buy the first word out of any of these liars' mouths? You buy Mitch Mc'Conneell and assholes just like him Killing Americans with bad eggs for profit is not a whole lot different from destroying the entire watershed by mountaintop destruction. Is It?
- How do these embarrassing oversights happen. Do you think we lie our asses off so much as we get caught in our lies? Dr. Laura was speaking her own truth. To avoid blisters altogether, exercise the afflicted bodily parts regularly. You get calluses. laura? Reveal your true self in a moment. She's been wanting to call somebody nigger her whole life. She might actually understand. I can't. I never thought about using that word in anger. I was brought up better, but, you know, my parents must have been some sort of hippies, instead of the doctor and nurse practitioner I thought they were. They could have been bigoted Republicans spouting Islamophobic crap about a President who's trying to fix a godawful mess he was left with by the most white-bread phony professional Christian empty suit in the history of the Republican Party, that was appointed but never elected. W employed this very Imam as his emissary to Islamic voters.??? Pretty scary. And no help or even a single idea from people all over the political spectrum. Everything's wrong? How about a suggestion regarding a solution? The Republican plan? Yeah, right. Republicans, if you have ideas other than Blazing Saddles, let's hear 'em. Didn't think so. He's a ni-. That is about that. Or it's about Ralph Vader, who can leap idiotic Senate rules and make things better with one swoop of a lightsaber. Good luck.
- Once again, I'm asking. Sure this voting thing is a good idea? No poll proves anything except that Americans taking polls believe, in general, bullshit. And they believe FoxNews isn't just made-up shit So, ther're both painfully stupid and deluded. And they email everybody on the face of the earthQuite literally, that means they are idiots taking polls. Is the President a Muslim Anchor Baby? Of course he is. You see how there are idiots taking up spots in these carefully constructed poll chatrooms. Is his skin brown? Whoa, he's a Muslim, My honest question: Should that idiot be allowed to vote? Should it count? Women aren't airheads. Can you actually quote a single thing Palin ever said that made remote sense? No. Because it hasn't ever happened. Even if photos prove it's Sarah Palin? She is that fucking stupid. There is no known scientific method of plumbing the depths of that woman's stupidity. As far as English, as a presumably first language, that would be moronic as you get. Sorry, everything out of her mouth. Malaprop? Bullshit. She is just painfully stupid. And mostly she looks fairly homely, rode hard, put up wet. But if that makes you pay attention Rich Lowry, she was winking at you, Rich Lowry, and you were staring through boozw go88les.
- Eddie R. Lawson. Actually, I think the face and crooked smile, and, particularly, the bad hair look a lot like the age- , acid, and madness-ravaged visage of Brian Wilson.
- 87000 people? Seriously. Hoe msny of these whackjobs are worried about this sort of Gold Coins? Serioudly ehst the hell? This represents some sort of ground roots movement. This is less than a million of a 300, mil adults. People know that this sort of fringe hatred, maybe we've got something better to consider. How many people there found Beck a revolting liar? Beck claiming MLK This is pretty close to the disturbance outside the Democratic National convention. I was in grant Park and I gave as good as I got. I was there totally legally. Whacked around for no reason but my prescence. I found Nixon a spectacular liar in the interest of befouling my country. What Cheney did when he appointed himself after fucking an election.? These assholes just robbed everthing for the PNAC and spending a few billion on an illgal invasion by lying their assses off. How does anybody that purports to have the slightest idea? They don't. They sent the PNAC letter to Clinton. You don't know about that shit? He told them they were full of it. What I'd like to know is this? If you push through the Bush tax cuts, lame duck, you fucking assholes, and you hit $1trill on military adventurism with some scum, aren't you the deficit assholes that ever hit the face of the earth? You cannot be the biggest deficit liars that the biggest lying pieces of shit that ever lived? How much of the deficit is actually putting the Invasions on the books? How difficult is not paying for your invasions difficult to understand? How difficult is this to understand? Not one dime of the cash spent on the invasions, not one cent of the cash that dissapeared into Halliburton, none of those gigantic sleds of cash, none of that was ever accounted for. It just disappeared. Republicans want to investigate those two or three Panthers? Acorn? Anytime, anywhere, We'd like opponents that actually had something to claim. The Panthers, seriously, there were three guys and the way they were dressed up as thugs. What's so painfully stupid is that white people didn't vote in that spot. So they were intimidating black people that would have voted for , c are non-esistent. Acorn was 99%% legitimate, The Breitbart shit never failed to make shit up and it's most assuredly easily proved to any reasonable person. This is such clearly racist shit, it's almost ridiculous. Racist shitholes like Andrew Breitbart that actually thinks he's clever turning black people against themselves? No. he doesn't. He's a sorry racist piece of shit. Most of us believe in the Constitution. How is there a question? Man, This is like choosing Frank instead of Hawkeye. What sort of disgraceful piece of shit would you have to be. Funniest thing, it is not a mosque, and without one of those Arnie things, you couldn't even see it. So if it's not a mosque and it's not even visible? Holy shit? They just made this shit up? How does anybody deal with abject stupidity?y
- Brian, but what about the Jugalos. Does this men you can be a desp9cable p12c3=0f sh5 ICP, sorry but that is just acting like assholes and making money. These guys heard about gg allin and tried to act like that, and thee Jugsloos, This would seem to be the tea party version of music, and it's truly, really bad. In my opinion, these guys are assholes and if you want to act like an asshole, or you can act like a Jugalo, or you can play play "God Save the Queen? " Actually musicians. What women do not seem to think about So Jugaloo. We're morons. Tadda, yadda. There's no possibility of being stupider than we are. Well. We can't be any stupider. We can't be more offensive to half the people on the face of the earth. What I'd like to point out, some of would like to have sex with somebody we really liked before we ever thought What about attraction with 8n the first place. c.ue wove have beenbfk..uv In some cases, y'all are are wonderful.I don't have clue, r .
- Can somebody point out a single thing this asshole ever said that was remotely close to true? One single thing? Nope. Just another liar on the internet. But, you know, he said he's Martin Luther King. You cannot tell a bigger lie when you're a racist jerkoff jerk. I mean, you could search the world. You could not find a more opprobrious assshole than this asshole. MLK? Seriously? Offensive doesn't come close. Odious? Nope. This asshole needs his ass kicked. Inexcusable. People buy this shit? My disenfranchisement program. Listen to and believe in this Century's version of the truly insane Fr. Coughlin, you're fucking nuts too and you don't get to vote anymore. Both these whack-jobs thought they had a direct line. Only one of them believed Catholics weren't Christians, which is funny, since they invented the whole thing, but if you claim to be Mormon, you should be careful about the cult word.
- That woman's the idiot version of LaToya for the King family. Beck antidote. More Beck antidotes. Pulling out of Chicago about this time of day 42 years ago, bloody, exhausted filthy, unbowed. So, you know, fuck the Tea Party.
- I always fly first class when I can bill it and usually when we fly at leisure. I figure if I'm spending a bundle on the vacation anyway, why not. I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I do not fit in the seats in the rear cabin. I'm normal -sized, 6'-1" and about a buck 70. As coach is configured these days, my knees are jammed into setbacks in full upright position. If the passenger in front of me opts for recline suddenly, I feel like I've been cut off at the knees. This is disgusting: How hens are confined. Speaking of food safety: National Smart Seafood Guide. And this is surely worth a field trip. Take the virtual tour--hilarious, somewhat disturbing. Juggalos and Jugalettes. Not for the faint of heart. And if that's not bad enough, bare-breasted Jugalettes And, damn, those people really despise Tila Tequila. You'd think she'd fit right in amidst all that grotesquery.
- How many catholics are objectionable? How many asssholes steeling you're money are disgusting assholes? Really? You can't gaufe thatT? Fuvk you all. It will rot from your butt. You are not even cute, And you NBig time liars.will rott. Don;t think So? Do fucking dumb to scare. You are so fucking dumb and so moronic, well go to hell. You aare a moron. Moron.Moron you fucking oron. Givw it a run. You can't fuck with my kid and people I cary about bout, asshole. So, who does these people think about who thew do themdelves?, Whatever, but I figure right for sure.
- Really. This didn'nt didnt not couldn;t not not not count for spectaculuer for thee a she'pre. Is this not aan obfious not a bush spectacuaalarm, way hey . Are we kidding: . If you don;t understand the asshold FUBARED evereything, thats what he did. He did what every did. He raised Fubar to a ridiculous thing. Did he have anhy sense ablut any sense or whatever thinkx?
- I'd be willing to bet my condo there is nobody on the face of the earth that's going with this "Muslim" shit in any way that is not a stone racistYeah, rightYou jack FBAR up beyond belief. You turn a surplus into a massive deficit while not counting neocaon invasion behavior on the books. I suppose you figure you threw that Tar-Baby in the Briar Patch. Oh. and at the Tea Party, Saul Alinsky is required reading These people are so fucking dumb it's tiring. . How in the world did making better for poor people become anti-American? I mean, that might be some idiotic Beck interpretation of liberation theology. Like, you know, if you thought School of the Americas criminals shooldn't rape and murder Maryknoll nuns on Raygun's dim e, And there's no difference between political parties. Like, you know, <Kerry was ms making things up while W was defending the O Club. Is knowing Ken Blackwell said he;d cheatconspiracy theory, he dheated. And we got four more years of idiocy. And Deanie babies won;t vote because their favorite cause isn;t no. 1 priority? These assholes thought it was fine to torture people to prove their bogus claims about weapons and intentions. Proved useless. So vote for some race-baiting or religious bigot, because 9/11 hurt you deeply. Those guys were almost all Saudis. The President of the United States told you we had to do Shock and Awe because Iraq and Saddam had something to do with the WTC. He was lying his ass off, and he'd been warned in certain terms about a month earlier, and he blew it off. If anybody thinks being an accomplice eto the smartest guys in the room didn't lead to those tax-free hedge fund managers that love the Bush tax cuts, The self-appointed VP to the President appointed by Scalia, he actually made a tidy fortune. These assholes stole two presidential elections in a row to appoint a dumbs that amounts to Howdy Doodee, and it was because they tried to talk Clinton into invading Iraq. PNAC, you nitwits? They didn't ask W to join. And seriously, you angry progressives, he didn't get to my concern yet? That is mainstream stupid Deanie-Baby Spock bullshit You are clearly the problem and not the solution. Pardon me but if you don't see that health care reform is more important than DADT, you are officially an idiot and an onanist. So this he said/shesaid about the parties is positively horseshoe. Some facts: Republicans just make shit up. Name a single instance in which a Democrat did the same. Fuck that. Did W shirk his duties as a Guard pilot? What sort of idiot do you have to be to not understand W was an out-and-out cokehead draft-dodger. Really, is this difficult? Bush and Cheney dodged the draft and promoted the invasion of VietNam. Somebody want to say that isn't true? Just like all the neocon fuckheads. All talk no game. There is nothing more despicable than the neocon chickenhawk asshole. Obama's moved social justice ahead. If you want to backbite about the ecosystem or DADT, good luck to you, but you're just damaging the cause overall.
- Did y'all realize that Kathleen Parker is a liberal "kook"?
- They eat their own. The worst thing about Beck's Big Revival was coopting American military personnel. Obama and Shinseki are trying to deal upfront with the tremendous debt in money and responsibility resulting from invading Iraq illegally on totally bogus claims. Rummy said "stuff happens". Rumsfeld served in the Air Force in peacetime. The rest of these assholes had better (lines of coke) things to do or anal cysts or whatever. Hell, Obama actually acted like a grownup and included the invasion and occupation in the nation's accounting, and Republicans are counting that as Obama's part in the deficit. Cheney's got a team of accountants hiding his part of the whole thing from the IRS. None of this is rocket science, but if Americans are just so stupid they don't realize exactly how the surplus was made into a deficit, how do you trust these morons to vote?
- Jan Brewer and the illegal immigrant law in Arizona: "en tus sueños." Jan Brewer's pretty much flat out crooked. I guess she thought what was good enough for Dickless Cheney.
- Denice B.: Edgewater was one step up from a carny. But it had a seriously decrepit roller coaster and it had the Wild Mouse, which is truly the most insane and scary ride anybody ever imagined: geometrical 90 degree turns 60 0r 70 feet off the ground, on a glorified jungle gym, at 50 or 60 mph. There was also the free swinging gondola Ferris wheel. This was where Detroit, and even Bloomfield Hills, and I doubt the Grosses, kids went for fun in the 60s and 70s. The coaster was old, wooden and so uncared for you could see the bolts move around in the stanchions. Somebody tried to burn it down once. Overall, this was scarier than any of the CG rides at the high tech "parks" around now. Everybody believed the whole thing could crash down at any minute. Oh, and the last cars definitely bounced, i.e. left the tracks, at times. The Wild Mouse is another story altogether. Nobody's tried any sort of variation on it that I know of, because it's insane. The cars swiveled on their bases to make jarring, concussion-inducing 90 degree turns at what seemed like ridiculous speeds. Riders were pretty sure on every turn they were over the edge and in the parking lot. Top of the bus that brought you here on the altarboys picnic, with Fr. Flanagan that liked squeezing into that Wild Mouse car with you. Me, I love Space Mountain. Apparently it only goes 50-60 mph. Yeah, but you are in the dark with no idea which direction you'll be flicked next. And the changes in direcction are so rapid and random it's a sonafabitch. When you have absolutely no idea what's going to happen next, that trumps speed, heights, pretty much anything. No direction known. And you wait in those switchback lines and eventually realize those neon squiggles overhead are the little pockets you're about to board.
- What does it say about America that it bought Madonna hook, lie, sinker instead of Cyndi Lauper, and now the nation is putting Lady Gaga on the cover of Rolling Stone, featuring Katy Perry. Madge ever write a song as gorgeous and true as Time After Time?Autotune and fake boobs. I prefer talent and A-cups. Jay-Z and Eminem.? Slim Shady was mildly entertaining, but the entire idea of corporate rap and hip-hop is as depressing as Country masquerading when it's really watered down rock 'n' roll (Mr. Kidman is one amazing guitar player.). This goes back to Pat Boone versions of Little Richard. Jay-Z ain't Dre. There was rap and then there was corporate rap that ruined everything. There was NWA and Public Enemy, KRS-1. Then Puffwhatever homogenized the shit to buy more Christal It's a preference for the sanitized version instead of the original. This doesn't happen so much with rock 'n' roll, but it's a fact that being seriously better than everybody else doesn't buy much. The Kinks are the greatest Brit Invasion band. Listen to Arthur or Village Green. I love Beatles and Stones, but, you know, Dave is a better guitar player than Keef. Actually the Kinks aren't better, but they wrote more relevant songs without the need to posture or be cool. These days, Ray writes great songs and Mick is recycling phallic dreams. The Clash produced spectacularly great songs, but they never came close to Anarchy or God Save the Queen. Marshall Mathers has heard the train pass him by, and as for selling hip-hop to white folks, Jay is a very rich guy with no discernable talent aside from getting rich. Meanwhile, the Kinks were the Stooges with brains and way better riffs, and actully grew into a literary presence. Chuck Berry wrote stories. Iggy's just about Jim and how he found his dad stifling. But what the hell, I find REM's music exhilirating when I have no clue what Mike Stipe's talking about. He's not a bonafide egoist like Bono and he's got a way better guitar player.
- Cooz: Those headless corpses actually walked into Arizona. At this point, how many Republicans have expressed inner thoughts that would lead any sane person to believe they aren't sane? Mayybe, they're just terminally stupid. Why isn't the MSM meme not that Dems are in trouble in House Races, but if people elect these loonies Obama's in more trouble than the totally FUBAR mess W left him in? If Republicans win elections for Congress, it is full-goose loonies. The woman in Arizona is an out-and-out crook. Angle is easily the fruitcake Bachmann plays in real life. These are people that should be incarcerated or committed. It's really obnoxious that Republicans are talking about privatizing Social Security. Did they see what hedge fund managers did when they ran things. It is hard to believe that even the average American is stupid enough to hand her SS cash over to greedy crooks that wouldn't think twice about crashing the American economy if it would enrich them. Oh, and are people too stupid to understand that privatizing means the government hands the cash over to private concerns to mismanage however they want?Worked well with all of those disappeared cash millions in Iraq that ended up making Dickless richer and electrocuting a few soldiers. W and hi neocon buddies ran the invasions and occupations off the books. Nobody's ever dealt with a more massive briar patch. Which side are you on? Trying to figure a way out of this jungle. or whining about "progressive" concerns? Deany-babies that can't get over 2004 do a spectacular disservice to Kerry. Naderites and Deanie-babies are sinking everything for sake of idealogical purity. By backbiting. That is monumentally stupid. There's an intelligent President. In the face of lobbyists and the Party of No, he's pushed through historic health care reform and curtailed Wall Street abuses. Blaming the President for GOP obstructionism is seriously counter=intuitive and counter=productive, If self-appointed "Progressives" have an argument, it's with arcane Senate rules and the filibuster you don't actually have to stand up for. Blaming this shit on Obama and Democratic members of Congress is more, not less, idiotic. If you claim to be a disaffected "Progressive", let's look at this in the realm of reality. You simply won't vote because yoour wish=list hasn't been accomplished Good going. You will elect Sharron Angle and every nutcase running, instewd of tryung to make a positive difference. My point is that the idea there's no difference between the parties is asinine. Practically, do you want the well-known car thief and arsonist Issa running another Watergate investigation? There was no there there. Just a died=in=the=wool dedicated fat girl that went to Washington with her kneepads to give a blow-job. Republicans wrote sundown into the Bush Tax Cuts. To avoid scrutiny by the CBO. The Bush Tax Cuts were undeniably and statutorily bigger for rich people, but Americans are notoriously stupid, and thought they were rich people. Look, if you are so patently idiotic you think White Shoe lawfirms and egg factories are small businesses, if you believe there is such a thing as a death tax that will wipe out "family farming", you are to stupid to realize these are lies that have been told you.
- How is job-shedding the federal government's respnosibility and not a profit-maximizing tool of Archer Daniel Midland? They do it the old fashioned way. Immense government subsidies. Why are there continuing government sufsidies for agriculture when there is no such thing as the vaunted Republican thing as the family farm?
- Jan Brewer? You mean Warden Hazen's BFF. Look, y'all. These people that think you can pay the internist with poultry, well, they are fucking looney. If the WaPo and NYT political appraisers think people that vote for insane people will be the wave in the off-year elections, only one thing can be said. Americans will get the moronic representation they deserve.
- Reading? I'm buried in 2666. Almost literally buried. It's so dense and morbidly funny it's like Bolano is an alter-ego version of Thomas Pynchon that wrote V. I'd pause and read my newly acquired Stieg Larssons, but I might forget something important. These books, or this book, is compelling and more user friendly than, for instance, Balano's Savage Detectives, which I think is even longer, because you have to track back and read hundreds of pages you already looked at. So, I'm sort of seeing at as a marathon I won't quit, and at the end, there's a new cool-hunting book with Hollis and William Gibson. I want the actual book in my hands. I love books, binding, cover art, lame author photos with hand to quizzical chin. They will have to pry my first edition HL The American Language out of my cold dead hands if somebody wants to make me use an electronic device to read books. On this subject, Walter Mosley, it's been too long, and isn't about time for another Dave Robicheaux? High Chapparal put Big Valley in the ground. But that wasn't fair. The former had Cameron Mitchell. Who starred as a trumpet playing loser in the most memorable episode of Movin' On, a TV show with Claude Akins and Frank Converse that was better than The Big Valley but like most good TV, died before it's time.
- That was meant to be typed Bolano, please excuse. Amazing novelist. His poetic efforts leave me bemused. But poetry's strange. Don't most poets make up self-referential rules for themselves when they write poems? I tend to like poems with some discernible structure. Sonnets read well. Haiku is orderly but generally annoying as hell. WB Yeats, every single syllable is in the exact right place and the point is made with a vengeance without superfluous poetism. Of course, there is the question of interpretation. I've got a good friend that has about 25 languages. She can read The Master and Margarita in Russian. I think <b Autumn Comes for the Patriarch is a great book, actually better than One Hundred Years. But what about translators? Particularly with poetry. I think these people are collaborative authors. I think Jonathan Franzen is pretentious and overblown and entirely too convinced he has to be literary. Well, there's the boring part. But you know, critics love him and he sells lots of books. How does smarmy translate? I suppose what I most look forward to is the next brilliant Michael Chabon escapade, because apparently Tom McGuane (who wrote The Sporting Club, the defining UP book, and he did the same thing for South Florida in Bushwhacked Piano) has retired for good from fiction. I think there's a lot to be said for being snide, not so serious, and not self-invested when you write a novel. TC Boyle has nothing whatsoever to do with his characters. Shit happens to them. He's got nothing to do with it.
- MichaelG: Good news. James Lee Burke is a ridiculously good writer. And for me, he's Dave Robicheaux, like John D. was Travis McGee. Walter Mosley is an even better writer that's whoever he chooses, not just Easy. Mouse, on the other hand, you can't make that up' but this guy did. "You didn't want him dead, Easy, why'd you leave him with me?"
- We got fascinating mail today. Orrin Hatch wants our sealed ballot expressing our opinions about ongoing Republican strategy. Hatch isn't a total creep, so my inclination was to write back and either suggest auto da fe, or let him know his nternet people haven't the hang of the intertubes yet. It didn't help, domestically, that this was addressed to Mr. and Mrs., because it's been 15 years and doesn't look like that's imminent. Thanks for bringing that up for a couple living in sin, you obtuse, sanctimonious latter-day. Seriously, the Gyllands-Holland wasn't . Is there a way to think about? Are you crazy What I really wonder, is why did Orrin send this ballot to me? I've got an FBI file that goes back participatory attendance at the Chicago Convention. My parents actually had to answer qwuestions to guys in wool overcoats and fedoras, investigating my dad's mentor caught up in. So anyway, How did these nitwits send this nonsense to me? Where in the world did they come across my address? Orrin tells me "that "Semocrats have a huge majority in the Senat." Guess that whole business about filibuster escapes Senator Hatch, and they just threaten and the members abandon the President and they're isn't something compelling to say for making these aholes stand up and express a comprehensive opinion. Because, you know, they are incapable of that. This garbage is mostly about taxes and that heinous health care reform that anybody not an idiot understands would restore the GNP. There are facts about the economy that are readily available from people that know what they're talking about. Anybody with a brain that isn't motivated by venal and moronic incentives knows for a fact that letting rich people skate and floating two neocon invasions and occupations just let thing's float so contractors, like the one's Cheney owns part of, just get away with anything they felt like. On another subject: Flemming Rose is Daniel Pipes' best friend. If a cartoonist thinks about something, and it's his opinion, and he realizes it might offend somebody. Pipes and Rose engineered this affront. Tell you what, they knew this would cause backlash. These two assholes did this on purpose. There is actually proof they intended religious hatred.
- Coozleaipesh d. The mohammed cartoons were pretty obviozly a setup that had to do with Pipes, Flemming Rose. they were trying to be as obnoxios as possible, weren't they? Look.Anybody that thinks this has something to do with freedom if soeech is a fucking idiot, It was an anti-muslim stunt staged by a guy that is as close to Hitler as you get. representtivw Daniel Pipes is a bigot that makes Hitler seem like he might have a soft spot. My question is this. Is he essentially any different from oompzh loompha, and do they have some sort of plan? The extension of tax cuts covers small businesses. the idea that these rich people There is no fucking way that mrginl tax cuts ever prduced jobs or Nything but bigger profits fir oeople sitting on dividends. The idea that these rich people crete jobs instead of letting the cash accrue, tell you what The idea that the rich people tax cuts has anything to do do with smll business s Republiczn rich people lie. It just doesn't. This is bullshit. Tell you what. You are stupid enough to believe Republicnz. They will steal your cash abd try to convince it was you're fault.
- How did Americans remain ignorant for so long when the deficit between upper management and people that actually do the work went from 30:1 to 300:1 aince 1975? I think the answer is imaginary upward-mobility. What in the world convinces the average GOP voter to think they've actually been included as opposed to being used like mindless tools? Republicans are insisting on extending the tax cuts from Clinton levels because they claim it boosts small business (a pretty much outright lie). On the face of things, that policy screwed a surplus into a deficit that only got worse when grown-ups actually included the invasion and occupation costs. How did that bankrupt policy benefit anybody that wasn't rich? And where's any evidence they invested? Well, there isn't any, because they didn't. This is all pretty obvious, but my real question is, are Americans just too stupid to govern themselves?
- Deborah. If the deficit is something to get hyper about, how was it created? But of course, Cheney said "Deficits don't matter". What, invasions that jack my stock holdings in Halliburton so we can do incredibly shoddy work that actually kills people in Iraq and abscond with $millions, that's important. Americans don't actually know that's what happened? Neocons basically pulled home invasion and looted another country, and they did it on American taxpayers' dime, and lives, and these are the ultimate chicken-hawks that ran the unconscionable swiftboat shit. I just wonder who in the world buys this sort of shit. These assholes continue with the "tax and spend" mantra when what they do is don't tax, spend like there's no tomorrow, and stuff our pockets. People are apparently so fucking dumb they believe in the Laffer Curve, and that St. R. Raygun didn't preside over the biggest tax increase in the history of this country. The absolute selling pointat the time was that it was "deficit neutral" and the Republican line about the Bush giveaway was that it would run out. Who wrote that legislation and who rammed it through? That would be Republicans that wrote it for nine years instead of ten to avoid scrutiny by the CBO. The idea this has something to do with small businesses is such a major league lie it should make an Oompa Loompa blush. I mean, if you're bone stupid enough to believe small businesses would be affected even remotely, you're probably dumb enough to believe Archer Daniel Midland runs an eco-friendly string of family farms. What exactly was the deficit when W took over? Oh, it was an immense surplus? It doesn't matter now because the neocons ost their political party to total whack-jobs. And your neighbor might be voting for these racist idiots. It's worth listenig to somebody that isn't an illegal immigrant:
- Rana, Stupid or insisting on ignorance as a matter of public policy? What's the real difference?
- LAMary, Jim Newell is a closing argument for tranq darts at political rallies. I hope there were no children present.
- And Basset, from yesterday. I think Salafist terrorists funded by a family with unseemly connections to the Bushes were the perpetrators of the WTC atrocity. I'm pretty sure Saddam Hussein didn't have anything to do with it. I think the idea that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone is purely idiotic, too. Conspiracy theories? Only when they represent the most sensible explanation. You do realize that the PNAC tried to talk Clinton into invading Iraq in 1998: Those are the people that used to run the GOP before it was purloined by the certifiably insane and John Oompa Loompa Boehner.
- Oh, and Basset. UFOs? No idea. Nazis? I'm pretty sure they're in heavily-armed compounds in the wilds of Idaho guarding Mark Fuhrman.
- Listen Dexter and MichaelG. Those were extremely evocative descriptions of coming into Vietnam. Kinda like Dante and Joseph Conrad. Fine writing, for one thing and something, a lot of us didn't experience and probably should have. Closest I got was Grant Park, Chicago, August 1968. Pretty intense, and for all the world like a war zone for anybody that's never been in a real one. And y'all were talking about having where you were when something happened, and how it's burned into your consciousness. Night of June 5, 1968, I was watching the California primary results on TV and making my mom's patented pineapple upside down cake. I remember seeing that asshole Howard K. Smith saying that everybody else may have conceded to Bobby, and then there was the news he'd been shot. The great network communicator was kind of speechless and then disappeared, presumably because his partisan mean-spiritedness seemed obscene. My entire family was sitting in front of the TV when Jack Ruby shot Lee Oswald, live. I was twelve. I'd been taking care of my family for a couple of days. My parents were civil rights activists that believed in JFK. They were devastated. I made pancakes and some burgers and kept us all fed. If there is something before the WTC attack that ever stopped everything cold in that fashion, I believe it was the Oswald murder in a Dallas police public building. Believing that happened with no sort of group of conspirators involved? I'd say denying conspiracy is entirely insane. The magic bullet and the warren commission results relies on willing suspension William Faulkner would never have bought. And if that's conspiracy theory, well, sometimes there are conspiracies. There were clearly three shots and that was a physical impossibility with a WWI bolt action. It seems to me that if the official explanation is ridiculous and makes no sense, something was up. Now Sirhan's automatic writing, which continues to this day, that's another story. Hatred for the Kennedys in the 60's because of Catholicism and commitment to civil rights, yeah, that's a real stretch. For conspiracy fodder, there's always the Arbusto connection to Jack Kennedy's lynching.
- Anybody want to claim the Lions weren't jobbed after the fact? How long does "continuity" go on. Calvin Johnson caught a long pass one handed, rolled over with the ball clearly in his possession. With one hand. The NFL should think about the fact that nobody that ever played football, watched football, or ever gave football the slightest thought knows for a fact that was a touchdown. He came down with the football firmly in his grasp in the endzone. TD. The rule they are claiming to affirm the bogus decision does not even apply. The play was dead when the receiver landed on his ass in the endzone. And he still had firm possession of the ball afterward. Every player that ever lived would say this is six. Down in the endzone, this alleged rule is not germaine, with complete control of the ball. So it may not amount to conspiracy, but it sure is people in charge resorting to bullshit to insist there's nothing to see here. And what game is Diana Moon-Glampers officiating next. Fat-ass officials pretending they're in the NFL, and a guy makes an astonishing play. Let's pretend that couldn't possibly have happened. Unadulterated horseshit.The tuck rule call was idiotic and actually won a Super-Bowl, but this call was worse, because they've invoked an idiotic rule when it was really irrelevant to the play. When you are down in the endzone with the ball, You are down, the play is over, and that is that.
- It was a catch, for sure. Thing is, officials and the NFL are citing a rule that does not apply. Calvin Johnson maintained control of the football, astonishingly, in one hand, until he clearly relinquished control voluntarily after being down, with the ball, in the end zone. Play is over. No "continuity" required. Here's what the ref said: In order for the catch to be completed, he has got to maintain possession of the ball throughout the entire process. Well, the process was not finished until he finished that roll and the entire process of the catch. Say what? To me, that sounds like "Mobsters were threatening my family." Aside from the fact that refs applied it inappropriately, the rule contradicts about a buck 280 other rules regarding possession, forward progress, fumbles, pass completions an touchdowns. As the rules stand, a running back can "reach" the ball to "break the plane" and if a DB knocks the ball loose, it's still undeniably a TD. How 'bout that process? What's even worse, if Matt Stafford hadn't been injured, the Loins (salute to Van Patrick) would have hung 40something on da Bears.
- China acts in perfectly amoral, cynical, and self-serving fashion in world economics, which characteristics probably make it the paragon of global capitalism. The example of Myanmar is paradigmatic. China's free to make deals with thugee Burmese colonels and generals somewhat less legitimate than West Bank settlements and Pervez Musharraf, because it doesn't even pretend to believe in human rights. No way the US could get away with that. It is a little hard to believe there weren't at least overtures after W stole Florida. If Raygun's your patron saint, you probably believe ruthless, repressive dictators in Myanmar are Freedom Fighters, even though they missed an education at School of the Americas. Meanwhile, just a year ago, Aung San Suu Kyi (the landslide democratically elected head of Myanmar) had another 18 months added to her "house arrest", or as we say in the free world, kidnapping. If you're not familiar with it the CIA World Factbook is a spectacular source for information about other countries. The Backgound section on Burma (sic) is instructive regarding why the US should be thinking serious sanctions, not trade agreements.
- Have you ever heard the sorts of things baseball players say? Nancy, perhaps you've heard of Bill Lee, Chief of the Buffalo Heads: "I'm mad at Hank (Aaron) for deciding to play one more season. I threw him his last home run and thought I'd be remembered forever. Now, I'll have to throw him another." "I think about the cosmic snowball theory. A few million years from now the sun will burn out and lose its gravitational pull. The earth will turn into a giant snowball and be hurled through space. When that happens it won't matter if I get this guy out." "I would change policy, bring back natural grass and nickel beer. Baseball is the belly-button of our society. Straighten out baseball, and you straighten out the rest of the world." Source: Los Angeles Times (February 3, 1977) "The other day they asked me about mandatory drug testing. I said I believed in drug testing a long time ago. All through the sixties I tested everything." "You have two hemispheres in your brain - a left and a right side. The left side controls the right side of your body and right controls the left half. It's a fact. Therefore, left-handers are the only people in their right minds." Source: Sports Illustrated (April 7, 1980) Spaceman advised Bowie Kuhn that yes, in fact he did use marijuana, daily, sprinkled on buckwheat cakes. And how 'bout that Jim Bouton: "Baseball players are smarter than football players. How often do you see a baseball team penalized for too many men on the field?" "You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time." Or this one from a favorite of mine, Don Sutton? "I am the most loyal player money can buy." And one more, John Kruk telling a writer "Lady, I'm not an athlete, I'm a baseball player.
- Dexter, the most absurd thing, to me, CJ spun the ball away. He controlled the ball from the get-go. He clearly flicks the ball away. My point is that if the rule means loss of control, not remotely close.
- Old Times there are not forgotten. Didn't Dixieccrats all become Republicans? Didn't Lee Atwatwr pursue th Southern Strategy?? These asshole racists aren't the racists they purport to be, but it wins votes. Americans, in general, are idiots. We get what we deserve. Morons. Obama didn't fix everything in two years, so try the Republicans that fucked everything up with trickle down. How is it remotelly difficult to understand. Most of us spend money immediately. Rich people buy another mansion. Which stimulates nothing and creates no jobs? It's important that people understand that when the GOP talks about small business, they mean law firms and fucking hedge funds. Heaven forfend that hedge fund manager would pay her fair share. Apparently, this is too nuancd for American voters. They somehow think they're in the big tent. How stupid are Americans, and why re they allowed to participate in participatory government? People in the US think there's some question about a "tax increase". Sorry, you morons that ran two wars off the books, it's a return to sensible tax policy Republicans actually wrote into the book. People believe settlements outside the 1967 limits are legal, because they're "a fact on the ground". Doesn't make it so. People appear willing to believe anything but facts and assume the made-up shit is true. How exactly is this a tax increase? Republidans wrote this law and ramed it through. At the time, they insisted on the 9 year sundown to avoid the extremeley poor review from the CBO over ten yers. Giving more money to rich folks does not help anybody. A fucking nitwit would see that. It already didn't work. My point is simple. If Americans can't see through this they are clearly too fucking stupid to be allowed to vote.
- This is something I've been thinking about for a long time. Isn't it time to maker epublicans do the Mr. Smith? Not the threat of a filibuster but the real deal. It's one thing to "frame" something as a tax increase, make the assholes actually stand up and defend their point. Make them come clean on what they mean by small businesses, They mean the 3%. Law firms that protect toxic corporations and hedge funds that rob normal people blind. You Deanie Babies that think the first real adult President in eight years just hasn't done enough? Think about what he has acomplished in the face of racist opposition to everything he's proposed. And the judgeship bought by Blankenship. ADM buys bigger. Look. Obama's not produced Hope on demand. He was presented a situation that was close to impossible,and insane partisan assholes in congress that do not give a shit about the USA, These people have allowed themselves to be characterized by Teabaggers. No, they've embraced the charactarisation. It is about time to make them do the walk. Republicans wrote the current tax bill, and they wrote the sunset part. They were exceptionally cynical, with the nine year bidness, because they knew it would put this shit outside OMB scrutiny. So, make these assholes stand up and keep talking on the Senate floor. Really, the President is anti=colonialist? Well, he's not our color and, well, we're anti-Jeffersonisn colonialists. If Americans are so fucking dumb they buy this shit then they are way too fucking dumb to vote on anything. Folks disappointed in Obama, try more than less than two years. Otherwise, you vote for Senator Mountaintopping. That would be Mitch,and his trained monkey, and they never heard of the watershed, and they don't care. So you Nancy Nall aficianados? You think there's no difference? If you votde for a Republican, you're voting for outright bullshit. That appears to be what they do best. No difference? Youwould have to be an idiot.
- Christine O'Donnell? Rand Paul? How do you not vote a Democratic slate? These people are not remotely sane. I suppose you shouldn't be elected unless you went to several schools before you actually got a degree. The Cheney effect. And y'all insist there's no difference between the parties? When Naderites and navel-gazing John Anderson voters put whackos and nutcases in charge, we all get screwed. Just steal Ohio and Florida and appoint Michelle Bachman president. Holy shit. It would make things easier. Americans are way too stupid to vote. And voters in Delaware sure proved it by voting for somebody certifiable. And that's the GOP. Measnwhile, Mitch wants to increase the deficit by $4trillion. How stupid are voters? And those small businesses Republicans keep talking about? They mean white shoe law firms and hedge funds. That's an absolute fact, Jack.
- Sharron Angle? She is nuts, and she's the face of the modern GOP. And Americans are fucking morons? Here's the deal. If you vote for a Republican for anything, you are voting for the self-identified O'Reilly white older Christian heterosexuals. Do you realy want to cast that vote? Progressives bailing on Obama a year and a half in is such amazing omphalopsis. Are you joking? It took eight years to get here. If you demand complete results at thi point, you validate the Party of hell no. Consider the alternatives. Republicans in charge of reining in Wall Street? Well we tried that and it was serious FUBAR.
- Does Newt, the well-known and serial philanderer and draft-dodger really want to bring up sobriety when the guy he helped steal the presidency for was a well-known drunk? Seriously. Seriously, how many of you believe W ever showed up at the guard? You know he did not, but that didn't keep him from attacking the war record of his opponent. There is no possibility of being a more disgusting POS. How in hell do Republicans get away with the chickenhawk shit? Raygun famously said he was at a death camp. No, he wasn't. Either that was Oldtimers way back then or he was just a flat-out liar.
- Jolene. There is nobody in a position of power that is more full-goose loony than Michelle Bachman. Buying her seat is probably a lot like Blankenship buying the Kentucky Supreme Court. The question would be, what motivates these aholes? They're evil? There doesn't really seem to be another explanation, other than greed. They are sure as shit racists, and she is sure as shit either looney or non compos.
- Matt and Kim are actually pretty good. I'd never heard of these characters before, but they are surely an antidote to Disney productions. Only in Detroit? Well, there's the White Panther Party. Socialists? Would one person claiming somebody is a socialist actually define the term? What they mean is the President is black, and Kommissar Karl is just shocked that the Southren Strategy has backfired on his ass. Actual racists are running the game in the GOP, and they are full-goose loony, nuts, not to mention the fact they can't speak English if they ganged up. I'll say it again, if you vote for somebody so clearly deranged or stupid, you really should never be allowed to vote again. Birther, tenther? C'mon. It's racism, purely and simply.
- The Hideout was a real place, in Harper Woods. I saw SRC play "There's A Place For Us" there when I'd woofed some Ritalin stolen from an ER at Metropolitan Hospital. I don't know about the Shelter. Back in the Sixties, the club was the Birmingham Teen Center. Procul played all of Salty Dog there before it was released, and mingled with the crowd. The sort of house band was Teagarden and Van Winkle, and if you don't know about Smokin' OPs, Skip Knape and David Teagarden you really have no business commenting on anything to do with Detroit music. Sorry if that seems rude, but it's obvious.
- LAMary, what good taste. I got my kid backstage to meet New Kids, and she's been a fan of Elvis Costello and the Boss ever since. She thought Donny and Marky were, in her nine-year-old words, "morons". Somehow, they turned out to be estimable actors. Boston is my second city, and I've actually spent the night in the Charles St. Jail, but it isn't Detroit. For downtown Detroit, half-pints of Ancient Age in the bleachers at Briggs Field, aka Tiger Stadium, and bagels from the Fabulous Star Bakery on Seven Mile, and the Chessmate, Six and Livernois, searched for weapons before you could enter but no age ID required to see John Lee, that was Detroit. They don't make 'em like that anymore. Being a child of privilege from Bloomfield Hills and going to school in the city, free to run riot, we survived and those were the days. Oh, and Empress Theater, on Woodward Ave, where I once drove a brand new Z about 150 mph.
- Beck actually said that there would be incarceration. And people believe what he says. He's an outright liar. This is death panels all over. Nobody should get away with this sort of outright lying. It leads to crap like McCain having to tell a looneytoon Beckish woman that Obama isn't an Arab. Americans are fucking morons, and they get to vote? Beck actually told his faithful they'd go to jail if they chose cheese fries over carrots. This may seem silly, but these people believe what this lying sack of ordure says. At this moment, there are 20mil or so Americans that think Michelle Obama wants to put them in jail because they're obese. He is endangering her life, and he's doing it willfully. And anybody that doesn't think this has to do with race is a downright idiot. Just say Yo, y'all. How'd that work out? Get kids to eat healthier? Must be some sort of socialiss plot. Because, she's, you know, that Alinsky color. If a black person said there are oceans on both sides of the US, Glenn Beck would insist that's code for a socialiss plot. Newt practically came out and said it. What's he mean by "anti-colonial"? He was clearly talking about Europeans and Africans. I mean, wasn't Tom Jefferson anti-colonial? So, WTF, Newt? Why don't the teabaggers just come right out and say it? George Wallace did. He said "I'll never be out-niggered in another campaign." Lee Atwater admitted to the racist strategy on his deathbed. He asked God to forgive him. And they sure as shit want to keep government's hands off their Medicare Part B. Dumbasses that should not be allowed to vote. It's like Bill Nelson said, quoting Rod Serling, if I'm not mistaken. Will the real Martian please stand up?
- For all intensive purposes (my bad on purpose), the Tea Party is Dick Armey, the noted draft-dodger that funded that Swift-Boat bullshit. It is inconceivable and uncoscionable in our alleged democracy that somebody that went out of his way to avoid military service should advance his political career by slandering somebody that came under fire in service. that a totally discredited ex-member of the House. All of the cash and most of the invective, and the charter member of the Ananais Club. What the hell is wrong with people? This chickenhawk asshole ran the Swift Boat canard with the Koch brothers and Richard Mellon Scaiffe. Ain't that America? Now he runs the grassroots (ain't that a hoot?) Teabaggers. John Kerry wasn't heroic in an illegal and immoral war? Well, he saved his crew and those assholes that criticise him actually dodged the fucking draft. I think you take what you will from political discourse. You can put up, or you can just say no to everything. Teabaggers are supposed to be about the Constitution. Where does the Constitution say anything about 60 votes and opposition that has nothing to do with anything but "He's a black guy, he can't be one of us." If there were an informed electorate, you'd have to expect them to throw the Republicans out on their asses. Since THEY passed TARP, they've obstructed everything that might put the economy on firmer footing. And you Beck idiots? Who passed TARP? Only sensible thing Tweedle-dum ever did.
- MC5. Those boys in Iggy's band could not play like Sonic Smith and Brother Wayne Kramer. And none of them could play like either Quackenbush brother. And here's And here's the king of sustain, Gary Quackenbush, with a pretty good bass player, on, tada, Hideaway. And meanwhile back at the Hideaway that would be Persecution Smith, these days parading in high heels as Mama Grizzly. Last night's Mad Men was kinda sorta OK, but it was not as good as Rubicon, which people tend to not like because it requires intelligence. And just because I figure most of you have never had the pleasure, the only guitar player better than Steve Stills and Jimi. And maybe Doc Watson. It is an indisputable fact this is the greatest motorcycle song ever written, regrets to Arlo. Then there's the song Richard Thompson wrote about that idiot W. You know, that asshole that got appointed President by Dickless Cheney's duck shooting buddy and invaded and occupied a country, much to Cheney's financial benefit. Xe, nee Blackwater, walked off with untold millions in unscoped cash and only electrocuted seven soldiers. Sorry, the little chickenhawk pilot did that one without imagining how we were all going to pay for it. He managed to never include the cost of invading Iraq and Afghanistan in the federal budget. Which part of the deficit does revenge for my daddy account for? This would all be hilarious, but these racist assholes are hanging Sheriff Bart. The question is how motherfucking stupid are people? Republicans talk about tax and spend. They give rich people a walk and spend money like it was all Dickless Cheney's. And it most certainly was. This evil piece of shit capitalized on the invasion of Iraq. He stole a US election, as did Scalia. Cheney's connections to missing millions of bucks and Blackwater? Put this asshole in jail. He'a an undenaiably chickenhawk asshole. His outright lies concerrning Kerry were disgraceful. Unmannly. And the assholes that paid him like the Koch Brothers, they were unmannly too, and Kerry could piss on them. Moronic little cowering women.
- Zonmbie movies are great,. Zombie adherence to alleged proressive politics is another thing altogether, Are you you people nuts? Obama hasn;t succeededed on every bastion and you moron's are abandoning him, What the fuck is wrong with you? It is really sad that people that believe in social change are turning in such numbers on a President that's actually changed so much you are going to abandon him now because he didn;t do it it all at oncee. You fuckking cowards. The President hasn't given up. But Progressives have given up on him. Sorry Progressives, but you come across as a bunch of Naderites that would rather lose and claim the high ground. Obama's right about pretty much everything. he's right about taxes. What is the matter with so-called Progressives that don't think he's right enough? Are you people idiots? You go out and vote against oppression and the Scalia Court. You cannot be so stupid you let Scaiffe and the Koch Brothers just buy elections because you blame Obama for this super-majority horseshit senate. What exactly do you think the President's supposed to do about this insane and anti-Constitutional idea about the super-majority? It would be OK with me if he decided they ought to be taken out as clear and present danger to Constitutional Government. They actually and clearly are. Or make their bony asses actually stand up in the Senate and attempt filibusters. What I can't understand is how anybody with a brain blames this sort of obstructionism on the president. But you know from HuffPost, it's all the President's fault. Just what do you you progressive thinker's think he should actually have done about any of those causes you thought were so important, since he hasn'at gotten anything done. Nothings happened, right? It might seem that way. You idiots. Change should have come at the drop of a hat. He 's right about DADT. He's right about health care. Here's the deal, you morons. That magic wand. Make those assholes that want to claim law=firms and making a billion managing a hedgefund while crashing the economy and disappearring jobs, explain how that's defending small businesses. In the end, if people are that fucking stupid, I suppose they are stupid enough to get what they pay for. The 1% will be done in by the elite, and they'll all become the last tidbit for the really rich people. It's the funniest thing in the world that they will devour you too. It's a big tent. That was GW let that perp loose. Nobody put his face on Time or Newsweek.
- So I think baseabll rules. What I do not understand is howanybody thinks Obama's abandoned them. The Senate Republican behavior is astounding, and the idea that every vote and every appointment requires a supermajority, sorry, they can say anything they want but they are lying their asses off. Everysingle thing is a filibuster and they have a secret hold on every judicial nominee? These people are assholes. They don't give the slightest dconsideration to anything, They do not even consider the qualifications of appointees. They just obstruct. I'd like to know, what is their point.? One consideration? There is none. How do people put up with Senators that are that stupid and clearly partisan to the point of being idiot antagonists? Why not make these jerks actually filibuster something they can't support. They will. but standing up and doing it? Make them look like the obstructionist morons they actually are,
- Filibuster? Make the pieces of feces actually stand up and talk about it. Call these aholes on it. Make them talk about how they believe kids should suffer from cancer because it isn't really lucrative to cover them. Make Mitch admit he works for mountain-toppers and not people that drink water from the Eastern aquifrr. He cannot defend himself. And his friends make sure miners die eith no warning. Mitch really doean't give a shit. He is bought and paid for by Don Blankenship, the singularly biggest liar and miner murderer in the history of mankind. Don Blankenship murders miners to make money for Don Blankenship. Somebody want to claim that isn't true? I grew up in Appalachia. When my adtook over oedes at Mitch Albom is a pejorative, Jesus, do something about a national plague, Mitch, That would be McConnell, He's like bedbugs. Mitch Albom is an affront to literacy. Mitch McConnell is an affront to dmnocracy. Well is he or isn't he? Do people take a word he says seriousy? It is all fucking loony tunes. You know when people talk about the Bill of Rights, why did those assholes that didn;t no dick about the Conatitution put that nonsense about the militia in there? Must have been an accidental clause. And the whole idea that Scaiffe and the Koch Brothers can buy elections with nobody ever knowing where the cash cane fom, that was in the constitutions too. Scalia said so. And he doesn't stand for activism unless it's bonafide reactionary, Steal two elections and allow barter. Fuck this excuse for democracy. Bought and Sold and everybody knows it and these people are free to have invented the idea of liberal judicial activism while they stole the supreme court. These assholes appointed Cheney.
- Mitch Albom blathers and he's annoying because he can't write to save his life. People actually believe the other Mitch, and he has never said a word remotely true. He's a consummate member of the Ananais Club, And he's sort of a tebagger. One way or another, are people going to be so fuckking stupid they ignore what what Obama's accomplished in the face of abject stupidity and nihilistic nullification, or embrace moving ahead? Get out the vote, you idiots, What's your choice? Thinking forward or Contract on America and all that entails. ? My personal feeling is pretty clear. A whole lot has gotten done. If you believe in the super-majority in the Senate, you sure as shit don't believe in Democracy, The Republicans in the Senate do not believe in Democracy and this 60 vote shit makes that pretty clear. Make them stand up and actually talk about how they oppose restoring the economy if rich people don't like it. This Republican "small-business" bullshit, let then stand up and say they mean Bechtel, and a bunch of hedge fund managers. They are the most lying pieces os shit about small business in the history of mankind. So here's the deal. Are Americans fucking morons? If they buy a single thing Republicans claim, they're the biggest suckers that ever came down the pike. These assholes are looking to make themselves richer and you poorer. If you don't see that? Sukaahh. This is what they've already dibe to you. Tell you what. buy into this Republicab, laffer curve stupidity? If you are actually so stupid you buy trickle down, good luck with poverty while rich get richer. I will be on the beach in Brazil.
- My favorite Tigers player was Mickey Stanley. My second favorite was a pitcher called Earl Wilson. You could sit in dead center in the bleachers and hear Earl Wilson's fastballs busting Freehan's mitt when he was warming up. Stanley Kaline and Northrup hit more grand-slams than anybody in one season. Mickey Stanley was as good as anybody ever was as a centerfielder. I know it's ridiculous, in most people's minds, but I think Freddy Lynn is the second best outfielder I ever saw play, after Mickey Stanley. Entirely fearless. Both guys damaged their superb hitting by crashing outfield walls. Actually, the Dewie, Freddie and Jim Ed outfield may have been the absolute best for fielding and hitting. Jim Ed Rice played the wall in Fenway better than Yastremski. Nobody in Boston will admit it, but it is a fact.
- Privatization? Are people so mind-numbingly stupid that they don't see the connection between W's idiot mantra on Social Security and those assholes all robbing us blind and absconding? No kidding, are voters this dumb? Had SS been privatized when the incurious monkey wanted that to happen, the whole pension fund for the whole country would be some hedge fund manager's yacht. How many Teabaggers are living on their Social Security checks, and getting Medicare health care? I suppose my point is that these people aren't counter-intuitive, they're just selfish idiots that have no idea of the devastation Dick Armey wants to inflict on their government fed lives after he uses their sorry asses. Will these morons even realize it after they've been buttfucked? Sorry for the bad language, but it's painful to think rank and file Americans are this stupid. Wealth is being moved, at speed, to a very small upper class. And the excruciating irony is that these rich fucks have coopted middle class Americans into not just handing it over but slobbering over them. Whoever thought democracy for wilfully obstructionist and racist sheep was a good idea, well, that was some scumbag like Dick Armey trying to steal everybody's cash. It does seem at this point that Americans are way too fucking stupid to vot. It's like a bad B-52s video. Which part of this does the great climate change denier Inhofe just not get? In 1970, upper management made 30 times what the rank and file made. Now it's 300:1 And the 300 fund the TeabaggerBack when Republicans actully had balls, they took out a Contract on America, and they signed it. If that's not the GOP redistributing wealth upwards, well, what is? The President hasn't done everything he hoped. Are Americans such abject morons they don't see he's tried and this super-majority in the Senate means only Richard Mellon Scaiffe has any influence as far as making law is concerned? Seriously, when Olympia Snowe votes with the Obstuctionists against the concerted will of Americans, how in God's name is this Obama's fault? These people can't possibly believe that all of the failed Newtonian Contract ideas, such as they are, are going to accomplish anything for the growing underprivileged. There's a class war alright. And there is no way any of are being brought along into the Tent. Funniest thing is that a lot of water carriers like this asshole Inhofe will be left behind. Gives a whole new meaning to The Rapture. I'd pose a question. Is the US Senate supposed to vote? Up or down? No shit and no secret holds? Obama would have had everything, everything passed. Everything, you omphaloptic Naderites and Deanie-babies and the more-righteous-than-thou that weren't in Chicago in 1968. You think you know something? You do not know Dick. Like Nixon you fucking morons. You stymie Obama because obstructionist shitheads in the Senate blocked Climate Change legislation, you make it a sure thing nothing will ever happen. Instant gratification? Snap to attention you idiots and look at what's been accomplished. Sit home on election day. Nake it easier for people with certifiabl beliefs that are basically idiots anf minflrss whateverphobes. Sorry Nancy, but I thought you stand for normal people expressing their hopes and desires, but it appears Amerivans are just too stupid to vote. This seems like a rather big thing to me. Are people really too stupid to vote? Republicans convince morons to vote for assholes with Golden Parachutes for fucking them over? I'd like to think better of human beings, but the odds are against me. You can sit home, or you can vote for a GOP lackey actively, as we speak. Stealing your future and your security. Either way, you are an accomplice in your own demise, Sheeple? The bimbo's rubbing your face in it. Citizens United? Wake up you morons. All of that blather about liberal activism in the courts. Republicans were doing the Bishop Long thing while Scatlia appointed Cheney's puppet after the canned duck-shoot. Climate tchange legislation didn't get passed. Repeal of DADT didn't get passed. Aside from anything else. Does a single one of you believe the fake rivate holds? filibusters in the Senate reflect remotely the will of American people? What the hell, put Boehner (R, Oompah Loompa) in charge. It will be Mencken all over, and you will get it, but good. This is pretty much a no-brainer.On the face of things and just what came out of their mouths, Rand Paul and Sharon Angle and O'Donnell, they aren't nuts and probably racists?Rand Paul says he believes that if I own Lester Maddux's restaurant, I should be legally able to refuse to seat black people. How does anybody competent to vote in the USA support that? Angle and O'Donnell are not that comprehensible, nor is the video idiot Mama Grizzlie. One of these days, they all may learn to speak English.
- Connie: But at least IM isn't Phillip Johnston. It would have ended up endless repetitions of Palladian windows, and the landscape would have been worthy of Terry Gilliam and Jonathon Pryce. And you know, Dr. Pei did that Wang building that suffers next to the brilliant Fed building on the south part of the Boston skyline. And in all that time, he never told An what his last name means in English.
- it's simple. Do you want to hold your breath until you turn blue and put preadolescents in charge? Obama actually counted the invasions and occupations in the budget. No matter what anybody says, Republicans and an aappointed President, and a self-appointed demi-President that was pulling the little Barney litter box, Dickless was pulling the strings. The budget? Dickless famously said "Deficits don't matter." But we know that isn't exzctly< what he said. What the hell is wrong with people? Put Republicans back in charge because the counter-institutional supermajority blocked the President's agenda at every stop. And let those assholes take over? This is why they're onanistic, self-aggrandizing self-styled holier-than-thou progressives. They will cut off their only decent hope to establish how wonderfully progressive they are. They will do insane things like giving W eight years for the PNAC agenda. These nitwits are more despicaable than than their Teaparty counterparts, but they are just like them. It's the purity-testing. Total assholes. Happy healthcare day, yesterday, but we decided long after the fact on public option, so we'd rather sit out the midterms, because we are idalogically purer than thou. You flaming, self-righteous, self-congratulatory idiots. You will elect Republican whack-jobs. Don't go to the polls? You get Sharon Angle and her insanity and maybe 80 IQ points. Way to go, you selfish, self-righteous bastards. If you had employed common sense and patriotism, there would not be an opportunity for McConnell to just stymie everything. Do you people just not get it? Progressives taking themselves so seriously block change for the better, and it is so fucking selfish and self-aggrandizeing it is physically sickening. hese people are more repulsive in their Godawful stupidit than all the Teabaggers put together. bot Hope I've been offensive.ope you vote. Hell, cast a vote for Teabag nation. Might as well. Cast a vote for this idea you need 60 in the Senate. Not my country, but blaming the victim when the perpetrators loaded the dice with bullshit at the scene of the accident, SOP. And the Contract on America is Back, but none of those weasels even signed it. There is no way there is a dumber country.
- It's not the individuals being sacrificed on the rich folks altar. It'sthe small business like Bechtel and those poor hedge fund managers. Question is, are American voters so GD stupid? How is it anybody buys a word of this horseshit? The GOP is selling schlubs that can't make their mortgage payments on the idea the Koch Bros. and Richard Mellon Scaiffe are small businesses that would love to generate jobs. How difficult is it to understand they are lying their asses off? Why do all of these people clearly victims of this sort of class war and predation think they are helping to fix things when assholes like Dick Armey are taking their money and screwing them over? None of this is proverbially rocket science. These folks are being scammed to their own clear detriment, and they've been talked into running the scam themselves. Apparently Americans are, for sure, that stupid. On the other hand, The President didn't wave a magic wand. Not everything has been accomplished. Might it be incumbent upon citizens to say that this supermajority garbage without having to actually stand up is pure bullshit? Republicans have shut down Congress, so why are they actually getting paid? My personal opinion, they've held the business of the nation hostage for personal and political gain. Makes them a bunch of terriss. Arrest they ass. My only pooint, from the getgo, is that progressives and GLBT activists and left-over Deanie-Babies and everybody else on the left--get your asses out and vote. You want Oompah-Loompa and Mr. Chao running the country? No repeal of the entirely odious DADT? That's the President's fault, you GD idiots? What exactly was he supposed to do? It's a representative democracy. You vote for the people that make laws. If you actually care about this shit and not about Nader's excessively and creepy bruised ego, you cast a vote for Democrats. There used to be principled Republicans. Now, there are none. But holy shit, blaming all this shit on a President that ramrodded health care through, set the banks right. Are you nuts? The Conservative talking point is that you aren't supposed to blame anything on your predecessor. Obama hasn't, even though he was left with worst pile of shit anybody including Hoover has ever seen. It's obscenely convenient for Republican assholes in Congress to tald about the deficit, as if the little appointed shit didn't get appointed without a massive surplus. Well, he cut Daddy's taxess and his real daddy's taxes (that would be Dickless), and then he invaded and occupied two countries off the books. Let's here it from McConnell and Boehner on those funding choices. Aiee, Johnny. Let's get this bucket moving Race. That just all turned up as palates of Cash for oops....Halliburton, owned in part by...Dickless. Then an adult got elected, you know, as opposed to a nitwit being appointed by the most spectacularly activist judge that ever lived. He actually thought the costs of the invasions and occupations should be accounted for. That's what happened. What the hell. Stay home and act like it's some moral imperative because Obama wasn't magic. You will elect venal scum by your (in)actions, but, you know, you were disappointed everything didn't happen all at once, and you are used to instant gratification Claiming there is no difference is pretty much like saying my lobotomy may have been radical, but it did't make me a moron. Let's see. Last time a Republican plant activist judge appointed the pointy headed weasel despite the fact Gore clearly won the electio, the little piece of shit took up for his Daddy and the PNAC, neither of which had the time of day for him, and attacked a secular rab country that clearly, I mean, clearly, and leet me say this again, clearly had no ties to the attack. Then he got a PDB that was pants on fire while he was relaxing at his ranch. Ignored that. All I'm getting at, is if you don't vote, unfortunate candidates end up fucking things up. I'd also point out that W basically left the biggest FUBAR anybody has ever seen since Barney pissed on his sorry ass when the pretzel took him down. It's stupid. It's Exceptionally Vague. Another Contract on America, and they will blow your ass up this time.
- Bob (Not Greene) It isn't like you have to decide to vote for something. These people are nihilists and the point seems to be making the middle class into drone ATMs for CEO. Jeff Borden said on September 24th, 2010 at 4:35 pm Yeah? It's the holier-than-thou part that fries my ass. I was brought up in Appalachia. My parents were health-care givers. My parents were Kennedy liberals, I suppose, I do know they had strong beliefs. The current idea that "liberal" is not enough and you have to be "progressive", Jesus, sorry asshole, you were not in Grant Park. I was, and gave as good as I got. Progressives are the folks that decided liberal Democrats needed to glom onto that moronoic self-promoter George Lakoff. Holy shit how did such a hack make a dime. You can stay at home, and that is a vote a despicable piece of blowfly excrement like Mitch McConnell. You can go to the polls and feel pretty certain that if you pull Straight Democratic. You can be sure you are not voting for some scumbag lokking to take away vets' benefits when his own ass had other priorities and got six deferments. More likely been leading military ops in Laos and saving his crew than whoofing coke and guarding the OClub in Tejas. Americans are stupid. How'd anybody buy Swiftboat? Actual war hero, cokehead idiot draft-dodger? Those are the actual facts of the case? Right? If Americans are not fucking idiots, how'd anybody buy this spectacular bullshit. Sorry, Americans appear to be morons. Americans buy Kommissar Karl and Lee Atwater. There is no conceivable way to be stupider. And here's another thing. Who actually believed in Swiftboat? I mean it was patently fictitious. Only an idiot would have not seen through the crass political envy and lies. Kerry was every single thing W wanted to be in this scenario, but, you know, he had, to meet a guy, you know , in a bar in, you know, Birmingham.
- Bob (Not Greene) said on September 24th, 2010 at 4:54 pm It's like what Sam Axe says to Michael Westen in the trailer. You know what spies are like. Buncha bitchy little girls. I believe they'd prefer the return of Raygun if somebody doesn't wipe their snotty noses, but if all of these folks believe it's not just a game and things matter, how do the assholes justify letting truly dangerous and insane people win elections because their noses were out of joint? This all seems to represent Naderism at it's worst. I've got personal knowledge and experience with Nader. He would rather everything went down in flames if he weren't the hero. You care or you think some sefish sense of self-gratification is more important.
- Please allow this opinion. Obama hasn't accomplished economic miracles? Hasn't ended wara? If you don't vote, you put these assholes in charge that caused these problems in the first place. It's a fact that PNAC perfidt and Republican tax-cut idiocy put the country in a dire situation. If you all act like Naderites and stay home, you're no better. Stay home and you vote for looney-tunes and racists. If you claim there's no difference between the parties, you are a fucking idiot. And I defy you to point out to me how I'm wrong. This Deanie-baby shit doan get it. Or I suppose you think that super-majprity is written in the Constitution. Is that sort of government what y'all want? Sorry, but that jack-boot shit from assholes that toe the corporate line, I thought we signed up for majority rules, not secret holds and phony filibusters The obstructionism is pretty much beyond conception. Blaming that on Obama isn't just stupid, it's monumentally counterproductive. Do Progressives, self-described, xare about their alleged policy passions, or are they really just Naderites and Deany-Babies? You can't sit this one out and claim you care. There is a class war. Republican politicians are fighting it. For the last several years, the Suprem Court has been fighting it too. That activist judge shit, if you think they are "liberals", you are a moron that gets what you deserve. Letshesr it for the anti-democratic idea that companies are people and they should be allowed to buy political advertising anonmously. When it's the Koch Bros and the most vile human being on the face of the earth Richard Mellon Scaiffe, what the hey? And George Soros. Right? George Soros doesn't stoop to Swift-Boat bullshit, jack. This was inconceivable. W was a despicable little POS that unquestionably dodged while going out of his way so people buy bullshit from Bushies,to support the war. Kerry's crewmates said his service was exemplary and pretty much heroic. What is an idiputable fact is that W avoided service like it was going out of style. How did this shit work? Murricans are way too stupid to be allowd to vote. We seem to be so stupid we think that the Senate requires 60 votes, and we blame the President for every common sense thing that doesn't pass. Buncha fuckin morons, and it's all the President's fault. Somebody want to attempt the trickle=down argument? Republicans fucked the economy and they went out of the way to deregulate the bastards that stole everything. And that bank bailout? Who signed TARP? Just another perfect example. People ar too dumb to vote. If you are such a dumb mofo you don't know that TARP was a W bill, should you actually be allowed to vote? Because, you don't have a clue about it but you know you hate it becausee it must have been that socialism from that Muslim. This is what people believe. They are fucking morons, and if the are allowed to vote, whar sort of joke does that make of the cherished idea of American Democracy? How many registered Republicans voted for the certifiably mildly insane Ms O'Donnell? 30,000. How many registered Republicans are there in Delaware. 185,000. I think folks are wetting their pants about nothing. But you deaniebaby and Naderite assholes that elected W because you were more liberal than thou, you are a particular bunch of assholes, but do not stay home and put OOmpa Loompa and Mitch Mountaintopping in charge of the Congress. You thought there was a magic wand. You were idiots. Incremental is outstanding. In the face of absolute political obstructionism, it's heroic. Vote or stay home because you think your agenda hasn't been met If you stay home, you will make sure assholes like Boner will be running things. Generally, it's not right to talk about the lesser evil. These Republicans, they are so fuking evil and so Goddamn stupid. Ask me about the tax cuts. Look, all I ever said is that people are clearly too fucking stupid to be allowed to vote. The vote was so clearly hijacked in 00 and o4, there's no sense discussing. If you don't think 2004 was jacked in Ohio, after Ken Blackwell said he would and could do it, sorry, but you are an idiot if you think that scuzzy ahole didn't steal Cuyahoga County for the pointy little head. W never won a Presidential election.
- Paddyo, we spell that Jimmah down here in the Southren portion of the US. I have to say, I've never been prouder of a former politician than when James Earl Carter actually noted, as everybody else refuses to, that the government of Israel is practicing something so close to Appartheid you'd need Rabbinical judges to tell it apart. Occupation? Well, the US can't really take the high moral ground. Outright piracy and building luxury condos in occupied land over olive groves, I think we ought to object. Jimmy Carter does. Settlers? It's not Michael Landon and Merlin Olson. It's bigoted and exceptionally violent invaders.
- Sorry Deborah. I'm not confident you're right. I didn't call anybody (least of all, you) a moron. According to everybody that claims to know anything about voting and turnout, Democrats won't. I won't bring this up again, but if you think it's ridiculous to worry about this, you're wrong. The petulant Spock and Deanie-baby left is perfectly capable of sabotaging any President that wants to move things forward, or buying some bullshit to convince themselves that electing W is better than that snotty rich guy. God knows why. The magic wand does not work quickly enough? But they most certainly are capable of auto da fe. So, you aren't one of these dumbasses. I know there are some characters here that are. I never attempted to make any point other than you all need to vote. I wouldn't encourage that behavior if I didn't think y'all were smart enough to realize that 60-40 thing isn't what anybody would describe as democracy with a small d.
- MichaelG, My nephew, my Godson, is in Afghanistan. As far as what Republicans call "homeland" security, the current administration is above-board about this crap. Everything is clear and open for public debate. They actually consult the courts instead of suborning, packing, and evading them. Major-league change from the previous eight years. Meantime, we are all stuck with the opprobrious 60 vote canard in the Senate. If Obama proposed shutting down Gitmo, Republicans would filibuster. Oh, wait, they already did that. There is actually no way of telling what the DParty might accomplish, because Americans seem to be OK with the fabricated Senate stymie.
- Oh, and the legal system might be better and less likely to infringe upon individual Americans' rights to privacy is Republican asshole Senators didn't put anonymous holds on every single nomination with no rhyme or reason. It's kneejerk, like the filibuster threats. I'd like to see Senate Democrats tell the jackasses to go ahead and stand up to argue why $700billion given away to 1% of the country will balance the budget. It's idiotic, but people seem willing to buy it.
- Pop of color? Bag that Paris fashion week froufrou that no normal woman would ever wear. The fashion news this weekend comes from Wales and what will those Ryder Cup players be wearing? I've got no idea about how fashions come about anthropologically, but shouldn't the Europeans have to come up with something other than the Union Jack colors? Irish players alright with that sort of colonialism? The golfing attire is just as connived and plotted as any fashion show. I actually watched at 4am and the whole thing was hilarious. Rain was both torrential and horizontal. How in the world does anybody play? I know most of y'all have no idea what I'm talking about, and don't care, but when you have a live feed that gets intermittently rained out, when the athletes are technicians left with no clue by the elements, and Curtris Strange explains for West Coast viewers, that the underwater camera millieu is not likely to be attributable to alcohol consumption, that's great TV. And then they find out the fashion mavens that picked out the US water-proof gear leaks, and they have to send gofers to buy something that works from a concessions stand, this is surreal. If any of you find golf remotely interesting, and I deny anybody that likes sports at all to claim you don't marvel at seeing a tiny ball hit from hundreds of feet away with a blunt object to within a few feet of an impossibly small target I say baloney, this is the world vs. the USA, played by gentlemen that will disqualify themselves from winning big cash for what seem to be idiotically nitpicking trepasses, I don't know, you probably watch The Apprentice. Look y'all, I am sorry for going overboard about politics. But, good grief. That sanctimonious John Anderson elected Ronald Raygun. Nader made it possible for the most despicably activist judge in the history of the Supreme Court, and, look, somebody claims Scalia isn't a revolting partisan that doesn't believe in denying civil and human rights, well you're a moron, and you do not deserve a vote. I don't claim to be any sort of Constitutional expert. I eould isist thatm ifmthey thet sqie q 4wrll intentioned a well intentionedm But how do teabaggers claim the the introductory clause,dn't actually mean that. How it is it that no representative of the so-called mainstream media ever brought this up? The founding fathers wrote in that qualifier. They didn't mean that, they actually meant open fire. This sadnot supposedto shutw em up. It is not what anybody what aanybody ever meant, And I sure didnt. I am sure on thesw peoples side.. Please be how we say. You don't consider me, My sisters a little strange, You'd be decent baatars and leave her alone Who are thee assholeles that wont leave us tje fuck alone?
- Jackson Browne wrote and recorded heinous crap like "the junkman pounds his fender"? to make a rhyme. Tonio K. had this guy nailed, "Yes I wish I was as mellow As for instance Jackson Browne But 'fountains of sorrow' my a** m*th*r f*ck*r I hope you wind up in the ground. Cee-Lo? Crazy is quite, but this is better. whatever.
- That's the most singularly disgusting pumpkin I've ever seen. It's colorless, obese, drooping over both its belt and its drawers. Purely revolting. If you read the comics, you'd swear that's a Plugger lying there, but there isn't an obscene human/animal hybrid, just an unseemly paunch. But the brilliance of the image is the suggestion of slow, almost indiscernible motion. Seems to be slouching towards Bethlehem. But noboy here would know anything about that, leaving the settlements aside because they aren't ilegal because it's perfectly legal to board ships on the high seas. And it's not individuals, it's a government that claims to be legitimate. It's all great. And the Israeli Govenment isn't running something worse than Apartheid while the get something like $4billion in direct American aid every yeae. And when they're outright racists and act like DeKlerks, why do we send rhat mone? I would thing Republicans were asking about that. Thet aren't. The whole idea, stop paying Mitch for being a moron Republican stooge.
- Jeff, is there some way these people aren't nuts? Is it conceivable these idiots aren't just nuts? Nope. I'm not a witch? But I'm a nutscape. Here's the deal. YOU VOTEFOR SOMEBODY /
- I'm not a witch. You vote for somebody so stupid, youu shouldn't get to vote again.
- Sorry. Seriosully. If you are such a fucking moron you'd vote for a republican, you are too stupid to be allowed to vote. It's almost impossible to believe anybody could be that fucking stupid.
- I know I saidd the sorta same thing more than once. But Jesus Christ, if ou vote for somebode that goddamns looney, you should surely never be allowed to vote again. If they're certifiable, you can't get away with voting for them. You are nuts too. This woman isn't an idiot or a fullgoose looney? No joke. If you vote this way should you not have to turn in your voting credentials? I just about give up. No joke. If you vote for somebody certifiable you do not get to vote again. These assholes are not close to sanity. That's the teabaggers. I'll choose the real underground because assholes are letting morons like this run government.
- I know I saidd the sorta same thing more than once. But Jesus Christ, if ou vote for somebode that goddamns looney, you should surely never be allowed to vote again. If they're certifiable, you can't get away with voting for them. You are nuts too. This woman isn't an idiot or a fullgoose looney? No joke. If you vote for a sociopathic liar, you really ahouldn't be allowed to ever vote again. Christine O'Donnell got 30,000 votes in a state with 185,000 registered Republicans. Ain't that a mandate. Are these people kidding? Is the press so full of it they can'st figure out how they;re full of it? 30thou votes, Why;s she inevitable, Dana Milbank? She slready got all of the votes she could possibly get. She's stupid ane she's a liar. We don't care she lies her ass off? Look. That is voting for Republicans. They lie and don't care , they just lie. They just make shit up. zpeople are going to vote for people that are pretty close to dertifiabley loony. If you think its acceptaable to rescind the 16th amendment, vote for Rane Paul because he believes businesses should be allowed to not serve black people. How does an American consider this? Rand Paul thinks that if you run an ice cream shop, it should be your choice to refuse to serve icce cream to black people. He said so, for a fact. Isn't it some sort of bizarre situation in whick somebody that expressed such out and out racism would be considered in an rlection? Rand Paul said that if you were black it's his right to refuse your business because of the color of your skin. He said this. You assholes. How can his comment be ... well it can't, He'a stupider than thou racist. He says shit like like this all the time. He's a flaming racist. This is just Republican shit, aall the time.
- Mongo likes Sheriff Bart. I believe Gabby Johnson's got this one right. Who is buying American elections? The GOP has produced lunatics out of the woodwork. As I've said before, if you can be proved to have voted for a full-goose loony, you should be disenfranchised, and probably permanently. How does any sane human being go to a voting booth and vote for Sharron Angle, or Carl Palladino, or Christine O'Donnell? If you don't vote for these whackos, headless zombies will cross the border and FUBAR you somewhere in the Sonoran desert. And about them immigrants? Who is buying American elections? And with talk about Supreme Court recusals, why did everybody including the press sit on their hands when Scalia didn't recuse himself on Cheney's tea party after the caged duck murders? No lawyers to shoot in the face there? It is truly amazing how the knee-jerk liberal mainstream press fails to pull the itchy triggerfinger on blatant crap like this. The have a beer with idea? I had a beer with Julian Bond one time, waiting for a plane. I'm pretty sure some coked-up mindless idiot that had Barney piss on his head when a pretzel wrestled him to the floor would not have been as good company. The part about acting like a war hero when he was a draft-dodger and accepting gigantor money to paint an actual war hero as something else, I suppose that's acceptable to children of privilege and fucking rubes. But it does bring up something. What if Ken Blackwell and Diebold hadn't gotten away with the blatant heist of Cuyahoga County. OMG. Is there something I'm missing? Are Joe Wilson and Jim DeMint actually sane and sober people that want the best for everyone? Yeah. Right. Is Nikki Hartley not a liar? The whole having a beer with business, I'd take honesty and intelligence. Not having the integrity to wipe the bar down with? That would be the Bagger candidates. W, included. Little Dick believed he went to war defending the O-Club. What a pathetic ahole. Made up everything and ran the country into the ground for somebody else to clean up. Somebody says that's not so, let's hear it. But you're going to be flat-out lying.
- I read every single one, Jeff, mild mannered. If you reconsider, I was talking about Mongo. I also commented on the idiotic "have a beer" meme. And by idiotic, I mean Catherine is right, and we should be careful. Raygun was one of those barstool guys, and he was such an idiot he bought into those Schol of Americas thugs. If somebody could prove he didn't have Cheney and Rummy cavorting with the Ayatollahs to screw over American elections and ensure Americans didn't remain captives until after the election, let's hear it. That is what the bastards did. Apparently, I was either prescient or I was reading along. I'm concerned there's another John Anderson/Nader mistake coming. But, yeah, Jeff, I read what y'all have to say.
- Jolene, My quuetion would be, what if the fire started on a property that was covered and spread to another, alas, uncovered? Would they fight the first fire and ignore the second? This is Rand Paulism taken to it's most asisine conclusion. Are people nuts? Does the bible say you're supposed to slice and dice about who is worthy? In the end, how can you claim to be Christian if you vote for assholes that make a point of insisting they don't give a shit about the least of my brothers.
- Every day I get campaign porn in my mailbox because I live in South Carolina. It's from the noted jackass Joe Wilson. Every single piece of unwanted mail features a picture of Nancy Pelosi, who has nothing to do with South Carolina. Way I figure, Congressman Wilson has a problem with women in general and a specific problem with women in power. He's clearly got a problem with ejaculations. Listen, y'all. The Stooges only qualifies for bad parenting if you include Shemp or the odious Joe. Moe, Larry, cheese and look at the grouse. Abbot and Costello, Lucille Ball and Steve Martin did not come close on Niagra Falls. My kid was raised on this even though her mother objected. And it seems to me that Curly gets all the credit, and he is funny as hell, but Moe was the Groucho in this gang,
- Little Bird, Find a better companion. Sleepers are excellent. Sex in them is generally excellent. I'd prefer Eva to Grace, if you're talking about Archie Leach, but maybe you mean Rock Hudson. One way or another, if you have the time, rail travel rules. Me, I'm thinking about Keith Relf and one of the most greatest movies ever made. Planes suck and trains are outstanding, though I use the former and way too infrequently the latter. Did you see what you thought you saw, and if you're convinced you saw it, did it really happen?
- You are ddn 't crap. we can't keep the the this crap. q we we dont believem this shit. We believe We believe w® know forfact7 Thie youmg w0man is speculatoriy smae4t I love with you.
- No shit we were playing like thy thougnt somebody owed s something. somebody did. ' We d to make it work.
- Limbaugh? A boil on the ass of humanity, that would get him the deferment that was supposed to prevent W the embarrassment of not showing up because he was too coked up and plotting the demise of somebody that served honorably, by unquestionably hijacking voting machines in Cuyahoga County And conveniently, it's the same stacked Supreme Court that claimed bogusly the little shithead actually won. Thank you for eight years of making rich people richer at the expense of the dwindling middle. If you deny that, you're a rich fuck If anybody was being honest, was voting for John Anderson anything but an emptyy gesture that elected Ronald Raygun? Any vote for any Republican candidate is absolutely a vote for the idea that democracy doesn't mean dick. Senate 60-40 is absolute Mitch McConnell horsecrap. Dumgasses like Howeie Kurtz can say bothe sides do this. No, they don't. I hink it's hilarious that alleged experts are predicting doom for Democrats in th off-year. They have Christine OO
- Shit. Bull goose looney. 17850 on the SATs back when you actually had to score. But the math part? I'd just figure out the most likely qanswer, and nail that sucker. If there was some foolproof way to take these tests for somebody else, I could have a bad hangover and guarantee 1250 and a very good writing sample. These assholes make millions, and any smart bastard could fuck them over. You know, they are pretty much like the NCAA. All about cashh. It's Ok if some asshole claims to have gone to a school she never sniffed, because Hillary murdered Vince Foster. Long as she's a teabagger, right? She can just lie her ass off. This idiot got 30.000 votes in a state with 185.0000 registered Republicans. How's that translate into the meme about a teabag landslide" People that consider themselves "progressives" look you moroms. If you stay home, you are voting for people like Sharron Angle. If you vote for some omphylactic narcisist like Ralph, you are voting for the Republican nutcase, and this <a href=""what you get. Moronic media make this about health care, and how many people don't like it. I'd like single payer, too. Will I disfigure my face because we ende up with the camel-s nose in the tent instead of the whole camel? That would be pretty goddam stupid. but the way this is reported allows lying pieces of shit to claim that honest Americans don't think the Democrats did enough are part of NO and the Republican bigots that are offended by a black guy. How in God's name has there been time to pull this shit out of the ditch Dubya dug and ran into? If you think pure, undulterated and entirely mindless obsrtuctionism makes the least amount of sense, vote in absentia for Party of No. Just like voting for Nader or electing the Oldtimer by wasting a vote on John Anderson. If you stop gazing at your navel you might consider political reality. Did Ralph Nader care about the country when he got incurious george elected. He cared about George Nader and an army of psychophants. Who did he elect? Most lying, smirking jackshit ahole that was ever president. Anyway. I'm sorry for running on, but does anybody want to hear awell-known arsonist and car thief quetion the behavior of everybody that was ever in the same room with Barack O'bama, to Ken Starr obscene voyeurristic levels? How 'bout that guy that handed out tobacco company lobbyist checks during voting in the House? Darrell Issa. Made his money the old-fashion way. Chop-shops and arson for hire.Nest thing you know, you'll a paragon of family values serving his wife eith divorce oaoers wgule she's undergoing chemotherapy. I'm just saying. Will anbody ever hold Dan Burton accountable? Scumbag? Really? Youthful indiscretion? Is there some notable difference between what Conyers is supposed to have done wrong and the identical, identical behavior of Mitch McCinnell with UK? This bizarre, self=righteous and truly hypocritical horseshit is what we all have to look forward to. Oh, wait, Darrell Issa burned down his own chop-shop abd tried to get the insurance company to pay for the stolen cars. But he's hot on the trail of Maxine Waters. If people are fucking dumb enough to elect Republicans gto the House, this is the sort of shit we will get, led bt an abjecr criminal. Whitewaater deux. I'm surw that's what the country needs about now. That is Republican stimulus/ Hire some more weasselly midget Republican lawyer incapable of getting laid. I fet the idea thar y'all vote. Ir does seem to me this time around, republiocans have nominated quite a few people psychopatologilly incapable of telling simple truth. Go and vote. Newt Deux represents a grave danger to everybody's Constitutional rights that isn't an olauginous, obese fatass turd. Representative Oompa Loonpa may claim. Let's put Newt back in charge over DAAT. Seems entirely logical. How was anybody supposed to accomplish anything whe Americans ar such dumb motherfuckers they but up with McCpnell and the alleged 60-40/. So a sorry=ass partisan moron like Mitch runs the country? If he's Mr. Big Bagger, he's supposed to believe majority rules. Well, he does not believe in the Constitution. He clearly beleves his pard Don Blankenship should be allowed to buy a judge and a judgement outright. He also clearly believes that principal should apply to the federal government. So do his incredibly corrupt cronies on the United States Supreme Court. It was one thing to fix one election Scalia,. Now you want to fix all of them permanently.
- What exactly does any one of you think about the spectacularly phony just say no and senatorial hold horseshbut people will blm thia on rhw Preaidwbt. ren't ;wl;.\le moronsit. How would you say the President is supposed to deal with such abject fucking obstructionist stupidity? Constitutionnly, he has no xhnce.
- ou vote for a Republican, you vote for unmitigated ignorance. If there are people too stultified to understand this, I'm not joking, they shoyld be disenfranchised. DeanieBabies and Naderites, you must be morons to cut off your noses. Don't like health care? It's a fuckload more than anybody else accomplished. Financial reform ditto. Snotty backbiting doesn't do anybody any good. So people will stay home because the President didn't deliver? Do you care about the causes or are you intending to pout? Do you believe the Constitution says Oompa Loompa+one means an initiative shouldn't pass the Senate? What in God's name do you expect this guy to have done? There is no magic Presidential wand. If you want something different to happen, you should change the Senate, or at least demand the Senate act democratically. That filibuster crap, that is bullshit. President can't do dick about that. Voters can. How in the name of God does anybody vote for an obstructionist ahole like Mitch McConnell and still claim to be a loyal American? It's ridiculous, actually. Guy's loyal to his pockets and doesn't give a shit about anybody else. and before the President can utter a syllable, Mitch says NO. Maybe he's not a racist, but he sure as shit dislikes a black gut in charge. If the President came out for puppies, Mitch would say NO. Mitch thinks judges should be bought by Massey, that enhances his salary. If a miner dies and nobody investigates the monstrously corrupt practices of the company, no skin off Mitch's nose. But lockstep NOro discredit the Darkie President? Right up his alley. But you know what smart guys say in Baltimore: Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. If this is a return to the days of Newt, we are all fucked and deserve it. Not I, though. I never said I'd vacate the country over such a ridiculous ahole as W. I know a lot of people did. A second Republican revolution and morons are in charge, and we are out of here. He's a racist pig, intent upon the Republican class war. They warned about judicial activism. Stealing an election and Citizen's United, you cannot get more politically active, unless you go on a canned duckhunt right away following your decision. At this point, voting for a Republican for anything is voting to suborn the Constitution. Aside from the obvious fact that most of their candidaewa are non compis mentis. What's astounding is that Teabaggers lead themselves to the slaughter.
- Deborah. I intend to be a rowdy and purposely disruptive serf. But when conservatives talk about class wars, I'm pretty sure you've hit the nail on the wide part. 30:1 in 1970, 300:1 in 2010. Why not whatever you don't need for a bare bones existence working for the Lord of the Manor? Our magnanimous gift. It's all misdirection. These people talked about judicial activism since God knows when. Americans have been judicial activized out of civil rights while the idea of individual rights was being demonized by "conservative" judicial activists. Subterfuge.
- Brian, It is far more stupid than normal. In the past, if a candidate advocated privatizing education, that would have been that for the idiot. When I was a kid, the idea that lunch counters should be free to discriminate against black patrons would have labelled him a racist. Of course, he would just have been George Wallace making sure he wasn't out-niggered. You would hope the country had moved beyond mindless bigotry, but people in Arizona idolize Arpaio, who isn't satisfied with denigrating his prisoners, he feels a need to use the color pink to denigrate both the prisoners and gay people in general. The governor concurs, except she's a nutcase that believes headless bodies walked across the Rio Grande. We are talking about total whack-jobs. I mean, I think if you vote or your garden variety GOP liar like the Oompah Loompa, when he claims to insist on balancing the budget, votes against extending relief to Americans in dire distress, and insists on extending tax cuts to the tune of $3 trillion, you're pretty much too fucking stupid or too blindly partisan, and probably afraid of a black guy to be allowed to vote. Organized Republicans are political thugs bent on seizing control. They do not give a shit about policy, or commonweal or the Constitution. Teaparty? Dick Armey's money motivating a bunch of racist, nativist rednecks. What actual Americans should be concerned about is the totally kneejerk use of Senatorial holds and the anti-democracy efforts of bought-and-paid-for Massey lackeys like that wormy-mouthed bastard Mitch McConnell. Very good things could have been accomplished in the last two years. Apparently, Republican politicians would rather screw over kids and struggling parents suffering from the bogus and botched Bush Administration than try to help fellow Americans. I mean, if it gets their victims to act like zombies, staple teabags to their straw hats, and vote for them.
- It's entirely possible the so-called Republican landslide is some mainstream media, mindless, Milbank meme. If Democratic Party voters turn out, NFW. Republicans regularly wage war against people voting. The spineless bastards are running ads in California en espanol encouraging Hispanic voters to abstain from voting. If you didn't know before that these bastards were anti-democracy greedy creeps, that ought to tie it up with a bow. The implicit racism is positively stunning. In Delaware, there are 185,000 registered Republicans. The 30,000 votes cast for the anti-masturbatory bi..., I mean witch, who is me, doesn't say a lot for the tsunami effect. How do you vote for somebody affiliated with a political party that opposes SChip and unemployment benefits after going out of their way to put people out of work? I mean, what sort of selfish shitheel do you have to be? How about voting for a party associated with trashing the entire scientific community, or continuing to insist there were WMDs in Iraq and the whole expedition wasn't just meant to enrich Halliburton shareholders? Reasonable people, Christian people, people with any sort of moral compass, should find the behavior of Republicans in Congress both reprehensible and repugnant. Sure ain't Christian. Sure ain't even sensible. Abandoning the poor, the sick, that's not American. Can't actually pass for human. Righteous anger. Well, yeah, funded by Dick Armey and the Koch Bros. and any number of anonymous foreign corporations, on the backs of the very people Republicans delight in fucking over.
- I allways wondered if Elizabeth Regina was aware of Caligula when she wrote Helen Mirren's name in on that DBE list. Then again, maybe she own's her own Blu-Ray. After All Sir John Gielgud and Sir Peter O'Toole are in it too. Seems to me it's patently unfair that Malcolm McDowell hasn't been rewarded an MBE for his efforts. I mean the fashion-challenged old biddy wanted to make Keef a knight.
- Oh Nancy, I sure do. My copy should be waiting for me right now at Barnes & Noble right now. Just reread Sporting Club and Bushwhacked Piano, two of the mosst hilarious books ever written by an American novelist.
- Was Bob married. I mean, shot with his own .38? Sounds like a possible case of Goodby Bob. NPR's terminated Juan Williams' contract. Very good riddance. I'm not black, so I wouldn't use the Uncle sobriquet. I'm comfortable calling him a lickspittle lackey and obsequious toady to purveyors of bigotry and bullshit. Juan Williams did the seemingly impossible, he made Alan Colmes seem vertebrate. I wouldn't feel sorry for Ol' Man Juan though, he's still a valued field hand at the Murdoch Plantation.
- Why didn't Juan William's get his oreo ass fired when he pulled this bullshit? Spinmaster O is actual trying to rein the idiot in. Stokeley Carmichael? Ya think that went right over the head of the average Fox watcher? You know the weasel overheard it from somebody far more clever than he and looked it up on Wikipedia. The guy is just pitiful. By the way, this "conversation" was all about the race card and claims of victimization. Stokeley Carmichael more or less invented the idea of Black Power, and would have knocked these dumbasses out if they tried to claim he was anybody's victim. Abject ignorance + casual bigotry? Heady mix.
- Cat picture. Horse video. Courtesy of the ineffably odd, creepy, charming and beautiful Frog Blog.
- LAMary, Someone should inform Huckleberry that NPR and PBS combined are funded at around$25million annually through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which is itself funded at about $400mil every year. Most of the money is distributed to individual radio and TV outlets all over the country. Here on Hilton Head we get reception for three radio stations under the CPB umbrella--75% praise music programming for some reason. Oh and six of nine CPB board members were appointed by W.
- I take back that Huckleberry crack. It does a disservice to two monumental literary figures whose jocks Huckabee couldn't carry: Finn and Hound.
- They, and I mean state, manipulators of state votes. If somebdoy is so dumb they don't think the swiftboat assholes didn;t fix the vote in Cuyahoga County, I guess the painted lady didn;t fix the vote in Volusia County in 2000. Repub;ican vote suppression is legendary. That's what these assholes do. There is Kenneth Blackwell. He had a direct line to the voting machines, He admitted to so much. These assholes robbed the Ohio election. Kenneth Blackwell is an admitted crimimnal. How is that not a fact? Cheney, he opened a clandestine agent to America's enemenies. He did this knowwingly. He chose to injure CIA for some bizzare and possibly anti-american personal interest. Do there exist people that know better than the rest of us what might mean morality? Sorry, but I think that;s bullshit and I think when you decide that, you are an immoral little shit like John Woo.
- They, and I mean state, manipulators of state votes. If somebdoy is so dumb they don't think the swiftboat assholes didn;t fix the vote in Cuyahoga County, I guess the painted lady didn;t fix the vote in Volusia County in 2000. Repub;ican vote suppression is legendary. That's what these assholes do. There is Kenneth Blackwell. He had a direct line to the voting machines, He admitted to so much. These assholes robbed the Ohio election. Kenneth Blackwell is an admitted crimimnal. How is that not a fact? Cheney, he opened a clandestine agent to America's enemenies. He did this knowwingly. He chose to injure CIA for some bizzare and possibly anti-american personal interest. Do there exist people that know better than the rest of us what might mean morality? Sorry, but I think that;s bullshit and I think when you decide that, you are an immoral little shit like John Woo. Blew up the Murragh Building. I don't think he was a Muslim, you fucking assholes, I think he was a terrorist and he was an incipient teabagger. He's you're sort. How does such an asshole convince himself that he isn't a terrorist? How does such a piece of shit convince himself he's not responsible for the lives of those kids in that daycare? Muslims didn't do this, you asshole, O'Reilly and Beck acolytes did. Are you dickheads nuts? You buy Bill Lying his ass off? Let me put this another way. All terriss are Muslims? Well, there;s Tim McVeigh. There;s David Koresh. Are you morons or has it exceded tour wisdom that every single kid that died in his temple was shot in the back of the head before they the whckjobs set the fires? Murdered them, then burne them up. It's an affront when people act like FBI did something wrong. These assholes had taken kids illegally. It's kidnapping. It's federal. Whaaewcwd
- y'all are beary
- You can't be idiots,. Republicans stole Ohio. The Swift=boat shitwas maxing, ans it was bulllshit, One part true" No part and this comea from folks that juat flat out lie. What the hwll?
- George Soros is totally transparent, to use the current term. Who financed the Swiftboat slander? (That would probably be the seriosly creepy Mr. Scaiffe.) How did that work? Kerry served, W pretended to. It's my contention that people that buy this sort of horseshit are clearly too dumb to be allowed to vote. When you are a conservative nutcase on a mission, the truth is no opposition. W was a draft dodger that supported the war. Kerry despised the war and served honorably anyway because he said he would. And then there are lying bastard Republican twats. And morons that bought this shit. No joke y'all. W didn't just dodge the draft like cheney, he signed off smearing his opponent that served with fortitude. This is the Republican way. If you shoot somebody in face with birdshot, it was his fault. Second Amendment people are all "right to bear arms" and they choose to ignore the limiting clause about militia. They aren't just hypocrites, they are liars. Here in South Carolina, Jpe Wilsom votes consistently for shit that outsources jobs. People lie their asses off. Who raParna Pharm? the invasions off the books? And who invented Government noney foir Big Pharmz, Thazt wold be Republican,
- I ansxiosly await fiction from Tom McGuane and William Gibson. . Nobody wrote that good since Tom Wolf. Well, there is all of Kurt Vonnegut, and all of John Gardner. And the positively blinding DeLilo. God save us all from Franzen. Novels are not meant to be earnest. The best ones are funny as shit, and they know it. And you never told me if you ever read Spoting Club. First novel. ridiculously spectacular Obviously only sojourning on the way to Big Sky. If you didn't read The Sporting Club, Why not? Three hours, tops and it is brilliant. Michigan? You sure? But he wrote the best Michigan novel ever.
- Back at @39 and LAMary A President that isn't a stupid tool of the reactionary bastards that appointed him? The deficit is W's to own. That is a fact. Qhen Republicans disavow this, they are talking about running two invasions off the books while cutting taxes twice in two years. It's a sad case that Americans are fucking morons, but that is exactly what happened. And when grown-ups got in charge, Senators said NO. In the long run, the whole bidness about the activist court might be the most opprobrious thing about the Republican agenda, if you don't count their intention to win state Cecretariats and just fuck up voting. They are quite sure that preventing people that don't look just like then from voting is a productive strategy. No, wait, it's Ken Blackwell promising to steal Ohio and then stealing Ohio. The hilarious thing is these morons doing the bidding of their overlords and never sharing that cash. Nobody get's rich, the rich just get richer on the bones of people that work.
- Nsncy, Iggy's ok, but in the day, he was never Rob Tyner. or the Quackenbushes. or Wayne Kramer or Sonic Smith. He wasn't Bob Seger. And in the day of wussies spouting on TV. You have Persection Smithu. Much better world,
- Jim Harrison's a joker, compared, McGuane is closer to the real deal, which at this point would be Pychon, And I've read all his books, and I like them a lot. But there is no way they are so pluperferctly hilarious and so sad at the same time.Jim Harrison makes is up, Most people don't get that. Jim Harrison sees in fewer dimensions, I think. Of course then you can read Don DeLillo or Margaret Atwood, and you'll know it doan mean shit, or it does. The lady is the better writer, but I guess my point is, bring it, y'all. Criticism is automatically and immediately bullshit. Mothing matters but the response of the reader. Look ya dumbass. You could write a novel. It would be at least decent. You'd be proud. I would too, because I read your blog regularly and always knew you were a writing fool. A good one. But if you think Jim Harrison livea in McGuane territory, I'll surely argue 'bout that, and Walker Percy i ssfunnier and more prfoound than either, and I'll take both sides. Jim Harrison wrote Bridges of Madisn County because it was just like his other books, but he was embarr Harrison want's people to get it in the end. McGuane doesn't give a shit. Road goes on Forever.
- Michael G: When the rapture comes, I'm Catholic. I intend on getting my hands on a TBird convertible with the keys left in the ignition. But Glen Beck will still be here. I mean he's a member of a demonic sect like me. I intend to track him down and moidelize the joik, and then thank him for initiating the Rapcha. I'd be interested to know if Chritine O'Donnell gets raptured despite her witch inclinations. Anti-masturbatory dispensation? Never watched more than seconds of the obscenely rich fat/not fat lady. I do know her taste in books is decidedly middlebrow (and I include Frantzen; how is it possible to be that fucking boring for so many pages?), but if she'd just give in to her inner Oprah, she'd embrace Barbara Cartland. I have heard of Branson. Ain't Pigeon Forge. Nobody's strip mining in Missouri that I know of and it's no mortal threat to the Eastern Seaboard Aquifer. Rest of that list, nope. But Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way? The man of the people, who you'd like to have a beer with is way done. If it's W, I guesss it's O'Douls. W has always looked like he's touching something that might be catching, and he wipes it off on Clinton's shoulder. If it's Obam, you get a Sam or a Yuengling. I'll choose the black guy. Which despot protestations, dodes seem to be the problem. Has a President ever taken over in a worse situation? Yeah, FDR, and that guy started a World War to spend enough cash to get the American economy out of the latrine. That took a while. All we are saying, is give change a chance. Normally, lists like this are just tedious, but this one uses promotional posters, so I think it's very cool. Just take a look at Janet Leigh in the Psycho poster, sans blouse in an enhancing bra, with the caption "A new--and altogether different--screen excitement." You know for sure this was Alfred's doing. I don't think enough has ever been made of this guy's absolute genius. I think he may well be the funniest SOB that ever lived. A woman has all she can take, crushes her boring husbands skull with a frozen leg-o-lamb, stuffs him in the freezer, and serves the leg to detectives investigating his disappearance? A perfect concatenation of Thurber's story about the wife shooting the Glory Days husband in mid-hurdle, Charles Addams, Gahan Wilson, Ralph Steadman,Gerald Scarfe, and the Doc. Anyway, why are movie posters so completely forgettable now? They used to approach high art, apparently. Poltergerieist is as scary as you get. When JoBeth Williams thinks everything is OK and goes to take a bath, I knew it was a very bad idea (aside from the JoBeth in the bathtub part). And what makes a movie scary? Slashing? Nah. Great Monster? y Yah, been done once, well thrice, but you needed the spectular actress Sigourney Weaver in panties to make it work. Chainsaws? That is just redneck stupid.
- Basset. I'd give George's sister a break. Did y'all know that that amazing slide on For You Blue isn't Beatle George at all? It's John. Who knew he was an actually good guitar player?
- Fact is, Cheney is an elitist. Scooter's an elitist. Rode hard and put up wet Sarah Palin, she is an elitist. How in the world did such an inane and empty characterization come to define political circumstances? As we used to say, Doan mean shit. Unadulterated bullshit, and it is more than obnoxious. It is so fucking mindless you'd thin Sarron Angle said it. One of my brothers played football at Princeton, All-Ivy best player on the team. Went to UVA Law and finished second in his graduating class. Wow, wlite. right I'm proud of him, and I love him, watched every one of his college gaames, and I've been in the Charles Street Jail in Boston to keep him out of trouble. Elite. Right? He's a died in the wool conservative that thinks taxes are a personal assault, and he believes he has no moral or societal responsibility for anybody in diminished situations. Is he one of those elitists Republicans abhor or somebody they'd solicit for contributions? I'd be willing to bet there are more elitists like my brother. Just an object lesson. Calling somebody an elitist without defining terms is pretty much a sure sign of being a bald-faced liar or a moron. Or a nasty idiot ho from Alaska. I just don't get it. She's attractive? It's like Peter Frampton. What wine? Whose wine? Where the hell did I dine? It's idiotic bullshit in tune with birtherism and racism. Black, not one of us, went to Harvard, must be a muslim. And Jeff Borden, I'll take a PBR when it's offered, but if you don't drink better tasting beer when it's available, well, that's just dumb, but at least you aren't an elitist, whatever the fuck that is. All those activist conservative Justices that appointed Bush and Cheney and trampled the Constitution doing so, well, they went to Harvard and Yale but they weren't Washington Elites because, well....because.... well, they loved Halliburton and Enron as much as the next guy. I know you guys vote. But it has never been more important. You think Citizens United wasn't an outright assault on the Constitution? Bone up and think again. People have been listening to that right-wing bullshit about activist judges for years. Activist judges already punked your ass.
- Teabaggers are right about the assault on the Constitution. But it's the right that's the culprit. Activist judges? Scalia is a sociopath that believes he runs the country. Appoint a Residential idiot and Mr. Interlocutor, destroy the economy and the government. We get to be the rich people. This is exactly how this is all unfolding.
- Jeff (the mild-mannered one) He may be a good writer for all I know, and just too boring for a discerning reader to ever find out by getting through more than three pages. Unreadable. I mean, I could just read about Brit twits in "The Pallisers" Or read something mordantly funny on the same subject by a master like Evelyn Waugh. Or "Pere Goriot", or any Harry Potter book. I think when you announce you are writing a traditional novel of manners about several generations of an American family, you're admitting to having no imagination. Guy's's not even interesting in the universe of guys named jonsthsn. Try Lethem and "Fortress of Solitude" instead. For my money, if DeLillo's dried up, Michael Chabon rules American fiction, but TC Boyle is better. Meanwhile, on this NA continent, William Gibson is the best thing going. Anyway, it doan mean shit, because "Driving on the Rim" is better than any of these are capable of. Obviously, tastes in books are subjective, but there is such an objective thing as purely bad writing. I like "Lemprierre's Dictionary" and I think "Water Music" and Giles Goat Boy" are brilliant. If you want to talk about Dan Brown or, say, Michael Crichton, we're conversing at cross-points. I'm talking about good writing. People read Clive Cussler, who is so bad it's almost worth reading for the sheer hilarity of just how horrible it is. Then, there is just plain boring. Like Johnathan Franzen.
- And Jeff, finding yourself in agreement with me isn't so bad. I'm right way more than I'm wrong, no matter what anybody says.
- Lately, the detective noir is terrific. Gravity's Rainbow is awe-inspiring in imagination and gorgeous language. V on the other hand is a masterpiece. McClintic Spheer, shooting giant albino alligators in NYC sewers? Benny Profane, the human being yo-yo? Later novels, not V, not Gravity's Rainbow, but owrth waiting for and better than just about anything else. It's a fool's question Coozledad. If somebody told me tomorrow there was a new Kurt Vonnegut, I'd buy it instantly and not expect the reincarnation of Bokonon. I would be certain it would be exceptional. You can always hope. Maybe tomorrow somebody will discover Look Homeward Angel, the Sequel.
- Cooz (not the real Couse), I've read Gravity's Rainbow twice. V, a bunch of times, I don't really know how many. Octopus Grigori imagines I'm right about this. Spectacular imagination and invention may fail, great writing sklls will prevail. Did Mark Twain ever write a better book after Huckleberry Finn? Is everything he ever put to paper worth your time?
- I may be the only person in the world that prefers Autumn of the Patriarch to 100 Years of Solitude. I think Refiner's Fire is better than Winter's Tale. And I think people write better novels now, for the most part, than they did in previous centuries. Coozledad, what do you think about Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell? Positively amazing, right. What would you say is the best DeLillo? I say it's Great Jones Street, and I'd say he was reading Tom McGuane when he imagined that.
- cooz, you are very funny. I would submit that if there's a celestial poet, it's William Blake, and his girlfriend is Christina Rosetti. The mordant poet of life, death and resurrection would be William Blake, who wrote the coolest and greatest epitaph ever written, for himself. Probity is probably a characteristic Mark Twain would find objectionable, since he was bound and determined to be a wascawwy wabbit. If you've read Huck Finn several times, I'd suggest Joan of Arc. It was the author's favorite of everything he wrote.
- And really y'all, George could seriously play. Something? My Sweet Lord? Clapton get's credit for Layla but that was mostly Duane. And Dicky Betts played the lots of the best parts of Allman songs. Bob Weir's an incredibly inventive rhythm guitarist. Leads can be discussed and debated. Greatest rhythm part is unquestionable. It's Steve Stills playing wah-wah on his first solo album with the Eric Clapton lead on Go Back Home. It's rhythm guitar at least as good as the soloist, and that is also one of Clapton's greatest solos.
- Jeff, Mason & Dixon was spectacular, I think. He was doing something different. Probably more factual historically than anything Bob Woodward's written since Deep Throat. V and Gravity's Rainbow were fever dreams of Octopus Grigori. Tom Robbins is somebody way enjoyable that comes close, as is John Crowley, and, of course, Russell Hoban. China Mieville and Michael Moorcock (who writes lyrics for fucking Hawkwind). John Gardner pulled the same sleight of pure imagination in Sunlight Dialogues, but he also wrote a straightforward Malamud sort of novel in Resurrection, and he wrote the single best ever (apologies to Margaret Atwood about Penelopiad, which is fine) reimagination of a classic, Grendel. I do love really long and complicated novels. I'm about right in the middle of 2666. It's like trying to swim a 1600 IM, but it's exhilarating. Read Riding on the Rim for a break, and I'll have to read it again before I get to the Stieg Larsson. Oh, anybody that likes that Scandinavian sort of thing, Peter Hoeg is very good, particularly Smilla's Sense of Snow. Juan Williams had been warned repeatedly regarding NPR editorial standards. They may be vilified by right-wingers, but they sort of have scruples about telling the truth. Juan was going along with O'Reilley's spectacularly opprobrious comment about all terrorists being Muslim. I think he knows better, which makes me think he's a total shitheel for just kneejerk agreeing with the ignorant bully for the paycheck.
- Meanwhile, the Jints are beating shit out of the Cowboys, and, as Ray Davies said, aint that wonder. Basset, I am not joking about the Stills rhythm guitar. It is jaw-dropping. I love the McCoury band (particularly the high lonesome vocals and harmonies) and those are amazing musicians, but, seriously, Go Back Home with the wash and the lead is like something from another galaxy, especially when Stills kicks it into double time. Faster than bluegrass. I swear it 's as good a pure solo by Clapton as the second Crossroads, and it's Steve pushing. Just awesome piece of music, that actually starts slow with typical Stills blues figures.
- Oh and Still's plays the brilliant solo in the middle of the piece. Clapton comes in on the coda and it is blistering.
- Ananais Club. People are going to vote for these unreconstructed pathological liars? This bullshit was already adjudicated and found hilariously full of bullshit.
- Brian It's: Cast a cold eye on life, on death, horsemen pass by. From the great poem Under Ben Bulben. The link goes straight to the modest tombstone. I've been there. I apologize. I meant to say, and I thought I typed, that in the fashion of Coozledad's literary characterizations, WB Yeats was the non-celestial, mordant poet of life, death and resurrection, and a better, perhaps best, poet. Just bad cutting and pasting my own thoughts. My mind was not on vacation, but my fingers were probably working overtime. As George Harrison would say, Sue me. The fool's errand comment is clever as hell. If I were able, I'd be more self-deprecatory and grovel in mea culpa. And the Sue me link is not a rabbit hole, it's a great song everyone has long forgotten.
- Well, there used to be the liberal MSM. Not for years and not by a logshot. These guys lean right so much you'd think its a slice. The idea that there's a liberal media, well, there's Arianna, that's still fucking that gay Repuplican on the steps of the Lincoln, and where were we?
- amercN ThereMW are something like 70million Catholics in the US. Maybe imill buy into the whaccatholics think none of tha'a NY C Ck-jobs like the Reagan-idolators and the Latin Mass wierdos. Moat American Catholics think none of that's anybody's business. No Catholic in the USA gives a shit about whaat Ratzeberg says about American political matters. It is incredibly offensive. Yup, I;m Catholic, Mostly by way of reading Teillhard. Tad more difficult than that dumbass tvshit on your nightstand. I've gotten the treatment, Now let me get this straight. Some W-approved TV minister has decided Catholics are a demomic sect. Where exactly does this shitheel think his religion comes from?
- Rand Paul just believes in repealing large chunks of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and figures the nation owes an apology to Ol' Lester. He is sure as hell channeling the racist restauranteur. Apparently Rand thinks the backward bicycle-riding buffoon was exercising some ancillary interpretation of the Second Amendment when he armed his redneck patrons against a mud people invasion with axe handles. Aside from that, he lives a relatively opulent lifestyle while reporting annual income from his medical practice of around $45grand. He hangs around with and takes scads of money from white supremacists like Stormfront and conspiracy whackos obsessed with the WTC, the illuminati, Bilderbergers. That's teetering on the edge of crazy, or it's cynical exploitation of the feeble-minded This account makes it pretty difficult to buy any skepticism or conspiracy theorizing about the printer bombs and proximity to the election. Of course, unlike W, Ashcroft, Ridge, Dickless etc., Obama's got no history of pulling this type of Bushwa whenever it might be remotely politically advantageous. And crap, practically every single adherent to the October Surprise theory hyperventilated over the tighty-whitey bomber (handled in pretty much ideal fashion). With this level of detail, especially identification of the bomb-maker and his exploits, and descriptions of the devices, it's a major stretch to chalk this all up to paranoia induction. The administration's been cutting shit like this off at the pass, without flouting it, unlike their predecessors who acted like they'd saved civilization when a sleazebag informant duped those mental midgets that wanted the paramilitary unis and boots in Miami. Or foiled the four guys that were going to attack Ft. Dix (active duty population , 1000-1500) with automatic weapons by feigning a pizza delivery. Or how 'bout the "lone gunman" from Chicago that got twenty years for "plotting to take down the Brooklyn Bridge with an acetylene torch? (Those cables: Suspension Cables - four 15 3/4" diameter wire ropes. Number of Strands in each cable - 19 (JSG) Total Length of Wire in cables - approximately 3600 miles (JSG) Miles of wrapping wire on each cable - 243 miles 943 feet (JSG)) I think the guy was going to use either a Cloak of Invisibility or something like an ice fishing shanty. I'm sure there were actual threats, but why was Shrub so keen on talking about nonsense like losers, landsharks an lunatics?
- The tsunami mid-term conventional "wisdom" started after watered down, nose of the camel in the tent health care passed. Instead of understanding that it was an immense step forward, "progressives" that still had out-of-joint noses from Kerry beating Dean decided that it wasn't good enough, nor was the President on of "us". Media reported raw poll numbers indicating overall dissatisfaction with Obama, and this became an overriding meme(God, I despise that word, which actually means refusing to actually figure things out logically and instead just buy into some mass hysteria, out of unoriginal thinking and pure sloth.) The Democrats had a majority in the Senate, but as far as the Senate is concerned, Senate rules say there is no such thing as majority rules. So far as health care is concerned, if you add those who told pollsters they approved of what passed to Americans who think it was insufficient, the number is between 70 and 80%. So, you know, claiming "the people didn't want it", that's either disingenuous or an outright lie, depending on motive and actual venality, or how much your tan makes you look like you work for Wilie Wonka. One way or another, media applied zero critical thinking and joined a mindless stampede that carried over to every other issue and debate. T. Jefferson relied on a free press to balance the never go broke underestimating the intelligence of Americans thing. Unfprtunately, media entities that aren't direct participants in obfuscation and propaganda have proved to be as ovine and obtuse as their uncritical consumers. It's the Mencken definition of democracy: they know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.
- Greetings from Columbia, SC. I voted absentee a week ago to free up today to come up to the state capitol to intimidate Teabagging intimidation squads, with a group from Secretary of State Project. Remember Ken Blackwell and Cuyahoga Co.? Turned the cameras on the racists with the cameras, reminded them in loud and no uncertain terms they're committing criminal offenses, listened to them whine like brats and threaten, and, for the most part, watched them slink away like scalded weasels. Laws on our side and it was gratifying spoiling their grim smug glee at obstructing the American way. If you see or hear about any voter intimidation or suppression at the polls, please report it immediately. Call 1-866-OUR-VOTE, a national election protection hotline -- or report it to them online at You can also upload video to
- Link we just got from across town. Kind of confusing, but if Baggers are targeting historic black colleges, GOP will lose their 15% of the black vote 4ever. Our place is devoid of baggers now. Several escorted from premises for unkosher signs and slogans. No real bad behavior,--afraid of being memorialized on tape, or who knows what these yahoos might have gotten up to. Everybody here has a tablet device but me. Might have to get one of them.IPhone seems to work fine as long as I concentrate on the keyboard. Everybody's talking about Spinmaster O losing his mind, again. And anybody tat still doesn't think Wan Williams didn't get his just deserts? Comics Curmudgeon, , and Nancy Nall, in order, saving the best for last. About to pack up, but staying over. Drink and watch Parallax View, ignore TV. Whatever ensues, best everything to all y'all.
- What will the GOBaggers do with the House? Well, former chop shop entrepreneur and arsonist-for-hire Darrell Issa will investigate the mysteries of the President's birth certificate. Given the friendly fire potential of the Real Teaparty freaks, and the fact that the Senate will remain the Hoover Dam of government, I don't see that GOP really gained much on status quo nationally. It remains to be seen as statewide results emerge and are analyzed how much damage has been done. How may states end up redistricted, and what foul excrescenses may now be in place to play the part of Ken Blackwell and the Painted Lady in 2012? The California results gratify my black heart, anyway.
- 23 0f those lost "Democratic" House seats, were held by Blue Dogs. Big woof, and uh, boohoo.
- Obama and the "base"? I watched some weaselly little prick from on Sawrence O'Donnell last night. He actually said sniffProgressivesniff" voters stayed fucking home because the President ditched the public option. Three observations: Public option was a halfway good idea that was born in the run up to Congressional consideration of health care. It was never, never, in the mix during the campaign, so all of this whining about it amounts to manufactured crocodile of betrayal; because All of these navel-gazing onanist Naderites and Deanie-Babies would have raised snivelling alert to orange and whined that the public option was capitulation and nothing but single-payer would do, had Obama managed to wrangle the Blue Dog cats. Nothing is ever going to satisfy them. Cutting of ones nose to retain some self-justifying ideological purity that provides low self-esteem types with a feeling of superiority elects bigoted, preening aholes like Rand Paul. ROGirls Obama accomplishments link day before yesterday was close to mind-boggling, and Maddow and Olbermann ran similar litanies the night before. Well, thanks for nothing Keith and Rachel, back-biters in chief for at least 12 of the last 18 months. Name a President that ever took this kind of unreasonable shit from both sides. Logjam in front, so much resistance from behind. Sorry for the abrasive tone, but I just had to purge the last of my bile over how obnoxious this whole thing has been. Anyway, it's funny how this is an unprecedented tsunami election when the last midterm lost the GOPlutocrats both Houses of Congress. More GD memes signifying nothing but a nation of semi-intelligent sheep. Here's an anodyne: Strong dose of an incomparable American intellect is in order. An encomium from one dangerous anti-American to another.
- Ferndale, eh? Say hi to the folks at my draftboard if they're still around after all these years. Tell 'em I said thanks for both my 1969 1A and my 1970 4H, and I've still got my cards. Never burned them. All those Catholic boys in Ferndale and Royal Oak went to Mass at the Shrine of the Little Flower, and Fr. Coughlin convinced them it was their duty to kill Communists, so my Board had the highest rate of outright volunteers in the country. I bagged my 2S student deferment despite a 67 in the lottery and made it through to the 4H "reserve" list. Thank you Ferndale. The red-baiting priest, well, burning in hell would be just and fitting.
- Coozledad, Inspiration the martyred union leader or the ex-Manichaeist philosopher-saint? Shrub was on the most expensive vacation in Presidential history when he was informed that OBL and Qaueda were determined to attack Americans with hijacked airliners. He was apparently so vacated by falling off his bike and destroying mesquite that it went right over his pointy little head.
- Some sanity on cost of the President's Passage to India. Funniest aspect: Do these perfidious bastards expect anybody with a brain bigger than a conch fritter to believe that Naval armada isn't on regularly assigned active duty in the Indian Ocean and neighboring bodies of water?
- "And always, always, be mindful of who you are serving – not your ego, but your reader. I never spent much time in media hospitality suites because I saw the trap of comparing notes, trying to impress colleagues with who could write more viciously. I saw how quickly conversations degenerated into complaint sessions and where I lived, cynicism was the wrong approach. The reader of Detroit, the guys on the assembly lines, the grandfathers in Alpena, wished every day they could trade places with me. If I turned cynic, how would that serve them? So I often kept a distance. I spent more time at events than in the office, more time in my community than in press boxes or media parties, and this may have cost me over the years. People who don't know you are often the quickest to speak about you, especially if you are blessed with some success." -Mitch "Final Four" Albom, egregiously pompous ass(hole)
- Kick they ass, Nancy Pelosi. A corporation's demanding right of approval over an employee's legal political contributions is pretty obviously a crock of shite, but Keith, boo hoo. Guy loves staring at his navel as much as Mitch Albom thinks his belly button is the crown of creation, albeit, without the unctuous sleaze. Couple of mediocre sports reporters, for God's sake. Cronkite's music and Murrow's signoff? I'm sure that started out all tongue-in-porky-cheek post-modern, but he soon turned into Colonel Blimp, or a Macy's Parade blimp, or something else grotesquely over-inflated. Olbermann was s major part of the "so much resistance from behind" over the past several months. Monday night when he launched into an extended litany of Obama's astounding record of legislative and policy accomplishments in the face of mindless detractors and obstructionists on both ends of the political spectrum, I wanted to strangle the sanctimonious MF. Like a C&E Catholic dropping by Good Friday services for a quick buff and to get off early on a Friday. Underbussed Dana Milbanks for not treating the President fairly, and proceeded to launch an intermittent progressiver-than-thou scorched earth campaign of his own. Instant Karma's a bitch, eh?
- Do these prevaricating bastards know the US maintains a naval base in the middle of the Indian Ocean on Diego Garcia? Pitiful, but I'm sure they're ignorant of this fact. And that the US maintains a formidable naval presence in that theater in support of W's invasionary and occupying forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and for purposes of rapid deployment against Somalian pirates. However many warships are involved, it didn't cost a dime not already spent in the defense budget. Amassing force there is part of a well-defined military policy. I guess conservatives want to undermine American armed forces. PolitiFact is as non-partisan as the net gets in fact checking claims and allegations that run the gamut of American politics. Here is a compilation of their latest Pants on Fire designations. Right and left, Rep and Dem are represented. Judge for yourself which side employs deliberate, profligate mendacity as a well-defined strategy. Of course, Rachel Maddow is in no way non-partisan, but I'd defy anybody to disprove any attribution or allegation in this piece about Republicans "corroborating" one anothers' fabricated bullshit.
- Jeff, this is uncharitable, but Paula Jones sold her personal integrity for an accusation without a shred of evidence for cosmetic surgery. Check out Clinton's inquisitors. Dan "Scumbag" Burton, and Newt who served divorce papers on a woman undergoing chemotherapy. And St. Henry Hyde. Whited Sepulchres. Kenneth Starr was guilty of the most grotesque prosecutorial misconduct in the history of jurisprudence, and Monica's taped Pepperdine going-away party where she joked about Presidential knee pads. I don't think the whole thing amounted to a misdemeanor, much less an impeachable offense, and the accusers were such sleazy womanizers as it turns out that they probably wished they'd kept it to themselvesI'.Youthful indiscretions? Seriously? In your forties? Painted Lady Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell, spectacular voter suppression and sundry cheating in Volusia and Sandusky and Cuyahoga Counties. Republicans cheated. And their 'registration and voter fraud' claims are pure bullshit. The W justice department spent most of it's time ignoring teriss from '00 to '08 trying to track this down and they identified 95 cases, got convictions on 55. Meantime, ACORN reported reported phony registrations to election officials. I've despised the Reds for a long time. It's not genetic, like my primordial dislike of the Giants, but it's ingrained. I attended Dodgers spring in utero in 1951, emerging in time to absorb the Giants cheating, by osmosis. Four years old when Johnny Podres and Larry Sherry won the World Series. Nothing against Sparky. I think he was a gentleman, and a decent manager. But I'll take Walter Alston. And Walter Alston would prefer you talked about Sparky. I attended Spring Training in Vero Beach in utero. My mom played catch with Jackie Robinson and Carl Furillo and Campy. I've got photos, and my mom was gorgeous. Since then, I grew up in Detroit with what might be the finest outfield ever assembled. Kaline, Stanley, Northrup. Center fielders? Willie Mays, Mickey, Duke, I'd say you'd have to consider Paul Blair. These days. Torii Hunter is very good, and when Ichiro plays center, he's as good as anybody. It's iluminating what Kirk Gibson had to say about Sparky. Nobody in the history of MLB ever played harder. He ran down an umpire that got in his way. Denis Eckersley was a great pitcher. this boyo was seriously hurt and he jacked the most amazing HR ever hit. In Mitch's defense, he never was Jay Mariotti. There is no more sorry excuse for a human being than that preening abuser that thought it was funny to malign both Big Frank Thomas and the LGBT community by calling a hall of famer "the Big Skirt". On the other hand, all of those sportswtriters that made TV shows with that misogynist shitheel, you didn't know he was a cunt?
- I find it opprobrios. This Lakoff shit. We're not liberals. We are progressiver than thou. Kiss my ass, you were not there. Try Grant Park. There, done that.
- There is nobody that ever played center-field like Freddy Lynne. Brtter than Willie.
- Jeff and Brian. Nancy seems to think people mean well. No, they do not.
- AAh Mary. Apparently y'all havenen't y'all haven't come across Grace Potter yet. This young woman is gorgeous snd has a bigger voice than Grace Slick. And she can play keyboards. What the hell. UGA has been raped by the NCAA. AJ Green, his own Jersey and that gets four games? Them trips to to Miami get two. You have got to be kidding. Tjis is so fi;; of shit it is amazing. How is that that agent bullshit coming around. If that character is an agent, I'm Scott Boras. Four games? Fuck you. You have got to be screwing over Georgia. We have Florida playing a home game after a week off, every year. Leftty those assholes play home and home. Anybody that thinks its all fair is an idiot. I couldn't. I figure with Buffalo Springvield you either buy Neill or or Steve. I figure they're both ridiculously brilliant. Battle lines being drawn.
- Dexter, Belichik invented that bus people get thrown under. Richard Seymour? Hall-of-Famer. Walking, talking asshole. Anybody that ever played football knows the tuck rule was horseshit. Refs just fouled the Atlanta=Tampa game with a totally bogus call. Refs suck, and they frequently cheat.
- Ripping Cooks Source a new one.
- Republican gummint cheese.
- Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay. My putatively NOT mentally defective Senator. I mean, Demint is too screwy to spell his own name correctly. (It's either Demented or Dementor, not sure which.) Graham is like some poor soul in a psychologically abusive domestic situation, battered into functional bipolar behavior--nearly sensible Lindsay and nutso Lindsay. This is the sort of adult stuff world leaders are supposed to do. This will not show up in the US press.
- Dorothy, there's a fine episode of The Twilight Zone called The Hunt about this subject Written by Earl Hamner of Walton's Mountain.
- I read Anne Applebaum's columns regularly, because she's very bright,analytical, exudes reasonability and common sense, and is a fairly elegant writer. What she is most certainly not, by any stretch of imagination, is a liberal. I mean, politically and on policy, she generally comes across more aligned with responsible Republican dinosaurs the party has no use for anymore, like Richard Lugar. So, take a look at some of the vituperative comments. "Knee-jerk" is definitely not for liberals anymore. I've seen both Winter's Bone and Frozen River, riveted by both and wouldn't choose between them (except for a strong favorable bias for Melissa Leo going back to Homicide). Comparing a movie to Cormac McCarthy? I would take that to mean "as interpreted by the Coens, Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem and Woody Harrelson, which is not particularly odious, as comparisons are frequently, but sort of superfluous and silly. How about John Hillcoat's version of Cormac? Without engrossing performances by Viggo Mortensen and Kodi Smit-McPhee, this would have been seriously, not mildly, disappointing. Anyway, 25 or so years ago, there was another movie that achieved the same sort of fiction verite as these efforts, about life on the marginalized edge of society--At Close Range, with top-of-their-games performances by Sean Penn and Cristopher Walken. If you like Winter's Bone and Frozen River, it's worth two hours. (And, it's got Mary Stuart Masterson.)
- Early '70s? How about pure Motor City? I suppose the difference these days is the UMC talks a good game and sits out elections. Stand -up citizens. I know y'all are agnostic on sports, but when the NCAA announces that Cam Newton and his family may have solicited six figures, but unless they got payment or payment in kind, it's not a violation of NCAA rules? In what universe?. Earlier this season, they made some marginal nobody agent wannabe whose name nobody knows into the focal point in the horrendous violation of AJ Green, and his civil rights, the actual best player in college football, because AJ sold this jamoch a jersey he wore in a bowl game that unquestionably belonged to AJ. Suspended the player for four games and destroyed Georgia's season. Meantime, a bunch of players from Miami, South Carolina, and Alabama got one game suspensions for accepting plane tickets and hotel vouchers to attend a party in South Beach. One game suspended. Is this remotely fair? Georgia once lost scholarships because a football assistant gave a ride to a gymnast coming back to Athens from her mom's funeral. Sports aside, firness in play how in the GD worlI went to Georgia, transferred from oly Cross when Saders wouldn't let me take any more English Courses. So I went to UGA and it turned out to be a very good school. Registration. First I went to the English Department. They wanted me to take prereqs like classics in translation. I read them in the original in HSAny of you read Greek and Latin? So I walked away and went to the JSchool table. 7:30 am newswriting class, Selectrics. Details described 15 minutes to file after asking questioned. Brutal, effective, rip the paper out of the typewriter. I absolutely loved this Guy was owner of an eceptionally successful weekly, but he was a reporte. Had a guy named Charley Kopp for copy editingand editorialsd some other classes. This equates to some disadvantaged kid getting a grand for a jersey that belonged to him? So how does that not amount to heinous? Florida, MSU and Auburn are in to this up to their asses. I never became a reporter, since school. This isn't sports. But I'd stand by my school, and the Grady School is as good as you good as as you get. This transcends sports. Selling personal property on EBay is a more serious offense than extortion or soliciting what amounts to blackmail, a bribe, or whatever? Lot's of you played sports. I was very good at diving and track and swimming. Reasonably good at football. Extremely good in the field at track but I couldn't hit to save my lifebaseball, but I couldn't hit to save my life. It's seriously unfortunate that we're all supposed to decide its not really acceptable to have been good at sports. My broyjrt Chis was good enough coming from Princeton was good enough to try out, but he d. another brother ecided to be a corporate lawyer. Meantime, Nother brother wound up in a very bad accident and I was there. He had a laceration in the middle of his skull. I applied direct pressure with a brand new suede jacket. I'd already lost one brother to leukemia. I was fucked if I'd lose another. Direct pressure. I've been in several situations where it seemed like lives depended. Pulled a couple of drowning bastards out of drowning. You just kind of do what needs to be done. I once pulled a guy out of a ickup when he looked like a goner, and I kept people that thought thety knew better away from the guy. They would have left him paraplegic. I don't know, I knew he needed to be gotten out of a potentially flammable situation It left alone. The guy had 30 or forty brewskis and tipped his truck over. Kinda deserved, and he was a mysoginist jerk that had mistreated a friend of mine. But I saved his life, I'm pretty sure. He had all of the proceeds from a drink and drown in his sideways cab. Cash all over the place. $20s and $50s. You're discussion about backroads and poverty? When I was a little kid, my dad took a job doing pediatrics for a hospital in Appalachia. My parents were unreconstructed liberals. You all like to make fun of Catholics. In the 60's and 70's most American Catholics believed in commonweal. So, you/ve really missed the entire thing. During that time, American Catholics were talking about CFM. How Christianity meant watching out for everybody. Everybody. Fucking over East Jerusalem? How do these despicable assholes get away with this. You can say what you like Bibi, but there is international law and you are a despicable lying piece of shit. Really, bulldozing in East Jerusalem isn't breaking the law? It's international law you assholes, and you are Kiss my ass. Unrecalcitramt criminals. Not your territory and claiming it is is grotesque racism. Defy international law? Why? You are more equal than others? You are treating a group of people in a mote biased fashion than you've ever been treated. If it's not apharteid, how would you characterize it? How would the JDL characterize the murder of Rachek Corrie, Outright murder. They ran her over on purpose, because she pissed them off, because everything they do is just fucking illegal. Who do they think they are? Every action by the IMDF, they murder people. They sure as shit don't give the slightest consideration to international law. Bibi wants to talk about Jerusalem? He is a flaming liar. Settlementsin Eastern Jerusalem? He is just liang his ass off.
- Barbra Bush seemed to think people in the Superdome were sucking of the gobernment teat. It never ocurred to her that all those aholes in AAlaska were getting $1.84 back for every 1.00,Rugged individualism. Bigtime suck while these assholes make out to be rugged. What a bunch of ear-mark wusses that pretend to live by field dressing moron ruminznts that have not got a clue about avoiding humans that shoot them from helicopters. The woman is a lying sack of shit, she looks rode hard and put up wet, and anybody that doesn't think she's full of shit is an idiot, and she is scary looking,
- Bar thinks she can make her pointy=headed little shit acceptable. John Yoo and that wierdo with the badmoustache. These people are criminals. Yoo is a criminal and so's Bolton, and Netanyahu can say nbything he wants about parts of Jerusalem. He's lying and israel just ignores internaational law. Jimma Earl is right and these people practice the exact homeland bullshit as the worst of the DeKlerks, and it is most assuredly aphartheid. How does anybody claim they don't know what's going on? E'z Bantustans jacked up by bulldozing homeland. Sorry but everything the Israeli state claims was done to them, they do this to Palestinians. There is no way of getting around this. It's a pogrom. How does a reasonable person see it as anything else? Why should reasonable people accept Israel's expansionist policies as anything but expansionist. They stole nukes from the US with the help of the separartists in South Africa and built them at Dimona? Israel spies actively on the US. That government steals nuclear secrets, all the time. And whack-job American politicians think we should attack Iran? Iran is scared as shit of Israel, and Israel behaves like a rogue state with nukes. Let the IAEE look into Dimona. That is a government that's barely sane sitting on nukes. Fucking nuts. Nobody thinks Iran or Syria has any nuclear weapons capability. Nada. Zip. Israel does, and they won't even admit they do. Where does anybody with the slightest common sense think some threat lies? The military-industrial complex in Israel stole fissionable material and nuke technology from the US. Netanyahu says that destroying age-old Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem to build settler condos isn't aggression. It's a grotesque thumb in the eye of international law. No way of getting around this. Criminal bastards, and they get away with it. It is fucking illegal. The Israeli government doan give a shit. They do whatever illegal shit they feel like, and they get away with it. God did not say that Israel should use it's millions in military aid from the US to steal fissionable material from the US. That government is just a bunch of perfidious bastards that will steal this country blind.
- And the off-the-beaten-track. When I was a little kid, my dad did pediatrics at a hospital in Turkey Creek, KY. Funded by Kaiser-Permanente to provide care for miners that had been pretty much replaced by machines. The miners disliked free care, so thry showed up t our house with produce Nd dressed hogs. They knew my dad could have been mzking cszh hNx over foot in private practice in Memphis or whatever. W.Va was dry, so the sherriff would come by about once a week with confiscted beer. Across a very scary suspension bridge was Williamson, that had an Elks Club and was sort of a city. This might as well not have been America, it was so immersed in abject poverty. SAt the time, my mom and dad believed in this sort of thing because they believed in Eisenhower and,then, more, in Jack Kennedy. They believed that being a citizen meant you took care of fellow Americans. There is no conceivable possibility you ever stumbled across such abject poverty straying from the Interstate, but there was a moral imperative in play then that has been murdered by crap like Blankenship buying the KY judiciary nowadays. . We lived in a bucolic holler. Today, that holler has been filled in with tailings from topping the mountains. The Tug River, that ran behind our house and flooded us out one time, well, now it's choked with mountaintop mining sludge. Lord knows what sort of damage has been done in the name of Massey profits to the Eastern Seaboard aquifer. It's my firm belief that if there is one thing the Founding Fathers believed in that was Christian, it was the principle that we take care of each other in hard times. I believe that's a hallmark of every organized religion, and I believe that's the guiding principle of every moral, worthwhile human being, religion or no. Profit as an end and a goal, to the long-term extent of solidifying wealth in the hands of very few while marginalizing vast numbers of people, well, that;s Republican dogma while these Plutocrats convince the victimized to do their dirty work for them. Is this a country that wants to make health care a privilege of the better off. Pretty soon, the better off will be the less better off and they will be outside looking in. Teabaggers are sure we're headed down some Socalist rabbit hole to hell. Is it possible these folks are so stupid they don't understand their Medicare and Social Security are socialism that works, in action? Seriously, keep your government hands off my Medicare. WTF? And these idiots prefer $1.3 billion deficits that acted like Halliburton didn't steal pallets of taxpayers money and like the invasions didn't cost a $trillion or two, to grownups inclluding the war costs. The stupidity is mind-boggling, but these people are listening to the pointy-headed little twit trying to claim there were WMDs after all. Get's right down to it, Ah Mary. W turned a mjor surplus into a $1.3 trillion deficit and he never, I repeat, NEvER accounted for the invasions and occupations in z budget. Cheney sure made cash. So did W. They also sold moral certitude to never be restored, Torture for no intelligence return. ou have to beieve they just did it because they were macho-man chickenhawks that were trying to be macho when they were actually just small-balls chickenhawk drft-dodgers that hid behind the incredibly cowardly swiftboat shit. Jesus, you morons, Kerry ran the boat up the MeKong, W was too coked up to protect Tejas, and Cheney, well he had other priorities. I think, when it comes down to it, you can just expect Republicans to lie and misrepresent the honest records of their opponents. Seriously, in the face of W's cocainne-addled draft dodging, why wouldn't you buy the Swiftboat horseshit, and why would you ignore Ken Blackwell hijacking two counties in Ohio? You believe Cheney had legitimate deferrments and grew up to enrich himself by letting Halliburton walk off with pallets of cash. Fact is, people buy Republican schemes to get rich quick while they are increasingly marginalized and have their modest wealth transferred to really rich people. Fucking morons. I understand greed as motivation. Teabaggers in general are being played for idiots by master Cons like DeLay, Armey andMcConnell. The Koch Brothers. Do these idiots think they will ever see a dime?
- The art of great TV theme music is dying. Currently, the ostensibly happy little, seemingly Beach Boys inflected ditty on Terriers is the hands down champ. And it's not so carefree, and it's called "Gunfight Epiphany" and introduces the best show available at the moment, and it is every bit as messed up as Hank Dolworth. The nasty, sludgy blues tune at the beginning of Sons of Anarchy is way good, as was that specially-written Everlast tune about angels on Saving Grace. The CSI franchise has screwed over The Who, and using recognizable songs from my record collection is annoying anyway. Why don't these lameass TV people get musicians, like Flatt and Scruggs, to write two brilliant minutes like "next thing you know, ol' Jed's a millionaire. Said Californy is the place you oughtta be so they loaded up the truck and they moved to Beverly. Hills, that is.". Whatever happened to original tunes written especially for particular shows, like this one for the brilliant Imogene Coca vehicle? Or the HillBillies. Crap, those execs hired freaking Flatt & Scruggs. Legendary wierdo PF Sloan wrote Secret Agent Man, and I always thought Ian Anderson was plagiarizing the Mission Impossible music at the beginning of Living in the Past. I suppose he did it on purpose and it's meant to be ironic with the superb lyrics. My brothers and I were language and grammar pedants about the Bat Masterson song. He wore a cane and derby hat, they called him Bat, Bat Masterson. He did not wear a cane. Inspector Gadget was enhanced by an inspired, very strange, theme. My kid, who is 29, pregnant and very successful these days, will still break into this when we meet. We used to skulk around Back Bay humming this. Go Gadget Go. And, there's Suicide is Painless, written by Johnny Mandel. Of course, Mash had Hamilton Camp in a recurring role, and he may have sung the theme for all I know. In an episode in which all of the nurses were moved away from the unit, he sang a song about it and it was brilliant.
- Justin Biebber? Lady Gaga? Hanson ruled. Anybody that doesn't think this is a great song probably also thought the Beatles were a fad that would pass. LAMary, the world is way too stupid for Rubicon. They'd rather hear Don Draper say ?"What?? when he lies again. Single most over-rated TV show since, well, whenever. Every character is loathsome. Doan mean shit. Donal Logue is ensconced on Terriers, and that show is so much better than anything else, it's ridiculous.
- Rana, the show was "Life". Positively brilliant, and that insane chef from Northern Expoaure. Needed more room for Dancing With the Stars apparently. God, that is sad. Apparently, more minutes were required for the absolutely brain dead, like, you know, those fatasses on Biggest Loser. Amerian TV regularly puts out things that are intelligent and captivating. Then the suits walk all over it and force-feed Dancing With the Stars. Who is actually even remotely a "star" on that sad excuse? Bristol Palin? Her mom is a Twitter idiot, she can't dance, and she's famous for hooking up with a retarded guy under the Palin family roof, and that rode hard and put up wet nitwit twat is supposed to be attractive? Know what? She is not attractive. You'd have to have spent yearand her sidekicks of midnight suns. Seriously, I'd need all sorts of beer goggles. And her sidekick, Christine O'Donnell? Hefty gal is sort of undermisestimating, but after several hundred O'Douls to jack the alcohol rate, WQ might find her more fetching to piss on his pointy little head than Michelle Bachmann, and that is one loony tune.
- It's not just Emma Peel. It's beautiful and ridiculously competent and intelligent women. The bride wiped out Bill and everybody else. . Some of them are really smart, some of them aren't fazed by dastards. Some of them will kick your ass, and they are all, each and every one, beautiful. That is the message from Mrs. Peel. From the standpoint of a clueless male, vive la difference and the other side of the gender divide. There is little doubt. Diana Rigg and Sigourney Weaver rule. Smart, tall, gorgeous, and they can kick your ass. do what we do best. Rubicon required intelligence and comittment. It's not surprising if these things are in short supply. There are morons buying Shrub's appologia, and these morons, W included, think to this day that killing all of those Iraqis was acceptable, because, shit, you know, there might have been WMDs.
- I'm not new, never watched, there must be something more interseting on AnimalPlanet. She isn't brave, she isn't cute. She's attempting separation from her harridan mom. This isn't pretty and it is sure as shit not cute. Her mother is a freaking Ego Monster. She does in fact look scary, she's getting beauscoup bucks because her mom is famous for being an irrational hate momger. Ain't that America. Lord have mercy on those poor media whore Palins. Every single Alaskan gets $1.84 for every &1.00 they pay in taxes. That is not the Frontier, nor is it some sort of self-aggrandizing Cowboy State. It's the fucking Welfare State. Where does that leave Sarah and Joe Miller? You'd look long and hard to find more grotesque and Mpre blatant hypocrisy. So, you know Sarah, shut the fuck up until you give back all of that federal SOCIALIST largesse, These people would be hilarious if so many idiots didn't take them serious,L Tyhe Palins are wannabes that want to get in on the gtound floor while richer rets ricner. IT was 30:1 in 1950. It is 300:1 and counting. Rwsiatribution of wealth? Got that right, you fucking idiots.
- Sorry, brian. I'm somehow sexist after all of these Republican assholes tell me I can't be manly if I don't find Sarah Palin alluring. She isn't. I find her strident and so stupid actually remembering to breathe seems ike a stretch. Brain-deadness, that is not attractive. . If you vote for people like that, Wow, it should be all like three strikes. You are clearly too stupid to be allowed to vote again.I apologize for thinking Republican Women look like they're corn-bred in Dallas feedlots. I mean, they do/ but it was impolotic to point that out. In the long run. it's about get it good and hard. It is absolutely guaranteed that Republicans will make it feel more horrendous in retrospect. Think about the deficit you idiot wankers. Nobody accounted for the costs of the invasions until grown-ups took the wheel. And this piece of human excrement is still trying to claim WMD. Highest upper end tax rates in US history? That wpuld be Ron Raygun, you fucking greedy assholes.
- Jolene, Did you see the Craig Ferguson Desmond Tutu interview a year or so ago? Two intelligent adults that care about mankind. Then again, Hownlen Beck sells gold. There are actually people this stupid?
- There may be a foghorn or two on this one. Maybe not, but they are easy to imagine amidst the pure genius.
- Keep the government's hands off mySocial Security. And my Medicare. I'm 59 and I've paid as much into all of this as the Koch Brothers. I imagine they cash those checks. Life imitates art. I mean, they are Randolph and Mortimer Duke, right? Fix Social Security? If you don't need it, man up, be a patriotic Amurcan and just don't take the cash. Oh, and apply a Social Security levy to the excessive and obscene non-taxed bucks of those small business heroes of the Republican Party. That's right. The hedge fund managers.
- If you are such an idiot you buy all of that Fematastic evil dictator shit about Iraq and Saddam (seriously Shrub, women's rights?), why wasn't it the first priority to take out Burmese dictators? These guys are more heinous crooks, reprehensible autocrats, and serial human rights offenders than Bibi Netanyahu. Well, maybe they don't have that sort of US-funded budget for behaving badly, but I mean, they are some serious assholes that might have occurred to W on his 160third O'Douls, right before Barney pissed on his pointy little head. Twelve Non-alcoholic beers equals one actual brewski. Must have been hella stain to clean up.
- Um, you mean Mrs. Lance Rentzel. Lance did that down and out before Favre ever thought about sexting. I'm pretty sure HW was busy with Arbusto business when junior drove Bar and the jar to the hospital.
- Nancy, You expressed a eeh attitude about walking dead. Watch the Frogs episode. Zombies become just the catastrophe that brings out the extremes of human behavior under unGodly pressure and horrendous circumstances. It's very good. On the subject of TV, you commented a while ago on the Detroit 187 show, and the opportunity for putting Detroit actors to work. This show has turned out to be just as good as Southland. The Michael Imperioli character isn't as good as Damian Lewis in Life, but he's very good. The problem I see with TV is that when you actually produce something excellent, you are dead in the water. Takes intelligence. Way short supply. Rubicon, that was close to brilliant. Lost, if you didn't get the Shark Jump halfway through Season Three, you can get a job as an extra plodding around Atlanta. Why is it, <Brisco County and Due South bit the dust in 1994? Bruce Campbell and Paul Gross are brilliant Canadian auteur dopplegangers. Disney and alcohol? I went into Epcot with my parents and my five year old that was looking for GD Dumbo in 1985. Late June. Litterally as some of you might say, hot as hell. Rented the 36 lb. stroller and discarded it in no time. Lunch at the Biergarten. Then, disaster. Typhoon. But we were outside the Spanish Pavillion. Nice quiet out-of-the-way bar and Frozen Margueritas and ice-cold Dos Equis. Thank goodness for alcohol at Epcot. We sat it out in comfort, bonhomie, and familial proximity. Hit Space Mountain later, a few times. Emily was way tall for her age and we fooled the handlers. She's a sucker for roller-coasters and those maniacal gravity drop things to this day, though at this point she's going to give birth to my only grandchild in about two months, so I hope she's passing on that sort of shit. Lot's of great TV shows cut short by ignorance are available on Hulu. Son's of Anarchy is Hamlet, and it's complicated. Rubicon was the best LeCarre (and that guy is the one, single spy novelist worth reading. He was one, a spy, that is. Precise, elegant, brutal, and gorgeous on the subject of impossible love amidst man's duplicitous actions against humanity. Jack Bauer? It repeated upon itself. My point of view, ours from our household? Jack took responsibility for every illegal and immoral thing he ever did. When neocons celebrate the show, they avoid taking responsibility. Same way they had better things to do when their draft numbers came up back in '69 and '70. Ther will never be more shame and embarrassment accrued, individually and nationally, than the abject ignominy of Americans buying into Swift Boat bullshit. And of course, the reinvention of W's coke-fueled run for the Alabama border. Maybe, Kerry's a preppie prig, but he saved his crew's life and behaved heroically way up a river Nixon wouldn't admit he'd sent them to. Going back to Nixon busllshit and defaming the guy in the interest of stealing Sandusky and Cuyahoga County? These are Republicans, and they are despicable assholes. There is actually no way of getting around the fact that the Diebold CEO and Ken Blackwell said ahead of time they'd do anything necessary. Bastards robbed Volusia Co. in 2000. They cheated again in 2004. It's fairly obvious things would be better now if these consummate aholes had not gotten away with all of their subterfuge. When the Bush administration fired all the fed prosecutors, do you know, their predecessors were asked if they'd vote for Republicans. Don't think there's something quintessentially wrong about that. Bunch of those outright shills are about to be in Congress. These people operate on hindbrain. Snakes and alligators share that physiological imperative. Teabaggers are all up in arms about direct election by popular vote, aka the 17th amendment. Now Scalia says he thinks they're right. How is this We the People? Clarence will vote for Long Dong and whine that it's a high-tech lynching, but he won't opine because Scalia won't tell him its OK to say anything. I know. I'm half-way entertaining, or a completely obnoxious, stupid SOB, and totally over the top. And I seem as if what I think about the way these things are adjudicated in courts, legal and public opinion is some sort of anti-Shrub looney liberal propaganda. Bullshit. It's like comparing FOX with MSNBC. There's a decided attitude on MSNBC. Have they ever just made shit up. Does Fox make shit up and run with it 24/7? Yup, they do. I went to the Grady School at UGA. This is as good as you get. There are the two Columbias and there's the Ralph McGill and Reg Murphy school of journalistic integrity. And there is Henry Grady. Seems as if my three heroes, from my school risked a whole lot more than anybody in NY or Missourri. They're lives. And, they were terrific writers. There is no Jschool with that sort of populist legacy. These guys were Atticus Finch in real life. They meant and they did not take shit lightly. I'm not an alum booster (well, I am for sports, nor am I self-aggrandizing. But really, how do real journalists not call these gangreneous assholes not call bullshit on these out-and-out liars. They amount to the Ministry of Information. Well, seriously, which of you thinks Swift Boat is true and W didn't crawl all the way to Birmingham snorting up the white line? Y'knowqw the famous Dan Rather forgery? Nobody ever proved it was. The woman that typed the papers said the content was exactly what was reported. Interesting, but all of that crap about Selectrics, well that was patent bullshit. When it get's down to it, W coked out, and these assholes paid a bundle to that seersucker piece of shit that was never within 500 miles to lie about Kerry. And Cheney made a fortune on his Haliburton stock when they hijacked all of those palettes of beaucoup tax-free bucks. If you think Cheney did not aid and abet, you are an idiot. He appointed himself VP and fucked over the Florida electorate. These anti-Constitutional and anti-American shitheads believe in transferring wealth upwards. Y'all are a bunch of smart people. Conservatives wasnt to make a point about redistribution of wealth. It was 30 to 1 in 1975. In 2008, it's 300 t0 one. Fact. Who do y'all think is fucking over whom? Wealth is surely being redistributed. Saddest thing is the foot-soldiers are idiots. You idiots. You think they're bringing you along? This is the Trent Lott show you dumbasses. You teabaggers, you are not included.
- The effects of caffeine are spectacularly overrated. I've been drinking coffee, strong, hot and without additives since I was about five. Fifty-four years ago, and that's how old I am. Family vacations with four of us boys in two seatbelts in the back seat of the '63 Tbird convertible, going to those wonderful breakfast places in the middle of the interstates where coffee was served in carafes. Concerned waitresses looked at my parents as if they were Albert DeSalvo and Lizzy Borden when I slurped coffee. Admonished frequently: It'll stunt your growth. Well I'm a hair over 6-1 (still, though, at my age, I expect to start shrinking any day now). I am left to wonder, might I have been 6-7 or something, with my same hoops skills? Not Larry, for sure, but Adrian Dantley? Energy drinks taste like something Severus Snape would make you drink, and damn the transmogrifying consequences. We buy 100% Kona and Blue Mountain and Sumatra coffee that tastes better than far more expensive wine. And, I'd say, really good coffee really does perk you up. Like anything that tastes really good. I never much got the chemical effect, but I've also taken Demerol for skiing and other sport-related injuries. The nausea was real, the pain relief, nada. Four Loko is diguised as grape Nehi? Who did these dumbasses pay to take their SATs? Cam Newton's dad? If you have a fake ID, you can put some Jack in your french press. What sort of idiot ingests foul crap like this and stays home in droves on election day, because the Hunter Thompson wannabe Matt Taibbi (who is so brazen is his outright ignorance of political and economic reality he must be drinking Four Loko) told them Obama's just another Republican? Four flavors: Grape, Fruit Punch, Orange Blend, Watermelon, Blue Raspberry, Lemon Lime, Lemonade, and Cranberry Lemonade. Yuck. We prefer sour mash.
- Say it ain't so, Cooz. Fat policemen? C'mon. Thats a librul slur. You can't avoid hearing about Dancing if you're a sentient Amurrcan not loaded and comatose on Four Loko. If somebody thinks Bristol is a better dancer than Jennifer Gray, I've got a deranged Cleveland truck driver that's going to use an acetylene torch to take down the Brooklyn Bridge to sell that idiot. Forget that PDB about Osama and planes and buildings shit, it's falling off a mountain bike time in Crawford, and tomorrow we get to pitch headlong off a Segway, and we have the pizza delivery at Ft. Hood to deal with. Still, all in all, Bristol Palin has one thing going for her. She isn't the rode hard put up wet wet-dream of racists and militia types, so I'd give her a break. She reminds me of an Osmond. And, I feel sorry for her for having such flaming asshole bigots and professional ignoramuses for parents. She actually might be a decent kid. Child Services should step in. Never tried Prince Valium, D-amphetamine or MDA.
- Julie, Rush announced he had a photo of "the new White House Dog" and showed a picture of Chelsea Clinton. First off, he deserves a beating. Somebody here gave me a hard time about calling Christine O'Donnell a chubette. Her freaking campaign was all about how "cute" she is. No she isn't, she's a racist homophope ninny. And Rush's insinuating another human being is unattractive? Is that oleaginous Jabba impersonator kidding? There is no such thing as conservative commentary on Mama Grizzly that doesn't drool over how she's supposedly so attractive. If they make this an issue instead of banning books, the bridge, Alaskan welfare statism, and just being mind-numbingly obtuse, illiterate and proud of it, tough shit. I think if it's not for air-brushing and soft lighting, she has nice legs and otherwise looks rode hard and put up wet, like she's been around the block more than a time or two. Is that unfair? Boo-hoo, but it seems to be the sum and substance of her political career. The kid might be able to dance, I'll sure never know. But I do know, she's probably a decent kid that not deserve such an asshole pirhana for a mom. Aside from that, this might be stunning if quintessential Republicans weren't such unreconstructed piggy, pig, pigs. Is this POShite kidding, and given the rampant mendacity and hypocrisy, how does anybody vote for a Republican? This ahole is a poster child. Questions abound. Is it possible to be this fucking stupid and still breathe? Is this the exposed face of a heartless political party that is populated by a bunch of gutless weenies that worry about themselves instead of commonweal? There, in essence, is the difference between the dominant parties. (Naderites and Greens don't seem to have anything in mind other than obnoxious self-obsession, imagined high roads, and gazing into their own omphaloses. Oh, and repeatedly getting Republicans elected. Grow up, smell the free-range coffee, confront reality head-on, and cut out the progressiver-than-thou horsecrap. I feel qualified to express this opinion as a veteran of Grant Park.)
- If Gary Cooper playing John Doe were a selfish, self-aggrandizing harridan instead of somebody imbued with morals and common human decency, that might be Ms. Palin. She is a lot like that odious character Andy Griffith played in A Face In the Crowd. In fact, now that I think of it, that is her exactly.
- Jeff, What you mean we, white man? It doesn't say anything about me, other than this is not my country any more. Rush isn't a cracker, that defames authentic crackers. He's a cancer because he's a lying demagogue-for-hire and idiots believe every lie he spouts. This gets down to the idea that MSNBC is the left-side version of Fox, This equation denies a basic principal. Fox makes shit up, Olbermann and Maddow do not. In fact, Republican horseshit, you can't make that shit up. Get right down to it, when was the last time anybody on Fox or any Republican politician told the truth?
- I 'm at a loss. These people that try to claim that every heinous lie on the right somehow balances with equally heinous lies from people that actually care about good government and facts, well, that is ridiculous and it comes from lame=o shitheels like Dana Millbanks. In the first place, these morons think that NYT and WaPo are somehow :liberal. Alternative inverse. The same deluded jackasses think the LATimes and Chicago Tribune are "liberal". God, you have got to be some sort of idiot ditto-head to claim that. Fair and balanced? We lie so you can impute Grade-A bullshit to mealy-mouthed editorial boatds that act like "both sides do it", when theymost assuredly do not. Charlie Rangel is in trouble over rent-controlled properties. How about cut-rate at CStreet, where they religiously counseled Ensign's parents to stay below that $10 grand mark so as to elude the IRS. The Rangel Center at CCNY? How about Mitch's infinitely more lucrative policy center at Louisville? The idea that there is a mainstream liberal press is hilarious. It's like Peter Frampton, All of the papers that matter, except maybe the Globe are mired in this idea that massive mendacity on one side is equal to politics as usual on the other side. How does Rachel Maddow reporting facts and quoting people correctly and in context, their own words. match up with Glen Beck making shit up and saying outright that George Soros was a pre-pubert Nazi collaboroato Have people no decency?r? These are a bunch of creeps that don't know compunction about lying, and the so=called "lamestream" just gives them cover with all of the "both sides do it? crapola. No, you dickweeds, both sides don't. Darrel Issa want's to investigate Obama's citizenship. There's a sensible way to address the deficit. Way Republicans run investigations, no telling where that Starr-search may end up. How about your brother, ou despicable asshole,y, the stolen cars, and the chop-shops, Darrell.How about arson for hire? When the Hypocrite party pilloried Clinton, turned out they were all guilty of "youthful indiscretions. Scumbag Dan Burton. Saint Henry Hyde, of the well=known amendment. What was gravy foer them was evidently impeachable for a guy that shared most of their policy beliefs but was a Democrat. Anyway, let Darrell Issa bring it on. The Cali Bureau of Investigation might solve some cold cases.
- I'd think this claim about liberal bias and lamestream media would bug you too, Nancy. NYT was responsible for Miss Little Runamuck, a twit, a mediocre writer, and someonet willing to flush journalistic principals ro cheerlead for an illegal invasion. How/bout that lamestream Neocon press.
- Chelsea was named for a brilliant Joni Mitchell song, Bristol was named for another body of water her mother wanted to see oil derricks planted in. When the leader of your political party is Dickless Sheney, it takes nerve to call anybody a hillbilly. And Jeff, Jonah Goldberg is one sad representative of the moron class. Who'd have thought it when his mom is such a class act? You really have to work at being that stupid. And his mom Lucianne gave Monica those kneepads she was bragging about bringing to washington when Lewinski made that video at her Pepperdine going away party. It's disgraceful Clinton was such a dog he took advantage of such a delicate flower.
- Haven't seen Detroit in 35 years, but the city guide has got me running all over town on Google. MIA: Greektown, UD High and Louis the Hatter. Is the Grande still standing?
- There was a store right near Seven Mile and Livernois in the late 60s called Louis the Hatter, a few blocks from the Chessmate, a fantastic blues club where you were frisked at the door and John Lee and occasionally cousin Earl were fixtures . Unlike Henry, Louis was a black enterprise extablishment. Louis ran unintentionally hilarious TV ads of the homemade variety, about "ruby suits, plum suits, lime suits, lemon suits", all very sharp continental styling like Marvin Gaye and David Ruffin would wear. I still own an iridescent plum and gold paisley necktie from Louis. We had to wear ties to school, and sthe store was right down the street past the Fabulous Modern bakery, exquisite bagels $.50/ two gor $.99 (no kidding). Despite having the best swimming team in the history of Michigan HS sports, we had no pool, and bussed out to Oakland U at 7pm every school night. So we pretty much ran wild in that neighborhood. It ain't Oldtimers yet. And the short-term memory made a comeback back when pot got to be about $125 per quarter oz. Anyway, what about the Grande? And y'all like kittens? here are some kittens fo you.
- Nancy? Seriously? You were not there in the day, when Detroit was in play. You can sit in the Grosses deCades removed and act like you know dick. You don.t. My summer job was incinerating dedx black guys 'there were a lot of them. In '68 it was all about tagging black enterprise and burning down everything else. Cops were so corrupt it was scary. Cops were out of control. They actually terorixed my mom and dad and pulled some bullshit aboutBill Scollin. You could look that shit up. But the Grande, I'm not going for some self-aggrandizement. Warch those videos. They are really good. But really, Nancy, if you ignore Louis the Hatter and University of Detroit, you are ignoring Spencer Heywood trashing Bob Lanier, the greatest basketball game in thd city's history. My brothers and I barely saw the first half because the chlorine from the Warren pool rendered us nearly blind. Spencer Heywood destroyed Bob Lanier. Far as Michigan HS swimming, UD High is ridiculously good. My brothers and I, and the Duffields, and the Tarnases, we kicked ass. Year in and year out. We were just better. You can look this up, and we didn;t even have our own pool. But anway, Nancy, there was a real Louis the Hatter. It was Detroit. I tell you Grosse Pointe folks just have no clue abou.I take your Detroitism fairly. In the late 60s the music was so good it was all ridiculous. Believe me, I was there. MC5 and SRC ruled. Quackenbush sustain was as good as Sonic and Brother Wayne Kramer. It was about really knowing how to play. Everybody thought Iggy was an embarrassment to his dad. In retrospect, there is Black to Comm and there are all of the SRC albums, and Iggy is sort of OK. From somebody that was there. The Ashtons, they could not play to save their lives. Sonic and Fred Kramer, holy shit, you cannot play bet ter.Quackenbush. that is identifiable and unmistakable, like Robin Trower and Jimi. It's truly astounding and one of a kind. Sustain but actual notes. Nobofy since knows how to do that. And every song is a sci-fi novel. So nobody back in the day thought Iggy wasn't an asshole that didn't care about anyything but embarrassing his dad. We all thought he was an asshole. We lived with stunning occurrences. One night, Procul showed up at the Birmingham Teen Center. They played all of Salty Dog. That is fairly awesome. One of the greatest albums ever lived, I'd say. Had not been released yet. Back then, shit like this happened. Gary Brooker bought me a coke at the snack bar, because I told him I thought Homburg was brilliant. Really nice guy and I can't understand why he ouldn't get alomg with Matthew Fisher.
- Arms Pact? Is the GOP fucking kidding? Republicans apparently favor presumption of guilt in the American legal system. Could this be applied retroactively to Scooter? G. Gordon? Ollie North. Richard Fucking Milhous Nixon? They think nuclear Fascinating 2010 election post mortem. 54% were likey to support candidates that support Affordable Care Act. At least half of the other 46% will not be satisfied with anything but single-payer. Amazing how this nuance evades the consciousness of lamestream media. Are Republican Senators and assholes at the newspaper of record the only people in the world totally out of step with sanity on the subject ofNew Start and Mutually Assured Destruction?? That egregious moron Peter King says signing the treaty would do a disservice to NATO allies. TEvery single fucking one of them want this to be a done deal, so just shut the hell up. You may sort of resemble Shrek (d0n't know but have seen a picture), but you are a fucking moron that should shut the hell up. This fool is the vanguard of Republicans. Let me ask you. Do we want to have fewer nukes in the world. Republicans want to ensure nobody checks on what nukes anybody has, And they want to make sure Israel can blow the world to smithereens with the weapons they store at Dimona. They stole the technology by spying on the US, and they teamed with the DeKlerks to steal the fissionable material. OK. Republicans can make verifying fewer nukes in the world a bad thing? And NYT can make this into Obama might be a wimp? That is Bizarro World. Nancy, what the hey. It is guaranteed to be true fun . I got a master 10 years after my six year baccalaureate at the absurd combination of Holy Cross and UGA, at.Suffolk, in Boston . A great school and brilliant professors. Maybe, it didn't advance my career, but I am sure as shit smarter for the experience. Had to take equant. Statistics. First exam, I ripped out the belly of my bluebook. I had it right the first time. 54, and I thought I was doomed, Nailed it twice when the pressure was off. Proved quantitavely that rich assholes in Wellesley voted for Republicans and against the common American good.To this day, I get it. Grad school is fun. You'll be sorry down the road if you don't. My opinion, if they make you take GREs, there's a simple method that guarantees success on the math portion. Morons made it multiple choice. Two of the putative answers are patently ridiculous. Choose the most likely alternative. Prove it back (you do remember this as the only worthwhile skill in the history of algebra. Right?) If it proves, voila. If it doesn't, it's the other. Voila, aussi. I scored over 700 on math on both SAT (time back way back before students became all Riddley and the scores had to be inflated--I hold a grudge, well not really) and the GRE 30 years later. You can't lose with the stuff I use. In Grad School, you are going to meet gorgeous Irani girls that are really smart but have a hard time with English. Just write the papers. They buy you dinner at Locke-Ober. Well that's like the upscale Boston version of the Red Fox. I've got an abiding disagreement with ETS. What do these assholes claim I ever got wrong on an manifestation of their verbal tests? 790 on the SAT. 790 on the GRE. One wrong on the Miller Analogies.Bullshit. The latter, I finished it in less than thirty minutes. They made me sit there like some criminal for another hour, like I was going to expose them. Please, point out to me what I ever got wrong. I didn't, Hines Ward was born to play in the NFL He's not really that big, but he's tough. He has never in his hall of fame career made a cheap-shot. He has been the victim of so many you can't count. When DBacks don't pay attention, he drills them. That is football, and in the last several years, Hines is the best football player you could find,
- Nancy. You like new situations, What is the downside to giving it a try?
- I'm not joking. Obama's a wimp? Let's just see about GOP thuggery and the 60-40 anti-constitutional bullshit. What do you think he's supposed to do? Seriously, how would you manly men respond? These assholes have more money than God.These assholes do not give a shit about the country. Get it good and hard. The manly crap being flung at Obama by the bakcbiting more=progressive=than =thou bunch of idiots. screw these morons.
- What in the world is Obama supposed to do when the Senate pulls this barbaric 60-40, that is so anticonstitutional it should scausee night'shits for a died'in'the 'wool juudicial fucking activist like Antonin Scalia. This conservative mantra about judicial activism? That is fucking hilarious at this point. These assholes have hijacked the Clonstitution. They have insured riches will flow to the richest. They are crooks. And it might be nice if Clarence ever opined. He talks out of Scalia's butthole, Enough said.
- Did Charlie Rangel do anythingMitch McConnell hasn't done more of? Nope. Bigger cash, far more partisan. But he's whitebread. Otherwise, identical.
- And that garbage about Charlie Rangel and rent control? Can you hike that Appalachhian Trail to CStreet? 25% of going rentals and informing Ensign of how to evade IRA scrutiny with his gifts.
- Rest assured. Most of the damage done in deer season is these redneck yahoos falling out of tree-stands drunk as lords, or shit, whichever you prefer. My dad used to work an ER in Newton Co. GA. There was a parachute school nearby. Dead splatted rednecks outnumbered deer. Treestands come with 12-pak holders. These idiots always get loaded and fall out. Here on our island (Hilton Head, y'all) people dislike deer because they claim the cervine population eats their azaleas (seriously, what sort of asshole do you have to be?), so there is support for culling the herd. Nambu-Pamby folks made Save the SeaPines Deer bumper stickers. My girlfriend and I opted for Arm the Sea Pines Deer tshirts. Upright buck with a carbine. We'd like to see them shooting back at blue-haired shitheels that haven't got enough sense to plant the 97% percent of azaleas deer wouldn't eat if you held a .22 to their heads. What the hell is wrong with people? I actually know. They are dumber than a box of Joe Millers, or Dino Rossis, or, you know, conservative assholes that got their butts embarrassed. And how does Sarah swing this? She was made out to be a total asshole in her home state. The vote was not actually close, Joe was an idiot on policy, which was of course right up Palin's alley. His supporters were out and out thugs. Ditto. He tried his best to look like Sonny Crockett, but Rico Cooper would not hang with this neo-nazi asshole in a million years. If there is a Palin story in the midterms, did she not crash and burn with this uncouth idiot? And why isn't this abject failure a lede for lamestream media? Ms. Rode Hard and Put Up Wet put her folksy twang amd her legs up for grabs for this racist yahoo. How is this not a major league loss? Is Littrle Miss Runamuck running things at the NYT? Shellacking? Stunning repudiation? You cannot get more repudiated, nor more humiliated than to lose by 10.000 votes to a write-in candidate. What's truly astounding is that this nitwit that bscked this backwoods bozo like it was going out of style is still considered a GOP Presidential candidate. Try Mitt, you assholes, but he'll have to explain how he invented what passes for Obamacare. Well, you always have Huckleberry. He isn't full-goose looney. Oh wait, he is. He staunchly believes the world is about 5,000 years old. Carbon-dating, some anti-christ made that up to hide the truth about men sharing the earth with dinosaurs. Fuck. Obama is assailed mercilessly from the left. There are morons among you that believe Matt Taibbi is the second coming and not some dickwad that could not write his way out of a Piggly Wiggly bag. Self-righteousness is the flavor of the month. Get over your fucking navel-gazing and do something. What do you assholes think he's supposed to do in the real world where the Senate is the most anti-Democratic deliberative body that ever existed? Don't vote for Blue Dogs. Do Not whine and stay home on election day, you worthless, sanctimonious progressive pieces of shit. That is what you did, you jerks.
- Honestly, if you are willing to cast a vote for someone that believes the world runs on Leviticus time, you deserve permanent disenfranchisement. Way too stupid to be allowed to vote again.
- Tell you what Nancy. I'll take the GREs for you and I'll nail the math. Some people were born to take standardized tests On the verbal portion, I can only promise 790 0f 800. My SAT score and my GRE. I would like those assholes to show me something I actually got wrong. ETS is just so full of shit. Miller Analogies? 149 of 150. No shit. I did not get anything wrong. This wouldn't bother me, but so close every time? These assholes are toying with me. I always score in the high 600s or low 700s on math portions, and I am as math-phobic and math-dyslexic as anybody that ever lived. It's all about multiple choice. Two of the answers are ridiculous. Prove the most likely of the other two. Voila If not, it's the other one. Voila. aussi/ Anyway, standardized tests are a breeze. I can't believe Cam Newton's dad didn't get in touch. Nancy. I went to grad school when I was in my early thirties. I was married, working ridiculous hours. All in all, it was incredibly enjoyable. Met fascinating people, exercised brains that might otherwise have atrophied. Wrote papers for really smart people that had problems with English, mostly for pizza and brewskis. You enjoy life in general, you enjoy a chockful messy existence. Bottom line? Why the hell not? It adds something excellent to every other aspect of your life, and you sure as shit won't get bored. If it were my choice, I'd go for Geoffrey Chaucer. Good luck, keedo.
- When I went to bed last night, I would have met half my IRA that Laurie Bembenek would have shown up as a topic today. This woman was so obviously framed by her husbands crooked cop cronies, it was disgusting. Wherever you are, Run Bambi, Run. Marabel was satirized adroitly by James Garner and the Rockford wirters in her heyday, but I imagine she took it as some sort of mildly embarrassing homage. She always seemed to have Aunt Clara's wits about her.(The episode is from the 4th season and is currently free watch instantly on Netflix.) Cathy Bates' character did the Saran trick to no success in Fried Green Tomatoes. Evelyn's husband was overwhelmingly repulsive, but according to Marabel, that was immaterial.The Fugs had a more productive about alternative usage. (DO NOT play this in an office setting unless it's a cool office.) My ex-wife belonged to a book club in the early 70s that insisted on discussing The Total Woman. She fumed andbit her tongue for a while, and then pitched in. Held up the author's picture on the dust jacket and asked, innocently: "Wouldn't this all be about necrophilia?" I found out about this when I asked a friend why D. wasn't attending the the meetings anymore and learned she'd been disinvited.
- Krugman says: The fact is that one of our two great political parties has made it clear that it has no interest in making America governable, unless it’s doing the governing. I suppose, if he means by governing "autocratically running everything into the ground, continuing geometric expansion of the economic gap between American haves and have-nots, and finally rendering any real semblance of the middle class extinct, well, sure. If he means governing in any real sense of the word, Republicans stopped even claiming that a long time ago.
- William Sydney Porter's laughing in his grave, and it wouldn't be surprising if William Gibson is nearly finished with another brilliant, foreboding mystery about this seriously peculiar commodification. Russian hair cartels shooting at each other?
- Good grief. Could Edward Woodward get a break. He made a riveting TV show that was better than any of the treacle and drivel Gielgud ever made for TV (The Equalzer). He made an absolutel brillian movie, Breaker Morant, which is probably somewhat better than Arthur and Chariots of fire combined. And nobody that took money to appear in Caligula should make even the vaguest derogatory comment about another actor.
- I'm with Julie. Never peeled a potato, nor left skins from a baked Idaho on my plate. Buy the Yukon gold or reds and smash 'em up skins and all. The True Grit remake will be brilliant, and I'd like to think Ben Bradlee's Dancing addiction is lascivious in nature. Sally Quinn's too.
- Peter, that's indicative of gaping Irish social divide between "lace-curtain" and "shanty" Irish, and is rooted in the famine of 1845, which resulted from oppressive Brit land laws and devastated the Irish population through disease and emigration. Tell them to remember Black '47 and eat the skins.
- FBI's after some hedge funds for insider trading. How were the sacrificial lambs chosen from all of the scam artists and institutionalized tax cheats? And lest we forget, hedge funds make up a large portion of the "small businesses" that the GOP thinks will be damaged by letting the Shrub cuts ride off into the sunset. A Terry Gilliam movie in the making, and mayhem will ensue.
- Joe Miller is contesting 8,159 specific votes for Murkowski. He lost by more than 10thou. Great math skills , you idiots. But, if you're intent on wasting Demented's money, you go. To quote Randy Newman and refrain from calling Joe an Ahole: Jesus, what a jerk.
- Apparently, Marilyn liked Thanksgiving. Norma Jean's stuffing recipe.
- If you can't, you are kinda stupid. Who doesn't not know how to fic this shit. When people are talking about Joe, how about that babe in his office? He's supposed to be personna not investigated because he's a freaking Reublican? Dead girl in his office. I don't think there's anything to this, but republicans are out and out assholes. Bon't see that? You are a bumch of this shitheels that will lie forever. When it comes down to revolting shits ying about everything.l Here'z the deal. thre people that want you to tu /urn into zombies. shoot these assholes in the head.
- Everything under the sink is so easy you all should shut the hell up. Can you fix it? If you can't, just shut up. I can fix it. BFD. How is it even remotelely difficult. I find this annoying. I brought this idea about the coens and this movie up a long time ago. Nobody paid attention. It's ano brainer. T/he Cohebs are almost as smart as Terry Gilliam. /They couod almost make a movie that remotely approached the pure brilliance of Brazil. Well, yeah. That would be raising Arizona. Dead girl? That would be Joe Scarborough, and he has not come clean. Look y'all. One time, My brother Mark and I were in a seriously bad accident. I thought he'd died but I applied direct pressure, He was my brother. I was not going to let some thing happenn ro him. No joke, you assholez,
- If you like some Bono bullshit better than this, you are a rock and roll illiterate and an idiot.
- Lebowski was alright and quite entertaining if you were smoking pot, Nance. Starman was a better movie by a mile. Making the deer get up and walk from the redneck pickup? And the music is gorgeous. A truly great love story. Spectacular performances, and, I think, a profound love story. Happy ending, too. Like Bladerunner and Brazil. Maybe. I'm on board for everything the Coens cook up. Intelligence is hard to come by. I personally think "Raising Arizona" is about as good as you get. Son, You have a panty on your head. and Give me that baby you warthog from hell. The final moments of Raising Arizona, when HI dreams into the future? They no everything is fucked up. but they think it might turn out alright. That's not a bad way to look at things.
- You are so wrong about Detroit music. Iggy, we thouayt he as joke. They couldn't play. On the other side, you had guys like wayne kramer
- It's somewhat trite but that break is eight seconds of pure George greatness, and that other boy can really play bass guitar. You know what birthdays mean, don't you? Means you're catching up with those of us that are older than you. Believe me, with age does not come wisdom. Actually, I think Raymond Douglas Davies wrote the perfect song for every occasion. Pablo Picasso said it takes a long time to become young, and nobody ever called him an asshole. Jonathan Swift said that no wise man ever wished to be younger. Is it possible he didn't consider "youthful indiscretions" serious enough to revisit and make right? Congressman Issa should consider this carefully. It wasn't just the grand theft auto his brother took the rap for, it was the arson for hire. And you know what Bette Davis said: Getting old ain't for sissies. Krauthammer is repugnant, and Peter Sellers played him in a movie one time. Tom Friedman is inexcusable, but mostly in his tendency to aspire to being be David Brooks, his apparent lord and master whose reptilian body he carries around with him, so the rankings are skewed. If I know what a hack is, that would be David Broder, quintessentially,, like an old sportswriter pushing out "dissa and data" bullshit and apparently commenting on things that happened decades ago. Happy birthday keedo. You're only young once, but there is nothing in the laws of biology and physics that prevent you from being immature whenever it pleases you. And, another great birthday song --the Willburys with guest guitar players. This one's in the public domain: Happy Birthday! Mildred and Patty, the Hill sisters, would probably love it.
- I always figured a hack was soembody that just mailed it in. A recycler. Recycling talking points probably qualifies. Richard Cohen, not a champeenship hack. Krauthammer? Not even close. He's like Mikey, except he hates everything upwardly mobile that doesn't fall off a Segway. After all, what is it the makes a hack? Well, if these people couldn't dredge up Cal Thomas to make it all racially hate-filled and pro-Dimona, they are just diddling themselves. David Broder is the hack. He has not had an independent or interesting idea since back when Jack Anderson was chomping on politicians. He's been writing the sameo shit since Ike was in office. Now, that's a hack. A hack is some jackass that regurgitates the same ol' sgit time after time. Many of the people on this list put new gloss on blackophobia. And they want wealth redristibuted upwards. They aren't hacks, they're opportunists. Storm troopers more likely. Look at it this way. They want to be in charge of keeping government hands off your Medicare, and they mean to make obscene profit doing it.
- Dexter: You're a cabbie? Seriously? I know this will sound stupid, but, do you get propostioned? I could not care less, and. in fact, hope you do, Just thought I should ask, being a manly man. .
- Sorry Nancy, Richard Cohen was one of the backbiters, straight off. He has promoted the GOP initiative by undermining the President, re[eatedly. What Obama should do? That's Richard Cohen's mantra. Apparently, he wants him to turn into R. Raygun. Guys kinda like Nick Kristoff. Right causes, no scrutiny. Years ago, there was a Boston columnist called Mike Barnicle. He went off bigtime on another columnist that confabulated sources. Seems as if Mike did the exact same thing. He works for Fox Newa now, where the truth makes no difference whatever. There ar hacks, and then there are asholes that just flatout lie because it"s corporate policy.
- Tom Delay's peers politely declined but they had knives out for Charley Rangel. Not making excuses, but that illegal fundraising bullshit? Look at the Mitch McConnell Center at Louisville. I'm fucking absolutely sure this had to do with,,, never having to do with CStreet. Those rent subsidies will croak you politically. Every asshole that ever lived at CStreet did exactly what Rangel is supposed to have done. The foundation at CCNY? Small potatoes compared with the McConnell Center at Louisville. There are two obvious differences between Repubs and Democrats. Republicans steal way bigger, and they get away with it.
- Tom Delay on how he escaped VietNam: "So many minority youths had volunteered...that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like myself." The asshole actually said that. Those freaking black guys kept me from being a war hero. Even W was not this brazen. Charlie Rangel got a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.
- Sorry Dex. Greatest movie cabbie ever was David Johansen as Ghost of Christmas Past in Scrooged, a very good movie. Or. maybe it was Cabbie, played by the immortal Ernest Borgnine, in Escape From New York. Must say, next person that brings up that ZuZus petals movie to me, well, like Earl, they have to die. That is really one atrocious movie. Come to think of it, James Stewart was pretty bad in general and tended to emote all over himself.Not so bad when Hitchcock reined him in. Anyway, Chicks are cooler, and they actually play instruments.
- Police action, Coozledad. I did not serve anywhere US freedom was threatened, except Grant Park. But Chickenhawks broil my ass, and they are Republicans. These United States, as we like to call them, will never again sink to disgraceful shit to rival the Swiftboat horseshit. Well, yeah, I'm sure we will. But that was Nixon back from the grave. People bought, simultaneously, that Kerry didn't act heroicaly when Tricky sent his boat up the MeKong into Cambodia and Shrub wasn't dodging the draft defending the OClub in Waco or whatever. People are dumber than grunt.
- And the current crop of Deanie Baby assholes bacbkiting the President? Part of the problem, not the solution. Self-righteous as shit, though. Gotta hand it to them. Paul Wellstone was Bobby Kennedy? I don't think so. Nobody ever was.
- That is one excellent video Cooz. I never realized before that Wish You Were Here and Slim Slow Slider are nearly the same song. That is pretty clever Mindy. I like Jack be nimble, Jack be quick Jack be going to the ER with burns on his ass.
- College football iw hilarious. Amybof that thoght boise wan;t a crock of shit was a moron, I guess georgia is qusstionnable next year becayse rthet plat Boise, Dawgs will kick thei. Last time it was 48-13.
- College football I.M sh9we
- If this lady is making up this inflatable bra story, flying over the Andes is an exquisite embellishmentl to support the fabrication. Time for a Christmas song. Common sense about the Wikileaks hysteria from Anne Applebaum. This Julian Assange is a self-promoting, self-congratulatory ahole. Just another journo. Need some Christmas cards? This used to be called Second Harvest, and it is exemplary. Sorry for boosterism, but this is worthwhile, and the cards are excellent.
- What Wikileaks did in exposing the cables is not very far removed from Cheney, Rove and Scooter destroying Valerie Plame's undercover status. Maybe the self-righteous assholes could publish the 22mil lost emails that undoubtedly contain details of that particularly filthy piece of Republican politics.
- Interesting that those two unbowed Confederate capitals are in the two states that could probably take a hike right now and leave the Union better for it. Couple of odious governors, too.
- While I've lived much of my life in the South, I also recall death threats against open housing marches my family took part in in downtown Birmingham MI in 1968. Serious enough that there were ambulances on hand. I was also in the Hub of the Universe for busing, National Guard in the streets, and Loise Day Hicks, a more vicious racist than Lester Msaddox ever even pretended to be. And for this iconoclastic episode. Plenty of ignominy to go around. I'd also point out that in the world of American newspapers, Ralph McGill and Reg Murphy of the Atlanta Constitution were way out on a limb practically by themselves on Civil Rights for nearly two decades, in the heart of Dixie. Murphy was kidnapped for his stands on civil rights and Vietnam, by an early, one man rightwing militia.
- The baby-training produces freaks and anomalies like nine-year-old gymnasts and Todd Marinovich, with cautionary tales for adulthoods. This is the latest installment in a superb Civil War series running in NYT. Very well done. Spinmaster Bill. Pinhead? I believe so. Rupert makesmore money from the Simpsons 1/2 hourSundays than from a week of O'Reilly's maddog drooling every day of the week. Good luck, falafel fondler. The unlikely duo of Keith Urban and Alicia Keys did a cover of Gimme Shelter at some save the earth benefit, with a few apt lyrics alterations. I know the guy is supposed to be a country singer, but he can shred. There's one word for this song--ominous- and the riff has got Satisfaction beat all to hell. The only Stones song more full of foreboding is Sway. Fairly great Patti Smith and Lenny Kaye version, that sound's like my brother and me in our HS band. And, a real treat, Detroit's own Mitch Ryder (I think with the Detroit album band) blows the song to smithereens.
- Right direction 4dbirds, but I'd say about half a rung up from payday and car title loan outfits operating outside of US military bases.
- Practitioners of hand fishing call it noodling. You reach your blubbery redneck arm as far as you can into natural recesses and crevices along river banks and let 50 lb. catfish chomp on your wrist. Much PBR, or maybe Four Loko these days, is consumed, and the water swirls with Redman expectorant. Both males and females take part, but obesity, inebriation and chaw are universal. And, the more blood, the more hilarious the outcome. It's an incredibly stupid practice, because catfish nest in holes in riverine walls, so these drunkard crackers and inbred Appalachians and Ozarkians are actually depleting one of their own truly disgusting Major Food Groups by interrupting spawning.
- When you have one child, you can hope she will oppose authority. You can hope she thinks for herself. You can hope shelltell people to fuck themselves at least as smart as you and her mother are. When my dad was talking about how people reacted. He figured everybody wanted the best outcome. He was a Catholic and believed in continuation of life. Nobody k ows better than somebody that knew ahead of time. If it is not clear that those that insist on the birth are the exact same despicable bastards that think the baby is a bastard and worthy of opprobrium, sorry, but these people are absolute scum. They can't claim it's biblical. Funny thing, it's an absolutely alice cooper. I had the one kid. We were parents Not really. I was always responsible, even ewhrn I thought that was heinous. tell you the truth. First time her mom ever approached me, it was '67 and Alice. Gueas what you fucking moron. Give it a run. You qre qn qwh0l3 5hq5 lied like it was going out of school. You lied your ass off/
- YOU QRE SQYINF n'6n c9n34 w44.nYou qre q k78ht wqx 9rn wy85. aAArw you afducking moron?Had it with these moronGlenn Beck? .He makes thisbizarrw shit, he's nuts and he 3qn5w 50 fuck 0v34 5y3 c97n546/ )f ypimddpm'5 5yhino4y8w, 697nq43 qnb9e905
- Who ar3 5h3w3 q43 c499i, Ho sure shit. %h3w3 q43 w8qr7qq48bfoi56 q843
- Are you so stupid youd blame me? 5y343[wm n lookk me, if you don;t getHANK dokworth, you are an idiot. and amd you have ti be what everybottuft ri,
- When you have one child, you can hope she will oppose authority. You can hope she thinks for herself. You can hope shelltell people to fuck themselves at least as smart as you and her mother are. When my dad was talking about how people reacted. He figured everybody wanted the best outcome. He was a Catholic and believed in continuation of life. Nobody k ows better than somebody that knew ahead of time. If it is not clear that those that insist on the birth are the exact same despicable bastards that think the baby is a bastard and worthy of opprobrium, sorry, but these people are absolute scum. They can' Major lieague liar.t claim it's biblical. Funny thing, it's an absolutely alice cooper. I had the one kid. We were parents Not really. I was always responsible, even ewhrn I thought that was heinous. tell you the truth. First time her mom ever approached me, it was '67 and Alice. Gueas what you fucking moron. Give it a run. You qre qn qwh0l3 5hq5 lied like it was going out of school. You lied your ass off/
- They parents didn't have a thing to do with mills. Thet stood with everybody. It may have started with like some asshole;ike no going obe K. These people fuckd us over like there was no going ober.
- Nancy, I posted those Grande links a long time ago, and I appreciate your revisiting. Since you brought up the Stones, it is kind of spectacular that in all of that nobody ever mentioned Mick Taylor. To me, the deal with the Stones is just that evil eye, got me in its sway. And that innocent was in a bad situation. I saw him play this, and I think crediting this guitar solo to keith is absolute horseshit. I saw an amazing performance of Sympathy for the Devil at Joe Louis Stadium. Whatever they say. It's wierd. TIt's like the best guitar player in the history of the Stones just never exiated,
- Dweter, incandescents are not better light bulbs. Not in about a million years. It's a scientific fact, pretty much. Sometimes hard facts actually rule. Tax cuts for rich people do not,ever, produce jobs. This is an immutable fact, but assholes will try to to tell you this isn;t true while they reap profits from tax profits that will not benefit the economy. These assholes are robbe-=barrons. How is it that the great unwashed champion the party of privilege? Do they think they're getting a portion? It is difficult to believe anybosy is that stupid, These people are being screwed over big time. If that's escaped them. they are too stupid to be allowed to vote.
- Dweter, incandescents are not better light bulbs. Not in about a million years. It's a scientific fact, pretty much. Sometimes hard facts actually rule. Tax cuts for rich people do not,ever, produce jobs. This is an immutable fact, but assholes will try to to tell you this isn;t true while they reap profits from tax profits that will not benefit the economy. These assholes are robber-=barrons. How is it that the great unwashed champion the party of privilege? Do they think they're getting a portion? It is difficult to believe anybosy is that stupid, These people are being screwed over big time. If that's escaped them. they are too stupid to be allowed to vote. How do the Tea=baggers and the great unwahed of the Republican party think that John Boehner or Kyl or Ensign or that whackjob from SC that depended on the Appalachian Trail, you know, that guy But you know, Ensign How about all of those gifts to his campaign friends from his mom and dad? Shit. That wasn't suspicious ar all. Rangel" Well, McConell did the exact same thing, for way bigger cash. That is a facts.
- Sorry for the oiuble-post But that thing that is so heinous Rangle did with CCNY or whatevever, Mitch McConnell did esactly the same thing at Louisville. Ecactly, but for a spectacular larger amount of cash. Guess that's OK in the Senate but not in the House. Pleasesome Republican asshole, esplain to me how there's a difference. There isn't. Now Rangel's rent controlled propertkes? What about CStreet? Do these hypocrites really want to bring this shit up? That's not rent-control, that's some special interests paying rent for these assholes.
- TARP paid for itself. American voters are too stupid to vote. Still doesn't make Obama a white pawn of the Project for a New American Centurty. The level of ignorance is stunning, These are people that still believe in the Laffer curve and that hedge fund managers will create jobs from their tax breaks, because they love America. Are Americans this stupid?
- #34 as good as you get. Infuriating. These aholes are clueless. The pertinent lyric is Born down in a dead man's town The first kick I took was when I hit the ground You end up like a dog that's been beat too much Till you spend half your life just covering up Born in the U.S.A. I was born in the U.S.A. I was born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. Got in a little hometown jam so they put a rifle in my hand Sent me off to a foreign land to go and kill the yellow man Born in the U.S.A. I was born in the U.S.A. I was born in the U.S.A. I was born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. Come back home to the refinery Hiring man says "son if it was up to me" Went down to see my V.A. man He said "son don't you understand now" Had a brother at Khe Sahn fighting off the Viet Cong They're still there he's all gone He had a woman he loved in Saigon I got a picture of him in her arms now Down in the shadow of penitentiary Out by the gas fires of the refinery I'm ten years burning down the road Nowhere to run ain't got nowhere to go Born in the U.S.A. I was born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. I'm a long gone daddy in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. I'm a cool rocking daddy in the U.S.A. Fairly strong statement. Attempting to usurp that statement? It's impossible to comprehend anything more reprehensible. Reagan may have been Oltimered. His lackeys Cheney and Rummy weren't. They pulled off keeping the hostages in Irani hands until after the election, didn't they? Oh, and Cheney was one of the greatest draft-dodgers until W came along, but Kerry was disgraceful for serving, And Americans bought this shit? Morons. Look at the bullshit invasions and occupations that cost about a of the deficit this pointy=head little ahole ran off the books. It's the next guy's fault" These "small businesses" these asshole republicans are talking about, they mean hedge fund managers that fucked us all over in the first place, for cash. That's Republicans for you. What the Boss actually thinksabout W?. Republicans are lying pieces of shit.
- These yahoos are so fucking stupid and such rabid bigots they are dying to pin this on the black guy. The deficit, that's the profligate and entirely moronic tax cuts, and the off-the -books invasions and occupations. I mean, seriously, can these assholes come close to accounting for these?
- Please excuse my bad language. Jeff. Do you honestly think letting rich people hold on to more of their cash creates jobs. No, you're reasonably intelligent, so you know they just buy each others: houses. Isn't it a fact that being a country actually means we care about what happens to each other? Republicans in Congress clearly do not care a shit about anybody that isn't Big Pharma, or Wall Street, or Big Farm. There are surely Democratic Party politicians that are scam artists. Republicans have connived for years to make the boss-worker division go from 30:1 to 300:1. So if I say fuck or bullshit occasionally, sorry. These bastards are stealing our country.
- "Kerry's Yacht" is the property of an LLC incorporated in Pittsburgh of which Teresa Heinz is the controlling owner. I think if tax avoidance was a priority, they would have tried Delaware. The yacht was actually purchased in Rhode Island and all pertinent taxes were paid. The boat's intended mostly for charter use, so I imagine mooring and other usage taxes are legally deductible as business taxes. Just about pure politics-as-usual misdirection. Monkey-see, monkey-do crap-flinging to give cover to… Republicans committing political blackmail and legislative kidnapping over taxes and unemployment benefits. Their policies (using the term as loosely as granny panties in a DKNY ad) and tactics are aimed at screwing over at least 987% of Americans, including the most desperateand have zero chance of producing jobs. And the booboisee will continue to blame Democrats. As often as I've said Americans are too dumb to vote, I'm starting to believe there may be benefit-of-the-doubt psychiatric explanation -- Stockholm Syndrome. I suppose that's more optimistic than attributing this seemingly inexplicable behavior to widespread stupidity. I mean, Patty Hearst eventually got over Cinque.
- And Mark, how do you think Kerry's voting on the tax cuts. I think he's with Bill Gates and Warren Buffet on this. Newt Gingrich says let rich folks decide on their tax cuts. Well, Kerry's a commoniss demon, right? Gates is a wishy-washy nerd and Buffet's an old-school, unabashed Republican capitalist. That's your perfect bipartisan commission. Thing is, too, GOP would not even vote for setting tax-cut ceiling at the first $1,000,000, in the interest of extending long-erm unemployment benefits, that would immediately boost the US economy. Somebody want to claim that's fiscally responsible behavior, or that seven figures isn't a lot of money? Related to the merde claims about damaging "small bidnesses", I'd bet the $1mil put-upon would be hedge funds, white-shoe lawfirms, and a bunch of cosmetic surgery LLCs.
- Coozledad: Republican enmity for Kerry is unmatched because he exposed Naked Emperor Raygun. Meanwhile, we've renovated our 25 yr. old condo. Ten years of college and grad school tuitions ended a short while back, and we've been more than doing our share to boost the economy, spending cash like shore leave, including installing (renewable green) bamboo where we've had 80s peach semi-shag for the last ten years. What is the best method for keeping these floors clean, y'all. Swiffer sucks. Hands and knees is a drag. What about those Shark thangs on TV.
- Jeff: Koch bros. remind me of Hunt Bros. who crashed the economy for personal gain by creating the Silver Bubble in the 70s. At the height of their finagling, in 1977, public records showed Nelson Bunker Hunt paid less than $100 in federal income tax. As Bristol would say, that was a gratuitous "big middle finger" to American taxpayers. I think Don Ameche and Ralph Bellamy played them in a bioflick. One can only hopes the Kochs get similar just deserts.
- Domo arigato, Scout. Here's a Swiffer vss. Bona comparison I found on the net: Pretty convincing.
- LA Mary, squirrels are rats, just with bushy tails. Leon Russell and Elton John Live.( 2:34) And, with the exception of Bitch is Back, none of Sir's really crappy songs, and two of his best, Burn Down the Mission and Take Me to the Pilot. I guess all those "progressives" whining about how the President caved are all employed, and don't qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit. (Although they're fighting for those people.) I guess their jobs don't require math skills. They can't figure out the whole Senate rules 60/40 bullshit. Or that in a strange economy, with rich people and corporations sitting on dragon's lair hoards of gelt, 13 months of extended unemployment benefits, expansion of EITC and a variety of MC tax breaks, and extending middle class cutswill be a large and necessary shot in the US economic arm. That money gets spent, immediately. As a bonus, from here on out, it ought to be easy to pin the tail on the actual budget buster party, while the extension is limited to two years. If nothing had been done, this would have moved along to the nest Congress and this crap may have been cast in stone forever. Did Mme. Gingrich run out of Botox mad money when she got to the bottom half of her face? Was she going for Hyperthyroidism or Runaway Bride around the eyes? Ray Davies on how life goes on, no matter what people run into. Edit: Of course I meant next Congress, but it will be a figurative nest of adders.
- beb, Pigeons are rats too, but with wings. And I'm sure Newt has in fact moved on to No. Four, even if the pertinent parties aren't fully aware of it yet.
- This is ineffably clever, it's pretty, and it might put you in touch with aliens, or at least Richard Dreyfuss. It's kinda like Lithium.
- For fans of Jonathan Franzen.
- How is Canon Law anybody's business that isn't Catholic? There are 66mil Catholics in the US. Self-proclaimed Christians in the US are likely to promote the Falwell, Oral Roberts idea that Catholics are not actually Christians, and we've been designated a demonic sect or whatever. In our hemisphere, the vanguard and the martyrs for human rights and the dignity of human beings, have been Catholics. How many Maryknolls and Jesuits were raped and murdered by Rayguns anti-commoniss troops trained at the School of the Americas in Central America? There's the self-proclaimed conservative whack Catholics like what's his name O'Donnell or whatever that looney tune goes by. American Catholics are split on abortion, not split at all on birth control. And all of this is grangiappe. American Catholics have opposed war-mongering and treating people like chattel since the 60s. Clergy and others that understand the idea of commonweal have too. All the Americans slaughtered in Iran Contra were people that believed in profound religious beliefs. Maybe not. Is it some religious belief that would make somebody say "for the least of my brothers" and get raped, murdered and buried in an unmarked grave. I think it's commonweal. Every thing Catholic in me makes me find the Republicans politically repulsive. Well, anyway. Are people so fucking dumb they don't see Obama has created a new stimulus? This cash will be spent.
- Kru8gman is guite sensible. That first one Wasn't big enough. You morons. Do you care how things turn out? Who nos.
- But this anti-Catholic shit? You align yourself with insane shit that believe Catholics are part of some demonic cult. I'm not about to putmup with with this shit. Holy shit Nancy, you know for a facct that grande, I brought that up and was so far first. You'd have to guess about SRC and MC5. Here's the shit. Look up those Maryknolls. Raygun and his croneys murdered them. Somebody wants to say that not's so? fuck the us government. Assholes. Somebody want to clam these assholes weren't assassins? They were. If you say they were'nt, you are are lying.
- The payroll cut is money into the economy. Everything including the EITC is money that will be spent immediately. It's stimulus. Rich people will not contribute. They will sit on their cash. Paul Krugman knows what he's talking about, but he's one of those folks that consider shit like this from a distance. Obama had to consider people with no cash and felt it was better they had some cash for the next 13 months. Which guy is living in the real world? Which guy is contributing to the economy? The pretty much a grand back on everyboyd's payroll tax? That's part of Democrat caving. Obama finesses these thee assholes. It;s up to all of these Progressives to do something with th two years he just bought you. Meantime, he bought coverage for the unemployed folks,and if you don't get that, well. you might as well be Boehner.
- Helen Thomas is Aunt Clara, but what's Little Miss Run-Amuck doing these days. She did a lot more damage and it was all selfish, all made-up, all the time. Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon because that was the deal. Elizabeth Edwards died well, as they say, but she had some recognizably human bumps along the way. Ann Coulter should probably die like a dog, and I mean, she should just haul her dying ass and Adam's apple out into the woods and go away. Commemorating anything to do with wars is dehumanizing and depressing. When's Ft. Sumter Day? How about Archduke Ferdinand Day? Or Oscar Romero Day? A sainted Republican American President murdered this guy. His trained thugs hit Romero while he was distributing Communion. The anniversary is sometime in March. Catholic guy. I'd imagine that's when the Swiftboat obscene strategy was born. So, it's all about framing and not about abject stupidity. People support political claims that are clearly against their best interests. Stupid, sure. But holy shit. How dumb is it possible to be?
- Instant Karma is clearly the best John Lennon song. I'm fit, and I'd go. Why not?
- Holy shit Nancy. Ms. Edwards decided to be a media ho. Seriously, she was married to a haircut trial lawyer running for president And if you are a lawyer and you don't do trials, aren't you an asshole? And that makes her memorable? She did live off the cash. Her bona fides are exceptionally questionable. Or they aren't. She was in love. It's irrational. Exceptional. Totally beyond logic or intelligence. It makes you a dumbass. Anyway, if it's time to celebrate anybody's passing, that would be Dandy Don Meredith. Awesome QB, even though he played for the most loathsome team in the history of sports, short of the Pats. If you build a legend on the tuck rule and you trashed Robert Edwards, you are seriously the most heinous bastards in the history of the NFL. That's politics and that's pro football. And there's a fan that says we're Number 1.
- Howard Cosell announced John Lennon's death while my wife was asleep in our loft, many months pregnant with what would turn out to be a perfect child. She's due in January. Her Gramma, with whom she shared a very close bond, died a few years ago of breast cancer. My mother, and she was beautiful and ferocious. In her political belief, her career, and in loving and protecting her kids. She was 5-1, 110 and entirely awesome. Her death was not tragic. I don't think anyone's is. Death is sad, always. Death occurs. Cast a cold eye is probably good advice. My dad kicked, recently. I was with him. At times, dying, he was his old self. We had a discussion about Smilla's Sense of Snow while I was giving him ice chips. We shared an understanding of Teilhard. Something you don't forget. Just part of living. Grieving is celebrating. And Keef, Mick wrote the words, and they are really seriously good, and Mick Taylor is a way better guitar player. Way better. Put that bird's nest shit in your hair? How bout this Did that without your ass. And it's greater than almost any Stones song.
- I suppose standing on principle and leaving unemployed folks high and dry would have boosted the economy. It's 60-40. Republicans want to rule, the President stood for the little folks. If you don't get that, you are idiots.
- Oh, Congressional Democrats have grown a pair? And they are pissed off at the President? That's rich. Bad joke, though.
- Nancy, If Kate plays bass, find some deconstructed Who and Cream songs on the net. John Entwistle and Jack Bruce are nonpareil. And along with ineffably and inchoate, isn't nonpareil one of mankind's finer linguistic accomplishments. Then, there's Tal Wilkenfeld. She ain't Mingus -- yet. I'm a pretty good guitar player, but I love to pretend I can play bass. Joni Mitchell clearly gets it, about playing bass. So buy that kid a Squier and a Fender Champ. Y'all could be going on tour. There are two great female drummers. First is Mo Tucker. Best is Georgia Hubley, and Mo is as good as Charley Watts. And Keef, Mick wrote those lyrics. You tagged along.
- The knotted and inflated pants thing? That's WSI 101.
- Oh, and did Sarah Palin look like she'd ever held a long gun in her life. She had the stock halfway up her scapula, and that bone would surely shatter if she pulled the trigger. She can't even fake things right.
- Take a look at this. Actors Acting.. Raw talent. Natalie Portman is more tired than Lili VonSchtupp, and you really don't want to piss off either Matt Damon or Javier Bardem. Robert Duvall, he's happy with himself. I think that's his character from Secondhand Lions, a ridiculously underrated movie.
- Gorgeous bass, and an exquisite song Cooz. Brightened a bad day. I will always think Mingus is Trane playing upright. For rock 'n' roll John Entwistle and Jack Bruce just rule. Noel Redding was very good, and damn, Geddy Lee. Pete Quaife was brilliant. Jazz, Eugene "Take Five" Wright, Charlie Haden, Stanley Clarke. How about this bassline? And then there's Bootsie. Interstellar.
- Brian, If there was an onboard fire, McCain may have had some part in it. I know. It's picking on the Oldtimer, but does being in a POW prison make somebody a hero when he is otherwise an odious little hypocrite?
- The lame-duck Senate has been extremely busy not passing a range of legislation. The votes on two Democratic proposals to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for everybody but the rich were 53 to 37 and 53 to 36. Of course, under venerable Senate tradition, that means they failed entirely. Which part of that do people not comprehend. I assume progressives are so progressiver than thou they'd rather give up 13 months of unemployment benefits disappear. Easy, if you are supremely self-righteous and employed. Do I think rich dickheads shouldn't pay Eisenhower-era taxes? Hell no. And I'm one of them. Here's the deal. The President does not have a Praetorian Guard he can send to the legislature to commit mayhem. I sorta wish he did. The tax deal sucks, but it's what might take care of unemployment benefits, which are cleary stimulative. So are the considerable EITC changes, and the middle class tax cuts. This sort of holier-than and spiting face brought the US Ronald Fucking Wilson Reagan. Andy North. Lee Atwater. Trickle Down. Is that what people want? Is the failure in the legislature of repeal of DADT the President's fault? How was he supposed to bring that about? As I said, murdering the incalcitrant bastards might work, but that isn't really a viable option. Senate rules regarding filibusters are odious and anti-democratic. can the President change them? Face it. With Sarah 24/7 and a Blankenship bought and paid for Mitch McConell stymying and flatout lying about the will of the people and sane public debate in general, there is no bully pulpit. The President makes sense, does anybody listen? There's a difficult real world, there's a really easy self-righteous one. If you aren't unemployed and coming on Christmas.
- I'm partial to Gerard Manley Hopkins on the subject of shipwrecks. He's a Jesuit intellectual, and nuns drowning, And the great Irish poet . And the great Irish poet Shane McGowan.
Then, there's the Emily Dickinson;s accounting. It's a remarkably good poem., one of her best.My kid's named Emily. Her mom says it's for the poet. I say it's for the novelist. I'm persisting in being an insufferable jackass. Anyway, the kid is spectacular, successful, beautiful, headstrong, opinionated and going to have a kid in January. I like y'all, a lot, so I thought i'd tell you about that. - Gerald Ford was keeping up his part of a rum deal. It's a fact that Republicans dealt the US a dirtier deal with Raygun, and appointing W made the country a laughingstock and bankrupt.
- I’m partial to I'm partial to Gerard Manley Hopkins on the subject of shipwrecks. Hopkins is a Jesuit intellectual, and nuns drowning. And the great Irish poet Shane McGowan Then, there’s the Emily Dickinson accounting. It’s a remarkably good poem, one of her best. My kid’s named Emily. Her mom says it’s for the poet. I say it’s for the novelist. I’m persisting in being an insufferable jackass. Anyway, the kid is spectacular, successful, beautiful, headstrong, opinionated and going to have a kid in January. I like y’all, a lot, so I thought i’d tell you about that.
- Nancy, I would not sully your airwaves. On the subject of anything objectionable, you can most certainly trust me. Without links, blogging is just one woman's opinion. Anyway. sorry, I did not intend to be a fly in the ointment.
- Julie, undoubtedly. If she turns out half as astounding as her mom or her grandmother, don't know what I'm talking about, actually. Could be a boy, Better than I for sure. It's All Too Much. Sorry 'bout the link Nancy, but it's a wonderful song. Cooz: I don't think Shane was ever serious about his appearance, or he would have consulted a dentist. No joke about being a very talented poet, though. And he wrote most of the melodies, and gutdom they are great. Spectacular band, too.
- Sorry Nancy. My density.
- And Cam Newton didn' t know anything his dad was doing. Yeah. Right. And those folks that wrote that Wapo editorial feel like like Democrats bailed on DADT.? That wasn't Republicans? These assholes just come back forevever, How in the world do they try this shit? These guys don't believe this shit. How does anybody believe this shit? This is pure shit. Try to put this beyond total crap? Are you all joking? Really, kiss my ass.
- Cam Newton know anything about his dad and the cash, and if you believe that, you are a stupid, And you believe Reggie Bush didn't know dick. How did Reggie Bush not, Reggie Bush didn;t cheat but Cam Newton didn't,. These assholes somebody not cheat? They cheat, come on try it. They cheat. Just try it you fucking moron,
- Cam is ridiculous. There is no way he isn't a shit He's a scumbag. . He is not Sidney Crosbey, Nobody is, he is ridiculously perfect, What in the world? YOU Are morons. Way morons, Are you this fucking stupid?
- I weyew fujwCam is ridiculous. There is no way he isn't a shit He's a scumbag. . He is not Sidney Crosbey, Nobody is, he is ridiculously perfect, What in the world? YOU Are morons. Way morons, Are you this fucking stupid?
- How in the world does the editorial board of the Wapo pin the Senate defeat of repealing DADT on Harry Reid. What a bunch of assholes. These guys are supposed to be the liberal pinupss, the librul press . There never has been such a thing.. They're purely Republican. This is outrageous Republican suckupism. Hope Ben Bradlee is rolling in his grave. He'd be aspirating in his vomit otherwise. Liberal press? Right. Does not exist, you prejudiced assholes. Seriously, Harry Reid cannonballed the DADT legislation? Wapo, you morons sound like Fox News. I mean, McCain is so full of shit on this issue it's almost hilarious, Republicans bought judges in the Supreme Court. That canned duck hunting you asshole Scalia, and let's have a list of those smartest guys ibn ther room, you disgraceful traitor, Why isn't anybody pursuing the conviction of Don Blankenship for murder? That is a murderer that bought a judge. Anybody want to claim that isn't true? This guy is a despicable piece of shit that outright bought a judge. He murdered miners in the pursuit of digging more dirty coal, faster. He's like Dickless Cheney. Real people doing real jobs can't stand in his nefarious way, Just fuck 'em. So Wapo is the liberal press? And they make something up about wackjob conservatives> They are assholes. This Harry Reid Rax shit is garbage. You have to be ab idiot.
- Dorothy, believe it or not, I'm getting pretty old but I have been saying bedtime prayers since I can remember (which is in my second year). On my knees. My kid, my future grandkid, my ex, my constant companion, my brothers and their families. You and Mike will fit in fine. S. says it's an affectation, but it seems to bring some balance. Whence L7. How cool was this cat?
- I went to Vero Beach once. In utero. My mom and dad went to Dodgertown the Spring before I was born, the year the Giants stole signs and won the pennant but still lost to the goddam Yankees. I've got photos of my mom playing catch with Campanella and Duke Snider and Jackie.
- "And of heart health, I wonder what the fallout will be from this latest heart study that concludes that even one breath of second-hand cigarette smoke can cause noticeable heart and lung changes. One puff. I smoked cigarettes for 13 years, kee-reist–musta damn-near killed myself. Now, like an old acquaintance used to say, “I studiously avoid cigarette smoke.” Can't take any of these things seriously.
- American Way. Judges bought and sold. How did this asshole not recuse himself immediately? I mean, is he a moron? A bald-faced crook? It's like the shitheel Don Blankenship bought for $3mil in WV. It really seems as if there's criminal behavior involved here
- The mandate, by the way, is clearly NOT unconstitutional. This character is full of bull.
- Individual mandate? All these Republicans seemed to think it was not just Constitutional, but the responsible conservative thing to do. Twenty years ago, that is. Just shut the hell up about "liberty" Whorin/ Hatch.
- You know those pictures in fifth grade geography books showing people floating on top of the water in the Great Salt Lake. That's canned soup. People that didn't make it far enough into the Docs vs. Hamburglar story to realize it deals with militant people that follow strange dietary rules from the planet Vega have probably forgotten what had them so upset over morning coffee. This problem is pandemic in Mediaworld. Even when attribution doesn't really help because any charlatan can name an organization something that sounds august, responsible and authoritative. If you don't know that the Hoover Institution is a hotbed of hardcore libertarianism, Brookings tends left, and the American Conservative Union is run by guys that want government drowned in a bathtub, naming a source is just obfuscatory. People that know about stuff like this, or have the common sense to find out, will know haw to assess the information. Everybody else will forget by the time they flip on Ellen or Oprah (or Jerry) when they get home from work. The most egregious example of this lately is the ongoing courageous efforts of the fighting Association of American Physicians and Surgeons to prove that health care for all Americans is neither desirable nor a right. When it comes to looney, these people are bull-goose. Their charter uses the words "evil" and "immoral" to describe physician participation in Medicare and Medicaid. Of course, all those Baggers with "Keep Government Hands Off My Medicare" signs will remain blissfully clueless in the believe that both God and Docs are on their side. There are about 900,000 practicing physicians in the US. 20-25% belong to the AMA, which supports health care reform as passed. AAPS claims 4000 members (including D.O.s), but Glenn Beck only got 1,000 to show in DC last September. Hilariously, many were wearing lab coats. The AAPS freaks may be onto something interesting though: Obama hypnotized voters
- Bitter Scribe: I knew that had to be Fernwood before I clicked it. Remember that very well. Fred Willard and Tom Waits, two twisted geniuses. I've got most of Tom Waits' albums, but I play Frank's Wild Years and Swordfishtrombones back to back probably once a month when I have the place to myself. A fully plotted movie in my head. Innocent When You Dream and, particularly, Cold, Cold Ground are two of the most exquisite songs I can think of. And 16 Shells is scary as hell. Getting Ready for Christmas Day by Paul Simon. Didn't know this album was released yet, There's a GD ad, but the song is worth the wait. Propulsive and infectious, wonderful lyrics. And it seems that he's actually back to playing guitar, acoustic slide.
- Great Expectations is not Tale of Two Cities or Dombey or Pickwick, but anybody that had anything to do with the 1998 film "version" should be sent to a mall where slashers abound. Truly execrable. The performances weren't terrible, particularly, but the career choices suggest Phillistineism on the part of the actors. It's possible to rewrite Dickens satisfactorily. Pick up a copy of Jack Maggs by Peter Carey, but this movie is like going to see Richard II and finding Bolingbroke's trooops in brownshirts. Speaking of which, opining publicly about the necessity of differentiating betweeen "literary" and "genre" as this Docx character in the Laura Miller piece seems to have done seems to be a symptom of a particular brand of Brit neurasthenia. I bet he's a pal of Martin Amis and Chris Hitchens (whose books I like, but whose critical essays are tendentious and spectacularly egocentric.) Considering Stieg Larsson and Dan Brown in a single derogatory category is just sort of silly. I've read both, including during forays on public transportation. Heaven knows what my fellow travellers thought of my critical acuity in my choice of reading. One is imaginative and considers development of characters important parts of entertaining novels. The other's a total hack. This comparison is like lumping John LeCarre with Clive Cussler, entirely invalid. Genre Fiction is a term that was invented to belittle science fiction writers and, before them, people like Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler and John D. MacDonald. Stieg Larsson is not in a clas with those guys as a stylist, but for plotting and characterization, he'll do.The idea that an author writing in what could be considered a genre cannot produce valid literary fiction is silly and snooty. Walter Moseley purportedly writes detective fiction, and he's as good (literary) as anybody in the last 20 or 30 years. Is Margaret Atwood more worthy of respect for Cat's Eye or Alias Grace, or poetry, or her glosses on Classical mythology than for Oryx and Crake or The Handmaid's Tale? You've got to be an artsy pompous jerk to say yes to this proposition. Would Dickens have damaged his reputation with literary critics if he'd finished his final novel? I mean, it's a Mystery. Similarities are rife between some of John Grisham's books and To Kill a Mockingbird, but one is part of the young adult Canon and the other's genre fiction to be considered superciliously. Maybe there are the right sort of people who fully appreciate Beethoven's incomparable genius, and rabble like me that think Ludwig meets his match in A Love Supreme.
- Treatment of the WTC first responders is a shameful echo of the negligent treatment of American service members exposed to Agent Orange by GOP chickenhawks, basically stonewalled 'em to death. It's not surprising that a bunch of yahoo politicians that considered SCHIP extensions some sort of Commoniss plot, like OSHA or bike lanes, would vote down benefits for the first responders, it's just a nauseating level of hypocrisy when many of them could not get a sentence out without including a reference to 9/11 during the last three campaign cycles. Happy news, Dorothy. Thanking God here. Aded y'all to a Mass card when I sent money to my old HS in Detroit, so continued prayers on the way. from a bunch of Jesuits and several hundred students.
- Etymologically, "cubic money" seems likely to me to be a coinage derived from the palette-loaded cash shipments that actually were the chief aspect of Bush's Iraq surge. Hundreds of millions that purchased the Sunni Awakening. Easily moved into holds of Globemasters with forklifts. The Sam's Club packaging also made it easier for Blackwater and Halliburton to just load up and abscond. Pretty much like DC lobbying, come to think of it.
- Fine Christmas smackdown of two whited sepulchers. WWJD about DADT, the DREAM Act and new START. If you have to ask, Sen. Demented, how do you claim to be a supporter of Christian values? Shut it down, that worked well last time, right. Rand Paul can get by without his Social Security check for a few weeks., thank goodness. There will be some seriously unhappy teabaggers. Repeal roundup: move along to DREAM and START now you lazy bunch of goldbrickers.
- Gekkos meet the Fokkers about 60 Leagues Under the Sea? What is under the Sea? How does Robert KeNiro engage with a movie that has Fokkers in the title? Antiseptic soap please.How is any critic supposed to mock Kevin Costner after. If Pwtwr Caine will take any role for the cash, then just shut the hell up. Sometimes it's gold, like Secondhand Lions, which is so good it's ridiculous, and was panne by Manhola Dargiss. Cooz, no smarm intended, but define louche. I know what I think it means, and that kind of Brit characterized by second friend, p;ayed by Hugh Grant, in some seedy production of a second-rate Evelyn Waugh novel, the semi-handsome Brit reaching for another free champers, decent suit, ash too long, off a passing tray, can you actually be louche if you aren't Leslie Howard or Michael Caine? i.e. Michael Caine as Alfiewould suit me fine, because I like the word and I think the movie is almost as good as Bladerunner, good as you can get. Peachy Carnehan conning Christopher Plummer in The Man Who Would Be King. Is that louche? It's a great word in search of a definition, Like meq. It must be Fronsh, but what does it mean exactly? Back in the fall of '69 I think all of us were trying for louche when we fooled with Zippos and cuodory Levis. Never got it right, I don;t suppose. Living with cattle and fowl probably doesn't get it either, unless you roll your own with one hand,
- Louche=Jean paul belmondo in a two-button sharkskin suit with almost burnt-down Gaulloise between two long stained fingers, but its still hard to define, Great word, but please define. Oscar Wilde? Close, but not a definition, Laissez faire and debauched? I;m not trying to be an asshole, but what exactly does it mean? You don't deploy words willy-nilly, and I know what you mean, but please define this word. Louche.
- Sleazy and don't give a shit if it's obvious. That would be W. Unaware just how sleazy and creepy you are? That would be W too, No joke. Y'all are smart. Definition of louche please. I know, a photograph of Cristopher Hitchens drinking with Martin Amis is a perfect definition, but that;s talking about ""know it when I see it". Cheney shooting dead ducks with Scalia is revolting, but those assholes couldn't be louche if somebody held a gun to their pointy heads, To some extent, you must be cool to be louche. No joke, I love this word, and I've never seen it defined. C'mon y'all. It has to do with with cynicismm, and debauchery and slovenliness in its face. Being a know-it-all and knowing everything is rien (another great Fronsh term).
- I believe all French directors are, by definition, or they just define, louche. Jean Luc-Godard. I, myself aspire to louche, that's why I'd like to see it defined. Por Americain, I'd guess it's Chevy Chase, in Foul Play, a wonderful movie, much under-appreciated, Hitchcockian, and Goldie Hawn rules. Or Bill Murray in any Ghostbusters. Dudley Moore in perpetuity, or, the opposite of Peter Cooke. I'd guess you have to be half-loaded to pull it off, but you also have to stay on you're feet, unlike Dudley Moore in the movie aforementioned. You must remain Le Mec, which is always followed by de something, in Fronsh slang and is freighted, as they say. As in "Le Mec de Dom Perignon". Lord knows who "they" are. Brian, I knew Boris Karloff was the voice in "Mr. Grinch" but I also always thought of Ho Ho Herschel Bernardi when I heard the Grinch song. Because of the the Jolly Green Giant. The amorous traverses of the actual Jolly Green Giant used to be legend in Detroit. Footprints from one statue to another. And Mayonnaise. Spirit of Detroit and the ballerina.
- "The Irish drink"? What, the entire nation? Everyone with Irish genes? That's offensive, but yes we do. Why the hell not? In the world we are presented, isn't it a rational response when pot costs so GD'd much? So what. The woman you mentioned sounds very like a rape victim. She must have been drinking and her skirt must have been too short. Asking for it. Maybe she was sitting on the Xerox machine and somebody got the wrong idea.
- Holly, I think that giving gifts to charity in your giftees names is a fine way to deal with gift-giving. is excellent. feedingamerica. that used to be Second Harvest, is another worthy. I rely on these, along with CDs I know they never heard of, for my brothers that basically have wives that buy them everything. It's like pagan Babies, but you don't get to pick a name. But seriously, ensuring water for somebody in the southern region of Sudan, that's unquestionably a good thing. I've got two hive-mentality twin nephews that thought some free i-tunes and a couple of camels for somebody that needs them was a pretty good gift last year. I'm not endorsing anything, but I have vetted these organizations pretty thoroughly: (95% goes straight to benefits in both cases, though I think a little spending on lobbyists might not be a terrible idea, if anybody thought it might work.) Feeding America/Second Harvest is outstanding. We donate cash and we do a small portion of the work. We know it works. If you can't think of a better gift, try sharing humanity. I spend a lot of time working for the local foodbank. The idea that kids in America have insufficient food is abhorrent to anybody that isn't a Congressional Republican. We do what we can. Anyway, those are great gifts if you can't think of anything else.
- Basset, Don't you think you should get naming rights for the heifer. (And whence this word?) I got into big trouble with the nuns back around sixth grade for insisting on Lucifer for our Pagan Baby. What's wrong with "Light-bearer"? My argument was that my brother was named Cristopher, and we could change the f for a ph. Parent-teacher conference no. 21. Nuns hate it when boys are smarter than they are. Back in the day, nuns just despised boys, en classe, period. De rigeur. I like the donation/gift way of giving because, aside from "peace on earth and mercy mild", my brothers and I have everything we could want or need, aside from things like Lamborghinis. Occasionally I come across a book or record I know one of them will appreciate and has probably never heard of, so I buy it and make the gift immediately. I have three sisters-in-law. How do you buy gifts for sisters-in-law, if they aren't winos or chocaholics, or both? One of them is one of my best friends. Another is a usurping bitch semi-trophy wife that I like OK but couldn't really care less about. Her predecessor bought me great Christmas presents for years. No illusions my brother had anything to do with it. She's a Starbucks addict, so I send her a card with a Starbucks card every year. Same to my ex, usually with a CD with music I know will make her think about me. We do what we can, and live with our vanities.
- dorothy, Thanks for bringing up Habitat. I'm one of about forty-five Americans that think Jimma Ed Carter is a great man. My work time is divided pretty much equally between Habitat and our food bank. Seems I'm only employable these days by non-profits. Habitat is excellent, though. Codes and building materials, and incredulously happy faces. I buy myself Christmas presents. This year, CDs by John Lee, Buddy Guy (with a John Hyatt cover, and Mustang Sally), McKinley Morganfield, and box sets by Robert Johnson and Mississippi John Hurt. Could anybody explain why they put that obnoxious tape on the diamond cd cases and then shrink-wrap them, even inside shrink-wrapped box sets? If Andy Rooney had a clue what a cd is, he'd go off on this shit. For my other, it's frequently Victoria's Secret. She really likes that stuff. Me? Well, it's OK.
- Catherine, Kiva is a great idea, and it's potentially self-propagating. I'm sure it's legitimate (I've looked into it) and the premise is excellent. I loaned some bucks a few years ago and rarely think about it any more. I like to think in terms of Malthusian growth in the effect of my few bucks reinvested.
- Bitter Scribe: I suppose I could write these gifts off, but it really never occurs to me when I'm doing the returns. It would be fine with me if the recipients got the break.
- Grinches United, I'm talking about gifts to adult siblings with the wherewithal to buy themselves pretty much anything they want. And maybe not the moral fiber or social consciousness to do the donating themselves. This is not meant in any way for kids. Buy 'em kaleidoscopes, gyroscopes, toys, paints, markers, Elvis Costello and Nick Lowe records, things that expand imagination.
- Shit, Captain Beefheart died. An accessible tune. Less accessible tune. Weird tune stranger than Tom Waits strange. Crow is the drummer, frequently played with Frank Zappa Artwork and photos.
- Riddell-Partilla: Grade A prime concupiscent assholes. Claiming they worried about the feelings of the kids makes them doubly heinous. At least they didn't resort to murder. Jolene, it was my impression at age 10 or 12 that the Pagan Baby money funded roving bands of mercenary priests that looked like GI Joe and were commando-trained to swoop into villages for quick-strike baptisms, and I got to name the babies. If you look at it this way, it seems a lot more honest than the outright mail fraud practices of the Graham, Roberts, Robertson and Falwell families. The idea was never to impress them into "the Faith". It was to ensure by baptism they could enter the Kingdom of Heaven. My thoughts on this sort of thing changed radically when I read At Play in the Fields of the Lord, a spectacular novel by Peter Matthiessen, which makes the whole idea seem ludicrous.
- Libertarianism.Julian Assange want'a proection from the law
- Gee Kirk, that is surely micro-managing, and probably not a good strategy for opening a magazine. There Will Be Blood was pretty good, but not really in the same neighborhood as No Country for Old Men. The Coen Bros. are ridiculously good. Which was funnier? Fargo? Blood Simple? Raising Arizona? The latter is my choice, buccaws it clerely illustrates a point I'd like to make to Cooze: Theys rednecks everwhar, cuz... Believe me Southie is absolutely tick-ridden with them crackers. To this day, they have pictures of Sara Palin's ma, that would be Louise Day Hicks, I think the family resemblance is obvious hanging nest to J2P2. We live in South Carolina, so we have more than enough to be embaarrassed about. Little Bird, what an ineffably delightful nom de peck, that is exactly why calling it global warming, even though it's accurate, was stupid. People that disbelieve are locked into what passed for science in antideluvian times. Namely, superstition.Ask Jerry Falwell. Every natural disaster is God dumping on his creations in His own likeness, because of gay people. In Nebraska, they elect people to the US Senate (Inhofe) for espousing this sort of determined ignorance. When we get depressed about our Senators, we think about other states that have elected bigger assholes and numbskulls, and outright bigots. Like North Carolina.
- Well Cooze we've got Lindsay and Demented, so I guess it's about half a step up from Ole Strom, who I'm quite sure was elected after he was dead, depending on whether or not Graham's acting like a reasonable human being or Ol' Man McCain, depending on the day. The guy is just strange.
- Inhofe, no matter his home state is a moron. Or he's mediocre, like Roman Hruska, who was definitely from Nebraska, and argued that mediocre people should be represented in kind on the US Supreme Court. Or, probably, Inhofe is a mediocre moron, which might mean he's somewhere around the moron median or he's just not exceptional in any way at being a moron. I believe he thinks humans and dinosaurs walked side-by-side with zombies. One way or another, there is no place for wilfully ignorant jackasses like Inhofe in the Greatest Deliberative Body in the World, is there? Oklaahoma, Nebraska, Tejas, it's all Baja something, and we'd all be better off if they seceded. As David Byrne said, I wouldn't live there if they paid me to. If it's in that part of the country and doesn't share the Canyon, bag it. I was told once I had landed in N. Dakota in a very small plane but I still believe the state to be fictitious. I have been accosted by a drunken native American in Rapid, so I'm pretty sure S. Dakota actually exists.
- I know some of y'all are fans of Jeopardy. Does anybody believe someone could be that good at the game and miss the question that brought Ken Jennings down. It's a classic "figure-it-out" Jeopardy question. Anybody good at the game would have figured that out in no time art all. So, the guy was Charles van Doren? Or, what? One way or another, it was a scam. H&R Block. Godawmighty that was a no=brainer. That's how you win Jeoppardy. By guessing the frigging obvious. I believe this character was a charlatan.
- Sy Hiakawa (like Hy, H.I., McDonough, in Raising Arizona) was a self-made conservative that actually lived up to what passes for political rhetoric these days. He, in fact, espoused outrightly fascist ideas about controlling speech, and tried to enforce them through grotesquely brutal means. Hayakawa was a classic Nixon Republican, that believed in extralegal means to stymie his "enemies". He screwed personally with individual students' financial aid, for which he got canned. He loved the smell of teargas in the morning. He actually made himself famous for falling fast asleep in committee rooms, without the benefit of YouTube. The guy was supposed to an academic linguist, famous for the concepts of "snarl" and "purr" words. Dr. Hayakawas's brilliant contribution to academic lingusitics sure sounds a lot like the sort of La-La land hippy bullshit he 's supposed to have abhorred, even though it seems to make sense beyond the cutesy nomenclature. The jackass is also famous for coming to the defense of Haldeman's lawyer during Watergate hearings when the latter called Senator Inouye, who lost an arm in WWII "that little jap". Hayakawa insisted the characterization was accurate, so just free speech. I'd like to hear what y'all think about this alleged book by Jonathan Safran Foer. I thought Everything Is Illuminated was pretty entertaining, and made into an excellent (better than the book, for sure) movie, but this really seems arty to an annoying extent. Im not even sure I understand what the rules are for the game, though the "title" seems to provide a clue. Mainly, I think this guy seems more and more like he wishes he had Michael Chabon's inventiveness and unbounded imagination, and Gary Shteyngart's sense of humor (try Absurdistan, by all means). Supposedly, T. Jefferson did something like this to the version of the bible written for King James by Shakespeare and Kit Marlowe, and a bunch of theatrical rabble, who, of course, had very little Greek and no Aramaic whatsoever. Anyway, best American book this year, Walter Moseley's The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey. Nobody's written better about racial issues in the modern US, and I include Ralph Ellison. Apparently it's still a stumbling-block.
- Planatar fascitis is a very painful affliction. Been there, off and on for years. Had injections in high school for running track and football, but could never figure out anything that helped. I do about a mile in the pool four or five days every week, and swim across the sound here (guessing 3.5 miles) once a month or so. The damn pain has recurred for years, and I've also had to deal with plantar fascitis and foot-drop (even worse) at the same time. I needed My Free Rascal, I guess. Did use those motorized grocery carts for a while, even though I looked entirely healthy and people must have assumed I was nuts. brough along Subway and mini-bottles to make an afternoon of shopping. I found that riding my bike provided temporary relief from both conditions, as does swimming laps or, even better, open water distances. Ocean here is probably 54degrees. But was 60 or so Christmas Day for my annual Christmas invasion of Parris Island, across the Sound from our beach. The trip there takes about 90 min. Back on my bike, around the water, more like 4 hrs. and a million times more dangerous. All of the bodily functions discussion was Fundament-ally a little off-putting, but the crack about Starfleet was amusing. Next stop, Uranus. Reminds me of one of too many parents-meet-principal moments for me when some Sister of St. Joseph didn't think human flatus was as funny as I found it. Must have been ill-timed, comically. When I stopped laughing and was asked to explain my behavior, I told the nun that God surely intended something so inherently hilarious as a gift to His favored creation (His Image and Likeness). That went over big, I'll tell ya. Even at my age and with my professional status, I've had to excuse myself from meetings and conference rooms to avoid looking like an idiot juvenile when somebody cut the cheese. J. D. Salinger got this right with the pompous alum and Ackley in the chapel. What is a proper response to somebody ripping one in a business setting? It can's possibly make sense for everybody to act like nothing happened. Generally, audible effects occur when some participant heaves out of an Eames chair to pontificate, which, of course, makes the whole deal even more uproarious. Is this hopeless childishness on my part? Just as ridiculous is the really acrid, tears-inducing SBD emission, when there is obviously no canine to blame. When everyone acts like nothing's out of the ordinary and I'm thinking about Rupert Brooke and Wilfred Owen scrabbling for masks, how do I deal with the astounding absurdity of alleged adults pretending one of us hasn't just tried to clear the room after spendindg the previous evening at Hooters and then devastating the mini-bar back at the hotel? I'll admit, I don's own up to sneak attacks, but if I happen to sound a klaxon, I have said, simply, "Rouphage". Who can argue with what their grandmas told them. There is an high-colonnically funny, if you find this sort of thing a ludicrous commentary on the human condition and aren't too adult, enema scene in The Bushwhacked Piano, by Tom McGuane. I have mixed in some riccotta or cream cheese or soft mexican queso in guacamole before and felt no ill-effects, but breaking wind while watching football and consuming beer in gallons doesn't produce any social dilemmas at all, if you didn't invite aholes to your tailgate. A. Riley, my dad practiced pediatrics for 30 something years and believed the one teething remedy with any efficacy was to use a finger to apply whiskey to the affected gums. Of course, in the South, this caused great consternation. I know from experience this works, but I expect my daughter to be a hard sell for my grandchild due any day now.
- As Ben Franklin is purported to have written to a bunch of academic European gasbags: I have perused your late mathematical Prize Question, proposed in lieu of one in Natural Philosophy, for the ensuing year...Permit me then humbly to propose one of that sort for your consideration, and through you, if you approve it, for the serious Enquiry of learned Physicians, Chemists, &c. of this enlightened Age. It is universally well known, That in digesting our common Food, there is created or produced in the Bowels of human Creatures, a great Quantity of Wind. That the permitting this Air to escape and mix with the Atmosphere, is usually offensive to the Company, from the fetid Smell that accompanies it. That all well-bred People therefore, to avoid giving such Offence, forcibly restrain the Efforts of Nature to discharge that Wind.
- When I was in college, Hai Karate, English Leather and British Sterling, all as odoriferously offensive as their faux macho names, were the alleged male pheromones of choice. Girls actually bought this shit for guys and I was expected to use it, and to remember who had given me which one. The whole business was annoying and somewhat publicly humiliating. I'm sure there were still unused portions of this toxic waste in the medicine cabinets at my parents' old house when we tore it down to sell the property. Could be a Superfund site by now. Nancy, I'm with you on Pete Postlethwaite. Sins of the Father is so good I bought my own copy. It was stunning to see a Brit play Irish in a true story of a black hour in modern Brit history. Pretty courageous. His Supporting Actor Oscar nomination in '93 came against formidable competition in excellent movies: Tommy Lee Jones in "The Fugitive", Leonardo DiCaprio in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?", Ralph Fiennes in "Schindler's List", John Malkovich in "In the Line of Fire". Aside: How were any of these roles actually supporting? Anyway, I probably would have voted for Malkovich as the brilliant deranged assassin. Anyway, Pete Postlethwaite (what a cool name, like Entwistle) was in a lot of movies I really liked, most recently Inception. Postlethwaite also played Friar Lauraence in the fascinating Romeo + Juliet Baz Luhrman Shakespeare revival, and actually spoke his lines in iambic pentameter as they were written. The actor probably insisted on this, since he was a veteran of the Royal Shakespeare Company.
- Actually, what put Detroit in it's current fix is big-amygdala conservatives, white flight at first sight of a black potential neighbor, racist redlining by deregulated banks going all the way back to the 60s, bundled derivatives based on clearly, deliberately bad loans (that would condense to Mittesque greed), entrepreneurial stupidity on a colossal scale by automobile manufacturers. Somewhere recently I read some conservative dickweed talking about businesses burnt out in Detroit in the Summer of '67. Yeah, like the friendly neighborhood mompop groceries selling milk for $5/qt. My dad was chief of peds at Metropolitan Hospital, 12th and Tuxedo. I worked there and saw this unfold. The Panthers House was a couple of blocks away, at 14th and Indiandale. The infamous Blind Pig where DPD Tactical Mobile Units precipitated the riot was in the same neighborhood, 12th and Clairmount. I know what was going on at the beginning of Detroit's slide into post-Armageddon. It was most assuredly not any feeling of entitlement to a "sense of victimization", it was actual repression of an entire community, by greedy vulture landlords and business owners, and by a rogue police force. I'm sure it's not productive bothering to point this out, but whoever cointoss may be, that is a string of unsupportable bullshit, like Issa going after Holder and ACORN when the latter has ceased to exist, and inspector Gadget used to be a car thief who burned his own properties for insurance money. What is it about a computer keyboard and the internet that makes people so willing to display wilfull ignorance through mindless vituperation?
- Mittens Romney's dad was a liberal Republican that made the mistake of admitting he'd been brainwashed about Viet Nam. What liberal programs or philosophies caused this hare-brained conservative, entrepreneurial nitwit son of one of the last good AmericanRepublicans to leave this blight on Palmer Woods while he beat feet to a mansion with indentured servants paid for by the state in lilly-white Belmont, MA, just down the street from John Birch Society HQ? ACORN made him do it? Is that it? How does Mitt feel "entitled" to let the cash-starved local government clean up his mess after him? True GOP culture of personal responsibility, right? People like this greedy, selfish asshole are responsible for the current state of Detroit's demise. The Large Hadron Collider sounds like Brian Eno fooling around, and a little like the Close Encounters theme. Interesting concept, beautifully executed. Oh, a wise guy, eh? Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck. I'madinnerjacket has his own Joe Wilson, but this is more like Three Stooges. Wasn't this guy supposed to have heaved a shoe. If this happened in the US, would alert Secret Service agents wrestle the guy to the ground like Gerald Ford's grapefruit spoon?
- Mark, you're comparing public employee compensation with benefits to private compensation without. These statistics obviously do not include CEO level compensation, including stock options, or so-called professional small businessmen like hedge fund managers, white shoe lawyers, LLC plastic surgeons and other obscenely high, basically untaxed compensation. Furthermore, there is no public sector analogue to the vast army of the lowest paid private sector earners, like burger flippers and table servers, Walmart greeters, etc. The analyses you're employing have no statistical significance, because of these patent inconsistencies. Undoubtedly, you, and people that produce studies of this sort are well aware of comparing incompatible raw data. It's at least disingenuous, and probably more purposefully dishonest than simply a result of mathematical naivete.
- Here's a worthwhile compendium of information and facts regarding comparisons made between public and private sector job compensation. It points out all of the logical fallacies required to buy into the union-busting anti-government rhetoric, most of which originated with that Old Yellowstone of bullshit Fox News. And the idiot right-wing politicians like Tim Pawlenty that buy into the deliberate misinformation, despite seeming to intelligent and reasonable to join in the chorus. Pawlenty is probably trying to cozy up to the Teagger types taking over his party. And yeah, Media Matters must be part of the Soros Grand Conspiracy, or something. They actually quote wingnuts extensivvely, in context. And document their claims and conclusions. Dastardly tactics of the left wing.
- Hey y'all, I awoke today to find I'm an actual grampa. It's a boy, Cole Matthew, 8lb. 2 oz. I'd include a photo (beautiful baby) if I had the slightest idea how, and was that self-indulgent or stereotypical.. So being the conservative practical sort I am, I immediately went to 529 savings plan website. This is discouraging. I'm never going to live this long. But what the hell, life insurance will cover the full boat. Maybe a scholarship. Uncharted waters. But this is how to start the New Year. I don't see anything wrong with white lights staying up as long as you like. Red and Green, no way. Winter blahs squared. I'm reveling in horseshit weather that precludes the beach, even for me. Increased responsibility can be invigorating.
- Images for Cdad's George Grosz reference. R. Crumb must have known these by heart. It seems as if it's part of Blackwater/Xe's contractual obligations to provide debauched relief from non-stop pillaging.
- Jolene, Having been through the tuition experience through Boston University undergrad and then a graduate program with Cole's mom (bills are still due), I'm keenly aware of the necessity of heading this stuff off at the pass. Fortunately, the whole thing put her into a great salary and benefits position in a unique health care niche (closed skull injury and stroke rehab) that will remain crucial so long as people behave like idiots and more Republicans don't go for Angle death panels, so I guess it's all good at this point.
- Does anybody know if we need a SSN for the kid to open a 529?
- LAMary: Red and numb is precursor stage to frostbite. You were lucky not to require debreding. Didn't you see Flashdance? Why do you think Benjamin Franklin invented leg warmers?
- Fishnets, eh? Not a Catholic School girl I take it. I;d guess Santa won't make that mistake twice.
- Admittedly, that's the creepiest Santa image I've ever come across. The cartoonist that airs that blog is fond of disturbing images, but her material and her comic strip are fascinating to me. John Calvin would consign the less pious to hell for even looking.
- The whole vaccine/autism business grew out of the money-grubbing practice of big Pharma to refuse to provide vaccines in single or double doses. As a result, the multi-packs were fortified with a preservative (thimerosal, necessary for extended efficacy, but, unfortunately, containing a significant mercury load. Clearly, mercury ingestion is bad for any living organism. Since, when the brouhaha started, everyone was being vaccinated but the children of Jehovahs and Christ Scientists, how this all ended up connected to autism specifically is not clear to me. Why not other afflictions? Boby Kennedy Jr. got involved, lending credibility to the anti-thimerosal crowd: Here's one debunker (who seems to have a problem first of all with Bobby's being a pretty good writer): I've read this stuff and can't find any real evidence of links between thimerosal and autism, ADD or any other childhood condition. Kennedy points up genuinely furtive and questionable behavior by the Pharma companies (who obviously had not considered possible ill-effects of using the preservative, other than those affecting profit margins) and their government angels, and makes a smoke and fire connection. And of course, the specter of Hg is enough to cause people to swear off tuna salad and subject themselves to cleansing regimens and high colonics. It certainly is enough to make this whole thing believable on its surface. One way or another, the problem has never been with the vaccines themselves, but with the manner of their preparation for the inflated American market to maximize profits. Like the 7-11 telling you you have to buy a six even if you only want one brewski. This is clearly a case where intervention by government regulation would have been a good thing. Pharma would have jacked prices for single or double doses (arriving at something like 5x the cost in the rest of the developed world, undoubtedly, and further driving the deficit). One way or another, this is a case in which the "necessary and proper" clause requires government action. If thimerosal had been banned, this whole fracas would have been obviated at the pass. Every unvaccinated kid presents a risk to God knows how many other children, and corporatist politicians have shirked responsibility in the face of corporate greed. But you know, the midterms were a clear referendum indicating that Americans want their elected officials to kowtow to, and government regulators to "serve", not American citizens, but the industries from whose avaricious predation they are supposed to protect us.
- I've had versions of the house dream. In one that recurs there is a pool table with a game in progress without players or cues, but moving balls and audible clicks. Outside the back door is a clearly recognizable childhood backyard in Birmingham, with a pool staked out (this is accurate memory) which never became a pool but served well as a rink. I've had this dream probably 100 times. In another, it's my gramma's house in Malone, NY, and I'm looking for a specific room I know is there but I can't locate. I believe architectural dreams are related to John Crowley's idea of the Art of Memory (in Little, Big). I guess this is not his invention after all: I think that's entirely consistent with a lot of scientific thinking about the uses of dreams: mnemonics, organizing acquired knowledge. I've never had a nightmare, that I remembered, anyway. I think waking memory is necessary to qualify. Scary dreams, sure. But always aware I'm dreaming. I find dreaming extremely enjoyable in general, and have recurring dreams with variable, cohesive plots and resolutions. Contining to try to get things right? Of course, I've had the skipped class dream. Did it enough in real life it's ingrained, I suppose. I always talk my way out of it somehow, as in reality, or I wake with a wonderful feeling of well-being knowing I never have to have anything to do with school again. Strange, because I loved school.
- Gerry Rafferty. Terrific songwriter. Baker Street is wonderfully tuneful, great lyrics a shining light in the murky, polluted sea of 70s disco. (inimitable sax by Raphael Ravenscroft.) My favorite Gerry Rafferty song, for sure, is the greatest Dylan homage ever, Stuck in the Middle, Stealers Wheel. And a funny video in the pre-MTV years. I know people that insisted years later that it was Bob Dylan. Night Owl is also very good, when GR was teamed up with Billy Connoly. Rafferty's parents were a Scots mom and an unreconstructed Irish separatist dad, which fact I'll use as an excuse to borrow a clever joke from a gereat Irish fiddle player whose name is on the tip of my tongue: Me mum was Irish, me da was Scots. So I know I want a drink, I just don't know if I want to pay for it. Sorry about all the links, Nancy.
- I think Detroit 1-8-7 is far better than most of the dross on TV. I like Southland a lot, but mostly for characterization. I don't get all the "it's so edgy" business, compared to a network masterpiece like Homicide, which was also brilliantly city-centric. Is Southland better than Boomtown was? More "gritty"? Nope. I never thought Michael Imperioli was all that great on L&O or Sopranos, but he's damn good here. And Lt. Fancy as a plain old Italian-spouting detective is sublime, particularly in dialogue with his materialistic partner. I particularly love any shot of the Ambassador Bridge, which I've crossed many times in both directions, travelling to and from school. Increasingly I find myself spending time with shows I know are too intelligent, and way too subtle, to last: Rubicon, Terriers, Life (a season ago) in particular. I am so pissed off that Terriers won't continue, I may skip Justified and Sons from here on out, and encourage others to do the same. Paudeen assholes at FX. Caprica is better than BG was, the acting far superior. Gone. So, the maxim is, make it good and smart, but don't hurt feelings of people too dumb to get good and smart. And people still consider Horatio "Shades of Justice" Cain appointment TV. Mark, I certainly said as much about the vaccine contoversy. Fact is, if Pharma wasn't pushing multi-pack vaccine buys to enhance immediate profits, there would never have been any preservatives in the vaccines in the first place. That's pretty much incontrovertible. No thimerosal, no mercury, no problem. The architects of the marketing scheme most certainly must have been aware of potential problems with Hg, and the FDA should have had the influence to force testing. They sure had the responsibility. Mercury is unquestionably inimical to the health of living organisms. Pharma wasn't trying to limit costs. They were manufacturing sales beyond actual demand by packaging strategies.
- Mark, How should it be legal to market a product for human consumption that contains mercury? How is it not moronic from a marketing and PR standpoint? The multi-pack-only supply of vaccines required introduction of a substance containing something more neurotoxic than arsenic. Nobody foresaw a problem with that? I don't know this for certain, but were pharmaceutical companies creating faux demand by deviating from a tried and true distribution model? This is not a matter of cost/unit. It's forcing care providers to buy supplies they really don't need, which requires a preservative. Is there no preservative that does not contain neurotoxic substances? Were patents running out on vaccines? My point is that industry cannot be relied on to assess anything but bottom line, including inevitable settlements. written off as cost of doing bidness, human costs be damned. Oh, thimerosal is a licensed product of Eli Lilly containing enough mercury to cause dangerous exposure during recommended vaccination schedules. I'd hope the FDA would prevent Coke from adding thimerosal to my cherry cokes, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Using this potential chemical weapon in childrens' vaccines was brutishly stupid to begin with. Just a look at a chemical structural diagram with Hg in it should have prevented it from ever happening. My point is that proper regulation and oversight is a Constitutional responsibility of the federal government. We're on the verge of letting bought and sold legislators trample on safeguards like this. If I were an Eli Lilly stockholder, my question would be, "How in hell could you incompetent aholes do something so bone stupid and irresponsible." Mixing a neurotoxin into vaccines and keeping it more or less hush-hush is a civil tort. Now that this FUBAR is fait accompli, expecting people to trust to the good faith of the pharmaceutical industry is asinine. Nobody's proved a causal link to developmental disorders. Nobody's disproved it. Mercury's a heavy metal that accumulates in the human organism. It's reasonable on it's face to think it might cause problems. Thimerosal was a component of a plan to sell more vaccine faster than could possibly be required. Maybe Lilly just wanted to get rid of the stuff at a profit. Who knows? Shouldn't the FDA have been on top of this in the first place?
- Huckleberry Finn is as close to brilliance as you get. It is the Great American Novel So what seems to be the racist problem? You want to bowdletixe you are No zhit you ar3E N ISIOT, a moron. PWOPLW TLJ BOUT THE GREAT AMERICAN NOVEL, No joke, , That ws WAS PUT AWAY. it;s Huck Huck Finn. If I say it ian;nt, I will insist I aill hold hold my aide, As I aN HOLD MY AHIT, I QILL HOLSD NO MATTER WHAT, FRODO RULES. RE YOU MORON? ARE YOU N IDIOT? THE EAGLES ARE COMING. ARE WE IDIOTS DON'T SHUT UP IF WE GET BEYOND CIMPLETION, YOU SUMBZZSZ. IT;ZEGLES. OU MORONA NS IAN;T TRHt thT arounsinfg, excuze, but it zeemz liks se juzt figure WHTEVER..MY KID IS JUST BOUT RO FINS RHIA VILLAHIR.
- Cooze, n don;t know dick about civil war strategy, but you seem to make a compelling argument. Grant was a butcher, so was :ee, These fucks were ego-driven and they were butchers, They were voth playing to media, Huck told the truth, Bowdwelizw Bd tou hve the idiot right, There is no excuse. It;w the great Amerian novel, as is.
- What is wronfgwith people? Bowserlize Huck Finn? Are you a vubch of morobs? Seriously, when we have racist assholes like Haley Barbour singing praises about Citizens Councils, Racism is alive and well, WhT IS wrong with these sodiopathw? Why do they dominate the Republican party?
- Suits are sized idiotically. If I get a 44Long jacket, the pants need to be taken in about 7 inches. Women's breasts are a lovely accoutrement, besides for feeding infants. Surgically-enhanced breasts are ridiculous. All sizes and shapes are appealing, but the champagne glass idea is useful. Jeff, you know the song ? And Julie, I don't see "guys all over this one", that's stereotyping. I'm a guy. Do I like breasts? Hell, yeah. All shapes and sizes, aside from pure blubbery. Even chubs, but most likely svelte and small. Reminds me of a poem: Fat girls are pretty Fat girls are fun Fat girls need two barstools One for each bun.
- When my daughter Emily was about five, I took her to Boston Garden with her cousin Mikey to see Ringling Bros, The full boat. We were stopped on about the top level by a clown, What in the world is it that scares people about clowns? Emmy wasn't scared, her cousin whackjob, Little asshole, acted like I hsd abducted him. Now she hs a boy of her own that can be terrified with clowns, I'm a grampa y'all. Boobs are just boobs. They surely don't define women. This is a ridiculous discussion. smaller and firmer, OK, but who cares? Big and flabby on the right woman, that's OK too. People need to grow out of juvenile stereotypes.
- Every pair is attached to a different and frequently more mystifying and fascinating woman, God's gift to mankind, and a curse. Re yesterday:, here's what the CDC says about putting mercury in vaccines, and I still say it was incredibly moronic. Hg when the stupidest Americans are aware it's a dangerous neurotoxin? What the FUBAR?
- Mike Royko was the Barnacle of an earlier time. Decent writer that would lie his ass off for a column.
- Moe99. Agreed/ My problem is with putting a heavy-metal (Hg) laden preservative substance into any injectable meant for human consumption. No way is it safe. Mercury builds up, it's not excreted. Putting this in widely distributed injectables was grossly irresponsible, possibly criminal. It was done to force purchase beyond demand, and this is clearly a case where government regulators failed, or chose to fail, their jobs, for whatever reasons. Thimerosal was only in vaccines because Eli Lily made a bundle off their stock. No formaldehyde, just heavy metals. Here's your daily dose of injectable arsenic. Is that safe?
- She owned stores in Hamtramck, Ferndale, Warren and finally, Birmingham. Long strange trip: ethnic to working class to redneck to limo liberal.
- Just exercising her free speech rights responsibly. There are people all over the web claiming, with no evidence whatsoever the murderer is an illegal alien. By all accounts, this was a valuable, imaginative, gifted andconscientious public servant, recently married to a bona fide American hero, viz. an astronaut. If I'd posted her name behind a gunsight, I'd be all over myself apologizing for my irresponsible behavior. Sarah Palin is what you could call an unreconstructed asshole. She cares nothing about wrack and ruin left in her Godzilla wake. She's a monstro narcicist like Huey Long. But Kingfish had far more native intelligence, and had some idea what he was doing. Unlike this sorry-ass political version of Judith Miller. Got his part played by the inimitable movie tough fatass, Broderick Crawford, and the potentially resurrecting lady played by the brilliant Mercedes McCambridge. I'd take a moment to point out that Ms. McCambridge was quite beautiful, and a spectacularly excellent actress. Republicans got in early and ofte. This is a malcontent alien. This is obviously non compis mentis. seriously, you assholes? Sarah said shoot these folks. She most certainly did. She went global and outrageous to defend targeting these folks. The dumbass bitch brought up the connection. No? How did this bald-facecd idiot not do just that? Are you just full of shit?
- gabrielle Giffords is a model congresswoman, andmThat piece o shit Sarah thought she was some enemy, and made hernatarget. I think the target is asshole republicans. these people are shitheels r
- You put a target on her headshot, you asshole. You're constitutional right to free speech,. What a McCarthyite asshole. Look how wuickly Palins accolytes sprund to the ullegak aalien explntion with no evidence, she targeted this woman, Who's prettier than she is. By a mile.. She targeted this woman and she feels no responsibility. She's an asshole, and she doesn't get it? She targeted this woman, She's an irresponsible shitheel. She's a disgraceful piece of shit., that caused a woman to get murdered. what a fucking asshole. How does she live with herself? She's a narcistic POS.. Give it up for getting somebody better than you killed Sarah, you useless POS. She should be twittering what a turd she is. Screw you you nitwit. You contributed to screwing over sensible government. You are so fucking stupid, it's almost hard to believe.
- Sarah Palin delifberately put a rifle sight on this woman. Pardon me but she was asking for her whackjob accolytes to shoot her. This has nothing to do with Constitutional rights to free speech. Sister Sarah encouraged whackos to commit murder. Somebody did. She aided and abetted. This was a solid representative of people that supported her. Palin's antipathy was idiotic, , Nd it got her killed, Fuck you Sarah PLin, you scourge on participatory denocracy What a jackass, and murdress accomplice, She can;t wriggle out of this. She put this woman in the crosshairs. That's irrefutable, Wht an asshole. What was her point? Her idea was to shoot these targets. How could this have been taken any other way? That's not free speech. That's targeting. It was pointed out to her abject ass,She insisted it was her right, Zo zomsvody got killed, he intended it. She should pay the piper. It's absurd to claim she didn't intend somebody getting killed. That was her point, and her intention. Convict her ass.
- We need to think what a despicable asshole she intended. She tried to hurt a political opponent, she aimed whackos at somebody else. She's a dangerous asshole that means real harm to political opponents, She's a dangerous bitch that intends physical harm. Somebody want to float this mixznthrope a loan, Xhe's dangerous, and anbody doesn't think xo ix z moron, She will attack with a vengeance. She is undoubtedly evil.
- Pqlin targeted Giffords, no ifs ands or buts? Is she happy? Is she domplicit? She's an asshole, one way or another. Putting an internet rifle target on somebody is heinous. She insisted it was her free-speach right. She was an abject asshole. What a douchebag piece of shit, It was Gifford's fault because this murderer was some illegal alien? Where do these assholes get that? More like a Sarah accolyte. Sadly, just another nutcase with an automatic.
- Please explain again why American nutjobs need access to automatic weapons. Please explain how its Sarah's free speech rights to put targets on sitting members of Congress. That was spectacularly irresponsiblde. and the dumbass bitch can say anything she wants to, she got a better person than she'll ever be killed. she pretty much qualifies as a murderer. What a flaming asshole.
- No shit? Sarah gets to superimpose headshot rifle sights, and that's free speach. Bullshit, you fucking morons. Now she got MURDEROUS BITCHsomebody killedand that's exactly what she intended. Shw committed murder by proxy, it's what she intended. she's a murderous bitch no kidding
- No shit? Sarah gets to superimpose headshot rifle sights, and that's free speach. Bullshit, you fucking morons. Now she got MURDEROUS BITCHsomebody killedand that's exactly what she intended. She committed murder by proxy, it's what she intended. she's a murderous bitch no kidding
- hw;s resonzible nindless as she iz, She;z n idiot,; let loose by th internet, What hath God wrought? Murder, That's what. I hope she feels good. bout now, What an asshole,
- as resonzably nindless as she is, She's an idiot,; let loose by the internet, What hath God wrought? Murder, That's what. I hope she feels good bout now, What an asshole.
- She can lay claim to murder, What an inexcusable piece of shit, asshole, murderer. She bought it, She;s a murderer. Asshole, WHt a Shitheel?.
- Automatic weapons? Fuck you NRA, for what conceivable purpose but mass murder and maiming, you pin-dick assholes? Guns ain't manhood. You'll shoot your eye out kid, we can only hope it's the eye you think with. Conservatives spout this Sarah's attractive shit when she seriously looks rode hard and put up wet, most of the time. Ms. Giffords, on the other hand, was quite beautiful, and she practiced inclusional politics. Sister Sarah would never get that idea. She wants the opposition dead as doorknobs, preferably by automatics. She's an irresponsible piece of shit. And the rush to plant this murder on an illegal alien instead of a Palinite nutcase seems unseemly like it was planned ahead of time. It's not impossible that Sarah was annoyed this woman was obviously prettier than she. Mean girls.
- Has the dumbass bitch said anything? She probably does feel guilty. She's a lying sac of crap. and a rode hard and put up wet joke, that good looking shit, give me a break. You are only coming through in waves. I cannot put my finger on it. She has made up a very bad world. .
- I could not wish her anything bad, but she's a spectacular jerk. She has wished so much bad on so many people. She is a shitheel, no way around that. There is no way to excuse her revolting excrescence into popular culture. She's just an egregious asshole. No way to say she isn't. She's revolting, No matter how you look at it. I'd like to hear the MATTHEW FISHER VERSION. Gary Brooker would do just fine. Is Sarah Palin not a disposable creep? An asshole? A purveyor of murder? How is this not about automatics freely available? How fucking looney is that? For what purpose? Seriously? Protection? Compensating for litttle dick. C'mon just admit it you jackasses.
- There is no worse gun nut than an allegedely hot female with the gun between her legs. Sister Sarah Palin is a scourge, , She's responsible for this murder. whether or not she chooses to acknowledge her complicity. Hateful tactics goad hateful behavioor. She's chosen to be a centerfold for hatred. And she's not even attractive. And I know I'll get grief about commenting on her looks. But she brought this up, and the murdered Congresswoman was way prettier. Way. This is not even close. This asshole couldn't see anything wrong with gunsights targeting sitting members of Congress. Free speach, right? Is she that fucking stupid. Is she that fucking dumb about her gun-nut fanboys? She has to have known what these redneck idiots were capable of, if she isn't a total fucking moron. She's insisted on her Constitutional right to goad them. What an opprobrious asshole. And she isn't good looking, she looks nasty and Republican. I live with a middle-aged woman that's marginally insane when off her meds. She looks way better than Sister Sarah when she's nuts and off her meds. Now we have Jodie Foster on the TV. Totally gorgeous, totally brilliant. My personal nut-job is totally brilliant. Totall gorgeous. Everything's strange. Sarah Palin worship is anti-American. She's a cancer.
- If that mom is remotely real, she's a psychopath incapabe of taking care of and raising kids. Apologies for my intemperate response to the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords. The he was just a nutcase carries no water, Gunga Din. That is pretty much like saying i saw a fuse lying there and how could i have expected anything to result if I lit it. And the conservative response is to protest way too much. They produced their own version of what they love to call the race card. Black people, according to these unreconstructed bigots, always resort to some culture of victimhood. Haven't they done exactly the same thing? Well, yeah, they have. except black people were victims of heinous bigotry and these aholes have to make the whole thing up from scratch. Hardcore racist and confrontational politicians that wouldn't know the Constitution if it bit their asse are claiming their rights are being violated and they never intended violence when they broke out those watering the liberty tree TShirts, seriously, are you mentally defective? Well, yeah, but is that an excuse? I'd posit that total looneys are the first people you'd choose not to incite. Talking about reloading as opposed to retreating would seem to be targeting the unbalanced crowd. There is no conceivable way in which this language and behavior was ever anything less than reprehensible. Making excuses just makes your asses look more guilty. These people are crass, and their venal to about the nth. Celebrity underpants for Sister Sarah and her celebrity female offspring, presumably to inflame Levi's passions. I shop occasionally at Victoria's Secret, but because S likes that stuff. don't know why. A naked attractive body is more appealing. Sorry, but, this is kinda silly. Sarah's comments on her intentions are infuriating. Is she trying to claim this never crossed her mind ? She can claim all she wants. She's a liar. She made that whole gun=toting Sarah was some PR bullshit. She should really just shut the hell up. She is a moron. Non? Somebody want to disagree? She intends results from her actions and her inflammatory statements. She's a bitch and she'll fuck over anybody if she thinks it will make her some cash. Zo this entirely repulsive excuse for a woman decided to make a mockery of sense and intelligence. Bag Shia LaBeauf. Look. women have made this whoe thing idiotic. You can't be serious in real life. This is idiot made shit. Whatever. Make this stuff up for real, Look. nobody was guilty of anything. YOY ARE SO FULL OF SHIT. THES ASSHOLES WERE TURNING OVER WHAT SOMEBODY THOUGHT/ . YOU MIGHT BE KIDDING. SARAH WAS PURE BULLSHIT AND insisted she was 't responsible. What a complete dumbass hell up He was a normal gguy. What the hell a43 you talking abou5? Tiger got laid, big fucking deal, and you can all just shu. I believe this woman is aweso0me. believe that is a gorge0eous w0man.nShe'snbeautifup g04g4eoua .nI am not mqn7 2qyq i qmm c0ns9s34q59ntmqm2q6.n9RFYOU W0N'6 X0NQ9W223, 6074NE7PP0DNQHIT
- I think mom is lucky there was no AK involved. My ex and I raised what I consider a perfect child. It cost a fortune. Turns out she loved education, and she went to an expensive grad program at Mass General, and she was brilliant at it. Actually, way back, I got her through a ocntretemps with an idiot grad assistant that didn't like her English papers. Must have thought she was a jock. They hate jocks. It's given. They set out to fuck them over. This is fait accompli and these TA's are invariably fucking morons that tend to grammatical errors. We eat them alive. They dislike athletes because they aren't? What a bunch of aholes.
- "Blood libel" has a very specific definition. It's the accusation that Jews sacrificed children, innocents. By some transferrance this became Jews killed Jesus. This bastardization by alleged conservatives is pretty much obscene, and completely blasphemous. LAMary, Juan Williams was a twinkie like Colmes, allowing himself to be displayed as a pet liberal with no backbone whatsoever. If conservatives aren't lame, why do they find these plush-toy punching-bag liberals for alleged legitimacy? Why not get somebody that will call them on their busllshit and won't just resort to fetal position. Why don't they employ somebody like Jim Hightower? Because he'd kick their idiotic asses with facts. Juan Williams was mealy-mouthed crap. Fired for cause, not his opinions. Coopting the term "blood libel" is particularly ham-handed. As this bullshit is being deployed, it's exactly the race card in reverse. We're victims because we talk about murdering people we identify as tyrants and just generally making random shit up. They are mostly black people and liberal politicians. That's not our fault, they're the ones that are unAmerican. Becknation is threatened, because they have some claim to truth? Horseshit. It's like Happy Jack. They lie, lie, lie,lie, lie, lie. They, and I mean whacko rightwingers that buy the peculiar odoriferous bullshit sold by the Mormon Mountain Glenn Beck, how does anybody lobby for the 30-shot clip? What sort of grunting Ted NUGENT DO YOU HAVE TO BE? and I can understand being born and raised a Mormon, but how do you choose such a joke to convert to. Seriously, what a tool. The "Well , he was unbalanced" excuse doesn't fly. That's why we use our inside voices. We're surrounded by whackjobs that might do our bidding, even if we're not quite sure we actually want these people dead. If they find a crumpled copy of Palin's map in the detritus of Loughners life, will these bastards buy it. Deluded people frequently take cues from real life. No shit, and Sirhan acted alone, and Lee Harvvey Oswald fired a single bullet that caused four wounds. Bullshit. People are loony.
- Mom deserves thebullshit, Hiw dies BYVIDY out thia bykkahir ib bienK OWIOKW?
- I BELIEVE IN FIRST love. I believe in Colleen ellen murphy
- On the subject, Six Feet could not hold a candle to Dead Like Me, and aside from ripping and tearing, that's how you can assess humanity. So much better show it wasn't close. Six-feet was a pretty asinine soap opera, with truly obnoxious characters. On Dead Like Me, you even had to like Jasmine Guy. As good as TV ever gets, and it's American. Brits will eventually fuck it up. This happens in that direction as often as the sodden twinks would have you believe. If these assholes think they had a better Fred G. Sanford than Redd Foxx, they are sadly mistaken. In the history of England, there was never anybody as funny as Redd Foxx that wasn't a queen.And anybody that thinls Benny Hill is funny in any fashion is officially an idiot. It took an Amurrcan to make Monte funny. He sure made better movies Several of the best ever., by a mile. Otherwise, the bastards copied Steve Allen and Ernie Kovacs. Thwy were just incapable of humor unless they flat-out stole it. Nairobi, never to be purloined. Purely hilarious.
- Funniest man ever was not in Monty Python That would be Ernie Kovacs, and I'm old enough to remember the Nairobi Trio. How Republicans make sure the Senate does not work at all. They get paid nearly $200grand for this bullshit? Plus a great healthcare plan? Major league assholes, n'est ce pas? They also get away with crimes, like Kyl bribind his es-staffer. C.mon. Tell me he didn't and that his parents werem't criminally compliant. These bastards cpu;d mpt care less about the law they expect everybody else to respect.
- I always thought Moscow on the Hudson was a terrific NYC movie, and a really good movie period . And I seriously love NYC. It's not Boston, but noplace is. Nobody's supposed to like a Robin Williams movie, but he's made a bunch of very good ones. How do you make a decent movie out of Garp? Get John Lithgow to play Roberta Muldoon, fly a plane into a house, and have a sublime actress like Glenn Close play the perfectly insane Jenny Fields, and put most of it in NYC. The City rules. Damn, I thought Liquid Sky was lame. If Coozledad liked it, I may need to reconsider. He has such good taste in culture, even if it's on the skids. But I really thought the movie was sorry, And it had about as much to do with NYC as Vanilla Sky, but it was not nearly that godawful. A truly atrocious movie. Best NYC movie is Midnight Cowboy. I'd say Dog Day Afternoon, but that's more of a Brooklyn movie, and also way better, NS Brooklyn is not the city. Maybe Inside Man, which was outstanding and had Jodie. In my opinion, Dog Day Afternoon is about as good as anybody can make a movie, aside from Blade Runner, and Brazil. The two best movies ever made. I can say that because it's my opinion. Some Republican ahole can light me up, who knows what might happen. Maybe that Richard Gere movie about the Julia Roberts hooker is supposed to be a NY movie. That certainly sucked. And not just because Richard Gere was in it. He made the best movie ever about Beijing. The Red Corner. Best Detroit movie, no doubt, Blue Collar, with Richard Pryor, Yaphet Kotto and Harvey Keitel. Don't try to hand me 8 Mile, unless you think Warren and Southfield aren't redneck heaven and somehow represent Detroit.. I'd throw in a vote for Boston in any episode of Spenser for Hire. It's the most cinema-friendly city. Copley Square, the Pru. Everything's recognizable. But they are all gonna shoot in Vancouver so long as it's cheap and looks generic. Sure as shit doesn't look like NYC or Detroit or Boston to anybody that's ever been in the real thing. I'm kinda sick of this horsecrap. Don't know 'bout y'all. Bet y'all find this all vexing as well.
- But hey, if it's Lombard St., we're in Frisco. What a crock. Let's see the ballpark or some other landmark. If it's Cambridge, how bout Harvard Square subway sation or Harvard common. Is this too much to ask? Faking cities in movies sucks bigtime. Show is the real deal. If you claim to be in Boston, let's see the Christian Science church. If you're supposed to be in NYC, we want the Brooklyn Bridge. ≈ Chicago, show the loop. These are mandatory. Don't spend your cash in Toronto or some other astonishingly bland Canadian city and try to make it look like America. I've been in these cities. I know the difference. This is cheap, money-grubbing crap, and it's annoying as hell. Watch Gone Baby Gone . That is Southie. Dahchestah. You can fake accents and dialects, you can't fake settings.
- Cooz: I love Pat Garret and Billy the Kid, for Knocking on Heaven's Door, a totally gorgeous song on a par with Tom Waits' Cold, Cold Ground. James Coburn and Kristofferson facing down? Awesome. Not sure what you mean by a drunk movie. but for a drunken guy movie, I'd say that Gayle Sayers/Brian Piccolo movie. But Pat Garret ain't McCabe and Mrs. Miller, the greatest western ever made.
- Sister Sarah is a victim? One of my best friends of all times was my daughter's au Pair. Thank God she was sara with no h. ust from a political a perception standpoint, this woman is so clueless, it would take an idiot that has no business being allowed to vote to actually think she could be President. Not to put too fine a point on things, she is just your garden variety idiot mean girl to whom logic or compassion or living a life in the interest of others is an alien concept. How does that fit with public service? The little girl that believed in the American Way is secondary to Sarah Barracuda. Sarah sure thinks so. She's not a failed Presidential candidate, she's a woeful excuse for a human being, ad a poster child for why Republicans do not seem to understand you can't insist on your own legitimacy because of your Christianity and just make a mockery of everything Jesus ever said and did. We heal the sick. Blood Libel? Does she employ advisors with brains? That is so incendiary and so stupid it is hard to fathom. Does she have a clue what that means. Boner should find this radioactive in this situation. The Teabaggers should find it more radioactive. What is wrong with these idiots? Oh, yeah, they 're idiots. When you're next move is screwing with Social Security, this is all moronic. Here's the deal on Social Security. Every other nation that claims to be civilized, lays people off at 65 and provides a decent life. Boner thinks you should work another five years., when there was an absurd lower level for paying for a national pension. Would rich people have made that kind of built-up cash if they hadn't put a phony limit on what they paid into the fund. WWhat was the limit at which these robber-barons stopped paying into Social Security? In what universe was that fair? When they continuex to accumulate cash? Please explain. They quit paying in and they took cash. Howw is thi not revolting? They are out-and-out robbing. How can you figure they aren't? This is bullshit.
- I wqouldn't want to embarrass Em in any way. She knows Republicans are flaming assholes. Matt might be a Republican. I don's know him well yet. But he seems like a halfway good guy. And he's the dad of my grandchild. Fact is I figured he was OK if Emily thought so. Emily is ridiculously smart. She knows all sorts of muscal things arw important. She knows REM rules. She is just way smarter than just about anybody and better taste in music too You jackasses. I'm supposed to wonder about this? You are so beyond this good try? You people hVE NOO CLUW
- I actually saw Eat, Pray , Love for my Julia-obsessed better half. It wasn't horrible. You can just go John Lennon, Turn off your mind, relax and go downstream. She is a gorgeous woman, that actually looks like a real woman. This is unusual these days. Are those girls in the vampire movies supposed to be good looking? They are singularly obnoxious, anorexic, and unattractive. I like movies to have somebody that looks like somebody I actually knew in High School. Julia Roberts sort of fits that bill, and she is a very good actress. If you don't like Erin Brockovich, or The Pelican Brief, you probably just don't like movies with movie stars, or lawyers. They're seriously good. Lawyer movies where the good guys win: The Verdict, Runaway Jury, excellent movies. I've never understood this trial lawyers bullshit. These people take cases for normal people against spectacular odds and armies of lawyers for no cash upfront. What, as opposed to corporate lawyers that march into courtrooms per second per second to protect corporations from facing up to the damage they do? This is astounding, to me. This sort of battle is usually 400 to 1 or 2. People don't get this? And corporate lawyers just lie their asses off. Sarah stepped in it seriously by bringing up blood libel. What a dumbass. Will any Jewish conservative nutcase ever vote for this idiot again? What a freaking moron, Blood libel? Who actually told this twat, I meant twit, to say that. She clearly has no idea what that means. So she's a ninny? What's new? She has no idea what most of what she spews means. In this case, she's crashed any idea that she's presidential. She's stupid. This confirms it. She has no idea what comes out of her own mouth, or keyboard. Jesus, what a jerk, as Randy Newman would say. What a maroon. She's fucked her political career forever. She's an idiot. Thank God, she's made herself toast.
- Dr. Phil has his own bullshit to deal with. He's a patent idiot that is addicted to telling people how to fix their lives. What a fool. He's Dr. Laura on steroids. What an asshole. Oprah, you should feel shame for foisting this idiot on your watchers. The guy is inexcusable. He's just an asshole. The Voice, he was pretty much stone cold sober when they made the video. So who cares about a whore like Dr. Phil? Jackwad. If the guy can spout, give him the job now. Sunday. Sunday. Michigan Raceway. How the hell does anybody talk like that? And who's in the WKNR Box? That's a question for old time Detroiters, that remember Morgus. It was Father Lechto.
- Who in hell is Robert Pattinson? Am I hopelessly out of date? I don't even have a recollection of a Kanye song, if you could call any of that shit a song, The worst Movies reviews were predictably asinine. Who are these people?Blue Velvet and Eraserhead showed up on these lists back in the day. It's all a matter of taste. The great national tragedy is that San Dierdork is still foing football on playoff games. John Madden is bad enough. I played in high school. Two of my brothers were outstanding college players. None of us ever heard any of these blowhards say anything that wasn't ridiculously obvious. Madden in particular. No duh, John. Hines Ward is the best player in the NFL, and he was just victimized by moron officials. His facemask was grabbed while he made a tremendous block. Refs in every sport screw up the sport. Wannabes, without a doubt. Or they just get dazzled, like letting Jordan take three and reach in, push off, all the time.
- My friends and I tormented Donald Lobsinger for fun and the hell of it. This idiot would be considered a traitor by his obvious current prodigy, the little teapots, because he had a city job. Breakthrough was a Bircher offshoot, and these people were fish in a barrel for radicalized white suburban kids going to City private schools. The motto of Breakthrough was SASO, Study, Arm, Store Provisions, and Organize. At a rally, my friends and I started yelling at Lobsinger, "What about the Y?" Honest to God, this bonehead male Palin progenitor turned, looked at his carefully rendered sign, turned to a compatriot and audibly asked SASOY? From shen on, there were always hooligans on hand to drown out this little jerk with chants of "SaSoy?" Detroit cops were protective of Lobsinger's cabal, and our escapes were frequently by the skin of our teeth, and occasionally not altogether successful. Once, attempting escape after a water ballon attack, a bunch of us got caught trying to disappear in the lobby of the Penobscott Building. People inside barred the doors and trapped us for the TMU thugs that were chasing us. Missed swimming practice for a week with the beating. This bigoted little bastard was a great player of the SP brand of the race card. White people as the real victims. Seriously? Study? Arm? Store Provisions? Organize? SASOY. Sounds uncomfortably familiar, and I hadn't thought about this in years. I do remember that nobody was open-carrying, though. In Detroit back then, that would have gotten you dead, fast, unless you were a really quick-draw. On Raygun's delusions: When he chose a desk from the WH Stores for the Oval Office, he was told it had been used by Grover Cleveland. Ronnie said "I played him once in a movie." First day of first term, commingling American president with famous alky pitcher. I always thought that Letter from a Birmingham Jail was MLK at his finest, rhetorically and philosophically. And the campaign worked effectively in this case. Bull Connor was run out of town for using fire hoses and German shepherds on innocent children, and the virulence of racism in parts of the Southern USA was manifested to the world. I think what mommy actually said was "Tell ,em we're doing the best that we can." I recall seeing this on TV. Her tone was nasty. I think we had people over to watch SNL and then go clubbing, and enough pot had been inhaled that the whole thing produced a very lively discussion of whether this episode really happened or was part of a skit.
- The newsreel is beside the point. Reagan told the story of being there for the liberation of Auschwitz, despite never having left the USA during the war. To Itzhak Rabin and Simon Wiesenthal, no less. Raygun hagiographers can't have it both ways. Either the Great Communicator was having problems on the uptake early on, and had the wool pulled over his OlTimers eyes by global miscreants like Rummy and Cheney, or he was part and complicit parcel of one of the most heinous collaborative acts of treason in American history, Iran-Contra, with the attendant international banking and war crimes. One way or the other.
- Anybody interested in the social dynamics of houses with servants should read Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood. Downton is pretty good. I haven't watched one of these serials on PBS since Cap'n Poldark was buckling swashes back in Welch copper country (if I don't count adaptations of Robert Graves). Downton has the downstairs intrique jacked up, with two exquisitely despicable villains, one of whom has knowledge of a potentially devastating skeleton in the upstairs closet. The mechanism for setting the plot in motion is ingenious and immerses one immediately in the undemocratic caste system world of early 20th Century England. The acting and the writing, particularly the asides, are excellent. Very different from Upstairs, Downstairs. We missed ep. 1, so watched them out of order. I think this enhanced enjoyment of the first episode. You can watch the two episodes that have aired already here. Dorothy, good luck to you both, along with prayers. Cheney took six deferments during the Vietnam era, because, as he said, he had other things to do. Since then, he has relished sending young people to senseless wars on which he's made obscene personal profits (blind trust, my ass) for decades, so I think Nancy's original statement is not that far afield. What exactly could be more revolting than a war-profiteer chicken-hawk?
- Also, the casting of Downton Abbey is really good. The resemblance between the femme fatale and her mother is fairly remarkable.
- Jeff: Cheney's failure to ever challenge his own party on its hatred of gays is pusillanimous, like supporting the Vietnam adventure while weasling out of personal complication in it with every trick in the book but the two that would have done him in forever in GOP politics: conscientious objection, and professing homosexuality. Republicans prefer things like anal cysts. Devastating condition for assholes, of course. I agree on the war crimes. I'm still waiting for Kissinger to face some reckoning. For killing the Allende family, for blowing up Omar Torrijos' plane. Who do you think set up Basket-Head Duvalier (his popular itian nickname) in Paris? Baby Doc was supported by the Reagan administration, because, after all, he was the opposite of a Sandinista. When Duvalier left Haiti, American foreign policy in this hemisphere continued to support pathologically murderous dictatorships. The attitude towards more forward-looking attempts at freedom and democracy was economic strangulation, ostracism, and funding vicious insurgencies. Kissinger Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ollie North were all in this anti-democratic horsecrap up to their eyeballs. Protecting the homeland from the Fidel, the Sandinistas, Western hemisphere dominoes, and training despots and death squads at the School of the Americas.
- Absolutely right, Jolene. The Lloyd George national health reference made me sit up and pay attention. TVs changing channels all over the country, probably. Most interesting is the way in which inheritances work. Are men really in the driver's seat or are women? And of course, how the applecart might be upset by scandal. And Cousin Mary is really played by a gorgeous actress.
- Along with Doonesbury, there is something here worth reading every day. I got hear by way of EZorn, so he can take the blame. The note about shipping the auto plant overseas caused me to think of Taiwan, a logical destination, where the wages may be lower, but public health care is way more efficient and economical.
- I haven't seen The Reader, because I didn't like the book. I'm all for historical verisimilitude in movies. Nothing is more annoying than high fives in sports movies set in the 60s. Nobody did that then. On the other hand, I sincerely doubt that the sight of Kate Winslet's naked nethers would cause me to wonder whether they were anachronistic.
- I BelLIEVE Nncy isthe best blogger I'se ever come ac4oss, Sje'sso smart.she might fe smaryer than I am, though I doubt thats actuallu p0ss9bible. Tin, thenn Ine tin sold9er. Bi;;y Jack. One tin soldier rides away Sarah, I alwas used to tjimk you werew're you you were my good friend. I was right about this ridht. I alwys thougjy you wete attracyibe yoo. Sarah. you alwas nkew I tjouhjy upiu wq243msomebody foumd attractive, vut, no you weree Emily's au paire,Why do you think I bo6ght 697nth swans? O wzs in obe with you, your idiot. I don't think this is my faul4. ('be alwa§s been in l9be wi5y y96. Sinnce the firsr dat I saw you. I know you don't see this the same way I do. but you should consider it. I've always been in love since I saw you.
- WThey never win an election without cheating. It's OK forthe Supreme Court to make shit u they think chepating is some sort of right. they are a flaming buncn of aholes. We make this shit up, but we aren't ome sort of activists judges. We just decide what sort of gucking moron is the president, and we hove it up his ready ass what people are suppoed to go along with. Ain't that Amerifa.
- Dexter, I came here because I read something at Eric Zorn, a semi'brilliant blogger in the way that LBJ had semi-beautiful daughters. I met one of them as a kid, Linda. I thought she was actually beautiful, she shared a moment of having spent time with Bobby Kennedy, who was my political hero at the time. She was gracious, I was thirteen, it was some sort of political meet and great at Cranbrook. If a gunman had materialixrd, I would have have given my life to protect her. Fortunately, this scenario never unfolded. We are all children of political violence, so when some asshoe talks about furthering his raist and statist cause by talking about blood and the Liberty Tree, we take this seriously, Rosey Grier should get his hands on wimps like Glenn Beck and shut his yap up. What is wrong with assholes like Beck that hate America so much? Glenn Beck doesn't love America, he despises the idea that America is inclusive. Glen Beck is so anti-American. Are you people nuts? Do Americans not understand they payed for the School of the Americas and funded every rape of every Maryknoll nun Ronald Ragbun disliked because of liberation theology? And they didn't like the pushy bullshit from Franklin Graham, That was pushed with cash by the US gobernment? HOW'S that sit with you assholes that want to allow US bidness that wants to swny coverage to kids with diabetea That's repeal. And government hands on your Medicare? That's government, in the first place, you fucking morons, So's Social Security. Rich, seriously rich, people are taking this cash, Why is their aomE limit on their QEALTH vout what they py in? On who's backs did they "earn"this this money? Do people that clip cooupoms deserve to get free health care? Republicans think they should get free Viagra. They can't get it up. So are people nuts, or just misanthropes? We don;t want to provide health care to the needy? How is that Christian? How does that make any sense, economically> We don;t want to provide for kid cancer victim because that hurts the bottom line? Fuck you, insurance companies. I run a business. But we don;t decide somebody;s an asshole if we think they might die, We aren't that sold-hearted.
- Mark H, No, I went to UD High. More of a Jesuit than one of those. A far better school. I did spend a couple of summers at Cranbrook Daycamp, in the Theater School, with Carl Wonnberger. I was pretty good, too. It was pretty much wonderful. And the Loins (as Van Packard would say) were hearing footsteps there too. Roger Brown was a particularly nice guy, being huge and all. Gigantic, actually. But we got to know all of those players. Lem Barney and Night-train Lane were the guys I idolized, because I played safety. Lem Barney actually caused me and some friends to start marijuana-induced dance at sock-hops at Catholic schools all over Detroit and Southfield, led by the greatest freestyle flutter kicker that ever lived, Pete Kralick, who could actually make the little boat go. We're talking about kickboatds. Kicking was more or less ajoke. This boy pounded. The greatest kicker in 60s Detroit was Jim Morgan I was monstro, any event but back, and I wouldn't drown in IM, I seem every damn event and dove, in one season. Not the relays. Big Whoop. Who the hell ares now? Cranbrook was fun, and I ruled the Jonah pool, but the whole thing was sordid. Male counselors raided the girls' underwear. Much as I liked the productions etc. I asked to not go back. I was only twelve. I should have said something, about the thuggish behavior. But I also thought the girls should stand up for themselves. I was a little kid,Matk H? you wnt to Cranbrook? I'd neverasmit to that, but it was just for Summer. You went to school there" Could Ackley fart on command> ?
- Geezus Coozledad. Likeshimself? I thought better of you. That guy is a forebrain poisoner. I'd read that shit, but I wouldn't let it indoctrinate me. I found from reading Ezorn. I think I took a higher path. But Lileks. Selling coals to Satan. Cooze, you were my mentor. Lileks, it's a sham' Indie, don't grab it. This framing bidness is horse patooie, as Sherm Potter might say. Now, I believe every thing Harry Morgan ever said, in and out of character. "You'll get no more guns from Kincaid" He was the star of the funniest anti-war movie of all time, What Did You Do in the War Daddy,along with that hippie wannabe Treat Williams, who was in hair, sans merkin. Some of the songs are good.
- I'm the grampa here, so you all get off my lawn. If I get some diretions from y'all that know how, I'll show you pictures of Cole (family name) Matthew (his dad and my deceased brother), and my precious daughter, who'd revolt if she thought I said that. But she's awe-inspiring. And gorgeous. Meantime, Merkins? Never seen one, that I know of , there is no way I could be sure of this one way or another But if a merkin comes by, buy it you must and Mike motorboated it might feel like the real thing, wherever that might be, depending which side you walking. I think it was one of the Jeff's that goaded me about W and the purloined elections. Were they not? They clearly were. Some day, Blackwell will be tortured within an ounce of serving up his Trix, and he will admit how he stole Sandusky County and how the Supreme Court bacon strips gave away the inhogurztion of GW in the first place. These assholes stole the government and enriched themselves. HW did it first. It's called Iran'Contra, and Rummy and Dickless were in it up to their eyeba;;ll. So there, Ya Happy. There was still an asshole that ran two wars off the books to enrich Halliburton stockholders, can't imagine what heart patient that might be. Money just disappeared into the Halliburton maw.
- Alex. That is rude/ Pick yourself up, start all over again. Sorry but home school these days amounts to plopping the kids in a cloud of cigarette smoke and battering them with Glenn Beckk. You have got to be kidding me. Increasingly, parents are fucking nitwits. Michelle Bachman claims to have home-schhooled her children. Riiiight. You lying piece of shit. Educated about what. She is a moron that don't know diddley. What did she teach those kids. Home=schooling is indoctrination and these kids turn out "Village of the Damned" strange. Pologise if I offended anybody. but , you know, the President was brainwashed as a young muslim fellow, very clever and very suggestible. Grew up to be the Manchurian President. What Republicans present since Sister Sarah is toast? Michelle fucking Bachman. Marginallay prettier *they both look rode hard and put up wet), far loonier, if that is actually possible. I remember when Republican women all looked like Bevo. Now they all look like Berlusconi fodder.
- Brian. Everbody is gettin' Off my lawnI realixe O', and paid for these days. I mean Social Security. Republocans want to rob us of the cash we put in. They want to blame this on Dempcoats/ They are major league liars. Somebody please, point out the last time a Republican politician actually told the truth about anything> TA'dum. Ain't gonna happen. Just like Happy Jack, they lie. lie. lie. lie. That's the media difference. Fox just makes shit up. MSNBC sticks with shit that people actually said and things that really happened. O'trillt didn't do that loofah shit. John Stewalt tretjfo;rt made tjat up. He's not that funny, Nd that guy is so disgusting it's almost impossible to comprehend. O'Reilly sisn r thind it was vunny wnouvh ro cLl Chelsea C;omton the Shite Hose Dog/ Sos rhwaw aho;wa wvwe lool in mirroe? Cic rhey ever xinzider rhey qwew feoan mwn shw qas kis? no? Zo, you are zassholra.anpthher try.I'll win, bit I sure don't care onw qay or another/
- Interesting take on America's guns OCD. I still believe the SC showed an appalling lack of command of grammar with their bullshit call on 2nd Amendment. But what's original intent compared to virulent judicial activism. Notice how the activism meme went up in smoke when it became undeniable that Scalia and Robin were the chief perps. The Ballad of Jack and Rose is available for free at the moment on Netflix., for those with subscriptions. One gorgeous actress, and Daniel Day-Lewis is ridiculously good in everything he does. Bill the Butcher, Christy Brown playing soccer. Wikipedia demands a willing imposition of disbelief. Most people should have the critical thinking faculties to suss out being sold a line of merde.
- The sheer volume of political largesse, corruption, ineffective spending, and outright graft in the military budget makes the entire budget-cutting/debt discussion an exercise inpure mendacity. No matter what anybody says, W's dismantling of the Clinton balanced budget and gigantic surplus was accomplished by running bullshit wars without paying for them. When adults accounted for the massive cost of the neocon adventures and intervention, voila, big deficit. Why do the Koch brothers cash SS checks, when every year, basically forever, they stopped paying FICA by about January 2? These guys and their peers feel it's acceptable to loot pension funds to pay golden parachutes to ridiculously incompetent CEOs and fight a class war that is wiping out America's middle class, and now they believe it's OK to balance the budget on the backs of workers that made them insanely wealthy, and stop paying into a national retirement fund on annual income of more than $106 grand. Medicare? Take the Part D drug giveaway back from the drug companies? This was the most irresponsible tit-for-tat politics for campaign financing in Congress' history. In general, admit that other developed countries just have a more sensible economic and political approach, more sensible tax rates, and a more patriotic, Christian and humane class of obscenely rich people.
- Poetic editorial, brilliant headline. Who in hell is Piers Morgan. More or less glad to see Larry "Hall of the amounting " King off the screen, but this Brit tat was the best CNN could do? The fashion columnist from the Guardian certainly skewers the nit pretty well.
- The Rahm Emmanuel appeals court decision is idiotic, and it will be overturned. He's been paying taxes, owning a home, voting, and driving on an Illinois driver's license the whole time he's been in Washington. And presumably flying back to spend time with his family. The basis for this decision is highly suspect.
- Office Christmas parties in the movies: At Duke Bros. crashed by Winthorpe as drunken, filthy Santa with a gun.
- Packers v. Bears: Pack punter was MVP. Hester erased. Rogers was mediocre. All this recrimination about Cutler--inexcusable from other players, ignorant from "fans" that never played any sort of football. Guy would have been an idiot to risk his future with a torn MCL. Also, Lovie Smith and staff were idiots to get into a situation where their first two QBs could not reenter the game. And what sort of rule is this. Played for years, watched forever, never heard of this idiotic rule outside of baseball. I had little interest in this game, until a guy I never heard of, named Caleb, almost brought da Bears back. It dawned on me that Steelers were virtually guaranteed the championship to the Steelers.
- Speaking of running against Obama, recent polls show Michelle Bachmann getting 33% against Obama in a Presidential race. Question is how to get all of that 33% to move to Tejas and secede. Free ice cream for anybody that can find anything true this lunatic says in all 15 min. of this speech.
- Samuel Johnson's definition of oats, which do seem to be a crucial ingredient in Taco meat filling and haggis. Enter the Haggis. Address to a Haggis, with translation. This poem, ode, is hilarious as Monty Python, in my estimation. The great Monty Python take on Scotsmen was Angus Podgorny vs. the blancmange from Skylon at Wimbledon. "Worst tennis playing nation on earth."
- Paul Ryan is a skinflint Scrooge ahole. In the end, I don't believe Americans are going to agree to just set the less fortunate of us adrift, and the SSAdmin bullshit will backfire bigtime on Republicans. Where that leaves the Baggers, God only knows. I wouldn't try to predict behavior in the future by irrational, dumbasses that have forgotten anything they once might have known.
- Bob (not Greene): Paul Broun is an ahole, and a product of major vote suppression efforts in Clarke Co. GA. Athens/Clarke has elected socialist mayors. How Dr. Broun gets elected is a mystery. Student voter suppression is one aspect of this dumbass' success. He does not adequately represent a Congressional district that includes the University of Georgia. He's a personable old fart that represents Old Athens society. So if anything, this is sort of a Town vs. Gown thing. And he serves in his daddy's hereditary seat. Chris Tweety Matthews: What he does could be a model for truncating the filibuster. Still, he's pretty much unwatchable. When he talks so fast he ellides and swallows half his syllables, he looks like he's about to meet Col. Pyncheon's fate. That would be great TV.
- Another Burns Night observation. For Scottish lit, I'm sticking with Lanark, by Alasdair Gray. Hard to believe none of y'all thought it was worth mentioning the wayward grand piano in Biscayne Bay. Probably full of cocaine.
- I've been toying with the idea of buying a ukulele. Don't know whether this virtuoso performance is encouraging or depressing. Georgia state song. Unfair advantage. Ray Charles singing Hoagy Carmichael. Our current state, South Carolina's state song is pretty much derivative drivel, but look at the lyrics of the song it replaced. Pretty much horrifying. Supposedly, the official songs of all 50 states. Just lyrics I think, but how can Alabama's state song not be Play It All Night Long? Or at least Lynyrd Skynyrd? How about Tennessee Stud? Shouldn't Hawai'i honor favorite son Don Ho with Tiny Bubbles? Massachuseetts? Jonathan Richman, Roadrunner. And is West Virginia kidding? I mean there's even a Toots Hibbert version of Country Roads. Colorado? Louisiana couldn't do better with something from the Meters or the Nevilles. Shouldn't there be official state novels and movies too?
- Listen, absence of Scalia and Thomas means room for five people that might better be in the room.
- Sue, There is actually an antigo silt loam song. Written, no joke by somebody named Hole. The Antigo Silt Loam Song F. D. Hole (1980) An - ti - go, a soil to know, Wis - con-sin’s crops and livestock grow; and forests too, on An - ti - go; and forests, too, on An - ti - go. 2. Great Lakes region, fertile land; glaciers spread both clay and sand; Winds blew silt, then forests grew, giving soils their brownish hue. 3. Great Lakes region, fertile land, you strengthen us in heart and hand; Each slope, each flower, each wild bird call proclaims a unity in all. 4. Plant a seed and pull a weed; the soil will give us all we need And plenty more, so birds may feed: and plenty more, so birds may feed. 5. Of all the crops, true peace is tops; its soil is love that never stops; It blesses sand and water drops: it blesses sand and water drops. Slightly corny, but not terrible.
- For Mark Bittman fans: Minimalist''s Greatest Hits.
- Della, I've seen the Maytals many times back when I used to live in a civilized place. Pressure Drop, live, in person, is an unforgettable experience.
- My distrust of Charter Schools undoubtedly arises from living in Southern states, and the feeling that charters share much in their origins with the numerous Christian schools that proliferated down here in response to school desegregation and teaching real science, like Evil-ution. The whole school voucher budness was a grotesque sham. "We'll give you just enough of a coupon that you can almost afford the better education, while our political supporters will get a small windfall." If people are so bigoted, benighted, befuddled they don't understand it is a basic benefit to societal commonweal that Americans are educated, there is probably no remedy to the problem. Blaming teachers and AFT is kneejerk stupidity. Teachers' efforts are hindered by economic and racial economic redlining in the same way as are their students, and to the same extent. Substandard housing + school systems funded by local property-based taxes = resource-starved school systems. And it's a snake swallowing its own tail. This mom's situation is appalling. Too bad the kids aren't really good athletes. And the eternal question. Is our children learning? In Tejas, they prefer they isn't.
- Rana, in my experience, Catholic and other parochial schools accomplish the same sort of self-discipline. Nuns take no shit from kids in school. I went to private (Jesuit) HS in Detroit, where academic achievement was as peer-prestigious as athletics. There was an appreciation of knowledge for it's own sake, rather than for any outcome, and the atmosphere was collegial. It was also the case that discipline was no problem whatsoever. I think the tuition my senior year was a bit less than $900. Same school 40 yrs. later, about $15 grand. Are public schools spending 15 times as much now as they did 40 years ago? Not in districts where housing stock and property values have basically rotted to nothing. Part of the problem is the funding mechanism for public education, which is clearly a manifestation of problems of class and poverty in American society. I've also spent considerable time in public schools in the last 20 years substitute teaching, and witnesses some of the worst of the worst, from kids I believe were convinced there is no way out of abject lives. Obviously, everything is worse for a sub, but I've seen enough to know that huge numbers of teachers are put in exceptionally difficult circumstances, situations that their most vituperative and vocal critics would not, and could not even attempt to deal with.
- You're right Jeff. I was not considering the cost of Special Ed. That cost would seem to be intractable. Perhaps a part of these programs would be better handled by domestic sorts of NGOs, workshops. I'm not sure I'd consider that fair. On the other hand, I've never complained about taxes, particularly as connected with educational spending. My world's a better place, the better-educated, happier, engaged and successful my fellow citizens get to be. It's difficult for me to comprehend how that's not obvious to more people, especially those that proclaim their own Christian values. On the fed level, defense should be slashed. The Pentagon says so and Republicans in Congress argue with them. Nothing is more simultaneously nauseating and ridiculous than Republican chicken-hawk hypocrites lecturing and hectoring experts from the military establishment on the defense budget. Congressman "Buck McKeon" is typical. Privatize SS and throw more cash away on "missile defense", literally shooting bullets with bullets. About a $trillion spent so far to prove it won't work. Do these Congress members claim to know more about defense than the defense planners at the Pentagon? Based upon what experience?
- Speaking of education, nuns I've known are turning over in their graves.
- I’m wondering if this particular wing of the right-wing dog-and-pony show isn’t some sort of performance art piece. We used to think it takes brains to act that stupid, convincingly. I guess a gerbil gnawing a sweet potato in the netherest part of one's digestive tract will produce the desired effect. Maybe this is what produced the steady progression of gas-faces from Orange Leader Boner during Obama's speech. It looked like that podium was going to need serious Febreeze. Karen Finley should infiltrate the Teabaggers, as a spiritual adviser.
- Commentary on North Africa. The events of Tunisia also have a lesson for western governments allied to these countries: the idea that these regimes are stable or are bulwarks against extremism has been proven wrong. Western interests would be best served by more open political spaces, more accountable government, greater social equality and economies where wealth creation is not siphoned off by those close to power. Events in the weeks ahead are likely to make that point forcefully.-Published 27/1/2011 © No telling what chickens may come home to roost.
- Jeff, Isn't that what slimeball Newt has been doing since he was run out of Congress? Still doing it 15 years later. When Challenger blew up, my friend Regis and I had ditched work at about 10:30 and gone around the corner to the Eliot Hotel Lounge (Commonwealth Ave. and Mass Ave.)to watch the shuttle lift-off. Needless to say, we didn't go back to the office.
- Coen Bros. interview. Gladys Horton of the Marvellettes died Wednesday. Great video, Don't Mess With Bill, with superbly slinky choreography. Joan Crawford, one tough broad, until she ran into Baby Jane Hudson. Never had food from Taco Bell. Lord knows what's in the chorizo I buy at the Mexican market, but it's mighty good.
- Regarding the Taco Bell ad: Nothing adds "flavor and quality to beef like oatmeal".
- Here's a public education morality playbeing staged in Memphis that has all of the class, racial, and economic aspects under discussion yesterday. Obviously "white flight" and its ramifications are in play here.
- Backstory of Miami's own bushwhacked piano.
- Agreed, Deborah. I don't think there's anything in a piano's construction that presented an environmental hazard. The photos look like a Procul Harum album cover to me. American gun dealers are apparently arming the Sinaloa narco armies. You buy guns legally, walk into the parking lot, toss the weapons in your trunk, and your an instant gun show, and you can sell to anybody without background checks or permits. Or, you can just enhance your income as a freelance straw buyer. Now that's American exceptionalism. Foolish me, I always thought this term was intended at least in part sarcastically, to refer to jingoist, nativist, racist, no-nothing-and-proud-of-it buffoons. Far and away, the most entertaining book review I've read in years, and the book sounds good too. Excellent title, for one thing.
- It's already cleaned up, Nancy. And those waters are populated with cigarette-hull yahoos that terrorize actual boaters, like Sonny and Rico. Juan Cole on events in Egypt. This guy seems to know more about what goes on in the Middle East than any other American, and is a very reliable source for news and commentary. This is all fascinating, considering the mindless demonization of elBaradei by the Shrubs and their orc minions. Super Bowl news: Best Owner (easily) in professionals sports, and Pittsburgh native, Mark Cuban says Steelers are going to "kick Green Bay butt."
- So, today is a 60-70 day on the island. So bike riding. Some dumbass ran off the curvy road and almost cashed me out. I tore every ligament in my left knee, , and I hyperextended my foot to the point I've got a severe ankle sprain and totally separated my plantar fascia from whatever it's supposed to be connected to. I'm supposed to use a cane, and I'm supposed to think I'm fortunate. Why. I got out of the way of an out of control motorist hurtling at me and rolling, and pulled Sharlie out of the way. Guy was 45 over the speed limit. The deal is, I know how to drive that curve at that speed and not almost run over some guy on a bike. Now, he'a hurt , I'm hurt, He was driving like an irresponsible asshole. The cost of my injuries is all on me. In what universe is this fair? This reminds me of a great movie, Babel. If you don't think that's a great movie, you are a dickhead. Probably when things collapse, we can't be sure what we think. Sometimes, clarity mainlines
- Jeff, and there is the great commandment, You shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Republicans conveniently forget this part when they invoke WWJD. I;m Catholic, so I'm part of some demonic sect, according to a large number of these died in the wool Christian legislators, even though we were Christians first. How does anybody make this shit up anyway? I believe in God. I'm pretty sure, I know that's senaible. Why not? It makes as much sense as not. Makes as much sense as everything happened by accident. How do I know God is not Bokononon? or Kurt Vonnegut? I don't. That would all be fine. I'd like everything to be all wrapped up and cleaned up, but things don't end up that way. Try to make sense of nonsense.
- onnegut? I don't. That would all be fine. I'd like everything to be all wrapped up and cleaned up, but things don't end up that way. Try to make sense of nonsense. I suppose that's faith. Buy the ownerss? Not in a million years. Look at the case of Robert Edwards, who went to the pro-bowl and got his knee trashed. Pats fucked that guy over.
- I had a brother, Matthew, that died when he, and I, were very young. Of Leukemia. He's got a headstone with a lamb on it, very white. I love visiting his grave. My gramma is buried there too, beneath an ostentatious Celtic cross she'd find obnoxious. It's a very beautiful place. My mom and dad are buried side by side near Sanford Stadium, where the Georgia Bulldogs play. I will be too, one of these days. Damn Good Dawg. Clyde Edgerton got this stuff right, about graveyards in the south. Pretty good writer too. Not Walker Percy, but decent. Nobody is Walker Percy. I maintain a belief that Pynchon and Joyce and TC Boyle, Roddy Doyle and Tom McGuane, and maybe Tom Robbins and John Crowley, write poetry, and they approach Yeats but don't get there. It's the concision. But Walker Percy? That is sublime prose. The Second Coming, Love Among the Ruins, Thanatos Syndrome, these are the finest novels written by an American.
- Right, Nancy. Like the famous cabbage soup diet. Just steer clear of Malawi. I don't imagine they even consider providing TP in the Third World jail. If there's a correlation between big sports events and domestic violence, I'd be willing to bet it's generally connected to dashed get rich quick wagering schemes. And this is one impressive and intrepid lady.
- That skyjack video sure looks like Warren, MI to me.
- George "Possum" Jones, meet John Deere.
- I get a kick out of 10 or 12 in. snowfalls. Lived through the Blizzard of '78 in Boston (36-48 in., 70 mph winds), driving a TR-6 (about 8-in. ground clearance). Four-hr., 7-mile trip home from work with at least a foot and a half on the ground in the first few hours. In a Triumph. Had to keep the windows open or the windshield fogged in two seconds. When I finally got home and poured a few fingers of Jack, the phone rang. My brother stranded in Kenmore Square. 10 miles away. Mass Pike was closed, so I had to take Comm Ave. into town to rescue him. Came home by a different route to go to a discount packy. Managed to fit 10 cases of Molson Golden (thank God for that sporty luggage rack and several half gallons of Mr. Boston cherry brandy (seemed to fit the weather) into the car, and made it home without misadventure. Next morning, weather still raging, I made it to the neighborhood Mom & Pop, and bought all the cappocola, salami, mortadella, bread and mustard in the place. The proprietor came by snomobile. I walked through chest high snow four blocks to get there and four more back, hauling a large box and about 35 lbs. of supplies.. When the sun finally came out, in the afternoon, we had drifts as high as the roof of our building. Then, most people, settled in to watch Mike Dukakis in sweaters urging people to leave their cars at home. Peole did go out after a few days, and it was like a gigantic block party. We had way more brewsis than anybody else, so we were excavation central for the whole neighborhood. Unfortunately, nobody came to plow our street. Finally, the town sent a front end loader , which managed to tip itself over running into the ice pack. For a week, the weather was stunning. My godchild was born in the midst of all of this insanity. We drove his mom to the hospital with a n emergency banner streaming from a fully extended radio aerial. Only way to navigate intersections with 25 ft. snowpiles. What the ocean was like during the Blizzard. The whole thing was awe-inspiring. What people forget, to this day, is that less than two months later, during Easter week, we had another storm that dropped more than 20 in. Mayhem was far worse than the original storm. No place to put the snow and ice. So buck up campers, it could be worse. Meantime, Summer music for the icebound, snow-blind and cabin-fevered. Looks like Brian Wilson got his facial expressions and dance moves from David Byrne.
- Blizzards. You people have got to be kidding. "78 AND YOU re jokinng, ans that wSa rhw rwL DEl Rwl SWl, just shut up. We RW Rlking BOUT HORSHSHITHIT.
- LSD ia getting a bad name here. It was actually much fun. For those that couldn't handle it, so sorry. Kinda like carving the turkey. Kinda like mowin' the lawn. Everything get's to this certain perfection, winds up on a customer's plate, then it's gone. Yes, we're talking about the good life, in the foodd chain, love among the ruins, Everything gets to this certain perfection, nothing you can do about it. Hatred. Fountain of Sorrow my ass. Which was the great CELTIC band It sure as shit wasn't that pompous ass Bono and his auto-tuned guitar player. It was Stuart Adamson. Much better singing and much better guitar playing, Of course, there's the Pogues, that are wayo great, there'w no point in bringing them up. They're in a KIA COMMERCIAL. IF i should fall from grace with God. Are these people nuts? Do they know what the song's about? Shane is taking your cash and laughing his toothless ass off at you. And In a Big Country was a better song than anything U2 ever managed. Far better. If you don't think so, you are a pawdeen, and have no taste, or critical intelligence. U2 sucks, bigtime, and Bono can cram his moniker up his widely spread asscheeks, Who needs this revolting self-promoter? He's an ass.
- Asia Times is a good source for reporting on Egypt. Somebody who knows what he's talking about on comparisons of Egypt '11 to Iran '79. It's humorous listening to conspiracy theories from the right wing on this subject. Actually falling all over themselves and more whack than usual trying to find fault with Obama over this. It's also probably germane to point out that neither Rummy, nor Cheney, nor Reagan, nor Col. North, nor Fawn Hall's underwear, nor any School of the Americas Central American Death Squad is involved in furthering this uprising. And Che's old Marxist acolyte, Pepe Escobar, who also thinks the fear of the Muslim Brotherhood is a crock of a scare tactic. Rightwing types have an affinity for dictators, and even in this day and age, see one world government and terriss behind every tree. Not typical "mainstream liberal media", pretty much an unreconstructed and died-in-the-wool Marxist firebrand. Actually. Entertaining writer. Steelers have Hines Ward. the best "football player" wide receiver. Those weenie LBs with 50 lbs. on Hines that whine about his devastating blocks downfield need to learn how to play and just shut up. Besides, anybody that smiles like that when he's playing really just loves playing. Steelers it is for me. I've despised the Packers for a long time. Jeff, are you aware that Rush got a 4F deferment because he had a pilonidal cyst. Pretty much like a boil on his ass. He has repeatedly tried to claim it was an old football injury. yeah from sitting on a bench for a year.
- Nobody is ever going to outdo Prince's phallic shadow play at Super Bowl halftime. He got away with murder. We pretty much fell on the floor, laughing uncontrollably.
- Who isn't to <a href="Bill Bates">a>href="V">blame? How is anybody not? Seriously, can any sane person claim this cat isn't totally insane?. Please give me a break. Obamacare? Which part don't you like? Preconditions? No. that's OK. Coverage for kids? No, that's OK So which part don't don't you like? Obama. And which part of Obama don't you like. He's a Democrat. And which part other than that do you really dislike? Wrong color. Boehner's permanent dyspepsia is most certainly a result of a a black black guy beeing the President. Something about that is just not right. That 3/5ths wasn't just an accident. Original intent meant Italian American thugs like Scalia could impose their original intent, and install a shitheel American exceptionalist idiot as President. and fuck the budget over in the neocon's interest. And act like all of those pallets o' cash didn't just get transferred sub rosa to Cheney's bank accounts. Does anybody think that didn't happen? I guess Iran-Contra didn't happen either. And I guess my old friend Danny Casolaro didn't get murdered by these Reagan assholes either. And Reagan's regime never was responsible for murdering and raping any Maryknoll nuns. Or Jesuit priests. These fuckers were evil, and eventually somebody will hold them responsible. But raping nuns was OK because Catholics were just members of a demonic cult, according to so-called Christians that lived to support the Raygun cult. How were these people remotely Christian? Catholics in Central America supporting social justice aren't Christian? Because they're Catholics? Fuck you Raygun. and Fuck the School of the Americas. And if you countenance shooting Medeiros when he's distributing Communion, you are the face of evil. The great communicator did this exact thing. Fuck Ronald Raygun. He basically signed off on murdering Bishop Medeiros at the altar rail. But you know, Catholics are just some sect. Not actually Christians. Despite being the real Christians to begin with. I'm not kidding. How does anybody get to interpreting the bible,? You really have to be full of shit altogether. These jackasses just pull some verse out of their ass. It rarelely has to to do with anything. They just spout this shit out of their ass. It almost never has anything to do with anything. We couldn't say anything about anything.
- Why is everybody so sure Ben is guilty? legal shit down GeorgIA, WE RIP THIS assholE A NEW ONE. WE HAVE TO BE KIDDING. We Have to be kidding. Are you kidding? Seriously. You have to be an idiot. No ahit you idiot.
- No sahit, She's hLFy doos=looking. We won't be satisfied until we get blood on the pillbox. These people that have this biggus dickus about this Obama shit are a bunch of morons that should just shut up'
- What is wrong with people? What Republicans dont like about Obamacare is that he's black. Fuck them all fore being a bunch of bigots.
- Has HJoward Beal gone off the rails? Glenn is nucking futs over Egypt. All over himself Is it Nazi? Ia it Commoniss? He jusat can't figger. It's Nazi-commoniss but it surely is Obama's fault. Even when nothing's wrong Is it Marxiat, democratic? He can't figure that out. How to blame the nigger. What Gabby Johnson said. This does seem to be the Republican problem. There isn't anything they say they don't lke about the health care law. Not a single qualitativw THING. What they don't like is the Obama part. They don't like he's a democrat. And black. They really don't like the absolute fact he's black. If you continue to think this has nothing to do with race, you are a moron. There is a large portion of moron white males that believe no black guy can run the country. Like qhite guys did a good job. Paint W, Brown. Appointed by an activist court that felt completely comfortable with fucking over the electoral process.
- ROgirl. That's a devastating story. Women cheat, and I just watched Ryan's Daughter. Women are perfidious as men are. There's one for every. For no good reason but lust, which is a poor reason for being a liar. Super Bowl: You have to love Hines Ward. Consummate. So good it's ridiculous.. And this is how you play the game. Witht a smile on your face. Because it's fun. Seriously, those dickheads that are way bigger that complain about getting hit, keep your oversized head in the game. If you get lit up on a blindside block, it means you were not taking things seriously. And Hines will pick your ass up with a smile on his face.
- I believe my mom and dad were tried and true. I believe my spouse had somebody else's kid. I love the kid, seriously, and I'll love her mom until the day I die (it's all my fault). And her mom is a serial ahole, but no way I'd expose the kid to this. Maybe I'm not her dad after all. Some failed accountant is. What a stupid ass. I surely hope he's not the dad. Boring beyond comprehension. You can think about these things however you want to. Do me a favor and make it up the way you like. So what what this nonsense plays. No joke, Steelers. They have the best player.
- Who's to ay. still remember what is fulll of drp. ou zhould conzider aht zchmotz thiz iz.
- It's pretty obvious what Teabaggers find objectionable about Lugar. He is overtly intelligent, values knowledge, speaks English competently, and understands the way a representative democracy might work effectively if not for crippling prejudice, mendacity-larded invective in service to bigotry, and "exceptional" American greed, ignorance and jingoism. Holy shit, Lugar actually thinks the "founding fathers" expected members of the Senate to inform themselves on matters of foreign relations. That's not in their Constitution. And Lugar believes that political differences and party animosities end at water's edge. What sort of namby-pamby elitism is that? Of course, this all may change, now that Beck has leapt into the gaping abyss of 'bagger's foreign policy concerns. His mental health concerns are another matter altogether. This guy is absolutely, incoherently, ragingly, Savonorolaesquely insane.
- Jolene, The rocks (and the camels) in Egypt represented the most advanced technology to which those people had recourse. If a similar encounter took place in Iraq now, where weapons outnumber people 2:1, it would have been AKs. Or else, it's just emergent neo-classicism in Tahrir Square, with phalanxes and chariots in the offing. When Palestinians throw rocks at the heavily armed and armored IDF, they are using what they have available, and making a political statement about their own powerlessness and victimization by an overwhelming, cruel, mechanized state.
- It's hilarious that Rep. Lee represented himself as a "lobbyist" instead of providing his actual profession, i.e., Republican Congressman. Apparently he thought the former less reprehensible than the latter. And what does it have in its handses? Deoderant? British Sterling Economy Size? The blinding speed with which this guys mea culpa was produced would seem to indicate there's more to the sordid story. But who really wants to know?
- COOZ. THE hair is hilarious. Mine sits there where God made it. That do is beyond comprehension. Does he think nobody's on his ass? Does any human being care? He looks like an idiot. Did he help the Mets owners job all sorts off people ourt of their money / It used to be that Sports ownership meaant the o'Mallwey's. They meant racism was bullshit. You can all kiss my ass. If you want to try to claim the O'Malleys didn't change the way Americans thought about race, you're a moron. And if you don't think they did this on purpose, you are a moron. This was a family that knew this horseshit was just wrong. They made things obvious. Magic and Larry. Best friends, No joke.
- 15 7rs. old inside. No way. I'll stay eleven. But I brought a copy of Candy to nun schoool when I was nine. God knows wher I got it. Probably stole it from some old prevert (my sp.) on my Freepress route. At the time, My brother Chris and I used to play whiffle ball games all summer and keep box scores. He had a gigantic poster of Bobby Kennedy over his bed.I think we all remain several ages we enjoyed freatly when we inhabited them. The more of those were teenage years, probably the better. My teen years were sports, scholastics, the run of downtown Detroit, mostly on the bus, but occasionally on Woodward Ave. in a brand new Z-car, not mine. Seger System, MC5 and SRC. Brilliant, jaded and worldly Jebbies + my own wonderful parents for education in lit, science, humanity, and life in general. Championship swimming, football and track. Latin and Greek, featuring Caesar, Daedalus interrea Creten longumque, and the New Testament. Frozen pretty solid in time 6/6/69 when Rosey Grier broke Sirhan Sirhan's gunhand moments too late. Linda, I think Clarence Birdseye and W. K. Kellog, Michigan's own, may have been more influential than Henry Ford, whose most astounding innovation was to design parts packing crates so that they made floorboards for Model Ts. Depriving workers of assembly jobs. Any of y'all ever worked on the line, like at Ann Arbor? I couldn't take it. Got the job because my dad took care of Walter Reuther's grandkids at Metropolitan Hospital. Greatest paying summer job all time. Ostracized: non-union, summer hire. ELP? Bombast? How about years later and Gloria by U2? Far more annoying and less imaginative music than ELP? In ELO's meager defense: Lucky Man, and But we find bombast where we find it. I always thought Gary Brooker and Keith Reid , and Robin Trower were better at bombast. And what exactly is wrong with bombast in music? High dudgeon and holier than thou, particularly self-directed scorn, are perfectly suitable topics. C'est la vie isn't bombast Soozeyourdad I always thought Gary Brooker and Keith Reid , and Robin Trowerwere better at bombast than ELP, and backed it up better with stinging lyrics. And what exactly is wrong with bombast in music? High dudgeon and holier than thou, particularly self-directed scorn, are perfectly suitable topics. There is nothing in rock music more bombastic than the first four chords on the piano in The Devil Came From Kansas. But it serves a purpose. Laser-surgery=guitar by Robin Trower, brilliant drumming, and a wicked political message. And less: I think Joni's a genius, but when i pick out something to play, it's more likely Procol. Unless it's Hissing of Summer Lawns So this age thing? Well, I'm 59, on the verge of declaring for getting my pension money back. How is Social Security an entitlement program? The only people for whom it's an entitlement are the assholes that stopped paying into it at some obscene level of wealth, clip their cou[ons, and watch this cash show up in their bank accounts. Save SS? Jack that cap to about&175,000. Is that socialism? Capatalists either think God meant them to be rich or they recognize the people that made them rich. Are we joking? 300% for the morons that screw companies into the ground. Flat wages for the people that work for them. What's wrong with this picture? These assholes are sitting on jobs because they think it makes business sense. You fucking morons, provide jobs, people can buy you]re ridiculous shit.
- U2 just sucks, and no matter how you define bombast, just winging it like Vox Bono named himself and does, that's bombastic. He's the Jaemarcus Russell vamping with no actual melody and serious tuning by "guitar techs" so he only has to bar. So Bono and that sad exccuse for a guitar player might catch fire. But U2 is way overdone and not really remotely interesting, Who's the musician?. del. Try any song on any album by REM. Way better. That's why they call these bunches of whack-jobs bands. That's why songs have what we call melodies. That's why Bono just wings it and it doan mean dick. There has never been a moment of U2 tht didn't ooze one guy's ego. And I was always annoyed how the other guys just let him get away with being the blimp. Bono, now claiming your name is Vox Bono, that's serious bombast. I could provide a list of popular singers more deserving. Hordes more. Who does this little Dublin shit think he is? Bono? He's not Van. VoxBono. Please, Quite a pompuos ahole. Not Ray Davies. Jusst an ahole that thinks he's a bigger dick. No joke? Bono? Suckas large lemona. One puRE-D JXKass.
- ELP? Not cloae. That's ridiculou.. This is all mssh-up and bdfinger bd-hiesiwurg rguaiculous, Nancy. Jon Beon Jovi and mutidutinous hair bands bought and owned bombast. Sorry but now it's how Cam Newton diddn't know his dad was shopping his ass, and how Florida moossed onthis obvious recruit. Mine didn;t used to be why are they now? Why ia rthia the nezt ungrmmaatical MORON spEAk?
- practices routinely run from after school to 11 p.m. The NCAA allows scholarship football players 20 hrs. per week of athletics related activities. So these people are engaged in some level of insanity that can't possibly be good for teenagers. If a HS football or basketball coach tried to pull crap like seven or eight hour practice sessions, he'd be ridden out of town on a rail, and no school board would ever employ him again. In fact, a college coach who tried it would enter the Seventh Circle of NCAA probation hell, and no athletic director would ever consider touching the jerk with a ten-foot pole, not even in hoops, where gross miscreants cheat like hell and still land good jobs all the time. Just ask Coach Calipari and the weasel Pitino. This woman Nancy's talking about is obviously a self-aggrandizing whack-job like those two that couldn't care less about the kids she's in charge of, from whom those kids need protection. If their parents won't do something, they should be investigated by the state's family services apparatus. Who is ever going to hire Rich Rodriguez, for example? Well somebody will, but he's going to have to lower his sights.
- Jeff, I was at Holy Cross when Clarence Thomas was there. I believe there were eight black kids enrolled at that time. Justice Thomas' account to the Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearings about his time there bears little resemblance to my recollections. It was Spring, 1970, and the Kent State shootings precipitated a campus shutdown, and a clamorous walkout by the six-member Black Student Union, in tactical gear and boots. This actually meant something, because those guys had been hand-picked for a scholarship program. Thomas claims to have taken part, but I think he wishes he had the balls to risk his scholarship and is just kind of making stuff up. Anyway, I find it hard to believe, based on his subsequent legal career, that he cared much about Kent State, and anything at all about the war, or emerging liberal black politics. He has expressed a belief, in no uncertain terms, that high school students are not guaranteed a right to free speech by the Constitution.
- Bitter Scribe, My point is that athletics coaches can't get away with that sort of abuse. It's appalling to me that choir directors can. It's obviously not as physically grueling and potentially harmful as trying to practice football more than a couple of hours at a time, but emotionslly, academically, and in terms of general mental and physical health (you know, sleeping, it's got to produce some serious wreckage. It's also galling because I'd bet that many of these parents are adamant supporters of the view that there is too much emphasis placed and money spent on sports. A fraction of that $100grand for the special effects, could have bought inflatable-padding helmets for football players that would prevent concussions and spinal cord injuries.
- Scamper? Damn, that's evocative. A wonderful word that made my day. Thought of squirrels. Rats with bushy tails. Slow walkers aren't worthy of consideration. It's people tht stop in the middle of sidewalks for conversations, like nobody has anywhere to go. What in the world is wrong with people? We just watched 400 blows. It's ridiculously good. But what's the deal with the title? I know for sure, somebody that follows Nancy, or the grand Dame herself, knows the answer. No joke, I realize the kid was beaten over the head with conformity, but why 400? It's maddening.
- Crossword puzzle. They are so easy. WTF How does anybody have a hard time? It's a joke right? Give me a break.
- Cooz has got to be about 150. Or he's wiser than his years. And funnier. Or a major league liar. But very clever, sometimes.
- Heather: George Carlin wondered why there wasn't a word for that situation. Who knows? Trying to get home? Or to the endzone?
- 4dbirds I think it's fair to say there are obs that heve turned their paractices over to abortions to make sure women in parts of the US have recourse, when practitioners have been terrified to provide the service by targeted murders, clinic bombings and other terrorist tactics. Still, calling them abortion doctors is certainly part of the demonizing. This is more of that LCD Frank Luntz horeepuckey, which was the ultimate Carl Rove bullcrap as a political tactic. Do these bastards like Huckabee? Good luck. He let a guy out of jail that went to Portland and killed four cops. But Republicans are shameless. We'll balance the budget on cutting WIC funding and Home haeating aid to poor people. I live in what must be one of the most schizoid counties in the US. Beafort, SC. We have Hilton Head Island. And we have north of the Broad River, where the servants to lush life styles live and take the public transit that doesn't go both directions. Te LCTransit brings the employees to the Island at the start of their shift and carries them home when the beds are made and the sheets are all clean as a whistle. Many of these moms that work at the Big House rely on head start. Nobody has ever tried to claim Head Start isn't productive, except maybe that asshole Raygun who was unaware as a young man there were actual pickaninnies. And these moms stand in front of me at te grocery store with their WIC cerificates. Now if this is a Christian nation, whatever you do. How do these whited sepulchers get away with this Welfare Queen shit? If we're a Jesus nation, and given my personal regard for the way Jesus thought we're supposed to treat others, No problem. We blow up the defense budget, which isn't doing anything for anybody but killing them. The country is rampant with neoon weenies calling Afghanistan Obama's War. Yeah right you morons. Eight years, than two trying to extricate with the least damage. Meantime, did W ever count a single expenditure on the invasions in the budget? Nope. Did an adult actually have to acknowledge the money had been spent? Well somebody did have to. The money was spent. It wasn't like taking a header off a device. Cheney colluded to make this fucking dope the President. They lied beyond comprehension. Seriously, you piggie Pig Pigs qssholes? Seriously? It isn't remotely funny. Two grotesquely fatass judges that claim to despise jusixiL ctivism, They go all judicial activism. Recuwe? Not a word we understand. No shit. Are you people nuts? How does Cheney not recuse himself? He ate the4DBIRDSasshole's lunch. This is recuse central. He can't possibly say this. It's a no brqiner. You can't even come close claiming he didn't just lie scalia didn't lie hisass off? AND THAT'S REPUBLICANSMARE BULLSHIT I KNOW I'MM SOME ASSHLE. THERE IS NO WY i think qbout you. Athletics is so importqntmA
- The great band, Screaming Blue Messiahs, had a brilliant somg, MegaCity One, that was obviously based on Robo. They also had a brilliant song about will the real Martians please stand up? Mark H please elucodate? How does starving the poorest of us help? Does that put people to work? Please explain how Republicans have any intention of putting people to work. They don't have any intention of doing anything of the sort. Lwtting bastards that never in their lives reated wealth, but inherited it, does not enhanxe the economy. These people that get all the cash from the tax cuts don;t create jobs, They sit on the jof-making apparatus. it serves their money=making bizarrw shit to keep people unemployed to boost their stock holdings. These people strangle the economy, because it enriches them. On paper. They certainly don't give a shit about anything remotely reflecting the real economy. In the long run, they'll eat the rich, because when all is said and done, they will have no more money for rich people to steal. When the middle class is poor, who will these vampires feed off?
- The Lara Logan stoey reminds me of Lisa Olson and the soectacularly bootish behavior of the Pats. the Patriots sucj. They omsosted that Robert Edwards play the flag football rookie game at the Pro=Bowl, Tjey insisted they had his back. They japped on Robert Edwards so fast it was fritening. Running backs famously have a two or three year window, and the league eats them alive. The best in years was Terrell Davis. Two years so good and he's out. This is the classic union situation. Do owners play? Nope. Do owner's risk injuries? Nope. How do NFL Owners have skin in the game? they do not. It's like every professional sport. The players are the game. Owners wish they could have played That jerk that owns the Broncos. he wishes he could have run that 4.4 Champ could always run. He wishes he could jump like that. Daniel Snyder? Eat your heart out. Champ Bailey can still run faster than any wideouts, and he can still drill them/ The difference between Champ and Deion is that champ leaves a mark when he buroes somebody. When he can't p;ay shut=down corner, and he still does, he can move to safety. He hits like like Hines Ward. No joke, Champ is a hitting machine. He's got the speed and the hands to play corner, better than just about anybocy. Nobody even tries to throw on him, to this day. There is no sense in it. He's just too good. He runs faster than the receivers. gots better hands, and he's smarteer.
- The new Republican governors are asshats and could not care less what makes fiscal sense. In fact, they know about enough about fiscal sense to fit in Dhris Shritie's sizaBLE butt. He knew so much he cancelled the tunnell project that would have created several hundred thousand jogs. Why? It would have created jobs. The black gu/t might have gotten ctedit. He's a fat twat with no brains. Hell it's Jersey. What's not to like?
- The new Republican governors are asshats and could not care less what makes fiscal sense. In fact, they know about enough about fiscal sense to fit in Chris Chritie's immense butt. It is exploding big-ass heads up their asses like Chris Christie whose parents were obviously monstrous assholes He knew so much he cancelled the tunnell project that would have created several hundred thousand jobs. Ain't that a man. hae's a piece o' shit.Why? It would have created jobs. The black guy might have gotten credit. He's a fat twat with no brains. Hell it's Jersey. What's not to like? bigasBedgord HLEY BAR Bedgord s piece of suet and gristle. Rwpublican Governor's You mean like Nathan Bedford Haley Bartbour. Now there is a real presidential canfidate. He just lobes him some racists. Does anybody that voted for him in the first place recognize the radical, reborn, whack-job Tim Pawlenty? I doubt they'd have voted for the new idiot version of the cuter Angle, the guy that let the bridge fall down, because his BFF W wanted to cut taxes when everybody rich was rich and living it up. Infrastructure? We doan need no steenkin' infrastructure. And that wouldn't put people to work anyway. Neither would building high-speed trainlines. We're the Republicans. We want you to live without a government, Sort of like Thunderdome, but Sarah P. not Tina. Rich Lowey is seriously yanking it about now. She winked right at him. Well she was a governor, at least for two years, or almost two years. And then there's Mitt, that invented Obamacare before the GOP fucked up health care reform. Oh, geez, he's a republican, and he invented Obamacare. Ever Mind. Jolene, you are thinking with your brain. There is no way shutting off those projects makes a bit of sense, unless you are a scumbag Republican pol intent on getting the darkie out the White House. For sure, the insane anti Obamaism is straight out of Birth of a Nation. This is racist bollocks. If Obama said tomorrow deregulate the banks, Republicans would say they trust the banking industry to refudiate itsownself., and the president is an African socialist intent on letting the financial buttfucks refudiate themselves in the manner of Bernie Madoff. He is just the wrong color for these Dukes of industry and the stock market. Fatass white guy, that'll getcha/ everything will be humming then. Oh, and the Michelle Obama is obese morons try a real woman not an inflatable doll,. She weighs about what Laura Bush did and she's at least 5 inches taller. And I mean no offense to Mrs. Bush, she can't help if her husband is a dildo for Dockless Cheney's butt, but seriously, if you have a brain in your head. That dickhead didn'r come up a bit short. I mean the lobotomy and all, And people are considering anothe Bush. I will move to Vancouver, Certainly this would take divine interventiob from Saint Antonin, That asshole foisted W on the country. With partisan politics and malice aforethought. The Justices that know better will never recuse themselves when they know the Koch cash is in play. You can't sell your shit like you can if you pull the string on the Xupreme Court thing. Clarence does it for the cash and that mildly unattractive bimbo he's marrried to. Scaia does it because he knows better than you do what some 18th Century wahoo with a beoom up his ass was thinking at any given momwent. And it sure as shit had anything to do with legal protections against search and seizurwt. Or militias. Arm 'em all with snlarfed magazines. Let God sort 'em out. That's what God said when hHe anded down hte Constitution.Judfe Scalia, uber alles. Supreme Coirt, where we make totalitarian corporations into just plain folks, And make bun of the English language and grammar just a bunch of namby=pamby bullshit that doan mean dick, like in the second amendment. And corporations and evil twins, they're people too, The Koch Brothers. I picture the Dukes. And all of that anti Dan, this was one hilarious movie. You also forgot about Vacation, which is [ossible the funniest move ever made/. Well no, that's Raising Aroapm, qhich is also one of the best movies ever made. Actually Republocan Gpvernors are fppls in general, and have no leg to stand on. Republican fovernors are the fat=ass Gkenn Beck lookalike, the half-termer when she realized she could make more cash bashing the semi=literate baby.daddy of her illiterate kid, Miss some caribou with a really big gun preaimed for youavrwe you lcaimed to be all shooting from a helicopter. You can't shoot a rifle for shit when you are propped up with sandbags. You lie and you can't stop. It's pathological. You just have an insatiable need to lie your ass off, That governor? Wee, half or so? Republican dovernora. . They loe thay asses off. Black Guy? White House? Does not compiute. You are talking about the "Willie Horton" scumbags/ HW let much more heinous folks free, but Willie Horton with face seriously blackened ruled. That's the modern Republican PartySomeday in the near future, they'll look back on when they used to be the majority. So these assholes figure that giving a minuscule tax break for purchasing what is undoubtedlt medical apparatus equals the ultimate apogee of the nanny state. No pediatrician that ever lived didn't think mother's breast milk wasn't best for kids. Nestle and other conglomerates have made this a big deal by pushing powdered formula in third world countries with substandard water. The let's give infants sholera jam. Knowinlgly pulling that bullshit is the sane thing as outright murder, And the perpetrators are pulling a fast one on the First Lady. I've gpt no lady lumps. I can only contribute good looks and a Y chromosome. But my dad was a spectacularly well-known and serious pediatrician He believed wholeheartedly in the efficacy of breast-feeding. It's what mammals do. Last I saw, we are mammals, right? Why is it that whackjobbers jabe a problem with this. Dan't stand the sight of a bteast? Driven over the edge into sexual rage by the sight of one bare breast being suckled? Looking at Michelle Bachmann, I'd say those were wizened and all dried up, probably poisnous. Yuck. Who's more revolting, Sarah or Michelle. Both with NWSED in my opinion. But Rich Lowry She does appear sort of human.
- I've lived through the most amazing airport stories I've ever heard of. In 1969, I set out from Detroit to meet a girl I was heqd over heels for that i had met on vacation in the Bahamas. Her name was Shirley Johnson, and herdad owned a HoJos motel in Rapid City. We liked each other a lot when we met in Freeport, but we were sort of attached to others. We spent one superb night together, and met qat dawn to go diving. This was purely innocent. So we corresponded, and I arranged to go see her in the Badlands. t was a strange visit, but damn, she was wonderful. Somehow, I hope she sees this now. I was a dumbass kid. How was I to know she was just about a perfect companion. I screwed this up , and it's all my fault. Meanwhile, my second carrier, Northwestern, had gone on strike. They left me stranded in MinnSt.Paul. The airport had coin op booths to shower and sleep. I went to see a baseball game where I saw the great harmon Killebrew hit three HRs. It was one awesome layover.
- I KNOW y'all get a kick of that product called artisinal. We just bought a bag of salad labeled artisinal. Who'd be the artisan? God? No jokw. RTISINAL SALAD? ARTISINAL LWTTUCW LEQVES? WHO MAKES THQT AHIT? NO DISRESPECT INTENDED BUT GOD MADE LETTUCE, IS HE AN ARTISAN? I SUPPOSE HE IS. NOBODY WAS AROUND TO TELL HI, HOW TO DO IT. I SUPPOse HE Hs hD TO FIGUEW It OUT ON HIS OWN.. No shit. Coulsn't we have Grace andd Earl back? It's slightly more obvious.
- I KNOW y'all get a kick of that product called artisinal. We just bought a bag of salad labeled artisinal. Who'd be the artisan? God? No jokw. RTISINAL SALAD? ARTISINAL LWTTUCW LEQVES? WHO MAKES THQT AHIT? NO DISRESPECT INTENDED BUT GOD MADE LETTUCE, IS HE AN ARTISAN? I SUPPOSE HE IS. NOBODY WAS AROUND TO TELL HI, HOW TO DO IT. I SUPPOse HE Hs hD TO FIGUEW It OUT ON HIS OWN.. No shit. Coulsn't we have Grace andd Earl back? It's slightly more obvious. I just think its inda funy when lettuce is presented w qrtisinal. Who's the artisan? God?. I mean, He kind of made lettuces of one sort or another, If we agree that abelling anything artisinal, like bread, is bogus, How absurd is abelling salad that needs no human hands artisina? How bixaarre is this oxbxept? Artisanal salad? I mean, what artisan made the lettuce? That could only be God. right? Brian Stoudar, please point me in the right direction.
- Busting public sector employee's unions is a Republican shibboleth. It's lie the Golden Fleece of Republicanism. Of course, Public employee's pensions are a legal obligation. Nobody used a gun. If state governments can just refuse to pay a contractual and very legal debt, why can't I tell the bank, sorry, no cash here, I know I promised, under no form of duress, to pay you back this money, I simply don't feel I can meet my obligations. And you are not getting back my Beemer. Attacking public sector workers and their unions is a perfect example of divisive and demagogic Republican garbage at it's most revolting and unAmerican. And cops aren't buying this bullshit, when the anti-union assholes attempt to buy their servitude by leaving police and fire pensions untouched. Cops are standing with government workers in Wisconsin, where the governor has admitted to cooking the books, with the express purpose of busting the union. This is more than anything an assault on teachers and public education, in part because they teach actual science instead of mythology. And this is, of course, all about "the bureaucracy". Like every goniff working for Walgreens that spends office time emailing Obama/watermelon jokes isn't working for a bureaucracy. Every business organization is, by definition, a bureaucracy, and in aggregate, they waste vast sums that dwarf all of government spending, and people just pay and pay without complaint. Of course, those private sector bureaucratic drones were dumb enough to forego collective bargaining, so now they're making 1/300th of what the bigdogs get, and their pensions have been absconded out from under them. And Medusa can't shut up about this. How about trimming the budget here, you idiot, or at least give back your share. Oh, and it seems Alaska likes Obamacare. According to Scalia and his brethren, corporations have the rights of individual citizens. Perhaps they should have the responsibilities that accompany citizenship, too, and actually pay taxes. They don't, in droves. Hell tax them at my individual rate, if they have my rights as far as election funding. Budget worries finis. Big Macs will be more expensive, though. As for catcher's knees, Carlton Fisk went into the crouch way more than Johnny Bench. Caught 2226 games to Bench's 1742. Better stats lifetime. Better player in general. Actually, Pudge Rodriguez , Bob Boone, Gary Carter, Benito Santiago and a bunch of other guys caught more games than Bench. It's all that Big Red Machine tripe. Of course, I'm seriously biased, and bleed Dodger blue. Spring training in Vero Beach in utero 1951. Now, Campanella was better than either of those guys. Pitchers vs. catchers. Pitchers' impact on game outcomes is huge compared to catchers.
- With the Palin humiliation, I wonder how many people understand that her book sales figures are artificially inflated to a huge degree by jackasses like Richard Mellon Scaiffe that buy them in Limbaughian bulk and give them away to all sorts of Pacs to use as gifts for PBS-style pledge begging. If you roll up all the teabagger states right objections to Obamacare into one greasy splat of Cuccinelli guano, how does it reconcile with the Defense of Marriage Act? How about full faith and credit? DOMA has produced such obscene inequalities, it should embarrass do death all the hypocrites that endorse it while railing against the AHCA. 'Course, they didn't call it Obamacare for nothing. People like all the individual provisions. The part vehent opponents don't like is the "Obama" part. Wisconsin media commentary: For a change, the left has won the 'framing' battle. Nobody but Townhall, Fox and Freeperland are calling this balancing the budget. It's busting unions, and, increasingly, the direct assault on one of the last bastions of the American middle class. It's possible that Republicans swilled too much of their own Midterm massacre referendum hooch, and they're acting stupid and blustering like Mel Gibson after a lot of Fosters and Jaeger. And when was the last time any House Republicans talked about balancing the budget or making meaningful inroads on the budget deficit. Now it's all just meaningless and infantile "cost-cutting" babble, because it's dawning on people that ▪ any serious attack on the deficit requires raising taxes, ▪ nobody wants to whack SSecurity, and ▪ medicare is immensely popular. Republicans really agree with Deficits Doan Mean Dick Cheney.
- Mark, Walker issued what could be easily characterized as a terroristic threat, talking about baseball bats. He's obviously too much of a weenie to consider wielding one himself, but he'd obviously like to. If the emperor wanted him to. What a maroon. The guy is stupid. And self-aggrandizing, and arrogant and a zombie Republican. Out eating brains. You have to be a mighty liar to claim United States citizens favor busting unions, particularly the union of those evil teachers that buy their own classroom supplies from their dogass salaries. Let's compare to private sector. Well that's impossible because the kids are way obnoxious, not overfed zombie consumers. Then, when these comparisons are made, all those "fries with your burgers" jobs are included, to make it look like teachers are somehow overpaid. Where's the private sector analog? And what's more important? The Republican Party attack on public education sounds, grossly, like "keep your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed". It pays for people to be bone stupid. Fux News consumers are mighty liars. To themselves. They make this shit up. Mainly because a black guy is president instead of that worthless white schlub Scalia appointed and the PNAC jacked around because Saddam tried to kill his daddy. The PNAC never asked W to sign on. They thought he was a lightweight idiot at the time, not an idiot interlocutor for Cheney. I've been a teacher. way-longterm sub. It is a spectacularly long-term time-consuming job. Teachers do the most difficult job there is. Attacking the NEA is Jphn Birch republicanism at it's most despicable. It is absolute crap. Is it possible Americans are a bunch of dickhead idiots?
- Yoy might be dumber than the Governor. Then again, you might be stupid enough to siill be able to remember to breathe. But who butters you're bread and who bought and paid for your political ass, you should recognise the voice on the phone, This should be phone accompli, right? Even Lou Sarah would have figured this shit out. Walker is the total idiot. Dumber than grunt, or Lou Sarah. Or Ron Mexico. Dumbasses. And Fr. Coughlin died a way long time ago. Catholics, in Detroit, these days, and at least in any institutional consideration, would be Tom Gumbelton, that would be the Jesuits that run the HS and the college. They tend toward activism and social justice, and most American Catholics do too. There are about 3mil Catholics that consort with the radical right aholes like Bill Donahue. He misrepresents about 60mil other American Catholics. This gets ridiculously old with most of us, that marched in Birmingham MI for open housing. Unitarians back then were wallflowers, except for Wm. Sloane Coffin. Jews and Catholics pushed social consciousness beyond a decent idea in the United States.
- Why parents stood for Jack Kemmedy, wheN that was anathema, Down south,. We lived in Memphis. at that time. When we moved to BiRmingham, we wwent to block-bUSTING,arches. I mean, my family believed wholeheartedly in civil rights and making our beliefs well known. My dad introduced me to Walter Reuther. And he thought that was a great man. My dad was a way talented doctor and he believed whole-heartedly in the UAW. His little hospital at twelfth and Tuxedoe provided health care for the UAW. They thought it was important. I reLLY BELIEVE IN UNIONS, I believe that anybody that opposes unions is probably some scumbag. These union busters are assholes.. My dad that thought Walter Reuther was a great man, or this pissant governor? I'll take my dad that was a world renowned pediatrician. Seems like beating up on morons. And you Johnyy Bench folks. Joe Morgan can croak all he wants. Johnny Bench wasn't John Roseboro. He was excellent, But Pudge was just as good. Take a look at the numbers. and don't talk about defense. Scioscia and yeager wer better defensively. Joe Morgan can croak all he wants. Wvery player on the Big Red Machine was not the best player that ever lived. Concepcion? Please. Joe Morgan thinks he was better than Oz? What a moroon. Ozzie was better than anybody. He was the greatest fielder that ever lived. Perhaps there are Reds fans that think Pete actually could field a position. Pete rose was a butcher wherever he was deployed. Reds fan? He wasn't horrible with a glove? He sucked. And his assault on Ray Fosse was pure bullshit. He was an asshole. That assaulted a better player. How was their an excuse? He was just an asshole. Is their some excuse for Pete Rose? What he did was spectacularly inexcusable. The catcher whose knee he trashed wAS ABOUT THE BEST CATCHER ANYBODY HAD EVER SEEN IN YEARS. WAY TO GO PETE. THAT'S THE REDS. THEY ARE SO full of shit. Just ask Joe Morgan. . He'll gladly tell you Concepcion was a better shortstop than Ozzie. Because every member of th Red Machine, including himself, was better than evetybody ekse. Was Joe Morgan a better 2ns baseman than Davey Lopes? Bot hardlt. Wherendoes this dumbass claim there was a better SS than Ozziw. Ia aomwboody kissing, Sroakinf? . The best defense and offense at SS is Jackie hands down. And Joe Morgan doan know dick. And Johnny Bench, vs. Pudge, Ed Armbrister cheated like a bastard, I just Don't get the Johnny Bench hagiography. There were better catchers, Yeager was better, Threw guys out at third, . Scioscia was better behind the p;ate. Fisk was at least as good a hitter and COuld wing the ball. What was so great about Bench? Was he better than Thurman Munaon? Nope, Not close to better, Not remotely better than Pudge. What makes Bench so great if it isn't the croaker insisting? Joe Morgan is full of ahir. Wvery player he ever played with is the best. He thinka hw'a the greatest 2nd baseman that ever kived. Lopes was better than Joe MorgB. SO WHATS THE DEAL ABOUT THE REDS? FUL OF SHIT.
- If you take the tops off the mountains and fill the cricks with dross, how is there water to drink? If you destroy the watershed? What;s left to drink? Are people this fucking stupid? Tou can;s fill the cridks in the hollers by topping the mountains and expect there to be potavle water, if you aren;t an idiot.Judge moron. Is everybody a moron. bought and paid for by Blankenship? What the hell is wrong with people? It's the water and it's the aquifer. and if people don't understand this they are apparently to dumb to understand they need water to drink.
- Nancy, do you honestly think Winter's Bone is a better movie than Frozen River? Not close? In my opinion. What the hey. The asst. mgr at my local Bi-Lo is a dead ringer for Melissa Leo. She's been the best actress since the best show in the history of TV, that would be Homicide, I mean, what is she supposed to have to do? And you know, this dysfunctioanl family movie stuff, try the one with Sean Penn, Bullseye. I still say Frozen Tiver is better. Melissa Leo is so good it's absurd.
- Brian, I figure those condiments and croutons are in little packets because the pWcket industry is making cash. Seriously. how baad can croutons be. we make our own from store bakery bread. You make suitable sizes, put it in a plastic bag, throw in suitable herbs and spices with some olive oil. Shake 'em all up. You put de lime in de cocoanut, den you feel bedder. Spread on a sheet pan and bake. What could be healthier? Good bread is healthy eats. Good bread with olive oil is wonderful. . This whole discussion is getting on my nerves. Ribs are major sources of fat? In what fashion? Ribs in general are lean once they've been cooked. Michelle Obama wouldn't be a fit for the SI cover because she's somehow obese? You fucking dumbass, she's close to 6 feet and weighs in at maybe 140. This is just like aholes that hate the WNBA because , well, because they hate women in general.Neither would Rush's most recent golddigger. No woman would have anything to do with that porker except for cash. He's spectacularly revolting. Oscars? Who actually cares? Shouldn't Natalie Portman have won for V? Do any of the appointed movies measure up to Inception? Maybe True Grit, nothing else. King's Speech? Fuck the Brits.It's movies, for Godsakes. It seems obvious to me that Chiatown was as good as you get. Best movie eveer made. Could be wrong., but what?
- Brian. That hero was waging a terriss war on a free people that produced greatest poet (WBY) and great novelists (JJ) and yes, I've read Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake. St. Pats day looms, and they'll be coming out of the woodwork. In this day and age, the fact that there is still a Northern Ireland is basically obscene. Who do these aholes think they are? England's produced Evelyn Waugh, and no poets since Shakespeare. I believe they are trying to claim rem is an Atlanta band, And they do. purloin. Yeats is so obviously better than any homegrown poet, Brits want to claim Irish are Brits. This land was always ours the proud land of our fathers, it belongs to us and them, not to any of the others. It's not an empire anymore, you aholes. And Canada, will you tell those imperialist jerks to take a hike. Dumbasses that still buy into that PNAC bullshit ought to consider how that maiier of thinking pans out. But Dickless Cheney made mucho cash when those palettes of cash disappeared. People are just dumber than grunt. I do think Inception is clearly the best movie. And as far as England getting their ass out Ireland, they've no business there in the first place. They are occupiers, and it's bullshit. Get their asses out. Who do they think they are? Fuck the Brits. How are they not Gadaffi? It's Ireland, you morons, not England, Get them the hell out. Isn't that what W wanted? He looked into Putins eyes and knew he was a great guy. He knew Gadaffi was a good giy. He s W seems to have been lacking in the gut feeling department. He seemed to like maniacal murderous asshole dictators, What a great reader of character.
- Brian. That hero was waging a terriss war on a free people that produced greatest poet (WBY) and great novelists (JJ) and yes, I've read Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake. St. Pats day looms, and they'll be coming out of the woodwork. In this day and age, the fact that there is still a Northern Ireland is basically obscene. Who do these aholes think they are? England's produced Evelyn Waugh, Kingsley Amis, and his decent but odious son, and no poets since Shakespeare, Chris Hitchens, what writer that's not a neurasthenic shitheel?. I believe they are trying to claim rem is an Atlanta band, Because nothing good came from Atlanta since the Brains. And they do. purloin. Yeats is so obviously better than any homegrown poet, Brits want to claim Irish are Brits. This land was always ours the proud land of our fathers, it belongs to us and them, not to any of the others. It's not an empire anymore, you aholes. And Canada, will you tell those imperialist jerks to take a hike. Dumbasses that still buy into that PNAC bullshit ought to consider how that matter of thinking pans out. But Dickless Cheney made mucho cash when those palettes of cash disappeared. People are just dumber than grunt. I do think Inception is clearly the best movie. And as far as England getting their ass out Ireland, they've no business there in the first place. They are occupiers, and it's bullshit. Get their asses out. Who do they think they are? Fuck the Brits. How are they not Gadaffi? It's Ireland, you morons, not England, Get them the hell out. Isn't that what W wanted? He looked into Putins eyes and knew he was a great guy. He knew Gadaffi was a good guy. W was too stupid to be asked by the PNAC to sign their letter to Clinton. So why did they appoint him President, and let him rain shock and awe on the guy that tried to kill his daddy? And run up the tabs on wars that produced $2trill in deficits, OFF THE BOOKS? Because the deficit matters? Cheney was clear. Deficit doan mean Dick except it boosts his bpttpm line when Halliburton hijacks pallets of cash. W seems to have been lacking in the gut feeling department. He seemed to like maniacal murderous asshole dictators, What a great reader of character.
- Why were there barnacles all over Cate Blanchett? And didn't Reese Witherspoon look like a perfectly drawn pint of Guinness? Wisconsin may not have the pettifoggingest Governor in the USA.
- Horse races on our beach. Beautiful animals, and they run like hell. This is an annual outdoor party, reminds me of the Head of the Charles Regatta in Boston. Oldest horse in the race won.
- The Russian wedding pictures remind me of Kids in the Hall--I'm crushing your head.
- ai kno3 ai;,ll get slwgged for thiw or ignored. breqkfqwt when you hwve the time without pork productw ie w 3weted opportunity. the other white meat? Good wuewge hqnt put me on the cholewterol highwqy to hell. Sausage is a great invention of mankind Like chili, leave out the beans. When anybody thinks beans go in chili, I am way skeptical. On a biscuit with horseradish and good mustard. With good coffee? One thing is de rigeur. Good coffee. Leftover good pizza is all the food groups if you include a brewski. . Earlier the better to get a good start on the day. Sausage and biscuits. The full-boat schmir with sausage, good coffee and keith jarrett winging it Tons of coffee. I like yogurt and real fruit. But could , please, one of y'all tell me what Greek yogurt is? How is that different from yogurt? What exactly does that mean? Greek?greek yogurt? I read classical Greek in HS. Jesuit school, you know? What the hell is greek yogurt? There is no way to say how much I CAN'T SAY I UNDERSTAND. THIS SUCKS. This grosses qre connected with the high school kid i w
- So , I'm the biggest asshole rver. YOU HQVW GOT TO BE KIDDING. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY ABOUT ME? you qre so full of shit it's qwtounsing.
- Brian, The great glass crescendo building of all time was the new IM Pei Prudentialtower in Boston, back in the day. Gigantic panes of glass just dematerialized from the side of that building and hit the sidewalk as shards. They ended up with some bizarre vacuum effect HVAC and temperature control system that caused the sheets of glass to implode rather than explode, so, presumably, only people inside with good health plans got showered with glass, instead of random passersby going to the Mother Church of Christian Science, right around the corner, who I expect, don't buy insurance. After all Jesus Christ is their physician. And Frank Rich was a culture vulture for years, and wrote reviews. Somewhere along the line he got pissed off about the state of American political existance. Barracudas vs. herring doesn't serve the people. If he's moving to magazines, he better go long form. And that could be a mighty thing to see and read. Guy knows what he's talking about, and he's an elegant writer. Anyway, when I no longer have the NYT on paper on Sunday, I won't get up and put on the Koln concerts and make brilliant breakfasts with major league pork products and lots of butter. My world will diminish. I'll still get back into bed to fool around, but it will not be as much fun anymore. My favorite thing about JSchool, besides having real newspaper people for faculty, was the "liberry". We had every good paper known to mankind. It was an island in the sea of tranquility that college is. Everything is available. My dad frequently used the trope (that was a meme before somebody thought they had to embellish) about the world is your oyster. I know what he meant, and I cherish his intentions. He was absurdly brilliant. He was a brilliant pediatrician. He left that specialty late in life and became a board certified ER doc, at which he was also brilliant. Then he got bored with the ER firefighters hours and took up law school. At which he also excelled. AT 60 something my dad scored better on the LSAT than my brother that was saluditorian of his law school class at UVA. I've always thought this was hilarious. Never took the law exam. I did take the Miller Analogies and came up with a 149/150 and I'd defy those aholes to tell me what I might have gotten wrong. To this day, my 790 on the verbal SAT is obvious bullshit to me, and undoubtedly a failure on the administrative side. On the math, if you don't have a clue, you pick the answer that might be reasonable, you prove it back through the problem. This was my method. got a 680. I've always wondered if there was a way to earn money taking standardized tests for other people. People will follow Frank Rich. His opinion means something. He called out that hillbilly cheroot of the moron Bush better than anybody. Did somebody think that shithole actually put the costs of thee invasion in the bufget? Whoops? We acted like that didn't happen and we put it on the darkie.
- What I think about Frank Rich is that he's a superb writer. I mean, really good. William Buckley good. I believe William Buckley is the single most despicable sophist shithead that ever lived. He never believed in anything he supported in print. It's my belief that Buckley believed in social justice. I'm sure he did. Buckleys great moment was his confrontation with Gore Vidal. "If you call me a neo-Nazi" again, I'll Punch you in the face. Or Howard K. Smith on Bobby. He wasn't having any. What an asshole. Could anybody claim it wouldn't be a better country if Bobby had been the President?
- It does seem obvious that everything would be way better if Bobby Kennedy wouldn't have been murdered and would have been the president. Instead of Nixon. All this corporate shit woulld not have taken place. It's sort of strange. The Kennedy's had their own cash. They would never have felt obliged to the Kochs. So we end up with assholes like Wanker? This is ridiculous.
- Do you really think winter's Bone is a better movie than Frozen River? it isn't. The lost baby regained. Awesome. And better movie. It was a better movie. Why's they call them movie. That's a much better ending. In the long run, the sean penn movie is better too.
- Really Nancy, do you think that was a better movie than Frozen River? Or whatever. It was not. Now what about? Eggs and bacon. A breakfast without pork products is an opportnuity wasted. And we In't no Cholly Sheen Is this guy seriously such an ahole that even his apparently righteous brother won't try to help him. . Real bacon andreal sausage, that be breakfast. when you can afford the time. It tastes best, and if we aren't fatasses yet, we find it delicious on our biscuits. Bacon isn't fattening we do it once a week , we commute by bikes. we're still pretty skinny. f this is supposedly not healthy eating, so sorry. nothing is better than a sausage biscuit with hot mustard and a brewski for breakfast. Breakfast of hampions.
- It was a very good movie and decidedly derivative. It robbed off Frozen river like it was going out of style. . Movies steal from movies. Just watch Leon. , a wonderful movie. It was the sensible version of Taxi Driver, and, Sense in bloodshed instead of wholly senseless bloodshed.I think. a better movie. Better movie, for sure. And Raging Bull sucked. I mean, it was an atrociouss improvised piece of shit. Fuck as every part of speach for an hour and a half. Bag it Bobby Deniro. try hiring writers. That was bullshit. I know everybody else thinks that was brilliant, sorry, I thought it was crap, and there is no way I believe the actual fighter is that much of a moron. Maybe he is. The portrayal made him out to be subhuman. Raging Bull was a piece of shit movie. Moronic. and terminally abusive. I'd question the sanity of anybody that claims to have enjoyed that POS movie. The great Robert DiNiro movie was unquestionably the one where he played the bounty hunter after the Duke. And Deerhunter was astounding. , Hasn't Robert DiNiro been making bullshit for cash for a long time. Michael Caine threw in the excellent occasionally, like Old Lions, a seriously good movie, and Robert Duvall was in that too. Robert DeNiro continues to make awful movies. Fokkers? Is he Focking kidding? For the cash? Because these are not even remotely funny movies. And drags Dustin Hoffman into this shit? What is wrong with these two guys? Not enough cash? It sucks when great actors make dogass movies.
- Seriousy, if somebody finds it clever to call a movie Little Fokkers please 'splain it to me, I did't get it, you idjits. What sort of stupidity? Who needs this crass crap?
- Yeah, Huckleberry, those Indonesian Mau Maus were pretty scary. This is pretty much like the infamous Willie Horton simultaneous Time and Newsweek covers. Scary black guy. Which cover had the blacker Willie? I love hockey, but college hockey is the better game. Nobody fights, because of instant suspensions. Nobody connected to the Wings wants to talk about that sort of thing. Gordie Howe was a great player, but he was also a ridiculously adept dirty player.Still, though TY Domi's acquaintence with skates was pretty much limited to standing up on ice while boxing and throwing cheap shots, the brawlers never gave me a problem. What is far worse is the cheap shot artist like Ulf Samuelson, who trashed Cam Neely's knee by purely dirty play. Neely vs. Samuelson, on a continuum of brilliance, speed and being a good guy, about 100 to 0. Nobody with any Wings allegiance wants to admit it, but Gordie wasn't just one of the all-time great players, he was also adept at stickwork and dirty play. My family moved from the South to Detroit when I was in about 5th graade. We were riding in the car and there were three or four interceptions in less than a minute. My brothers and I could not figure out how this could happen. Back in those days, Wings had a very Neely-like player in Gary Unger. He was a sports star for the '60s. Showed up for celebrity golf tournaments and played courses barefoot. Longer hair than John and Paul together. We just bought a copy of Slap Shot at the grocery store for $4.99. This is a de rigeur sports movie. We were a family of jocks. All of us decent or better, over a wide range of sports. (Football, baseball, hoops, swimming, diving, track.) Nothing could convince me that participation in scholastic sports isn't very good for teenagers. Swimming is the best, because every single kid regardless of talent that practices gets a chance to compete in meets. Listen. Do y'all know anything about Ted 2011? How did this sneak by me? Shouldn't Nancy or at least Cooze have been invited. All smarter and less whack than David Byrne. This is pretty interesting, but he wouldn't get the Grande, where you just cranked it and made sure it was political. What the hell is TED? Our room was the Birmingham Teen Center. Bach worked well there, in its Procul iteration, and so did just blowing the hell out of the amps, and having the two hottest guitar players, like MC-5. Sonic and Brother Wayne kramer were so good it's ridiculous to consider other guitar duos other than Duane and Dicky.
- Southern governors are no more stupid than people like Walker. The best governor in a long time was Jimma Earl Carter, a very bright and well-educated Son of the South. Cali elected Twenty-Mule Team Raygun, and he plunged the country into an Ayn Rand nightmare of disregard for fellow human beings, while claiming to be Christian. So much for respect for education and folksiness. Reagan asked, in disarming honesty, "When I was a young man, who even knew there were disadvantaged Negroes?" Clueless, bigoted and poorly-educated. Was he stupider than Haley Barbour? Maybe. Maybe not. He was a lot more crafty at disguising his bone-deep racism. Hucklebee thinks that most Americans don't think the Brits were imperialists and colonialists. Seriously? Why'd they call it the Brit Empire? What a maroon. Didn't the US sort of do what the Mau Mau did about colonialism? Guy is an idiot, and an out and out lying sack for his "explanation".
- Michigan used to have good governors. G. Mennen Williams, George Romney. Republicans worth a shit. Now they had to import a Canadian. Florida elected a jackass that paid the highest fine in history for defrauding the US government. What a fine bunch of citizens.
- Seriously, if these bastards make claim to Christianity, aren't they leaving behind deliberately the most worthwhile core belief of everything Jesus ever said. We are responsible for taking care of each other. How do they maneuver around what was the crux of everything Jesus ever said. He didn't say, "I've got mine, Jack." He said "Whatever you do for the least of my brethren." Just like the Kochs, right? So screw WIC and fuck Headstart. Well-nourished and upbeat students might vote for Democrats, so screw them. The entire idea that these people want laws to allow bounty hunters to murder abortion providers legally, how do they explain their concern for the unborn juxtaposed with their utter disregard for the just recently born? These people are monstrous liars and hypocrites. Cut WIC? I see those WIC coupons every time I go to the grocery store. It's essential. Try John Donne you pitiful assholes. Make sure they get born but make sure they're not fed or educated.
- You can't possibly claim to be Christian and to believe in Ayn Rand. Mutually exclusive philosophies. Poor people are poor because they're lazy, not because Rich people found it convenient to keep them poor and beholden. Trash the last vestige of unions. Union money in elections? That weighs in at about next to nothing compared to the corporate individuals. These assholes intend to stamp out the last vestige of individuals voting. This isn't democracy. America has nothing to do with Democracy. It's sort of a joke. Corporations are people? Please. What a crock from the most biased political SC in history that parades as the originalists. Pardon me , but what a huge bunch of liars. The founders wrote multinationals that fucked hard-working Americans out of jobs into the Constitution? And then they said the bastards that put everybody out of work should be allowed to purchase governors? Somehow, I doubt it. That's what we're supposed to believe? What a major league group of liars. Republicans claim rich people made money. Many of them did, by not paying taxes while avoiding laws and fucking people over as traders. They created all sorts of derivatives and fucked everybody ove and the didn't pay taxes. No joke. That;s what happened to people's pensions. And these assholes absconded. I went to Jesuit School. We believe we're supposed to consider the least of our brethren. How can you be such a shit you don't believe that's true? We aren't responsible for our fellows? Seriously sorry world if that's not true. That's Republicanism, where people are better if they inherited ill-gotten wealth. NO shit? The vast amount of the wealth is ill-gotten. These people are crooks. No ahit what we'd say. Look, You tried whT NON'SENSE
- Emilio Estevez made an obviously great movie. Repo Man is brilliant. So did dad. Apocalypse Now might be slightly better than Repo Man. Slightly. Guys got a normal sibling and a decent dad. He's Josiah Bartlett for God's sake. So how did Charly wind up in a motel all broken inside? Kinda like carving the turkey, kinda like cuting the lawn, everything comes to this perfect onvection, winds up on a customers plate and its gone. Kinda like the food chain. No joke? Why does anybody think Charlie is remotely interesting? Did Charlie? Nope. Why don't his brother and his dad rescue his ass? I don't think any of this is funny, and I find it objectionable to make fun. It's like laughing at Lindsay Lohan when she's a talented actress abused by dysfunctional parents. No? These people are monsters. I'm not sure Charlie Sheen didn;t inflict this on himself, but making fun of his raging addictions is rampant Republicanism, And it is decidedly anti-Christian. Whatever you do to the least of my brethren. Would real Christians please stand up? Real Christians believe in WIC. Real Christians believe in Head Start. I'm a Catholic, so I'm not Christian according to these assholes. I'm a believer in the demonic cult they all sprang from. Where there Protestant religions if they didn;t come straight out of Catholicism? How did right-wingers decide Catholics were evilexcept for the really small number of shirheels like bill Donovan? Fuck this guy. Catholicism in this century is opposing bastards in Central America. Social Justice and Jesuit politics. If we aren;t supporting the people, we are supporting the autocrats.
- Fort Sumter, right up the road. It does make me wonder if it wouldn't have been a good deal to let them walk. Florida? No more Jorts. SC, no Nikki Haley that was apparently more active on the Trail than that exceptionally homely Mark Sanford. And the governor may think she's Divya, but she is not close. But inveighing against Southern govs is ignoring what total assholes Kasich and Walker are, You kidding?. Kasich zlmost makes Boner seem sentient.
- don't envy Charlie Sheen's obvious mental illness, although he seems to enjoy it, and he's got the cash to indulge himself. But I do object to anybody that thinks it's funny. It's not. And he hit a ball out of Dodger stadium. How he's a a subject of ridicule and not compassion is somewhat beyond me. He's nucking futs. This is not remotely funny . This is way Republican. And with his addiction to hos, this guy seems like a poster child for Republicans. But hitting one out of Dodger stadium, that's awesome. Sort of right where Kirk Gibson hit the greatest homer in the history of baseball. Did Johnny Bench or Croaker Joe Morgan hit a more amazing HR? Joe would probably say he did, The saddest self-promoter ever. Joe Morgan, what a sorry POS telling you jow great Joe amorgan is. Sorry little guy, nobody cares. Real world series you dumbasses. Anyway, this guy's obviously nuts, and there's nothing funny about that. It diminishes everybody to make fun of mental illness. He's not funny, he's crazy, and he needs help. That is not funny. We don't make fun of people with MS do we. Same thing. Guy is a wreck and seriously diseased. Think that's funny because he's rich? Nope. He's some altered state asshole because Republicants despise everybody from Hollywood for calling them out on their spectacularly lying bullshit. Matt Damon doesn't have a right to express his political opinions but Rush does? How'd you screw things around to get to that bizarre opinion? What is wrong with people? And community organizing is next to God. And what does crowd-sourced mean? Exactly? And based on statistics, how is Johnny Bench a better ballplayer than Pudge Fisk. He isn't. That's just nonsense perpretated by the endlessly self-promoting greatest second baseman that couldn't carry Davey-Lopes jock, Joe Morgan. Every single player on the big red machine was the greatest player that ever lived. If Pete Rose played outfield, he must have been a berrer player than the babe. Anybody that knows dick about baseball knows Pete Rose was a butcher, Totallyincapab;e of fielding a position, He just couldn't do it, He sucked, abd they tried to hide his sorry ass. . All you Reds fan7s Did Ed Armbrister cheat? Hell yes he did. How could you claim he didn't? Not close. He cheated his ass off. Reds suck big time, and they cheated Campy was obviously a better catcher and Joe Morgan should just shut his piehole. He thinks DavConcepsion was a great SS. In what world? Concepcion was mediocre at best. Joe was an almost decent 2nd baseman, but he'll tell you forever he was the best, He talks a good game Better than everybody, Joe, He was better than Lopes. In his own mind. And Concepcion was better than Maury Wills, Only in this deluded mind.
- If Pete Rose could actually have played a defensive position, I'd like to hear what it might have been Johnny Bench was a great playeer. Pete Rose was a great hitter, but he wasn't Ichiro, who was and contiues to be one awesome outfielder. Pete was incapab;e of actually playing baseball. He was an atrocious first baseman. They could not hide that butcher. He was horrendous. /But your Reds fans. Pete didn't just suck? At which position did he suck least? He was generally horrible, He could not plaay,
- Paypal works great. I just wouldn't keep much money in that account. It's very useful for making impulsive political donations, for buying books, and for buying music online. I've used it for years, and they have not looted my bank accounts. I suppose they could, but I don't see it happening. I'm pretty sure it's a legitimate concern. Like Arab banking. Now Facebook, I'm not altogether sure, at all. I'm deeply distrustful, and I only did it to get pictures of my grandson. Fort Pitt beer? I'd guess it tastes pretty much like Gansett. Or Balantyne that used to be 99cents for a sixpack at the drugstore in Detroit. We could use the tray on our coffee table, but that's pricey at $214. And Jolene, that is a very funny observation about the beer and the fridge and the services. I always send money to myself under services. I get the brewski and don't roll my eyes, that I'm aware of. Sometimes S. gets the beer and I know she doesn't roll her eyes. Well she does, but that's why we've gotten along so well for so long. I don't choose to see it, and she's not obvious about it. The business about Charley Sheen. Wouldn't you think Emilio Estevez would duct tape his ass and talk some sense into him? No, he's crazy. Serious mental illness. And that is not funny. By any stretch of the imagination. Crazy is difficult to deal with. Just give it a try. If you care, you do. Sometimes you might just feel like you'll wear out and not be able to deal with it any more. I'm not entirely sane, I don't think, so dealing day to day with somebody legitimately nuts can be difficult. And when people make fun of the situation, it's more difficult. Just a great song written by Warren Zevon. performed by Georgia Satellites. I was thinking about Stelazine and how it affects my life, and how it isn't remotely funny. So why exactly did I just send money to Phoebe, other than having a brilliant classical Greek name. I assume it's for a good cause. Dexter, Terriers was so good it couldn't possibly survive. The theme song is probably the best in the history of TV. Like Rockford. This was a throwback to Bogart and Sam Spade, It was actually literary,and people would apparently rather watch that chubby twat Bristol on Dancing. With the Stars? Bristol Palin is a "star"? Trent fucking Lott? is a star and not a Haley Barbour KKK retread? What is wrong with people?. It was actually like the Damien Lewis series Life that was way too intelligent to make it past a year. This gets old. The better, the more likely to get cancelled. Better the show, shorter the lifespan. People are dickheads.
- Phoebe, you go, keedo. This sounds like a wonderful experience. You'll be brilliant. And, as they say, it'll look great on your college applications. That's why I'm an Eagle Scout. Which was a great deal of fun, by the way. Velvet, sounds like a terrific kid. If I can help, I'm very happy to. Since Republicans and Baggers have entirely given up on the promise of kids, and since I recently became a Grampa, I think being able to help in your situation is felicitous. It is the most wonderful thing in the world to be very proud of your kid. Unfortunately, you have to get old for this to kick in. And who the hell still has an aol account? They suck, bigtime. We are all going to expect to hear everything about it.
- Cable Guy is way lame in my approximation, like that If you think redneck guy that just stole that shit from the great Lewis Grizzard. Tater Salad, Ron whathisname on the other hand, is extremely funny. You can't fix stupid Mike Huckleberrybee. Once you been down that stupid road, you just get stupider. You meant to say Indonesia. Where there were all those Mau Maus? And of course, the Brits were never insane colonialists and imperialists. Of course, they weren't the neurasthenic snuff-huffing British Empire either. How many ways could this goober expose himself as a racist idiot in such a short time? What a dumbass. Ain't that a teabagger presidential candidate. They love his redneck ass today.
- Dexter, there is no way there has been a better TV show in a long time than Terriers. Donal Logue on Jimmy Kimmel. This guy is so smart and so funny it's amazing. He's the dude, sort of. The Wapner story is hilarious.
- Phoebe rules. Maybe someday she will, actually. Send up a picture Velvet. You know, in Greek (classical, I don't know about modern) Phoebe means shiny, brilliant, coruscating (I could not resist that word, it is absurdly wonderful, like the most beautiful word in the English language: ineffable)). And it sounds beautiful. No joke, let's have an account of the experience. And photos. Did y'all see that 55 foot gamewinner on ESPN? Women's basketball is spectacular. Hell at UGA we had the two best girl basketball players that ever lived Teresa Edwards and Katrina McClain. Hands down, Teresa is the alltime greatest. Five Olympics. Won them all. Isn't it kind of hilarious, and by hilarious I mean bone fucking stupid that Gov. Wanker waged war on unions st the same time the NFL owners did the same thing? People would be much happier if the governors get recalled and the players get back on the field.
- Dexter: If you thought Terriers outstanding, I'd recommend Justified. Same sort of naturalistic writing. Brilliant dialogue. Apparently American TV viewers have no taste, whatever. And the basic idea was from Elmore Leonard. Very good until another season of Sons comes back.
- Memphis Blues is very good too, and it's amazing, because that Earl show was atrocious redneck horse crp. People from the south, how do you get to be a person from the south, that isn't a designated ninny like Huckabee. Guy is a jackshit moron, and he's got no idea about being southren. He's a dickhead that makes Southerners look like idiots. I grew up largely in Arkansas, Memphis. Then moved to Detroit, and the best school the area had to offer. UDHigh Best Swimmers, Best hoops.. That boy can sing. Doubt he play's a guitar. NCIS is pretty excellent too. Two of the most absurdly empowered women characters of all time on TV. This show is a no-brainer.. And they are both ridiculously smart and gorgeous What an inexcusable shitheel? Huckleberrybee, He is so dumb there is no way to translate his dumbitude. What a dumbass. My daughter actually got married to an apparently good guy. She's got bad politics. Ahe might think Republicans are shitheels. I know fir a fact she knows this for a fact. She's got brains intact. Those of you that don't. Suck it up.
- Regarding teahcers. It is to the GOP's decided benefit to keep Americans ill-educated and ill-informed. Teachers are the enemy? Yeah, they might cause Americans not to be mindless GOP drones. Educated and well-informed folks aren't likely to be teabaggers.Of course they'd attack teachers. They actually do hate America, if it doesn't vote blindly against its own interest and forcorporate overlord thugs like the Koch bros. Given the dichotomy, I'll take teachers over the Dukes. and Billy Lee and Winthorpe and certainly Jamie Lee, a woman thaselfish pigs pushing their snouts into everybody's business to screw everybody over. . One of the best movies ever made . How did those folks know about the Kochs so far ahead of time? Attacking teachers' ability to deal with their workplaces, that's a really good idea. I used to make half a living as a sub.stitute teacher. It's difficult, but not impossible. Kids knew I was there to try to help. I actually loved the job. And it was way difficult. But not impossible. I subbedthey want people stupid. long-term for teachers with health problems, and I was very good at it. Jamie Lee exudes taste, intelligence and class. And how great were Ralph Bellamy and Don Ameche to expose these bastards for what they really are? The GOP approach is keep your biscuits in the oven and buns in bed. Of course, if they're Newt, that would be in rehab and cancer remittment. What a disgraceful excuse for a human being. And that pig is what Republicans propose? He is the ultimate POS. Why would any woman consent to have sex with such an odiou revolting excuse for a human being? Seriously. He's a disgustingoleaginous turd.. if that isn't Huckleberrybee. These people just despise people remotely different from themselves. There is something seriously wrong with these jackasses. And with anybody that supports them politically. I'm for the English language. These dumbasses that dislike Obama, obviously because he's black continue to talk about hate. Hate is a verb. Hatred is the noun. Normalcy is some bogus Harry Truman attempt at speaking English when he wasn't capable. That's normality, Harry. There is no such word as normalcy. Could it be alright to actually speak English. Truman was the great Republican Democrat. Trashing the English language. Normalcy? that is worthy of W. Normalsortof? sortofnormalesque. What an idiot. But there is a reason why Republicans liked the guy. He was one of them. and he blew up Japan. Shock and Awe, for no good reason but profit and because we could. What a murdering POS. Exploding people because we can, that's revolting. W did it time after time. He's a mass murderer, along with all his PNAC buddies. They tried to talk Clinton into this murderous shit, but he was not having it,. It was the Halliburton profit that turned the trick for Dickless. How oculd he pass on that kind of cash? Are we kidding. It was just so much money sitting on pallettes waiting to be absconded with. Dickless Cheney stole money from the USA, No fucking doubt. And he's without question, a war criminal. Why doesn't somebody do something?
- Am I wrong about this? Hate is a noun. Hatred a verb form. This is dumb aas shit. Apparently morons on the political right think hate has been generated in the direction of W. Bush. These folks alo beirve that norbody on their side has a oroblem with the President becUse he's somewhat darker thn they re. eah, right. . The racism is so virulent Nd so obvious you should just shut up and admit it. The problem y'all have is with the guy's skin color. The racism is so overt, even trying to deny it is hilarious. You are full of crap. He's brown so he's unacceptable. You'd find an out and out racist like Haley Barblur acceptable. Seriously? This guy believes the Klan wasn't that bad.
- Does calling W an idiot amount to Hate Speech. He is one after al. But where do these defenders get off with this hate speech crap? Aholes. The fact is the moron piled up the cost of the invasions and occupations, and he never included any of that in the budget, When Obama did, acting like an adult instead of a petulant child, He took all sorts of shit for that. Who spent that cash because He tried to kill my daddy? Shit, I think it was W. Are we joking on this subject? W ran the deficit and said nobody needed to pay for it. You people are the biggest jackasses in history. Make rich people pay taxes you dumbasses.
- Scout, I've read those comments. People are capable of being scum., and its depressing. I'm a Catholic. I believe in nothing more than John Donne. No Man is an Island. We're all in this shit together. I believe that is the Catholic view. I believe that is the human view. Based on my Jesuit view of things, I'm sure that's what we believe. I believe we are all meant to take care of one another. It just seems right. Because everything Jesus said makes a great deal of sense. We are meant to take care of one another. How does that not make sense?
- And who killed the miner? What a surprise. The corparatist swine didn't give a shit about the workers? There's a shocker. It;s kinda like carving the turkey, Kinda like mowing the lawn. Everything gets to this certain dimension, winds up on a customer's plate, and it's gone. Did Ayn Rand actually think she wasn't an exceptionally homely woman that could write her way out of a paper bag? Did she believe there was some reason she wasn't boring, homely and one of those people she'd discard? What a sad excuse. There may be a more evil piece of shit than Don Blankenship, and his name is probably Koch, but it's a little hard to imagine. And Phoebe, This child seems a blessing. Somebody that does a grace for the human race. This subject made me think about the little kid that wanted to meet Congresswoman Giffords. And I'd say, the first thing I thought about when that all happened is what a better world it would be if Rosey Grier had crushed Sirhan before he shot the gun. No Nixon, probably no Raygun. A better world.
- Republicans. : Babies are important until they're born. Life begins when sperm meets egg, Then it starts to be a drain on my inherited wealth. Then they;Republican are odious. They act like the unborn shild is sacrosanct, They make a political career out of screwing over born kids. Can anybody say that;s not true. That is what they do. Theygo out of their way to fuck over kids. The Schip battle was a perfect exMple. Why do thesee assholes find kids are wonderful in utero, but despise them once they're living and breathing? How is that not a rational and reasonable qustion? Kids will hve sex. These assholes think that won't happen? The child'aateachers, why pay those leaches? Teachers, why pay those leaches, It'all LL be about some lies, like is sacred, until he's born. Then he becomes a drain on my money. o joke you morons. And the stupider the voter, the more likely he votes for moron republicans,
- A very amusing blog. Rack of spam and Debbie Drake. Dave. I have to admit to watching Earl occasionally, and if somebody held a gun to my head and said The Office or Earl, I'm going trailer park and Crabman. What in God's name does anybody find remotely amusing about The Office? In fact, when was the last time there was a sitcom that was remotely funny. I know the answer. It was Frazier, a freaking long time ago. Watch a couple of Mash reruns, then any Seinfeld after the second season. The characters in Seinfeld are all a bunch of self-absorbed aholes who don't give a shit about, and don't actualy even converse with, each other. Sort of like being forced to spend time with Larry David. Mash, another story. Once Charles Winchester replaced Frank Burns, there was nobody in the cast you wouldn't happily spend time with. And Colonel Potter was way better than Henry Blake, and Henry was excellent. It was like watching What Did You Do In the War Daddy, every week. . So what passes now for TV comedy. We avoid and eschew. I mean, they make ads for these shows. I'd aassume they'd actually put some of their better moments on the ads. Nada. The Star Trek groupie wierdos? Not close. Hank and Peggy and Bobby are still funny. Family Guy is still lewd, crude and basically hilarious. But seriously, if The Office is supposed to be funny, pass me the nitrous and roll another bomber, Cathcart. It's a very difficult thing to lose a dog. I've even had a couple of cats with enough dog in them to get pretty emotional about. For some reason, I always confuse the breed Bichon Frise with those ginormous French dogs that look like bears. When animals I'm close to die, I always think of Richard Pryor's monkees, and the German Shepherd that lived next door. "Whusamatter Rich?" And, it's terrible to say, but I have a brother I don't like as much as I like his dog. If the Koch Bros. are a person, according to Scalia, I'd say give dogs the vote. We'd get a better class of politicians. And since I so roundly offended all of you midwestern baseball fans on the subject of Johnny Bench, sorry, Pudge might not have been quite as good, but if Ed Armbrister din't flat out cheat, Red Sox won the 1975 Series. No Big Red Machine. And he cheated. Just like Reggie Jackson cheated in '77. What sort of asshole do you have to be to actually get to play i the World Series and cheat? Neither catcher hit well in that series. I defy anybody to compare statistics and tell me Bench was demonstrably better. Defensively, Scioscia and Yeager were both better than Bench. Yeager picked guys off 3rd, with righties at the plate. Cheating at sports is abhorrent to anybody that actualy loves playing. That's why Michael Jordan was always a smirking obnoxious jerk. He knew he took three to the hoop, he knew he reached in, he knew for a fact that was an offensive foul against Byron Russell. Much more contact than KG and that wussie Channing Frye. I just think. I was never more than a great Litte league fielder qnd a dogass hitter, but cheating on purpose in the world series, that is tremendously lame. Didn't phase AirMike. Republicans buy shoes too. And Gordie Howe was unqyestiagly oe of the most qcc9pliwhed s846 0o
- And Moe. I kinda saw that coming. The Democratic party didn't deregulate the corporate criminals. This is Republican bidness. They figured out a direct money transfer to Cheney. Palettes of cash, Halliburton. Dickless. Off the books. Liars, thieves, war criminals. Clinton may have been complicit, but the overwhelming shift of wealth is Republican doing, and morons are voting in abject opposition to their own self-interest because the President has browner than orange skin. This meme that Democrats empowered the wall street abscondement (that should be a word) with the cash makes no sense but to teabaggers. Who gets the cash? That would undoubtedly be Republicans. Ouroboros. Snake eating itself. They don't really want to kill government, they want to recreate a wild west where they can really screw over everybody.
- Republicans want Americans ill-educated, ill-informed, biscuits in the oven and preggers more often than not. Then there will be more newborns to deny education and government cheese to. The wealth has all been redistributed, so what is the goal in these people's lives. Probably expunge us all from their perfect inherited world. Does anybody believe most rich people in America worked for it instead of having it handed to them. Robot laugh. HQ HQ HQ. And I'm not black, nor poor Nor needy. I could probably buy and sell you, but what sort of person thinks that's a reasonable way to act? A Republican. Rich people mostly just inherited it. Those that didn't mostly stole it. Last time two rich assholes like the Kochs tried to fuck all of us Murricans over, it was the Hunt Brothers, and silver futures. Even Milhous wasn't buying that shite. I'm not big on mixing government and religion. but if this idea of American democracy has some sort of basis in Christianity, isn't it about the part about we take care of each other? Isn't that the part Jesus meant? We take care of each other. I don't recall Jesus being keen on predatory lenders or bundling. Holy shit Moe99 Who did these people make their sdonations to? . In my opinion, here's the deal. We are here to take care of each other. We should do the best we can at that simple task. I've actually saved peoplee's lives, on several occasions One of them tried to kill me subsequently becaus he blamed me for ending up in DUI court.. Jesus mqde that fairly clear. And whatever, he was fairly wise. Politicians that pit us in oppostion and claim to believe in Christianity are vile liars. If they are also robbing you blind, they are Republicans. and you more or less deserve it, because you're stupid and buy their bullshit because there's a dangerous black guy. It's Willie Horton and Carl Rove told you he's dangerous. And seriously, trying to blame the securities meltdown on Democrats isn't just idiotic, it's after-the -fact moronic. This is morons that dislike the President because he's black trying to claim he created the Republican fincial fiasco because he hire some of the guys that caused the problem to straighten it out. Of course, he's gotta listen to the same old shit from his own side. Or both sides of MS. HUFFINGTON'S MOUTH. There has never been a single human being more damned whichever way he acts. And It's mostly because he's a black guy. Look what we ended up with about healthcare. The Nation opposed the President. Hell, No. Conflaring people that believed in extending Medicare to everybody with diehard teabaggers,, that is just horseshit. This is obviously why teabaggers caqn't stand him. I'm sure Beck would claim he has no racial animus. Yeh, Glenn Beck isn't a racist. zLike that birther shote he goes on and on about isn't blatant Karl Rove racism that Lee Atwater asked for forgiveness on his deathbed about. Yup. Lee Atwater, the guitar-slingin' inventor of the Southern Strategy. They did this to separate normal working folks from their cash, and hand it to assholes like the Koch Brothers. And if I believe this was Rwpublican bullshit, it's because it's seriously obvious where the cash ended up, moe. It's like White Collar. Get the smart bastards that accomplished the crime to try to steraighten out the mess they created.
- If Dennis were really a menace, he'd bite those bubbles. And Nancy, Melanie Safka is a certified artiste. Brand New Key is a work of pure lascivious genius. Not anything like not quite clean utrou when medics get to you. Joanie Jr. I am nearing the end of 2666 (Savage Detectives is better.) It's astounding, but who could stare at a screen long enough to make it through 900 pp? How long would it take to download? How will all this e-book bidness be affected by net.non-neutrality, when Scalia tells Roberts it's time to mess that up for everybody.
- That is one scary looking woman Newt married. I bet there is green alligator skin just below that paleface surface.
- George Will called Mike Huckabee a dildo. (First sentence, second graf.) He must have canned those Union copy editors that were messing up his bottom line. Oh Mr. Will, next thing it'll turn out you don't know dick about baseball.
- I believe that listing photo is of a half-bath in the Arkansas governor's mansion, circa 2007.
- As a nurse and I were wheeling my ex out of the delivery room after my daughter was born, double doors at the end of the quarter blew open and a gurney hurtled toward us at alarm speed. Somebody literally yelled "Gangway" the only time in my life I ever heard the term used in a non-facetious manner. We slewed into the closest doorway. The Howards had made it by seconds from Hopkinton to Wellesley (in both of which, I imagine you draw a police presence if you're driving a rustbucket with wired-on mufflerwith seconds to go, following the Boston Marathon route, and I actually witnessed two births within half an hour of each other. This was at just about halftime of the worst Super Bowl ever played, Oakland and Philadelphia. The day Rummy/Cheney told the Ayatollah it was OK to release the American hostages, and larry Bird and J famously tried to strangle one another. We had spent the day watching the Celts and the hostages in a comfortable labor room. The hospital was a straight shot out the Mass Pike from the South End, we had a brand new Mazda, and left home about 7am, so I figured what the hell and drove on the redline, figuring no cop was going to write me a ticket.With so much nursing attention the whole day seemed impossible. The maternity floor was otherwise devoid of occupants. D was hooked up to a monitor registering contractions, with a recording graph with a needle-pen like a seismograph. All was well, as I watched hoops and thought i might get to see part of the football game., chiivarously inquiring frequently whether D. would rather I turned the TV off, holding her hand, applying cold compresses. The monitor nattered benignly in the background. At exactly 6pm, there was crushing pressure on my fingers, and what seemed to be Mercedes McCambridge voicing Regan (uncredited) hissed "Turn of that Goddamn TV." So back to the dual birth. The babies were a sight to see, side by side in the newborn nursery. Baby Howard was relly a big boy at 11-2, which might have accounted for his precipitous arrival at the end of a short fast car ride. Emily's surname is Johnson, and the nurses lined up the little labels on the layettes to read Howard Johnson. I think this was a result of the general hilarity, which also produced the de rigeur commentsabout naming the mannikin Otis, because he was born in know. Hospital staff came by constantly to see the child that ran about 1/3 of the Marathon as he entered the world. Before we all checked out, a few nights later we shared a filet mignon and somewhat wine-soaked dinner provided by the hospital. In the end, the child was lucky mom was wearing sturdy drawers (emrgency room joke, not mine). According to his parents as they sped down Rte. 9, the kid's prospective name went from Ashland to Natick. We kept in touch for some time, but damned if I remember that boy's name. Sorry if this attempted narrative is a jumble. Believe me that whole day was hallucinatory. On the sex toy front, is it me or does that blow back your hair ad give anybody else the same sort of queasy feeling as the first mom and daughter tampon and douche ads? On the presumed racial stereotypes on website comment boards, I hold Reagan responsible to a certain extent. It's the welfare mom/ foodstamps for vodka and butts from Morning in America. For some reason, the Seattle area has had a bizzare number of officer-involved shooting deaths of people that nothing to provoke them in the last couple of years. (I love the Seattle Times site, Republican newspaper with obviously sensible and compassionate editorial leanings.) Every story about one of these unfortunat incidents gets kneejerk comments about how the paper is leftwing (not close), cops are always wrong libtard assumptions, and if the victim wasn't doing anything right that moment, he was nevertheless a career criminal that had probably earned the death penalty, anyway. And I know she's not supposed to have an opinion, since she's only an entertainer, but Annie Lennox writes a good editorial: Women do two-thirds of the world's work for a paltry 10 percent of the world's income and own just 1 percent of the means of production.
- JeffB, didn't Mr. Schiller just express a personal opinion about the Teapotties that is totally in sync with what Americans that aren't members or politically beholden also think about the Mad as Hell? Isn't it illegal to videotape a private citizen surreptitiously? At the very least, somebody should civil-action his scrawny ass into financial oblivion. Why isn't that turd in jail for breaking into Mary Landrieux' office. Why doesn't somebody thrash him. I've made a mental note of his appearance, and he can even tape me applying the beating. And use it as proof there are liberal thugs. And I'd imagine people like Soros, and some of those raving socialist Hollywood types could fund better counter-programming. Will there be airwave access? Problem is, Congressional Republics will try to make licensing part of the purge and turn radio into a vast ClearChannel wasteland? What bugs me more than anything about this, is the "liberal" canard. What bias? Examples please? Best I've ever heard them come up with is "Gwen Ifill was mean to McCain in a debate, and they know she's an anti-American leftist ( what a moronic misapprehension of the term--leftists were Communists and sympathizers that fought Franco, the Gadaffi of his era), because, horreurs, who ever heard of a black woman on TV news". Velvet: Your daughters note is graceful and expressive, and considerably better than most adults could manage. The Oz reference is sharp writing. Electronic medium is sensible for somebody with so much going on. The great thank you note will be some accounts of her experience. I'm looking forward to dispatches, and a small share in your pride of a hard-working, thoughtful kid. Undoutedly, participation is good for college applications, too. Good luck to Phoebe. I've been to Fallingwater House, to Taliesin, and to the Arizona Biltmore and find all of them gorgeous. I've also written construction specs for a very long time, and it's a fact that if Architectural and construction details and material specs are left to actual architects, things will leak, for sure, and maybe fall apart, and construction and operating costs will be exorbitant. For the Biltmore, Wright wanted a concrete block in a specific design. Nothing else would do, so he purchase a custom block factory from somewhere in SAmerica, had it retooled and imported it to the Mojave. This is the kind of thing that causes Architects to use the term "It wants to be..." Like a loony guy I worked with on a restoration of a public Library in Newton MA that got it into his head that new carrels should be custom-built of an endangered wood species called pau lope. Shit is so hard it has to be pre-drilled for assembly with gigantic drill presses, which might good for an anti-graffiti measure, but is a construction and cost nightmare. Standard is red oak. One night, to my horror, he tried to talk a town design board, made up of civic-minded save-the earth types into this absurdity. I put that to a stop by bringing up the tree's endangered rain-forest status. This is what architects are like, and Wright was an absolute autocrat, and somewhat nuts, kind of like Caligula, or, according to TC Boyle, a great deal like Caligula.. Anyway, these structures may not function well, but they are fascinating and beautiful work, in pitch perfect tune with their surroundings and settings, perfectly organic massing (admittedly difficult to mess up in the vastness of the desert) and site orientation.
- Giving things up for Lent isn't a particularly Catholic idea. That's Martin Luther, sweating in the Jakes. Fsct is the two groups are pretty close about the idea of social jstice. Reagan's Wormtapes produced horrendous acts of abomination against Jesuit Priets and Maryknoll nuns. That happened. Try to claim it didn't. Raygun hat and his minions despised every catholic priest south of the MEXICAN Border. Liberation theology is what every right-thinking American should believe in particularly Cathokics like that shitheel O'Donnell . How;s this all different from the new anti-government movements in Libya, Tunisia, etc. The total disconnect her, wgere Israel stole material and traded it to South Africa. So now Israe;practices apartheid. They don't How. It's a hideous fact that the Government of Israel does esactly the same thing to people that unquestionably live there longer. And the current state of Israel thinks it's nuclear status is legitimate? So sorry for prolix. I've got a very bad cold, and mu respomse is alway antihistamine. In the form of Alka-seltzer and I'm one of those lucky people who that particular chemical makes me feel exactly feel like I've been smolomg pot. This is abad thing? I would say Nancy ever loved downtown and mildly dangerous the way I used to. I mean the Chessmate? you joking? Best blues club in hte City by miles. 6yj an LLivernois. You had to be frisked and buzzed in. Znd girl, it was pretty much John Leee jeaven. assume from some things you've said and what a g00e 0bw34v34, you must have been there, Well I MEANT TO SAY K
- Food is nothing like molecular. It just tastes really good or it doesn't. Given half a brain and good instincts, it will be good, if you're the chef. Cooking, in my opinion, is a no-brainer. And when we ride our bikes to procure the ingredients, who the hell cares?
- Another one bites the dust. What an overstuffed dumbass, that puports to be intelligent. Newt thiks his farts are pontifications. I'm Catholic andif it were possible, I'd have prevented him from joining. Mitt invented Obamacare, and it works, but he can't run on that, can he? Who they got? They got embarassing, insane women.
- NEWT PHILANDERED TO KEEP Y'ALL SAFE FROM TERRISS. Ain't that a man. My Hero, in the heman girl hater club.
- Jeff, the shark is picking its teeth with Mau Mau Hucklbee. In Indonesia.
- All of the Republicans, they seem to have no clue. They will get down to Rick" $1.6 bill finefor defrauding the government" Scott. I'd assume (correctly) his election was a Teapottier vote. It's astounding how people that claim the NYT says they're smart and well-off vote so moronically against their own interests, all the time.
- It's astounded me fo 50 years that Republics convince rubes they are all in this together, while they rob them blind and kill their sons and daughterss for profit. That might sound bad, but can anybody say that is not what these bastards have done?
- Brian, One of my favorite things about the Harry Potter books was the way in which House points accrued and disaccrued, and how points were counted and accounted for , Magically, I guess. Good on your kid, for sure. I grew stuff in petri dishes. Not nearly as imaginative. And thanks for saving some of those crickets from reptiles. Crickets all the way back to jiminy are friends to mankind. A cricket on your hearth... Crickets are absurdly lucky. Just read a John Crowley book. Worlds within worlds.
- But I called my petri collection " Be you am got bugs", which I think my dad got from Archie and Mehitabel, or maybe just Brooklyn, which if you haven't read Archie and don't know who Don Marquis is, you are illiterate. I'm writong a book about Mahitabel, but when she was Sidney Carton's cat. For a week or so. In a garrett, in Paris, before he did a far better thing Probably stupid and quite difficult. But I owe it to my dad. Edit: He thought it was a good idea.
- not enough to justify the expense, work and other irreplaceable resources that went into producing the thing. Worthy commentary on 20th Century Architecture, but a beautiful building will last for a couple hundred yars. How do you "almost" lose your tonge to cancer, and at the last minute retrieve it? This is not my Funky Winderbean. Cancer is cancer, boy.
- Matthew 18:3 Sidebar tp that happiness map a couple of days ago was about the happiest man in America. I think. I'm pretty sure that would be Shaq.
- Juan Cole saysPeter King is more like Tricky Dick than Tail-Gunner Joe. Remember the photograph of flower child Maggie Trudeau sans drawers? K.T. Tunstall has written a song aboutthat incident. Joel Achenbach is a science reporter that for WaPo, who also writes an entertaining blog. This his explanation of the geophysics of the earthquake and political and academic factors that complicate the response.
- Rick Santorum thinks people should quit picking onGingrich. Mr. Man on Dog is too stupid to understand is that Newt's hypocrisy offends people at least as much as his philandering. Now, is it uncivil or offensive for me to say Santorum is stupid, or just drawing a reasonable conclusion? Serious question. Then again, they do manage collectively to get away with bone-headed, irresponsible crap scot-free. Not all Republicans are aholes all the time.
- Audacity of hope. This looked like it couldn't turn out well. I almost couldn't watch. On the other hand... There's a lot to be said for natural instincts, apparently.
- "What I love about New Hampshire is ... you're the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord." -- Michele Bachmann, in a speech yesterday in New Hampshire ... Yes, she really said that. And her best defense is probably to say Palin told her. Teabaggers for Reverence to the Founding Fathers and Historical Accuracy. What a maroon. Might have to move back to Boston : Massachusetts Pirate Party.
- Cooz, or a contact drunk.
- Another GOP jackass governor. If the Greedy Oleaginous Plutocrats believe in taxing pensions now, how do they defend not taxing estates? Of course, if their main anti-union argument is that the unions have leverage from campaign contributions over the government agents with whom they bargain, how do they get aroung the leverage of corporations from the same mechanisms over the government agencies that regulate their frequently irresponsible behavior. You know, like Blankenship buying a pet judge for $3mil. The hypocrisy is stunning, and it's sure as hell not rocket science. But it seems too much for baggers to get through their skulls.
- Concord Ne Hampsha was a slip of the tongue, like saying 57 instead of 47? This is the big defense for Huckleberry.bee and the insane ladysaying shit that is so obviously ignorant or intentionally dishonest. The comparison is non-existent. If you asked Obama how many states there are, he would have answered correctly. If you'd asked Bachmann about what she meant, she would have had some boiler plate about the granite state. If you'd asked Huckleberry, God only knows how he'd have explained that Orly Taitz worm in his brain, or who those Indonesian Mau Mau might have been. Back in '04, I thought there was good reason to leave the USA. It's where I was born, I'm as patriotic as the next person, but the populace was behaving like a bunch of selfish assholes, and wealth was being accumulated at the nefarious top. I compare this to Tibetan Buddhism. We were all supposed to hand over our daughters over cliffs to ensure the rulers well-being. That is what the lama insisted upon for centuries. In 2004, voters were confronted with Kenneth Blackwell, a business partner of the Diebold voting machine company with a massive voting machine contract in Ohio, that was also W's state campaign manager. Nobody thought there was anything fishy about the traditional Dem vote in Cuyahoga and Sandusky Counties that hande a win to the worst President ever appointe by Scalia? Swiftboat wasn't enough, they had to cheat at the voting machines. And the liberal MSM, Kerry was ridiculous for windsurfing but W going headfirst over the handlebars of a Segway wasn't ludicrously inept. Also, in 2004, you had the Swiftboat liars and people that said W was too coked up to meet his commitments. Kerry ended up in Laos, W never got past some O-Club in Podunk Tejas. Who was telling the truth? That asshat Nixon protege or a very good Senato? Kerry was a target because he exposed Iran-Contra, and you can't get away with pointing out Raygun was a shill for the Cheney-Rummy profiteers and get away with it. What would you guess for a percentage of the American voting populace that believe a word of that scurrilous shit about Kerry these days? How many peolle do you think W didn't Jap on his commitment (and I mean no disrespect to Japanese people?) When the invasion of Iraq was conceived, the PNAC didn't ask W to actually sign on. They got Jeb and all the usual suspects and tried to talk Clinton into it. They ran the invasion and the occupation without ever including either in the Federal budget. They talked the cokehead into those pallets of cash. How many billions just went missing that the GOP s blaming on OObama now? I get a kick out of the term "we the people". Is that who Cheneyburton stole blind? whose fault is that? People believed in the biggest liars since the Third Reich, and the people they believed in actually behave like that previous regime. In all of the W years, none of the costws of the invasions qnd occupations were actually carried in the Federal budget. Like a bunch of nitwit kids using the credit cards with no accounting. Grown=ups took over, Bills are due. When I was a not so little kid, I met Walter Reuther in my dad's office in the Peds Department of Metropolitan Hospital, on 12th and Tuxedo. I thought at the time Detroit wa the oolest place on earth. No joke, when I met this man, I was pretty sure that rich people couldn't fuck people over in the USA. That things would always be fair. I'd met Mennen Williams and some other big-shots, but I thought Mr. Reuther was a guardian. I know he got along great with my dad. And I was exceptionally proud. He seemed astounding. He was. Let that bad-hair twit in Michigqan try to pull this anti-union shit in Michigan, that fool will find a new one ripped. Unions gave it up to management a while ago, but I have no doubt, since Obama and his economic team restored the car industry, the unions will be back. They had better be, or this will end up lords and serfs. And that's what Republicans are expecting to impose. How in hell is that not the whole pont? Balance the budget? Make rich people pay taxes. Balance the budget? Make cor[orations actually pay taxes. The way they all do in the real world. Cover social security? I dunno. Probably keep paying to $124grand. Medicare too. Medicare is worse, because these leeches that don't need it at all still have it covering their medical bills. Here's part of the deal, anyway, you people want to claim to be a Judqaeo-Christian government. . Okay No man is an island. Whatever you do to the least of my brethren. It's unacceptable that familis live on the street. If you are exceptionally wealthy, you pay more in taxes. Say whatever you want, but the basis of your wealth is the poverty of your fellow human beings. Social Justice. Iw that Socialism or exactly what Jesus enjoined you to?Way I see it, if you don't buy into social justice, you are way pale excuse for a Christian. Unfortunately, in the Raygun years, Social Justice meant your School of the Americas croniies shot Jesuits on site, then raped and murdered Maryknoll nuns. This was all very easy for the Contras because the Reaganistas told them those were Communists, and what the fundamentalists found to be Satanic cult worshippers. This is somewhat difficult, bedcause Ron Raygun had no animosity to Catholics, personally. But seriously, he condemned these people to horrible deaths. The assassination of the Archbishop Romer at the Communion rail, that was Reagan's government. That was that piece of shit Oliver North. Way to go Ron. School of the Americas scumbags. I'd point out there is a fantastic movie made by Oliver Stone about all this shit called Salvqador. It's probably the best movie he ever made, and much thanks due to James Woods, who is ridiculously good in everything.
- Brian, the reds have sucked big time, there is no way to occntemplate how much, They were always grossly overrated p;ayers with Joe Mprgan telling you nobody ever played better at that position. When I got dumped all over by Reds types for suggesting that Pudge was just as good. Well Bi;; James thinks so too, you assholes. So I', right about that. Y'all jumped all over me avbout Pudve and Bench. S5q59w59ca;;7 0ffensively, they both sit for Piazza/ Defensively, there is little doubt Fosse was the best until that shitheelPete rose waxed his knee dor no apparent reason. So screw you reds fans/ . and how 'bout that Tressel? well he cheated his ass off. As a UGA fan that saw the best player in the game sit four out f04 a3ll8ng a jwrsewy ro nobody anybod6 ever heard of, and rhs aholes played a bowl game? sorry, how does OSU and how does NCAA get around fucking over uga's season?
- Jeff, did I ever say Michell Bachmann wasn't a freaking nitwit? She is so freaking stupid it's hard to believe. Is there a single flagship politician for the Teabaggers that isn't a boafide isiot? These people revel in abject ignorance, stupider the better. And if somebody points out the stupidity, that;s hate. Last ai knew Hate was neither a nown nor an adjective, it was a se5viceable verf. I believe they mean hatred, the nominative form. What they all think about the idea of a brown=skinned guty being President. That is not acceptab;e. Hatred-what? Check yourself. Just like all those jackbooted thugs with automatics at the union rallies in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Right you creeps? There were weapons and there were jackboots, but they were all on the teaparty side. Making sure those thug teachers didn;t attack somebody. These fo;ks are muts. But really, you dumbasses. Hate as a noun, no, you morons, that would be hatred. And there's no hatred for W, that they seem so concerned about, he was a little man that the PNAC crowd put in a big situation and all those palettes of billions just disappeared into Halliburton's pocuets, aka the self-appointed VP. How much of that cash ended up with his duck blind buddy Scalia? Wvwn rwmotely enquiring minds would want to know. Bush v. Gore was made-up horseshiyt. and 2004 wa Kenneth Blackwell and his buds at Diebold guaranteeing Cuyahoga and other counties that had never reported late and Republican doing both. They fucking robed it at the machines in Ohio in 2004. Now this was the Swiftboat election, so it's difficult to be sure about how fucking stupid people were about who served with honor and who coked out of the Air guard in Bama. Unless you aren't a fucking idiot. W skipped out. Kerry got his ass shot at. Repeatedly. What sort of twit did you have to be to think W served remotely honorably and Kerry didn't especially when the guy sliming Kerry consistently was that seersucker suit asshole that was a buttboy for Milhous. So what the hell is wrong with an electorate that votes consistently against it's own interest, but also votes like morons for well=known pieces of shit over people that have proved they serve the country honorably? What is wrong with people that buy swiftboat over facts that W just bagged his commitment because he was too coked up to bother? What the hell?
- In a rational world, would a politiical party pit Wnvs Kerry? And if they did, would they tear down Kerry with bullshit meaningless crap? It's my personal opinion that Kerry is a great American for having exposed Iran Contra. In the eyes of whaackos, that was an act that continued Kerry's socialist looney throwing aaway his medals? Are these people fucking Kerry ove Patriots, or are they some wierdos we'd rather have Kerry deal with. During the 2004 campaign, Kerry was consistently ridiculed by the comb=licking PNAC gang for pointing out that what worked against terrism was good police work. It seems more than obvious at this point that good police work worked a fucking lot better than shock and awe against a bunch of folks that had nothing to do with any of it in the first place. So why do papers of record let Wolfowitz even opine? Who care what any of these failed assholes say at this point, unless you listen, and lean way opposite, so you don't do anything as stupid as the briar patch they left Obama in in the first place. Anybody that signed that PNAC letter is a proven idiot and should shut the fuck up, including Jeb. They didn't ask incurious monkey boy, because, they thought he was a lightweihgt. Kinda dumb. Now these fools think the US should plunge in with the no-fly? If it were done, twer'e it will done, then best done quickly. The only way this makes any sense is to blow up Gadaffi's planes and helicopters on the ground, No non-combatants would be hurt. Western bombong runs killing the sort of collateral damage people W reveled in, Allah knows what that would mean. But everything there is insane. Israel is moving 500 more settlers into luxury condos to increase security after a n Israeli settler family in the West Bank was slaughtered, to increase security. We're pussyfooting around some inchoate Iranian nukes when the Israelis collaborated with the South Africans to steal tech and fissionable material from the US. What would anybody expect the Syrians to do? What must the Saudis have already done? . Israel stole the bomb from the US while the USA was providing their asses with the second best air force in the world. Wasn't enough? Israel's espionage behavior makes it pretty clear that the country would turn on the USA at the drop of a hat. I mean, Israel is active spying here now, and arrogant about it.
- I know, this must be some sort of anti-scemitism, but haw in the world does extending illegal occupation of the West Bank increasee aisraeli Security in the West Bank? According to international law, these people have no business there whatsoever. How does the Israeli government support moving another 500 "settlers" in. And would they use another term. This is not the Engalls in a cabin. These are luxury condos depriving Palestinians of access to land where they have grown olives and figs for centuries, after their ancestral homes have been bulldozed. No, you are supposed to imagine that Palestinians and bedouins, because they are all arabs, semites, so to speak. Palestinian homes that have been bulldozed by the IDF to make way for luxury condos for settlers have been there for centuries. are one and the same. Jimma Earl was right abouat this. It's Appharteid, and the opposition are keffirs, to be dealt with the way the superior race sees fit. People can't see there is something wrong here? Where do the Israelis get off? They're the great partner for the USA? They spy on us and steal fissionable material to make a whole bunch of nukes. Friends like that, enemies not required.These are on-going war crimes by the Israeli nation. They know it. They don't give a shit. They think that Palestinisns are less than human, apparently. What is wrong with these assholes? and how is what they do as a matter of course with bulldozers wotse than anything Gadaffi does? Same result different methods.
- Moe, But corporations are people too. Scaliar says so.
- This discussion has gotten idiotic. My ex ASKED ME IF SHE could listen to Love It To Death. Anybody that doesn't understand that Dwight Frye is brilliant, well that;s a dumbass. Back in those days, we actually mingled with these artists. Alice, Procul? I was in a teen center in Birmingham and talking to Gary Brooker about Alice Cooper. Which was the better band? This seems rather obvious. But what were we to think? God's aloft the winds are raging. God's aloft the winds are cold. You should have been there at the teen center when they played Salty Dog. You've got to be kidding. Are we kidding? How is this not some jingoist horeshit? We purport to extend sensibility. That's not sensible? We have an internet flooded with wackjobs saying Japan deserved this. Karma and Pearl Harbor. We can only hope they croaked, If these bizarre jingoist assholes have forgotten about HIROSHIMA AN NAGASAKI, WE CAN ONLY HOPE THEY BURN. AAnd suffer for their idiocy.
- Japanese people deserved this? Only in the USA. What is wrong with peaaople? i rel. too some extent , on what y'all think. You people are pretty smart and you seem to have some basis in morality. Ever see that movie, "The PROPOSITION?"It's astoundingly good. I'd like to hear na opinion.
- WAt sort of shit RE PEOPL43
- VINCE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A SERIOUS BOOSTER, H;;s a no-brainer Detroit guy. He'a not Rob Tynwr, but nobody is. MC5 and SRC are the only way to inagine. Best by a mile, you don't think anything about how we think. I mean what we think about your best interests. Isn't the idea that abusers should be allowed to abuse beyond comprehension What is wrong with people? It's ok to shoot your ex? If she just thought you were a scumbag? How does this disgusting stalker make his way? What is wrong with the law if it protects this shit-heads constitutional rights to stalk this woman? I love my daughter. I figure if she thinks Matt is OK, I'm quite cool with Matt. The keedo is awesome, and I love you both a lot. How do we think about what happens? What do we mean when we say we meant something else.?
- Have either of you considered the built up way of looikng at luoise erdrich? Probably not, but that is how to write. Nancy, ever consider the Louise Erdrich brilliance? Damn. she is one fine writer. The Last Report on the little No Horse if you think thats something that you can ignore, fuck off. That little No-Hhorse is so superb, we'd have to consider somebody being smart. She's the second best 20th century female novelist. Its clear Margaret Atwood is best. Would you disagree? Faye Weldon? But she's so pissed off? Have you read Alias Grace? Cat's Eye? Oryx and Crake? My point is that women can write spectaular novels. Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.It is a spectacularly great book. I'm not saying it means dick, but it is a superior novel. It's as good a book as Lemprierre's Dictionary. and if you haven't read that, you'll love it. My feelings about gender and writing novels are shards. Nobody could convince me that Dickens is superior to either Bronte sister, though I must sau Charlotte beats. Wuthering Heights is a decidedly better book than Jane Eyre. What you think NANCY? Lemprierre's Dictionary or some book by some chick? what say? /
- If Owsley distributed 5 mil tabs and construction paper squares, he was never a millionaire. Back in those days, it was about a couple dollars per trip. And a good time was had by practically everybody. Despite horror stories, I was part of that culture and nobody, including people that we might have thought vulnerable, ever had a terrivle experience. There were always people with them to reassure them. And it was ridiculously fun. I don't believe for a minute it had any lasting effect, for good or ill. Just like a whole lot of schnapps without being drunk and with heightened senses and hallucinations. Felt the same from grain on occasion. I'm not advocating. I live with somebody that it would destroy. On the other hand, I think it's harmless for most people. Somewhat educational, and certainly enjoyable. And, to this day, Alice covering the brilliant Aussie Rolf Harris, that also wrote Tie Me Kangaroo Down and the Court of King Caractacus, is a campsong and Lake Powell syaple for me and my brothers : Sunarise No animals but ourselves have ever been harmed accidentally or intentionally. We have scared the crap out of bats in bat caves in Utah. How many Alice whackjobs ever knew this was written buy the Tie Me Kangaroo Down guy? I think this is hilarious. And of course, like eveverybody that really loves classic Alice, there's the Ballad of Dwight Fry. The guy was imaginative and eclectic, without a doubt. Somehow, it was that album, Love It To Death, that brought me together with the first love of my life, my daughters mother. Thanks Vince. Almost family values. Love It To Death is an excellent album, and I listen to it occasionally. We've got several hundred albums, how do we choose. More often than not, first six or seven Bob Dylan, Tonio K, Dexter Romweber, the Pogues, Screaming Blue Messiahs, SexPistols, Nick Drake, Van the Man, The KINKS, Tom Waits. It's a bounty and I could eat a ton of acid and do nothing else with the rest of my life but listen to all of this and make chili and superb spaghetti sauce. The desert island. I'd probably take Dylan, but I wouldn't rule out Tonio. It's one thing to name yourself after a pretty good Welsh drunk poet, it's another whole thing to choose a female character from a novel by a brilliant novelist of nihilist Germany. Dwxter, I'd say, in retrospect and only knowing you through this inadequate medium, you'd'a liked it. I will say, we were likely to set out on physical advetures that could have ended disastrously. Mostly in the wilds of Boston. On the duck pond ice. But with a street guy named Fenway Dick. Dick got exercised and swung a machete at my face. Chopped off a door molding and buried it in his foot, Amd I just stood there, unscathed. We contacted a neighbor to take care of Dick's German Sheperd Palladin and took Genwy Dick to Mass General emergency room. I've no idea what went on with the cabbie with all of the bood in the floor of his backseat. I was with a friend of my brother's named Stewart, who was a frightening linebacker from Chris' Princeton team. He took care of the cabdriver. After a long time, we got Dick back to his apartment, with many stitches and recriminations, and hand-rolled cigarwttwa, It was a Lucy-level comedy of errors, but we muddled through, . Those are the sorts of bizarre things that happen if you try acid. And when it's done it's astounding, Terrifying, I guess, but you somehow get through. And you always end up meeting up with the people you dropped with in the first place, like there are strings attached and they are pulled back through a ring. Everybody ends up back together I'm not advocating, but the feeling and the expteriences, I wouldn't trade them, and there is no way they they did me any harm. I've tried most drugs, and the intensely pschactive ones like LSD and other hallucinogens are harmless for most people, I;d guess, Opiates, particularly opium, are dangerous, You could just crawl into a hole, I know that's nothing new, just personal experience. Weed? If you smoke a little pot to enhance a movie experience Big Whoop. Doan mean dick. Isn't it alarming a network with no shows is going to can the Detroit cop show, which has gotten to be excellent? This show was undoubtedly supposed to be based on Michael Imperioli, but it's ensemble, and Lieut Fancy is the best. Well, it's not Homicide, but, shit, nothing is, including The Wire, which was so obviously robbed from Homicide, with cable trappings, it was amazing, and not as good. Not close. Anti-marijuana regulation is such an enormous waste of time it's hard to imagine why anybody bothers, Legalize it, Tax it like alcohol, you morons.
- Cooz, Dick Morris has hos to rub the balm of Gilead on his inflamed asshole. That is a guy I'd actually like to beat to within an inch of his life And what designer was responsible for putting the nuke waste spent rods in cooling pools atop the containments? On its face, that seems incredibly stupid.
- It was not long ago that Arianna was Ann Coulter without the Adam's apple. I have thought for a long time that the basic goal of Republicans was a plutocracy. Lately I'm wondering whether it isn't feudalism.
- It's getting increasingly disturbing that Republican politicians that used to seem reasonable, like Tim "Bridgeman" Pawlenty and Kasich seem to be whoring to the worst aspects of what seems to be an every man is an island American political culture. Seems to me that Richard Lugar, of the unfortunate name, is like the last bastion of humanity and common decency on that end of the spectrum. And they are going after him with torches and pitchforks. I've despised Republicans all my life. What if there aren't any anymore? Just a pack of rabid wolves. Rush is the biggest asshole on the face of the earth. It's not even close, except for Jerry Jones. He's also delusional and all-Oxy, all the time. What part of this puke is rational? Pray for Gaia to visit this turd with congestive heart failure.
- Mildly interesting story, but look at that out of shape woman in that picture.
- So, do nuclear, but bite the bullet, spend the cash, and do not under any circumstances put spent rods on top of the containments, or ever let any industry shills have anything to do with regulations. Remember when Scalia said it was alright for Dickless to keep secret who he talked to about energy policy?. If this is left to private interests people will undoubtedly fuck it up big-time in the interest of profit. And that is bureaucracy, too. Nuclear waste? Shoot it into space.
- What happens to the serfs. And these people populate the Teaparty. And this is close to as good as Neil gets without Steve.
- What sort of moron ever thought fracking was a good idea? But shit, water quality, who cares? That's why it's alright to have bulldozed mountaintops into hollers and trashed the Eastern seaboard watershed to extract coal. I lived there when I was a little kid. And I love the mountains and the Tug River. My front yard and my back yard, and pure kid adventure.After all, who needs water? Grow rapeseed across the steppes and forget about fossil fuel and nukes. This is obviously sciontifically feasible., just not economically. Wealth might be turned upside down. Couldn't have that, could we?
- Western Canada is largely steppes, right? Vast fields of weeds could provide immense amounts of fuel. No duh. Weeds do not deplete the soil. American corn for fuel is asinine and, how would GOP say it, a slush fund that gives Bob Dole rides on corporate jets. Agribusiness is a cancer. Some of y'all must be guitar players. Was there ever a more elegant player than Mark Knopfler? Maybe Robin Trower. But look how he plays with just his left. And like a lot of really good guitar players, he's a very good singer too. If you watch this, and you know how to play guitar, you might think this guy is the best. Richard Thompson and Steve Stills would be my picks. But this is truly awe-inspiring. If ads intervene, I swear it is not my fault.
- Hattie, not really, so long as people like you have the brains to realize it's a possibility we want to avoid.
- NEW NORMAL: You are vassals. Moe. I know i'm in a minority, but I believe Steve Stills is rather remarkable. Jimy and Clapton both chose to play on his first album. I would say, the wah on Go Back Home is the best rhythm guitar extant. Bar none. Nothing remotely close. It's actually better than the lead which is smoking.
- So what kind of guitar do you play, Moe? I think the ultimate question about guitar playing is the King question. BB or Albert? This is like the choose wisely line in Lost Ark. Choose Wisely. Albert has BB beat all to hell, but John Lee rules. At the Chessmate, 6 Mile and Livernois. Oh, and that crap about Ted Nugent never using drugs. that is garbage, I SAW HIM. HE IS A Major league liar. Although who aactually cares. He's a dickhead and nobody but some dumb POS LIKE BILL AMWHER IS GOING TO SOLICIT HIW QWWHOLE OPINION.
- We're listening to Exiles, the new version, it is ridiculously worth the money for the new one. Unless you think sludge is just part of the wtones experience. m I think they are masters. On guitar, I'd mostly put Mick Taylor, He was the Stones, with Mick, for a long time. Keef was mostly bullshit. Keef may as well have been dead. This is all Mick Taylor. and he began as qa way better guitqar player in the first place.
- ON Down the line. We have been sold out by normal folks. You bastards are so full of it nobody could imqgine, Rhe dangerouw whit on the roof You lyinng bastards..
- Whatever: Putting those ponds on top of the containments has got to be the dumbest thing anybody ever figured. Holy shit, how fucking dumb was that?
- Del, I've seen John Lee hundreds of times but never heard that song. It's fantastic. The Chessmate , at 6Mile and Livernois. Like I Cover the Waterfront, which is the greatest blues song other than Smokestack Lightning, in my opinion and of course Mannish Boy. That really, really white boy is perfect foil for Muddy. Probably the drugs.
- Saving space: we'll put the cooling ponds for the spent rods on the roofs of the containment housings and save some space. This just seems spectacularly stupid. And could somebody explain how those spent rods will be transported safely across the USA from the SRP to Yucca Mountain and how they will be cooled in transit and in the repository? This sounds like asking for trouble.
- And Dexter, it's most likely Richard Thompson. That kinda beats Doc Watson, which nobody ever thought possible. There is actually no way to play better than that. And Happy St. Patrick's Day.
- I realize best guitar player is a fool's errand. But it's entertaining. Chet Atkins comes to mind,, Keith Richard was not the best guitar player in the Rolling Stones. First, Mick Taylor. Second, Woody. Could Keef have ever played those Faces licks? Not in about a million years. No accounting for styles, but I can play anything BB King ever played, and I'm just decent as far as skill. Albert is his big brother, and, I think, a better singer, too. Maybe it's Buddy Guy. Maybe it was Dave Davies. Of course it's a foolish discussion, but it's endless and it's entertaining. What's the best Jimmy Page solo. I am absolutely sure it's Fool in the Rain. My brother is just as sure it's in Kashmir. Is either of those better than Dave Davies? Nope. And none of those is better than any Robin Trower. Or the real Fleetwood Mac, before they became a pop band. <a href="Steven Stills ">Steven Stills and this song is awe inspiring.
- There is a more serious divide in humankind than ripping and tearing and opening presents with some decorum. You aren;t a real human being unless you choose between the Peter Green / Jeremy Spencer version of Fleetwood Mac and the Lindsay Buckingham/Stevie version. If you choose the latter, you are a weenie, with no taste whatever. Green Manalishi or You Make Lovin' fun? No duh.
- They don't give a shit.. In fact, they want everybody unemployed and they want to blame it all on the brown guy,
- Mitch Daniels' version of the Koch brothers.
- So somebody had to do it. I'm interested in opinions on the NYT paywall decision. We get paid Sunday delivery, and they've been gracious enough to count that as sufficient for unlimited on-line access. Seriously? The poems remmed me of the all-time great Letterman bit, the German Shepherd film with the poetic voice-over: "Oh, when will the folks with the food arrive." And if anybody knows where that is on the net, I'd be very grateful. Here's what they tell you when you are selected for publication: Your poem has been selected for publication because of its unique perspective and artistic vision. We believe it will add to the importance and appeal of this edition of Patterns of Life." Whee doggies! I'm under no obligation to purchase a copy. To this day, I wonder where to find a copy to see if I'm actually in it.
- Whew. I listened to about 10 seconds of that horsepuckey. The Easybeats are rolling over in their graves. Any of those guys still living should sue the shit out of anybody involved in the current atrocity.
- Who made this shit up? No shit? Are there people rthat actually care about folks? Know what, there are are. Are we supposed to thing nothing means shit. There qre people it qctuqlly meqnw whit. Believe it ior nit, we care bout trying ro make rhtings halfwqy swxwnr. YOU QEE QOMWRHINFG QRONG QIRH RGIA ? WELL, YOU XQN'R.
- Rhose Makem Bros. are barely Irish. If you want Irish you'll listen to the Irish rover. Tjis land was alwaus ours. There are are people that keep theses things seriously. I love your beillliant jocularity, I vouldn't excuse what a dummgass. But I undersrand you ,ean the best What ever you ,ean very fine whar ever. , we ar3n't qhol3w.
- Amen, Rana. These bastards are looking to turn radio licences over to ClearChannel. This is pretty much like licensing mass hypnotization. Bad music, way bad politics. Or good if you want Fox drones to keep feeding cash upwards. They Live. What in hell is wrong with people? Their wealth is being transported to obscenely wealthy people and they seem too stupid to realize it. In fact, if ClearChannel has its way, It''ll be Don't Stop Beeieving 24/7 In fact, they think it's some great triumph over the gubmint. Frogs in a big pot of boiling water. Dumb as you can possibly get. What exactly is South Detroit? What horrible music. What a crock of crap lyrics. Calm down Dexter. Most of the games were nailbiters. My team lost, after mounting a challenge, late. Trey Thommpkins is arguably the best player in the college game, and he's out. I think that's a decent argument for him to come back for senior year, after a super game, and bring Travis Leslie back with him, Travis can almost literally jump out of the gym, he might be Jackie Dorsey redux I realize I won't get those players back, but they stayed for a while.
- Clearchannelfuck dat. will be all that's left and that is forcefeeding mass stupidity. We live in Hilton Head Island, a rich area, If we're left without NPR, we'll be left with ClearChannell, which is basically Bozo.
- Rebecca's from Orange County. What a surprise. This is another disgusting attempt at using your kid to get on TV. And Rana, could we all recall that Obama put the deficit on the map, after Dickless said it didn't matter, by actually being an adult and counting the two invasions and occupations. Those were both off the books when W was the Scalia-Pretzeldent. How did that effect the budget? These people are the biggest liars ever. NPR $5million. Nascar more. How much does it cost to fly Blue Angels ofer sporting events? To what end? They just despise truth, or even anybody being reasonable reporting news, instead of spewing Republican bullshit. Some of you more savvy than I, I know including the costs of the invasions affected the deficit, but how and how much? PNAC boondoggle in Iraq put huge bucks in Cheney's pockets, without a doubt. Palettes of cash in Blackwater hands just disappeared. &17bill. Who's gottem? Cheney does. Why is this asshole not tried for warcrimes? Cunts are still running the world. And I don't think Jarvis means cunts in the ageold sense. I believe he means despicable excuses for humanity. If somebody could pooint out a Republican politician that doesn't fit the bill, other than Dick Lugar, let's hear it. These people put the scum in scumbags. This is the party of Dan Burton and Newt.And am I the only person in the world that doesn't think the improvement isn't really better on Exiles? Makes the keith guitar better, Makes the vocal a bit better, Otherwise, what is the point? who could actually be that fucking stupid? We live in Hilton Head Island.So moat of us vote Republican, or we don't, we get bundled in with the idiots that live in the Pulte Subdivision on the other side of the bridge that calls itself Hilton Head when it isn't, though we despise it. It's a Pulte subdivision. And anybody that suggests differently is suggesting Keef is sober..
- The public stations play far and away the best music on the airwaves. Otherwise, we-ve got ClearChannel and BilielJoels every hour, And Lord that sucks.
- Brian, Happy Birthday, You're younger than I . Live long and prosper. Incredibly good music and 'm sorry to piggyback, but are these assholes kidding? What is wrong with these Savanorollistas? They are loony tunes budget and not scratching an idiotic itch? Does somebody actually think anything on NPR leans any which way? That is more or less made up crap. This is all garbage, and screw these morons. What they are trying to do is to free up licenses to be gobbled up by ClearChannel. All Rush all the time. Guaranteed, we will be left with the moronic radio feed of ClearChannel, which means, no radio. I grew up listening to fm radio in Detroit. And BCN in Boston. Thanks a lot you GOP assholes. XYZ and KNR, CKLW maybe, in the car. The canuck station was playing Brown Eyed Girl, a truly great song, when XYZ was playing Astral Weeks, centuries ahead, and Velvets. Huge difference. Then again, I was listening when a BCN DJ dropped the needle on I Feel Free. Detroit was way out front. We had MC-5, and Robin Sermour. Boston had Earth Opera, and Charles Laquidara. Trade you a DJ. Take Chuck, leave the bands the same. More polite. Brian, I'm getting close to the one that starts with 6 and ends in 0. Don't really give a shit. I'm alive, which was a crapshoot 40 years ago. I'm not decrepit. Three mile+ swim day after tomorrow if I don't keel. Daily on the bicycle. Conjugal relations most days. Just a number, and there are people that will miss me when I Die in My Footsteps Before I Go Down Under the Ground.. I like this cover. There are lots of them. I think people glom onto this song when they get cancer diagnoses, or when they just start creaking audiby. One way or another, probly neither one of us is going anywhere soon, and happy birthday. Many more to celebrate, bud.
- Nancy, what did Po play? You know the name is somewhat subversive. Jerry Falwell might notice the reference to the international homosexual agenda.I'd suggest buying the kids some Bangles CDs. (Not Go-Gos, for all the sex tapes and hotel trashing, they were kinda goodie goodie, though Our Lips are Sealed is pretty much pure power pop genius.) I mean, if you are cool enough that Prince rewrites 1999 specifically for you, as he did for Susanna Hoffs, that is pretty cool, Or his Overwhelming Lust is lusting. And of course, My Generation would be suitable, and has one of the great rock bass breaks ever recorded (well, Jon Entwistle was nonparreil, with maybe the exception of Jack Bruce), let's the drummer blow up at the coda. And big windmills would add stage presence. And Nancy, your daughter looks great with the My So-Called Life red hair. She's very pretty. Was this a bone of contention? Moe, I assume you've read the Thrones books. I have intended to since I heard of them, because what I've read about them made me think about The Left Hand of Darkness, which I thing is extremely good. But it would be years until I read anything else. I've been reading 2666 since August. It's superb, and worth the time, but its convoluted and complex, and frequently requires rereading. Meantime, I've got a stack of books to get to. I'd be willing to bet that a lot of people that claim to have read 2666 never did. I knew what I was in for, previously having read The Savage Detectives which is better, more difficult, and a third the length. Anyway, it's Stieg Larrson for me next. Carefree.
- Paddyo?, Is it possible you got Patriot Game from the outstanding version of the "Troubles" song, the Judy Collins version? That would lead easily to the third name. The song was rewritten by Bob Dylan, to the more trenchant and provocative With God on Our Side How about a totally clueless version? Leaves out Judas Iscariot..
- Brian, I once got my kid backstage for New Kids. They acted like assholes, but I believe those Wahlberg boys are very good actors, She's also met Mike Stipe and he was gracious and I'd say he's a role model. And that's what my kid thinks of as rock 'n' roll. New kids, no fucking way. Melissa Leo was so ec]xcellent so long on Homicide. The best prime time US ahow there ever was. And as good as Winter's Bone seems to be, it is not as good as Frozen River. NOT EVEN CLOSE, we've watched watched it three times. We'll still take Josh Brolin. And he should have plugged Javier Bardem with the cattle killer, But these boys don;t play. They do what the fuck they feel like. They made the funniest movie of all time. That would be Raising Arizona The only two better movies are Chinatown and Bladerunner. In no particular order. But Bladerunner is better. It's actually clearly the best movie ever made.I know, nobody agrees with my opinion, nor with my choice for second, Chinatown, which might well be the best.
- Eto karandash. And they own the USA. Who is running the world?
- Dex' where the hell'd you park them all? You live in Jonestown? If the VW was a camper, I get it, Damn that sucker was fun. Particularly with the canoe strapped on top.
- State Farm is the best, by far.
- Blow up Libya, don;t blow up Libya. Libbya can stand more blowing up tjan Lebanon couoe a few years ago. And Conservative war-mongers ate all over the President's case. I'd say it's about time for these people to admit that in America, there is no way a black guy can do anything right, and a moron white boy, child of privilege can be appointed President by a radical Supreme Court. and run up the biggest debt in the country's history and it get's blamed on the black guy. ction&sc=nl&cThurston Moore. trying hardest to be Lou Reed. It's pretty good.
- So what's the deal? Blow Libya to smithereedns or don.t, because it doesn;t fi Israeli policy. And who the hell knows what that might be? At NY GIVEN MOMENT?
- Israeli airstrikes, It's not enough to steal land. And homes. Shit, these assholes get more like the De'Klerks every day That's where they got the wherewithal to buil nukes. If that ain't appartheid, what the hell is it? This is what the USA buys for more than NPR costs. Really moronic.
- Dave, That Governor gave Bernie Madoff a run for his money for biggest crook in American history. But that's OK, you've got Marco Rubio, who's never met a lie he wouldn't tell over and over. Florida, home of jorts and obscene mullets.
- Brian, I agree, it would have been better to sit this out, Does this country have allies , or not. Egypat has the same planes the US does. Why didn't they carry this out? I imagine it was fun blowing up Gadaffi's tanks, but why should the USA have to do this? This is a case so obviouus of damned one way and damned the exact opposite, and it's all because he's the black guy in the Oval Office. Huge numbers of people will disagree with anything he does, like EJ Dionne and Paul Krugman, because, holy shit, he's Black.
- John G. April Glaspie actually encouraged Saddam to invade Kuwait, Then Saddams's soldiers slaughtered premature babies, we know from absolutely bullshit testimony in the US House, from the daughter of the Kuwaiti politician that told the whopper about Saddam, pitching a rocket at Kuwait City years later. Lies. lies. lies. All that is necessary for DynCorp and Halliburton to spring into action.
- I'd never, somehow, seen that ad. I saw National Velvet when I was a kid and loved it. Butterfield 8, excellent movie and performance. Maggie the Cat, ditto. Suddenly Last Summer? Capote-wierd and affecting, and inspired a great song by the Motels (from the vast musical wasteland of the 70s, and I always thought Martha Davis bears a resemblance to Liz Taylor.) Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe? Incredibly intense. My favorite, Taming of the Shrew. There had to be a bit of life imitates art at work, and Franco Zeffierelli could sure do Shakespeare. And Richard Burton is hilarious as a lout. Watching this video of cows released from a winter indoors it's easy to believe that free range dairy cattle produce superior milk, and that the whole process is healthier for all involved.
- Surely, " cursed out an editor" is a good thing. Isn't that a job prerrequsisite. I've been editor more often than progenitor of prose, and I abjectly admit to leaving out the more crepuscular of prose. Or at least what I LIKE THE MOST. I've been accused of writing heads that way in copywriting classes in JSchool. I always figured more people would read it, what's the harm? I'm relying on Nino Tempo and April Stevens here I think, for a definition of crepuscular. It may be my favorite word other than inchoate and ineffable, as in ineffably affable, which means the way you feel when spring arriv Nancy, I know you got a kick out of those cows frollicking. You sounded down about the temperature. You're blog has frequentlly made me feel better, leqwt I couled do. . there was a popular pop ballad about being in a courtyard with somebody you were infatuated with, about deep purple, climbing sleepy garden walls. Our 70s and my sunburn made me feel guilty about those of you suffering 20s aand such obscene temperatures, when God's grace has given us 70s. But, we got horendous win that blows no good will. It's not sand nor dust, it is live oak pollen, It's not fair., and I'd pass it on if I could. Which is why I sent along the Bossies playing like the were calves. Bovines bucking and headbutting is a new one on me. I thought it might help in the doldrums, which are, of course supposed to be summer5, but when it's spring and it seems still to be winter, I thought you'd get a boost. Horse's are unquestionably gorgeous animals. Hard to imagine a human that would deny that. But in that unbridled joy, those cows lookcelebratory. Is it the younger Bossies bucking and headbutting? Or their elders that understand the liberation. God knows, and unfortunately we can't talk to them. Can 'animals' experience happiness? I don't thing any humans would deny dogs can. Probably horses. Cows, they look happy as hell to me. Pigs? In slop. Dolphins and Whales? seems like a no-brainer. So, it seems to me that being able to be happy might be more important than the opposable thumb. Great Apes, Dian Fosse proved they were dapable of emotion, affection, happiness, without any training in what she was doing. But she proved it before she was murdered. I've read Teillhard extensively. The basic idea is creation as God becoming God. I know that's a difficult concept. It certainly makes creationists look like they claim God couldn't have put evolution in motion, because Teillhard was the worst sort or Catholic. And Catholics are q wect, even though historically every Protestant sect came directly from Catholicism. So who are these people? Jerry Falwell? Glenn Beck? Where is there any remote sense in anything any of these people say. And how do they glom on to O'Donqahue, that does not represent anything American Cathollics think? I have had it with the moron pundit characterization. American Catholics pretty much stick WWJD, The Jesus freaks don't.
- No way, seriously unfqqir crqp. Here's the d4ql. Whatever you wqy, I'M RIGHT; Don't be wimp;iwtic. Sorry, I'M
- No way, seriously unfqir hqv3 got to b3 kidding . Some2qy we coule mqk3 you look re2son2bl3. YOU Q43MW0M FULL 0F SHIT.
- Whatever anybody thinks. We don't think about anything but the best outcomes for kids. This is a no brqiner, We wqnt kiw to be hqppy qnd well qne strong. If I think a child is endangered, I WANT to hurt the bastrd. I understand that may not be the vest approach, Let cops deal, They know what they're doing. Best outcome is cops. handling. . I've a child that could have been taken, She hasn't been. Let the cops handle this. I'll stay in a B and B in Harvard I've had it with being blamed take care of myself. I have to come and see the boy. I promise I won't bother you. But I'll also be ecsstatic ifyou guys will have dinner with me at La Groceria, I'll try to hook up with sara. We had a memorable dinner there one time, No joke, she is one of my best friends ever, and yours too. And between the three of us, I kinda was in love with Sara back in the day. Why wouldn't I not be? She was in love with me. Coldest night of 1908. Great night out. Second best friend after Nancy Parmalee, great dinner. Sara, you are my best friend.
- So its freexing cold, I sent you a video that shows s0ws emjoying springm . I give up Mamcy, I can't do anything right. And I knew you;d like that.Becase wh wouldn;t. Because I missed the business about protecting the turf off season. No, my ears work. I get it,,It's like drop rotation. My IQ is somewhere around 160. If I annoy you, its got nothing to do with intelligence I know, I'm ruder than your contributors. I see people giving too much respect to nitwits and it annoys the shit out of me. I know you believe that if we have government, one of the reasons is to take care of folks that can't take care of themselves.. If we have anything to do with Jesus as a government, that is exactly what we are supposed to do. If people claim Jesus, and they don't intend takink care of the least, they are stealing government. Seriously, that is bad.
- So its freexing cold, I sent you a video that shows s0ws emjoying springm . I give up Mamcy, I can't do anything right. i thought you'd actually enjoy it. Cows kidking in the fields. They actually but t heads, females acting like it's just fun. And I knew you;d like that.Becase wh wouldn;t. Because I missed the business about protecting the turf off season. No, my ears work. I get it,,It's like drop rotation. My IQ is somewhere around 160. If I annoy you, its got nothing to do with intelligence I know, I'm ruder than your contributors. I see people giving too much respect to nitwits and it annoys the shit out of me. I know you believe that if we have government, one of the reasons is to take care of folks that can't take care of themselves.. If we have anything to do with Jesus as a government, that is exactly what we are supposed to do. If people claim Jesus, and they don't intend takink care of the least, they are stealing government. Seriously, that is bad. Way back, way back, I know you've read Riddley Walker? Know? Whos's to say nobodody knows way bavkck? And there's the little shining man, the adom. and what we say? We'll blow our of ourselves up. Whatever you say. This is horseshit, are you you dumb as grunt? They;re buried under the ground. And they'll kill us. And that;s a fact jack. So we dig this shit up and don't have a clue what it will produce. It is unquestionably dangerous and very bad for us.. IThe spent rods wew always exceptionally bad and there was never a way to dispose of them.
- Poison yourselves or take it easy. Figure out what to to do with nuke fuel rods? Seriously? Put them in ponds on top of the containments? That is looney.
- One beautiful woman, and joan Rivers is a grotesque scrawnyscarecrow; Shouldn't she have just shut the fuck up? What a sorry eccuse for a wraith? Joan Rivers made fun of Liz Raylor? This woman is the poster child for bad plastic surgery and she made fun of somebody else? Seriously, Joan Rivers makes fun of Liz. Taylor? What an asshole? Joahn Rivers? please. Has she ever been anything but fairly york she''s disgustusting looking. Tje is just a person that loook like she was made up as a zombie. Nancy. you really don't do yourself well connecting with Joan Rivers. Shes an asshole. No joke Nancy, I don't see connecting with the walking dead like Joan Rivers. She'ss not funny by any stretch. She's revolting. She's pretty much like the liviving dead. She's revolting. You got that?NNCY. NO SHIT. I MEAN FIE AHUURE. I DONT NEABN SHIT ABOUT ANY OF THIS THIS, ICARE ABOUT GETTING ALL Y'LL OUT OF OF THIS SHIT, YOU Havw to bwliwve I wanr ro get you out . So whar I sY bout xoming out ia truw, .. Whar I say sat is a fact. Whwn I say it we do it. Lwet's go...
- THE COWS ARE A Lke thiis shiw. ND IT'S GONNA GET JACKAED. . How in the world do people lie. My way of lieinng is all about frasier. who isn't a liar about anyrhrhing, and he never told a lie about being a Mountie, zzigned to the THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. chicago PD. ns sworn BAOLUTELY RO RWOOINFG THE TRUTH.Watching this video it's easy to believe that free range cattle produce superior milk, and that the whole process is healthier for all involved.This is bullshit for this ro get canned, Whet heVY bit the Wire, They stole that from Homicide in the first place All that nitty-gritty they just stole that from honicide. That all they stolee from honicide. If it wasn't the araber isn the box, tht qA QhT YIU TRIED RO XCLAIM.
- Joan Rivers making fun of Elizabeth Taylor is one sad surgery- and anorexia-addled goulish wraith that wishes she was Liz Taylor. Somebody talented. There is really no excuse but reality TV. She is revolting, and so stupid and crass, she plunges the country into stupidity and crassness. People pay this scrawny facially deformed asshole for her Depends comments? I seriously doubt she ever wrote a joke of her own. She's a crone. and she ought to just move along, she's revolting. There is really no excuse for Joan Rivers aside from giving her no talent grotesque daughter gainful employmentThey are both jerks with serious problems with envy of people a lot better looking than they are. And they make a living commenting on how other people look. So.... Joan Rivers in her prime was a Merv Griffin wannabe comedian. If she made a joke about Liz Taylor and a microwave, she was going to some aspect of Christian Troy to have her face carved the next day. What a hypocrite and what a jackass. And she made herself throw up the salad, immediately. Anorexia is sad for kids. For Oldtimers, it's probably fatal. What is wrong with this idiot? . She may have been funny once, about Lime Edgar, Now she is revolting, and so stupid it's hard to believe. People watch Dancing With the Stars. Who's the star? Hines Ward? Kate Gosselin was the star. Who the fuck? This is an abusive mother and an abusive eife. This is somebody America tunes in for? What the hell is wrong with my country? Best football player other than a QB in at least 30 years. And if guys don't look up, and they get nailed. that is football you assholes and stop whining you got undressed. That's what he's paid to do. That's football you little pricks. But I find it hard to believe anybody is standing up for that useless bitch Joan Rivers. She's bascally become a bad imitation of Kathy Griffin, or whatever her name is. Joan Rivers doesn't like Natalie Portman's dress? She wishes she looked like that and ever had that sort of talent. And she's trying to get with Huckleberrybee. She is a total ahole. And she looks like a ghoul in a zombie movie. Actually, she looks exactly like one of those alienswith the fucked-up faces in They Live. Maybe No. 3 in best movies. Sorry, I think Joan Rivers is a germ that is everything wrong with TV these days. Every joke she makes sounds like it's about her scarred body, and she doesn't understand she's a parody of herself. She is America dumbing down and probably a big fan of Bachmann and Palin. In the end, she looks like Jack Nicholson playing the Joker, and Natalie Portman looks like herself, and probably has the brains to leave it that way, like Jodie Foster, who won't ever look her age, because she's just gorgeous. Left to nature, Joan Rivers would probably look a lot like Phyllis Diller, these days, from whom she stole shamelessly. And Ms. Diller is way dead. Joan Rivers is an asshole and her envy of beautiful women with way more talent does not become her.
- JoaRivers joke. About the microwave. Stop. Don't hurry, I still have to puke up the last two pop-tarts. That is one odious excuse for a human being.
- A girl? A woman in full. Not Lillian Hellmann, but a woman in full. She was brilliant as a girl. National Velvet was a great movie. Who was the best kid actor that actually became an adult actor? Drew Barrymore is obvious. She was a terrific kid actor, and those are rare, She's extremely good in adult comedies too. And she is so cute it's amazing, Natalie Portman with the heavy in The Professional was stunning. Maybe better than Jodie Fosterin Taxi Driver. Both of these women have Ivy degrees and Joan Rivrrs can eat her sislife on a cold plate. What a sad bitch? People passed her by, and did everything she wanted to do. So she slags what they wear on the crpet. That's sad.
- Sue, And it's two days since the one man in the control tower at the Ron Raygun airport either fell asleep or really, really had to take a dump. One guy on shift from midnight to 6am? Yeah, I'm sure that could happen if there were collective bargaining over working conditions. It's not like 6 or 700 lives depended on it. But nobody died, so maybe the Great Communicator was right. We doan need no steeenkeeng ground controllers. Thing is Raygun was president of a union, back, way back, before he decided they were all pinkoes, and ratted out all his former friends. And, how is this different from Creationism taught as science? I assume this is a fabrication, but it's brilliant, and hilarious. It sounds exactly like something W might have said, while he was falling off a Segway. Moe, Seattle Times is a terrific paper. Decidedly Republican, but like back in the day when there were Republicans that understood governing. Aside from Lugar, is there a single one left? And you know, it used to seem as if Republicans cared about kids from conception until birth, but now the kids aren't safe after the big sperm-ovum meetup. The Party of the Moment of Conception, and screw you forever after if you're not a rich donor. All of this free the incandescent lightbulb fulmination from Republicans should serve to render these yahoos laughingstocks to anybody with a working cerebellum and cerebral cortex. And bike lanes. That was Timothy McVeigh's idea. Festival of Holi. Damn, Hinduism looks like it's fun. What one might expect from Bokononism. Nice, nice, very nice.
- And this mightexplain a lot about the supremely bizarre Paul political empire. We've got state of the art Kohler models, and, damn, they work great, fast and quiet. And why wouldn't this work with CAFE standards?
- Sorry, but anybody that would vote forMr. Bad-Wig should be disenfranchised immediately and forever. Haley the Hut is not quite this level of reprehensible. Although, the Donald isn't an outright racist schmuck. He probably doesn't think things were more copacetic when nigras was nigras. So who they got? The magic underpants inventor of Obamacare. Two obnoxious twats that are so stupid/nuts they have no idea what's come out of their mouths until they don't read it in a major newspaper. Huckleberry Hound, that thinks Indonesia and Kenya share a common border and Mau Mau history. Mr. Patriotism Made Me a HornDog, Ayn Rand's demon spawn? Governor I Supported the Bridge until It Fell Down? Altogether paltry.
- Jeff, I live in SC, and while Lindsey is infuriating in his gutlessness when push comes to shove, I'll walk miles to keep him in office. What else do we have? Demented? My Congressman, Joe Wilson? Nikki 'Appalachian Trail of Her Own" Haley? Lindsey frequently knows the right thing to do, without the cojones to do it. But on a ship of fools, that's better than nothing. And yes, I voted for Alvin Greene, as the less objectionable of two opprobrious choices. And Demint was behind that whole deal, and nobody in SC doesn't think so.
- But we're not in the dark, Nancy. Everybody here knows the facts of these matters to some extent. Anyway you look at it, ****@* run the world. Just for fun. Iggy covers Jonathon Richman. And who knew Jim could play guitar that well?
- Retsina tastes pretty much like pine tar soap smells.
- Jeff, have not touched that vile stuff since a bad experience in a fountain at the Greektown festival in 1967. These days, it's more likely Tennessee corn, which is actually the only use of that grain I'd like to see subsidized by the Federal Gubmint. Ethanol is akin to a Ponzi scheme and feeding cattle bioengineered and antibiotic-laced corn is pretty close to criminal. And all of the money goes to about 10 corporations, with virtually zero bucks to 'family farms', which these days are mostly, basically sharecroppers. Cut the deficit? That and defense are surely where to start. Whatever the current version of Raygun's StarWars hallucination is, nobody really thinks shooting a bullet with a bullet will ever work (it sure as shit hasn't yet, even when the contractors cheat they asses off on tests), and at least $1trill has disappeared down that rathole. Remember when the Patriots were shooting down SCUDS, Arthur Kent was reporting from hotel roofs with bombs bursting in air, and Wolf Blitzer was soiling his Utrou under a desk in the lobby? Well HW and Raytheon said they were 90% effective, when the real number was 10%, and that was happening in the atmosphere. Everyy dime on shit like that is wasted, as is every dime on DARPA, ELF and every other hare-brained weapons scheme anybody ever invented to put money in the hands of defense contractors that do their crooked bidding. Social Security and Medicare. First get rid of Part D. Then make rich people live up to their purported Christian values and apply payroll taxes to folks making significantly more than $106,800. That ceiling is absurd, and was imposed when the sum was serious cash. Then we actually regulate financial "institutions" and make "hedge fund manager" cough up half. And never get talked into idiotic invasions by guys that put their combs in their mouths and say it will pay for itself. They have some sort of Mad Greasy Dandruff Syndrome, and it won't. And they will leave it out of the Federal budget while the self-appointed VP has his corporate lackeys abscond with pallettes loaded with Benjamins, to buy him the healthy hearts of Innocents and Pagan Babies.
- George Carlin and MC5 on the American Dream. The governor of Maine is nothing but a confrontational, petty, flaming paudeen.
- I read that Juan Cole this am cooz. He has better contacts and far more knowledge of these events than any of the various fulminators on the subject, particularly including Republican wanna-be Presidential candidates. I mean, he speaks Arabic. His analysis certainly makes the President's political and media critics look like partisan knee-jerk know-nothings. No offense intended to anybody that has a strictly moral objection to the military action. I hope some WH aide has passed this along as Obama's Libya speech is being prepared. As far as Butler is concerned, you go, boys. Donovan was outcoached, and I love seeing Florida lose at any sport. And all this reverence for Coach Donovan, well I'd trust him about as much as Bruce Pearl and Geno Auriemma to play by recruiting rules. And I'd be ecsstatic if that little gym rat Coach Shaka 'Zulu' Smart could get VCU past Rock, Chalk, Jayhawk (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean). We're more interested in WBB now, because UGA's still in it and Andy Landers deserves to win a championship (750-248, alltime in 31 years). Although how he didn't win with Teresa Edwards (five Olympics, four gold medals) and Katrina McClain(three and two) at the same time, I don't know. The women's game is exceptionally enjoyable to watch. I used to run a camera on Georgia hoops contests when I worked for Georgia Public broadcasting. Single camera, perched on a 4x8 plywood platform in the rafters of the Coliseum. Temperature at that level would reach 90s during games, and there was always a danger of pitching off the aerie with a $200grand piece of equipment. I'd be drenched by the end of games. My PBS salary: $5.2grand per annum. I'm ashamed of my greed as a quasi-public employee.
- We actually looked into performance appraisals of toilets when we renovated our condo last summer and bought the Consumers Best Buy Kohler model. Fast and silent. I'm with the 'so full of shit' explanation for these light bulb freedom fighters. Given their political 'ideas', it's surprising they don't insist on the chamber pot and servant plumbing system. As for washers. We have a small laundry space, big enough for a stacked washer and drier, but the stack would block access to the main water valve for the condo, unacceptable. We have a more ingenious laundry solution: a combination washer/drier made by a (I assume) Deutsch company called Haier. It doesn't require a vent for drying. It's very compact. people complain that these machines have limited capacity, take too long too dry, and leave clothes wrinkled. Wah. Jeans, assorted underwear and T-shirts, two days worth, or a set of queen sheets with pillowcases. No problem. I love this machine, and have tracked energy consumption before and after, and there is virtually no apparent increase in the electric bill from our laundomat days until now. We also washed a down comforter in this machine and it turned out beautifully. Machine is inaudible with the TV or stero on (well, everything is inaudible with the stereo on). We love this machine. It's good to live at the beach self-employed and never get dressed up, where wrinkles doan mean shit. Tees and jeans and cargo shorts, and sandals. Dishwasher: Ditched, there are two of us, after all, and the dishwasher was just a tool of procrastination, a repository for dirty dishes, a terrible energy waster and point pollution source. Who needs it. I assumed permanent dishwashing detail, in return for dishwasher-sized cabinet with interior bin-sixed drawers, a reasonable tradeoff, in my opinion. Haven't seen a Mona Charen column in years. Does she still use that cutesy byline pic that looks like Baby's obnoxious sister, and probably lagged her actual age by about 15 years?
- The idea that a new government regulation could drive technological, design, or manufacturing innovation in the private sector is horrifying to the plutocrats, but I'm not sure why. Because it might tend to legitimize regulation, or government in general? Or is it just that CAFE standards would drive Urban Assault Vehicles into extinction?
- Damn. I left my bike unlocked for five minutes yesterday and returned to find it had been liberated. Looking at a new bikeon the net, I've seen a bunch of these internal hub, shaft-drive bikes that look great. Any of y'all have any experience with these. I wonder about rear tire changes. Every bottle thrown from every car here shatters on the bike paths, (locals blame it on the touristas, but I know it's the locals) although I'll probably just go with kevlar-belted tires anyway, so tire changes would be black swan rare. I'm a pretty good bike mechanic, and I trust chain drives and derailleurs. Third bike stolen in 9 years, first was a very expensive Motobecane road bike, chain cut while I was at a 7:30 am mass. Obviously a bike theft gang. Mostly people steal to get someplace once and then just ditch the bikes. Moved from Boston, the US car theft capital, to the bike theft capital of the world. Obviously, I don't want to spend a lot. I'm looking at Trek and Schwinn hybrids that are beach-capable, under $300. I think it's more an attack on free speech and academic freedom than McCarthyism, but I really think Professor Cronon should either claim he has no idea where the emails have gone in the ether, or that he'll turn them over when the GOP produces several million from Kommissar Karl.
- Mark P. Fine with me, but nobody makes a competitive machine for performance or price. Free markets, right. Good enough for the Walton Family and Sears, too. And that All-American Republican free-marketeer Arthur Blank.
- Scrushy and Rick Scott. A divergent tale of two Health care crooks. If you defraud stockholders, you go to Club Fed. Defraud the government, you escape jail but bankrupt the company by getting the hell out of Dodge, leaving it to pay fines for your personal crimes.
- Nancy. What the Butler Tweeter did is a violation of NCAA rules. NCAA recruiting rules are arcane, or Byzantine, whichever might be mare abstruse and unreasonable. The NCAA Cthulu mythos would hold the tweeter is a representative of Butler. It's what's called a secondary violation. I can't explain further, except that if people want to see fascism in live action, they can watch the NCAA. Here's another instance of mindless NCAA picayunity. I know that's not a word, but it would be a useful one. Little Hitlers. And this guy is no representative of the real Dawgs. He may have done this on purpose. I think it's more an attack on free speech and academic freedom than McCarthyism, But I really think Professor Cronon should either claim he has no idea where the emails have gone in the ether, or that he'll turn them over when the GOP produces several million from Kommissar Karl.
- USA Today = MacPaper.
- Carville? Didn't any of y'all ever see the Cryptkeeper. Separated at birth, or death, whatever. Speaking of which, what the hell is a life coach?These two are repulsive, even for "life coaches". Botox twins on dazzle and Percodan, with coat-hanger grins.
- In at least one of the cases of a budget shortfall,it was the brave austerity governor who created the proximal crisis, on purpose, to gain a fulcrum with which to roll out the unions. Walkers ploy, and the money behind it, were so transparent that any reporting on this story that doesn't account for those facts is dogass and deliberately obfuscatory.
- Dutchday is a great idea, but shouldn't it be named for a character? Although Mr. Leonard, as I knew him as a kid in the mid-60s, is certainly acharacter. The summer swimming team for me and my brothers was the Birmingham Surf Club, of which Elmore Leonard was a member. the club did not open for recreation until after our 9-11 practices every day, with one exception. Elmore Leonard would take a lounge chair armed with one of those lap desks (which he may have invented, nobody'd ever seen one before), Bic pens, and yellow legal pads. He'd spend the two hours writing. We thought he was fascinating because none of were used to seeing an adult that scruffy in J. Walter Thompson territory. To this day, I wonder why he found the raucous swimming practices a background conducive to writing, and why no adults ever thought it a bad idea to let this shady looking guy into practice with a bunch of 7-15 year old kids in tank suits. He would occasionally buy a round of Eskimo Pies and Drumsticks from the snack bar for the team, but he never showed up for a meet.
- Eric Cantor takes the third rail in both hands. What a maroon. And he's the GOPlutocrat whiz kid. Justified is excellent, and the characters and settings are nostalgic for me. My dad worked in a hospital funded by Kaiser that provided free care, mostly for UMW members, across the river from Williamson, WV, in Turkey Creek KY. One of my brothers was born in Turkey Creek. My dad was also chief of Pediatrics at Metropolitan Hospital12th & Tuxedo, Detroit, which was associated with the UAW, and Walter Reuther's grandchildren were some of his patients. I met Mr. Reuther on several occasions as a teenager. Yes, we were raised pinko.
- profoundly weird things with the geography I think The Verdict is a great movie, but Boston area locations can really interfere with my attention span. At some poin, Paul Newman's character says they have to go to Arlington to interview the key witness nurse. Next scene a long steep, hill lined with ear to jowl three-deckers, and the beach visible at the bottom of the street. Arlington's flat and landlocked. This happens less with TV shows set in Boston, I don't know why the lawyers in the movie just say they were going to Reveah, or Southie. I'd like to see the Bradbury Building in LA. Amazing setting for tense cat-and-mouse between Deckard and Roy Batty.
- I once rode several floors on an elevator at the St. Francis with Edward G. Robinson, speaking of SF. Very short, waaay dapper.
- Mackinac Center is non-partisan? Sure thing. I guess the Heritage Foundation is too, and Cato too, with which it shares or has shared board members. Oh, and funding from Koch Industries and the Amway People, the Waltons, and Erik Prince's (Blackwater/XE) mom and pop. Why do they bother to claim nonpartisanship? Have mercy on the poor beleaguered Koch Bros. Surely, Florida voters were at least tangentially aware of Rick Scott's Medicare shenanigans that garnered $1.7bill in fines when they voted for this crook. His latest scam should come as no surprise to anybody. I think Peter's right about pasteurization, although I like Guinness on tap in the USA just fine. The most obvious difference for any brand between source and what you can buy here is Red Stripe, which is very good in Jamaica, sub-Pabst here.
- GOP presidential nomination field has yet to scrape the bottom of the barrelPNAC original gangster asshole John Bolton, who wants to blow up the UN, is considering a run. Yeah, that John Bolton.
- Stout, and its medicinal and psychological uses (in verse). Flann O'Brien is an underappreciated novelist that everyone should read. Hilarious, and more accesible than J. Joyce: The Dalkey Archivewith James Joyce as heroic draft-dodger,faked death an hiding out as an humble publican At Swim Two Birds The Third Policeman
- Who votes for idiots like this? Eric Cantor's Government Shutdown Prevention Act. Jackass apparently needs Constitution lessons from Bachmann, assuming she understands that the House can dictate new laws, Senate be damned.
- We had to use manual Royals in writing classes in J School. I believe this was the choice of a professor that enjoyed watching everybody squirm, but it worked to my advantage. I got through undergrad English writing papers two hours from deadlines, from my brain through the typewriter to the page, so my instant composition skills were pretty well-honed, while my typing ability lagged behind decent. This same Prof put every writing assignment on an exact deadline and gleefully pulled pages from roller and platen when his timer went off. It was kind of exhilirating for those of us that didn't feel tsuris. I suppose it's just coincidence, discussing Newt and Calista in such close proximity to 'concupiscence'. Makes me feel all patriotic. Run it up the pole and see who salutes.
- some whiny conservative shitheel from Wisconsin told a town hall meeting that he is having one helluva time supporting his family on his Congressional salary of $174,000 per year Roundly similar to the teabagging shitheel (oh I love that word, like why flaming asshole is so much more descriptive than just asshole) that couldn't understand why his gubmint health care didn't start coverage the instant he was sworn in to vote against gubmint health care. And I know it's impolitic to call them Teabaggers, but, hell, that's what they called themselves before somebody told them what it means. And it does suit them well, given there special relationships with Dick Armey and the Koch bros.
- The more a politician talks about Sharia Law is, invariably, inversely proportionate to how much the shitheel actuaally has a clue what the term means. Meanwhile, Arizona has passed a new abortion law providing for criminal charges against doctors that perform abortions putatively based on race or gender of the fetus (but not parents). Well, blow me down. I know this happens in China, but in the USA. This is both disturbing and perplexing. Anybody make head or tail out of it?
- The whiny GOPlutocrat from Wisconsin should have consulted Planned Parenthood, before voting to try to put the organization out of business.
- Calista looks a lot like McCain's trophy. Both men (using the term loosely) pulled the same sort of despicable shit on previous wives. Actually the two look as if they went to some unscrupulous cosmetic surgeon to get the infamous, and I pray urban-mythologized (Carl Hiassen, in Sick Puppy, I believe), Barbie twin treatment.
- I've still got one of those Brother WPs with a 23 character memory on a one-line screen. Not much for editing, but I don't mind taking it to the beach. I think they were sold at Sears. Weighs about half a #, and it's rechargeable. Zero keyboard feel.
- Rep. Turner is a flamer, only, courtesy of Rep. Lawson, the flames are issuing from a brand new one.Some 'people' need a sound beating.
- Christy: Calista's birth certificate? What? Proof she was born? Anyway, just get records from her last liposuction and count the rings.
- Wearable steampunk stuff kinda wears me out in a hipster sort of way, but I really like the aesthetic in fiction, like China Mieville's novels. I suppose my favorite is the flying pirate ship in the movie version of Neil Gaiman's Stardust (a terrific movie for kids and adults, hilarious performance by R. DeNiro). And we really get a kick out of Warehouse 13. Spaghetti trees: believe it or not, people fell for this April Fool prank. And, flying penguins. Wisconsin recall good news, not April Fool. Take that, ya bastards.
- Kirk, And the Navy should have better things to do than fly fighters over sporting events in close formation. Total annual budget $20mill+
- The DoD spending money to advertise through NASCAR seems like preaching to the choir, to me. I saw a flyover a few years ago. Watched from across Port Royal Sound (SC) during an airshow at Parris Island. Culminated in one of the Hornets going down in flames in a residential area. I wonder what that sortie cost.
- Ifeefree WE CARE. THAT WAS NO SHIT. YOU COULD LIKE NOTHING ELW3 BUR WAID / WHAREFER YOU THOUGHT.MP/I GWL FREE/ SHIT. We couldn't anybody you would consider. I feel free.
- Ifeel free. WE CARE. We couldn't anybody you would consider. We graduated from The Grady School. A specracularly great JScchool. I feel free. Rhjw King James is whar King James wanted it it to say, and what tose guys made it say, or it was they're necks. Feautiful lamguage, Shakes and Kit Matlowe. It's the faggot version and that's about that, None of these characters had any aramaic. Word of God? I doubt it.
- All of this remembramce about typewriters is wonderful. We all remember when news was actually news, and it was banged out. , I r5emember when what got banged out actually meant the real deal. I'd suggest everybody read the current Atlantic, the James Fallows edition, , in which a very good writer adresses the idea of new media, and Newton Minnow;s look at the new wasteland. If TV has no room for Terriers, TV sucks bigtime. The Wire was all that? Ir was not as good as Terriers or Homicide. And if Brit shows are so wonderful, why is The Office odious, and why is Entourage so fucking odious? Not remotely funny, just asinine. Now Detroit 287 is a rerrific show. But it ca'st sustain. A seriously excellent show. Glod acting and amazing scenes of Detroit. one superb show. Somwehinf better? Not likely. Truely excelent. :ets have more fat people.
- Newt and Calista way back/
- Michael G. Everything comes back to cut and paste, I loved doing it back in the day when it was literal, and I was exceptional at it, We put issues together and to bed. And it was fun. Took some real talent. With glue and and pica sticks. Those were the days of more clever headlines. Those days of copywriting and crafting heads were my most favorite times in JSchool. We learned to count, halves and wholes. It made school fun. In retrospect, I'd say JSchool was fun. We had access to all the great papers. Many of which have bitten the dust, SacBee, which is a shadow of itself, the KT papers that were great and disappeared, The Atlanta papers, that used to mean Ralph McGill;; and Reg Murphy, that didn't take shit from anybody and named racists where there were racists. It's depressing how the great papers have declined. The Atlanta Constitution used to bea great newspaper. These days its drivel. The Free PRESS used to be a good paper.
- if you claim to be Christian and you don;t uphold the two great commandments, you are a whited sepulcher and a sham.
- What did this self-aggrandizing POS think was going to happen? I own a copy of the Koran. I don't own a bible, but I do have the New Testament in Greek, which I can still read, and believe me, the King James makes some wide-ranging occasionally bizarre assumptions in it's translation. Padre Walrus-Whiskers should be prosecuted. That is not speech, that is lunacy and got a bunch of good people killed. What did this attention -starved idiot think would happen? If I publicly burned a bible because of the atrocities in the OT, I'd be besieged by fundamentalists. This is an authentic act of terrorism. Shitheel shouted "Fire!" in a crowded theater, and he did it on purpose. What is this horseshit. These are not family farms. Like what Republicans did with Medicare Part D. Gave huge amounts of cash to humongous corporations, that buy them elective office and give them jobs when they're run out of government.
- How marijuana is not taxed and regulated like alcohol and cigarettes is a mystery to me. Pot is harmless. Gateway hysteria is just that. People don't get high and beat on their wives and kids. People don't drive like idiots when they're high. Well, they drive too slow for traffic. The pot prozcription is rank Puritanism. Did anybody know this asshole did this? I own a copy of the Koran. I don't own a bible, but I do have the New Testament in Greek, which I can still read, and believe me, the King James makes some wide-ranging and occasionally bizarre assumptions in it's translation. Padre Walrus-Whiskers should be prosecuted. That is not speech, that is lunacy and got a bunch of good people killed. What did this attention -starved idiot think would happen? If I publicly burned a bible because of the atrocities in the OT, I'd be besieged by fundamentalists. This is an authentic act of terrorism. Shitheel shouted "Fire!" in a crowded theater, and he did it on purpose. What is this horseshit. These are not family farms. Like what Republicans did with Medicare Part D. Gave huge amounts of cash to humongous corporations, that buy them elective office and give them jobs when they're run out of government.
- If alcohol is legal, pot should be legal. Simple as that. Just say Yo. I'm buying. Cardiovascular disease? Nobody's ever going to smoke a pack a day. Gateway drug? Maybe to hallucenogens, but so what? They're harmless as well, except peyote might make you puke. Anybody that has a hard time with acid was damaged goods to begin with.
- Judgement. And it seems to be working. Black to Comm. Why MC5 is the second best Detroit band after SRC . Better than Iggy. This song would likely have been impossible without pot, and the world would be poorer.
- Isn't this the best Beatles song?? And it's got chickens.
- Apropos of nothing, On the term, "bounty hunter", originally applied exclusively to trapping and killing animals, According to the OED, Elmore Leonard first applied the descriptor as it is used on Dog. "A shift from a hunter of animals to a hunter-down of criminals is easy to understand but you have to come a lot nearer the present day to find examples. An ambiguous example dated 1930 is in the Oxford English Dictionary’s entry, but the first I’ve been able to find that explicitly refer to the apprehension of humans are the 1954 film The Bounty Hunter, which starred Randolph Scott on the track of three murdering train robbers, and Elmore Leonard’s book of the same title in the same year."Michael Quinion, World Wide Words
- This Charlie Sheen shit is like paying for a ticket to a show by the late usually got arrested before any music was performed, for stuff like pissing on the audience.G.G. Allin, who usually got arrested before he could get to playing music, for bizarre behavior like pissing on the audience or taking a dump on the stage. More G.G.
- Paul Ryan is supposed to be the GOP intellectual on budget matters. Ryan says “We want to get spending and debt under control, and we want to get the economy growing, and we want to address the big drivers of our debt, and that is the entitlement programs." Yeah right you nitwit. The current Federal deficit has nothing to do with Obama acting like a grown-up and accounting for the immense costs (at least $3trill, in the long run) of the W invasions. In the first place, calling Social Security and Medicare "entitlements" is bullshit, when the cost of those programs is largely borne by payroll taxes. That's some of my money, dickhead, and I want it used the way it was agreed.In the second place a huge amount of defense spending comes from revolving door sweetheart contracts and unconscionable cost overruns that are rubber -stamped without oversight. Now that's entitlement, and it's often Pure D waste. Shitcan the W rich people tax cuts. raise the Social Security salary cap to, well all of it. Actually tax hedge fund profits and managers. Problem solved dumbasses. Make corporate citizens pay for their political speech with taxes on obscene profits enabled by bailouts, the way the less influential and rich of we citizens do. None of this is rocket science., but it is apparently beyond the intellectual capabilities of average American voters. And how could Charlie Sheen be the sibling of that clean-cut young man Emilio Estevez, Otto from the film classic Repo Man? Makes one want Drinks and Smokes.
- On the subject of Social Security, the Republicans would have put all of that money in the hands of Wall Street criminals after the purloined election of 2004 if they could have gotten away with it. That sure would have turned out great. As things stand, I'm not working anymore and will ride out the next three years until SS kicks in on savings and investments, because I am sure these nefarious bastards intend to fuck with my money, and Christian values, of which I'm a serious and committed proponent will have nothing whatever to do with their shenanigans. Matthew 25:35 is not in their playbook. I like what I do for a living, and I'm good at it. Turns out, I can do it in service to Habitat for Humanity, and do a lot of people a lot of good without earning money and paying taxes. So flaming assholes like Paul Ryan never get their hands on my money to privatize government.
- Beb. Republicans positing weaselling out of pension payments as a means to cut the deficit is pretty much identical to a situation in which I tell a bank it's inconvenient to pay my car loan, and hell, I'm not giving the lhamborgini back either. Nobody held a Mosburg to their pointy little heads. And when these shitheels produce statistics supposed to illustrate exorbitant compensation in the public sector, they are invariably comparing high school teachers to burgeer flippers. They certainly know this is patently dishonest, but they don't give a shit.
- I was an unadulterated jock (football, swimming and track) and I was a National Merit finalist. The idea that athletes are all a bunch of dummies is asinine, and mostly a result of jealousy of athletic accomplishments. Herschel Walker went back to school and got a degree. At Georgia, two great hoops players, the Kessler bros. are now doctors after illustrious academic careers, and producing more benefit for real people than the Kochs. Richard Tardits, the all-time sack leader at UGA was a Rhoades Scholar. Terry Hogue, a three-year All-America safety, carried a 3.9 when he graduated with a degree in molecular bilology, and forged a pro contract that paid for medical school. Meantime, the swimming, softball and gymnastics programs graduate everybody, with many illustrious academic careers, and they would not be possible, as is the case with most Title IX programs, without football cash. I used to work as a tutor for the UGA athletic department. These kids were dedicated, and they worked harder at academics than did my fellow students when I was an undergrad, and worked their asses off for grades. They were also frequently victims of incompetent, doctrinaire TAs that disliked them because they were scholarship athletes. Last football season, AJ Green, the Georgia receiver that was the best college player in the country, sat out a four game suspension for selling a jersey from a bowl game that was his property. The season was ruined. AJ needed the cash for family concerns. The Ohio State players traded in their athletic prowess for tats and rental cars, had their suspensions deferred to next season, while the coach lied his sweater-vested ass off. Obviously, the NCAA has no clue.
- Judybusy, The Difference Engine is one of those books that is terrific until a fizzled ending, but well worth reading. My point about pot is that it should be regulated, taxed and sold in the same sort of system as alcohol. I'm sure that potency can be measured and controlled. Would kids get ahold of it? Probably, but kids get their hands on Rumple Minze and brewskis, no problemo. Marijuana is on the federal books as a narcotic, which is scientifically idiotic. I believe there is a great deal of evidence that THC may be effective for use in mitigating alcoholism, for one thing. I have no proble believing that marijuana use can exacerbate symptoms of schizophrenia, but since I'm not schizophrenic, I really think laws preventing me from smoking if I want are ridiculous, and I wouldn't drive any vehicle more dangerous than my bicycle high, any more than after drinking. Isn't Dahlia Lithwick, superb? She explains the way the SC works better than anybody. Ms. Lithwicks got a very funny book called Me v. Everybody, which I've given as gifts to my brothers, all of whom are lawyers. Clarence Thomas is a lying POS. He lied his fat ass off in response to every question about Anita Hill. I was at Holy Cross in 1969, when Thomas was there. His claims during his confirmation hearings to having been involved in a somewhat radicalized Black Student Union and staging a campus walkout, is pure self-aggrandizing fantasy. Clarence was one of two black kids in school that had nothing to do with the BSU, or any of the turmoil of Spring '69. So he's a pervert AND a perjuror, and he'll be a Justice until congestive heart failure gets him. His wife may be more revolting than he is.
- Is it part of my general unreasonableness that I believe prosecutors guilty of malfeasance that puts innocent people in jail, and on death row, should serve out the resulting sentences? In the death house case at hand, I don't think it would be all that difficult to convincwe a jury that the prosecutors involved were guilty of attempted murder. The blood evidence means it's a fact they knew this guy was innocent, Given the legal history of the case at appeal, what the fuck was the SC doing entertaining the prosecution appeal?
- Fairly stunning numbers in Wisconsin recall movement.
- So this humongous guy claims pot helped him lose weight? That's a first. Although I always thought "munchies" was something people did because they thought you were supposed to. On MLK Assasination Day, I always think of a slight poem by Julian Bond, which he recited to me on a Logan Airport runway in a delayed plane. Not another person on the plane seemed to recognize him. Anyway, he said he enjoyed creating light verse as a diversion. Julian Bond's MLK poem: See that girl, Shake that thing' Too bad we can't all be Martin Luther King.
- "None too straight"? Try $1.7bill in fines for Medicare fraud.
- Back , way back, in HS, I proposed that the Federal government should halp tobacco growers in NC and KY get into crop rotation with marijuana. Face it, as far as tars from cigarette papers, nobody is humanly capable, other than maybe Snoop, of smoking two packs a day of Js, so I think the question of lung cancer is a highly unlikely eventuality. You'd never manage to fire up a bomber, Cathcart. And it seems, the completeFiresign ouevre is available on CDs these days.
- Can Steven Tyler and Mick Jagger deduct the cost of all of that weird shit they wear when performing? How about Prince? Did W write off that suitcoat that so poorly concealed the dorsal electroshock control box during the 2004 debate with Kerry? What about that absurd leather getup Eddie Murphy wore in Raw?
- Nancy anybody that claima smoking pot makes you dumber is q basically a moron. When I took the Sats, I got a slightly less than perfext score on verbal 695, back in the old scoring days. I'd like to bwe shown anything I got wrong. I know this is bullshit. There is nothing I got wrong. On the math. I figured out which two which two answers seemed most likely and proved them through the problem. When I took the GRE, I banged out a perfect score on the verbal and a 6 something on the math. My point is, between and grad school I took these asinine exams I muat have retained a whole bunch of odious math, despite pounds of pot down the old trachea. Maybe I'm not as smart as I might have been, but given the know=nothing state of politics in America, maybe I'm less disgusted with the sorry state of the plenitude. I'm most certainly not dumber for having smoked lots and lots of pot. I'm sure I have more insight into literature and music than had I not. But look, I think you run the most enlightening blog going. With the smartest and most decent and intelligent buncha regulars. A country where the president has been appointed by a corrupt Supreme Court, then shuttled in by a voting machine company cheating its ass off in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and finally losing to an intelligent, literate, educated, and totally reasonable brown guy, that can't possibly be an Amurrcan. I've never given thought to being in yr grll. That's really not fair Nancy, because I've never been remotely confrontational with you.I appreciate being up with put. America's in the hands of racist assholes. Foreign Affairs says Obama's venture in Libya has failed. John fucking Yoo. Nobody was tortured, how can it be a success. This is a tiny man that believes in torturing everybody. Now isn't John Woo somebody that ought to be tortured and put to death, according to his own rubrics?
- " the best Led Song ever." I take some afront at this all in your grill comment. I do think Iggy is the sad remnant of great Detroit 60s bands. But that's not to say I don't think Jim is worth listening to. , but mostly I'm hurt. It's just that I was there, and SRC ruled, MC5 was brilliant, Seger, when Bob played lead was amazing, Iggy was a freak show, and we all figured it was pot that made him act like that. Not really. We'd all already cleared the gateway and tried acid and other pschedelics. The gateway business is nonsense. I have tried heroin and it's wonderful, but I'm smart enough to leave it alone. It does render the user stupid and unmotivated and I did it once and never again, lest I become a zombie. You probably would have loved Detroit misic in the golden age of the Angel Song back in the days of max sustain. Better music than peanut butter and broken glass. It was a good way to grow up. And if all that pot made me dumber, I suppose its a minor price to pay for not believing my fellow human beings aren't calloused jerks that couldn't care less about their fellow human beings. I think these people are something less than human. They are Republicans. I believe in community service and taking care of the less fortunate. Part of my commitment to ideas like this comes from things I realized when I was high. The rest comes from studying liberation theology and Teillhard. Try that if you've rendered yourself dumb. So did I stunt my intellectual growth by smoking pot. I don't think so. I believe smoking pot makes you a tad wiser if it doesn't trigger some latent schizophrenia. I believe the same is true of hallucenogens, like LSD. I know you think this is nonsense, but I'm not being confrontational. I would venture to say, if you haven't tried something, don't get all in it's grille. That's extremely unfair. I've never done anything of the sort. I'm enough of an asshole you could have kicked me out of here a bunch of times, I rwally appreciate the calm and thoughtful viewpoints here. So I'm happy not to have been banned. And I apologize for all of my badly typed excesses. All that said, and heartfeltly, x "Pastor" Terry Jones wants retribution for the dead UN staffers in Afghanistan. So Terry, I'm sure you have guns, what's stopping you from shooting yourself? You're responsible as much as anybody, and now trying to talk others into burning Korans. What a sociopath. What is wrong with this purported Christian? Agent Wang would say he's a narcissist. Does the Second Amendment grant a right to own assault weapons? Those guys never heard of automaticcs. Originalism as what Scalia thinks is dangerous and monumentally stupid. I suppose he means, everybody has a right to a flintlock rifle. Dumb mofo.
- Um do you have that Prince Albert in cans? Mark P., or huge mud mesas in the living room. Heard Keith Emerson play the mothership music, stoned to the gills, in the old Boston Garden. Awe-inspiring experience. Speaking of the garden, back in the 70s and 80s, if you sat in the cheap seats for a Celts or Bs game, you left stoned. There was a more or less permanent haze of pot smoke in the nosebleeds. Here ya go, Nancy. Or, even better. Or, that sublime feeling of waking from a particularly entertaining dream.I experience insomnia, fairly frequently (Would that get me a medical marijuana card in Michigan?) , and it sucks bigtime. It's actually physically frustrating. I don't believe in the sleep elite. Eschewing REM-stage sleep and curtailing dreaming can't be healthy. It definitely takes a lot of fun out of life, and makes people dumber.
- Jeff, What purports to be country these days? Jewell? She's glamorous and a serious yodeler. So maybe. There's only one Judd worth considering and that's Ashley, a very good actor. Keith Urban is a shredder and plays rock 'n' roll. Excellent guitar player. Waymore saw the writing on the wall. Y'all complain about the weather, but none of you do anything about it. We have an idyllic 78 degree day here, but 25 mph winds. NG for bike riding amongst ignorant tourists and arrogant Islanders in Urban Assault Vehicles.. Good for opening all the windows and playing Lou Reed live. Sweet Jane on Rock n Roll Animal. Now shouldn't there be a style manual for internet posting? I think novels bold, albums bold, songs ital. Anybody that types loose for lose, a fucking pariah. Seriously, how stupid is that. And anybody that types Me thinks. Will Speare rolls over in his grave. And look you aholes "spot on" is some moronic twit Brit slang. Why has this sort of nonsense proliferated on the tubes? Pardon my billiousness, but I didn't get proper sleep last night. But seriously "loose" for "lose"? Raised by wolves?
- Well and Jabba the Judds. I'm afraid they ate Ashley, who is an excellent actor, and fairly beautiful. She looks like my beloved companion. Her Kentucky hoops obsession is naive. They cheat almost as much as Connecticut. Cheating in college hoops is so rampant, it's hard to keep track of it. A few years ago, UGA hired Jim Harrick who cheated like a bastard. Now we haave a squeeky clean coach and a bunch of good players. Watch for Trey Thommpkins to be the next Kevin Durant, but I know he loves school and campus life, so I hope he's back for senior year and a diploma. The Connecticutt hoops program is about as far as you coud throw it. And for the real Bulldogs, Travis Leslie is the starter. Apologies to Butler, great season. And I really wanted to see UConn go down. Cheating on the field of play is heinous, like Reggie Jackson And when the Judds sit around the house, they sit aroooouuuund the hoooouuuuse. And you baseball fans, I supppose Reggie Jackson didn't cheat his ass off in the '77 Series. He stuck his fat ass in the way of a relay throw on a double-play, in the outfield. You cheat in the World Series, you are an asshole. And he clearly cheated. Mr' October was a fraud. He knew he cheated. He would never have had the opportunity to hit those homeruns. A flagrant sports asshole. What a dickhead. If you reach the pinnacle of your sport and then you flat-out cheat, what sort of man are you? How Uconn got there. Cheated, just like Calhoun. Having played sports, I really find it reprehensible when people cheat in sports. Butler is not the Buldogs, UGA is. But I followed these guys, and they played serious hoops. Well Done. Near-Bulldogs. Gawd I wanted UConn to be humiliated. Calhoun is the scum of coaching Country music has ceased to exist. It's all rock 'n' roll. Or you think it's the Avett Brothers. Are we kidding? Who's to say? VI love the Furler bullsogs ans the raxixLLY Qy best A YOUE HIR DOE AURW, QHrwcwe, , WhTECWER I Ais, You can;t say, I;m bor QONSWE NS BIT CUKKIE ZIE KIE
- I EAJE A GREAT DEAL OF CONSIDERATIO OF RHEpwefecge ever esstex,/ THIA AOLO IA A GOOS a ir gets. t The Leslies it is beautogul. This is the most perfect zolo immty WRFWXE RGU UAMIT;A FIIL IN This solo is as good as it gets.,
- can they plau football? Butlwr Bulldogs, but they aren'st the real Bu;;dogs. I have gone all in for the hoos version of some bulldogs. Stand up dor the football version. UGA Buldogs graduate a lot of kids. Onxw grDUtion rates are a joke, Moat atudentss take time off, It took me 5 years ro graDUATE. MOST KIDS TAKE LONGER THAN FOUR YEARS. We can'gt consider four years as normal. I can't say you people have a ridiculous wharsoever, you can bury me in a bunch of horseshit, I couldn't care less if you read a mighty kiss my ass but you are so full of crap, i don'yt cRW. QHtwcwr I mwN, YOUare LL QGr qw xEW BULLSHIT/ way to go RW YOU KISSING? You arE ahitHEEL, we crw. As ew zzo muxh bu;;ahir. YOU ARE DESPICABLE ASSHOLES,
- No, you can't. I claim that anybody that says loose when they mean lose is a fucking moron,
- I was rooting for Butler vs. the Connecticut dceaters. Whatever, I believe the Conn program is rampant with cheating, The girls program is rank with cheating. On the other hand, Maya Moor's commentary on losing to Notre Dame was classy. There is no way a kid can deal with a loss better than that kid did. Maya Moor is almost as cool as Teresa Edwards. And that is saying a lot.
- On the women's side of hoops. how did it it take so long to acknowledge Teresa? Are people kidding? This is Bob Cousy of women's hoops/ This is a joke right? Greatest women's basketball player ever. This is a no=brainer.
- Everyone acts like hoops is over. How 'bout the ladies. I dislike Notre Dame on principle, but I love the way women play ball, and I can't see my way to root for anything to do with that little W school A & M. Let 'em try that 12th man against UGA. Carried off. Student athletes. Even if the guys aren't. I was a tutor for the UGA athletic department and defended several girl hoopsters against pure asshole TAs that despised them because they were jocks. Seriously defective human beings. But, TAs, you know. officious assholes, invariably. Morons that constantly put Me Thinks in their awkward emails to incredibly homely would-be lovers. And get out their red pens for lose instead of loose. Self-righteous morons and Aholes. It was job satisfaction catching these shitheels in grammatical errors, and it built up the kids' confidence. I'd repeat, these kids were dedicated and serious about school. I recall a very good SS from the softball team that got a D from some dumbass TA on a writing assignment. She said, "I've never had a D before", and she was distraught. Total bullshit, a B paper at worst. Some seriously dumbass bitch that thought she was striking a blow for nerdly girls. What a crock. Anyway, I coached the kid to a terrific essay, which also got a bad grade. I took it to a departmental hearing, and exposed the asshole for being a bigot. Can nobody shoot? Guys couldn't, last night, now , same thing. Just seriously bad shooting. Wow. Officiating is going ND. Reach-in vs. A&M was dlearly a clearout by ND player. Pure bullshit.
- Could Madonna actually sing? I really don't think so. Taylor Swift? who knows? When ajoni was that age she wrote Both Sides Now. Young Taylor written amything that good? Or gotten such a perfect singer as Judy Blue-Eyes to record it? Don't think so. She really seems like a good kid, and I hope everything goes well for her. Now Jonie, she basically had Valhalla's voice when she was just a kid. How old was Joanie when she pulled this shit? I'm a pretty good cook, I'm sitting on my groceries? One awesome babe. One awesome woman. Clear pushoff by ND, been doing this shit all game. How old was Joanie then? About as old as Taylor Swift. Ever write a song this good, kid? She seems like a good kid, and I hope the best for her, but she ought to talk to Joanie Mitchell, and Norah Jones, who seems to have figured out how to play this sort of thing.
- WE KIDDING NOR IN million you bulllshit asshole
- Tue FOpP is gucking ober gramma and grampa and despeparate children and they are are claiming they are doing this for Christian values. Whatevever you do for the least of my brethren. How do these assholes laim to to be Jesus inflected. He;d find them sorely lacking. If we are a Christian nation, we don't bag taking care of the least of my children, How is there a Cjristian consideration in anthing remotely connected to to anything remotel connectd top that moron ;s bullshir. This is anti-christi. We are supposed to take care of the least among us, That is what christianity dectatees. How do these assholes abandon everybody that needs a helping hand and claim to be Christms Are they kidding? The are major league liars. How do they claim to be Christians? They are big time liars..yyy
- I'm a Christian for sure. I beliebe in Teilljardian christianit without a doubtr, So c was just way better. Way better what the hell about this> I believe in the idea of god becoming God, Maybe that's hard ro understand, but it makes a great deal of sense to me, I find Nancy Nall's interest in Detrooit womderful. but she dosresn;t get the music at all. Iggy is interesting, but he ain't zzzmC5, by any consideration. was there Ncy. nd pprecizte your muxiczl rzre,than than buy a fucking mile, QuXKWNBUSH InaNW , NOBODY PLAYE RGS XEp likw rhw auarIN INAin ahir, rhR Qa pewrry nyxh QWAONW,
- I'm a sort of Christian American, and I believe that we are supposed to consider Christian values, So fucking over the elderly and going wild for the unborn while fucking over the born, that seems like republican horseshit, Here's the deal. I'm a Catholid, and these aholes think Catholics are some demonic ssect. That's hilarious, since ther were Catholics begore ther were any of them. So where do they get this horseshit? They care about kids a lot until they;re vorn, Then starve them is the rubric, What is wrong wth these fucking assholes, As we see, they despise actually born kids, What is wrong wiyh these shitheels? What a crock of crap? There were Catholics before the made an of this stupodotu up/yy
- Sue said on April 7th, 2011 at 4:20 pmThey will sheat. Duyahoga County. The Diebold Pretx;edemt promised he would cheat, and he did. Kerry got jobbed and it's pretty obvious. There were precincts so obviously jacked it was hilatious. Clarke Co on Georfia, Where the University is, voted for W. Not in a billion years, Somebody jacked those machines, No way people voted that stupid/ Here's the deal. Are people so gd stupid they buy the republican shit. Do they think these the Republican party gives a flying fuck about them. They don;t, They are running them into the ground, These people are such morons, they are buting the entire idea of makinng rich people richer while makind the middle dlass some sort of underclass, No joke? that is exactly what they're doing. If you don't think the rich people are jacking the riches up, you are a moron. It is a scheme to make rich people rocher and the middle class poorer. If you don't see that, you are a fucking idiot. How are people so fucking dumm TThis is obvious. Thes bastards are stealing the prodiction. Who produces ? The labor, This is relatibely obvious. . Labor produces goods, so labot produces capital. Labor produces productivity. Aanagement sits in productivity and kimits jobs, Business limits jof oggortunities to boost prolots They screw over job markets to sit on profits, aano shit, That;s what they do.
- I got tear=gassed on the steps of the National Gallery cooxledad. Nice introduction, opposing the last meaningless war, How is Obama supposed to deal with the PNAC bullshit, Soldiers are in harm's way and apparently you can;t just yank them without endangering others, So ir seems W set up the same sort of rar baby his dady created on purpose in Somalia, HW most surely did that on purpose, to screw Clinton over, That is the sort of foul shit that family does. They are disgusting sacks of shitm driven by the PNAC.
- Every dime being spent on what remains of missilw swfwnze ia wasted cash, Don't work, in a million years. Admiral Poindexter kiss my ass, That is all loony fuxking toons, Srop wasting thT monwy, Propoainf mpre tax cuts for corportions AND the Koch Bros. that is loony, Make them pay and, and take away their ethanol welfare. Why does Don'Agra ger more vovernment welfare than poor people? They are providinf a service? No, they are fucking everybody over,
- Dexter. I've ridden Greyhound a few times, and it is my lot to be saddled with the most odious seatmate in the sordid history of buses, It can't just be chance. I mean obese and stinking, Always right next to me. Why I bring a pint of Jack with me when I have to take the bus. Sue, The Kloopenburg/Prosser race. Wlecting judges is a fool's gameIn this case. Scott Slker gets one in the teeth,which is all good, The guy is a moron that sould seem to have out hinself in favor of landing planes on the fraveyard shirt at Raygun Airport without backup. For first responders, cops and air traffic controllers, government sutters are serious idiots, and collective bargaining puts people that know the circumstances in control, Just one more situation in which Ronaldus Macimus was either an idiot or a victim of Oldtimers,
- Bob may be a dumbass, but he'sfairly talented, He's ripped off Seger like it's going out of style, but not the best. You really had to be teenaged in those days to get it, MC5 was awe inspiring, Quackenbush, not Clapton, was God. Quackenbush Bros were still the best. Sustain and Hammond. You hVE to be kidding. We all thought IGGY was kinda a joke, There were really good bands with great guitar players, Stooges didn't invent punk, Listen to God Save, That's Sonic they are imitating.JMmes is ok, but he's not remotely classic Detroit Rock 'n' roll. That would be Mitch Ryder more likely. Jeff, calm down, these are assholes but the country cannot be that fucked up. At this point we're supposed to believe even Teabaggers are,t quite as stupid as Ryan. Wnen I attempted that message to the WaPs I found out Teaabaggers is unacceptable speech. That is what they CALLLED THEMSELVES ORIGINALLY, right? And WAPo is the quintessentially liberal press, right? Republicans in the House are making Planned Parenthood their whole budget point. Are these people fucking motons. They are supposed to care about kids before they are born, Which is mainly what PP does. GOPublics want to make sure those kids don't get decent food after they are born to ensure Raygun's Welfare Queen isn't buying Vodka and cigarettes, a racist idiot if there ever was one. He did once say "Why when I was a young man, who even knew there were black people." But Lee Atwater and Kommissar Karl taught him quickly. About Willie Horton and darkening newsmagazine images. If anybody doubts the Republic racist agenda, just look at the birthers, which pretty much includes all of these assholes. He's not one of us, he doesn't share skin color with Haley the Hutt. Does Trump share hair samples with anybody born on this planet? I think he killed Mexican women working in maquiladoras for his phony pelt, And Seventeen per cent of Republics prefer this asshole over MR. Magic UNDERPANTS?. How does this country play with no government at all, Because that is what Republics are aiming for. This is Grover's wetdream. when his automatics get him everything he ever wanted, including laid for the first time in his sorry existence. Why should attractive guys like Newt have all the fun? Pindick, it don't matter, we rule the Supreme Court where even Clarence can be Long Dong if he plays his cards right. That place he claims to come from near Savannah is actully called Pin Dick. With herex- boyfriend.Pretty much a per Why Neal is always better with Steve.fect voice and awe-inspiring guitar Steve is a way better guitar player. And it's clear, whatever their differences, these guys are best buds. Perfet Voice. Huckleberrybee He just lies his ass off. Worse than W. Tied with Trump for Republlics. What a singular bunch of maroons. Lets see the Indonesia MQU mqu emao;sm and the ones he got from Kommiwwqr Darlqboit the UEW attotney's office, Worrym deleted. Actual Patriots.. <a href=""Heavy Music. Ramblin' Gamblin. People like Pal Ryan put a lot of their credibilityity in the WWJD basket and how that makes them real Murrocans. Well, I'm Catholic, which despite what Babdiss say makes me a charter member, not a member of a demonic cult. Jesus would not be pleased with fucking over the elderly, the infirm, and the very young living in poverty. Republics are freedy assholes that want to screw over the least of my brethren. WWJD? They do the opposite, and then campaign against Plannred Parenthood is favoring the unborn child over the actually born child These assholes take hypocrite to whited sepulcher. These people are monsters. and creeps. There really is no excuse. But people that put their entire identities into being Christian hang on to these specatacularly greedy and selfish bastards that fuck over WJWD for a living and act like that makes them proud Muuocans. Think about the Rapcha you boneheads.
- I seeriously don't get the Bob diss, and MarshallMathers and Jim attraction here, Name a vood song by the Stooges. MPT CLOSE. Ramblin, Gamblin? Persecution Smith:
- just lie. Shameless, flaming liars. And people will be repeating this shit like it's John 23 all over the net, like its true. Bullshit.
- Robert Plant, Ship of Fools., but Bob's a bimbo? Which instrument does Marshall play? One guy;s an asshole, the other isn't.
- I thought Absurdistan was very good. Misha Vainberg reminded me a great deal of Ignatius J. Reilly ("When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." ). I'm looking forward to Super Sad True Love Story. Have to love native-Slavic speakers that become English language novelists. Shteyngart does Conrad and Nabokov proud. Ted Nugent? All that blather about never having used drugs, is bullshit.I witnessed the ahole smoke dope and drop acid at a house that MC5 lived in in HIghland Park. Feed him to the Wild Baors, or better yet, train the pigs with crossbows and compound bows and let them hunt him down. If they undercook him before consumption, they'll all croak of trichinosis, because he is purely a porker. Birds, pigs, rats, humans, Republicans will all eat their own species, dead or alive. And y'all, Kid Rock has a fairly ubiquitous song out now called, totally without irony, Born Free (Mean Machine!), which is such a note- and tone-perfect imitation, anybody that didn't no better would swear it was a Seger tune they'd never heard, if such a thing is possible. I suppose that's why he calls himself Bob when his name is actually James. But I suppose Faux Bob Seger is an improvement over his previous oeuvre of (lame) white guy rap, a genre that only the Beasties seem really to have pulled off. He does lend his name and presence to what sound like some worthwhile charities, makes frequent tips to entertain American troops in the Middle East and Afghanistan, and he can plays guitar about as well as that pretentious fop John Mayer, along with sax, drums and keyboards.
- Dexter, you never saw the movie? A spoiler would screw the pooch for sure. My gf S. talked me into watching it a while ago (with my choice, The Big Sleep, close to the top of my Bogart list). I'd say that was an outstanding performance for Joan Crawford. Not quite as good as Baby Jane, but mighty good, as was Johnny Guitar with Sterling Hayden, and the Women. All worth watching for sure. Kate Winslet? My favorite is probably Finding Neverland, although I don't think I knoww anybody else who has seen it. Johnny Depp is also superb in it, and the kid actors are spectaculary good. Heavvenly Creatures is a hoot, too. Right now, The Killing has my attention. It is relatable to Twin Peaks, but without David Lynch''s gratuitous perversity and weirdness. And the new Upstairs Downstairs started extremely well, but I've been a fan of Jean Marsh since meeting her in 1974 at a cocktail party after a performance of The Cocktail Part (T. S. Eliot) at Brandeis, around 1973. She was extremely impressive. Her portrayal of Rose Buck's emotions returning to 165 Eaton Place, with facial expressions alone, were gorgeous acting. I was disappointed that one of the Hollands didn't instigate dumping the drinks on the Nazi bastard. The set design on first view of the ruined house is also stunning. My family used to see the Detroit Symphony in the summer outdoors at Meadowbrook on the Oakland campus. With picnics. Wonderful memories, particularly of guest soloists like Yusef Lateef and Detroit's adopted son, George Shearing. I'm not sure how , but my parents were acquaintenances of the musical director Sixten Ehrling, who frequently showed up at their parties.
- Jolene, which of the Borgia Popes does Jeremy Irons play, Callistus (Alfonso) or Alexander (Rodrigo)? Does the teleplay also involve the Medicis? Sounds a lot like I, Claudius, which is better than just about any TV production I can think of. Jeremy Irons (Waterland, Dead Ringers, Brideshead, Reversal of Fortune) isn't quite Derek Jacobis acting equal, but he's damned close. The creepy quotient as von Bulow and the deviate twins is exceptionally high. All of this warfare and treachery and Church/state corruption is the subject of a novel of which I like a lot: The Pope's Rhinoceros, by Lawrence Norfolk, who wrote the brilliant novel Lemprierres's Dictionary (recommended highly for people that like Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell.
- They're called trotters on pig farms Jeff. And you can buy 'em buy the lb. iin the grocery store down south, though why anybody would, except to bait crab traps, is just way beyond me. I suppose you could pickle them at home and put 'em up in ball jars, but, again, why the hell would you want to?
- I kinda got down on Breaking Bad when Walt grabbed all the meth and let Jesse's girlfriend cholke to death with no remorse. But the fly in the meth lab episode was brilliany. Jolene, I just watched the first Episode on the net. Very good, but they killed Derek Javobi off too soon. It's on the Showtime site, but delayed, and they put all the naughty bits out of focus. Not enough to pay $25 bucks for Showtime. What's disconcerting is how much Jeremy Irons looks like Harry Dean Stanton these days. excellent acting and writing, and a good bit of very dark humor.
- Jeff, best line on Upstairs Downstairs so far, the Grand Dame describing somebody, maybe Mrs. Simpson: She's relentlessly well-dressed.
- LAMary: That was very good TV. Sort of reminiscent of the "Araber in the Box episode of Homicide, way back when. That link to Fatboy Slim made me pause to consider: What the hell ever became of Rootboy Slim and his Rootettes a truly original and inspired artist. I wouldn't play this at work either, unless you work at Zappos or at home. Presented by the great Mr. Mike O'Donoghue. (A guy who invented himself to be a perfekt Wikipedia subject.)
- Kim, That's a very funny crack about the additions to your house. And how big is your pool. Dog Day Afternoon is streaming free on Netflix now, I suppose because Sidney Lumet died. This movie packs an extreme emotional wallop, in large part because of the tremendously effective portrayal of somewhat dimwitted and sweet Sal by John Cazale and the ensemble performance of the actors playing the hostages. Attica, Attica! A brilliant movie. In a press release headed, nobody could make this shit up, The Donald's Statement,What Donald Trump said about Bill Cosby. Good Lord what a jackass, spouting egotistical and self-aggrandizing bullshit. But at least his PR person knows the difference between "hatred(n.)" and "hate(v.)". This niggling point of grammar bugs the crud out of me, like people that insist "normalcy" has become a real word to replace "normality", rather than a Shrub-like, boneheaded Warren G. Harding malapropism. Bravest guy in America right now? Kirstie Alley's dance partner? Don't watch this drivel, but it's like Gary Busey and Meat (Mr. Loaf to the NYT) going at it. If you're awake you'll get bombarded one way or another.
- James Garner was a superlative Navy hustler in The Americanization of Emily, one of my favorite war movies, and a somewhat unusual good Julie Andrews movie. One I really like is What Did You Do in the War Daddy, with hilarious performances by the maniac Dick Shawn and Harry Morgan losing his mind lost in some Italian catacombs spouting lines from Drums Along the Mohawk (bet it was his idea). Oh What a Lovely War is very good. Obviously, MASH and Catch 22 (incredible cast, including Bob Newhart and Orson Welles, doing justice to a great novel). For a great serious war movie, Paths of Glory is a classic WWI film directed by Stanley Kubrick, who was later responsible for Full Metal Jacket. Platoon is a great good vs. evil story with Willem Dafoe and Tom Berenger, battling for souls, playing against type. I'd also recommend The Thin Red Line, for anybody that appreciates movies by Terrence Mallick, from the book by James Jones, with an exceptional cast I guess these are all war futility and absurdity movies, really. A good conventional ragtag misfits war movie is Fireball Forward with Ben Gazzara. As kids, I'd bet my brothers and I watched Sgt. York 50-60 times when we were kids, and I remember seeing the classics Run Silent, Run Deep and The Enemy Below in the movie theater. We were partial to musketeers type costume war of the roses sorts of movies. Does anybody remember a promotion for Guns of Navarone? A fake parchment map with several starting points and the final target of the operation. When a lit cigarette waas touched to the map, it would produce a burnt path all the way to the target, or fizzle out. Von Ryan's Express, we saw at the drive-in, with our neighbor, the cutest girl in our school, in PJs. This caused a stir at school, and a phone call to my parents from the Nazi-nun Principle Mother Grace Ellen, who looked like Grace Kelly and acted like Margaret Hamilton in the presence of children. The movie was terribly dissapointing, because we had all read the book, and the hero was supposed to look lke Burt Lancaster, not Frank Sinatra. Horrendous casting, and I'm sure it was Sinatra's idea to go out a martyr instead of escape, as Ryan did in the book. Eagles' nest with hatchling chicks on a live camera.
- Deborah, Is there any way you could upload that (PDF?)? Sounds very interesting, and I'd love to see it. I used to do a lot of proposal work back when I was on an architect's payroll, writing copy and some layout. The roughest thing was trying to talk my bosses out of their own bad 2cents worth and make them think my better ideas were their own. And proofreading. Any typo and I was going to be immortalized like Johnny Pesky holding the ball. I proofed all the copy backward. Foolproof method. Anyway, youou know, everyone involved told Obama no way, Chicago, because of the potential for lying, innuendo and attendant bullshit from 'Baggers and the GOPusilanimous jerks.
- Dexter: Cold today; HOT TAMALE. There is a book called Little America by a guy named Rob Swigard. Mr. Swigart has obviously spent a lot of time in and owes a debt to both Pedro's South of the Border and Tom Robbins' Another Roadside Attraction. It's one of the funniest books I've ever read. When my ex-wife went to her first UGA dining hall breakfast and was handed a bowl of grits, she stymied the whole cafeteria assembly line by asking for cream and sugar for the oatmeal. She grew to like grits faster than anybody I've ever known from outside the "entire grit-eatin' world (Joe Pesce in My Cousin Vinnie). On that note, I think I'll make cheese grits with crumbled Stilton and adobo and steamed shrimp (caught by me in the folly with a cast net) for dinner. And no instant grits: Vinny Gambini: Oh, oh, oh, you tesitfied earlier that you saw the boys go into the store, and you had just begun to cook your breakfast and you were just getting ready to eat when you heard the shot. Mr. Tipton: That's right. Vinny Gambini: So obviously it takes you 5 minutes to cook your breakfast. Mr. Tipton: That's right. Vinny Gambini: That's right, so you knew that. You remember what you had? Mr. Tipton: Eggs and grits. Vinny Gambini: Eggs and grits. I like grits, too. How do you cook your grits? Do you like them regular, creamy or al dente? Mr. Tipton: Just regular I guess. Vinny Gambini: Regular. Instant grits? Mr. Tipton: No self respectin' Southerner uses instant grits. I take pride in my grits. Vinny Gambini: So, Mr. Tipton, how could it take you 5 minutes to cook your grits when it takes the entire grit eating world 20 minutes? Mr. Tipton: I don't know, I'm a fast cook I guess. Vinny Gambini: I'm sorry I was all the way over here I couldn't hear you did you say you were a fast cook, that's it? Mr. Tipton: Yeah. Vinny Gambini: Are we to believe that boiling water soaks into a grit faster in your kitchen than anywhere else on the face of the earth? Mr. Tipton: I don't know. Vinny Gambini: Well, I guess the laws of physics cease to exist on top of your stove. Were these magic grits? Did you buy them from the same guy who sold Jack his beanstalk beans? As good a North/South cultural divide movie as there is, and undoubtedly as funny as it gets.
- Dumb luck placement of banner signs at the bottom of off-ramps frequently produce amusing juxtapositions along the lines of EAT HERE GET GAS! Down this way, we take lots of backroad shortcuts to avoid the tedium and progressive ennui of the Interstates. These alternative routes are passed down as family lore. Remote urban church signs are a frequent source of serenpiitous amusement. Over in Jasper County, SC there is a sign for The Primitive American Babdis (sic) Church of Jesus Christ Snake Handler pointing down what looks like a dirt road in a Tobe Harper movie. Never been down that road. Why press my luck? Edit: For those who've never made it way down I-95, what Dexter refers to: Pedro's South of the Border. A true roadside eyesore, and billboards that constantly remind you you're getting nowhere fast. Stunningly garish, a monument to American rubism. The tourist trap from hell. The Monkey Wrench Gang's ultimate target.
- That Dearborn/Sharia Law merde is straight from the non-wise, non-babe (low standards on this from Republican neo-celibate hooker devotees like Rich Lowry) mouth of Michelle Bachmann. The grandiose stupidity of this, is that for every major division and splinter sect that populates world Islam, the term Sharia Law means something entirely different. This is not surprising from a bunch of neo-neocons (aka born-again Teabaggers) who had no idea there were Sunni and Shia before they invaded Iraq.
- LAMary, As a Catholic, that crap about Catholics not being Christian strikes me as hilarious. I just ask the jackasses making that assertion which church can trace its founding to Jesus and the Apostles, and which only goes as far back as Martin Luther's painful bowel movements. And why do they think they are called Protestants. Usually shuts them the hell up, because they have no idea of when Luther and his breakaway fellow sectists came around--with the velociraptors in the OT? Of course there are the real nutcases that go with the Satanic Cult accusation, for whom there's no hope but lobotomy. Franklin Graham, who pretty much espouses this line of thinking, actually dabbles in Satanism and has sold his soul to get his hands on his dad's money (not intended to be a factual statement--I was surprised that was not your lead today Nancy).
- Cuts to Women, Infants and Childrens program prove that Republicans care about kids before their born but not afterwards. Of course attacking Planned Parenthood would appear to mean that actual GOP concern for kids begins and ends at conception, since it would adversely affect developing fetuses by limiting prenatal care programs of PP. Assholes should answer up on their understanding of Matthew 25:35, if they profess to be Christians. Suzanne, I just deploy that argument for shock value, to make the dumbasses STFU. Mentioning Martin Luther's notorious constipation as the inspiration for his Theses always takes these people aback, like answering the door to Jehovahs and Mormons with whiskey breath, clad in Utrou, and asking them "What the fuck do you want?" Very effective repellent mechanism. They don't come around here no more.
- Deborah, One of my brothers, closest to me in age, and my best friend all my life, grew up to be a selfish corporate lawyer Republican. He had a poster of Bobby Kennedy in his bedroom when he was young. We cannot talk about politics at all without getting into a physical altercation, so we see almost nothing of each other. This is a wound and a source of sorrow to me. I once spent a night in the Charles St. Jail in Boston to keep him from the same, and now we barely talk to each other.
- Texans are pissed off about a space shuttle being put out to pasture in LA. Somebody should remind them that the jerk with the Blago haircut they keep electing governor doesn't consider Tejas part of the USA.
- ROGirl, Tom Lehrer was brilliant, but I prefer a more categorical cataloging of the world's pathologies by Tonio K, with big ol' loud electric slide guitar. And these days, nobody loves the Jews in Israel more than American fundamentalists. They believe they need all Jewish people to assemble in "the Holy Land" so the rapturization can commence.
- Pardon, but Shania was born on the wrong side of the Ambassador Bridge, in Windsor. That would just be one more furrin' ideolotry burrowin' into the foundation of the Constitution. Damn hoser canucks out to destroy our Murrcan way of life because they hate our freedom. Rep. Bachmann is scheduled to be just across the bridge from us on Saturday, and I think we'll attend. There may be Teabaggers, but we plan to bring signs. Since I have no sidearm, I think I'll wear my toolbelt with my two-lb. sledge where my trusty 22 oz. Estwing straight-claw framing hammer usually resides. For some reason the ninny is coming to Bluffton, a sort of neo-hippy, artsy kind of place, instead of the local Sun City which calls itself "@ Hilton Head", even though it's 15 miles away on the mainland. an absolute hotbed of perverse GOPutrid politics that has hijacked local politics by packing in Oltimers cheek to jowl and does nothing but bitch about paying property taxes since they're empty-nester anti-government types. Shit, if they're taking up physical space in one place and claim to be part of another to boost their property values, I think they should pay twice. Aggravating anti-teabag sign ideas welcome.
- Dorothy, Thanks for the encouragement. Listen, if there is a perfect place to open an independent bookstore, it might be Athens. It's a beautiful town filled with historic architecture and a vibrant cultural atmosphere, a wonderful place to live and bookstores have thrived historically. Do you know where in Athens the store will be located? If I didn't own a home at the beach, I'd probably live in Athens.
- From the Atlantic publication of the advance text of Obsama's budget speech linked by Sue: Part of this American belief that we are all connected also expresses itself in a conviction that each one of us deserves some basic measure of security. We recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives, hard times or bad luck, a crippling illness or a layoff, may strike any one of us. "There but for the grace of God go I," we say to ourselves, and so we contribute to programs like Medicare and Social Security, which guarantee us health care and a measure of basic income after a lifetime of hard work; unemployment insurance, which protects us against unexpected job loss; and Medicaid, which provides care for millions of seniors in nursing homes, poor children, and those with disabilities. We are a better country because of these commitments. I'll go further - we would not be a great country without those commitments. How many rich Americans for whom a SS check amounts to couch change will howl if the income cap is raised from the current paltry $106,800, yet they take the checks even though they are based on the same contribution that I will have made when I hit 62. I would have gladly paid to a higher level of income, but I actually believe in some aspects of Christian belief informing social policy in the interest of all Americans. Do Senators and members of the House need free health care. Most of them certainly do not. Do they take it when it could be better spent to enhance the security and health of all Americans, the Commonwealth. Hell yeah? Do these greedy toady's believe that industry will regulate its own behavior to protect our shared environment? Not unless they think Thomas Hobbes was a founding father and Adam Smith was right about a benevolent guiding hand for supply and demand and unfettered markets, requiring Panglossian naivete, abject stupidity or white sepulchre hypocrisy beyond comprehension. Unfortunately, a representative democracy is susceptible to the wilfully uneducable credulousness of it's most easily bamboozled voters. I suppose the teabaggers are so delirious with the vapor of an idea of being included with Republican oligarchy, some intense shock would be reuired for them to awaken to the dire situation of upward redistribution of wealth at red-shifting velocity. As Mencken said, they know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. And they will, but probably too late. At that point, vengeance along the lines of Marat/Sade will be the best to hope for.
- Cooz, But how can they prove the authenticity of this sort of fundamentalist demi-grail without admiitting that radiocarbon dating actually works? And what does that do to the literal biblical timeline? And Creationism? And wasn't the real plunger handle up Martin Luther's rectum just this sort of iconography, and profiting from it by selling attached indulgences? Oh, and the advance copy of the budget speech reminded me of a joke from Julian Bond. He said that the press hounded his staff for advanced copies of speech texts, and it had always puzzled him, since they would hear the whole thing when delivered. One day it dawned on him, he said, that they were hoping to catch him straying from the written text so that they'd get a headline reading: Julian Bond caught in textual deviation.
- Which part of American jurisprudence do Amish get a dispensation from or a mulligan on or whatever? They can't drive surreys on the Interstate system. It's not illegal for a religious community to shun somebody. If a kid goes on Amish spring break he can't be publicly intoxicated or break into a liquor store any more than your average Florida Gator football player, except in Talahassee, where the miscreant gets off scott free if he's not packing. There's no law against homespun highwater pants or straw boaters. Exactly what sort of legal exemptions do y'all claim Amish are afforded? Is wife-beating or spousal rape ignored if it's reported? This is the point where the flagrant hypocrisy of GOP fring scare tactics on the coded business of "Sharia Law" gets fascinating. Didn't the GOP state lege in Oklahoma or Nebraska or some other stat I wouldn't live in without large, continuing cash payments just try to get away with subdividing rape into forcible and non?-forcible rape and get humiliated into backing off? And GOP nutcases rouse the TeaParty by claiming they're protecting women? Yeah, right.
- I believe it's also true that there is a very large body of Mosaic and Rabbinic law in Judaism, that is adjudicated by councils of rabbis and occasionally enters into American jurisprudence. Since we do not live in a Jewish or a Muslim state, but have our own Constitution and body of case and statutory law, it's difficult to see a difference in the way either Islamic Law, in all of its manifestations, and Jewish law differ in any respect regarding believers of either religion in US courts. This crying wolf about Sharia (an incredibly innacurate term as Americans perceive it as monolithic, without regard for Shia, Sunni, Sufi, Ahmadiyya and the Druze, who aren't even considered Muslims by the other sects or denominations) is as much an appeal to wilful ignorance and communal fear as "death panels" or "anchor babies" and "headless corpses". And it's fine to call all this merde de cheval a red herring, but it's the stock in trade of a viable GOP presidential nominee, who can't spell her first name properly, and a Teabag superstar, Sharon Angle. Edit: And states are required to give full faith and credit to the laws of other US jurisdictions.
- MarkP Pretty much my point. And that too is Merde de cheval. Irrelevant, and entirely superfluous to pass laws banning it. Passing superfluous laws is deleterious to the legal system. This is the consistent conservative argument about creating new protected classes. People would do better to question why the US won't sign on with the ICJ. Oh wait, that would expose neocon war criminals to prosecution.
- brian, are you one of the grand prix racing guys here? Here's a story that combines Formula 1 racing and a debate about a state budget crunch. Tejas is facing Draconian cuts in education, privatization of prisons, and other questionable initiatives from the most dishonest governor not named Scott Walker. It's very difficult to believe this project will be finance without major league tax cuts. This is worth keeping track of.
- I understand the inclination to call that Dearborn Sharia garbage a red herring. What we're talking about is American law enforcement enforcing American laws, against American citizens that the police thought were disturbing the peace and attempting to incite more serious and potentially dangerous civil disturbance. What in the world has that to do with Islamic law? Absolutely nothing. But what Newt, Bachmann and Angle are doing is philosopically identical to Willie Horton ads, and the illegitimacy of that sort of politicking was an article of faith to the GOP grand schemer who originated this particularly odious tactic, who famously repented this unethical and unAmerican behavior on his death bed.
- Way back in college, my brother and I worked for a construction company in Athens, GA on a massive renovation of a gigantic New Deal Era Post Office Building.Of course it was 1970, so we were the hippies on a crew of chaw-chompin, smokeess-diooin' good ol' boys. Chris and I learned fast that there were two kinds of jobs on a construction site: making messes and cleaning up after the guys that made messes. The former can be very entertaining, the latter unadulterated tedium. The renovation required removal of three foot thick brick walls, constructed of multiple interlocked brick wythes, basically impenetrable, and cutting precision openings in others built the same way. I devised an approach that involved hanging a jack hammer by a heavy rope from an overhead beam, and attacking the wall exactly perpendicularly at whatever level one chose, allowing two operators to lean into it with a lot of force and weight. This ingeniously allowed undercutting walls to use the weight of the brick and mortar to our advantage, to a point where a good stiff blow with a sledge could send tons of brick crashing down at once. Obviously, we'd moved from cleaning up into the making messes category and this was wildly diverting, but I suppose it's obvious where this is going. The crew called us Duane and Greg, after the Allmans because our hair was about that long. My innovation worked beautifully until my brother's hardhat came off, his hair came lose, and he was immediately caught in the jackhammer manifold. The machine runs by what is essentially a deadman trigger, so no real harm was done I used the razor sharp blade on my Leatherman to cut him free unhurt save for pride, thank God, but he is vain and his new haircut peeved him immensely. We were both a lot more careful after that, and invested in Scrunchiis, but we never lived it down with the redneck contingent the whole summer.
- We just got a $100 device called a Veebeam that coneects our TV wirelessly to my Mac desktop. I don't mind watching shows on the mac (very large screen), but that's no good for two. This new gadget is very simple to install and works beautifully. Right now we have a Watch Instantly queue of 80 movies on Netflix. Abbudanza! Anyway, we don't miss anything we want to see, even without DVR, and despite schedule conflicts, and it's a better deal than we could get on DVR from the Dark Overlord Time Warner, without the hassles that company invariably brings as baggage.
- Interesting graphic design: Grand Prix flag posters. Wonder how many in the House got the joke. Robbie Robertson should bury the hatchet with Levon Helm and set this to music. Do Teabaggers know the source of their astroturf funding? Hilarious media matter. Check the comments. I bet every commenter with an out of joint nose thinks O'Keefe and Fox are God's gift to accuracy in media. Hell, it was funny when they did it to the CofC and it's just as funny now.
- 4d The people that went apeshit about Heidi were folks that had too much cash, or their homes or farms, on the outcome. I remember watching and being pretty miffed. But that was just because it was a good ballgame. I'm pretty sure the spread had the raiders giving points (not sure though), so when the trailing Raiders scored 14 (in 9 seconds) in the last 1:05, it was a catastrophic collapse by NYJETS-Jets and excruciating for Jets fans or any bettor with the Jets and the points. Probably led to beatings and mayhem on the part of bookies and loan sharks. The game was very entertaining, but for me it was an earthquake game, i.e. both teams so despicable I would have preferred the earth had opened up beneath them. Calls blew out the NBC switchboard.
- Ultimate Ick Factor: Well, there was St. Anne, but wouldn't this require Divine Intervention? There will not be a more bizarre story this year. Nesting osprey on live camera. Everyone loves eagles. I think ospreys and red-tail hawks are equally magnificent. We see ospreys chomping fish on our beach all the time. Better than Animal Planet. Edit: This osprey is estimated to be 26 y/o and producing offspring naturally. Wonder how that compares to 96 in human years. Apparently that Statue of Liberty stamp is just another abject case of privatization. Pitiful.
- Funniest soap opera movie is Delirious, with John Candy, mainly because it's with John Candy. How about Sally Spectra who gave birth at about 60 in soap years, Methusaleh in human years? During a World Series game that the Dodgers were playing. Daytime horror TV. And Eric Braeden as Victor "the Stache" Newman, clearly the male version of Erika Kane. Mr. Braeden was a very good actor who played many Nazi officers on Rat Patrol. My mom watched the Soaps at work, particularly Bold and the Beautiful, as did my beloved ex-wife (same show). I gave them both grief, but watched occasionally. Seems that once every few months and a commercial break recap sufficed to be right on top of the proceedings. I have always felt great admiration for the writing and acting and tech crew talent that made these shows possible, while enjoying the total outlandishness and WSoD involved. Back from the dead? And there was Ridge and Brooke (an insane harpy). Headlines from yesterday's episode of BandB: Thomas asks Steffy to support his fight against Ridge. Thomas and Steffy argue about Bill and Brooke, and Steffy confesses to Thomas that she's in love with Bill. Liam gives Bill advice about winning Katie back. Katie tells her sisters why she left Bill. the fierce loyalty of the Logan sisters throws Bill for a loop. Now Brooke and Ridge started up at least 25 years ago, but damn, I bet they still randy as Glen Campbell and Tanya Tucker. And Victor will rule. I could start watching since I've stopped taking any communication from clients besides registered mail, but I've got 80 movies in my netflix instant queue, and a new thingy that sends the movies through the ether to my big TV. Soaps are the backdrop of Fahrenheit 451 and more of an opiate than religion, or a religion in their own right, or rite.
- De nada Brian, wasn't sure you were the frog-boy effete European type guy that was the F1 fan, but I thought so, and glad you enjoyed that. Those posters would make great man-cave wallpaper. I prefer canoodling during endless sports broadcast commercial breaks. And you know, those drivers don't have that perfectly spaced timing of clutch accelerator shift sequence down like those monotonous left turn cats. I know you have to brake somewhere in there but I'm not sure where. I think after shifting if required to move the rear end around. My best driving has always been on ice, in snow, where the brakes are deadly, and downshifting will prevent disaster. I assume You've studied this driving style. When I was a little kid growing up in Detroit, I followed Jackie Stewart, and McClaren engines as well as Shelbey. I was attending a UGA football game a few years ago with a brother and my daddy. There was an inexplicable timeout, and I noticed a guy in ref's clothes standing by the front end of the chain gang. I noticed when he left the field play resumed. When this circumstance recurred it dawned on me that this was somebody from the network timing the commercials. My brother and my dad are great fans of the genius Russell Hoban novel Riddley Walker so I pointed out the unofficial official and said "the little shining man." My companions agreed, and that appellation is code in my family for the ridiculous three-minute commercial break in televised College football. In Riddley Walker, the little shining man is the spark that ignites nuclear weapons. Don't know if any of y'all have read Riddley Walker, but if you haven't, do so ASAP. It's astounding. And it is something so brilliant and so much fun I'd like all of y'all to give it a shot. The rest of Russell Hoban is difficult and strange, and probably an acquired taste. It is potentially a great movie, Nancy, if you know about writing screen treatments, which I'm sure you do. I think Road Warrior is great cinema, and anybody that doesn't get it can go back to For Joshua. Decent movie, I remember foggily, or froggily. Sausage in history class. I'm a contrarian movie fan. I thought the Jake LaMotta movie sucked bigtime. Every other word some part of speech based on fuck? It was bullshit. Not close to Taxi Driver. As far as DeNiro, compare that adlibbing to what he did in Midnight Run, an infinitely better movie. Y'all know more about stuff this than I do. If we were discussing poets, I'd stand my ground. I love the burbling and sometime incendiary intelligence of this website. I learn something every day. Or several things, sometimes. But on the subject of Detroit bands, I was there, and almost always extremeley conscious. Seriously, Nancy, listen to MC5 songs and claim Jims band could play like that. You can't. Two of the best guitar players that ever lived: Brother Wayne Kramer and Sonic Smith. This is even close to an argument, WHICH I'D ENGAGE, BECAUSE YOU ARE SO SMART AND FAST ON YOUR FEET. . We used to go see James. When the peanutbutter came out, we figured it was almost time for Robin Trower to Kick Out the JAMS. No way on god's green earth could the stooges brothers play like this. This was stupidity made into a fetish compared to guys that could really play and had an agenda. Iggy's band could not play like this in a million years. Neither could the Sex PISTOLS, BUT THEY TRIED.
- Judybusy, we used to have two hours between school and swimming practice. Irresponsible shitheels, but we had the run of the streets and there was the Fabulous Modern Deli where we boht bgfels, one for $.58 and two for a $buck. No shit, and what I think about who's responsible or shit, I'm fucking right. So, I think you are an entertaining and smart respondent. To whatever moron shit I propose. T've read your posts and I think You are both wise and quick. How do we all judge each other? I don't know/ I'd say for a fact, I think this is a group of people that tend toward peoples feelings, and intend the best, under any circumstances, for everyboddy they care about. I don't know Judybusy, but I wish I did. Same with Nancy and Beb. 4dbirds. No idea how to include me, but as much as I mean something regarding anything, I realy feel like y'all are family. Or at least somebody i like, however that turns out.
- Holly, it was way good. Barnabas was amazing/ The problem was it was on at the same time as Action.
- EWeixa is hilarious compared to Victor.
- De nada Brian, wasn't sure you were the frog-boy effete European type guy that was the F1 fan, but I thought so, and glad you enjoyed that. Those posters would make great man-cave wallpaper. I prefer canoodling during endless sports broadcast commercial breaks. And you know, those drivers don't have that perfectly spaced timing of clutch accelerator shift sequence down like those monotonous left turn cats. I know you have to brake somewhere in there but I'm not sure where. I think after shifting if required to move the rear end around. My best driving has always been on ice, in snow, where the brakes are deadly, and downshifting will prevent disaster. I assume You've studied this driving style. When I was a little kid growing up in Detroit, I followed Jackie Stewart, and McClaren engines as well as Shelbey. I was attending a UGA football game a few years ago with a brother and my daddy. There was an inexplicable timeout, and I noticed a guy in ref's clothes standing by the front end of the chain gang. I noticed when he left the field play resumed. When this circumstance recurred it dawned on me that this was somebody from the network timing the commercials. My brother and my dad are great fans of the genius Russell Hoban novel Riddley Walker so I pointed out the unofficial official and said "the little shining man." My companions agreed, and that appellation is code in my family for the ridiculous three-minute commercial break in televised College football. In Riddley Walker, the little shining man is the spark that ignites nuclear weapons. Don't know if any of y'all have read Riddley Walker, but if you haven't, do so ASAP. It's astounding. And it is something so brilliant and so much fun I'd like all of y'all to give it a shot. The rest of Russell Hoban is difficult and strange, and probably an acquired taste. It is potentially a great movie, Nancy, if you know about writing screen treatments, which I'm sure you do. I think Road Warrior is great cinema, and anybody that doesn't get it can go back to For Joshua. Decent movie, I remember foggily, or froggily. Sausage in history class. I'm a contrarian movie fan. I thought the Jake LaMotta movie sucked bigtime. Every other word some part of speech based on fuck? It was bullshit. Not close to Taxi Driver. As far as DeNiro, compare that adlibbing to what he did in Midnight Run, an infinitely better movie. Y'all know more about stuff this than I do. If we were discussing poets, I'd stand my ground. I love the burbling and sometime incendiary intelligence of this website. I learn something every day. Or several things, sometimes. But on the subject of Detroit bands, I was there, and almost always extremeley conscious. Seriously, Nancy, listen to MC5 songs and claim Jims band could play like that. You can't. Two of the best guitar players that ever lived: Brother Wayne Kramer and Sonic Smith. This is even close to an argument, WHICH I'D ENGAGE, BECAUSE YOU ARE SO SMART AND FAST ON YOUR FEET . We used to go see James. When the peanutbutter came out, we figured it was almost time for Robin Trower to Kick Out the JAMS. No way on god's green earth could the stooges brothers play like this. This was stupidity made into a fetish compared to guys that could really play and had an agenda. Iggy's band could not play like this in a million years. Neither could the Sex PISTOLS, BUT THEY TRIED. Scott Richardoin was a waY better singer, and hiS sci=fi lyrics were superior to I wanna be you're BE YOU'RE dog. More interesting. And his band was just so much better. Brian I'm happy you liked that, I thought it was pretty cool,HOK may think Detroit is a disaster and their flatlander asses may think it needs saving, but fuck those assholes, they think they saved Boston too, when it didn;t need fatlander shitheads to save it with another highnd I worked for HOK and Copley Place abd they can shove it, rise, Ever been to Boston? It's just fine as can be on the fens. nd these HOK jackasses can shove it, I know a ot about this, And it;s poor design, and it ignores a vibrant cityscape and fucks it over, They have screwed with the best city in the western world, so fuck 'em.
- Brian Stouder, you seem like a great guy I'd be pleased to be associated with. But I'm a rude bastard you'd prefer not to be associated with. You are ineffably and unfailingly polite, I tend to abrasiveness and intolerance. I generally agree with everything you say, but I always think you should go for the juguoar instead of being Mr. Nice Guy. Becuase you are.And that's why I love everything you type on this forum. As much as I find these people inexcusable, you makethis is no joke Naancy. Tou know as well as I that the problem these bastards have with Obama is his skin Wrong color, like Jesse and the Titanic: rational excuses for their rqcist, shithea asses. I have to say in the long run Brian, you are a saint and these racist assholes can go to hell.
- Crazycalady, but there was also the Raiders on Action. At about the same time. We had to wait hours from when school ended until swimming practice. some ugys watched soaps, some guys watched Action, some of us went more or less wild on Seven Mile, which in those days was pretty lame, but Louis the hatter was on Livernois, so we bought irridescent paisley ties etc. But Raiders ruled, That was one great band. And Barnabas Collins was interesting, but not like all this vampire shit that is so boring without the teenybopper horseshit it is drivel. How did anybody ever figure men and velociraptors shared the earth. The humans were lunch, really quick. Whatever, There is radiocarbon dating, which is of course a vast conspiracy, What the hell is wrong with these people? Whatever.
- Dexter, Frank's Wild Years is a spectacular album. The great songs on Frank's Wild Years include: Innocent When You Dream, and Cold, Cold Ground, (with Kronos Quartet), and Telephone Call from Istanbul was a favorite of my daughter's when she was little, particularly the line about "never drive a car when you're dead."
- Judy, I'd pay big money to see Ornette and Tom Waits together, that would be an amazing combination, two of a kind tricksters. You have varied and excellent taste. My favorite reed player is unquestionably the flute/clarinet/sax player Yusef Lateef. Holly, I think you're thinking of Grayson Hall as Dr. Hoffman. She was also on All My Children, and was in Night of the Iguana(the chaperone for Sue Lyon's nymphet character) back, way back. I thought she was a hoot on Dark Shadows. Edit: Grayson Hall died of lung cancer.
- Why David Stern and the NBA with him running it both suck. As does Kobe. If Rasheed Wallace had said the same thing, Stern would have imposed a one-year ban and tried to get Sheed sent to Guantanamo. Bar-KAys. Greatest instrumental ever. Bar-Kays backing Otis Redding.
- Dexter, I think that's supposed to be "chiminey red", with an extra syllable, like the Appalachian pronunciation, "chimeley". Ever have a Mickey's Big Mouth? Really awful malt liquor, favored by serious rednecks. Used to get 'em for second shift lunch when I worked in the Westinghouse transformer plant a lifetime ago. My Sixteen shells from a 30.06 on my I-phone. For some reason, google for lyrics of this song shows Bob Seger. Maybe he recorded it.
- Dexter, I think that's supposed to be "chiminey red", with an extra syllable, like the Appalachian pronunciation, "chimeley". Ever have a Mickey's Big Mouth? Really awful malt liquor, favored by serious rednecks. Used to get 'em for second shift lunch when I worked in the Westinghouse transformer plant a lifetime ago. My ringtone on my I-phone. For some reason, google for lyrics of this song shows Bob Seger. Maybe he recorded it.
- Little Buck is amazing. On the other hand, the cello player is the best that ever lived. How cool is Yo-yo Ma. This guy rules.
- Yo=yo Ma is the best cello player that ever lived, and it never occurs to him to act like he's cool. He's a trickster, and a wonderful human being. He gets the cosmic joke. and he's one outstanding mensch. He's Chinese, but he is just way cool. And that Kronos, it's entirely likely Yo-yo could play the whole thing all by himself. There is no way to translate how spectacular this guy is. And he thinks it's hilarious. Awesome character. This guy rules. No matter what anybody says. No shit em. I can't tell yoou what any of this meqns. Just want to see myy grandson and my keedo. And the guy you think is worth spending your life with. Shit Emilly, how do you act like we aren't connected? Here's the deal. I live in condo owned by a trust in my name. Two years ago, it was worth $200grand, Now, who knows, but at least $50grand. i hope you two have a wonderful place to vacation. Bring you're mom. because I I will always love her beyond comprehension. Ask her about visiting the park with the buffalo in Worcester. I think it's important you realize how much I loved your mother. Nobody in the same universe. When I met her I was zoned in. She always was everything to me. I'd also point out she was kinda after me. But I always thought she was gorgeous. And glad to be caught. She is a ridiculously beautiful woman.
- You see Emily, your mother is my ideal match and we had a perfect child. You are a perfect child. I know that's kinda silly, but you are so smart and so beautiful, and you're childhood friend was Sara, who is gorgeous and intelligent, and as good a friend as I've ever ad, other than Nancy Patmalee, who was also a very good friend of you're mother's.
- Sorry about confusing shit. Are we joking? You really have to be moronic. How does that translate? Are we kidding? just shut the fuck up. We have to be kidding. Some of us actually have the money. You can kiss my ass ye fucking morons. Emily and Matt get all my cash and the property. There's a problem with that? Whenyou get right down to it, that's my last will and testament. Last will and testament of Michael Johnson. Emily Johnson is my sole heir and her husband Matt Giorgetti. Everything I own bwlongs to these two. That is my will. and you have to honor it. What I say' No joke.
- Well, Brian, are we not men, we are Devo. I have to say, you are one outstanding , And Formula 2 thaat is fairly awesome. And Jackie Stewart is one amazing character and a ridiculously great driver. Who's to say? I'd say you can't say who's a great driver. I think I could do that. Who actually knows about when to hit the clutch and the breaks? Seriously, What's the perfect spot to decelerate? That is how you drive this shit, right? Do you know how this driving works? I'd like to know. I am prettu sure I'd know how to hit it driving, What do you think?
- I've thought about reading Game of Thrones, but holy shit, it's like 3000 pages and I finally just made it through 2666. A great book, but really. I;m trying something more user friendly, like Riding on the rim. Boy wrote we=re kidding and Bushwhaked Piano and the great Michigan novel, the Sporting Club. I hesitate to ask, since I'm only 34 pp, into Riding on the Rim, but how'd you like it Nancy? Ir won.. affect my enjoyment. But I know right now it's excellent, What'd you think? Did you read V? What did you think about that? Gravity's Rainbow?, and The Sporting Club, That is so good and so perfectly Michigan, Only 35 pages in ro Risinf on the rim, but it is way good. I'd stand aside and let Nancy Nall chime in, It seems very good, Tom McGuane is capable of being ridiculously sarcastic and on his rarget's side at the same time. He's a smartass, but he isn't. He's a sweetheart. He's always the dumbass he portrays. isn't he? He knows Elizabeth Ashley was absurdley wonderful and he'd nail his hand to a door for her. Moron. but we know where we could kid ourselves. I'd lide to know if you read V. I think it may be the best book I ever read. What about Gravity's Rainbow? It's fucking excellent. Nancy, you're a wide ranging reader. Did you ever read Water Music, by TC Boyle? It's sublime. This guy is the best writer going. You have to consider this. I would not steer you wrong. He didn't write Mason & Dixon which is spectacular, but who's to say V isn't the best book anybody wrote in the last 50 years. Well, it is. Its ridiculously great. Whatever y'all think, whatever anybody thinks. Who is whatever? Must bust in early May orders from the DA, Lookout kid no matter what you did, jump down the manhole light yourself a candle? We are not fooling.
- John G. Crackers, well that was the minor league Atlanta team. Whatever. It is a name for rednecks, . Not like anybody ciuld care what anybody says.
- John G. The Enola homosexual is pretty much hilarious. When I used to teach high school in Georgia, I was called a cracker fairly regularly,. And that was in Georgia. And I do not posess a racist bone in my body and most of the kids knew that. And most of them were black. I intervened with many of these kids when they got in trouble with the school administration. I also went to law enforcement with a "kid" who hung around school who threatened my life and the lives of many of my students. To this day, I'm sure he meant it, and I'm sure his presence on school grounds was a dire threat to kids that I cared a great deal about. He was a crack dealer and I had a decent relationship with him at some time. I had a class in a trailer, an unfortunate manifestation of overcrowded classrooms. We had 45 kids in the trailer. It was interesting at homeroom when we were supposed to turn on the TV for homeroom. There are morons that think there is a moment of silence in public school. These kids respected me in general, And they'd actually listen to Civics, but the bogus Pledge of Allegiance? Yeah right. You all know that was written by a well-known Socialist, and the under God phrase was added by the Knights of Columbus under McCarthy's influence. So anyway, one day, I pulled up to my trailer from lunch. I had Bone, Thugs and Harmony on the stereo in my Honda. Kids gathered. It was time for class. So I turned the car and the stereo off. This kid, adult, who basically hung around school but did not deign to grace us with his presence, offered to end my life then and there if I didn't put the music back on. I ended up going through a lengthy process of having him prosecuted, not because he threatened me, but because he threatened a bunch of kids that came to my defense. I know for a fact that this shit happens to teachers all the time, and I'd defy shitheads like Scott Walker to deal with this sort of thing, I was willing to take this thug on directly, but it would have endangered kids I'd won over and that I cared a lot about. Guy was dangerous. His brother was a convicted murderer. This is what teaching in public schools is like. Scott Walker should give it a try. But a black President makes him weak in the knees, so a trailer full of black kids that would rather have Mix-a-lot on the TV in homeroom instead of the Pledge, well, vapors. So Republicans believe in Charter schools teaching creationism, and vouchers that almost cover tuition for white people that can almost afford the tuition anyway. What supreme bullshit and what a victory for institutionalized racism. Let's grow those young Republicans instead of kids I educated that will never see those benefits. This pisses me off immenseley, And that is what teachers deal with. And the moron governor of Wisconsin has no clue. Anybody want that job? I thought not. But I know some kids from that class got Georgia Hope scholarshios and have told me since then they were inspired to continue in school, so persevering in the face of threats is just part of the job. And I'm fairly certain those kids vote. And I know they know why it's important. I'm sort of glad I don't have to try to explain why GOP can hijack the Senate. That is fucking depressing. Not about me by any stretch. About them. Now we've got the remnants of Deanie-babyism claiming they've been betrayed by Obama. Do they think it's by fiat? What is he supposed to do when the Senate doesn't deliberate but rules by the cracked filibuster. Broken and perverted representative democracy. What is wrong with people? Teabaggers are true believers, and they will be the first jettisoned, and they are so stupid, they are lining up to be betrayed. They deserve it, beause they are invariably willing to turn into skinhead worthy racist scum. But, whatever you do for the least of my brethren. These folks claim to be Christians and turn their backs on everything good about Christianity, Commonweal. Caring for the disadvantaged. That is what th USA is supposed to stand for. Right" I'd be OK with rhe idea of a Christian nation if these people would actually give a fuck about Jesus' example. He wasn't Thomas Hobbes. He believed we are all supposed to take care of each other and that life is supposed to be joyous, not short and brutal. It is not Christian values to give money to Con-Agra to force-feed antibiotic-laced corn to cattle and jack food prices on top of ridiculous subsidies to grow corn for ethanol. This is so anti-Christian it's revolting. Who are these shitheads? These fuckers' patron saint is Ronald Raygun. Which part of Jesus Christ just sailed past his Oldtimer-addled brain when he relied on School of the Americas and sanctioned the murder of Archbishop Oscar Romero? Liberation theology is a way out of this thuggish so-called Christian shit. These people are anti-Christian. If there's a Christian strain in US government, it's the idea of universal healthcare and social welfare for everybody. The USA spends more on defense than the rest of the world total. That's insane when people in this country starve. Who needs F-22s when F-16s rule the sky? Kinda stupid waste of cash, but Israel wants them. and they are sitting on all those nukes at Dimona they built by actually stealing nuclear secrets from the USA and teaming up with the DeKlerks. Learned all about apartheid, too. If somebody claims Israel hasn't turned Gaza and the West Bank into Bantustans, they lie.
- More race car art. The artist shares a surname with the actress that playe the crazy French woman on Lost and also played Delenn on Babylon 5. Coincidence? I think not.
- "old bag"? Unnecessarily harsh self-appraisal. Rocket to the Moon. Wow, that's as obnoxious as that Hey Soul Sister, Mr. Mr. on the Radio horseshit. Cutesy lyrics caterwauling sensitive creep vocals. Singer sounds like John Mayer, which is more or less deadly. Anarbor. Seems like a Strokes knockoff. But seriously, a Bryan Adams teeshirt? If you heart Canuck bands, let it be The Guess Who. Where'd you get the gun John? Burton Cummings porn stache and all. Otherwise it's just Geddy Lee and Ayn Rand. LA Mary. I think Master and Commander is pretty close to a masterpiece, and the rest of Russell Crowe's movies are difficult to sit through. Ayn Rand was about as talented a writer as Margaret Mitchell, I.e. no talent at all. I tried to read Atlas Shrugged once. All the literary allure of Angels and Demons. And didn't Gary Cooper already play John Galt? I'm making myself a teeshirt that says "John Galt is an asshole Republican weenie."
- Judybusy. Liberal media? Really? Like Wapo? There is no such thing. Actually, Nancy. My dad did pretty much the same thing you describe, but instead of Mike the decent guitar player, in a club, it was John Unitas, greatest QB that ever lived, outside of Tiger Stadium. I remember every detail to this day, and my dad is gone two years and a few months. Course, that was long before texting. He just disappeared for a minute and came walking back around the corner of Michigan and Trumbull with Johnny U's arm over his shoulder. Awesome. I guess the new ballpark is nice, but Briggs was incredible. 8th inning rallies with the crowd stamping feet on the wooden bleachers was tremendous. Seemed like the place might come crashing down. Y'all that are blessed with Macs instead of PCs, ever heard of MacKeeper utility? This looks worthwhile to me, but who knows. I know Macs are supposed to be impregnable to hackers, but any extra protection for a relative pittance might be worthwhile. Anybody tried this? Anybody that says "much to do about nothing" is a freaking idiot and it's a miracle breathing isn't too much of a mental challenge. Idiot Wind. Edit: When I looked up that Idiot Wind link, I came across this version of Tangled Up in Blue. Absolutely brilliant version of a great song.
- Orange County's one saving grace, Mike Watt, of the Minutemen. One absolutely brilliant bass player.
- Anybody want knicks over Celts in seven? Bwa ha-ahha. All of this is hilarious. If thepurs make it to the finals, Celts will kick they ass because Garnett is that much tougher than Tim Duncan. That matchup is not close. Cam Newton, only if there's extra cash. What an ahole. He's about as much a pro QB as Tebow, who is hilariously bad. You telegraph throws like that, Champ will catch every throw. He runs faster than this moron thinks.
- Nancy. been there. I got my keedo bacstage to meet those Wahlberg boys. They were polite, but sort of aholes. They acted lie assholes, and I was about to throw punches, because they were such dicks screwing over my kid's dream. I was pissed off. The only thing that annoyed you about Kate's guy was he's pro-pot? So am I. How can you not be? You are a sea of good sense, in general, but about pot, you are way ridiculous. Sorry, but you are way wrong on pot. If we think alcohol is fine? How the fuck can we say pot is proscribed?
- This is bullshit. Duane Wade is not a jerk like Lebron, Whatever. And Chris Paul is not Rajon Rondo. Not even quite that good.
- Prince Fielder is one fat POS. Bg this bullshit/
- Tananishi Coates. Holy shit. I've got Newt as an ape. apologies to apes. In nature they are not obese. He;s greasy and obese, and fuck you. Newt is as gotesque as anybody gets. He's a pig, if pigs were revolting, and they aren;t He looks so much like a pig it is amazing. He was born with a snout. right up there with Dan Burton. Republicans amd made that whatever youthful indiscretion, What a bunch of shitheads and scumbags. Dan Burton, you aren't a piecee of shit. Anybody want to claim that piece of shit? I mean that are Republicunts.
- Jarvis codker cunts are ruling the world. Republicans are assholes. They all are and there is no way to excuze these shitheels, Whatever, They killed Rosie and so did you all.
- No way of kidding, They killed Rosie, They are scum. It is like Cheney, He's a despicable piece of shit,
- No shit? Are we joking? Lying like it's goiinf out of stule. This is absurd. This is one motherfucker that failed to show up for war and sent folks to die, and acted like John Kerry had to do with sending them when he sent them useless shit. W sent soldiers to die when he didn;t stand up, abd Jerry did. in't we prowd of W? Piece of shit.
- No shit? Are we joking? Lying like it's goiinf out of style. Wht A bunch OF ASSHOLES. This is absurd. This is one motherfucker that failed to show up for war and sent folks to die, and acted like John Kerry had to do with sending them when he sent them useless shit. W sent soldiers to die when he didn;t stand up, abd Jerry did. in't we prowd of W? Piece of shit.
- The Brothers Mael, with the No 1 song in heaven.
- Donald Trump won't run for president because he does not want to reveal the facts of his financial situation, i.e., not really all that rich. Tanked most of his daddy's money in bad investments. Dumb as a fucking post, and vulgar beyond comprehension. And what's that nutria he wears on his head? Pay no attention to that man beneath the bad rug. The Brothers Mael, with the No 1 song in heaven.
- Trickle down is rich people pissing off a bridge on the Jean Valjeans living under the bridge. GOP budget stupidity knows no bounds. And doesn't Hillary look very good in vivid red? Kneejerk stupidity. Moe, I think it's stadia. Fourth declension, neuter noun, first person plural. Paul Ryan has apparently never heard of Lee Atwater and Kommissar Karl Rove.
- President Trump on foreign policy. Hell, yeah, that'll work. Sorry, he's a bimbo. With a hilariously bad badger rug on his pointy leetle haid.
- Brian, according to Elliot Laffer, in logical extremis, zero taxation produces maximum revenue. The guy was not serious, he was a joke. And even Stockman says so these days. But, it's not cool being intelligent with GOPers. Intelligence is elitist. Laffer curve is like red shift. The universe is expanding outward at increasing velocity. If Energy=Mass times speed of light squared, at some point, at the edge of creation, mustn't mass become energy? Actually, Laffer curve relies on the idiotic idea that taxes are a disincentive to seeking income. Since rich people in general have income without effort, just collect and spend, this is a ridiculous idea. Maybe, if it involved labor, indignation might kick in, but it does no such thing.
- Trump-Bachmann. Bring it on, you idiots. The bullshit and the semi-beautiful, unless you are Rich Lowery. Full goose looney. This is reducing America to utter nitwittism. I'm with Cosby on the subject of this ahole.
- Andrew Carnegie would actually think up some sort of endeavour that would put people to work that didn't have jobs. Cut defense by half. No shit? What's the point. Employing chickenhawk lobbyists? I see no evidence that Paul Ryan isn't brain dead. Republican tax ideas amout to Diment and national sales tax. As retrogressive as some Republican dildo could imagine.
- Everybody's Stupid.. There are people that would actually vote for Trump for President. America could not be more depressing. Beyond comprehension stupid.
- MarkP. you are just wrong. Bobby was what the country needed and rich fucks had him murdered.
- The toupe is a nutria. Not a beaver.
- Both rodents I believe.
- Who in the world thinks those Sinies aren't a joke?
- The upstairs downstairs brave Indian guy, Screw You. Poor whatever, you morons.
- The Donald. That is an idiot. Mobody can be that fucking stupid.
- How the hell does Ryan get a remotely hearing after the death panels crap? I'm willing to go, This character is a lying sack of shit. He'a full of shit. and it is fear mongering.
- Aeriously, who the hell cares? Paul Ryan is a major league liar. Could somebody try to claim that is not true? Pants on Fire.
- Shithead just made that up.
- Lying sack of shit' . Major eague asshole.
- Lying like it is going out of style. Aeriously, you dumbass. You are a lying sack of shit.
- Casual racism? No such thing? You are or you aren't. Trump is, and there is no scum lower than a racist. Racism is subhuman, and it's inherently and exceptionally stupid. You can put a long=haired rat on your head, but you are still a bald asshole. Trump may not be Huckabee fucking stupid, but guttdom he is thick as a brick. And the Congressional GOP? Like lasers, I tell you. Lasers, on jobs. Dumbass pieces of lying sacks of shit.
- Night Catches Us is free/instant queue on Netflix.
- When you read the Krakauer Three Cups of Decit, don't skip the endnotes. Also, if the whole thing is too long, go to the last third or so, where the major source of information is an anthropologist named Ted Callahan, who has no problems just flat-out calling Mortenson a bullshit artist. It's somewhat stunning that this onanistic jumble of sociopathies is married to a psychologist. Of course, the breadth and depth of this bastard's personal fabulism are breathtaking, but the "White Man's burden" obtuseness about and total disregard for the Afghan and Pakistani cultures he blundered into in establishing his personal hagiography, the immense amounts of cash squandered and stolen, and his hideously self-congratulatory one man against the Taliban madrassas schtick are just as reprehensible and repulsive. I'm thinking the Balti porter just ditched his mendaacious ass. That Paltrow story left me depressed. Say it ain't so Mike Stipe. But really, daddy's a powerful producer, mommy's blythe danner, uncle Steve directed ET, and you decided to be an actress. Shit, that must have been a mighty tough row to hoe. Nobody knows the trouble. And is Seinfeld's wife old enough to drink legally yet? Oh, wait, that was Shoshonna the 17 year old kid.
- Souvenirs. Is the groom's brother his best man, or is Dad pulling rank? Luftwaffen or SS uniform? Some of these physical representations of the couple are singularly unflattering. Bunch of idiotic Twitish hooha about nada.
- C'mon Dexter. No cows tipped?
- The rolling heads story reminds me of Commander Lloyd Bucher of the USS Pueblo. The commander claimed that his Korean captors had kept him confined and bound with the back of his head touching the backs of his heels. Anatomically, highly unlikely, without immediate, agoniziing death. I supposed at the time, the intention was to put some sort of mitigating light on losing the spy boat command. But this sort of literary mendaciousnessisn't entirely uncommon. Pick up any of Woodward's fly on the White House wall books. He's obviously making up conversations he could never have heard, like it's going out of style. Back when he was a Boston Herald columnst, Mike Barnacle obviously made up about a column a week about disaffected, homeless Viet Vets. Nobody challenged him for years, despite the fact that an idiot could see he was working off a template tailored to stereotypes. To make his transgressions more odious, the bastard was like a one-man mob of crazed villagers going after Janet Cooke with torches and pitchforks. Personally I never thought Ms. Cooke's transgression was all that heinous, and I think the "composite" story subject is fairly common, and no less informative and informed for not being literally "true". Do her critics want to claim that kids exactly like she described don't exist? Obviously, she should have pointed this out, but the pillorying and hand-wringing were excessive. The charging Kyrghyz horseman was the best piece of fiction by Mortenson. Reminded me of a favorite piece of abstruse mythology in Gravity's Rainbow. Think he's read Pynchon? Sadly, simply avoiding hiring sexual sadists is a huge concern throughout the health care industry, particularly in nursing homes. Of course, now, a lot of these dangerous creeps are concentrated in one place, writing the Republican budget, and legislating the definition of "non-forcible rape". Something seriously wrong with this guy? Typical Republican? Product of incest? One more fool a vote for whom should be valid legal grounds for instant and permanent disenfranchisement. I like the new design, on Firefox. The long line lengths aren't optimal for reading, but that is offset by the attractive addition of lots of (off-)white space. Oh and High-heel sneakers.
- Maybe Mortenson is a case of undiagnosed Munchausen's Syndrome. Maybe it was the influence of his childhood BFF, JT Leroy. And Bill Cosby offered to by Donald Trump a suit. From Gawker What's the one thing nearly every fake memoir scandal seems to have in common? From James Frey to Angel at the Fence, if a story is bullshit, chances are Oprah was there first..
- Jakash, Everything is pretty much better with Firefox, I think. Safari is a mystery to me; I'm sort of tempted but never tried chrome, because I didn't want to download anything large I wouldn't end up liking and having to try to get rid of it. I bought this utility called MacKeeper, recently for less thn $60. seems to clean and . How does it work better than any other browser. The big display of lots of little screens leaves me cold, like I couldn't remember what was on my Firefox tabs. I'm sure I'm being obtuse, but I just don't get it at all. I do have a complaint about the red panda browser. There used to be a button labelled open link in new tab, I think in the view menu ppulldown. It allowed keeping a window open while opening a lik in a new tab. This was quite valuable. Opening a link from NNall on my machine, means having to leave Nancy's site and then use the back browser button to get back. of course, I may bebeing stupid about this and missing something obvious. Some sites open new tabs as a matter of course. I wish this one did. I do think this site now looks fantastic. And quit whining about the line length, y'all I'm both older and have done more damage physically to myself, than any of y'all have. Or what? It's fun when y'all don't act like I'm a How in the world do people think How do y'all think there's a question about asholes. Seriously, No question? Cheqting like shit. On your side? baseball fans. some of you Reds fans that thik this is funny. Jqckie'w funnie you rqciwwt piecew of shit? Give it q whot you diwgrqceful rqciss. No, you deespise wh
- YYou Reds fans. Bud fucking Selig. Dodgers played Jackie. Reds fans were the foulest racists that weren't Cards fans. NL needs some sort of O'Malley back, not the phony commish that thinks homee field in the WS should go to the moron exhibition game midsummer, Nobody ever imagined a stupider rule in the history of organized sports. And Dodgers are the flaghsip. Jackie, the Dominicans, you must be kidding. And I don't mean that criminal hitting John Roseboro on the head with a bat, You idiot Giants fans. Nobody that cares about baseball thinks Selig is anything but a flamer,. And If there is a way to restore the flagship team, selig has to get some o'Malley back. Even Red's fans have to agree, the Reds suck without the Dodgers. They were the ultimate slave town club. Cincinnati, my home town. Capital of the slave trade. No way to think Marge Schott was a decent human being, Way to go reds. Just about as creepy as the Reds. Seriously disgusting. Sometimes, people with some sort of the way we all stand up to racism. We got the Celts, we got the Dodgers, and that is not Bud Selig, He is one flaming asshole. He isn't remotely the most interesting man in the world, My school gives the PEABODY'S. We are smarter than a mile than tht commercial horseshit. We are smarter. Take a look at the replay, Guy was so out at second it was hilarious. Fuck the Cards. drewew like chickins by morons. What is wrong with people? If you are on the owner's side, you are a flaming asshole. NFL. is there a more obvious instance of labor creating riches> Seriously> How fast do the owners run> These shitheels are so full of crap, youu cannot eveb cibsuder ut, Can these aholes hit baseballs? Not in a billion years, . Really, try playing the game. You old fools. Who's going to pay to see that horseshit? If you don't understand the players are the game, you are dumber than grunt,. So much for hockey.
- Reds and Cards fans were stunning racist pieces of shit about Jackie, How does anybody make excuses for the reds and cardinals fans concerning making the majors safe for a black guy? Seriously racist piece of shit fans. You never had a player that good. Not even close.
- Really, what Red's or Cards fan was remotelu that good? NFW, you aholes. .
- Really, a Flyer character complaining about somebody getting away with murder? Really,? From the Flyers? Horseshit. These guys cheat like it is going out of style. Why don't the flyers just shut shut the hell up"
- How do the flyers just cheat thir asses off? You have to be kidding? They suck big time amd they cheat. Big time. Selig is a major league asshole. Where does this pOS get off. He's a seriously idiotic asshole. Who does this shitheel think he's talking about, Bud cares about the Brewers, and they suck bigtime. He is a way jackaass that doesn't give a shit about baseball. He is a serious piece of shit. Who cares what his lame ass thinks"
- Do y'all realize that you can download a Kindle reader app from Amazon made specially for the Mac? Reading in a desk chair isn't my preferred mode (the beach is preferable), but I got this incredibly cool R. A. Lafferty story for free on this device. Coozledad, sounds like your style. If you ain't Michael Moorcock, are you R. A. Lafferty? Kindle for Mac. I imagine you could download this to an I-pad. Maybe Samuel R. Delaney? Or Walter Moseley? Connie, the Norman Jewison (oh, perfectly ironic name) movie version had Israeli tanks if I'm not hallucinating. Extremely bizarre. But Andrew LLoyd Weber dealt with truth, inasmuch as anybody with two Ls beginning his given second name, that makes a big deal of it, could, possibly What a hopelessly pompous ass. . I mean, visionary. He'd never heard of half governor Sarah when he wrote Don't Cry for Me Argentina. Bimbo wife to snow-machine macho-man with predictably idiot kids? Not too shabby.
- it's Good Friday, when we go to church in the afternoon and we pray for people of other religions. Strange, eh? For a demonic sect? Tea and sympathy, Nancy. You're fine. These things happen. You are a blessing. A good writer with interesting ideas. When writing, how does one choose barfing over puking? Seems like an interesting choice of words, to me. Barfing seems sort of passive, victimized. Puking, on the other hand seems to be deliberate and violent, something intended. Anyway Nancy, I hope you are feeling better. We watched the panther movie. It was wonderful. The music was so ood it was ridiculous. Grew up in Detroit, went to school with Bill Thigpen. That was one awesome Detroit legend. Played hoops like Bill Russell, wrote for Michigan Daily. Paul fucking Bunyan in Detroit. Assasinated by drug lords. I went to HS with him. He was legendary. Blew Rudy T. off the court. There is your detroit story. I used to burn body parts at the Metropolitan Hospital incinerator, right next to the emergency room. In those days, it was the infamous Detroit Police TMU versus the Panthers. TMU used mortars, teargas, whatever. They were the most racist pigs ever. The cops were criminals no doubt.
- I went to school with Bill Thigpen, who was one astounding hoopster, and became a writer for the Michigan Daily. He exposed drug dealers and got killed for it. I'd be eternally grateful to Nancy Nall if she'd write this story. Back in Panthers days, Panthers ruled the nightime in detroit. They actually assasinated drug dealers. I worked the trash dump at Metrpolitan Hospital, where my dad was the chief of Peds. That was the days of the TMUs. Detroit cops were roving bands of racist assholes. They murdered black people when it struck them. They were pigs. Revolting indiscriminate and anti-Consitutional vigilante Detroit cops that showed up at Thirteenth and Indiandale and just shot the shit out of Panthers. This was so much like some asshole like the governor of Arizona, it makes me wretch, or barf. Or puke. These people are sub-human. . Stealing money by prevaricating about poor people? Shit, you'd think these assholes were Republicans.
- Moe, maintenent, ami. Something very good to listen to : And another: Most soothing voice God ever gave a man, probably. Of course, Catholics have a patron saint for people in your situation. St. Peregrine. I'll keep this in mind at Easter Vigil, when my legs go numb from standing in one place for two hours. Excellent discursive on the day Il Papa washes the beggars' feet. That "least of my brethren" part of Christianity somehow sneaked by it's greatest Murrican purveyors and defenders. Meanwhile, Illegitimi non carborundum. Kiryas Joel probably gets a Lieberman subsidy. And I've heard they're establishing Bantustans in Poughkeepsie. To learn more about this strangeness, read The Yiddish Policeman's Union by Michael Chabon. If Muslims behaved this way, they would have been blown to smithereens with fertilizer bombs years ago. The apparent poverty is probably explained by the median age--15. Too few MickeyD's.
- Caswell is 61. He “never” had anything new. So why should anyone else? Look what it did for him: He graduated from Michigan State! Actually, his Wikipedia bio is intriguing. Graduated high school in 1967 and went to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, leaving after two years to finish undergrad at MSU, before re-enrolling and finishing with a master’s in 1976. That sure as shit sounds like an honor code violation. That Caswell shit is another iteration of Raygun's delusional myth of the welfare queen. He could, I suppose, help with that laser GOP concentration on Jobs, Jobs, Jobs! Too bad Charles Dickens isn't around these days to skewer assholes like this guy by requiring armbands. Somebody would have to sew them, but that would be outsourced to Sri Lanka. And if Chuck Heston's cold dead hands weren't attached to his cold dead body, he might provide Republicunts with the recipe for Soylent Green. Now, that would be a Modest Proposal Republicans could get behind.
- So according to this Caswell shitheel, poor people are somehow managing to finagle designer Back-to-school get-ups. How's that work, you ahole? Trade the WIC vouchers? Maybe these aren't sorry-ass excuses for Christian human beings. Maybe they think these frauds are actually perpetrated. That would make all of them about twice dumber than grunt, and the phoniest white sepulcher proponents of Christian tenets that ever lived. Did they pay attention in Easter week? As do members of all of the so-called great religions, Christians believe in taking care of "the least of my brethren". Aside from anything, this shithead is such a random piece-of-shit misanthrope, that so closely mirrors the misanthropic GOP, how is he worthy of anything but ridicule and opprobrium? Who make's asseyes' bespoke suits these days. More often all the time, and more often than not, I want to beat shit out of fuckers like this guy. Decent people protect kids and the disadvantaged. GOPers fuck them over to rake in lucre.
- Nancy, Is the Dorais Velodrome associated with Gus Dorais? Gus was the Detroiter at Notre Dame who is credited with Knute Rockne with inventing the forward passing offense in football. And coached the Loins for a few years in the 40s. And yes, I meant to type Loins. Good enough for Van Patrick, good enough for me. Van's other announcing signature, was the curious phrase "he heard footprints" when a receiver alligator-armed a pass. Anyway, we lived across the street form Gus's son and his family in a Pulte subdivision in Birmingham. His granddaughter Mary was the first person with whom I ever smoked pot (she triple dog dared, basically), and one of my brothers was involved in a heated romantic competition with a former friend over Mary's sister, Patty, involving fistfights, much intrigue and purloined liquor. Van Patrick was a Detroit institution as a sportscaster, with a peculiar way with the English language, but never in the same universe with Ernie Harwell and his partner, George Kell. Kell was a perfect partner to Harwell, two country gentlemen describing baseball. Kell used the word 'tommyhawked' for a well hit ball, but kids in Detroit loved him for repeatedly pointing out that Norm Cash was "guarding the bag at first base". Everyone who ever saw the great first baseman play knows that Cash did indeed "guard the bag". Apparently, not trusting his cup completely, Stormin' Norman always protected the jewels with his throwing hand, like one of those nutcases in Irish hurling. You can imagine the hilarity this induced in preteen baseball fans. Cash is also famous for a lifetime BA around .280, except for '61 when he hit .361, with a self-incriminated corked bat. Trump dissapearing up his own anus is a very amusing image, ROGirl. Nothing left but the stuffed rodent rug. Joe K., if that was hurting Obama in polling, my automatic disenfranchisement program for nitwit and biased voters is more necessary to straighten out the country than even I thought. On the other hand, here in SC I can vote in the GOP primary, and I will vote for Rattail von Bankrupt, because he has a legitimate chance to win here. My bet is that Obama just thought it would be very funny to but a boot in the dumbass' butt. And Donald thought he always got along with "teh Blacks".
- This looks like a pretty surefire Mothers' Day gift.
- Trump made the White House blink? Or, they got tired of the jerk and decided to humiliate him. Didn't Trump say he'd release his tax records if he got a look at the birth certificate. And aside from the President's mom's signature and that of the attending physician, what new information is revealed in addition to the Certificate of live birth? I suppose they could have waited until Trump turned up some forged 'evidence' from his OJ-led team of crack investigators to just obliterate Senor Bankruptcy. And puleeze, let's make sure to discriminate between Mr. Underpants and Mr. Magic Underpants. And Peter, here ya go: Great band. Amazing voice out of a little kid with braces. Edit: Even better song.
- The spin on Fux News appears to be that Obama pulled a dirty trick by letting the yahoos rant on and on instead of stuffing big plugs of baccy in their salivating, snaggletoothed maws several months ago. Raising Arizona, with the panty line. I really can't think of a more hilarious movie. Especially the most ineptly planned and executed convenience store robbery of all times. And the final scene, HIs dream of the future, is positively elegiac. and the musical theme is great. I read that somebody is talking about remaking this movie, which would be an inexcusable transgression.
- Paddyo' as hilarious as Raising Arizona is, it is also quite heartfelt and warm and insightful. HI's dream of young Nathan's Christmas and future athletic success is simply beautiful, and not exactly what you might expect from a couple of guys as apparently cynical as them Coens, unless you've payed close attention to the commemorative stamp subplot in the midst of madness in Fargo, or the unbearable lightness of being of George Clooney's character in O, Brother. I mean, before he gets blowed to smithereens, human frailty and vulnerability is clear in the expression of the warthog from hell when he sees the grenade pin in HI's hand, and HI's sorrowful attempt to apologize is very sad. As far as being entertaining for 150 seconds non-stop, which it is, that trailer puts me in mind of sitcom commercials in which nothing makes me crack a smile. Never saw Friends and have no interest in the current crop, which from the flaccidity of the gratuitously rude jokes in their promos, just don't get it. These bimbo productions are repeating crap stolen from Three's Company. First two seasons of Seinfeld were mildly amusing, until the infantilism and onanistic behavior of the characters got so annoying a couple of minutes exposure could make me feel like nuking the set. Frasier certainly had it's moments. Best, if not the only watchable half-hour comedy on TV these days: easy, that would be M*A*S*H reruns.
- Jolene: Every time I see Trump's piggy face, it reminds me of the infamous CSI episode called King Baby, about a casino tycoon that needed to wear diapers and breastfeed to be satisfied sexualy. Donald Trump, diaper fetishist? Wouldn't be surprising.
- Never heard of the breed before, but Shiba Inus grow up to be very handsome doggies with lupine faces.
- I tried to stand up and fly straight, but it wasn't easy with that sumbitch Reagan in the White House. I dunno. They say he's a decent man, so maybe his advisors are confused. HI McDonough How about, Would you shop at a store called Unpainted Huffheinz?
- Subsidies and tax benefits to oil companies are still in place and still driving deficit spending. Meanwhile, gas is cheaper in the USA than in any other non-oil-producing country in the world. GOPetroleum hos treat public transportation as if it were devised by Joe Stalin, and expects to use gas prices no American President could possibly do anything about (short of imposing windfall taxes against the oil company profiteers, which would help fiscally, but have a negative effect on pump priices). If their were a national IQ it would be somewhere south of Educable and Trainable, resting on Gullible and Infantile.
- We know for a fact in SC that tornadoes here are a direct effect of Nikki Haley on the Appalachian Trail with her knickers down. Mark P. I went to a good friend's wedding to a local girl in Rome one time. Nice town, but the drive back to Athens through summer thunderstorms that night after the reception was nerve-wracking, and seemingly interminable. We live on an island with two lane (three during weather emergency evacuation) egress. Evacuation is a parking lot several hours long with many people running out of fuel. The gas stations profiteer, politicians threaten, nothing is done about it when the weather clears, people sell beers out of roadside coolers for $8-10 a pop, and gas is available at $15-20 from fellow travelers. I'm aware of this only anecdotally. I'm not going anywhere in these situations. Hurricanes always veer right by here on their path to the big magnet at Myrtle Beach. I did see a tornado up close one time. Loudest thing I ever heard, from about 500 ft, watched the funnel follow a train trestle, flicking the ties around in every direction, as if they were pick-up stix being plucked by the fore and index fingers of God, what looked like 100 ft. in the air. The thing people say about a jaundiced cast to the sky and eerie silence immediately before the storm hits was exactly accurate in that instance. I was bartending in a joint in an old Souterhn RR baggage terminal with 36-inch thick, alternating-wythe brick walls, so I figured everyone was fairly safe. Leaving the building was not a viable nor a sensible option, anyway. Unease was palpable, so I sure as shit wasn't using the hand crank on the register to charge for pitchers when the power went out, and the boss told me to put out a mighty deli buffet spread since the walk-in was shut down. A very good time was had by all, and we emerged to sunshine, stuffed and loaded, about half an hour later, only to be driven back inside by roaring winds and golfball hail a few minutes later. Ever since, and I know it's crass and thoughtless, probably whistling past the graveyard, but I always associate tornadoes with partying like it's 1999. Given the blackout conditions, I would not be at all surprised if offspring were conceived that day.
- Chris Christie might be mobbed up? Heaven forfend? Who'da thunk to look at and listen to him? I know that's not fair, but you know some of that guy's dandified thuggishness is self-invention. Ferguson School. This is a real treat I just came across. Three songs performed live in an NPR studio by Steve Earle. I just got his book of short stories (well lot's of his songs are short stories, like Copperhead Rd.) called Doghouse Roses, and he has a novel coming out soon.
- Coozledad, That is the most nauseous building facade ever perpetrated by a nitwit architect and a dilettante owner. Hard to believe Trump's greasy little digits aren't all over that. Do people that choose to call hideous malls and casinos Xanadu understand the drug-cultural baggage that carries in modern English literature. This is what Coleridge wrote about his opium-induced poem: I should much wish, like the Indian Vishna, to float about along an infinite ocean cradled in the flower of the Lotos, & wake once in a million years for a few minutes – just to know I was going to sleep a million years more ... I can at times feel strong the beauties, you describe, in themselves, & for themselves – but more frequently all things appear little – all the knowledge, that can be acquired, child's play – the universe itself – what but an immense heap of little things? ... My mind feels as if it ached to behold & know something great – something one & indivisible – and it is only in the faith of this that rocks or waterfalls, mountains or caverns give me the sense of sublimity or majesty! Jai guru deva om. Hippies and dopers!
- But, some of us “small government types” embrace the whole federalism notion of many “laboratories of government” with people choosing what they prefer. Inherent in that notion is that the most intrusive government should be the most local, where you are best able to participate in a meaningful fashion and best able to leave if you find the practices unacceptable. That model works pretty well on non-essential issues like parks, libraries, speed limits,ball parks, etc. A reasonable point Mark, but when a deregulated financial industry has stolen a good half of the nation's combined wealth from those that held it before AD 2000, people no longer even have the ability to vote with their feet, and this idea breaks down. Unfortunately, it breaks down these days along lines of disposable income and net worth. Edit: He who has the gold makes the rules.
- How about a pool on how long it takes for some mad Moldovan dentist (nudge, nudge), mail-order lawyer, Dr.Frankenfurter manque to claim Hawai'i wasn't really a state when Obama was born there?
- Sitting the trot? Tres uncomfortable, unless you're Catherine the Great, who thought of it as foreplay. And now we know that Pippa comes from some toddler little brother's speech impediment. Can anybody be twee that isn't a Brit? Bob (NG), banished to Ireland? That's a blessing, but they really should abdicate those titles and give it back.
- This should be the first dance at the reception. And the royal birth countdown starts today. Any word from the royal OB-GYN? That'll be another Westminster spectacular at great cost, I take it. Wisconsin recall wars. Wow. I suppose this is just a run-of-the-mill political story, sort of thing happens every day. That's why it's not burning up the interwerwebs and you have to go to a politics junkie site or a Wisconsin paper to find out about this rather stunning development.
- Sue, sure the Kochs will flood Wisconsin with cash. But the sheer numbers of signatures collected on the recall petitions vs. Republicans is fairly amazing and certainly encouraging. That 2010 mandate seems a little shaky when faced with cold reality of Republican class warfare. What I really fail to understand is how this is practically a non-story, nationally. If it were the Teabags collecting 66%surplus signatures, we'd see 36pt headlines from the "liberal press". All about the wedding dress and other details, and the sad demise of Alexander McQueen. This is almost interesting with the personalities included, and another Philippa.
- Maybe a guy thing on my part, Nancy. For names, how about St. John (Sinjin) and Cholmondely (Chumley)? And I like the Scots version Alasdair, as in Alasdair Gray, author of Lanark. Basil should be retired in honor of Rathbone. Another Basil is superfluous.
- Vivian, sure cooz, girls names for boys, like Evelyn Waugh. Wacky Brits. Of course Bonzo Dog Doodah Band had Garner Ted Armstrong and Harold Wilson in the band, "digging General DeGaulle on the accordion, and Brainiac on banjo. I'd imagine Ray Davies is watching the wedding coverage in a bar in NOLA with some absinthe. Maybe Dave too, but much less likely. Donald Chump's difficulty with veracity. Well who'd expect a guy that wears that rug or weave or whatever the hell the drowned rat on his head is, to tell the truth about anything?
- Mark, is there a scintilla of difference between the birther/not one of us shit and Willie Horton? Well, If we have a brain, not close. The perpetrators may not be out and out racists, but they are milking a foul substance. Anybody says that isn't so is a racist for trying to cover that obscene and objectionable sort of politics. When Lee Atwater faced his lord on his dying bed, he was man enough to admit they had employed racism. Doing it again? These people are scum, and there is no deathbed way around it. Seriously, Lee Atwater exposed what these divisive shitheels were doing.
- No shit y'yall, This is racsism. YOU CAN'T SAY IT ISN'T.
- I just watched a crow land on my balcony railing, break a loaf of moldy french bread in half, fly away with half, come back for the other half. They eat road-kill kitties. I don,t think I have to worry I'm poisoning tha corbies do I. I think they're smart enough to realize Trumps pighead is covered up with road kill. I kinda admire these birds, in a macabre way. Why did Hitchcock have sparrows attack Tippi Hedren, instead of more innately ominous birds? Because if sparrows can get you, anything can. If you think you need a comb-over, shave yo head. It's that simple. One of my brothers has gone full-Curley Howard. I've been told my hairline is receding since I was about seventeen. It's exactly where it was then. I'd prefer not to be bald. I'd prefer not to live in a country where people would consider voting for the most elaborate comb-over of all time. Asshole's so proud of his daddy's money he squandered and his lawyers' finesse with bankruptcy laws to screw investors and leave Don a rich little prick. And if he makes one more basketball crack, he's gonna sound like Earl Butz, too odious for Nixon, and I will track him down and plant a fired=up roach in the beaver dam on his head. A mind is a terrible thing to baste. No loss here. Robert DeNiro "isn't Einstein" because he thinks you're a mental midget with psychological problems, and you're full of shit? Don? Seriously? Who died and made you Einstein? Mr. King of Bankruptcy? And Mr. Cosby offered to buy you a suit from his tailor? What is wrong with this ahole? He seems to make shit up pathologically. And he's all over the map, with no logic. His idea about Iraq is apparently to occupy the Godforsaken place indefinitely. W should have just given half the cash to Sadam in the first place, the way Raygun and his daddy did. People would vote for this asshole? Ever see They Live? way too stupid to vote.
- Birtherism is as direct an appeal to racist assholes as the Willie Horton ads. What Republicans have stooped to to win and outright steal presidential elections since Raygun is stunning. Name an election, I will point out how these shitheads cheated they ass off. There is nothing low enough to which they will not stoop.
- Funding teabagging is pretty much identical to the Brits pitching Catholics and Protestants against each other. Keep the poor slobs battling and we rule their stupid ass. Wills is what? Follow Me Up to Carlow. These assholes are squatting in somebody else's country.
- Built by autoworkers, not robotss.
- Autoworkers used to be able to buy nice homes in Detroit. Detroit used to be a great city, The Grosses used to be for rich people that valued the working stiffs for providing them with their riches. These days, rich people want it all, and they bought the GOP to get it.
- Where do most of the Teabaggers live?
- Brits want to claim Ireland because of Joyce and Dean Swift and they don't want to own up to Martin Amis.
- Secret to Trump's hair? Nutria.
- People would actually vote for this ghastly excuse for a human being? If he ran against Pork-faced Satan Jimmy Johnson, I'd vote for Satan. If his obvious machinations have exposed him to backlash, I welcome his step into the light. But I know Murricans are fucking dumb enough to buy this huckster's bullshit. Andy from Mayberry already played this role. So did Glenn Beck. When Chump starts questioning others' intelligence, is he kidding? He's got nothing on a fruit-f;y. And what could be said about people that take this Bozo seriously? Maroons. But seriously. We keep Iraq for petroleum? Because we won a trumped up war? How much does that cost, you fucking nitwit? This asshole is deluded, and he's the best GOP has to offer.
- America is sadly disfuntional on the subject of the value of labor. Americans that labor do not do so so that they can be denigrated and rich people can just get richer, although this is GOP creed. Take a look at pro football, for instance. Yeah those guys make big bucks. Would the owners make a dime if Randy Moss wasn't making astounding catches? And the Owners will not open their books. They want the players that might get injured and be expendable on the next play to take their word for it. So the Owners lock 'em out. Ensuring more injuries and damaging the players' earning ability. That's America? Nope, it is class warfare. The players are going into the mine, where the Owners' rules mean they might get blown to smithereens. And there is no source of the Owners' wealth but for the players risking life and most assuredly limb. Consider the Pats. Flagship. Right? They made Robert Edwards particcipate in an inane flag-football game attached to the Pro Bowl. He blew out his knee. Pats talked a good game but screwed him over when they thought he wouldn't produce another 1400 yard season. How did the Pats take care of this valued employee? They didn't. Dickwads with more money than God rule. The people that make the money are peons. We are supposed to have Constitutional protection against rich fucks treating us like barter. But we have rich fucks like Scalia and Roberts ensuring that feudal lords rule. Teabaggers should wake from their fevered waking dream and realize they are zombies in thrall to the bastards that awoke and enslaved them.
- I believe the auto company bailouts have been paid back, with with interest, baby.
- Wills, this one's for you. And this one.
- Supposedly, there is a Rod and Jeff Beck album coming out. I hope it deals with the Velvets or something. But Jerome Kern will do nicely, and be friendly to the Blacks.
- Nancy, I know you're enamored of Iggy, but for pure minimalism with great guitar, Mitch Ryder is the real deal. I believe that is Dick Wagner on the guitar. Nobody in the Stooges could play like that. And James couldn't sing like that.
- And just for the hellu it, How fucking cool is Link Wray? Sorta way beyond cool, I'd say.
- Nancy, in your Russian studies, you don't mention Mikhail Bulgakov, that wrote The Master and Margherita, the best Russian novel ever put to paper. Wicked about Soviets, but so clever they couldn't catch him. And extremely funny about the Church, too.
- Rana I'd agree. Except my dad wore a livestrong bracelet for years after my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, and kept it as a remembramce when she died. I still have it on after he died. So sometimes these things aren't meaningless. Sometimes these things represent true loss. Bumper stickers? If you heart the troops, bring them the fuck home.
- Yeah Dex, but didn't Tricky have a plan to end it way sooner? Current occupations are driven by corporate cash, and there is no popular move to shut them down, the way there was back then.
- The assassination of Ol' Dirty Bin Laden reminded me of this piece by Pepe Escobar. What the hell was W doing asleep at the wheel? Check the date. Just a week before the hair-on-fire, planes-into-buildings PDB.
- Greg Sargent's political take on ending Bin Laden.
- Yeah, they got Bin Laden, but [Gabby Johnson sees the sheriff riding into town] Gabby Johnson: Hey! The sheriff's a nig... [Clock bell chimes] Harriet Johnson: What did he say? Dr. Sam Johnson: He said the sheriff's near. Gabby Johnson: No, gone blame it dang blammit! The sheriff is a nig... [Clock bell chimes again] Ouch! Desperation kicks in. What do you get in China, the death penalty? I once stood on a 7th floor ledge of a hotel in Bern, in uu-trou, while a USAF staff Sgt. from Stuttgard searched under his daughter's bed, but this guy's escape is radical. Beware. Can't find video of Randy Newman singing this.
- Juan Cole discusses how the death of Osama affects just about everything in the Middle East. This is an Arabic speaker, and seems to be the most level-headed analyst of USA middle east policy there is. Fascinating reading, and a source of some optimism, I think.
- Jeff and Jolene, Remember in 2004 when Kerry was mocked by simpering W and the neocons for pointing out that the way to deal with terrism is to treat it like the criminal behavior it is and attack it with good police and intelligence work. Yeah. What a wussie. What sort of dumbass would try to claim that the ensuing years haven't proven Kerry correct? Given that the entire neocon Afghan adventure amounted to "getting Osama" isn't it clear now to anybody but a blind ideologue that that could have been accomplished years ago with drones and special ops and better attention to intelligence, for a whole lot less cash? Is there anything more clearly stupid, futile and wastefully expensive than trying to fight terriss with conventional military force? Shrub proved this in spades. In Iraq, this misguided strategy created AQ in Iraq out of thin air. And all this wasted effort cost lives, American prestige and moral authority, and likely more than $3tril, by the time all the vets' medical bills are settled. Applied directly to the USA credit card account on top of the criminally irresponsible W tax cuts when these chickenhawk bastards had been planning to conquer the middle east since the PNAC tried to talk Clinton into it in 1998 at the urging of AIPAC.
- Along those same lines, GWOT? Rove thought this was a strategy for ensuring Republicans political hegemony in the US for years to come. It was all a load of bollocks. Fighting a war on a concept is not even really sane. Like the war on drugs.
- How nauseating is it that Dickless and Rummy are trying to use this UBL business to excuse their penchant for torture? Track the bastards down and consign 'em to Davey Jones' locker.
- W on Bin Laden.
- When the NYT put up the paywall, I realized I could get by with a home subscription to the Sunday paper. I despise reading the book review and the magazine on line anyway, so this presented a perfect solution. Anyway, Sunday's are for lots of really good coffee, Keith Jarret improvising piano sonatas at Koln, rashers of thick-cut bacon from Burger's smokehouse, omelets with sun-dried tomatoes and jalapenos, and tangible newspapers and crosswords. What I'm getting at is, anybody that didn't see a physical copy of yesterday's special Summer Films Section, do yourself a favor and beg, borrow or steal a copy. The writing is sublime, the features are brilliantly conceived, and the graphics and photography are amazing, particularly the summer movie sunglasses on page 1.
- No matter what apologists try to say, W shut down the CIA Osama search unit on in 2005.
- Killing Ol' Dirty Bin from the SEALS point of view. Well there was JackieK, pretty attractive, very stylish. And Hillary? I always thought she looked pretty good following up Quaker Oats the President's Mom, and leading into Stumpy Library Lady. Her hair looks fine these days. The nonsense from GOPers about Obama didn't do anything, any President would have pulled the trigger. Well bullshit, you maroons. Can you say Tora Bora, and scatterbrained panic faced with a similar situation, but with Mullah Omar standing right next to OBL. Perhaps Mitch can run into Osama in the afterlife and let the living know how things are going. That's a Mitch Albom column I'd get a kick out of.
- Excellent Q&A withHarris Zafar, the national spokesperson for Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on OBL repercussions and Arab/Muslim attitudes.
- Interesting meta previously unreported, far as I know OBL raid information. "There goes the neighborhood." Pretty funny SOB.
- Who's on first script, and as performed on radio (scroll down). The video version is worth checking, because Costello does some pretty funny physical humor and double-takes: Who's on first script, and as performed on radio (scroll down). edit: More like a Rollie Fingers moustache here.
- Knowing about plate spinning basically means you're old enough to know about Topo Gigio, and saw the Rolling Stones sing Let's Spend Some Time Together on the Richard Nix, er Ed Sullivan Show. Very entertaining thrill of victory, agony of defeat video, Nancy. Best line: "Good thing he had his helmet on." But shouldn't full immersion be required for the aquatic leg?
- Speaking of JFK, did any of y'all see his daughter on D. Letterman last night. She's smart as hell, gorgeous, poised, sellf-deprecating and extremely funny. I don't think she's been on talk shows before, and I'm hoping she might be ready for politics. Photos will get out one way or another. For one thing, Drudge and/or Breitbart will purport to publish photographic proof it's not bin Laden. Non-existent font when the shooting took place, registration 3 pixels off. One way or another, the photos will not be more gruesome than the first 5 min. of any episode of Bones. Grasping at straws on the subject of Muslim on Muslim violence.
- Bitter Scribe: Iran-Contra and the criminal abuse of American hostages to elect R. Raygun. I am sure as hell, to this day, that this is the origin of the insane enmity in Republic circles for John Kerry and the repugnant behavior of the Swiftboaters during the 2004 campaign. What Kerry did was to GOPers like drawing Mohammed with a bomb for a turban was to Muslims.
- Paayo', No way Sackless would know that. That guy is a nitwit and a crook.
- Then again, Dexter, all of the new, corrected information comes from the same source as the original, pressurized excited utterance. Who but the administration could have gainsayed the original report credibly? The Seals in the raid are never going to say anything. So if the original misinformation was intended purposely as disinformation, why contradict it when there was no conceivable source to discredit it? Makes no sense, except to be truthful.. Now the Jessica Lynch "rescue" in Iraq, that was a pure D fabricated Bruckheimer production. debunked and ridiculed by the America's sweetheart warrior damsel in distress. Did the misAdministration then ever admit to promulgating pure bullshit? Not to this day. Has anyone been held accountable for the totally invented propaganda myth of the heroic death of Pat Tillman? Nope. His parents learned the truth and are in the process of squeezing it out of the Army like caulk from an old, blocked tube.
- Oh, Miss Crabtree. I thought Marie Osmond's first husband was Donnie.
- Wrongway Peachfuzz. Right down the beach. I don't know much about yachts, but this looks big enough to qualify, and the keel for a boat this size has to be seriousy buried in the beach.
- Oh, and that Krauthummer photo--not a smile, just gas.
- Why arw you kidding? No kidding but I aam some jackaww, Whatever and you you ar3 240nng, We are suppposed to think its some some moron shit, Bag every dumbass shit like we'rw like we're supposed to considwr. We know you are assholes. Ar we kidding? You are an asshole. There is no way to consider. How I consider my keedo. I do care the way, my whatever, We love you. As we said Don't be ridiculous. I care more than you can imagine. Way to consider, I love anyway you consider, It doesn't make dick. You are the way I believe. One way or another, ''that's the way I feel. There is no other way of looking at this. No shit, I know what I'm talking about..
- Let's see a situation room photo when W did';t pull the trigger at Tora Bora, what a weenie, you ahole necdons that tried to talk Clinton into this idiot misadventure in 1998. Clinton wasn't that stupid as far as as funneling cash to HALLLIBURTON, and it didn't pay for itself in oil. Lying liars, No shit, This is Republicans at theor lying vest.. If anybody is so stupid they do'nt see how Cheney made obscene cash out of the invasion, well, you are an idiot. And Krauthammer, try Aquabuddha you sorry asshole,
- I used to own the Days of Futures Passed LP, Cooz, but old skool to me means Fuck da police, and NWA. More recent rap is pretty much horseshit wannabes. And Chuck D rules.
- Seriously, Julie? Smelly hippies like Okkerville? Bad Neil Young imitators.
- How cool was this gig for a freelancer? That was really easy to stuff a sock and an\ct like like Mission Accompplished, Assholes, no sock stuffed in the crotch. But a real President, Shut up you maroons, It is difficult to deal with lying sacks of shtik. Scott Walker bought that call hook line and winker. He's a fucking tool, a nitwit. Playing pocket pool, undoubtedly. Somebody is supposed to take these twat Midwestern governors seriously. Maroons and sadly stupid as shit. Almost Canadian, eh? Way dumb as shit. Nothing against Canada. But they never actually found it obnoxious the Brits claimed them as subjects. Too polite?
- It's not Bristol's fault she's an egregious asshole. She's managed that all on her own. Good genes.
- NBA notes: Dirk will probably get tossed. David Stern rules more important than Jrdan rules. It's a lock. And Celts win. Throwing out Piere, that was strange, and an astoundingly bad call. Stern seems to have lost his mojo. He cheats like a bastard. But holy shit, he's just not on his manipulative game.
- LA Mary, homely to begin with homely foer good, but, you know, she's a star. Hines seems like a natural, but really, you know he'd like to deliver a knockdown. That's what he does, and he smiles when he pick your ass up. What he does. How are these people stars? How is the Trump horseshit stars? Who watches this shit? Meat Loaf? Guttdom that is bad excuse for music. Truly horrible.
- Meatloaf? Dashboard light. That is ridiculous, no matter how you look at it, Exceptionally bad, like a travesty, Big Bottom kinda stupidity.
- Jeff, my dad was in the army, bur he was a doctor. I don't think it was MASH but it seems like it was pretty close. My dad's favorite army story had to do with the command: "mill around to the left, mill around to the right", and something about oranges, syringes and ethanol. Somehow he ended up in upstate NY guarding Italian POWs. One of them painted a portrait, in oil. My idea is that they were friends. You couldn't know my dad and not be his friend. Truly awesome man, and I will spend my life trying to live up to his example. The painting is a very good likeness. My dad read Thomas a Kempis Imitation of Christ, daily, and I believe that's how he tried to live his life. Triumphalism over one man's death would have stuck in my dad's craw. He was way better than that. I hope I can feel that way, but Sirhan Sirhan? I'd disembowell that motherfucker, for leaving this country to milhous.. Bristol? That hymen rejuvenation is probably on it's last chance. Trailer Park People. Half of America deserves government run by Yahoos. Fucking morons, no shit.
- Oh I don't know. We used to put away a lot of Stroh's in my misguided youth when it was $.99/sixpack at the drugstore where they didn't check ID. Hipsters in NYC have made PBR iconic, and Stroh's isn't as awful as that eyewash. I'd have to see what the mugs looked like, though I prefer nicking mugs, myself.
- How to make a sword. Tell a teabagger. Detailed account of the OBL raid. Some of which I hadn't heard. House Democrats jobs plan: new programs to train workers in advanced manufacturing, investments in transportation infrastructure, research and development tax credits, and savings accounts for small-business start-ups. Senate Republics jobs plan: reduce individual and corporate tax rates, prohibit the federal regulation of greenhouse gases and repeal President Obama’s health-care law. Somebody explain how repealing ACA creates jobs, please. I know what the alleged argument is, but it's light years from logic.
- Does anybody know for a fact that any of this about steven tyler is actually true. He lived in Marshfield MA when my teenage dayghter babysat for his family. If he's approached my kid he'd be pushing up daisies. I met him and he seemed alright. I know for a fact my kid would have crushed his jewels like grapes if he's tried anything Emily said he's a gentleman, and he risked his life pulling his kids out of a bad housefire. That catscratch vocal, I can do without. And Aerosmith is no stupider a band name than Led Zeppelin. But some of the songs are alright, and Joe Perry can play, seriously. My point is who can say what about any of that is true? The born-agains could have made the whole thing up. Here ya go cooz, my daughter, when she met the bastard was ridiculously gorgeous. If he'd tried anything, his nads would have been juice. Smart and strong, my kid. Picked a graduate program and got accepted, at Mass general. She guides people out of the dark tunnel of closed skull brain injuries, and she's brilliant at it. Takes empathy and intelligence. I am so proud of her doing something most people are incapable of. But it's tough when therapy doesn't work. But Emmy keeps at it. Sorry for being so personal, but my kid is doing a very difficult job very well. But when she met Steven Tyler, he had a family, my daughter was ridiculously beautiful, his house caught on fire and he didn't try anything? So I'm not sure about what's been ascribed to the guy. Coozledad, pedophilia is american? fronch, Deutsche? Russki? How bout Serge Gainsborough? Klaus Kinski? And his daughter. Seriously, you're right. Nobody else seems to have little beauty queens, but I'd say brits and euros are the scum that find this alluring. Particularly little boys. Pedophilia as some idea of Americans, that is such a crock, bud.
- What you say? Whatever. What ever you say. As I said, are you kidding? You have to be kidding.
- Shit Nancy, are you kidding? Sweet Home. or Tuesday's gone. Tuesday's gone, James Blunt is so full of shit, but ... Sweet Home Alabama is the way to imagine Warren. James Blunt is hopeless shit and I'd rather hear Buffy Ste. Marie. Seriously are you kidding.
- Obviously, I'm not suggesting anybody should condone any horrendous behavior on Steven Tyler's part regarding underage girls. My point was only that anybody could have written anything at all about this guy and everybody would believe the worst. I have met him and he seems like a decent guy. Homely as sin. I don't think he looks a whit like Mick Jagger, but for wrinkles. I'd say it's entirely possible Steven Tyler had nothing to do with any of this, including the autobiography. Obviously, I have no idea, but I have seen the guy in the company of his family, and I'd take all of this with a grain of salt. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I don't think so. He seemed like a halfway normal guy, and I think it's entirely possible he's getting a raw deal here. Maybe it's all true, but having met the guy, I doubt it. The abortion story, on the other hand is heinous. I,ve been through one. It is devastating in the long run. I know for a fact that both mom and dad found it difficult in later years, but later we had a superb child together. If you've never been through an abortion, please just shut up about the psychological effects of doing this. We didn't feel we had a choice. And we're exes now and we both wonder whether we might choose differently in hindsight. But please, if you haven't been through this, shut the fuck up. It is difficult, if you aren't monstrous, and if you are actually in love. It does inform relationships way after it happens. My ex and I have have talked about this many times. We remain good friends. There is nobody in the world other than our kid I care about more. She's one awesome woman. To this day, I wish we'd just bitten the bullet and brought the child into the world. Am I an asshole? Because, I wish I could revisit the past with some idea of how the future might turn out? My only point is that maybe knowing all the details might be wise before making judgements about others. And recriminations about abortions, for a fact. It was probably still our best choice, and I wish we'd chosen otherwise. My daughter's mom wishes the same thing. We were scared shitless. we aren't happy to this day about the choice we made. Does that make us poster children for shitheel anti-abortion mofos? Not close. Looking back, if we could take back the decision? Yeah, we would. If you haven't been through this, shut the fuck up. You haven't got a clue. For people with a conscience that are actually in love, and I'm not excusing Steven Tyler, because I've no idea what the truth is, This is a horrible decision to make. Sorry, it is. If you've never nade this decision, just shut the fuck up.Recriminations are hell. Give it a try. You really have no idea.
- I wish we'd done otherwise. But it really wasn't my choice. I was in love and we did what she wanted. Not what I wanted. I would have done whatever she thought was best. So these decisions aren't always about guys. Whatever any of you all think. Everybody knows the story about Led Zeppelin and the mudshark. Frank Zappa made it a legend, and it seems like an immense crock of shit.
- Larkspur, Not my intention, but it's a sure thing that people talk a whole lot of shit about this subject that have not experienced it. I apologize if I offended you. I wasn't intending to change anybody's mind. Just explaining that in my experience, this is not all cut and dried. I'm not inclined to impose my own situation on anybody else, and I think it's extremely unfair for you to intimate I did. Just my experience. I didn't lay guilt in any fashion and you can be assured, my opinion is people do what they must. I wasn't criticizing anybody's decision. You seriously do me a disservice to claim that's what I was doing or that I was moralizing. Nothing of the sort. Not even close. And your assumptions about my ideas about this subject are offensive and ludicrous. If you are trying to claim anything I said had anything to do with that heinous article, excuse me for your lack of critical thinking. Not remotely. I meant the way I felt in the long run, not the way anybody else should feel. I would have thought that was obvious,. Is it alright if I feel recriminations? I mean, these are my feelings, and I'm not trying to impose my feelings on anybody else: I prefer the Greg Allman version, but I thought you might might prefer Nico,, She ain;t Lou but she has an expressive voice. Please don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them. You can't convince me I might have made a mistake, You can't convince me an abortion is just a woman's choice, It was mine too. f you think not, you just make a mockery of half the human race. Having had one perfect child , I wish we'd had the first. Am I some sort of asshole? I wish we did and I refuse to think I'm some sort of asshole for wishing we did. Making this idea into some sort of anti-choice shit is just totally loony. And it's grotesquely unfair.
- Mrs. Gingrich is "almost" retro? Please, she's Newt's cheerleader wet-dream, back when that little piece of shit couldn't play sports, because he was a dumpy little fatass kid that loved him some Milhous. Newt used to be big on term limits. How about his revolting, philandering life? How about a term limit, you know-nothing toad? And what sort of dysfunction affects a woman that finds this sort of human iguana remotely attractive? Read 2666 Nancy. It doesn't explain anything, but it is riveting. Most of this has to do with the maquiladoras. That was Poppi Bush. Clinton had no choice but to sign NAFTA, but he attached the side agreements, which W shitcanned immediately. Americans seem to be morons on this subject. No matter how you look at it, Republics made jobs go south while enriching rich people. It is what they do. Disgusting lying shits that convince moron teabaggers they are on their sides, Dick Armey. People can't see through this shit? WTF?
- I'm stil ppeeved about being oainted as a pedphile defender and anti-abortion loont-tune. My honest thoughts were grossly misrepresented. I do wonder about just relief, Sure, but that's it. I am sure I've been misrepresented in this discussion.I certainly never came out siding with pedphiles nor anti-abortion whackos, but i've been accused of both. Bullshit.
- ROgirl: Arizona gun shows. We go to the western coast of Mexico annually to dive. Avoiding something great because you're worried about where you might buy it seems like a circumscribed way to live. One way or another, it'll happen when it does. Beheaded by drug dealers just doesn't seem all that bad, if they'll leave me on Jan Brewer's doorstep. Or my head anyway. With a smile on my face. Latino immigrants, legal or otherwise sure as shit don't import enough violence into the USA, home of the Streetsweeper and the Taurus pistol that fires shotgun shells, that anybody would notice a difference in the most violent country since the Dark Ages. Illegal immigration literally became a huge deal when W. wiped out the environmental and labor side agreements to NAFTA that Clinton engineered to blunt the incredibly destructive aspects of the trade agreement that HW had put in place. Not only is this not rocket science, it's something even a Shrub could understand. It is an absolute fact that GOPers will make political hay from racist anti-immigrant rhetoric, but will never ding the profit centers of bidnesses that rely on being able to lock their employees in burning buildings and getting away with it, because they're only Mescans doing jobs no Murrican would do for the minuscule wages.. Newt and the other astounding GOPer hypocrites hounding Clinton is the epitome of American exceptionalism. And shouldn't the specially bizarre prosecutor have to pay back the treasury for indulging his obscene voyeurism? Even St. Henry Hyde had his youthful indiscretion. When he was about 45. Lots of Catholics have lots of arguments with the Church. Letting Newt in is my big one. Somebody that despises poor people the way that fat rasher of bacon does has no business in the Church of Jesus Christ, not of magic underpants.
- And seriously, if there is such a thing as sex addiction, well obviously there is, and the human race goes on procreating, but anyway, show Tiger some pics of Newt and blonde Elvira in the sack, he'll start dropping all those ten-footers he's been rimming out.
- Anulments are political favors for cash, generally, and I'm sure Newt knows his way around those.
- Dayum. Like living next door to Palins. Like they wuz raised by wolves. Pardon the slander to wolves. We had a neighbor once in a Pulte subdivision that shot our dog with a pellet gun. My dad was incensed, angriest I ever saw him. He went straight to the ahole's front door, which the fool answered with weapon in hand behind a locked storm door. When he opened the door my dad grabbed the rifle and broke it in half over his knee like Bo Jackson breaking a bat. My brother and I just laughed our asses off. I'd guess Warren Zevon had neighbors like that at some point. When I first moved into my condo, we frequently heard a child upstairs sobbing hysterically, with what sounded like utter desparation. Sure sounded to us like child abuse was a distinct possibility. The neighbor was a County Sheriff's Deputy well known for his bad behavior in uniform. Frightening situation. We made an appointment with the sheriff and expressed our concerns, but it was pretty scary expecting retaliation from the psycho.
- A Robert Tractor Traylor moment. Our first place after my ex and I got married was in a two family in Watertown MA. The house behind had a wood decked back porch directly below our bedroom window. The tenants owned a dog, which was kept chained, mmiserably on that porch what seemed like 24-7. The problem was that the dog howled and dragged the heavy chain around at 5:30am . Although the intrusion on our sleeping was infuriating, I think I was more homicidally inclined by the treatment of this poor animal. Complaints to the owner did no good. Animal control wouldn't do anything. One Saturday morning, I just snapped and went all Free Willie, with a pair of bolt cutters. This was a big dog with a wonderful disposition who ended up moving in with some friends of ours with a small farm out by Hopkinton after some drastically necessary veterinary care. When I liberated the dog, he had sores in his leg joints like bedsores, from constant contact with the freezing cold wood deck. My wife was sure I'd get arrested for dognapping, but I had documented the maltreatment of the pooch with photos, and my take was that dognapping charges wouldn't stick but the assault and battery would if I didn't do something about these aholes. I left a note with my phone # at work (not completely crazy), describing my actions and why I'd taken them. Anybody that would treat a dog that badly is psycho enough to harm human beings, plus they were from Maine (no redder redneck than one from Aroostook Co.) Never heard a word from the gutless shitheel. I suppose those fools tell people about the dognapper next door when bad neighbor stories come up.
- How 'bout them Seal Team 6 guys? ABC news did a story about how average teacher salaries are slightly higher than Seals base pay. Of occurs, the average for S&P 500 CEOs is actually more than 200 times the salaries of either the teachers or the Seals, who clearly do more difficult jobs. And I bet none of those fatass bastards can do pullups at a rate of 5 per second for 60 seconds straight. Really, maybe those teachers need to jack it up on the math skills if they expect more sane distribution of wealth. And I came across this gem from Andy Fairweather "La Booga Rooga" Low this morning. Thought I'd share for the pure joy and the hell of it.
- What sort of monster must the first Mrs. Hall be that a judge granted custody of two kids to this guy? Of course, y'all know what checkov said about the commonalities of happy families and unique unhappinesses of unhappy families.
- Just saw on the web that Paul McCartney is engaged to be married again. Hope he gets some good advice this time around.
- Of course, it's the great first line of Anna Karenina. I wrote a thesis for a Russian lit seminar about autobiographical aspects in and influences on Checkhov's works in college, and quoted the Tolstoy as a fancy way of getting into the subject. Hoist, own petard. Too clever, but, I've still got that paper and the intro went over big with the professor, and the cutthroat bunch in the seminar. Perception skewed and addled by way too many decades gone by. Mistreatment of animals has a similar effect on me to watching the able-bodied park in handicap parking spaces. One day, I'll get caught uninflating a tire, but in the meantime, the aholes get to feel what it's like to be disabled. It's tricky. You have to actually see the perpetrator in action, to make sure, and pregnant women get a break, in my mind. It's sort of like why Kick Ass decided to be Kick Ass. And what a simultaneously entertaining and grotesquely disturbing movie that little gem is. Worse language than Raging Bull and a 10 year old ninja assassin little girl.
- Julie , I get that. I always make sure, and I'm talking about rednecks parking close to run in for smokes and a litre of MD 20/20.
- Little House/Wendy McClure link I just got in an NPR newsletter. Maybe nothing new for you fans, but thought I'd pass it on. She does have a very nice radio voice. I've never read the books, though as a kid, I read and liked Louisa May Alcott books. Of course with all brothers, Penrod, Tom Swift, and ultimately, the Sax Roehmer fu Manchu and Neyland Smith novels were more our speed. The Boothe Tarkington Penrod books are fantastic, and I still have a set. Hilarious, like Our Gang novelized by Mark Twain. Sadly, I think the books are little known or celebrated now, but if you've got a young male reader, or a tomboy, to buy gifts for, you can't go wrong with Penrod. (Of course, Tarkington also wrote the elegant Magnificent Ambersons, which Orson Welles made into a movie classic. Aweesome cast, particularly Agnes Moorehead!)
- Jeff, the MMO. you read the little gentleman. I'm not surprised. People find Penrod objectionable on race bases. Well I wish co. If folks would just Cottton was a watermelon. If folks would just hark back to the day when kids were just kids. And Stymie could say semen eleven Hah. And what you mean sister. What I said Semen eleven hah. You're mama went to what street to gat? To gat what? When kids were hilarious and are you kidding. Oh Miss Crabtree.I remember when Stymie was hilarious. Funnier than than Spanky by a mile. You're number please, Semen elemen, hah. What street to gat? Just kids, and so funny we'd have to just laughh. And the kids didn't give a fuckck if anybody was black. And I wish Cotton was a watermelon.. What was wtong with things being hilarious?? Am I a nitwit> In my mind, Our ganf and the Rascals were a hilarious bunch of kids, Is there something wrond with thinking so? These kids loved each other and they looked out for each other. It was the depression and they always made sure to make sure things went reasonably well for each other. like the rich kid playing football, You WASHEE CLOTHESEE. Are they kidding?
- When the frost is on the pumpkin, Jeff. Penrod rules. That is so perfect, it;s hard to even consider how perfect it is. My brother has a serious smartass kid from a second marriage. She's a smartass tomboy like it's going out of style. She loves Penrod, I don;t get the racial objections, Those boys are Penrod's freinds. I find the objections objectionable. How are people so moronic? How are folks so fucking dumb? Brian. How do they decide to blow levys. Why is Cairo more worthy than the farmlands they fucked over? That seems like a bizarre judgement call. Unless it has to do with some big farm consideration. Moe, LOTR is a no brainer for kids. Orcs swords, Awesome horses. Awesome horsemen and women. One thing about Tolkien, he never had a problem with ridiculously powerful women. Nor did Tom Pynchon, or William Gibson. Nancy, did you like Riding on the Rim> I thoufht it was quite a satisfying book, with a femme fatale. ElizBETH Ashley, I presume. I thought it was a very good book I hope you enjoyed it. No joke, you should wade through 2666. It's a slog. but that character had an eye out for women being murdered and what that says about everybody, It;s not V., but it's close to being that good. Amd I.d say V. is the best. Better than McClintic Spjere amd Benny Profane and Octopus Grigori. I love Gravity's Rainbow, because I get lots of it. Bit I love The Yiddish Policeman's because I get all of it. There is a lot to be said for novels that just knock your ass out, and leave you breathless. Then there are novels that ought to leave you in that state that you get totally, like Riddley Walker. Have you read that? Driving onthe Rim is very good, I think. I'm reading Christine Falls now. Superb writing. A made up name by an otherwise honored author, slumming in a mystery. Seriously Nancy. did you like Riding on the Rim, or did you think it was too self-congratulatory? I thought it was winning, Particularly in the nature passages. I'd sure like to go for a horseback ride. Different sort of horses. I've ridden both. I prefer Western saddles and horses with minds of their own.
- South Riding is way better, and it has Laura Linney, who is so gorgeous it's ridiculous. She isn't actuallly Emma Peel, but face it ladies, only one woman was ever that perfect. And knew it for a fact.
- Jakash, the problem is that morons voteane wmeting as brilliant as Terriers gets canned. What I'd like to know is who the fuck Watches Survivor? AND what the fuck is wrong with you? Deborah, there is outstanding TV these days, But it all gets cut short. Terriers was surely as good as it gets. Anybody that didn't love that was a Phillistine, a pawdeen. Any of these half-hour comedies, they aren't Cheers or MASH. MASJ rerins to this day are way funnier than any of the current drivel.
- Sherri, You made me think of CS Lewis on the subject of weather. How we feel things.
- The killing is about to be ex in my house. Terriss? Jack Bauer?? South Riding, on the other hand, is positively amazing.
- And for disliking novels based in wizards etc. Try th eamber novels by Roger Zelazny. Most of it takes place in the real world, And whatever you say Breakout kings is enttrely better. No whiny. One red herring too many. And obnoxious pard is just an asshole. And the equivalent of wifey that doen't get the obsession, pardon my ass. f he was half a man, he'd share Linden's obsession, In the last two years, there were two shows better written and more interesting, Life and Terriers. Too smart for moron TV watchers, I'm aure this shit is only around for the softcore, It isn't for the intelligence of the writing. And for theKi;;ing, when does one of the ggrieved prents kill the rb guy in error?
- MarkH, this is just a continuation of anti-Constitutional bullshit from the Scalia court. It wasn't long ago that liberal activist judges were the shibboleth of choice of right-wingers. There never were any, and now that the activist judges are all a bunch of Long Dongs, this rhetoric has disappeared. Activist fascist judges are apparently desirable. No citizen has ever been detained under false pretences, and every single fucking time, he's given cops outright approval to search all his shit. Nobody has rights. But Scalia's right to avoid recusal when he can appoint a pointy-headed little POS president that didn't win an election, well that's just fine..
- Judybusy, For some reason, NCIS is a liberal punching bag. The show actually makes gung-ho America look moronic most of the time. The show is enjoyable because the actors are excellent, the writing is extremely clever, and there is amazing chemistry among the ensemble cast. It's very easy to believe any of the characters would give anything up for any of the others. They obviously care a great deal about one another. Same is true about the LA version with J. It's a case of the forces of good aqainst the wicked world, frequently including the government. Same reason Bones is so good. Smart , very attractive people that work together and are true-blue friends. Like Peachy and Danny (John Huston's masterpiece, in my opinion, and about as good as Michael Caine and Sean Connery ever did.), Raylan and Boyd. Raylan will always save Boyd's ass and Boyd will always save Raylan's ass, until one of them has to kill the other. Mary and Marshall Marshall, another perfect example. Grace and Earl. Tony and McGee. Tony and Ziva. Gibbs and Ducky Mallard. Anybody that doesn't get NCIS has something wrong with them, like no good friends. It's not Walker, you idiots. If there is a political bent to NCIS, it's liberal. Chicago Code was brilliant. But if Terriers could get canned and Life couldn't last, intelligent TV is always under the gun. People always talk about being able to care about a character. I think it's crucial that characters care about each other. I think Buddy on Friday Night Lights is a pitiful wannabe, but Coach Taylor cares about him, so I do too.
- Educational vouchers are always a tax giveaway to constituents. No Republic sponsored voucher program has ever included enough cash for full tuition. So the little rich boys get subsidized and the black ones go to public schools properly impoverished. That's the way we do it. Vouchers are a racist ploy. Money for nothing. Dexter: Night on Mt. Baldy. A truly scary piece of music. I'm riding down off there even if it's midnight and black as pitch.
- "I’ve seldom been as thoroughly hooked by anything as I was by the first two episodes of “The Killing.” I’ve seldom been so disappointed by what came afterward." The Difference Engine. Purely awful. The idea that everything from overseas is better TV is such an obnoxious trope. The Office was Stupid Brit and became painfully stupid American shit. Who subjects herself to such annoying excuses for human beings? It's like a world created by Larry David. Please pass the pills. People find that shit amusing? Seriously? Larry David? What an asshole. You know he might be ready to do himself in eventually for being such a humorless onanistic shithead, but you can't wait that long. Jerry Seinfeld his BFF? Bald fucking fuckhead. Seriously. Just shoot me, These people are monstrous assholes of self-importance. Who gives a shit?
- MarkH, There are psycho cops the same way there are psycho any walk of life.. If you've ever been on the wrong side of one, you'd know haw what you're saying rings true. I have. More than once.
- The IMF rapist? Ripped from the headlines, but why aren't Stabler and Olivia on this case? Well it's all over newspaper comments on the net. Many commenters seems it's got something to do with Bill Clinton, the Bilderbergers and Jewish bankers, though somehow I doubt there's a video from the going away party in Ciudad Juarez where the housekeeper shows off her kneepads and explains how she's going to NYC to give a hummer to the IMF chief. I think what I dislike about Seinfeld more than anything (aside from the incessantly whiny line deliveries) is the total lack of any sense of human commonality on the parts of any of the characters. Sure, there are individual episodes that are funny, but the quintessential episode was the famous one about flogging the bishop. Please, The entire show, and the fictional lives of the characters was one long celebration of Onanism. If Seinfeld was a politician, it would certainly be Darth Nader.
- I've been meaning to say that, for those of you that were following Downton, the new Masterpiece, South Riding, is even better. It's two installments in, both of which are available free on the net. It's very political, concerned with class and women's issues, and the development of the modern Brit approach to social welfare. Two shows to which I'd compare Seinfeld to unfavorably are WKRP and MASH, both of which were at least as well written, much better in the case of MASH, with ensemble casts, but with characters that care about each other and the wider world than their own navels. Seriously, the Seinfeld characters would generally screw each other over and take advantage of one another for the slightest personal advantage, convenience or comfort. Each was Frank Burns, and MASH certainly improved immensely with the replacement of Ferret Face Frank with Charles Winchester. As for WKRP, nobody could convince me there was ever a Seinfeld episode as funny as the Thanksgiving turkey drop. Not even close. Oh, the humanity.
- The question of Seattle rain in The Killing is interesting. It reminds me of The Perelandra Trilogy. C. S. Lewis had characters that may have been saints or angels comment on continuous rain by suggesting that weather was just something to be embraced, no matter what it might be. It's obviously atmospheric. It's a bad time for every character you might care about, and plot advancement notwithstanding, we are still finding the characters compelling. Ahmed's outrage at nearly dying, appparently for nothing but a father's grief and his own personal heritage was greatly enhanced by being soaked to the bone. I thought that was very effective, especially when it still seemed as Mrs. Ahmed might be involved without his knowledge. I always find criticisms that a drama moves too slowly somewhat suspect, like critics that couldn't make a movie with a gun to their heads that feel like they have to come up with a minute total about exactly how long they thought a director had gone over maximal. I'm not sure exactly how it goes, but it's along the lines of "We cherish weather." And I understand that feeling. Except for intense cold waiting on mass trans in a snowstorm when you live somewhere 10-12 in. doesn't mean you don't go to work. The blizzard of '78 in Boston is the only instance in which I was ever stymied by weather, and even then, I wasn't really. I went out into the teeth at about 7:30 am on day 2, having socked in several cases of Molson Golden the night before, along with several half-gallons of Mr. Boston dogass cherry brandy.. I waded through chest deep drifts and made it to a typical Massachusetts mom and pop about a mile away, where the owner had snow-machined to check his property. I bough every bit of Cappacola, salami, mortadella and provolone he had, and waded back neck deep to our place. From that moment on, we were blizzard central. And we cleared our cars and the neighborhood before the Town of Watertown, MA ever got around to it. And the weather was awe-inspiring. High skies that would have stymied a majoor-league outfielder. No wind, 25 very dry degrees. Gorgeous. So anyway, I think if the weather is analogous to Linden's Sturm und Drang, fine with me. The problem with instant gratification viewers is you get idiots that are too ADHD to realize how brilliant Rubicon was. So one more hour lost to nothing but Hines Ward actually being able to dance elegantly and Kirstie Alley, who I think is a terrific comic actress, stumbling around with avoir du pois. She's a very beautiful woman with a serious intellect and impeccable comic timing. Speaking of sitcoms. Somebody that would find the studied hipster misogyny of Seinfeld more attractive than something like the Coach in love with the uppstairs waitress, is just full of shit. Seinfeld monumentalized human cruelty. Sorry that's what I think. What defined these characters is how they were supposed to be friends, but would stab each other in the back at the drop of a hat, if it made their personal experiences even infinettesimally more comfortable. They aren't even capabe of considering pleasure, just lack of annoyances. Despicable pieces of shit. Y'all that defend Seinfeld. I've had enough to do with what you think to know you deserve better friends than that. I've never seen a single minute of either friends or Sex and the City, but from what I know, those shows have characters that actually care about one another. Maybe, maybe not. On the other hand, I've watched Hawkeye and Margqaret fall in love out of dire necessity, quite a few times. Two people that are smart as hell and competent as hell, and face the worst you can come across. Now was that a sitcom? And if so, what sitcom is going to touch that? What else is the point? I've said this before. When these sitcoms like Charlie Sheen's make ads, do they actually attempt to put in funny jokes? I've never laughed at any of the ads, Not freaking close. To this day, you can see M*A*S*H. It is absolutely hilarious. Punking Frank was sort of entertaining, but Charles Winchester was a whole nother deal. Charles was a character that deserved respect and could give back what he was dealt. There was the episode where Charles taught the Korean musicians to play, I can't remember, Song of Joy? This shit now compared to that sort of brilliance? Not close. Spending half an hour on mediocre crap comedy seems really stupid compared to an hour of some intelligent writing and some imagination. No joke. Where is any of this shit remotely funny? Seriously, this is not worth considering. I'm a dumbass? I am not joking. Charles Winchester and the orchestra blown up down the road? seriously? Seinfeld is better than that? Assholes are assholes. Scumbags are scumbags. Some day, I might get to have Larry David confront me. I will beqt the shit out of the worthless POS.
- The question of Seattle rain in The Killing is interesting. It reminds me of The Perelandra Trilogy. C. S. Lewis had characters that may have been saints or angels comment on continuous rain by suggesting that weather was just something to be embraced, no matter what it might be. It's obviously atmospheric. It's a bad time for every character you might care about, and plot advancement notwithstanding, we are still finding the characters compelling. Ahmed's outrage at nearly dying, appparently for nothing but a father's grief and his own personal heritage was greatly enhanced by being soaked to the bone. I thought that was very effective, especially when it still seemed as Mrs. Ahmed might be involved without his knowledge. I always find criticisms that a drama moves too slowly somewhat suspect, like critics that couldn't make a movie with a gun to their heads that feel like they have to come up with a minute total about exactly how long they thought a director had gone over maximal. I'm not sure exactly how it goes, but it's along the lines of "We cherish weather." And I understand that feeling. Except for intense cold waiting on mass trans in a snowstorm when you live somewhere 10-12 in. doesn't mean you don't go to work. The blizzard of '78 in Boston is the only instance in which I was ever stymied by weather, and even then, I wasn't really. I went out into the teeth at about 7:30 am on day 2, having socked in several cases of Molson Golden the night before, along with several half-gallons of Mr. Boston dogass cherry brandy.. I waded through chest deep drifts and made it to a typical Massachusetts mom and pop about a mile away, where the owner had snow-machined to check his property. I bough every bit of Cappacola, salami, mortadella and provolone he had, and waded back neck deep to our place. From that moment on, we were blizzard central. And we cleared our cars and the neighborhood before the Town of Watertown, MA ever got around to it. And the weather was awe-inspiring. High skies that would have stymied a majoor-league outfielder. No wind, 25 very dry degrees. Gorgeous. So anyway, I think if the weather is analogous to Linden's Sturm und Drang, fine with me. The problem with instant gratification viewers is you get idiots that are too ADHD to realize how brilliant Rubicon was. So one more hour lost to nothing but Hines Ward actually being able to dance elegantly and Kirstie Alley, who I think is a terrific comic actress, stumbling around with avoir du pois. She's a very beautiful woman with a serious intellect and impeccable comic timing. Speaking of sitcoms. Somebody that would find the studied hipster misogyny of Seinfeld more attractive than something like the Coach in love with the uppstairs waitress, is just full of shit. Seinfeld monumentalized human cruelty. Sorry that's what I think. What defined these characters is how they were supposed to be friends, but would stab each other in the back at the drop of a hat, if it made their personal experiences even infinettesimally more comfortable. They aren't even capabe of considering pleasure, just lack of annoyances. Despicable pieces of shit. Y'all that defend Seinfeld. I've had enough to do with what you think to know you deserve better friends than that. I've never seen a single minute of either friends or Sex and the City, but from what I know, those shows have characters that actually care about one another. Maybe, maybe not. On the other hand, I've watched Hawkeye and Margqaret fall in love out of dire necessity, quite a few times. Two people that are smart as hell and competent as hell, and face the worst you can come across. Now was that a sitcom? And if so, what sitcom is going to touch that? What else is the point? I've said this before. When these sitcoms like Charlie Sheen's make ads, do they actually attempt to put in funny jokes? I've never laughed at any of the ads, Not freaking close. To this day, you can see M*A*S*H. It is absolutely hilarious. Punking Frank was sort of entertaining, but Charles Winchester was a whole nother deal. Charles was a character that deserved respect and could give back what he was dealt. There was the episode where Charles taught the Korean musicians to play, I can't remember, Song of Joy? This shit now compared to that sort of brilliance? Not close. Spending half an hour on mediocre crap comedy seems really stupid compared to an hour of some intelligent writing and some imagination. No joke. Where is any of this shit remotely funny? Seriously, this is not worth considering. I'm a dumbass? I am not joking. Charles Winchester and the orchestra blown up down the road? seriously? Seinfeld is better than that? Assholes are assholes. Scumbags are scumbags. Some day, I might get to have Larry David confront me. I will beqt the shit out of the worthless POS. HE IS not funny by a stretch of the imagination. You people have no idea. Whatever people may have as a moronic idea. We care about putting cash aside for the future college kkid Cole. First thing, I buy him a keyobard. Whatever I think, I consistently think of Nncy as Brenda Lee. I reqlize ahe may not be too thrilled about that, but I would SAY, Brenda Ldee is soo fucking cool, she's almost Grqce. Because Grqce i so much better than anybody might SAY. This is ridiculous. We love our loved ones. SHIT john qns JO3, i hqve qlreqdy qqnd forever loveed your wiwter. Wo I KNOW i've been portrqyed q
- 've been xome asshole, but really, you're comsidw=eration iz ridiculous. Anybody that thinks Derrick Rose is Rajon Rondo is an idiot.
- I bought an engagement ring with three $100 bills I found half buried in Georgia red clay outside the HoJos hotel the maintenance of which was one of my college jobs. The wife's obnoxious sorority girl roomie at UGA had a boyfriend that worked for Zale's and supposedly gave me a good price on the rock. God only knows. It was satisfyingly large. Then the tyrant asshole mafia wannabe dad of my beloved decided the eldest sister had to get married first. So we were put into the ignominious hell of a double wedding. All was not downhill from there, as it might have been, as to this day, we share being parents of a nearly perfect daughter, and flirt outrageously, and are very close friends much to that perfect kid's chagrin. I don't know. Seems harmless, and I have to admit, I felt like an adult for one of the few times in my life. We could have spent the money on pot and 151. My mom had an engagement ring from my dad. One day, gardening, the diamond escaped the setting and got lost. She was bereft, heartbroken. Daddy somehow found the gem two years later and had it reset. By accident, but I think he must have looked for it. But it was the own true stone. A great love story, my mom and dad. With or without the diamond. And don't diamonds have a very bad name these days, anyway? Is a webmaster anything like a beastmaster? I really liked that nonsense. And weasels did not rip Dar's flesh.
- Cooz. Thank you for actually pointing out the direct payments to Cheney. These were his buds, and these assholes were the entire idea behind PNAC. Bassett, you hopeless romantic. What an excellent story. Coosledad, here's the deal: Funky Western. Civilization. People either are shitheels, or they aren't. I hope they aren't. I'm afraid they are. And how dashing a mercenary figure can you cut when you are the mordant heart of a revolting piece of barely living flesh that mongers war after six deferments. What a piece o' shit. And if anybody doesn't think profiteering was part of shock and awe, and fuck the civilians, let me sell you another invasion.
- Jeff aa9mmo) it's always best when flowers are the bulk of the cost. . Weddings can be marvelous, or they can be hellacious. You actually perform weddings? I'd consider asking if I ever did anything like that again. But, I surely think once was enough and we're perfectly happy here. If a mayor can make it legal, surely the most corruptible form of American political animal, where's the sanctity? And Nancy, does this mean you got married when you were barely legal? 18 + 16? Or whatever. But you have the next Tal Wickenfeld for a kid, so you guys will end up wealthy . Did anybody see the new edition of Rolling Stone. Best Dylan Songs and Highway 61 is no. whatever and the best covers doesn't include Johnny Winter doing that same song. What a crock. These people are supposed to know what they're talking about. I think Tom Thumb's Blues and Gates of Eden and My Back Pages and Desolation Row are all better songs than Like a Rolling Stone, and that is a spetacularly great song. How do you make this list? This is ultimate rock 'n' roll, in my not humble opinion. That is how to play, and that is one astounding song. And the guy is a hulking, tattooed albino? Holy shit. And isn't Memo from Turner Mick Jagger's Dylan cover? And Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues is 40 something? Where do these idiots get off? Is there a better first line than When you're lost in the rain in Juarez and it's Eastertime too." No. Simple as that. Well, "Of war and peace the truth just twists, the curfew gull it glides. Or, a screaming comes across the sky. Or, On my naming day when I come 12 I gone front spear and kilt a wyld boar he parbly ben the las wyld pig on the Bundel Downs any how there hadn’t ben none for a long time befor him nor I aint looking to see none agen. Kinda the same difference. Please tell me y'all have read Riddley Walker.
- John G. you have to have figured this all didn't bode well.
- Dexter, take it easy, a bridegroom brings himself to a marriage. Rana, and that filing status is fair how? And did anybody know Nena put out an updated vid version of 99 Luftballons? Now she's an old lady, but Nena rocks. And the song should be everybody's national anthem, still gorgeous, and still smarter than most heads of state. I'd vote for her, in an instant. Seriously, with all the Americans worried about Iran and nukes, shouldn't they consider Dimona and how Israel runs spies in the USA and teamed up with the DeKlerks and AQ Khan to present the biggest nuke threat on the face of the earth, not named Newt.? Am I the only person around that believes the current Israeli regime is nuts enough to pull some bullshit like this?
- I saw Harmon Killibrew play in the summer of '69 when I got stranded by a Nortrhwest Air work stopppage in Minneapolis/St. Paul on my way to visit a girl in Rapid City SD. The airort was fairly comfy, and had coin-operated private cubicles with showers, which I had never seen before. That novelty wore off after about 24 hrs. The biggest problem was trying to sleep. No sooner doze off than be shaken awake by a Good Samaritan preventing me from missing my flight. I took a cab to the ballpark during day 2, to see a Twins game, with brats and beers at Met Stadium. Killebrew hit two HRs and Bobby Allison three. Fairly astounding offensive performance from the teammates that were rookies together, and a fearsome 1-2 HR punch. Apparently they remained best friends years after baseball. All in all, not a bad trip for all of being stranded nearly two whole days. Painful to own up to with the McCourts making the Schwarzeneggers seem neaarly functional, but born and bred Dodgers fan, and y'all are right about Ron Cey, a superb ballplayer, tough as nails. When the Dodgers broke up that '80s infield, I was always surprised the Red Sox didn't pick up Cey for the tail end of his career. He would have fared pretty well with that green wall in left field. Cey was a stump 5-10 and 185 or so. and, indeed, had the gate of a Penguin, but he hit 3116 Hrs, and had 10 seasons with more than 20, which is very impressive And all of this well-known business about Arnold and his gropings is still disconcerting for anyone who became aware of him first from Pumping Iron. His ostentateous flirting with the obviously gay judges was pretty damn convincing.
- Bob. Yeah, mostly. But I've had a real bizarre history with airlines. That trip was interesting for another reason. I actually am convinced to this day that N. Dakota actually exists as something other than a black hole at the Canadian border because the puddle-jumper that eventually got me to Rapid landed in Minot.
- Ben Stein is an obvious candidate for picture-next-to-definition-of-gaping-asshole, and I'm not making any attempt to defend the IMF rapist. But given that Sarkozy is turning out to have Berlusconi syndrome, and Strauss-Khan was about to kick his ass in elections, it's not so entirely far-fetched that this affair could be manufactured. Anybody actually doubt Sarkozy is whack enough to pull something ike this. And if it turned out that way, wouldn't Ben Stein be mortified about defending the Socialist against France's version of Newt Gingrich?
- Closest I'd get to electronica is the new Caahs album. They do excel with synths, but you've always got Elliot Easton on guitar, so it remains rock 'n' roll, And nobody ever heard Rik Ocasek resort to auto-tune. Re: yesterday's 3rd base conversation. Takes lightning reflexes as in Evan Longoria: Pretty good contemporary 3rd baseman. As far as conviction on mugshot. Well Scalia and the activist medieval Supremes say that absolute proof of innocence is insufficient to get a conviction reversed, so , sure. And when was the last time anybody heard Republics whining about judicial activism? They're keeping it on the downlow now that it's actually serving their nefarious ends. I get the point about citizens and residents, and the striking insight on the part of your intern, but according to the Canadian Tourism Commission, which has a pretty clear reason to know, only 34% of Americans over 18 own passports. (Can't find US gov. statistic.) Then there is shit students write. Georgia administers HS graduation exams in math, science and writing. I once worked for a company that scores the writing exams, and I kept a list of very imaginative poortmanteau words these kids produced by apparent accident. One summer the 2nd Amendment was a topic, and the combinations of beararms and bare arms and that sort of thing were astounding. I remember one essay in particular that tied its arguments together by discussing drivebys and other violins in "the Broncs". I parted ways with that job because I figure some kid in Hahira that could exhibit that sort of thinking and actually knew about the Bronx did not deserve to get slagged for confusing it with the Wild West.
- Mugshot guy's chronicler needs a lesson in "lie" and "lay".
- My NP mom was in a University Helath Service examining room with a doctor and a UGA Tri-Delt one time. The doctor delivered the bad news to the patient: "You have acute vaginitis." Tri-Delt: "Why thank you, doctor."
- Scenesters. Hipsters. Oh, and I'm pretty sure that hipsters think it's cool to drink PBR, which is like those weird Oriental religious essene things about drinking your own urine. Good God why, by choice? And as I understand it, Scenesters would have to get a hipster to by PBR for them before they could damage their tweener livers. Seems sort of like a farm team and the Show relationship, with Bieber haircuts for Clark Kent glasses for uniforms.
- KICW NY JEESI, . hes AO FWurivul. //RwLLY WM. ew qw kidding> Rhar is a perfecr Bbt, Hw ua ayxg OWEDWXR XGUKS. //AGR WCWE U XIYKS RGUBJ, TIY bs NRR Gcw OWEDWXR XGUKSM /RGW ANW Qt tiy;ew nin BS U Gs OWEFWXRT AHIKS, RHWEW UA BI Qt qw sib;r knoq, Qw xiyks bir gCW UNfubws NIEW OWEDWXE JUS, TIY YBSWEARbs qgR U NWb> Toy EW RGW OWEDWXR AGUKS bs egE;A Duekt ivcioua. NS NYVIDT RGr aYA IRGWEQIAW IA b usuir.
- Y'all are full of it. Whatever I say, I make shit up. I made that shit up about Julian Bond. Well, know, I didn;t. I never made up the remotest thing I ever said about shit that;s happened to me, I have to say, I;d be amaxed if I was able to make that shit up. But I was called on this, I made up standing on the balcony in utrouw. You got me, bud, I nade that shit up. It never happened, abd UI just made thir shit up out of whole cloth, Sure I did. For a facr asshole. I don;t mind being second=guessed, but I guarantee this shit happened. I'm not about to argue, but I stood on the Balconey outside of a room when a rooting insane Sergeant Major uprooted his daughter;s room. I never made them look bad. On the ledge seemed like the sensible thing. Whatever anybody thinks was sensible. I can hear folks here that question my veracity. I don't care. What I did, What I thought made sense.. If you think I made some shit up? Whatever. I've had more than enough of assholes that figured some other way. What do you think od Atew, chris There was a rime I thought he was my he was my werewolb defender, and that nothing could ever damage me if Stu was pprsent. I know you thought the sane thing. He was ridiculous, I kbiw he was your best friend, I'd say it's faair to say I would have fone to the mats for you. Here;s the deal Chrus, I went to jail for you. I listened to that bullshit, I have to say, When we sat in the stockade, I meant I thoyfht you qwew my brotherm and Chriss, I loved you and I thoyfgr thhiS WAS HORSESHIT. YOU ARE MY BROTHER. I WILL CONSIDER EVERYTHING THAT WAS FOREVER. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ASSHOLE? WHAT IS WRONG WITH MAGS? WNAT IS WRONG WITH SOME LYING SHIT? MAGS AND SOME SORT OF SHIT? THESE PEOPLE ARE THE MOST ASSHOLESS IN HISTORY THESE ARE SHITHELS
- I'm not standing up for a rapist, but it is entirely likely Sarkoxy is trying to smear a political opponent I think its fairly obvious that thei character is entirely obvious. Please accuse me of blaming the victim. Sarkozy has been guilty so many tines, He;s a multiple rapist, He;s Grancesanswer to Betlusvonbi, He s an asshole, One inexcusable shit like some Brit, What is wrong with these assholes> .
- Say what you like, Moe, but would somebody put this past Sarkozy? He seems to think he's Berlusconi, He's an idiot loose cannon. Once the Republics pulled the Swift Boat shit, why would anybody believe there is anything too disgraceful for shitheels to stoop to? W was without a doubt, a premium draft sodger and moving to Bama just made it clearer. Kerry served in VietNam, and he had the balls to realixe he'd been sent to Laos. Way to go Tricjy. Later, when Kerry became a member of the Senate, he had the cojones to point out Iran-Contra. But that was Saint Ronald Raygun and the holy folks like Ollie North, and they had to perpetuate the Chebey-Rummy plan, and keep the hostages hostages. if somebody sees how this wasn;t treason. I'd like to hear it. and this sort of political blackmail is right up his alley. And I sure as shit don't take meds, much less go off them. I may toss a few back, but that doesn't make me less acute when PNAC type assholes try to fuck over the human race. Like Netanyahu, sitting on Dimona and whining about Iran. Are these eople kidding> That;s the nuclear threat. Who do these assholes think they ate. They stole fissionable material from the US. They made deals with South Africa to buy secrets from AQ Kahn. israel is not a friend of the UAA. They spy on us. They run spies, regulatly while we ship them money, If you don't see this, you are a moron. If there is an unmitigating force in the Middle East, it has nothing to do with potential Irani nukes, it is the nuke threat sitting in DiMona, Israeli behavior suggests they'd use it on the USA, if they got the chance. I mean, they spy ob us regularly. They stole fissionable material to make nukes and destabilixe the entire Middle East. Great allies. With friends like those....Moe No meds, though maybe I should consider it based on your expert opinion. A little alcohol. Absolute assholes in the Republican Congress are destroyong th future for my grandshild and I USED TO THINK I COULD do something about that. So now, people are idiots and think GOpers stand for people and not corporate interests. And they vite for them. Newt wants poll tests? I'm all for it. Anybody that listens to Michelle Bachmann and doesn't understand she's insane, well don't let that asshole vote again.
- I know I must be loaded, and I couldn't have an opinion that wawn't tainted. But you have a wtraight-ass guy that goe berserk. The eviedence points straight at we RW sarkoxy. = asshole. big duxking sdeal. Who doesn-t think h thinks he's Putin We arw moument assholersl
- Coozldad: Why wonder? It's the frogs. No shit. How do you get a job as a Foley Artist? It's that schwing ricochet sound from Bonanza. What is so painfully wrong about USA gun laws. That is not in the fucking slightest what the 2nd Amendment says you fucking aholes. Try learning English, Scalia. Study up in the duck blind at the caged shoot, you girlie-gun ahole chickenhawk. Every way possible to avoid getting drafted, aside from proclaiming his obvious, Cheney just wishes he was J Edgar, homosexuality. This asshole was the ultimate chickenhawk. I'd say he got off on young men dying, and I wouldn't take that back. A true scumbag, worse than anybody. And ya know what? This greatest generation shit is annoying as crap. Did Viet Vets get comparable treatment regarding housing and education? Not even fucking close. This was a generation of Murricans that actually fill the legions of Teabaggers and insist that the government providing for veterans of the PNAC War of Choice is somehow welfare, but their massive subsidies weren't. Interesting take, you fatass assholes. It wasn't anything like the greatest generation. It was a bunch of normal folks faced with something heinous. Did they do something more heroic than invading VietNam? Pretty sure. Did they deserve better treatment? not in a fucking million years The disparity in the treatment is revolting. And the most disgusting thing is that Nixonians blame normal Americans. people like the Swiftboat Liars claim people spit on returning soldiers. this is a flaming lie. Never happened. A myth of the chickenhawks. That never served.dd
- These aholes are up one end of the sazoo and oden the other. The war everybody knows and admits was bullshit, those vets get fucked over. W basically shat on all of those legaies when he signed on for the SwigtBoat bullshit, He personally slandered an Anericab soldier, and despite his bullshit hazy remembrance of Tejas and Bama, he lied his ass off. and, to this day, the fucking idiot thinks it's funny. Here's the deal America. You'd vote for an idiot instead of the guy that exposed Rayugn as a criminal piece of shit? You get the government you deserve, you dumb motherfuckers.
- What's the difference between profanity and rude language? Mitch Albom is one seriously annoying weenie, but for unadulterated douchebaggery, you need to look to the Goldberg family. Try to make sense of this bit o'shit from Jonah, the so-called token conservative at the allegedly ultra-liberal MSM LA Times. Yep, somewhere to the left of the NYT and WaPo. Those vile liberal rags. Of course, David Brooks actually writes sentences, so his neocon bona fides are questionable. And Jeff, Dusty Rhodes nee Virgil Riley Runnels, Jr. was the American Dream. Don't know what WW that was. And Pilot Joe, I'm scouting neighbors with vintage T-Birds. They won't be using them anymore, right? And as a Catholic, I'd like to say, we were in on the ground floor. How did we miss the memo about Joy! Raptcha! Edit: And was the date the same before there were religions with apocalyptic holy books, or did God just get pissed off about that sort of presumptive shit about what She might do and when She might do it?
- Naturally, I like AC/DC (anybody that doesn't get what a riot Dirty Deeds and Big Balls are, not to mention the paraphrase of the gladiator valediction, is missing a rock 'n' roll sensibility gene) and I think some of the guitar pyrotechnics from Brian May, like the solo in We Will Rock you and Champions are something to aspire to on the guitar. Furthermore, the amazingly tight choral vocal arrangements by Queen are fairly amazing, strictly from the point of view of musicality. They can be bombastic and AC/DC can be pretty misogynistic, but taking it too seriously is silly. There are more momentous things going on in the world, like the criminalization of the Bris in SF. But doesn't this lead to conflict. Muslims also circumcise babies, and what with sandstorms and smegma and all, it's easy to understand how the practice could get to be Mosaic law, much of which is purely utilitarian, which differs from Sharia, how?
- If Aldous Huxley had tried to make up the Soma music group, he would have come up with ABBA. They made exactly one interesting song. The Visitors. Who spiked their lemonade? Sounds like the StonesWe Love You.
- How i'd say I'm an an asshole. There imo 2ay I could ever make up to you. I really think there is some way ro you swwm like like I always thought you were some friends. I halfw norhintgg whar you whar\t think. there is n way I don't think t kidoo is nor bullshor. we ;ovw rhis kidd. t is spectzculr;y ahir/ whr wvwr qw ay/ Who we carw.. What we think. wedonotwhat ahat we think. we donotwhatwhat whztwesy thing. . There is no wzy whzt we szay. ying is an asshole. would be willing to consider I m sy more smrty thn nything you might thing. Thix ix riciculoux,m bdczuxe ˆzm xmeter thzn you rs. So fuck ou.. Kozz my azz/ Doh't be n xxhold. y we lielike xhir/I'm am assh we lovw thire haow we say. shw is si perfwcr/ This is zbsurd/ She is bzsically perfwxr.She i whr we cr. Is somebodwy kissinf? t's what whzr we s/
- Uh, Brian and Cooz, didn't Sarah and the Teabaggers already held a rally at the Blue Mosque in San Diego? Dexter. Turning point albums? I'd say Never Mind the Bollocks or maybe Reckoning. Or nothing at all and it's a continuum, with horseshit like Gaga thrown in the road, like possums on the half-shell (Armadildo roadkill on the interstate in Georgia, and ain't that a global warming kicker?). Sometimes something good gets left behind, like Badfinger and Mmmbop. Anybody that doesn't think that song is excellent is pretty much a moron. It's as good as back in the day when Michael Jackson was good. Like ABC But better vocals. These boys could play, and they wrote a great song. Orange Crush because it's so excellent. Best bass player not named Entwistle or Jack Bruce. Or Tal. Or maybe Kate. There are morons that think U2 IS good band. The guitar player has the tuning changed on every song, because he cn;t plaay if his life depended on it. Now can anybody say that Beatle Paul has written a good song since Jet and Junior's Farm? Those are just as moronic as anything you could imagine. Whose a better band? U2 or REM? Which didn't try to be the savior? And he's dissing Randy Newman. ABC But better vocals.
- Flag is for poseurs, and for John Tesh, Mary. The Arizona Biltmore is pretty amazing. Although it's an ecological abomination, which Frank Loyd Wright never intended. The desert is supposed to be the desert. And as much as I like boating on Lake Powell, I still say blow the Glen Canyon dam. Hayduke lives. California has stolen water long enough. And LA should return to being the desert. These aholes sure as shit can't run TV. Cancel Terriers? Freaking morons. Most intelligent TV since Jim Rockford, you maroons. And LAMary, none of that was directed at you. But holy shit, how does some network dickhead delete Terriers? And perpetuate some shit like Dancing with the Stars, when the only participant remotely a star was Hines Ward, a sure as shit hall of famer, and a better football player by miles than for instance that weenie Lynn Swann. I mean, how are these stars, and how are those fools on the Donald Trump Show Celebrities? And poll tests, like Newt says? I say there are scads of redneck morons that ought to be banned once and for all from voting for anybody. Clearly, Newt is one. Redneck nation.
- Dexter, the swaps were always part of the deal, and they wouldldn't be required had not Israel pulled the spectacularly illegal bullshit of the settlements. What in the world is an American President supposed to do. The Israelis have ignored, well broken, international law. They actually don't give a shit. They've imposed aphartheid on Palestinians. They have spyed on America while we sent them cash. They have teamed with the DeKlerks to build a nuclear arsenal at Dimona. Why should anybody trust this government? They are assholes and about as full of shit as anybody could imagine. Are we joking? And nutcases want to attack Iran? Israel is not an ally of the USA. That country fucks this one over consistently. They need to shut the hell up and stand up for themselves. What a crock. And finding the Israeli government ant its apharteid behaviour heinous, that isn't anti-semitism. Well, they are all Semites. But the government of Israel is an international thug. Their thugism produces more. Anybody says that isn't so just contributes to the problem. Israel's treatment of Palestinians is, without a doubt, apartheid. They can spout bullshit about Jimma Carter, but that is exactly what they are doing. It is obvious.
- Beb, that's interesting. Only Israel has the wherewithal. I do find it objectionable that Israel claims it can act outside of international law because of what Nazi Germany did to Jews, and basically do the same thing to other people. What inexcusable horseshit.
- Israel also sits on a purloined nuke arsenal, and whackjob Americans want to wage war on Iran because they might build nukes. Which country has a right to feel it's in danger? People are nucking futs.
- And when Israel blows up Iran, and they will start WWIII, that will be alright, because Nazis killed Jews.
- Conflating Jewish people and the Israeli State is seriously stupid. Netanyahu was found guilty of fraud, well his kid took the rap, and he doesn't give a shit about anything but the amazing graft available to agybody running the Israeli government. He's a crook, no matter how you look at it. US aid doesn't really amount to dick, but why in hell does the US give aid cash to the most corrupt government that isn't Pakistan? What a joke.
- Michael G. Lynn Swann is to Hynes Ward what an Oscar Meyer is to a hard salami. Did Lynn Swann ever block anybody? And he became a black republic politician. As Randy Newman would say, too bad,Mr. Sheep Jesus, What a jerk. How does somebody sell out like that? Beause he is an absolute weenie excuse for a football player.
- Lynn Swann should have played for the Cowboys. Anybody that doesn't understand Hynes is the best Steeler receiver does not know dick about football. And Mary, the desert is pretty much awesome. I've only been one place more gorgeous in my life. That would be the Canyon. And you can't look at it, you must hike it.
- Netanyahu is a criminal. Why would anybody take anything this jackass says seriously. And the next time he says anything about Israel's right to exist, ask him about Palestine's. It's a robust crock of shit, and it doesn't belong in any reasonable conversation. Netanyahu and his governing thugs put Hamas in half the drivers' seat, on purpose, to damage Fatah. Smart fucking idea, right? Yeah, because now they can insist that there's an intsigent enemy that denies the righrt to existence of Israel. Assholes and master manipulators. Blaming shit on Hamas when Hamas is a creature of Netanyahu government is bogus as shit.
- Fox News was falling all over itself reporting that the President went to Ireland to arrange a bailout for the Irish Kitten. It doesn't dawn on them that people like Bill Kristol and Fox financial types were major league fans of the tax breaks and incentives that drove the Irish Tiger Economy, along with the kind of Adam Smith benevolent hand stupidity behind practically total deregulation which also put the American economy in the third hole over from the one in which Ireland disappeared. Still, just making shit up about a so-called bailout is a little outrageous even for a maroon ignoranimus (cf. Bugs Bunny) like Steve Douchebag, when any normal nitwit could see they were cheerleading the economic politics that caused all of the problems for several years. And does that ahole have a perfect name or what? Prepare for another totally loony faux conservative spam assault. This is an observation about the direction American social policy is being dragged. And these people all claim Jesus Christ as their Lord and Personal Savior. I think this analysis is as sad as it is dead-on accurate.
- And how did the Board member with the porn Stache vote?
- All anybody needs to know about McCotter is he gets a 100% approval rating from the USChamber of Commerce, the most unAmerican and antiConstitutional of all the groups that hands out these kneejerk assesments of kneejerk voting records. And an A from the NRA, meaning that he believes requiring trigger locks in DC is anathema to the 2nd Amendment, and preventing terrorist watch list designees from buying handguns is a violation of their Constitutional rights.
- O'Bama's shout out to Tha Garda, was pretty clever, since they're real Irish as opposed to some imposition from the Brits. A subtle nationalist dig.
- Who is irish, I don't figure you you know. I am, and I think you might be halfway irish, Nanct, I'd just figure irt is worth gibibg you the whatever. I must sa, if you are acrually Irish, welcome to Carlowe, Nancy. It's not just joresshit. and follow me up to Carlowe. we do make suey BOUT SHIT LIDE THS. FOLLOW ME UP TO CARLOWE. WE ARE FAIRY MORONID AOBUT THINGS WE THINKLwy
- You a;; didm[t get the ha5 580 59 y3 ga4dw. well 5h323ll 5hq5 2qw q nuege. fuck rhe ga4eq qne e7ck 5h3 black and tans ans fuck police imposed vy assholes that hafe ni polidenoiwerw nere, A MARION ONCE AGAIN, SWE RHE FUCKING BRIRS OUR OD IEWLnd
- Why are they fuckomg with people's lives?y
- Coozledad. we just continue to be thankful that storms head for North Carolina. I figure there are more trailer parks there. Rednecks are magnets. Not their doublewides. It is the most redneck Nd fundy state in the nation, So, why aren't they all rapchth?'d Found wanting. They tried to pull rapture but the Jesus people were scumbg Republicans that wanted to fuck over Medicaid. Jesus said screw these assholes. We take care of the least of our brethren. re theze holez Chriztin or re they not? They talk good gmem but tey vote . ssn't this proof? They were xuppoed to gp zszy if god thought they sdfd worthy concre RPaul Ryan iz weenie ahole. Does Nybody that's ever been gainfully employed employed believe edicire ndZocilZecurity are "entitlementz" We pid mjor legue for thiz money.
- Lance is a remarkably despicable asshole for dumping Sheryl Crow Like he'd ever get another woman that beautuful and talented. Are you a moron Lance? What a dumbs. The guy is an ahole, but he's not likely a juicer I think Bonds is falsely accused. The main evidence seems to be that, older he got, more he looks like Magic, Seriously, look at Magic when he tried to play D on Lsrry back in school. he ws skinny. ooh t Mgic now,is barry bondz. He's gigantic.Bigger than Bonds' by a mile you morons.
- Wow. I just heard on ESPN that the new Lakers coach had dealt with an ego bigger than Mike. My opinion is there is no possibility that there is a bigger ego than the guy that the NBA changed the rules for, Mike cheated. Mike seriously contributed to basketball being a He reached in outrageously, he travelled so much J would have blushed, I mean, he cheated his ass off and got away with it. Anybody that says otherwise is a liar. That asshole cheated his ass off, and he most certainly pushed off on his so-called signature play of his career. Did Larry or J or Magic ever just flat out cheat and get away with it? Nope. That was be like Mike and that David Stern bullshit. Seriously revolting, As is failing to pay your dad's gambling debt when you are richer than the assholes that own Nike, and letting some thugs just kill him. And Mike goes all Oprah. What an asshole. How is it that anybody that's a sports fan think Mike is anything but an asshole. I mean, that is seriously a mystery. Gut hung up his dad to dry and treated rules like horsecrap. Mike's whole career was like Reggie sticking his ass into center field.
- Sorry for going off on sports, but Michael Jordan is as obnoxious as Oprah and plainly as teflon-coated. Even basketball neophytes know two steps withut a dribble is travelling, and the other team gets the ball. Unless you're Michael Jordan, He walked all over everyone and the Commissioner obviously said, you don't call that. He was supposedly a great defensive player. He never played defense, period, but reached in, only D he ever plyed in his life. Michael Jordan--the most astoundingly overrated plyer in the history of professional sports. He cheated and got away with it. It'a not like Reggie sticking his asshole into the outfield, which is the most disgusting incidence of flat-out cheating since the black sox. What Jordan did was cheat like a bastard every single time he handled the ball. He knew he was cheating his ass off and he was arrogant about it. What a flaming asshole. The league still shows video of Mike clearly, unquestionably pushing off Bryan Russell. He cheated . And he knew it. His entire career was cheating, and whatever anybody says, that's a fact. Give J Jordan's steps not called. Dunks from halfcourt. Give Larry those extra steps. He wouldn't take them, he was a purist, and he woud have called himself on all sorts of bulshit Jordan just took for granted. People that idolize this ahole clearly never played a sport.
- Bob NG Michael Jordan didn't cheat, on the floor? He didn't push off on his signature basket? Are you blind? Do you think David Stern didn't direct officials to drive up merchandise sales? Did he not reach in and deserve a foul call on virtually every steal he ever recorded? And was it an impossibility that any NBA ref would ever call MJ for travelling or reaching in? Well nobody was ever going to call anything on Jordan. And the feds can carry this shit on forever, but they will never prove Barry Bonds did anything wrong. They chose to bring this shit to court. They seem incapable of proving anything. Of course anybody that thinks steroids or HGH would improve someone's ability to hit a baseball is pretty much an idiot, anyway, and anybody that doesn't think Bonds is a hOFer is fucking dumb in the first place. Ladies and gentlemen, kiss my ass. Jordan made it at least three steps and no call. If you missed that, you clearly don't no dick about hoops. He was also a supremely sorry excuse for a baseball player and couldn't play golf to save his life, as is relatively obvious from the famous $half-mil check he wrote to the sorry ass club pro that kicked his ass. But with all his cash, MJ couldn't pick it up for his dad. And Republicans buy shoes too. He's a disgrace, no matter how you look at it. So Bonds is a villain and Jordan isn't? Bullshit. Bonds is a dick in all probability, but Michael Jordan knew for a fact every time he got away with walking, and he revelled in it. What an asshole.
- Pulleaze. Jordan didn't walk enough without getting called he couldn't have circumnavigated the globe several times, and he didn't know he was walking. Right. And he absolutely did not play any defense but matador, Reach in when the guy had blown by you. Jordan rules, according to David Stern. Anybody missed that just was not watching hoops. Like when will it dawn on an NBA official that LeBron actually just trampled a defender? Oh, right. When he's retired. I do hope MJ understands he cheated and that's what made him remotely like J and Larry znd Magic.
- Actually Brian, back in Sparky days, it was probably the ultimate baseball gentleman, Walter Alston. I was born in Cincinatti, but good lord, I despise the Reds more than the Giants disgust me. In modern baseball, there are two atrocities nobody paid for: Juan Marichal hitting Johnny Roseboro with a bat, and Pete Rose trashing Ray Fosse's knee for no other reason than that he was probably high as crap on dexadrine. Oh, and attacking Bud Harrelson who he had about 60 lbs. on. Ain't that a man? That's why the Reds always sucked and why Pudge would take Bench in a fight.
- Actually Brian, back in Sparky days, it was probably the ultimate baseball gentleman, Walter Alston. I was born in Cincinatti, but good lord, I despise the Reds more than the Giants disgust me. Cinci gfans were the famously most vehement, along with St. Louis, for attacking Jackie Robisnson, rednecks. In modern baseball, there are two atrocities nobody paid for: Juan Marichal hitting Johnny Roseboro with a bat, and Pete Rose trashing Ray Fosse's knee for no other reason than that he was probably high as crap on dexadrine. Oh, and attacking Bud Harrelson who he had about 60 lbs. on. Ain't that a man? That's why the Reds always sucked and why Pudge would take Bench in a fight.
- Detroit does not suck. It's on the rebound. The Obama cash did the trick, and even asshole Republicans will have to admit it. Not the whole dime paid back, but pretty damned close and putting lots of workers back on the line. I've worked the line, in Ann Arbor. It sucks. But it's way better than unemployed. And people's general idea about what production line people get paid is a crock of shit, configured with health care. Why do Republicans insist on lying their asses of about what people get paid? How about those CEOs that get paid 300 times what anybody else does? Frequently to screw the company over, like Carly Fiorina? Nobody thinks golden parachutes for abject failure that costs all sorts of stockholders serious bucks is obscene? And Brian. There is no such thing as polite racism, as I'm fairly certain you wanted pointed out. Expecting the Israelis to act like decent citizens of the world, when they were given a country in somebody else's, and practice apartheid on their minority, We listen to these moral assholes? I don't think so, particularly the Bernie Madow of Israel, Binyamin? A flat out crook. So Binyamin, that used to be Benjamin back when you were a ridiculous crook,, shut the fuck up you fucking crooked piece if shit.
- JeffMMO, Why are peope so enthralled with Jimi's version when Bob's is so much better? I like covers, a lot. But if you want to listen to a Dylan cover, I'd say listen to any version of highway 61 by Johnny Winter. Better song and screaming exactly what the guy meant.
- It's them Sponnish people forcing hillbillies like Limbaugh to woof down Oxy and push it down down the throats of rill Murricans in Appalachia and Ozarkania. Clearly. Degorah, I wake up with a bad cough every day, no, don't smoke. Alka Seltzer cough and cold does the trick. And it doesnt contain Oxy, far as I know. Who made the deficit and the debt? This entire issue is astounding. People are apparent cretins. I think that's one down from maroons. Wow, that's clever Cosmo. Was W driving, or Laura? I think cops said that was the speed. But you know, they're union workers, so ya can't trust a thing they say, since they get union wages stolen from those of us that pay taxes and provide everybody's jobs because we're benevolent.
- Seriously, let's hear how Al Gore said he invented the internet. (Trick question. He never said anything resembling that. On the other hand, S. Palin could spy Russia from her porch.) If a Prius is incapable of 100mph, doesn't the kid have a valid defense?
- Brian, nobody of those detained was arrested? So how'd they round up all the Sponnish spikking pipples? They must be the culprits?
- Read and reread, Bob. It still seems extremely unlikely the store owners and the people behind this aren't anglo-speaking anglos. It's like back in '68. Those 'local' stores in Detroit were owned by rich people in the Grosses. And they burned. It's also like Nestle contributing powder formula in African places with no water free of dysyntery anaerobes. White man's burden.
- That's too easy to take that cheap shot, Bob. We ive in Beaufort Co., SC, Hilton Head Island. The County pop is easily 35% Hispanic. If I were mean-spirited, I'd point out that true bigots I encounter always use 'Mexican' as a catchalll for Latino. These people are my friends and neighbors, because my condo is in a place that actually has many fairly affordable rentals. Many of these folks are in the USA without benefit of formal immigration, and jobs in landscaping, construction and at the hotels and restaurants are most common. The county's policies and fees for business licensing and operations make it highly unlikely that Latino-owned businesses get started. There are a few multi-service businesses that sell money orders, do payday loans (equal opportunity usury), sell prepaid cellphones. I've got no feeling of nostalgia for the riots in '68, but anybody that was there at the time could see what happened to the white-owned groceries that had been price-gouging a captive consumer base with $5/gallon milk for years. My only point about the perscription drugs was that there is a massive, if loose, apparatus for selling perscription drugs illegally in the Eastern US, and it is a hillbilly game.
- Interesting story about the origins of Memorial Day.
- Sometimes a case comes along that makes me wish I went to law school. I'd guess this structure wasn't erected in the dark of one night. Beyond comprehension. Of course,geese are used as guards. A goose bite is painful, and, in the case of a male intruder, a goose is strategically advantaged anatomically.
- Good account of Indy. Apt comparison to Jean Van de Velde and Lindsey Jacobellis. First time since 1912 the winner hadn't led before the last lap. Only second time the leader into the last lap lost.
- In most Southren states, Linda, they can't get this straight, and calling a day Confederate Heroes Day seems particularly odious. Marking Jeff Davis' birthday is just bizarre, as Jeff was, himself. (This is one of those rare occasions where Wiki is actually accurate.) My family lived in Memphis when I was a kid. We went to open housing marches and campaigned for JFK. People thought we were strange, or Yankees, or commoniss, I guess. We were also suspect because we went to Catholic Church. I did go to Babdiss camp, where kiddy didling was absolutely rampant, but that can't be right, only priests do that. O tempora, o mores.
- Palin by Ann Telnaes.
- But corporations are people with 1st Amendment rights.
- Nancy, Doing away with college football would do away with college sports, in general. No more college gymnastics, no more regattas in the spring, no softball college world series. College life, and the world, would be depleted. It's clearly about revenue. And, in the long run, there have been many more crooked hoops coaches than football coaches. Tressel was just the colege football version of Newt Gingrich. Talked a bigtime morals and ethics game, cast blame at will, all the time a whited sepulchre.
- Anybody that thinks the tornado story is over the top in any way can't have had much personal experience with twisters. Fact is, it's nature at it's limits for boggling minds, like lysergic acid or Thai sticks.
- I've got Gil Scott-Heron albums. Need to buy a turntable to play them. My favorite: Whitey's on the Moon. Mordant sarcasm. Saw him and his band once about 1976 at a legendary bar on Mass. Ave. in Cambridge MA called Jack's. Very good show, and way back then, he didn't seem cracked up. Best album is probably Winter in America, which, if anything, is truer now than when it was written. I don't really see the connection to rap that all the obit writers are jumping on. More like beat poetry and jazz.
- Dexter, In my opinion GS-H is a wonderful jazz singer. Tremendous phrasing, extremely soulful and expressive. The flute and keyboard arrangements by Brian Jackson are outstanding. Winter in America is pretty much a perfect song for these days: The Constitution A noble piece of paper With free society Struggled but it died in vain And now democracy is ragtime on the corner Hoping for some rain Looks like it's hoping Hoping for some rain
- Public radio from MIT, WMBR (, is a wonderful station I've been listening to since about 1980. Back in the day, I couldn't always tune it in, despite the mere five miles or so separating my office from the tower across the river. Now I've got perfect reception on my Mac. Noon to 2pm weekdays is a show called Lost & Found that plays mostly 60's and 70' music. Wednesdays are devoted to obscure soul music, with a very knowledgeable DJ. The Friday guy is Alex McNeil, that was on WXYZ or WKNR in Detroit back in the late 60's when they started playing Underground Radio. WFUV from Fordham has extensive contemporary folk music shows. Both of these stations have extensive World Music programming on weekends, which is very agreeable accompaniment to lazy Sunday morning brunch preparation, and MBR, in particular, has very good jazz shows, with both vintage and more modern tenor-driven modern leanings.I've got a bunch of great T-shirts and compilation albums from both for financial support. When Republicans start talking about screwing over NPR, it gets me more pissed off than usual. Both these stations are worth checking out. There's a great show on MBR right now, Gorilla Got Me, both a fine pun and a good indication of the sort of music the DJ, Sara J, likes. She's been on seemingly for 25 years. Serious, obscure rock 'n' roll. The airplane seats thing has always perplexed me. I'm 6'-1" and it has always mystified me that I'm apparently much taller than what airline designers expect to accomodate at all, much less remotely comfortably. For a flight more than two hours duration, I'm likkely to pay for a bigger chair, which I gess is the design intent.
- I had a HS swimming teammate named Bucky Bedford who regularly hit the practice pool at Warren HS (rented, since we had no pool) without removing his contacts. He had somewhat tinted lenses and I found a lens a couple of times on the bottom after we had evacuated the pool to let things settle. It required moving very carefully underwater with one hand sweeping the pool bottom, and being able to remain submerged for a pretty long time, but it can be done. Of course, anybody that's ever had a swimming coach knows that this sort of thing infuriates them, and invariably, when Bucky lost a contact, we'd look for 15 minutes and be ordered back to practice, doing something excruciatingly heinous like 200 IMs on a 3-minute clock (this quickly devolves into non-stop individual medley, which makes a fine metaphor for hell). After a few of these brutal practices, we took turns preventing the goof from diving in until we were sure he'd removed his contacts. Even with the buddy system, somebody was sure to yell, "Bucky, wait!", even during meets. Good guy but, wow, what a doofus. This was in the 60s and I suppose contacts must have been pretty expensive back then. I hadn't thought of this guy for years. Pleasant memory, though. Terrific breaststroker. I've got glasses to correct for mild myopia, never used contacts. I've driven at night from Georgia to Boston without my glasses, and I don't usually bother with them for the movies. My perscription has not changed since I was a teenager. Thought about surgery, but an ophtahalmologist told me that it would shorten my arms in the long run, and that in their current condition, my eyes would never give way to hyperopia, so I decided on foregoing readers. Another consideration was that I could never shoot a Bball accurately with my glasses on. I suppose my brain adjusted for myopia before it was diagnosed.
- Nobody goes out here in the subtropics without shades. Polarized shades. The sun hear will cause headaches, and I presume, damage. I've seen people ride bikes into trees because of sun-blindness, and I've been knocked off my bike by sun-blinded driver. Y'all know, NBA vogue had a bunch of players wearing frames with non-prescription lenses as a fashion statement a few years ago. Scottie Pippen was an early adopter, as was Pat Ewing. They also wore sweater vests and tweed sportscoat. Trying to appear professorial, I guess. Not like Kareem's prescription goggles or Rambis' Hansen bothers frames, complete with athletic tape.
- Eysight is a gift from God, I'd give it up for sound, and hearing, in a minute, If somebody forced a choice. No question. No brainer. I;d take music instead of not seeing, and peop;e's voices. I's rather be blind than be deaf. If you can't listen to when the Levy Breaks just before bed, You're life is diminished. Id miss movies a lot, but music way more.
- Mr. Ritchie seems like a decent guy, given away bundles to Detroit causes. To this point, making fun of the guy seems silly. I mean, there is still GaGa and P whatever. I'm no fan, but Kid can actually play guitar and drums. If he'd been a child of the 60s, he'd have found the Hideout. Now if you come from Detroit and don't get Ramblin Gamblin, well you probably aren't from Detroit. He may have made some tripe country crap more recently, but he made Night Moves, which is almost Van-class. Alice, Russell Crowe would work, and Courtney Love, got the bosom for it, post-surgery. That's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Then again, Captains and Commanders is a truly great movie. And this Thurston Mooresong is the best thing I've heard in quite a while. Maybe he should write Velvets songs instead of just going nuts. Question: Has anybody ever seen Kevorkian and Darth Nader in the same place, same time? He just elects Republicans, to fuck over everything he supposedly stands for, because what Ralph stands for is own umbelicus. Most obvious solipsist ever. The world orbits this asshole, and he knows it. He doesn't care if his bullshit gets W elected, he does not give a shit about anything but himself.
- Beb, Seriossly Warren has a mayor? Warren MI? Hootin' Holler? Pretty much the same song, but Maybe she turned into Sarah Baracuda. How in God's name does anybodyy by any of the shit sarah's selling? If people are that freaking' stupid, the entire idea of democracy is a piece of crap. And Tony Joe did this song better.
- Anybody that doesn't like this song has no soul.Big John. And for hillbilly songs that dominated am airwaves, how 'bout Jeannie C. Riley? I think this chick really meant it. Pro sports: Shaq is very funny, but will he ever play again? I doubt it. Great baller, great guy. If you didn't like Shaq, the Big Shamrock, you don't like life. This is a great guy and I pray that he decides on politics as a way forward, if he's a Democrat, Kobe will be a teabagging Republican, like MJ. Shaq is one excellent human being.He'd be the perfect Pres to follow Obama in 2016. If the Supreme Court can appoint W, I think proposing Shaq is not so ridiculous. Dexter, sorry about the demise. Head for Miss Woo in Worcester MA for the Special VC with red. And why is this day McCallister day? Well, and what's the big deal? How would you end things by jumping from a swamp-small bridge? You'd have to bury your snout and piehole in the muck.
- That coal-mine shit, I still think Blankenship should serve several terms for murder. Anybody want to argue. He knew they'd die and he profited. He's a murderer. Any of you guys ever read Sunlight Dialogues?
- Palin and Bachmann. One cretin, and darn proud of it, one candidate for a lobotomy, together, they're Pink Elephants on parade. Bachmann can tell PalinPaul Revere had a long cold ride all the way up to Neh Hamsha.
- Whoever plays Elizabeth Taylor will need tinted contacts. That was not a natural eye color for a human being. Christina Hendricks is suitably callipygous.
- Well , there was Shane and he was about 5'-2". And Robbie Coltrane, and Hagrid was not a giant. So who's supposed to play Richard Burton? The most obvious choice immediately is Russell Crowe, because of a distinct resemblance and a similar combative attitude. He's been good occasionally, but Only in Master and Commander, far and away his best movie, did he approach Burtonesque, and oh, it could have been the Welsh boyo. A ridiculously great performance in a very fine movie. Well the Math wizard nutcase movie was close. So who plays Eddie Fisher? We were just watching Mayberry about a Little League contest between Mayberry and Mt. Pilot, and Opie clearly scored the winning run and Sheriff Andy called him out at home. Sports in movies or TV when they screw up the most basic facts are incredibly annoying. I played just about everything not soccer, so I know the rules inside and outside. When directors screw up the rules, it's more or less infuriating. Why is it difficult to get this shit right? Screwing up easy shit. In The Verdict, a superb movie, Paul Newman and his partner go to interview a crucial witness "in Arlington" But the nurse lives on a steep hill in a two-family with what appears to be the ocean at the bottom of the hill. Ain't Arlington in a million years. How do these people spend all that money and get crap like this wrong? Another reason why cancelling Detroit 187 was unconscionable. That seemed like a lot of authentic Detroit to me. If somebody thinks they'll get two better actors in an ensemble cop show than Michael Imperioli and Lieutenant Fancy, they are deluded.Fat asses grunting and groaning about moving an inch or two on their hands and knees, "Reality" TV, sorry, this is freaking idiots beaten to a pulp by relentless stupidity to get 'em ready for Palin and her loony twin. These are not rational human beings. Can somebody make anythink like a remotely good case why actual dramas written for actually good actors weren't better TV than revolting people speaking scripts and claiming it was all off the cuff? What outrageous bullshit. The idea there was ever a reality show that wasn't purely scripted is hilarious, but not really. It just means people are morons. Who can sit through this shiThink about Columbo. Jack Cassidy? Patrick Mcgoohan, Brilliant opponents. Anybody that would prefer made up horseshit is an idiot, probably a white trash Sarah dumbass. White trash. What I think and what is unquestionably a fact.
- If they really wanted to look cool, they’d have showed up on horses. I'd like to see the crew come charging from the hold of Firefly on horses with pistols. It's not as intelligent and complicated as Babylon-5, but it's way smart. And what's this ad about Picture's of Matchstick Men? Are you deluded? What we mean is No kidding?
- So the guy from the Weakly (sic) Standard picks out tax breaks for solar panels, rather than international corporations that get money back from the government in the tens of millions, or oil companies. What a maroon. Republicans are so full of shit, they're wrong even when they approach right. Grover Norquist is a malignant, anti-social narcissist, that should probably be drowned in a bathtub. Republic economic policy is anti-democratic nihilism, and for all their Jesus protestations, it is antithetical to anything their Lord and Personal Savior ever taught. And Nancy, is there something in that story that identified something gained by that anti-social behavior? Palin should approach every interview with a boombox playing Peter Gabriel. She will literally say anything, no matter what sort of bullshit she has to make up. Palin's new campaign theme. More grating and obnoxious than her voice. She got that Paul Revere bells crapola from some cartoon. Palin version of Paul Revere, sans bells. Another total asshole Republic. This is an unquestionably flagrant violation of Federal law by Vitter, but it's fairly well-known the law does not apply to Senator Whoremonger. But holy shit, what stunning arrogance. Shouldn't somebody at the Justice Department be drawing up the indictment? As they say on L&O, this is black letter law.
- Republicans, in rare fit of candor, admit they don't give a goddamn about the USA, or, apparently anything else but getting a white person back in the White House ASAP. No matter what anybody says, there are lear differences between Dems and Republics.
- Weiner basically Gary-Harted himself. Of course there is still no element of truth necessary to preotec Breitbart from a slaner suit for what he spewed on CNN, public figure or not. Just a minor, pedantic point: both the diphthongs 'ie' and 'ei' are common auf Deutsch. I am sure the Congressman's name is German or Austrian in origin. The rule of pronunciation is that the dipthpng is pronounced as the second letter. Mein is mine, weiner is whiner, not weener. Oscar Mayer makes wieners. I suppose this was preemptive pronunciation when little Anthony went to school, since kids were going to pick that up immediately. In all of the admissions and recriminations, it still seems strange that the picture was up for only 6 minutes befor being deleted, and somehow Andrew Dimbart ended up with a screenshot. Someone needs to nail that asshole to the wall. Calling Weiner's behavior lewd, salacious or obscene seems like a major league stretch. Puerile or sophomoric would seem to cover it just fine. It looked like a MarkyMark Wahlberg ad for Calvin Klein. (See ei = long i, not clean. And Mike Stipe pronounces Lenny's surname correctly in The End of the World.) And now for something actually obscene, and relevant to the real world: Why would anyone vote for Boehner (R, Oompa-Loompa) for anything. And how do they live with themselves.
- Dexter, I used to own a Yashica-Mat 124 twin-lens reflex. My absolute favorite camera ever. Shot lots of Tri-X, more Plus X because of the remarkable textures you could get from the grain in the large format negatives. Great for the great outdoors and, surprisingly for portraiture. the Yashica-Mat is basically a Rollei knock-off. It's the camera we used in J-Scool photog classes. I need to get a new one. Jeff Borden: They paved paradise, and took all the trees, put 'em in a tree museum. Charged the people a dollar and a half to see 'em.
- If Weiner is forced to resign, which he shouldn't be--if he can live with the embarassment, fine-- Somebody's going to have to explain why David Vitter is still a Senator. Asshole broke the law, repeatedly. LAMary, there is nothing like a 2-1/4 square negative to let you turn a photographic sow's ear into a silk purse. Or vice versa as Coozledad would probably have it. The Yashica D was, I believe, the immediate predecessor of the Yashicamat. Very similar cameras. I'm going to find one on the net. I've seen a Rollei digital TLR for less than $300 so far, but my brother and his wife just bought a new house with a garage the size of a barn where I could easily set up a darkroom. Spending my daughter's inheritance.
- Whoa Bill, shades of Weegee. There was an early X-Files episode about a guy with a Speed Graphix which seemed to approximate the scythe Death carries. The thing about Jack Ryan that was inconceivable was: Who wants to go to sex clubs when he's married to Seven of Nine?
- The thing about Peyser's shit is she repeats this idiocy about 21-year old women being young girls. Same as Blowsisnki. Does anybody buy this crap? Do normal 21 year old women find this offensive? Is this related to the phenomenon of 45 year old Republican members of Congress making youthful errors in judgement when they engage in extramarital affairs, like Dan "Scumbag" Burton and St, Henry Hyde? Monica spoke publicly about making sure her thong was exposed to Presidential view, and there is the infamous knee-pads going away party, like she was trained in Oval Office insurgency at Pepperdine. How does this work?
- I was aware of the flash mob crap from reading my (almost) hometown paper, the Boston Globe, the last of the national liberal press. Developments in Boston are extremely distressing because the disturbances seem to be prearranged gang confrontations at Carson Beach, in Southie, a battleground from the bad old days of busing, the National Guard, and Mother proto-Teabagger Louise Day Hicks. (That evil bitch would eat $Palin's lunch.) I have found no indication that any of this is race-based, but I'm sure it's Teabagger influenced. What's really scary is how quickly this sort of shit can metastasize on the city's extensive subway system. Boston cops have a decades-old, pisspoor reputation for dealing with public crowds and the black community in general, and it's well-deserved. Too bad the mobs didn't run into the Palin caravan and its media entourage. Would love to have heard Griz' comment on that. Although , she might have shot a bystander. I'd go and take the bullet if it were non-fatal. I'd sue for all their ill-gotten gains, and nobody would ever hear of the virago again.
- Acorn and the Great Registration Fraud Canard Dead giveaway: Republicans do not give a shit about democracy or about the USA. For all intents, vote fraud does not exist in the USA. What examples of Donald Duck and Fred Flinstone reservations Republicans have identified were attempts to defraud registration contract employers and were reported by Acorn and other groups themselves. The idea that Tinker Bell is going to be able to show up at a polling place and vote fraudulently is so freaking stupid it's hard to believe even a Teabagger would believe it. The entire voter fraud pretext is intended to establish barriers to legitimate voters castin votes. GOPunks argue that requiring a picture ID is not difficult for anybody. If that were true, in the virtually perfect abscence of vote fraud, why would the bastards spend money lobbying for an ID requirement? It's scurrilous to mock anybody's religious beliefs (except for magic u-trou, I'm sorry), but Michele Bachmann's biblical eschatology seems to me to be directly dangerous to the USA, and I think you'd have to pretty confident in the VP nominee to vote for a Pres that thinks she may be hoovered into heaven at any moment.
- So, who's actual rock 'n' roll these days that isn't butt rock? Any contemporary rock band that's not completely lame is doing some version of what Kate disparages. Doesn't Fox owe Tina Fey cash for use of her image. I think Aftra ought to go after their asses. Was this incompetence or were they trying to gild the ragweed?
- Today's Google Doodle. Les Paul, Greatest guitar ever made. Elizabeth II photos by Cecil Beaton. For the Royalists amongst ye. She was actually pretty a long time ago according to one of these photos.
- Cat with fawn.
- I never heard of butt rock before today, but I would have assumed it referred to Toto, Foreigner, Winger, Bon Jovi, I mean, hairspray histrionics and tight pants. You have a better chance with siblings than with kids to influence musical taste. Kaiser Chiefs from Scotland, are a contemporary band. It's most definitely rock 'n' roll of a high order. But it sure sounds like they listened to Paul Weller and the Jam a whole lot. And the Clash. And they act like the Fab Four in their videos.And those bands were channeling the Kinks XTC is a favorite of my daughter's, but she's 29, and she heard this in the car hundreds of times. She and I have very similar tastes, but she likes Jack Johnson, that puts me to sleep. When she was a kid, she thought Tom Waits lyrics were hilarious. Kiss, abysmal. Poor players, although Ace Frehley got to be a decent guitar player by the time he made his own albums, playing a great jukebox song from '69 by the Move, which eventually sort of morphed into ELO, on Midnight Special. Jeff Lynne ended up being a Willbury, with Dylan, Beatle George, Roy Orbison and Tom Petty. He also produced records by Del Shannon. It's easier to follow threads through rock music from the 60s to the present than to do Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. Jeff: Howling Diablos, good band name. How 'bout Screaming Blue Messiahs on the same show?
- Kaline, Stanley, Northrup was as excellent an outfield as I've ever seen, Dexter. Brilliant gloves superb bats. Northrup hit 5 grand slams in '68, which I'm pretty sure was the season record for about 20 years. No. 5 came in the World Series. Three of them were hit in one month, I believe, and I think I remember he had two in consecutive at-bats. Kaline was one of the greatest hitters in history. Mickey Stanley was as elegant in center as Paul Blair, and a much better hitter, with a more powerful arm. We went to games by bus from school to Tiger Stadium that spring for a lot of games, I think admission was $2 for bleachers, which was the place to be with the old timers that lived a short walk from the stadium and passed half-pints of Ancient Age up and down and told great stories. It's strange now to think of a world championship team with an all-white outfield. Red Sox in the 70s and 80s had Yaz, Freddie Lynn, Dewie Evans, with Yaz replaced later by Jim Ed Rice, both OFs on a par with the Tigers. I also got to see them many, many times. Lynn would have been a Hall of Famer had he not refused to believe an outfield wall could prevent him from going back on a ball. No Sawx fan will admit it, but Jim Ed could play the left field wall at Fenway better than Yaz, and had a much better arm. I 'd vote for Rice for the Hall, had I a vote.
- Oh, and Dexter, Bob Gibson wasn't just famous, he was monumental. He may have been half a foot shorter, but he was scarier than JR Richard, because everyone new Gibson didn't give shit who he hit.
- Was the Clutch Cargo (and Paddlefoot)show a regional phenomenon, or more widely distributed like Speed Racer? Clutch Cargo anti-CGI.
- Nancy, you could get the last Sleater-Kinney album, The Woods, and see if Kate thinks tha's butt music. It's ferocious.
- Cooz, As far as Goodhair Perry the secessionist is concerned, I'm relying on Kinky Friedman to shadow his campaign, and make his life a living hell. He should run a mirror campaign And I don't know about anybody else, but I'm looking forward seriously to Super 8, and not because of the Lost connection. Quit that blather two seasons in when it got painfully stupid. Not for all the ET and Close Encounters references. What this movie sounds like to me is Predator Comes to the Goondocks. The kids in the Goonies were amazing, and it sounds like this cast might be their equals.
- Isn't there something in Travels With Charley about a relative's ashes? 35 years since I read it. A top ten all-time travel book. #1: The Old Patagonia Express. I would say Coming into the Country by John McPhee, but I'm not sure that's travel writing. Maybe the best is The Snow Leopard, Peter Matthiessen ( a great novelist, I think, particularly Far Tortuga and At Play in the Fields of the Lord), and the Shadow Country trilogy (individually, not the composite). But Snow Leoppard's a nature/travel hybrid. Mark Twain's A Tramp Abroad is terrific too. A snippet, on the quality of local water: It is served lukewarm, but no matter, ice could not help it; it is incurably flat, incurably insipid. It is only good to wash with; wonder it doesn’t occur to the average inhabitant to try it for that. Travels With a Donkey in the Cevennes (RLS) is very good, too. Anything by Jan Morris is worth an investment of time. James, You could have ended up at Guantanamo, these days.
- Me? Burial at sea, or Beau Geste style immolation would be fine. Burial? Well pine box and William Cullen Bryant for a reading, that would do fine: Comes a still voice--Yet a few days, and thee The all-beholding sun shall see no more In all his course; nor yet in the cold ground, Where thy pale form was laid with many tears, Nor in the embrace of ocean, shall exist Thy image. Earth, that nourish'd thee, shall claim Thy growth, to be resolved to earth again Thanatopsis and Wild Swans at Coole both showed up on my English AP exam, which could have been an autumnal omen of foreboding, but these were two of my favorite poems, then and now, and the essay was already clear in my head, no back of page outline required. (Actually, I don't ever remember outlining for a paper or an exam, unless it was required, in which cases the outlines were always ex post facto. No matter how 'tis done, were best 'twere done quickly, accompanied by a ceremonial torching of As I Lay Dying, easily the most torturous supposedly great book ever foisted on English majors. It's presumptuous for sure, but I'd like some sort of memorial marker quoting Yeats (and borrowing his epitaph): Cast a cold eye On life, on death. Horseman, pass by!
- Does anybody else think it's instant Karma, Newt's campaign staff dumping him while he's on his political deathbed?
- The bar for irresponsible and regressive tax-cutting has been set unbelievably high by W but Pawlenty is aiming for a new standard. Anti-revenue effects of Pawlenty's budgetary proposals. How many people would go down with all of the collapsing bridges. Stupid or crooked? Or just mendacious? I'd go for the cocktail.
- Alex, you forgot spineless.
- A great band I recently came across: Hey Mama. Original blues music with great guitar and hellacious vocals. The singer is reminiscent of Bonnie Raitt and Maria McKee. These guys are from Cambridge MA. Elegaic, ridiculously gorgeous song: Mountain Bones. Would have fit on Astral Weeks.
- Hong Kong Blues by Hoagy Carmichael. I loved this song as a little kid, and I thought this guy had the coolest nickname in the world.
- This whole bidness about who said what? What? You need to make this shit up.
- I'm having a problem with this shit. My Cousin whom I care about 's husband, a rediculously brilliant heart specialist died.
- Well, he was kind of a dick, but I liked him anyway. He's my cousins husband, a cousin I really care about. We haven't been close over the years, but we took a trip to my Grandma's funeral that could make an Ann tyler book. She is a piece of work, and I love her deary. How is he related to me? I don't get all this removed etc. stuff. So what's the deal on this business about how we are all related? I know some of y'all have this shit at you're fingertips.
- Jolene, so my cousin's husband is what? I think not related in any sense. And why did anybody ever make these rules? Inheritance?
- Great animal photo.
- Scorsese movie: Get DeNiro to pork out and say Fuck about a million times, as every part of speech. Best movies, The Grifters and Last Waltz (a long fucking time ago). Nadir: Raging Bull, revoltingly bad, moronic drivel. Claudius is Derek Jacobi. "Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out." Derek Jacobi as Claw-claw and Charles Laughton, kindred spirits. I read Night of the Hunter decades ago, a novel by Davis Grubb. Very good, and the movie is even better, but I'm a sucker for anything with Robert Mitchum. James Agee worked on the adaptation of the novel to screenplay. I thought Martin Mull was Roseanne's boss. And Laurie Metcalf and Sara Gilbert were the class of that show, as it were. Best DeNiro movie: Midnight Run, Brazil (Harry Tuttle).
- If the kid wants to wearccomplished was cool? her dress blues, how often will this come up? As much as I find AmericAccomplished and the tube socks in the jockstrap was cool? American militarisam is odious, what in the world is wrong with this kid wearing her uniform. Weird sports. This is moronic. Did these dumbasses think Mission Accomplished was cool? If these deniers thought there was a way of turning this on the brown-skinned President, they'd do it in a moment. Whited sepulchres. Michael Jordan is famous for saying Republicans buy shoes too. Jordan was a Nixon type of guy. Dirk is more of a JFK sort. This seems relatively obvious. Far as Lord Stanley's Cup is concerned. Game 1 was handed to the canucks on a horrible missed offside by the officials. The Canucks are obvious homunculi for the Heat. Aholes. Luongo's bullshit about Tim Thomas' style was hilarious. Did he give up beaucoup goals? Luongo, feet of clay. What a Lebronuongo. B's have to be the people's choice. There have never been worl-class whiners like the Sedins. Gordy Howe would slice them to ribbons. Wusses, and that is not sexist. But Thelma and Louise? Maybe. A real dickhead nonentity, Rome, takes out the Bruin's best player. Wow that's fair. And then he whines. What an ahole. He should have been arrested for assault. Two hands on the stick, back of the skull. And Vancouver fans are complaining? Seriously? What a bunch a maroons. It's really hilarious that LA fans have picked up on the Vancouver whining. Were they actually watching anything that actually happened on the ice?? Am I wrong, or is Dirk a good guy? He plays to the bone. He is tough as nails. What if somebody had decided it was OK for him to travel and to reach in? What if somebody had said that was alright for Larry and J to just cheat? You know, walk, reach in. Tell me jordan didn't do this shit. You would hurt yourself if you claimed otherwise. What an immense crock of shit. The travelling was beyond comprehension. He was an absurd cheater. He also reached in beyond comprehension. Guy cheated like a bastard. How did this avoid the obvious consideration? He cheated his ass off. He is one amazing piece of shit liar. And he killed his dad.
- Connie, the entire idea of public servants wasting money is unadulterated idiocy. Calling government bureaucracy is so moronic it stretches disbelief. GM isn't a bureaucracy? Microsoft isn't? Do people have the slightest clue what the word means? Apparently, they are too GD dumb. The money wasted in corporate America dwarfs anything government is capable of. And everybody pays. Including That twisted misanthrope Krautheimer. Meanwhile, I'm getting a Why shouldn't I try this?. I realize it's nuts. but what the hey? It's like Repoman. A great movie. Zero tolerance leads to the Jean Valjean idiocy of three strikes. Obviously the most grotesque perversion of common law there ever was. Life sentences for idiot junkie shoplifting? Because it was number three? What particular sort of officious moron does this require? Scalia? Thomas? Remember when conservative aholes were all het-up about activist judges? Well they shut up about that shit, didn't they? Because, they are the activist judges. Cops can pull you over for no reason and search your car. The corporate Kochs are a person and can fund character assassination. Swift Boaters aren't slanderers, that's free speech. And the ultimate clown, Incurious George W. was the President appointed by Scalia, and he didn't fuck the economy by running two invasions off the books while cutting his own freaking taxes..
- Kylee wears the uni, no brainer. This is stupidity. Sorry Nancy, Government builds things right. Always did. Roosevelt understood. Bush got it wrong. Start an invasion where the oil will pay for itself. Utter maroon.
- T. S. could sling the shit. He He was ridculousy good,Are we joking. Mamet is one contrarian asshole, not remotely wirth saving, just an asshole with a foul mouth, A major league dickhead.
- Riots in Vancouver? Say it ain't so. Who'd have ever thought a Canadian hockey team could produce so much unattractive whining behavior? Jesus saves, but not like Tim Thomas.
- The political company Pawlenty keeps. Where Palin and Bachmann get their incredibly messed up views of American history. This maroon, David Barton, says Thomas Paine, who died the very same year Charles Darwin was born, dismissed the Theory of Evolution. And all that voter fraud nonsense spewed by Republicans who can not produce any actual instances of shuch, well here's a real one: Mittster Romney.
- Can anybody explain who this person is? That's some bad hat. Shrooms. Where to buy 'em. This certainly sounds like William Gibson made it up. I can't read that rape story now, because the first thing I read today was this account of a horrendous murder. There is a strong lesson about brothers' keepers in this, and governing for the common good. It sure makes the knee-jerk tax cut legionnaires and privatizers look like assholes to me.
- never put anything over the side that you’re not willing to lose On my first ever vacation to Lake Powell, our party was large enough to need two boats. The other crew was a group of my brother's friends I didn't really know, who brought abot a lb. of pot for the two-week trip. Lake Powell is formed by the imposition of the Glen Canyon dam on the Colorado and fills an immense canyon across the AZ-Utah border. Obviously, any distance from the canyon walls and the water is several hundred feet deep. The boats are basically left with a skeleton crew when everybody goes swimming, since anchoring is beyond possibility. First day up the canyon, one of the pothead boats guys ignored basic geology and pitched their anchor out in the middle of the reservoir. We yelled at him and he smiled like an idiot and waved as the anchor line slithered and smoked over the rail. Fortunately. Had he tried to grab the line, we would have needed Med-E-Vac and he a finger reimplantment.. oc course, the anchor line was not tied off to anything, and it's been on the bottom ever since. That boat was called The Ship of Fools after that.
- Is it true that the heckling that Whiner took came primarily from an actual human troll that populates the Howard Stern show? Howard Stern has never offended public decorum? Howard's not a blight on free speech like rot on crops. He's got no business commenting. And as for that Rape trial testimony, can we all agree those weenie Yalie frat boys ought to be castrated with a rusty church key. They most certainly should have been expelled on their asses. This is free speech. Whitebread Yalie fratboys should spend a weekend in Sing Sing, where anal is the only option. How would you not throw these aholes out of school?.
- It seems to me that horror is visited upon the schizophhrenic untreated. I know that might seem difficult, but CTING LIKE THESE PEOPLE AREN;T TORMENTED AND DON'T NEED HELP IS BULLSHIT REPUBLICAN POLITICS. AND I'VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH THESE ASSHOLES. I'M ALRIGHT JACK IS BULLSHIT. NOT EVEN CLOSE. YOU SET COP CARS ON FIRE IN VANCOUVER you whackjobs. . Way to goAnd that guy was just concerned for his girlfriend., so he kissed her. Good on you guy. I'd like to think I'd do the same. Actually, I know I would. Way to go cops. What a bunch of jerks.
- Hey, Pilot Joe. Monica had a going-away party at school. She brandished her knee-pads. Fact Jack. The idea that she was some innocent taken advantage of is hilarious. And of ocurse there are the youthful indiscretions of St. Henry Hyde and Dan "Scumbag" Burton when they were deep into their forties. What's up with these weenie-waggers? Fatass thong exposure is what Monica majored in at Pepperdine. Which is just about a real school as Oral Roberts,. And they actually have one, too. Book in the liberry. King James. A translation by Will Shakespeare and Kit Marlowe, who had a smattering of Greek and no Aramaic., And it's the absolute word of God? Morons. What sort of idiots does this require?
- Knock. knock. David Vitter, that is still a senator? How long did Ensign remain in office after he'd been exposed as a flagrant criminal? C Street, where all the hypocrites meet. Thing about Clinton is he was targeted by right-wing creeps that had been after him for years. And the investigation by the special prosecutor, that was a $100mil boondoggle (he hired 70 lawyers, all of whom undoubtedly took the Karl Rove Shrub loyalty test)investigating nothing and everything after the Republican Robert Fiske had already vetted Whitewater, , and Kenneth Starr was pretty obviously an activist Republican voyeur, there are so many of them. And their heros in congress were guys that are still there, like Dan Burton, who wrote his extracurriculars off as youthful indiscretion, at 45 years old. Criticizing another person for your own secret vice is as foul as any human behavior. And what sort of human being would actually decide to have sex with Newt? Or Dan Burton? Jesus. Revolting, jowly pieces of shit. It 's amazing it just took these shitheels another 20 years and brown skin to get to birtherism. You have to be ultimate scumbags to embarrass Lee Atwater. C Street. Nothing else says Republicans. We pray on it.
- Isner takes the guy out in straight sets, this time. Go dawgs. Fairly astounding. It is very cool that these two guys have become friends.
- Is there anything too looney for One L Michele to say? Excuse me, but was David Vitter pressured to resign his Senate seat? Not really. Is he a well-known felon? Should he be arrested and convicted? You betcha! Did David Vitter team up with Larry Craig of the wide stance, to defend conventional marriage? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Vitter is another C-Street piece of shit. We sin, we forgive ourselves, we go out to sin again in all holy, forgiven humility. How is it that Ensign and his Mom and Dad are not in jail? These aholes are the Pharisees. Whited sepulchres. Jesus would have thrown their asses out of the temple.
- Christopher Hitchens, perpetually neurasthenic obnoxious Brit. So full of it he thinks Martin Amis is a bud and not an annoying self-aggrandizer that wishes he were as good a writer as his dad. David Mamet has lost his mind, apparently. And I hate to find myself on the same side of anything with Hitchens. He locates new levels of obnoxiousness to previously unplumbed depths. You can see him on TV and know for a fact he doesn't brush his teeth, because that might be American. And I know he has become American. Craig Ferguson? Yes. Chris Hitchens? Throw his seedy ass back. These people have a serious problem with foul language like Mamet indulges in, unless it's coming from a Koch brother or Milhous. Mamet's crap about Israel is positively bizarre. He seems to deny the existence of Dimona, which is spectacularly irresponsible. The fissionable material in Israeli nukes was purloined from the USA, and the development of the actual bombs was a joint venture with the SA DeKlerk government. And the Syrians and Iranis should just trust in Israeli good will? Who started the war in 1967? Which country just blew Lebanon the fuck upthree years ago. Which country has exercised Apharteid against Palestinian citizens of Israel for years while annexing land completely illegally? So who should be afraid of whom? Those movie costumes. I love the movie River of No Return. Robert Mitchum, a kid, and Marilyn Monroe playing a B-girl becoming a purehearted good mom. What could be better? And she sings.
- Whatever the state song of Ohio is, it should be legally required to be a Chrissie Hynde composition. I'd select Middle of the Road, for the line: When you own half of the bloody third world, the babies are part of the scenery. Old fashioned oscillating fans are possibly the greatest sleep aid ever invented. Cool and soothing buffeting breeze with perfect white noise. And I don't know about anybody else, but this James Dyson is exactly the sort of smarmy Brit jackass that annoys the crap out of me. It's hot as hell in South Carolina, and to make matters less comfortable, some jorts-wearing, mullet-headed Florida rednecks keep starting wildfires and the smoke comes up the coast, meets our relentless high sky high pressure cells and just sits here. It does smell pleasantly like well-cured cypress in a campfire or woodstove, but it's oppressive at 100 deg. Does Mitt Romney ever pause to listen to the bullshit that spews from his mouth? Why would anybody in Michigan vote for this Bozo for anything but off the island? Does he really think it's funny to joke about unemployment when he's worth about $half a billion? What a clueless prick.
- MarkH: away from the beach? Not in a million years. Brown pelicans in formation when we wake up and look at the high sky? And Darth Cheney never invades with black helicopters to allegedly fish with flies. Buddy Holly songs are as magical as his name. Seriously, Buddy Holly? This could make your day. Incredibly good covers of great songs. And in my book Zooey Deschanel is truly astounding. Patti Smith is even finer. George.w: I took the back off a TV once. Not recommended. Capacitor blew my ass about 15 ft. Kirk, that's summer skiing, which is fantastic. The Dyson fan takes everything enjoyable out of fans. What an ahole. Perfecting something that was already perfect is a seriously stupid game. This guy is the Chris Hitchens of the inventing game. A true Brit ahole. Get your lardasses out of Ireland, you shitheels. I admit it, there is nothing good about Brits since Johnny Rotten. They are the uber Israelis, occupiers. With bad intention. Gaga is entirely likely a guy. She isn't as lame as Madonna. But it's still a sad excuse for music. Words of Love by Patti Smith is ridiculously gorgeous. And it turns out she is a superb writer. Her memoir about the piss-Christ guy is excellent. And doesn't KidRock turn Well Alright into a Seger song meets the Tempts? These are just great songs. And who but Lou Reed would make a simple teen love song into something incredibly frightening. And the John Doe take is even better. What a brilliant voice. Morrissey,? Kiss my ass? Lame as shit. Brian Stouder, you just like knobs. They are beautiful in every peregrination. I had a very strange friend in high school that would approach girls after the Johnny Mathis sock-hop closer and try to dial in knobs and say come in Tokyo.I know this is late, but this is the best for Father's Day: this is kinda wonderful. My dad was astounding. When he was dying, I was giving him crushed ice. And it reminded him of a novel that we both loved. And my mom too. Smilla's Sense of Snow. He could recall every detail. That was the hardest time I ever spent. But the best. I wanted him to die. sometimes, because he wasn't really my dad anymore. And I did not want to see him suffer for breath. It's a cruel truth, but everybody should see their dad die. Burned in my brain.
- Game of Thrones, the Killing? Sorry but Terriers and Hank were decidedly better. And Fox fucked it over. Like they screwed the Dodgers. The NFL? Owners want players that risk their lives to agree to a %age, but they refuse to open their books. Assholes. This is classic union shit, but in the case of pro sports, the players are the game. The owners are wannabes. The Pats insisted Robert Edwards play in the moronic beach flag football event. Pats fucked Robert Edwards over. He nearly lost his leg. Owners suck, players do not. Players could put on games. Owners couldn't. a woman tragically injured and no longer good enough for this asshole. The McCain girls. Who was their mom, not the current Mrs. McCain. Another sordid Republican story. These assholes talk a good family values game. Palins, are we joking? I think they were wearing jorts and sporting mullets and setting wildfires in FLA recently. These are Hillbillys. These people are morons.
- Why would Jennifer Gray ever alter her face? And Dancing? Look you had Hines. The most excellent football player and actually excellent guy ever. I would never spend a moment on this show. But seriously, Who are these people? Kirstie Alley outweighs Hines Ward. It is frigging stupid. On the other hand, Isner vs. Mahut? Whose idea of something funny is this shit? I'm a fellow alum of Isner's so I'm a fan. Plus, the guy is very good. You all have dealt with this Terelle Pryor shit previously. Lying pieces of sweater vest shit. And AJ Green sat out four games because he sold some asshole his own shirt. And these shitheels played in a bowl game? Screw Big Farm.
- Damn, people are weird. How is this different from the invasion of Ira1q? Assholes got rich and the American economy tanked while rich assholes got richer. I'd venture to say, I could have tanked that corporation and been a bigger ahole than Carly Fiorino for all that cash. So she tries politics and nobody thinks there's anything wrong with that? She fucked up bigtime and got a golden parachute. She was a spectacular failure. Please. I could run any of these companies into the dumpster. Just pay me the money. It's amazing how bidnesses run so perfectly, and they aren't bureaucracies, you anti-government idiots. Every business is a bureaucracy, you numbnutz, and they cost you a fortune. For one thing, they keep huge numbers of lawyers on the payroll, to defend them when they screw people over. You dumbshit. Assholes should look up bureaucracy. Fucking morons.
- Ms Palin is mournfully stupid, but if I say this, I'm an elitist. Dumb as grunt. These are the aholes setting wildfires in Florida and ruining my days with their jort-wearing, mullet-headed moron asses, setting the swamp on fire. What a buncha maroons. You cannot get dumber than a Florida redneck, unless you come from Maine, or maybe Alaska, where you rage against the governmet teat and suck on it bigtime. And keep me in your heart. This was a great poet. A brilliant guitar player. And an amazing piano man. I am just not clear on how stupid people in America are. They don't understand that bidness is bureaucracy? and costs them spectacularly? Government is relatively efficient bureaucracy, you fucking morons. This is kinda beyond comprehension. Can people be this fucking stupid? Where does that cash go? Executive salaries for fucking the companies up big time. How does any of this make sense?
- Roland the Thompson Gunner. So good it almost makes sense. In Ireland, in Lebanon, in Palestine and Berkeley. Very great artist. How are we supposed to say anything? If I say these folks are full of shit when they are clearly moronic, I'm automatically ruled out because they can't be morons, even though they are. It is very difficult to be as stupid as these people are. Somebody that buys this palin shit is so fucking dumb it is almost impossible to believe. I mean, you have to be a whackjob to believe in that sort of hard-core stupidity.
- Judybusy, that's a zinger. But how does anybody comment on this revolting shitheel without being called an elitist. She is the most revolting piece of shit in history. What is wrong with people? This person is a remotely what you might call a human being. She is as revolting as a human being is capable of getting. A shithead. Jeannie Needs a Shooter.
- What happens to jackasses is what they deserve. I will go splat riding my bike one of these days when some nitwit driving an Escalade turns right in front of me. I sure as shit will not wear a helmet. It happens frequently and I can just pray that the driver of the Caddy is prosecuted. Meantime, I can leave some bucks and my condo to people I care about. If you live your life as a jackass, you get what you deserve. I know, having done it. And I wouldn't want anything to be different. I quit owning a drivers license 15 years ago, when I was arrested for DUI. It was the only responsible thing I could think to do. I was excruciatingly embarrassed. And I could only imagine what might have happened. I didn't hurt anybody, and I was purely lucky not to. The damage people like the Jackass assholes and the Farrelly Bros. and this Zach Galifianakis asshole have done to movies, that's another story altogether. How did movies go from Fast Times to American Pie? And didn't we all lose something inherently human? Like Jackie Collins and books. What is wrong with people? Live like a jackass, die like a jackass. There is no doubt the dumbass was loaded. If I'm wrong, I'll apologize. These people thought it would be a funny idea to have Johnny Knoxville do a movie about pretending to be a special needs Olympian. Laff riot, right? Maybe God just struck this shitheel down for being a sorry excuse for a human being. Seriously. Another asshole gone. Which I expect on my tombstone. Cast a cold eye.
- It could be noted that Roger Ebert wrote the screenplay for the greatest Jackass movie ever made. Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Funnier by 100 miles than any of that dumbass Jackass shit. I've got a wading pool full of mayonnaise. And you were a woman all along, and a goddamned ugly one. The Jackass aholes are mightily lame. Not a clever bone in their bodies, at least, left intact. And screw you you ahole. These shitheels thought it was funny to make fun of Special Olympics. Fuck you. These guys made Jim Carrey look clever. And that is nearly impossible.
- What is wrong with people? Roger Ebert is a villain for mocking some jackass that made money for having slugs shot into his balls by slingshot? What a buncha maroons, ignoranimi. The only way this guy would die is by DUI. What an asshole. This was also probably the end of life he wrote for himself. These morons demeaned movies. Worthless bunch of shit. As are the Farrellys. There is nothing funny about that shit. Assholes. Look at these ridiculous hipster Krauts. But what a babe and what a great song.
- Are erections that last four hours without blue pills dangerous? Ever been fourteen? Shit happens. And frequently, it's embarrassing.
- Seriously, Cameron Diaz? What is it with jizz in your hair? What is wrong with people? That's funny? Masturbating with a pie? People consistently live down to a level of stupidity that seems lower than that to which humans can sink to. And other maroons will find that funny. Dumber than grunt. Roger Ebert loves movies. The jackass assholes don't. It's pretty clear why he would think these guys should die hideously, hoist by own.
- Whitey was a legend when he ran the Winter Hill gang in Somerville (where he had his HQ, but Whitey was a true son of Southie) with his enforcer Stephen Rifleman Flemmi. When my father-in-law and I ran a municipal garbage transfer station in Somerville, cops would show up with questions when somebody that had crossed Whitey came up missing. Two fascinating things about Whitey other than his mythically awesome elusiveness: His brother Billy ran Massachusetts state government for years with the same sort of ruthlessness and guile that characterized Whitey's criminal enterprises, and may well have been more corrupt. and, Whitey Bulger managed to corrupt the Boston FBI office absolutely. Lock, stock and two smoking barrels. Bulger seemed untouchable in Europe? Why come back to the states? Tired of running and hiding? Our condo association has grounds maintenance out every day, and the effect is really beautiful landscaping. When somebody designed this place 25 years ago. the landscape architect protected the live oaks. We're on the second floor and I installed acoustic shades, so the equipment noise doesn't really penetrate. Amazing Buddy Holly cover album. Not Fade Away, by Florence and the Machine is great, and you wonder how all the pop-tart singers selling all the records don't just throw in the towel when they hear this woman sing. The Patti Smith version of Words of Love is excellent (she sounds like Marianne Faithful these days), as is the deranged Do It in the Road McCartney version of It's So Easy. Lou Reed's Peggy Sue is ominous. Ubiquitous Kid Rock cops the Heavy Music bass line and Motowns the hell out of Well All Right, great horn charts and arrangement. And Bob does those things himself. Nick Lowe channels Buddy Holly as he does better than anybody. Albums like this are usually about 50/50 hit and miss. This is quite a good comp and well chosen covers with very interesting interpretations and rearrangements.
- Jeff: How 'bout the drowned in a bathtub nomination of Peter Diamond, who's a Nobel winner for his work on connections between unemployment and monetary policy? Suppose the President had proposed something on the lines of the WPA. How would the Congress have responded? The Republican controlled Congress that held unemployment benefits at knife-point to extend the rich bastard tax cuts? People can bitch all they want about two years with both houses under Democratic Party control, but filibuster reality, that nobody seems to point out as a major policy-changing roadblock, and everybody accepts as if it were in the Constitution, clearly meant that that argument was always bullshit. From Diamond's withdrawal statement: "But understanding the labor market -- and the process by which workers and jobs come together and separate -- is critical to devising an effective monetary policy," Diamond wrote. He went one step further, arguing that "concern about the (seemingly low) current risk of future inflation should not erase concern about the large costs of continuing high unemployment. Concern about the distant risk of a genuine inability to handle our national debt should not erase concern about the risk to the economy from too much short-run fiscal tightening." Think that guy might have been part of a solution? Sen. Shelby thinks he knows better. Read more: This isn't governing, it's nihilism. These assholes should not get their paychecks, since they are flagrantly refusing to do their jobs in a responsible manner. And Lord knows the financial industry certainly does not require government regulation. The hypocrisy on display in Shelby's behavior is stunning. When one of the parties in a two-party political system repeatedly behaves in an anti-Constitutional manner based on manufactured pretexts, how do huge numbers of voters convince themselves to continue to vote for them? You need an electron microscope to see any evidence of vote fraud in US elections, but the GOPers have magnified it into a case of uninformed heebie-jeebies in order to launch a scorched earth campaign of vote suppression. From the column: Sometimes the partisan motivation is so clear that if Stephen Colbert reported on what’s transpiring, his audience would assume he was making it up. In Texas, for example, the law allows concealed handgun licenses as identification but not student IDs. And guess what? Nationwide exit polls show that John McCain carried households in which someone owned a gun by 25 percentage points but lost voters in households without a gun by 32 points. Of course Republicans insist that this bullshit has no detrimental effect on turnout numbers. Were that actually the case, what would be conceivable motivation for creating a "threat to democratic process" where it's clear none exist, and target the poor, minorities, and students en bloc When those constituencies elected the first black President in 2008? Nefarious, anti-American suppression of voting rights, that's what. The American government's like Tobacco Road in the J.D. Loudermilk/Nashville Teens song."Bring back dynamite, and a crane, blow it up, start over again. Blues Magoos version, with a great intro and interview by Jack Benny.
- Oh I've been looking forward to this since Scalia pulled this arrant horseshit.Dahlia Lithwick writes better about the legal system than anybody. Wal-Mart's too big to sue, and institutionalized corporate sexism is too beg a problem to engender a class action suit.
- Big Whoop Department. I hear from people I don't know from Adam or Aaron Sorkin, but who cares? This means I get to see photos and videos of my grandson in practically real time. Isn't Aaron Sorkin well known for whoofing lots of cocaine and being borderline personality disorder type? Paranoia is probably his buddy.
- Years ago, I found myself in the same barroom in Cambridge a few times with Whitey Bulger in the house. He acted much more like Jimmy Markum in Mystic River than Jimmy Costello in the Departed. I am sure everybody in the joint assumed these outings were less social than about sending automatic weapons to Ireland.
- White whine: I'm just going to hyperventilate if that damned Socialiss Scandinavian Veen aSud doesn't tell me right now who killed Rosie Larson. Has anybody seen any sort of analysis about a black audience for Mad Men. I thoought the show was fascinating for a while, because where I grew into social awareness as a kid, in the Bloomfields and Birmingham. just about everybody's dad worked at JWT or some other ad agency sucking life from the Big Three like Remoras off sharks. The car people lived in the Grosses. But at some point, Mad Men got to a point where every single character but Sally and her evil little boyfriend were reprehensibly selfish. Same with Breaking Bad. I could understand Walt's desire to provide for his wife and children, but when Heisenberg let the woman his friend Jesse loved aspirate on her own vomitous, to make off with the stash, well Fuck you, Walt. So the killing was ambiguous. Have some Jarlsberg. Goes great with white bread. In the meantime TV critics demeaned Terriers, which was positively the best new TV show (acting, characterization, dialogue and plotting) maybe ever, but in a long damn time. Said it didn't find an advertising or demographic niche (how 'bout smart people that appreciate good writing, acting and imagination, and a certain overriding sense of personal morality and responsibility? Nah, who would find that interesting? Rockford Files was just some 'procedural', not one of the greatest TV shows ever produced.) Maureen Ryan is probably my favorite internet TV critic, because when I first came across her work, it was about "Firefly", which with the cowboy Irish obening credits and the stampeding horses is about as perfect as TV can be done. She wavered on "Dollhouse" but eventualy saw how good it was. ( I think women are predisposed to take an immediate dislike to anything with Eliza Dushku. Pru calling was in a class with Joan of Arcadia, that was brilliant, and both shows got cancelled when the really intelligent and indomitable young women were about to get into it with Satan.) Mozzie's right, Suits lack imagination. Anyway, tonight it's back to Fi and Michael righting wrongs. My companion S is like Fiona, but I'm fairly sure she knows nothing about C-4 or weapons. I just lock up the knives so I figure I'll wae up Burn Notice has been consistently the best TV for four years now. Except that, Terriers was even better. It was possitively the best show since Rockford. And if you didn't get Rockford, you may be a dumbass. Lauren Bacall did, and she wil remain cooler than you are forever. Shit. She's cooler than Katherine Hepburn. Did you eer have a JSchool prof that was a roiling thunder rounder that asked you to take his shabby Dodge wago to the carwash and clearout the bottles? I did. His name was Elliot brack, and I idolized him. Newspaper a bidness He ran a weekly around Atlanta. Then it dawned on him he could incorporate the third day of the week. Fairly obvious. I loved college. I could write an a or B paper on basically anyting in a very short time. Am I wrong? Shouldn't this talent earn you big bucks.? It seems sort of ridiculous. I don't write this shit out of the blue, like I don't care about my opinions. I'm fucking adamant. I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. That is why it came out of my mouth.
- Nobody has an objection. You all know that I am not some asshole. I wouldn't know how to deal with all y'all. I'm a moron about my cousins and my child, How do we actually admit how much we care about everything. I care about how we care about things? If you don'T think thia ia kinda likw Hoovwr, AY AO. IS THERE SOMEBODY THAT THINKS THERE IS AN AHOLE THAT WANTS TO DO ANYTHING BUT GET RI F THE BLACK PRESIDENT? THESE PEOPLE ARE SUCH DOGASS RACISTS IT IS RIDICLUOUS.
- JOHN G. I understand the idea of quitting drinking. I do not remotely understand why I should. It's an absolute fact I do not hurt anybody but myself by dealing with Evan Williams. It's pretty good bourbon and it really means something to me as far as an old friend named Cissy. Somebody I care about immenseley. So all this crap, John G. I understand the situation. and I appreciate your advice. But hell. . Things go badly. Not that badly. I do tend to know what I'm talking about, but I've been in situations none of you could even consider. I appreciate your consideration. I have been in situations you coud not consider. I know that sounds like bullshit, but I will guarantee you it is not. Whatever. But I do like talking to y'all. And there is nothing whatever about how I fake whatever I say to y'all. And I find this to be the most honest bunch of intelligent people around. I'm no liar about anything I ever said about what I care about . I think that's relatively obvious. So how do we consider somebody we care about? I'd die for for Fiona, Sam or Michael. Are we kidding. If you don't think the really cute girl isn't good enough, you are an asshoe. She is absolutelely gorgeous. seriously, Zow iaan't ridiculously beautiful? Are you an idiot? Are we kidding? She is truly awesome. She might seem slightly vacant, but she is way smarter than most people that claim to be intelligent. Are we kidding? I'm way smarter, and so is the kid.
- Dexter, I'm not ignorant of the Whitey Bulger role. In my experience, Whitey Bulger was not extaravagant. He was low key. And Coozledad, down south Eere we get Nikki . who has tramp stamp all over her? And really, The Departed is not a good movie because it may have borrowed from the vaunted HK? Wxcuse me. Bad Lietennant. The performances by DiCaprio and Wahlberg were excellent. As those boyos generally are. Marky Mark is always good and if you didn't watch Blood Diamond, so is Leo. But Leo is developing thqt critics dislike Jack Nicholson perfected. He just plays himself and hams it up. This is the lamest bullshit from critics anybody could possibly imagine, and they should all retire this shit. It's a moronic crock of crap. And it makes you look like an idiot. I'm smart because I don't like Jack Nicholson? Sorry, dumbass, Jakee Gittes is as good as you get since Bogie. You can say that's not so, but you'd just be lying. This Jack just plays Jack has gotten setiously old. Crirics just disliking bruxw qillia ia ao fucking dumb it;s hard to be;ieve, There is no comparison between his roles. That is the idiot consideration ffor reviewers, Find a new meme, morons, The Departed wasn't a good movie because it had roots in HK? Sorry. It was quite a good movie. Because if you knew shit about Southie, you'd get it. But you didn't, And you thought yoe did. Kiss my ass. Much mo0re ;ike Mystic River, Much less like The Departed. Disliking movies because of the main player is lame as shit. A movie isn't bad because it has Bruce Willis, you dumbass. See 16 Blocks where Bruce Willis and Mos Def are fucking brilliant. Pas de Deux and brilliant acting. And Critics and Kevin Costner? What are ypu morons talking about? He doesn't look like a natural athlete? Well that Quaid fellow seems more like a real pitcher. But critics of these guys seem never to have attempted a sport. And it all comes across as pure jealousy. The handsome Quaid bro can actually throw a baseball, and that makes critics nuts. We are supposed to bn able to mock. But it turns out he's an athlete, like Costners golf swing and dolphin kick. You dumbasses dislike htese guys because they can do thibgs better than you can. And there must be a movie better than Mystic River that one was stolen from? No? San't name that one> It didn't exist. These whack asses in HK decide on Human Centipede. What a bunch or revolting shit. There is sonething wrong with these assholes. What a bunch of asshoes/
- Does Sedelstein have a clue about anything to do with the Boston mob? I'd guess nope.
- George Clooney, with his pal Wahlberg made one of the best movies ever made Three Kings. it is absolutely a great war movie. Whatever these handsome guys do in their private lives All power. Not auto-tune: Cyndi. Grace PotterMaria McKee So why don't the auto-tune nits twats shut the hell up. There are seriously gorgeous women that can sing and play. Who needs the surgically enhanced crap that need electronics to make it seem as if they can sing? I blame Madonna for this odious horseshit. And she looks like a skank. And the fact she's been put out to pasture by a guy that looks skankier and is slightly more outrageous is hilarious. It's amaxing Marilyn Manson didn't fit the bill. For years, I didn't think women could actually rock 'n' roll. I know, there were all the Irish sort of ladies, most obviously and Maddy Pryor who might not be as gorgeous as those others, but she has the map of Ireland all over her face, and her voice is purely from God. Joni: Joni Mitchell Steve Stills" girlfriend, Joni Mitchell Judy Collins, best girl singer ever. but that isn't actually right. There is Anne Richmond Boston, Annie Lenox. I don't think any of these womwn were surgically or electronically enhanced. I don't think Avril needs electronics for her snotty rags, and she's great for it. Doesn't Pink just sing from her sizable lungs? The not great gay singer that knows he's good, that would be the spectacular old Boston band Human Sexual Response/a>, which I think is a conservationist idea about not throwing beer bottles on pavement., though I could be wrong. and the semi-great Larry Bangor. For purely great rocker girls, I'd check Patty van NessPhysical Speed. and Anne Richmond Boston, Swimming Pool Qs, an astounding band, nobody ever heard of. Exene and these are great singers.
- Julie, I loved Colombo, it made my teenage Sundays, particularly with Jack Cassidy or Patrick McGoohan as the brilliant bad guy du jour, or the truly spectacular edition with Johnny Cash. but I'll always think of Peter Falk saying "As you wish" to the Wonder Years kid. And what maroon ever thought it a good idea to remake The In-Laws? Michael Douglas and Albert Brooks are brilliant, but attempting to reproduce the hilarious insanity of Alan Arkin and Peter Falk was basically an idea doomed to failure. Serpentine! Serpentine! And talk to the hand. They didn't even get Richard Libertini back, the morons. Human behavior is knocking off red-wings at an alarming rate. If they are fighting back, it's just normal, but why don't they target rednecks in Louisiana and Arkansas, where the birds are dropping like flies. If it's a question of jorts-wearing mullet-heads and red-wings, I'll take the latter. These birds on the wing are stunning. Fast as bullets and that flash from the shoulder.
- Dex, anybody with a brain knew at the time that Leroy Brown was a mediocre at best remake of Don't Mess Around With Jim. And in Chicago, isn't the baddest part of town wherever the cops go drinking? And Journey is clearly not Canadian. Canadian bands tend to be cool, not hopelessly lame like Journey. Like Rush or the Guess Who, minus Burton Cummings' pornstache. Raindance. But really, that South Detroit shit has bugged me for years, unless they were talking redneck heaven in Warren, but that was way Eastside. Sadly, Journey used to be Santana, and I believe they are from Frisco, which is about as likely to be said by a local as South Detroit or Beantown.
- Damn, people are weird. How is this different from the invasion of Ira1q? The Amerian economy tanked while rich assholes got richer. As Wallace Shaun woud say, Itth incothievable. Back in '73, watching the disintegration of the Loud Famil, I had no idea I was seeing the beginning of the end of TV as I'd known and loved it as a kid. Class warfare as practiced by Congressional Republicans. Proving beyond doubt that their concern for human life begins at the moment of conception and ends somewhere in the first trimester.
- A few days ago, with nothing better to do, some sour mash in the house and feeling primordially opposed to anything but sloth and imbibingwe watched The Bed-Sitting Room with Rita Tushingham and God, You know, Ralph Richardson.Can that possibly have been her real name.oom a movie directed by Richard Lester of the Beatles movies, starring that carnaby queen, Rita Tushingham. In my skewed recollection, I thought this woman was some babe. Like Marianne Faithful, but mirabile dictu, not close. She's a pretty self-deprecating actress of great innate talent. So we watched The Knack… and How to Get it. Kinda like a version of Buster Keaton. These are two very funny movies for free on Netflix. I now believe Rita Tushingham, with the wildly unlikely name, is a lost comic gem. You know Ringo kicking the can around in Hard Day's Night? Done much better here. And Sir Ralph was most certainly God so far as Terry Gilliam was concerned. And any of you that don't get Time Bandits? You must be kidding.
- Andd if you care about the Tigew, qnd
- Sue. That's very funny, in the way that funny might cause me to think concealed permit. Walker created the budget problem by inking the tax breaks. Then the scumsucker attacked the unions' pension funds. Who cares you slaved for dogass salaries in a haunted Public School system straight out of Human Centipede. Now we take your pensions. At this point, I'm not sure I care much anymore. Modern Amurrcans seem decidedly too fucking stupid to survive. And they are more than happy with abject racism as the go-to vs. the President. When they all just endured q fucking short-bus bastard appointed by activist Republican judges. The activist judges meme. Man, that one just took a dive. When there actually started to be activist judges. And is one of them identifiabbly liberal? Nope. They are Scalia and his dogass shits that are supposed to be the Chief Justice and just bend over. Seriously, Clwrence Thomas? An original thought? Assholes. people that think the Constitution is a joke. And these moronic sacks of shit believe the President is th wtong color
- How did that moron actually prevent bridges from collapsing? What a terrific governo Truly q eumbqwwr
- Why concealed carry permits are an astoundingly bad idea.
- Couldn't a smart lawyer turn this int a bulletproof Constitutional challenge to Citizens United. Anybody read Bel Canto, the delightful Ann Patchett novel of a decade ago? This sounds like it might be even better. White Dads on Pot. Apropos (sort of ) of Nancy's pot blog item, this is a terrific piece from NYT Mag, that I came across on the Long Form site, about a trip to Disneyworld where the two dads sneak off occasionally to burn a bomber. Speent three days running there one time between 6/24 and 60 in 1985, with my parents wife and four year old. A lot of our visit is captured in this story, including the preternatural thunderstorm., and the interminable , unbearable Dumbo and Small World rides. (Could have used a little THC.) I sympathize with the part about the double stroller. We rented a single, which was so onerous of weight and bulk, I ditched it in 10 minutes. They would not allow our own stroller, nice and light, but losing the $25 deposit and rental fee seemed preferable to hauling that unwieldy POS around in 102 temperatures. For anybody going, my advice is go to Epcot when you first arrive to make lunch reservations. Then do rides in the morning, Epcot in the pm. In my experience those summer monsoons come up in the afternoon and the nations are well represented by comfortable bars. We sat out a huge storm in Mehico with some icy Dos Equis. Another vital piece of information is to hit the Alpine tram when the heat is about to drive everyone to mayhem.
- Whatever. I think it's funny, and seriously, It's a Small World requires being high. It is the single most annoying piece of shit with no connection to Dumbo. And that Dumbo shit will undoubtedly lead me to crime. There is something wrong with people.
- From my very first exposure to the perversion of the word content, as in "content farm", I've found the entire idea odious. Why not just tell the truth and call it random words? Or some shit. It reminds me fairly exactly of Bud and Otto going into the Store 24 and purchasing six-packs of Drinks.
- The plane crash discussion reminded me of this great scene from World According to Garp. "The chances of another plane hitting this house are astronomical." We've got a copy of this movie and watch it periodically. Exellent adaptation of a wonderful book, although I always wished they had included an animated film within film for The World According to Bensenhaver. Also, the crazed uncles in Secondhand Lions, a very fine movie with a great airplane scene. Tremendous performances by Robert Duvall and Michael Caine, and excellent by the dead people kid.
- Velvet, Sure. The plane crash scene in Garp is an ampification of the entire "undertoad" theme. Also, John Lithgow's performance as Robert/Roberta Muldoon is spectacular. I don't know that I've ever detested a fictional character the way I did Helen Holm (home) for taking up with Michael Milton, who got what he deserved. Cider House Rules is another nice adaptation of a John Irving novel. Hotel New Hampshire, not such a hot book, despite the excellent first chapter (the Bear called State of Maine), and the movie was dismal (not easy to accomplish with Jodie Foster in the cast). Until Insomnia came out, I thought Garp was Robin Williams' best movie. Wetland destruction is epidemic in the Appalachians so long as coal companies are allowed to lop off mountaintops and dump the spoil in hollers. And now those evil entities are compounding this short-sighted deleterious behavior by fouling as much as 1 million gallons of water for each wellhead trying to extract natural gas from shale. The Entire Eastern seaboard will suffer from a fouled aquifer if this not not regulated much more stringently. All of this profiteering in shale gas is also quite likely to produce another Enron-esque energy bubble to further put the US economy in the crapper. This whole business isfracking nuts.
- Somebody was looking for crow video last week: This crow makes a tool.
- How 'bout the old joke about the nomadic tribe named the Fukawee, whose ancient chief awakened after the tribe had relocated without awakening him in the middle of the night. Of course, when he awoke to unfamiliar surroundings the Chief said Weah the Fukawee? A fascinating consideration of Indian names is available by looking at the genealogies in Louise Erdrich's books. If you're only ever going to read just one of her books, I strenuously recommend Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse. Then there's Buffy Ste. Marie's name for the military-industrial complex, enemies of the earth, and white usurpers in general. Keshagesh=Greedy Guts. Agent Mulder was Sneaky Fox.
- Regarding sports labor disputes, as an ex-jock and a Dodgers fan for life watching the predations of the McCourts and the demise of the franchise with dismay, I'm with players over management every single time. Look at the current NFL situation. In the first place, in America, a lockout is patently illegal. In the second place, the Owners are insisting that players sign on for a fixed %age of revenue, without access to the Owner's books. What sort of sucker would agree to that? Oh, and by the way we want to add 120 minutes in which you have a good chance of being maimed for life to the season. Owner's that want to whine about player salaries are basically like Republican voters favoring term limits. Stop me before I do it again. Bob Greene's Billion Dollar Baby, I haven't read it, so I won't criticize. I like the first severall albums by Alice Cooper, a lot, and saw the band live many times in Detroit. Still, superficially, there seems to be a perfect nexus between band and author. The Alice persona is all sound and fury, while Vincent loved playing golf with Bob Hope. Somehow, from everything y'all say about BG (rarely seen a column), he sounds like an ideally superficial chronicler of something actually warm and fuzzy.
- Was Dennis Banks playing in the NBA '62-64?
- Dexter, Regarding those lizards. With the ridiculous current discussion of tennis players and grunting, I'm reminded that one of my brothers always claimed that Monica Seles said (Fornicate) Me when she 'grunted' on her serves and big points. Obviously, it had to be toned down for commercial consumption, but this American Express ad proved she had a sense of humor and didn't take herself overly seriously. Jimmy Connors was the all-time grunter. I saw him play MacEnroe (pretty noisy himself) once at Longwood in Brookline, and after a particularly gatorish grunt, Mac walked to the net with a concerned expression and asked if Connors was alright. Connors glared at him (serious mutual enmity, these two) and Mac asked Connors if Jimmy needed time for an equipment change (his shorts). Connors lost his game completely, overhit everything, and, for once, an entire stadiumful of tennis fans was on McEnroe's side. Superior gamesmanship, and hilarious. Anyway, current male players are plenty loud (Raffa) but it doesn't seem to bother the Lords of Tennis. This always comes up during the fortnight at W, and I'm sure the subtext is "What is ladylike tennis playing?"The Brits surely won't bring up the borborygmous of Andy Murray, their fairly obnoxious Great White Dope. Other players on tour reportedly said that Connors grunted to cover up loud flatus. Oh, and I think "perplexed banalities of the Middle Class" sounds like something Updike would have said about Cheever, when it better described his own books. It sure sounds like a perfect description of the Rabbit Angstrom books. Cheever was more about rich folks heading for Grey Gardens.
- From that mugshot, the police officers may have been in danger of drowning.
- Cooz, Which one's Andre and which one's Wallace Shawn. Lord I hated that movie. And I think Wallace Shawn is a riot. Just rather see him as Vizzini trying to outwit Inigo Montoya, or as Jill Hennessy's shrink on Crossing Jordan
- Joe Kobiela, what's that website to look at weather cells? Here in Hilton Head, nobody flew a plane of any sort in in the last two hours. please check my time stamp. This was the most No shit violent isolated storm I have ever seen, and we get them here. Immense winds and gusts, torrential downpour serious thunder and lightning. I've seen storms of this magnitude over the desert, but not coastal. This was biblical. Nobody but Sky King could have flown through it, I don't think but if you could, Joe I'd hire you any time if I had to get somewhere. I believe you are A Number 1. I'd figure you'd be a guy for depositions on What were people thinking. So am I, about what sort of moronic decision annybod could make about a material or material or application somebody could decide on. Y I'd trust myself and anybody I love. You are obviously somebody that knows what he's talking about. My question is: are small planes with really good pilots as safe as airlines? Have you ever flown into Hilton Head Island? How expensive is your service and how does it work for 6 month olds? No shit Joe. I want to fly my kid and her hubby and their 6 mo. old into HHI. How comfortable would the trip be? No shit, I am actually considering this. Joe, their seems to be no limit to your expertise. Or should I fly them into Savannah on Commercial? I think it would be nice for them to have teir own plane. Not sure how to handle this. No shit Joe, this was an astounding storm. I wouldn't have wanted anybody I care about trying to get on the ground in this shit. It was an amazing storm. I'd really like your opinion on how horrendous this was. We live with hurricane potential and this had to be tropical storm shit. It was almost impossible to ride a bike through it, but it was invigorating, like making it through preseason. Somebody that acknowledges me here occasionally, Dexter: I think you asked me if anything normal ever happened to me. Were you asking me if I made shit up? Never. I could tell you the story of Fenway Dick, his giant German Shepheard Palladin (baddest name he could think of, and his machete). These things happened to me. If you live a very irresponsible life, strange things happen. And Fenway Dick's history of strangeness. This was all how to deal with how to do. Fenway Dick was a gigantic man in shabby GI crap. He did at one point get fed up with me and swing the blade. It buried in the doorstop about an inch from my forehead, and I did not move. I'm not making this shit up. I do not make shit up. And yeah, shit happens because I act like a seriously irresponsible asshole. Why not? You can be AJGreene and do everything right and still have the NCAA screw you you over. Whatever y'all think about football and the NCAA and NCAA bias. Whatever y'all say. I'd say Soulfinger Is they're somebody that likes that doesn't like Soulfinger? Seems like the great soul most of us like about each other. Sorry I've intruded.I think about Nancy as somebody that loves Detroit. I love Detroit. I went to a high school that loves detroit. Jake Locker? that's Matt Stafford, morons. Anybody that thinks locker is Matt is one moron. When Matt just made this shit, when he was hurt and won the game. Are we morons
- Are -eople morons? No way you aren't morons
- Who is the best QB? You have to be some mcdonalds you fucking morons You couldn't come close to qn idiot. YOU QRE Q FUCKING LIQR, GOOD WHATEEVER YOU SCUMBAGSS ARE YOU SURE WHATEVER YOU DISCUSSING SHIT HEQDW
- QR3E YOU KIDDING. you 2e 2e couldn't conaiderast.
- Who is this this best QB Lions fans you hve the best arm and the toughest bastard that that will ply through throubh thrroughr anythingg. lions have Bobby Laynne. ztthew will play nything sithout the fire wHATEVER. ARE YOU CONSIDREING? MARCUS LATTIMORE ? HOW BOUT THEM GIANTS IN THE MIDWAY. YOU WILL ET EAT THIS BIG BOYS THAT DEVOUR YOUR YOU. GOOD LUCK MARCU WHEN THOSE MONSTERS EAT YOU LIVE.
- Joe, that was an astounding storm. I pedaled through it, and it was fairly scary. everything you zy, I'd trust my most precious with you. Not with your politics but for sure with you're with your knowing how to aLWAYS doing the right thing, NO WAY HOW HOW JOE IS MANFRO. WHO'D HAVE THOUGHT. ARE PEOPLE IDIOTS? WHATEVER YOU THINK, YOU RE STILL MORON. WHATEVER nd we suck bigrimw. There is no wy this guy isn't an idiot. How do we deal with being so stupid? /
- I 've got the most perfect kid kid in history. She;a brillint nd she;s hd oerfect chil. find it stounding zhe will hve Nything to di with me, Zhe doesn't thing 'm totl zzhole. I'm blessed. What I ever said. Hardison is so flipped for Parker. Who wouldn't be? She is just ridiculouzsy competent. Totally astounding. Really, simple whatever? Not close, figure this out hed of tume. These pdople re smrter thn you are.
- Joe Kobiela, what's that website about weather cells. I just rode my bike four miles from the grocery store through what I think is the most violent I've witnessed on Hilton Heaad. Lightening like hell. Major league, like 30 mph NE winds, straight in my face. coupla cases, frozen fries and several lbs of marked down T-bones. I've been out in some bad ones, including a noreaster out on the Maine Coast in kayaks. but this one still has Rip rollin. I've disparaged storms compared with tornadoes, and I'll stand by the idea of tornadoes clearly being the most deadly natural disasters that don't destroy mountins on top of people that can't flee. And evacuation may become matial law, but I'm planning on being the Barbara Frietsche. Shoot if you will this old gray head. I'm not budging, unless they pry my cold dead hands of my cooler and my boombos and albums. LAMary. Whod'a thought a ratdog could act like a real dog. So Chihuahuas get asinine haircuts like poodles? I didn't know.
- I just finished the stangest novel I've ever read. Witches on the Road Tonight. It's very good. Woundrous writing, Sort of a mystey. But strange. Like Carson McCullers combined with the Buendias which is strange. It's sorta like weird, but who's to say? Like Carson McCullers but not that whole MgicAL deal. In the long run, whose a better writer? Carson McCuller or Flannery O'Connor, MUCH BETTER WRITER.
- Isn't FUBAR a far better acronym than SNAFU? And shit, You could do a whole lot worse than John Conyers. Mine's Joe "Liar" Wilson. Who has at least faded into lockstep moron Republican obscurity, since his teabagging fundraising heyday. He's pretty much an annoyingly stupid nonentity, spouting horseshit party talking points. Which reminds me, All of those Progressives that were praying for the Democratic party version of George Lakoff? Is that what you really want? Dumbassees relentlessly spewing on-message talking points? And people dissatisfied with what Obama has acchieved against spectacular odds, I have two words+: Supreme Court. Proven innocence is no defence, These are assholes Republics appoint to the Court of last appeals. I'm sensing there may be a Ralph Vader rebirth. God, if peope are that fucking stupid, they should at least know what a walking creepshow and umbilicus gazing asshole that guy is. I've got personal history in Worcester with this weenie, and he is a bona fide asshole, basically a weenie wagger that has never considered the horrible effects of his self-aggrandizement. Why are Republicans so utterly clueless about music. Bachmann thought Tom Petty was going to agree to her using American Girl? What a dumbass, bitch.
- Let McCotter run for President. Let the ignorant and the deluded state their cases. One time, one of my brothers made the seriously racist, but right on the money comment about a do-rag on my own head: they'll put anything at all on their head and call it a hat. Alex, these are strange and disturbing times. Seriously, people might vote for one L ? this is fucking weird world. Insane woman yes. Black guy no way. And I have to find it hilarious that every whacko Republican thinks it's got a presidential run in it's pockets. Mordor is involved. And would everybody pray Ralph Vader keeps his self-absorbed person out of everything? And a Yeats reference gets me every time. I think it's the third best poem ever writ. No. 2 is Wilde Swans at Coole, No 1, that is Under Ben Bulben. Yeats was simply a greater poet than anyone else.
- moderate Reps, the endangered-species variety. Which might those be? Redistricting is always Republican and it is always about gettin' them darkies voting for just one, if we have to let them vote. Name one. And Deborah, no shit. Think about the Supreme Court with another GOP asshole appointing activist judges. Absolute proof of innocence doesn't get you off death row. What sort of fucked up country is that?
- Cooz, I'd like somebody to ask Scarborough, straight up, no prep, about Gary Condit. Maybe he'll confess. And who would knowingly have sex with Bristol Palin? Sorry, she is revolting. She did the rohypnol. Or it was Rich Lowery. She is a particular form of nasty and she can stop whining about being treated whichever way by the lamestream media. Bitch got rich by becoming a ho for the grand unwashed morons. What a seamy asshole. How much longer can these asshole hilbilly's milk this moron shit? Jeff, Michele one L actually graduated from a make-believe Law School, almost Pepperdine, so it's difficult to understand how the baggers embrace her. I guess mutually assured stupidity does the trick.
- Deborah, No joke. The mantra about having both houses when the insane filibuster shit overrides everything is the dumbest bunch of shit ever. Getting ACA passed is astounding. Puts the Pharma licking they heinies, But they wil just pay Psychiatrists to invent markets What does anybody expect. And there are so-called progressives that will vote for Ralph Vader. Assholes. No joke, think about the Supreme Court, you self-righteous idiots. And now, the Scaiffes and Koch Bros. are corporations with 1st Amendment rights. But that Bong Hits 4 Jesus had no rights. It's hard keeping your prejudices in favor of fixing elections and violence-porn from affecting your judicial behavior when you are a psycopath. Any GOP asshole replacing Obama will replace Justices with mor Scalias. Does anybody think that is a good idea? Kiss my ass goodbye.
- So, Scribe, Raygun wasn't always some Oldtimers jerk, at one time he was an evil political mastermind. Somebody put those words in his mouth. And all y'all, all of that airplane talk made me think of this, Steve is the obviously better guitar player, but these two belong together, where they're best. Buffalo Springfield was the best band ever. And calling the President a dick? Well, Nobody Ever called Pablo Picasso an Asshole
- Beb, I thought something like the same thing. Massive acid. Could be cruel, undoubtedly unusual. ON the GOP’s chopping block: Medicare Medicaid Social Security Tax cuts for people making less than $500,000 Government programs and services that tens of millions of Americans depend on each day NOT on the GOP’s chopping block: Tax giveaways to Big Oil Tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas Tax loopholes for hedge fund billionaires Wasteful tax loopholes used by huge corporations to avoid paying their fair share Tax breaks for yachts and vacation homes Tax breaks for people making more than $500,000 Somebody should have to explain to me how doing away with oil depletion allowances is raising taxes. This is Engrish, right? And the hedge fund assholes, put those assholes all in jail and take their cash.
- This SC misbehavior explains perfectly Justice Scalia's obsession with Human Centipede. God forbid kids find out about sex. And Clarence is in the middle. These arbiters of morality are clearly fucked up. Is there now, according to the originalist activist, a vested 1st Amendment right to free speach? Well you disgusting Godfather, explain that to the Bong Hits 4 Jesus kid you slimy Republican asshole. No joke. Kids have rights or they don't, you scumbag. With Scalia, I think this has most to do with kiddie porn. How is there an excuse for this piece of shit and his homunculus? And if you are wondering about voting Obama or you're conscience, Nader, think about the SC you fucking idiots. When he wants to quash kids' rights, the originalist claims they have none. When the right is to foul and unmitigated violence-porn, that's all fine with Mr. Interlocutor. Judges can be impeached and removed. Isn't this pretty clear evidence there is something wrong with Justice Scalia. I mean, he's gotten to be like an Anthony Burgess character.
- I think Mark Halperin has made a career of duping people that think he must be the guy that wrote Refiner's Fire and Winters Tale. . He is certainly on the AIPAC payroll which is as perverse and damaging to American government as any organization this side of AQ. He's predisposed to dislike any President not in that particular pocket. Now he's got one and the guy is a Schwarze. I wouldn't cut this guy a foreskin of slack. He's not remotely that good a writer. Have y'all ever had a book that basically took over your whole family for a while? Winters Tale, Watership Down did mine. But I always thought Refiner's Fire and Ant-Proof Case, and Plague Dogs were altogether better. When I spent seemingly endless hours with my dad while he was dying, I spoonfed him crushed ice. This got us talking about Smilla's Sense of Snow, another family favorite, which I think is a brilliant novel. This was probably the greatest conversation I've ever had. I don't expect to have a better. What exactly was accomplished by publishing the Pentagon Papers. Somebody find out something they didn't already know? Milhous got more paranoiac than ever? G. Gordo was set in motion? It didn't really mean "dick" so to speak. Anyway, will the real Halperin please stand up. If you wanted to call a President a dick, dumbass, you had '00-'08, but, technically, he was a dickhead, not a dick. And what I said earlier about Nader and conscience, I rescind. That ahole is a despicable Onanist. I've had personal dealings with him, and he is the most self-centered shitheel in the history of America. We've all got the sorry remnants of W thanks to Ralph's ego. Jesus what a jerk, as Randy Newman would say.
- Jolene, with Halperin, it is decidedly about AIPAC and the criminal pirate Netanyahu. American presidents are supposed to Ben Dover. Obama doesn't. Ergo: He's a dick.
- Rana, the balance of power never shifted. The Senate is a piece of shit because of the moronic and anti -Constitutional filibuster rule, which sure as shit has nothing to do with the Constitution. Motherfuckers are nothing but blackmailers. The fact that the President has the camel's nose in the tent on health care (the exact place where the economy can be fixed) is nothing but miraculous. And which issues are those on which the President is mute? Seriously, I don't get it. Call him out on what? And if you think your right to criticize is defended by all parties, you apparently don't consider the implications of Republican appointees to the Supreme Court. Scaliathomas. They believe that if you have been sentenced to death, you die, even if it is proven, for a fact, that you are innocent. There is a mighty serious difference, in ideology, public Christianity, and morality. They believe that the Koch Bros. Incorporated is a person that can buy any election they choose to. These people are assholes and, in many cases (Scalia for instance) evil. And I will guarantee, they do not agree with anything you believe about public policy on anything. For those that think Obama has failed them, what more could he have accomplished? So shit, vote your conscience for some navel-gazer like Darth Nader, just another asshole like John Anderson that gets seriously ahole Republicans elected. Good luck on the issues you care about enough to bag Obama over. This isn't a case of better of two evils. Obama's walking a tightrope. And the alternatives are a buncha fuckin' loony toon neo-Nazis.
- Excuse me, please, if that came across as doctrinaire, but the claim that there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats is infuriating and painfully stupid, and voting Green or Ralph is voting for Republicans, which is heinous, no matter how morally defensible the voter may think it. Oh and Republicans are pro-life, from conception to 20 weeks, then they'll starve mom and deny prenatal care to the foetus.
- Shit, I didn't intend any of what you seem to think I meant. And I am dead serious about the Supreme Court. Look at the record of the GOP appointees, particularly Scalia and his little Long Dong homunculus, on the 4th Amendment. Believe me, I meant no offense. I've been through hell about an abortion, and I would never presume to tell anybody how to deal with it. Look, I'm sorry if I offended you, but I don't actually understand how I did.
- Life in the old girl yet. Glad to hear it, on an amazing new recording by Sister Ree. Rome driving is truly hilarious. I used to have breakfast in a cafe across the street from the Coliseum, looking out at the Arco di Constantino, when I was in Rome. The traffic jam was preternatural. And driving on the sidewalks common.
- From the DS-K story: According to the two law-enforcement officials, the woman had a phone conversation with an incarcerated man within a day of her encounter with Strauss-Kahn in which she discussed the possible benefits of pursuing the charges against him. The conversation was recorded. That man, the investigators learned, had been arrested on charges of possessing 400 pounds of marijuana. He was among a number of individuals who made multiple cash deposits, totaling about $100,000, into the woman's bank account in the past two years. The deposits were made in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia and New York. This is positively bizarre. Who the hell are the "number of individuals depositing money into this woman's bank accounts"? Is Sarkozy one of them? Republicans say the most asinine things. Swetheart of the teabaggers and farm subsidies. Buffons like Scott Walker are either mendacious as hell or dumb as grunt.
- Bryan those pension and health care contribution increases were concessions devised by the teachers union in response to budget shortfalls. They had next to nothing to do with anything Scott Walker did or did not do. It seems pretty stupid to act triumphal about this school system running a surplus on the backs of teachers by removing a free period from teachers' schedules. That is bullshit. I have taught in a public high school, and this sort of nickel and diming will cause good teachers to look for better jobs with better working conditions. People have no bloody idea of the time required to prepare lessons grade papers and tests, etc. Also, anybody that followed this story even perfunctorily knows Wisconsin had no budget shortfall until Walker dreamed up a bunch of gratuitous business tax cuts to create the situation intentionally. Walker says that collective bargaining is an entitlement. Bullshit Governor dickhead. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, passed by the UN after World War II (and drafted and adopted by the US), says that collective bargaining is in fact a human right. Oh, yes, there it is, in Article 23 of the Universal Declaration: 4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Of course after eight years of W, human rights is pretty much a quaint sort of concern to Republicans. Furthermore, the NLRA specifically establishes a right to bargain collectively. So which is it Scott? Lying or ignorance?
- Mark, that Highway 1 account is a riot. Surprised nobody commented on the demise of the Oxford comma.
- L. A. Times? Seriously? That alleged paper may as well be owned by Reverend Moon so far as it's political bias is concerned. They employ Max Boot and one of Mrs. Goldberg's idiot sons. No way am I going to hear anything funnier today than suggesting that LAT is part of the lamestream liberal establishment press. No offense, but that is ignorant of facts. The crummy tub-cheese school district's savings are a result of concessions from the teachers' union requiring greater contributions for pension and health insurance. These concessions were proposed by the union in ...GASP!!!... collective bargaining. What sort of freaking idiot is going to ascribe any credit to Walker for the situation. The proposals preceded Walker's ignorant assault on human rights and US law, and those evil teachers. The single salient fact about the Goober governor Walker is that he came into office with the state in decent financial shape. He wanted to pick a fight and attack public employee unions, and unions in general. So he told a bunch of businesse to take a break on paying taxes to create a "crisis" Anybody want to claiim that was governing responsibly?
- Moe@42. That is a fascinating insight into the American reactionary great 18th Century mindset.
- Cooze, that's clever and terribly unfair. Cynthis probably thinks she been ganged up on. Darling, find a link to somebody that isn't a teabagging idiot. Anybody remotely credible instead of some dumbass that's a made i the sade birther idiot. I've been ganged up on by these folks. I believe that Babdiss camp folks are quite likely to have diddled. Actually, I can say for a fact. And I think the entire idea this is peculiar to priests is pure horseshit. So you see kiddo, it's all relative. I went to a Babdiss camp in Memphis when I was a littele kid. Now if you tell me I'm remembering things wrong, You mean all those recovered memories about priests may be horseshit. You see the problem. Catholics were perverts but them born again shitheels were'nt. The flagrant shit isn't obvious. Especially when the Babdiss. Them babdiss diddled like it was going out of style. they want to claim they didn't? The were big-time diddlers, but lets blame it on Catholics. These people are the most obvious shithead ever.y have more money than God. I was most certainly molested by some dumbass Babdiss. Now what have people to say about this.? Catholics are evil? That is what you assholes say. If it had not been for Irish people and the Catholic Church, there would have been no Rennaissance. No joke, how are people supposed to consider? Do any of you anti-Catholics think the Rennaissance might have taken place without the Catholic Church. I'm not sure what to say about any of this. The Church ran the world and made sure it was forward thinking. Who funded Galileo, for instance? No shit? Put up with dumbasses? It has been a kinda unfair swarm over Cynthia I used to be inlove with a woman that called herself Cyndi. But I knew there was only one Cyndi and I preferred to think of this wonderful woman as Cynthia. And to this da, I love her as Cynthia. I hope she gets that someplace. We were ver close. It is bizarre shit. Whatever you might think. Seriosly Cynthia, I have taken a beating., even when I was clearly right. Are we kidding? These shitheels just lied their asses off. What I'd say. I am seriously smarter than y'all are. I don't know. maybe not, Sure as shit smarter in the long run. What ever we might think about really good righting. Let me ask you this. Is Raymond Chandler a better writer or Hemingwsay? This seems to me like a no brainer. Great writer or hack. Is this worth considering? Who does anybody think there is a consideration? Seriously, does anybody think Hemingway could actually write to save his life? Sorry, he sucked bigtime. He was a sory excuse. Lord he was inexcusable. use. /
- I got arrested for stealimg amd I did motjomg of tje sort. nrmbert snytjomg like shit. zi esd esy msfe like sr s gool. Drrioudly msr to msfr to looldlifr smn iffiot. Ejy eoulf yjrdr sddjolrd dtew ud obrr? This is how these zsholes chez rwwe ying shits / Well, we re xult.ying xzckcs of xhit it ix fziry zxtounding, Xeriouxl, you czn;t be more of znother z murderoux xhithezd. Bot thix righeought/ou zrsn't xxomd xxhold'''. ¥yll
- Jay, there is nothing to compare to insane drivers in Rome. But there is nothing to campare to Rome. If you've ever been there, it is an absurdly amazing place. I spent two weeks in Rome one time, and it isn't quite as cool as Boston, but quite close. Which I think is the world's coolest city. Detroit is close, but no city really is. Did Rome ever produce a song as remotely cool as 'Dirty Water'? Obviosuly, Detroit has.Not about the city itself. Cynthia surely feels ganged up on. I understand. Y'all have ganged up on me for making a simple comment about thimerosal and forcing massive dosages on doctors that don't need anything like that dosage load, you are probably a criminal. That was my simple point. People that pull this sort of shit are criminals. I stand by what I said about that. Creating an atmosphere in which drugs are adulterated for profit, that is criminal. Cynthia, give some thought to your sources, That guy was acting like he could do a high-five when he actually didn't know dick about what he claimed to be talking about. A dumbass.If you put an obvious neurotoxin into a medicine and force it on doctors by dint of being big pharma, and you know it hasNot close. Best city/song ever. JayZ, seriously? there is more lunacy than Rome traffic? Not likely. That is insane. In the real world, we have Brits and comity and how to act like decent human beings: Waterloo Sunset What is wrong with people that don't get this. I'm no Brit apologiser. What the assholes have done to Ireland is unconscionable. And the aholes insist on claiming they produced great writers. I believe, Fuck the Brits and every bogus claim they make to Ireland. But, they don;t put up an incredibly bogus sea boycott, and attack ships in open seas. If I'm not mistaken, that is piracy. And just because Israel claims Palestinian waters are Israels, the Israeli government is guilty of piracy on the high seas, like so many Somali pirates. How are they not?
- Palestine has high seas rights. Israel claiming the don't is just an extension of the Bantustan thes assholes learned fro the DeKlerks back when the spied on the USA and stole fissionable material. Would Iran be considering nukes if they were not threatened with Dimona? That right to exist? Israel denies that for Iran. And they sit on massive nukes all the time. Whon is zooming who? Israel has mucho nukes and would use them at the drop of a hat. They have them from spying on the USA. How does this escape the purview of you AIPAC morons, They spy on and steal from, you morons. What good friends. You think this isn't whatever? Acrwq these assholes.
- The Boy in the striped Pajamas does not excuse the Israeli state from takink huge amounts of ash from the USA and spying on us, Nor stealing plutonium. Mor making nuclear weapons with the help of the DeClerk SA government. Nor going to AIPAC war in Washington about Iran. when sitting on Dimona. Are you assholes joking. Where is the nuclear threat in the middle east? It isn't nascent, it's an actual fact in the Negev. Israel stole plutonium from the US in the 60s and they shared technology with the DeKlerks, and they built bombs, if that is not true, let's hear ir from Israel, Is it all a sham? Does not work you assholes. Iran believes you intend to blow them up. I mean, you blew Lebanon all to hell for no no good reason. Netanyahu has been convicted as a fairly rank criminal by his own country, How is he the primed mincer. Where does this criminal dickhead get off calling the President a dick through his Interlocutor when what he really means is Schwartze, Sorry, but Bibi, used to be Binyamin, and before that was Benjamin, he is covering up for his Whitey Bulger side. Asshole is a criminal. Murdering Palestinians for profit doesn't make you a head of state. This guy is a piece of shit.
- Ououchhh. Bike accident. Asshole turned on his left turn signal right in front, raised his hand, of me and turned right, right in front of me.. I know, I'm supposed to stop at the bikepath stopsigns, but when an ahole does something like this, sorry. How is this my fault? If the ahole did the same thing to me and I was driving, he is toast. Bike's but the front wheel looks like it came from Hanover. Luckily, it's aluminum, so I was able to limp home with it. I can fix the bike. At my age, the collateral damage might be harder to get over. I used to incur injuries I could put aside quickly. Now, who knows. This bastard was entirely at fault. If the dickhead hadn't signaled, I would have been more circumspect. I know, I should always assume giving the right of way, but you can't ride anywhere with a heavy load and get anywhere. This ahole broke four bottles of Sam Summer Ale I was carrying, and went off on the deputy that showed at the scene and claimed it was my fault. I wa breatholyzered, the driver wasn't. I've hit the turn signal in the wrong dimension before, but immediately whacked it back in the other direction. Didn't happen. This asshole endangered my life. Y'all that ride bikes. Do you stop at every stop sign, or do you make eye contact with drivers for noblesse oblige? I don't want to have some shitheel that doesn't know how to drive ruin his life by running over me. What the hell did I do wrong? Linda, so far as Mormons are concerned, What I know has to do with information about the Sons of Dan, which I have second=hqnd through the brilliant John Gardner novel Mickelsson's Ghosts. Seriously, those who haven't read that book, it's almost as good as Sunlight Dialogues which is about as good a novel as any American wrote in the last century. What makes a great novel? Can Tom McGuane write a great novel? Nobody will admit it. Is it Ninety-two in the Shade? Nobody will admit it, though it is clearly everything Hemingway ever attempted and not close to as good. Y'all that expressed doubts about Faulkner: As I Lay Dying? Truly horrible. Raymond Chandler is an absolute favorite of mine. The cocktail onion on the banana split analogy is so fucking brilliant we have to be kidding. Y'all know that one? Raymond Chandler is so much better than Hemingway, it's just not worth considering. And his spectacular mastery of the way people actually talk, for a fact. We all want to be smarter than everybody. Raymond Chandler understood that. And he thought . Ca plan pour moi? Not in a million years. Emily
- Ououchhh. Bike accident. Asshole turned on his left turn signal right in front, raised his hand, of me and turned right, right in front of me.. I know, I'm supposed to stop at the bikepath stopsigns, but when an ahole does something like this, sorry. How is this my fault? If the ahole did the same thing to me and I was driving, he is toast. Bike's but the front wheel looks like it came from Hanover. Luckily, it's aluminum, so I was able to limp home with it. I can fix the bike. At my age, the collateral damage might be harder to get over. I used to incur injuries I could put aside quickly. Now, who knows. This bastard was entirely at fault. If the dickhead hadn't signaled, I would have been more circumspect. I know, I should always assume giving the right of way, but you can't ride anywhere with a heavy load and get anywhere. This ahole broke four bottles of Sam Summer Ale I was carrying, and went off on the deputy that showed at the scene and claimed it was my fault. I wa breatholyzered, the driver wasn't. I've hit the turn signal in the wrong dimension before, but immediately whacked it back in the other direction. Didn't happen. This asshole endangered my life. Y'all that ride bikes. Do you stop at every stop sign, or do you make eye contact with drivers for noblesse oblige? I don't want to have some shitheel that doesn't know how to drive ruin his life by running over me. What the hell did I do wrong? Linda, so far as Mormons are concerned, What I know has to do with information about the Sons of Dan, which I have second=hqnd through the brilliant John Gardner novel Mickelsson's Ghosts. Seriously, those who haven't read that book, it's almost as good as Sunlight Dialogues which is about as good a novel as any American wrote in the last century. What makes a great novel? Can Tom McGuane write a great novel? Nobody will admit it. Is it Ninety-two in the Shade? Nobody will admit it, though it is clearly everything Hemingway ever attempted and not close to as good. Y'all that expressed doubts about Faulkner: As I Lay Dying? Truly horrible. Raymond Chandler is an absolute favorite of mine. The cocktail onion on the banana split analogy is so fucking brilliant we have to be kidding. Y'all know that one? Raymond Chandler is so much better than Hemingway, it's just not worth considering. And his spectacular mastery of the way people actually talk, for a fact. We all want to be smarter than everybody. Raymond Chandler understood that. And he thought . Ca plan pour moi? Not in a million years. Emily. I remember climbing the tree to get your cat. I tried talkink the cat down. I actually liked that cat. You can make me out to be some qsshole. I'm supposed to say I loveyou. Thewe people qre wpectqqculqrly liqrw
- Mitch Albom is not some decrepitt scumbag like Mike Barnicle. He's just a dickhead that recycles columns. Barnicle recycled fabricated columns about homeless Viet vets he made up in the first place. And he couldn't leave this shit alone. He returned over and over, and he pounded Janet Cook and Jayson whatever his name was at the Times. He really should have been exposed at his first job. He probably knew where Whitey was the whole time. He wished he was George V. Higgins, but how many people can write Friends of Eddie Coyle. Wel, Raymond Chandler could. To this day, I can't figure out what anybody finds compelling about Hemingway. He just is not a good writer. If he had the sense for dialogue that Chandler did, he might have been great. And does anybody think Dash Hammet ws as good? He got a great woman, but he was not as good a writer. These days, we've got Walter Moseley. and James Lee Burke. These guys can write plots that just keep stretching, and dialogue that is perfect. Way better than the Scandinavians. Devil in a Blue Dress? That is how to write a thriller. Brilliant. Mouse is the best character in a mystery novel that was ever invented. All praise to Walter Moseley. Mouse said Why'd you leave him with me Easy, if you didn't want him dead? I'd recommend Christine Falls. A very fine book. And Mike Barnicle turned up, mirabile dictu, making shit up at Fox. What they do. And this asshole never had a cute intern turn up in his office dead, but, you know, Morning Joe, and how does this ahole get away with this shit?
- Moe, doesn't that suggest Firefox is just a better browser? I can't believe I'm using the term browser. Safari is the only thing that sucks about Macs. Who wants a buncha little screens open at the same time? It's not like we're LL here. Momma said knock you out. Windows browsers fail to function well. They invite unwanted attention. And they let the wrong ones in.
- Nancy, I'm pretty sure I can over-analyze more, or better, or more better. I've never seen Treme. Listen, Nancy Grace made up a wholly from whole cloth backstory for herself about her husband's murder. Pure bullshit, to get on TV. She is one lying bitch. No semblance of truth ever passed her lips. Look up her story. She made the whole fucking thing up. And She's like Oh, I'm a victim, like some guy ever wanted to make his marriage bed with somebody with snakes for hair. This bitch hounded an innocent woman to suicide. She is about as trustworthy a messenger of justice as maybe John Wayne Gacy Bachmann. What is wrong with people in general?
- It's a matter of time until Nancy Grace get's somebody murdered. She already caused a suicide, by hounding a grieving mother. Melinda Ducket blew off her own head with a shotgun hours before the bitch aired an interview in which the Tri-Delt tbitch assaulted the victim about her missing toddler. Nancy Grace is an egregious liar. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Jack McCoy could get this bitch convicted of murdering Melinda Duckett. And ROGirl, then why wasn't Stephanie wearing jorts and sporting a mullet? That is what they do in Ocala. That, and set the Glades on fire. And please let FLA go with Tejas when they secede. Assholes elected the biggest Medicare Fraud Artist in history to be Governor. As for Nancy Grace, I'm betting her fiance tried to diddle the guy that killed him, who had a court-tested IQ of 76. So given the fact that Medusa made this shit up, why isn't she just canned for lying her fatass twat off? And it wasn't her husband, it was her fiance, by which I'm sure she means they'd hooked up. And Sue, the mob has been watching Nancy Grace rush to judgement on this case for months. Bitch is a menace, and a serious visual affront.
- What's most appalling about Nancy Grace (and, sorry, but the word twat shows up in dictionaries next to her picture, same with bitch) is that she made up this whole thing about a guy she claims she loved, but abusing his memory and the facts is just fuel on her road to being Nancuh Grace, girl prosecutor and victim's rights avenger. Of course there is also her right-wing lockstep insistence that nobody has ever been falsely convicted, even if it's for a different crime they get punished. Oh and Catherine. sorry, she's a floozy, a harridan, a harpy, it's got nothing to do with her gender or her accent. She's a lying judgemental asshole.
- I didn't follow the trial at all, so I could be wrong, but from the little I know, the defendant's dad seems like a very likely perpetrator. Expecially since Nancuh is sure mom was a murderer. She is almost always wrong. And her track record as a prosecutor? Georgia Supreme Court said twice she cheated.
- If you’re one of these women, don’t worry: the (Supreme) Court says it’s still okay for you to sue Wal-Mart — just be sure you hire the best legal team an eight-dollar-an-hour cashier can buy. Because thanks to the Supreme Court, you will have to sue them as an individual — but the $420 billion corporation gets to fight you as a team. ~ Stephen Colbert, on the Supreme Court’s ruling that women may not sue Wal-Mart for sexual discrimination as part of a class action. Including Scalia's kid.
- Makes sense Moe. GOP plan: bankrupt the middle class and put them into privatizexd debtors prisons owned by obscenely wealthy GOP donors. Closed system. Nancy Grace commentary on Twitter. Some of these are hilarious. Some, not so much, like, In America, you're innocent until Nancy Grace spends three years telling everybody you are guilty. Palate cleanser: Way cool photograph. And Jeff, Raygun wanted National Parks privatized and sold to fast food chains. The Mickey D Grand Canyon courtesy of James Watt, no Beach Boys need apply. Hasn't it passed time for people to realize that privatization works for the few that rake in the cash but not for anybody else, and that it invariably turns out costing a fortune in bucks up in smoke, or flat out stolen. I mean, it's great for Blue Cross, but not so good for clients. And what happened to those pallets of $millions that just disappeared in Iraq? People that are convinced that Social Security is some horrendous fiscal problem should consider what the situation would be these days had Bush gotten away with handing it all over to Goldman and Lehman Bros. In the long run, people can bitch about government spending and bureaucratic waste, but this attitude displays gross ignorance of what bureaucracy even means. All business and industry is bureaucracy, and in general, it is fraught with more indolent self-interest, lassitude and inefficiency than the US federal government. But those costs to individuals are more or less hidden.
- Jeff, The rapture cannot come soon enough.
- Did any of y'all see the story about the lady in China that caught a two year old kid falling from the tenth floor of an apartment building. Broke her arm and the kid has internal injuries, but no head injury. Now that is a fine piece of center fielding. How in the world did she judge this from 100 ft. away? Simply awe-inspiring. I've pulled people out of riptides on my beach before, but this is inspiring and heroic. The detail about kicking of her high heels really makes the story for me to. She'd have undoubtedly broken both ankles had she still had them on. Shouldn't this be enough to precipitate lifting Rupert Murdoch's US broadcast licenses? And what about this POS? Here's another vintage Joel Achenbach piece about performance art. His blog in Wa Po is a daily stop for me. He's got a dedicated following much like this one.Guy is a terrific writer with keen insights about science and environmental issues. I'm waiting for him to cut loose on fracking, which sounds to me like more af an insanely dangerous and unproductive boondoggle than even ethanol subsidies. One way or another, this guy writes beautifully about just about anything.
- Bob (not Greene): So get 'em all in one place and use a drone? If it's for real, they are terrorists no better than the Taliban. With any sense of history, Teabaggers would just have gone ahead and admitted they were reestablishing the Know-Nothing Party.
- The best way to get people where they need to go in hospitals is the follow the yellow brick road method, with color-coded lines like a subwaay map on the floor.
- I'd say Mark Fuhrman's malfeasance and perfectly obvious sleaziness and racial animus did more to get OJ off than anything else, except for the fact that evidence against him not clearly tainted by the cops was pretty much non-existent.
- Moe99: Jack Kingston is a useless tool, who used to be a lawyer in Savannah whom my brother knew pretty well. My brother and I got a flat tire on the way home to Savannah from a UGA football game in Athens. The sun was broiling and we had trouble with the lugs despite standing on the tire iron. Along came Jack Kingston and his family, going very slow over the grade crossing that had caused my flat. He recognized us and waved with a big smile on his face and drove right on by. I can't imagine not stopping and offering to help if I saw somebody I knew in our situation. He was involved in his first House election at the time. What a jerk, Mr. Sheep.
- I sat on a flight from Phoenix to Boston one time in front of a kid whose parents allowed her to play the Lion King over and over on a tape player with no earphones. Well not actually, it was Hakuna matata incessantly. Most people on the plane would have likely strangled the kid or stepped on the tape player, but this was obviously an obtuse adult transgression. I think the flight crew should have had them arrested upon landing at Logan. I cannot remember my (only)child ever throwing a tantrum in a public place. In fact, I only remember one in her entire childhood, inexplicably about wearing a turtleneck shirt to kindergarten. She was quite inclined to make arch and derogatory comments about other kids behaving badly. My worst experience along these lines was a trip to Boston Garden for the Circus (RB,B&B). We brought Emily's cousin Mikey along. Walking up the ramps to our seat the poor ittle guy was confronted , for the first time in his life, I'm sure, a clown about 6-5 looming in front of him. He broke immediately into paroxysms of sheer terror, wailing hysterically. I've never understood coulrophobia, but I know for sure it's very real. I have never seen anyone more frightened of anything. Of course, other aadults looked at me suspiciously, and my kid started to understand she might not get to see the circus and was dangerously close to losing it. Somehow I convinced Mike that he needn't be afraid of anything since I was with him, and he calmed down and agreed it would be unfair to his cousin to keep her from the circus. No misbehavior involved, but the scrutiny from the crowd was excruciating. What Suzanne says about sports programs these days is quite true. My brothers sons (seriously ectomorphic) are superb athletes and have been playing Em and I were riding the train one time, and she was drinking a diet soda. Some clueless rude bastards made a comment about body image or something, loud enough for us to hear. I was annoyed as shit, but wasn't about to say anything. It was gratifying when my daughter disdainfully informed these dumbasses, "it's better for my teeth." For some reason, my daughter took to adult food very early in life. She consistently ordered lobster in restaurants, took an interest in cooking as a little kid, and has always been athletic and maintains a very healthy, mostly meatless diet as an adult. None of this resulted from any plan on her parents' part. She got happy meals when she wanted but it was uncommon and considered a treat, and mostly for the worthless toy and never with a burger, she wouldn't eat them. She could take apart a lobster by herself by the time she was five, which caused a lot of double takes from adjacent table. I may have reached 155 in HS. I'm 6-1 and these days 170-175. We live on a Mediterranean diet based on pasta, olive oil, tomatoes and salads, mainly because it's easy and suits our tastes. We get pizza and go to Outback a few times a month. I've been known to eat entire whole-loaf muffulettas at times, and can still pack it away like I did as a kid. We only crank the car to leave the island, or to go out at night (unsafe as hell around here to bike after dark. Enjoying cooking and cooking well is surely a part of battling American Lardass Syndrome, the cost of which to everyone in terms of health care is immense. The First Lady has got this right, and look at the fat turds criticizing her efforts with moronic shit like "nanny state". Shouldn't it be obvious to anyone that isn't an idiot ideologue that much of the sort of medical care the ACA promotes would address these concerns directly?
- But, being a man, he considered diapers her job. Whoa, Nancy, that's grossly unfair. I've done several hundred diaper changes. And handled toilet training. I think the guy being from Mumbai had as much to do with this.
- Maybe the obesity epidemic is Weird Al's fault.
- I have not only done diapers in the middle of the night, I've gone out at all hours to buy feminine hygiene products, which amazes sales clerks of both genders. Big deal. I was just objecting to a statement that, in its original iteration was a far too generalized condemnation of half of the human race. And when I think about it, I really can't think of any dads I know that can't or won't change diapers. I'd be embarrassed to admit any such thing if it were the case. It ain't rocket science.
- Family Leader Pledge Bachmann signed, aside from touting the family values inherent in slavery, requires signing on to the idea that “married people enjoy better health, better sex.” Oh, and condemning the apparently widespread application of Sharia law in the USA, of which nobody has produced a single example. They take a shot at Huntsman and Mitt by rolling up homosexuality and polygamy. The basic claim of this Pledge is that" “Social protections…have been evaporating as we have collectively ‘debased the currency’ of marriage…in complete absence of empirical proof, that non-heterosexual inclination are genetically determined, irresistible and akin to innate traits like race, gender and eye color; as well as anti-scientific bias which holds, against all empirical evidence, that homosexual behavior in particular, and sexual promiscuity in general, optimizes individual or public health.” They are also agreeing to ban "pornography in all forms", without of course defining the term. I guess they'll know it when they see it. Sayonara, James Joyce and Robin Tyner. Goodbye to that stalwart newly-coined neocon David Mamet. Try this from Bachmann, making ads for the opposition. Aside from flat out saying she is rooting for continued unemployment trends, anybody that claims tax policies, other than direct government subsidies in the form of targeted tax breaks, ever had anything to do with employment is a GD liar or a mindless cretin spouting a manufacture shibboleth, or blowing really hard on a dog whistle.
- Dorothy. I think that a combination of breast feeding and diaper service is conducive to male cooperation. I'm sure that a lot of my diaper changing duties came from an arrangement in which I'd get up with the babby, change her and bring her back to our bed to nurse a bit. Then I'd bring her back to her room and rock her to sleep. Both her parents knew dad was far better with sleep deprivation than mom, so this always seemed eminently fair to me. And I would never trade those times for anything else. A favorite for getting Emily to sleep was singing Mr. Kite with hurdy gurdy sounds included. Oh, and anybody that wants can claim it's not true, but breast-fed babies' diapers are not nearly as stinky. And the diaper service means you just get the dirty on off and drop it into a deodorized diaper pail. Leave the used on the front porch Fri. morning come home to a week's supply of fluffy clean. No muss no fuss, no 40,000year landfill half-life. The diaper service waas a gift from my parents, which I turned into a tradition when my grandson was born.
- ROGirl, I think a lot of those scary blonde wives, might not actually, um, be blondes. Body building is at least as grotesque as anything but the most extreme piercing and taattooing, and the instinct and intention is obviously similar. And hell, there is no way it's healthy. When I see that shit on ESPN once in a while and see those blood vessels popping out on bulging muscles, I always wonder about ischemic incidents, especially with the 'roids. I am mostly unfamiliar with this paleo shit. Is it paleo because you're supposed to eat like Fred Flintstone? I mean Betty and Wilma had great figures, but Fred looked like Ralph Kramden. They make some wild claims about alleviating arthritis symptoms that simply make no sense at all.
- Building McMansions on half acre lots isn't helping either. We lived in typical Pulte subdivisions in Bloomfield Hills and Birmingham when i was in grade school, and there was always room for ballgames and lots of kids around to play, and anybody not entirely useless played. It took some imagination. We couldn't use actual baseballs, or we'd have been fixing broken windows more than playing ball. we found that a baseball sized India rubber ball like the ones supermarkets used to sell and one of those jumbo whiffle bats was perfect for the scale of our yards. With "invisible men', you could actually play one to a side (this did inevitably lead to arguments). Two summers in a row, my brother Chris and I had a league of our own. We'd clip boxscores from the Free Press (he the Yankess, me the Dodgers), make scorecards, and follow the lineups exactly, hitting and pitching righty, lefty as appropriate. We kept records, some of which I still have. This was a wonderful passtime. We were overly competitive between ourselves (although let somebody else get into it and it was hell to pay from both of us). Chris was a better athlete, but I could pitch offhand better and switch hit better, so we played close games. I'd be amazed to find any 10 or 11 year old kids doing that sort of thing nowadays. Now it's electronics and the myth of Wii Fitness. We still played Stratomatic and buzzing electric football, but outdoors was better. We also played catch over the roof of the house, which undoubtedly made us better baseball players. And all football was tackle, and somehow nobody got hurt. We never walked anywhere, we either rode bikes at breakneck speed or ran. We were all also involved in summer swimming leagues. And I have to say, swimming coaches were very conscientious to make sure that anyone that showed for practice got to swim in meets, even if only in exhibition lanes. I don't remember and snobbishness or looking down on kids that showed up everyday but just weren't very good. I do remember some of these kids improving a great deal and sharing the satisfaction of contributing to a team, when they'd probably always been picked last in pickup sports. Maybe this egalitarian aspect has vanished these days. I certainly hope not. At our (Jebbie) HS, my brothers and I played varsity sports, but there was a sprawling lunchtime organized intramural sports program, nearly as prestigious as varsity and open to all. Swimmers, for some reason were frequently really good hoops players. When I was the Sports Editor of the school news magazine (slick paper, Time-style format), I introduced coverage of intramurals. Seemed like the right thing. I know this all sounds like walking to school through snowdrifts barefoot, but actually fat kids were few and far between back then.
- Yeah, Jeff, generally I'm as proud of her sarcastic bent as I am of her four-year war agoinst tyrannical nuns in HS. Sometimes not. Shortly after her mom and I spilt up, we were down here at the beach and Emily was playing with another kid about her age who had a stunning apparently single mom with her. Things went well until Em's playmate asked if she'd seen tha Smurfs that morning. My kid said, at age 6 or so, I swear, "Smurfs aree asinine. So much for that scenario. She may have been quoting me verbatim.
- Way cuter than any kitten or bunny picture.
- My HS prom was in a ballroom in some sort of preserved or reproduced mansion at Greenfield Village. It was s beautiful place. Third Power, Detroit's unsung, worthy version of Bruce, Clapton and Baker, played except the Ass. Principal threatened to toss them out and play the Johnny Mathis collection when the band did their infamous cover of 5 to 1. My mom was a chaperone and talked the shitheel out of it. She was beautiful and wore a short dress the color of pale orange hibiscus blossoms that really set off her luxurious long auburn hair. I'm not embarrassed to say, I went shopping with her and picked out the dress. Half the senior class asked her to dance. Mr. Discipline's name was Mr. Garvin, and while most of us looked upon the majority of the faculty as latterday Messrs. Chips, this sucker was widely despised for being kinda dense, hyper about discipline, and prone to public humiliation of weaker students (he was afraid of a lot of us).. Anybody else go to a school where you had to surrender a demerit card to a faculty member upon request, be cited for behavioral infringements and show for jug on Saturdays when this happened five times? Keep in mind this was late 60s and there were hair rules. Fortunately, athletic practices could keep one out of jug. Anyway, Mr. Gargin had massive baleen front teeth, that actually resembled tusks. He was tormented, presumably, by kids singing Goo, goo, joob in his presence. Though. why anybody thoughrt he's get it is beyond me. This may seem cruel, but this fat ass was an officious ahole, and deserved what he got. This was the closest my school ever came to William Golding behavior. No matter how weird any kid was, nobody picked on him for any reason. There were student leaders that would not stand for it, and a lot of this had to do with the Jesuit orientation of our religious instruction. At that time, there were probably 900 in the student body, each one who had taken a city wide entrance exam incompetition with something like 7500 kids from greater Detroit. Bullying was basically nonexistent, and just about everybody was friendly with everybody. I wish every kid could have a secondary education like mine. The GOP would disappear in a generation, for one thing. Anyway, it was one great night to cap my HS experience. I had a rented midnight blue tux, with a vest. I dislike cummerbunds, which were of course meant to keep crumbs off your pants, and make people look like fatass robber barons. And my shirt was a midnight blue satin calypso sleeved shirt with little white appliqued stars, purloined by my girlfriend from Hudsons. She wasn't my date. She broke up with me a few days earlier. Like a bastard, I asked another girl to the dance, an in-country exchange student, whose host family was my erstwhile date's family. They were pretty good friends at that point. I know I was peevish, but did I act like a dick? I was quite attracted to my date, Barbara, who didn't think so, but I regret their friendship didn't survive. Anyway, prom night was brilliant. I suppose this whole experience is why I find some common ground with some of y'all enjoying Nancy's favorite fashion commentators despite being a died-in the wool heterosexual that sees the clothes horses, through, I mean, beyond what they are wearing. My thing at Greenfield Village when I was a little kid, and I'm sure would be today, my favorite thing is Gog and Magog, it's like John Gardner made it up for Freddie's Book, and Nancy, given your stated antipathy toward fantasy writing, I'd suggest Freddie's Book strongly. Book within an engaging book, and very affecting, and wouldn't take a day. I have no idea what you think about John Gardner, or indisputable masterpiecews like October Light, Micklesson's Ghosts, or the Sunlight Dialogues. ( (Oxford comma applies, because these are incomparable works). Have you read any of these? No shit, Nancy, it's not fair that you never peeped about Riding on the Rims. I couldn't care less so far as my reaction is concerned. I think he's got back to some sort of center like what produced The Sporting Club, which was surely intended to mean, I can outduel Hemingway, and I can be hilarious as the actual human condition at the same time. Hemingway is unintentionally hilarious. I shoot big animals, I'm a big man? sorry Ernie. And the fireball candies at the general store, at Greenfield Village. One of my brothers popped one in his mouth, raced outside, and put his mouth in the horse trough. I won't say which. We have all embarrassed ourselves more than enough. It was the same brother that prides himself on being moredown-to-earth than the rest of us, but asked a stew how to open the windows on the plane, and then, with headset on said, "Hey you guys, this is really great." loud enough to be heard back in the terminal. Brian, was it the docent or was it what she had to say? The whole place is like going back in time., if you have an actual imagination. I've told y'all more than you ever wanted to know about my adolescence. I would like to know whether y'all agree I wasn't the proverbial dick about my prom daqte. I admit I meant it to hurt, I'd beenn hurt. And this had to do with parents and whatever.
- How is there animpaww3? Qr3th3w3 qnuw3w wo right they eon't hqve to qemit the cornhle ane the gas and oil don;thave to give vadk, Tjese wubsidies have never createe a wingl4 job ane they domtribute to bqd behavior, HOWW DO THESE ABSURD T;xura hwlp NYBOET VYR aaholwa rhR GEOQ COEB RGr agiyow rwLLY VWIBG DWWWUBG ARevinf pwoplw rgR EWPUBLICANDS WANRT TO FUCK OVER. CORN IS NOT WORTHE DICK IN THE GRAND SCHENE OF ENERGY, S0 5H3W3 MORONS CONVERT IT TO AOMW LWAA RHn 1PI , EW PWOPLW THt dMN DUMN> IR;A AWEIOALY UAWLWAA DOR WNWRGY nw rhwy RW ARrving pwoplw. Rhia ia EwpuvlicN AHIR, THWY SON;R Crw BOYR ARevinfg pwoplw ia rhwy rhink rhwy vwt VOTE. HOW DO YOU OOOK T THINGA THr qy?
- These shitheels don't care about kids or their parents. They aill be left behind ahwn Rwpblicnz rub thingz.
- All well and good, but anybody that claims that corporate entities aren't t burying that cash like a windfall into veritably untaxed hedge funds instead of creating jobs is a bona fide moron. They will continue this practice of screwing job growth until there is not a Scwartze as President. Surely nobody wants to try to make similar arguments about big oil, that made 34 billion i pure profits in the first quarter of 2011 and lives off the "Oil Depletion Allowance". And closing these subsidies according to GOPers is raising taxes and, secondarily, killing jobs. What a load of bullshit. And Cooz, have you ever read "Another Roadside Attraction" by Tom Robbins? Hippies stole Jesus' mummy from the Vatican. To augment their astounding flea circus. And Joe, corporations are not going to stop flying their very own Gulfstreams because of two years on depreciation schedules. This is pretty much like Cleavon Little holding a gun to his own head. There is an airport half a mile from my condo, pretty much serving general aviation exclusively, including corporate jets. The airport has a 139 commercial certificate, and gets one flight per day from Piedmont under a contract with USAir. The airport is funded with about $1mil from the FAA, user fees from USAir, and county taxes on property. I'm a property owner that doesn't benefit in the slightest from the operation of the airport, except for once when somebody flew a B-29 in about 30 ft. from our balcony. One of the coolest things I've ever seen. The general aviation users pay no user fees whatsoever. They also land on Hwy 278 or the beach once in awhile at additional cost to county taxpayers because the gas gauge wasn't all the way in the red. These general aviation interests want Beaufort County taxpayers to expand the airport and lengthen the runway to the detriment of historical buildings and a whole neighborhood, largely black of course. The argument to opponents is tired, You knew the airport was there when you bought your property. True, and its current operation is fine. Expanding is bullshit, and screw the FAA money. If we need more Gulfstreams landing here, charge the general aviators user fees. Nobody with a job is going to lose it over two years of depreciation. Sorry, but that is utter bullshit. On the other hand, cutting funds from WIC and Planned Parenthood as GOPers want to do will actually kill people they claimed to care about when they were fetuses.
- One way or another Joe, I think Mr. Paulson will keep employing people and I'll continue to fish near his dock. This entire tax and employment argument is entirely like the bullshit people claim on the right about minimum wage. People will lose their shitty Mickey Ds jobs if the corporation is made to pay a living wage. Like they are employing these grunts out of the milk of human kindness flowing through their veins? So, cutting back on the dogass service labor force is likely because a ding in profits would result from paying employees a respectable wage. Somehow, I don't think so. Can anybody contest the idea that minimum wage should be somewhere around $20/hr. Sorry, otherwise we are talking about indentured servitude. And if somebody has an example of an employment opportunity ever produced by tax cuts, please share. I suspect that artifact is pretty much like a splinter from the True Cross, or maybe the Grail.
- New Country, South Sudan, could picked a better name, but, this is progress. Americans should be particularly supportive. The Murdochs are scumsuckers. Screw the lot of them. And I'd say Rupert knows and approves of everything going on. And once again I ask, shouldn't the FCC lift this asshole's broadcast licenses. Well we would, but we are Republicans that think Fox is fair and balanced. How do these assholes actually say that? News of the World will live on in some way. Look Andrew Breitbart is exposed as a total DICK, who wouldn't know truth if it bit him on the DICK and people buy his bullshit. The entire Murdoch and kid deal sounds a whole lot like the Netanyahu crime family.
- You know that relay to home by Jeter was a greaazt play, but Giambi was obviously safe.Another bad call favorss the Yankees. They suck more than the NE Pats, and that means bigtime. Like Reggie sticking his steroid ass into center field and actually cheating in the World Series, and getting away with it. Jeff, In the USA CEOs do that shit. Then they get golden parachutes for crashing companies. Then they run for the Senate as a Republican in California.But as I said, shouldn't the FCC lift those Murdoch broadcast licenses. I'd miss Ms. Torv and Fringe, but I'm pretty sure somebody would pick it up. Bart, hasta la vista.
- All of that obesity discussion reminded me of the first great infomercial phenom, a woman that broke the Ron Popeil Ginsu knife, Pahty ring (with genuine simulated stones) mold. Long before Shamwow guy and blazing a path for Billy Mays there was the glorious whackjobSusan Powter, and stop the insanity. Beb, sounds like McMillain Press is just producing glorified versions of Classix Comics. The idea, of course, is anything that gets kids to read...My opinion, Dashiell Hammet wasn't on Raymond Chandler's planet, although he did win the love of Lillian Hellman, as wonderfully portrayed by Jason Robards and Jane Fonda in Julia. I've never thought of Fitzgerald's books, including Gatsby as as great as they're made out to be, but I do think they are accessible, unlike any of Faulkner, who probably should have stuck to movies instead of perpetrating blunt, to the point of obtuse, crap like Absalom and As I Lay Dying. That shit is unreadable. Gawdamighty, what else to expect from an Ole Miss frat boy. For a noirish modern day stylist of superior skill, I recommend Walter Moseley to anybody that will listen. Brilliant.
- I just always wondered how it is possible that Amway has managed to steer clear of laws under which they could be prosecuted and incarcerated.I saw the pitch once, and it actually included a pyramid. Hell, how has Pat Robertson never been charged with mail fraud for claiming to cure horrible diseases in exchange for donations. In the case of the former, I suppose it's because it's the AMericanWAY. In tha latter, I'm sure having God as the middleman must explain the scot free status. And cooz, you should have bought those kids a drumset and a karaoke machine.
- Alex, anybody that trusts a guy named Vandersloot deserves whatever fleecing she gets.
- Would there really be an England as the modern world knows it without vile rags pretending to be newspapers and quintesordid scandals the fish and chips wrap star in themselves. Consider the cautionary tale of the demise of the BBC guy exposed the lap-poodle Blair document falsification leading to GB's plunging into the Iraaq briar patch with W. Martin Amis, love him or despise, he's a plu-Brit, does a great take on the low moral character of Fleet Streeters in Yellow Dog, one of his readable books. (I am a devotee of the neurasthenic snot's dad, so I figured I'd give Rachel Papers and then Money a try. Both are quite good. Nothing the kid has ever written touches Lucky Jim, one of the most hilarious novels of the 20th Century.) Of course, the great fictional account of the louche irresponsibility and hideous lack of ethics of British newspapers is the wondrous Scoop, by Evelyn Waugh, who also skewers America's particular cultural ethics and taste deficits in The Loved One.
- Wow, I'll bet that encouragement to go after $10grand/mo. was really conducive to some of that great conjugal procreative activity to produce the natural results of connubial canoodling One-L Bachmann just signed on for when those two hit the sack. Pyramid sales reminds me of what used to happen in public school when the kids were given packets of Christmas wrapping to raise money for their under or unfunded extracurriculars. First on the line of fire: Those greedy overpaid teachers that lengthened their time on campus every day to make the extracurricular activities remotely possible, leading to writing lesson plans at 2am. And what were we to do, when five or ten kids showed up in the same class with the same club in mind? Impossible situation, obviously.
- Amway's the home cleaning products version of Scientology. Now that I think about it, the only person that ever tried to sell us on Amway ended up pretty shortly after that trying to sell me stocks for Bear Stearns. Surprise, surprise, but I would have expected their food chain positions to be reversed.
- Y'all know the experience of ordering something fairly expensive on the net and worrying it might turn out to be cheesy when it get's delivered. And then when you have it in you're hands it's better than you expected. I ordered some Saddlebags for my bike from REI. Or should I say panniers. Ordinarily "panniers" would strike me as annoyingly eltist, but I've decided it's a good word, related to beasts of burden, and probably to Latin. Anyway, this Timbuk2 gear is the setup I bought. Here on Hilton Head, bicyclists have to deal with what seem to be downright predatory drivers in urban assault vehicles. A heavy backpack is not conducive to protective maneuvers, because of center of gravity issues. It's also not safe to transport beer in glass bottles, nor the occasional half-gallon of Mr. Jack. Breakage would still be a tragedy with the rear panniers, but would not involve life-threatening lacerations. This is a beautifully designed pack that attaches to any standard rear bike rack with heavy duty velcro straps. The beauty of the design is mounting/removing in 20 seconds tops, and when you remove the bags, magnets snap the sides together, no matter the load, in the form of a messenger bag, with a shoulder strap. The compartments are capacious, and I'm convinced already that the effect on speed and handling vs. my old Norwegian army surplus knapsack is a decided improvement. I'm convinced this is a much safer way to ride with cargo. Now you could purchase the display pack to show your friends…Nah, just something very good I came across I thought some of y'all would like and might find useful.
- Sorry brian, how about commodious? Y'all are one crowd I can actually let my vocabulary run without being accused of using a thesaurus. Six years of Latin and four of Classical Greek. And I love words immensely. And I know you don't need to look up capacious. But I'll tell you these suckers are excellent. The difference in handling from wearing a heavy pack is incredible.
- Joe Arpaio's favorite state senator points her pink Ruger at a reporter with a suspiciously hispanic sounding name. When are free marketeers not? When they're Republican aholes talking about light bulbs. It's just jobs, jobs, jobs with them GOPers. All of the no-brainer things President Obama has proposed to Boner and the Greedy Old Plutocrats, and they've acted like he put a flaming bag of dogshit on their front porch and doorbell-ditched. When did Murdoch buy WaPo? Rush will waddle all over this one.
- Another twist on divorce these days. My daughter's mother and I got divorced when Emily was just five, but we remained close (she has gotten me through the death's of both my parents, whom she loved). I'm willing to take all the blame though neither of us dwells on it. We care a great deal about each other, both for the reasons we got married in the first place, and for the wonderful child we cooperated to rear, who has suffered none of the trauma that would have come her way, undoubtedly, had her parents stuck it out. The kid's got a tremendous education and a great job, a good husband and a beautiful child. Handwringing about effects on children of divorced parents is nonsense, so long as the parents don't create a poisonous atmosphere around the situation. Still, this is all so uniquely personal, I'd bet no two families have had the same experience. Divorce rates have actually receded since the 70s, and it seems to me that economic stress beyond peoples' control is the most frequent cause these days, rather than infidelity, which I'm sure used to be the prime mover. Much of this has to do with overwhelmingly hypocritical social standards and pure political bullshit. It's like the "pro-lifers" that make it clear by legislative and social policy priorities that their concern actually spans all the way from conception to 20 weeks, and the "defense of marriage" types that vote for Gingrich and listen to Limbaugh every day.
- 18 years of "lewd cohabitation" on this end. Really, I don't see how it's been any different from marriage, which would be legal, but I'd need to work it out with the Vatican. Yeah, right.
- Mark, you may be the sole person in the world that believes Obama is the stumbling block in the debt-ceiling deal, and you are absolutely wrong. As far as the tax cut extension eight months ago, the GOP held unemployment benefits at shotgun-point, and not paying those benefits would unquestionably have done severe damage. For the life of me, I cannot imagine what Presidential proposal you want to claim is causing an impasse on the debt cap discussion. At the time the Bush cuts were extended, NO Democratic politician favored extending the upper income cuts, until GOP threatened doing away with unemployment benefits extensions, which obviously would have been counter-productive in the current economy. There are currently no tax increases on the table, unless you buy the twisted logic that closing idiotic loopholes is raising taxes. Otherwise, you're letting big oil and Big Farm off scot free with no exconomic benefit. Archer Daniel Midland and Exxon don't need subsidies to boost their obscene profits. Trying to put this shit on Obama just ignores the tightrope Boehner is trying to walk between his business overlords and Teabaggers. It takes the talents of a contortionist. Do you really think it makes sense for hedge fund managers to be taxed on their "earnings" at 15%. Bump that to the 35% their chauffeurs pay, and you pick up $400bil in the next decade. Not as red meat as cutting prenatal care and WIC, but more beneficial to the USA.
- Not to be overly argumentative, Mark, but you're completely unsubstantiated claims about what the President did or said eight months ago beg one, two-part question: a. What were all these Republicans thinking when they raised the debt ceiling every year for eight years while W ran the credit card invasions and occupations, and b. Why didn't they openly criticize Cheney when Dickless said "Deficits don't mean shit? (Like they're all not scared shitless of the undead.)
- The spectacularly heinous thing about the Iraq invasion is that the AIPAC-neocon gang had the whole thing in the works for years. When somebody says something like "Who knew how badly W could FUBAR the country?" I say, quite honestly, "I knew what sort of shit he'd pull. Does the PNAC actually slip people's minds, and how did Congress miss this? Did the garden gnome Kucinich remind anybody of this? These bastards tried to talk Clinton into this idiot adventurism in '98. As for lying about the whole thing to actually put the invasion in motion, that's a Bush family tradition. Know who April Glaspie is? A career diplomat sent by Poppy Shrub to tell Saddam the US didn't give a fart if Iraq tried to take back the 12th Province and punish Kuwait for undercutting Iraq's economy by exceeding agreed oil production quotas, as well as slant drilling from oil fields in southern Iraq. Ms. Glaspie was a Judas goat, a career diplomat sent to Saddam with the message that the US had no interest one way or another in Arab v. Arab conflicts. Between this unequivocal message and US aid and support of Iraq vs. Iran, Saddam obviously felt he could attack Kuwait directly. The double-cross worked perfectly and Poppy pounce. Then they produced the Congressional eyewitness to babies being torn from incubators in Kuwaiti hospitals and funding was assured. Of course, that young woman was the daughter of a Kuwaiti panjandrum and had been at school in the US all the while. So trumping stuff up, that's how they do. Lord knows what ever happened to April Glaspie. Cheney heart donor?
- So now Obama’s not allowed to have a point of view, right? No, that seems to be your point. When Obama voted against raising the ceiling in '06, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were being funded entirely on credita whole different story. Had the current administration continued that practice, nobody would be having this discussion, because the overall numbers wouldn't look so frightening.. Show me nearly $2trillion in credit card spending to match that now. If the US is spending more than it can afford, it's been firmly established that the overspending as a %age of GNP is largely spent on health care costs at bizarre levels compared to the rest of the world, driven by obscene profit-squeezing on the part of corporations which do not pay close to their share relative to the benefits they receive. Did Republicans propose a budgetary offset when they installed the Medicare Drug benefit written by Billy Tauzins buddies at Pharma. Republicans made this mess and now they want the fix paid for by starving families that depend on WIC and making the horrendous American Infant Death Rate even worse. And they expect to include Medicare and Social Security, probably illegally, in general budgetary calculations, when neither program has any tangible effect on whatever current budgetary concerns there may be. These are simply two programs that define the character of the US as it should be, particularly if these aholes want to invoke WWJD. If the GOPers screw with either, the party will soon be deader than John Cleese's parrot. Meantime, claiming that white shoe law firms, plastic surgery practices and hedge fund managers are small businesses that would be hurt by being taxed at the rates of their employees is grotesque demagoguery, and anybody spouting that bovine diarrhea is far too mendacious for anybody competent to vote for. As to your question, Mark, why should anybody believe anything any Republican says. Cutting Medicare and SS, and the rest of the idiotic cuts suggested by GOP on purely ideological grounds, would obviously cause immediate economic damage, with little to show for it. Making Archer Daniel and Beatrice get buy without government welfare? Not very much.
- handouts to political favorites ? Seriously? Money went to the states and it was targeted. All of the Republican governors did kabuki about not taking the money, then took it, and either sat on it or doled it out for political advantage. Repub members of Congress fell all over themselves taking credit for stimulus success stories. Are you living in Bizarro World?
- Mark, judging on the basis of everything else you said, it's reasonable to have assumed that you meant that as a partisan comment. It's also quite true that for months there was another Republican governor or congressman every day that had excoriated the stimulus taking a photo op with some stimulus success story. Had the money been doubled and gone into federally administered plans far more people would have been back to work. Now you'll say the Dems controlled both houses, but you know that's pure sophistry given the twisted Senate rules on filibusters. Even at the level at which the funding was approved, many many jobs would have resulted if governor's hadn't sat on their hands. The stimulus wasn't a bad idea, it was too limited in scope.
- President Obama should call the Republicans out publicly and ask them if they'd agree to levels of taxation, particularly top rates, favored by St. Ronnie Raygun. Go back to 50%, national debt disappears, pronto, deficit wiped out, Republicans left with nothing to whip up a phony frenzy about, real jobs stimulus possible. An intelligent take on the politics of deficit and debt. And there is nothing that is done now that can't be fixed when the obstructionist aholes are exposed and get run out of the House, and the Senate rules are changed.
- We still like beanie-weenies. I made some yesterday because both Nathan's and Hebrew National dogs (two entirely different foods) are on sale at our Bi-Lo. First make pico de gallo with lime, fresh cumin and jalapenos and red bell peppers, vidalias, homegrown tomatoes, all sauteed with pancetta, add home-made baked kidney and black beans started with Burgers Smokehouse country pepper bacon, grill the hotdogs, chop and add to beans. This freezes with no ill effects and is a really quick dinner with salad. And hot dogs or no, I say it's nutritious. Peg Bracken, reminds me of Fannie Flagg and Erma Bombeck. And pardon me, but the only way bologna should ever be prepared is by frying thin slices of it, and adding bread and mustard or horseradish. Larder. I'd keep the Cheerios in the pantry. Sorry about the pedantry. Confusorium: Hone/home (used incorrectly more often than not); jibe/jive(almost always used incorrectly). If you "jive with" someone or something, you're talking trash or lying your ass off, not agreeing or fitting. Once, in graduate school, a friend asked me to edit a draft of a paper for her. Throughout what was otherwise a well-written piece of research, she employed the term "for all intensive purposes". I just marked it up with suggestions for alternative word choices. I found it too excruciatingly embarrassing to discuss directly.
- ET Same error, different context. Chip 'n' Dale, the real deal.
- Alex, I'd say feeling exactly that way is a universal parental experience. In fact, I may have muttered that sentence half-way through Danny and the Dinosaur more than once.
- 4d: You have to cut the bologna at the edges or it forms an unwieldy cup shape unsuitable for sandwiches. But good bologna fried is extremely tasty.
- Mitch McConnell thinks he's up to something, but maybe he's grabbin' holt of his'n own tarbaby. Gutdom, I'd love to see this despicable little old church lady out of the Senate. Westland MI down and dirty. We used to have football games like this when I was in college. Serious fun. Red Door Tavern menu. What a bar should look like. And I've been making that hillbilly cheeseburger since I was a kid babysitting for my brothers. Works well as a quesadilla, too. Nancy, I've made my living as a freelance construction specifications writer since 1985. Obviously, architecture is not booming these days, so I've got plenty of time for unpaid work, too. I have found a good fit working for Habitat. It's very rewarding for me, keeps my hand in as far as developments in codes, materials and construction methods. Serious downside: buying my own insurance. Upside: piling up actual grace for the hereafter and working with lots of committed people to make things much better for people that need a hand. Major upside: Moral high ground in political arguments. My donated time at Habitat would be billable (in a decent economy) at around $2grand/wk. I've got money put away and in two years I'll start taking my Social Security before Republicans can steal it, and won't have to buy health coverage anymore. No mortgage. My pardner collects a disability and she's covered by Medicaid (for now). We're comfortable. Still, it's hard not to think about how much I could be making if Raygun had not put American construction industry on a slippery slope years ago with a ridiculous corporate building bubble. All those spec office buildings have beeen half empty ever since. Anyway, don't let it get you down, and I do always try to remember to go through your website when I buy too many books and CDs.
- Julie, I think the key phrase in that story is "as he awoke".
- If you feel insufficient high dudgeon over Rupert Murdoch's sleazemeisters, check out News Corps tax accounting wizardry. I've never seen ring bologna before. We buy all beef Oscar Meyer at the deli counter, cut thick. S. actually likes liverwurst, which I can't be in the same room with without feeling nauseated. Not "nauseous" which actually means inducing nausea, which I hope I don't very often. Although this is probably one of those cases where usage is overwhelming correct etymology. edit: Let's hear Republicans defend that particular tax statistic vis a vis the deficit. Think Rupert's bean counters are depreciating those gulfstreams on the accelerated schedule?
- Heather: Phew. What is one's ethical obligation in that sort of situation. Bringing it up is embarrassing, letting the malapropist blithely continue seems cruel. My dad once worked with another pediatrician who liked to say that his staff needed to "take the bull by the horns and run with it". He was not referring to Pamplona. Years ago, I had a job grading statewide writing tests in GA. One essay topic was the 2nd Amendment. The number of references to "bear arms" and "bare arms" caused turmoil in our office, because it could have rendered the entire year's test scores up in smoke if graded strictly. It was decided we should ignore the apparent anatomical references. An essay I recall had a socially conscious kid discussing the subject in light of the terrible waste of young lives caused by guns in the "South Broncs" No way was that kid being marked down. And how did "social consciousness" turn into "social conscience"? "Protestant work ethic"/(undifferentiated) "work ethic", ridiculously abused in sportswriting.
- Holy shit, I'm listening to WMBR at MIT streaming, and just heard an amber alert radio announcement for the first time. Paternal abduction in N. Adams Mass, suspect with swastika tattoos. Blood-curdling.
- Too late for Mr. Becker @16: Silicone male genital enhancement. Hell, sounds like a great idea. Family values? Bullshite. Of course it's a conservative article of faith that the President doesn't know what he's doing on foreign policy. Ford's appointment was naturally opposed by the GOP, and he's serving on a recess appointment. Republican MO: ensure failure, again. Whatta heckuva bunch guys. True statesmen. No-fly's no good, diplomacy's no good. What's next, nukes? I have a difficult time remembering the difference between flagrant and blatant. this guy should be careful with self-descriibing as "erudite". In his second reference to the poet, he reverts to the American spelling instead of the Robert Parker correct version. When we were kids, my brother Chris and I drew strict distinctions between flaming assholes and gaping assholes, the former being intentionally obnoxious, the latter unable to help themselves. And to this day, for some strange reason if I come across the word lapel while reading, i pronounce it Lay-pull, even to myself.
- Right Sue. It's exhilarating to be called a "looser". Why do forms of the verb "lose" cause people so many problems? And how do those people manage respiration? Mondegreens are related to malapropisms. John Carroll explains One ton tomato. And how do educated people say nucular? Even Jimmah Ed Carter, who had a USN degree in Nuke engineering had a sort of muddled version. Like Jerry Ford and judg-uh-ment.
- Deborah, I doubt there's a grammatical consenus although clothes "are" is more felicitous aurally. Whoops, theah it is. Orally and aurally. I don't let this shit wind me up but when "hone" in starts showing up in the OED or "jive with", I'm going to go Fahrenheit 451 on society that doesn't hold language in great regard. The great plural /singular divide is the Brit insistence on "the band" (insert band name) as requiring a plural verb. I mean, if it's the Meat Puppets, OK if it's Pink Floyd, just sounds strange.What can be the worst they can do? Read Riddley Walker, and enough monkeys at enough keyboards and every word would mean the same thing as every other word. A good description of hell, I'd say. How about clicks and sing-song pitch defining words. English speakers are about as likely to master that as Dian Fossey was to get the great ape language exactly right. What were they saying ? What a babe. Nice knockers? In the Sigourney Weaver version. Bikers, when you're riding on a bike path do you call out "track" or "on your left", or do you pull a Zola Budd? I just had an asshole come up fast and ride me into a ditch. He was decked out like it was a mountain stage and he was Greg LeMond. And shit why would you spend money on performance clothing when you' re just built slow? He was riding an expensive track bike. Me? No helmet, cargo shorts, Tevas. So asshole swept by, disdainfully and I lost two broken Sam Adams summer ales and a smal bottle of Grey Goose. He paused a moment, to see if I was ambulatory and took off before I could kick his scrawny arrogant ass. Left me thinking about Nancy's Jeremiad on the subject of improper passing. I won't pass a pedestrian without calling out. No sense startling somebody. This asshole was like local business vehicles that take the roundabouts three lanes at a time. Arrogant dickhead, and they always blame it on tourists. I was certainly travelling close to 20 mph, and I caught and passed this shithead at the next stop sign despite carrying almost two cases of Sam, and I blew the stop off. If the guy had stopped at the accident and not acted like a terminal dickhead, I'd have bought him an excellent brewski. But people like that are like joggers in Boston that can't be satisfied unless they are running the Mass Ave bridge with no shirt on in a Nor'easter. Actually, Deborah, more I think about it clothes is a comunal sort of noun . I'm not sure how that might affect the discussion. Wouldn't Dirty Clothes be a good name for a band?
- Little Bird and Deborah, the Burger Smokehouse makes the best bacon in N. America. So if you do, make those hot-dogs, and I oppose calling them franks or wieners or anything else. They are hot dogs., check them out. Burgers Smokehouse This the bacon in which to wrap your wienies. So if you do, make those hot-dogs, and I oppose calling them franks or wieners or anything else. They are hot dogs, check them out. But it's the Kosher or the died in the wool, AKA Nathans. Are we joking? No joke? This reminds me a lot of Christine Falls. Attenuate enough you gain distance. You can be the most vile manipulatrix, but one wayknow y'all think I can just babble on as a bad consideration. You ARE WRONG. I GET YOU BETTER THAN YOU GET YOURSSELVE'S. Whatever . You can kiss my ass forever. Whatever we wqy. let'w not mqke big deql out of thiw, KIWW MY QWW, BIGTIME. juwt bqg thie ehit. What ever we might say. Whatever you think, are you kidding? give it a whack, are you kidding or have you fucked me one way or another? Quewtion is are you buying this or not? Seriously, are you joking or not?
- Cuisine of Elvis, we mean bananas and peanut butter and crown things on the throne, How are we not full of it? Elvis made some good records, and he also made some drivel. Now what was good and what what horseshit? Most of it, particularly from the movies was garbage. My opinion but I think it's pretty much indisputable. What ever you think. Let this stand for how we believe. No way if not the way we have this to believe. Here's the deal. As we say. We are not taking any bullshit but the obvious way we believe. We know for a fact. We don't need to here from girls about how to consider moving forward, It;s not something to consider. It is a fait accompli. You can't hold back women that intend freedom. This is my intention, and of course, I'm some guy that will find this wondrous. So if I believe in women liberating themselves, do I get to squeeze more teats? No, but I do believe rhat all of these women are almost Dickens, well no they aren't close. If they could do that, that would be astounding. They can't and really nobodody can. But you know, none of these shits can be Ray Davies either. Suspicious minds, that was good. In the ghetto, that was pretty good, but Elvis could actually have stepped out and done good in his community and he didn;t, I wouldn't criticize, but this guy had more money than God and chose to hang with J. Wdgar Hoover. What a maroon Elvis. And the Tiki bar is open. Rhis is all no brain.
- Gow do any of you bastards give me grief about food? Big bologna sandwiches no shit. My personal stand on this subject is I'm in good shape and I'll eat what I like. And whatever. You all can kiss my ass. If Nancy is getting pooch, well she's kinda my friend, and she's kinda somebody that inspires me, day to day. So I hope she takes care of her self. This isn't about pounds off or anything absurd like that. I don't care about Nance's dealing with her ideal weight. I don;t care about my own. I just want to be sure I have things right. This seems to me fairly obvious.
- whatever I said. No shit, and whateve, No crap, you are kidding. Whatever I said.
- No shit. Who knows about how this plays out? You have to play like idiots
- Brian Stouder, I think you are one of those Pete Rose guys, and holy shit, there is no right field deep enough to hide his granite excuse for a glove. If I'm mistaking you for somebody else, my bad. Anyway fuck the Reds, and anybody that doesn't see Pudge as Bench's equal is a baseball moron. Much better defensively Probably better thann anybody blocking the plate. Reds fans, Ed Armbrister didn't cheat? I guess Reds fans think Reggie didn't stick his fat steroid ass into center field against the Dodgers, and outright cheating in the World Series isn't heinous. I mean, when you get to a sports pinacle, how do you live with yourself when you know you cheated your ass off? What say, Reggie? You cheated and got away with it. What a flaming asshole. Mr. October? Mr. Cheater or those homers would never have happened, Like some one-name Brazillian soccer player, Feet of clay. Pure bogus. Reggie hit the greatest homer I ever saw, off the light tower at Tiger stadium , and then the ahole cheats in the world series? What a shitheel.
- Moe, What is Dance with Dragons? Is it online? I'm not sure about this. I;m going to bed, and I believe in all sorts of fantsy worlds. Middle Earth, you have to be some sort of jackass not to buy into that reality. It is entirely real. What is more likely? Fucking Boehner? He is a creature of Sauron, or we have to admit there is pure evil.
- No shit, How we roll, no shit. Y'all are a buncha decent characters, and occasionaly I spout off. I have no reason to think I mean anything but whatever, whoever might be not guilty. If you dont probe somebody guilty, you just move the trial to simi Valley where you dont have to prove anthing but it was a black guy and a blond white woman. Was there a single piece of evidence presented at trial that would lead to deciding OJ Simpson was guilty> Anything? I mean, a single piece of evidence, at all that wasn't tainted by Mark Fuhrman>
- Brian, Pete Rose destroyed Ray Fosse's brilliant career for no better reason than to prove he was Charlie Hustle, in a fucking exhibition game. What a helluva buncha asshole. And he seriously could not play any position but singles DH. And he was such a disgraceful maroon he bet on the sport he was playing. Maybe his defense is abject stupidity. He is seriously dumb as grunt. And the hits numbers. Had Ichiro started in MLB when he was 20, he'd have 5000 right now, and he would never have bet on a major league baseball game, and he would still be a superior outfielder capable of acrobatic catches. Oh, and Ichiro wouldn't succumb to roid rage and attack Bud Harrelson.,0,4888894.story Pete Rose is an asshole no matter how you look at it. Johnny Bench isn't and he's a great ballplayer, but he's not Campanella.
- Can't let this no measure cooking discussion slide without a comment on Justin Wilson, I guarontee. a great man. And understood rice better than anybody. Left behind taking cre of sibling, We believe in family values,
- And men wore hta, nice one mroonz,
- ROGirl, hooray for you. I hope you enjoy your job, work is fun if it's not drudgery sometimes even when it is. But don't get lost.
- Fucking whackjobs.
- Elect Sarah Palin now. Fuck the government. Fuck the Founding Fathers. When you know the "truth", fuck the truth. One L will sign off on this as soon as her busy schedule wil allow. she isn't brown and we These people are more or less dangerous. Total loony bins. And spectacularly stupid.
- And I'm wrong saying anybody that would vote for this ahole for president should be ydisenfranchised? You can't be crazier.
- Pete rose may have been a hitter, but he was never a baseball player. He was, and remains, a supreme asshole. There is no way getting around what a twat that asshole is. Disgraceful piece of shit.
- The piling on of Barry Bonds is ludicrous, He;s as great a ballplayer as ever lived, if somebody is a sure juicer, it is Charlie Hustle. His head is bigger than Barrt Bonds. And his hair is falling out. Mr. Steroids.
- Michele Bachmnn's hubby. Beyond bizarre. If there was ever a baseball player more disgusting than Pete Rosem let's here it. He was the worst fielder wherever he was stashed anybody could imagine, He was horrible. Fucking atrocious. nd anybody that thinks this dickhhad lives ub the same universe with Ichiro is a moron, Ichiro is agreat ballplayer, Pete could hit, And he was a serious libility at no mtter which position. He sucked. He was a butcher with a glove.
- New Nick Lowe song. Excellent. American Nazi Brewing Co. and the real tragedy of the Minnesota government shutdown. James Inhofe, world-class maroon: NRDC is a commoniss front. Jeff , linking Newt to Elmer Gantry is outstanding.
- I'm thinking about TV. FNL is so good, it landed a wonderful final consideration. Got this wrong? Not in a moment.Are you kidding? That could not be better.
- What I'd whatever, I meant whatever, I never meant whatever aand whatever, Holy shit, I cared about you so whatever we say you could be some whTEVER WHAT I THINK IS SOMEBODY I LOVED. WHAT I LOVED ABOUT YOU YOU. STUPID AS SHIT BUT I LOVED YOU FOERECER. Whatever we say. Whatever a moron I think. . We care about everything yIVE IT A QUESTION? WHATEVER YOU THINK, AND YOU HAVE MADE THIS WHATEVER ou cared about. Could you imagine what you thought. What say you ? What I thought you mY Hve thoufght. QhT I THOUGHT. IT ISN'T WHAT YOU WOULD SAY. JAVE NOT SCREWED ME ND MY NONSENSE BULLSHIT CRAP.
- Can anybody explain how credit card fraud got to be the fault of the card holder. These assholes are supposed to protect your credit, but it's your fault? How is this remotely fair? Because they are the corporation and you aren't? Fuck these bastards.They are supposed to check your signature. Right?It's like these bastards want you to get jacked. Anybody that claims a link to Michigan and doesn't know it's Mackinaw is a fucking maroon. Including the Koch Bros. Who actualy are American Nazis and Ku Klux along with the Coors bastards and the Duke Bros. They sure as shit like a blappeople president as well as they like Billy Ray Valentine. Lord knows why it's pronounced that way, but why is Lahser Lasher? East of Nine Mile? Or Ten, I can't remember. It's been a long time. If the p in corperation were silent, note the subjunctive, that would be cor-oration, which makes no sense whatsoever. 'd say nothing about Northern Michigan makes sense unless you read The Sporting Club first. Best book ever written about Michigan. Seriously, why aren't creditors, with all of their resources, responsible for straightening out identity fraud.? Seriously? They see it then they nurture until they can try to stick honest people with a huge bunch of costs they never ran up. Seems to me those are co-conspirators. Credit card companies are crooks. I'm so surprised.
- ROGirl. I lived in and around Boston for years. Back Bay or parts of it are called "the Fens", which pretty much means swamp, for Yankees. Fenway Park is built on filled swampland, and there is inner city running and open water nearby, wild, that is, not in concrete channels like in LA. Now, the way to name a street for swampland would be to call it polk salad. Cooz. You are taking this NOTW business pretty seriously, and I'm with you. Hacking the dead girl's phone is miles beyond despicable, and I'd like to be appointed to deliver the beating. Do you think the reprehensible POS Murdoch could be taken down in the USA over this? I mean, shit, he's a vile reprobate and FCC rules would seem to require lifting his licenses for overt criminal behavior, but shit, every single Republican asshole that signed one of those pledges for Grover Norquist is guilty of treason according to the Constitution, Article 3, Section 3. Don't know what the originalist and his little attached Long Dong would say, but I'm thinkin', firing squad. AAAHHrG. Murdoch. what a heinous piece of shit. Seems to me if the Brits, those incompetent twits, can convict him of something, he really can't own any sort of broadcast license in the USA. And wouldn't that be a peachy development. And folks, somebody needs to invite One L to Mackinac so she can make an ass of herself. She's officially left Sarah behind on the Odiousmeter.
- Brian, I think it would be AAARGH! Guy is one obvious dickhead. He claims he doesn't support Fox politics. Then what sort of reprehensible shithead is he? How in the name of Gog or Magog does Fox News meet the standards for the Public Good required by the FCC Charter? Fox campaigns undeniably and uncoscionably against a sitting President, apparently because he has brown skin. How do these aholes have a license? I seriously despise soccer. Sports are not meant for 0-0 or 1-1 ties. But when a team gets fucking jobbed the way the US womens' team got jobbed vs. Brazil, I'm rooting for that team. And the USA , USA shit is way tired. Bag that, this team played shorthand when the refs tried to hand the gig to Brazil, that was all she wrote for me.
- Oh, and the diving in soccer? Holy Crap. Paul Pierce would be embarrassed. And the business about favoring Japan because morons fucked up siting the nukes and storing the fuel rods. Geez. What an immense crock. 9/11 you aholes. We didn't do that to ourselves. Of course, all of that is bollocks.
- Jeff Bridges in mucho makeup, Or John Cleese. And the Japanese team is incapable of a foul. The foul on the tying goal was so obvious, there is no way to figure the officials weren't just cheating. Of course, the Japanese team crashed the US striker with three or four players so many times illegally, it's pretty much like they couldn't get called for anything, no matter what they did. They simply knocked Wambach down on every single corner kick. Bad officiating sucks in every sport.
- I don't suppose any of the GPschool Board members have children attending the Poupard school with the blappeople. It's an ugly consideration, but the refusal of the gratis Head Start program sounds like a kneejerk reversion to Raygunism. Ronaldus himself waged fiscal war on Head Start back when ketchup was a vegetable, for no apparent reason. Head Start is an undeniably successful program (pdf file) which costs next to nothing. Opposing Head Start is American conservative political thinking at its nadir of mindlessness. Grosse Pointe Blank is a personal favorite of mine. Subtle, funny as hell, outstanding performance by John Cusack. (What's new?) Shit, the guy made Con Air somewhat watchable. And Minnie Driver is always worth watching.
- One seriously lucky bridegroom. Did the cops get there on cue, i.e.: "forever hold your peace"? If not, I suppose an immediate dissolution of the marriage would be a slam dunk. As for bad language from rock stages, Robin Tyner did it properly, anything else is an imitative second act,and the rest of these people should consider how much it makes them seem like poseurs.
- Did anybody ever drive stone cold sober in a demolition derby? If so, why? Even better question: Why does ESPN fill hours with Texas Hold'em when they could program demolition derby? Spectacular graphic and visual presentations of fascinating statistics. For instance, golden parachutes in the economic meltdown. Like the doofus that ran WaMu for 17 days before it went belly up and left with $19mil. The USA weapons bazaar. Health care costs. How in the world can anybody believe Fox News is news? Wonder what Nancy Grace will say about this. Funky Cold Medusa. And not to be an pedantic ahole about this, but a sward is a lawn or a field of grass (like a copse necessarily includes trees), frequently used in landscape architects' jargon to describe a field of grass sculpted for artistic or practical (natural drainage) effect. And those bold robbers better hope nobody in the 'hood recognizes them in that video. Laughing-stocks. Do people claim that chihuahuas were bred to be ratters, or that they are the offspring of dogs bred with rats?
- Anybody remember the promotional parchment maps when Guns of Navarone was released? There were starting point where the touch of a lit cigarette would burn a path. There musst have been a prize of some sort if you burned a path all the way to the target. This was obviously aimed at kid smoker, but I can't remember whether or not there was a cigarette company tie-in. Navarone theme song.
- Aleve is naproxen, and it is effective. When my dad was still around, I used to get Naprosyn samples drug companies sent him in big fucking boxes No joke, like six mos. supply. Is that responsible behavior. My dad published a couple of papers on juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis back during his residency, not knowing I'd be diagnosed with it yeaars later, and that's why we assumed he was sent the samples. Of course, now the over the counter is tht strength supposedly. It mitigates my arthritis well.I just had the strangest bike ride of my life. To the grocery, to buy brewskis. I was accosted on the bike path by Mormon proselytizers. Guys on vintage raleigh 3-speeds. in black gabardine slacks, short-sleeve whit dress shirts, and ties. And it's 98degrees. They hemmed me in like a bunch of FokkersMesserschmitt in the engine and he went down in a ball of flames. Messeerschmitt . Which reminds me of the greatest WWI joke ever. The Scot in the RAF. So these Fokkers had me penned in, and then I shot that esserschmidt down in flames. But Fergy, I thought they were Fokkers. Aye said Fergy, but these Fokkers was Messescmidts. So I told the mormon evangelists I was Catholic, that usually makes them just shut the hell up. Tjhhen I thought about the second WWII joke there is, about the fuckup P-47 pilot that screws up everything and he's told by his carrier commander he has one mor chance. So he takes to the sky ant knocks down several zeroes bombs a destroyer and whatches it sink, and lands on his carrier to recount his exploits, ending with the declaration, "And I didn't make a single mistake." The Admiral says Very well done, you made one ritta mistake." The actually greatest WWII joke is the one about supplies. The Italian troops are given no actual bayonets. The allies are short of guns. The Italians are trained to say "Sticka, sticka sticka. The germans are trained to hold sticks and say shoota, shoota shoota. The Polish and Russian troops say "Tank." It's a good joke. On my way back from the grocery, I came to a roundabout. It was pretty obvious I should go right and the codger on the other end ought to go left. He didn't At first I was a bit pissed off. But when I got a mile down the road, it was obvious this bastard was in trouble. I have actually pulled folks out of waters that would most suredly have drowned them. BFD. No joke, going in dangerous water is kinda a joke to meIt's my firm belief there is no such thing as water I can t swim in. Including riptides or anything else. I can hold my breath five minutes underwater. . There is no such thing as water I can't swim in. . What I can't say. The undertoad? I;m a stronger swimmer than anything anybody could imagine. It's nuts and I'm a better swimmer than you could imagine. I am not willing to believe I couldn't rescue from any sort of undertow or riptide. I'm a mightier swimmer than any of that nonsense. I really refuse to believe I'm not a better swimmer. I know for a fact I can just blow away any idea of anything like a ppowerful anti-swim. I am strong as shit. I am the stongest swimmer since Pete Kralick and he only had the kick. There are the duffields, and the girls they loved. Mike Duffield, you were my way good friend, and I sorta loved your girlfriend. That was a mermaid from the best girl swimmers that weren't Barb Butzzier. .. What up. we were always tight. It was always you one and me third in diving. I could beat you on i/2 twist, but that was about it. I think I was a good coach. I always thought we were a good combination. No shit Chris. I think I was always your best friend. Like holding you out of the hands of the Boston PD when I held your ass out of the shrubbery. I did do that, and there is only one reason. You are my brother and I went to the bullshit to keep you out of trouble. It's no shit Chris. I went to hell to keep you from having to go there., I held your ass out of the shrubs and talked those cops out of incarcerating you. So they threw my ass in jail. Look Chris, I was always willing to take the hit for you, because I was a decent athlete and you were exceptionable. I had your back for fucking ever. That's a fact jack. I wish I was extremely good and not just quite good. I ran a serious mile at 4:54. Could you do that? I don't think so. Then I ran 8 seconds faster. Best I ever ran. I think swimming and running didn't mix. we were all born good athletes. Daddy was a NYC champion Van Courtland Park runner. Dave was a spectacular little guy football player. Mark was a great college swimmer. Tell you what Chris, Dave as a linebacker was exceptionally good, but he was also a great mini lineman. I'd say, he was more impressive as a lineman than you ever were at any position. You don't have to buy this shit, but I think I know a decent amount about football, and Dave was ridiculously good. It's nothing I think, but Dave was awesome and it would be good if you'd let him know. He cares about what you think. No shit Chris. If you care what I think. I hope you do. I care about whatever you think. You are the best friend I ever had. Do you remember when we used to to do the Yanks vs; Dodgers with the boxscores and pitching righty lefty. We were cooler than anybody. Do you recall? We kept boxscores. We were probably closer brothers than anybody that ever lived. No shit Chris. That was serious how much we cared about each other. You are the best friend I /ve ever had. o shit you dumbass, when spotter went down in the duck pond, fuck this, I was going in the water after the second greatest dog ever. Because Sandy was the freatest dog. But Spotter was beyond question. What lets say what whatever
- I'm in a project to transfer obscure vinyl to digital. Like Twilley Don't Mind and Steve Gibbons. Both of which I'm sure you remember and both of which Kate would probably like. I've got scads of records only on vinyl, but I'm not one of those gifted, self-appointed savants that hear the difference. I understand about the compression involved in the CD and MP3process, so when I play Ramblin Gamblin Man, I've got the bass kicked up extremely. It's the kick drum and the bass, and the primal howl vocal, and the brilliant lost child lyrics, that make Ramblin' Gamblin'Man one of the spectacular rock songs of all time. I've been listening to those Van's tour bands, and they all sound like my HS bands. IS THIS TOO <a href="sappyY? or ab astounding Quackenbush guitar odyssey? That is how to play sustain. Better than anybody. And the idea may be sappy, but the vocals are heartfelt. This is TOO <a href="sappyY? or astounding Quackenbush guitar odyssey? Ridiculous ly gorgeous how to make an electric guitar emote. I couldn't say if it's better on vinyl. I can say for a fact nobody ever did sustain this beautifully, not close, This is the master. That is how to play sustain. Better than anybody. And the idea may be sappy, but the vocals are heartfelt. This is is this too <a href="sappyY? or astounding Quackenbush guitar odyssey? That is how to play sustain. Better than anybody. Ever. Not quite any argument. This is beyond perfect.
- Vinyl? Roo cute. Do you claim you can hear the difference? I can sure as shit hear the difefrence when it get's compressed to the freaking I-pod. We are Devo.
- No shit, are we stupid? If Kaate can here the difference, what a great kid. And I'm a serious dimbass. And your kid is way smart. Not as smart as mine. Not close. You have to be kidding when you talk about m kid.You have to be full of shir.y
- I've got Wagner's Ring Cycle on 78s. Weighs about 15 lbs.Purchased in a second-hand store just outside of Harvard Square.
- Air conditioning? And piped in Kenny G? Seems all wrong for intrepid girl reporter.
- As Boner said, "Jobs, jobs, jobs." Just auto-tune it, put it on a loop with a picture of his orange ass, and run this list of legislative initiatives over it.These aholes actually get a salary and health insurance for idiotic bullshit like this. It's very hard to believe (admit?) that there are American voters stupid enough to vote for ignoramuses like this. ROGirl: It's like what Roberta Muldoon said: "That poor boy Michael Milton. I mean, I had mine removed surgically under general anesthesia. But to have it bitten off in a Buick." Seems to me the strange thing about transvestites is that they do not necessarily identify physically as the opposite sex. It's a frequently heterosexual obsession with wearing women's clothes. I find this as incomprehensible as OCD or any other mental condition or fetish. In many ways it's easier to understand transgendered people. When my ex-wife and I lived in a condo in the South End in Boston, there was a group of transvestites that congregated on the grate next to the laundromat in the basement of our building for warmth in the winter. They were very friendly, and we sort of presumed they were plying the oldest profession. One Christmas Eve, we brought them a basket of food and Cook's champagne (we didn't have a lot of money). It was a pretty rough neighborhood and they were the toughest denizens, and very protective of my wife who was pregnant at the time. (The grocery store across the street had armed guards.)
- Earlobe grommet acccessorized.
- So-called movement Conservatives like Buckley and Buchanan (for all his innate insanity) have always claimed Edmund Burke as the Father of modern conservative politics. This is a discussion of what Burke's view would be on bullshit like the Norquist no new taxes pledge and the Family Leader pledge that claims slavery was beneficial for families. Of course, Norquist himself has admitted that letting sundown kick in on the Shrub cuts would not violate the oath of fealty all these chickenshit GOP pols have signed in obeisance to the decidedly treasonous anti-government nutcase. So what remains the political cover for their purely partisan brinksmanship. I think a strict Constructionist reading of Article III, Section 3 of the US Constitution puts anyone who signs an oath to a man that wants to render the government small enough "to drown in a sink" on the wrong side of treason, and I wonder what teabaggers , Scalia, Thomas and other "originalists" think about this anti-Constitutional behavior. Of course they don't want Senators elected by popular vote either, as stipulated by the XVIIth Amendment, so, who knows? And how did that arcane notion ever occur to, or appeal to, teabaggers?
- DIY tats.
- Deborah, I'm hopeless with that sort of thing so didn't try it. Hell, I'm inept with Corel. You can upload your own image at that site, though, and I think they also have templates that can be modified. This is hilarious. Former Harvard President Laurence Saunders on the Winkelvoss twinnage: “One of the things you learn as a college president is that if an undergraduate is wearing a tie and jacket on Thursday afternoon at three o’clock, there are two possibilities: One is that they’re looking for a job and have an interview; the other is that they are an a**hole. This was the latter case.”
- Right you are Moe. Must have been thinking of the male Jackie Susann. God knows why. Summers may well be an asshole, but them Winkelvosses are every single thing wrong with the Ivy League. If not for legacy admission, they would have been at home plotting how to become the Menendez brothers. How hard is it to make a jackass of a genuine horse's ass. Alan West and "lady" etiquette. Dumbshit was acting like a paranoiac fool in the first place. And a great video of Julia Stiles: "I still maintain he kicked himself in the balls." Florida voters must be so proud of themselves, with Rick Scott and all. Proving his party loyalty by committing most extensive welfare fraud in history. And bailing on the company with a golden chute
- Fairly stunning graphic representation of potential damage from debt ceiling default on state governments.. Oops, there goes Alaska, the ultimate welfare state that contributes next to nothing but seriocomic relief to running the federal government.
- Scout: 12% humidity. At 8:30, we've got 88F on the beach and 79% humidity.
- Something I don't see everyday. Bars on my i-phone from AT&T.
- My brothers and I go to Lake Powell to vacation, houseboating. It's high desert, very high temps, humidity and dewpoint in single digits, and a constant breeze, with a 900ft. deep, 72 deg. reservoir to dive into at will. Most pleasant weather conditions I've ever experienced. Sublime, actually. Low dewpoint and humidity make a tremendous difference, no matter what anybody says. I've played 6 sets of tennis in 110deg. in Pheonix at 58yo, when the humidity was in the teens, with no ill effects. Benefits of marriage denied by DOMA: • File joint federal tax returns and claim certain deductions • Receive spousal benefits under Social Security • Take unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act when a loved one becomes ill • Receive protection from the estate tax when one spouse dies and wants to leave possessions to the other Nobody could claim this is fair, nor that it is not flagrantly discriminatory. The last point, about inheritance is clearly illegal. Anybody can leave anything they want to another, hell, to a dog or cat if one chooses. DOMA isn't just bad law, it's obtuse. And back before the NY Special Senate election, who'd have thought Kirsten Gillibrand would lead this repeal charge. Proves that educated, good citizens can vote for a responsible legislator, even if they're Republicans.
- Unlike other poptarts that have tried (get straight Lindsey, and ditch your parents for good), Jennifer Lopez is an accomplished actress (thanks, Wayans bros), and Out of Sight is a tres bon movie. There's palpable sexual energy between the leads. JLo is superb in a movie called The Cell with Phillip Seymour Hoffman playing a psychopath, that is one of the creepiest, most unnerving movies I've ever watched. She's very convincing as a physically tough chick, as in when she kicks the mofo wifebeater's ass in Enough. 3:10 to Yuma (both versions), Stick, Joe Kidd, Valdez is Coming. All very enjoyable adaptations, particularly the latter with Burt Lancaster. But I'm a sucker for hard-bitten westerns. 52 Pickup is pretty good, with Roy Scheider. And I liked Be Cool a lot better than Get Shorty. And Mr. Leonard himself is the main source of the Get Shorty bias. Unfortunately, he never had the good fortune to have a masterpiece adaptation made. Raymond Chandler did, several times over. George V. Higgins, the great newspaperman noir novelist (Friends of Eddie Coyle). Don't know if any of y'all have watched Justified, but it's superb, and apparently Mr. Leonard is very happy with it. First season is available from Netflix.
- The let's have painful playgrounds because pain builds character jerks remind me of many sadistic football coaches I have known and despised. Of course, much of the safer playgrounds ethic is born out of dread of litigiousness, but still advocating for not protecting kids from pain is sociopathic, no matter what justification people claim. Those people who used hand puppets for talking vaginas, were wussing out. Haven't they ever seen a mussell? Looks more like vulva than any other thing in nature. Could have been a stop action masterpiece. Sorry if that's nasty, but those videos are incredibly lame. And what about the one that looks like the Zuul parts of Ghostbusters? "Men have fought for it"? Hell no, that's not sexist.
- WSJ blames cops for hacking because they didn't catch News Corp breaking the law. Hilarious. read comments by sow fool called just4thefax. Even funnier. Diving Boards: I'm an expert, sort of, having been a successful competitive diver for years as a kid and through high school. I have hurt myself many times on diving boards, and I'd say most people should keep their distance. I was diving from a 3 meter board at a swim club in Birmingham once when I was about 12. I came out of 2-1/2 somersaults to see someone diving from the side of the pool directly into my path. I knew what I was doing so I made adjustments in middair and avoided a collision. No way a lifeguard could have stopped this, and if we'd ever crashed head to head we would both have been dead or forever brain-damaged. Diving boards are in very slippery environments (duh) and they are really for people that know what they are doing. That episode scared the shit out of me, and I also remember two summers in a row having kids slip of the 3-m ladder with fractured skulls resulting in both cases. I guess those kids grew up with a lot of character for having faced fears of the dreaded high board. Jeff, when I was a kid, nobody thought twice about all the neighborhood kids playing tackle football in our yards. We built treehouses at rediculous heights off the ground. We jumped bikes and skateboards (the old ones with no trucks and metal wheels) over ramps. I know that I never sustained an injury. Outdoors for kids these days for kids in many parts of the US means 3 and 4-wheeled motorized vehicles, and lots of those kids end up with closed-head trauma. Kids around our house have backyard trampolines, which I personally think is great exercise but otherwise a horrendous idea.
- Another irresponsible attempt by the GOP to relegislate settled policy the craven shitheels voted FOR previously In the wake of the light bulb joke, more utter crap from a prominent Republican. I imagine Coburn's plan will get an amendment that prohibits using recycled metal in his new coins.
- It didn't take long for the fight to begin. Republicans in Congress are angry over a temporary new rule that would require gun dealers to report multiple sales of semiautomatic weapons. Just one day after the new rule was announced, U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) introduced an amendment to the fiscal 2012 Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies appropriation bill to pull funding from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. What reasonable human being, even an NRA loonytoon, could object to this rule? And those thick foam pads may prevent a skull fracture, but it's not gonna prevent spinal damage. I've seen enough to figure anything higher or more springy than a typical motel diving board should require training and a license. Rope swings into lakes and rivers are one hell of a lot safer. And I thought what the Cop'm was smoking looked like a mini-spliff, also not a performance enhancer. Although, I've been reading the Pynchon noir, Inherent Vice, and I wouldn't have minded some Humboldt's finest while I was reading.
- Dexter, before any of those materials get to a playground they have put througha hammermill, sterilyzed and otherwise subject to all sorta rays. Reconstituded tires ppose no health rhreat. Neither do reconstituted Mountain Dew bottles. Unless it's got to dew with caffeine. They are more dead biologically that might threaten you, than the shingles on your house. Making the landing area more copacetic. That just makes fucking sense. Make the kids walk off a scrape, I say that is sdults acting like assholes. Not on my watch. My bother Mark almost had his brains blown out. It was his first noght out as a frosh. One of my three best friends. I remember that basement with the ground=level lights. Underground. I remember, you wouldn't consider.
- "of fire-eater/Obama-hater/social Darwinist/know-nothing nativists " THThat's some interesting way of explaining the " Black guy can't be the President" syndrome on the part of the GOP and their owners, the Koch Brothers. IS anybody happy with those twisted ancient Nazis running the country? Little Bird, Weather is a gift. Hurricanes always bypass us for really boneheaded places like Myrtle. Beach. Who does anybody think, you have to be kidding. Crazycatlady. Those were the best. You left off the part about running as fast as you could and jumping on at the last moment. and hanging your head off the platform. Best ever. I see Cooz remembers the same thing. But maybe there are some adults that want to spin kids off to buid their character,so they get abraded by asphalt. Not crazy, and cats are cool, but they aren't dogs. Why aren't ther crazydogladies? It would seem more natural. Seriously, I like cats almost as well as dogs. Cats like dogs, frequently and vice versa. Why do humans make a dichotomy? I Little Bird. Maintenant. And yeah that was Vincent D'Onofrio in The Cell, and He's perfect at playing psychos, Private Pyle. And Brian Stouder, you see the best in everyone, apparently, But Boner? He's a creep devoid of principles. And Republican opposition to Obama seems about 1% policy, 15% policy, 35% politics and the rest, bald-faced racism. V V
- Maggie, not gonna happen. I'll send you dinner on dry ice from HHI airport if necessary. I'm a very good cook. Or ride it there on my bike. And those aholes are the angry white lonewolf male party. It's entirely possible Paul Ryan's never been laid without Rohypnol. As a firm believer in the doctrines of Jesus, it's repulsive to me these people call themselves Christians, and claim this a Christian country. They want it to be Rome and they want to be Caligula. These pro-lifers don't want to fund prenatal care nor WIC. How twisted is that? Life begins at conception and ends around 20 weeks of gestation.
- This is a comment on an Oslo story at LATimes: We weren't wrong moron, we predicted that nationalist reactionaries would start attacking Western European countries who are turning their countries over to Muslims. And that's what happened. WTF is wrong with people?
- Game of Thrones peeps.
- Jeff, Norway is civilized. And Dexter, not in the same universe other than being an human being.And I know that 'n' is correct because I'm published author. She wasn't untalented, but the overhype was spectacular. She was a fairly talented singer,, and it's a sad thing she did herself in. And I think Piece of my Heart is nice par ecxellence, you can be a dick and claim her odious take on Zummertime .Shit that was horrible
- Linda, sorry, but knee-jerk should be memorialized in perpetuity for right-wing wankers. Death Penalty is unquestionably idiotic and barbaric. And American proponents of it are generally drooling and toofless hillbillies, Republicans, or both. And they claim, inadvertantly, to be Christians. Sorry, you aholes. Jesus doesn't kill anybody.
- ROGirl: And so? Executing people makes sense? Or there's some moral imperative? I'd say no. This happens in the so-called real world pretty frequently. The death penalty is bullshit One way or another, No matter how you look at it.
- Real people don't kill people. It's a crime against our being.
- Moe, and that amounts to Brown guy in White House. Murricans are the least taxed wealthy people in the history of mankind, and they bitch more about taxes. They claim, at the top of their lungs to be Christians, but insist they shouldn't do for the least of their brethren. Ain't that exceptional. This pisses me off, and that "greatest generation" shit pisses me off more than anything. Assholes dreamed up the VietNam war, but they didn't do the GI Bill and free houses and college educations for the canon fodder that kept that economy moving.
- How did you ever hear of Pam Geller? I seriously wish I hadn't. I do like to think people are good. And Nancy Grace does have adders for hair.
- Lets cut WIC and insist we're exceptional. Seriously? Ahole Murricans? Exceptional assholes. I love my country Maybe not so much. It is the most racist country not Israel, Kinda obvious, What a racist joke.
- He could take Tejas and walk?? Bye byee Rick, Bad hair. What does Tejas have to offer the union anyway, but fucking nitwits like yourself?
- What an unseemly turd. He ain't Dusty. And Stevie Ray wanted to be Dave Alvin, but he wasn't And ain't none of them Townes.
- And Warren Zevon came from California you idiots, And Tejas is bullshit.
- And when youu came from fromWHATEVER ?
- It is truly repulsive listening to all of the people that a short while ago were so dead sure that Dr. Hasan at Ft. Hood was a died in the wool jihadist, but this Breivik is a lone wolf with no connections to radical right wing politics or Christianity. Nice try, but the guy is obsessed with the Crusades, the Knights Templar, and Freemasons. He'd fit right in at Bohemian Grove. I brought room service (Plate o' Shrimp) to Steve Stills at a HoJos in Athens GA one time, after seeing Mannassas the night before at the UGA Coliseum. Spectacular concert. Pretty trashed motel room, but he was actually quite a nice fellow and great tipper. I got to play a little bit on his Martin 12. And that guitar is worth about $12grand. Met Frank Zappa there once too.
- No. 7/35 of those refrigerator shots: That sure as hell looks like a frozen coiled rattler on top shelf right. No. 3/35, sure looks like Ted Nugent's fridge with the Tequila and the slaughtered Bambi. I know he claims never to have done drugs or imbibed alcohol, but I can personally attest that the claim is a bald-faced lie. First think I thought of reading the Oslo and Spokane bomb stories was how Erik Rudolph evaded an intensive manhunt for 5 years, well-fed, groomed in perfect health, with good ol' North Carolinian boys aiding and abetting a mass murderer in the culture wars. Second was how Republicans went self-righteously nuclear on Janet Napolitano, DHS and DoJ for suggesting that indigenous right-wing terror is a tremendous threat to Americans' security. I check the SPLC website occasionally to keep track These nutjobs are more ubiquitous than Phil Collins in the 90s. Since 2001 in Manhattan, more terror has been waged in the USA against Muslims and progressive to liberal politicians than against any other Americans. And who the hell is Jennifer Rubin. And Cathy Cambridge just dawned on me.
- Observing Pamela Geller try to get out from under Breivik's atrocities is a study in racial psychopathy. And massive self-delusion. It is pitiful to hear people like this proclaiming they aren't the racists and bigots, everybody else is. Didn't they actually make it out of mud, like the Rabbi of Warsaw the Golem? Here's what Geller said about the shootings by Maj. Hasan at Ft. Hood. What a mendacious and self-serving harridan hypocrite, but, you know, at least she's consistent. I was in a high school band called Flotsm & Jetsam. I preferred just Flotsam, but was overruled.
- Any copy desk editorial positions available at WaPo? This is mangled. And such a cool story, too. Who was this guy who came to the troopers rescue, and what a pair of cojones?
- Nancy, the talk radio story is side-splitting, nose-trick funny. Bachmann on school bullying : "I think for all of us, our experience in public schools is there have always been bullies," "Always have been, always will be. I just don't know how we're ever going to get to the point of zero tolerance... What does it mean?... Will we be expecting boys to be girls?" There is something wrong with this woman, like mental illness. Or she's intellectually challenged. She thinks it's normal that nine kids in her Congressional district have killed themselves in two years. What sort of moral vacuity do her public statements on this situation represent? Her response is monstrous. Why doesn't she talk to the little hubby? He's probably got a different perspective. Some astonishingly emotive images, from a guy called pkuczy (Pawel Kuczynski, from Poland). Some are hilarious, some spooky, some ineffably sad, some razor-sharply satirical. Reminiscent of Magritte surrealism, but maybe more anarchic.
- Dexter: Sgt. William Jasper is particularly renowned in Savannah GA, where he is celebrated with an annual public ceremony complete with pipers and Irish bands around St. Patrick's day. Madison Square in Savannah has an impressive monument dedicated to Sgt. Jasper, and this is the site of the party. This is a part of the Paddy's Day celebrations sparsely attended by tourists, but a pretty strong local tradition. Jasper was also a confederate of Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox, in brazen guerilla attacks on Brit supply lines, but his true partner in freedom fighting was John Newton. It's interesting that the flag saved by Sgt. Jasper at the battle of Moultrie, in Georgia, was nothing whatever like the Stars and Stripes. If one takes Pastor Warren literally, he would seem to be including Muslims, Jews, Zoroastrians, Baha'i, Hindus, Sikhs, Confucians, Shinto etc. in the saved. I'll bet he's got some explanation of why Catholics are left out in particular, though. That syntax would seem to require translation by the master of that particular excuse for English, W Bush.
- Well, and what about the most hazardous of outdoor culinary practices, i.e. frying that turkey. And these reports may be intended for morons, but the morons ain't listenin'. Every year, bonehead Americans drop frozen turkeys into 185 degree peanut oil, producing a backyard approximation of nuclear winter, and if they're really unlucky, an auto da fe by self-immolation. The little woman watching in horror through the kitchen window can choose suttee, or just wait a few minutes until hubby is frite and dial 911 to save the house, unless the dumbass was frying on the back deck.
- Bob, that's a "lies, damned lies, and statistics" story. Anybody that thinks the Kochs are about to back down from buying Wisconsin is an idiot. Alan West is insane, and despite his security clearance "higher than the President" this Abu Ghraib war criminal needs to be run out of Congress. And if Florida wants to secede, let 'em take the bluehairs and walk if they insist on electing lunatics like this guy and the Medicare fraud artist, Rick Scott. West's friends think Breivik is a bellwether of the rising danger of homegrown Muslim jihad. This bullshit promotes terrorist actions against American citizens.
- Tort reform maniacs and liars are big on the terribly high costs of medical malpractice awards in the grand scheme of American health car. Only problem is, that's a load of bullshit. In the last decade, the costs of all jury awards and malpractice premiums has never exceeded even 2%. (In general, these costs have hovered below 1% of total health care over the last 30 yrs.) of total health care costs. It's impossible to identify cost of unproductive treatment and tests and procedures because of fear of litigation, but it's just as clear that such "preventive" medicine results from straw men litigators manufactured by opponents of health care reform on the right. This is entirely a load of crap pushed by idealogues like Krauthammer with no evidence but to the contrary. These people just make up scary shit without compunction or sense of responsibility. When California enacted tort reform, malpractice premiums nearly doubled, for some unexplained reason, and there was no significant chang in jury awards. A driving factor in the tort reform movement is the perception on the right that so-called "trial lawyers" (as opposed to the armies of attorneys corporations marshalll in court battles, more pure propaganda for dumb people) are more beneficent in political donations to Democrats than to Republicans. Here's a good place to start understanding how this is a campaign characterized by scare tactics and outright lies. This is a subject that drove my late daddy nuts, so I've read a lot about this. Of course, my mom and dad believed that single payer, universal coverage was a moral imperative incumbent on the USA if the country is going to stand for anything worthwhile.
- Actually, numerically speaking, vote and welfare fraud are even more bizarre fabrications than tort reform. Proven vote fraud rates, by state are in the truly infinitesimal range of .00009-.0005& of votes cast. Hardly like stealing Florida in 2000 or Cuyahoga Co., OH in 2004. Even those were not vote fraud, they were outright election fraud and vote suppression, for which convictions have actually been obtained. You go Ken Blackwell: and
- Many studies have found that income tax fraud rates on a case basis are 20 times higher than welfare fraud. So what people are defrauding taxpayers out of way more money. It's the people whose Caddy is a company car, not odious Raygun's "welfare queens" buying cars and liquor and cigarettes with change from foodstamps. Next time somebody says something about Raygun the communicator and all-around good guy, remember this shit and try not to puke. So what's the first opportunity to balance the budget for Republicans? Move hedge fund billionaires off their 15&corporate gains tax rate to a realistic and fair 35&? Hell no. Cut WIC. Think of the health care savings when those kids never become unhealthy adults. Flat out, that is the Republican working theory, the scummy bastards.
- In the words of my mom and daddy who gave their live to caring for patients, where do hospitals get off talking about "clients" instead of patients. Having known an inordinate number of them in my lifetime as my parents' son, I know doctors and nurses in general are really uncomfortable with the "clients" bullshit and I would not be surprised if that's another rancid Lakoffism. Medicine is not about a fee for service relationshio unless you're talking abou Kardashians an d boobs and asses. And it seems almost, but not really quite, cruel to say it, but for every operation that made Michael Jackson's schnoz look like a porkier, another kid didn't get cleft lip and palate surgery. But this has distinctly to do with American consumerism. This is not solely American but the wherewithal to fix all these kids' faces is certainly in America. Commodifying people is what the GOP accused theObama of when they started that idiot fodder about death panels. That was exceptionally crude and stupid. but look how many Tejans bought it, based on their scientific knowledge from those Tejas schoolbooks that rule American education based upon their sheer sale numbers. I I've based my entire philosophy of life pn the Teillhardian ideal. That there is sure as shit a Creator, and what He created was the marvel of his Creation becoming Himself. How perffect is that idea. And that's not some acid or peyote talking. It means there are no limits besides the edges of Creation, which is a pretty good definition of God. What I think about redshift. This radio frequency proves beyond a doubt that matter moves outwards, at the speed of light squared. If E+MC2, at some point, Matter gets to equal energy, which would probably approximate God. My idea about redshift is probably stupid, but, hell, it's encouraging. At some place there has to be a speed we just let her rip. No shit, if you take the dear old Boy at his word, all hell is gonna rip loose. Notice I got loose right as opposes all those internet assholes that say loose for lose. It's no way to look at any of this. My broter? What is wrong with you? I don't know how to confront my bros. I mean it Dave. I'm the biggest ahole you ever came across/ this situation is weird/ I've LQya bwwn on you're side. I
- In the words of my mom and daddy who gave their live to caring for patients, where do hospitals get off talking about "clients" instead of patients. Having known an inordinate number of them in my lifetime as my parents' son, I know doctors and nurses in general are really uncomfortable with the "clients" bullshit and I would not be surprised if that's another rancid Lakoffism. Medicine is not about a fee for service relationshio unless you're talking abou Kardashians an d boobs and asses. And it seems almost, but not really quite, cruel to say it, but for every operation that made Michael Jackson's schnoz look like a porkier, another kid didn't get cleft lip and palate surgery. But this has distinctly to do with American consumerism. This is not solely American but the wherewithal to fix all these kids' faces is certainly in America. Commodifying people is what the GOP accused theObama of when they started that idiot fodder about death panels. That was exceptionally crude and stupid. but look how many Tejans bought it, based on their scientific knowledge from those Tejas schoolbooks that rule American education based upon their sheer sale numbers. I I've based my entire philosophy of life pn the Teillhardian ideal. That there is sure as shit a Creator, and what He created was the marvel of his Creation becoming Himself. How perffect is that idea. And that's not some acid or peyote talking. It means there are no limits besides the edges of Creation, which is a pretty good definition of God. What I think about redshift. This radio frequency proves beyond a doubt that matter moves outwards, at the speed of light squared. If E+MC2, at some point, Matter gets to equal energy, which would probably approximate God. My idea about redshift is probably stupid, but, hell, it's encouraging. At some place there has to be a speed we just let her rip. No shit, if you take the dear old Boy at his word, all hell is gonna rip loose. Notice I got loose right as opposes all those internet assholes that say loose for lose. It's no way to look at any of this. My broter? What is wrong with you? I don't know how to confront my bros. I mean it Dave. I'm the biggest ahole you ever came across/ this situation is weird/ I've LQya bwwn on you're side. I always was by your side. when thatJim Forde waa on your aise. Not my fULT, Dve,No ahit you might mw
- In the words of my mom and daddy who gave their lives to caring for patients, where do hospitals get off talking about "clients" instead of patients. Having known an inordinate number of them in my lifetime as my parents' son, I know doctors and nurses in general are really uncomfortable with the "clients" bullshit and I would not be surprised if that's another rancid Republican Lakoffism. Medicine is not about a fee for service relationship unless you're talking abou Kardashians and boobs and asses. And it seems almost, but not really quite, cruel to say it, but for every operation that made Michael Jackson's schnoz look like a porker, another kid didn't get cleft lip and palate surgery. But this has distinctly to do with American consumerism. This is not solely American but the wherewithal to fix all these kids' faces is certainly in America. Commodifying people is what the GOP accused Obama of when they started that idiot fodder about death panels. That was exceptionally crude and stupid. but look how many Tejans bought it, based on their scientific knowledge from those Tejas schoolbooks that rule American education based upon their sheer sale numbers. I've based my entire philosophy of life on the Teillhardian ideal. That there is sure as shit a Creator, and what He created was the marvel of his Creation becoming Himself. This ideal fits perfectly with physics and Einstein, I think.How perfect is that idea. Certainly explains evolution, which seems to stymie those monkey morons that apparently believe their God was too stupid to figure that one out ahead of time. Not Mine, you idiots. That was intelligent design you dumbasses. And that's not some acid or peyote talking. The idea of God becoming perfect in God's creation is brilliant. It means there are no limits besides the edges of Creation, which is a pretty good definition of God. What I think about redshift. This radio frequency proves beyond a doubt that matter moves outwards, at the speed of light squared. If E+MC2, at some point, Matter gets to equal energy, which would probably approximate God. My idea about redshift is probably stupid, but, hell, it's encouraging. At some place there has to be a speed we just let her rip. No shit, if you take the dear old Boy at his word, all hell is gonna rip loose. Notice I got loose right as opposes all those internet assholes that say loose for lose. Why the hell do they make that idiotic mistake?
- Moe, That asshoe was only responsible for that kid from inception unti 29 something months in utero. That is how they do. Whited Sepulchres,, and hell with WEC and child welfare or prenatal care. Ut;s all some olot by ACORN which does't exist anymore you estreme anti-humans. And I'm sure that asshole was responsible for child care right up until the baby ceased to be a foetus, at which point she was expendable in the grand scheme to protect hedge fund managers from paying taxes like normal people. After all, they create jobs by buying yachts and ancient castles in the Hamptons.
- Alex, my mother once had a job working at an nursing home (I figure that's a double Mr. Published Author exclusive on the "an"). Nobody came to visit. She said they hired sadists for temp help and the whole thing was a scam. Didn't anybody watch that movie with John Cusack and the boombox? Rich Republicans have been fucking Grannie over for cash since God knows when. Affordable Health Care Act is going to rob these assholes of cash cows, so they revile it. Moe, they are both certifiable if it ever gets to court. In the case of West, look who gets elected in Florida. Rick Scott? Marco Rubio? The latter stood up like a man for the mom's right to steal the child and put his ass in the shark-infested waters between Cuba and the USA. What a freedom fighter. They endangered this child and the mom was an irresponsible drug addict that surely loved her son, but, in reality, endangered him to become a Glenn Beck talking point. What's a Freedom Fighter in Raygun's terms? A thug traines at School of the Americas to rape and murder Jesuit priests and Maryknoll nuns and bury them in shallow graves in Ollie North's name. This is who these assholes pledge alliegence to? Republicans in the last 340 years are flagrant war criminals. Shock and Awe in Baghdad was an out and out war crime. What is wrong with Americans? Well, they're worried the President is a Kenyan ticking time-bomb Manchurian candidate looking to turn the Justice System over to Sharia Law. Really? You assholes? You are looking to tank the world's economy to make the black guy a one=term President. We have met the enemy and he's a sad drunk that just can'st get over a black guy in the Oval Office after the presidency was stolen so artfully in favor of an idiot, Twice.
- And here's a good one. Rolling Stone has a cover story about the "Neurotic Zen" of Larry David. I know some of you are fans of this ultimate asshole, but Bishpleeze (and I still am clueless about what that might mean) but isn't that spectacularly oxymoronic. Zen is the lack of neuroses. This guy is just a flaming asshole that deserves a punch in the face for being an inexcusable excuse for a human being, This is particularly annoying because there was a spectacular TV show called "Life" about actual Zen and being a spectacular detective because of Zen. This dickhead made a career out of people as total assholes with no redeeming social features. This fucker is the inexcusable manque of the self-interested Republican piece of shit. If it's not my own navel, why should I care? What a fucking asshole. And why is this shitheel on the cover of Rolling Stone? I hate to say this, but, where's Amy? Larry David is one flaming asshole, Sinefeld was halfway funny for about half a season, every character was an annoying as shit. Self=absorbed PsOS. Who the fuck cares. These people were assholes. They sucked bigtime. I suppose Larry David's whole thing was how obnoxious and self=absorbed dan anybody be until somebody just beats them to death? These people are revolting, whiny assholes. Sorry. I know some of you actually don't think this inecxusable asshole is the most obnoxious asshole ever. I guess you didn't know he actually acts like he has political opinions all the timel david. What a revolting whiny asshole. Larry David. In Spades What a maroon, what an ignoranimus. His neuroses are not remotely entertaining, he's just a flaming asshole. Please get back to rock, like how Bono is Larry David and Ricky Gervais all tied up in one. Russell Brand bouquet.Same cumpster. Are you kidding you assholes That sure as shit ain"t rock ?n? roll. Guy is an ahole and a poseurI forgive Duddy Kravits years afo, Mediocre movie,
- Linda. Way they do. Cooz I think you'll like this>. If I'm wrong, say so, He's not talking about women, I don't think.
- You guys know that's Stevie Winwood playing the Hammond on the Electric Ladyland version of Rainy Day? I always put on "Fixing a Hole". Peter, I'm sure Joe Walsh never met a cocktail party he didn't like, but I wouldn't call him a "cocktail party guy". Seems like more of a forty and a blunt type of guy. I'm thinking the real Joe Walsh ought to track down this poseur Congressman with the Kindergarten F in economics and kick his ass. I mean, the real Joe Walsh named an album "The Smoker You Drink, the Player You Get". Which Joe Walsh would better serve the country in the House? Seems obvious which one has more active neurons. Same one that's been destroying them for years. This asshole on fiscal responsibility is like Ken "Mr. Diebold" Blackwell (lying like a turd is just such a part of these assholes' lack of character and anti-patriotism, they can't help themselves) on election fraud. This new Joe Walsh is a fucking moron tha tdespises the President for being Kenyan. Somebody just needs to ask him in public, he will spew. I'd say if Ron Mexico is a 9/10 on the purely heinous scale, the breeder of those puppies is the full boat. As disgusting as it's possible for a human being to be. And I should admit to the eternal moron Joe Wilson. Chief uppity-nigger-hunter of the House. Anybody says this isn't about race is the biggest liar you will ever come across,
- Rana, Extremely well-said. Christie is a disgusting fat piece of shit. Like obese on purpose. What sort of person does this? Hope that is done once and forever. All Bozos on that bus. Connie, you don't get to vote. Because Get outta Denver, baby, you look just like a commiee and you might be a member, Get outta Denver. The shit that GOP pulled in Volusia Co., Florida was fairly astounding. They closed polling places, they shut down RR crossings, the Painted Lady cheated like a bitch. Fla was robbed in 2000, and Scalia basically took this to the bank, This is hilarious. Ohio was grand theft in 2004. These atr facts everybody has to deal with. So the aholes that ran hedge funds [ay half what I do for maybe a quarter of the work. Why don't those aholes actually pay their fair share? 35% from these assholes ill-gotten gains, and the deficit is long gone by about 2015. Is somebody sleeping at the switch on the gop side? They don't know about this shit? They don't understand the looney Oil depletion bullshit? Getting rid of all this shit is raising taxes, Fuck these assholes.according to Republican shitheels, Good luck with this sort of crap if it means making children's lives better. They need to empower rich oil axxholes.. Make the ridiculously wealthy pay the price. And I'm pretty sure Jimi raised a carnival wherever he went. I think there was an aura. He was tall, thin and handsome. And unusual. I think things turned out well.
- Is stopping this shit really a tax increase? Is this what teabaggers are protecting? Are these bastards joking? Yep, Oil Companies and Hedge Fund Managers that pretty much don't pay taxes.
- My first job after college was stacking cores for transformers in a Westinghouse plant. Absolutely brutal. The cores are made of hundreds of laminations of sheet steel, sharp as a ginsu in a variety of sizes some weighing hundreds of lbs., some so small the stacker has a hard time pulling the layers from within the cylinder. Believe it or don't the small cores were worst. Working from the middle out, the sheets has to be fanned into a comb shaped fistureso that several layers were stacked to that all the seams in a row were staggered. The job paid $12/hr. but it was incredibly difficult to "run standard", certain numbers of cores per shift. It was common practice for everybody to pitch in to help when any one of us had to meet the standard to stay on the line. I've never had an actual nightmare in my life, but when I worked that job, I had recurring dreams of wrestling with lizards that bit my hands. At lunch on second shift the parking lot emptied as everyone in the plant went up the street to the package store. Mickey's Big Mouths were the drug du jour. I stuck the job out for 6 months, but had I faced a lifetime in that factory, suicide would have been a serious consideration. Words fail to express how wretched this job was. I got an assembly line job in Ann Arbor when I was in HS, for more money than anybody I knew was making. It was so stultifying I went back to doing janitorial work at Metropolitan Hospital on 12th and Tuxedo in Detroit for less than half the money. This was pretty embarrassing because the hospital was part of the UAW's health plan, so I'd see the guys I had worked the line with and took a lot of ribbing.
- Blue Collar is a movie written and directed by Paul Schrader, with Harvey Keitel, Yaphet Kotto and Richard Pryor. This is the best artistic presentation of factory work I've ever seen. Not on Netflix unfortunately. The script contains the word fuck, in all its permutations 173 times, according to IMDb.
- Dexter, I just rented Blue Collar for 2.99 at the Itunes store to watch tonight. Incredible performances by all three leads. I think it may have been the first time I really paid attention to Harvey Keitel and Yaphet Kotto, two of my favorite actors, about as intense as can be. LAMary, I love doing that sort of work. Honestlyy working in a factory struck me as something that would precipitate schizophrenia, at least in me. A few summers ago one of my brothers and I built a 12x50 wood deck with hand tools for my mom and dad in a day. Beer never tasted better than the Foster's oil cans when we finished up in the dark. The result was extremely satisfying. I was riding home with groceries an hour ago next to a fairway. There's a high hurricane fence and a thicket of bamboo along the golf course property line. Some duffer hit a shot of such monumental atrociousness that a ball made it through all the way to conk me in the eye. I've got a serious shiner and half my forehead is black an blueswollen like a Canamid. Twelve bottles of Guinness in my panniers, didn't break a one. Somehow I didn't fall. That had to be as bad a golf shot as it's possible to hit. Scared the shit out of me. It felt like getting hit by a baseball. I yelled "Nice shot , asshole" over the fence. Members of Congress get paid for this?I wonder if House Republicans will show up in nuns habits to heist Medicare and Social Security. Jon Stewart mocking GOP motivational techniques. Extremely funny.
- Dexter. I had a friend named Tony Hart who was a football player at Holy Cross, whose hometown was Cleveland. I've actually seen Mud Hens games. I used to have a uniform shirt but I'm afraid it's one of those things lost to a light-fingered gf over the years. No mistaking I got hit. My face looks like I need Mick to cut me. What amazing colors show up in a black eye. I'd say it's aubergine this morning with that motor oil in a puddle iridescence, which reminds me, I'm beating the 100 deg. this afternoon and undertaking a pan of eggplant parm. Fresh mozzarella is on sale at the grocery store, but I should probably wear a pith helmet on the bike ride. If I'd broken any beers, I'd have been mightily pissed off. As it was, the only bad thing is not being able to ridicule the jackass' links ineptitude personally.
- How Republicans in Congress are behaving dangerously irresponsibly regarding the debt ceiling, according to a guy that was the head of W's Council of Economic advisers. Even a dumb wet-brain like Boehner ought to be able to understand this. Hell, this should be simple enough for the average knuckle-dragging, drooling teabagger
- A beautiful comment on the Utoya shootings by Jo Nesbo, and a recommendation of his excellent mystery, The Snowman.
- Shit Nancy, that was a long impulsive trip to Burning Man. But if you can put up with non-stop electronica,, what the hay. And "The Tiki Bar is Open" is code for Farararararararara. I've seen explosions of that magnitude from lighting barbecue grills. My mom did it more than once. I tried explaining how quicklu gasoline fumes expand. She was a brilliant nurse and clearly understood all kinds of science, but physics, not really.
- Judy, it comes down to broken Guinesses, having to climb into the Fazio design golf course and track down the asshole that couldn't play. fazio is the guy that makes all his sandtraps like mondrian shapes. What a recherche nouveau rich ahole. I've had a few black eyes, and the pallette is fairly amazing. It always retains the irridescence of motor oil in a puddle in a pothole on a city street. I've nailed a few, on my next youngest brother. I actually brok First left hook, he was banging the back of my skull on the trunk of a car.e his jaw once. Beleieve me he deserved it and we have made up. Pretty much, We don't think the same way about anything political except that he believes that American racism is still the major problem. Chris, my serious brother, believed in Bobby Kennedy. Me too, big surprise. He had a full length poster on Nixon with afull wine glassthrown across his ugly mug and a Sharpie caption: "War is heck but it's a necessary heck." My best friend ever and we are at each others' backs. We have strange conversations when Chris calls me at strange times of night. He think's hedge fund crooks are what is wrong. I tend to think he's right because he's smart as shit and almost smarter than I, and he has more information than I do. What these assholles are skimming with their 15% tax rate is obscene. If my rich brother that makes his cash on IPOs says about these crooks that they are endangering the economy, well, he went to Princeton and he was the best dback they ever saw. And he went to UVA and was the sluditorian of his class. And he's a very good man who cares about his god-daughter, my kid. And his own kids. If he says the teabaggers are loonies that don't give a shit about the way things turn out? Well I have to agree with my brother Chris, these people are self-destructive aholes. My brother is talking about protecting shitheels with cash. Teabaggers are talking about crashing everything. It is almost hard to imagine how anybody can be that fucking stupid.
- AREN'T THE INJURIES THE STORIES? NO SHIT LITTLE GIRL? This fhost stor goes on and on
- Warren Zevon surely appreciated Bill Lee. Buffalo Heads ruled, particularly the Spaceman and Bernie Carbo, who was too cool to be a Cincinatti Red, and Fergie Jenkins, greatest Canadian pitcher in the history of the majors. And Dexter, Bill Lee is legendary Red Sawx, played his last three years in Montreal. Attacked from behind in a famous Sawx-Yankees brawl by the infamous I Be Rickey Henderson, greatest leadoff man of all-time and a serious dickhead. And that herb? That's just to sprinkle on my buckwheat cakes at breakfast.
- Ronald Raygun's crowning glory moment. Canning air traffic controllers and replacing them with clowns. Strangest thing about Youtube: How in hell do 42 people end up watching Warren Zevon play Lawyers, Guns and Money and don't like it? 16 People disliked Keep Me In Your Heart. This is astounding to me. If you dislike Warren Zevon for some inconceivable reason, fine. But why go to the trouble of expressing yourself on Youtube? A great Warren Zevon song with which I was unfamiliar. We thought seriously about leaving the USA when Ken Blackwell stole Ohio and the election in '04, but things looked better in '08. Back in the day Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver were our likely landing places, But having had more time to think about this, if assholes like this stupid POS are what the USA has to look foreward to, we're thinking along the lines of Baja California or Costa Rica or Honduras. On the beach. Had not W fucked the economy, this would be easy. Our condo would be worth a couple of $100 grand, and we'd have beer and smokes money 'til we died. Now maybe 75 grand, but of course, in Mexico, we'd have good health care free. But if that asshole is the future, we are out of here. What a fucking racist Know-Nothing. This shit is very depressing. We're relatively old 60 and 49 but we might scrape by, if assholes like Eric Cantor don't steal Social Security. Remember when a Republican was Howard Baker? John Lindsey? Shit, Nixon would find these fuckers vile. This asshole can pound on a podium all he wants, but his objection always comes back to the same thing. It's Gabby Johnson. The President is a ni... no, the president is a nig.
- Really, Dex, Bill Lee as an Expo? This is Bill Lee. Years later when the Little Hitler Zimmer attacked Pedro, the revolting Yankees got their comeuppance, and isn't that one of the greatest words ever invented.
- I get unlimited NYT access with a Sunday only home delivery. Only problem is being up early enough on Sunday so that some bastard tourist doesn't steal the paper. I caught one at it, and the fool said "I thought they were complementary, though he pronounced it more like the almost homonym. David Yerushalmi may be just one guy, but Sharia is one of the imaginary dead-horses Bachmann and that certifiable Louie Gohmert, who thinks Meskins and Muslims are interchangeable, beat all the time, and the entirely odious Daniel Pipes is full of this same bullshit and has been for years. Big content on AOL today: Al Pacino's daughter, a star softball player at UCLA, got caught in a roadblock and blew over the limit. Wow, that is some quality content, eh? And 800 Americans went to see the Smurfin' Smurfs over the weekend than attended Cowboys and Aliens. That is depressing. On the sunny side, there is a new version of Conan the Barbarian that looks far better than the lame-ass effort with the governator. Princess Katherine wore a UFO for a hat at somebody's wedding, while bringing back the beige coat. Does this mean beige coats had gone out of style, or is this news because she is never supposed to wear the same thing twice? And that plaid underwear? That's headgear, right? My uncle Paul wore a kilt, much to the embarrassment of my family. He was a traditionalist. When he went to Midnight Mass with us, he would make a grandiose show of kneeling to receive Communion with his tongue stuck out to the priest (and single malt on his breath), when all the rest of Catholicdom had been standing and receiving the Host in our hands for years. And you Maker Faire afficianados are going to want to plan to see Bellflower. edit: I am supposedly permitted to email access to Times articles, but I've no idea if sending them from the NYT site to a blog works. Pls. let me know if it doesn't.
- W may have looked like a bearded clam, and, as Jarvis Cocker says eloquently in the great song at the end of Children of Men (an awe-inspiring movie), Cunts Are Still Ruling the World. And I don't think I'd be likely to eat a pink clam, but the joke is very funny.
- What Rupert Blackbeard has in common with the Koch Bros.:union-busting Why I need to win the lottery: hover bike. Debt ceiling deal explained by Ezra Klein. If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well It were done quickly. This seems as good an outcome as possible with the mewling and puking infantile assholes populating the Gratuitous Oposition Party. That's a beautiful little Scots church, but it looks like a SoCal mission church.
- Scout, The cuts are backloaded, with a trigger, and they are mandated by the deal to come in the first wave from "security spending", which includes the military. If the trigger kicks in, more than half the spending cuts come from the Pentagon alone, and none from Medicare, Medicaid nor SS. In effect the Greedy Oleaginous Plutocrats were put in a position of cutting spending on the troops to protect hedge fund managers' immense tax break (at least $4trillion in the next ten years) If people in Red States with big military presences and local impact from military bases are even marginally less gullible than they seemed in '10, Republicans are losing the house back this time., that is going to play like a Parliafunkedelictment Thang concert in red states. The best explanation of the deal I've seen is from Ezra Klein. Guy looks like Jimmy Olsen, but he's an ace reporter on Federal government, particularly finance. And next time somebody mentions Sharia to me (isn't Sharia law a redundancy?), I'm going to slap 'em silly and ask them what they think about Norquist law, or FAMiLY LEADER law. I think it would hold up in court to charge the dumbass bastards that sign those things with treason under Article III, Section 3, particularly the Norquist bullshit.
- Dave, as alumnus of last year's flagship, UGA, I say Congratulations. Vote fraud. Bullshit. Vote suppression. Republican specialty. This is flat out illegal, and somebody, preferably David Koch should be in jail. Can anybody explain why Feingold has benched himself? Disgust? Illuminating piece on the bullshit Congressional Republicans pulled in the last two months. This is straightforward, unquestionably destructive behavior. Nobody can claim with any credibility this wasn't monumentally irresponsible and stemmed from a single motive: get rid of the brown President. There is no other logical explanation for screwing the US economy the way they've done. I've lost an average of $1<0/share on my mutual funds since July 1, and I'm sure others have had the same experience, and I attribute market losses to the instability engendered by the GOP holding the full faith and credit of the USA hostage. I' also sure as hell this situation has put a damper on new jobs. Republicans didn't even do this for idealogical reasons. It was all to flummox Obama. That is treasonous behavior any way you look at it.
- Mark, when I said Sharia law is a redundancy, I meant that the term Sharia is the Muslim term for the religious based law that supposedly governs Muslim life and behavior. It's like Fox broadcasting the MLB Baseball game of the week. Or getting cash from an ATM Machine. As for the Koran. It's as extremely easy to find an OT passage that puts women in a bad situation or talks about killing people that don't share your beliefs as it is in the Koran. The idea that there is some insidious plot afoot to taint the American legal system to allow for stoning adulterers is nuts, as in paranoid, I'm sure Michele Bachmann believes it, because she does seem to be unbalanced. The likelihood of this happening in America is nil. And can anyone actually identify the perpetrators of such a plot? You got it. Those nutcases with the posters in England. This whole thing is a ridiculous scare tactic intended to mobilize the booboisee against immigrants, and to bind bigots in some exceptionally virulent and ignorant bigotry. It's almost exactly analogous to Lee Atwater's Willie Horton propaganda. In the first place, all of this implies that there is some invidious monolithic Islam, which is ridiculous on it's face. But politicians and idealogues can sell that shit to Murricans that are ignorant of Muslim reality, while being convinced they know everything they need to know from listening to Glenn Beck on the subject. And those bogus ballots in Wisconsin, they were mailed specifically to registered Democrats. Republican operatives have served or are serving jail terms for using exactly this dirty trick in several states, including FLA, NY and Ohio. Robocalls? Anybody that doesn't hang up immediately, or takes anything in a robocall as fact, should probably not be allowed to vote anyway. This creepy tactic should be illegal, if it actually isn't already under current law.
- Linda, Bill Gates aside, underperforming CEOs are more common as a %age than are underperforming employees, and they get paid 300 times as much, up from 262x just five years ago. Of course that 38% jump is easily explained by their excellent stewardship of the economy over those five years. Tomasky: Obama got schooled by Rep. OOmpa-Loompa and Sen. Massey Energy? Exactly how. Please explain. Bullshit. And if MarkH is around. I do indeed own a copy of the Qur'an, which you seemed to doubt on the last thread. It's the Arthur Arberry English translation (widely considered authoritative), and no, I've never claimed to have any deep knowledge of it, though much of what I have read in the book matches the poetry of, for instance, the Song of Solomon, which got the real Will Shakes treatment and is thus embarrassing to fundamentalists and many born-again Christians for it's sensuous and explicitly sexual imagery conflated with seeking God, and which sounds more like the Sufi poet Rumi than anything else. Actually, most of my reading in this book resulted from some Newsmax type "quoting" the Qur'an, invariably erroneously when I checked references. I enjoy reading the book, and I count it a bargain at $1.00 I paid for it at the used book shop at my library.
- That Matt Damon interview reminds me of my favorite scene (by a mile) in Good Will Hunting, which he probably also wrote.
- I lived for years in NE Georgia where pine and oak pollen is endemic, and I never had any symptoms of allergy. Living on Hilton Head, Pines are not quite as ubiquitous, but huge old live oaks are, and I'm at least somewhat symptomatic most of the year. Apparently pine pollen is relatively largeand not as much of a problem, more likely to be filtered in your nose. Oak pollen is an absolute scourge. We have days when all the cars in our parking lot, hell, the parking lot surface itself, appear to have been painted metal-flake gold. The pollen can be thick enough on the ground that people leave footprints like astronauts on the moon's surface. My dad, the pediatrician, theorized that allergy symptoms are likely to emerge as people get older. This is a different situation, but this area of the south is liable to have biting gnats (no-see-ums). First year we moved down here from the NE, they tortured me. Ever since, I'm immune. No idea how to explain that. People try all sorts of remedies, most commonly AVON Skin-so-Soft, and sometimes rubbing one's integument with fabric softener sheets. The SSF odor can ruin a beach day if the crowd is too big. And the stuff feels like Crisco. I'm sure more of this goop is sold for bug protection than for whatever purpose it was originally intended.
- Is the music on the GoT clip representative? Who is credited with the score? Very fine, I think. Mild Irish inflection, evocative, atmospheric and propulsive at once, a difficult thing to acchieve. Reminds me of the music from the great Firefly series.
- Jeff, Exactly who in the world will people that see things as you describe vote for, or will it be 25% of registered voters bothering to vote? In which case it would be all teabaggers all the time. I can say , I think for sure, that the sorry-ass performance of my retirement mutual funds since this idiot wind started is a direct result of the bullshit debt ceiling issue on markets and business behavior, which has unquestionably been detrimental to the jobs situation. Anybody suffering the kind of cognitive dissonance necessary to ignore who produced this situation out of spleen, bigotry, and self-interest, is clearly in no manner competent to be allowed to vote. The Republicans have themselves in a box which does not allow them to play this gambit between now and the election. You can say "people vote their pocketbooks" but it would take a gibbering cretin to figure voting for the teabag party serves that purpose, by any delusional stretch, after the last two months. An illustrated poem for the heat wave, suitable for National Breastfeeding Week, and Brian.
- I used to have a sister in law that had a debilitating allergy to cats, but only when she could see them.
- My track coach in HS had doctorates in both English and Latin. And he was a great teacher. But, ya know, Jesuit School is a different world.
- LAMary, which name?
- Brian, It's fun sometimes. Other times not. When I was teavhing, I had a class in a trailer, right after a prep (free)period and a lunch with no duty.I used to have lunch with my girlfriend off campus. One day, I pulled up to my trailer (portable classroom, nice parlance, eh) with my sunroof open and Bone, Thugs and Harmony on the stereo. Kids flocked to my car, and began dancing like they were at a party, which was fine with me. Buncha pretty good teenagers in a civics class they were cynical about, but who knew that if they behaved reasonably, paid attention, took notes and didn't skip classes would get my best effort to get them all good gradess in that class. There was a 19 yo kid in the class, who was a well known crack dealer, in his brother's footsteps while his brother was on the run from cops for a double murder. One of the victims was a 15 yo girl from our school. When I knew the bell was about to ring, I turned off the CD player and loocked the car and told the kids to get inside and crank the AC. All but one, and a bunch of these kids were problems in other classes, hopped to it. One kid stood over me glowering. Dopeman. He said "Gimme your keys so I can listen to that." He was very menacing, but I could see some football players nearby that would have come to my rescue. So I was only moderately scared, while a crowd gathered. I told him to get to class or I'd call the resource officer and he'd go to Juvie, the only half-assedly effective threat available to the faculty. What else? In-school,suspension, expulsion? They don't give a shit. Then this thug, sorry, no racial connotations, but C. would make a great actor in one of those hopelessly bogus James O'Keef videos about intimidating Panthers at polling places. Guy was a thug, plain and simple. At this point, he directly threatened my life. Some girls started crying, figuring it was imminent, and kids scattered, figuring gunfire was next. I told him to get his ass off campus, and that I'd give him 10 minutes before I called the police. This all happened at Christmastime. I knew it was traumatic for many of my kids, and I knew I needed to do something surprising to get them back on track. I had students that were despised by other faculty (inexcusable), 9th grade social promotions that had never passed anything (that's on administrators, not teachers), inveterate troublemakers and smartasses (easiest to coopt to my aims, being an inveterate troublemaker and smartass myself). Meanwhile C continues to show up on campus, and he scared the shit out of students and faculty alike. I was told by the principal that I'd need to file a formal complaint and see the case through, to get this bastard institutionalized in a juvenile facility. Sure ruined my excessive teacher's length Christmas vacation. But kids showed up at personal risk to testify to what had happened and it dawned on me. I'm teaching Civics here, and we've got Civics in action. Lesson plans were out the window. We went straight to dealing with the legal system and Constitutional principles. Meantime, for that Christmas break, I walked into class and told them we'd be knocking off early for the Holiday. All hell broke loose, and I was swarmed by really cute 15 yo girls who had decided a ways back I looked like Paul McCartney, which is nonsense, but may have something to do with racial identifiers. I do have a chin dimple which Macca sort of does.The helium came out of the balloon told them it wasn't that easy. I explained my plan was too develop a study guide for a comprehensive semester final (went over real big), explained college study groups to them , split them into groups (this is tricky, there are kids nobody wants for no rational reason, and if you can get one of these generally earnest and pretty smart kids accepted, this is serious progress with a whole class). I told them they'd take a final for their entire semester grade, and that they'd take them as a group with benefit of their study guides (they had to cooperate in locating this information. They'd never be asked in a job to do anything more. I told them the work was all on them, but I'd help if they asked intelligent questions. We planned the exam for two days before official break. I collected all of the papers, graded them overnight with the help and forbearance of my beloved, came out with 60% As and 40% Bs in a class as far from AP as you get. Brought little prizes and bags of Christmas candy to class next day and announced the grades to applause from the peanut gallery for every classmate. And we played Motown music and Otis and the Godfather on the Boombox. These kids were shining. Back for 2nd semester and the case dragging on. I was made to take a polygraph exam about what C. said to me. Big Whoop. Kinda etched in stone, but I staarted to worry about kids that had supposedly snitched on him. I know there wer school personnel, cafeteria Ladies that heard every thing the asshole said, that weren't forthcoming like my students. Hearings were far between, I figure they figured they had the dangerous thug in lockdown so nobody felt a sense of urgency. Eventually, C was locked up for a while. I went to see him. He was as hateful as he'd ever been. And I'm not making this up, the stupid malevolent shit asked me "How'd you make them chumps choose you over me. I couldn't resist: "Matter of skin color Bro." C. shrugged and said , "Maybe so." I told him I had no beef with him, he said "Nah you either, man." As Paul Hrvey would say: "The rest of the story." I have no idea what happened to that kid, but I know state law had him on campus the day he threatened me. At the time, I was a long term sub, taking a class for a veteran teacher that had a bypass. School Board rules limited my pay to $100/day. We discussed the law and this case for an entire semester and put it on a stage. We sold tickets, and believe me I've got the whole thing on tape, amazing ad libs and all. I complained like a stuck pig about having to deal with the legal system when administrators were too chicken shit. But what would a decent human being do? Try to get this kid swerved into a rehabilitative situation or leave a buncha other kids exposed to predation. At this point I had been subbing a lot to supplement my spec writing income trashed by Raygunomics. I had worked everyday with dedicated teachers. Believe me, there are effective teachers that outnumber ineffective teachers, but for every instance in which Administrators that hide under desks, there are teachers not willing to give up. I've been ther and teachers are dedicated and good at their jobs. If Republicans want to take down teachhers in Unions, it means one thing. They want to privatize for profit and teach kids the earth is flat. In the long run, the union got these cheap bastards to pay me 150 a day. The days were 15 hours. $10/hr. for this sort of shit? Sure, all those asshole poor parents that find teachers at fault. Give it a try, Brave New World shitheels. I have run into kids from that class that graduated from college and heard from them all sorts of things about how I may have helped. Believe me This is something inconceivably important You'd have to be a soulless idiot not to find this moving and inspiring. The feeling of accomplishment is incomparable, but I don't take credit. I acted the way I was supposed to and kids got the message. And lot's of them became true academic stars, including some of the jocks you buncha prejudiced assholes. Did I do this for $100/day? I think I'm smarter than that. Maybe not. Now about the jock bashing, I was All City in football, All-America in swimming and All=State in track. I was also a national honor society member, and I'm fed with this horseshit about jocks. This is woefully ignorant. What is wrong with you dumbasses. In my HS we sort of treated athletic ability on a par with National Merit Scholarships. Most of us reached that plateau. Was that supposed to be difficult? I went to a school where academic acchievement an brilliant intellectual acchievement carried the same sort of cachet that physical prowess did. After academic attrition, there were fewer than 200 0f us that had passed the entrance exam that graduated. It was not dog-eat-dog, we all liked each other, but for the occasional bully that everybody despised. Why can't HS be like that? Well, at the time it was all guys, so there was none of the HS girl pirranhaism girls cavort in. I'm thinking about Madame Thatcher, Raygun's other mammy.
- No Sweat Mary, my vote's a lock. Can I vote more than once? My brother Matt died of Leukemia. And it was devastating to my family. I wonder if a hospice situation could have eased the burden, or if my mom and dad could have handed things over to a Hospice. I don't know if I could have. I felt I was the big brother and I was supposed to do something. I was about 10. I'll guarantee. I never got over this loss. And well-meaning adults (not my parents) made me go see Matt in the coffin. I've been mildly fucked up ever since. Matt was taking methotrexate, so his face was round, but it was the only thing they knew to do back then. HE was cherubic and my perfect brother. I figured he was fine, and then some dumbass old ladies that were my grandmas friends made me walk up and see him. This was my animated intelligent childhood friend that pretty much looked just like me. Way bad adult judgement, As I understand things, people don't die anymore of what killed my brother, and holy shit this pisses me off, to this day.
- Nancy @56: And convincing their asshole selves they are some sort of deep thinkers and strategists and philosophizers. Any ten of those shitheels added up ain't Che's balls. The paucity of actual thought, much less intellectualism is hilarious. The abject cowardice is overwhelming.These folks be dumb as grunt outside of pure greed and world dominance, and claiming some sort of genetic world dominance when they are demonstrably stupid. Libertarians tell themselves they are intellectual, and Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Aquinas, Teillhard don't rain on their parade because them guys were not as enlightened as the hideous cigarette harpy nobody would want to have sex with, which was all she really cared about. Ayn Rand was a porn junkie, like Adolph. She's so inconsistent in her alleged philosophy she ends up sounding like Geli Raibaul. Why don't the vacuum-brain libertarians track tht reference down? Welll, these assholes always fall back on the most desirable and supportable aspects of the bible. or are the rugged individualists about to admit they think the Bible is bullshit. How them teabaggers figure Ayn Rand manages to meet up with the Word of God. "Whatever you do..." , "Blessed are the meek...". Jesus was not a shitheel that thought it was a good idea to dump on people. so how in hell do fundies and born agains meet up with asshole nihilists like the Ayn Rand teabaggers? Do you people believe in anything at all? Couldn't tell by me. What you are all in agreement about, seems to me, is the Sherriff is a Ni ... Getting by abject raacism to dislike a particular brown-skinned man, well that's a dance, done incredibly clumsily. IT CHOKES THEM. AND THEY ARE SO FUCKING OBVIOUS.
- If you decide, because you latched onto Ayn Rand that you're a political intellectual instead of a fanboy of a more or less ugly fantasist idiot that's too stupid to quit cigarettes when she's diagnosed with lung cancer and then sucks off the public teat she ridculed, by God you re a libertarian. What a buncha maroons. Nobody could ever convince me Gary Cooper believed in this anti-humanist shit. Libertarians have a single thing going for them, and how does that sit with the Raygunites? Free use of pot? Hypocrisy is thick in here, as Curtis would say. These people are some sort of liars looking to render the USA a country without a government. Without a government this degenerates to Lord of the Flies. Should that come about, Grover Norquist is the Pig's Head. He'll be piggy that get's what he deserves. I'll see to it. These assholes are destroying the country I grew up in, on purpose. It is outright treason. Assholes that claimed to be patriots when they were actively plotting undermining the government. And why are they doing this now? Brown-skinned President is unacceptable. This is no-brainer, this is their problem and their motive. Is anybody stupid enough to be kidding about this shit? LA Mary, vote placed and out in front.
- Brian, that was a stressful part of my life. The Raygun collapse of spec office space was killing me financially. But I also took my responsibility seriously teaching those kids and considering their attitudes moving on. I think I managed to convince them I seriously cared about what happened to them after we weren't dealing with each other every day. I believe it makes sense for teachers to make cultural and personal connections with kids. Bone Thugs, Diggable Planets, Tribe Called Quest. Benefits accrue to both sides. I also think that teacher's understanding student interactions is crucial. I never took a single education course, but this stuff seemed obvious. I think I did a good job in a difficult situation. All I really had to do was to think of the best way to make sure the kids knew I cared about each of them. That seems like a no-brainer, and somebody could tell Bill Gates. How difficult is it to make a kid understand you appreciate their decisons and their efforts? It isn't. I had an army of kids on my side against the virtual darkside because they understood I understood and liked a lot of the things they liked, and really cared about them. It wasn't hard to convince them, because I really did. I think, from my experience, teachers are people that really do care about every kid they are presented with.. I'm sure I could have gotten in big trouble by playing NWAA at our Christmas Party. It was a moment of truth, but it was silly. One of the class clowns claimed I couldn't name the members of NWA. Of course I could, and I knew Cube's raps by heart. How difficult is it to gain kid's trust by immersing yourself in their culture. It seems to me this is an immediate jumpstart to trust. Tell you what. Every active critic of teachers ought to do a couple of sub gigs. It's near impossible, it's frightening, and it's dangerous. The critics are woefully moronic assholes that ought to try the line of fire. died-in-the wool chickenhawk assholes that believe W served his country in the military. How fucking stupid can anybody be? I'm sure for an absolute fact, if any of those kids had a run-in with Justice, they probably knew what was going on more than the cops oppressing them. Which they were without a doubt. I got fucked over big time on remuneration and the administrators pulled a fast one laying danger on me, but I'd sure as shit take those kids over again. We accomplished something excellent, and a lot of them applied themselves after that. I am pretty proud of myself. But I'll take shit for feeling that way. Some of those kids, the experience was worth the association. I have never met a teacher that didn't care about every kid in every class. People that become teachers are suckers for reaching out to every kid. Anybody that wants to claim that teachers are looking for a salary and summer off, well that is a fucking moron. Teachers work through the summer to pad their dogass salaries and to keep up with continuing education. And nobody works less than a 14 hr. day when school's in session. People that expect teachers to raise their kids to be decent educated people are grossly over-rating their monetary contributions to teachers' lives. These people are likely teabagger assholeYou debonnaire critics of teachers, try a day as a sub in a shop class, you wussie assholes.
- Brian, one bon mot for another. Dexter and MarkH would question my veracity, and this is getting way old. That story is Pure-D true. and I have been worried ever since. The malfeasor involved is a malign POS and I won't ever be sure he isn't tracking me down, or the woman I'm in love with. She knew a lot of the kids from going to a picnic for 4th fireworks. This guy was evil but Courts required information to be supplied that I have never been comfortable with. So from me to you, in the interest of National Breastfeeding Month, one perfect breast. Catherine Deneuve may well be the most beautiful woman ever lived, I suppose that's arguable, but her right mammary is obviously as perfect as perfect gets.
- seriously, my first sub job was in shop, and when i pulled my assignment from the teachers mailboxes, everybody behind me chortled like it was some bad Monty Python joke. There was no such thing for me as a difficult assignment, including doing in-school, but seriously, these assholes that question the difficulty of teaching in modern public schools, you would run faster than you ever imagined you could possibly run you flaming assholes.
- Brian, you couldn't have looked at that picture and thought that. In my lifetime, I've been drawn to women with brunette hair. Never but one particular blonde that I met in Geneve and was head over heals. I slept with her in her house, and her dad was a Swiss Olympic marksman, and came upstairs early. I thought I was lunch, even though I wasn't there early. These things happen And I've always found redhaired women pretty alluring. We have been taught from J School to never refer to redheads. No such thing. But for the Godawmighty Bird. There are red-haired women and auburn. which is particularly captivating. NYT stylebook, there is no such thing as a redhead. But Brian, if that doesn't look like a perfect breast, I have to wonder about your vision. And Catherine Deneuve is a great actress that is so perfect it's amazing. Why did Yuri Zhivago choose Julie Christie over Geraldine Chaplin? God knows he made the wrong choice. No telling why. People make inconceivable choices. You have to admit, Catherine Deneuve is entirely awesome. And she's a ridiculously great actress. I mean, she's in an acting sorrority that's almost Vanessa Redgrave.
- Brian, you couldn't have looked at that picture and thought that. In my lifetime, I've been drawn to women with brunette hair. Never but one particular blonde that I met in Geneve and was head over heals. I slept with her in her house, and her dad was a Swiss Olympic marksman, and came upstairs early. I thought I was lunch, even though I wasn't there early. These things happen And I've always found redhaired women pretty alluring. We have been taught from J School to never refer to redheads. No such thing. But for the Godawmighty Bird. There are red-haired women and auburn. which is particularly captivating. NYT stylebook, there is no such thing as a redhead. But Brian, if that doesn't look like a perfect breast, I have to wonder about your vision. And Catherine Deneuve is a great actress that is so perfect it's amazing. Why did Yuri Zhivago choose Julie Christie over Geraldine Chaplin? God knows he made the wrong choice. No telling why. People make inconceivable choices. You have to admit, Catherine Deneuve is entirely awesome. And she's a ridiculously great actress. I mean, she's in an acting sorrority that's almost Vanessa Redgrave. And Herself. Catharine Deneuve brunette.
- Tal Wickenfield Nancy, this is the best bass player going. Kate should keep track of this young woman, This is how to play the bass if you aren't going to put on Bootsy's glasses and diapers. How to play. And you really need to have Kate listen to What we need in the long run, Bootsy. She should learn how to slap. and hit the pedal. Please put some audio of the band on the internets. The kid needs to hear Jack Bruce. I know you have Wheels of Fire in your record collection. That's how to play bass, too. To a young child Margaret, are you grieving Over Goldengrove unleaving? Leaves, like the things of man, you With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? Ah! as the heart grows older It will come to such sights colder By and by, nor spare a sigh Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie; And yet you will weep know why. Now no matter, child, the name: Sorrow’s springs are the same. Nor mouth had, no nor mind, expressed What heart heard of, ghost guessed: It is the blight man was born for, It is Margaret you mourn for. And how do we make up for this? You have this all wrong. The poem is perfect. It sure doesn't need anybody to add anything or make things up. What you may have thought nobody else was claiming? No way to worry about it. It's a nearly perfect poem, isn't it? Awesome. I'm not joking. What do you all think of as a good poem? I say Under Ben Bulben. Cast a Cold Eye, on life and death, Horsemen pass by. If you intend to write your own epitaph, you are coming up lame to that one. Greatest poet in the history of modern English speaking people.
- Basset, nonsense. The guy in the diaper that invented it proves you wrong. I might go along with Close to the Edge, but I'd counter with any of the first three Procul albums. Whoever was playing the bass on Truth and Beckola, and the guy in Seger System. Bass in all MC-5 songs. Anything by Jack Bruce. Absurdly great, faster on fat strings than Eric Clapton. And a spectacular singer. Steve Winwood on Hammond pedals. When all is said and done, The Ox, John Entwistle, non pareils. far and away but not so far from Jack Bruce, best bass player ever lived since Mingus. Anybody that doesn't understand that doan no dick about playing bass. But this young lady plays with Jeff Beck, she is absurdly great. and she's still just a kid.
- Basset@75. Tuition at my HS my senior year was $750, and many kids were on scholarship. I'm sure there were a few kids whose families were rich, but most were decidedly middle class. My dad was a doctor, but we were not rich by any stretch, because he worked in a hospital where the majority of the clientele were UAW members and doctors salaries were about 1/3 of what private practice docs made. Prior to that job he worked for a similarly low salary in a Kaiser Permanente hospital the provided free care for miners in the heart of Appalachia. Before that he made less than $15grand teaching at the U of Arkansas med school. We weren't rich by any manner of speaking.
- Beb: The Packard plant could be a great setting for a movie, a la the Bradbury Building in Blade Runner. The building was practically a living breathing character in the iconic battle between Deckard and Roy Batty, and shows up inthe original DOA, Chinatown, Good Neighbor Sam and many other movies. The way ridiculous cop toys got to places like Defiance, OH, is them Congressional things Publicans and Teabaggers abhor, whaddaya callem? Oh, yeah...earmarks. When I see this sort of idiotic armament of civilians, I always think of Mayor Wilson Goode and his municipal air force bombing John Africa and the MOVE House, and setting Philly ablaze. I've been an REI member for years. Great store online (closest brick and mortar is many miles away in Atlanta. But I buy fishing equipment and get my reels serviced at a local Bass Pro store. I wouldn't buy fishing equipment without handling it first. Outsourced copy editing couldn't be much worse than what goes on all over the internet and in print these days, but local news stories would suffer grievously from lack of boots on the ground. Like people new to Boston that don't know that Quincy is actually pronounced Quinzy. I can easily imagine some copy editor in Podunk editing a Boston news story and snappin things up by calling the Olde Towne Team the Beantown Bruins. Rioting might ensue, the ersatz nickname is so reviled. CHEERS!!! to Trinity Kids Hospice. Thanks for that opportunity, LAMary.
- Jerry Brown just signed a law in California that prevents the homes of registered sex offenders from being used as polling places. Republicans want it made expressly clear that S&M nightclubs are still perfectly permissible. But the question is, what sort of loonytoon would actually think of this?
- Well, there are Lime-a and Vie-enna in Ohio. And how is Russia Ohio pronounced? And Livernois is a major thoroughfare in Detroit that rhymes with Boyz.
- At least those SWAT guys never spill coffee on their unis.
- Outsourcing anything to do with the legal system to another state, much less another country, seems like highway to disbarment hell for partners in a lawfirm. Albany , GA is pronounced, approximately, Aw-BEN'ny. I wonder if all these mangled pronunciations are a manifestation of American Exceptionalism. (This is how Solon and them other Greek barbarians should of pronounced the name of their city. And those French surrender monkeys don't know how to pronounce their own language. Pass the Freedom Fries.) Who was the 60s-70s female comic with a helium voice that based her act on being from East McKeesport? I've heard it said that the first people that ate oysters were brave, crazy or literally starving. The first consumption of a geoduck went beyond either. God those things look like pieces of Jabba the Hut. On the other hand, I'll readily eat conch whenever I see it on a menu, and those suckers are just very large slugs. Dexter, that sounds eerily like the California neo-Nazi family of the 10 yo patricide.
- Gloucester, Worcester, Worcestershire, these were all strange pronunciations (or spellings) in the first instance. In England the name Chumley of the walrus character from Underdog and the even greater Tennessee Tuxedo (voice of Don Adams), is spelled Cholmondeley. The town of Medford, MA is pronounced two different ways by natives, depending on what part of town the speaker is from. Meffah and Medfid. This may be an Italian/Irish ethnic divide. People from Saugus, MA inexplicably pronounce the town's name with a non-existent T on the end. So Ohioans used arcane local pronunciations purposely to protect themselves from con-men?
- Christie is speaking specifically as a political animal in that clip , though he exhibits some hope or inchoate understanding that most American voters are not cognitively disconnected they've become zombie suicides, and that the last two months have been marked by criminally treasonous behavior by teabag mofoswith nobody's best interest but their own, the Koch Bros. and BP at heart. Christie is most certainly a dickhead Tony Soprano manque that is so much like the infamous Buddy Cianci it would be funny if it weren't so sad that people will vote for him. My favorite thing about that page, though, is the inset picture of Mr. Security Clearance, Alan West, which is probably the one that appears next to the definition for "sanctimonious prick" in the Dictionary of Totally Apt Vulgar Epithets. Somebody has to ask this dumbass male chauvinist pig the name of his hairstylist. Dude looks like a church lady more than Poppy ever did. It's just come to my attention that AT&T has been charging me an extra $40 bucks or so/mo. for Credits, Adjustments and Other Charges (no specific line items) for the last three months on my wireless account. I've gotten no satisfaction by phone on this overcharge, which coincided with my arranging autopay, so I'm going to have to drive over to Savannha to get answers in person. Meanwhile, the signal is so poor, I literally have to go outside to make an IPhone call, and across the street for any internet access on the phone. And At&T is buying competitors? Holy shit. Is every company broken? This brings up something that's been bugging me a long time. When people rail about "gummint bureaucracy" I have to laugh. Americans that take this tripe as a mantra believe ardently they want government run like businesses. NFW, dumbasses. These unenlightened know-nothings think business aren't bureaucracies, replete with all of the inefficiencies and ineffectiveness inherent in government? But, of course, the costs of bureaucratic organization are buried in the costs of goods and services, not an easily quantified charge like taxes. In reality, were the costs imposed by business bureaucracy identified, they'd likely dwarf those of government. Would that cause teabaggers to turn on their evil overlords. Would David Koch and Malathion-brain Delay, and his BFF Dickless Armey end up holed up in a castle looking down on the peasantry waving torches and pitchforks. Apparently not. Carefully conditioned cognitive dissonance would keep them protected. The Wikipedia entry on the 'baggers, undoubtedly written by one, says they take their name from the Boston Tea Party, a protest against a Brit tax on tea. Wrong again honey. Colonists objected to paying a tax without representation in the government levying the tax.
- Rant? How about tirade or, even better Jeremiad. This blog group is a refuge from the booboisee. The go-to entity for the "gummint bureacracy" shibboleth has long been the Post Office. What an immense crock of shit. Do peoble honestly think that FedEx is in the same universe as USPS for efficiency, economy, service and overall effectiveness. I'll take Express Mail at 1/3 the price overFedEx any time.
- Beb, companies are not broke. They are sitting on more cash, collectively, right this minute than at any time in the history of American business. The stupid mofos are paying massive bonuses to bozo management types and dividends to rich stockholders instead of considering that expanding employment would , according to their cherished market mantras, expand their fucking markets. This is reminiscent of the famous line of attack on raising minimum wage: it's a job killer. Right. Mickey D is providing all those toilet paper service jobs, not for profits, but out of the goodness of its beneficent corporate heart, and a reasonable wage would be a terrible burden. You know, like not befouling air and water, nor endangering species, would put the Kochs and BP stockholders in the poor house so let's just gut and filet the EPA, so those poor Astroturfers don't have to account for bearing the onerous yolk of all of that oppressive regulation and environmental protection, which of course God never meant by stewardship, which is the real word used in the beginning of the NT, not dominion as in the Shakespeare/Marlowe version of His word.
- Breaking NewsVATech campus locked down. Oh shit, but the comments about how this wouldn't happen had all the students been packing, that's even scarier.
- How many American jobs result from Chanel sequined tweed coats with a $9,010 pricer Christian Louboutin “Bianca” platform pumps, at $775 a pair? If the answer is just about zero, you have to be a n idiot to buy any part at all of GOPoltroon economic policy. And if you buy this: “If a designer shoe goes up from $800 to $860, who notices?” said Arnold Aronson, managing director of retail strategies at the consulting firm Kurt Salmon, and the former chairman and chief executive of Saks., There is clearly something rotten in the state of classic benevolent hand market macroeconomics. More like a definition of redistribution of wealth, trickle-up Version 2.0. Infuriating bullshit from the Laffer-Toons.
- Jolene, I've got self-invested mutual funds to supplement my SSA share, or replace it if it gets trashed by the teabaggers. Steady, daily declint in share value since the debt ceiling imbroglio started. Very expensive. And depressing. Unsurprisingly, our mutual fund choices are mostly eco-friendly, no Knox Gas & Oil stocks. One bright spot, three condos have sold in our building in the lat two weeks.
- Murdoch and climate change: the sordid degradation of science reporting. Cops vs. Cartoonist, Constitution in Renton WA. Abuse of Power? Heaven forefend. Muskies may be the only entirely inedible fish there is. All skeleton. I suppose you could make fish stock with one of these suckers. Y'all realize that most Southern states and probably some free states had one-drop laws: Most famous bit from NFL films: The frozen tundra, the auteur, Steve Sabol. The voice, John Facenda, Packers fans don't want to hear it, but a stopwatch prepared and run in the same conditions was proven experimentally to run slow enough to lengthen the game long enough for Bart Starr to score the gamewinner after time should have run out. VT still locked down.
- Extremely lucid and comprehensible explanations, Moe. Somehow, even with the situation put in unmistakable, incontrovertible terms, this information goes straight over the heads of far too many Americans. The VATech lockdown was lifted 40 minutes ago, without incident.
- Nancy, Sorry, i had no idea that was the case. Mea culpa.
- My tendency, being as ridiculously opinionated as I am is to offer some backup before I'm asked for proof.
- Without the tax cut aspects of the stimulus, it would never have passed and the hostage unemployment benefits, themselves a fairly gigantic stimulus measure, would have been buried under the extortionist hideout. As with the consumer benefits to the economy of inducing corporations, somehow (appeals to common sense and patriotism do nothing with purposely deaf ears) this is a simple concept that is too taxing for American products of mediocre, funds -starved educational system and full-on, anti-self-interest delusions about where the money is being redistributed. Republicans have used propaganda and overt political thuggery to incite trickle-up of wealth, and they have a large chunk of the disenfranchised nitwits convinced they are on the winner's end of the imbalance while getting indelible grass stains on their obese asses.
- Sherri, And there is no greedy CEO looking to tank the company and get run out of Dodge with a golden parachute.
- Jolene, The wonderful thing about the infrastructure projects you mention is the massive paper trail of photo ops for teabag poiticians like Gov. Good Hair taking credit for them. Whited GD sepulchres that are sure as shit gonna miss the Rapcha.
- Throw in July with August, and you have Thomas Pynchon's dog days, described in the great novel V. And that guy comparing not shaving to ski-jumping as sport surely realizes he's a hairy buffoon. I hate shaving as much as the next guy, and I used to grow luxuriant wintertime beards, that for some reason came in red though my hair is dirty blond, mainly to avoid shaving. At some point the red gave way to gray and grizzled, and that was that for beards. I have managed to find a Panasonic electric model that provides a satisfactory shave without turning my face into an oil field, which helps. And none of these fierce competitors can play "LaGrange" or "CheapSunglasses", so they're miles behind Billy Gibbons (whose also hilarious in a recurring role on Bones) and Dusty Hill.
- Cooz's comment has put an indelible picture of Jack Elam with flies in his beard at the opening of the masterpiece, Once Upon A Time in the West in my head. Now I'm gonna have to watch it. My problem with blade shaving is that despite being white as Caucasian can be, I'm liable to bumps, which is supposed to be a problem for black guys only.
- Effects of facial hair.
- books! Wonderful mail today. I got "The Radiance of the King" by camara Laye, who wrote "Defender of the Word", which even after I started the book I thought was "Defender of the World", not "Word" as in griots. I can't imagine there is a better introduction to African Lit. than these two books, if you leave out Alan Paton and the white guys with no business there in the first place, but whose blood vessels had been invaded irrevocably by the Dark Continent. I don't know if Joseph Conrad ever went to Africa, but he sure understood the possibility of infectious madness. I got a brand new copy of "Origin of the Brunists", by Robert Coover. A religious and political story written by a master that everybody should read these days. It's got these semi-ecstatic baggers by the short ones. I got State of Wonder" by Ann Patchett, that wrote the sublime "Bel Canto" about ten years ago. I got a copy of Evelyn Waugh's "The Loved One" that makes Faye Weldon seem kinder and gentler. And I got a mandolin, on which I'll rip as soon as I figure out how to tune it. Does anybody know, is it GDAE? Like a violin? I got my own copy of "Jonathon Strange a& Mr. Norrell", which, if you haven't read it for some foolish reason, don't waste another minute. The same is true of "LemPrierre's Dictionary" which might be a tad better. Guarantee. If you think you don't like fantastic lit. give those two a try. I'm betting just about all of you have read some novel about the Buendias. Who votes for Solitude as a better book than Patriarch? Everybody? Not close. The Buendias are people of the people. They are heroic and beautiful. The Patriarch is a grotesque monster that gradually wins sympathy from revelatory glances at his bizarre childhood. Much mor amazing book in my opinion. Used to be that I rarely sought out novels by women. Now it seems as if their are books all over by women that look from reviews are worth a shot. Have to say, when I started spending my daughter's inheritance, a whole lot of titles in the TRB started looking more interesting. From way way Russell Hoban Back, I was an acolyte of the author of "Cat's Eye" an astounding novel, though a tad derivative of Wallace Stegner, and "The Big Rock Candy Mountain.. If you're gonna pinch, why not a master? And she's Canadian. But, holy shit, "The Handmaids Tale". And Margaret Atwood is so freaking good it is ridiculous. Well, I am a massive fan of both Brontes.
- Any of you ever read TC Boyle. Literary opinion is in short supply at this site. I have no use for biography or it's counterparts. I want flat-out wild-ass fiction. If you have to transcend what histerigraphers want to pull, and you don't come close, just admit, Thomas Pynchon got that shit exactly, on Mason ans Dixon.
- Watching paint and whiskers are Olympians. There ceaes to be an out for these aholes when they try to claim this is connected to actual athletic endeavor. Seriously. Anybody could just long jump 30 meters. That's not astounding, are you braindead?Making fun of athletes is fucking lamer than making fun of nerds, you assholes.
- Ladies, no kidding.This ahole needs a beating. Serioaly, you dickhead? Sorry, this is spectacularly obvious horseshit. And I used to go to reall school where this sort of bullshit was a crock.
- Could I take something back that annoyed Dexter fo badly. There wer always teachers that found some kids inexcusable. I will insist, the teacchers sure as shit didn't give up. the kids did. Dexter's making me out to be some rich kid is so wrong and so unfair, it just strikes me as some horseshit. We were midle class, bsc wehrn that meant something. My HS had a very stringent entrance exam that anybody that's a devotee of NNall, just about woud have had a shot at , It was an exceptional education. but it had nothing to do with Cranbrook style or Pjillis or any of that litany and legacy shit like Philips whatever. You are just wrong, Dex, and that is nonsense and an affront. We got into the best school by being smarter, not byy who our dads were. You are just totally wrong about this. Most of my classmates were on scholarships, I wish you had been included. It was the world's best education. We had great teachers. But this had nothing to do with moneym abd it really makes me wonder about what another education might have been like. But to consider this had to do with cash and private school, not in a million fuckung yearsm no matter what you may think. UDHigh in Detroit. And it is no shit we all liked each other and considered who was realy good at whatever. This isn't some made up shit. In my brother Chris's class, Chris was a National Merit Schoar, but in his class, there was Guy Conslmagno, a total nerd, who became Brother Guy, at the Vatican, who could trash those anti-warming assholes in a moment. We may have been a bunch of accomplished jocks, but we were also well-educated, and we were Jebbie=trained, so we know know-nothing shitheels when we see them.
- Paddy, yeah that is about as scuzzy a beard as there ever was. But this guy has written so many ridiculously awesome short stories, and he wrote "Water Music" which is so fucking brilliant it is hilarious. I can't actually think about that novel without considering "The Sotweed Factor" along with it. Do you know what I mean? Have you read that? You have to understand, NNall has never seemed like the literary clearinghouse it shoud be. It is a pleasure to come across anybody that understands how brilliant TC Boyle is. This guy wears his beard because it makes him look demonic. He is. Demonic, that is. "World's End" is the best book he wrote, aside from "Water Music" which is pretty much a masterpiece. Skeevy shithead abd a great writer, in my estimation. He's retty much the anti-version of that really good guy in all the Tom NxGuane books.
- I musr say, or not, Y'all allow my horseshit. I know I'm annoying about all sorts of things, What I say about the economy and how GOP means to screw us all if that;s what it takes to do without a seriously brown presidentm that is what these aholes have to motivate then, It is racism and they can say wgatevert they like but that is what it comes down to, Sherriff Bart is a Nig... The reality is spectacularly obvious.
- Pardon me but It's New Mexicio, For pure political crookedness Massashucetts rules, Sorry but nobody beats the Bulger bros. for pure corruption. No other state even comes close to Massachsetts. aPolitical corruption was invented in Massachusetts. Michael Curley institutionalized it. Wven Illinois was just mimicing, Nancy, enjoy your vacation, I'm sorry for being an asshole and a thorn in your side. You provide a forum for me to actually talk to people that aren't idiots on the net. I know I'm an asshole, and I'm sorry for my idiotic shit, You're forbearance is important to me. Cunts are still ruling the world. I know you've seen that movie, and I know you know I'm right. People still tune in here because they think there might be something still to do about it. I bother because I think you and a lot of your devotees believe there is still a chance. I'm inclined to think there's a community of people you've gathered that think there are human beings that believe people should take care of each other, Or I hope so. To me this seems like intelligence, connected with some obvious idea that we are supposed to take care of one another, I'm a fool for Christianity filtered through what I know about modern theological thought. Mostly Teilhard. We do not hurt each other, To me this seems like nobrain. Here's the budget. Now we can fuck over the least of my children or not. PaPardin me but was Jesus clear on this shit or not? The Shakes/Marlowe version is the absolute word of God? Correct? You do not screw over the poorest among you, do you? That is what Jesus clearly said like he was some Elixabethan wannabe playwright. You fuck with Medicaid you are one asshole, right? How do these assholes justify this crap with their politics. Jesus didn't really mean what he said? Let's hear it from these shitheels that don't really mean diddly about what Jesus said. Let's here these shithead bastards explain. Well they can't because they are whited sepulchres. They obviously don't give a shit about anything Jesus ever said. And their explanation is forthcoming and teabaggers will buy their horseshit because they are teabaggers and too fucking stupid to know better.
- Good lord, people are this GD stupid. What is wrong with the human race? Morons, People actually voted for W. There is no conceivably way to be more of a fuccking cretin.
- OK, I don't know how that happened, We are having a thunderstorm here. but I'll change over to my hero April Glaspie here to avoid sullying paddyo;s name. Nothing I did, But I would like to find out what ever happened to April Glaspie. She;s the First Bush era diplomat that was instructed by HW to tell Saddam that nobody in the US gave a shit if Iraq invaded Kuwait when Kuwait was slant drilling under Iraqi soil for oil. She was hung out to dry by Poppy. like W and Cheney hung Valerie Plame out to dry. What a buncha patriots them Bushes are, Paddyy'o I didn't do this on purposem I wouldn't do something like this. C'mon. Does anybody think I'd fuck around like that? I say what I think and if it amounts to it my name is michael johnson. And my opinions are my own and you know that for sure because they cane from me.
- Grover Norquists pledge is anti-Constitutional, these people are signing on to something grotesquwly treasonous. They could all be rounded up and shot. He is anti-American, on the face of his bullshit. Ask your favorite 'bagger. They oppose the Constitution.
- So I guess Cantor is saying, "If you want to be sure of gainful employment in the future, go to med school and be an emergency room doc. And that tampon is supposed to be the intellectual GOPer, taking over the philosophical reins from Newt the Scrote. Asshole needs to be sent packing from government so he ends up on the wrong side of broken promises, instead of in the cushy House Cadillac health plan. Dex, your friend's encounter with the war machine could make a great movie. Coming Home Immediately.
- ROGirl. My comment about women novelists was not derogatory in any respect. Just commenting on a quirk of my reading history. I think Ursula K. is as great a writer as sf has ever turned out. Anybody that thinks she doesn't like sf/fantasy should read "The Left Hand of Darkness", and think again. The Southren Ladies that Lunch and Communicate in Cursive, Carson and Flannery, and their little sis, Harper Lee, all 24K great. Oh, and I was overlooking Faye Weldon, who is a wonderful stylist, with a somewhat crueler expertise in satire than Evelyn Waugh, who was of course a guy. And, recently, there is Susanna Clarke, who wrote the mindbending "Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell". Ever hear of Anne Michaels, an excellent poet that wrote a great holocaust novel called "Fugitive Pieces"? At the moment, I've got about two years worth of new books (Infinite Jest is one of them, big chunk of time, that will probably lead to rereading V. and Gravity's Rainbow. Any of y'all that have read Gravity's Rainbow might find this precis entertaining, whether or not you liked the book. Actually, I've never heard anybody say they disliked the book. Critical or dismissive commentary is usually along the lines of "showing off", by which I take it, people are overwhelmed. Once when I was about 17, I was flying someplace and found a paperback copy of John Gardner's epic scale "Sunlight Dialogues" in the airport bookstore. Found the Ouroboros trilogy the same way, and I think Little, Big. I was somewhat overwhelmed, but in what became one of the several FUBARed journeys in my strange travel history, I had no meaningful sensorium other than the book, stewardi, airport personnel, and uncomfortable seating for something like 36 hrs, and the parts I didn't get, like Gilgamesh and Book of the Dead references, I looked up later. Some of my favorite poetry is by women poets. Edna St.-V Millay, Christina Rosetti, certainly Emily Dickinson, who is claimed by my ex-wife as the namesake of our child (I say the more-talented Bronte sister). And my favorite playwright not Will Shakes is Lillian Hellman. When I was a kid, I saw Little Foxes with Agnes Moorehead playing Regina Giddens. Bette Davis was brilliant in the 40s film version, but Agnes Moorehead was ferocious. And respect to Dr. Miguelito Loveless and Michael Dunn, but Emma Valentine was the best Wild, Wild West villain. With novels, somehow I always ended up with male authors. I've got State of Wonder on my desk, along with Turn of Mind by Alice LaPlante and Ten Thousand Saints by Eleanor Henderson. I did read Bel Canto years ago and thought it was excellent. Bought it for a Mothers' Day Gift. Concerning AS Byatt, I read "Possession" because my entire family said it was brilliant. I didn't dislike it, but found it a little annoying, for no reason I can identify exactly. I've heard her interviewed, and she sounded incredibly smart and knowledgeable, like a perfect drinking buddy, and her voice sounds like Bea Arthur! She has a new book scheduled for next year called Ragnarok: the End of the Gods. And I'm looking forward to that.
- As usual, Ralph Vader has no clue about anything more than half an inch from his umbilicus. He managed to get W elected with his navel gazing mischief, and he won't admit it. He is an Onanist to the ridiculous point he could be a Kardashian sister. I have personal history with this flaming asshole. His concern is all Ralph, all the time. Friends and I arranged an anti-Vietnam War demonstration in Worcester in 1970. Somebody arranged for Country Joe McDonald to show up and sing the Rag. Day comes and Darth Nader shows up to take over. His hometown. He insulted Mr. McDonald, and insisted he should speak.None of us knew what we were doing so the asshole made this about himself. If I could do the whole thing over, I'd punch his lights out. Considering the purely self-aggrandizing role he played in getting W elected, it's not really outlandish to say he's at the root of most of the USA's problems. Does this current bullshit display even a tenuous grasp on political reality? Sometimes it seems Nader and similarly deluded "progressives" think Obama can send a Paetorian Guard, or killer drones to deal with the obstructionist Greedy Obese Poltroon party. Would twas were so. But they are like harpy wives. Can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em. Here's the lowdown on Ralph Vader: Oldtimers, and he thinks he should still have a driving license. He's gotta be institutionalized before he gets somebody more horrendous than W elected. Who would have thought that hideous prospect even possible a few years ago? Or put him in a Corvair and direct him to Cali Rte. 1.
- Moe, I'm definitely going to read Doc. This is a novel form I find very enjoyable. One of my favorite books ever is The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, by Ron Hansen (haven't seen the movie but intend to). The masterpiece of this genre, in my opinion, is the Shadow Country Trilogy by Peter Matthiessen, about the 1910 vigilante murder of Edgar J. Watson in the Florida Keys. Originally, the books were published separately as Killing Mr. Watson, Lost Man's River and Bone by Bone. For some reason the author did a sort of Director's Cut and combined the three novels into a single work, called Shadow Country. I prefer the three separate books, possibly because that is how I encountered them first. It seems to me that what gets lost at times in the editing process, is astounding, palpable nature writing to set scenes and create atmosphere, and unparalleled descriptions of phenomenal weather. Unsurprisingly, these passages from the author of The Snow Leopard, a classic gem of travel and nature writing, are incredibly evocative, and the language and insight are exquisitely beautiful. I wonder if it crossed Newt's mind to attempt to claim that all those Twits were bona fide but had been Rapcha'd right out of existence. The homogeneity of the stock car crowd reminded me of an old favorite movie I hadn't thought of in years: Greased Lightning. A great cast, with very fine performances. My favorite car movie., that doesn't have post-apocalyptic gangs and Mel Gibson. The crowd you describe is just the sort of assemblage we used to see in Athens (short A) GA at the J&J Center when wrestling came to town.
- News from the lightbulb wars. And, speaking of lightbulbs, Bachmann is a certifiably deranged paranoiac on this subject. Conservatives are running their yaps about the Bachmann Newsweek cover, claiming it makes her look full-goose loony, as opposed to exactly what she always looks like, which would be full-goose loony. This is supposed to be proof of biased media. This is hilarious. Haven't Nancy Pelosis somewhat similarly wide and bright eyes been a source of constant teabagger derogation for years. Roger Ebert's observation on the two kinds of prayer is worthy of Mark Twain. (Liars, damn liars, and statisticians.)
- It might be easier to blame Obama had not McConnell actually revealed the game plan. I am serious when I say these Grover Norquislings are flat out traitors as defined by Article III, Section 3. They have sworn abject obeisance to a shitheel determined to destroy the American government. Suppose George Soros wrote a pledge and collected signatures, stating that the signatories would defend absolutely a responsible government that provides for the health and welfare of every American citizen. Witch hunt? Only question is how violent? And anybody worried about Boner's 95% needs to make sure to work to get out the votes and send the rubebaggers back to Dogpatch. It doesn't have to be about ideology, necessarily. These fuckers have shown themselves to be whited sepulchers of hypocrisy, incompetent as Barney Fife, and dumber than GD grunt.
- Brian Beutler that wrote that TPM piece is incapable of any logic but pretzel. And he's generally wildly alarmist and anti-Obama from the left. He's surely already planning to elect Romney or Good Hair by voting for Darth Nader. He may not be resposibl for the head, but it bears no logical connection to the story or the facts. As soon as I read the debt ceiling deal and understood it, I said that Republicans were thrown in a briar patch, where there was a forced dilemma of choosing defense cuts or tax increases. If Panetta's serious, he has apparently not read the ground rules for the debt deal. This is clearly nothing to get bunched u-trou about at present. For one thing, the GOPharisees are left with no hostage to protect hedge fund manufacturers anymore. Their only chance to protect the taxation status quo will be to give in on so-called "entitlements".
- As far as Social Security is concerned, this is the most obvious and easiest issue in this whole mess to put to rest. Raise the income ceiling by $25 or $30grand. !08>6thou is ridiculous. Medicare reform is also a no-brainer. Refuse to honor and then repeal the drug benefit boodoggle, and let the government negotiate or set drug prices. This bullshit was never any good for anybody but Billy Tauzin, GOP campaign fund extortionists, and Pharma. In fact the details of Tauzin's self serving involvement ought to put him in real jail for a long time. Plan D was clearly detrimental to both finances and health care for huge numbers of middle class Americans. Raise FICA tax ceilings across the board, problem solved.
- FICA taxes: easily adjustable in a variety of ways with no paycheck bite. Oh, and charge it on the hedge fund manger capital gains income. Swallowed a poisonous substance? Ain't got no Ipecacc? Just read this powerful emetic from Mittster. It's too bad there is no Presidential Paetorian to either intimidate Congress into responsible behavior, or to convince the bastards to fall on their swords. Simpee question for Mitt? What would you have done, other than wait until this was all fait accompli before announcing you were on the yahoobagger side? What a spineless, sanctimonious prick. Guy's got cojones the size of silicon crystals. As for Clinton, he's been a whole Huggie-ful of help.
- Well you may almost be right, Joe. If it were McCain and he took the same course exactly, he would still have been a semi-oldtimers white fart, so he would not have faced the blizzard of obstructionism that assaults the black guy. That's a ridiculous hypothetical question, as it ignores the triple whammies of pure political intransigence, GOP feelings of electoral entitlement, and obdurate racism in America.
- Maybe so, beb, but they will never win another election if they do that.
- Buck Henry, hooray. The anti-Larry David. I was in Grant Park in 1968 at the Dem Convention. '68 was America's year of living dangerously. I'd recommend Armies of the Night for a perfect explication of how exactly that fracas was a creation of fulminating police and Richard fucking Daley. People fought back, but none of us came armed and armored to the teeth. I wouldn't claim that SDS, Yippies, the Mobe and similar groups weren't capable of violence, but none of this apocalyptic violence was planned on the left. This was Cops Gone Wild. Beatings were murderous and savage, and obviously cathartic for the cops, who were sent by a venomous autocrat to impose his will in contraindication to human and Constitutional rights in support of failed and unethical public policy. This incident may be called a riot, but it was really a targeted police action born of official rage. The '67 riot in Detroit is well known to have started when the infamous TMU raided a blind pig at 12th and Clairmount. The tactical mobile unit was notorious for civil rights violations and brutality, and people in Detroit at the time thought many of those elite cops actually committed murders. They did shoot people indiscriminately. If any of the police command force had brain tissue more than hind brain, they had to realize the 12th St. raid would provoke exactly what ensued. Unlike the events of Chicago a year later, this was a full scale riot. Government responded by cancelling Constitutional rights and sending tanks into the streets. Had the cops backed off arresting all of the patrons of the illegal drink house, the riot would not have happened in my opinion. Ironically, the busted party was a homecoming for som guys from Viet Nam. TMU was an outlaw cowboy police operation, completely out of the control of municipal government and the DPD chain of command, for which the mayor and police chief bore the blame, and the raid was the culmination of a summer of cop excess and community outrage. Inner City Detroiters had had all they could take and weren't gonna take any more.
- So, what about Brad Pitt in that photo? Everything the (inevitable) female gaze could want. This "male gaze" business is fatuous without the distaff. Actually, they are fatuous together. I'm thinking of "The Living Room Light by the Kinks, and "the eye of the beholder". And sure, I'd like to see Ms. Jolie naked. Got photos? It would be nice if she got more credit for talent than for looks. She was riveting in Girl Interrupted, and very good in The Bone Collector, an underrated, suspenseful movie. She and her husband seem willing to walk the walk where their political and social views are concerned, which is somewhat unusual and refreshing. She may be atoning for her dad's asshole reactionary busllshit.
- Thoughtful commentary on urban rioting, including one for Civil War buffs on the Draft Riots. The portrayal of the draft riots in the stunning Gangs of New York ought to be force fed to the modern Know Nothing nativistbaggers. It's what the rich will to to them in the end, inevitably, when they're no longer useful, which may well be sooner than later. That relationship is fraying like Urban Outfitters white goods. As for Jolie's lips. Collagen maybe, but take a look at her daddy: The quote from the review of Kwame's book sounds like English in Yiddishe grammar. Reminds me of the comment from T. Bernstein (in thee go-to Careful Writer) about using "Mecca" for focal point or center. He quotes a review referring to "a Mecca for the Jewish theater". Quoth Bernstein: "A Mecca for Jews yet."
- Not to sound like Brenda Lee Johnson and get sued for wrongful death or anything, but here's hoping all of the other prisoners are well of aware of the exact atrocities that put Warren Jeffs in their company. Yeehaw, just got my new mandolin delivered by UPS. Marked down from $139 to $39. Beautiful finish, full, sharp tone, all black, with white and black scalloped edge on pick guard. Maker is Rogue, that makes nice electric guitars, so I took a chance. I was prepared for a toy, but this is very nice instrument. Now I have to learn how to play it. I almost figured out "Gasoline Alley" already, Led Zep and Krause/Plante next. Same mfr. has a lap steel for $80, that I just might have to get too. Speaking of the male gaze, maybe I could get lessons from them Dixie Chicks (FUTK). My home office is now the music room. I bought a lot of pizzas from Ian's in Madison, mainly because of the neanderthal anti-teacher rhetoric, but also because there is almost no human behavior more anti-American than union busting and privatizing government functions, for the benefit of elitist robber barons like the Koch aholes. This is one situation in which I subscribe to the domino theory.
- It's painfully evident that the GOP would have done Hillary same as Obama, but, of course, without the virulent racism.
- Game day for Wisconsin elections.
- Fucking bald-faced liars. Cutting foreign aid (a pittance) is a jobs creating austerity action. And you know that incredibly beautiful bridge in Boston? Five easy payments of $19.99. Of course none of these pharisees will touch a dime for Israel either, because they are lock, stock and barrel AIPAC property, so apartheid spending is sacrosanct. Move along folks, no racist subtext to see here.
- Santorum campaigning among fruits and vegetables. Holy shit, Mr. Dengue Fever. Nucking futs. I'm prejudiced in favor of my favorite city (NYC is second). If there were a new capital, I'd say make it Boston.
- Not this cowboy, Brian. That one's good, but if I ever have to wiggle out of a sticky situation, I'm going with, "Where the hell am I? Who are you? I can't remember anything. What is this place? Who am I?" I'm sort of working on a novel about amnesia. If amnesia doesn't suffice, I'll ask "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" Daily briefs? If only W had had the attention span to pay attention to hair on fire. And whatever happened to "rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb.."?
- Pasch leads Darling 51%-49% with 63% reporting. One Dem has apparently won already. All the voting districts are heavily Republican.
- Basset, no plywood. Hardwood back and top. And the finish is flawless. Don't know about the neck, but I tuned it hours ago and it's holding tune. And they do make decent cheap electrics. It could turn out to be junk, but hell, $40. The way GOP is trashing my retirement funds, I told S. we're going to just go out in a blaze of glory and buy anything we damn please on the way. Anyway, I've no idea how to play a mandolin, so this is perfect for teaching myself. It's discontinued and retailled for $139 to begin with. Twice that buys a good Gibson or Fender. I got a discount on the markdown price because I bought a Dean 12 string electric from the same store. I love that twelve string. The store is called Musician's Friend (online). I've got a white top Les Paul with a 1958 serial #, and a jazzmaster bass, and an oooold Hummingbird acoustic dreadnought (Christmas '63), so I do know what good guitars sound like. If you play the mandolin and can recommend instructional material, I'd be obliged.
- Jay, If Pasch wins and the Dems hold in their elections next week, Walker is screwed to the wall.
- Dexter, You know, Raygun claimed to be a union man, because he had been president of SAG. Of course he also readily turned on friends and past associates in the Hollywood blacklist/red scare days.
- Am I being cranky, or does it bug anybody else that movie trailers have ads attached to them. It's bad enough to have to sit through multiple trailers for shit you wouldn't be caught dead watching, but commercials for commercials is annoying as hell. When did trailers become "content"? Pretty soon, somebody's going to figure people should pay to see enticements to watch movies. Sorry, I don't want to see Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds cross streams. Didn't these assholes see Ghostbusters? I sure as hell don't want a Viagra advertisement attached to it.
- The way I see WI election results, they bode ill for Walker personally when he faces his own recall Waterloo next fall. Apparently Feingold is considering the WI statehouse as a target, and considering the Senate recall results (if they stand; Darling won by a scintilla with $6.5mil in Koch money laundering), his ass may well be toast. I think you have to have that fair & balanced nerdly dumbass kind of Politico bias to claim this is some big win for 'billy'baggers, and I think the Walker-mongers are whistling past the graveyard. Politico made big claims when it debuted about objective reporting, and I hoped it might be true, based on the participation of Van den Hei, a more or less real reporter. But the organization is snide and rejoices in running down progressive politics, finding rationales for positing defeat from the jaws of ambiguous circumstances, as in the case of the recall elections. What will they be saying if next week's results are crushing defeats of 'baggers? I'll tell you right now. They will say, along with the right wing echo chamber, that those were heavily Democratic districts. If it's remotely close, the narrative will be "big smackdown of Dems". Maybe this is overly optimistic, but it seems more realistic than the "big win for GOP" bullshit being regurgitated by Politico in all their smarmy, condescending know-it-all-ism.
- Sorry, but I don't get the sanctimonious umbrage about that Bachmann photo. It is absolutely representative of her most characteristic facial expression. To people who complain it makes her "look" crazy, I rejoin, "Well that's because she is full-goose loony." Actually, I think the picture looks like somebody that has recently been "buzzed and fuzzed", so it's probably Michele at her best and most lucid after a round of electroconvulsive correction. What is seriously galling about this complaint, is that some form of this "crazy eyes" shit is a universal theme of internet insults from Freeper-world internet staphylococcus about Nancy Pelosi (there is a mild facial resemblance between the two women, but Bachmann proves the crazy every time she opens her mouth, whiccch is a little scary, because she isn't a Palinessque idiot). This whole thing reminds me of the common idiotic argumentative tactic of insisting "That's just your opinion." to which the only sensible response is "That's why it came out of my mouth, asshole." The Help? I've seen it compared here to Bridges of Madison County and Gone With the Wind, neither of which I have gotten through, both of which I consider drivel, from briefly dipping into. Speaking of books, halfway through State of Wonder, and gutdom, y'all that are still waiting to get into it have a treat in store. Whizbang style, language, characters and plotting. I always wondered why Bel Cant didn't end up a movie, but with Wonder, it's even more obvious. Speaking of Gone With the Wind, the movie, the only thing I like about it is seeing Atlanta get its just deserts, aflame in perdition.
- LAMary. I used to work with a nice, well-meaning, thick as a brick engineer that owned and had read every piece of crap Clive Cussler had ever read. He forcibly loaned them to me in serial fashion, and I more or less had to read them to avoid hurting his simpleton feelings when he wanted to discuss the tripe. I read The DaVinci Code under social pressure, and I can honestly say, believe it or not, there is a worse hack novelist than Dan Brown. I know, mirabile dictu, but it's true, Clive Cussler and his hero Dirk Pitt (no shit) are worse.
- Aside from the asinine mumbo-jumbo, Da Vinci Code is just excruciatingly bad writing. The kind of dogshit where the same simile will show up repeated several times in successive paragraphs. Jeff, I bet those guys aren't going to be claiming slavery was the good ole days when darkie families had two parents down upon the Suwanee River. Until I went back and found out, I was assuming "frovocative" had something to do with hair, like Angela Davis' natural.
- Waukeshau County WI should never be allowed to carry on an election of any kind without independent outside monitors, Federal Marshalls, and the National Guard. This shit sounds like Son of Kenneth Blackwell and Cuyahoga County for W. Neal Sedaka, ska king? Who knew. If this doesn't crack you up, the bad mood is irremediable. I think the Coens could do right by Bel Canto, but I think they could make every movie better than almost anybody else. Jay, Ken Kesey's "other" novel, Sometimes a Great Notion, which I like as well as Cuckoo's Nest was made into an excellent movie (sometimes called Never Give an Inch), with Paul Newman, Henry Fonda, Lee Remick and Michael Sarazzin. That's two for two on Ken Kesey novels. To Kill a Mockingbird, Dr. Zhivago, Shane, The Natural, Clockwork Orange, Empire of the Sun, Devil in a Blue Dress, all made into good movies, off the top of my head. Heart of Darkness as Apocalypse Now! (sheer genius). Neil Gaiman and Ccharles Vess wrote a graphic novel called "Stardust" that was made into a brilliant movie nobody's ever seen. Fried Green Tomatoes was better with Mary Stuart Masterson than the book by Fannie Flagg (God bless herlittle 'mater pickin' heart). Phillip K. Dicks books and stories produced Blade Runner, which I think is one of the five or ten best movies ever, and even a good Tom Cruise movie (not so easy), Minority Report. Mystic River and Gone, Baby, Gone. Shutter Island. Raymond Chandler books become movies. Children of Men is a great movie from a good P.D. James dystopian novel.
- "The jumping around thing" when done well can be very affecting. I just finished an excellentbook called Netherland, by Paul O'Neill that uses this technique very effectively. Sensei Keiko Fukuda: Coolest woman in the world, at least for today.
- Librarians open new horizons.
- Jolene, a Knowledge and love of Dickens is a recommendation of both refined sensibilities and superior intellect. To paraphrase Jonathon Richman, nobody ever called Charles Dickens an asshole. Margaret Mitchell may have been going for Dickensian, but she missed by a mile. She was, however, reputed to be a party girl of singular flair. Iconic Southern newspaperlady, with a knack for attracting rich guys.. Oh, and I mentioned Sometimes a Great Notion earlier. The movie is free/instant on Netflix. For Paul Newman fans, Henry Fonda fans, Lee Remick fans (I'm one for sure), fans of great cinematography, lovers of Northwestern US scenery, people that brook no shit.Has a truly memorable scene in which Henry Fonda carries the movie with just one arm. A very fine example of early 70s movie-making hardly anybody's ever seen.
- I'd have a difficult time talking myself into following a lead fictional character named Skeeter. I realize that's snobbish. Just saying'.
- Lived in the South many of my years Dorothy. Known many Bubbers, a few Bubbas, and Ms. Davis with the poodle bouffant is the only Skeeter I ever heard of. Bubba is usually more of a general appellation, like dude or bro elsewhere. I've known lots of girls known to their families as Sis or Sissy or Sister. Almost married on for her family money.
- Has "Witches on the Road Tonight" Reminds me vaguely of Sunlight Dialogues, that is so fucking excellent its almost better than V. Y'all are a riot, and you are all intent on making me out to be a fucking moron. Not in a million years/Beyond comprehension If its what we think We think its Mike and Chris. Holy shit Moe, how were those NOT IN A MILLION YEARS. YOU ARE A LIANG RAYGUNITE. THAT IS A PIECE OF SHIT. RAYGUN DOES NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THE UA. We have had it, This is horseshit.
- Alex. When I was a kid, at Boy Scout Summer camp in Michigan, my collie, Sandy, died. He was a great, great dog. My parents waited two weeks to tell me, and I was devastated. I've never had to deal with euthanizing a good friend, but I've thought about it in terms of my ownself. When my dog Sandy got into prickle-burrs in W. Virginia and had to be shaved, I learned that dogs are as capable of embarrassment as human beings are. Sandy was one awesome dog. He starred in a photo layout ad in Life Magazine. Kids from my neighborhood got $25, My dog got $100 There have been several other great dogs in my extended family. I think dogs are empathic and understand inherently what people are feeling. I know that's ridiculous, but I surely believe it. My brother Dave has a dog that knows me instantly when I haven't seen him in months. Best cats I've ever been associated with acted like dogs, including some Siamese, believe it or don't. Nothing actually makes you feel better about any of this, but you have to understand, that was a damned good dog. What was his name? I'd feel better knowing. Connie, It's still about real books, I hope. Fahrenheit 451 is stil the way to think of things, Pride and Prejudice, it's sad people have to wait for the small screen and get some bowdlerized version. Nancy, GWTW is as much a mediocre potboiler as Tolstoy and War and Peace. Over-rated. Somebody thinks Tolstoy or the ahole that wrote Dr. Zhivago is a great Russian writer, try The Master and Margarita, dumbass. Wat and Peace is crap and Peggy Mitchell pretty much reproduced it. Wow. Great book. Neither in the actual long run of things. Crap i crap, and the feminist view of GWTW is not a starter. Scarlett's one obnoxious bitch, Ashley is a reasonably nice guy, Rhett is a short, obnoxious egocentric neo-Naziidiot that has no idea his breath is disgusting,. The movie is atrocious, aside from burning Atlanta, the book not much better. Nancy, I can't think of any reason you'd defend this piece of crap other than the Peggy byline. Several hundred pp. of turgid prose. Bad romance. Truly orrible excuses for writing. It is truly garbage, ad it should have Fabio on the cover. It is shit. Like War and Peace is shit, and Zhivago is seriously bad.
- No shit, Whatever y'all think/ are you full of crap? As we are full of shit.
- NEWSFLASH Spinmeister Bill lies his ass off. Help.
- Help On the other hand, there is Nick Cave. And we despise a black guy being President, because the bible tells it shouldn;t be the case. And how in hell do these assholes evade law enforcement?
- R.R, is self-absorbed. What an astounding discovery. I imagine I'll read those books if excess doesn't kill me first. Cooz, you have only to expose the monstrosity. Please do not. But at least you got bidness spelt write. This is ridiculous. Books are books, and there is something important about tactile. Sorry, I love books in my hands. This is an idpteic discussion. I just read The Loved One, for the second timw, I's forgotten how sublime the sarcasm and the sardinicism were. Books on internet aren't books, This is kinda obvipus. People will decide what books ypu get tp red. That is a truly horrible thing, no matter how well-meaning" they are.
- I've got a free Kindle download and I read a great short story by RA Lafferty on it. But books is books. There is nothing like how they feel in your hand. I'm no Luddite, but books are purely beautiful, as objects, and if people give that up, it's Another Temple Gone. I own a first edition of The American Language by HL Mencken, the greatest newspaperman that ever lived. I read it regularly. If somebody wants to claim I'd enjoy this as much on an electronic device, I say bullshit. Cooz, that is hilarious. Wal-Mart used to be an amazing story of Murrica Can Do. Then Sam died and the cretin children took over, with their guns and knives out. I've no cleavage either. In retrospect, now that Sarah is back in the mix, didn't that bimbo put on those clothes and pose for that picture? And now she's offended and calling sexism? As Sherman Potter would say about GOPers in general, what a horse's patoot!?!! And Americans used to watch MASH, and now they sit like freakazoids in front of The Office and Idol and Dancing? WTF?
- A great obscure Stones song. One of my favorites. Good taste, Nancy. Have a refreshing vacation. Between the Buttons is a great album, bookended with Aftermath. Largely forgotten except for Let's Spend the Night Together and Ruby Tuesday. Many great songs, Connection, Goin' Home.
- Paddyo, How do they get them to fall off at will? And why does covering up a small portion of a mammary make any difference? I always liked legs and faces better. Did Audrey Hepburn have large boobs? Keira Knightly? Mary Stuart Masterson? They don't call 'em boobs for nothing. I've never seen the allure, unless attached to an intelligent woman with great gams. Largest real ones I've ever seen in person? A pretty good friend and co-worker in Athens, GA named Carol Babb. Several DDDDs or whatever. A very sweet human being and the best cook I've ever met. Carol had a peculiar dislike of the word "panties". And how 'bout them Loins? Matthew Stafford will rule the NFL if that OLine can play a lick. You Detroiteurs, remember Van Patrick? Hearing footprints? Tougher than Bobby Lane. Just think back to that Cleveland game. Accurate like Milt Plum. Much tougher. And that guy, the Indy rep? Sad. Why shouldn't that schmuck be happy? Why should he be ruined for looking for love in wrong places? Hypocrisy. Check in with Marcus Bachmann and pray the gay away. Nobody cares if you're gay dumbass. But be a professional gay-basher politician and look for a boytoy, your ass is grass. The psychology is almost understandable. It's like self-flagellation. Whack for sure. I almost feel sorry for the guy. Sad case. Does Larry Craig still think somebody was out to get him?
- Cooz, Or magic underpants. Damn, you are entertaining. What does it mean to disown somebody if you haven't got cash to back it up? I can't imagine what coming out must be like. I'm pedestrianly hetero. And happy to be so. If I'm ever caught in flagrante it will be with a woman, and I hope she won't have cleavage wrinkles. This is all so confusing. But if she does have, I'll be sticking with my amnesia story,
- Rana, OK. But I'm tempted daily. Fortunately, I live with a randy woman I'm attracted to that shares my affliction. Sex daily, first thing in the morning, does some wonders for one's disposition. Alex, I love dogs. Never met a Doberman, but yours sounds like a wonderful dog. Hip displasia has been a rude awakener in my family, because it afflicts Goldens and Setters. It's difficult to consider, but the inbreeding that produces these ridiculously beautiful dogs is at fault for these genetic problems. Lexie sounds like a great dog to me. Sorry about her demise. But I think all dogs are great dogs. I have never met a dog I didn't like. Even little yappy ones.
- Can somebody officially put an end to Lakoff and the idea of "framing"? What a load of horseshit. James Lakoff is one idiot poseur that had 15 minutes too long, a moral jackass, a dumb as a turd Republican asshole. Sorry, this shithead was one of them Fokkers. Another fucking moron. Who cares? Republican base is mightily stupid. How does anybody deal with abject stupidity? I mean dumber than grunt? People that are so fucking stupid they think tax cuts for Hugh Grant put money in their pockets. Can anybody be that fucking stupid?
- Seriously, Ron and Nancy had a baby out of wedlock when he was married to another woman. How are they paragons of Republican morality? Tell them "We're doing the best that we can." Just raise the uber-class tax rate to what Raygun charged, you dickheads. That will suffice.
- How is this difficult for that fat piece of shit Grover to comprehend? His hero was Raygun. He just didn't get it. What a fucking idiot. Grover Norquist is actually stupider than Raygun? Who'd have thought it possible that anybody but W was stupider?
- “As a nation, we must call upon Jesus to guide us through unprecedented struggles.” Rick Perry
- Lush Life. Lush Life.
- Is it raining on Nancy's vacation? Pawlenty's gone without ever having to explain letting the bridge fall down. That's disappointing. This boat reminds me of "speedboats" in older movies set in ritzy European places. Like the Maquis Mouse (clever, Hitchcock) getaway boat for The Cat Robie in To Catch a Thief. Or the superb Venice boat chase in the modernized version of The Italian Job. Couple of seriously entertaining movies. Or the boat Mountbatten got blown up in by the IRA.There was a boat like this in the Marilyn Monroe movie Niagra, I think, also.
- If I ever get a boat, I'm calling it Drinking Age. First lottery purchase.
- Y'all know in Ghostbusters, when the EPA dweeb shuts down the containment and lets the ghosts loose, and Bill Murray says "It's true, your honor m the man has no dick." Like Bachmann. Certifiably batshit. Matt Taibi on Michele Bachmann in Rolling Stone. Insane in the brain. Bachmann's influences. Somewhat scarier than Atlas Shrugged.
- The author of that Pawlenty article also produced that bullshit about Obama's Mau Mau upbringing and scary "anti-colonialism". What a horse's ass. Putting innocent men to death is de rigeur for Tejas governor's. Even better, women. When it all comes down to it, Perry was all hat no cattle on the stimulus money, he's trashed Texas public education, and he's a loony that believes in government by beseeching the Lord for Divine intervention. Perry's lamer than Bachmann on anti-science stupidity.
- This house shares some unfortunate architectural characteristics with the Xanadu Mall, the ugliest building in New Jersey, according to a truly unattractive governor. Architects, in my long working experience, have a peculiar phrase, "It wants to be…" I once had a running battle with a Project Architect over carrels for a public library. This character was a walking stereotype, exaggerated French accent, Mont Blanc fountain pen, Moleskine notebooks, wardrobe from Louis, the French slang term is le mec, which translates roughly to "The guy that just knows he's hipper than thou." Anyway, this fou got it into his heads that the carrels "wanted to be made of pau lope", a rare rain forest wood variety that is so hard it must be drilled with a drill press in a shop. Stuff would destroy a nail gun or an 18V hand drill. Standard for carrels is red oak, which has beautiful grain and is very durable, easy to work with, and readily available. It's also costs less than about 10% of what the exotic would cost. We argued, well I insisted and Gabriel wheedled, about thetas for weeks. Luckily, since this was municipal work, we had to deal with a citizens design review. This happened in Newton MA, a classic liberal enclave at the time that prided itself on not being Wellesley, or on being Wellesley for quality of life, without the twisted GOP politics. Anyway, this was bugging the piss out of me, until it occurred to me, while riding the subway to a meeting, that I could end the discussion once and for all. Gabriel passed around impressive samples of the beautiful pau lope that had the amateur architects entranced when I regretfully informed them the wood was from endangered trees. Suddenly, it was as if these folks were handling plutonium. On the way back to the office, I told Gabby it was too bad about the carrels, but that oak would save a bundle and still look very good. His response, in an aggrieved tone: "But it wanted to be pau lope." Architect's in general, are good at renderings, weak on methods and materials in the real construction world, and utterly dismissive of codes. That's why spec writers make more money, thank goodness, trying to anchor architect's in the real world. Actually the lowest paid employees in architectural firms are "designers", junior architects that actually haven't forgotten how to draw construction details, which are actually the methods for making buildings stand up and work properly. The visionaries at the top, the partners, spend hours a day on marketing the firm and faxing details to owners and contractors, for massive salaries. How many Palladian window towers can Phillip Johnson repeat? But I guess those repetitive towers are more practical than glass houses.
- I wonder what Tim Burton could do with the Snyderman House.
- "It turns out that the greatest invention, the one that made civilization possible, is caulking." Not without flashing it isn't. A styrofoam, beeer cooler house would sound like fingernails on a blackboard in an earthquake.
- May I say, I had no intention to denigrate architects. Most of my good friends are architects. I certainly wouldn't describe most architects as intellectuals, though, or particularly attuned to the real world. This is what makes them good company, and brilliant party planners. I am convinced architecture schools should put more emphasis on methods and materials, although this particular academic lacuna has allowed me to make a good living by knowing this stuff. Architects are imaginative, and very stubborn about things like colors, textures, etc. I wasn't making fun of my pau lopee buddy, and I appreciate the beauty and other qualities of that wood as much as he did. But, there's some artistic ideal, and then there is practicality in the real world, and my friends, the architects, are very easily distracted from that. Connie, there are three players in an American Institute of Architects (AIA) standard contract: Owner, Architect, Contractor. The Architect's role is generally similar to that of an Arbiter or Interlocutor, if you will. The final phase of Construction on a big job is usually everybody suing everybody else. The Architect gets paid last, when the dust settles, which means that I under contract with the architect really has to wait sometimes. On the other hand, in legal action, I'm part of the architect's defense team, because judges and arbiters can no more read construction drawings than can anyone else. So, things frequently revert to the specifications and written contract documents, which I write, and know inside out (they are masters I wrote myself andd modify for each job), so I've got leverage with my clients.
- Jeff. E below E on the Double bass. High C. Depending on which spirit is informing the wind at any given moment. Music of the Spheres in between.
- Oh, wee actually made money on our investments today, This is hilarious when Obama is croaking the Dow. Repupblicans have been attacking my investments mightily, but i made money today. These people are fucking withe the stock market like it is going out of style, and it seems to be they despise a brown guy running the country. The clear pattern of screwing with the black guy is a little annoying to me, I',m not, black, that is, but the pattern is clear. They took advantage of W deregulation. They crashed the markets. They sold derivatives that Phil Gramm let them make up out of pure air. and they stole our cash. If that isn't what happened, please explain differentlyy. That is what happened. These fickheads stole our money. They screwed us over and paid the cash to the Kock Heads. These are facts. and those assholes pay no taxes. They take money from the Feds, same as Bachmann takes farm subsidies and Medicare cash and they convince morons that somebody else is taking ttheir money. How would you feel if you were a Teabagger and you found out Bachmann's were slutping deep at the federal trough? Well they have been. Fed money to pray away the gay? Holy shit, gives whole new meaning to welfare. All those kids? Welfare.
- If the folks liked the house, in the long run, that;s a success, even if they messed up the caulk and the flashings. Tjese things are not rocket science, It's qiite simple, Water flows down. And it flows over. Sorry, but this is something that frequwntly escapes architects. They screw this up all the time. I can't explain why. it seems so obvious. Flashings are meant to shed, not to contain. The so-called stucco on the house? Was it stucco or soft-shell fake stucco, which absorbs water and gets heavy as shit? Seems like they should have gone with hard=shell, that actually stands up to elements. The soft shit is long gone. Noboody would spec that shit. It is garbagee. It doesn't work in any situation.Only a moron would would have anything to do with it. And it is not stucco. Stucco is something else entirely from those coatings on mesh and poly insulating boards.
- Hughes Rudd was the anti-Andy. Good enough for me.
- Schmidts? Insult to injury.Nasty excuse for beer. Shit Bob Knight more or less got away with. In the 1999 restaurant incident, Knight also fired a gun over the head of a valet parking guy that tried to intervene, then beat him and stuffed him in a dumpster, according to a SI report at the time. Nasty excuse for a human being. He drove away the clearly best player he ever had on campus with his shit-heel behavior, unless you're one of those deluded IU fans that thinks Calbert Cheaney (Knight's whipping boy) or Isiah Thomas (Bobby's little thug, right Roosevelt Barnes?) were better college players than L. Bird. Hey, Knight. What's up with that?
- DARPA strikes again. From the Poindexter mad scientists that spent $1tillion on SDI, which doesn't work even when the tests are rigged from the get-go. How the hell much was wasted on thatridiculous toy.
- Wrong again, honey. Actually, I think it was Madonna's birthday. Maybe Bachmann was thinking of the great Lee Marvin as Kid Shilleen singing Happy Birthday to Frankie Ballou.
- Monsieur Depardieu never heard of astronaut diapers, apparently.
- Reminds you of your dad? My dad would never have humiliated me or any of my brothers in front of a national audience the way Knight did to his kid. Hellon earth, and the definition of a scumgag's scumbag. He deliberately hung his own kid out to dry to augment his legend. What an asshole. What a piece of shit. This is basically inconceivable. Pere Karamazov could not have imagined anything so agressively embarassing. What sort of fucking monster? Died in the wool Nixonian and Raygunphile. if my kid can't cut it, i cut him loose. And that is Loose, like, free, for you internet idiots that think it's how you spell lose, meaning not win, and write little green footballs in mom's basement.
- One despicable ahole. And Jim Tressle? Holy shit what a lying sack of shit. Georgia grad and died in the wool Georgia fan. Last year AJ Green, best player in the country, sat out four games, because he needed money for his family and sold a jersey. Dawgs season was trashed. AJ was dragged through mud. Pryor and Tressel and OSU have beenU and Miami. He was a kid that sold his own shirt to somebody that was not an agent by any stretch. Even the way the NCAA would stretch things. My favorite story about the NCAA is the story of Jamie Ponsoldt. Jamie was a student of mine at Cedar Shoals HS in Wthens (the real Athens) GA. He was an astonishing student and a superb football player. Despite what many people may think, intelligence and good student performance are not mutually exclusive. That attitude is so dumb it's hard to even consider. If you ever even played good HS football, you know it is complicated. If you don't, shut the fuck up. You don't know what you are talking about. I was an English tutor for the UGA athletic department. Ever deal with some dumbass TA that could not write her way out of a paper bag. Me neither. But these assholes spite about athletes was neon. They hated these student athletes for being better than they were about all kinds of things. The bias was so revolting, I'd write something perfect for one of my kids, and get back some horseshit about punctuation, diction, whatever, from assholes that could not write their ways out of a paper bag. The active dislike for scholarship athletes that were good HS students is revolting. The envy and moronic dislike is hard to comprehend. Somebody is an automatic asshole for being a good athlete? This fucking annoys me immensely. I was a more or less brilliant HS student. Merit Scholarship, All Fives on five AP. Yadda, yadda. Fact is, if I could figure out a way to take those standadized tests for you underacchievers, I'd be richer than Trump. Easy as pie.
- No shit , Tressel thought it made sense to screw over AJ. @hT lying Ak of ahit. Seriously? Some offense by AJ? These people are idiotic beupnd ontent. Kiss my qaa. you RW LYING LIKE A BASTARD CUNT'S ARE STILL RULING THE WORLD.
- Last time the Olympics were really great. And lest anyone forget, the Winter Games produced Mitt Romney, from the absolutely sleaziest Olympics of all time. I'm wondering how many readers understood penumbra.
- When Perry comes to talk to the bluehairs in Sun City Hilton Head (which is, of course, in Bluffton, across the bridge), I'm planning to ask him what he got in terms of jobs for the $20mil grant to Countrywide Financial, one of the subprime mortgage uber-villains of the housing bubble and the Great Recession. If he says anything other than "None.", I'm going to quote Joe Wilson to him. Another good reason to play Megabucks.
- Given the clear criminal behavior of S&P in abrogating its fiduciarcy responsibilities in the US financial debacle, out of overweening greed, why would anybody continue to take anything that comes out of it seriously? I know they've succeeded in fucking the stock market over bigtime in the last week, adding a deadly nightshade to the roadkill stew the GOP has been serving since July 1. All I have to do is check my investment accounts. 25% in the red in that short time. I find it impossible to believe that most Americans that have planned more or less responsibly for a time of dwindling income and advancing age do not share this infuriating experience. I'm also sure that many people with the means to have made this kind of plan are staunch Republicans. Cognitive dissonance is one thing, but voting directly against one's financial interest is bizarre enough that it calls the principles of representative democracy into question. Buncha bigoted, dumb mofos
- Rick Perry, the book of Joel, and praying for rain. I had not thought of the Siegel-Schwall Blues Band in years.Popped into my head for no reason I can fathom. There they are on YouTube. Corky Siegel was an amazing harmonicaa player, and his partner was a sax player that took up guitar with excellent results. Their bass player was a MoTown veteran named Rollo Radford, that plays a mind-boggling solo on this cut. These guys were from Chicago, but they played at the Chessmate in Detroit frequently. They'd occasionally back John Lee Hooker.
- Shameless GOP dickwad: Gabby Giffords is milking her gunshot wound to the head to mess with Republicans.
- Shit, another negative $.20/share. Brian, that's called merch, and I'll be hawking it too, if the GOPers and their evil backers fuck up the stock market much more. James Fennimore Cooper travelled outside the USA. Who would have thought. I read and enjoyed the Deerstalker books when I was eight or nine, but I can't imagine an adult finding anything to recommend them. Samuel Clemens may have been unfair in describing the Literary Offenses but he was funny as the devil, and pretty much on target. The Romanticism if the Natty Bumppo character is what made me love it as a nine year old, and find it unwittingly Pythonesque as I grew older. And really, the books are, in the www.vernacular, are "dribble", and don't "jive" with any reasonable literary standards. I can almost figure out having trouble with "jibe" and "jive" but I can't "hone in" on what the rocket science is about"dribble" and "drivel" or "hone" and "home". Those errors are offensive literarily, and they are pandemic on the tubes. Ted Stevens, drunk as a Lord. Back when Alaskan political dynasties weren't greedy little pisant money-grubbers. May be hope. Murkowski beat the Palin-endorsed thug, on a write-in wave. Cosider her anti-govt. schtick against the fact that Alaskans, individually get about $2bucks back for every $1 they send to the federal government. Brian, in the early 70s there were about 3mill cancer survivors in America. Today the number is close to 11mill. The sort of research that produced that felicitous disparity will be an early victim of tea party economics if American voters don't see the light. The number is cruel for me. My little brother died of leukemia in 1960, and my mom of breast cancer five years ago. If some shitheel wants to tell me this sort of research is not a worthwhile function of the federal government, or Rick Perry wants to claim that scientists are falsifying data to protect their grants, Good Hair can come around my local. He will be treated ugly. Not dead but maybe wish he were. I know I rant about disenfranchising fool citizens that prove themselves too fucking stupid to be allowed a ballot. But the GOP parades one Rorshach test for voter disqualification after another. Y'all know the story in Martian Chronicles called "The Earthmen"? Everybody in the Martian sanitarium claims, in the presence of actual Earthmen, to be "Earthmen". Here's a good synopsis from Wiki: This story tells of the "Second Expedition" to Mars. The astronauts arrive to find the Martians to be strangely unresponsive to their presence. The one exception to this is a group of Martians in a building who greet them with a parade. Several of the Martians in the building claim to be from Earth or from other planets of the solar system, and the captain slowly realizes that the Martian gift for telepathy allows others to view the hallucinations of the insane, and that they have been placed in an insane asylum. The Martians they have encountered all believed that their unusual appearance was a projected hallucination. Because the "hallucinations" are so detailed and the captain refuses to admit he is not from Earth, Mr. Xxx, a psychiatrist, declares him incurable and kills him. When the "imaginary" crew does not disappear as well, Mr. Xxx shoots and kills them. Finally, as the "imaginary" rocket remains in existence, Mr. Xxx concludes that he too must be crazy and shoots himself. The ship of the Second Expedition is sold as scrap at a junkyard. Shit, shared delusions become accepted fact, common knowledge? Sure sounds like them GOPers to me. How about Perry on the new fed rule about commercial license requirements for farmers? Well they don't exist, but some blastocyst/spore on Fox will posit them as reality on Sunday morning. And they will foul the tubes by Sunday p.m. Maybe these idiots are more like the addicts in "The Euphio Question" or "Harrison Bergeron". It's a fact that GOPers long for a handicapper general. So that acchievers that disagree with them can be tied down with battleship chain charges of elitism. It's the Roman Hruska lament about the Supreme Court. "Don't mediocre Americans need to be represented on the Court?". Not fucking hardly, Bubba. They don't want it pointed out that Kerry is intellectually big intellectually compared to W's midge draft dodging POS. Does everybody forget that in the wake of Dan Rather's alleged disgrace, the entirely lucid secretary that typed the contents of the so-called forged papers, said the contents as far as W's dereliction and AWOL coke spree avoidance of service-related activities were pretty much exactly what she typed in the first place? Evverybody forget that the forgery expert hired by Scaiffe said he could not rule the documents forgeries? Meantime, there was Nixon's fair-haired boy running the Swiftboat bullshit. Being the jock I am, I'd like to see Kerry unleashed on this asshole in a cage match. In a nation scarred by the Southern Stategy and Willie Horton, this was the most scurrilous campaign ever. Bush dodged the draft. Kerry didn't. Bush flew missions defending the liuor supply at the O-Club. Kerry "faked" injuries with his political future in mind, but undoubtedly saved one of his crewmen from capture by hauling the guy out with one hand while firing a large, normally boat-mounted repeater with his other arm. Confronted with an actual hero in a fucking pitiful war, GOPers got hold of a particularly odious little seersucker Nixon Nazi haircut stooge, and defamed Kerry, well beyond the protective limits of US libel law. If John O'Neill has a dime to his revolting name, he owes it to John Kerry. Kerry was better than O'Neill at every possible level. Smarter, better, braver. The little shit commented on details of incidents where he was not remotely present. What sort of fucked up excuse for a representative democracy can have an election kiboshed by Dick "Freaking" Nixon, after the mofo has gone to hell? Anybody with a brain knows that Blackwell and the Diebold CEO arsehole robbed Cuyahoga County. Rob 2000 Rob 2004! These people are elitist aholes that give no shit about anybody. Do GOPers know that the Soutern Stategy morhped into the anti-American Southern strategy? Do they know that Lee Atwater asked God to forgive him on his deathbed? Swiftboat was the foulest excuse for politics in the history of American politics. Asknthe guy actually there whose life Kerry saved. Was Paul O'Neill there? What a chickehshit aasshole. Kinda like Cheney, or W.In what way were these allegations not slander? Well they were, without a doubt. Kerry's prominence no-way protects them. They made this shit up. In Brit law, these are ridiculously obvious criminals. They made this shit up from mucho miles away. O'Neill and facts are absurdly disconnected. The guy is a little pisant If he threw in with W, he is a traitor. Eat that Rick Perry. Actually, the Republican hyper-bullshit about Kerry supposedly manufacturing wounds?
- This is all hilarious. Good lord. It is one sad case. Americans were more willing to believe Paul O'Neill than Kerry. You cannot be stupider. That is exceptionally sad for being a moron.
- No Joke. Kerry dragged a guy out of a hotch with something like a 50 cal in his left arm W did all sorts of shit like that that, in his heroic The , the rediculous shit. . Kerry was heroic. This little shit IS Paull Mcdonaldm He xouldn't care about anything, he is a racist piece of shit. Tell me he isn't. W qcruqlly qcred like. rhiAAHOLW nyvodybut q qtupie pi3c3e 0f whit. ABag this shit. whqtever you think NQNCY. THERE IS NOTHING i th
- know, Sometimes, Not really. It sounds like a drag. But I don't know, woods out back of a Pulte subdivision, and growing up with SRC and MC5 and Stooges, that was pretty cool. Please admit you listened to that Siegel-Schwall and it was exceptional More ecxcprtional than other bands. Ridicu;ously good.
- Martin Luther? The most openly bound humn being that ever lived. obofy ever had a harder tume hving bowe mobementis impzctment was pretty much the bsis of his whole religione st endlessly in the jzzkes, pzying, znd got no relief, It'ss like Rick Perry praying for rin. I'd say, God doesn't Nswer pryers for dickheads. Wh yshould he? These are dicjheads.
- Cooz, Lee Atwater repented on his deathbed. And played a Les Paul. Should count for something. Actually so did Tamerlane. Not the Gibson but the deathbed conversion. Any bets on whether Cheney says he's sorry for shooting his friend in the face with the Girly Gun when his excuse for a heart gives way in an unspecified bunker. How could you leave him out?
- Well, Dexter, Lee Iacoco was the Father of the Mustang, a much cooler car than any GTO. And that Shelby Mustang engine is about as good as ever been built. But GTOs had a great song wtitten about them by Ronny and the Daytonas.
- Transferring bodies? One time was great, Freaky Friday, and I sure mean the one with Jamie Lee and Lindsay, although Jodie Foster was excellent in the original. Crossing urine streams? C'mon. Didn't these poop joke experts see Ghostbusters?
- 'Stangs were wonderful cars. I even like the new ones. I never had one either. I drove my mom's '63 T-bird convertible when I was in HS. One awesome machine. Good for beating curfew, for sure.
- Nancy, That sunset photo is a beaut, I 'd like to use it for my desktop. I change the desktop background frequently, and that shot is lovely. Closest I've been to the UP is winter camping on the Au Sable when I was in the Boy Scouts, with one quick bus trip to the bridge and the island at the end of the campout to ease back into civilization. We've got great local produce and a three block long, live-oak lined Farmer's Market over on the mainland. Somebody was thoughtful and gracious enough to put a brewpub right in the middle of the market. This time of year, I'm busy roasting tomatoes with olive oil, onions, garlic, oregano and basil to fill our freezer with a winter's supply of tomato sauce, for chili and pasta. We smell like an Italian restaurant. These tomatoes are as far from the kind shipped in from California to sell for $3.59/lb. during the winter months as you can get. Thank the Lord for my Cuisinart. And speaking of tomatoes... Culture vultures in LA (there's an inherent contradiction somewhere in that term) are aflutter over a gorgeous young Chinese woman wearing a perfectly-fitted mini-dress and gold sandals to play Rachmaninoff. Seriously? Somebody had a problem with a piano soloist wearing this dress? Old blue-haired dowagers built like battleships and wearing Margaret Dumont's wardrobe.
- Just a joke, Mary. No offense meant. But people getting all bunched-panties about that young woman's dress struck me as seriously gauche, when she is considered one of the finest pianists in the world by experts, and can certainly wear that orange dress without apology.
- I can't remember who it was here with the connection to the Avid Book Store, but that venture seems to be going pretty well.
- Coozledad: Think how the whole world would be different if people had listened to Juan Cole about Iraq. On Liby, he seems a little pissed off to have been marginalized. I'm sure he's got the current situation right, and anybody who had a clue about anything beyond making sure Obama gets no 2nd term would have to admit that all the hair on fir bullshit about a third war was simply knee-jerk obstructionist criticism in the first place. The USA/NATO/UN strategy was about just right. For the Libyan revolutionaries, winning this pitched assault against overwhelming force of armor is surely a very sound basis for establishing a new government. Of course, the NATO attacks on Moammar's tanks etc. was a great aid, but it also has the result of creating space for the Libyans to more or less have a government up and running as soon as the Colonel and his boys are run out to Berlusconi's country villa for a little "bunga bunga" to lick their wounds. As it turns out, this situation was handled quite well by NATO and the American president. I have to wonder how much of Professor Cole's wisdom is a direct result of having lived in that part of the world and actually speaking the language. But , hell, how would that sort of experience help? He is obviously pissed off royally about being marginalized by ignorant commentators on this development, and his line about Alexander Cockburn agreeing with Max Boot is hilarious.
- Jolene. The Libyan people have had a government pretty much up and running in Benghazi since early on, able to operate because of the cover of NATO pounding Ghaddafi unmercilessly. As Cole tells it, the Berber minortiy led the way in the rebel forces, and it appears that the revolution took place across tribal and ethnic lines. There may have been some luck involved, and clearly Ghaddafi was a very courageous and determined uprising, but if PNACers and their fellow travellers like McCain and Lidsey Graham won't admit this was handled with finesse and in well-oiled concert with real allies, they can suck a corndog. It would be nice if one or two of the handful of rational Republicans extant would admit thhis was a well-handled foreign affairs operation with a good outcome. But I might have a heart attack.
- Yuja Wang playing Rachmaninopff in another dress that would probably not pass muster (at rehearsal, though). I'm no expert, but her technical skills seem astonishing, and she plays with a lot of animation and emotion. Revolting conservative commentators abound, even in print. George Wills expertise at purely sophistic argument is as disgraceful as his supercilious faux upper class elitism. He's a common criminal, having stolen that debate prep book for his patron R. Raygun. But for pure nausea inducing phoniness in the conservative cause, you have to get Shakespearean to accurately describe Charles Krauthammer. As in Richard III. "Bottled spider", "poisonous bunch-back'd toad". He got where he is today by disguising all of the Raygun-era Iran-Contra lawbreaking as "the Reagan Doctrine". Despicable. His inset byline picture is a perfect illustration for a Richard III Cliff's Notes edition. Mean, bitter and misanthropic. Yeah and I know he's in a wheel chair, and I can understand how that's a challenge to enjoying anything in life. But other people suffer through worse situations without losing humanity completely. I believe Ghaddafi is headed straight to Italy with his Amazonian blonde Praetorians to Bunga Bunga with his best bud Berlusconi.
- Well, "pastie is the proper spelling for those minuscule articles of apparel Janet Jackson could have used at the Super Bowl, the mammary merkin, so to speak. Entertaining comments on airport security from Dick Cavett, with nice words about the airport in Detroit. I like to read Cavett's columns, because I always here his voice, mannerisms and accent when I do, from years of watching him do interviews on TV, at which he excelled. His interview of Jimi Hendrix was great. Charley Rose is just about the only really good interviewer around anymore. That Piers Morgan guy is such a smarmy tat it's hard to believe he gets paid for his schtick. Tavis Smiley is OK, but his questions tend toward being vague rather than incisive. Conan O'Brien and Leno are hopeless. And Lettreman makes it about himself too often, but when he's got a serious subject he can be very good at introducing his own opinion without being overbearing. Best TV interview I've seen in years, was Craig Ferguson talking to Desmond Tutu for an hour. (I think this may actually have won an award from the Peabody Foundation, unlike O'Reilly, who only imagined winning.) They actually discussed modern theology as it relates to war and social justice and both men knew what they were talking about. Of course, Ferguson is also funnier by miles than anybody else on after 11pm set, aside for, occasionally, Jimmy Kimmel.
- Well there's also the stepdaddy Bruce Jenner who looks separated at birth from either Joan Rivers or Phyllis Diller. No room for him in the family cosmetic surgery budget.And the super-soft NBA player Lamar Odom,married to one of the Butt Sisters. Lamar Odom famously lives on Gummi Bears and Twizzlers. Isn't it true you could put anything you damn well please in a pasty, like a gringo quesadilla or a yankee calzone. Or is it a requirement they be bland?
- I heard about the George Martin Thrones books a few years ago and was all ready to wadein. Problem was, when I found them at the library, I was on my bike, and the thought of one of those doorstops in my backpack after a foreshortened grocery shop was daunting, so I left them there and reread the Gormenghast books. LOTR aside, the adventures of Steerpike (brilliant villain) and Titus (reluctant hero) are my favorite story in all of fantasy writing.
- Why somebody needs to call bullshit on basically everything Rick Perry says. This opinion relies heavily on the stats and rankings people are not supposed to be exposed to, according to the Gangbaggers. He's slick, but facile mendacity is not necessarily a qualification to run for President. More Perry antics. If 'bagger voters could read with comprehension, this might sink the fatuous ass. Okay, the claim is that Perry's mastery of the Texas system facilitates his monstro fundraising. But even in those bastions of corrupt Democratic machine politics, Boston and Chicago, this behavior would be recognized as good ol' fashioned graft. Seriously, this is DOJ investigation-worthy. How's this differ from Rep. Jefferson stuffing his freezer with wads of cash?
- All those Teabangers out for Maxine Waters' scalp, how do they explain this from their star raver and ranter Eric Cantor? A difference in financial scope? Why, sure and it makes Cantor look way worse. Oh, wait, it's because, unlike Cantor, Rep. Waters told the 'baggers to "go to hell", and they value civility.
- For some reason, the anecdote about Rhee asking the PBS crew if they wanted to see her fire a principal reminded me of the infamous Christie Whitman frisks a black guy photo-op. Which grade did the Chancellor get left behind? Because, what a dumbass. Like W doing his Karla Faye Tucker imitation in front of the little tampon Tucker Carlson. And don't be disingenuous Mark. Cutting the Abstract was part of the original GOPer proposals, along with those major money-savers defunding the NEA and the CPB. But, perhaps you already knew that. Once more, Kneejerk is a modifier of choice for liberal, when it's far more apt for conservative. You know. Like the whole "activist judges" nonsense. Republicans would like to zero out the entire census operation, and that, I'm absolutely sure, you do know. The Republican party does not want voters represented, they want their voters, particularly the corporate people, represented. And a good waay to doo that is to eviscerate the Census Bureau.
- In fact, back at the beginning of the screw the American economy campaign from the GOP, their budget cut proposals were piddling. This is clearly indicative of the astro-turfed nature of the Teabanger (bowel) movement. That shit about the census, CPB and the NEW came straight from the bagger money, i.e. the Koch heads, Dickless Armey, and Richard Mellon Scaife.
- Whoa, nobody claimed it didn't end up part of Obama's budget, but it was clearly a collaborative effort. And nobody but the involved parties know who put what pressure on whom for what. Cutting the abstract was most certainly in the original Teabag cuts. Should Obama have refused on this? Absolutely. Somebody in the administration was asleep at the switch. But claiming it was Obama's initiative is bullcrap. The cuts are asinine across the board as a ridiculous reaction to a manufactured crisis, with purely political aims. And there is no doubt who was the manufacturer. The necessity of hindering the Constitutional census function has been a Republican shibboleth for a long time. Look at their luddite objections to using proven statistically valid modelling techniques they themselves use every day to gauge the character and interests of the public. I think those beneficent slaveholders were guided by the hand of God to mandate the census, to ensure and enhance the "representative" part of representative democracy. It's an obvious priority mission of the GOP to prevent this.
- People in NC need to more worried about this:
- I always feel our hurricanes. on the east coast they are far mor frightening. Is somebody joking /? You can't just forget about how you might have been comfort in the storm. This s how human beings connect. No shit. she was myI've no way to figure you doublke. this is the best friend I ever had. Secondarily, I'D LIKE TO HEAR WHAT CHARLES BOCKMAN, THE NOTORIOUS MURDERER, HAD TO SAY. HOW COULD YOU DO ANYTHING SO FUCKING DUMB? I THOUGHT WE USEDTO BE FRIENDS YOU'RE DISGRACEFULROTTING SHIT. SORRY ASSHOE.
- What I care about about whatever. I lived a high school life based upon John Lee. This is what we thought was cool. We got fedoras and paisley ties from Lois the hatter. If there are some wannabes that are better writers than I am, give it a rip, Nancy, You were not there, I was. And you are welcome to take part, because you seem to understand how awseome this whole deal was. no shit girl. whatever I said and it may have been let those girls escape, I couldn't say I didn't mean for all of those girls to escape. This was assholes holding people hostage. No shit, but I let them go. Somebody want to fight me over that shit? Step right up. some things are just wrong. You can't claim women owe dick to assholes. Not close. I understand it's nonsense, but there is no conceivable way it's not ok for a woman to just put this shit behind her. I'm on that side. Are we kidding? My idea is is there a woman in a quandry? How about a woman with a very sensible road to hoe? How about a woman that has as much sense as the rest of us? How about a woman that understands better? Is there a conceivable excuse for how much she has got the situ ation? She knows what shes talking about, you dumbasses. Shes my considerable consideration. Are you kidding? Maybe not. Who knows what I ever think. None of this is fair. I think I know everything you think. But it makes no difference. So how is it whatever whatever? Whatever means nobody is going to blow up for our immediate meaning. My heartfelt meaning is that nobody was ever blown up because some asshole meant me. This is just the way I look at this. There is o way I mean anything but to make everything OK for you shorties. This is what all of os mean, and whatever produced the violence, we wish we hadn't and we love all of you. we mean we wish none of this shit ever happened, and we wish you couod put t behind. we don't get it that way?
- When it was already that horseshit super-majority horseshit, what did anybody expect Obama to do? Seriously. What? Should he have killed them all. Well yeah, but he could not have gotten away with that. If people on th progrssive side want results, You have to win more congrssisional seats. You can;t blame this on a stymied President, you gd idiots. He hasn't got a Praetorian guard that can demand falling on their swords. Exactly what do these morons think Obama could have done different? Maybe Howard Dean might have digured something out. I mean, this is horseshit. what do all of these folks that know better, what would they have done so far? Nothing, you died in the wool idiots. There is no way out of the situation. This is something to not worry about. But holy shit. I hope we are safe., and I hope everybody in NC is safe too. Well not, maybe. There is only one region of NC that is worth considering, and that is the caves where the yiger is. I drop things and she picks them up. . It's a brilliant novel, are you in? come on cooz., you know its a great novel, Let her rip. You will ove it. It's a no brainer. C'Mon asshole, it is like no way but fess up. It's a great book and you can be that guy from twin Peaks. tiger is.
- Deborah. Maybe but it is sure as shit what Theillard says. All of creation is becoming creation. this seems to be the wa to fibure things, We jave no idea. There is no idea. And we have to wonder about who might habe a clue. I couldn't guess who may know, but we could make this up. What ever anybodt rhinkz mkes sense. Whatever we think makes sense. Whatever. Not understanding Teilhard is just moronic. Epictetus? Seriously? Kinda boring and sad. Try Teillhard. Optimistic and much more intelligent. Far more likely to figure things are moving rtoward perfection and some idea of God than the dreary Greeks. Give it a different look. Teillhard believes we are all God becoming god. That's a good way to imagine things.
- Does anybody truly understand how close the USA came to disaster in the 2010 elections? Does anybody still believe in the myth that Obaama and the democrats had both houses of Congress in 2008? By what stretchtch of Liebermann's imagination? Does anybody believe that the current Senate rules provide for democracy? It's my opinion that as long as Don Blankenship's pocket senator runs the Congress, the USA is in grave danger. The guy bought his own judge and owns a senator, tops mountains in the Appalachians at will. and is a bona fide mass murderer. Ain't that America. And fracking? Well when these assholes set your tapwater on fire, you'll start to look at water like Ray Bradbury considers books. Not a good thing.
- Dexter, Has Time Warner ever offered an explanation for the cable being out? Have they ever offered a dime back for fucked up service? They have monopolies which means they never have to apologise. My condo HOA has the opportunity to use another cable provider. Can't be convinced to negotiate. I'd say somebody is getting a benefit from staying with Time Warner.
- What exactly to Obama's critics think he could have done. Fight? That word is is a joke in modern political parlance. His opposition is adamant about one-term. And it seriously has to do with the idea that he;s some Muslim, anti-colonial, MauMau Kenyan other. Boehner and McConnell are happy to milk that idiocy without actually saying it. Which is racism, no matter how you look at it. What exactly do people on the Progressive side think the President could have done differently? They sat on their hands in '10 and let these whack-jobs take over the House, when the Senate was never won in the first place. The 60-40 Senate is Republican and always has been, you idiots. Exactly what did anybody expect the President could have done? This is somewhat beyond my comprehension. Could he have sent the secret service to deal with them? Some sort of FBI secret files to shame or intimidate them? Exactly how to the Greenie Babies think Obama could have accomplished more? What needs to happen is that all those obstructionist shitheels that would rather run the USA into the ground than have a black Democrat as President geet sent the fuck home. Overwhelm the assholes that voted for idiots in '10. Blaming this shit on Obama is moronic. He isn't Caesar, just the President. He can't just murder the recalcitrant Senate assholes and the loony-toons in the house. What do people think he is supposed to do? Seriously? Name an option, you fools that are gearing up to vote for Darth Nader, that gave this country the Scalia and PNAC candidate Cheney/Bush. That worked out well, right? The problem is fucking up the House and the Senate, dumbasses. When the Senate is a 60-40 affair, the opposition party can just decide they want to make the President one-term and just obstruct, to their anti-American heart;s content. Just ask the jowly asshole with the wire rim glasses. Tell me I'm wrong, but assholes like McConnell just don't see any way for the country but the good old days of Ollie North and senescent Raygun running Iran=Contra and raising taxes nine fucking years in a row to support Freedom Fighters when the drug trade ran slow. Glory days. These people are deluded.
- My kid went to Boston University, not quite Ivy League but close, and just as expensive. Her mother and I are still paying for it. She is too. Then she went to a prestigious graduate program run by Mass General Hospital. Now she has an annual salary exceeding my total income in the best earning year of my life. She's great at her job and doing something for a living she loves to talk about. All worth every dime, though it's painful in practice.
- Does the Michael Jordan Steakhouse have slot machines and craps tables?
- College costs. The entirely superfluous tuition management and loan interlocutors that boost college costs are great and well-protected favorites and donors to the GOP.
- Comment on Rick Perry's Texas Miracle from a Texan @NYT: Texas is a great place to be if you're running a large corporation that wants free rein to destroy the environment at will, or if you're (like me) a middle-class IT professional who doesn't mind working for oil companies. It's also a pretty good place if you're an undocumented immigrant who doesn't mind doing high-rise construction work sans insurance for wages that pay fast food workers in more enlightened states, or someone who is willing to trade a good price on an exurban McMansion and reasonably cheap gas prices in exchange for any semblance of public services--including a real education for your children. Moms washed uniforms when I was in HS. No way is any varsity athlete at UM washing their own. Our HS uniform jerseys were red. Invariably somebody would show up in the locker room with a pink jockstrap. Chagrin is putting it mildly.
- I applied to McGill (accepted) to have someplace to go if I had to leave the US. I wonder occasionally how my life would have been different had I gone to college in Montreal. Higher education is an expensive rat race in England, too. My Old School. (That's Bard College, in Annandale NY, Donald Fagen's alma mater. Bard long had a reputation as an outre hippie school.)
- My ex and I spent a ridiculous amount of money on private schools for our daughter, because her mom insisted on living within Boston city limits. Boston Public Schhols were pretty bad in those days and were frequently dangerous. When her mother moved to suburban beach town, Marshfield, E was in 4th grade, and was academically behind the public school kids. This was infuriating since we had spent more than $30grand getting her through 3rd grade at the Chestnut Hill School, which is one of those "right" schools at the onset of the Harvard track. Serious waste of money. Aside from personal experience, much of what I think about education comes from having read The Education of Henry Adams. I still have my copy from college, in which my notes and underlining fill all the margins. Adams said: The chief wonder of education is that it does not ruin everyone involved in it, teacher and taught. He also said apropos of nothing: The study of history is useful to the historian by teaching him his ignorance of women. And, of himself: The more he was educated, the less he learned.
- Bourdain comes across like Mr. Blackwell talking about Cher, i.e. prissy little weenie. I commute and shop by bike, and exercise regularly with resistance bands, take long ocean kayak treks, and play hoops twice a week. I could eat a Paula Deen dinner every day and not become obese. Would Bourdain feel better if Ms. Jolly Roly-Poly switched out butter for margarine, when he specializes in such thigh augmentation superfoods as duck confit and pate? What a horse's ass. If someone wants a valid reason to attack Paula, it would be her Smithfield promotional connection. Union busting, OSHA-flouting, Big Farm, animal torturing, pollution meister agribusiness sucking on the government teat like nobody but the oil companies.
- Twenty things worth knowing about beer. Capybara with monkey.
- I never understood what was so difficult about semi-colons. I know when they are required, and if I use one it is entirely justifiable. Separating compound lists including commas is the most obvious no-brainer. I also think semi-colons are the exact correct way to punctuate bullet points, wwith an Oxford comma for the last in the list. My eternal punctuation question, and believe me, I'm more or less at sea, his how to deal with parenthetical phrases that end a sentence. I believe most times the punctuation belongs outside of the paren. viz.: Odin will rain down Valhalla (i.e.,Ragnarokk). It makes no sense whatever for the full stop to arrive within the parentheses. So seriously, experts, tell me how I'm incorrect. I knnow this is abstruse, but way back in school, I got dinged by a Stehndal prof, with a B+ for this exact sort of error, or alleged error. . In latter days, I have made cash tutoring UGA athletes at study hall. An easily distracted by a drug or a girl or both student, I can't discuss committment to education. I have been committed more recently. As far as punctuation and usage for id est. that is not an abbreviation, it's a Latin term anybody educated should know, and My stand is that it should never be abbreviated. Possibly, were this true, it would never be misused; it is not rocket science. And that's a good semicolon. The implication is "no freaking duh. No Duh reallly bugged my late mom for some reason. I contend that No duh means something so specific and non-injurious it should be part of the language. No judgement is implied by No Duh. It means Both you and I know that is obvious The Gayroller shirt? I dunno. I get the idea, but that seems like broad as Rosie's beam satire. There are people that believe in that sort of shit all over the net. Guys that are campus heroes of the situation, like that weenie seersucker asshole that was Nixons favorite? Yeah right. He rushed the hooch and took away the .50 cal. Republicans on war heroes are so fucking hilarious it is beyond belief. W flying Snoopy's biplane protecting the O Club. No? What other picture.
- How does anybody claim W served? I thought it was immoral, what was W's excuse? W never even showed for mandatory flight exams. When he did he was too coked up. And with the magic of the swiftboat assholes, Kerry was trying to get hurt to be a war hero. He knew none of those shots were potentially fatal when he rescued his crewmate. How did these assholes get away with this slur? How stupid are people?
- Thanks Jolene, this is something that has always bugged me about internet communication. I thought that was correct, but it's good to have somebody that writes well back me up. And the double full stop in your example is right on. In my opinion. So tonight is a big night on TV. Westen finds out who framed him. Acting is mighty good on Burn Notice. Writing is even better. I kinda like how the blend takes place between cable and the drivel (also known as dribble) on the networks. One ends and another picks up. Fox had a great show with Human Target and destroyed it. Fx had Terriers, best ever since Jim Rockford, and they fucked it up bigtime. And they tromped on Damages. Clueless shitheels. I'll give SAMCRO a pass because it has been very good in the past, but they start screwing with Jax, I'm outa there.
- No joke at all. W and acrually serving? Godawmight what a joke. And Kerry didn't? How stupid can people be? Seriously. No shit? One piece of shit compared to an absolute hero? No joke? Where do things get to do with seriously bogus whatever? No shit? Seriosly bullshit
- Compwring kerry's experience is more moronic. Kerr vs. W , you have to be a moron. No shit? You have got to be an idiot. What I might say? Who knows what anbody might say. But seriously. No shit? Whatever we think. Whatever what anybody thought. Whatever I thought for sure, whatever you thought might mean something.
- All that Founding Fathers horesshit, I am absolutely sure none of those fucking ninnies ever gave a thought to the smartest offspringHenry Adams. I quoted him to y'all yesterday. His description of his education may well be the best book anybody ever wrote,. Which may have a way of informing us about our kids. Nancy, I'd not offer advice. but I would say that Kate has a gift and music schools might not be a terrible idea. She seems to be a bass prodigy. And she's beautiful. Being a great bass player seems like something worthhwhile to aspire to, If you embrace possibilities and don't just bury your intelligence under a basket. I don't know a lot about this sort of thing. My kid was driven to her very successful grad program. And she is absolutely spectacular at rescuing people from psychich caverns when they've suffered closed brain injuries. I mean, think about how you'd feel. So that is what E does. It's a fairly amazing thing to do. Some of the funding for this sort of program comes from the Feds. I guess that's welfare we are supposed to revile. Unless it's first responders. Whatever, no shit, who makes up being a real Murrican>? That would be dickless Cheney, that thinks the $trillion on Halliburtons war made mor sense than the almost no-cost disposal of w's BFF Gadaffi. Are the PNAC assholes still trying to act like sentient human beings?
- What I mean is m kid brings people back from buried in their little minds. She's a genious. She knows how to bring people back from the brink. She is smarter and more committed than anbody could claim. Are we kidding? y y
- Not in a million years. On the other hand. If there is a better movie, let's hear about it.
- Look up Glenn Beck you fricking morons. That piece of shit has gone away.
- What I think, what I said. whatever we thought, How we said. Whatever. It's kinda foolish to think we have the whole deal covered. It's all covered, and we can;t consider what whoever thinks.
- Jolene, I have never gotten into the parking lot that the ecodus always turns into. There is a single bridge leaving our island, and it is a joke. People run out of gas and the hurricanes always head tor NC. We are not going anywhere. What's the point. If our place gets trashed, what do we have to come back to? I'd rather get killed in defense. Sort of like Vergil Caine. I don't see anything good coming from bailing and neither does S. We'll hold out. Plenty of batteries and LCD flashlights. Lots of brewskis and some Grey Goose, and a barely cracked half gallon of jack and each other. I just don't see how it's all that threatening. It's supposed to do the normal shit and head for NC. I think there are more Pray away the ga folks there that God is pissed off at. But if the hurricane could take out Joe Wilson, I'd be more inclined to believe in God. We will wave as it passes us by. And as for grammar, where did these morons on the net come up with Me thinks? Methinks is lame in the first place, but making it two words is so lame, it is almost beyond comprehension, and there is the foolish internet trope about "over at". Over at? Seriously? what drivel, or, since I'm on the tubes, dribble. And things don't jive, they either jibe or they don't. And you can hone in on something if you mean to sharpen it, but you probably mean home.
- Is there any truth to the rumor that large chunks of Goeglein's memoir are lifted more or less verbatim from A Million Little Pieces? And Cooz, you know, if the rightwing ever gets back to the "activist judges" fomentation, they are really talking about Thurgood Marshall, the guy that started them frothing in the first place.
- Any portrayal of W as reluctant about invading Iraq is arrant and deliberate bullshit. This view requires denial of the virulent existence of the PNAC. The whole point of getting Incurious George appointed by the Great Canned Duck Hunter was to invade Iraq. And "effective"? Seriously? "the emergence of a thoughtful, confident conservatism" How'd that work out, Tim? $arah, Bachmann, GoodHair? Which is the thoughtful one?
- Hurricane Irene is pretty impressive viewed from the International Space Station. Backwash has arrived in SC. We're getting lashed with torrential cdownpours, and no doubt will lose power sometime today. Also at almost 1pm, it hasn't reached 80.
- Ivy-covered. Irene,goodnight.
- I'm thinking somebody stole Chuckles Krauthammer's identity. He actually says in that column that FDR was a great man that matched a crucial moment in US history. If he's not careful, he's going to get letters with suspicious white powder in them from teabangers. Great hurricane song about the 1900 Galveston storm. Killing Mr. Watson by Peter Matthiessen is a very good book with a crucial part for a hurricane.
- Right Deborah. Another hurricane and shipwreck work is the novel The Island of the Day Before by Umberto Eco, that wrote The Name of the Rose and Foucault's pendulum. Jolene, both movie versions of Cape Fear are excellent. The earlier, Robert Mitchum and Gregory Peck edition is an absolute classic, as startling and nerve-wracking as Night of the Hunter (the only movie Charles Laughton ever directed). Mitchum was a great noir anti-hero, but as a villain he was even better.
- I'm one of the only people I know that preferred Foucault to Name of the Rose. The Ghost Writer is excellent.
- Stormy Weather by Carl Hiaasen is a very entertaining book about the aftermath of a hurricane. Like most of Hiaasen's novels it can be read in a single sitting. The guy is a hilarious writer.
- Of course Key Largo also starred Edward G. Robinson, Lauren Bacall (whom i'd watch in anything at all), and Lionel Barrymore. What a cast. I once rode several floors on an elevator with Edward G. Robinson at the St. Francis hotel in SF. Very short, but very impressive. None of my brothers that were with me recognized him, thank God. One of them would have done something embarrassing.
- WHAT I'D SAY ABOUT WHAT I'D CARW ABOUT THE WAY WE ONAIDER THINGS. RE WE STUPID OR DO WE REALIZE THE consensus is this is bullshit? No. 19 and No. 5, I say we kick they ass. This is my heart's intention, and we crushed them last time. You folka rw auppoaed ro be my friends. Boise cheats like it is going out of sgtls. They cheat and they know it. Bury that blue, they know they cheat. Wht DIGUSTING BUNXH OF AHITHWWL XHWtera, Hoq xouls you not ADMIT THE weenies just cheated with the blue? Are we that stupid? They cheated like a bitch. They can't claim they didn't. Tht is how those assholes got that home record. That;s a fact.
- There is nothing to consider about what we might make up. What in the world we might make up. Made-up bullshit, you are my no consideration, I am not considering, We can't consider that shit. No way to figure this as Whatever, I DON'T intend anything like what I might intend. You must intend some semblance of not meaning this like it was going out of style. Are we considering being like for sure?
- Who knows Moe? The way I see it, there is a seriously bad slough. . I think its kinda ridiculous there's a consideration. It seems kinda no brainer there's a no shit version of gays loving gays. Is their some question? No way we even consider this shit , and we oxnsider the not even considered whatever. I don't know what we could consider, These are who qwe believe in. You are obvious, you mean what ever , you evefr mean what you might mweN QHtever you mean. Whay to go.
- RE YOU KIDDING? WHt NYBODY QOULD BW KIDDING? Serioualy? RW QE JOKING? ON RHW ORHWR QHt rwL FOLKS MWn? Aerioasly? Aorry you fuxking dumbAA.
- Rick Perry's grotesque idea of properly educating teenagers.
- Humor with rue from Ellen Goodman. This lightbulb disinformation syndrome really bugs the crap out of me. This is glorifying ignorance.
- Here's the deal, for all those progressives. You never delivered the Sente, you assholes. Blame this shit on Obama? What's graft, unequivocally, everywhere else in the USA is business as usual in Tejas. Thoughtful and elegant comment on natural disasters. The comments on this gentle op-ed are fascinating and depressing--paranoiac, venomous and obtuse. Humor with rue from Ellen Goodman. This lightbulb disinformation syndrome really bugs the crap out of me. This is glorifying ignorance.
- Seriously, what goes on in in Texas is absolute graft, but it;s legal? Holy shit. Rick Perry can legally sell legislation. That;s legal? What sort of shit is that? If DOJ investigated Republicans would claim it was political. How about the Rove trashing of the US attorneys because they weren't loyal W idiots? Nobody sees this as partisan horseshit? These assholes get away with spectaculr bullcraap.
- Really, The nuke waste shit? That's normal government? The guy is crooked as you could possibly get. How could anybody stand behind this polluting for cash as this piece of shit?
- Stupider than W, if that is possible.
- It's difficult to imagine being dumber than W but Maybe it's possible. Dumber than grunt, There;s a possibility you could be stupider,
- It's the most astounding that the most huge windfield of all time has become the climate deniers favorite storm. What is wrong with these idiots? At halftime the hapless Detroit Lions were destroying the vaunted New England Patriots. I hate the exhibition season. The Pats destroyed Robert Edwards and they deserve everything bad that ever might happen to them, Mr. razor is prettty much the stay at home version of Frank McCourt. an ahole. What that franchise did to Rogert Edwards, What a disgraceful bunch of creeps. Dex, Matt Stafford is the real deal. Better arm than favre and can actually spell his own name. And it is guaranteed. he will never be such a piece of crap self-centered idiot. Staffford destroyed the Pats. He may be the new Peyton. Better arm. Trashed these oversold assholes, It's wonderful. Why did anybody ever buy into that Pats bullshit? They always sucked. Pats are a disgrace for what they perpetrated against Robert Edwards. Everything bad that happens to them is well deserved. They screwed the player over big time and just trampled. There is no excuse for their behavior. Stafford's QB rating is sitting around 150 and are we kidding, he trashed the Pats first team. Ho ho ho. He blew their asses away. Good luck against the packers, with the second best QB in your division. Get schooled again. Orgo is a beast. I sailed through Biology and I loved it. Trig, not so much, A bizarre little military shit called Colonel Collins that locked his door at 7:99, A total piece of shit. No excuse for this little man pOS, what a jackass. alomg Cheney lines. a freaking liar and an an unconscioable bully,
- Wow, it's the vaunted Pats playing their A-team, and Matt Stafford lights their asses up. Fuck you Tom Brady and Butch Woollfork. Staff trashed your ass.
- Orgo is near impossible,hard to deal with, but I made a C even though I didn't have to take it, But no shit I passed it, hardest thing i've ever done and I still have infelicitous dreams, Them Loins can play. I've got mu Staff jersey and I'm thinking back tp those days of Jim Gibbons and Nick Pietrosante. Van Patricj is back. And we are hearing footprints,
- The greatest Bob Marley song. Mark Sanchez, Sorry Jeyts fans, he ain't Matt Stafford, by a mile. Lions, this year in the Super Bowl, maybe. Stafford to Calvin. This is a deadly connection. Loins are back. And in Econ, I scored two As. Way easy. Who cares anymore, but Perry is dumber than W. which makes him dumber than grunt. If you've proven yourself a fucking moron, how do you run for President? What a maroon. What an ignoranimus, Total dickwad. How about carbon dating you fuckiing idiot?
- Old time Detroiters, that remember Norm Cash guarding the bag, do you remember Van Patrick and the Loins, and hearing footsteps? Van was like the Loins version of Johnny Most. Last time they were good. Stafford right now is the best QB in the NFL. Awesome.
- And Edwin Arlington Robinson, too, Coozledad. Here's a version of Richard Cory by Them, back when Van was just a kid:
- Bob, we die so we can meet people in Heaven whose lives we messed up somehow, or didn't, and at some point, the chaos butterfly that set it all in lugubrious motion. Percy Bysse Shelley did a rather more artful job with this somewhat prosaic theme in Ozymandias, or Thornton Wilder in The Bridge of San Luis Rey, that ends with this: “But soon we shall die and all memory of these five will have left the earth, and we ourselves shall be loved for a while and forgotten. But the love will have been enough; all those impulses of love return to the love that made them. Even memory is not necessary for love. There is a land of the living and a land of the dead, and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning.” Stick that in your pipe and suck on it Mitch. Believe it or not, I actually know somebody who is supposed to have Bodkinned his ownself. I've no idea if it's true, kind of a touchy subject to bring up directly.
- Anti-Power-Point Party. A party I can get behind. Unfortunately, the USA had a PowerPoint President from 2000-2008, who somehow missed the point about hair on fire, airplanes and buildings. Along with the Massachusetts Pirate Party, which is largely about privacy and internet neutrality. Bachmann can claim to have been making a horribly tasteless joke, but I watche the video, and there is nothing about her presentation and affect that indicates she was joking.
- If there is the remotest possibility of self-incrimination, the Wadministration records strategy is probably the only intelligent policy the fools ever dreamed up. Make 'em all disappear into the ether. Rove disappeared millions of purely political emails he produced on WH computers and should be in jail for outrageous Hatch Act violations and flouting the Presidential Records Act. So did Cheney and the Stovepipe Gang, which was purely illegal in the first place, as it bypassed Congressional advice and consent requirements to run a shadow government. At the height of Shrubster Opacity, the bastards were classifying 125 government documents per minute (according to a NYT editorial): Had Kommissar Karl and Dickless not destroyed all of the email evidence of their US Attorney malfeasance, they could be cellies at Club Fed, which would be hilarious since the two dickweeds obviously loathe each other. And connecting Bachmann with Judaism is not so far-fetched at all. Dominionist-evangelicals firmly believe they need to get the entire world's population of Jews back to the Holy Land in order to be Rapturized. This is why any discussion of illegal "settlement" behavior (Obama's purported Israel problem) in Palestinian territory is abhorrent to these nutcases. Annexation, apartheid and even government-sponsored high seas piracy are sanctioned as a means to reeling in the Diaspora to facilitate born-agains getting snatched en masse into heaven. Living space must be provided. Of course, in their shrivelled little hearts, these same people espouse the concept of blood libel and believe Jews killed their Lord and Personal savior.
- Y'know, when the big funding crunch on cleaning up after the hurricane comes, it would be nice if people remembered that Clinton employed James Lee Witt to run FEMA and W had Brownie. Like going from Peyton Manning to Ryan Leaf.
- Bachmann, Perry and radical religionism. Long, but worthwhile.
- But Deborah, you are doing authentic work, not undermining the Constitution, breaking the law, playing dirty politics, or blackmailing the head of the IMF. Although, if you deal with architects, you may need the mail to pin them down on something they "surmised" or "were asked" to comment on. Architects in my experience are the weasel-wordingest bunch I have ever come across. They abhor stating an objective opinion. I'm not sure why this is, because, otherwise they are a great bunch and a lot of fun. But it is characteristic that, though this is not a group of people good with words, they can always separate themselves from an unpopular consensus decision before the consensus isn't stillborn any more. They are slippery about committing to an opinion. I shitcan all of it except the order paperwork when I buy stuff. Occassionally, I get something from my kid I save to go back to, or from an ex I found on the net who has something felicitous to say. But as God is my witness, I've never been implicated in anything I'm ashamed of by my IN or OUT email. Rove, Ceney? Track those despicable assholes down. I save some mails from my brothers. Mostly when they have outrageous musical links, like Led Zeppelin attempting Buffalo Springfield: Now I love Led Zeppelin, and I think Steve is somewhat better than Clapton. But this is not quite right. It's very cool, but couldn't Robert and Jimmie have made the connection with Misty Mountain Hop? Paranoia seems to be a common thread. Drifting into basic Reggae seems pretty reasonable. Whatever. I'm a glib asshole and y'all are heartfelt. I've said all sorts of things to y'all I should have kept to myself. So we have the Hurricane season upon us. Why do asshole Republican goverors feel they have to pronounce the final syllable with a short a and no accent? It's fucking <i<de rigeur for some reason. We say, We are Barbara Frietsche and we ain't going nowhere. These suckers leave us alone and afflict NC where the born again water buffalos roam. I've had it. We have cases of Yellowtail and Sam. We have beaucoup batteries. We have serious triscuits, cheese and smoked oysters, and we have toons in our heads and in our memories. And we have intimacy. Seriously, why would we leave this isle? Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open and show riches Ready to drop upon me that, when I waked, I cried to dream again. As beautiful as Shakes ever wrote. Or not. But mighty goddam gorgeous. And its in the voice and head of a monster? It seems just some normal twit that wishes he could understand? If not? The most gorgeous thing he ever wrote is the llast words of Richard II. This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands, This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England. Well yeah, but he also said: You all have to be kidding me but what I think is No matter where; of comfort no man speak: Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs; Make dust our paper and with rainy eyes Write sorrow on the bosom of the earth, Let's choose executors and talk of wills: And yet not so, for what can we bequeath Save our deposed bodies to the ground? Our lands, our lives and all are Bolingbroke's, And nothing can we call our own but death And that small model of the barren earth Which serves as paste and cover to our bones. For God's sake, let us sit upon the ground And tell sad stories of the death of kings; How some have been deposed; some slain in war, Some haunted by the ghosts they have deposed; Some poison'd by their wives: some sleeping kill'd; All murder'd: for within the hollow crown That rounds the mortal temples of a king Keeps Death his court and there the antic sits, Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp, Allowing him a breath, a little scene, To monarchize, be fear'd and kill with looks, Infusing him with self and vain conceit, As if this flesh which walls about our life, Were brass impregnable, and humour'd thus Comes at the last and with a little pin Bores through his castle wall, and farewell king! Cover your heads and mock not flesh and blood With solemn reverence: throw away respect, Tradition, form and ceremonious duty, For you have but mistook me all this while: I live with bread like you, feel want, Taste grief, need friends: subjected thus, How can you say to me, I am a king?
- That bastard knew what he was talking about. No shit. Truman Show.
- Try watching a possum. Try watching a possum on the half-shell. We kidding?
- The thing with other drivers is always to keep your door between you and them. It is a masterpiece to kneecap the ahole with the dar door. And the idiot savant is always going to win. That is Rick Perry and he is a hump and a fucking moron. Good luck with that asshole running the alleged country into Riddley Walker territory or clearly stupider.
- Dexter, Our rabbit was called Hoppy. A fairly huge White Rex, He was my brother's pet but my whole family loved him. Years later we all read Watership Down. Silflay haraka. My dog was a heroic and beautiful collie named Sandy, after the greatest pitcher that ever lived, and he loved the rabbit too. He was clearly the greatest dog that ever lived. And I find it difficult to believe you will watch that shit on TV. One hopes its on at the same time as SAMCCRO. And Tom Morello, isn't Bob Dylan, and he isn't Steve Earle, and he sure as shit ain't the Boss, but he is authentic, in my opinion, And he is pissed off. DWTS? Who could deal with that idiocy? Now apparently with some Kardashian wide load? Hines? How could you? Greatest blocker in the history of the NFL outside of linemen. And twinkletoes? Say it ain't so.
- what happens when all those formerly young suburbanites can’t drive any longer. They'll continue to drive and the results will be hilarious. When I was a kid and lived in Bloomfield Hills, some of our streets were oiled, not paved, and anybody walking to work in Southfield or Ferndale from Pontiac, much less Detroit, had better start day before yesterday, or they will be way late. And last time I was in the Bloomfields, storm drainage was handled by ditches and swales, so sidewalks would be a severe disruption. I understand the idea of "walkability" but good grief, any idiot could build a reasonable sidewalk. This could lead to government sponsored employment and get the ni-, ni-, what Gabby Johnson said, reelected. Horeurs. And it's really not kosher to ride a bike on a sidewalk. And Dahlia Lithwick is brilliant, a great writer, and a babe.
- Two PIs and a whole cop shop, and nobody can identify Mrs. Spinmeister's Valentine? Seems like Loofah-boy is having one of his Peabody Award winning delusional moments. And what sort of fruitcake would marry that hump for any reason but cash? Ratso Rizzo.
- Dorothy, Robert Palmer and Right Said Fred? Nah. Beatles and Ramones:
- I remember seeing Bobby Fuller on either Shindig or Hullabaloo, and he had braces. Lot of covers of that song. Clash version is excellent, but there is something about Mike Ness's version that is spectacular. I've seen the E Street Band play it, and have a recording of it by Social Distortion, which is excellent. Lou Reed's twisted version. About as nasty and sarcastic as Positively Fourth Street.
- That's a sad story about Bobby Fuller Cooze. Now that I think about it, I think the TV performance I saw featured Bobby and his band wearing prison stripes with balls and chains. If it was Manson behind a murder of a Texas rocker, I'm just glad he didn't go after Roky.
- Roky was declared mentally ill by the semi-great state of Tejas because he was caught with pot, and then subjected to repeated rounds of electro-consulvive therapy without his consent. He still writes fantastic (literally) songs and has what I think is a fine singing voice. Roky Erickson's most normal and most gorgeous song: Although I prefer Two-Headed Dog and Cold Night for Alligators.
- Dexter, that's Michael Stipe's favorite too. There is a very fine tribute album of covers called Where the Pyramid Meets the Eye, on which REM does a version of I Walked With a Zombie. Includes a great cover of You're Gonna Miss Me by Doug Sahm and Augie Meyers and Sir Douglas' kids, ZZTop do Reverberation, loud and distorted, and there's a wild version of Fire Engine by Richard Lloyd. Poi Dog Pondering does a beautiful rendition of I Had to Tell You. How exactly is Obama supposed to impose order. If he were Claudius, he could send the Praetorean Guard to make the assholes behave or fall on their swords. At this point, I'd be all for that. All of the self-righteous more progressive than thou types that bitch about this, present company excluded, should do something about the bastards strangling Congressional action. And somebody needs to do something about the anti-American Senate rules. Seriously, what weapon is available, other than an all out effort to take back the House and make the Senate obstruction-proof?
- Sorry, chunky Cali girls, and Sears, Kollection with a K is rightfully the sole possession of the Davies Brothers, Ray and Dave. Maybe Ray should write a catty song about them. Or sue them. Kim Kardashian should understand she doesn't need to wear an outfit that features saddlebags, since her own are naturally more than ample. And anybody that would pay for and wear those Python shoes is clearly an idiot, and probably has dromhidrosis. I worked two jobs during college, between 60 and 70 hours per week. Not so much for tuition, which in state was still very low all those years ago, but because I was for all intents married by that time. One major problem in more modern times is the protection by the GOP of the student loan industry despite it's absolute superfluity. In Georgia, the great defender of these leeches is Nathan Deal, whose family fortune comes from payday loan and car title loan businesses. Loansharking birds of a feather.
- Henry Ford patented packing crates he had parts delivered in to his assembly plants.The deconstructed crates were used in A and T Model Fords as dashboards and floorboards.
- Michelle superPAC is running this anti-Rick ad in SC.Is it just me or does the voice-over sound just like one of those obnoxious Tom Bodett ads for Motel 6? The GOP vote fraud canard and vote suppression is a story that is simple to understand and should turn conscienscious Americans against the moos en masse, particularly after the outright theft of Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004, and the hijinks by Republicans in Wisconsin in the recall and judicial election recently. Somehow, voters seem too damn dumb to get that they are being made fools of, used like tools, and convinced to vote against their own interest. Those aholes in Tucson shot 'emselves in the foot.
- Brian, if I hear "eyebrows shot up" in connection with GOPers, I'm immediately attuned to Botox humor.
- I will never say another derogatory word about Paris Hilton after this stroke of genius mocking McCain. No way a Kardashian does anything remotely that hilarious. And somewhat smarter than Shrub.
- Congratulations, Dexter. Heckuva Job Brownie thinks Cantor's doing a heckuva job, too. What a buffoon.
- Mark, Yeah I do think she knows what she was talking about, because I have watched part of House of Wax, and I know she can't act her way out of a paper bag. Maybe McCain was a sitting duck, but she schooled him. Bringing her up in the first placce was about as moronic as Dannyboy Quayle calling out Murphy Brown. The K sisters would never had the brains to take umbrage at McCain's bad behavior, and would certainly have had no response clever or otherwise. And if its so easy to fake it, why did the GOP never manage to get anything like that sort of performance out of Palin?
- Thanks for that mental image ROGirl. On Steve Jobs:
- "Moms like who?" reminds me of the classic joke in which the Lone Ranger says: We're surrounded by Indians. What are we going to do Tonto? And Tonto says "What you mean we White Man?" A truly sublime joke, I think. The talking point bullshit from Freeper world about Obama's joint session address on jobs is incredibly lame. When even Wikipedia can call bullshit on you, you are just making idiotic shit up. And I wonder why the nutbags and teabangers and Gangbaggers didn't have the brains to attack Wiki on this subject the way they rewrote history for $Palin and the Bachmann (R, Snake Pit). Hell Congress has accommodated generals and astronauts for fuck's sake. Corazon Aquino, Marquis de Lafayette, John Adams, and Shrub W. Bush. Douglas McArthur. Pretty regal bunch. Flaming douchebaggery.
- "political gamesmanship" Really want to bring that up? How was it sleeping soundly through July?
- All I'm saying about July is that was the most purely cynical political gamesmanship in my 60 yrs. on earth as a US citizen, unless you count Iran-Contra and the deal to prevent the October surprise by holding on to the hostages in return for cash and arms. I wouldn't call such out and out treasonous international crime gamesmanship, so I'm sticking with the debt ceiling horseshit, which clearly showed that the welfare of Americans and the US economy means nothing to the GOP. Bastards cost me more than $10 grand and I'm sure my case is not unusual. To paraphrase Julia Stiles in 10 Things..., I maintain they kicked themselves in their own balls. Unless Americans are so stupid their instincts to vote in their own financial and political interests is overwhelmed by appeals to racism, and utter bullshit about Socialism, about which none of these cretins have a clue, playing politics because a party is whining about losing the White House after stealing two elections should mark a descent into irrelevance and ignominy.
- The racist component of the knee-jerk antipathy to Obama is absolutely unmistakable, and anybody that denies it is a practitioner or just ignoring the obvious.* *whistling past the graveyard of the American way.
- I'll admit readily to making outrageous and somewhat inflammatory political comments in this forum, and I thank y'all for forbearance, because there is more intelligent and well-expressed comment here than anywhere else I kknow on the web. On the other hand, I'm absolutely sure I have never claimed that everybody that despises or disagrees with the President is racist. Nancy's blog is easibly searchable, so show me I'm wrong. Aside from that, denying that racism is part of the virulent hatred of the President from so-called conservatives, who are actually nothing of the sort, well, that is analogous to saying there is no potent undercurrent of racism in American Republican politics. Now, that is truly outrageous, like saying "some of my best friends". What I said about racism being an inherent component of the inchoate and nonsensical and illogical rage against a President with brown skin, sorry, that is drooling idiocy. The Southern Strategy is not gone away. It's crucial to GOP politics, and it's the basis of all this "not one of us", Mau Mau (no racist subtext there, right) garbage spewed by rightwing nutjobs.
- Maybe the true Teabangers like Dickless Armey and the Koch Heads and the pervert Richard Mellon Scaiffe are not really motivated by racism (but of course, they are), but they sure don't like rednecks any better. But they understand redneck racist passion is perfectly malleable and they employ all of Lee Atwater's disciples to pump that shit up. Atwater, of course, had a death bed conversion and disavowed that non-Christian behavior when he asked forgiveness from his Lord and Personal savior. This whole scenario is so much like Brits pitting Catholics and Protestants against each other in Ireland, it would take a wilfull idiot to buy in on the rich folk's side. Can God's creatures be that fucking stupid? They don't see they are the next jetsam, left to drown? Godawmighty that is sad. As I've suggested before, what is the President supposed to do on the Progressive front. Can't kill 'em and can't live with 'em. The President has led intellectually and Congress has been fucking obtuse.
- Brains, April? How about dollars. The K’s will do almost anything for exposure and money. They don’t have to know what their talking about and don’t care,as long as they look great. Same with Hilton, she was a tool; THEY schooled him, using her. But, as I said, it was effective; I liked it. I don't even think they look normal, much less great. To me they look like pay for dates at one of those GOP bondage clubs Mark.
- Jay Leno used to be pals with Denis Leary. After the W sending the first responders into cancer hell, I doubt it any more. Leno is the PNAC shitheel of all time. What is wrong with scumbags of this sort that really thought the whole thing was about Halliburton.? What a bunch of dickheads. They tried in 1998 to convince Clinton. He wasn't that stupid. PNAC then bought and paid for Scalia and the painted lady. Floriida wasn't just fucking stolen? And after the shitheel Ken Blackwell and the CEO of Diebold robbed Ohio? These people are concerned now with Obama's attitude when they stole two in a row? What a helluva bunch of assholes.
- There is no excuse for these shitheels. It's like shooting your hunting buddy in the face with a lady gun.
- Nancy, your savoir faire at laughing this off is outstamding.I WOULDN'T WHATEVER
- so is Tom Courtenay not q wNKWR ns reying to mKW RHIA OOK LIKW QW'EW AOSA bs givw DIXK biut HOLWA RGr rgubk rgwy hCW AOMW BWTTER, QHWB RGWT ew apwxtqcykEY ISUORIC, AXREW THESE MORONS. What you meant. Any iDea tuou aren'r HOLY CRAP, YOU PEOPLE ARE ABSURD.
- THE whole stacked deck of the Republican anti-black horseshit? Are you kidding. This is Lee Atwater bullshit. Here is the deal. The election was fucking stolen in 2000, and in 2004, the assholes said they would steal the election and they did. And the PNAC elected Cheney and they invaded Iraq on a credit card. These people fucked over the economy for Halliburton' Say it ain't so. Cheney paid cheney, bigtime. Say it ain't so. That scum is the most disgusting chickenhawk shit head ever lived, and he's a hero for trashing John Kerry. What a sorry excuse for a piece of shit. W dodged the draft. Kerry served lie a man. You fucking morons. Kerry was the man. W was the chickenshit asshole. There is no way of looking atound this. These people are bizarre. Kerry was a hero and W was a fucking draft dodger. Them's facts, you fucking idiots. There is really no way of ocnsidering W in the war. He was a ying sack of shit that ran off to Birmingham. He was a lying, coked-up shithead. and everybody knew it. He was a lying sack of shit. One sack of shit and everybody knew it. A totally obnoxious and disgraceful piece of shit. W is a revolting asshole. That s how he rolls.,38-621,default,cp.html?SC=WNA7036A&utm_source=direct&utm_campaign=control&utm_medium=email&utm_content=eosdeadline2&utm_term=toprated&email=MJHELLUND@GMAIL.COM&nlid=13892.1298024.
- Not what anybody would figure for what anybody would say,. Not what anybody would say. What I'd say for a fact. I apologie and I really love the UP. Whatever I mean to say. Whatever anybody thinks. Whatever you think, We take no prisoners, And Ted sucks bigtime, and we don't condider that idiot shitheel . He is a disgraceful pieced of shit, and we do not not consider his disgracee.
- That be federal bubmint money, Good Hair.. Fuck you and fuck Tejas. Try it on your own. Or pray about it. Might as well Jump.. My dirty little secret. There are several VH songs including this one that I really like. The most astonishing thing about the WTC destruction is how perfectly it lent itself to the PNAC lunacy and the fake Pretzeldent. No matter what anybody says, W was not elected. The painted lady and Justice Elmer Fudd, the Great Canned Duck Hunter, appointed his incompetent ass to do what Clinton was too smart to do. That is, invade Iraq for no good reason. Of course Dickless Cheney figured out how to enrich Halliburton by doing exactly that. I don't believe in conspiracy theories, except that there is no way Oswald got off two shots, and Sirhan was somebody's tool, but the disappeared cash, by the palletfull in Iraq is extremely suspicious. How did everybody buy this idiocy of invading Iraq because of the WTC bombing? W was convincing? We, as a country should have invaded Saudi Arabia instead, if that wouldn't have offended W's BFF. John C., that is an excellent story. Bomb who? is enlightening. Surely not the US=enriched Saddam. Or the Raygun=enriched and wea[pnized Ayatollahs. That prevented the October surprise. That is what these assholes did. True scumbags.
- And April Glaspie? She was a competent career diplomat that HW japped on like the crew members he bailed on. This is how this family operates. George HW Bush japped on that plane to save his sorry ass life. No I have no proof, but the morons that buy the Swiftboat horseshit don't either. What a bunch of fucking idiots, when W was a draft=dodger. What is your stupidity?
- Seriously, HW he didn't bale on his partners? Wpuld W not bao;?
- Charles Koch, of the infamous Koch Head Brothers, told the Big GOPer spenders that the 2012 Presidential election is the Mother of all wars. By which he means Sherrif Bart is a ni, a ni, what Gabby Johnson said. He read a book by Saul Alinsky. Quelle horeurs. He read a book. Quelle more horeurs. Jeez, Iraq. Cooz, the stupid bastards tried to talk Clinton into that briar patch, and when he wasn't that fucking stupid, the PNAC got it's own moron appointed in 2000. Those aholes didn't even ask W to sign on in the first place. Jeb, Yeah, the pitiful all hat no cattle murdererer, lightweight. Please, would somebody aske the two corn-dog woofers to define Socialism the next time either on of them says it. It will come out sounding like WWJD. Morons, render unto Caesar, you greedy and unChristian motherfuckers. What Jesus actually intended, and He didn't intend anything along the lines of Pray the Gay Away, you freaking idiots.
- And Gerry Ford pardoned Nixon so he could be President. Only way his moron ass was ever getting there. And W served but Kerry didn't. And people actually injured in Viet Nam bought this horseshit? These people are the dregs. They go back to Lee Atwater. GOP has mastered the most astounding dissolution with reality in the history of mankind. These assholees think the trickle down isn't piss raining on them. And that somehow, they are not voting against their own interests. Dumbest fucks in political history. Total delusion. Total disconnect from reality. Loony tune whackjobs.
- Sewift Boaaters? W served and Kerry didn't? Who bought that horse shit? Seriously, Some Nixon shit heel or the guys' crewmates? Fuck you, you chickenhawk assholes. Let's hear from Cheney. The Swiftboat crap. Please. Is there nothing to which GOPERs wont stoop. How did anyybody buy that bullshit? Kerry cammanded a Riverine boat in both Vietnam and Laos. W flew sorties around the O Club in Tejas. Somebody get this wrong? Kerry served, W japped. If somebody is too stupid to get theis and to understand the slander, why should that idiot be allowed to vote? Seriously, that is mortal stupidity.
- Not obese. Quite trim accurately. Who made scads of cash from the Iraq invasion. That would be HalliburtonThey mostly just stole it off of palleets. Cheney major stockholder. Chickenhawk crook, no matter how you lookk at it. Seriouslly, crooked shitheels for sure.
- Major league crooks.
- Seriously. Halliburton and Blackwater and Raytheon didn't steel that cash? You are an idiot.
- They stole that money like it was Ken Blackwell, and we know for a fact that black asshole stole the cash.
- Joe, Bush had been warned in a Presidential Daily Brief that terriss were going to fly planes into buildings. You are correct that W's life was crucial and hiding him was important, but that was mainly important because if anything happened to him, the vampire Chaeney would have been President. And Rudy G.? Please. He's a mob crook. And His connection with the former police chief makes him indictable.
- Joe, why I despise W? The scumbag knew for a fact he japped on the National Guard, which is one thing. But then he signed off on the Swift Boat bullshit, What sort of turd does he have to be? He knew he got a free boat, then he slandered somebody that actually risked his life and served. Is that difficult to understand that I think he's less than scum? He got two terms without ever being elected. And he acted like it was owed him. Florida and Ohio were stolen by their Republican Secretary's of State. Fact Jack. Blackwell and his Diebold CEO buddy said they would do it and they did. All to pad Cheney's retirement. That's where all that cash disappeared to in Iraq. These people were crooks and did not give a shit about the USA.
- Say anything, no matter how loony it is: But it will be in your email tomorrow, like it's a fact. What is wrong with assholes like this?
- Fun and games at Christian School. The HAL death scene is brilliant, but I think Roy Batty's (Rutger Hauer) death scene is the best movie death scene ever. Like tears, in rain.
- Large numbers (<30%) according to polling by Zogby) of American fundagelicals do not believe Catholics are Christians. Mainstream fundy and evangelical preachers like the Grahams and Oral Roberts have suggested that Catholicism is a "satanic cult", and the intertubes are full of that sort of bizarre crap. Mea culpa. Some guys in Fort Worth created an app for that. As far as I know, the vast proliferation of Christiaan Schools was watered and fertilized, at least in the South, by school integration, which, of course, is about as far from following Jesus as you can get.
- Nah, Love Story is always having to say I think I'm gonna puke. Pure maudlin hokum. And wretched acting. Dark Victory is exceptional. And who really thought Spock was going to stay dead? This guy, Troy Davis is almost surely innocent of the crime he was convicted of, but he's out of appeals, and he will probably be executed in the near future. Unless people that favor the death penalty want to rewrite American jurisprudence entirely, including Constitutional law, They are going to have to admit that it costs an obscene amount of money, for an obscene result, without any redeeming value to society. The idea that the death penalty is a deterrent to commission of some crimes is patently ridiculous. Jeff there are states, like my own (SC) Where the law allows for gun permits as valid ID for polling places but not college IDs. What sort of kneejerk nutcase would actually think of something so entirely perverse?
- Ali McGraw bears a physical resemblance to Angie Harmon. Both are very beautiful women lacking emotive talent. And Ryan O'Neal's great gift to the film world was his daughter, a considerably better actor than the old man. He's not truly horrible on Bones. But years ago, on Peyton Place, he was hilariously bad as Rodney Harrington. He almost ruined Barry Lyndon. By all reports, he was a very good and faithful friend to Farrah Fawcett. Just not a very good actor. Out of Africa, I might go along with as a good love story/chemistry movie. Or, Ironweed, or A Boy and His Dog. Paul Krugman rips Kantor (R.-Israel) a new one. Bastard is a whited sepulcher. And politics as hostage taking should not get a pass in America. It's exactly what the shitheels did to force the extenion of the rich folks' tax cuts, they held unemployment money hostage. I don't know about anyone else, but treating people that way will get you left out of the Rapcha, if God is good.
- Incredibly beautiful new album by Laura Marling Heavenly. Best new music I've heard in some time. Stunning voice, remarkable songs, great acoustic guitar playing. Elizabeth Warren thrashing Scott Brown would be a really sweet bit of election night news.
- When I think of Warren Oates, I think of the creepy fishing guide in 92 in the Shade, the creepier Sam Wood in In the Heat of the Night (Top ten all time, for me), and GTO in Two-Lane Blacktop. I think he was in The Wild Bunch (L'horde Sauvage, as I saw it in Geneva when it came out), and I'm sure there were many, many Gunsmoke episodes, as well appearances on every other great '60s and '70s western TV series. He was also in a strange western called Ride in the Whirlwind, directed and written by Jack Nicholson, which also had Harry Dean, as Blind Dick, and the incomparable Cameron Mitchell. I think that one is free on Netflix.
- Who the hell is Rodney Yee? I've had more than a fair share of brushes with death, although never in a mass disaster. Generally, I believe in God, but I've never figured He had a plan that kept me from being a victim of my own stupid behavior. More like dumb luck, and an ability to think and move somewhate agilely in tight situations. There's an old joke about "Why me, God". A voice booms from the sky saying "You just really piss me off." So Connie, you're a fan of that vertebrate developmental phase when we are all tadpoles?
- I'm sticking with Martin Yan, not Rodney Yee, the greatest television chef who's not Jacques Pepin. No affectation or ego, just hilarious. The events of September 11, 2001 were obviously horrendous, but I'd say the chilling effects on free Constitutional American society are in some ways equally tragic. The immediate response was for all of the Norquist "let's drown the government in a bthtub" aholes to create the most massive, inefficient purely bureaucratic and costly aspect of federal government in its history, and name it something our of the Hitler/Goebells playbook. How ironic is that development? We've seen Congress get all NIMBY about moving Guantanamo detainees to empty supermaxes on the mainland, which would have put expensive physical plant assets to work as well as providing jobs in local communities. My greatest dissapointment in President Obama halfway through is that the US judicial system has not been restored to normal, Constitutional operation. Distrust and fear of "the other than me" drives half of US politics to the grave detriment of every American. Keeping prisoners at Guantanamo instead of bringing them to trial in the federal court system is an uncoscionable and craven concession to the terrorists of the WTC. While clearly AQ intended to kill Americans, I think it's obvious that the true strategic intention of this tactic was to damage the philosophical foundation or American society and civilization. That's why it's called terrorism. W sounded like an idiot when he said "They hate our freedom" (well pretty much no matter what he said, he sounded pretty GD idiotic), and his response in the face of this faintest glimmer of insight and understanding was to abrogate freedom and nurture mutual distrust on racial and religious lines as a basic characteristic of all political action and discourse in this country. Creating the 24/7 surveillance society was an abject surrender.
- Yoga is annoying.
- Beb, What are you supposed to say? My mom died before my dad. It was devastating becaus even in her 70s, she had youthful attitudes an remarkable vitality. But when my dad died it was worse for me somehow. As things happened, he wanted nothing to do with a hospital, so we set up hospice at home. As it happened, I spent three of his last four days with him, alone. Icee chips and yogurt smoothies, when I could talk him into it, with bananas, which he loved. For some reason, the ice chips brought us to considering Smilla's Sense of Snow, which everybody in my family had read and enjoyed. Usually when that happened, the book was something I suggested to my bothers and parents, but Smilla was my mom's discovery. My dad had been devastated since her death. I mean, they'd been together forever. I think our long discussions of the book eased his mind. He certainly started to see his own death as reuniting with my mother. I know that sounds ridiculous, expecially for a man that was an accomplished pediatrician, a certified ER doc, and a successful Law School graduate at 70something when he realized the ER schedule left him fireman's free-time hours with not a lot to do but think about missing my mom. He took an international law elective, and was exceptionally proud of a letter from Dean Rusk thanking him for his participation in the class. Anyway, at my dad's funeral, I was sad because he was one of the two most astounding intellects I'd ever dealt with, and he was my dad, a NYC cross country champ after a bout with polio in Van Cortland Park.. I know this sounds silly and self-serving, but that is wrong. When I was in about 7th Grade, my parents became involved in CFM, which was an ecumenical program introduced by the Catholic Church. Interfaith outreach based on the idea that religions had more in common than not. Somehow, the syllabus included The Phenomenology of Man, by Teilhard de Chardin, who may well have been the greatest bilologist of the 20th Century. When I read Teillhard's books at 12 or 13, It struck me that he'd come up with an elegant explanation of biology advancing through evolution, and some inspirited divinity. This is pretty much what I believe now. God made creation and all of creation is God becoming God. Feel free to make fun. It's harder to explain than to understand. A combination of this idea and existentialism served to impress good looking girls in HS. But honestly, I think it makes sense. The idea that evolution is somehow beyond God's comprehension is really bizarre. Maybe the design of evolution was meant to deal with that all-knowing bullshit. You can know Robert Mitchum i going to run into the revenuer in the holler, but you can't stop it from happening. So anyway, spending interminable hours of grinding ice cubes and discussing a book, I had a great time with my dad. I have told y'all before about some of his adventures in the civil rights movement. When he was a professor of pediatrics at UArkansas. he entered a vestibule to find his star sudent, a young black mother to be, left without care. He demanded immediate help and got it. And my parents took care of those parents and that baby, including my mom nursing that baby since she was also nursing one of my brothers. We talked about everything that had ever happened to us together, as a family. Now, I know I was lucky. This was a ridiculously perfect experience, in the circumstances. I have thought this wasn't quite fair to my brothers, who love my dad as much as I do. But I was there, and I doubt the catalyst novel would have come up but for me. It was a particularly important memory of mine of my mom. Another favorite remembrance of my mom is that once, out of the clear blue, she said "Wouldn't 'No Clarinet Lessons Today' be a really could title for a novel?" Hell, yeah. One of you could probly write the book from the putative title. One of my favorite movies is Contact. There will at some point be a nexus between science and theology. What sort of monster would actually prefer there wasn't? I doubt it for sure. Read the Teillhard books. Read the Perelandra books.
- Sorry to run my mouth, bu have you ever read that astounding book? Smilla is my favorite hero ever. She knows a child was murdered by a powerful bastard. Scumbags, like Cheney and blackwater. These people are scum. Just qask Coozledad, These people are teuffelsdroch, straight out of the smartest man that ever live. that would be Thomas MaCauley. How in the world do they get away with murder and you make it fine? whose IQ was 224 or so, These people just lie their fucking asses off. No? McCauley knew these people were murderers. You don't care these were scumsuckers? You have got to be kidding? Whatever you think? You are pure scum.
- This is amazeing. I do not believe anything about these liars. As what we can consider. These are the most monstrous liars ever. Is somebody supposedly trying to caim there is a way we're not kidding. You have got to be a moron. Seriously? No shit. Kiss my ass.
- How is there something whatever you think> Whatever anybody thinks? What ever I think, I couldn't hurt anybody. zThis is no shit. I couldn't hurt anybody. Not something I;d ever do. What I say Are you considering, not a chance As we should consider. Are you you do obvious what ever she well shet, You are such I Mikael care about Harald forever. I will try to find what happened to Harrieet. I care about that more than anything. I have bought into the idea she was murdered and I want to nail the bastard that did it. I know it's ridiculous that I should believe this, but I've never had a better friend than Henrik Vanger and he believes his niece was murdered. And I believe so too. And I want to solve her murder. there is no way my way of lookinf T THIS Xn mKW MW nyrhinf lwaa rhN EISSICULOUA. AHW Qa your friwns. Ahw bwliwvwd in you. as we say no shit, What a dumbass, Are ee kidding how we believe. We are as we say. Are we how you say things. We have you in our way considered. We are somewhat smarter than you. Try to consider the more intelligent way to consider things. The consideration of how much I like Henrik, I ayou can consider me sworn, We belieeve he is a very bastard I can trusst. you morons. He's my friend, he trusts me and I trust him. That is a fact. She cared about you a great deal/ I cannot imagine, she Cared about you a great deal. Who could say? You could have sais who cared?Swriosly what we'd aY. NO AHIT? RElly hoq ahw qouls hCW Ais. I've about had it with I've had it with this shit. Seriously, no joke?
- No shit? Who do these assholes think they are?
- This is amazeing. I do not believe anything about these liars. As what we can consider. These are the most monstrous liars ever. Is somebody supposedly trying to caim there is a way we're not kidding. You have got to be a moron. Seriously? No shit. Kiss my ass. Are you kiddingOn the absolut as we sais.
- Mark H. I would have figured you more for Anne Coulter than Jodie Foster. but that would be stereotyping, I suppose. She is one awesome woman, I was sold when I saw her on some talk show and she said her car was full of fast food wrappers and she always had a basketball in the car. Shallow, I suppose, But not really. And she is really beautiful. And smart, and talented. But in the end, she's not Mary Stuart Masterson or Sigourney Weaver. Or Polly Jane Harvey. Dave, college tuitions today are a racket because people like Nathan Deal, who built family fortunes on payday loans saw a niche in offering student loans, And that foul bidness has been a weath of Republican contributions ever since . And it is a bloodsucker bidness. I know I'm full of shit, but everything I said about my mom and dad is true,. Positiveley. I couldn't make them up, Much to my regret. How many people had perfect parents? I did.
- "I think Jodie Foster is absurdly gorfeous, I think if you don't get thatm you have something genetically wrong with you, I'm pretty sure about that. NO SHIT MY LAST MOMENTS WITH MU DAD, THE REAL DEAL. I AM PERFECRLY CAPBLE OF TELLINF Y'LL THE TRUTH, ND THAT ONE HURT LITTTLD BIT, BUT I KNOS YOU ZOO KEEP CLOXE MEMORIEX CLOXD, 'M TRUSTING YOU,
- Moe, Is it possible for a 21st Century American to have no idea what a Ponzi scheme is? If he went to Texas public schools, probably doan't know shit.
- Linda, Kinda like Ayn Rand taking all that gubmint cash after she smoked her lungs. Old Man Paul and little AquaBuddha Paul are ignoramuses but they are the face of the GOP, Teabangers and all. Why don't the aholes just admit it?
- I've been reading Leonard Pitts for a long time. We used to buy the Miami Herald at Barnett's Newstand in downtown Athens every Sunday, mainly for a superb sports section, Pitts, Hiaassen, and, of course, the Natural, Dave Barry. Pitts' columns appear regularly in the Seattle Times now, a paper I admire for embodying the sadly extinct patriotic and rational wing of the GOP. This column is typically thoughtful and well-written, and the subject is the September 11 terrorist attacks. It's very personal, but in no way mawkish. For some reason, Pitts has a large negative following on the Times comment board, that have decided he is a racist. Apparently, these jerks click on links to his every column to type in screeds without bothering to read any of his work. This is a really disheartening phenomenon of the internet. The column is worth a read. The comments are nauseating. Speaking of which, apparently EMail hoarding has little adverse effect on the the environment. Nancy, have you ever heard from Mitch Albom personally when you Ginsu him? I mean, he undoubtedly googles himself several times daily. Oh, and Peter, Back when J2P2 was elected Pope, the Athens (GA) Banner Herald ran a (WWIII) headline that called him the "first non-Catholic Pope" in about 64-point type. Anyway, I'd rather see today's Freep. The Loins can actually play football again. It would probably be better for Goeglein if the first sentence of his book weren't "Call me Ishmael." Followed by "I am a sick man . . . I am a spiteful man." And "A screaming comes across the sky. "
- I'd be willing to bet that Mush from the Wimp originated in a Globe editorial board meeting with Foghorn Tip O'Neill. Brian, as Goeglein proves, plagiarism, like pedophilia, is serial aberrant behavior.
- Or a boil on history's ass. Seems as if the Globe is preparing to set up a subscription paywall online. To me, this is an essential paper.
- As soon as Heaton mentioned the ponytailhe shared with the construction workers, I knew he was going to get a hard hat. Manhattan, sure, but somebody must have wondered what the hell he was doing roughing it up with concrete and planting soil. Beautifully written piece, especially the homefires frame, which might have but absolutely does not come across corny. Mitch would give up one of the people in heaven for something that emotionally direct and moving. And what's the story with his editors? How could you pass on his story for wire service generic? An extremely admirable response from a WTC survivor family.
- The Times photographer thought to include some Mu Mau names when he framed tht shot. At least they don't sound like US. $150K to replace him with a good sports columnist. He's got less credibility on sports than Mariotti. Somebody from Chicago that sought to inflate his manhood by calling Frank Thomas. the second best White Sox after Paulie Konerko, the Big Skirt has got to be the pissant asshole in the history of sportswriting. It's attacking manhood, it's being a sexist pig, ooh, could he turn up next whacking his girfriend? But Mitch had Mariottis's back. They should hire me. I knew Staff a while back when I was a tutoe. And yeah, not fair, other students didn't get the help, but if somebody says i broke a rule, I'll beat them to a pulp. What I recall is really pretty softball and volleyball scholsrships distraught over bad grades on some pop class assignment, who had never gotten a C before, when the TAs couldn't write their twat out of a pqper bag and they were getting their stipends the same way the Scholarship kids were. In a huge University with a vast athletic department, female TAs that aren't as pretty or talented as the scholarship kids are one gigantic problem. In my opinion, TaA's having anything to do with the English language are likely and genuinely not to have a clue what the fuck they are talking about. This was a little tricky. I do hope nobody regularly here would think I'd take some untoward advantage. Of course not. I'm the removed dad of the kid just manufactured, with new daddie's money, how me make dad into an artifact. I don't care. That is sort of what happened to me and my ex bears slight blame. She stole for her Fathers business. And robbed me blind when I moronically infused cash, probably her plan all along.. Now, I'm fine, he's croaked, my daughter married an arbitrageur? He's a good guyI wasn't writing papers though I did it for cash as an undergrad,Give me four definitive texts and a Shkes play, and a little acid, I'd get you an A overnight. I never did this for an athletic department, When I got my masters in Public Administration, I did it for the devotion of the very rich students. And when I was writing these papers, I was writing for my own A. I was exceptionally proud of my own work. And of course, some of these were incredibly beautiful Persian girls. Was I plagiarizing? frequently, the ideas proposed were outstanding, but the proponents had not the English fluency to get them across. I'd do rewrites on the fly in the typewriter room in the library. Was this wrong? I do not see how it could be. The University took their money knowing of the language barrier. It's my opinion that having a talent for sports, running, jumping, whacking, perfect hand eye coordination, is not much different from seeing calculus in air or knowing the right words to express a fleeting, or an obvious, but otherwise unespressed I will say this with firm commitment. GOPers would rather have Diana Moon Glampers installed as Handicapper General than to let anybody express themselves. If that's the culture wars or the war for humanity, bring it on assholes.
- sheTzwho, give me a break. She used up her Warhol minutes. Her own acolytes don't actually give a shit, do they. They wanted outre insane, they got it. Michele with on is certifiable. . The MSM is all about Obama's negatives. What about for Congress and Republicans in general. W pllunged the country into a horrendous economic situation. Who's going to fix it? Neocons, Idiots that cut taxes while waging idiotic wars? Nobody is stupid enough to buy that shit. How does a car company show a bunch of peewees muddling out a victory while playing Shane McGowan? what's the message? Most bizarre ad ever.
- Are any of you not watching tenniss right now. ayou have to root for Nadal if you aren't a soulless turd. Nadal is a gladiator vs. the Dolph Lundgren character. This is perfect sports. If you don't get sports, you probably miss how it's life in microcosm. Which is too bad. Nice challenge Djokovic. Way freaking dumb. Listen to the noise from tes guys and Serena got called for noise in the final, what a joke. She was targeted for embarrassing a bad call official a year earlier. She was supposed to be a good sport and put up with an insanely bad call? Atrocious. And if you're black and it's tenniss, stay back. An outrageously bad call. Venus would have ignore it. but it was busslshit and Serena was right. The chair should have been removed. It was an idiotic and insupportable call. Fact Jack. Total crap. and the official knew it. Listen to the grunting and groaning that goes on. What a shithead. Inexcusable call. You cheat, you cheat, whyever you cheat.
- Headless body in the Topless bar doesn't touch First non=Catholic Pope. I know it was in error, but there were snake-handlers in Babdist Evangelical Primitive churches everywhere everywhere that thought it might be true. People do this idiotic shit and they die, and that's god's willl because their faith wasn't strong enough not to be scared of a rattesnake? What a buncha sorry excuses for human beings. They kill people to keep up the phony facqde. These people are murderers. right? They know for a fact that a child that handles a snake that hasn't been milked, the child will die from the snakebite. Ron Paul can kiss my ass on this one. He's going along with murdering children. Nobody knows what snakes have been milked. And the abject fear and pain of the snakebite on the kid is random. This is fucking monstrous and this is what they do. Who thinks this is a remotely sane way to treat children? This is what these shitheels do. They terrify and murder children and expect to get away with it. I know a bit. I care more than anything about kids. I mean to show them how to play baseball and live in suburbs. Am I wrong? Should they be made like innocent African kids to drink and become AK=toting zombies. It is better they die than to descend into that life, and I promise to kill anybody that tries to turn them into some verssion of Tonton Macoutw. Anything reeking of that rot. I will reign down fire. Nobody will do anything like that to these children while I'm alive. I will kill you assholes and save these children. I promise tou. I will kill you and save them. What's the greatest journalism movie ever? That would pretty obviously Salvador. I mean you have to admit. This is what the US government did to Central America and got away with. This is how the US Government murdered Jesuits and Clerics and just fot away with it. Is there a single on among you that doesn't think what these assholes got away with was astounding? Those nuns raped, murdered and buried, how was that no on Raygun's watch, How did he not approve? Well ne did because they were Catholics, like killing that Priest was OK because he was a Jesuit. The shit the Raygun administration harboring, condoning and committing outrageous abuses against American citizens because they happened to be Maryknoll and Jesuit Catholics that were Americans is fairly astounding. The nuns were attacked according to their attackers predilection, vaginally and anally rape and orally sodomized, in accordance with techniques taught at the School of the Americas. The priests were simply sodomized, shot in the back of the head and plowed into a shallow hole with the women. This was Raygun policy, that is a fact. So the great American President was a despicable pervert. Try to claim he wasn't. Just lay this all out. He traded guns for hostages being held. If you say that's not true it is easy to prove you are lying. The who;e deal was the October Surprise. God you freaking morons, it could not be more obvious. Raygun and the fools that ran his ass that thought they'd never be caught were som seriously disgusting shitheads that could not have given dick about the country. Whatever. I've been coopted, I guess. I want Bush and Cheney to go down in ignominy. These fucks are disgusting. Way I see this turning out is pretty obviously Parker . I mean going off a big building, If you don't get Parker, you din't get {Parker, but Parker is slightly cooler than Fiona.
- You people are all nuts, How does antthing depend on anything. Let's not be ridiculous, Nobody means dick about When it's time to die. Is that what we are supposed to know? We terminate Blade Runners. tight? Isn't it all just made up? Hiw di we know if we' might not be a blade3 runner right this minute? We can't possibly know this. But whaf is it matters. What are those memories? It's fime for anybody to just consider I have no need to recall that this is bullshit. This is all a crock because I can make it make it make sense. There;s no way to put this other than y'all have missed wgatever on my port of call. We care, one way or another. Dumbass cares about Myka.
- Apriel Glaspie was a lifetime serious woman the bush shitheele intended to reward, They japped on that good and fa96ur8p s34vqn6 b 64ll9mt u4560 64oonobody gave a shit about Saddam and 5y3 523lfthe state. %hs2 bastqrds hung her out to dry. That is how they do, They fuck people people over. 7
- These aholes kill people at will.
- rry is out of here and he'll ,ake sure nobody hurts's Bill because he's his partner. ou must be didding. Sooomebody is trying to kill all of the Alphas.
- Regulations? Are there any regulations on fracking? Nope. Are there any regulations on topping mountains and dumping spoil in hollers? Would regulations create jobs in both of those instances? Sure as shit. Topping mountains is a practice so barbaric most conservatives would like to condemn it to the third world, and deny it's done in civilization.. And in their minds, that means Appalachian America. Really rich people have been fucking over Appalachian miners since God made coal. Coal extraction is spectacularly brutal and dangerous. And companies like Massey Industries have been murdering miners for years when they weren't killing them slowly by putting them out of work by just dynamiting mountain tops and bulldozing the spoil into the cricks and hollers that make up the Appalachian aquifer. Does anybody think this makes sense? Congress will continue to get their bottled Poland Springs poured right out of taps in Western Mass, but eventually, they'll foul that too.
- There is no way there's a practice more barbaric in modern society than blowing the tops off mountains with nitro and tnt and filling the cricks and hollers with bulldozed spill. The practice kills people straight out, and it endangers the potable water supply for the entire East Coast of the US without any consideration. Is there any way this makes sense? If you fill the cricks with mine spoil, you kill the aquifer. How fucking stupid is that? That is GOPer stupid.
- You said it yourself Big Daddy, mendacity is a system we live in. Brick Pollitt (Paul Newman), in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof What the political echo chamber produces on the right wing. Republican voters eat up these ridiculously bogus claims like strained carrots and peas, because it's the same thing they here from Jaba the Rush and Fox 24/7. They all just lie they ass off, and confirm to each other that it's the Word of God. Perry's problem with HPV is that Gardasil is made by Merck, for whome his former goobernatorial (sorry, but really) chief of staff is a big bucks lobbyist, and Merck has donated oodles of cash to Good Hairs various campaigns, None of which, apparently, is illegal in the Wild West. For that reason, I'm happy to hear him get pounded from both sides. Of course, the hypocrisy of this particular goobernor mandating injections for anything is truly monumental. I mean, didn't Pasteur and Edward Jenner just present theories about which he should still have his doubts?
- Earthies web site. Dominatrix wear in the tradition of Doctor Martens, with a hippie name. Shoes for Carrie Bradshaw to wear to crush Mr. Big's nads. Another kind of nut shot. That Jon Stewart segment may be his all-time best. Watching the wackos all call each other liars in Simi Valley (fortuitous name), reminds me of two troops of wild chimps turning on one another with murderous intent in Brazzaville Beach, by William Boyd. (superb writer, excellent book.) Deborah, that sentence sums up my opinion almost perfectly. What makes 2012 elections, including Congressional races, is the makeup of the Judicial Branch in the future. GOPers have fouled the Supreme Court for years to come, and they have blocked nominations at an unheard of pace to lower federal courts.
- Wow, that $Palin photo at Mary's link looks like a publicity still for The Walking Dead. Like the Dave Davies song Death of a Clown: "My makeup is dry and it cracks on my chin". That makeup application is layers thick theatrical, as in projecting to the last row of seats in the auditorium. God, that is worse than the infamous Bachmann Newsweek cover.
- MarkH: How's Romney going to finesse the successes of Romneycare and his cult membership with his GOPer/teabanger/fundagelical base. I don't think Phillipe Petit could walk those tightropes. Ridiculing Palin? You Betcha: Interview with Nick Broomfield, with clips from his $Palin movie at the Toronto Film Festival. And does she collect Nutella commercials on video? Glen Rice played with Kobe two seasons, and I'm sure he'd introduce them. Rice was a good shooter with a ridiculously soft game for his size, considerable baby fat and no D whatever. Good News Elizabeth Warren is running against Boytoy Brown in Massachusetts. Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. --also Mencken Keep Government hands off my Medicare. --allegedly informed American voters
- Jason, But that was the Greatest Generation. How could we ever hope to live up to that? Speaking of war and fiscal problems, has it dawned on any of the yahoos that the war on homegrown is one massive waste of every dollar spent?
- A comment I saw elsewhere I found rather illuminating: If teachers were paid the equivalent of baby sitters salaries, say at $3 an hour per student (try finding a babysitter for $3 an hour), for 30 students for only the hours they worked, they would be paid over $105k/year ($3 * 6.5 hours * 30 students * 180 days). By comparison, even bad teachers in Michigan would appear to be a bargain.
- Beb, And don't you wish Vidal and Buckley had been left to come to blows. I imagine you could dig up a video of Cicero and Buckley would remain the pompous ass champ of the world. Alltime catfight, suitable for Roberto Rodriguez. I was one of those people in Chicago and nobody told me to or convinced me to go. I thought "This land is your land, this land is my land." I was near the flag and was almost trampled underhoof. As for my Constitutional right to assemble and to associate with whomever I choose, Buckley's so full of shit it comes out of his mouth. And as an eyewitness, the Chicago cops acted like Sauron's hordes. They avoided anybody that appeared capable of fighting back. They attacked women and skinny teenagers. I was there and that's what I saw. I didn't fight with cops, except to try to get injured kids and women out of their insane tidal wave. Buckleys assertions about being in the infantry are ridiculous. He was in the OSS or the CIA depending on the year. A monstrously facile liar. It seems to me that sometime back some of y'all were discussing names and genealogies of Native Americans, and the Creek Nation in general. Anyone ever heard of Chitto Harjo, also known as Crazy Snake?>What an incredibly cool bastard.
- And MarkH@19 ia still bugging me. Exactly what is MarkH claiming is "this shit"? Republicans breaking the government and the balance of powers to get a white guy back in the White House. Unless you subscribe to the bankrupt belief that anything Obama has done has created the debt or the deficit (if you really think that means shit, when Dickless Cheney said it doan mean shit), or the current economic situation, then Occam's razor is what's left. "He's a Democrat, and he's brown-skinned." Only conceivable explanation. I mean, otherwise, these are Teabanger patriots. So holding the "full faith and credit" immortalized in their sparetime by the Founding Fathers trying to do away with slavery, figured was important in the world, hostage to anti-Government pledges they had signed match up with the fact that the debts they were aiming to renege on had been proposed and enacted before the current President took office? What a helluva bunch of liars. Qu'elle horeurs. How do the fuckers that pulled this bullshit get a pass and blame it on somebody else?
- MarkH: That's evident. You are too smart for these humps. I guess I just can't see your point clear. And I don't understand how you see anything to do with the GOPers as a way out of the miasmic maze they've created. And please don't bring up Ron Paul, or I'll loose faith (I typed loose on purpose, where does that idiocy come from?). I'm not understanding your point apparently. I can see that Romney is not a total shitheel and with the current Congress might make some headway, but his judicial appointments would be disastrous for civil liberty and Constitutional rights of individual citizens, because his backbone is mushier than Octopus Grigori. I'm thinking about the great band sort of from Athens, Dumptruck: Get off my Island. I believe that the point of organizing people into governments and countries has to do with a divine intention to take care of everybody. Now if you believe in an all-forgiving God and his creation, it seems extremely counter-productive that you are supposed to decide part of His creation is unworthy of nurturing, like coma guy. I know, it's God and everything, but didn't She make us rational? How is this remotely rational or God-like? It's the fucking opposite, or God is cruel and vindictive and thinks the whole shebang is a fucking joke. I don't believe She does.
- MarkH: I'm being completely honest and quite sincere, here. Please explain what you think "this shit" is that Obama is supposed to be responsible for that middle, centrist, independent voters will find unacceptable at the polls in 2012. Accounting for the costs of the Discover Card wars? You obviously are intelligent enough to understand that W's wiping out the inherited budget surplus with the moronic and purely political tax cuts was disastrous, and mounting the Iraq invasion the PNAC tried to talk Clinton into in 1998 just buried the country. And that the damaging effects were exacerbated by grotesque deregulation of big banking concerns, allowing them to blur lines between trash mortgages and trash derivative investment services. People that were undeniably close financial and political allies of W's circle of friends (they all signed the PNAC letters, so rounding up the usual suspects should be exceptionally easy) made obscene amounts of cash, to the detriment of died-in-the-wool normal American retirement investors. Ken Lay faked his fucking death, probably, and got away scot-free. These people are the most horrific crooks in US history, and Cheney arranged their ascendance in concert with his canned duck hunt buddy Scalia. Other than profit motive, it's difficult to figure out what these assholes were trying to accomplish, and it tends to seem like it was pure profit for Cheney to keep his vampiric body alive. Excuse me while I vomit. If what they mean is to bring government down altogether, why keep at it? It would explain the just say no brainless obstructionism by the scurrying Congressional Wormwoods under the lashes of their Uncle Screwtape, Grover Norquist. I just don't get it. Who programmed these assholes bent on destroying everything this country ever stood for? Was it their own idea? The behavior is so treasonous there is no historical antecedent. Nothing to compare it to. None of these dickwads believe in America or the idea of American Constitutional government.
- Judybusy, You are absolutely correct. When things come up as far as substandard treatment, in the VA system, they are taken care of post haste. In the past, Viet vets lagged in attention, despite the obvious difference of Agent Orange involvement. When my child Emily was born, we hired a nanny, Barbara, a wonderful woman whose husband had been damaged physically in VietNam. I read a lot about Agent Orange exposure and I knew that physical and mental problems Joe had were exactly results of that Dow scourge. Think about it? Gasoline made into jelly that would stick forever to skin? What sort of civilizaation would figure that shit out? I'm not sure how to consider things. My mom did everything exactly as how it should have been done. As did my female child, who excels and is incredibly beautiful and stunning in her personal spirit.
- Pardon me for sounding like a partisan on this subject, but the VA was seriously let go to shit when Raygun and the Shrubs were in charge. That is a fact Jack, and nobody can say it isn't true. That money was necessary at Xe HQ.
- Where's that shit about one way or another?
- Could I get answers from MarkH? And Good Day Sunshine? the answer is contained in the better song Good Morning, Good morning, GoodMorning. That's just a fact.
- MarkH, Santorum, Ron Paul? Full-goose looney as Ken Kesey would say. An Eisenhower Republican should be just about where Obama is right now. Eisenhower undertook building the interstate highway system which is as close to the WPA as you can get, but it was accepted roundly by Republicans because it screwed over the Railways and Porters Unions, quite foolishly. Now those roads and those cloverleafs are disintegrating. Just ask Pawlenty. Do conservatives really want the country's infrastructure to go to hell? It's clear that American voters might choose some fresh hell. Americans these days are apparently dumber than grunt. I fail to see how what you've been saying is clear. Romney is an answer? Is that the message? He believes in a bizarre cult created by a 19th Century grifter interested in multiple teenaged wives and magic union suits. And he's turned his back on the one good thing he ever accomplished in public life, his health care plan in Massachusetts.
- What Maggie said @10, and the Teabangers are racist through and through, no matter how much they love them founding fathers fighting the evil of slavery. It's all about the hypocrisy. Is Joe MsGinniss even remotely reputable? Has anybody ever thought so? Coulda fooled me. Outside of In Cold Blood, The Onion Field, and The Executioner's Song, is true crime actually literature? More like porn for wierdos. The guy is a tabloid sensationalist. What would anybody expect? Still, if you set yourself up as the censor of public morals, you probably should not have been whoofing coke and jocksniffing. I don't get the fixie idea either, but I'm frequently hauling 30 lbs. of groceries into serious wind. What's really loony is riding with no freewheel. That is begging for a broken ankle, or a collision with an Escalade. And those are the fixier than thou. But hell, they all like to mutilate their bodies on purpose.
- Bikes are part of a Commoniss plot. I guess Coburn makes a really good argument for Tom Coburn as the biggest threat to national security other than bikes.
- Aren't this week's Doonesbury's more a satiric comment on the unadulterated bullshit spin that spews from FoxNews than about Palin?
- Y'all should do yourselves a favor and check the market menus at Alex's pie link. Lot of imagination. I'd buy a jam and marmalade sampler for sure, and caramels.
- Neal Schon? Good lord, that's embarrassing. Of course, things can always get worse. Steve Garvey (slept here), the Father of SoCal, had his wife Cyndy leave him for Marvin freaking Hamlisch. In Schon's defense, he also played in Santana, but he's also been involved much more recently with Sammy Hagar (Mr. More Obnoxious than David Lee Roth)and played on the obscenely sacrilegious M. Bolton desecration of Dock of the Bay. I realize that's redudancy, but I'd suggest drawing and quartering is too good for anyone involved in that abomination. Anyway, ain't that a man. This month's Atlantic came yesterday with an interesting article called Sex and the Married Politician, which is more about how the subject is covered by media than about the supject per se. I found it somewhat enlightening after NN's comments yesterday about $Palin and Joe McGinniss. I hope the link works for anybody that would like to read it. I may have access because I've got a regular subscription.
- Really pretty low rent D-List Mrs. Salahi. Maggie Trudeau she ain't.
- How Hamlisch met Blair. Severe Sacharine warning.
- Barn cats. Insider scoop on the Salahis, supposedly, by some woman who has actually written a book about them. Sounds like a must-read to me.
- Little dickhead Eric Cantor isn't satisfied with shooting himself in the foot or sticking his foot in his piehole, he blew off the appendage with a shotgun and barbecued it before chowing down. I mean why help hurricane victims when you can pile on unemployment by shitcanning a program you approved of three years ago and that's been successful ever since to the tune of 40,000 jobs? In the meantime, GOPer members of Congress are attacking federal regulatory actions by claiming regulation of breeding and sale of Buurmese pythons "kills jobs". I say put 'em out at night in the 'Glades for a few days spotting Bachmann's oil rigs and then ask about the 1/2 million or so invasive pythons destroying the ecosystem there.
- Wow. Marvin Hamlisch looks more like Peter Pettigrew in rodent form than eve these days.
- Whoa, Basset, I was thinking 1/3 of that show might not suck, but then I realized I was mistaking Night Ranger for Tom Cochrane and Red Ryder. I woulda thought Tampa would actually have an auditorium named for a bail bondsman. I know Myrtle Beach does. Journey and Foreigner on the same show, sponsored by Head-On.
- Alex, that made my day. Elephant intelligence, memory and empathy have always fascinated me. The emotional bonds that humans form for elephants in their care are also amazing. Beautiful video. People's behavior? Not as much. All of this "poor Sarah, that McGinniss is an unprincipled bully" sentiment from the left end of the commentariat really warms the cockles of my little heart. I mean, fair is fair, right? How well I remember George Will and Krautheimer calling out Jerome Corsi and John O'Neill for the purely mendacious, libelous Swiftboat bullshit. Corsi had his sworn affidavits. Of course not one of the testees had actually ever served with Kerry, aside from being in the same geographical area, i.e. SE Asia, albeit, not contemporaneously. Designated Little Nixon O'Neill is notoriously envious of Kerry and clearly loathes him for a more successful military career. Craig Ferguson is funnier on Late Night than anybody else has ever been He's also a more engaged, informed and interesting interviewer. His long interview with Desmond Tutu was unparalleled in late night fora. Like Leno is gonna discuss just war theology with a theologian.
- If elephants are able to form relationships that withstand years of separation, than anybody that disturbs that is a criminal, particularly if it's by kidnapping or murder. This is what Jane Goodall understood about Great Apes. She paid with her life, not to apes but to vile and vicious humans. Obviously Will shakes had some idea. Not to be dreamed in your philosophy. Well, and what I meant to say, who would expect Craig to understand theology. He reads. He prepares. The rest of these aholes don't. I'll come down with latent intelligence and curiosity everytime, why W might take about half a smoke, but he's a dildo.
- Alex, Do you know anything about the damage to the elephant's ears or to their backs. This reminded me of the spectacular end of the Penny Marshall movie, A League of Their Own. They were just excellent ballplayers. Way I see it. I just finished The Girl, you know, dragon tattoo. Doubting the context is moronic. Salander wouldn't buy you bullsh9hit
- The idea that you're somehow lacking intelligence if you're hair is blond is incredibly moronic. I was born that way and I'm smarter than all of you. Doesn't matter, been unconsidered. People should consider results. I'd be left on my own to do things intelligently. Everything anybody ever felt about anything I ever thought. I think Peyton is the best ever sived. Closest to Johnny U that ever lived. He will win when he's there. That's what I think. He's the second best QB tjat ever lived. This is relatively obvious.
- I know that doesn't make me smarter but it's just national. If you think people ar stupid because they have light colored hair, you are probably an idiot. I could most likely have scored higher SATs could I have taken them for you. Probably higher on any standardized test. and glad to help. I think those tests are grotesquely unfair. And I'd take them for anybody for a stipend. So what use are those tests? I could take them for anybody, particularly if Trapper said so. I've never done this. But I could and I could guarantee scores. And this is what the whole world is based upon?
- I just finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." I wouldn't ruin anything for anybody, but there is a part that is so exciting ou read at breakneck speed. I can't thing of anything in all my vast reading that comes clos. Not even close. You are all people that might think I'm some dumbass imposing, but if you don't read that book and get that frisson, you are foolish. It's a terrific book. Let me ask you? How good a book is Mr. Norrell? well it is great, actually, truly great, and shall we agree on, whatever thinks, Whaterver you think, I don't know. Whatever you say. So everthing is all no problem?
- Didn't that guy talking about chains make as much of an impact as the elephant friendship? Magnificent creatures capable of memory and heartfelt emotion. That man loved that elephant. Elephants in captivity are a powerful indictment of humanity, but that man loves that elephant, and that says a lot for humanityy. Free at last? Take your own meaning. About what he thinks about elephants and all God's creatures. Speaking in human tongues is not necessary for sentience. There is higher intelligence in other species than hominids. I've believed this for a very long time. We think that turning opposable thumbs to wielding tools is the sign. Apes do, so do seagulls when they drop Quahoag shells on human paved areas. They don't have thumbs yet, but they use our brainstorms to get at clams. And those are fucking birds. But we have large portions of our populous that get votes by denying natural selection. Alex, I agree, the elephant reunion is incredibly moving, but I also think the emotions of the keeper, the caretaker, are worth considering. That man loves that elephant. I've felt that way about several dogs and cats in my lifetime. This is all an example of a higher nature in human beings that isn't readily apparent everyday. When that man says "free at last" I find that incredibly moving. He wants that elephant to be happy.
- Dexter, reanimate Chuck Percy. But make him bulletproof. And John Lindsey, too. How would either of those charismatic, photogenic, intelligent, compassionate and absolutely intelligent guys position themselves in modern politics? These were guys I idolized to a point, but I could never understand why they were putative Republicans. They would be anathema now to the right. For one thing, neither was physically repulsive. Both would have embraced everything from Obama's White House. What ever happened to loyal opposition that actually cared about the Constitution, rather than tar and feathering the black guy? edit: Bring back Chuck Percy and John Lindsey and I'll sign on with GOP. What ever happened to intelligence and style?
- Protecting children from child labor is a leftist plot.
- That forty =hour work week? Isn't that sorta commonniss? And child labor? shouldn't free enterprise allow the rugrats to earn? What's the sense of school? We gonna be Thoid Woild lets go all in. What a bunch of assholes. That's the GOPEr plan.
- What is wrong with Americans? Unions are evil? Unions invented American middle class life. And then we had the GI Bill and reigned all those benefits down on the guys that went to Viet Nam. What a country, eh? All those benefits and almost free mortgages. Man what a time. Scussballs like Cheney that kept the whole thing running ran it into Halliburton and some boil on his ass that kept him from service, and W flew reconnaissaince for the O club and they stole the presicency. and they absconded with all those pallets of cash. Biggest fucking crooks ever. Except the USA. It's Hoyt Axton's song, but I like the Johnnyy Rivers version. Boy can sing. The impact of the song remains the same. They took his land, they won't give it back. they gave Geronimo a Cadillac. I'm so proud to be American. We're fucking exceptional. We barge in when anybody else might have begged pardon.
- Did Wolf the little ninny know about this when he asked the question? This had to have pained Dr. Paul, if he's not an alien, which I think he is. Going all Galt means japing on your friends in need. And sorry about the slur, I don't mean it, but it's particularly evocative. And Wolf Blitzer? What a sniveling little turd. Reporting in the SCUD's early light? Nope, that was Arthur Kent, while Wolf was pissing himself under a desk. Wolf grew the beard in a pitiful attempt to man up and compensate. Meanwhile, it's either nice, or exceptionally creepy, to know Ron Paul walks the walk when it comes to friends he might have helped. Makes my skin crawl. Cooz, I'd rather hang 'em up than resort to the Blue Pill. It's possible to be a considerate lover anyway, I'd say. Anyway, not in the near or foreseen future. I expect to go from functional to compostable in 0-60, riding without a helmet, on human-powered and big motorized bikes using gasoline. I've got a living will that says DNR in my wallet. And I stopped paying for insurance. S. is on Medicaid and on SS disability, and I have a will that leaves her our home and a monthly dividend of more than she'll ever spend. She's schizophrenic and she can handle it on meds. So can I, mostly. At times it's difficult. Nobody has any control over who they fall in love with. I've hidden the Haenckels many times. And I figure the danger is about like riding with no helmet. My hair's long and blond and I look good so fuck it.
- My friends, listen to this. It's exquisite. Bon Iver and all those CSN imitators? Bag that shit. This is truly awe-inspiring. And there are any number of women that are better singers than Janis. Grace Potter. I had to get a copy of my birth certificate from the State of Ohio Office of Vital Statistics. Holy shit, it's a Short Form. Now I'm wavering between existing and not. I figure this is a blatant excuse for GOPers to keep me from voting. I need to get a carry permit if I want to vote. And that's not fucking bizarre, at all.
- Whatever y'all think. I care about what's to come. I think I've made some consideration for that. We are supposed to consider what happens when everthing hits the fan. One way or another.
- Go Loins. Look up Van Patrick, yStafford is ridiculously good.ou ou Lions fans. We had Norm Cash guarding the bag and we had Van Patrick and the Loins, hearing footsteps. Those were the days of Detroit sports. Now there's Verlander. I was in Briggs Stadium for those glorey days. nd for when Detroit rocked music.
- Aholy shit, Nancy. If you love Detroit, embrace the loins. This is a Cit coming back. with a youngster QB. Noi joke, way back to Van Patrick T his is Detroit on the rebound. A winning football team with a swashbuckling QB? That's the shit of what our city is made.
- When waas the last time the loins were good? And the Tiges are mighty. Its time for Detroit teams.
- Blue Angels crash: We saw and heard this happen across the Sound from our beach. The explosion was deafening. Miraculously, no one on the ground was killed despite several houses being badly damaged. What the hell is the point? Publicize the Navy? There is no way the cost and loss of life (27 highly trained Navy and Marine officers in the program's history) can be justified. We probably average three or four private plane crashes per year in the area. The last, the pilot tried to land on the beach and hit a guy out running. The runner died. The pilot ran out of fuel. Comparing football to the mindless military excess of air shows is just silly, and it's spectacularly inaccurate to say that strategy and teamwork are not the reasons the games are played. I played football from age six through high school, and I never knew a player that deliberately tried to hurt an opponent. I also never was seriously injured, despite playing in HS at 6-1, 155 lbs. I got hurt worse swimming and diving. And Sue, the people that put Obama in the White House fell down on the job when it came to the reality of Congressional elections. What exactly should he do? Send Ninjas to Capital Hill? Praetorean Guard? Blackmail? Being the President doesn't buy you a latte when the Congress is obdurately intransigent, and on top of that he takes ridiculous shit from the left, mainly because of losing public option which nobody ever mentioned in the first place, during his campaign. Getting most of the ACA reform camel into the tent against monumental odds wasn't good enough. Should he have stood up to the GOPers on extending W's idiotic tax cuts to the detriment of Americans on unemployment? Once, I'd like to hear somebody identify a specific thing the President could have done differently that wouldn't have caused worse damage. The Senate is not going to confirm his appointees, no matter who they are. And I don't want to hear about two years with an alleged Senate majority. Everyone knows that's functional bullshit. Why didn't those craven bastards dump the filibuster? Speaking of the President, I recently found myself in need of my birth certificate, which I was able to obtain from the Ohio Department of Health Office of Vital Statistics online. It would not placate a birther. It does not specify a DOB, nor a filing date. Birthpplace is listed only as Ohio, no Cincinnati. Parents birthplaces listed as New York, which is so, but my mom was born two miles from Canada and my dad in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The document is robosigned.
- As far as deliberately trying to hurt opposing players, basketball, in my experience, is far and away worse than any other sport.
- The value of high school athletic programs.
- Gram Parsons did himself in on this day in 1973. Of course, his friends tried to make good on his last request regarding disposition of his dead body. They stole the corppse from an airport, in a hearse, took it to Joshua Tree National Monument, poured $5 worth of Hi-Test into his coffin, and lit it up. I imagine they had Sin City on the tape player. Ther is a mildly entertaining movie called Grand Theft Parsons (if you can stomach Johnny Knoxville for 85 minutes) available on Netflix for free. Or is that Qwickster (gag reflex.) I heard during the initial reporting that the pilot in Reno was 80 years old. I don't believe he should have been driving a new Caddy much less a 70 year old 500 mph airplane with people below. First 90 seconds:
- Great link, Jeff. I've been wishing for 30 years that Nick Lowe and Robyn Hitchcock would do a record together. Two Christmases ago, I bought Pure Pop for Now People for my 15 year old nephew. He loved it and his dad was angling to steal it. I got a CD copy for myself recently, with the Brit title (Jesus of Cool). Both album titles are absurdly excellent. Just reading the song titles on this masterpiece provides some chortles, particularly as the remarkably witty lyrics resonate in them. In the heart of the city where the alligator roam, with one of the best bass runs since the Ox (@about 1:15). And even makes good natured fun of Jackson Browne. In the air there's after shave lotion in the wake of a snake-bit Persian On his arm is a skin tight vision Wonder why she ain't mine she is his'n And What's So Funny ('Bout Peace Love and Understanding) will be the national anthem of the new country I will be forced to emigrate too, if one of these execrable GOPers gets elected President.
- Joe, really wealthy people in America pay taxes out of discretionary income, not funds necessary to feed and clothe children and commute to work. They also have the wherewithal to hire lawyers and accountants to shield their incomes, and lobbyists to ensure their favorite tax breaks and corporate subsidies are sacrosanct in Congress. Capital gains, which comprise most of the income of the wealthy are taxed at a ridiculously low rate. That's just a fact and that is regressive and unfair. One fewer Lamborghini or country club membership isn't the same thing as relying on gubmint cheese to stave off hunger. I guess this is all just fine for people that don't think the American Constitution ever intended or established a social contract, but I think those are decidedly unAmerican and non-Judeo-Christian attitudes for all of these Christian patriots to be standing for.
- Fleming charged that the plan is a terrible idea which kills jobs provided by wealthy "job creators" who pay personal income taxes. When asked about his business ventures -- including his role in a number of Subway restaurants and UPS stores -- from which he earned $6.3 million last year, Fleming told MSNBC host Chris Jansing that his business expenses left him with little to tax "by the time I feed my family. Every bullshit GOP anti-tax talking point in less than two minutes. Now if you take this charlatan at his word, and subtract for rent and business expenses, simple math shows that the 500 employes working for this beneficent job creator are averaging less that a $10grand annually apiece. What a helluva buncha guys. Seems to me IRS ought to be talking to Congressman McDuck. Maybe he employs some arcane medieval business model like feudalism, or he's a slaveholder. One way or another, something ain't kosher.
- So be Patriotic. Go out there and get rich. Get so obnoxiously rich that when that tax bill comes , your first thought will be to choke on how big a check you have to write. Your 2nd thought will be “what a great problem to have”, and your 3rd should be a recognition that in paying your taxes you are helping to support millions of Americans that are not as fortunate as you. --Mark Cuban, best pro sports owner in USA, and apparently patriotic and socially responsible participant in society
- Here's a more astute analysis of Rep. Plegming's side businesses than my slapdash, top of my head version, from the comments on the story: 6.3 million....About 30% minimum for food costs and utilities, another 5% franchise fee... That leaves 4million, 95thousand....He takes 400K...We are at 3.695 million. With 500 employees that's $7390.00 gross each. Say 7.75% in payroll tax and maybe 2.25% state income tax... They net $6651.00 or $127.91 per week. And notice, the perfidious sumbitch is leaving out the $175grand he gets paid with the world's greatest health benefits for being a fucking nihilist obstructionist Congressman.
- Jeff: Best bet for an Eat the Rich button. Origin of the term. Peasants fighting to the death for scraps. The strategy is borrowed from the Brits who managed to rape Ireland for years by distracting the serfs with religious warfare, but the vehicle is class rather than religion. As for "job-providers" someone should stuff George Lakoff's mouth with gym socks. The wealthy don't invest, and they sure as shit, as a class, don't work. They collect dividends based on robber baron behavior of their ancestors. Those that actually made themselves rich seem to be most outspoke about paying a fair share without whining. But i'd like to hear some GOPer explain how hedge fund riches produce jobs. What, armies of personal trainers and concierge manicurists and tailors? Bullshit.
- Does anybody think that Lamar Alexander leaving a GOP "leadership" position will "make the Senate more effective" when he is replaced by the vile ideologue John Thune of the C-Street ministry. This is a bad omen. Does anybody believe this was Senator Alexanders decision? Only if it resulted from disgust with his colleagues. And you know, Scribe, half a million people were in Yankee Stadium when Babe Ruth called a homerun. Anonymity. On the internet, people can even get away with egregious shit like:
- Of course, it was Wrigley. And I've seen film that appears to show Babe actually pointing to the bleachers. I just suggest that people will claim anything if they believe thay can't be called on it. It's like the plastic pocket protector people making physical threats on message boards, and people defending GOP tax policy on line by making wild claims about their own wealth and tax situations, and adventures in job creation. The CEO:R&F pay ratio is undoubtedly obscene, and it doesn't even account for Golden Parachutes that these bimbos get for laying waste to companies and their employee pension plans, as well as, frequently, stockholders' portfolios.
- Troy Davis: If a man is convicted of murder solely on the basis of ID testimony, and 7/9 of those witnesses recant and additional witnesses now identify another person as the murderer, how do the courts turn down appeals, and how does a paroles and pardons board and a governor refuse to consider clemency? How does an allegedly civilized country with a supposedly superior legal system execute that man? Is this what people mean by American exceptionalism? This is a national outrage. Terrific Nellie Mckay video on this case, with a very spooky sax accompaniment. This "class warfare" bleating from GOPers is like all the horseshit about activist judges. As with the latter, GOP figures it's gotten the upper hand, and doesn't want anybody but themselves to use the rhetoric, when it serves their bludgeoning purposes. Class war has been waged by the Republicans leaving the slow demise of the Middle Class and the ascendancy of the CEO class, just as the only activist judges still legislating from the bench are people like Scalia, and they won't cease and desist until money isn't political speech, money is votes. And members of the American working class were the proverbial frogs in the pot of water brought slowly to a boil, that never had a clue they were cooked.
- Jeff Borden: Restoring tax rates to the levels of the Raygun-era would put an end to all this mindless garbage about the deficit and the debt. Shouldn't Republicans agree to returning to rhe reign of Ronaldus with the alacrity of dogs responding to Dr. Pavlov's dinner bell? I mean, everything was perfect then, right?
- Hard facts about job creation and tax rates. Since 1950, the periods of largest employment growth in America have coincided with marginal tax rates of 65-80%. So these moos are flat out lying their asses off, or they're dangerously delusional.
- Who knows, Joe? But you can bet Kommissar Karl had the IRS on his case during the W Lost decade. How 'bout them Koch-heads? Or that hard-working Richard Mellon Scaiffe, the vilest excuse for a human being in all of political finance. Bike accessory I have to have.
- MarkH I work overnight and don't really sleep more than three hrs. every 24. I've got an office for occasional conferencing and a business expense to write off. I've developed master specifications over 20 years so that I can produce contract documents for large construction porjects in a very short number of hours and get paid a lot for them. That is charging for expertise in covering contingencies and keeping clients out of legal trouble. Thanks to the W economy, work is off considerably. I'm not worried, no mortgage, condo free and clear but for the regime.And we don't need $200thou a year to feed ourselves like Cong. Flemming, the poor struggling dear. I'll be taking my social security in a few years, having paid in at top rate for many years. I will also be using Medicare if assholes like Paul Ryan don't privatise it into functional oblivion, because I've been paying into it and also buying a beaucoup buck policy, because I think, despite being healthy, it's abrogation of a citizen's responsibility to go without. I don't work as much as I would these days, because public entities are not renovating these days. TaDa no cash. Believe me, this situation did not manifest itself in the last 2-1/2 yrs. So yeah. I've got time to act like an asshole on the internet.
- What was anybody thinking at WaPo, the bastion of liberal MSM, when this shit was deemed newsworthy? Buck McKeon is the most despicable chickenhawk defense spending grifter, maybe, of all time. World class. HOF crook. How he's not breaking rocks at Club Fed is beyond me, unless it's work release. This is like publishing a press releas verbatim as nes, only far more heinous. The Oxford comma would have us type red, white, and blue. Nonsense. Van Damme's nickname for himself is the Muscles from Brussels. But hell, that's Wikipedia, close enough. The icons by country are generally hilarious. No Joyce or Yeats or Synge for Ireland, but the Blarney Stone makes the grade. There's a quite good post-modernist movie called JCVD in which the Muscles plays himself in a world-weary, endearing performance. Well worth watching. But I like several of his movies, like Universal Soldier ('92) and Timecop ('94), and Desert Heat ('99), with the great, frightening Danny Trejo, who's probably a nice guy in real life. Only thing I noticed about the Emmy Awards was that Margo Martindale won. She was truly awe inspiring as the Hillbilly Crime Lord Lady Macbeth, Maggs Bennett, even better than the Maggie's white trash bitch mother role in Million Dollar Baby. Heidi Klum looks she was dressed to titillate Bill O'Reilly. I mean, that is a loofah, right? The Katie Holmes one, they got this right. I thought it looked like she was wearing an old swim team tank suit with some sort of beach wrap. Martha Plimpton looked terrific in these photos. Always a favorite of mine, Goonies never say die, and she was the star of the single greatest episode of SVU ever, with Mary Steenburgen. That's the best dress, I say, although I've got five big drawerfuls of tee-shirts and sweatshirts eight pairs of jeans, 10 pairs of cargo shorts, two suits, and a tuxedo (inherited from my dad), so what the hell would I know? Footwear by Converse and Teva. Also, I find it hard to believe anybody heterosexual would have any problem with how Julia Stiles presented herself. I understand what they mean about foundations with strapless dresses, but Ms. Stiles is more along the classic champagne glass model than the Grand Tetons of most of these actresses. I don't have any idea who most of those photos represent. I assume a lot of the women are cast members of sitcoms, a genre so degraded these days I'd rather watch the TV Guide channel or QVC or the Weather Channel, or Mash episodes I know by heart. How do people mistake vulgarity and crassness for wit and humor? Does that make me cranky? I blame Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld.
- And Id bet that not a singlle actress looked half as ridiculous as this fool. I know this guy's a clown, from running across him looking to see who Chelsea Holder is mocking. But really, dressing up like Jerry Lewis at the MDA Prom? Holy crap.
- Obama didn't pass on Warren. Her chances of confirmation to a fed position were those of a mosquito in a dragonfly swarm. She withdrew in the face of fait accompli
- No periods. The great thing about REM is that they served as a perfect antidote to pompous-ass U2, and Pete Buck didn't need a guitar tech to hand him some wierd tuning instrument for each new song. And the cannon is double-barreled. How in the world does an out of towner find the Tree that Own's Itself? And Athens is only (unfortunately) 60 miles from Atlanta to Athens, depending on where or which side of the grotesque Atlanta sprawl you're coming from. If I had $10 for every time the Atlanta J/C called REM an "Atlanta band" I wouldn't worry about Paul Ryan reaming Medicare. The whole jangle guitar thing was an overdone critic's trope. Where's the jangle in this, REM's most overtly political song? This is propulsive rock'n'roll with an angry attitude and amazing bass-playing and brilliant backup singing by Mike Mills. REM has also been extremely active in civic affairs in Athens for years, and is a community pillar that shows up when needed financially and personally for food banks and other social safety net and cultural efforts. I've got the last two albums, Accelerate and Collapse into Now (title by Patti Smith), and I'll buy Cat Butt if they ever make that. These latest two are very good, and if the alternative these days is Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes, or Lady Freaking Gaga or Lil Wayne for God's Sake it's a Bad Day for popular music (fuck you W). Martha Coakley was possibly the worst political campaigner of all time. She could not have beaten an indicted ham sandwich with the effort she put forth against Brown. Had Caroline Kennedy run, Mr. Centerfold would be working for the Jeff Guckert Escort Service these days. There may be some Massachusetts aversion to female politicians, but if there is, it's in good ole boy redneck bastions like Southie and Charlestown, where the Teabangers are likely to thrive anyway and they have home altars with Louise Day Hicks icons to this day. In the rest of the blue collar state, Cambridge, Worcester, Springfield, Pittsfield, Scotty Boytoy would most likely "get treated pretty ugly" these days. Traffic was a terrific movie, but for that single gun theory, LSD-influenced, strings being inexorably pulled together by the time the acid wears off, everything is everything form of story-telling, I think Babel is better.
- The actions of the Scalia Court (that's what it is, plain and simple; Roberts is a tool and a toady and Canned Duckhunter originated the brilliant all-American legal theory that proof of innocence is insufficient to overthrow a conviction) is another fine example of the dangers posed to the USA by Teabangers specifically and GOPers in general. Think about potential Perry federal court appointments. Actually, on the REM/R.E.M. question, it's like Keith Richard/Keith Richards. Depends what album you look at. Or Jim and Roger McGuinn.
- Jangle rap with KRS-1. We still listen to Out of Time frequently. The descant backup vocals by Mike Mills are unique in rock music. Citizen musicians, according to the local paper. Considering differences in cost for service, USPS is so much better than FedEx and UPS, they may as well operate in two different universes. Over the years, criticism of USPS has been mostly anecdotal, most of it probably apocryphal, and constant whining about escalation of stamp prices has always seemed like knee-jerk right wing bizarro bullshit.
- Julie, If I may ask, what brought you to Athens? And what neighborhood do you live in? Have you been to the Georgia Theater since it reopened? A wonderful place to live. Do you go to Town & Gown plays? Botanical Gardens? Did you know that official state records in 2004 showe W beating Kerry in Clarke Co. by nearly 10%. Mighty fishy.
- Double-barreled cannon. Son of Tree that Owns Itself. The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944 authorized designation of a 40,000-mile "National System of Interstate Highways," but did not establish a program or special funding for construction. Original funding came under the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1952, which authorized a token amount of $25 million a year for the Interstate System in Fiscal Years (FY) 1954 and 1955. The 1952 Act retained the standard matching ratio (Federal share: 50 percent). The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1954 authorized $175 million a year for the Interstate System (FYs 1956 and 1957), with a Federal-State matching ratio of 60-40. The increased Federal share reflected the common understanding that the Interstate System is vitally important to national goals, particularly national defense. When Eisenhower began to promote the Interstate Construction Program, the states objected to increasing State taxes to pay the additional matching funds for the national program. Therefore, the President proposed to increase funds for the Interstate System, while boosting the Federal share to 90 percent. Under his proposal, the States would continue paying the same amount in matching funds for the Interstate System that they had been paying under the 1954 Act. When the program took shape in the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956, Congress retained the Federal-State matching share of 90-10. (In the western States with large amounts of untaxed public land, the Federal share could be increased to 95 percent.) Fees and taxes paid by long haul truckers were imposed to retire the debt incurred by Interstate system construction, and to maintain the interstates. The original funding amounted to an immense subsidy to the trucking industry, pushed through in large part by influence of those famous union thugs, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. User fees, some tolls and gasoline taxes. Nearly $500bill has been spent, almost all of it paid from taxes on every gllon of automotive fuel and diesel fuel. In my view, this spending subsidized the trucking industry to the detriment of rail transportation, clearly not entirely for the better. None of this funding history is preventing the reactionary state government in VA from contemplating installing tolls on I-95, without statutory approval from Congress, apparently because Cuccinelli thinks it's legal. Now that sounds like a class warfare tactic to me. This is information I distilled 20 years ago from a variety of sources for a paper in my Masters program (public management); the chief text was a book called Divided Highways: The Interstate Highway System and the Transformation of American Life by Tom Lewis. Still have the paper (Taxation, Spending Government and the Commonweal), still have the book. I wouldn't bet my condo that it's 100% accurate, since it's two decades old, but as far as the original funding of the Interstate System, I'd vouch for that for sure. I've retained this academic knowledge specifically because blithe and unattributed statements like 84% of the taxes that built these roads came from long haul truckers annoy the shit out of me.
- Avid Bookshop, Athens, GA. We'll visit in November before the Auburn home game if the shop has opened. Congress micromanagesUSPS, holds price increases statutorily to inflation rates, then bitches about budgetary shortfalls. Quelle horrors. Peg postal fees to half of FedEx rates, and watch how fast the budget problems are solved. And how fast Fed Ex profits drop off. I was trying to figure out what a John Galt screed had to do with Eric Estrada. Thanks for clearing that up, Cooz. And all those hedge fund cowboy "job creators", none of them ever created job, nor did they risk bankruptcy for anybody other than the doofuses they hoodwinked. I recently had to look up how to replace my voter registration documentation. Seems the Beaufort Co. SC election board office is in an industrial park on John Galt Rd., next to the Kazoobie Kazoo factory. Holy shit, a Randian Captain of Galactic Capitalism manufacturing kazoos. So I looked up Kazoobie and find they make electric kazoos with humbucker pickups, and nose flutes. Sounds like some dang hippie shit to me.
- Absolutely Dexter. A great song, that apparently got Dan Rather's briefs in a bunch. That song cracks me up every time. Besides that, it's rip-roaring rock 'n' roll. I love the whole album. particularly the lyrics and the amazing reverb on Crush with Eyeliner. I don't know how many people understand how great these guys were in person. No frills, just immense energy and power, and pretty damned loud when they wanted to. I Don't Sleep, I dream is also a favorite of mine. Paddy'o: I've got albums with it both ways. As I said, I think it's like Keef's last name.
- I'm waiting for J. Edgar to see DiCaprio's dresses. Footloose remake? Holy shit, WHY? Hugo sounds good to me, based on the brilliant book Invention of Hugo Cabret, directed by Martin Scorses (a departure, for sure, into fantasy), but the presence of the idiot Sacha Baron Cohen in the cast is worrisome. Might go to see Meryl Streep play Thatcher, to throw shit at the screen and make loud rude comments. the first guy Ritchie/Robert Downey Sherlock movie was quite entertaining, so I'll probably see the second (although this could be another Pirates situation), and it does have Noomi Rapace in the cast. Undecided on the Fincher version of Dragon Tattoo. Everyone said the American version of Let the Right One In would be bogus but it was very good, and different enough from the original to be worthwhile.Carnage is from a broadway play, has both Jodie Foster and Kate Winslet, and it's directed by Roman Polanski, so probably. How much fun is playing football? Watch and listen to Lions QB Matthew Stafford. For anyone that knows how much fun it is to play, and for those that can't imagine it.
- Complete absence of physical evidence should preclude the death penalty by statute. Appeals should be automatic in such cases when most of the eyewitness testimony is recanted, particularly when the witnesses say they were coached or coerced by the cops. Seems to me this would be a no-brainer even to the patriotic American whackos whose attitude is "Well maybe he didn't do this one. but he's brown, so there is no doubt he must have done something to deserve it along the way. This sentiment is rampant on the net today. People that think that way deserve to wake up in a Kafka novel. Prosecutors that refuse to credit new evidence or reconsider verdicts are exactly like people convicted on the basis of appearing to flee. They don't want to face the music. The Texas racist murderer actually owned to his crime with pride in open court, so anybody essaying a comparison with the Davis case has some sort of racist agenda in the first place. Julie, both Five Points and the Athens PL rule. When I was first married we lived in a beautiful little white house on Oakland Way. I worked in the GPTV studio at the Georgia Center, best commute I've had in my working life. My cat Jack, who acted more canine than feline, used to come all the way to Milledge to meet me on my way home. That's a great food market there where Bells used to be. Is Hodgson's still there? Great Sunday ice cream cones. I've spent hundreds of hours in the library. I used to walk down to Steverino's for lunch from work and sometimes went to the Catholic Center for early Mass on the way to my job. Coming to Athens thinking it's temporary and staying a long time is not unusual at all. It's a wonderful place to live.
- Jeff, I think the death penalty is a soul-killing abomination. I would say that even if society insists on it, those minimum safeguards need to be etched in granite.
- because we’re better than the condemned Not really. It's so society can esteem itself as better than the condemned before it takes her life. Shrub proved it's a sanctimonious and hollow pretext when he did his Karla Fay Tucker impression for Tucker Carlson. Last words of Harry "Breaker" Morant (executed in Australia, 1906, to end a military and government cover-up): Shoot straight you bastards, and don't make a mess of it. Supposedly, Benito Mussolini asked the firing squad to avoid shooting him in the face. Ned Kelly said "Such is life." Gary Gilmour said "Let's do it." "Take a step forward, lads. It will be easier that way." ~~ Erskine Childers, Irish patriot, d. November 24, 1922 (Executed by Brit firing squad.) And WTF kind of name is “Cloy” anyway? Cracker with a laptop, sitting on the brokeback sofa on the swayback porch next to the broke-down ringer washin' machine.
- Senator Whitmire is just doing what a Democrat needs to do to get elected in Tejas. Have to wonder how the PR guy weights an endorsement from death row. From a racist monster. But John's right, BlueBell is superb ice cream, and decidedly less expensive than brands like Haagen Dazs or Breyers. edit: Maggie, I will only buy Bumblebee tunafish when I want my mercury infusion, because of the Bum bum bumbelbee, Bumblebee tuna song from the old ad campaign.
- How about the "We'd like to convince ourselves that we're better than the condemned, despite being willing to resort to barbaric methods of revenge and punishment, because, after all, we're exceptional 'Murcans that use drugs and electricity instead of stones" theme? Why not go fundie and just crucify people. Why does none of the Davis case commentary deal with the obvious reality that when a cop is killed, cops are immediately willing to identify a culprit without evidence and mold a case to fit prejudgement, as the Savannah cops, according to the trial witnesses that recanted, browbeat witnesses and scripted the court testimony. Al Franken on the death penalty. Wow. Two days in a row to contemplate the incredibly destructive and stupid GOPer obsession with privatizing Social Security. One mutual fund in which I hold 4080 shares lost $0.95 yesterday and the day before.
- I'd tae back the April name because none of you understand the importance. Original W sent April Glaspie, a lifetime diplomat, with a perfect record, to tell Saddam the US didn't give a shit about. Kuwait was slant drilling under Iraq, and Iraq had a valid claim that Kuwait was actually part of Iraq.Iraq.Iraq. Kuwait was clearly slant drilling and stealing from Iraq. JH. W. clearly sent April Glaspie to communicate that the US didn't give a shit. shit about Iraq invading. Are people that dumb? Who caused this shit? PNAC wannabe W. Who is zooming who?
- Mark H what's murky? trash the market and fuck over the brown guy and everybody that supports him. Which part of of this is difficult to understand? There is no question these aholes want to prevent regulations on these shitheels, They seem to think they should go back to bundling shady mortgages. Right? What is wrong with these fucking crooks? They believe that license to run con games is somehow in the constitution? These assholes should all go to jail.
- MarkH, is Cheney not a traitor? Well, yeah, he is on the face of things. How do you say he isn't? He outed an undercover CIA agent. I think Joe Wilson was probably in the line of fire, and so was his wife. These are typical W administration chickenhawks that never risked their lives.
- No shit. Let's hear it for that lying piece of shit Buck McKeon, Biggest defense grifter that ever lived. What a monumental asshole.
-">Ronaldus Maximus, you assholes. I never had an editor, except for JSchool. Dr. Charlie Kopp, for copywriting, and damn, he was brilliant. And that little ole newspaperman Elliot Brack, who pioneered the biweekly. And Brack taught newswriting classes the hard way. He's rip nascent stories out of our manual typewriters when the bell rang to end our newswriting classes that started when it was still dark outside. The guy was an original. He gave me his keys once to get his car. Beer cans rolling around the floorboards. Dr. Kopp was fastidious. I don't have a bad editor story, because I was always the editor, in a corporate setting. I chose to write the obnoxious shit instead of foisting it onto somebody that was probably a better writer. I grew up wanting to be Jack Anderson. I made money being a happy shill. When you have a kid, the game changes. I couldn't express how much I admire Nancy for sticking this out, and I do always try to remember to order Amazon through her link, I hope it's worth a buck or two. This blog, and I despise the term to this day, is replete with intelligent people. And that is a seriously unusual thing these days. I'd like to change my name again, April Glaspie was a long time diplomat that the first Bush sonvinced to tell Saddam the US didn't give a shit what Saddam did about Kuwait slant drilling. She was ordered to tell Saddam this country didn't give a shit. That's the Bushes, Right down to Poppy bailing from that p;ane. The idea that people bought that Jerome Corsi horseshit and didn't understand that W was the ultimate coke-huffing draft dodger is totally insane. Mission Accomplished, and American voters almost elected the biggest turd ever. But they needed help from Kenneth Blackwell and Diebold.
- Great photo, on my desktop. edit: ready the Tiger Balm. I do 30 miles pretty regularly, like twice weekly. It still chaps, and I have lean thighs.
- Well Ellen, that's clever and I'd entertain any suggestions. My real name is Michael Johnson. But I think Im going to stick with Shakespeare and use Caliban. Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open and show riches Ready to drop upon me that, when I waked, I cried to dream again.
- The Tejas racist asshole is as close as you can get to somebody worthy of the death penalty. But shouldn't he be dragged off the back of a pickup truck?
- *think Russell Johnson, aka “the Professor” who, according to Google, was a bombardier in the Pacific during World War II. I did not know that. Lucky Poppy wasn't flying the plane.
- beb, it is a gorgeous building. What governmment puts up. The Trouble with Harry is absolutely hilaraious, if you have a Hitchcock funny bone. If you don't, fuck you and sorry.
- Dex, What sensibleand sensitive riders say is "track".
- Beyond gorgeous, and a ridiculously beautiful voice: Pretty close to perfect, in a small package.
- Nope, He's a hopeless wuss that conservatives love to flaunt. Good lord what a wussie. He makes Sean Colmes appear to have a spine.
- Or Riddley Walker, since we are about post-Appacolypse.
- What is it about taxing rich people is beyond alleged conservatives? Republicans are looney. Herman Cain? Seriously? Could Florida just go out the door after Tejas and close it behind them? Who'd miss either?
- This is undoubtedly class warfare. So how do they continue to vote for fucking morons? Basset, running is fun when you have a golf course with no golfers. Been over and back the Ambassador Bridge many many times. I love bridges in general, and that one is wonderful. Tappan Zee is the absolute finest. And the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway is right up there. The Mystic River Bridge was great. Brooklyn Bridge. Golden Gate. As for bike tires? Get them Armadillos, made of Kevlar. I can fix a flat in two minutes, but with these tires, I'll never have to.
- Stafford rules. Loins are the real deal.
- Anybody else cringe at Mariam and Hussein putting their ankles in obvious jeopardy on those stadium steps? Still, the picture is exhilarating. Does that noxious comment mean that the commenter is from France? The puppy photo reminds me of the greatest urchin puppy ever,Petey.
- The referee's daughter, by the Zambonis, the band with the cheesy hockey rink Farfisa.
- How can anybody find anyhting to do with these Wings fans other than that they are eings fans. When I was a little kid, I thought Gaty Unger was the coolest professional athlete that ever lived. Gordie, not so much. He cheated and he revelled in cheating. I still think Gordie Howe was an asshole. I still think Gary Unger was all about how you play the game without being an asshole. That;s what I think about hockey, aside from the obvious fact that Raymond Bourke was the best that ever lived other than Brad Park. And Jean Ratelle. And Boffy Orr was the greatest that ever lived. Until Sidney Crosby. And Mario LeMieux was the greatest gentelman and greatest player until Sid the Kid came around. Other than that guy, Cam Neely was the most obvious great player that was a fine gentleman and everything good about hockey, and a true villain wrecked his career on purpose because he couldn;t play as well. Bruins rule and always will. And Redwings will hire scumbags like Ulf Samuelson. Fuck 'em.
- Seriously? Ulf Samuelson? To attack Cam Neely when he couldn't play that game in a million years? What the fuck is wrong with you Loins fans? You have the best QB since Milt Plum, and damn that guy was good.
- Gordie cheated like a bastard. Does somebody actually deny this.? He cheated his ass off. Gary Unger never cheated. He played a clean game. He was a better player than Gordie Howe because he did not cheat. You can have your opinion, I'll take barefoot hippie guy and you can take scumbag cheater. Gordie cheated like it was coming out of his ears. I played years of sports and never cheated. How is it possible that assholes cheating means dick? Anybody cheating actually means dick? We'd have to wonder about the Pats, They Cheat like its going out of style. Bag the Pats. They lie.
- Pats just fucking lie. They cheat and everybody knows it. They lie and who's to say they aren't lying they're asses off. They lie like rugs. Beyond lying like a pack of liars. What ever, You liars.
- Lying like shitheels.
- Major league liars. Lying assholes.
- Liars? You liars? What a bunch of fucking liars.
- ’m torn by wanting single payer federal health care for reasons of competitiveness and economic vitality, even as I suspect the program would get gamed by union cream-skimmers more than even Big Pharma would siphon out of the public coffers. Not even possible, Jeff. You do know about the guy that's the goobernator of Florida, right? Presumably, the law enforcement learning curve has somewhat caught up to crooks this egregious. For Linda and all the librarians. Throw away your glasses, and let down your hair, you are all stunners. with beautiful brains and significant good looks. Carole Lombard in No Man of her Own? Goldie Hawn in Foul Play (a great movie, I think)? Shake out that bun. Take off those glasses. I must say, Goldie is probably the most alluring librarian in the history of movies, but how does she rate with Carole Lombard as a Blonde. And I eschew Donna Reed, because that movie just fucks up Christmas every year it is so revolting and maudlin.
- Sue, There are Liberry ladies I wouldn't look twice at on the street, but I do find attractive in the liberry. But, sorry if you think that finding Carole Lombard and Goldie Hawn good looking women is strange. I was just commenting on a movie shibboleth. Librarians are always gorgeous. There have not been real unions since the 50's. But I'd trust a union crook more than I'd trust a management crook. It's an indisputable fact that CEOs earn 300 times what rank and file earn now when 30 years ago it was 30:1. What sort of class warfare shit is that?
- Chantays on Lawrence Welk:
- Chris Christie is a vulgar stereotype of a NJ politico, and deserves every joke, fat or not, aimed at him. His brilliant rejection of fed cash to put Jersey workers to work on the Hudson R. train tunnel was a perfect example of blind Republican anti-Obama idiocy. He's also a flamboyant bully that threatens people that disagree with him. When is he going to do the mandatory ride-along and frisk Mandingo? Jesus, what a jerk. Actually, his hair is funnier than his Tub o' Guts. But Jesus, he is an obesity poster child. Who picked up the tab for Gov. Lardbutt's recent obesity-related heart attack scare? Taxpayers he wants to protect from paying for SCHIP. Non-union, to GOPer minds means no middle class. They're right about class warfare taking place, just lying their asses off about who is waging it, on whom. Librarians: I didn't stereotype librarians, I commented on movie stereotypes. I believe there is a difference.
- If Chris Christie were diagnosed with a flesh-eating disease, the doctor would give him 45 years to live.
- Greedy Oleaginous Polluters. Them GOPers at it again.. Bank of America is going to impose a $5/month fee for debit card usage. We were stuck with Wachovia when it devoured First Union, and they've now been consumed by Wells Fargo. If they try some dickheadshit like this, to go with their1.5% on my money market account, I will find the smallest local bank around and vote with my feet. The bastards are claiming that burdensome regulation is cutting into their profits and their customers should bear the cost. This should be flat illegal, as the bank is changing an existing contract unilaterally.
- Linda, The banks are peeved at having been caught rearranging banking records of customers to create obscenely high overdraft fees, two or three at a time, which I'm pretty sure should have brought criminal charges. Juggalos hackey-sacking? Seems bizarre. ICP was brought to national prominence by becoming a Bill O'Reilly obsession. I think I spotted Chris Christie made up like Emmet Kelley:
- Obesity is neither just a social problem, nor just a medical problem, it's a massive economic health care problem in the USA. Gov. Christie can haul his fat ass around talking about balancing budgetws on the backs of the poor, the elderly, and children and and lie like a GOPer rug, but people like him are a gargantuan part of the problem. But he's ignorant as a flaming sack o' turds, so why isn't that good enough for children in NJ? Meanwhile, American obesity epidemic costs a lot more than WIC or SCHIP, that people like Christie and Newt and Rush would all choose to bankrupt. That is some self-referential bullshit hypocrisy, right there. And I'm buying myself that rabbit mask. Silflay hraka:
- Jeff, Girl in a Swing is as spooky and creepy as any Stephen King book, tremendously atmospheric. If you enjoyed that, you should read The Black House, by Paul Theroux, but mainly in daylight. Bewwy Scawy, as Data said. Of course, the great ghost story novel is Turn of the Screw. I read something that said that the characters in Watership were based on real people that Adams fought alongside in WWII. The anthropomorphic characterization is a pretty amazing achievement, I think. Personally, my favorite is Plague Dogs, with Snitter and Rowf. I love that book. Speaking of books, whoever it was a few weeks ago that brought up Mary Doria Russell, thanks. I'm in the middle of The Sparrow, and it's terrific. Only things I could compare it to are other great theological novels like the Perelandra books and War in Heaven. Fascinating science fiction with erudite and thoughtful reflections on the nature of Faith, with dialogue in the heroic sf mode of Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov. Superb book.
- Fascinating good news. I think somebody needs to hire either Robert McCall or the Jim Cavieziel character from Person of Interest to protect this guy from the power industry and the oil companies. Christy claims to be 5-11, around 270 but he looks more like 5-8, 3bucks+ to me. I don't despise this guy for being a tub o' Guts, I despise his intensely anti-social political ideas and his bloated hypocrisy on social issues.
- Jeff (MMO) Have you read Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin, no not that annoying pure D Doofus Mark Halperin, about the development of NYC (as much as anything). He has another novel called Refiner's Fire, that I think is even better. Nobody in my family agrees. There was a time we all read the same books based upon each others' recommendations. We knew who was trustworthy. We developed fictional loyalties, had monumental arguments, in which I was usually ganged up on. For some reason, I always think the best book is the one everybody else places second. V is better than Gravity's Rainbow. Both are great novels, but V is better-written, by a mile. Certainly more concise, and I've read both more than four times. Engine Summer is slightly better than Little, Big, which is truly awe-inspiring. So what started me on that tangent was the Joyce reference, to which Mark Helprin wrote the great expansive retort. Mr. Helprin, who served flying fighters for the Israeli Air Force, has also waged war on the theft of intellectual property inherent in current internet use and practice. He wrote a book on the subject which, agree with the thesis or disagree, anybody with a literary sensibility would have to admit is brilliant: Digital Barbarism.
- Well, MaryIn, Gov. Lardass proved he couldn't handle the job. didn't he? I wouldn't be willing with a shotgun to my head to claim this guy isn't some asshole that doesn't think he should be fed before those Blind shitheel GOPERs that thing somebody is still trying to stw
- WHAT WE SAY/ no ahit what hilarioud sh9t. Q43n 23 nm040nw. Please forgivw, but thT Aholw ia A Dt YOU Xn possivly be. @3n kissing Is anyb0dANot what I'd clain. What you said I didn't mean whatevwe, Tou be NQ5bb8 ag7v49 o93 797ldb8b qt74,n697BN2
- Christie is only too fat to be President because he wants to starve children by defunding WIC and wants to deny them health care for being fat pieces of shit while he gets health care and he thinks SCHIP is is a drag on the economomy. His fat ass ass is is a drag on the economomy. Can't really say he's the entire drag, but his inner Jabba is fairly well-known. He wants to starve children that benefit from WIC and he wants them to die if they benefit from SCHIP. He's an asshole that would have croaked without public support. How is it possible that a Christian nation is down on feeding the poor? WWJD you assholes? And Christie is too fat, but he also espouses conservative bullshit that will guarantee that kids will starve, because he believes that poor people are robbing the rich poeople in some insane class warfare. Hard to claim. But you all have a great deal to make up for. Iggy and not MC-5, you are on the wrong-side of Detroit music, and SRC is better than all of that.
- Okay, y'all. Jabba the Christie is way too obvious. But what the fat ahole is doing to a successful NJ education system merits more opprobrium than he gets for being tub o' lard. And I don't know anything about Star Wars mythology, but I was not surprised to find out that Darth Nader was Luke's father. And what I said about SRC, well that Quackenbush boy manipulated sustain and feedback better than any guitar player ever: And his brother on the Hammond B3 was not shabby either.
- I get it that fat jokes are rude, but as long as Christie wants to starve poor children, his avoirdupois is clearly fair game. Tough fatsos.
- Brian, President Obama is black; Governor Perry is handsome and tongue-tied; Governor Romney is a very wealthy guy with game-show host looks (and, psssst – he’s a Mormon!); Bachmann is attractive and her husband has a strange job; and Christie is rotund and somewhat resentful and snippy. Which one doesn't fit? I'd say that is skin pigmentation. Bachmann isn't hideous, but other than that, she's decidedly unattractive and her husband is a perfect example that you can't pray the gay away. They believe it's a choice. Perry is practically brain dead, apparently by choice. He is the most dangerous sort of ignorant. He chose ignorance, and the dumbass mofo embraces and flaunts it as if it's a virtue. Nobody is a Mormon without choosing to believe in the Joseph Smith fairy-tale about the angel Moroni, and the golden plates. The bastard was a convicted conman. You may be right about the GOPer politics involved, but you are wrong about Anybody but Obama. He's Sheriff Bart in this situation. Nobody wants to admit this, but I'm fairly certain it's a fact. When he's continually made out to be a Maumau and a Kenyan, and most ridiculously, a Muslim. People are hiding prejudice behind coded racist language and behavior. I make fun of Christie because he is an overfed fat cat that wants to starve poor people. Tough shit fatsos, I'm fine with y'all unless you vote for an asshole like that. As for the teleprompter shit, Reagan actually had Nancy try to move his lips, and W had a transmitter on his back to get prompting from his brain, Rove. Comments from rightwing about Obama's intelligence are more racially fueled horseshit. Black guy couldn't have gone to Harvard Law, right, and there wer several hundred editors of the Law Review. I hope you are right about the election, Brian. If you're wrong, we're cashing out and heading to Cabo, where at least we'll get care when we get sick and grow old, without bankruptcy. Just have to pretend tequila tastes like Mr. Jack. I stuck out a moron being appointed twice, but any one of these assholes gets elected will confirm that the USA is bigoted to its core, and I'm never going to stand for that.
- When people become naturalized citizens, they swear: to protect and defend the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Can any Republican member of Congress or running for President, or anybody that would vote for these shitheels actually swear to that without lying? Can any weasel that signed on with Grover Norquist attest to that? In fact, hasn't anybody that signed the Norquist pledge actually be anything but treasonous according to Article III, Section 3 of the USA Constitution? I mean, the language is straightforward and these assholes are Originalists, right? Yep, and they are traitors.
- How 'bout them Loins. For those of you who are not Detroit vets, Van Patrick, the voice of the Loins for years was simply incapable of pronouncing Liy-uns, the jungle and savannah cat. He said loins, which my brothers and I thought was hilarious. I'm surprised Van wasn't one of the people Mitch was going to meet in heaven. I believe Mr. Patrick went the weather to sports to news route, but I might misrember. He was as heartfelt a homer rooter as there ever was, which is what one wants on local sports team telecasts. Johnny Most ruled (and he was absolutely correct about the Pistons): but Larry Munson was even better: They do sound a lot like each other. Deborah, people get in trouble on our beaches frequently and I've pulled several out. A few years ago I saw a guy get capsized on a riprap jetty, boulders with sharp edges, and a lifeguard said it was too dangerous to go after him. I told him I was a stronger swimmer than he was (I was pretty sure of myself) tied onto a line and puled the dumbass in. He was loaded and swimming where a vicious undertow was evident He actually had a fractured skull and other broken bones from being dashed on the rocks. It's contra-intuitive, but in an undertow, you just have to relax, let it pull you under and spit you out offshore. I do it for fun, and one day, it may do me in. But what the hell. It sounds from the description of the L. Michigan storms that any venture into the water was dumb as shit, but I guarantee I would have gone in after that guy. I have no fear whatsoever of any ocean conditions. I always believe I'll be fine.
- Secret Santa. Just say YO!
- What I find hilarious about Perry and his hunting camp welcome mat is the sheer stupidity of having left that rock with that message in plain sight while nurturing fond national political ambitions. On the dumb-as-grunt scale, this ranks with Gary Hart and Monkey Business (although, to this day, I believe Hart's behavior and goading of reporters was a gruesome form of political auto da fe). Given the lapidary nature of Perry's offense, I think his moronic faux pas can be classified as literally monumental. Since the whole megilla centers on a hunting camp, Bugs Bunny's commentary is worth consideration, with Perry as Elmew Fudd, the feawless wabbit huntew: I mean, you just know Perry has friends with Escalade-mounted 50-cals and others that like to go dynamite fishing. He couldn't think of any way to blow that rock to smithereens?
- Dexter, Maybe Mattingly should talk to McCord about divorce lawyers. As a Dodgers fan, I certainly wish both those East Coast carpetbag incompetents would get the hell out of California, and take their Medusa-wives with them. Mattingly's rookie managing year was a showcase of managerial incompetence.
- Not a pool boy, I think JeffB, but Romney sure had a crew of undocumented Colombian landscapers working at his Belmont manse while he was goobernor. How does that get reconciled with the Gangbaggers? And aside from what he inherited from his dad, didn't he support his family exclusively by throwing people out of work with devastated pension funds during his non-political adult life? I find Janine Garofalo very intelligent and mordantly sarcastic. Like to see her against Breitbart face to face. The weenie would end up running away whining with his balls cupped in his hands, presuming he has any.
- Larry McMurtry on Goobernor Perry. All hat, no cattle, with a hilarious photo illustration. Yippie Ki Ay, mofo.
- Clever, concise, short, short fiction fromm NYRB, With three interesting paintings. Sort of like Thurber's Fables for Our Times, but without hilarious moral aphorisms, none as good as The Bear Who Let It Alone, apropos of all the discussion of the Ken Burns documentary.
- Now if the people that voted for Kasich and dickheads like him have an ounce of self-respect, self-awareness, or integrity of what they claim as political beliefs, shouldn't they turn on him like rabid dogs andd run his sorry ass out of Dodge? Mike Stipe, visual arts, short doc. He's articulate for a guy everybody used to call Mumbles, and obviously doesn't take himself too seriously.
- Well, in Tejas, your concealed carry license is valid voter ID, but a student ID is expressly omitted from the list of valid IDs. So much for democracy in the state's capital city. Student ideas are being legislated against as valid at the polls in several states. That's voter suppression that would make Putin or Saddam proud. Oh, and no single instance of vote fraud by ACORN was ever brought to light by GOPers.
- Anyone up for a pool to pick date of earliest "self-tased me, bro" moment from these yayhoos?
- Vouchers were always a scam, amounting to nothing but a upper middle subsidy, since voucher values were always less than what pooor parents could augment with their own funds to make tuition, fees and costs. Charter schools are just voucher programs in sheep's clothing. All of this is based on separate but equal sorts of thinking going back to the extablishment of (anti)Christian Schools to avoid sharing educational resources with Blappeople. The main philosophical development over the years is that the conservoracists now expect taxpayers to pay for segregationism and their war on the middle class. Financing both sides of civil hostilities is really despicable, even for a necrophagous oil company. Somebody should nationalize these assholes wherever they operate.
- Mark, Try this: God knows how I managed to do that.
- Listen to this song: Beyond gorgeous. You will sleep better. Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open and show riches Ready to drop upon me that, when I waked, I cried to dream again. I believe it's the best thing Shakese ever wrote. And he meant what he said. He was talking about everything. We really don;t have a good idea about what we're navigating. Why not just enjoy it as it exposes itself?
- Cooz, try to do better than that. Well, not likely. I'm going to buy some books, and I guess Nancy Nall, that writes the best blog on the net, might make a little swag. Cooz, when my brother Chris and I were doing baseball by clipping the Dodgers and Yanks boxscores from the Free Press, we kept our own boxscores. We pitched righty and lefty, and there were a lot of B on B. All wiffle-ballWe were also good athletes and could whale the ball off-handed, because we batted lefty-righty as they turned up in the box-scores. You would have liked it. We had a gigantic lawn in Bloomfield Hills, like Nancy's Grosses, and we were obscenely competitive, but the rules were the rules. We loved the Lions at the time, though Chris was the Johnny U man, through and through. We never figured out a way to do football without somebody getting hurt. But our baseball games and our boxscores were perfect, pitch and bat right and left, and there is no way to replace how much fun we had. Kinda like the greatest baseball book ever written. J. Henry Waugh. I know you've read this book. If you haven't, why not?,_Inc.,_J._Henry_Waugh,_Prop. Greatest sports book ever written. I know from everything you've written you played sports. Please acknowledge. You must have played football. Football was just fun, baseball was serious. Cooz, you strike me as the behemoth that had a chaw in his jaw when my scrawny ass was trying to break a doube play and you levelled my lights out, but I was safe anyway and my coach took us off the field because y'all were grown men and we were kids, and you all were beating the shit out of us. We played teams like that frequently. We could confound them in football, but in baseball, they just kicked our asses with avoidupois. No shit., Cooz, you were some bully little leaguer, with a heart of gold. Like Sloth. Were you gigantic? In the ends of games, I always played linebacker, and I went low on the behemoth, who would beat me on the back because he couldn't block me. Then I'd nail the QB. Who's to say? There is no way to consider what I might think. It's ridiculous in the first place. Whatever I think, that's what I think. Whatever. y'all think. Fuck you.
- What can anybod say? The abject failure to educate young Americans has to do with the outright campaign to make them stupid. GOPers want dumb as grunt voting in highest numbers possible. They want dumbasses that believe science is a guess rather than a more or less sure thing. Which part of carbon dating do these shitheels not understand? There are assholes, and there are people that understand science,nand there are voters so fucking dumb they don't understand science. What the hell is wrong with people? How is anybody this bone simple? We are talking about morons. Wnat the hey? How is it possible anybody is that fucking dumb?
- What Herman "The Great Black Dope" Cain said about Occupy Wall Street: I don’t have facts to back this up, but I happen to believe that these demonstrations are planned and orchestrated to distract from the failed policies of the Obama administration. Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks, if you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself! [...] It is not someone’s fault if they succeeded, it is someone’s fault if they failed. And $Palin quit just yesterday. It's Mittens vs. Huntsman for the magic union suit. Which one never drove several hundred miles with Seamus the Irish setter strapped to the roof of his Wagon Queen Family Truckster? Macs vs. PCs? Isn't it obvious that the entire point of Windows has always been to make PCs run as much like Macs as possible. I think an apt analogy is back in the day Word vs. Wordperfect. Each new iteration of the latter was designed to make it work like the former. Never caught up that I know of. I just use Open Office these days, but I'm thinking about ditching it for Bean.
- <a href=", sans claiming grand cultural or political insights. Sort of an antidote to some of the grotesquely febrile crap that Jobs himself would undoutedly have found repulsive. When I think of those old car phones, I'm always reminded of George Peppard playing Banacek. There's an old Polish proverb that says "Even a thousand szloty note can't tapdance." Jim Rockford, on the other hand, always had to find a payphone. The Homeland first episode is available free on the Showtime website: The first episode is outstanding, sort of makes up for AMC cancelling Rubicon because American TV viewers are too dumb and too ADD in droves to understand it.
- Jeff. If I were to start up a band now, which I've been thinking about, the name will be Myth of Liberal Media. What's funny (not Ha Ha, more these days is the concerted effort by Fox newshos and the GOPer presidential candidates like Cain insisting that the demonstrations are some manufactured thing funded by George Soros and the Bilderbergs, i.e. non-organic, when they insist that Teabanging wasn't invented by Dickless Armey and his corrupt rich cronies like David Koch and his homunculus brother. Any bank that expects a hand from taxpayers had better be prepared first to shake every dime of every paid bonus out of every incompetent financial bureaucrat that took one. As for still dead: Before Dennis Miller became a total shitheel, and to this day, Weekend Update is generally the only thing on the show worth watching. The guy that does it currently, Seth something, is very funny. I sure wish whoever made that video had used R.E.M. instead of the fatuous ass Billy Joel.
- Taking low salary with high stock incentives is a tax avoidance strategy. Capital gains rate is lower dan de limbo pole. Same thing Dickless Cheney did with Halliburton. And then he invaded Iraq and had Blackwater and Halliburton steal untraceable cash directly from American taxpayers by the pallet-load. Voter fraud. A deliberate canard perpetrated by GOPers that want to exclude student IDs from legal poll documentation. Gee whiz. Why would they want to do that? Once again, truth has a liberal bias. Alex, high school American History: interlocking directorates were a primary target of Teddy Roosevelt's trust- and monopoly-busting. Funny how the corporations always recover from regulation without much effort. Suckers born every minute.
- Innovative approach to healthy eating. And, apologies to Ike (only GOPer I know one of my parents ever voted for), But , unfortunately, "They are stupid. Their name is legion."
- Apropos of nothing. What do y'all think about parenthetical phrases at the ends of sentences, particularly, where to place properly the sentence ending punctuation? This is probably the one bit of grammar about which I have never been entirely sure of myself. I don't think this is adressed in either Elements of Style nor in The Careful Writer. AP stylebook? Don't think so, but could be mistaken. MLA? No use for that thing. In general, it seems logical to me to punctuate outside the paren, Unless the parenthetical part is a sentence, in which case there are logically and gramatically two sentences and the question answers itself. The Wonkette item regarding Shawnee Co. and Sharia strikes me as ironic, since Shawnee Co., Kansas is the home of the NCAA, closest thing to Sharia America will ever see, unless the fundagelicals take over. Having intervened earlier in my lifetime in two cases of spousal abuse, I'd say that such a legal abomination would require a vigilante response. And if somebody wants to save law enforcement dough, the logical place to start is with the entirely sensible demand of Bob Marley's old running mate Peter Tosh.
- So somebody is insidiously using the Amish as a conduit for introducing Sharia into American culture. That story sounds like hard core Sunni extremist pedations on the Sufi.
- EJ Dionne takes George Will to the cleaners and hands the bloated windbag his lunch. Joe the Plumber campaign theme song. (I doubt these guys would let him use it for long, but maybe they'd be happy to let him make an ass of himself. Finally met my grandson born last January for an extended Columbus Day weekend. Best weekend in forever. First extended time with my son-in-law, and he's a great guy. And it was my brother's birthday (daughter's favorite uncle). One extended party, and tomorrow I''ll check my bank balances online. But what the hell, local economic stimulus and we did spend one night in for dinner. I made some great carbonara sauce with some seriously smoky, tasty pancetta, over fresh tortellini, with a romaine and escarole salad, and wicked good Joe, I have good friends and a brother with whom I cannot discuss politics without bad blood surfacing quickly. I know of no evidence that Obama and Immelt are "best buddies". Yeah, the President appointed Immelt to the Jobs Council, but anybody that claims there is some contradiction involved there is not thinking it through. This is a big talking points ingredient in Freeper Nation, but Gawd, that is spectacular hypocrisy on the wingnuts' part. Isn't he a golden idol of "job creation", i.e. obscenely wealthy and doesn't pay an effective tax rate of 10%. And these rightwing critics are the same people that won't consider approving the appointment of Alan Krueger to replace Austan Goolsbee, despite the fact that Krueger has cleared previous Senate vetting. On the left, people should consider Alan Krueger and Goolsbee before they get on high horse, Deanie Baby deja vu, progressiver than thou Immelt downs and do something incredibly stupid like encourage Darth Nader. Friends of Wall Street? Not fucking likely.
- Seriously Joe, You know as well as I that "czar" is an idiotic and loaded term with unpleasant undertones and little or no meaning, and that the more obstructionist the Congressional opposition is the more a President has to try to work around "advise and consent" since, in the case at hand, the Senate has replaced that particular Constitutional duty with "obfuscate and demonize". Salling a Presidential appointee a czar is a great deal like saying Waaahhh!!!
- l'enfer, c'est les autres Jean Paul Coozledad. Comprehending that hell is other people, Garcin tells Ines and Estelle, in hell's waiting room: You're crazy, both of you. Don't you see where this is leading us? For pity's sake, keep your mouths shut. Now let's all sit down again quite quietly; we'll look at the floor and each must try to forget the others are there.
- Moe, Jansch and John Renbourne and Jacqui McShee(map of Erin physiognomy) in one band was an embarassment of riches. I still have Pentangle vinyl, though a bigger fan of Fairport convention, with Richard Thompson, thankfully, still alive and kicking. (As soon as I figure out how to put together this USB turntable, I'll play it again, I used to be aces at stereo components, thanks a lot Jobs.) I always wondered how one generation of Brits could produce so many brilliant finger-pickers.
- Stunning cover of a jazz classic composition by Mingus, performed by Jansch and Renbourne. And I was looking for a version of Night Train by Larry Coryell and Phillip Catherine that reminds me of that Jansch/Renbourne version of Porkpie hat when I came across this rare gem, with JB vamping and letting Maceo do his thang. Nobody weighing in on McCartney's serial marrying? Just hope he knows what he's doing after that haridan gold digger last time.
- Chalabi was a crooked crony and accomplice to the neocon defacto citizens of hardcore Israel that tried to convince Clinton to invade Iraq with the 1998 PNAC letter: Elliot Abrams, Rummy, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Perle, Wee Willie Kristol, what do you make of that disreputable rogue's gallery of war criminals, Cooze? Chalabi was their shill to dupe rubes like W, but his services were probably not necessary with the Pretzeldent. I mean, Saddam tried to kill his daddy, who was never up to Saddam and didn't get rid of him. This was Shrub's chance to win the Oedipal struggle, although with Madame First Lady Quaker Oats (Poppy's mom) playing Jocasta, this bit of Freudian melodrammer is particularly grotesque. And W had to figure that this time he was being let into the Heman Women Haters Club that had spurned him in '98. In the end, Chalabi was a bigger liar than the infamous 8Ball, with more irons in the fire, and the slick neocons were either bamboozled or saw exactly what they wanted.
- Does anybody have the slightest idea WWMD if the Mittens were to get elected? This is rather a remarkable compendium of talking out of both sides of his head.
- And can Reince Priebus (current most hilarious name in GOPer politics that isn't Zach Wamp) or somebody from the GOPers refute the facts in the Great Vote Fraud Bamboozle. And remind the assholes that ACORN never committed vote fraud (self-reported a very few phony registrations with names like Elmer Fudd for which $10/hr. contract workers stole credit, probably employed by Breitbart as moles, that were so clearly bogus even nincompoop GOP poll watchers would have caught them), and, furthermore, has been dead as a doornail for more than two years, though you wouldn't know it if you get news from Drudge or the Freeper press.
- Suzanne, with regard to the NBA, if exorbitant salaries in the NBA compare with those of CEOs, shouldn't LeBron be eligible to abscond to Europe or an Israeli League with his golden parachute 'bout now? He's done wrecked two franchises. Of course, the players are actually the rank and file, though not the way they are in the NFL, where most money is not guaranteed and the risk of permanent injury is far greater. In either case, something's wrong when ownership can enforce lockouts without even pretending they are within US labor law. Sheen Interview: So daddy Martin and brother Emilio reinterpret Heart of Darkness. Mr. Charley lives it. And isn't "cult classic" a strange term? Sort of like "iconic" but with a denigratory connotation? Rocky Horror? OK. It's good bad, but not evil. Repo Man? Nah, just a very clever allegory on consumerism and cults. Blade Runner? Not hardly. One of the best movies ever, even the botched studio cut. The director's cut is a magnificent work of art. I think application of this term to the latter results from the fact that most critics were too dumb to understand the movie's greatness on it's original release, and they don't want to admit the inadequacy of their original responses. Right wing commentary on OWS is 100% fact free delirium, starting with the Soros-induced hysterical grand scheme theorizing, with obligatory insistence that Teabanging is "organic", not Astroturfed. Well, bullshit's organic, but the Gangbaggers smell more like cholera diarrhea and old Kochhead farts. Believe it or not, Occupy is alive and kicking in Savannah GA, undoubtedly because of the liberal influence of Savannah College of Art and Design. Ironically, there'd be no downtown Savannah left and unemployment would be in the mid-20s without the entrepreneurship of the ultra-liberal founders of SCAD. The Poetters put their money where their mouths were, and the results are a rejuvenated jewel of a historic downtown, full of architectural grandeur and thriving businesses, in the face of tremendous old South conservatism, plus a school that rivals RISD in prestige and accomplishment.
- Suzanne, I was not disagreeing. But in professional sports, if the big contract players are CEOs, the owners are uberlords of gross capitalism. The NFL lockout centered on the owners' desire to change profit sharing from 50/50 to 60/40 while refusing to show the players' union their books. My opinion on this subject always comes back to Robert Edwards, a superb running back that I tutored when I worked for the UGA athletic department (study halls were mandatory for all scholarship athletes.) He was drafted by the Patriots, and then forced by the team and the league to participate in a mindless game of flag on a beach in Hawai'i, in which he trashed his knee after an outstanding rookie season. The Pats cut him loose without further compensation. Robert managed his own rehab from a necrotized bone injury that nearly cost him his leg, and went on to play for Grey Cup champions in the CFL. To this day, I wish for the Pats to lose every game they play because of this disgraceful treatment of a good guy. Meanwhile, what part of this argument does one have to be an abject ignoramus or liar to misunderstand? American exceptionalism? Exceptionally stupid Americans. They hate our freedom and our democracy.
- Funny thing about Cain and Uzbekistan is how easy a name Islam Karimov is to remember with a negligible effort. Maybe pronouncing Islam just gives Herman Moses the heebie-jeebies. And when is some poop-scooper GOPer functionary in Orange County CA going to draw a picture of Cain food stamps? Wouldn't Cain be bollocksed if you could use WIC credits for dogass pizza at Godfathers? That'd be like privatizing public schools.
- Outre: weird beards. Perfect song for today. And this always has struck me as an autumn song. Ray Davies is close to supreme as a poet lyricist in rock 'n' roll music. He gets summer perfectly in Holiday and Sunny Afternoon, too.We had two rainy, very windy days and today is supposed to be another, but it's brightening every minute. Bike and beach day coming. We do have brand new rain gear packed in our paniers to try out if tempests arise. I imagine Mr. Leonard shares your feelings about Mitch, Nancy, if he's ever even considered him. I wonder whether he couldn't get some sort of court order against him ahead of time. I've got three lawyer brothers, whose time I would volunteer. Righting the canoe or kayak, maybe. Righting the sails? No way, nohow.
- Deborah, Happy birthday. Moi aussi on quitting for good at 62, but I still have 26 months and a lot of hard work to take back Congress from GOPers and DINOs, before I sleep.. I used to love circus peanuts too (inherited from my dad). I think the flavor fell victim to cheap corn syrup as a sugar replacement. On sportswriters, it could be worse than Mitch, believe it or don't. Chicago used to have Jay the Jock Sniffer Mariotti, who thought it was cute to call the future HOFer Frank Thomas the Big Skirt, while he was beating up women. LA has the bumbling idiot Bill Plaschke and the mentally and English challenged TJ Simers. Sports illustrated employs Rick Reilly who either taught or learned everything he knows about sportswriting at the Albom School of Appalling drivel. Great current newspaper sportswriting, NYT (Rhoden, Vecsey), BG (Ryan, Gammons), WaPo (Boswell, Sally Jenkins). Wilbon is good. edit: That was Mariotti beating his girlfriend, not Big Frank, the Big Hurt, who is clearly an admirable and refined gentleman, despite going to farm school at Awbun.
- Oh, and Jackie McMullen (bought out by the Globe, works for ESPN) too, who was actually a very good college hoops player at UNH. And Ailene Voisin of SacBee, a very good BB writer. And I used to follow the career of Lisa Olson, to whom a bunch of boorish NE Pats players exposed themselves in threatening fashion (just one more reason to despise Belichik's team, though it was before his time). A great birthday drink: ice cold champagne with a splash of Chambord. Slainte. May the good Lord take a liking to you, but not too soon! May you live to be 100 years, with one extra to repent.
- Well, Bob (nG), the Bears played better last night than I've seen in a long while. Cutler was (not quite as) good as the announcers tried to insist, but his performance was estimable. Their OLine looks worse than the Loins last year. Urlacher got schooled by Staff's play fakes consistently, and the more he was educated, the less he knew. Still, more swan boat than battleship. Funniest moment: Hester getting all persnickety when knocked out of bounds by Hanson. Ha Ha Ha. The long ball to Megatron was a thing of beauty. Jahvid Best looked a little like (dare I say?) Barry. Nancy, a version of that toast has currency in Ireland all over the world. Is there a difference between horehound and anise. Isn't horehound sort of like menthol licorice? I had a college girlfriend that liked to drink anisette, which kinda nauseated me. Mr. Daniel's whiskey was a perfect antidote, as I recall (imperfectly). Anisette was good in a water pipe though. A little classier than TBird or Mad Dog 20/20, but way more expensive. For sportswriters, I'd add Charles Pierce and the late lamented George Kimball, who started writing sports for the alternative Boston Phoenix and moved to the Globe.
- Sue, The second most recent appeals decision provides cause for ACA optimism: Judge Sutton, in particular is considered a conservative guiding light on the Commerce Clause. And all three judges basically recognized Cuccinelli's activity/inactivity dichotomy for the legal ordure it is. At some point, the class warfare aspect of this battle has got to break through even the thickest fog of cognitive dissonance, although it will probably take untoward deaths to make it sink in. One way or another, I think Scalia will actually vote to uphold the mandate, while Thoma will not. (He won't like it, he hates everything.) I think Kennedy is probably a solid affirmative vote, even if Scalia votes his hypocritical, whited sepulchre soul. edit: Calling Dan Jenkins iredeemably raist and sexist becaus of characters behaving badly in his books is the same logical fallacy as deciding that Wyclef Jean is a thug because he wrot Gone 'Til November. His characters were probably quite realistic for his era. If there is evidence from his personal life, fine. If not, the labels are unfair. Additionally, the use of the term "musclehead" as a catchall for athletes is extremely offensive, and assuming lack of intelligence on the parts of athletes is ignorant and obtuse, say "jockist".
- Gee Mark. Would you prefer tontines. And where did you get the "grossly inflated rates", after the fact, from Blue Cross, that is pumping it up as we speak, to try to get out front of reasonable societal and governmental regulations on how they do business. Does anybody think that ACA would actually limit profits to insurance company shareholders? Bullshit. They'd have to cut back on obscene growth projections. If capitalism demands incremental increases in share value from one year to the next and larger profit margin each year, as the modern model seems to hold, this is patently absurd, along the lines of the Laffer Joke. Capitalism imposes the Law of diminishing returns or it falls apart altogether. But maybe that law is just a theory and doesn't mean much of anything, like GOpers say gravity is a theory, not a fact. These ignorant, proud know-nothing buffons tie themselves in knots. Aside from all this. GOPers, with the exception of Moroni cult members, claim allegiance to the teachings of their Lord and Savior Jesus. I'm in agreement as a Catholic that Jesus' way is the nearest to perfect way of living life yet devised, and a fine template for being a good man or woman. But, alas, Catholics are a cult too, according to fundagelicals, despite predating all of their asses by several hundred years into the thousands. I mean, Martin Luther produced his theology out of his own inability to take a shit. "96...97 68 -lo-. qqh. What a maroon. Actually, is it difficult to consider we should all consider everyone else as the least of my brethren? That is what we sign up for when we claim to be exceptional American Social compact, right If we want to claim Americans are ecceptional, the only pathway is that we take care of our own. If not, we're monkeys typing forever/ seems reasonable.
- Let me step back on this "musclehead" shit. I was a high school jock, but I took classical honors and read Latin, Greek and German. I graduated with about a 3.9 of 4. Was I a jock? I suppose. Was I a musclehead? I think I was probably smarter than everybody else. If you never balanced athletics with intelligence and intellect, give up, you have missed entirely. Most jocks are smart. And that sort of stupid denigration is moronic. I scorec near 1800 on the SAT, and on AP, I blew it away. So who is a musclehead? I was also an all-state football player, and I was a superb swimmer. The idea that somebody must be stupid if they are a good athlete? That is moronic. I'm smarter and a better athlete. Remember a while back when social and literary critics pronounced irony passe or dead? Well this development may stick the barbecue fork in it. , nice to meet you Diana Moon Glampers. And I'm apparently no judge.attractive. But we have to consider how the floating what the hell is floating around. Acting like an idiot to entertain my little man grandson. Wjat the hell, he is awesome, and I'll show y'all a picture when I can figure out how. You are a buncha good folks, in general. Nancy, first of all. Some intelligent social commentay every day. %-0 for the first time in 56 years. Back to Charley Batch? Charley Batch was a serviceable NFL backup. Matt Stafford is somebody altogether different. The guy loves [laying and he can wing it. He is a franchise player. When I was in college, I played intramurals. Our QB was Leo Knowles, who had been the best Nebraska HS thrower in years. Tghere's a little known rule, in touch and flag. where the guy that fields a kick can stand up and throw the ball. I'd release and sprint and Leo would wing it abou 60 yds. I'd catch it for a TD. Glory Days.
- Deborah, we're hoisting one in your honor. I'm almost as old, it's catching up to me, but S'll always be slightly younger. It's a problem. She needs grounding in reality. She could go off the rails. I worry about this all the time. How do you live with somebody you love when she is more or less nuts? And you know you aren't there things are scary.
- Mark, you feint and pull back. Do not be that coy. Fact is you don't believe in a moment of that conservative shit anymore. These people are the biggest liars extant and it's bugging you to stick with such outrageous illogic.
- Yeah, Mark? What I scored on the SAT was all the verbal points and almost the whole Math. What's your point? I've no problem with you, but you seem to think there's a problem. I had a 1585 or so. I don't quite understand what your problem is. I scored out the top on every test in the history of tests. BFD. I do not care. If it's a question about innate intelligence, I'm on the winning side. Are you kidding Mark? Who is questionning this rightwing shit? Me? No, I think you know that's you.
- Deborah, poblanos are way hot. Happy happy, John Jamieson down into the depths to retrieve the cask. What say girl? May the Irish hills caress you. May her lakes and rivers bless you. May the luck of the Irish enfold you. May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you. May there always be work for your hands to do, May your purse always hold a coin or two. May the sun always shine warm on your windowpane, May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you, And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you. May those who love us love us. And those that don’t love us, May God turn their hearts. And if He doesn’t turn their hearts, May he turn their ankles, So we’ll know them by their limping. The reason the Irish are always fighting each other Is they have no other worthy opponents. May you live as long as you want, And never want as long as you live. May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head be always strong. And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead. Here’s to a fellow who smiles When life runs along like a song. And here’s to the lad who can smile When everything goes dead wrong. Whatever else I might say. I mean every word of goodwill. I know I come across like an asshole, but I mean everything I say in the best possible way,
- The pretty Americangirl was never by a shred of evicence remotely guilty, That was an astounding miscarriage of justice,
- Somic makes dogs with carmelized onions, mighty good. Mary Chapin Carpenter went to Harvard and she is gorgeous, probably smart and mad "Passionate Kisse". If there is a man that doesn't find her desirable, he's not really a man. Awesome woman. Like Mary Stuart Masterson. Brains and beauty. Sigourney Weaver and, for sure Clare Danes. I think women have no idea what makes a gotgeous woman. Mary Chapin Carpenter. Diana Rigg. Intelligence in a face. But maybe that's just me. Is Frances McDormand attractive? I say yes, undoubtedly. But that dimple looks better on Clare Danes. Similar face but one is gorgeous the other is pretty.
- Has there e er been a stupider ad campaign than the manly beer ads for some light beer ever? That shit is urine in a bottle. I don;t understand who drinks that piss in the first lace, but saving calories on brewskis is moronic, particullarly by drinking something that tastes worse than O'Douls. Lite is manldidn't these people ever read the graffiti about pnly renting beer? y? Beer is manly? What abject stupidity. This is Teabanger horseshit at it's core. Force-fed human urine, it's like like Human Carepillar. Manly? Don't drink second-hand brewskis. Gawdamighty. I son't even know whether that is budlight or miller light, but one way or another, that shit does not taste like beer, and trying to tie this drivel to manliness is positively as offensive as the flic my bic stewardess ads from way back. Offensive. What is the attraction, when the swill tastes so bad? Fallows on The Atlantic: My Gmail has never been hacked, to my knowledge, but one of my Netscape accounts has, taken over by AOL, qu'elle surprise. Is there anything AOL or Yahoo! touches that does not suck? This goes directly to my disgust with "content" Which I'm sure means pabulum.I'm not sure what to do about it. As it is, I just ignore that shit. Bob (NG) I've been warned about stereotyping librarians on this website. Fantasizing about normally attractive women that love books and research can get you in trouble. Let the hair down and take off the glasses, you've got Donna Reed. Heaven forfend. But she is mighty cute, and if my thought-dreams could be seen...
- For no purpose but the pure joy of it: and, Barrence Whitfield: and That latter is SRC worthy.
- Alex, Scotch bonnets are the best, but it depends on whose nostrils and sinuses you intend to fry. How 'bout this insanity? Who opens attachments?
- Boss does Ramones
- Any of y'all ever listen to Wyclef? I can't translate, but he means what he's saying about Haiti.
- Sue, I didn't stir up the librarian thing, and I won't take the blame. Now I do have a local librarian that is sweet on me, and I her, but our relationship is altogether professional. She is cute with her hair down, but not Donna Reed cute. More like beautiful, without her glasses. Do the GOPers want insane black guy that thinks he's Moses versus the most accommodating black guy ever. I'd take Bobby Seale, handsomest black guy, or possibly Eldridge Cleaver. The Teabangers are foing to get tied up colonically over this.
- It's Islam Karimov. How difficult is that to remember? And Jason, isn't Auburn Hills another name for Pontiac. And unlike the crooked bankers, Chrysler is paying its debt instead of paying the assholes that put them in debt. Occupy Wall Street? Hell, yeah. They have occupied Main Street too long. Mormons, if they are true to the belief of their own religion, are not Christians. Why won't they just admit it? I mean, Muslims hold that Jesus is a prophet. I believe in God, in a Teillhardian way. True morons for President, spare me. That includes MormonsNow a practical question: why did my new microwave come with metl zhelf?
- Thanks Jeff. Any idea of the purpose? Sherri, weren't Catholics, historically, kind of the original Christians? And LAMary, that is hilarious. Howard also sold the US government a plywood plane, and even flew it once.
- Since Nancy is taking "score" literally, how 'bout decimate? I mean it has the "ten" actually built right in. If the stimulus went wrong, it went wrong for being pale, timid, niggardly, and no, that is not a comment on the idiot Herman Cain, Shiva, the destroyer of jobs. Actually there are pretty hafd facts indicating that things would be far more dire without the stimulus spending, and anybody not a cast in stone idealogue or dumber than grunt would see this as obvious.
- John C. I love that movie. For a long time I thought the video girl was Pauley Perrette. I think she is Bridget Fonda. And Martin Short is hilarious:
- So, this Dunkelberg guy says “The government can’t fix (unemployment) other than to fix confidence and avoid scaring people to death.” He proceeds to make a vapid comparison between the US economy and the Greek. Nice scare tactic, ahole. It's a historical, and incontrovertible fact that the government can put people to work, and has done so and it's baseless and irrational to claim that government debt contributes to unemployment. What the guy calls out of control spending is dwarfed by the debt producing stupidity of the Bush tax cuts, and the insanity of invading and occupying Iraq. Business and industry do not want to be regulated for the good of Americans, so they will not invest in jobs so long as they can hold the unemployed hostage. Fairly simple, and grotesquely traitorous. Jobs? Not on the GOPer watch.
- John C, we agree that that is one great movie. I tend to like Kevin Bacon. I thought Hollow Man and the Echos one were frightening. And I thought the River Wild was a very good Meryl movie. Kevin is a good villain. I did think footloose wa asisnine and a remake gratuitous.
- The movie with Kevin Bacon as the vile kidnapper and Dakota Fanning and Courtney Love , and the Astronaut's Wife, where she secretes the scalpel in her asscheeks. That's good too.
- Oh, and anybody that doesn't think Tremors is brilliant is an idiot, Valentine rules. And the plan was brilliant. An absolutely great movie.
- Brian, For sure. But the original was ridiculously good. And Fred Ward is a treasure, Aussie or no,
- Running the worm into concrete was spectacular. This was a great movie. No way you get better than that.
- Amazing. Poor man's Leo. Very good actor.
- When I was a little kid, My mom and dad were Kennedy Democrats. I grew up believing in that vision. I think Obama is the living belief in that ideal of America. The belief and for sure, the long lasting guarantee of Martin. What's so funny 'bout Peace Love and Understanding? This doesn't seem difficult to understand. GOPers are trying to do away with the vote. These people are institutional racists. We can't let them get away with this. These people are anti-Americans, and they are anti Americans. What a bunch of swine.
- Really, are we kidding. That tax plan is bullshit. No shi, that is loonytunes, Fuck these whackos. Imposing a 9% tax on normal people is so fucking bullshit regressive, it;s spectacular, where do these assholes get off. You have to be kidding. These are crooks and you can't be kidding.
- Remember a while back when social and literary critics pronounced irony passe or dead? Well this development may stick the barbecue fork in it. Crazycatlady, you go. Perfectly sane. Let's not forget that Michelle is obese according to the expert on obesity Rush Limbaugh. This is the bizarre GOPer take on things. What is wrong with these people? Beyond comprehension hatred and anybody that claims this isn't racial is some rare sort of nitwit.
- Perry lies his ass off.
- Miggy and Verlander rule. Ovechkin sucks. And he can't win a game unless Crosby doesn't play,
- Herman Cain is one loony tune. A product of his own warped imagination. He actually thinks he was being helpful when he shitcanned all those jobs. And he doesn't understand he was a token. Rob some toffs, Cooze? I just took delivery of a lap steel. Wah Hey! White pearloid. Very cool. I don't sleep much. It's difficult, but dreaming is the finest thing humans do. And it's ridiculously fun. 9-9-9 is the most Swiftian anti-poor-people bullshit ever. Somehow, taxing food people need to live at the same rate as yachts seems kinda not what Jesus would do. This guy is one flaming asshole, but he's 100% GOPer.
- Corporations are people, my friend. Mittens at the Iowa State Fair. Typical GOPer, and typical of the sort of bogus judges they appoint to the Supreme Court. 9-9-9 is actually stupider and more regressive than trickle down, which is proven dead wrong. As I pointed out, 9-9-9 taxes food the same as Lamborghinis. Ain't that America. US unemployment is entirely a function of industry and business that choose not to be regulated in a reasonable fashion by the federal government. When they aren't regulated, they produce Love Canal and Bhopal. So they join forces with the racist shitheel McConnell to fuck the economy royally to try to fuck over the black President. This is all painfully obvious. And Joe, I really don't see any way that calling Cain a fool amounts to racism, by any stretch. How difficult is Islam Karimov? Wasn't that a gotcha question he fell prey to about gotcha questions? Fucking nitwit job destroyer. And juxtaposing CNN as an allegedly liberal news source to balance Fox is hilarious as it is totally fucking bogus. The racist portion of mindless opposition to Obama is fucking clear. Anybody that denies it is pretty likely in the closet about skin color.
- I believe Herman Cain is a fool. I believe Mr. T is a fool. Doesn't make me a racist, Joe. Mr. Cain claims to be a Christian. The spectacularly regressive 9-9-9 tax scheme is as far from anything Jesus would do as anybody could imagine. Tacking on a 9%surcharge on a box of pasta so obscenely rich people don't have to pay fair share taxes isn't actually foolish, it is evil. Makes Raygun seem reasonable, rather than a criminal. I understand that I occasionally make a fool of myself on here. I will not stand for being accused of racism for calling Moses Cain a fool. That's idiotic and ridiculous. I respect Joe, and I'd never accuse him of racism, which is pretty much the foulest human aberration available. People like to claim that everybody's racist. I disagree. There is not a racist bone in my body. My personal feeling about Cain is that he's about as lily-white as a black guy can be. He's a fucking tool of capitalist assholes, and the antithesis of a credit to his race. He's a pure class warrior. With all of the interest in screwing over poor people that is fundamental to GOPer politics. Republican politics and tea-bangery is right up there as an aberration. It's not just anti-Constitutional, it's anti-human, surely NWJWD.
- Seriously Joe, Republicans are serious assholes and make the whole world a seriously bad place to live. I am not kidding about this.
- Nonsense Joe. You can't pull that bullshit. I do not do anything of the sort. I don't harp on racism, never have. On the other hand, somebody that tries to claim the Teabangers don't tend toward racism is a lying piece of shit. Sorry, but the subtext is undeniable. Trying to claim I make some continuing thing about racism is that tired shit of everybody's a racist. Not remotely close. You can pull that shit if you want, but it's a crock. And it's spectacularly dishonest. Whatever. Bullshit, Joe. Not remotely fair or accurate.
- I don't want to argue. But being accused of something unconscionable is a little too much for me.
- I like Joe. I think he is a good guy. I certainly don't mean to make things out like he's some bad guy. If y'all think I've been an asshole, I will remove myself from this forum. But seriously, being aaccused of racism? That's a little much. Seriously. Joe, you know that is bullshit. And I am not going to put up with that shit. You have to be kidding. No kidding, you idiot? Not quite close., You fucking idiot.
- I know this will call down all sorts of opprobrium, but women in my experience are hell on clutches. They ride them. My bad. Weak-minded, I seriously don't think so. I didn't insult anybody, and inane opposition to Obama is surely based in racism. I think I was accused of racism for calling Cain a fool. I think he is. I think his tax plan is incredibly foolish and anti-Christstian and I'd defy anybody to say it isn't. I know I'm less popular than Joe hear, So I'll withdraw. But taxing people on food and clothing as they are taxed on luxuries, that is fundamentally immoral, and I think decent people would realize that. Fuck Herman Cain. And Fuck Republicans that want to starve American citizens to death. That is Herman's plan, and he believes they deserve it. A serious asshole.
- Seriously, Herman Cain is not a shitheel? He believes that if you starve to death in the USA you deserve it. It's not because society that claims to be Christian just didn't come up with food. What a fucking buffoon, and a fucking creep.
- Sorry Joe. Guy is a piece of elitist shit, and he got rich by fucking people out of their jobs. What a fucking hero.
- He's an asshole. No way around it. He had his job because he was black. And he was a phony job killer no question. What a despicable POS. Give me a break.
- Didn't Bush and Cheney ridicule Kerry for saying that anti-terrprism was largely a matter of police work. And isn't that how Kerry actually got Ole Dirty Bin when W lost interest? All hat, no cattle. Comparing the NATO action in Libya to the full goose looney Halliburton enrichment program in Iraq is positively stupid and extremeley moronic. No way, no how. We're talking about pallettes of cash that just made their way into Dickless's pockets. How is that war criminal not in fucking prison? Bush was disrespected? He was an idiot. Sorry OBs practicing their love? Guy was a guttdom idiot. Fool me once, Fool me twice? Won't get fooled again. Freaking moron. And most of all, Most devastatingly stupid tax policy in the history of America. Dumbest fucking President ever, no argument. Dumber than Hoover, and who would have believed that was possible?
- Weak-minded. Sorry dumbass. Smarter than you are by several miles, I believe. What a dumbass. Major league liar. I've about had it. Joe is supportinfg some seriously scumbaag assholes. What is wrong with this idiot?
- The truth about Mogadishu is that the situation was a briar patch left deliberately to Clinton by the incredibly spiteful HW, who couldn't believe he lost. Herman Cain = ultimate astroturf phony people's candidate. Ddo Teabangers fail to understand the extent to which they are supporting their sworn enemies in the class war being waged by people like Dick Armey and the Koch bros? Freaking lemmings.
- Alex, I have not purchased a product manufactured by Baron Bich's empire since early in the 60s when I was appalled as a kid by those "Coffee, tea, or flic my Bic" stewardess adds for the lighters.
- What are we going to do with these people? Self-proclaimed Moses Cain says we're going to damn them all to perdition, poverty and starvation, since they are too lazy to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps the way he did, and, you know, it's all their own fault. They should become self-made men, as he is. Maybe the Kochs have some sort of Astroturf jobs in the class war for the unemployed, downtrodden and forgotten. And if Cainn is really taking cues from an exceptionally boring computer game, he should be deported before idiots vote for him. Another psycho vocal from Tom Waits with pretty scary lyrics. Like Frank is killing more than just little rat-dogs he never could stand while lapping up a Mickey's big mouth. Anybody but me ever taste that disgusting brew? I agree with everything y'all say about "The Wire, and every bit of it is just as true about "Homicide: Life on the Street" (Andre Braugher, the incomparable Yaphet Kotto, Giancarlo Esposito, recently zombified on Breaking Bad, Oscar winner Melissa Leo) which gets little credit, but obviously inspired a lot of what was excellent about The Wire, and was brilliantly adapted from David Simon's excellent book. The ensemble cast was tremendous. The writing was as realistic as George V. Higgins dialogue. All of this was done within the strictures of NBC control. Ground-breaking. In fact I'd say the story arc (sort of introduced to TV by Barry Levinson on Homicide, not by NYPD Blue) of the murder of Adena Watson and the interrogation room scenes among Frank Pembleton, Tim Bayliss, and Moses Gunn as the Araber were as fine a few hours as American TV ever produced. Oh, and the complicated, incredibly evil Mahoney crime family was a great creation of the writers. Jeff, you can bet aholes like Kasich will be out front taking credit for whatever infrastructure spending accomplishes. And hell, it may prevent the next bridge from collapsing into the Mississippi. 9-9-9 is just 666 upside down, and as has been proven byanalysis of my Senator Deminted's plan for a national sales tax, it is spectacularly regressive, and will basically cut federal revenues by more than 50%. Is that small enough for the bathtub drowning Grover. Regressive taxes, taxing yachts and second homes and Lamborghinis at the same rate as necessities for survival, like shelter, school clothes, hamburger helper, and transprtation necessities is potentially fatal to the heart and soul of a society, and it also is plainly harmful to the economy, as it puts people of lesser means below the grasp of any discretionary spending whatsoever.
- LAMary, I would have bet on King Cobra (another wretched Budweiser product, once advertised to the black community in 40s by Fred "the Hammer" Williamson, another self-made man that probably supportts Moses Cain, but probably has a better excuse than most: long-term brain damage from multiple concussions. Kirk: Bud Light, Miller Light = recycled beer. Which by the transitive property equals piss. Mickey's tastes like something vile decomposed in the brewing vats. Thanatopsis malt liquor. Anyway, all less nasty than Holmes vs. Great White Dope.
- Fat Tire is very good, and the company and it's policies in the heart of Koors KKountry are a fine poke in the eye to the only all-American family-owned authentic Nazi brewery, which actually gets away with putting water in silver beer cans and marketing it as "light beer". It's pretty funny in the face of French snobbishness, that the most popular beer in France is a really dogass Budweiser knockoff called Bier du Cardinale (that's brewed in Switzerland) Even comes in tallboys. Olde Englis is pretty disgusting, but not like zombie plague carrying revolting like Mickey's. Lord's Resistance Army, according to Amnesty International, is responsible for thousands of systematic gang rapes of Muslim women and girls in Congo. There MO is first to rape, and then to cut off the limbs and heads of their victims. The LRA may self-identify as Christians, but they are self-deluded war criminals. They have basically taken a page from Ratko Mladic's playbook for Srebrenica and Bosnia in general. Fine Christians, going straight to hell.I understand GOPers not getting what constitutes a war crime or a war criminal. After all, their most recent heroes, Dickless and W, were and continue to be war criminals. I dare either sodomite to travel to a country with an extradition treaty with Spain. The government of their favorite country promotes war crimes and high-seas piracy against palestinians and their supporters. Meanwhile, their overt actions legislatively are outrageous: blocking the International Violence Against Women Act, which they object to because it would involve use of emergency contraception, and they really don't think violence against women is a problem, for one thing; and, blocking ratification of The international Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. The US is one of seven countries in the world (Iran, Palau, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tonga, and the United States) to not ratify the latter treaty, and the only one in the Western Hemisphere. Apparently Senate Republicans have less regard for women than the nun-raping murderous Central American and South American thugs they trained at the School of the Americas. And everybody knows where Rush stands on equal rights and basic fairness for women. Now I'd like to go on TV and radio saying Rush Dumbaugh supports rapists and murderers so long as they claim against all evidence to be Christian. That comment would be far more veridic than his implication about the President and Muslims. I understand Charles Pierce's frustration with Republicans who may be whited sepulchres in empty suits, but otherwise seem more intelligent and serious than Rush, more like halfway decent human beings. Still, the guy to call out first is O'Reilly, who demands he be considered a serious journalist. I mean, in his own mind, Spinmeister Bill won a Peabody Award (chortle), and he used to show flashes of actual sentient humanity. Bill's tipping point was the outrage of Clinton letting himself get suckered by a chubette (sorry) that left her going-away party at Pepperdine with a red thong and some kneepads, and an expressly stated purpose. Ever heard of Andrea Mackris you hypocritical asshole. Still, even Mini-Loofah wouldn't have called 13 year old Chelsea Clinton the "White House Dog" or suggest that Janet Reno was her "father" as Fatty Arrrrgh-buckle did in an oxy-induced rant. So in the end, has he left no sense of decency? Is O'loofah not intelligent enough to understand the reanimation he could provide his atrophied reputation by calling Rush out? If I were his agent, I'd insist on it. Another thing I think is fascinating is how Raygun got away with the absurd invasion of Grenada, Operation Urgent Fury, approved well after the fact by Congress, but wasn't that Raygun's way. None of the pretexts for the invasion. The UN said it was "pure bishit" as they'd say down there in the tropics. It produced the stupidest, most deplorable movie in which Clint Eastwood was ever involved. Grenad had the same Commonwealth Nation status as Canada and, at the time, Australia, and England was bound by treaty to come to the government's defense. In the end, this was surely some sidebar to Iran-Contra that Kerry never dug up. Probably best. When HW launched his bogus invasion of Panama, he was still wildly pissed-off and spiteful about the Torrijos-Carter Treaties. He also knew for a fact that Pineapple Face had damaging goods on HW running the CIA, and probably Iran-Contra. The odds are very heavy that HW managed the murder of Torrijos, and if you think that sounds unlikely, read Graham Greene's wonderful book, Getting to Know the General. I don't enjoy non-fiction, but this is Graham Greene and heightened intrigue. One of the best books I ever read, and reread over and again. For an idea of the evil the Bush family has always been capable of, going back to Prescott and doing the Nazi's banking, read this book. It's also the best account of a true bond of friendship forming agains form that I think I've read, other than probably Brideshead. But, you know, that was Britschool homoerotic. Herbie Walker made the outrageous claim that Noriega was facilitating drug trade. At his trial, more than 10 DEA agents testified that Noriega was a tremendous asset. So when Clinton and Obama save lives in ovious danger, their actions are not as defensible as two slimy GOPers covering their own bad acts, and funneling money to military businesses they had flagrant ties to? What the fuck is wrong with people?
- Sorry to go on and on. The spirit moved me, and not a single link. So here. Herman Cain = ultimate astroturf phony people's candidate. Cain, on DUI laws, makes the NRA people kill people argument.I will remember this if I ever make the mistake of blowing an 0.09 again behind the wheel. I was driving without difficulty and went off the road to avoid a kid on a skateboard, on an exway ramp little bastard. Ended up in concussion hospital, never saw the breathalyzer. 10 years ago, not bothered with a driver's license since. I do own a car, gas-guzzler '69 Cougar Convertible. I figure if I decide to get my license back, I'd still ride my bike everywhere, and could probably buy a mini or an a restored Triumph Stag for what some fool would pay me for the Cougar. Spotless 351 four-barrel. Ridiculously fast. Flawless body, power everything in working order, all mod cons. Deborah, there was a remarkably creepy X-Files episode along those lines. But what's the excuse for the rest of America? Rampant Republican gene?
- Moe, you got that right on Tom Friedman.He looks like Michael "Meathead" Stivic, for one thing. Who was actually smarter Koch's have fishooks in Moses' balls, steering him whichever way makes them more money. He is so phony, there has never been a day long enough, including actual Good Friday. IMSJHPHUBHOB. I mean, shouldn't Jesus have pulled himself up by his own bootstraps. Taken Himself down of that cross and said I Am the Way. Just another Sherriff's a nig... moment and hell with actual Christian behavior. Did the purists miss something or is Moses not actually biblical? The bootstraps argument makes sense to died in the wool racists, but not to anybody else, particularly people that claim they're Christians. I'm an unusual form of Christian. Raised by Jesuits according to Teillhard, who for Rick Perry and GOPer aholes like that was one of the greatest biologists of the 20th Century, and may have figured out part of God the same way. God's intention is to have all of creation become God himself. I can sell this idea better in person, but it makes a lot of sense intellectually. Fundagelicals want us to believe God couldn't possibly intellectual, like He couldn't have figured out how to get things the way He wants them by evolution over millions of years. Christins insist that would be too much for God to figure out. Guess that's why we're just a cult despite being the entire foundation for the reform and protestant churches, like they aren't the same thing.
- The people denyin job preparation now, Jeff, are people stood to make a bundle from the college as the American dream lie decades ago. They started selling it for the so-called greatest generation and they handed out gigantic government welfare for themselves. Viet Nam Vets fucked. Shafted. Shanked, by the "Greatest Generation" fuck 'em, the greedy assholes. Greatest Generation abandoned Viet Nam vets And were in league with draft dodgers like W in doing so. I'm sure they benefitted. According to the Canadian Brokaw, they were better because the cause was more worthy? What did that have to do with the soldiers? what self-serving bullshit. I avoided the draft legally. I went from #113 to undraftable when my draft board in Royal Oak went to bottom of the list when the draft board produced obscene numbers of volunteers. I let myself go 1-A and I always felt a little guilty. years later, the huwbqnd of the womqn we hired to take care of my daughter hqd multiple tumorw I WQW WURE HQD TO to do with Agent Orange expoasure. i fought a contentious fight with the VA for years. Maybe I felt guilty. Finally, they payed some minor attention. The problem with the government's admitting to the health problems of Agent Orange exposure was always that it exposed DOW. None of these Greatest Generation powered plutocrats ever gave q shit about Viet Vets. Kerry expoed them qnd years later after Kerry's investigative committee work exposed Raygun's administration as an obscene web of Maryknoll-raping, Jesuit -murdering war criminals, his life was probably hanging in the balance, but then they realized they could use this fucking coward lying tool from the Nixon dayws to slander Kerry. The idea that American voters bought Swiftboat instead of W's coke-fueled disqppeqrqnce meqns the American electoral process is q hideous scam. How can anybody be that stupid about facts and be allowed to vote for an idiot? So how can Supreme Court Justices be allowed to fuck over the law qnd not be thrown out. Just ask yourself. How does Citizen's United make the slightest constitutional sense? If you call yourself an originalist, how do you decide the Founding Fathers wer onsidering billions in media spending as political speech. Doesn't that argument expose you as a massive anti-Constitutional fraud along partisan lines? Well, if you aren't an idiot, obviously. And if you already invaded states rights when you had defended them unbendingly and stop a state recount, haven't you committed legal fraud and shouldn't you be prosecuted for gross judicial misconduct? These things are ridiculously obvious. Scalia and his homunculus Clarence claim to be originalists. Where do they even get the concept of inserting billions of questionably accurate and not grossly slanderous bullshit into Presidential elections. Not a single swift-boater ever served with Kerry. Everybody that did said he behaved heroically as described in the documentation of his military commendations. How is this not out and out slander. These painfully hsitheel little assholes that oculdn't carry Kerry's jock were coward assholes that weren't there. The attacks on Kerry's record accelerated when he exposed Raygun and his apparatus as international terrorists. That is a fucking fact, and he got it right. This is why the whackjobs hate him. And resorted to baldface slander, which Kerry could prove in a day or two of court testimony. I think he'd rather not bother with these pisants, like the little midget Nixon acolyte in the seersucker suit that never ever served with Kerry and was outshone. Thinking back, the grotesque mangling of the truth about Kerry's service, Nixon's insane hatred, and how that hatred infected the fabulist O'Neill the whackjob who had some sort of bizarre connection to Milhous. God what a bunch of lying sacks of shit. And what a miscarriage. W was a lying, ridiculous ex-maybe-coke addict. His flying career started with Daddy's bailing on his crew members. and yeah, better evidence than O'Neills against Kerry's medals. These people are scumbags and will lie their asses off at the drop of a hat. When it comes to the Supreme Court, they will say anything and deny anything they're supposed to believe in about the law. Where in hell did the Founding Fathers get an idea about Citizen's United? Seriously, they couldn't imagine billions as speech. So if you say one thing is the basis of your judicial approach and then make a mockery of it, how dincere or how purely partisan is your fat ass?
- Those people in Congo about to be wiped off the face of the earth are not Christians in anybody's imagination but Rush's Oxy-addled. They round up Muslim women, rape them, cut off their heads and limbs and claim they are Christian. In hwt world. I say blow their asses to kingdom come. Fucking monsters. Like a bunch of Rush Limbaughs with machetes and functional dicks. Sorry if that's rude, but how else can you look at it?
- For American troops, blow they asses sky high. I believe the US can send in 100 elite and blow these rapist shitheels straight to hell. I sure as shit hope so.
- PAUL O'NEILL, A SLIMY LITTLE seersucker SHIT NIXON THOUGHT WAS A PLAYER. He didn't no dogshit about Kerry. Kerry in battle, O'Neill waw never once there. Wo h3 lied qbout everything. he was a venomous little venomous jealous piece of shit that inculcated and conumed Nixon's hatred of Kerry. He was a monstrous piece of shit that lied his ass off without any actual knowledge. He committed such obvious slander it's embarrqssing to the Swift-boating lying Republicans. Ask Kerry's crew, assholes. They were there. You weren't close. What a spectacular bunch of liars. They claimed he wasn't up the river in Cambodia. Fucking liars. Everybody knows Nixon pulled this shit. where was W? Flying protection over the O Club, and Americans bought this shit. How is anbody allowed to vote? NO SHIT? IF YOU ARE THAT FUCKING STUPID AND BYUY THE SCALIA ELECTION? CAN PEOPLE ACTUALLY BE THAT FUCKING STUPID. how di wome phony shitheel like like Scqliq get away with this horseshit? Qre Qmericans dogqss moronw. Scqliq clqimed Conwtitutionql Grounds. Bullshit on the fqce of it. How did anybody let the Brookes Bros. rioters get aaway with this horseshit? club, or entirely incapable of flying a plane because of cociane intoxication. He was fucking AWOL, and anybody with a brain knows that for a fact. And Kerry was in country. And anybody that says this wasn't so is an outrageous liar. W japped Kerry served, w2ith honor. How much of a fucking idiot would somebody have to be to buy that W was some sort of war hero while Kerry waw faking q purple heart? Seriously. W was a chickenshit, Kerry wasn't. It would require stupidity almost unheard of. You progressives. Who the fuck do you think you qre. We were liberqls before you existed. You're gall is obnoxious. We knew more about this than you ever will. Beat and beaten in Grant Park. This holier than thou shit is exceptionally obnoxious. Who the fuck you think you are? What we understand? Is there a conceivable fashion in which Scalia isn't absolutely full of shit? Nope. He is an obnoxious liar and so full of shit legally it'almost hard to to believe. Scalia is one disgraceful piece of shit, qne if progressivew wage war on Obqma for what he couldn't control, these qssholes will qppoint more judges like Scalia you progressiver than thou assholes.
- I figure it's been annoying when I whined about my mutual funds on here. But look at how these asshole fund managers have been fucking people like me over while they do their best to do the same to the President I intend to vote for. They aren't just cheating, manipulating markets and trading inside, they are fucking with elections and getting away with it. And this is from the WSJ. Jeff MMo Cain just means to employ 999 to cut revenues by 50%. What goes first? Medicare and Social Security because them Heckyl and Jeckyl Koch heads are going to make him rich into perpetuity. Judging by his job history, who would you guess gets fucked over? Those lazy assholes slinging pizza that are too lazy to make themselves into Koch brothers heroes in the war on working people? You got that right. At the risk of being the white boy causing trouble, has Moses Cain ever heard the term "house nigger"? Sorry if that offends anybody or exposes me to accusations of being a closet liberal racist, like that's a remote reality, but this asshole with his "it's their own fault" bullshit is offensive to a civil rights activist from way back in the 50s. How many of those 7,000 Godfathers workers did he jerk jobs from overnight, under cover of darkness, because that is how it happened. Nobody had a warning, They were just suddenly unemployed with no way to feed their kids. Only reason he didn't pull Pearl Harbor on them about health insurance was because he jacked that first. Guy is a phony scumbag, mouth organ for assholes like his employers, the Koch heads, and there is no way of looking at the asshole realistically otherwise. Pilot Joe, your heart is in the right place, but this guy is a shitheel. I personally fail to understand how anybody that's a citizen of the United States chooses to fuck over citizens with the smallest resources out of pure greed. I also fail to understand how the people that have the least resources could vote for the assholes that want to do that to them. Which part of that takes a rocket scientist? How can so many people be so fucking stupid at the same time? LEMMINGS? When people vote against their own interests, the only explanation is that they have been dazzled by crooks and demagogues. edit: And calling him a fool is a kindness, since the sobriqut implies he doesn't understand his own subheman behavior.
- Favorite Sam Kinison. And Sam Kinison acting like a gentleman. Profane? Indubitably. Misogynistic? Vilely. Funny ? As hell.
- Herman Cain's puppetmasters are a crime syndicate. Hard facts somebody should ask the clown car tools about at the GOPer debate. No wonder the economy is off. Consumers have no cash. Anybody that's got a problem with the Occupy signs about the 99% should take a look at these charts. Ask Moses what his accountant buddy thinks about these data? And about Herman's plan to put accountants out of business. God, that bastard loves to destroy jobs.
- Jeff (mmo) if Cain feels the same way, his schtick amounts to demagoguery on the order of Kingfish Huey Long. If he believes it he's either exceptionally bad at math or he's full goose looney. Demint has been on this national sales tax (he's been as high as 24% rate, which would drown government in Norquist's bathtub, and simultaneously tank the American economy so badly it would never recover). kick for years, and had not a single reputable economist to back him up. Most studies of the Deminted plan put federal revenues at no more than 60% of 2008 revenues. It's not astrophysics. Will the Pentagon take a significant hit? Not in a million years. Social programs like SCHIP, WIC, food stamps and Medicaid will get whittled into splinters, and the US economy will go down for the third time. The Sim City tax Plan formulated by Cain's economics advisor, who is actually a CPA, not an economist, will shitcan payroll taxes and allow businesses to deduct everything but direct labor costs (employee pay) before paying their 9%, so guess what will happen to Social Security and Medicare coverage. Analogous situation to rental property owners complaining about property taxes when they pass them through to tenants. The business community won't pay the 9, their productive employees will. Anybody that believes otherwise, believes these CofC and CEO types do not have flinty shriveled hearts. The 300:1 disparity will get more ridiculous and so will the 99:1. Meanwhile Social Security and Medicaid will be defunded, quite obviously. For the historically challenged, the credit card bill Shrub left Obama, or why cutting taxes while waging invasions by choice based on (utter prevarication) and the interminable occupations they necessitate is so monumentally stupid only a cynical bunch of creeps like the GOP would do it.
- And Jeff (mmo), there are apologists for uɐld xɐʇ lɐıɔǝds ɐzzıd 9-9-9 ǝɥʇ fulminating all over the internet that are true believers. Unfortunately many Americans are stupid enough to buy the boondoggle. It's easy, on the other hand, to demonstrate how an essential feature of the plan is to kill SS and Medicare, forcing more money into the hands of crooked and incompetent money managers and HMOs. AARP people vote their best interestss and this bullshit should doom his demagogue ass in the end.
- Cost of Iraq and Afghanistan in real terms:
- Aside from being totally math-challenged, Herman Cainster says that after becoming president, he'd pass a measure to require a two-thirds vote to amend his 9-9-9 tax code. He also says that the 9-9-9 code was designed to be an intermediate step toward a Fair Tax. Wouldn't the two-thirds requirement make it almost impossible to move toward a Fair Tax, just as it would make it nearly impossible to raise rates above 9 percent? And really, how is 9-9-9 not just a 27% payroll tax. Bishit.
- Ghost on the Highway. (This is Loud.) Setting Free the Bears. John Irving's (excellent) first novel. There are McDonalds adjacent to hospitals because of the company's Ronald McDonald House charity, which provides housing and other services for families of long term pediatric patients.
- The wily manufacturers and purveyors of Sim City are discounting the price of the game by ten bucks, to sell it for $9.99, and there's a pretty funny video to go along with the sale. I hadn't realized Cain has the unmitigated gall to call 9-9-9 an "economic growth and jobs plan". The more I know, the more I think this asshole is Huey P. Long for rich people. Serfs will pay their own 9, then they'll pay their employers 9, as the business tax becomes a de facto payroll tax with no matching contribution, and finally, they'll pay the final 9 on top of the costs of goods and services they consume. Learn your times tables Herman, 3 x 9 = ?. Two good things about eating more wisely: Tastes good. Less filling.
- The most astonishing thing to me about the gruesome cast of GOPer debaters, is that somehow it doesn't include the truly insane Alan West and the monstrously crooked Rick Scott. And if Tejas secedes, I sure hope they take FLA with them.
- Regarding Chris' Grayson video: Gutdom, PJ O'Rourke is a self-righteous asshole, less than half as humorous as he thinks. I'd like to see PJ and Hitchens in a Saw movie situation. Difficult to say which is more annoying. Jolene, many doctors' groups are making that point about salaries vs. fee for services, and including it in contract negotiations with hospitals and HMOs but people will continue to blame docs for ballooning health care costs instead of HMOs and insurance companies (which love the fee for services arrangement because it increases their markups to insurers), and, most absurdly, malpractice awards and litigation. The latter is a last bastion straw man for greedy corporatist jerks, and is actually a ridiculous claim that wins over no-nothings that are probably envious of doctors' and lawyer' incomes. When California capped malpractice awards, malpractice insurance costs grew by about 50%. So much for that myth. In all, malpractice litigation costs, even including insurance payments, account for no more than 1.5% of total American health care costs.
- Are the animals being killed because it is cheaper than tranquing them and providing veterinary services? That's disgraceful if true. The bears and wolves should be left to their own devices. Native Americans. And how 'bout them idiots that release their boas and pythons in the 'Glades, where FLA wildlife officials estimate there are as many as half a mil invasive constrictors preying on indigenous wildlife. Dura mater, my favorite anatomical term. When I taught HS anatomy a few years ago, it gave me great pleasure to explain to these AP seniors that the Latin means, literally, "tough mother". The effect was like telling middle schoolers that pogue mahone means "kiss my ass". Had 'em in the palm of my hand. Of course it was a 7:30 am class, so the couch and Mr. Coffee I furnished our lab with helped a bit, too. Andrew Sullivan, who presumably, though I'll never understand why, has a dog in this fight, on the latest debate: 9.57 pm. The bottom line: Cain trod water, but his plan sank. Santorum excelled at forensics but probably shouldn't be touting his skill at winning swing states when he lost Pennsylvania the last time around by 16 points. Ron Paul outdid himself by bringing up Iran-Contra. Bachmann seems to have one decibel level, around 11, and seems to assume that it is now a given that an incumbent president equally polling his major rivals is already a dead electoral letter. Gingrich made sense on Yucca Mountain, I think. Perry gave petulance a whole new universe of meaning, and was so personal with Romney he lost the crowd. I wonder if Romney will appeal to Western Republicans more than Southern ones. But this felt to me like a settling. On Romney. And learning to like it. Didn't see it, but Sullivan strikes me as the smartest GOPer commentor around, even though the current GOP must be nearly unrecognizable to him. What's wrong with bubble gum? Bubble gum is not a male thing, any more than any sort of gum. That's a slander on half the human race. I'd say female gum chewers are much more likely to make a lot of noise with their mouthfuls. Chaw, on the other hand is one of the most revolting things on the face of God's earth. Then again, I have known dainty Tri Delt types that would chew and dip smokeless, with proper Bud can spit cups. Chaw can have its purpose:
- Dexter, I read that in a column by Carl Hiaasen, who is a pretty knowledgable eco-sciences geek and, of course, from South Florida. The giant snakes figure prominently in some of his novels. It seems the snakes make meals of basically every animal species in the Everglades, including alligators. I suppose I must have misrembered and he was talking about projections, based upon these snakes ridiculously fecund reproductive capacities and the fact that if people don't go after them, there are no predatory pressures, not even gators, whose eggs and young are game for the snakes. Anyway, I always picture drunken UF fratboys with mullets and jorts and tank tops that don't cover their bellies, driving big wheel pickups out to the Glades when they no longer want responsibility for big snakes. Florida sanctions and licenses alligator hunting and it seems that pretty soon they'll have to do the same with boas and pythons, which may be helpful to gator populations diminished by human greed and poaching.
- Well, you know, Kasich's last paying gig was running Lehman Bros. into the ground for big bucks.
- From the Columbus Dispatch: An executive order that Gov. John Kasich allowed to lapse after taking office would have prevented Terry Thompson from owning exotic animals. The order, issued by Gov. Ted Strickland but permitted to expire by Kasich last spring, prohibited anyone who had been “convicted of an offense involving the abuse or neglect of any animal pursuant to any state, local, or federal law” from owning exotic animals. Thompson, the owner of the more than 50 animals set free in Muskingum County, had an animal cruelty and two other related convictions in 2005. Kasich let the order die because he claimed it gave regulatory power to a state agency that was beyond it's legal charter. Yeah, shitheel, just like those pesky financial regulations that would kill jobs. Kasich's reaction to the catastrophe: Well it's just animals and they can't vote or have their votes stolen by Diebold. Well, really what he said was: This is unbelievable that this even existed, and what's hard for me to understand is why Ohio over time didn't deal with this, but we'll deal with it now. He just can't understand how state government could allow something so terrible to happen. Were you drunk or oxyed up, mofo peckerwood? This was just a small blow for deregulation, in the midst of your grand crusade to destroy public employees unions on the way to trashing the middle class. Randy Newman wrote a song about this turd: Aside from the slaughtered animals, he's also headed straight for eternal perdition for his predation on behalf of Lehman selling horrible investments Ohio public pensions to create a phony budget crisis, but that's probably giving more credit to this flamer than he merits. Shoulda stuck to the Wisconsin plan of just giving rich people all their taxes back, because this one is gonna get you time in Club Fed, and your bank accounts forfeited. this fuckhead obviously went to the "Helluva Job Brownie" School of Public Management. A died-in-the-wool Republican dick. It just occurred to me watching clips from the debate that Romney only dealt with his employment of undocumented landscapers because he was running for President and it would look bad. He actually came right out and admitted it. What a buffoon.
- Maybe uninformed comments about tranquilizers are unhelpful, but they aren't idiotic, and certainly asking the question is entirely logical. If I were the sherriff of Muskingum County, I'd have made myself aware of the potential catastrophe sitting in my backyard, and would have had a plan for the inevitable meltdown of the painfully obvious nutcase zookeeper. What else has he got to do, bust mobile meth labs and oxy theft rings? If that's an elected office, the sherriff should kiss his political career goodbye. Of course it was heavily incumbent on the goobernor's office to make local authorities extremely aware of the situation. Perhaps they did, but I doubt it. And doesn't Muskingum sound like something you sure as shit don't want to get on your hands? Biologists in the wild use tranquilizers on animals all the time, so it's a little hard to believe that this is all such an inexact science, but I've got no facts to back it up, so unlike Herman Cain, I won't make any claim to knowing anything about this. And Jeff's Dr. Wolfe's effort was indeed heroic.
- Penned hunting grounds, holy shit. People call themselves Bwana, Great White Hunter, when it's really Bubber, Meth Freak Redneck. This is the sort of pseudo-hunting Cheney and Scalia share. How this shit is legal in the USA is just beyond me. Never met a feral hog, but once encountered a javalina in Joshua Tree National Monument. Brutish, nasty and frightening mofo. I know they're not actually pigs, but they sure look like them, and there's no time to consider biological classifications when confronted by one of these beasts. Brian, I'm still hoping it was the monkey that pulled the trigger on Redneck Noah.
- Sue, While those commenters might be correct, they'd also be hypocritical, since they are the very anti-regulation bandwagon-jumping jackasses that vote for people like Kasich and don't turn on him when he says things like: This is unbelievable that this even existed, and what’s hard for me to understand is why Ohio over time didn’t deal with this, but we’ll deal with it now. Surely that's a joke, I say that's a Republican joke, son: John G. Why don't the wildlife people just release some Burmese pythons among the hogs. That'd fix 'em. (And that is obviously not meant seriously.)
- LAMary: Unless the bear is called Stat o' Maine, and rides a bike, that is. This may be a myth, but I've read frequently, in a wide variety of places, that there is no valid historic account of a wolf killing a human. Carl Hiaasen says: "There is no Constitutional right to sleep with endangered reptiles." East is East. Very enjoyable novel with the Everglades as a major character. When the Killing's Done is another TC Boyle novel that deals with introduction of non-native species and the mayhem bound to ensue. I know this guy annoys some people no end (some of my brothers) , but I'll take a smartass show-off writer over a dumbass boring one, any day. Pynchon and McGuane get the same criticism. Tom Robbins and John Gardner, too. I guess anybody that sends a reader to a dictionary or makes a reader read a sentence twice is too clever by half. Borden, Like all good GOPers, Nugent now claims he made that story up, as a joke, it wasn't meant to be a statement of fact. It's necessary for his manufactured, self-aggrandizing autobio, because it also involved meth use, and the lying sack claims never to have used drugs. Maybe it's my closet racism, but Herman Cainster is a loose-lipped buffoon, who I'm sure will claim shamelessly that this was a satire piece, when actually he was just hoping nobody would find out about this crap because nobody but phony conservative zombies reads anything on Red State. But Good Lord, if God really visits plagues of natural disasters on earth because of human behavior, where's the sinkhole under this nutjob> What Bible translation does Herman favor? The Justice Scalia Partisan? With the Book of Activist Judges?
- Boston is considered, by just about everybody, a big city. The population of Greater Boston (everything inside the Modern Lovers' Rte. 128 ring road and a few outliers) is nearly 5mil, pretty big. Boston proper? Around 650thou. I think Skunk Baxter's national security connections arise from technological weapons geekery, rather than from terminal assholism like that which affects somebody like Leslie Gelb and Richard Perle. (, really strange website name). Anyway, Steely Dan is just fine with Walter Becker playin lead guitar, though I think that lightning Boddhisatva solo is actually Baxter. Pretty sure the gorgeous lead guitar on Reeling in the Years is Becker. Dave, I was born in Cincinnati. I admit Muskingum is a lilting Indian-origin word, but it also looks like an animal bodily fluid.
- jc, I always find it amusing to read "electrocuted to death". It's like saying eviscerated to death. China Grove was an excellent Doobie Bros. song. Once they were taken over by Michael McDonald, peee yewww!
- MarkH: HS in Detroit @ University of Detroit HS on Seven Mile Road. Sredni Vashtar in public housing. I am sure that Kasich would say that a public housing tenant has no right to exotic animal ownership guaranteed to hillbilly methfreaks, and required mandatory drug testing as well. Classic exotic animal story by HH Munro. Not Rikki-tiiki-tavi, but what is. Still, mighty good.
- Living withwild animals. Plumber. Candygram. Land shark.
- LA Mary, my mom was a superbly knowledgeable nurse. When she was older and working at the UGeorgia Health Service, which she loved, she ran into the client vs. patient care shit that was an early indicator that business models and health care existed in two different universes. She did the academic work necessary to become a nurse practitioner. One of her best friends on the job was a PA who said, y'all get better educated than we do. Of course, my mom benefitted from years of shop talk with my dad, who was a doctor polymath. Specialties, he knew them all. And no, I am not glorifying my mom and dad. They were both this good. They followed the path of free care around the country. My dad insisted on treatment for a pregnant maed student of his for her pregnancy when Arkansas law banned it, and he stood his ground. My parents would not put up with anything like separate but equal bogus shit when better care was available. One of my little brothers had just been born and my mom breast-fed that kid when his mom was indisposed. In my understanding of how a follower of Jesus was supposed to react, this all seemed obvious to me. Which part of that was hard to understand? I suppose that these days, it's just a throwaway. I think, on the other hand that despite being members of a cult, My family represented as serious Christians. So, we have this true belief on the part of self-proclaimed Progressives that are sure Catholics are an enemy. Who do you think were the first martyrs to this cause in Central America you self_righteous assholes? Archbishop Romero? If people aren't clear on who were the martyrs of the Iran-Contra way of life, who actually used the hammer and gimlet. If this isn't a prime case of pitting champions of peoples rights against each other, what is? Well Northern Ireland, whatever that shit is supposed to mean. Fact is, this woman went on to be a decorated Doc that boosted all sorts of LBJ era programs that served the health of the unborn. And the nutritional and educational well-being. Modern Republicans oppose this sort of government spending. How do they excuse this. No bootstraps? What sort of selfish morons are these assholes. How hard is it to explain opposition to this sort of thinking is it that the assholes that oppose societal care for the least of our brethren? These aholes claim to be Christians. All of us know what Jesus professed. Is ther, or has there ever been, a Democratic candidate for anything that claimed Jesus? Can't think of one. What was Jesus' message about poor people? Which Repub does that match up with? Whited Sepulchres. These folks are so full of shit it is beyond comprehension. I'm not making this shit up. These people are full of shit.
- Seriously, you know how multiple adresses always make people expect some sort of military involvement? Well for my parents, as wonderful as Memphis was for all of us, when my brother Matt died there of leukemia, we all needed to get the fuck out. And I'm still hoping the monkey got the trigger business and blew that asshole away. Kasich was doing his due diligence about anti-regulation, and I hope he wakes up close and personal with a rock Burmese around his neck. How is what this ahole does any different than starving poor kids on purpose? Explain that one.
- There is no other way of looking at it in the current condition. This is anti-regulation from somebody that made a fortune out of his Lehman connections and his anti-regulation shit just leaked out. This should be enough to put this asshole in jail.
- Regulation stops jobs? Well no you dumbass mofos, let's let people call themselves doctors and nuses, you dumbass mofos. Seriosly, am I wrong. We'd be more employed if I could say I was some old fart with serious educational credentials, and give me job making little shits pay attentiona and learn something. I've actually done this with success. For extended periods of time. ai'd say, if you consider the Obama jobs plan and education. I'd be awesome. i could find you one gigantic bunch of kids that would say I was the greatest sub that ever lived. Fact is, any sub assignment, I probably knew more about the subject than the scheduled teacher. I KNOW SHIT MOST PEOPLE DON'T. I'm supposed to think there is something wrong with that. I am smarter. I care a great deal more about everbody else.y
- LAMary, how does this mae sense. My dad was a polymath purely brilliant doctor that knew everthing about everything, That was emily's everything.
- No basset, I can get tucked to be be tucked to whatever, Ate you kiddin? Kasivh was horseshit on slaughetering the animals that are better than he is. How does this read. The previous governor had a way inplace. Now republican assholse are trying to claim it's the prvious bubernators fault. These people are absolutely shameless. What the fuckk is wtonong eith Republivans? These assholes do not know shame.
- Do you have the slightest understanding of how anybody understands anything ling like dummbnasses? because I never came close to how dumb as you are.
- Sredni vashtar, Dex. And, Swriously stupid ideas, seriously fine music.
- He should be sticking to, boots of steel. Guy thinks he's Better than Dylan. This ain't Gates of Eden. He seems intelligent enough to understand that.
- Marco Rubio, son of exiles? Well, bullshit. Marco Rubio, son of Batista-loving assholes like the GOPers in Congress, who ran away from Cuba with all the money and were welcomed to FLA because Castro was (horeurs) a commoniss, and, well, they were loaded. These people have been fucking up American political processes since the Fabulous 50s. Batista was an evil dictator on par with Pinochet, Somoza, Peron, Rios Mont and other foul excrescences of Central and South America, nurtured by School of the Americas death squad training. The Batistaistas that fled to FLA were running away from the wrath of their maltreated slaves, and they raped Cuba of it's wealth to buy into the USA when they ran like the 20th Century slaver curs they were. As far as Marco's "boyish good looks" are concerned, he looks like a petulant gay-bashing closeted gay guy to me, AKA a Republican, sort of like Santorum without the prissy pursed lips, no wait, he's got those too, like the "little brown one" adopted grandchild of HW. Maybe he should consult Marcus Bachmann. Like Batista. Take a look Cooz, you will love the photo. Straight outta Desilu. And didn't American government pay these assholes a fortune to enslave people for American (mostly agri-) business? Seriously, if you take Rubio's story at face value, how could you figure his parents weren't just assholes? Ah, but they were US Sugar Corporation assholes. Jimmie, seriously? I thought Obama's real daddy was Stokely Carmichael, or Eldridge Cleaver, or, just maybe, Patrice Lumumba or Friedrich Engels. Maybe Bill Cosby (was that inadvertently the first rap recording?). You mean to say Obama is not a Kenyan MauMau anti-colonialist? Holy shit. Maybe his real mom is Angela Davis. Or Moms Mabely. I'm just going to tell myself you're joking. And Borden, it ain't funny. That attitude is what made it so easy for the Nixon spawn scum to get away with the Swift Boat bullshit, while the coke-huffing draft and NatGuard dodging little Pretzeldent got a pass to steal Cuyahoga Co. blind. Think that did some serious damage to the body politic and the Commonweal? Speaking of which, commonweal is pretty much a Catholic Church term, and it's what all GOPers sniff around and woud never touch, like toying with the 3rd rail. On the other hand, when these heartless bastards talk about a country of Christian values, isn't commonweal what they should mean, and how they ought to be judged?
- Brian, Was Steve Forbes a more serious candidate than Pat Paulsen? Coulda fooled me. Next thing, somebody will tell me his ravaged facial skin was just Fx, or that he took a lot of Methoxalan and ate a bunch of cardboard pizza and turned into Herman Cain. Exclamation points? Fuckin' A!!!!! I like colons and semicolons, but would love to learn to think in eSpanish, with upside down exclamation points and question marks. How cool is that¿¡¿¡¿¡ Jack Kemp was a decidedly mediocre professional QB, and more of a dickhead as a Congressperson. I certainly liked the former better than the latter, but any Republican as decent and normal and patriotic as Jack Kemp would be welcome about now. Never get elected. Look what the shitheel party did to Arlen Specter. Just for fun, and the mention of accupuncture, take a listen:
- And the “little brown one” comment? Foul and vulgar. Really shows how you “care” more than anyone else. Seriously Mark. George HW Bush said that. What he actually said was "We love 'em all, even the little brown ones". And when did I claim to "care" more than anyone else? I do not. But I do care enough to go on living and working at the food bank and Habitat, where I can accomplish something good. Oh, and And what made me think a member of the Bush family was accountable for anything that came out of a Bush mouth? What a maroon. You do know that HW once said in public that he and Raygun had had sex. I don't hate anybody. Too strong a term. But I do experience moderate to extreme distaste for people that insist upon using verbs (hate) in place of perfectly serviceable nouns (hatred). But that's just my intolerance. You're bullshit is mildly annoying, because small minds are inevitably annoying, particularly when they just make shit up, like, I dunno, Marco Rubio, who made his political career on separating a kid from his dad, against the kid's wishes, because he knew better. Concerning FLA, who the fuck votes for insane people like Alan West and mastercriminals like Rick Scott, who did his best to screw over Medicare until it was smal enough to drown in a bathtub.
- Seriously Mary? Gives me the heebie-jeebies. Maybe I need Marcus Bachmann. But that's barf-worthy. Guy looks like Michael Jeeter. Eek¿¡¿¡¿ ¿¡¿¡¿ı And Mark, you think it's just fine to make shit up if you're a politician? Rubio's parents were most definitely members of the slave owner class under Batista. If you deny this, you basically ignore history. Batista Cubanos are an invasive species in South Florida that everybody loved because they had big bucks. These are the assholes that devised the moronic Bay of Pigs invasion. These self-aggrandizing "exoes" would be happy to move into Haiti and make Haitians their slaves. They sure as shit don't care about Cuba. These are venal shitheel GOPers, and them GOPers loves them some Central American dictators with death squads.
- Connie, Take care.
- Oh, and the scuttlebutt among the staff was “Please g*d never give me pancreatic, oral or bone cancer.” Ugly, painful, and unstoppable death most of the time. Esaphogeal seems to be the worst. My mom died of breast cancer. It was awful. She was a medical professional of tremendous knowlege and skills. My dad that loved my mom almost inordinately was a brilliant doctor. Neither of them could do a thing. Cancer seems to have been built in, like a killswitch. I'd give back my next half-hour for time with either of them, Most especially both. When I die, I do not want anything attending my death. Throw me to sharks off Ptown when the boats are shoveling off chum. Thanatopsis.
- Wait, I get it. Hate is a noun that means pointing out when GOPers lie their asses off. It's not a verb after all. Well it is, obviously, but you get it.
- How will the sanctimonious "progressives" "frame" the Iraq draw-down as insufficient? Do these people not understand the grotesque irony that they took their name from George Lakoff, the GOPer shithead that produced morons acting like they never ran the Southern Strategy? Party of Lincoln? Since when? Story is, Who in God's name thinks a Republican cares about anybody but himself? Like these bizarre Teabangers that seem to be intent upon fucking themselves over. Boy howdy, if you thought you couldn't be stupider than a lemming, you ain't seen nothing yet.
- Brian, I'd prefer a mountain lion to a heart attack. Way cooler. As I ride my bike 20 miles every day, I think my chances are better for the Lion (actually, the Escalade). Of course here in the Low Country, I;d prefer a panther, but people being what they are, there aren't any panthers anymore. Gators, I'd prefer not. Marvelous, impressive beasts, but I'm afraid death by gator would be terribly painful. Tylenol is more or less worthless, Dorothy. Aspirin or naproxen is the ticket, and the latter is more effective. As for lions, I like Bruce Cockburn's take on the subject: An astonishingly fine song by a Canadian national treasure on a par with Neal Young and Robbie Robertson. I'd add in Levon, but he is Arkansas born and bred like two of my brothers, which is fortunate, since that allowed him to give Bob Dylan's Band soul. Robbie did write The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down. Which should certainly make him an honorary American. Best Civil Wat remembrance ever, probably, If that doesn't make me a hater. Those reenactors are all probably big fans of Hermanator. I despise Herman because he is an out and out bigot, a flagrant liar, and a ridiculous demagogue, which is probably why Mark accuses me of hate, by which I imagine he means hatred. Joe said something similar, and since this is the internet, I've got no evidence with which to defend myselg from the plastic pocket protector police. Do I seem hatred-filled to any of you? I've been accused of hating W. Sorry, he is too much of a pisant to hate (see, it's a verb, even has an infinitive form). W is despicable, for accepting Scalia's appointment to the Presidency, and Cheney's self-appointed master and commandership. But hatred, maybe for basking in the Swift Boaters acting like the little turd served while slandering a true hero like Kerry. The problem is less with Shrub than it is with the astounding stupidity of American society. The whole Dan Rather flap about the allegedly forged documents? The woman that would have typed them says without any doubt that the content was 100% authentic. Meanwhile, the turtle in Over the Hedge is convinced he's about to kick it because he walks around smelling cantaloupes. Everyone should die while having a dream about having sex. Sounds like a plan to me. Or under big doses of lysergic acid and having sex with someone you really care about. Have I ever struck any of y'all as prone to misanthropy? I'm not used to being accused of anything like that. I do find that Republicans and their lunatic lackeys are kinda opposed to most of the human race, and I think that's offensive, but hate? I think not. And Connie, Take care and be well.
- Nick Lowe's bastard twin, separated at birth. Funnier and stranger.
- Why does Japan produce such bizarre shit? Juan Cole is obviously the best and most trustworthy source for Middle East news, but he's pretty sharp about current USA politics too.
- Happy 67th birthday to Catherine Deneuve, Charlotte Rampling's contemporary. These two women are great actors, with incredible sexual power on the screen. My friends and I didn't go to see Vanishing Point over and over for the Charger, it was Rampling's hitchhiker. Her turn as the seductress in The Verdict was superb. Deneuve had signature roles in The Hunger (good Halloween movie), with David Bowie, one of the creepiest affecting movies ever made about obsession, Roman Polanski's Repulsion, and Belle de Jour. Oh, and the brilliant Umbrellas of Cherbourg. Both these women still take roles regularly, thank goodness, as does Julie Christie (Heaven Can Wait with Warren Beatty is a personal favorite of mine, but McCabe and Mrs. Miller is her masterpiece, though most people would choose Zhivago)), another beautiful woman and wonderful actor from the same film era. She made another excellent movie with Tom Courtenay, called Billy Liar, way back in the early 60s. Every one of these movies is well worth a couple of hours.
- Brilliant tweet from Ellen Barkin.
- Nitwir: Living to be very old is not at all that alluring. Putting on After the Goldrush on repeat, yeah, maybe. Those first few piano chords just kill me every time.
- After the idea of getting old, damn, I do not want to. When my dad died, he was pretty old. I spent a lot of time with him when he was dying. We talked about Smilla's Sense of Snow, which was a favorite book of my mom's. My dad had never gotten over her departure, me neither. He was happy to kick it. I was happy for him to die. It is absolutely what he wanted. I was horribly sad. This was the smartest and most enjoyable person I'd ever known. And the only human I'd ever thought of taking advice from. You know, it's your dad. And if you don't know, sorry for your ass, My dad was astounding. Brilliant about politics, knew important people like Walter Reuther and MLK, courageous, just a man's man. My dad. Truly awesome.
- Personally, I like the jetpack guys. They look like they're lighting up internally-produced methane. I don't want small aircraft regulation going anyplace. The airport is only a mile away, and pilots land on the beach and US278 all too often. Several times a year. And I may be obtuse, but I fail to see any connection between regulation of business enterprises and employment. This bogus connection implies and relies on the ridiculous assumption that making money is not enough for entrepreneurs, that they hire workers out of the goodness of their hearts, and that there would never be any business if doing business incurs costs. Totally asinine. Electricity could be generated by burning coal with minuscule adverse environmental effects, with currently available technology, but nobody is willing to pay the cost for the scrubbers, which basically double for each %age point of increased efficiency. Electricity should not be a for-profit business. You end up with Enron, and the Koch bros.
- Brilliant Tom Toles cartoon:
- This will make your day, if you aren't petrified. Barrence and the Savages were practically the house band at Jacks, a legendary bar on Mass Ave. in Cambridge, the MA city that elected an actual communist mayor. That would be Al Vellucci. Who was actually his own political party, sui generis.
- Just reading back. Did Jobs actually have the temerity to tell Obama ”make it easier for companiess to build in the US”. What? Let them take advantage of society and infrastructure and a legal environment without buying in at all? If business and industry were told when they wake up Monday Oct. 24, 2011 that they didn't ever have to pay any US taxes again, they would demand some sort of corporate welfare subsidies to remain in the US employing Americans. Just a culture of bidness entitlement. And I'll believe corporations are people too, when one of them takes a long walk to Mr. Sparky from the Huntsville unit, and Rick Perry doesn't intervene. This entire argument is horseshit. For instance, let's go with the benevolent hand and make the gasoline whore corporations deal with no subsidies. I mean unadulterated capitalism. Think cars would get more energy efficient, really PDQ?
- Swamp thing looks a great deal like George Clinton on a bad hair day. And I wonder if that chunky guy in the leotard and sparkly wings with the King of Hearts tat is supposed to be the strange Turkish resident of the Chelsea Hotel that dresses as an angel in Netherland, the excellent novel by Paul O'Neill. Which "things" would those be Cooze.
- Here's why it is absolute bullshit for WaPo to run a big story today about the Presiden't alleged failure to help out underwater mortgagees. What do they suggest Obama can do? Ninjas? Praetorians? What? This is bullshit journalism and completely belies the well known WaPo/liberal press shibboleth. I am assuming that these self-alleged political experts actually understand how the real world works, but maybe that is giving them too much credit.
- Nancy, I think I saw you and your husband in that guise, years ago, under the influence of outstanding hallucinogens. Freaked me out. If it wasn't y'all, that's probably spookier. Your concept of how to dress the March Hare, if I don't presume too much, is brilliant. That's a halloween costume that should be considered vintage, and should be brought back for encores. Between the two of you, I think, no matter how bad the Masonic neighborhood is these days, and that hurts my heart and my soul to consider, you would have had nothing to fear from larcenous punks. Woulda scared the shit out of them. When I was a kid, Detroit was under the protection of the Panthers at night, TMU in daytime, and nobody that wasn't some objectionable Ofay asshole had to fear going anywhere at all, at nighttime. edit:
- Sorry basset, but that is spectacularly poor journalism, and it's infuriating. Nobody needs bother. AwPo has been beaten into submission when it used to be a great paper. The damage this sort of idiot pandering does to American government is almost incomprehensible. Maybe it doan mean shit, and maybe it's pernicious. Just ignore, if it suits you.
- I thought pussy ass journalism was open game here, particularly when it threatens the American way of life. I know, it was a funny day with no politics, but When I post a link, nothing to make anybody bother. Nothing to see hear. And if Progressives, which I'm guessing lot's of yourselves fashion yourselves, you sur shit the bed in the 2010 Congressional elections. So maybe something is up. But really, Nancy's costume is spectacular. So's her hubby's and I immediately take that that asinine sobriquette. There has never been a hubby, ever, unless there was an obnoxious better half. So my consideration of my political obnoxiousness, just ignore me. I know, I'm smart and flashy sometimes. Shit Cooze makes me look like wallowing. Not really, but much mor ordiferous. what did I do wrong, basset? politics? Truly, I am entirely unsure how I may have offended you. The politics is important. N'est'pa? This is very bad shit.
- Am I a moron? Is everything I think horseshit? Whatever, Basset's right. I am too worried about actual considerations of the Constitution. And what sort of shit we can all expect. No way to consider. Whatever anything we ever thought about each other . Cry this away. This is one piece of bs as possible . No kidding? What we say for sure, you asshole. You are only mildly attractive with th what the hey. I do insist on some sort of thought about you. You might be my my friwnd NS YOU My not, I knoq qhT I lqYA THOUGHT bout how we were auppoaed ro xibauswe owoplw. You xiukld nor qhT I RGIYGHT.
- THERE IA NO XONAISWRtion I rhink BOUT YOU. re qw kidding?
- Dex, I am green with envy for the second time today. At the grocery, I saw a guy with a denim jacket with the Sons patch on the back. perfectly. Is their backstory on the plague doctor. I loved the movie The Devil, By Ken Russel, with Oliver Reed, So fucked up. I'm apologixing if bogus aholes zcrew my cnidertins rayally, All fun nd gMez, get it Bzzett. But these asholes perpetuate their horseshit. I meen that could be z Buddy Roemef out theif. Zmebody might be ztupid andd not conider wht a true shit this guy is
- Dex, I am green with envy for the second time today. At the grocery, I saw a guy with a denim jacket with the Sons patch on the back. perfectly. Is their backstory on the plague doctor. I loved the movie The Devils, By Ken Russel, with Oliver Reed, So fucked up. I'm apologixing if bogus aholes zcrew my cnidertins rayally, All fun nd gMez, get it Bzzett. But these asholes perpetuate their horseshit. I meen that could be z Buddy Roemef out theif. Somebody might be ztupid andd not conider what a true shit Herman Cain is. In a million years. Bad as can be. Mondo stupidity. People ar moronic enough to buy this moron's shit? Fuckinwhtn asshole.g idiots. Stand and deliver. Like a real life tune. Herman cain is famous for putting people out of work,
- Sex, Lies and Videotape is most likely the most onanistic and asinine movie ever made by a self-proclaimed auteur. What's worse, it turned James Spader, a worthwhile screen creep, into a joke, that would actually appear in Secretary, presumably because he wanted to spank Maggie Gyllenhaal. That movie was execrable. What good movie has Soderbergh made? Traffic was decent, but like a pale imitation of Babel. Remaking Solaris, which was a snooze-fest to begin with? Michelle is just sticking with the party bullshit. Wolfowitz said many times the invasion would pay for itself, starting way back when PNAC tried to talk Clinton into that Iraq invasion idiocy. If people are too damn stupid to understand that two invasions, two occupations, and massive tax cuts, together with deregulation of the greediest assholes without conscience on the face of the earth screwed the economy pooch, and think it was electing a MauMau anti-colonialist instead that caused problems, disenfranchisement for you. Too fucking stupid to vote. Too much monkey business. John G. Financial markets collapse when it profits the aholes that manipulate them for profit. Plainly and simply. Haven't seen Contagion and will probably wait for three nights in a row on TNT, but A particularly nasty flu virus, trailing central nervous system complications? I think Steven King already did that, to pretty great effect.
- Jennifer Lopez is excellent in The Cell, an under-rated movie. And she was pretty convincing as the revenge murderess in Enough. Great, well-deserved ass-kicking. She seems like a nice woman, and fairly talented, and I've never understood why people give her all sorts of shit. Anybody ever see Mark Bittman actually cook? LAMary, yo on the Dutch oven. Absolutely essential for spaghetti sauce and chili. Mine matches my cabinets. But that sucker weighs about 40 lbs. I've also got an OXO (good company) mandoline, but to me that is more of a way cool tool than a cooking implement. Cutting boards are crucial, as are knives. I've got a sharpener (also by OXO) for my knives (yep, Henckels, purchased one at a time) and use it whenever I'm about to slice tomatoes, peppers and Vidalias. When the GOPers and true blue looneys like the Pauls rail against education as a function of government, does it ever dawn on their mediocre brains that the GOP invented land grant colleges? Do these idiots know Nixon is the one when it comes to the EPA and OSHA? And was there ever any intention other than killing Medicare behind Buddy Roemer's prescription drug benefit (well, that and making Buddy really, really rich)? Julie, we're in what should be hurricane country, but God put Myrtle a few hours north, and it's like trailerparks to tornados. But "when bad shit happens" there is always a "heckuva job Brownie" to make it better.
- Keystone XL pipeline? NFW. First place, it's a national security nightmare. Second place, how does a Canadian company take American land by invoking eminent domain. GOPers will howl about jobs if the State Department rightfully shuts down this boondoggle, the same way they are insisting on the Arizona copper mine, which is a massive land giveaway to an immense Chilean-based multi-national, that would cede mineral rights and get nothing in return in royalties to the federal government. An insane deal only Republicans could love. Neither of these canards is very likely to produce real jobs, as the GOP claims: both will certainly consolidate wealth in an even smaller nugget to the detriment of vast numbers of Americans. But what the hell, this is the very same pay to play bullshit Perry has employed in Tejas.
- Tom Waits has always put me in my mind of albums Don Van Vliet would have made had he possessed human DNA and a breakable human heart. This new album has typically beautiful ballads with circus Wurlitzer accompaniment, more or less straight blues, and what seems to be a hugely inventive anti-military-industrial-complex tirade (Hell Broke Luce). Source for Hatch Chilis. Part of the proceeds funds chili research at New Mexico State. Have ordered from this site before, at the recommendation of a friend from New Mexico, who's a connoisseur of chilis. Very satisfied with the results.
- Until a few years ago, the idea of buying food online struck me as ridiculous. Since then, I've become a regular patron of Burger's Smokehouse. (Best bacon I've ever eaten. Great hams and smoked turkey, duckling , pheasant, etc., very good pork barbecue and brisket). These are things that are a pain in the ass to shop for by bike.Perishables shipped with dry ice have never arrived with any problem. The roasted chiles from the Biad Chili Products site are always excellent, and when I read about their work using plant genetics to restore heirloom varieties, I was a convert. We also buy great ancho chili powder from a company online called Colorado Spice: And we get superb Kenyan and Sumatran dark roasts from Gevalia, on a schedule that took a while to get right, but works perfectly now. We've got a regular UPS guy, who has us last on his route, so we never miss deliveries. I know this is less than environmentally sound. Then again it keeps people employed. As for continuing employment, I've got a backload of clients that will need my help is lawsuits over the next few years. Pays even better than writing original contract documents. Depositions over the phone are very easy money.
- FLA residents elected Alan West, who is totally delusional, very possibly schizophrenic, and Rick Scott, the unquestionably biggest crook in the history of American health care.Why is anybody surprised by dwarf tossing as a jobs program? We're partial to Alton Brown's pot roast (he's a fellow UGA alum.) We agree with the choice of the 7-bone top blade cut chuck as optimal for pot roast and eschew the raisins, although occasionally including currants or fresh cranberries (which admittedly, might sound as weird), and invariably some shrooms, since everything's better with shrooms.). My mom never made pot roast (though her mother made a classic version), so having pot roast at another kid's house always seemed like a treat to me. The balsamic imparts a wonderful flavor. A dish of this sort demands a sturdy salt. Mr. Brown uses kosher salt in everything, but we like Celtic grey sea salt purchased through Nancy's Lounge and Amazon, and we use wonderful "organic" olive oil called Zoe that comes from Spain by way of Amazon. The oil comes in beautifully decorated tins, which I save, expecting at any time to devise a means of recycling them. Maybe as containers for growing herbs.
- "Police riots of '68"? Got that right, Beb. Chicago PD acted as a criminal conspiracy, terrorist cell, or both in Grant Park that summer. When I was 16 or 17, I went to Mass at the Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak. Coughlin stopped Mass four times at unprescribed spots in the liturgy to deliver sermons/rants about the efficacy and righteousness of the escapade in Viet Nam. In a way, I owe the asshole. His unseemly influence caused my Draft Board in Royal Oak to have the country's highest rate of volunteerism. I was able to drop my student deferment for a 1A with nearly certain knowledge they'd never reach my appalling 46 lottery number. Hello, 4H. I want to see Occupy Boston, because by law, the Common is owned by every citizen of the Commonwealth. Menino and the cops could not do a thing legally. In fact, by Charter, every citizen of Massachusetts has a legal right to graze a cow on the Common, across the street form the State House. Halloween Music: Bringing Mary Home. Ghost Riders.
- It's pretty obvious from GOPer shenanigans in the supercommitte, that these frauds don't care about balanced budgets or paid down debt. Their dual aims are to cut revenue to the bone, and subsequently, to scale federal government down to defense and leasing mineral rights to multinationals for next to nothing. Of course, their go-to is cutting rich people taxes and fighting class warfare on their behalf. That's where the obscene campaign contributions are, not those lazy ass middle class people whose productivity created the wealth the 1% are consolidating.
- I was at Grant Park during the Convention in'68. Those cops weren't under anybody's command but the spirit of the mob they formed. Dailey was a law and order asshole, but his alleged political affiliations had nothing to do what went on then and there. Those cops were completely out of control.
- I've never understood adverse reaction to Sweet Home Alabama. The idea that the song was somehow an endorsement of George Corley Wallace was debunked years, decades now, ago. They were just annoyed at Neil Young's horribly screechy and preachy Southern Man (easily career most awful vocal performance). Like there were no slaves in Canada, right, Neil? I think Warren Zevon's response is an intelligent one, portraying Alabama's disenfranchised poor as victims. A better Alabama song, anyway. And there is no rational doubting the liberal credentials of the Long Ryders.
- The Straight Dope explains witches and broomsticks. Who exactly is the entitled class, Herman? Something for nothing? More like a ton of cash for FUBAR.
- Your settlement will be worked out not with armed police, but with regulators in suits who used to work for your company or one like it. And you’ll have, defending you, a former head of that regulator’s agency. In the end, a fine will be paid to the government, but it won’t come out of your pocket personally; it will be paid by your company’s shareholders. And there will be no admission of criminal wrongdoing. And the fine will invariably be reduced 10- or 100-fold, or more, by some judge shopped Raygun-appointed District Court before payment. This is for instance how Don Blankenship got away with serial murder while not getting shitcanned by Massey for bankrupting the company with fines for criminally negligent behavior. If I pulled a scam like the shitty mortgage derivative mess, I'd go to jail forever and it wouldn't be Club Fed, and every dime and property I own would be forfeit. I also wouldn't get to try and claim it was Freddy's and Fannie's fault. I'm printing this out so I can stuff it down the throat of the next Teabanging ahole I hear spout that GOPer financial pirate horseshit about how Fannie, Freddy and CRA are the root of all financial evil. They made AIG, Lehman and Countrywide collude in a criminal enterprise. If by that shibboleth is meant that when the GOPer pro-business community was finished with fucking up CRA and castrating the regulators, the temptation to screw the economy beyond all recognition was just to much for their corroded souls to pass on, well, OK, obviously true. If they are placing blame on what were originally honest progressive measures intended to make American economic society expansive and beneficial in an egalitarian way for their own malignant and rapacious bad acts, where's my AK? (Just to make them wet their bespoke suit trousers, and maybe knock 'em around a little. And these bailed-out bastards that have proven themselves moral midges (much smaller than midgets) are trying to claim that socking the profits availed them by having been bailed out instead of nourishing a sluggish economy is the fault of Dodd-Frank. Right you dickheads, because you've proven yourselves reliable and cooperative corporate citizens, oh, excuse me, full citizens, just like anybody else. The standard crap about Dodd-Frank is so tricked out phony it's amazing anyone but pudding-face McConnel can spout it without barfing, laughing, or both:
- Much cool stuff about the movie. Don't look if you still want to figure it out for yourself. I didn't think the movie was terribly frightening. I mean, the bobbing for corpses in the unfinished swimming pool scene in Poltergeist was way scarier, as was the too-long JoBeth Williams thinks it's safe to take a bath scene at the end. And the malevolent clown toy gives me the creeps just thinking about it. Alien and the first sequel were way scarier. Hard to figure what one person finds disturbing and another ridiculous. The John Carpenter iteration of The Thing scared the hell out of me, but the Elm Street and Halloween movies, derisible. If these two don't creep you out, you need to see a psychiatrist. "Come play with us Danny." On the other hand, Blair Witch was just bad, and not even in a so bad it's good way. I left because I couldn't put up with all the gasping and shrieks in the theater. Anyway, you know what Beetlejuice said about the movie: I've seen "The Exorcist" about 167 times, and it keeps getting funnier every single time I see it! Not to mention the fact that you're talking to a dead guy, now what do you think? Do you think I'm qualified? S, the woman I live with won't watch Beetlejuice with me because it's "scary". I think it's one of the funniest movies ever.
- Excellent compressed Beetlejuice video: Day-o. Catherine O'Hara goes the whole ten on this. There are so many small flashes of humor by reference in this movie, its perfect for multiple views. When Beetlejuice changes Otho's hipster clothes into a polyester leisure suit, the look of abject terror cracks me up every time. Whoever cast Sylvia Sydney as Juno, guide to the dead, had a flash of genius. Tim Burton, no doubt, who in my opinion has never made a bad movie.
- I think The Hunger, with Catharine Deneuve and David Bowie is a very good Halloween movie. For classics that mostly nobody has ever seen, try Isle of the Dead or Cat People by Val Lewton. Incredibly spooky and atmospheric. I'm sure I saw both of those up late on Friday nights on the Morgus late night movie show in Detroit: The Tingler was another Morgus favorite. Seeing movies with foreigners is interesting. I saw L' horde sauvage (The Wild Bunch) in a packed theater in Geneva, the summer it came out. Some grotesque Ugly Americans laughed their way through it. And seriously, there is little to laugh at in that Peckinpah classic. The director said he intended to give the audience "some idea of what it is to be gunned down."
- Cherry on top of the GOPer Bananas Split. Just in time for Halloween. Whose votes does he attract? Everybody but Newt and Ron Paul, I'd guess.
- Anybody that's not doing anything in particular tonight that feels like watching a scary F-in' movie, TNT is showing 1408 at 8pm. A good Steven King adaptation, with the excellent John Cusack. Mucho metaphysical, and pretty damn frightening. Actually, the Val Lewton b/w spooky classic Cat People is on Turner Classic (highly recommended by me). The erotic subtext is awesome. Anyone with kids to entertain for Halloween, well Who Ya Gonna Call? (I love this song. I ain't afraida no ghosts is as good as Well, I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft. There is a decided debt Ray Parker owes to the BarKays, too.)) Another great choice is The Witches (I think it was a Roald Dahl story), with Anjelica Huston devouring scenery shamelessly. Outstanding kid/adult movie. It's about accidentally running afoul of a world-wide witch convention.
- Spectacular cover of funk classic by bunch of Japanese kids in a club. Back in the day, there was bullshit about Ray Parker being sued for plagiarizing I Want a New Drug. Bar Kays could have sued both for stealing Soulfinger. Signed, Sealed, Delivered. Hard to believe looking at her this little lady sounds like she does. Amazing voice.
- Ykou all want to crash down on Jesuits. Fine and dandy. Teillhard knew more about than how the humn race was becoming god thn you ever imgined. Or I'm a moron on this subject. However you say.
- basset, Close Encounters is a hard slog. Mostly Richard Dreyfuss self-adoration. But once the aliens actually deign to make contact, it's magical. The only electronic music I ever took to. Keith Emerson played this when I saw ELP in the old Boston Garden, fourth row. My ears are still ringing. Linda, I was restrained in my seat for most of Raging Bull. Godamighty that was a dogass movie glorifying a wife-beating asshole that wasn't a good boxer. And nobody wrote a script. DeNiro just said "fuck" every other word in all of its varieties. I seriously objected to that movie. basset, I love the Ravi parts. If you play stringed instruments, that's got to get you going. BeatleGeorge was a neophyte, I just bought an electric version. Way fun. Then there is how much fun can be had with a sitar: Little Bird, that is what I mean. There is no telling what and why an individual finds frightening. Steven King seems to understand this. My ex was horrified by the violence in the first version of Walking Tall. Didn't phase me. Blair Witch was ludicrous and ridiculously sophomoronic. Like Porky's without the titties.
- Are Republicans connected remotely to reality? That is scary. Man's inhumanity, as the lifeblood of a whole political party.
- Cooze, when I was a kid, my dad had a doctor friend named Mohinder Singh that bought me a sitar. It's an amazing instrument. There is no telling where this could go. It is fairly obvious Americans are fucking blind, Are they deaf too? Yeaah, the great Mohinder greatest triple jumper that ever lived. Sports rules, and not because I was good at it.
- It's Sammhain. Read the Charles de Lint books, you will like them.
- Is there some sort of homer fool thaat doesn't understand playing at Jax is a homegame for FLA? This is college football bullshit, and nobody else has to deal with it. So, we kick they ass. Go Dawgs.
- “I happen to know there were sealed settlements reached in the plural. I think that anybody who thinks this was a one-time, one-person transgression would be mistaken.” Settlements in the five figures. Did any of these women have a going away party at Pepperdine where they showed off their kneepads? Because the Clinton comparisons are coming, fast and furious. Paul may have been a better guitar player than George, but not nearly as inspired.
- Cool beyond belief. The other Willbury's. And what woman could resist the Hermanator? Kommissar Karl has undoubtedly got tape. They are Republicans after all. Elvira, mistress of the dark.
- How about Thomas the Rhymer, basset. lyrics:
- Nancy. You've made me think about the Erie Canal. Those assholes making fun of people fucked over on mortgages, my fists their faces. It was not Fannie or Freddie. It was not CRA or ACORN. It was a buncha greedy fucks like the guy in American Psycho. And they were GOPers without a doubt. Best American band ever (many years later): Or it was Credence.
- Cooze, You know when the GOPers had to kick Hermanator to the curb, it would be Mandingo. The fact that these aholes are trying to pin this on Dems is hilarious. I mean, it's another lynching. Are these accusers tubby white lady teabangers or gorgeous, well-educated black women? That was one great movie, Joe. Indie for flyboys. Listen to this: The "Looks so fine" descant harmony by Steve and Neil is heartbreaking. As are Stills' beautiful guitar fills. Seems like they decided to spotlight Richie's songs.
- Holy shit, Joe? Self-made? Yeah. tell that to the interlocoturs in the Koch Bros. Kriminal Konspiracy. Locked, bought, and sealed. Pure D Astroturf. Give me a fucking break, and while you're doing that, explain how shitcanning all those Godfathers employees recommends you for the Presidency. The guy is the KochBros nincompoop. So, yeah, that's scary. The asshole is unconscionable.
- Pubic hairs on their koch cans, Blaming this on the so-called liferal MSM is just hilarious. Rove without a doubt, And given Hermanator's idiot sureety, undoubdetly true. Guy is a self-important ahole.
- WhAT A CROCK. Those are my mom and dad with my brother and his ex wife that I love to this day Miss Chris rules. One great lady.
- How ia it that smart people get wealthy on dumbasses backsds? It's astounnding, Why you are all a buncha rich assholes
- SERIOUSLLY, , WE HAVE THE Lewinski went there to pull a fast one, and she was so full of shit it was someething beyond bullshit,
- Major lyiing sacK OF CRAP..
- Major bigguthus dicketh weenie, Long Dong, he wishes. What a jackass. If the nitwit from pisspoint didn't give black guys a bad name.
- Jolene, Of course you love whoppers. Sorry but that is just wallking into one.
- They are shitheels on their own. Holy shit what assholes, Zombie shit heels no doubt.
- Send him to hell. Bad manager, Almost as bad as Joe Torre, who positively sucked,
- Hard to imagine a worse manager. Sparky sucked, but he wasn;t really horrible, Just an idiot. Joe Torre, seriously bad manager. You do not get worse than that. That guy is atrociousd,Truly bad. truly horrible./
- You cannot be woraw. Rhis ssholw zucka. ou cannot be more dogass mangerer, worst ever,;
- Havta say. Whoppers were great for winging at the theater. I've got little Snickers in my desk drawers. Whoppers and root beer barrels. There are such things as generic Whoppers. I've no idea what they are called, but they also come in milk containers. Ruth? Ruth? Baby Ruth? reminds me of Sloth, and The Goonies. One of the greatest movies ever made. Quotable. My mom's favorite part. Fitty dorruh bills. Fitty dorruh bills. But how do people eat Three Musketeers. Blander than bland? Intentionally.
- Jolene, wrong. Snickers rule, always will. Peter Paul Mounds too.
- Colin Powell? I think not. Right there with Ollie North screwing over the Constitution to support them Freedom Fighters in Nicaragua, rape a few nuns and kill some Jesuits, shoot an archbishop at the communion rail, no regrets. SOA shithead. My Lai coverer up. Bigtime liar.
- Ann Coulter says Our blacks are better than their half-black. Totally insane, and that is a very prominent Adam's apple.
- Jeff (tmmo), If he's Coulter's pet Negroe, he is toast. Which one has a bigger dick? But Syrianly? How does a national candidate get away with 9-9-9? What sort of idiotic horseshit is that? Looney fucking tunes.
- Really, the tax plan? What a flaming asshole. Surely, nobody with half a brain took that shit seriously. It's 27% on the working class. Republican wet dream.
- Sandblasting is dangerous to the blasters? Who would have thought. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. No shit Sherlock. This surprises somebody? Breathing dust is not healthy for humans. We have wonderful sounds in the air today. Chopsaws and framing hammers, and mortar mixers. Houses being built. Meskins and rednecks at work, and enjoying each others company. I never read A River Runs Through It, and haven't seen the movie. Tom Skerrit was great on TV, but in the movies, he screwed up Poltergeist beyond belief. He was in that, right? As far as ending on a water theme: "I am haunted by waters" is egregious. Atrocious. Fucking gag-inducing. And Maggie, have you read Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowatt? I'm pretty sure you'd like it if you like a book about fire jumping. In general, the drooling monk is the one on smack.
- Does anybody think Kommissar Karl Rove isn't behind the Cain expose? And Limbaugh is calling it racism. Godamighty what an asshole. As far as missing money is concerned, I want Cheney gone to jail over the pallettes of millions. He arranged it and he stole it. And he is most certainly a war criminal. If there is justice in the world, this rank bastard will get his. Inexcusable POS. I once worked for an engineering company in Boston, and one of the owners decided I should edit every single piece of correspondence before it left our office. Obviously, this was immenseley burdensome and cut into my real job, which was writing specs for heat pumps. Worst of all was dealing with the hard feelings from people that actually thought, with some reason in fact, that they were decent writers. I despise split infinitives, but that is frequently unreasonable. I dislike prepositions at the ends of sentences. Big Whoop. When you change the words of people that don't write for a living, hard feelings ensue. This experiment was a disaster. I was also the boss of the word procesing ladies, and they were told not to type a letter unless I'd initialed it. Nucking Futs.
- Tibetans are grossly over-rated on mandalas. Here in North America, we have the Navajos.
- Jim, that woman at the beginning, looks like too many old football coaches that haunt my memories. She looks like she's telling the bunnies they will end up stew if they don't clear those hurdles.
- Gee, Mark. Which part of what LaHood said isn't actual fact? Senator Blancmange-face (R, Massey) actually came right out and admitted it. As far as a 2012 GOPer administration, keep dreaming. Who's that gonna be. Hermanator? Mittens? Santorum? Newt? Sorry buncha weenies.
- If the correspondents Cain paid off have to honor a confidentiality agreement, where does the obnoxious bastard get off badmouthing them all over the place. He's currently perpetuating his original offense. What a creep.
- Sorry Mark. I didn't mean to give you a hard time. It's fascinating that a Republican called out the GOP on their nihilistic and irresponsible behavior. Like back in the day when there were Republicans that weren't virulent partisan aholes. Seems like aeons. Closest they get these days is Lindsey Graham. Some more amazing piloting.
- Cutting government spending, at all costs.
- Uh, we got Nixon because the mentors and foul forebearers of Lee Atwater had devised the disgraceful but efficient Southern Strateg yby the late 60s, and because Sirhan shot Bobby Kennedy. Anyone that thinks otherwise is so seriously dimwitted breathing is probably a challenge. Lileks undoutedly prefers the 80s, but what does that say about his "tendencies" and Flock of Seagulls? And I believe the Nixon National Nightmare began in '68. Leisure suits? Never knew anybody that wore one. And it was the colors that were truly egregious. In music, I think of the 70s as Procul's decade, in large part. It's all fine and dandy to mock the allleged excesses of Tull and ELP and Yes, but, ahem, those were virtuoso musicians, not Millli and Vanilli, or Haircut 100, or Ah-Ha, or the bullshit that passes for popular music these days. The 70s were also the years Bob Seger made scads of spectacular music and finally became a rock star.
- Kevin Durant, the anti-LeBron. Playing flag football, bored with the lockout. What a natural. I imagine his coaches aren't too happy about this.
- Jeez, I didn't have a car in high school. So much for the privileged private school kid. The car I got to drive on dates, though, was a midnight blue '63 TBird that was my mom's car. That sucker could beat a curfew without breaking a sweat on the John C. Lodge, burning through Southfield like it wasn't there. Can anybody think of a more pathetic swansong than the Hermanator claiming it is all those racist liberals out to get his ass. And since it's the absolute subtext, does anybody actually believe that Anita Hill was not absolutely forthright and truthful? Kirk: -30- We always figured it was Arnie's brew of choice, which of course made it , dare I say, "iconic". Well if you can't use the word for Arnold Palmer, it is has ceased to have any use in English. Jolene, Carey get out your cane. The wind is in from Africa. This song is the first thing I thought of with the rhapsodizing about taverns and dancing, that and the European sojourn in 2666. I'm not thrilled with this cover of a great song, but I can't find one by the genuine article. The "beach tar on my feet" line is so good it gives me goosebumps. Of course, in the first place I was conflating Mermaid Cafe with Mermaid Tavern. We get a little older and a little bit more confused. Mermaid Tavern was Walt Whitman's local, and he woud have foresaken boys if he'd been confronted with a gorgeous Canadian chanteuse who was a "pretty good cook, sittin' on her groceries." How in God's name did she create a line so trashy and so perfect. As you might guess, I'd pretty much kill for Joni Mitchell, in large part because, how many women has anybody ever seen that could haul away on a concert size Gibson and whale away on it Like she thought she was Steve Stills? edit: Like she was sure she was Steve whanging that guitar. Those dirty 70s hippies. No talent among them according to a guy, Lileks, that needs a high colonic and a long march worse than anybody that ever lived. Or buxx 'em and fuzz 'em. This is an unrenerate shitheel that He may have succeded in having sex in Singapore, but Godaamighty what a prune-faced ahole. Guy is the classic "War is heck, but it's a necessary heck along with that little Swift-Boat weasel in the seersucker suit. They can't believe they missed everything, and it pisses them off no end. Why did Nixon hate Kerry so inordinately. He did what Milhous thought you were supposed to do. I think I know. Kerry was thoughtful. Nixon never imagined. Kerry was an actual hero without giving it a whole lot of thought. He did what was required and rescued his friends. Nixon's little weenie could not have done that in a million years. That's why Nixon loved him and hated Kerry. edit: What a perverse POS.
- Seriously, the racist liberals out to get the Hermanator? Does this shitheel realize how asinine this is? He's delusional. And he's a major league asshole.
- He actually, I'd bet thought he was MLK. What Julian Bond said to me about King. His poem. See that girl, shake that thing, Too bad we all can't be Martin Luther King. No, he was repulsive. MLK was not. He was attractive. Just fuck off Herman.
- What you just ignore about these assholes just ignoring dangers. The fact is beyond consideration. These people can screw the human race. Try to say that isn't true? Kiss my ass. These people are not joking when we find them bigtime liars.
- THERE WERE PASSION PITS IN TEJAS? SAY IT AIN'T SO. WHAT A SCUMBAG STATE. What a crock o' bullshit. Could anybody be a bigger liar? Whatevever. What lying bastards. How were the 80s exactly sperate from the 70s? I'm prettyy sure there were still leisure suits?
- Carried a gun Maggie? Never did but I couldn't say why. I did show up at Grant Park. in 1968. Kicked a cops ass or teo. That was bad. and those people were without a doubt the enemy. If you don't get that, you had to be there. There is no way to describe the brutality. And anybody that wants to paint Richard Dailey as a liberal, kiss my ass. He was one unregenerate fascist pig. Oink, you idiots.
- These boys can play. Serious football. Spectacular pass. How can you not love this? Football rules. Right now. Ohio rules. That other Athens is really pretty lame. Athens is the Hedges and the entry to the University. Oldest land grant in the country. Real school. No shit. Ohio plays serious football. Sort of. Football rules. There is a great deal to be said for the sport. It's fun to play and what can we say? Your team wins. Just face it. Football is excellent. Why in God's name does anybody dislike it? Go Ohio.
- Probably the funniest thing Steve Martin ever did, and I always thought he was a better actor than a comedian. Funky Tut. I think, for instance, that Parenthood is one of the best movies anyone ever made. And I loved LA Story. And Grand Canyon is one brilliant movie. But born in Arizona moved to Babylonia. That is funny.Not quite Susannah Hoffs brilliant but pretty clever. And if the Bangles were 70s, I'd sure take that rather than Gaga. Better music by a mile.
- Wow. WKRP wasn't as "hilarious" as How I Met Your Mother"? or Big Bang Theory? Who watches these entirely dreary excuses for comedy. There ar Mash reruns on, you idiots. And Loni Anderson's character on WKRP was brilliant. In case anybody missed that. <a href="Very strange.">Modern Family is better than this? Not close. The slur on Loni Anderson is really bullshit. Her character on WKRP was supperb. She melted men to jelly by simply being statuesque and mysterious. That show was better than all of the alleged sitcoms on TV these days. By a mile.That's another thing to say for the 70s. Actual TV comedy that wasn't brain-dead smut. What sort of assholes actually tune in to How I Met Your Mother? Incomprehensible to me.
- As I was a-goin' over the Cork & Kerry Mountains I met with Captain Farrell, and his money he was countin'. First I drew my pistols and then I drew my rapier, Sayin' "Stand and deliver, for I am your bold deceiver." I'm thinking, rob it back. These mofos stole the money blind. Fuck 'em and take it back. I'm not suggesting violins, just bigger firepower. Not the best jazz tune, but a damn fine tune. Kim Who? She has an obscenely fat butt and was apparently a trophy given to Reggie Bush, that can't play football to save his life. Maybe he should try pot and hang with Ricky Williams. Might play better. Actually talented people have more attractive asses than the avoirdupois "lady". And who gives a shit? James Lileks could tell you, this is how we got reality TV, which makes the last two decades the dregs, and there is no way to deny it. Who the fuck are the idiots that prefer that shit to anything with a writer, a plot, and acting? Good Lord, an idiot could see that Miami Vice is a better way to waste an hour than Survivor of any sort. This is way beyond me. Zombie TV. What is wrong with you idiots?
- Years ago, David Letterman showed a video featuring a forlorn dog asking "Where are the folks with the food?" Anybody got a link? This was brilliant. Or this one. Mingus rules. Or probably this one. Did anybody ever have a cooler name than Thelonious? But if you are a bass player, you have to listen to Joni Mitchell playing with Mingus.
- Sue, American companies don't create jobs, they shitcan or outsource them. Romney's and Hermanator's specialties. Now how fixing bridges before they fall down is going to create a job in New Delhi, let's hear GOPers explain that. Or Tim Pawlenty. It's not too late Bozo, they are all clowns in that car.
- Or probably this one. Did anybody ever have a cooler name than Thelonious? Nope. This video reminds me of something my brother David said once, who has not got a racist bone in his body, "A black kid will put anything on his head and call it a hat."
- I'm happy people have jobs, but the idea of a wedding industry makes me exceptionally queasy. I didn't love my own. We were made to share it with a sister in law I esteem and care a great deal about, but her husband was an idio, and fucked up our wedding, but my Father in law was an ahole that figured if he controlled things they must be right. Amazing we stayed married nearly 15 years. Screwed from the getgo.
- Not in the slightest Connie. More legs. But a rational observer would have to admit that Kim Kardashian has one gigantic pair of buttocks, and that is what she is famous for. That sort of Calypigian asset is not particularly attractive in my estimation. It is generally intelligence that arouses my interest. Pretty faces are wonderful. In a billion years, you could not drag me into that mire, Connie. That is Hermanator territory. He's an idiot. I'm not.
- These people are nuts:
- Sorry I ever said anything about a Kardashian. But She's slightly beyond normal. legs and faces for me, Connie. Boobs, not in the least. Though of course they are attractive in whatever shape and form. Butts? Gigantic? Mot my particular interest. Kardashians? Not remotely attractive. Fat, obnoxious reality TV bitches that will turn on each other. What is wrong with these assholes? .
- Connie, Not C;ose. I will say that Republicans do not give a shit if it means putting a bone-sure abbuser on the supreme court. Clarence did that shit, there is no doubt. Actually doubting Anita Hill i strange and some sort of tight-ass shit, what is wrong with you?
- Look. this asshole claiming this is racism is so fucking bizarre it is beyond belief, Mamster is on his own. What a fucking looney-toon
- Seriously, I'm right almost all of the time. And it has nothing to do with butts. We consider actuully good looking womwn by their brains, then their bodies.No reason the two have to be separate. And Connie, I prefer slimmer. And That woman made her fame and her bucks on being a fat-ass. And I sure as shit didn't make that up. Who ever heard of this idiot until she hooked up with that sad NFL loser Reggie Bush? Guy cannot play. Ohio can play. Like they are bigtime. Most epic TD pass. These boyos play serious football.
- Cainn on accusations: Guy is a lying sack of shit, like Clarence Thomas Menthat abuse women always have an excuse. They are abusers.
- Our blacks are better than their blacks, Sorry? how is this woman not a shitheel? Seriously? These aholes should shut the hell up. They are a freaking joke.
- Are you people kidding? Seriously moromic, Not my fault, You are victims of a TV show.
- AnnCoulter is an idiot. Why does anybody take a whack. This asshole is so stupid it's unbelievable,. We are talking about a fucking idiot, Where does this stupid piece of shit get off? What a fucking moron. Good lord, that woman is an idiot. And she has an Adam's apple. She'a been a guy all along and a fucking ugly one. Roger Ebert wrote that shit. What is wrong with people?
- For a tavrn, I;d say the Drumshanbo in Worcester MA.
- Jeff, Liberal Media? on what planet? Politico? Good Lord? Obama is an com
- There is no liberal media. Why is that? shouldn't there be? These aholes all still suck Sara Palins enhanced tits. People write to tje LATimes calling it Commoniss. That paper is owned and operated by the freaking Goldbergs. Are people that fucking stupid? The LATimes is liberal MSM? You cannot be stupider. No fucking way. The Goldberg Times? It's one thing to be a moron. It's another to be abject about your stupidity.
- The LATimes is perfectly reasonable thinking Israel is reasonable sitting on Dimona, spying on the USA in the USA, and railing about Iran. And the paper is liberal commoniss. Horseshit. Where do we get this execrable stupidity?
- If you don't think Shane McGowan could sing give a listen. Brilliant. How we all should take life.
- Kim Kardashian works hard, At What exactly? Having a gigantic ass? And fucking Reggie Bush? That can't play football to save his life? She is joking, right? She'd be lucky to be Kylie Minogue, whoever in the world that is. Hell with this shit.
- Sorry, Nancy. but Kim Kardashian works hard. Seriously? That is enough to make anybody puke.
- I've nothing against the Kardashians, but holy shit, they are not actualy good looking, except if you are a crappy football player with a big butt syndrome. ahole can'tcan't actually play a lick Guy can't play at all. How do people decide who is the evil MSM liberals? The LA Times, The WAPO. Excuse me, you are fucking morons, Politico? Seriously, you fucking idiots? Are these asssholes illiterate? Those news sources are pro-Obama? In what universe? You assholes? My time my sleep. Hermanator? Lying through his ahole. And he's lying while the women he blithley calls liars can;t comment while he tramples of a non-discosure agreement. Helluvan Ahole. Screw them wimmwn.
- Jeff. you surely mean Viaduct?. Sorry about the Kardashians, but peple actualy watch that bullshit on TV? I find that way difficult to believe. What the hell is wrong with people?
- Seriously Nancy. I'm outrageous when you have people admitting to watching Kardashians? Sorry, but in this case you are full of shit. The sisters K? Good luck girl. Somebody actually sppends a moment on that shit and anything I say annoys you? Give me a fucking break;
- If the assholes start charging to use debit cards, fuck 'em. They invented them. Sorry if I said that before.
- I actually saw GWAR play once. Sort of like KISS with a tad more talent. I just don't like that style of singing at all. The GWAR guys all have made-up names in addition to their given names. Corey called himself Flattus Maximus, but having seen their show, I'm guessing that's an accidental extra "t". Whence the poppies. It's actually a better poem than I remembered. Beats Joyce Kilmer or James Whitcomb Riley all to hell. Not Wifred Owen but pretty good. And good ole Wisconsin will not recognize student IDs at the polls. But I'm sure their concealed carry licenses will suffice.
- FBI vs. Jugalos. Case Histories.
- Happy birthday Delbert McClinton and Chris Difford. If you ever have a chance to see Delbert live, don't miss it.
- MMMM. Chilies. President Obama needs to put President Clinton in his cabinet. Or the Council of Economic Advisors, or something influential.
- Dickless. First thing I thought of, when I read this column about Rick Perry. Texas has no ethics laws. Gaial Collins reminds me of Molly Ivins. Very funny, but without the extremely sarcastic edge. She genuinely thinks Perry is a clown, and the GOPer primary campaign is one big clown car.
- How long has Perry been smoking pot and drinking the Ripple from the bong. I mean, he sounds like the Hippie Dippy Weatherman, or share a little tea with Goldie. edit:
- That's some fine writing by Andy Rooney, but I sure could not abide that crap on 60 Minutes. Wah, wah, wah, you kids get off my lawn.
- Romney on reproductive rights.
- Joe, some people that renovate vintage planes flew a B-17 into Hilton Head a few years ago. I remember being amazed somebody could land a behemoth like that here but commercial airlines think we should rip up a seriously importnt historical district to extend runways. Our condo is half a mile from the airport. Wreaks hell with cell-phones. I'll tell you whaat, that plane from the Bummer factory flew in low and close to ilent over the tennis courts in our back yard. I thought I saw Capt. Rickenbacker or maybe Billy Mitchell with an elbow out the vent and a serious bomber jacket. Mere feet away, and one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Like the Fratellis. It was truly amazing to witness, though in retrospect, there were thousands of folks at risk if they messed up anything. Anyway Joe. I know I give you grief occasionally. I don't think you know dick about politics or economics. I am absolutely sure you know how to fly planes, meaning how to get them off the ground and back unto it. If you ever fly a gig to HHI, let me know. I'll steer you right for a meal and a cold brewski if the ATF approves. I figured out a long time ago about driving cars and murdercycles at excessive speeds. This is a strange night. If Arkansas beats South Carolina "Gamecocks" shouldn't that odious nickname put them 6 ft. under, and Georgia Bulldawgs beat Auburn, that bought Cam Newton last year for $180grand, UGA plays in the SEC championship and might put the BCS in the toilet once and for all. It's comparative scores. If UGA beats Aubuhn and Bama beats LSU or vice versa, and UGA beats either one of them, which is decidedly possible, People will make insane claims about Boise and Texas Tech. Bring 'em on. Wait though, that Boise coach is not rational,. He might go after that insane Vandy coach.. Texas Tech or Baylor, neither. Michigan was sure a helluva 6-2 team. Boise has had more than enough opportunity over the years to actually limit the real teams they got they ass beaten by to like UGA and OSU. unning faster and being bigger tended to have some effect.
- What sort of University names it's teams after chickens raised to kill each other with man-made spurs? What excuse for a human being would do something so despicable? Any of y'all read 2666? I don't think so. No shit. In South america and in Central America, these assholes acted like we didn't care. When they shot the padre at the communion rail. we know, these assholes are evil. It just dawned on me, that was Ronald Raygun murdering a saint. Was there a difference between what Medeiros thought of as social justice and Whatever we do for the least of my brethren. Not fucking close. Ollie and his School of the America were hitmen and they raped Maryknoll Nuns and murdere Jesuit Priests, and their justification was somehow xoming before what jEWUW WQIE. THESE PEOPLE ARE INEXCUSABLY SELF-DELUDED. Not my government, yours? That's teabanging idolatry and you can all go screw yourselves, you idiot self-righteous bastards. But, you know, they were Catholics trying to make poor people's lives better. So they must have been the enemy. What is wrong with this shit is monumental. Catholics were evil? Isn't that where you aholes began? Martin Luther terribly blocked in the bowels. Why was he being so afflicted? Perhaps because he was way too anal to be a normal human being.
- No joke Joe, I'll buy you lunch if you come to Hilton Head. Do you fly jets? It's no thing. We get lotsa smaller planes, and I'd like you to see I've nothing against you. My feeling is if the plane was going down, you might figure a way out. Like Jetsstars, because that i what lands here. And these people give no shit about anybody that lives here. They mainly live over the bridge, in witness protection. That is the stock in trade of Pulte bullshit, right? A whole community of nutcases. People that are concerned about the HHi Airport, they are mainly assholes that couldn't care less about HHI. So, something is wrong with that. Capice?
- ABRAHEAM LINCOLN Not a vampire layer. what is that strange sort of shit? abe Lincolm trying to make sense of Herman cain? Well he cant. This asshole is so far removed from reality trying to make thie about his race, it is just fucking wierd. What has this got to do with what a strange fucker this guy is? He is just fucking strange. Nd bzd for black peoplee. He is too damns weird. bizarre. very weird. Whatevere he says is just whack. He is one strange brother, Just fucking odd.
- Joe. it's always been there and it is a thorny political question. It's in the middle of Hilton Head and nobody uses it but those assholes off-island that call their Pulte landscape Hilton Head, even though they are on the other side of the bridge. These people are full of shit, and they inject an obsvene GOPer tinge into local politics, when Islanders don't buy that shit for a minute. Well it seems as if the South Carolina Chickens shit the bed. So them dawgs kick the crap out of Awbuhn next week and get LSU in the champeenship. I know, nobody gives them Dawgs a prayer against LSU. but just wait. We can put up points. We shall see. Alex, why would anybody find Unitarians objectionable? Thar is incomprehensible.
- Seriously. aren't Unitarians the great wide under? They accept everybodyY.Who can find a Unitarian objectionable? That is pretty much beyond my consideration or comprehension. what ever is slug. You can't tell me II'M just going to give up. Bag this shit. Whatever you think.
- Everybody my age with an obscene lottery number like mine was prttty much Going After Cacciato. The fact that the Bush apparatus chose to villify John Kerry;s honorable service is particularly heinous since W more or less protected the O Club. What a joke thanks to Ken Blackwell and those Diebold machines. Ohio gave up to the GOPer onslaught. Disgraceful. Pieces of shit. What sort of hole did those votes dissappear into and how did those ahoes get away with it, Kerry had the stupendous weight of having exposed BCCI and the Reagan Plot, so he was doubly damned, bedause Nison hated him and Raygun did too, He had the fgoods on Raygun, BccI and all that. But nobody wanted to listen. Ollie North and Rummy and Cheney most certainly planned with the Ayatollahs to keep Americans hostages to prevent an October surprise. Does anybody want to claim that wasn't so? That is what the assholes did, and that is a fact.BCCI, nobody remembers Raygun pulled that shit? And he basked in the freedom fighters, that were actually fucking murderers, of Jesuit priests and rapists of Maryknoll nuns, What a grand asshole we can all look up to. He spit on people that tried to make a difference, He was somebody we should all be ashaned of, He was a particularly heinous piece of shit, That is your neocon hero, He was a scumbag;
- Which have you ever read Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norell? Which of you were delighted? It is that sort of book. This woman needs to write another novel. This is the only book to come close to the thrills and spills of Lemprierre's Dictinoary, which was actually slightly better and more ridiculous. Ridiculousness is a terribly underrated quality in books. I would put Riddley Walker in that subset. One of the greatest books ever written. Russell Hoban is a fucking genius and his other books are way difficult. I'm supposed to figure them out?
- Cooze, have you ever heard the awesome stately song by Jay Farrar called Cahokian: Jay was the better half, in my opinion, Tweedy is pretty much a jerk, and unidentifiable from that ultimate poseur Wayne Coyne. Randy Newman wrote a perfect line about guys like that. "Jesus, what a jerk."
- Dexter, Going After Cacciato is one astounding book. Get a copy and read it. To my way of thinking, which might not seem like a recommendation to you, it's brilliant. It's a fever dream of what assholes like W and Nixon that glorified the asinine experience should have had to experience.
- Pardon me? Alex was wrong, Joe was right? And Cooze, it's the Mississippians. Built them large barrows, otherwise known as gigantic mounds, or wights. I don't tke sides, since I once took the side of a guy in a bar fight that's opponent had already pulled a gun. But I'd take Alex's side.Sometimes, you have to do what's right. Okay, Jeff, I read Dostoevsky and The Master and Margerita in translation too, My best friend ever was an absolutely stunning babe that had Russian and several other languages, including Icelandic, which is apparently strange and unrelated to other Western languages. She worked for me. I didn't ever consider harrassment, so I wonder what causes men to act that way. I do have to admit I envied her for being able to read Bulgakov in the original. Like my buddy Joe, I'd like to admit a prejudice. If you have never read The Dalkey Archive or Gravity's Rainbow, I guess you are no friend of mine. Fags welcome. Rump rangers too, though I prefer female parts for diddling. If I'm mistaking the sarcasm, excuse me. I hope Joe was being sarcastic. Always thought he was kinda a good guy.
- Joe didn't mean that fag-bashing. He felt he was being accused falsely. I assume we will all let him skate, because he thought he was unairly taken. He is pretty cearly not a gay-basher and would carry anybody in his plane, regardless of sexual persuasion. He would definitely not toss them over Lake Huron, Give the guy a break. And that was bad football at 9-6. You never played real football ahole. That said, Them Dawgs will put up a bunch on either of those Defenses. Then what will the BCS do? I'd say Dawgs in a rematch with Boise to shut those yappy pomeranians up once and for all. And I know who wins. Not close.
- Joe, that plane flew within a few inches of me and was one of the most astounding things I've ever seen whan it waw in the air. Gigantic, and how could it fly" It was beyond comprehension, and that is how I geel about flying in general. Fairly awe-inspiring. Smarter than what what we normally think of.
- I've always found Dahlia Lithwick to be an extremely attractive woman, even before I saw her on TV. I hope she doesn't take that the wrong way, but Good Lord, she is brilliant. I was once working for a female boss that most certainly harrassed me sexually. She was quite physical about it, and it bothered the hell out of me. She did similar embarrassing things to female co-workers. Omniverous in predation. If I had said a word to anybody, I'd have been a laughing stock. The question I have, is how do you happen upon a grown man sodomizing a kid and not fly into a rage and beat the living shit out of the mofo? That is exactly what I would do.
- Herman Cain, blithering idiot. The hilarious thing is how internet right-wingers are trying to hang all this on "MSM liberal press", as if such a thing exists. Regular commenters on the LATimes site claim that that paper has a liberal bias. That is truly, nuts beyond salvage. Did they never read Politico? Did they hear Hermanator's campaign blame Perry? Good thoughts and wishes Alex.
- Connie. That is nonsense, and I do not do anything constantly. (Man that would get old.) What I said about Ms. Lithwick was pretty clearly admiration for her intellect and verbal skill.
- The Cainster campaign responds: "All allegations of harassment against Mr. Cain are completely false. Mr. Cain has never harassed anyone. Fortunately the American people will not allow Mr. Cain’s bold '9-9-9 Plan', clear foreign policy vision and plans for energy independence to be overshadowed by these bogus attacks." Clear foreign policy vision? It that supposed to be a joke? On what planet?
- Places to go when you win Megaabucks.
- Great video, Mark. Made my day. Charlie Rouse on the tenor is great on this piece, a seminal composition. And isn't seminal equal to iconic for being deployed without understanding by people that like the way it makes them sound. It's fitting for Straight, No Chaser, a signature Monk tune, with Round About Midnight (stunning Wes Montgomenry version. I always thought the opening line of this Steely Dan song is "Thelonious, my old friend." but apparently there is some internet argument about it. Sure sounds right, and would be a perfect example of Fagen/Becker obscurantism by unfamiliar pop culture reference for most rock music fans. And all that stupid crap about Steely Dan not really being rock 'n' roll, fools never heard Reeling in the Years, obviously, or Boddhisatva. My bed partner is 5ft.-6in. and about 115lbs. soaking wet, and snores like a drunken longshoreman. She also suffers from bouts of bruxism, which I find more disturbing to my own sleep, because it seems like something with causes I should be able to remedy, so it's particularly hurtful. I don't know if its's based in anxiety, but that sure seems likely. Two years ago, we bought a HEPA filter air purifier for the bedroom, and run it every night. (It's dusty at the beach.)I don't know if it's the filters effectiveness, the marvelous white noise effect of the fan on medium speed, or a combination, but we both sleep much better with the machine running. If Paterno were actually the great human being he's always purported to be, he'd slink away and never darken the public eye again. I've never liked the guy, because of all of his complaining about Penn State not getting recognition in polls when they continued to carry Temple and Lehigh on their alleged bigtime schedule year after year, and never played good teams away from Happy Valley. Maybe they were avoiding outstanding warrants. That was outrageously dishonest and dishonorable whining. But, then, I actually care about football. Sounds like congratulations are appropriate John G.
- The drummer on the Monk Quartet is a guy named Austin "Paris" Wright. Regular rhythm section for Wes Montgomery were Albert "Tootie" Heath on drums and his brother Percy on bass. Grady Tate, a great drummer, knew Montgomery from playing with Lionel Hampton's band and they played on quite a few cuts together. Grady Tate was also the drummer for Paul and Artie's band for the Concert in Central Park album. He also played on a couple of Pearls Before Swine albums, back in the day. Mark, that slur on Steely Dan was a big deal when they won a Grammy award a few years ago. Like the metalheads that went berserk about Jethro Tull (admittedly with a more legitimate complaint. Even Ian Anderson thought that was strange.) Sue, you mean those sentences don't run concurrently?
- There's a report from Italy that Berlusconi has agreed to quit, if he can become CEO of the National Restaurant Association.
- Judge Silberman is not just a well-known and respected conservative jurist, his reputation is as the cconservative expert on the Commerce Clause. From the opinion: The mandate, it should be recognized, is indeed somewhat novel, but so too, for all its elegance, is appellants’ argument. No Supreme Court case has ever held or implied that Congress’s Commerce Clause authority is limited to individuals who are presently engaging in an activity involving, or substantially affecting, interstate commerce. ... To be sure, a number of the Supreme Court’s Commerce Clause cases have used the word “activity” to describe behavior that was either regarded as within or without Congress’s authority. That language and logic take a large scalpel directly to the guts of the anti-mandate argument and leave them shredded. Does Cuccinnelli mean "kiss my ass" in Italian?
- Virtual San Francisco: City in space:
- J. Robert was also a quiet and gentle man,who was betrayed by his friends, his colleagues, his country, and mostly by the spawn of satan, Edward Teller, whose bloodthirsty inhumanity Oppenheimer did not share. Oppenheimer looked at the devastation of the Trinity Test Site, which he had named for a poem of John Donne, and described his feelings in this way: We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says, "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." I suppose we all thought that one way or another.
- If a school’s athletic program can be shut down over recruiting violations and the like, how severe would a just response to this orchestrated deal in State College, PA have to be? It's beside the point, obviously, but it may not need to be the NCAA that brings the wrath of hell down. How is this going to be dealt with by Penn State athletic recruiters. According to a friend that went to Penn State, McQuearey is the program's big gun HS recruiter. This is a mighty tough sell to alpha teenage males, not to mention their moms and dads. I know that's meaningless in comparison to the enormity of this whole thing, but football Saturdays in Happy Valley in the coming years is going to be a wasteland. It hasn't really showed up in reporting on the Sandusky case, but PSU had a pretty sordid athletic department scandal just a few years ago, with some outrageous behavior by the women's hoops coach alleged. Fairly astonishing this hasn't come up. Seems years as a succsful women's BB coach didn't engender the same kind of protection Paterno and his minions were afforded.
- How do GOPers see overturning net neutrality when the economy's in the three-holer basement as an electoral winner for them? No conceivable logical way. Serviices for pay.
- Psychopaths make up the 1%. What has happened over the past 30 years is the capture of the world's common treasury by a handful of people, assisted by neoliberal policies which were first imposed on rich nations by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. I am now going to bombard you with figures. I'm sorry about that, but these numbers need to be tattooed on our minds. Between 1947 and 1979, productivity in the US rose by 119%, while the income of the bottom fifth of the population rose by 122%. But from 1979 to 2009, productivity rose by 80%, while the income of the bottom fifth fell by 4%. In roughly the same period, the income of the top 1% rose by 270%. In the UK, the money earned by the poorest tenth fell by 12% between 1999 and 2009, while the money made by the richest 10th rose by 37%. The Gini coefficient, which measures income inequality, climbed in this country from 26 in 1979 to 40 in 2009.
- Jeff, Obama was talking about the realities of American political life, in which a gigantic lobbying group with more money than Bibi is in full attack mode everyday. That would be AIPAC, and why US law allows such flagrantly excessive influence on American policy on behalf of a foreign government is beyond me.
- The business about how a proposition to require employee contributions on pensions and health care would have won is misleading, since public sector employee unions in Ohio had already agreed to exactly that, as they did in Wisconsin. Next step in Ohio, investigate Kasich's putting Ohio public pensions in the dumper with really bad investments when he was shilling for Lehman? Was that a ploy, to create problems that would make attacking unions feasible? Bastard needs to be run out on a rail. My brothers and I were all involved in sports, three of us in football. I don't think any of us or my parents ever gave the slightest thought to "character building". It was just something we were good at and really enjoyed doing, and my mom and dad were very supportive, as they were about any interests any of us pursued.
- Next time you hear Mittens babbling about privatizing "entitlements" picture him drooling, playing with himself, and flinging feces. How many elderly Americans would be starving to death and homeless right now had Shrub managed to hand Social Security over to Lehman, Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns ? Seriously, the inhabitants of Monkey Island could have managed the US financial sector as well as those captains of industry did during W's Reign of Error.
- Back before anybody knew there was any such thing, the "women in power" meme was pretty potent. Always made me think immediately of Indira Ghandi, Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher. War mongers with the best of them. And I'd say, without reseervation, I'd haave turned in Sandusky without a second thought, if I didn't end up getting arrested for bashing his skull on the shower wall. Connecting sports and religious zealotry is a pretty fair example of "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc".
- Who says Harmanator is not a big leaguer? This gaffe is worthy of Pesky holding the ball, or Buckner not getting down on Mookie's grounder.
- There is no way that sports invites abuse and corruption "by its very nature". I think its a biased viewpoint to apply that analysis to religion, too. I've been religious most of my life, but I have always thought that questioning religious authority is the most vital aspect of faith. Had psycho sports coaches too, not really abusive, just beyond the limits of normal human psychology. But I've come across similar nutcases in other fields of endeavor. I have never given the remotest thought to any connection between athleticism and Godliness, and didn't know many that made the connection. I wouldn't deny that the US military has problems along these lines, as manifested by the proselytizing and peer pressure at Air Force Academy. I just think some of y'all are generalizing about two things you find distasteful. For me, religion is about philosophical rigor and intellectual pursuit, so I read Teilhard and pretty much hear yada-yada when the Pontiff pontificates. Athletics? Mens sana in corpore sano. Is there a connection that can be made between the two disciplines? Sure, it's possible, but damned if I see anything unhealthy about it. I'm also unconvinced it does much particular good to hold institutions responsible for the bad acts of individuals, without identifying blame with the individual bad actors. Should Penn State or the Catholic Church disappear for their institutional transgressions? Are there institutional transgressions? Should Germany be a pariah nation to this day? An entire society and nation nurtured Nazism. In the end, people do not owe allegiance to any institution that can be placed aahead of allegiance to fellow humans. I think it would be a better world if everyone behaved according to that simple rule, which Jesus expressed eloquently in the Great Commandment. To bad the Rapcha crew has a blind spot for that bit of Scripture. Moe, there's more than enough combat to stand in for combat these days. Sure, when the Iroquois nation invented lacrosse, it involved skulls and longbones, and certainly resembled combat. It kept the various tribes from killing each other to.
- But that will never happen. Big-time football and basketball programs are multi-million-dollar enterprises and nobody is going to pass up that payday, no matter how sleazy and arrogant the foe. And the money funds research facilities, for instance, and a wide variety of other sports for men and women which would otherwise not exist. Do coaches get paid obscene salaries? Sure, but much of the cash comes from grants from Nike, etc. (Divestment is a whole n'other subject.)
- What did anybody ever expect from a wizened old Sicilian guy that's been wearing yellow tinted glasses day and night for year. For non-football fans, Penn State running backs are notorious for always turning into turds the day after draft day. What really stands out is their commonn criminal records for domestic abuse. In Football Athens (fair enough?) the Head Coach Mark Richt has been criticized for letting everybody plaay and not running up the score, is well known for professing Christian faith, but more by good deeds than by holy roller shit after football gaames. I am sure, he would never have sat by and let anything like that happen. Not that kind of guy. UGA has a historical figure of legendary stature equal to Joe Pa, Vince Dooley, who I thought had far more integrity than Paterno. No way, no how. And as for a permissive attitude, Athens cops and UGA cops are in a constant competition over busting football players for underage drinking? Seriouslly? In a Town and Gown town? My feelings about this discussion go back to my own HS days, probably. How was I supposed to navigate being a jock and an NHS Scholar with 6 Fives on AP exams who was also in plays and did community outreach in Sodality? In my opinion, growing up this way is a good thing, though I'm not necessarily an example of why, exactly. When I went to Georgia, I worked for the AD as a tutor. Scholarship kids came to study hall every night and worked harder academically and cared more about their grades than any of the non-athletes that were my friends and acquintances. So anything that smells like jock-bashing, particularly the astoundingly idiotic characterization of soccer players as smart kids as opposed to the alleged Nanderthals that played football, has always struck me as base and unfounded prejudice. Does a soccer player learn a playbook so he knows what every other player is going to do at a particular time? I know there were HS football players that were swaggering assholes. But if you denigrate the intellectual requirements for being a good FB player, you pretty much stamp your likeness on the obverse of the same coin. One guy's pedophilic urges and the fact he was Paterno's go to offensive coach? That does not sully football as an intellectual and athletic pursuit. That is all I'm saying. UGA had a coach that mirrored Sandusky. Name was Erk Russell. Guarantee, Sandusky would have died that night had Erk walked in on that abomination. Skull through the tile, in a thousand pieces, and in Georgia, Erk would have been found innocent. That's what I would have done. As far as blaming Catholicism for the abuse, shit, there is a disconnect. When my parents first moved to Memphis, we didn't know anything about Babdiss. My brother Chris and I went to a Babdiss summer day camp. We were most certainly targets of abuse. We were pretty boys and the best athletes in the camp. We told my parents about telling dirty jokes. And got yanked out of there immediately. We made up a song. "Do you you wanna go to camp, No I don't, Cause I don't like dirty jokes. There was some real pressure there. Now, has anybody identified American Babdiss as the deepest pockets anywhere? Why not. If this was one little Babdiss Camp in Memphis? what was going on all over the youth ministry? Me and Chris, we just were not buying this. We have always looked out for each other. The other obvios thing, and I'm sure you will howl, but the recovered memory syndrome is absolutely a fact, and apparently any adept can make some experience memorable. I don't deny there are monsters the Catholic Church should have locked up. On the other hand, there are memories that are beyond that. I was motally abused by Babdiss born-again. I was too smart for them. There is a ways to go to know what the deal is. Babdiss boys, they are particularly interested in boys instead of girl. Penn State as I said earlier, would never get another recruit ever. If you are a football fan' maybe youu see: No decent recruit ever.
- If you ask me if Bobo had walked in on that scene and not just killed the guy? Don't think so. And if Vince were presented with that shit? Woulda dropped a dime. No shit.
- I realize my personalized opinion might seem extreme, let me explain, I would have made his heaad hit through the wall. Is there some problem with that? Guy is raping a child, not a question. How 'bout that in Happy Valley?
- Some people understand who acts this way not anything
- Julie, It's also wiote tru that I had a situation with the most of my life and the only time my Kid savior kid was attacked was by some some Lying sacks of shit that were Babdiss. on the consideration weree youth pastors, How is this different> Now I'd be willing to admit to these aholes fooing with me. This is something that should be presented against the whatever these shitheekls can go, The idea that this is somehow limited to Catholics is bizarre. And them Babdiss have so much more cash, this is ridiculous.
- When I think about what Vince Dooley would have done, I am fairly certain he would have gone to law enforcement, I do believe that had a GA in that situation at UGA he would have intervened immediately, I was connecter with the slosest thing you could bet to that bullshit all she wtoyr, I was a tutor, and I will tell you those kids worked thir asses off and they cared about their grades, Excessiveley. I never scrooged a grade. I took this job seriously, And so did my students. The assholes that were the graduate assistants, fine and dandy, if they didn't assume the kids were dumber than they were, if that were possible. I mean these assholes were so moronic on the English language it was fucking hilarious, Who did they think they were?
- I know Joe is a saint and everything, But what is wrong with him ? Shat an asshole. Compared with Vince Dooley and Bobby Bowden, What an asshole, Neither of those guys would have put up with such a piece of shit,
- What a remarkable whatever what hey'
- I GUARANTEE, Vince Dooley would not have stood up for a child molester, in a million years, And he is legenadary as Paterno, Probably smarter in the long run, He got Herschel, Joe didnt, Herschel was not a five-star recruit Do these morons have a clue? Let's ask Bill Bates. after he was trampled.
- All bozos: No shit? What the hell is wrong with people?
- I think I've got it. The NCAA can vacate the Penn State wins back to the day of the rape. I believe Bobby Bowden would look the other way on all sorts of offenses, but I don't believe he'd have stood for child rape. The way to punish Paterno is to remove those wins from the record book. Coach Robinson would have done something. One way or another, Penn State football is dead as a doornail. What parent of a HS football player is going to let McQuearey in the door? Maybe Temple can beat they ass now, and they can stop whining in Happy Valley. Paddy'o: Like Jeff Guckert? edit: Building character, Paterno style. Coddled at Penn State, hustled out of trouble when he beat up a girlfriend.
- Peter, I'm not sanctimonious in any fashion, but I'll guarantee I would have intervened and let the chips fall afterward. I find it difficult to believe that anybody would have done differently. McQuearey was a grown man that shirked a clear responsibility. There is really no excuse. And Penn State does not "make money" off their college football program, they use the cash to fund other sports programs, primarily Title IX women's programs. This is not a for profit situation like the National Restaurant and Koch Lackeys Association.
- If I saw a grown man raping a kid, my future employment, much less the sanctity of the location, would be the farthest thing from my mind. I would interrupt the vile behavior and smack the bastard's head into the nearest wall. I fail to understand how there is time to consider my "situation" in that situation. I'd intervene, violently if necessary, and let chips fall wherever they might. At least I'd still be a man and a human being, instead of a toady and a weasel. This is fing obvious to me. I got shot once for intervening in what I perceived to be a grossly unfair fight in a restaurant parking lot. By the guy I was defending. It was a ricochet. Might not be right, but I'm not standing for abuse of the weak. So, yeah, I know exactly what I would have done if I saw a large, fit middle-aged man raping a ten-year-old. I would have beaten him bloody and, quite possibly, killed his disgraceful ass.
- Right, Mark. Wrong is simply wrong, and innocence is worth defending. Episodes of people being attacked with nobody coming to their aid are mystifying to me. How does anybody stand by when a fellow human being is in danger? I cannot understand that. When idiots at the beach get tossed on breakwaters by undertow and riptide, I always plunge in and pull them out. Maybe I have some wish to die trying to be a hero. Worse ways to go, I'm sure. Then again, I can swim stronger than any riptide or undertow. I am sure of it.
- Herman, we hardly knew ye, thank the Lord: Leaving Mittens? What a fucking joke?
- For everybody going to see the new Clint/Leonardo movie. edit: Of course that is true, Kirk. Is that supposed to be a bad thing. My point originally was that the idea that bloodsuckers, aside from Cam Newton and Reggie Bush, are profiting from college football is pretty much asinine, and, I'd say, biased against jocks, who are actually intelligent in the same proportion as everybody else.
- And where is the hagiographer Brent Hamburglar? Brent loved Coach Paterno. In a strange as shit way. John G. That is starting to sound like Clinton conspiracy theory. Meantime, will somebody please direct TV talking heads to cancel the word allegations in their discussion of Herman Cain? If you get shitcanned and your former employer doles out nearly $100grand in hush money, and you can't recall any of the details, you were a serial abuser and people have admitted it happened. So STFU.
- Spelling-impaired Bil Keane died. Good Lord, that pitiful cartoon gave pleasure to so many parodists. If you can't spell your first name,how can you expect to be taken Syrianly? Idunno. War on Christmas heats up. Thank God I made it through those hellish years of organized sports. Positing a relationship, causal or otherwise, between organized sports and abusive behavior is nonsense, no disrespect to Maggie, whose opinions I esteem. I do think jock-bashing is about as worthwhile as any other form of bashing. To some extent, I believe my participation in sports, organized and backyard, contributed to who I am. Taught me that a bully is an asshole that probably needs a kind word. Certainly taught me to stand up for the bullied. And the main thing I learned from organized sports is that everyone that invests effort deserves support and appreciation. Maybe that is just how my parents reared me. It is an actual fact that organized sports contributed immensely to furthering integration in American society. I'd say that is incontrovertible. I don't disagree with most of what y'all are saying, but the idea that organized sports are somehow Petri dishes for breeding dysfunction, particulary sexual dysfunction, strikes me as hateful and vindictive. Greatest Little Leagu game I ever saw was my brother-in-law John pitching against a (gasp) girl in an All-Star game. Neither was hittable. Wrong team won in extra innings with both pitchers going all the way. John's reaction? She was just better than I was. What a psychopath. Now he's a talented architect and a stupendous painter. With a wife and kids, and shares a successful studio with his beloved partner. I'm fairly certain his sports background had something to do with his healthy attitude toward women. I hope my attitude toward his big sister did too. Blaming psychotic behavior on organizations that psychos belonged to is ridiculous. I'm an Eagle Scout. I'm not homophobic in the least, and I never went up the Texas Tower with a rifle to kill pigs. Charles Whitman did.
- Basset, agreed. But calling him Bob instead of Bobby kind of gives you away. He would, of course, have done the same thing I would have, physically intervene. How would anybody not? Coach Knight may have gone to his car for the concealed firearm though, and blown the asshole's brains out. And been found innocent in Bloomington, where it is impossible for him to be convicted of a crime. My feelings about Paterno go way back to when Penn State played a candy-ass schedule and the old mafia fart complained about being ranked behind Alabama in national polls. Whiner.
- Moe, how many foster children did Marcus Bachmann house, on the government teat? I'm not asserting he's a predator because he's light in the loafers, either. Maggie, that is woeful. From my point of view, nobody aI ever played sports with would have abided such a dickhead. But attributing that behavior to organized sports makes no sense.
- Sherri, Anybody ever did?
- Reading Maggie's post, my impulse is to say I never knew anybody that suffered that sort of abuse. But how the hell do I know? I know I would have done something about it. I'm beside myself thinking about what might have been going on in our Pulte neighborhoods populated with J. Walter and FoMoCo uber-execs when I was a kid. Would explain a lot of behavior. Is it a ridiculous idea to think you should be able to fix everything that eve happened to kids?
- nancy. Yeah, yeah but what I'm worried about is my happy childhood with invisible men on base.
- I'm not the impoitic polece, but Miss Beulah’s Kollege of Beauty? Let's just make this a Friday movie with Ice Cube mumming. Sorry, but that seemed a little outrageous, and Miss Beulah ain't been a white woman since forever, or at least Butterfly McAeen didn't know nothin' bout birthin' no babies. Poorly chosen in the midst of several thousands of well-chosen words. Everybody needs an editor.
- "Cliff Notes the book club assignment" reminds me of Hard Nose the Highway Rising From the Rails author interview. Ron Paul is certifiably insane.
- So Mitch Albom thinks nouns have tenses. Explains much. Coozledad, that doggerel is funny as hell.
- Fucking up the Lions wasn't enough for Matt Millen; he also helped enable Jerry Sandusky.
- The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas. Text of the story described in the Scalzi/PennState piece. Five-minute read. Bunch of annoying typos, but worth a look. Atlanta and Charlotte. My two least favorite airports. It's only 51 in Charlotte, Deborah. OOPS. I almost felt embarrassed for Perry. Nah. Not nearly as bad as Cainster making fun of Anita Hill.
- Jonathan Franzen casts Henry James novel aside in anger. Yes he said that to an interviewer. I suppose it's possible he was channeling Edith Wharton, but I'd have preferred Fielding. I farted upon it in disdain. But for you fans, he's making the Corrections TV show.
- This story cracks me up. Interesting take on the Romenesko flap.
- I saw the almost identicle combination of ominous clouds and beautifully lit foliage one time, I was walking to campus from my apartment in Worcester with my best best friend. Looked just like that. Ominous sky and beautiful foliage. I'd say its a superb photo. And you are starting to sound like the kid in art class that was a better artist that insisted it wasn.t all that great. It's an excellent photograph, Nancy. It's gorgeous. You all know what I'm talking about about the art class star that acted like, it's not that good, fishing for compliments. The shot is excellent and we all know it. I'm feeling fine about UGA kicking Aubuhn's butt. Aubuhn is not real school. Georgia most certainly is. When I went to Georgia, there was a kid called Tony Flanagan. He could have been anything he wanted to be. He was a very smart guy that was a ridiculously great athlete. Is this the school's fault hwe chose to slack and act like an ahole? I worked for the athletic association as a tutor. I was proud of my kids They worked harder and cared more than any of my undergrad friends for years. I had swimmers, who didn't need any help, and softball players (my favorite. some dumbass mofo English TA. Who is the despicable asshole in this situation? There was a hateful moronic TA that pulled the same shit with my own kid. These people are idiots that believe they actually know something when they are illiterate aholes,
- I saw the almost identicle combination of ominous clouds and beautifully lit foliage one time, I was walking to campus from my apartment in Worcester with my best best friend. Looked just like that. Ominous sky and beautiful foliage. I'd say its a superb photo. And you are starting to sound like the kid in art class that was a better artist that insisted it wasn.t all that great. It's an excellent photograph, Nancy. It's gorgeous. You all know what I'm talking about about the art class star that acted like, it's not that good, fishing for compliments. The shot is excellent and we all know it. I'm feeling fine about UGA kicking Aubuhn's butt. Aubuhn is not real school. Georgia most certainly is. When I went to Georgia, there was a kid called Tony Flanagan. He could have been anything he wanted to be. He was a very smart guy that was a ridiculously great athlete. Is this the school's fault hwe chose to slack and act like an ahole? I worked for the athletic association as a tutor. I was proud of my kids They worked harder and cared more than any of my undergrad friends for years. I had swimmers, who didn't need any help, and softball players (my favorite. some dumbass mofo English TA. Who is the despicable asshole in this situation? There was a hateful moronic TA that pulled the same shit with my own kid. These people are idiots that believe they actually know something when they are illiterate aholes, ai can guarantee that kids that get scholarships care about it a lot.
- Does anybody but a bigot think clergy abuse was exclusive to Catholic priests? I could explain about them Babdiss youth pastors at summer caamp. And I am not kidding. I am sure that came right from the TV assholes.
- There are people that think Neal is God. I think Neal is pretty much dick without the brilliant guitarist that was always his best friend. This is surely Neal's best effort. For What It's Worth is not Steve's. The partnership between these two is about as good as music has ever been. is Steve and Neil. I played all sorts of little league football, mainly because my brother was ridiculously good and I was pretty good. There were predators, all the way to Harvard honcho recruiters. We actually understood what sort of pervs we were dealing with, particularly the Harvard ahole. His name was Don Hocevar, and he victimized my friend, Larry Desmond. Good a friend as I ever had. This guy Hocevar was a creep. He is probably dead and not pulling this shit these days. But he creeped me out.
- Dexter, all them games were moronic in the first place. It wa Okay for Nick Fairley last year to cheat like a bastard. and try to injure Aaron Murray on purpose. Deal is now, them dawgs will play real real football. You are supposed to play with some finnesse, and we shall see. The whole bidness will end up hilarious. Them dawgs on both sides of the ball vs. Oke state, I'd take that matchup.
- Boise. Fuck You assholes. You have been cheating for forever. Kiss my ass you fucking cheaters/ There is no other way of looking at it. It's your coache's way of doing things, and you cheated your ass off. It was the whole point. Fairly obvious. What the hell? That is not how people actually play football. You just fucking feel free to cheat.
- Spinmeister Bill still loofahing the facts. War on Christmas? Yep, an extra 15 cents on that $45 for that Frazier Fir is going to put a big damper on the Christmas season. This lunacy is jacked to insane levels when they start into Obama is Muslim territory.
- Any of y'all that didn't start watching Hell on Wheels last Sunday, I would recommend it strongly based on Ep1, which you can watch here: Watch the first five minutes and you'll be hooked, I think. Amazing TV.
- The corollary Cooze, is that all the dumbasses talking about the President at 44% approval are forgetting Congress, which the GOPers run, is way down in the low teens. Sounds to me like the Pres gets reelected and those hillbilly aholes in the house get term-limited by force. More than anything, what the country needs is for a GOPer to admit that the Senate rules are FUBAR and the way McConnell does business does not remotely resemble representative government. Oh, and the so-called liberal MSM should lay off the W served even if it was guarding the OClub, and Kerry was a mile or two off on where on the Mekong his SwiftBoat actually was, equivalancy bullshit "objectivity" standard. W lied his ass off and woofed coccaine. Kerry saved his crewmen from dying in combat. That shit could not have happened without the aid and abetting of the liberal MSM. Papers didn't report facts, they reported idiotic, fabricated allegations from fucking Milhaus idolators. edit: And if God is just, and has a sense of humor, Perry will drown while being waterboarded, while watching a videotape of Dickless Cheney meet the same fate.
- Brian, Romney looks like the guy that fired you because he is the guy wh got really rich by inheriting from his dad and then showing investors how to get rich by buying companies and firing all their employees. And any wife/girlfriend stolen by Perry was well gotten rid of. Guy is a moron and a bully. Or he's a bully and a moron.
- Job creation, a la Mittens. In the vanguard of class warfare.
- Cainster addresses the Sleazy Salamander as Speaker Gingrich, but Ms. Pelosi is Princess Nancy? Nice attitude, asshole.
- The account in Rising From the Rails of how the Pullman Porters Union led to MLK is amazing, in my opinion. Even if you don't have to finesse book club, that interview is well worth listening to.
- Does anybody think the 60 Minutes bullshit about Nancy Pelosi was reasonable journalism. How 'bout Bubba Tauzin? This was hitjob bullshit. And the story was about Boehner and Bacchus.
- So the clowns in the GOPer clown car were up in arms about the foreign aid budget and how wasteful it is during the CinC debate. Yeah, right you Bozos. Foreign aid expenditures are relatively mminuscule, and I'm pretty sure none of these idiots would admit to wanting to cut aid to Israel, perhaps the biggest sponge on the books. The shit spewed about Iran was pretty scary, but the ignorance on foreign aid was pretty much hilarious. This is similar to the GOPer shibboleth regarding tort limitations as a method of controlling health care costs. How stupid are these people and how much stupider are the fools that would vote for these steaming piles of outright mendacious merde. And how does invading Iran fit in with the new austerity, which has worked so well in Europe these idiots simply must try it over here? To my way of thinking, the most egregius nepotism in American journalism is the elevation of the insufferable weenie Jeremy Schaap, who goes so far as to mimic his late dad's speech mannerisms while relying solely on ambush journalism. Reminds me of the little tampon Tucker Carlson, but on the sports scandal beat, and without the pre-tied bowtie.
- The lawn at Meadowbrook is one of my favorite places ever. Saw Yusef Lateef play an oricinal concerto there. //there was a blues festival there one summer where we saw John Lee play with Procul for his backing band. Astounding. Los Lobos may be the best American band of the last two d3ecades. We saw them open for the Dead at Foxboro on Independence Day years ago. Got in a fight with an idiot Deadhead that was nattering all through Will the Wolf Survive.
- I could not possibly care less what anybody says about Boomers, having never felt anything like enough phony camraderie to consider myself part of a "generation", whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. It seems to me that Boomers certainly were responsible for forcing a reconsideration of the sort of idiotic thinking that caused the Southeast Asia debacle, and were certainly a driving force in whatever progress the USA has made in the area of race relations. As for Vietnam, while my so-called "generation" was blamed for shabby treatment of vets, it was actually the "greatest generation" assholes that were responsible for the misadventure that failed the vets completely and divided the country into two armed camps by instituting cultural and clas warfare. Whatever advances toward a more effective social contract Boomers have made, has been adamantly opposed and walked back by the, ahem, "greatest generation". Does that dickhead want to claim the Koch heads are Boomers?So screw that crap. Have any of y'all switched to the new Google mail format. Oh I hate it when somebody changes something that works perfectly and tells me it's for my benefit. It's not horrible, but what was wrong with the original? And Charles Pierce certainly has the jeremiad as an arrow in his quiver. He excels at righteous indignation.
- Sorry, this link is to a fundraising site. But the Mittens Romney video is just too perfect. Whited sepulchre. Escalade? Check. Viper? Back in my childhood Bloomfield Hills Pultevision, everybody's dad worked for Big Auto or for J. Walter Thompson, so the latest hot cars were always on display in the neighbors' driveways. And Dexter, everybody from Detroit knows that Fiat is an acronym.
- Raygun in a nutshell. Greatest generation, my ass. Of course, the Gumby Geezer did liberate Dachau, according to him. Somehow I grew up as an altarboy and an Eagle Scout without ever drawing the attention of any sexual predators. Although, I could tell something was up with the Youth Ministers, even at age ten, at the Babdiss Day Camp in Memphis. What conceivable logic could possibly be offered to support FLA's bullshit pursuit of a waiver, with regard to the ACA requirement that insurance companies spend 80% of premiums on actual health care? Here's what the lying bastards claim: Officials in Florida, where one in five people is uninsured, say the waiver is essential to keep insurers from packing up and moving their business out of state. Not if all states enforce the ACA requirement, you nitwits. Seems that if FLA gets this waiver, all the insurance companies would pack up and move to FLA. The logical fallacy is stunningly obvious. Just another attack on Obama's success.
- Partisanship over Consumer Protection. With the Consumer Product Safety Commission split along party lines, the partisan paralysis that has crippled Washington’s ability to balance its budget and fix the economy now threatens to spread to the more prosaic business of government: assuring that roughly 15,000 products are reasonably safe to use. Democratic and Republican commissioners alike say they are seeking to protect consumers, millions of whom are injured each year by items under the agency’s purview. But Democrats say the GOP commissioners consistently put the financial interest of business ahead of consumer safety, while Republicans say the Democrats often rush to regulate without assessing whether the safety benefits outweigh the costs. For GOPers, childrens' safety is a matter of cost/benefit analysis. This is incredibly weird shit from a weekly NFL column by Peter King in SI: In April 2005, Centre County (Pa.) district attorney Ray Gricar, who decided not to bring child-assault charges against Jerry Sandusky after an incident with a young boy in 1998, disappeared without a trace in Pennsylvania and has never been heard from since. His car was found in Lewisburg, Pa., near the Susquehanna River, and his laptop computer was found in the river. In May 1996, Gricar's brother Roy, who lived in southwest Ohio, disappeared not long after being fired from his job in Dayton. His body was found days later in the Great Miami River. His car was found parked near the Great Miami River, and authorities ruled his death a suicide. I don't know what that means. I just find it a horribly bizarre coincidence -- I think. Is that kosher attribution? Even without quotation marks?
- I could have bought my first house twice for what that Caddy Urban Assault Vehicle costs.
- Very cool space station video. Brilliant shots of recent Aurora manifestation. Which reminds me, Nancy's photo from Phriday evokes a berfect adjective: boreal, particularly as it applies to Brother North Wind (for John Crowley fans). Maybe O'Reilly was responsible for this hilarious SNAFU.
- Hitchens drinking buddy Martin Amis actually says something complimentary about someone else's books. Sign of the Apocalypse? Exactly who does this idiot thinks buys his books?
- Jeff, the judge that set Sandusky's bail at $100grand unsecured, no leg monitor, is a Second Mile vounteer. This is reminiscent of that judge that was all tangled up financially with Virginia AG Cuccinelli but claimed no conflict of interest when ruling against the ACA mandate. Or the bastard Scalia that didn't recuse himself in the case of records of Cheney's Enron strategy meetings. edit: Why Judge Hudson was crooked as hell to not recuse himself:
- Well, Dexter, Freddie Lorenzen was from Brooklyn and one of the greatest oval drivers ever lived, and he always drove Fords. Won races, despite ganging up by the good ole boys. Does anybody want to claim there is some sort of connection between being gay and being attracted to kids? That is an invention of straight people or people of some other perverse orientation altogether. How did anybody with a working brain allow nutcases like most likely Jerry Sandusky to act like child sexual predation had anything to do with homosexuality? This is not remotely logical. Normal homosexual men are attracted to grown men, the way normal Heterosexual grown men are attracted to grown women. N'est ce Pas? Seems like even a fucking moron GOPer should find that relatively easy to understand. Did Larry Craig tend toward the callow, or was it anybody that would pound shoes at the airport men's room?
- I presume I'm correct about this. If there are heterosexual males drawn to sex with prepubescent children, it would be reasonable to expect as many homosexuals to experience the same sort of abberrant impulse, and no more. This is nothing but logic.What I obviously mean is that pretending like homosexuality makes a person more likely to be a pedophile is spectacularly asinine and grotesquely homophobic. Obviously, this has to do with youngsters perception of childhood experiences. And as Borden says, if it's whatever, I doan know shit about how a kid is going to rebound from some shit like this. I will say again, and y'all can repeat I don't know. If I came upon a big adult slamming a kid. I'd beat his brains out. I'd expect to get the Death Penalty. But who cares. I'd expose his brains on the wall and not feel bad about it. This is a nobrainer. What is wrong with that puto? Shit Nancy. These people are full of shit. I try to be true to what you think. It's your spot. I'm only visiting.
- You have to admit. You saw Berl getting set up like a pincushion. And that was a very enjoyable novel. You never read John Irving, right kidd? give it a try. You have no clue . Well, you do, You're smart and clever and the idea we can consider Little Big is way bigger than whatever. Brother North Wind? Consider. What I said about, I've aside
- It seems to me that when we all become wome sort of shitheel, we have to be making sure we are despicable assholes. Let me get this straight. You put the lime in the coconut. These people are the most asinine shitheads that ever lived. You can't fall back on Harry Newman. You fucking morons.
- Jesus act like you ever had some siruation. Christ, you have already made evereything idiotic, What a bunch of assholes. This is a great story and you have sullied it pretty poorly.
- The story is excellent. The way the woman laid it it out is astounding. Could you have done better? I doubt it. I personally think the whole story was mighty wll one. Whatevever anybody else thinks. Mighty fine story. If you don't think so, you are a dumbass
- I want to thank a few of you for letting me understand why my feet fail me, Not long ago, some of you discussesed CMT. It's not a thing anybody wants to find out about. There is no cure. Actually, what I've read says ride that bike,, So Good as we get. I started a couple years ago with severe drop foot. When you have spent your entire life as an athlete and you have this sort of failure, it is frightening. So my legs are failing me. . This is not something I take remotely funny. But, you know. I do. I probably deserve this. I am almost sure this is some shit I deserve for drinking. So I will assume all of the blame for everything bad thad ever happened to me. It is all my fault. Anybody understand that. No shit. It is my fault.
- Good lord, what a buncha cool bastards, No shit? It's not a happy thing to find out. CMT sucks, bigtime. But at least I know what the deal is. It is poor, AND I WILL deal. Fuck you.
- McQuearey, how could you not? In the moment? How would you you not intervene physically? I do not understand how you anybody would not beat this asshole to a pulp. And I do not understand how anybody connects this with homosexexuals. That is asinine. Sandusky is a heterosexual pervert, that probably liked girls as well as boys, so long as they were prepubescent. He was just a creep, and there is no getting around that,
- Dextwr, you are a really good guy. I am perfectly willing to take my medicine, I have taken my more than liquor, and everything I've done to my neural system, I eill buy it. It is all my fault. I am as big an asshole as ever came around. You can not get more of an asshole than I. I want this actally embedded in the internet.
- I have always thought this was probably the funniest thing I've ever heard. Pete Barbutti, back when talk TV wasn't fucking drivel, and Merv Griffin was assaulting male guests. Somebody in an Escalade threw a 40 bottle at me yesterday. I know it was a 40, because they don't sell Qwahts anymore. Blew up right in front of me. Thank God for inventing kevlar bike tires. I prefer errant golfers. I was wearing a UGA shirt, and I suspect this was some UT redneck or an inbred FLA jorts wearing fool with a mullet. I actually have the plate number, but the sherriff is little Napoleon from the Citadel and I know they will not do shit. Deborah, you are a designer, how would you find it difficult to understand another person's visceral dislike for a color combination? That really doesn't make sense. We all bring lifetimes to the way in which we react. Show me orange and blue and I will react badly. And I assure you, I am a grown man. That just seems like missing the point for somebody that does your job.
- I know I've taken some shit from some of y'all for comments about what people look like, But, sorry, Newt looks exactly like Wormwood to me. Fat oleageanous shit imp and failed devil.
- Sorry Deborah, I don't see your argument. Peoples' reactions to color schemes have to do with all sorts of things. If they have to do with affinities for sports connections, that is no more infantile than any other reason. You are expressing a clear anti-sports bias. Because sports that aren't soccer must be stupid. I've no interest in arguing, but don't you think color preferences set in pretty much right after genetic preferences? And don't you think color preferences are mostly inexplicable. And don't you design and choose colors based upon your perceptions of the client's preferences? And given the bizarre fact that anybody in the Big Whatever actually thinks they play actual football, wouldn't it make sense to keep color schemes in mind? Just seems like good business sense. "Poor sportsmanship"? In what way. Do you mean, as designers always do, that anybody that disagrees with the designer's grand vision is some sort of idiot phillistine? This is why people in architecture call "designers" decorators.
- Would everybody please keep in mindpindick Presidents actually appoint shitheels like Scalia to the Supreme Court. How the free market deals with health care.
- Well, you know Beb, Shelly O is obese. Rush says so, and the idiot tubes reverberate.
- Newtster. Too voluble and too convinced he's actually clever for his own good. Not me, Newt. I'm sure he has heard of Miguel Cervantes, or Gabriel Garcia Marquez. What a fucking buffoon. Deborah, my apologies if anybody thought I was being argumentative. But if a wedding planner (I'm trusting to movies there is such a thing) proposed a maize and blue theme to a bunch of people from Columbus, would that make sense? Not freaking likely. The suggestion that basing preferences for certain color combinations on allegiance to sports teams is somehow neanderthal is seriously ridiculous. More ridiculous, actually, than following a particular sports team. And the best student newspaper in the USA is called The Red and Black. For the sports teams and, somewhere back in time, for Stendahl, but that Fronch, another gutter ghetto language, according to Newt.
- KLG, I do not "worship" Vince Dooley, I actually know him, and he is a superb human being, and a great friend to my mom and dad. Your patronizing bullshit is obnoxious, and I happen to think Erk Russell was a decent football coach that was kind of a cretin. Thanks for proving my point about making assumptions based upon somebody's presumed or apparent sports allegiances. And the reason you can get season tickets is that that shithole is always half-empty. I've got season tickets at the real football stadium and I give them to a charity auction most years. And you can call yellow gold all you like, it is still yellow, and when it comes to institutional accomplishments in any field besides electricians, UGA leaves The Technical School in the dust. And if more people buy UGA hats, it is generally because the gangstas got all the GT hats. "I steal laptops from my team mates." UGA 47, Tech about 7. Your moment of truth about Dawg fans is idiotic. I graduated from the Henry Grady School, one of the two or three best JSchools around. Two of my brothers graduated from the UGA School of Law, as did my dad. My mom worked for UGA for thirty years in the student infirmary as a nurse practitioner. We didn't get our hats at Walmart. And we kick Tech every year in every sport, as well as in academic achievement. Tech? Trade School, pretending to be MIT.
- Maggie, I admire your opinions, but I don't see orange in The Starry Night. I think you have to make it by mixing red and yellow, and I don't think Vincent did that except for The Child With An Orange. He seemed to omit secondary colors.
- Maybe the Sunflowers, but I don't think that is orange, and there is certainly no blue there. Maybe his own beard in self-portraits. But that would be red. Maybe Dr. Gachet's beard, but that was imagined. Didn't Google, I know these paintings.
- In football, orange and blue is FLA, which should leave with Tejas and not let the screendoor hit them in the ass. Good riddance. They elected the biggest Medicare crook in history for their governor. They elected the supremely delusional Alan West to Congress. BuhBye. So Newt is toast. Can the GOPers revive Mama Grizzly? And if the Teabangers stick with Newt, what does that make them? edit: Illini is not actually serious football. Orange and blue is also Aubarn, where they paid the QB many $thou dollars to play last year, after he got kicked out of FLA for stealing from classmates.
- KLG: Nope. To other readers, I apologize for the length of this post.
- Taking the piss out of, as Princess Nancy did so sublimely to Rick Perry. According to Ray Davies, a Harry Rag , rhymes with fag + cigarette. Cricket terms are quite brilliant. The Kinks are the Village Green Preservation Society but they are also the Sherlock Holmes English Speaking Vernacular. Also, rubbish is used as verb and adjective as well as noun.
- Pizza isn't a vegetable? Are republicans ready to just give up to an alternative bunch of shit? Pizza is a vegetable? What the fuck is wrong with these insane pieces of shit? PIZZA IS A VEGEBLE? SERIOUSLY, HOW INSANE DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO CARY ON THIS REPUBLICAN ANTI-OBAMA AND COMMON SENSE DON'T MEAN SHIT?
- die job. What a jerk.
- What I think about Moe, Somebody I care about a great deal: Maintenant, mon amis. You fight through everything. I'm on your side forever. even if I'm some asshole Catholic. I've been some shit about somebody I care about, and I do. dealing with Cancer. I am pissed off about this sort of shit. My mom died of breast cancer, and I am not kinda thinking anybody is supposed to take this easy, Moe, you are a strong person that dan take whatever is required. You can put up with this shit. I know I want to think things for my own thinking what makes me feel better. But fuck that. Not in a million years. Are you kidding? Npt in a million ears, you fucking idiots. bag you morons, if I'm not condidering you have got to be considering.
- Moe, you have always been kind to me when everybody else was treating me like an asshole. You're news is difficult, and i think you have the grace and steadfastnes and courage to meet it head on. That is just my ideas\a of you're character from what I know about you from this blog. I wish I could say something good, but this is beyond me. I hope you feel well. So much as I know you from this venue, I want everything to be as good as possible gor you. hve always found you kind, and this is no shit, but if things are going badly. I do pray. regularly. Mostly for my brothers, that I care about more than anybody. And I am including you. I know you don't think that means much, but it can't hurt.
- Deborah, Ron Paul is like watching Suspiria.
- He is so damn looney you can't imagine.
- ron paul? the gold bug. I know none of you are that whacko. Ron Paul? How does everything get down to the JSchool? We are assholes that are second-rate citizens to stupid tech pieces of shit? Not the real Tech, That would be MITech, not the electricians. What would we be thinking? What I always think about is second-hand lions. As great a movie as there ever was. Jan Kemp, please let us explain. She just thought that kids had no business in the program. She seemed to think that if you tried to help them, you must be some sort of ahole. I don't figure what she meant. You mean, if you tried to help kids get along, you were wrong? Sorry, but she was full of shit. If I tried to help kids better themselves, and she interfered, she was right and I was wrong? And she can make some horseshit about stabbing herself, She is a nutcase.
- Moe, I'm reminded of a great song by Joan Baez. About the condemned, weongly, Sacco and Vanzetti. I think it's a great song and a gorgeous performance. Maintenent. You go.
- Brandon, They were clearly dangerous. They weren't packing AKs as sidearms. Clearly not patriots. I have been guilty of tossing teargas canisters back at agressive cops. In 1968. I was pretty pissed off about a lot of things. Being beaten for no reason by Chicago cops, and Bobby being shot, for two. And, um, I can't remember the third reason. Back in Grant Park, I fought like a bastard against armed shitheels. I never broke the law until I was assaulted, and I'm not sure my behavior after that was anything but legally defending myself. The main thing I hope comes from Occupy is that people actually go and vote. Scalia has done his best to remove the representative part from American democracy. Another knee-jerk Republican President would be the final coffin-nail.
- How the recession came about. Nothing whatsoever to doe with Fanny, Freddie, Barney, the CRA or ACORN. Plain and simple, why those lies pervade American consciousness. GOPers will not admit to the idea that government is a social contract intended to provide for common good. And against all logic, they invoke Jesus Christ while preaching selfishness as patriotism.
- Breaking Dawn is not doing well with critics. Semi-intelligent GOPer take on the primary field.
- How 'bout them Lions.
- Right Brian, the piece is unusual for its consiscion and precision. Claear as a bell. Newt is on video claiming Rep. Frank should be in jail over Freddie and Fannie. Slimy bastard.
- We've had excellent results with Alton Brown's brining instructions. Works well with whole fish, like salmon, too.
- Irrefutable straight talk from Barney Frank on cutting military spending. There is no rational rebuttal to a single thing the Congressman says on this subject. Of course Salamander G. says Barney Frank should be in jail for housing market manipulations by Fannie and Freddie. Shit Newt, I don't think Barney got anything like $1.6mill from those guys. The deficit and the national debt may be something like half as much a problem as hysterical GOPers claim (probably not), but at that, claiming Social Security is a considerable component of the problem is a bald-faced canard, and just more of that bullshit from W's misguided initiative to privatize the social safety net. That would have worked out great in '07 and '08, right. The only rational place for large cuts is in spending on a military that is far too huge for any practical purpose in thee world as we find it, and reducing health care costs. The latter will never happen so long as private insurance companies and HMO's who collude with the insurers and end up making government "bureaucracy" look as effective and efficient as Mussolini making the trains run on time. The US military-industrial complex and the US health care system as it currently operates are easily the two most execrable, dishonest, graft-ridden, ineffective and expensive bureaucracy in the history of human endeavor. This sorry state is a direct result of rampant capitalism and mindless reliance on the effects of "markets". Moe, you know that Mrs. Biden and Mrs. Obama were actually promoting a program to develop jobs for vets returning from W's two invasions, and that the drivers were very receptive and supporters.
- Anybody that rules out Thanksgiving wine has never had the Gewurzytraminers and Spatleses you can get this time of year. Good ones serve perfectly for both dessert and aperitif. And aside from following Nouveau Beaujolais, that's it from me about wine. But a good Nouveau is about the most perfect wine with turkey meat. And I have always been happy to be born into the dark meat cadre. Little Bird. My brother Dave and I think everything in the world is more copacetic the more pork products abound, bacon in particular. We both used to drive my mom nuts about not enough bacon at breakfast after Mass (back when you were supposed to fast three hours before Communion). She would threaten us with 2 lb. apiece, but we knew it was all a good natured joke. Dave and I would have put that bacon away and demanded more in no time. We get a catalog from Burger's Smokehouse. Bacon experts par excellence. They sell a very thick-cut, country-cure bacon with cracked pepper coating That I think is better than expensive prosciutto for starting sauce. Anybody going for turducken? What sort of scumbag idiot made that shit up? Or a Tofurkey? Seriously? I smoked Cornish Hens once for Thanksgiving and it went over big. I'd like to be clear on what y'all think is a turnip and what you think is a rutabaga. In my house, a turnip was a somewhat grotesque waxy ball that weighed about two shotputs, and looked like a rusty one.. You peel it and steem it till it is barely holding cube for. I know y'all sort of went over this talking about pasties, which I thought were brightly colored stars and swirls barely covering nipples on women otherwise naked above the waist, oh, I almost committed a homophone error that would have been awful and so bogus.
- when Arkansas beats LSU, And UGA tramples Arkansas in the CG, how do things stand? Main thing is SEC is so much better, weenies talking about the ACC or any other conference can kiss they ass goodbye. If there is a pro quarterback that will still win the game when you ar in deep crap? That would have to be Matt Stafford, if you aren't an idiot. Three times ? are we kidding? If a guy catches a ball covering the endline, he covered the line. This football move nonsense is painfully made up and stupid as shit. No way to say a word to any of you. Guy was taken hostages by criminals? I have to think, he is going to be very tough in the ninth. Things have looked slightly more serious. I hope he blows hitters away.
- No way we get caught: Irrefutable straight talk from Barney Frank on cutting military spending. Put his hand up Sherri's skirt. Bag this shit Nancy. Sometimes the rode goes on forever. I have been the What would we say, the firearms. You know how this comes out. Bitch, that is how it always leaves the male in this situation. I think you may consider. Who ia how whTEVER WE FUCK OVER EVERYBODY? NOPE? WE JUST SCREWED OUR BOYS.
- Shit doesn't stink. Girls don't fart. What is wrong with people? I'd blame Peggy Noonan. Who believes women are too delicate for actual police work. What a moron.
- Joe. You live in a world of your own. I wish I could fly planes. I really wish I could, but that is not the real world, by any stretch of the imagination, What we think and what is the real world, Not remotely the same. No shit Joe, when you fly into Hilton Head, let me know. I will buy you lunch, Meanwhile, things are absurd. I will take you to lunch and let things sort them selves out, So it goes. Don't know what to say, but you are under arrest.
- Crazycatlady, My hat is off to you, but I still could not bring myself to sit down to a tofurkey. And I'm no huge fan of the real thing in the first place, but I only like the darkest meat available anyway, which I think, possibly deluded is lowest in cholesterol, but mine's low anyway and I'm not worried about weight at 165 and 6"-1. Dexter, you are correct on the nouveau. I should cut myself off as you have, but I doubt I ever will, There is actually a terrific song on the subject by a terribly underrated band, the BoDeans: Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a version of Beaujolais on the net. But believe me, this is a great band.
- How would JFK's death have played on Fox? Asti Spumante and party hats? How about Bobby's? MLK's? Would those assholes even have attempted to restrain their glee? I remember the whole thing clearly. My parents were distraught and I basically took care of the house and fed my little brothers for a few days. In my opinion, believing that Lee Harvey Oswald did this alone with a bolt action 1938 rifle is loonier than the looniest conspiracy theory. I think it's likely there were members of the Bush family involved. Why not? Prescott certainly dealt with Nazis, intimately, as did the daddy of the Koch-heads. The searing memory is seeing Jack Ruby kill Lee Oswald live on TV. I've seen people shot, myself once, but that was astounding. Peter, Newt actually said child labor laws are "stupid". What sort of an ignoranimus would say that? Scribe: The crackers comment is very funny. But what about little packets of oyster crackers? And, are people really so stupid that the Mittens ad can fool them? Morons. Disenfranchise. And Happy Birthday to whoever's birthday it is. The principal of my grammar school came to tell us the President had been shot. We (children in general at the time, in my experience) thought of him as a great man, a hero, and I am not projecting, we knew about PT-109. Had this country had Jack and Bobby for the rightful lengths of their lives, it would be decidedly better, and so would its people. Mock that idea if you like, but no Raygun? No Nixon? No Southern Strategy? No Teabangers?
- Sue, Newt has a long history of claiming things would improve if children were taken from their parents. Does he actually have any, or has he been shooting blanks all these years? With so many different women? What a particularly scummy scumbag. He is on the record as favoring orphanages, by which I figure he means workhouses. He's obese as Victoria, just let him borrow a dress and some lipstick from Rudy G. In retrospect, I think about the murders of JFK and Bobby and Martin in light of Oppenheimers comment of the nuke test at Los Alamos: Those murders changed the world and this country for the worse. But some fool will always misplace a modifier in hilarious fashion to brighten my day. We are all smelling deliciously fragrant, so we are going to hit the Jack Daniel.
- Marc G: Oh yeah, it was live. Just a coincidence though.
- My mom and dad were practically catatonic when JFK was murdered. They had put their lives believing in social justice into getting him elected. They were right. But when I saw that asshole Howard K. Smith deny Bobby's victory in California and then saw that ahole announce Bobby's murder, I would have killed his disgusting old man ass had he been close. How is it that this country is run by people claiming to be Christians that don't give a shit about anybody else? Is Social Justice that difficult to understand?
- Gingrich is still surging in the polls – the latest to find him in first place is CNN – and while I think his history of selling himself to corporate America will ultimately turn off Tea Partyers, what do I know about Tea Partyers, anyway? I try to give them credit for ideological consistency – they supposedly hate crony capitalism, and Newt is its poster boy – but I may be politically naive in that. How disgusting are these assholes?
- George Will, who may be the lyingest snake in the lair, certainly the most dedicated and died in the wool sophistic asshat, since Buckley croaked, on Newt: I never said I'd leave the USA if Kenneth Blackwell and Diebold appointed W President for a second appointment, but if these assholes manage to leverage one of these shitheels, I'm
- Walter Kronkheit actually was an astounding journalist. What's left is drivel. He knew when to speak his heart and mind. He believed Nison was an evil piece of shit. And the American Dream might be empty:
- John G, Not remotely. Shitheel seems to be the opprobium du jour here.
- And aside from screaming, and being an intelligent and gorgeous human being, Jamey Lee has about the most perfect pair of breasts ever seen, Like in that movie, Trading Places. Pardon me, but if y'all feel so free to discuss her bowels, I'll discuss her joyful protuberances. Long may they wave.
- MarkH , I have no idea what you are talking about. And honestly, I tried to figure it out. Sirhan wasn't an occupy guy. But the idea that whackjob conservatives killed Bobby and Jack is fucking likely. It's exactly what people like that do.
- Joe, What were the last words that came out of his obese mouth? That was the last lie. He is incapable of speaking truth. And KLG I am sure that was how it was spelled in the first place.
- MarkH, that is probably transliteration from Cyrllic. So far as W and Cheney are concerned, Where is the $12billion from the pallettes shipped to Iraq?
- Turkey skin, basted properly, tastes far better than turkey breast meat, which tastes about like cardboard. I like Ike. Time to restore Eisenhower tax rates. Palin turkey slaughter, on the other hand, is far more humane than that practiced by the godless heathen Muslims and their sharia.
- Speaking of fire safety: Family values for Thanksgiving.
- That's marginal rate, Mark.
- Just got a copy of 1Q84 in the mail. I had to have it as soon as I read this cocmment in NYRB review: This romance is at the core of the novel, as if Murakami had somehow hybridized The Magic Flute and Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita, with a touch of Rosemary’s Baby thrown in for good measure.
- Well, I know driving through Richmond smells like driving through a cigarette made into a tunnel. Great Thanksgiving leftover concept:
- Long day at the food bank Thanksgiving meal. It's really fun for a gifted amateur cook to be let loose in a vast restaurant kitchen with great space and tools. Somewhat depressing though, when we arrived at 5:30 am there were already destitute people assembling for the free feast and food takeouts. We fired up the coffee urns. Even in paradise it was chilly out. Used my superb Ethiopian dark roast from Gevalia. These were families. Heartbreaking, in my country. I don't generally read non-fiction, except for phenomenolological theology, like Teilhard, which I read and reread fairly constantly. But yesterday, I read a book of political philosophy by one of my favorite fiction writers that I want to recommend strongly. Walter Mosley has written the greatest noir since Phillip Marlowe, and those of you who appreciate that genre should surely check out at least the Easy Rawlins novels, particularly Devil in a Blue Dress. Chandler and Hammett dealt in sociological truths, but Mosley takes it a step further by making it about race in the USAA in the '50s and '60s. Anyway, the guy has written a book recently that was far ahead of progressive movements in identifying oligarchy and engineered wealth inequality as the root of America's problems. Mosley has been through AA and offers Twelve Steps Toward Political Revelation. It's only 92 pp., and easy read in a single slow day. And I believe it's brilliant. The book is a perfect antidote to some asshole like Herman Cainster claiming people are poor because they are lazy, and could break through the self-narcotization necessary for decent Americans to buy into that unAmerican, anti-Christian snake oil. The book is available on Amazon for abot $10. Well worth reading. I thought about it today while feeding homeless and starving poor people today for a meager one holiday of the year.
- Cookbooks. I know my political views are strident, and sometimes divisive. But they are based upon my commitment to Christianity, in the form of Catholicism, as expressed by Jesuits and Teillhard in particular. But also, I think that the point of this country is a social compact that GOPers don't believe exists. I think that is a heinous crock of shit. We aren't responsible for the less fortunate or those who need help? In what country, you hypocrites?
- Is social justice very far from what anybody of you ever thought was what was meant by basic rights and the USA Constitution? I doubt it.
- Deborah, so you are going to be painting gigantic Irises that look like inflamed vaginas? Way cool. I've spent only brief time in New Mes, but I've spent lots of time in the High Desert. It;s the most gorgeous country our country has to offer, aside from cities. I have no idea which I prefer. I love Boston and NYC, But I love the desert in Utah and Arizona and New Mexico. I shouldn't have to choose. I don't think. I don't know the specific NMex landscape you are talking about. The Southern rivers, like the southern San Juan, that's my sort of country.
- Do people acrtually watch CBS sitcoms and think there is anything remotelely funny? What the fuck is wrong with people? Holy shit that is bone stupid,
- Ladies, but whatever you may think: Best New Mexico Song ever. Y'all enjoy the getaway.
- Paint inflamed vulva, that look like ireses, or whatever.
- Why do women assume men don't get shit?
- None of it is all that difficult to understand. Why does anybody think the sitcoms are remotely funny, Way stupid. Not funny in the slightest. Big Bang? That is so stupid it is beyond comprehension. Dumber than grunt. Really fucking stupid. Cannot be stupider. This is supposed to be funny? Beyond fucking stupid. What is wrong with people?
- Please tell me none of you watch this idiocy. Not remotely funny. Big Bang, sorry but that is funny as a hangnail. I could watch the whole shit and never crack a smileBut is there a sitcom that is? Not quite, since, maybe Frazier. But sorry, since Monk there has really been nothing funny. Sean Spencer is a pissant little asshole, and he is not remotely clever. I am not joking, If people believe this shit is funny, they really have omething to consider. How does anybody think any of this is funny or not obnoxious to gay marriage? Are these aholes not making fun? Screw Conan, Screw his alleged marriage partners. What a bunch of dickheads .
- Maggie, the cherry cokey cola is actually better, I think. You are my favorite person on the net. By a mile. I am not joking about the cherry coke. Give it a try.
- Honey is bee food. Is fake honey being injected into fake butts in FLA? So they remove the pollen to cover up the country of origin? I'm not sure I get it? But wouldn't it be easy, given oppressive government regulation, to simply ban imports from China and India? But let's have Archer Farms be the judge, instead of a government agency. We'll trust them to tell the truth. And if the FDA is falling down on this job, it is because the W administration pretty much shut them down.
- beb: Nobody that can cook uses cooking sherry. And maybe it's elitist, but would you apply that term to literary or film criticism. I simply stated that I watched half an hour of Big Bang Theory without once being remotely tempted to crack a smile. Fucking LCD drivel. Only stating an opinion, not dictating taste. And that one is supposed to be the funniest. Even Blossom doesn't save it. I do think its immense popularity says something somewhat frightening about America, but I wouldn't have the gall to try to pin that malaise down, like Bernard-Henri Levi or some other pisant of that sort. But shit, people care about Dancing With the "Stars", even if they are Kardashians or Gosselins. I just find this overall degradation in common discernment of entertainment mildly depressing.
- One to add to all those anti-weight-gain holiday must filler stories: Or, you can just ignore it.
- Basset, Hoagy Carmichael was actually a pretty handsome gent, that looked most like Robert Montgomery, or William Powell when mustachioed, and a bit like Sean Connery. In my mind, the guy always pales in comparison as a songwriter when compared with Mose Allison. They wrote some similar music, actually, but Mose was the master. But Beatle George didn't cover him: ZZTop did: Bond? Couldn't say. George Lazenby sucked. Daniel Craig is mighty good. Never bought into this franchise, and I liked the Roger Moore versions. Never actually watched one with Daniel Craig, but it's my impression he's a good actor. As is Sean Connery, who starred with another icon, Michael Cane in another of my top ten, The Man Who Would Be King, a truly great movie.
- Sean Connery was also excellent in Time Bandits, another movie I esteem. Well, if Terry Gilliam directed it, I'm all for it. But if basset is tramping around the woods trying to shoot Bambi, how is he communicating?
- Black Friday. and Black Friday.
- Mark, very fine, for sure. As for Bond, James Bond. How about Peter Sellers, David Niven, Ursula Undress, and Woody Allen? From the real Casino Royale?
- What Arthur Laffer actually meant, before he got all goofy and talked Raygun into sheer idiocy. I love that movie Mark. It's hilarious, in my opinion. Jimmy Bond? Played by Woody Allen? Orson Welles as the world's greatest villain. David Niven satirizing himself. Great fun.
- Turkey slaughter, up close and personal.
- Alvar Aalto and his first wife Aino have designed furniture, various interior design elements, and interesting buildings. Aalto died in the 70s, I think. Lots of architect friends of mine practicaly idolize the guy as the Finnish equivalent of F. L. Wright. Corporate welfare is alive and well in England. Sounds disgustingly familiar.
- Pretty even-handed and objective discussion re: real vs. artificial. The point that stands out for me is that every acre planted in Douglas firs kept in perpetual rotation producing Christmas trees absorbs more than 11,000 lbs. of CO2 annually.
- Amazon has no release date for Game of Thrones. Ths site says March: Though why they would miss Christmas is mystifying. Had to crank up the Cougar to do it, but saw Hugo 3d in Savannah yesterday. I have rarely seen a more perfect translation of a stunningly genius book to film. Of course Hugo Cabret is one-half brilliant illustrations, so I'd say that gives the director and art director and whover else is responsible a big head start. It's easy to see that everyone involved in the movie gets the book completely. The acting is terrific, even Sacha Baron Cohen makes up for obnoxious drivel like Ali G and Borat. The drive is not too bad, through the countryside with weather good enough for the top down, and pizza and red Hook IPAs at Vinnie Van GoGos (an old favorite, deep in the heart of SCAD country, SCAD being the trendier RISD). A really nice day to take my mind off mangling my right hand in a dumbass-driver-induced bike crash Wednesday. I can club a softball lefty but that's about it. Wreaked havoc with typing cooking, biking, opening anything including new CDs. When I got up from the crash, my right ring finger was 90degrees across my middle and index fingers. Gruesome, but I snapped it back. (Football experience saves the day.) The finger is now the size of un petit andouille. Had to take my icebag to the movies. Major problem, I wear a ring on that finger, and the apparent constriction in the swelling scared me with thoughts of gangrene and amputation at first. But the finger remains pink, except at the joints where it's purple, black and jaundice yellow. My recommendation: Hugo is a great movie, so great I might actually buy a 3DTV just for Hugo, see it soonest, but hold out for the 3D. For two years, Seinfeld was funny as hell. After that, the characters descended into such snivelling, whinging, self-centered assholery, they were nearly impossible to watch. Still, considerably superior to the insufferably smarmy smut that passes for comedy on the networks these days.
- Keef and Mick in 3D. I don't know about that.
- I used to work in the Mass State House as an asst. to a Boston news anchor and poitical reporter. My favorite things were listening To Barney, when he was a fixture there, and his associate Mel King. They made a hilarious pair, visually. Frank is short, and, in those days, rumpled and rotund. Rep. King was 6-4, athletic and wore sandals and a resplendent dashiki on State House business. Both were fierce, brilliant purveyors of what they knew to be right. They were very effective allies. Rep. King's bio certainly echoes the background of President Obama. I've got an iPhone, but thanks to the total lameness of AT&T, I don't even get reception inside my own condo. My contract is up in May, and I'll be long gone to sprint or Verizon, though I'm also looking into CREDO Mobile, which has standing donation agreements with organizations like Amnesty. They offer a Samsung smart phone free.
- Barney Frank on his retirement: I will neither be a lobbyist nor a historian. Oh, snap. Stick that up your fat ass, Newt. BS is SOP for GOPers, but this argument blaming OWS for the failure of the Supercommittee to reach an agreement beggars belief. I wish I knew how to use photoshop. This photo screams for a can of pepper spray.
- MichaelG, Have you read her comic Frog Applause. It's suggestive and inscrutable, and for some reason I find it entertaining. She's always in some sort of censorship beef with the UClick people. Many have suggested that the nurse is Teresa Burritt herself, but she ain't telling. I suppose her blog is , for me, the visual and graphic analog of the verbal bravura of NN.c. I check Frog Blog every day, after looking here. Fascinating, funny, educational video about math, physics and philosophy. (Another from Frog Blog.)
- Netflix subscribers can see Citizen Ruth free online. I'm pretty much a sucker for anything with Laura Dern and no dinos. Although I've watched the ludicrous Lake Placid several times for the presence of Ms. Dern and the inimitable Oscar Platt, and the giant gator.
- Hermanator's valentine:
- Cainster's lawyer's comment: No individual, whether a private citizen, a candidate for public office or a public official, should be questioned about his or her private sexual life,The public's right to know and the media's right to report has boundaries and most certainly those boundaries end outside of one's bedroom door. Gutdom that is flaccid denial from any GOPer philanderer or harrasser.
- The Cain campaign has issued a statement denying the allegations, saying that Cain plans to “stay on the scene”. Poor choice of words, Cooze, quoting the Godfather in defense of Godfathers:
- That would be pretty astounding self-parody on Mittster's part. He'd probably be better off with one of the following: or this classic from his homies: It would probably be a "gotcha question" to ask any of the Klown Kar Kandidates to quote a favorite James Brown line. My own only requires remembering one word, and repeating it four times.
- For the halibut, Van Halen bluegrass: and rasta led zep with an Elvis impersonator:
- Restored Dr. Zhivago at Turner Classic in 60 seconds.
- I find it difficult to get overly exercised over the MF Global heist in light of the $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent. A huge portion of these wads of cash fell into Halliburton hands, and, presumably, ended up in Dickless Cheney's portfolio. Erik Prince probably used his cut on a fancy branding consultant to create the Xe reboot (Suckaahh!) One way or another, the whole thing likely ended up in the larders of the neocon cabal. Best possible scenario? Teabangers are banished from the House in 2012, Obama is reelected, and Kerry is free to investigate this bank job as he did with BNL, BCCI and Iran-Contra. In the latest NYT magazine, There is a piece called "When did the Rules Change", in which Adam Peterson (NPR Planet Money) says: Many newspaper reporters have learned that their work was subsidized, in part, by classified ads and now can't survive the rise of Craigslist. So Craig, STFU. I suppose the List is OK if you don't mind becoming the target of a homicidal stalker, but I'd just as soon stick with agate lineage in my local classifieds or the Pennysaver.
- Doesn't the saga of Hermanator Cainster and Ginger Snap sound like Kwame and his funny valentine?
- Jolene, that was somebody else's opinion, not mine, about damaging newspaper revenues, but it seems to be an inescapable conclusion. As for the stalking and homicide, those, sadly, are crime statistics. About what am I wrong, exactly? Choosing my local paper over an internet monstrosity? Nancy, isn't Mayor Gotsis promising to spend an immense amount of taxpayer money to defend residents of his polis against paying taxes? And he certainly looks like a muppet, if a muppet can succumb to Chron's disease and guzzle Kentucky Gentleman. Damn, that face looks like a window on near-terminal dyspepsia. Mark: AGreed wholeheartedly on Declan McManus. A terrific alternative to the new release is the great 2-CD Girls Girls Girls comp:
- Ginger White speaks. Seems more credible than Cainster to me. Encouraging word on Corporate Criminals.
- I have always thought Cal Thomas is the most delusional of all the delusional right-wing gasbags, but I'd say this takes the cake:,0,4199253.story Right Cal, Clinton got off easy, and Cain is the victim of a high-tech lynching. This shinola drivel (or should I say dribble, since we're on line?) can only be read as parody.
- Urban Meyer is an original architect of the despicable practice of oversigning. He sign more recruits to letters of intent than there are scholarships available, gets them on campus, then manufacturers ways to "run them off". A majpr benefit is to prevent these kids from signing with competitor schools. The practice, beyond all reason, violates no NCAA rules, but the dishonesty and lack of ethical compunctions reeks.
- Deborah, I've got a right wing bother that started his political life as a little kid with Bobby Kennedy posters over his bed. His opinions now seem to have everything to do with his law practice and his immense income. If we talk about our youth, sports, Bob Seger who we saw 100 times probably, we are joined at the hip. In our jejeune sports careers, C was always a star while I was pretty damned good. He's the best friend I ever had, and the godfather of my only kid. I'm the godfather of his firstborn, my boy D, who's done three Iraq tours. C thinks his boy is at risk of his life for nothing whatever., but he'll still vote for GOPers on a taxation basis. These differences can be avoided, although, I admit, occasionally Chris and I need to be separated from each other before fists land. It drives me nuts because I know he knows what is right, in the long run.Julie, my dad died fairly recently, and my mom not long before. I was pretty devastated, but my good and lasting friend, my ex-wife, who loved my mom and dad, helped me through everything. She's remarried, but she propped me up like somebody you've been through hell with. I wouldn't presume, but your place is probably to be as strong as possible. Sorry for being a fatuous ass. I'm at Mass tomorrow as lector, I'll add your mother-in-law in the prayers of the faithful. It seems to me that prayer is authentic, no matter how you look at it. As a devout Catholic, who has thought things through like Urban Meyer hasn't at DeMolay recruiting meetings, I'd suggest Catholicism and the Church are obviously two different things. People talk about the 'wealth" of the Church. Does anybody think it's in the same universe as the holdings of American Babdiss? Don't be morons.
- Who is playing the guitar, Dex. That is awesome. OK, so that was Patrice? She was a devotee of Curtis, Right? Or Ernie Eisely? Or both? Julie, I am sorry for your loss. In all the wreckage of my brother's and my first marriages, there was always the fact that both the spouses remained family, and devoted to my mom and dad. And my parents devoted to them too.
- Carolyn, Are you applying for the position?
- How is Privatizing Social Security supposed to work when the military-industrial complex is intent on minimizing wages? and then forcing workers to reinvest, like it's the company store? This is 19th Century thinking and it's immoral and already proven to be bullshit. This is why we all enter into a social compact called a government. This idea likely starts with Jesus. And if we have a government, what we do is we take care of everybody. Is that difficult to understand. If that is redistribution of wealth, compare it to the Screwtape version that has been going on for the last three decades.
- Dex, that's rough. Sorry for an awful loss. I have a blog friend like that. I don't know what it would do to me to lose her. Oscar Wilde, believe it or don't, wrote something worthwhile about these feelings and the situatio:
- Julie, thing to do is maintain and remember everything good. It works. Remember the Madeilliens. There was a moment you knew there was a connection. My mother-in-law is still around, highballs and cigs without a doubt. Her husband, not on my watch and he screwed me over at every consideration and used my intelligence the same time.Noe of this meant dick to this gyu Asshole scammed people with me as his foil, because I knew what I was talking about, and he screwed me too, and I married this asshole's daughter because I loved her, and I still do..
- Jolene, My Mom and dad died fairly recently. MY DAD was adrift. He was pretty sure before he kicked that my mom was visiting him. who knows / There is no way of considering that are we joking / We also had an astounding conversation about Smilla's Sense of Snow, a great novel we thought, And somehow in extremis, my dad remembered all of this. And we discussed it. Because his only nourissshment was water from chips I was racing to produce with the blender.
- Mittster: I only let that setter on the top because I thought it wouls make him campaign Dawg. What an astounding asshole. How does he excuse this? and 9ts pretty hilarious these morons are consideering Iran. Thhis has nothing to do w9th whatev3er, right? Israel is so full of shit it's absurd Israel has the weap0ns. Why shouldn't everyvody ? Is4q3lis a43 sp bull thin, How in the name of God or intellibwncw could anybody think this wasn;t a fucking idiot and anabuser of animals. Sorry? No Mittsters? What the ahole did to the dog. N"est'ce pas
- basset, coolest thing ever about Beatle Geotge is he beat the shit out of some ahole invading his house and his wife subdued the thief. Sue me.
- were is that knos ahole that was GIVING ME SHIT, I COYspulen 53oon606 59e
- for all of you, I'll be ;ucky to be living and breathing avter all I;ve done to myself. Who knows. Julie , sunds like my Mom and Dad. and they were supetb.. Way cool.
- MichaelG, Teresa of Frog Blog now says this is her actual likeness. For everybody that'sengulfed in rain. Judy, I long for snow. Not much chance on SE coastal islands. Still, I've got my outback skis and wax, and I will pray for slippery stuff so I can ski to the store while watching the idiots crash their cars. Robert Frost (felicitous name) said: ALWAYS the same, when on a fated night At last the gathered snow lets down as white As may be in dark woods, and with a song It shall not make again all winter long Of hissing on the yet uncovered ground, I almost stumble looking up and round, As one who overtaken by the end Gives up his errand, and lets death descend Upon him where he is, with nothing done To evil, no important triumph won, More than if life had never been begun. Yet all the precedent is on my side: I know that winter death has never tried The earth but it has failed: the snow may heap In long storms an undrifted four feet deep As measured against maple, birch and oak, It cannot check the peeper's silver croak; And I shall see the snow all go down hill In water of a slender April rill That flashes tail through last year's withered brake And dead weeds, like a disappearing snake. Nothing will be left white but here a birch, And there a clump of houses with a church. Decent, but not WB Yeats.
- Cooze, are you suggesting that shooting Bambi is somehow preventing psychos from shooting civilians from the Texas Tower? As a skier, I loathe snomobiles, mostly because a large number of the people that drive them are redneck idjits.
- Judybusy: Drive South. We travel to winter when we choose. Laurentians with Quebec City as a pied a terre. I always wanted to write that. And anybody that has never been to Quebec City should make reservations immediately. Incredibly excellent place. Almost Geneve'. Which is almost Bern. What Yeats said about winter (The Wheel): THROUGH winter-time we call on spring, And through the spring on summer call, And when abounding hedges ring Declare that winter's best of all; And after that there s nothing good Because the spring-time has not come - Nor know that what disturbs our blood Is but its longing for the tomb.
- Well said Brian, so it's a show about nothing but aholes. Would anybody here spend a moment with such shallow, self-centered idiots as Jerry, George and Elaine? I doubt it. I think Jason Alexander is a decent actor, but he's always that turd George talking about "shrinkage". What a turd. These people are supposed to be friends. They are incapable of friendship, and that is supposed to be funny. The Office is sorry as shit. Not funny in the slightest. When the bits they put in the ads aren't funny, why would anybody watch this crap and expect better? Best office drama show of all time is Dead Like Me: As great a TV show as ever made.
- Kirk, I once worked in an office with a phone system so porous anybody could page aloud. A co-worker and I made a tape loop of a part of this song And played it occasionally. Juvenile? Sure, but did wonders for the mood in general.
- I grew up in Michigan and have never given a thought to shooting a deer. Ted Nugent? Yeah, if I had him in my sights while he was trying to kill Bambi.
- Lyrical, Dex. Apropos of nothing whatever, wasn't Roger Miller brilliant?
- Well Brian, It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry:
- This was mainly an effect of the candidate’s own non-talent for ingratiation; miserably seeking protection in the aw-shucks tone and failing—entirely failing—to grasp that “oops” in any accent sounds bad enough (just as well that Rick Perry wasn’t running in a heterosexual pride contest) but that in the tones of Texas (“Ee-yoops”) it more resembles the last-ditch whine of a luckless peon for mercy. Anybody like to try diagramming that? That's neurasthenic Chris Hitchens making apologias for Goodhair Perry, who he resembles greatly in an effete Brit kinda way. WTF you talking 'bout, Willis? What an insufferable cunt.
- Paddy: If you can explain what in the world the reference to heterosexual pride contest means or has anything to do with, we can agree to disagree. I can't make it through anything that jackass writes, so you may be correct. I love to comment on the jerk because "neurasthenic is a great word and fits Hitchens pluperfectly. I suppose that when your best (only?) friend is Martin Amis, that's a statement about your character and personality.
- Paddy, I see your points. Still, being an ahole for its own sake, and priding oneself on it, gets on my nerves. If Hitchens gets labelled a neocon, it's his own fault. He was a major cheerleader for the illegal invasion of Iraq, and his politics are Cromwellian.
- My brother and his wife adopted twin boys 17 years ago. Wonderful, bright and talented boyos they are, too. Their birth mom was a registered nurse. Both kids are active online, and spend a considerable amount of time buying and downloading music. Their mom and dad set up PayPal accounts for them, and that seems to be a safe way for them to make purchases. When people discuss adoption, I always think about Elian Gonzalez. When his parents first divorced, his mother got custody. She proved unfit in the eyes of the Cuban court system and custody was granted to his dad. When his mom took him to FLA, she kidnapped him, no matter what those Batista-ista Cubanos in Miami tried to claim. The story of Dr. Kathy Moriarty, the child shrink that was an advocate for the Kirchners in the baby Richard case is interesting. It sounds as if she was as much a target of Greene's bile as the biological parents. She claims the birth father began trying to recover the child when the kid was three months old, and that the adoptive parents coerced the mom. Our mailman brought an amazing new toy this morning, an Ebow. Tried it on my 'lectric 12-string. Amazing effects. What I'm aspiring to:
- Kerry. We're in Hurricane Alley, but the Myrtle Beach magnet always pulls them right past us. The reporting during hurricanes is hilariously over the top , but nothing matches Weather reporting when 1/4-in. of snow is forecast for Atlanta. People take this nonsense seriously, and grocery stores are looted of bread and milk withing minutes of early reports of the possibility of snow. This reaches War of the Worlds panic levels. Judybusy, the book sculptress story made my day. Awe-inspiring. Ars gratia artis. Another amazing Ebow demonstration, by a seriously great guitar player. The device works on acoustics , too:
- Searching for Solomon: Children are not chattel. They have inherent Constitutional and human rights, and I think child's best interest should always be paramount to the interests of adults.
- It consists half of people who think like Michele Bachmann, and half of people who are afraid of losing a primary to people who think like Michele Bachmann. Barney Frank on the GOPer House caucus Ron Paul burns Gingrich a new one, with "serial hypocrisy" ad. Dangers of abstinence-only sex education. The inconsistency of the abstinence and pro-life crowd is mind-boggling.
- Very interesting Brian. Jasper County is the next county over from Beaufort, with an interesting namesake. The exploits of Sgt. Jasper are celebrated annually in connection with Paddy's Day in Savannah. The Port of Savannah is a bustling concern that provides interesting viewing from sidewalk eating and drinking establishments on River Street. The container ships are gigantic. The Port is actually about 20 miles from the coast, up the Savannah River (Part of the intracoastal Waterway). There is keen competition between Savannah and Charleston for shipping business, and Charleston lobbyists are dead set against the Port project in Jasper Co. I would hope that this would lead to RR development. Ike was prescient about the military-industrial complex, but the massive trucking industry subsidy that built the Interstates and damaged rail transportation was certainly a mixed blessing.
- Mary, just don't open the freezer unless you absolutely must. We've gone several days with nothing going bad. Geographical distribution for the US 1%. The note explaining how Bridgeport shows up here is fascinating. My sis-in-law went to Bridgeport U, so I'm familiar with the home of PT Barnum. Bridgeport is a poverty-scarred, mean streets, dangerous place, apparently surrounded by gated enclaves of hedge fund managers, the very guys in the Jarvis Cocker song at the next link. Still running the world. The WaPo article on the DC tree lighting has a comments section, which actually has anti-obama comments. I hope asshats like that are getting professional help.
- LAT windstorm account. No fatalities. Friends of Wilber the Windsock.
- We're major fans of the blueberry-infused cranberry raisins. Our Bi-Lo sells a great versio of trail-mix (storebrand), that we get and mix with the blueberry and pomegranate craisins. The mix has walnuts, almonds peanuts, dried apricots, dates, banana chips, pineapple, papaya, cashews, filberts, and pumpkin seeds. This is my daily staple. And it's excellent, and no two tubs are ever exactly alike. edit: Brian, Listening to Newt yammer about child labor and public assistance programs makes me wonder whether this isn't the basis of his entire political philosophy. (Had not read it in some time. Absolutely the most brilliant piece of satire ever produced, I think.)
- Another very good thing GOPers are contorting themselves hideously to criticize. Do they believe in freedom of speech, democracy in principal, human rights, or don't they. Fact they would hate to admit: the repressive thugs that have been running Myanmar and keeping the courageous Suu Kyi under house arrest, are exactly Ron Raygun's favorite form of government. Raygunites would probably like to put some of the colonels and generals up at the WHISC (aka SOA, rebranded just like Xe), to hone their brutal repressive techniques. But this is Obama and Clinton doing the right thing, the right and intelligent way. So, it must be wrong.
- Suitable musical accompaniment for the Southland windstorm. Fascinating thing about the LA storm picture gallery, the wide ethnic variation suggested by the names of the residents given in the captions.
- Remember when some GOPers were more or less decent people, like Danforth?
- Here's the Danforth link: Jacarandas are beautiful, like lilac blossoms on real trees, and the name is just cool. George Wallace was a classic Dixiecrat, but more than a member of a political party, he was an opportunist to the bone. The story of his first political campaign in which his opponent espoused virulent racist and segregationist sympathies is legend, after which George Corley vowed he'd never be out n******d again.Sounds like a GOPer to me.
- All of this discussion of fruit reminded me of pawpaws, which in turn, reminded me of a favorite Detroit Tiger from my youth, Charley "PawPaw" Maxwell. Good, memorable, not a "great" ballplayer, from felicitously named PawPaw, MI. These things grew indigenously in the woods around our house in Bloomfield Township, and were generally used as ammo in neighborhood warfare. Didn't hurt really, but certainly fouled clothes, with mom ramifications at home. For some reason, when we heard about PawPaw Maxwell, we knew it was a native fruit but equated it with persimmons. edit: Charley Maxwell once hit four consecutive homeruns against the Yankees at old Briggs Stadium in a Sunday doubleheader.
- Right, Dex. The four homer double-dip happened on a Sunday, I believe. Now, for some reason, this reminds me of the first major league at bat of Purnal Goldy. 6-5 guy, first AB mashed into the seats.
- Best Tigers game I ever saw in person. Earl Wilson one-hitter, in which the impeccable big guy hit three homers. We were in usual dead center bleachers with the neighborhood old-timers passing the pint of Ancient Age and listening to great stories about Hank Greenberg and Negroe League heroes. When Earl came out to warm up, we could hear Freehan's glove pop 450 ft. away. Pretty sure this was '68. Tiger Stadium was electric. All-time great OF. edit: Malamud, Kinsella and Lardner could not have made up Purnal Goldy's name up by committee. It's the baseball equivalent of the great AFL name, Elbert "Golden Wheels" Dubenion.
- Brian, Truly disgraceful GOPer logrolling. Trading off screwing over the EPA and the people it protects for corporate criminals? How is this remotely good government? Strangest CFB day ever. LSU can play a buncha guys that will be academically inelligible before their bowl game, because they don't care who wins this game. Dawgs don't care. They play to the bone. Supposedly it doesn;t matter what LSU does, they play in the NccG. Sawgs don't buy this shit, I'll guarontee, as Justin would say. LSU cheats like a bastard and damages HS kids with oversigning. LSU attacks injured players. The coach is a shitheel.
- Brian, Reds are tainted by Pete. Mr. First steroids. His behavior attacking Harrelson gives it away. Bench? Most overrated player in MLB history. Pudge was a better catcher. Piazza was way better at the plate. Them's facts. I don't see how those Reds were all that great. Dodgers took them down, repeatedly.
- And which position could hide Pete's butcher fielding? Not even 1B. He was a hack. Truly awful in the field. Who we could compare for hitting? Ichiro. A master of the glove. No comparison.
- Bye bye Cainster. How, aside from pigment, do Newt and this ahole differ? When Cain declared himself a brother from another mother with the Koch Kriminal Konspiracy, how did Teabangers reconcile that with their alleged "beliefs"? Christmas lights commodified: I kinda like the candles in the window, Irish version. And the antidote to It's a Wonderful Life, which James Stewart would probably disown these days since it made big bankers look like heartless barbarians, watch Millions, the Danny Boyle masterpiece, and Slumdog Millionaires be damned.
- Perfect Doonesbury:
- Good luck with the job Mary.
- It's all over the www. Gingrich is a genius and will make mincemeat of the intellectual lightweight Barry Soetero. How exactly does anybody get that delusional? Here's a great take on Newt's alleged brilliance. Fileted, skewered, marinated and barbecued. Privately owned colleges are right up there for effectiveness with privately-owned prisons. Doesn't the phrase "having sex with animals" border on oxymoronic. Can't see how this is mutually satisfying behavior in any way. Blame it on gay marriage, as Little Ricky Santorum does.
- Borden, W was appointed by Scalia and the Painted Lady the first time, and 2004 was stolen by Diebold and Blackwell. Never actually elected. Historian? Pure D shinola, Newt. The bastard has actually had the gall to claim the $mil and a half from Freddie was for his expertise as a "historian", rather than for lobbying. This entire boondoggle stems from the Salamander's approval of the hysterical D'Souza argument about the President's alleged Kenyan anti-colonialism. Funny, I thought anti-colonialism was characteristic of Sam Adams and Patrick Henry, and the rest of those Founing types. Of course, I don't claim to be a "historian". Newt's dissertation is apparently 287 pp. long, so I'm not planning to read it, but those who have suggest it's an apologia for Belgian colonization of Congo. Leopold's Folly was incredibly brutal and repressive, but apparently Gingrich thinks the near genocide practiced by the Walloons in Africa was just an unavoidable aspect of the White Man's Burden in efficiently exploiting Africans and their rubber plantations.
- How are the Teabangers self-serving? The gutdom dolts put themselves through bizarre contortions of conignitive disconnection (Government hands of my Medicare.) to convince themselves that The Koch Kriminal Konspiracy and Dick Armey represent their interests. One thing, and one thing alone the fools have in common with their astroturfers? They cannot abide the brown skinned son of a Kenyan in the White House. Who the hell votes for US Chamber bootlickers that want to pass legislation like this crap.
- GOPers and the shame that normal, decent people feel when they know they behaved irresponsibly? Not even a nodding acquaintance.
- The very sort of weird shit that results from the ascendancy of the Teabangers.
- It's a pervasive claim on the web that Obama has been inordinately the beneficiary of banking and Wall Street largesse. On the right, this undoubtedly comes from lying turds at Newsmax. On the left, it's a result of the remnants of the Deanie Babies and hardcore omphaloptical Naderites that elected Shrub with their short-sighted, smug Liberaler-than-thou bullshit in 2000. Well, au contraire. Tell that to the absolutely corrupt GOPer Senator Schmucks on the Banking Committee. Mind boggling.
- Mitt Romney has raised far more money than Mr. Obama this year from the firms that have been among Wall Street’s top sources of donations for the two candidates. That gap underscores the growing alienation from Mr. Obama among many rank-and-file financial professionals and Mr. Romney’s aggressive and successful efforts to woo them. The imbalance exists at large investment banks and hedge funds, private equity firms and commercial banks, according to a New York Times analysis of the firms that accounted for the most campaign contributions from the industry to Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama in 2008, based on data from the Federal Election Commission and the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. One of those papers got the math way wrong. WaPo is including DNC donations, which is, of course, apples to oranges. Regarding those ten bought and paid for GOP senators, their bullshit intransigence on financial reform that is unquestionably in Americans' best interest seems to me to brove my point about them. 123 years is 12.3 per, which is very slightly more than two Senatorial election cycles ber crook.
- I hated algebra and had no interest in learning it. Bad teachers too. I was a straight C algebra student, and to this day have no idea why I had to waste time on it. Geometry makes sense and is clearly rife with practical applications, and I loved it. I guessed on the math SATs and did fine with a system. Rule out ridiculous answers, pick what looked like the most likely, proved backwards through problem. Worked well. Worked on the GRE too, somehow. When I transferred to UGA from Holy Cross, I was confronted with a Math requirement. Precalc was horrendous taught by an old bastard that identified himself on his syllabus as Col. M. D. Collins, USMC (Ret.). I knew from the getgo it would be living hell, and the class began at 7:50 am. Col. Collins would lock his classroom door at precisely7:50. What a shithead. He gave trig tests that required hundreds of extrapolations that an idiot savant math whiz couldn't have finished half of in the class 75 min. Midterm, I had a 54% avg. highest in the class by about ten points. The Col. asked me what I thought my grade was, and I told him A, since nobody else was even close. Gave me a C. A classmate that asked him to take more time explaining concepts pointed out that he'd been in the Air Force for seven years and hadn't taken a math course in nine. He was told he'd have been better off in the Marines. This guy was an SOB. Fortunately I found out that a course in Formal Logic in the Philosophy Department was good for the second half of the Math requirement. One of my favorite college course ever. I've never paid someone to do my taxes, and had no trouble with accounting prereq for grad school. That's arithmetic. Now fund accounting was a different story. That's magic, smoke and mirrors. Julie, the hymn is gorgeous. I shared it with my brothers.
- Jolene. I wa so math-phobic, I was askeered of Quantitative analysis, as my grad program called stats. The first exam was a legendary ball-breaker. Then, my calculator ran out of gas. I ripped all the pages out of my blue book and did the problems over. I was right the first time, and ended up with a 54% on the exam. I thought my grad school career was in the crapper. Passed the final with an A, and everything was OK. I proved a basically irrefutable statistically significant correlation between high incomes and voting Republican in Massachusetts cities and towns. Remember last summer when critics went nuts over Hanna? We just watched it, and it's superb. The child star, Saorise Ronan, she's the next Cate Blanchett if she wants to be. As gut-wrenching as Children of Men, which we think is Blade Runner good.
- Basset, What did I say. I said I sucked at algebra. It caused me a tremendous amount of anxiety as a HS freshman. And I was called dumb and an under-acchiever for it. In fact, my freshman algebra teacher told my parents I was "slothful". How was I claiming to be smart? That is unfair as well as nonsense and claiming I said something I decidedly did not say. To this day, I vaguely understand the quadratic equation, and I defy anybody to explain why I should bother. I am not joking at all about guessing and bluffing through math on the SAT and GRE. Mainly, I consider decent scores lucky. I fail to understand how anything I said on the subject was self-aggrandizing. I did get fairly high scores on those standardized tests, but as I said, it was bullshit. I didn't know what I was doing on many of the questions. I did almost, but not quite get this shit in college. I still see no purpose in it whatsoever. Please reconsider if you think I was bragging about my lack of math prowess. No way, no how. I managed to pass, by the skin of my teeth. All I said in the first place.
- I always thought that the verbal portions of standardized tests depended more on vocabulary than anything else. Latin Greek and Francais oder Deutsch in HS will put anybody ahead of the game. There is also luck on AP exams. When I had to write an English Lit essay for my AP, the subject was my second favorite poem, The Wild Swans at Coole. I had been considering this poem for years. The only thing that would have been easier would have been Under Ben Bulben. So what I say is that I've been remarkably fortunate. I've taken the national teachers (Praxis) exams. Scored quite well. I think that ability to score well on standardized tests, is probably genetic, or a knack, like playing the harmonica. Seriously, I'd like the Educational Testing Service to point out anything I ever got wrong on the verbal parts of their tests. I doubt I did. On the Math? How did they give me 600 scores when I talking out my ass? I love Physics, and the idea of physics, more than anything, but I can't quite understand it. I got biology, but I think that's a lot like understanding geometry. Sorry Basset, I was not tooting my horn. Sorry I annoyed you, even though I don't understand what was annoying.
- So elementary math is percentages? I do those in my head.Pardon me if that's bragging, but I can do three digit numbers times four in my head. I cannot, for the life of me figure out the quadratic equation. There's math and there's arithmetic. Am I wrong? Did I somehow insult bassett? I still don't see how. I certainly meant no insult. And I'm hurt to have been thought inconsiderate.
- Now, European versions are always supposed to be better than American. But Rooney Is so much more Salander than Noomi Rapace. It's not close. One's feral, the other isn't. American's win. Salander is feral. That is the point, and that is why the American version is clearly better. Ms. Rapace is more like some Brunhilde. Rooney Mara is feral and deadly. What the character is supposed to be. Way better. The book exactly.
- One of my best friends ever was an all America amazing football player that went to appalachia State. Kid's did not give Neal shit in class. I'm all for astonishing teachers convincing kids about math. My boy Neal did. I wish more than anything I understood advanced math and physics, but I don't. I get geometry with no doubt. But algebra and anything further, sorry, I don't get it.
- I used to drink stout with George Kimbaall at the legendary Matt Talbot's (named for a famous modern Irish martyr)around the corner from our condo in the South End, when he worked for the Boston Phoenix, a great "alternative" newspaper. He was a great companion, and a hilarious storyteller. At some point in the late 80s Matt's became a gay leather bar. As far as hockey is concerned, putting the old Bruins in the same sentence as the Flyers for goonism is ludicrous. And the Wings? Gordy Howe remains the most notorious stick surgeon in the history of the NHL. He was a truly dirty player. Over the years, for the Bruins, Cam Neely, Johnny Bucyk and Cam Neely have had 50 goal seasons while being feared battlers with their fists. In fact, Neely's brilliant career was ended by a cheap shot from an asshole afraid to fight him, Ulf Sammuelson. If the NHL were serious about stopping fights, they'd install college hockey rules. One fight=two game suspension. Cam Neely was one of the most skilled players and feared boxers in the history of the NHL. In honor of the subject, Warren Zevon:
- Mayor Daniels: Troy can't afford new jobs and an improved economy.
- Alternative to Apple power cords.
- tting a rabbit run free where there are snakes and gators and cars, probably owls and redtails and ospreys (oh my!)is just asking to have Fluffy's funeral rights. Really dumb. We had a rabbit when I was a kid, name of Hoppy. He was my brother Matt's pet,Matt, who died of leukemia when I was also a kid. He was a White Rex, the kind of rabbit that would fit with Muddy's opinions of "Ain't that a man. He was huge, and tended to be moody. But dogs and feral cats could have done him in at any time had he been free. Not a wild rabbit with resources. Not Hazel.If you domesticate a wild animal and release it to the wild, I'd say you are still responsible for it's life. In the neighborhood of our first house (me and the es and our toddler) there was a neighborhood uto-terrist with a souped up VW with one of those through-the hood air scoops that roared around our streets. My next-door neighbor and I put some 16d nails in a slab of plywood and dropped it in his path. Three blown tires. He didn't call the cops, thank God. He drove more politely and considerately thereafter. Now if that sounds made-up or like I'm trying to invent a character, I assure you all it's the truth. I've never claimed anything here as true unless it actually happened. I certainly would never see any reason to lie in this forum for self-aggrandisement with a bunch of people I respect but feel no need to impress. I apologize for upsetting Bassett, but I've got no idea what that's all about. Did I ever claim to be a great cook? No more than anybody else here. Is it bragging to talk about a 54 average in a college or grad school course? I really don't think so. Bassett. However I annoyed or offended you, I don't get it. Please show me where I've done and I'll apologize. Sorry, but bringing me up in your math-phobia post is relatively obvious. Exactly what was my transgression in the first place?
- Maggiejochild, is my favorite NN.nall correspondent, because there is something about her screenname that is just way cool. I know, I'm the bottom of the food chain here, but Maggie, Best wishes, and prayers if they don't give you cooties. Prayers can't possibly be bad. It may sound like bullshit, but I've already been to church and started a novena. If you'd rather i didn't, that's ok too. Maggie, you are tough, intelligent and humorous, and there are too few people about whom that can be said.
- Maggie, No shit Wghatever you sy a
- What anybody thinks is considerable
- Maggiejoshild, I mean everything as far as prayer I am capable of No joke. What ever asshole No as we can consider AND no as we cn consider. How absurd how you you aoo consider such morons. And Basset. How did I offend you? I really don't see how. Should I make a roast and say it was meh, All y'all post about how escellent your dishes are, How do I differ. Yeah, I;m a pretty good good cook. Sitting on my groceries. Why did you choose to go off on me? I don't think I ever said a bad word about you. Why would you trash me for no good reason? I am perfectly willing to never deal with this blog again, but iI'd like to know what in the world I said to annoy you so much, Fact is, I never did anything remotely, Totally absurd.
- Dexrter, when clients create the uninsured bizarre paper transactions because they bribed Congress so that it's possible to heap fraud upon fraud, I blame the fraudulent. There was Glass-Steagall for a good reason, and the scumbaags that did away with it did so so that they could rob people at will. Blame this shit on Corzine if you will, but this started with Lehman and back to the Smartest Guys in the Room. The cheating started with Scalia appointing W President. And Halliburton absconding with pallettes of cash. Where'd that money go? MaggieJochild, I find your internet presence compelling, You are fierce, intelligent, and I was imagining you even after I knew you were gay. Funny how the net works. You go girl. I will go to Mass in the morning and include you in my prayers, If you want me to or don't. It can't hurt. But Tere is no doubt I pray for the best for you. Betting short against futures you set up to fail on purpose, that is fraud and all those assholes should go to jail. But, they'll bo to Club Fed and trade secrets. The USA has a Supreme Court that is Stocked full of Corporate Criminals. Vote for another asshoe Republican and stock it even worse. Corporations are people? It's no coincidence the GOPers stopped talking about activist judges when they got the activist judges on the Supreme Court. Consider the future with these assholes running the world: I don't think he means women. I think he means cunts. I think it fits Newt perfectly.
- Corzine? The criminials finally found a Democrat for their Oxbow victim. If you are looking for lost cash, how 'bout them pallettes of cash that went missing in Iraq. I'm signing out here, forever. Sayonara.
- Dexter. Mobody ever waged a stupoder war than waging war in Afghanistan, unless it was taking up for France in Vietnam. Wolfowitz thought this would turn out well when he was licking his comb? Does anybody think Tehran would be so interested in nukes if Israel wasn't sitting on a bunch of them at Dimona? Who is nuts? Republicans or Democrats? ? How does anybody make excuses for these assholes? Dos Vedanya, y'all. I can't live with upsetting Basset.
- MichaelG, Martha Stewart was convicted of giving lots of cash to Emily's List. But it's OK for the Kochbros Kriminal Konspiracy.
- Cooze, by the contract on America shouldn't Newt be long gone? And which one of those assholes is lying more or faster?
- Could not have put it better, Cooze. And the next Prez will probably appoint another SCJustice. Should that Prez think corporations are people or servants of an economy that need regulation? This is reaching a tipping point.
- beb, Well, why the hell doesn't the President send the Praetorians to Congress and make the obstructionist bastards fall on their swords? I mean, he should be able to do that, right?
- Tebow (in)famously made an ad to run during last year's Super Bowl with his mom. Mrs. Tebow claims to have been on a mission to the Philippines while preggers with little Timmy, and to have had Philipino doctors recommend a therapeutic abortion because of a potentially life threatening health complication of her pregnancy. Abortion was a criminal act, for both mothers and doctors, then and now, in the Philippines, punishable by life sentence or the death penalty. Because of the Philippino legal situation back in the day, Mrs. Tebow's story seems to stretch credibility. CBS and the NFL are well known for refusing PETA's money to run SBSunday ads they considered to racy or controversial, as well as gay-rights advocacy ads from the United Church of Christ. So it seems fairly likely that some degree of political bias was at work here. The Bible is rife with evidence that Jesus found wearing religion on one's sleeve contrary to living by His example. By Christian standards, I'd think that thanking Jesus Christ for winning a football game is literally sacrilegious.
- Good news, Maggie. I too am waiting it out to get to Medicare. Private-purchase insurance is a gargantuan expense I'm just not going to pay anymore. What you say about the care you have received is interesting. The days when Republicans, robber baron HMOs and insurance companies could rely on health care professionals to put a passable face on their attacks on public health care are long gone.
- Coozledad, back in the 60s, the singer John Davidson sang that song on his own variety show, a very heartfelt version in which he did not change the pronouns. Sad to say, my brothers and I thought it was hilarious, but he sure seemed to mean it. Maybe this will provide a cleanser for your brain pan: or this version:
- T'all that have iPads might be interested in this:
- "The Night Chicago Died", "Seasons in the Sun"? JeffB? It's always mystified me that the guy that perpetrated "Wildfire" also wrote the magnificent "Geronimo's Cadillac". I like Hoyt Axton's version, and for a long time, I thought he must have written it. I mean, this is like finding out Valley of the Dolls and Gatsby were written by the same person.
- If that sort of music bugs you, listen to this homage from the Circle Jerks: Or this classic by Patti Smith, covering Debby Boone:
- The first dead giveaway re the bogus nature of the invasion of Iraq was the 1998 effort by Project for the New American Century (Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rummy, Khalilzad, Podhoretz, Abrams. Bolton, Armitage, Kristol et despicable al) to talk Clinton into it in 1998. Any foreign adventure agreed to by those scoundrel pricks could not turn out well. When these bastards made a concerted transparent effort to link Saddam and Iraq to the WTC assault, the jig should have been up for anybody with a functioning brain. It was common knowledge the terriss were mostly a bunch of Saudis. It should also have disturbed any mildly informed observer that among the neocons, Muslim was a monolithic epithet. They displayed complete ignorance of the Shia/Sunni/Kurd cultural dynamics in the Frankenstein monster country of Iraq. All candy and flowers for the benevolent liberators, and the invasion would pay for itself. Incompetent idealogue assholes. The movie looks great. Has very much an overall feel reminiscent of Children of Men (high praise, in my estimation). Second Kickstarter project for me. But why don't those guys hook up with PayPal?
- Hitchens: Nothing optional—from homosexuality to adultery—is ever made punishable unless those who do the prohibiting (and exact the fierce punishment) have a repressed desire to participate. —From God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, 2007 Homosexuality is optional? Maybe in the Brit public schools Hitchens attended, but not in real life. Hitchens: Why are women, who have the whole male world at their mercy, not funny? —Vanity Fair, 2007 Lilly Tomlin isn't funnier than Hitchens thought he was? Hell Paula Poundstone is funnier than Hiitchens was. Hitchens on Falwell: ON JERRY FALWELL If [Falwell] had been given an enema, he could have been buried in a matchbox. Ah, there's that famous slashing wit. The word that always comes to mind when Hitchens is the topic is, for me, neurasthenia. EST might have helped, and I mean the mechanical sort, not the Werner Erhard sort. As for that "scolding the needy" ahole, People are starving, right here in the USA. And misanthropic grandpa may think differently, but nobody's using foodstamps on Grey Goose and Pall Malls, or Cadillacs, or trips to Hawai'i. What a maroon. What an ignoranimus:
- Nancy, Madonna was actually decent playing her alter ego, All-the-Way-Mae Mordabito in A League of their Own. Better than any of her "music". OK, "The Dick is a Lonely Hunter" is somewhat amusing, but that game is no more original nor amusing athan the one people think is so hilarious of adding "in bed" to fortune cookie messages. And how about "The Telltale Dick"? "Dick of Darkness"? Nathaniel West's "Miss Lonelydicks"?
- The ever popular "Dick of Stone". And, I left My Dick in San Francisco." The dick/heart business is halfway funny sometimes, sometimes it is a new definition of crass: Actually, I'm thinking all the personal encomiums about what a generous and gracious guy Hitchens was come across hollow, like stories of the wonderful personal relationships George Corley Wallace and Ole' Lester had with black folks of their old acquaintance. Right, so why the blanket bigotry? If Hitchens was such a great guy, why is his grotesque misanthropy and elitism in the small kingdom of his own mind so obviously his legacy. More entertaining writer than Buckley, but less rational and accepting of the human condition, less an out and out buffoon than his old buddy PJ O'Rourke, who's turned into the Real Housewife of Neocon shitheels that think they wear pink tutus and tiaras. Everything execrable about JJ Kilpatrick, inability to self-edit because if it came from his mouth or keyboard, it had to be brilliant. This is what I think. There is no way to excuse a guy that claims to have been smarter when he backs an utterly inept, mindlessly murderous, invasion misadventure like Shock and Awe and the reprehensible follow-up. I guess he apologized for being such an outright tool. Right? On the eve of the Shock and Awe bombing of the least of our brethren in Baghdad, The Pope at the time wanted to move in, and was stopped by the College of Cardinals. Would W have blown up the Pope. Fine with me as an American Catholic, but the semiotics would have been way more than problematic. I mean, we Catholics may be more numerous than any Moslem sect, but, you know, according to fundigelicals, we are a cult. Even though the foundings of the religious beliefs are separated by 1500 years.
- Nancy, If you're a cop and a cop has already been murdered, I think it's reasonable to empty the magazine. It's the only intelligent response to a pointed weapon. Unless you'd rather just get shot.
- The undiscovered country is death. Right? We've got lot's of ideas but what ever? Hitchens dislikes religion and makes some spectacularly outrageous connection to disbelieving in God. There is no conceivable connection. He'd have to be kidding. Barry didn't do shit but hit the hell out of the baseball. The indictments were pure crap. Barry's head was big? How about Magic? Biggest head in the world.
- Seriously. Barry Bonds, does anybody think that could produce homers. Anybody that claims so is a moron.
- Who cares about chriss Paul? some fool think that little dickhead is better than rondo ? That is idiocy.
- And I WONDER WHERE THE LION WENT. I'd say, what ever As we care. We do care and the rest of us can act like whatever. No telling what you might find.
- Maybe Madonna was whoring, but I'd say second-guessing her adoption is more or less nonsense, and where was everybody else when kids were starving to death. She's nuts or so, but she saved some kids from horrible lives. No reason to find her hateful. . I imagine that young man will live a very privileged life. It does nobody any good to doubt the beneficences of a rich person that provides a soft life to a disadvantaged kid if you aren't willing to rescue a kid yourself. You can't snatch somebody else's baby, but it doesn't seem that's what Madonna did. If some dad has no more use for his kid than to sell him to some rich white woman, the kid is better off with the rich white woman. And I always wondered what the other Bruce was talking about: Wiping out the lesser species? Who knows? It's entirely possible the lions are superior.
- Crazycatlady. Atheism is one thing. Opprobrium toward everybody that believes, Hitchens style, is another. That's pathological. Despising religion because you don't believe in God is pretty goddamned strange, and you really can't back that with a logical argument. I believe in God, in a somewhat shaky fashion. My little brother died when he was six and I was eight. It's important to me that I believe in God. Hitchens is (was) flip in his disbelief. Easy way out. I'm not willing to write my little brother off as a blip in my conscioussness for Hitchens' glib atheism., and I'd bet he is covering for some loss of his own.
- Alex, Bonnie Raitt was put away wet after her her own long ride. She came back spectacular. Don't give up on yourself. Who knows what lurks. Just keep touching keys. Something may out. One never knows. If Hitchens meant Falwell was full of shit, well, Heidy-ho. Somebody didn't know that already? Of course, Falwell also said that Catholicism is a cult, and his brand of fundagelicism isn't. Which sort of got to its bizarre form somehow down the road from japping on Catholicism. As Jim Morrison said, people are strange. It's my firm belief that attacking the idea of God and basing your attack on organized religion is lame as can possibly be.
- So Hitchens backed the invasion because his pal Salman Rushdie did? Maybe. Maybe not:
- Basset: I would suggest, if you really can't find fennel root, try substituting a bit of anisette for the flavor. Pretty similar. One for the pot, one for the cook. Nancy, the job sounds wonderful, a real cause for celebration.
- Condi's memoirs failed to include any self-examination re: the Invasion.In fact, she comes out as a fairly energetic apologist for the most egregious foreign policy error in the history of the country that didn't start with Eisenhower in SE Asia. I've got a compact OED, but it's in two volumes with a third for errata and additions. Type is minute, but I can read it without magnification in a sunny window. Have a very old leather-bound Bartlett's and read it occasionally. The Careful Writer is a superb reference, and I still leaf through Elements of Style every once in a while, for its unparalleled, well, style. More entertaining than Stuart Little. I also own a first edition of Mencken's The American Language. As with many other indispensable reference works, the Mencken is available on line at Bartleby, which I imagine is more a source of pride for it's father and proprietor than his human production, Matt fing Drudge. Old Henry Lewis' rereading of the Declaration of Independence is worth the price of admission:
- Well fennell tastes like licorice, for sure, milder of course. Black gumdrops. But Bassett, when all of these flavors melt together, who knows. Give it a try. I had an amazing semi-sexual experience with anisette in college. We'd go hitchhiking at the bottom of HC Hill, and townie girls would cruise. I got picked up with a buddy, Dave Eagle, and jacked immediately by some toughs from Worcester that hijacked the girls. This was about '70. The girls were named Blackie, Angel, and Butch. There was a minor altercation with the interlopers. To this day, I'd figure I was lucky to have been interceded for. But That Sunday, Blackie, Butch, and Angel came looking for me in my dorm room to apologize for the situation. I was a legend. How stupid are intelligent kids when they leave their parents behind?
- If I'm the class clown, I also think I know all sorts of shit. Whatever. You Grosses. Whatever.
- CIA factbook is ridiculously great. And pardon me but EB White is more erudite than any Stylebook. It is a written piece of style, unlike some ecitor's wilful bullshit. Stylebook? Check 'em all on the subject of redheads. Nobody of those editors actually had a clue about Bonnie Raitt, so they are ful of shit on the subject. Nor my mom. My dad's favorite redhead. Auburn hair actually, and we were brought up on the Animal Faire. My mom was perfectly happy to be the big baboon in the light of the moon, combing her auburn hair. She was actually gorgeous. A beautiful woman that stood out for her children. When things get right down to it, My family is more or less split between Giants and Jets. Jets suck because they have a dogass QB. So redhead or red-haired? Let's stand for good writing. Redhead flows. This is a no=brainer. All of you Game of Shadows fans. Have you ever seen anything like the little guy in The Station Agent? Damn. Peter Dinklage is a good actor. He is little. And he doan give a shit. He is just a good actor. Bartleby is amazing on-line. And Matt Drudge is one of the most astounding liars in the history of the net. Would somebody shoot that fedora off his moron skull? This asshole makes shit up like it is going out of style.
- Still a shot for Sarah? I'd vote for Angela Davis first, if some Teabanger put an over/under Mosberg to my head. I don't know dick about guns, but what I know from reading The Second Coming. I would have liked to hear a God debate between Hitchens and Walker Percy, his intellectual and literary superior. Over drinks with albumen involved. CS Lewis vs. GB Shaw. God wins. And laughs his ass off. God is logical. And Elements of Style is not proscriptive in any way. It's a brilliant, beautifully written guidebook. And EB was right about just about everything, including serial commas.
- I think maybe Young Republican Lolita uses her Neti pot when she snorts crack. Merry Christmas to all of y'all: I actually own a tux. Inherited from my dad, and one of these days, I'll have the opportunity to wear it. His savoir faire in formals, probably not so much.
- Woody Guthrie's New Year resolutions:
- "Dribble" for "drivel" is one of those webbisms that drives me nuts. Like "jive" for "jibe". And the ubiquitous "me thinks". What a buncha loosers. And: The money quote, from President Eisenhower. Coolest iPad accessory ever.
- "'I'm... like.... EarlBUTZ and I can't de-ny...'" Recent comment on the Doughboy Sensenbrenner buffoonery, story in Slate. What is with these GOPer Jabbas that they stick with this hilariously misdirected bullshit about the most fit and stylish First Lady since Jackie Kennedy? I mean, this is like Rush commenting on the WH dog while holding a photo of 13 yo Chelsea Clinton, when his Oxyfried ass looks like something you'd hack up with a machete to make conch fritters. And I mean no offense to Carribean sea slugs. It's interesting Jeff B. mentions Cardinal Bernardin. He was wrongly accused by three separate people of sexual abuse, on the basis of hypnotically recovered memories induced by one or more of the three or four psychology hired guns that were all over the lawsuits prevalent in the 90s. It is a historical fact that the lifeblood of the KKK in the early 1900s was virulent anti-Catholicism. And this was representative of American attitudes in general. Ask Al Smith about the 1928 Presidential election that sicced Hoover on the USA. That was the election in which the Republicans first understood that suppressing the vote and defecating on the census for political advantage were winning, if unConstitutional, strategies. I think the gist of what Cardinal George intended is pretty obvious, while his choice of metaphors is rather shocking, and quite offputting.
- Merry Holidays and Happy Christmas to Christians. Season's Salutations and Goodwill to everyone else. Now for a grievance, when did the word "holiday" become interchangeable with the term "holy day". Seems to me there is a decided difference. I love it when Moro...Mormons and Jehovah's come to the door. Try always to greet them in u-trou holding a liter of Mr. Jack's finest. Seriously, what a God-awful imposition. Mormon missionaries in France sounds like the premise for a meta existentialist joke invented by Jean Paul Sartre to amuse Albert Camus. And why do LDS call themselves Mormons when Joe Smith's angel was named Moroni? Why aren't they Morons? And how do they explain the Sons of Dan, and the Brigham Young U honor system that requires students to rat out fellow students that might drink coffee or hold hands while unmarried? That is some loony toon shit.
- Had Willard Windsock gone to Viet Nam, would some teabanging Republican aholes be Swiftboating him now? Most likely. Too bad the First Lady is so out of shape. Van Gogh's ear. Wasn't all that keen on Tintin until I started seeing all the favorable comparisons to Raiders. Now, I must see it. But first, Hugo, in 3D.
- Motown Christmas!!! Folky Christmas. Great guitar playing. And the office of SoS in Indiana may seem like a hill of mole turds, but that crooked Bozo could have been the next Ken Blackwel or Katherine Harris (who's a dead ringer for Betty Butterfield).
- Rasta Christmas. Great Joni Mitchell Christmas song. River skating is fantastic fun. We used to skate miles straight ahead on the Charles when the ice got black. Damn, you can get going frighteningly fast.
- Ramones Christmas. Oi! to the World. I saw John Fahey years and years (and even more years) ago in a coffee house called Ichthus in the shadow of the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit, near the Mariner's Church, one of the city's most beautiful buildings. I suppose I prefer Leo Kottke, who is outgoing and extremely funny in performance, and a very good "bad singer". Jolene: That is one great video. The sax player getups are a riot.
- Two excellent versions of my favorite Christmas song by Annie Lennox and Aimee Mann (one Oirish and one middle eastern): and Somewher, there is an MJQ version, I heard them play it once on the Today Show.
- Merry Little Christmas, swing version, very well done. Great song from the movie Meet Me in St. Louis (a good Chrismastime view). Naturally, Christmas makes Tom Waits think of hookers he's known.
- Die Hard is certainly a Christmas movie. It's a Wonderful Life is odious, James Stewart's most egregious set mastication, and that's saying a lot considering that guy's over the top acting style. We have a copy of Millions, Danny Boyle's Christmas feature, a superb, whack movie. Way better than Slumdog Millionaires. Meet John Doe is one of my favorites, though that's more of a New Year's Eve movie (Gary Cooper, the anti-james Stewart), and A Christmas Story is just plain hilarious, Christmas or no. FaRaRaRaRa, Scut Farkus.
- Jolene, I sent Millions to one of my brothers that's a big fan of Zuzu's petals, which I find more excruciating than the most embarrassing moments of I Love Lucy. Buffalo Gals my ass. This Ron Paul hoohaw is ludicrous. Paul has spent two decades insisting he knows nothing about his own newsletters ripe with manifestly racist BS. He's not about to admit anything now. What's funny is that people insisting he explain himself are people that wouldn't touch him with a ten-foot pole at the polls, solid Obama bloc voters. The people who back Paul are perfectly comfortable believing he shares their patently racist beliefs. It would be comforting to think that nobody in the USA could overlook or make excuses for those 90s broadsides in support of David Duke and shooting black people, but Ron Paul's name is the only one on that shite, and GOPers are giving him a pass. Anybody heard Andrew Sullivan on this subject? I thought not. Here's a tidy and quite plausible explanation of how this denial and cognitive dissonance work.
- Primary amebic meningoencephalitis (brain eating amoeba): Boil that water, or use distilled. And you will know her by the trail of dead:
- Amusing Christmas rant. Astonishing interactive piece from Guardian online.
- Fannie and Freddie? GOPers are so full of it on this subject it's coming out of inappropriate orifices. James Brown Christmas. Brilliant Maceo Blowin'.
- Right on Cooze. What sort of strange concatenations brought Newt to Pearl Harbor? Is he saying he was "japped on" while uncharacteristically avoiding the inflammatory term? What the hell is he talking about. Sounds like mental defect or disease. Perhaps he was comparing the jejeune incompetence of his laughable campaign organization to the unpreparedness of the US military in the Pacific on the Day of Infamy. As for Isandhlawna, phew. Almost lost Michael Caine in that fiasco. Kimmel is a sad historic figure, and nobody will ever know if he created a FUBAR situation or was a deliberate scapegoat. They just lie their asses off, and dumbasses believe them anyway. Dicks
- Even peaceful Canadians take football seriously:§ion=1206839&playlist=9660543 I hope dementia is involved when a couple of 73 yolds go after each othe 45 years after the genesis of the grievance.
- California Guitar Trio: Insanely great guitar playing.
- We've got a Magic Jack plus cell service. The former is necessary because AT&T doesn't seem able to cover the interior of our condo. But I wanted an iPhone. At&T really sucks. The MagicJack works perfectly and the cost is unbeatable. How 'bout "press-piration"? The Kardashians are singularly unattractive, but it's got little to do with steatopygious buttocks, more about their harpy tongues and talons, frequently deployed against each other, and their empty rapaciousness and vacant cupidity that pass for character and personality.
- "Vee-hickle" is a strange pronunciation. The word comes from vehiculum (L), meaning a mode of transport. The original root is the verb vehere, to carry, that led eventually through high German to Old English vegan, wagon. Most modern scholars believe that Latin "v" was pronounced as modern "w". And that single "c"s were generally hard "c", as modern k. In the southern US, asafetida was worn in pouches around the neck to ward off TB and other respiratory afflictions. The stench might have done the trick. In India, the herb is taken internally to ease flatulence.
- I believe Indian asafetida is an ingredient in the foul Italian liqueur Fernet Branca, brought to my attention by the hilarious novel, Cooking with Fernet Branca, by James Hamilton-Patterson. Liqueur is another word that lends itself to mangled pronunciation. For some reason, Food Channel chefs and cooks can't get it right, tending mostly to "li-quore". Where that comes from, can't imagine. They also say "tumeric" for turmeric. I've known many people, mostly down South, who actually say "flusterated" for frustrated, which strikes me as a useful mispronunciation that should probably be another word altogether. Just about every black person I ever worked construction with pronounced concrete "con-creek". I've always wondered how the term "buck-naked" morphed into butt naked. "Miss-cheev-ee-ous" is another favorite, and "larnyx" for larynx is painfully embarrassing. And lots of people say "pronounciation", I suppose, in honor of a useful part of speech. Extended list:
- Sports and American cities (interesting reading and way coo maps):
- Asafoetida in gumbo and jambalaya sounds like some odd substitution or analog for file', without which thickening and flavoring agent I don't think you can make authentic gumbo. It would be like leaving out the olive drab slimy snot-pods. As far as Penelope is concerned, I took Greek in HS and can't think of a single case (aside from diphthongs) in which a noun would go unpronounced or not have a syllable of it's own. This is also a good chance to recommend a fascinating book by Margaret Atwood, The Penelopiad. Tells the Odysseus story from his wife's point of view, with the hanged handmaidens that dallied with the suitors as a proper Greek chorus. Very original and poetic. Bobby Brown's "prerogative" was smacking Whitney Houston around while whacked on crack mixed with pot.
- MichaelG, There is a town outside Boston called Medford. Depending upon which side of Medford you find yourself in, Townies pronounce the place either Meh-fah or Med-fid. People from Saugus, MA all call their town Saw-gust, with a distinct t sound on the end. Appalachia is home to many great mispronunciations that have actually become regional words. Nobody has a chimney for Santa to come down, it's a "chimblee". No idea what the origin might be, but chunky kids in the hills are described as "kindly chuffy". Of course, a hollow is a "holler", and a creek that has escaped being filled with mountaintopping spoil is a "crick". Which reminds me, Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins will be back playing Raylan Givens and Boyd Crowder on Justified in just three weeks. Yeehaw. If you've never watched Justified, characters by E. Leonard, Season 2 is available streaming on Amazon and well worth the cash. (Also available from Netflix, for Netflix holdouts.) Heather: Toss-eled doesn't make any orthoepic sense at all. But in English, it's reasonable to believe ghoti spells "fish". I mean, if Cholmondeley is pronounced "Chumley" and Worcestershire spells "Worster".
- Merry Christmas, fans of The Wire. Sorry, crummy Tom Waits cover. You just need to nail their feet to the perch.
- Lord knows how many times I've seen the Modern Lovers: JRichman was sort of ahead of the (rapper) times by rhyming Picasso with asshole. Actually, lots of folks have covered his songs, Iggy, Joan Jett, Bowie, REM, Sex Pistols. Iggy pronounces Picasso with a very flat short-a sound to make it really rhyme with asshole. The great Modern Lovers tune, for people that lived inside the 128 bletway triangle, was undoubtedly Roadrunner, with the references to the ring road and the Stop-and-Shop (best recording I've heard):
- Hattie, there were two versions of the original, live MC5 album. The Detroit flagship Department store Hudson's refused to sell the album as it was recorded, on which Rob Tyner shouts Kick out the jams, m---erf**kers", so the record company made another version, dubbing in "brothers and sisters", which Rob actually did say in live shows, just as frequently as the MFers version. I've got both on vinyl, and Back in the USA, a great, and grossly underrated, album:
- Waste to energy should be a target for governmental money for research and implementation, Brian. Somebody should ask Willard Windsock why, if the USA is the greatest country in the history of the world, we can't cooperate to produce technologies friendly to the environmentally effective and economically efficient techniques like those employed in Sweden (aside from high quality universal health care): (check out p. 8) Makes a whole lot more sense than robbing the world's pantry for corn ethanol at 0.9:1 energy in/out ratio, when people are starving.
- Well, of course, there was always Hasil: Mostly late 50s, I believe. Gave birth fairly directly to Exene, John Doe and the Cramps.
- Gary's new mayor. Happy New Year, y'all. Sister Re rings it in. The gantlet was a form of torture for captured enemies devised by the Iroquois nations. The two words have nothing whatever to do with one another etymologically, unless the Iroquois somehow picked it up from French traders. I've also heard speakers substitute gauntlet for gamut.
- I sure as shit want Tech to fail. They go on about their academic standards. Like that management major. Whatever that means.
- Jeff, that is wonderful. Potter as somehow a decent human? Only Sherman. Whatever you think, I'd be happy to be the forgiving person you posit. Then again, old man potter deserves being beaten to a pulp.
- Jeff, that is mild-mannered, and very well written. If I were George Bailey, I'd want to turn the greedy bastard out of his whicker wheelchair and show he can actually walk. I'd also want to throttle Billy for his rank stupidity. Not really, but James Stewart for his bad acting and Raygunism? What a jerk. What in the world ever made anybody ever think J. Stewart was a good actor? Made a huge pot of red beans and rice for the new year.
- There is actually a version of the Star Spangled Banner that should be official, and it's an instrumental version by Jimi. No feedback, purely stately, on the Rainbow Bridge album. Sounds like 10,000 electric guitars. Perfect. And these morons do know that the Pledge was written by an avowed Socialist, and God was added years later by the Knights of Columbus. Last refuge of a scoundrel, without a doubt. Dulce et decoru est, pro Patria mori.
- Had to click that Courtney Stodden link to find out if that was a female Courtney or a male Courtney, and was honestly surprised not to find some connection to Godawful vampire/sex movies. maybe vampire sex, but not movies. And speaking of movies, really unfair to ole Lucky Doug. His portrayal of Percy Wetmore in The Green Mile produced one of the most loathsome characters in the entire history of movies. Lord help me, I clicked that video, and had to listen to Rebecca Black to cleanse my auricles. "timeless energy of beauty & thought"? Timeless beauty of energy and thought? Timeless thought of beauty and energy? Damn. Her fridge magnet poems must be slammin'. Was she inspired by Eat, Pray, Love? I suppose the movie had a built-in audience from what sounds suspiciously like a Mitch book written from the distaff side. We always have red beans and rice NYE, but I ususally make it with black beans instead, because they taste better, andouille and smoked ham. Our grocery had Yellowtail Bubbly on sale, which made an excellent accompaniment to the cajun good luck in the new year food. Thank goodness the Lions get Louis Delmas back for the playoffs. 480 yds. passing for Matt Flynn translates into frequent flier mileage for Drew Brees. And didn't Courtney Stodden's mom make a big deal about approving of the marriage, and what a great guy Hutchinson is:
- Back in the 80s, I met a guitar player from Austin TX at the great Cambridge MA music bar, Jack's. He was a protege of Stevie Ray Vaughan and Joe Ely, and a big deal because he was just 16yo. Nice kid, superb musician, but somehow a rumor started that he was actually considerably older. He did have a grown-ass man voice, like Steve Winwood in Spencer Davis Group. At the time, that all seemed like a load of hooey based on jealousy. The kid was excellent: Charlie Sexton's Beats So Lonely. But sorry, Courtney looks a bit older than Pam Anderson, without the refreshing air of self-parody. Pretty nasty. We watched Meet John Doe on New Year's Eve. Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck, the perfect antidote to J. Stewart and Donna Reed. A terrific movie.
- "something falling out of her skirt"? Like her uterus?
- When it comes to wild game, I'm willing to go internet order and let the experts at Burger's Smokehouse do the cooking: duckling, pheasant and quail, cured and smoked.
- Dexter. When I was a kid out on Seventeen Mile Road, my mom used to scare up coveys with her TBird convertible. Never quite got a roadkill. But she would have tried the Bar B Cue, lit with gasoline. My question about the Eat Bitch Purge movie. How did Julia Roberts ever become America's Sweetheart. She is a decent, not great, actress, and has hardly ever made a decent movie. Pretty Woman is a horrendous blight, and a blight on even Richard Gere's career. The Pelican Brief is a good movie, but mostly because of Denzel. Erin Brockovich is an audience pleaser, but the Matt Damon one about the Leukemia victim is a way better movie and it has Danny DeVito, and goes straight for the heart of insurance company villains. Sleeping With the Enemy is somewhat compelling, but Julia looks like an endangered whale getting swimming lessons, and the movie relies on Patrick Bergin's evil moustache for suspense, and I far prefer Jaylo beating her abuser to a bloody pulp in Enough. So, what's so great about Julia Roberts? Was it her performance in the brilliant Mercedes Ruell part in The Fisher King? She was very good as the bruised and doomed Southron Belle in Steel magnolias, a great movie, but every other actress in that movie was better, and Debra Winger was way better in the same part in another, better, movie. Much better actress. Actually, Debra Winger made Black Widow, with Theresa Russell, which is a modern noir classic.
- Actually, here in paradise, we don't scare up coveys of pheasants, We get flocks of turkey vultures. These are God's ugliest birds when they are feeding on carrion on the ground. When they take flight, it is like being in a cloud of WWI planes. Immense wingspans. So who are the great actors? Well Brad Pitt is mighty damn good, based mostly on 12 Monkeys. Melissa Leo. Whichever one of the multiple Cates that takes the ring and terrorizes Frodo. Can anybody tell the difference between these women. Mary Stuart Masterton. Fried Green Tomatoes is the greatest alleged chick flick of all times. And that woman is positively smart and gorgeous.
- Antidote to Meek's Cutoff: Hombre, one of Paul Newman's best. I predict that the idiot that wins the Iowa primary will also be certifiably delusional. Best possible Iowa outcome. Palin write-ins win the day. And can anybody figure out why GOPers hate our freedom. Jaybirds. They are seriously contentious, aren't they. And I hope all those Iowa voters give serious thought to the idiotic ethanol subsidy when they vote for the Drill, baby crowd today. What a bunch of conflicted fools. Keep your government hands off my farm subsidy.
- If it's just one Sopranos episode to choose, The Pine Barrens is my pick, every time. It's hilarious, and evokes the age-old question. Is Valery, the Butcher of Chechnya alive and waiting to go mental on Paulie Walnuts' ass? Did he become the Jersey Devil? The one episode where Bobby Bacala made Tony's crew look like incompetent snivelling wussies. Santorum's Iowa success has moved the Dan Savage santorum definition to fifth place on Google. This is unfortunate, and people should get busy to put it back on top. Isn't it more than mildly amusing to know that none of these GOPer Klown Kar Kandidates would vote for any of her adversaries. Putative Republican Platform: Lower taxes on rich people. Cut corporate taxes. End Medicare. Butcher Social Security. Expand tax breaks for Big Oil and Big Ag. Extend tax breaks for corporations that send jobs overseas. Repeal Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform. Appoint Scalia and Roberts clones to the SC. edit: Um, Stephen Glass is a lawyer.
- That chicken salad is how people get protozoal hepatitis.
- Jakash, I'm one of those Catholics. The current pope is not somebody I look to for moral or theological or philosophical leadership. Active American Catholics are much more likely to believe in Liberation Theology and empowerment (I cringe at using that word) for every one of God'creations. My Catholicism has more to do with Locke and Rousseau than it does with the guy who's the Pope these days. And J2P2 wanted to go to Baghdad to provide a human shield before Shock and Awe wiped out 50,000 Iraqis, he's not my hero as a Catholic. That would be Cardinal Roncalli, John XXIII, and Archbishop Romero. Shot on orders from Raygunites at the communion rail, by a School of the Americas thug. I'd say that liberation theology has kept disgraceful neocons at bay. Regarding Mitt Romney — no, he hasn’t been kept off the ballot, but his Mormonism is certainly a significant factor in forcing the evangelical right to pinball their way through every other possibility in the lame Republican field desperately grasping at an alternative. Mitt was born in Mehico. lolol roflmao. What he did to the Irish Setter.? Setters are skittish, and it would take a monumetal moron and a cold-hearted pos to do that to a setter. Mittens is degenerating into Norma Desmond. And some people in the USA actually think his first name is mittens. Nobody is pro-abortion. Everybody would rather the kids lived.
- I've got a lot to consider about mittens. What a joke. Tell you what. How is it CatholicS are somehow evil
- The best cop show ever was clearly Homicide: Life on the Street. The Wire was clearly stolen whole cloth from that show, and Frank and Tim questioning the Araber in the box is the best cop show of all time. In the history of TV cops, there is nothing like Pembleton and Bayliss, and sweating the Araber in the box. Best cops ever, no joke, How can cops be that fucking stupid on Dexter? Morons? Jordan, or Bones, would catch the bastard in no time. Frank ruled. Right up until he nearly croaked. And had a baby. And Boomtown was a terrific cop show, but Terriers was so good it was ridiculous. Neal Dougherty is a fantastically menacing actor. And them Boyz from Dahchestah are a couple of good actors. Marky is superb. a la Three Kings, my new Christmas movie. Damn, he's good. That is one great Christmas movie. And Donnie and Mykelti in Boomtown, that is awesomely good. Neal Donahugh Amazing blue eyes. Maybe Brian is right. When I think about my own commitment to religion, I think about Teillhard. I think about my parents' commitment to civil rights in the USA. The Social Gospel is far more important than the proscriptive Gospel. What did Jesus say was the most important Commandment? That's the one I'm sticking with. Noogenesisis. Alpha and Omega. God creating God. And redshift. As the universe expands outwards, doesn't God become God? Wasn't that the point in the first place?
- The full quote is "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst forth at once in the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One. I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds". Oppenheimer was talking about Teller, and these dangerous bastards are sticking their heads up now. USA bombs Iran because Israel wants to be the only nuke state in the middle east. Well Israel got those nukes by spying on the USA and they stole the fissionable material. They also teamed up with the DeKlerks to pull off the heist. Really solid allies. Julie. Windsock Willard has already attacked Obama about Islam. Which is hilarious, when Moronism dates to a well-known grifter in the 19th Century. I mean, can there be a more ridiculous story than LDS ?
- and Mittens was born in Mehico.
- Mittens was born in Mehico. All she wrote. And he's a spectacular jerk.
- Why would anybody qustion Moronism? Any religion that requires strapping the Irish Setter on the car roof must be all right. What an ahole.
- As usual, I was just making fun. But I'll go on record as saying that magic underpants and the BYU honor code are seriously bizarre and grotessQuely unAmerican.
- Funny thing in that Charlie Pierce Santorum takedown: Little Ricky says the Schiavo judge "snubbed his nose" at the inane posturing of Santorum and Frist. (Those risible aholes actually sent a Congressional subpoena to the brain-dead Terri.) I bet her husband appreciated that. Could you explain how that is done Rick? What a maroon. What an ignoranimus.
- Santorum and entitlements.
- Well, Jolene, Boston has wonderful public transportation that stretches almost from PTown to Neh Hampsha, and west almost to Worcester. Boston drivers? It is no exageration to call them, as a class, psychotic. I haven't driven in Boston since Romney spent all that money on the Big Dig, for which I imagine he is still collecting kickbacks. The one expressway in Boston was always known as the Southeast Distressway, and used to back up routinely for hours on end. What is UP,whackjob Canadians? Ever heard of Tyler Brule? What a jerk. I think William Gibson actually invented this hipster jerkoff a few years ago when he wrote Pattern Recognition and Spook Country, but in those novels, he is called Hubertus Bigend. I'm pretty sure Tyler drives a Maybach.
- I had to change a tire on the Cross-Bronx Xpressway once. Lived through it somehow. Two different cop cars stopped, presumably to see if I was stripping the car. Left when they saw white face.
- Montana Supreme Court sayscorporations are not people, no matter what that activist Justice Scalia may think.
- Newt doesn't think he's rich. Bonus: Truly horrifying photo of Newtlista.
- The great thing about the Montana court ruling is how insulting one of the dissenting judges was to the Supremes. He went all Scalia on their ass. Santorum screwed up on ballot access in Virginia and the District. What is wrong with these Bozos? Is Rick still trying to claim Pennsylvania should pay for his kids'school? Just when it seems the Republicans can't possibly get more bizarre, Herman Cainanator is back.
- Tulips in January in Detroit? Not a good sign. Privatizing services performed best and properly by government is a GOPer scam for getting their greedy hands on your hard-earned tax money. Why have social services run efficiently by government entities when crooked bastards like Rick Santorum and John Erlichman and G. Gordon Liddy, and Chuck Colson (Prison Ministries! for God's sake) can make fortunes by contracting to provide services and taking the money while providing no services at all. Gutdom, that'll surely maximize profits. That's exactly what's happening at the taxpayer-funded Santorum cashcow in this story, and it's aptly describable as child abuse for hire. It's astounding that GOPers want to shut down Medicare when they are so successful at stealing money from the program. There will be a story like this at least daily with Santorum. But really, the dead baby brother story should be enough to turn the electorate's collective stomach. How does a reasonably sane individual do that to his kids?
- My objection to what the Santorums did has to do with subjecting their living children to something terrible. This is not something I'd expect adults to do to children they love. I had a little brother that died when I was nine, and going to a wake and funeral was very traumatic, and bothers me 51 years later. Not my parents" fault. They were being managed by well-meaning relatives, because they were too distraught to make decisions. To this day, I don't handle funerals well, and I will not attend wakes. I also think employing the story for political purposes is repugnant.
- Lions? I'm just remembering the first half, particularly the dazzling opening drive. Second half, Lions got 0-16 officiating while Saints still got the NFL Katrina bonus. Two first down spots were incredibly bad, and the quick whistle negating a TD was unconscionable. The alleged blow to the helmet call on the Saints' non-TD was hilarious, couldn't have drawn a flag in Little League 20 years ago. Still, slow LBs running in molasses in January and DBs that don't catch balls thrown right to them , recipe for defeat. And I have to think, any defensive coach not on life support could get more defensive pressure from Suh and Fairley than did Gunther C. Who looks as if he's being played by Martin Landau as Ed Wood. So Lions raid Bama and LSU for back 7 defensive players in the draft and come back to fight next year. Helluva good year, though. Lions comeback record better than Tebow, sans genuflections. Best passer/receiver combo going for years to come. Sorry Patty's fans, Stafford can make throws Uggs Brady can't conceive of.
- I once read a few pp. of an LRon book and I was pretty sure he was exactly the same guy as Clive Cussler. I would say that if I had a friend or acquaintance that put his setter on the roof of the Clarke Griswold wagon for a several hundred mile trip, I'd beat the shit out of him and ask him what the fuck he thought he was doing. This is not a normal human being. Clark Griswold made an honest mistake that any family patriarch on a vacation could make. Did Mitt forget what was going on when the terrified dog shat and pissed all over the car. And maybe I'm out of bounds thinking that Santorum did something exceptionally creepy bringing home his dead child and introducing him to his siblings. but the bastard is so calculating and crass, it seems obvious he did this to build a campaign narrative. It certainly seems to run head-on into his personhood logic. I mean, by his legislative logic, he should have let his wife die. When you arre an idealogue, it's one way or another, Rick. And Romney the war monger? How 'bout them healthy boyos that don't serve.? Shouldn't they take up the cause like that great patriot, the cowardly John O'Neill, Nixons's favorite. Who was alwaysone safe command after Kerry, but knows Kerry was making shit up? If you just lie your ass off, you probably get away with it. Lying creeps.
- What Mr. Swidey of the Globe fails to comprehend is that Seamus, in all likelihood, had the shit scared out of him, a common mammalian reaction to being strapped to a luggage rack atop a car travelling at interstate speeds. The thoughtless cruelty of doing that to a dog is stunning, and making a connection to Gekko behavior at Bain is pretty easy. In fact, when Swidey relates the anecdotes about the gay married couple and the makeup lady, it almost seems he's reinforcing the natural assumption from the dog maltreatment that Willard is a mindless child of motherhood and a cluelessly grotesque product of inherited privilege. Much like back in the campaigning day, GHW Bush went shopping and marvelled at those ingenious, new-fangled UPC scanner machines that rang up his tubesocks at checkout, and then had to bum money from a Secret Service Agent to pay for the socks. Out of the loop, like he claims to have been on Iran-Contra. Like Romney and real life.
- With a turkey on his head, Coozledad: On the go-to guy: In January of last year, the company canceled health insurance for retirees who had left the company under the previous contract. The union is contesting that in court, but the bottom line for Robert was he was without health insurance. Where in American contract law is there any provision for a party to a contract abrogating terms of the contract unilaterally and after the fact? The union should kick the company's ass in court. And high noon is the best position on the wheel when changing gears. The Ford Fusion "angry animal mouth" has a distinctively murine overbite, like Rattus norvegicus. At least a couple of those $5mill the Carters spent on renovating Lenox Hill Hospital to meet their opulent standards came from a private concert party for the Gaddaffis, 12/31,09. Too bad Eazy E isn't still around to comment. Maybe Chuck D has an opinion.
- The strain of criticizing greedy corporate downsizing to attack Willard Windsock is probably going to give Newt a hernia. But when Mittens says stuff like "I like to fire people", the shit just writes itself. And Romney people will moan and gnash their teeth about context, but that will just remind people of his hatchet job ad misrepresenting the President.
- Here ya go, Scout. 130 mph, 1000ft altitude.
- Chucks are indeed Converse All-Stars canvas hightops like the Celtics used to wear, named for named for Chuck Taylor. The lowtops could be Chucks, I suppose, but they don't have the rubberized ankle patch with Chuck's name and the Alllstar Converse logo. I've had Lord knows how many pairs of these over the years, but I'd say they are as durable as Izod tennis shirts and original Levis jeans. Have two lowcut pairs now. Uggs are butt-ugly boots for metrosexuals like Tom Brady and coeds, who, strangely, wear the Uggs in the Summer and flip-flops all Winter. Uggs make shapely female legs look like matchsticks. Regarding the conversation earlier between BobNG and Brian, here's a depressing visual aid. Thank God our condo's free and clear, and still worth about 50% more than I paid for it 15 years ago.
- Julianne Moore was fantastic in Magnolia, which for some reason was not considered as worthy as American Beauty, when it was a much better contemporary movie. Why do people think Kevin Spacey is so great? Jeff, actual ghost dances would be fascinating, probably not legal. How is a zipline ride indemnified against lawsuits? Handcuffs? Seriously, I'd say a reenactment would draw a crowd. Since it's in Ohio, I'd suggest that Jay Farrar in performance of Cahokians would be a pretty fair draw: Only mounds people build these days are landfill Pampers mountains. Campsites and some good bands would work. As in Tennessee. Isn't it hilarious when law enforcement agencies congratulate themselves for busting tour buses owned by Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg? Thank Jah Bob Marley never had to put up with this sort of moronic shit.
- Well, what is wrong with Tejas cops when they congratulate themselves for finding seeds and stems on Willie's and Snoop's buses? Months of undercover work by dedicated officers? Willie might be carrying some pot. Spectacular police work, fellas. Jeff. Indian Boonaroo might be a good idea. Or else put the back forty in marijuana, regulate it and tax it, like I had the sense to understand back in 1969, and make them teenagers get fake IDs. Get Buffy to open with her cranked Fender singing Codine. And a Link Wray tribute. Coolest Indian that ever lived: Since Geronimo, anyway.
- Well Dexter, before there was Snoop, there was Cube and Dre, Fuck tha Police. Anybody that failed to understand has got to have ben living in an alternative universe.
- Thanks for pointing out what a crock of shit "South Detroit" is, Nancy. That has rubbed my bare ass raw for years. Now the question is the one the sultan asked of the applicants for the job of guarding the harem asked. Have you balls? Well, has Steve Perry? Sounds like Castratti, and Godawmighty the music is horrible. They built this city? Trying to excuse a pure hack guy doing a Grace Slick act by nitpicking Warren is mighty lame, IMO. Warren got details of LA about as perfectly as Dash Hammett did, maybe not quite up to R. Chandler or Robert Towne. Or even Thomas Pyncheon in his detective noir, which is sublime. But Steve Perry? Good Lord, that is some horrible shit screeching. Man, the contralto women like Grace and Nico are far superior. And well-deployed adverbs are superb.
- Adventures in Education: No Child Left Behind is doing exactly what GOPers and the Norquist legions intended: promoting privatization by damaging public education. This sort of snobbish bullshit from Mittens is going to drive Teabangers to vote for anybody but Willard in the general. If this maroon is supposed to be so smart, how does he continue to say such unpolitic crap? Republican success for the last four decades has relied upon convincing the Booboisee to disconnect cognitively and vote against their own economic interests because they are all part of the political and social Rapcha known as the GOP big trickle down tent. If the Windsock is setting out to destroy everything that Atwater and Rove built, he's looking mighty sharp. For one thing, he appears to be saying that the Jesus of Nazareth and the NT fomented envy and divisiveness in a way that the most wedged wedge issue fundagelicals can't fail to see as an affront. And I feel sheepish when I listen to Hill Where the Lord Hides and Bella Via by Chuck Mangione. Still love Alice Cooper Love It to Death album too. But the music I absolutely love that everybody gives me shit for is the Koln Concerts album by Keith Jarrett and Straight Outta Compton. Billy Joel is a strange case. Great first album with songs I really like like Captain Jack and Ballad of Billy the Kid. But I sincerely never want to hear Piano Man again, and Moving Out, Only the Good Die Young, or My Life (and several others) make me feel postal.
- Jolene, we play Koln Concerts most Sunday mornings. Perfect for leisurely breakfasts and lots of dark roast African coffee. One of the few albums we both really like. But nobody else ever seems to like it. Never heard that guy before, Cooze, but that song is good. Sounds like John Lennon or his pal Harry quite a bit both vocally and in the mood induced by the chord progression. There's a good doc called Who's Harry Nilsson? streaming free on Netflix. Apparently he and Lennon were mutual bad influences. Another musical guilty pleasure: Kinda like Humble Pie still too: I did see Uriah Heep once. And I'm a fan of all of those Marty Robbins story songs about cowboys, like El Paso and Big Iron. Spandau Ballet was probably the best Roxy Music imitation ever.
- I've got strange compilation albums with both of these bizarro tunes: (Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood, and where was Frank on the subject of this blatant drug reference?) (Noel Harrison) along with These Boots are Made for Walkin', Big John (Jimmy Dean), Ringo (by Lorne Greene), and those Johnny Horton classics, Sink the Bismarck, Battle of New Orleans, and North to Alaska. 16 Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford. Two Roger Miller albums. Link Wray and Duane Eddy. Johnny Rivers. This was all music I heard on the radio when I was seven or eight yo and we lived in Appalachia and then Memphis. Sheb Wooley and Alan Sherman collections too. I do play these all occasionally. I'm not spending a dime on drones until I can get 'em standard weaponized.
- What ever happened to the Spin Doctors? And how baked were these guys when they did this?
- Shady ethics on Santorum's part. Powerful statement of support for rights of gay people to marry from Gov. Christine Gregoire. This is about as clearly as this argument can be stated. Logic, law and human rights.
- Totally honest politician. Mitt's tizzies. The Greek Theater live album by Neil Diamond is a castaway on an island record. That version of Brother Love is spectacular. His performance in The Last Waltz is also stellar.
- Tom Brokaw signed, sealed and delivered his certifiable old-fartism when he published The Greatest Generation, when what he really meant was The Greatest GI Bill Generation (Get off my lawn, you kids). On the other hand, it's an accompllishment to acchieve the status of a national news reader when you elocute like you have a mouthful of green styrofoam packing peanuts. Mucho, mucho glottal on those consonants Tom. I always preferred Dan Rather's cowboy chuck wagon affectations, and that horsecrap about W's NatGuard records was nonsense. The AHOLE was AWOL. Two independent studies find direct correlation between education funding cuts and corporate tax avoidance at state level. What exactly is it about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that GOPers object to? It seems pretty logical that this has nothing to do with anything at all other than protecting financial institutions' ability to steal money from people they peddle their services to. The financial, insurance and real-estate industries have given Washington politicians $135 million in 2011-2012, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Republicans received 56.3 percent of that largesse, versus 37.7 percent going to Democrats. And that is a well-turned ankle in that car photo. Just ask Tom Brokaw.
- Detroit Renaissance? One shining moment for Tom Brokaw.
- If Obama loses. Mitt is just a complete SOB. The prototype for Tum Tubbo as politician has already been there, done that. That would be Heath Shuler, who was a better football player, hopeless pro QB, and a pretty vile blue-dog Democrat. And Sherri could be right. Tum could use a brain to go with his jorts.
- Brian, the fashion look is the utterly impeccable Mrs. Peel, who did minis even better than catsuits. she's a dame and one of the greatest actressews that ever lived. And despite what moron gender bouffes might say. No shit you morons?
- A we couldn say Mittster, and whatever, this guy is an asshole. Newt is a despicable piece of shit. Listen to Newt about how he stands. rick is a bizarre piece of shit. do we oike gambling or we dont / Think about the no shit meeting bwetween Remy McSwain and that hot luscious 'whatever she is. No shit? Are you morons about this? what we think about what we think about things. But you dont care/?
- I mean you can't mean what folks can claim whatever. what we say. We say are you kidding? Dumbass?
- Well, it was probably emo. And it foisted a bunch of sorry ass crap and bad singers like Modest Mouse on hipsters. And sold a lot of PBR, which is truly atrocious on unsuspecting beer drinkers. I'd like to point out that what most Murricans think is an antidote to the NYT is probably that lying sack in a fedora he stole from his literate dad that flaunts his illiteracy every day, Matt Drudge. That's the unfortunate and foul future of all news, all the time, on the people's intertubes. Not a pretty picture. But at least I'll know what JayZ and Beyobce named their baby. I'll still take the times. People fly over flyover country for a reason. There is something objectionable about breeding lettuce for ultimate blandness and zero nutritive value, but great shipability. But clearly, crap lettuce doesn't translate to crap people. Nope. Buying into Tamma Faye does. There's a pretty entertaining Steve Martin movie called Blue Heaven. Mafioso gets witness transplanted protectioned to Phoenix and ends up missing arugula. Well? Given your own tastebuds? Arugula or iceberg? I'd also point out that the people that find the NYT food article annoying translate that to the entire paper. I'm sure they mean to demean the paper for being part of the so-called liberal MSM. Believe me, that shit does not exist. When the Gray Lady doesn't come down on the side of the scummy sexist activist judge Clarence Thomas, it's denigrated as the liberal press. But holy shit. Is this Nixononia? That paper employed Little Miss Runamuck. In a cheerleader costume. If that's the liberal MSM, they need an intestinal cleanse. It's about time for everybody to admit there is no such thing as the liberal press. Trying to expose it by talking about food is way lame. I grew up eating iceberg lettuce and I much prefer romaine and chicory, that does not make me some elitist liberal snob. I just like more tasty lettuce. Bitter with the sweet.
- And Nancy, nothing tires you out like driving, but in retrospect, it is always enjoyable.
- And reality TV. There will always be rednecks. And for every hour spent on that shit and not Life or Terriers, people just get stupider.
- What Mittens did to that daog is the same thing he did to the people that made the money for those companies. He is one disgraceful shitheel. Anybody that votes for this asshole is a scumbag.
- Mitt and Seamus? Man on dog. What a flaming asshole.
- I lived in Massachusetts for a long time, and Neh Hampsha is a great place to visit. But not Winnepesaukee when the bikers are there. It is also the Northren version of that banjo music redneck haven in Deliverance. Home of the most singularly reactionary newspaper in the history of newspapers and the foulest governor since Jabba, and that would be Meldrim Thomson. Remember when "reactionary" was the brand on whacko GOPers? Good old days. JW, I can remember flying on a DC-3, I think it was from Detroit to Buffalo. I think to be driven to my little brother's funeral.One way or another, I guess the point is that I'm old enough to remember flying on a prop plane. How many people actually have that memory? It was loud and it vibrated. It was definitely over a wide expanse of water. And people made jokes about flotation devices and the flies floating in our in-air refreshments. Julie, I haven't seen Portlandia, but I plan to. I'm a fan of Ms. Carrie Brownstein: Reality TV is a paudeen's attack on intelligent expression.
- Beb said Reality television is like cancer. It’s so cheap to produce and pulls people in with its combination of gossip, anger and institutionalized dysfunctionalism that it’s slowly consuming the rest of the entertainment market. My question is, how does anybody with a brain find this remotely entertaining? Well. they think, there but for the grace...
- Nancy's movie:
- We have stainless steel TP holders and we are not turning them back in. It took some effort and some drill battery to put those suckers up. Furthermore, we figure Mommy's alright, Daddy's alright, they just seem a little weird, But, does the radioactivity pass to the tissue, and then to the buttocks? Enquiring minds might want to know, since this will be all over the tubes tomorrow. One way or another,
- Adrianne, I would have thought Anne Frank outsold Mitch. I'm severely disappointed in the human race if that isn't so.
- Brian, So you remember when you actually had to walk outside to get on a plane? I've been thinking about this a lot. Isn't what really bugs GOPers about Mitt is that he's the richboy posterchild? I mean, they don't really want to give the richboy game away. These sleazeballs make their political living convincing rednecks to vote against their best economic interests. It's depressing that anybody is this fucking dumb.
- Sulzbergers. Well-known GOPers that ran the MSM liberal media.
- Newt is insisting Mitt identify his corporate Superpac donors, Comedy gold. These assholes are are too funny to be true.
- That anti-Mittster ad has almost cemented my decision for tomorrow's vote. I'm voting in a GOPer primary. And taking a shower afterward. Who knew Willard carried on the Dukakis and Kerry tradition. That "common man" shot at Kerry is flabbergasting, considering the mindless child of privileged motherhood he was running against. Kerry was not born on third base. And the same people that want to ridicule and criticize him for marrying Teresa Heinz and her scads of cash are willing to vote for Newt Bluebeard, and seem to be too stultified to understand that the Contract ON America was a major milestone on the via Appia to the shit the economy and the country are in now. Bibendum, the Michelin Man was born in 1898, making him older than Betty Crocker, Morton's Salt's Umbrella Girl, Mr. Peanut, and the Jolly Green Giant (who now lives in Detroit and occasionally wears a Wings sweater). Many years senior to the Pilsbury Doughboy (and how did Michelin not sue their ass?) His name is Bibendum, which always puzzled me. It's a Latin gerund that means "drinking to be done". Which I worked out with 43 year old HS Latin. Same root as bibulous, and imbibe. Apparently an early Michelin advertising motto was "Nunc est bibendum." Roughly translated, that is: Now it's time to do some drinking. Seems curios that a fin de siecle slogan would be rendered in Latin. The point was that that the tires were tough enough to "drink up" road hazards like nails, broken glass, horse shoes and like "road obstacles", which Bibendum guzzled from a champagne glass. KInda high concept, but effective over the years. I always thought the tire wear warranty and the performance were the big selling points, but in 2000, a jury assembled by the Financial Times named Michelin's the greatest advertising logo of all times. Speaking of advertising shills, seriously Mitt? Full Sail University? That is just aiding and abetting in a bunco game. The $81,000 video game art program, for instance, graduated just 14 percent of its 272 students on time and only 38 percent at all, while the students carried a median debt load of nearly $59,000 in federal and private loans in 2008, according to data that the federal Education Department now requires for-profit colleges to disclose in response to criticism of their academic records. If a bigtime college football program had numbers like that, even the NCAA would shut it down. Death Penalty. And Willard wants the feds to pay for demobbed warfighters to attend Full Sail. Such a deal. Years ago, at a concert by Dave Brubeck's family combo incarnation, a baby wailed louder than the musicians were playing. Mr. Brubeck segued seamlessly into Brahms' lullaby, the baby clamed down, and the appreciative audience went politely wild over the miraculous moment. Way cool.
- MarkH: Ever been through the unmitigated hell that is the Chuck E. Cheese toxic environment? It's like too many rats in the Skinner Box, and it's noisier than Pineappleface Noriega's mansion when the Seals were blasting Journey at him. John Woo might admit it's torture. My Dutch oven is blue that matches my kitchen cabinets almost perfectly. I love that pot.
- Huntsman quits, officially. Last shred of sanity, decency departs GOP Klown Kar Konspiracy.
- The deal with Paterno is a lot like the great conservative scumbags like Newt and Dan Burton that were all over Clinton for the BJ in the Oval Office while being found out in their own "youthful indiscretions". (And that is the GOPer term of art in these things, no matter being 50 or whatever.) I mean, St. Henry Hyde? If you promote yourself as a moral beacon and attack the failings of others, you deserve similar opprobrium in public when you get caught for the same ignominious behavior. For every Larry Craig excoriating "teh gay lifestyle", there is a real Larry Craig taking a real life wide stance in a public restroom that deserves the waves of Schadenfreude that inundate his hypocritical ass. Paterno has been so excruciatingly public about denigrating other coaches and programs, he gets no slack whatever on the monster he tolerated on his coaching staff. Moralizing your way to your house of cards falling down gets you no sympathy. I am an admirer of Sally Jenkins. Think that she's the second best F sports writer, along with Ailene Voisin, after the great Jackie McMullan of the Globe. But she let Paterno off with weasel-wording as fast as he could scurry. He is old and infirm, so maybe she was taking pity.
- Nancy, you are cute with the fat guy, and nice corsage, Very nice LBD and pearls. You look terrific. Lotta class, IMO. But it's only my opinion. That's a very nice dress and quite flattering. IMO. And great corsage. Your husband has some brains. What I'd say in retrospect is figure out why MC5 puts Stooges in the fround for great rock. And SRC is actually the best. And remember, that Quackenbush sustain is better in the long run. You can't figure what people are considering. Whatever anybody thinks, It is somewhat beyond what we say. We believe these people are full of shit. Blaming this on people is absurd.
- Back in the day, the michelin bros. were talking about pneumatic bike tires. Mitt woud have trashed the plant. What a crock. But the Freres Michelin saw they could make a pnematic seal as o[pposed to adhesive, to allow an easy tire change. Mittster would have fired everybody, and closed the factory. What a fucking asshole. He likes to fire people. What a stupid bastard. If you want to watch Mitt in action, watch The Triplettes de Belleville. He is an astounding ahole.
- Little black dress and pearls, Mondo, nancy, tres chic, snex suav, keedo. Mighty nice on the just quote atracrive, you look good girl. How do we say / You rock the dress. And th pearls are perfect. I'm not being an ahole, I think you look terrific, wuou do look good Nancy,
- No shit dumbass, I thought you looked great. with the dress and the pears, sorry if I can't give a compliment. I thought you looked great.
- Monsanto's existence is a major argument against legalizing pot. They'd fuck it up, for sure. But where would the modern world be without Agent Orange? And isn't it fitting that the purveyors of Agent Orange are now modifying food genetically. Worked on humans, so what the hey? And colony collapse? Chemicals are life. They're working on one to replace bees, I'm sure. Oh well. Just life in the foodchain: Juan Williams was simply channeling his inner privileged white guy, asking Newt about the Negroe problem. Insufferably pompous little prig. Reminds me of Alan Colmes, and Michael Kinsley, a couple of wimpy twats if there ever were. Was it just me or did anyone else think the scenes at the front on Downton Abbey looked downright cheesy. I kept thinking of those Wide World extravaganzas where tons of dirt were dumptrucked into the LA Coliseum for motocross: "Riding like Charlie Manson." No shit. I won't put beans in chili, but corn? Jes maybe. And Sarah Michelle Gellar had a great dress at the whatever awards. And Rooney Mara looked scary. I get the feeling that she could succumb to Linda Blair syndrome. AAnd sorry, supercilious snobs, the Fincher is decidedly better than either the Swedish version or the book. The book is hypnotic and gripping. The pages in which Kalle Blomkvist ends up in the beast's basement torture chamber are astounding. I actually read as fast as I can. But the American movie is decidedly better than the European version, and it's nice to be able to say that, for a change. Same is true for Let Me In and Let the Right One In, although the nighttime settings in the latter give it something of an advantage. All four movies are well worth watching, and the way things are going, some damn fool is going to attempt to remake The Big Lebowski, but in the case of those two remakes, the Americans made the better movies.
- Point taken Kirk, but he put himself in that unenviable position when he decided to move up to the house from the field. And holy shit, I just realized Raylan Givens is back on TV tonight. Yeehaw. Sadly, he won't have Ma Bennett, who poisoned herownself to plot his demise. But there is always Boyd Crowder.
- OK, but it's easy to see, it's what he always wanted. He could have been overhead in a balloon emptying a chamber pot and shouting "Ordure!" like the insane oncle in Balthazar B, but he chose to hobnob with GOPers, in the Big House. What the hell did he think would happen if he attempted to act remotely manly?
- If everybody that signed the recall petition votes, Walker is toast. What a scumbag. It always seemed to me that if you signed on to a contract, you were supposed to hold up your end of the deal. When public employees unions in Wisconsin signed contracts, was duress involved? Any shotguns to temmple? Nope, so honor your contracts, you shitheels. And if Juan Williams had a full sack, he'd point out that the aholes using his canning against NPR are entirely full of shit. But no. He's a weenie, and a whiner.
- Brian, the cost on Walker's side will undoubtedly be borne by the Kochs, who got the ahole elected in the first place. And Scott Walker is a measly Zwieback, toast. He is a partisan Teabanger idiot. They are almost Wisconsonites, right? Somebody needs to deport those disgusting old farts.
- What Willard's tax breaks could have funded: The NOAA one is particularly fascinating, since that agency is sound on global weather, so the Biblicists hate it.
- What conservatives, to use the term loosely, Alex, care about is getting the darkie stain out of the White House. I swear, racism is what motivates the vast majority of this menagerie.
- I have purchased Red Leicester at our neighborhood Bi-Lo. They stock it and put it on sale regularly because it approaches the sell by date without being sold. Very tasty stuff. Stands up well to pepperoni, and is very good with rich red wine like Barrolo. Makes very good cheeseburgers too. The idea of selling cheese at a discount because it's old strikes me as humorous. We use roasted garlic and add a dash of balsamic vinegar and some Texas Pete to sauteed spinach. Almost nothing isn't better with a bit of the hotter hot sauce. And Mary is right about Cholula, especially the chipotle variety and the kind with lime. How does Palin manage to keep foot firmly in mouth when her head is so far up her ass? Now why would she find Andrew Sullivan objectionable? Can't imagine. And Sullivan's Newsweek story is pretty insightful, particularly as he considers the Progressiver-than-thou left that pillory the President for not closing Gitmo, when the problem is so clearly rampant GOPer NIMBYism. Or for not making the "public Option" stick in the ACA:
- When $362,000 is just, ya know, like, pocket change, how do Mitt's crease-pressed Eddie Bauer jeans not fall down? And how did anybody ever figure out that rat poison could be life-saving for human beings? Lord, it is disconcerting to see a Jim Demint testimonial ad for Ron Paul on the T&L website. And the pressing fashion question about the Golden Globes? Who tricked Kelly Osbourne into going as Mary Worth, right down to the blue hair?
- Those guys at T&L are seriously funny. They looked at Kate Beckinsale's dress and said the bodice is a "basket o' tits". I'm picturing Miller explaining to Otto about plate o' shrimp.
- Hypocrisy, thy name is GOP. It makes my day when these whited sepulchers are hoist by their own petars. Blow their asses at the moon. Mexican pasta called Fideo is something we've picked up from our Hispanic neighbors. Goes really well with chorico. and a warm kale salad. Pretty much like making spaghetti with Mexican spices and pepppers. Our grocery has all sorts of great Mexican ingredients. Jeff, somebody at the RNC needs to superglue Willard's lips shut, before he channels Marie Antoinette full goose and unforgivably and blows up the GOPer base. Even that bewildered group of rubes ought to be able to understand the idea he is not welcoming them into the big GOP tent when he pays 15% on his astronomical income ($1mil annually from Bain to this day, and calling that capital gains under the skewed USA tax code is an immense crock o' crap), while people under $250thou annually are maxing at much more like 20%. I think the perfect adjective to describe the Windsock's nonchalance about his wealth and his accusations of envy is unseemly.
- Andrew Sullivan tweaked Palin with that Trig stuff for a while (watching her version of high dudgeon is funny), but he also took it upon himself to publish photos debunking it two years ago. What really rankles her is his "choice" of "lifestyle". I still think seeing the way from killing rats to saving human beings was a pretty stunning insight, and the first humans to use warfarin were some pretty brave folks. The Italian prosecutor Giuliano Mignini says Amanda Knox caused the cruise ship to run aground, because she is quintessentially evil. Meanwhile, the master of the vessel claims he left the ship by lifeboat "on accident". When the GOPers talk about "small business", they refer repeatedly to white shoe lawfirms and LLC cosmetic surgery practices. Stupidity is one thing, but failing to see through a canard that effing outrageous makes you wonder how they still know how to breathe, as Bob Dylan says in Idiot Wind. It's Lakoff at his most mendacious.
- Pure bullshit exuded by Klown Kar Kandidates in their latest Kaffee Klatch: Think I'll write in the Hermanator Saturday. Maggie, you may well be correct about Perry as Palin. This is particularly funny because the enmity between those two is palpable. Like JFK and LBJ.
- Looked at that Zingerman's website and saw my favorite marketing shibboleth, "artisinal". In Publix the other day, was treated to a sign proclaiming a bunch of lettuces "artisinal". (And isn't the plural "lettuces a wonderful Britism straight out of Ms. Potter and Mr. Magregor's farm?)Who would be the craftsman in that case? God? Please not Monsanto.
- Intellectual property should be defended, zealously, so that people that produce intellectual property can live decent lives to produce more. But Ha!Ha!Ha! SOPA and PIPA crumbled like the Maginot Line. And in Washington, Congressional staffers are approaching tomorrow with trepidation over being blamed for their boss's internet ignorance in signing on to those misguided attempts to fuck over free speech. "How did you let me sign on to that shit as a sponsor?" And isn't young Ben Quayle a foul denizen of internet pornworld? A true and unmitigated scumbag and bottom feeder. PJs in public? Well, if it's Jodie Foster and Jessica Alba and Chrissie Hynde and Mary Stuart Masteson wearing the jammies, shut the hell up. I mean, no Iron Lady in her nightwear, please, or Calista Agrippa. Can't afford little blue pills, and not interested in a permanently discouraged dauber down. I was never a sweet science fan, but Muhammed Ali is a great man of the Twentieth Century, and Joe Frazier was a somewhat hapless dupe of racist white moneybags. Had Ali never been robbed of his prime by a racist government (No Vietcong ever called me nigger.), Smokin' Joe would be a footnote. Ali may have been Jack Johnson reincarnated: Newt and Mittens both are tagging their ads with beating Obama being the mission here in South Carolina. The racist message is unmistakeable. And if Laila Ali wants to go out in public in her PJs, who's gonna tell her she can't? Who would actually want to?
- I believe Christopher Milne should live handsomely on the proceeds from the brilliant work his Da produced, with his inspiration. And that JRR's kid should make a handsome fortune from his faithful shepherding of his dad's papers to worthy posthumous work. This is demonstrably and notably and quantitatively better than Sam Walton's creepy offspring spending the great populist's cash to sue each other. And I know Raymond Douglas Davies has an heir, courtesy of sex with Chrissie, and she'd look great in PJs in public. Like the tops of some of those Cary Grant and James Garner pajama tops that Doris Day used to wear in movies. Better legs, best in boots and Levis.
- My pure disgust with "reality" TV is magnified every time I watch something for an hour that is spectacularly imaginative and brilliantly acted, like Justified, or Royal Pains (God save me), or Covert Affairs. Speaking pof which, couldn't you see right through Piper Perabo's dress at the Gold Globe's Covert affairs and Leverage and all of those Turnr shows, they are great. And if somebody wants to claim butch Atlanta housewives are better TV, or Women clubbing each other are better TV, screw you, and anybody with a brain knows there is no such thing as unscripted. Fuck these cheapskates.
- Perry's retirement from the race statement: “I’ve never believed that the cause of conservatism is embodied by one individual. Our party and our conservative philosophy transcends any one individual.” Well shit, boy, didn't you run Al Gore's presidential campaign in Tejas? “I have come to the conclusion that there is no viable path forward for me. I am suspending my campaign and endorsing Newt Gingrich.” Because I truly loathe that sidewinder, Mitt Romney. And goodbye cruel world. “Newt is not perfect, but who among us is? The fact is, there is forgiveness for those who seek God. And I believe in the power of redemption for it is a central tenant of my Christian faith.” A tenant Rick? Really? I really think Xanax was Perry's most likely drug of choice, although his debate performances did suggest sedative-hypnotics.
- Scout, and Wonderbread. Santorum actually won Iowa. And maybe it's them GOOPers that are committing vote fraud. James O'Keefe sure as hell did it in Neh Hampsha. The man who invented WWII is one hilarious epithet. I've always thought of Brokaw as the veritable modern Demosthenes. And every picture I see of Newt lately makes me think he gets his hair at the Trump rug store.
- Jeff, the lawyers that deposed Clinton when he supposedly perjured himself carefully defined terms to omit BJs. It was clearly a tactic to put him wrongfooted. And it's probably closer to a cocktail wienie than an overstuffed sausage. Newt certainly hasn't laid eyes on it in years. Not to get too gross.
- This sounds like it's abut time to fit Newt for a straitjacket, or a prison cell. Here's the Elmore Leonard Mark means: Apparently, the audio won't be available until 6pest.
- That Elmore Leonard interview is funny. Some woman calls in and tells Mr. Leonard he is her favorite writer and then starts talking about incidents and characters from Carl Hiassen books (Sick Puppy, Stormy Weather). He's too polite to correct her. Awkward. Favorite Ali photo: I was working in a Westinghouse transformer plant when the fight with Foreman in Zaire took place. Betting was fast and furios, and the majority of my coworkers were heavily invested in Foreman. I made a lot of money on this fight, and a friend and I clipped this picture from the paper, and hung it by the timeclock with the caption: "Don't get up chump!" Republican primaries, abbreviated version.
- Well, the lady that confuses him with Hiassen calls him Elmer. Conversation between Andrew Sullivan and Tina Brown about Obama's accomplishments.
- Johnny Otis died. He was the son of Greek immigrants to the USA who "chose to be part of black culture". The Johnny Otis Show was a great R&B revue that I saw a few times in Detroit when I was a kid. His son is the superb guitar player Shuggie Otis, who played with his dad for years and composed the songCold Shot for which Stevie Ray Vaughan became pretty famous. Shuggie's playing is marked by effortless facility and gorgeous pure tone similar to BB King (better player though). Johnny Otis' self-assumed blackness was a gift to the USA and the world. Paula Deen got herself into a PR briar patch by selling her name to the Big Farm producers of Smithfield Hams, a virulently anti-union, rapacious corporate entity. She's married to a guy that makes her look almost svelte. Her personal history claims she was married badly at a young age and suffered from acute agoraphobia and poverty when the marriage ended. Fom peoople that know her in Savannah, I have the impression she is an authentic bootstrapper. We think of her as Nathalie Dupree squared. And her accent is somewhat soothing. She's famous for whole or several stick o' butter recipes, but what I always found appalling was her free hand with the Duke's jar.
- Smithfield Hams has such an atrocious record on working conditions, the company has been investigated by Human Rights Watch (how Third World of them!!!) And they are bigger union busters than Itch Daniels, who is about to get pwned by the NFLPA (and you know a lot of those guys are GOPers). How egregious do working conditions have to be at an American company to get investigated by HRW? Amnesty nex? How have they not been shut down by OSHA or NLRB? Newt flips out again. That pitbull needs a muzzle. Is he talking about Montreal? Paris? Something Frawnch? Maybe he's thinking back to his redneck Atlanta suburb days, where MARTA rapid transit system was referred to as Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta. Maybe Calista 2000 thinks she's the Little Red Corvette.
- When I read Angle of Repose, Wallace Stegner's masterpiece (I think), I always thought that some of the New York characters were fictionalized versions of members of the Ward and Beecher and Howe families. Of course, Stegner's been accused of plagiarism for his use of archived letters of Mary Hallock Foote. Ridiculous accusation.
- Piquant comment on Paula Deen and Anthony Bourdain. Bourdain strikes me plainly as a surefire Romney voter. Surely a food snob, and anybody with as gluttonous and addictive a personality as he's reported his own to be (coccaine was his eight control drug) while touting French cuisine, which is more fat intensive than any other has no business bitching about Paula Deen. Her hucksterism for cash and Smithfield is far more worthy of castigation than is her ridiculous approach to food. Sandra Lee has a clever gimmick that got her a lucrative Food Network contract: using processed foods to produce fast results that seem homemade. She also likes to do bifurcated menus, where fixing one meal leaves you halfway to the next day's dinner, stored in the 'frigerator. Oh, and there are her whimsical place settings and party favors modified from cutesy Dollar General purchases. The woman never saw a big chunk of Velveeta she didn't have ideas for. And she invents a tres tres cocktail to accompany each recipe. Jacques Pepin and Martin Yan remain the two great TV cooks, in my opinion, and Ming Tsai is good. Guilty pleasure, for sure, but I miss the ole cajun Joostan Wilson and his red suspenders and jokes. And the camera angles on Giada DiLaurentiis' show were always interesting. Oh, and Ina Garten's approach is very enjoyable to watch. Romney fiscal plans defy mathematics. It's gutdom Raygun all over.
- The GOPer debate crowds are reminiscent of the rabble in Jerusalem screaming at Pontius Pilate to "Give us Barrabas". Have you read Big Rock Candy Mountain, Mary? V.G, too. Wallace Stegner creative writing students: Edward Abbey, Wendell Berry, George V. Higgins, Thomas McGuane, Robert Stone, Ken Kesey, Gordon Lish, Ernest Gaines, and Larry McMurtry. Hella lineup. But the writer I think is closest to Stegner in writing about the American West is probably Loise Erdrich, particularly Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse. Fans of Elmore Leonard shold pick up Friends of Eddie Coyle by George V. (also a terrific newspaperman on the BGlobe for years). It's also a brilliant movie, with Robert Mitchum. Anybody with a few minutes to kill that isn't familiar with Wallace Stegner should try this sample: An astounding stylist and evoker of palpable mood and settings. The kind of writing that makes the reader a better reader.
- Well Deborah, how often does a technical term borrowed for a book title provide a perfect metaphor for what happens in the book?
- If the feds can do stuff like this what is the argument for SOPA and PIPA? Bizarre crowdpleaser from Willard.
- Edward Abbey's work establishes him as an acolyte of Stegner's, or an apostle, athough, with the exception of the hillarious rolicking Monkey Wrench/Hayduke novels, Abbey wrote non-fiction (or perhaps some tall tales) of his solitary times in the West. Actually, The Monkey Wrench Gang is one of the funniest novels ever written. Desert Solitaire is perhaps Abbey's best book, a stunning collection of essays and memoir. Actually, McMurtey said that Abbey was "the Thoreau of the American West".
- Pete LaCock had a great porn stache to go with his name.
- Maybe Mr. LeDuff could have found some guidance here: An astute comment fromFroma Harrop on Class and Downton Abbey.
- If you want want to see the ultimate in passing for white Melodrama, with a capital M, I'd direct you to the marvelous Women's Weepie Imitation of Life. Lana Turner is actually good in this. And of course, there is Black Like Me. And recommended race-related reading, try Black Like Me. When I was a junior at the Detroit Jesuit HS, we had a day where we went to other schools. I met an attractive girl at Cass Tech and asked her to go to the Michigan State Fair with me. We were standing and watching the Supreme's do a song, and yahoos from Warren jumped my ass. Ended up in Southfield ER. and never found out where my date ended up. My mom and dad drove us to the date. Girl's name was Iris. I don't believe in any bullshit that says the USA has moved beyond racism. Never going to. People suck? Yeah, they are despicable. But not personally.
- Whatever anybody says.
- Isn't it amazing how in Downton's Abbey rich kids lose imbs? It seems to me that only one person had war tight, and he breathed gas. Dulce et decorum est. Pro patria mori. No it isn't you assholes. There is no excuse. I used to get pummeled by cops over this shit. Fuck the cos.
- Look Beb, that is the nigger vote. I guarantee you nobody in SC has a clue, but Newt has no ratsnest in here.
- in Carolina, we believe these folks are full of shit. What we think and what we know, might be two different things. Whatever some Tankee thinks. Kiss my ass you know-it-all
- Mark H. No mystery. It was Detroit and a different time. It most certainly happened, if you are sugggesting it didnt. You weren't there, And it's a rare time I got my ass kicked. You're implicatipn is obnoxious. why would I make this shit up? Really happened moron and I'd like to meet these aholes with my brothers sometime,
- People can try to blame it on South Carolina, but here in SC, we know it's largely the Snowbirds that live in places like Sun City Hilton Head, that is literally 10 miles from the closest part of Hilton Head. They don't pay for HHI schools either. Look, if Newt is the picture, Mitt is Dorian Gray, and the USA probably deserves him. And knocking off Newt is starting to seem as difficult as killing Rasputin.
- Etta James doing Bob Dylan: and James Brown: Community organizing, by definition, is the core of both Christianity and government. Pretending it has something to do with Socialism is so ignorant it's astounding. Sadly, people are stupid.
- Etta James doing Wolf: and Clarence Carter:
- Very enjoyable story Brian. I be the brother with all the decorating detritus. Sadly, no trombone. I'd love to visit both these stores. In real life, my brothers have been appropriating my books and albums for years rather than a fair distribution as these guys managed. Right wangers are delusional to the point of derangement on the subject of Saul Alinsky. There was a Jebbie from Chicago named Paddy Callahan that brought Alinsky into our Sociology classes back in the late 60s. He also introduced us to Studs Terkel. We read Rules for Radicals, which matched up well with Jesuit ideas about theology and our duty as Christians to influence political society to effect change. Anyway, the GOPers seem to have Alinsky confused with Leon Trotsky, maybe because they were both Jewish and wore those round spectacles. Here's and example, that would be funny if it weren't so sad: I mean, Alinsky derangement syndrome could have it's own citation in DSM IV. Starts with an inherent distrust of anything academic. Oh Christ. I just heard the turd Matt Millen on TV saying that "Coach Paterno died of a broken heart."
- People are strange. But very few people are stranger than Michael Jackson was. Wee tim'rous beastie. Maybe he picked up n this from his personal haggis chef.
- I see nothing wrong with people trying to point out the good things in Joe Paterno's life. But what's going on from his defenders at this point is the same kind of bullshit hagiography that overflowed the fortnight following the death of R. Raygun. Raygun was either a criminal malfeasor of US law during Iran-Contra, or he was an addled fool, already in the throes of dementia. One or the other. At this point, Joe's best defense, in re: Sandusky, is diminished capacity. Bob, I've always hated the idea that people get to vote that would base decisions on newspaper endorsements.
- Truly obscene profit center for JP Morgan. Steven Tyler's National Anthem rendition could get him arrested in the Midwest, I suppose, but it wasn't Carl Lewis bad.
- New Leonard Cohen album. For when the One Great Scorer comes To write against your name, He marks-not that you won or lost- But how you played the game. -Grantland Rice-
- Astounding 100 year old color photos of Russia, from before there was color film. If anybody understands how this worked, please explain. It's something along the lines of 3-color TV projection guns, but these colors are incredible.
- Alex@7 and Peter@10: And because those constituencies are remarkably elastic raging hypocrites, who above all else, simply can't abide black people, particularly in positions of power, and piss on all of their so-called core values if the sherriff is a ni.... It's pretty hilarious to watch GOPer establishment fawn over Willard Antidog, after their gratuitous, mendacious mistreatment of Kerry in '04 for wealth and personality traits for which the Windsock is a veritable poster boy, except Friend O' Ben went to France to proselytyze instead of to Vietnam and Cambodia, cementing the considerable chickenhawk GOPer vote. Brandon: Last sizeable 3rd party vote was progressiver-than-thous for Darth Nader that undoubtedly created the opportunity for reactionary activist SC Justices to appoint W the monkey king and grease the tracks to economic Gehenna. Duff McKagan might be a tad more convincing on the subject of protecting intellectual property if he'd ever had a creative idea.
- Scribe, on embryonic stem cell research: Whatever McCain may think personally about it, depending on what day it is and to whom he's talking, the GOP platform and Ol' Grumpyass' running mate at the time insisted that embryonic stem cell research amounted to ending life, and was unacceptable public policy. It's also quite true that in that whole harangue, McCain insisted consistently in using the term "stem cell research" generically, as if he and others had not made sharp distinctions between embryonic and adult stem cells. McCains pronouncements, by ignoring that dichotomy were equivocal, and neither he nor his campaign made any effort to be clearer. Politifact took McCains side at the time, in a classic maneuver to dive into the "equivalency" muck, mire and deliberate murk. The whole business was reminiscent of GOPers spewing about Muslims in Iraq without acknowledging the existence of Shia and Sunni sects. It's distinctly unfair to describe the Obama ads as sleazy. In fact, it's such a gross mischaracterization as to actually be sleazy.
- Ferocious cover for Warren Zevon's 65th Bday. Interesting review of Nutria Gingrich's latest Regnery Press opus, 10,000 copies of which Richard Mellon Scaife has undoubtedly already purchased. Deborah, what you say makes sense. I've been wondering myself what happens to all the money GoodHair collected. But for a disgusting example of the sort of havoc this kind of spending renders within society, read that blog at Sue's link. Koch Bros. cash purchased the Wisconsin State House, and the evil bastards' anti-union jihad ended up as a fatwah on families of police officers slain in the line of duty.
- Damn. The concept of Vanna White's intellectual property may be funnier than Duff McKagan's. When it's ASCAP and record commpanies whining, I think about musical geniuses like Solomon Burke and Wilson Pickett being robbed blind by those very same bastards who see the shoe on the other foot now. What killed record company profiability was the mp3 download and the players, and the gelded spans of attention they promote, and boy, they really don't sound very good. Of course considering the caliber of creativity and talent of so-called artists lately, albums would have been awfully lame anyway. If Duff has any sort of valid beef, it's really with his old antagonist Bill "Axl" Bailey, who leaked that lousy Chinese Democracy drivel hundreds of times over almost two decades on the net. Now that just flat out diluted interest.
- Mitch Daniels actually said that the current economic La Brea in the USA was "caused" by the federal government. Whatawhopper, but who does the next GOPer frontrunner think was running all aspects of said US government for the eight years that produced that gooey morass? And the guy looked more like a ghoulishly rouged corpse than a funeral director to me. Rosacea, or gin blossom cheeks? Those scratch-proof screens? Didn't AT&T get extra cash out of me with a screen guard of some sort when I bought my iPhone?
- Well, Gov. Daniels is a creature of the nefarious Koch Bros., as the Nazgul are creatures of Sauron. Strange special interest shit Klown Kandidates take very seriously, submit to happily, and pledge fealty to in blood. When these obsequious twats have signed on to Grover's and a host of others' extremist whacko pledges, how do they keep track of them? How do they prioritize in cases of conflict? Must get confusing. Is a human jellyfish a person at the moment of conception?
- Maybe the word-ownership issue has played itself out. Good Lord, Dexter. How will George Lakoff feed his family? Actually, I think the antipodal terms are "radical" and "reactionary", which is actually ironic when you consider the etymological root of radical, is radix (L. root), suggesting returning to what was intended when the show got on the road, not to some invented narrative of a glorious past when inferiors knew their places and Lords ruled manors. Stick that up your ass and smoke it, Scalia. Re: Prince. Albom missed Big baby. Manufactured beef with his dad? Lame. Good luck Tigers. I was afraid the Dodgers were going to drop a bundle on him and ditch James Loney, which would have been a terrible mistake. There is a terrific, hallucinogenic House on the Rock episode in Neil Gaiman's American Gods. I've been meaning to go there since reading that book. edit: Mitch's missing $300mil showed up on a Koch Bros. criminal conspiracy corporate check.
- State of the Union lite. Platitudinal fat removed. More actual substance her than I think is usual for these affairs. Not that the guy means dick anymore: Santorum's rank and shameful betrayal of American military veterans. Now how would fundagelical chickenhawks excuse this disgraceful behavior?
- I can't remember gym class, but I know it was there because I remember the gym teacher. Coach Leary. We called him Jungle Gym and we were assholes to the guy. How do kids act so much like William Golding imagined? The old guy was alright and he tried to teach a crossover dribble to a mostly unathletic buncha guys, or guys that thought it was second-nature. when he was too beat to do it himself. And we mocked him as we did my sophomore Geometry teacher Fr. Herman. We were forgiving about our classmates, but we were brutal about instructors that could not stand on their own. Kids are wretchedly cruel animals. We sucked. On the subject of Demi and Ashton. One of them is an accomplished actor. The other is the shitheel that wears stupid knit hats and is a total moron. I wonder what in the world she ever had to do with this idiot. Maybe somebody thinks his horseshit is cute. He's the number four talent from That Seventies Show. And really, make that five, because the BigStar song they stole buried the rest of that shit. how does Ashton Kutcher live in the same universe as his ex-old lady? She is really beautiful. He's cute at best, mostly an inexcusable boor. He's a spectacular shitheel so why does he skate? He is an obnoxious turd. Demi Moore was outstanding in A Few Good Men. A lot better than another little jerk, Tom Cruise, and that's as good as the midget weirdo gets. I thought Top Gun was crap, plainly and simply. But Kelly McGillis displayed the most beautiful breasts in modern movies in Witness, a truly outstanding movie.. I know I leave myself open to ridicule, but I thought Semi Moore's performance in GI Jane was fairly remarkable. Has the little pisant Ashton done anything similar? Didn't think so. I think Ghost is a reasonably good movie, mostly because Whoopie is a hoot. But Demi Moore is quite convincing in that movie. And Ashton Kutcher never did anything except steal a great song from Big Star. What an asshole. Whatever you say, Demi is pretty, and a fairly ood actor.. And, whether or not they're boosted, those are astounding tits for people that actually find tits interesting. Me, I prefer some real woman's legs, but that's just me. I thought Nancy's legs in her little black dress photo were sharp. Right dress, right pearls, right skirt. She looked great. Lets all give it up for gams. Women's finest obvious feature. It's my experience that most women have attratcive legs, rest of their bodies notwithstanding. And I celebrate them all. Boobs are all beautiful, no matter what shape or size. I mean, unless they are surgicalized gigunda. The appeal of that sort of monstrosity is beyond me. But legs are either shapeley or they are not. Now if that is sexism, I suppose I surrender. Demi has great legs. Claire Daynes has spectacular legs. Ashton Kutcher is a moron.
- Where were the "alert secret service agents" when Gov. Brewski assaulted the President? The ones that used to guard Chevy Chase from assaultive grapefruit spoons when he pretended to be Gerry Ford. Maybe she was chaneling Dikembe Mutombo: Is Brewski a step up or a step down from former AZ Governor Evan "Pickaninny" Mecham. Maybe she's just maintaining tradition. As a resident of SC, I always like to see other states more embarrASSed by their elected officials. Honest to God, this woman seems like a Western version of Louise Day Hicks, with a blonde fright wig and tanned leather skin. But calling her the lunatic fringe is at most half right. Victoria has been invited to the office of Republican Florida congressman Bill Posey, who commiserated when she said Obama has "the fakest birth certificate I've ever seen in my life." She has gained a sympathetic audience with nearly every GOP candidate of the 2012 presidential campaign (excluding the guy she calls a "fake conservative," Mitt Romney). She rode the Tea Party Express bus with Herman Cain and joined Michele Bachmann at a D.C. rally where the crowd chanted, "There's a communist living in the White House!" If not the captain of the S.S. Tea Party, she's at least the screeching mermaid strapped to its bow. And all of that shit belies "lunatic fringe" exactly how?
- Free press? Sorta. The photo of "the straggly, haggly harridan" (how Dylanesque, Scout) reminded me of Christine Todd Whitman.
- One good thing to be said for Jeb on the GOPer ticket: precludes flamer fake Cubano freedom fighter and Batista ho Marco Rubio from running. Of course, Jeb actually signed the infamous PNAC letter that tried to convince Clinton to invade Iraq, putting him pretty clearly in the camp of Neoconvict scum. And doesn't Reince Priebus sound like the name of an electric car. JC, I think the "top echelon of the Republican party" would include the Koch Bros. Where? Dickless Cheney's Bunker.
- Obama stole his line from Sheriff Bart when he was talking to Gov. Chugalug: Newt talking to Juan Williams.
- The Obama/Seahag conversation: First question for Jeb Bush if I got to ask it: How do you intend to make the pie higher? Folllowup: How will you catapult the propaganda?
- The danger of a brokered convention, personified. Assholes like the Astroturf Teabanger Dick Armey will use money to get their way. Chris Christie doesn't believe in representative democracy. If there's a brokered convention, will it take place in a "quiet room"?
- What the GOPers should have is a Brokeback convention, with Ted Haggard to speed-read an invocation and Larry Craig on Keynote address. Every man I know is a weiner holder Well it provides legibility when writing one's name in the snow.
- Well, Linda, Christie is pretty famous for favoring "civil unions", which is why he won't be part of any GOPer ticket brokered or not. Of course, civil unions that carried all the legal rights of marriage would somewhat defang the Arguments for marriage per se. I mean if gay couples get survivor's benefits and rights and get treated as family by insurance plans, the institutionalized discrimination is more a function of churches and religions than of government. And really, a plebiscite in Jersey might surprise the fat fuck, Governor Big Pussy, the rat.
- Suzzy Roche has written a novel, with pretty good reviews. I always liked the Roche sisters, like a junior version of Kate and Anna, with even more angelic voices. Then there's the collaboration with Robert Fripp: Fippertronic goodness on that guitar solo. Another thing about Christie the Dudelsackfeiffer, if he tried to pull that popular gubernatorial GOPer anti-union shit in New Jersey, he'd end up on an interrupted yacht outing with Tony Soprano.
- Brilliant interview: S. Colbert's conversation with Maurice Szendak. Two funny fellows. Speaker Oompa Loompa brags about GOPer gerrymandering. Shameless. The idea of hardcore ideological wingnuts that have always insisted that Drudge was a beacon of rectitude suddenly finding him malicious and mendacious is so damn funny, I can't refrain from laughing. No shit Sherlock. He's a sleazebag POS wannabe reporter who should have that fedora stuffed up his anal cavity. And Jeff, W would be ass over handlebars soon after the start of that bike race. He's got a history of bad bike riding. And speaking of Macs, anybody have an opinion on MacKeeper software?
- Of course, Scribe, both sides will gerrymander to protect seats they hold, but I have never heard of Democrats in State House power drawing redistricting lines simply to dilute the voting effectiveness and representation of black, brown, and poor voters. That unAmerican behavior is a GOPer specialty. It really should draw time in Club Fed. The jigsaw is pretty cool. There is really no valid comparison between the two parties on redistricting. I really just thought that Boner's brazenness was particularly nauseating. What a jerk.
- Wouldn't fraccing (one of the suggested spellings) be pronounced frack-sing, a la flaccid? The obvious problem with fracking is monumental amounts of waste fracking liquid bearing toluene, xylene and naphthalene, all potent carcinogens, among God knows how many other chemicals ( that must be disposed of. The industry answer is to pump the waste liquid into the shale formations that held the natgas before it was released, which sounds elegant, but wasn't the gas released by fracking those geological formations? Water is more abundant than fossil fuels, but it is just as much a limited resource. Foul one region of Midwestern aquifer, bye bye breadbasket, and aquifers connect to each other. Trust Halliburton oil field services to seal the waste away. They did a bang-up job in the Gulf, eh? Mountaintopping throughout Appalachia is already threatening aquifers on the entire eastern seaboard by filling hollers and the cricks that run through them. And fossil fuel energy companies want to operate unfettered by sensible regulations. Frack that shit, they've proven themselves over and over to be entirely untrustworthy. Just ask the bereaved families of miners that used to work for Don Blankenship and Massey Energy at the Upper Big Branch.
- So Cosmo, how does Apple's deal with the devil have anything whatever to do with Paterno not making sure his buddy Sandusky was prevented from harming any more children? Joe P's good buddy Ronald Raygun directly abetted Salvadoran deathsquads and the murder of Archbishop Medeiros. His even better buddy Milhous extended the Vietnam War into Cambodian to the hideous detriment of American soldiers and Southeast Asians. Paterno defended both. Does he get credit/blame for all of those acts? He certainly shared that boarding the helicopter in disgrace motif with Nixon. In fact, Paterno and Sandusky were GOPer lifers, so maybe the Republicunts can bear the blame for Sandusky.
- Hell, the Bush family were bankers for Hitler. So was the Koch Bros. daddy. How far you want to extend this Cosmo? And if Applle has contributed to seriously bad behavior by Chinese capitalists, I;d say that is more about capitalism and the malevolent hand than anything else.
- Now that it's manifest that Ron Paul is the racisst scumbag hi newsletters show him to be, his randomites are all over the net, claiming he isn't a racist and antisemite. What's truly funny is the insistence on fiat-money. Geeze Ron, who said god was worth a shit? Back when we were Romans, salt was worth more than gold. What a freaking nitwit.
- Beb, you mean acompany might actually distribute wealth to it's employees? Holy crap, they might actually buy the company's goods. How it is supposed to work.
- eBut Cooz, Murnau or some Fronch guy did make an Our Gang movie, called Zero de Conduite (You must have seen this): that Lindsay Anderson surely watched before he made the masterpiece If... And it has always seemed hilarious to me that people rise as one indignant elitist mob to defend Serrano and Mapplethorpe when what those fellers clearly intended was to get their work banned in Boston, or wherever prudes run things, like the USA.
- Jeff, the drug-testing idea is a lot like putting armbands on Jews. And marijuana should be legalized. And people in jail for pot should be released. It's the sad state of our country that arresting people for weed enriches aholes that are friends of politicians because they run privatized jails. Three-strikes puts junkies in jail until they die. Does that make any sense at all? Anyway, so far as pot is concerned, Robert Parrish smoked pot frequently. If it deterred from his game or made him a lesser contributor to society, nobody noticed. And he still punched out that revolting creep Lamebeer, the dirtiest player in the history of professional sports.
- Well, Brian, the voter registration crap is so obviously aimed at Democratic voters, and so obviously bogus, it's kinda hard to dispute. I;m not making any claim, but the intention is fucking obvious and these bastards intend ti supress voting,
- The aspect of Iran and nukes that always seems to get short shrift is that Iran has every right and reason to be scared of Israel's massive nuclear arsenal at Dimona. Look what Israel did to Lebanon last time they got a wild hair across their ass. Blew it to smithereens. The Israeli government is, North Korea notwithstanding, the most bellicose on earth, with the most gigantic chip on it's shoulder, and incredibly facile rationalizations whenever they decide to go off on another neighbor. The Israelis built their nukes in concert with the DeClerk apartheid government of S Africa, using fissionable material and technology stolen from the USA. Given Israel's history of aggression, it would seem to be understandable, even reasonable that Iran might seek a deterrent equal to the weapons Israel has had at it's disposal for decades. After all, Pakistan was given a pass by the world to develop nuclear weapons because they viewed Indian nuclear capability with much trepidation. Maybe Iran and Israel should try the India/Pakistan method for blowing off steam. With that barmy Run rabbit song on the shepherding video, you've got some Updike mixed with your Cheever. When I was a kid in the late 60s, The Points were home to mafioso like Anthony "Tony Z" Zerilli and his torpedo, Anthony "Tony Jack" Giacalone, the last people to see Jimmy Hoffa alive at the Red Fox restaurant in Bloomfield Township. "Saul Alinsky" as GOPer shibboleth includes the strong implication that the man was not just Jewish, he was one of them dirty Trotskyite bomb-throwing type of Jew. Given the Kwality of the Klown Kar Kandidates, it's really a little surprising that Trent Lott and Tom Delay never actually got involved beyond the money train. I never gave serious thought to leaving the USA because of Shrub's appointment by Scalia in 2000 or Blackwell's election robbery in 2004, but if one of the current crop of GOPer Bozos beats Obama, I'm thinking Baja California looks inviting. Good free single-payer health care, too.
- Brilliant graphic explication of how the big bankster crooks and gansters and corporate criminals burned the American economy to a crisp.
- How about the invention of Israel, Newtria, where somebody else was already living? That was genuine benevolence on the part of the USA and GB, eh? Apple boycott? That little girl is scary good on the logos. Brainwash 'em young.
- Joan Didion really thought Newt was a stultifyingly banal jackasswhen she reviewed two of his booksalmost 15 years ago. I've gotta say, in my opinion, Ms. Didion has always been more ineffectually gifted than the Bad Speaker. Interesting comments on Irani nukes from Leslie Gelb, who actually knows what he's talking about.
- Dan Burton got 15 minute famous by calling President Clinton a "scumbag" in public, about a week before his own youthful indiscretions came to light. Horse's ass. Something else to consider regarding smart phones, tablets and other tech products. By any rational standard, particularly given the poisonously negative atmosphere created by Congressional GOPers, President Obama has accomplished a remarkable number of decidedly progressive advances. Critics on the progressiver thn thou left are mainly peeved about dropping the public option from the ACA, and the fact that Guantanamo still houses detainees. In the former case, public option was added to health care reform late in the game, and never had a chance against GOP opposition. It was assuredly never part of Obama's campign, no matter what bullshit spin Politifact puts on the subject. In the case of Gitmo, there is no rational, workable solution, as long as NIMBY Congress refuses to allow empty prisons on the mainland to be used to incarcerate dangerous detainees. Many of these people face death if they're returned to their own countries. I have no doubt that a number of Americans with their noses out of joint about this shit would be dumb enough to forget the disaster of the 2000 election and support a ruinous run by some navel-gazer like Darth Nader. They might get what they deserve, and we'd all be up Shit Creek heading for the falls.
- Paul McCartney has a new album of standards from American '30s and '40s songwriters. Strong vocals, mostly, but mildly depressing from the guy that sang Helter Skelter and Why Don't We Do It in the Road. I do love the song Bye Bye Blackbird. But, Glow Worm? Holy shit. Very funny Bill Maher bit on the bizarre Saul Alinsky obsession from Gingrich. [The] eternal search for those values of equality, justice, freedom, peace, a deep concern for the preciousness of human life, and all those rights and values propounded by Judeo-Christianity and the democratic political tradition…. This is my credo for which I live and, if need be, die. -Saul Alinsky- Whew. Some scary shit, eh?
- Chain of Fools (modified from a Gospel standard to the furthest thing from it by Don Covay) was recorded at Muscle Shoals, with the great Joe South playing that indelible opening guitar riff with the extreme vibrato: And Sweet Home has the lines: Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers/And they've been known to pick a song or two. If people want to keep pythons for pets, the snakes should be registered with a tat, the Owners should have background checks, and the owners should face immense fines should the snakes be captured in the wild. And how about python skin boots rather than purses? There is always the danger of a Bhromodrosis epidemic: For years I thought Zappa was singing Dromodrosis, and just making up stuff to mock maladies created for advertising campaigns. With the internet, I know there are people selling stinkfoot as a tragic disease affecting millions. My comments on N. Grace may seem extreme or vituperative, but there is really no excuse for that woman's public existence. And while Harpy fits well (avenging monsters dispatched by the fates in Greek mythology) I still say snakes writhe on her scalp and her gaze could turn you to stone. This woman's behavior in the cases of Elizabeth Smart's abduction (particularly her badgering, adversarial treatment of the victim), Melinda Duckett's missing son and suicide, and the alleged sexual misconduct by the Duke lacrosse team make it clear that "presumption of innocence" doesn't mean a damn thing to this shrieking Gorgon. She is a vile, self-aggrandizing demagogue, and her entire backstory about being a victim of violent crime is rife with rank fabrication and dissembling. Her prosecutorial record is rife with misconduct, including subborning false testimony from law officers. Grace's preferred justic system would be all Nancy all the time as judge, jury and executioner. I really wish she would get caught committing a crime. If I got a chance to be on that show, we'd see how quick her studio crew is on the delay/bleep button before I could get in the C word. She is reprehensible. Are those Hairspray numbnuts planning on blackface. I know the story only vaguely, but isn't it's main point something about integration?
- The true story of the murderof Nancy Grace's fiance, along with her bogus version: Outfit Nancy Grace at Abercrombie & Fitch and drop her in the Glades. Lets see a snake swallow that whole. Actually, I read that a 20 ft. anaconda was captured and found to have swallowed a gator. Now, that is unnerving news. And I imagine Grace was a sorrority sister, so I have my doubts about the whole "fiance" bidness. Never knew a Tri-Delt that didn't have one, or, anyway, two or three per month. No offense to anybody of the Greek persuasion. Romney singing America the Beautiful made me think immediately of Ed Muskie, Hunter Thompson, and ibogaine. Favorite verse: O beautiful for pilgrim feet Whose stern impassion'd stress A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness Except for those folks that were already living there. Maybe he should try Woody, and include the last two verses: As I was walkin' - I saw a sign there And that sign said - no tress passin' But on the other side .... it didn't say nothin! Now that side was made for you and me! In the squares of the city - In the shadow of the steeple Near the relief office - I see my people And some are grumblin' and some are wonderin' If this land's still made for you and me.
- Texas also has no laws preventing Gov. Perry from practicing the sort of slush fund crony capitalism that is rightly illegal everywhere civilized. Perry brings jobs to Tejas using the Idi Amin model.. Amazing what people will overlook when there's cash on (under) the table. Possums on the halfshell, basset. On the interstate, it looks like many more big rigs are blowing out retreads, with all the dead dillos. I've always found them kind of humorous, like a Transformers version of roly-poly bugs. The python story makes me wonder about what in the world is the natural enemy/predator that keeps the population steady in their natural habitats. Hogs are great natural snake killers, but I don't know about huge constrictors. The problem with the big snakes and gators is that the snakes will locate gator nests and eat the eggs. It's difficult to imagine a mature gator succumbing to constriction. I've seen them hit in the head with sledge hammers and remain unfazed.
- Somebody on some lip-synch site has got to do video of Willard "singing" that Lee Greenwood drivel about "at least I know I'm free". The idea of Mittens sans shirt is making me queasy bordering on nauseated. Cut it out. Lily Ledbetter on the eponymous law. To quote Biden, this is a big fucking deal. As it is, this woman was a victim of both her employer (Goodyear), and the recalcitrant, reprobate, reactionary activist judges shitty GOP presidents packed onto the SC. When the Killing's Done, a superb novel about invasive species (by TC Boyle, and if you never tried him, I suggest The Sot-Weed Factor first). Nobody wins. And since corporations are people, my friend, how 'bout some hefty fines for those corporate citizens of the shipping persuasion that don't obey regulations and introduce invasive marine species by dumping bilge tanks in the Great Lakes (hell, probably at the docks at the Port of Chicago). Hello zebra mussel. EllenT, the Tejas laws that Perry plays fast and loose with belong in a banana Republic, but Perry's personal turpitude and concupiscent snarfling in the graft trough is mind-boggling. His good buddy and the radioactive medical waste dump story? Beggars belief. What a fracking crook. Make mine Adderall Jeff. How the hell is one drug effective in treating both narcolepsy and hyperactivity (when, generically, it's salts of amphetamine)?
- Appalachia? Mitt has never set foot in Southie or Roxbury. Nancy Grace? Evil twin, separated at birth from Madamoiselle Cochon. I had to look up furby, but yeah, the resemblance is unmistakable. No more Thorazine, I don't think, at least not for antipsychotic use. Had extremely debilitating side effects, like dyskinesia (tremors, tics) zombification (outright brain damage), which the secondary or atypical antipsychotic drugs do not produce as profusely as Thorazine or Stelazine. My favorite Star Trek episode, and probably Joan (The British Open) Collins' finest career performance. A Harlan Ellison story, I believe.
- Jeff, For my money, the fact that Windvane Willard made the slide down the slippery slope so effortlessly makes him an ultimate political douche. Not The Glass Teat (have to try to find that), Mark, but I've read the stories in Partners in Wonder about five times apiece. ( A man sits in a chair. It is biting his leg.)
- Right, RO Girl, I meant to type Water Music, which I find a companion piece to John Barth's novel. Hard to say which is funnier, but they are both connected to the story of O Lucky Man in my mind. Starry-eyed heroes out to make their fortunes in the great wide world like Mick Travers.
- Sarah G. Komen Foundation, Profiles in Cowardice. Stearns is a rightwing demagogue on a witch hunt of an operation that is far more transparent than the super-PACS that support this kind of bad behavior, or than SGKF, for that matter, and Komen hired a Teabanger nitwit as a VP for Public Policy. My mom died of breast cancer and I've given money to Komen ever since, but never another dime. I'd prefer to support the health care services provided by PP, of which less than 3% involves abortion at all. The most notable thing about the life of the great Objectivist Individual Responsibility Snake Oil purveyor Ayn Rand is that she smoked so much, she got lung cancer and had to live off the public teat. What a fracking hero. Weren't no John Galt after all. Ayn Rand, welfare queen: I'm sure she bought cigs with her government money. I wish that Virginia state senator had written her bill to specify that the pre-Viagra prostate exam include four fingers and a thumb. She did also include stress testing, which might have knocked off a few of these lardass chauvinist aholes. This sonagram requirement as anti-abortion legislation shit is so vile and contemptibly misogynistic, it actually seems too low for even GOPers to resort to. What intention is there to this but to debase women in a vindictive manner for not meeting some moral standard that does not match the prevailing opinions of Americans. Next thing, I wouldn't be surprised, requiring a home visit of the remains after the procedure to scare the crap out of your kids, a la Santorum. But heaven forbid these women should have access to contraceptive and educational health services in the first place. Great Teabanger idea: Let's do everything possible to ensure more unwanted, insupportable pregnancies and then vilify the moms. This sort of mindless and vicious spite is incomprehensible.
- Ayn Rand's real name: Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum. Name Ayn Rand used to collect government entitlements secretly when her lung cancer was doing her in: Ann O'Connor. Hypocritical Sack O' Shit. And, is their a more perfect personification of abject self-aggrandizing bufoonery than Donald "Hair Club" Trump announcing his own Press Conference to announce his endorsement for a GOPer presidential kandidate? Reading comments all over the web , appears SGKF has a self-inflicted mortal wound to the foot over PP. Morons. What in the name of Montressor ever possessed them to hire that Teabanging viper Karen Handel in the first place. As things stand, the organization may as well align itself with James Dobson and Focus on the Family. Komen board members are unpaid, Julie, but the Foundation President is indeed paid $half a mil. It's incomprehensible that these people could bring on a Teabanger tool like Karen Handel, whose last campaign for public office in GA was a bitch's brew of misogynistic'bagger bulshit, and put her in charge of public policy. Maybe they are aiming for some Koch Bros. cash. Beb, the Detroit teen dance show back in the '60s was Swingin' Time, hosted by the incredibly uncool CKLW and WKNR (Keener13) DJ Rockin' Robin Seymour. The show was live 1/2-hour weekdays and taped 1-hour on Saturday pms.The Rationals were practically the house band, but the show is where I first saw George Clinton and Parliament, before the Mothership took flight. I remember Frank Zappa showing up with the Mothers once, and not appearing very inspired by the show, looking like they'd rather be anywhere else. I remember seeing Seger and the Last Herd on the show, Richard and the Young Lions, Third Power, along with all of the Motown acts and James Brown. MC-5 appeared on the show at least a couple of times, and I think this performance comes from the show: Robin's colleague was Russ Gibb (DJ and owner of the Grande Ballroom, first place I ever smoked pot decades before it was priced stratospherically out of affordability). Speaking of rock 'n' roll back in the day, I just finished A Visit From the Goon Squad, which I really enjoyed, despite typical trepidation about anything that popular on NYT lists. Not for everyone (69 of 412 Amazon reviews are 1 star). Very inventive formally with disparate chapters with barely overlapping characters except by previously established associations. Tied up very nicely in the end. A bit like The Savage Detectives (Bolano), huge cast of characters connected by threads.
- SGKF and scientific credibility: a rum tale of willful dissemination of phony information.
- That one escapes me, beb. Was it called The Scene? And the monster movie weekend host was Morgus the Magnificent, great movies like The Tingler: The Ghoul: A few years later, WSBK had Sir Graves Ghastly.
- How about Master Willard? That's what Seamus calls him while being tortured. And maybe Big Bobb (his vanity license plate on his Escalade) is just a Dragon Tattoo fan and Mrs. Big Bobb forgot the safeword. If I were going to express that sort of proclivity, I think Herr Lothar sounds good. Anyway, Master Bob will probably get to learn many more sinister Master names when he resides in Gen Pop. This business reminds me of Lady Heather the dazzling recurring dominatrix character on the CSI series, portrayed by Melinda Clarke. It's surprising, but I have seen nothing about the NFL's Komen Konnection since the whole brouhaha started. Players have been sporting Hi-liter pink gear this entire season: Undoubtedly, Tummy Tubbow is sticking with SGKF. New slogan: Pusillanimous in Pink.
- I don't question the NFL's admirable intentions for a minute in partnering with Komen. But with the Super Bowl in the homestate of Goobernor Pinkerton Scab Unionbuster, and with the flagrant political nature of Komen's dropping PP, Indianapolis becomes the eye of a political hurricane this weekend. A lot of those NFL behemoths are products of years of corn-fed, heartland, DeMolay indoctrination in all likelihood, and it's likely that many of them have had pregnant girlfriends. They can't get around the union bit by mouthing religious pabulum, though. I'm still wondering how much of this anti-PP vituperation on the right originates with John Kyl's gargantuan lie about the organization's services, which were, of course, not meant to be a statement of literal fact. Kyl infamously said that abortions are "well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does." Wrong again, honey. Planned Parenthood services. The Komen president's lame citation of the brand new rule against associating with organizations under investigation is risible. This is clearly an ad hoc rule intended to soften the PR blow of dumping Planned Parenthood. The investigation is not legitimate, it is a witch hunt by a demagogue Teabanger. Meantime, SGKF is granting huge research bucks to Penn State, which is under legitimate investigation by federal law enforcement for facilitating child rape. How's that argument working out for you, Mrs. Brinker? This woman is scrambling like a cockroach when the lights come on.
- Dexter, At least it wasn't "Massa".
- Sue, interesting thing is, there are the so-called "crisis pregnancy centers", run by anti-choice zealots, where women are browbeaten and frightened into NOT having abortions. They are told, for one thing, that an abortion increases a woman's likelihood of breast cancer affliction by 180%. Obviously, such lies prey upon women and exacerbate situations rather than ameliorate them. This is all part of the spectacular rightwing contradiction on this issue. Anti-abortion, yet opposed to contraceptives and education on their use, and throw the health services out with the bathwater. Defies lucid and logical comprehension.
- Which part of the Song of Solomon did those prudish idiots miss when they committed the OT to memory, Beb? That semi-pink handgun Scout linked to is the model that Teabanging loony AZ state senator pointed at a reporter:
- Re: Sherri's shotgun shells. Is there a product or service other than pap smears and mammograms they don't offer in pink? I want some pink nunchuks and ninja stars. Surely there are Komen-pink condoms and dental dams. Special edition pink little blue pills?
- If a self-inficted wound to the foot can be mortal, Komen has done it. It's reminiscent of Earl Butz telling "coon" jokes in Pat Boone's earshot.
- I was fairly devastated when my mom died of breast cancer. She hid it from me and my brothers for a long time, so we were all perfect victims of Susan Komen and donated a large amount of cash between us. This charity signing on with this anti-choice bitch is a blindside for me. My partner is a survivor and we thought we were doing something worthwhile, but bringing on that anti-choice Teabanger is just too much. They sure as shit didn't inform me about thdis snake-haired whacko when they last asked me for money, and I feel I've been screwed over for a few cool grand that they have spent on shit I din't believe in. That's why I think Komen are Krooks. If Komen is institutionally an opponent of contraception and women's health care education, they can kiss my ass. No matter what they claim afterward. I feel like an idiot for having supported these people. When they hired on that Teabanger redneck idiot, they did not inform me. That woman is Nancy Grace with only nubs for snakes coming out of her scalp. What is wrong with shitheads like this, that think they should see boutique OB-GYNs and the hoi polloi should grovel? This is Mittens America. These people don't understand the idea of America, and when they talk about Christianity, they should risk lightning bolts. This shit is not what Jesus would do. He'd take care of the least of my brethren. That's what he said, and that's why I believe he knew what He was talking about. These assholes that defame His name get on my nerves big time.
- I feel like I am anti- abortion but I believe at the same time in women;s choice, Unlike Nancy, I;ve been through an abortion. and I hate it. I don;t hold that choice against anybody, I also don;t think we dilled a viable human being, I'd rather that child lived, I suppose, because I love her mother to this day, but I can't second-guess what we did when we drove to New York. Anybody that wants to criticise is an asshole, That never went there. We don't feel good about this to this day. So kiss my ass. Neither of us believe in in abortion, but we were in an impossible situation.
- Jeff, I agree with you on American education, but the Teabangers and fundagelicals are certainly out to break it. How about a consonant allergy in Wales? Welsh place names are largely descriptive, eg: Mynydd Bach is small mountain (Mynydd = mountain, Bach = small). A famous example of this is:- Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Which roughly translates as:- The Church of St. Mary by the pool with the white hazel near the rapid whirlpool by St. Tysilio's church and the red cave. Why have those wasteful public school systems and crooked teachers' unions fallen so far behind on Welsh language education? "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" As far as voter fraud is concerned, I'll be happy when they lock up the dueling banjos hayseed inbred James O'Keefe: And it's interesting that Indiana has a doughboy version of Ohio's Ken Blackwell.
- Dexter: Awe-inspiring. Oldest aquarium in the USA in a spectacular old building.
- Just found this in a bin at the Bi-Lo, and it's a double album, for $4.99. Blessed day! Jints +4 for a double deuce, too. S does not like wagering at all, but like M. Jordan said, I've got the money to lose, when he got soaked by a washed-up club pro. God what a moron, "Republicans buy shoes too." I'm letting my extreme distaste for the Pats decide this for me. I've hated sports teams before, but there has never been a more reprehensible piece of shit franchise than the Pats. (They screwed Robert Edwards over beyond belief, and the "don't breathe on Tom Brady rules are nothing like actual football, and Brady is more obnoxious than Tubby Tubbow with the Uggs and the mullet and treating his former girlfriend like an ovum donor.) The Sister Re album is live at the Fillmore (West), and has Billy Preston, Ray Charles, and the inimitable King Curtis in the band, along with the Memphis Horns, who I've seen with both the Boss and the Kinks, live. This album has the best version of Dr. Feelgood ever recorded, Deadheads going nuts. Segues into Feeling in the Dark, which Aretha wrote.
- Olmsted was also responsible for the Emerald Necklace parks in Boston, including the Public Garden, Jamaica Pond and the Arnold Arboretum. Extremely beautiful urban public spaces.
- beb, I recall being told that the snakes were introduced on Belle Isle to eradicate rats, which they did with dispatch and proceeded to breed like, well, like rats, so hogs were introduced as efficient snake killers.
- Or as Groucho told the lady with 14 kids, I like my cigar too, Lady, but I take it out of my mouth sometimes.
- When the Super Bowl started, the NFL's idea of halftime entertainment was Up With People and Lee Greenwood at least knowing he is free. Everybody might as well face the fact that nobody is going to top Prince's big shadow phallus. My favorite scene from the game was watching Peyton in the Mara's box jump up and down when the Jints went to 21. But who the hell called a running play on the conversion? Way lame. Bette Middler's most famous backup singer is now Jax Teller's mom.
- The car companies and the loans? GOPers have no leg to stand on. Jobs, in the face of mindless, soulless opposition and obstructionism. Million and a half of them that GOPers would have disappeared, you aholes. Friend of mind says OBM is dead and GM lives, of course he comes back for two. And Madonna did look wobbly on her gams a couple of times. My problem with Ms. Boopsie Kabala is that she's a dilettante poseur that writes crappy, derivative, indistinguishable-from-one-another songs that bore the daylights out of me. Now who in the world do they get for XLVII. I'm backing the Replacements, but what I'd really like to see is an NWA reunion, with Eazy E represented by Flava Flav. Rush Limbo in the Pats' owner's box. All the better watching them lose, and the no-interview shit postgame was the inerrantly classless, churlish behavior that Belicheater embodies. Collinsworth is a superb football analyst. Every time I hear him do a game, I think back to all those years of hearing how great Madden was, and I still can't remember anything he said I didn't already know. Biff! Pow! Bam! I just wish Collinsworth sounded a little less like Huckleberry Hound, or like he has a mouthful of Kaolin to satisfy his pica. Missed every ad. Why God created the remote.
- FAvorite play of the game: Brady standing alone in the endzone and just grounding the ball way down the middle of the field, spotting the Jints 2. What in the world was he doing? That is about as strange as anything I've ever seen in a football game. And how did that not draw an immediate flag? No two ways about it. Throw the ball away in the endzone, that's a safety. Automatic. Officials looked like they were trying to figure out some way to use the "tuck rule" to expunge the play. What the Greedy Oleaginous Plutocrats woud have done about the automobile companies. Fit their plan for single term perfectly. There would be 1.5 million more Americans unemployed. Their behavior is treasonous. On Downton, the Patrick subplot seems like a little too much horrible luck for Lady Mary and the Crawley family, but Vera dead on the floor was a welcome moment. For the life of me, I can't remember another ad with Clint Eastwood, ever.
- Brian, The illegal participation penalties have probably never happened before. But seriously, there was not a Pats receiver within 40 yards of that pass that wasn't on the sideline. That is automatic, a serious brain cloud for The QB diva, but I'm sure he could be informative about whose fault it really was, since it could not possibly have been his own.
- "I Been Thru A LOT...But There Are Ppl In This World w/ More Serious Problems So I Cant Hang The Head....Thank You Lord #Blessed'' --@TiUnderwood, New England wide receiver Tiquan Underwood, after being cut late Saturday by the Patriots, a move that left longtime Super Bowl attendees (like me) wondering if a player had ever been released on the day before a Super Bowl for a reason other than disciplinary. (from Peter King's SI column) Pats and Belicheat cut this guy day before Super Bowl, replaced him with a DL that never entered the game. WTF? Guy is a relative of Sauron. Maybe Underwood might have held on to the one that got away from Welker. Hubris meets comeuppance? Perfect.
- Julie, That is very entertaining. Carson in spandex bike shorts. And the picture of Ethel out of costume gives some insight into how she ended up in her current predicament.
- Friends of Scott Walker on Facebook. Not misanthropic at all. And, I imagine, illegal, if the shitheel's not just making it up. Newtria rewrites history. What a pitiful Piece O' Crap. Oh, dem social media.
- Too damned funny: Willard won Nevada because Trump endorsed him. Trump says so.
- Would somebody please make Boehner explain this arrant idiocy. That is specifically anti-jobs on Oompa-Loompa's part, but he's going to try to blame Obama for obstructing jobs creation for vetoing a bizarrely unacceptable bill. Sleazy bastard. Canadian tarsands development has displaced caribou herds, and led to declining numbers of the beasts. The Canadian government's solution? Poison wolves, the natural predator of caribou. Canada's chief executive is the Great White North version of W Shrub. How did anybody at SGKF ever decide it was a good idea to hire a woman that couldn't get elected in Georgia with unassailable Teabanger positions on every issue?
- Happy Charles Dickens' birthday. There either is or is not, that’s the way things are. The colour of the day. The way it felt to be a child. The saltwater on your sunburnt legs. Sometimes the water is yellow, sometimes it’s red. But what colour it may be in memory, depends on the day. I’m not going to tell you the story the way it happened. I’m going to tell it the way I remember it. ― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
- The Dickens correspondence is delightful. The letter that was yesterday's entry, from Nick Cave (a personal hero of mine) to MTV is also a hoot.
- Mary RC. Baby's deaths in those days were almost commonplace, and Dickens was kind to be forthright. Can anybody imagine telling a spouse your child had died? Nope. I doubt it. Dickens was felicitous as he always was with the English language. Did people speak so well because of Dickens, or vice versa? Something I find dissociative in odern literary criticism is that critics pit the oletimers from the 19th against the 20th Century masters. Somebody want to tell me De Lillo in Underworld did not write a Dickens novel. Or that Winters' Tale was not straight outta Dickens. You can tell me that but GOPers can piss on my pants and tell me wealth is trickling down. JW you're from New Jersey. You know Silvio is a mook. Amazing guitar player (Nils Lofgrens' separated from birth twin) and campaigner: James Brown did his own take. Only character on the Sopranos Paulie was scared of. Still heartbreaking. Reminiscent of Samuel Clemens talking about his beloved wife and daughters. And what was on God's planner the day She was supposed to give Mark Twain a son. From my impressions from reading everything at a very young age, I really think, as much as my brothers and I loved Tom Swift and Sax Rohmer (particularly) )If you have a male relative in the 10-13 range that needs a boost on reading enjoyment, the Fu Manchu books are awesome. We also lost my brother Matt when he was a little kid.And I understand the correct usage, I'm doing the kid usage. Awesome. The 60s Hammer films with C. Lee as Fu were pretty good. Any of you think that the Pine Devils was the best thing that bunch ever produced? Cristophur and Paulie waking to think they were in danger? Truly excellent. Whatever I think doan mean dick, so We kidding? One of my favorite books is a very hefty paperback I found left in the rain at the library dropoff on time. Flannery O'Connor's letters.
- Anybody care one way or another?
- Southland is much more than just because, it is a perfect example of why every minute of "unscripted" TV is robbing my airwaves. Southland is compelling. It reminds me of the Crossing Jordan episodes with Wallace Shawn. There is a lot to be said for good actors on TV. And reality? There is nothing good to say about it. The opening title credits run on Southland is better than all of The Voice put together. In recent years, bullshit like bad singers have been foisted upon all of us to sell obnoxious ads on the backs of unprofessional and most commonly quite bad singers. I've about had it with Facebook period because I believe these aholes are invading my privacy. But where else am I going to see instant pictures of my darling grandson? It's the hook that can't be denied, and Nancy, so far as putting the car company bailout to bed, it is Mitt that won't let it die. And he was so fucking wrong on the subject, let's let him run with it. Vulture capitalism was horse-shit and it's obvious. The wisdom of the loans is incontrivertible. 2million jobs, you moron. How do these assholes turn this on the black guy? They call him the black guy.
- I sincerely did not wish to post first here, but the slighting reference to Southland kinda struck me as annoying as shit. It's brilliant, And I'm one of those people that thought The Wire was stolen whole cloth from Homicide. In fact, you can watch the Araber arc on Netflix, and that Frank and Bayliss interrogation of Moses Gunn is better than anything that ever happened on The Wire. If you have ever made a reference to some seriously dogass reality shit, you should not make any slightly derogatory reference to a very good cop series. Just bad form.
- Dex. Ever been to Carmel? It is wonderful. Best California has to offer. Fact is, as usual Clint's words are iron. There is iron in your words of death, for all Comanche to see. And so, there is iron in your words of life... No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. The words of ten bears, carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life, or death. ... It shall be life. --Ten Bears, in The Outlaw Josie Wales And I'm asking again. Has Clint ever done ads before?,0,7149998.story Ran out of gas once. In the South Bronx. During the Carter Years Gas shortages. Was pushing the car with babby in carseat to keep in line. Asshole pulls up in Caddy, waves a pistol, pulls to front. I'd been up nearly 24 hours, was ready to confront the asshole. Sensible ex intervened. Nancy Brinker on Planned Parenthood:
- Oh, and my brother and I once stole gasoline. Driving to Detroit from Worcester, MA we were on fumes and had no cash (spent on brewskis). Left a Canuck gas station without paying. What else were we supposed to do? Seems that same night, nefarious bastards robbed the Windsor Raceway. There were lights-blaring copcars all around us, and we were pretty stoned. Chris will remain unnamed. He's an officer of the court.
- Dexter, I once went to midnight mass in my Uncle Paul's TBird down the 1. Miracle we ever got there. Drunk as Skunk. Thankfully we got back with my dad driving. And I most certainly stole gasoline on the very same night as the Windsor Raceway heist took place. Screaming blue lights streaming past us while we were sure we were caught. Pretty hilarious, in retrospect: As far as ads are concerned, try Putney Swope. Truth and Soul.
- Re: JFK and his dick. Nancy was a few months preggers with Patti before Raygun was divorced from Jane Wyman. She had shown up on the Black List and needed his help to get work. Sounds like a predator to me. The great Union Buster went to work and got her cleared. Mr. Family Values. Purveyor of the idiocy of Trickle Down. Conservative family values. Like Ole Dan Burton and St. Henry Hyde. It's them damned Demmycrats that can't keep it in their pants. JW, that is nasty by implication.
- Ronaldus Maximus personified everything ever wrong with America. Dumbnass once told Whit House movers he had played Grover Cleveland once in a movie. Maybe none of it was his fault. Like murdering Archbishop Romero for his freedom-fighter buddies from the School of the Americas.
- Mark H, Couldn't produce an orgasm, that Raygun? Must need a physician? Seriously? No joke? Mr. family values. Will conservatives shut the fuck up about this sort of garbage, It is impossible to understand why anybody would bump uglies with these toads, but apparently there were girls that would.
- Raygun was a blithering scumbag. A nitwit. A slavering fool. And his wife was Matie Antoinettte.
- Ross Douthat is an idiot. I think his mom's name is actually Goldberg. He believes what the GOPers ALL believe. Darkies were better off when slavery kept nuclear families together. And a nigger in the White House is much worse than in the woodpile. The GOPer prefunding of the PO pension is the single most outrageous piece of shit in the history of American government. This is how things work when Grover Norquist runs Congress. I don't want to pay $14bucks to mail a letter. And wasn't the Post Office Ben Franklin's idea? Commie, pinko.
- Nancy, perhaps the little shit was just a Monty Python fan. In Athens GA Banner Herald, every crime story has "suspects" "disappearing" "into Rock Springs Homes". I think it's in their style book. Cops always find "green, leafy substances" when they pull drivers over for making "suspicious left turns into Rock Springs Homes", and the idiot drivers always give the cops consent to search their cars, despite being fully aware that they are carrying a bag of pot and an unregistered Glock. Rock Springs is public housing. And Godamighty, I wish the blathering pundit class of Journos would agree to put the kibosh on "kerfuffle". That just ain't cute any more. Walter White and Gustavo Fring had a meth lab, for sure. And how did Romenesko miss "senseless murder" (as opposed to the sensible kind)? Nice roseate spoonbills on that talking animals/all caps link. That Bryan Brown guy? Non compos mentis. What IS the matter with Kansas? And how the devil did Indiana end up with all of those raging Marxists in its judicial system.
- I'm pretty sure that's Wile E. Funniest thing about Hoekum's obnoxious ad: He can't, in reality, name a spending measure Stabenow voted for that he didn't.
- Defying belief. Karen Handel calls Planned Parenthood "a gigantic bully". Wah, wah, wah!!!
- Why didn't Hoekster's advertising Brain Trust just get Michelle Malkin to do that ad. She would have done it gratis, and she's just loaded with instant credibility. And, wanna bet those paddies were in Louisiana or Arkansas? And yeah, I do know Malkin is filipino. Doubt that would matter much to the target audience for Hoekster's vile ad. Brinker's do isn't just Helmet-hair, it looks like authentic Rydell NFL game equipment. Standard Dallas Bevo GOPer wife issue. Heiffers Against Choice and Healthy Poor Women. And one of Malkin's books is a flat-out, strident apologia for Japanese American internment camps during WWII.
- Johnny Cougar never had a "Thin White Duke phase", but his "Paunchy White Trash Phase" has been practically interminable.
- The great thing about the TV era of fantastic Westerns (Maverick, Bonanza, High Chapparal, Big Valley, in that order MO) was that the shows had great, bigtime guest stars. Albert Salmi was a wonderful thug and showed up on each of those shows. Claude Akins, Bruce Dern, James Whitmore, Moses Gunn, young James Caan, Bradford Dilman, Andrew Duggan, Warren Oates, Nehemiah Persoff, Fritz Weaver. I'm pretty sure Pernell Roberts guested on Big Valley. Yaphet Kotto, Strother Martin, Dennis Hopper, Dub Taylor, Richard Farnsworth, Victor French, Simon Oakland, Noah "Rocky" Beery Jr, Dana Elcar. A whole character actors' Hall of Fame, and a lot of these actors probably made a good living going from show to show, week to week. Deforrest Kelly played a recurring role on Bonanza. Slim "Kong" Pickens, Edward Platt (Maxwell Smart's Chief), Ben Johnson, John Saxon (always an evil ringleader, or, for some reason, a bandito). Bonanza had more women in this category: Mercedes McCambridge, Vera Miles, Sally Kellerman, Bonny Bedelia, Ellen "Grandma" Corby, Joan Hackett. Harry Dean Stanton, Arthur Kennedy. Now it's melisma and bad tempered diva chefs. Shit, what a bringdown.
- Of course, a lot of those faces showed up regularly later, on Rockford Files.
- When Willard Windsock was told that 100% of people affected with Tourette syndrome will vote, he promptly changed his campaign slogan to ......FUCK this shit!
- Let's hear Newtria, the master debater, try on this guy. Hilarious butt plug for Newt Gingrich's "foodstamp President" bullshit.
- Inevitable result of electing Teabangers and Gangbaggers. Everyone of these hypocritical prick GOPers has coverage for contraception and for Viagra or Cialis under their taxpayer funded Congressional health insurance plans. Not that any of those dessicated old misogynists are shooting live amm. This is the sort of rank, villainous, douchebag double-dealing one would think would be quite obvious to even the most oblivious and obtuse voter.
- Brian, Mitt meant severely as in Cotton and Increase Mather, meaning entirely lacking in compassion or normal human emotions and empathy. Truer words... And that Mr. Brown guy reminds me of this: And I wonder what the woman is like that undoubtedly caused him to lose all connection with reality. Hope that's it and he's not truly as psychotic as he sounds:
- No Brian. Will not run, if drafted will not serve. I mean to say that Kansas Young Lawyer is seriously disturbed. Now if he were Seamus on the roof of Miitt's Wagon Queen Family Truckster, I might be tempted to hose his shitcaked ass down, drive the rest of the way to Toronto, and worry about the soaking wet in 70 mph winds later. But civilized people treat dumb and mad beasts better than that. Shitheels like Willard should be restricted to ratdogs like Paris Hilton has, or friends like his namesake had in Willard and Ben. Why wouldn't it be possible for some reporter to ask Cal Thomas how his porn stache was inspired. The irredemable asshole might swallow his tongue, and Krauthammer would die of a broken heart. I know Nancy was all for putting the Seamus story to rest a few days ago, because this guy is indictable as a monstrously sociopathic shit for all sorts of other transgressions. But let's think about the nation's revulsion at Mike Vick for fighting dogs. Did Ron Mexico kill dogs. Sure, when they were damaged and in pain beyond repair. On a scale of mindless moral turpitude, I say the windsock is more heinous and more like the kids that torure small animals on Law & Order that are likely to treat fellow human beings in thouughtlessly self-aggrandizing and psychopathically damaging ways. Guy like that, I wouldn't trust him to euthanize an invasive killer Python without taking perverse pleasure in the act. No joke. The guy is a scumbag, no two ways about it. Trusting with actual peoples' lives and welfare would be an affront to God and his Universe.
- Seriously, please listen to that foodstamp President link I posted. The most stultified GOPer amongst ye would have to admit Newt and his babbies just lie they ass off and couldn't care less. #100-lb. rodent, want to try to contradict the Representative's facts? Few weeks ago, Nancy brought up a character in a local production and mentioned showing your ass. Fair enough. Fact is Newt lied his ass off.It is also quite clear that anti-Obama scat on the internet is incontrovertibly loony and racist. I think attempting to deny that is a sorry exercise in making excuses for folks out to get Scout. Racism is an exceptionally strong current in so-called Conservative thinking. Anybody that denies this is brain=dead or wishful-thinking. The idea is buried and inevitable. If Americans didn't believe in their racial superiority, how would they propel an inferior culture by slaughter over a superior and peaceful culture over the great plains? There really is no conceivable excuse if what it produces is Newt, Mitt and the guy that took his dead fetus home to introduce it to his living kids.
- The GOPer Party has chosen to oppose the fairly amazing activist President with Godawmighty wierdos and sub-humans. Pleas show how one of them does not fit that description. These are sarey fuckers. ot really, just repulsive hypocrites. No joke, right? Name a single redeeming factor about one of them?
- I'm quitting discussing politics for the time being. If somebody is so fucking dumb to buy some GOPer bullshit, stupid is hard to predict and you must be a moron. And I really mean that. Anti-human politics is Nazism.
- If you want to vote for the dog torturing party, God take your soul. If you claim that wasn't torturing a dog, kiss my ass. I'll strap your ass in a crate on top of Mitt's Desert Queen, and does he ralize how gay that is. and drive you from Belmont to Toronto. That is an inhuman excuse for a human being. The shower and the dry-down, that is just humanitarian. The guy is a revolting criminal, and anybody that would do that to a dog would treat what he considers lesser humans pretty much the same way. He is a sub-human shithead, no matter what Nancy thinks. There is no concivable excuse in the treatment of his dawg. He is a more despicable scumbag than Mike Vick. What would Romney's executive decision had Seamus been dead in that carrier.? Tell the Draft Dodger Boyos the dog was fine. George Romney was an admirable statesman. His son is one revolting POS.
- Brian, and Dexter, and you guys, You are believers in a decent American society. If it were made up of folks like you, I'd want to believe in the same thing. I'm shabby on history, but I know a lot about slave history from reading Ismael Reed. The country was exceptionally cruel to slaves and aborigines, and it is difficult for me, with a Jesuit education, to believe any of it was actually something that could be morally supported. Then we got Ron Raygun and we are supposed to think murdering Archbishop Medeiros was legitimate. Sorry but I can't see my country as beneficent in this hemisphere, which I guess makes me some sort of commie socialist. What is wrong with these goons that hate this hemisphere?
- How the fuck is a dog-torturer a Presidential candidate? Only if he's a GOPer. A Fucking Fact. Would Barack do that to Bo? NFW. This is mindless cruel stupidity because it was his roya right.
- Jw: how was that politics. ? We can't make this more hilarious right? / ?
- You guys are morons, it's fun to consider but we have to be foolish cinsidering, We think you are foolish.
- What I always thought. what we thought about true love. and this has nothing to do with it. Are we kidding? We thought it meant something and it didnt.
- Way to be the whatever Nancy, not my fault, but I'm right and you aren't And it annoys you.
- I haven't seen a full-on meltdown by Caliban in a while, though his spelling remained good so maybe that wasn't a full-on melt-down, only a partial one. Think that's what you meant, beb. Yep. my apologies. If people can't stand Mittleman, how in God's name do they stomach the site of Rick Santorum? I mean the guy is Dean Wormer and his Little Hitler protege rolled into one. I think they mean Santorum happens. And no, that is not political. I find the wierdo prick intensely personally revolting, on a Mittens scale, and he sure as shit looks like that ROTC ahole in Animal House, in a separated from birth kinda way. Who is putting the lube in pig farms? And, I want to know where Willard Windsock stands on the death penalty for Union Carbide, the corporate person, my friend, for the poison leak at Bhopal. Send the bastard to Ole Sparky Mittens, and I might buy your line of pig manure.
- Sister Re was Whitney Houston's godmother. And Whitney was terrific in The Bodyguard, with Kevin Costner. An underrated good movie. Jeff (MMO): Why should parents have rights over children? And HPV vaccine turns people into Down Syndrome folks. Michelle Bachman said so and she is so terrifying, I'm afraid to say it isn't so, Joe. Actually, don't the personhood measures mean kids are free to do whatever the hell they want, or does it only apply in utero? Or once they are born, do they become chattel? According to the NHS Information Centre, about 7,400 girls aged 15 or under had implants or injections last year, up from 2,900 in 2005/6. This included 2,500 who had injections last year, up from 2,100. GOPers would prefer these kids get pregnant. Only way to look at Santorum anti-contraception shit. Every pregnancy is an act of God. Like Leda and the Swan. And these cavemen mysogynists are slouching toward Bethlehem. More like The Second Coming.
- And Jeff, 31% of respondents in that online poll favored (pr)teaching absitnance, and everybody knows how well that works. Maybe Professor Newt can develop the curriculum. What godawful hypocrites these asshole are.
- And those Newtie BJs were murder, because those Sparkies never met an ovum. GOPer party platform: Kinky trashes hypocrisy. The idea that victims of date rape should be denied access to the morning after pill is so revolting, only GOPers could possibly be this heinous. Barefoot and pregnant. That is their objection to Obama aside from his skin.
- Absinthe and sex have nothing to do with each other. Kids will have sex. This is an absolutely, guaranteed truism. The unfortunate offspring are a social problem. And, yeah, I'd let kids make their own choices on Green Fairy and heroine. You can't tout personhood for unborn children and deny the persons have rights of their own. GOPer solution: Barefoot and pregnant. Misogynistic idiots. This is ludicrous, and people that buy this sort of shit should not be allowed to vote.
- I sincerely believe in disenfranchising redneck idiots. The idea that Abstinence indoctrination actually accomplishes a social good other than enriching the abstinence preachers is fucking bizarre, and totally GOPer. This is insane bullshit, and QB1 will still get in Cheerleader's pants.
- Sex for pleasure? God made that. As a gift to His Creation. Anybody that doesn't understand that has a severe psychological disease, and probably can't get it up without government-sponsored little blue pills. What is wrong with these people?
- Jeff, making this into an Obama as antichrist issue is so bizarre the accusers' sanity is in question. As in "Obama promotes teen pregnancy" What is wrong with these lying assholes? This is way beyond considering social issues, it is blaming problems on the most convenient darkie. That is what is going on. I believe children have always been sexually active. This is a current argument because whackjob rightwingers think it is somehow an effective weapon against a black guy. I have had it with this shit.
- Thanks, Ozzie. Best thing about Rachel is that rightwingnutcases accuse her of lying like Fux News. Wvery word incontrovertible, or she corrects herself. Ever a correction on Fux? Didn't think so. Their problem seems to be that Rachel Maddow is smarter than they are, and actual logic is just so difficult to follow. I kinda wish she weren't a lesbian, because I might be in love with her. The woman is brilliant, and pretty, and fiercely committed to the truth and right-thinking politics. That was the beginning of Crazy Train, right? It's entirely possible Steve Nash is the most thoughtful and intelligent professional athlete on Planet Earth. He did call out Dumbleyou on the invasion of Iraq.
- And the only song for these scary times:
- GOP nutcase poster boy. This bastard is an immmigrant Brit that's a Nativist white supremacist. And he's the racist star of CPAC. He ought to self-deport.
- Nancy Brinker's expense account. Scariest thing I've seen since either Poltergeist or Aliens. I guess they're all Juggalos in that Klown Kar.
- Bunny reabbits! To bathe or not to bathe. A seriously acrimonious discussion in Comments. I too would love to see the Molly Ivins show. And casting Kathleen Turner as Anne Richards' BFF is a genius selection. I saw Ivins speak at UGA JSchool. She was hilarious I was wearing a "George Bush-Shrub or Noxious Weed" T-shirt and she asked me where she could get one for herself. Of course that was HW, not W. Acerbic satire regarding Citizens United. Right on the money, which is, of course, speech. This whole defending the Bishops from the assault by President Obama by funagelical GOPers is a fracking riot. Seven or eight years ago, it was a great crowd pleaser among those people to call Catholicism a demonic cult. And having lived in Babdissland for much of my life, I'm quite inured to being told that I'm not a Christian because I go to Catholic Church. What a buncha yayhoos. Rachel Maddow is one exceptionally bright woman, and her show is one of the best hours on TV. Of course the Free Republic crowd insists nothing she says is true, a crock of shit that would embarrass a reasonable human being. GOPers are very short on the capacity for being embarrassed by lying their asses off. She regularly invites Republicans on, and shreds them, as she did in 2010 with the demi-intelligent Rand Paul. Almost felt sorry for the ninny. MarkH, That picture of Medusa Grace scared the shit out of me. It's probably only a matter of time before she claims Casey Anthony killed Whitney. But what aTri-Delt twat thing to say: "They were medicating her out the ying-yang." Stay classy you white trash cracker.
- Catholics and birth control. Seriously, it's the Bishops and certifiable Opus Dei types that wear hair shirts and practice self-flagellation versus normal Catholic human beings. In case the revelation escaped anybody, Kommissar Karl Rove is a supreme shitheel. Apparently, Rove doesn't know that Chrysler already paid the loans back.
- Valentine's Day song. And Liz Trotta is just brimming with St. Valentine's Day goodwill. Does she have a poorer opinion of women or of men? Seems to me she used to be a serious journalist. I used to work for a mechanical/electrical engineering firm in Boston. We did some restoration work for Harvard U (famous as the school that produced Jeremy Lin) in the Museum of Natural History. Part of the work involved new heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems for a large dermisted room. Well the Harvards put a whale carcass in the room, released the beetles, and went of for an extended July 4 weekend. The AC and vent equipment broke down and temperatures soared. In the end, the incident cost the Carrier Corporation a bundle, a large portion of which was to replace all the dead insects, a larger portion for cleaning up the rotting, partially-liquified whale. Needless to say (but can't avoid it), there was a big stink about this, and a rash of lawsuits. Mark, if Iran wanted to behave as Israel does, they'd take revenge for the mudered nukesters by raining down hell on Israel in the spirit of disproportionate retaliation that leads the IDS to drive tanks and bulldozersover Palestinian kids for throwing rocks, Or to level a large part of Lebanon a few years back because of violence perpetrated by Hamas, which would of course have no standing had not the Israeli government meddled in West Bank and Gaza politics to actively boost the organization to cause trouble for the PLO. Invariably, when Israel vows to "settle the score" thousands of innocent arab civilians with no connection to terrorism but common genes end up buried in rubble. If the Israelis bomb Iran, no matter when, it takes an issue off the table that has produced a hilarious dick measuring Kontest in the Klown Kar Kampaign, that seems capable of producing rabies symptoms in the GOPer base.
- The Massacre. Icarus, name from Ovid or Joyce? Daedalus interea Creten longumque perosus. Oh, and Nancy Nall has been on the frontlines of ensuring that people get credit for their own efforts: (Great headline!) Michael G. So where was Stanford hoops recruiting? Asleep at the switch. Watched Knicks-Lakers and was amazed by this cat. Bynum said "He's like Nash, but more agressive to the basket." He certainly made Derrick Fischer look ancient, sitting on his butt. My comment on Lin was more along the lines of Harvard pretension mockery.
- The best way to do something about Iran pursuing development of nukes is to convince Israel to destroy the 200 or so warheads they deny they have out in the Negev. The country that assented meekly when India, Pakistan and Brazil (WTF?), as well as bellicose Israel, built nukes really has no credible moral dawg in this hunt. Hell, the USA let Mossad steal fissionable material and tech to build it's own nuclear arsenal. Oh, and the opinion of military intelligence experts is currently that the Irani nuke labs are now buried beyond the depth bunker busters can penetrate. If Israel breaks out the nuclear weapons, it will become an ultimate pariah state, and it's difficult to see how it would be beneficial for the USA to back them on such an outrageous action. Of course GOPers that believe that the morning after pill is murder by a victimized woman also are not fazed for a minute by Shock and Awe, or, as they like to call it, enhanced capital punishment. Ovid's Daedalus and Icarus was my favorite reading in HS Latin. Until Latin 301 in college, with the nasty, filthy, priapic, and hilarious satires of Juvenal, and to a lesser extent Horace and Martial.
- Jeff, There are also, undoubtedly Israeli lunatics that would love to nuke Iran, posthaste, like yesterday. What Israel did to Lebanon in 2006, in responses to a Hezbollah military raid into Israel. Does Lebanon fund or arm Hezbollah? Nope. And this country has nuclear weapons in large numbers? I'd sure as shit want to get my own deterrent were I Iran. You'd think all those cold warrior GOPers would understand the sentiment. Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter trailer.
- That VA sonogram law is an act of pure and gratuitous cruelty and spitefulness. There is absolutely no medical benefit from it (hell, GOPers don't even want to pay for prenatal care), so this kind of shit is flat-out vindictive. moe: That's standard Israeli government modus operandi. Always augmented that any criticism of Israel's poor world citizenship is "anti-semitism", a hilarious misnomer, since all those Palestinians are as much genetic semites as any Israelis, many of whom are not really semitic in the slightest. Third shift sucks, bigtime, but this is very good news.
- Uzbeki-beki-stan-stan-stan does not heart St. Valentine's Day.
- For the record, though, I’m all for Israel bumping off Iranian scientists if it will delay their nuclear ambitions, forestall an attack and give sanctions an opportunity to work. Fine, so long as they don't act like they hadn't done anything to cause retributive behavior and decide to take it out on Lebanon or the West Bank, the usual MO.
- The Virginia mandatory sonagram law is an attempt at codifying an illegal search when no crime has been committed, no honest judge would even issue a warrant, much less find the "statute" Constitutional. The word to describe this particular GOPer mindset is vindictive. The word to describe turning back decades of established law on contraception is actually more than one word: delusional, moralistic, bullshit, and political suicide. Have a happy afterlife you Goober idiots.
- Pete Townshend, Roger Daltry, John Entwistle and Keith Moon had a prescient vision of that Kate Upton video back in 1971 when they released Meaty, Beaty, Big and Bouncy, and maybe even earlier when they wrote and recorded Pictures of Lily. (The Ox on french horn, amazing.) It does seem logical that implants that bounce like that would be liable to rupture, but I wouldn't know how to identify a boob job without manual examination. Even then, who knows. Pretty sure I've never touched any enhanced breasts. I always thought the "fit in a champagne glass" rubric made a lot of sense. Memorable S.I Hayakawa quote: I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose. That Bohemian Grove reactionary bastard would make a good Kandidate for the Klown Kar. Reportedly, them Bohemians are pretty familiar with communal nakedness.
- No, Bob, coupes, like the ones in the champagne fountain in Raging Bull: Although, Cecil of Straight Dope is more amusing on the subject:
- Holy crap. Time to change the search terms. I knew that Bob (ng). But you induced mental images of Nat Geographic photos. And I wouldn't call the what happens to Upton's breasts in that video a "jiggle". Looks like she could land a self-inflicted knockout with her right or her left with every step. Bet she's not an avid jogger. Not real.
- The boobie beanie is a fine bit of social satire. Reminds me of Ashcroft covering up the breasts on the statue of Justice in America when he took over the Justice Department:,r:0,s:0 Watch those hands, you perv. People that are disturbed by mothers breastfeeding in public have serious psychological problems. Ann Coulter is on record as calling Public breastfeeding exhibitionism. She's also said many times that women that dress provocatively are exhibitionists that invite sexual assault. Seems she thinks public breastfeeding invites sexual assault by anyone but her with a prominent Adam's apple. Casting David Morse as the good brother and Viggo as the bad is smart reverse casting like that of Willem Dafoe and Tom Bergeron in Platoon. And I'll watch anything with Patricia Arquette in it. Sean Penn is an excellent director, especially when he's got Jack Nicholson in the cast, as in The Crossing Guard and the Pledge. Into the Wild is one of the most cinematographically gorgeous movies I've ever seen, the soundtrack by Eddie Vedder is brilliant, but the kid is so damned self-assured in his abject stupidity, you just want to slap him around and convince him not to leave Slab City and the Salton Sea. I always thought Ode to Billy Joe was a good screenplay set to music. It was made into a decent movie, despite having Robbie Benson when Jeff Bridges would have been way better.
- Full swing? Damn you DellaDash. Brandon, another anagram is Loaner C*nt. A loner C*nt.
- Robert Earl Keen's greatest song, live. Now there's an accomplished story song. Bob Dylan's probably written more great story songs than anybody, like Tangled Up in Blue. (For those that can'st stand Dylan's singing, this is a cover by a very pretty woman with a great voice.) Georgia University System requires passing a Georgia history and Constitution exam for graduation, and there is a course available for credit. The Constitution is a joke. It's been amended several hundred times, to the point where the state spent the money to rewrite the damn thing as amended. Anyway my ex and I took the course together, only to find our instructor was a Korean grad student with limited command of the English language. He could easily be steered into tangents that were always based on intense, angry, and hilarious screeds about the Japanese, invariably ending up with his explanation of how the Japanese were "Monkey People, they copy everything." Given history from 1930 through WWII, Korean enmity for Japan and its people is quite understandable, but the F-150 clone really reminded me of this character.
- Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts. Another amazing story song by Dylan, covered by Joan Baez (for Dylanphobes). Compares to the original as her cover of The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down compares to the Band's version, inferior IMO. Desolation Row is a story, in the hallucinogenic style of Henry Miller or William Burroughs: (Cover by Chris Smither) "Whistled in freefall"; is that like smoking in be Joe?
- Right, Little Bird, human adipose tissue floats better than just about anything but balsa and cork. Utimate literary Springsteen story song. Better than Jungleland, besides the latter's sax solos. This is pretty much a 3-1/2 minute cinematic version of The Naked City. Or a Twilight Zone episode. Great horn playing.
- Road Goes on Forever, the Story Never Ends, lyrics: Incident on 57th Street lyrics: lyrics This is pretty much an operatic libretto. I'm with Dexter on the subject of the Boss. I've seen literally 100s of live shows (many by the Stones, the Dead, Allmans, Procul Harum, Warren Zevon. Best for sure, EStreet Band, followed closely by the Davies Bros. and the Kinks. I first saw Bruce at the Stone Pony Club on the Jersey Shore, and I was mesmerized by Spirits in the Night. Unique to my experience then, and to this day. I'm sure the verbal onslaught a la Bob Dylan snagged me first, but E Street was always a band of musical virtuosos. Only other first impression of that sort I ever had was seeing Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers at the Paradise in Boston. Halfway through the show, they did Breakdown, which was stunning in it's originality, and Mike Cambell went wireless prowling into the crowd. Women went berserk (a very sexy song and a handsome guitar player). Half of the 10 best live shows I've seen were by Bruce and EStreet Band. And Dexter's right about Mrs. Elvis Costello. Parents of twins. What an odd couple, like Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson. And Cadillac Ranch is an astounding rocker.
- Sherri, I've often wondered how Gulbis keeps her swing grooved. Those are sort of Grand Tetons for a golfer.,r:1,s:0&tx=62&ty=71 And if SI is found to have photoshopped the Swimsuit issue, the howls from kid subscribers' moms should be more entertaining than ever. I always enjoyed the followup letters sections as much as the "pictorial" (Hugh Hefner's contribution to modern American English) edition. High dudgeon does not begin to describe the wrath of moms exposed to softcore.
- Anita Ekberg predated practical applications of breast enhancements. Bodacious.
- Santorum/McDonnell. Likely GOPer dream ticket. Allahu Akbar. They'll lose by 20%, lose 40 House seats and 10 in the Senate. And a bunch of statehouses. The VA object rape statute is stunning in its total lack of any legal, logical or medical credibility. It is plainly and simply vindictive and spiteful, like many provisions of Sharia. It's also unquestionably an unConstitutional search by invasive medical procedure, in complete abscence of any criminal conduct, for which no judge with a shred of integrity would ever sign a warrant. This should be dead on arrival on appeal, but the 4th Circuit US Court of Appeals is the most reactionary group of activist legislating judges short of Scalia and the SCOTUS Gang of Four. The law should probably be called the If It's Inevitable, Lie Back and Enjoy It Act. Sue, the funny thing about the President's Wisconsin foray is how Scotty "Rat Dog" Walker bailed on the post-tarmac itinerary. According to Milwaukee's mayor, the visit included a jaunt through a Wisconsin area victimized particularly egregiously by bank fraud and robosigning, a day after Walker announced he intended to redirect all of the funds from last week's bank settlement away from the victims to the state's general fund, to cover the budgetary problems he created himself, deliberately, to fuel his attack on public employee unions. Apparently he didn't cotton to visiting a place where he might be tarred , feathered and ridden out on a rail. He wasn't too keen on a tour of the union shop at MasterLock, either. Hard to tell if this scheduling was fortuitous, or brilliant politics from the Obama team. Walker claimed to have been taken ill at the last minute. At least he didn't pull a Jan Brewski at the airport. Alert security team members kept the governor away from the mini-bar. Jeff, it's a journo award. Not like it's named for Conrad Black or William Loeb, the famous media criminal and the infamous publisher of the Neh Hampsha Union Leader and BFF of Meldrim Thompson:,5891443 Seems as if Mr. Hooper was a distinguished old time newspaperman. Enjoy it. Google yourself.
- who will end up paying for the vaginal wanding? They will have right-wing perverts lining up to do the dirty job for free. Or those NYPD officers that got away with sodomizing Abner Louima. If I were a doctor, I'd insist forcing me to have anything to do with this cruel, punitive and intrusive behavior offended my morals. Of course doctors don't do this procedure, sonagram techs do (mostly women). When are the GOPers going to trot out a John Woo legal memorandum to justify this overt form of vindictive psychological torture? Reactionary wingers claim Fox News is "too liberal". Despite the fulminations and frothing of Santorum, Gopers and fundagelicals, true Christianity embraces social justice. If that's no longer to be the case, I resign.
- Santorum for sale at the CPAC Klan rally: That Issa hashtag is hilarious. Issa was well known for years before he entered politics as a car theft/chopshop kingpin, and let his brother take the prison time for him for an arson for profit. I'd like to hear the American bishops' explanation of how all the sexual activity made possible by Cialis and Viagra is intended for procreation.
- One of the members of that committee Heather is talking about is Joe "Deadbeat Dad" Walsh, $100grand in arrears on child support. How is that asshole not in jail? Congressman Walsh at work addressing constituents (a good idea of how this shitheel deals with women and everybody else): He may find reelection a tough uphill battle. Pimping for Paul: Alex: That Leininger guy is a Vesuvius of ignorance out of touch with political reality. The Bishops, Opus Dei nutjobs, and assorted GOPers don't really qualify as contraception "backlash" The true backlash is clearly outrage at misogynistic fundagelictalictmen fulmination adopted as policy and campaign strategy by Cong. Oompa Loompa, ex-Sen. Fecal Matter, and Granny Panties McConnell the schoolmarm.
- In GOPer World, coupon clippers are never supposed to incur losses based on inherited wealth and risk, and should never be subjected to taxation. That's how they create jobs. Friess theme music. Whee doagies, Gomer: Lyrics:
- It's the "always leave room for the Holy Spirit" idea. Because abstinence programs are successful, aside from making scads of cash for GOPer slush fund buds. FEMALE ELIGIBLE VOTERS participated in the 2008 ELECTION at a higher rate than male eligible voters—65.7% versus 61.5%. NEARLY 10 MILLION MORE WOMEN VOTED THAN MEN. Overall, for the first time, black female eligible voters cast ballots at the highest rate among all voters.": Rick Snyder as a colonial governor.
- Actual history of Catholic theology regarding abortion: Of course Santorum and the fundies are well-versed in all of this when they leap to the defense of the Bishops' religious freedom, even though the Catholic Church is "the whore of Babylon" and a "demonic sect". STFU you aholes. Me, I'm with Thomas Aquinas, although it's clear a mother's right to life is as sacred an interest as a fetus at whatever stage of development. Plan B contraception prevents pregnancy by disrupting fertilization, not by interfering with a fertilized ovum's implantation in the uterine wall, so people that call it by the wilfully inflammatory term "abortiofacient" are telling a gargantuan lie. When it comes right down to it, commentary and proclamations on the right on this subject in general are one giant dunghill of ignorance, misrepresentation, dissembling, and deliberate mendacity accreted over four+ decades. Meanwhile, the OK senate has passed a "personhood" measure: This newly favored approach of the fundamentalist right is bald-faced dishonest rhetoric, but halway clever enough for the half-witted. In the meantime, it's difficult to fathom how the defenders of the right to life can inveigh against contraception with a straight face, just as their opposition to funding for prenatal care, WIC, and SCHIP brand them with an allegorical Scarlet letter H, for hypocrite. And how does personhood work in practice? Does a woman working illegally in the US, that miscarries because of unconscionable working conditions or exposure to ag chemicals, have an "anchor baby" claim? Are moms on public assistance going to be eligible for payments for another dependent upon conception? Are states that fail to provide adequate prenatal care going to be liable in wrongful death actions when mom's miscarry. Are alky society mom's going to be held responsible for offspring with fetal alcohol syndrome, or will this be used as a tool for oppressing poor and minority women? I don't think the "personhood illiterati" have a sufficient grasp of the English language to have thought these things through fully. Deborah, re that last bit, are these fuckers so dumb they do not understand the premise of their argument puts them diametrically opposed to their own claims regarding adoption by same-sex parents? They don't get to tell anybody else what they can and can't do by codifying their own morality and religious beliefs. Ignorance is strong with this bunch.
- Willard Windsock, Scott Brown, Mike Huckleberrybee, Shrub Bush, George Pataki, all kinds of GOPers, all over the country and across the narrowly descried winger political spectrum have been backing contraception coverage mandates for 11 years, mostly aligning with Obama's original mandate requirements. These asseyes are lemmings trying to outrace each other to the political suicide cliff with their current hypocritical bombast on the subjects of contraception and religious "liberty" (sure smells like Frank Luntz' grubby little fingers all over it), when they all supported mandates in the last decade. GOP women that rely on birth control, at least, can't possibly be such fracking morons they'd fall for this patriarchal bullshit. Elizabeth Warren eviscerated the bastards on this subject on Rachel Maddoe Show. Nice to hear two people discuss this political minefield (in which the GOPers have planted the mines and are walking right on top of them) in eloquent American English without raising their voices or interrupting one another. 65% of eligible woman voters cast ballots in 2008. Only 61% of men. 98% of American women have , will have or do currently employ some form of contraception in their lifetimes. Good luck on this issue, you morons. Oh, and Seamus' cruel massa, Chrysler ended 2011with its largest annual profit ever.You gonna use those pistols of whistle Dixie? Anthony Shadid died. This man was a genuinely great and fearless reporter, I think:
- The fact being loudly and roundly ignored by the chattering classes on this contraception settled policy non-issue is that the reactionary right spent the entire last decade promoting and voting contraception coverage mandates exactly, if not more stringent, than the one President Obama has on the table now. To a certain extent, the current GOPer outrage is kissing cousins with one of the oldest reactionary shibboleths extant: sex education. It's an undeniable fact that abstinence as education is an abject failure and has frequently produced the polar opposite of the desired results (pregnancy pacts at the Christian Charter Schools). Generally, these curricula were introduced as a sort of privatization, buying canned courses from GOP slush fund buddy contractors, like Marvin Bush's infamous reading program. When George Soros pays for ads that expose Romney's or Santorum's votes for and instigation of coverage mandates within the last ten years, I'll be embarrassed but gleeful about what Scalia, Roberts, Thomas and Alito hath wrought, because these soulless bastards will not be able to hide from their undeniable political records. It all comes down to an illustrative question. Has any member of the GOP/Teabanger/rightwing crew ever referred to the Affordable Care Act? Nope. They call it Obamacare for a reason. This banal usage may be Freudian in nature, but they are honestly putting the emphasis on the aspect of health care reform they genuinely object to: it's the policy initiative of a dark brown-skinned President that believes the federal government can act in a socially responsible manner. Quelle horreur. And the extent to which this attitude toward the actions of government comports with the wisdom and example of their Lord and Personal Savior gives them the shits. They believe they own Jesus, but won't acknowledge His clearly collectivist leanings. I'm Catholic, and I can understand seeing Church policy on abortion as being consistent with the Church's stance on a number of other issues. How people can be hydrophobically anti-abortion and pro-death-penalty simultaneously time is a mystery to me, suggesting hypocrisy or mental illness, and I was proud when J2P2 wanted to move to Bagdhad in the face of PNAC Shock and Awe. But conflating contraception with abortion is ignorance trampling science and produces no social good. In fact, it fairly obviously damages the world's social fabric and the health of billions of individual souls. American rank and file Catholics blithely ignore doctrine on this behavior, guilt-free. In fact, on contraception AND on abortion, none of the Church's current teachings actually rise to the level of doctrine. None of it is ex cathedra, so it is really the opinions of individual Popes. Anyway, the spectacle of seeing fundy-based politicians leaping to the defense of Bishop's of a church the base describes as an unChristian cult is more than disconcerting, it's a ludicrous anomaly in the American political process Mitch and Boner--STFU you anti-Catholic bigots. If they were willing to stand with the Bishops on social justice and environmental issues that might be another story.
- Shadid's talents were a rare combination: fearless bulldog reporter AND a stylish and elegant writer that understood how to actually write hard news. Not a common combination these days. The antidote to in-bedded Judith Miller on Shrub's middle east invasion and occupation. The VA law codifies an illegal and invasive search, without benefit of a crime having been committed. It's clearly unConstitutional unless these pricks are abrogating the 4th Amendment*. Women facing this bodily intrusion should demand to see warrants, like warrants are ever going to happen. I doubt that even the ultra-reactionary 4th Circuit would stand for that. If I were a lawyer, I'd move to VA and do this pro bono. In fact, a lawyer could produce a kit for this, the way GOPers write "personhood" laws (and forget to delete the boilerplate) when they publish the acts for first reading. And sonogram techs should be provided with standard language for refusing to perform such procedures on the basis of moral or religious convictions. The whole thing reminds me of Margaret Atwood's brilliant horror novel, The Handmaid's Tale. (I now it's generally considered science fiction, but it is scarier than most of Stephen King.) *Amendment IV The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. That's a lot less ambiguous than the 2nd, you yayhoos.
- Bad news for GOP that is good news for every other American. Sad situation, right Scott Walker? Is Newt going to attend the groundbreaking ceremony? I'm hoping state and local politicians didn't give away the store on taxation. I used to work in this school system, and it could use this infusion of cash. edit: I had a tension pneumothorax once in a football game, so I know what it feels like not to be able to breathe. Frightening as hell. Fascinating detail in the Shadid story. The NYT photog he was with carried him across the border from Syria into Turkey. What the hell? Sounds like a big story not being reported. Or maybe nothing. There is irony in surviving being shot bythe IDF in Ramallah and imprisoned by Gaddaffi loyalists in Libya, and succumbing to asthma in the midst of the Syrian civil uprising.
- Embarrassing truth about Santorum's income. Hidden behind those sweater vests. I'm surprised no political cartoonist has drawn him with a Charlie Brown sweater vest. And seriously, isn't "hangdog" the perfect adjective to describe Ricky's put-upon affect? Perfect Santorum campaign song.
- Peter, it is one hell of a lot of jobs, and there will be local tax revenue.
- Jeff, The original reports said that the photographer carried Shadid over the border, which certainly sounds like there may be something more to the story than natural causes. He couldn't be on safer soil in that part of the world than Turkey, so I guess the facts will out soon enough.
- Della: Reminds me in turn of my favorite Doors tune. They've got the guns But we've got the numbers. And this Calypso. Jimmie @20: Suzanne and Della are talking about a time before before Rachel Maddow was a twinkle in her dad's eye. And to this day, the prolife right is overly pleased with itself when characterizing Plan B and other emergency contraception "abortifacient" (like a toddler that's learned a four letter word and can't refrain from spouting it), demonstrating utter ignorance of the way those chemicals work. It's also common for people of that religious and political persuasion to insist on "personhood" and that any hormonal contraception that prevents implantation of a zygote is indeed "murder".
- Nancy, What's an Orthodox Catholic, in this context? Catholic doctrine is created by a Pope speaking n a subject ex cathedra, which has never happened on the subject of contraception (nor, I believe, regarding abortion). Considering that fact, I'm a run of the mill practicing American Catholic that has never felt any compunction about using birth control. Catholics that do are generally Opus Dei of Mel Gibson's dad types, that also believe in self-flagellation and wearing hairshirts. These people are a very small group, hardly representatives of American Catholics. And before Christians start defending the Bishops, I want to see bona fides that they also support the Bishops' well-publicized statements on environmental protection, social justice, and human rights, particularly the death penalty. If they aren't comfortable doing so, they need to STFU about Catholics and contraception, and it would help if they'd admit that Catholicism of the Roman persuasion is the original Christian church. Bishops and GOPers. Real? Or Memorex?
- Cooz: You mean asshole that smokes pot, right? Contrary to conventional wisdom that isn't really, statements of Popes are not considered inerrant by Catholics, or Popes or Cardinals for that matter, unless issued specifically ex cathedra. Otherwise encyclicals and such are not really doctrine (whence "orthodox"). I've been a Catholic 60 years, and have never known, in adulthood, a Catholic that considered using any contraceptive at all, except abortion as birth control, sinful. Actually, the doctrine of papal infallibility dates only to 1870. What John XXIII said on the subject of infallibility: I am only infallible if I speak infallibly but I shall never do that, so I am not infallible. As Jeff rightly points out: The opposition to contraception has... no scriptural basis. This means that any such direction from the Vatican is incapable of being promulgated ex cathedra, no matter how much fundagelicals would like to tie that millstone aroungd the necks of Catholics. So recently, did the Pope find himself comfortable with expressing a more liberal idea about condom use to interrupt the aids conflagration in Africa. All of these sex-is-for-procreation zealots need to be made to attempt to explain why got made sex so pleasurable. Why did she design the clitoris, or put all those nerve endings in penises? Should people incapable of procreation remain celibate as a matter of faith and morals?
- Rana. No fucking way. The illegal intrusive search when there is not even a whiff of criminal activity. These people despise the idea of sex but it excites their little stumpies. crime kinda puts these unrecalciteant morons on the defensive vis a vis the 4th amendment, Which last I re. I'd be willing to bed a bundle that GOpers and clitoral butchery come up as in your face as repub;ican/ No? On what planet / republicans all view g op wives as both cattle and chattel/
- Seriously? When the fundagelicals that have called Catholicism "the whore of Babylon, I feel free to question their idea they can tie up some commection with Catholics. As a practicing Catholic, educated b Jesuits, I say Fuck you. You tried to use Augustine to excuse Shock and Awe. You are despicable.
- Jeff, you are a more sensible version. Tell you what. The spectacular misrepresentation of Catholicism, particulatly intellectual Catholicism, by these born again Yayhoos is annoying as shit. And I did eight years with nuns that were sure I was the deveil's spawn for being male, and bound to reality by understanding that when R. Raygun signed off on murdering Archbishop Romero while he was distributing communion. Now how dothedespicable"Christians" explain that away? Well they say, he was a Catholic which isn't really a Catholic. What the hell is wrong with people? the Catholic Church is the christian church. Go to hell tyou political religionists. We do not want your fecal foam and the idea that whackjob turds that want to adopt Catholics is just fracking astounding. These people hate Catholics. That is a fact/
- I'd have to insist is that what I, as a catholic, educated in the ideas of liberation theology, is what it actually means to be a real catholic. We believe that fucking over clean air for profit is as despicab;e as anything possible. We believe that indigenous peopl deserve a right to their land. When reactionary right-wingers try to co=opt Catholicism, we believe they suck big time. Catholics, including the Bishops believe that the death penalty is entirely opposed to anything Jesus ever espoused. These two ideas are obviously mutually exclusive. Jesus s on the main line until reactionary ahoes get vindictive. And those hos that want to avoid sonagrams after Uncle Ernie impregnated them? Well Santorum says lie back and make the best of it. Seriously Rick. Up your ass you creepy shitheel.
- Do thebastards that want to hide behind Catholic ideas want to embrace the bishops' ideas about the environment? Climate change? Nope. They want nothing to do with facts. These aholes have gone out of their way over the last couple of years to act like they are some real religion and Catholicism is some sort of cult, suddenly want to make shit out ike like Catholics are the real deal and targets of government anti-religion shit. What a hokey buncha aholes.
- My opinion, if you go out of your way for years to denigrate my religion, that was the obvious source of your made-up pwn, don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.
- My opinion of being Catholic has to do with being Catholic has to do with social justice. we beliebe Chtistianity means taking care of everybody, including the least of my brethren. That is what I think is christianity. If ahitheels don;t think so, they ateshitheewls like'''rick santorum. What Jesus meant? We take care of the least of our brethren. Amybody that doesn't buy ubti that udea us a whited sepulcher christian,
- What ever. It's OK to be a reaganite and shoot Romero at the communion rail because he was just a Catholic, //worlds worst President. P Reagan sucked. No matter whar morons claim. He was an n oltimer moron,
- Raygun wa not some some nice old fart. that is a really sad distortion of whar a vile piece of shit that asshole really was.
- Sweiously, do these so-called Christians want to go along with the catholic Bishops on vlimate change and the death penalty. STFU. It's dmonic cult. these aholes have no use for the ctholuc Church. what a major league buncha whited sepulcher.
- Joe Kobiela, a comment please.> Moe, maintenant. You've got a presidential election to vote in and strong statements to make.
- In the history of Catholic (and Episcopal, according to Robertson Davies) hagiography, Peregrine is the patron of people afflicted with cancer. Contrary to popular belief, Catholics pray to neither saints nor Jesus' mother Mary. We ask for intercession. I've never believed in this much, though if something is lost, I think of St. Anthony impulsively. And when something seems hopeless, Jude's your man. I know none of that is rational, but neither is selling your soul to the devil at the crossroads on Highway 61, and that sure as shit worked for Robert Johnson, and Bob Dylan: Anyway, Good luck Moe, mon vieux. I've spoken to Peregrine, and will continue to importune on your behalf. Dex, absinthe is just about as foul as ferne branca. Gross disgusting shit. Absinthe is also called "The Green Fairy" and has a psychotropic effect that is comparable to acid. I'll admit to having tried just about every alcohol and chemical drug other than Oxy and meth and crack, not a hillbilly after all. Acid is the best, by a mile, but heroine is seductive, while leaving your mind empty.
- And the Patrick Bauchau shout reminds me of The Pretender. A spectacularly great TV show that required intelligence. But, you know, people would rather watch Survivor or The Voice. So mow them down mercilessly, the LCD scum. Everybody's stupid:
- The Dead can chug and make it up as they go along? Ray and Dave have that nailed.
- Johnny Winter is an insanely great rocker, Dex. I love guitar playing, and I love playing guitars, and nobody ever played faster than this whacko albino drug addict. And doing Bob Dylan, he's the best he can be. How to play the slide. Better thn Duane. And this song captures America better than just about anything. Thanks Bob Dylan. I just jeard Santorum blame the crash on a spike in gas prices: Santorum? is a dangerous looney toon. Gas prices caused the recession? Most clueless asshat ever to run for President. It's difficult to parse how moronic this is. Fact is on the Klown Kar, Santorum is an idiot: Sorry about the multiple links, but Bob Dulan transcends bloggers, and you've got the controls. This is a perfect example of how Dylan critics are full of shinola with all of this "unrecognisable" bullshit. Fans know the words from the getgo.
- Seriously Rick, it was gas prices and not arbetrageurs fucking with othe peoples" money? How dumb is this mofo?
- How stupid is this PoS? What an ignoranimus.
- Gasoline prices? That is what Rickster thinks caused the US economic crash. This ahole isn't just an idiot, he's monstrously clueless. What is wrong with this idiot?
- I mean, it wSN'T BANKERS AND DERIVATIVES, that fucked everybody over. Let's chomp down on how those vultures did not get rich.
- That's when I reach for my revolver.
- Wild Turkey is seriously poor compared with Jack. It burns thay throat and tastess like Kentucky. Whatever I've ever thought, it was probably fueled by Mr. Jack, the real deal.
- Brian, It's a pretty well established fact that the pipeline would raise fuel prices for farmers in the American middle west, which would seem obviously to raise food prices for everybody in the USA. The entire point of the oil sands pipeline is to get the really filthy stuff to China cheaper. When moron liar GOPer politicians talk about hundreds of thousands of jobs, the actually mean a few temporary thousand, and they are only saying that because the shitheel Orange Boner made that Jobs, jobs, jobs comment a few years ago which remains his chief dyspeptic these days since Jobs, jobs, jobs is about as far from the GOP Congressional performance as it's subhumanly possible to get. (I believe they are orcs bred by Saruman to flood the 2010 Congressional elections like Helms Deep.) Actually, the most fascinating aspect of the MightyFine XL pipeline is how it would involve seizing right-of-ways in the USA for use by foreign corporations. But they are people too my friend. Now, eminent domain is supposed to be one of those sure signs of creepping collectivism that gets GOPer blood to boiling, but apparently when those that benefit are Canadian and Brit corporatists, like probably Conrad Black, it's all good. Basset, bud, the incident to which you refer involved getting struck with an errant golfball on the way home from the market. The beverage in question was stout of the Guinness brand, and no bottles were broken, I have drunk absinthe and don't like it, but its hallucinatory characteristics are also common to Golden Grain, which only tastes like what you mix it with like Faygo RedPop, or Silver Satin and Thunderbird from a bong, Breakfast of Thunderheads, instead of like a compost heap, which is what absinthe and ferne branca taste like. Taxing the churches is an intereting idea. The Catholic Church in the USA is largely broke, badly, and has been propping up the public schhol system with quality education for a long time. Babdiss and LDS on the other hand are filthy rich. Just property taxes on those two institutions would float a lot of school systems, but they would have to teach that Jesus walked with the dinos shit. Which might be acceptable if they employed the Roky version: Not likely from one of those Watergate crooks suckling on the public teat they so deride. Like Ayn Rand getting hers back after she smoked up a lung cancer storm. And these superior assholes want drug testing for the unfortunate few that get some sort of government assistance? Voyeuristic pigs and transvaginal sonagrammists.
- NNcy's four minute pop songs as perfect short stories idea reall got my mind athinkin'. I remember Ode to Billy Joe about a million times riding in my mom's 63 TBird convertible riding on the oil=drenched expanse of Squirrel (Eighteen Mile) Rd. (imagine it's paved now) heading in to Lamplighter Lane and our home in the Pultyverse. All of my favorite bands and rockers have written and performed story songs, n I think, except, perhaps, the Stones. Ray Davies tosses off lit effotrtlessly as his likely hero, Oscar, did. The Boss, Steve Earl ((who's actually got a novel and a story collection published and available for sale on the Kickback lounge, and both of which I recommend, or don't if that makes their purchase more attractive), Lou Reed, Lucinda Williams. This song is a Springsteenian version of Rabbit, Run in a 4:49 song. Amazing musical version of the Terrence Malick masterpiece Badlands. And Coozledad, LDS is as much confidence game as Amway is, and founded by a recognizable version of Richard De Vos. But those Amway folks never hit on the idea of dragging you in after you croaked.
- Jeff, Ron Paul is an unreconstructed racist ahole, that's why you wouldn't vote for him with a gun to your head, and he believes poor people are poor because of their own faults, and starving children in the midst of plenty deserve to starve because Ayn Rand told him so, even though she graciosly accepted the dole when she was struck down by lung cancer.
- I decided not to consider the Catholic original version when the Vatican dumped on Drinan who actually personified everything I'd ever admired about Catholic prelates. Nixon was a good indicator, but when Papa Raygun and his goons murdered Archbishop Romero, at the Communion rail, I knew the American government was capable of unspeakable evil, and liberation theology was for me. Consider the impressive properties owned by LDS and Christian Science and SBC. Those are some seriously rich bastards, that toy with the American political system.
- I do believe wholeheartedly that the murder of Archbishop Romero was easy for Raygun era thugs because Romero was a member of a "sect", some Bohemian Grove logic from an Oldtimers victim.
- Sometimes, they are New Yorker short stories, without plot, ending or any discernable point.
- Jeff, There really ought to be a tax for living someplace called Licking County. Sounds like something Prince made up. Taxing obviously charitable institutions is clearly bullshit. In the case of LDS and Willard Windsock writing off his tithe, that is not remotely close to charity, by any stretch of magic u-trou or union suit. They spend that cash babdizing Jews after they've been gassed by Hitler 70 years ago. An immense crock of shite, but what would anybody expect from a religion founded by a conman that claimed his name was Joe Smith. And Jeff, I sent along a double sawbuck to put against that watershed assessment.
- Cooze, say all of that's true. Have unbelievers performed better as human beings. Simple answer: not by a fucking longshot. Inhumane behavior doesn't result from people being religious, it results from people being people. I imagine you agree.
- Virginia is for lovers, unless the condom breaks, then it's for medical rapists.
- Blaming human lack of humanity on religion is tres lame bullshit.
- And seems like all talk, Cooz. And if my thought dreams could be seen, they'd probably put my head in a guillotine.
- A great bass player, Moe. Incredibly good bassline: One of the finest American bands of all time. Mike was the most revolutionary rhetorician of the band members, sounded most like Sinclair when he talked politics. The guitar players were just in it for snatch and partying, but goddam tose boys could play. The singer was sort of above it all. And the drummer, he's so shattered Trying to keep on time I personally think the Klown Kar Kandidates are more over than under in the whelming category. I mean, these dickheads are funny as Tater Salad and decidedly dumber than grunt.
- The “president’s agenda” is “not about you,” he said. “It’s not about you. It’s not about your quality of life. It’s not about your job.“It’s about some phony ideal, some phony theology,” Santorum said to applause from the crowd. “Oh, not a theology based on the Bible, a different theology, but no less a theology.” It's all about keeping brain-dead, broth for brains Terry Schiavo "alive", and bringing that fetus home to scare the beJeezus out of the live kids, right Rick?
- Why didn't somebody ask Mr. Froth if he was talking about Vodun. But Syrianly, what the hell was he talking about. Dietrich Bonhoeffer? Paul Tillich? Teilhard? Could Rick actually name a theologian? NFW, he'd probably say Bill Frist. Or Father Coughlin. This guy fits the designation Mental Midget so well, it would appear to have been coined with him in mind.
- I've never understood why people are so keen on dumping on Kevin Costner. Guy has made some great movies (Dances with Wolves, Field of Dreams, Bull Durham, Tin Cup, Waterworld, No Way Out, A Perfect World, Silverfuckingrado). Seems like a pretty good guy, and his comments on his friend Whitney's death were eloquent and heartfelt: Yeah, and Waterworld is a great movie, with the best Dennis Hopper role since River's Edge. Is it the vocal or the guitar playing: Oh, and for love of the game is as good a baseball movie as has ever been made.
- Steven Tyler's a pretty homely fellow, but nobody needs a picture of him in grape-smugglers with his moobs uncovered. My daughter used to babysit for Steve's kids. She says he was a good guy. How is it possible that guy donated half the genes to make Liv, one of the most beautiful women on the face of the earth? Shane McGowan has teefes like Leon Spinks. And he sho' ain't got no driver license. And how loaded did Richie Sambora have to be at the beach to get burned that badly. John Lydon looks better these days than he did back in the day. And it's strange to see a picture of the Glimmer Twin without birdsnests in his hair. Surprising Mustaine wasn't included now that he's twice the size of Mr. Loaf (as they say in the NYT). Ric Ocasek and Paulina Porizkova have been married a really long time. He may be the only person in the world with a more prominent Adam's apple than Anne Coulter.
- On the occasion of his getting his ass canned from MSNBC, Pat Buchanan''s greatest hits. Make room in that Klown Kar.
- Great Lord Grantham line: "So we've got ourselves a Fenian grandchild." The contraception mandate supporters in the last decade is a list of who's who in the GOPer party, if Cheney and Rummy signed on, it would practically be the PNAC.. But none of these assholes stands for anything long enough to back what they said yesterday, much less a few years ago. Fracking liars.
- Studio Ghibli, the Japanese animation house responsible for Arietty also produced Howl's Moving Castle (free streaming on Netflix), an astoundingly beautiful movie. And Ponyo, too, I think. One of my brothers and I were in the Durgin Park Oyster Bar in Faneuil Hall in Boston when one of those Brewski reps showed up to buy a few rounds of Sam Adams for the house. Had never heard of it previously, and we were kind of making fun until it dawned on us that the quality of the beer was a long way from Buttwiper. Mr. Frothy talking about theology reminds me of people that think Gone With the Wind is great literature. Elaine, Pineapple upside down cake was my favorite too, although nowadays, store-baked carrot cake is our go-to.
- Helen Gurley Brown's 90th BDay. Wonder if she had a Barbie cake. Maybe a Burt Reynolds cake. And Barbie should really eat more cake.
- People that vote based on gasoline pump prices are not responsible enough for suffrage. People that believe the President of the USA has the remotest effect on gasolline pump prices are probably too dumb to find polling places.
- The Koch Bros. Kriminal Konspiracy is in better position to affect gasoline prices than is the President. That's a fact, Jack.
- I suppose this was inevitable. Years and years ago, a black football player at University of Houston called Elmo Wright created the first TD dance. Chris Schenckel was announcing a Houston game, and was clearly waiting with bated breath for Wright to score a Touchdown and go into his celebration. Finally, in the 4th quarter, Elmo scored on a long passing play, and Schenckel was beside himself. "There it is!!" There's that happy little jig." I think Schenckel was relegated to bowling for the rest of his career. Warren Zevon's great casino song. Love the John Ford indian bingo. Closest I've ever been to a casino is watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas a ridiculous number of times.
- Morons will be nattering about the Keystone XL pipeline and gas prices, even though the sole purpose of that boondoggle is to get the filthy tar sands crude to refiners faster and then on to China as the dirtiest diesel there is. The main effect of expediting shipment to China will be raising fuel prices for Midwestern American farmers. and increased food prices in the USA. Of course, this is not even accounting for the fact that the pipeline ROWs will be taken by eminent domain for the benefit of a foreign company. How the hell are GOPers gonna splain that?
- Senator Frothy Excrescence is one of those people that always looks like he smells a bad stink. Dog in the manger blue-stocking prig. Who's manipulating gasoline prices? Why, that would be Mortimer and Randolph, the Krooked Koch Bros. and a whole buncha very unpatriotic commodity speculators.
- The USA woud be far better off had somebody listened to me 35 years ago and the government had put all the tobacco farmers into marijuaa, moderated its sale like liquor, and taxed the hell out of it.
- I've seen The Artist, Tree of Life, Hugo, and Hugo the most, although I really liked Tree of Life too. Hugo is imaginative as Terry Gilliam at his best.
- Chris Christie reminds me of Providence, RI's erstwhile mayor, Buddy Cianci, a thuggish, unquestionably mobbed up old time New England pol. When prosecutors got an indictment for rape against Cianci, roving squadrons of his goons hit every coin-op newspaper box in the city and destroyed the papers containing news stories about the assault charges. He skated on the rape charge but ended up doing five years in Club Fed for some sort of political corruption. It's easy to look at Christie and decide he looks like somebody that would be pals with Raymond Patriarca and the Genoveses. And it's not entirely unfair. Christie, as did Buddy Cianci, has the heart and soul of a stone bully.
- There are between 65 and 80 million American Catholics and a large number of ex-Catholics. As I've pointed out, the views and dictums of faith held by that Indiana Rep goober characterize a small percentage of Catholics: Opus Dei hairshirt self-flagellators, Tridentine followers of Mel Gibson's loony da, Latin Mass fetishists, fringe reactionary political groups, and, unfortunately, the Bihops.. None of these have much in common with regular American Catholics, and current Church statements and strictures regarding birth control and even abortion are not settled dogma (whence orthodox), and a huge majority of American Catholics do not feel bound by them. Here's a more representative opinion: Anyway, the idea that some "elusive Catholic Vote" is going to boost the fortunes of the Party of destroying the social safety net AND the environment over McConnell's and Boehner's birth control bullshit is a simplistic GOPer pipe dream, and pretty much political auto da fe. Maybe some people just get the feeling there is not so much "there, there", Jeff. Lady Edith is a sadder sack than is Bates, and the crispy critter cousin was straight out of the Susan Lucci playbook (or whoever that woman is that's so famous for never winning an award). We'll be watching when Season 3 begins, mainly hoping to see Thomas the wicked footman get his just deserts. And didn't Anna have a look of animal satisfaction and concupiscence on her face lying in the big bed with Bates on the morning after the consummation? Lord Grantham's transgressions with the maid were egregious, and I was sure Lady Cora was a goner. And it's nice that Daisy can get some relief from her anguish. I've been afraid her face was going to freeze that way.
- The rampant criticism of Downton Abbey all over the interwebs is humorous, considering how much of it is spouted by people that take The Voice and Idol and Dancing for valid subjects for critical discussion. Santorum has proved with his "phony theology" comment that religious intolerance is a more despicable refuge for a scoundrel than patriotism, despite what Samuel Johnson said. Why Rick Frothy can stick his alleged "theology" up his ass. Or when Dickens concocts something like Miss Havisham's wedding cake, Jolene.
- Rising gas prices? Maybe it's the sanctions on Iran. I think it has more to do with American Wall Street speculators that want to torpedo President Obama, but this Pepe Escobar opinion is also interesting. Dead-ender neocons bear as much animosity for Obama as the Wall Street terriss. After all, he made both cadres look bad by bailing all of their unpatriotic, incompetent asses out. That GSA shit is a classic example of kids having more common sense and basic human sensibility than adults that frack things up for them so thoughtlessly. Kids don't hate anybody until they are taught to by adults. Re:Paczki, sounds like a winner for Fat (Shrove) Tuesday, but all things in moderation. And I'm wondering whether some Santorum has a hanger-on primed with an eyeliner pencil to make that Ash Wednesday smudhe stand out in the TV lighting at the debate tomorrow night, and whether Newtria will even remember it's Ash Wednesday.
- Good thinking Sue. The writers could watch Steel Magnolias repeatedly to get into a dialogue groove with scenes from Maclaine and Olympia Dukakis. The basic idea that there is some sort of monolithic Catholic vote is delusional, but if Catholics are moved to vote one way or another by the contraception heehaw, it will be in the direction of current behavior, which involves entirely guiltless use of contraception. I'd bet the farm that most American Catholics, exposed to Santorum's stands on social issues, without knowledge of his religious affiliation, would figure him for a pentecostalist snake handler, or some other fundygelical flavor, and wouldn't give him the time of day in the voting booth.
- Republican nightmare: Eisenhower with George Meany and Walter Reuther. What up, Mitch Daniels?
- Jeff B.: The Walking Dead is at least as up and down as Downton. How is it possible for all of those people to be blind to the fact that Shane has turned into a sociopathic narcissistic personality disorder bomb about to go off in their faces. Bastard is haywire. He's a rapist and a gun psycho. Barn Zombiegeddon was inspired, although I was pretty sure ahead of time Sofia was coming out that door. More than anything, it's painful to see Darryl devolving back into a redneck jerk after realizing all of his personal growth while looking for poor lost Sofia was doomed from the start and always in vain. And what was Rick's great crisis of conscience last night that caused him to let the guys outside know they were in the bar? Seemed kinda dumb to me. Maggie running straight to Glen right past Hershel was worthy of Downton Abbey. While I enjoy Downton, the greatest costume soap of all time on PBS was unquestionably the story of swashbuckling Ross Poldark and his beautiful wife Demelza (Robin Ellis and Angharad Rees).
- Today is Tricia Nixon's 66th BDay. I once saw a photo of Tricia and her dad at a Senators game. Both were raining down vituperation, apparently on an umpire, and both were rabid and really scary. Foster Friess is feeling better. Nice having Satan's emissary on earth get your back. Alan Simpson is Screwtape.
- Great public art.
- When I first came across, and I first decided to claim to be caliban, I was not fucking around. Caliban is the monster on Prospero's perfect island. caliban is capable, despite being a monster, of exceptional poetry: Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open and show riches Ready to drop upon me that, when I waked, I cried to dream again. That is as gorgeoous as Will Shakes ever wrote. What I sure as shit wish I could produce, and occasionally I get remotely close. I enjoy sometimes annoying y'all, and even mr striking a chord. So, I meant to be the monster on the island. Think I've sure as hell done that a few times. One of my brothers is a maniac Stratford Shakes loony tune. He is far more academically accomplished than I, and he's just a better man. Whatever y'all think, I have cared a great deal about every one of you. Even the really sarcastic Nancy. In my mind, I find this idea of whatever we meant atrocious. My brother Matt died for no apparent reason. there is no conceivable explanation for Matt's death and these folks can kiss my ass. ; ;
- MaryinIN. Sounds good, but they should hire Roddy Dowle to write that, or maybe JP Donleavy. And MarkH's post of the witness to Lincoln's assassination reminds me I was up late and watching Howard K. Smith refuse to admit RFK won the California primary when Sirhan shot Bobby. When the USA died, in my estimation. Howard K. was the advent of Fux News. I was up late, and to this day believe Bobby was just about the last hope for the USA. And I'm not big on conspiracy theories, but I am pretty sure Sirhan was bought and paid for by Goldwaterites and organized crime. And JW, signing out. And God Save the President from gun nuts. They will be after his ass when he wins in 2012. End of civilization as we know it: Cracker nation is just around the corner. People in the US actually believe Wayne LaPierrs is a patriot, not a loony toon. Jack Kerouac's toilet paper drivel lent a contributing rose on the grave. Pure horseshit. On the Road is the worst book I ever read. Huge passages just repeated, like a speedfreak, absolute drivej Another Roadside Attraction is a perfect mockery of that shit. Just roll that TP over Jack. From Lowell? not quite Brockton. I've posted this before, but perfection is kinda unavoidable: And it's signing off.
- Party of Lincoln isn't remotely: Liars and poseurs. and Santorum isn't even froth. He's the shit factor.
- JWfromNJ, Outofhere, but maybe back with my real name. MJfromSC, Maybe not.
- Jeff(mmo) Franklin is at the top o' list as insisting that Catholics, although the originals, aren't Christians, He is bangfracking loony on this subject. These people are nutcses like spiders devouring their mothers upon being born, They are whacko. And I am signed off. Whatever.
- Damn good band.
- Damn good band. What anybody thought? Way better. And I am out of here, and couldn't care less.
- Why in the world did anybody ever think BB could play guitar, He couldn't, He was never John Lee that played to his own different drummer. How, how'how gonna knock you right down. Right, Got some idea? Considering reality.
- JayZ, reminds me of my days getting frisked at the door goinging in to see John Lee at the Chess, on 6th and Livernois, just down the street from Louis the Hatter, no matter what Nancy says. Back in about 1970, my ex and I stumbled into a Nina Simone show at the Village Gate, after a spectacular meal at One First, the NYC restaurant entirely recreated from the dining room of a Gilded Age yacht. Greatest seviche ever served. And damn, I love that lime-infused raw shellfish. My best jazz memories are George Shearing at the piano bar and Yuseff Lateef outdoors at Not Keith Jarret, but close. I've got ashes, but I'm an actual Catholic that believes in maintaining the earth, not cherishing the unborn more than their moms. I wouldn't serve communion to Rick Santorum, because he is decidedly anti-life. Fuck this scumbag.
- It's my firm belieef that Nancy coesn't know any Catholics, We do not beliieves in the Bishops. Are you joking? Do you think anybody is hanging in to that Opus Dei shit> Tru finding a new century. Catholics don't beloeve that shit. Catholics actually don't believe Kerry was a traitor in VieyMam and W was a a hero.
- Actually, I'd say Lightnin Hopkins is the greatest blues guitar player, or Hubert Sumlin, or Peter Green, and Duane Allman was the second best guitar player in his own band. In the long run, I'd take Jimi and Robin, with Mark Knopfler thrown in for flavor, and Rory Gallagher for grime. Greatest rhythym guitar ever? No doubt, that is Stills wah on Go Back Home, backing Clapton (who is not God, by any stretch, hell I can play that second Crossroads lead). Of course, Richard Thompson is the true virtuoso, or maybe Joe Walsh or Dave Davies. Wolf and Muddy and John Lee, clearly the best blues singers. I do love playing that Hooker foot-stomping guitar style. And then, there is Frippertronics. And David Gilmour playing Comfortably Numb. Greatest John Lee song: Cindy: Maybe some rational person pointed out to those sexist aholes it constituted an illegal search. Cuccinelli must be pissed off. He thought it was his best shot at getting within hailing distance of a vagina. Deborah, if you like V. Redgrave, watch Julia. Two great actresses in an astounding story. And Jason Robards as Dash Hammet is outstanding. One of the best movies ever made. Most as good as Reds (Diane Keaton's best movie, Warren Beatty's second best, after Parallax View). And I think Pentimento is the best thing Lillian Hellman ever wrote, something my mom and I agreed upon. Although, The Little Foxes is a rip-roaring play. Aside from politics, Jane Fonda proved herself at least as good an actor as her dad. And Vanessa's little sis (Lynn, A Taste of Honey, Georgy Girl, way better than Bridget Jones) is another great actress. I guess everyone in that family was very talented. And Jeff (mmo) How 'bout them Catholic Pentacostals. When the folks at the end of the pew hold hands with the Holy Spirit on the Our Father, I'm not getting that. It's also seemed always obvious to me Tony Bennet was a better singer than Frank Sinatra, more swing, better phrasing, just a better voice, and a way cooler guy, and no mafioso pallys. Never tried to burn down a casino either. No Jilly Rizzo. And I once had a colleague that was a Mary Baker Eddy follower tell me on Ash Wednesday that praying could cure me of the afflictioon on my forehead, in the Twentieth Century. Of course, he and his wife had failed at praying away meningitis and their child died, so I passed on that one. This guy was an electrical engineer that graduated from Penn State. Holy shit. BB King lived off that stinging tone from the Gibson SG by playing single notes that resonated. It was the guitar that made hi sound good, not the other way around. Go back and listen. Less skill than Johnny Ramone. And I'm fairly certain that Les Paul was Les Paul's favorite guitar player. As I'm my own when I play well. And Deborah, Larry Bird could still play, just shoot the damn ball, but not like he once did. It was sad when Magic came back. Like Michael Jordan trying to play baseball. What an idiot.
- How did anybody that never met Steve Jobs, come to despise him so. Because he made better machines? Which he sure as shit did. This sorta strikes me like the lady that wrote the chick-nonfiction about the Obamas. She interviewed them about ten years ago. That doesn't even rise to Woodward/Shrub standards. This woman should have stuck with Kitty Kelley whatever. What a maroon.
- How these assholes Shitheels, right?
- For them smokers among us: The thing about FoxComm is that it seems like the FOPer idea; bor yhe Murrican grunts to support the rich folk that inherited wealth and so deserve it more. Like Mittens Got it from Daddy and used it to screw everybody else over.
- Steve Jobs pissed in that woman's Wheaties, and it was yeasty. But the odor was probably more like patchouli. She is still PO'd. Steve Jobs made a better machine. People should try to get over it. BFD. He was also generous with his ill-gotten gains. as is the Windows guy. Thank you, gentlemen. So did Henry Ford, and he believed in the evil that is The Elders of Zion. William Shockley invented the transistor, more or less, and he was an unreconstituted racist pig. Linus Pauling had no clue whatever when he banged the gong for Vitamin C, but he was a Nobel laureate. Having one good idea doesn't make anybody a genius and certainly not a saint.
- Delusional, flat-out liars, or fracking nuts? It's one of those.
- Deborah, It's always pretty amazing to find that an exceptionally accomplished famous person has been involved in something extraordinary outside their realm of expertise. I'm a fan of the baseball player spy, Moe Berg. A catcher, no less. I'm no fan of non-fiction writing, but Pentimento is awe inspiring. Here's an assholc that thought Lillian Hellman was just too pink: What a maroon. He should know. He was obviously there. And Joe McCarthy was actually a tail-gunner.
- Scribe, That guy's game is she was friends with the Rosenbergs, and a fellow traveller.
- Mary McCarthy wrote Godawful sludge like The Group, and fed herself on her envy of Lillian Hellman.
- Well, who's to say what composes charitable giving. I don't think Willard's tithing to LDS actually counts. What, to send more windsocks to proselytize Fronch atheists? Gimme a break. Somebody needs to make it clear to Rick Frothy: God doesn't belong in politics, you revolting little scold. A great read for Downton Abbey fans. And the best Abby on TV has the surname Sciutto and always will.
- Why drill, baby, drill is spectacularly fracking stupid. How fracking works: having drilled a hole perhaps a mile deep, and then a horizontal branch perhaps half a mile in length, you send down a kind of subterranean pipe bomb, a small package of ball-bearing-like shrapnel and light explosives. The package is detonated, and the shrapnel pierces the bore hole, opening up small perforations in the pipe. They then pump up to 7 million gallons of a substance known as slick water to fracture the shale and release the gas. It blasts through those perforations in the pipe into the shale at such force—more than nine thousand pounds of pressure per square inch—that it shatters the shale for a few yards on either side of the pipe, allowing the gas embedded in it to rise under its own pressure and escape. Hell, sounds environmentally sound and completely safe to me.
- Back in 1974, Jonathan Demme made one of those hot chicks in stir movies, called Caged Heat. Both Demme's movie and Big Bird Cage are free straming on Netflix. Fellow non compos mentis whacko Frothy Santorum undoubtedly agrees with flaming rightwing loony toon David Barton says that human life begins before conception.
- Favorite Frawnch pop song from Plastic Bertrand. And that nincompoop in Juneau should not be allowed to vote. Does that mentally defective shitheel know Alaska wasn't a state back when the 14th Amendment was ratified., it was Seward's Folly? Parbly not. Great reference to that old Shirelles' song.
- Adblock app for Firefox browser: What continues to be the most ridiculous aspect of rightwing attacks on the President is the way they flounder when trying to decide if he's an evil genius or an incompetent that can't speak extemporaneously on any given day. C'mon you nitwits, those are kind of mutually exclusive possibilities. That teleprompter whining is particularly funny coming from a thuggish group of some of the most ineloquent politicians of all time. Santorum rarely manages a whold sentence without floundering into solecism and misplaced modifiers. Newtria has the obnoxious Bill Buckley penchant for sesquipedelian vocabularly while frequently displaying a fuzzy grasp on definitions. Romney is a stilted prick that thinks of himself as aristocratic and a man of the people simultaneously, and sounds when he talks like the stick up his ass causes a speech impediment. Ron Paul is the reincarnation of Gabby Johnson: My tactic with people like Barton is to ask them if they know the King James was written by W. Shakespeare and the infamous catamite, Kit Marlowe.
- I always knew Martha Plimpton was a smart cookie. Ever since The Goonies.This is a perfect argument against the Klown Kar Kontaception Killer Kandidates stated remarkably clearly and concisely. Controlled bridge demolition in Steubenville OH.
- Peter, Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon agree on Ca Plane Pour Moi. And that's about as cool as anybody could possibly get for a band to cover your Greatest Hit. Sonic Youth's imprimatur is pretty much instant credibility. Vampire Weekend also covers the song. Sonic Youth photo: Kim Gordon is a ferocious rocker with track star leg muscles.
- An astute and heartfelt opinion piece about how some members of modern societies are marginalized and blamed for problems beyond their own control, like their vile envy of the Willard Romney's of the world. Everything Rowling says about the divisive mean-spiritedness of the Brit Tories is just as true for the American right that treasures unborn children but finds them a dinancial blight when they pop out. doubt the Tories are so sanctimonious about dragging religion into the denigration of single parent poor people. And she certainly got the last laugh on the snooty shits. Richer than the Queen.
- Mitt on the football field. Smart planning"
- Sue, Only us anti-colonialists. Willard is a Tory through and through.
- New statue of $ Palin at Wasilla High: It sure looks like the "wide open beaver" drawings Kurt Vonnegut put in Breakfast of Champions.
- I could never figure out what was damaging about the Kerry sailboarding picture. He could handle a piece of sporting equipment wihout going ass over empty head off a Segway or a trail bike like Uncurious George? Is sailboarding a pursuit of the rich and famous? Not by the sailboarders on my beach, who show up here in late 60s era VW campers, and get rousted by the sherriff for sleeping and firing up hibachis on the beach instead of ponying up the room tax. I wouldn't think so. And Dukakis looked like a weenie in the tank, but didn't ever come across as an empty vessel excuse for human, devoid of a soul, like Mitts couple o'caddies or $370grand pocket cgange, or like W's vile mockery of Karla Faye. Who's interpreting these things for the voting public? Some incompetent semiotician with a congenitally malformed Frank Luntz gene? And who are the morons lapping it up? I mean, the Kerry in a clean room looked ridiculous, unless the viewer is too ignorant to know nobody goes in a cleanroom without the ridiculous bunny suit. Willard Windsock is the sort of asseyed jerk that loves to start sentences with the word "frankly", leading any rational person to suspect good reason for believing he's lying his ass off in general. Ultimate empty suit, communicating nothing by "farts and tapdancing".
- brian: like the stench that followed Jabba wherever he went. And I'd like to see Chuck Barkley kick that idiot's ass. There is only one Round Mound. Sandra Fluke, the young woman that GTA/arsonist Darrell Issa barred from testifying because she was unqualified. Now, who's the voice of reason? The Georgetown student or the neanderthal ex-criminal congressman? The interest in GSA from whockos like Morris and this Pat Miller Sancho Panza character is incredibly creepy, like old farts interested in girls in Catholic School uniforms. If I were a cop, I'd have my eye on these perverts.
- Diversions: Michael Quinion, proprietor of the World Wide Words website is a tad pedantic, but his etymological discussions are usually entertaining. I think all of you Downton devotees will enjoy the discussion here of "playing the gooseberry", an ineffably affable Britsm. The Mittens at Ford Field photo reminded me, for some reason, of the Neuremburg Tribunal. I would love to have been inside the stadium to shout out "Give us Barabas just as Mitt opened his mouth to speak. And "a couple of Caddies is a lot like McCain's not knowing how many houses he owned, but, unfortunately for Willard, Americans feel a bit more awash in the recession these days, especially in Deetroit:
- indoctrinating innocent children with that bullshit known as global warming. Like the fundies' neww BFFs, the US Council of Catholic Bishops on environmental stewardship. All aboard, you fundygelical GOPers. Act responsibly on climate change, you hypocritical shitheads: The Catholic Church does. And if Santorum doesn't get behind this, I say excommunicate his ass at the Communion rail.
- Minnie, Ignoranimus, even better. Pure Bugs:
- Having seen the photo of Del. Albo, i think maybe his wife realized at the last minute he looks way too much like Peter Griffin to have sex with.
- Srtrappong a estter, the most timorius dog ever bred, but one of the most politically photogenid, on cartop, is the most singularly and mindlessly cruel thing in the history of candidates and dog. Hosiing Seamus off and continuing on the trip? What was the wind chill factor yo fookin. Idiot? Who would do this t a dog? There is no conceivable excuse. Who's to say. We always end up with Ms. Fischer srnglin thaat slug. He abused a dog. There doesn't seem to be another way of xonaiswerinfg thia. Qhat a jerl. Sorrry, but noboddy that wasn't a total ahole would do that to a dog. Guy's ass is just fLililling at huanity. Please explain how Mitten's isn'i an animal abuser? These people are the scum of the earth. So fuck 'um. I don't how to consider intelligent whack lesbia Not much sense considring me. I think about Johnny Mnemonic and whatever. You can talk about horseshit flesh and you can talk about brains. And one wat or abother brains count bigger. So your a self-immportant shithead. blow your ass up. It's an interesting comundrum. How is a malw that finds females funny and dangerous supposed to consider girls. Cherry 2000 ias rhw mociw, I guess/ It's brilliant.
- Stupid mofo/
- Dumbasse Gooseberry got his ass blown p, sir. Blown up sir.? Seriously, you Downton folks, you can't tell me the gooseberrie story didn't ticle your Briticisms. I say blow these bastards up. The Brits have no clue vs. the Irish. What ever whas eromgg with the Brits? They were full of xrP. WHAT AN IMMENSE AMMOUNT IF SHITE/ WHAT WAS THE FACT AND THE LAW.
- WHATEVER YOU MIGHT THINK I COMSIDER THINGS bout hobbits. Ypu must fw xonaiswrinfm nor likw XONAISWErion likw sqEA32
- Connie: Watch out, maybe that's a couple, and who knows what that might mean. I read all of the Harry Books and I enjoyed them. I also understood the vast majority of Gravity's Rainbow. Is there anything I should worry about? I'm damned to eternal hell by Ricky Frothy? Who the fuck is that ahole? Some hangdog ahole conservative without a clue that wants to make sure you never have fun reading. How about tying up this little schmuck and making him listen to Even Cowgirls, and then whacking his tiny peenie until he gives up. Randy Newman had a word for aholes like this: Jesus what a jerk. Baa.
- The problem with a Lysistrata idea is that it plays to Ron Paul bullshit and doesn't take masturbation into account,, and that gut is the biggest phony since Huey Long. He is so much like that guy, it is hilarious. Anybody that actually wants to live in Ron Paul's world, raise your hand: Way stupid, if you think Shane is sane.
- Trans vaginal sonogram. What sort of shitheel bound to reproductive moronic bullshit moronic vindictive bu;;shit can people put up with!. These people are assholes.
- Albo says pull my fingah. People vote for tools. "Farts and tapdancing" It might dawn on somebody someday.How is anybody this stupid? That melancholy dreamdrover and sraeli apologist you all loved from your hippie years that turned out to be a fairly great novelist?
- Romney and Santorum, churlish and dyspeptic as they wanna be. This Frothy robocall is hilarious, and Willard's response is about as funny as his raised dander when he insists he's been quoted out of context, after running an anti-Obama ad that was a masterpiece of the genre. This is getting awesome, with what seems like authentic white hot enmity between these two guys. On Goon: How could somebody be so clueless as to make this movie without signing up the Hans0ns for at least a cameo with a roll of aluminum foil? Might have headed off unfortunate comparisons to the Great American Hockey Movie. I kinda thought The Artist was a one-trick pony affair, and dogs that are close to rat size don't really engage my interest. The point of reference for Meryl Streep's dress was the way cool outfit Glenn Close wore. Meryl looked like she was wearing something to commemorate of Nora Desmond. Ms. Close looked like Patty Hewes in killer mode, in either Sherwood Forest or English Racing Car green. I thought Natalie Portman looked spectacular. And those armed, manly men that would have prevented the VaTech and Columbine shootings. Sure thing. Right after they castrated themselves by Glock. And Jeff, re Santorum and karma. I'd say, as a Catholic, I'd like him to take his Karmic Komeuppance as what he claims to be now. What an embarrassment. In retrospect, I believe Hugo was Best Picture, if only for being the first really good 3D ever. And it had Ray Winstone, Ben Kingsley, and the incomparable Christopher Lee. Something about The Artist was so cutesy it made me gag a little, like episodes of Lucy where she so does something so exquisitely embarrassing I have to divert my eyes and change the channel. For a B&W blast from the past movie, it's not in the same room with Paper Moon, for instance. And that MoonMayor Gingrich thing at Alex's link @58 (last thread), I'm getting Newt speaking in Peter Griffin's voice. And that is pretty much the best use to which Venn diagrams have been put, in my experience. Funny.
- The Happy Warrior. You know, I hear something like this message most Sundays, in Church. Seems as if it's pretty close to the Jesus Party Line. Sentencing of Charlie White's egregious vote fraud , as Indiana's Sec. of State, ex officio head of the state's voter fraud police. And what happened to a black lady and a Pakistani immigrant that registered by mistake. White should at least be deported to a foreign country, like Tejas or Arizona.
- That NASCAR fire was spectacular. Hope it doesn't cost my friends that are team owners too much. The first lap crash was pretty amazing too. Scout, They are that. Touchy and tetchy. I was going to say I wouldn't be surprised to see Willard and Frothy come to blows, when it dawned on me, that would be surprising. Now a catfight, Alexis-and-Krystle-style, scratching, hair-pulling that I could see: Both guys have really got that Nixonian prissy factor going bigtime.
- Deborah: Well, just think of how the guy that got shipped back to Pakistan feels. That sort of story always makes me wish I had given in and gone to law school. I'd say the term "rank injustice" pretty well covers all three cases. Streep's Oscar dress and Gustav Klimt. When I win the lottery, I'm going to Rio, for carnaval. Cool video, with interesting music I can't identify.
- How is electing judges not dumber than grunt. People are incapable of informed decisions about elective offices that require nothing more than reliable common sense and a bare modicum of intelligence, leading inevitably to morons in office, and somebody believes they'll be able to identify effective legal technicians to judicial positions? Lunatics, meet Bedlam. Remember when Shrub molested Angela Merkel at a G-8 Summit a few years ago? Well, she's been assaulted again. Is Wayne LaPierre going to give Boehner shit about that comment? If President Obama said the exact words, NRA Bigfoot would go off half-cocked and they'd take the gun nuts for a $few million by tomorrow night.
- Yep. All of those homisuicidal teenagers can be expected to use their guns responsibly, right Rep. Oompa Loompa?
- All over TV tonight there are Santorum weenies talking about backing a candidate with a "positive message". Seriously? Dog in the Manger Santorum? This is one of those deep pockets challenges. $10grand for proof the public scold has ever said anything positive. The guy that looks like there's a three-day old bag of turds under his nose, all the fracking time?
- Willard Windvane needs to call Perry and ask him how to treat hoof and mouth after expressing his arrogant disinterest in the welfare of poor people. That's the kind of "gaffe" most accurately defined as a lying sack of shit saying what he really means by accident, and not realizing it until both feet are all the way in his born on third.. Frothy believes that God told him how to insist that heathens behave If that isn't loony enough? Are we kidding?. Which of those assholes is a real American going to vote for? None of this is right, by any stretch. Some people are born eith benefits. Some people are smarter, if you're one of those people don't you immediadetly that's unfair when deciding on everybody's quality of life. How is that difficult to undersyand? Social Justice is Christianity, and a damn good idea, no matter what theat sniffy ahole Santorum says.
- "Base" also means abject, low, depraved, corrupt, so maybe Republican base is really base Republican. New Bruce Springsteen song: Rocky Ground. Gorgeous horns, Curtis Mayfield style guitar. Deadbeat dad Joe Walsh may be a serious shitheel, but I'll back my Congressman Joe Wilson as the biggest asshole in all of Congress. And my two Senators, Lindsey (Scarlet Pimpernel) Graham and Jim Demented, hard to see how anybody can match that for unadulterated dogshit Congressional representation.
- Scribe: Like Ayn Rand being on the government teat when her smoking was doing her in.
- BobnG: Well Aztlan does have a National Anthem: If Aztlan has David Hidalgo and Cesar Rozas for Pres and VP, I'm moving there if one of the GOPers gets elected. Mark: Isn't it amazing how that's exactly what has happened in those socialistic Scandinavian countries with a higher standard of living than that of the US?
- Mandating health insurance would be a moot point if Republicans would simply agree to entirely Christian values of social justice and go along with single payer national insurance instead of whining about socialism. I mean, everywhere civilized already does it, and it costs less than half of American health care costs for the most expensive system. The USA trails Mexico in health service accessibility, for God's sake. The mandate is a direct function of, and the only way of controlling (lowering) costs given, GOP insistence on keeping the insurance industry alive and well. The situation mirrors the ridiculous situation in which the GOP provided life support for the private student loan industry, which was a leech on the federal budget with no value added whatsoever. Sue: Many of those Monkees songs were written by Neal Diamond, and many by Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart, who wrote I Wanna Be Free, and actually did many of the early Monkees recordings. I always thought Davey Jones was cast for his resemblance to Peter Noone.
- And if the Monkees weren't cool, how did their movie Head have Bob Rafaelson for its director and Jack Nicholson, Teri Garr, Dennis Hopper, Sonny Liston and Frank Zappa in it? And, they were buddies with Harry Nilsson. Watching Davey Jones dance in that Cuddly Toy video @38 makes me wonder whether he shouldn't have sued Bill Bailey (Axl Rose) for stealing all of his dance moves. The lyrics to Different Drum are indeed stupid. My HS band played this tune, by the Monkees, from King/Goffin. We thought we were doing hip-ironic, I'm embarrassed to imagine. Oh, and Boyce and Hart wrote Reach Out for the Tops.
- And, of course, thinking about the Monkees caused me to consider Freddie (Garrity) and the Dreamers: Fortunately Stills missed out MarkH, and ran into Neal's hearse instead. There were some Monkees songs that sounded like they were supposed to approximate Buffalo Springfield, like Love is Only Sleeping (pretty cool song, in my estimation): I covet the big ol' 'lectric Gretsch 12-string Nesmith is playing. The harmonies could be straight off Last Time Around. Chekov did look like Davy Jones. I get a kick out of hearing the Monkees when they come on the grocery store Muzak occasionally, and some of the songs are enough to wipe the churlish, petulant scowl off of Frothman.
- It's interesting to me that the folks that invented and produced the Monkees never made any effort atually to sound like the Beatles, only to ape the frenetic, incongruent goofball style of Richard Lester's movie, which was decidedly mediocre compared to his previous effort with the Fabs, Hard Day's Night. I'm fairly sure there was a Monkees episode that basiccally stole the plot from Help. It's two delegates for each congressional district won, according to Rachel Maddow last night.
- Last Train to Clarksville has the brilliant line: We'll have time for coffee-flavored kisses and a bit of conversation.
- Of course, there was a professional singer named Davey Jones before the Monkees, but he changed his professional name to David Bowie.
- If I were this Guarnizo jackass, I'd get ready for a pink slip. The Cardinal that is his boss is obviously disgusted with his outrageous behavior. If the jerk had such moral misgivings, he should have arranged for the parish pastor, Fr. LaHood to officiate at the funeral Mass. If I'd have been in that Communion line, I would have returned to my seat ostentatiously. In the Catholic Church, there is the Sacrament of Penance.
- The Breitbart story reminds me of Lee Atwater and his alleged deathbed conversion (Apparently Atwater was scared incontinent of eternity in Gehenna.) Breitbart is a product of Atwater's brand of post-nuclear politics, a spiritual descendant without the evil power, and Atwater is the wraith conjured every time some GOPer hagiographer invokes the great Raygun Morning in America, when everything in America turned to shit. It's not far from Atwater and Willie Horton to the Breitbart/O'Keefe war on ACORN and the Great Black Panther Scare of 2008. I meant to share this the other day for the birthday cake discussion. PC or no PC, I think Our Gang was a fracking riot.
- The Blunt amendment expired by being tabled in the Senate: Olympia Snow proobably felt unbound voting against the odious measure. Meanwhile, Manchin, Casey, and, naturally, Ben Nelson voted for it. Koch Bros. Konspiracy is suing the Cato Institute. The Cato Institute is incredibly misnamed, misappropriating the 18th Century publication Cato's Letters, intended to promote the ideas of John Locke.
- I wouldn't give Casey any leeway on this at all, Jolene, because the Blunt Amendment was far more of a frontal attack on ACA than anything to do with pro-life issues.
- Obama UAW speech excerpt, for anyone that hasn't seen it. Locke was no libertarian, in the current sense. He was actually the first postulant of what we now consider small r republicanism as a viable means for people to govern thehmselves. His masterwork Two Treatises of Civil Government bears no kinship nor resemblance to the Norquist Drown it in the bathtub libertarian approach (which in my opinion is thinly diguised greedy nihilism). These people are aiming for a nasty brutish and short life in a Hobbesian world for their serfs, in which they acquire wealth by unbridled means and machinations to the detriment of their fellow citizens. Locke's ghost could be Marley to these bastard's Scrooge. And when they cloak their bloody-fanged avarice in Christian garments, they do worse damage to the words and spirit of thir Lord and Savior.
- JW: Mebbe so. But the priest had no conceivable way of knowing whether or not Ms. Johnson was at that moment in a state of Grace. It was not his place to assume that she had not been in a Confessional and had her "sins" forgiven. I was taught in theology classes and, earlier, in catechism, that the act of receiving the Eucharist was in itself an act of atonement for sins. It is not and has never been a Mass celebrant's perogative to make spot judgements about which Communicants are in a proper state of grace to receive the Sacrament. It also appears from other incidents that Guarnizo is an attention-craver of the sociopathic narcissist sort. He's got the "lack of empathy" component down pat. No basic human decency, which is a large part of following Jesus' teaching. The clergyman FUBARed his job badly enough to get his ass fired. Whenever I see some rightwing zealot cleric pull unChristian shit like this, I think about J2P2 forcing Robert Drinan, S.J. to retire from Congress and it pisses me off, and embarrasses me in my committed Catholicism. I could as well have accused the priest on the spot of sinning in his actions toward the bereaved woman, and insisted that he put down the consecrated hosts and wine. Citizens arrest by Canon Law. Edit: I'm thinking of John 8:7. Ralph: Well, Minority Report proved Scientologists can act, too. I liked Get Shorty a great deal, in large part because of Delroy Lindo (who I'll watch in anything), Gandolfini, Hackman, Dennis Farina, John Gries (from back in the days of The Pretender), DeVito, and Ms. Russo. I mean, what a great cast. Seriously, Elmore Leonard fans that don't make time for Justified are missing something extremely enjoyable. The dialogue is characterized by Leonardian language of the arch, kinda formal, King James flavor Mr. Leonard writes for his villains. And practically everybody in Justified is a villain of some sort and degree. Timothy Olyphant is outstanding as Marshall Raylan Givens, and Walter Goggins is better as Boyd Crowder than he was as Shane in The Shield. Any Justified neophyte should at least go back to the last season to get into it, so as not to miss Margo Martindale as the supremely diabolical Mags Bennett.
- When I was just a little Catholic hundreds of years ago, I despised going to Confession, because it seemed to me to be something better handled by prayer, and it was medieval. Any way, the nuns would march us all from School to Church every Friday pm and we'd confess our sins. What those may have been for a bunch of normal 3rd graders you may imagine on your own. My parents usually went Saturday pm to do Penance. It dawned on me that I could tell Sister Baby Huey I went with my parents on Saturdays, and tell my parents I had gone on Friday with my schoolmates. Last time I entered a confessional, and never got caught. My objection, as young as I was, was theological in essence and also my finding no scriptural support for Penance. When Jesus heals the sick and lame in the NT, He never asks anybody to catalog their transgressions. He bids them to repent and be saved. I think I share this objection with Martin Luther. Since college and as an adult, I have always had friends that were priests with whom I could share a brewski and discuss my recent failings, which seems a civilized way to deal with Penance. Here are links Little Bird: Jabba Limbo called Sandra Fluke, the witness Arson Issa turned away, a slut on the radio. And the principal that told a student assembly that anyone of them that was gay or preggers was going to hell: It's TN, she'll keep her job.
- Linda is correct about "balanced" political reporting in real newspapers. In 2004, every report of some big lie from W's Squatter's White House in WaPo had to include some attempt at pointing out something vaguely untruthful from the Kerry campaign. It was nauseating. The paper still does this in its factcheck column. Politifact takes up big lies and somehow exonerates the mendacious sources by tortuously exhuming some kernel of truth from which the lie is cultivated. These news sources are inerrantly, and obsequiously, holier-than-thou about their balance in these cases. Makes me want to throw up. For everyone that says both sides have radically polarized American politics, I call bullshit. The far-right redshift of GOP overwhelms any leftward shift by Democrats. Breitbart is worthy of similar treatment to that which he reserved for Ted Kennedy, but it's gratifying that many of his political opponents choose a higher road, and it serves no purpose to dose him with his own vile medicine. Of course, the decency for the recently-deceased meme was rampant in the rightwingnut internet world when Teddy died too, wasn't it? Rather than call Breitbart a scumbag, Coca-Cola douche (he was), I'd just say that his attacks on Black Americans seemed like they flowed effortlessly from their vile origins in the Atwater Southern Strategy, the most divisive and dangerous political initiative since McCarthy, at least, and probably since the War against slavery that had almost nothing to do with state's rights except to use that shibboleth as camouflage and code. And that's the Ciceronian way of dealing with pieces of crap when they shuffle off. Cataline, I'm not here to point out what a Sack O' Steaming Turds you are. But just how long do you intend to abuse our patience? I made a $250 book and CD purchase just last month. I'm never buying MP3s. CDs are already too compressed and lacking in nuance. Oh, and a nice Audio-Technica turntable with an excellent Shure cartridge to play my vinyl albums through my Mac. Nice sound. Breitbart? Maybe the afterlife needed somebody new to be Beetlejuice.
- MichaelG This is the turntable I have: It has a USB connection to my Mac and it's easy to record from vinyl into my iTunes library, from which I can burn CDs. I'm quite pleased with the machine. I chose it based on mid-level price range and that it is a direct-drive mechanism, which I believe is superior to belt-drive models that cost less. Set-up was only mildly annoying and not really time-consuming. I actually transferred an ancient 78rpm recording of The Nutcracker (not vinyl, weighs like concrete or pottery) with good results. This is a real treat, because playing the entire ballet used to require eight pauses to change the records. Now I can listen to the entire piece uninterrupted. I did buy a new discwasher for my albums to get the least static and noise. There are cheaper vinyl-to-digital methods, like conversion boxes (ADS (an excellent audio company, I own ADS speakers) Tech Instant Music, e.g.) but I wanted to be able to continue to play the vinyl albums and didn't have a working turntable or preamp anymore: The miogynist rightwing jihad is worth sacrificing politicians and elections <i<in order specifically to drive the center of polarized American political discourse ever farther to the right. This is a long war, or a long con, paid for and financed by people like the Kochs that would be happy to see the reestablishment of feudalism, in which they possess all the wealth. So ex-Sen. Man on Dog is a useful idiot to them.
- Brian: That kidnapping story caused me a strong frisson and recalled 2666 and the maquiladoras. Scores of industry workers joined in the massive search for Arnold that turned up only a single running shoe. Probably including the kidnappers.
- Dr. Laura has a juris doctor degree from UVA. So does one of my brothers, but he never figured that confers the right to the honorific "Dr.". I mean, you have to be a bona fide horse's ass to go to law school, earn a JD, and then present yourself to the world as Dr. so-and-so. Ther used to be a great reliever for the Dodgers named Mike Marshall, who had a PhD from MSU in kinesiology. He was never introduced by a stadium announcer as Dr. Mike Marshall. If there were an FCC that hadn't been trampled into flan for the last 40 years by the GOP, if there were somebody like Newton Minnow around, outlets carrying Rush would be facing loss of license about now. Funny thing about Limbo's screed is he appears to think that hormonal birth control works like Viagra, that as often as you have sex the cost rises because you need a pill every time you get laid. I've no doubt that medicine ball of diarrhea is that ignorant. Sherri: The same people that excuse racists are spouting the "Some of my best friends..." nonsense. Funny thing is, these are the same bigots that will stoop to "Everybody's a racist..." and "And the worst racists are...", when they get caught out in overt and inexcusable racism.
- Yeah, just forgot how Mr. Vast Wasteland's surname was spelled, Jakash. One way or another, modern airwaves would be very different with that guy around. Haven't really had any reason to think about him since JRL101. It is a very sad thing that the FCC Charter has been relegated, apparently, to the National Archives. In the W years the FCC was used solely as a partisan prybar to dislodge the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Ownership of the airwaves resides in the people, and their use by private entities is by license, to serve the public interest. Somebody should stuff that up Murdoch's and the Clearchannel bastard's lardbutts. Rash's repeated references to Fluke as a "college kid" are typically odious, since she's 2nd-year at one of the best Law School's in the country, and has previously been active in public service politics. That is deliberately and erroneously demeaning. It's also calculated, to rile his slavering hyddrophobic hordes against them snob college elites.
- Yeah, just forgot how Mr. Vast Wasteland's surname was spelled, Jakash. One way or another, modern airwaves would be very different with that guy around. Haven't really had any reason to think about him since JRL101. It is a very sad thing that the FCC Charter has been relegated, apparently, to the National Archives. In the W years the FCC was used solely as a partisan prybar to dislodge the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Ownership of the airwaves resides in the people, and their use by private entities is by license, to serve the public interest. Somebody should stuff that up Murdoch's and the Clearchannel bastard's lardbutts. Rash's repeated references to Fluke as a "college kid" are typically odious, since she's 2nd-year at one of the best Law School's in the country, and has previously been active in public service politics. That is deliberately and erroneously demeaning. It's also calculated, to rile his slavering hyddrophobic hordes against them snob college elites.WHO ELSE HAS LET MORONS INTO THIS SORT OF Are you kidding? Who'a to Say?
- I'd say that Breitbart is as odious as the Swiftboaters, and Raygun, and screw them all. These people ar unAmerican, and their interest is to fuck over the American Way of Life while allegedly promoting it. These are mighty big liars. Juat my opinion.
- Only for baseball fans:Best pitcher ever, on best pitcher now. Truth about gasoline prices.
- alex, well-said. I was born in Ohio, moved to Arkansas, then Tenesee, then Michigan. And we weren't military. I was raised to believe in the idea of social justice. As Jesus clearly taught. How is that difficult for people to understand?
- Nancy says: precise clarity of truth. So do Gravity's Rainbow and Steve Erickson. Fabulists run America's consciousness. And it's unfortunate who the fabulists are. They believe the President is an African, anti-colonial , muslim other. Holy shit, He's kinda black. It would be nice if the rightwing just woke up and admitted they have a problem with anybody dark=skinned.
- Anthony Shadid and And why do they hate f-stone"hate Lebannon? Why did Israel blow Lebanon to smithereens six years ago?
- Because they can get away with anything and Netanyau thought it was politically expedient. And anybody that deplores their shit is anti-Semitic. Never mind that the Palestinians are as Semitic as their persecutors, their overlords.
- Andrew Breibart was a bona fide asshole. I parbly am too, but I know my kid would say I'm not. Maybe the little Breitbart assholes would give dad a pass.
- I'm no fan of M. Kinsley I think he's too often been the wimpy liberal shill for wingnut bullies. But he's smart. Alex, are you sure she wasn't an octoroon? Sorry, but the first brown-skinned President has really brought the raciss out of the woodwork, no matter what they say. The "nigrah" folk are finding the uppitiness hard to swallow. Anybody that denies this is basically one of those that objects. What Suzanne said about Rush and fraud? Well, he strikes me as George Corley vowing to not be "out-niggered" anymore when he lost his first election. And Brian, I don't think you mean ambiguity. You are rarely ambiguous. Seeing both sides and coming down on one is not ambiguous. It's honest.
- So Basset. You talked by phone to Boo Radley? The Third Man is a great movie. Suzanne: Or the spelunking party looking for Little Rush has never been heard from again.
- Are Americans so fracking stupid they don't understand that the Keystone XL Pipeline is intended to move oil from the Alberta tar sands to China as fast as possible, through the tax haven of Port Arthur, TX by taking right-of-ways by eminent domain. How do GOPers get away with such brazen shinola? I mean, everything they say on this subject is an outright lie. The net effecct of building the pipeline would be less than 10% of the temporary jobs people like Boehner are claiming, and increased fuel costs for Midwestern farmers, meaning increased food costs for Americans. Who is dumb enough to buy this snakeoil?
- Jennifer Granholm rips Rush a new one. ClearChannel, Rush's syndicator is owned by Bain Capital. And Willlard says he wouldn't have used those words, as if Limbo was right, but he didn't need to be crude.
- I actually bought a zither to teach myself how to play the Third Man Theme.
- Linda. The Heat and the Lakers. I root for an earthquake. It's very difficult to imagine more ill-matched author and subject than Woodward and Belushi. Broomstick up ass and samurai sword. Today is also the anniversary of the plane crash that killed Patsy Cline in 1963.
- Peter: Crane has those toilets that don't work, like Rand Paul. I thought State of Wonder was excellent. The onlly better South American jungle book I've ever read is Peter Matthiesson's astounding At Play in the Fields of the Lord, which was also made into a good movie, with Tom Berenger and John Lithgow, Kathy Bates, Aidan Quinn. Probably Darryl Hannah's last good movie, aside from Kill Bill. Oh and Tom Waits. Best rain forest movie: Emerald Forest, no doubt. As great as Ronnie Montrose is on Tupelo Honey, I guess just about makes up for foisting Sammy Hagar on the world (though that's almost inexcusable).
- Eric Cantor is supposed to be the GOPer go-to intellectual. So check this argument against the contraception mandate. Stunning stupidity. Criticizing women doesn't comprise misogyny. If I say Michelle Malkin is a deceitful and dishonest twit, that is not misogynistic. It has nothing whatever to do with her gender. The illogic being applied here is the same stretch by which defenders of the Israeli apharteid government claim that criticizing the state of Israel is tantamount to anti-semitism. If I say Ann Coulter is a rude and vulgar jerk with no redeeming social value to any of the vitriol she spews, that is decidedly not a misogynistic statement. There is no enmity towardeither of those women because thay are women, it's because the hold vile and vituperative political opinions. If I say I think $Palin is stupid, I'd be willing to bet that is provable fact, and it has nothing to do with her gender. Besides, these three choose public spectacle as a means of spewing their hateful bile. I'm entitled to express any opinion I please regarding public figures. Limbaugh's comments about Ms. Fluke were slanderous in esse, clearly knowingly untrue and injurious, and she is in no way a public figure under slander and libel laws in the USA. And for damn sure, I've never said anything about Limbo I wouldn't say straight to his porcine, spit-flecked jowls. I think the rightwingers need to look up misogynistic.
- This shit is getting out of hand: You go Sparky!!! Pot, meet Kettle.
- Interesting comment on Tusho Limb audience size: Cantor means there are bacon strips on everybody's utrou, I guess.
- People that steal city buses. We recently had a naked guy that jumped into a fire truck naked and went joyriding. Sadly, he struck and killed a pedestrian. What comes over people that do stuff like this. A few years ago, a 13 yo girl in cuffs in the back of a sherrif's deputy's cruiser somehow made into the driver's seat and took off with the car. Wrecked about a mile later. That deputy was a laughing stock for a long time.
- My problem with Bill Maher is that he is so smarmy and self-congratulatorily smug, he almost makes Dennis Miller seem like he isn't an ahole. Man, that's hard to do. Also, Maher, as has Miller, has shifted his politics quite deliberately over the last 20 years or so. Miller used to be a flaming liberal, while Maher was the classic situational Libertarian, i.e. a GOPer that likes to smoke pot and patronize prostitutes. Seems Mahers conversion to the Progressive side coincided with getting into Ariana's drawers. I don't know what Dennis Miller's explanation would be, but I'd advise him to plead brain damage. Between residuals from Blues Brothers and Ghostbusters, I think Dan Aykroyd is pretty well off. Personally, I always thought his greedy, sleazy businessman vs. righteious consumer protection lawyer bits on SNL were excellent. He was very deserving of the Best Supporting Oscar as Boolie in Miss Daisy, and he was superb as the mortician dad in My Girl. I thought Spies Like Us was very funny. And there is an incredibly strange movie called Nothing but Trouble that he wrote and starred in that is hilarious in a sort of perverse fashion. Aykroyd also had writing and production credits on many of his movies.
- People That use the word bureaucracy in discussing government and government spending bug the piss out of me with their willful, knee-jerk ignorance. Do these folks really fail to understand that every medium to large business organization is a bureaucracy? The Koch Bros. Kriminal Konspiracy is a fracking bureaucracy. Bain Capital is a bureaucracy, The Big Three is and always has been the most Gargantuan bureaucracy ever devised by mankind. And all of these bureaucracies have wasted money to a tune the US federal government has never been close too big enough to carry. Are Rick Snyder voters in Michigan complaining about the governor expanding his bureaucratic empire when the state takes over municipalities? Somehow, I doubt there is that level of self-examination. As for USPostal Service, what will be the reaction when GOPers out to kill the Postal Service for decades get their privatizing way. Are people going to be happy paying FedEx rates for mail? Is the service going to slow to a crawl with the added burden of daily mail? This will not end well. The USPS has provided remarkable service for a very long time and a ridiculously low fee. I'm for $1.00 first class mail if it saves USPS and staves off privitization. Is there a single example of privitization of government services that has actually increased efficiency or saved money. Privatized penal services are a toxic cesspool of graft, wate, and planned incompetence. I'm not looking forward to government by Omni Consumer Products, especially after the hostile takeover by Zaibatsu in the third movie. Nancy's pristine bucolic estate sounds more like Hershel's farm than Lear's dysfunctional kingdom to me, although I read and admire A Thousand Acres. Jolene: Comparisons of compensations for public sector workers with the private sector should always be taken with a TBS of seasalt: the private sector figures always include huge numbers of burger flippers and Walmart greeters and cashiers. The comparisonis, as comparisons are, odious. One last comment on the fat pig: Shouldn't Mitt Romney be held to a stricter standard on Rush, considering he makes $1 mil/annually from Bain, that owns ClearChannel, that owns Limpdick? I mean the fool is Mitt's employee as much as those illegal immigrant landscrapers at the Belmont manse.
- Jolene: My only point is that data that include Mickey D's workers is in no reasonable way comparable to public employee union members pay levels, but are always included by those trying to claim public sector workers are overpaid. I want the person handling my requests at the DMV or the IRS to be paid at more professional levels than minimum wage fast food workers. Of course, I want the fast food workers paid something more resembling a living wage.
- Those chart data obviously omit CEO, COO, CFO level compensation. And as I said, there is no public sector equivalent to minimum wage workers in the service industry. I don't see any way those two unique data sets will ever be quantified in an informative fashion. Cabinet level officials average $191,300/annually while doing work easily as complex and demanding as what Carly Fiorino ever took on while making $70-75 mil in about six years of bursting the tech bubble and offshoring jobs while running H-P. On the low end of the spectrum, there is no way to compare public and private without excluding huge numbers of private sector workers that perform jobs without a reasonable equivalent function in the public sector. As for comparisons being odious, it's a 600 year old phrase in which odious means "pointless" more or less. Shakespeare made fun of the term in Much Ado About Nothing by having the malaprop-prone character Constable Dogberry (another ridiculous government worker) say "Comparisons are odorous." The benefits prepay that Congress required of USPS was an attempt to kill the organization. Republicans have been out to get the Post Office for a lot longer and with greater fervor than they have targeted AmTrak or the CPB. USPS service is, despite anecdotal BS, remarkable, and at the cost of a stamp, a spectacular bargain. Yet people howl if the price of first class mail rises by pennies. Seriously? The birthday card I just sent my daughter cost me $0.43 to travel from SC to MA. I could have used a private carrier like FedEx for closer to $15, but that seems contrary to my best interest. Suzanne: And the staff has probably lived with enforced furloughs, too.
- David Gilmour's birthday. 155th anniversary of the Dred Scott decision. Or, as GOPers celebrate it, the President Isn't a Citizen Day. And, the anniversary of the introduction of Oreos by Nabisco in 1912. OK Jolene. But that's a large amount of subjective information to include in a quantitative analysis and arrive at statistical significance. On the top end, leaving out the people that run corporations and the private sector clearly skews the resulting data. And those people got gigantic payoffs for trashing the companies they ran. I don't say that no credible comparison can be made, just that rendering it as statistically valid requires a leap that statistics as a science doesn't really allow for.
- Limbaaaah keeps bleating. Her testimony was not that of an expert, it was just another expert person in this case, Sandra’s case. 30-year old activist after years of a career championing birth control issues. In fact, she told stories less about birth control as a social tool, which is of course the left’s true agenda, and more about birth control as a medication for treating other conditions, such as pregnancy. To the left, pregnancy is a disease. […] How does contraception treat pregnancy you moron? And what the hell does that mean in English? Sandra Fluke gave vague examples based on unnamed friends, who she says couldn’t afford birth control to treat medical conditions they had, since Georgetown University wouldn’t pay for them. … Or so she says. We still don’t know who any of these friends of hers are, these other women, and we don’t know what happened to them. Her testimony was hearsay, and it was unprovable. […] Who said anything about GU paying for anything you fatass twit? At least he gets now that this was never about taxpayers paying for anything. Fluke pays for a mandatory $3000 insurance policy required by GU, and GU will not let the insurance carrier cover contraceptives. He's just upset that only a bunch of withered old Jebbies will get to see those sex tapes. But the point here is that this was an issue that represents a tiny, tiny slice of what the Democrats really want here. They use Sandra Fluke to create a controversy. Sandra Fluke used them to advance her agenda, which is to force a religious institution to abandon their principles in order to meet hers. Right venereal Rash. Rick Santorum and the Bishops didn't start this hoohaw? Not smart enough to stop digging at the bottom of the hole? Pretty sure when Rush calls women overeducated, he means "literate".
- Total destruction of Rush Blimpbaaahh. Had the subhuman Zeppelin read and taken this to heart, and apologized appropriately, he might have saved his own gaseous ass from the conflagrant fate of the Hindenburg. Patricia Heaton has been spouting fundy conservative talking points for a long time, claiming her Lord and Personal Savior made her do it. Somehow, that's OK with GOPers, even though she is some sort of Hollywood type (she was on some TV show, I think, I've never been sure). Aren't actors not supposed to take advantage of their fame to express opinions? That is the right/libertarian POV, right? Like where does Sean Penn get off, living in squalor in Haiti for two years trying to help effect rebuilding the country: (long, well worth the time--0n the front lines) Anyway, somebody should ask Ms. Heaton if she's conversant with the NT, and if so, can she identify Jesus' closest female friend, according to the Gospels, and the woman's profession. That Gawker piece on Breitbart is fantastic Coozledad. The picture of O'Keefe as pimp is hilarious. Don't pimps hold sway by intimidation. Guy in that photo might intimidate Topher Grace or Michael Cera, but probably not. Santorum states his rationale for better contraceptive coverage: I've heard of mass hysteria but can more than one person have a nervous breakdown together.
- When I worked for Georgia PTV in the 70s, Ted Turner was an incessant visitor to our studio on the UGA campus. We were on VHF, Channel 8 and Ted's media empire was just beginning with his station on UHF Channel 17 in Atlanta. He was obsessed with a trade to put his flagship on the VHF band. That never worked out, but the boom in cable took care of all of that. Whenever I see Trump tootling his own cornet about self-madism and his Galtian rise to riches, I wonder what Captain Outrageous would say about him if he weren't a nice guy. Ted was hugely popular with those of us on the GPTV studio crew, because he'd show up to visit with pizza from Steverino's and brewskis. The studio lounge had the first huge-screen, three gun, back projection TV any of us had ever seen (and engineers to make the picture perfect), and we'd cue up tape of the Bear Bryant Show, scarf pizza, drink beer, and make fun of the 'Bama coach, who always appeared three sheets and couldn't get the names of his players right. Probably my favorite job ever, other than being self-employed. Francis X. Bushman had an incredibly long acting career, stretching back to 1911 and early silents. He guest starred on 50s and 60s TV shows like Perry Mason, Batman, Dobie Gillis, Dr. Kildare and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. Most of his movies are long forgotten, but he did have a role in Sabrina, the classic chick flick, with Audrey Hepburn, Bogart and William Holden. Watching political results last night, I was interested to see that while Santorum led in Ohio, the Heads kept saying "Wait for Cuyahoga County." Presumably, more sophisticated, sensible, moderate, and, so, more likely to be Willard-friendly. Not a pleasant reminder of the similar message from 2004 when somehow Ken Blackwell served Cuyahoga up for W, when all the experts said Kerry was a lock. I still believe that between Blackwell and his Diebold buds, Ohio was stolen, and nothing will ever convince me otherwise. The bastards said they would do it before the election.
- Well, DC Stephenson certainly had the pork face for the comparison. Looks like Jimmy Johnson with somewhat better hair. How transparent is the hypocrisy of GOPers that make wildly inflated and unfounded claims for job creation connected to the Keystone XL Pipeline, but claim transportation spending won't put Americans to work? They voted against the transportation bill this AM. Contemporary description in Time Magazine of Westbrook Pegler (from Wikipedia): At the age of 44, Mr. Mister Pegler's place as the great dissenter for the common man is unchallenged. Six days a week, for an estimated $65,000 a year, in 116 papers reaching nearly 6,000,000 readers, Mister Pegler is invariably irritated, inexhaustibly scornful. Unhampered by coordinated convictions of his own, Pegler applies himself to presidents and peanut vendors with equal zeal and skill. Dissension is his philosophy. edit: FX Bushman played Messala in the first 20s movie version of Ben-Hur. His Wiki entry is quite entertaining. Fascinating, if accurate: He appeared in well over 100 movies.
- I always thought Blimpbaaah was most accurately characterized by the medical condition that got the fierce warrior his 4F excuse from military service, a pilonidal cyst: Fracking gross. So all of those people that have called Rush a boil on the universal butt wer not far off the mark. The extent and seriousness of the failure of cooling systems and containments at Fukushima in the wake of the tsunami proceeded from and were exacerbated by Jappanese government regulators' reluctance to interfere with private operation of the plant. And of course, the predictably unfortunate decision to store spent fuel rods within the containment in cooling pools mounted adjacent to the reactors. It's difficult to understand how it's possible that nobody has figured out a safe way to deal with nuclear waste after all this time. It's probably like coal-fired power plant emissions. They know how to do it but refuse to spend the money.
- Endangered species in need of protection: libraries. local editorial boards.
- How about voting with some semblance of intelligence? Republicans like the Big Tent analogy. What Big Tent Kemo Sabe? It's true sometimes self-interest is not the best way to vote. But voting for anybody you can see for a fact objectively will fuck you over really doesn't make much sense. Sometimes one might vote against self-interest in the interest of "the least of my brethren". That has never meant voting for GOPers, who always represent rich people and scurrilously claim to be "The Party of Lincoln" That's why they absorbed the Dixiecrats so fast nobody seems to have seen it happen.
- Ronald Wilson Raygun is a medical conundrum. Did he know the revolutionary whackos on Grenada were nuts and had no military resources? If he did, he was a war criminal murderer. Did he know about the internecine connections between US Drug dealers and the Freedom Fighters (most gag-inducing sobriquet ever)? Those people just didn't give a shit if it promoted "Morning in America". Relatives of Archbishop Madeiros are mildly interested. Raygun murdered him at the Communion Rail. You have to believe he was already oldtimers to think not. What did he care, It was just another Catholic. And I'd like to say. GOPers piggybacking on Catholics? fuck y'all bigtime. We are the Whore of Babylon. and a demonic sect. What these assholes said in the past about Catholics, and excuse me we were around considerably earlier..
- I think its clear Raygun wasn't close to compos mentis when he was Pretzledent. But Brian, teabangers voting for GOPers is remarkably self defeating to the point of teenage cutting. You know that's true. But aside from anything else, how does GOPer policy line up with the intentions of Their Lord ans Personal Savior. Well it doesn't so, shouldn't they shut the hell up about Jesus?
- And in Brian's defense, no matter how anybody voted, it took Diebold and Scalia to ever make the ultimate moron President.
- JEFFFMO, HE WON, BUT THAT ultimate activist judge said W did, And look at the mess that resulted in.
- Cooz, Rome is basically in a part of Georgia most Georgians consider Alabama. Over by Columbus and Phenix City. Any mention of parking meters takes me immediately to one of the greatest movies ever made: Cool Hand Luke. And I sorta think Brad Pitt is parbly closest guy to Paul Newman there is. VG actor, handsome as the devil. My moment of Brad Pitt awareness was the schitzo loony in Twelve Monkeys. Awe-inducing great acting. I have three brothers and all of us cohabited without benefit of marriage. And I think three of us lived with somebody using Ortho-Novum or something like that. No recriminations from my died-in-the-wool RC parents. I'm sure they disapproved, but they were welcoming and things worked out mostly well. I have friends that had babies without being married, who have reared wonderful kids nonetheless. How is any of this anybody's bidness but the people intimately involved?
- Opposition to the President has nothing to do with racial animus. I give money to the SPLC because I believe racial hatred is an organized movement in the USA that has no place in my country. Best joke ever. That doesn't include shoota, shoota shoota or an aircraft carrier.
- Tim Curry before he descended into movies. Fairly astounding. In all of the linguistic discussion here, I don't recall anybody bringing up "nauseous". This word does not describe the state of being nauseated. It means inducing that state. I wish people would get this right. You are nauseated by a nauseous vision.
- Speaking of LL, how's your novel coming Nancy? Mine languishes. Informed common sense about Iran, instead of GOP drivel. On the other hand: Disney songs from the Sherman Bros. I'm still trying to figure out how an Israeli attack on Iran affects the US presidential election. If Israelis continue to elect criminals, and maintain the worst-kept secret in the world nuclear arsenal, and do shit like blowing Lebanon to smithereens, they should learn to live with the idea of their neighbors finding nuclear deterrents attractive.
- Where in the world did the "over at" neologism come from? And how did "methinks" get resurrected as web-speak? And who are the morons that type "me thinks"? On the Disney musicales, I'm much more a fan of Bedknobs than Mary Poppins. Beb, I'd say let Israel loose altogether. But what would those AIPAC fools do with their cash, and what would people like Newt and Santorum do without it? If there is a loose cannon in the middle east other than Assad, it is certainly Netanyahu. Colonizing the land of the people you displaced is radically stupid and establishing apartheid for the displaced is unbelievably stupid. On the other hand, Irani's aren't Arabs, they are Persians. And the world can thank W for invading Iraq and letting that genie out of the bottle.
- It's them damn gay marriage proponents Jeff. Destroying the institution. Commitment just shreds commitment every time. That's why Congress spends time on really important shit like DOMA. I've lived with three different women, one of whom I married, and all of whom I love to this day. Marriage didn't work out after 17 years, and one spectacular child, but I can't see doing it again. Nothing against the institution. I enjoy weddings. Jeff, that book title is intriguing. Reminds me of the theology of hope masterpiece Time Invades the Cathedral. Teillhard and Paul Tillich, and maybe everything hasn't turned to shit.
- for that which I’ve not listened to from him. Greatest effort at not ending a sentence with a preposition with. Yoda.
- Andrew Breitbart was more likely the picture of Dorian Gray, Jimmie. If you believe that horseshit, O'Keefe as pimple-faced pimp, was a mirror image, you are delusional enough to belong institutionalized. And the discussion was about meters, not thermostats. And why do people say "posted" like it actually means something? I just posted this so it must be true. And all the Monkees/Davy stuff reminded me of John Sebastian and a truly great band: and Save the autoharp.
- What in the world is a motive to invade a group of salutational people that generally get along and share opinions to invade their environs. Mom's basement was smelling kinda moldy? Andrew Half-Breitbart's rabid soul shuffled off this mortal coil? Favorite pornsite was down? Beaten down by Smiths fans and branded with black lipstick? I say, y'all allow my fulminations, let the boyo rant. Unless it's a bandwidth prob;em, then cut his raisins off.
- Cooze, If its the hivemind, I call closest to Seven of Nine.
- Suzanne: "Well, bless his heart" means what a fracking moron in Tri-Delt-Speak.
- Suzanne: "Well, bless his heart" means what a fracking moron in Tri-Delt-Speak. Jeff MMO: You've caused me to think of Delta Burke. Please, don't do that again.
- I was forced into a double-wedding by a wannabe Mafia dad. It included a "sentimental journey" through a graveyard. What is fracking wrong with people? That guy? I'm probaly more offensive. But I'm not.
- CRNIOIDGIRL, You have the most attractive screen name of all time, and I'd vote myself off this island, although I wouldn't say I've ever resorted to screed. Sea cucumbers, That might be screed. I say, let trolls live, and I don't count myself among them. Who would? I'd say I turned y'all toward politics, to some extent. But people need to be. Some things are more important than others. Scrwing over the USA in the way that the activist judge Scalia meant by appointing W Bush, that is outrageous. And I'm favorable of Irish Setters, and Willard's treatment of Seamus is fracking disgraceful. Strap his bony ass to the roof. Jeff, does Kenyon play football?
- Santorum supporters: What Nancy wants, Nancy gets: Along the same lines as Sassy Sarah Vaughan: whatever she says: I wouldn't ban anybody, because I might be next, amd I don't see how I'm objectionable.
- What y'all say about banishment, but I will change my name back to Prospero. But leave the guy alone. He's looking for a world where he isn't persecuted.
- Whatever, Sherri. I don't ramble, I don't think. It's more along the lines of truth.
- I don't think I'm a troll. I think I occasionally contribute in a positive way. I vote thumbs up.
- Jeff MMO great MASH allusion. edit: Radar.
- Can anybody say for sure ND exists? Once, years ago on the worst (or best) plane trip ever, my puddle-jumper landed in Minot. Didn't stretch my legs, so coulda been fooled. Not sure entirely about SD, but I've been in the Black Hills, seen Rushmore, with an incredibly gorgeous young woman named Shirley, from Rapid, which is what locals call Rapid City. Curious name. Her dad owned the local Howard Johnson Motor Lodge. And we shared the surname--Johnson. Met her in Freeport, G.B. Dorothy, I love Outback and I know how to cook better. Olive Garden could hire me to alter their sauces and get way better, but the food is better than decent. And Brian, Redskins everywhere should be feeling demeaned by that sorry excuse for an NFL football team.
- Dorothy: I think Bill Wyman wrote Yesterday's Papers: Glimmer Twins took credit.
- Joe K: You're kidding, right? Opulent dorms? Where? The dorms built back in the 1800s at Yale that Bill Buckley lived in? How would canning tenure affect college costs? Do you have a clue as to how the college loan business has been a total leech for years protected by GOP politicians the creeps gave money to? That's a fact Jack. Jolene: Glad to hear it. I always suspected there was just some gigantic hole in the world between SD and Canada.
- I've been going to Cracker Barrel for years, hoping to run into Robin Trower: And I've never seen an Olive Garden that looked like this:
- College is elitist. Sanitarium said so. Even though Rick completely misrepresented what the President said. Dumb serfs are better for the power elite. I still can't get over "opulent dorms". How the hell did I miss those. Dorms at state universities are basically public housing like Cabrini-Green. Maybe those students should camp out under an overpass. And what the hell does tenure have to do with the cost of public higher education? Why should those pencil-neck geeks make one hundredth of what movers and shakers get to destroy companies. Who do they think they are? Kenny-boy?
- John Kerry, who served in Viet Nam and Cambodia, slaps Mittens down. It's capitalism, Joe, Has nothing whatever to do with the cost of producing the product. As for loans and the costs borne by graduates, there has long been a useless, invented private bureaucracy that charged people for administering loans that the lenders and recipients could have handled with no problem. The student loan industry has been jacking students for years and perpetuated itself by buying GOPers in government. This is an outrageous scam of long standing.
- Beret is the only word that should ever follow "raspberry" in print:
- Beb, college football makes a gigantic amount of cash and certainly pays for Title IX sports like softball and women's hoops. It also funds research grants: UGA is my school, and I love college football. I'm also very happy that football pays for softball and gymnastics and swimming, and women's hoops.
- Della, I believe Grace makes the meal. And hitching used to be extremely fun. I'd be afraid to these days. It used to cost a buck at the door to see this: Public education is not a winner for a political party that lives by keeping its base dumber than grunt. Did President Obama mention College when he made the comment about advanced education? Nope. Did GOPers immediately convince rubes that that was what he said? Yup.
- Participatory representative democracy when people are fucking stupid is pretty much like paintball with blindfolds.
- Noam Chomsky on libertarianism: Well, he's just another version of Saul Alinsky, right?
- Joe, I had a roomie, Dave Parutti, and we had one gigunda comunal bathroom. More modern dorms are designed after the suite style, and they house more students per the buck, I'll guarantee. Considerably more cost effective. Somewhat more civilized too. Applebee's, Olive Garden, where the folks that used to make airplane food went when the airlines decided on starvation. But would they at least not put the alll-the-way back ahole in front of me and the seatback kicking ninny kid behind with a tape player playing Hakuna Matata over and over. And Moe99. Isn't it remarkable how the VietVets reaped the same GI Bill benefits as the Greatest Generation did? Not amusing how that worked out.
- booze in the ‘burbs first thing in the A.M. What a concept. I prefer the NYC version which is the pint on the sidewalk between 5:30 and 6:00. And if you close the door: Second best girl drummer ever. Georgia Hubley is the standard.
- Joe, college costs, you have no clue. And the idea that college is elitist, Bullshit.
- The idea that WWII vets were somehow better and harder working than VietVets is exceptionally odious. We have an entire presidential campaign where the liar coward got elected Pretzeldent. Ain't that a wonder.
- Student loan debt is largely a function of an ersatz middleman industry that reaped big bucks while offering no value whatsoever. Banks were paid for "administering" loans that administered themselves, and GOPers protected the phony bidness like Rikki Tikki battling Nag and Naghina. Ending this predatory arrangement was one of the first things President Obama accomplished. This is one heavily larded and expensive level of unnecessary bureaucracy that GOPers have a woody for. Pure profit for no value provided. A perfect bidness model. Right up there with payday lending and title pawn. Soul-eating scum. And how 'bout that Mrs. Kucinich (kind of a knockout): About six inches taller than wee Gary, who set water on fire back when he was the kid mayor. Burned a fireboat to the waterline. And she is quite accomplished:
- Slouching toward Bethlehem.
- Today's Nina Hagen's 57th birthday. This performance kinda makes Sid Vicious look like a pretty wimpy poseur. I don't think she augments her voice with tape recordings like Madge does in live performances. I've gotta believe Bowie probably loves this version of Ziggy. German music hall, lieder and socialist lowbrow opera tradition taken to extreme ends. Eat your heart out Kurt Weil and Bertolt Brecht and Lotte Lenya.
- Mark, the racism on the right is very real, palpable even, and very ugly. And if doing the same damn thing over and over and expecting a better result is a valid definition of crazy, all three of those guys fit the bill. An enthusiastic review of John Carter. I was unaware until now that Willem Dafoe is a vaillain in this. (That is encouraging all by itself.) Michael Chabon has a writing credit. (A wizard, a true star, in my estimation: Kavalier and Klay, Yiddish Policemans' Union,Summerland.) So I really want to like this movie, and it has Tim Riggins in it. This guy Ty Burr has been on the Globe for years, and is a died-in-the-wool curmudgeon, so I'm taking this favorable review hopefully. And it's nice to use that adverb correctly. But what was wrong calling the movie Princess of Mars? If they had cast Angelina Jolie, it sure as hell would have been E. R. Burroughs' title. I always pictured Jean "Cowards Cut and Run" Schmidt with green skin and Margaret Hamilton's cackle, the Crazy-Flying-Monkey-Lady with Little Orphan Annie eyes (i.e. huge and empty of affect). In other words, the Michele Bachman prototype, that knew John Murtha wasn't a "real" marine. Best part of election Central last week was seeing her losing her shot at keeping her place in Congress being teabanged by an opponent more hard-core loony than she is. We loved Hanna, and my girl S. is no action movie fan. I think she identified with the Saorise Riordan character. We watched Red State yesterday, Kevin Smith's self-proclaimed "horror movie" take on full goose loony right wing America. Horrifying, indeed. And American papers are doing that cowardly lion move-Doonesbury -to-the-editorial-page. It's always claimed they aim to "protect children", like kids read the comics and skip the rest of the paper. I don't know any kids that actually read the comics anymore, but the male children I know sure as hell read about Kobe's rape case.
- Right ac. All those rightwing watermelon videos, calling Obama the food stamp president (when W was, in fact), those aren't manifestations of racism at all. Or Judge Barking Dog. Or the whackjob claims about Kenya. Nope it's just simple minded to think that might be a racist display of spleen and enmity. And Obviously, I didn't bring up racism. I disputed mark's (@6) ridiculous claim that none of the anti-Obama spew has anything to do with racial animus. It most clearly does. How about this vile bit of shit from Roy Blount (an allegedly rational GOPer) about the President: ... Something they didn't anticipate was monkeys came running out of the jungle, and they grabbed the golf balls ... and they might throw the golf ball back at you. ... So for this golf course, and this golf course and this golf course only, they passed a rule, and the rule was, you have to play the ball where the monkey throws it. How about a link to that famous Breitbart video of the First Lady saying "Whitey"? Nope? Was that just fabricated? I suppose the bogus James O'Keefe ACORN video was not racially motivated. Now, believing that is truly simple-minded, if it's not just plain delusional. How about the astounding claims by "mainstream" GOPers that the ACA includes slavery reparations? No, can't see any reason why anybody would think there's is racism involved. It's got nothing to do with moral high ground, a simple -minded insult, I was raised by parents that understood that racial tolerance and anti-bigotry were causes worth battling for. For simple-minded, it's difficult to match the conflicting drumbeats from the rightwing re Pbama. Is he an incompetent fool or an anti-colonial socialist Kenyan stealth candidate mastermind? Wouldn't those be mutually excluive? Nope. No racism there.
- Somebody explain to me how small government proponent Santorum proposing a law to ban teleprompters isn't outright nuts. And how this isn't dog whistle code for "The President is a darkie too dumb to speak without a teleprompter, and never would have graduated from Harvard Law without affirmative action. Then explain how that isn't a three-year old racist meme from GOP. Wish they'd get it straight. Simian or evil pinko genius?
- When the pro-life party insists on ensuring more unintended pregnancies, that is non compos mentis, and anybody claiming otherwise should check to see if somebody substituted sugar pills for their Ativan.
- Scribe, What's worse is they convince themselves the lies they tell each other are true and repeat them as conventional wisdom.
- According to the Dept. of Labor last Friday: -647,000…the number of jobs lost in state and local governments since August 2008. -22,000…the average number of public sector jobs lost each month in 2011, thanks to ongoing spending cuts at all levels of government which in turn continue to drive layoffs at the state and local level. -14,000…the number of construction industry jobs lost last month, something which could have been avoided and turned into a net positive for the economy if Republicans had not blocked the infrastructure investments in the American Jobs Act. -6,000…the number of public sector jobs lost last month, thanks to ongoing spending cuts at all levels of government which in turn continue to drive layoffs at the state and local level. 3…the number of consecutive months with more than 200,000 jobs gained. 24…the number of consecutive months of private sector job growth. 31,000…the number of manufacturing jobs created last month. 61,000…the additional jobs created during the months of December and January, according to revised figures released today. 61,000…the number of new health care jobs created last month. 227,000…the number of net new jobs created in February. 233,000…the number of private sector jobs created in February. 245,000…the average number of new jobs created over the past three months. 444,000…the number of jobs in durable goods manufacturing added since January 2010. Those jobs lost, that is 100% a result of idiotic GOPer austerity in local and state government and refusing to support infrastructure in the Jobs Bill. What up, Boehner? Jobs, jobs, jobs. Now I might admit that behavior's not crazy if rightwingers will admit it borders on treasonous, is extremely irresponsible, and has no purpose but the one McConnell expressed after the last Presidential election.
- Fans of Al Gore's jocko college roomie, Tommy Lee should make sure to see The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada. His pperformance in this movie (he also directed) is as good as he was No Country for Old Men. Great movie with a subtle but strong political viewpoint. I thought Valley of Elah was excellent too, and understated. I suppose it isn't crazy along the lines of narcissistic sociopathy for American politicians todeliberately interfere with and hinder the country's economic recovery, solely for partisan political gain. Jakash: The Catholic Church bases it's anti-abortion doctrine on "natural law", which is interesting because prior to the 60s, there were two great voices of the philosophy of natural law among Catholic theologians: Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas. The two made somewhat better pro-choice spokesmen than pro-life: Aquinas' stated view on "ensoulment" runs directly counter to current religious anti-abortion stances.
- If I hear another person bring up tax money paying for contraception, I'm going to blow something up. What I said about telling each other lies and repeating them until they are convinced they are true. First Limbo spouted this nonsense and all of his defenders have repeated it ad nauseam. It has no more connection with reality than it did a week ago, no matter how many echoed iterations have cemented it in conservative hindbrains. It's pure bullshit, and so is the corollary about expecting Catholic GU to pay for contraceptives. Sandra Fluke is required to pay for health coverage by her school, GULaw. GU reserves the right to impose its moral objections to contraception on the students it requires to purchase coverage. No government funds. No GU funds. Is that clear? Godawmighty, the ignorance, willful or otherwise, involved in this extreme denial is catclysmic. How do these people remember how to breathe. Hellfire heat seeker for the next idiot that parrots this horseshit. To paraphrase Ian Anderson: That kind of ignorance doesn't grow on trees. (He was originally talking about racism.) Actually, it would be alright with me if people that continue with this idiocy have their voter registration shredded. There should be such a thing as "too fracking stupid to vote".
- Della, Gentlemen of the Road would make a fine movie. Apparently there are no limits to Michael Chabon's imagination. Who was it that his wife was in an internet imbroglio a while back. Was not personally that keen on Wonderboys, but Kavalier and Klay and Yiddish Policeman's Union are insanely great. Jeff, I used to work proofreading for a publisher. Did a text on mosaic law once that cracked my ass up. If my ox gores your ox, I owe you one ox. If my ox gores the Rabbi's ox, I owe him ten oxen. Holy crap. 4dbirds, How about the idiots that ride murdercycles without helmets? Know what they call 'em in the ER? Organ donors. Do all the wannabe libertarians begrudge Ayn Rand the public assistance she took while smoking herself into a grave? And everybody knows that the sole permissible reason for ever having sex is procreation. Just ask Newt about front seat lip service. Have to say, I don't know any priests that actually work in parish communities and believe that for a moment.
- Jakash, J2P2 and previous Popes went straight to Augustine and Aquinas because they were aware there was no biblical leg to stand on. Jeff where and what did Paul say that was relevant. He's widely considered the Church's first great misogynist, but of course, I prefer to think of him as the author of his first mash note to the Corinthians regarding the preeminence of the love of God for His creation and the similar love of humans for one another. Oneof the Bible's: most perfect statements of how humans should behave:
- Just shows you how much Rehnquist new about anything except for racist and anti-semitic covenants in his mortgages. Never got laid. Must have been afraid of getting preggers.
- Willard bowdlerizes newspaper editorial board endorsements of Willard: Gutdom, that would embarrass the shit out of a normal human being. Not R-money, though. He's incapable of shame or embarrassment, even when he criminally maltreats a dog. Until the 17th Century when Antoni van Leeuwenhoek invented the light microscope, people believed that human bodies were formed in the womb from menstrual blood under the influence of the formative agent, semen. How? Magic, I guess. Anyway, that was the belief that led to Augustine and Aquinas deciding that foetuses were not ensouled until there were actual organs that could generate conscious thought, meaning way late in the process of gestation. Aquinas specifically said that early abortions were not murder because foetuses had not yet been imbued with souls:
- Hey, it's James Taylor's birthday. Fire and Rain, with Sheryl Crowe: Parbly James' other best song (and the Yankees suck, indeed):
- James Taylor sings The Boxer, with Alison Krause: And my favorite JT song, Mexico: And anybody that has never seen Two-lane Blacktop with James, Dennis Wilson and Warren Oates should make sure to see it. It's strange, and better with pot, but If you liked the real Vanishing Point, or Zabriskie Point, 70s iconic, all good. Not Easy Rider, but what is? Cheryl Crow is a talented instrumentalist, she has written lots of excellent songs, and she's a decent singer. I figure she's what stands between modern pop music and dogturd drivel like GaGa and Kreayshawn. I mean, she's not Lady Antebellum, but there are not a lot of more talented singers that end up of the radio than Sheryl Crow. Now let's her something derogatory about Alison Krause. And, I did type that She was on that video, because I realize some people don't appreciate her. Sheryl Crow also actually plays music that can be described accurately as rock 'n' roll, which there seems to be too little of these day.
- Every other civilized country in the world does pay gym memberships, through single-payer government (socialist?!?!)health care. And they all manage to provide comprehensive health coverage for every citizen, for less than half what USA costs amount to. Including things like maternity and paternity leave. Oh, and Canada, GB, France, Germany, and all the Scandinavian countries all have longer avg. lifespans for both men and women, and lower infant mortality rates. Let's hear it for American exceptionalism. But I wouldn't compare running shoes to contraceptives around here without wearing a jockstrap with stainless steel cup inserted.
- Then there’s another layer to the pro-life movement, which cuts across the non-contracepting and the “hey, use it until you know you’re ready for a kid” pro-lifers, and that’s the concern that casual use of abortion as birth control leads to a devaluation of children’s lives when they are born, and a general coarsening of attitutdes towards life and the most vulnerable on all fronts. \ I'm in agreement on abortion as birth control, but I'd like somebody to prove to me it happens as often as Voter Fraud, and that one is sure as hell spittle-flecked. Also if you consider GOPer positions on insurance, WIC, SCHIP, food stamps and things like prenatal care, devaluing children beyond GOP levels is an Elvis Costello song: Less Than Zero. And when religion enters the picture, we're talking more about obedience to God's direction to go forth and multiply than anything else. Was God pissed at Onan for spilling his seed or for not producing his brother's heir in defiance of God's wil?. That sort of religious argument has absolutely no place within squirting distance of the Constitution or American law. And when Catholics cite Augustine to me, I say he just felt guilty for wasting his seed in all his years of debauchery. His wastrel past motivated Augustine as much as Luther was driven by his chronic intractable constipation. Sometimes being a smartass precludes unpleasant and unproductive argument. Eventually, Roe v. Wade will be obviated by morning after contraception and chemical alternatives like RU-486.
- Nice one, Bruce. If no insurance plans paid for contraceptive prescriptions, everybody fortunate enough to be covered would pay a fracking bigger insurance premium to cover deliveries. Of course, too, there's the entire rest of the world, like developing Africa, where you run into the Eddy Grant consideration: Who is to blame in one country? Never can get to the one Dealin' in multiplication And they still can't feed everyone And the total insanity (sorry for implying any modern American political speech is less than sane and balanced) of opposing contraceptiod AND public education about human reproduction, while claiming to be so concerned with the fate of the unborn, and then being willing to wash their welfare down the drain post-partum because you aim to keep them disadvantaged and you know they will grow up to vote Democratic slate. Try to keep them from voting in their own interest if they grow up. GOP policies display abject disregard for human welfare aside from the preborn, and then claim to be purveyors of Christian values. My personal Jesus is not conversant with your Lord and Personal Savior. As far as what the bible says about any of this, it's always astonished me that people believe the King James is the unfiltered Word of God. Well, it was filtered through many interpreters of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, many of whom had little education in those languages. God says thee and thou? Judging by the beauty of the diction and the symbolism, I always thought it likely Shakespeare was involved, and I think it's humorous to believe his backstabbing buddy, the infamous catamite Kit Marlowe also had a hand in. Oh. and Edmund Spenser who wrote the post-Elizabethan version of Harry Potter, The Faerie Queen. And inspired Robert Urich and Avery Brooks (Hawk, baddest ass TV character of all time). What the bible says about preventing procreation while having sex is this: God told you to procreate. Resistance is futile. So God made sure that, for disobeying, Onan's name was permanently attached to the act of wanking.
- DellaDash: Have you heard Laura Marling? Gorgeous voice, fingerpicking like Ian Anderson on Thick as a Brick, and brilliant lyrics. I bought her album, but who's ever going to hear this spectacular song. And she can cut loose, too. Joe, the cash was spent before Obama was inaugurated, and the Vet Ad spending on the idiotic invasion of choice is going to cost a fortune. The only rational way out of the economic hole is to put people to work, make badly needed infrastructure repairs and improvements, restore the tax base,and collect a fair share from rich folks that benefit from public education, infrastructure and a decent standard of living. The only current rich people other than Gates, not even Buffet, were born on third like the Koch Konspiracy that have committed capital crimes dealing with Iran. Luke 12:48. Pay your way you bastards. Living in the USA is buying into a social contract. People like the Kochs are welshers, contributing little (and no bullshit about the arts and museums, please, they offshore their income to avoid paying fair share taxes, and give money to museums for write-offs). People like this are vampires on American society. Shit, there's a robot running for President that parks his cash offshore to hide from the IRS. But, hell, let's pass a legal ban on using teleprompters instead of dealing with semi-legal tax avoidance. It's the GOPer way.
- Well Della, She also shreds on some loudly amplified rockers. I bought the album called A Creature I Don't Know, and it's great. She is very good playing with a band too: The committed cost of the Iraq invasion is well over $3trill, Joe. And those numbers are based on entirely unrealistic, fabricated alleged costs of ACA, which no reputable auditing agency believes aren't trumped up. That "study" is attributing Iraq invasion costs to Obama's administration because W put it on Dad's Platinum Card, and is charging Obama for Billy Tauzin's outrageous Medicare drug company giveaway, which is all_W, all the time. Jakash: That entry in the Catechism is as recent as J2P2 weighing in on the subject. Had John XXIII lived ten years longer, it would be different, judging by his opinions from the Ecumenical Council and the message delivered to parishes through Christian Family Movement. But I don't see why anybody but actual Catholics give a shit about that. To fundies, I'm a member of a demonic cult they suddenly decided to defend and side with, because the President, well, the President is a:
- Actually, nobody would ever know this from listening to GOP megaphones, but the W misAdministration put every dime spent on Iraq and Afghanistan on credit and never acknowledged any expenses officially. When Obama acted like an adult instead of a cocaine-addled fratboy, and include those monstrous expenses on the national balance sheet, the deficit exploded. Blaming costs of those invasions and occupations of choice on the current President is intellectual and budgetary dishonesty of Book of Revelation proportions.
- Jeff, being pro-life and anti-contraception (combined with abstinence only and banning sex education) is a cognitive disconnect that is little short of monumental, and it's typically anti-science. Same people do not believe God was smart enough to create Creation by the big bang and evolution. Kind of shocking, for an all-powerful, all-knowing Creator. Almost no Americans favor unlimited access to abortion. None of you actually have a real understanding of what I think about this issue (if anybody cares). I care a great deal about this and have tried to educate myself about both the theology and the science involved. I think it's fairly undeniable that GOP/fundies have displayed a remarkable dedication to the unborn and obscene disregard for the actually born. If I look at this from the vantage point of my faith, I've got to come to the conclusion that the anti-contraception, anti-WIC, anti-SCHIP, anti-sex-education people are a bunch of whited sepulchres. The hypocrisy is as odious as it is astoundingly ignorant.
- Lalo Alcaraz is a cartoonist I enjoy, and an incisive political commentator. If anybody has a beef with the content of that cartoon, it should be the ridiculous white residents of Brentwood for going all in with battle recreations in on an alleged holiday created to boost sales of the most warm pisspoor beer anybody ever stuck a lime in and foisted on the American public, and think of the "help" the rest of the year as "beaners" and "illegals". That ain't cerveza real, amigo it's the rented and recycled kind. And guess what, Cinco de Mayo falls fortuitously on May 5 this year (somehow that works out every year, unless Sunday Blue Laws interfere with Happy Hour). The cartoon makes a mockery, alright, but it's rich gringos getting skewered, not Mexicans. And if my pidgin Spanish is offensive to anybody, forgive me, I didn't mean it. And Ray and Charles Eames are most famous for molded plastic chairs the will have a landfill half-life longer than plutonium, Heftybags and Huggies put together. The happy home they designed for themselves in LA is an amazing architectural design achievement, though. The living room might be the coolest room I've ever seen. Outdoors, indoors. And I'd bet Elvis would rather have died in the saddle than on the throne, although from accounts of two-way mirrors in the Jungle Room, Elvis in later years preferred to watch. Didn't a Soprano's character croak on the commode?
- Back in JSchool days, the Oregonian was one of the papers I really enjoyed in our Reading Room, along with SacBee, the Courant, the State and the San Jose Mercury. Eames molded plastic chairs: Soul of the 50s, redolent of boomerang pattern Formica dinettes and tail fins. From Nancy's charter school piece: "Where we did find a set of outcomes where there were significant impacts (was in) student satisfaction, and that of their parents. It is kind of interesting that in a number of studies, parents are happier than students." This sounds like marketing-speak to me, and charters strike me as the nose of a consumerism, corporatist privitization camel in the education tent. So does this: A static system that only allows for a single provider doesn’t work anymore. Public funding of education is for students. With Proposal A, we’ve decided to let parents allocate that money. We’re not taking (students out of traditional public schools), parents are. They have a choice. When education is a business, won't the Prime Directive of schools be producing optimal consumers? Having witnessesd the "Christian" School phenomenon in the South in response to school integration, I see a danger of injection of similar destructive insularity into American society, something that cannot be a good thing for the country. To a certain extent, I've always considered charter schools to be an end run to vouchers, which never gained traction because they were most frequently a transparent subsidy to the upper middle. Most telling observation: What complicates it, Miron said, is that you shouldn’t base state educational policy, particularly one with such profound implications for the future of publicly funded education, on the outliers. And a few exceptions, heartening though they may be, don’t justify what he describes in a metaphor incorporating highways. If you have potholes on Interstate 94, you don’t deal with them by paving a parallel highway a few miles to the north, taking money from the existing one to build the new one. Then you have two bad highways. While individualcharters may excel, I see no way on God's blue Earth that expanding charters can have a salubrious effect on public education. I don't see anything good coming from essentially privatizing traditional government functions and commodifying things like education, the penal system, utilities etc., statistical outliers notwithstanding. Informative piece, Nancy. Fine exposition of the questions and potential pitfalls in the charter approach. When I think of charter schools, my thoughts always return to the course offerings of Michele Bachmann's wish list for taxpayer funded Stillwater charter curriculum: “The Bible’s Truth versus the Lies of Science" “Geology: Our Six Thousand Year Old Earth” “Why Do the Jews Continue To Reject Him?” "12 Christian principles" "The Biology of Fetus Murdering" "Beginning, intermediate, and advanced Creationism" from:
- Deborah: I know the chairs are collectible. Saw them on Roadshow, but everything winds up in a landfill that isn't consumed in the foodchain: The molded plywood furniture was far better, and much more interesting design:
- If they're making fiberglass chairs now, they are reproductions of form, function and design. Fiberglass is a proprietary name for a patented material. The generic term used in specifications and other documents is glass reinforced plastic (GRFP). Fiberglass is plastic. I know this from writing specifications for publicly bid construction projects for which proprietary names like Fiberglas were not allowed: LifeLock? Well, the CEO was a victim of identity theft, after publishing his SSN and daring identity thieves to try something. The company also sponsors Paul Harvey. Deborah: My brother the corporate lawyer has this desk chair and this lounge chair in his office: And they are incredibly comfortable (and beautiful works of design art, I think). The stacking chairs have never struck me as uncomfortable. The plastic buckets have. De gustibus... and every butt to its own.
- Louis Kahn just looked like Andy Warhol would have had he made it to about 90. I always wanted to buy Philippe Starck's Apriio Moto 6.5 motorcycle: Coolest looking bike I've ever seen, but I've heard they are flimsily built and low performance. The newest incarnation of the ghost chairs is polycarbonate, I think (Lexan, some seriously indestructible stuff, but terribly prone to surface scratching and crazing), the manufacture of which requires phosgene, a seriously dangerous substance, known in chemical weapons circles as CG since it was used in trench warfare in WWI. Lexan is the glass substitute used to make subway teller booths bulletproof. I've hit sheets of Lexan on sawhorses with a 20 lb. sledge hammer without damaging them. Starck does contract design work for Target, so I'm surprised theer isn't some sort of Target knockoff of the ghost chairs. Right Joe, based solely on gasoline prices.Which jump every year at this time in anticipation of summer demand, and always drop in mid-August So maybe the bad citizen hedge fund managers and Kochs that don't want any regulation or taxation for themselves meddling with oil futures are getting somewhere. But Congress is near single digits, and these job approval polls doan mean dick about Presidential voting. Enjoy it while you can, before the DNC ads with video of the W misAdministration officials explaining how the Pres doesn't have anything to do with gas prices hit the airwaves.
- Why voting for President based on oil prices is so delusional, it should be grounds for disenfranchisement. It's sure not about jobs, where GOPers have vaporized public sector jobs right and left through cuts to funds transfers to states and localities and intransigently blocked infrastructure spending in a jobs bill in the house:
- That CBS poll is also not reflective of the following: It's not home foreclosures, where greedy GOPer goobernors and GOP legislatures have purloined settlement money arranged by the Obama administration and meant for troubled homeowner victims of renegade banks. It can't be because American's want laissez faire, unregulated ShangriLa for criminal bankers. The zigzag chairs are beautiful but look excruciating for dining. The red and blue chair is cool, but the design resemblance to old-fashioed Adirondack chairs is fairly unmistakable. We have 'em on our deck and they are quite comfy, with or without cushions.
- It can't be about jobs, unless people are even stupider than I thought. GOPers have made a mockery of Boehner's pathetic "job, jobs, jobs" statement. The GOPer House of Representatives have slashed federal funds to the states (and de facto, to localities, moronically, deliberately, and with no purpose but to retard the economic recovery in the interest of fracking with the Kenyaan candidate Muslim President. And it's not patriotism, because if that were a factor, the GOPers who behave this way would be tarred, feathered and rode out on a rail immediately.
- And it's not the sterling performance and character of prominent GOPers. And its not like GOPer austerity is providing any help with the economic recovery, no matter what Goobernor Scott Walker may have claimed. By sheer numbers of dollars, thebiggest crook ever elected anything in the USA. FLA electing this asshat is like electing Bernie Madoff.
- Excellent description LAMary. Brilliant. Were I rich, I'd get one with pneumatic tires for the beach.
- Rash is looking crispier all the time, but what's going to bite this shitheel in the butt? This fracker's obnoxiousness reaches psychedelic proportions. And it was actually a pilonidal cyst coozledad. A truly gross medical condition involving ingrown anal hairs. If lanced and drained, it's difficult to understand how it gets a 4F. And I went to find the Buggles on Youtube and ended up at Safety Dance and Walk Like an Egyptian.
- JwfromNJ: I'll take drosophila in the Karzai "after the occupation" pool. And how did Karzai get to be W's go to guy in Afghani-ghani-stan-stan? This guy and his family almost make Chalabi look like a straight shooter. That's almost. So Harvey Weinstein claims the President of the United States sent him a book and suggested it would make a good movie. The frothing snouts and howling from the rightwing is as full-moon-worthy, full goose loony, and predictable as a normal human being would expect. Of course, this is likely typical Weinstein self-aggrandizement, but to the Obamaphobes, it's more evidence of incompetence and character flaws. I don't ever want, nor would I trust, a President that doesn't make some time for pleasure-reading, and we have recent empirical evidence to support my position. Look what eight years of W produced. Remember his vapid to the point of insipid claims about his reading contests with Kommissar Karl? Nutjobs on the right are bringing that up in embarrassingly gullible fashion to denigrate Obama. (Some clever comments, but the 3rd one is gold>) Remember when Bush claimed to have read and understood Alexis de Tocqueville (his justification and explanation of so-called faith-based initiatives), and said that Albert Camus was a favorite? And his idolators believed that shit? Lapped it up, in fact. Only way this could have been less believable was claiming he read them en Francais. He referred to Tocqueville as "de Tocqueville", which is an elitist academic faux pas equivalent to referring to Teillhard as "de Chardin", but whatever, who believed that President All-Hat ever read either of those Fronch writers? From Nancy's charter school piece: Rereading, I was struck by the note on the disparity between Guv studies and private (self-)studies of charter school efficacy. I think I trust the DOE more than I trust the profiteers to assess the profiteers.
- Cooz: You can't fix stupid. SC gives us Nikki Haley's new right-hand man. At least he doesn't have the blow-dry cut to cause any new Haley Appalachian Trail rumors. Not her type. And those reenactor muttonchops are a deal-breaker. Here in SC, Haley supporters insist that anybody that finds her a useless to incompetent Teabanger is an anti-Indian racist. Yep the race card from people that carry Obama/witch doctor signs at their public gatherings. Watching primary coverage on MSNBC, I was delighted by a stat Chuck Todd produced. Seems that even in Missibama, R-money beat Sanitarium and the Amphibian among voters with incomes higher than $100grand. Now that's voting your pocketbook, and a nod to Newtria having more fiscal common sense on tax policy than either of his fellow Klowns. It also struck me that between the two National inbred birth states, fewer than 700thou primary votes were cast. The combined population is 8,8mill, and well over half those rednecks are GOPers, so it seems to me that Ennui is leading the GOP primaries.
- Alex: That's a battle of wits with one combatant unarmed. Are Congressional GOPers still keen on representing the I doubt it. Back to being a demonic sect and the Whore of Babylon, boys, you served our dishonest purpose. Even when GOPers try to act like responsible citizen representatives, they are screwed by the insane base of the GOP:
- Donald Trump's sons may be bigger assholes than dad. SXSW playlist. And miracle dicta, NPR actually identifies the tracks. And there is a Garland Jeffreys song on it. That is an authentic blast from the past. I just read a FB post by a friend in which he refers to Willard as Romney Dangerfield. I just started liking R-money, but Romney Dangerfield is pretty funny, I think.
- House GOPers are investigating alleged "rampant fraud" in federal food stamp program, while calling Obama the food stamp president. Actual impact of food stamps in economic recession? Responsibility for the commonweal and their alleged "Christianity" has no place in GOPer thinking. Are people counterfeiting food stamps or jumping through bureaucratic hoops to convince a government employee of their poverty to get freebie food they don't deserve. One sound as unlikely and absurd as the other. Kathlleen Parker, my fellow South Carolingian, on the redneck in the street exit poll interviews.
- Jeff, take a Xanax. Women vote in higher numbers than men. Santorum starts out with a bad beat guaranteed in his home state, all of New England, New York and California all mission impossible. No prayer in Ohio. No ethnic vote. No political outcome should be taken for granted, but it seems to me, too, that Gingrich GOPers would vote in large numbers for Obama over Santorum, except for the hardcore bigots. My kinda bookstore. Scumbag Dick Armey gangbags generally worse than useless Orrin Hatch for attempting to behave responsibly.
- For those that enjoyed Hanna, a strange fashion spread. Veddy Brit.
- Linda, agreed on Sanitarium's demeanor and affect. Does not accentuate the positive. He always looks, without fail, like he's just been made to swallow castor oil and somebody in the room cut a really awful broccoli fart. If he was a TV character, he personifies Frank Burns, and his ferret face is always saying what he's thinking: Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, think I’ll go eat worms… Hang-dog or dog in the manger, Frothy's got it covered. Sourpuss. His mom warned him it would freeze that way and little Ricky wouldn't listen. And he's surly without fail. If he somehow got elected, I'm gone to Cabo Someplace for cheap mezcal, free medical care and freedom from religious nutjobs trying to initiate armageddon by restoring the entire world population of Jews to the Holy Land so 900 ft. Jesus will erect the third temple and the fundygelicals can all get Rapcha'ed, and good riddance. They hate our freedom.
- Mile in the untreated pool and 15 miles on my bike. I guess the Joe Kobiala rules let me write off wear and tear on my kevlar tires and my bike. Right, no offense Joe but when the weather dictates and it's gorgeous outside. We figure with one of us 60 and the catcher 50, we don't really need to worry about pregnancy. Were we to conceive, it would be fairly astounding, Did God invent sex slitorises and penises to just be ignored at some point. I mean, are we supposed to stop enjoying sex gbecause a baby is unlikely? We find it makes us closer and we like the idea of making each other happy. Same thing with cooking, Is any of this anybody's business but our own? We'd probably go ahead, even though S's schizophrenia is not really promising for her daughter. But life's a crapshoot, right. You could be born a frothy substance. And we'd be exemplary parents until the government had to take ovr when we turned into gibberibg fools. GOPers have made it painfullly obvious that pre-born children are more important than actual kids. What is wwrong with the Baron Frankenstein prty? This is no stretch. Tey vote against WIC and SCHIP while whining about the unborn. Isn't this a fact? Are they fracking kidding? This pisses me off beyond belief.
- Alex, And so fracking is God's will to boost the USA? Right What is wrong with the human race? Alex, Ole Miss, Nice town. Faulkner? Like that guy could wade through personal turgidity to write to save his life? As I Lay Dying? Anybody should be exposed to that horrific shit? Faulkner was drunker than I am. And I don't have delusions of being Thomas Wolfe, that faulkner wishes he were.
- Who does anybody think was a great Southren writer? I'd say this is a trick question. It's Walker Percy. And I know Nancy is a gifted writer, That's why I read her. I live for moments when I can impress her, Like comparing Nancy Grace to medusa and snakes for hair. I assume she puts up with me for things like like that occasionally. A great Southren writer was Carson McCullers. A semi-great southren writer was the ne that wrote the novel where Scout was saved from bigots by Boo Radley. Excuse me Cooz, but for every gothic southren, there is a heroic southren. I've lived in the south to know them all. Cooz, if you're really the son of the south embarrassed as you claim, how about what anybody with a brain thinks? And football is perfectly sensible. And obviously sensible. N'esct pas? Whatever. All anybody really needs to know is Herschel planted his cleats on Bill Bates: Those marks are still there. There he trashed that jackass. Ran over his ass and walked on him.
- No shit. When Nancy says she plans to use something in the future? That is something to continue on. She's a good writer. I'm a decent writer. There are a a buncha good writers that spout here regularly. It's why I engage regularly. Smart people that express themselves well.
- Deborah, You are a poster child for why Americans are producing more for less money. I know you do that because you are a perfectionist and want things right. That's the way designers are. Spec writers always have to tell Architects what is more likely and less than what they might like, and we get paid more so we're snotty and call designers decorators and Mechanical engineers plumbers and electricians, and landscape architects landscrapers, but that's unfair. Lions fans, Matt to Calvin is serious bidness for years. Now shore up that line. Cordy Glenn and Leonard Pope. Harold Carmichael but huge. Staff on that guy's back shoulder is automatic TD. In my opinion, Faulkner sucked to the point of being unreadable. James Lee Burke is a better writer. As I Lay Dying is horrible enough to cause people not to read at all. The ladies, Carson McCullers, who was mighty good, and Eudora Welty, who was great as her name. Flannery O'Connor, the doyenne and I believe, Rod Serling's muse. Man that woman was spooky. But for me, the Southren writer is Walker Percy. If you haven't read him, do so, immediately. As Adrian Monk says, you'll thank me later. Wrote at least three of the Great American Novel. The Second Coming got Sanitarium perfectly, years ago.
- Please post a link to the cherry bottoms. And as for your plaintive request from yesterday, you come up most days with something I wish I'd said, and I steal it. As I've said, I live for those moments when you say the same of something I said. I know I've posted this before, but the Athens Banner Herald "First Non-Catholic Pope" head was surely the greatest. They actually published it, and put it in payboxes. Obviously, they meant J2P2, who was Polish and they meant "not Italian". But syrianly, that error is hilarious, and southren, and the ABH is a good paper and still shit its drawers on this one. And Brit food does, indeed, suck. And Nancy, does your discussion of ethnic holidays include Paddy's Day. We are Irish and we party in Savannah, the southren legitimately oirish town, with bangers and mash and corned beef and Power Gold Label whiskey and mucho Guinness. We are Irish, and I figure expats if these election doomsayers are close and it could be President Sanitarium. But I figure Mejico, no airfare.
- Jeff, that is lovely. And beb, who ever was delusional enough to think bidnesses could be trusted to operate responsibly without regulation?
- Julie: Call Roto-Rooter.
- In coastal SC, we did not have winter. This week? High 70s no wind and sunny through Sunday. And th ocean is 65degrees, which might sound cold, but I'm used to Maine beaches where 56 is tops. Already went shrimping this am.
- Pre-prescription ergs proposed by Ohio State Senator. I'd propose a proctological exam with four fingers and a thumb. Arizona puts SC in the dust forunadulterated insanity. What is in that Gatorade?
- alex: Really? Is that hatred of a black planet or sheer ignorance. I will explode upon the next instance of idiots talking about taxpayer-paid contraception. This is like a buncha nitwits being told repeatedly, "It's a bomb, don't touch it or it will blow." And one of the nitwits insists on touching the bomb. How fracking stupid are these people? When did HHS do that? And we went to see John Carter, and it is a hoot for the HS boyo inya. My take is, Whassa matter with comic books. I'd bet Michael Chabon likes it. On TV: SyFy does great show, like Eureka, which is incredibly imaginitive and well acted. And Warehouse 13, ditto. And whatever happened to Kyle XY and the inimitable Middleman? People are too fracking dumb for good TV, apparently. Rubicon was too slow? Damian Lewis' Life wasn't interesting. I start watching every new show I find promising with the sure feeling it will get cancelled. Maybe Walking Dead has been rejuvenated with the zombie-death of the psycho that had to go Shane. But could they stop telegraphing everything?
- Della, that is a monster amount of reading. I finished 2666 just a while ago and I'm considering Infinite Jest. I am a Harry Potter devotee. I think the writing is outstanding, but haven't read Hunger Games, which I will before seeing movies.. The cast is way promising so I'll probably buy in. Haven't read the Millenium sequels, but I was enthralled with Dragon Tattoo and both movie versions. My favorite writer is parbly William Gibson, or maybe Russell Hoban, or Tom McGuane or T. Pynchon, or Walker Percy. What would be wrong with comicbook movies? Beyond me.
- Jerry, Mickey D's is fuel not food. And I'll admit, in my 24-hr. stay at the Cadogan Hotel (where Oscar Wilde was arrested) in Summer, 1970 on Swissair's dime, I had very good wine and mediocre room service food. And what's with those little standup crustless toast thingies in the dining room? I'm a Yank, so I had roast and it was overdone to the point of inedibility. Bird and Scout, squatters. Or bacon strips. As on tidy whitey magic underpants.
- Doesn't Hunger Games owe a huge debt to Stephen King and that woman that wrote The Lottery? I mean it sure sounds like the premise of Running Man (Ahnuld's best movie, and Richard Dawson's and the person that cast him's, greatest hit), and the Judas Goat theme was done once to perfection. Oh, Shirley Jackson. Deborah, I wasn't thrilled with Broom of the System, but in the long run I liked it. I'll read Infinite Jest, but I'll be annoyed at every authorial interjectio. We know you're there dumbass, and you intend the big goodbye. For me, Pynhcon's style races by in a breathtaking fashion, and I don't mind the esoterica, and I love the verbosity. Maybe because I read John Gardner first. Sunlight Dialogues may be the greatest novel ever written. And it's dense and abstruse, and full of allusions to The Book of the Dead. I love books like that. And I love laconic, pluperfect writing like Tom McGuane on simple human nature like "tops in mindless", and mindlessly murderous bastards one excapes by pure luck, and absent blappeople in Florida. And whoever it was here that mentioned Mary Doria Russel, I think, maybe Moe, The Sparrow is mind-bending and -expanding, like The Devil Is Dead, by RA Lafferty. Nothing could ruin my love of bacon. Nor paper and ink. I own one first edition: The American Language, and it cost a fortune and has the great man's signature. And why has nobody ever made a movie of Mencken? And Beb, right, but Michael Chabon knows the power of comics, too.
- Here you go Brian The Boss does Beach Boys (sorta, there is still that minor chord synth wash).
- Amazing performance of If I Should Fall Behind: Brilliant Clarence. Heartbreaking. And our song for the week: My brother bought a house with a greenhouse. We gonna grow some cannabis sativa for our own use only, and because it's an extremely attractive ornamental.
- And I'd like to see the First Lady in a two piece. Rash Limbo thinks anybody but a 13 year old third world female child is fat. Anybody but his disgusting fat ass. And a song for the pre-birthers, Kill'em after they leave the uterus, or starve 'em, or beat them down: The GOP way, no Bishops required (since they are not on this cruise).
- GOPers attacking sane and responsible Republicans. Of which there aren't many. A dying breed.
- JW it's been years without. Patience is our middle name. Nils and the trampoline rule. But Cry Tough is the best.
- That's Dr. Biden to you brian stouder. Basset, on the contrary on William Gibson. He's reinvented in his last three novels, and has a keen eye for how fracked the world is these days. Pattern Recognition, Spook Country, and Zero History. Pretty amazing, I think. I also think it's fascinating that there is a "real life" Idoru these days: The Canadian from South Carolina invented that idea. He also pretty much invented reality TV before there was any (and I wish he'd kept that to himself, though that was more likely prescience and noir ability to see the worst in people than any progeniture. And Count Zero is old-fashioned SF but with cyberspace, which W. Gibson invented, too. For math in fiction, Flatland is a brief great read about geometry, the only math I understand or see a point in, unless you count music as math, in which case, I'm all for Gold Bug Variations by Richard Powers. An amazing book, that's also instructive in genetics. And that's the cleverest title pun ever, I'm pretty sure.
- Cosplay parties, Connie?
- I eat 'em up Crazycatlady. And from our Paddy's Party invite: There was half a million people there Of all denominations The Catholic, the Protestant, the Jew, the Presbyterian Yet there was no animosity No matter what persuasion But failte hospitality Inducing fresh acquaintance Theme song: And yes I'm Irish. And NYC can keep their parade. Savannah does it better.
- I had a lot to say couple of days ago on Nancy's piece on charters. I believe charters are the camel's nose in the tent for people that were hot for vouchers, which was never anything but cash back for fairly wealthy people. And it's privitization under another flag, and that never turns out well. When HW was President, prisons began to be privatized. Early contractor? Famous criminal Chuck Colson. This is GOPer politics. Who votes for these crooks? And those prisons are rank failures these days. What a friend we have in Jesus. I just saw a TV as for BudLite Platinum. Holy shit. Make rented urine taste better by naming it a different color, or metal. And rednecks will buy this dreck?
- Call me an idiot, but I'm a fan of pretty much anything Bobcat Goldthwait does. He reminds me of K. Boom the extremely nervous weapons and explosives expert Don Knotts did around a hundred years ago on Steve Allen's man on the street interviews. Frank Zappa on Steve Allen show: We had some hellacious thunderstorms last night. Have been through several tornado cleanups, and nail through foot is the most common injury. Done it myself. Days after night Tstorms are always perfect here. 82, no wind, no clouds. Time to start the tan. I think the Ramones were pretty committed to goin' commando, and boxer briefs sound really unlikely. And Sanitarium seems more like Savonarola than Barbarossa to me. And didn't Michael Douglas make that movie years ago, with Robert Duvall, Barbara Hershey and Tuesday Weld? And what do we say about Wars on Concepts? We join Nancy Reagan in merrily shouting "Just say YO."
- Scribe: All of 'em registered fraudulently by ACORN, which, judging by internets presence, rightwingers believe is still in the Vote Fraud game. GOPers are whinging pussies and crybabies, and Democrats are Mackavelli: Alex I've survived a Rocky attack in a small attic space. Those masked mothers are fearsome. Dennis Hopper was a gifted painter and an avid art collector. His home in SoCal was basically a warehouse space he used to display his collection of paintings: Our Kumquat tree is dropping ripe fruit. And the Carpenter bees are buzzing. These things don't usually happen until Easter. My favorite Dennis Hopper movie performance aside from Easy Rider, was the nutcase baddie in Waterworld, a movie I'm a sucker for. I also thought Flashback, with Kiefer Sutherland was hilarious.
- Netflix streaming for free for Paddy's Day: The Eclipse (pretty damn scary) The Wind That Shakes the Barley (Frack the Brits and the Black and Tans) Hunger (about Bobby Sands) The Secret of Kells (gorgeous animation) The Snapper (good movie version of a very funny Roddy Doyle novel) Into the West (wonderful Gabriel Byrne performance, reminiscent of the magic of Helprin's Winter's Tale) I believe River's Edge is the most horrifying movie I've ever seen. And Dennis Hopper was terrific as Shooter in Hoosiers.
- Shelter, by Maria McKee and Lone Justice.
- The guy that spied on his roomie is a vile excuse for a human being. Calvin Trillin on home schooling a la Santorum.
- People that talk about shooting public personages in public places parbly have concealed darry permits and big Glocks. Wnd as for the insistence that none of the hateful anti-Obama hysteria is racial in character, try some of this shit:
- Ironic Irish folk music: Great moment in Irish history, in a great traditional song:
- That sign is a beautiful piece of graphic design. Really good David Byrne interview.
- The Magliozzi's must have been flipping out over that call, Dexter. Ms. Judd is a terrific actor, and very pretty. Her only flaw in my mind is she's UK hoops biggest fan. Today's John Sebastian's birthday. (the band's best song, I think.)
- BobNG, As a freshman at Fordham, my dad worked as a movie house usher with Dennis Day.
- Dexter, that ND-UCLA game was televised. It was also officiated about as well as US-USSR in the Olympics, Munich '72 (the one that had to end three times for the USSR to "win"): Walter Williams was a wonderful ballplayer to watch. A little like Pete Rose, without all of the assholery, and not a dogass fielder.
- I've always wondered why nobody has done this before now: I love this book, and if the movie's good, Darcy Dancer, Gentleman is an instant sequel.
- Like to hear Little Ricky 'splain this away. Or first mortgage was at just about the same time as Sanitarium's, but our interest rate was just over 16-3/4%. Genetically modified food sounds like a less than peachy idea to me, but genetically modified mosquitoes sounds like a frightening John Carpenter movie premise.
- I always thought No-neck Williams would be a good manager if he got the chance. Ernie Banks attitude, Let's play two. That WW interview made my day, Dexter. Another player of the sort was Don Buford, with what looked like an 18 in. long outfielder's glove. Just a joy to watch. Della, the first three episodes of Awake are all on Hulu for free now: Pilot I like Awake, too. Been a long time fan of BD Wong, for one thing, but I also think the premise is fascinating. And anything that screws with linear temporality , I enjoy it. I like how clues apre having relevance in both realities. Sadly, I think this show requires too much undeficited attention and thought to last long. Anybody have any ideas for coming zombification on Walking Dead season finale. After their sorry ass performances last Sunday, I'm alright with Rick's whole family biting the dust. I loved Ron Lee's fearless style of hoops. That's the way Rajon Rondo plays these days, and he is a sliver of Ron Lee physically. Guy always looked like a free safety or a RB to me. And, one of the great Afros, all-time.
- I'm a fan of This American Life, but Ira Glass's voice and vocal mannerisms are the font of just about everything wrong with public radio, like fingernails on chalkboards. Anyway, in the Daisey affair, I say, Ira Glass, man up. Did you question any part of Daisey's monologue? Did you check facts? Do you believe Spalding Gray swam to Cambodia or had a manuscript in a box that literally spoke to him? Do you think Richard Pryor lived next door to talking monkeys? Do you believe Hunter Thompson actually consumed enough drugs and alcohol in a single da in Vegas to render a batallion comatose? How does a reporter justify ignoring artistic license and taking art for fact. Willing suspension of disbelief gets turned offwhen you bring art back to journalism. Man up, and take your medicine for the journalistic malfeasance and malpractice, instead of this current mealy-mouth. That suit is shabby and ill-fitting. Daisey was truthy, but he is an entertainer and an artist, and claims nothing more. You purport to be a journalist. Take responsibility for your reporting. Spalding Gray: Dogs in sports:
- Mike Daisey closes his show, to a standing O. One of my favorite novels, ever, is The Public Burning, by Robert Coover. But I don't believe that Richard Nixon had sex with Ethel Rosenberg before the execution, nor that he also took Uncle Sam up the ol' dirt road. In the Daisey-Glass contretemps, one of them purports to be a journalist? Did he make any attempt to check facts? If he didn't, the failure is his, bought and paid for. This instance is not remotely like Oprah being duped by James Frey, and it doesn't speak well for Ira Glass that he's squealing like a stuck Oprah. Of course, The Public Burning portrayed the criminal, lying Milhous in the way in which I think about him, so I accepted it while suspending disbelief. Maybe Daisey's depiction of Apple in an immense evil empire fit Glass's conception of the real world, but that does not diminish his responsibility to ascertain veracity before reporting a theatrical monologue as news.
- If I write a review of Tours of the Black Clock and claim that Steve Erickson has discovered the truth of the loathsome underbelly of the 20th Century world, that Hitler lusted after his niece Geli and had a personal pornographer named Banning Jainlight, and people buy it as fact, who is the author of the misinformation, Erickson or me? I certainly am. As for Daisey's monologue, it fit a widespread worldview so perfectly, in two intersecting spheres, a responsible reporter should have been sceptical from the getgo. Apple certainly sits on vast piles of money without reinvesting in the American economy that made Job's great leap forward possible, like Smaug sleeping with one eye open:, And China is Mordor. Who wouldn't believe the orcs assembling iPhones are maltreated. An NPR-ready story, and Ira Glass ran with it like Leon Lett, and, like Lett, fumbled on the two. It's the journo's fault, no doubt in my mind. That he's taking responsibility now is beyond admirable, it's representative of integrity basically unheard of in the modern news businesss. Way I see it, Daisey produced the artistic equivalent , clearly identified as art, ofa Janet Cooke composite piece with horrendous detail enough to fit conventional wisdom and Glass should have had way better instincts. I personally thought the public crucifiction of Janet Cooke was grotesque and in no way fit the crime. Somebody want to claim there are no eight year old addicts in the USA? What about the editor, who submitted her piece for the Pullitzer. He's been publishing books with completely imaginary conversations reported verbatim he could never possibly have heard. Deborah, that is rough about your cat. Condolences. We've lost legendary dogs and (fewer) cats in my family, and every one of them is the subject of rowdy good conversation and story recollecction to this day. We parbly embellish, but in the end we get it right. I'm with Mary on the hoop. Shooting around alone is a near perfect physical mantra for deep thinking. Here's a review about Judybusy's story from three NYT book reviews ago: Writing what amounts to True Crime certainly brings more strict requirements for fact than a monologue presented on a stage in a theater. Blaming Daisey for aggregating facts and anecdotal information with obvious legs reminds me of the attacks on the Kony 2012 video guys. Kony's behavior has sneaked into the murky mists of time? Yeah? So fracking what? He didn't do everything he was accused of? Well, yeah he did, and he was pretty much evil as Idi, no matter what Rush and Frankin Graham have to say about his alleged Christianity. Time will never convince me that Shock & Awe in Bagdhad wasn't a war crime, and I'd like to see Kony in the docks at the ICC with the Americans that enabled his rule of terror, like Cheney and Rummy.
- Bob (NG) snide comment or not, and you did, and maybe that was Dennis O'Connor my dad told me about, but it was when my Dad was dying, and he was world-famous in medical circles, So maybe he meant Dennis O'Day. Hardly a difference, I don't think. And syriannly, are we jo In the long run, I'd bet on a large cat vs. a critter like Rockey? Cat's are vile and shameless in a fight and would attack the eyes. Dogs lose to cats and racoons because dogs are good people.
- Are we joking? Ira Glass can skate on this? No Fracking Way/ He had to know or he had to be a fracking idiot. Our greatest cat in our family, began life as feral and was adopted, named Tigger, and we knew not to let him near a kid. He was viscious. One night, for no reason at all, he chomped on my hand.
- Sorry, butt Irah Glass trying to blame or hang, He has got to be didding the lying shithead. Whatever any idiot might say.
- Being accused of making shit up is more or less hilarious. What have I ever claimed about my ancestors that wasn't died in the wool true? Sniggering is racist bullshit, but I have never said a word here that wasn't absolutely true. Prove me wrong.
- Jeff, I had a Davy Crockett hat when I was a little keedo. I think giving Ira Glass a pass on this is lame. He claims to be a professional. I 'm not a professional journo, but I could have seen through the guy in an instant, if I didn't consider Apple's ommediate partnership with AT%T as bullshit. I can't answer my phone without walking outside. Ain't that coverage. I chose ATT&T to get an iPhone. And these isiots make me walk outside to answer my telephone? What a crock of shit.
- Jeff, Are there people that walk away from the last office pot? I alwaays put some really good coffee in. Believe it or don't. Ira Glasss, I love William Gibson, but even when he's dealong with here ane now, I don;t take him for anything but a fabulist, Ira, You ate your bed, be a man and live with it, There is no excuse, And I bathed in it Nancy. And he tried laying it off on somebody else, and he claims to have been lied to, Wah! Wah! Man up Ira! This dumbass was victimized? This dumbass made NPR looke bad, by being an incompetent reporter. I don't see another way of looking at this.
- Apple looks bad teaming with the evil empore rather than making jobs where unions might shine, who is whose evil empire ?
- No joke. If you're sitting on spectacular profits, why are you nor investing in US?
- Like a fool, I invested in Nancy's movie: And I can't wait to see it.
- Jeff. If you believe Hunter Thompson ingested all those drugs and all that liquor in one day in Vegas, I'm alive beyond all odds to tell you it's not remotely possible, but I lived to get remotely close. Believe me, the halucinogens were a week's worth, and piled upon poled, would have eft him piking psychedelic rainbows into the Big Porcelain Steering Wheel. No ibogaine, which most assuredly would have killed that liar. And I once drank a quart of scotch in my non-drinking days, in one night. and consumed many drugs including mescaline, and made it through standing and aware of myself,amd went after a party crasher that syole my Gibson acoustic 12=string, with a steak knife, and I will tell you, for a fact that Hunter would have been going nowhere gut on wheels to the coroner had he done the drugs and liquor he claimed. I know some of you think I embellish, but I truly don't. And when do I get my DVD of Other Men's Wars? I am dying to see it. Notice Hunter never claims to have done heroin. His loss. It does a body good. The Duchess would get my interest if she simply asked "Why the fuck are Brits in Ireland, anyway? They have no business there but to create a phony religious war that is actually serf v. serf, in their colonialist fashion. The Brits created the conflict to extend the Empire. Way fracking lame. Ain't we supposed to be the ultimate anti-colonialists? I mean, werem't Obama's Mau-Mau ancestots about throwing the whit interlopers out? Where does Mewtria get off talling about anti-Colonial;? Seriously" Werem't Jefferson and the multiple Adamses anti-colonial? Aah, but them darkies didn't know any better. That's why the Founding Fathrs retained slavery, in their wisdom. /
- Kerfuffle is falderal, but nobady has damaged falderal yet. I call hoohaw. That would already be Badonkadonk, Alex, and zome of them are large in the butt. Something just about nobody ever heard before. Ooh child, cover by Melanie Safka. Next time Boehner and Mitch launch into paroxysms of concern for the religious freedom of the Catholic bishops, they should be required to explain their positions on this situation. Proselytizing by proxy baptism doesn't seem remotely kosher, even though the religion behind it was founded by a murderous criminal conman with grotesque delusions of grandeur and a need for church-sponsored multiple open marriage. And what is Mitt's view on this subject. Stolen Valor Act. I imagine most supporters of this law saw anything wrong with the bullshit spewed by the Swiftboat liars. Cooking With Poo and The Great Singapore Penis Panic. Actual book titles. Needing an editor. (He has no excuse.)
- Stolen Valor Act? Howbout Swiftbot, the totally invinvented shit, whilw W went to guard the OClub?
- GOPers are idiots.
- AnnArbor: How in the world is pot illegal in an allegedly civilized country? Bobby Seale, who I named a cat after: Crirical race theory is exactly the opposite of what whackjobs on Fux claim. No clue, whatever. Such astounding bullshit.
- RO-Girl, I believe it is pronounced Fra-caw in England, per John Steed, and Frack-ass in America. I could be wrong.
- It is never a fracas when white cops beat the shit out of a black fat guy, like rodney white.
- Oaxaca is where Quetzlatl skis, I believe. And damn fine Dex, and better if you remember the Russkies taking CaliForniya episode of Wild, Wild West, or what the Goobernator called the Mexican Maid. A way better Western, but not Briscoe County, the best Western ever. If Steed said Fraw-Caw, that is good enough for me. Until Patrick McGoohan tells me otherwise.
- Astounding Beatles' cover.
- GOPers are looney-tunes, voting for Aqua-Buddha.
- Did y'all know there is a terrific novel about perfume by Tom Robbins (who also wrote Another Roadside Attraction and Even Cowgirls Get the Blues). It's called Jitterbug Perfume, and the Greek goat-god Pan is a major character. Very enjoyable book. Alex, it's the one-drop rule.
- An old, lost love emailed me this song this am. Made my day: Something just about nobody ever heard before. Ooh child, cover by Melanie Safka.
- Sculpture Trail Parks is reminiscent of follies, entirely ludicrous architectural structures that serve no conceivable purpose but to amuse. Il sont changez ma chanson, ma.
- Icarus, I always thought of Columbus Day as the Bringing Deadly Diseases to the Aborigines Day, and I doubt Buffy Ste. Marie celebrates it. My ancestors the Vikings were here first anyway. Patrick Sky is parbly not big on Columbus Day, either: Interesting comments on Pulaski. A few years back when theGOPers went Freedom Fries whacko, I marvelled at the astounding stupidity of the anti-Fronch sentiment. Lafayette, we are here? You'd think those foul war-mongers would remember shit like that.
- The city of Savannah GA is the very proud final resting spot of Gen. Casimir Pulaski, in Monterrey Square. You history types are missing a great bet by not visiting Savannah. Far prettier and more walker-friendly than Charleston.
- Another front in Obama's war on Second Amendment rights. I abhor the death penalty, but this murderer gives me pause. This asshole bigot was looking at Trayvon Martin and seeing President Obama trying to take his guns away.
- C'mon, Scout. Where are the pictures of the cherry bottoms?
- The Zimmerman guy outweighed Trayvon Martin by a buck+, he had a gun, and he was in a car. It was a cold-blooded murder, and his call to the cops proves premeditation. That stand your ground bullshit is a classic case of the NRA thinking it knows better about law enforcement than do actual law enforcers. Zimmerman didn't Stand His Ground, he obviously stopped his car, got out, and confronted the kid. He should go away forever for first degree murder. In fact, had Trayvon Martin been armed, he would have had a viable defense of standing his ground when this nutjob accosted him.
- Good sense on tax policy and supply side economics. Who expanded the federal government, Obama or Raygun? Send this along to any of your correspondents that email you all that noxious Drudge/Freeper/Green Footballs shit. If the minimum wage had been pegged to executive level salary increases since 1990, it would be $23/hr.
- The murdered child was on the phone with his girlfriend almost to the moment he was shot. Self defense ain't gonna fly. Another loony with a handgun for no good reason. Had the kid been armed, he would have been within his rights to shoot the killer, under that asinine, preposterous FLA standing ground law. Somebody put psilocybin in the coffee pot at the NYJets front office this morning.
- You end up with laws like that when idiots elect idiots. Look at the guy FLA elected goobernor. Biggest crook in the history of Medicare fraud. Consider Allen West, with the higher security clearance than the President. And Sparky Sperm is a person. The lunatics are running Bedlam these days, when a concealed carry permit is acceptable ID to prevent nonexistent vote fraud, but a college student ID is inadmissable.
- I think it's high time to retire "for this sort of thing" when describing the RMoney campaign's tin ear. When the tin ear is about every single thing that comes out the MF's mouth, "for this sort of thing" has lost all value as a descriptive modifier. Hell I read Flowers in the Attic (not awful) and sat through the movie (lame, although Louise Fletcher was a scary hoot playing a Big Nurse variation), because it was one of those Ban the Book freakout occasions. I'll go see Hunger Games for the cast. Jennifer Lawrence for one, and Woody Harrelson for two. He has become a very good actor, going back to No Country, at least. In fact, he and Rosie made White Men Can't Jump a good movie. I also think the premise is interesting (I'm sure I've watched Running Man 20 or 30 times, and God knows how many times I've read The Lottery), and I generally love post-apocalyptic. I'm still waiting for somebody to film Ridley Walker (with trepidation), greatest of them all. And I think an animated version of Oryx and Crake is in order, preferably from the crew that made Howl's Moving Castle. How did Emma Stone get those jeans on? WD-40? Crisco? Detachable feet? And who exactly is Emma Stone? Mighty cute. Oh right, she was in Zombieland (which I recommend, a funny movie with an exceptionally funny extended cameo by Bill Murray as himself which seems to have been improvised, mostly).
- When did the entire idea of YA come about? There were Tom Swift books when I was a kid, but those were more prepubescentally targeted, and slightly less uncool than the Hardy Boys. My brothers and I read the wonderful Fu Manchu novels by Sax Rohmer (Inspector Neyland Smith ruled), and we all loved Sherlock Holmes. I believe JK Rowling is a talented writer that had a great idea, and the Potter books are beautifully written and thoroughly engrossing. She's a master of characterization and the plotting is ingenious. Twilight never held any interest. If I'm reading about vampires, it's going to be Anne Rice and LeStat.
- Robert Reich doesn't think much of Paul Ryan's budget. How do GOPers expect to sell this turd to the Teabangers, that want government hands kept off their Medicare? How do people that claim a Christian foundation for their political beliefs reconcile unadulterated Randian social Darwinism with WWJD? That is an impossibility, without heaping dollops of intellectual dishonesty.
- Now this is some interesting movie news. Winter's Tale is a great novel. (Although, I liked Refiner's Fire a bit better.) I always kind of hoped Terry Gilliam would direct this movie. Akiva Goldsman? Well, there is Fringe in his favor, but he also was partly responsible for the deadly bad Da Vinci Code. Those used to be called Tom Swifties, Velvet (and I didn't know Tom began as a boy reporter): I think I read pretty much whatever I chose too when I was a kid. Big trouble with the nuns once, around fifth grade for reading The Ugly American during a class. Those women thought my parents were irresponsible pagans.
- Sue, that description of the Katniss character applies perfectly to Ree Dolly. Velvet, Guess you probably watched Johnny Quest too, then. Let's get this bucket movin', Race. AAiiieeee!! My mom and dad had a Heritage Club subscription, so there were always beautifully appointed editions of great books comeing to our house. The first "real" book I ever read was The Mysterious Island. The most outstanding aspect of Huck Finn is Huck's constantly frayed conscience over his social "duty" to turn Jim in and his innate moral imperative to protect his friend at all costs.
- Y'all do know that "wild rumpus " is borrowed from the great kid's writer that claims to dislike kids, Maurice Sendak. “And now," cried Max, "let the wild rumpus start!” ― Maurice Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are And Max and the wild things go wild. Read Ender's game 25 years ago or so, and liked it. Years later, to my chagrin I realized that Orson Scott Card is a social Darwinist asshat, with a strong affinity for Ayn Rand, who claims to be a Democrat but wrote an infamous piece backing McCain in 2008, and has endorsed Newt this year. Card is one LDS that's not pulling for RMoney. How do televangelists steer clear of mail fraud laws when they beg for cash donations to be sent via USPS? This has always mystified me. They would seem to be sitting ducks for the FBI or Secret Service. And that would do my heart good. When my daughter was young, she was not a keen reader, which bothered me no end. A first or second grade teacher forced Stuart Little on her and she despised it. A couple of years later, I bought the Madeleine L'Engle Wrinkle in Time books and read them with her. Problem solved. A very strong female protagonist. The famous first sentence: "It was a dark and stormy night." Witches, or angels, time and space travel. Serious adventure and danger. Then it was "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" on her own. Somehow I missed that CS Lewis when I was young and only read it as an adult. Maybe that's who really started YA fiction. There is certainly a preponderance of gore and dying. Somehow, I got hold of the Perelandra books by Lewis instead when I was young.
- And of the extended series, there were the sports entries, Chip Hilton and the Highpockets and other sports themed novels by John R. Tunis et al. Tunis' books notably dealt with racism and integration in the USA, through a sports prism. Best new music I've heard in quite a while: From my favorite magazine. There is a collection of Madeleine L'Engle's papers at Wheaton in Illinois. She was a NYC broadway actress and said that the night hours and union scale pay freed her to write books. The entire idea of folding time on itself was an early iteration of wormholes, but I like her name much better: tesseracts.
- Very cool stuff, Deborah. I particularly like the part about testoring the WPA mural, like the ones the philistine GOPer goobernors are trying to shitcan in other places. The stained glass is stunning, particularly that huge rosette in the rotunda ceiling. That whole job must have been a lot of fun. I always enjoyed restorations, because of research required to match traditional materials, colors, etc. Were the "crop columns" part of your work? Very impressive. Della, your description of the Twilight fans reminds me of a night years ago when I came out of the Red Line in Boston at Park Street, somewhat stoned, and found myself in the midst of a crowd of boppers dressed to the nines to see a Go-Gos show at the Music Hall. That was magical. Big hair, bublegum and leg warmers, speaking another language than standard English. A perfect serrendipitous pot moment.
- Mad Men catchup. Design that is the polar opposite to Deborah's tasteful project.
- David Denby seems to think the violence was downplayed to the detriment of The Hunger Games. I imagine he'll find himself lonely in that critical position. Though the satiric point of making some of the plutocrats monsters out of an eighteenth-century farce eludes me, the actors try hard for vulgar panache, and they perform with professional skill. Seriously, Dave? What part of let them eat cake and current American and world politics do you not understand? And Stanley Tucci in the role of Richard Dawson. The grain sculptures are superb
- Cooz, That Wonkette item reminds me of when George HW Bush said this in 1988: To kind of suddenly try to get my hair colored, and dance up and down in a miniskirt or do something, you know, show that I've got a lot of jazz out there and drop a bunch of one-liners, I'm running for the president of the United States...I kind of think I'm a scintillating kind of fellow. I'm not sure W ever said anything quite that humorous. Course, Poppy also once said, also in 1988: For seven and a half years I've worked alongside President Reagan. We've had triumphs. Made some mistakes. We've had some sex...uh...setbacks.
- Minnie ... creates italics.
- Yeah. You can't just type illustrations of the codes. They disappear. HTML reference page.
- What do they make at the Rockstar Factory. Steve Perry and Neal Schon (Mr. Michaele Salahi)? Speaking of unhinged rightwing "Christians" (I will never type that term without air quotes again), I heard Pat Robertson wish injury on Peyton Manning last night, because of Tum Tubow's "shabby treatment" by the Denver Bronco's. People in the Mile High City should probably be on natural disaster alert. There's the thing. Is the God of Christian broadcasting petty enough to visit plagues upon John Elway for lack of respect for a barely mediocre QB? How does that comport in the remotest way with anything Jesus says in the NT? Damage to municipalities (and to states) has resulted in large part from anti-stimulus osbstructionism from GOPers in Congress. In the interest of forcing public sector layoffs to retard any economic resurgence, Repubs in Congress have halted the traditional flow of cash through the states back to localities. You would think from their heated rhetoric, return of those funds to local control would be a pillar of GOP political economic philosophy and policy. But you'd be fooled again, sucka. It's what I say, not what I do with these bastards. Like their support for the Canadian scheme to seize pipeline rights of way by eminent domain, to ship tar sands oil to be refined into China-bound diesel in tax and duty-free Port Arthur, TX with maximum environmental risk and zero economic benefit to the USA. How is any of that GOP-approved. A few years ago, anything to do with eminent domain was absolutely anathema to the GOP, a shibboleth as powerful as the "coming to take your guns" bullshit. Gov. Snyder has done what bullshit-walks grandstanding Teabanger Repub governors have been doing all over the country: Protesting loudly against stimulus money, claiming to repudiate it altogether, then, quietly injecting the cash into states' general funds to cover their own budgetary bungholes. The hypocrisy is spectacular, and the intention is to cause public sector layoffs on local levels to tamp down employment figures and hinder the economic recovery. And voters are too fracking stupid to see this happening? Sad state of affairs. If GOPers get away withgutting veteran's benefits after putting service members through ten years of unmitigated hell on earth for the benefit of Dickless Cheney's stock portfolio and the other pipeline, I will give up on the idea of American participatory representative democracy. Anything else will require greater cynicism than I possess. How is the VFW not howling about shit like this? Pat Robertson told them the pie will be made high in the sweet by and by, after Armageddon in the Middle East and the return of all the Jews to Jerusalem? Fracking morons. None of these idiots even make enough money to benefit from the Koch Bros. tax cuts. The extent to which GOPers are willing to treat contracts with citizens as so much Charmin is astonishing, considering their personal responsibility mantra. End Medicare and SS, Ryan, you muthafucka dickhead? Give me back all my money paid in, lump sum. Everybody else too. How's that balance your budget, shitheel. Jeff call the first 39 Beta and the one you have now 1.0.
- Great new song by Mac Rebbenack (Dr. John) with Dan Auerbach from the Black Keys:
- With regard to Krugman's comments on Romney and the great gas price conspiracy, it's not rocket science figuring out the whole thing is a foul crock of shite. In trying to foist Keystone XL on Americans, the GOP is embracing a project that would not increase domestic oil supply by one drop, while embracing taking of land for rights of way by eminent domain, to benefit a foreign corporation, while using the line to ship refined tar sands oil to China through tax-free Port Arthur , TX. How many aspects of that plan would cause rightwing howling and foaming at the mouth were Democrats and Obama to propose it? The only part they like is the part about the white guys behind the scheme, even though they are hoseheads. Interesting statistics for US supply and demand for gasoline. Overall supply is more or less even, whiile domestic supply is historically high, no matter what the lying bastards say about Obama's policies, while demand is considerably lower than for one year ago. In fact, demand for gas in the USA dove to a nearly historic low about one month ago. So why are prices so high at the pump? Price is following futures rather than actual supply and demand. Is that how capitalism is supposed to work? This represents speculators that are opposed to the political agenda of the President trying to create trouble by meddling in the futures market to manipulate consumer prices. So much for the benevolent hand guiding the markets. Even the business press and Goldman Sachs admit it:
- Turner Classic is airing the great 1944 version of Jane Eyre tonight, with Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine, and a small but electric part played by Agnes Morehead, one of my personal favorites, as Jane's cruel guardian, Mrs. Reed. The Tennessee state legislature is busy at the moment trying to inject Creationism into the science curriculum. It never dawns on these people how stupid it makes them look.
- I wear hoodies. In fact, I have an NWA hoodie. Would probably count double in the NRA's Whack-a-Presumed-Thug game. It's very convenient at the beach, and for bike riding. And we're surrounded by gated communities, in fact our condo is in a gated community. In a career filled with pure jackassery, that may be Geraldo's crowning moment. And, um, Geraldo, it was raining you Fing idiot. Go back to bed with Bowie and Jagger in Capone's vault, or go find some more retarded children to capitalize on. Whatever, just STFU you whore. Still, the proper target for outrage is the Koch-funded ALEC initiative that writes bullshit laws like SYG and buys legislative sponsors for them, in cooperation with insidious anti-American political infuences like the NRA. The NRA has won all the big fights on the backs of greedy, cowardly legislators, so to remain relevant, they are burrowing into foundational law, like the general right to not get shot for wearing a sweatshirt with a hood while buying Skittles. Not only should everyone be packing, but everyone should do whatever she pleases and skate scot-free no matter the consequences. What could go wrong with demanding that people be allowed to bring concealed weapons into a barroom? Shit, can't imagine. Every single fracking thing GOPers say about gas prices is a franking lie.. And they actually described the truth feverishly and repetitiously in trying to protect W and McCain from gas price blowback in 2008. That will come back to haunt their mendacious asses. Sensible comment on American oil dependence.
- Back in the 70s a college friend of my FIL dame to Boston in the cast of a production of Don Juan in Hell. The cast included Paul Henreid and Agnes Moorehead. We had drinks with the cast in the lounge of the Eliot Hotel, and it was a fascinating night. The theater people were all brilliant raconteurs and the hight flew by. Ms. Moorehead was every bit as arch as Endorra, but more humorously than haughtily, and her laugh met Grande Dame expectaions. Ms. Moorehead was in one of the greatest episodes of Twilight Zone, ever: The Invaders. I loved that one, and it's a treat every time it turns up on TV to this day. That website used to have the episode available to view, but copywright infringement did them in, apparently. Full-goose looney. And who was responsible for granting access?
- Oh, Edward Mulhare was also in that cast. Incredibly suave. (Devon on Knight Rider, the captain on The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, looked a bit like Michael Caine, and was in the great Our Man Flint.) Henreid was in Casablance and Goodbye Mr. Chips, and a bunch of Alfred Hitchcock episodes on TV. If I were a reviewer describing the sound of Agnes Moorehead's laughter, I'd (pretentiously) say "an imperious throaty contralto, closer to Elizabeth Ashley than to Talullah Bankhead. That's a great story about AM her I'd never heard, John. I always thought the secondary characters, Endorra, Dr. Bombay, Aunt Clara, Gladys Kravitz and her hubby were what made Bewitched watchable until they jumped the baby witch shark. And Dick York, please.
- What infringement on religious freedom concerning Christians has there ever been in the Colonies. Aside from whacking them Catholics that were Christians several hundred years before we were? Americans don't tell other loyal Americans that practice a different faith, particularly an Abrahamic faith, to get out, If somebody believes that 's WWJD, that person is guided by Satan, not by Jesus. And claim Martin Luther's recalcitrant turds wern't the progenitors of the Reformation? anon Caco, ergo non Sum, eh'Luther and if I offended anybody, I didn't intend to. It's sort of like the religious version of SYG. And what's the law on voudon? When Pat Robertson wishe ill on Peyton Manning I believe he left Jesus" oritection and ventured into casting curses. Shouldn't an earthquake swallow up hi multi-milliaon buck estate and rid ys alll of his unseemly visage?
- Brian, "usurped" is code for a son of Cain, i.e. a black guy being elected President, and these fuckers are positively nuts. I was reared to belive in Jesus'teachings about the Great Commandment (try Matt. 22:36), before anything else, and I take it seriously. People like this weren't. And it is obvious. If they hijack American politics, we are all in the outhouse basement.
- Alex, these people seem to mean freedom to dump diarhea on our own religion while trampling anybody else's. They have no clue about actual theology which has long ago transcended individual identifications of sects and divisions. I've deliberately studied theology and what makes sense to me is Teillhard. Creation becoming gradually aware of it's creator. That's the way I see it, anybody correct with a more concise viewpoint. From a point of view of believing in God, which I do, isn't the idea that God made it complicated and very difficult attractive? And isn't the idea we're all in this together a good one.. I'd never in a world try to espose Teillhard to a bunch of skeptics and people that actively dislike religion as y'all. But, as things hang, you are a buncha my best friends. But on this subject, I will not put up with some idiotic giggles about the existence of God. If you think not, you have no leg to stand on. My proof of God? Billy Preston: Npthing from vothing. I saw Billy on the day Bobby got shot in Washington. Otherwise known as the day America croaked. My last memory that night other than my mom coming in from a night out, was her holding me and crying. That is when real America croaked.
- When I think about Bobbie, I think about how my generation's best was offered up and these scumbags killed them. In Bobby's case, this was pretty much fucking inexcusable. Martin was asking to be a martyr and willing. Bobby was the best person you could possibly be. Unless you were some sort of psycopath that hated Kennedys. Political murder with no doubt and doomed the USA.
- On the internet, according to vapid NRA apologists of vigilante behavior, Trayvon Martin was bigger then "Refrifertor" Perry. Fridge was a good human being that would have felt sorry for these racist vifgilante idiots.
- I will never understand how belief in God suddenly renders me some sort of simp when i'm better educated, smarter and parbly better looking. Fridge would have crashed down on Zimmerman before the 250lb. bulk jumped on the 240 lb. kid. This whole thing is in NrA's lap. Some ahole with a gun was going to claim self-defense. Everyone knew this would happen. This sad little pOS man dilled somebody. The kid was a bucckforty soaking wet. A threat? In what alternative universe?
- I always mean everything I say to al of you, however you may choose to interpret it. I have never directed a salutation nor a comment to any of you than was meany pluperfectly admirably. The NRA believes if you shoot someone with no reason you should get off. That is a fact.
- Could we all consider this Trayvon case for a moment from the Richard Pryor viewpoint? That kid was scared shitless of the hulking, frothing white guy, with a fucking gun. If he tried to defend himself is that difficult to understand?
- And i mean frothing, like just said that fucking coon, this was a died in the wool racist piece of shit.
- Bill Buckley when Conservative didn't mean infernal obstructionist ahole. This is all they do these days, and anybody that claims it isn;t is a wholly racist is a fracking liar. Let them claim a single claim to any political claim that is not ust anything but Obama. The racisim is so unadulterated it reeks of rotting infrastructure. These bastards can deny it, but it is rampant. They can't stand a black guy being President when God made the USA for white people. Jeff. I wish some idea of racist America were something that could be backed away from, but it isn't. And I don't think there is any such thing as a chalupa that wasn't invented in a Taco Bell ad. Not real food. The guy is clear on the police tape saying fucking coon right before he shoots the kid to death for no reason. The internet is ablaze with how Trayvon was actually Lawrence Taylor size, What is wrong with the NRA idiots trying to excuse this murderer? Trayvon was 6-1, s0 that made him frightening? I'm 6-1. I weigh 75 lbs than that murderer. should he have been justified in shooting me? I would have been buying jerky, not skittles. This was a cod blooded murder. Asshoe staked his victim on police tape. This is no-brains. Unless somebody finds Zimmerman non composs mentis.
- The people that support the actions of zimmerman are a bunch of phony Christians that also support the death penalty while howling about the preborn. Do they not understand the grotesque error in their logic? If the preborn is sancro-sanct, you can't possibly support killing the post-born murderers. God must have meant them to murder. Well He didn't but He gave them free will. But fundygelicals don't believe in free will, do they? Even though Jesus made that part quite clear? So, you assholes don't believe in Jesus, do you?
- Everyone does five people’s jobs and be glad you have one. Translation: You are serfs. We are GOPer feudal lords. Be happy we don't crush your ass while we jack corporate salaries by 390%. Brian. re transport duty: Have you seen the youth hockey Subaru TV ad that uses If I Should Fall From Grace of God for music? It's actually a good ad and I think the music is the best part, but I love The Pogues and wish Shane better teefes, but my god Kids and Pogues is spectacularly inappropriate. There was never anybody funnier than Richard Pryor.
- Pardon me, but the racial animus is clear, and anybody that claims that's not so is a liar. Just like Gabby Johnson said. The Sherif is a nig..... How so these racists comtinue to get away with claiming to not be racist assholes? The proof is so redolent. These people are scum. Amd tjey get to vote? Too fucking stupid. How are these massses convinced tp vote agaunst their own best interest? I'd say it's connected to shaving landing strips. These people are isiots,
- It might be a sane world when wmen other than varlu Fiorino grab al the obscene budks at the base slaries her undelings earned. You can;t get around this.
- But what I'd imgined.
- Copy editing and head writing were my best things in J School. And Cheney has virgin hearts lined up in undisclosed bunkers to keep him going. He will haunt America forever.
- Danielle Smith is...pneumatic. And tireless. You'd think an alien body like Cheney's would reject a normal human heart. From Alex's link to that absurd Leininger column: Women love freedom of choice, she said. But the federal government's mandate that religious institutions provide free contraception to their employees gives women of faith no choice but to support “anti-life activities that violate their most deeply held beliefs.” (emphasis mine) What is wrong with these idiotic MFs? Nobody's demanding or mandating anything be provided free. Never have. These dumbasses are still repeating one of the more moronic aspeccts of Limbo's assholish spiel. And my Catholic friends that have used the Pill don't feel that it affects their faith at all. The Pill allows sex without procreation, for pleasure, by prevventing conception. Saying otherwise is just more junk science from rightwing nutjobs that want to trash government agencies that actually take care of children after they are preborn. And the majority of them believe wholeheartedly in the death penalty.But seriously, would these idiots try to get the part about insurance and premiums and how that works RIGHT for a change.
- Cecil explains how trickle down is a bullshit con foisted on America by Republicans. The JK Galbraith "horse and sparrow" explanation of supply side is a new one on me and it's piquant. And really, there is no better-researched nor more objective source of information than The Straight Dope. GOPers want biscuits in the oven and buns in the bed. What fresh hell will be next from these nutjobs?
- How does a 71 year old man with a history of five heart attacks reach the top of a transplant list? Black ops. The sorriest-assed thing about Luntz's masterpiece, Obamacare, is that it encasulates what the detractors really dislike about the ACA in the first five letters. It's the Kenyan anti-colonial (how is anti-colonial an aspersion? I thought the Adamses, Washington, Jefferson, Hancock were pretty forceful in their anti-colonialism) stealth Muslim narrative, and the idiots that brough "Keep government hands off my Medicare" signs to Teabanger rallies lap it up like Oliver Twist asking "More, sir?" It's all about apologizing to foreign governments and finding that America is exceptional in the case of health care only to the extent that it is exceptionally bad. I got a book for Christmas about the Triangle Fire, Flesh and Blood So Cheap, by Albert Marrin. It's YA nonfiction that's beautifully written, and spectacularly illustrated, and sets the fire in the context of immigration and similarly unconscionable social inequalities to those that are growing in the USA right now. America was exceptional in much of the 20th Century when unions and social activists overcame the grotesque socioeconomic disparities produced by the Gilded Age and industrialization, but the history of the Triangle Fire is evocative in the way in which it illustrates the great clawback of the last 20+ years by modern versions of the Robber Barons and their political lackeys. Serious question. Does Newt Gingrich ever give the slightest consideration to the meanings of words before he pukes them up? President Obama's heartfelt and modulated comments on the Trayvon Martin case were "appalling" and "disgraceful"? "Divisive"/ FUBAR Newt, and Wayne LaPierre might agree with you, maybe David Duke, but that's about the extent of your bombaclot cadre.
- I'm thinking Bruni goes on the short list for the Janet Cooke/Mike Barnacle prize for that piece, although I think excoriation of Cooke, particularly by Barnacle, the past master of the bulshit Vietnam vet column for years, was somewhat hysterical and decidedly hypocritical. Did her critics claim there weren't eight year old heroin addicts to be found in Jimmy's World, USA? Connie @21: Because the US transplant system is a lottery with a list weighted by likely outcomes. Unrecovered alcoholics are at a disadvantage on liver transplant lists, unless they're somebody like Mickey Mantle. That's just the way the lists work. May seem cruel but it has been worked out over a few decades by medical ethicists. It's life in the food chain. There are not enough organs available for transplant to go around, so rationing is necessary. Bitter Scribe@13: Nicely done.
- So, Jeff. Not a Ross Douthat fan, eh? Yesterdays NYT story about racetrack America and the maltreatment of thorobreds is stunning in the depth of reporting, but as horrendous as conditions described may be, there's the nagging suspicion that it could turn out in a few days to have been daiseyfied. That piece about Gannett's alleged mortification that employees with no connection to newsroom functions signed the recall petitions is a sniveling, self-serving piece of drivel, that effectively puts the company firmly on the side of Goobernor Walker. Wah, wah, wah. The original story about the judges is also bullshit. That's why judges can and should recuse themselves in certain case, as Clarence Thomas should recuse himself from the ACA deliberations, since his wife has been paid nearly $400 grand by an organization whose raison d'etre is getting rid of the ACA (which the Thomases conveniently forgot to report on federal financial disclosure forms, for which Long Dong ought to have his fat ass impeached.) Does Gannet allow people to vote that work for the company? To express opinions? This has always been the problem with "liberal media" paranoiacs. The generators of intellectual property may, indeed, lean liberal, but the Owners of the means of publication and the pursestring proprietors are their polar opposites, politically, and that shit don't fly, unless it hits the fan.Come to think of it, it's abominable even to have rules against political contributions like the one Olbermann ran afoul of with MSNBC, in the wake of Citizens United. I think people are still people, my friend, and we all know money is sure as hell speech. On rationing transplant organs: How bullshit like SYG gets made into very bad law all over the country.
- Dumbasses still can't get the simplest thing right about taxpayers and paying for contraceptives. Seriously, this has to be some sort of dittohead brain damage. MichaelG: Two guesses.
- This certainly puts the two viable Presidential choices in stark contrast. Even the Teabangers so dense light bends around them should be awakening to the fact that a GOP vote is a vote clearly against self-interest. They aren't going to see those tax cuts in any way but the oldest of Plumbing truisms: Merde flows downhill. More than 17 percent of construction trades workers are looking for jobs. (And in some areas of the country, it’s 20 percent, 30 percent or more.) Meanwhile, 68,842 American bridges are deficient. More than 282 million vehicles cross those bridges every day. And many public transit systems have serious problems and are in need of critical upgrades. The Senate passed a comprehensive infrastructuree improvement, with 74 votes. Boehner on board in the House? Fuck no. The Speaker is scared shitless of Teabangers and pisants like Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor. What up, Boner? Bruni's story sounds concocted, indeed. But only a moron would insist that nothing like that has ever happened. Like claiming that Janet Cooke was some ridiculous fabulist and there was never an eight year old kid addicted to junk in the USA.
- Next time some shitheel like Little Ricky Sanitarium or RMoney starts ranting about an attack on Iran, I want to hear somebody ask the chickenhawg assays how to do that and pay for the future welfare of the American warriors that were damaged in W and the PNAC's trumped up illegal invasion of Iraq.. Im interested to know whether or not Paul Ryan has taken this into account in his military spending increase. Well guess what, that asshole MF intends a $11bill cut in the veteran's affairs budget relative to Obama's budget proposal: How do these people claim to give a shit about the USA with a straight face, or without doing the nose trick? These suckers are the worst sort of bastards one imaginable, and their attitudes towards this country are reprehensible. I guess GOPers believe W's daddy's gold card approach to paying for invasions and occupations, and fuck the troops. I do not understand how anybody votes for these dickheads.
- Speaking of Joan's rapist husband, GOPer misogyny just keeps giving./a> As for Kevin. Who was that winsome chub at JFK Junior High played by Fred Savage? Now that's an authentic 60s icon. In the glut of lower court ACA challenge cases (and how did those astounding cash boondoggles sit with the Teabangers?), several leading lights of Conservative jurisprudence considered experts on the commerce powers of Congress found the individual mandate acceptable to the Constitution. And the DNC shold be running this nonstop: GOPer supporters of the health care individual mandate. But I wouldn't put anything past an SC with the hardcore idealogue activists Scalia and his homunculus Thomas, nor those smarmy, sleazy GOP operatives Alito and Roberts, who lied their asses off more than Long Dong in their confirmation hearings. The entire activist judges complaint from the right seems to have withered and died with the rise of rightwing judicial activism. Anybody that wants to claim Citizens United wasn't exactly that is staring out his anus. MarkH, that sounds like an originalist argument, when the Constitution was never intended by it's authors to be anything but a living, dare I say evolving, document. I'd guess the two outliers would be the ultimate idealogues, Scalia and Thomas, the latter who should be impeached for not recusing himself after failing to report his wife's $400grand income from organizations dedicated to overturning ACA on federal financial disclosure forms. GOPers are strangely silent on this topic while howling about Kagan, who has been a model of recusal decorum, while Thomas sticks with Scalia's unprincipled approach in the Cheney/Enron energy tea party affair.
- Here's a graphic to spoil a perfect day, that the DNC and DCCC should mail to every American household. Positively obscene cornerstone of GOPer tax policy that Ryan wants to enlarge:
- Alex: Maybe, maybe not. You know, rightwingers claim the problem with American health care costs is all about malpractice awards and premiums. Well, in the grand scheme of the obscene amount of cash USA spends on health care relative to the rest of the civilized world (like, twice as much), the total cost of malpractice awards and insurance premiums for medical professionals is less than 0.5% of the total. It's harder to quantify the cost of CYA medical procedures with no real purpose, but the number is still less than 1%. California passed medical tort reform bills and malpractice premiums skyrocketed while awards plunged. That is pure profiteering by insurance companies. Settlements and awards are rarely large, and of course, attorneys take these cases on with no guarantee of ever seeing a dime in return. Insurance companies have giant legal armies that majored in stonewalling at Law School. The landscape of personal injury litigation is pretty similar. Truly revolting statistics. Mies van deer Rohe Google doodle. Nice one. Dexter, you 've got that right on ads. When I first started watching shows on Hulu, I was mightily pissed off to see that running times for older series were all 6 min. longer than current shows. The difference is in advertising time. But peopke will insist there aren't more ads nowadays. Bullshit, and ads aren't louder than the shows either, I suppose.
- del, The costs of med mal awards and malpractice insurance are down in the electron microscopic range of vote fraud relative to American health care costs. Ther was always about as much truth to the "tort reform" shibboleth as there was to "activist liberal judges". The tort reform tirade from the GOP was a typical attack based on the right wing perception that "trial lawyers" (by which I guess they mean everybody but RE experts and the dark legions of insurance companies and corporate law, and the IPO palladins) gave more money to Democratic Party candidates. How dare they? Speaking of the Dread Pirate Justice Roberts, remember that bullshit "umpire" analogy he pulled over the eyes of the Senate Judiciary Committee? Fracking liar. Impartial arbiter, my ass, MF.
- Savannah GA has a yellow pages listing for A Able Attorney. Lawyerss I know that do personal injury (including one of my brothers) are loathe to bring frivolous lawsuits. You end up making nothing for too much effort and you get a non compos mentis client you'll never actually get rid of. I think lawyers like A Able are more in the market for tourists that wake up on March 18 am in Savannah hoosegow in immediate need of a mouthpiece. "It is the envy of the world." is exactly the kind of thing you'd expect from a Wonderbread Rotarian-type white guy boosterist Babbitt like Roberts, who seems to be an example more of title pawn comportment than judicial. Except where it isn't. Books cartoon. Anti-contraception coasters for your next 40th Bday surprise party.
- I think both Sons of Anarchy and Justified are better than either Mad Men or Breaking Bad. My problem with Breaking Bad is with Walt's complete amorality, and it goes way back to when he let Jesse's girlfriend drown in her own vomit while he made his way to a drug deal. And what character is there to actually like in Mad Men. Closest is probably Peggy, but her character remains a cypher through Season 5 Episode 1. Got, Pete is almost starting to seem sympathetic. Harry Crane used to not be a complete fratboy asshole. Not any more. Roger is there to provide a character more despicable than Don the Dick.
- I wonder if any of those bachelorette babes were majorettes in high school? Do they even have majorettes anymore? Lord knows what their majors were, but I'll bet they were all Tri-Delts at Ole Miss or Auburn. And when they went to the University Health Service and were informed by the cute PA the itch and odor were symptoms of acute vaginitis, they giggled, blushed and said "Why, thank you Doctor." My ex-wife's first roomie at UGA was one of them.She wasn't stupid, really, just so dense it seemed as if light bent around her like a black hole. Her fiance was a ZBT pronounced as in English. Frats and Sororities that can't get the Greek alpphabet right have always had my complete enmity. Whatta bunch assaholas. Any of y'all ever see Zero de Coduite My Netflix mail just brought a disk with all of Jean Vigo's movies. If Our Gang made an anti-extablishment movie that became the basis for Lindsey Anderson's If..., that's Zero de Conduit? I am rubbing my hands together in anticipation, like Raskolnikov. Of course, I only saw it once 30 something years ago in a film class to finish up JSchool credits, but I remember it vividly, I hope. Last time this happened, I rented the Classic A Boy and his Dog, Sonny Crock...Don Johnson't teenage post-apocalypric venture. Seen once years before. Even funnier than I'd remembered. The net is being bombarded with alleged photos of Trayvon Martin in droopy jeans flashing gang signs. Now who might perpetrate such a reprehensible crock of shit? Three suspects having to do with Breitbart associates, (2)Wayne LaPierre little wannabe gun-toting acolytes that would start crying if a 140 lb. kid or a 60 year old man like me smacked 'em, and (3) and the Sanford,FLA Police Department looking at a monster wrongful death suit, not in Simi Valley. No shit, this is spectacularly vile, and really only for those with a stout-hearted belief in the goodness of God's creation: The so-called "New American Panthers" come up in this racist miasma frequently. I was involved a little bit with the Panthers in my latter two HS years. It was Detroit and I thought I was a radical. I will guarantee that nobody connected with the actual Panthers would ever have to do with something as dogass as putting a bounty on George Zimmerman. They certainly executed people, back in the day--drug dealers. There was a famous retaliation after drug dealers murdered my schoolmate Bill Thigpen, best HS hoops player I ever saw, while he was working the drug rings undercover for the Michigan Daily. But the New Black Panthers? That's an incredibly asinine invention of Breitbart. He hired some big black scary guys and sent them to a polling place. Only it was in a black neighborhood and nobody was intimidated in the slightest. O'Keefe gets the runs againIn fact, there is footage of Breitbart's coke fueled thugs helping grannies and lifting wheelchairs over potholes. Y'all are an intelligent and well-informed bunch. You know, more or less, what an imprimatur is. Right? When there are racist, idiot, murderous thugs straining to go free? How does anybody let a drunken drug-addicted pig like Andrew Breitbart to run wild. And how does an entire cop department let his ubermensch shoot and kil a scrawny kid I could take down without crying for mommy. Ypu phony bigtimers that think you're tough? It's the gun you wastes of skin.
- Sherri, Jesus said we all have a role in a social safety net. These aholes cling to Jesus. They are lying sacks when they oppose WIC, SCHIP, Medicare, etc. Jeff, they didn't decide to attack Obamacare for nothing. It's also RMoneycar and it works. What they hate is the first five letters of Obamacare, and it is largely racism and largely rich white guy conviction they are supposed to run everything and take home all the loot. The great aspersion that Fake Balls Gingrich has cast at Obama is "anti-colonial" Well how 'bout them Founding Fathers"? What the ammphibian really means is Mau Mau, and they comin' fer yer wimmen. Seriously, we have the most intelligent and well-spolen President since JFK and elected offidials are sending watermelon emails? This is not a civilized country, it's a barbarous and cannibalistic nation. And the prey vote willingly for the cannibals. National health care is a proven paradigm. Shit, it works in Mexico. The AMA used to abhor the idea, until doctors quit the AMA because it didn't represent their commitment to healing the sick. How is socialised a bad word in this country? Would somebody tell these yokels there is no threat of a world commoniss takeover any more. Nobody is trying to alter your bodily fluids.
- At the worst, Nancy, you paid for decent performance art. There is no more repugnant public figure than Mitch McConnell, but what shit he's pulling now doesn't hold a candle to the shit he shovelled for Massey and Blankenship the murderer:
- Beb, Mitch has several, droopy for sure, but the guy is a creep with no doubt. And his racist opposition is unmatched, And this shit is ost assuredly about "a white buy" is supposed to be tunning things. It is painfully obvious,
- Cooze, you gat that right. Plus , the idea of a Negroe in charge has put them into Hyper-drive. The racist shit is undeniable,
- Isn't the real quetion about Obamacare Why do these proponents of the pre-born care so much about children that have not entered th world when they want to fuck them over instead of taking care of them when they ate actually born? These aholes disslike Obamacre because he' a negroe. That is an unavoidable fact.
- The GOPer racism is obvious.
- Brian Stouder quoting Dahlia Lithwick: shared responsibility, community, or real concern for those who don’t want anything so much as healthy children, or to be cared for when they are old. These assholes want to claim to be a Christian country? Isn't that what Jesus said? Can one of those whited sepulchres answer that? Matthew 25:40. You despicable shitheels.
- And this is my motto: I want all my money back from Paul Ryan I paid into SS and Medicare in a lump sum first, so I can give it to my daughter, so she can get rich like the Bushes and Romneys did. Fuck you all, you rich assholes that lived off me and the rest of the hoi polloi.
- Lawyer Guns and Money? How about the real deal: Even the boss was not better than this.
- Greatest guitar playing in human history:
- Brian Stouder, I know you are too smart to buy into that ACORN bulshit, That didn't happen and everybody knows it. ACORN turned in the phony names and nobody was registered falsely. These are facts. Breitbart notwithstanding,
- Nah, Mitch is as obnoxious as all of his chins. And his wife is in the order of succession. Fuck 'em, these assholes do not believe in America.
- Brian: The ACORN fracas was purely bullshit. Minnie: Richard Thompson shares with me great guitar skills and being the ex of an almost perfect woman, I would love to have seen that show. I did see the Boss in '73 at the Jersey shore, Spirits in the Night. And DavidC. I think Mitch looks like a prematurely spent condom.
- Fact of the matter is every civilized country provides health care to it's citizens for far less money than the exceptional USA provides to some of its citizens. The rich get stellar care, the poor, not so much. People elsewhere live longeer. Babies (the post-born that is) die in infancy here more. And Linda,on the money about Harry and Mitch. And where do these aholes get off with "repeal and repace"? With what? RMoneycare? OOOOhhhkay. The Heritage Foundation invented the health care mandate you fracking assholes.
- Nancy, I knew I'd reared my child properly when she bought her first Tom Waits album and showed a predilection for XTC and Little Feat, Then she turned into a Dave Matthews fan. Sigh. I am one of those recalcitrant assholes that love the Clash but think the Sex Pistols made better songs mostly. And Deborah, please send your free samples down here to SC. Bill Monroe was a national treasure. Or Maid of Constant Sorrow by Joan or Judy: Better looking and better voice, and she wrote My Father, an awesomely great song:
- Don't cry for me moderation, you know I never left you.
- Without a stutter:|main5|dl2|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D147389 Jerry Lee keeps it in the family.
- My dad was an ELK's member in Williamson, West Virginia, just across the bridge from Turkey Creek KY, where my youngest bro Dave was born. . He abhorred shit like that. More of an Invictus and Jesus kinda guy. One night listening to WXYZ in Detroit, I heard the Rotary passwords: "Internal: combustion". What a fatuous buncha asses. And it's time to introduce your kid to reggae. Lively up yourself is how to play bass:
- Alex: Your comment reminds me of The Longest Yard: Ever find spiders in it? Coozledad. Or Boozoo? I've been to James' house, and it is palatial. Tiger will win the Masters, and I've got cash on it. Marital infidelity is something disgraceful, but holy shit, Jim Brown threw an ex off a balcony and at least half those women that claimed to have been with Tiger were lying their asses off for cash. Coozledad's musical influences: Sorry if I missed. Maybe it's gg.
- About the burial plot question. God made fracking vutures, you fracking ninny. Civilized people take care of the damaged among them. Somebody has to take care of the cost. The TVangelistic assholes that only believe in taking care of Post-Born babies, don't seem to have a clue what Jesus was talking about when he talked about Whatever you do for the least of my children. I have had it with these whited sepulchres. Phony pieces of shit. Mary, 1966 for me was MC5 and SRC, and gutdom that was great music. And Jakash, thanks for putting the e in whiskey. Scotch is another thing entirely. And Jim Brown did get away with murder. And as far as playing bass, there is Bootsy and there is Mike Ness and there is Jack Bruce and John Entwistle: The way to play bass is like you're playing lead with two backward fingers. And I would have found Mary (oh, Rob) more alluring than Megan but that Beirthday parttay performance was squirm-worthy like Lucy at her most embarrassing.. Kentucky whiskey has no patch on Tennessee. Far too sweet and not enough bite. Tastes too much like scotch.
- LA Mary, I'd say it's the girls in Blowup, a great movie, in my opinion. The Ox:: You cannot play better than this. And he played the French horn.
- How does stealing my cash equal personal responsibility> Fuck you GOPers. I want a cash payment now, you fucking crooks. I didn't support the invasions, you assholes.
- Whatta whacko. I've always wondered what made women think makeup was attractive. I think it's creepy. And I find women au naturel ridiculousy attractive.
- Well it's Junior and his grape smugglers, girl. And the rifle.
- So Magic bought the Dodgers and didn't Larry's buddy put his foot right in shit? I mean, I'ma Dodgers fan from wayback. I went to spring training in utero back in the day. I have a photograph of my mom playing catch with Carl Erskine with me on board. It seems to me that there is no sports meme more lasting than Yankees suck. And if they didn't in the first place, ARod surely etched it in stone. What an asshole. And Clemens throwing the bat at Piazza, holy shit the Yanks suck.
- It does seem to me that the hick from French Lick is the most excellent sports character ever. Lahdee was Magic's best buddy from the get-go. That is one standup guy. Lahddy loved Magic from back in the day. Great hoops.
- What in God's name is a Royal Ambassador? I'm an Eagle Scout, but that one has me bamboozled. Edward Gorey rules. Saw Dracula off Broadway with his set design, and Raul Julia. Perfect placement of red, in each act. edit: But guess what: Bob Perry, the deep-pocketed funder of the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth," just gave $3 million to Mitt Romney's Super PAC. These fuckers have no shame.
- Out there in the corn-fed states, women are going to be required to carry them stillborn shildren to term, Benighted, thy name is GOPer.
- What is wrong with these idiots? Sepsis is phony science?
- What Nancy Nall has in common with RMoney. Paycheck? What paycheck? My prom dress color? Gunmetal/pink. And that two-piece comes in size 16. Like Nancy Grace on DWTS. And isn't that a fine contradiction in terms. Where the hell is a guy supposed to pin the corsage. My prom was a great night, at Greenfield Village. My mom and dad were chaperones I had a midnight blue tux.None of the young women dressed as hos. I drove my mom's '63 T-Bird convertible. No limos, no hotel rooms, scant alcohol. Music was by the great Detroit power trio Third Power, and I was in love with my date, who wore a gorgeous tangerine colored dress.
- Lee Trevino managed to get struck by lightning twice. When he was asked what he'd do if he was on a golf course and an elecrtrical storm struck, Trevino said he'd point a one iron at the sky, "because even God can't hit a one iron", which is actually funny for a golf joke.
- Romney Dangerfield is a truly creepy son of a bitch. Strutting little chickenhawk GOPer ahole Paul Ryan pisssed off thewrong general., and he's proud to be slashing $11bill from the Administrations request for funding Veteran's Affairs.
- How's about subliminal advertising images for good-old-fashion family values? Sleeze beyond comprehension. Why not go ahead and do a Willie Horton on the President? What is the hell is wrong with Cong. Deadbeat Dad. I mean, there is something wrong with this guy.
- Revitalizing cities the smart way. Frothy loses it with a reporter.
- Marco Rubio is a mendacious shitheel. This is really meretricious and vicious GOPerism. If I were a Hispanic proponent of the Dream Act I would find Rubio to be a traitorous viper for pushing this modern version of indentured servitude. If I were the Royals, I'd be more concerned about a prince that gets hammered at parties and dresses up like Hermann Goering.
- Apparently there were three tickets sold with the winning numbers. Damn, only $213 million plus some RMoney change. Back in the early days of the Mass. Lottery, there was a drawing that turned up about 50 winning tickets for a $mill and a half jackpot. To this day I wonder about the abject suckup calls that had to be made to get jobs back from abused bosses when the awful truth surfaced, and which of the hearty pioneers just may have taken the $30grand and headed off to Cabo instead. More power to 'em.
- Some nutjob NH lege Rep. is claiming that men that have sexual relations with women on contraceptives are at increased risk of prostate cancer. This one pretty much beats all for unadulterated toxic waste from the GOPers. Basset, the Atlantic Cities newsletter is pretty much cutting edge on bringing back cities. Much of what's wrong with the USA can be traced directly to that first Levittown, in my opinion.
- If you taake a bite of raw fennel bulb, it's flavor is pretty close to the black licorice Chuckle nobody wanted from the parti-colored pack, though I loved them. When it is cooked, fennel is a whole different flavor, aromatic as can be and complementary to all sorts of herbal combinations. I've cooked turkeys and chickens with Fennel bulbs in the breast cavity, along with chunks of sourish apples, and the effect is superb. I know she's still a kid, but if Jennifer Lawrence is "a touch overweight", bring on zaftig. That is nuts. Me, I live with a woman with an Audrey Hepburn figure, so what do I know? I can think of a large crowd of current politicians who could do worse than have their epitaphs echo this sentiment: "Died before she could really betray her country." Dystopian is misused by literary and film critics frequently when they really mean post-Apocalyptic, but I guess they don't mean that either, literally, since it never involves the beast and the Seven Seals. Frequently they mean, as I take itwith the Hunger Games, post-nuclear-bomb, or post-worldwide plague. Dystopian is The Handmaid's Tale. Post nuke seems like The Road Warrior, though that could just be post-using up-all-of-earth's-resources-by-thoughtless-greedy-humans. Blade Runner, post-rejection-of-climate-science. Post-plague, The Road, The Pest House (and the latter is as good as the former, if not better). Post-nuke, post-plague, post-ecological-disaster, those are parbly going to be dystopian by default.
- These are pencil drawings, not photographs. Astonishing.
- Noted journalistic hoaxes for April Fools Day.
- What sort of crony capitalism put student loan debt outside of bankruptcy protection? Same sort that allowed the creation of the student loan middle man industry as a source of almost pure profit for a nearly nonexistent but mandated service, which I'm sure comprises a large component of current outstanding debt. These bidnesses basically tacked on a %age for mailing government checks to college bursars, and are as beloved of GOPers as their title-pawn and payday loan fellows in usury. This part of student loan debt ought to be forgiven by Congressional fiat, as never having been legal in the first place. Maybe members of Congress that supported this vulterine system in the first place can ease the blow by returning the kickback blood money. Maybe claw back obscene bonus money paid to crooked executives and traders that invented derivatives, nearly fucked the world economy and the TARP bailout beneficiaries that employ them, many of which were those useless student loan "brokers". All of which makes me wonder about Raygun's trickle down boy wonder, former OMB director David Stockman, the most infamous student loan deadbeat ever. Stockman is making a new career ranting about TARP and the evils of crony capitalism, er...corporatism: Ever pay off those loans Dave, or have a crony take care of them for you? I've read The Velveteen Rabbit a couple hundred times, to my daughter and now to my grandson, and I think it is a fairly moving piece of delayed Victoriana with beautiful illustrations, but I've never shed a tear. (Is the sentiment and uplift a little much, sure, but when your kid's favorite book is the loathesome Danny and the Dinosaur, anything else looks good.) Do I lack empathy? Hell no. I cry at the mention of Brian's Song.I'm amazed that those est clones don't draw disgruntled postal carriers with modified semi-automatic weapons with the jumbo magazines. They seem designed specifically to incite mass murder. Am I alone in thinking oleaginously creepy Henry Francis wants Betty beefed up to MOM dimensions. Did January Jones do a DeNiro for verisimilitude? Sure looked it getting out of the tub. Does Henry own a creepy motel upstate on US5? That couple's bedroom scenes put me in mind of Predator atop Schwarzenegger. Yuck. Not telling Betty that Don had called to check on her indicates serious problems with self esteem and penis-insecurity.
- Great performance by Emmylou in a great movie: And with her band The Nash Ramblers, in a great dress, doing a great Hank Williams song: edit: OOPS, that's the Hot Band, not the Nash Ramblers.
- In the pink bathrobe scene, it looked Betty's head on Joan's body.
- Ryan''s budget is a total boondoggle and slightly less fair and balanced than Fux News. Anybody that believes shit about tax breaks for job creators parbly dumb enough to believe RMoney was creating jobs when h ran the Bain Business death star Co. We watched the first episode of the Masterpiece Great Expectaions. Reviews wer pretty scathing about Dana Scully's portrayal of Miss Havisham, particularly her affected vocal choice. I thought the production was excellent. The scenes in the fens particularly Pip's meeting with Magwhich, were eerie as hell. I thought Gillian Anderson was excellent as Havisham as mad wraith. Her voice was particularly affecting, in my opinion. Miss Havisham has always been a character that to me was half-alive at best and was entirely spooky as Dickens was a master at. Between the caked pallid makeup and the ethereal voice, Anderson plays the character as haunting and spectral, which I think is very true to the novel. When Havisham shows Pip the moldering wedding cake, the dialogue is telling: Havisham: What do you see Pip? Pip: It looks like a wedding cake. Havisham: It is the ghost of a wedding cake. And I am the ghost of a bride. Maybe all those TV critics skipped the book. Anyway I loved it, and I can't watch the marsh scenes without thinking of the superb reimagining, Jack Maggs, by Peter Carey, a personal favorite novelist
- Photo of Gillian Anderson playing Miss Havisham Oh, and the kid that plays young Pip is fantastic. " Oh and Magwitch is portrayed by the inimitable Roy Winstone, beefed up to terrifying size like an NFL lineman, always a major character in Great Expectations to me, as a basically good soul made brutal by a brutalizing Brit penal system when penury and debt were criminal offenses. Probably a useful thing for contemporary Americans to contemplate. That is the ultimate goal of abject busllshit like Ryan's show-budget that will never see the light of day in the Senate or the real world. It's not so much feudalism as indentured servitude the bastards are after.
- Sue , the Titanic book sounds excellent. I like that sort of thing anyway, going back to reading Ragtime (the Ballad of Stanny White and Harry Thaw) for the first time. If you like history bending novels with all sorts of original information included, there's a book called The Collected Works of Billy the Kid, by Michael Ondaatje, that sounds much like this. There is also a great novel that alternates pages between the author's prose and facsimile news clips and other historical detritus, called Natural History by Maureen Howard, that I'd recommend enthusiastically. It's about a family in Bridgeport, CT, birthplace of P.T. Barnum, the charlatan that founded his own University decades before that idea dawned on his fellow charlatans Oral Roberts and Falwell, and a compelling murder mystery. You might like it, though the style is a little disconcerting. One of my sisters-in-law graduated from Bridgeport (their sister may be my ex, but they are still SIL far as I'm concerned). Also, on TV last night: The Killing picked up way, way better than it left off. Linden gone rogue and turned prey. One tough woman, with no idea whom she can trust.
- NPR preview of an excellent Bonnie Raitt album. Million Miles is spectacular vocal and slide. I think this may be the best album the Redhead ever made (and I know what AP stylebook says about that colloquialism, but red-haired is an adjective and the Redhead is . Exceptional. I saw her play many times in Cambridge MA and even shared tequila a couple of times, but I've never been a big fan of her records. I might buy this one. Sublime guitar playing. Be sure to listen to Split Decision. Like a really good original by The Band. Like a clean sounding Stones album with better vocals and guitar than their last several. Body 2XX or unhealthy pregnancy weight gain. Henry's house and furnishings look like a set for 13 Ghosts.
- I thought of the Who Heinz commercial with the Ox tooting away on the French horn, immediately, while watching. And if the Rice Crispies jingle isn't a Glimmer Twins composition, it's a damn good initation.
- Oh Ann RMoney, that is fracking hilarious. More, please. Willard is just a little stiffy. ROGirl, it's a very good album this time around. Guess I was spoiled in her maniac Cambridge days, where her live shows were legendary. One we saw was with John Lee, one of the greatest live shows I've ever seen. The Crawling King Snake was lusting after his wild young protege and she was flirtatious, and the music was spectacular.
- This piece of better than average corporate rock is popularly known as Sister Christian, but Night Ranger called it Motoring. Incomprehensible, inane, dumb as grunt lyrics but a lot more musically imaginative and less bombastic performance than all that Steve Perry Streetlight People shit. I want Mrs. Romney to tell the world the family nickname Little Mitt goes by, and if it's emblazoned on the flies of his magic u-trou. I'm betting they call him Moroni, or maccaroni. Back in the wake of the Chuck Stewart murder hoax in Boston, the BPD executed a few hundred thousand stop-and-searches in two weeks, before it became obvious that Chuck had shot Carol and then himself to fake a robbery by the proverbial "black male. The cops had black kids all over the city leaning against walls with their pants around their ankles. How many white people are liable ever to fall afoul of this ruling. Thanks to Alito and Scalia and Scalia's homunculus Long Dong, cops can find a roach in a car ashtray and charge every passenger and the driver with possession, even if one of them admits ownership. Ain't that originalism? Just as the Founders intended. Of course, founders, some of them, were hemp farmers. If this latest shit from these activist judge bastards isn't legislating from the bench I'd like it explained how it's not. Of course "activist judges" don''t rile up the right wing anymore, now that it turns out the bench legislators are on their side. Christine Todd Whitman announced that the SC ruling exonerated her of charges of racial profiling for her famous grinning black guy patdown, and said she'd be happy to do it pantsless next time she does a ride-along. Newt Gingrich said that Whitman is a "flaming liberal with no place in our Big Tent Party". Is that your Taxi Driver DeNiro, Nancy? Testy.
- Crimefighter Christy Whitman doing an Alito, with a big grin on her mug. Dumbest thing a politician ever did? Too bad, actually, Mrs. Whitman is a semi-sane GOPer. Clone her a couple of hundred times and put the clones in the GOP congressional seats, and the USA might make some progress. Mitt's time machine. The pink smoke comes from the green rocket. Uncle Nicola's trying to tell you something. Shoot Loud, Louder...I Don't Understand. One of my brothers once shouted "Look at the grouse" in his sleep. We knew immdiately what he was talking about.
- Two favorites of mine, Della. Hope you enjoy. I'v never met anybody else that has read either. That green rocket and Uncle Nicola nonsense is a reference to Raquel Welch's greatest movie (after Mother, Jugs and Speed), Shoot Loud, Louder…I Don't Understand, with Marcello Mastroianni. That man had an affinity for bounteous breasts, I'd say. Anyway, the pink smoke reminded me of it.
- The GOPer mass hysteria and fainting epidemic over the President's SC comments are fracking hilarious. He basically made an argument against partisan activist judges legislating from the bench. Hasn't that been an absolute requirement to prove GOP bona fides for at least the last 20 years? Course, they shut up about it around the time of the Citizens United Today is the anniversary of the birth of the late, great Richard Manuel. Dorothy, that contest/won a cruise gambit is a standard component in crime stories lately, to frame the rube for murder or whatever. I received a spam message yesterday informing me that I've won a gift card worth $10.5 mill, an astounding figure in my experience. The message actually instructed me to arrange by email to pick the card up in person. Muggers? Kidnappers? Personal enemies
- My favorite part is Catherine the Great’s struggle with urinary incontinence. That horse thing. Cooze, do you know the music on that movie clip. Beautiful. SCOTUS/ACA: Does the ACA affect interstate commerce? Undoubtedly. Does the law meets the rational basis test which presumes that an economic regulation such as this is constitutional so long as it is rationally productive of a legitimate government objective? Clearly. Any other consideration of the ACA by the Court's objective umpire activist originalists of the Scalia wing of the SC is pure bullshit legislating from the bench activism. On this day in 1882, Jesse James was shot in the back and killed, by the coward Robert Ford: (Seger with Teagarden and VanWinkle) Republican evolution. Today's also the birthday of both Richard Thompson (aka world's greatest fingerpicker), and the punk patriarch, Mike Ness, of Social Distortion and the Minutemen.
- Two virtuosos: When the Angels Sing, Mike Ness and Social Distortion. 52 Vincent Black Lightning, Richard Thompson.
- More howling proof of Santorum's 1)abject stupidity, or 2) willingness always to spout the first outrageous lie that pops into his pointy little head: Gutdom, what a nitwit. edit: Thanks cooze, I find that music enchanting. The noise of the reveller's conversation on the sound track is pretty amazing also. I ordered the movie from Netflix. Good follow-up to the Jean Vigo collection I sent back today.
- Mark, Just repeating GOP shibboleth "talking points" from the last 20 years, that were a constant drumbeat until Bush v. Gore legislated a preeminence of federal election requirements over those of the sovereign sstate of FLA. I'm just repeating Scalia's argument, who basically used the two terms interchangeably to refer to partisan behavior by judges. If you check, you'll see that I stated this opinion before the President did. I didn't know from the GOP flinging this shit for two decades there were such refined definitions of terms. They aren't my talking points, which I don't have, nor are they "talking points" generated by liberals of any sort. They are terms straight out of the mouths of partisan GOPers, presumably from the keyboard of the odious Frank Luntz, and it's obviously galling to hear those words bouncing back to GOP behavior quite appropriately. . So excuse me if I took these idealogues at their words. Guess I won't make that mistake again any time soon. GOP: Party Bankrupt of Ideas: They might as well elect the Situation or Snooki goobernator. Chris "Gargantua" Christie wants to run NJ on policies borrowed from and laws cadged from the unelected creeps and cretins that developed and pushed Stand Your Ground (aka Get a Vigilante Out of Jail Free) for the NRA and sold it's bogus shit to the corrupt wingnut FLA state lege.
- Sue: That's the Gleam in Your Father's Eye Act.
- Absolutely, Minnie. Guy's a genius. I hope Brittney Spears realizes what an honor it is for RT to turn her song into something other than drivel, something that sounds ominous. I've got the One Thousand Years album, but even better the double Shoot Out the Lights album that has a bunch of songs with his ex, Linda, too. I love Vincent Black Lightning, but this ballad is also a favorite, with haunting lyrics: And Little Blue Number is great Rockpile style new wave rave rock: (funny lyrics too). As good a songwriter as a guitar player if that's possible. Funny how "judicial activism" has been a password to the faux-conservative GOPer inner sanctum for two decades, but when it comes back in their mugs, it's an unprecedented and unseemly attack on the court by President Ni... Fuck these assholes if they can dish it out but not take it. I pictured Luntz swallowing his tongue when he heard Obama come out with this acute and accurate description of the 2012 originalist partisan GOPer judges in his own carefully crafted phrases. Makes me laugh my ass off, and fuck 'em if they can't take a joke, and go all sputtering apoplectic. Being told I'm not using the terms according to some supposedly well-established definitions is an even bigger joke. Like they weren't empty slogans and dog whistles in GOPer mouths.
- Ashley Judd was partying last night, I imagine. Just about coming out of her post NCAA fog about now. Richard and Linda Thompson (RT plays banjo): Of course, they have a talented son, whose voice is his dad's 25 or 30 years ago:
- The worst case I can think of a of a movie leaving out a crucial part of a book is ignoring The World According to Bensenhaver in making Garp. Still an excellent movie, but an animated Bensenhaver in the style of Chester Gould would have made it great. The Potter movies got better when Alfonso Cuaron was hired to direct Prisoner of Azkaban, the best of the movies. vanity dive to the Challenger Deep C'mon Jeff, you wouldn't make that dive if you had the resources? I'd be down there now had I won that Powerball cash. And I'd be in line for any ride in space that did not include that quintessential asshole Ashton Kutcher on the passenger manifest.
- JC: Wonderbread white people deploying "hella" is a painfully obnoxious affectation. Though I'm anxiously anticipating Willard M (for malaprop) RMoney giving it a try. Of course, from here on out, Mitt can't possibly sink lower than calling the President an atheist, (the only relationship with God judged more harshly by American voters than Islam and Moronism):,-the-Secular-Atheist-Obama.html And just what are those nebulous "reports" Ratboy is privy to, about Obama "establishing" a "secular religion". What's his source? Breitbart or Drudge? Scummy putz. In a just world, that would mean Romney Dangerfield was fair game for magic underwear, Joe Smith as conman/murderer, and Mormon racism questions. Still Willard is guaranteed to resort to Reverend Wright references at some point. He can't help himself, he was born in Mexico. I have never seen Titanic, and have never had any interest in seeing the movie. I have seen A Night to Remember many times, and presume it to be a better movie. Finished "The Rum Diary" at 4:30 this morning. Worth a read for sure, and not just for Dr. Thompson fans. Imagine if Jack Kerouac had an inner editor and some sort of Kaopectate or Immodium for his verbal diarrhea. Tight, though slight, plot, and a tumultuous, chaotic, and satisfying ending, with full-blown Hunter Thompson characters. Superior to some of his Journzo, I think. Trying to choose now between 1Q84 and Infinite Jest, both of which represent long term commitment. Also considering rereading Gravity's Rainbow or V.
- If Phillip K. Dick can be said to have written serious fiction (absolutely, in my opinion), Blade Runner is far greater than Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Obviously, it's more usual for films from books to disappoint. That's why I'm uncomfortable reading about an upcoming movie based on Mark Helprin's brilliant Winter's Tale. I know they will screw that up.
- Neither read nor seen Hunger Games, but the name Panem can't be coincidental. I figured it was a reference to bread and circuse. I've read the Rings Trilogy seven or eight times since I waas 12. Peter Jackson made lots of departures from the books to move his movies along, like the Elven archers at Helm's Deep, leaving out Tom Bombadil (too bad, would have been very entertaining) but I don't think he damaged the fabric of the work as a whole.
- It's around Opening Day, even though Bud Sellout has obscured that tradition like it was a tied All-Star game, so Babe Ruth on asparagus. I have eaten asparagus fresh from the garden. Cucumbers are great this way, and raw corn still on the stalk is sublime. As was President Obama's take on Willard's calling the Ryan Budget "marvelous". and Ryan's claiming his budget was aimed at saving government programs for Americans that need them most by enacting massive rich people tax cuts at the expense of Medicare, Medicaid, WIC, SCHIP, the VA, etc. What an assplug. And Bud Selig is single-handedly responsible for the stupidest, most unsportsmanlike rule in the history of organized sports: The league that wins the meaningless midsummer exhibition gets to bat last in the World Series, despite team records or anything else competitive. It might say commissioner on his office door, but the guy is still just the low-rent owner of the Brewers, that let Rupert Murdoch buy the team of Jackie Robinson and run it into the ground. And much-maligned Rachael Ray has a good tip on asparagus. Break a medium stem at the breaking point, line 'em up, and chop 'em off.
- Well Cheerios stink so badly in the bowl, they must have some unpleasant effect on urine. Scribe, Fox ownership damaged the Dodgers market value to the point that McCourt could buy the ballclub, and Fox mangled the minor league system, which had been the best for years and years. The McCourts are crooks, News Corp. was more like a stupid plantation owner. Antibiotics really make bovine urine stink, and then they get into the watershed and into people. Voila! MRSA. Cider House Rules, movie is better than the book, which is one of John Irving's somewhat unfortunate rehashes.
- Whoa, I'm a fan of John Irving, but he does tend to do minor rewrites of himself as often as Ray Davies used to. Bears, whores, Vienna wrestling. When he breaks that pattern (Owen Meany, Son of the Circus), he's incredibly inventive. A lot of this started with Setting Free the Bears, which is one of my favorites. Novels to film? How 'bout Terry Southern, who was an accomplished screenwriter as well as a novelist. His most famous book, Candy, was made into a lackluster movie despite Marlon Brando's presence. The Magic Christian, with Peter Sellers and Ringo as Guy and Youngman Grand, I consider the film version a counter-culture classic that far surpasses the novel. The free money scene is one of the most cynical and wickedly funny things ever put in a movie.
- Jeff, I thought Water Method Man was Irving's first book, but, at any rate Setting Free the Bears is terrific. It's kind of a one-sitting book if you have the time. And what a great title. Always thought it would be a good name for a band. That show host is Hans or Dieter or Detlef, Cooze, and that is not an American show. Free Money (the Frothy and Willard game): Terry Southern was a childhood hero, and my cadre of would-be subversive 6th Grade Catholic School boys had a communal copy of Candy. The nuns would have barbecued us had we been caught with it. Luckily, only discovered by the FB coach, who confiscated it and never said another word. Terry Southern was a writer on Dr. Strangelove, after Peter Sellers sent copies of The Magic Christian to many friends, one of whom was Stanley Kubrick.
- Bitter Scribe: That Cubbies opener could be a good matchup with Demster vs. Strasburg. Interesting to see how the phenom Messiah comes back. Setting Free the Bears was indeed Irving's first novel. Garp his fourth, fittingly finished tsecond to Going After Cacciato (Tim O'Brien) for the National Book Award.
- Orrin Hatch says Dems and the President will smear Romney's Mormonism. Oldtimers or preemptive strike,considering Romney called the President an atheist two days ago, I'd go with the latter. Sleazy little shit. The governor of my homestate is a fracking idiot.
- Good interview of Terry Gilliam: I remember when AMC was ad-free. Thank God our cable carries TCM. We have a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird and do not get tired of watching it. The kid that played Scout was exceptional. Candy is a very funny book. The movie had in the cast, besides Marlon Brando, Richard Burton and, I think, James Coburn. Haven't seen it in about 40 years. Not very good as I recall. The Magic Christian, on the other hand, still produces chortling and guffaws. Terry Southern also wrote the screenplay for Barbarella, and is credited as a writer, with Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda, on Easy Rider. Helluva resume, Jack. I just wonder whether Nikki Haley didn't practice safe sex when she had all those affairs. What sort of role model is she? What sort of an example is that to set? edit: Perfect Kickstarter Project for today's discussion:
- I like the part in The Ten Commandments when Aaron turns Moses' staff turns his staff into a long gun and plugs Yul Brynner. Long Dong won't recuse himself on ACA despite $1.6mill income (and more to come) from anti-reform groups. Which he failed to report for years. Just like the great canned duck hunter Scalia after his little trek with Cheney wouldn't recuse himself on the Dickless/Enron tea party back in 2001. This should be an impeachable breach of judicial ethics. That's a helluva lot of cash. What is Ginni Thomas' lobbying mojo? Well, she's Mrs. Clarence. And she wears a Statue of Liberty dome at Teabanger events. And she's Mrs. Clarence.
- Fortunately, the huge majority of womenhood is more attractive than Phyllis Sclafly, whose daddy always called her Princess and she bought that bullshit.When you look like quintessential GOPer woman heifer on the hoof, you should be careful about denigrating another's appearance. Did she ever see Gloria Steinem in her Bunny costume? Tape that inside your locker door at the Good Ole Boys Club, Phyl. Diane Ravitch's philosophical evolution, in The New Republic. ( Hope the link works. I subscribe to the paper version, which is where I read this.) Definitely worth a read. Hillary's traveling in those cargo planes is closer to rigorous military service than W ever got, if you don't count debilitating hangovers while attempting to fly a jet warplane. I listened to an unedited clip of the President's SCOTUS/ACA comments, and those GOPers retreating to the fainting chaises ar phony as $3 bills outside of Hamtramck. The President was clearly quoting GOPer talking points about "activist judges". His comments were unequivocal on this point. So as I said before, screw 'em if they can dish it out but not take it, the poor dears. Bastards travel constantly in miasma redolent of hypocrisy. Frack their lying asses. Those lardos are a large part of the US national reserve.
- Jeff, Norman Jewison, who directed Jesus Christ Superstar, is actually pretty cool. He directed The Cincinnati Kid, Agnes of God, Rollerball (the real one), The Russians are Coming (incredibly funny), Thomas Crowne Affair (the real one), And Justice for All (you're out of order), and one of the five best movies ever made, In the Heat of the Night. Pretty outstanding ouevre. And the tanks in the Negev are cool, too. I think Hillary looks like a contract killer in those shades.
- Jeff, that's the cracker version of West Pointe, is what cooze was getting at. There's no factual error in that statement Mark. It's pretty much an accurate description of the Court's consistent, historical care not to overstep with regard to Congressional powers. In fact Judges with solid conservative, non-partisan reputations and resumes on lower courts have already held for ACA. These are GOP jurist with superior legal reputations than the mooks that lied to the Judiciary committee to get on SCOTUS and act like partisan hacks. I didn't characterize anything Obama said as parody. He simply quoted what GOPers have been saying for a long time right back at them. And they're fainting like bewitched schoolgirls in Salem when their words come back to haunt them. It's just too rude for their delicate conditions.
- Borden @42: It's difficult to expect, foresee, or prepare for utterly mindless opposition and unmitigated dishonesty from fellow human beings. Ockam's razor leads me to believe that bigotry is a basis for the brainless, completely unreasoned negativity and obdurate opposition, but if I say so, I'm "playing the race card" which phrase is such an affront to the English language it makes my teeth ache. Bereft of that likely explanation, I'm left only with some form of derangement or mental illness.
- More money for Teabanging GOPer Goober-nors to steal.
- Brian, agree competely on Ravitch. The idea of vouchers (subsidizing the well off) and corporatizing education are horrifying to me.
- Sure cooze, but you can't point it out without "playing the race card. Lee Atwater, dog whistles, thugs, racism, and the "race card", which is usual invoked when somebody points out the real thing. That Derbyshire thing reminds me of going to see George Clinton and that Parliafunkadelictment thang at the UGA Coliseum back around '74, four of us were the only white people in a crowd of about 5,000 and we had ingested acid. Very entertaining, and no angst. edit: Derbyshire's shabby deployment of statistics makes him look stupid. He sure never passed Quant Anal.
- Derbyshire's photo looks like what would have resulted if the Dallas cops hadn't been in on Lee Oswald's assassination by Jack Ruby.
- Scot Walker's War on Caterpillars, or how to make Reince Priebus look like a more clueless idiot.
- Ya know, if SCOTUS torpedoes ACA but the Gangbaggers get kicked out of the House, the administration can bring the bill back next year with bulletproof tweaks and the public option. That would be horroshow, and Boner would never stop crying, Limbo would stroke out, and Roger Ailes would be trapped by villagers with torches and pitchforks in a decrepit windmill. The legion of the great unwashed, the hoi polloi, actually like all of the provisions of Obamacare, they have just had their bigotry stoked against the first five letters by the TeaGOPers' new Southren Strategy. They sho' 'nuff likes them some Medicare, and the pre-existing conditions coverage polls over 80%. Kinkade (Days Inn family motel chain sans bars School) does look like a practitioner of autoerotic asphyxiation in his pictures. I always preferred Bob Ross and his velvet vocal chords. Video and aural diazepam for the masses. Prince Valium. And his 30 minute paintings were superior to Kinkade's. in part because they’ve invested so much effort generally into not paying attention to or taking responsibility for what their “laws” are doing More frequently, I'm afraid, because the financial beneficiaries of those laws have invested so much cash in those legislators. ALEC doesn't just write boiler plate laws, it buys their passage too. But no more Coca Cola or Pepsi money, and quelle horreur, no more money from Kraft, the 21st Century Beatrice. What's next? ConAgra jumps ship?
- Thomas Kinkade is the visual arts equivalent of Lee Greenwood: In 1958, when he had a career high 420 AB, Jerry Lynch hit a robust .312, with 16 HR, 20 2B and 68 RBI, .498 slugging. Damn fine season:
- Joe deMaestri: Yep, I've got a bookmark for the Baseball Almanac. My real memories of the Yanks goes back to when Jake Wood was the catcher. I saw him play QB in an Ole Miss-Memphis football game when we lived in Mephis, and saw him catch for the Yanks many times in Tiger Stadium. The days of Kaline Northrup and Stanley, best OF I ever saw until Jim Edd, Freddie and Dewey came together at Fenway. And believe me, Rice played the Monster better than the potato farmer, but the Townies and Southie fans would never admit it. Wrong color. The curse of Mr. Yawkey.
- First person I hope Thom Kinkade . An art critic on Thomas Kinkade. Coozledad, if suppressing artistic integrity was Kinkade's goal in being a drunk, he was wildly successful. And Pretzeldent Shrub undoubtedly loved the work of that hack. His favorite song is that Lee Greenwood atrocity. I was previously unaware that Kinkade had backed California gated communities with houses modeled after his cottages, starting at $475grand. Wonder if the cost included a resident shrink. Like the perfect setting for an Amityville Horror sequel full of family mayhem and dismemberment. Or Stepford. The mention of the name Kinkade always reminds me of the hilarious 1966 movie What Did You Do in the War Daddy, with James Coburn and Dick Shawn, in which Harry Morgan gets lost in some Italian catacombs and loses his mind, ending up in gladiator armor and spouting fracturedlines from the Oxbow Incident. The murder victim in that one was named Kinkaid.
- Just creepy.
- I've read that Mike Wallace was big on office lady grabass. No idea if that's true. I always preferred Morley Safer, mainly on the strength of his Vietnam hard truth-telling way out front of anybody else in the media, including Walter Cronkite. Why is WaPo covering that bogus Blah-blah-blah-hous/Mercatus health care propaganda about increasing the deficit with a straight face? Quick primer. Doesn't really matter what chicanery and dirty tricks Scalia and Roberts and Alito pull out of their cruddy sleeves, the camel's nose is inside the tent. The Mercatus fellow's report was funded in full by the Koch Bros. Kriminal Konspiracy, so consider the source. The Post missed that tidbit. NYT didn't think it was news fit to print, but Fox, Drudge, pajamas, green footballs Freep World are all over it like horseflies on manure, as is the "liberal" bastion WaPo. The report is purely partisan crackpot bullshit and employs math and accounting from some other planet than Earth.
- Golden Fluffo. Today is Terre Roche's birthday. With gorgeous guitar accompaniment by Robert Fripp, Esq. Best singing sisters not named McGarrigle, I think.
- If I could paint, I'd do a Thomas Kinkade cottage on an icy river, with Eliza escaping across the ice floes. Stimulus success story. Check the comments mindlessly gainsaying the article, and accusing a staunch GOP-supporting newspaper with being the "liberal media". Bigots are stubborn as mules. Willard RMoney Windsock: Creative Job Destroyer, extraordinaire. When he starts unzipping and shaking the Etch-a-Sketch, how's he going to get out from under that one?
- Joan Didion said all of Kinkade's Kottages were characterized by "such insistent coziness as to seem actually sinister, suggestive of a trap designed to attract Hansel and Gretel. Every window lit, to lurid effect, as if the interior of the structure might be on fire." That is pretty damned funny to me. Make that "glowing" read "radioactive". Priebus on Frothtorum: "Today, Senator Santorum has made a commendable decision. He has decided to put his country, party, and desire to defeat President Obama ahead of any personal ambition. I applaud his decision and congratulate him on the campaign he has run." The final clause of that second sentence is remarkable. In 50 years of following politics, I have never heard a Party apparatchik make a statement like that, aside from McConnell's drunken utterances that I imagine he'd like to take back. This business of trying to make Obama out as evil is flagrant in its Willie Horton/Lee Atwater appeal to abject bigotry. It's a sputtering Teabanger saying "He's an Arab", all over again, but this time bitter old man McCain won't correct it.
- Scott Walker's most recent outrages: REPEAL of Wisconsin’s Equal Pay law! A BAN on abortion coverage by private health insurers taking part in the upcoming Affordable Care Act health exchange! A bill requiring women seeking abortions to undergo a one-on-one exam with a doctor to determine whether someone is pressuring the woman into the procedure -- doctors not correctly following the law could be charged with a felony.
- Thomas Kinkade is the great white hunter that never in a million years confronted a fierce prey animal. These NRA asshole types have no cojones but fracking raisins. Shrivelled. And they believe in Vigilante Gets off on Jail Free Card. I was robbed once at gunpoint. In an abandoned MBTA right of way when I lived in Jamaica Plain Boston. I was ridicculously not scared. And I told my assailant to go ahead and pull the trigger. I had been ay a neighborhood Baseball game. I had several hundred bucks in my pocket, but I moved their focus to something else. I wear a ring that was brought to the USA by my dad's forebears. These bastards focused on the ring, and I told the chief thug to start sawing and I'd kill him before he got through the bone. He flinched and was obviously scared. I was bigger than all of them, put together. But they had a gun. Who knows?
- I meant to say, as an artist of light, I'd say Rembrandt got that light shit better than Kinkade. Is anybody remotely close to getting this shit right? Anybody that knows dick knows It's the Night Guard.
- Are you kidding bout light? Reembrandt got light right nesct pa? Are you bastards some sort of whack? What ever anybody thinks? Who believes what anybody thinks. Whatever anybody thinks. Whatever anybody thinks about Maruy McCormick thinks whatever. She is astounding. What she says about what you dumbasses say. We believe what that no shit what we could make whatever you claim. We believe what you say. We believe what what you claim is what what we believe. Whatever you rhought , whatever you claimed. As I could say you are nuts. What ever you think.
- Winter is always welcome to leave. Is Ozzie Guillen such an ahole for his Castro comments? To my mind, MLB's sucking up to Batista was pretty much worse, and the assholes that continue the Elian bullshit in the FLA gulf is pure horseshit. These assholes continue to act as if Nixon wasn't a criminal. And like they didn't kill JFK and back Sirhan.
- Also, for your MLB types, Bud Selig? Seriously? He ownns the Budweisers and thinks the All-Star game means home field in the World Series. What an inexcusable asshole. A total asshole.
- W wishes Barney didn't piss on his head when the pretzel took him down. What a doofus. Will Farrell's only moment of comedy. I think Ozzie is nuts, and the ony reason to follow the White Sox is Gordon Beckham. I believe the LA Dodgers will win the NL West this year because they have the two best pitchers and the single best position player in center field. 50 steals and 50 HRs.
- Lugar is that rare thing GOPers just can't tolerate. A decent human being that didn't have a party when Teddy Kennedy died. Makes him a RINO, I guess.
- Beb, I'm with you on Raymond Chandler. If Ernest Hemingway had talent comparable to Scott Fitzgerals, it might have come out like the Phillip Marlowe books. Great movies too. The hipster pick is Dashiell Hammet, but he was not in the same universe with Raymond handler. The Voice? Brian? Say it ain't so. Good Lord. Closest I get is Roadshow, and it's mainly to see know-it-all aholes get told their priceless artifacts are kitsschy junk, like the Kinkade they stole from the Holiday Inn in Shreveport after losing all that cash on the Casino boat.
- I hate to disagree with Pilot Joe, but that Stooges movie is making me cringe expectantly. Curly Fine was a comic genius. Look at the Grouse. Moe, Larry, cheese. The one person that could have played Curly effectively died a long time ago. Sam Kinnison. The Farrelly bros are terminally sophomoric and having Sean Hayes fuck a cherry pie is not going to make him less gay. If some brothers were going to do the Stooges, would it be too much to ask for Ethan and Joel? Cooze: More like Stepford Husband, that only gets unzipped on occasion. Has anybody ever identified a member of the New Black Panthers other than those two guys Breitbart paid to hang around that polling place in 2008? Didn't think so. And that was an overwhelmingly black neighborhood, and nobody was intimidated. But, you know Trayvon gained 150 lbs. of hard muscle after that photo was taken. I've had five bikes stolen in the last ten years. One was a $3grand Motobecane road bike lifted when I was at a 7:30 am Mass. The rest were rehab bikes I got from the dump. I've become an excellent bicycle mechanic. Here on our island, there are practically no black people that aren't bussed into the plantation daily to make beds and serve breakfast. Nope, its them Meskins that steal bikes. Actually, the bike thefts here are mainly perpetrated by luckless bastards caught at .081 on the weekend dragnets, that have to get to court, but obviously can't drive themselves without getting in further trouble. And the next time I hear some ahole claim that hardcore anti-Obama has nothing to do with race, I'll be smashing some mandibles.
- All those Tebowing born-again blowhards that run banks, Whatever you do for the least of my children... Well put Little Bird, but I'd say he should have the full four fingers and a thumb internal exam. He loves the two-finger prostate palpation so let him get the full effect. In reality, it would have been great schadenfreude fun to see Frothy humiliated by RMoney in PA. Like I said. Dog in the manger.
- Zimmerman is guilty of murder. First degree. He stalked and killed a kid. You know, I just read a comment on a Zimmerman article that claimed this happened at 3 am, What is wrong with these gun nuts that makes them feel they have to legitimize this murder. ALEC is evil, and there are no two ways about it. This is the Koch Bros. Attempting to alter the Law of the Land, and gun nuts don't see anything wrong with that. Vigilante-Get-Out-of-Jail-Free is not America. And pardon me, but Sam Kinnison's take on coming home to the significant other after Easter weekend was funny: Anybody that won't admit that's funny might be a Moron. And seriously, a Stooges movie is a no-brainer failure from the word go. These guys were funny as the Marx Brothers. Funnier than Charlie Chaplin. I'm not a fan of Sam Kinnison, but he got phony Christianity about right. And what did Tejas do to piss God off so badly two weeks ago? And the cop on the other end of that phone call knew Zimmerman was going to commit a murder, and told him not to. Asshole did it anyway. Cold-blooded. Zimmerman is guilty, and I heard him call the kid a f**kin c**n" on tape. It is about time to call out American racists.
- Scout: I disagree. Zimmerman was never a victim of trial by media. He stalked and killed a kid he outweighed by at least a buck two eighty. That could not have presented a physical threat to his obese ass, other than that he was negroid.. He showed u[ at the cop house without a mark on him. He stalked and killed a kid because the kid was the wrong color and was wearing a hoodie. And he expected to skate because of a bizarre GOPer ALEC law. I'd like to see the ALEC perps brought to justice. I'm standing my ground if the Beaufort Co. Sherriff's Department comes to my door. I do have an over/under Mossberg. And it ain't a lady gun like Dickless used.
- Martin was 140 lbs. Zimmerman 250. I've been in fights, and there is no way Zimmerman's story of being cold-cocked is remotely true. And I'd stand my ground because I'm white, so the vigilante law would be interpreted in my favor. I was robbed at gunpoint once. On an abandoned MBTA right of way in Jamaica Plain, Boston. I wear a gold ring with garnets in it that was a legacy from my dad's parents. The thugs demanded the ring and I said it would not come off. I was telling the truth. The ring would not clear my knuckle. One of the kids stuck a nine in my face and said "Cut it off". I said "Go ahead and start sawing, and I will kill you before you are done." I've no idea where that came from. I have never backed down from a physical confrontation, but these aholes had a gun, and I had about a $grand in my pocket, from a cashed paycheck. I ended up giving them a six of Red Stripe and about $16. I have also had to stand my ground with cops. The idea that Zimmerman was tried in the press is nonsense. He was almost not tried at all. And the demonization of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson is eminent proof that racism is alive and well in exceptional America. And the purveyors and moneybags of ALEC, those are domestic terriss.
- Suzanne. Raygun would not satisfy these whackos.
- I disliked it without ever seeing it, and never spent a joule on disliking it. It was that song. Maintenant Nancy. From a far better movie, like tears in rain:
- Robert Reich explains how the Bain Private Equity scam worked. Mourdock sounds like the name for a misshapen, hideous, evil race that lives underground and emerges only at night to kill and devour the beautiful Eloi.
- Mr. Higher than the President Security Clearance crazy Alan West channels Tail-Gunner Joe. I believe this mofo is actually clinically insane. He's parbly busy trying to figure out how to deport Ozzie Guillen, which actually might not be a bad idea. Of course, when Cubans have nobody to compare Castro to but the evil feudal lord Batista, the old war horse might not look so terrible. A great movie about the Titanic. With an early role for Honor Blackman, aka Pussy Galore and John Steed's first partner, Catherine Gale. The Brit Garbo.
- Titanic songs: Jamie Brockett Michelle Shocked (with her dad)
- That's adipose tissue Velvet. Very buoyant. Grand Tetonics. Hermanator just keeps on giving to the GOPer cause. When does Ricky Frothy issue his RMoney endorsement?
- Recorded on April 12, 1954. How GOPers like Scott Walker hold back America's economic recovery.
- The Greatest Health Care System in the world also posts a sorry ass number for infant mortality. More of the GOPer preference for the preborn over the postborn, I guess. In 2008, the USA was 48th, trailing Cuba by nine spots, according t the CIA World Factbook. Ain't that exceptional. Dispiriting news about Moe. And good wishes to her. Her visual representation of the effect of her pain meds on her blog is typically witty. I decided a long time ago, I'm opting for acid and heroin dissolved in Golden Grain, with stout back when the time comes. Standard transmissions increase gas mileage, I thought. I loathe automatic transmissions. I'm getting one of those backward trike murdercycles, on which you still have to shift gears. Aside from his failures as a human being, Edwards was a pathetic excuse for a VP running mate for Kerry. It was his job to go after the shameless Swift Boaters with a vengeance (which should have been a piece of cake), and he failed mightily to do anything of the sort. Gutless wonder. Anybody else having a difficult time picturing coozledad in a suit and tie? And in the long run, isn't Chapel Hill just one end of Tobacco Road?
- God is pissed off at Tejas again. I think it's that goobernator.
- Jimmie. Starting two weeks before conception, right? And Premature babies don't count. Why those are the born preborn, which GOPers ought to value most. If those preemies aren't really viable at birth, what does that say about "prolife" arguments? Reechoing the echo chamber is not exactly convincing. The stat I quoted was one reported by the CIA. Your argument is a common one from the rightwing, but nobody ever seems to back it up with any sort of evidence. My dad was a pediatrician before he went to Law School, and he was hardcore anti-abortion, and he said this "measure differently" argument was bullshit eyewash that by its nature was detrimental to the anti-abortion cause. I think I'll buy my dad's expertise over your nonsense without proof. Actally, what you are talking about is third trimester fetuses delivered live, kept alive by incredibly expensive heroic medical efforts, and doomed from birth to never make a first birthday.
- Today is the tenth anniversary of the Great Chicago Flood. It's also the birthday of Seamus Heaney. Not Yeats but close, and a great Irish poet:, and produced the greatest rendition of Beowulf ever in modern English. And the Romney's do in fact employ a large number of domestics at the Belmont manse, including, famously, the undocumented alien landscrapers. To news of whose presence Willard responded hilariously "I can't have them here, I'm running for President." Phony POS.
- Mitt claimed to be an avid hunter to boost some NRA bona fides back in 2008. When asked what he hunted, the stilted dumbass said "Varmints".
- Trucks are meant to have three speeds on the steering column.
- Is Cokie's encopresis related to her coprophagy, cooze?
- Some second line; So long Moe. Mighty glad to know you a bit. (Awe-inspiring horn player.)
- Requirements of ACA that benefit women that drive GOPers nuts. What they despise? It's neither punitive nor judgemental. Time for drug-testing TN legislators? Bet your ass. Or Rohrshachs. Some sick fracking pups. Of course, holding hands does get you turned in at BYU, under the university honor code. Like I said, sick pups.
- My thoughts align with Maggie, as they frequently do. Too tough and too young to be leaving. This is driving me crazy. I once made an assholish omment about how I WAS REQDDING A BUNCH OF FEMAQLE NOVELISTW. i'm pretty wure but I COULDN'T SAY FOR SURE. NO SHIT? WHAT NON CO,POS MENTIS SAYS? I AM SMARTER THAN YOU ARE BY A MILE, BUT I'D NEVER MEAN TO POINT THAT OUT.
- I think I recall Moe suggesting Maria Doria Russell to me, who is an astounding wtiter of a Jesuit bent, Beyond Whatever I could contribute. Moe rocked, I never did, but but I found Moe wonderful, and on the odd occasion that She acknowledged my existence, I thought I wasn;t an asshole. Moe ruled. What whatever anybody anybody cared about
- What Me cared about. And whatevever anybody says. Not my xonsideration, You bastards. Not what I'd say, What you'd consider You'd consider whatevever.
- what would you care about?
- I really like this poem and I really liked Moe, A lot.'m an asshole enough to think she would have liked it too. If Moe was Regina, she had a perfect name. Queen. I am sad about an athlete died too young. A stunner. A wizad with words. A delight.
- To sleepp, to die, I wake to dream again. How we wish.
- Dexter, good thing it isn't Angola in LA, I have no interest in the Stooges movie, because the Farrelly Bros. are like the Kochs of movie comedy. Not remotely funny. And my cane serves me well. The Stooges were hilarious, and the great movie in their honor is "Home Alone". "Now, now, my good man, this is no time for making enemies." Said by: Voltaire when asked by a priest to renounce Satan.
- A C-note to the cops parbly would have forestalled the arrest in the first place. I keep a grand around the house. Checking with Mrs. Willard first? A favorite poem of mine for Moe99. Died too young, and me not soon enough. It had better be music, at least Savoy Brown good. And how we reconsider: That is the greatest poem and the greatest epitaph ever written. Go steady on the clutch.
- Ronald Raygun on the Buffet rule. That flaming Kenyan socialist bastard. Oh my favorite, anti-colonial. Weren't the sainted "Founding Fathers" anti-colonial? From Moe's blog, the Capatain, Don Van Vliet: One of my favorite songs. Diddy waaah!
- Roger Ailes is a flaming asshole. How does anybody make an excuse for this pitiful shitheel?
- paddyo': You rock. And if I've been effusive regarding Moe99, it's because I value all of you, although I despise using a noun as a verb. What a great bunch of people:,, Jeff is well-mannered. Nancy is as nasty as promised. I'm an asshole and taking Moe's death very hard. Younger than I. And more eloquent. I didn't think that would happen.As we said:
- Oh. And it's Jackie Robinson day. Greatest baseballer that ever lived. Five tools. edit: plus a couple. And Nancy, you aren't Mrs. Snark, when you want to be? It was meant as a compliment.
- Andrew Sullivan could be lamer, if he were black AND gay AND a GOPer. And I'm voting for Tucker Carlson for First Wanker. What a douche. What a human tampon. Bombaclot. And del, Karen Matheson is awe-inspiring. Gorgeous voice, made my day. And the Secret Service is shaking in its boots. Darrell Issa, the well-known car thief and arsonist for profit that Californians ineluctably send to the House of Representatives is on the case. I'm guessing David Vitter is involved somehow, I mean, the guy knows his whores. And GOPers are playing a strange game of Twister trying to make this out as something the Black President did wrong. "I find chocolate habitual"??? I like my cigar, too, lady but I take it out of my mouth once in a while.
- Hillary Clinton to Reince Priebus and the American Taliban: Stick it where the sun don't shine. George Carlin on conservative logic.
- Trent Richardson, Alabama football player, does a very cool thing. "Artisinal"? When I saw Artisinal lettuce at Publix, I had to ask myself, "Who the hell is the Artisan?" God? Cesar Chavez? Domino's has artisinal pizza now. These usages have chopped the balls off of a pretty good word. Neutered to the point it means nothing beyond "kinda good". Next thing you know, there will be "artisinal" Wonderbread and "artisinal "Real Mitt RMoneys". Niagra Falls:
- Niagra Falls: Lou Costello version. Titanic tweets.
- Artisinal Alan Hill: Living in the Packard Plant. Detroit will rise. Dr. Howard Dr. Fine Dr. Howard
- WTF Willard?
- Pete Shelley's birthday, Buzzcocks front man. Some Catholic parish priests doing the right thing. How long until the LDS sticks it's money and it's Taliban envy into this situation? Did Macs stop using styrofoam packaging? I guess they are paragons of corporate environmental responsibility now. Except for the pig farms poisoning watersheds all over the country. All eggwhite omelets resemble frisbees. Yech. And all that styrofoam they packed eggamuffins in all those years, it's still working up to it's half-life in landfills everywhere, and in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch Vortex. Styrofoam is similar to plutonium. It's pretty much forever:
- Sorry, I didn't realize when i tacked the Garbage Patch photos on. How is it that GOPers get away with flagrant activity intended to damage the US economy? How can anybody self-justify voting for these outright traitors? How can anybody that live-in Michigan support Willard Windsock after he did his best Press. Ford to NYC impression: Drop Dead.
- I would have had no problem with Swamplandia winning a Pulitzer. Excellent book. Pale King was a bad joke perpetrated by the publisher. Almost unreadable. Jim Carroll's posthumous The Petting Zoo was more like a real novel. 1Q84 would have been a good choice. Some Pulitzer fiction history: Gravity's Rainbow was passed over though nominated. Dumbasses needed the concordance to come out before they could understand it.
- Arizona enacts most idiotic law in the history of laws. Does this mean Goober-nor Brewer can be held responsible for endangering an unconceived foetus when she shows up loaded at the airport in Phoenix to lecture the President?
- Just when it seemed eminently apparent that Ricky Frothy could not get any stranger..., the weasel-faced jerk enrollls his three-year-old kid as a lifetime NRA member. RMoney's tax plans would cut his own taxes by about half. And all his savings would go immediately to job creation, of course. Willard's lies and the blithe facility with which he spouts them and contradicts himself is breathtaking. It's mindboggling that anybody is dumb enough to buy his line of Pure D shinola. Of course, that cut woulld be when he gets around to filing. Filing for an extension when you have all the money in the world for sticky-fingered accountants AND you are running for President is just godawfully lame. This guy is like the political version of Alicia Silverstone in Clueless, only not that good looking.
- Mary, the book sounds excellent, but the full title is amazing: Magic Words: The Tale of a Jewish Boy-Interpreter, the Frontier's Most Estimable Magician, a Murderous Harlot, and America's Greatest Indian Chief. Sounds like Kavalier and Clay meet Little Big Man at the Yiddish Policeman's Union, by Robertson Davies. I ordered, and looking forward to it. I'm getting his first novel, Etta, too. It sounds terrific. Borden, at NYT, they call those littlemissrunamucks. David Broder would have been an inarguable pick. Fred Hiatt too. But WaPo does have Charlie KrautHammer, who is as perfectly odious a political commentator as anybody has imagined. I know it's cruel to say, but I can't even look at his thumnail byline picture without immediately thinking of Will Shakes regarding Richard III: "a poisonous bunch-backed toad". George Will is an entirely insufferable professional sophist without Bill Buckley's wit, erudition and talent, and the ahole pretends to know about baseball, and thinks Tony LaRussa walks on water. Of course, the Post has EJ Dionne and Gene Robinson, both of whom are admirably objective compared to some of their colleagues. Exra Klein is the best nuts and bolts policy analyst and explainer around IMO, and I enjoy Greg Sargent's political insights in the Plum Line column. Anne Applebaum is a superb writer not blessed with a sometimes stuck in the 19th Century Euro attitude. The main problem WaPo has is frequently turning over column inches to partisan jackasses like Cheney to spew propaganda. Fareed Zakaria is solid, Dana Milbank is too cutsie to believe, and Robert Kagan thinks the Cold War is still game on. In general, the rightwingers on WaPO are strident and polemical, the lefties not really. Most notable about those quotations from Friedman columns in the Eschaton piece: he still believes in the thoroughly debunked idea that Al Quaeda in Iraq actually had anything to do with the actual Al Quaeda. Juan Cole called bullshit on this canard immediately when the phony name popped up. Professor Cole is a lot more credible on any subject than Tommy Boy, and particularly anything to do with the Middle East. Friedman always seemed like one of those doofuses that could never get the hang of keeping Shia straight from Sunni.
- Dexter, I have owned a Ghia, a Squareback, a Beetle and a VW camper in my lifetime. I liked them all. The Squareback cost us $200, hideous body but ran great. The Ghia was my first stick shift. We travelled a lot in the camper, with a canoe strapped to the top, in lieu of canine. We rolled the Beetle and totalled it in an episode that was pretty funny in retrospect after the bruises healed. Driving from Augusta to HHI, we stopped and bought some wandering jew and a spider plant in hanging pots. I was not driving, my better half was at the wheel when it became apparent our new plants had come with wildlife and there were two green anoles darting around her feet. Shortly thereafter, we were upside down in a ditch. The camper rocked, but the Ghia was my favorite. On Storrow Drive in Boston, right on the bank of the Charles, that Ghia would lose contact with the road surface with all four tires at the same time during rainstorms. What an adventure. Another reason it's imperative to vote for Democrats in the Senate shitcan the unAmerican GOPer filibuster scam. Thought these bastards were Constituional originalists. Where exactly do they find the supermajority in the Constitution?
- Tennessee Tuxedo bites Gingrich's finger. Penguin appears unharmed.
- The filibuster rule, as the GOPers deploy it these days, is unAmerican and unConstitutional, and nobody could really make an argument against that claim that made any sense at all. Green anoles: Beautiful creatures. Living pesticides of stunning grace and efficiency, with no drawbacks whatever.
- The initial clause of the 2nd Amendment is clearly meant as restrictive and limiting the body of the passage. The SC interpretation defies everything I've ever known about grammar, and I contend it's flat bogus. Too bad H. L. isn't around to provide a definitive opinion. Anyway modern American conservative ideologues are a distinctly English-challenged group, and this is clearly a grammatical question. Sans a well-regulated militia, the Bill of Rights establishes no right to personal gun ownership.
- There can't be people going hungry in the USA, since everyone knows the USA is exceptional. That is what the "many claim", and they make the same specious argument as they make about American health care. And it is the same people with the same bogus, selfish argument. RMoney and his supporters. And assholes like Paul Ryan, that would dismantle government by leaving poor Americans in a lurch they had no part in creating, while letting the perpetrators go back to a no-regulation and little taxation Adam Smith Utopia. To the clearly intended detriment of the vast majority of Americans. It's truly disheartening that this anti-American and anti-Christian political incentive arises from a group that self-identifies as Christian Patriots, abetted by people too benighted and befuddled to see the targets plainly drawn on their Teabanger T-shirts. When Jeff writes "there is overwhelming agreement that hunger exists in Ohio, and that we are obligated as a society & as communities to respond" he hits on a crucial problem. The GOP has convinced too many people that society has no obligations to its less fortunate members, and community is non-existent, while publicly professing their piety, loudly and insistently. And, obscenely, as a raison d'etre for their inhummane public policy choices, as RMoney and Ryan did two weeks ago talking aboout cutting aid to the hungry and impoverished to serve their needs better. The logistical problems Jeff is talking about are quite similar to those businesses face and solve every day. Not remotely insoluble. Thinking about the no Pulitzer for fiction writing thing this morning. A Visit from the Goon Squad won the award last year. Enjoyable book, but not nearly as good as Swamplandia, nominated this year. (And yes, I've read both.) And I'm hoping for a reprise of $Palin's history lesson on this anniversary of Paul Revere's ride: And undernourished 'Mericans should all just show some gumption, pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and go murder a moose from a chopper.
- Happy birthday Hayley Mills. Paul McCartney's heartthrob. It used to be an RMoney world, eh?
- Welcome to the ether, Linda. Glad for once it ain't me. The Thomas L. Burnett is a Montana Teabanger Montana House rep., and the faux analysis of hunger in America was undoubtedly written by a staffer for him to claim authorship of. Burnett apparently made his money from cattle ranching, which is a massive federal welfare system, allowing grazing for next to nothing on taxpayer-owned land. From Linda's second link: A desire to help others that prompts well-meaning people to address nonexistent problems isn’t so much noble as it is misguided and, possibly, dangerous. If only these people would see the connection between this logic and the monumentally phony "vote fraud" claims from GOPers and ALEC and the superpacs. Dorothy: When Paul was young, long before he met Linda, the Beatles all came on to Haylley Mills in their press conferences, Paul most of all. Girls at the time were nonplussed by the situation. They loved Hayley, but they really loved Beatle Paul. They were both constant teen mag fodder and there was a lot of gossip about the two. But maybe Paul didn't always get the girls: And I personally witnessed Ted Nugent both drunk and high as a kite, at the same time, more than 40 years ago. So his claims of lifetime abstinence strike me as just plain funny. And Jim Osterberg sure survived, without abstaining from drugs or alcohol.
- Scribe, I avoid Jonah Goldberg like cigarettes. Asshole is toxic and deleterious to my health. Didn't fall far from his odious mom's scabrous pudenda. I do read comments on his drivel sometimes in LAT, because reading his shitheels claiming Jonah is an example of how LAT is "lamestream liberal media" is as much fun as nitrous oxide. RMoneys give a 1/10 tithe to LDS. I'm betting that went a long way to creating jobs defeating Prop 8 in California. And isn't it great how that charitable donation tax deduction survives flagrant messing in politics by the tax-exempt institution?
- I wouldn't give up on Dem gains in the Congress yet, JeffB. Consider Bernie Sanders kicking GOPer ass. Seems to me, retaining control of the House will require a monstrous cognitive disconnect created by GOP toxic smog, and it seems to be dissipating. The Buffett Rule the Senate just torpedoed without a majority was favored in polls by 72% of Americans. If GOPers can act in such a dysfunctional, obstructionist manner against not only the Black Guy in the White House, but also against the overwhelming will of the people, they cannot continue to pull off their charade. Happy birthday Mrs. Dexter. My everlasting impression, based upon Scorsese's The Last Waltz, is that Levon was the grown-up responsible member of The Band. But then, I hear the pure lust and lechery in his vocal on Jemima Surrender, I've got to wonder about that. Glorious raunch. Well, he was the soberest band member in the movie, anyway.
- How The Band made Up On Cripple Creek, with a great explanation of the curious drum figure and how it made the song work, with Levon Helm. And Who knew that there is no Jew's Harp played on this song. Coulda fooled me. That's Garth Hudson playing a clavinet. A great Levon Helm vocal of some of the funniest lyrics B. Dylan ever wrote. Garth Hudson concertina, gorgeous mandolin, either Danko or Levon.
- Clever song with lyrics made up old rock song titles, with Levon Helm playing drums with Max Weinberg. And good interview with Conan O'Brien. That Charlie Pierce piece is a tremendus pleasure to read, took me back to his days as a kind of wild man-about-town bar-hopping sporstwriter. The best writer ever employed by the truly dogass Boston Herald-American. And I've drained many beers in J. Swift's in Harvard Square. Thanks very much for pointing that piece out Jeff B. Made my day. Levon Helm's last film role was a small part in one of my favorites of the last 10 years, The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, so I'm kinda guessing he was a compadre of Tommy Lee Jones. This movie is very nearly great, and highly recommended for anybody that liked No Country for Old Men. The Last Waltz Theme. My choice for funerary music (or Black to Comm) when they convey my dead ass into the pyre. Levon playing mandolin, Robbie playing a harp guitar.
- Adrianne. That is great stuff on that link. Levon's version of Tennessee Jed sports a better vocal than anybody in the Dead was capable of once Ron McKernan died. Tremendous. I mean I like the dead, but Jerry always sounded like he was singing through a kazoo, and Weir talks more than sings. Anyway, excellent vocal on a song I always liked a lot. ACA and the individual health care mandate for fracking dummies, so even Long Dong can understand how it works. Dick Clark died? What, the painting went up in smoke? Did Ryan Seacrest get him in the end? Pat Summitt was one of the greatest coaches of any sport at any level, ever. Tennessee has usually got the better of UGA in women's hoops, so I was always somewhat antagonistic towards Summitt. But one of her best friends is the Georgia coach, Andy Landers, who's almost in that renowned level of coaching. So her leaving TN seems kind of sad. And, Jolene, Cheney got a new heart. Grim, OK.
- Sherri@45: Even the refs weren't intimidated any more.
- ACA link: Sherri I did say she was a great coach, but she was more effective browbeating refs than Petino standing on the court in his KY prime in his $3000 sharkskin suits and $500 tassel loafers. So Coach Summitt was your Aunt Cora, right Sherri?
- Jennifer Lawrence is on David Letterman tonight.
- Damn, I meant Aunt Clara.
- We could be relaxin'/ In my Sleepin' bag/ But all you wanna do for me mama is/ Rag mama rag. Great Danko + Helm harmony on Long Black Veil, following Mitch Davis' vavorite song by The Band, and that chorus vocal sounds ominous:
- The coolest band I remember clearly appearing on Bandstand was The Seeds. I recall Dick Clark completely nonplussed by these hippies and treating them like extraterrestrials, even though they were wearing business casual a la the Stones, circa '66. Of course Sky Sunlight Saxon returned the favor. Saw the Seeds at the Birmingham (MI) Teen Center a year later, and Sky was dressed more like George Clinton going to a party at Nuwaubian HQ. Action was the best music show, because it had a great house band, the Raiders. And Dave, I'd say that is pretty serious rock 'n' roll, with a Keef-worthy hook, a great vocal. The Smothers Brothers Show booked the best bands. Pete Townshend traces the beginnings of his tinnitus to Moon blowing up his drum kit on the show. My mom (RN,NP) worked at a nursing home for a while when I was in high school. She found it a horrible place with lonely tenants, and a hotbed of sadistic staff behavior, another heinous case of lack of government regulatory control where it was sorely needed. One time in her life she got fired from a job, for blowing the whistle at a stockholders' meeting, from which she was ejected, yelling her head off. She could go off, frequently embarrassing me and my brothers, as she did once at the Telegraph Rd. K-Mart gun counter a couple of days after Sirhan shot Bobby Kennedy. She was right about K-Mart selling guns and ammo, but we convinced her the frightened sales clerk had nothing to do with it. Both of my parents died at home, with all of their children present. It was hard on us, but the at-home hospice service was wonderfully helpful, and I'm glad about the way it happened. As it happened, I spent a couple of days alone with my dad at the end (missed my daughter's wedding), and, in periods of his lucidity, had some wonderful random conversations with him. I was feeding him ice chips constantly, and this led us to discussing Smilla's Sense of Snow, a favorite of my whole family's, for a few hours. Me, I want to be riding my Bonneville when the time comes, if we both make it to then, maybe on South Kaibab Trail. I enjoyed American Gods, as I have everything to do with Neil Gaiman. I've got a copy of Anansi Boys I haven't read yet, and his movie ventures, Coraline and Stardust are great favorites of mine. Coraline is one of the most enchanting animated movies I've ever seen (and pretty scary), and Stardust is as good as The Princess Bride (maybe better) as a fairy tale movie, and has Robert DeNiro as the gay captain of a flying pirate ship. Eat your heart out Jack Sparrow. First heard of Gaiman from one of those genre lists in the Guardian, compiled by the great Michael Moorcock. Any writer that's approved by the author of The Cornelius Quartet (nee Chronicles) had to be OK by me. In fact, I think Moorcock's Dancers at the End of Time was a likely inspiration for American Gods.
- One more song by The Band: When You Awake, sound advice living a good life as a preparation for a good death. Obvious Dylan inspiration. Arthur Lee and Love. Highest rpms ever until Tommy Ramone and hardcore came along 10 years after. Boom bip bip, Boom bip bip, Yeah. Right you are on the Raiders, JeffB. I still play Raiders frequently, and I think their version of Louie, Louie is definitive. The bass player, Phil "Fang" Volk was the chief clown on Action, but he was a very good player, as was the lead player, Drake Levin. Mark Lindsey had a great rock voice, gritty and greazy. Raiders were just an incredibly tight band. I was always under the impression that Action was produced by Dick Clark. Vastly improved end-stage care is a salient feature of the ACA although you'd never know it from listening to the opposition flocks of grackles and starlings talking about death panels. Strange, seems as if the great Obama lecturer, Goobernor Brewski of the Free-to-Secede State of AZ, started her own version of death panels last year.
- An amazing Stones performance on Shindig. I remember this like yesterday. My mom and dad were in the room when this came on, and were not pleased. Something very disturbing about Jagger staring into the camera. And that is Brian Jones playing slide guitar, I'm certain (white Vox Stinger teardrop guitar). For my money, Shindig was superior to Hullaballoo. Well Beb, it could have been Love It to Death.
- As it's currently configured, The SCOTUS is teetering on edges of slippery slopes into destroying-America-territory. People don't pay attention to the Court, but the danger to the USA of more ideological wingnut activists on the court is undeniable when current decisions are considered. Meanwhile, Willard Windsock is going around excusing his less than forthcoming release of tax returns by claiming that John Kerry released only two years worth in 2004. Lying about everything to do with Kerry comes incredibly easy to GOPers, but this one is a whopper, a gargantuan untruth. Kerry actually released 20 years worth of returns. Now McCain in 2008, when he couldn't remember how many houses he owned? Two years. Butt Mittens needs to correct himself on this one. Even for RMoney, the enormity of this lie is stunning. I've been convinced since the scurrilous swift boat shit in '04 that the root of the extreme GOPer enmity toward Kerry is a result of his investigation and exposure of the Raygun administration's traitorous behavior in the Iran-Contra/BNNL affair. I mean demystifying and exposing the conservative archangel? Quelle horreur.
- Great story about your grandma, Judy. Great tune by Paul Revere and the Raiders. Personal favorite, probably, next to Steppin' Out. Both of these are as good as a lot of Stones songs, and sound like they could have been. Funny line: Threw my clothes in my saxophone. Version of Louie, Louie by PR& the R:
- Jolene, All of these things are reasonably part of a living will, I believe, which is something insurance carriers would cover under ACA. In fact, this is part of the process ignoramuses call "death panels".
- It's tough to capsize a sailboat unless it's a Sunfish Class or a Hobie Cat, either of which most children could right. Unless you're oceangoing. Boats with keels only tip over in rough seas, and not likely on Lake Michigan. Here's a guy that's managed to capsize a 19 ft. boat two years in a row:
- Great bluegrass tune from Dirt Farmer, Little Birds. I'm guessing that's Amy Helm singing the harmony. Yeah, Litte Bird, I've been in bad water like that on Lake Champlain, which is much smaller, but a 19 ft. sailboat is going to have about a 7ft. keel, likely weighted with lead, so capsizing that sucker would take some real foolishness. Boats that capsize at sea are generally rolled over by monster waves, bigger than anything on any lake, like the waves that did in the Andrea Gail in Perfect Storm.
- The idea of wondering when they're gone whether that's a good thing in general. If I'm watchig two more hrs. of georgia football with my dad, that is worth endless hours cleaning up behind him. Or tryna figure my mom versus assholes that found her objectionable because she wore short skirts (awesome "bWhat this all comes down to is what was this made up shit? " I'm not considering anything. No kidding, My mother was smarter than these fools. What a buncha morons,
- Beb, Why I auto...
- nything about what Oscar said about this buooshit? You people have no clue about how things snea under the window. ?
- Whatever are you kidding?
- Great Adrianne, That is some fine writing about a reason to think your place is special. All of that writing titles, we hope Robbie and Levon loved each other. Is that your paper? Tjat is some fine writing. Connie, there is no template. my mom screwed over any sensible way of ooking at things likee this. she was capable of insanity. but, you know, she was still my mom.
- If somebody that claims to know something about NBA Hoops thinks derrick rose is a better ballplayer than rajon rondo. lets hear the explanation . Tell you something else. Under the hoop, Patrick would have eaten LeBron's lunch.
- Cooze, that's beautiful , but aren't there supposed to be twa corbies? I heard if you see Mormons you go on the Sons of Dan list. I've been pointing out the insanity of Alan West for a while. When this ahole was running for his seat in Congress, he said he possessed a higher security clearance than the President. You'd think that might have alerted officials. But assholes that are allowed to vote in FLA elected the biggest Medicare thief in history governor. That is a worthless state full of Batista Cubanos and Bluehairs that really should secede.
- How in God's name does the crap about the Secret Service reflect badly on the President? Only in the No Black Kenyan world. I figure these same guys were workink security and pulling the same bullshit back when W was the pretzeldent.
- Peter, And those are idiots the GOPers want to vote. And that offspring would scurry.
- Judybusy, Once you've nattered, there is no use for "on", but pardon me for being an asshole. I'm thinking GOPers should put David Vitter on the Cartagena Case.
- Nancy, augured as a verb describing a plane going into the drink is awe-inspiring. I have a different view of crows. They clear the bikepaths of dead reptiles. Turkey vultures can't be bothered if it's not gator-sized. That looks more like charcoal than watercolor. And cooze, What in the world is Purple Jesus? Golden Grain and Kool-Aid? Or Ripple and Golden Grain?
- So Deborah, you'll be floating in the air multiply, with umbrellas? (Oops, brollies.)
- New stupidity from $Palin. On the eating dog front: Claiming a six year old kid being fed cooked dog meat by an adult is equivalent to a grown man strapping a dog to the top of a car, and then hosing Seamus down when he shat himself in fear, is a sign of mental deficiency, or another attempt to put a bone through the President's nose. Parbly the latter. This is Plush Limbo shit. They eat dogs. We eat cattle ranched by Incurious George WWW Shrub. Except, he's all hat. It may be meretricious to claim that GOPers are racists, but fact is many of them are, and they have ppublic faces that make it obvious. Like Willard Windsock.
- Deborah, I hate being photographed, but I can understand, I'm somewhat photogenic. I'm waiting for those pictures, like a Secret Service Agent waiting for his $Palin prints. How Leonard Cohen breaks up with somebody. Somebody breaks up with Leonard Cohen.
- Bill, Wonderful purveyor of sad news. Great story. The filthy rich JayZ don't hold a candle. "Passed Away in France" reminds me of my mom's favorite unwritten novel title: "No Clarinette Lessons Today".
- Ricky Frothy aborting his campaign. And I am a fan of the good looking member of that family. And the Preident was supposed to get the tab for the hos. And my niggling remark was only about art. I'd gladly look at photos of Deborah clothed or not, brollies or not. And bitchy is fine.
- If Obama is responsible for the Cartagena hos, is Reagan responsible for Fawn Hall and her underpants?
- Sorry, Raygun wasn't responsible for anything. He had Oldtimers.
- MarkH Me and my dog Sandy, one gorgeous collie, and me, got actually cashable checks from J. Walter Thompson back in the 60s. I loved that dog. Cheney eats hearts rather than having them implanted, How he stays sorta healthy. Same for the rest of the rest of the PNAC gang.
- That's how really rich people get really rich, Mark. Stiff the poor suckers. I think Gene Robinson is a very thoughtful and talented writer, but I think he's got the motivations switched up on Alan West and my boy Ted. Ted's career has reached sump level about equal to Sammy Hagar (who he resembles greatly, anyone ever see 'em in a room together? Nah The Van Halen boys parbly wouldn't hang out with such an ahole.) West, on the other hand, is certifiable. Kim, maybe he is Tom Robbins. Or Pan from Jitterbug Perfume. Whack that gym in the nose, Nancy. Theme for the day.
- Nancy's note about passing away in France reminded me of this. No matter who I've been with, I guess I've been in love with this woman since I was about 17. Not a prolific songwriter, but this one is spectacular. Sweet Judy Blue Eyes. Lot of talk about old age and dying around here lately. Me, I say you all will live forever.
- Alan West theme song. Godamighty what a symbol of the decline of western civilization. The guy is an idiot, or he is insane, taken for a leader by a large segment of American society. The broomstick up his ass is practically visible. Wordsmith, and the way I wish I could play piano. My neighbor on the Island, Mose Allison.
- The Boss at his best. Heartbreaking guitar solo. And "My Very Own Crow" reminded me of this: There's no doubt about it, it's my own true stone. Also How I'd like to be able to play both the piano and the guitar. People that act like Procul was some Art/Prog dino just don't understand the blues. I saw them back up John Lee at Meadowbrook many years ago.
- That is a great baseball story Dexter.
- An interesting discussion of A Wrinkle in Time.
- Why GOPers pushing austerity are full of crap and don't deserve to be elected anything. This is all Fear of a Black President. Well, and Loathing. Hitchhiking. And check the comments for the piece's author bitching about the proofreading. Don't think I've seen that before.
- Froemming was the Mendy Rudolph of MLB. A legend in his own mind, bigger than the game.
- I'm sure you'll all be surprised as hell when I say that years ago, I dropped acid and other hallucinogens quite a few times. First thing about the Mad Men portryal., nobody of my experience or acquaintance ever described it as "turning on". I suspect the writers are aware of that and it was a fine touch to indicate the phony pomposity of the host. Not exactly William James on truth, though he'd beg to differ, used the right words all off kilter. Music was a constant for me and my friends, and nobody stayed in one place very long. The most obvious phenomenon was that of a group beginning together, usually before midnight, dispersing and somehow ending up together again many hours later, seemingly magically. Hallucinations were mostly aural and visual distortions of shapes, colors and sounds. I never knew many people that claimed any cosmic revelation from eating LSD, but the shared experience definitely produced strong friendships and affinities. Never heard of any relationship casualties from tripping, ever. The host couple at the LSD party were like some boorish jerks I met back in my drug days (would have been in Cambridge, MA) that would expect people tripping to listen to tapes of lectures by Alan Watts andd Ram Dass, when we all just wanted to head out looking for adventures (frequently crises). Overall, my experience of acid was more visceral than intellectual, and far more fun than scary. And no dreaded birth defects resulted. I can ride 3 miles to the grocery store with three 90deg. direction changes, windward at all times, no matter what says about wind conditions. What's infuriating is facing the same conditions loaded down with 50 lbs. of groceries on the return trip, as if by enchantment. We have giant crows, egrets, herons, turkey vultures, wood storks, redtails, osprey, brown pelicans (my favorite) and a nesting pair of bald eagles here and I love seeing them. Watching herons feed is like a funny cartoon. Feeding crows and vultures are a little creepy and a lot apocalyptic. Watching osprey tear into sea bass is similar to looking at a Frank Frazetta painting. I did wake up on the beach hear once, under the influence of psilocybin, and mistook cruising pelicans for pterodactyls for several moments, a very memorable and enjoyable hallucination.. I'm starting to think Meagan may be dangerously unbalanced. Best thing recently on Mad Men was Layne delivering a well-deserved beating to Pete the "Slimy Pimp". We thought that was his just comeuppance for lusting after that kid in Drivers' Ed. He was more than considering statutory rape. And "caught with chewing gum on one's pubis" is positively humiliating. Geese are trained as watch animals in the orient.
- MichaelG. Thanks for the amusing image. We have a large number of butterfly attractants in the gardens here, particularly around the swimming pools. They seem to attract dragonflies in large numbers, which prey on gnats, flies (including horse and deer flies, most thankfully), mosquitos (no me moleste), and they will attack wasps and spiders (though this may be foolhardy)). Dragonflies are the hummingbirds of the insect worlds. Gorgeous colors and awsome aviators. Dragonflies predated dinosaurs, unless you are fundagelical. Coozledad, the birdy-doo ramifications alone would be staggering. Down on the South End of the Island, known as North Forest Beach, there are feral chickens as in Key West. If our feral cats could be transferred down there, it could solve two problems. We used to have a peacock and his hen living in the canebrake by the beach, where they came from , God knows. The cock would display and shake his remarkable feathers as an audible and visual warning. The birds made a noise that sounded like the a-ooogah klaxon on an antique Ford, that was quite startling out of the blue. I've wondered if these birds are descendents of some grandiose avian display from way back when this whole place was plantations. Binturongs. Pretty cool.
- Do any of you see any use for this sort of textual analysis, or is this databasing gone wild for no apparent useful reason? There is a song for "big hands". Our signs say "Do not feed or molest the alligators." Anybody fracking dumb enough to "molest" a gator, I want to encourage them. Good for the human genome in the long run. I have seen Yayhoo morons throw golf balls at gators, and really wished the gators would retaliate. People are always shaken by how fast these bastards are on land. Creation's perfect evocation of malevolent intelligence and menace. Alex, I was riding my motorcycle once on an interstate Xpressway in Worcester while tripping and began to see fault lines under the pavement, the way they used to look in grammar school geography books, that particular yellow color. Scared the crap out of me.
- Jon Stewart rips Fox News a new one. Some great old school soul singing. And I like his cap. I was frequently joined by my brother whan consuming hallucinogens, and we were somewhat partial to "In Held Twas in I" by Procul Harum. One memorable occasion, we were visiting a friend at SUNYY Stonybrook and went to the movies under the influence of LSD. Somehow we all got it in our heads we were watching Dr. Strangelove and were finding the movie pretty damned funny, when we realized we were getting some antagonism from the rest of the audience. Turned out it was Failsafe, and being taken very seriously by the crowd. Embarrassing. Felt like we were the ghoul in the Charles Addams cartoon.
- Big Farm, Big Pharma, they are all out to gouge. In what bizarro alternative universe does this make any sense: ??? This is full goose looney.
- Yippee!!! A new novel by William Boyd. I love this guy's books, all the way back to Stars and Bars, The Ice Cream War, and The Blue Afternoon. The end-state that anti-education GOPers intend is privatization, since that has worked so well in the penal system.Why do anything efficiently with tax contributions from everyone that benefits, when it could be done ineffectively to immense private profit at far greater cost? That is the fundamental question at the foundation of most GOP public policy initiatives. Sue, the Jack Russell library is one beautiful building, and the campus heat pump and heat sink/cooling pond HVAC system is state of the art. I worked on a similar mechanical engineering project years ago, for a corporate IBM HQ facility in Framingham MA. The architectural design incorporates elements of old riverside/waterfall mill buildings, a very elegant design strategy, and I particularly like the lofty roof with clerestory. Gorgeous. The location and the inviting design elements of the library will undoubtedly invite lengthy visits and provide a boon to downtown businesses, particularly restaurants. I'd guess, this would go a ways toward making the library and downtown a destination target for day trips. And who had the brilliant idea to name it after a beloved dog breed? GOPers whining about the Bishops insisting on social and economic justice. I believe I said this would happen, back when the contraception brouhaha kicked up. STFU, you ninnies or they'll insist you disavow capital punishment as well. Comical. Where's that defense of religious freedom now?
- Deborah, The striking first impression from your photo is a lovely smile, and great cheekbones. Sue, Superb design, some FLW (or Frank LLoyd Rice, as Roger says)influence, particularly with the access bridge over the rushing water. I kinda figured it wasn't named for the terriers, but it's a happy coincidence nonetheless.
- Striking graphics on grotesquely unequal and unjust division of wealth in American society. What do the CEOs do for the gigantic share? More often than not run the companies and their employee's pension funds into the crapper? But how can that be. when they are so busy creating jobs and commodifying that all-USA entreprenurial spirit?
- Take a bow Rick Snyder, you total butthead, and stick your head where the sun don't shine while you're down there. This is Robber Baron shit. For once in his life, Howard Kurtz serves more purpose than a male nipple. Debunking Mainsteam Liberal Media.
- A good joke based on statistics and the deadly sins. Or, how is that abstinence education working out in the Bible Belt? Theater marquees.
- An RMoney expose with a brilliant headline. Job creation, my ass, Porgy. Too creepy and downright selfish to be President. More tonedeaf than W. A thug businessman. Bain strategies were basically identical to the derivatives time bomb, only perpetrated on previously successful manufacturing companies. It's not a stretch to say that the bankiing industry that torched the mortgage economy by creating derivatives was borrowing techniques from private equity robber barons and modifying them to apply to finance. Romney has professed his admiration for Ronald Reagan. But judging by his business history, the president he most resembles is Vladimir Putin. Romney has devoted his life to ensuring that every last penny rises to a few hands at the top. And like Putin, he has never shown much concern for the countrymen he tramples along the way. Now how does a GOPer vote for that guy? As with the banker/robbers, there's no rational way to characterize as anything other than raping the American economy for private profit and to damage an opposition political party.
- Some reporter should take up a crusade to goad Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette into making a "nanny state" comment to expose his whited sepulcher hypocrite ass. Bars in downtown Birmingham? Had I pearls, I'd clutch them.
- Pot should be legalized for production and sale, then regulated and taxed like liquor. And hell yes, I'd buy it if it weren't too damned expensive. And Scribe, that sounds more like a zoning and usage problem than a medical marijuana problem, regarding the alternative school.
- Scribe: I've taken long-term sub teaching assignment in alternative school classrooms. Nobody wants to deal with those kids. It's unpleasant to think about this, but most alternative school kids are there because they managed to scare the shit out of entire faculties and administrations in a regular public school setting. I kind of enjoyed the challenge; not the occasional death threats. And I'm not trying to be sarcastic, but I wouldn't buy pot in a dispensary next door to an alt-school and expect to make it home with my medicine and not because I sold it. Re Connie's link: Not a big fan of "Not a big fan of..." Furthermore, I will abruptly end conversations with people that preface sentences frequently with "Frankly,", on the basis that I will assume that sentences that don't begin "Frankly," are like John Kyl statements, that is, not intended as statements of fact, in other words, "I'm about to lie my ass off." And the world would be a better place without the gratuitous "ate" people put at the end of the excellent word "orient", with no sense or meaning lost whatsoever.
- What I'm doing Saturday next:Hike Congaree National Park. Applying waterproofing to my Bean duck boots. This is a sobering consideration of RMoney as President. So much for that Etch-a-Sketch, reset bullcrap. The court is bad as it is. Making it worse would be a nightmare.
- Concealed carry chic. (NYT) Della, There's nothing worse than the feelings involved in a failed duprass, which sad truth proves Vonnegut was really onto something. Of course we're discussing this in a karass. And there are granfalloons and gonfalons. Cat's Cradle is, in this language, a wampeter. Nice, nice, very nice. (the 53rd Calypso)
- Damn. I thought Andy Warhol invented zippers. Porgy RMoney said that his wife is his chief advisers on economic issues as they relate to women. In the real world, sans manufactured umbrage, that should put her in the campaign, not out of bounds, But hell, there is no productive way to do anything but ignore her unless she says or does something outrageous. She's clearly prevaricating about their garret existence student days but the hell with that. Everyone knows about Mitt;s 96,ooo shares of AMC when it was worth a lot of cash. Those that don't get that are never going to see these two carpetbaggers for the products of mindless assumed privilege that they truly are.
- Alex: Even a broken clock is right twice a day, as blind pigs still find truffles. Treating Keynesian as some sort of foul derogatory epithet is so fracking ignorant of economic reality it takes GOPers to embrace such abject stupidity. What makes this really painful to deal with is that the buffoons have the immediate evidence of Athens and Barcelona to prove a priori what a dumbass idea austerity is in reality.
- RMoneys (both Biff and Muffy) should come with simultaneous translation. What the hell did Posh RMoney intend to say? Avid Bookshop article from the Athens GA indie weekly Flagpole. Pardon, but I can't remember right now whose niece the proprietor (Janet Geddis, great photo with the article) is (Dorothy, I think), and no time to look it up. I'm going to be up there for a football weekend 9/1 and the bookshop sounds like a "must" visit. Prospero is my third favorite Shakespear character, after Caliban (the monster) and Richard II (the deposed king). Prospero is a wizard whose powers are in serious decline when he's shipwrecked on Caliban's island, and the name sounds cool to me. Alex, UGA Bulldogs football team has twin brothers on the roster, the Ogletrees. One is named Alec and the other is Zander. I've no idea whether either is actually an Alexander. Zander is sure to be an All-America at some point and very likely will play professionally. Both are honor roll/Dean's List students. I wonder how much all of the distaff Alexes have to do with the beautiful assistant DA on L&O: SVU, Alexandra Cabot (Stephanie March).
- No problemo Dorothy. Glad you saw it. I was delighted when I came upon it. We're planning a definite visit on the first ballgame weekend. Hill Street and Prince Ave. is a superb location, one of the prettiest parts of town. Right near the Taco Stand, and around the corner from my favorite house in Athens, the restored home of Prof. Phinizey Spalding and his wife Margie. I wonder if the building is one of those that R.E.M. bought through Bertis Downs, since that is sort of the outskirts of Normaltown, as they did the old CoCola plant. Dr. Spalding was an expert on James Oglethorpe and the history of colonial Georgia, but, even better, he was a first cousin of Walker Percy. Edit: The story of how the research and groundwork for the Bookshop were done sounds like a Harvard B-School case study.
- What prototype Teabanger shitheel Virginia Foxx (NC) says about doubling interest rates on student loans: “I have very little tolerance for people who tell me that they graduate with $200,000 of debt or even $80,000 of debt because there’s no reason for that. We live in an opportunity society and people are forgetting that. I remind folks all the time that the Declaration of Independence says ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’ You don’t have it dumped in your lap.” This is an integral part of Ryan's "austerity" (applying the term obscenely loosely), so Willard can't really detach himself.
- I made a trainwreck, but Deborah made a great niece and a bookstore, and it is in a great town, I will guarantee, Athens rules, and it is way better with this bookshop.
- della, which hairs have I split? My name is Jeff Borden. Oops, ssorry, I meant Spartacus. But I'd be proud to be. And I wouldn't sully such a proud name. My name is Rosanne and I live in Royal Oak, hence ROGirl. Unlike the Lindas and Deborahs, there weren’t any other Rosannes (or Roseannes) around when I was growing up. I used to get called Roseanne Roseannadanna quite a bit, but nobody under 45 knows who she was. Poseanne, I hope you have seen the exquisite Steve Martin movie. Your name comes from an unquestionably great novel. I used to live in the Royal Oak draft board and so I migrated from IA TO 2H. I wasn't afraid to go, but I sure as shit figured it was wrong. Roya Oak had the greatest number of volunteers, and never reached my lottery number., so I stayed 2H after vacating my student deferment for less than a month. Sorry Dexter. I didn't believe that was a war to fight. And I still don't believe my friends and classmates died in any honorable cause. I do believe everybody like you were fighting to ensure more people didn't die. I mean, whose hairs did I split? I'll pwn up to being an asshole, in general. No big deal. fter that, I'm outa here. Whatever and I'm actually a decent guy. However y'all might think. Whatever,
- Dexter, the best in the world is the big guy that plays in LA, and was the obvious MVP last year. Alex and Joe. Cut that shit out. GOPer women were all born heifers. That's why they look like McCain's daughters, and why they are GOPers. And they are grownups, Joe. When Flush did the White House dog gag, Chelsea was about 13. Asshole should have been arrested and sent to his just bumfuck desserts.
- Metta World Peace is hilarious. If it weren't for the extra "t" in his first name. The David Brooks of NBA hoops. Jeff, the thing about Stars and Bars, other than it's a great book, is that the cracker assholes can't even get their flags right. And your rant about Biff RMoney is right on. If redneck dickheads cared about the Flag, they would not have let it get co-opted by Hell's Angels, I don't think. Jeff, are you sure that's how to spell sponteiety?
- Is there any rational basis for preferring Eric Zorn's columns to those of Mary Schmich? Don't think so. At least neither ever went down that Barnacle road and started making shit up. Joe, I don't think I've ever insulted your appearance instead of your consistent and hapless right-wing gullibility, but if I have, my apologies. I have no idea what you look like. Is there an XXXXXXL version of Spanx to fit Flush Limbo?
- Jeff (tmmo), the amazing thing about Politico is that people find it liberal-slanted. Give me a break. If it's slanted, it's slanted toward the Obama-can't-do-anything-right-because-he-didn't-get-single-payer left, nor ordain gay marriage.
- Sorry, y'all, but I see EZ as sort of Ward Cleaver. And that, as is true of anything else I type, Jakash, is my opinion, and I'm entitled to it. Some people understand that there is no equivalency between tying a dog to the car roof and being fed cooked dog when you are six. And most people understand Mrs. RMoney has never had to make ends meet. People that want to argue differently are full of crap, and the umbrage wars are more phony than the mommy wars.
- Joe, you’re missing the point entirely. It’s their values and beliefs we abhor. It’s their willful ignorance. It’s their duplicitousness. It’s their exploitation of you, my dear man. Calling them on their looks and their character defects is just part of the tit for tat. It’s venting. You know, like you did when a black president got elected. Exactly. Like the Swiftboat anti-Kerry campaign in '04. Stolen Valor Act. I don't imagine most supporters of this law saw anything wrong with the bullshit spewed by the Swiftboat liars. Guess you thought that was all's fair, eh, Joe? Morons believed in that shit and millions died.
- Joe, you’re missing the point entirely. It’s their values and beliefs we abhor. It’s their willful ignorance. It’s their duplicitousness. It’s their exploitation of you, my dear man. Calling them on their looks and their character defects is just part of the tit for tat. It’s venting. You know, like you did when a black president got elected. Exactly. Like the Swiftboat anti-Kerry campaign in '04. Stolen Valor Act. I don't imagine most supporters of this law saw anything wrong with the bullshit spewed by the Swiftboat liars that talked up W's service guarding that OClub bar in Tejas. Guess you thought that was all's fair, eh, Joe? Morons believed in that shit and millions died.
- Scribe, That reminds me of the great Steve Allen off the cuff: "Battista Fleas, I've been bitten by Battista..." There goes my eyeball, in my highball. I sure as shit hope that comes back to haunt Rubio. A true Battistaite bloodsucker, if there ever was one.
- WWJD? I'm no fan of Bill Maher, but this is pretty damned funny. Y'know, Della, in the end, the hanging chads didn't mean dick. Scalia and Long Dong, the great originalists, defenders of states rights, said FLA law didn't mean dick, and ended the recount. Gee thanks for eight years of PNAC stupidity and Blackwater and Halliburton running the government you aholes. Sort of like SCOTUS as EMF. With the Brooks Bros. rioters. When in doubt, go Tahoma, or Garamond. What did that idiot think the HARD in Mike's Hard Lemonade meant. EMF? Il Duce. We can make the trains run on time. Conservatives are all about local government and control, until they aren't any more. A favorite poem, that I can recite from memory: A Visit To The Asylum Once from a big, big building, When I was small, small, The queer folk in the windows Would smile at me and call. And in the hard wee gardens Such pleasant men would hoe: "Sir, may we touch the little girl's hair!"— It was so red, you know. They cut me coloured asters With shears so sharp and neat, They brought me grapes and plums and pears And pretty cakes to eat. And out of all the windows, No matter where we went, The merriest eyes would follow me And make me compliment. There were a thousand windows, All latticed up and down. And up to all the windows, When we went back to town, The queer folk put their faces, As gentle as could be; "Come again, little girl!" they called, and I Called back, "You come see me!" Edna St. Vincent Millay, flaming redhead. And wouldn't normal people, confronted with the wrong font, simply require reprinting it in WingDings or Comic Sans, or whatever else seemed suitable.
- Ronnie Hawkins discussing Levon Helm.
- Artificial insemination. Jeff, you know what Gandhi said about appreciating Christ but not being thrilled with Christians.
- Dexter: Delmon and his brother Dmitri have long been known for being a few bricks short of Milton Bradley's mental health. Scroll down to the video to see Delmon in action, throwing a bat at an ump.
- Today is Kate Pierson's birthday. I never had any idea that the Catholic Church disaapproves of artificial insemination. I suspect most practicing Catholics are taken by surprise by the Herx story.
- Burning Man? Running of the Bulls?
- Neverland? Brobdingnag? Erewhon? Armenia , Armenia, City in the Sky?
- Aides humanize Willard. Relate clever prank about someone getting fired. What a hilarious guy.
- This takes some monumental brass balls to claim: One of Mitt Romney's top advisers said Saturday that President Obama's decision to bailout Chrysler and General Motors was actually Romney's idea. "[Romney's] position on the bailout was exactly what President Obama followed. I know it infuriates them to hear that," Eric Fehrnstrom, senior adviser to the Romney campaign, said. "The only economic success that President Obama has had is because he followed Mitt Romney's advice." [...] "The fact that the auto companies today are profitable is because they've shed costs," Fehronstrom said. "The reason they shed those costs and have got their employee labor contracts less expensive is because they went through that managed bankruptcy process. It is exactly what Mitt Romney told them to do." Especially when this is still readily available on the interwebs: Just fracking lying, flat out. Re Alex's point: Within the Catholic Church, antipathy for ecumenicism is the only possible rational explanation for the preference among the establishment for J2P2 over the far greater man and Pope, John XXIII, Angelo Roncalli.
- That Etch-a-Sketch in full jiggle mode quote from Fehrnstrom is from this piece on The Hill website: Right Eric, like the Unions weren't equal of better productive partners in the auto industry comeback, you ahole. In Romneyworld, they had to be vanquished and subjugaated to the robber barons. I can't believe the RMoney campaign stands a real chance with that sort of public stance. edit: And all of that info on the Windsock auto bailout boondoggle attempt by Willard originated at Crooks and Liars. This lie is so egregious, it's like claiming Seamus never rode on the roof. I mean, the bogusness of the claim is so enormous, it would insult Jerry Lewis' or Pauly Shore's intelligence. Surely voters aren't that fracking stupid.
- Not to deprecate LDS, but Lying for the Lord is a well-accepted principal in that religion. As that former LDS Bishop said, I believed a list of prevarications presented in the proper context would prove that lying wasn't actually lying. Damn, sounds a whole lot like John Kyl's idea about the relationship between GOPers and facts.
- Today's the 20th anniversary of the Rodney King riots, after the fantasy verdict letting the cops off, in Simi Valley. Happy birthday, Tommy James: In an interview in todays' NYT Review of Books, Madeleine Albright says she's a fan of Walter Mosley's. I think that is very cool, both because I agree wholeheartedly and because her clear nonchalance about what anybody else might think of or expect from her is refreshing. Walter Mosley's books are serious lit intended obviously for readers for pure pleasure of reading. Ex-Secretaries of State are supposed to read boring books by Zbiegnew Brszinski, right? Not anything enjoyable like an EZ Rawlins mystery.
- 79th Anniversaryof The Catholic Worker, a publication I believe upholds what I believe Jesus' words enjoin us to, like social justice as the basis of Christian behavior. It would be hard to argue that an increase in legitimately Christian behavior wouldn't have a beneficial effect on society in general, whether you believe Jesus was God's son or just a very good man.. But maybe in believing that people should consider others as their primary concern, as Jesus taught, I'm just being naive. Professional and political Christians are a disgrace to Christian doctrine, and paragons, so to speak, of WJWND. Fortunately, these whited sepulchers and hypocritical pharisees don't damage my own faith. I've always found the Great Commandments pretty easy to buy into. And no matter what Franklin Graham might think about Chuck Colson making a bundle out of his bogus prison outreach, and no matter what sort of mountainous bucks GOPers can pour into similar scams in Jesus' name., I know what Matthew 22 and First John 4:21 say. And I'm no Jesus freak or "pentecostal" Catholic. My religious faith comes directly from the works of Teillhard, the great Jesuit scientist and phenomenologist theologian, and from Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a' Kempis. I learned these sources from my Dad, a very good man, and from my favorite cleric, John Donovan, SJ, a college theology professor and lifetime family friend. I take this stuff very seriously, and I'm aware it is uncharitable and unChrist-like to point out that the public political religious practitioners are weak as hell on theology, but it is true nevertheless, and I think it's a humbling moral imperative to point it out. Anyway, today's another anniversary I am shocked not to see saluted by members of the NN Village Green Preservation Society Tory Royalists from just a year ago. Wills and Kate, send a footman out for one of those KY his and hers things, and make a baby damnit. And cooz, tht guy should be throw in General Population and labeled "short eyes".
- beb, Mittster claimed for the last year and an half that the auto bailout was all wrong, until the MoCos paid the loans back. If he get's away with this shit, it makes Bush v. Gore look like nothing in the takeover of a country by fooling the incredibly stupid.
- It's a foundation of LDS that Lying for the Lord allows theocratic ethics, as in the rubes are so fucking dumb, they can't be entitled to the truth. Who is going to trust this whack job magic underpants jerk? I leave religion out of politics, but this is not really something a responsible voter could ignore.
- What if Etch Stretch had tried this bullshit before his MI primary. Frothy would have kicked his sorry Wonderbread ass black and blue. This lie is monstrous. Look up enormity and you get the description of a lie this outrageous.
- beb, you are a Lions fan I figure. Why take that charactwer instead of Brandon Boykin? Them dawgs are sure as shit Lions.
- Jeff, it's a great paper. And rank and dile Catholics velieve in social justicce, even if it means some Raygun asshole shoots a prelate at the communion rail, That is how assholes on the right support Catholics. Fuxk them, big time.
- Beautiful photos, Julie. I've borrowed the first one for my desktop. Firefox let's me do it with a right mouse click, so I change the thing several times a week. Some sites are amenable to this function, others are not. Dropbox does, hurrah. National Geo photos are all susceptible to this trick. I love tulips. What will those evil Islamists get up to next? Sharia condones necrophilia. There is almost nothing more galling than American rightwing nutjobs expressing their profound concern for women's rights in the Middle East. Tush Limbo's comments are particularly offensive. Cochon is still not letting go of his contraception buffoonery. Sounds more like Robyn Hitchcock.
- The Google Mayday doodle for the rest of the world, that is too controversial for the USA. That cracker in cooz's video has larger moobs than Phil Mickelson. Needs a bro-ssiere.
- Julie@29: The compound-eye-level tulip view is great. Tulips mean winter is over, to me. We've got them in window boxes mounted on the balcony rail. Basset, maybe that gone-postal TV guy was a Gilbert Agent 0 Arenas fan: edit: I was living in Athens GA when the Olympic Games brought Eric Rudolph to Atlanta. Bad all around. What Rudolph said about his bomb-planting and the Olympics: In the summer of 1996, the world converged upon Atlanta for the Olympic Games. Under the protection and auspices of the regime in Washington millions of people came to celebrate the ideals of global socialism. Multinational corporations spent billions of dollars, and Washington organized an army of security to protect these best of all games. Even though the conception and the purpose of the so-called Olympic movement is the promote the values of global socialism as perfectly expressed in the song "Imagine" by John Lennon, which was the theme of the 1996 Games — even though the purpose of the Olympics is to promote these despicable ideals, the purpose of the attack on July 27th was to confound, anger and embarrass the Washington government in the eyes of the world for its abominable sanctioning of abortion on demand. The plan was to force the cancellation of the Games, or at least create a state of insecurity to empty the streets around the venues and thereby eat into the vast amounts of money invested. Sounds like the Teabangers discussing Obama.
- Who'd be more damaging to the Constitution and individual rights in America than Scalia and his homunculus Long Dong?Robert Bork, that's who. Juan Cole on Willard Windsock: Romney is a scary conspiracy theorist when it comes to the Muslim world, and his discourse in this regard is eerily similar to that of European far-right figures such as Anders Breivik, the Norwegian mass murderer. Like most GOPers, RMoney is ignorant as a hodful of bricks concerning the Muslim world.
- Willard babbling, and if you don't have parents that can finance pulling you up by your own bootstraps, frack you, you are irrelevant. Speaking of wool, these poodlerized shorn alpaca are kinda humorous.
- E.L. Doctorow is seriously POd about the GOP/Teabanger political agenda.
- Agreed Deborah. 100% factual, no-nonsense. Political faux doc set in Madison WI. Something like Altman's brilliant Tanner '88. Not that good, but mighty good anyway. Short episodes, < 22 min. apiece. Well-written, very well-acted.
- So where'd your dad do time paddy? What's never remarked about the brazen mission accomplished affair is that the crew of the Lincoln was returning to port after an extended tour, and the Shrub histrionics postponed their homecoming by a day so that the light would be right for the phony landing by the supposed pilot that was AWOL for his training back in the day. They should have let McCain fly the plane. He could have racked up another crash, and put Dickless Cheney's coup in the open. I believe the GOPers are also forgetting how Cheney told Americans a vote for John Kerry was a vote for another terrorist attack by AQ, and how Tommy Franks was paraded like a dog and pony show at that GOP convention, even though the appearance and its blatant political purpose were patently illegal. An awe-inspiring John Edwards slam. I will always believe this guy's phony gentility helped Shrub beat Kerry, but I guess he may have been preoccupied.
- Sue, that woman is in serious need of a psychiatrist as well as an oncologist. What a nutjob. Still, the kid looks perfectly healthy to me, and clearly was never exposed to the tanning microwave.
- Willard Windsock: Even Jimmy Carter? Seriously you ahole? Carter did , in real life. When Cheney and Rummy had arranged to ship weapons to the ayatollahs if they'd hold on to American hostages until after Raygun's election. When defense contractor products failed miserably, that didn't work out, it was all Carter's fault according to GOPers; reasonable consistency should mean these bastards should be giving Obama credit in the recent case. When it comes to the history of their actions, these guys start every conversation with "Give me rewrite." Dangerously divorced from reality. And RMoney is not fit to carry Jimma Earl's jockstrap. Interesting that WaPo and Politico are obsessing over Obama's "risky" tactic, because the "boasting" will backfire if there are "terrorist attacks" between now and next November. Sounds like a signal to all the Tim McVeighs and Eric Rudolphs to start their engines. Maybe the shitheels have forgotten about Tom Ridge's color coded threat assessment chart, and how it was manipulated by the Shrub/Dickless campaign in '04. And McCain is a senile Oldtimer that needs to just STFU.
- Defeated in their state lege, embarrassed in their state supreme court, these people are so convinced of their own moral rectitude, they are intent on forcing it on their fellow citizens by whatever means possible. Child Endangerment. Daycare in FLA. Redneck Mecca.
- Joe, Daley's employing the RMoney income tax dodge defense. Just took advantage of the rules. Exactly what Mittens says about how is taxes stay so low, when he deigns to release information.
- Didn't say anything of the sort. I'm saying if you can hide behind lax laws and regulations, you don't get sent to jail. Now I think offshoring cash to avoid paying income tax is illegal, but apparently Willard can afford lawyers and CPAs to get him by. If Dalaey can be proven to have broken the law, he should go to jail. I'm certainly not standing up for the son of the asshole that directed his PD to beat up me and my friends in Grant Park in '68. If it's OK for RMoney, I'd say Dailey's shitheel behavior doesn't rek as high to heaven as Windsock's.
- I've heard of Meigs Field, vaguley, but I don't know what Dailey had to do with it that was controversial. I have been told that the runways at the airfield were paved over infamous mob burial grounds from the 20s and 30s and I'm certain Raygun violated federal law when he fired all the air traffic controllers. And GOPers don't really abhor the Dailey family because of corruption or autocratic rule, it's their unshakable belief in the old GOP shibboleth about old Dick dleivering for JFK in 1960, sans any attempt at all of evidence. It's a matter of faith, nothing more, and losing all those elections to them.
- Obama in the VF excerpt. At a cursory glance: psychobabble that reaches the level of "Kenyan anti-colonial". And I still don't get that anti-colonial shit. Isn't that the single greatest foundational American attitude? Horribly pedestrian book title. Given the author's name, how did somebody at the publishing house not come up with "Honey, I Shrunk the President"? How can anybody vote for a guy named after the undeground cannibal beasts from "The Time Machine"? Sad, but it sounds from what y'all are saying that had Lugar kept a room on C Street and pretended an association with the Fellowship (of Unspeakable Evil), this Morlock guy would be a nonentity. As it is, he's fairly obviously destined to be the next Sen. Demented, the bane of South Carolina's existence. At least we've got Linsay Graham, who is a paragon of standing for the courage of his convictions, when it isn't inconvenient. My favorite Mellencamp malapropism is in Little Pink Houses (aka Morning in America), where the reminiscing old narrator is telling his beloved how he remembers when her face "could stop a clock". Was that supposed to be romantic. I always wished Bobby Fuller woulld sue Mr. Cougar for plagiarism. Swapping out "law" for "authority" is transparent, and leaving out the bopbopbopbopbopbop six gun is no defense.
- The President is in good company with the ex-girlfriend biographical sourcing. Suze Rotolo did the same thing to Bob Dylan a couple of years back. Soooo, Kaopectate is coozledad's Kryptonite. Jeff, "Pastor" Harris made an official policy to "any Christians he might have offended." And the creepiest thing the guy said was telling parents to tell their "too butch" daughters to "smell like girls". Guy sounds like Olivia and Elliot need to knock him around an interview room. Lawrence O'Donnell took the pervert apart on his show last night:
- Sheppard Smith has been Nooz Corpse last tenuous link to reality for a long time, but Newt's campaign suspension and RMoney's reaction have driven the poor guy around the bend. He does manage to point out that these bastards "suspend" their campaigns because that allows them to continue to collect contributions.
- JW: That exact slant hadn't occurred to me, though the white man's burden/racist appeal of the implied MauMau connection is painfully obvious. No matter how you look at it, Sammy Hagar is twice as obnoxious as Diamond Dave at his worst; I can't drive 55 is lamer than I fight authority, authority always wins, and that's so lame you need to crack that wrist, give 'em a good punch, and tell 'em to smell like a girl. Bowling for Soup, 1985. Very clever post-modern cultural references. 1985 is the year Dave left and Senor Cabo Wabo entered VH.
- I realize that John Mellencamp is not really responsible for that Johnny Cougar crap, and he seems like a very solid citizen with admirable instincts and beliefs, who accepts the responsibilities of being a citizen. It's just that I think his music is derivative mostly, and the lyrics generally are sadly banal, and frequently clumsy. Still, blind pigs and truffles: a very good Mellencamp song. Funny Mike Luckovich cartoon take on Newt's campaign hiatus:
- Fallen on hard times; the Blind Melon bee-girl: In her salad days: Even Mellencamp never lifted a song so obviously as Blind Lemon robbed the Dead on this one.
- Albom sure as hell makes it look like Janet Cooke deserved that Pulitzer. $120million for a painting? Guernica? OK. The Starry Night? Most definitely. The Night Watch? Maybe. The Scream? Childish, money-burning -a-hole-in-your-pocket purchase. And my dad's grandparents came to the US from Norway. And the ticker tape radio broadcast thing was made famous long before Ernie told Mitch to proselytize, as part of Raygun's living hagiography. It's difficult to imagine Ronaldus quick and clever enough for the dog ruse. I figure it would have been more likely to hear him announce bombing the Soviet Union. Or to hear Nancy Horoscope telling her man (sotto voce) to "tell 'em we're doing the best we can." I remember listening to Ernie Harwell as a kid, but George Kell is telling me to write a play about Norm Cash guarding the bag at first. While corking his bat. How's that for the good old days, Elmer Gan... I mean, Mitch. Believing in God is not the same thing as believing the universe is younger than 6,000 years. It appears these people believe God was not smart enough to invent the Big Bang and evolution and to keep it operating lo, these hundreds of thousands of years in Her mind. Stupid Texan tricks. How do people like that get so het up on the OT and miss the NT altogether? In the grand scheme of ruining public education, charter schools are the clever bendy straw mechanism for guzzling at the public trough. I suppose nitwits like Jim Demento and Joe Wilson that burden my mailbox several times weekly actually believe FedEx is going to honor their abuse of franking privileges in service to endless campaign when they kill USPS. Sorry Joe, everyone of those giant postcards about Nancy Pelosi will run you $19.95. The forests will thank you.
- When somebody tries to give you a beer lamer than Coors, with a lime wedge, tomorrow, here's what you need to know about America's latest corporate advertising holiday (with some great music). For us it's juleps and Derby Day. Usually, we have rooting interest in the filly in the race, but I don't think there is a distaff entry this year, so it's either name or jockey. Jockey is a no brainer. If he's in the race, it's always ADHD poster child Calvin Bo-Rail. For a name this year, I like Went the Day Well, because it sounds like a novel by Heinlein. Union Rags is another excellent name. There are 20 horses in the starting field, which I don't like because I think the large field increases danger to the jockeys and the horses. We always approach watching the actual race with trepidation, especially after the Eight Belles tragedy. This year, the most striking horse in appearance is Hansen. Striking resemblance to Shadowfax. No-fun version of The Scream: astronomical phenomenon resulting from the Krakatoa eruption. Interesting point, Heather, but isn't that what museums pay curators for. I remember vividly turning a corner at MoMA in NYC into a small room with a single painting, and feeling physically confronted with Guernica. The effect was appropriately assaultive, as I'd guess Picasso intended. My first view of The Starry Night (also at MoMA, same day) was a similar gobsmack, but the presentation was welcoming and warm. Lord knows where the talent comes from to arrange exhibits for effect presumably intended by the artist, or even what a definition of such talent might be, but my experience with those two paintings was exhilirating and the effect has lasted a lifetime.
- Derby info and photos: Eight Belles. Keystone XL will require taking rights of way by eminent domain in USA for the benefit of a foreign company. Eminent domain is a point of eminent hysteria for GOPers. None of the tar sands petroleum moved through the pipeline wil enter the domestic American market. The tar sands petroleum at the end of the pipeline will be refined in and shipped to China from tax-free Port Arthur. Experts agree that shipping the tar sands petroleum through Port Arthur, TX to China will raise fuel prices for Midwestern farmers substantially. So how do GOPers support the Keystone XL pipeline? Obama derangement syndrome, and dirty oil spills mean as much to them in actuality as deficits meant to Dickless Cheney. If Frank Rich wrote a play, would he review it favorably in New York Magazine? Albom's colleagues, and the publisher particularly, should feel excruciating embarrassment. Mitch Diddy is Sean Combs shameless, and talent-devoid.
- GOP policy paradigm. Deborah: It would take zombification not to be floored by either of those paintings, but seeing both in one day was overwhelming. The Starry Night is my favorite from way back. And I saw it after seeing Guernica, which is a gut-wrenching representation of man's inhumanity. The van Gogh calmed me from a state of agitation induced by the Picasso. Later that day, we came out of a restaurant across the street from The Village Gate, and decided to go into the famous club. Nina Simone was singing Billie Holiday's Strange Fruit. What a day; only in NYC.
- Michael G, that May Lee short is delightful. Some soulless buffoons pop up in the comments, but Ms. Lee's story makes my day. I'd be happy if my passport was as full as hers some day.
- Peter Max remains interesting to this day, in part because of the unresolved arguments about his relationship to the Beatles' movie Yellow Submarine. I defy someone to look at this and claim Peter Max had no influence on Yellow Submarine. One thing I'd say for sure, Peter Max sure tried LSD at some point. Thinking about Peter Max reminds me of Sr. Corita Kent and her famous painting of Uncle Ho on the huge Boston Gas LNG tank in Dorchester that was visible to everyone entering Boston on I-95. Jolene, it's difficult to comprehend an Obama voter voting for anybody from the current GOP for anything but Klass Klown. As they used to say in Michigan back in the day of G. Mennen "Soapy" Williams (capped with his trademark whit-polka-dotted green tie) "Make it Emphatic, Vote Straight Democratic". Here in SC, pulling a straight Democratic Party lever seems like self-defense. Nugent was off his anti-psychotics. Judging by his trembling jowels and multi-chins, I'm guessing one of the atypicals like risperidol, but his agitation anti-social tendencies seem more like missing his Stelazine, producing a dopamine rush. Nugent sure as shit did acid before, no matter what he claims. I saw him, back in the 60s. Brian, Gary Oldham sure as hell didn't look like Sirius Black, and Viggo Mortenson looked even less like Strider. And you mean time back, way back when MTV played music? Mists of time.
- And Simon Schama is the King James version of history, in my opinion, cooz. Citizens is the word of God companion to Carlyle when it comes to the French Revolution. A great non-fiction writer, I think. Entertaining as all get out and an admirable stylist. I've been writing an account of Sidney Carton's last days, spent with a philosophical cat, and Carlyle is the motherlode. When that gets too blinding for my comprehension, I go to Schama for exegesis. Sr. Corita Kent and Uncle Ho. Dangerous radical anti-American IHM nun; too subversive for IBM. Delusional right wingers have been around a long time.
- Tribute or blasphemy? What's Goin' On. RIP MCA Adam Yauch. Quintessential Beastie's -- rude as can be but pretty funny. Brian, my last experience with MI Democratic politics was way back in the 60s. My parents hosted fundraisers with my brothers and I on bumper patrol to prevent stickers from being defaced or applied by the drooling GOP offspring that mostly made up our neighborhood in Bloomfield Hills. This summary legislation shit the Michigan GOPers are pulling these days is so ludicrously unConstitutional and anti-small-d-democratic it's astounding they'd even try it, much less get away with it. Back in those days, the UAW ruled the state, pretty much. My last real memory of Michigan Dem politics was the '68 state convention when the party endorsed RFK over the last of the great Dem elitists, Gene McCarthy, by an overwhelming vote. We, my family, were ecstatic, and brought home Bobby buttons and posters. This memory saddens me to this day. Sirhan Sirhan put the country on the slippery slope to Gehenna and gave it a push. Been mostly in the smoking dump ever since. I still have some of the memorabilia, like the "Straight Democratic" Soapy Williams bowtie sign. Since I've been voting, it's been extremely rare that I haven't voted a Dem ticket. I think I voted for Saltonstall once when I lived in MA, because I worked in the State House at the time and thought the seersucker-in-the-winter-clad old Leverett was one hilarious and harmless, well-intentioned old fart. A coot from the moneyed North Shore, like a Peabody or a Lowell, or a Cabot, but with a soul and a sense of humor (unlike, the Cabots speak only to Lodges and the Lodges speak only to God). Otherwise, I can't think of a GOPer I would ever have voted for, under any circumstances. Leverett Saltonstall was famous for carrying around Filene's bags containing Basement merchandise he was returning for his neighbors. Now that is constituent service of which TiP O'Neill would have approved. Reminds me, I did vote against the Speaker once when I lived in Cambridge, because of his horrendous treatment of Jimma Earl Carter and the Clinton's health care initiative. Very satisfying apostasy. Everyone I knew was aghast. TiP was a crook and an autocratic crook, but he was our crook and autocratic jerk.
- The story of the radio guy reminds me of the baseball memorabilia historian with the Bobby Thompson homerun ball in Don DeLillo's Underworld. And, for the record, it's a fairly well proven fact the Giants were using binoculars to steal signs in that game, the most despicable transgression of unwritten baseball rules. And if that photo purports to show the Babe hunting pheasants, who are the fedora-topped men and gussied-up women crowding around him? Seems like somebody'd get Cheneyed.
- Shit, Willard, that's a rapid response. Brian, hardcore GOPers these days think unaccounted-for nukes floating around the mobster wilds of the former Soviet Union is a desirable situation. Not surprising, since the Red Threat and the Cold War were their raisons d'etre for so long, their demise has brought about a sort of Lost Generation (without the underlying intelligence) aimlessness and existential angst. And look at the skinhead mischief this has led them to. And those deliberately bowdlerized quotes from the Morlock ad sound as if Windsock's SuperPAC is helping out with technical advice.
- Remember the Great Kate Upton Real or Memorex Debate? Well, Against all odds, Ms. Upton's boobs are back in the news, if you consider the NYDaily News an actual news outlet. Top ten most expensive artworks sold at auction. You can see why Nobody Ever Called Rablo Picasso an Asshole. We have a framed stretched canvas giclee reproduction of Dr. Gachet hung over our living room couch. I love it, S. says it reminds her of her shrink.
- Why American conservatives are so fracking stupid and bellicose about Iran, and about Muslims in general. Ignorant as they wanna be.
- Best recycling story, ever. Mittens on Willard. Why the Windsock is a very bad idea. Even a vacillating vulture capitalist can see it without even looking hard. Most entertaining KYDerby. 20 yds. longer, the No. 5 horse would have won. The beautiful white horse Hansen ran valiantly MmmmBop. As did the favorite that placed (fastest splits in race history until the final leg). Best TV bit, the winning (1.5mil) owner bringing his kid to the winner's circle with him, kid wearing an old time railbird polyester porkpie. Very cool. And none of the horses was injured.
- Harry Truman's description of GOP: Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home–but not for housing. They are strong for labor–but they are stronger for restricting labor’s rights. They favor minimum wage–the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all–but they won’t spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine–for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing–but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think American standard of living is a fine thing–so long as it doesn’t spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it. Cool present Basset. I've only seen a butcher cover once, in a frame in the home of a famous architect a friend was house-sitting for. Graduations are awful. Mine was hours and hours (seemed like weeks) in duration, in the UGA athletic auditorium, with no AC and no discernible ventilation or air movement of any kind. The speaker was a wizened Oldtimer that was the Goldkist Chairman of the Board, who babbled on about his experiences when sent to China by FDR. Memorable quote from the speech. "When I went to China, the people were living on 1000 calories a day, mostly rice. Even a Chinee can't live on 1000 calories a day." I swear that's what the old coot said, verbatim. He also used the "at my age, I'm happy to be anywhere line". Nobody even laughed at the Chinee business. The heat was too oppressive. Sorrowful news about your rabbit Brian. Think ClearChannel will mark this anniversary by playing a Neil Young song? Parbly not.
- Brian, I think it was within a day. The damage to the enforced gunmen was incalculable. What sort of Ohio asshole politician put live amunition in those M-1s? Ruining lives as they beefed up their anti'hippy cred. Scumbags. Like the mayor setting the troops on people in Grant Park. It's one thing to believe in a cause. It's another to be a died in the wool asshole. As Nixon said, War is heck, but it's a necessary heck. What a namby-pamby piece o' shit. Like W circling the base while keeping out of harm's way. NN trolls. Want to tell me how Kerry wasn't a war hero and W avoiding service was? Seriously, Kerry was getting his ass shot saving his crewmembers. W was AWOL. Those are facts, and if anybody would like to differ, give it a shot. His dad bailed out of his plane and doomed his crew. That is what actually happened. So if Adriana is such a dumbnass she thinks Obama is bragging about OBL, she's a closet GOPer and she should STFU.
- Dex, the pup sounds wonderful. Even approaching a wounded bulldog is a brave act, so maybe that guy is admirable. I'd take that dog in a minute, but my thorny Homeowners Assoc. would prevent it. They condone feeding feral cats but dogs are persona non grataa. I believe dogs are the creatures God made when humans let Her down.
- Minnie: No nonsense. Pegged the aholes perfect, I,d say. Brian. I wasn't being flip. I mourn that rabbit. Silflay Haraka. My little brother that died of leukemia had a rabbit, Hoppy. A marvellous creature. I love dogs, and cats. And Bunnies and most pets. But mostly dogs. What the Ohio NatGuard pulled at Kent State is everything wrong with America. Snd some fatass shitheel GOPer politicians putting kids in that situation is pure Nixonian horseshit.
- I have to say, Brian's bunny, a trooper and a hero. No way of getting around this, that was one great rabbitt. Brian, I have lizards that live here. I know one from another, and I value them as individuals. They eat biting insects, so I consider them worthwhile members of our family. I don't know why we'd have a rabbit, but they are ridiculously pretty, and loyal. Maybe we should. Is there some excuse for the Guard opening fire at Kent State? Not bloody likely. Murderers at will And who ordered it?
- seriously, We haven't been fucked over?
- Brian, one morning, years ago, my daughter's cat went up an unclimable tree, just as I was leaving for work. I was not fond of that cat, known as Scratcher. I climbed that tree and got that bitch down because my daughter depended upon me. I was ripped to shreds and in no way ready for work. I'd say I cared about that foul=tempered little cat about like stones. To this day, I celebrate his sorry existence because my rescue lives in my kid's memory, It was dangerous and stupid, and involved ladders and willing suspension of disbelief. But it was my kid's cat and I had to man up. Dad's do shit no normal humans can do when there are kids involved. We never get credit, but dad's do shit.
- Brian. I feel awful about the bunny. Flies? disgusting pieces of shit. I feel awful. There is no fair universe in which flies can torment bunnies. My family has found common ground and undying connections around animals that were our companions. Our rabbit Hoppy was surely one of them. We have had a long line of great dogs. I have never thought of a dog as a pet, so much as a companion. I know that sounds like bullshit, but it is true,
- Don't fly to close to the sun, and happy b'day Icarus. My only problem with Cumberbatch, aside from his obviously fabricated surname, is that I have to remind myself repeatedly that I'm watching Sherlock Holmes and not Dr. Who. I'm a huge fan of the original, read 'em all by the time I was eight. The Speckled Band is my favorite. I liked the Robert Downey version pretty well, and Basil Rathbone rules. The current Watson is far more interesting than the Nigel Bruce version. I just finished The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon, which is connected in its DNA to Conan Doyle. Wonderful book I recommend highly. I love books with mentally challenged first person narrators, like Set This House in Order. I'm listening to Spotify at the moment, a new album by Jack White called Blunderbuss. Outstanding. And, a good one on the recycling line. Good story Joe. I thought '78 was mostly a NE thing. I had to go out in it and stopped at the super liquor store Martignettis (big as a WalMart) in Brighton MA and loaded up several cases of Molson's Golden and a few fifths of DeKuyper cherry brandy. Our place was party central for the duration. Scribe, I'd bet a bundle Jimmy Buffett would find that offensive, and I'm sure he never sees a dime of that money.
- Connie: We had drifts on the roof than our 3-story apartment building.
- George Lidsay photos. Remember the Mayberry episode where Opie used walkie-talkies to convince Goober a dog could talk? Happy Birthday Kim. Two distinct sets of people in the world. Those that rip and tear and those that open carefully. Those that like Bjork, those that don't get it. One way of another, the video is cool.
- What cooze's parody is supposed to sound like. The strength of street knowledge: Mittens is a badass. Not.
- Source of that Harry Truman description of GOPers I quoted earlier. Truman had a bunch of good ones, like: Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a Republican. But I repeat myself.
- Teabanger paragon. Another reason why GOPers fracking up USPS is a terrible idea. OK Kim. Why'd the kid burn the lost and found?
- Well that one is a paraphrase of Mencken, Scribe. Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. Which is a great description of GOP politics, come to think of it. All those cracker Teabangers that think their place is being saved in the big tent.
- We had a 27 in. storm in Boston Easter week in '78. There was nowhere to put the snow and flooding was horrendous.
- I despise Facebook, but where else can I see videos of my grandson dunking a basketball? And I have found old friends I'd lost track of. Still, I think the whole thing is creepy, like Montag's wife's four wall interactive TV and soap opera family. And I do post political stuff there, and petitions, to annoy friends and relatives of the Regressive political persuasion. Turkia Awada Mullin is a fully Americanized Muslim, I'd say. Speaking of Hermanator's pizza, Little Caesar's has climbed atop the mountain of most obnoxious TV commercials in the last week. Takes a fast trigger finger. Scout: The Mourdock live underground and come out at night to slaughter and devour the beautiful, peaceful Eloi. It's all in an H.G. Wells book. And I hope there is a wake for Maurice Sendak that is a "wild rumpus". Tomorrow Never Knows is probably my favorite Beatles song, but the horns on Got to Get You Into My Life give it a run for its money. I once saw Los Lobos open for the Dead, and they did a spectacular version of Tomorrow Never Knows. In an ensemble full of unlikable, unsympathetic characters, Pete Campbell stands out as a particularly odious POS. I think he needs another beating from Layne.
- Are you saying Debbie Schlussel would lie, Nancy? She says Mullin is Shia, and a terrorist supporter. I wasn't casting religious aspersions, just commenting on how well Ms. Mullin has assimilated crooked American political culture.
- beb, I saw that interview, too. It reminded me of the wonderful doc "It Might Get Loud", with Jack White and David Evans (the Edge) getting together with Jimmy Page to talk about rock 'n' roll guitar playing. Yoda and Luke. Anybody that loves rock guitar music will enjoy that movie, although it does give away that the U2 guy depends mightily on effects boxes and pedals and bizarre tunings. Conversely, the film opens with Jack White building a one-string guitar with a 2by, two nails, a coke bottle, a humbucker and a strand of wire, and playing it. I wasn't assuming anything about Mullin's religious affiliation. I looked it up. And even a vile POS Gorgon like Schlussel (separated at birth from Nancy Grace?) parbly wouldn't say she's Muslim if she isn't. Although she does manage to call an American citizen dhimmi, which means a non-Muslim resident of a Muslim state, which seems kinda contradictory. Everyone knows Where The Wild Things Are, but Outside Over There is just as good, about a girl must to save her baby sister from kidnap by Goblins. The realization of Sendak's imagination in his illustrations is astonishing. Fans of these books should check out Bronwen, the Traw, and the Shapeshifter by James Dickey (yep, that James Dickey--anybody make it through Anlilam?). Kincade's art dynasty had crumbled into bankruptcy, and buying anything but suicide as manner of death takes more than willing suspension of disbelief.
- Inexcusable Murdoch bullshit on energy policy. How does anybody that can feed herself take crap like this seriously? Beatles alternative takes of Revolver songs: I've got the UK release, because it has Dr. Robert on it, another personal favorite. US version has more George songs than John songs, which is strange.
- More Beatles studio takes: VG version of You Can't Do That. Jackson Pollock could likely have drunk Kincade under the table, and he was surely loaded when he dripped most of that Dutch Boy exterior house paint onto canvas. JW, we thought Contraband was a hoot, but we like just about anything Marky Mark does these days. Actually, his brother Donnie is probably a better actor, but Three Kings is heady territory.
- beb: Like home diabetes testing. Give away the meter and charge a bundle for the test strips. Making Anne RMoney's caddies. RIP Iron Man Burks. Serious blues band. Brilliant guitar playing in Albert and Freddy King style. Sort of finger-picking.
- Hispanic outreach, GOP style: i.e. FUBAR.
- GOPer obstructionist assault on US economy rages unabated. This is GOP dedication to that policy of austerity that is working so bangup in Europethat GOPers want to follow it right down the rathole. Strange Hillary Clinton piece. Hillary as VP on the ticket would likely seal the deal for Obama, sure, but I don't see him dumping Biden. As for looks and makeup? Remember in 2008 there was cleavagegate? Mrs. Clinton was certainly an improvement over Quaker Oats that preceded her in the WH. Mitt gives the Etch-a-Sketch another shake. What does this asshat believe in? That the authors of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were divinely inspired? Coulda fooled T. Jefferson.
- Hillary Clinton link: Can't wait for Mittens to blurt this howler on the campaign trail in MI:
- Bassett @5, that information about the tape loops is interesting. The master of looping guitars is undoubtedly Robert Fripp, who used a bigass reel-to-reel to create what he calls Frippertronics (it's like the ultimate big 'lectric guitar sustain): Adrian Belew, the soul of King Crimson, was also a master practitioner, who wrote much better and far more accessible music than Robert Fripp. A current wizard is KT Tunstall, who uses a loop box to record harmonies and percussion (banging on her guitar), and even backup vocals at the beginning of each of her songs, then plays along with herself Beautiful woman with a terrific voice and serious guitar skill. The box was her accompaniment in her career as a busker. Excellent songwriter too. Popular opinion says KT is gay because of this song: But, unfortunately, she's married to a guy. KT setting up loops: This takes some amazing musical skills in my opinion, like nearly note perfect pitch and tremendous rhythmic sense. I've fooled with loops before and it is amazingly entertaining for the player. Like playing three guitars at once, or just one if you were Jimi playing the 12-string Star Spangled Banner on Rainbow Bridge, but that was several (or 100) guitars multi-tracked. That is a cool Marilyn video. Most complex architectural and HVAC design project I ever worked on was Copley Place, constructed over the Mass Pike, commuter rail and the MBTA. You can imagine, ventilating the resulting 1/2-mile tunnel was difficult.I've seen a time lapse video of the entire construction shot from cameras mounted atop the infamous Prudential Tower (that used to rain down huge shattered windo panes) a few blockss away. Astounding. Somehow, this remarkable doc is not on the internet that I can find.
- cooze @12: I sort of hope this triggers an exodus of professionals from the state so we can get back to Carolina’s natural heritage of pellagra and incest. And what about the Southren grand dame of avocational addictions, pica? Little old Daughters of the Confederacy ladies eating kaolin. And of course pellagra affected white southerners because they refused to treat corn with lime, as the pellagra-free mesoamerican aborigines did, because that was for anti-colonial savages. Better to contract a horrible niacin-deficiency disease that leaves people looking like the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Colbert's Maurice Sendak interview. Ineffably affable, in a curmudgeonly way.
- Might not be so quick to complain about the St. Patrick's day assignment. You could be on the John Travolta masseur story. Breaking "news". As a believer in God, I have to believe God finds "praise music" offensive. Watered-down Creed.
- This is for Dexter: (creative way around infield fly rule) and this one: Jeff, we're fans of Pastor Melissa Scott at our house, the Whiteboard Wizard, at our house. Lady Sings the Blues. Andie McDowell's holy separated at birth twin. And she knows Greek and Aramaic and Sumerian and God knows what other dead languages. Plus she looks great in that cassock. With the Farrah Fawcett curls. The anti-Tammy Fae. And the hipster preacher in that video even says "With arms wide open."
- Touche', Sherri. But they had to go through pellagra scaliness to become enlightened to what aboriginals knew. Greatest grits bit: President Obama read Wild Things at the Easter eggroll this year, complete with raars, claws and monster faces. GOPers criticized him all over the interwebs, presumably for holding the book rightside up:
- The Me-attitudes of GOP Je$us: Blessed are the rich, the reign of this world is ours. The rich rule the world, and the rest suffer and die, often in misery. Do not let this be you my brothers! Easier to use your riches to genetically engineer very small camels that can fit through the needle's eye… Blessed are the violent and the invincible, the proud and the powerful, the domineering and oppressive. We can have it all! And let our status of power be the proof that we are deserving of the fruits of the labor of the middle class and poor… Blessed are those who show no mercy. No mercy to the poor, to women and children, the elderly and the homeless, victims, outcasts, enemies, refugees, the hungry, the undocumented, the unborn, those on death row, those who are different, those we don’t like. And of course, those who happen to be in the way of what we want… Blessed are the warmakers. Yea I say unto you, if we were not making war, we could not be said to be making much. That is what China is for! Lo, the Lord looked at China and said "Let it be the worlds factory floor," and it was good. The irony of Lugar's downfall Is that Lugar is quintessentially an American Conservative and the GOPer aholes that hounded him with torches and pitchforks are village idiot Teabangers with no connection whatever to core American Conservatism. These asseyes wouldn't support Raygun or Goldwater, and they'd have nothing to do with elitists like Wm. Buckley. They have no belief in anything but greed, selfishness, and some twisted version of nattering nabob nihilist nativism, sold to them for their birthrights by rich and cynical overlords like Dick Armey and the Koch Konspiracy. They probably dislike Norman Podhoretz for being a pointy-headed intellectual. (Gag!!!) Jonah Goldberg inherited the dominant delusional gene from his momma.
- More solid climate change evidence for knee-jerk deniers to deny. Had the NOAA produced these data when W was pretzeldent, the report would have been suppressed and NOAA would have had its budget cut, after some political hack loyal Bushie entirely out of his element, like Heckuvajob Brownie, rewrote the report to obscure the facts. Happened frequently.
- It's very difficult for me to believe Joe Kobiela, our Pilot Joe, doesn;t believe in people's rights to freely express themselves. We've got a serious problem here on this plane. One of our feral cats, long fed and supported by our neighbors, bolted into our condo and does not want to leave. A beautiful kitten and incredibly affectionate. We can't put her out. She's sleeping with us, and S. will not have her put out. Neither will I. I've had great cats before, though I way prefer dogs, but this vixen is worming her way in. I think we call her Esmerelda after the Steve Earle song. It's been a really long time since I committed to a pet. It's difficult to understand how an American can inveigh against somebody's lifelong companion being with him or her when she is dying, That is so mean-spirited and so anti-human it's difficult to comprehend. It sure as shit ain't Christian. This cat is awesome. Why do these folks claim to be Christian?
- The anti-Obama is so virulently racist its astounding.
- All of those people touting the NC bigot vote as the "will of the people" are on board with the trouncing of "personhood" at the polls too, right? And what's the big deal, Barry Goldwater would have supported Gay Marriage. And that WV vote, how are Teabangers claiming WV is a blue state? They'd obviously vote for an oxy-eater over a Kirk, as John Leguizamo said about Latino GOPers, that's like Roaches for Raid. Borden, I think you're wrong. All those HuffPost "progressives" (gutdom I hate that term) that turned on Obama when the "public option" bit the dust are catching up now. Medicare for Everyone. And I don't think it's a "move", I think it's what he actually believes. How it goes over? God knows: Bart: Mornin', ma'am. And isn't it a lovely mornin'? Elderly Woman: Up yours, nigger.
- no gay marriage in their constitutions No Jewish barbers. No Christian insurance salesmen. People spouting obscure biblical shit invariably rely on arcane and out of context OT bullshit, Why are they so reluctant to rely on their Lord and personal savior in the NT?
- Della, Health care is the issue. Always was, always will be. Mark P. RMoney went to Cranbrook, where bullying was parbly verbal and pranks hijinks. I learned how bras unsnapped there, at summer camp. I bet Willard didn't. Jesus didn't have a word to say about His gay children. This is a matter of social justice, and Jesus had a lot to say on that subject. I am disgusted with bigots misrepresenting what Jesus said.
- That's not a schoolboy prank, that is assault and battery with a deadly weapon, and it sounds like the action of somebody with serious doubts about his own sexual identity. Kirk, you're right. I met the last great Lions D Line there. Karras, Dallas McCord, Sam Williams and Roger Brown, the most gigantic man I ever met, and a really nice guy, the Fearsome Foursome. And Paper Lion is one of the best movies ever made. I attended the Summer Theater, and still have photos: I still remember how to do theatrical makeup. The Cranbrook campus rivals Harvard and UGA North Campus that is more beautiful than any part of Harvard. In the summertime back then, I could have been Willard's victim, but my hair was green mostly, not blonde. Chlorine.
- Jon Stewart mocking the NC marriage amendment. Art Spiegelman/Maurice Sendak. If Mitt really doesn't remember cutting that kid's hair, he's a monster with narcissistic personality disorder going all the way back to his childhood. Joe might have a point, but Willard is still getting this all wrong as an adult. The situation and his response is all of a piece with his comment on Limbaugh/Fluke "those are not the words I'd have used." Too lame to be tepid. And calling the assault all those years ago a "prank" just doan get it, Mittens. The irony of the victim being expelled for smoking a cigarette while his assailants went scot-free is particularly galling.
- Julie, I'd try pot, or perhaps some Vitamin V. Either would help take the edge off that President Mau Mau merde. Gay GOPers flat out flummoxed by Obama marriage equality statement. Boy, Roy Edroso is right on the money concerning Mickey Kaus. What a tool. Out of the ordinary graduation story.
- Juan Cole compares RMoney to I'madinnerjacket claiming there are no gay Iranis. Yeah, it was a long time ago. That just makes RMoney's present day poh-poohing and acting like nobody knew about homosexuality back then more infuriating. There was a kid in my grammar school that sounds a lot like Willard's victim, and he was tormented by classmates as young as 10 or 11 for his effeminate mannerisms. The accounts of the incident aound like Willard was more intereested in an audience than he was in a posse. The entire assault was an act of cowardly self-aggrandizement. From what I recall of his father's character, George would have kicked Mitt's ass had he known about the harrassment. Describing such abhorrent behavior as "high-jinks" makes Mittens look like creepy sumbitch now when he could have handled it entirely differently. And Jimmy Asscrack is an idiot if he thinks this can be sloughed of as a smear. This incident has been verified by four of Mits HS friends, independently of one another. He could have made it go away, easily, if he wasn't basically such an obnoxious, sociopathic prick at heart. And guess where RMoney will be tomorrow. Giving a commencement address at Liberty University. Perfect setting for some gay-bashing.
- Astoundingly cringe-worthy defenses of Bullard RMoney from Faux and Breitbart, Tortured logic in defense of the indefensible. Truly shameless bullshinola. Don't Goldberg's Pulitzer nominations reside in that same realm of delusional, self-aggrandizing imagination as O'Reilly's Peabody Awards. At least Goldberg was technically telling the truth and relying on ignorant credulity from his legions of cretinous readers. Spinmeister O was just making shit up out of the clear blue. WTF is wrong with Americans?
- Mother's Day, Konrad Lorenz and imprinting. Ultimate seed catalog.
- Bullying was not countenanced in by HS. I know Bsssett boesn't belive that. We did not stand for that sort of shit. We thought everybody had something to be stood dor, and there was no bullying. I wish Bassett had gone to my school and never been bullied. He would have liked it and been happier these days. We fucked each other over bigtime. You would have been on the money acceptable. I was a jock and an asshole, and I would have been a friend, if you'd have believed it. Both a coupla dumbaasses, eh? Bassett, it is important to me you realize,. I always meant to be friends. ns you xN SUMP ON MW IF YOU'S LIKE. I ALWAYS MEANT TO NOT BE AN AHOLE. I WAS ALWAYS TRYING TO BE A NICE GUY. WHETHER YOU KNEW IT OR NOT.
- DEXTER,HOW BOUT THAT BOY HITTING ALL THEM HOMERS. , FAIRLY AWSOME, EH? LIKE COLAVITO. THE ROCK. Back when we were young' un baxeball fans. I remember the summer Northrup hit one bases loaded after another. Greatest Tigers summer ever. Tigers ruled in those days, I/m loving these tigers. Not quite the Dodgers, but they can play. It's a good-looking season Dex. They are playing like Jackie is on board. And that is how to play.
- Dexter, Spotify is featuring a new Jack White album currently, called Blunderbuss. Outstanding. Sounds like a cross of Led Zep and Dexter Romweber. SLightly strange Mother's Day message from Bonnie Raitt and Major League Baseball: The wonders of Adderall (which DoD feeds to American soldiers):
- One thing struck me besides RMoney's Lord of the Flies behavior in that story. My own HS in Detroit regularly turned out three and four times as many National Merit Semifinalists (scholarship need not considered) as Cranbrook. Just a better school. And the tuition was $900 my senior year. Fuck Cranbrook. Cranbrook may have made the turds whose parents dumped them there pretend to be studious, but any dumbass whose parents could pony up the cash could get in there and graduate with "gentleman's Cs". I took some shit from Pulte neighborhood kids for going to the Cranbrook Summer Theater, and I can't imagine now how I ever got the idea in the first place. We put on plays in an outdoor Greek Theater recreation at the school every week, and took classes in dance (that one didn't have any lasting effect), theatrical makeup (I can do scars), and voice (I can sing if I imitate Lou Reed or Bob Dylan). The head of the program was Karl Wonnberger, the old guy Mitt pulled his "hilarious" unopened door prank on. A nice old character with a wife that had obviously been a hot ticket in her distant, dewy youth. Probably a showgirl. Anyway, they were enthusiastic about the summer camp and wrote new scripts every week for the performance programs. Classes and rehearsals in mornings, PMs free for swimming in a gigantic whale shaped asphalt pool called the Jonah Pool, and serious messing with theater girls, who had imaginations Catholic School Girls might never catch up with. It was a pretty sexually charged atmosphere, and cast parties after plays were decadent. All in all, it was a lot of fun. Alex, Eddie Haskell is right on the money. Or Porgy Tirebiter. But unctuous is too polite. Oleaginous is the proper descriptor. And what sort of human being rubs his wealth in the world's faces and then whines about them being jealous? That is sociopathic behavior. Mittens is a repulsive shitheel, not quite as odious as Sanitorum, but close to making Newt seem human. I went to boarding school with a kid whose dad was a Shakey’s Pizza franchisee. Played in the movie by Romney Dangerfield, right? What we have on the stereo:
- Those guys that said Mittster was a bully, they weren't popular anyway. Like those Swiftboat assholes were ever within 100 miles of Kerry's swiftboat you pathetic liars. Mitt and the boyos: That is Raygunomics and GOPerism, idn't it?
- I just saw an attractive photo of glass gem corn. Doan know dick about seed catalogs, just thought y'all would like it. GOPers: Kerry was a fake and W was an authentic war hero. What is the matter with people so brain-damaged they buy this shit. Barney pissed on W's head, you fucking morons.
- Jeff (MMO) That's what Dickless Cheney said. Then he shot a human being in the face.
- 11 year old rock climber. This kid is astounding.
- cooze@18: I would say that embarrassing the Fuhrmanists at VDARE was a monumental undertaking, but I think "impossible" is more like it. As for VDARE, I'd like to see some effet, neurasthenic Brits self-deport from USA. The bungling financial industry superhero Jamie Dimon has admitted that incompetence created a FUBAR situation and the loss of $2billion at JP Morgan. A very rare instance of robber barons taking responsibility for screwing the pooch. Well, except they've already identified a female hedge manager as a scapegoat. But wait. What does Fox News say? Government regulations caused the loss. Crap, these fools will say any idiotic thing, no matter how ridiculous and no matter that they are contradicting the guy they are supposedly supporting.
- Jeff (tmmo): I agree with the American Catholic Bishops that it is contradictory to support social Darwinism like Ryan's budget while claiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ's precepts and teachings. The construction of the Interstate system was a huge gift to the Teamsters and surely not one of Eisenhower's finer moments as a leader. Characterizing the Interstates as a national security initiative was a ridiculous subterfuge. The program was a massive subsidy to the trucking industry, and basically did in American railroads that were far more effective systems of delivery. It's embarrasing that countries that could fit inside of medium-sized American states have effective rail systems which common sense insists would be easier to construct and support in a country as gigantic as the USA is physically.
- Trini Lopez' birthday. Dedicated to Sherrif Joe Arpaio, the scumsucking civil rights enemy: Pindejo, maricon, puta. Cabron. As my Puerto Rican college roomie would say.
- Mark. No reputable economist has ever considered Euro-trash-style austerity a reasonable nor an effective, nor an ameliorative, response to a severely depressed economy. It makes no sense on its face (pretty much, insisting down is up), and if any real-life evidence is still required, Europe is providing it in spades. Funniest thing about the anti-Obama oil speculators like the Koch Kriminal Konspiracy is that they hate Iran in lockstep, and are using the Irani technique of parking oil offshore in tankers. O course, the Kochs have been dealing with Iran illegally for quite some time, like their grandfather dealt with the Nazis.
- cooze@38, and don't forget AK and Tejas, that take far more than they contribute.. Why not take a Paul Ryan approach, and apply a philosophy of federal Darwinism. If they ain't productive, starve they ass. Weanwhile, Deutschland continues to afford a high standard of living and social justice, and a more substantial, more reliable, and way more efficient social and public health safety net for all Chermans than anything in the USA that costs far more money.
- Antonin Scalia once said, infamously, that no American citizen had ever been executed for a crime he had not committed. This is doctrinaire ideologue Scalia at his activist, most hubris-imbued worst. This asshole is a fundamentally bad man, a poor jurist that should never have gotten within shouting distance of the US Supreme Court. I'm struck by Scalia's lack of judicial character and sensibility every time I see RMoney with Robert Bork. That's who Willard has chosen as an adviser on Constitutional matters and judicial appointments? Thanks, but no thanks Mittens. Bork is a radical pre-enlightenment thinker with whom RMoney probably sees eye to eye on all sorts of things. If there were, in fact, such thing as an effective liberal press, Bork would be answering questions about his outrageous legal pronouncements, like the derision he aimed at the current court, calling it "feminised" for anti-gender-discrimination judgements. I assume he was demonizing Ginsburg and O'Connor. Giving Robert Bork this position in your campaign is as disqualifying a judgement call as choosing to take foreign policy advice from certifiable loons like John Bolton and his BFF Daniel Pipes. Scalia was a preening buffoon when he made his asinine death penalty claim. And that has been proven. The USA can't afford any more horrendous SC appointments like those of Raygun and the Bushes, and certainly not the somewhat less than Cro-Mag legal thinkers that Mitt and Bork might come up with. Bork howled like a stuck pig when the SC said that the death penalty was cruel and unusual UnConstitutional punishment for Aamerican juvenile defendants. He's happy so long as those folks with 70 IQs can still get dates with Ol' Sparky.
- DIY redevolopment in Detroit, Chicago and Milwaukee. Somewhat encouraging.
- That baseball team was just a bunch of adolescent boys that were sick of getting they ass kicked by a team with a girl. Since Mad Men's inception I have been waiting for the inevitable anachronistic "high five". Shrub's semi-enthusiastic declaration for Romney while Exeunting Stage Up, a la Thnaggleputh, behind the closing elevator doors, was a bit worthy of Peter Sellers. Heavanth to Murgatroid. "Good" partisanship is indeed possible. But, surely, it necessarily involves well thought-out alternative ideas and concrete policy proposals. If Paul Ryan's gutted budget and the meaningless "Jobs, jobs, jobs" slogan are all that's on offer, current GOPer partisanship is nothing but a sort of political autism, expressed as incomprehensible nihilism. Souder's resignation statement was a truly odious piece of shit: It could be clipped and stuck on the refrigerator door next to the Poison Emergency number. Reading would induce emesis faster than Ipecac in case of swallowing anything evil.
- The idea of US military action against Iran is unthinkable. Remember HW war on Iraq? Propaganda held that Saddam's military was the "fifth most formidable" in the world. Yeah, right. Well, they were tougher than Kuwait, anyway. By the time of the PNAC invasion, Iraq was destitute militarily and entirely unable to defend itself. Iran appears to be more of a challenge militarily: And how would US forces be supplied? Through Afghanistan or Pakistan? Through Turkmeni-meni-stan-stan-stan? Through Iraq? I'm sure the Badr Brigades (ISCI) and Bani-Sadr's militias wouldn't present problems. Eastern Turkey? Well, sure, but that is really Kurdistan-stan. It seems obvious that American military intervention in the Israel-Iran nuclear embroglio, other than bombing Iran back to the Stone Age (probably counterproductive with our civilized allies) would be far more expensive and damaging to the USA than the PNAC invasion and occupation of Iran. The intelligent thing for the US would be to pressure Israel to disarm the nuclear arsenal at Dimona in return for verifiable assurances of no nuke weapons development by Iran. Jolene, The point made by the author of that FP piece seems to be that Democrats do not have a historical edge with vets, so the poll showing Obama +7% is questionable. I say, vets and their families have never been forced through a sausage maker like the PNAC/Shrub invasions and occupations by the GOP and then had their veterans benefits attacked as the Ryan Budget attacks the VA. It's easy for me to envision a vet that lost comrades following the USS Abraham Lincoln trick deciding never to vote for a GOPer again. And then, there is self-preservation. When it comes down to it, GOP is the party of "Let's you and him fight. I'll watch your stuff." Which, not coincidentally, is very like the Israeli strategy concerning Iran and the USA. Even if, a big if, Iran represents a real threat to Israel, Iran presents more of a threat to the security of Petroworld than to US security. Of course, Israels Nukes in the Negev are currently the most volatile threat to the World petrochemical economy than anything Iran has accomplished with its faulty, software-damaged centrifuges. Hell, there could be some pillar of American corporate society that presents more danger than Iran does at this very moment:
- An amusing non-baseball baseball story, or, professional athletes aren't all spoiled, self-centered brats. I'll be rooting for success for this guy: And here's a bad baseball play that must be seen to be believed: Those HS ballplayers with the chickenshit coach and school administration probably said "It is what it is." after they forfeited the state championship. W would have invited the Pius X team to the White House. The term means, "Move along, nothing to see here." Or, "Fuck it." Not to be confused with "What it is?"
- Another urban farm in repurposed space: perch and hydroponic vegetables.
- Peter, It appears there was a runner on 1B, who took off, rounded 2nd and 3rd, and headed home, so there must have been 2 away already. So infield fly rule was off. Heaven forfend, Jeff, but I'd like to know what happened to all of that weapons grade fissionable material.
- Infield fly rule only pertains with fewer than two outs. It's intended to prevent phony double plays by dropping easy popups and forcing runners who have been waiting to tag up. The SS should have called everybody else off and made the catch. God only knows what the catcher was doing.
- How will Jamie Dimon leave JP Morgan? Pleasant trip down and a very soft landing. It's obvious Jamie Dimon's talent is lying his ass off with a straight face about the necessity of government regulation of banks, independent of the financial industry. Teduced to absurdity, the argument seems to be that drunk driving laws lead to more DUI arrests and convictions. Stop regulating before you force me into boneheaded, greed-driven foolish risk and failure again. Dimon has the utterly clueless gall to whine that current regulations wouldn't have prevented the recent FUBAR at JPM/C, when the bankers have spent the last three years and millions of bucks lobbying to water regulations down and launch personal vendettas against people like Elizabeth Warren, with the GOP aiding and abetting like nymphomaniacs with a penchant for guys that wear garters, duck suspenders and silk boxers. Protestations from the bankers about regulation are as convincing as the kid who kills his parents and asks mercy from the court because he's an orphan. STFU, robber barons. And take your medicine. I'd say GOPer behavior is more autistic than scizophrenic. With Tourette syndrome. Basset, there is a great Japanese movie about the abandonment of Japanese troops on Leyte at the end of the Second World War, called Fires on the Plain: Closest I get to reality TV is watching the Mythbusters about once a month, steeped in envy that somebody gets paid to do that whack stuff. And we do watch Chelsea Handler occasionally. Somewhat rude and crude, but not stupid and the scourge of idiots like he K family. People that get so hyper about Jeremiah Wright would, conversely love to get his white predecessor, Fr. Coughlin back in the pulpit at the Shrine, and on the radio. Tailgunner Joe in a Roman collar was All-America. And has anybody ever managed to locate leadership of the New Black Panthers? I remember the original Black Panthers like Eldridge Cleaver and Bobby Seale being very public figures. I believe those two thugs from the polling place (in a black neighborhood) in 2008 were enactors, paid by Breitbart or O'Keefe. I'd rather read anything by any Bronte than Jane Austen. I'm a philistine. I'd rather read more imaginative modern novels in similar style, like Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, or Possession than either.
- I want to be adopted by Neon Deion Sanders and his estranged wife.
- Good Eats and The Barefoot Contessa are the two greatest cooking shows since Martin Yan stopped making Yan Can Cook. And since Justin Wilson's belt and suspenders gave up the ghost. Although, those high camera angles on Giada's show can be entertaining as they are shameless. I never got Emeril, because he never seemed to know WTF he was doing, and Sandra Lee is like a single mosquito that got into your tent when you're rrying to sleep after a long day's hike. Jeff, don't forget the great Nazi, union-busting piss beer dynasty from CO, the Coors family.
- Pretty funny takedown of trivreality TV drivel: What GOPers, particularly Teabangers are scared shitless of. Funny, Alex. I believe they's called Mandingo.
- Chuck Brown's greatest hit: Scribe, Donna Summer was indeed from a church singing family and background, and she did take a lot of grief for the faux orgasmia in I Feel Love and Love to Love You. Damn I hated Disco. Not Steve "Disco Demolition Night" Dahl hatred, but I just thought disco was awful crap. Here's a Donna Summer rendition of a Jimmy Webb classic that's new to me: Ms. Summer also did a record with La Streisand. She had a far better pipes than later performers like Madonna and her army of pop tart clones right up to GaGa. A few years ago, there was a hilarious TV show starring Eddie Izzard and the great Minnie Driver called The Riches, about a gypsy (Travellers) family that witnesses a fatal crash and takes over the identities of the dead family to "go straight". Good show, cancelled way prematurely.
- Basset: The Dillards as "The Darlings" on the Andy Griffith Show: Stellar banjo by Doug Dillard. Disco Demolition Night: Comiskey's finest moment. (Sorry, but as long as they employ AJ, I will despise the White Sox.) Jimmy Piersall is the perfect commentator for this loony disturbance.
- Concerning yesterday's discussion of the nationality of the model in the Fiat ad, here's a picture of a Romanian movie star from decades ago: Seriously, visiting a hash bar in Amsterdam is equivalent to trying to return to the USA with boocoo (intent to sell quantities) of non-prescribed Oxy after a sex-tourism trip to the Caribbean? Lush Rimbaugh is a drug addict that used a national soapbox to fulminate in favor of life sentences for people like himself. That is hellfire damnation hypocrisy. If the dickhead had a functioning frontal lobe, he'd have self-deported out of sheer embarrassment. Bob, that DJ was royally pissed off because his radio station let him go when it changed formats from rock music to disco. And Bill Veeck's team was the natural choice to sponsor such a ridiculous exhibition. Too bad they couldn't get Eddie Gaedel to be the Ringmaster.
- I read somewher, long ago, that Bill Veeck had a compartment built into his artificial leg to carry around a bottle of bourbon. He supposedly also had ashtrays carved into the wooden legs. He was also largely responsible for bringing Max Patkin to the Majors: Graham Kerr went through rehab and a period of cooking for Jesus, I think. I remember best the GG's episode on making Spotted Dick. Hilarious. Julia Child was a pleasure to watch, but her best shows were those she did with Jaques Pepin. My Sister in Law is a Nathalie Dupree fan. My favorite will always be Justin Wilson.
- Justin: Justin's best cooking tip: always 1-1/2:1, water to rice.
- When Tub O' Rush says "You know what I mean.", he is generally saying he has no idea what he's talking about and even less clue how to explain himself without descending into mindless, meaningless blather. Whenever that jiggly mound of turds starts in on women and their appearance, I always feminist matriarch Gloria Steinem: My more or less permanent image of Flush Limbo: Excuse me if that seems hateful, but the fatass salamander should respect his betters, particularly when they could likely kick his obese ass. I believe David Frum, in describing Rush, has accurately pegged the GOP, while only implying, not specifying, the rank know-nothingness and willful ignorance, and the savagery that characterizes that bunch. Keef's secret is those 100% blood transfusions that preserve his liver from filtering the toxins from his circulatory system, and get him past customs. But his lungs must look like tanning bed lady's face. Jolene@6: The Ricketts plan for Defeat of Barack Hussein Obama talked specifically about including Rev. Wright "as John McCain would not allow". That's pretty difficult to explain away after the fact. And since it's now in the open, doesn't that make institutionalized LDS racism and past polygamy fair game? Lying for the Lord? Magic U-trou? Joe Smith's proclivity for murder? Sons of Dan? And what does the spelled-out middle name have to do with fiscal responsibility. Of course what does RMoney have to do with fiscal responsibility. The lawyer's unadorned photo? First thought, Johnny Winter in women's clothing. Second thought on Ms. Kayrouz? Who the hell chooses a lawyer from a bus ad? I know A Able Attorney is intended to be the first name the desperate DUI detainee sees in the phone book. But bus billboards? I am not impressed. The chief problem with disco was homogenization, one song indistinguishable from the next. And of course, the instrumentation was programmed electronics, canneed drumbeats and bass lines that were interchangeable. Three good disco songs: Miss You, by the Stones, Shakin' Street, by the Dead, and Take Me I'm Yours, by Squeeze. Anybody that finds Melinda Henneberger unattractive needs plastic surgery on his porcine little eyes.
- The Bee Gees' next big commercial effort after disco was that abominable Robert Stigwood butchery of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Of course, if you count cameos, half the pop and rock music world of that time took part in the train wreck: Scribe @19: If Rahm Emanuel gets involved, GOPers will be howling about "Chicago Politics" in typically clueless fashion, oblivious to the inevitability that somebody will ask them about the efficacy of spending public money for the benefit of a private business, and how that fits with their fiscal responsibility mantra. I have never seen Saturday Night Fever, and don't really have any intention of correcting that lacuna in my American film experience. Never seen Grease, either. Or the Levi Stubbs version of Little Shop of Horrors. Musicals I do like: Absolute Beginners, Rock 'n' Roll High School, West Side Story. The brothers Gibb, to their credit, did write the excellent song "To Love Somebody", which was covered by both Janis Joplin and Nina Simone:
- Bee Gees, from 1960, Before Orthodontia: Like this better than any SNFever song, by a mile. And Fux News has no compunctions about using Hanoi Jane's photo for tittillation purposes. We used to know a family that breastfed three and four year old siblings. The children, when thirsty, would say "Sucky, sucky mommie." Fairly repulsive, and mommie would flop that udder out. The fascinating thing to me about the Time cover is that the cover itself has dominated to the point that the cult-seeming bidness of so-called "attachment parenting" has been ignored in the discussion. I gave up on Time a long time ago, when they darkened Willie Horton's skin on the cover. And how many living sperm has Limbaugh put to death with that Time cover in his other hand? Bury the lardo under pressure and then tap his ass for natural gas in a few years. Justify his creepy existence. And no, that is not hatred, that is pure loathing, like what I feel about ticks and leeches and tapeworms.
- Wikipedia is mostly useless, but the entry on Der Erlkonig is interesting and seems accurate to my rust-encrusted Deutsch: Donna Summer, RS interview, 1976, a delightful woman with a well-develoed sense of humor: In Savannah, GA, two lawyers surnamed Barr and Dove got married to each other. They advertise on the busstop benches as the Dove-Barr firm. Oy. The only thing really wrong with plastic surgery, if you can afford it and are not obsessive about it, is not doing homework on the surgeon ending up with Michelle pfeiffer trout lips.
- Dexter @37: I was sure Rhymes had a broken arm, when he collapsed. Alex @36: That song is closer to reggae or calypso than to disco. I don't think I ever heard it, catchy.
- The Anti-disco. Although disco did produce extended mixes, long rock songs were its polar opposite. I'm sure many would think it ridiculous, but I listen to Time Has Come Today still. Incredibly powerful vocal and terrific guitar, and I still love the lyrics. Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys by Steve Winwood and Jim Capaldi, with the hangers-on in Traffic. Philip K. Dick bookcovers, from translations. The Magic Flute, is late 18th century rock music written by the bad boy rockstar of the Classics. "Too many notes."
- Eric Zorn on Magikist lips. I think this was the first EZ column I ever read. GOPer outright disdain for women, minorities and representative democracy. That is horrible Brian. Apparently some of those gun owners opted for the E-Z automatic conversion kits guaranteed 'em by the NRA and Scalia's gross misreading of the 2nd Amendment. You'd think if he had viable political instincts at all, RMoney would say something Mitt-igating about Limbo's disgusting fulminations, like telling Flush to STFU, and apologize for the Party Kommissariat. When it comes to shit like this Mitt is gormless and spineless, an invertebrate slug, no kind of man. No cojones at all. A craven coward.
- Gene Robinson's appreciation of Donna Summer and Chuck Brown gets the it that always eludes Mitch Allbomb.
- DanB: When I was a kid in Detroit, nobody ever called the thru-Detroit portion of I-75 anything but "the Lodge", as in John C. In Boston, nobody ever called the miserable spate of I-95 from the South End to the South Shore anything but the Southeast Expressway, or, more typically, the Distressway. Of course, as Jonathon Richmond & the Modern Lovers informed the world, the suburban ring around the city was always 128. Many cute nicknames were tried, but wilted in the blinding light of J. Richman's brilliance Of course, I-90 has always and will always be the Pike. Private Lightning, a great band nobody ever heard of, wrote a superb song about driving in Massachusetts, but it takes a homie to get that they are talking about driving on the Pike, from a reference to Leicester. NYC has names for the Xways, like the Cross Bronx, the most frightening stretch of road in America. May-retta, GA has the Big Chicken, a roadside attraction similar to the lips, which is the basis for a majority of driving directions in the northern wilds of Hot-lanta. The Chicken has survived tornadoes and many civic assaults (it is distinctly an eyesore) but stands tall to this day, and Atlantans still tell people Go left when you see the Big Chicken. Redneck Heaven. To my taste and to my eye, the supreme civic landmark of this sort is clearly the Citgo Sign that lights Kenmore Square, Fenway Park, the Mass Pike, the Mass Ave. bridge, the marathon finish line, and is a beacon visible to Cambridge, across the Charles. I'd like to see Rush on the business end of a Mitt Merridew mob. Kill the pig, slit his throat, bash him in.
- I'm just making a Lord of the Flies reference Joe, in honor of the Mittster. And no matter what anybody says, Rush, not Reince Priebus, is the head of the GOP. People seem always to take Dr. Eckleberg's sign as some beneficent observer in that symbol-sated novel. I thought immediately he was a malevolent presence brooding over West Egg, and I think I'm proved correct when Wilson says God sees everything befor the shooting starts.
- Of course it was sensible for the bank to close, but they should also extend a payment holiday automatically. Betting that doesn't happen.
- Liberal press? Who, what, when, where, how? I'm wondering if Joumana Kayrouz was a law school classmate of Orly Taitz.
- When ideology, teabagism, and Ayn Randism meet reality. The filibuster is used by GOPers in the Senate like a burning cross on the White House front lawn. Somebody needs to do something about this affront to the Constitution and to the very idea of American representative democracy.
- I'm not ignoring Rush because I think it's imperative that Americans uphold the FCC Charter. Those ar our airwaves that fat pile of merde is befouling, and his bile, bigotry and medacity have no place on them.
- I'd love to make a home for that little burro. I'd get him some straw panniers like the ones in Treasure of the Sierra Madre, and gut my marketing down to one trip per month. The marking on his ears are really beautiful. My ex and I once almost bought a house on the Green in a historic North Shore town near Boston, because 1. it was on the National Historic Register; 2. it was 25 min. from Downtown Boston by train and five min. from beach walking; and, 3. It had 2 acres and a barn with a resident goat that kept all of the lawns manicured. The goat, the beach, and the commute breeze wer all about equally attractive in my assessment.
- Right beb. Seriously fresh food.
- Marshall Mathers on Cranbrook. Not impressed. Where'd Slim go, Redford? Or some redneck HS in Warren? Appetizer for jerk goat and rice:
- In the USA, conservatives in general, and rich people in particular are mind-numbingly loath to accept the obvious reality that whether they are nouveau riche on their own accounts, or it was daddy's money, the path to obscene wealth was paved and their asses were pampered, by the wealth creating characteristics of American institutions. i.e., the federal government, the American legal system, the highly malleable Tax Code, superior American infrastructure. Of course, these whited sepulchers end up acknowledging this debt in left-handed fashion by figuring out how to bail on all of their support systems once they've got theirs, Jack. Fracking ingrates pull chicken moves like this: The saddest thing about these self-deporters is that they necessarily represent removing wealth from the system that produced it, without which their presumed entrepreneurial brilliance and fortitude and seed money would have produced a proverbial molehill of beans. In the end, when the rock and the turnip have both bled out, the last source of luchre is productivity of American workers, who are inevitably squeezed dry and left jobless and pensionless by the vulture capitalists, while wealth is redistributed upwards until the CEO:worker ratio hits 380:1. That is the squeezing the last dime out of the serfs step of the robber baron capitalist process. All that's left for the wealth maximizing job destroyers is to avoid paying anything like a fair share of the costs of government and civilized society.
- Besides, persuading them all out of their pods was going to be a helluva lot of work, much worse than shucking peas. Why I can't get on the endamame bandwagon. What a pain in the ass. Unless one is trying to lose weight through the sheer effort involved for something more or less in-sipid. Charlotte and Raleigh as smut sumps. What say, cooze?
- Protect your corneas, Deborah, and smoke 'em if you've got 'em. Enjoy. I would love to see that.
- Rubber snakes or a fake owl might work Dorothy. And, there are bird spikes: These are commonly applied at urban building entrances so enterers and leavers aren't subjected to pigeon poop makeovers. There are all plastic versions. Or holographic owls: GOPers have been out to get the Census for a long time, because they think the Census, like voting in general, and facts, favors, quelle horreur, their opponents. They hate the Census like it's USPS or AMTRAK or public broadcasting, even the Originalists that want it counted the old-fashioned way, none of those new-fangled sampling and computers. So pegging Webster as a 2010 Teabanger is child's play, but who'd be surprised if he were one of those 1994 Contract ON America types that just let the term limits promise slip his mind, like Kyl and Inhofe, two of the true mental midgets on the GOPer roster all these many years later. You know, stop them before they vote again.
- The Sports Illustrated writer Peter King, in a weekly NFL column, quotes EJ Dionne, from the latter's commencement address at Allegheny College: The great generations harness the good work done one-on-one, in local communities, to larger movements for change in our nation and in our world. They remember what the philosopher Michael Sandel has taught us, that, "When politics goes well, we can know a good in common that we cannot know alone." Your generation has a chance to get us beyond the wreckage of the old culture wars and to sweep aside the debris of prejudice on the grounds of race, gender and sexual preference. Your generation has the opportunity to restore faith in public life and in public action. Never lose your desire to transform charity into justice, division into civility, selfishness into generosity, cynicism into hope. Read more: Now there's that inchoate hatred from the left that wingnut trolls are so wounded by.
- jc: King has been a longtime fan of commencement speeches, and says one of his proudest moments was being invited to deliver an address at his alma mater, Ohio U. He's a very thoughtful guy, and frequently draws criticism from readers that take offense at his decidedly moderate politics. His MMQ columns are de rigeur for professional football fans. A wonderful story about a retired NFL player:
- News Rand Paul can use. Kasich? Bwahahahaha: But hell, RMoney might just find that admirable vulture capitalism.
- Jeff B: The Fux dickheads went out of their ways to ridicule Mario Batali for doing that food stamp challenge: Better to be part of the problem than part of the solution for those bastards.
- Chronicles of the "liberal press". A sterling example of what WaPo does better than anybody, phony moral equivalence thinly disguised as bipartisan comment: Incredibly lame. It is pleasant watching the stock market rally while facebook stock nosedives. My mutual funds gained about a %.25 cents a share while Zuckerberg lost a few bucks per.
- Alex, If those folks don't have guns, it's more of an anomaly than their not possessing crank. And yet, every time there’s another violent crime around here, the call goes up on the social networks: THIS IS WHY EVERYBODY SHOULD GET THEIR CCW PERMIT, AND BE ARMED AT ALL TIMES. Someone will reply, yes, this is true, and I’m buying a gun! From there it’s just a short hop to active fantasizing about the circumstances under which it would be deployed. So the kid was supposed to shoot it out with Oldtimer Granny? And voila, George Zimmerman. reservoirs of cash as yet untapped by Eli Lilly, Lil’ Debby, Coors, and satellite TV networks And Mountain Dew.
- A Fischer-Dieskau appreciation: including part of Benjamin Britten's Libera Me, War Requiem, for which F-D was the composer's choice for the baritone. Impressive performance and beautiful piece of music.
- Pretty cool video about Detroit Grand Prix on Bell Isle:|tvideo|article Tom Waits on that forlorn house: I have always wanted to own a Mossberg over/under shotgun, because those guns figure prominently in The Second Coming, by Walker Percy.
- Scribe, I think the Chicago cops are congratulating themselves for not losing it completely and turning into a mob of rioters the way the force did in 1968. So, for not behaving like a pack of rabid mwild dogs, here's to you CPD. Quite an accomplishment.
- An entertaining new food blog: Make sure to scroll down to the picture of school lunch in Taiwan. Holy crap, real food.
- Stand your ground? In FLA, that all depends. Wonder where Wayne LaPierre is on this one. Agreed on the baseball bat Sherri, and there are always my Henckels, but if it would fit in our condo this is how I'd go:
- It's very strange the way GOPers have been cozying up to the American RC Bishops lately, since Falwell and oral Roberts and all those fundagelicalictment mail fraud crooks have been insisting for years Catholicism is a demonic sect or a cult or whatever, but now it seems that GOPers are selling religious relics. EEWWW, Gross. And George Carlin had a prescient vision of Scott Walker: edit: Jolene, It's also quite possible that another person with a gun could have increased the death toll. I'm a pretty good shot on a range, but I wouldn't want to trust my nerves if somebody else nearby was shooting people in earnest. An ash bat, like Wonderboy, now that would be the ticket.
- Postmodern photo. What sort of assholes are still going to be worried about peak oil when peak water intervenes?
- It's beyond ludicrous for GOPers to whine about President Obama bringing up Bain Crapital. No more than a few weeks ago RMoney's Klown Kar Ko-Konspirators were roasting Bain and Mittens absolutely toasty: And now it's out of bounds? STFU you dumbasses. Meanwhile, at the Minnesota GOPer state convention, 12 of 13 Ron Paul delegates were blessed to go to the Nat Convention. Actually, 13 of 13 were, but one took it like a gent and stepped aside for a Michele Bachman delegate. Can an entire organization as big as the GOP be non compos mentis? Weeelllll, heh, heh, corporations are people too, my friend. We have a relatively large Hispanic population so there are two excellent spanish markets available, both with caricerias. We get incredibly good fresh-made chorico.
- Two of my brothers are RC enough they'd never cooperate with suicide. Luckily, my other brother understands that I'm going to want drugs at some point, and not a morphine pump either, but a few thousand mikes of acid and some heroin, followed by the cheapest cremation possible and a two week Lake Powell houseboat party on my dime to spread my cremains. We all agree on not allowing "heroic" methods of prolonging life at a certain angle of repose, but, for my own situation, I'll be the boss of that. On suicide when the time seems right, I'm with Hamlet: O, that this too too solid flesh would melt Thaw and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter! O God! God! How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, Seem to me all the uses of this world! Fie on’t! ah fie! ’tis an unweeded garden, That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature Possess it merely. That it should come to this! My sole decision. Both my mom and dad died at home, and we had home hospice providers in, an inestimable aid. I was alone in the house with my dad for a couple of days, the most difficult thing I've ever done, but something I wouldn't trade for anything but to have him back. This in no way changes my mind about my own demise. For some yahoo (excuse my language) twat like $Palin to twist insurance coverage for voluntary end of life counseling into death panels is nauseatingly mendacious, even for a pathologically dishonest asshole raised by coyotes, but it's also hateful and sinful in its cynicism. I believe Michael Wolff is right on the money when he calls modern technologically based longevity "indentured servitude". I think social Darwinists like Palin's offense at the idea of letting an insurance and health care industry cash cow die a good death instead of surviving a torturous, prolonged twilight neither life nor death while scads of money changes hands, stems from sadness at profit centers lost rather than any innate humanity. I appreciate Jeff's arguments, but when I hear "feeding tubes" my mind goes instantly to Terry Schiavo, with pea soup where her brain was supposed to be, ignominiously sustained by a delusional family (if she was feeling anything, couldn't they see there was nothing but pain?) and grotesquely ghoulish political opportunists like know-nothing Sanitarium, and the video diagnostician Dr. Frist, who certainly knew better. My mom and dad died much better deaths on their own terms. As difficult as it all was, I am grateful for the experience, and wouldn't trade any of it in, unless it was to alleviate any pain either of them suffered. I was in Michigan when Romney's presidential campaign was 86ed by his discussion of his own brainwashing in Vietnam. Honesty killed the political star. My recollection of George Romney's humane and down-to-earth nature leads me to believe that he'd find Mittwit's vulture capitalism and inhumane politics appalling. The brainwashing comments occasioned high hilarity in '68, but I can assure you nobody under the age of about 25 really could have cared less. It was Clean for Gene or Bobby, and as McCarthy's patrician bloodlessness and soullessness became increasingly apparent, it was just Bobby. Da yute of the USA was optimistic, until the aftermath of the California primary, when everything went to shit. Nobody called RFK mofo in Watts. It took 40 years to get some of that optimism back, and it's met with Aamerican racists coalescing with long knives out around horseshit like the President is not one of us, Muslim anti-colonial Kenyan dog eater commoniss nazi. What an exceptional country, eh? Icarus: Serendipitous? Spooky? Dorothy, Please consider that perhaps Dolores is just flummoxed about how to express thanks for generosity. Finding picky fault is not an uncommon reaction to unexpected good will. In the end, y'all will know palpably the grace and peace of mind of having done a good thing.
- MaryinIN @17: verbally agree that we would never fight or be cross with each other about her care, and while we sometimes had to remind ourselves and each other about this promise, the process of doing this helped us navigate it fairly peacefully My mom's death produced some estrangements among my brothers that disappeared, for a while, when my dad died. Of course, there was some money and property involved, but that led to zero discord. We just sold the last piece of property, a lot on Sea Pines Plantation on Hilton Head. My parents were talked into including it in the loan for the first condo they bought down here about 40 years ago, to have access to the Sea Pines golf courses and tennis facilities. They paid less than $10grand for it, and in the current RE market, we sold it for $275thou. Pretty good investment; makes up for the ground floor Polaroid stock family legend says my dad passed on. All we have left to dispose of is a painting by Reynolds Beal, much like this companion piece (same subject):,r:41,s:0,i:163 Brautigan, to me, was always the self-absorbed sybarite hippie manque type that drove me nuts. I read Trout Fishing and thought it was entertaining, but hipper than thou supercilious. Then I read The Sporting Club and realized that's how it's done. The verbal joust between Brautigan and McGuane recounted in that review? I'd have liked for it to proceed to a basement dueling range, with flintlocks. Entertaining interview with Mrs. Draper (aka Jessica Pare):
- You mean this one Brian? It's for Pearle Vision. The magic eyeglasses that perform a makeover when you take them off. The only skin I've got in the Oldtimers game is my own. When I turn up escaped from the burdensome mortal coil, if there are no bullet holes, smell my breath. It'll smell like almonds, cyanide pie washed down with Amaretto. I'm a fan of Jim Harrison's fiction, and particularly of a somewhat twisted movie he wrote with McGuane called Cold Feet, that has Keith Carradine, Sally Kirkland, Bill Pullman and Tom Waits. PDFunny. It's not Rancho Deluxe, but that is a classic. Anybody that thinks Jack McCoy is an insufferable stick up the ass bastard on L&O should see his performance as an Indin Crazy Mountains rustler in the modern west in Rancho Deluxe, with Jeff Bridges.
- Or, one can aim for 100, like Granny D Haddock: Granny D's story is bittersweet, in retrospect. Her single stab at politics was an unsuccessful run for senate in Neh Hempsha against Judd Gregg, one of the last of the dying breed of decent GOPer buffalo.
- Connie, You mean you aren't constantly accosted by guys singing Buffalo Gals and offering to lasso the moon? The most obvious takeaway from the Romney article is that Pere would not be happy with Fils about anything his politics represent. The father was a good man. The son is a Moloch-inflected golem powered by selfishness and greed. The tragedy of RFK's assassination is what the USA has become. The tragedy of G. Romney's fading away is one and the same. Nixon's the one, he's responsible for Ailes and for the continuing version of Atwater's southern strategery.
- Didn't know who Ian Rolland is so I looked him up:
- Genius tactic. Funny as hell, like Dick Tuck v. Nixon. Works on the second coming of Milhous as well: However, Tuck was up to his usual tricks during this campaign, such as when he hired several pregnant women to show up at Nixon rallies carrying signs that read "Nixon's the One." Nixon thought he was getting his own version of Dick Tuck (Le Fouille-Merde) when the RNC hired Donald Segretti, but Segretti turned out to be a clueless lame fratboy in comparison.
- Well, Dorothy, you know what Dolores means en espanol: misery. From L dolor, pain. Dolor fundamentu, pain in the butt. Illegitimi non carborundum, don't let the bastards grind you down. (From American Gen'l. Vinegar Joe Stilwell, and 10,000 Men of Harvard, Good for you iceblue. I intend going out while I can still do it with a bang.
- That is a wonderful story beautifully related, Della. Thanks for making my day. It's also a pleasure to hear about the Rollands. There was a time when rich people in America understood noblesse oblige the opposite of the "born on third/hit a triple" delusion that afflicts people like Shrub Bush and Willard RMoney. It's related to the dedication to public service that Joe and Rose Kennedy instilled in their kids, back before Greed became Good. Old Joseph P. Kennedy may have been a scoundrel, a rumrunner and a bandit, but he reared his children to understand they had been given much and owed a concomitant debt to their fellow human beings. I'm sure George Romney tried to teach this important lesson to Mittens, but it sure as hell didn't make an impression. He's the unholy descendent of Gordon Gekko and Tricky Dick Nixon.
- That is a link to a page that facilitates requesting by email that the asshat and no cattle AZ Sec'y of State investigates RMoney's qualifications to appear on the 2012 Presidential ballot in AZ. Willard's dad was born in Mexico of a fugitive from American anti-polygamy laws, so a real threat to US security is possible. I'd love to see Alfalfa's inbox stuffed to overflowing on this grave matter of national security. I'd like to get Arpaio to put the Threat Unit on this, but the Sheriff gives the impression that reading constituent communications may not be his forte. The entire process won't require 60 seconds time. The Mexican Romneys:
- I know some of y'all are fans of the execrable Larry David, but Christopher Guest is the real deal.
- The $100 bill Breanna found, by the way, turned out to be counterfeit, and was confiscated by the Secret Service. Only in America. Or Ukraine. Or Russia. Ain't that exceptional. Jeff: Kennesaw, GA,
- To be fair on the flu shots, Michele Bachmann performed a public service and reminded the nation that flu shots are the tip of the spear in another great Democratic Party conspiracy: Didn't know Ol' Jerry Ford was a Democrat, did you. Ford's rapid response on swine flu did kill a bunch of people and may have ruined flu shots for some folks. But a health care worker that refuses a flu shot should be facing mandatory unemployment, and removal of such maroons from the gene pool would be good for mankind's future. But at least they won't be hogging the ciprofloaxin when the Eric Rudolph Brigades release airborne weaponized anthrax in Charlotte to protest their hero's incarceration and the imminent Obama gun roundup. People that have a problem with mandatory are of whole cloth with idiot murdercycle riders that don't think they should have to wear helmets. Dumbasses. (Still, Thimerosal and large batch marketing for vaccines was still a case of Pharma opting for maximized profits to the detriment of consumer safety, no matter how you look at it. It does contain mercury, which is toxic to organisms. Pharma companies took it out when lawsuits loomed.) Anybody ever see Jenny McCarthy and La Bachmann in a room together (their hair is identical, except McCarthy's is the animated version): I mean, HPV innoculations do render smart kids retarded, right? At least Kate's bike was where she left it. My bike was stolen over the weekend. Fifth in ten years. The bike was inexpensive. My good road bike lives indoors, but I had brand new lights and $50 a pop unpuncturable kevlar-belted tires on the everyday ride, and everything was adjusted to perfection. This produced a foul mood that had dissipated until the Celtics played like Shitzus against the Sixers last night. Finding the remains of my cryogenically broken bike lock in place of the bike didn't help. Just, fuck. I swear, this destination resort must be the bike theft capital of the USA. Had to be near Stone Mountain, didn’t it? (To the tune of Country Home) Redneck heaven, northeast Georgia.
- Mark P: I will tell you that I had a mother last night come up to me here in Tampa, Florida, after the debate. She told me that her little daughter took that vaccine, that injection, and she suffered from mental retardation thereafter. –Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), on the HPV vaccine, Fox News interview, Sept. 12, 2011
- What would happen to the space-time continuum if GOPers ever told the truth about anything. Let's see the Segway crashing chart. Shrub wins hands down. Or getting your head pissed on by a Yorkie when an O'Douls takes you down.
- I learned to drive in Detroit. Merging into 90mph traffic on the John Lodge. Drove my mom's '63 TBird convertible. Drove in Boston twenty years. Put up with really dense tourist drivers from OH and PA, usually on my bike, every day here. Ready for any form of vehicular stupidity at the drop of a hat or an empty beer bottle. Was student driving in Detroit late August '67 and heard shooting. Beat it the hell outta there. Of course, once they get that learner’s permit your insurance skyrockets. That's a little noticed insurance company scam. In reality, accident stats for males 16-19 are better than most groups, but the actuarial class just lumps them into 16-25 and hits som big numbers and charges through the nose, without attendant payouts on accidents. Regulations? We doan neeeeed no steeeenkeeeng regulations. edit: And speaking of self-regulation, how 'bout that financial industry? Astute analysis of the FB IPO from Joel Achenbach: And a scathing comment on complementary breakfasts in Euro hotels.
- Jeff (tm-mo): I'd say the 600 ft. wedge between I-93 North and the tunnel to Logan Int'l Airport is the worst stretch of traffic in the USA. equivalent of 20 lanes down to two in that space, and half the vehicles taxis. I think this condition may have been altered in the Big Dig, but holy crap, that was mind-bending. Best way to navigate? Eyes closed. edit: Here's a monumental GOPer vote suppression scheme perfected in FLA by the Painted Lady, Katherine Harris. Hell, an ALEC version is probably encoded in FLA by now.
- I'm with Mr. PTA President. The United States Congress apparently can't manage 12th grade HS proficiency: I think that dumbing down is easily traceable to 2010, Teabanger illiterati.
- Seriously, I'm thinking that those offended by the assembly are a bunch of holier-than-thou Goper "bootstraps" invoking jerks that all suffer from Shrubitis delusion that their birth on 3rd meant they'd hit a triple. Perhaps honesty should be expected, but a quick look at GOPers and their shibboleth pocket hagiographies indicates no respect or honor for, nor any reason to expect, honesty. Raygun? Ask Archbishop Romero. Honesty about personal gain to the disadvantage of a fellow human is not part of the human genome. As much as I wish it were true, 60 years among humans is enough to convince me beyond doubt that Breanna's honesty is inculcated, not innate. I'd say Breanna would get a boost with her classmates, because every kid in school loves some a ssemblies, but I'd support the idea more as a way to honor her family, that has obviously reared her properly in a world dominated by the offspring of jackals and wanton self-aggrandizing survivalists. I found a Benjamin once. Was working one of my two full-time undergraduate jobs while at UGA, doing maintenance in a 125 unit HoJos motel. Met Steve Stills, Zappa, Bootsy and Peter Frampton there. Anyway, my Uriah Heep of an ahole boss, the Innkeeper, Howard something or other, had directed me to scythe weeds from a drainage ditch at the back of the property. Because he could, and he felt like being a prick on a hellishly hot day. The ditch was wierd. Mostly hard red clay, like some nefarious and fearsome entity had killed the Kudzu. You Yankees parbly couldn't understand this, but I'd rather walk through the South Bronx, or Roxbury, or Compton unarmed, than face anything that can defeat Kudzu. Anyway, while deploying a flimsy leaf rake, I came upon money wrapped up in a neat, tight cylinder. A lot of money. Three $100 bills. I agonized. This was enough lost cash to ruin a life or leave somebody in the death house for want of surety, or stymie an illegal abortion. I told the manager, but not the amount nor the circumstances, and held on to the cash. Nobody ever claimed it, until my ex, whose roommate's boyfreind was a Zales salesman, decided we should buy a diamond as a token of our betrothal. Ther and then it's gone. At that time, I probably could have bought a 58 Les Paul with that $300. I would still have it. No longer have the ex, though we produced one perfect keedo and an astounding grandson. And we show up for each other when family bites the dust. My takeaway? John Lennon was a genius:
- The picture of the kid patting the President's nappy head made my day. He can't be President. His hair ain't right. Sort of comes off like a Curtis Mayfield song: Last time I ingested hallucinogens, I went to a Parliafunkadelictament Thang concert in the spaceship structure of the UGA Colliseum. We were a very small island of white in a vast sea of very deep blue, to quote Curtis. Some fool that had attached himself to our party when we bought the blotter was faxcinated by a stunning afro on a gorgeous young woman, and eventually touched it. I had a momentary flash of Armageddon, man I loved acid, and then it just melted away.
- Andrea, That is horrible news. So long as Big Farm pumps antibiotics into cattle feed, that is going to continue. But of course, like the President, I'm a demonic anti-capitalist. When did God declare capitalism sacrosanct? Somehow, I missed that. Y'all that are going on about Fusell should check the German version Ernst Junger. A fine writer, if a disgraceful human. All anybody ever needed to know about how bestial WWI was just needed to check Wilfred Owen: Finest war lit ever, and he was there. Now we have the odious American chickenhawk, like Pretzeldent Shrub that just went AWOL. What's the frequency Kenneth? He just disappeared from his post and never showed up for medical examinations nor flight tests. And Dan Rather is a liar? And there is the Congressman Buck McKeon from Caulifornia, that exudes oleaginous crap and acts like he's some defender of America. While he lives on that yacht owned by a defense contractor because his wife found him way too odious to live with. Is that ahole claiming he's somehow tough? What a typically GOPer wussy ahole.
- Aldo and Randy. My friends that lost their lives in Vietnam. There is no excuse for arguing about any of this. None of these whited sepulchre shithead Gopers lost anything, and they can all kiss my butt. W was a pampered avoidnik. and any shitheel GOPer that denies this is an asshole. How do these dickheads try to claim they aren''t assholes?
- Does anybody in the world think Shrub didn't jap on his guard committment? And Does anybody with a functioning brain think the swiftboat crap wasnt egregious bullshit? Kerry was a man that stood up. Shrub was a pitiful little shit that Ken Blackwell promoted. And what did the USA get. Cheney Inc. And anybody that claims that isn't true is a fracking moron.
- Suzanne. I grew up in the Pulteverse. On the outskirts of Detroit. And then I was admitted by exam to the great Detroit Jesuit school. It wasn't the same culture shock for me as it was for many of my classmates. My parents were, Gasp! Harry Belafonte fans. Social equity and civil rights. How did anybody ever miss anything so fracking obvious? My experience of Detroit was way different from Nancy's. I skipped school to attend Tigers opening days. We sat in the bleachers in center with the Old Timers. Black men with bad memories of Tyrus Cobb, the ultimate sports racist. My youth was bound by possibly the greatest outfield ever. Northrup, Mickey Stanley , Al Kaline. One summer, Northrup hit one grand slam after another. I'm sure Dexter remembers that glorious season. I turned up in Boston for the Golddust Twins. Dewie. Freddie and Jim Edd. Best outfield ever, and I won't argue. Lynn was quintessential, and if he didn't crash fences he was the greatest center fielder not named Paul Blair.
- My feeling about Detroit was running amok on the bus, having girlfriends at Redmond and Cass Tech, hubba, hubba and buying bagels at the Fabulous Star Bakery on Seven Mile. And Nancy, no matter what you say, it was Louis the Hatter. Lime Suits, Lemon Suits, Peach Suits. You're heart is in the right place. But Livernois was John Brush before John Brush was. And nne of us ever had the balls to go near John Brush. Or MC5: Best band ever that wasn't SRC.
- Dex, a city the size of Fort Worth? You devour bigger cities in your mind every day. How 'bout that cheap shot high slide that percipitated the compartment injury against Mark Ellis, Worse than a head trauma and a seriously dirty play, eight feet out of the basepath.
- beb, Canada elected a Pretzeldent Shrub clone PM and has been lurching over the Segway handlebars ever since. Australia has their own stunted, stupid version. Doesn't Alex Trebeki-beki-stan-stan have an incredibly supercilious manner when acting as if he knew all those answers himself. He is not now, and has never been, Art Fleming. For the gun-deprived or suicidal.
- basset: Kissinger was thinking "Nixon followed me here." I have always wondered how hyper-Xenophobic GOPers put up with the fact that Kissinger has been here all this time and never lost Dr. Strangelove's accent. Kissinger's senior thesis at Harvard is reputed to have been 800 pp.
- Those prom photos: What the hell is with those 50-lb. shoes the young women are wearing? Did somebody convince them that wearing weight training equipment on their feet is attractive. That is why that dock collapsed.
- No one personifies the seriously evil, serial killer hitchhiker from hell nobody should pick up more than John Waters. Maybe Rutger Hauer. I'm serious about those prom shoes. They all look as if they were stolen from David Johansen and Sylvain Sylvain, Johnny Thunders: or Fee Waybill: UGA women's hoops used to have a very good player who had a custom uniform. She was devout Jehovah's and wouldn't wear shorts, so she had a skirt. She took a lot of shit from spectators at away games at places like Bama and Ole Misstake. There were Muslim women in my Masters program at Suffolk U. in Boston. The running joke was "Why get an MA in public management when you're a second-class citizen in your own country. These women were Iranis, and tended more toward provocative than traditional in their style of dress. It was the time of Iran-Contra, so they got some grief, but gave as good as they got. Classmates were dumbfounded to learn of how the USA fucked up Iran in the 20th Century.
- OK Peter. Capital of Tuvalu?
- What in the world were the insurance arrangements for that SpaceX ISS docking? What if they damaged the station? beb, you mean Major Kong: Toe to toe combat with the Russkis.
- Another newspaper that has cut back editorial staff.
- Funafuti. Like non-dairy ice cream. What a great name. Tuvalu means "group of eight" in Tuvaluan, for the eight islands above sea level that comprise the country. Fortunately, those of us that are geography-challenged have the CIA World Book of Facts on our computers. Friday was Paul Weller's birthday. I always thought the Jam were as good as the Clash. Even Willard Windsock knows GOPers are fracking idiots where the economy is concerned.
- I'd like to here Babawaw Waawtews say "Kwame Kilpatrick". We used to live across the street from a kid named Witsuh Towbit Bawnes that talked just like her in Bloomfield Hills. Or Brokaw. Not making fun of their impediments, but damn, the irony is just dripping raw corn syrup. Schwarzenegger (which is more odious?): "I saw this toilet bowl. How many times do you get away with this, to take a woman, grab her upside down, and bury her face in a toilet bowl? I wanted to have something floating there ... The thing is, you can do it, because in the end, I didn't do it to a woman, she's a machine! We could get away with it without being crucified by who-knows-what group." Arnold Schwarzenegger describing a scene in Terminator 3 "As much as when you see a blonde with great tits and a great ass, you say to yourself, 'Hey, she must be stupid or must have nothing else to offer,' which maybe is the case many times. But then again there is the one that is as smart as her breasts look, great as her face looks, beautiful as her whole body looks gorgeous, you know, so people are shocked." Arnold Schwarzenegger in an interview with Esquire Jeff @53: Them Metcalfes had 'em some great nicknames, eh?
- beb, That's probably a side effect of extreme juicing. What's really astonishing is that an accomplished woman like Maria Shriver married that bonehead. How 'bout this explanation of his shortcomings: The c**k isn't a muscle so it doesn't grow in relation to the shoulders, say, or the pectorals. You can't make it bigger through exercise, that's for sure. Arnold Schwarzenegger He's got a million of 'em: My favorite current news story, by a fracking mile. I love it when the Ayn Rand Teabanger types decide they want a Big Gulp from the government teat. Phony POS with a really big mouth. Funny how rightwingnumbnuts think Sean Penn should be seen and not heard, but asshats like Schilling should be all over the radio dial. Dittohead jerkoff.
- Funny line, Linda. I love Cape Cod. Can anybody identify the creature in the first photo? Crinoid Girl, it's a fellow denizen of the Deep.
- Dexter, I'm quite partial to Cape Cod League baseball. I saw Chris Carpenter throw a no-hitter in Chatham many years ago. And it'sbring-your-own brewskis. Idyllic way to spend a Midsummer's Night. Marconi Light Beach is also a fovorite (really part of Nausset beach. The ponds are perfect for days when the beach is just too hot. There was a great B&B we used to frequent in Orleans, called The Nausset House. Amazing breakfast fare and brilliant late night conversation with reel-to-reel tapes of NYC jazz clubs from back in the days of Coltrane and Charlie Parker. We like Nantucket, but Orleans and Truro are the best. Chatham Bars Inn is a great place to stay, and has some rooms for <$100/night, and the food is spectacular.
- CEOs managed to sell more, and squeeze more profit from each sale, despite problems ranging from a downgrade of the U.S. credit rating to an economic slowdown in China and Europe's neverending debt crisis. Still, there wasn't much immediate benefit for the shareholders. The S&P 500 ended the year unchanged from where it started. Including dividends, the index returned a slender 2 percent. Let's hear RMoney 'splain this revolting development away. And many of these job-creators are barely competent, when they aren't downright inept. It's like the hierarchy in architectural firms. Low on the totem pole: recent archschool grads that still know how to draw a construction detail that meets odes and can actually be built. Top end? Principal's and partners that market, colorize renderings, and hang around the fax drinking coffee, waiting for their year end pieces of the profit pie. Fracking backward. A great tune in the tradition of Ray Davies and Lola.
- Eloquent reflections on Memorial Day. Walking Dead. And that Joe Biden speech? Long way from "Mission Accomplished".
- If corporations are people too, my friend, they certainly make for dissociated and careless citizens.
- Mr. Judd wins at the brickyard.
- Check out p.2 of this Peter King column for a bittersweet comment on the NOLA Times-Picayune. A few grafs down, there is some interesting information about Peyton Mannings charity connections. Some ineffably sad details. I read The Rum Diaries last month, and will never hear about the demise of a paper without thinking about the sad enterprise at the center of that novel. I was surprised at how good that book is. Ante-Gonzo, so to speak. I'm not big on auto racing, but it seemed fairly obvious to me that Sato lost control of his car and hit Franchitti's car. MichaelG, I meant no disrespect for Franchitti, but for a casual fan, Ms. Judd makes a more lasting impression than her hubby. Anyway, Sato admits he was driving in the infield. Sayonara, bub. edit: Do the rules actually say you have to give room to pass on the inside? That is fracking lame. Imagine how that would work in track or horse racing. Bovine fecal matter.
- Indy photos:
- The great screaming meme-ies on the wingnutnets over the weekend had to do with Obama bullying poor Mittens over Bain, and the wicked NYT hit piece on Mrs. RMoney's dressage hobby. Pardon me you wimpy jerks, but isn't it Willard that made his Bain experience the sole criterion for evaluating his suitability to be President? And what do you have against bored rich housewives dabbling in Robin Leach style sports for the filthy rich, O, You Teabangers? You think making incredibly expensive horses dance didn't prepare Mrs. Windsock for being hubby's chief advisor on women's issues? You'd prefer she wore King Louie fashions to $1200 Tshirts? Tough chit, Chui. You dance with them as brought you. This kind of whining from the party of Roger Ailes and Lee Atwater, not to mention Tricky Dick Milhous, is fracking bizarre. Just STFU, you chickenshit crybabies. You're embarrassing yourselves.
- Great song for Memorial Day: Especially with the third verse, written during the War Between the States:
- An even better Memorial Day song:
- On this day, 35 years ago, the Sex Pistols released Never Mind the Bollocks, including a tribute to the Queen's silver anniversary: And I think Ashley Judd is a good enough actor she makes mediocre movies like Kiss the Girls and Double Jeopardy worth watching. Her only failing from my point of view is rooting for UK hoops and Coach Calicheater.
- I always thought Chuck D and the Bomb Squad had a lot of 'splainin to do for Flav, who might as well be aka Stepin' Fetchit. Still, touring with U2 was more disappointing. Anthrax was a more suitable collaborator. I like NWA and KRS better, and Run DMC is a bit more accessible. Fight the Power. I always liked Yo! Bum Rush the Show, for its oblique reference to Abby Hoffman. Like Steal This Book, n'est ce pas? Linda, I always thought of Flav as the brain damaged nephew entrusted to reliable Chuck by an older sister on her death bed. I'd have retained Griff and put Flav overboard in the reality TV horse latitudes. beb's citation of Babbage's difference machine, reminds William Gibson pretty much invented steam punk, if HG Wells hadn't already, when he wrote The Difference Engine with Bruce Sterling. I'd say the leading practitioners these days are China Mieville and Jeff VanderMeer. Of course, Gibson is more well known for inventing cyberspace in Count Zero and Neuromancer. All three are good books, but Difference Engine is unblessed with one of those punctured, deflated endings that momentarily make you wish you'd given the book a miss. There is a steam punk TV show that we find very entertaining, Warehouse 13, which has had HG as a recurring character, only HG Wells in that universe is actually Helena, the presumed writer's sister with a tragic past and the real author. By film crew, I assume Nancy refers to The Wars of Other Men, of which I'm a financier through Kickstarter. We had TS Beryl for a weekend visitor, and she turned into a depression. Windy, rainy but messed up FLA worse, so there's that. Maybe those crackers won't be able to set the Okeefenokee on fire this summer. But in a wierd bit of meteorology, Beryl made a U-ey back to the coast and has returned today, headed north.
- Bob NG. I wouldn't walk around wearing that stuff, but the literary version is diverting and frequently well written and thought provoking. When I think of tophats and handlebar moustaches, I think immediately of Bill the Butcher and Gangs of New York. MichaelG, the Nautilus was most likely built in Groton, at the General Dynamics Electric Boat Division. It was christened and launched by Mamie Eisenhower, who probably woofed the champagne before she cracked the bottle on the hull. Nautilus, a perfect symbol of the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned against:
- Dubstep fashion. WTF? Shaggy UGGS? Dubstep explained. (NSFPeople with Epilepsy.) Electronica in general, and dubstep particularly, make up the soundtrack of hell.
- Way good devil song, cooze: Whitman and Fiorina, the Noxious Golden Parachute Funded Candidate Twins.
- The City and the City is very demanding. Incredibly dense, and reminiscent of Dante. VanderMeer's Finch probably qualifies as steampunk, and is an excellent read, as is Perdido Street Station, by Mieville. I've been meaning to ask, have any of you read Shamp of the City Solo by Jaimy Gordon? I have never been more befuddled by a book. One of my favorite movies, The Assassination Bureau, is steampunky. It stars the wonderful duo, Diana Rigg and Oliver Reed; Ms. Rigg plays a fin de siecl feminist journo a la Nellie Bly. Very funny, astounding location shooting. Yo, Adrianne, WH13 is back in July. A favorite episode was Pete being cast into depressed immobility by contact with Sylvia Plath's typewriter. Love that sort of sharp writing. Usually, expecting intelligence from the audience that way leads to an ignominious end, like cancellation of Terriers.
- What the hell was this kid thinking? Brave or crazy, a hero of mine, Matthias Rust.
- I've been to Vero, JW, in utero. The year (1951) I was born in June, my mom and dad went to spring training at Dodgertown. Played catch with Branca, Campy, Duke Snyder, Gil Hodges, Jackie, PeeWee Reese. I've got snapshots and a piece of Driftwood Inn stationery with the whole team's autographs. Speaking of bad taste and the freedom to enjoy it, Brevard Co. bluehairs can titillate themselves to their old hearts content: Censorship over sexual content is a crock o' shit, but if something is just dogshit writing for prurient interest, it's a little hard to get exercised about it. Iwonder if those folks offer Lynn Cheney's porno novel:
- JW All a result of the poor span of attention of bad owners, Fox (Murdoch) and then the Boston parking lot mogul, McCourt. Aholes. It was a sad day when the O'Malleys left MLB. I blame Bud Selig, the fake commissioner who has always just been an underfinanced owner looking out for his own team. Anybody that decides home field in the World Series goes to the team from the league that wins the All-Star exhibition doan know shit about baseball, and apparently cares even less. Pure class in sports ownership. Always liked Chan Ho Park. They could name a new stadium after him. But, does it come with a flux capacitor?
- Jarring to see that big red DOW logo on the verdant cake, up by Saginaw and Bay City. Used to ride up there from Detroit in caravans to bitch about napalm, only to have geeky little plastic pocket protector and slide rule scabbard types come out to tell us that jellied gasoline wasn't made in Michigan and we should go to California. The LBJ chant was popular. Where we obviously belonged. I've got a new company motto for those bastards: Dow Chemical, fouling earth, air and water, and mindlessly killing humans for more than a century. And Mary, you are not fine. Your back is killing you and your neck is whiplashed. Chris Hayes expressed my sentiments exactly, and unlike many of the horrified critics of his comments, I have skin in the game. My nephew, who's my godson, is an army helicopter mechanic. Not a hero, though I believe he would be in some circumstances. Mainly a kid that was drifting directionless and put his life in order by enlisting when it was one of the few good choices available to him. Brian, somehow, I figure Shock and Awe in Sadr City didn't play out with that sort of restraint. (very conservative numbers; the Lancet survey, with no axe to grind, puts the number of civilians dead by violence during the invasion and occupation at 600,000+.) The only heroism apparent in that Slovik story is Mr. Calka's.
- I'm not Polish, but I'm sure I would have enjoyed Pvt. Slovik's wedding reception. Chris Hayes is an acute and astute political commentator that is widely despised by wingnuttery because he's associated with Rachel Maddow and he's an example of that famous factual bias in a liberal direction. Undoubtedly, since they are GOPers, the majority of villagers shaking pitchforks and torches at Hayes are chickenhawk phonies. Concerning Pvt. Slovik, it's difficult not to relate his military experience with that of the appointed Pretzeldent who went AWOL from the Tejas AirNatGuard. Sounds right, James. edit: Doc Watson, with David "Dawg" Grisman and Jack Lawrence. Lightning in a bottle, great song, Shady Grove.
- Borden, Rick Scott is himself such a miscreant it's difficult to believe he's the Goober-nor of FLA and not a permanent resident of some Club Fed. Medicatre fraud architect that outdid all other Medicare fraud put together. How does that ahole get to vote much less get elected? I imagine the Painted Lady, Katherine Harris is poised to shed her Michele Bachmann persona and make a grand return to the FLA political stage. Scout, when they say "clenches", I guess they mean between his buttcheeks. Sherri, I'm about to start taking back my payroll tax money, and GOPers that get in my way will wish they hadn't, one way or another. The fascinating point about SSI to me that nobody seems clear on, is that had GOPers and Pretzeldent Shrub had their privatizing way, SS recipients these days wouldn't be able to afford cans of L'il Friskies, because Wall Street would have taken the whole safety net down with it. It's depressing that American voters are too fracking stupid to comprehend the simple fact of this bullet barely dodgeI think the new RMoney iPhone app is actually supposed to be "Mit uns".
- Julie, Mittens himself rendered that wishful thinking when his campaign "released" his birth dertificate the same day he partied with BadHair Trump in El Vegas, and Mitt annointed the Blowhard with his asinine 50.1 comment. That's not a tent, that's the backyard privy, dumbass. edit: When fracking Wolf Blitzer makes a fool of you on TV you ought to have the brains to STFU.
- Scott Walker is the odious, creepy surrogate union buster for the Koch Bros. Kriminal Konspiracy in Wisconsin. Mayor Barrett of Milwaukee is Walker's opponent in next week's recall election. In this video, the Mayor dissects Walker, coolly and surgically. As much as Jeff (tmmo) wants to see justice for Bergeron's character , Mutiply it by a million, and that's how much I want to see Scott Walker get his wretched lunch. I can't stand the mole-faced weasel. When I was a little kid and my dad worked at the free miners' care hospital funded by Kaiser-Permanente, we lived in Turkey Creek, Pike County, KY, where much of the Hatfield-Mccoy vendetta played out. A Hatfield descendant was a sherrif's deppity, and created a run-in with my mom one day at a road construction site. He ended up holding her at gunpoint and cuffing her. Wrong accent I think. We were on our way to the country club for swimming lessons. Fortunately, the sherrif, who was a local contractor that built the house we lived in and was good friends with my parents came by to prevent serious mayhem. My mom was irate, and we had to beg her to take her ticket and get us the hell out of there. Had she been armed, gunplay would not have been surprising. It went to court and the lying sack of Hatfield claimed my mom had tried to run him down with our old ford ranchwagon with the padded dash. My seven yo self testified, said the brute dragged my mom out of the car with his gun to her head, and threatened to shoot her. I cried on cue, and justice prevailed. The county was dry, and confiscated beer and liquor all made its way to our house via the Sherrif's Dept. from that day on. Party Central for the Yankee hospital staff. Literally, on the bank of the Tug River, that once flooded our house. How that NASA and SpaceX collaboration works.
- Oh my. People with all of that bidness experience RMoney wants codified into the Constitution in favor of publicly funded preschool. But attacking head start is as sanctified and etched in stone a GOPer shibboleth as the bidnessman-politician. How can they react to this rending of their Bizarro world time-space continuum? Perhaps apoplexy and swallowing their oleaginous tongues, with all the EMTs laid off. And Mitt, G. Washington's bidness was making rye whiskey. T. Jefferson's was growing hemp. You sure 'bout that Constitutional Amendment? Can't pass the Mormon test. And R. Raygun wouldn't qualify. Of course he was a union president, so he ought to be disqualified automatically, not to mention his child conceived by his second wife while he was still married to his first. Two hours in units of Friedman? Reminds me of a story priests used to tell to describe eternity (in hell, generally). A vast cathedral, a la Notre Dame. A sparrow returns once a millenium and brushes a flying buttress with its wing. Eventually, the edifice is reduced to a pile of rubble. All that time, but a moment to eternity. That be 1 Friedman. Guy is a great honking horse's ass and a doofus. edit: Next thing you know, apostate bidnessmen will insist that pizza and ketchup aren't vegables.
- What that petroleum industry corporate welfare buys. These tax espenditures dwarf federal money spent on Head Start.
- Happy Augie Meyers' 72nd birthday. That's Doug Sahm on the giant guitar and Augie playing the cheesy Farfisa. On the Trini Lopez show. Pete Hoeker's greatest hit:
- This looks ike a pretty enjoyable outdoor gardening project, particularly for kids. Didn't Nancy have something more or less about mudpies and a community garden or something like that a while back? When I see all natural I always finish the phrase with "plus all kinds of Godawful chemicals to make it last forever on the retail shelf or to not be babydoo ochre or some other incredibly unappetizing color.
- What sort of nefarious shit are those cattle ranchers up to in Nebraska and Iowa. They already have an immense gummint subsidy for grazing that cattle on public lands for nothing or nest to it. Are they pot farming?
- Mark H is right about public grazing. The cattle ranchers that suck the public teat do so in the western states, like almost all of Nevada. And they pay for about 1% of the cost, in fees that are set at minimum 19th Century levels. Those same cattle barons maintain their feed lots for fattening up the cattle for market with antibiotic-ridden corn feed in Nebraska and Iowa, presumably closer to rail and Interstate hubs, and to the tainted corn supply. At the feed lots, the industry wants to police it's own compliance with laws and regulations that protect ground water and aquifers from the intense biopolllutants (nitrogen-rich cowshit) produced by heavy cattle concentrations. Yea, like Wall Street financial concerns police their own behavior. And that is welfare no GOPer is ever going to do anything about. On the spelling bee: A kid spelled "harengiform" correctly. Pronounce Herr-en=ji-form, meaning shaped like a herring. How the hell is this word not spelled Herringiform? And doesn't this cast a sorry light on the sort of rote torture required to compete successfully in such contests. Nobody that had not studied that word, which is presumably a term of art in ichthyology, would ever get that spelling, since it makes no sense whatever etymologically.
- New album we just got in the mail, Arrow, by Heartless Bastards, and, yeah, CDs suck compared with vinyl, but they rule compared with the ultra-compression of digital downloads like mp3: Great female rock 'n' roll singers are few and far between, but this woman, Erika Wennerstrom's, contralto is off the charts in my opinion. Compare this other-worldly, growling, snarling scary vocal to autotune horsecrap like gaGAH or her progenitor Madge, or bigbusty little girls like Beyonce and Katy Perry. This is gutsy music. Also got Tramp, by Sharon van Etten: Both of these women are also guitar-slingers as well as excellent singers. Neither album has a cut I'd skip. Like throwbacks to Chrissie Hynde and Maria McKee.And my new bike just arrived by Fed Ex. The staples are all missing from the exterior packaging, so much trepidation. But, it's all there, undamaged. This bike is going to be an inside bike. Judybusy: I think a major problem with Friedman is that he used to be a fairly reliable source of fairly progressive (I still hate that Deanie-Baby term) common sense, and in the last two or three years he's become indistinguishable from a milquetoast twit like David Brooks. Charlotte: The ranchers also expect the feds to shoot bears and mountain lions for them. And they shoot raptors, like eagles, from helicopters. Sue: Not only should Ensign be in jail, his parents should be in there with him. Our Amazon order came with two extra copies of Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin. edit: DOJ did about as well prosecuting Edwards as they did with Barry Bonds.
- Ranchers are anti-Obama, and aside from innate racism, it's because the administration wants to raise the ridiculous public land grazing fee from $1.35 per animal per month to $2.35. And hunting eagles for sport from choppers with shotguns is grotesque and repulsively pathological behavior: RMoney lies his ass off, pathologically. And Americans are so fracking stupid, they lap it up. The lie about jobs rebound and number of public vs. private sector is an almost unimaginably huge whopper:
- beb and Bob: Could be worse. When you drive through Richmond on I-95, it smells as if you are trapped inside a pack of cigarettes. Jack Anderson came to speak when I was in JSchool, at the height of Watergate on TV. He was uproarious in his unabashed enmity for Milhous.
- Well, Clapton was always an acolyte of BB King, which has always struck me as moronic considering truly great blues guitar players. Hubert Sumlin, Lightning Hopkins, Freddy King, Buddy Guy, John Lee, every one far better than BB. Of course Clapton warn't no Peter Green, neither: Not even Jeremy Spencer. Clapton went off the rails entirely when he fucked up JJ Cale songs and put out faux country drivel like Lay Down Sally (truly puke inducing). Clapton's best was the stuff Jack Bruce wrote for him, and Steve Winwood was responsible for much of the good guitar playing from Blind Faith. Watch Clapton's set in The Lat Waltz. He looks the whole time like he thinks he's too good to be there. With The Band, for God's sake. Savannah used to stink pretty badly, but the paper plant installed efficient scrubbers, and the stench is a thing of the past. When the gorgeous "new" bridge was built, there was a newspaper contest to name it. One suggestion: The "Honey Did You Fart" Bridge.
- Compare this bad Nashville from Clapton: and this similar expression from John Fogerty: One is rock 'n' roll. One is decidedly nothing of the sort and fares very poorly in comparison. Which guy is enjoying himself? Hershey PA used to smell wonderful.
- Sure, Bob (NG): I like this one:
- Employment in the USA is under constant assault by the GOP. It is their primary campaign strategy against President Obama. The trickle down from the job creators scheme failed miserably to do anything except damage the middle class and distribute wealth upward from 2000-2008. RMoney and the GOPers want Americans to sign on for four more years of the same useless, dangerous bullshit. It leaves me with little hope for the nation if people are too gd stupid to see this happening.
- That Kid Rock slagging from Gawker coozledad was talking about. Mighty funny. More than anything else about the schlub, what annoys me is his absolutely shameless attempt to ride Seger's coattails. Bob made some crap in his late career, but he also wrote lots of the best rock 'n' roll songs ever. Kid Rock is not fit to carry Seger's jockstrap. And Kid's Lee Westwood All America schtick is obnoxious and a far cry from Seger's prescient song about the Teabangers decades before they swarmed out of the ground like bloodthirsty locusts: Far cry from this too: c Damn they made some dogass beer in Milwaukee. The beer that made Milt Famey Walkus. Almost as good as the Pardon me Roy, ain't that the cat that chewed your new shoes? joke and the great Fuckawe joke. It's hilarious to this day to see photos in the Voice of hipsters drinking PBR because they convinced each other it's cool. DSumb as grunt.
- Fox News is accusing Planned Parenthood of violating tax rules for political participation by running an anti-RMoney issues ad. Well, it was PP's PAC that paid for the ad, and a few days ago, Fox ran an anti-Obama ad and claimed it was news, a scumbag trick for which the FCC ought to yank their licenses so fast it would make snap their pencil necks. Clueless aholes.
- Here's a bulldog mascot:
- GOP economic policy is either bone-stupid or insane, unless one sees it as a deliberate strategy with a single aim: defeating the brown-skinned, Kenyan anti-colonialist, Muslim, Socialist President. Austerity is guaranteed economic auto da fe currently, and these treasonous bastards are willing to tank the economy
- Another battle for freedom from regulation for financial industry crooks that GOPers will be fighting. The role of Richard Dawson's lifetime.
- Brian, OK, but GOPers stole FLA in 2000 and OH in 2004. Suzi Quatro was born this date in 1950, in Detroit. Somewhere between Joan Jett and Leather Tuscadero. And Ron Howard looks hilarious pretending to play a guitar: Wet scrubbers are efficient at paper plants. Savannah has been stench free for a few years thanks to good corporate citizenship. I used to ride an MBTA bus past the New England Candy Co. fortress on Mass. Ave. in Cambridge every day, but no aroma was ever evident. Must have been making those wafers elsewhere. edit, Stouder, You and Proust.
- Wow, ex-OSU coach Jim Tressell is an ahole:
- There's a basic bargain in America. It says that no matter who you are or where you're from, if you're willing to work hard and play by the rules you should be able to find a good job, feel secure in your community, and support a family. I have worked in the White House since the day President Obama took office. At every juncture -- every big decision, every major policy development, every negotiation -- I have seen President Obama fight for the things that help our country preserve that bargain for all Americans, rich or poor. Valerie Jarrett makes the case for President Obama, but , of course, she's one of his socialist, un-American fellow travellers: 40th anniversary of maybe the most stunning (anti) war photograph ever made. Better living through DOW chemicals.
- Would we be as bad as the right if we decided to make Mitt a one term guy and place obstacles to our own people and economy in his path? GOPers have no control at all over the Teabangers, and those stupid racist schlubs will go after RMoney, because he is no more one of them than President Obama is. I'm looking into property near the beach in Baja. I'm getting old and could use Mexican health care.
- Did anybody ever see Breitbart and Vigo the Carpathian in the same room together? Shocking developments aside, what I loved about Mad Men last night is the final montage scene with one of my favorite songs of all time, the gorgeous Butchie's Tune by Lovin' Spoonful, with stunning guitar by the great Zally Yanofsky, an astounding song most people have never heard: I went to the packy for supplies a few months ago and there was a Tito's free sample table, manned (not really) by two buxom bikini babes. Certainly heightened the subsequent grocery shopping experience. Does anybody recall that martinis are actually ice cold gin with a whiff of dry vermouth? I believe Bloody Mary's were originally made with juniper juice, too. Sherri@1, Coulda fooled me. Sure has that anti-Rembrandt feel to it.
- Julie, that boorish buffoon was obviously disoriented and thought he was listening to Wagner. (edit): Or maybe this: Nancy, I absolutely love that song. Used to play it in a HS band. Everyone thinks of LS as John Sebastian's band, but it was Zalman Yanofsky that was the musical star. A great guitar player. Aching tonal clarity and clean picking. Like Nashville Cats: Nashville Cats, play clean as country water Nashville Cats, play wild as mountain dew I had to get out a guitar and relearn the song as soon as I'd heard it. Speaking of cars, did anybody else find it humorous when Lane Pryce couldn't start the Jag-you-ar?
- Ten years ago today Pretzeldent Shrub W. Bush said the CIA and FBI had failed to communicate adequately before the Sept. 11 terror attacks. The little cokehead twat didn't mention the infamous Presidential Daily Brief he got days before the WTC attack, about flying planes into buildings: This would be a partcularly poor place to look for advice for American cars. People here like them only in theory and for other people. Simultaneous translation, please? But, you know, Mark, at least there still are American car makers, thanks to the wisdom of Willard RMoney, right?
- If the GOPers are a benign bunch of patriots, how does one explain their promotion of candidates like the great Medicare crook Rick Scott and his bogus attack on legal registered FLA voters that represent a demographic not conducive to GOP voting? Vote fraud in the USA is so infinitessimal, so close to non-existent, quantifying its existence requires three or four places to the right side of a decimal point. Can anyone explain how the great GOPer Vote Fraud Inquisition is anything but a transparent component of an odious strategy to win elections by suppressing opponent's votes? By which I mean, outright cheating like a bastard? The one authentic case of vote fraud turned up in ages was perpetrated by James O'Keefe in the GOP NH presidential primary. Shrub's justice department spent millions trying to ferret out vote fraud and prosecuted exactly 86 cases, most of which involving people that had no idea they had broken the law. This whole strategy is not exactly what I'd call good citizenship, and it seems rooted in paranoia. Unlike other favorite suppression strategies, like refusing to allow photo student IDs for polling place identification, and cruder shit like closing polling places, this voter roll purging costs taxpayers a lot of money, to nobody's benefit but crooked GOPers. Wonder how them Teabangers like that.
- Our friends the corvids:
- Evidence that the President is cooler than most politicians:
- The Republican party of Karl Roves, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdock, Grover Norquest, the Koch brothers, etc. And do not forget D. Trump, the personal bankruptcy king at the center of the omphaloscopic, onanist GOP. These tools may claim to be "conservatives", but their sole economic policy suggestion is a full-on dive back into the depth of Shrub's profligate spending and tax-cutting. That's not movement conservatism, nor is it big C Conservative by a remote stretch of any sane definition of the term. Teabangers and their current herd of subservient automatons like RMoney would be ridiculed, no excoriated, by somebody like William F. Buckley, and have recently been characterized by exasperated George Will as "bloviating ignorami". They are all Bozos on that bus, but they are not benign. More like Killer Klowns: It hurts when an obviously good-hearted and sensible person like Pilot Joe stands up for these anti-American bastards. Like this scummy POS:
- Jonah vs. Lucianne on pay-per-view. Jay Townsend ran for the Senate against Schumer and got his cowardly ass kicked by 18%age points. As for Hayworth, and her “Now let’s return to talking about issues that really matter to families: job creation, spending restraint and economic development.” I'm sure she meant to add "and fair pay for female breadwinners". Anybody with Shrub's economic performance in their party background, a rational person would expect they'd avoid the term "job creation" like a hantovirus carrying rattus Norvegicus named Ben, or Willard. With regard to Jonah Goldberg and fisticuffs, guess who Buckley challenged to a fight:
- You formula 1 guys, Dario Franchitti is a guest on Letterman tonight.
- Hard facts about "job creation" and party affiliation: GOPers truly believe they must destroy the village to save it from the Socialist Kenyan anti-colonial Manchurian President (aka, the black guy). That's all they've got, there ain't no more. That's the sort of stunted shithead thinking you get from true believers.
- Joe, I don't really know the difference. Well, I do know that F1 drivers don't just continue turning in one direction for mile after mile, making for more interesting races.
- Only car I own is a '69 Cougar convertible, with a red and black UGA Bulldogs color scheme, a big ass engine that guzzles gas, and leather seats. Don't get much more Murrican than that. Guess I'm a closet GOPer.
- Richard Dawson's greatest hit. Drug-drenched. Way strange. Sex ed in Tejas. Don't mess with Texas. Don't need no federal sex ed money, or money for contraception. Still, if you didn’t know better, you’d think there was a concerted effort going on in Texas to increase the number of children being born to teen parents. The state is also one of the most restrictive in the country when it comes to teen access to birth control. Even if a teenage girl has already given birth, she can’t get state-funded contraception services without a parent’s consent. In 2012, family-planning providers in Texas—a state with nearly five and a half million women of reproductive age—were receiving less than $13 million in government aid. One inevitable result is a huge number of poor women giving birth. Texas has the second-highest birth rate in the country after Utah, and nearly 60 percent of the women giving birth are low-income enough to qualify for Medicaid. Now we’re getting into the national impact of the way Texas handles sex ed. Medicaid is a federal program, and more than half of that billion-dollar bill is paid by federal taxpayers. Happy to be of help—but don’t the rest of us have a right to demand that Texas at least make sure poor women who don’t want to be pregnant have easy access to federally funded contraception? Ignorant crackerjackasses. What would be the great loss should Texas secede, as Perry would like? The Cowboys, Colombia's Team?
- Jeff: According to Thomas Pynchon, the Transit of Venus was the occasion of the first surveying collaboration between Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon. Lord knows if it's true, or another of Pynchon's tricks on the less well educated.
- Bob (NG): The talking heads say that Wisconsin is so completely polarized that everyone has picked a side and the whole thing will come down to turnout. I've been sending cash to Walker's opposition for months now. I think they got my email when I bought pizza for the state house crowd last year. I seriously want to see Walker's sleazy ass ridden out on a rail, tarred and feathered would be gratifying. Between the "dead baby" ad and "divide and conquer" video, and the criminal investigation, it's hard to imagine anybody voting for the douchebag: What's truly mistifying is that voters would buy a guy like Walker that is such a creature and familiar of carpetbagging criminal bastards like the Koch Bros.
- So Bill Clinton made GOPers all giddy last week with an offhanded RMoney bidness comment. Seems it was a setup for a hard shot to the nads:
- Downton preview: I want a perp walk and an orange jumpsuit for Scott Walker. Common sense from Ezzra Klein on the "disastrous" jobs report for May:
- GOPers with their priorities straight. Irredeemable shitheads. Today is the anniversary of the assassination of Bobby Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan, who is still alive and asking annually for parole. I'd make him room with Charles Manson. The day America went to hell.
- Burdened with politicians like Lindsey "Lord Fauntleroy" Graham, Jim DeMented and Joe Wilson, SC thanks God every day for its sister state, NC. We don't look quite as fracking stupid in comparison.
- A ridiculously entertaining rumination by Zadie Smith concerning books, bookstores, public spaces and libraries: Dime tequila shots is one exceptionally bad idea, doomed inevitably to ghastly ramifications. A bar in Athens GA called the B&L Warehouse, for no apparent reason, used to have nickel draft nights, until local gubmint and Babdiss stepped in to 86 the stupid idea. Brewskis transcended Go-cups for standard serving size, replaced by trays for a $buck, and it was real beer, not 3.2 PX surplus. Many redneck stompings and girl fights ensued, artistically impaired by the absence of longneck empties. An odious and unpopular local restauranteur was in the congregation one night, being forward with other men's WAGs. He was unceremoniously rousted from the bar by some large good ol' boys, and suffered a repeat humiliation when he sneaked back in. Of course, as them boys was gentlemen, the lout was allowed to finish his tray of cold adult beverages. We blew that popstand not half an hour later, and headed for a friend's house down a pitch black, little traveled road that ran past the Blue Light Country Club, about which Jim Morrison may have written Roadhouse Blues, had he ever visited Athens. The establishment did indeed have bungalows for the people that liked to go down slow. And blue bulbs in each porch fixture. The place featured weekly sherrif dept. raids and cuttings on weekends. I was driving with no difficulty, having consumed only a quarters worth of brew in a couple of hours, when something in the road ahead made me question that logic. Headlights in the shape of a : in my face. A giant ass Dodge Ram dualie on its side facing me in the wrong lane. We stopped to offer assistance. I climbed up to the exposed door and saw the besotted restaurant guy covered in blood and currency. Seems he had cashed out the bank at his restaurant before getting loaded. A few $thou were strewn all over the king cab. My man was minimally conscious and moaning steadily. Way before cell phones so my ex went to find a phone to call EMS. The unfortunate bastard had wounds that demanded direct pressure, so I climbed in to try to help. Meanwhile a crowd had gathered, and everyone was an expert on the situation, insisting that he heeded to be removed from the truck. I figured moving the guy without stabilizing his spine was probably a lethally bad idea, and told all these Samaritans to back off and leave him alone. I was also keen not to let anybody else see the cash. My friend Moseley organized some of the bystanders into a crew to right the truck, and since it was partly in a ditch, they were able to. I stayed in the cab to keep the victim as immobile as possible, and protected him from the volunteers that wanted to move him until the ambulance arrived. After many weeks, guy recuperated and returned to health. Couple of months after the incident, I heard he had told people that his cash had disappeared from the truck that night. I assume he was fleecing his bidness partner, but he was trying to blame it on me, after I likely saved his live. His femoral artery had been transected when he wrecked, and I managed to staunch the wound enough that EMTs could get to him in time. I never heard another word from that SOB. But I've had a jaundiced opinion of cheap beer promotions ever since. As a lifetime Dodgers fan, Brian, I was never a keen on Borbon. I always considered him a prototype of the full goose looney Dominican, like Marichal, particularly after his brawl with Buzz Capra, triggered by Pete Rose's cowardly attack on Bud Harrelson, when he put on the Mets cap by accident and then bit a chunk out of it. He's also known to have bitten people during fights. Is it true Borbon put a curse on the Reds when they traded him? At least he never hit a catcher on the head with a bat, as Marichal did. He was a damned good reliever, though.
- Something that ought to be drilled into RMoney's hubristic head and heart (if he's actually got one; probably as stillborn as his soul): And so I recognize myself to be an intensely naïve person. Most novelists are, despite frequent pretensions to deep socio-political insight. And I retain a particular naivety concerning the British state, which must seem comical to many people, particularly younger people. I can only really account for it by reaching back again, briefly, into the past. It’s a short story about debt—because I owe the state, quite a lot. Some people owe everything they have to the bank accounts of their parents. I owe the state. Put simply, the state educated me, fixed my leg when it was broken, and gave me a grant that enabled me to go to university. It fixed my teeth (a bit) and found housing for my veteran father in his dotage. When my youngest brother was run over by a truck it saved his life and in particular his crushed right hand, a procedure that took half a year, and which would, on the open market—so a doctor told me at the time—have cost a million pounds. Those were the big things, but there were also plenty of little ones: my subsidized sports centre and my doctor’s office, my school music lessons paid for with pennies, my university fees. My NHS glasses aged 9. My NHS baby aged 33. And my local library. To steal another writer’s title: England made me. It has never been hard for me to pay my taxes because I understand it to be the repaying of a large, in fact, an almost incalculable, debt. --Zadie Smith--
- The Angel's Share. Damn, Alex. Aren't all the cool kids calling it the Zombpocalypse yet?
- Typical RMoney fundraiser. It would take Tom Robbins or Pynchon to make this shit up. What would be the Fauxnews line if Obama dined beneath artistic works by Mau Mau leaders?
- Well, Wisconsin's State Swnate changed hands in the recall, and Walker may still get arrested. My sister-in-law designed an entry into the Vietnam memorial charette. Hers also included names, but on columns, which I think was a powerful acknowledgement of the sheer enormity of the loss of life for absolutely nothing the war was. I'm not sure of this, but I think the names were a requirement of the competition rules, which Carol asked me to read to give her an opinion on her design. I thought the inscribed steles were an evocative representation of the individual pointless loss of life. Joe is correct about the bravery of the airborne drop at nighttime into the European countryside. Cooze is correct that the GOP at the time opposed anything and everything that came out of Roosevelt's Oval Office and leaned heavily toward isolationism where European war was concerned. Fortunately for the world, GOP obstructionists in USA were far less numerous and motivated than those of today. The modern GOP determined after their isolationist embarrassment over WWII to never meet an armed conflict they didn't like, and today's party is full of ahole chickenhawks like "Buck" McKeon and GW Shrub and Dickless Cheney, right down to mounting more pointless military conflicts than Vietnam, andtelling outrageous lies about Senator John Kerry, when Shrub pere bailed on his bomber crew and talked himself into war heroism subsequently: And I don't want to hear any defense of HW from folks who lapped up the meretricious shit spewed by the Swiftboaters in '04 in the interest of the AWOL draft dodger from the Texas Air Guard. And while heroism frequently takes courage, the reverse is certainly not true.
- Hell, Scribe. Mrs. Mitch McConnell is of Asian descent. What MichaelG said, and Buffy: It's the profiteers and their political enablers that are the rankest cowards (like the profiteer politician ultimate chickenhawk, Cheney):
- I find it offensive that anybody thinks it's required that I feel as if US troops fought or are fighting on my behalf in Iraq or Afghanistan to prove I'm American. That is bullshit. My freedom, such as it is, does not need defending in Iraq, it needs a defense against antiAmerican bastards like the criminal goober-nor of FLA that think it's copacetic to limit voting to the GOPer apparat. Both of those invasions are exercises in blind and greedy PNAC adventurism. To vets and their families of those msiguided FUBAR imperialist fiascos, I feel as if what the country owes is not thanks, but abject apologies. I understand and respect Dex's memories of "Coming Home", but the true disrespect and disservice to Vietvets was done by the insulated Chickenhawk lords of the military-industrial manor that were WWII GI bill babies with six deferments but were all "Hooahh, Get Some" about intruding on a civil war in Southeast Asia with other people's lives. By 2004, these same aholes were willing to launch the shamefully mendacious Swiftboat attacks on a decorated vet that in the eyes of his commanders served with valor, when he could have avoided it as easily as W got assigned to guard the OClub in Waco. These are the people that reduced VA hospitals to rat-infested dumps, because, after all, they had their health plans Jack. Was it worse calling a vet a baby killer or spending boocoo taxpayer bucks denying Agent Orange health claims? The American anti-war movement was characterized as traitors by the self-serving politicians that were architects of the Vietnam debacle while having no skin in the game. I took beatings in Ann Arbor and Chicago to try to prevent obscenely meaningless deaths of young Americans and Vietnamese, and I'd try it again but for the helpless feeling that grows out of knowing Americans elected the worst President* ever because the lying sack o' shit claimed to have a plan for ending the Vietnam nightmare, and he and the traitorous scum Kissinger kept at it for four more years, while nefariously expanding operations into Laos and Cambodia to get more young men killed. *Until the USSupreme Court appointed a downright ignorant clown in 2000. People working for the DA signed the recall petition and that was a big stink for GOPer defenders of the creep for a while. Here's an undoubtedly unbiased account of the affair from Forbes:
- Ralph, thanks. I thought the names were a requirement for the design competition.
- Scribe. Those German kids in UBoats had no idea what they were doing nor why it was happening, anymore than did American kids that pushed buttons to inflict Shock and Awe on Sadr City and the rest of Bagdhad's poorest people. War is old rich man's business for obscene profit and it get's more heinously so as the old rich men get more safely insulated from the violence they perpetrate.
- Suzanne: Like cheeseball faux cowboy with a megaphone and Rudi and Kerik lapping his lame shit up. Detroit TV: Tom Paxton on Vietnam:
- CocaCola? Vending machines? Sledge hammers? My oversized servings tend to be Foster's Lager oil cans, but I like 20 ounce Cherry Cokes too, particularly the morning after a few too many of the Australian big gulps.
- RMoney's robocop masquerades are right up there with Rand Paul's Aqua Buddha abductions. One is as illegal as the other, and both are sociopathic. Have to wonder whether Mittens had barber shears hooked to his Sam Browne. First time I ever heard the term "nanny state" was from Neh Hampsha bikers that stormed the Massachusetts State House when the Bay State decided to intrude on their freedom by requiring murdercycle organ donors to wear helmets while riding. Scuse me, you live free or die ninnies, but the government has what courts call a "compelling interest", as both riding hatless and gorging oneself are behaviors that have a clear deleterious effect on the general public, in keeping American health care costs on steroids. And if corticosteroids in meat affect human mental health, how 'bout the corticosteroid production that sleazy bastards like Rick Scott, whose Medicare fraud exploits should have his slimy ass permanently purged from voter rolls, and Scott Walker cause in people like me. One thing about the bikers that object to wearing helmets, the gene pool would be better off without them. If I were a collegiate track coach, I'd be on the phone this morning offering this great kid a full ride: (Check out the 15 year old local TV newsie.) Where we buy beef: These cattle live a very soothing and comfortable life.
- It's a matter of absolute faith to me that the smaller the container, the better Coca Cola tastes. I was riding on the Boston subway with my daughter years ago and realized we had become the subject of some snide hipster conversation nearby. Commenting on E's diet coke, along the lines of how terrible it was to worry about little kids' body image. Thanks to the keedo's presence, I didn't go ballistic. When we were leaving the train, I leaned over and said II guess neither one of you assholes ever had to pay for a kid to go to the dentist." The rude pricks were suitably chagrined, and other passengers laughed at them. Back when I was teaching HS, kids would arrive with 2-liter bottles of Mountain Dew which they would finish by the last bell. The thought of the calories consumed was fairly revolting, but the immediate effect of the monstrous caffeine jolts was far more worrisome. The Dew was invariably accompanied by a large bag of those hideous neon red, hotter than hell Cheetohs. As I recall them, school lunches looked neither more appetizing nor more nutritionally sound. Beatrice said ketchup and pizza were vegables, and R. Raygun and the GOPers bought the argument hook, line and sinker. After all, back in the day, if it wasn't Beatrice, it was commoniss. Guess that would be ConAgra and Kraft nowadays.
- A Ray Bradbury memoir, regarding his childhood and inspirations:
- It's well known that American health care costs, generally quantified as %age of GNP, dwarf costs in other countries, and are running away from them and hiding as time goes by. It seems obvious that American gluttony and obesity is a large contributing factor. More exceptionalism. Jeff (tmmo), Bob Dylan wrote a song about that:
- I think there’s probably something to be said for the idea of compulsory national service of some sort, not necessarily just being used as cannon fodder, but working in the other trenches, social work being one of them. It’ll never come to pass, any more than campaign finance reform, but it’s an idea certainly worthy of more consideration than it’s getting. Were Americans open to the idea that other countries might have figured some things out better than we have, health care particularly, but, assuredly, national service, too, we might all be better off. Unfortunately, raising such an idea subjects one to immediate labeling as unAmerican, appeasers and global apologizers for America, if not birth-faking Manchurian candidate socialist Mau Mau brown-skinned Presidents. From now on, every birther should be made to explain why RMoney should be allowed to run for President when, by his own admission, he used to break the law by impersonating a police officer and waylaying motorists (kidnapping), and why a career Medicare fraud criminal like Rick Scott should be allowed within infectious distance of voting rolls. I mean, these aholes are felons and people will vote for them. Ted Nugent should be sent into NYC sewers with bow and arrow, to track down and slaughter the giant albino gators Benny Profane didn't get. Wonderful story about Boehner getting pantsed, repeatedly, while spending 3/4 of a $million the federal government doesn't have on defending DOMA from common sense and the Constitution, as well as basic human dignity and common decency. In other words, Boehner and his GOPer cohorts are gay-bashing with federal cash. What a fracking tool.
- Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to bedreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; andarmies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bring-ing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the dis-cretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealingout offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the meansof seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of thepeople. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced inthe inequality of fortunes and the opportunities of fraud growing outof a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals en-gendered by both. No nation could reserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.Those truths are well established. They are read in every page whichrecords the progression from a less arbitrary to a more arbitrary gov-ernment, or the transition from a popular government to an aristocracy or a monarchy. —James Madison, “Political Observations,” April 20, 1795 quoted by R. Maddow at the beginning of her new book, Drift: Link for the Boehner and DOMA story: If there's a nany state prohibition I find particularly stupid and galling, it's marijuana laws (drug laws of any sort, actually, but pot, give me a break.). Fracking dumb as grunt. Legalize, administer, and tax like hell. That southren piedmont tobacco land would grow some great pot, American jails would be depopulated and jobs would be created.
- Illustration for today's discussion. Today's the birthday of the great Ojibwa novelist, Louise Erdrich. I think The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse is one of the finest novels ever written by an American. Erdrich is also a gifted poet, IMO.
- Another powerful poem by Louise Erdrich. Della, the poem reminds me of an excellent movie, Rabbit-Proof Fence.
- Nancy is your amoxicilin the pepto pink milk-shakey liquid kind. Did you get the tubular, dosage-inscribed spoon to go with it. Glad you're feeling better, keedo. Alex, RMoney's pocket change is something like $270grand in speaking fees. I feel the individual American's vote is so devalued by corporate citizenship, I'll vote for the Sock if he sends me the pocket leavings from his nightstand caddy. Of course, Citizen's United is Exhibit A for the case of never allowing a GOPer to appoint a Supreme Court Justice again. The umpire is a partisan activist POS, and the next time somebody tells you there is no "privacy right" in the Constitution from which to infer Roe v. Wade, ask the intellectually dishonest bastard to point out where the Constitution says dollars are speech and corporations are people too, my friend. Do these morons understand that Citizens United allows the US Chamber of Commerce to become bundlers of foreign money, French and Chinese, for God's sake, in complete secrecy, to warp American elections. And I want Holder to mobilize the NatGuard to arrest the federal felon Rick Scott for fucking with voter rolls in FLA, like Bobby removed George Corley from the schoolhouse door. Cool toy Crabby. Is that Appleton? This situation is dire. Romney has the radical anti-American mullah Bork lined up to nominate John Yoo as the next SCOTUS justice. A fracking disaster in the making. I'm with JT on the sorry future of this country the way things look these days: Willard's stand on Detroit signature industry was about as clear as the infamous Daily News Jerry Ford headline, Ford to City: Drop Dead. A dentist song for Jeff: And that brief bit of prose from Ray Bradbury reminded me of Something Wicked..., Dandelion Wine, and the Halloween Tree. The latter is must reading for fans of A Ripple in Time. It was a dark and stormy night...
- Where we're shopping: The great internet defense of Walker was that he only attacked the evil, venal public employees unions, which of course never did anything worthwhile for anyone. Apparently, his infamous "divide and conquer" video with his unaccountable multi-millionaire backer, was difficult to translate. Were Wisconsin voters too dumb to understand that Walker created a budget crisis with tax cuts targeted to further enrich rich people so that he could attack public servant that had already made huge concessions regarding legally contracted pension and health care benefits that were not signed under duress? Kasich pulled the identical cheap redneck trick in Ohio, where he had already cornholed public pension funds by steering investments into toilet paper securities and stock funds and private equity swindles, when he represented Lehman Bros.: I'm sick of living in a country whose future is decided by shamelessly gullible lamebrains that succumb to the sort of toxic snake oil promulgated by the Krooked Koch Konspiracy minions that are the midwestern goober-nors. Cabo, here we come. Both my knees sound like John Bonham when I get up after sitting more than five minutes, and the heat will do me good. And government in Meheeco? At least they own their corruption instead of being all holier-than-thou about it, like the GOPer voter fraud frauds.
- No matter what they say, dentists would rather folks didn't floss. And they'd give away Tootsie-roll Pops in the waiting room if they could get away with it. With school loans and startup equipment costs, it's no wonder American dentists are a seriously suicidal group.
- Joe, Obscene CEO compensation is the fly in that ointment: And that is not counting the truly bizarre going away packages these folks get for running companies off the rails and into the miasmic fens: And those bankers took down far more than just theire own companies while getting filthy rich and skating on any responsibility or accountability for their greed-infested feeding frenzies at the trough of imaginary financial instruments based upon larcenous compunctions.
- Damn, the Magliozzis are quitting Car Talk in September: It will take owverweening hubris on the part of the conservoactivist SC justices to overturn ACA. The leading judicial conservative experts on Commerce Clause Congressional powers have all ruled against the challenges in lower courts. Like this acknowledged expert in the most reliably reactionary court in the country: Of course, Scalia answers to no authority but his own grossly inflated self-regard, and Clarence Long Dong, the homunculus, answers to nobody but Scalia and Cheney, so who the hell knows. Cash should be spent pointing out that the mandate was born in the Heritage Foundation incubator, and remains the core principal of Romneycare. But I fear understanding that unadulterated truth would take more actual critical thinking than dumbed down Americans can manage in concert. I will generally say "How does anybody dumb enough to believe that shit manage to breathe and feed himself?" And it was never about saving money in Wisconsin, because sleazy scumbag Walker created a phony budgetary crisis by cutting taxes on rich backers to set up his assault on the middle class through unions.
- In North Carolina, a Super PAC will have a huge say in the election of a state judge! Citizens United has raised the bar to compete so high that only those with access to the ultra-wealthy –who are overwhelmingly conservative– will be able to run effective campaigns. The jig was up on the judiciary when the murderous Don Blankenship bought Massey Energy its own pet judge in WV: A great Achenblog post:
- Brian, Maybe it's dramshop laws.
- “all reasonable people agree with me so you must be evil/stupid/racist/etc” claim Mark, that's bullshit, and it's a deliberate and dishonest misrepresentation of what I said. I made no such claim. But conservative judges that are considered experts on the Commerce Clause have ruled in favor of ACA and the mandate. That is an incontrovertible fact. You can claim that didn't happen, but it did. And the mandate was most definitely a Heritage Foundation brainchild when RMoney produced Romneycare. You can say it wasn't but that would be spurious. Actually, warping my post so much is a lot like protesting too much. edit: Here's another conservative judge that thinks striking down the individual mandate would represent wrong-headed activism, a Raygun appointee at that:
- The only thing I said was unadulterated truth is that the Heritage Foundation invented the "individual mandate". It did. I know conservatives find that disturbing, but it did happen. If you read what Judge Silberman said, he was warning against "originalists" ignoring the actual text of the Constitution in favor of superimposing "small government" catchphrases and shibboleths. It's difficult to take such a warning any way but seriously when the "originalists" claim the Constitution says corporations are people and money is speech. Undoubtedly, I say things that may go overboard, I sure don't need you taking them out of context or otherwise misrepresenting.
- No shit Mark. Was the mandate a GOPEr idea or was it not? Whatever. I may tend toward outrageous pronouncements, but ACA is purely a GOPer invention. And now they find it heinous because it's the brown President? Sorry. This idea of the other is assuredly racism. And I didn't say you were a racist Mark, I said the movement is pure Mark Fuhrman.
- Those accusations are so gd stupid, I'm outta here. so long y'all.
- I'll duke it out for my self, but I think Mark was pulling some pretty heinous shit on me. I know I might be somewhat obnoxious but I'd say I'm also frequently gracious. Mark misrepresented me seriously, and it is annoying, because he ascribed some attitudes to me that just don't stand any sort of reality. What he was pulling was like the infamous RMoney ads where Willard misrepresented Obama by flat out lying. I wouldn't say this to everybody, but fuck you Mark. Nothing you claim I said is remotely connected to reality. Fuck you ahole.
- Proof of concept is a fascinating idea. I guess the Spruce Goose (Hughes H-4 Hercules) was the ultimate proof of concept airplane. But Jeff, I don't make those arguments. And Mark clearly distorted what I did type. The idea that conservatrons are some victimized class is odious as it is ludicrous. And the idea that Obama derangement conspiracy shit isn't race-based is just fracking lame. It's also looney. And it has nothing to do with hurt feelings, meretricious lying and misrepresentation just pisses me off royally. And I guess Olive Beech was the Mary Pickford of the airplane game.
- Hercules: Bob, these people are nutjobs. And that sort of meretricious conservovictimism is fracking hilarious. And exceptionally annoying. I pointed out two well-considered conservative jurists, and suddenly I said "all". What an ahole. It's not about hurt feelings, it's about lying like the rug on the Trump.
- Evidence tampering? Well. No shit. Let's consider Fawn Hall and Ollie North. I do take exception to any nitwit misrepresenting what I say, as Mark clearly did. What a moron. Claiming melanin has ho part in the great Obama derangement is almost hilarious. Funny if it weren't so sad. Will the real Martians please stand up. Yep, I used the word all, but Mr. Marky Mark took it ridiculously out of context,and I wouldn't rely on the Heritage connection as proof of anything other than the racism inherent in Obama derangement syndrome. I also cited two well respected comservative justices, one a stalwart of the DC bench, the most conservative court in the country, where shitheels like Cucinelli go justice shopping. Single payer is what any san and humane person would support, but Obama got the camel's nose in the tent, in the face of rabid obstuctionism, much of which is clearly based on his skin color. And the two conservative judges I cited are the two experts on the Commerce Clause. And trying to claim that anti-Obama lunacy has nothing to do with race is a refuge for scoundrels somewhere beyond patriotism.
- Great google: I'm with Jakash, mozzarella is the most in-sipid cheese known to man. It has no flavor. It may be the glue in the lasagna, but it's better left out in favor of scamorze, which actually tastes like something other than Elmer's. See your Van, Dexter and raise you:
- Doesn't it seem that when actual vote fraud does show up, it's always conservotrons doing it? I mean, James O'Keefe in Neh Hampsha, and now this:
- Regarding the Great public sector gaffe: mandacity, the name of thy lying ass is GOPer. Nothing the blowhards have said bears any connection to reality. The little tampon Bill Kristol can say things like this with a straight face: This gaffe is revealing about President Obama. And it's his policy. He wants more public sector jobs. That's his address to the country, his radio address this past weekend was about how we - as you pointed out in your discussion with Mitch Daniels - is about how we need -- Congress needs to spend more money on public sector jobs, that will get the economy going again. So there's a fundamental difference here. The Republicans believe that the private sector is the engine of economic growth. And President Obama believes that the private sector is doing fine and that the problem with the economy is that the government isn't big enough. But it's bullshinola. Public sector job growth during Obama's administration is remarkably low, and it's clear that in emerging from a far milder recession, Raygun added twice as many public jobs as has the current president. Hearing GOPer politicians that agreed to term limit themselves back in the 90s complain about venal teachers and cops is incredibly annoying. And it's quite clear that GOP attacks on public sector jobs and unions amount to blind ideology, putting the party ahead of the country, with the stated and deliberate aim of defeating President Other. Thanks for that rare and brief bit of honesty, Mrs. Doubtfire McConnell. It's clear that trashing the American economy is not something GOPers will shrink from to defeat the Muslim Mau Mau anti-colonialist. Meanwhile, an honest analysis of the records show that W was a patronage president who bled private sector jobs for four years, compared with massive public job losses and private sector growth under Obama. The plot problem that will clearly do Snow White in is that anybody is going to buy vampire girl being "fairer" than Charlize Theron. Fat chance. Still, the movie has Ian McShane, Bob Hoskins and Ray Winstone, which seriously trumps a singleton Fassbender, so we're going. Moonrise Kingdom sounds good, and I'll see it based on my delight at Rushmore, mild amusement at Tenenbaums, and the brilliance of Bottle Rocket. And hell, it's got Bill Murray and Frances McDormand.
- Beb, I'm liking Longmire. For me, the old coot sherrif brings back fond memories of Richard Boone in Hec Ramsey and Tom Berenger in Peacemakers. The hubristic deppity running against the old fox is a very clever plot point, especially when the billboard caused Walt to roll his truck. And the transplant big city, pretty girl copper is a strong character. Counting off the five second loading time for the Sharps rifle in the first episode was very cool, I thought. Ah, Warren. A little bit of 'Bama in Michigan. Great win for the Tigers last night Dexter. And I take back every uncharitable thing I ever said about Prince Fielder after seeing him do the splits to get out of an inning. that giant octopus-like thingie with an anal sphincter on its domelike underside blowing a load. Like Alex's gross out moment from Alien. I plan to be pretty baked to see Prometheus. I wouldn't mind Riddley Scott revisiting Deckard and Rachael. I imagine they live on a suburban cul-de-sac, just down from Sam Lowry and Jill Layton. John Kass has a severe case of "I wanna be Mike Barnacle" disease, right down to frequent forays into fiction. And he's that phony tough guy sort that cries at papercuts.
- Beb, so far as books being translated to TV, I present Justified, astounding TV that Mr. Leonard finds worthy. This has much to do with the insouciant charrm of Timothy Olyphant, a damned good actor, with a silly name. Handsome as the devil and ridiculously suave, cooler than Roger Moore.
- Is my social security and Medicaid something I'm not entitled to. I paid into this with large payments fir fucking years. How do GOPers get to claim I didn't contribute mightily? Assholes. I paid in. Claiming I didn't is GOPer bullshit. Fact of the matter is I pumped that cash into a government pension fund. Claiming this wasn't a fact is just lying shit from GOPers. What a buncha scumbags. Say what you want. Lying sacks of shit. That's not remotely anything like handing over cash. I paid the premium, and you have to be a shit to claim I didn't.
- Holy shit. Whatever, when GOPers try to pul this shit about what we claim about evil teachers and cops. Seriously, are we joking? Wow, them greedy cops and teachers. Somebody want to convince me that ccops and teachers aren't venal assholes trying to cheat people. What is wrong with people?
- Sandusky trial? How did judge decide accusers had to have their identities exposesd to rabid Penn State fans. That is bullshit. Beb, You are sounding like Eeyore on the Longmire filmed in New Mexico. It's a good show, when there is way too much bullshit Bethenny and LeBron on TV. LeBron walked more than Jordan against the Celtics, and nobody would have thought that possible. Holy crap, reaching in and charging the hoop without dribbling. Ain't that a man. Methane digesters? Whatever? Lebron can run over Rajon Rondo. Outweighs him by about how much Pete Rose outweighsed Bud Harrelson. Real fucking impressive. LeBron sucks bigtime.
- Beb, I'd say in the vast bullshit era of bad TV, Longmire is actually a breath of fresh air. Some sort of decent acting. as opposed to dogshit alleged reality.
- Gerry Ford's pardon of Nixon was an astonishingly corrupt act from Mr. Wonderbread. But just when you thought everything was lost, the dBs have a new album. One of the greatest rock bands ever to have lived. and gutdom, they look like geezers: I do think REM's last was mighty good, but that might be the Athens in the boy. People and critics were rude to Monster, but I think it's a great album: Something I always wondered about Mad Men. Were all those guys good in bed, or were the women just happy for the attention? Hard to believe Pete Campbell wasn't just a Mountie and finish guy. And sorry, but I can't get enough of that shitheel getting his ass kicked. Beb, the game changer would have been RFK kicking the stuffing out of Milhous. It's truly hilarious these days when conservobots call Obama "corrupt". These bastards voted for Nixon and Reagan. But what's astounding is the haters insisting Obama is dumb, and pardon me, but that is racism central Mark, when they also claim the great birth certificate conspiracy. Which is it you aholes? Dumby or Macchiavellian genius?
- Greatest dBs song: How I felt when my daughter's mom divorced me.
- Nancy, I knew Clarence in college. He was an immense phony. As a justice, he is always going to be homunculus to Scalia's girth. They can have simultaneous infarctions.
- Worst song: The Night Chicago Died, Indiana Wants Me> Nope, It is Billy Don't be a Hero. Bo Donaldson and the Haywoods certainly have several slots in the top ten. A distant ship out on the horizon. You are only coming through in waves, Your lips move but I can't hear what you say. Dorothy is correct. McCreary's non-intervention is inconceivable. How do you let an adult attack a child and go tell your old coach. The single Constitutional issue in the ACA decisision has to do with the commerce clause, and GOPers are clearly on the side of laissez faire in this case, all I said previously is that the originalists will have to sing a different tune, and that will expose Scalia and Clarence as convenients defenders of their so-called faith.: Coozledad, I suppose I was a jock, but swimmer more than footballer. But damn good at both. Latent homosexuality was never really an issue. And towel snapping was more or less non-existent.
- Tom and Dicky do Honey: It wasn't big? That's what Honey said. That was the kind of shit that got R. Raygun elected president. Despite his obvious Oldtimers. What the hell is wrong with Americans?
- El Paso is a great song, Connie, but it's sad Social Disstortion never did a version: Kirk, that litle shit is atrocious one way or another. The NCAA once nailed UGA for an assistant coach driving a destitute kid to his grandma's funeral. Penn State? Yeah right.
- And anything by that shitheel Proud to be an American jackass is atrocious. What a fracking tool.
- Sherri, The NCAA is a cash money organization. If the NCAA couldn't figure out that Cam's dad got paid bigtime, they are stealing cash. No joke, UGA lost scholarships because an assistant coach drove a kid to his mom's funeral, but Cam Newton's dad shopped the guy all over the SEC. Fairly corrupt. And I would have attacked the creep that was assaulting the kid. And sort it out later. Coach or no. How do you let that shit happen?
- The Pearl Jam Last Kiss was astounding. I'd say all of the Beach Boys could play, except Al Jardine and that pitiful weenie Mike Love. Did any band ever have a more disgusting POS in it than that guy? Muskrat Love was a gem compared with Afternoon Delight. And y'all do realize Brian was the bass player. I mean, he was the chubbie Beach Boy.
- GoOKCity, kick Lebron's ass.
- Sherri, Want to tell me Kebrom didn't foul the crap out of Duranr with about 8seconds left. I despise refs deciding games. No doubt Durant woud have made that shot. That is what he does.
- Jay Mariotti made his career out of calling Frank Thomas the Big Skirt. Apparently Jay didn't think the big guy was tough enough. Of course, Mariotti proved his toughness by beating up women. Good one Sue. It's astounding how many politicians care more about the pre-born than the post-born, particularly while claiming to be disciples of Jesus. Apparently those MI legislators learned anatomy from Ken and Barbie. And Tonto's name for the masked man rhymes pretty well with Kohlrabi. How does anyone take Jim Rome seriously, when he called Jim Everett Chrissie and was punked by the guy:
- What in the world would have the papers reported bout the self-wounding HVAC repair guy had he been she. I mean, surely you can't print vagina in the newspaper in Michigan. It's just offensive. Guy needs to have a conversation with Plaxico Burress. And aside from the hilarity of Fox News worrying about the President, That Daily Caller Reporter made an ass of himself trying to make a political point by interrupting the President's comments.: The exchange, in full: "Q What about American workers who are unemployed while you import foreigners?" Maybe it's my ears, but I didn't hear anything in the speech about importing foreigners. That is ridiculous and the guy's manner was confrontational. Sorry, but that question smells like an unreasonable attack by a political hack rather than a legitimate reporter's query. But whaat the hell, the guy works for the little tampon Tucker Carlson. Anyway, he gave a fine display of his own refusal to listen to and understand an important policy statement. Good Joe Wilson immitation, though. Rep. Steve King is already making noises about suing the President over the new policy. Speaking of douchebaggery.
- Campaign posters, anti-Buchanon one is like something modern GOPers might try. I knew that James Thurber had written children's books and Ian Fleming wrote Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, but Aldous Huxley, Gertrude Stein? Carl Sandburg wrote stories for his daughters. Salman Rushdie wrote a kid's book? Thurber's The 13 Clocks is terrific, and not just for kids. And the Robber Bridegroom by Eudora Welty is another book that appears to have been written for children, but is a very good read for their parents as well. It's adapted from the Tales of the Brothers Grimm. The truly annoying thing about that Daily Caller jerk at the Rose Garden was his deliberate stupidity, and how what he said had nothing to do whatever with what Obama was saying. Guy was being obtuse on purpose. Anybody that wants to claim that racism is not part of this disrespect has a more optimistic opinion of human nature than I.
- A very cool live version of Get Back for McCartney's birthday.
- Shouldn't "farmin' ain't easy" be "It's hard out here for a veggie pimp?"
- The GOPer howling about the "doing fine" remark is an exercise in perfect political sophistry and deliberate obtuseness. They know exactly what President Obama meant, and they do not want to admit or have any voters listen to the facts of the Administration's 27 months of creating 4.3 million private sector jobs while GOPers and teabangers were killing more than half a million public sector jobs, i.e. cops, firefighters, teachers, as Willard Windsock would say. And what the hell is this about:
- There is a word that fits Tucker Carlson, perfectly: weenie. And, here is a classic takedown of RMoney's idiotic attack on first responders and teachers: GOPers like first responders and teachers alright, they just want their employment privatized and run in the marketplace. Because that's worked so well in the justice system, for faith-based prison operations, and in failed charter schools like the one Bachmann wanted to make into a Christian madrassa without educational merit. And for police operations in Iraq. And guys like Eric Prince give big bucks to GOPer pols when tha contracts keep coming no matter what sort of atrocities his psych employees commit.
- I've always been a fan of the Bronte sisters, so this caught my interest. I always said my daughter was named for Emily B. Her mom says for Emily D. Either way, great literary figures I think. I figure the stories as the sisters told them to each other were probably pornographic anyway. It's a funny think about calling someone tha C word. In England, it means something quite different, as Jarvis Cocker does in this great song that plays over the credits in Children of Men: Seems pretty obvious Mr. Cocker is talking about somebody exactly like Honorable Frank Foster of the Michigan House of Representatives.
- More fun with guns: I mean, Americans can be really fracking embarrassing.
- Brian, sorry about the smartassery, but Rudisill sure sounds like an OTC flatulence remedy. RMoney, meet petards. Petard no. 1. Rubio's not going to help out on this one Willard. Petard no. 2. On this one, he should probably go back to school for a Civics Class. This is something most Americans know, and this doofus doesn't. And he wants to be President? Not the first time he's come up short on something about how government works in the USA. Flaps his lips and KABOOM. I'm sure Mittster is a fan of Harry Wayne Casey and the Sunshine Band, so guess it's time to Shake, shake, shake your Etch-a-Sketch, dumbass. Alex, that's funny about Carmina Burana, and I'll never listen to it the same way. He who eats kohlrabi, sounds like what they used to call a shibboleth in olden times. Away to differentiate between friends and enemies on dark battlefields. Something to do with cultural differences in what phonemes people could pronounce correctly It's been repurposed by the modern GOP, only thse days, the term is "dog whistle".
- Rodney King was pronounced dead early this morning, after being found in circumstances eerily reminiscent of the death of Brian Jones:|main5|dl1|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D170536 Those LAPD cops are still laughing their asses off that they got tried in Simi Valley and got off scot free.
- Brian, I'd like to see the physical book from which that digital image was made. That plate is beautiful. The image of Colonel Swinney and Swinney Park reminds me of the only other person I can think of with that surname. The football coach at Clemson "University" is named Dabo Sinney. Clemson folks, understandably a bit sensitive about their ag school roots, make sure to pronounce it Sweeney, to avid any connection by FB rivals with swine of any sort, although, I find the given name Dabo stranger for an obvious good ol' boy. At Clemons, the booster club for sports programs has an acronymic motto, IPTAY. Around the south, this is commonly said to mean, I plow thirty acres yearly. It struck me about the Rodney King story that cops said his body was discovered by his fiance. Seems to me, for all of his public life and its aftermath, King never had a wife, but always had a fiance. I just hope he had people that loved him, that he had found peace, and that in the hereafter he gets some whacks at those cops that beat him, especially that ghoulish smirking skull, Stacy Koon, who was obviously the ringleader in the assault. The thing that makes that Gotye song fascinating is the way "somebody" becomes objectified, "a body". Unusual subtelty for current pop. Like Joe Jackson or Graham Parker Or Elvis Costello back in the day. And the vocal similarity to Gordon Sumner is striking.
- Killing a job-producing tax credit program makes perfect sense to GOPers these days. Anyway, jerks like wannabe Jack Abramoff aside, GOPers have a kneejerk antipathy for movie types. Do they give GOPers money? Have them to fund-raising dinners? Love America and the Constitution. Nope. Wow brian, that picture is horrifying. And Ketamine is twice as much a trailer trash drug as Oxy.
- Such forbidden liaisons across the racial divide inevitably bring to mind the story of Thomas Jefferson and his slave Sally Hemings. Always makes me think of Ol' Strom. Overreach is a bipartisan problem in election cycles. Obama’s plan is fine (as is the DREAM Act, contra Romney’s attempt to thread that needle), but if the left just shrugs and moves on to push for more legalization & amnesty, it’s not just Utah Mormons that are going to vote against the party seen as effectively lobbying for no restrictions. Jeff (tmmo) that is an uncharacteristically intemperate comment. There is no legaliation nor amnesty involved. There is common decency and innate human dignity, two things I generally associate with your observations. Congress refused (the GOPer side, anyway) to act on a human rights situation in the home of the free, so the President did what everybody allegedly on his side claims he doesn't do. i.e. Lead. This is a bigtime human rights issue, and the GOPers want to go down a regressive road. Like that ahole Guckert wannabe claiming Obama is importing Hispanics to take American jobs. Has the asshole ever considered the unmitigated facts of grotesque job loss over W's last two years of falling off his bike in Crawford? No, cause them Meskins was needed out on the range. I'd say automatic transmissions cause more deaths in the US every year than pot does. They surely cause more texting while driving, though that is probably more attributable to abject stupidity. But automatics mean, by definition, paying less attention to driving. And we woke up ineluctably refreshed at our house this morning, finally knowing who the bastard was that killed Rosie. Not a wildly satisfying perp, I mean guy was a little bit of a Little Hitler, but not really enough. But rampant criticism of the show was hilarious when one considers the amount of the people's airtime squandered on Mrs. Jenner and Ice's wife. A brutal public beating with police batons (and the beaters going unpunished) is a terrible way to become famous. Had he waited a decade or so, Rodney King could have lived in a house with Janice Dickinson and Gary Busey on TV. And nobody thought it was questionable that the beatdown cops were tried in Simi Valley, where that Kardashian manque Fred Goldman won his civil suit against OJ with no more actual evidence than was presented in the criminal trial. The bastards may get away with it, too. To which I say (quoting Det. Holder): Sayonara Hiawatha.
- I've always enjoyed the challenge of parallel parking. And, actual fact, Obama did not sign an executive order on not deporting anybody. That is typically obtuse GOPer, teabanger and Fox ignorance, that has apparently infected more rational people. An executive order would be published in the FR and subject to months of review and public comment. Instead, Napolitano issued Departmental orders to exercise prosecutorial discretion in about 800,000 cases of DREAMers that could have faced deportation. This whole thing is a simple matter of human decency, proving: the rightwing has none, in the end; Mittens is a deer in the headlights and doan know shit about how anything works, except downsizing, piling on debt, and raping pension funds; and some people will do anything to get rid of the oppressive stupid uppity darkie mastermind. Actual executive orders this year: The only pandering on immigration likely to be seen from him will come in the form of deportation notices. Well, and paying his landscapers.
- Peter King has a fascinating story about an ex-HS-phenom football player that spent 10 years away for a rape he didn't commit: Borden: It's about common decency, human rights and human dignity. Simple as that. Three concepts that entirely escape America's right wing while supposedly essential to the idea of America. But non-Teabanger GOPers are too entrenched in the obsession with getting rid of Sherrif Bart, President Brown-skinned Other to consider listening to their consciences or practicing their otherwise loudly touted religions. Honest to God, if Mittens win, self-deportation will be extremely attractive.
- Before the US gets all het up over Iran building nukes, something ought to be done about the Israeli nuke arsenal in the Negev desert. If it was fine for Pakistan to build nukes because India had them, why are so many AIPAC bought and sold pols so concerned with Iran. And Anyway, Iran's current BFFs are the Shia running Iraq that were freed from Saddam's tyranny by the illegal PNAC invasion. Don't they owe the US? I'm sure that's what Dickless Cheney thinks. All of the GOPer idolaters of Raygun currently beating on Obama should consider who started the amnesty business:
- This crap about "executive order" is all over the media, and it's bugging the piss out of me. This is all about the GOP and the Obama-demented claiming that the President has usurped congressional power, and it's nonsense. But it's in NYT, WaPo all the lamestream liberal suspects. What was actually done by the administration was far cleverer. How do professional political writers not know that executive orders take months of advertising in the FR, public hearings and several months generally to take effect. They aren't edicts, nor governing by fiat. What has happened is that Obama and that other evil elitist Janet Nappolitano agreed that she would issue a memo directing prosecutors in her Department to use their discretion and human decency when considering the case of the so-called DREAM immigrants. GOPers should be happy, less government intrusion into bidnesses that employ the undocumented. Hell, Raygun did it 20 years ago. And nobody should get a driver's license without being made to sit through "Death on the Highway" or the Leon Spinks story by Richard Pryor:
- Alex: The slouching thing is William Butler Yeats, of Ben Bulben, in my estimation the greatest of all modern poets in English. Julie: You've made me pause to question whether I've ever read an article about Rielle Hunter. Don't think I have. Perhaps Albom could be packed away to 60 minutes to do the crabby geezer spot that's been missing since Andy Rooney kicked. Five good minutes to check baseball scores on ESPN on Sunday evening. So busy Sunday never got to Front Section of my NYT to read with glee about obsese rat bastard Christie's Willie Horton problem, that's also laced with money sleaze. Seems when Christie moved lots of third-strikers (most asinine, kneejerk, and counterproductive law in US history Before ALEC) out of jail before overcrowding was ripe for winnable prisoner lawsuits, so the totally GOPer idea hit him of giving lucrative contracts to cronies and bagmen to operate "halfway houses", which have proved, in operation, as secure as collanders. The semi-rehabilitated feel free to leave at will. This is another of those cases where GOPers would go cuckoo with fear-mongering. Just ask the spirit of Lee Atwater at 888-666-HELL. Frank Rich says it's time to go nuculah on the bastards, and I agree: Christie's best available defense is a moue and "It's new Jersey." But this is public corruption typical of the entire privatization mantra of the GOP. Speaking of nuclear, that describes what the Cubs did to the Pale Hose last night pretty well too.
- For staged (and for reading, too) drama, I will stick mainly to Shaw, Wilde, Shakes, Synge and the Greek fellas. Once saw the great Jean Marsh in "The Cocktail Party", enjoyed muchly, so maybe TS Eliot stealing from Euripides too. Spalding Gray's monologues are brilliant, I think. When he died, there was a lot of talk about "creative suicide". He'd been depressed and physically impaired after a horrible car wreck in Ireland. One of my brother's and I figured he could call his final act "Not Swimming to Staten Island", which may sound disrespectful, but I say it fits well. Was the cop "on the job"? Was it some sort of undercover gone bad? Hey, Martha put me in mind of Ray Stevens, but I was misrembering. That was Ethel. In some way, Albom sounds like he's channeling Mittens in that column. Those people ought to know their place and thank the job creators with further tax reductions to show their gratitude for mind-numbing, soul-destroying, but hygenic service sector jobs at minimum wage. I mean, they could be unemployed, like me. Brian, if I may, a likely effect on the Presidential race would be to get 2008 Obama supporters from the progressiver-than-thou wing off their yeah-Butts and reenergized. RMoney has announced, publicly no less, that his chief adviser on judicial appointments will be the rabid and radical anti-Constitutionalist Robert Bork: One SC, nine Scalias. Fracking bad news. Of course, there is ample audio evidence that RMoney was a huge fan of the personal mandate when he effected RMoneycare in MA.
- Speaking of drama, this certainly seems like a must...miss:,0,729807.story And you know, according to GOPers, it will take a supreme act of courage for SCOTUS to verturn ACA, after President Obama's vicious intimidation. And if they do, every American should remember or be reminded that, every single GOPer was gung ho for the mandate when AEI ran it up the flagpole, and RMoney certainly was a champion and original adopter. It's no-win for GOP. Any GOPer or strict constructionist Justice that rules against MT campaign law is showing the ass of a whited sepulcher hypocrite.
- Dex, Richie Rich was capable of kindness and generosity. RMoney shows no inkling of either. That WaWas video is worth watching for the dumbstruck look on the face of Chris Cilizza contemplating Willard's utter obtuseness. And "hoagies" coming out of Mitt's lipless piehole sounds like a bad attempt at a foreign language, or giving a teller you're trying to rob a note that says "I have a gub." Just making sure you saw this from the Reds-Indians game a couple of days ago: That looks like a combind payload in excess of 550. And about that Bryce Harper crap, well the kid with the given name that sounds like a RMoney has a ways to go before he's Matt Kemp, on five of the five tools.
- Octopus Grigori oviously wanted to bloww the old popstand worse even than Whatserface Palin wanted to get the hell out of Wasilla. Anyway, the octopus story reminded me of this grotesque unfortunate adventure in dining out: I would like to be that personal injury lawyer lining up that 35%. Spanky Macfarlane is 64 today. Sort of an odd combination of Mamas&Papas, the Partridges, and the Airplane, with a dash of Beach Boys chorale and Association orchestral production. Hard to tell if they were real hippies or Sears hippies. Brandon: While Nancy may or may not have some personal dislike toward AlBomb, the horror of his ouvre his patently obvious. The bastard writes horrible columns. And five minutes of watching him on TV reveals a smarmy and obsequious passive-aggressive personality. Mary: drunkenmonkeyface. Makes me shudder to think how the dumbass has represented on Facebook.
- Here's a wonderful video about the Battle of the Troy Library: And the stupidest man in the world: Cooze: Grace Potter, Maria McKee, very big voices and neither one within hailing distance of Cass's girth. KT Tunstall is elfin but she's got a booming voice capable of growling too.And how 'bout Gayle McCormick in Smith? I loved the Sundays, especially Harriet Wheeler's vocals. She may be a Brit, but she's got the Irish genes for that soaring pristine soprano. Like a new version of Cherish the Ladies. The band quit the bidness in a novel and refreshing way, singer and guitar player got married and had a kid. Just like when Dave Mustaine parted ways with Metallica. I'm sure my friends and I thought of Spanky and Our Gang as kind of sanitized half rock at the time, but it's nice hearing the songs decades later. That's William J. Lepetomane, Suzanne. The right, dishonorable. And where there's a Lepetomane, there must be a Hedley Lamar.
- The Dean Cain TV version of Supe was pretty good vapid entertainment, and he was reduced to Believe It or Not, but seeing Terry Crews in that list of participants hurts. Chris's dad? Say it ain't so. Anybody that hasn't seen Everybody Hates Chris has missed the best 1/2-hour comedy on TV since Frazier kicked. He also played the President in Idiocracy, which was actually decent. This has to be bad karma biting him in the ass for taking part in the execrable Longest Yard remake that starred...Adam Sandler. Can't really explain it, but I sorta liked The Wedding Singer. Well actually, it is explainable. The Sandler and Barrymore characters were actually very decent, nice people and it was easy to root for them to be happy. The new Sandler offaling, a Mossberg over-under 12 gauge to my head could not induce viewing. One thing I'll say for Sandler though, I prefer outright aggression to the passive kind from Steve Carrel's "work". I've never found The Office remotely watchable, and his movies, like 40 Year Old Virgin, if you gave me a bunch of Thorazine and sat me in fromt of it, I'd find a way to escape. Same for anything with Seth Rogen, Zach Galifinakis. Michael Cera's in that category too, but not so much he can ruin an entire movie by his presence. Those guys in a cast? I'd rather watch Happy Gilmore again and see the Bob Barker bout. It is depressing to see Wesley Clark in that lineup, too. The anti-Schwarzkopf managed to add a touch of class to a presidential primary, a heroic achievement, and deserves much better from a grateful nation. Jeff (tmmo): Here's something you might find worthwhile that I came across after conversing with you the other day about the Yeahbutt Democrats that are never satisfied with anything Obama does: The folks that complained that the Bain strikes were too much like GOP tactics are mostly the Yeahbutts, and their argument is largely "We don't want to stoop to their level." I say, it's better than letting Robert Bork appoint himself to the SC. And I say, litmus tests and political purity are what make the modern GOP so dangerous to the Constitution.
- Joe, You may want your lawyer present for telling that tale. Barracuda, barracuda.
- Just sayin' Joe, you might want to check those statutes of limitations. I always preferred mayhem with pads on, but certainly attended a few rugby parties. Someone had to be sober enough to triage the casualties. Sue@23, Issa took over that chairmanship with the stated intention of going witch-hunting. This is especially galling because Issa barely escaped prison for GTA and arson for profit in CA when his brother took the rap for him. The convoluted rightwing conspiracy theory here is that the Administration is pursuing its agenda of "coming for everyone's guns" and making Honest gunshow dealers look bad by "slow walking" weapoons into the hands of Mexican narcocriminals. This is a willful distortion of facts, since Fast and Furious was designed and instituted while Bush was still President. Does anybody else think it's what's wrong with Citizens United in a nutshell that Adelson is handing over $10mil for RMoney to fight back against those scurrilous Obama attacks on Bain and RMoney when the fool backed Gingrich not two months ago and 100% financed the half-hour Bain attack movie for the eft? I mean, I'm glad this guy is throwing away his cash, sort of, but even some idealogue dickhead like Scalia should be able to understan the lunacy he's let loose by determining that money is speech and corporation are people, and none of the big spenders are accountable for their behavior. The justice department has turned over more than 20thou documents to Issa's committee, and the committee is demanding 80thou more. I say cooperation requires turning over the docs from Cheney's tea party with Enron to write US energy policy first, then talk. Pretzeldent W also used executive privilege in the shameful Pat Tillman coverup, and to protect TurdBlossom after he exposed Valerie Plame. Borden, that's hilarious.
- I still buy CDs from band websites because, I'm sure foolishly, I still believe the musicians may get more of the cash. Owah-ta-goo-siam, right? I do know that downloaded music is missing nuance on bass and drums that I appreciate even on CDs. The last CD from R.E.M. was a perfect example. And I don't think the master of free music, Thom Yorke, has worked this out with the big floor toms, though he's trying. The format issue is in play for me. some things just sound a lot better. My Van version of Stuck One More Time Up On Cyprus Avenue on vinyl doesn't sound anything like it would on stolen digital. And there are musical heights I still don't hear on Procul and SRC CDs I know there are present in original recordings. I download music when it's offered, but I'm always sceptical of the source. I trust Thom Yorke and Mike Stipe implicitly, and the Glimmer Twins, slightly less, although what the fuck would those two pirates have to steal from me? I don't think either of those two is that disgraceful. Well Mick anyway. Anyway, I'm a vulture for free culture and a firm believer in artists getting paid. I choose to attempt to pay the artists. I understand musicians have been screwed since forever, but I think this is a bit like NFL players with Oldtimers, Y'all have the cash, make it right. I realize that's simplistic, but I think its's time for simplistic solutions that do not allow for GOPers screwing over everybody less fortunate. And I'm listening to Game Theory, whose CDs anyone with taste would have bought in the first place.
- “We reflect who the audience is,” Yeah, trailer park bozos looking for beaver shots. That being said, can you really plagarize yourself? Saul Zaentz accused John Fogerty of exactly that and won a court case. (maybe best video ever made, single tracking shot, like the beginning of Touch of Evil) And the Greatest self-plagiarizer ever: Raymond Douglas Davies.
- Nancy, The real question about that Leininger guy's column is, does that paper have editors? That is one bizarre screed. And it certainly sounds like the protesting a tad too much sort of thing. Adrianne, that guy has a Pete Campbell face. Needs smacking around. But he looks like he might pay big bucks to Madame Brunhilde for that already. Mary, it fell off the truck. Most outrageous thing about stealing music is that people that do so obsessively tend to listen to a single track repeatedly. The idea of albums is going down the drain, and that is a seriously lamentable cultural loss, and, I say, a symptom of human-wide braindrain. (And the ad seems like something the Mael Bros. made up.) That Leininger guy is going to be an early victim of the Funky Western Civilization. He needs a better avatar: Suzanne, it's a good day when one can be helpful.
- Here we go with GOPer outrage over the President's immigration announcement: In the end, the objection to President Obama is that his skin is the wrong color. Or that he's not Howard Dean, who I think may be a reality host about now.
- Critics sell review copies to supplement the insulting paychecks they make for criticizin’. I’m told this is pretty common. You mean critics must read it twice, or more, but with pristine copies before they deliver juicy farts for ads?
- Brian: GOPers are focused on trashing the economy so long as the President is a brown-skinned guy. "Yo mammy went to Watt Street to gatt." This is all obvious.
- Richard Mourlock is a fracking moron:
- This guy was accused of predation on the basis of recovered memory and the accuser recanted:
- Happy Todd Rundgren's birthday.
- GOPers on the subject of Bain Capital. And no, you can't see Windsock's tax returns, because he's been doing that carried interest thing and it's embarrassing. American capitalism: Socialize losses, privatize gains. Dave wasn't cranky when Drew Barrymore flashed him. The woman that has most left Dave nonplussed is Isabella Rossellini, who seemed to be too much for Letterman. On the boybands, Marky Mark and his brother grew up to be accomplished actors, so who knows, the little bird poop Bieber may amount to something. To date, I'd call that music only very loosely. Isn't he, like, Amy Grant's little brother?
- It's also Howard Kalen's birthday:
- Of all of the batshit rightwing garbage involved in Obama Delusional Syndrome, this is the most hilarious: In the first place, gun-walking was invented by the Shrubministration, back when John Yoo took a break from 'splainin' how torture was legal. But deciding it's some huge plot to contravene the 2nd Amendment? Scalia and Thomas and Alito already did that, and trashed the Englich language in doing so. But this hit is just fracking loony.
- All about teats.
- Infrastructure? Why would anybody spend money on infrastructure. Ask Tim Pawlenty about bridges falling down due to saving money on infrastructure.
- One astounding kid, and hope for the future:
- Why Congressman Chop-Shop and Arson for Profit is full of shit about Fast and Furious and gunwalking.
- Alan Turing.
- Y'all have me at a disadvantage. I don't know what scapes are, but feel overwhelmingly that I should. Please 'splain. Some people need a good smack in the face:
- Thanks Jolene. Is there any lie so scurrilously baseless and absurd that Mitch McConnell won't blurt it out?
- The FEC and the IRS should be all over those superpac aholes that were hanging around with the Rmoneyites in Utah. I mean, some sort of separation is the fig leaf Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Roberts hung on their pindick decision in Citizens United, and everybody knew for a fact there would be no way that is polically feasible to do a fracking thing about it. In the meantime, ther's this nutcase, Adelson, that gave Newt $20mil because he despised RMoney almost as much as he thinks a brown Democratic Party President is unacceptable. Now, he's given $10 mil to the RMoney Pac, and the same amount to the Koch Bros. Kriminal Konspiracy and also another $10 mil to Rove's pac with Dick Armey. $60mil in a few months, common sense says the ahole is trying to buy himself a government. The NYT speculates on what Adelson is buying: Adelson wants to purchase US military power to be used against Iran and Hamas. (Shit give Michael Westen $100grand and he could take out Hamas, which only came to power in the Occupied Territories because of Israeli interference with Palestinian elections--sort of like fucking over the Shah and getting the Ayatollahs.) He also does not want the Tax Code altered to require him to pay American taxes on all of his offshored profit and income. He shares both these interests with the Lord's Liar, Willard Windsock. What a great time watching Olympic Trials diving and track today.
- Mark H: The ACA lawsuits were not heard at seveveral lower courts along the way to the SC, and found wanting in several more, with any number of GOPer judicial appointees along the way. The DC Circuit (as conservative as courts get short of Scalito and Thomberts) upheld ACA in two instances. For some reason, the "liberal media" have treated the upward mobility of the challenges as some sort of split decision, while, in fact, the challenges have taken a severe beating all the way up: And from serious conservative judicial minds that are acknowledged right spectrum experts (particularly, Judge Sutton in the Thomas More appeal) on the Commerce Clause. Remember, the individual mandate was born full-blown out of the forehead of the American Enterprise Foundation, and no GOPer questioned its Constitutionality for 20 years. In fact, right wingers loved the personal responsibility aspect of the mandate so much that Mittens wrote it into Romneycare. Problem is, a brown-skinned uppity Democratic Party President coopted it to get the universal coverage camel's nose in the tent, and that just won't do. GOPers like to call the opposition "flip-floppers", but the entire right end of the American political spectrum is doing a 180 on the individual mandate on this subject, and the American Press is letting them get away with it, or actually abetting the U-turn. Every GOP opponent of ACA should be required to explain why the tenets of the law were their whiz-bang health care go-to idea for two decades but now it's unconscionable and unConstitutional. Aside: As a Catholic, I am appalled and disgusted that a group attempting to interfere with universal health care coverage would usurp the name and reputation of Thomas More. Anyway, in fact, the sad record of the appeals would suggest that the highest court would just have refused to hear the challenges, but that would have brought out the torches and pitchforks, and Scalia will leave no activist judicial stone unturned in fucking with the USA. We have no Hmong community of small farmers here on the Carolina coast, but we do have old-timey Gullah family farmers, and spectacular local produce. We've also got local managers of big chain groceries smart enough to buy local produce. Unlike Californians, our roadside stands also offer local brown shrimp at incredibly low prices, but why buy 'em when I can just gather 'em free with a cast net out of my kayak, with only a rare gator scare? They are generally intimidated by the length of my boat (ocean kayak) which parbly seems like a much larger gator to the beasts.
- Sue @12: That is a states rights issue, right? I just finished reading Snow Crash, and it's time for agonizing over what next. Snow Crash is a wildly entertaining novel. Like William Gibson collaborating with Groucho and Harpo and Chico, with the Wonderbread bro playing the RMoney role. Frequently hilarious, very well written, and some wild shit about ancient Sumerians that reminded me of all the Gilgamesh and Book of the Dead stuff in The Sunlight Dialogues. Anyway, I'm leaning toward finishing up the Stieg Larrson so I can go ahead and watch the rest of the movies. Here's a brief history of Romneycare: How Willard runs away from his history should be interesting. Should he get a pass from GOPers, it's a virtual imprimatur on the basic idea is that the basic problem these people have with Obama is melanin. Mark H. I understand stare decisis, but it's also true that the vast body of work of Congress never undergoes judicial review. And I was not trying to be pedantic. Historically, the Supreme Court has considered the appellate history of legal challenges in deciding what appeals to take on. In this case, ACA, it was always going to Scalito no matter what the lower courts said or did. That would seem to play havoc with the history of stare decisis. Considering the appellate history en toute, the appeals faired very poorly even in the most promising judicial settings. Historically, the poor lower court record would have led the SC to dismiss the appeals. Should the court be considering the undeniable beneficial effects of ACA already in the works? "Necessary and Proper", so yeah, they should. Anyway, with regard to your comment on stare decisis, that's got nothing to do with the SC, when the appeals have been roundly trounced in lower courts. So SCOTUS taking up the appeals at all is an overtly political act, which is unseemly.
- JCBurns: My brother has a Kindle that's been replaced. Can I use it? Can I transfer the ownership? Can I actually set up a new account?
- Mark H: It's what I said. Scalito and Thommbers intende to take to cas from the get-go. And they are phony-originalist Conservatives when they are actually radical rat bastards that want to frack the Constitution. Atttempting to defend any conception of originalism in deciding that Knox Gas and Oil has something to do with the Constitution is the absolutely lasst bastion of a scoundrel.
- JC: Can I alter the account to my card etc.? Y'all are nuts. Them obvious liars and bastards on the SC. Nobody ever thought them bastards would tell the truth. They are stinking old man assholes that would lie to run over therir own grandmas.
- Mugged like Laura Ashley? Did somebody force you into that narrow whatever? I am not pointing out anything bur you have got to be kidding. We know.
- I don't know? I do. Know shall she know. I think I know what we mean better than you do. I KNOW AND YOU DO NOT.
- Mark, which part is the not obvious shit about how rightwingers loved this shit for years but they hate i when it might be a brown guy fo you not get. It's obvious. All of this was fine when it was Wondrbread?
- Claiming fruit from one state or another as sweeter is monumantally stupid, as an orchard can run a state line, and weather sure as shit does. Tirst bloom peaches here ar gigantic and my idea is no way to make those pie.
- charlotte. How adult of you. Basset, One thing I liked a great deal was the pseudo sex scene in snow crash and that the agressor was the victim ov vagina dentata. Very well played.
- Nobody involved in Fast and Furious or it's Shrub predecessors provided guns to narcomurderers. That is a GOPer invention. ATF knew where the guns were fgoing and kept track of them. The idea that SW American gun dealers are arming the narcoterrorists isn't new, and exposing the illegal trade is not some Obama-pretext for coming for your guns. This is conspiracy theory loonier than Israel was behind 9/11. Way beyond. And that Granderson guy needs to understand that the weapons to Iran were to hold onto the hostages to embarrass Carter. That was a Rummy and Dickless production. The cash from the transaction then was funneled by Colonel North to Salvador to murder Archbishop Medeiros and prop up the Freedom Fighters. Issa's claim is that somehow a DEA or ATF agent ended up dead because of "gun-walking". This is patent bullshit. The agent was mudered because and the narcos were armed because, American laws about gun sales are warped as shit by the absurd hegemony the NRA has over American gun laws and over legislators. Eric Holder didn't get that agent killed, Wayne LaPierre did. He got Trayvon Martin killed too. Issa is a well-known chop-shop operator and his brother is in prison for taking a rap for arson for defraudment of an insurance company to keep Darrell's ass out of prison. When he took over the committee chairmanship, he said he would pull this shit and now he has. Guy is a crook. Here's a graphic representation of what Issa is whining about:
- The NRA wants to protect murderers to maintain bullshit 2nd Amendment rights:
- Pugh is nasty. Scalito is the future if people are ever dumb enough to vote RMoney. He lies for the Lord. And he wears magic U-trou. MarkH, the individual mandate has been copacecetic with the Constitution for 25+ years with the GOP, since they invented it. How is it non-Kosher now? GOP? Meet Petard. This is that personal responsibility y'all loove so much.
- My friends and I always called Rod McKeun toilet paper poetry, like Jack Kerouac was gas station paper towell novelizing. Nora Ephron chose to trash an ex in public, which is a dogass move and deserves worse, and then she wrote the screenplay and got Jack Nicholson to play the bastard to the hilt. Way low. we drove past Colorado Springs Sunday in our Uhaul truck. The fire had started the night before and was up to about 2,000 acres at that point. You could clearly see it from Interstate 25. God has blessed them, Pastor Phelps.
- Winds are at 65 mph tonight. Witches on the road tonight.
- Nice, taking her word for it and her side, Nancy. Colorado Springs is God's holy ground, right? Della, not sure what I did, I know it wasn't bitter, but what am I apologizing for?
- I think it would be amazing to be married to Nora Ephron. I also think she'd lie her ass off if it went bad, or wrong, or whatever. I have been through a solitary divorce, and I made it through funerals of both my mom and dad with the loving support of my ex-wife. I would not have made it without her. Never considered cheating, but she did. Claims she didn't. Who am I to know? And Della, I do not understand what it is that I've done wrong:
- I would say that Silkwood is one of the best movies ever made, but I read the RS articles first, so I'm biased. Kerr-McGee may have been the devil that tilted America down the road from greatness.
- Bullcrap, Scout. Is it true because she said it? Did Bernstein ever defend himself? It's particularly low when you know the ex is damaged enough never to hit back.
- Gringo Honeymoon in COLO, by Robert Earl Keen:
- Fine. Every assholism imputed to Carl Bernstein is absolutely, without a doubt true. She died and she was lever, so she would never lie. And not all men do. That is spectacularly stupid. And a sad piece of bullshit to base life on. Dropped.
- ACA is the camels nose inside the tent. I'm wearing my Biden "This is a big fucking deal" Tshirt to the grocery store this pm. Maybe Michele Bachmann can do something about these actual, real-life traitors in the US Congress. Rational reporting on the actual facts of Fast and Furious. Issa is lying his ass off, and Grassley is too befuddled to have a clue what he's talking about. And those photoshopped Obama heads on Truman' body in the "Dewey wins" pose are pretty embarrassing for CNN. Has Fox corrected themselves or are they just letting the goobers think they defeated the Kenyan usurper? Messing that up is pretty difficult to comprehend.
- Sue, Congress nickel and dimes public transportation systems whose expansion and renovation would unquestionably put people to work and improve air quality, and the fatasses have their own nicely AC'd subway system.
- The ACA decision sure as hell sealed Holder's fate re: contempt vote. Kneejerk Bonerism. Having read the Fortune mag investigative report, I'm believing this is a gigunda GOPer FUBAR. Issa and the GOP have mischaracterized what happened to such an extent that the reality bears no resemblance whatever to the Republican storyline on the case. Democrats in the house that vote with the GOPers should be treated as pariahs. And seriously, anyone that finds a shred of credibility in RMoney's objecctions to ACA and the mandat really should be purged from the voter rolls. In debate, obviously Obama will ask him exactly how RMoneycare differs from the federal law. And Rand Paul, wow, mentally defective. "Just because a couple of people on the Supreme Court say it's constitutional doesn't make it so." How can anybody vote for this idiot? That's an embarrassment.
- GOPers would need 60 in the Senate to repeal. Fat chance of that happening. Two funny solecisms in the bedbug story (eats, shoots, and leaves variety): Any buses reported to have bedbugs will be cleaned and fumigated, Freeland said. If that doesn't kill them, the maintenance crew can put the vehicle in a paint booth and kill the bugs with heat. What did the buses do to deserve to die? Aren't they victims here? Once in a home, the bugs hide in beds or other furniture, feed while people are sedentary and reproduce. Damn bugs are eating and having sex at the same time? Sounds like Limbaugh. Sorry for that image. Roberts may well have intended damaging the Commerce Clause by a backdoor attack as much as anything else, which amounts literally to attacking 7-1/2 decades of precedent. Still out to negate the New Deal and refight the Civil War.
- That "biggest tax increase in history " shit is basically hilarious, since the President responsible for the real thing was actually Ronald Reagan, so go frack yourselves you idolatrous lying twits:
- Somewhat cruel, but Jeanne Schmidt is a Grade A Prime asshole, so, too bad. Someone should tell her that Marines don't have loud orgasms in public.
- Well, Mike Pence says the ACA decision was Just like 9/11: Who the hell votes for idiots like this guy, and why are they allowed to continue voting?
- Boehner holds his breath and cries simultaneously. The President's comments on the SC ACA decision:
- Obama's comments on the ACA decision: A breath of fresh air. It's all over the intertubes, so it must be true. Roberts was intimidated by the mean Democrats. I may stop laughing by bedtime. Tomorrow night. Nobody knows intimidation like the jackbooted NRA thugs:
- Actually, Roberts epilepsy meds made him do it:
- Rachel Maddow despises Politifact because that publication has made it its own higher purpose to always find equivalencies between outrageous GOPer lies and fudging or minow inaccuracies on the left. This is a character flaw inherited directly from WaPo. This sorry assed excuse for Journalism started up in earnest when WaPo treated Bush's AWOL history as somehow equivalent to the unsubstantiated Swift Boat lies about Kerry's record. It's despicable, but it does not prevent some astute analysis by Politifact.
- The extent of the tax aspects of ACA expressed in numbers of real people actually affected is slightly larger than the infinitessimal numbers of actual vote fraud. Serious question: How does a self-respeting American of reasonable intelligence maintain an allegiance to a political organization whose stock in trade tactic no matter what the argument or issue is to just lie they ass off? Who will pay a mandate "tax": Hardly anybody, actually. Members of Congress, for their Cadillac health plans, one would hope.
- Who will pay a mandate "tax": Hardly anybody, actually. Members of Congress, for their Cadillac health plans, one would hope.
- Charlotte, I get a kick out of things like artisinal lettuce and tomatoes. I'm predisposed to believe God is the artisan in the case of produce, but hydroponics and hoarding heirloom seeds is a far cry from artisinal. Artisinal pizza? Well there are undoubtedly machine-constructed pies. I'm not sure this is so, but it appears that some of Shrub's "loyal Bushie" (their term, not mine)replacement US Attorneys were the Fast and Furious malfeasors, and certainly the NRA lobbyists for ensuring the US has the laxest gun laws in the world, this side of Iraq and probably the Stan-stan-stans, for refusing to take yes for an answer when DEA and ATF agents in the southwest brought them clearly prosecutable cases of Americans acting as straw purchasers for the Mexicartels, ensuring an uninterrupted supply of guns. GOPers that aren't total idiot witch hunters are telling Issa to back his criminal ass off, because there is simply no evidence of wrongdoing nor incompetence by Holder's Justice Dept. Issa was looking for something and announced it before he got the Chairmanship. He listened to this guy Dotson who is screwy as Cheney's and Chalabi's buddy Eight Ball, who obviously nursed a personal vendetta against his boss and sold himself to Issa as a whistleblower. When the truth sinks in, Issa's political careeer will be down the four-holer and he'll have to go back to the chop-shop bidness.
- Brian, if you want out, you tell 'em your anti-psychotics are out in the car. Colorado Springs is home to the USAir Force Academy, where cadets that failed to display Christian enough attitudes have been hazed unmercifully. The fact it turns out to be a hotbed of intra-service rape and assault is sad. Here's the link to the Fortune mag Fast and Furious piece. One must wonder, if this intrepid girl reporter could develop this kind of detail in half the time, what the frack was Issa's committee doing for the last year? Burying the chairman's criminal past?
- The guy that did the actual "gunwalking" is the very same Agent Dotson that turned up on Issa's doorstep and claimed it was his boss's idea. Sounds like aan NRA provacateur to me, but they wouldn't do that, would they?
- Gunwalking story:
- A news story Willard RMoney does not want anybody to read.
- Nancy brought up the Felix-Tarmoh tie in the women's 100 m at the Olympic Trials the other day. Still waiting on a decision to run a match race or flip a coin to decide. Having run track in HS, it's hard to see how either runner would be satisfied with a coin flip. Felix is on the team to London anyway, after absolutely smoking the field in the 200m. Sanya Richards-Ross pulled off something very unusual in the 200 m. She qualified third to go along with a first place qualifying run in the 400 m these two races are thought to be completely incompatible for women, like a 400/800 double for male runners. Meanwhile, my fellow UGeorgia alum, Hyleas Fountain won her fifth national title in the heptathlon, the distaff version of the decathlon with throwing, jumping and running events, with a PB score. Fountain took silver in Beijing, and has a shot at gold this year. These trials have provided extremely compelling reality TV. Truly gifted people doing things very well. Felix and Tarmoh are good friends and actually train together, so the drama of their decision is palpable, like Lochte scratching out of the 100 freestyle to make a place on the team for Lezak (fastest 100 split ever), who swam the anchor in the US's winning 4x100 free at Beijing that got Phelps his eighth gold. A great Olympics swimming story from today's NYT:
- If Penn State football gets financially damaged, the unintended victims will be participants in the Title IX women's and "minor sports" programs that football pays for lock, stock and barrel. Collateral damage: gymnastics, softball, swimming, soccer, track & field, volleyball. Penn State hoops ain't payin' any bills. An Impanema version by Stevie Wonder and his daughter Aisha, recorded live in Rio: Very receptive crowd and Steveland plays a terrific harmonica solo. We tend toward reggae when it gets bloody hot, but we haven't had hellacious temps yet. The ocean is a wonderful moderator of the heat and it's not a 1/4-mile away. I saw Nelson Nascimento do this number at a Reggae Sunsplash concert in Harvard Stadium about 30 years ago: Really sounds like Toots/Pressure Drop to me. Bob Marley and King Sunny were also on that show. Unfortunately, no Maytals.
- That kid is just befuddled by his anti-seizure meds, coozledad. Savage said so. Issa licks the feet of his pernicious NRA overlords. What Obamacare means to Americans that don't have Cadillac Congressional health care coverage, like the plan Boehner is relying on to replace his liver when it shuts down permanently.
- Della, soft, or cool jazz, kinda always reminds me of the truly horrible Chet Baker, although the guy could play, and played with Charlie Parker and Gerry Mulligan. When smack convinced him he was a singer, it all went to shit, and then he got his teeth knocked out by his dealer which pretty much messed up his horn playing. Jazz needs swing and bop, for me, rebop. Like the great McClintic Sphere. I have the Angelus album and listen to it occasionally, but bought it mostly because Wayne Shorter, Jack DeJohnette and P. Metheny play on it. Herbie Hancock too. My favorite cut from that is Vera Cruz, that I believe is an older composition: (1968 version) This sounds like a Return to Forever piece to me, like a Chick Corea or Mangione composition. I like it pretty well. This sort of thing has a fine vocal and interesting arrangement, but seems kind of ennervated by reaching for hipper than thou:
- Dorothy, Now you know what Rand Paul has been put through by the government the last 20 years. Alex, That gar-bbbazh about Barney Frank ties into the myth of Fannie and Freddy being behind the bursting housing bubble because liberals wanted to make the two organizations ensure home ownership for people that didn't have the financial wherewithal to DESERVE it. Funny, but I thought that universal home ownership was a W initiative. Anyway, the facts are that the quasigovernmental orgs held or guaranteed between 10 and 15% of the subprime mortgages when the market went bust. This one is pure D bullshit, and it really isn't even difficult to understand, if you're sentient enough to breathe without mechanical assistance. I'm going to make some bumper stickers that say "Did you get foreclosed fraudulently by the crooks that invented bundled bad home loan derivatives and followed up with robosigning?" There is no lie so egregious that GOPers won't broadcast it, and no lie so obviously bullshit lots of Americans aren't fracking stupid enough to believe it.
- How bout them ranchers taking to the sky with Mossbergs in helicopters when an eagle takes a lamb and publishing bounties on wolves when they lose a few head of cattle while blaming the gubmint for their losses, fomenting armed insurrection, and grazing their stock for pittances that don't cover the cost of collection on public land that used to belong to American aborigines, eagles and wolves. Oh, and then they poison the animals with antibiotics and growth hormones in feedlots before selling them for human consumption. We live in a hurricane zone, but we're protected by white trash hurricane magnets to the south in FLA and north at Myrtle Beach. But we're on a bluff and the Army Corps hasn't built us any porous levees. It would take a storm surge of historic enormity to reach the first floor of our building. Still, the first sign of salt water on the property, I'm sure we'll be condemned so some rich RMoney backer can build a McMansion with an automated garage. I mean, who will be displaced but our black and hispanic neighbors? Check out Newport RI, where the hoity toity showed the hoi polloi how it's done. Build on the cliffs, with a view. You just get sand in your wingtips on the beach anyway: Cooze @3 and Beb @4: Those morons needed a bogus state trooper escort. Guess Willard's uniform was at the cleaners. Is that fatuous ass relying on the statute of limitations on false imprisonment, impersonating a law officer and kidnapping to skate on that outrageous shit? Oh wait, there is no statute of limitations on kidnapping. Arrest that mofo and put him in a cell with AquaBuddha.
- Oh, and the vas deferens between the reaction to burning McMansions in the heart of Christian American bigotry as opposed to Katrina 'fugees put me in mind immediately of Bar "Quaker Oats" Bush on Katrina's aftermath: Give them blappeople an inch, they'll take Judge Hoffheinz's Seventh Wonder. Dexter: Wouldn't crow about beating Dodgers. They survived for weeks without the best player in the majors, but when Ethier went down, the offense disappeared. No team in MLB could survive losing two players that good at the same time. Most teams aren't close to having two hitters that good. Hell, the Mets beat them 3 of 4. Newport Cliff Walk:
- On that Katrina comment: Heckuva job, Nancy. I would have said "Anyone who had a heart...". Happy birthday Fontella Bass. and Paul Barrere, Lowell George's right-hand man. One of the greatest lines ever: He's got two degrees in bebop, a PhD in swing, he's a master of rhythm, he's a rock 'n' roll king, and he's a man to me. I love Little Feat music, and it's nearly tragic that most people never heard anything but Dixie Chicken. And calling an album "Feats Don't Fail Me Now"? Brilliant. Sue, for me low sodium means much roasted garlic, particularly in things like hummus and bean dip. Vinegar is also a great savior from lack of piquance.
- Andy Griffith: And Andy Griffith and Elia Kazan nailed the Fox News superpatriots in advance in A Face in the Crowd. And, No Time for Sergeants is a great movie, I think. Funny as hell.
- I'm hoping the real Joe Walsh falls off the wagon long enough to beat the shit out of Rep. Deadbeat Dad. A fuunctional definiton of cretinism could be: Idiocy so profound one denies that McCain's entire political career is based on crashing $multi-million jet aircraft and being captured by the NVA, and, of course heiress trophy-wives. beb@19. Meantime, the Ryan Budget they all tout calls for cutting the VA budget by $11billion. Chickenhawk assholes.
- Whitey Bulger was living with Michael Westen's mom.
- An excellent critical piece on Andy Griffith's tour de force, A Face in the Crowd:
- I've always thought The Trouble With Harry is spectacularly funny. Never knew it was a uniquely unsuccessful Hitchcock movie. Recent SRC reunion show in Detroit. This was the best Detroit band of the '60s, Yeah, better than MC5. Psychedelia at its most imaginative and virtuosic. The sustain heavy lead guitar is better than anybody except perhaps John Cippolina of Quicksilver. Better classical cover than ELP 10 years in advance. Amazing B3. That Andrew Sullivan bit is illuminating. Fact is the GOPer base likes RMoney only a tad more than they like Obama, i.e. not hardly. The fundagelicals think he's a cult member and the Teabangers think he's a filthy rich asshole and not a Rull Murrican. Fast and Furious is whistling past a yard of empty graves (no there there, Issa's whistleblower is the guy that did the gunwalking), and hanging their electoral hat on the ACA polling unpopularity is mistifying. If the dumbasses think the Deanie Baby, progressiver-than-thou left that criticizes Obama for not going bigger on health care and whines about the public option is ever going to put Willard Windsock and his buddy butt-boy Bork in charge of Supreme Court nominees, they are stupider than anyone could have thought. Jackash: Far as I know, I called W the Pretzeldent before anybody else. I did see RMoney somewhere else. Sue@28: A reasonable person would think that Walsh could be ruined by a simple appeal to common decency and normal people's sense of embarrassment by association. The guy is more of a scumbag than Dan Burton or Alan Keyes, and that is saying a hell of a lot. It's like voting for David Duke. The shitheel makes Lester Maddux and Sackless Chambliss look like good guys. Chambliss notoriously employed the same scurrilous tactics against Max Cleland in '02, so voting for Rep. Deadbeat is aligning yourself with the most ignorant crackers in the USA.
- ACA as job killer? Wrong again, honey: The bill in fact contains substantial benefits (some might even say giveaways) for small businesses. That starts with a program already under way to offer special subsidies to firms with fewer than 25 employees that want to offer health benefits. As long as your employees earn less than $50,000 on average (law firms, medical practices, and other elite professional partnership are thus ineligible), you can get a tax credit to defray 35 percent of the cost of the insurance if you’re a for-profit firm, and 25 percent if you’re a nonprofit. When the law really gets rolling in 2014, those subsidies rise to 50 percent for for-profits and 35 percent for nonprofits. Total fabrication: What GOPers don't like is that it leaves out the hedge fund managers and white shoe lawfirms. Dino Valenti was just so fracking serious about himself. Better band with Mona and Shady Grove. I started calling W Pretzeldent back a year befor the '04 election on the DNC blog. The pretzel takedown and Barney pissing on his pointy little head just struck me as very funny.
- GOPers accused Sherrif Andy of being a socialist not long ago. GOPer whining about these ads, when Shrub did the same thing with the Schedule D drug "benefit" (to Big Pharma, sure) and when these are the people that produced the Swiftboat pack of lies, and the unadulterated bullshit about Hillary that led to Citizens United, is seriously pitiful. Assholes. Judging by the hysterical response from the right to the ACA decision I'm thinking even the apparent males have uteri, while finding the word vagina frightening. That's straight out etymology, so please don't give me any grief. Mark H, elephino. I've only been to NM to go trout fishing on the San Juan. Pride of Man is typical of Dino's over-earnestness. Parbly his best song was Get Together, which is also a little heartfelt for my taste. A QSM favorite: Although nobody does this as well as Buffy Ste. Marie on a Strat. I believe she wrote it. Cipollina's vocals incorporate Buffy's vibrato, by design I think.
- RMoney photoshop:,r:1,s:0,i:79&tx=70&ty=59
- Took a helluvan effort to locate, but here's another GOPer shitheel as stupid as Rep. Deadbeat. Hey dumbshit, don't say that to RMoney.
- Here's the Medicare ad by the notorious socialist tool Andy Griffith that got GOPers so excited:
- RMoney as a case study of how absurdly rich Americans hoard their fortunes: Willard's argument is that all of this is legal, shady as it might be. OK. But prolonging dodges like this, with Mitt's additional rich folk tax cuts and continuing health care inflation make his claims about wiping out the deficit transparently nonsensical. ReBush, 24/7, plus unbridled and irresponsible deregulation of all sorts, how this mess got to be a swamp in the GD first place, but with less breathable air and more fouled water supplies. Probably planning to sell National Parklands too. And, unbelievably, less competent on foreign policy:
- Tell Joe Walsh he's a flaming asshole: Mayb Reprehensative Walsh ought to do a stint here: Might make a man of him. Anything is possible. Even for a confirmed dick like Walsh.
- De gustibus, basset. Happy birthday, Malia Obama. Cooze, I think RMoney would have hired somebody like Tonya Harding's boyfriend to take out the kid, and the kid was parbly wailing "Why me?" at the top of her lungs. Very funny bit. The Cranbrook annals indicate Willard was inept at sports. For 30d nails, I'd think you'd need a 2-lb. sledge.
- The real Joe Walsh:
- I'm with Sherri on Anglo-Sackless Chambliss, but I expect more from voters in Illinois than crackers in GA, and I can say that since I lived in GA for many years and went to college there. And how 'bout Mean Jean Orgasm. who told Murtha on the House floor "Marines don't cut and run."He was a gyrene, you miserable dessicated harpy. If another were needed, a good reason to ride RMoney out on a rail:
- Yeah, Deborah, but it isn't tripe like Magic Mike. I saw that guy Tatum Channing or whatever on Letterman. He is painfully stupid. Like a step down from Ashton Kutcher. And that is less than Old Man of the Forest brains. Frederick Douglass's Fourth of July speech:
- Has anyone ever spotted Thad McCotter and the faux Joe Walsh in the same room at the same time? Peas in a pod, not to give a bad name to a vegable I truly love.
- The fireworks? Westworld, where nothing can go wrong...go wrong...go wrong...
- Our Fourth included cops, or junior cops. Annual NE clambake in a fire pit on our beach. Some shitheel called the sherrif. I had to give Deppity Dawg two lobsters and the bastard still wrote me tickets for the beach fire and open container. What a prick, but he let the clams come to their juicy fruition. Clams and shrimp were native and harvested by me. Corn was from the Farmer's Market, and linguica (why would anybody eat brats instead) was fresh from the carniciera. Spuds from God knows where, but all redskins all the time, with locavore butter and parsley. Then I went for a bike ride and things got strange. Woke up in ER and my bike was toast. That I just bought. This was not RWI. Run down and left for dead. Don't remember much, no fireworks. Just a bad headache and perhaps a new resolve regarding a helmet. Brought home by my same Deppity, who said his girlfriend loved them lobsters. What are the odds? Great way to start the day:
- SE Cupp is more anorexic-appearing than Horse-face Coulter, but she doesn't have a prominent Adam's apple, as Coulter most assuredly does. What these people think is attractive, I just don't get. Cupp does look like Palin, though, especially with those Scottie Pippen fake glasses. If you can get hold of the NYT magazine from last Sunday, read the article about Hillary as the person holding a fracked-up world together. This woman is astonishing.
- Thirty seven years ago, Arthur Ashe defeated that piece of Charlie Hustle shit Jimmy Connors at Wimbledon. And will dumbasses quit putting a "t" where the "d" is in that placename. It's infuriating. And for people that have a problem with John Mac, I say, he put that redneck idiot Connors in his place.
- Brian, the guy took a bribe to let me continue cooking and then wrote me tickets, for which I have to show up in court. The insides of my elbows are so bruised I can barely use my arms. And I once kicked in a windshield of a jerk that tried to run me off the road. Obnoxious and damned proud of it. I can't figure out why anybody would choose not to be. But then I see cool rationality from Jeff(tmmo) and think why can't I be more like that? Not as much fun. And Mary, FYTK is always worth repeating. Judybusy: To paraphras Archie Leach, Ole noggin fine, how you? The day reminded me of my favorite movie that isn't Blade Runner. That would be Shoot Loud, Louder. S is pissed off at me for disappearing, like I had something to do with it. Good shape? Weeeellll, I suppose. Stouder: But they do slop around. I'm thinking of Steve Martin. The ER care was bizarre. Several different physicians, more nurses. This is your brain on COBRA, although my BC/BS card was right in my wallet, and I pay a fortune for it. I did come out of the entire experience minus a buck something in change.
- Alex, in the long run, it's just another incident that I'll look back on with hilarity, like meeting and spending the evening with Fenway Dick and his Alsatian, Palladin. The bike, on the other hand, that sucks.
- So, Scout, Monkey-wrencher? You have read Wallace Stegner's greatest pupil? And you do side canyons at the Canyon. Jakash: I think that is a prime example of Obama being blamed for the frightening idiocy of the electorate. I'm with Rick Scott on disenfranchisement if people like the bald-headed dork Medicare criminal are first off the lists. And this business of counting the single-payer, all-Medicare folks and the Deanie Babies as ACA opponents, is fracking ridiculous. Like any of them is casting a vote for RMoney, the grinch who stole the economy before Wall Street thought of the evil deed. And, sorry, but "eked the law through Congress" is an offense to English in the 21st century. For some reason, Sherri @25 reminded me of the Mardi Gras warehouse in The Big Easy. Spectacular movie, astounding sexual frisson. And whatever happened to that twisted smile?. So I got the Cornelius Chronicles in today's mail from a used book seller, courtesy of Amazon and the Kickback Lounge. It came with plastic cover protectors. The mail included a copy of Mel Bay's Baritone Ukulele Chords, although they are just guitar chords, so it was sort of a waste of cash.
- Joe, do you honestly think borrowing to the hilt to pump up moribund businesses and then siphoning off the borrowed cash and raping the employee pension funds is a qualifier to be President? That is a reasonable characterization of what RMoney did to get so obscenely wealthy.
- You think advertising works, in general, Jakash? I think I can honestly say I never bought anything because of an ad. Not even a mood ring with genuine simulated stones. I have spent years not buying any BIC product because of the Flic My Bic ads back in my childhood. I didn't really cotton to that bike anyway. Horrible granny handlebars that I was about to have replaced. But, Mongoose is a great name for anything:
- Well, Jakash, the part of Obamacare that doesn't sell well is those first five letters. Uppity anti-colonialist. Everything else, they like, and keep them gubmint hands off Medicare. There are people too stupid to be allowed to vote. In FLA, if you voted for the baaldhead crook, you should be on voter probation, and his staunchest backers are anti-ACA Medicare clients. WTF? If someone else gets a trapezoidal blue pill I might not get as many. Michael G. I would also have to have a big gun to my head to convince me to buy an Energizer battery, but that's all 1984 (Shit what is wrong with people?). Leni Riefenstahl makes me loathe Nazis more. And I also thought the Baron despicable and hoped his sailboats would sink.
- Julie, As long as nobody high-fived. That drives me nuts in period movies. My brothers and I just kind of left the attic intact when my dad died and we decided the house was a tear-down. Michael G: Ppfffffrrrtttt. What in the world is "the big tomato"? The problem with Ted is the talking Teddy Bear. I saw Marky on TV and he said it was driving him crazy that his kids were demanding to see the movie because they were not allowed to see Three Kings (an astounding movie, I think).
- The ACA repealers are mean-spirited bastards that blame people for bad luck:
- GOPer agenda: How the RMoneys do things.
- That SD fireworks display reminded me of the Epcot version we saw back in '75, over the big lake. There was so much smoke the other side, the country pavilions, was obliterated and the noise was astounding. Michell Malkin attacking Chris Rock is brave, sort of. She is completely unarmed in a battle of wits. "These Hollywood people..." Jeez Michelle, you serve an entertainment purpose. Nobody takes you seriously. That picture of the no-nonsense Wyoming women is scary, Mark. Say hey, Danny.
- Alex, Even the Hitler Channel can't be All Hitler, All the Time, and meerkat interest wanes. I knew a kid, a relative of my ex-wife's, who blinded himself leaning over a Roman candle to see why it wasn't going whoosh.
- Magritte mermaid: Internet doomsday:
- Dex, I'll take healthy Andre Ethier in right, and then there is Ichiro, who is Spiderman Magician in right, and a greater hitter than the Bad Haircut, who nobody ever figured out how to hide in the field in the NL, not even at 1B. Bastard was a butcher. And hooray for Serena, jumping up and down with that dish was way cool, but I will always like Venus better. Great song Jolene. Is anybody sure in the midst of these outages that there isn't some new version of the smartest guys in the room involved? And you know the AC is pumping in the Raeburn Building. That is capitalism on juice and down like some 40 year old guy fighting Klitschko. And those cage fighting tough guys? Anybody want to try the gigantic Russian? Didn't think so. That guy is Ronald Niederman: And The Girl That Played With Fire was ruined for me when Salander applied the Taser to Niederman's gonads and he didn't go down. I think Tasers screw with the body's electric system to disable. Is that not correct?
- We just watched Zelda on TMC. What a great movie. Wimbledon? Andy Murray is an obnoxious bastard. He's Scots for Christ's sake, no Brit. GB's answer to Leyton Hewitt and the Teabangers. He was deliberately rude to James Blake. He's also a creep that makes fun of opponents and tries to hit them with balls.
- Back way back working for Terry Construction in Athens, my brother and I had gradiateted to a making messes job as opposed to cleaning up messes job. We were knocking down seven wythe thick brick walls in the basement of an old federal building being remodeled into a bank. We had long hair, but we didn't take shit from our cheap redneck trick coworkers, who called us Duane and Gregg. And those old boys loved them some Allmans. The way to knock the walls down was to put a ring nut in the ceiling and sling a jackhammer from it and just lean into that sucker and undercut. One day, Chris caught his hair in the jackhammer. Hilarity ensued. But it wasn't funny. When my brother was freed, I aimed the hammer at the cheapest redneck trick, name of Jerry Crawford, Salander style, right at the nads. Nobody continued to think it was funny. And Nancy, you mean Campbell's Salt, right? The ones who’d hit their mid-thirties were pornography-dependent Or they'd been elected to Congress and had bottomless blue pills from their Pharma connections. I believe some snakes can fuck themselves, like worms. But I think most snakes just wind up in mating balls: In my experience, them college girls just did it normal. Snakes do it twice a year, college girls more often, in my experience.
- Ruby's with El-ahrairah, The Prince With a Thousand Enemies. Silflay Hraka. There was a great Twilight Zone episode about an OldTimer that croaked and almost chose hell over heaven, but hell wouldn't let his dog in: Those assholes in Dearborn defame Christians. Stoning would be too good for them, but everybody knows, Dearborn is run by Sharia:
- Julie's co-op video reminds me of a Woody Guthrie song: Brian, maybe the guy just got duplicate birthday gifts.
- Gunslinging on Jordaniand TV Reminded me of this great moment in American TV:
- Treme's back:
- Jeff tmmo, last time I hiked the canyon with one of my brothers, we stayed overnight at Phantom Ranch.On the way to steak dinner, after smoking weed, we ran into a newly -arrived large group of teenaged Japanese hikers. They had little English, but eventually asked us to direct them to Blight Anger Rodge, which is of course back up on the rim. We managed to get them a place to stay since it was already getting dark, and trying to hike out would have meant inevitable death. Anyway, next day on the way out, the kids passed us at Indian Garden, and were in a much happier mood. On the way down S. Kaibab, we had run into two folks hiking out, by the ridge, around 4pm, with no canteens and dressed like Snooki and the Situation. They did both sport Walkmen. I've often wondered where their bones are bleaching. Kaibab is tough descending, but I wouldn't even think of trying hiking out that way. Bright Angel Trail is hard enough, and the last several switchbacks are just brutal. Chris and I came out in less than three hours, and those kids were long gone when we plopped down in the bar at Bright Angel Lodge for the best beer I ever drank. I have a friend who's an architect in Boston that runs the canyon with some buddies in early spring, from North rim to South. That's borderline insane. My mom and dad hiked in and out in a single day, in their 70s. Astounding.
- Nice E. Borgnine photos. My favorites were playing a creep in Bad Day at Black Rock, and Cabbie in Escape From New York. Oh, and L' Horde Sauvage, and Emperor of the North with the great Lee Marvin. Visual art by writers.
- This Kate Middleton cover on New Republic is apparently causing the vapors in England: I've had the magazine for a week and never even noticed it until it was pointed out to me.
- Arlo Guthrie's birthday's today: Good question Joe.
- That ain't just smokestack lightning, Brian: I'm thinking ethanol would burn off very quickly. “Honus Wagner”. That’s pronounced HONN-us, but even Brian Williams said HOE-nuss Dexter, there are still people as knowledgeable as Mike Wilbon who think Brit tennis is played at Wimble-ton. A bad chemical odor from the direction of OSU? That's just the brimstone stench from Urban Meyer.
- Bad chemical odor from the direction of OSU? That's just the normal brimstone aroma from Urban Meyer.
- Brian, I didn't mean to denigrate Big Farm U, just the Oversigner General they hired to coach football.
- Sherri, No teams in the SEC oversign except Auburn, Bama, FLA and LSU. UGA at the moment has 71 of a total of 85 scholarship players allowed by the NCAA. And Cam Newton played pro at Auburn, but the worst thing UGA has been nabbed for is AJ Green selling a bowl game jersey for a$grand that his mom and daad needed. Sat out four games, while the OSU tattoo bandits wre allowed to play all year and in their bowl game. Historically, this goes back to when UGA was one of the schools that sued successfully to break with the NCAA to sign TV contracts. And Urban Meyer and Saban are clearly the worst and most successful oversigning abusers, Sherri. They have it down to science.
- Sherri: Oversigning: Tennessee bdoesn't do it. Neither does UGA. And if the Big 10-1/2 enforces its rules, it will crimp Meyer's style.
- Pretty cool Lolo Jones video: Nancy Grace, the harpy with snakes for hair, has struck again: JJ Hunsecker had nothing on this bitch. And pardon my language, but this harridan is wasted carbon chains, who lied her ass off about her life story to get where she is. Dexter, they probably meant a white kid that didn't get Soulja Boy.
- The story on Cam Newton's police runin would make for a funny movie scene. He was trapped with a stolen laptop in a dorm room and went out the window running from the cops. Like H.I. McDunnugh running from the trigger-happy 7-11 clerk. Of course, that didn't stop Auburn from paying Cam's dad $160 grand. There was smoking gun proof of the payment from boosters through assistant coach Trooper Taylor, but the NCAA said Cam didn't know about the cash. Mark H, You have too admit, it's jarring to see Burt Lancaster playing a character that despicably evil. Legend in his own mind. Like Henry Fonda in Once Upon A Time in the West. RMoney is more willing to keep repeating thoroughly debunked bullshit than any candidate I can ever remember, aside from $Palin and Bachmann. Mittens, if you try to make an economic point and Krugman says you are making a fool of yourself, have somebody with brains check it out.
- My favorite art museum other than MoMA is the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston. The Gardner has an astounding armor collection. It was also once the victim of the biggest art theft in US history (don't know if it's been surpassed): two Rembrandts and a Vermeer, a bunch of Degas sketches, and a Manet: Cops are still trying to retrieve the artwork. The thieves were dressed as Boston PD (maybe they were cops, it wouldn't surprise anybody that ever lived in Boston). Another Obama achievement people don't give any thought to: All the people that belittle the Administration's accomplishments just ignore stutff like this. And the progressiver than thou that claim Obama's beholden to the banks should consider the fierce fight banksters put up against Elizabeth Warren and the CFPB. And I'd personally rather have Warren in the Senate than running a bureaucratic entity.
- Not to glorify violence, but the next time RMoney or Boner or any other mendacious GOPer uses the term "job creator", Maxwell Edison should sneak up behind them and whack 'em with his silver hammer. And taking time in the House of Representatives to vote to repeal ACA is a certain manifestation of the obsessive compulsive (knee-jerk) aspect of Obama Derangement Syndrome on the part of GOPers: When they aren't more concerned with golf, and they're on the clock for this idiotic horseshit. Mark, that Tony Curtis role wasn't a far cry from Ensign Pulver, except that one is a fundamentally sleazy bastard and the other is a lovable scoundrel. And the introduction on-screen of Fonda's character in Once Upon a Time is absolutely riveting. Sttely blue eyes in weathered saddle leather tanned face, closeup. Looks like Tom Joad in Technicolor and then he commits mayhem.
- I know some of y'all think it's overboard when I talk about disenfranchising some voters for their utter stupidity. I say, impractical, sure, but not over the top and we'd be better for it. Noow with the GOPers obfuscating on Obama's proposal re: extending tax cuts, I will say that any politician that exploits voters to stupid to understand the idea of marginal tax rates should be precluded from holding office, and anybody taken in by thesse charlatans should not get to vote: Of course GOPers are doubling down on this by dragging in thtired-ass claim that small business "job creators" would be kept fromm their job creation functions. What they mean by small budnesses in this case are cosmetic surgery LLCs, white shoe law firms and hedge fund management outfits. What jobs any of those phony "small business" tax leaches are going to create is a mystery to anybody sentient. And the ignorance about how US marginal tax brackets work is surely a deliberat fiction being foisted on American idiots by sly GOPers. The way U.S. income tax brackets work is that taxes are levied on marginal income. In other words, the rate applied to income earned over the $250,000 threshold is irrelevant to the first $250,000 worth of taxable income. If you have $250,010 of taxable earnings then only that last $10 is taxed at the higher rate. In all cases, higher pre-tax earnings lead to higher after-tax income. Well, no fracking duh. These people will say any ridiculous thing and their ignorant minions will lap it up like Mitch Daniels sucking on Kochs. It's infuriating. Like this shit from our idot SC goobernor, Nicki "Appalachian Trail" Haley: Those are great Jolene. I grabbed the no. 8 with the deep blue clouds for the desktop. With shit all over the intertubes defending RMoneys foreign bank accounts and refusal to make tax returns public, I' left with a single question. What would the GOPers have done with similar situations involving Kerry or Gore. Long knives, mofos. Not a doubt in the world.
- jc, The Cardinal is the state bird of West Virginia. I remember this from some sort of gas station promotional highball glass from when I was a little kid living in Appalachia, on the banks of the Tug River. Unless you're talking about a statue of Tom Tryon in ecclesiastical gear.
- Actually, Charlotte, I have it from an unimpeachable source, RMoney was booed at the NAACP conference because of his glaring lack of melanin: And because "those people" just don't have the wherewithal to understand what WonderBread was telling them. And here's another GOPer who's not a doctor giving medical advice: Another hemorrhoidal horse's ass.
- Goober-nor Brewski, a gift that just keeps on giving: This sort of kneejerk anti-gay prejudice makes me wonder about the idea that people like this are insecure in their own sexual identity, although the term "sexual identity" in connection with this jerk makes me really queasy, like remembering the time that Shelley Winters was staying at the HoJo motel where I worked in college and ran out of her slider naked in the middle of the day, drunk as hell, and cannonballed into the pool. I think cannonball was the only way Ms. Winters could enter a swimming pool in her condition at that time. I was appointed to fish her out, and damn, that was probably my most unpleasant work experience ever. And RMoney's experience at the NAACP could have been worse, but he brought shills: And Mittens committed several felonies when he did his Statie act to detain young women, including kidnapping, for which there is no statute of limitations.
- A fascinating opinion piece by Froma Harrop about the hypocrisy of GOPer anti-regulation rhetoric. The defensive comments are hilarious:
- Oompa Loompa Boehner pantsed by the great Ann Telnaes: Insanely bad Eurotrashpop cover of Lou Christie:
- You know how GOPers love that "Obama wasn't vetted properly" meme? How we ended up with a Kenyan Manchurian Socialist anti-colonial candidate out to destroy the USA? How did GOPers miss the facts on RMoney and Bain? Will Sheldon Adelson get his money back from Willard to ship to Netanyahu when Windsock is indicted for lying to the Feds. In the grand scheme of SEC violations, Rmoney seems like a far more serious malfeasor than was Martha Stewart, whos chief offense was contributing money to Emily's List whn GOPers expected her to be a "loyal Bushie":
- Which part of this article is unclear? RMoney's campaign is claiming the SEC has made an error, but the documents on which the reporting is based were prepared and submitted by Willard's attorneys or Windsock himself. What RMoney wants to keep hidden:
- NPS, especially at Bryce Canyon, is doing a very good job of interpreting global climate change and encouraging conversation about “anthropogenic factors” and how nature adapts, and doesn’t. Five years ago, those rangers would have been gagged, like the scientists at NOAA, or replaced with "loyal Bushies" like US Attorneys. How do folks that espouse Teabanger "political philosophy" justify voting for the Outsourcer that parks his cash out of sight in Switzerland and the Caymans to themselves? Takes a monumental and delusional suspension of disbelief, or massive stupidity. Hard to say which.
- How do Senate GOPers explain this one? They're protecting hedge funds, cosmetic surgery LLCs and white shoe lawfirms from paying taxes? What a despicable crock of shit.
- GOPers think that gold mining, silver mining and uranium mining companies should be exempt from formal environmental review. Most of these companies are Canadian or S. African, and the idea that environmental regulation of operation on federal land for the pittance these bastards pay for mineral rights (like a $buck 2-80 an acre) is going to interfere with employment is absolutely fracking hilarious: So on reading Ifill, I have to presume Rush was just wrong about booing the white guy. W is just as shiny white as RMoney, and they didn't boo the Pretzeldent. Funniest thing in that piece is recalling Shrub touting home ownership at tha NAACP. I thought that was all about Barney Frank and the librulls forcing Countrywide and WaMu into making loans to unqualified minority buyers. That's what the internuts tell me anyway, and Drudge don't lie, do he?
- I almost bought Gone Girl from Amazon yesterday, but then I saw that James Lee Burke has a new Dave Robichaux novel out, so I was hooked immediately on that lure. For mystery writing, Walter Mosley and James Lee Burke and (sort of) T. Jefferson Parker are almost instant, reflexive choices for me. I like the Robichaux books, back way back since In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead for the superb nature writing and the theologically-tinged musings the hero is given to, and Walter Mosley, particularly in the Easy Rawlins books, is simply the best writer on race in America since Ralph Ellison and James Baldwin. Creole Belle: Mittens RMoney should read him some Devil in a Blue Dress. Might help him fine tune his spiel as he pursues that elusive perfect 0% of the black vote: This seems to confirm that Windsock's intention in going to the NCAA conference was to cement himself with the hardcore racist heart of the Teabangers. Dayum Mittens, that was already a lock, unless you think they find it fishy you were parking gigunda wads of cash where the IRS can't find them and writing off more for your dancing horse than they get for L'il Bubba Jr. And when he's talking about "free stuff", Willard means the same thing every GOPer means: Social Security and Medicare. This latest comment is pure Raygun-worthy racism.
- Brian, I seem to remember that sandy soil is salubrious for melons and gourd plants.
- When I have an embarrassment of tomato riches and there's no GOP rally to wing them at, I just chop 'em in 1/4s, toss in a plastic bag with olive oil, roast 'em with peppers, onions, garlic and basil for about an hour, and reduce the whole thing to sauce in the food processor. Fine base for pasta sauce, soup or chile. No need to peel either. I'm not surprised by any news about Paterno. Always thought he looked like a mafioso. Course had he actually been, Sandusky would have slept with the fishes long ago. Also despised him from a football standpoint from back in the day when he whined about not getting the same respect as, say, 'Bama or Nebraska, and scheduling Temple, Rutgers and Lehigh every year. I always thought Paterno was a charlatan, and now it seems my opinion is verified. The idea that this could have happened in other bigtime fb programs is a stretch though. Barry Switzer, maybe, but I can't think of anyone else. Maybe Bobby Petrino. But other coaches that are the scum of the earth as far as personal behavior and things like recruiting, I can't really see it. Although, if somebody pointed a finger at Steve Spurrier as a molester, I'd probably believe it. Kentucky hoops when Pitino was coach? Maybe, but no responsible adult would let Slick Rick anywhere near kids. I just read an article suggested by my old fart buds at AARP, and Ecuador looks even more attractive than Mexico, if Willard Windsock gets elected: New Zealand looks good too.
- We put a dash of anejo tequila (or mescal if we have it) in gazpacho, having had it this way years ago at the Lunt Marble Club in Phoenix. James Lee Burke and Walter Mosley both write strong female characters, I think. I like the T. Jeff novels I've read, because a lot of the characters make me think of people I used to know in the '60s and 70s in a Where are they now? manner. As for Mosley, Raymond "Mouse" Alexander (Don Cheadle in the movie) is as great a character as I've come across in detective fiction and Daphne Monet (played to the hilt by Jennifer Beals on film) is a fabulous femme fatale.
- Big brave men with guns. The NRA wants to wield their First Amendment free speech rights in the form of piles of $cash$, with the Roberts Scalito imprimatur. But ask them to identify themselves, and they're afflicted suddenly with bashful bladders: Buck up you heroes. Don' come on so chickenshit.So the gun is not quite as big as you pretend. Size isn't everything, cash is. Those socialist union nancies have been naming their names for years. Guess the NRA is a little lighter in the jockstrap. Like this: I remember you in Hemlock Road In nineteen fifty-six You're a faggy little leather boy With a smaller piece of stick You're a lashing, smashing hunk of man Your sweat shines sweet and strong Your organs working perfectly But there's a part that's not screwed on Weren't you at the Coke convention Back in nineteen sixty-five You're the misbred, gray executive I've seen heavily advertised You're the great, gray man whose daughter licks Policemen's buttons clean You're the man who squats behind the man Who works the soft machine Somehow Jagger saw these mofos coming way back 42 years ago. The other great character in Devil in a Blue Dress is the malignant DeWitt Albright, equal-opportunity thug, played to the malevolent hilt in the movie by Tom Sizemore, who I think may have been typecast according to his real-life personality and behavior.
- Dexter, Elvis Costello saw that one coming: Jeff, My hike in the canyon, we met some German characters halfway down S. Kaibab (Steamboat formation) that wanted to know where the nearest spot to get eine Brewski might be. We pointed at the rim and told them it was about 2k in der Vogelfluglinie, which phrase we both remembered from HS Deutsch (end of chapter idioms lists). Unser Freunde were schwer entauscht (sorely disappointed). If Dennis DeYoung is wise, how did he mistake all those aliens for angels? And I don't think I despised Mr. Roboto, I know it turned my stomach and induced bile production. Sometimes, from movies, it appears one could carry on a conversation in Japanese by simply responding to everything by saying "Hai!!!" with a brief bow and a pissed off attitude.
- I'd expect tomato jam to be flavored with basil, oregano and garlic, maybe vinegar, or I probably wouldn't like it. Then again, if you feed somebody tomato with sugar and they can't see it, it's supposed to taste like strawberries. Tomatoes are fruit, after all. Down south, people make jelly out of hot peppers like jalapenos. Really good stuff on a Triscuit with a little cream cheese and pork sausage. Wo ist der Dom? Der Dom ist gerade aus dan rechts. (Where is the cathedral? The cathedral is right around the corner.) Strange the things that stick with you. I still remember parts of the Mass in altar Boy Latin. Daedalus interea Creten longumque perosus. (Meanwhile, Daedalus despised Crete and his long exile there...)
- Linda Ronstadt is 66 today: Pretty good backup singers, great song. Millie Jackson is 68: And one of the greatest Detroit Lions ever, Alex Karras, is 77. Karras has a very funny Wikipedia entry. On a MNF broadcast, when a camera came to rest on Raiders maniac bald-headed Otis Sistrunk, Karras famously announced "Otis Sistrunk, University of Mars". Second funniest thing anyone ever said on MNF. His story about half-foot kicker Tom Dorsey with the heavy-foot shoe kicking a 63 yard FG is hilarious, as is his story about playing against his brother Ted in college and almost maiming him because he couldn't see him without glasses.
- Celeste Holm died. Exceptionally classy actress, stage and movies, and lotsa 70s and 80s TV (parbly guest starred with Jessica Fletcher): She won an Academy Award for Gentleman's agreement, a great movie, with Gregory Peck, directed by the snake in the grass Elia Kazan:
- Retiring retroactively sounds a great deal like self-deporting. Maybe that's where RMoney got the idea.
- With respect, Alex, had Bobby not been assassinated, he'd have won in a landslide over the Dick, and American History would have been changed vastly for the better. A human being rather than Devil's Spawn, it would have to have been better. The malignant cancer of the war would not have been allowed to grow until '72, for one thing, no matter what sort of losses Dow and Westinghouse had to munch. On a political note, I’ve really been enjoying watching Willard the Windsock whine about all those meanies complaining about his days as a corporate raider and job exporter. Well, since by RMoney's choice his goobernatorial stint and Romneycare has all the real presence of a phantom limb, If there's no Bain, there is no there there. Might as well nab the thug from NJ for a running mate: Michael G: Lemme guess. It was called Snake's Place, or sump'n like 'at. Here's a somewhat legendary SI profile of Stabler: My ex and I took our first vacation sans keedo at Point Clear, Bama on the gulf. Most decidedly gorgeous. As Jesse Winchester says about Biloxi, you can see storms approaching off toward New Orleans. Then we went to stay a few days in the wonderful Lafitte Guest House in the Quarter in NOLA. Never been to Vegas, but Lake Mead is beautiful if it weren't for the bane of jet-skis, though I side with Edward Abbey on flooding natural places like Glen Canyon to provide water for the sybaritic lifestyle of SoCal. Watering non-native trees. My favorite pepper jelly application is on sausage biscuits for breakfast.
- Sandusky had no idea what aa sick fuck he is, but he knew who buttered his bread. Do not read before taking food. This bastard doesn't stand a chance in prison if he's in general population.
- even if you don’t like your congresscritter I just got off the phone with Lindsey Graham's office. I told his staff I want my Senator to vote for the Disclose Act. It was all I could to to bite my tongue and not add that the bastards that support unlimited cash with no accountability are a bunch of treasonous pantywaists like Senator Graham. In fact I bordered on respectful. No sense in talking to Demented's people, I'm sure I'd end up being terribly rude and using words none of them understand. That is a very nice photo Nancy. If there were room on the banks for a mule trail, I'd say it looks like a canal. It also looks as if your vantage was wet. It is roll on the floor hilarious that GOPers have Ed Gillespie on the retroactive retirement point. There is no crookeder weasel in politics than this bastard. Remember when he was spreading "walking around money" to encourage votes for Christie "Stop and Frisk Mandingo" Whitman? How is the SOB not living in Club Fed? And doesn't "retroactive retirement" sound suspiciously like LDS forcibly baptizing Anne Frank into Mormonism decades after her death? They really want to bring that up?
- On peppper jelly: Understood Dorothy, but it is a Southren delicacy and specialite', like pimiento cheese, only much more better. The ad Scribe refers to: Mittens bares his magic u-trou. That's entertainment. An internet friend of mine, very active in Dem politics, named Mack Farmer, says: "This made me reach for my checkbook." Mack and I share the belief that Dems should give back as good as they take from the GOPer slime-slingers. Wish they'd done so with the SwiftBoat bullshit. I mean, how can the party of Brazen Chickenhawks skate on slandering Dems that served heroically. Did a single one of those Shortboat assholes share a single minut in Kerry's boat? Nope. Just fabricated slander, for which they should have been sued. Of course, in a normal campaign, the VP candidate should have dealt with this outrageous shit, but I guess Edwards was busy polishing his tassel loafers somewhere out on the Appalachian Trail.
- Oh Boy! A new Michael Chabon novel: I think that Kavalier and Klay is on the list of Almost Great American novels. Gentlemen of the Road is brilliant. Yiddish Policemen's Union is genius. And Mysteries of Pittsburgh is so convincing, I thought for years Chabon must be gay (until I heard of the Ayelet Waldman internet flame wars). And not only that, a new one from the great Mark Helprin, of Refiner's Fire, Memoir from Ant-Proof Case, A Soldier of the Great War and Winter's Tale: Deborah, isn't there a notable anecdote or piece of writing about Virginia Woolf and her sister's garden?
- Thos wascawy wabbits in the GOP, govewnment by self-intewest: In a sane world, if there were still such cretins as Teabangers, wouldn't they be outraged by this? And what is it about the GOP that attracts full goose loonies like this: ???? Deborah: It had something to do with a servant Woolf thought had been mistreated. Or perhaps I'm delusional on this subject.
- When the RMoneyskis start up with their inevitable "crony capitalism" bullshit about Obama, keep in mind these nutcases insist the President is part of an international Socialist conspiracy that's been in place since baby Barack was born in Honolulu. And when they start talkin about Willard's "rescue" of the Salt Lake Winter Games, remember this: According to many sources the “rescue” was actually a bail-out by our Federal government, as pointed out by Republican Senator John McCain in a speech on September 19, 2000, “However, as outlined, most of the money taken from taxpayers to foot the bill for the Salt Lake games is going to develop, build, and complete major highway and transit improvement projects – “especially those critical to the success of the Olympic Games.” This last phrase is vital to understanding the fleece game being played by cities like Salt Lake..$1.3 billion to Salt Lake City, this is preposterous, and it must stop.” It would seem the real hero of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics was President Bill Clinton and the Federal government, at least according to Senator Bill Bennett (R-UT), “In fact, most of the federal money was already in place before Mitt came on,“ said Senator Bob Bennett, “The Clinton Administration was completely supportive in saying these are ‘America’s Games,’ we will do whatever we can to make sure they are successful. The one concern I had was whether we would get the same degree of support from the Bush administration, which we did.” I wonder if a Romney Administration would be as willing to support such an effort. Evidently Mr. Romney thought government spending was a good thing before he thought it was a bad thing: “Recognizing that our government spends billions of dollars to maintain wartime capability, it is entirely appropriate to invest several hundred millions to promote peace”. The National Gallery of Art is a great place to visit in DC. I was once in a crowd that was teargassed on the steps, back in '69. And meeting Jolene sounds like the DC must-see to me so far.
- Aside from growing up with a couple of Mormon friends (doubt they are still LDS), what I know about it comes largely from reading John Gardner's Mickelsson's Ghosts (lots about the Sons of Dan), Conan-Doyle's A Study in Scarlet, and seeing the movie September Dawn, about the Mountain Meadows Massacre, the apex of conman Joe Smith's criminal, murderous career. This is from a Penn paper regarding Paterno and the Freeh report: The evidence shows that Mr. Paterno was made aware of the 1998 investigation of Sandusky, followed it closely, but failed to take any action, even though Sandusky had been a key member of his coaching staff for almost 30 years and had an office just steps away from Mr. Paterno's," the report said. "At the very least, Mr. Paterno could have alerted the entire football staff in order to prevent Sandusky from bringing another child into the Lasch Building. But, hey, at least the all time coaching wins record is safe. Whether or not they do anything else, the NCAA should figure out wins to vacate so that that coaching wins record reverts to Bobby Bowden, who may have tolerated a lot of bad behavior from players at Free Shoes U, but never in a million years would have protected a sexual predator.
- Here's a pepper jelly receipt that (alas) requires canning, but is told in entertaining fashion with beautiful illustrative photos:
- Quelle surprise, turns out Sheldon Adelson is probably a crook and a criminal: Knock me over with a feather. Didn't Clinton get reamed by the GOPers over something virtually identical to this and have to give back a wad of cash. Sure as shit.
- Far as a trebuchet could fling a cow:
- Or a satellite falling from orbit:
- Great kid book I hadn't thought of in years: Misty of Chincoteague.
- Jeff, I'm aware that Brigham Young engineered the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Joseph Smith's murders from which he fled West each time he croaked somebody were more up close and personal. The Saints hired Paiute warriors to slaughter the emigres at Mountain Meadows, but they didn't finish the job and the Danites had to mop up. My apprehension of this horrendous incident comes mainly from reading the novel Red Water, by Judith Freeman, and from curiosity Ms. Freeman arroused. Good book, mostly about John D. Lee, B. Young's adopted son who was tried, convicted and executed by firing squad for the massacres after he promised the Fancher group safe passage under a flag of truce to gain their trust, and muurdered the adults and kidnapped the children. At the time of the massacre, the LDSs claimed they were not subject to the US Constitution. Mormons and their elder in 1850s Utah had all the legitamacy of David Koresh in Texas in the 1990s, i.e. they were terrorists.
- Lat refuge? RMoney has decided the way to fight back is to question why Teresa Hein Kerry's tax returns weren't published. What a gaping hemmorhoidal asshole. She wasn't running for President, Mittens with no claim to qualifications but Bain Job Destructors, Inc. and the Salt Lake Games saved by the gigunda Federal Bailout. When in doubt, attack a woman, right Mitt? See GOPers, he really is one of you. Meanwhile at least 20 years of Kerry's tax records are public domain. RMoney SOP: See a problem. Identify the worst possible response. Get 'er done. Nancy and Alan's boat excursion reminds me of my favorite Thoreau, A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, or as we called it in my Thoreau Emerson seminar freshman year at Holy Cross, Thoreau Goes Wild, for Him. The walnuts remark puts me in mind of Clive James' infamous description of Schwarzenegger: A big brown condom stuffed with walnuts. Beb, the conundrum of outsourcing is, when you send the jobs away, who will buy your products? A simple algebraic proof that the middle class creates jobs, not hedge fund managers and assorted rich tax scofflaws whose unpatriotic behavior Windsock wants to render legal. As far as that lifeguard FUBAR, ask the tub o' guts thug Chris Christie how privatization has worked out for Jersey halfway houses.
- Those folksy Tom Bodette radio ads did in Motel 6 for me, something about that guy's voice and vocal manner always makes me hear dueling banjos in my head, and Days Inn is owned by the hotelier family version of the Kochs and they don't have bars. Christian Coalition accomodations. I always found Red Roof Inns reliable, though the one here is a frequent setting for shootouts and meth lab busts. Joe, I'll refrain from mocking Spinmaster O, in deference to his imaginary Peabody Award, but comparing Obama's connection with Immelt to Willard's off-continenting cash farm is ridiculous. Bain bought struggling bidnesses, mortgaged them to the hilt, dumped assets (workers) offshored as a matter of course, sucked the borrowed funds out, and watched the firms wither and die. How the Loofah brain equates that to Westinghouse, a gigantic multi-national, is beyond me but I'm sure it's Wagnerian opera in his little rodent mind with the huge reptilian hind-brain. Aside from anything else, we have RMoney's stated intention to make off-shoring of jobs more attractive with tax incentives. Windsock made a fortune doing this shit, and he wants his cronies to do so too. He wants to start a war with Iran over imaginary nuclear weapons while further cutting taxes on ridiculously rich people. Sound familiar? He wants Bork on the Supreme Court. He aims too institutionalize the worst mischief the GOPers have perpetrated on the USA for 30 years, which anyone honest would admit created the current economic morrass. He offers nothing but Bain and the Salt Lake City games as a resume, then whines like a stuck varmint when it's pointed out that the Games were saved by a massive injection of federal money with Clinto to thank, and that Bain, when it came to jobs was Destructor. On the tax returns issue, he bitches about Teresa Heinz. Who would vote for this hoity-toity, anti-American rich prick? Anyway, O'Reilly's argument about Westinghouse is just about as convincing as "Pallin' around with terriss." Smells like the same bullshit.
- Todays the 45th anniversary of John Coltrane's death from cancer (not drugs, Charlie Parker). Here's proof that even a drippy broadway song can be something else in the hands of a genius with a (gasp!!!) soprano sax, and the help of Elvin Jones (not breaking a sweat, somehow) and McCoy Tyner. Don't know who plays the flute solo (Eric Dolphy?) Incredibly fine bass by Steve Davis. The shear genius of this impovisation is almost overwhelming. Today's also Spencer Davis' 70th birthday, who introduced Steve Winwood to a grateful world: Winwood was about 17, when this great B&W video was made, and Spencer Davis had hired a bass player so Steve didn't have to play bass on the B3 pedals, as he did on original recordings of I'm a Man and Gimme Some Lovin' and So Glad You Made It. A terribly underappreciated band that would have been royalty in Detroit late 60s. Hell, people thought the Rationals were great blue-eyed soul. How long is RMoney going to leave himself "twisting slowly, slowly in the wind" like L. Patrick Gray before Sanitarium and Newticles start salivating. Shit, this could Pizza Man back. Good Times. Great hilarity. Jocularity.
- Oh, and John Lord died, the keyboard player for Deep Purple, at least partially responsible for this: Godzilla vs. Mothra version. Kind of like it better this way. Some of their quotes convey a sense of excitement that reminds me of the excitement that was apparent among African Americans in 2008. Except that those African Americans didn't hold themselves beyond the authority of the Constitution or pass down the White Horse Prophecy as doctrine. As for the USA electing RMoney, two words: Robert Bork. Two more: John Bolton.
- I know this sounds intemperate, but the more I read about LDS, the more it seems to have more in common with Branch Davidians filtered through Rotary than an authentic religion:
- McCain to Willard: Get off my lawn.
- Whar them GOPer wimmen come from:
- Just what them RMoneyites called for: Remember the Pottery Barn, Shrub. You bought it because you sure as shit broke it.
- For me, fresh cilantro tastes like soap, but once it cooks into salsa or chile or whatever, the soap flavor is gone. appy 71st birthday to Lonnie Mack and, to the great lady, Martha Reeves (this is a great video, with an interview and a tour of Hitsville, guided by Miss Martha.) On top of Shrub raising his pointy little head, RMoneyites and Danites awoke today to Cheney reprising his "Deficits doan mean shit" mantra. Nothing goes right when your magic u-trou is tight.
- Best from Martha and the Vandellas: I think Diana Ross's voice sounds kinda paltry compared. I guess the RMoneyites have basically admitted now that Rush is the official Minister of Disinformation. Lying is second nature to GOPer bastards: Check the comments. Some Teabanger apologist tries to rebut the thrust of the piece's argument by positing a Hypothetical in which a couple bought a house for $75grand and now finds it worth $750grand. In what fracking universe, you lying sack o' shit?
- I taught this guy when he was in high school. He wasn't much of a student, but he was happy-go-lucky, friendly and respectful, and we always got along very well. I always knew he'd have my back if I had to break up an altercation. I can't imagine the kid I knew in this situation, and it makes me heartsick to read about this.
- Every Intelligent Voter's Guide to Electioneering Bunk. Rapid responses to patent fracking bullshit.
- Democrats can call this bill whatever they want, but they can't conceal its true intent, which is to encourage their allies and discourage their critics from exercising their First Amendment right to speak their minds. That's Yertle McConnell on the Disclose Act. Simultaneous translation: Democratic Party deep pockets have nothing to hide. GOPer deep pockets like the Kochs and Adelson fear knowledge of their "quid pro quo" political largesse getting out so much that Disclose would impinge on their rights of free speech in the form of wads of cash. Mitch is great at blurting the embarrassing truth every once in a while:
- Because Mark H, if you're the President, you just have your living dead VP claim all the email just disappeared--POOF!!!--- into thin air, the way Shrub and Dickless did.
- Birfers still scuttling around looking for the rock they crawled out from under:
- I sent cash for Amnesty to bring a case of bananas to Times Square. Amazing vocal by Joss Stone: Turn it off quick when the song is over, or Russell Brand will come on.
- Speaking of Private Equiteers, RMoney is such a greedy shit, he could parbly be talked into letting his obscenely rich brethren twist in the tax break wind so long as "carried interest is preserved".
- Charles Pierce slices and dices colossal idiot SE Cupp, the GOPer bimbo that doesn't have a prominent Adam's Apple:
- My problem with Coultergeist's apparent manliness results from the "she's so hot" meme from the same moronic galoots that claim $Palin is so attractive. Both are as hideous and harpy-like as their minds and what's left of their souls. SE Cupp fits well with those two sisters of hers. I think Kundera's observation on kitsch with regard to children running on grass is elitist and misogynistic. Kitsch is in the eye of the beholder, and my feelings on the subject are similar to Potter Stewart's on porn and obscenity. And perhaps RMoney is more a dick than a shit. He does have the morals and social consciousness of a rat turd, one way or another, but for Mormons, that may just be akin to observing that French people look down on everyone, it's just part of being French.
- Ann RMoney's horse has it's own jet, but it doesn't do this. It line dances like Urban Cowboy. Less athletic, more GOPer. But as Michael Jordan once said: "Republicans buy shoes too." Anyone that enjoyed the misadventures of William Boot in Evelyn Waugh's great newspaper novel Scoop, might find this homage to Brit tabs amusing, even though it's based upon current golf: Unlike their counterparts in America, the UK tabs don't even pretend to report truth. another fine fictional presentation of the world of tabloids across the ocean is Martin Amis' much-maligned Yellow Dog, which I found hilarious. different measures of productivity and effectiveness and compensation This phrase in Jeff's well-reasoned and beautifully written piece above really caught my notice. Robber barons and hoarders of capital figured out how to divert the paths of compensation and productivity back in the mid-70s, and have perfected the divergence at present by a dire form of economic blackmail. Work 60 hr. weeks or we'll find someone that will be happy to. From WWII until 1973 or so, productivity and compensation rose together at a steady rate. Since then, compensation basically flatlined while productivity practically doubled. The result, played out against a flat constant of capital expenditure, is monstrous redistribution, consolidation, and concentration of wealth upward. Of course, a rational capitalist would understand implicitly that this kills markets and demand, but the feudal masters have been blinded by greed and have pulled in their resources behind a guarded portcullis and ramparts guarded by a bought and paid for political organization. Behind the walls of the castle keep, the owners of the means of production toy with the economy and produce ridiculous thaumaturgical devices like derivatives that turn gold into economic pyrites. And that eagle that bombed the substation with a fawn was a messenger from Artemis the Hunter. Also from Jeff, and no one runs a massive 24/7 glowering coal and coke eating beast that hurls light and smoke into the sky. They knew how to do this in 1965 or earlier, but they didn’t until they were forced to, management & union alike. Well, China did into the 70s and flooded world markets with cheap steel from old production models on the backs of what amounted to slave labor and wages.
- Productivity growth has frequently been labeled the source of our ability to raise living standards. This is sometimes what is meant by the call to improve our “competitiveness.” In fact, higher productivity is an important goal, but it only establishes the potential for higher living standards, as the experience of the last 30 or more years has shown. Productivity in the economy grew by 80.4 percent between 1973 and 2011 but the growth of real hourly compensation of the median worker grew by far less, just 10.7 percent, and nearly all of that growth occurred in a short window in the late 1990s. The pattern was very different from 1948 to 1973, when the hourly compensation of a typical worker grew in tandem with productivity. Reestablishing the link between productivity and pay of the typical worker is an essential component of any effort to provide shared prosperity and, in fact, may be necessary for obtaining robust growth without relying on asset bubbles and increased household debt. It is hard to see how reestablishing a link between productivity and pay can occur without restoring decent and improved labor standards, restoring the minimum wage to a level corresponding to half the average wage (as it was in the late 1960s), and making real the ability of workers to obtain and practice collective bargaining. From this: Isn't that Pacific Standard article a pretty fair argument for the sort of infrastructure spending the President favors? And ultimately, isn't it a cautionary tale about privatisation of something government would probably do better?
- Brian, Scalia should have suffered the fate of the wicked Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon as those words left his mouth. Meretricious, mendacious SOB. Just canceled my Rolling Stone subscription:
- Hohenzollerns = great catchall term for reactionary GOPers. One of my prized possessions is a Wobblies songbook with tablature given me by my first and only guitar teacher. Lyrics and chords to Joe Hill. Guess I should self-deport. Costa Rica, Mexico, Ecuador? Rmoney wins, I'm gone, fast as I can sell this condo. Maybe the Daily Caller will lobby for this guy to testify at Groshen's confirmation hearings:
- GOPers lying about stimulus spending: This ad is bought with superpac cash. Seems pretty partisan and well-coordinated with the RMoney campaign to me. Issue ad? Not fracking hardly.
- What Brian says @17. RMoney has a zero tax paid year or two in his recent past, and foolishly thought he could keep it secret.
- Lost in the Ozone Happy 68th B'day to George Frayne, Commander Cody to you, who has an MFA from U of M, aside from being a wildman rocker. Saw CC and the Lost Planet Airmen once at UGA. Spectacular show opening for Doug Kershaw. Commander apparently made the video too. And, I really liked Batman Begins better than the sequel, but since the tertiary edition has Rash Limpballs all hot and bothered by naming the villain Bane, we're going to see it this weekend: You're probably right Beb. But Nelson Bunker Hunt paid 0 tax the year he and his brother tried to corner the silver market back in the Nixon years, and he had mor money than RMoney. It could have happened for Willard, in the years following McCain's loss. I'll put a link in a minute. Anyway, his recalcitrance on the subject makes it fun to speculate. If it's true and somebody proves it, he must be toast.
- How Mitt might have pitched a perfect 1040:
- Eugene Robinson on William Raspberry, a great journalist.
- Rep. Steve King (Cretin, IA) turns Congress into a death panel: Of course GOPers also used the Farm Bill to trash WIC and food stamps, because GOP voters don't use that sort of handout, even when they're infinks.
- RMoney is a lying sack o' compost, parbly laced with BGH and antibiotics. A clear and present danger to America.
- While RMoney whines about Obama's ads, he's running an ad that misrepresents comments by the President to the point they wind up unrecognizable. What's new. The first anti-Obama ad the bastards ran pretended the President quoting McCain was Obama's own words. Fracking pathological liar: Whoa cooze, GOPers will claim that cabin was built with funds from Clinton's bailout of the Salt Lake Games. Guy sounds like the villain in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. As $Palin would say "Pallin' around with rapists". Genuine simulated impromptu music event in Times Square:
- Wonder if the Peterson guy ever borrowed Mittens' state trooper costume to further his rape games. Joe Walsh vs. Tammy Duckworth:
- Flannery O'Connor as a visual artist. If McGovern had come along to run against Poppy Bush, GOPers would have swiftboated his military record when it was Poppy that bailed out on his crew. From comments at cooze's link: McGovern also tells a hilarious story about how he's responsible for Norman Podhoretz becoming a wingnut. It seems they were having lunch once, and McGovern pointed out a truly horrifically ugly woman seated at a nearby table. It turned out to be Mrs. Podhoretz, the equally loathsome and wingnutty Midge Decter. That's funny. Lowest American TV moment ever:
- Outstanding essay on Finnegan's Wake by Michael Chabon. Michigan politics as FUBAR as Wisconsin. heaven forbid that we would try to learn anything from other countries that provide universal health care–with better health outcomes–while spending a lower proportion of their GDP on healthcare than we spend while leaving millions uninsured? Jolene, that is unacceptable failure to buy into American exceptionalism. Along with GOPers inner Calvinist and Hobbesianism. And I don't mean that in a good way.
- I was a religious reader of Raspberry's columns. He was a journalistic hero of mine. Dionne has anoth nice appreciation piece: Charlotte: If that asshat were black, he would have been tased and aerated, bro. Elizabeth Warren takes no prisoners: That's why I sent cash to her campaign. (Also because Scotty is a dildo.)
- Brilliant PSA from America's dentists: Typical whited sepulcher GOPer. Positive proof that Senate GOPers are aholes out to sabotage the US economy for a ludicrous tax break. Norquist pledge vs. Article III, Section 3, US Constitution. This is treasonous behavior. Mark, I'd take Canada, Mesico, Costa Rica and any of the Scandinavian countries. They all have longer lifespans and better infant mortality rates than the US and care is universal, covered by taxes. And don't bother with that Newsmax shinola about how infant mortality is quantified. It's tortured.
- Mark, Rush has had 20 years to ferment in his own repugnant juices since Raspberry wrote that. Since then, Younger Rush has been locked away somewhere while his picture pranced and burbled borborigmously in public and became scarred by it's own innate evil. He's a revolting caricature of himself now, and his racism is a large portion of his being. Mr. Raspberry would be as repulsed as any other reasonable human at the impious slavering hillbilly heroin addict cretin Limbaugh has become.
- RMoney ads and selective editing: And shouldn't the US House of Representatives censor Bachmann for her outrageous McCarthyism outbreak? What a shitheel. Why doesn't Hillary rip the harpy a new one?
- W and the GOP kiboshed the FEC, maybe for good, but the latest RMoney ad is such a masterpiece of mendacity it couldn't get past the FCC: Any media outlet that doesn't air this bull feces out is aiding and abetting the lowest instincts of the very same GOP that rolled with Swift Boat. Scumbags.
- I quit Breaking Bad for a year when Walt let Jane, the young woman Jesse had fallen in love with, die by aspirating on her own vomitous because he was in such a hurry to get away with their cash stash.
- I guess what that means is, it’s not that important a story. Not so fast, my friend. Nancy "Gorgon" Grace may decide there are parents worthy of being hounded and shamed into suicide by self-immolation. His characters always say exactly, precisely what they mean, at all times. On the other hand, you can have Robert DeNiro use the f-word as every conceivable part of speech mixed with guttural noises and grunts, voila, everyone says the sub-literate script of Raging Bull is genius. Lord, I despised sitting through that movie. I'm with you, Dorothy. I love pushing a lawn mower. as McGuane would say, it's "Tops in mindless".
- Dorothy, You got a cup-holder with that? Cigar lighter? Holy crap, Batman, that's not a mower, that's the heavy equipment the contraindications for your meds warned you about. Brian, my dislike of Raging Bull was more for the movie and the "screenplay". De Niro made one of my favorite movies, Midnight Run, although he lost me when he made the alleged comedies with the odious Billy Crystal and the equally odious but dumber Ben Stiller. I just read that the Denver nutcase dispersed tear gas in the theater before opening fire and was dressed in kevlar.
- Next time RMoney endorses the Ryan budget, someone should ask him about this:
- Ben Stiller? Zoolander. Say no more. Worse than the worst of Eddie Murphy's pus-draining excrescences. Worse than Howard the Duck. Speaking of pus-draining excrescences, I've been getting spam from some tres expensive hair car purveyors with a product called Wen. Shouldn't someone tell them what a wen is? AT the grocery store, ther is some sort of organic dairy product called kefir? Companies pay huge bucks to specialized consulting firms for names, right. As the subtle comic Gallagher says about Dr. An Wang and his labs, "Why doesn't somebody tell him what that means in English?" RMoney held onto control of Bain while he pulled a Paterno to squeeze out max severance: As for Robert Deniro, he was brilliant in the Neil Gaiman movie Stardust as the closeted pirate Captain Shakespeare with an airborne pirate ship. (Michelle Pfeiffer is also great as an evil witch.)Any fan of Princess Bride that has never seen Stardust should do so immediately. DeNiro was, of course, the mythic hero Harry Tuttle in Brazil, one of my Top Five, for sure. Mark H: The peripheral characters in Midnight Run are also superb. Yaphet Kotto as the FBI agent, and the guy that plays Marvin, the rival bounty hunter, Dennis Farina (pluperfect mobster), Joe Pantoliano. Really as good as buddy movies get.
- Kefir is SudAfrikan for the n word.
- Gun violence and geography. And sensible gun laws.
- Roger Ebert, brilliant comment on the Batman shooting. Dan Froomkin, astute analysis of the NRA inevitable response to the Aurora shootings.
- Mahatma rap. Be the change.
- A very thoughtful take on the murders in Aurora. This piece hits something I've been thinking all day right on the head. Calling this mindless massacre a "tragedy" is a terrible mischaracterization. This isn't an act of God, not force major. It's sadly predictable American social dysfunction, guaranteed by obscenely huge tidal waves of cash from the NRA and the political cowardice and indifference to the commonweal it engenders in the most selfish class of American politician. People elected and compensated handsomely to govern let lobbyists write legislation and show the backbones of slugs when profit meets social welfare. Sociopaths with electronic soapboxes blame victims of bad social policy when they can, and hooded sweatshirts when the former is too unseemly. I'd imagine my opinion is not much different from that of the President and other responsible, aware public figures, but if one of them were to state so publicly, she would be excoriated as denigrating American exceptionalism. Regrettably, the regular occurrence of lone wolf massacres is exceptional to the USA. Is there anyone with the balls and the wherewithal and the influence to do anything about that? Nobody in sight. Were the President the challenger rather than the incumbent, this might be an opportunity for courageous action, like the President's announced stand on same-sex marriage. As things stand in the US, attacking the gun lobby would probably result in effective political suicide. Meanwhile, Wayne LaPierre remains the king of domestic terrorists and exerts a stranglehold over the federal government by stuffing cash down the greedy gullets of members of the legislative branch, under cover of anonymity provided by Citizens United and the grammar-challenged 2nd Amendment reading by the totally FUBAR reactionary activist Supreme Court. Of course, even Scalito said that the sources of the big bucks are supposed to be identified. Yeah, like that was ever gonna happen once the levee broke. All of this reminds me of John Donne's great poetic theological musing: No man is an island, Entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As well as if a promontory were. As well as if a manor of thine own Or of thine friend's were. Each man's death diminishes me, For I am involved in mankind. Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee. But I'm sure that's just the dog-eating, Kenyan, anti-colonial, socialist in me talking. We did spend some time today "firing" AT&T, and took pleasure in explaining to their representative it was because they refused to cease corporate contributions to ALEC, the NRA's cliff's notes legislation writing arm that brought the US Stand Your Ground Vigilante Out of Jail Free Cards. That felt good.
- Sons of RMoney catapult the propaganda. I had this ad quoted at me today, and it was difficult not to respond with a slap to the face.
- Bush Administration neocons wrote the Iraqi constitution after the illegal invasion and during the occupation. Take a look at Article 31: How 'bout that?
- Mankind was made in God's image and likeness. How does mankind have a sin nature?
- Danny, Whatever you do for the least of my children. And then there is Raygun's outright murder of Archbishop Medeiros. Little Bird, you go girl. I'm Christian, as in Catholic. Sort of. I believe in Teilhard. And Matt Stafford. And Purnall Goldie.
- Joe, except for conservotrons whining about it, people would never have heard about that. And John Kass is a Mike Barnacle wannabe
- No thanks, Joe. That guy is a hack. And when the RMoney campaign is spewing shit, like Vesuvius, It's a little hard to get exercised over the excited utteraance of some TV nitwit I never heard of. I am dead positive more people heard the lame whining about this than heard the original.
- Nope, Joe. Spewing phony bile is the Fox business plan. I'd rather they all just exploded from excess cholesterol. This fool made a stupid mistake. Would it have surprised anybody if the shooter was a home-grown terriss like Eric Rudolph. Has anybody made an extended or outrageous deal over the fact that the Norway murderer was, indeed a rightwing nutcase with guns? Nope.
- Seriously, Joe? You glom onto some talking hairdo error and try to make it equivalent to something like Faux News perpetuating the insane shit about Obama being the Manchurian candidate? Sherrif Joe? C'mon, man. And the Swiftboater's were factual, and W wasn't a draft-dodger? Puh-leeze. Rightwing whining about news outlets would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
- My lord? How does the wing of right get such a skate from the media? Michelle Bachmann can go all Tailgunner and get away with it? The idea that bigtime papers are somehow liberal-leaning is a sad joke, perpetrated by rightwing nutcases. Sorry Joe. Two days ago, these whackjobs were claiming the Batman villain was a swipe at the presumed candidate they want to ditch. These mofos are looney.
- The penalty visited upon Penn State by the NCAA will effectively end PSU football. 40 scholarships over four years and $60mill. And PSU football players can transfer and play immediately at new schools. Urban Meyer is parbly licking his chops and revving up the oversigning. That might not be THE Death Penalty, but it will certainly produce a lingering death. Unfortunately, the penalty will have a serious effect on other PSU sports programs, particularly Title IX women's programs. A lot of people are being punished that did nothing wrong. And Fred Phelps is on his way with his bigot brigade to picket the Aurora memorial service, because God hates fags so She causes nutcases to massacre people in a movie theater. Now that guy is a good argument for large capacity magazines. It's actually worse than that Jeff: Even if one buys the seriously lame Scalito reading of the 2nd Amendment, how does a presumably sane legislator argue that large capacity clips and scads of ammo are Constitutional rights, as Wisconsin's idiot Senator Ron Johnson did on TV yesterday
- Nobody ever claimed Scott Brown is the sharpest tool in the shed, but repeating RMoney's major league lie verbatim is fracking dumb as grunt:
- A picture worth $30million: And Bill O'Reilley thinks he's smarter than Bill Moyers: Must be the imaginary Peabody Awards that give the Spinmeister the overinflated opinion of himself. Or his loofah prowess. God what a blight on the gene pool. Like a red tide bloom.
- Willard RMoney thinks Andy D. is particularly awe-inspiring because he built those roads his buses run on with no help from the gubmint. Like those little girl entrepreneur lemonade stand operators on Fox: And GOPers have finally admitted that the great voter fraud crusade and Jim Crow voter ID laws are intended for vote suppression:
- Yep, Jakash. Looks suspiciously like that crow in Dumbo singing When I See an Elephant Fly. GOPer Vietnam era draft dodger blames the Aurora victims.Quelle surprise. And then the asshole plays the victim card when the paper calls out his callous stupidity. In the debate over not debating gun control, has anyone heard a single sane justification for availability of "assault weapons". Are the deer firing back? Did Congress finally acknowledge the inalienable right to arm bears? Nothing else looks quite right in the gun rack in the Urban Assault Vehicle.
- Sorry, Mark. Those PA GOPers basically admitted they were after vote suppression. When the Texas lege omitted student IDs (with pictures) from the State University System as valid poll IDs, they gave the game away, expecially since the student IDs are valid for CCW licenses. If the aim isn't suppressing the vote, what the hell is it? Ending non-existent voter fraud? That's even stupider than voting 33 times in Congress to repeal ACA and not once on a single jobs bill.
- When politicians set out to solve a problem barely visible with an electron microscope, it's a good bet there is an ulterior motive. Those PA pols I cited have admitted to doing exactly this in their response to the Justice Department. Turzai's statement is reminiscent in its stench of the joint statement of Ken Blackwell and his bud the CEO of Diebold, that they'd guarantee a Shrub win in Ohio. Which they got from Diebold machines in Democratic Sandusky Co. What's that smell like fish?
- The last actually proven unquestionable case of vote fraud took place in the Neh Hempsha GOPer primary, and was subborned by James O'Keefe, to prove it's happening. . GOPers got the Teabangers hot and bothered on this subject with erroneous tales of fraud by the wicked anti-'Murrican cabal ACORN. The ACORN story was twisted beyond recognition by the GOP to claim widespread fraud in registrations, because some crooked paid workers defrauded ACORN by registering Donald Duck and Madalf Heatlump (who only had one), since they were paid by the piece. In reality, what transpired was that ACORN official vetted the forms and reported the phonies to election officials. Those evil bastards. One of the main reasons Cheney and Rove fired all the US attorneys was to attack the Great Voter Fraud plague. For five years, the new Loyal Bushies (the criterion by which the new attorneys were chosen, along with toilet-paper degrees from Liberty and Regency, as admitted by the Loyal Bushies that selected them). Over five years and two national elections, the number of fraudulent votes, augmented by acts of confusion and stupidity came to 89, which, divided by just the 122,295,000or so votes cast in the 2004 federal election, yielda a cheating percentage of 0.0000007. Well south of the number of votes cast in total for a variety of socialist and prohibition candidates. Kinda puny numbers to get so riled up about we disenfranchise nonagenarians that have never missed an election. Funny if it weren't so un-American.
- It's well-documented that GOPers in Volusia Co., FLA in 2000, caused trains to park across RR crossings to prevent black voters from reaching polling places. The ID scam is kinda a step up from Klan related tactics of that sort, actually.
- And if my party was running a candidate this fracking lame I'd be looking for an EMP to use on the opposition rather than mere vote suppression.
- That ain't fantasy, Danny, that is Okham's razor. Since there is no fraud problem, the most obvious explanation for this GOPer canard has got to be the simplest one. Party of the Brooks Bros. riot. Party of robbing FLA and Ohio.
- MarkH, a childhood friend of mine that is a CSX conductor admitted to me that he was paid $7,500 to park trains to block neighborhoods from polls. There were a tremendous number of anecdotal accounts at the time. I choose to believe my ex-friend. The GOPer voting officials changed polling places and times. FLA was rooted for GOPers from the get-go, as soon as the Painted Lady was put in charge of the ballots. It's GOPers that despise the electoral college, but if you threw it out in 2000, Shrub crashed, no Bush tax cuts, no deregulation and no illegal invasions and occupations. Crash less likely.
- MarkH. You can claim I'm lying. The voter suppression campaign is obvious. These days, some photo ID is required to ensure you aren't making W=oxy. The war against drugs is the most horseshit crap ever, Steer them third strikes sad-sacks into the GOPer privatized shit. Are you folds that fracking stupid?
- Mark H, am I lying? wouldn't bother. For a fact, I'm sure ahole GOPers actually impeded voting. I admit it isn't proved beyond a shit, but you have to claim I'd lie if you say this isn't true, and I swear it is absolutely true. I think I'm more trustworthy than you are. You are a Republicant.
- Is Rick Scott trustworthy. He's the most massive medicare fraud in history and moron voters selected him in FLA. This guy is the biggest crook in the history of government and people voted for his crooked ass. What say, Mark H and Danny? Rick Scott is a monumentaal crook, N'ecst Pas? The asshole is a GOPer, How do you make amends for that astounding crook?
- Danny and Mark? How od you account for acrook so massive? That is RMoneylike crooked shit.
- Cooze, vagina will make them queasy. Personally, I always liked the word borrowed directly from Latin. Even some GOPers find Rick Scott's voter purge noxious: My poll workers all know me, which is parbly the way the Founders meant it to go. Those old boys also never heard of "assault weapons" nor 100-round magazines, much less wrote them into the Bill of Rights. And that's Time and Timbuktoo. Not all football players are mindless:
- Ain't that America?
- Jolene: Pardon, but Cheney picked Cheney for VP, the assholes robbed FLA with the aid and abetment of the SC, and everything went to shit. And RMoney wants to bring back the PNAC and take orders from Bibi, and blow up Iran. This is a very bad idea. And I'm stuck in Tevas. And how bout them Anglo-Saxon Meskins. Willard is an asshole. He's extablished that. Anglo-Saxon? Sons of Dan were more Spaniards in the works: What an entire buffoon. Somebody is going to vote for this fracking idiot because he isn't brown? Racist state.
- “I’m a state trooper” comedy act Welp, Barney, That's kidnapping, and there ain't no Statute of Limitations on kidnapping. Cuccinelli is fraudulent Danny. GOPers, can't live with them and can't shoot them. Chortle, chortle.
- Jakash: Jobs, jobs, jobs, right Rep. Oompa Loompa said so. These Messersschmitts are the biggest Fokker Liars that ever lived, and morons believe them because a brown-skinned President is too much for them to take. It is absolutely astounding that anybody believes a word the mendacious GOP says.
- We live in vaca biker paradise. Bike trails everywhere. And stop signs at every pisant condo driveway. Not this cowboy. If I'm on the road, OK. But if I'm going straight through an intersection on my bike, why do drivers assume the right of way when they are turning left and I'm going straight on through? Aholes. Heather, no shit. The obvious weight difference also implies a tremendous difference in agility. I don't stop. BFD? GOPers will have you produce a photo ID to continue.
- Nancy, I'd say the unfilmable book is Far Tortuga. Dorothy, I saw a driver kill a cyclist that way in front of the big Gold Dome building at MIT once. But the guy was an unquestionable Obama voter. Jewfro for sure.
- olympiccs: How many of theses are sports: What a crock. Bob Beamon rules. Most amazing ever. Altitude shmaltitude. World's greatest record.
- Mittens takes GB by storm. What an idiot. Serious buffoon. Gutdom what a fracking moron.
- Mittens confuses himself with Allen West. That mighty super clearance. This guy is the dancing horse's ass.
- The Detroit Police Department in 1967 was a seething hotbed of racism. Wonder who had the bright idea to raid a blind pig at 3am on a sunday morning? Monumental stupidity.
- Romneyshambles. Olympics brouhahas.
- The PM's "middle of nowhere" comment was a pretty funny riposte to RMoney's cloddish ugly Americanism, but getting dissed by Carl Lewis, a great Olympics athlete and singer of the worst non-Rosanne national anthem ever is hilarious. GOPers were all het up over the KeystoneXL pipeline when President Obama oppoed it. They claimed erroneously and mendaciously that the pipeline would create thousands of jobs and that it would increase gasoline supplies in the USA (unmitigated bushwa, it's all going to China as diesel, and will actually raise fuel prices for Midwestern US farmers.) Now all of those folks in the red states are faced with the taking of their land by eminent domain. This has always been a powerful shibboleth for GOPers. How will they square this with their Big Oil Jones? Kelo vs. City of New London ring a bell? Didn't Chris Matthews make some rilly awkward comment about McCain's electability in '08 by saying he was reliable, like the old man odor of Old Spice and stogies?
- Maybe Willard can drop in to file a review: Nicely written piece about a punker singer who realized at 31 married with a kid on the way that she's transexual. She's also very articulate. I've always liked this band. What a spectacularly strange thing to go through.
- Snoop Dogg reinvention as Rastaman: Ain't Marley or Toots, but considering what passes for popular music these days, it ain't all that bad. How the hell are RMoney, McCain Boner and the GOPers getting away with this huge fracking lie about cuts in defense spending? The cuts came right out of the Teabanger House of Representatives when the GOPers refused to raise the debt ceiling. The cuts have been a fait accompli for months and these bastards are claiming the reductions in defense spending are something the President has just sprung on them. Maybe they could have used some of those endless hours wasted on voting to repeal ACA 33 fracking times to do something about this.
- Official swimsuit of the Michigan State Legislature.
- That torch lighting was pretty astounding. Especially liked the Pink Floyd. And Macca can still belt out the scat on the Hey Jude coda: All that you touch and all that you see All that you taste All you feel. and all that you love and all that you hate All you distrust All you save. and all that you give and all that you deal and all that you buy, beg, borrow or steal. and all you create and all you destroy and all that you do and all that you say. and all that you eat And everyone you meet and all that you slight And everyone you fight. and all that is now and all that is gone and all that's to come and everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon. "There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark. The only thing that makes it look bright is the sun"
- Peppers in all of their variety are the most physically beautiful of vegetables. I heard something in passing clicking by the Olympics last night that makes RMoney's boorish comments about Great Britain sound even more ham-handed and tin-eared. Last time London was the Olympics site was 1948, and the city stood in for Rome, which had not recovered sufficiently from WWII, after being blitzed by the German airforce every night for years. This was the return of the world to the games after 12 years of war. Nobody gave the organizers $1.3bn, either. So, where the sun don't shine, Willard, you ballet horse's ass. The great hero of the '48 Games was Fanny Blankers-Koen, the Flying Houswife, of the Netherlands: She won gold medals at 100m, 200m, 80m hurdles and 4x100m relay. In '46, six weeks after giving birth to a daughter, Blankers-Koen won European championships in Oslo in the hurdles and the relay. She competed in high jump and 100m, but the events were held simultaneously and she fell in the 100, hindering her high jump performance. An astounding athlete. And how 'bout that nickname? My biggest interest in the current games, aside from swimming, is Hyleas Fountain in the heptathlon. She won a silver in Baijing, and based on a personal best in the USOC Trials, she's got a good shot at winning this time. I'm a sucker for fireworks, so I thought the display to close the torch lighting was way cool, expecially with the Pink Floyd "Eclipse" accompaniment. A perfectly rational discussion of what the NRA is really up to with its bullshit about assault weapons and the 2nd Amendment. Their protecting the profits of gun manufacturers. If someone wants to convince me I have a 2nd Amendment right to own an AK-47 I will expect them to explain why I can't have a bazooka or an RPG.
- Funny video cooze. Teabanger wants government hands off his Medicare. Remarkable Olympics story: Hard to imagine how this guy does this.
- More on the pregnant Malaysian Annie Oakley at the Olympics:
- When RMoney ran the Olympics, he had pins made in his likeness. In fracking China.
- MichaelG, there is much to be said for "crisp, concise, classy and short", but if somebody wants to put on fireworks that make the London Blitz look minor, I'm buying. The great thing about Ms. Suryana Taibi is the flip answers she gave to the journos asking incredibly stupid questions. She would obviously be a hoot to hang with in the Olympic Village. And this may be a cultural glitch, but the perfoormers in London looked more like they were enjoying themselves that those in Beijing four years ago. And what the hell was the deal with the flying bicycles?
- Willard is making a big deal out of somehow trying to connect Obama to the Libor rate fixing by Euro bankers. Shit RMoney, you just had dinner with all those guys in London and claim you raised $2mil. What's the deal with raising funds from Eurotrash bankers, you dancing horse's patoot?
- Dayum, those high bar release moves in male gymnastics are scary as hell.
- Maggie, last night an NBC commentator on beach volleyball called a female player a "stud". Don't suppose anybody's going to top that one for unadulterated idiocy. Always thought synchronized swimming was pretty questionable as "sport". But it's in the Olympics, so I'm going to say, this is the funniest sports picture I've seen in a while. Looks like Bill Murray just showed up with a Baby Ruth.
- Jeff: There are predictably jingoistic winger rants in abundance concerning the celebration of "socialized" medicine (cooze had a great link @7). George Will is unquestionably firing up his "you know those Brits I've always felt kinship to because of my obvious superiority to Americans, well it turns out they're a bunch of snotty poopyheads" column. And really, what do those sync swimmers see in the water with them? Maggie, that video is very funny. To bad Michael McKean wasn't avaiable too. Shouldn't there be some sort of international comedy law that says those guys must make two movies for every one churned out by Zach Galifinakis, Seth Rogen, Ben Stiller, Russell Brand and other non-funny hacks of that sort? Just came upon this gem finding a Mission of Burma song on YouTube: And what's the deal with that Colombian puta bruja slugging America's Sweetheart in the eye? It's no surprise the referees made no call. Just ask the '72 men's hoops team, who still do not want their silver medals. FIFA has no choice but to disqualify her. And shouldn't all these SA and CA soccer and BB players have to play under their real names? I mean, Lady Andrade? Maybe it's a criminal alias. Nene? That's a kind of turkey in Hawai'i. Someone should tell the guy. Softball was axed because of American domination. Basketball is a sport invented in the United States. Why are ther wierd "international"rules like goaltending is OK and the key is misshapen? Rhythmic gymnastics, somebody's nightmare turned into reality. Plus the same sort of unmitigated bias in judging that mars real gymnastics. Still, MichaelG, a female stud is a lot like the Athens Banner Herald headline calling J@P@ the first non-Catholic Pope.
- Well that should have been J2P2, but I can't make edit work. Bad day for me and electronics. We canned AT&T for phone service because the coverage sucks and because the company has maintained its affiliation with ALEC, the NRA's bastard offspring lobbying and legislation cliffnotes purveyor. Went with the AARP supported Consumer Cellular because of friends' recommendations and because some of the cash for our service goes for support to progressive organizations like MoveOn and PFAW. A selected an option to replace the SIMcard inmy IPhone, but I can't get the phone to spit out the AT&T SIMcard.
- A really fine piece from the Olympics by Bob Ryan (aka Twice the Writer Mitch Albom Thinks He Is), about his mentor, The ol'time Globe Spoorts Editor, Jerry Nason. With a few exccerpts of Nason's coverage from the last London Olympics: Maybe if Mitch got Ryan, Gammons and McMullan on tape, he could play them while he sleeps and get better by osmosis. Check out Ryan's happy reminiscence and think what Mitch would have done with this. (But not on an empty stomach.) How does Boston get three great sportswriters on one paper while Detroit gets stuck with Albom. Doesn't seem fair. JackieMac is that rarissimae avae, a topflight athlete that becomes an ace sportswriter. I think that Latin is correct for superlative and dative plural feminine. What American right-wing nutcases believe: Fair representation? I'd bet $10grand right now (while I've still got the means to afford it before the GOP fracks the economy any worse than it already has in their effort to get rid of the Magic Negro candidate, their words, not mine) RMoney would not deny any of this shite in public. Most certainly not in private, where he meets with Bibi and the Zionists, the Koch Bros. (strange bedfellows there), reporters from Adelson's Jerusalem Post that know what Willard will say before he says it, because it's what Adelson wants him to say. Believing this trumped-up tripe requires a delusional detachment from reality. Not only should nutcases that believe this Bushwa not have access to assault weapons other than salt-loaders, they really shouldn't be allowed to vote. Of course, supporting a guy that says he would go back to Shrub policies that flooded the lower 9th that the US economy became under W's guidance is easily categorized as that classic example of craziness: doding the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
- And that NRA "Obama's comin' fer yer guns" bullshit? That has gotten cops murdered, specifically, by looneys with guns. So STFU Wayne, about terriss' and insane peoples' 2nd Amendment rights. Unless that's part of the plan to decrease the numbers of those evil unionized teachers and first-responders. And Joe, the lower east coast ain't fit for man, beast, nor airplane right now. Bang up storms, fog rising, violent lightning.
- Well, cooze, they could sacrifice the entire Westboro Babdiss congregation. Then two two birds with one stone might make a right. And Atwater tried for a deus ex machina by confessing to the whole Southren Strategy and apologizing on his deathbed.
- It seems obvious to me that Deborah and Maggie are talking about the cruel irony evoked by the folks getting the shaft gobbling up bullshit they are fed by the shafters: The GOP is the self-proclaimed party of small bidnesses, but the bidnesses they mean are the hedge funds, cosmetic surgery LLCs and white-shoe law firms that do corporate takeovers and IPOs. You know, ma and pa job creators. How is anybody dumb enough to buy this shinola? It's tragic. And RMoney says he's going back to the Shrub policies, and that doesn't scare the crap out of people. Anesthetized they are. Besotted with fungelictalictment and racist dog-whistles. I think that was Philadelphia, MI, cooze, the Neshoba county seat, where Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner were murdered. Right on the money, Bonzo. And for anyone that still believes there wasn't a President with Alzheimers, read the whole speech: Explain what the frack Raygun's point was with the Johns Wayne Ole Miss story. Damn that is woolgathering worse than I do at the grocery store.
- Here's a question? How was USA joblessness of W's second term arrested and reversed. The tax cuts for rich "job creators" from his first three years? Yeah, right. It was reversed by the meager stimulus Obama managed to get out of the naysaying GOP. If the GOP was serious about "jobs, jobs, jobs" they'd let the W rich-people tax breaks sundown as they were intended to two years ago, and "earmark" some of the increased revenue for increasing the minimum wage, which is so low it should be a point of national embarrassment. That would certainly drive an economic upturn and create jobs, but no GOPer will ever admit to the simple common sense of the idea that putting money into the hands of folks that have to spend it on necessities would rev the economy rathe than giving it to those who would shelter it to pass it down the line to another generation.
- That Facebook rubric is ridiculous. Any grandparent that has a grandkid 1000 miles away, is bound to have one though. Otherwise, I'd find Zuckerberg and the intrusive FB culture way too creepy. I'd bet a case for a statistically significant correlation between owning an FB account and being a stalker/murderer could be made as convincingly. Couple of thoughts about Olympic swimming: When Phelps was so slow in the 400IM prelim, he was doomed in the final, swimming next to a pool wall instead of a wave deadening lane marker is brutal and the 400IM is a killer. I occasionally had to take one for the team and swim the 200IM in HS, and it was horrible. I had two good strokes, free and breast, one decent, fly, and one execrable, back. I generally felt like I was going to drown on the backstroke leg. Swimming agains the wall makes it worse by a mile. I would rather have swum 1650 free back then than 200IM, 8X longer. Just saw my fellow Bulldawg alum almost win the 400 free at the wall. Go Allison Schmitt. A great swimmer. She set an American record. She ran out of pool. Breastroke as it is swum these days is unrecognizable from the stroke as taught and required by the rules 45 yrs. ago when I was not bad at it. We were taught not to pull wide and flat as they do these days but down and back under our chest. The way the modern swimmers do it, they come head and shoulders out of the water and dive forward into the stroke. Back in the day. we were taught to keep our heads still and never breakk the surface with our shoulders. This was more or less the Doc Counselman method. Doc (legendary IU swimming coach) was the author of the swimming bible for decades. The way today's swimmers execute the stroke, fully submerged head at full stroke extension would get you a DQ PDQ under old rules. Of course the underwater dolphin kicks everybody does on starts and turns would have been a DQ in any race, any stroke in the old days. You used to be allowed one pull, one kick under water and then you had to break surface in breast. That Raygun speech at the Neshoba Co. Fair was carefully chosen for the introduction of the Racial Dog Whistle by GOP strategists, and it's been their go-to ever since. Vile and un-American.
- That's what comes of consuming beet shakes, young man. Kind of crony the RMoneys pal around with at the Olympics:
- There's an actress named after Johnny Rotten's last band? Who knew? Peter King, in his column today on says that Tom Benson, owner of the NFL Saints is trying to buy the Times-Picayune to prevent the cutback to three days/week. Now that's a civic-minded sports owner. King also calls out Carolina Panthers WR Steve Smith, well known to sports comment board racists as a thug, mainly for breaking a teammates jaw in a training camp brawl, for donating $100grand towards the hospital bills for the Aurora shooting victims. Smith said: As a father and husband, I cannot imagine the pain and suffering the victims are going through. I hope this contribution might assist in paying some of the medical bills that will help allow these families to move forward in this tragic circumstance. My kind of thug. I read sports article comment boards frequently, and I can say honestly, I have never seen a white football player described as a thug. As an ex-diver, I can enjoy the syncro, but they have done something unrecognizable with degree of difficulty which in diving is as straightforward as it is fracking obscure in gymnastics. When I see two teams get a 3.0 multiplier for an inward 2-1/2 pike and a forward single twisting 1-1/2 it bugs the fracking shite out of me. No way in the world are those two dives equally difficult. I'm 61, and a can still do a single twister off a decent board. I wouldn't try an inward 2-1/2 with an Uzi at my head. Although I stick to 1m boards these days. Water is hard as a rock when you land wrong from a great height. RMoney gives the impression of having an "innie" for a dick. If Scalia's right about the vast menu of 2nd Amendment approved weapons, I want a working Sherman tank like James Garner had in Tank (I'd like Lori Petty to drive it, please): Take that you cheap redneck tricks. Given the Byzantine architecture of the US Tax Code, there is probably some porno tax break (or tax expenditure like Big Oil gets) Ron Jeremy is counting on Willie to protect. We saw whitewater canoeing last night. I'd love to have a go at that course. Much fun. And Niger exports more than yellowcake:
- We also saw a team handball match between France and Norway. This game seems that it would be fun to play, but I am not sure I understand the rules on advancing the ball by running or when dribbling is required. I rooted for Norway (one grandparent of four, and there are not a lot of Irish participants). The game is a lot like water polo, but on a hard court like hoops, so there is no opportunity for all of the dirty underwater shenanigans that characterize water polo. Still, it was a women's match and notable for serious contact with no pads or protection, rougher than real BB, much like the farce of international hoops, where ticky-tacky- fouls abound and mayhem is somehow officially ignored. I'm waiting for men's shotput to show. Former UGA star thrower Reese Hoffa, who greatly resembles Dizzy Gillespie, has been around at the top of the shotput world for many years. Reese still lives and trains in Athens and is devoted a patron of the Taco Stan as my brothers and I are when we're there. He is a hail fellow well-met guy, and instantly recognizable at about under 6 ft. and at least 320 lbs. Not too svelte but serious guns, and refreshingly scruffy, and lighter on his feet than Ann RMoney's horse: He should be in movies. Speaking of movies, in what imaginary universe did somebody think a remake of Total Recall is a good idea. And how about full contact dressage? Personall, I can see the attraction, but dislike seeing animals trained to do unnatural things for the enjoyment of lesser creatures like humans. Like the bear called State O' Maine riding a bicycle. The previous administration is still defending the efficacy and morality of torture, while they've forgotten all about the policy of "Shock and Awe" which probably killed 50 thou residents of Baghdad slums in the first three days of the illegal invasion. Hell, those monsters still claim it was a "just war" displaying their idiotic readiness to turn real, serious philosophical thought into a mindless shibboleth. Asshole war criminals. And I can't watch women's gymnastics as long as they let that pervert Bela Karolyi anywhere near those kids. And if all of the competitors are 15, I could wake up 30 tomorrow. The Chinese team got away with a bunch of 12 year ilds in Beijing, just adding to the sport's travesty. International gymnastics is revolting to anybody that has seen the American college version, actual young women, student athletes with normal lives in their futures, who compete for the love of it.
- Good website for Olympics schedules: coozledad: Is there a Street of Crocodiles movie. I recently bought a volume of stories by Bruno Schulz with that title from the NYRB bookstore. They seem to specialize in whsat was considered good literary fiction in the middle of the 20th Century, and I've had some real surprises following their recommendations. For instance, I'd never heard of The Mangan Inheritance, by Brian Moore, and found it over-the -top enjoyable, on the lines of Amis pere, like Lucky Jim, my choice for funniest novel not written by Faye Weldon, Tom McGuane or Henry Fielding. Anyway, haven't read Street of Crocodiles yet, but would love to see a movie after I do. Pam. The primary question about Total Recall is how is anybody put up that kind of cash to FUBAR Phillip K. Dick. So, if somebody was going to do a remake, hire Ridley Scott, you philistines. Orozco's mom was funny to me. Like my own mammy when my brother and I were diving. I was doing a reverse dive layout once, and very close to the board coming down and heard her let out a shriek in the otherwise dead quiet pool. Miraculously I didn't get hurt. When you mess up a reverse dive, you frequently hit the board headfirst. I'm ambivalent on all of the parent shots, thinking back to the 80s and Dr. Kiraly cheering on his boy Karch with his widdle Amewican flag. Lord that got old fast.
- Buy what you need, buy things that you love, and take care of what you own. Translation into RMoney: I hate business. Best headline in a long time:,0,1562280.story
- Thanks cooze. Ima read the story tonight and then watch the movie. I bought the book chiefly because of immediate fascination with the title. Your last film suggestion, Russian Ark, was very fine. Those lyrics sound like an epigram in a China Mievill book. They could have been written for Perdido Street Station. Fit Dark City pretty well too (a personal favorite).
- The bigtime climate change denier on the Koch payroll says he's been wrong all along, watming is real and people cause it:,0,7372823.story Read it and weep while you cry in your beer and listen to Wagner you Nazified creeps.
- I find Rhythmic Gymnastics amusing in a chortling way. It's like something invented to warm up audiences for Penn & Teller or Siegfried & Roy. But I found out this morning there is men's rhythmic gymnastics. I'm assuming Will Farrell and Ben Stiller are representing the USA. No thanks. Real women's international gymnastics are too painful for me to watch aside from the SVU aspect Karolyi brings to it. I used to go to UGA meets frequently, when they were winning 10 NCAA championships (five straight). These were real college women who didn't look like science experiments or stolen babies. To of the best were Leah Brown and Hope Spivey. Bothe were summa for four years in premed and I think both are doctors now. Hope was small like most gymnasts. Leah, on the other hand was 5-8 and built like Angela Basset. She had a huge student following and fan section at home meets. When the announcers were talking last night about height on the vault and floor, I thought about times I'd seen Leah Brown defy gravity. The joy for teammates never seemed de rigeur either. Those women were rowdy, raucous, and altogether joyous, and their coach was a long tall bottle redhead given to wearing leather minis and stiletto heels into combat. Here's a photo of the 2008 NCAA champs, without a browbeaten little girl in the bunch: I liked that skeet shootin' lady getting a medal in her fith Games in a row. Mention of wrestling reminds me of Rulon Gardner, who defeated the seemingly indomitable Russian Karelin in Greco-Roman. Gardner ended up on Biggest Loser at 400+.
- Scribe, I meant no disrespect. If somebody does something athletic I know I couldn't do, that's good enough. But "artistic" gymnastics has been gymnastics for a long time. In comparison, the rhythmic type looks like Mom & Me Gymboree or something. The use of inanimate objects that doesn't involve projectiles seems silly. I think calling something gymnastics that doesn't involve tumbling and extreme strength is a tad ridiculous. I'd take Chastain's side parbly, because Solo was pretty classless in her war of words against her teammate, the great Briana Scurry. I saw Scurry play in a preliminary of the '96 Olympics played in Sanford Stadium in Athens GA, against the Nigerian team, a fierce and lightning fast power at that time. Scurry was brilliant. Solo treated her elder condescendingly when Solo was second guessed after the World Cup loss to Japan, in which she did not play well, and her teammates completely shat the bed in a shootout.
- Und Herr Wagner libet den Nazis. And Wagner's music was used to coopt Scandinavian mythology to the glory of the Reich, thanks in large part to his own written imprecations against Jews that Hitler took to heart: Of course, all of that comes from Wagner's operas, a form I don't get at all.Screechy and strident to no apparent point.
- Touche, Suzanne. What's opera, Doc? Beb "you didn't build that" had an unequivocal antecedent in the previous sentence's reference to roads and bridges, a transportation system. Simple English Here's what RMoney is getting away with, and it is galling that he can. Doesn't say much for the electorate: Unless he thinks hedge funds are pitching in on infrastructure. And with the GOPers acting as if Obama's proposals about infrastructure spending as a means of putting people to work are somehow nonsense, when anybody with common sense knows the work is necessary and the jobs would come, it's hard to understand how these bastards can get away with this nonsense. It might be cruel, and it may be unfair, but I hope Willard picks Pawlenty for VP, who let the bridge fall down to cut taxes. I just don't see these issues as difficult to keep straight. The American Society of Civil Engineers is not some Soros-financed group of wild-eyed radicals. They are a bunch of belt and suspenders thinkers about design and safety. I guess the wild and crazy ones all work for the Army Corps. Anyway, ASCE has been issuing dire warnings about America's infrastructure, particularly bridges, and most particularly that Minnesota bridge over the Mississippi, since the early '90s. These reports generally have the sort of urgency voiced in that hair on fire PDB to W about airplanes flown into buildings. I'm not saying the bridge collapse was Pawlenty's fault, but he was warned loud and clear, and treated the experts like the Greeks treated Cassandra, in the interest of buffing his fiscal responsibility image. When the next bridge collapse, and it will, I'll have no compunction about blaming it on the GOPublicans in the House that have voted in vain to repeal ACA 33 franking times since Boner promised "jobs, jobs, jobs". Fact is, ASCE turns out these infrastructure grading reports almost annually at a large cost to the members that the government would otherwise have to pay for. This is a natural GOP constituency that the party simply ignores because it suits their political aims, and damn the cost in damaged infrastructure and wasted lives. I say you must be an asshole to "govern" that way.
- Chastain will always get away with anything she says because she took her jersey off. Why that was such a huge deal, considering the number of women that run, play tennis, and exercise in what amount to sports bras, is beyond me. Always seemed to me that Solo resented the fact that Scurry's team, particularly Chastain, got the bigger national buzz. Wonder if RMoney is invited/ And what's wrong with Lech Walesa, the Cesar Chavez or Walter Reuther of Poland encouraging Willard? Oldtimer? ASCE statement on the I35W bridge collapse. I'm sure somebody wanted to say I told you so. This professional organization has been doing these assessments for 15 years and can't get the ear of the legislative branch that holds the purse strings.
- Hope Solo one-upping Brandi Chastain.
- On what Bizarroworld planet is this RMoney gaffe not Freudian slip racism? And shouldn't the Israelis be up in arms too, since real Israelis are Semites too, not Northern Europeans?
- Added time in soccer is kept solely by referees and is very suspicious as a result. two or three plays sandwiched by banks of commercials Of course, many soccer games are two or three plays packed into 90 minutes of tedium.
- Just found out Elizabeth Warren is speaking in prime time at the Dem Convention. That should be good.
- Actually, that's Murcia, Jeff. Willard's Palestinian disparagement makes me wonder if he heard about the pirate attack by the IDF on those people trying to bring food, meds and construction materials to Gaza. Some people reacted with outrage when Jimma Ed Carter compared Israeli treatment of the West Bank and Gaza citizens with DeKlerk apartheid, but RMoney's comments about culture might be the way he felt about the low GDPs in the Bantustans. Would anyone be surprised? The statement was indescribably vile, not "racist" I suppose per se, since Jews and Arabs were all Semitic before the Jews became Europeanized thousands of years ago. Israel is currently violating the Geneva Conventions regarding occupied lands and about 25 UN resolutions. The destruction of entire Palestinnian towns on occupied Palestinian territory to replace them with high-rise luxury condos for "settlers" is a heinous crime against human rights that the USA should feel bound to interfere with. Remember, the great insult to Bibi by Obama's statement on the '67 borders was a response to the Israeli PM's announcing openings of new "settlements while Biden was visiting Israel, after the State Department was told specifically that no such thing was planned. What benefit accrues to the US from its alliance with Israel? None I can think of.
- Whenever I hear a truly horrible National Anthem like that kid yesterday, I think of this wonderful moment from Maurice Cheeks. I detested Mo as a player because he was a Sixer, but this episode is wonderful: What a great guy.
- Brilliant graphic: Gay marriage pie chart. Lotte Lenya or Sally Bowles.
- Aly Raisman's earrings: Funniest RMoney World Tour anecdote: People in Polish crowds waved Ron Paul signs at him.
- Mean joke by Conan O'Brien last night: 300,000,000 left without electricity in India. On a single block. Yeah, it's terrible, but there is an essential truth involved. Resources are finite; population is limited only by resources. Every time Massey Energy tops another mountain in West Virginny for E-Z access to coal, a crick at the bottom of a holler is filled with spoil and the watershed for the entire East Coast is damaged. I worry more about the tipping poin for water than I do about petroleum. One is necessary to human life, the other not at all. Every time fracking fluid infiltrates anothe aquifer more of precious resource is gone forever. The USA is blessed with Saudi-like bounty of fresh water, but India is not. China is trashing its waterways. Africa will become a water battlefield someday. And GOPers want to let mammon run wild without regulation here, for ill-conceived, short-sighted and kneejerk reasons. One more reason to get out the sensible human vote in November 2012. At some point, if water is regulated, only rich people will have water. GOP Utopia. That vote suppression effort is just ennervating. Then there is the matter of the likely three Supreme Court vacancies during the next Presidential term: A superb, and somewhat scary, explication of how the ACA decision came about, from NYRB. "Tree-chopper-downers" sounds like a literal translation of a German word. As gasser-putter-inner is carburetor.
- Just saw this: Harry Reid flings poo.
- MarkH That article makes three points about the unlikelihood of Reid's claim being true. Fine, but it certainly doesn't cover every possible circumstance in which the claim could be true, none of it precludes the possibility it's true, the piece is entirely petulant in tone, i.e. unprofessional, and it's mostly what I thought when I first saw Reid's statement. Who cares, it's funny as hell, it's conceivably true, and it's nowhere near the outrageous outright lie perpetrated by the "you didn't build that" ads, so RMoney can su Harry or go frack himself. And if that's not an LDS ritual, it should be. And does the right like to bring up vetting on the Dem side so frequently because $Palin was the single greatest vetting failure in the history of American politics? Also, why is somebody on a CNN website defending Willard? Isn't CNN part of the Kenyan Socialist Conspiracy?
- Bobby Knight's coaching the Tunisian Olympic hoops team? Who knew?
- No matter what anyone may think of Gore Vidal, he had the brass balls to call the fraud William Buckley a proto-crypto-Nazi on television in front of Howard K. Smith, who was also a crypto-Nazi and almost swallowed his tongue when Vidal uttered the epithet. Buckley's civilized response? "Call me that again and I'll sock you in the face, you goddamned queer." Vidal ignored the vulgar blowhard in patrician fashion. I missed it live. No TV where I was in Grant Park. Years later, when asked his feelings on Buckley's death, Vidal said I thought hell is bound to be a livelier place, as he joins forever those whom he served in life, applauding their prejudices and fanning their hatred. Brilliant Cik-Fil-A screed , very good-natured delivery. Nutshell: ACA and women's health issues. You can understand why China would be tough on equine tourists. The Chinese are expert in exporting animal-borne viruses. A world leader.
- Bill Bennett is astoundingly oleagiauness, it exudes from his giblets, What a remarkable shihead. 'Bout as smart as Some racist shit like Ty Cobb. Sqame kinda racist.
- Deborah, iffy St. Louis is documented well in Nat Lampoon's Vacation, one of the greatest movies ever made. And Dorothy, how was Jeff recognizable, the tmmo aura?
- Having done it, I'll tell you that most divers look scared as shit mid-dive. Think going down a hill in a Radio Flyer. And it seems to me any kind of diving is more of a sport than sitting on a dancing horse. Beb, that RMoney business is all Lying for the Lord in the interest of the White Horse Prophecy. And how do hunters in Canada manage without AKs? Just better shots that like less lead in dinner?
- I thought Lord of War was a good movie. But I liked Con-Air, so what the hell do I know? $Palin thinks boycotting Chik-Fil-A is an attack on freedom of speech. Pussy farts. Oh. And Dan Cathy's being "crucified". Consider just stop giving, Moose-stasha. Olympics soundtrack: Ray and Dave for the win. The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt. -- Bertrand Russell, The Triumph of Stupidity (1933)
- Danny, Jim Rome looks like the people in Total Recall whose eyes were ready to pop out of their heads when they were gasping for air on the surface of Mars without pressure suits. Jim ought to try actually doing a sport for once. Closest he ever came: It's OK not to ever have been an athlete. Most people aren't. But making a living mocking the gifted is lamer than the guy in Acts 3:2. That's wannabe OG Jim Rome doing his best Ned Beatty in redneck heaven imitation. cooze, The idea of those geezers engaged in sex is probably more inducive to runny bowels than beet milkshakes. Hi, I'm Todd, and I'll be your server tonight. Our specials tonight include the hot-ass crackers in khakis... No disrespect intended (tmmo), I'm sure you rock your aura.
- LAMary: His brother was Clinton's lawyer. Interesting T-day conversation. Fat bloviator with a serious gambling problem preaching about morals. Another poster boy for abstaining from sex and eating.
- Paddy, I'm all Detroit by upbringing but all-Southren by nature and by choice. And I say Sweet Tea is an abomination of both sugar and caffeine. And Chic-Fil-A chicken isn't horrible, but it sure as shit isn't Southren by any stretch. Parbly Delaware. This man knew how to make chicken: And he would have been proud to have Liberace at the Pickwick: And Phyllis woud parbly support Cathy if she could work it out of her Depends contract. And then bats flew out her cooch.
- Didn't Bennet's wife do something like rinse, repeat. Although, typing "Bennet's wife" is tickkling my gag reflex something awesome, and I'm flashing of Rumsfeld.
- I love the way Ann Telnaes draws Scalia, and she's got a good ear for his most ridiculous statements. How many Canadians use US Health Care?
- Apple is emailing me about Mountain Lion. Do I want this? $20. JC? Jenna Jameson? That's not even good Irish whiskey. Y'all are gonna grow hair on your palms. I've heard the name, so I looked her up: They all be Lyin' for the Lord. I love the way Ann Telnaes draws Scalia, and she's got a good ear for more his most ridiculous statements. I'm a fan of John Crowley, and I take all sorts of grief for it, but Little, Big is nonpareil. How many Canadians use US Health Care? Jenna, 10-ft. pole? I'll pass. Nasty.
- Wow, links bomb unintended. How did that sneak past?
- Basset. Them shoes are all wrong. And that's a pretty homely woman. And Nancy, go to more Tigs games: What genius invented the boxscore? My brother Chris and I spent summers playing Dodgers vs. Yankees whiffle ball, based on Free Press box scores. Batting and throwing lefty, righty. Only thing I was ever better at. And badminton, and croquet. And guitar playing. Chris had a try with the Jets, went to UVA Law instead.
- Labron sin't Larry, And Lochte sure as shit ain't Phelps. And Missy is way cool, but she ain't Mairy T. The greatestst female swimmer ever lived?
- Missy Franklin may be the next Mary T. but she doeesn't swim fly. Backstroke is lame. And Mary T. and Janet are the greatest female swimmers ever. But that's just a swimmer's opinion. That was one hungry lion. But Michael G, here you go: I think competing gets built in. I don't think that's a bad thing.
- Oscar Pistorius into the semis. My man Reese Hoffa only won bronze. But imagine how cool that is. He actually won the WC in the shot back in 2007, so I suppose he's getting a little long in the tooth. Anyway, this is a superb story about the guy.And Allison Scmitt is ripping it up: And I said that wrong about Mary T. Amy Van Dyken is cooler. Janet Evans, on the other hand, is flat out awe inspiring.Wonder what in the world those young ladies are doing these days. Coaching swimming, I hope. At least part-time. And Joe Pesci, it's your voice you mutt. And My Cousin Vinny is one of the best movies ever made. Hilarious. Fred Gwynn? amazing. And for my money, Paul Theroux is a much better writer than Jack Kerouac. In fact, I think Jack Kerouac is wretched, just bad.
- Janet Evans: People think 400 free is a long race. Not really. My brother Mark swam 1650, and he was very good at it. Swam it in college at Holy Cross. In the great Church pedophile scandal, has there been a Jebbie? Nope, they were busy with the girls from Immaculata (that's a Detroit joke, for which I'll take some shit.) And that Chinese girl swam a faster 100free relay split than Lochte? I don't think so. Women cannot swim nor run as fast as men at world class.. I have no doubt there are women here that can run faster than I, but swimming, no way in the world. Wyomia Tyus could not outrun Bob Hayes. Mary T.Meagher in her prime was going to finish half a lap back (that's 25 meters) to Phelps in 100 fly. Something was way screwy about that race. Judybusy, I love that guy. Kinda Dutch light. I'd say Road Kill is my favorite. Hilarious. Mitch Albom wishes he could write with that facility. I mean, it's almost like he's not even trying. I don't think he is, actually. He's just funny as a Mofo. Like Pynchon, or McGuane, or DeLillo those guys are trying hard. John Gardner and all that Book of the Dead shit. Damn, he's busting his ass. Then you have Foster Wallace, who is trying so hard to be Thomas Pynchon, it almost hurts to read it. I've only gotten through Broom of the System, dreading Infinite Jest. I know I'll like it, But I could reread V in the time it will take me, and there is no way it's as good. David Foster Wallace never wrote a book as good as V. I feel confident saying that without reading Infinite Jest yet. Broom of the System was about halfway entertaining, half tedious. Actually, crappy. I'd never read it again, for a fact. Water Music, by TC Boyle, I've read that several times. Little, Big, five. V, Oh I've read that about seven times. Gravity's Rainbow three. Tolkien? I don't know. Many. Sunlight Dialogues? Twice. Mighty intense.
- Undoubtedly the murderer thought they were Muslims. People do think this, because Sikhs wear turbans. What that has to do with Mohameddanism, you got me. But people have actually said this to me. Think this guy might have the credentials to put an end to that Koch Brothers Kriminal Konspiracy bushwas about climate change? Their own guy says it's real. So can that be put to bed?
- Happy IPA Day: Red Hook is my favorite, although a good ole Bally would hit the spot.
- If I awoke tomorrow morning believing RMoney didn't say he'd do another W, and I decided he had a secret formula to set the economy right, I still wouldn't vote for him. The anti-Obama crap is so decidedly racist, I couldn't side with those mofos, no matter what. I was reared to believe racism is the greatest evil up to which mankind has ever gotten. And butt stupid GOPers can go on all they want about the race card, you can simply compare Romneycare to Obamacare. Identical, you fracking idiots. Born in the Koch Bros. think tank. So what part of Obamacare do they not like? First five letters, that's what. And, you know, he and his wife are uppity. And Rush says says she's a fat welfare queen.
- Wow, RMoney makes a major league errror: He maight have had people on his side befor, but if he's claiming Obama had something to do with Reid's comments, he has stepped in it bigtime. What a fracking moron this guy is.
- Danny, Funny you should bring up living wage. What a freaking goood idea. Unless you believe that Mickey D's is just employing all those flippers for the halibut, Maybe the Feds ought to make them pay enough to shop at Mickey D's. They don't, and you know it. Gee whiz, that just might put some more bucks in the economy. Instant influx of dough. What a concept.
- Minimum wage? Seriously? Anybody want to try living on that? Fracking hilarious. Mitt doesn't remotely pay his fair share of taxes, and everybody knows it. He's hiding the cash all over and writing off the ballet horse. My dad paid monstro taxes and he was a pediatrician. Screw hedge fund managers. and cosmetic surgeons. Ahole politicians wrote the tax code so the rich arseholes that keep them in business don't have to pay taxes. And RMoney is one of those guys, without a doubt.
- I once saw Willie Horton break his bat on a swing and miss. That is awe-inspiring strength. Saw Earl Wilson pitch a one-hitter in Tiger Stadiu, That place rocked.It was basically a wooden structure and fans would stamp theeir feet during late innings rallies. Sounded like it was coming down. Saw a brawl in Tiger Stadium once. Willie and Gates stood back to back and laid the Yankees out in order. Laughed my ass off. This is seriously revolting: If I were a gun-toting sort, these mofos would be target practice:
- uncle rameau: You reminded me of one of my favorite songs It's a great disappointment in my life neveer to have seen XTC. Apparently, Andy Partridge suffers stage fright, so they don't tour. You knnow, if RMoney did avoid paying taxes, and if he does publich his returns, there's gopn be lot of 'splainin' to do. Reince Priebus witll have to pull his head out of his ass. And Willard will owe the President an apology. Regarding the heat, you could be in Stillwater:
- Great stuff on that Flick'r Alex. Are those line drawings your work. Thurberian. Why was the train station built underground? Fox Sports, not so good at geography: Jolene, the cox is always little. Saves weight. A friend of my brother's at Princeton was the men's eight cox. He had polio as a child and his legs were withered. He was in a wheelchair, but that didn't come close to making him act normal. Guy was a lunatic. Hell on wheels.
- Holy shit. What a miraculous world we live in that has a walk-behind concrete saw in it I'm an accomplished writer of Construction Contracts and know a shitload about construction materials. But my favorite job in my life was hanging a jack hammer from a ceiling and forcing it through a three-wythe brick wall. A walk-behind concrete saw is just one awesome tool. Please take pictures, Alex. Does that sucker use water? I've built quite a few decks. Got a 22 oz. Estwing for that purpose. Serious hommer. Makes me think of: O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't!
- He passed the same law in Massachusetts. What sort of bullshit is this. He didn't mean it? It wasn't formed in the Heritage Foundation? Those GOPer think tank guys put the camel's nose in the tent. How fracking hilarious is that?
- How can anybody support personal ownership of assault weapons? No way that's in the 2nd Amendment. Should I be able to buy an RPG? A bazooka? What the hell is wrong with people? Assault weapons? With 100 round magazines? There is absolutely no use for this shit but shooting lots of people in a very short time.
- I want a tank.
- Marvin Hamlisch was a named correspondent when Steve Garvey divorced Cindy. Marvin Hamlisch stealing your wife? Gutdom, what an embarrassment. Garvey was sure no Gil Hodges. Not even Wes Parker. Wasn't Rep. Quayle responsible for a website with naked wimmins? And remember when his mom said "Anybody who knows Dan Quayle knows he would rather play golf than have sex." Gutdom, what an embarrassment. Shit, that guy looks like Frank Burns. As for that one and done, didn't those dickheads promise long ago to limit their terms? What ever happened to that revolutionary newticle idea? And the top hats on the dancing horse riders cracked me up. Holy crap what pompous (horse's) asses. Reminds me of dogs in embarrassing sweaters. I missed the boner, but my pard S. was more or less ecstatic about it. She said she'd never seen one on TV before.
- Sorry, but a baseball cap or a cowboy hat, or a coonskin cap makes more sense for riding a horse. But toppers? lame. Do they use two-sided carpet tape on the inside of the top hats to keep them on, like the JLo shower curtain dress? Putting with a polo mallet is hilarious Charlotte. That's what the pro golfers using "belly" putters look like. I wasn't really making fun of Marvin Hamlisch so much as Garvey, who is the only major leaguer ever that actually threw like a girl, and not Lori Petty or . He could not throw a baseball all the way to second base. Good hitter, but I'd prefer James Loney. And really, you parbly grow up tough with a name like Marvin Hamlisch. And wasn't Pachelbel largely responsible for the music in Ordinary People? But I agree with Charlotte's assessment of the guy if he worked that well with a HS chorus.And great acting in that movie, even Mary Tyler Moore. From that Quayle story: It not only misrepresents Ben Quayle’s positions on important issues, it includes what can only be described as the strangest of allusions to sexuality that have no place in a political debate. And if Quayle were running against a gay opponent, he wouldn't do it? Yeah, right.
- As much as I'd like Nikki out of my state, she is a disaster waiting to happen. The guy RMoney will like in the end is Pawlenty. Two loaves of Wonderbread. But I hope he chooses Ryan. Slashing $11 billion from the VA will not be popular. GOPers are so inherently racist at this point, they wouldn't buy Haley or Alfred E. "What, Me Worry" Jindal. Sen. Hutchison would drive Teabangers crazy and would motivate women to vote against Willard. And like our last goobernor here in SC, Haley has an Appalachian Trail problem. And Kay Hutchison? And this is pure dogwhistle shit: RMoney is a pathological liar. He says shit with no basis in reality, and expects it must be true because he said it. That's fracking looney.
- Jeff. RMoney is on the record as saying he'd reinstitute W's misadministration. Holy shit. Now he is actually attacking Obama over welfare to work procedures he actually requested back when he was riding around with Seamus on the roof. Attack the black President with phony as shit claims about welfare. Skreeee. That is a dog whistle. When was the last time RMoney said anything true? RMoney would put Robert Bork on the Supreme Court. That is horrifying.
- cooze, I bet White Victory didn't play this one:
- Edwards said Page, who lived in a neighboring community, served in the military from 1992 to 1998, received a “general discharge” and was “ineligible for reenlistment.” So the army officially knew he was batshit. And he bought guns? Will the real Martians please stand up? I do love XTC. Hadn't heard that one. Pawlenty did let the bridge fall down, in his budget cutting frenzy. Infrastructure and jobs. GOPers screwed that pooch bigtime.
- Well I said they were double Wonderbread, and as much a fan as I am of Sherman Alexie, I think it's funnier. The White Bread Ticket. Two guys that couldn't get a date without a cop uniform and some cop lights. Couldn't RMoney still be arrested for that? I think there is no statute of Limitations on kidnapping. Portman might make Willard seem less a nerd. But GOPers still think smokeng pot is disqualifying. I don't trust anybody that didn't at least try it. I say it's the Paul Bunyan of the I-35W.
- Well, then, I'm all for the guy buying all the guns he wants, Jolene. I'd say alcohol abuse should be a pretty good reason not to let somebody buy guns.
- but what’s the likelihood that someone is going to get dumped that hard in dressage competition at that level? Well, them dancing horses can get pretty frisky.
- Do my 2nd Amendment rights entitle me to on of these? Why not? I'm supposed to have the government's firepower according to Scalito. I'd sure blow up the Westboro Babdiss first. Rowers bring the wood, I think, is the proper term.
- Which part of not shooting people do GOPers and NRA idiots fail to understand?
- This guy may have had more of a problem with the Homosexual story:
- I just read that Scout. Somebody needs to give those boys a sound beating, but I'm afraid they'd like it. I believe those boys be RMoney supporters. Without a doubt. And I'd much rather have the right to arm bears than to bear arms. Deer too. Any animals people shoot for self-aggrandizing purposes, not for food. Let them varmints shoot back and see how long it is before that shit gets old.
- Apparently, the Olympic Village was invaded by non-official condoms:
- HMS Romney. George III response to the actual TeaParty. Right over those Teabanger's pointy leetle haids. Who knows? Maybe the actual Golem of Warsaw was babdized retroactively by LDS and brought back to like to effect the White Horse Prophecy and take back the country from the Kenyan usurper.With RMoney whining about Obama's alleged "gutting" of Welfare Reform for state waivers designed and insisted upon GOPer Goobernors including Willard, he's hitting the highest pitch dogwhistle going. Shades of Raygun. What the hell does $Palin have on her feet in that photo?
- Those shoes look like some kind of orthotic devices. Start your own hedge fund. Why pay higher tax rates when you can pay just 15% on carried interest. Works for Mittens. How to dress tips from Piper Well she gets birth control advice from Piper's big sister Bristol. OOPS. That's embarrassing.
- Sad story about the basketball player Dan Roundfield. Guy had a remarkably smooth game, played at Central Michigan before the NBA.
- Since I generally agree with Jimmy Carter on Israel's treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories, I fun RMoney suggestion that lack of cultural incentives is more responsible for lack of Palestinian prosperity than the oppressive behavior of their Israeli overlords particularly heinous. One great thing about Mitt is thecluelessness that makes him keep on giving. Kneejerk support in the US for whatever atrocious thing Tel Aviv choose to do the the captive Arabs is ubiquitous, and so uncritical this would have disappeared from memory had Willard just shut the frock up. But no. He's doubling down. Wit and wisdom of Mike Ehrmantraut:
- Careful there, Jeff. Nikki's been accused of pressuring male underlings for sex.SC. We can elect GOPer Goobernor's, we just can't keep 'em off the Appalachian Trail. There is very little more boring a waste of time than NFL exhibition games, but I might watch this one: Doesn't seem very smart to me for this young woman to do this when the league is putting scab officials on the field.
- Gruesome story about a Bain success.Apparently they didn't teach business ethics at Harvard when Mittens was there. This is not the sort of person that should be President of the USA. Of course, the story is in that infamous liberal rag, Bloomberg. Those guys are out to get Willard. And Levi is determined to get full custody of little Trippy Boo Boo. At some very real point, this crapola is parental child abuse for cash.
- No dinos in the KJV, Jeff. How they get around that one?
- That flaming rings of crunchy oats guy reminds me of rednecks that set the house and barn and dualie on fire deep-frying the Thanksgiving Day turkey.
- Thos female trackletes get dolled up because the most beloved of all time, FloJo did: And as for LoLo Jones, I think it's fairly obvious that all the attention to her appearance came from a massive army of sexually obsessed, internet fired fanboys. And I'm with Mark. Only better than the rest of the world but three people she could well have beaten on another day. I follow track pretty closely, because I used to do it, and I could never figure out what Jones did that people reacted to like she'd pissed on their carb loaded dinner plates. She is nice looking, but I wouldn't say beautiful, but her fellow female runners sure had it in for her for the last several years. I always thought "bearded clam" was crude but fairly funny, until my first plate of mussels, when I realized it was a misnomer. And mussels come with their own beards. This whole discussion reminds me of a story my mom brought home from her job as a PA at the UGA health service. She was assisting a male doc who was examining a typical blonde Tri-Delt that was having female problems. I think that is chaperoning for the MD's protection. When he read lab results and informed her the diagnosis was acute vaginitis, the young woman batted her eyes and said "Why, thank you, doctor." That's why my mom was in the room. And thanking God for athletic success is easily the most reprehensible religious thing athletes do. Tebow is egregious in this, for instance. What's the gist? God likes me and my religious beliefs better than my competition, so She made me win. That's both hubristic and dogass theology simultaneously. Totally obnoxious. I mean you can thank God for making it through a competition, I guess, but for winning a race. Bullshit should bring down lightning and thunder.
- LAMary@25: That's inherently unfair. None of these athletes have any control over whose or how many microphones are being stuck in their faces. In Jones' case, a bunch of teenage boys have been hormonal about her on the net for years, so the media swarm her. Anybody that thinks she wouldn't trade the over-attention for an Olympic Medal has no idea the rigor involved in training for something like that hurdles race. She overcame devastating injuries and surgeries, with brutal rehabs, and some other runners don't like her because they think she gets too much attention for her looks. That's ignorance of what athletic competition is like. Nobody's complaining Tebow was fishing for attention running around in the rain with no shirt on the other day. And he's got that Purity Rap down too. Look at what media did to 16 yr. old Gabby Douglas. I'm sure that didn't start with any of her midget mean girl teammates. Damn Alex, I've had some flu-like symptoms for a couple of days and woke up this morning thinking it was gone. But the cottage cheese comment almost relaunched my projectile yorking. Easy to see how puddin thang could precurse poontang. An old reliable from R&B was of course, box, as in And there's the other persistent question:
- Bessie Smith had a variety of euphemisms to get by the censors. (How , I have no idea, dense censors?) First time I've ever seen Tebow and smart in a single sentence. My disgust with the guy, aside from my unshakeable belief that claiming you one a game because God approved of your lifestyle and religion to the exclusion of your competitor's is really bullshit, has to do with the famous attempt to influence politcal outcomes with the clearly bogus story about his mom's choosing not to abort him in the Philipines AMA. Abortions were not performed in the Phillipines at that time, and practitioner's involved in an illegal abortion were sure to get the death penalty. No Filipino MD was going to even suggest such a thing, so I believe the story was a rank fabrication. Disgusting thing to do. Do the critics of LoLo remember Carl Lewis, Mark Spitz, Phelps in 2008? Florence Joiner? Jackie Joiner Kersee? First sentence in a story about Longman's NYT piece: A New York Times writer has a problem with all the media attention Lolo Jones has been receiving. So, naturally, he wrote a story about it. Right, Jere'. A New York Times writer has a problem with all the media attention Lolo Jones has been receiving. So, naturally, he wrote a story about it. Comparing Jones to Kournikova is asinine, and also so ignorant about the relative accomplishments of the two women, you have to wonder how much he knows about sports. It's sounds like the human cockroach Mariotti criticizing Frank Thomas to me. You know Jay never did a sport. I'd be interested to hear what Jackie McMullen thinks of the NYT piec, since she played major college hoops. I'd also say that Longman's choice of tone and diction is grossly prejudicial, subjective and unprofessional. A meretricious piece of crap in my opinion. This Longman guy sounds like a first class asshole to me. Jones has held the world championship at 60m, twice. She was also two hurdles away from the gold medal in Beijing. Anna Kournikova never won anything but doubles. I'm guessing this guy probably watches Kardashians and BooBoo on his days off, not sports. Maybe he asked LoLo out once and she wasn't interested. And apparently track has as crummy a mean girl culture as gymnastics (aka Baby beauty queens @ gymboree.) I tried running hurdles years ago in HS. Next to impossibly difficult. For world class hurdlers clipping a hurdle as Jones did in '08 is rare when running in the lead. I think what happened is that the US sports press built up LoLo so much in '08, they are taking it out on her now for that interruption of their script. And that's bullshit when most of them have a hard time getting up from the couch. Seems as if naked DUI is now competitive. The Crisco is an escalation. But damn I was disappointed by that link. When I saw RI, I thought Rhode Island immediately and really hoped this was a Buddy Cianci exploit, you know, the mobbed up rapist thug ex-mayor of Providence, that used to send out goon squads to purge newspapers from streetcorner coin boxes.
- I've been meaning to move my money the hell out of Wells Fargo, but this is more motivation than I needed to do it immediately. The bastards took over from Wachovia and cut interest payments on two money market accounts I have with them. Did not inform me even with a notification on the statements. I have a hard time believing that's legal, but this is far more despicable: Like they're taking advice from Willard on HR questions. Dexter, assuming you didn't have a wife at home back then, since you're here to tell the tale. Of course not Joe, I wasn't there. On the other hand, the details are absolutely ridiculous. Can the Tebows prove it's true? Like name the Catholic doctors that were going to save her life with an abortion at the risk of death by government. I also have doctor friends' word that the condition affecting Mrs. Tebow, as she desvribed it, was not life threatening, and tht an abortion was not indicated in any way based on her description. I'm saying the whole thing stinks like a crock of shinola. None of the story makes sense in any rational manner. So it seems reasonable to me to disbelieve it and find it odious to have bruited it about in a political setting. But no, I never said I could prove it was made up. I said that it sounds like bull to me. I don't have to disprove it to find it ridiculous to believe it. It's called critical thinking. And I sincerely doubt that Tum Tubow and his mom would find my opinion on their veracity an "accusation". All I said was I don't believe it. My preogative, Joe. Like you don't believe Harry Reid about RMoney's taxes.
- DanB, She has also won the world championship at 60m twice. If she wasn't working hard, she's the greatest athlete in the history of mankind. Actually, the Tebow non-abortion story had to be walked back seriously from its original version which involved an ectopic pregnancy. If there was no Fallopian rupture, the condition woulld resolve itself in a natural miscarriage called a tubal abortion. Had there been a rupture, a laporotomy would have been required to save mom's life. The explanation was changed to "placental abruption" when the ectopic pregnancy explanation was debunked as making no medical sense. GOPers all over the US have backed prospective legislation requiring mom's in this condition to carry non-viable babies to full term, so apparently they believe it's not so dangerous to the mother. This sort of legislation was being pushed in several states when the network and the NFL made the astounding decision to let Focus on the Family run this ad during the Superbowl in 2010. It was a cheap political trick one way or another. Jeff (tmmo) Rachel Maddow notably corrects her own errors, which occur infrequently, and always offers time for rebuttals from the other side. So does Lawrence O'Donnell. Fox is still defending their attack reports on Gabby Douglas' hair. They do not correct themselves. Isn't O'Reilly still late on calling himself an idiot on-air if he was mistaken in any way about Sandra Fluke? Jeff the "top" simply means place (as in topographic), while the u is short for eu, for "well" or "perfect". It was a clever faux Greek neologism invented by Thomas More. Sorry that's pedantic, but I didn't get your reference. And if Jill Stein elects RMoney the way Darth Nader elected Shrub, I'm voting they share a jail cell for a long time. They certainly will have no recourse at that point to the Bork Court.
- Why wouldn't a vagina be named after a male chicken? Makes perfect redneck sense. It's a terrible thing that the Olympics didn't include women's boxing while Laila Ali was still in the game. Hypervintilation would have reached epidemic proportions among American TV and other sports commentors. I saw her bouts on TV a couple of times, and she appeared to inspire fear when she entered the squared circle. I hate beach volleyball. Volleyball is supposed to be cutthroat not finesse. O'Donnell and Maddow are always offering rebuttal airtime to rightwingers, but they all seem to be scared to try it. Perfect piece of music to wind down the workday: The great Danny Gatton with some amazing sax player, on the gorgeous Sky King from the excellent album Cruisin' Deuces. Oh, and Claressa Shields, first female US Boxer to medal, takes gold, and she's fracking 17 years old: Fox News is probably already finding fault with her hair. One more thing about LoLo Jones. Falling in track is serious. You are moving very fast and go down on an unforgiving surface. Getting tripped by a hurdle is like getting trebucheted into that hard surface, out of control, from a scary heightIt's like falling off the fourth step of a stepladder. The hurdles are weighted at the bottom of the supports. You can't train when you're injured. Jones' PR is 12.43 for 100m, and her best event is 60m, but her 100m PR is better than all but two of the times made by Gail Devers, considered the best ever in the US. People denigrating her effort and performance are ignorant about track, no offense meant to anybody here. And track people doing the same don't like her for some other reason. But every single one of them runs for the publicity and the cash it brings in. That's a fact.
- This guy is just saying this because he's an attention whore: And I edited the previous to say Jones' time is better than all but two of Devers', but the edit delays befor kicking in.
- Hooray. A new movie from Studio Ghibli, written by the master Miyazaki and directed by his son. Howl's Moving Castle is one of the greatest pieces of cinema as art ever produced: It was kinda funny that the Brazilian beach vb teams had the abbreviation BRA printed on their tops. Brit weather sure had a lot of the players dressed warmer. Nobody ever spikes the ball.
- Very cool new songs performed live by Beth Orton on NPR: Just a guitar. None of her usual bleeps, bloops and Laurie Anderson sounding tricks. Misty May Treanor is married to a MLB player, Dodgers backup catcher Matt Treanor. His attitude about his wife's athletic career is refreshing after reading that hatchet job in the NYT about LoLo Johes, and being subjected to conservative babble morons attacking a 16 year old gold medalist for how she fixed her hair: And Fox bozos can say what they like, their problem was the black kid besting the white golden child. Interesting, too, that the team that integrated MLB has two women as members of their three person major league training staff. LA also has an South Asian woman named Kim Ng as an assistant GM, a first in major professional sports.
- Truth is stranger than fiction: McCotter version. GOP, proving fraud exists in the electoral proccess. And Sue@73: My question is, what the hell sort of so-called American can look at that and not call it crooked? Jeff(tmmo) Do you agree that is crooked politics that Boss Tweed would be proud of and Nast would portray in a cartoon? But hell, it's Ohio, land of Ken Blackwell, another GOPer of good will, and his pal that ran Diebold in 2004 and guaranteeed a Shrub win after his company got the voting machine contract with equipment that was proven to be hackable by about Twelve Monkeys. With counties that in 2004 counted many more votes than they had registered voters. Ohio. Land of the screwed, Home of the crooked. And screwing with the early voting pretty much guarantees that some currently deployed service people will be disenfranchised, which the GOPers of God Will are trying to claim is Demcrats' fault. Romney's tax returns? Back in the Klown Kar Debates, RMoney promised to release 10 yrs of returns. Currently, the campaign insists it has released two. This is an outright lie. They have released on year plus some financial exposure info required to accompany a return. What's logical is that the GOPNC has vetted Willard's financials and decided to stonewall because there is something damaging there they'd prefer not to publish. What this is is anybody's guess, but there are financial experts that can make educated guesses: What they might be hiding, These are informed surmises made by forensic financial experts, not speculation. What they really don't want anybody digging into is the founding of Bain, and the foul murderers that were recruited back in 83 and 84 in Central America, namely in El Salvador, which the Rayguistaas couldn't keep straight from the capital El Salvador so just called the whole mess Salvador. Thanks to John Kerry, everybody knows the sordid illegal dirty dealings directed by Ollie North, and also by Rummy and Cheney in the Disgraceful Iran-Contra affair. The Contras, led by the D'Aubisson family were promoted by Raygunistas as a bulwark agains Communist incursion in Central America, on a domino theory variation. Of course that was a bullshit excuse to protect American business interests in El Salvador including all sorts of international illegal financial behavior. The ARENA group were the rich landowners that had run a despotic oligarchy that kept Salvadorans down for years. These were the folks that Willard went to to get startup investments for Bain. You lay down with dogs,... Interesting timing too. Did Romney have dealings with BNLL, the crooked Italian bank that aundered money for the Contras while they funded the death squads. Willards going big with the astoundingly hypocritical "war on religion" shit earlier today. The Contras waged a real war on religion that wasn't about contraception. It was about liberation theology Jesuits being murdered right and left, Maryknoll nuns working in hospitals and schools for the benefit of suppressed lower classes being raped and murdered, and assassinating Archbishop Romero, the oppressed people's champion, while he was saying Mass and calling for the end and prosecution of the very death squads that wreaked all this violence. Nice bunch to be associated with Mittens. The benefit these ARENA party thugs got for investing in Mittens' new hedge equity fund was clearly laundering cash being passed to them by North and the CIA from weapons sales to Iran. This is more than sordid, and undoubtedly some of it violates international and US financial law. Let's have full disclosure on that vile shit Willard and the tax returns can wait.
- Scott Brown says wah, wah, you can't register those eligible voters, they won't vote for me. Don't reasonable Americans want as many eligible voters to vote as possible? Isn't that conducive to successful representative democracy?
- RMoney, Bain and the death squads: Pardon, but unlike Colonel North, I don't think this is the American Way. The dumbass' own petard.
- The entire point of blue astroturf is to have home blue uniforms so that players disappear into the turf. It's cheating, and Boise State is proof it works: Related to Dale Gribble by marriage, Linda? In Kentucky, the hypothetical male teacher would likely get a heavy load of buckshot in the "groin area" and a .22 behind the ear, and undergo thanatopsis back up some holler. Water polo is the dirtiest sport ever devised. Speaking of the "groin area", groin areas get kicked, punched, and grabbed and squeezed hard. It's like ducks, 95% of the action is underwater. The "groin area" also reminds me of a story from Bill Cosby before he became Crotchety Old Fart, when he was funny (I've still got the vinyl albums): I delivered the Detroit News for two years, and quit when it became the racist rag. Wintertime in lake effect Detroit with ice storms, that was one horrible job. Not as bad as stacking transformer cores in a Westinghouse plant, because my dad was great about driving me when frostbite conditions were obvious. There was a hill on my route so high, steep and treacherous it should have had T-bars and a black diamond sign. Ascending was like my personal Calvary despite my two-speed Schwinn, the kind where the trans was in the hub and you back-pedaled to change gears. Descending, no hands, at mind-boggling speed was incredibly exhilarating. At the top of the hill was a guy that lived in the first McMansion I ever saw, though they were not yet called that. At the time, there was no conceivable bad connotation to MacDonalds. That bastard could have two cars in the garage and one in the driveway and nobody would answer the door on collection day. I shrugged him off and started stealing his subscribed Playboy from his mailbox when he stiffed me. As far as tipping waitrons, the grand division is between those that have suffered the idignity of waiting tables and those that never had to.
- Mansion on the hill: Springsteen acoustic American Gothic. The big news in wingnuttery whooshing through the tubes yesterday was all about how Caroline Kennedy despises President Obama. Some of my DNC-type Facebook friends were mighty upset. Well, more delusional, wishful thinking from Teabanger Central. Ms. Kennedy-Schlossberg is going campaigning in Mittens' yard, from today's Globe: Seems like Newsmax was recycling regurgitated bullshit from a Regnery-published opus called The Amateur, by somebody named Edward Klein whose nom de Plume is Walter Scott, as in the Annenberg GOPer staple Personality Parade. He's also done hatchet-job cut-and-paste-ups about all of the surviving Kennedy's so why wouldn't everyone just buy his second-hand account of C. Kennedy's opinion of Obama? A right-wing gossip columnist. He's characterized as a "best-selling" author, but nobody tells you how many copies of his books are sitting in unopened crates in one of Richard Mellon Scaiffe's warehouses. This is echo chamber par excellence. They come out with bullshit, let it steep for a few months, then send it to each other in chain emails asserting its absolute veracity. Julie, I'd vote for kabaddi to replace synchro swimming in a trice. Those guys look tough, but not scary like the painted lady water ballerinas.
- I want some of those kabaddi shoes. Very cool. This is for a comment from Sherri: The NCAA apparently shot its wad on Penn State. This is absolutely outrageous, but par for the course for Coach Saban. Alabama has instructed a recruit to transfer to a HS in Alabama for his SR year so that his grades can be monitored and "taken care of". Obviously in the kid's best interest, right. Relocate for SR year. If other schools did something like this it would be "death penalty" forever, but Bama will get away with it. Dave: Another hack in the house of Scaife. If the publisher of anything is identified as Regnery, it is absolutely certain to be a pack of lies, smears and total bullshit. And Scaife buys enough of the books to get them on NYT best seller lists. Then he donates them to campaigns where they are handed out at coven meetings and seances like the Celebrate Freedom America--Spring Conservative Coalition and Tea Party Convention back in 2011. The books are autographed by odious folks like $Palin and given out as a sop to the dupes that paid a bundle for their places at the table. Jeff, anybody that ever played football can look at the picture of the Boise Broncos and see the enhancement to homefield advantage. It's camouflage. I wonder if those foolish parents can still get their money back on the blue unis.
- Our "paperboys" for the NYT on Sundays are a beautiful and nice lesbian couple. They left us a Christmas card with a cool reindeer ornament in the envelope. Now that is aslemanship and I gave a Christmas tip larger than I originally intended. How does anybody figure out what's appropriate. Of course, having met them made that more likely too. I also figured anybody delivering papers at 5:30 am is working hard and would rather be doing something else. Our mailman is a gem. Brings the mail up to the door when the box gets too full, and always has time to ask how things are. Got him a loaded up Starbucks card at Christmas, and a Longhorn prepaid card when I heard his wife had just gotten out of hospital. Another thing waiters know, as a matter of course. If a group of women asks for separate checks, your tip will be dogass. And you will probably have to do the checks more than once. Sherri, it seems to me Bama is messing with that kid's happiness. He wants to leave the kids he's been at school with since Head Start? And you know, Saban threatened to pull his scholarship offer if he didn't comply. Those prep schools are generally the choice of pushy parents Like Boo Boo's mom, and many are superior academically to other schools available to the kids. I'm thinking about Hoop Dreams. One of those kids got a better education than he would have otherwise. I'm sensitive to this because UGA takes a load of grief over early enrollments, which I find astounding. Give a kid a semester to get college acclimated before a football season, and things like study habits and more normal colleg lifestyle are going to improve graduation chances. Once again, kids make the choices to get out of HS early if they have the credits. That's a lot different than Coach Saban saying "Well your scholarship might not be here if you don't transfer." No, I can't prove that happened, but given his grayshirting and "running off" history, I'd be a fool to think anything else. And how is it possible that no followup movie has been done catching up with William Gates and Arthur Agee? Well Steve James did, and it's called, fittingly, Hoop Reality. And Findlay Prep should be run out of business, But those kids will be 1/2 and done at best in college. I've never heard of a football equivalent, unless it's the Bolles School in Jax. Verdict's still out on them, but they turn out good players that are also good students.
- Before I'm asked to prove what I said about the bulk buys of all these rightwing masterpiece best sellers: Check the best seller lists when one of these works of stunning genius hits. The NYT figured this shit out, and now notes when best seller status is achieved by massive bulk buys. RMoney's technique for getting there is more refined than Scaife's idiot method, and more crooked. He extorts money. We also have a terrific UPS guy. Here's another thing to consider in the coming election: The GOPers in Congress contrived legislation that requires USPS to fund it's employee pension fund decades in advance is an astounding affront. It's a deliberate attempt at killing the Postal Service. The services provide by USPS at the costs to individual users are astounding. Try getting Fed Ex to move your letter in two days cross-country for 41 cents. They'll do it for $12.95. The first American postmaster Ben Franklin was right. This is something government obviously does better than private entities. Anyone requiring proof of that, I'd suggest considering the performance of Xe and Halliburton in Iraq. Not only was their perfomance terrible, but it was always unaccountable and frequently criminal. Where'd all that cash on the pallettes you crooked yeggs? Who killed the service members electrocuted in the badly constructed base showers? How 'bout all those sand filled oil taankers that fattened Cheney's wallet? Who murdered all those Iraqi civilians, Erik Prince? How happy them Teabangers gonna be when they realize, if they ever do, that FedEx and UPS have a virtual monopoly and will charge whatever they damn please? This is unbridled stupidity in government, caused by kneejerk anti-unionism. So if RMoney is elected, he sure has hell better not get a compliant Congress. We're looking at RE in La Libertad, Ecuador, on the beach, and this condo is gaining value back all the time. Just in case. COL less than a $1grand /month. Stable oil-exporting economy limits taxes which are further limited for foreigner residents.
- Sherri, if you're around, did you see that Les Miles booted Honey Badger Mathieu off the team. He must have committed homicide, or rape. Kidnapping? My brother says HB stole all the Hatter's pot and smoked it all up. Claire McCaskill is no picnic, but her opponent is pretty close to horrifying:
- Julie, they don't print the denomination on the stamps anymore. I buy rolls and use a very cool wood and brass dispenser my dad used to keep on his desk. I use the mail a lot. And I think of my dad whenever I strip out another stamp. The slower pace than the internet helps me keep clients' idiocy under control. For instance, when some fool architect wants to use some endangered wood species (pau lope, from Brazil, so hard, you need a drill press to make holes in it) to build custom carrels for a public library, I pretend my internet is down and mail him a spec for standard (and beautiful) red oak carrels, which cost about 25% of what the fool was thinking and he never knows, and we don't get raided by the Feds like Gibson Guitar Corporation. But, nope, I don't know what the price of a stamp is any more, but I sure as shit know it's remarkably cheap for what I get for it. I just write a check for a whole big roll, leave it in an orange envelope from the post office, and get stamps in my mailbox next day. If North Carolina has a football prep school, why the hell can't any school there play worth a damn? My brother said that he figures Tyrann stole Coach Hatter's pot stash, smoked it all up, and, when confronted, said "Honey Badger don't give a shit" and ate a snake. The Guardian music page has an excellent interview with Ry Cooder, mainly about the political season. About Obama, Ry is pretty clear: On the new album, the song Cold Cold Feeling pictures President Obama pacing the Oval Office on his own in the dark. Is he a good man trapped in an impossible situation? Yes, 110%. He's set upon by dogs. He's prevented from doing anything because the Republicans ensured that no president and no Democrat president can ever do good again. That's what Bush was sent in there to do: destroy the presidency, and that's what I think he did. How do you come back from that? How do you make the presidency good again? They talk about bi-partisanship but that's an empty word, doesn't mean a thing. So what is Obama supposed to do? How can he operate? This healthcare thing is really quite something, if it lives. They're going to go after it and try to destroy it, that's the leading end of the Republican effort right now, that's going to sink the Titanic, you know? I mean, I think he's a good man. He's a smart man. He understands the constitution, therefore he must respect it. They don't. I believe that he does. Link for the whole interview: I know the guy isn't entitled to his political opinions. I mean he's a celebrity musician, sort of. And he works a lot in the movies. But he's an accomplished American historian and a brilliant musicologist, so I'm taking his opinion seriously. For one thing, describing the President as "set upon by dogs" is a perfect characterization of GOPer behavior over the last four years.
- Mitt's impersonation of a weasel whose mom was a possum: I sure want to hear Willard's views on this subject in the first debate: You know GOPers are aching to end Title IX. And the Dems are nuts if they don't explicitly state support for Title IX in their platform. JW, Scott is a major league criminal that some how got away with it by leaving his associates twisting slowly, slowly like poor L. Patrick Gray.West presents as certifiably sociopathic. West is unquestionably a pathological liar unable to control the affliction. Pence and Mourdock are more like run-of-the-mill cretins. As a proud resident of SC, I'll put Joe Wilson and Jim Demented against any of them.
- Wah, wah,wah. Well, dickhead won't run on his brief Goobernatorial record so what's left but his business? Fracking jerk. The campaign fired a spokesperson that defended Romneycare. I want him to explain about starting Bain by laundering money for D'Aubisson and the rest of the oligarch thugs in the ARENA party, aka the Contras. Want to talk about "war on religion" Willard. How about financing death squads that shot priests, raped and slaughtered nuns, shot Archbishop Romero, the most popular man in El Salvador, while he was saying Mass, 10 minutes after he spoke out against the rampant violence of the death squads. Were you working with the traitor Ollie North? Helping to funnel cash from selling weapons illegally to America's enemy Iran, to fund the great anti-Castro stuggle in "Salvador" by killing everybody that thought people should live happy decent lives? Damn, say it ain't so Willard. Explain that vile and vicious mess of associations and you can hold onto the tax returns even though you haven't produced a whole return yet. Ever had an account in Banco Nationale Livorno? Explain the people that helped you get Bain off the ground, Willard. Did their ruthlessness rub off on you? And the whining is unseemly for a GOPer, boy. You're the party of the Swiftboaters Party.
- It's just like getting a haircut you didn't want, Mittens.
- Boner rower, meet balls out metric miler:
- I wonder how much these two things have to do with each other?
- Maybe after the RMoney world tour and sheikh speech showed his brain to be washed clean as opposed to just washed,GOPers felt the need to add the "intellectual core" of the party to the ticket. I mean what says intelligence more than including an $11billion cut for the VA in your hallowed budget. I think RMoney saw himself being cast aside and Ryan is protection against that ludicrously cruel fate. So now they have Ruthless & Ruthless Squared, Gutting the VA to Come Nowhere Near Balancing the Budget, Because Deficits Doan Mean Dick. That VA cut will play well in Stars and Stripes. After the boardwalk ice cream Sopranos episode, Christie was French toast with whipped cream and half a box of confectioner's sugar, topped with beignets. Pawlenty let the bridge fall down. Jindal looks exactly like Alfred E. Newman and talks like Barney Fife. Nikki's a slut hiker. The rest of the possibilities are dumber than Mitt. Looking through my inbox, Dem fundraisers are happy with this one. Move-On appears to have planned for Ryan. Barring a complete loss of hope in any intelligent life on earth, it's impossible to see how anybody that's paid a lifetime worth of payroll taxes could possibly vote for these two, whose motto could be We're Taking Your Cash Because We Can. Or anybody with parents, or grandparents.
- RMoney saw everybody, including the GOPer Old Boys and the Teabangers getting antsy, so he picked the soulless bastard they all love, in the interest of not being shitcanned for the Giger creation Newticles, or Sanctorum. The convention looks like a return to the Klown Kar, and any bizarre thing is likely to happen. Anna Gunns birthday: Iconic Breaking Bad scene. As good as acting gets on TV. Every hour of Kardashian Kafloppus (what Chelsea Handler, inexplicably, calls her own vagina) means one less of "scripted" drama. What will you give me? Say the sad bells of Romney? Who killed the miner? Indeed. cooze@22: That's revolting. Necrophilia is so beyond the pale. Anyway, I believe Ryan is anatomically correct a la Ken and Mattel. Went to bed with a new book last night, Before I Go to Sleep, by S.J. Watson. I'd read good reviews, but was put off by a plot which sounded like 50 First Dates. Which I kinda like. Drew Barrymore has charms that suppress Adam Sandler's worst excesses. Anyway, then I saw from the dust jacket that Dennis Lehane called it "Memento on crystal meth" and figured it was worth reading for that blurb alone. Boy I like Dennis Lehane. So I got 50 pp. in, captured by stylish writing and an unmistakable feeling of foreboding and dread for the heroine, when the damned electricity went out. Infuriating. But, it's hurricane season, so we're never far from a flashlight. I found very cool flashlights on the net that don't use batteries. They have some bare copper wire coils and a sliding chunk of metal that goes up and down inside the coils. I'm figuring it's a magnet, from the paucity of my understanding of physics. It's all encased in clear plastic so you can see it work. And my WalkMan is always juiced for beach time. So I arose surreptitiously, so as not to have company. Poured a couple of inches of WL Weller and added exactly two rocks, put Roky on the Luddite music device and kept reading. 100pp later, at 3am, I snapped out of it when the glass ran dry. Damn good book, but one of those that better have a bangup denouement.
- Here's a slogan for the GOPer ticket: Romney//Ryan, Making the World Safe for Blankenship/Massey Here's an absolutely savage version of Bells of Rhymney I never heard before: As they say in MA, wikid.
- Anybody else wonder how many years of tax returns of Ryan's the campaign asked for?
- Here are some salient points of Ryan's "intellectual" budget:
- Why you can't see Mittens' tax returns. You wouldn't recognize them. The rich are different from the rest of us. Mitt RMoney: He knows how many houses he owns. And his running mate is what passes for an intellectual GOPer.
- coozledad, have you seen Rakoff's movie, The New Tenants? A friend sent me this: Like the perfect Vincent D'Onofrio vehicle. Won an Academy Award. My sort of humor, tinged with menace.
- I see what you mean Jeff, but Ms. Portman was an avid Dem campaigner in 2004 and 2008, is a vegan supporter of animal rights, suports such obviously commie causes as microlending, is both intelligent and well-educated. According to the Wiki, she worked as a research assistant for Alan Dershowitz when she was at Harvard. All this comes out and the Base might bust out of the carbonite. She was born in Jerusalem, capital of Israel, so there's that, and she played retroactively babdized LDSer Anne Frank. Still, not a GOPer poster girl. And she was in that movie about OWS and did that ballet one about lesbos, and a French movie. Maybe they could have tried that NRA, death penalty ole gal, Angie Harmon. Lousy actor, pretty, but not stupid as $Pallin around with...death squads, Right Willard? Or Britney Spears, a proud GOPer from FLA, with almost no arrest record.
- It's a great time to rove the internet needling conservabots. They have yet to memorize talking points about Paul Ryan, so somebody with no conscience can get away with almost anything, and it's like teasing caged chimps with fruit and nuts. I wouldn't do that to animals, but I've got no compunction nor scruples about doing it to the racist right wing rabble. I mean, when does truth ever enter into their own calculus? We go riding at Seahorse Stables here and can only occasionally get assigned a favorite mount. I suppose these horses are so used to such a wide variety of tourist dumbos, nothing bothers them. Of course we aren't jumping over things either, just riding in the bosky littoral. There are snakes, gators and occasional snappers, but even these don't seem to bother the horses. As regular customers, we are allowed to let the horses air out on the beach sometime, which is a hell of a lot of fun. I'm waiting for R & R to suggest company sto's for all US employees. We'll all owe our souls: For some reason, when I was a little kid, I thought Tennesse Ernie might be the coolest guy on earth. Dex: Carville has been fed arsenic in his eggs daily since he married Mary Matalin, I think. At least it seems to have shut her yap for the most part. And Carville does look like half a separated from birth with Voldemort.
- Afterall, just how many voters will be AGAINST a candidate based on that candidate’s black skin; and FOR a candidate with an irredeemably black heart? (yeah, I know – tens of millions; but as they say – always bet on the good guys. I think President Obama is going to flatten the Romney/Ryan ticket like a freshly paved stretch of interstate highway) And get to actually fixing the sorry ass roads and potentially deadly bridges. And prevent a nutcase like Robert Bork from designing the SCOTUS, and dangerous bastards like Dan Senor and the insane John Bolton from designing execrable foreign policy. Regarding the Ryan plan for vouchers, vouchers are always set at monetary levels that don't reach what lower income people need and provide a bonus subsidy to people that don't need them. That has been the GOPer game plan on everything regarding vouchers from the get go. The granny starver business made me laugh. Back at the glorious dawn of the southren strategy, the iconic (if I may say) GOPer crook folk hero Chuck Colson said he'd walk over his grandmama for the Great Crook Milhous. Ryan makes Colson look like a wussy. He'd let Granny die of starvation. RMoney's plummeting personal approval ratings resulted from his apparent lack of humanity. Ryan's a remedy for that? As for Ryan's budget as albatross, agreed, but it's depressing it wasn't already. One of the few substantive things Windsock has said since he vanquished the other Klowns, was to voice approval of Ryan's ugly offspring. How did that escape attention in the vacuum on policy the guy operates within? How is this going to play in the heartland?
- Asshole Michelle Malkin has a hilarious tweet re the Ryan pick. @michellemalkin Michelle Malkin Pissant David Frum pisses on Paul Ryan==>
- Something to brighten anybody's day:
- What about your lake house Deborah? Doesn't everybody have one? On our communal property, we have a very old, unrestorable patch of two ex clay tennis courts. At every Owner's meeting I point out that since they are fenced in securely, the space would be ideal for community gardening, and even easily irrigated off the landscape sprinkling system. Alternatively, it would make a terrific and very safe playground area for the scads of kids that live here. I get nowhere with the reactionary bastards that always make up the Board. When my fifth bike was stolen and I suggested setting up a share-a-ride, I know I became a commaniss to these folks, and I started getting threatening notices about fines if I didn't replace our bamboo shades with white aluminum. I hate to say it, but I think the absentee owners believe things like this would only benefit the "Mexican" (one nationality fits all) tenants. Alex, yours looks like a place Childe Hassam and Mary Cassatt would have enjoyed painting.,r:4,s:0,i:141,r:51,s:218,i:285&tx=93&ty=62 America had great Impressionists too, y'all.
- I see Dexter. I used to be able to make tinyURLs with a right click back when I used a PC, but beople told me they were extremely NOT secure. Don't know if that's bullshit or not. Normally I would have put it in code and no one would have known the difference. How high was Steve McQueen when this portrait was made: Dana Milbanks agrees with me that that RMoney welfare attack on the President was unadulterated dogwhistle, but the comments accusing him of "the race card" are pitiful. Do these numbnuts fail to realize how clearly they give away their own prejudices as soon as they raise that defense?
- LoLo: How many of her mean girl teammates would have done something with this much class? Oh, it was just a ploy for attention. Deborah, happy home stretch. Wind at your back all the way hoome. Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of the RMoney hacienda: Tax relief? If some ahole was planning an 8500sf house on less than 1/2 an acre in my neighborhood on the beach in Cali, I'd be putting sugar in bulldozer gastanks and making a sit-in mockery of every building dept. and town council meeting. What sort of moron builds a house that huge on a lot that size? This will H-bomb surrounding property values, by virtue of how freaking gauche the entire thing is. What sort of Bozo zoning scheme allows it? What architect would agree to that sort of massing? This is nouveau riche gauche from somebody that inherited daddy's billions of $$$. Somebody should have told the fools "No Fracking Way." That is an aesthetic abomination, not even counting the two story 3500sf garage. That may be the McMansion to end McMansions.
- Yellow cake for Paul Ryan. I see the talent, invested, but why? Scorpion was too difficult? Black widow not enough cake? I've looked into it desultorily, but can anybody explain the insistence on calling Paul Ryan "intellectual"? Are they confusing intellectual with juvenile Ayn Rand ideological? Is it a reference to "movement conservatism? Check this list. Does it mean insisting that cutting taxes produces more revenue? was Arthur Laffer an intellectual? Just what the hell are these people talking about? Can anybody explain this?
- Interesting tidbit in cooze's link, that Ryan's foreign policy tutor is Elliot Abrams. This vile POS has been a GOPer evil eminence since way back, far back as Cheney and Rummy. He parbly knows Willard from Iran-Contra days. Somehow, Abrams has remained unindicted, despite the threat of multiple criminal charges. . Mitt's guiding hand on foreign policy is Unabomber with no Hoodie John Bolton. Anybody with a working cortex and cerebellum should be able to see this portends very badly for America, particularly an intellectual like Ryan. Daniel Pipes, who with his racist buddy Flemming Rose thought it a hoot to insult and inflame Muslims with scurrilous cartoons, will be Seccretary of State. Bolton will go back to the UN, but this time with C4. Abrams will get his dream job running CIA, where he can commit murder to his vicious shrivelled heart's content. These are evil bastards that should never be close to government.
- Connie, the container garden is decidedly Zen, particularly the gate. I could imagine sitting in there hidden from the world with a Foster's oilcan, crushing heads. I'm pretty sure that childish infatuation withAyn Rand is considered "intellectualism" by GOPers, and 11th graders. Fracking thumbsuckers and bedwetters. Apparently they missed her atheism. And her big suck on the government teat when her chain-smoking did her in. And her advocacy for abortion on demand up to delivery. Oh, but they be John Galt.
- I'm no fan of the Eagles, but once the real Joe Walsh joined the band, they made some good rock 'n' roll songs, like Heartache Tonight, The Greeks Don't Want No Freaks and Life in the Fast Lane. Speaking of which, the deadbeat dad Joe Walsh is at it again: Here's some funny stuff about Ryan and Ayn Rand. I don't know about y'all, but I couldn't get past a few pages of The Fountainhead. She was not a good writer. But she was an "intellectual". Just ask Eddie Munster Ryan. I prefer Sally Rand to Ayn. Sally famously said, "I haven't been out of work since the first time I took my clothes off."
- Desperado is a key reason I don't really like the Eagles. I've known too many people that act like the song was written about them, and that "let somebody love you" business is about as mawkish and annoying as cheap sentiment gets. Linda Rondstadt is a great interpreter of other people's songs, but she should have left Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me alone. Gender doesn't translate in that song. It's like Joan Baez singing The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, but worse. I don't wear shoes at all. Teyva sandals nearly year round. Converse All-Stars when it's too chilly for sandals. Misshapen feet. Those shoes of Basset's might work. They look like the shoes advertised with Sansabelt slacks in Parade Magazine. But shouldn't those be White Russians on the soles? I just found out that Lupe Ontiveros died at the end of July. Not only did she play the maid, Rosalita, in The Goonies, she was also in the great El Norte, and played the mother of GoGo Gomez on The White Shadow. No pen, no write, no sign: She was also in the delightful movie, Real Women Have Curves, with America Ferrera.
- Actual hillbillies of my acquaintance would call that a 'mater sammich.
- The Ryan bump in the polls seems to be more like a speed bump. Happiness in the new job, Jeff:
- I hope that coal-fired pizza oven has a high efficiency electrostatic precipitator attached to it.
- How does anybody think this is acceptable, and hate speech is not free speech, nor are obvious veiled threats of extreme violence. It's also kinda fracking stupid, along the lines of keeping government hands off your Medicare. Triumphal American exceptionalist bullshit would have been rampant had Shrub ever managed to nab OBL. President Obama had nothing to do with tracking the bastard down, according to these ignorant rubes. Future of American health care for profit the RMoney/Ryan way. Turning vouchers into welfare for very rich people.
- This behavior by Ayn Ryan was pretty fracking Randian. This is classic It's All Right If You're a Republican. If Martha Stewart did this, she'd be back in jail. Power Church sounds like that whited sepulchre, moneychanging creep Rick Warren.
- @62 When that photo first showed up on my screen yesterday, and for several hours afterward, that slice was tomato red. Now it looks like purple baloney wrapper.
- Padre Jeff@87: Puts me in mind of the greatest TV preacher ever, Pator Melissa Scott. I'd like to check her apparenlty miraculous command of ancient biblical languages on the net while she's covering that whiteboard. Just amazing. I've always wondered how much her congregants get out of her lightning presentation. My Greek is way to rusty to keep up except for pronunciation. She's the widow of Dr. Gene Scott, and I wouldn't be surprised if he died during conjugal relations. Pastoor Melissa also sings blues for Jesus with her crack studio band in an incredibly sultry, lower register voice. Where did Pastor Scott learn ancient Hebrew and Greek, and Aramaic? Anyway, Melissa Scott is a TV preacher for the electronic age, right down to her porn star history. I find this woman fascinating, which bugs the crap out of my partner.
- Composting toilets have been around a long time. First I ever heard of was the Clivus Multrum in the very early 70s. I think they are still making them. I have stayed in hunting camps in the maine woods that had these fixtures and they seemed to work well. I write construction specifications and contract documents, and I'm a stickler for a meticulously detailed paper trail of changes from original documents on which contracts or bids were based. This has always turned out to be a valuable practice when large projects reach the inevitable final phase: litigation or arbitration. The architects that are my clients are as likely as anybody else to try to blame me for SNAFUs, even though they use whiteout and correction tape to change my documents. I keep everything in password-protected electronic versions. If a client gives me addendum ed drawings or details altered by sketches, I won't write addenda until they are bubbled and marked with deltas. In both litigation and arbitration, the issues are judged by people that can't read drawings, so I'm very careful to keep the English version clear as a bell, including descriptions of changes to drawings. As a result, I love that last part of the process, and usually make money from it. Discretion is the better part of getting your ass sued.
- First saw Wendy Malick in the hilarious Dream On, a 70s HBO (I think) comedy with Brian Benben. If you took a year's worth of current sitcoms and added up all the actually funny jokes, it wouldn't balance a single episode of Dream On.
- I thought "ubiquitous " had been retired back in the '80s when it was reserved solely for use in describing Phil Collins. I really find it hilarious when the current GOPers have to ignore the Raygunistas. David Stockman says Ayn Ryan is full of shinola, and implies that the whole "job creator" thing is mythology. This is kind of like 900-foot Jesus appearing to Pat Robertson and telling him he got the Bible all wrong. I don't know, Joe. Seems as if RMoney got away with contradicting decades of reality and US foreign policy when he was in Israel and said the capital, as far as he was concerned, is Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv. And Kass is not credible in any context. He's a self-made version of Mike Barnacle, a sad thing to be. Finding race in Biden's (somewhat ridiculous) comment is a willful stretch. What Biden should have said, with more historical accuracy in his analogy, would have had to do with serfs and feudal lords, or millworkers forced to shop at the company store. More Anglo-Saxon, right? And how disgusting was that comment? For pure dogwhistle, it's difficult to beat Willard Windsock's accusation of "envy and anger" directed toward the President of the United States of America. It's extremely more obvious the whitebread bastard is talking about the anti-colonial Kenyan usurper than that Biden meant anything about slavery. As for Willard, I guess his feeling that everyone envies him has been gestating for decades. It's an inherent aspect of what is wrong with him, borderline personality disorder, which convinced him he was entitled to attack a schoolmate with a pair of scissors. I'd like to have his cash, so I could spend huge amounts ruining him politically, but other than that, I see nothing about him to envy.
- RMoney is the astoundingly dishonest crybaby prick who denies his Goober-natorial experience, runs on his experience at the money-laundering Bain Capital (whose clients were Salvadoran death squads), then squeals like a piggy when anybody mentions what Bain and Willard did to people. Way to take responsibility Windsock. That's so presidential.
- Oxford makes sense, though I think Faulkner is less coherent than James Joyce at his most stoned, but Tulsa?
- Joe and Danny, What was RMoney surrogate goon Sununu talking about not long ago when he said he wished President Obama would "learn to be more American"? That one seems to have slipped everyone's mind.
- If a republican said this, or said North Carolina when he was in Virginia, the left would be screaming like a 12yr old girl. You said that, Joe. I merely pointed out with an example how this is decidedly not true. I don't remember any Dems getting the vapors when the certifiably insane Allen West spouted this shit: Was that the race card, because apparently I don't know it when I hear it?
- Please fill in the blanks with examples. 1. Aw gee, it’s the lovable Joe Biden, that rascal: 2. It’s kinda true what he said: 3. It’s all the Republicans’ fault anyway: Bullshit.
- Danny. I didn't resort at all to any of the laughable predictions you made. If you think that's not so, please explain. As to comprehension, yours @37 is decidedly incomprehensible. If you want to claim prescience, you need to show where anything at all you predicted came true. Perhaps it did in your mind, but if that's so, the comprehension problem is yours. And it used to be that patriotism was the last refuge of a scoundrel. Now it's spouting outright racism and defending yourself with the "race card" nonsense. Racism is so deeply rooted in the GOP since '68, it is inculcated to the point of being essential to every GOPer policy and pronouncement. But the most knee-jerk of GOPers should be willing to admit that talking about the "food-stamp President" and claiming that Obama is "gutting" welfare reform are appeals to dogass racism. That's a fact. By the way, more Americans were enrolled in food stamp programs while Shrub was President than under Obama. And the state welfare waivers were an invention of GOP Goober-nors, including Mittens. So flat out lies in dogwhistle terms can't be called out for the racist drivel they are because that is "playing the race card"? Bullshit. Oh, and when a GOPer talks about entitlement, he means, giving black people stuff they don't deserve because they are, after all, black people. This is Lee Atwater garbage and whether y'all like it or not, Republicans own it.
- Joe, You didn't get rich working in that factory. You made a decent living. Somehow, the GOP has convinced people in that situation that they are threatened by reasonable social welfare plans that allegedly Christian politicians want to destroy. The beneficiaries will not be hard-working Americans, they will be the so-called "job creators" that made 30 times more than actual workers back in the 70s and are now up closer to 300%. The abject dishonesty in all of this is stunning. When Ayn Ryan talks about privatizing SS, i.e. creating another profit center for obscenely wealthy robber baron bankers, and switching out Medicare for vouchers that would be too small to help most people and pure gravy for those that don't really need any help, as well as a huge infusion of cash for insurance companies and their stockholders, he is talking about breaking contracts with Americans that have been paying payroll taxes for decades. He is talking about stealing your money and my money because he can, and because typical Teabangers have allowed themselves to be duped. There is no way this is even legal, and it is, in fact plain to anybody not dazzled by GOPer bullshit, another wedge to lever wealth upward and concentrate it on top. It's infuriating that people are taken in by this con. It's even more infuriating when a political party that has thoroughly incorporated racism as it's organizing principle since way back in the 60s thinks it can get away with race-based class warfare by invoking the "race card" defense. Frequently, a Party based upon racism actually says racist stuff, and it is not offensive to call their asses out on it. Closest thing to this "race card" bullying is the NRA saying talking about banning assault weapons in the wake of mass murder by assault weapons is disrespectful to the dead, who are dead because of NRA demagoguery and anti small d democratic principles.
- Ryan is randy for Ayn Rand Except for that part about taking gubmint money when she'd smoked her lungs. And the part about not believing in the existence of a Supreme Being, much less Her Son Jesus. And, oh yeah, the part about abortion right up to full term. As for Ayn Ryan, the intellectual GOPer, any adult whose hero is John Galt and who believes that Atlas Shrugged presents a coherent philosophy is a severely intellectually and emotionally stunted case of arrested adolescence. Most of those people that don't pay income tax that drive GOPers so loony? Well, they used to, before rich people abetted by the GOP and its union-busting ideologues redistributed the country's wealth with the immense bulk of it in a small safe at the top. When GOPers start talking about the no tax Lucky Duckies, they sound wistful, like they'd be happy to trade places. Out of touch? by a few million miles. Oh, and that 50% figure GOPers toss around as if it's etched in stone and gilded, in 2005, the number was 32% in 2005 and 47% in 2008. Suggest anything about radical income redistribution? Anybody believe that's the American way? And all of those people that work pay large amounts in payroll taxes, which Ayn Ryan wants to confiscate to finance additional tax cuts for millionaires. Mittens would say I'm just jealous and angry, but guess again. I'm just disgusted by people buying such regurgitated dreck on such a widespread basis. And I sure as hell pay income tax. I'm trying a RMoney tactic this year with a large gift to my daughter and her husband. Accountant says I have to limit it to $13grand apiece. So how did Mittens give his layabout, shifless kids $100mill apiece?
- There is no higher irony than a GOP supporter accusing somebody else of race-baiting. Then again, as Willard might say, "They are the champions, my friend." Danny, the name business is childish, like claiming to be a grown-up and holding on to atrocious drivel like Ayn Rand's books. It's actually a symptom of infantilism.
- Ayn Ryan You really didn't build that. JC GOPers are dying to institute an entirely regressive tax system, it's just hard to admit that and get away with it. "My" senator, Jim Demented, has been pushing a national sales tax for a while, the most regressive tax possible. For those that find that difficult to understand, imagine Paris Hilton buying food. Is she going to notice a sales tax on her Cheerios? Is a single mother going to notice the same surcharge on a necessity? Americans don't believe in regressive taxation. Unfortunately GOPers like Ayn Ryan do. Doing real estate when you have $100million of daddy's money is dabbling, Jolene. I just find the Romney boys vaguely reprehensible. Didn't really mean anything by it. And as long as the GOP is funded by the Koch Kriminal Konspiracy, Nazi kinda fits the party. And yeah, Joe, for a fact the Kochs are engaged and have been for some time, in overtly criminal relationships with the government of Iran. I'd like to say one more thing about the fundagelicdalictment thang as represented by the GOP. All those fools claiming John Galt as the patron saint of their Christianity. I take Christianity seriously, and the idea that hatchet jobs on social programs are consistent with anything Jesus stood for beggars belief. Of course, every person's religious philosophy is personal, but as a Catholic, I feel Ayn Ryan is an embarrassment to the Church. I am in the process of sending letters to all American Bishops explaining that I expect Ryan to be denied Communion and threatened with excommunication by the fools that pulled the same crap on Kerry in 2004. WWJD? He sure as hell wouldn't support the current GOP.
- BTW: Problems in Washington stem more than anything from GOPers stymying loocal government because they see Chocolate City as a natural Democratic Party enclave. The situation of DC is ridiculous. Look what the GOPers did when DC tried to institute sensible gun control laws. They did the will of the jack-booted thugs of the NRA, that's what.Or maybe you're like RMoney and think it's a cultural thing. Not Anglo-Saxon enough. And if the premise weren't valid, why have GOPers chosen public employees unions as a target for mass deflation of employment figures? When they decided to attack the American economy to damage the President, they went where the relative prosperity is. These treasonous fools display their ulterior motives like Amazonian frogs puffing up ruby-colored throats trying to lure females. As for Detroit, hasn't the GOPer goober-nor taken over?
- Aqua Buddha loses a few more marbles:
- Dave Mustaine was too drugged out to remain in Metallica. Hetfield and Ulrich kicked him out for his drug use. He probably spends most of his life in a deep dark K-hole when he isn't high.
- my rather accurate prediction Not a one of them showed up.
- You can’t jack taxes on the rich indefinitely. When did anything remotely resembling that happen, Jeff? You also can't keep paring taxees away, particularly if you want to run two illegal invasions and operate two occupatioons while you're doing it. Starting two wars while slashing taxes is undoubtedly the stupidest thing a President of the US could do. Economic disaster is guaranteed. Cut the banking and other financial robber barons free of any sensible regulation, and you'll croak the economy like you fed it strychnine in huge doses. GOPers deny that anything like any of that ever happened, and that is infuriating in its abject, deliberate obtuseness. The great Pharma giveaway, Medicare Part D for donut hole exacerbated the surreally bad policy decisions, and Yup, this crapola was sure as hell the fault of Shrub, the neocons, and the teabangers. So now one of Danny's predicitons has come true. But I defy anybody to explain how anything I've just said isn't an accurate description of what left the country in a spectacularly deep hole by Jan., 2009. As far as employment is concerned, according to GOPers, the bikini pattern bar graph never happened: At the same time, experts agree that the unemployment rate would be in the low sixes if not for massive local and state governmental job cuts engineered by the GOP. If anybody wants to try to prove otherwise, have at it, but that will be an unproductive effort. GOPers do try to claim that the national party has no control over those jobs, but that claim is meretricious. They cut fed funds to states and localities and jobs fly out the window. RMoney has promised to dump more teachers and first responders. That kills tow birds, jobs and the economy, in one stroke. That is the Republican MO. I suppose some people may call this "blaming Republicans. I call it recognizing facts as facts. Willard disagrees with my assessment, and has actually said he'd go back to Bushonomics. That should 86 the dumbasses campaign immediately for any voter with an operating forebrain that doesn't believe it's in anybody's best interest for one of two national parties to identify Job No. 1 as defeating the other party in the Presidential race because the sitting President has an abundance of melanin in his dermis.
- Judge Diana Moon Glampers must have been involved in that IQ job discrimination decision. Still, only the second stupidest judge in action yesterday. The PA moron that said disenfranchising a possible 9% of PA voters was not serious, what sort of IQ does that take? As far as the top marginal rate, why shouldn't GOPers agree to return to the Raygun rate? Or half of Eisenhower's? Either would whittle the deficit they suddenly became so concerned about when Obama was elected.
- Downton tease: And according to Laffer 0tax rate will maximize government income. This is obviously blithering idiocy from a simple math point of view. And if everybody with RMoney wealth hits the .82% mark the Ryan budget would effect for Willard, Grover Norquist will drown the federal government in the bathtub. This is the fundamental question. Should we have a US Federal Government at all. So-called conservatives bleat about the Founding Fathers, but in practice act as if they believe the FFs FUBARed the entire thing. Jeff, can you identify any authentically "conservative politically people in particular" in American politics? I'll be damned if I can. The problem with W's tax cuts wasn't the cuts alone, it was coupling the cuts with the idiotic and illegal invasions and occupations, both of which enriched the people whose top marginal rates he cut. Cutting taxes while exploding spending, really fracking stupid. That biker was parbly a messenger on a fixie with no freewheel, a ridiculous bike setup that just begs for stuff like this to happen. I've been tempted when large pedestrian groups block bike paths at the tops of hills, but they always have little kids at the perimeter of the herd. Bike messengers aren't irresponsible, they are non compos mentis.
- Nicely done, cooze. I think part of what set off yesterday's imbroglio was the typical faux outrage about something insignificant and typically sill that Biden said when the GOPers are spouting garbage like "food stamp president" (the real one is W, in fact, you can look it up), "gutting welfare reform" (the President was putting a state waiver system into effect that GOP governors devised and requested), "anglo-saxon" (no explanation needed from the WASnon-P candidate), lies about Medicare from the guys that intend to trash it, ads that shamelessly edit Obama's statements into something that doesn't resemble what he actually says by a mile. I mean, the straining at gnats and swallowing camels required to by the GOP schtick is enough to piss any reasonable human being off mightily. How about the RMoney homunculus surrogate Sununu saying "I wish the President would learn to be American"? Rank hypocrisy has a way of annoying the crap out of people. What we're having for dinner: With collards. Already started. This is obviously one for extended simmering in the La Creuset. By the way, Sununu was born in Havana of foreign national parents. Not sure what makes him American besides inherent ugliness and natural jingoism.
- There is no equivalency there Joe. The Republican party has been built around racist thinking and policy since Lee Atwater redefined it for Nixon in '68, and calling a black President a "food stamp president" when his predecessor actually presided over more food stamp enrollments, is outright, virulent racist appeal, similar to the Oldtimer Raygun's bogus stories about welfare queens. Racism is absolutely the lowest form of human degeneracy, and politicians that speak it in code have no business in government office. Biden may have chosen his words foolishly, but he was clearly talking about controlling the robber baron banks that brought catastrophe to the US economy. But shouting stuff out of context through a megaphone is a very familiar GOP tactic. Like "You didn't build that." Surely, anybody that is still breathing has the brains to have understood exactly what the President was saying. As I pointed out yesterday, Biden's point would have been made more effectively by a feudal lords and serfs metaphor, or workers in thrall to the company store. Meanwhile, when right wingers that want gubmint hands off their Medicare (and Romney and Ayn Ryan are lying overtime at the tops of their lungs on that subject), complain about spending on social welfare, I'm reminded of the appalling fact that America spends $2.2million per minute on the military. As my military godson would say, "That is FUBAR."
- Very cool photographic artwork: I started a new book last night called The Dog Stars, by Peter Heller, an NPR contributor on outdoors topics and author of previous travel/adventure books along the lines of McPhee or Matthiesson. The setting is a post-killer-flu-apocalypse world with almost no people. The protagonist lives at an airport in Colorado, Rockies foothills and has a psychopath partner. They've devised a plan to protect themselves from roving survivors, that involves the hero flying reconaissance in a Cessna 182 with his trusty dog for copilot. The style is a bit strange, with disjointed sentences, but I quickly found it engaging. I know a lot of y'all are airplane afficianados, not just Joe, and the descriptions of flying are lyrical and at times detailed. They feel authentic to me, but I wouldn't know. The nature descriptions are brilliant, on a par with the two guys I mentioned above. Extremely enjoyable 100 pp. in. Finished Before I Go to Sleep, and am still feeling a frisson from it. Terrific psychological thriller. Chilling. The Dog Stars: Rev. Jeff, the loudest voice currently in the Pentagon spending discussion is probably the most obtuse and biased, the great chickenhawk, "Buck" McKeon, who still lives on a yacht in the Tidal Basin paid for by a defense contracting company. How is that guy not in jail?
- Luckovich RMoney cartoon: Bruce, that's the mirror image of the outrageously stupid argument that increasing the minimum wage, in fact indexing it to inflation, would trash jobs. As if Mickey D is employing people from the goodness of its rodent heart. Raise the minimum wage, and raise the payroll tax windbreak to $200thou, economy fixed more revenue no body pays more taxes because way more taxpayers. And of course, anyone can graph the Laff(t)er curve and see that o tax does not equal increased revenue. The curve must return to 0. That's math even I understand. That's very funny brian. Except that ahole is my congressman, which is very depressing. Dumbass kills trees right and left to fill my mailbox with shit I wouldn't read under the influence of a Mosberg 20/26 ga. over under.
- Linda@37. Somebody should have taken your approach to heart in 2008 when the unconscionable swift boat liars and Shrub NatGuard defenders were polluting the airwaves with rank ordure. The fact that GOPers perfected that sort of meretricious campaigning makes it hard to find anything but humor in the liar RMoney's whining these days.
- beb: Sununu was born in Havana. His dad was palestinian, his mom, Salvadoran. What he's saying is a rehash of the infamous bullshit purveyed by D'nesh Souza about the influence on the President of the Kenyan anti-colonial socialist-leaning dad, the President barely ever met. It's birther bullcrap and the sort of lying crap from the GOPers that makes a reasonable person wonder where the hell they get off whining about some ridiculous comment from Biden. Reminds me of Ralphie going off on Scut Farkus, and the GOPers are all wah, wah, wah. Connie, I found Heller's brand of stream of consciousness--diverting in mid-sentence--somewhat inelegant at first but once I got used to it I find it easy to fall in with. The fishing descriptions are gorgeous. The bit about the old books Hig used to buy as gifts for his wife--Otter. I love otter.--are gut-wrenching. I find it very easy to identify with Big Hig. I'm enjoying it a lot. I have a new phone and phone service. What a pain setting the phone and account up. I intended to continue using my iPhone, but the bastards in duo with AT&T made it virtually impossible to change out the SIM card. My new phone is an Android phone, brand is apparently Chinese (Huawei u8800). Of course, my iPhone was undoubtedly made in China too.
- Amazing physical feat by Rajon Rondo:
- Jeff, do you put any credence in the "job creator" model after the shrubministration buried American employment? This is central to trickle-down, that would seem to me to be so discredited anybody would be embarrassed to bring this shit up, as I am re Atwater. On the other hand, Atwater was an architect of the racist soul-selling that produced the modern GOP. If organizations have qualityzing souls in the form of principles, when you sign on with the modern GOP, you are signing on with DeKlerk style racism. RMoney has announced he's paid at least 13.5 % the last 10 years. I've paid more than 20%. Lot less revenue on my average $120,000, but it does not seem even close to fair. That cash would have been much bigger in my IRA than the drop in Willard's bucket. RMoney's made a huge deal about giving his daddy's money to charity. If somebody thinks LDS is a charity after they bought the Cali referendum, we've got a bridge to the mainland I could sell you. Garmoore, I'm wrong. I have just read so much on Atwater's keen observations on the vile transformation to racism as raison d'etre of the GOP, I always figure he's responsible. From a 1981 interview, here's Atwater: LEE ATWATER: As to the whole Southern strategy that [Nixon political strategist] Harry S. Dent, Sr. and others put together in 1968, opposition to the Voting Rights Act would have been a central part of keeping the South. Now [the new Southern Strategy of Ronald Reagan] doesn’t have to do that. All you have to do to keep the South is for Reagan to run in place on the issues he’s campaigned on since 1964 and that’s fiscal conservatism, balancing the budget, cut taxes, you know, the whole cluster. QUESTIONER: But the fact is, isn’t it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps? ATWATER: You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.” Does Joe or Danny want to offer an observation about how that isn't the essence of GOP politics? It's been all racism all the time for decades and then...Horeurs...a chocolate president.
- Sorry garmoore. You are absolutely correct. And it's the same racist aholes one way or another. Lowest circle in hell, racism. It is the unmitigated heart and soul of the modern GOP. George Corley Wallace was famous for saying he would never be "out-niggered" again. GOPErs just decided to go all nucular on the subject. And they were really convincing, because they were authentic racists. That is the GOP. Racist central. And if y'all don't like the connection, Joe, don't buy their revolting crap.
- cooze, Goober Brewski is a harmless drunk LEE ATWATER: As to the whole Southern strategy that [Nixon political strategist] Harry S. Dent, Sr. and others put together in 1968, opposition to the Voting Rights Act would have been a central part of keeping the South. Now [the new Southern Strategy of Ronald Reagan] doesn’t have to do that. All you have to do to keep the South is for Reagan to run in place on the issues he’s campaigned on since 1964 and that’s fiscal conservatism, balancing the budget, cut taxes, you know, the whole cluster. QUESTIONER: But the fact is, isn’t it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps? ATWATER: You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.” ?
- Funny thing about that Crispin's speech by Hal. He'd ceased to be Hal at that point, turned into a prick, and knew very well he was talking the "band of brothers" into their certain death or dismemberment. Sort of like the "let's you and him fight" shit W spouted about Iraq just before Shock and Awe hit Bagdhad. Won't be long before intertube wingers will be claiming McCotter was in league with ACORN (which organization never committed voter ID fraud, by any stretch).
- It is a fact. More people enrolled for food stamps when W was the unelected pretzeldent. Newticles lied. Knock me over with a feather. "Teh race card" is an invention of GOPers to defend against honest disgust with their racist strategies and policies. And there is no "foodstamp comment" Newticles gets it into basically every sentence that comes out of his foul and crooked mouth. Do you have this shit implanted or do you study it? And if RMoney walks into Baskin Robbins and doesn't order vanilla, people will have heart attacks. Dannny, ACORN no longer exists. And ACORN most certainly never committed vote fraud. I'm choosing to believe you aren't an idiot, but if you insist on that ACORN mythology, that becomes impossible. You're thinking of that past-masturbator James O'Keefe, who payed people to commit voter ID fraud in the Neh Hempsha GOP primary.. Your delusions about ACORN are consistent with the GOPer idiot obsession with the New Black Panther Party, which may have two members. Please feel free to provide evidence of vote fraud by ACORN. Hourly workers attempted to defraud ACORN for pay, and the organization vetted the work and reported it to appropriate election officials. Here's truth about vote fraud. Wonder how much W's misAdministration spent on this shit:
- del, that is funny. The Savannah yellow pages first listing under attorneys is for A. Able Attorney. Heather:
- Mary, I want to hear a door play My Favorite Things a la Miles' big brother, Trane. Or A Love Supreme. I always wondered if Richard Rodgers ever heard this translation of his simple tune into God's native language. Elvin Jones and McCoy Tyner rule. Or how about something really wild, like Dvorak:
- Another GOPer intellectual: Climb out of that K-hole, you degenerate.
- The single guiding and normative principle of the modern GOP is clearly racism, no matter how much the bastards try to drag Lincoln down into the mire with them, or how many JC Watts they trot out. Claiming this is not so is either disingenuous or obtuse. This has been the case for a long fracking time, but when the Teabangers bullied their ways to the top in the GOP, things got worse. Obviously, that is not to say all GOPers are racists, but you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. It is also undeniably true that LDS was a bastion of institutionalized racism until recently. Denying that racism plays a huge part in antipathy toward President Obama is plain dumber than grunt. It's like Raygun's infamous, clueless response to a question about racial politics in America: "Why, when I was a young man, who even knew there were black people?" There is no way anybody can remain credible that denies the clear racial component to Newticle's food stamps crap, or RMoney's pure D bologna about welfare reform, particularly when neither is even true to begin with.
- Another very good reason Willard Windsock should not get near the White House:
- Another RMoney gaffe that got virtually no attention. Great googly-moogly this is stupid: What a fracking tool.
- Ayn Ryan caught in bald-faced lie:
- Danny@60: Butter wouldn't melt. GOP is still working the Southren Strategy for all it is worth. Acting like that isn't so is just bizarre. You may say "What about Allen West and Hermanator Cain?" I say "Exactly." I'm going to see Paranorman tomorrow, but nobody will go with me. I wish I knew a 10 year old to go with. When I saw "From the makers of Coraline" I was hooked. Coraline is brilliant.
- I like Spain better than Bitches Brew, but y'know, de gustibus: Sorry, but trying to claim the birther horseshit isn't racism-fueled is fracking lame as can be. Of course GOPers don't want to come clean. It's a politically profitable cottage industry. GOP is the redneck party these days, and trying to claim they aren't is pitifully stupid:
- Reading back, Danny is trying to make (incrementally) the indisputably spurious argument that the GOP has moved beyond racial politics while the Democratic Party keeps race issues alive to use against the innocent, post-racial GOPers. That's either monumentally stupid or spectacularly mendacious. GOP victimhood is incredibly pathetic. What a crock of shit. They invented "the race card" to defend against any honest appraisal of the GOP's continued employment of the Southren Strategy. When did they call that off Danny? That's delusional shit. I don't know Danny, so I won't guess whether this is stupidity or cutesy. One way or another ist's dishonest as hell. Deborah, what we heard back then was Dickless insisting deficits doan mean dick. The dumbest ass thing about the racist GOPer attacks on the President is their twofold insistence that he is at once stupid and incompetent, and some sort of Socialist provacateur savant mastermind. One or the other you racist bastards.
- Sorry, but I refuse to believe anybody is stupid enough to make the Democrats maintain racism to make GOPers look bad argument. The bad will and rock-steady dishonesty it takes to maintain such an sinine claim would seem to preclude being able to breathe. Just abject, total bullshit, Danny. You can't be that fracking stupid, or somebody is turning on that computer for you.
- Seriously, Teabangers aren't redneck racist gun thugs, they just pretend to be racists to lure racist Democrats into playing the imaginary "race card". Gutdom what a GOPer crock of shit.
- Kirk, go down to River Street and visit Kevin Barry's. I've got it. Emmitt Till convinced those peckerwoods to lynch him so Democrats could play the "race card". Jesus, what an odious crock of shit, Danny.
- Sorry if I was impolitic, but Danny's bullshit is heinous. And you married folk, I wish I'd been better at it, but I wound up with a wonderful pard, so long as I keep her meds modified: But seriously that shit about whatever. Seriously, Danny, GOP isn't racist to the core? Are you stupid or fracking nuts?
- Danny, you can tell yourself you made your point, but when it is so dishonest and nonsensical, that doesn't really mean much. If you deny that the general GOPer antipathy toward the President of the United States is invested with racism, you are either stupid or massively, and obnoxiously, full of shit. And do you mean cliques? Oh, and the current-day GOP is a great booster for color-blind society. Good Lord, what bullshit. Like claiming anything Bill Maher says has anything remotely to do with national politics. Denying that the GOP is fundamentally racist is ridiculous. Denying that Newticles Gingrich is playing to racists when he says "food stamp President" is as asinine as it is stupid. I travel a bit and it seems every place I go, the teenagers are all hanging out together. You fatuous ass.
- I see it now. GOPers are the unifiers and not tinged at all by divisiveness and racism. Monkeys are flying out of my anus.: What's beyond comprehension is the fake outrage from lying scum GOPers. Biden said something dumb. BFD. Making a claim that Biden was promoting racial divisiveness is crass beyond belief. The sentence before the chains sentence was mocking GOPers that want to "unchain Wall Street". Pretty clear what he was talking about. The phony outrage is fracking ludicrous. Here's one of those typical GOPer unifiers, Deadbeat Joe Walsh: There is a radical strain in Islam in this country, it's not just over there, trying to kill Americans every week. It is a real threat, and it is a threat that is much more at home now than it was right after 9/11. It's here. It's in Elk Grove, it's in Addison, it's in Elgin, it's here. How 'bout Lee Atwater on GOP strategy? You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger." Nope. That's not racist or divisive at all. To hear dissembling jackasses like Danny tell it, only black people are actually racists, and the wonderbread GOPers are their beleaguered victims. Deluded, stupid or vile? Hard to tell.
- What Biden was actually talking about, before nitwit GOPers decided to accuse him of racism. He was actually echoing words of warning from T. Jefferson about robber baron bankers. Of course, GOPers believe bankers are oppressed, and would fix everything if they were just allowed to run wild: I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property-until their children wake up homeless in the continent their fathers conquered." --Thomas Jefferson
- What's particularly annoying about Danny's lameass claim that Democrats promote racism for political gain is how well it fits the perpetual whinging GOPer theme of the unconscionable oppression of straight white guys. Gutdom, that is some infuriating bullshit.
- I suppose Willard RMoney's disparaging comments about Palestinians under the hobnail boot of Israeli Apartheid had no aspect of racism about it.
- Interesting that Jeff brought up the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. Those two landmarks passed into law by dint of LBJ's commitment and his skill as a blackmailer of recalcitrant congresspeople. Current GOPers and particularly Teabangers would happily be rid of both. Willard's chief advisor on everything justice, Robert Fracking Bork, has some very distressing opinion on the subject: Bork can say crap like that and he's excused by GOPers as an "originalist". And how exactly do these lying bastards find corporations as citizens and money as speech in their alleged originalism? The criminal Rick Scott would surely ban black people from polling places if he could get away with it. Who the hell is Toure, and how exactly is the Democratic Party responsible for Toure. Of course, if you can believe that Willard Windsock has not been engaged in racial coding, I suppose you can convince yourself of any fracking thing at all.
- Ayn Ryan etches his idiocy in stone. Ryan is shocked, shocked to find out Ayn Rand was an atheist: Apparently Britt Hume was unaware of that too:
- And all of this Ayn Ryan Fountainhead bullshit raises a question. Remember back when Obama was elected, all of those rightwingnuts were so outraged at the sheer uppitiness they "threatened " to Go Galt. Like the ultimate Wussy Rich Lowry and the vitle twit Michell Malkin, who spews racist shit more fluently than the alky idiot Bocephus. Well that was just a tease and the morons are still fouling the peoples' airwaves regularly. Can they be sued for breach of promise. Another question: Does anyone claim that 'birtherism" is not racist as hell at its core? Bocephus wasn't bellowin' at racists? Sununu? McCain was man enough to repdiate what crap forcefully. Romney, NFW. He might allow "Those aren't the words I'd use." or some other such spineless drivel. Or he might have his wife say it for him, the way she put the serfs in their places on the tax return subject. And on the subject of the patron saint of Objectivism (i.e.: terminal selfishness) there are two choices for characterizing Ayn Ryan's comments. He is either way stupid, or he's a major league liar. No other way about it. And if the Dems are supposed to own this Toure guy (that I have never heard of), I'm giving Hank Williams Jr. to the GOPers along with Nugent. Sununu? He's a GOPer eminence gris all the way back to his first class jet tickets to his dental appointments. Sununu is traceable directly to Meldrim Thompson whose sensibilities on racial politics were a good fit with Lester Maddox.
- If a guy runs for President that was once a governor, and fires a campaign aide for describing one of his gubernatorial successes, why would anybody with a brain trust the guy? If said guy says he was can-do obscenely wealthy business type and that proves he can be trusted but then whines when his business practices are examined and questioned, why would a rational person believe a word the guy says? If the would-be candidate is completely incapable of detecting the irony inherent in such behavior and claim no questions about his record of any sort are fair game, how is he not identified as an untrustworthy charlatan? This is the current situation for Willard RMoney. Why would anyone believe a word he says about anything? Congratulations on the pepper jelly, Deborah. We had some for Sunday breakfast with chorico on homemade bsicuits (Alton Brown's sublime recipe.) With some 100% Kona and fresh squeezed OJ. Great way to start the day. Any fan of The Sopranos, and particularly of Steven Van Zandt's Silvio character, would do well to watch Lilyhammer on demand on Netflix. Very good and mordantly funny.
- In his grotesquely inappropriate modifying of "rape" with "legitimate" is Akin actually making the claim that most rape accusations are fals? What else could the blithering cretin mean by that? The monumentally buffoonish cross-dresser Rudy Giuliani is making fun of Biden. Right , Rudy. It took awhile, but you've launched your snappy comeback to Biden's astute put down about your sentence structure--"a noun, a verb, and 9-11". How's that Bernie Kerik recommendation continuing to work out for you. I'm still surprised GOPers didn't try to claim Biden was attacking LDS. After all, the Mormons are likely the all-time ecclesiastical leaders in the clubhouse for institutional racism. And Ayn Ryan commits the stupidest GOPer musical faux pas since the Raygunistas failed to understand "Born in the USA": How did he miss the obviously Randian lyrics of Geddy Lee? How did he figure the guys in Rage wouldn't consider him a primo ahole? Of course, there is no obtuseness like the obtuseness required to miss that atheistic thang in Atlas Shrugged. The Evil Genius.
- Not just Tampa, but the entire state of FLA has a problem with electing career criminals like Rick Scott and full goose looneys like Allen West. I say, make Puerto Rico a state and give FLA the territory designation. And give Tejas to Mexico if they'll take it. What would unemployment look like in FLA had Scott not kiboshed the high speed rail project? And why do GOPers have such an immediate and overpowering kneejerk reaction against high speed trains? It works in Japan and Europe because it's anti-automobile socialism? Like the great socialist bike sharing schemes. My friend Lisa says what Akin means is that a victim of "legitimate" rape wasn't asking for it by the way she was dressed or by having wine with dinner, or using contraceptives, the sluttish hussy. This all goes back to the odious attempt to redfine rape for purposes of limiting access to abortions as "forcible" rape. Remember that GOP golden Oldie? To which I say Honi soit qui mal y pense. I guess Mitts' rapist GOPer bundler pal in Utah is just a non-forcible rapist. He used rohypnol, and only beat his victims when they didn't please him. I've got a bumper sticker that says "Tampa. Where the stupidity meets the humidity." Tampa is an altogether unpleasant place populated by ignorant crackers, in my experience. Sue, isn't Akin's body supposed to have some sort of natural mechanism for preventing that from happening. Actually that rape victims not getting pregnant is as popular with the right wing as the total bullshit about abortions causing breast cancer. But just ask Limbaugh. Can's rape victims just take extra Ortho-Novum? Those Mitchell & Webb guys are superb. If the profligate lack of movie imagination ever leads to some fool trying to remake O, Lucky Man or If..., Robert Webb must play Mick Travers. I always go for a well-poured pint of Guinness after bloodletting. Marvellous effect.
- Well Audrey Hepburn did make Breakfast at Tiffany's, played Holly Golightly. That seems to be the very definition of "twee" unlesss you figure a photo of the author is next to that word in the dictionary. And Sabrina was pretty much twee. I like Audrey Hepburn movies, but I can see "twee".
- Holly Golightly's outlook on life and her cigarette holder weren't twee? Could have fooled me. Holly Golightly was a hooker with a heart of gold and a steep estimation of her own cutesyness. She was imbued with twee by her inventor, Truman Capote who was himself decidedly twee in person before the reds and wine kicked in and he got snarling and nasty.
- Here is very astute analysis from Roy Edroso regarding the vapors that affected rightwing church lady types that were so shocked by Biden's comments regarding RMoney's stated intentions to let banks and financial institutions run wild, unregulated again. That is what Biden was talking about, no matter how much racially insensitive GOPers want to feign outrage on behalf of black people about whom they obviously don't give a shit: The whole thing is of a single fabric with Willard's whining about Bain criticism, on which he has gotten off very easy so far. Make the dickhead explain how the early days of Aain Capital weren't a money-laundering operation for criminals against humantiy like D'Aubisson and the other death squad patrons. Windsocks own descriptions of his earliest "investors" cast huge shadows on the company's operations, and the investors were a rogues gallery of people that bought and paid for the muders of Catholic religious in Central America supporting social justice. That was war on religion you bastard, not some bablling bullshit about contraception. I mean, shouldn't he have to explain whether he was in with Ollie North on the unConstitutional Iran-Contra BNL banking scandal and outrageous GOP dealings with Iran to sway an American Presidential election? Mike Luckovich has a funny representation of the GOPer crybabies:
- Phylis Diller wrote an autobiography entitled Like a Lampshade in a Whorehouse, typical of her style of humor. She was compared frequently to Joan Rivers but was waaaaay funnier. She made a truly horrible movie with Bob Hop called Boy, Did I get a Wrong Number, and in 1969, she made a great movie with Milo O'Shea called The Adding Machine, which has fantasy scenes in it as gorgeous as those in the Joel McCrae version of Carousel.Only saw it once, but it's a personal favorite. She also had a featured role in the excellent Elia Kazan movie Splendor in the Grass, with Warren Beatty and Natalie Wood, a sort of chick flick that really got teenage lust right for the first time in the history of Hollywood. Phyllis Diller was frequently compared with Joan Rivers but was, in fact, a hell of a lot funnier.
- How much of a creep does a candidate have to be to get dumped by Turdblossom Rove?
- Dexter. How about Pet Barbutti, the cordeen King? My favorite Johnathan Winters was a Christmas skit. He was dressed as Santa and grinned into the camera. He said how about Santa's teeth kiddies. Doesn't Santa have beautiful pearly whites? Each one made from a tiny elf skull." Winters was a little like Charles Addams turning in the cartoon showing the obstetrics nursing station with the nurse asking the ghoulish guy " shall I wrap it or will you have it here?"I think the first Richard Prior concert movie is the single funniest extended comic performance of all time. " I ain't got no money. I ain't got no teefes. And I sho ain't got no driver license." And the dogs next door saying "Wahssamatta Rich?" The movies Richard Pryor made with Gene Wilder were brilliant, particularly Silver Streak and Stir Crazy. George carlin was also very funny, and the greatest Lenny Bruce story was the one about "Screw the Irish".
- Dog Day Afternoon is a great movie. This prick doesn't favor racist based vote suppression at all. That's just the race card on my part. They may not always have been called Teabangers, but these looneys have been around a long fracking time.
- Well, yeah, there was the astounding Bachmann claim about the normal 13 year old that got an HPV innoculation one day and "woke up the next day with mental retardation". Exactly how the idiot put it. Like Down Syndrome is a disease. Link I meant to include @66: This guy got an HPV innoculation and woke up the next day with sodium pentothal in his bloodstream. Christie and the casinos? Don't stop belieeevin'... wipe to black.
- I always liked Jackie Vernon doing the vacation slideshow bit: I remember Jackie Mason making obscene gestures at Ed Sullivan.
- GOPer swimming team could try this: but Loudon Wainright III would probably get a cease and desist order, since he obviously is very bad at suffering fools. Maybe he'd make an exception for this one:
- Akin and the GOPers are involved in a concerted effort to provide this ahole with a defense at trial: After all, Willard pals around with a rapist. Who wouldn't want to kiss Catherine Deneuve?
- Funniest thing about the Galilee skinny-dipping is the image conjured by the detail in every story about Yoder getting a "tongue lashing" from Eric Cantor. Hooboy, that prospect would surely set the worst miscreant on the straight and nerrow. Fearsome, that Cantor. Pardon me, but this sounds as scary as getting taken to the woodshed by Aint Bea. The Yoder business in perspective seems a little like the the Anthony Wiener underpants fiasco. Running naked into a Christian holy place seems more embarrassing to me than taking a cell-phone photo of your U-trou, but It's OK if You're a Republican, apparently. Is photographing and texting your boxer-briefs illegal. I kinda doubt it. If it is, why? BHDork, AIPAC is most certainly intimately involved in active Israeli spying operations in the US. Alleged Americans like Shelden Adelson fund such efforts when not giving golden showers to Willard Windsock. That's how Israel got their first batch of fissionable material to start building the nuclear arsenal they keep at Dimona in the Negev that motivates any effort by Iran to acquire nukes. Invaluable ally, Israel. The Hunger is a semi-great movie, the rest of Tony Scott's movies, particularly the ear-damaging Top Gun and Days of Thunder, unwatchable for me. I prefer loud rock 'n' roll for assaulting my tympanic membranes. I liked Man on Fire, with Denzel and I thought the Pelham 1 2 3 remake was an improvement on an estimable original. Enemy of the State is very enjoyable, with a good performance elicited from Will Smith and the best in a long while from Gene Hackman (reminiscent of his role in The Conversation). I enjoyed Numb3rs too, though I rarely had a clue what Charlie was talking about. Some stuff about game theory, maybe. But the way his explanations were written was always excellent. The show also dealt very well with family stuff, and Judd Hirsch was excellent. Akin's whole "proof is in the puddin'" thing is a lot like throwing witches in the moat to see if they float. Just as sound scientifically, too. And when you think about it, the airplane bidness that has voters so het up in MO over McCaskill, well that sounds like Windsock justifyin squeezing every last thin dime within the law out of his IRS dealings to me.
- "At the latter I was informal, at the former I wore my suit" The national press is FUBARing the Akins story bigtime. The real deal is that Ayn Ryan is right there on the same page as Akin, and the handwringing from GOPers about Akin is intended to obfuscate that inescapable fact. Right wingnuts on the net are trying to draw equivalencies to something Whoopi Goldberg may have said about "rape" and "rape-rape" Seriously. Whoopi Goldberg? Godawmighty that is lamer than that BS about that guy Toure. How is it, when "conservatives" say what they all really think, it's a misstatement?
- Gutdom, Bain Capital's past is rife with incredibly sleazy excuses for human beings. These guys aren't purely evil bastards like the death squad organizers Bain laundered money for in Central America. Just crooks of a feather with Willard hisownself.
- Life's inscrutable mysteries: women voting for GOPers, and Andrew Sullivan continuing to identify as Republican. GOPers won't even adopt those "snowflake babies" that get 'em all choked up when stem cell research comes up in conversation, and they sure as shit not going to let a pair of moms or a pair of dad's do the adopting. And anybody that believes the Willard canard that tithing to LDS is charitable giving should try selling that crock to gay couples in Cali.
- Congressman Steve King, just keeps on giving, jumps into own mouth with both feet:
- I've been sending small donations here and there to Sherrod Brown's campaign, since it became clear that Wall St. asshat types seem more worried about him these days than about Elizabeth Warren. Anyway, I got a hilarious email from the campaign today illustrating what dicks conserva tubesters are with their innuendoe and outright lies, and their delusions of Journalistic identity. The missive contains this anecdote: I just had to share this email my mom got from a conservative blogger. Dear Ms. Shultz, We are doing an expose on journalists in the elite media who socialize with elected officials they are assigned to cover. We have found numerous photos of you with Sen. Sherrod Brown. In one of them, you appear to be hugging him. Care to comment? Sometimes, even in the midst of all the mud-slinging, you just have to laugh. Of course, Mom being Mom, she just had to write back. Dear Mr. [Name Deleted]: I am surprised you did not find a photo of me kissing U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown so hard he passes out from lack of oxygen. He's really cute. He's also my husband. You know that, right? Connie Schultz.
- Churchlady: To set your mind at ease, Asimov's three laws of robotics A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. I'm going to make a bumper sticker that says I was never dumb enough to vote Republcan. I mean, my first Presidential election, the GOPer choice was Milhous touting his clearly spurious plan to end the war. That should put anyone with a sense of common decency of his feed. We had an Irish Setter when I was a kid (nominally one of my brothers' dog). Named Katy, and easily the dumbest dog I've ever met. Katy would eat anything and once stole a ball of rising bread dough from a kitchen counter. Katy was lucky the video camera hadn't been invented yet, or she would have ended up the laughing stock of the world intertubes. One of my brothers commented as we watched her try to figure out why her mouth wouldn't work, "You'd think she would have realized it was a bad idea after the first mouthful." As the oldest, most resposnsible of the four of us, I realized eventually that the situation might be serious, and used a wooden spaghetti sauce spoon to pry the dough out of the poor critter's mouth. God knows what would have happened had that nascent loaf made it to her gut. That dog was dumb as blatherhammers, but she was extremely sweet. She'd be overjoyed to distraction when one of us would show up at home after months away at school. She once ran off for two days, then showed up on the pool deck with the handle of a picnic basket clamped in her muzzle, with linens and fancy plastic china and stainless cutlery in it, wrapped in a red-checked table cloth. So apparently she was the sort of Irish that sell asphalt driveway treatments up and down the East Coast. I saw Akin on video explaining himself last night. He meant to say "forcible" rape. As in "It ain't rape if you aren't nearly killed." Had a mental picture of GOPers swallowing their tongues, since the "forcible" distinction is one of the "intellectual" Ayn Ryan's "ideas". And what shoould an informed voter make of the fact that Willard and Ryan went after Akin with long knives out and then had their flunkies write the same shit into the party platorm? Hypocrites without borders. Anyway, politicians that believe somehow that false rape accusations are more common than actual rapes have no business in public office, and that is the policy of the entire GOP now. Mark P: Did you have to go out for Peking duck? And pardon the partisanship, but those littleface Mitt photos simply show him as the alien overlord he really is. Maggie, dogs and chocolate do not mix, and I have caused more embarrassment than any of those dogs when I've seen people feeding chocolate candy to dogs.
- Well Dorothy, I know lots of humans that have been blaming it on the dog for a long time. As for the prince, that's better than being caught in one of his vintage SS unis. Anyway, as David Niven would say, he's just "showing off his shortcomings." Damn, David Niven was cool.
- We saw Lilly Tomlin talking about Phyllis Diller on TV last night. She said one of her favorite Phyllis Diller jokes was this one liner: I tried to dress a turkey for this Thanksgiving, but I can't get past the blouse.
- After his hissy fit about how Obama should take that anger and jealousy back to Chicago, maybe Willard Windsock should come clean about his own unseemly Chicago connections: That's right RMoney, get somebody to pry those bucks out of your greedy clutches and give them to charity. And I don't mean LDS. The Mormons should have their tax exempt status removed for spending $8billion on a Cali referendum election. And I really agree with George Carlin's opinions on GOPer pro-life claims:
- Here's a great idea that went seriously awry: Some fool decided to rob LL Cool J's house, Yeah, he looks like a pushover. Somebody should tell that fool at NRO that Willard could only get a date in his younger days by impersonating a police officer and kidnapping young women. And I don't really mean anything by this, but Mittens strikes me as a wuss. But really, the NRO guy must have a sugar-frosted nutsack if he's brave enough to talk about evolutionary hypothesis of any sort considering who his reactionary employers are. He also should be aware that the hypotheses is only considered possibly valid as a predictor for polygynous species, which, Lord knows, GOPers don't think humans are, unless they live in clandestine militia camps in Idaho. As usual, GOPers should leave scientific speculation to people that actually believe in science. Of course, the T-W is entirely incapable of positing any sort of physiological mechanism by which their hypotheses could take place in real life, unless they think it's another supra-hormonal bit of magic like Akin believes in. Birthrates for males are higher in China. Does NRO guy want to explain that one. Oh, yeah, right. The evil Chinese abort female fetuses. These dumbasses should leave scientific matters alone and stick to what they know is true, like dinosaurs and humans sharing the earth.
- Well. churchlady, I watch Futurama, but usually only have eye for Turanga Leela. The war on drugs is also the most gigantic waste of federal money and boondoggle not named Missile Defense. One's as successful as the other, though. And if it's not, indeed, true, that there has always been a racial aspect to "Just Say Yo!", somebody that supports the war on drugs should attempt to explain the geometric progression differences between sentencing for powder coke and sentencing for crack. Then again, there are places like Tejas where less than a decade ago, a person could get 99 years for possession of less than an ounce of pot. Don't mess with Texas? Damn right. See if Mexico will take its sorry ass back.
- Cats fart, whether cats or cat people will admit to it. Thing is, caatfood-induced farts are spectacularly acrid and disgusting. Willard RMoney parbly has an undocumented Central American on the payroll to take the blame when he sits on a duck. The guy is kinda teflon-coated. How is it people have forgotten Willard's reaction when it dawned on him that all of the landscapers at his house in Belmont were undocumented immigrants. "I can't have that. I'm running for President."
- Does that sherrif Bozo idiot know how easy he's making it for somebody to file a wrongful death suit when some abortion providing GYN gets shot in his juridiction.
- Now it turns out that Ayn Ryan is a Twisted Sister fan, and Dee Snyder is less amused than he was by Tipper Gore: Maybe it's just me, but GOP expropriation of music by musicians who obviously can't stand anything about them reminds me of the hypocrisy of the GOP's supporting the Keystone XL pipeline from the tar sands fields even though it requires seizure by eminent domain of land from American farmers and ranchers for the benefit of a Canadian company and Chinese diesel consumers. Stunning lack of principle. Or...not. For me, any sentence that begins with "Dax Shepard" is cringeworthy. The guy's "I crack myself up" hipster act is more projectile-vomiting-inducing than cringeworthy. Dee Snyder should gather the band and shadow Ryan's campaign appearances in full dress. See how them Teabanger's like them rouged apple cheeks. And buttless leather pants.
- Faygo died when it stopped making Very Cherry Cola. Meanwhile, it's so fitting that the GOP convention is in Tampa, home base and birthplace of Hooters. It's all about the boobs: Well, I guess Hooters parbly moved to Atlanta, but it is essentially Tampa. Embarrassing, almost mediocre, and tacky as Velvet Elvis.
- Another post-racism GOPer. Nobody projects victimhood like an Anglo Saxon fool like Steve King. How long until Ayn Ryan breaks out Black Flag? Or Dead Kennedy's (named after a GOPer wetdream)?
- And here's a perfect song for Todd Akin's campaign rallies:
- RMoney/Ayn Ryan, foreign policy advisors: certifiably psychopathic PNAC loonies, John Bolton and Elliot Abrams (how is this ahole not in jail for aiding and abetting death squads?). Neither of these guys knows dick about foreign policy, and this is who they are getting advice from? And Abrams says Congress should just go ahead and get that annoying little detail about blowing up Iran approved right now: Somehow, I've made it to 61 and never had food from Taco Bell. Could be a causal relationship, I suppose.
- Greatest moment I've ever seen from the Little League World Series: When SI does it's Sportsman of the Year cover, it should honor every kid on both these teams. I just got a CD copy of Waiting for Columbus in the mail. One layer celophane shrinkwrap. Attractive cardboard sleeve. More shrinkwrap on jewel case. tape on jewel case. Damn, I really hate that tape. Little Bird: Are these tools so clueless they thought Dee Snider of all people wouldn't be likely to burn 'em a new one? I'm thinking maybe they should try a Hasil Adkins standard. Seems to fit their voter demographic: Maybe gg allin, in memoriam. What they aren't going to take is a dark-skinned President, when there are so many serviceable milky bloated jellyfish GOPers around. And how 'bout that obviously RMoney-voting mom that dressed her beaty contest kid as Dolly Parton, with fake boobs? Also received a book by Charles Pierce called Idiot America, with the subtitle How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free. Has a picture of G. Washington riding a T Rex on the cover.
- Charlotte, the cynical part of me was wondering how that video would play at the convention in Tampa. And the catch for the final out by the Ugandan pitcher was a thing of great beauty. The sportsmanship of all of the participants is extremely affecting.
- GOPer convention theme: We built it. Uh, no you didn't you self-righteous, deluded aholes. And Ayn Ryan's dad's business? All government contracts. Shouldn't there be a Lying Your Ass Off tipping point. Jakash: My question has been, since I pay for home delivery of the paper on Sundays, why shouldn't anybody I provide the link to be able to read it free? Same link I used. I mean, why shouldn't a mirror in front of my face be as clear as a bell despite the distance to the object of my vision? Jolene: Obamacare would have been Medicare for everybody if GOPers were not such intransigent obstructionists, and if there were a statistically significant sample of Americans capable of understanding anything mor complex than Howard Stern and Honey BooBoo and toddlers in FLA painted lady makeup, that Medicare exigesis would make me feel better. But sadly, no. It's interesting that people that know what they are talking about say Ayn Ryan's plan incorporates the Obamacare savings, and if it doesn't, he'll cause an immediate $7bill hike in the deficit. I've had drinks with Charles Pierce on more than one occasion. When he came to Boston to work for the legendary Boston Phoenix, he inevitably became friends with the immortal one-eyed sportswriter George Kimball, and they occasionally drank the Eliot Lounge close to dry. My ex and our friends and I spent a lot of time there and predictably got into animated sports "discussions" with the unseemly pair. It turned out when the wife and I moved to the South End to bring our perfect child into the world, we lived around the corner from a wonderful Irish dive called Matt Talbott's after a famous Irish man martyred by the scummy Brits. Those two ruffians would frequently show up to watch sporting events on Matt's TV, so I'd park the dog I was walking (Morgan, leashed to a parking meter) and go in for a coupla pints and expert commentary. I came across this appreciation of an old friend by Pierce recently, and I think it's a mighty good example of the guy at his best. These two were a ramblin' gamblin' comedy team with a decidedly dangerous edge, and seriously entertaining drinking companions: I pity the fool that attempted editing either of those guys. Deborah: I'm not big on camraderie, but the respect and good feeling among those kids is clearly authentic.
- This is embarrassing, but for years of reading Ta-Nehisi Coates, I always pictured somebody that looked like Angela Davis.,r:16,s:0,i:123 (Sorry Dexter, lost that tiny.url link.)Fine writer though. Wow. We are listening to Goodbye Columbus, which I haven't heard whole in about 30 years. Spectacular band, Little Feat, and responsible for one of the greatest album titles ever devised: Feats Don't Fail Me Now. Sorry if that offends Danny's black brotha sensibility. But he can always find solace in the peyote from the Indian Bro at Fort Stinkin' Desert.
- Not to restart any unpleasantness, but GOPer apologists being offended for Blappeople over something Biden said is so obnoxious it beggars belief. And if I had anything to do with creating an acrimonious atmosphere, I offer the GOP apology. If I offended anybody, I sure didn't mean to if they can vote. We live in a world class destination resort, where money is no object, and beachfront houses are a dime (nudge,nudge) a dozen. You'd think we'd have good restaurants. But, noooohhhh. Some fine locals no visitor will ever hear about. Of course, the Halliburton mini-golf is burdensome: Deregulate carnys. That is the American way.
- Rana, it is easily rendered in shorter speak What the GOPers say about Medicare is massive lies. I don't need their lying shit explained, I understand the numbers in the firsever took place.
- Seriously? What some dumbass believes anything RMoney says is true? Good lord, what bullshit.
- Serena looked great. And her enduring problem is Venus is the pretty one. On the court, Venus is the better one, without the killer instinct. She is certainly more "tennis-y", and the Sharapova-mania is foolish compared to Venus's gams. Those are parbly the greatest gams in mankind's history: I'm voting for Venus Astoundingly beautiful legs, and my ex-wife second We grill year-round, depending on wind,
- Venus Williams has the most attractive female legs on this planet, and their brown-ness has nothing to do with it. They are just perfect. Her jugs are pretty close to perfect also. Serena has a large butt, as Newt is fond of pointing out about the First Lady. Somehow he missed the caboose on Mrs. Bush. But that isn't racism is it Danny?
- Deborah, coming from a world of sports, I know for a fact that umps and refs fuck up frequently. Reggie Jackson cheated in the World Series, for instance. How do you do that if you care at all about the game? LAMary: Largeass, pindick.
- Olive Garden...It's not horrible. And Romney/Ryan will make the world safe for Massey and those other mountaintop miner. These frackers are evil.
- The cat v. dog shit is nonsense. I have had cats as good as dogs, and I abhor this denigration of cats. Lots of cats are nearly good as dogs. Try reading Get Fuzzy. There are cats and there are Siamese.
- I never stood in a dress, But Serenea looked astounding in that one, Dhe is never going to be pretty as her big sis, who is remarkablyy beautiful, and the better tennis player, without the killer instinct. Joe K, please do one in HHI
- When GOPers bring up Chicago politics, are they really saying the USA would have been better off with three more years of Milhous than JFK? It's difficult to believe even GOPers are that fracking stupid. And maybe brian's farmers will all shoot each other. And Custer was an earlier version of Vizzini outsmarting the Dread Pirate Roberts: I despise computer games, and for cards, I like the no-luck kind, like bridge and pinochle, where it pays to remember what's been played. And that Tejas Hold-em, that is for wussies, but poker is pretty much bullshit and lying anyway.
- Ineffably affable today. The superlative mom of my perfecto grandson informed me this am she's got anothren on the way. I'm still enjoined from letting the prospective uncles and aunties know, but she didn't say I couldn't tell random folks on the tubes. Yeehaw, y'all. I'm ecstatic. My problem with green beans is eating half of them before they are snapped and in the pot. Same with broccoli, sparagrass, cauliflower and just about any other vegable. Radishes.
- Well, brian, I do tend to go on intertubes spending sprees. Both Amazon and Barnes and Noble sell toys. Just bought my boyo a fire truck. His mom was never really into trucks. A fire chief helmet too. The dark side of Honey BooBoo: Those redneck aholes are feeding that chile roadkill.
- GOPers stand for flat-out lies. That Medicare bullshit? That "gutting" work to wlfare" bullshit? Fracking bald-faced liars. But the lamestream account, both sides are doing it equivalency garbage.
- Astounding fracking liars: General Custer was his own walking-around cloud of dishonor. Asshole sort of invented "Shock and Awe", meaning killing women and children.
- All the best Blogs are dog-shaming: And brian, you do mean paleface. And where did that birth certificate come from. Mittens says "Oops". Now that is a fatuous ass." What a fracking tool. He is the racist tool he's tried so hard not to be.
- How does somebody think Autie Custer is anything but a scumbag? He was the George W. Shrub of military types. An ahole.
- Congrats Dexter. I always wished I had that in me. I certainly loved my ex enough. Do to this day. A favorite Stones song: I wish you the sentiment, not the snark:
- Is Mitt still going to claim the high ground? What a racist dickhead. Some commentary, Danny? The other, raises it's ugly head.
- Why I'm quite proud to be Irish: brian, it is impossible that that cop didn't know who that guy was. It was fracking Cambridge. And with him, what Neil actuallly said.
- Suzanne, they lose theirtaxshelter value that way.
- Anybody want to claim they wouldn't have done what Neil Armstrong got to do? That's kinda like saying you woulda passed on being an apostle. Baloney. I'm not claiming I would have had the skills, but it's likely I'd have had the luck. Quintessential GOPer:
- The moon landing always reminded me of that shitheel Howard K. Smith insisting that RFK hadn't won the California primary in his opinion, just minutes before Sirhan pulled the trigger. That murder had a far more lasting, and truly horrible, effect on the United States of America.
- I really hope that shit haunted Howard K. to his dying day. What an asshole. A Nixon guy, through and through.
- Just bought this. Sounds good:
- GOPers are having Trump speak? Holy shit that is hilarious. Really? Donald fracking Trump? Good lord, that is pitiful. It's all birther, all the time. God save the queen. She ain't no human being. No shit?
- Linda, my brother Chris and I used to do whole rolls of caps with a hammer. Pretty loud.
- GOPers have Janine Turner speaking at the convention? I thought actors had no opinions worth paying attention to. She's cute, and a ball-buster, but seriously? They couldn't get Shelly Tambo Vincoeur? Or Ruth Anne? Or the ethereal and gorgeous Marilyn Whirlwind? O'Connell, that is a serious disgrace, but you were always from the Grosses, weren't you? So it's the birther convention, and these GOPers are post-racial. Kiss my ass.
- Pat Robertson would say God hates fags. And, lo and behold, I don't think the US of A is particularly exceptional. Well, we invented baseball and football. Hoops too. Otherwise, you got soccer and cricket putting people to sleep. And internationalists making the key trapezoidal and screwing with the rules, where near death isn't really a foul but hangnails are. And could some lawyer explain how Pat Robertson hasn't gone to jail for mail fraud, way back? Send me cash and I will shrink your tumah. Gutdom, what a fracking hoax. And, lo and behold, I don't think the US of A is particularly exceptional. Well, we invented baseball and football. Hoops too. Otherwise, you got soccer and cricket putting people to sleep. And internationalists making the key trapezoidal and screwing with the rules, where near death isn't really a foul but hangnails are.
- This is a very cool bit of news for a very cool guy, in my opinion: American exceptionalism? Has the US produced Vincent and Gauguin at the same time? No. Then shut it about that exceptionalism. Dostoevsky and Checkov? Rimsky and Korsakkoff? Shrub and Dickless? Say no more. That is how to play guitar.
- Mo Farah, that's exceptional. Try really running a long race sometime. It's brutal. Actually, when you're running them, they are all bleeding fracking long.
- Catherine: That is budgetary strategery. Head Start or plantary science. The choice is ludicrous, but the "intellectual" Ayn Ryan is forcing it. I'm going with Head Start for now, so there might be planetary science somewhere down the road. Best Williams sisters story ever: And my favorite photo of Venus ever. That is one very good looking woman. When she's happy. I always thought the space stuff was a terrible waste of money, but I also thought it was cool as shit. My family got a color TV for Notre Dame-MSU. When Ara played for the tie. Bubba Smith. Terry Hanratty. Damn, that TV was gigunda. And that game sucked when Ara took the air out.
- As Dan Jenkins said about that football game, legendarily: Tie one for the Gipper. Funny guy, Dan Jenkins. I was out doing something I had to lie my ass off about to my mom and dad when I got home the night of Armstrong's moonwalk. I don't remember what it was, but I remember having to lie, distinctly.
- Microsoft has a new logo. Looks a lot like the old one.
- Fox News was all over that Neil Armstrong, Muslim astronaut story. See, Fox can't stand those tree huggers at NASA, pitching the global warming hoax. Hard to fault the NYC cops in this incident, but the Department has a sort of spotty history. Abner Louima, Amadou Diallo, a mobbed up thug police commissioner, Bernie Kerik, that Giuliani thought would make a great Sec. of Homeland Security. My general opinions about cops come in large part from having read The Choirboys. Not a pretty picture, nor inspiring of confidence. America would end up safer, eventually, with everybody armed. The yahoos would all end up shooting each other. Lynyrd Skynrd had this right. And I am buying that rocket ship for my grandson. A doll house for this boy should definitely have Echo and Ciera in it. And the two young women inventors of the invisible bike helmet. Smart women are just incredibly cool. The USADA has spent millions pursuing Lance Armstrong and has never produced a positive test within its protocols. The organization masquerades as some sort of government entity with a cocked-up name, and displays an interest in justice and due process that is every bit the equal of the NCAA. Officious jerks that were probably all very bad at sports. Similar to the Congressional crusade against Barry Bonds. We know he was juicing because his head got bigger and his body thicker. Anybody looked at Magic Johnson lately.The one test sample ever, out of hundreds, that seemed to indicate Armstrong was doping, was taken home by a testing lab employee and kept in his refrigerator for a long weekend. And the guy was French, and people in France are not fans of Americans that win the Tour seven times. LA Mary, and 900-ft. Jesus is probably coming for Garner Ted.
- If GOPers ever get over their fear of thunderstorms, they intend to parade a line of speakers to the podium to claim they did, in fact, build it themselves. Here's one of those self-righteous self-congratulatory jerks: SBA grant? Say it ain't so, lady. I love reading Garner Ted Armstrong's forays in his magazine into his impassioned avocation, Middle Eastern anthropology. That guy is full goose loony.
- Here's what an actual cop says about the shootings in NYC. This guy obviously doesn't think much of concealed carry for everybody, a genuinely insane idea. All over the intertubes today, NRA types will be dumping on alleged liberals for not supporting the police. Convenient forgettery of the fact their Pres candidate of choice said first responders and teachers are a drain on the American economy and that some of them should lose their jobs.
- Very simply, what is wrong with US government spending (and yep, that is $2.2million/minute): And Willard wants to bump it up. What a fracking tool. I'm enjoying thinking about all the GOPers in Tampa afraid of the storm while Willard Windsock is determined to do something nutso. He wants to privatize FEMA. Because hurricanes don't bring out profiteers? No, not really, it's because Mitt thinks profiteers are a powerful force for good in an economy. And undoubtedly Ayn Ryan thinks profiteers are saints in the hierarchy of his favorite novelist, Gordon Gekko, O'Connor, her government dole name. Protecting the brand. FEMA is the perfect poster child for GOP privatising nonsense. Clinton had James Lee Witt, who knew what the hell he was doing. Shrub replaced Witt with Heckuva Job Brownie, who was an epert on dancing horses of something equally irrelevant. Damn, we are smack-dab in the Isaac backwash. Spectacular humidity, rising from the sandy soil. Still, it's only a TS you wimps. And it already went by. They don't make U-Turns. And new books via UPS. New Martin Amis novel, and a new one from Ivan Doig. And Wayward Saints, by the sublime Suzzy Roche: (Frippertronics, music direct from the Supreme Being) I always have mixed fellings about buying Martin Amis' books. He's an odious misanthrope, but his books crack me the hell up. This most recent sounds like he's cribbing Oliver Twist. Probably not with the skill of Peter Carey in Jack Maggs, but still, if you steal, steal from the best. Fascinating political book called Days of Destruction Days of Revolt, some of which is presented in graphic form. Somehow, I'm betting Mitch's parents called him Boo Boo when he was a tyke.
- Mrs. Costello sings Fly Me to the Moon to honor the life and times of Neil Armstrong. Man, I love her voice. I'd say this is the dreaded iconic NYC album cover. But those are very cool Connie. Could have replaced one of those from NYC's most dangerous driver. I think the guy's name is actually Rinse Previous, as in baptizing Anne Frank retroactively.
- Todd Akin isn't an outlier, he's the quintessential GOPer: Pick a policy, any policy, and the answers will be both predictable and virtually identical throughout the rank and file. This is now a party that to a man and woman believe that climate change and evolution are nothing more than hoaxes; birth control promotes promiscuity; there is such a thing as “forcible” rape; homosexuality is an abomination; the cause of the Great Recession was Fannie and Freddie; the stimulus and auto bailout were a waste of taxpayer money; the banks should have been allowed to fail; environmental and financial regulations are costly and unnecessary; the Civil Rights Act went too far; tax cuts pay for themselves; and, last but hardly least, birtherism is a legitimate issue. Let's not forget, contraceptives and abortions cause breast cancer.
- What the fracking hell, Willard? Is that with the individual mandate or without. There is something wrong with this guy. Wow. Even for GOPers, these people are boneheads. Honest to God, if someone can be proven to have voted for Jim Sensenbrenner, why should he ever be trusted to vote again? Is it me or does something seem amiss with the cost figures for the invisible bike helmet and the recharge? It's mighty expensive for someone that has as many run-ins with automobiles as I seem to. Still, the helmet is a remarkable engineering feat, and I'd love to meet those two women. Serious attitude, zero pretension.
- Superb Achenbach piece about Neil Armstrong. Increasingly, I believe this guy is the best newspaper writer in the bidness.
- RMoney claims he obtained no benefit whatever from putting his cash in Switzerland and the Caymans. The obvious question, then, is cui bono, Mittens? Just don't trust American banks?
- This is the Ivan Doig book I just got, and it sounds great. The guy is a great stylist and creator of characters. I'm trying in vain to form a mental image of a 485-pounder on that cardboard bike.
- Ivan Doig review:
- Ohio U alum Peter King is having delusions of grandeur: Ohio University at Penn State, Saturday at noon. The game's a big one for all the obvious reasons -- the most obvious being that I went to Ohio and we might have a chance to beat Penn State in State College. I also noticed the other day that's Holly Anderson picked the Bobcats to go 12-0 this season. Using the deduction skills honed at Ohio 35 years ago, I figured that must mean Holly has the Bobcats beating the Nittany Lions. OU fever, baby. It would be great, like App State beating Michigan in 2007. That was hilarious. The problem is team depth and the sheer size and speed of the Penn St. players.
- Total disclosure from Willard Windsock. What's a real job, according to Major League dickhead GOPer Michael Steele. Nope, never owned a gun. I figure that's a good thing when I hear GOPers talk about Fannie and Freddie and small businesses. What these fools mean by small business is white-shoe lawfirms, hedge funds, and cosmetic surgery LLCs. And those enterprises are sure champeen job creeators, right? Yeah, Brian, but what about the vampire slaying? And official book release must have something to do with when Scaife goes to the Regnery warehouse to buy hundreds of cases of $Palin books, right?
- The thing about the RMoney/Ryan claims on Medicare is the vast and unmitigated gall it takes for the liars to claim Obamacare would somehow defund Medicare. It would cut out the sort of fraud and massive squandering of money that made Rick Scott rich, and take a bite out of what amounts to corporaat welfare for insurance companies and bidnesses like the Frist Family HMOs. Isn't cutting waste exactly what GOPers claim to want? I've been following politics closely for 45 years, and this is the single most brazen and craven lie I can remember. Ryan's vouchers would be set artificially high to drive insurance company profits while not covering care for middle class citizens. It would basically provide a subsidy for people rich enough to buy private insurance if that's what they want, and leave enough left over to pay for upkeep on a couple of Caddies.Sort of reminds me of the famous Shrub program to send $250 checks out to buy votes. But hell, Willard wants to go back to Shrub's policies across the board, back when everything was going great. Anybody buying this shit is clearly to stupid to be entrusted with a Presidential vote. Mind-bogglingly mindless. And if Ryan is claiming they wouldn't make the same cuts in Medicare inefficiencies, his ideas would blow the deficit and the debt to smithereens. And anybody that doesn't think Bobama is a very cool dog is a flaming ahole, far as I'm concerned. The shocking thing about that factoid, is that American racists also hated the alternative they were presented with, Ted Kennedy, with an overpowering passion, but apparently, at least, Teddy was a white guy. Well-known socialist mole and America hater T. Boone Pickens thinks Willard's ideas about energy policy are stupid.
- It's still not a hurricane, and looks like it isn't going to become one. Although, who knows. My mom's brother Paul was a meteorologist that wrote computer models for the US Navy to predict hurricane behavior, and said it was nearly impossible to ever know what the beasts will do. Here on the Atlantic, we always assume they'll head for Myrtle, where God gives the East Coast an enema when necessary, and we don't go anywhere. With any luck, landfall will come in Mississippi, not NOLA. Alabama, even better. Of course, if you ask the former first lady, Quaker Oats, she'd probably say that all those poor people are anxious to get back to living in the Superdome, where they never had it so good. What sort of drugs was she on when she said that? Ketamine? Something seriously debilitating.
- Holy shit!!!Neil Armstrong conspiracy theories. Some people will believe any river of shit they find themselves wading in.
- Gitesse sounds like la Grand Vitesse. You know the incredibly TGV. The high speed train the French surrender monkees figured out how to engineer, and with all our exceptionalism, Americans just can't fathom. That means you Rick Scott, you fracking crook. That's a lot of jobs you chased out of FLA, you idiot. It strikes me as embarrassing that the rest of the world figured out bullet trains and America hasn't. Unexceptional, you luddite yahoos.
- How Obama managed that tropical storm. (It's actually a remnant of SDI, the Raygun wet dream.) But the thing is. How do these nutjobs continue to claim the President is unintelligent and, simultaneously, an evil mastermind. Doesn't that seem somewhat contradictory? But he is using the ELF system to make fracking look bad by causing earthquakes in Arkansas and Tejas.
- More idiot vigilantes. Good thing these dickheads weren't packing. The real Romney/Ryan Medicare plan. May as well spend the voucher on a Kevorkian apparatus, or a gun, or a large supply of drugs. Go out with some dignity intact.
- They've been married nearly ten years.His favorite composer is famously Bert Bacharach, so it doesn't seem so far to a jazz chanteuse. Her piano style is brilliant, pure Duke a la Satin Doll, and her vocals remind me of Peggy Lee and Julie London. I always thought she looks a lot like the mediocre actress Ali Larter. They do have some kids, who should grow up to be musical geniuses: I wish she'd do a version of Shipbuilding, Declan's most gorgeous ballad. It's melancholy and perfect suited to her voice. An incredibly beautiful chord progression (ridiculously great bass lines): I think the two met on one of Elvis' TV shows.
- Rightwing and GOPer panties are twisted bigtime over this: Only problem is, this Islamic meeting takes place Aug. 31, and the convention's opening is Sept. 3. How it can be an officially sanctioned Convention event when it takes place three days before the convention is beyond me. Perhaps it's included retroactively. Of course, criticism of other Muslims by Islamic groups in favor with the American rightwing invariably reminds me of Ahmed Chalabi, the famous fabricator and financial criminal that told the PNAC everything it needed to know about WsMD in Iraq. These bastards will say any damn thing at all, and the truth is just foreign to them. I had another bike stolen last week, and need to get to my bike shop to pick up my new bike today. Thanks to typical resort community entrepreneur pricing, I can take a 1.5 mile cab ride for $10, or walk. The walk seems dicey since we are still in the Isaac backwash, but I hate paying the crooks at the cab company. My car's way cross the sound in Beaufort, and I could kayak over, but the rack's not on the car. What a bother. Guess I'll just walk it and bring raingear. The new bike is a Specialized model, and I'm looking forward to it. The last bike stolen (fifth in three years) was a Schwinn hybrid that I had tuned to perfection, 700c Kevlar tires that were fast as hell, and replacement drop handlebars. I had just gotten to love that bike when some prick stole it. The lock was shattered to smithereens. Saw the trick on Burn Notice. Turn an aerosol keyboard cleaner upside down. The propellant goes to the top and will freeze metal so that it can be shattered with a hammer. Damn you Michael Westen. Worst part of the theft is money I have to respend on lights, Armadillo tires, expensive lock etc. Pisses me off badly, and we have security here, supposedly. The bike shop is a wonderful establishment, and I've done so much business there over the years, they give me price breaks on stuff. Great name, too--The Bike Doctor. Those Kevlar tires are one of the great innovations in the history of bikes. Every bottle thrown from every car by every yahoo here seems to shatter on the bikepath. I ride right over them with those tires and never have flats to change. Well worth the money. Computer tracking on the Wunderground weather site shows the storm tracking west of NOLA now, so that is good news. I was kinda hoping it would drop in on Haley Barber in Miss. The winds may hit Cat 1 this afternoon. The storm is moving NW at 6mph, pretty slow progress.
- Dorothy. I quit Breaking Bad back when Walt let the love of Jesse's life aspirate on her own vomitous, but started watching again later. Walt is such a despicable asshole now, I may give it up again. I'd have rather seen Mike shoot Walt. The crap he pulled on Jesse about the money being tainted was so hypocritical, I wanted Jesse to beat him up again. Walter White has no redeeming human characteristics. Squirrels all look like Mitt Romney changing directions when they get near bikes. I came upon a huge alligator snapper once in semi-darkness riding to early Sunday Mass. That damn thing scared the crap out of me. I tried to drag it out of the way by its tail and the damned thing almost took my hand off. Extremely long necks and vicious mouths. Gators seem to want to observe before chomping. Snappers just seem completely malevolent.I have run over snakes before, including a copperhead, that was so thick-bodied it felt like rolling over a shopping center speed bump. I doubt the snake was even injured, but it was a close call to a crash, and I'm sure the beast was mightily pissed off. I really need somebody to get me an invisible helmet for Christmas. "hookers and blow in Tampa"? Specialties of the house. But aren't there any S&M clubs. That's what the Young GOPers go for.
- The IDF soldier that ran over Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer actually testified in Israeli army hearings he knew she was in the dozer's path and drove over her anyway. There is no more rogue and oppressive government on earth than Israel's, and Willard RMoney will rent out the US military to attack Iran for the Netanyahu government. Winning Persian hearts and minds, but I'm sure as shit Willard thinks Iranis are Arabs. I mean the bloody idiot thinks Sikhs are sheiks, and America invented education. Mentally defective. I'm sure he really meant "public education", but couldn't bring himself to include those leeches on the economy, unionized public school teachers. And I guess they didn't know about Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and the Academy back there at BYU. Useless liberal arts kind of education, anyway. What an embarrassment.
- Dexter, All Specializeds come with Kevlar belted tires now. Knowing I'm not going to get caught out in the rain or 100def. changing a tube really adds to my enjoyment of my bike. And the panniers for grocery and farmer's market shopping make it even better. I used to carry everything in a gigunda Norwegian army surplus canvas backpack. Not a very stable way to ride. The loaded panniers make the bike more stable, if anything. We are getting to primo riding season down here, with temps in the 70s pretty soon. I ride over to Savannah every once in a while, which is a lot of fun, aside from the two very steep bridge ascents and the extremely rapid rides down the other sides. Worst bike theft: A thirty year old Motobecane road bike chained with heavy-link chain to a picnic table anchored in concrete outside of our parish church while I was at Sunday 7:30 Mass. That bike was an irreplaceable antique that I loved dearly, worth a bundle. After that, I started rebuilding bikes I got at the dump. Even those got stolen. From here on out, I've rented an external storage closet to lock my new bike up in. I don't think there is an unbeatable bike lock. Our condo is second floor and I'm not about to carry the bike up and down every day. And deploying the great Monkees/Mickey Dolenz cut in that BB episode was brilliant:
- Raging grannies make fun of Akin and the GOPers: I like MoveOn as a donation recipient because Soros' organization drives GOPers into paroxysms of fevered insanity. Which is really kinda humorous considering how much cash the Koch-heads have dumped on the electoral process. They delight in calling Soros, a Nazi target as a kid, a Nazi collaborator, when the monetary basis for the Koch fortune is direct financial dealings with the Nazis that funded WWII. Of course, that's where the Bush family money came from too, but these lying bastards aren't going to admit that. Anyway, MoveOn makes very amusing mockery of Willard that I appreciate, like the following: I have neither purchased nor used a BIC product since way back in the 60s when the company used those astoundingly sexist Flick my BIC stewardess ads. I figure, if a hormonal 60s teenager could see that shit for the foul offensive crap it really was, no business from me.
- Oh, and those grannies use some bad language. This is good too: and
- Another good place to fight the GOPers with cash:
- Do BIC for Her pens automatically dot "i"s with smiley faces? Who the hell is going to read anything written in pink ink? They are modeled on Virginia Slims cigarettes, right? A vituperative takedown by somebody really pissed off at the dumbass Andrew Sullivan, GOPer enabler from Teh Gay: It bodes well for mankind that white Americans are soon going the way of Jewish Israelis, into minority-hood.
- The first review that came up on that Amazon review site criticized Kurt Vonnegut for starting Cat's Cradle with "Call me Jonah." Nothing like book reviews by the terminally illiterate. I realize that the number of people that have read Moby Dick is relatively small, but most people know the opening sentence, even if it's only from the Gregory Peck movie. And sorry about that smiley faces crack, couldn't help it when I saw the ink colors. Randy @44. They will pay for themselves in new tubes you don't have to buy, and are well worth knowing you won't have to be changing flats. First week I put the Armadillos on my bike, I was riding at twilight and never saw that someone had broken a whold sixpack of brewskis on the path until I was right in the middle of it. No damage. My first set also had very cool looking maroon sidewalls. And the ride is great. for the 700c size I put on the hybrids. I haven't used any other tires the last three years and have had zero flats.
- Funny Rinse Previous picture, but somehow quite believable: Right Jolene, while they are dead set against the idea of Chocolate City DC ever having Congressional representation. I also thought the pens were dildo-shaped.
- Bozo GOPers that will be trotted out tonight while we are watching White Collar and my personal copy of Bulworth. This is a group as ridiculous as the Klown Kar Kandidates from the primary days: I would like to have credentials to attend, though, so when Kasich is speaking I could pull a Joe Wilson and yell out What happened to the Ohio pension money you put down the Lehman Bros. black hole, you crook? And quote the hockey coach Jim Schoenfeld when Christie comes on. Schoenfeld was once so incensed at a referee he screamed at him "Have another donut you fat pig." And then are the lying turd "entrpreneurs that intend to insist "they built it, by themselves" when actually, like Ayn Rand dad, they relied on massive federal loans and contracts to build anything. What a sorry bunch of jerks.
- And Goober-nor Alfred E. Newman of LA is a lying little shit entirely lacking in integrity: GOPer convention by Disney:
- And at some point, scrawny little Lee Greenwood will crawl out from under a rock to sing the most execrable excuse for a patriotic song in the history of phony patriotism being the last refuge of thoroughgoing scoundrels: Sleazy prick looks more like a porn producer than anybody else on the face of the planet not named Ron Jeremy. Other GOP Convention entertainment:
- the SC Superindent of Schools has a new plan for evaluating teachers: You're going to get a letter grade: A, B,C,D, F. It's going to be based on student test scores. At implementation (and for new teachers), a single year's scores will be used. Those scores will not even be from students you taught (Non-PASS teachers- 30% of evaluation from schoolwide scores. PASS teachers, 10%). An "F" rating will force the district to consider terminating you. A plan is being developed to use these ratings to determine your salary. This plan will implement at the same time as brand new Common Core standards and tests. In what universe on what planet does that make any sense, or is it remotely fair? That's a Nikki Haley appointee for you. Assholes. Mittens parbly loves this bullshit. Those union teachers are just leeches, like cops and EMTs and firefighters.
- brian: Like Lawrence on his motorcycle. With a classic flattop and Buddy Holly glasses. Paramus, NJ, make that spare. Ain't that a bowler? "trying to watch the convention" is something like "trying to wear my hairshirt a few hours a day". Being a GOPer these days is a lot like being an Opus Dei member. Abase yourself and convince yourself of a load of shit no normal human being would believe in. Were I to watch those lying dicks last night trying to push the "I did it my way, by myself" GOP line of shit when their dependence upon massive injections of federal cash through loans, grants, and preferential contracting is well known and widely reported, I'd parbly be in jail for some sort of mayhem this am. And Rubio's parents as some sort of anti-Castro freedom fighters? Gutdom, who buys this shit. Rubio's family was a bunch of effete Batista partisans that were atypical only in seeing the revolutionary writing on the wall a year or two early, and beating it to Miami a year before the rest. The Cuban poverty that FLA Cubanos and US rightwingers delight in blaming Castro for, actually resulted from the rich supporters of the foul dictator Fulgencio Batista absconding to America with all of the country's wealth. As for Ayn Ryan and his "built it myself" bona fides, yeah, right, John Galt: The enormity of the zeal with which the phony legal agency USADA pursued its witch hunt against Lance Armstrong didn't approach psycopathy, it gave the term new meaning. The doping agencies all make huge bucks from ownership of the testing labs, then refuse to take their own words for it when they can't catch somebody they are as hot after as Javert on Jean Valjean. They have one ambiguous test for Armstrong, performed on a sample that went home for a long weekend in the fridg of a French testing tech. I'm generally with the athletes on this (surprise)mainly because the centerpiece of the whole doping hooha is American baseball, and the idea that steroids would improve performance in a game reliant on acute hand-eye coordination is patently ridiculous. In fact, the alleged recuperative effects of steroid use would obviously favor pitchers over hitters. Anyway, USADA displays all of the credibility and legitimacy of the NCAA, without the latter's obvious concern for due process.
- And the throwing peanuts at a black Cnn employees just exemplifies what is wrong with the Republican party to me. Well, yeah, but their loony conviction that CNN is somehow biased against them is an obvious symptom of paranoia and mental deficiency. Ann RMoney was as full of shit as the rest of them in her reprise of the Anna Gunn Role as Skyler White. Struggling newlyweds my fracking ass. Hearing the Hermanator's accusations of being railroaded by the GOP reminded me of just how funny the GOPer primary season was. What did he think the Party of Milhous would do to a black candidate that was a serial sexual predator? It's not funny at all that Americans are stupid enough to vote for one of those Klowns. And Christie looks separated at birth from Jabba, but he really reminds me of the corrupt police captain played by Orson Wells in A Touch of Evil, or a particularly stupid Sopranos extra character. Or a really gross guy in a blackmail picture with a dead girl or a live boy in his bed.
- Ben Quayle(e)? GOPers are purging pornsters to clear the deck for their all-out war on porn to deflect from their Lost jobs, lost jobs, lost jobs policies if they take the Senate. Ron Jeremy wants to know, "What about free enterprise capitalism guys?"
- This is just flat-out ignorant. Ayn Ryan believes that increasing US coal production will create jobs. Maybe for respiratory therapists The entire history of the coal industry in the US has been characterized by increasing automation and laying off miners that Massey Energy didn't kill by flouting OSHA and MSHA regulations. And of course, his asinine argument begs the question of what will happen when the entire eastern seaboard has its aquifers fouled by mountopping spoil being dumped into Appalachian waterways and wetlands. Guess that'll lower unemployment pretty effectively. But shit, why would anyone expect clearer thinking from an asshat that couldn't figure out Ayn Rand was an atheist. Ryan also described rape as an alternative "method of conception": Gawd, what an ahole.
- Mike Ehrmantraut (Johnathan Banks) interview: After Kasich lured the State of Ohio into tanking its public employee pension funds with Lehman Bros., he's got some nads showing his face in public. What a deceitful POS. But for vote suppression, he's a piker compared to Rick Scott, the career criminal that defraude Medicare to the tune of fracking $billions and got away with it Scott free. And if it weren't for Oxford and Biloxi, Mississippi would be Ala-fracking-bama.
- These idiots keep admitting to judges they are full of crap on voter ID fraud, and the idiot judges keep finding for them anyway.
- Apparently, the band Third Eye Blind was asked to play a GOP convention party, but turned it down. Here's the articulate explanation from the band's lead singer, who has the GOP sussed perfectly: And one thing to remember about all the USADA and Lance rancor is that one person that won the Tour once and was caught doping red-handed, and has always exuded lunatic jealousy of Armstrong, was the original source of the entire shitstorm, Floyd Landis:
- Jolene@57: The big thing from internet GOPers these days is the story of how Willard gave all his inheritance to"charity". By his own description, he gave it to LDS. If you believe LDS is a charity, lot's of Cali referendum voters would probably disagree vehemently. In fact, after that foray into nekkid partisan politics, it's difficult to imagine why LDS has not had its tax-exempt status rescinded by the IRS. The reaction to that would have been hilariously hysterical. More abuse from the dummy mastermind that needs a teleprompter. And the photos of the RNC teleprompter have made me laugh. Overt GOPer racism and minority vote suppression efforts started me thinking about the great Bradbury story from Martian Chronicles, Way Up in the Middle of the Air, in which black people build their own Mars vehicles. Y'all reminded me of this with this underwear/food starship bidness, and it turns out that somebody else was thiinking about the story recently, in an excellent post on the CounterPunch blog: Chris Christie is an asshole and was undoubtedly a bully as a child. It's easy to spot in adults. He also frequently has no idea what sort of crap is spewing from his mouth: As far as the guy's political future and his obesity, does anybody think having a President that's clearly a glutton is a good idea? That ain't "glandulah", he got that way the old fashioned way. Then again, the GOP might be less inclined to nominate a complete dickwad for VP if Christie were at the top of the ticket. They can't do that, can they? That would leave redneck Teabangers at the bottom of the heap. I've got a toaster that puts the LA Dodgers logo on our toast. With the weather we've had this summer and last, I've invested in performance wicking fabrics, and all the underpants are blue or gray, but damn, they are a comfort when things get sweaty between the fundament and the bike seat. Anyway, I'm left with Sharkskin Gray Panini with Kalamata Tapinade, according to REI and the lunch I made us. Maggie: Those are on the menu at Taco Bell, I believe. Beige lobster bisque is what happens when you put too much Harvey's Bristol Cream in the soup. Zippy Stinkerchunks sounds like some offensive behavior on Dogshaming.
- I missed Della Dash's reference to The Triplets of Belleville earlier. Astounding movie. le jazz hot. I'm not discriminating against Christie because he's a fat pig, I just think a no-self-control glutton is a poor choice for high political office.
- Heather@71: The work to welfare canard being pushed by Willard's campaign is particularly odious in its mendacity because the waivers were a GOP idea that President Obama chose to go along with. Still for all the racist freight that lie carries, it can't touch the Medicare lie. Old people will vote for RMoney and Ayn Ryan based on bigotry, sadly mistaken self-interest and a monstrously cycnical lie, and will wake up a month after the election with no health care coverage at all unless they're ridiculously rich and can apply their counter-productive new tax cuts to their medical bills. New RMoney/Ryan campaign slogan: Groupon for Health Care. Jolene, I was talking about the ubiquitous "He gave away his entire inheritance to charity" shit that's all over the internet. Fetid bullshit. About as likely as the stories about all those jobs Bain created. Or the undocumented landscapers that lost their jobs at his house in Belmont because "I can't have this. I'm running for president, for Pete's sake." Now he's reduced to claiming women should vote for him because he passed Romneycare, while insisting he'll dump Obamacare on "Day One" (his own words). That qualifies as monstrous in my opinion. But the "giving away his inheritance" thing is just obnoxious as hell.
- GOPers vs. intelligent women with Hispanic given names: That'll win more hearts and minds than letting the bridge fall down, Pawlenty. It's hard out there for a RMoney surrogate. And it really hurts when they suck out half your brain matter with a big basting syringe. And Kasich (R, Lehman Bros.) is pwned by former Gov. Granholm. But of course, as Willard says, it was his idea that got the automobile industry moving again. Another spectacular fracking lie. And I think the FLI in the name of that pedal-less bike must stand for Flintstone.
- Commando Dark Chocolate is surely a blaxploitation movie starring Pam Grier.
- Sam freaking Brownback, seriously reactionary climate change denier and hardcore anti-women's-healthcare Repub whacko, says Willard is lying about the work to welfare waivers. And anybody that says Willard isn't injecting race into his dishonesty when he says: Under Obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work and you wouldn't have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check. And welfare to work goes back to being plain old welfare ... is either delusional or a bigger liar than Mittens, especially when the ad features hard-working white people and non-working black people. 11 on a sleaze rating of 1-10.
- Romney's constituents and race, why he's lying his ass off about welfare to work:
- Of course, when you point out the appeal to bigotry in the bogus welfare to work claim, GOPer victimhood mode kicks in and they accuse the messenger of "playing the race card", the all-purpose get out of jail free defense for every racist thing they do. And anybody that points out that more white people benefit from government programs like welfare and foodstamps will be called a liar by the liars. Actually, governors that wanted to take advantage of the waiver, whicch were the idea of GOP governors in the first place, had to certify they would improve their states' welfare to work performance by 20%. So what the hell is Mittens talking about. As for "gutting" welfare reform, only six states have requested and been granted the waivers. Here's an explanation from the administration that a reasonably intelligent middle schooler would understand: I find it depressing as hell that so many Americans are dumb enough to buy this crap, and even more are bigoted enough to assume it's true without bothering to examine it. No way to run a representative democracy. Here's a blog about the storm from Wunderground, the best weather website: One more thing. Put the GOPers back in the driver's seat, nobody will be eating tuna without succumbing to mercury poisoning. These same fools believe coal mining concerns should operat without regulation, to create jobs. Gutdom that is ignorant as hell. R&R making the marketplace toyland for Massey Energy, because it's a trustworthy corporate person, my friend.
- Good source of accurate information re ACA: No matter what the Pisant Pawlenty might try to claim when he's insulting Soledad O'Brien. This guy says Mrs. RMoney's speech was classic GOP gender propaganda, channeling their inner June Cleavers:
- Frank Luntz. More sleazy and disgusting than Chris Christie: Another intelligent commentary on GOP race-baiting while claiming they are the victims of race-baiting:
- Willard has a cocktail party for his Citizens United sleazeball secret fatcat donors on a Cayman Islands flagged yacht called "Cracker Bay"? Nope, that is not the Onion: Holy shit, what assholes. Sorry Alex, but that is not slick. It's such a brazen and completely debunke load of BS, anybody that believes it is an idiot by birth, or has had their frontal lobes destroyed with an icepick and a small metal mallet. Maybe Nurse Ratched told them what to believe after they went to the Electroshock room to get buzzed and fuzzed. One way or another, anybody that believes the shit coming out of Ayn Ryan's mouth is non compos mentis.
- The fact-free GOP convention is the result of $Palin's loathsome assault on America's collective intelligence. A reasonable person would read this, read Ayn Ryan's "speech", and find the editorial an accurate assessment. Instead $Palin have almost convinced by her homey Fox-broadcast propaganda that WaPo is a socialist propaganda rag vent on destroying America as we know it. Tragic as it is ovine and stupid as grunt. I've got a brother who I am sure will vote for Willard Windsock. But he's not liable to believe a word Rmoney and Ryan spout about welfare or medicare. He makes a lot of money at corporate law, and he wants to keep as much of that as possible. Venal, and disappointing to me, from a guy that had a huge RFK sign over his childhood bed from the Michigan Democratic Convention.His vote is based on informed self-interest. But he's an unusual GOP voter in that he understands they are lying like snakes, and he just doesn't care. Half of the American electorate seems convinced Windsock means a better life for them, against all odds and evidence. Perhaps they deserve what they get if they succeed in electing the true-life Gordon Gekko. To paraphrase Willard, "Greed is NOT good, it's an American virtue passed down from the Founders my friend. And corporations are my friends, people. That's why I won't tell you their names." Still, GOPers are a big enough tent to include some guys that would flunk out of Neandathal (thank you Jimmy Castor) school that seem intent on hitting the Lakehurst with the GOP Hindenburg. How about this pathetic, clueless Viagra addict? When a reporter asked Smith to clarify what kind of situation was similar to becoming pregnant from rape, the candidate responded, "Having a baby out of wedlock. Put yourself in a father's position. Yes, it is similar." Did he really mean "Put yourself in a rapist's position." That baby dancing video is the anti-Ally McBeal version. And doesn't the GOP's constant resort to the intentions of "the Founders" with no apparent clue they understand them in the slightest remind anybody else of some FUBAR, virgin-sacrifying culture on Star Trek that cause a big argument about the Prime Directive? How 'bout that Treaty of Tripoli, and Washington's prescient Farewell Address warning about foreign entanglements, you stupid PNACers? And those are the guys, like Unabomber Bolton that are schooling Willard Windsock on foreign affairs. This country may be heading into serious muck and mire, a slough of despond.
- VG new Bob Dylan song (if you don't like him in general, you probably won't like this, but the tune and the band performances, particularly great upright bass, are infectious), with a really annoying video starring a Zoe Deschanel lookalike: I love college football, but ESPN Gameday is unwatchable and so football brain dead it needs to be put out of its misery. Lee Corso makes one wish they could resurrect the old fool/fart Beano Cook. Yeah, zombie ND shill. I do love Roadshow, particularly when some smug jackass gets shot down by the experts and then decides to argue with them about their worthless tschotskes. And what the hell is "Hoda"? This GOP support of taking American land by eminent domain for a Canadian corporation to build the Keystone XL pipeline to get diesel fuel rapidly to our Chinese overlord Fu Manchu in the interest of North American energy independence is totally whack. How in hell does this not alienate GOP base voters? Just mystifying: Fascinating detail: Eminent domain is a touchy topic in Texas. In 2002, Gov. Rick Perry proposed a Trans-Texas Corridor, a private sector network of highways. The main artery would be a 600-mile road running from Mexico to the Red River that would be the width of four football fields. After an outcry about the seizure of private land – and increased traffic from Mexico – the state transportation department killed the idea. Entrepreneurs were gonna build that, not the gubmint, right? Right? Four football fields wide? That's a quarter of a mile.
- Sue: I noticed, and, in fact, emailed the video to a bunch of people (something I rarely do) and I included credits. I was kinda wondering why Nancy didn't mention your link yesterday. She usually does when she repeats one. Bad pizza in Montana? Say it ain't so. I personally find it hilarious that the rightwingers have gone all "What have you done for us lately?" on Uncle Juan Williams' ass. He's a tool and a toady, and they are making themselves look like even bigger assholes, as if that were possible. Don't diss Ann RMoney? Her dildo hubby said she's a chief campaign adviser on women's issues, she gave a primetime convention speech, and of course, GOPers are unfailingly respectful toward the First Lady, right Rush, you fracking slug?
- We are definitely going ex-pat if Willard wins: Ecuador looks like a perfect place to head, but Willard might pull a Raygun Grenada bonehead move to go after Assange. Somebody should open a newspaper to this article, roll it up, and swat Kasich on the snout for his bullshit convention performance. Put the mendacious mutt on dogshaming. He's taking credit for some light at the end of the economic tunnel in Ohio that is almost solely a result of Obama's auto bailout that RMoney derided. Of course Kasich isn't talking about public sector jobs he helped destroy by trashing the public employee pension fund in Ohio while he worked fo his corporate overlords at Lehman Bros. Brian, anybody that uses the term "In the course of reporting a book" is, by definition and most definitely, a pompous and fatuous horse's ass. And simultaneous translation is required for that last clause. The intelligence was Poppycock with hogwash? What Miniter said was poppycock with hogwash? Enquiring minds want to know what the hell you meant, asshole, and what language you were translating from. And the cutesy diction of "poppycock" and "hogwash" is beneath an opinion. The shitheels have decided to go Swift Boat on the OBL front, but I don't see triumphalist racist GOPers really buying that claptrap (see, it's easy). Mainly, this idiot believes he'd get truth from the Pakistan military and intelligence people? My God that's painfully dumb as grunt. And according to this idiot, it was Pentagon brass and intelligence officials with their lips flapping.
- Michael Tomasky says the RMoney campaign message is Vote for me, I’m white, and I’m not a socialist. He's also reminded of Milhous when confronted with Willard, as coozledad is: It's the unmistakable and unshakable un-likability of the prick. It's tru, and it's kinda funny, because Milhous is undoutedly the sort of wierdo that would have been a target and a foil for Mitt's "hijinks" back at Cranbrook. Back in '04, GOPers wer big on Kerry as the unlikeable arrogant elitist. Now they love Mittens? How do they manage to bend over so far to get their heads inserted in anuses? How do support a guy that is such a dick you can be sure his dad would have walked out of the RNC before supporting him? Dexter, if Buddy Repperton ever starts giving you shit, you'll wish you had that car back.
- 4dbirds, great news. Septicemia is difficult to treat because it requires some hit and miss to find the right antibiotic. I lit a candle after early mass this am, with you and the kiddo in mind. Incredibly cool car photo:
- The GOP platform also has a half-hearted endorsement of the abominably unfair scam, national sales tax. Value-added tax schemes are potentially worse, because manufacturers and sellers will just treat this as another point at which to jack profits. Anybody that doubts that should consider the incredibly bogus argument that renters don't pay property taxes. Why, because landlords fail to pass them through out of the goodness of their skinflint hearts. Laugh or puke. Puke or laugh. Analogous to the stupid claim that raising the minimum wage and indexing it for inflation would "kill" jobs. Right, because those Mickey D's franchise owners don't need all those facsimile burger flippers, they're just trying to help out by employing them. Our own Jim Demint (nutsack, SC) is a proponent of the natsalestax. Why he's known widely 'round here as Jim Demented. Dement wants the sales tax applied to food. That entire idea is FUBAR. He argues it's fair because the tax would be the same 22% on poor people buying necessities for life as rich people buying all sorts of ridiculous shit they don't need. Shit, when you put it that way... The GOP concern about foreign fertilizer supplies is pretty gutdom funny until you figure who they're worried about is Future Bombers of America following in Tim McVeigh's footsteps. Of course, they favor statehood for Puerto Rico which is across part of the ocean, and reject the notion for DC, which their fat asses sit on every day. If that GOP Hispanic vote share goes down anymore, they'll bag that one quick. They were talked out of retroactively rescinding Hawai'i's statehood and ruling Obama an actual fufiner at the last minute, wiser heads favoring sticking with obnoxious and deceitful innuendoe. Exploitin citizens of the Marianas? That would be an affront to the memory of Casin Jack Abramoff. And this one is a true GOPer comedy classic: Now, three decades later, as we face the task of cleaning up the wreckage of the current Administration’s policies, we propose a similar commission to investigate possible ways to set a fixed value for the dollar. It's the Our Shit Doesn't Stink Standard". If they made it gold, they'd have to run off all their Canadian and Sudafrikaans robber baron buddies from their non-paying mineral rights on US public lands. God knows who these fools would decide to invade in the interest of building up a gold reserve. The whole platform is your old-fashioned laff riot. These people been hangin' with Ron Paul too much and the crazy done rubbed off.
- A treat for Zadie Smith fans: I'd describe her prose as elegant and razor-sharp. If Martin Amis is matter, Zadie Smith is anti-matter. On the way back from the chain supermarket where they shop, though it closed down the local grocer and pays slave wages, with new bags though they should take old bags, leaving with broccoli from Kenya and tomatoes from Chile and unfair coffee and sugary crap and the wrong newspaper. That's some slice-and-dice class dissection. Now throw 'em on the coals and cook 'em rare to barely pink. An immensely talented young woman. My new bike lights came just now. Cateye brand, high quality from REI. And some new gloves.I always buy them from REI because I have a membership and I love the dividend credit at Christmastime. 1000 lumens headbeam, from three LEDs with a fresnel lens so the beam is wiiiiide. Mobile:
- Deborah: Hypocrisy conflated with ovine stupidity is a new and disturbing one on me. I know, I've commented here before about having read Teillhard in depth. Well, Teillhard imbues me with hope for mankind and creation, but the current ovine racist GOPers sure poop that party. These fuckers will end this country if they get their way, and won't that be a cosmic joke when the stupid teleprompter-reading Kenyan anti-colonial evil mastermind only achieved his evil goal by inciting their inner ignorance and racism? I wonder since that dweebish turd DiSouza brought it up if it wouldn't create a smoky overload if you asked one of these shit-for-brains about antiColonialsim amongst the Founders. These aholes would label the "Founders" socialist miscegenators, and they'd string Teillhard up for being the 20th Centuries most brilliant and divinely-inspired evolutionary biologist. Nancy: Quick question. Do you have any more news about "The Wars of Other Men" than is available on the Kickstarter website? I'm anxious to see this movie.
- Fallows could have a single index card that he wrote "What did this asshole say that even smelled like the truth?" in lavendar Bic for her. The extent of the lying is gargantuan. It's reached "Tell the opposite of the truth, devoid of the slightest kernel." stage and these Troglodytes will believe it unquestioningly: Frighteningly accurately predictive video. I always felt I'd feel gypped if I wasn't around for Armageddon happened and C. Doesn't mean I want to see the Apoacalypse effected by communal brain meltdown on the part of human beings. I never understood how people could say shit like "I'm glad" (insert name or honorific or pet-name) isn't around to see this, but the current GOP would have been too much to subject my JFK-campaigning in downtown Mephis and open-housing-marching in Birmingham MI mom and dad that raised me to value human life to ever be subjected to. I know that may seem mellerdramatic, but I was reared to believe in Jesus of the New Testament, and I take social justice as Christianity seriously. If I'm true and head to Ecuador, I will cause trouble. Of course, if I stay here I will too. I have never seen the world so full of contaminated shit as it is right now. And it is pissing me off. And was that a snide reply Nancy? I live in a very rich backwater of society. I sent a chunk of cash you convinced me was a worthwhile investment. I parbly could have procured a couple ounces of pot, really good pot, in Ecuador for that same figure. Thanks for paying attention, I suppose. I never expected anything but a few minutes enjoyment of somebody else's wit and intelligence. Whatever. Your tone seeme dismissive and superior. My question had nothing to do with money but my interest in seeing the movie. Holy shit, there are a lot of scary monsters out there. Watch for Don Blassingame back on the scene for Massey. My only interest in the film is "artistic" Damn I hope it's good.
- Sorry, chuchlady, I didn't get that. And Nancy, on the movie, this is just moviefan.
- How does anybody figure out what a shit you are?
- Wow, I'm not a moron. Want to try to contradict you fracking morons? As we sy. Ee that were brought up by my parents believe that human beings are guaranteed human rights, GOPRtTs believe they ar leeches on our good. What the fuck is wrong with these assholes? We don;t care about the least of our brethren? I BELIEVE WE DO AND THESE SHITHEADS ARE REVOLTING LIARS
- Scout, I wish I'd thought of (unmanned drone). This is something the whited sepulchers on the right have chosen to criticise Obama over. Like Shock and Awe and torturing weren't the cornerstones of Shrub foreign policy. Bassett, it's early, but that guitar link parbly made my day. Lowest rank, second from left Grinnell guitar. Grinnells was the downtown music store in Birmingham MI when I was pretending to grow up. We'd go in and pretend we were RMoney-style rich kids and our dads would be in later with the platinum cards, and they'd let us set up equipment and play Dirty Water or a Stones song: They can parade Clint Eastwood all they want at the Devolution Convention, but he thinks they are assholes: One way or another, when Clint makes a movie, I'm parbly there.
- Obama ecology stormtroopers killed jobs by accusing Gibson Co. of importing illegal woods from SA. Of course, Gibson admitted it, but that doesn't stop the Faux reverb. Turns out Gibson imported endangered species woods illegally from SA. GOPers were hot on this for a while, mostly because the thought the wood was for fancy gunstocks. And I own Gibson guitars, but And GOPers all play dogass Fenders, so their outrage was typically hypocritical. And speaking of scandals, where's Issa (car thief, CA) and his wierdo gun-walking witness? You know, the guy that actually walked guns. At this point, I think the legalize hemp people should run the country. Or a decent, smart guy like President Obama.
- Dork, these fuckers are too stupid to vote. The idiot redneck vote should be suppressed: The deal on Bain if anybody will report it, is that it began as the money launderer recruited by the superpatriot Ollie North to cover D'Aubissonns death squads in Central America. Raped nuns and murdered priests. All sorts of Lying for the Lord to back shitheels that didn't support democratic principles. But scumbag murderers and rapists. Why the tax returns are secret. I don't know any of this is true, but it is sure as shit as likely as President Obama is a furriner, Mittens. And Dork, I'll take you one over: Does any reasonable American want Bork picking SC Justices or the lunatic racist PNAC whacko John Bolton picking foreiggn policy? These are the seriously gross farts Willard thinks ar wise men on those subjects. Yoiks!!! The cadidate of my lifetime was Bobby. Without a doubt. And things would have been better. Think about it. An actually good man, President of the US. When the Repuplitards attacked him, it was for turning on the scumbag phony tailgunner
- Thank you Sparty. No more Boise State whining this year.
- Rana@39 I'd take the guy that saw it coming an tried to hold it off. I'd be just as fucked, but I would feel better,
- Have anti-football folks ever considered how tired their bullshit is? Yep, its violent and you get hurt playing it, But it's certainly one more of those things kids do that gramps can't any longer and it rewards the young and the fast. n How can that be bad? I was once good at it, and people that denigrate it certainly weren't. So fuck you. I didn't ever do it for chicks or glory, I did it because it was a helluva lot of fun. I'm a UGA fan because I went to the best JScchool in America there, and because the best football player that ever lived went there: That would be Herschel Walker for you idiots. Otherwise, feel free to watch those idiots play soccer, the game that is beautifully mindless. No brains at all.And the only clock in the refs" heads"? GD that is stupid. There are no brains in soccer. Upfield or crossfieled, I was also pretty good at that.
- Athleticism is domething as gorgeous as anything humans are born with. Certainly deserves the Both are gifts from God, both should be celebrated. inordinate respect people give to intelligence, Some of us get both, but we get the wrong end for the one. There was never a stupid good football player, Maybe Tebow. That boy can't get out of his own way.
- RMoney doesn't think temps should go down Ia he fracking nuts?
- Anti-business? What a fucking idiot whore: Asshole.
- It's an absolute article of Goper faith that Freddie and Fannie come back to bite in the late Shrub years. The racism inherent in this argument is spectacular. Fair housing didn't mean no redlining, it meant forcing otherwise honest white bankers to make loans for shiffless blappeople. And that's why they are after your mortgage you didn't pay for. It's then darkies. and it wasn't their fault. Sounds a whole lot like bat towers to me. Tom McGuane had this sussed out years ago. White people will fuck each other up and blame it on blappepple. No shit.
- Charlotte, I could parbly live with the bad weather, but I doubt the love of my life could? No Joke, anti-football is stupid, and soccer is so fucking stupid and boring it's beyobd belief. Kept time? Yeah right, we be cheating.
- Denard Robinson is not looking faster than Usain Bolt yet. How can anybody be that stupid? But, it's SEC vs. Big Whatever. What would anybody expect?
- Willard's advisers about everything he doan know shit about? John Bolton and Robert Bork. Ain't that a pair of exceptional Murricans? Denard Robinson maybe should think about not running his mouth regarding Usain Bolt. He wonders (as do I!) how many milliseconds would elapse before the flying monkeys of the rightwing airwaves would take flight – with pedal-to-the-metal outrage if Obama/Biden and or others at the Democratic convention “defaced Old Glory!” (or whatever) with a Democratic symbolism blotting out the stars and stripes. The flag is a rag, and these folks are too stupid to realize the "Pledge" they hold in such high esteem was written by a died-in-the-wool socialist, and the "under God" part was added in the 50s by the KofC in support of Tailgunner Joe. Exceptional, eh?
- An absolutely brilliant installment from Six Chix: Those are some fine cartoonists.
- Peggyy Lipton with Beatle Paul: Damn she was good-looking.
- What the originalist founders intended: Biggest fracking liars ever.
- WillardWindsock it truly a POS. Nobody would have put u with that shitheeel in high school. What a shithead.
- Don't know what sort of hellholses ya'all lived through in HS, but my Jocko popular kids wouldn't have allowed Mittens" hijinks No fucking way. We did not believe in treating other kids that way. We'd have kicked his ass, and made it stayed kicked. We believed bullying was disgusting behavior.
- Sun Myung Moon kicked it.Geez I saz rilly upset. This mofo messed up the USA beyond comprehension. An asshole. But what the hey?
- Man bitten by crocodile during toilet break; organs found in storage locker. Link at the bottom of the page on that Dickerson column.I'm kinda frightened to look. Gotta say, though, I think a gator would kick a crocs ass every time. Malevolent intelligence. When my dad waas Chief of Peds at Metropolitan Hospital, he was buds with the UAW guys. He introduced me one day to Walter Reuther. And my dad, smartest and best educated guy I ever knew, was clearly in awe of that guy. If America is exceptional, Union leaders had a major part in making it so. Now there are morons willing to vote for a fool for President that denigrates cops and firefighters and teachers because they are union members. And like his wife, Willard never worked a day in his life. What Mr. Reuther did was to force the guys with the cash to acknowledge who actually made the money and did the work. If the world has turned into a hedge fund world, I pretty much think, "Fuck that."
- Did Ayn Ryan say a single thing that was true in his convention speech? One single thing? I mean, holy shit what a lying SOB. How does he get away with that shit? Seriously. A single true thing? It is beyond comprehension that the assholle can get away with that.
- Seriously, how does that ahole get away with it? Gawd, what a lying dick.
- GOP. What they stand for. Way clever abuse of the apostrophe. Can people get stupider? I kinda doubt it.
- The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe.
- Alleged Murricans that don't get the importance of organized labor in building this country are assholes. That seems pretty much incontravertible to me.
- Sherrod Brown is somebody I support ,monetarily. Seriously, anybody got a clue an one word that dickhead aaif that might be remotely true? Did he introcuce himself? What a fracking liar. Spectacular performance. Nonpareil. I mean it takes some serious balls to lie like that.
- Sherrod Brown is somebody I support ,monetarily. Seriously, anybody got a clue an one word that dickhead aaif that might be remotely true? Did he introcuce himself? What a fracking liar. Spectacular performance. Nonpareil. I mean it takes some serious balls to lie like that. But that asshole doesn't understand Ayn Rand is full of shit., and about as anti-American as you can get. That isn't the way we think.
- Joe, returning to the Shrub strategy, as Willard has said he'd do, is obviously fracking looney. That bullshit is what caused the problems in the first place. Since Obama was elected, GOPers have gone overboard to mess thinks up worse. Her's the deal. They all signed on to the Norquist pledge. Article III, Section 3, that is outright treason, and I see no reason not to hang the bastards. It's actually fracking obvious. Willard's stated plan it to go back to the Shrub idioct that caused the probllems in the first place, How could anybody devise a stupider plan?
- Has anything remotely like Obama's economic plan been giben the slightest chance?Not fucking remorely. Willard's plan, Back to Shrub. Seems to me that fucked up bigtime. Seriously stupid idea. Trickle down means normal people getting pissed on, And I'll be the tabanger that says it.Y'all can let the Koch's screw us all over, but I'm not willing to. I also believe that being a citicen means standing up for my fellow citizens and helping them when they need a hand because Dick Fracking Cheney screwed the economy so Haliburton and Enron could make money. That ain't the USA..
- Joe, the majority of people that don't like Obamacare don't like it because it isn't single payer, so that argument is stupid as grunt. I mean, seriously. And most of those people actually see that ACA is an obvious improvement over what came before.
- One way or another, if the mofos claim they built it, they are lying in their teeth. Hedge funds don't build stuff. They also don't create jobs. Most of those scads of folks using food stamps, they were put there by Shrub W. Bush. And as a taxpayer, I will say. Eat hearty, and glad I could help. The problem now is that GOPers are incapable of telling the truth: Fascinating how the farm subsidies were part of the New Deal. Didn't the new deal only give money to black folks? Food stamps are intended to subsidize farmers as much as they are intended to feed people. And those firefighters at Pine Creek? Willard wants to fire them. He likes firing people.
- What in God's name was Brokaw talking about describing Ryan's speech as "overreaching". I know the guy has a hard time with Ls, but shit Tom, that was fracking lying like it was going out of style. Does the asshole not know any better? Shit, the lying was monumental. How would anybody vote for a lying POS like that? Astounding. I do try in life to tell the truth in general. This wasn't duplicity, this was flat out lying his ass off. Ayn Ryan's performance was spectacular in its untruthfulness. No shit. I cannot remember a politician lying so bigtime since Milhous said "Your president is not a crook." In trying to mitigate the mostrousness of Ryan's bulllshit, Tom Brokaw has rendered himself a pitiful hack forever.
- Astounding this bastard could get away with that shit: This ahole can't tell the truth about anything: Seriously, who'd vote for such a serial fracking liar? Astounding. Asshole needs a beating.
- Ayn Ryan didn't get called out for his claim that "nobody"asked for" ACA. Here's who asked for it, you lying sack of shit: American Medical Association (physicians) Federation of American Hospitals & Catholic Health Association (hospitals) AdvaMed (medical device industry) The Business Roundtable (business) National Federation of Independent Business (business) America's Health Insurance Plans (insurance industry) Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (drug industry)
- The guy is a maniac fracking liar. I don;t lie. I think it's a foul thing to do. Lookit this shitheel. Somebody's gonna vote for this ahole? Serious liar. Totally amazing.
- Tyler Hamilton sure as shit knows doping. And he was caught red-handed. And Dex, Ayn Ryan did make a false claim about a marathon. But, shit, he couldn't help it. His lips were moving. That GM plant Ayn Ryan is talking about? Closed while Shrub W. Bush was still President. Now, Ryan surely knows this, and just doesn't fracking care. How can anybody justify voting for s lying bastard like this? Michelle Malkin? That is her picture in the dictionary next to the c-word, right? Or is it next to twat. What a revolting waste of X chromosomes and carbon. But she doesn't actually believe in either carbon or chromosomes, because she's a GOPer and that's science. She's kinda the female Forrest Gump in real life, except without the good nature and well-meaning intentions. Annie, I'm dying to see that movie, but it will never show anywhere near here. I did buy the album off Amazon, and I like it a good deal. Sort of like Love, but not so nuts as Arthur Lee. And Joe, Kerry served when he could have avoided it, easily. W guarded the bar at the OClub, then bolted for Alabama to avoid the physicals. One way or another, Kerry was in harm's way in Viet Nam and Laos. One of the reasons Nixon and his toy soldiers hated Kerry was that Kerry talked about Milhous' forays into Laos and Cambodia. That was supposed to be secret. W never left redneck country. Years later, he pretended to land a plane on a carrier, with some socks stuffed in his codpiece, and said the illegal invasion was over. Anybody that doesn't know that's true is a fracking idiot that will apparently believe anything. Oh, and the guys that actually served under Kerry were all supportive of him. And Kerry could actually manage a windsurfing board. Shrub went over the handlebars of a Segway. RMoney's tax returns? He made a bunch of his 401K from a company that disposes of aborted fetuses. That just wouldn't do. And he's lying about it. Surprise:
- Brilliant, Sherri. The thing about Ayn Ryan's crush on Rand is that he claims to not have understood she was a died-in-the-wool atheist. Seriously? Pretty fracking dense for an intellectual. Doesn't Atlas Shrugged contain something like a 70 page Atheist diatribe? Don't know. Tried it and quit 15 pp. in. Just horrendous writing. Moved on to Gormenghast. Steerpike would kick John Galt's ass black and blue. Brian, Willard's idea about retroactivity seems rooted in his LDS beliefs. I mean, if LDS can babdize Elie Wiesel while the guy is still alive, and still quite Jewish, they seem to have the subject of temporality fracking beaten.
- The actual facts of the matter:
- iThe demographics race we’re losing badly. We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term. That's our senator, Lindsay Graham, speaking the first truth from a GOPer since before the convention. Godamighty what an ahole.
- Considerably better off than four years ago: It's a no-brainer. The news headlines in 2008:
- Why are GOPers so keen of vote suppression? And I know somebody was just joking about the Green Day guy, but holy crap:
- Haley Barbour is a big fat pig, and a racist: Those RMoney's as youngsters, living dividend to dividend. Man it was tough. But Romney has ... evidently does not recognise that a system that taxes speculation at a lower rate than hard work distorts the economy. Indeed, much of the money that accrues to those at the top is what economists call rents, which arise not from increasing the size of the economic pie, but from grabbing a larger slice of the existing pie.
- Wow, against my better judgement, I read that drivel M. Malkin wrote about John Kerry. She reminds me of an old girlfriend of mine that used to say"I'm such a riot." That is dogass bad wtriting, and whoever told her she could write did a massive disservice to Michell and to the world. It's also apparent she's full of shit on the subject, since nobody else in the world remembers it. Revolting sleazebag. This is what GOPers stand for:
- Some truth about food stamps, for a change:
- It's not mocking RMoney's religion to bring up things like Lying for the Lord and the White Horse Prophecy. If you believe LDS believes that stuff, those are pretty scary tenets for a President of the USA to hold. I'd be willing to bet that what the bosun (or whoever) said was "dead ahead", a nautical term. According to Jaime Brockett, the captain, in a state of marijuana induced inebriation looke on out at the bow of that boat and said "I'm gonna move you baby." Much to his chagrin, the berg proved to be an immovable object, and the Titanic not so much an irresistable force. The way I see it, the current standings in the Presidential race are incomprehensible. Willard has promised to return to the tax-cutting and deregulation of the early Shrub days. How is it possible for anybody to ignore the incontrovertible assessment that the tax cut and deregulation policies were direct causal effects of the current economic slough of despond? Beyond belief. I thought Mrs. Obama was superb, especially the when you get through the door in America, you don't slam it shut on the next person. That's as good a description of the innate selfishness and greed of the GOP as can be made, in my estimation. The speech cranked my tear ducts as usually only a movie about Gale Sayers and Brian Piccolo can. The thing I always think of when I hear Tommy James now is hearing the extended versions of Crimson and Clover and Crystal Blue Persuasion for the first times after hearing them only truncated on the radio. Great acidy distorted guitar playing, in a uniques and unmistakable style. It was astounding. An original. Actually I think I like Draggin' the Line best. "My dog Sam eats purple flowers." I saw the Shondells in Birmingham back way back, on a show with the Rascals, another great band. And the Kennedy's did draw people in to identify with them, despite being ridiculously rich. I liked seeing the First Family like this: and Judybusy: Buddhism is slightly older, and Joseph Smith was a criminal sociopath, with borderline personality disorder. It's easier to admire philosophy from Siddhartha or Jesus than a money-grabbing scam like LDS, who was always one step ahead of the law. As Willard seems to be relative to the IRS.
- I don't know, Scribe, this White Horse Prophecy crapola sounds worrisome to me, Especially when you consider the GOP seems too think it has a devine right to the White House: In fact, the whole thing sounds like nonsense invented about Obama being somehow the Kenyan Manchurian candidate.
- Here's another unintended but entirely predictable result of the idiotic PNAC-driven invasion of Iraq: It's pretty clear at this point when the country will be paying for the invasion for another 15 or 20 years, that running that misguided adventure on a tab was as stupid as anything any American President ever did. It's pretty hard to think of anything stupider, unless Milhous' venality and paranoia count. That wasn't stupid so much as it was psychopathic. The Catholic Church in the US is not rich. That's a load of bull. No churches have more wealth than LDS and Christian Science. Vatican wealth in museums is a far cry from vast RE holdings in the USA. And the details of Willard's church-based preparation for public life sound exactly like the conspiracy theories about Obama. And Catholic influence is waning as people leave the Church. It's power was always in numbers not bucks.
- This chart records conversations with 50RNC delegates: Didn't they get the word from Willard about Russia being a more dangerous potential enemy than China? A high %age of these unfortunates are deranged.
- My brothers and I have long considered the idea of going boatwreck diving in Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan sounds like my kind of swimming experience. I do not lifeguards, because I have never come across an officious lifeguard who wasn't an inferior swimmer to me. On BB, was anybody else shocked at the billious purpe shake rug at Hank and Marie's house. Doesn't the DEA pay decent wages? Godawmighty what an eyesore. And hasn't Marie always seemed like a strange character. Remember when she shoplifted the sterling tiara for Skyler's new baby. And didn't Jesse seem pretty sure Walt was there to kill him, and that the bag of money really contained a Gustavo Fring special piece of ordnance.The copy of Leaves Grass was ingenious, although it took me some time to identify GB. And who'd have thought knucklehead Walt would pick up Walt Whitman while taking a dump? This is a somewhat shocking story:
- Assholism.
- Lord knows, Deborah. It's reported in what used to called an alternative paper, but the details about the secret service being involved sound right. How long till Obama directed the IRS to do it? That shit is inevitable. Oh, and the woman I got the link from is generally very reliable and realistic about shit that's true on the net. Scout, Steinberg was doing his David Brooks imitation. And they're funny as hell, but I haven't seen a magic U-trou reference in ages. I was just trying to poin out later that the origins of LDS are incredibly fishy, the founder was a scoundrel and a crook, they believe from way back that LDS is going to save America in a Constitutional crisis, Willards's friends and family and the church groomed him to be that savior, and then there is the entire incontrovertible fact that LDS was characterized by institutional bigotry against black people for most of its history. Pointing out stuff like that is not mocking, I think there are serious concerns. The White Horse bidness and grooming an annointed one is so clearly analogous to GOPer paranoia bour Obama, they have no reasonable expectation of avoiding people drawing attention to it. A few months back, some GOPers were caught trying to disseminate anti-LDS material and blame it on Democrats, but damned if I remember where that happened.
- I wasn't comparing Neil Steinberg to David Brooks, merely that column, which undoubtedly sounded like some Brooks channeling Rodny King crap to me. Defending RMoney's religious preference when GOPers insist the President is a Muslim is a spit-cup full of drivel, really weak gruel. I read once somewhere that Tommy James woke up at sunrise in a tent at Woodstock and wrote Crystal Blue Persuasion. Who knows, but it's a fine story. Clinton's wielding machetes, Henckels and scalpels with both hands.
- A few hours before Clinton's speech disemboweling the lying-ass GOP, Willard Windsock did an interview on...tada...Fox, in which he said no Democrat had said Americans are better off than they were when Shrub shuffled off. Clueless bastard didn't think Clinton would make the poin forcibly and with facts to back him up. Down south, that's called "burning 'em a new one". If that's what the former President did, he used a laser, and he was obviously enjoying himself more than he had in some time. I saw shit from GOPers online to the effect that Clinton wouldn't be at the debates and the brillian RMoney would dazzle "Odumbo". Have these fools heard the two men speak about substantive political policy. Windsock also claimed the Democrats had "thrown Israel under the bus" by not mentioning Jerusalem in the platform. What the hell Mittens? The capital is Tel Aviv, no matter what your pal John Bolton whispers in your ear. Had I ever considered voting for this ahole, that would have done it for me. Bolton as Secretary of State and Bork on the SCOTUS? Holy shit, dystopian world next stop. The transgender kid, that coach should be applauded, and members of his team should know they walk at the first sign of disrespect for a teammate, but, they should have known that already about any teammate.There were two guys on my HS football team everyone assumed were gay, and I don't remember them getting any shit from anybody. And that was the late 60s. A smart coach should have no trouble making this kid's playing about the team vs. the haters that aren't players. Maybe that's not ideal, but it would teach an object lesson. The worst danger is that the kid is better than some "legitimate" boy and gets more PT. The kid left behind's parents will turn rabid fast and embarrass the shit out of their son, who will undoubtedly want them to just fracking drop it. I knew Alexander Cockburn had died, from reading CounterPunch: He frequently infuriated me with an apparent willingness to just tear it all down rather than find what's good and go for the best. Cockburn was an absolutist unbending in demanding what he believed was right from politicians. I might buy that if I didn't have a daughter and a grandson. I also think resorting to not evil is wise when confronted with actual evil. As I said Bolton and Bork. Judy Blume, one of America's ten most reviled novelists, ever. Maybe five. And how 'bout that Skittles ad for bestiality? Same ignoramuses that hounded librarians about Judy Blume's books.
- Oh, and the kid Seth's courage and assertiveness is extremely admirable. Hope he has a good season.
- Joe South died yesterday. (This is loud as hell.) He also played guitar on Blonde on Blonde, and wrote the execrable I Never Promised You a Rose Garde, which made a shitload of cash for some unfathomable reason. I always thought Tom T. Hall was responsible for that dreck. Blaming Clinton fr NAFTA is unfair. It was left by HW, as Somalia was, as an unavoidable briar patch for Clinton. Surprise. Vindictive jealousy against someone that defeated him from Poppy Bush. Knock me over with a pretzel. Clinton was required by the fast track legislation to sign NAFTA, which he did after negotiating the "Side Agreements" on labor and working conditions, and environmental protection. Had the side agreements been left in place, the maquiladora culture would have been far less profitable for American businesse. Guess who shit-canned the side agreements the minute he had the chance. That's right, Shrub W. Bush, by rendering the interstate resolution of disputes process toothless. So to be fair, NAFTA is owned by Bushes pere et fils. Objectionable comments involving trans people in Rupert Murdoch's flagship paper? Say it ain't so. Talking about the Clinton's "great wealth" with the RMoney's in the picture is more than a little ludicrous. And the Obama's net worth comes primarily from his book, but of course any honest GOPer worth his lying ass can tell you Bill Ayers actually wrote that. One thing in my mind watching Clinton last night was the idiotic comment about Ryan being able to talk policy for half an hour without notes. Clinton went on (as is his wont) for much longer and had a stunning array of facts and numbers at his fingertips. There was nothing vague about any of it. Just like RMoney and Ayn Ryan's policy intentions about the rich people tax cut and how it could be paid for. When Clinton said "It takes brass..." I was wishing with heart and soul the next word would be "balls". But he crucified Ryan with that comment anyway. It just would have been so hiilarious my way.
- A real question now: Does Ayn Ryan have the balls to keep up with the work to welfare Whopper? And what jellyfish excuse for a journalist is going to let him get away with that shit now? GOPer response to Clinton's convention speech. Mind-boggling.
- The "daughters, not delegates or donors" line from Ms. Fluke was a killer. And the loathsome phony Bob Woodward checks into the campaign with his typical self-aggrandizing fabrication. Woodward makes stuff up out of thin air, and that has been his MO for a very long time. No reasonable person would be inclined to buy these volumes of extended conversation presented as verbatim. O right. He's the mighty Bob Woodward, so he has more access to every politician than all the political reports in US history, put together, and everything is on the record, on tape. Woodward suffers from serious delusions of grandeur and anybody that just takes him on faith is a gullible fool. It's obvious that much of it's BS because the folks involved are too skilled at politics to say a lot of these things to him. Man, I wish he'd go away, or at least that people would start treating his books like the compostable recycled TP they really are. Some idiot told this pompous ass he was important to the American political process. Carl Bernstein should tell Woodward to STFU. Scribe. I know, but I would have been ecstatic if he'd actually said it. It's my personal opinion that anybody that lies so baldly and so frequently and consistently, exhibits a clear paucity in the nads department.
- Clever Stuart Carlson political cartoon re Medicare, with a tribute to the great Don Martin incorporated: And a great Ben Sargent cartoon: And if Ayn Ryan actually had brass balls, they'd be BBs. Shoulda asked the guy whether the GOPers were wishing they'd brought in W, now, when the Raygun hologram wouldn't work, Scout. I couldn't have helped myself. cooze: Apparently they weren't pleased with the utter incompetence of the PA state GOP's vote suppression efforts. Joe, that guy's main point is that Clinton misrepresented the Administration's willingness to approach things in bipartisan fashion. That's hard to buy , when it was Old Lady McConnell that spewed the infamous one term comment, and even earlier, a few months into the term, both Canto and Ryan were talking for public consumption about employin "Taliban tactics" against the President. Then there is the ridiculous number of birther Kenyan Manchurian candidat paranoiacs elected to the House in 2010. Partners in governing? I think fracking NFW. What he goes on to say about health care cost reductions has no credible basis. Wvery organization of people that make those predictions for a living agrees with what Clinton and Obama say on the subject. And yeah, it's Obama running not Clinton, but if your making that lamo argument that's all over the wingnet about Willard is smarter, good luck with that shit. Obama will treat RMoney like a Swiffer and wipe the floor with him. That Obama's a moron and simultaneously some Socialist mastermind is GD stupid as can be, and any claim that's not straight racism is a bad joke.
- What's that Arpuzo character want to say to try and explain this away. This is straight out of a Republican strategy meeting held by Congressional GOPers on Jan. 20, 2009. Didn't take the obstructionist traitorous derelict bastards long to get the long knives out: Now I fully expect Biden to be prepared to fling this at Ayn Ryan, in the VPdebate. What's the sniveling SOB going to reply?
- And I hear Scaife is buying this game by the case. One to each GOP voter: GOP worldview. Just as Elizabeth Warren said. The thing that should have maximum effect on Congressional voting , is whether or not your sitting member of Congress did anything but prevent governing completely. Every GOP House member stole a salary and the Maybach health care plan the last four years, while, drinking, voting to rescind ACA about 40 fracking times and complaining the President wasn't finding jobs for people. You know Bain would fire they ass.
- Good line from Madelleine Albright: Every new president inherits headaches, but when President Obama came to office, he inherited an entire emergency room. It's funny, Suzanne. Every GOPer pol knew everything Clinton said was true. Now they're attacking the Atlas Shrugged news source for confirming that. The reason for the GOP getting so FUBAR wierd in the last couple of years is their realization there was nothing left to gouge out of the poor, and the only way to satisfy their greed is to attack the middle class. Disconcerting, we're almost like real people. And I sure as shit have paid more than 13% of my income in federal taxes the last decade. Way more. Suck on this jobs number, lying GOPer turds.
- Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansen, Kerry Washington following Foo Fighters at the DNC. Sounds better than old man telling chair to get off his lawn. Another spectacularly asinine thing Ayn Ryan said at the RNC. Now with this bastard, the question is always Stupid or Lying? But this concept doeesn't seem very complicated.
- I had to find out what the name of the Montana student paper means. It's a word from the Salish Indians that means "message". Way cool, Grizzlies. Something about the Salish:
- The aforementioned Erik Erickson has stepped in a large pile of cow patties: Ther's a link to an online petition. I didn't used to believe they accomplished anything, but the corporate sponsors of ALEC dropped that shit like a stubby roach when the petitions rolled in. AT&T is still with them. Big surprise. RMoney wouldn't lie about something, according to some cretin at
- Funny thing about that election fraud by Ole McCotter. Seems the GOP view is that massive electoral fraud that affects who actually gets on ballots doesn't threaten the integrity of America's electoral system as much as some homeless person that misrepresents his identity at a polling place. Of course, the GOP has produced no evidence that the latter even happens, since Tamany days, or back when Ed Rollins was handing out $1/2million walking-around money for Christie "Smiling Frisker" Whitman's campaigns. I've ranted about this to my friends at the DNC blog, hoping somebody with some pull would pick up on it. I've been particularly incensed about this since James O'Keefe payed people to actually commit identity vote fraud. There was some tough talk from NH GOPers, but in the end it was boys will be spoiled adolescent dicks: Look at the sorry ass head on that abc story. Wrong again. It showed O'Keefe actually soliciting voter ID fraud and then committing it. Malkin is the living embodiment of a harpy, but Coulter is either Medusa or one of her snake-coifed sister gorgons. Way back in her childhood, some mom or dad or grandparent told her she wa smarter than everybody else. Well guess again lady. She always seems on the verge of requiring smelling salts when someone even mildly challenges one of the damn fool things she says. She's so dumb and self-obsessed she believes the book sales figures Regnery publishes for her screeds, by the publisher Richard Scaiffe buying the books from himself. At least Malkin knows how to spell her given name, unlike her hero Bachmann. And , oh, Malkin's parents came to the US from the Philipines and were allowed to stay when her dad graduated from med school. But they did it all by themselves. I think they should self-deport, personally.
- Well, Jolene, Kerry trashed him on foreign policy. Best thing: Kerry brought up nonproliferation. People seem to forget easily that there are nuke stockpiles everywhere, many of which are so insecure ICPosse could get ahold of them. Shrub was uninterested in this area of policy, and RMoney makes W. look like alBaradei n the subject. If people want to insist they are voting with their children and their children's children foremost in mind, as I most emphatically insist I do and fuck anybody that wants to deny that, there is no issue more important than disarming the planet of nukes, and keeping them out of evil hands until that work is done. Obama has a keener understanding of this technically difficult issue than any President since JFK, and Willard may be the sharpest hoe in the shed about tax dodges, but he has demonstrated ignorance about nukes and containing and destroying them eventually: This is another crucial job for the President is one Obama has made himself an expert on, and Willard would fracking blow off in his lust to spend a fortune more than the USA already does on the Pentagon and attack on Iran to spearhead a Crusade to move the Israeli capital to Jerusalem. I wouldn't take a chance onn RMoney pursuing informed and effective nonproliferation strategies and policies for half his Caymans IRA. It was fun hearing Kerry make fun of Willard's foreign policy ineptitude, but it's no joke his foreign policy team would be people like Elliot Abrams, noted war criminal, and John Bolton, psychopath whose fantasy is blowing up the UN. Screw that, and nobody with a brain would vote for those people back in power.
- The Rummy DoD, including the notorious and nefarious Cheney Stovepipe actually used the term "endless war" gleefully and with no shame whatever, Brian. Elevated bike turnpikes in London. As someone that can get anywhere I need to go, except a city with non-tourist restaurants and actual music venues, on well maintained bikepaths, this idea looks pretty cool to me. Of course its London, so it could become infested with droogs. The conceptual look is a nice piece of design one way or another. Wonder how long it would take for bike rage to become a thing. Please, nobody talk about Jabba dead from Oxy on his throne @9:30 am. I'd be extremely sceptical of jobs numbers discussions. One, it wouldn't be a discussion at all if the House had passed the Presiden't jobs bill (and we could build some bike skylanes, if that's not to effete and commoniss one world). Two, who actually controls jobs? The same robber barons and captains of industry that were fucking up the stock market a few months ago by renting huge tankers and hoarding oil offshore, you fracking Kochheads. Returning to Shrub's policies, as RMoney has said he would, is exactly like this logic: Remember last year when we all got really trashed and wrapped the car around that tree, and we all either went to jail or to the hospital. I think we should do that again. Any voter that would buy into Shrub Redux, would agree that's a good idea.
- Downton trailer: It doesn't reveal too much for me, and I won't watch scenes from next week on NCIS. Anyway, you might want to skip it. I'm mainly offering it because I really want to hear an intelligent opinion on the trailer's soundtrack. A Brit boys school choir singing Lou Reed: Do they understand what this song is about? Junkies? What TF? It was in Trainspotting, for God's sake. Of course, there's a Susan Boyle version and AT&T once used it in an ad. And BBC once had it in a Christmas special. But Lou Reed and Downton Abbey? Strange. What about that line "You're gonna reap just what you sow"? I'm hoping they have Mr. Reed (NYT style) signed on for a guest spot as the ghost of Mr. Pamuk showing up on Lady Mary's wedding night and unmanning Matthew. Lou would look great in those Edwardian dandy clothes Mr. Pamuk favored. Maybe the hunting kit. cooze: The new fairness doctrine is the equivalency doctrine, as in "Well Kerry commanded a swiftboat, but maybe the swiftboaters are on to something. And George W. was in the NatGuard in Texas but maybe those people that say he skipped his physicals because of drug tests and went AWOL to Alabama are on to something. They're equivalent. So what is it Mark? Up is Down? War is Peace?
- The facts on jobs. Arithmetic: Another four Shrub years and employment would have been 0%. And RMoney wants to give it a go. I was just reading a story about Brandon McCarthy, the Athletics pitcher who suffered a broken skull when hit by a line drive. In the comments, somebody brought up the idea of head protection for fielders, inside the caps. Some ahole said Maybe Obama could require it. Well, not some ahole, obviously a member of the ahole royal family, and a GOPer with severe Kenyan Usurper derangement syndrome. Hilarious photoshop of David Brooks: That is beautiful Basset. But most American Citis are far too densely packed to do it that way. London definitely was already in '69 when I was there. Did you read the comments on that article. The first was deleted but the commenter called himself United Against Socialism. Those paths look like sand-cement, or maybe finely ground cinders like what used to be used for tracks. We settle for asphalt, but I'm not complaining.
- So the GOPers lost out on the "endless war", they've settled on "end;ess war on truth". Major tactic? Just keep repeating outrageous lies no matter how often you're proven a liar: I'm really waiting expectantly for Lyin' Ryan to reprise the Medicare canard. That'd be some brass BBs. White House recipes for honey ale and honey porter: New campaign statement from Deadbeat Joe Walsh about Tammy Duckworth: “It has become abundantly clear that at this point the only debate Ms. Duckworth is actually interested in having is which outfit she’ll be wearing for her big speech. Like Joe's mom jeans with pressed creases? Someone beat the shit out of this schmuck. Whatever one wants to make of the job numbers, the most recent are on the positive side of the scale. Shrub's last year was one small positive then 11 months of losses, culminating with a 700% loss. It wouldn't be hard to argue the bastards were tanking hard to mess things up for the new President. Like Poppy creating the Somalia briar patch to fuck with Clinton, which he definitely did. CBS should have its FCC credentials investigated for hiring Frank Luntz. Remember the FCC before GOPers emasculated except in instances of wardrobe malfunctions that offend Brent Bozell? CBS has a license to use airwaves owned by the American people, and hiring an absolute partisan hack like Luntz clearly violates terms of their license, unless they want to give time exactly equal to somebody like Rachel Maddow to make him into mincemeat.
- What things are coming to in the USA: That's depressing. Add Bork, and things will go back to time before the Civil Rights movement, and GOPers will approve in huge numbers. Hell the self-proclaimed "originalists" will probably decide we're meant to go back to the 3/5ths. But along with the bike skyways and the WH beer recipes, here is some delightful news (almost makes me consider moving to Chicago): Maybe get a chance to visit before moving to La Libertad next February. I'm actively exploring this, and it's nothing like all the people intending Canada if GOPers stole 2004 as they did. Disgust for the stupidity of my fellow Americans would make it easier, and the PNAC gang back in the driver's seat will make America dangerous place to live, but this would be a practical matter. If SSI and Medicare get routed out by Ryan and RMoney, I've got investments to live on, but in a less expensive place than the USA, an one with actually affordable healthcare. Ecuador looks perfect, with expats living comfortably on $800/mo. Julie, that's what I meant about the ghost of Mr. Pamuk showing up. How about You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory, by the dead junkie Johnny Thunders. That'd fit the storyline bill. How about a soundtrack where all the music is songs by punks and junkies sung by angelic boys choirs? If they are only using Lou in the trailer, that's an inexcusable tease. The whole thing reminded me of the great Peter O'Toole movie, The Ruling Class. Got a great new CD in the mail today, Peter Green Splinter Group, Blues Don't Change, has some Muddy, some John Lee, some Big Willie Dixon. Low key production gives the whole thing an Elmore James feeling. Blues fans of any degree will like this. Great harp and outstanding acoustic slide. Like the real Fleetwood Mac. Only thing I didn't like about the convention was that goddamn awful screechy song. Anyway, I think it's a great thing Peter Green came back from acid burnout and has an album this gorgeous. I've been showing people the famous bikini chart for months, and it's too much math for a lot of people that just want Obama gone. The other thing that the critics all ignore as if it's insignificant, is massive state and locality level cuts in public employment engineered by crooked GOP goober-nors and their aiders and abettors in Congress. Without those cuts, unemployment would be considerably lower. That is 716,000 public sector jobs cut since 2008. RMoney says he wants to fire first responders and teachers. He actually said that aloud. Hell just get rid of all of them and turn public education over to crooks like Marvin Bush and his cronies to run as effectively as Chris Christie's halfway houses you dumbass.
- Something on the cuts in public sector employment: Somebody want to claim that hedge fund managers provide greater value to their fellow citizens than firefighters and EMTs. That's a tough sell, but it's what Willard believes, apparently. Nice story (with a great photo) about Sasha and Malia. That RMoney statement about leaving out the military sounds a lot like "I was brainwashed." He may be channeling George, but I 'm sure his dad would not support today's GOP, nor the deceitful manner in which Mittens is running his campaign.
- Excellent Tony Auth cartoon: And this Luckovich is kinda sad: Too bad they didn't bring on W. It would have been all she wrote.
- Something you history guys will enjoy from my other favorite website, Teddy Roosevelt's lungs on X-ray: Allthose GOPers so fracking gleeful about a disappointing jobs report today should STFU before they embarrass themselves. Today is also the 1st Anniversary of the President's sending the American Jobs Act to the House, which has never brought it to the floor. Jobs, jobs, jobs, right Boehner, you dick? During that year, the clowns have voted to repeal ACA about 50 fracking times. This is a red letter day for them, and it should be nailed to their pigeon chests: –Moody’s Analytics estimated the American Jobs Act would create 1.9 million jobs and add two percent to gross domestic product. –The Economic Policy Institute estimated it would create 2.6 million jobs and protect an addition 1.6 million existing jobs. –Macroeconomic Advisers predicted it would create 2.1 million jobs and boost GDP by 1.5 percent. –Goldman Sachs estimated it would add 1.5 percent to GDP. Whadda buncha socialist shills for the Kenyan stealth President, right. Wonder where that would have left the unemployment number. And those numbers would be higher if the bill had passed a year ago. Demand drives supply in a capitalist economy, a fact that smart GOPers like Ayn Ryan are completely ignorant of. Believing in supply side at this point is an exercise in Einsteinian insanity. You know doing the same damn stupid thing over and over and expecting a different result? Poor babies just so really want that bullshit to be true. While that definition is usually attributed to the great physicist, an earlier citation can be found in the Basic Text of Narcotics Anonymous. So what are these fools shooting up? And RMoney's excuse for not acknowledging deployed troops? This is a classic Imagine the Howls moment. Wheres $Palin on this affront? Coultergeist? Rash Limbo? Seriously? IOKIYAR--well fuck you idiots. Maybe if one of Willard's kids had been sent to Afghanistan. I don't like the idea of compulsory military service, but the Romney family could be poster children for instituting it.
- The comments on that are hilarious David. Everyone is so upset about the guy's explication, by which I guess she means using impolite words, when the idiot behavior he's addressing is odious and anti-Constitutional. The craven approach to the Owner reminded me of the miners that were coerced into attending RMoney rallies. A savvy candidate would have sent home those who'd rather be elsewhere and promise to take it up with their bosses. One of my favorite Cint movies is Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. Willard on the trail is more like Thunderfoot, and I don't mean the great old punter Herman Weaver. I mean, he's got a political touch like Gamera, not even Godzilla. Another instance: Juan Cole calls GOPeract of asking the "are you better off" question breathaking impudence. It's also pretty stupid. If rational voters stop a moment to give some thought to the question, they'll decide the obvious answer is, You betcha. Duh. No Shrub, no Dickless. That's way better. No OBL. No chance of $PAlin in a national office.
- Am I being picky? It strikes me as lazy, unprofessional and innately biased for news outlets to call Clinton's speech a "defense" of Obama. I listened to the whole thing ane he waas neither defending nor making excuses. He was endorsing the President's performance in the first term. I get more pissed off about this every time I come across another instance. It's bullshit journalism and atrocious editing in my opinion. It seems like a Drudge sort of sleazy tactic, but NYT and WaPo both did it several times. I know my Jschool copywriting professor, Charlie Kopp, would have seen the obvious bias in the choice of words, and he was a conservative outhern gentleman that probably wouldn't have voted for a Democrat.
- Brian, Maybe the commonsewer of dancing horses is not enthusiatic about continuing to beat the spavined, dying horse the GOP has handed him, as in Raskolnikov's dream: That's what I was reading when Ayn Ryan was missing the atheist message in Atlas Shrugged. Of course, finding a GOPer that believes in anything Jesus said in action rather than in the poetry of W. Shakespeare and the catamount, Kit Marlowe, well good luck. And those boyos translated from an English language version, which is how God ended up saying thee and thou. The Great Commandment? Socialism. Whatever you do? wimpy on fiscal issues. Course, with RMoney it's also possible he's thinking to himself: "Shit, the IRS is going to catch up with me, and if I don't go to Club Fed, I still won't be able to employ my wonderful tax dodges anymore, "Who would have thought..."
- Yeehaw. Couple weeks ago I was telling y'all about my sixth bike theft in as many years. And how I dedide to skip the net and get a real bike I could see before I paid for it. If you're ever in Hilton head, let me know you're coming, but also, make sure to go to my man Paul at the Bike Doctor. He got me a hybrid (the way to go) that I finally got to really ride today that I'm ecstatic about. A 7-speed Shimano shifting road and sand bike that is clean as a whistle and very fast, Specialized brand. Damn I love this bike. In my bud's assessment, Specialized bikes are a chunk above what he calls K-Mart bikes (OK, he's a bike snob). After a 300-mile hard drive, I've got to agree. I'm alive, and managed $200 worth of groceries up to the 2nd floor, including two cases of Yuengling (oldest brewery in America still brewing, and exceptional lager at a fair price) and a big ole jug of Mr. Jacks. And Dex, that recipe change you claimed before? Never happened. They fooled with the ABV and went back to the original 90 proof. Anyway, the bike has me so ecstatic, I'm considering riding across the two big bridges 35 miles to Savannah in the morning. If you want or need a new bike, look into Specialized brand. Gorgeous finish, no decals. High quality brake and gear train components. As in all-metal, no-plastic Shimano stuff. I couldn't get to really ride the bike because I was stuck in my favorite part of my livelihood. Sitting in comfortabl, stylish chairs in lawyers' offices, charging by the hour, waiting to be deposed. And annoying y'all by phone. But Dayuhm this bike is excellent.
- That 300 was a typo. I meant 30. Or I was measuring on an Ayn Ryan scale of distance.
- How did Bain ever make any money at all, if Romney was in charge of assembling the brain-trust there?You mean like how this dickhead crew acted like he deseved it? Ahat about the shitheads?
- Gotcha Dex. People here seem to steal bikes to get to a destination. Mostly to get to DUI court, I think. I have built a couple of my last bikes from detritus and even those have been stolen. But I'll guarantee, those bikes ran like tops. It's parbly a good thing to build your own bike outta junk. It's likely a very good thing to be able to be a decent bike mechanic. I'm learnin' on that one. Anyway, I love my new bike. I beleve I saw my last bike parked at the crackshop bustop yesterday, but what are ya gonna do without a AK and an empty chair? Must be Obama's fault, not that pointy headed dick that tanked the economy with massive tax breaks and two-war spending (i.e. stupidest President ever) . Right, Joe. The folks at Forbes are worried about the middle class mean income and what Obama has done to it. What Obama has done to it? These are the very aholes that manipulate markets to screw the brown Kenyan usurper over Please spare me. They have all gotten richer. And the market's gotten fat and sleek, thank God for my retirement. This country feels like dogshit anymore, and it is the rampant racism that's really revolting. And it's embarrassing, too. Finally elect a brown gut and the yahoos come out of the woodwork, and lo and behold, the yahoos in chief turn out to be them yahoos that run the GOP. I won't listen to any bullshit about Harry Bird in the Klan. Old Lady Mitch is the Modern Klan. But that is slandering old ladies.
- Brian. I disagree that Byrd was ever a racist in the profound way that current GOPers are. This anti-Kenyan insane shit is a brand new strain of racism that isn't going away, and there is no telling what these morons will do if they are saved from Mittens, who'd starve them, free them from the cares of healthcare and send all their jobs overseas. And Harry Byrd did vote against the mine owner. But I see your point. Then again, the astounding Obama derangement crap these days is something brand new and the GOP is responsible no matter what disclaimers thy attempt. And Willard is an active participant. McCain had more balls. And a Know-Nothing/Tea party is already running the GOP, but that is the reasonable outcome of the Southren Strategy. I'm not a student of US history, but I do know tidbits, like the Ananais Club, and we have them back. And they are drawing ape cartoons depicting the actual President. Did the Democratic Party ever make their strategic raison d'etre outright racism? As for treasonous, that certainly fits the ahole GOPer House members that took the $200grand and the Maybach health care the past year while doing nothing but voting to rescind ACA and ignoring AJA, in an attempt to fuck over the first elected President in eight years because he's melanin-rich and not lobby-friendly. Of course, they all signed Grover's pledge, so they were all traitors to begin with according to Article III, Section 3 anyway.
- Alex, with respect, you can fault Obama and the dems, but how often do you have to tell somebody that supply side is an asinine myth, that caused whatever misery they think they're feeling, and trickle down is piss off a very high bridge? If people are so fracking stupid they didn't get it the first two times, they ain't gonna get it. And a mortally imbecilic electorate is parbly not conducive to a healthy republic. Supply-side is the Laffer Curve, the most hilariously aptly named crackpot academic theory ever. If taxes are reduced to 0, government revenue will go through the roof. This insane crap is GOP dogma for 30 years, and people buy this shit and believe their big tent moment is just aroud the corner? Vote for Reverend Ike you morons. You can't lose, with the stuff I use.
- an expiration of stimulus would be a significant fiscal drag It would really cut into my coke consumption and hurt my dealer in the wallet. But, you know, I have secretaries to pay for that. And the entire world believe's Obama was responsible for bailing out the Wall Street crooks. That was Pretzeldent W. I'm trying to figure out how to put this in my drunken truck wreck scenario. But how are people so fracking stupid they don't see this is part of the deficit issue? Representative democracy with incredibly stupid people to represent is FUBAR.
- No matter what mediocre tailback wins the Heisman eventually, Jarvis Jones is the best football player in the country. And Michigan squeaks by mighty Air Force to head in strong against mighty UMass, way to schedule the iron, Wolverines. Incomprehensible shit from the liberal LSM: And I have photos of myself as a toddler, when I was voted Cincinatti's most beautiful baby. My mom and dad held onto them forever, and now that they're gone, I've got them I want to use the frame and put the prints in the garbage, but S. militates against that plan. Right wingnuts are pulling out all the stops these days. Maybe the President was actully born in Finland back when it was a Soviet satellite. "Organic" is a label I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw Willard Windsock and Ayn Ryan with both hands, at the same time. I believe, for the most part, it's a Congressional giveaway to Big Ag. Hate to be the one to break it to anybody, but Big Ag already gamed the Organic game, and hired consultants to brand their veggies Shinyhappy: And I feel sorry for the idiots that thought the boyos from Athens weren't making a mockery.
- My Sunday NYT is fat. Three arts sections. And in the Book Review, mirabile dictu, word of a new Michael Chabon novel. This guy has DeLillo all beat to hell, in my opinion, and unlike (I think) DFW approaches the best of Pynchon's inspire lunacy and profligate hyper-knowledge. Which reminds me: y'all should read Lawrence Norfolk's Lempriere's Dictionary posthaste never used that word before, I don't think, but it fits the book, which reminds me of one of my top ten movies ever, The Assassination Bureau, Oliver Reed and Diana Rigg in bed, lustily, holy shit). If you liked Jonathon Strange, you'll love it. Now it's time for some fresh-ground Kona, homemade biscuits, and steak-cut Burger's smokehouse bacon and the delightful excess of a paper newspaper, with the Koln Concerts on the stereo. Crummy weather so we'll be nestling today. Happy Sunday to everybody. They didn't call it The Lord's Day for nothing. In fact, Jews, Muslims and Jehovah's, and I'm sure others, didn't call it that for nothing. Definately my favorite day of the week.
- And what I said about DeLillo, why'd he lose his sense of humor after the spectacular Great Jones Street? Biscuit recipe: from my UGA classmate, and the best you'll ever eat. Infrequent when the biscuit is better than the sausage and pepper jam, and I despise recipes, but those biscuits are amazing.
- What sort of idiot does it take to support a lying bastard like this? And he can't keep the lies straight. What a freaking tool.
- Here ya go, basset. And nice comment on the wired age.
- Where has this issue gone, and has Mittens' been called out on his idiotic "self-deporting" statement? Oh that liberal LSM is hard on a self-serving wingnut. Nutso or just painfully stupid? Ask his groundskeepers:
- From a Heckuva Job Scottie Brown campaign email: Professor Elizabeth Warren addressed the convention in Charlotte, and true to form she attacked all her usual villains - successful people, Republicans, businesspeople, energy companies. The party activists in the audience loved her speech... The Progressive Campaign Committee sees Professor Warren as today's liberal rock star and tomorrow's presidential candidate so they have already raised a quick and cool million dollars for her. They've even established a new "wing" of the party in her name. It used to be called the extreme-left wing. Now they call it the "Elizabeth Warren wing." Because, being a professor is a disgusting and dishonorable thing. And what is this "attacks" on successful people shite? Well, if they are lying, outsourcing tax-cheat scumsuckers, sure Scott. And you shouldn't bring up funds when you have ridiculously more than your opponent from the leftover Nazi coffers of the Koch assholes. And brush up on politics, bonehead. There is no such thing as extreme left wing, anymore.
- Right Joe. and $12trillion of that is W's mess. And $2trill more is cleaning up that mess and preventing depression. BFD. And if you still deny the birther Teabanger shit is racist, and the Taliban obstructionism is racist, how do you manage to read and use a computer? Joe, way back to Nixon, the GOP decided to be the racist party. That's an incontravertible fact. Then they decided that anybody like Senator Lugar that didn't buy into that kneejerk shit was a RINO. And there went the last shred of intelligence and respectability from the GOP. Which part of the Sununu comment about wishing the President would learn to be more of an American isn't racist, Joe? I swear, years from now, people will be saying "I vas neffer a Republican" about the unadulterated racism of the current GOP.
- As far as who built what, GOPers built that deficit. And that is simple arithmetic. And the House of Representatives skinhead wing? They really built that.
- Here's a cartoon for you Joe: And really, if the kneejerk opposition and Taliban Congressional tactics clearly damaging to the USA were explicable in any other way, perhaps something other than racism might be considered.
- And ya know, Joe. If the GOP wasn't so above-board racist and ever provided a scintilla of evidence about anything the President could have done better, maybe nobody'd accuse them of racism. It's incredible ironic that the poor job numbers that brought such glee and hilarity to GOPers came on the anniversary of the day the GOP in the House might have voted on the American Jobs Act, which would have reduced unemployment by now to about 5%. But then, it would be harder to get the brown guy out of the White House. And straight into managed bankru[tcy without the lan would have trashed aboat a million American jobs and the automobile industry in America. But that would have been a good thing in GOPer eyes because it would have trashed the UAW. These bastards do not give a flying frack about America, and they prove it daily, and blame the brown gu for the problems they created in the race to get rich.
- Another pertinent cartoon, Joe: And you know what else? Willard thinks things were so good when W cut taxes and waged two wars, he wants to do it again. Remember when I whacked you on the head with a hammer? Yeah. Want me to do it again? Oh, hell yeah. It was so much fun the first time. Joe, we all expect you are too smart to buy drivel like Obamalies. That shit is moronic in its simplistic hatred for the brown President. Try a superior brand of bullshit. Oh, that's right. There isn't one. They're all fracking redneck racist nitwits.
- Alex, the shit du jour is Obama nationalized GM so he could give it to China.
- Claiming a specific time is a far cry from some ridiculous boast to somebody from a magazine nobody with a brain would buy or read. And claiming that Ryan's and RMoney's bullshit about ACA and Medicare and welfare to work are spin is nauseating mendacity. Flat-out lying. And idiot GOPers keep buying it and repeating it. What do the supporters of the lying sack of shit ticket have to say about Ayn's insistance that he had no idea his favorite novelist was a proselytizing atheist. Is that spin. Because, if he didn't he's a fracking cretin. If he did he's lying his ass off now, as he does about every other damn thing. If those foul shitheels get elected and do their damnedest. I'm taking my first voucher and buying an AK and a top-of-the-line Kevorkian devise, because it sure as shit won't buy me health care. Lyin's idea is Welfare to Insurance corporations, and he might as well just admit to it. Joe, are you buying that crap about GM? So maybe the President's Caublasian rather than Kenyan? Those mofos are serious about what bad uncle told them, and they know Obama hates America. Where did that shit sprout? That would be Willard RMoney, but those are not the words he would have chosen. Calling the welfare and Medicare lies "spin" is beneath anybody's intelligence, and it would be difficult to convince me anybody that believed that should be allowed to vote. More like knowing what you're proposing is heinous and claiming its your opponents idea.
- Willard's birth certificate cracks? That wasn't outreach to racist Teabanger's? If you believe that bullshit Joe,
- Michell Malkin once lied and said she's a writer.
- Before Michelle Malkin raised her little snake face to bring John Kerry into this shit, it was not about who's a liar. It was about two monstrous lies being perpetrated relentlessly by Mittens and Ayn. About welfare and about Medicare. Far as I can tell, they're sticking to their outrageous mendacity on both subjects. These lies are so fracking outrageously baseless, the liars did not have to be caught in them. Joe, do you think the RMoney ticket is telling anything remotely like the truth in these instances? Trick question. This level of bullshit is indefensible unless you are dealing with idiots.
- You know why GOPers can't let go of their obsessive John Kerry hatred? His Iran-Contra investigation exposed Raygun as a hoax, a Potemkin facade for illegal bullshit in Central America, funded with Bain-laundered cash, no doubt, which is what I'd imagine GOPers are worried about right about now.
- 50-50? Seriously? Name any two "spins" from Dems that match up with the Medicare and welfare lies. NFW. 50-50 is like saying that the swiftboaters may have been right and maybe W didn't really fulfill his NatGuard obligation. 50-50 not in a trillion years. So because Kerry, who isn't running, may once have told a writer for ESPN he ran a marathon, RMoney and Ayn Ryan get to skate on their monstrous lies about Medicare and Welfare? Pardon me, but that is pure D bullshit. Brian, you know the snow leopard is the subject matter of maybe the greatest nature book ever written (other than Moby Dick), by Peter Matthiessen. I don't generally read non-fiction, but The Snow Leopard is astounding and magical, and I've read it thrice. And they don't really have guys dressed as Che in the zoo, do they? del, that has been one of my favorite Stones songs since the first time I heard it. Actually, first time I heard it was a live cover by the legendary Bosstown Sound band, the Neighborhoods in a bar in Cambridge. Great song. David Monoman Minehan, I believe it was the Rat. Sherri, that's humorous, since Willard Windsock admits to the whole thing being the law in MA but claims there is no individual mandate. There is, of course. What's truly laughable about all this Kerry bashing is that the GOPers have decided that Kerry will be the next Secretary of State if O gets reelected, to give some weight to their asinine claims. Supposed to be scary. Bolton anywhere near the State Department is legitimately cause for a severe case of anxiety. Ne's fantasized out loud, in public, about blowing up UN HQ. GOPers will say that's his first amendment right. Nucking futs, these shitheels.
- This doan mean dick in the long run, but it's an indication of how easily lying for the Lord comes to the bastard:
- The ethnic stereotype I see in the video, is that the Japanese group seemed to think they were required to stay on the footpath. Like what happens when the rail system goes on a one day strike in Japan. The salarymen all march to work in single file carrying their briefcases, right down the empty railway line. Ridiculous and sad at once. A UGA wide receiver, Marlon Brown was asked after beating Missouri, "How did you guys manage to get your passing game going?" Marlon is being mocked for his answer, which is much like Kozol's: "Coach Bobo started calling passing plays." I've met this kid and I'm pretty sure he was making fun of a stupid question. Jeff, the reporters are all straining mightily and producing gnats of equivalency. Everybody but Ezra Klein seems to want to be Howard Kurtz, the panjandrum of squishiness. I love our signs here in HHI: Please do not feed or molest the alligators. I understand, but it's my strong belief that it's better for the future of mankind if the DNA of alligator molesters is removed from the shallow end of the gene pool where it resides. When the gators start ringing the doorbell damn touristas have been feeding the gators again. Gators fed by humans get hit by cars, and have to be destroyed, so I'd make feeding a gator a crime with a huge fine attached. Quite a few three-legged dogs 'round here too. We also like to change the "or" to "nor". JW, time limits and spending limits would do the trick, and screw phony originalists like Scalito that think money is speech. USA would end up with better civil leaders. I believe the bison are parbly terminally pissed off about what whites did to Indians, who, after all, worshipped the Bison. And you've got to be careful when the feds get involved with housing. Look at how federal laws regarding mortgages put in place back in the '70s by "community organizers" forced Fannie and Freddie to invent the bundled bad mortgagederivatives that crashed the housing bubble and the economy. Ayn Ryan said so, and it was all Obama's fault. Those responsible lenders at WaMu and Countrywide never had a chance to do the right thing.
- Pray that the Paul Ryan budget doesn’t ever get enacted. With all the cuts it entails, we’ll see homelessness like never before. Got that right. I've been thinking about the subject of Willard and Ryan lying they ass off, and I've decided that the biggest GOPer lie is the fundamental claim to Christian values. Yeah, right, you bastards. Ever read the Great Commandment? Matthew 22:36-40. 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”Sound like John Galt's approach to life, Ayn Ryan? In a pig's ass. Down here, a blind pig is a shot house, and people that run them are invariably referred to as The Bootlegger, though they don't make the liquor. These places are social whirls on Sundays in BaptiBapti-stan-stan for the package stores are all enjoined legally from operating. I'm thinking the woman sitting on Biden's lap must be named Jemma, because the guy to his right sure looks like Jax Teller.
- All the assessments of Obamacare's unpopularity are fallacious. They conflate people not satisfied with anything less than single payer, with people feeling betrayed by the exclusion of the public option (which was a very late addition to the entire arguent, not its heart), and with those who hate Obamacare because of the first five letters. So disapproval poll numbers are basically a politically driven crock o' shit, like a plate o' shrimp. What matters, as I've said before, is the camel's snout is in the tent. After trying in vain to read The Human Stain, I wonder about Phillip Roth's credibility too. But being told by WIKIpedia that you aren't credible must be jarring. Nobody knows "not credible" like Wikipedia. The Pauls? Dad is looney but not stupid. Sonny, dumb as grunt.
- Village Voice interview with Ian Hunter, who's 73 years old, and has a new album coming out. This guy was astounding back in the day in Mott the Hoople. I saw him open for the Kinks, with Mick Ronson (guitar-slinger) outdoors in the Berkshires years ago. Scorching version of All the Young Dudes. There's a video embedded on p. 2 called When I'm President and it is terrific. Deborah, agreed on Taibbi. He seems frequently to be trying to out-gonzo HST to me, and it can get old quickly. It always leaves me wishing the real deal Dr. Thompson were still around to bedevil scum like RMoney.
- The wingnet is actually claiming President Obama sowed the seeds of the 2008 economic debacle straight outta Com…law school. I suppose that preventing mortgage lenders from discriminating on basis of race forced WaMu and Countrywide to make bad loans to bundle into worse derivatives, and I suppose believing this and claiming it's news on the internet isn't racist. And I get what beb means about Willard Windsock and specifictiy, but he was pretty damn specific about reprising the golden days of Shrubenomics. Who's up for repeating those hideous errors? It takes a booboisee village. It would take an AK to get me to sit for Bachelorette, but the same could be said for any movie with Vince Vaughan, who causes me sociopathic feelings. A while back, I tried watching The Breakup, in the interest of domestic comity. Bad idea. Horrible movie that just ached for MST style commentary. What I took from reading about Bachelorette was "Look, smart talented women can be as crass and vulgar as men." Maybe I'm wrong, but I'll sure never find out first hand. I find the American movie business when it goes into everybody trying to make the next Hangover mode. It's hard to imagine somebody making a movie with both Maggie Gyllenhall and Holly Hunter that I wouldn't want to see, but put those two outstanding actors in a diatrible against public school teachers, and NFW:
- Well, I suppose it was inevitable. Larry Flynt has offered a $1million reward for RMoney's tax returns. Someone, who also must have been awake many 4ams, has actually catalogued Willard's campaign whoppers: And somebody else has done pretty much the same thing for Ayn Ryan's rank hypocrisy: Is it me, or will it be strange to see Bill the Butcher playing Abe Lincoln. I have seen a picture of Lewis in character, and damn, he's a convincing Lincoln. Speaking of the cutthrat Bill and the Five Points, we watched the first two episodes of Coppers. Too violent for S. but I liked it a lot. Reviews weren't encouraging, but the acting is quite good, the writing is sharp, and the production values in settings and costuming are way past TV normal. And it's like getting a Gangs of New York sequel, and I love that movie, historical inaccuracies and all. Can't let fact-checkers dictate.
- This is coming in the first week of October: I'm a sucker for the Brontes, and this trailer is enticing. Obviously, casting a black actor as Heathcliff will get a lot of critical attention, but from Emily Bronte's descriptions of the character, it makes some daring sense. I will definitely be seeing this if it ever comes near. Obama's got the +5 in Ohio despite hilariously large numbers of Ohioans believing Mitt RMoney did in OBL: Holy shit. With his private army?
- No worries, Danny:
- Don't fact-check me bro. It's not uncommon that Willard Windsocks more ridiculous whoppers actually expose his profound ignorance about issues. Krugman explains how claiming that you'd protect the provision for coverage for people with existing conditions while dumping the individual mandate is a grim fairy tale. Biden was just planning a Sons season premiere viewing party for tonight. Yeehaw, we can't wait. If Mittens wants to know what's popular about Obamacare, he should consider that if the Administration had managed to hang onto the public auctio, ACA would probably hit better than 75% approval about now. In fact, something like that woul be the case had public option never entered the discussion in the first place, and it was pretty much an afterthought.
- Hears to Danny just wanking his ass ass off. Look, if you jist meean to act like a shit, admit it. That horseshit was absurd, and you could admit my Edroso takedown of that nonsense. Nothing Biden said was remotely racist. And y'all are racist pat excellence. Give it a racist break.
- Gorgeous tribute, Nancy. My dad's last call musically was The Minstrel Boy (my choice). He was the (so-called) Greatest Generation, and roundly despised that term, and hoped ours would do better. He didn't think fighting a war against bigotry was anything to be proud of. It was his idea that his offspring were the Greatest Generation. He taught us that being Christian meant social justice and that being a man meant never letting racism pass without confronting it. He taught us that upholding these beliefs might cause confrontations, but confront we must. And Deborah, I think I've been clear on my intentions for hanging it up. Acid, heroin and Space fracking Mountain. Over and over. (Crimson and Clover reference intended.) And i'd be fine with a picture with Arthur Ashe, but I'd like Herschel Walker and Julian Bond in there too. And photoshop RFK in there too. Greatest generation. And the balcony is where Scout and Jem sat.
- I'm confused by the discussion of Leukemia. My little brother died of leukemia years ago, and my understanding way back then was that it was mainly a childhood cancer. I mean Jimmy Fund and like that. Here's a very fine Rolling Stones performance, from back when they had a serious guitar player. I mean Keef is Keef, but the guy is not a great guitar player. Brian Jones wasn't either. Woody's better than Keef, and Mick Taylor put all those guys so far in the shade you couldn't find them. I'm not sure I want to know. For Scotch, which I mostly abhor, I'd take the lap-frog. Actually, I consider Scotch seasonal. Like Halloween and that's it. It ain't actually whiskey. The blacker the Johnny Walker, closer I get to liking it. Dorothy, I'm captive, and I know I'm a dupe, but ...
- Am I nuts or was Leukemia thought in the 60s to be a childhood disease.? And Sue, the bunch-backed spider is alive and spewing venom from WaPo. Long live Krauthammer.
- Thanks Sue, I was my brother's constant companion, and somehow, I knew he was dying. It was extremely horrible, and the toll on my mom and dad was horrendous. A doctor and a nurse that couldn't do anything but grieve in advance for an angelic child. And no, beb, my little brother had leukemia. And it killed him when he was little. I was not in the least thinking of polio.
- Borden,Scribe, et al. Y'all make the error of assuming Willard Windsock has some sort of heart. No brain, no heart, apparently. If I'm wrong, display it.
- Thank you Sue. That is gracious. It's a terrible thing for a kid, I couldna describe how awful. I wished to trade places, then. Parbly still.
- Scribe, undoubtedly that teacher was an eveil union member out to steal money from hard-working folk, like the evil first-responders RMoney wants to rid society of because he likes to fire people. He did say that right, Danny? Well shit, he did say that first'responders and teachers were leeches, so hell with your opinion Danny. In the unChristian battle about the Brown Guy and health care, I'm rminded of my mom and dad trying to fight through Matt's death throes. And all I can think is Fuck You bigtime Ayn Ryan. I know that at that time my dad's salary was in the vicinity of $18grand, hardly upper class, in the early 60s. Not Don Draper cash. God know's who paid our health care. I suppose Kaiser Permanente, that paid his salary to treat sick kids of laid-off miners. I believe my mom and dad paid to take Matt to the Farber Institute, funded by the Jimmy Fund. I remember meeting Dr. Tock, that my dad idolized for his way with patients, though my dad could innoculate a kiddo on it's mother's arm with nobody the wiser. One awesome guy, my dad.
- You know, every teacher fired makes th unemployment numbers look worse for th Kenyan Manchurian. What GOPers believe. Say it ain't so Danny. It's a fact Jack.
- We Irish only let that nonsense pass our craw on special occasions, It ain't whiskey by a long shot, but it has its uses. Slainte keedo, and a Wellers to your good friend. These times are coming Nancy. We be getting old. The idea that S. would leave this coil before me is inconceivable, but I wonder. Who will take care of her if I'm not here? I know I couldn't deal with that. So bring me the voucher ahole. I'll buy a Kevorkian machine and load it with China White and Purple Haze. Would be a damned-site better than ever seeing RMoney elected. And as much as that subheman disgusts me, living in this country when jacktard shits like that run it? That disgusts me more.
- So we say: And bedded for head, or whatever. And Mark, Mittens is just Lying for the Lord. He chose the world's most loathsome 150 year old religion, as it chose him to fulfill the White Horse prophecy. Panhandlers and crooks. Wearing magic u-trou.
- Dexter, the flavor never changed when they amped th APV, that is a myth. I still love a shot back of Jack when them Dawgs kick ass, but more lately, I kike WLWellers. Death may stop me from drinking Dex, and maybe not. It's a pleasure and etc. And Jack is a proper 86 proof these days. It sure as hell always tasted the same.
- And my undying hope fr you 4d, 100%. That was a horrible thing for a kid to go through. And it was worse for me, since my little brother Matt and I were blonde-headed blue-eyed boys in a family of brown-hairs, with an auburn and green-eyed mom. I'm sure I annnoyed my mom and dad as I identified with Matthew. But I coudn't help it. He's buried on a beautiful holsode outside of Malone, NY, and I visit his grave occasionally. He has a beautiful white marble stone with a lamb atop it. Next to my Grandma who has an impressive Celtic Cross. I'm thinking of going to sleep there when I do. But I'm adamant on the drugs and the song:
- Deborah, Strange Days: Weren't The Doors best when they were weirdest? When the Music's Over? When they're strange. Manzarek, creepiest keys ever. Krieger, loony tunes guit. Hitler drums from Densmore. Whackos with Xoaxocotl singing. A great band. And Dexter, glad somebody's older than I. By a little. I figure we parbly shared a half-pint of Ancient Age in the Briggs bleachers woth the old-timers back in the day. They just went up and down the rows, and the stories were awesome. My favorite game ever, Earl Wilson two-hitter and he Hit two out, one on the roof. Warmups were electric. Freehan's glove was popping out in dead center. Damn that guy was a good catcher. Lumberjack build and arrogant attitude. Kinda Pudge Jr. I know y'all worship at the Johnny Bench, but hell, any Dodgers fan knows for a fact Yeager could throw better. Picked guys off 2nd base. Bench never did that.
- Flann O'Brien also wrote some of the funniest novels ever put to paper. The Dalkey Archive, At Swim Two Birds, The Third Policeman, which contains the following brilliant lines: Hell goes round and round. In shape it is circular, and by nature it is interminable, repetitive, and nearly unbearable. (The Third Policeman). The continual cracking of your feet on the road makes a certain quantity of road come up into you. (The Third Policeman). This is what O'Brien said of his own work (re The Dalkey Archive): The book is not meant to be a novel or anything of the kind but a study in derision, various writers with their styles, and sundry modes, attitudes and cults being the rats in the cage." Among the targets of O'Brien's derision are religiosity, intellectual abstractions, J. W. Dunne's and Albert Einstein's views on time and relativity, and the lives and works of Saint Augustine and James Joyce, both of whom have speaking parts in the novel. Bewildering? Yes, but as O'Brien insists, "a measure of bewilderment is part of the job of literature. (from Amazon website) This guy was a funnier writer than Kingsley Amis, Evelyn Waugh, and JP Donleavy, and funnier than Lucky Jim or The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B is fracking uproarious.Maybe not funnier than The Loved One, with Aimee Thanatogenos wagging her tail in heaven, but what is?
- The thing about yessterday's Romneypalooza is that he managed to not get anything at all right. The embassy statement was in no way an apology, and it was issued before either embassy was breached. And the callousness of Willard's statement in the wake of the Ambassador's death is astounding, even for this tone-deaf boob. In the eend, it wouldn't be surprising if the bastard Daniel Pipes is involved. That ice cream column Dexter linked is a hoot.
- That damned liberal press: Has it dawned on Willard that he went out on a limb with only $Palin and the buffoon John Kyl for company?
- Well, that's something we can agree on Danny.
- They are making money right now, but more because the economy is rebounding than because they have fixed their flaws. I've been reading Steve Chapman columns a long time, and it must have made him throw up to type that. And he cites the Heritage Foundation as his source. The guy is pretty much a doctrinaire libertarian, that won't admit to anything good from either Repblicans or Democrats.
- Mark, Willard was spouting exactly what Bolton was telling him, like he was Mortimer Snerd and Bolton was Edgar Bergen with his hand up Willard's ass. According to the Guardian, today is Roald Dahl day: What about the embassy tweet that RMoney criticized is alleged to have been offensive? I what manner was anything from either embassy offensive? Tat's a crock o' shit. A prospective President with no FP credentials has a major league problem when the guy he chooses to school him is a sociopath like John Bolton, the worst of the PNAC gang, and that is saying a lot. Mittens's other go to foreign policy guy is the murderer Elliot Abrams. Between those two psychos and Bork, Romney has shown very poor judgement in advisers. I guess Daniel Pipes wasn't available.
- Chris Stevens, the murdered ambassador was a pretty amazing man: And how anybody can have found something offensive in the statements from the Cairo embassy is fracking beyond me. That is some bullshit spin trying to let Wilard off the hook, and it won't fly. He made a complete ass of himself. Actually, the soole saving grace for Windsock is that Priebus made an even bigger fool of himself than Mitt-wit did. GOPers would probably take Michael Steele back to get rid of Reince. Damn, what a flaming dickhead.
- Deliberate acts intended to rile Muslim fundamentalists are criminal behavior, not free speech. The free speech argument went out the window when Daniel Pipes and his racist pal Flemming Rose published the cartoons. Assholes knew they were shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater and did it on purpose.
- Sorry Danny, that's bullshit. It's nothing like that at all. The film trailer that caused the trouble was made in the USA and has been floating around since July. It was recently dubbed in Arabic and introduced on the net in the middle east. What wouldd you say was the intention. Apparently, there is no actual movie to go along with it. The only conceivable intention behind the thing was to cause exactly the sort of unrest it eventually stirred up. For your analogy to be eveen remotely close to valid, the person killed would have been the vile POS that produced the provocation, not a good man like Stevens.You can tell yourself whatever you want, but RMoney and Ryan fucked up bigtime on this, and anybody with a functioning cerebral cortex and cerebellum is well aware of it. His ole da is probably laughing at him in heaven. Maybe he should try brainwashing. The origins of this filth are American, tied to fundagelical and militia movements. Funny thing is, they don't like LDS any more than they like Muslims, aside from the lily-white part about Mormons. From Juan Cole's discussion of the situation: The group behind the film, in other words, managed to evoke all the classic themes of anti-Semitism as a way of disguising the Coptic and evangelical network out of which the ‘film’ came. When they weren’t busy picketing Mormons and defaming Muslims they were trying to get Jews killed for their own smears of Islam!
- The embassy statements were cut and dried disapproval of bigoted shit and not remotely offensive in any way. This is a Romney FUBAR and there is no explaining his way out of it. Pal around with Bolton, you end up thinking like a psychopath. Not only was Willard's behavior "unpresidential" it was barely human. Did it once dawn on him that Stevens was a brave and patriotic American doing an incredibly difficult job, and that he had a family and people that loved him.
- Freedom of speech is not absolute, and claiming it is to try to excuse Willards big SNAFU is lame as hell and can only damage legitimate free speech. It's about time for Rush's ECT: And Bachman is in trouble:
- Strangest possible bedfellows. I've always figured Jolie came by her lips honestly. And they don't look like duck's lips. They look like Jon Voight, her lunatic reactionary dad. For some reason, I've seen that movie Betty Blue, and it is interminable crap, though semi-cool visually. A strange Netflix choice. The really strang movie I watched recently is a Greek movie called Attenberg. Really odd, but somewhat affecting. Somehow it came to me in my sleep what Danny meant by all that seemingly inane and superfluous shit Danny was talking about free speech. That's the American value Mittens was defending. So, when it comes down to choosing between free speech and unadulterated religious bigotry, free speech wins every time for the Windsock. Funny, American courts haven't seen it that way over the years. It strikes me as passing funny that people that seem to believe free speech is absolute (it's assuredly not) are the same crowd of Murricans that pushed a flag-burning Amendment for fracking years and years. They also wrote a bigtime war on porn into the GOPer platform in Tampa last month. Foolish hobgoblins lacking consistency. I still don't understand what part of the Cairo Embassy tweets anyone could have found offensive, and the business about claiming the situation was known to be dire for two days before the attack, that is made up GOPer shit. There is no "lockdown" mode at American embassies, because Congress refuses to fund reasonable protection for diplomats. And if somebody working for the USA had information of imminent danger in Libya, I'd bet she was working in the American embassy in Benghazi. I remember Mia Farrow as a cultural phenomenon, when Allison McKenzie hit the airwaves on Peyton Place. An ethereally gorgeous young woman. I was in Bloomfield Hills' own Leigh Taylor Young's camp. Kinda embarrassing, but during my freshman year in HS, a knowledge of the wars between the Herrington's and the Cords were required knowledge for talking to girls. Last I saw of her she was on some episodes of died-too-young The Pretender, and she had a recurring role on the great Picket Fences. What a beauty. Brian's observation about Mia Farrow is very sad. And Woody Allen was only the second biggest asshole she ever was married to.
- Mindboggling story about UGA athletic finances. Yeah, $92mill is ridiculous, but everybody that rags on football should consider the fate of Title IX sports without football revenue: Even for a UGA athletics department that expects to generate $92 million in revenue this fiscal year, the night’s windfall will be significant. It is more than enough, for example, to cover the annual budgets of the soccer ($667,000) and softball ($790,000) programs. Here's some background about how that bullshit movie was made and the creeps behind it. And I ddo mean creeps. Guess what. Pamela Geller is connected to it. Quelle surprise.
- Danny, yes and yes. Of course the movie had to do with the attacks, if only being used as a smokescreen. And given the people involved in it's production, Terry Jones (the Koran burner), militia types, radical fundagelicals, and the facts about their trying to lay it at the doorstep of Jewish groups, there is no doubt whatever it is hate speech. And hell no, given all that, I don't need to have seen it to decide that. I'll take Morris Dees' word on that. And when free speech and religious bigotry collide, real Americans don't try to make some tortured self-aggrandizing thing out of it, as Willard did, to his eternal disgrace, they choose to denounce bigotry. As for the dickheads that made that movie with the intent of causing violence, I choose to withhold the benefit of the doubt where it's not deserved. If you are accusing me of bigotry against bigots, I plead guilty. Oh, there are also connections with the hate group behind the mass murderer Breivik. Pretty much indefensible bunch of scum. Far as I know, Woody Allen never tried to burn down a casino full of people. "Donde esta the gin?" is hilarious. And those two guys were nature's way of telling you MiThe issue with the photos is the scummy nature of the photogs using long lenses to invade privacy. But I wouldn't want anybody to think I would limit these sleazebags freedom of speech. And the Kate pictures I saw had a nice shot of the Duchess mooning while lotion was applied. I don't think she looks overly thin in any of the pictures. Great looking legs, for one thing. She just looks athletic to me.
- Defending abject bigotry in the name of free speech is a rock for a coward and a bigot to crawl under. That's what RMoney is doing by doubling down on his egregious bullshit today. POS needs to STFU.
- Scribe. Congress decided in its wisdom (hak, koff) not to protect embassies with armed forces And it's my belief that American citizens that create hate speech with no conceivable purpose but to foment violence are guilty of crimes and should be punished, no matter what some effete crook like RMoney says about free speech. Sheldon Adelson expects a large return on his GOPer investment: Crooks stick together.
- The question is not whether the trailer and other bits of the movie are hate speech. If it commits the grossest insults imaginable against a religion and it's produced by people identified as purveyors of hatred by the SPLc, I feel safe in figuring anyone with a brain recognizes it as hate speech. To the extent this is an issue, that results from ignorant schmuck Mitt injecting himself in unseemly and grotesquely unpatriotic fashion into a terrible situation because he thought he could make a self-aggrandizing grandstand play. When he splatted on the pavement of public opinion, his foul coven of familiars huddled and decided to claim Willard was defending free speech. Two problems with that approach: Hate speech is not protected absolutely, and RMoney was trampling on the tragic death of a very brave man who was murdered while serving his country most admirably. Oh, and the one other problem: it took 24 hours to devise this incredibly lameass excuse scenario. Sometimes you should just apologize dumbass. And then, there's is calling something an apology that isn't remotely apologetic. Mitt shat the bed, screwed the pooch, and managed to stick his own head way the hell up his anus, and apologists like Danny have as hard a time admitting this as Mittens does. Sad excuse for a human being, much less a Presidential candidate. Mitt, when nobody agrees with you but $Palin, John Kyl and Rash Limpballs, you should probably reconsider before doubling down, shit-for-brains numbnuts. So it came from the great and powerful neurasthenic Brit twit Hitchens, is "Muslim Rage Boy" supposed to be clever in some fashion. Crass? Yep. Vulgar as hell? Absolutely. Basically stupid. And Sharia is law, by definition. Sharia law is a dumb redundancy. And pretending to have misunderstood what Alex said about pictures of the Prophet? Hell, Danny, you brought up Piss Christ. Is a non-Christian supposed to worry about your reaction. Guess you missed the part about "Love thy neighbor as thyself." American embassies were always protected by American troops until the Beirut embassy bombing in 1983. Embassies aren't supposed to house spies either, but how many embassies anywhere, no matter the country, do you suppose have no spies stationed in them.
- Willard sits down to talk to the wrong guy.
- An essay on the Little House books. Today is the anniversary of John Gardner killing himself on a murdercycle: Gardner's novels always reminded me of what G. K. Chesterton said about the Christian ideal, that it "hadn't been tried and found wanting, it had been found difficult and left untried." At some point in, say, Sunlight Dialogs, you just have to realize that this guy just knows more thaan other people, and drink in the intoxicating overflow of knowledge and arcana.
- Well Mark@41, there were pro-American gatherings all over Libya in the past day: So you may be missing something. One way or another, nothing explains away Willard's blunderbuss misfire, nor his asinine after-the-fact excuse/explanation/apology, whatever that was supposed to be. Glad you liked that, Dorothy. It's just about convinced me to give the books a try. Better get a Nook first, though, that might look kinda creepy at the pool.
- Damn, the reactionary cadre here has sure gotten touchy to the point of tetchy since Willard's head exploded.
- Mark @41: Well, another headline at that website claims: Mandatory Defense Cuts Would Slash Funding To Security At Embassies, Report Says. Congress did so quite a while ago, so that one is obviously at least a gross exageration or a scare fabrication. And I don't think any weapons were held to temples to put those mandatory spending cuts through. Unless you consider Boehner's economic precipice an active threat. Trailer for the Spielberg Lincoln movie.
- Excellent piece on Ambassador Stevens:
- Indonesia is in on the irrational behavior: It's pretty much everywhere. YouTube has a formal request from the Obama Administration to take the video down, but hasn't done so. Shut the mofos down. Bastards certaianly can't make any claims to free speech tights. I was trying to listen to the song Tulane by Chuck Berry this am and was denied beecause of some dickhead YouTube copyright claim. What the hell is wrong with people.
- Damnining commentary from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: That baseless criticism calls into question not only his judgment but also his sensitivity, sense of decency and even his humanity. The Virginian-Pilot: Romney’s vile assertion…is so far beyond the pale, so far beyond the bounds of American civil discourse that the Republican candidate should be ashamed of himself. That defense of free speech bullshit? Ain't gonna fly, Willard. Creepy SOB.
- The continuing saga of Kate Middleton's tits: There can be no motivation for this action other than greed. Seriously, you Brit twit? You see where that paper is published? What an idiot.
- How that Nakoula Nakoula guy hooked up with the fundagelical militia assholes? He's a meth lab operator: Way cool baking tip in Japanese:
- Trying in vain to make the line for Dumbo bearable: Frogs in space:
- Train in vain: Redemption song:
- There is exactly one word for RMoney's shark grin after claiming President Obama apologised and felt sorry for the embassy attackers: gloating. Dumbfuck thought he pulled a fast one. Terribly sad excuse for human. Danny, et al. Mittens never gave the slightest thought to free speech when he claimed the President (not) apologized (in what language asshole?). Let's see your papers.
- And for you gullible jackasses that chose to leave your brain at the door and latch on to RMoney's idiotic Apolescuse, Sorry about your leaving you're brain at the door and latching on to stupidity. He wasn't talking about free speech. In fact, he's remarkably lame on that subject. Ask Willard if he thinks burning the rag...flag... is free speech. He will say no reflexively.His behavior was selfish and assholish and dishonored a braver man than he ever was that actually believed in serving his country. Mitt is a shit and there is no way of getting around that after his most recent embarrassment. I've been trying to avoid being confrontational about this. But Holy shit what an ahole. He said that the President issued an apology. Which part is remotely true? If you can turn on a computer and type, how do you buy any of this shit? Danny, you can turn on a computer and type. How can you buy that lameass shit from RMoney and try to claim it makes anything remotely like sense? Guy is the worst lying POS in the history of running for President. You should be smart enough this mendacity is obvious to you. I am not being facetious. Are you fracking kidding. This sort of opposition to Obama when the alternative is a fracking moron leaves an undeniable impression. What's wrong with the President that prevented a Depression can only be the color of his skin. What Willard said in the wake of Ambassador Stevens' murder is something that would cause blood lust if a Dem had said the same thing. This ahole can't be President.
- Sherri, I respect your opinion about everything. But GOPers on education? They think it should be corporate, like giving massive reading curricullum contracts to Marvin "bad brother" Bush. They'd have science that ignore obvious shit like Datwin and Crick & Watson. Anti-education as education. Not for my grandson.
- The Chicago Teacher's Strike reminds me of one thing. If you sign a contract, you honor it. Same as SSI and Medicare you mofos. You took the cash and you stole the cash to invade Iraq you fracking assholes.
- Which part did I miss about japping on a contract did I miss? That's my cash Ayn Ryan you piece of shit.
- Are there GOPers that claim they didnt lie they ass off about every PNAC piece of bullshit. Boise State is certainly the GOP PNAC pac o/ shit. Put up that blue field and fool everybody. It's interesting. Nobody but a scumbag ahole would ever think the blue field was reqsonable. And PNAC shitheads would sURE AS SHIT THINK SO
- Brian, You believe in public education. I believe this is the way to have a representative democracy. We teach the real deal about the Constitution and actual science and we have an educated buncha people to vote. They don't vote for some nitwit.
- Hate speech is not free speech, no matter what Rmoney thinks. And the President didn't apologize for anything, and the ahole that said he di was lying like a bastard. This shithead cannot get away with lying so egregiously any more. C.Mon Mitt. Tell the truth about something. No shit, Danny. One thing about which that shithead has told the truth. One fracking thing. Can't find one?
- I've been a teacher, and I'd say I always encouraged kids to think for thenselves, I'd say for sure, GOPer education by Raygunistas, meaning creeps like Chuck Colson is making sure kids never have a clue about actual science or knowledge, That is what vouchers mean. These shitheels are indoctrinaire moronsn That is what they mean to purport.
- These aholes that think they should have something to do with classrooms? Who are these assholes? Give it a try you fuckheads? It is difficult.
- There is no reasonable excuse for RMoney denigrating a brave man that was representing his country, when Mitt took four excuses to tour France. What the frack is wrong with this ahole?
- You aholes that wanted to paint Kerry's service as somehow self-serving and W's absconding on the NatGuard in Tejas? How you going to explain Mitt shitting on Ambassador Stevens? You are lying and revolting scumbags. You really have no way out of this shit, Were it the other way aroud, you would be howling. Mitt is a shit and there is no way around it. An asshole.
- What sort of scumbag excuses RMoney's horseshit?
- The obviouw shit with the lying sack of shit swift boaters, of which I'm sure Danny was one? Fuck you you llyinfg pieces of shit. And you knew you were lying and weren't ever there. It's my idea that the shitheels that lied about Kerry will find their creepy asses on haunted swiftboats floating around Laos with no brave Captain to save they ass. Lying bastards.
- Danny, Please explain which part RMoney wasn;t lying his ass off abouut, Please. Which oart was the President connected with and where did anybody make any apology? Was Romney therE, in danger? Has he ever been in danger? What an ahole. Is anybody supposed to take this asshole seriously about foreign policy? He listens to the dual PNAC psychopaths, JBolton and Elliot Abrams, two murderous whackjobs for FP intel. A coule of PNAC nutcases, Whatever, Two fullgoose looneys. Like taking legal advice from Bork. Who'd vote for these Seriously, somebody'd vote for Bork for th SC?
- RMONEY STEPPED IN IT BIGTIME. He isn;'t Presidential by a long shot, He thinks he can make a point but he can't do anything but make a fool of himself and trample om a guy that puts him in a fracking ole. Who shoed moreclass? Dtevens or RMomey? Who actually serfed his countrey? That would be Ambassador Stevens, not the draft dodger RMomney. Excuses for RMoney are inescusable. What an aholwe.
- willard mde an ass of himself. He made some bullshit out of nothing, What a fracking moron. Try to make any excuse for that idiot, Danny. He made a fool, and an an antipseudod-what we say Oh? he fucked over his own country and a brave civil servant, Mr. sheep, What a moron. What is wrong with that guy? What an asshole? Really Danny, What is wrong with that ahole?
- Miyy made am ass of himself. He can try lying and claiming it was about free speech, but he is lying his ass off like he does about everything else, He is an abject mendacious POS. He kies about everything. There has never been a Presidential candidate that lied his ass off so casually and so consistent..y as this lying piece of shit, If his lops move, he is lying.
- It is truly astounding how everything that comes out of this bastard is a lie. That's a fact Jack. He lies with the facility of some fool telling the truth. He just lies.
- danny@9: Tqaking care of the least of my brethren. Ypu seem to be concerned about Christians. That's what we Christians are concerned about. That is what Jesus seemed to be concerned with, not K Street and politics. Wanna claim He's more concerned with letting Israel get away with Apartheid? Bozo GOPer says the capital of Israel is Jerusalem. Pardon but that doofus is an idiot.. And he is interfering where he is an asshole.
- He isn't an idiot Danny? The capital isn't Tel Aviv? You want Bolton and the psychopath Abrams running things about FP? Gutdom those PNAC thugs sure caused that flowers and candy last time when they pulled down that Saddam statue. You claim this shit is some sort of natural, you are a bigger liar than W. and I/m a;ways taken aback by these considerations about Christians, I'm a Cathokic and these folks believe Catholics are some sort of demonic cult, even though we were Christians about 1000 years before they decidec who was OK. Far as I'm concerned, they a buncha cults. We were here first.
- Dexter, Them naked fat men are exercisng free speech, like Mittens.
- Something nobody seems to be addressing about Willard's step-in-a-big-pile of Lehman Bros. moment, he was playing the Kenyan Muslim Manchurian usurper card. And then there is the unfortunate fact that what he said was entirely disconnected from reality in any form but that of his own Bizarro World.
- Margarine is useful for increasing the smoking and burning temps of oil and butter when cooking at high temps on the stovetop. We always have both in the house. Margarine is also useful for "buttering" "real popcorn" because you can melt it very quickly with no bad taste ramifications. And we do buy the Land O' Lakes butter and olive oil hybrid too. That is very good stuff and much better for your cholesterol. By "real popcorn" I mean made in a pot on the stove. I find microwave popcorn more objectionable than margarine. I had a HS girlfriend whose mom's idea of cooking was to plop a whole roasting chicken into a big pot of boiling water for about half an hour. Now, I believe in good results from parboiling chicken, but you have to do something else to it before it's edible by people.
- Country Crock isn't just straight margarine, it's got something else blended into it. It's pretty nasty tasting stuff one way or another. And, the brand is owned by Hormel, a particularly loathesome food conglomerate and a major purveyor of pig farm pollution, which is so bad on so many different levels it's hard to believe. Jolene, it's strictly for the speed with which it can be done. Standard four minute commercial break on college football TV game, big bag of popcorn without missing a play. A favorite is to put dried oregano or cumin and garlic powder in the margarine. Dump the corn into a paper grocery bag, pour in the melted margarine and herbs, fold over the top, and shake like hell. Perfectly distributed Land O' Lakes margarine, and people always think it is butter. If I tried this with actual butter, I'd end up serving dry popcorn to the fire department when the smoke detectors went berserk. Alton Brown has done a couple of great Good Eats episodes about popcorn, including a suggestion for eating it as breakfast cereal. We occasionally make biscuits with actual lard, which is easy to come by in SC.
- That's a fine book, Sue. My favorite on the subject is Michael Moorcock, The Dancers at the End of Time. Moorcock is also responsible for tha astounding Cornelius Chronicles and the strange tossed off lyrics on Hawkwind albums:
- Sue@52: I think the ‘underappreciated’ part is the dismissal he gets as a ‘comic’ writer. Kurt Vonnegut gets the same disrespect for the same reason. In both cases, any shortcomings lie with the readers and critics, not the writers. Brian: How is it that people like the PJs Media types don't understand what Leftist even means, historically. Leftists were people trying to get rid of authoritarian monsters like Generalissimo Franco (and keep the bastard dead!!) Actual Leftists are few and very far between these days. Who has them spooked, Pete Seger? Billy Bragg? We came across this nutcase on CSpan over the weekend:the reformed terries lapdog of the Family Research Council. We both stared slackjawed for a bit and started laughing uncontrollably. Sanitarium was even funnier. They also had the morbidly obese gambling addict William Bennett droning on about family values
- In 2005, Dickless Cheney asked his despicable energy industry cronies what they wanted, and they got their wish: the Halliburton Loophole, which exempts fracking from the Safe Drinking Water Act and laws that govern disposal of toxic waste: And then, there is always that well-known liberal bias in truth and science: I'd say it's safe to say, RMoney has never met a mountaintop mining or fracking operation he didn't embrace and wouldn't trust to operate without any government oversight or regulation.
- Any opinions on the NYT's and Maureen Dowd's overt anti-Semitism. Dan Senor is Jewish, and you can't criticize his performance as an RMoney campaign adviser, or his charter membership in the PNAC and the discredited neocon coven by claiming they are trying to slither back into power, because it evokes anti-Semitic imagery from the Middle Ages. Well Holy Shit, that sounds like paranoiac playing identity victimhood to me. I thought only gay and black people were allowed to do that.
- Typical anti-Obama voter:
- People that worked three or four decades and are retired on what they paid into SSI and Medicare aren't paying any federal income tax. Does the elitist asshole think those are moochers. I can prove with my tax returns I've paid at least 10% more of my income in federal income tax than Willard claims to have paid of his. Of course, that's right and just, since his capital is clearly more beneficial to American social economy than my wages for labor, and I have no mortgage nor child dependents. I can also guarantee that I've paid at least as much as Willard into SSI and Medicare over that same decade. That one, I'm not so sure of a facile explanation. The POS should STFU, but I certainly hope he doesn't. Now more than ever, it's difficult to understand how a retirement age American voter could pick this dickhead, short of full-blown Alzheimers. It's also undeniable even by Ananais RMoney that the 47% number will recede to the middle 30s within two years if the current tax code is not altered by pandering GOPers. Mary RC, interesting you mentioned Niall Ferguson. His infamous attack on Obama was big on all those people that don't pay federal income tax, and the buffoon actually attempts to argue that that is, somehow, something for which Obama is responsible. Of course Ferguson is full of shinola:
- Nancy, Are you aware that in your response to Jim Somebody about the specifics of MI medical marijuana law, you called him Joe in your response? The fact that federal law classifies pot as a Schedule 1 "narcotic" is the problem with Medijuana laws everywhere. In the first place it's not a narcotic, nor is it addictive. You know, if Willard Ananais is correct about the lost 47%, he must get 95% of the 53 in order to win. Don't let the screen door bruise your ass on the way out into oblivion you lying shit. Julie, Actually the overriding theme at the GNC was "We built our own bootstraps". Willard's other shoe hits the parquet with a deafening thud.
- Pretty much sure of it Jolene, but hope springs eternal, and it wouldn't surprise me if he said it, he is such a schmuck and seems actively involved in beating his campaign to death with the proverbial blunt object. What caused my letdown was that RMoney was never clever enough to say "Taco Jockeys to his racist donors. Willard seems awfully indignant and jealous of all those "lucky duckies" he has spent months were angry, indignant and jealous of rich folks. For RMoney's 47% math to come close as far as not paying fed income tax and receiving government assistance, he is leaving a whole lot of welfarebilly GOP voters in Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, That wouldn't vote for a black man in return for free Oxycontin. And the W food stamp enrolment still outstrips what's happened since January 2009.
- Since Willard is so gung ho on the idea that corporations are people too, my friend. let's not forget that not only did our good buddy GE not pay federal taxes in 2010 on $14.2billion income, they dunned the IRS for the mother of all tax returns, $3.2billion: John Sununu looks more like Jabba than any other human being but Bill Bennett.
- BTW, Who funds SBA loans and assistance programs? People that work for less-than-living wages and eke out a living with food stamps, WIC and other forms of assistance don't have those jobs out of the goodness of skinflint corporate hearts. They need those employees and squeeze them for productivity for pitiful wages. The companies employing workers of this kind are benefitting from government programs without a shadow of a doubt.
- And while LDS Bishop Ananais RMoney is dividing them right and left into the makers and the takers, who paid for this massive entitlement? And claiming this wasn't taxpayer money because it was the FDIC Willard blackmailed, well, bullshit. In all of this it is worth remembering that the GOP has waged a war of attrition on the US jobs market to attack the President for nearly four years. As effective or ineffective as this vile campaign may be in the long run, it's had a more insidious economic affect in the USA. With jobs more scarce, employers have demanded historically high productivity while cutting labor costs, using fear of joblessness as a gigantic lever against the work force. I believe Mittens might have been smart enough to plan something like this for his Bain kingdom, but the rest of the American business community? NFW, it was just a fortuitous unintended consequence. Still, went a long way to boosting corporate profits one way or another. And it exacerbated revenue shortfalls to government by removing income from the tax pool while concentrating it upward into low rate capital gains income.Perfect GOP shitstorm.
- The idea of an army of TAs grading written assignments raises my adrenaline. I have known too many kids that got on the wrong side of an officious TA somehow and got reamed on grades on written assignments, when the comments on the papers proved the commenter had no idea what he was talking about. This was commonplace when I was an athletic department tutor at UGA, but it also happened to my daughter in an English class at BU. Prejudice against student athletes is hardly surprising, although the TAs themselves were getting grad school paid for in much the same way a softball player was getting a free boat undergrad degree, but this behavior reached amazing levels of viciousness. Kids would come to study hall with papers so marked up they looked like crime scenes, with inane, incompetent, and downright cruel comments.It was infuriating and I couln't do anything about it. In my daughter Emily's case, I don't have any idea what the TA's problem was, but she was giving grades minus two grade levels, while sporting bad grammar in her criticisms. Speaking of my daughter, she went for a 12 week ultrasound yesterday and is well on the way to Kid 2. Yeehaw. D. Brooks seems to imply that rich folks make it hard on their kids, to teach them resiliency and self-reliance. On Bizarro World maybe, Dave. And do we prefer this sort of approach in the Middle East or this sort of boorish stupidity? Obama state department acting statesmanlike and acchieving results, vs. Romney acting like insane John Bolton? This should be an early and often debate question for Willard. Can you identify any Israeli behavior that indicates any serious interest in a fair resolution of their predations on the Palestinian residents of Gaza and the West Bank?
- I don't know Jolene. He says that middle class people don't deny their kids every advantage. I only read the bit quoted, because I'm having breakfast, of course, no middle-class parent acts as if this is true. Maybe I'm missing something, but this WaPo article seems to say the Willard Ananais campaign got a tideover loan from a DC-area bank using public campaign financing funds the campaign has foresworn.
- crinoidgirl@27: Shouldn't you be doing marine biology? Or paleontology? Brian@25: Back in the summer of '68, all our neighbors in the Pultevision in Bloomfield Twsp. were sure that angry hordes of black people were marching out Woodward Ave. to invade our neighborhood. I was 17 and found it distressing to witness adults acting like such ninnies.
- Apparently Mittens should have kept the sarcastic shit about to himself. He pissed off Carter's grandson.Like it was Carter's fault that the helicopters broke down and that Cheney and Rummy negotiated the deal to provide Iran with weapons if the Ayatollah would hold onto the hostages until after Raygun was elected. And it's pretty obvious doan know dick about overthrowing the Shah and the October Surprise negotiations on Raygun's behalf, or Iran-Contra for that matter.
- The Texas Secretary of State is writing letters to Texas voters of the brown and black persuasions to let them know they've been removed from registered voter rolls because they're dead! Zombies can read in Texas apparently.
- Today is Brook Benton's birthday. His greatest recording: A great soul voice. I'm pretty sure this song was written by Tony Joe White.
- Whatever happened to If it bleeds, it leads?
- I was just at the grocery store. Full of yahoo tourists. Woman in front of me had a difficult time with the cashier over WIC coupons. People in line behind me were hooting and hollering. It's a beautiful world we live in: What the hell is long with people? These asshole reduced this woman and her three kids to tears complaining about how important their time was checking out. This is RMoney America. People that pull this sort of shit that claim Christian values? I read Imitation of Christ because my dad did. I believe in following what Jesus said is the way we are enjoined to treat everybody the way Jesus preached. I know lots of you don't buy anything about Jesus. But the part about how we believe we 'd like to be treated? Of course we believe that. So these assholes started to threaten this woman in the grocery line. Well, I was wearing an Obama Tshirt, so when I intervened, I became a target. Gave better than I got. What is wrong with these mofos? RMoney's America. A disgusting excuse for somewhere to live.
- hey Jeff tmmo, how are you? I'm interested in that topic, because of my involvement with tutoring scholarship athletes at UGA, an alleged football factory. The estimable columnist at the Globe, Derrick Z. Jackson, publishes an annual screed about black scholarship athletes not graduating on time from schools like UGA, and every year I write him explaining that almost nobody graduates on time from big public institutions. We take some time off to make money tending bar or doing motel maintenance. Or if we're little like Stephon Marbury but good at hoops, we rent out for a year to GaTech and play point guard and never go to a class. Still we're exposed to those cesspools of liberal thinking and might vote Democratic, so GOP is determined to replace public education with Free Republic U. That's definitely RMoney's idea for higher education. In my experience, classes made college tolerable. (Sub-basement classrooms with a cooler just outside the ground level window.) Online reminds me of 1984 and Mrs. Montagg (aka Julie Christie). And on the subject of "illegals", Lenore RMoney: And it's fascinating that courageous GOPers like Ayn Ryan want to renege on the contract I had with the government all my working life, and steal the money I paid into SSI and Medicare for four and one half decades to deal with the deficit that one of their own (that be Dickless Cheney, sorry, remnant of talk like a pirate day) said doan mean dickless. Right before he shot that old lawyer dude in the face and heart with a lady shotgun. I'll be 62 next June 24, and I'll be damned if I don't start getting my money back before these bastards steal it. And, no mistake, that is what Ryan intends. Anybody that is aging or cares about anybody that is aging, or believes in the law and contracts, couldn't possibly back RMoney and the Anorexic. Looters and Shakers, and Atlas Shrugged. Be the change. Biker Mike.
- Music for pondering:
- Back way back, around the time that Shane and the Pogues burst upon the world, Mike Scott and the Waterboys burst likewise. Intensely Irish with a Fishbone attitude. The Waterboys have an astounding new album, Appointment with Mr. Yeats. It's my unshakable opinion that WB Yeats is the greatest poet in the English language since parbly Will Shakes and definitely since John Donne. Setting another's word to music is obviously tricky, but it is something that can be done well. I think of the Wilco/Woody Mermaid Tavern albums, which are brilliant (and I think Wilco sucks like Flaming Lips). Well so is this album brilliant. It illuminates what I've always loved about Procul. Keith Reid was always channeling Yeats. I'd recommend this to poetry fans and to anybody that likes Procul Harum (and if you don't , kiss my ass). We're listening to this right now, and it is astoundingly good. Jeff, on vouchers. I believe the seed of this abomination was planted when Marvin (ne'erdowell) Shrubs company was given a gubmint contract for it's asinine reading curriculum. Vouchers will always be capped at values that preclude participation by people that can actually use the help. Voucher programs will always be what they were originally designed to be. Welfare handouts to the well off.
- Free public education and the GI Bill made the greatest (so-called) generation. Assholes want to claim now, they built their own bootstraps.
- annie: you're welcome. Strange bunch of bastards. and Charlotte@18, if GOPers and Tip O'Meill had hust gone along with Hillary on health care back in the day, we'd all be a whole lot better. Maybe we'd be better off if she were President, but she understands reality, and she realizes a woman would have met the same obstructionism as a black guy. And she is the best Secretary of State this country has ever lucked into. Rmoney is likely to put Elliot Abrams in charge of foreign policy and he's likely to nominate Bork to the SC. Not my country. Vouchers are always. always pitched at some dollar point where rich people can rake them in and poor people can almost see the light. And vouchers for school almost always mean teaching faux science. Back in the day, before bigots figured out gaming taxpayers, these were called Christian Schools, and the unChristian nature of segregation was taken for granted.
- Connie: Voting for Darth Nader gets us Shrub.
- Here's the deal. White folks are still convinced by that ACORN bullshit. Older white folks at that. How are American voters so fracking ignorant? These fracking morons still believe ACORN is still stealing votes. When you let the morons vote. In this case Connie, voting for RMoney get's us Bork on the Supreme Court and the psycopath Bolton running the State Department. Who is so stupid as to not understand how bad that would all be?
- What the frack is wrong with people? This has to be prosecutable: Free speech my ass.
- paddy'o: give that Wterboys CD a try. You will not be disappointed. Music by Mike Scott, lyrics by the greatest poet ever. Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose. Mark H. Anybody that foments violence on purpose should be prosecuted for fomenting violence when it is done on purpose. Free speech does not forgive such behavior. And I do believe cartoons about Jesus could incite violence. I also think any GOPer politicians in the US that proclaim Jesus while attacking Americans that accept gubmint aid are inciteful assholes. Like Willard Ananais. Who isn't a Christian in practice nor in claimed faith. It's also a mystery to me why Murricans raise free speech issues concerning people that aren't Americans. Is the entire world ruled by American ideas? Don't think so. And where is the deliberate goading part in the 1st Amendment? And I'd love to see the asshole Daniel Pipes in a dungeon. Way part of the problem, denying the solution. A pure bigot.
- Well done, Suzanne. Isn't it hilarious that originalists on the reactionary side believe the Constitution says corporations are people too, my friend, and cash is speech, and the Koch's should be able to buy elections? If these mealy aholes steal my SSI and Medicare money, I will not go gentle, and the dickheads will wish they didn't defend my right to arm bears so vigilantly. It is astounding how the Constitutional originalists rewrite history. And it's amazing how they were so wild about activist judges before it became obnoxiously apparent that the activist judges are Scalito and the other Feudalists. You middle class riffraff are just supposed to go and buy iPhones from the company Store and shut your minds and your yApps.
- Suzanne@49: Two stolen elections to pay back, both of them disastrous in terms of unfinanced invasions and the absurd welfare for insurance companies, Medicare Part D. What say Mark H.? And we have Ken Blackwell and painted lady from FLA to vouch for it. And the Brooks Bros. rioters.
- Alex: We know that the President is at once ODumbo and the Kenyan usurper mastermind. I'd put my cash on dumb Obama in a debate, but it seems as if Willard Ananais Zomnney may manage to croak his run before it ever gets to that. This Drudge and Freeper wetdream that Willard is gonna somehow outsmart Obama, what alternative universe does that come from? Ahole prepie is going to grow a brain at the last minute? Face it MarkH in this case, the brown guy is smarter than the Wonderbread. And if you claim this has nothing to do with race, why would you automatically assume Wonderbread has a headstart? Windsock will lie, the President will tell the truth. Intelligent negroes, worst nightmare. Anti-Obama is at least 47% racist shit, Mitt. Like LDS was racist, institutionally. Explain that one away with another dogwhistle.
- Romneyhood: All those students with pictier IDs on Tejas that have no more Tejas IDs but the ones the state issued as IDs, they can't vote but all those bastrds with Concealed Carry Ids they can? This isn't vote suppression?
- How is it possible in a Christian America Allen West is not committed to a rest home. Guy is clearly insane and not contributing tax bux.
- Deborah, best antidote is smoke a J and listen to some Paul Simon. That guy seems to have invented his own retirement and just gotten better and better. And you can call me Al: Chevy Chase seems to have done so, too. I'm a major fan of the Fletch movies. Somewhat funnier than the Hangover or Bridesmaid franchises, I'd say.
- Stool watch is waiting for the next RMoney rearticulation. Except that is actually the refisting stool watch. Or the rebaptism. Or the Rinse Previous. Who woulda thunk an obscenely wealthy whitebread guy could be that bitter and jealous of all those lucky ducky poor people that don't pay taxes. How is that photo Drudge-worthy aside from ethnicity?Racists? No racists up in here.
- Isn't autumnal the finest word ever coined? Or is it boreal? No, wait, it is, assuredly, crepuscular. As in the brilliant Richard Thompson song he was such a gentleman he shared with his ex: She's a good singer, but she will always be Mrs. Richard Thompson. And when I kick it, I do want the mother of my child there with me. And she knows it. Keef didn't score with the boring satisfaction riff, It was when he turnred the chord progression upside down on The Last Time. Way better song.That is the greatest riff. How ar people so fracking stupid the don't get that? This sort of stupidity is why America's version of representative democracy ain't gonna work. I vote the Tony Joe White ticket:
- Treme is one more TV series that is not as good as Homicide: Life on the Street. Like "The Wire" wasn't. The "Araber" arc was as good as you get. The "Edina Watson" interrogation of Moses Gunn was as good as TV is ever going to get. And Scott Brown realizing he's way over his head, That is priceless. Guy is a moron.
- How things go:
- Julie, having taught public High School, I can guarantee you nobody could pay you enough to take that job either. It helps to be a physically imposing male, and it is still scary. GOPers have made kids hopeless and it's difficult to disagree with them.
- Arkadelphia is in Mississippi Joe, It's where the grandfathers of the Teabangers murdered them civil rights activists. And Ronald Raygun laucnched his campaign. We had a B-29 fly through our backyard a few years ago, on its way to landing at HHI airport. Pretty amazing. No Betty Grable, unfortunately.
- 14.1% I paid 23% in 2011. Next year I'm taking back my Social Security and I won't be paying any fed income tax. Lucky Ducky, right Willard? I will be paying property tax and sales taxes out the yinyang asshole. Gutdom what a flaming ahole dickhead.
- At the risk of sonding like the old fool Chuck Heston, Ayn Ryan will get his granny-starving hands on my SSI moey when he pries my cold dead hands off it.
- My apology Joe. I was all lost in the Raygun glitter. And re Notre Dame, I despise that football team, but Denard claiming he could outrun Usain Bolt? Earthquake game. Damn what a fool Denard.
- And Jolene, how about this: And the Libyans that tried to save Ambassador Stevens' life.
- Margaret Hamilton rocked.
- If your cable gets Turner Classic, Paths of Glory is on at 9:15. A great movie.
- Justice Scalito, the originalist:
- The rule anymore is to always lead with the big black guy.
- Apples rule. God on Her very good day. And I still say Macoun is the finest. Parbly not great for pie. Pretty sweet. Incredibly crisp. I like apple pie fine, but just chomping an apple beats any pie version.
- People acting sane: I used to have a pear tree. they were hard as rocks and very tasty. Used to put 'em in my pockets when I walked to the bus that took me to the redline to downtown Boston. It's too bad that public transit is commonniss. 30 miles away, in just under 30 minutes. And I could read the whole time.
- Judybusy: Otis B. Driftwood thanks you. So does Margaret Dumont: And it's sure legal by me. We be common law round here. And one of us is certifiable.
- Neither of my grammas could cook to save her life. But, they were my Grammas, so what the hey. My mom was not a great cook either. I'm a pretty good cook, but no baker. I believe the two things are entirely different skills, and baking involves slavish attention to recipes.
- Jolene@9: American companies viewed the crashing economy as a wedge to increase productivity, a particularly virulent form of profiteering. The mechanism is simple, When jobs are scarce people witll put up eith forced longer hours and pay cuts to avoid losing a job. This is the situation that has led to CEO compensation at 300% of workers pay, even as CEOs seem to be worse and worse at their jobs. Massachusetts orchards and Johnny Appleseed. Was TLC ever The Learning Channel? It needs to be changed to LCD-TV.
- The real question we have about this year's round of Presidential debates: Is Mittens gonna go with the brown makeup? WTF was up with that?
- All of the folks quoted in that lengthy article have a serious "You kids get off my lawn" attitude. When the great white dork trails the black guy among NASCAR fans, the white guy is in deep doodoo.Willard's got the NASCAR owners though, for sure.
- basset, those photos are terrific, but I'm not seeing any pot plants. Employers used to exhibit some responsibility for employees, but that is pretty much long gone. If the bosses don't give a FF about the employees, why should they expect respect in return. As far as "job creation" what an unmitigated crock o'crap. I'm with A. Lincoln on the relationship between labor and capital. Boomers--entitlled? Seems like it was their parents generation that got all the goodies. People didn't come home from Vietnam to that sort of GI Bill that provided free college and incredibly low cost mortgages.
- This isn’t to quarrel with an opinion, just a plea that personal preferences be stated as such. (“I have always preferred chocolate cake to hot fudge sundaes.”) Or that assertions be framed in some larger context, such as the (very critical) article about Treme published over the weekend in the LA Review of Books. You like “Homicide” better than “The Wire” or “Treme”? Fine. But if you’re going to say it’s better, then say why. It has always seemed to me that, when I type something or say something, it's relatively obvious it's my personal opinion. I'll admit that can be somewhat contratian. I believe homicide had a superior cast, more intense dramatic situations (The Araber in the box with Bayliss and Pembleton, the entire Luther Mahoney and his evil sister storyline) and had better written dialogue. Anyway, people that introduce comments by always informing the reader IMHO, I think they needlessly wast printer ink, when that stated was pretty obvious from the getgo. I mean, where is the room for doubt? In a way, this reminds me of people that make a habit of starting sentences with "frankly". Whew, I was figuring you were going to lie to me. The bellowing old man had every intention of bellowing before he left home for that Town Meeting. And I'm sure he's decided to vote for RMoney who wants to get rid of some of those venal leech first responders and evil money-sucking teachers aides. This is the attitude of people that believe their prop taxes should be cut because their offspring left school years ago and they no longer receive a benefit they choose to recognize from the public school system.
- Those schools are keeping kids off your lawn you old fart.
- Five richest and five poorest states: and those rich states are lined up for the President, while the poor states will be in the RMoney column. Actual poor people. Pretending that living on government assistance is somehow a sinecure is obnoxious bullshit from assholes like Willard Ananais RMoney. John C. Phone booth? Pls explain. We recently switched cell service to escape AT&T and the company's revolting financial support of ALEC and the NRA, and because the service was execrable. Oh, and because, when I signed a contract, my monthly fees were laid out for me at $70 per, and began arriving more along the lines of $125/mo. Tried for months to get an explanation. Seems I was paying data charges for text messages AT&T was sending me. Anyway, we decided on using Community Cellular with my brand new AARP discount. Much to my chagrin, I found there are no payphones any more, so calling the company to activate the phone was a problem. Eventually, the folks that run the courtesy counter at our grocery said go ahead and use their phone. del, did you run into sovereign immunity issues? Or just open meeting laws violations? I' got involved in an open meeting laws scuffle when I was in JSchool, over some court records. Athens police followed my car around for months. Sue@14. Let me guess. Walker thinks the Packers lost because of the scab refs. Considering the Seahwks receiver that got the catch was ND alum Golden Tate, so maybe TD Jesus was behind it. One way or another, the ref's call was pure D bullshit. I've despised the Packers for almost 60 years, so I thought it was pretty hilarious. Brian, I think in China, they mine the old-fashioned way, underground. Mountaintopping is not so dangerous, unless you consider trying to live on the Eastern Seaboard of the US when there is no clean aquifer left to draw drinking water from.
- Sherri, I wouldn't make too much of it, but NFL owners are the sorts of people that believe they should get welfare in the form of stately pleasure dome stadia, while they pervert American government by making obscenely gigantic out of state political contributions of free to anti-union aholes like Scott Walker. This is likely a manifestation of GOPer anti-union solidarity. The NFL has more money than Moroni, Joe Smith and Willard Ananais do together. One f the players tweeted about somebody getting hurt because of the incompetent refs. I'd be willing to bet when the inevitable occurs, it has to do with shady El Vegas gambling interests, and not some dumbass official damaging a player's eyesight with a vicious beanbag assault. One of these calls is going to cause a massive upheaval in the sports book world. Like the time the plane went down in Flushing Bay and the Daily News photo the next day clearly showed an ID number on the plane that showed as "the number" the next day. I thought ist was wonderful when Ladybird told us all it was a patriotic duty to sow wildflower seeds. And i find it mystifying that the Ketchup is a veable party really wants to incite a pissing match about the idea of making school lunches more nutritious. When I taught HS, I knew there were kids getting no nutrition elsewhere than the meager fare in the cafe. Which for me, as someone that takes Jesus' ideas seriously, was a heartbreaking recognition, back before I knew the kids and their families were just a buncha losers. I can assure anybody that never taught school, it was a great relief to the faculty to see kids come in for breakfast of real food and put down the Little Debbies and the two-liter Mt. Dews. Now, it seems to me that Rush Pindick and GOPers so offended by Mrs. Obama's ideas on kids eating better are ignorant of realities of American life, overcaffeinated teenagers, and, most of all, their own self-interest. If your taxes pay for school meals, shouldn't a fiscally responsible GOPer want the most bang for the buck? Sue, all the notorious labor actions in the history of American professional sports have been illegal lockouts, not strikes, with the full backing of the US Congress. Professional sports leagues in the USA operate as monopolies that would clearly be illegal in any other but the power industry. Della, I've never seen the point of humble opinions unless the opiner knows for a fact he's clueless about a subject. And the H in the ubiquitous IMHO is rarely sincerely humble.
- Another theory on why Willard Ananais is so willing to take so much grief about his tax returns: illegal investments in Iran. Actually, there are NFL refs, or have been in the past, that were CEOs of oil field service companies and various oddjobs like that. And gutdom, the "real"refs certainly screw up games bigtime, pretty frequently.I'm thinking about a Dallas Minnesota playoff game in a year the 'Boys wo a SuperBowl, where the winning TD waas scored when Drew Pearson picked up the much smaller DB Nate Wright and threw him to the ground. Incredibly bogus call, enshrined in NFL history as the Hail Mary. Then there was the famous Immaculate Reception, Where the football was obviously touched by Frenchy Fuqua befor being scooped by Franco Harris. Those wer playoff games, so Packers, quit whining, you have almost a whole season to go. Think about the fact that SI proved the game watches ran slow giving Bart Starr a chance to score on the Frozen Tundra when time should have expired. Still, this one last night is hilarious, because the league always has particular teams in more favor than others, and currently, it's undoubtedly the Packers.
- Mark, the league has real refs supervising at every game. This one last night was so egregious you could see the interception in a still photo. I quit watching the NFL religiously years ago, and the one thing that can geet me to tune in a game is a UGA player, like Stafford or AJ, but I also enjoy seeing less celebrated players like Danny Ware (Giants), or my favorite current player Tim Jennings at about 5-8, buck sixty soaking wet. The League these days is Behemoth, Leviathan, biblically, Lovecraftian evil, Thoth, and it really did become the No Fun League a while ago. For me things began to get entirely too corporate when Goodell introduced the Uniform Police. WTF? Jim McMahon mooning the leagues chopper was a great moment in NFL history. The League legal types should be worried, since the lawsuit by Orlando Brown provides ample precedent for the League's responsibility for the injuries that might result from officious ahole ref misconduct. Watched Belichik (rat bastard) grab the ref running off after that debacle. In the postgame interview, the arrogant shit flat out said he did not expect a fine for accosting the ref. What sort of merde is that?
- For all those GOPers that like to talk about teleprompters and Obama's alleged lack of intelligence, read 'em and weep: Ananais, struck dead for lying to the Apostle Peter: Joe, the American coal industry deserves to go out of existence for decades of criminal behavior, and the entire idea of coal companies taking off the top 1000ft. of mountains to get at coal veins with the fewest miners possible while despoiling the creeks and hollers that feed the east coast watershed is criminal, and people will pay the price. US miners have been more ill-used by their employers than any other American workers. I lived there as a child and my dad practiced pediatrics at a hospital financed by the Kaiser Permanente Foundation, without which, all those people in Appalachia would have had no health care access whatsoever. Ending production of coal in the US would affect extremely few jobs, and as for companies like Massey, fuck 'em. There are ways of mining and of burning coal that are current proven technology that these bastards refuse to acknowledge. Cap and trade, as a public policy would not cost a single job except when the "energy" companies pulled their typical vindictive shit of putting people out of work. Coal mining companies have been putting miners out of work since the 50s, and killing miners much longer than that. The same people that make these claims about Obama and the coal industry claim also that Administration policies have prevented oil reseve recovery in the US, when the incontrovertible fact is that the US produces more petroleum now, by a huge amount, than at any time in US history. All the proponents of Arctic drilling found out recently they were industry dupes when the oil companies got permits and then were not remotely ready to use them. Oh, and Rmoney was fer cap and trade before he was agin' it.
- Very cool National Park Service apps available on iTunes: Scrubber and baghouse technologies for burning coal fairly cleanly enough to prevent environmental degradation has been around since the early 70s. Problem is power companies are willing only to pay for 98% or so efficiency and 99% is the minimum efficiency to protect public health and prevent horrible shit like acid rain. Thing is, increasing efficiency of scrubbers and physical filters the extra 1% nearly doubles the cost. Power production for a country as huge as the US should be nationalized to be made effective and preclude the sort of vile business practices Shrub and Dickless' cronies at Enron pulled in the late 90s and the 00s. Of course, I must be a Godless Socialiss Commoniss to think that, and theere is no chance it will happen, but nationalization of the power industry would be immensely and immediately beneficial to American citizens. Here are some miner's that weren't enthralled with Willlad's Mom jeans: As for the President, He may not be popular in those areas, but it’s not because of his real stand on coal. It's actually because of the same reason they wouldn't let Jack Johnson aboard the US Titanic. People in coal country are poor and get a bundle in fed aid, which makes them easy targets for the latest iteration of the Southren Strategy. And WaPo's Sally Jenkins has an excellent piece on the ref debacle: Great sportswriter, IMO. And G'mar Hatimah Tovah on Yom Kippur to any of y'all that are Jewish.
- Little Bird made a comment yesterday about Germany providing half of peak load electricity with solar generation. Germany is a bit larger than New Mexico and a bit smaller than Montana, two states that are sparsely populated and would provide ample opportunity for solar installations And of cours America has the Great Plains and four deserts that would be perfect locations. I imagine the 88,000 miners that would be laid off were coal companies to be shut down could take new jobs building solar power installations and renewing the decrepit US power grid. Ever been down a mine? I have. Nobody wants that job, but people in Harlan Co. KY and other coal mining places do it, and they augment it with WIC, foodstamps and other forms of government assistance, because mining companies have been extremely successful at keeping unions out of the mines, so you get monsters and mass murders like Massey Energy and its henchman Don Blankenship, who when the shit got too deep just spent $3million to buy a pet judge. It's difficult for me to believe that even knee-jerk anti-science people that deny climate change can be dumb enough not to understand that water is a limited resource, and that topping mountains and dumping millions of tons of spoil into wetlands is a horrendous process too damaging and dangerous for the USA to allow. And the entire point of mountaintopping is to use fewer miners. A major problem with solar and wind and even hydroelectric power generation in the US is the aged and incoherent electric grid and control of same. Modernizing and coordinating the grid should be a national priority right fracking now, and nationalization should be the first step. No more Enrons. It also speaks of the entitlement mentality. Business owners feel they are entitled to high quality workers who will help them make $$ without having to put any effort, time, or resources into the equation. But nobody seems to want to talk about that form of entitlement. And it's the entitlement mentality of the "job creators" like, you know, Walmart that they should get the benefit of undocumented work force while bitching about "illegals". Rmoney wants to know this AM why submarines don't have screen doors for cross-ventilation, speaking of sciencephobia, and if airliner pilots can't roll down their windows, how do they check on the dogs on the roof?
- The efficacy of national Head Start has never been seriously questioned, and in fact, is an accepted fact among experts. Back in the day, the policy fell victim to the Oldtimer maunderings of R. Raygun, who just spewed some bullshit about it being free daycare service for Caddy-driving welfare queens on their way to buy vodka and cigs with food stamps. Like all sorts of idiotic shit that came out of Raygun, it's now King James version for his acolytes and hagiographers like Ayn Ryan. Well you ignorant fucks, those people can't work if they need somebody to take care of the kids. An obvious ancillary benefit of Head Start is that school lunches ensure that 100s of thousands of kids that live in poverty don't go hungry for whole days at a time. And of course, feeding those kids means they will be healthier adults, with far better reading and cognitive skills than those without the benefits of preK. Seems like an undeniable economic win for the USA. The "Christian" right embarrasses itself bigtime on this subject (although I'm sure their minds would change if the kids were regaled with Bible stories instead of Danny and the Dinosaur or Super Whatamess. But seriously, which parts of "Suffer the little children..." and "What you do for the least of these..." do they not get. (I know, that's not the real Bible, that's just what Jesus said in the NT.) Mitt Romney is the worst presidential candidate I’ve seen since Michael Dukakis. He’s thoroughly inept in just about every phase of the game. Happily, there is a good chance a thorough electoral flogging this November will not only usher Mr. Moneybags to the rear door, but leave the loathsome Paul Ryan heavily damaged by association. And then, I hope and pray, we see a real battle for the soul of the party between the zealots and those who actually want to get something done in this country. Unfair to Mickey D. Bad candidate? Yep. Devoid of policy smarts and ideas? Nope. Ryan? Turns out he learned everything he didn't learn from Ayn Rand from a nutcase Austrian economist who would have thought Rand was a bona fide nutcase: And how does Ryan get a reputation as the smart Teabanger by taking up an economic philosophy that insists, as it's principal tenet, that government cannot affect economy? Bizarre. How did "conservatives" decide Keynesian economics is a bogeyman, when it has worked in practice since the days of the WPA and the TVA? What other economic philosophy has that kind of track record? I know GOPer critics of FDR credit WWII, but how did that invasion idea work out for W? I will check that out, for sure Jakash, thanks. I heard about the movie a few months ago when GOPers in the House tried to have Maria Gunoe arrested for child porn because she wanted to show a photo of a litlle girl in a bathtub of orange water. And I watched the three Adeena Watson, Araber episodes of Homicide last night , and I still believe that is the best drama I've ever seen on TV. Watched the first Treme again too, and realized immediately what put me off: character clutter like a hoarder's house. Anyway, I care a great deal about the obscene politics and near hopeless poverty of coal country, because my family lived there for a few years when I was a kid. Those out of work miners were not freeloaders. They'd show up at our house after receiving free treatment at the Miner's Hospital with hams, produce, 'shine, Anything to not perceive themselves as taking handouts. I'd like to rub Willard's nose in that, the dick. When Joe brings up miners losing their jobs, it pisses me off. The Bureau of Mines has been tracking mine employment since 1923, and it's declined annually, as the mine owners automated and then developed the truly odious montaintopping method, and bought judges and pols to help them get away with it, while Wild Wonderful West Virginia is disappearing before the rapacity of the coal companies, who repeatedly saw it as more efficacious to pay negligible negotiated fines and buy judges to literally get away with murder by deliberately not implementing safety measures. These bastards are probably heroes in Mittens' eyes. Here's an example of the despicable lengths to which these money-grubbing robber barons will go to protect themselves: The victim of this vile attack is Maria Gunoe, one of the activists featured in the movie jakash linked to. The actual porn is the photos of the despoiled mountains and cricks and hollers, not a little girl sitting in a tub of orange water. People like the owners of Massey and their odious henchman Blankenship are the most evil mofos in America and somebody should do something about them, like liquidate their capital holdings and distributing the money to their victims. "Conservatives" always stand for victims' rights, right? And isn't it an annoyance how the word c"sonservative" in an American political context doan mean shit anymore, except as a historical reference. The Teabangers and Gangbaggers would run RMN out these days. My God, he went to China to sell CoCola.
- And one more thing about coal miners, and I'll stop unless somebody says something asinine on the subject. For Joe, you do realize all of those coal miners are in RMoney's moochers category, because of low wages, earned income tax credit , and dependent child credit, right? Those that still have jobs that is. The rest are just too poor to pay taxes. Foodstamps, WIC and programs like SChip are crucial to those families' survival. Guess that makes them freeloading losers. GOPers don't give a runny crap about those people, but they do care about Massey Energy's profits and the political donations they produce.
- A question that people should be required to answer that want to make wild statements about Obama policies putting miners out of work: What about the 25 miners that were put out of work with extreme prejudice at Massey's Upper Big Branch mine because of an explosion caused by conditions they had been cited for scores of times. Among their 60,000citations. 500 of which were at Upper Big Branch in the year before the explosion.For which they were fined one hours worth of Massey's regular profits, $168,000, which were negotiated down from three times that required by statute, and none of which Massey paid. How about that job loss? And those 60,000 citations? Massey settled them for $20million, 1% of what the law required. When Massey had a slurry containment break in 1974 and bury an entire town while killing 119 people, the federal government spent billions cleaning up Massey's mess. Who's the moocher in that scenario. The power industry agreed to a plan 20 years ago to retrofit all coal-buurning plants with state of the art scrubbers and filtration baghouses, but they bribed politicians and dragged their feet and whined about the cost and never did build in pollution controls. First thing when W got to the White House, he rescinded the point source control rules, without benefit of Congressional action to change the law. Who was forcing stuff down people's throats like a dictator back then, but that was fine with the Koch Bros. Koal Burning Kriminal Konspiracy, because they owned coal-fired power plants. What a crock of shit.
- Tell you another thing about wind generation of electricity. People that claim it's too expensive relative to burning coal are ignoring coal subsidies, and true costs such as health care costs, and the destruction of water and air resources that are irreplaceable. They also deliberately ignore life cycle costs, which through the 80s were the single accepted rubric for judging effectiveness. Wind turbines well sited pay for themselves in very short periods of time. I'd like to hear somebody tell me that coal and coal-fired power are a keys to prosperity when the environmental and human costs are considered, so I could tell them "Bullshit to his face. It's patent bullshit. When the coal is gone, that's all she wrote. God's not making anymore dinosaurs nor tiny sea animals nor prehistoric flora and it would take rather long anyway. But when clean water is gone, people are gone, soon enough. Unless you want to include desalinization plants in the life cycle cost of coal-fired power. Pretty fracking expensive, unless your intention is short term prosperity for a very few at immense, perhaps fatal, cost to everybody else. And for the originalists and libertarians, all the way back to Runnymede, air and water belong to the people; buying underground mineral rights creates no right to foul either, no matter what Ayn Rand might have thought. "Job creators" and "makers" and the 1% should be made to pay a steep price when they ignore those basic rights, and one of the reasons we have a government and a social compact is to ensure that price is paid. Scalito obviously ignore the similar ownership of radio and TV airwaves when they voted on Citizens United, and a concommitant pollution resulted. It's very stupid for NRA-types to insist they need assault weapons to remain sovereign in the face of over-aggressive government. If you don't think so, consider an auto rifle vs. a Blackhawk with Hellfires, or a drone for that matter with similar arms. People need to realize the threat to their freedom isn't the federal government, it's being talked into such a moronic belief by corporations that would just as soon have feudal workers indebted perpetually to company stores. If Massey and Blankenship weren't monstrous serial killers and mass murderers, this story of how they purchased their pet judge would be kinda funny: Watched The Last Mountain just now for free on Netflix. Excellent documentary. If my kid was in an elementary school and Massey put a slurry containment perched on a blown up mountain right above it, I'd probably change my tunes on using firearms. If you have Netflix, and if you seriously believe it is not imperative too wean ourselves off coal-generated power, watch that doc. It might knock some sense, and some sense of commonweal and community, into your head.
- Nobody with lots of money is too low a slug for the GOP. Now that's not even a Push Poll, that's a Push You Off the Cliff Poll. What is worse than abysmal? Speaking of abysmal, last time I remember hearing about this political whore, he was a member of Casino Jack's Team Abramoff, helping to sell non-existent influence to the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. Or was it the Solomon Islanders they were defrauding? How's that for Faith and Freedom? More peope would probably give some credence to Christianity if self-proclaimed Christians like this pondslime were actaully turned into pillars of salt or struck dead for lying, like Ananias. The Ron French Bridge piece is a dissection of just how the non-moochers pretend they are doing the right thing and then turn it into subsidies for themselves at the expense of the "lucky duckies", as Ryan intends with his Medicare overhaul, and as is almost always the intention of charter school proponents (along with teaching Genesis instead of Origin of Species, and the true American History in which Indians have always been the beneficiaries of gentle and fair treatment by European American settlers and nobody ever supported that 3/5 embarrassment in the Constitution because, after all, slavery didn't exist, and if it did, it was a boon to families). The basic idea is that no white people are in the deadbeat 47%, and people like Mittens that promulgate that hilarious canard must have missed preK math. Considering that Willard wants to bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran (as McCain would say) for his BFF in crookhood Bibi, here's an enlightening comment on Irani president I'madinnerjacket.
- That "divorced parents" at-risk factor for GSRP is sure big enough to drive a dualie through. Only things I remember about Andy Williams in particular are 1) he foisted the Osmonds on an unsuspecting nation, and 2) he was married to the gorgeous Claudine Longet, who played Ben Gazarra's long time love interest on the excellent series, Run for Your Life. Oh, and this incredibly hokey, cheesy attempt at being musically cool: And then there was the Osmond psychedelic environmental period:
- LAMary, I had forgotten about Spider Sabich getting shot. She was quite beautiful, and she was very good on that TV series, which I watched religiously when I was a kid. More of a stylist than a singer: Am I wrong, but is "Would you like some of my tangerine", sung in this whisper, pretty damned suggestive. She also did Jobim on the first of her appearances on Run For Your Life, in a vocal well suited to bossa nova, in my opinion. Mick Jagger is supposed to have written a song about Sabich's shooting, but the record company was afraid of lawsuits. It's on the Some Girls reissue, and it's a pretty good lo-fi fast shuffle. First line is Claudine's back in jail again. The song claims Sabich was shot once in the head and twice in the chest. Jagger's lyrics say "I showed my wife how to clean a gun, but I always kept the safety on." The tone of the song is, big surprise, leering, as if Mick is thinking about getting into her pants: I didn't realize this was about Claudine Longet when I got the album, Oldtimers, because I had no recollection of the shooting, though I'm sure I was aware of it when it happened.
- Here's a convenient way to register for anybody that hasn't yet: Wouldn't it be great if GOPers put in the sort of hard work, imagination, and determination to get 'er done on sensible public policy that they've expended on vote suppression? Somebody should do jail time for this. PA GOPers already admitted there is no fraud to prevent. Crooked bastards.
- No bullshit comparison between Romneycare and ACA: Big surprise, since this was the Heritage Foundation baby from the getgo, which is why GOPer howling about the alleged costs, the alleged Medicare cuts, and the public option are so particularly odious and mendacious. The two things the author finds superior in Romneycare are both part of Obama's original proposal that GOPers squealed like stuck pigs about.
- Tort reform is the most ignorant and outrageous lie "conservatives" tell about health care costs: The total percentage of all awards and malpractice insurance premiums in the grand scheme of US health care costs has never made it up to 1%. When California passed tort reform, insurance premiums got jacked immediately by nearly 30%. This information is easily confirmed with two googles. Why do GOPers repeat this ridiculous lie? They hate the "trial lawyers", like all those lawyers on insurance company payrolls aren't "trial lawyer", because the "trial lawyers" give doanations and votes largely to Democratic politicians. Anybody that brings up tort reform as if it's the Gordian Knot of health care costs, you can safely bet, is an ignorant idealogue. It's simply nonsense.
- I've never been to Aspen, but I have spent two separate weeks helicopter skiing in Steamboat Springs with one of my brothers back in the 80s. People tended to behave in subhuman fashion in that environment and much of the bad acting clearly was drug-induced. Aside from the angelic role model Mahre bros, it seems that world-class male skiers are frequently aholes, eg. would it surprise anybody if Tomba or Bode Miller had gotten themselves plugged while behaving badly? I'm happy to be reminded of the Sabich shooting though, because it makes the Stones song all the more fun, if that's not insensitive. Why was Bundy being tried in Aspen and not in FLA? To add to what I said a while ago about health insurance tort reform, the revised version of the GOPer argument these days since the tort awards never added up to diddly has to do with CYA spending by docs on tests. This problem, to the extent it exists, has little to do with MDs or hospitals, or plaintiffs; it is almost purely generated by HMOs and insurance companies, since they can inflate their charges for these med services like so many much more expensive $12.50 Tylenols, and this is clearly addressed in the ACA. It bogus argument as a vindictive attack on plaintiff's lawyers for their anti-GOP political leanings and remains so today.
- Mark H: I realize it was only two episodes, but the story line was that they had been great true loves separated by fate for years and only back together when he'd been told he had two years tops to live. It was made into a big deal by making the first episode a season finale, and the second a season premiere. What I should have said was long-lost love, I suppose. I don't remember details, but I recall it as being a harrowing two eps in which her life was threatened in some fashion. I do believe there were flashbacks involved, which was very cool for TV in those days. Because of that show, I became a fan of all the collaborative work done by Gazzara, Casavettes and Peter Falk, and always thought it would have been one big party hanging around those guys, and of course, the incomparable Gena Rowlands. Weird existentialist things like Husbands and Faces. Cassavetes directe at least one Columbo I think. And I think he guested on the show too. Never really warched McHale's Navy, but if someone had done a remake of Father Goose (a great personal favorit Old Cary Grant movie), Longet was a bullseye for the Leslie Caron governess role. Coach Nicholas Colasanto was also terrific in RFYL. And Then Came Bronson was brilliant. I recently watched Red State, in which Michael Parks is brilliant. My favorit road TV series was probably Moving On, with Frank Converse and Claude Akins. Spectacular jazz theme music. Rosie Grier did a guest shot and there was a fantastic episode with Cameron Mitchell as a washed up horn player that used a mountsin rockslide to set up a Lifeboat sort of situation
- The death by snakebite scenes where Caron drinks all the whisky is very funny, but the best parts to me are all of Grant's radio conversations with the Trevor Howard. I think other than North by Northwest, Father Goose is my favorite Cary Grant movie. Well, and Topper, and Notorious, Philadelphia Story, Operation Petticoat. Bogart and Spencer Tracy were probably the only contemporary guys in his class for range from intense drama through action mystery through comedy over so many movies. So many great movies. The African Queen homage at the end of Father Goose when Catherine and the girls think Walter has been killed saving them is wonderful. And all of the kids are naturals. You know the story about the reporter that was told to find out Cary Grant's correct age. He wired Grant's agent "How old Cary Grant?" Grant intercepted and wired back "Old Cary Grant fine. How you?" According to IMDb, an interviewer once began a question "Everybody would like to be Cary Grant." Archibald Leach interjected "So would I." Funny man. One of my sisters in law has basically a complete set of Cary Grant movies (a few of which were gifts from me, she prefers the comedies) and my brother and I stay up late to watch Father Goose and sip Rusty Nails when I visit them.
- I suppose if some anti-napalm activist tried to show the Kim Phuc photo to a GOPer-run House committee, they'd have her picked up by the Capital Police for child pornography, as the horse's asses did to Maria Gunnoe over the naked little girl in the bathtub full of orange water polluted by Massey Energy's mining operations. Anybody be surprised. I really got to like Detroit 187, so I'm hoping these folks make a go of this show: If Mittens claims he likes the Beach Boys, he's talking about dickhead Mike Love, not Brian Wilson, and Kokomo, not Surf's Up: With real musicians and no Mike Love. I always figured Brian put the Frere Jaques part in because of the descant in Paperback Rider. A brilliant tribute version by Jeff Beck: I read something yesterday that said Andy Williams and Claudine Longet were good friends with Bobby and Ethel Kennedy and were actually at the Ambassador Hotel when RFK was murdered. I want to know if Mitt met his wife by dressing up like a cop and pulling her over. No statute of limitations on kidnapping. del, can't agree about the "decent guy" part. A decent guy doesn't let himself be bound into someone else's shape because of lust for power. Jesus wouldn't bow when the devil offered Him dominion over all He could see. That story is a fine metaphor for RMoney's etch-a-sketch behavior in his lusting after the power of the presidency. And his wife may not be as much of an asshole, but she's at least his equal in sneering disdain for the commonfolk losers. Brandon Flowers, the Killers' lead singer, is a Mormon. It may be one of the enjoinments LDS elders accept in the tabernacle with the "I will cut my own throat before I reveal this" gesture that at least two Killers songs be on you iPod. Comcast isn't closing a call center in Sacto, they are moving it to New Delhi to provide crappy jobs for Indian kids with impenetrable accents. Surprising they don't wait to see if they can qualify for the RMoney outsourcing corporate tax break.
- Mark H: The question is, how stupid would somone have to be to buy a ticket to the fake Beach Boys fronted by the odious egotistical prick, Mike Love? I've seen the band twice, once on Boston Common, and once in the Field House at Princeton, just after Surf's Up was released. Mike love acted like an attention-seeking terrible two toddler both times, and nearly ruined the first of those shows for everybody. The show at Princeton was so sublime, not even Mike Love's assholish mugging could mess it up. I'd love to hear what Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Angus and Malcolm would have to say about Ayn Ryan. Ryan's apparently not even cool enough to realize that Neal Pert has written Randian lyrics for Rush songs for years. Or is he trying to keep the Atlas Shrugged idolatry on the downlow, now that he finally gets the atheist part. What a dumbass. And how did he think Rage members were going to react when the machine they rage against said they are one of his favorite bands. Maybe when he got his body mass index lower than could be found at the Olympics, his fathead brain bore the brunt of the lipid loss. That might explain a supposedly intellectual adult not understanding John Galt's 60 pp. anti-God rant And how would this go over with the fundagelical base?
- Mourdock looks like the chicken lady character from Kids in the Hall at Alex's link. But it looks more like a cheapo rug than a crummy combover. Actually, he reminds me of a psychiatrist that was a friend of my mom and dad when I was a kid. He was part of a generation of shrinks that believed ECT was torture, not treatment, but his boss still held on to the old barbaric practice. Dr Angier called the old guy Ol' Buzz'em and Fuzz'em. Mourdock in that photo looks thoroughly buzzed and fuzzed. Bet Paul Ryan is a Humble Pie fan too, and had no idea this was about illicit substances and debauchery, either: Anybody that ever heard the Hot August Night album by Neil Diamond wouldn't think he reides on the same planet with Barry "I Write the Songs, and nobody ever helped, not even Bette Midler" Mandy-low.
- How does Blunt spend a month trying to get Akin to quit and then endorse the asshole? Slam dunk facial raining down on RomRy stupidity concerning Obama administration foreign policy. Those two don't make the JV on this subject, ignorance abounds. Scout, all I meant was that it was unfair to put the guy that wrote Brother Love in the same sentence as Mandy's author.
- Dexter, I went to Amazon to buy that Joey Ramone album, and found there is also a new John Lydon/PiL album, which, of course, I had to buy too. I've turned into the compulsive internet shoppers I used to find amusing. I also got what appear to be som high quality Japanese coping saws because I have to help my brother put in some new laminate flooring. He wants a floating system with soundproofing, so we'll end up replacing the trim. Catherine, I was in BSA for a few years and never came across anything untoward. On the other hand, one of my brothers and I went to a Babdiss day camp in Memphis when I was about nine and there was a lot of creepy shit, like counselors showing us porn, that went on. Gotta love those youth outreach pastors. You can sue the American version of the Catholic Church and close down some parishes to pay your damages, or you culd sue the Babdiss and mine some truly deep pockets. My favorite song by Neil Diamond, and his best, in my opinion, and a funny bit with Johnny Cash: He has turned out some awful schlock, like I Am I Said and You Don't Bring Me Flowers, but Cracklin' Rosie, Solitary Man, that's pure genius.
- Child molesters at kids camps? Heaven forfend. As Willie Sutton said, famously, when he was asked why he robbed banks, "Cause that's where the money is." When I was in HS my mom took a school nurse job at Birmingham Country Day. (Yeah, where Jalen Rose and Robin Williams and two of my brothers went.) But Chief of Peds at Metropolitan Hospital at 13th and Tuxedo didn't pay all that well, so she took a second job on the night shift at a nursing home full of rich discarded Bloomfield Hills nouveau riche grand dame types. At first she stuck with it despite the soul-sucking nature of her surroundings because these old ladies enjoyed her company even when the kids never visited and the staff abused them. Gradually, the extent of abuse of the residents weighed her down. I can remember hearing my dad talking to her about it. He told her the most difficult thing for health care facilites was to weed out sadists before they could get hired. Being my mom, she raised holy hell with the board of directors, most of whom had relatives in perpetual care, buncha Cranbrook types, and that is not an opinion, I know first-hand what I'm talking about in this case, and of course, was forced to resign. Jeff@51: But the “news story” that isn’t is a person who keeps trying to force Scouting to open up those files, as if they were police reports, which they are not. And then they get spun as some evil conspiracy, which it isn’t. I’ve seen more than a few of them, and they’re the chicken tracks of piles of volunteer leaders sharing, in confidence, their concerns or second-hand reports of what happened as they’ve heard. That's how people are sentenced to live as cockroaches after show trials in a Franz Kafka novel. The neighbors thought there was something odd. This is all reminding me of the Brit cops' witchhunt against Pete Townshend, who was exonerated in the end. But Brit cops don't need evidence. I have never made an excuse for Catholic clerics guilty of abuse. I do believe it's institutional in organized religion and the fact that the original focus was on Catholic priests came from an ancient prejudice in the USA and also from a blooming cottage industry in recovered memory, which, pardon me, sounds like DPRK style brainwashing for profit. Those same pastoral youth outreach pastors at Baptist camp that tried to interest nine-year-old me and my little brother in porn photos, also told my brother and me and the rest of the campers that my parents and the priests at St. Louis Church had stocks of armaments in basements beneath the church and were awaiting orders form Rome to overthrow the US government. Chris and I mocked that shit but sure as hell looked at the Big Boobs and Wide Open Beavers (0). We were both smart enough to tell our parents, who were somewhat slow to believe us. They knew we preferred being left to our own devices with the chemistry set to make explosives and damage we could do to each other in our back yard. Because of that experience, I'm willing to believe that many accusations against Catholic clergy were manufactured. Many have been proven to have been. The case of Cardinal Berardin of Chicago is perhaps instructive. The Cardinal of the Chicago Archdiocese is a powerful political figure, and this was an easy, and totally fallacious way to get at him. Eventually the accuser broke down and told a shrink he was talked into the accusation. About eight years ago, I opened the door to Beaufort Co. Sheriff's Deppity dawgs that claimed someone with white hair (mine's still blonde) had made suspicious contact with some very young Hispanic sisters near our condo . Oh, and riding a bike. Half an hour earlier. We're on the second floor. The cops made me stand out on the balcony in front of a rapidly fomenting mob that looked like the villagers after Frankenstein and his Creation. For all y'all know, I could be a sexual predator, and my roomie S. didn't help things by abusing the cops and insisting we had been in bed all day. I'd been out on a ride to the grocery to get beer and stuff for a UGA game that afternoon. I don't frighten easily in the face of authority, but being accused of something so horrendous with an angry mob a staircase away scared the fuck out of me. Weeks and several more cop visits later, it became apparent from the investigation that somebody wanted access to our condo. All I'm saying is that this is the absolutely easiest accusation to make and the most damaging without any subsequent proof. My immediate neighbors backed me up and the story the little girls had been instructed in fell apart, as to what I was wearing, what my bike looked like and every other detail. At the time that happened, my daughter had just gotten out of HS. My first and urgent thought was that she never hear about this bulllshit. The extent of my interest in little girls is about like this: And I really doubt Ray has any more nefarious intentions than I do. But I'll tell you. Once these blithe accusations are made, they can't easily be taken back. Cardinal Bernardin died bereft despite a life of service and good works, even after the manufactured charges against him were reneged upon. And I'll make fun of Magic U-trou all I want. Aside from Muslims, religious bigotry in the USA is reserved for Catholics, you know, the demonic sect from which all the Protestant sects sprung. What sort of time warp does that require? Being the victim of a fabricate accusation gives one an entirely other angle on this shit. Deborah, with all due respect and apologies, if it had involved the Catholic Church, it would have turned into a gigantic stew of recovered memory and accused coverups. America dislikes Catholics at such a subatomic level, nobody ever tried t find out who was responsible for the murders of Jack and Bobby. If I say it was the Sons of Dan preserving the White Horse Prophecy, I'd be hooted down. It reminds me of a joke I was told by my childhood friend, the eminent guitarist Pete Hennes, about the old war ace recounting his exploits. Fokkers to the right of me Messerschmitts to the left of me, I shot them down. But what about the Messerschmidts says the sweet young thing. Yah, but them Fokkers was Messerschmidts. Anybody that doubts that recovered memory was a cottage web industry ought to take a look on google. But, you know America has alwys treated Catholics as untrustworthy. Fundagelical preachers backing GOPer moron pols have gotten away with calling the Catholic Church a cult. You fracking morons, how are Catholics a cult when we beat you here by several hundred years? I mean, I suppose that is not noticably stupid for people that think Jesus saddled up dinos. And about the idea of what we affirm rather than what we deny, I say I affirm, if this is somehow a Christian nation, "Whatever you do to the least of my children. Christian or not, you'd have to agree Jesus was kinda right about that. What I want to know is why every scumbag paul ryan shithead not struck down by lightning for declaring that the poor capitalism demands as its lubricant is som sort of loser?
- Seriously, anti-Catholicism is the last refuge of dogass bigotry.
- Isn't pulling this sort of shit kinda like Tamany Hall? Preventing legitimate voters from voting is how Teabangers or Gangbaggers or Rove GOPers do business. I'd like to hear something from either of the Marks about this indefensible shit. Danny, you can give it a very lame try. Do any of you guys think fucking wit anybody's right to vote is legal, sensible? So much for your principles, but you didn't have any in the first place.
- Seriously? Allen West. holy shit what a whacko. non compoos mentis
- I have been accuese of being some sort or dirty old man, Please, Not in a million. Why have these shitheads targeted me? Whatever, It's all bullshit. What is wrong with assholes teying to make this sort of shit up? Whagever we say about what wha we have to do with' We meann, whatwever. We are not stupid about wha we mean.
- There is a lot to be said to have gone to Jesuit school: Dwborah, that is poignant. I had friends that , whatevever. 2+2. Its fine for aholes that didn;t live around then, but lots of us thought we we were doing something worthwhile, And we knew for a fact that while you were woofing Milhous you were assholes. There is no way anybodyy ever bet on the wrong horse like you assholes.
- Those are my three favorite NNall comments in a row ever. Moe is a great memory. Jeff is a moral light. GOPer voter suppression is a very real thing and you'd hope it would seriously cause voters to understand that GOPers are not on their sides, How can people be this fracking stupid and vote so clearly against their own interests? Do these dumbshits actually believe they are inside some GOP big tent? Seriously? How is it possible anybldy is that stupid?
- zcz,Here's the deal. It is jobs jobs jobs except for the party about jobs, that actualy never fot voted on in 2011 in the Houze while they voted more than 40 times to to rescind ACA. Somwrhing is wrong with these aholes, Boner did say that shit, right> Turns out, Obama has rlcuced jobs, gnxt ll odds.
- My dad claimed to have come upon a kid in well-baby rounds named Placenta, and a mom that said "When the nurse said it it sounded so nice". I taught HS in the south. I have come across many a bizarre possibility, and it is a minefield for a white male teacher, believe me. I developed some sort of protective ability to say these names correctly, but shit, Formica Dinette was always lurking. Speaking of strange names, have any of y'all ever read the exquisite short stories written by Breece D'J Pancake? I heard about this cat and bought a collection for my mom, who loved it. I'm not a fan of short fiction. I prefer digging in for the long haul. But the Breece and the T. Boyle short stories? Those are worth th short time investment. And as far as T.C. Boyle is concerned, Water Music is as funny and brilliant as any book anybody ever wrote. Fielding would be proud, and I fart on thee.
- Jolene, the bastards have admitted the voter ID bidness is a fraud aimed at preventing legitimate voters from voting. There is no voter ID fraud. GOPers are no longer trying to claim that bullshit. In Texas, your UT student ID is no good, but if you have a concealed carry ID, you are good to go. Can these bastards be more transparent?
- Julie, Enjoy every sandwich. And it's always helpful to assume Warren's perspective:
- My only known offspring is Emily. I say she's named for a great novelist. Her mom says she's named for a great poet. I guess we're both right and I still love her mom. And she's preggers with grandchild #2. I'd say she's her own walkman. And I like her guy, pretty much. Oh and reading back in NYT, The folks that made Detropia are the same ladies that made Jesus Camp, which was a hellofalot scarier. Fewer children browbeaten in the current. Alex, I thing Katharine Hepburn never allowed anybody the opportunity. And LA Mary: That would be Lovecraftian. And I won't do the backward and upside down thing, though I have it bookmarked. You guys do know Nomar Garciaparra has his dad's name backwards. My dad was a Norman and I thank God he and my mom named me for an archangel instead of some stunt. But being a Michael in the 50s and 60s was not that great. Nuns seemed to lump all of us together.
- My initial idea for naming my child, that her mom kiboshed: Had she been a boy, she would have been Evan. Thank god she was born with a vagina.
- I always enjoyed the name my mother and daddy gave me, Michael. Its for the archangel, and in Hebrew means Like unto God. I doubt any of that crossed my mom's and dad's minds. But I was certainly brought up that way. And paddyo', if that's true, those are two more people I'd like to kill.
- Nance@61: Of course she did. Back, way back, they used to play football. Meanwhile, Junior QB Aaron Murray is working on his doctorate, and Denard Robinson is still claiming he is faster than Usain Bolt. What an idiot. Here's the deal, Napalm Girl or Appalachian girl? You can still do something about the insane mountaintopping. Who thinks this is a good idea?
- Lovely Flower? give her my email. That's a Carson McCullers woman right there. And don't tell the murderous woman I live with. Sherri, glad you transacted the infertility process succesfully. I love your intelligent posts and smart girl sports commentary is lacking. And I lobbied some for Ruth before my emily was born, but got nowhere. My mom was named Bernadette and she really didn't like it, but throughout her redhaired spitfire life, Bernie fit her to a T.
- Then, there is Amanda Ruth:
- Maybe somebody like Danny can explain WTF is wrong with these fracking morons: And because just one Rank and File song is never enough:
- Them boys in Rank and File wished they were the Kirkwoods, I believe. Those Kirkwoods were the Meat Puppets boys: Damn that boy talks faster than he plays guitar. I'd say this is Safe for Work, since everyone will put down what they're doing and rock 'n' roll for a few minutes. And this song should brighten the day of the worst depressive: It's that irrepressible descant backup vocal from the demon bass player, who used to drive a big ol' cafe o' lait colored Bentley round Athens. Great as American exceptionalism has produced. I doubt they are RMoney supporters.
- Lutefisk is a vile concoction, Jolene. But the stench lets you know what you are letting yourself in for. Ruth is a great biblical name.I have been manouerved into a situation of eating Lutefisk. As a person with a sizable Norwegian backgound, I'd say Lutefisk is more of a Swedish thing. Peter, happy birthday to your mama. Connie, wasn't there a car called a Cord Arrow? And aside from Dexter's wonderful reference to the Ramones yesterday, I'd like to add the astounding Mike Scott and the Waterboys new album, An Appointment With Mr. Yeats. If you ever liked Procul, this is the real deal with the greatest poet in the history of the English language a the lyricist. And yes, that is my opinion. It's Yeats or Enderby for me, or Will Shakes, or Keith Reid. The only way this album oculd be better is a guest vocal from Shane McGowan. Sue: the great thing about ACORN is how they twisted Lehman Bros. arms. and how a thirty year old fair lending law rose up under W and crashed the world economy. WTF is wrong with people that don't understand history? Won't these ignorant aholes just STFU?
- If President Obama suggested GOPers shouldn't drink battery fluid, they'd do so reflexively. So, Mr. President, tell the yahoos not to drink arsenic. We'd all be well rid of them. It's a bizarre situation when anti-immigrant know nothings pay moey to see a contrived piece of shit "mockumentaary" by Mike from New Delhi about how the President that met his dad twice for less than a total of two hours developed an anti-colonial Marxist attitude from the guy. If he didn't have the corporate cash of Regnery behind him (I mean, Scaiffe buying his books) D'Souza would be treated as the fracking kook he most certainly is. And, anybody seen his birth certificate?
- Randy Newman on the subject of names: I've always been crazy 'bout Irish girls.
- Charlotte: Thank God nobody named one of those kids Antonin and implanted a unibrow. Maggie, Irish people are literate whether or not they like it. I live in the hope I may one day have a son to name Heathcliff, but all things considered, I have a perfect child, who brings me nothing but pleasure and fulfillment in my rank old age. Hope y'all do too. She is the one thing that makes me feel best about myself, along with the tyke she borned, and a little sister on the way. Gutdom that kid is entertaining. That is, aside from my overblown opinion of my own opinion, which seems obviously to be my own opinion since I fracking said it. One of my fondest memories is my ex asking me during the mopping up in the delivery room, and I swear this is true, "Is it Evan or Emily." She couldn't stop crying. And I loved her immensely then as I do to this day.
- Great video, Dexter. I bet nobody ever called Dexter Gordon an asshole, and I doubt he ever put much effort into getting laid. Mrs. Romney official campaign photo. Nice Shoes: And Brian, you're engaging in the most massive case of Wishful Thinking ever regarding Willard. That guy can't wait to do his BFF Bibi's bidding and blow up Iran, and his "base" would flip out over just blowing the Afghanistan popstand. And considering Congressional GOPers disregard for the recent veteran's jobs bill (job no. 1, one-term uppity, darkie President), bringing back all of the troops might well have detrimental ramifications on US employment. Between that lack of a vote and the Ryan budget's $11bn VA cut, GOPers seem more to have turned on "the troops" rather than letting their devotion flag.
- Well, yeah, cooze, but it's starting to seem like open hostility these days. Lotta vets in that 47% and using food stamps and WIC.
- My mom loved marigolds, and used paper bags to harvest seeds for years, with considerable success. She was also a fan of chrysanthemums, an affinity I share. I really like Robert Reich, and always wished he wasn't muppet-sized so he could be a viable Presidential candidate. He's capable of astounding concision and clarity when explaining policy, and I really like it when he does his cartooning schtick:
- Lewis Black says Willard is "so white, he makes George Bush look Jamaican". in an interview with Michael Musto. Michael G: A friend sent me that thing. Looked like LDS Dominatrix drag. Scandalous. AQpparently, she wore this getup on Jay Leno: Unfortunately, this photo doesn't show the Frack Me pumps, which were funnier than those Frankenstein clodhoppers $Palin was wearing the other day.
- Pretty cool story about a botany project: Maybe they can find the long lost Ent-wives.
- You've got that right, Little Bird. The Anninatrix outfit is almost as good as the Fbook picture of Mitt with a saintly aura posted on his page. Anybody that wants to make a claim that being shocked and awed by that abominable costume is somehow LDS bashing can kiss my ass and read this vituperative, ignorant bullshit: Mrs. RMoney looks like she's advertising on Craig's list. Better catch than anybody will make in an NFL game today.
- brian, some of those wedding dress photos looked like real brides, not models. Raised by wolves? Where the hell were their moms? I'd be thinking Feats Don't Fail Me Now if I got to the altar and found any of those dresses awaiting my arrival. Fight or flight and self-preservation would be kicking in. Ann RMoney? Sorta like: But not Nicole Kidman gorgeous. And it's not Ann herself, but the vile, elitist, Antoinettish crap that she says every other day, all that "you people" crap, she's either a jerk, or she's the embodiment of the Stepford ideal, believng what hubby tells you to believe without question. And there is the astounding pure D racist shit about Mrs. Obama, who seems a helluva lot smarter and way more politically astute. And their sons? Looks like Children of the Corn, all growed up, to me.
- Akin the gentleman rapist goes all Allen West on Claire McCaskill. A pumpkin named Jabba. 2009lbs.
- Of course Jesus had a dog, and Jesus' dog was a collie. Jesus was a shepherd, after all. This is well-documented in the autobiographical work Imitation of Lad, a Dog. Very funny Jeff. Oh, and Bedouins bred Saluki hunting dogs long befor Jesus was born man, but they would probably have been a problem around sheep. An exit interview for a retiree? At 4:30 on a Friday afternoon? What kind of people are they? Maybe it’s some kind of ruse to get you to a surprise party. Involves brewskis and canapes, I imagine, or who'd not bolt early? The thing about the referee situation that bugs me is that "lockouts" are specifically illegal in the USA, yet sports owners pull this crap repeatedly and get away with it. The NHL owners have the players locked out at this moment. Of course, hockey players can go to Europe to play for large money and perks like sportscars and apartments. Rank and file unions probably have little to learn from the zebra union, but the whole situation was no less thuggish, knee-jerk reflexize union busting. Those rich guys were putting 'em on the table and measuring. Dicks. I suppose nobody suffered but two-bit sports books. Anonymity and political fundraising: During the 2008 Presidential election, when the US Chamber of Commerce was pumping vast amounts into the McCain/$Palin Wagon Queen Family Truckster, much of it from overseas, the GOPer response to criticism was "Well the unions do it too." A good riposte, but a fabrication. A database of union contributions was mmaintained for months, and this information was available from beginning to end of the campaign. Of course, now, it doesn't matter where the money comes from, since Scalito said money is speech and the Constitution brooks no limitation on throwing it around, in other people's states and even other people's countries. I'll bet Don Blankenship wishes he'd remained anonymous when he bought the WVSC judge for a pet and took him on Mediterranean vacation. Happy birthday Scout and Michael G.
- California makes "pray away the gay" and other so-called reparative or conversion therapies illegal. Well, no shit. Dogass junk science and unChristian. In fact, it's a long con and has no actual end but stealing money. How long will it be before some asshole like Ayn Ryan calls this "an assault on religious freedom"? Parbly happened already. California has also implemented some aspects of a plan to effect President Obama's deferred action policy for DREAMERS. Damn, sanity in state government. Forgot what that looked like. Catherine @30: A perfect explanation why NRA and anti-gun law judges that claim they know what the 2nd Amendment entails by straight reading (while ignoring the initial limiting clause conveniently) are full of it. Founding fathers weren't thinking about AKs and Mac-10s and 40 round ammo clips.
- The Heisenbergs.
- My first Justin Bieber song ever. Big question, aside from how does anybody listen to this fracking noxious drivel: How does he keep singing while he's yorking his guts up and running off the stage? Does that make him Mili or Vanilli? Selling IKEA at the Souk sounds like a good name for a bouk. Something god for indoor exercise days
- What I was meaning to say was Something good for indoor exercising: Got remastered copies of a bunch of Beatles albums that are supposed to have "making of..." videos as extras. The sound on these is terrific and the Cardboard packaging and accompanying booklets are very nicely done, and contain things like original liner notes. Bought Abbey Lane, Rubber Soul, Hard Day's Night, Help and Yellow Submarine. Very nice.
- Abbey Road, of course. Abbe Lane is a jazz singer of note. Must go outside for a bike ride.
- Excellent Obama Ad by Samuel L. Jackson.
- Tell you something, Sherri, one of my brothers is a PU grad that was second in his class at UVA law. No doubt my brother Chris is top o' the line corporate lawyer shitheads. I can say for a fact he had a gigunda RFK poster over his bed most of his hildhood. I'll also guarantee he acts like a worthwhile human when that is called for. Everyone knew the valedictorian was a suckup asshole. My brother Chris used to be an astounding athlete. I mean, my family, we were all good, but Chris was ridiculous. Dave, best football player, best swimmer, Mark, Best runner, me no doubt (every distance from 60 to one mile.) Now Chris and Dave are Romney elite and Mark and I aren't. Because of erratic behavior and my undeniable drinking, my dad put what he left me in the hands of a trust, with two of my brothers as trustees. My dad had a naive belief in his sons. One of my trustees is the brother who's life I saved when his skull was split when he was a kid going to his first dance. So is Mark a trustworthy trustee. I'm just finishing a strange book by JG Ballard. It's about Middle Class People just giving up and saying fuckYou. Not fuckit, fuckyou.
- Seriously, Joe, are you claiming anybody's innocent life was saved by bombing Hiroshima? That is way ignorant. People that had nothing to do with the war were brutally burned. Joe, I know you don't believe this shock and awe bullshit.
- I've nothing to say. I don't believe Joe believes all of those innocent people in Japan should have been french-fried. Or, he's a major league asshole.
- One thing I'd say about Leo Fender's company, they never made a Les Paul. Strat? Tele? Not even close to as great a guitar. And that's not one of those opinions like desert. That's a fact. The Les Paul is a better guitar. Sorry, but not close. The bizarre winger crap about some war on Fender is hilarious. If there is a war, it's been on Gibson, to Fender's benefit. And every charge against Gibson concerning endangered wood and the rain forest is true. But seriously, intelligent harvesting of rare woods to make fine musical instruments doesn't make sense? Nonsense. As far as .edu is concerned, we go no Chinese, but remember SRA, the reading program? That ruled. But it went too slow. Did anybody ever really forget to do homework? Nope. It was pretty much always a conscious act to just skip that shit, like: My Jebbie HS was selective.There was an entrance exam and Lord knows there were legacies.
- Do GOPers no longer trust the Rasmussen? I mean, that is the most GOPer biased poll ever, but it's leaning the wrong way? You whining babies. Democrts have infiltrated the Rasmussen polling process? If people vote with a single ounce of brains and any heart at all, RMoneybot is fracking toast. Brainless tool that wants to put Bork on SCOTUS and make Bolton Secretary of State. Now, that is an ahole, no matter how you look at it.
- beb, All would be right in their worlds if it weren't for those Lucky Duckies*: *WSJ has actually used that term in editorials to describe RMoney's 47%, You know, old folks, veterans, and young couples starting out with their first child. Meanwhile, the "moderate" to the point of vapid, to the point of vaporous Scott Brown says Scalia is an ideal SC justice: That thunk was Mass slamming the door on you, ahole. As an ex-teacher, I'd say that well-timed ridicule is better than smacking kids around. And it will generally win the offensive kid over.
- All I meant about guitars is that Les Paul built a more imaginative guitar than Leo Fender. There is a reason that great players all screw with the pickups on Fenders. Never heard of anybody replacing the pickups on a Les Paul. If I could afford any of them, I'd take a Les Paul Gold Top. I own a strat copy made by Ibanez and a Les Paul by Epiphone. Much less expensive. And really, did I say anything whatever derogatory about Fender guitars? Nope.
- Come to think of it, did I ever belittle Treme or The Wire. The universal fawning over The Wire, I'll admit that pisses me off, since it was derivative to the point of repeating scenes from Homicide. But hell, an imitation was still a good watch. And Treme is a muddle of too many characters and not enough development, but hell, I don't mind when the music is so good. Did I ever derogate either? Didn't think so. Just my opinion. Why I said it. No joke. If every statement of opinion requires an identifying tag and an explanation, communication breakdown is imminent. Cauliflower is better than broccoli but broccolini is better than both. Respect to Laura Lippman, but that's basically the nature of opinions, and the "That's just your opinion" retort is silly and begs the question. I said it, didn't I? As I said before, saying "In my opinion" before saying something that is clearly an opinion is a waste of expirated CO2. Like starting sentences with "Frankly..." when I've no reason to believe you are about to dissemble.
- RMoney's "crisp" debate performance: And isn't it fracking weird how the adjective "crisp" popped up all over the place within minutes of the end of the RMoney rudeness seminar? Anybody here ever heard debate performance described repeatedly as crisp. "Frankly", I thought RMoney's waiting/listening impersonation of a Russian Orthodox ikon both disconcerting and creepy as hell. I watched the debate at my brother's house, while I was up there helping him install a Pergo laminate floor in a huge finished room over his garage. Mark is an accomplished plaintiff's trial lawyer. He says the hardest thing to deal with in court is an opponent committed to serial lying. Once you decide on a lie, it's easy to stick with it and to make all your subsequent statements conform to the original lie. And as with the Presidential debate unwritten rules, decorum prevents judt calling your opponent a liar. RMoney lied his ass off. The next GOPer that spouts that Medicare cut lie would be struck dead with a lightning bolt if there were a just God in heaven. And some RMoney campaign shitheel said of the President: "When you aren't that bright, you can't be that well-prepared." Deborah, heartfelt congratulations, and, since you're heading for Billy the Kidland, Yeehaw. Now you get to Mooch on the economy, by getting your SSI money back, for another month at least. And I pray you never need the Medicare money back. Here's a good musical sendoff to New Mexico: Nancy, your critique of Homicide a few days ago, just repeats some old tire points of received knowledge. The quick cuts and shakycam. Yep the Homicide creative team wisely cut back, when every TV drama started imitating ad Nauseam, including Homicide's vile Friday night competition, Sonny goes to Frisco. The network forced the creative team to excise Jon (Crosetti) Polito from the best ensemble cast in TV history. Oh, and it was that. Among the actors introduced to mass audiences by the casting staff on Homicide were the aforementioned Jon Polito, Edie Falco, Mekhi Phifer, Gloria Reuben, Clark Johnson, Jon Polito, Giancarlo (Gus Fring) Esposito, and critics' goto supporting TV actor Zeljko Ivanek. And great, and previously badly underrated actors like Yaphet Kotto, Melissa Leo and the inimitable Andre Braugher became household words. The crap about the alleged decline in quality after the first two seasons is just repeating self-serving nonsense spouted by network executives that buried their best show on Fri. nights and manhandled casting and creative decisions, to the detriment of the series. Seasons 5 and 6 were dominated with tales of the criminal royal family, the Mahoneys. Not until 2010 and Mags' family of Bennetts has TV seen a familial criminal conspiracy so compelling. Mags could have been modeled upon Luther, in fact. And when Luther died and his sister Georgia Rae took over, she nearly made luther seem benign. Aside from anything else, the three-episode arc in the first season concerning Tim Bayliss' first case, the child-murder of Adena Watson and the interview of the elderly araber played by Moses Gunn in his last role, is untouched by any other episodic TV, ever. No Rmoney, for Godsake, to paraphrase Creme and Godley. I spent the last couple of days at my brothers house up in Beaufort, next to Parris Island installine a composite floor. What a case of muck and mire for hire. the Pergo boards are manufactured to fit together tongue and groove. Only problem was, these were purchased two years ago and moved and stored many times in the interim. There was not a square corner to be found. Finally, I decided it was time for masonry nails and putty joints. That floor ain't gonna float, but it sure as shit will look good and serve the purpose. The frustration involved when two planks of flooring that should both have straight square edges line up with gaps between them is difficult to describe. And all of the dimensions were metric.Aaaarrrrggghh. cooze: That reminds me of the clown in the kids' room in Poltergeist.
- Little Bird, nope, only noticed that today. But I'm still correct, and The Wire is one of those badge-earing hipster things than almost anything but drinking PBR or Falstaff or some other dogass beer. And any of you explain to me how commenting that Gibson makes better guitars disrespects Fenders. Fenders gained whatever cachet they have for selling lower, so old times blues types could afford them. BB always had an SG and paraded around like he was a good guitar player. A good BB King blues line is rarer than Mitt RMoney actually telling the truth. And can anybody explain that Russian Orthodox ikon look on Mittens' face between questions? Was he thinking about his planet after his apotheosis after he Lies for the Lord to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy? Virgins? I mean look at that meth addict shit. He was practically drooling. Hey Bob. I've never fallen off the bike. I've been run off with contact by assholes with GOPer stickers and bad intent. But, excuse me, you are being a dickhead. I'd say I never said anything derogatory about Fender guitars, unless you think opining that Les Pauls are better guitars, is somehow denigrating Fenders. Sorry, Coming up short.Did I ever say anything about Treme or The Wire, aside from the fact that bost series were glommed on by hipsters and thaat your gonna take a bleeeaaaating if you ever say a disparaging word. Sorry, good as the Wire is. I'd rather watch two hours of Tank Girl. It's one thing to be a Wire devotee, but not admitting they robbed Homicide live, you are lying like a bastard.
- Have I ever acted like I thought I was smartert. I am but fuckck y'all. I am smarter than y'all/
- Baseball cards were never coated with some form of plastic, so they didn't hold up to spokes music. They were just cardboard that wore down fast, and if we used them it was a Don Demeter or a Hank Aguierre. Playing cards wer cated and stood up for a while. Deborah, make sure to bring all of your Edward Abbey books into the wilderness, possibly Americas' finest writer. And on the subject of the high desert, he is unparalleled. And listen to Jimmie Dale Gilmour and Graham while you are reading that: Anyway, you're just the wave, not the water: And seriously, Bob. anybody that is buying the endless stream of RMoney lies is either stupid or a stone racist asshole. No other two ways about it. And I'd love for some jackass troll to point pit a single thing RMoney said that was atually true? You want your President Lying for the Lord, you got that shit, He's incapab;e pf telling the truth. And please explain the creepy russian Orthodox ikon stare omto space. Was he thinking about jos planet when he'd Lied Enough for the Lord? Every sinble thing he said was a lie. Lying for th Lord means getting rid of the uppity Chocolate guy. I've ordered the Little House books. I imagine I'll enjoy them, and I'm hoping to put the Michael Landon bedwetter shit behind.
- GOPers. Attack veterans everyday when they get home: This has become an outright assault on these folks. They're leeches, like first responders and teachers. We need to fire all of them. That is the RMoney line. Or it was a few weeks ago.
- I loves me some brussells sprouts, a shot of olive oil, balsamic and serious salt and pepper, steamed for a nonce? World's greatest vegable.
- Jolene, but Steve Forbes has worse skin than anybody, and it warps his view of the world. Jack Welch actually said he had no factual basis for his bullshit. But it's true on the internet. And I don't see how you can be a lesser light than either of those two aholes. And what sort of measly slice of their incomes does Obama threaten? Zip. They dislike him because he's successful and chocolate. I mean, what success does Jack Welch have in his background? Corporate tax evasion?
- Everybody's world if Mittens is elected:
- Willard Windsock dogwhistle fracking stupidity: That's kinda less cash than the loopholes you claim you're gonna cut, you mental midget. Even when you can pin the shitheel down, it still doesn't make a lick of sense. Guy is talking out his ass.
- brian, that is the current GOParty. What you see is exactly what you get, only worse in most cases.
- Makers and takers: What the frack did any of these aholes ever make? Capital may change hands, but the idea that that cash ever crosses the palms of working stiffs is fracking ludicrous, if you don't count casinos.
- Jolene, they are "Lying for the Lord", because Moroni made it clear that a brown guy should never be President. In Missouri, the "legitimate rape" candidate.
- Willard been shootin' varmints by Alex's house. Mitt Romney has caused a tiff with Spain by saying that its economic crisis was caused by government over-spending and saying he doesn’t want the US to end up like Spain. The Spanish are bewildered, since Romney’s charge (like most of the things he said in last week’s debate) is simply untrue. Nicely put and exactly the right fine point on it, Professsor Cole. A committed and shameless prevaricator is a formidable opponent in a US Presidential debate. If you try to explicate the lies, you lose to MEGO, and general societal ADHD and stupidity. If you call him a liar, you lose, because you've been rude. On taxes, RMoney might just as well have said "Read my lips." The Medicare lie is probably the most audacious, but its just one loop of yarn in a gigantic tapestry of mendacity. A neighbor once shot one of our dogs when I was a kid, with a pump action pellet gun. Broke his tail so that forever after it made a right turn about 6 in. from its tip. My dad was incensed and confronted the bastard at his front door, where the dick was still holding his weapon, which my dad broke in half over his knee. The guy had the nerve to call the cops. When the Birmingham copper showed up, my dad said "He shot our dog. It could have been one of my kids." The cop nodded, got in his car and left. Intelligent policing.
- Here's a shocker. Improved access to contraceptives reduces numbers of abortions. Who'da thought something so counterintuitive might be true in real life? Makes you wonder whether it's really the abortions that bother the fundegelicalictment thang or just the sex that produces the pregnancies.
- What do Willard Windsock and Joe DiMaggio have in common? Both set records that will never be eclipsed. Nobody is going to surpass the Yankee Clipper's hitting streak and no politician is going to manage to tell more flagrant lies in 90 minutes than Willard did in that debate. Well, I suppose Mittens might break his own record, but nobody else is going to come close. Dorothy, the bushy-tailed little rat buggers do the same thing on my bike paths. To my way of thinking, Burton and Depp made a couple of near masterpieces in Sleepy Hollow and Edward Scissorhands. I think they made a pile of cash with those two movies parbly. As for Tim Burton, Beetlejuice is an astoundingly imaginative movie, as is Big Fish. I'm also a fan of 9. Tim Burton has certainly made a boatload of geld for somebody whose career has supposedly gone wrong, and he's blessed the world with the brilliant movie music of Oingo Boingo's Danny Elfman.
- Worst dickhead boss around. And this mofo makes auoto parts. Yeah, you built that by yourself, you fracking clown.
- Darrin Miller is a product of the Phullup Fulmer golden era at Tennessee. Jeff Borden: US Chamber isn't just the usual thing. The organization is a huge funnel for foreign money into American elections, and a major beneficiary of the no ID donation crap that came out of Citizens United.
- I don't know, I guess I'd trust some wanker that claimed Biden's comment about big banks keeping people in chains was racist, to be able to spot actual racism, and save me from hypocrisy.
- OK, I know who Beyonce is, but who the hell is Stacey Dash? One way or another, comparing that bullshit to institutionalized GOPer and Faux racism is a classic in the GOP art of false equivalency. Stacey Dash? If she's an actress of some sort, don't GOPers claim she has no right whatsoever to comment on politics? And who says anybody involved is a liberal? And isn't it pretty much metaphysically implssible for a black person to make a racist comment about another black person. One way or another, none of that comes remotely close to RMoney campaign poobah saying of the President "When you aren't that bright, you can't be well prepared." Allen West is certifiably nuts, and has made public statements while a member of Congress he could have been courts martialled and hung for were he still in the military. His famous claim to having a more stringent security clearance than the President is clearly a case of non compos mentis. It's disturbing when a major political party runs a full goose looney for national office.
- Oh, Cher's token black friend, in a movie about moron valley girls. Quality endorsement. Besides. I could have sworn GOPers" opinion is that actors should STFU about politics. I mean, Sean Penn created an NGO in Haiti that has done more for rebuilding than any other entity, but he's got no right to a political opinion according to the reactionary aholes.
- Antilock brakes, seat belts, air bags All a result of the nanny state and it's intrusive regulations, because, you know, liburls hate our freedom. Jaeger is unfit for human consumption anyway, but drinking something with liquid nitrogen in it, much less serving the concoction is a behavior from the shallow end of the gene pool. It seems to me though, that an artificial stomach shouldn't be beyond medical technology. I'm betting the public house that served that young woman didn't get adequate legal advice, and will not be in business much longer. Hell, GB pioneered dramshop laws. Isn't a battle for something non-existent like a tree falling in the woods with nobody to hear it? Air bags, stories about airbag decapitations particularly, really sealed the seatbelt deal for me. Not a good way to die, I don't think. Why the 'Glades are overrun with pythons--idiot owners:
- I'm sure millions of Americans found it as galling as I did to hear of John Lennon's murder from the terminally assholish Howard Cosell. Here's Willard Windsock' trickle-down government line in the context of an Ann Telnaes animation: Sorry to be rude, but anybody that buys that shit is a fracking cretin that should have his vote suppressed. Speaking of vote suppression, I suppose its liberal racism to point out the inherently racist core of the GOPer vote suppression initiative. They really should have written it into the platform, if they wanted to be (cough, cough) honest. This is a Lennon/McCartney credit, but I always thought it was a John song: There is a great cover of this by Los Lobos on YouTube, too.
- Incredibly good Beatles cover by Los Lobos: Brilliant high-sustain chorused guitar by David Hidalgo, and interesting comment on the Beatles from Cesar Rojas; fine reproduction of a great Ringo performance with some reverb added. And John's inspiration for the song:
- Doritos don't come close to the goodness of Fritos: My ex-wife liked Doritos on road trips, while I found their stench nauseating in the confines of our TR-6. My other favorite John song: Mary, if the Frito pie were made with my own chili recipe, with Jack Daniel, Guiness stout, Boston butt, sirloin, and Hatch chiles, and high quality cheddar, I'd say Frito pie would be Good Eats. Mark, are you claiming that GOPers wouldn't concoct conspiracy theories in the case of the President wearing an altered flag? Tres naive, son. Fox would have photoshopped enlargements of crescent moons and scimitars, and you know it. Me, I'm still waiting for somebody to advise me of anything Willard said in the debate that was both true and non-contradictory of everything wlse he's said all the way back to the GOPer primary debates. I've read the transcript, and he produced the biggest mound of flagrant lies in 90 minutes in the history of American politics. I'd also say, RMoney's Secret Service detail has no business giving him a SS lapel pin, any more than active duty troops have wearing uniforms to campaign functions. Of course, W did that proscription in the Uniform Code of Military Conduct in eight years ago.
- Hastening the endive. Why else would anybody be loony enough to get foreign policy advice from John Bolton and Elliot Abrams? Cooze's link about the timeshare mogul is interesting. Which part of timeshares isn't a scam? Several lawsuits have been decided that establish in law that you own nothing when you buy a timeshare. And the guy's house really does look like an exterior in Scarface. From that asshat's memo to his employees: They want you to believe that we live in a class system where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Somebody want to explain how that restrictive clause isn't true. I'm calling it a restrictive clause, because I assume that by "where" the joker meant "in which". As Clinton would say, "That's arithmetic.", and arithmetic is "settled", even for people that claim settled science is not. And his victimization whine, about how he has to be at work while all the lucky ducky employees get their weekends off is fracking hilarious. What a dickhead.
- Whoa, I meant to type endtime. How I got endive, God only knows. Must be lunchtime.
- Happy birthday, Jolene. Those show up as two separate links just fine on my Mac.
- Danny@42, it would take a myopic partisan idiot in denial to deny the truth of what Brian says on this subject. And how about trying to respond to anything Fred Kaplan says about Willard's bogus foreign policy address yesterday. In the Bible, God strikes Ananais dead as a doorknob for lying like RMoney. Speaking of coded messages to the Salafi.
- John Lennon letters:
- RMoney's gigunda whopper about taxes and the deficit. How is anybody stupid enough to let the aahole get away with this. More proof Teabangers and GOPers don't care nearly as much about things they claim are important (by lip service), and the perceived indignity of having an uppity President. It's like, what they actually find objectionable about Obamacare is the first five letters, not the provisions of the law, which, after all, are identical to Romneycare and the original Heritage Foundation blueprint. MarkH: is that nutjob carrying some sort of oxygen/breathing assistance for the first part of the plung. No oxygen that high, I don't think. Supposedly, the descent will last 15 minutes, so I suppose there is time to recover from passing out to pull the ripcord. I'm calling the guy a nutjob, but I'd try this if I could.
- Danny, you can claim until you are blue in the face that there was a racial component to what Biden said about Big Banks and chains, but your interpretation is tortured beyond meaning or sense, way beyond the English language,, pure bullshit. I couldn't care less what Maher says about anything, and he actually leans as much right as left on a lot of things. In fact, he's the classic Libertarian type, a GOPer that wants legal pot. He mocks fools, and WShrub was a fool nonpareil, which is why you claim he is somehow a liberal. I have no idea what you think Reid said that is allegedly racist, and little to no interest in same. Racism is inculcated into the GOP, institutionally, and has made up the party's primary strategy for decades. Back in the days of the Civil Rights movement, the true Southren racist politicians saw the writing on the Dem wall and bolted for the GOP. Sorry, but that is historical fact.
- Can anybody explain to me how calling something bullshit can be described as equivocating?
- Danny, isn't it reasonable to expect you to explain Willard's idiotic tax claims? 30 years of economic history prove that trickle down is bullshit, and the Laffer Curve is a joke. Even David Stockman says this was all smoke and mirrors. And the Raygunistas had to do bidness with the Ayatollah to ensure the hostages weren't released ahead of time. Do you deny that transaction and the rest of the frighteningly illegal Iran-Contra took place? Do you deny Elliot Abrams, Mittens' second in command on foreign policy, was complicit in the murder and rape of Maryknoll nuns promoting social justice in El Salvador? I mean, really, back up your bullshit. Your heroes going back to Ronny are a bunch of international criminals that never valued human lives. That is an incotrovertible fact.
- Let's hear it Danny, identify something from the debate Obama said that wasn't true. And something Willard Windsock said that had even a kernel of truth. Didn't happen, so you can't. How is being a dickhead an enjoyable experience?
- Regarding Stacey Dash. Forgettable role in an asinine movie made from a frivolous excuse for a novel. Yeah, Sue, I do know that's Jane Austen. Semi literature. And how is it that GOPers rush to this estimable young woman's defense when they are clear that Sean Penn, who has moved bulldozers and other resources to try to heal Haiti and set up the most effective NGO in that beleaguered country, has no business expressing a political opinion? I'd like to hear some explanation of how Sean Penn is some Hollywood ahole and Stacey Dash isn't. And where is it written Beyonce is a "liberal"? What a crock of shit. I am tired of slagoff bullshit from snide conservative jerks without a valid point. For all I know, Stacey Dash is an intelligent and very pretty young woman with a considered point of view, but somehow, she doesn't emanate that impression. How do reactionary jackasses like Danny slag activists like Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins that obviously know what they're talking about, and defend Stacey Dash. And I did sort of like the movie, and I've read most of Jane Austen. She couldn't hang with the Brontes without feeling insecure both physically and intellectually. But this is a classic case of monstro hypocrisy from the right. Here's an example of what a Hollywood liberal might do: I'd imagine Sean Penn disavows religion, though I have no reason to think that's right. He just seems to ornery to believe in anything. My favorite Sean Penn movie is the one where his estranged dad steals farm eBut in Haiti, he is doing Jesus' work when all of the CBN mail-frauds are robbing US citizens istead. Somebody explain to me where I'm wrong about that opinion. The Great Commandment you fundagelicalictment cunts. Read the bible.
- ROGirl. I was in the front seat of a Dodge Dart that was hit by a speeding GTO in the wilds of Southland (MI) which I'd imagine no longer exist. If anybody knows anything about the cars involved, we were cream corn. We had WBCN on the radio at impact, I think, Sunshine of Your Love. When we came to rest several hundred feet away, it was that WJR easy listening shit, and I was annoyed. Then I realized my little brother was in the back seat with a gash from his hairline to his brow. I dragged Mark out of the car, and my buddy Dave, that was driving the car helped me. Mark's wound was bleeding profusely, and I put my brand new suede jacket under his head, and applied direct pressure, as I'd been taught in the BSA. And I have saved four lives in my own lifetime by shit I learned in BSA. And nobody in BSA ever tried pulling any shit with me. BSA 4-pervs 0. Anyway, the ambulance insisted on taking us to an Osteopathic Hospital. I mean no insult, but I informed these dolts my dad was a real doctor. Which he was, and spectacularly good at ER. They took us to what seemed to be a Tim Burton set, and dragged my little bro, my closest friend (sort of) into what seemed to be a dungeon. They yanked his leg around for the X-ray, and I was pissed off because it seemed they were hurting my brother. You know, like in Parenthood. So finally, my dad got their and we put Mark into the car and raced towards Beaumont, a real hospital. Mark's injury was straight down the middle of his forehead. My dad got a cosmetic surgeon and you can see the scar if you look close. So Mark remained pretty handsome and got married to a reconstructed trailer park babe, and they are living happily ever after with a 70-in. Sharp Hi-Def TV. No joke, Danny. Defend the tax lie. Not in a billion fracking years. Asshole is quoting HW, read my lips.
- Scout, Sunchips. Damn those suckers are excellent.
- RO Girl, you're name always reminds me of Tank Girl and Lori Petty. Lori Petty is so much like the spectacular woman I/m tied to/ I've no idea what any of this means. No shit. What I mean5
- Iss there anybody here that doesn't think this qahole shit isn't a monstrous lie? Seriouslty lie. Are you claiming this shitheel isn't lying like a bastard?
- Danny, try whatevever, are you still that dumb /" No way to consider what you are dumb enough to think.
- Sherri and Dexter, Ichiro is one greaat baseboru player, No matter how you look at it. A few years back when the Mariners needed Homeruns, Ichiro hit homeruns. When they needed him to switch to centerfield, he switched to centerfield, he is and has been one great ballplayer, without a doubt. His get out of lefty stance and down to first base is something everybody should emulate. Incredibly fast. Ichiro is one great ballplayer, and anybody that doesn't think so does not understand baseball. Ichiro is a quintessential ballplayer. And that is that. I hate seeing him on Regggie Jackson's team. Reggie could not play any better than Pete Rose. I mean, you could not find a place to hide his lack of fielding ability. Nor his assholism. Who was a better baseball player, Pete Rpse or Ray Fosse begore Pete crashed into him? I'd say it was Fosse, and if Rose had balls he would have tried that shit on Bill Freehan. Good luck ahole.
- Extremely well put, Jakash. And what we are left with is Grandma Mc, and ain't no uppity negroe. These bastards just cannot stand a brown President, Neither can Danny, despite his wormtongue. Racist shitheel. Sorry you bastard. Sherri, how about the Times pieces about Mr. Prince? Who do these aholes think they are? If you have a soul, you do not call Lou Mr. Reed: Or Patti Ms. Smith. Even though she chose to be Mrs. Sonic, and how cool is that? And Sonic was a better guitar player than Dick Wagner, possibly. Amd this may be the greatest rock song that isn't God Save the Queen.
- Far as sports columnists are concerned, we have Peter King, who is earnest to a fault. And there is Sally Jenkins, who is a better writer than Nancy. And she chose to write about sports. I know that's impossible, but yeah, I think its likely.
- One way or another:
- Anybody that thought WShrub actually won an election is deluded, He was handed one by Scalito and the next one by Kenneth Blackwell and the CEO of Diebold. And look at what that bought us as a country. RMoney wants to double down. Like I said. Remember when we all got drunk 12 years ago and wrapped the car around a tree? Yeehaw, let's do that again. We will all end up in the hospital with no health care. And the miscreants will skate on jail time like Casino Jack.
- Dexter, I know it beat the Tigers, but you had to love that catch by Coco Crisp, one of my favorite players of all time and a greater name than Purnall Goldie, sort of.
- More proof that Mittens is full of bullshit. How does one argue with somebody that is committed to a flagrant lie when everybody listening seems to be so fracking stupid they believe the flagrant lie above simple arithmetic?
- Nancy, your Zulu reference is apt. I rooted for the Zulus while watching that Michael Caine movie. I suppose it's just that I have such a deep-seated hatred of freedom. And I'm anti-colonial.
- Today is Cyril Neville's b'day: A curtis song by a Neville brother. Tasty. Scribe, the Cubs are tops in sports stupidity. I have wanted the Dodgers to hire Dusty to manage since LaSorda. Really? Yankees? Donny Baseball inherited the stupidity about managing pitchers from Joe Torre, the most over-rated manager not named Tony LaRussa. Had Matt Kemp and Billingsley not missed several weeks, LA would be in the mix and Kershaw would be mowing 'em down. When I see Johnny Cueto, I get an instant picture of Marichal hitting Roseboro on the head with a bat. Can't trust them Dominicans.
- Oh, and it's Midge Ure's birthday too: Ultravox? An acquired taste? A decent hint of 80s music. But to me 80s music is Mark Knopfler:
- cooze, Dems are making that shit up. Unlike Willard Windsock the human being Etch-a-Sketch. They have the cash so everything is what they say it is. Koch Bros. Kriminal Konspiracy is still parking those oilers offshore to fuck with gas prices. I'm waiting for Dannytroll to explicate what exactly Mittens said in that "debate" that was true. And for no reason but that I love it, the best Dire Straits song ever, and best live version:
- Mark, speaking of lies, how bout Mitt claiming the President apologized for the GOPer issue Daniel Pipes produced video? When Where? Congressional hearings? What? Issa the criminal on the investigation again? You have got to be joking. Meanwhile, you are such a deluded moron you'll vote for RMoney despite the fact that everything he says is dogshit and he'll say something diametrically opposite tomorrow if he thinks somebody wants him to. Actually, Obama never said anything about the attack other than to give tribute to the brave ambassador. And has anybody but Faux and your grandmasters at Newsmax and Free Republic proved the attack wasn't spontaneous. And would the reactionary PNAC types that provided cover actually admit it. Those are some aholes that ought to be sent to Gitmo for waterboarding. You are full of shit. As is your robot Willard. Pisants. And I'm still waiting for news of anything Windsock said in that "debate" he ran so roughshod over (had the President behaved as boorishly, you'd be howling) that remotely approached truth. The President and his administration are actually running the country and dealing with foreign affairs. Willard is just putting his foot in every cowpie.
- I once saw Karras in person talking about how the Loins were laughing about Tom Dempsey trying the 63-yarder. Hilarious fellow. I also met him when I was in the theater school at Cranbrook. A very nice man, as were Darris McCord and Roger Brown and Sam Williams. If those boyos were playing today, Stafford and Megatron would win the Super Bowl. Alex also described a college game in which he gouged, bit and otherwise abused an offensive lineman, only to find out after the game, it was his brother Ted. Didn't wear his glasses on the field. His post-NFL career wasn't quite up to Justice Alan Page, but he was a helluva good guy with a great deal of talent. And we all thought Carl Wannaberger was a coot, but nobody took advantage of his poor eyesight to run him into a closed door as Mittens did, hilariously. Stupid and a bully. Doubling down on Shrub? Mittens wants to bolster the armed forces to make sure he's got a crew when he next decides to give a classmate a haircut. What a creepy POS. And how the hell does anybody claim he won the debate who saw his K-hole grin and staring performance when he wasn't lying...err...talking? Personally, I'd like the President to mention that he's never strapped the dog to the roof for a speedy trip to Canada. That sort of animal cruelty and horrendous judgement isn't an issue? Guy is an asshole that delighted in shitcanning American jobs to get richer. Obama rescussitated, Willard will administer the coup de grace. It's hilarious that dumbass Americans see free trade as some sort of liberal conspiracy aimed at One World, when GOPers are backing a schmuck that wants one corporate world without bounds.
- Nope, MarkH: theater school was a summer camp sorta thing. I was born in Cincinnati, but have never visited the Queen City. And those 200 dead marines in Lebanon, that is why Congress decided not to fund Marines at embassies. It was not some sort of anti-coonial, Zulu Mau Mau socialist plot, Mark and Danny. And the decision was a long while ago. Shock and awe got Ambassador Stevens killed, and that is clearly a fact. And please, don't make an ass of yourselves by claiming President Obama "skipped" PDB briefings. He just didn't need anybody to read it to him as W did.
- Typical whited sepulcher GOPer elected official:
- True, Brian, but I-64 is parbly the most beautiful to drive up and down.
- This asshole can't make up his mind about anything. And people will vote for this moron? Staying in bed w/ the covers over my head is beginning to look more and more like the best way to get through the day. Well, yeah, but I'm going to be doing that in El Libertad, Ecuador if the Liar for the Lord gets elected. Darrel Issa investigating anything is a joke. He began his life of crime as a car thief and chop-shop operator and moved smoothly as a spiv into Congress. His brother took the rap and did jail time. He was investigated for arson and insurance fraud in torching of buildings he owned. This guy is a hoodlum, plain and simple. He should not be in Congress, nor should he be in charge of investigating anything. His "Fast and Furious" gunwalking investigation is a freaking joke. The only person that did any actual "gunwalking" is Issa's mentally challenged star witness. That's why you don't hear much about that shit any more. Anyway, it was all just a Kenyan plot to take away our guns. If Obama is just sick and tired of the whole mess, that is understandable. Meanwhile, he has straightened out the American economy, by getting as Keynesian as possible (i.e. realistic, supply follows demand, except in Bizarro World.). Willard will FUBAR it further, but who the hell cares. USA will be Eusa soon and the Windsock will let the little shining man out of his bottle for his BFF Bibi, who is probably already baptized retroactively. And if Israel is such a great ally, why did Mossad steal nuclear material from the USA? These aholes want to see Armageddon. Me too, I guess.
- And no, I don't thing all GOPers are assholes. In fact, if people actually look at Ayn Rands budget that RMoney endorses, the shameful manner in which the GOP has turned upon veterans and active duty military should cause more defections from GOPer voting ranks. Willard told some outrageous lie during the debate about the sequestration of defense spending funds. The President is not responsible for that business, Boner is. Blaming that on Obama is another flat-out Windsock lie. On the other hand, Ayn Ryan's budget cuts $11billion from the VA. Apparently GOPers think that damaged vets aren't entitled to health care. Will the real Martian please stand up? Let's be clear, Romney and Ryan would be disastrous for America's service members, veterans and military families. Public praise rings hollow when you fail to mention an ongoing war in accepting your party's nomination to be president, or veterans in a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, a so-called jobs plan or in a budget that should be a blue print of our nation's values. Larry Pressler Former U.S. Senator from South Dakota (Rep) Of course Congressional Teabangers couldn't vote for a vets' jobs bill. That might make the President look less uppity. Let's vote to repeal ACA for the 100th time with no prayer in the Senate instead of doing our job. GOPer members of the House should pay back all of their salaries, and add in the cost of their Maybach health care plans. They refused to do the people's business for the last two years. Just stumbled upon this: But the hell with Nick Lowe's greatest song, lets blow up Iran and really piss them Mooslems off. Jolene, there is ample evidence that lots of Mittens' LDS brethren saw him as the embodiment of the White Horse Prophecy from way back. I saw one Mormon quoted as saying "If not Mitt, who?" No joke, if you choose PNACers and Robert Bork for your advisors, you will be a dangerous and lousy President. There but for the grace of God goes Daniel Pipes. Holy shit, this is a recipe for disaster. How are people so stupid this is not obvious to them? This asseyed dickhead says he will do what Shrub did, but double. How'd that work out, now that the USA is beginning to recover, despite the best destructive efforts of the GOP?
- Alex, those were Sons of Dan. They come after LDS seen drinking caffeinated beverages or holding hands out of multiple wedlock.
- ROGirl: Mormons in France sounds like a topic for Jean-Paul Sartre, or Franz Kafka. And those Gauloise puffing Frenchies huffing wine, they probably thought correctly that those missionaries had figured a good game to get out of going to Viet Nam. I mean, France did.
- Mary RC: A very good point, very well put.
- Am I mistaken, or did Willard channel $Palin in the debates regarding "death panels"? Do even idiot Teabangers still believe in that moronic horseshit? But there was young master RMoney talking $Palin bullshit and people fawning over his drug-induced rapture while he wasn't speaking. I believe there was a box on his back, to feed ketamine when it was Barack's turn and greenies when it was time for Mittens to lie. He spent half that night trying to look like a n Eastern Orthocdox icon. Creepy as hell.
- Those of you rooting for the Os, I'm with that. Anybody playing the Yanks is my team: I'd like both Dexter's and Sherri's opinion about Reggie Jackson cheating his ass off v. Dodgers in the World Series. My opinion? Hip-checking the relay throw halfway into the outfield is cheating, and Reggie would never admit it. Typical Yankees and typical Reggie. I despise the Cards (for racism), and the Reds (for overblownism), and the Phillies (for ump fucking over Bert Hootonism), But you Phillies fans, I say Zoio Versalles. And hahaha. Johnny Cueto reminds me of Marichal, who should still be in jail.
- Willard isthete Reggie Jackson of politics, He stidks is ass into center and just cheats. I've played sports and been fairly successful. If I got to play in the World Series, I wouldn't cheat no matter what. Somebody that would get to a Presidential debate and just lie his ass off / How does anybody vote for that mofo?
- Cristopher Walken reads Honey Boo Boo. This man is a national treasure. I am looking forward to Seven Psychopaths. Best movie title since Snakes on a Plane. Jolene@10: Very well said. Bolton and Abrams. Holy shit, this country needs that shit less than Bork on the SC or a few more holes in our heads. It's entirely possible the next four years will see four justices replaced. RMoney would cook that goose permanently. And Alex, lying your ass off is not debating, but stupid people will misconstrue it as such. The President's error is to overestimate the rationality of Americans. RAther than rational explanations, he should have mocked Willard's bogus tax argument by saying "Read my lips". The lie about taxes and the lie about Medicare are both flagrant and transparent, but I guess it's like Tom Petty says "You believe what you wanna believe". Willard will do what he said and double down on Shrub, and accomplish what Shrub was prevented by term limits from finishing, i.e. burying the USA, lying for the Lord.
- The travails of filthy rich McMansion owners. Agonists and ecstasy. Pretty damned funny. Some cops for Mittens to fire. Doesn't that well-known war criminal Shrub W. Bush live in Houston now that the Crawford ranch is no longer politically expedient.
- How in hell does this make any sense at all? Total disarmament makes more sense, before some Salafist nutjob gets ahold of a nuke in the Ukraine. Seriously? $660billion? That is fracking nuts. And that missile defense shit? Shooting a bullet with a bullet. Yeah, sure, that'll work, even though every test has been an abject failure. Product of Raygun's Oldtimers. Ultimate dog-shaming. Nice, Joe. Jonah Goldberg pulls a RMoney and misquotes the President. That guy is a fracking nitwit. Nobody ever claimed the Shrub tax cuts caused the recession. They caused the deficit and the natdebt every GOPer is so het up about, along with credit card invasions and occupations, and the corporate welfare Medicare Part D. Acting like a grown up, the bama administration included those costs in its accounting, and voila, le deficit.
- This looks pretty entertaining. I'm curious. Do GOPers expect everyone to believe Obama was President when the Great Recession arrived Bush and Obama on jobs, the bikini chart doesn't lie. And GOPers have deliberately killed jobs all the while. The bastards are treasonous.
- Some shit to think about while Willard is lying his ass off about taxes. And if you actually read what Windsock Willard said in "winning" the debate, it's clear his mind is on vacation and his mouth is working overtime. If silence was golden, he couldn't raise a dime. If talk was criminal, he'd live a life of crime. Mose lives just down the street.
- VH-1 Classic is showing It Might Get Loud tonight. Excellent movie. Fundagelicalictament thang RMoney supporter: Willard's indentured servants, the coal miners.
- Stuff Ayn Ryan will not be talking about tonight. Sherri, when Dr. J was at UMass I was dating a girl there and spent a lot of time in Amherst. They played hoops in a minuscule bandbox of a fieldhouse. Capacity c. 1500. It's amazing that visiting teams ever got out of that place alive and intact. The place would be so packed you could pick up both feet off the floor without falling down. Amazing atmosphere. Somebody should tell Ayn Ryan that they havve machines for leg muscles too. He looks like a Joe Tex song:
- From that Agenda 21 article: As if the elimination of private property ownership, population control, and education, based on U.N. standards were not enough, Agenda 21 will eventually affect our lives in other ways like the relocation of people from rural areas into cities, limiting the type of vehicles we drive, higher gas prices, changing routes of transportation, banning human access to land, seizure of private property, restrictions on water usage, quotas on harvesting, prohibitions on plowing the soil, limitations on raising animals for meat, regulations on what we eat and drink, control of home energy usage, increased taxation, and even forced community involvement. How did the paranoiac ahole leave out enforced Esperanto? Funnisest thing is getting deeper into the piece and finding out this guy used to be a TV weather reader. Well, hell's bells, that exudes credibility, but I might tend more toward agreeing with Sonny "Idiot" Elliot on his conspiracy bugaboos. Tigers, song. '68 was a great Series. : and (Damnit, can't find the full vocal version. I think this was the B-side.) Always despised the Cardinals, as the singularly most racist team in the Majors when Jackie Robinson came up. Cards players went after Jackie with spikes and bean balls, and they tried unsuccessfully to foment a strike to prevent playing against a black player. This week's episode of the adventures of SAMCRO had a brief appearance by the great Walton Goggins. Even for non-fans of SOA, it would be well worth the 2 bucks on Amazon to watch the episode Orca Shrugged. This performance will never be topped if they are still making TV shows thousands of years from now. Now get back to Harlan Co., Boyd, and up to no good. The only other option was to hand him a participation ribbon and take him to Burger King for lunch. And a cardboard crown and a shit toy made in China. Gutdom, the guy has Eddie Munster hair.
- New Stones song: Nice chunky guitar riff, political lyrics. Not bad at all. Produced by Don Was.
- Too bad Jim Lehrer didn't take his job as seriously as Martha Raddatz. Some guy called Philip Bump tweeted: "Somehow at this debate Ryan came in third." Pretty funny line. Axelrod's comment that it was like watching the HS principal debating the student body president was pretty funny. It was nice hearing point out Ryan's shameless scrabbling after stimulus money that he claims now was a failure and a waste of time.Every GOPer did this with a handful (tops) of exceptions. Perry turned down the money and hung Texas "out to dry", quite literally. We just received a package sent by a friend from a duty-free shop in Kingston containing a bag of Blue Mountain coffee and a bottle of Appleton Estates rum. Nice way to begin the day. TO MAKE MONEY If you ask me to name the proudest distinction of Americans, I would choose – because it contains all the others – the fact that they were the people who created the phrase 'to make money'. No other language or nation had ever used these words before; men had always thought of wealth as a static quantity – to be seized, begged, inherited, shared, looted, or obtained as a favor. Americans were the first to understand that wealth has to be created. The words 'to make money' hold the essence of human morality. — Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged Posted by teresa.frog.applause at 6:17 PM What an idiot Ayn Rand was. Making money waas certainly around in Ancient Rome. Cicero used the term, and not in a particularly good way. And I'd like to paraphrase Deborah's thought about Ayn Ryan. Ryan is hard to watch. He's undead and has an Eddie Munster haircut.
- For Ryan to say"They keep misquoting him." about RMoney is pitiful and deserving of nothing more than mockery, from whatever side you are looking at it. "You didn't build that." Why is it that when GOPers do vile shit they always cover up by claiming Dems are doing the vile shit. The mother of all of this was Scalia whining about liberal activist judges for three decades, then turning into the most shameless idealogue activist in the history of the SC.
- My debate question for Willard Windsock: What is the use of a fine house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on. -Henry David Thoreau
- Dashiell Hammett, Philip K. Dick, Harlan Ellison.
- Ryan is running for his Congressional seat at the same time as he runs for VP. And he is refusing to debate his opponent for his seat in the House. Lameass. Remember when Willard was pallin' aroung with that fundraiser date-rapist mofo. This is just as weird and disturbing:
- Hella, Della. That's not enough for them. They have both unequivocally supported "personhood bills" in the past few months, which would specifically ban "morning after" contraception. The people that vote for them think that sex ed and contraceptive curricula have no place in schools. Neither RMoney nor Ayn Ryan supports the Lily Ledbetter Act. In fact, during the debate he "won" Windsock proved he didn't have a clue what the law entails. Ryan is a known associate of the blunderbuss buffoon Todd Akin, and believes there are both "forcible" rapes, and some other kind of violation that is or is not more legitimate. Here's a typical GOPer attitude: How about this pathetic clueless Viagra addict? When a reporter asked Smith to clarify what kind of situation was similar to becoming pregnant from rape, the candidate responded, "Having a baby out of wedlock." He added, "Put yourself in a father's position. Yes, it is similar." Did he really mean "Put yourself in a rapist's position." For me, Ryan's gigunda briar patch moment in the debate was his needless talk about privatizing social security. Seems like this would be third rail politics for anybody with more of a brain than just the hindbrain, after what all the big banks and brokerages pulled four years ago. I'd also say, I get a document from Social Security Administration anuually that identifies my lifetime contribution to the fund. If GOPers want to give me all of my money tomorrow, with reasonable interest, they can send a check right this minute. How fracking likely is that to happen?
- MarkH. Tig is an unreconstructed, unredeemable, and undiscerning pervert (necrophilia in Season 1), and those jugalettes looked mighty convincing. Naming the character Venus van Damme seemed like a lap at theat Dita von Teese stripper. I have never been so gobsmacked by anything on television as I was by that. That scene and Boyd's performance put Neil Jordan and Stephen Rea in the shade. How the hell can you win a debate when you utter an outrageous howler, like "We don't have people that die because they don't have insurance."??? I guess it hasn't dawned on the Windsock that COBRA mandated emergency care is the main driver that causes American healthcare to double every other civilized country's health taband not necessarily so civilized country. He still believes it's tort awards that is the problem, though when you add all the CYA testing costs, all of the jury awards, and all of the malpractice premiums, you reach a grand total equal to less than 1% of all USA healthcare costs. Funny, first I heard of that fact in contradiction of GOPer healthcare scripture was from a Heritage Foundation report. But the scabrous curs of the GOP will never let go of that bit of ahole mythology. And something else bothering me about Willard Ananais' 47% moocher Lucky Duckies. How is Federal largess distributed, you dick? Alaska, New Mexico, Alabama, West Virginia, and Mississppi get the most cash per capita. Know who pays it? Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Nevada, California and New Jersey, where the people live who have thaat well-known liberal bias toward reality, leading to voting Dem in national elections. Not to mention that much of the Southren red states are exceptionally dependent on defense spending, and that clearly includes Tejas. So who's zooming whom, Mittens? Here's a rambling blogpost from Driftglass, that sums up the political situation depressingly well, by comparison to 2004. I'm just trying to hold out hope that Americans will surprise on November 6, and not vote like mindless idiots.
- Biden was rude and smiled too much? Yeah? Did they watch WillardHe had that Orthodox ikon smile plastered too his face the whole time, to the point that he looked like he'd been given Ketamine or some other hog tranq.
- Driftglass link (it's long, but a tour de force worth the time): I parbly miss "edit" more than most of y'all.
- Nobody deserves seeing his child burned to death, Mark. But he did have sex with dead Mexican girls befor he disposed of their corpses in flagrante. Nothing like that happens accidentally on this show. The only conceivable chance for redemption for Tig is getting with Jemma, who he has loved for a long time.
- I expect Argo to be excellent, mainly on the basis of the excellent Gone Baby, Gone and the Town. I love movies that get Boston right. FNL guy Peter Berg is pissed off about RMoney coopting Coach Taylor's inspirational motto: And I know I've heard some derisory hooting from some of y'all about Gwyneth Paltrow, but appparently Gwynnie doesn't give a shit what anybody thinks. I mean, there is no other way to explain this: Linsay Lohan? I like her movies. Mean Girls is a classic, her Parent Trap was better than Hayley Mills", and her Freaky Friday remake is hilarious. But politics? Doesn't her criminal record make her a poster child for vote suppression? But I suppose if they can overlook Nugent's adventures in pedophilia, blow and bad driving can be washed away by the RMonskeys with a quickie retroactive baptism. I mean, they already had a bigtime cocaine addict backing them, I.E. wife-beater Kelsey Grammer. Bocephus family values.
- Analysis of what experts say needs to done to keep the world safe in the penumbra of American and Russian nukes. Now I'd say a fare assessment of this situation is that I'd trust President Obama implicitly to weigh these recommendations and effect sound nuke policy. RMoney, he's said several times that Russia is the USA's chief geopolitical enemy. Asyonishingly obtuse, Mittens.
- Ian McShane is joining the cast of American Horror Story. Last season of this show was a fracking, trashy riot: Georgia is having a battle over charter schools. It appears that existing charters really would rather limit competition, accentuating the profit rather than performance motive behind every privatization impulse from the right (and the desire to drown government in Norquist's bathtub). Of course, GOPers are cheating:
- I really hope that the President gets an opportunity when RMoney is talking abut taxes, to sayWillard means "Read my lips." Because that is what the shitheel is doing. And if Willard wants to talk about doubling down on denial, let the debates get around to his astoundingly stupid comment on emergency room care for the uninsured: That is fracking stupidity on a par with Gerald Ford confusing Balkan and Baltic.
- Here's another great opportunity to skewer Mittens in the next debate: And the bastard didn't build those Olympics either:
- Parbly time for Scott to whip it out. Classsic New Jersey kinda guy as Virginia Woolf might put it. No there, there. Like All Hat No Cattle you GOPers. Guy is a jackass and a ninny. He got to the Senate by running against Martha Coakely who clearly didn't want to win and ran the stupidest race in the history of Massachusetts politics. His political ideas are Neeaduhthal. like Jimmy Castor Bunch, and who told this idiot rube was gonna garner votes in Massachusetts? Bracing pm swim in the Atlantic just now. When the weather service says riptides and undertows, I love to swim. It's somewhat frightening at times, but a good rip will shoot you 200yds. offshore in a few seconds. You have to be a good enough swimmer to make the return swim. Undertow is trickier. it can churn up beach detritus like fairly large rocks and bash you about. I was once knocked unconscious at Nauset Light Beach Cape Cod by a fairly large stone, and thrashed around in the out=tide. Bleeding like a stuck pig back on shore and scared the crap out of my companions, my daughter and her nanny who was very dear to me. And this was after her mom and I were divorced. It was miraculous I didn't drown I suppose. But to this day, I love riptides and undertows. Anyway, it was awe inspiring like no waterpark ever was. There were surfable waves too, but I haven't done that nonsense in 40 years. I've been trying to figure out if I'd be unhappy about moving out of the USA. I doubt it. I'll still be American, and my lover too, if she agrees to come with me. I say for sure, I'll miss S more than I miss this country. And I have no clue how she's end up taken care of. Remember that Steppenwolf song, The Monster. That is the deal these days, in my opinion. And who knew opinion can be typed with three fingers on one hand? And not use the index finger? Holy shit. When did pointing out dogass lies, in a news story, become political? I'm getting the same sinking feeling I did when Blackwell and the Diebold guy declared a win. Like when the Brooks Bros, rioters got away with that outrageous shit. Masters of the Universe. Scumbag dickheads, I say. Ever watch that show Revolution. US and RMoney in no time. No coffee, no alcohol, no smoke of any kind. LDS is Diana Moon Glampers, ya dumbasses. Purveying Handicapper General. Think Fahrenheit 451, what would we read? Acctually, what about red balloons: My take? Fine satire by an incredibly gorgeous woman. She is clearly talking about destuctive American asshole capitalists. And those aholes crawl out of the woodwork. I'm interested in what women think of Nena's performance. She's gorgeous, multi-lingual; and wears leather to kill for.
- SHERRI, GOPERS thought Kerri was an Ahole because he could eindsail without killing himself while Shrub wasn;t a fracking moron because he pitxhwd over the handlebars of a personal propulsion device. Aorry. biggest idiot to ever be President without being elected.
- YANKEES SUCK. There is no twp ways abour this. They suck and that is that. Sorry Shetti, but when you bring the only black player to the league, you aren't in the Cards league for being despicable. Bo Tigers. Bawdamighty I despise the Yanks,
- Dexter, Can somebody shut that shit about Ichiro not being a team player about now? Guy plays for the team always. Anybody that ever thoyfgr orherwise is ab uduit, And sonehow Yanks are playind five at home, What sort of shit is that? Gawdamighty I hate the Jiants, they suck. The Yamka EW Fweeinf Qt qirh ir
- Seriously, Johnnu Da,pm or Gtandersom, Toges jomer you dumbasses.
- Dexter, In 2012 Clayton Kershaw owned Lincecum. I, too, love watching Lincecum pitch. There is no physical explanation for the guy. Like Guidrt or Fidrich. But the Gints are the team of Juan Marichal, who tried to kill Johnny Roseboro. They suck, bigtime. And now Representative Issa, and Willard Ananais RMoney, it turns out that the diplomatic staff's requests for increased Libya security were for the station in Tripoli, not Benghazi, you fracking necro-creeps: RMoney is playing politics with the murder of a very brave and very talented public servant. He should be punished at the polls for his scurrilous lack of character.
- Well, Quaddafi was all on board with Pretzeldent Shrub. Turning over the alleged rusted remains of Libya's alleged nuke program was a great PR claim for tha Shrubistration. GOPers are pissed off about security for diplomatic missions in Libya because the Teabanger House voted to defund contracts with Blackwater/Xe, and Shrub W. Bushco never ignored the hair on fire PDB about flying planes into buildings, and it's all the fault of the anti-coonial Kenyan usurper. I've pretty much decided that I will never understand why anti-colonial is bad.I mean, Thomas Jefferson was pretty fracking anti-colonial, wasn't he?
- Autumn almanac:
- Privitization of embassy security is largely responsible for the killing of American diplomats in Libya. Now, which pretzeldential administration and which party are the purveyors of privatization? Libyans don't want Blackwater/Xe in their country? No shit Sherlock. They hire rapists and murderers. Psychopaths. Having Chop-Shop Issa investigating this in the House is a disgrace to the USA.
- Detroit Loins come back from 16-6 and 23-13 to to beat the Philadelphia Dog-Killers 26-23.
- According to GOPers, Shrub never existed:
- Previous use for ballons that size has been missile defense testing, to give the bullet a target. And Raytheon and the military still couldn't hit a bullet with a bullet. A couple of $trillion down the outhouse hole. And that is Mr. Zombie to the NYT. And I think my money's on Zombie in a fistfight with Marilyn Manson, unless Dita von Teese gets into it.
- Michele Bachmann said that the HPV vaccination caused an intelligent teenager to wake up one morning "mentally retarded". Google doodle.
- I was disappointed that Carl hadn't kicked the bucket between Walking Dead seasons. And I could do without Hershel too. Call the Midwife is delightful, and the new Upstairs Downstairs had the Kennedys, Jack and his dad Ambassador Joe to a fancy dinner last night, but Jean Marsh is no longer in the cast, which is disappointing. Women's suffrage has been the downfall of the USA. That ol' Appalachian trail-hiker my disgraced ex-governor Mark Sanford steps in the shit. This seems somewhat more flagrant than the Joe Bidenism regarding chains, which I'm fairly certain was a muffed reference to indentured servitude, rather than to race. But chucking spears? What a fracking dumbass.
- With Arlen Specter's death, it's worth noting his crucial effort in preventing Robert Bork from becoming an SC justice. The last reasonable GOPer. Another whole CEO threatening his employees to influence their votes. Gawdamighty what a dick. Sue, first thing is somebody needs to explain what diabolical means to that midgebrained jackass. Lindsay Lohan's fellow travelers on the GOP bandwagon. (A very funny Chuck Norris takedown at the end.) Very sorry buncha has-beens. Pat Boone, who got ricch by the white breadization of Little Richard's glorious and joyous raunch backs RMoney by bashing another brother? Quelle surprise.
- That's sad news, Dorothy. She's a great actress.My ex-wife and I saw her in a production of the TS Eliot play The cocktail Party at Brandeis once. A very fine play and a wonderful performance. We were both fans of U/D. but not as fanatical in our dedication as we were to Poldark, a rip-roaring show with great lead and minor characters. A good bit similar to Wuthering Heights actually. We have a DVD set of it. Lots of buckles swashed. Chainsaw Jack should STFU like TK about the latest BLS employment numbers: Light painting, a very cool video:
- Ron Raygun and his asinine fairy tale about the welfare queen. Maybe Oldtimers explains this but I don't think so. And now GOPers have another hero from the past endorsing Willard Ananais RMoney, Frederick Doglass: In Yiddish, that's called chutzpah. I had no idea Mr. Douglass would have signed on to the treasonous Norquist Pledge.
- Next time RMoney claims he doesn't know what the President is talking about when the subject of outsourcing jobs to China, he should be made to explain Bain's stewardship of Sensata. He also should have to explain his relationship with Bain in general.He has obviously lied, either to the SEC or to the American people. IOIYAR: Obama v. RAygun on employment Next time RMoney claims he doesn't know what the President is talking about when the subject of outsourcing jobs to China, he should be made to explain Bain's stewardship of Sensata. Why putting a Mac-10 to my temple would not convince me to vote for a GOP candidate:
- Rosie Perez' funny video about how RMoney is a dickhead.
- If Willard can quote an American Enterprise Institute study to defend his Pooka tax plan, Obama should counter with this graphic representation of GOPer plans for: Medicare. Ed Gillespie claims AEI is non-partisan. I know Center for American Progress is not, but I believe them to be more honest. Why the internet is a mixed blessing.
- Deborah, try Amazon for styli. I got a trio of them for less than a buck. Very nice. And a good way to work for the President is to work for resposible Congressional representation. Think what employment figures would be had the House not kiboshed so many public sector jobs. The "six studies" crap is something the President should nail to the wall. These mofos just lie like it is going out of style. It's the bikini chart. 5.4 million private sector jobs produced, even with the Shrub backwash, and my earlier link displayed how GOPers have different standards for Dem and GOPer Presidents. Raygun got a pass, Obama doesn't. I'm sick and tired of this massive and flagrant mendacity. Kaiser Foundation says that Ryan's Medicare Plan would cut benefits by 60%. RMoney says this doesn't reflect their actual plan. Do they explain the actual plan? NFW. This is beyond comprehension.
- Is the deficit a problem, or is it, as Dickless Cheney said, deficits doan mean shit? How do these aholes get away with this total perversion of facts?
- We used to find Palmetto bugs in the house, fairly regularly. Palmetto bug=1-1/2 in. long roach. Now we have a couple of green anoles resident that eat them and the spiders too. The lizards are close to domesticated, and we call them Rikki and Tavi. Coop rules do not allow for dogs or cats, so we have saurians. hundred teeny praying mantises in your dining room Reminds me of Rachel's memory of the baby spiders in Blade Runner. And if mantises are praying, that's the females saying grace before eating the males heads after sex.
- Let us resolve that never again will we send the precious young blood of this country to die trying to prop up a corrupt military dictatorship abroad. --George McGovern Too bad Milhous, Raygun and Bushco didn't pay attention.
- Ducks. Ducks on the Wall.
- Ryan, the lyin' liar:
- I find spiders fascinating and they are profuse in this neck of the subtropics. It is not unusual to wake up in the am with a new spider bite. Our lizards are playful and beautiful, and if they prevent an itchy spider bite, all the better. We've currently got a massive banana spider web on our balcony railing, so houseflies are a thing of the past. I lived in Boston when Chuck Stewart murdered his wife and claimed a "black guy" did it. BPD performed 1000s of stop and frisks of teenaged black males in a matter of days. Unproductive, racist stupid police tactic. Just ask Christy Todd Whitman:
- Yup, It's too bad the President can't send the Praetorian Guard to the House to make an example of Boehner.
- Chris. Since Boehner said it was all about Jobs, jobs, jobs. the House has voted to rescind ACA 50+ times while Rep. Oompa Loompa has not brought a single jobs bill to the floor for a vote, including two bills intended to benefit veterans of Shrubcos two illegal invasions and occupations. What do you suggest the President might be able to do about that sort of treasonous intransigence? When ACA got passed, all the whining came from the GOPers that claimed it had been forced down their throats. Aholes also claimed it was unConstitutional. They couldn't even convince Roberts of that.
- Somebody must ask RMoney about this tonight.
- Apt movie analogy. And how does Mittens know what's in the Presidential pension portfolio? Caymans investments? Swiss and Chinese investments. That was just a litany of Willard's own IRS-avoiding chicanery. What do these two things have to do with one another, but, how the hell would RMoney know how Presidential pension funds are invested. Struck me as weird, unless Windsock is already coveting that pension money as another ill-gotten gain, with which he will continue to create exactly 0 jobs while not paying taxes on it. Speaking of which, I say after all this time and 1.5 total tax returns, it's fair and reasonable to assume some monstrous tax avoidance is being cloaked. Not as funny as the Big Dog picture, but this is pretty clever. Looks like a Led Zep album cover.
- Those binders are intended expressly for the use of those OB-GYNs that haven't been "able to practice their love with women all over the country".
- Good news, fersher. Democrat Kathy Hochul wins Jack Kemp's old district, that was GOPer controlled for 40 years, with GOPer plans to FUBAR Medicare the crucial issue.
- Best of all possible? Undecideds all vote for that pot-head Libertarian from New Mexico. These navel-gazing Onanists seem like the same group of people that voted for Darth Nader in 2000, and ushered in Shrubco. When RMoney brings up his term as Goober-nor of Mass. I want somebody to ask him to explain why he bought all those hard drives from state government computers and destroyed them. And when he mentions all of his holdings being in a blind trust, somebody has got to quote his mocking dismissal of blind trusts during a debate with Ted Kennedy. “The blind trust is an age-old ruse, if you will. Which is to say you can always tell a blind trust what it can and cannot do. You give a blind trust rules.”
- Borden: The same people are claiming Bindrs of Women was taken out of contextAnd Rmoney and the President on gas prices and US production last night? The President had the facts, incontrovertible, at his fingertips, and got off a good one about RMoney's chances of getting gas prices down by doubling down on Shrubco supply side deregulation and laissez faire enforcement and tax cuts. But guess what. Part of the echo chamber must have slipped down the memory hole. Fox News had this all sussed out more than four years ago, especially Spinmeister O: And you know, W wasn't dealing with the Koch Kriminal Konspiracy buying up oil on the futures market and holding several tankers full off shore to manupulate prices. When Willard posited the $25 grand worth of deductions, and then said you can pick which ones you want to use, I nose-tricked my IPA. What a doofus. I can use the deduction for my ballet horse? Gee, thanks Massa RMoney. WTF was he talking about, and anybody that buys that $25grand nonsense is an idiot, He took more than $50grand on his horse Bojangles. His constituency won't stand for that sort of tax coe.
- RMoney and Lyin' Ryan can claim until they are blue in the face they don't intend to dismantle Medicare, but Tommy Thompson is already lobbying to be put in charge of the demolition:
- Deborah @ 5: and the problem with vote suppression for profit. Privitization is government by cronies for profit, a legal end run around laws against cheating in procurement and the spear point in the Norquist campaign to end federal government in the USA. When mailing a birthday card costs $13, stupid Murricans may awake to the evils of the privitization paradigm, or they may just succumb like sheep to the ultra-laziness of sending lame-O e-cards. If a proponent of privitization can identify an area in which going "for profit" has produced more economic, efficient or effective results than government I haven't heard of it. Private prisons have led to an increase in people being jailed by corrupt judges and jailers in gross miscarriages of justice, as well as to criminals running loose for lack of proper supervision. Not to mention the loony irony of Chuck Colson and his paid Christian prison outreach programs. Marvin Bush's reading curricula (how to read kid's books upside down)? Nothing odoriferous about that deal, at all. FedEx surpasses USPS for private vs. time sensitive business mail? Bullshit bigtime. Take away the GOPer poison pension-funding requirement and USPS is very effective and very cheap. Are US airlines offering a better service than AmTrak? Nope, not since deregulation. Alex, the drink might not take effect so quickly if you change over to "doubled the deficit" for the trigger. Then again, it might. I'd like to see a lightning bolt land inches from Willard every time he repeats this bald-faced lie. Obama has, by any math Willard E. Coyote wants to employ, has decreased the deficit from $1.2 trill to $1 trill or so. And of course, that includes putting current costs of the illegal invasions and occupations on the books, which Shrubco never did. This is a ginormous fracking lie, and stupid Murricans lap it up like Bowsers drinking from the crapper bowl. And speaking of fracking, this is one in the solar plexus for sane public policy: Hogging a table? If you keep spending money, the table is yours. If you base the tip on when you finished your entrees, you are a jerk. Waitstaff have stations and make more money on full meals. If a large party closes the restaurant, it is not going to produce a salutary effect on the tip, in most cases. Occasionally, if drinking and rounds of cognac with the coffee ensue, the tip can grow ridiculously. I once got $600+ off a table of 14 Swedish scientists who were attending a conference at UGA. Of course I also ferried them from campus to the restaurant. Their English wasn't extensive, so I basically got all of them to order T-Bone with baked and sauteed mushrooms, and everyone chose medium rare. Easy as can be. And they ordered beer by the case. A splendid time was had by all. They tried to outdo each other buying after dinner rounds, with guys ordering out of earshot of their compadres and proffering tips with the orders.
- Binders of women? In the decades of the 80s and 90s there were exactly ZERO women partners at Bain Capital. And those binders were compiled by MA women's groups before Willard was elected. Rmoney's bullshit claims about working in bipartisan fashion as MA governor? 800 vetos, almost every one overridden by MA legislature. Another major league whopper: A friend just sent me this by email: A person named Max Jukes sent the following LTE to the Temple Daily Telegram, Temple, TX and we await to see if this predominately R-oriented paper publishes it: We’re not against capitalism, we’re against its abuses. We’re not against religion, we’re against its misuse as a political tool. We’re not against democracy, we’re against the manipulation of the democratic process by corporate forces. We’re not against the American Dream, we’re against its unattainability by anyone but the outrageously wealthy. We’re not against defending the nation, we’re against putting corporate interests above those of education, infrastructure, and the improvement of American life. We’re not against America, we’re against the abandonment of its values in the name of economic and political security. We’re not against profits, we’re against profiting at the expense of, and detriment to, the health and well-being of American families. We’re not traitors. We’re not unpatriotic. We’re not elitist. We are Democrats. This is our America, too. And we want it back. VOTE 2012
- I have told a collection agency looking for a guy that used to live in our condo who shared my name, "Michael's dead you insensitive prick, and we're on the federal no-call list. Do not call back." How are phones for welfare to work participants a GOPer campaign issue? And if I point out that the Teabanger issue ad on this subject is racist as hell, and that the phones for people on govt. support started when Raygun was president, I'm a racist?
- Tagging with yarn. A single law firm that doubles as a private equity firm, has represented sports owners in the last four lockouts, all of which I'm fairly certain violate US anti-monopoly statutes. Coincidence? Yeah, sure. There should be legal action from the feds, since these owners almost all get stadiums built for them with taxpayer money by using creative blackmail. John (not McCain)@26: What about the wrongly convicted by Judge brothers-in-law of the prison entrepreneurs. Private prisons are notorious for substandard food and medical care, and unvetted, sadistic personnel. So, guilty or not, the punishment is not just inhumane, it's cruel and unusual, guilty or not.
- Anybody think this is democracy in action?
- Funny commentary on being nominated for the National Book Award: Nothing like the National Girl Award: Speaking of the Boss. He has officially endorsed the President now.
- Nancy @43: I believe modern day Reactionary American politicians continue backward all the time. With regaud to modern day GOPers continuing has become a valuable auxilliary verb, as in ""continue lying", "continue discriminating", or "continue stealing and leaving the disadvantaged to pick up the tab for the uncaring mess." JC, if your employer is the federal government that sort of blatant intimidation is illegal as hell. Recently as 2000, GoPers tried to claim Gore had broken the Hatch Act enabling laws. Didn't get far, since he's smarter than all of them put together, and after the Brooks Bros. riot, they lost steam and knew it was in the Scalito bag. Didn't everybody in the USA see Ken Blackwell awarding the machine contract for Ohio to the wienie Diebold CEO, for machines that were eminently hackable and produced no paper record, and were ruled out for Contracts by 45 other states? and the wienie Diebold CEO guaranteeing a Shrubco win in Ohio, that in the end included Cuyahoga and Sandusky counties? Yeah right. And the whacko Paul Broun, that says "evolution is a lie from the pits of hell" keeps getting elected by the majority UGA students in Clarke Co. GA. And there is nothing untoward. GOPers have gamed the system like it is going out of style.
- Sue, She has a ridiculous voice. She's a somewhat strange person. She made horribly embarrassing movies, in my opinion. My idea about this is, is somebody going to try to tell me the casino thug Adelson has a better right to express a political opinion? STF you reactioanary aholes, she's an American citizen, like Bruce Springsteen is. These people have an obvious right to political opinions. And lots of them seem pretty damn smart.
- And of course, if you dislike the gender and homosexual-hatred GOPer D-level celebs exude, than lash out against your better actors and musicians. Thes folks are wack delusional. Must be Kenyan and Socialist. C'Mon. Are you people nuts?This is extreme whackjobbhorreia. Socialists? Where? Assoles. Commonniss? Even more empatically: What the fuck are you talking bout' mate Are you kidding? Not in my country asshat.
- Sue. These people despise the poor and the cannon fodder. Like Tagg Romney, who would get his ass handed to him by the President. What a fucking ahole. Tagg: You were brought up a wuss and you really don't want to challenge somebody that knows how to throw a punch when you are basically Donny Osmond, What a wimp. Tell your dad not to lie his ass off, particularly about women. You weenie. Try me, you shit. I will lay your wimpy ass out.
- Them Romney boys. True warriors. Look how they carried on that family pugnaciousness by trying to convince a bunch of Gaulloise smokin' and cognac drinkin' Parissians to accecpt the bizarre fracking lord of the Morons.
- Lets have it. Tagg stripped down to his magig u-trou and getting his obnoxious RMoney face bloodied by the President. And then the ahole can be arrested for threatenining the President. What a fracking buncha morons these people are. They think they;re the Osmonds or something. Ypu can't threaten the President with bodily harm no matter what sort of asshole your dad acts like smirking like an Orthodox ikon you moron. You can be arrested you fracking RMoner twit. You threatened the President. What a flaming asshole. You're going to wear your gear from Iraq, right, you fracking ahole?How do shitheels like this get away with spouting? Dad served in France? My HS friend Randy Gillis got killed in Vietnam while <itt was pretending, So fuck you. Tagg. Whatever the fuck that name is suppposed to mean. Palin solidarity?
- Ahole threatened the President. Arrest his mealy ass.
- Send him here. I'll be happy to kick his Wonderbread ass.
- Results of Ayn Ryan's soup kitchen hoax: I always thought scads of Morning Thunder did well keeping me in my correct lane. I would say that anti-union is anti-middle class. American unions created the middle class in America, and there is an assault by the rich class on the middle class currently.
- Isn't LDS in France an existentialist joke worthy of Sartre or Camus? I mean, of anyplace in the whole wide world? Debate 3 question: Governor RMoney, did you convert anybody in France? And have you baptized any of those French people you failed to convert retroactively? Binders. Another fracking lie. Does this mofo tell the truth about anything?
- Danny@63: And the WWII guys got the big payoffs. Vietvets didn't get that GI bill, free college and ridiculously small mortgages. And the beneficiaries of that government largesse became miser guardians of the public pocketbook. Disgraceful.
- Was this Ayn Ryan's intention all along? Wipe out the "less than John Galt?"
- Part of that deal is accepting the public verdict, whatever it may be, and then going forward together. Do you honestly think that happened in '00 or '04? Shrubco is exactly how things got so FUBAR. And that is thanks to Scalito and Ken Blackwell. Those two elections were hijacked. Anybody that claims that isn't true is a lying sod. No doubt whatsoever. And anybody that claims supply-side economics is sensible is an asshole. As Chritianity has been tried and proven difficult, supply-side has been tried and proved fraudulent.
- Brian, a Green vote is an omphalopic , masturbatory vote for masturbation. Thanks for W you wankers.
- Scalito wom 2000 Brian. Ken Blackwell won '04, along with the Diebold guy. Cuyahoga County voted for Shrub? Not fracking likely.
- McCain's oppo research on RMoney from 2008. Stunning. Not a single case in which what Willard was thinking back then matches teh lies he's telling today.Lying then or lying now, one way or the other. Or courage of having absolutely no convictions whatever. Absolutely bizarro. (from Daily Kos)
- Not defending Lance, but. Neither USADA nor any other anti-doping agency ever produced a positive test, aside from the compromised test the French tech took home with him for the weekend. At the least, this tells me these agencies are technically incompetent cash cows, generally run, like traffic schools, by people with the opportunity and wherewithal to put others under their control. Doping was clearly, and probably still is, rampant in cycling, and none of these self-appointment law enforcement types ever managed to do a fracking thing about it. I don't find the Simeoni story very compelling, beccause it requires a belief that all that chase and pelloton stuff is actually some sort of explicable strategy. For me, cycling strategy is a tad beneath soccer (crossing or downfield). I managed a business through a tornado, once, years ago in Athens GA. My challenge was simple. The place was T. K. Harty's saloon (of America's Most Wanted infamy). The bar was in a n old Southern Railways freight depot built with walls of four interlocking brick wythes. We might have lost the roof, but major ordnance wasn't likely to damage those walls. As the storm approached, the electronic cash register died. We had 30 or so patrons in various states of inebriation. I got my boss Ted harty on the phone, and he told me where to find a crank to operate the register. When I was less than enthusiastic, he said "What the hell. Give 'em free PBR until it goes by. No Heineken." A good time was had by all. Free hipster beer (it wasn't yet in those days) makes a jolly crowd. I actually saw the twister from our kitchen door, dismantling a trestle (not the trestle) and strewing railroad ties in the air. Loudest thing I have ever heard in my life, no doubt. Didn't save anybody from the storm, but I was told years later that a child had been conceived in the pitch dark but for candles bar, and no injuries were sustained. Ted Harty's murder: Congratulations on the long run Icarus.
- A right-wing Super PAC has now pledged $4.5 million to, in their words, “war game” against and “bury” Tammy Duckworth. just got that message from Tammy Duckworth's campaign against deadbeat Joe Walsh. Nice choice of words, you assholes. Tammy says the Iraqis didn't manage to bury her and she thinks Joe Walsh won't either. That language is just boneheaded. Paul Broun? My question is one my dad used to raise regarding this ignoramus: "Who in the world is dumb enough to go to this guy for medical care?" I had a dream early this am of Tagg Romney streaking by the alert Secret Service agents and getting coldcocked by the President of the United States. GOPers. The shit that comes out of their mouths.
- Still racist after all these years. America: just seconds away from a clean getaway. All convinced of our post-racial bona fides, certain of our moral and cultural evolution, ready to embrace the multihued palette of a vibrant mixed-race society… then we elect a black president and that old Devil comes slithering out from under the carpet, crawling in from behind the drapes. My that is well put. But Ann Coulter says there are no racists anymore, just liberals pandering to black people and calling GOPers racist. Kommissar Karl has renounce all that and the Southren Strategy is no more. Michell Malkin vouchsafes her word on that. Hypercars. And for everybody that sees nothing untoward with young Master Tagg owning voting machines, I offer this story from an internet friend of mine: First day of early voting in Texas and already we're in trouble. I don't tweet, but can somebody please pass this on? These electronic machines are NOT to be trusted. This morning Charlie Gunn's ballot review turned up a significant list of candidates for whom he had NOT voted, and (surprise, surprise) they all were, shall we say, significantly to the right of his positions. The election judge was summoned, she discarded that e-ballot and Charlie started over, but needless to say, if he had not gone over the ballot in detail before he pushed "Vote" he would have cast votes for people he did not choose. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE; CHECK EVERYTHING!!! And no, we are not making this up. It really happened.
- Upstairs Downstairs was an absolute hoot last night. Lady Agnes and some whack, typically Brit scheme for a Ladies Exercise League to raise spirits in the face of the gathering warclouds, including a public jumping-jack-off in Hyde Park, for God's sake. More seriously, the Holland household is threatened with disgrace because of publication of an erotic Lesbian-themed Roman a Clef involving a member of the family. The two lovers actually make out briefly, a Masterpiece first, I believe, and one of them is sturdy old Aunt Blanche played by the estimable Alex Kingston, who has moved on to the love that dares not speak its name from her old days of miscegenation with Eriq LaSalle on ER. Meanwhile, members of the downstairs staff are severely put upon by clueless Lady Agnes (actually having something to do during the day is beyond her comprehension), resulting in a visit by the maid Beryl to the Girls Friendly Service, a sort of union for housemaids. Who knew? And finally, a scene with Jean Marsh as indefatigable Rose. But it's apparent that Ms. Marsh is not over the effects of her stroke, and it's too sad to watch closely. Todd Akin's campaign spokesman just said, “If Claire McCaskill were a dog, she’d be a ‘Bullshitsu.’” All the best campaigns quote Dumb and Dumber.
- Some information on Electoral Dysfunction: There was previous doc called electile dysfunction about the 2006 election between Bob Casey and Sanitarium in pA. Snappier name, already taken.
- One of my favorite jokes of all time, Brian. Along with "Yeah, but these Fokkers was Messerschmitts."
- If you subject yourself to the "debate" tonight, remind yourself that when RMoney invokes "small business" he is including Bechtel, the world's largest engineering firm. Oh, and the Tribune Company. Small business my ass. I think I'd rather watch the Stafford and the Lions. (Suh after Cutler sounds like fun.), or the triple feature of Hepburn Tracy movies on TCM.
- Supreme GOPer asshole Ken Cuccinelli strikes again. Even for such a flaming partisan hack, this POS is particularly shameless. And I know nothing about this particular miscreant, but he sure looks kinda Aryan nation in the mug shot. Diickhead should be charged with federal civil rights violations. And compare this with the GOPer wailing and gnashing of teeth over the trumped up ACORN registration fraud fiasco. in which ACORN actually identified phony registrations and turned in the perpetrators. IOKIYAR.
- Another shining moment in the GOPer chickenhawk history of the RMoney family. Subhuman behavior, in my opinion.
- Willard went fully inflated Windsock last night. On foreign policy, RMoney seemed determined to prove he has the courage of Obama's convictions. In his rudest moment, the status of forces in Iraq discussion, Mitt so deliriously misrepresented the historic facts that he sounded less like he was lying his ass off and more like he had no idea what he was talking about. Status of forces was a negotiation with the Iraqi government of which the GOPers were inordinately proud four years ago, and the Obama administration sought to leave about 3500 troops in Iraq to stabilize and maintain any gains that may have been made in the situation since the invasion (I can't think what those may be offhand, turning Iraq into the Irani Western annex?) Rmoney has said repeatedly that the Administration should have somehow bullied the Iraqi government into accepting 35,000 troops. Claiming the President agreed with his view was simply bizarre, and Willard did so in a bellowing manner that GOPers have been accusing Dems of since Al Gore. Major failure. Calling Syria Iran's route to the sea? A Gerald Ford moment? Throwing Iraq under the bus? Not understanding that Iran has an extensive coastline (>1500 miles on the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, +700 miles on the Caspian)? Embarrassingly fracking stupid. The future Lord God of Kolob got sliced and diced. The "horses and bayonets" line and the explanation of carriers and subs was pretty funny, and the undecided polls showed they hit home. Analysis of Romney contradicting his stated positions: Mittens also said "if I'm president" and corrected himself to "when" several times. Lame-O, bud. Megatron Johnson dropped his second sure TD pass of the year last night. C'mon Calvin. It's the NFL, not the dogass ACC. Right in his hands with 30 yards of wide open field. Cardinals were lunch when Cain almost took of the pitchers head with an RBI single, but I figured it was fait accompli when Giants beat Carpenter anyway.
- So 4dbirds. When did you take up dentistry. GOPers are carrying on today with the apology tour bullshit: I'm still waiting for somebody to actually point out an apology. My daughter was a Halloween tourist when we lived outside of Boston. Most of her friends lived on Beacon Hill as did her parents' friends. We knew we'd get single malt and Finlandia from the freezer for treats.
- Ann Coulter's offensive comment on last night's debate. Sorry, there is no excuse for this bitch. Carolyn: Could you see the RMoney blimp go down in Boca from West Palm Beach?
- And how does Coulter not get grief from $Palin for her crass "retard" remark. And who made the horrible mistake of telling Couldter she was smarter than others when she was, as Sam Axe would say, a "bitchy little girl. Harpy is a more descriptive word for Coultergeist. Or Gorgon, like her sister Nancy Grace.
- Greg Peterson, the GOPer fundraiser and Rohypnol distributor, is being baptized after the fact today, by Bishop Willard M. RMoney. Pallin' around with date rapists, eh Mitt? All respect to your sports acumen, Sherri, but Zito is the Jints story. Remember when the As had Mulder, Zito and Hudson? Hudson is still good, for the Braves. Mulder is long gone, I think. The striking thing about GOPers calling the opposition Democrat Party has always been the utter obtuse redneck childishness of it. Purely playground churlish. And fracking stupid. You know, God was my copilot: Scribe: ___ Sumac. _____Saarinen (Eero's daddy). Musician Brian ___. Dunday NYT used to have the Diagramless Puzzles that were extremely difficult. The current Sunday puzzles are longer than they are difficult. The really hard puzzles in NYT these days are Saturday.
- I believe Syria as "Iran's route to the sea" is as stupid as Jerry Ford claiming that the Balkan States were never dominated by the USSR. Anybody that votes for someone that doesn't know about the Persian Gulf next to Persia should lose their right to vote forever. That is the untold depth of Willard's ignorance on display, and it makes the USA a laughingstock. I seem to remember he also expressed profound ignorance worthy of Bushco regarding the differences between Shia and Sunni. Then, there was the boneheaded offer of a $10grand bet to Rick Perry. Having to have carriers and subs explained to you is pretty fracking sorry, though. Just goes to show, being a major league crooked pension looter and off-shorer in the bidness doesn't take a lot of intelligence, just cunning and venality. But Jeez, Willard, the Persian fracking Gulf? Gawdamighty, what a moron. Trump claims he wants to see how the President's birthplace is listed in his college records. I went to two colleges and one grad school, and I don't think any of the three ever asked me or cared where I was born. Jeff (tmmo), calling Trump a monkeywrencher insults Edward Abbey's Monkeywrench Gang. Doc and George Hayduke live. As do Bonnie Abzug and Seldom Seen Smith, the fallen away LDS. I had to hear that demons song for myself: Great rockabilly guitar playing.
- Deadbeat FauxJoe Walsh was talking about white women. According to the CIA World Factbook, Iran has a navy. On TV news it seems to be comprised mostly of Boston Whalers, but they also have six of those boats that go underwater, a couple of destroyers, and some missile-bearing surface craft. Speaking of Burton Cummings, isn't that the most Canadian name for a rock 'n' roll singer anyone could ever think of. My brother and I took dates to see BC and the Guess Who at Meadowbrook at Oakland University in the Summer of 1970, just before Burton kicked Randy Bachmann out of the band for becoming a mormon. It was sold out when we got there, so we had to climb the 8-ft. chain link fence. The band was excellent, and the standout song, which I hadn't heard before was Key. Still a favorite, on the Canned Wheat album (they're from Winnipeg). Clever lyrics fulll of biblical references. Somewhat pretentious. Excellent harmony singing. Good Troweresque guitar solo. Brilliant drumming. The band's second best song after Raindance. Where'd ya get the gun, John? Willard is twice as rich as the last eight presidents combined.
- Jeff (the mild-mannered one)@71. And if you believe that you'll be reanimated as the Lord-God of Kolob? You are most likely whack. And how many virgins are waiting for you.
- And I must say, if RMoney gets elected and I can't escape to Ecuador or Belize, and I decide on suicide to maximize the take for my daughter, I'd really like to take the Glen Canyon damn with me, because I tried swimming to the bottom of Lake Powell, but it's 900ft.
- The Jints seem like a juggernaut. I was sure Verlander would shut their asses out.
- Didn't McCarver, back around the third, say Peralta didn't contribute much power? The guy is atrocious, the John Madden of MLB. Madden went all Fred Flintstone with sound effects instead of language, and I was a good HS football player but he sure never said anything I didn't already know. McCarver condescends to the fans, as if nobody could understand baseball but Tim McCarver. He was a decent player, but he wasn't Mike Piazza. Of course, at the plate, nobody was for a catcher. And that's a fact you Johnny Bench acolytes.
- Jeff (tmmo): Dams on the Colorado are all about stealing water to make LA out of the desert, a sorry tradeoff. I love Lake Powell, parbly because I feel more alive and comfortable swimming than doing almost anything else. Swimming in Lake Powell is like ice skating on the Charles River. You can just keep on going until you're too exhausted to continue. The only better swimming hole I've ever found is Lower Falls in the Swift River on the Kancamagus Highway. The lake is also a great vacation that lasts an extra couple of weeks, since two weeks on a houseboat produces another fortnight in which the floors at the office continue rocking beneath your feet. Still, I don't think blowing the dam would be foolishness. It could be glorious. Hank, we are all at least four times more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by a terriss, too, though I'd sure like to see God put one about a foot from Willard's magic utrou when he lies his ass off about preexisting conditions or offshoring jobs. If I had no interest in nor affinity for Barrack Obama, I'd still vote for him because the most apt adjective I can think of for Windsock is "creepy". I wouldn't be comfortable letting that guy around little kids. And Nancy, the current season of American Horror Story is spectacular so far. It even has Sarah Paulson, Merlyn from the late, very great American Gothic, and if the showrunners have any brains, they have already signed up Lucas Buck, aka Gary Cole, aka Jack "Nighthawk" Killian, for a guest spot as Satan. And Jack Nicholson's old gf Jesse Lange is chewing it up like her old boyfriend as a repressed but randy nun that wears red underwear. On baseboru: If Matt Kemp hadn't been injured for so many games, Dodgers would be playing the Tigers. My favorite Tigers memory is Earl Wilson pitching a one-hitter and hitting two monstrous homers. That shit about three homers in a world series game annoyed the crap out of me. Reggie should have been suspended for outright cheating before he ever got to Bob Welch. And why does Japanese just take words from English and mispronounce them? I mean eating al fresco is piku niku.
- So sopapillas are beignets, only they are New Mexican?
- If I were the DNC, I'd give serious consideration to running this ad: Blind allegiance to Israel is not sound foreign policy. And in the foreign policy debate, Mitt was dim-Mitted as can be. Israel maintains a formidable nuke arsenal at Dimona and bitches when a neighbor state might be interested in protecting itself from typical Israeli war-mongering. Re: Morloch. Rapists are God's will. That is what the shitheel said.
- Bishop RMoney perjured himself. Or was he just Lying for the Lord, like when he lied, in criminal fashion, to the SEC about Bain?
- From Sherri's Reuters link: But when they try to get to the specifics of tax reform, they start falling into blather, asking that it be “pro-growth” (an utterly meaningless phrase), and asking too that it include lower rates and higher revenues. Could one of the supply sider idiots point out a single case (a year, an era, a single business) where tax cuts produced a single job? Even David Stockman admits that trickle down is hopeless bullshit aimed at making rich people richer. Claiming the deficit affects American security is actually funnier than the Laffer curve. A huge portion of what the Norquist thralls have to say is similar bullshit. Along the lines of what GOPers mean when they talk about small businesses, like Bechtel and Bain Capital. They mean white shoe lawfirms, hedge funds and cosmetic surgery LLCs. What jobs do those aholes create? Take it from Warren Buffet. Zero? A secretary and a personal trainer that pays a higher %age of her income than the billionaire. Surefire recipe for national economic good times, eh?
- Entirely unsurprising source of Willard Windsock's asinine bullshinola about the US Navy.
- Dusty Springfield's real name was Mary Isobel Catherine Bernadette O'Brien. A great singer, vg songwriter. We have Dusty in Memphis in our music collection, a great album with this great song on it: Best female Brit singer before Joss Stone came along, who sounds a good deal like Dusty.
- Man, Doug Fister is one tough character. David Stern's retirement news reminded me of one of his typically biased decisions a few years ago, when Big Shot Bob Horry assaulted Steve Nash. Stern's office handed the NBA Championship to San Antonio by suspending Amar'e Stoudamire and letting Horry continue playing. Stern had previously shown league favoritism for San Antonio, particularly by shamelessly promoting David Robinson ass a so-called "warrior" (7-footer in Submarine school at Navy, what a fracking joke) amid the jingoism of the Shrubco years. I believe real hoops fans would have preferred to see the great Steve Nash retired with a championship than to see him in a Lakers uniform. Gag. having carnal knowledge of a staffer in an Indiana state park The Appalachian Trail was too long a drive. The GOPer sturm of angst und drang over the President's calling Willard a "bullshitter" is hilarious. First place, it's an undeniably accurate appellation. Second place, none of them got twisted knickers when Dickless Cheney told Harry Reid to "go fuck yourself" on the Senate floor. That Runestad guy bears a certain facial likeness to Pork-face Jimmy Johnson, but he's obviously not quite as enlightened. I'm so dumb and brainwashed, "We're all in this together" reminds me of John Donne.
- Spud Webb, 5 ft.-7 in. maybe, 47 years old. in a business suit and street shoes, shows he can still dunk. Makes my day. Hurricane Sandy. We'll get rain and heavy surf tomorrow. And great kayaking Sunday.
- Good on your hubby, Minnie. We'll have rips and undertows, which are fun in the kayak. If you can steer the boat right into a rip, the sensation is like speeding downhill. Sort of like this: We might head across Port Royal Sound to Parris Island and invade the Marines. Regarding Fister, how do you just act like nothing happened? Flamer RMoney surrogate John Sununu claims General Powell's Obama endorsement is based upon race. Pardon me gray-face? You chickenshit chickenhawk from one of the most racist states in the union can STFU. Powell was far more detailed and specific about the reasons for endorsing Obama than Willard has ever been about anything he intends to do if he's electedAnd if you paid $2 for that Marcelle, you are a chump, and you wuz robbed. Waiting for any GOPer to do the decent thing and tell this inexcusable ahole he's full of shit and lacking in the integrity Powell seems to have in abundance, despite being duped by Shrubco.
- Deborah@46, except Sununu's $2-buck chuck haircut is a really foppish looking Marcel. Sununu is the worst kind of know-nothing, ignorant by choice. He's a virulent climate change denier, and a typically obtuse GOPer on anything involving the human reproductive system. He has supported andespouused flagrantly racist organizations and viewpoints during his political career, either because he believes them, or because a lot of people in Neh Hempsha roll that way. Of course, that's just me projecting my innate liberal form of paternalistic racism, I'm sure. Most damning thing about Sununu is that his political beginnings were as an acolyte to Meldrim Thompson, an egregious racist bully that was pretty much the Orville Faubus of the redneck Northeast, and undeniably one of the worst US governors ever elected. Right Jolene, it was Pat Leahy. My Oldtimer's kicking in in the pm. Mark, no Rudman is not a racist, but Neh Hempsha people display more Confederate battle flags, which they ignorantly call "Stars and Bars", than I've ever seen while living in SC for twelve years and GA for 15. Maine and Neh Hempsha have more rednecks per square mile than the southren half of SC and the northern half of GA put together. IMNSHO, based on many years experience. If somebody else knows more about Neh Hempsha than I, contradict me. I know what I'm talking about. When it says "Live Free or Die" on the license plates, they mean white people. I've worked with at least 100 mechanical engineers in my career, and mechanical engineering is not rocket science and a lot of those folks were pretty limited intellectually. Many were party animal types. Mechanical engineering includes plumbing systems, for which you need to know shit flows downhill. Happy birthday Alex. That witch bonfire sounds like fun. 51 is distant in my rearview.
- With less than two weeks to go until Election Day, there is a deep divide among Republican leaders over whether to emphasize misogyny or racism as the campaign’s closing theme.
- Very cool Kickstarter project I got onto yesterday. I have a sister-in-law that is an excellent coo of Mexican dishes, and this seems like an excellent Christmas present for her. She also has an amazing collection of cookbooks in a custom bookshelf built into her kitchen cabinetry. Happy birthday Julie. re: your mom, you know what Lou Reed says: My mother said she saw him in chinatown But you can't always trust your mother in Last Great American Whale, Deborah, the only thing about the structural guys is that they do everything belt and suspenders, unless they are coming up with crackpot schemes like slip-forming highrise walls. Not a good idea. Very cool Kickstarter project I got onto yesterday.
- Shrub's work wife Condi talks sense talks sense about the Benghazi embassy murders. Suppose it's too much to ask that Willard might listen to Ms. Rice instead of the psychopath Bolton on this subject.
- Humorous takedown: Silly shit Andrew Sullivan says. Serendipitous GOTV story: Brian: Scorched tarted vomit. Now smothery enema. What's going on in that parsonage? Creepy. And I guess the pastor is claiming that an Obama supporter used the obtuse Democrat form for the name of the party. Reverend tool. And calling this vandalism and claiming the sign was defaced suggest a severe problem with functional English. Wut hell yeah, this is equivalent to hanging empty chairs in hangman's nooses on front lawns, and that bullethole-riddled outhouse at the Utah state GOPer convention.
- ROGirl: No matter how what I said is misrepresented, I was not denigrated engineers. Some of my best friends, as Sununu would say.I don't believe from my experience that engineering is particularly demanding academically. Requires command of a calculator and the sense to pic the right formulae out of handbooks and industry specs. As far as writing your thesis, engineers generally think copying a page from a manufacturer's proprietary catalog is writing a spec, thank goodness, it's what i get paid for. As for me, calculus? NFW.
- Michael G. Manufacturer's cuts are written specifically to steer business directly to the companies that publish them. They always include proprietary information that could rule out equally useful products by other manufacturers. In many states, it's illegal to even publish specs of that sort for any project involving public bidding laws. They are also illegal for HUD-funded housing projects in my experience. I 'm neither an engineer nor a licensed architect, and I've never met one of either that could write a non-proprietary spec (or wasn't to lazy or bloated on free meals from salesmen to bother), in more than 30 years of writing specs professionally. These guys will give a proprietary name to their own version of common finshes to try to snooker competition. This rarely is a benefit to a client/owner.
- Danny, the subject became mechanical engineers when somebody tried to defend the crass, ciased boor Sununu by pointing out his BAME. So it came about legitimately.
- Sherri: Is this the advent of Lincecum as Eckersley? He's got the fastball and control for closing. And that Eckersley sort of je ne sais quois. He always reminded me of Guidry, because they are both so slight. Although Guidry is probably a fat guy these days, hanging with Yogi at Italian restaurants. MichaelG, I never said anything about anybody you work with, so there was no insinuation involved. I only commented on what I have seen directly. I also knew a sales rep from a well-known valve manufacturer that helped me write the only generic and unquestionably fair valve spec I've ever read. I've seen cut sheets marked up beyond comprehension and just handed to typists for publication, and it was a very common experience. To this day, I have to police specs of mine that go out with cut and paste and white out alterations to add proprietary stuff back in. You work with more trustworthy and conscientious people obviously.
- What a strange turn of conversation. I was originally only pointing out that citing an MIT ME bachelor degree is no sort of proof Sununu isn't a surly, ignorant, clearly bigoted old gray guy in a weird Marcel haircut who left DC in ignominious disgrace and has been dragged back to prominence inexplicably as Willy Windsock's surrogate. My personal observations of years of working with people with similar backgrounds (though none was ever a Mel Thompson devotee that I know of). And as Sununu does with Powell, I will say that a lot of those folks were and remain good friends. The classic story of the intersection of MEs, beancounters and cars is the infamous Pinto memo, in which a cost benefit analysis led the company to forego design changes that would have cost around $10 per car, versus potential death, injury, mayhem, damage and resulting lawsuits, and found accepting the potential cost of lawsuits preferable. I imagine the engineers and designers fought this shit tooth and nail. Lincecum, despite his haircut and pot smoking is probably more like John Smoltz than Eck, and both are a lot bigger.
- Damn, if the Loins ever get some D-backs, there will be hell to pay. Stafford is doing a Bobby Lane imitation in 4th Quarters.
- Funny Borowitz piece about Sandy forcing RMoney campaign to reallocate designated liars to other states:
- Sherri, You're dead on about the singers. Tiges in the Series, I wanted to see Jose reprise. And I like the M. Ward and Zooey Deschanel combo pretty well, but I don't think the Kewpie has the voice for the anthem. But good Lord and Gutdom, McCarver is an insult to casual fans' baseball intelligence. Can't wait for a tedious explanation of the mysteries of a "two-plane" slider. Pompous tool. Anybody that know's someone that claims to still be undecided about Pres2012 should convince them to read this TRB piece by Timothy Noah called The Romney Recession. Dispassionate and completely logical. And bloody franking scary. If the Windsock somehow wins, it is going to be both amusing and infuriating when GOPers continue blaming Obama for everything. If RMoney wins the popular and loses the electoral (which seems likely to me at this point) the intense whining will be stereo. I sorta wish the President had just gone ahead and parroted Noah's analysis in the first debate. Slice and dice.
- Here's a DNC ad dying to made and run in NC and PA.
- Don't know for a fact, but it seems as if Shirley MacLaine was at least as old as Nicholson when Terms of Endearment was made. Darryl van Horne was supposed to be a revolting old goat in Witches of Eastwick, and Cher and Susan Sarandon were no spring chickens when that was made. And Diane Keaton doesn't look her age in Something's Gotta Give, and she's Nicholson's contemporary. I'd say The Empty Chair Whisperer and Robert Redford have been better examples of this syndrome, and movie audiences have themselves to blame. Stay home in droves, produce tectonic movements under SoCal. In my opinion, guys like zach Galifinakis and Seth Rogen and Steve Carrell are more ridiculous as "romantic" leads, lacking as they are in looks, brains, charisma of any sort, and wit. Ann RMoney opens mouth, proves ignorance (and elitism). In Good Housekeeping. I guess there is no Underpaid Undocumented Housekeepers magazine. Wee Willy Windsocks plan for US education: charter schools with vouchers. Well, thats a GOPer perfecta wetdream. Privitization (what say Chris Christie, catch those criminals yet?) + welfare for rich people. It would be nice if native speakers of American English would realize that awesome and awe-inspiring are not synonymous. In proper usage, awesome is similar to daunting or frightening, not rad nor gnarly. Nauseous and nauseated and the misuse of the former drive me nuts. If you say I feel nauseous, you are saying you think you make other people likely to retch and vomit. And the word has no "sh" sound when properly pronounced. I know some dictionaries disagree, but this is a clear case of people using a word incorrectly long enough for the incorrect usage to become "acceptable". That's probably pedantic, but I don't care a whit. It's a medical term and shouldn't be subject to dummification by the general populace. I remember in American History classes being taught that labor lockouts were made illegal in the USA as part of Teddy Roosevelt's trustbusting campaign. Somehow Congress decided to make baseball immune to enforcement of Labor and anti-trust laws, but NFL, NBA and American NHL owners are breaking the law when they lock out their employees, those "overpaid players" didn't use gats to get those contracts, and the lockout kings impose tremendous economic hardship on large numbers of people like stadium and concession workers when they pull lockouts for greed's sake.
- From half inning to half inning, the entire field was tipping to right when the Tigers took the field to left when the Pand went out to third. Those two sure as hell look more like middle guards in a 3-4 than baseball players. Those guys are tubs o' guts. TED always reminded me of the Gnomon Society in the hilarious Charles Portis novel Masters of Atlantis (which I recommend highly, his best I think). In fact, a TED parody novel is a good idea, and could produce a great screen treatment. William Boyd can write the book. Too bad Altman's not around to skewer those self-appointed illuminati hipsters on film. The new age and hipper-than-thou aspects of TED are pretty nauseating. Here's a good link for following the storm. Me, I'd rather go chase it with Helen Hunt. and another:
- Flyover nation anthem. Julie, You should have told the guy: "No, but I can see Alaska from my porch. And sometimes, $Palins head comes floating into our airspace." Those East Coast GOPer goober-nors might end up with some questions for Willard concerning the storm cleanup.
- Mittloaf. Endorsement or infiltration? This will make dogs howl. I just read in a WaPo comment thread, some dumbass claiming that government regulation of the auto industry caused the Big Three's problems, particularly CAFE standards. Right. Improving mileage performance made US automakers less competitive. Typical GOPer talking point to defend RMoney's callousness towards Detroit re the bailout. Sherri: Sometimes it works, but unless you're going for the Fear Factor at home, I don't think Cecil's giant baby boy is the guy to send. A time it really worked to run: The infamous '77 NLCS game where the home plate ump called more than a dozen pitches in the strike zone by Bert Hooten balls and put LA in a whole. Dodgers secret weapon was 75 year old Vic Davalillo (no. 33 in your programs, no. 1 in your hearts, at least then), who ran wild on the basepaths and turned the Phillies into a juddering mass of exposed nerves--Dodgers in 4. I think Prince's dad was a better hitter and a better 1B, and he was large too, at about 6-3, 280 or so, but his weight was distributed quite differently and he looked like an athlete. Cecil Fielder couldn't run either, two SBs in 13 seasons. Prince and his daddy: Newticles is claiming Willy Windsock will win in a blowout. By GOPer base logic, doesn't the storm mean God is backing President Obama? Bollywood musicals are sidesplitting if you're stoned to the gills.
- A large number of webcam links for following the storm:
- Senior citizens against vote suppression. For all of the Teabanger idiots acting as if they've got something on the Administration and fulminating about lack of diplomatic security in Benghazi on 09/11/11, you might want to question Boehner and other House Teabangin' GOPers. Now there is a "smoking gun". As per SOP, the true GOPer interest was to create opportunities for crony contracting, i.e. giving the jobs and money for defending embassies to fellow traveller bigots and scrotess like Eric Prince and his infamous Blackwater/Xe thugs. Not surprisingly, no government in the the world over wants these psychopathic murderers and rapists in its country. Dexter. Right on about Al Kaline. The outfield with Kaline, Northrup and the incomparable Mickey Stanley in CF was easily the best defensive unit I ever saw until Yaz left the Sox and the outfield was Jim Ed Rice in left (better than Yaz, and I saw them both in person many times) Freddie Lynn in CF, and Dewey Evans by Pesky's Pole. If Lynn had not crashed the wall making so many astounding plays, he was a sure HOFer, which is why I felt sick this season when Matt Kemp ran into the wall at top speed. Dwight Evans was a great RF and Rice played the wall and threw better than Yaz, though, in those days, nobody from Louise Day Hicks' neighborhood was going to admit it. For the Tigers, I remember the brouhaha in 68 when Mayo Smith sat Ray Oyler, who couldn't hit his way out of an oven bag, and moved Stanley to SS, with Northrup to CF. Smart move , skip. Northrup had the 3B to beat Gibson in Game 7, and Stanley didn't hit but he hit bbetter than Oyler would have, and the move got Willie Horton into the lineup.
- 1968 was also the year Jim Northrup hit five grandslam HRs. What a season. Here's a nice reminiscence about the '68 Series: RMoney now has a mendacious sociopathic domestic policy advisor to equal Bork, Bolton and Abrams for pure misanthropy and loony ideas.
- I was born in Cincinnati. But that's almost as much Kentucky as it is Ohio. All I remember is days at the zoo with my mom when I was very young.
- Well, the storm has in no way impeded Windsock Willy's capacity for lying his ass off. It was astonishing to see Goober-nor Tub O' Guts praising the President's leadership on TV. Christie's attacks on the Atlantic City mayor seemed ridiculous to me. You can mandate an evacuation all you want, not everybody is going to go. We have sat out two in the last 15 years, while the road out and the bridge off turned into a parking lot 20 miles long and six lanes wide, and the hurricane headed up to Myrtle as usual. It's a good thing there were shelters open in Atlantic City, whether Fatso thinks so or not. It's mean-spirited, I know, but I really hope Trump's properties had maximum water damage. Really inopportune for that video of Mittens talking about closing up FEMA to go viral. Damn liberal lamestream press, but wait, now Willard says he never meant it. Choosing this lying bastard is not the act of a competent voter.
- Privitization is what RMoney is talking about when he says FEMA should be shut down. If GOPers intend to keep refusing to do anything about climate change, they will end up having to strengthen FEMA, and the President should probably try to bring back James Lee Witt from the Clinton Administration, who knew what he was doing before Shrub put a dancing horse guy in charge to FUBAR the Katrina response. And Jeb Bush, nice vulture profiteer costume for Halloween. These bastards are shameless.
- Amazing video of the Manhattan Con Ed explosion. I bet that was loud as hell. The thing about stealing Ohio in '04 was that Blackwell stood next to the Diebold CEO and promised a win for Shrubco. Brazen: Blackwell is in the GOPer vote stealing HOF with the Painted Lady of FLA. And, sorry about making fun of what Ms. Harris looked like. That was self-inflicted:
- From Peter King's SI football column yesterday: Quote of the Week IV "Baseball's been the most consistent thing in my life, outside of baseball." -- San Francisco Giants closer Sergio Romo, during an in-game interview with the FOX baseball guys, Joe Buck and Tim McCarver, during Game 2 of the World Series. Romo closed out the sweep of the Tigers Sunday night. Quote of the Week V "We've got to play tomorrow like there's no tomorrow." -- San Francisco outfielder Hunter Pence, to ESPN Radio, after the Giants took a 3-0 lead in the Series Saturday night. Read more: I think the Giants took up pot when they quit 'roids.
- Kevin: IOKIYAR, maybe, or at least white. Danny, They were probably worried about wind shear arising unpredictably. That is a long drive. Did you run into any snow?
- Most patently insane and hilarious campaign ad, EVER. Some of y'all might find this interesting.
- Tub o' Guts Christie campaigning for Obama on Fox News. Fox people recoil in horror. The weaselly manner in which the Faux jerks try to turn him around to RobMe is revolting, and Christie shuts them down posthaste. And what gall, after trying to tout Willard, turning the discussion to first responders, you know, those greedy moochers RMoney wants to fire. Fox News is never on our TV, so it always takes me by surprise that this Doocy guy is actually employed by a so-called news operation. Flaming asshole. RMoney and disasters: Heckuva job, Mittens. Refused to start recovery with state funds until FEMA funds kicked in. Plus, he stiffed Neh Hempsha. Whited sepulcher.
- Windsock's limpdick disaster response.
- Heckuva job, Sherri.
- Stealing Ohio votes:
- Something is seriously wrong with this picture:
- The Shashank Tripathi story goes right over my head. Seems to me that , rather than shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater, the guy just didn't know what he was talking about. ConEd did indeed shut down it's steam driven electricity generation equipment, because that part of the system was most likely to be damaged irrevocably if flooded. Eventually, all of the island from 31st south was powered down wheter by design, transformer explosion, or flooding. So in what way was this dumbass' communication nefarious, and what were his motives and his intentions?
- The subway system in DC (fairly modern) is already back in service. The MBTA in Boston (all services) (older than the NY MTA) expects all services up and running by Tues AM.
- Major decision day, in the wake of the weird weather. Do I break out long pants for the first time since last March (not counting church on Easter)? It's 60, but no wind. Nah, shorts and a hoodie it is.
- Burdensome regulations on schools? Oh, whacko stuff like requiring actual science and history in curricula. RMoney's got the winning-reactionary side formula in charters with vouchers. Creationist/jingoist curriculum combined with welfare for the well off. The American south is littered with so-called Christian Academies that date back to the time of widespread court-ordered desegregation. The onerous regulation in those days was that Bubba Jr. or Daisy Mae might have to sit in a classroom with black classmates. Those people did pay their own ways to segregation though. They didn't expect gubmint subsidies, any more than they expected the segregated country club to be subsidized. These days, with the current tax code and charter school initiatives, both are. Of course, that will all change when Willy Windsock goes after the tax shelters. I suggest he start with the LDS tax exempt status after the cult's flagrant foray into politics in the California Prop 8 referendum election.
- Cloward-Piven? GOPers seem hell bet on forcing as many people into poverty as possible and destroying any forms of social welfare. I guess that would be the Cloward-Piven-Norquist bathtub drowning plan.
- Sorry Joe, if RMoney gets elected it will chiefly be because of some mean streak of I-got-mine misanthropy in America that Willy Windsock dialed into quite naturally. Call it the opposite of Christian values. John Kass is a classic internet tough guy that likes writing about "the Outfit" in Chicago as if he has some personal experience of the mob and mobsters. Utter phony, in the Mike Barnacle school of ersatz column writing, including repeating his golden oldies without acknowledgement. Mary@72: We want your opinion on the direction America is going in. Call me pedantic or call me snobbish, but if someone said that to me I'd suggest she learn to speak English and give a blast of the slide whistle I keep with my phone when I'm home. The Bush family is undoubtedly gearing up for the charter school running industry, using neer-do-well Marvin's failed reading curriculum as a foundation, the way Jeb is going to tout his goober-norship of FLA when hurricanes happened for his disaster management bidness. Fracking vultures. Remember the first great leap for GOPer privitizaton-o-rama was the Charles "Walk Over My Granny for Milhous" Colson Prison Ministries.
- The great redeeming value of ICP is that they drive Spinmaster O nuts (The Big Loofah takes them boys strangely seriously): Happy 68th, Kinky Friedman: If you've never read any of Kinky's detective novels, treat yourself to The Love Song of J. Edgar Hoover. Funny as hell, fast read.
- Heckuva Job Brownie criticizes the Obama Administration's Sandy response: Good Lord, what a dancing horse's ass.
- RMoney storm management: No wonder the dickhead would rather not talk about his goober-norship. Our no-fun condo association will not allow trick or treating. Buncha RMoney supporters, for a fact. Half of 'em are Jerseyites down here to avoid the storm. American Airlines defeats 1st Amendment:
- Steve Rattner, auto bailout architect, explains why Mittens' "managed bankruptcy" would have ended up putting union pension plans into kleptocratic hands while sinking the auto industry forever: It is among the most absurd and ridiculous things that the Romney people have been saying. I was there in the Spring of 2009, as you all know, when this was happening. There was no private capital available to these companies whether in bankruptcy, outside of bankruptcy, or standing on their heads on Fifth Avenue. There was no private capital.[…] There would have been no exit [from bankruptcy]. If these companies had gone into bankruptcy without government support, they simply could not have functioned. […] I’ve challenged Gov. Romney to come up with one person, one company, one fund, one bank, one anything that would stand up and say, ‘yes, I was there in the Spring of 2009 ready to provide private capital and nobody wanted it.’ And he has not done that because there isn’t any such person or entity on this planet. And I am very, very confident of that. So, Willard. STFU. The strangest thing to me about the continuing Benghazi virulence (McCain brought it up at the RMoney non-political Walmart giveaway in Ohio, too) is that every GOPer's favorite black lady, Condi Rice told them they are all full of shit on the subject. Widespread Teabanger internet claim right now is that the President watched a live feed of the Benghazi murders. I thought only the phony fabulist, Woodward, has that sort of access.
- A day late.
- Excellent Mike Luckovich cartoon:
- Mark. Bullshit. This Benghazi bullshit is GOPers continuing the "Obama skipped security briefings. Fact is, he didn't need the PDBs longer than a single page read to him. And the Pretzeldent just sort of let that one about people flying planes into buildings right by like handlebars on a segway. GOPers are so full of shit on this subject, they are ludicrous. Fact one is that the GOP wanted diplomatic security covered by Xe/Blackwater. This company is the shican where psychopaths end up, but they are loyal Bushies. The President was somehow miscreant? These people make shit up out of nimbus. You can't be expected to be taken seriously if you latch unto this sort of shit. As Secretary Rice says, the President acted on intelligence from the CIA and everybody else in place. Trying to find something Obama did wrong is absurd, and claiming that the President acted inappropriately is horseshit. You can whine all you want. W ignored the "hair on fire", Obama had no heads up when the shit hit the fan. Whanna claim that isn't true, Mark? And then there is the obvious thing GOPers want to ignore. Whether or not the riot resulted from the riot over the video, the video was certainly in play and it was most certainly a product of shitheel racist Teabangers. Wanna say that's not so Mark?
- How does it feel to back a POS that has never told the truth in his life?
- When reactionary assholes attack the President, they claim Obama skipped security briefings. This is hilarious. He didn't need anybody to read PDBs longer than one page to him. Sorry Mark. Shrubco crashed the economy and Obama has brought it back to healthiest in the world. This Benghazi shit defies Condi Rice and it is unquestionably racist. The President has brought us back from the brink of Shrubco's ruin. Ain't that a Muslim bastard intent on ruining America. The anti-Obama crew are clearly racists and whackos.
- Read Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution and try to claim the bastards that signed onto Grover Norquist aren't traitors.
- Those wounded soldiers? Ryan says cut $11billion from the VA. What say Mark and Danny?
- Dexter, I believe almost everything I have ever read anything I ever read anything I have ever read you ever read here. And I love pot and I have used heroin. But the two have nothing to do with each other. They also have nothing to do with reading Jack Kerouac. which I consider toilet paper. Jeff (tmmo) Just say yo from the zombie Nancy Raygun was just bad visuals for anti-drugs. Holy shit that was a scary bitch.
- When did President Obama actually make a promise about unemployment? I don't think he did. But that is Willy's big charge out of the gate today. Of course he's perfectly comfortable claiming that unemployment is higher than when Obama took office. Just Lying for the Lord. And moron Americans buying that shit. RMoney conveniently ignores the destruction of teaching and first responder jobs by the GOPer House of Representatives. And the steady job growth following the administration's stimulus that didn't work. Where did this sadly asinine idea that a bidnessman would make a good President come from? Right out of Uranus, right into the magic UTrou: And were this idiotic mythology even remotely true, did Willard ever balance a budget? Nope. Run a business anywhere but into the ground so he could legitimately rape the employee pension fund? Nope. Build a business from his own ingenuity? Nope. Create a single job that wasn't for a CPA adapt at hiding cash overseas? Nope. I always thought those things were greater than and less than.
- Mark, Sorry but that is bullshit. Those sources you cite are Free Republic, Lying asshole Willard RMoney, Steve Doocy, Breitbart diarrhoea and other sociopaths. The President never said any such thing, and voting for a guy that's best shot is to insist he did is pathetic, and in a reasonable world should get the claimant removed from voting rolls for idiocy. Here's a clue Mark. If Willard said something, it's more likey to be a lie than the truth. Mittens is the only human being that lies more than the internet. Like "We built that." Read about the self-made myth: Here's a mealy-mouthed explanation of RMoney's big lie from the equivalency worms at Politifact: The President would wipe the floor with the pretty boy with the stupid Palin name. It's the Italian full forearm that I like, Del. And no, I'm not Italian, but I was married for years to the granddaughter and namesake of a somewhat smalltime Boston mobster. Poppa bought my erstwhile FIL a Bachelor of ME from MIT, matter of fact.
- Congratulations to Pam on her new job Brian. The new place of bidness reminds me of Putney Swope:
- Right, Suzanne. That fiscal cliff the President created, not Boehner and the Teabangers, including, prominently, Ayn Ryan. Murricans are dumb as grunt.
- Brian, I'd say that getting Salt Lake City sized corporate Olympics welfare should probably prevent somebody from running for office. And the SSI and other fed programs Ayn Ryan used to get ehere he is? Holy shit. Socialisss moochers running as GOPers.
- Jobs? Willy Windsock is lying as fast as his liverlips will move. Debt and the fiscal cliff? Just ask Willard. Not Boner's doing at all, nor Ayn Ryan's, neither.
- If Tom Petty were a girl: Amazing SG solos out of left field, turn the chord progression on its head.
- Climate change? What? Who? Where?
- Whoa, thanks for the tip Mark. Google, you say? Who'da thought? Endless source of bullshit backup for every reactionary lie. I assume you have mined those depths to locate one time President Obama "promised" anything about unemployment rates. No? Keep looking. It's all about the tubes. Little Bird, You go.But, you know, thanks for that tip. I also looked up Bushco and 9/11. You'd be amazed how many people think it was an inside job. All in the tubes.
- Seriously Mark. It's right there next to where Al Gore claimed to have invented the internet. Them mofos are lying to you, son. And you are spooning it up.
- del, That young woman is an astounding singer and songwriter. I do think she's the distaff side of Tom Petty, and I've thought that guy was a genius since I saw the heartbreakers at the Rat in Kenmore Square and had never heard of them before. "Since We Parted Ways" is gorgeous, and the vocal is so heartfelt it crushes me. And Mark, you know, you can surf the tubes and find excuses for Bushco winning Volusia Co. in '00 and Cuyahoga in '04, too, but I say bullshit. You can also find whackjobs that insist John Kerry wasn't a war hero in the war he decided was a fraud, and W didn't dodge the draft while supporting the war. Google proves everything, right? I'm still waiting for that Obama %age unempployment video. Mitt isn't lying for my Lord. Mine believes in Matthew 22: 36-44. Whatever you do for the least of my brethren. That is Christianity. Not granny-starving, zombie-eyed, didn't-know-Ayn-Rand-was-an atheist Teabanger ahole. 34 But when the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered themselves together. 35 One of them, [n]a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the great and [o]foremost commandment. 39 The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets. Sound like GOPers? Nope.
- Alex: We have what I imagine are the exact same ads against John Barrow, who is a pitiful excuse for a member of the House but his opponent is the guy Steve Earl wrote this about: Lee Anderson (A face nobody would trust that wasn't a cretin). I like drumsticks, but this kinda put me off turkey forever:
- GOPer rape squad.
- Dexter, I've got a 31-1/2 year old Timex. Many watchbands over the years but that watch keeps great time. Thirtieth birthday present. I got a postcard from Tammy Baldwin in yesterday's mail. I can't stand Tommy Thompson, unless it's the one that lives in Apartment 3G. I forget now who it was that brought up Call the Midwife a few weeks ago, but tonight is the finale. Great TV show. Free on PBS website: Fans of All Creatures will love this.
- We have a few hundred CDs and approximately 250 vinyl albums. I have exactly one 45 rpm record, a copy of She Loves You b/w I Wanna Hold Your Hand, my mom and dad bought me for an Easter gift when I was about 12. We have several versions of St. James Infirmary, all by Van Morrison, except for one album cut by Buffy Ste. Marie. Muscallonge Bay on the Google Map. I presume this is an alternate spelling of Muskie, the inedible fish made entirely of bone. Still, they're very strong and fight like a bastard on the end of a fishing line. Oh, and a copy of Curtis Live came in the mail this weekend, to replace a hopelessly scratched vinyl. I consider this as fine as any live album by anyone, anywhere, any time.
- Presidents with boobs. People are apparently getting around in NYC on bikes , post Sandy.
- There is no shortage of things to seriously dislike about Willard Windsock. One aspect of his campaign persona it would be impossible to understate is the unadulterated sickishness of RMoney's faux outrages. Oh, and Walking Dead was ludicrously bad last night. I've been militating for killing off Lori and Carl for quite a while now. Lori's death scene, when it finally came, was as stupidly badly-acted and lugubriously histrionic as anything I could have imagined ahead of time. Now, T-Dog and Carol, that's a different story, and now the brave little band that could (survive, that is) has no black members and no very good female actors. And does anybody think that baby isn't just Carl's half sibling? Shane is that baby's daddy. The writers could do a lot to redeem themselves by having Killer Carl shuffle off that mortal coil. Godawmighty what an annoying character. And if Andrea doesn't listen to Michonne on the subject of the Governor pretty soon, she deserves to come to a very bad end. On Upstairs, Downstairs, what is required is nothing less than the public hanging of Lady Persephone for treason, and the dickhead Lord Holland's retirement in abject disgrace from Whitehall, for consorting with the traitorous, homewrecking bitch. What idiot thought a Red Dawn remake a good idea in the current atmosphere of American jingoism?
- Eh, "overstate". And "dickishness".
- Seriously? GOPer get out the vote effort? Terry Bradshaw really steps in a steaming pile: Brian. They are all a bunch of little testes.
- Scribe, well RMoney says it's the Russkis, but you know, on foreign policy, he's a fracking bonehead with the courage of Obama's convictions.
- Slate says Rudy Giuliani, the famous cross-dresser and padrone of the fearsome criminal Bernie Kerick is Willard's new attack dog , now that the fat tub o'guts has abandoned him. Mittens and the creeps around him remind me more all the time of the Nixon gang.
- My brother Mark and I just made a trip to the recycling center and en route discussed the North Korean threat to the USA portrayed in the remade Red Dawn. M. wanted to know how the hermit nation soldiers would get here. We decided on a bridge of sacrificed human bodies across the Sea of Japan and the Pacific. Like Mara Bunta do in Leiningen vs. the Ants. Anyway, Chinese, Korean, fortunately they all look alike to us. Joe Scarborough calls Nate Silver an idiot, David Brooks piles on, and theNYT "public editor" sides with the yahoos. Ignoramus.
- Is that fool still employed Dexter? Nothing brings me much more momentary joy than cruel and curt critical mockery of an old biddy pompous ass like Peggy Noonan. The nasty old Raygun vestal really gets my Irish up by having the gall to quote Walker Percy. If she read any of the great physician novelist and brilliant Christian thinker, she sure as shit didn't understand a word of it about the responsibilities with which humans were endowed by their Creator toward one another. So Peggy, STFU and keep your breathless aubergine prose to yourself, and read 'em an weep tomorrow night when you will have time to plan your withdrawal from your incredibly useless and annoying public life.
- Scribe, It wasn't that great a leap from pretty boy Jim Lampley, a highly hyped early version sideline reporter (and then he got busted with a nickkel bag of pot--horeur.
- I just saw RMoney on TV claim to be a Pats fan. Busslshit Mittens, you don't no dick about football. And choosing the Pats is invoking the tuck rule. Greatest instance of born on third and sure you hit a triple in the history of sports. And that first Super Bowl, refs and Bledsoe won that won, not Brady, you privileged aholes.And all those guys that endorsed President Obama were the bosses of all those nonentities that never were entrusted with actual authority. And then ther's that dash lady that made Clueless and was never in another movie. Michael Moore made an interesting point on Lawrence O'Donnell's show about GOPers and vote suppression. That's just originalism, right. The Constitution didn't give black people or women the right to vote and Scalito doesn't think they should vote these days. Rick Scott is out and out cheating in FLA. How is that asshole not a permanent resident of a Club Fed somewhere after stealing all that money from taxpayers? GOPers don't think any of that shit is illegal, because they think they have some sort of divine right. And sure ain't no black man should be President. Scum of the earth. Obviously, I'm not reading those generals and majors endorsing RMoney. It's actually illegal for any active military personnel to endorse a candidate, but GOPers think that doesn't apply to them. Does that list include the whacko general that saw the face of Satan arise over Iraq back in Desert Storm. These bastards are unbalanced. Mary, there is this command c, command v you know. God knows where that fool cut and pasted that questionable bullshit, but he sure didn't typ it. And I'd say the guys that ran the show are more credible. Meanwhile, I doubt anybody on that asinine list will lose their VA med benefits when Ayn Ryan's $11billion VA cuts kick in. Flaming fracking assholes.
- After reading the particularly ridiculous verse from the Book of Matthew, I'm kinda hoping the RMoney megaprayer whisks the bastard off to his eternal reward as Lord God of Kolob. Sounds like one of those supercheesy made for TV movies on SyFy, Megaprayer vs. Gigundavote. Our polling place is half a mile away in the historic Mitchelville neighborhood. In November of 1861, in response to the Confederate attack on Ft. Sumter, Union troops occupied Hilton Head Island, and built an earthworks fort called Fort HowellIn April of 1862 the Union Army command issued a military order that freed all of the slaves on the Sea Islands. 1500 slaves left plantations and poured into the Union camp for protection. (The moochers.) Union troops left in 1868, and the town of Mitchelville was established by the freedmen as a planned community, with community farming, public housing (individual homes on 1/4 acre lots, a grist mill and a cotton mill owned by the community. (Sea Island cotton is to this day the best you can get IMNSHO; I've got a couple of sweaters and they are softer than cashmere). Mandatory public schools were establihed, and the First African Baptist Church was established. Mitchelville was the first place in America that former slaves established a self-governed community, predating the Emancipation Proclamation. So, with that history in mind, it was jarring to go to vote this am and see the parking spaces taken up by urban assault vehicles and mini-vans with Sun City residence stickers. Poll watchers. White poll watchers challenging voters whose ancestors settled this place in the 1860s. Fuckin' A. Sun City is officially Sun City in Hilton Head, although it's actually across the bridge and the May River in fracking Bluffton, an otherwise delightful town permanently scarred by the developer Del Webb's Tim Burtonesque, Edward Scissorhands-style vision of comfortable suburban living for gray-faced fat white people with $2 haircuts. I believe if they want to tack Hilton Head to the name of their tract abomination, they should pay Hilton Head taxes, and if they choose to disrupt our voting, they ought to come armed. A phone call summoned the Town Attorney and the interlopers were moved off the polling property by 100 yds., to an inhospitable spot where neighborhood kids will jeer at them all day. The invasion from Sun City is particularly disturbing because the Mitchelville neighborhood abuts the HHI airport property, and the white folks want to expand the runways to land larger commercial jets. I say, build those runways in Sun City, assholes. Tourism is the ostensible motive, but people simply do not fly here for vacation, they drive from OH and PA and Quebec. Meanwhile, a non-profit historical tourism center is in planning stages, that will put an end to the airport expansion talk: The photo with that article is a gazebo on the march at the resident's only park across the street from us. It has built in charcoal grills and a spectacular view of the marsh and Port Royal Sound. Allen West? What does that even mean? West is psychotic, and the FLA goober-nor is the biggest defrauder of the US government of all time.
- Teabangers say Chris Tub O' Guts Christie put the country in jeopardy. So much for that run in '16. And the RMoneyoids were really pissed off that the Tub didn't take time off from being Goober-nor of a devastated state to do an appearance for Willard. No conception of reality.
- I'm just back from a couple of shifts driving the Oltimers shuttle from nursing home to Polls. What a hoot. I caused a near riot by being overheard in conversation saying the Lyin' RMoneys want to crush Medicare and loot the Social Security Trust Fund. I ended up singing this to myself: I heard all about the alleged $716 billion Obama will cut Medicare, one of Willard's more massive and shameless lies, especially considering that Ayn Ryan's budget includes the same figure for cost savings as Obama's projections. I told the old farts I had almost certainly paid more in payroll taxes since I was 16 than Mittens has, since payroll taxes aren't deducted from capital gains. Rent on the van was paid by local Dem party, but nobody could accuse us of partisan ridership. Funny as hell.
- Oh, I forgot to say. We voted on ES&S Votronic machines, no paper trail, that gave a Dem primary election to Alvin Greene in 2010, the worst candidate for anything, ever, whose campaign is rumored to have been funded by Jim Demented and SC GOPers to screw with the Dem primary. The sorry and sordid history of ES&S in SC: Here's a Votronic in action: Jeff (tmmo): Ever hear of similar voting concerns in Canada or England, or in the Scandinavian countries? Japan? More of that good ole American exceptionalism.
- Jeff (tmmo) Who in the world claims to have compiled those numbers and to have analyzed them this quickly? For one thing, it's illegal in most states to release that sort of data before polls close. Obama derangement syndrome.
- Good reasons not to trust any election results from Ohio:
- Obamaphones? Another massive GOPer lie. The program was actually theh implementation by Shrubco of a Clinton era policy proposal:
- Regarding the SS&E Votronic machines, what conceivable reason could cause a public official to actually put those machines in place? -Fix is in. -Kickbacks on contracts. Can't think of anything else.
- Here's a live blog that says that the alleged turnout shortfalls in Ohio among Dem voters are not showing up in Virginia: Claims turnout is ahead of '08. VA is a weird fracking place. They are voting for the flagrant Son of the Confederacy George Allen. And somebody tell me that racism isn't at play when GA shows 70% for RMoney.
- Grayson back in the House from FLA. Guy's a loose cannon, but he's as funny as Barney Frank and he drives GOPers batshit. So much for those RMoneyites whistling past the graveyard about PA.
- Jeff, PA has been declared for Obama. FLA looks very good.
- Tammy Duckworth kicked FauxJoe's ass. Alan West is in a dead heat with 92% reporting. Send that psycho to the nuthatch.
- I'm not a chemist, but aside from Puritan instincts in government and the electorate, I've always figured the main problem with marijuana laws in the US is that federal law identifies pot as a Class I narcotic, right up there with heroin. That is a bogus legal definition that has no connection with the effects or chemical makeup of pot. It comes from international law and it's highly subjective (pun intended) and unscientific: Under international law, the United Nations provides a stipend (gift of funds or money) to certain Nations known to produce certain illegal substances of recognized drug matter that the World Court (in the hague) has determined as "NARCOTIC" or "having an effect of disorientation, euphporia or other change in mental condition of the individual who imbibes (that) substance". Damn, that sounds a lot like brewkis, vino and spirits to me. The actual US legal definition of narcotic: According to 21 USCS § 802 (17), the term narcotic drug means “any of the following whether produced directly or indirectly by extraction from substances of vegetable origin, or independently by means of chemical synthesis, or by a combination of extraction and chemical synthesis: (A) Opium, opiates, derivatives of opium and opiates, including their isomers, esters, ethers, salts, and salts of isomers, esters, and ethers, whenever the existence of such isomers, esters, ethers, and salts is possible within the specific chemical designation. Such term does not include the isoquinoline alkaloids of opium. (B) Poppy straw and concentrate of poppy straw. (C) Coca leaves, except coca leaves and extracts of coca leaves from which cocaine, ecgonine, and derivatives of ecgonine or their salts have been removed. (D) Cocaine, its salts, optical and geometric isomers, and salts of isomers. (E) Ecgonine, its derivatives, their salts, isomers, and salts of isomers. (F) Any compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of any of the substances referred to in subparagraphs (A) through (E).” How does weed fit that definition? Just say Yo. LAMary. May I add Peggy Noonan to your list. Might be redundant, though. It would be no surprise to find out Noonan is George Will wearing Rudy Giuliani's dresses. For all the GOPers that wasted all of that Kock Kriminal Konspiracy Kash and American Crossroads money, I'd like to quote Rachel Maddow: That's $100million you don't get back. Makes one wonder whether the asinine reversion to flat-out horse-race reporting in the last couple of weeks is less repertorial ineptitude and more media mogul money grubbing.
- Our polling place had chairs for everybody in line. Four rows of nine chairs, that were all filled with buttocks the entire 45 minutes we were there at 7 am/ Like a Disneyworld line, but not hot as hell and more civilized. It was quite humorous watching people scoot their bums from seat to seat. The rogues gallery of Fox frowns and moues made me think immediately of the John Carpenter classic that made Rowdy Roddy Piper a movie star, They Live. Those assholes are exactly who Carpenter made that movie about.
- Alex@58: The Obama organization raised $100million, mostly on the net and 90% in contributions of $20 or less. Hope them Kriminal Koch Bros. are happy with their purchases. They spent several $million on their bizarre distaste for and obsession with Sherrod Brown, who in my opinion is the real deal for a US Senator (i.e. Progressiver-than-thou rollers criticize him as much as GOPers). Bye Bye Bucks. And Sheldon Adelson's millions? Might as well have flushed the money down Rand Paul's defective toilet AIPAC man. Should have taken up Sarah Silverman's offer of sex, you disgusting old criminal fart. Mary, how big was Max when he came to live with you? 140# is one gigunda dog. Is he a Shetland? Can you share a picture. The companion of my childhood was a beautiful tri-color collie named Sandy, who was an uncharacteristically large collie the size of a good-sized Shepherd and about 90 lbs. My UPS guy just delivered my new copy of Cloud Atlas, my next read. I will never watch a movie version of a book that is held in such high regard by people whose opinion I trust before reading the book, or pretty much any novel really. I have still never watched the third of the Salander movies because I'm only halfway through The Girl That Kicked the Hornet's Nest. I admire the lightning speed plotting and at-a-gallop pace of Larssen't books, and would never want to know from the movie what is about to happen in the book. More people that should STFU after apologizing, and just disappear: Bill Kristol (the PNAC sinecure by nepotism, and presumed disciple of Sun Myung Moon), Hermanator, Bray Buchanon, Darth Nader, Ayn Ryan, Willard the Elevator Boy, John "Crash" McCain, Phony RAM driver Cosmo Scott Brown, John "Marcel Stupido" Sununu. Gallup and Rasmussen, GOPer shills. Sheldon Adelson. The truly sad list of entertainment celebrities that openly supported RMoney. Deborah, I can't see Hillary wanting to go through the dog and pony show, but if she chooses to, she could regalvanize the forces for health care reform and move the Obama ACA front line further down the road to intelligent universal health care at half the cost the USA pays now. In my younger days I "experimented" with heroin a few times, and smoked kilos of pot, and I can say for a fact that there is no comparison in physiological nor psychological effects of the two substances. Putting pot in a legal category with heroin, morphine and codeine is bone stupid, and a bar to sensible public policy. Legal grass, taxed and regulated as liquor is would be a boon to the US economy, and workers would be more productive the day after a party. It's the old story of never buying a car completed on a Monday. Hangovers, for those that suffer them, are debilitating. Pot doesn't have that effect.
- DellaDash@76: Or as we say on the intertubes, dribble, me thinks. I suppose I'm a lowdown lirul racist if I point out that anti-Obama rioting at Ole Miss is probably the result of bigotry against black people: Bill Maher tweeted that Willard's final comment on the election was directed to his u-trou, "Magic, my ass." Will LDS elders, in their Kolobian wisdom, now announce that the Constitutional crisis that would set off the White Horse Prophecy just doesn't exist currently? Sherri@78 Early on, I got an email from Kirsten Gillibrand soliciting a donation for Mazie Hirono. I looked her up and found her to be a worthwhile candidate, so sent some money. Got lots of correspondence from Mazie's campaign, including a signed personal note from the candidate with a hand drawing of a Hawai'ian flower she favors. Of course, I've saved that note. Very cool, and I was very happy she won. Elizabeth Warren has the potential to be the conscience of the Senate, as Cicero was in the last days of the Roman Republic. There are certainly a large number of figurative Catilines in that body for her to call out. Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?
- At our house, we're talking today about going to DC for the inauguration. S. has never been to DC. I say that is a shame at 50 y.o. I haven't been since Nixon's and Pigasus' inhoguration by the Yippees in January, '69. I was in Grant Park for the pig's nomination so had to see his investiture. Sherri, George Will should first of all STFU about baseball. He is ignorant on the subject as he is on politics. And could Will take the responsibility of pushing Krauthammer's wheelchair when he leaves? Michael Tomasky has an interesting analysis: tonight, America told the guy who’s been trying that they appreciate it. And they told the crazy party: you’re crazy. from:
- Anybody know what time today the black and Latino voting results are supposed to come out? How does a Secretary of State that sent out voter information with the correct voting date in English and a two-days late date in Spanish not get arrested or at least run out of office on a rail?
- Anybody that is paid for "punditry" but can't pronounce "pundit" without a superflous "n" before the final "t" should GTFA, for sure.
- Jeb would be a hilarious opponent for an Dem opponent. This family has fucked over the American electorate by lying and making shit up like no family that ever hit the face of the earth. RMoney said he would double-down on the trickle-down. MAYBE people have seen that is asinine bullshit. And Sue, you have hit on something. Bill loves Hillary and sees unbridled possibilities. Like real universal health care. Mark H. Please explain how the 61% white guys for RMoney don't represent racism. Wait, doan matter. Lots of us oltimers voting as anti-Nixon kow for a fact that Mittens goes for beach walks with black socks and uncool sandals. This guy was Nixon Agonistes. And nobody needs that shitheel any more.
- Dave your text. I believe when most of us are trying hard to write intelligibly, the edit function is crucial. I apologize for anything I've said that was obnoxious about politics, but the people that oppose my views have been far more obnoxious, which sorta pisses me off. Seriously, does anybody believe it makes sense to let the Bush family kill more American kids? When W just went fracking AWOL from Tejas? How do these shitheads excuse their proclivity fo killing innocents to save their asses? HW bailed out of a plane with two crewmembers, when they may have been saved. I doubt Poppi Bush would have done that if he thought he could help, but W, he'd bail at will and damn the consequences.
- Sherri, this is a question for you. I think you get sports as much as I do. Michael Wilbon compared Johnny Football to Hersschel pn PtI. Excuse me but he's fracking nuts. Everybody is keen to take up Jim Kelly's USFL stats. Hersschels are ridiculous. In fact, if you add Herschel Walker's WFL stats to his NBA, it's fairly obvious he was the best football player that ever lived. Herschel don't care, but if you add the stats from the two leagues. and include some intelligent analysis, Herschel doesn't just rule all=purpose, He's also got more rushing yards. What say Sherri. You at least have to admit that was the best player ever misused by coaches. Tjis is something that pisses me off. Herschel is a very good guy. Donald Trump screwed him over.
- GOPer venom vs. Kerry in '04 stretched back to Milhous. He couldn't believe the guy would turn militant on Vietnam. I didn't go. Dexter did. And I'm thankful as hell Dex and Kerry made it back. And if Shrubco actually won Cuyahoga Co. in '04 I will eat a trucker hat. Thank God people were watching the assholes this time. And when will the first photoshopped pictures of New Black Panthers intimidating elderly white voters show up? Are there actually any New Black Panthers? WTF is wrong with white people? MaryRC: I think they are having cases of the vapors. And I tweeted first time, only time to Ted, about Viagra and his pedophilia. I refrained from commenting on his claims of lifelong sobriety. I saw him out of his mind on substances many times at the MC5 house on I believe Gratiot. Ted's a lying SOS that needs Viagra if the intended is older than 14. Nugent, GTFA. He couldn't play guitar like this anyway: How about a reality show where Ted hunts scantily clad calipidgeous Kardashinas with a bow. Does he eat their overabundant flesh? God knows. Add in some RMoneys, I might watch for the minute or two it takes them to go down. How is Taggdirt's fund of funds looking today. That guy is an asshole, and I wish him ill-fortune. That weenie-wagger threatening the President of the USA was the topping on the racist cake. And the obvious fact that he would have had his ass kicked if he got by the Secret Service is even funnier. RMoney's are weenies. No doubt about it. People that voted weenie, sadly delusional. And who exactly is Victoria Jackson?
- I'm here to say, we're taking your guns and sending your redneck asses to hide and practice wargames in Idaho, you racist shitheads. That's right, a black President for four more years of Oompa Loompa obstructionism. I doubt Boner will survive.
- Largely put, by Signe: I really doubt Boner will survive. He's a drunk and and asshole,and and we can only hope, the country has passed his sorry ass by.
- Sherri @42: Exactly. These people are disgraceful. I love the would-be speech, Lex. And I'm hoping for more Snakes on a Plane Sam than whattup Denzel. Kick these racist mofos in they ass. And don't even start with me Danny. Calling out racism is not some perverse sort of racism.
- Hey GOPers: The race-baiting, obstructionist shit should stop now. You claim to be patriots. How do you buy into that GOPer shit about ending jobs for teachers and first responders?
- What gets accomplished will be accomplished without GOPers:
- Kommisar Karl loses his mojo. I mean if a fucking turd like W thinks you're smart, how smart can you be? Extremely well-put Sue. Rove is too disgusting for the thousand cuts, and GOPers have been eating their own for a long time. If turdblossom is left to die of dehydration in the desert of the current GOP, it can't come soon enough. Sorry excuse for human, and a racist sexist pig.
- Peter, I know it's sacrilegious, but I love the Los Lobos version of that song. Punched out an obnoxious deadhead during it, matter of fact. At Fosboro. Wish it had been Tom "UGGS" Brady, but alas and alack. And deggj@54.: exactly. Phonies are phonies. We have that on vinyl Peter, but I think it's a little too "ambient" for me. VG drumming though. I prefer the Los Lobos cover. And Gods they were. David Hidalgo and Cesar Rosas. Astounding singing and better guit playing. But the JohnPaulGeorgeRingo original is astounding.
- Fifteen minute orgasm, Nancy? I've been considering that, and it sounds like a fatal dose of ECT to me.
- And Peter, what I think is Fripp's finest moment:
- Damn good dog.
- Kim. you had best bring a winebag. It's gonna get thirsty out there. Fracking morons. Sam Brownback is chief among idiots for his stupidity. Weh da fuckawee?
- Mark P: They already abandoned that for their specialty. Charter education. Nathan Deal is a porker alright. He'll be snorfling his way in front of Ayn Ryan and Nikki "Appalachian Trail" Haley. Buncha bimbos.
- Doc Rivers' election night story: Rivers spent Tuesday night following election results and watching the film “Argo.” “That was a good night if you’re a supporter of the president, which I am,” Rivers said. “Nerve-racking. I went to a movie in the middle of it because I couldn’t take it anymore. I was getting texts from people and I didn’t believe that, either. I was tuning into Karl Rove, it was unbelievable. Then I got a text in the middle of it that [President Obama] won, so I left, and didn’t see the end [of the movie]. So, that really [makes me mad]. I’ll have to see it twice. Like ‘Titanic’ — you know the ending, but it’s still a good movie.” Hey Brownback, and Ken Cuccinelli, get a clue you aholes, you lost. And Gramma Turtle McConnell, limit him to two terms now, you disgusting piece of roadkill.
- Say Cooze. I guess that redneck never read Robert Graves or heard about Messalina and Nero.
- Maggie: On closing Gitmo prison camp, this is a NIMBY issue that GOPers block at every opportunity. There is a max security prison in Illinois that the administration intended to move the Gitmo detainees to, but GOPers stood in the way:
- Danny, if GOPers cared abut fiscal issues, they wouldn't exalt Raygun, and they'd abhor (obscure) W. Oh, wait. They did the latter. '00 through '08 didn't happen. No two illegal invasions, no two occupations. No idiotic and entirely unproductive tax cuts for rich people. Bigtime drubbing says y'all were full of shit and nobody's buying that snake oil anymore. The economy is on the rebound, without a doubt, if Boner and Gramma Mitch don't fuck it up just for spite. Read 'em and weep, GOPers.
- What the future holds.
- How Budweiser came to taste like piss and urinal cakes. The GOP is the harbinger for the Israeli government. Pretty soon, Israeli Arabs will outnumber Jews:
- Why Willard really lost.
- Awwww. Poor Mittens. And Haley Barbout finally comes out with a plausible reason for the GOPer debacle: "We ran shitty candidates." As Randy Newman would say, "You can't fool the fatman".:
- MichaelG. She ws sen in as a spy to cover up the lies about Obama covering up his pro-muslim sacrifice of Americans at Ben Ghazi. These are not sane people. . This is what these nutcases are saying on Fox. Whackos. but people believe this shit. This country is screwed, because people believe in nutcase shit like this. I saw some weirdo on Fox claiming Petraeus is a sacrificial lamb. This is these whackos starting up the Vince Foster shit again. People listen to looneys.
- The woman fell in love with the hardcore guy? Knock me over with a feather. Petraeous as some sort of war hero? No general is a war hero. That is horseshit.
- Generals are full of shit and feed cannon fodder to cannons. They aren't heros. If Petraaeus let this woman have access to his email, he's an idiot that was thinking with his gun, not his rifle. Dumbass.
- That offside call against Bama was unadulterated bullshit. The entire right side of the A&Am line charged offside. Rules say, it doesn;t matter where the D lines up. Bullcrap. And Johnny football is as asinine a nickname as Donny Baseball. And I'm a Dodgers fan. Donny baseball knows about as much about pitching as that George Will ahole, Donny Baseball. Bama got screwed and Lord knows, I despise Alabama football. The idea that the Oline can simply stand up to draw a defensive penalty is bullshit, no matter what moron announcers say.
- Kommissar Karl klaiming voter suppression should get the asshole struck down by a bolt of lightning. Seriously, Turd Blossom? What a monstrous asshole.
- Sherri, Dogs will throw for about 400 vs. Bama. ND is a joke after CT beat Pitt, and Oregon can't play D, no way, no how. UGA is better than all three of those teams. Hell. Awbuhn is better than two of them. ND included. That team sucks, big time. And the offside penalty was fracking outrageous.
- Shameless asshole, thy name is Kommissar Karl Rove. Looks as if the Petraeus other woman is a psycho like that astronaut lady with the depends, rather than the Benghazi smoking gun. But remember. D. Lawrence Walsh, a Raygun judicial appointee, ran an expensive Whitewater investigation before anybody ever heard of the grotesque voyeur Ken Starr, and Walsh found no there there. GOPers don't give up on idiotic shit like this.They perpetrate vile shit with abandon, so they presume everybody does. ND is a dog and will get their asses killed in any NatChamp game. And KState, damn that QB looks slow as can be on TV. Oregon? That league doesn't play with the big boys. Big East West. And refs handed that one to A&M. The offside penalty was hilarious, actually. And comparing a penalty at a crucial time in a ballgame to one when it doesn't have immediate impact is ridiculous. That's what people think that never actually played football. I'm voting for Ziva David or Michael Westen to fun the CIA, mainly Ziva. But if Obama is smart, he'll talk Colin Powell into taking the job and let the GOPer fools try to attack that appointment.
- the easy teams from the SEC West this year UGA did not play the Arkansas Petrinos. SC did. And UGA offense is considerably better than A&MM, as is the D.
- Animated version of Get Your War On,The horrors of Obama's reelection.
- An intelligent and humane comment on L'affaire Petraeus: While all the "reasons" given by the pundits over the General's resignation bounce from suspicious conspiracy to compromised CIA Director, the reason may be as simple as the fact that the Petraeus' may need the time to work on their marriage. No one has considered the feelings of Mrs. Petraeus and her children - I wish them the best. From this article: On the other hand if Broadwell threatened another woman's life, she should be arrested and sent to jail. She sounds like psycho astronaut Depends lady. And that getup she was wearing for the pushup contest on Daily Show looked like Lady Heather, the recurring dominatrix character from CSI. And here's a sordid tale of the depths to which Big Coal will submerge in political muck and mire to advance its agenda: Reminds me of the brillian line from the great Derek Jacobi, as Claudius, commenting on Roman corruption: Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out. Dorothy@18: Mousetrap!!! There's another one going around the net that involves very extreme parkour. Parkour is also all over action TV shows these days. First I ever heard of it was in William Gibson's Pattern Recognition, an excellent novel about spies, Maybachs, the evils of modern consumerism, organized crime, and cool hunting for hipsters.
- Della: Hubertus Bigend is one of the greatest fictitious names ever. I've been reading William Gibson's books all the way back to Neuromancer, Mona Lisa Overdrive and Count Zero. The latter is actually science fiction in a traditional sense. I like all of them. I also enjoye The Difference Engine, about Charles Babbage (a little like Lempriere's Dictionary and Jonathon Strange & Mr. Norrell) that Gibson wrote with Bruce Sterling, except for the badly fizzled ending. Sherri, if you liked Pattern Recognition, you would probably appreciate Spook Country and Zero History, which reprise some of the characters. And I believe Neuromancer was his first go. I also liked Idoru and All Tomorrow's Parties quite a bit. The guy writes compelling female characters, for, you know, a guy. Cayce Pollard and Hollis Henry are excellent heroes.
- So long, Major Harris. I preferred Detroit to Philly, but this was a terrific song: And, Wreck of the Hesperus (my choice for a great take on this theme: Longfellow seems to have predicted the Frankenstorm years before its time.
- Turns out the Petraus other Other woman" has a twin sister. The two of them look like any two random Kardashians: Petraeus got all sorts of credit for the "success" of the "surge" in Iraq, when, in fact, the surge degerated into simply paying warlords and tribal leaders in the New Beginning to refrain from violence at a cost of billions of bucks. As a military strategy, the surge was a long con. A. O. Scott in the NYT sure likes Lincoln. For me, Scott is just about as sure a thing as Ebert.
- Before this Petraeus/Allen hoohaw, I would have thought being a US General was a time consuming and difficult job. Now, I'm wondering when they squeeze a little work into their hyperactive sex-emailing schedules. The official said 20,000 to 30,000 pages of emails and other documents from Allen's communications with Kelley between 2010 and 2012 are under review. He would not say whether they involved sexual matters or whether they are thought to include unauthorized disclosures of classified information. He said he did not know whether Petraeus is mentioned in the emails. Holy shit, that's 41 pp. per day. If he gave it a rudimentary plot, the General could be replacing Shades of Gray on the NYT lists. As far as the Kelley twins are concerned, I think Mix-a-Lot said it all. As for the American Big Brass: Never worked at MacDs, but did have a dishwashing job once when I was in college. It was a high end steak and roast beast place. Very depressing on game days in Athens putting $1000s of dollars of food down the disposer from the dinner plates of Tri-Delts too loaded or anorexic (or both) to eat. The steam heat from the big machine was ennervating to the point of being debilitating. Very unpleasant work. The former PM of India Morarji Desai was a believer in and practitioner of Urine Therapy and claimed that drinking his own urine healed his hemorrhoids. And that's alliteration, four "h"s in just three words.
- Henry Rollins takes gloating over the recent Presidential election pretty seriously. Actually Mark, Broadwell did what you're doing. She related some bullshit from Bullshit Mountain and got the details awry. And Cantor did know about the mess on October 27, according to Cantor.
- Petraeus was boinking Broadwell. Then Petraeus started boinking Kelly. Broadwell told Kelly to stop the boinking via email. Shirtless dude, who also wanted to boink Kelly, complained to Cantor (we don’t know who Cantor was boinking), who clutched his pearls and complained to the CIA. Meanwhile, the FBI, which wanted in on the boinking, wrote to the CIA, at which point Patraeus resigned because he couldn’t continue to do his job amidst all the boinking. That helpful recap is posted by Traak as a comment on the following Crooks & Liars post: Punching a grumpy?
- John Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe have similar taste in wildly funny, 20th century dissident Russian novelists. Coming undoubtedly to Masterpiece Theater soon. And anybody that hasn't should read The Master and Margarhita as soon as possible. Hilarious satire, brilliant novel. I really want somebody to find out Allen West is involved in the Generals brouhaha, or is it a fracas? Like, West was mailing shirtless photos of Ayn Ryan to Hermanator Cain. And pantsed photos of Anthony Weiner to Rieille Hunter. Power of piss. And apparently, from Crooks & Liars, the FBI guy in the Swinging Dicks Emailers Club is a bonafide Teabanger Obama conspiracy theorist. Nate Silver: Karl Rove ::Climate Scientists: Non-scientist Climate Deniers. There is probably a whiff of merkin glue in that Trump cologne. I mean, he's got the world's largest beaver wig on his ginormous head.
- MichaelG: Yes it is. Sherri, I admire your knowledge of sports, but deciding them Dawgs cant beat Bama isn't smart after A&M did. Johhnny Football is not nearly as good a QB. UGA's back 7 on D is basically better than everybody else, and Gurshall is unlike anything A&M has seen in centuries.
- Nancy, you could hire Basil Hallward to paint your portrait. Nothing would ever stretch nor sag. I think Baron Samedi is more likely dressed in formal, not business, attire: Best sentence in Jolene's linked story about Tampa: Business deals are often made in the plentiful strip clubs and steakhouses. No wonder military contracting is so FUBAR.
- Holy shit, I'm pretty sure that is the first ad hominem restaurant review I ever read. That guy Pete Wells seriously resents Guy Fieri, and Rachael Ray better never open a restaurant anywhere Pete can get to. Guy Fieri is obnoxious, I think, sort of the Brian Bosworth of the Food Channel, but that isn't really a restaurant review, either. Any idea why it tastes like some combination of radiator fluid and formaldehyde? I don't think I'd trust anyone's opinion on food that actually knows what that tastes like. Wanna bet this Red-Stater would like to memory hole this snide comment on General Betray-us. I always thought the great Petraeus "surge" strategy was a fraud, that involved buying off warlords and tribal leaders with $millions$, more than actual military strategy.
- Some women look fine with tattoos. Mary: Admit it. The dog owns you. I would sure like to see a picture of that giant hound.
- Here's a book I'm really looking forward to. Remember the Robin Williams/Robert DeNiro movie Awakenings? I thought it was a good movie, if somewhat both corny and cheesy, as most of Mr. Williams' movies are when he plays a bit down and normal. Anyway, good or corny, Awakenings served to introduce Oliver Sacks to the world, which is an undeniable mitzvah. Sacks is a grandly intuitive and spiritual scientist, that can explain both science and the way in which human nature and foibles interact with science in elegant prose. If you've never read Sacks' The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, treat yourself. It's like an excellent short story collection, but the stories are real. Sacks on the subject of the mercurial 12th century mystic and polymath Hildegard von Bingen is fascinating. Best story ever about a nun, I'd say. Private entities taking over public functions? The GOPer nocturnal emission. That is exactly what charter schools promotion is all about, and it is increasingly common. Consider Chris "The Magic Rat that Stole the Election" Christie's ill-fated outsourcing of halfway houses in the NJ. (Scared the Nets all the way to Brooklyn.) Look how well Halliburton and Blackwater/Xe worked out in Iraq. No country wants any sort of US security presence anywhere near its women and children thanks to the psycho thugs those two outfits employed. Early on, some Bushco underlings actually wrote memos talking about the desirability of contractors immune to legal restrictions to indemnify both their employers and the US government. Some things cannot be trusted to for-profit sensibilities. We don't need Dickensian debtors prisons in the USA. We sure as shit don't want private armies. And I 'd rather not have world affairs managed by corporate people too, my friend. Dex@49: Obama can’t sweep all this bad publicity under the rug, can he? Allen is in the process of a huge promotion. Who is going to raise a stink. Petraeus was the 2016 go-to guy for a huge number of Teahadist GOPers. I heard some Bullshit Mountain Network on a TV gas pump the other day, and the bimbo du jour was saying Petraeus is a stand-up guy that must have something to bury the Kenyan usurper with. Sadly for those twats, I'm thinking this was middle-aged bad judgement by a guy with a lot of power, or as GOPers labelled it when it turned out all the villagers with pitchforks and torches after Clinton's scalp had pulled the same sort of shit, youthful indiscretion. And Max is a very handsome fellow. Does he ride on top of the car?
- Church music by Hildegard von Bingen. Eerily beautiful. Dan Burton, who called Clinton a scumbag, had his youthful indiscretion at 48. Saint Henry Hyde jumped the mudshark when he was in his fifties. Scribe@60: Never saw Cliff Robertson in Charly, I take it? Better to be alive and lose than never to be alive at all.
- GOPer asshole Ken Cuccinelli shits the bed again. Unfortunately, the wrongfully imprisoned man isn't preborn. This really reminds me of the story about Goober-nor Bush making fun of Karla Faye Tucker. How did anybody justif voting for that ahole after he did that?
- This report says Dr. and Mrs. Kelley are in financial trouble. And how in hell are the Bullshit Mountain Network jokers going to maintain their claims that this was all hushed up to protect the President through the denouement of the campaign when the only politician with any part in or knowledge of it was snot-nose Eric Cantor?
- Shirtless guy exposed. Catherine@81: Was that a family named the Bumpuses that owned that dog?
- Papa John is full of shit. He's spending more money on the Peyton Manning free pizza deal , by a franking mile, than Obamacare will cost his company. And since the Dominos guy is a whackjob Opus Dei Raygun acolyte whose current political crush is the fracking idiot Sam Brownback, it's home baked or local pizzeria pizza in our house from now on. Aurora Borealis photos from the peak of Mt. Washington, Neh Hempsha. I say deport the moronic secession petitioners. The USA will be better off by losing the states that make large profits on their contributions to federal government by getting back far more than they pay in. I'm talking about the deep south and AK. And Texas, you'll be begging to join Mexico when NASA and aerospace industry pull out. And the vibrant social scene in Tampa will obviously take a hurricane hit. And since Brian mentioned it, I'll ask again, when did Americans come to believe that "anti-colonial" is a damning epithet? Danny, that shit wasn't mild and measured, and it was inntended to provoke. If someone you disagree with said Papa John is full of shit. He's spending more money on the Peyton Manning free pizza deal , by a franking mile, than Obamacare will cost his company. And since the Dominos guy is a whackjob Opus Dei Raygun acolyte whose current political crush is the fracking idiot Sam Brownback, it's home baked or local pizzeria pizza in our house from now on. Mild and measured? Bullshit Danny. You intended to provoke the response you got. And if someone you disagree with said something as pedantic and ridiculous as I would guess that it is an anecdotal outlier and that there are many more outliers on the other side of the equation. At least you didn't say "I suspect". But I could just as easily assert that you believe the tragedy inherent in that woman's death is diminished by the fact she's a native of India. And @6. You just ooze with Eddie Haskelism sometimes. That weaselly, passive-aggressive defense is puke-worthy.
- Paula Broadwell has a George O'Leary problem withwriting an honest resume. And Ambassador Kelley's 91 phone call really reminded me of George Zimmerman.
- Mark P@29: Or we could just admit it doesn't work and bag missile defense altogether, but I suppose that would end up being expensive keeping the Alabummer rocket scientists fed and housed. Only in Chinese martial arts movies like Drunken Master can you shoot a bullet with a bullet. Missile defense expenditures since Reagan pushed SDI (Star Wars). And to date, there has never been anything close to a successful test, even when the test protocol called for the target missile to be highlighted with a gigunda reflective ballon like the one in the Red Bull parachute jump.
- Anon: I'm a fan of your poetry. Yeah, I'm aware of all of that, but nonproliferation wexperts are the source of most of what I know about missile defense, and the predominant opinion in that weapons subculture, is that weapons systems testing is regularly marred by resetting testing bars after the tests don't turn out the way they were supposed to. And I don't see how missing a target hundreds of times larger than the weapon that's supposed to be taken out in real life tests anything about the system's performance in any way. I think people that call themselves "fiscal hawks" should be holding up missile defense as a poster child for wasted funds, but their ideological joneses for both military spending and any Raygun wild hair preclude rational behavior on this subject. Mostly, I pay attention to Joe Cirincione on this subject because he is well informed and shows no partisan leanings except towards the human race and its continuing existence. Of course, the non-proliferation crowd has a predisposition toward the belief that missile defense and the attendant promises made for it by defense contractors and some military folks lull people into a false sense of security in a world of nuclear arsenals, particularly the poorly managed ones in the former USSR and the one in the Negev being run by the inmates of the asylum. This seems like a reasonable way of thinking to me. In support of what MarkH says @34, just look at the cases of all of those bigmouth Teabanger goober-nors that said they wouldn't take stimulus money and then bought new suits and silver-plated shovels, and commissioned giant facsimile checks, to take credit for stimulus funded projects. Hell, Paul Ryan did that. So did Eric Cantor. Even the Mad Magazine Exorcist Bobby Jindal said "What? Me Worry?"
- Tig is going to die a horrible death at Pope's hands, MarkH, and nobody deserves it more but Clay. Those Tara and Otto scenes have been both gratuitous and disturbing though. I'm hoping for Unser to outlive all of them.
- We do the equivalent all the time in space Really? It's not the same thing as docking with the space station in a fixed orbit. To your questions 5 and 6, the best way to achieve the goal is total worldwide nuke disarmament. Anything that convinces a nation that a nuke war can be won is bpth politically and ethically undesirable. So Willard thinks if he had only promised a dancing horse in every garage, people would have been more likely to vote for him. Maybe, a coupla Caddies in every garage, or a car elevator.
- I have no idea what the physics and math may be in targeting a small object launched out of the clear blue sky on a trajectory that may or not be predictable, but common sense says it's more difficult than targeting an object travelling a completely predictable path with no critical limit on lead time or response time. I'd trust the Report from the Institute on Defense Analysis for the Pentagon on this more than I'd trust some imaginary metric for testing the MDA systems invent out of whole cloth by Rumsfeld.
- I don't claim any knowledge of the rocket science involved in missile defense, but I'm pretty sure the people at the IDA that analyze this shit for DoD do.
- Actually, the claim is to knowing more about the physics and math of MD than the DoD and the Institute for Defense Analysis, and more about the testing protocols than all of the experts. And of course, not paying attention to the nutjob contracting and testing procedures that Rumsfeld established for missile defense out of the sheer blindness to common sense generated by his intense Raygun man-crush. Rummy's idea about spiral development, allowing for deployment without conclusive testing is loonier than his Known knowns and known unknowns prattle and babble. This whole Star Wars thing reminds me of HW claiming that Raytheon's Patriot Missile defense array was 95% effective when DoD reviews after the first Gulf War put the number at closer to 15%. Undoubtedly, Raytheon got even more cash to fix the POS system. Then again, it's one of the wonders of the internet that anybody can claim to be a rocket scientist that knows more than actual experts. That's why I cited a definitive study rather than trying to claim specific technical knowledge for my own part. Abortion doesn't cure septicemia, but it can sure as shit prevent it from happening. Nobody ever claimed the former, and the latter is fracking obvious.
- And no, it's not like a rendevous with an object in orbit because there is no critical time constraint. Anon, I didn't assume anything of the sort, but your conclusions differ fairly widely. As far as what I said about your point #6, I didn't say anything about facts, just that the ethical and political desirability of missile defense is fairly clearly limited.
- I'm talking about a surprise missile launch that has got to be tracked extremely quickly in order to have any chance of bringing it down, without even accounting for likely clusters of missiles. The famous test failure with the big balloon shadowing the projectile, they didn't even hit the balloon. Every time a test has failed, the expected results have been changed after the fact to claim success in some aspect of the test. And the cash keeps flowing. That seems like a stupid way to spend taxpayer money. Spiral development as propounded by Rumsfeld is a lax, unaccountable, contractor friendly idea that is completely irresponsible both fiscally and scientifically. As for ethics, convincing people a nuclear war can be won isn't just unethical, it's borderline insanity: Anyway, the history of missile defense is littered with poor performance and lame excuses:
- Sherri, I admire anybody that gets physics. My academic strong points are logic, the English language, "dead" languages and abstruse nonsense like analogies. Not bragging, but 149/150 on the Miller test. The point I didn't make well about Star Wars (no matter how they change the name to disguise the stench of rotting tax money) is that it is like shooting a bullet with a bullet because a gunfight never involves readiness. A nuclear assault will come as a salvo, out of the blue (which is why GOPer idiot politicians talking about imminent NK threats is so fracking stupid. Oh, Sherri, I may be delusional, but if A&M can score on 'Bama, Dawg's offense could put up 45. Better QB, better RBs and Better WRs. That's why they play the games. And, Danny, it's clear the conservatives (who would make dead conservatives like Buckley turn over in their graves with their wilfull ignorance and general crass behavior) are your fellow travelers, but secessionists? Tres outre. And when I read this earlier without sounding like a missile defense apologist I was waiting for the other shoe to hit the floor with a thud.
- The proper way to observe the passing of the Twinkie is to consume a deep-fried golden cake with genuine simulated cream filling while watching the gutbustingly entertaining Zombieland, in which Woody Harrelson's tough guy Tallahassee searches the zombiefied end times for the last Twinkie, only to inadvertantly blow up a case of them with a sawed-off shotgun. Tragedy ensues. Godawful sequel idea. Worse idea than Red Dawn remake. People will absolutely flock to skip this idiotic POS. Paula the well, Broad didn't just try and fail at her PhD, she ditched it and then spent the rest of her life until it caved in on her claiming she had not one but two earned doctorates from the Kennedy School. That is aberrant behavior. Like I said yesterday, George O'Leary disease, aka Munchausen's (another great movie, by Terry Gilliam). O'Leary (from facebook): In 2001, O'Leary left Georgia Tech to take over as the head coach for the University of Notre Dame. A few days after he was hired, inaccuracies were discovered in his published biographical sketch. In the biographical sketch, it stated that O'Leary had earned a master's degree from "NYU-Stony Brook University," a non-existent institution and actually two separate institutions over 50 miles apart. In fact, he had taken only two courses at SUNY - Stony Brook, and never graduated. He also claimed that he had earned three letters in football at the University of New Hampshire, when the school claimed he had not even played in one game. And with whom did Vernon Loeb do his mandatory sexting, Broadwell or Kelley? I think I'm going to look at the Amazon reviews and try to figure out which on Paula B. wrote for All In.
- Anonimist. Those are rockets, not missiles, and the Israelis have a bottomless source to use as many weapons as necessary to try to shield themselves. i.e. US dollars and materiel. And should I assume that when a rocket kills somebody in Tel Aviv, it was allowed through an impenetrable shield so that the IDF could slaughter a bunch of Arabs in Gaza?
- Everybody's a critic. Or, whatever became of Chunk? If Twinkies fade into oblivion, what will happen to the work force in peripheral industries, like trans fat manufacturers? And will that affect gas pump prices? I did have LSD-injected Twinkies at a party in college once. Tastier than blotter. I've also had them soaked in champagne. Pretty tasty actually. And those replacement Twinkies? Hydrox Twinkies? Little Debbie Twinkies? And anybody looking for a farewell Twinkie had best hurry, before Paula Deen buys them all for deep frying and dipping in mayonnaise and clarified butter.
- According to the Teamsters and the Dow Jones Bankruptcy Review (that well-known backer of organized labor) Hostess played fast and loose with CEO and upper level management compensation on the Green Mile to bankruptcy.
- The very first explanations out of the White House about Benghazi were based solely on reports from diplomatic and CIA sources in Libya, which made it clear that they believed that the original disturbance was a protest about profaning Mohammed and that the protest was used as a smokescreen by the militant insurgents. I never claimed anything else, and it's also bullshit to quote my response to another comment without being clear what I was responding to. Claiming you know more than what the CIA said in the first place puts you in that weird Allen Westworld of having information you couldn't possibly have. How this gets GOPers and neocons so exercised at this point when they still claim Shrubco and particularly Cheney didn't lie their asses off and start an elective war that will cost trillions of bucks before the AMEX bill is paid and killed hundreds of thousands of people is a mystery to me. Well, no it isn't. It's another lame attempt at explaining getting thrashed in the election. And anybody that takes anything that Rep. Peter King says at face value is making a mistake. The guy is a blustering partisan idiot. If the day and the hearings end with out this stupid mofo breaching national security, it will be a miracle. Danny@52: Every single report I heard that day said exactly that. And you insisted on the RMoney "apology" shit, as I recall it, which was egregious and repulsive political gravedancing on Willard's part. The way your bullshit talking point on that subject came about was that GOPers and RMoneyites were so quick to jump on Mittens' asinine and ghoulishly opportunistic claims about apologies from the Obama administration. And I'll stand by what you quoted if you'll explain what you said that I responded to. I guess it was not so memorable, but I suppose you were trying to claim RMoney hadn't made a vulturine misstatement about what happened, when he unquestionably did so.
- Ambassador Rice could legitimately have refused to answer that question on the basis of not being involved in the incident personally or ex officio. Claiming she repeated a prepared lie, as Oldtimer McImpotent did is a speculative slander of the lowest sort, with absolutely no substantive basis, and if his erstwhile running mate wants to see a real "gotcha" question, the half-goober-nor should check that interview. The GOPer side on this is all "Anybody could see" and "It was obvious" when GOPers were making up wild shit in the immediate aftermath of the murders and nothing whatsoever was obvious, except that some heavily armed militia thugs had attacked the American legation under cover of a spontaneous demonstration. That's what every one of the cooler heads said immediately Danny, and claiming otherwise is just dishonest or it's very convenient forgettery. The idea that anything about this business might have "swung the election" is absurd. People still voted for Shrub in '04 (or at least Ken Blackwell's voting machines said they did) after the Pretzeldent actually ignored the "hair on fire" PDB about muslim terrorists flying planes into US buildings, and then made up a bunch of bushwa to cover the illegal invasion of Iraq.
- When the GOPers in Congress try to sidetrack the nation's business by making a mountain out of the Benghazi bullshit, everyone should remember that long before anybody had ever heard of Ken Starr, there was an actual investigation of the Clintons' Whitewater business dealings by the august GOPer and Raygun partisan Lawrence Walsh who found no there there. Spent $50 million. Then came the Ken Starr Fishing Expedition and Voyeur's Ball at a cost when it was all over of another $100million. No there there either, aside from old fart GOPer Viagra addicts with "youthful indiscretions in their pasts acting like whitwashed sepulcher hypocrites about a randy intern that went to DC with kneepads and gave a BJ to the most powerful man on earth. If there's a scandal when GOPers pull this kind of crap, it's that the bastards motives are purely political, and what they really want to accomplish is to do the job for which they were elected and make life better and more secure for Americans.Scumbaggery.
- beb@56: Did it ever dawn on the BSchool whizzes that ran Hostess into the ground to actually produce at least a faux health conscious product and market it? I mean, changing the fruit pie recipe to something more tart and less gloopy and the crust lighter and flakier, and baked seems as if it would have been an easy and obvious way to increase the snack calories market share. Blaming the unions for contracts signed with no guns to temples involved appears to have been much less the problem than singulr lack of vision and marketing talent and an utter failure to read consumer interest. Those pension agreements the company agreed to constitute a legal contract, and the pensions should be paid out first every time this shit is perpetrated. Those assets the vulture capitalists are selling in the Chapter 11, the union workers made that, you crooked bastards.
- GOPers have been desperate for 40 years to catch the Democrats at something as evil as Watergate or Iran-Contra. Of course, those episodes were quite different. Watergate was an attack on the Constitution. Iran Contra funded murderers and rapists, the drug trade, and both sides in a devastating middle east war that killed hundreds of thousands of people. And, of course, bribed the Iranian government to hold American hostages in the interest of getting a febrile old codger with diminished mental powers elected President to rape the treasury. If people like Danny and politicians like John McImpotent. little Lindsay Fauntleroy and the Amazing Cretin Peter King want to try to claim there's been some coverup recently, I want to hear their opinions on their patron saint's dirty dealings with the Ayatollahs. As far as the security of foreign-stationed diplomatic staff, GOPers under Shrubco cut US military budgets for active duty security forces, figuring as per usual that this was a great way to privatize some spending to their political supporters. Only thing is, Blackwater/Xe and Halliburton and the other private security companies have deployed so many psyopathic murderers and rapists that no country wants them within its borders and none of the diplomatic corps want them around. I'm sure the Congressional Benghazi investigators are going to deal with that sorry state of affairs.
- Is Danny's thumbnail photo in the dictionary next to protests too much? As I recall the day of the attacks on the Benghazi legation, the presumed incident involved a public protest over the film trailer used as gover by militia thugs to launch an attack on the diplomatic staff. I don't remember anyone with any actual reason to know what was going on saying anything else, except for the original information from the diplomatic staff in Benghazi themselves who attempted to ameliorate the situation by issuing a statement deploring the film trailer. It was that statement that got RMoney all bunched in his magic panties when he called it "sympathizing with the attackers" and "apologizing", in one of the most craven political acts I have ever seen in 50+ years of watching American politicians. Now the GOPers are taking Bullshit Mountain News reports as reality, never a rational approach: None of this shit changes anything I ever said about the trailer, the people that produced it and what they intended to happen, which is apparently what did happen.
- Mark, the diplomatic staff in Benghazi issued the statement about the anti-Muslim trailed that RMoney foolishly and callously attributed to the President in an effort to calm the crowds around the legation building, You claim that didn't happen. That unquestionably is exactly what took place that day. And the calls for help came from Tripoli, not Benghazi, at least initially. Fox has been pushing a jury-rigged timeline since the entire thing happened. I know what I saw reported as it happened.
- Unlike certain people I don't take something from a bogus news source and presume it's Gospel because it fits my political thinking. And I know exactly what I saw reported when it was happening. And that should be "trailer" obviously. Personally, I think that people that foment middle eastern rioting on purpose in the United States should be prosecuted. Daniel Pipes should have faced prosecution for the Jyllands-Posten cartoons, for instance, which had zero to do with freedom of the press and everything to do with inciting violence. Same for that redneck idiot antiChristian Terry Jones, the Koran and Obama effigy burner. Also, quoting something that was obviously a response to a specific comment without including the comment that educed the respons is unmitigated bullshit.
- The timeline is fine, Mark, but it's the product of the clarity of hindsight. I'm talking about what was reported by American media while it was happening, and when RMoney was sticking his head up his anus. Why anyone is trying to make this out as some terrible breach of duty by the President would be mystifying if it weren't so obviously the GOP game plan for obstructing real work on the economy to damage their political opposition. And I'd repeat, fuckheads like McCain calling Susan Rice a liar for something she said when none of this stuff was clear in any honest non-clairvoyant's mind is scurrilous slander, despite her public position, because those assholes pulling that shit no they are making it up.
- Funny Gawker comment on the NYT Guy Fieri review. Apparently the NYT ad department held a party for clients at the Fieri Hellhole. Tres awkward. And you know, this Benghazi rehash to embarrass the President that kicked Willard's ass is reminding me of the stories of the death of Pat Tillman and the daring rescue of Pvt. Jessica Lynch. It's clear that official accounts of both of those incidents were outright lies, one a coverup, the other unadulterated propaganda. Did Shrubco ever attempt to get to the truth of either? Unm, NOPE. Is the Obama administration attempting to get to the truth about the horrible attacks in Benghazi? Uhm, YUP, clearly. That's not a double standard from the GOPer Congressional truth seekers, it's a standard and a total lack of a standard. So they really need to STFU. And Quoting shit out of any context whatsoever is a really sleazeball thing to do. I mean, that's like something you'd expect from Kommissar Karl Rove.
- Danny@97: Facts?
- My humble apology to any of you I ever told to shut the fuck up, although I sincerely doubt I actually did. Except for Danny who's Eddie Haskell brand of nudging is too cute by half and twice as churlish and chidlish. I probably have told him to STFU, which is rude, but the guy is so snot-nosed obnoxious.
- Here's a Spielberg movie ranking from somebody at New York Magazine. I have never watched Saving Private Ryan so I can't really comment, except to say that Raiders is clearly the best, followed closely by the Last Crusade, and that both Sugarland Express and Empire of the Sun should be much higher in rank than this list has them. I liked AI, but I've never bothered to watch anything to do with Jurassic Park. I'd put Close Encounters (stoned_ over Close Encounters (straight), and I like the movie a lot either way. I thought Minority Report was a fascinating, very intense thriller, despite the midget lead actor. E.T. is still great. Duel is ridiculously overrated. Knife in the Water (Polanski), Blood Simple (Coens), The 400 Blows (Truffaut), Breathless (Godard), and Bottle Rocket (Andersen),even the unintentionally hilarious Bound (Wachowskis) were all better first movies than Duel. Hell, John Huston's first was The Maltese Falcon. Of course, for first directing efforts, everybody other than Orson Wells is like the guys in the NBA 3-pointer contest back when Larry Legend would walk in the locker room and say"Hey boys. Who's playing for second place. Wells' first feature was Citizen Kane.
- Speaking of movies, TCM is showing the original Bedazzled with Peter Cooke and Dudley Moore, not the reprehensible remake with Brendan Frasier, at 10 tonight.(EST)
- T'sm out of here. I can't ignore horseshit like Danny, and he seems to have a strange fixation, ADIEUX MARGARITA. PEOPLE LIKE DANNY ARE R
- I ns, I promiae you, I m gone.
- What ever, I care a great ddeal about you,, aand I am out of here.
- Can anybody explain how, in a country with a governments of laws, an overpaid, incompetent and grossly incompetent governor can just bag legal contracts with public employees, that involved no duress, and be applauded for it? Not the American way. We are supposed to honor contracts. Why can't I just tell the bank, I can't make that house payment. What a joke. It's a reminder of the great GOPer mantra about term limits: "Stop me before I vote again." Don't these assholes claim to be the responsible citizens? And on a similar note, the aholes that ran Hostess into the ground think they should get bonuses before any of the employees see pension money or any of the creditors are paid: Who is responsible in these deals?
- One of my brothers and I took care of my dad's end of life, in his house. It was very difficult caring for somebody that I thought of the most brilliant and strong man I'd ever met reduced to a shell of himself, but in hindsight, I'm glad I did. I was there practically by myself for many of his last days, and I had a new understanding of what Jesus felt in Gethsemane. Let this cup pass. It was endless, and difficult, and I actually had access to morphine, and ended up using it in the end. I didn't end his life, because he was a doctor and a Catholic and did not believe in any sort of suicie. It dawned on me that I would have been ending my own pain not my dad's. His last day was a Sunday, and I got Sunday Mass on his college radio station WFUV/Fordham (my dad was a classmate of G. Gordo Liddy), and the sacred music raised his spirits. I've been clear with y'all about my own intentions when I head downhill fast. Mucho LSD with some heroin and lotsa pot, with the Progressive masterpiece by Procul, In Held Twas In I on the stereo, very loud. Maybe some Your Move, if I hang on a while. Jolene: ACA has identified ample savings from current accepted US health care practice, which, in the most recent election, Ayn Ryan and his pard matched to their unquestioned Medicare gutting. There is no honest basis for discussion with GOPers on health care. I was able to spend time with my dad when he died. I'm sure lots of people would find a similar experience overwhelming. I don't know how I got through it alone. Well, he couldn't take sustenance but for ice chips, and my ineptitude at getting the chips right led us to a discussion of Smilla's Sense of Snow. Usually in my family, I introduced books. This one was my mom's and we all dove in. It is a brilliant Scandinavian crime novel, and my dad and I spent hours discussing it while he was dying. I want my daughter Emily to read the book, so when I am kicking it, we'll have a book to talk about, other than Stuart Little, which Emily has hated with a passion since she could read.
- Notre Dame? bullshit. Herschel runs over they ass. Gurshall is bettter than Bama Sherri. You have to admit it's very likely
- Sherri, I enjoy your sports knowledge. Dawgs have a better QB. Anybody that thinks JohnnyFootball is a better WB is a moron. Aaron is way better, And Mantei is better than Jarvis, what a fricking moron. Why the Jarvis is undernearh that ND character's bed? Because Jarvis is under his bed,
- the deer were way smarter., He generally had to yank they Whoa., My old dad thought them fools in them treestands were hilarious. Wholerous stupidud, and likelely to fall out drunk. He saw them dumbshits regular in his mergency room. He generally had to yank they shoulders out when they fell out of they trees. Generally, deer win.
- MichaeG: After UGA lost AJ Green for four games because he sold his own shirt when his family needed cash, the "benefits" at Ohio seemed pretty fracking egregious.
- cooze@19: But what about Richard Gere? The first lady killed the Twinkie (and WonderBread, we can hope, who eats that crap?), but the President killed Demolition Derby with the Cash for Clunkers program, another "failed Obama program" that actually worked iboosting car sales And on the nets, isn't "over at" the preferred prepositional form? Like fingernails on a blackboard favored by people that think "methinks" is actually "me thinks" and "loose" is an acceptable alternate spelling for "lose".
- The first lady killed the Twinkie (and WonderBread, we can hope, who eats that crap?), but the President killed Demolition Derby with the Cash for Clunkers, another "failed Obama program" that actually worked boosting car sales. No idea how that came out like that, previously. same exact post.
- George Will thinks baby-boomer nostalgia is acute narcissism. Ahem. I believe "greatest generation" is so far a more acute form of narcissism, it qualifies as genuine hubris. It ends up with crepuscular columnists performing such heinous, puerile acts as stealing debate prep books. It condones trashing the US economy by waging unfunded and illegal blitzkrieg invasions and occupations, while cutting their own taxes on unearned income and claiming they did it with their own bootstraps, and making welfare accomodations for Big Pharma, and frack the casualties. It also leads G. Will to latch onto the GG, even though he was born in 1941, and so is closer to BB than GG. Of course the faux-aristocrat twat also claims to know everything about baseball because Tony La Russa is a politically conservative nitwit that hangs with George. Happy birthday Nancy. I'm halfway through Cloud Atlas based on your opinion of it. Great steer. It reminds me of two favorites, End of the World News (Anthony Burgess) in form, and The Sotweed Factor (John Barth) in language and Rabelaisian plotting. Feels like fragments of histories of real people.
- MarkH: Auburn fired Chizik because it's clear he and Trooper will never be able to get away with bailing out and renting Cam Newton again. And the alums certainly picked up the tab. For some reason, that's OK with the NCAA. Oh yeah, it doesn't screw over a college kid.
- Bill O'Reilly's Nightmare, by Ruben Bolling.
- Something for Jerry: The Kinks are the best of the human race, even if Ray stabs Dave with a fork. And I do feel this is a song about romanticism in real life instead of some moronic ideal of what it should be. I wonder how Ray's idea of arthur translates to Teabanging idiocy? Are we kidding? God's aloft the winds are raaging. Jerry, than I, and nothing meant anything.
- What say? Who'd rather read a book? I sure as shit would. Way I see this is I heard Procol play these songs before anybody xould clAIM ANYTHING, AND Gary Brooker bought me a coke. This band was almost as good as Procol Harum, but not in a million.
- Sherri, Murray is a better football player than Manziell, and I say that from years of actually playing football. UGA plays way better D than A&M. A moron could see that. It's entirely possible WGA cold beat Bama. The assumed wisdom about UGA not playing la creme,, that is ridiculous. They play the best cheap shot blockers two weeks in a row, and beat they sorry asses. Now they are let loose on actual football players. The NFL is about to outlaw that chop block shit. If you'd e'er played, you would know how that chopblock bullshit is crap. Not remotely actual football.
- It's possible that Bama might beat UGA, but it is unlikely that will happen because they are better football players. At every position, UGA is cleatly better. QB? No doubt. RB? Not close. OLine? Not remotely close.DL?? not close? LBs? A joke. DBs? not in a million.
- Sherri, I know. But it is us against the world. and in a world of college football where the vest is a hero, I'm invested in somebody that is as excellent a human being as Mark Richt. Tony Dungy says Aaron Murray is a 1st round pick, and the kid is taller than Bries. And this Johnny Football all sounds like Voodoo at QB when Saracen is better. I flew SW once a long time ago, for a campus visit to Stanford. The English Department seemed like WalMart, and Holy Cross seemed like Hrothgar's Hall. Southwest back then was in it's French Maid days, and a lot of fun. I only fly to Boston these days, and the harbor shuttle is de rigeur, right to dockside at the Marriott, two blocks from the Black Rose. Beautiful building, fine hotel, best American city.
- Save the Waltons:
- There is a very funny take on "men's rights" called The Book of Dave, by Will Self, an excellent post-apoc novel. That said, post-divorces, fathers in America are screwed. Anybody that claims that isn't true is fantasizing. Negro lessons from Jonah Goldberg for the GOPers
- GOPers oppose ratification of a treaty called Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Well, those folks have rights when they're preborn, but once they become post-born, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. What the hell is wrong with these people. George Orwell and Lewis Carroll couldn't make this shit up. And Little Lord Fauntleroy Lindsay Graham is now claiming his opposition to Susan Rice is based upon shabby treatment by Senate Democrats of the certifiable psycho John Bolton when Shrub wanted Bolton as the USA's UN ambassador. Yeah, this John Bolton:
- Why GOPers are really so rabidly and stupidly over the top about Benghazi. They are just dying to get something like Iran-Contra on President Obama.
- Ken Cuccinelli, asshole AG of the Commonwealth of Virginia has devised a brand new form of logical fallacy: Because, Cuccinelli claims, Obama fared poorly in states with voter ID laws, the President's campaign must have been cheating and counting fraudulent votes in all of the other states. Ask me, that's a psychedelics-induced variation of Post hoc ergo propter hoc.Gutdom, that is convoluted. Matter of fact, Stanky Coochie is not even setting out from a sound premise: How 'bout that. MI and OH both have voter ID laws, and RMoney didn't win either. That ignorant bozo named for a female body part must really make Virginians proud. Neh Hempsha, CT, RI, DEL, CO? Holy shit Ken. The President won all those too. Of course, to the minimal extent that there is any truth to Cuccinelli's claim, it makes more sense to posit that states in which GOPers were positioned to fuck up turnout and suppress the vote, RMoney already had a leg up.
- Al of those city sobriquets that natives and fully acculturized newbies find so odious (do not call Boston "Beantown" in Boston, unless you seriously aspire to pariah-hood)? The obnoxious Jim Rome is probably the worst practitioner in all of public media. He never heard one he didn't think made him sound hip. Lame as can be: Reminds me of Tyson talking about an opponent making "little wimmen noises".
- Current hardcore GOPers in the USAare a lot like the Brits that exacerbated the Potato Famine and fostered Black 47 (the deaths, not the band). Interesting critical take on the Spielberg Lincoln movie.
- Rick Scott committing a fraud on the Constitutions of FLA and the USA? Heaven forfend. n 1997, Rick Scott was implicated in the biggest Medicare fraud case in US history, stepping down as CEO of Columbia/HCA after the hospital giant was fined $1.7 billion and found guilty of swindling the government. As Florida's new governor, Scott is now trying to kill off an anti-fraud database that would track the fraudulent distribution of addictive prescription drugs in Florida, over the protestations of law enforcement officials, Republican state lawmakers, and federal drug policy officials. Now we have jorts-wearing, mulleted yahoos in FLA that want to secede. I say it should be a question of whether or not the rest of us should be empowered to ask them to leave. Rick Scott should be a permanent guest of Club Fed. FLA does not evtend voting rights to felons that have completed their sentences, and this ahole is elected governor and immediately goes after the voting rolls? How bizarre.
- Facebook pays people in Morocco $1/hr. to prevent lewd content from appearing on Fb pages? That just cracks me up.
- Hilarious mocking takedown of a particularly asinine T. Friedman column.. And "particularly asinine" for Senor Pornstache is tops in asinine. Colbert on the "War on Men": Seriously? Phyllis Schoofly's niece?
- Flesh Library sounds like a murder scene in a game of Grand Guignol Clue, to me. I too appreciate all the information about sundogs. Never heard of those before, somehow. I have taken a number of photos in which those repeating concave sqares have shown up in sunlight, but never had a clue what they are or how they are generated. Very cool to learn new stuff at my advanced age. And shouldn't what are called concave squares actually be convex, and vice versa?
- Final campaign 2012 news: GOPers lost eight House Seats. Romney got his ass kicked, and the Senate is more solidly Dem with som consensus about changing the idiotic filibuster rules the GOPers have been using to avoid doing their jobs. Best election in a long time.
- I saw Cream at the Tea Party in Boston (right next to the Mass Pike) in 1968, on a show that also included Johnny Winter and Led Zeppelin. Ginger Baker was one of the two best drummers on the bill, and Clapton either the second or third best guitarists, after the maniacal albino scarecrow and, maybe, Page. First time I ever heard J. Winter play Highway 61. A fracking revelation. And Ginger Baker did have his sticks affixed to his hands McGyver style (notorious heroin addict). In my mind, there is Clapton in Cream, then Clapton in Blind Faith, then everything else he did, descending into the lachrymose pit below Dante's Ninth Circle with utter drivel like Lay Down Sally, Wonderful Tonight and Tears in Heaven. I do love Cream, and find it odd and irritating Jack Bruce doesn't get more of the credit he deserves for the brilliance of Cream's songs, his vocals, the mercurial occarina solos, and his insanely virtuoso lead bass playing. A Ginger Baker interview: Ginger playing the Nines on drums with Art Blakey: My best rock drummer? Barrie "B.J." Wilson of Procul. Like an octopus, as the great John Cale song says. Judybusy: Horses and Trees is available in a variety of formats on Amazon. There's a pricey, 40buck reissue, an $18 CD and a <$6 digital download (probably not so hot for drumming). I'm sure nobody agrees, but I think the greatest song written by anybody in Cream is "Theme from an Imaginary Western". So gorgeous it could have been in Once Upon a Time in the West.
- An example of what I mean about BJ Wilson (and astounding Trower guitar): and on a favorite Christmas song at our house:
- Basset: The Roots are the house band for Jimmy Fallon's late night talk and lame-o sketch show. They famously introduced Michele Bachman by playing a song called Lying Ass Bitch back during the Klown Kar Kampaign for the GOPer presidential nomination:
- Lyin' Ass Bitch, by Fishbone:
- Probably won't see this guy suiting up for the Redwings anytime soon: MarkH: You know how uneasy it makes me when we agree about anything?
- Thinking about rock 'n' roll drummers, I came across this electric concert tape by Los Lobos on YouTube: Louie Perez is a great drummer, and Los Lobos may be the best American band of the last 20 years.
- Dex, I put that link up for you. I knew you'd get it. Kinda like MC-5 getting Sun-Ra. Jazz and great rock are not far apart. I have to say, my straight jazz drummer is Alan Dawson. How does anybody keep three time signatures in mind at one time? I went into the basement lounge at the Copley one night with my then wife and a couple of friends. I saw the polyrhythm at once and said, "That's Alan Dawson." I was right. I know Basset thinks any fool whacking a tambourine on a TK (FYTK) track is a better musician than anybody connected with MC-5, but I don't agree by any consideration. The two guitar players in MC-5 are stunning in their technique and encyclopedic knowledge. Here's an interesting piece about Detroit music in those days, but as per, it misses the astounding sustain rock guitar of Quackenbush and his little brother blowing out a B3. Deborah, wish y'all had split some ripe acid and great local wine with the music.
- Deborah, are you OK?
- Coolest news in a long time: This is one of the greatest novels ever written. Mr. Norrell must be Derek Jacobi and Jonathan Strange must be David Tennant. Oh, please. I dearly love this book. . My casting requirements are right up there with Lucy Liu playing every oriental woman. Damn, she is beautiful, and a very good actress. And for everybody that enjoyed Mr. Norrell and didn't read Lemprierre's Dictionary, what the hell are you waiting for? It's even better.
- And Sherri. I am on pins and needles like never before. Having played mucho football in the past, this game has me on tenterhooks. I know from watching, Aaron Murray is a better football player than the TAMU (and when did that become the new JoPa?) Mainly, because he is more intelligent. And an obviously more accurate passer.
- Basset, my Catholic School experience was in Williamson WV, Memphis TN, and Bloomfield Hills. In Detroit, I went to Jesuit School. And you may prefer the Eagles sans balls, i.e. sans Joe Walsh, MC-5 was a spectacular rock band, and Danny is still a clueless ahole.
- Beefheart: Basset, that internet conundrum: Not worth reading, but worth mocking with a comment.
- Jakash. Better Tom Petty than fake Fleetwood or some atrocious faux cunt-ery like Desperado. The Eagles made two good albums, Hotel California and The Long Run. Everything else was horseshit, like Witchy Woman.
- beb: the guitar player in Frost was Dick Wagner, who plaid part of the immortal Rock 'n' roll Animal version of Sweet Jand. But that's just loud:
- Well, actually I was watching the game. I can't see that last play as a QB failure. Spiking the ball is the coach's decision, probably the OC in this case. So as usual, Bobo will get fried in the Atlanta papers' football blogs. That was the best football game I've seen in a few years. The line I've seen for Bama-ND is 10-1/2, and I say Bama covers. Three games running against cut-blocking O-lines is brutal, but GT and Southern were small guys doing the damage. Something about cut block schemes from 320 lbers. seems ridiculous to me. That's why the NFL is banning blocking below the waist next season. Bulldogs certainly played very well and left nothing on the field. What's ludicrous is that FLA will probably move past UGA into a BCS bowl game, despite being smoked by Georgia. Yeah, thqt makes a lot of sense. Jeez Joe, I can't help it if some of y'all mistake taking strongly stated opinions for "knowing everything". Oh, and Aaron Murray had a better game throwing vs. Alabama than J. Manziel, who all the TV mushmouths are annointing as the greatest player ever. Actually, the only opinion I expressed about this game ahead of time was that people making Bama a prohibitive favorite didn't know what they were talking about. That was pretty obviously proven on the field.
- Dexter, if you had the feeling from the first 28 minutes that Bama was going to win, what game were you watching? I knew the game was trouble when I heard Vern and Gary D announcing. They actively root for UGA's opponents when they do Georgia games, and have been doing so for years.
- Not spiking the football was OC Mike Bobo's call.
- Also, it's cold comfort and lame consolation, but I did get UGA and 7 from a bunch of overconfident Bama fans and made enough cash for all my Christmas shopping in one day without lifting a finger or doing a lick of work. Also, the Dogs were playing without a 6-4 and a 6-5 receiver (not an excuse) that Bama's D-backs could not have covered in the endzone. The problem on the last play was that it was designed for a back shoulder attempt in the back corner of the endzone, but an Alabama D-lineman tipped the ball at the line of scrimmage. Had the pass gone off smoothly, Malcolm Mitchell was open.
- One of these days Saban will pay the price for his revolting practices of oversigning and grayshirting, while being all whited sepulcher holier than thou about it. Had Marlon Brown and Michael Bennett not been hurt and unavailable, UGA would probably have won. And Sabsan screwed up the clock at the end of the first half pretty badly.
- With the perfection of hindsight, it's easy to see the Georgia coaches screwed up by not spiking the ball. The implication that the players on the fiield messed up is ridiculous, and shows a lack of understanding of what it's like to actually play football. I also think where UGA lost cohesion and where things got out of hand was when the refs botched the "interception" call on a ball that was obviously on the ground from the getgo, and I think some time was lost in the review process. I'm left with the feeling that it's highly unlikely that the NCG will be as riveting as the SECCG, nor is it likely to be played at such a high level. I would bet the farm that vs. ND, Bama will be called for more than one penalty (and that 5 yds. halfway through the 3rd Q. And if a Bama player assaults Everett Golson the way Murray was hit five seconds after throwing a pass, there will be hell to pay, especially after Ogletree drew a penalty for a legal hit on the Bama QB which saved them from a three and out and preceded their first TD. Danielson made clucking noises about helmet to helmet, but I've watched the play three more times and 'Tree led with his hands, not his helmet. And it is football. Bullshit call. I really want to see Silver Linings Playbook. The Hitchcock movie reviews have been so-so, but Sir Anthony and Dame Helen in the same movie? I'm there. And Scarlett Johannsen in the shower. We have a week in the 70s forecast, and the Ocean is 64 degrees, very high for December.
- Lions had to work hard for that loss. Stafford outplayed Luck, Lions had three INTs, a 68 yd. run from local hero Joique Bell (since when does Wayne State play football. And the winning score was on a 4th and 10, with time running out. And Megatron had 13 catches for 170something. That is brutal.
- MichaelG: Too true. I figured the players got enamored of the Rambo strip and 50 yd. fumble return against GT and were trying to strip the ball instead of wrapping up for much of the game. But it also seems gratutitous that a huge O-line like Alabama's spends so much time blocking below the waist. Kinda bush league. And UGA threw for 265 on Bama. So I guess they weren't so staunch against the pass, either.
- As an inveterate devotee of the adventures of Hank Hill, I figured the Mower Gang guy sells propane and propane related products for a living. Deborah, that was the little known Yogi Berra fanboy aspect of Robert Plant coming out. "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." The jewelry industry advertising meme that I find interesting is that disingenuous formula for how much to spend on an engagement ring bullshit. OOOhWeee, that is some smooth con. Louisiana is a fetid bayou of backwards "educational" thinking, but even in Louisiana, a judge can see education vouchers for the attack on public education they really represent. A science test that demands knowledge of what exactly the LLord made on each of the six days before She saw that it was good and rested. Reminds me of the two days mandated by the GA legislature in my college Biology class for the Creation story. Most fun two days of class ever. Coolers abounded, and mean-spirited humor and sarcasm ran high. Born-agains complained of being mocked, and everybody else pointed out to them that our tuition money was being wasted on a tribal, superstitious creation myth. The TAs that ran the travesty were smug and insulting to the bible kids, as they should have been. Somebody showed up in a dinosaur costume with a Western saddle stapped to his back. For my money, In Through the Out Door is the best Led Zep album, followed by the XOSO and them the first, second and third in that order. The leslie speaker guitar solo in Fool in the Rain is exquisite, maybe Page's finest moment not in Kashmir and not with a bow. But I still play all of the albums, and I particularly love to play When the Levee Breaks as loud as possible. The opening drum assault is boneshaking, and there is a point at the break for the bridge harmonica solo when the band overwhelmed the studio equipment and things get distorted. That kills me every time I hear it. I had a Sophomore dorm neighbor that played Laura Nyro incessantly. My defense was The Immigrant Song, loud.
- A rum tale of Chicago Newspapers, with some fine bits of Royko and Ebert. Especially ones that had sweet fuck all gnat’s piss for a decent beer. That's where that occasional taste of fear in the back of your throat comes in. My hero of this crop of Kennedy Center honors recipients is Buddy Guy. Every time some idiot compiles a Guitarists list and has Buddy way behind BB King, it pisses me off immensely. Not remotely close. And I saw the brilliant Makarova in Giselle once, a stunningly gorgeous woman, and the closest performer to an actor I ever saw in a ballet. And, really, Giselle is about the extent of my pawdeen sensibilities regarding ballet. Foreign money backs GOP. Well, hayull and shitfahr. Knock me over with a feather.
- Borden: You are so right on Brooks and Douthat, and you can nurture your disgust with the two creepazoids by checking in occasionally with the Driftglass political blog: Mr. Douchehat raising? I'm imagining that as sung by Jim Morrison in horror move tones. Of course the even more notoriously liberal-biased WaPo employs the bunchbacked toad Krauthammer and the three-dollar bill phony George Will, along with the hilariously obtuse Jennifer Rubin. Liberal press just ain't what it used to be since WaPo went whole hog for the false equivalency school of reporting in its allegedly straight news political pieces. But seriously, I read editorial content in LAT, ChiTrib and Seattle Times regularly, all of which are decidedly GOPer-friendly (although the Seattle paper is surprisingly reasonable and even-keeled) and the regular commenters at all of those sites seem to believe with all their flinty little hearts that those papers have a liberal bias. It's like they all went to school at LA voucher schools.
- Ross Douthat by driftglass:
- My pick for funeral music: Either the apocalyptic-sounding Piggy Pig Pig:, or Whisky Train: Either one, loud as hell.
- And I'd like to be dressed in that shirt Gary Brooker is wearing in the Whiskey Train video. Propped up in my kayak, with the boat set on fire and pushed out into Bull Sluice, on the Chattooga:
- That cracked me up, Little Bird. I love Robert Reich's cartoon lectures, and this one is a great exposition of how Dems should handle this "fiscal cliff" hoohaw: Wish I'd had that guy for Micro and Macro. And can anybody name a GOPer that is Reich's match for coherence and reasonability? Nope. Didn't think so. That is some fine dobro picking Bob (NG). It's funny how well Immigrant Song translates into reggae: And that band has a real Rootboy vibe, too.
- And Robert Plant doesn't take himself too seriously to appreciate Dread Zep:
- For Tull, I'd take Skating Away. John Bonham, gorgeous shuffle a la Fool in the Rain: I'd say that William Gibson's Spook Country could aptly be called an industrial park novel. You could freak out a group of funeral attendees with this song from Procol:
- Agreed about JT songs, Sue, for instance this one: But my favorite Tull "song" song is We Used to Know, not so comforting. Or War Child, or Bungle in the Jungle. Ian Anderson's nutso, but he writes great lyrics. Best line: "That kind of racism doesn't grow on trees."
- The Obama vote-buying bullshit came full-blown from the head of the Obamaphone Zeus. I know it, Danny knows it. We are both aware, I assume that the phone program goes back to St. Ronald the Oldtimer, and it was updated to mobile phones when W was the Pretzeldent. Me, I find this endless and ongoing misrepresentation tiresome and juvenile, like Segretti's pizza orders. GOPers have never admitted to getting their flabby belly-up-rubbers in the Hudson asses kicked, but that is sure as hell what happened this time. Like a redheaded borrowed mule. When GOPers pull this asinine, petulant revanche less than a month after getting their butts handed to them in a sling, the question becomes, are thes aholes really Americans? Danny is hanging his idologically gyroed hat on there is a natural alliance between conservative ideologies and Hispanic voting block? Seriously,, that goes back to the Hispanics hate homos GOP talking point from a few years back. And hey-ho. I finally figured out who this Toure cat is that had Danny's panties in a bunch a couple of weeks ago about that insidious Democratic Party racism the GOPers are trying to protect black Americans from. He's some guy that looks like DJ Hughly (whose opinion I give great weight to) and seems to be a willing cross between Julian Bond (my old friend) and Little Richard. Whooowhee, he's better looking than Ann Coulter and $Palin put together. I mean Wanda Sykes probably finds him attractive. How did GOPers ever decide the "soft racism of lowered expectations" was ever going to drown out the drumbeat of "you inferior thug blackamoor"? Really fracking stupid. Like the WWII GI Bill wasn't an immense legup for all those Irish and Italian fellows. And when black guys became the cannon fodder in VietNam, did the country come through with that kind of GI Bill. Yeah, right. And yeah, I spent hours of no drinks but my personal stache and no hope in the offing with Julian Fracking Bond. You have to understand, this is almmost like JFK or RFK to me. This is a hero. Knew Martin and nearly took a bulllet from Ray who was on the payroll of lifetime GOPer conspirators. Julian Bond was one of the most brilliant observers of the civil rights movement ever. And he was handsome and suave. Don't know bout you but let's get that asinine opinion from some fool like Harry K. Smith. And Gore Vidal would have kickced Buckley's puny ass.
- Bullshit Danny. You want to claim modern Democrats are racists and modern GOPers aren't you are full of shit. And yeah, I am smarter than you are. Or not, and you're alleged intelligence is nothing to consider something to excel. You are seriously nuts for trolling here. What a jackass.
- MichaelG, then you admit that all sorts of vets got wanged with bullshit. I carried a large number of them to consideration. And we won a bunch. The fact that the Nixon ahreds held it against the combatants is thinly disguised. What was wrong with you assholes?
- Nixon's hatred for Kerry was astounding. That was psycho, without a doubt.
- I suppose this makes too much sense for anybody to take it seriously, and of course Spitzer paid hos for weird sex. "A drummer who played like his life depended on it." That is a brilliant line. And the NRA is after Bob Costas's scrawny leetle ass today. I saw a comment on some board that claimed Costas's comments on guns were "irresponsible". Huh? Mulleted, jorts-wearing rednecks that don't get the well-regulated militia part of the 2nd Amendment aren't just irresponsible, they are stupid, and English-language deprived. Handguns are meant for killing people, and nothing else. And if you delude yourself into thinking you're defending your castle with a handgun, you are more likely to be hoist on your own petard, than to stymie a home invader.
- And Nancy's head reminded me of this gem: Salute to Prince, greatest Super Bowl show ever. And Susannah Hoffs is astounding, and how does she do that thing with her eyes: Anybody that doesn't get that song is lacking a soul.
- Best song by best guitar player, and he doesn't rely on tuning down: And he's a pretty great singer too. And Richard Thompson on female perfidy:
- Suzanne: A male member of the human race could for sure get kilt for expressing that opinion.
- We had morning sickness before and after. Mom on the way from Brockton to Boston and babby on the way from Brockton to Boston. No idea why I didn't puke too. I sincerely hope Ms. Cambridge is OK. She seems like a nice person: Her Bro in Law, however, is an ahole.
- Connie: Thanks for mentioning Redford. My first girlfriend ever went to Redford, Annette Fillion. A beautiful young woman, with reddish hair and a sang froid attitude. I thought she was Mrs. Peel back then. Used to talk to her on the phone when I thought nobody was listening.
- From the last thread: Alex, then you may also recall that when Prop 8 passed in 2008, it was the African-American voting block in California that put it over. Their large turnout for Obama translated into a large turnout for traditional marriage. You disputed this at the time, but then Nancy or someone confirmed. I don’t recall it particularly, but in support of the point I made previously, you didn’t see California’s black voters turning out for Romney, now did you? While they may have helped tip the vote in favor of Prop 8 four years ago, that didn’t translate into a warm embrace of Republicanism or the religious right. The GOP likes to think it has cornered the market on religiosity when in fact all it has done is provide an amen corner for the sort of zealots who since the founding of this nation have been trying to buck the system and impose theocratic rule on an unwilling populace. I think it's entirely possible that LDS put this beyond rationality in the voting booth. Kinda humorous. The multiple marriage scam turned religion, turning partisan political supporter of a political cause. How 'bout that tax-exempt crap, Mormons? Weigh in on politics? Give me a break. And that shinola about Obama and Prop 8 is such classic post hoc bullshit it's almost hilarious.
- Almost hilarious, because that sort of antediluvian GOPer sour grapes is just not funny anymore: And Basset, just loud is a moronic criticism: That is precision dual lead playing, and bass playing. And pretty sharp lyrics writing. And hot drumming. And the Eagles pre-Joe Walsh were sahcaryne shit. Tequila Sunrise? Good God. Atrocious. Cheating Side of Town? Poseurs that hired Joe Walsh to provide some balls.
- Rock is supposed to be loud, bassett, country-rock is bullshit. Let Bill Nelson introduce you: I'm not great on fretboards, but you are a blight. And I don't mean that in a nasty way, but you aimed shit my way. And I sure as shit never aimed any at you. And I can play pretty well. And you probaboy think BB is a good guitar player.
- Seriously, who thinks BB King's single notes on a single string is actually good guitar playing? Bullshit. That ahole isn't John Lee.
- See. There I go. John Lee is better than BB. Is anybody so stupid they think that isn't true? Can people be that fracking stupid? Bikini Red
- Seriously, does somebody actually think BB King is a great guitar player? How stupid can anybody be? One note, one string. Blah. Did not live in Buddy Guy's universe. or John Lee's alternative universe: How to play and how to sing.
- Fiscal Cliff? Gopers made that:
- Gee Whiz, Danny, They dislike the President because he is brown. If you claim otherwise, you are a liar.
- MarkH: I ever said BBKing sucks? The Thrill is Gone sucks, BB just can't really play. He is sure no Buddy Guy and not even close to the Hook. That is just typically your bullshitting something I said into something I didn't.
- Basset, When did I piss on your Lucky Charms? Your opinion concerning MC5 is idiotic as is your opinion about the Eagles. The only good Eagles album is The Long Run, and Desperado is the most obnoxious, self-indulgent POS since New Kid in Town, or any of that band's other self-indulgent depth charges. How to play blues guitar: How not to play blues guitar: Kirk, Happy birthday.
- Those new photos of George Zimmerman's bloody nose? How about the previous photos the cops released in which his face was unscathed but there was alleged damage to the back of his head? Cops in FLA are deliberately trying to get this murderer off. And seriously Basset. It's not my fault I enjoyed High School and you didn't: Wayne Kramer and Sonic Smith couldn't play a lick, right? And ambushing deer from a treestand is normal behavior for a human being.
- Why I oughta. Looka da grouse. Moe, Larry, cheese.
- how GOPers think:
- Happy birthday to Little Richard Wayne Penniman. I saw Dave Brubeck with his sons in a concert at UGA chapel. A baby cried during a quiet piano patch and the master seemlessly melded Brahms into his tune. Saw him one time in the piano bar at the Copley in Boston. The headliner was the superb trumpeter Ruby Braff, who had Alan Dawson playing drums. Brubeck was in the crowd and was invited to sit in. Amazing show. They blew up Blue Rondo a la Turk, with the horn taking the Paul Desmond sax parts. Incredible. 9/8 time. 2+2+2+3.
- Shane McGowan was in a public house drinking with a publican when he was supposed to be performing. Say it ain't so. That army band sax soloist is great on Take Five, and the Chris Brubeck 'bone solo on Blue Rondo is superb. Take Five is the Brubeck Quartet's most famous tune, but it was actually written by the saxophonist Paul Desmond. is a user-friendly alternative to Pandora, as is The Pogues member that Elvis Costello married was Cait O'Riordon, bass player until the mid-80s. She cowrote songs with Declan and played on some of his 80s albums. McGowan wrote tehm into the lyrics of the ridiculously riotous song Fiesta: I'd defend SC's nutcase GOPer politicians against any other state's cortege. Last two governors, one male one female, can't keep it in their pants on the Ol'Appalachian Trail, and we have Sen. Jim Demented, Sen. Lindsey Lord Fauntleroy, and the boneheaded Cong. Joe Wilson, who might not lose if caught with dead woman or live boy in his bed, yet fills our mailbox with campaign lit 24/7 and actually financed a fake democratic candidate during the 2008 state primary to make sure he wouldn't have a credible opponent in the general, the manifestly insane Alvin Greene, who nobody has heard from since.
- We buy wool and silk blend socks from REI. Almost affordable with the member discount and free shipping. Incredibly comfortable and never sweaty, even by a campfire. Wigwam socks, from Zappos are also really nice and extremely comfortable. Both brands have no discernible seams, which is the gold standard for me. Demented may be going to Heritage, but SC will elect somebody to carry on in his irrational traditions, like his insistence that the American tax system should be replaced altogether by a 23% national sales tax. In Demint's mind, that would not be regressive taxation. Full-goose looney. People will certainly have to reconsider calling Heritage Foundation a "think tank" if that much-for-brains is running the place.
- I bought a few of those albums, and enjoy them. Particularly excellent is the Sharon Van Etten album, and anybody that ever appreciated Motown music at all would like the Bobby Womack (Sam Cooke's old compadre and the author of It's All Over Now) album (a bookend for Curtis Mayfield's brilliant New World Order). Was unaware of the Iris Dement, but that is already purchased five minutes ago. The woman is what Lucinda Williams will be if she ever reaches adulthood. I got Leonard Cohen's new album at the same time as the latest Bob Dylan, and I think one is as good as the other. Listen to Dylan's more frequently because it is raucous, like the marvellous Duquesne Whistle (grrreeeaaattt vocal!!): Oh, and that Brooklyn Rider Beethoven album is astounding, but I'm a sucker for string quartets. As we both are for Pink, the real RIOT GRRRL. Haven't heard the Debo Band album, but I saw the band play live last time I was in Boston. Great live show, and I will buy that album, for sure. Energy like Sunny Ade's band. I'm also thinking that Alt-J album sounds good, sorta Floydish and King Crimsonish. And somebody needs to show that Fiona Apple album cover to her psychiatrist. Scary. And who in the world knew somebody selects a Perrenial Plant of the Year
- The grotesque thing about FUX and the NRA vs. Costas is this. These are the same shitheels that ranted about Limbaugh's 1st Amendment rights when he gave his intellectually challenged assessment of Sarah Fluke's contraception comments. Unlike Limpballs, Costas is a credible journalist, and this is a pretty clear case of his speaking a protected opinion in a venue in which he had every right to do so. His employers could fire him, I suppose, but that would clearly produce damage to the employers. Meanwhile, Wayne "Monkey Death Grip" LaPierre is free to try generating a consumer boycott. Good luck with that one, Dr. Death. Mark@45, that's an intellectual bluescreen of death right there, pard.
- The tragic end result of Greg "Teacups" Mortensen's egotistical hoax and $million dollar scam.
- Never been a secret I think fracturing shale to extract natural gas is, well, fracking stupid, and needs to have the brake slammed on big time. Another object lesson: What the hell is the "straw fairy"? Rumplestiltskin? La fee vert, that one I know.
- Sorry, bud. Wayne LaPierre is a malignant force in American politics, as is Rush Limbaugh the famous Costa Rican utrou bandit. Sorry if that opinion offends you, but it is certainly not out of the ordinary in the USA. And if you think that constitutes a "wild name calling RANT, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Had the NRA never corrupted the American political system in any other way, it's ALEC foray into writing bullshit "model" legislation should be enough for decent Americans to shun the organization as a pariah.
- And, I guess I missed "straw fairy" back around third grade. Fracking infantile.
- Actually, I was usually doing the picking whatever the sport was. Never had much use for dodgeball, though. Seems kind of mindless.
- I suppose that asinine dodgeball comment doesn't qualify as name-calling or the even more odious internet tough-guy gambit. I do, indeed, have liberal political convictions, but deciding it's somehow stereotypically "liberal" to find NRA and FoxNews bullying unAmerican and unacceptable is stupid. Spending immense amounts of cash to misinform Americans and to buy state legislature's going along with inhuman and unAmerican, and, flatly, illegal, bullshit like SYG, those things are a vile perversion of what this country is supposed to stand for, and anybody true to a respectable form of American conservatism would find that bullshit as repugnant as I do.
- It's striking me as funy that some Idaho yahoo is calling me an effete wimp lib, when tomorrow, I'm going out with my hand-carved-stock Mosberg over under on my annual hunting trip. For mistletoe. Only safe way to hunt the stuff. Blow it the hell out of trees. Way too old to climb anymore.Tied to ribbons and raise cash for the county food bank and NGO social services org. And it is fun shooting that gun. And here's another bit of Christmas music, and it's a long way from Little Drummer Boy:
- That "well-regulated militia" part is clearly a very intentional definitive phrase. How thugs and gun anarchists claim it doesn't count is astounding. Connie, had I ever been involved in a math contest, I'd have been lower than last, and I'd certainly have picked you ahead of me. It's strange, I can do all sorts of math in my head, but when somebody put trig tables in front of me, I gagged. Like, so the fuck what. Geometry makes practical sense as well as being physically beautiful. Algebra, so the hell what?. I enjoyed sports and was good at them, and the idea that some dumbass can impugn that bit of my self by calling me a "lib" is infuriating, and I have punched aholes out for that before. Sorry, but that Porky's -intelligence -level shit about dodgeball pretty much fried my ass. The worst Detroit FB team when I was in HS would have kicked the best team in Idaho's ass black and blue. No question. And there would have been Panther's kids beating shit out of white supremacist asshats. Just forget it. I would say, being strong, fast, well-coordinated, that doesn't make anybody a political neanderthal, and that implication is revolting and moronic.
- How is it that gun nuts and phony Constitutional originalists try to claim the opening preclusionary and definitive clause doan actually mean shit? Connie, my bed-wetting liberalism always caused me to pick the unlikely good players. Generally, I was good enough to win anyway and let the nerdly kids enjoy it. Is that more annoying than claiming "you libs got picked last"? What an idiot. I was an all -state swimmer and all-city in track and a very good football player. Your mindless attack is a tad hurtful, but I was actually quite good at sports and also a sensible and liberal thinker. I don't get that sort of rank stupidity (sorry about the name calling) but I once ran a 4:45 mile as a HS freshman. Now that is kind of more amazing than AYn Ryan making up a marathon time. I did it for sure, and I ran a 1:54 880. Not so wimpy you wimp. What a crock of shit from this bastard Mark Fuhrman devotee.
- When some dumbass shit claims I must have been som athletic failure, I want to just say fuck you, you moron. I played FB at a high level, was an all state swimmer and was all city in track. in Detroit. Where so-called tough guys like Nitewatcher are creepers around that Night Ranger claim. I seriously find this bullshit that I have to put up with shit like this. I used to be a very good athlete before arthritis clubbed my physical abilities. fast as shit. Good at middle distance. Crappy baseball player but pretty good at hoops. Now that ahole claimed I couldn't play dodgeball? I think it's because I was a much better player than his fat ass ever was. Lay off the PBR, moron.
- Seriously, I was the alpha male you cowered in front of. I always acted like elvis, and made fun of bigtimers like you.
- I mean to take everything back about myself. Kiss my ass for sure, You have got to be kidding about myself. I really thought you were full of it keedos. I was smarter than y'all, for a surety. Are we jokeing? I mean I love you, and no kidding, what the hell I'm not joking. How do we consider Like you are my whatevers? Sarah. I am missing you. Whatever we might say. I will say one of my favourite afternoons ever was ice cream with you after a baseball game. We were mistaken for Emily's mom more than once. It wwS SURE NOT MY FAULT. THERE WAS A TIME YOU WERE MY BEST FRIEND EVER. what the hell.
- I CAN BARELY BENCHPRESS 170, BUT I CAN CURL 160. THAT SORT OF SHIT ABOUT DODGEBALL WASN'T BULLSHIT. We could make fun by having played serious football. And Football didn't mean dick, But it did. Because you were so such a shitheel moron you felt you had to make fun.
- I give up, this ahole is obviously smarter than I am and a better athlete. What a flaming idiot.
- Not a better athlete by any stretch. a useless turd. Are we kidding? Whatever I say about are you joking? Are you kidding? I was a way better athlete you stupid piece of shit.
- You had no conceivable consideration you worthless shit.
- Swimmer Boy? Are you a fucking moron? Were you ever anything but a high school bully? I didn't bring this shit up. You did. And you are a foolishly bad POS.
- Somebody actually didn't act like a fucking moron? How did I not figure liars for liars. What a buncha fucking idiots. You can all kiss my ass. I was a successful HS athlete and you weren't. So the fuck what. I ever said that meant dick? Nope. Didn't think so. Stupid shit notwithstanding. Kiss my ass.
- Wayne LaPierre is a fucking psychopath.
- I know nobody here cares a whit about boxing, but Manny Pacquiao got his butt knocked out against a guy that beat him fair and square twice already and got jobbed on bogus decisions. And Nitewhatever, I did get beat up by a girl one time. I was nine and she was 15. Never lost a fight since. Pretty sure I could kick your spudly ass around. Idaho is that place, where if you are a racist pig LA cop that messes up a slam-dunk murder investigation by fabricating bogus evidence, they have to take you in because of your racist bonafides. And is it any wonder that Idaho's college football team is called the Vandals? And Danny, anybody with your political leanings will have to wait until about age 82 to retire, because, you know, y'all are so concerned about the legacy we're all leaving to our children.
- Michigan State Senator Gretchen Whitmer rips GOPers a new one regarding right to mooch and the Governor's pure bullshit rosy view of Indiana's economic success by union bashing.
- Almost, Hattie, but what people like the RMoney-Walkers want is enless indentured servitude, or sharecropping, or a restoration of the glorious days of American idustrial feudalism and enthrallment of the working class to the Company Sto: I still think that guy was way cool. This bridge would have been fixed last year had Boner and the asshat GOPer obstructionists in the House passed the President's AJA instead of refusing to bring it to the floor for a vote in favor of their 45th or so asinine vote to repeal ACA. Which never had a chance in the senate. It's franking difficult to understand what might get NJ voters to vote for a GOPer any time in the near future. I wish I knew Pawlenty's email to send him this article and photo. I'm planning to swim across Port Royal Sound Christmas day, over to Parris Island, if anybody that thinks swimming isn't a demanding athletic endeavorwants to come down and try to make the four miles with me.
- The great thing about the asinine claims from Pence and Snyder are making for the Indiana economic rebirth, aside from the fact they just made that shit up, is that they don't want to talk about "the rest of the story", as that pretentious twat Paul Harvey would say. They are talking about allegedly similar salubrious effecrts in Bama and SC too. In both states, GOP goober-nors gave away the farm and the tax base to corporations to ameliorate their bad jobs numbers in a small way. Like Rick Perr bringing his friend to Tejas to fill a few hundred thou acres of Texas hardscrabble withh radioactive waste. Bastards do rape and pillage like Fifth Century Vandals sacking Rome, but they lie their asses off even more wickedly.
- I knew hippies back then that could have kicked MacDonald's ass. But they were really Cointelpro thug infiltrators, aiding the war effort. Better to drink that wine, Nancy, than to bathe in it. Jagger's was hilarious on that Top Ten, but may favorite part of the video is the ending with the great Solomon Burke song. I think that's the best cover the Stones ever did: One thing that always struck me about the Jeffrey MacDonald murder story is comparisons to the assumptions brought to it by Americans with those that attended the OJ trial. Despite a mountain of valid forensic evidence against MacDonald and the absurdity of his claims about what happened, there are still folks that insist MacDonald is innocent. OJ may well be guilty, but it's an immutable fact that nobody ever proved it, nor even presented any reasonable evidence against him, in fact, no evidence was presented that wasn't fairly obviously manufactured, but everyone assumes guilt, perhaps because of the civil show trial. The civil trial did serve a valid purpose, which was to get Ron Goldman's money-grubbing obnoxious dad off my TV. I remember when MacDonald was arrested, belief in his guilt or innocence became an ideological divide indicating opinions on the war. How fucked up is that. You know Nixon thought a Green Beret wouldn't have done that. It's also interesting that MacDonald's lawyers used habeas corpus as a basis for his appeals. The Scalito Court has been doing it's best to dismantle that legal doctrine for years. MacDonald's seven SC reviews is anomalous to the point of being suspicious.
- I had three different Patel families worth of students when I was teaching HS, and it was always a happy occasion to find the name on a class roll. One guaranteed diligent, friendly, respectable and bright student at least, guaranteed for the class. I always knew I could trust family names in this way, which may or may not say something about nurture and nature. And there is much to be said for the presence of even one reliably good kid in a class, no matter the preponderance of juvenile and infantile delinquents. Ravi Shankar: Here's a book I just had delivered that I bought as a Christmas present: I'm ordering it for myself immediately, after a quick scan. Heard about this through nyrb Classics, a great source for books. I think a lot of y'all would find both the book and the source interesting. nyrb is great for mid 20th century literary fiction that has fallen into the memory hole. Last superb novel I got from them, The Mangan Inheritance, by Brian Moore, Kingsley Amis funny. They send excellent bookmarkers with every book, and even sent me a nice carryall perfect for bringing the IPA bottles to recycling once.
- Scribe: Fred Goldman had had nothing to do with his son for years befor the kid died. And His incessant presence in front of cameras was obnoxious. I think his behavior indicated he was after every dime he could squeeze out of the case. And the "slimy defense lawyer" merely pointed out there was no credible evidence against his client and a great deal of evidence that a clearly racist cop had gone out of his way to fabricate stuff. I believe its my prerogative to doubt Mr. Goldman's sincerity. I also think that the civil wrongful death trial being moved to Simi Valley, where actual real time video evidence was insufficient to get Stacey Koons convicted of using excessive force in "arresting" Rodney King is evidence the fix was in somehow, as is the ridiculously trumped up frame job that eventually put OJ in jail for "kidnapping".
- Ravi Shankar had another beautiful and incredibly talented daughter named Anoushka, who is pals with Norah Jones and has collaborated with her: One gorgeous song. Blood evidence in the Simpson trial: There was ample evidence that the DNA samples were out of custody and in Fuhrman's possession for periods of at least a day at a time. He obviously faked the glove, why would anybody believe he didn't tamper with the blood evidence? All in all, evidence was out of chain of custody and that was admitted to by both Fuhrman and Marcia Clarke. Fuhrman admitted to walking around with the blood samples over a weekend before putting them into the lab. Pointing out Fuhrman's unquestioned bigotry was not sleazy, it was what a responsible lawyer owes his client. The blood evidence was roundly disputed by Dr. Henry Lee, the foremost criminologist in the USA at the time, as to potential contamination and the integity of the process by which the evidence made it to trial. And if the "race card" was in play, I'm sure that had nothing to do with holding the civil trial in Simi Valley.
- BigHank@58: Agreed. LAPD employed a flaming racist ahole lead detective that provided an unmistakable appearance of malfeasance, and who retreated immediately after the trial to lick his wounds at an Aryan Nation enclave. If anybody can tell me how I suggested I thought Simpson was innnocent, please explain. All i said was that the evidence presented at the trial was insufficient for a reasonable person to find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt under the American system of justice. The historical context is the rampant, unrestrained corruption of LAPD at the time the whole thing happened, in which the DA of LACounty Gil Garcetti was eventually embroiled and implicated. At the bottom of my disgust with the whole fracas as it played out is the extent, in the long run, to which Gladstone's Ratio ("better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffers") got flushed down the plughole, despite being as basic to American justice as anything. And taking evidence walking around with you for a couple of days before logging it in and providing it for analysis is breaking the chain of custody, without a doubt, which is why Fuhrman lied his ass off about it under oath, and previously to that, to his superiors. Part of what Fuhrman convenitently didn't log in for a few days while he had complete access to the crime scene were samples of Simpson's blood given voluntarily. On the witness stand, Henry Lee opined that he would assume the samples were contaminated under such circumstances. At the time, Roger Cossack and Makeover Van Susteren said they figured the blood evidence was toast. Had I been a juror, I would have found the prosecution well short of proving dick, much less guilt, beyond a reasonable doubt, because I believe they were. That is the way it's supposed to work.
- Fuhrman was at the crime scene several times with vials of Simpson's blood that had not been logged into evidence. It came out in the testimony at trial. Maybe he was trying to get OJ off.
- Because there are protocols for ensuring the integrity of evidence, and carrying around evidence that requires laboratory analysis on your person violates those protocols. This was all part of the trial testimony, and it seems clear to me why it was so damaging to the prosecutions' POS case. Only in a Frnz Kafka fiction would Fuhrman's actions be normal, and then only as a plot device to put a victim of a corrupt legal system in an absurdly untenable situation. As it was, the blood samples from the scene were taken after Fuhrman finally submitted Simpson's blood to the lab. At that point, he could claim until blue in the face that everything was above-board, but he had tainted the evidence beyond credibility. Coupled with the famous thumping glove, a juror that bought this evidence was not behaving rationally nor justly. Citibank: Just like Hostess, only ten times more outrageous.
- Neither of which I ever said, Bob (NG). I have a Fender bass that I think is a fine guitar. I don't think a Tele is as good as a Les Paul (all I ever said on that subject too). Never said Bonds didn't use PEDs. I did say nobody has proved the Ds EP, nor that Bonds used them.
- Dex: Clapton was particularly good, I thought. Best I've heard him play in years, and he actually looked involved, not bore, like he was enjoying himself. When he bags the lachrymose pseudo-country and the stultifying JJ Cale imitations, and sticks with a K-nockin' drummer and a fleet bass player, he's still mighty good. I'm never getting into an argument about guns with anybody again. The problem the USA has now is that the Scalito Court huffed and puffed and decided that A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Somehow means every Murrican has a right to be packin' wherever and whenever they gutdom please whatever weapon they like. Not to derrogate Italian American justices, but is English their Second language? Do they suppose the authors just applied that first clause to the 2nd Amendment to make themselves sound smart? Seems to me they intended that there be regulations concerning bearing arms. And it's obvious they never imagined rapid fire assault weapons with large ammo clips (well, maybe the visionary inventor T. Jefferson did, but it seems he was more interested in swivel-wheel chairs and lazy Susans than killing lots of people fast, which is the only conceivable use for those weapons). It's fine to say that every year in this country 1000′s of lives are saved because someone had a firearm close to them. Either law enforcement or law abiding armed citizens, but is there anyaactual hard evidence that that is true, as ther certainly is that all the weapons in so many hands certainly produce deaths in the 1000s.
- That Fort Worth paper guest columnist is a fracking riot. His MO is to mention some action of the Obama Administration and conclude that if the President is involved, irt's Socialiss. Reminds me of the old saying about the fud conglomerate, "If it ain't Beatrice, it's Commoniss". The ridiculous old fart (RFO) is exercised and aggrieved about the administration's refusal to license the Keystone Pipeline, about which he seems to have the knowledge he might get from homeschooling by weasels. I'm sure he can spout the GOPer classic lies about jobs and gas prices the GOP has spewed for a year on the subject, but those don't resemble the facts. As far as gasoline supply and prices, all of the tar oil sands product the Canadian promoters of Keystone expect to put in the popeline are destined for Part Arthur, TX for shipment to China, without paying dime one in US taxes. Port Arthur is tax free. In fact, the pipeline would remove diesel currently sold in Midwestern markets for agricultural use, so not only would this have no good effect on American fuel prices, it would raise fuel prices, and obviously food prices. Of course, that would probably caause additional farm subsidy payments to kick in, which ROF guest contributor, I' sure, doesn't see as Socialist governmental behavior. The claims about jobs created are based upon some arcane oil industry calculations based on fuel from the pipeline replacing imported oil. Wrong again honey. The sum total supply is already committed by the Keystone purveyors to China, and it won't come back. Hard to figure how that diesel puts Americans to work when it's propelling Chinese tractors and combines. But the truly astounding of anti-Obama-Socialist opposition on this subject is the extent to which construction of the pipeline would require taking of land owned by Americans, by eminent domain, for the benefit and profit of a Canadian group of investors and the Chinese government. In the real world, that sort of proposal is the sort of thing ROF and the GOP would be howling after the President's hide over if it were his idea. That plan sounds like collectivism and five year planning to me. How the hell do they explain this aspect of the pipeline scheme? Brian's bar analogy reminded me of this. Before the atrocity of the Clackamas (what a serendipitous name) shooting, ther was a notable example of some responsible gunplay from some of those sporting riflemen the NRA likes to tout. I mean the targeted shooting of a collared Yellowstone wolf on the park's border. I'm with La{ierre on this one. I wish to hell that wolf had been packing. Of course, I can't say for sure, but I bet the wolf murderers were good ol' boy ranchers with BLM allotments to graze herds on federal land for next to nothing, who might have lost a calf here and there and think that justifies wiping gray wolves off the face of the other. Forget the fact them ol' boys is Christian and them wolves is one of God's most magnificent creations, how 'bout their profits depending on publically own land and microscopic grazing rights. Them boys is Socialiss. Bet that ROF don't see it that way.
- That Benghazi hype is deader than Mittens RMoney's political career and aspirations. And I never claimed OJ wasn't guilty or Bonds didn't take PEDs, but neither claim would be as outrageous as any statement containing the consecutive words the fact they probably had. God knows the sort of shit I'd get if I said that. I could say, "For all I know, based upon the scurrilous dealings of Cheney, Rummy and other Reaganites with the Ayatollahs to make sure they didn't release hostage US citizens before the Raygun Carter election, GOPers may have been employing Arab militants in Benghazi the way Brigham Young used Native Americans in perpetrating the Mountain Meadows Massacre." I didn't say it was true, just cast aspersions. Mark@70: Gutdom, man, that sure as hell sounds more like what the Shrubs did to Colin Powell. This is all just #35 on the GOPer How We Lost a Sure Thing Kommissar Karl Landslide hit parade. I mean, this nonsense is entering that Twilight Zone where the W Caused 9/11 loonies lurk. GOPers really want to go there? Never tried it Deborah. Had enough trouble in cars. Here's an article I just located that seems to make a lot of sense to me and cover the bases. Sounds like an adventure. Good Luck
- Oops. Messed up the code.
- And I just realized I typed Fort Worth for Fort Wayne. What the hey, flyover.
- Ya know what Danny? Let Congress investigate the hell out of the Benghazi fracas. But first on the agenda should be the crock o'shit about Iraq from every upper level member of the Shrubministration. Shock and Awe was war crimes on a horrifyingly vast plane, executed on the basis of a more or less carefully concocted tissue of lies. Let's straighten that shit out and then you can worry about Benghazi.
- Like this Jeff? Eddie "Meat Cleaver" Weaver.
- Priceless special for fans and friends of David "Kadiddlehopper" Brooks.
- Danny@99: That's relying on veracity of the chop shop operator, car thief and arsonist for profit, Darrel Issa. That's a rum bet. And if the minutes of those closed hearings are classified, why isn't Issa sharing a cell with his brother for leaking stuff? Cool tulip pictures. And if the Administration were trying to obfuscate on this subject, wouldn't any Stevens diary have been embargoed as top secret? You know, like when the Shrubministration was classifying a couple 100,000 pages an hour in 2004? The thing about the Benghazi witch hunt that is annoying as shit is the subjective amnesia required to spout that drivel when the spouters are people that probably still claim Colin Powell told the truth to the UN and Condi was sincere about that mushroom cloud.
- Danny@99. You are right. There is a distinction between misreading and misrepresenting. The former is potentially honest.
- Connecticut school shooting tragedy: NRA says this could have been prevented if the tykes had been packing. Now that would be a public safety gun law: mandatory derringers for kindergartners. Small price to pay for 2nd Amendment freedoms, as grotesquely misinterpreted from the original english by the Scalito Court. And I think you remember what you’ve said in the past to Joe and I, so we won’t go into it. In my experience there would be some magical transformation in the retelling into something entirely different from the original. Just got the incredible kickstarter project cookbook Comida Latina in the mail. A perfect Christmas gift for one of my sisters in law, but which one? It seems demand was high and a second printing was in the budget. I haven't read the book yet, but the illustrations are lush and original, a book as visual artwork:
- Bob (NG) There are great kid's music offerings (enjoyable by their parents) from Dan Zanes and the inimitable Johns, aka They Might Be Giants, and the great Dan Zanes. Listening to Too Much Stuff at the moment and it's brilliant. Now Germs, which reminds me of Boris the Spider and a great surf/Duane Eddy beat. Is the album available on a physical CD, Bob? I've got one musically precocious grandson with a sister on the way and I'd love to get this. When my daughter was a little kid, there was Yanni, and that was about it, so she grew up with XTC and Tom Waits. And speaking of Tom Waits, a friend just sent me this video of an obvious apostle of the master's: Rill, rill good.
- Great line in the song Pajama Parties from Bob's kids' music album: I'll stick your hands in water if you start to snore. And the really excellent bass shuffle on Makes Me Happy is wonderful, and the 50s coda is sweet. Excellent album. Pio ToGoGo sounds like a Rod and the Faces song, even the lyrics. And covering The Sweet's Little Willie? That's subversive.
- Jolene @ 66: The NRA apolgists hide behind iconic images of American colonists and brave pioneers with muskets and flintlock pistols, but they expend all of their clout on handguns and big clip autos. those two categories of firearms have exactly two interlocked functional raisons d'etre: to kill people, and to kill lots of people way faster. When y'll were talking about Heinlein and guns yesterday, it reminded me of the classic dystopian SF story, The Gun Shop, by AE VanVogt. I thought it was heroic when I was about 15, and I guarantee, if gun nuts take over, I'll arm myself and fire back. But you racist, survivalist, anti-American whackos, Obama is not "coming for" your guns. See a doctor and get some Xanax, or, even better, some Clozapine, a straitjacket and a rubber room. I know I sound like a skipping record on the subject, but who reads the 2nd Amendment and claims it guarantees a right to be packing whatever, whenever and wherever for whomever? These psychos are big on a frontier ethic. Not much historical evidence to support this viewpoint that doesn't come from an exceedingly grimy and amoral subculture that glorified slaughtering the aboriginal (at least back to the land bridge) Americans. For gun fetishists and their rifleman statue, I say, how 'bout Alvin York. According to ALEC and the NRA and their cookie cutter horrendous legilation, some self-styled neighborhood watchman can kill a kid with a gun because it was his Consitutional right to defend the neighborhood agains skinny little kids wearing-horeur a sweatshirt with a hood. But ALEC is crucial as it is insidious. Does anybody harbor naive enough assumptions to believe that if psychos like Wayne LaPierre got the jump on people that believe in Law and the Constitution, they wouldn't impose thug rule? Thug religion? Bob (NG) That album made my day. I've put it on my FB. But seriously, check out all of the great TMBG albums for kids. DellaDash: Really makes me think of som great Faces, that album.
- Did somebody have the decency to invite HW to the bar-code guy's funeral? In the history of political stupidity, HW and the scanner was hilarious.
- Sherri@ It might save one life. Might save the best life. No way anybody ever knows.
- A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Sue: Right. Even though it was written with all sorts of conditions. The Supreme Court is apparently English deficient. Which part of the well regulated militia confounds Scalito? Seems fairly obvious, and those boys weren't contemplating autos with big clips. And they sure as shit never thought foreward to big money nutcases lik Wayne LaPierre insisting on the right of every Murrican to carry a concealed rapid-fire pistol that coud blow up a buncha people watching a Batman movie. 2nd Amendment aholes should actually read what it says. If somebody finds that assertion offensife, I'm standing by it. I've had too many straightforward expressions of opinions misrepresented on this site to worry about, even by well-meaning people. Outta here.
- And excuse me for saying LaPierre is a nutcase. Even though it's clear LaPierre is a nutcase that thinks all the victims of gun violence would have prevented their deaths by shooting first, That isn't fracking nuts at all.
- That is what that nutcase asshole says, right?
- Alex, there is no Scalia, there is Scalito and the homunculus Long Dong. And how these guys are so profoundly opposed to civil rights and claim to be originalists about the Constitution, that's one on me. These fuckers are anti-Constitutionalists. I don't figure any of the founding fathers intended to make it easy for Americans to shoot up a preschool. Wayne LaPierre thinks it is a guaranteed Constitutional right. I'm old as that cracker is and riddled with arthritis, and I'll fight it out with that shithead, no guns. I am sick and tired of NRA cash influencing US politics. Almost as stupid as the clearly unConstitutional Grover Norquist bullshit. Checkn the 3rd Amendment.
- Semi-auto firearms are not intended for self defense, they are meant to kill people faster than remorse can kick in. Denying that is bullshit. And claiming handguns are used effectively for self-defense in the USA is unmitigated bullshit. NRA Propaganda that gets people killed. I am sick of that shit.
- Most handguns that Scalito has enshrined at the behest of NRA and big money are intended for a single purpose, Kill somebody. Pretending otherwise is horseshit.
- Which parts of the straightforfowad english do th the mofo fools that claim to be origiinalists not fucking understand>? What the fuck is wrong with these idiots? And these folks weren't talkin' about autos. Is somebody fucking nuts??
- The cost of guns go way beyond, to little peeniies and the pubic hairs on Anita's CoCola. What the hell is wrong with people?
- Way too much to pay for Scalito's bullshit interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. NRA undoubtedly paid more cash. Planes don’t kill people people flying planes into buildings kill people. Knifes don’t kill people, people plunging knifes into people kill people, rocks don’t kill people ,people hitting people with rocks kill people, cars don’t kill people, people driving cars kill people. Where do you draw the line??? People don't buy cheap planes or knives from Virginia or Arizona gun shows expressly to kill other people. Most people that pick up rocks find them interesting or worthy of skipping on a pond. People buy guns to kill people, Joe, and that is a fact. And the number of people that successfully protect themselves with guns is tiny compared to those hoist on their own petard, so that argument is also NRA bullshit. The authors concluded that defensive uses of guns are about three to four times as common as criminal uses of guns. The National Self-Defense Survey confirmed the picture of frequent defensive gun use implied by the results of earlier, less sophisticated surveys. The authors concluded that defensive uses of guns are about three to four times as common as criminal uses of guns. The National Self-Defense Survey confirmed the picture of frequent defensive gun use implied by the results of earlier, less sophisticated surveys. from: Sounds like a lot of vigilante wannabes to me. Long guns for hunters? No problem. This kinda shit? ? NFW.
- Breaking Abbey.
- Brian, GOPers think they can buy Kerry's seat for the naked Cosmo truck-drivin' man. That is the entire point of the Benghazi brouhaha. I think Mass. voters are probably too smart for that. The attacks on Susan Rice are particularly hamhanded, considering how the work-wife Rice bellowed about mushroom clouds in support of Shrub's obscenely UNjust war effort against Iraq, and how all of Ms. Rice's current critics were staunch supporters of Condi.
- Guns don't kill. True. People that buy guns kill. Also true.
- Highly trained professionals with gubs: Now that is fucked up.
- Great, great cat photo:
- Some part of this is a public health issue:
- Louie Gohmert, a fracking full-goose looney: Your Beethoven (opus 131, 7th movement), played beautifully, I think:
- Scribe@20: Well put, although if the Scalito gang would just acknowledge that pesky introductory clause, it would go a long way toward providing some measure of sanity in response to the American gun pandemic. What conceivable rational use fo AR-15 Bushmasters have in the lives of ordinary Americans? Anti-siege protection? Or shooting all the children before setting the Branch Davidian compound on fire to cover up the brazen murders? Where it all started to go to shit: Would the author of those "signatures" be able to get a CCP? Scary.
- Those gun nuts in blame the teachers for not being armed mode are the very same assholes that think W served his responsibility and Kerry didn't. These are not remotely serious human beings, they are assholes en flagrante.
- Know why the hard-core GOPersreally hate Kerry. Kerry proved Raygun was a corrupt piece o' shit. Swallow it and dream you aholes. Iran-Contra made Nixon look like a fucking piker. Iran -Contra wasmurdering and raping nuns, and murdering Jesuit priests. and Raygun was in it up to his obscene eyeballs. But that was OK, only Catholics. Bastard was the bloodthirsty Pres ever, and Kerry exposed his red ass for being a war criminal.
- So, get off the most shots in the fewest seconds? Why the fuck would anyone want to do that. The UN isn't coming for your guns fool. You are not remotely that important. Obama doesn't know your scrawny ass exists, he's not coming for your guns. You are grossly inflating your importance.
- Sanity in the snakepit: Bill Moyers on guns: More American settlers died of self-inflicted gunshot wounds on the Oregon trail than were killed by Indians, who sure as shit had every reason to kill the usurping bastards. AR-15s have one purpose. Kill lots of people quickly. Other than that, they might serve as defense if jackbooted ATF thugs show up to storm your compound to try to take your guns away. If that's your thinking, you shouldn't have access to any guns in the first place, because you are paranoid and suffering from borderline personality disorder. Better for everybody if you sick to play-doh and bluny-tipped scisscors.
- Crazycatlady@70: And so the nutcases from the Phelps band (and if somebody wants to shoot a bunch of folks quick, might I suggest...) want to express their praise and glorification of the lord for killing those children in Newtown to express Her Immortal displeasure with Teh Gay. All reminds me of my favorite song by Mark Mothersbaugh and Devo or, the smarkest monkeys:
- Just remember the Bushmaster motto: If it's good enough for the professional, it's good enough for you. Sure sounds all Stuart Smalley to me.
- That "rush the shooter" idiocy is similar to Let's you and him fight. I'll watch your stuff. Hot airplane coffee would make an effective weapon. Then again, tepid airplane coffee might be even more effective. Brown vitriol.
- After taking a look at the Hank Stuever book Tinsel (I'm not much for non-fiction, but I might have to read that), I came across a story about this guy's Christmas decorations in Athens, GA:
- Shopping, shipping, done and done. The great thing about that Pittsburgh picture is seeing all the college young men in jackets and ties. In 1960. O tempora, O mores, as Marcus Tullius Cicero would say. I wonder what the current NFL commissioner would make of the hit on Gifford by Bednarik and Bednarik standing over ga-ga Gifford gloating in that SI photo. Different times. $million fine. I was hoping to see a picture of Kirk Gibson pumping his fist rounding 2nd after the tater off Eckersley, but I don't think anyone ever got a still of that. I remember well watching Beamon go 29, and it was obviously amazing even before it was measured, back when it was still broad jump. The photo of Russell and Wilt is a great one too. Slender men, if you put them together, they might make one Big Aristotle. The Cousy shot is brilliant in portraying his ridiculous speed relative to the other players. The Havlicek stole the ball picture causes synesthetic memories for me of Johnny Most rumbling "Havlicek stole the ball. It's all over."
- Joe Theissman agrees with Dexter on linebackers. Joe Schmitt was a great LB for sure, as was his teammate Paul Naumoff (though he went to Tennessee). Masks for goalies in the old days were better, before they looked like video game art. They hand drew stitches marks on them. Hilarious. I was under the general impression that the whacknuttery in Colorado Springs emanates from the cultish born-againism of the Air Force Academy hierarchy. I too remember seeing Sam Huff play on b&w TV. For some reason, a couple of days ago, I was thinking about favorite Giants players from time back way back, two burners, Homer Jones and Spider Lockhart. It's kind of hard to believe that the SI photos don't include this one Which I believe can be called "iconic" without a whiff of irony.
- The Y. A. stood for Ylverton Abraham. No wonder he went with the inits.
- And what about Ray Lewis at MLB, y'all?
- Grain of salt with this source, but it's the first I came across, and it reiterates stuff I've read in all sorts of media sources since the middle of the 90s:
- Another Socialist organ heard from.
- Actually, I'd say the best MLB in the NFL currently is Patrick Willis. It's hard to say, with teams playing three down and four backers, but Willis is fast, ferocious and fearless. I doubt any of the old time guys could run with the newest generation at that position. Mike Curtis was another maniac LB:
- Sherri, I saw Willis play in person in college. He was a monster player even then. Extremely fast and a very sure tackler, which art seems to be in decline.
- Football folks: Which was funnier, Romo's Butt-Face-Plant or McFadden getting his helmet stuck to a DB? Both fracking hilarious, but I have to say Romo running his mug into the Right Guard's ass.
- At this point, I'd say Walter Goggins has surpassed character actor . In olden days, he'd have made a steady living as a ne'er-do-well cowpoke on Bonanza, Big Valley and the Virginian, but Boyd Crowder on top of Shane makes him a star, I'd say. I used to be friends with Dave TT Palmer, the drummer for Amboy Dukes, and a good guy, and I still really like this song: Ted is an asshole, and I saw him frequently trashed out of his mind at MC5 house on Gratiot, so his myth of never getting high is bullshit. Bactrian or dromedary? And beb, the excuse for camels may be Lawrence of Arabia the greatest movie ever not about gorgeous androids played by Sean Young.
- David Strathairn's Syfy series Alphas, that also stars the superb Malik Yoba (and a host of other talented actors) is don't miss TV at our house: I first noticed him in episodes of old favorites, The Equalizer and The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd, then realized he was the guy from Brother From Another Planet and Silkwood. He was also great in the widely ignored movie The River Wild, with Meryl Streep in one of her best roles. I think of David Strathairn in tandem with Chris Cooper, another great actor without star cachet. Both guys were in the excellent John Sayles' movie Matewan.
- Anybody know anything about iRiver Astell and Kern AK100 digital audio player? Matt Drudge spouts the Danny brand of proof Hollywood liberals are the true racists.
- Tom M, Empire of the Sun is in my all time top five. That was my introduction to John Malkovich, and Basie is one of the great characters in movie history, I think. And the death of Mrs. Victor is as heartbreaking as anything I've ever seen in a movie, as well as a spectaacular deployment of metaphor in a movie. Jim's vision of the A-bombing as Mrs. Victor's soul leaving her mortal coil is probably an example of what rubs people wrong about Spielberg, but I thought it was brilliant, and very moving: More information about PGAD. James Spader does sleazy better than almost anybody.
- Turner Classic showed Barbara Stanwyck movies last night, and we watched Double Indemnity and The Strange Loves of Martha Ivers. Great noir I'd never seen before. Great performances by Stanwyck, Kirk Douglas, Van Heflin and Lizabeth Scot (what a beauty) in the latter, and by Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray and Edward G. in the former. Martha Ivers was directed by Billy Wilder, based upon a very popular radio play from a 1942 anthology program. The first half of Alex Pareene's journo hack list was published yesterday, and it is hilarious. Second half today, I think.
- Avid Bookshop news. Clever contest.
- Didn't one of those open carry guys in Birmingham shoot himself in the foot or leg at the demonstration. As Steven Wright would say: "That cracks me up. One movie I definitely will not be seeing. Holy BirdCrap, what a horrendous idea. Here's a catalog of some of the franking stupidest shit that has been said on the subject of the massacre. Ann Coulter says more guns is "proven policy" for preventing mass shootings. She offers no proof, of course.
- Sorry Danny. Finding that out would have required me to click on something Coulter and actually read it, and I woke up with a bad cold and what feels like the beginnings of influenza this morning, so I didn't want to induce vomiting. I know the gunthusiasts produce anecdotal evidence galore for the idiotic call for arming everybody, but they invariably seem idealized or embellished, or flat out fabricated. Coulter is certainly not averse to lying her ass off. It's always struck me that law enforcement professionals put little or no stock in these arguments or the tales of brave bystanders. I think something like the following is more likely than not in situations of that sort:
- Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek (from the camel story) Binders of large carnivorous women, one presumes. Dorothy, I posted something about Avid Bookshop at the end of yesterdays comments. An ingenious stunt to get people shopping downtown Athens instead of the mall. I imagine your niece is pretty popular with her fellow merchants these days. The rush the shooter crowd puts me in mind of Kermit Washington's split-second decision when he saw Rudy T running at him full speed:
- Dorothy. No problemo. Coolest thing about that promotion aside from getting people on the downtown sidewalks as in days before the mall is the fantastic drawing done by an Athens Public School student. Talented kid. At least one rightwing nutter says the massacre was a result of Jon Stewart's War on Christmas and hatred for Jesus:
- "Gun control" vs. "gun safety"? like "global warming" vs. "climate change". Makes a lot of sense. James Fallows is a pretty smart fellow. This college hoops coach from Winthrop made a pretty impressive statement about the massacre: I've always found Syracuse Coach Jim Boeheim to be a more or less obnoxious whiner, but in the wake of his 900th coaching win, he saw a bully pulpit opportunity and made a similarly impressive statement:
- Extremely strange Old Spice promotion on the internet, with Dikembe Mutumbo: Six Chix Christmas strip:
- When the Senate gets busy changing the filibuster rules, I wish they'd also install a rule requiring expulsion from the Senate of anybody that calls criticism of AIPAC "anti-semitism". Americans that think Israel is more important than the USA are a blight on American politics:
- Another great David Brooks slapdown by driftglass, with the funny photoshop of the nitwit rightwing apologist, and some video of Wayne LaPierre foaming hydrophobically at the mouth: And then there was the guy in Pittsburgh that shot three cops to death and wounded another while he wore a bulletproof vest because NRA and wingnut media fulminators convinced him President Obama was coming for his guns.
- Can anybody figure out exactly what these kids are trying to do? Funny Christmas video from Charles Barkley. That basement made my day. Looks like stills from an X Files episode. Or from the Early Edition episodes about the JFK assassination.
- Is it just me, or is that Miss Turkey in the T&L pageant photos a dead ringer for Laura Dern? And whatever became of Laura Dern. And Bridget Fonda? And Jennifer Jason LeighWith regard to Basset@8, David Niven's best Oscar Wilde impression: What kind of fertilizer they use to grow them bears, anyway?
- I always thought electronic picture frames sounded like a cheesy gimmick, but I got one in the mail today with a memory card loaded with photos of my daughter, her husband, and my grandson Cole Matthew. Damn, I was way wrong. What a great Christmas gift. In fairness to, and in defense of Ms. Venezuela, if she had just dropped a coupla F-bombs, she could have claimed she was channeling Ozzie Guillen. And Ms. Guam was wearing a Terry Gilliam original:
- Did the House GOPers screw the pooch? or did they shit the bed?
- Just got up and looked at the Torrid photo without rubbing sleep from my eyes. Read it as Lurid from across the room and had to agree. I wonder what kid wants to be seen shopping in that place? But to the extent it might be empowering to some, applause. I looked up Whitman College. Very impressive. Very selective. Congratulations to your daughter Sherri. Walla Walla looks like an excellent place to spend four college years. Worst columns? Rounded up the Usual Suspects. (Turn down the sound.) A list of fifty could easily be compiled for Brooks, Will or Douche-hat by their ownselves. Peggy Noonan and Rich Lowry? Fish in a barrel. I subjected myself to most of those columns, and seeing them all in one place causes recriminations about time frittered away forever on vapid blatherhammers. But how does the "bottled spider, poisonous bunchback'd toad" Krauthammer not make the cut? He must feel so ashamed this morning.
- I always thought Bork looked like he should have goat hooves and little horn nubs, and a forked tongue and vestigial tail.
- Some interesting music books. The videos of the Beck songs are quite good. I'm really hoping somebody gets me that Songbook project for a Christmas gift. Nancy@30: How do the Teabangers react to the idea of employing more of those union-thug, money-grubbing cops to man all the schools, I wonder?
- Game of Thrones brewskis. Seems like Skeeter Davis' hair prefigured Callista Gingrich's, Alex. And I'm pretty sure I had a Herman's Hermits album with The End of the World on it.
- Jeff@43: They don't have to. They have the luxury to simply ignore that clause because the Scalito gang says it doesn't count. And Brian, LaPierre has been going on with his hydrophobic fulminations about "jack-booted thugs" for a long time, referring to the FBI and the ATF, since even before he meant the feds taking Elian Gonzalez back from whacko's after the kid was kidnapped from his dad by his mom, or the Feds that lay siege to the Branch Davidian Waco compound before Koresh had his captives all shot and the place burned to the ground. Add a Kenyan anti-colonialist usurper (and I will never get how anti-colonialist is somehow an aspersion to theses Sons of Liberty) and "They are coming for you guns". These would-be freedom fighters would be happy as pigs in slop so long as the cable doesn't go out on Sunday pm and the beer stays stocked, the creek don't rise, and the darkies are kept down. This sounds like a pretty damn good movie to me./a>
- NRA sure as shit likes to blame everybody else, and their favorite word is sure as shit, "responsible".
- driftglass and BlueGal say the GOPers should just go ahead and make Louie Gohmert Speaker. Full-goose looney alright.
- LaPierre says the money for the public school cadre of jack-booted thugs to guard schools could come from the federal budget for foreign aid? What a fucking idiot. He's on of these dumbasses that thinks foreign aid is a lot of cash, and when you subtract Israel, it's remotely visible. What an ignorant, willfully stupid and bigoted little man that asshole is.
- Basset, it's actually Ken Kesey, in Cuckoo's Nest, and it is bull. Randall Patrick McMurphy. And I always thought the phrase was full bird colonel, though the only military novels I've ever read are Von Ryan's Express and Red Badge of Courage. Sue@56: How 'bout "gun nuts with Obama derangement syndrome"?
- Humongous iceberg calving.
- On that Ronnie Spector page Dexter linked, Ronnie and Johnny Ramone doing an endearing, boozy version of the great Johnny Thunders' song, You can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory. Bork was a clearly intelligent human being that was basically cracked. His Constitutional readings were simply, untethered loony. His misanthropy was titanic, and he exuded racial animus. According to MaryRC's link (awesomeness), Bork said Radical individualism is the handmaiden of collective tyranny. I wonder how that would go over with the Randians in the GOP? I mean, it's sorta intelligent sounding, and it's also total bullshit, so it's just the sort of thing they like about the Priestess. And what, pray tell, is the psychological significance of horny, beardy Bork watching oiled-up porn in an NYC hotel room? Gives me the creeps, sure as shit. No concealed carry permit for you!!! I love the great Pogues Christmas song, and I like the ELP one a lot, and Darlene Love's is an institution. Chrissie Hynde's is great too. But for a rock 'n' roll Christmas song, you must have Ray and Dave, them Davies boys. Dave just rips it up on this one and Ray's lyrics are ineluctably brilliant:
- I suppose Bork and Silent Clarence could have bonded over porn, and putting pubic hairs on Ginsburg's Coca-Cola. What I think of the US Supreme Court was summed up perfectly by Mick Jagger back when he was in movies: KT Tunstalls gorgeous version of the great Pretenders Christmas song: It also pains me that Bork blasphemed and took the name of the world's greatest poet in vain by calling a book "Slouching Toward Gommorah", while he was leading the slouch toward Bethlehem. What a piece of semi-human scum.
- Which is the greater Scrooge musical piece? or
- And razzleberry dressing, even for you, Danny.
- I believe y'all know the tune: Deck us all with Boston Charlie, Walla Walla, Wash., an' Kalamazoo! Nora's freezin' on the trolley, Swaller dollar cauliflower alley-garoo! Don't we know archaic barrel Lullaby Lilla Boy, Louisville Lou? Trolley Molly don't love Harold, Boola boola Pensacoola hullabaloo! Bark us all bow-wows of folly, Polly wolly cracker 'n' too-da-loo! Donkey Bonny brays a carol, Antelope Cantaloupe, 'lope with you! Hunky Dory's pop is lolly gaggin' on the wagon, Willy, folly go through! Chollie's collie barks at Barrow, Harum scarum five alarm bung-a-loo! Dunk us all in bowls of barley, Hinky dinky dink an' polly voo! Chilly Filly's name is Chollie, Chollie Filly's jolly chilly view halloo! Bark us all bow-wows of folly, Double-bubble, toyland trouble! Woof, woof, woof! Tizzy seas on melon collie! Dibble-dabble, scribble-scrabble! Goof, goof, goof!
- Just read this comment on George Will's latest excrescence: Furthermore, Mr. Will has the independence and integrity of a remora. He takes money to try to refurbish the sullied reputations of people like John Yoo. If Mr. Will has some moral point beyond which he will not go for money, it has not yet been discovered.
- Speaking of LaPierre, check this out:
- More Midwife? Yay. That beautiful Colbert Christmas Carol reminds me, Walt Kelley also did a Wenceslas rewrite for Pogo, to go along with Deck Us All. Good King Sauerkraut looked out, On his feets uneven. I'm pretty sure Spinmaster O would find the carol objectionable, since I'm fairly certain Mandy Patinkin is Jewish. Merry Christmas y'all. Here's a nice piece about Camilla Fortescue Cholomondley-Browne, better known as Chummy: Andn a nice trailer for the Christmas show:
- Another good reason to check into Call the Midwife is the wonderful, addled/mystic nun, Sister Monica Joan, played by Jenny Agutter, who was so good in Logan's Run many years ago. Another movie I still like to watch sometimes. Really though for all of the seasonal favorites, I still like Millions best. I have a copy for a Christmas gift for my brother in Savannah, with whose family I'm spending the day tomorrow. I'm one of those people for whom bile rises to my throat at even a commercial for It's a Wonderful Life. Can't stand it. Already watched the Christmas Story and expect to see it once or twice more this year, in the preferred, disjointed fashion. Another favorite is One Magic Christmas, with Mary Steenburgen and Harry Dean Stanton. Nice story from the Boston Globe today. Some art stories are love stories.
- Great Christmas story, with the truly incomparable Art Carney: and
- I'm no fan of the milquetoast twit David Gregory, but conservative politicians that routinely vote against assault weapon and high capacity magazine bans at the behest of the NRA going after Gregory in this fashion: reach some sort of pinnacle of hypocrisy. The numbers from Harper's Index say more GOPers believe in demonic possession than believe in climate change: And did Crapo blow up his own personal LDS godhead over his very own planet? I'm sure as hell he doesn't believe he has given up the overbearing moral highground. God bless us, everyone, even the non-believers. A few days ago when y'all discussed religious groups consigning everty other-believer to the flames of hell, I was thinking about one of my favorite things from parochial school in the Hills of Bloomfield, I was reminded of Pagan Babies, and how we got to name them. I lobbied a class and our nun for Lucifer (lat. Light Bearer), but I got nothing but a parents meeting with the principal and remonstrations.
- Mark H.: I assume you are ignoring the ridiculous extent to which the GOP thinks it should make law for the District ( the white man's burden) in the last five decades. Aside from anything else, people that are bought and paid for by the NRA and the Koch Bros. Kriminal Konspiracy have no business expressing outrage about David Gregory's banana clip, when they vote consistently to keep these monstrosities legal. And the GOPer loonatic fringe House runs DC, Mark, so don't underestimate the heavy thumb of Teabanger GOPers on the scales of justice in this case. If nothing else, Gregory can spend a night in jail (I'm living proof it won't damage anybody permanently) and emerge with something approximating journalistic credibility and vestigial cojones. The putrid hypocrisy of the Congressional gun nut buzzards was my only point in the first place, and doubting their influnce on the MPD is ridiculous. The GOPers in Congress have the DC cops by the balls. Y'all know how it's a joy to give a well-chosen gift and be on hand for a delighted response? I spent yesterday with my brother Dave and his family in Savannah, the Boston of the South. His wife Susan nee Dress, who used to teach Espanol (aka Senorita Vestita), was a family friend before Dave married her,a pure joy to spend time with, and a great cook. So anyway, Nancy's cohorts at Kickstarter (Wars of Men, and when do I see the movie?) convinced me to donate and subsequently I was talked into a donation for this: An astounding work of art, all hand-made, and a glorious gift to a Sis-in Law that collects cookbooks. One of my favorite gifts I've ever given.
- Mark H. @48: God you folks get pretzelized when you to try to legalize and moralize.
- Downton recap. One more comment about the Gregory banana clip hoohaw, and I'll shut up about it. Consistency under the law? Like all those rightwingers calling for police action were up in arms when the Teabangers showed up strapped with large magazines attached to their prosthetic mechanical dildos at the Glenn Beck rally. Same nutsos will attend the inauguration in protest of the anti-colonial Kenyan Manchurian president. I'm sure there will be outrage on the right. And for those that expressed a general distaste for Gregory, I'd point out that I did too, when I first brought him up.
- Roy Edroso recaps 2012 rightwing mishegas. Chortle, chortle. Millenium People, by J.G. Ballard, which I read recently, sounds like a good companion piece to Capital. It's about an ineluctable revolt of the upper middle class against the status quo, and it's mordantly funny, like a political movie by Alfred Hitchcock, The Trouble with Harry complete with class and economic overtones and subplots. With lead roles custom made for Glenn Close, William Hurt and Zelkjo Ivanek.
- A documentary about the Replacements, a band I think is one of the greatest American rock 'n' roll bands ever:
- Beb's Christmas book reminds me of a Christmas back in the early 80s (I think) when everybody was giving everybody Passages, by Gail Sheehy, the alleged life-changer. Fortunately, I didn't receive a copy. In hell, you probably get copies of both books.
- R. Emmett Tyrell always struck me as a perfect match for Maggie Gallagher. They both stuck with the same thumbnail byline photos I remember from my youth. They are equally dense about truth that beggars their beknighted worldviews, and their byline photos make it clear the rest of us hoi polloi exude a stench they find intolerable. Grampa bought my grandson a real toy piano. You know, like Phillip Glass wrote music for. And the Bs wrote Dance This Mess Around on: And in the list of the 16 dances, does Kate say Jugaloo? Brian, worms poop compost, their only excuse for existing. And the easily greatest B's song ever: I used to know these folks and they are more enjoyable than the videos let on.
- Jeff@28. Ralphie's "Be sure to drink more Ovaltine" secret code notwithstanding, my favorite embedded secret code meaning of life is the Art of Memory in Little, Big by John Crowley, an astounding work of imagination. Connie@42: That bus is called "Further", right? Books are gems, to my mind. My finest possession is a first edition of Mencken's The American Language. I read it through once, and dip into it occasionally. It's probably worth some bucks I want to leave my kid and my grandson. I'm working on my will today. It's the special bequests outside "all my earthly goods" that is weird. The temptation to direct the end of all of my books is strong, though it's totally ridiculous. Some things are a no-brainer. All my Obamagear goes to my corporate lawyer bro. At least it wo'nt cause ungainly fisticuffs between two old farts after I'm dead and gone. And is it wo'nt or won't? That contraction has always stymied me. Yore mamy went to Watt Street to gatt what? No human being actually deserves James Lileks. Maybe Newticle Gingrich.
- Oh, and the world is somewhat lighter today because Sid Williams bit the dust. Chiropracty? I give you, climate change denial. Scariest looking mofo I ever saw.
- Wonderful musical interlude from my ol' pal Dex Romweber (felicitous name), with the theme song from my second favorite movie of all time (from the unmitigated genius, Terry Gilliam). That is how to play some jazz chords.
- Sherri, leaving no room for streets and buildings? Just kidding. But reminded me of one of the few Talking Heads songs I can listen to without gagging:
- brian @48: His goal late in life was to take over college hoops.
- Danny, with all due respect, things don't jive, they jibe. I'm not looking to start a fight, but
- Deborah: Desk Set is a great movie. Danny, Merry Christmas, buddy. High-speed rail doesn't make more sense than the interstates and mean far fewer auto deaths? But it's a Kenyan socialss plot. Calliope is one of the Muses. The muse of epic poetry, I think. You know, like Homer. Like Odysseus: SPEAK TO me, Muse, of the adventurous man who wandered long after he sacked the sacred citadel of Troy. Many the men whose towns he saw, whose ways he proved; and many a pang he bore in his own breast at sea while struggling for his life and his men’s safe return. Yet even so, by all his zeal, he did not save his men; for through their own perversity they perished—fools! who devoured the kine of the exalted Sun. Wherefore he took away the day of their return. Of this, O goddess, daughter of Zeus, beginning where thou wilt, speak to us also. Read it in Greek Sophomore year in HS, for all the good it ever did me. Well, Euripides is funnier in the original. I would, being pedantic, point out that jibe and jive are basically countervalent, since jive has to do with making shit up.
- AAAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!!! GOPers over the cliff. This should be the functional end of the GOP. None of this had anything to do with anything but racist aholes like Senator Yertle that could not stand a brown President. Let's get this bucket movin' Race. Danny, people have been making that error for years. Even intelligent people. And where the hell is Dexter? And the Camper song is funny as hell, but I care quite a lot about Dexter. And Beb, I ignore you too. and jive for jibe is not a typo, it's a brainfart, and kinda ignorant.
- Vince Guaraldi Charlie Brown music with old farts.
- Rockin' the cello for Christmas. Did y'all know that in the last movement of A Quick One While He's Away (the practice opera before Tommy), the backup vocals are actually singing "cello, cello,cello" because Pete wanted actual cellos and the record company guys wouldn't pay for them? KT Tunstall's excellent version of Chrissie Hyndes's brilliant Christmas and snow song.
- Danke, Jeff. Theilard is his surname, Jeff. de Chardin is whence he came. And calling him de Chardin is a faux pas. The Piltdown connection is almost all in the imagination of Stephen Jay Gould, whose self-promotional urges would have embarrassed Carl Sagan. Charles Dawson was likely the sole perpetrator of the hoax. For Dorothy: Avid Bookshop Christmas Party pictures:
- As the old Grail Knight Templar said to Indy, "You have chosen wisely" Dexter. Even here in the Tropics, it ain't fit fer man nor beast outdoors today.
- Personally, I like cursive handwriting, and wish my own was more aesthetically appealing. (Actually, my Russian cursive is better, even though the language slips away from me all the time.) It is legible, and a few of the capitals are reasonably cool looking, but my old nun devotees of the methods of Palmer would abhor my scratch. Losing the art of cursive would, in my opinion, represent regression for mankind. Of course, having been a newspapers major in JSchool, I also love typefaces. Every rational and serious person excoriates shit like comic sans, and the common choice to represent probity and taste seems to be Garamond. I prefer the super clean Tahoma and a few other sans faces. Michael Musto reviews 2012: That guy cracks me up.
- Blog of an old-timer that became a widower one month before Christmas, after 67 years of marriage. I love the descriptions of Vevey, which I've visited, and Lake Geneva, one of my favorite places on earth. Got here through a tweet from Margaret Atwood, who uses her middle initial E. (for Eleanor), one of the greatest writers of fiction there is. Cat's Eye, Alias Grace, Oryx&Crake, The Blind Assassin, great novels. And The Robber Bride, and The Handmaid's Tale. First sentence of The Blind Assassin: Ten days after the war ended, my sister Laura drove a car off a bridge. Damn, that's nervy. Great shark picture Danny.
- America's merriest cities. A list with Detroit ranked high. In a good way.
- My one-word New Year resolution: LOW.
- And Julia Roberts will play the lead in Focus Finish Floss. As expected, Call the Midwife for Christmas was a treat. Two harrowing deiveries and a musical Christmas pageant directed by Ur-Mom Chummy. Damn good TV. Anybody that likes Downton should watch the first season and prepare for the second, starting in March.It's an entire other world for an hour at a time. I really wante that Packers-Vikes game to go to OT yesterday so Adrian Peterson could break Dickerson's record. Nine yards short on 31 fewer carries, and despite internet knuckleheads insisting otherwise, Dickerson's record was set in 16 games, too. Meanwhile, the Bears resorted to an innovative Mugging 2 pass defense to keep Megatron from the firs 2000yd. receiving season and Stafford from another 5000.
- Call the Midwife is based upon a memoir in three volumes by a woman named Jennifer Worth (Nurse Jenny Lee in the drama): The acting in the series is top-flight, with a group of unknowns playing the young nurse midwives, and some old Brit vet broads playing the nuns who guide and teach them. Jenny Agutter is a cast member.
- Jolene@27: Really thought you were going to say, "for such a master malapropist". For seven and a half years I've worked alongside President Reagan. We've had triumphs. Made some mistakes. We've had some sex...uh...setbacks. To kind of suddenly try to get my hair colored, and dance up and down in a miniskirt or do something, you know, show that I've got a lot of jazz out there and drop a bunch of one-liners, I'm running for the president of the United States...I kind of think I'm a scintillating kind of fellow.
- GOPers: Still whining: And I thought of a word: "Courtesy". As Kurt Vonnegut relates: "Love may fail but courtesy will prevail." When Ol' Man McCain and Cantor go off on the President for what is undoubtedly their very own mess, one can only hope. Meanwhile, I'm an Eagle Scout, sworn by oath to courtesy.
- Here's an explanation of what really bugged the GOPers: They got treed.
- Would you sell a gun to Raskolnikov?
- Here's the kind of unprincipled shit the NRA teams with the Koch Kriminal Konspiracy to perpetrate: And if anybody doubts Mortimer and Randolph Koch are Kriminals, look up their Syrian and Irani dealings
- Peggy Noonan is a moronic twat. Sorry ladies I respect.
- After the concert. Sandy relief. Some good news about people to begin the year.
- Dinner with the Crawleys.
- An interesting discussion of Tom Waits by kindred spirit Alex Harvey. More coherent than I would have expected from this character:
- Remember those miners in Ohio that were told the mine would be closed for a personal appearance by Mitt RMoney in Ohio. Their attendance at the fundraiser was mandatory, and it's difficult to imagine how this can possibly be legal. The journalism of personal embarrassment idea reminded me of this New Republic article I read last week regarding Lena Dunham and the whiny twentysomethings. And, yeah, I have sat through all the episodes to date of Girls and find the characters almost universally repellent. Alex Harvey seems to be out-Gabrieling Peter in that version of the Jacques Brel tango in the style of Brecht and Weill. He would certainly scare the bejeebies out of little kids.
- Brian@25: The fabled liberal bias of the truth. I too was struck by the asinine celebration of making shit up to catapult the propaganda. Jeff@26. American political journalism remains in thrall to the inane, brainless big lie of "centrism", i.e. the tyranny of false equivalencies drawn between the veracity and Americanism of the two major political parties. There is nothing remotely similar between the deeds and published policies of the two parties, and perpetuating the canard that there is is a grotesque failure of the American press as a force in self-governance as intended by folks like T. Jefferson. With this sort of lethargicc approach, the 2004 election coverage treated Swiftboating Kerry and publishing facts about W. AWOL Shrub as equivalent tactics. How fucked is that?
- Here's what I meant by that last comment:
- The allegedly "forged document about Shrubs failure to guard the Officer's Club when it was his duty are a small part of the story. The mountain of military bureaucratic paper that would have established W's service was missing, including several mandatory flight readiness physicals he simply never showed up for. Them pesky pee in a cup tests. The single document that was supposedly forged was never proven beyond major league doubt to have been so by documents experts hired by Friends of W. The woman who would have typed the document said in fact that she had done just that. On the other hand, not one of the Swiftbout calumnists ever served anywhere remotely near Kerry, and they clearly just repeated a bunch of mendacious shit that was made up by the Nixon dirty tricks gang back in the days of Winter Soldier. So, Danny, making these two situations out to be even remotely similar is just an outright crock of shit that requires painful stupidity or outrageous gullibility to believe.
- GOPers hated Kerry with a passion because he exposed the Raygun misAdministration's attacks on the Constitution and US law in pursuing their shameful Iran-Contra program, which in the enormity of it's undermining of the US Constitution made Milhous look like a patriot in comparison.
- Interesting comments about two favorite books of mine by two authors I also like: and I wouldn't say that horse is deceased. There is no statute of limitations for treasonous acts like W's desertion during wartime. Of course, the treasonous acts committed to manipulate the USA into invading then occupying Iraq were much more recent.
- Commentary on Andrew Sullivan's new venture. $330,000? Sounds like a case for PT Barnum to me. Lot of money for just being a GOPer that isn't entirely nucking futs, or, as Driftglass says "Repeating as epiphany stuff thoughtful liberals have been saying for 30 years." Personally, my hope is that Sullivan will show up less frequently pontificating on TV, to, ya know, protect the brand.
- Deborah@20: Funny story. Friend of mine once hacked the office PA (for announcing incoming calls) and played bits and pieces form Angus and Bon and Malcolm during a workday. Mostly "Dirty deeds done dirt cheap", "highway to hell", and "I've got big balls". Even the boss was cracking up. Very unprofessional. And immacheer. But pretty funny.
- Many more total nutbags in the GOP's future. Witches and legitimate rape as God's will proponents.
- FreedomWorks is actually grass roots.
- MarkH: Andrew Sulllivan isn't a GOPer? The party may not want teh Gay, but he's died in the wool and a pillar of the Log Cabin. You display the thinking that makes the GOP's future really grim. It's like the song, You're Not Irish. Which continues, "You can't be Irish, You don't play Danny Boy" Purity tests for a political party must certainly be a death knell. To paraphrase $Palin, How's that Big Tent workin' out for yeh skeeves? How exactly is Voice Mail any different from talking into an answering machine? I agree with Alex about sound quality. I put every call on speaker so I can hear the bloody thing. Maybe I damaged my ears at the Grande and at Altamont, but I have no problems in everyday life, so I doubt that's it.
- When the TV football season turns bad, as it did last night with the Colin Klein show vs. Oregon, we tend toward movie night. I had a random email from iStore offering Trout Fishing in the Yemen for 99cent and we thought it worth a try. A superb movie in both our opinions. We share a predilection for Ewen McGregor since seeing Shallow Grave, Danny Doyle's debut and a fracking hilarious black comedy. Anyway, taking a cue from one of my brothers, and risking Basset's opprobrium for bringing up that talented and entertaining trio with whom I'm blessed, critics should be useful and say "if you like this, you will probably like this. There is some simplistic sense to Chris's paradigm. Give him a break. He went to Princeton, where he played football and joined an Eating Club, and then to UVA Law. I doubt original thinking was at a premium. Anyway, what I intended to say was that anybody that thinks Local Hero is a great movie would probably like this a good bit. It's touted as a "rom-com" which is deadly to me, not quite so much to my squeeze, though she got ballistic during The Breakup when Jen Anniston did the Beardless Clam walk. Anyway, we really liked this movie about really good and intelligent people finding each other, despite one of us being diagnosed and medicated and the other less well-adjusted but having escaped psychiatric clutches. We give it two big thumbs up. Next on our agendum, Killer Joe, and we both like McCoughennehy, for obviously different reasons. And Local Hero is one of the greatest movies ever made, especially with the second best soundtrack ever written. Ry Cooder wrote the best for Long Ryders. Now I hope it's pretty obvious to anybody of sound mind, all of that was my opinion. Nobody in a civilized world should be made to point out that what issues from his mouth or keyboard is his opinion, nor to defend it as anything else. Mary: You sure that wasn't KRS-1? One of the best R.E.M. songs:
- Jolene@48: If you're correct, Andrew Sullivan is both self-flagellating and self-destructive. I wouldn't have said this cat was intellectually dishonest had it not been pointed out to me.
- Sherri, Colin Klein was atrocious and I really dislike Oregon. Hurry-up? That was Nebraska and it took 2-1/2 quarters to nail that down. Dawgs buried them and scored at will when it counted. Now, i was accused of talking big about UGA vs. Bama. NOPE. DIDN'T DO THAT. DAWGS PROVED AS CLOSE TO AS GOOD AS BAMA AS ONE COULD GET. Pretty obvious. Dawgs would trash ND. They can't play pass D to save they're lives.
- I've seen the onepointsafety
- Jeff, The actual Church added that Power and the Glory bit to the Liturgy some time ago. Why, I don't know. Trying to lure back Anglicans, I suppose. Around the same time Catholics started holding hands while saying the prayer, and at the end of the pew, with the Holy Spirit, like the I'm not in favor of establishing religion, but I'm a wartorn veteran of teaching in public schools in America. Believe me, the pledge is a joke, as if it wasn't written by an avowed Socialist inn the first place, and had the "under God" shit added by the . Oops, I meant Joe McCarthy and the Knights of Columbus. Deborah, that is a very good Breaking Bad, and I quit watching when Walter let the love and possible savior of Jesse's life die like Jimi. Then I went back and he almost killed a kid to force Jesse back to his side. Walter White is evil, and no two ways about it. What is DEA man going to do about it? Johnny Football has to be the lamest sports sobriquet ever, just barely surpassing Donnie Baseball, the worst manager in the storied history of the Dodgers. And having survived Joe fracking Torre, that says a lot. And MarkH, GOP bought Andrew Sullivan, GOP owns Andrew Sullivan. It's the Pottery Barn Rule. Nest you'll be disclaiming Colin Powell and Condi. Can a political party shrink to be smaller than its own balls?
- That thing about coke and pot? Pot would leave you high for hours. Halucinegens for many hours, Coke would get you high for a few minutes. It always seemed very stupid to me, Kinda Republican. And, GOPers claim Ron Paul but the want to expel Andy Sullivan? Big Tent, y'all. What a fracking buncha hoarse's asses.
- MarkH: The GOP villifies itself without my help, and I'd be glad of its demise. But holy shit, Andrew Sullivan has been a GOPer almost as long as Arlen Specter was. They eat their own. And the best QB in the country, College wise, MichaelG was Aaron Murray. MichaelG: As Georgia was clearly better than Big Farm. And FLA was crap. Like in shit-the-bed.
- Free Mr. Bates. Hugh Bonneville interview.
- Pretty sure Sign the Apocalypse is upon us. A superb essay about Joni Mitchell, by Zadie Smith.
- Downton creator Julian Fellowes talks about the show.
- Bad behavior. And more bad behavior.
- Michele Bachmann really has her head up her anus. And I'd sure love to hear what the great Molly Ivins would have to say about this bullshinola from Tejas. Secession would be greaaat for the rest of the country.
- Pamela Gellar actually writes something on World Net Daily that isn't slanderous towards Muslims. It's twice that crazy. It's funny reading about "America's Mayor" Rudy Giuliani and Chief Bratton. Rudy followed that hire up by appointing "made guy" Bernie Kerik. Oh, and dressing in drag. And moving his mistress into Gracie Mansion while he still lived there with his wife. Me, I liked the old Times Square. Also found this sentence mildly amusing: In the early '90s, these researchers proposed, the children of CrackGen switched to marijuana, choosing a less violent and more law-abiding lifestyle. The physiological effects of environmental lead on human beings is a done deal as far as proof is concerned, so, for me, the corellative data Drum points to seem pretty convincing to me. And Jeff can scoff about >i>meteorite to strike earth, women and minorities hardest hit if he likes, but in modern America, somehow that will always be true. Did America's richest rich people feel the effects of the recession the way poor minorities and women did? They did not, aside from those noveau riche Orlando Hillbillies types with their stately pleasure domes on leveraged piles of cash.
- Patton Oswalt was very good on Burn Notice, the last two hours of which were the most electrifying ever of that show, which is saying a lot.
- The football game tonight? I'm with Michael G, hoping for an earthquake to swallow the stadium. I happened to watch ND's alleged victory over Pitt. Nice officiating refs. Bama played W. Carolina. The only thing more obnoxious in college football this year is the assholes complaining about Ohio State not being in the NCG. Here's a column by Bill Plaschke, a worse writer than Mitch Albom, that perfectly encapsulates everything detestable about ND: Louvins: A great song. I believe this was written by Huddie Leadbetter. Curt Cobain did an amazing version on Unplugged and there is also a very good version by Long John Baldry. The Louvin's version eschews the minor 7th chording on the second hales of the two verse lines which makes the song much less spooky and menacing than Baldry's or Cobain's take. It's also surprising nobody in the song gets murdered, it being Appalachia and all.
- Dolly Parton also did Where Did You Sleep, similarly to the Louvin Bros. version (It really fits her vocal style perfectly): Leadbelly's is the best, though. The rolling bassline runs are brilliant: And the Baldry version is done as call and response, with Maggie Bell, the Scottish Janis Joplin. The arrangement is heavy on resonator guitar and mandolin. Very good cut.
- Deborah, I had the same impulse to get the George Saunders books after reading that review. The idiot GOPer's probem with Hagel, aside from the fact he was nominated by President Obama, is that he is not a sufficiently staunch defender of Israel. By which I think they mean, he doesn't think it's a good idea for American Congresspeople to vote as directed by AIPAC, nor to let Mossad run rampant in the US and do shit like steal fissionable material to share with the South African DeKlerk government. It always struck me as anomalous that Little Lindsay Fauntleroy can get elected over and over in good ol' boy SC.
- Little Lindsay is also up in arms that Hagel didn't support the "surge" in Iraq. Well, Senator Graham, the "surge" was a fraud. Whatever good it accomplished was effected by transferring American taxpayers' cash to Sunni warlords to buy friends and influence people, you dumbass:
- Believe it or don't, GOPers are gearing up to destroy the village in order to save it, by letting the country's creditworthiness go in the crapper. Good movie: Fans of Winter's Bone should check The Poker House for free on Netflix. A good movie.
- Holy shit, Brent Hamburger and Herby. The announcing equivalent of Albom and Lupica. I want to say right now, before the KO. If this game ever comes down to a controversial official's call, ND has it wrapped up. No joke, they lost that Pitt game and got rescued.
- Hamburger rooting for ND on the punt return. Returner called a fair catch, without a doubt. Claiming the ND gunner didn't make contact is willing suspension of disbelief worthy of William Faulkner. Pure bullshit.
- I'm guessing Star Wars, without looking at it or any comments. I'm not much for comparative scores, but how does anybody vote that ND is better than UGA after TD Jesus got completely trashed by Bama and the Red Elephants hung on by the skin of their teeth vs. them Dawgs? And much as I find Johnny Football a cheap redneck trick, how is ND better than a team that beat the Tide? Mystique? The Gipper? I have watched bits of Titanic, but never the entire epic. I already knew how it comes out: Alex, Leininger serves a similar purpose in God's universe to that served by mosquitoes. He validates the "not stupidest columnist on the face of the earth" status of Cal Thomas and Maggie Gallagher.
- The same poll ranks FLA above Louisville. Fracking morons.
- New David Bowie song. I think it's pretty good, if strange and Kraut-centric. Best Bowie song is Heroes. Whole new album in March. Who decided to call it spinning? Odd as ducks.
- I don't have an actual clue who Alex Jones is, or purports to be, but if this guy is given a CC permit and lives within a couple of hundred miles of me, I want to know about it. I frequently wear sweatshirts with hoods.
- Brian, your mom's obit was very beautiful. I wrote my dad's, with help from my brothers, and it was difficult, because he was nearly mythical to me, in his erudition and knowledge. I recall the process of writing that essay as healing and salubrious, and I hope your effort served a similar purpose. One more thing about Lance. Still no positive test. Still no positive test on Barry, either. Well there was the French guy that took Lance's urine sample home for the weekend, but, he's Fronch: And that demise of the SEC crap is starting to look idiotic, isn't it. Concealed carry? Allowing guns in bars specifically may be the signature shark-jumping for the NRA, even with Stand Your Ground and guaranteeing the carry rights of people on known terriss lists. I have been shot. In the calf. I intervened in what seemed like a very unfair fight in a parking lot of a bar once and got plugged by the asshole I was trying to help. Hurt like hell. And the guy was a rampant gun nut, who most likely deserved a beating. Guns and alcohol? Why worry? Dexter, I have the Sixto Rodriguez album with Sugarman on it and it's very fine Detroitbilia from the late '60s.
- Robbie Kriieger's B'day:
- That $150mill is a lot of cash, and I believe for no good reason other than that I admired Dave Bing's character as an NBA player, that Detroit will have a chance to put the money to work effectively rather than have it disappear down dark alleys of corruption as it would have certainly under Mayor Kwame. I would decide to return to shopping at the home of the Blue Light Special after this report, but we don't really have them down here. I get a monthly email from my buds at Amazon regarding "literary fiction" and there is usually at least one nice surprise in the list. This month, for instance, bears news of a new novel by William H. Gass, who wrote Omensetter's Luck, which I consider a great novel few people have read: But what's bugging me is the inclusion of the following in the list: I don't know, maybe this woman is a good writer and this is a worthwhile book, but including the rapcherous drunk painter in the name is not propitious, and illustrating the dust jacket with one of his cloying cottages is downright heinous. Nothing against the author, but the contents of the cover are going to kill sales dead in a crowd of folks that use the term "literary fiction".
- Richard Marx is a pal of and collaborator with both Kenny Rogers and Billy Joel. As Bill the Cat would have said, if not for his untimely demise along with Bloom County, "Gack!!!" All I can remember of his songs is that they sounded like some horrible mashup of Kenny Loggins and Octopus-era Starship, with a little bit of Madoona thrown in, an idea that could cause flu symptoms in an otherwise healthy person. Here's Richard "Dick" Marx in a bar:
- The Richard Marx story reminded me of this bit from Jimmy Kimmel's show:
- Actually, Richard Marx's closest musical counterpart is the egregious Diane Warren: And I bet Joe Perry would york up his breakfast to see his band in that article. Extra, extra: NYT exhibits sarcastic sense of humor. Really. The best offensive catcher in the history of the game didn't get in? That is PED witch hunt bullshit running wild and tainting a player never connected to drug use. And 'Roid Rage posterboy Roger Clemens, who once threw a broken bat at Piazza, after trying twice to break his skull with fastballs got more votes than Barry Bonds. That is just fracking ignorant.
- Happy birthday Rod Stewart. This'll get that lachrymose Richard Marx drivel out of my head. The plague comes in two flavors, pneumonic and bubonic, the first air-borne and the second vermin-vectored. I think the cases in the American west in the 80s and 90s were of the pneumonic type, and Legionnaires was something similar. I believe that is correct information, but I could be mixed up about it. Then there is Hantavirus, which resembles influenza symtomatically, and is carried in rodent turds. Kinda like carvin' the turkey, kinda like mowin' the lawn:
- Scribe, Warren Moon and Randall Cunningham were pretty good and pretty resilient, but LLBs in those days were smaller in general with nothing like the ballistic velocity of the current crowd. Bachmann goes right off the deep endon the subject of American Muslims into a cesspool of Tail-Gunner Joeism and a psychotic and delusional level of paranoia. And Boehner assigned this loony-toon to the House Intelligence Committee. She needs some time in Briarwood with Dr. Arden and Sister Jude. This is like Gohmert and Broun being on the Science Committee. Most of us are old enough to have had DPT innoculations as kids. I know most medical people believe the Tetanus portion must be boostered every year or so, but I've no idea about the diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough) parts of the vaccines. The hand sanitizer industry is going to make a bundle, even though tests have shown that frequent washing with Safeguard is more effective. It was thought in the last couple of 20th C. decades that peertussis had been eradicated in the USA and most other developed countries, but that seems to have been prematurely optimistic.
- I have always intended to check out the Salton Sea and Slab City for myself, since I saw it in Into the Wild. and also in the terribly underrated Wristcutters. Best movie about dead people since Defending You Life (brilliant), and it has Tom Waits in a crucial role. That has got to be Slab City. I guess I was pretty close the time my ex and I drove through Joshua Tree on the way from Phoenix to Monterrey. Speaking of Joshua Tree, I see on a map it is no longer National Monument, but National Park. Does this mean one can obtain camping permits. Damn, I love that place, Even though we had the stereo jacked while we spent the night in 29 Palms. which reminded me of nothing so much as the rathole Columbus, GA.
- Oh, and driving through Barstow felt like being in Fritz Lang's evil robot movie while breathing poisonous gas.
- MarkP@64, probably true to some extent. Easy public health fix though. Create regulations that require drug companies to sell vaccines to pediatric primary care givers in small or single dose packages, obviating the use of preservatives that contain heavy metals and allow the federal government to negotiate drug prices. Everybody'd be happy. I'm not interested in arguing about this, but it is a fact that thimerosal contains mercury, which is undoutedly inimical to the human nervous system. If not for huge (40 dose) batch sales, the preservative would be unnecessary. I don't want my grandson getting it and I'll pay the difference to see that his childhood innoculations are from single dose packaging. That's a chance not worth taking, though foregoing thae anti-vaccine course is crazy and a serious breach of social responsibility. Measles deaths of children in Pakistan jumped from 64 in 2010 to 300+ in 2012, supposedly because the CIA pulled some sort of cockamamie vaccination scam to try to collect DNA samples from Ol' Dirty Bin Laden's lair in Abbottabad. I just got something cool from my UPS guy, a little guitar-shaped amplifier that plugs directly into the guitar jack and operates on batteries. Haven't tried it yet, and it could be useless, but it was only $15 so what the hell. Somehow, it includes distortion and overdrive controls. Can't wait to hear how that sounds. For a change, I actually care about the Academy Best Picture. I want Beasts of the Southern Wild to win, badly, and I think the kid is probably Best Actress. Astonishing movie, and if it doesn't win, I'd really like to see Silver Lining Playbook win. Remarkable movie with terrific performances. I'm not big on Bradley Cooper, because of those Hangover movies that I'd have to be trussed up like droogie Alex before I'd watch, but damn, he's good in this with Jennifer Lawrence, who is superb as usual. We watched her movie The Poker House last night and enjoyed it a great deal. She was 18 when she made it. Young woman is a natural talent like, say, Jane Fonda or Paul Newman. No apparent artifice. Streaming on Netflix. The Gram Parsons Joshua Tree story is a favorite (although I tend to think of Emmylou as his greatest musical contribution), and I took the best photos I've ever taken with my old Yashica twin-lens reflex in that landscape. I love those big square negatives.. We had one tape, all the way across the Mojave into the San Bernardino Mountains (I think), Hissing of Summer Lawns. Synchronicity of music and landscape.
- Here's a kale soup recipe that sounds good. I love kale soup because every town on Cape Cod has a waterfront bar patronized by Portuguese fishermen. We get great chorizo here because of the Latino construction workers: Alex@73: Yet, he felt compelled to defend the integrity of his art.
- It's not just influenza, apparently, its flu and norovirus. In defense of Paul Schrader, he has directed and written some superb movies. He wrote Taxi Driver and City Hall, and The Mosquito Coast. He wrote and directed Blue Collar, one of the best movies ever made by Americans. Whoever gets a writing credit on Schrader's movies, Schrader probably has his keyboard all over it. Ms. Lohan has been a very good actress previously and I doubt that talent is something a person can just forget. GAnging up on her strikes me as absurd and mostly profit driven, particularly when her parents provide so much more reprehensible targets.
- My take on that Times piece on The Canyons is that I've never seen such a fulsome glut of detail and purportedly verbatim quotations since the last time I forced myself to read one of Bob Woodward's bullshit White House stories. Too many people spilling too many details that would damage their own prospects and careers for much credibility. The $600 lunch tab at the sushi place is a perfect example. What person involved in this production would consider it remotely intelligent, or even self-serving, to spill that detail to a reporter. I think it's fabricated, but even if it's true, the manner in which it's reported is entirely too self-serving on the reporter's part. Look at me. I hung out with all these Hollywood types while they made a movie and they all liked and trusted me so much, I got every sordid detail word for word. And the hack Brett Easton Ellis speaking pejoratively about "a Schrader film" is incredibly obnoxious. Oh, you mean like not as good as Less Than Zero? All of the stars of which were as badly behaved in their time as Lindsey Lohan has ever been.
- Straight Time is indeed a brilliant movie, but for me the dialogue Schrader wrote for Blue Collar is almost unmatched. He had a writing credit for Raging Bull, too, but that always seemed to me to be Robert DeNiro spouting random words with some form of fuck every two or three. Blue Collar trailers:
- Brandon: I think Light of Day is a very good movie and have watched it many times, and not only because I find Joan Jett mesmerizing as both a rocker and an actor. Seems to me the movie came out around the same time as Eddie and the Cruisers ( which I also found worthwhile--I mean--Tom Bergeron? I watched the Dogmen movie) and was considerably better. And Brandon@22, he was probably pissed he couldn't get into any of the Brat Pack women's pants. And Mary RC, I'd need to see proof before I'd believe that any of those people had bona fide monsters for a mom and dad like Lohan's. Harpie and a Gargoyle for mom and dad? Most likely a tough life. Perhaps McKenzie Phillips had as bad a daddy experience. One way or another, making money from that young woman's crackups reeks of ethical microcephaly and the humanity and empathy of any drooling Komodo. From my point of view, Lohan was a delightful child actress. I liked her version of both Freaky Friday and Parent Trap better by a mile than the originals. And Mean Girls is a terrific view from the getgo. The "reporting" on her travails has surely reached a point of savage glee and pure inhuman venal maliciousness any decent person would rather not here it.And much as I like Bill Murray in movies, Where the Buffalo Roam didn't touch J. Depp in Fear and Loathing, a far better movie. Of course, consider the director. MarkH: they did a better job keeing it quiet. Fuckall they did. Their publicists did and the pirhana wer much less rife in the river and the opportunities to spew libel were minuscule compared to interweb days. At my age, I see no fruitful 12 step approach nor path to enlighrtenment about my bad behavior. It may seem stupid, but Lindsay Lohan as twins in Parent Trap was seriously good. And in Bad Girls, she channeled Tina Fey. She is very talented and there are people that would rather titillate nasty old ladies in Supermarket checkouts than worry about what happens to this young woman. I find this worse than objectionable. Will the be happy if she dies a death by misadventure? Nope. They will continue resurrecting her corpse forever. Lindsay Lohan is a young person put in an untenable and obscene fishbowl position. It's my opinion that media pimps under a phony shield of Ist Amendment rights have made this out like a Press Freedom issue. NYT's OK with that? And what I said about the I am a camera and a taperecorder and a fly on the wall shit that Woodward claims. Believe that and I've got photos of Putin from my balcony in Alaska. One last thing I'd say about Lindsay Lohan, she's one American that isn't Lord Fauntleroy. And thinking about that Bieber getting sued for roughing up his Mr. T. How the fuck do you get a job as a Mr. T? Stand back, or I'll infest you now with Hantavirus. All I mean in the end: Did somebody ever go out of her was to make Lindsa7 feel bad? I will guARANTEE THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN AND I TRIED TO MAKE MY NYT BONES BY SCREWING A NICE YOUNG LADY OVER, AND I MEANT THE CAPS BECAUSE I'M A RIDICULOUS TURD NOBODY EVER HEARD OF.
- Hardcore was a good movie, with a very good George C. Scott performance, in my opinion. Brett Easton Ellis, I tried, got 20 pp. in and decided to read The Mysteries of Pittsburgh instead. Now why doesn't somebody make Kavalier snd Clay into a movie. Or The Yiddish Policemen's Union? I don't think Elliot Gould is doing anything he couldn't get away from. And if he's diffiult, I'd imagine he's fracking hilarious when he's doing it. Hell, get Donald Southerland , too.
- Wow. The tuck rule just got called opposite to Tom Brady version in the Denver playoff game. Why? Because that was Tom Brady and this is Peyton Manning.
- Yeah, Brandon. It's rare for me to not stick a book out. Right now, I'm trying to get into Red Sorghum, but there is no way I'm quitting on it. Less Than Zero seemed to me a lot like this more recent bullshit from Lena Dunham. Obnoxious characters you wouldn't want to spend time with.
- Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. Lots of funny video.
- Yeah, Colin Kaepernick can play, but ya know, Skip Bayless wants to know how the guy can be a leader with those tats on his arms. In the other game, the Broncos got jobbed by the officials and compounded the problem with atrocious play by their safties. Oh, and Peyton threw the worst pass he's ever thrown, but his "fumble" sure looked like a video of Tom Brady and the no fumble tuck rule call. And the interference call on Champ Bailey in overtime was an utter fabrication with no basis whatever in reality. Maya Rudolph singing Prince's Darling Nikki, Tipper Gore's favorite song by His Purpleness. Slightly cracked, but pretty damned good. And how exciting is the NFL's announcement of the Destiny's Child reunion for the Super Bowl? Wake me up when the 2nd Half starts, unless those girls Beyonce ditched go for payback. Princ3e's SB performance will never be surpassed. Wonder what Tipper Tridelt thought about that one.
- Pretty cool NPR feature on musicians that died in 2012.
- Gov. Bob McDonnell of VA. supremo dickhead. How does he explain this?Who would have thought this guy could come up with something as dickish as transvaginal sonograms less than a year later? How does he explain this? Regarding Gingrey, I'd go straight to the horse's ass's mouth. As Shrub complained Too many OB/GYN’s aren’t able to practice their love with women all across the country.
- This is outrageous even for egregious GOPer whited sepulchers.
- HOA types, the theme song. Condo HOA's must be the worst, particularly where a large number of the actual property owners are absentee. I've had my battles with 'em, particularly over paying for full time security that has managed to let five of my bikes get stolen in ten years. I've put them on legal notice, next one is on them. It's the past officers that are the worst. They call the HOA office constantly with complaints. Worst of all, they do a poor job of publishing the "rules" After renovating our place, we bought custom bamboo blinds to complement our bamboo flooring. I started getting messages that there is an HOA rule that window treatments visible from outsiide must be white, always prefaced by the infuriating phrase "as you know". I didn't know anything of the sort, despite having kept in touch with the HOA through an entire month of reno work. I was told we had ten days to "change" the blinds to white, or face a $50/day fine. I called bullshit and we hung some white sheers between the shades and the window panes. We went through a period of corrupt management a few years ago that tried to foist outdoor building renovation requiring a soft-coat stucco installation for a $few mill, that would have doubled the regime for two years. In my opinion, this was a terrible idea, because the finish system is notorious for easily being damaged and the project cost was excessive. The actual EIFS system proposed and the installer from which the non-competitive bid had been obtained were the defendants in two class action lawsuitsI got a friend that works for a competitor company to tot up a thumbnail estimate for a far more reliable product which came to about 1/4 of what the HOA was proposing. I took a sample of the proposed material to the HOA annual meeting and dented it with a tossed softball, and suggested there was something screwy about the whole deal. Nipped that shit in the bud. Strange thing is, I get along with all of the current HOA types, meretriciously officious as they can be. I did get a strange response when I suggested setting up a bike share as a means of cutting back on bike thefts. Like I was some sorta commoniss. Reading about HOAs and covenants and codicils always reminds me of Milhous' pal Rehnquist, who managed to get to be Chief Justice despite having purchased a vacation home the deed for which enjoined him from future sale of the preoperty to members of the Hebrew race. Ol'Bill claimed they slipped that one by him. One way or another that should have kept that bastard of the SC: I recently saw a photo on the net of a house painted with an American flag motif after he was prohibited from flyin a flag or something. The whole subject also reminds me of an excellent X-Files episode in which Mulder and Scully went undercover in a gated community called Arcadia. Abraham Benrubi was in it (Kubiac from the late, great Parker Lewis Can't Lose.) Lady Edith, on the other hand, always loses. I almost called that, but I figured Old Fart Anthony was going to give up the ghost, which would probably have suited Edith perfectly. Howard Stern has taken to the webs to complain about Lena Dunham's naked appearances on TV. Damn Howard, you own a mirror? You look like Slash's homely brother. I watched Season 1 of Girls in the interest of domestic tranquility, and I can't say I like it, although it's occasionally funny. But the last time a TV show had so many characters I'd never want to spend a minute with was Seinfeld, and the Girls (with the exception of neurotic as hell Shoshonna) are obnoxious as shit in the same way Jerry, George and Elaine were.
- Silver Linings Playbook is a very, very good movie. Howard Stern and Slash: proof Cousin Itt was not a virgin. It's time to start booting some states the hell out of the Union. Poehler calling ex-President Clinton "Hillary Clinton's husband" was pretty damned funny. The Tina and Amy show is an absolute class act. The crack about Anne Hathaway being bereft on stage alone with James Franco was right on the money. That guy rises to douch-levels only attained by John Mayer and Russell Brand, and, I suppose, Ricky Gervais and Larry David. I've always wondered why anybody would give Ricky G. a moment's attention when there is a perfectly good Eddie Izzard in the world of show business. Jakash@33: In Ms. Dunham's case, that would be cankles. But I thought she looked very nice compared to her schlubby self on her TV show, despite the awful tat.
- Sorry Nancy, but I would have no idea what "cankles" even means if I hadn't seen it on this blog, and not from a male commenter, either. And I did complement how she looked in her GG dress. I have observed that Ms. Dunham describes her own ankles with that word, and she certainly plays up that portion of her anatomy in dressing Hannah.
- Does Ron Paul actually know anything more than anybody else about what happened in Abbotobad? Who knew Maureen Dowd knows football: If I want to see self-serving behavior, warped decision-making, dangerous rationalizations and chuckleheads mortgaging the future, I can go back to watching Congress. Makes me wonder about the short careers of Terrell Davis and Olandis Gary playing for Shanahan.
- Can't believe I typed the wrong compliment a while back. I do get what's to like about Girls, aned Dunham writes scenes that crack me the hell up, but the characters for the most part make the bunch Seinfeld and David put on TV seem guileless, involved and not self-centered at all in comparison. Zoisia Mamet's Shoshonna excepted. If a character can be delightfully neurotic, i.e. Virgil Starkwell or Fielding Mellish as opposed to Alvy Singer, that's Sho: The crack accident in the Bushwick episode was hilarious. Alex@51: Or for giving birth to the AquaBuddha. I sincerely hope nobody is telling Rep. Loose Lips Gramps classified information. That's as bad an idea as Bachmann knowing shit that should be secret, like the identities of the Muslim infiltrators.
- GGs fashion note: Victor Garber's purple tie ruled. Here's what I'd really like to see at the AutoShow in Detroit:
- Basset: My interest was piqued by the idea of a Vette that gets 30 mpg. That is a rare indication of sanity in American automotive circles.
- I'm at a loss as to how MIT's not protecting the scientific journals stolen by Aaron Swartz makes it somehow complicit in the theft, nor in his auto da fe. Some sort oof bizarre attractive nuisance argument? Kid Genius knew very well he was breaking the law. I find the guy's open access arguments based upon the use of federal money to produce the scientific studies he stole (and he sure as hell stole them) ludicrous, as reductio ad absurdum could justify my lifting a 50cal from a federal armory. I sure as hell have paid for one over the years. The allegations that this has been pursued overzealously, makes me a bit misty-eyed, like the sad case of Bradley Cooper being incarcerated in military holding for deliberately committing treason. Defenders can make these guys and the loathesome stalker/rapist Julian Assange out to be philosophical descendents of Daniel Ellsberg all they want, but that doesn't wash in light of the results of their relative actions and the seriousness of their targets. In the main, this seems to me to be part and parcel of the incomprehensible, indefatigable and irrational assault on the Obama administration from the left.
- I did indeed mean Manning, but I'm withholding judgement on the legality of a third hangover movie. It would certainly be a crime against art and humanity. I thought twice and intended to type Manning. Anntihistamines. I do think handing over classified government and military information to somebody as unbalanced and bizarre as Julian Assange is treason on its face, and there is a lot of evidence that B. Manning was indulging in attention seeking behavior. Perhaps, if he thought the information needed to go public, he could have done what Ellsberg did with the Pentagon Papers. Give it to the more or less responsible press, most of which would have a better idea and better motives for what the hell to do with it than a nutcase like Julian Assange. Is there evidence that the US government was aware of Pakistani perfidy and didn't act on it, or is that typical triumphal Wikileaks inuendo? In the end, NYT published nearly 1/2 million documents in the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs.
- Sherri@33. Perhaps you're correct. On the other hand, trusting a certifiable weirdo like Assange shows a deplorable lack of judgement. I'd trust Julian A. to act responsibly about as far as I could throw Newt and Callista. And the NYT published nearly 500,000 docs in the Afghanistan and Iraq War Logs, only, when they did Assange got paid with enough loot to run from the people trying to prosecute him for stalking and rape. The established newspaper I'd choose to trust is the Boston Globe. But at WaPo, I'd trust AJ Dionne or Eugene Robinson, Joel Achenbach, and probably Anne Applebaum. Trust Assange's motives? NFW. Creepy mofo. “Trees are not going to increase taxable revenue,” Crouch explained. What they will do instead, he said, is “create scarcity” in the city’s real estate market, raising the value of nearby houses and eventually raising the value of the land on which the trees are growing. That certainly sounds like enhancing the property tax base and increasing tax revenue to me, and a pretty fracking imaginative and productive way to do so. What am I missing? Seems to me the problem arises when politicians agree to let too many people make too much money when the only revenue increases go into their campaign treasuries, like Goodhair Perry and his Podner's radioactive waste dump: The tree situation in Detroit reminds me of ours on HHI. We live at the end of a road on a part of the island that still looks a lot like it did in 1968, when I first saw it. For years, commercial growth was metastasizing in our direction from the main drag US 278. Shortly before the RE bubble popped, developers bought a few hundred acres near our property and improved it immensely with roads, many of them expensive stone and brick paving, extensive landscaping and clearing of undergrowth. This is undoubtedly a long-term boon to our property values and it precludes extension of the Light industry commercial use by a wide buffer. It undoubtedly provides higher revenue to the county than what the land was bringing befor the development. Meanwhile, throughout the RE doldrums, all of that property has been maintained beautifully. Coupled with a beautiful residents only park built by the Townacross the street, our abutters are that parkland, two subdivision developments that look like city parks, and the beach on Port Royal Sound. I don't know anything about the particulars of how that real estate deal was accomplished, but I'm sure glad it got done. And by their behavior, the developers appear to be sticking it out until the time is right to bulid a bunch of nice houses. That will raise revenues for the county immensely. Her's a listing for a condo at our place. The listing price is great news here, shows regaining value at a pretty good rate over the last year. I paid less than 2/3 that price when I bought our place. The photo shows our BIG pool, although we usually use the smaller more secluded pool down near the beach.
- Scribe@47: Assange wasn't charged with rape and stalking? Or NYT didn't publish all those documents?
- Assange is certainly charged with rape and and the victim says he stalked her. And he and his followers are claiming it's an assault on free speech.
- Aaron Swartz's lawyer has reported that prosecutors offered a plea deal in which Swartz would do four months in prison with Swartz pleading guilty to 13 felonies. One thing about civil disobedience that has always made it heroic to me is the leading practitioners', Ghandi's, Thoreau's, ML King's, conviction in paying the piper to seal the deal of their commitment to higher principle. When Emerson found his friend Thoreau in jail, he said "My God, Henry what are you doing in there?" Thoreau's riposte was "The question, Ralph, is what are you doing out there?"If four months incarceration was going to drive Swartz to suicide, he should have thought this whole thing out better. Jeff: Very nice. That's my new desktop.
- Big Hank: That would be Cock-a-Leekie in GB. Hilarious name for anything but so Brit it's likely a staple at Downton dinners. I first heard of it in a hilarious dining room scene in the excellent movie The Witches, with Anjelica Huston and Mai Zetterling, from a Roald Dahl story. Rowan "Blackadder" Atkinson plays the twittish sort that recommends the soup (probably his idea to make it cock-a-leekie). Sort of Mr. Bean goes to the Witch's Convention. Very funny kid movie with much entertainment for adults. A bit scary for little kids We catch shrimp and crabs off our beach and back up in the estuarial folly (mind the gators), so I always have a couple of ice cube trays of shrimp-crab stock in the freezer to use for soup. The Newtown shooting truthers have just picked up Carjack Issa's line from the sputtering-to-a-halt Fast and Furious investigation. Seems as if the only ATF agent that walked the guns was Issa's prize whistleblower, a holdover from when the operation began under a different name under Shrubco misAdministration. W wasn't coming for anybody's guns. People promoting the coming for our guns paranoia should be held responsible for the murders of cops their histrionics have caused.
- The NRA thinks the President has no right to an opinion on well-regulating guns, because his family is protected by the Secret Service. Is it possible to be intellectualy dishonest without possessing a shred of intellect?
- Alex@37: It's like an invitation, or instigation. It's more work, but I like to roast vegetables before making soup out of them. Seems more humane, and it's an effective way to really imbue the eventual products with herbal snd spice pungency. And roast garlic is perfect for any soup recipe, for mildness and aroma. People that injure themselves with immersion blenders should stay away from the In-Sink-Erator at all costs. It's like the guy that lost all his fingers when he tried to pick up the rotary lawn mower to trim his privet hedges.
- Excellent soup accompaniment that isn't gorilla cheese. We also like thick fried baloney sandwiches with vegetable soups. On the subject of Sidwell School security. There are many children of foreign diplomats that also attend the school which parents, I'm sure demand security. I'd imagine the security staff at Sidwell Friends is somewhat different in skill, training and judgement than Sherriff Joe's wahoo posse, or any random trigger-happy buncha NRA volunteers.
- And winter always reminds me hot is as tasty as cold for good gazpacho, especially with the room temp Finlandia garnish.
- MarkH@50: Do you contend that the well-being of the families of Presidents isn't a matter of National Security? Or whatever the perks of pricy private schools, they should be borne for the hoi polloi out of tax revenue? I mean what's your point? Calling the President a hypocrite because he sends his kids to a school that employs security experts and opposes Arpaio-style yayhoo posses in public schools? How the fuck is that hypocritical? And where do bona fide whited sepulchres get off calling somebody else a hypocrite on this subject when they spend massive Koch Konspiracy bucks to make things mmore dangerous for the President's kids? Hitch in yer giddyup on thinking that one through. Fuck you man. This ad is like targeting an ad aiming Pat Tillman's family at the shitheels that made everything up, only, they deserved to die miserably. Meanwhile, for every Tim McVeigh or Eric Rudolf that sees that vile NRA incitement, there is another asshole that puts two innocent adolescent girls in danger, and the assholes that made that ad meant that to be the case as much as they meant it as a threat. Thinly veiled. It would be horrific, but I'd find joy in waking up to some Teabanger (or whatever the aholes call themselves these days) crew being wiped out at the gates of Sidwell Friends by a bunch of ex-Seals and ex-Rangers. A great thickener for soup, that gives the added benefit of texture if you do it right and it doesn't disintegrate, is Orzo. Particularly the multi-grain kind, if you can find it. Sherri, when I was a HS junior, my dad the flaming social liberal and locked-in financial conservative (he passed on ground-floor Polaroid stock) cashed in a buncha Investors and took us all for three weeks in Freeport, the Bahamas. A taste for Harvey's Bristol Creme Sherry developed and a few cases made their way to Bloomfield Hills. Shortly thereafter in the Autumn after the Detroit uprising of '68, my little bro Dave had his jaw broken in a football game. Milkshake time. His siblings, moi included fed David an endlessly nutritious diet of milkshakes laced with Harvey's . And Sherri, no argument, but from yesterday, are you claiming there is anything about Julian Assange that is remotely responsible, and do you object to any of the WaPo or BG people I suggested as responsible. I mean, Jackie McMullen?
- I'm hopeing Rayland is always ther for Malia and her sister. There are assholes that would rather see them damaged by people that consider nutcases mainstream. Hating Blappable isn't mainstream.
- Charlotte: Figure a way to drizzle the oil And infuse with Basil and garlic, Food is sexier than sex, almost.
- O what an asshole I am? Whatever. And I was right.
- People like DannyH dn't have a race situation at hand?
- Sherri, if you continue to act as if there is some sort of responsible media on the interwebs, Good luck. I'll take the BGlobe over Drudge. You probably will too. MarkH, by which you mean, what? Pointing out your horseshit?
- Sherri, I trust the Globe, and I sure as shit wouldn't trust some shit like Drudge, because that is your alternative. Fuck that shit bigtime.
- Bassett, just from what Deborah said, my best wishes, as they may be worth. You know I mean the best to you and to yours. Bassett, You know my best is with the Mrs. I have always pictured you as behind the Crowley door. Whatever.
- If Manti wasn't in on that shit, so much for the TDJesus story about superior students. Her relatives told him that at her lowest points, as she fought to emerge from a coma, her breathing rate would increase at the sound of his voice," Thamel wrote. Couldn't they get Frist on the phone to verify her mental acuity by videotape? Do people actually fight to emerge from comas? I kinda doubt it. If I ever find myself in a coma, I will stay rolling champagned and having endless orgasms, not thinking about some bonehead ND football player. Maybe Venus Williams, though. One more sportswriter going for Mitch-land bites the dust. Manti was only the second best LB in the nation anyway.
- I'd say, if Manti is gay and somebody felt the need to create the gf, that is sad. Why wasn't she a boy? Manti's legend may be a fraud, but not so fraudulent as ND's fb status this year. They lost to Pitt but the refs cheated. They could not have beaten Oregon UGA, or a host of other top fb schools.
- Yep. Jes made 'er up. This isn't about sexuality, it's about working the fracking refs.
- Nancy @13: How about a rowdy Catholic kid that played football at BYU. Jim McMahon went four years at Bigot Young without drinking or screwing? Yeah, right.
- Sherri @70: Oh how I wish that had been Rick Reilley. John Kass is a Mike Barnacle wannabe. Why would anybody wannabe a plagiarist fabricator? Oh, and that Pete Thamel that apotheosized Manti Te'o, he was already in for more than a dollar on Tyronne "Honey Badger" Matthieu: What a tool.
- Right, Deadspin is well regarded as a bastion of journalistic standards. Another blogger says suggesting otherwise is a "cheap shot".
- Manti's stake bishop is proobably hard at work on a "Lying for the Lord" explanation for the lie. If Pete Thamel had uncovered the decption, Deadspin would be full of complaints about how the evil Pete Thamel was using all sorts of underhanded forms of underhanded tricks because he enjoys ruining the lives of college kids. Deadspin was a hotbed of comiseration with Ohio State after Tressel lide his ass off, quite flagrantly, to NCAA investigators, and much of that dross was vituperation against Thamel. I'm kinda wishing the whole subject would go away for now. It will be back bigtime, replete with amateur psychiatry, when the NFL draft comes around I have never seen any reason to spend more than $25 bucks on a watch, which is about what a Timex electric costs. I've had lots of them, they're remarkably reliable and accurate, and when, inevitably, I smash them to smithereens playing basketball or whatever, I don't really care. I apply the same philosophy to glasses, which are even more sure to get broken than are watches. I do have a great big ol' railroad pocket Watch from 19aught 6 that was my grampa's. Runs like a charm and came with a beautiful sterling silver fob. Love that thing. I do not like gold watches at all. Impeachment for Presiding while Black, apparently. These dickheads should undergo psychiatric examinations before any one of them is allowed a gun license. Dumber than grunt. Who would ever want to admit to voting for any of these cretins?
- Dear Abby obit. I've been reading those columns for many decades. The stories of the Abby Ann sibling rivalry always seemed like self-promotion to me, but having a song written about you by John Prine sort of makes you sui generis as an advice columnist:
- Historically, the well regulated militias in the 2nd Amendment were a sop for southern states that demanded shoring up institutionalized slavery before they would agree to the new Constitution. Makes some sense if you think about what passes for sensible argument on the gun-nut right these days.
- Wonderful movie about steel drums, made by Pete Seeger. Saw the Truckers many times way back in the day when they used to play at Allen's and Between the Hedges, two very old time Athens joints. A great band. Amazing drummer, Pretty Purdie.
- Deadspin offered a job to infamous girlfriend beater Jay Mariotti. Then they claimed they didn't, after Mariotti made fun of Deadspin and Daulerio's offer in a so-called e-Book. That is lameass. Both guys come across like Peewee Herman.
- Andy Borowitz effectively making a total mockery of GOPer buffoon. Pretty funny. What happens when you deploy a firearms expert as an armed guard in a school? In one Michigan Charter School, this. With Dicks in, all 6 WA congressional Democrats favor repeal of gay-marriage ban. The head was quickly edited to remove the name of Democrat congressman Norm Dicks.
- For most of a day, Nancy's introductory clause to this post was tickling something in my right brain. It just came to me on a long bike ride with a heavy load of Our New Sensation Dale's Pale Ale. This is a very vine, verry hoppy brew, expensive, but that's good as it limits consumption. The can grapphics claim it's employee owned. And, yeah cans. Bringing beer bottles to recycling on a bicycle is a drag. I can still do telemark turns, last time I tried. My knees make noise but seem to stand up to abuse while the rest of me breaks down. A perfect tele turn in deep back country snow in bright sunshine on some short mountaineering skis is a marvelous thing. I got timid years ago after I went up the Kancamagus in foul weather on my mountaineering skis and slid into the Swift River. Pain was telling me I had broken my leg, I was 25% soaked, and I was 10 miles from my car. Some happy cross country types happened by, built a campfire as only Coleman fuel can do, had tents, Mr. Boston cherry brandy, food and excellent pot. Oh. And they had aspirin. I fashioned a splint the next am and actually sort of skied out. That was one treacherous trail. The rest wanted to make one of those Amerind litters and drag me out, and were dissappointed I wouldn't agree. Concerning Earl Weaver: Was there an autopsy to prove he was human and not fairey or leprechaun folk. Old fool was a hoot, that's fer sure. My exxxperience of snowboarders is that they lack any sense of the beauty of skiing. Probably the iPods, and the lame-o fashion. I don't like to hear anything but the sound of skis in the snow. I neveer tried skiing until I was in my thirties, and I found it to be relatively easy to do halfway well. You just pretended Gifford was calling the action. That's how I got on to the backcountry version. I do sing to myself when I ski, but it's as likely to be J.P. Sousa as Close to the Edge. Depends upon conditions. Anyway, for me, making a hard day's climb then launching into fast downhill oblivion, that's how to ski.
- So what I meant about Nancy's introduction is this: Before I started thinking about the Laurentians.
- Whatever you say Danny. I prefer short skis. And Telemark is how to ski.Fuck you all.
- Reading about shotguns always reminds me of Dickless Cheney, who favors a "lady gun" 18 gauge, much to the benefit of Harry Whittington. And I'm no expert, but comparing damage between a .223 bullet and 12 gauge shot sounds like NRA bullshit to me. The difference between a .22 from a normal deer rifle and a .223 from an AR-15 is about 1000 l.b.s of force at the target end. So it's a safe guess it does a great deal more damage. I got shot in the leg once by a guy that lived in a turret house he built for himself with gun embrasures at about 10 degree spacing for a 50 cal machine gun he kept mounted in the center of the cylindrical house. Guy was a gun whacko, and when he shot me, I was coming to his aid when it appeared eight or so guys were assaulting him in a bar and grill parking lot. I freed the asshole from his tormenters long enough for the dickhead to get to his pistol, and who does he shoot? Me. His fracking savior from a bad beating. Turned out, the guys beating the shitheel were getting revenge for a friend he'd shot earlier in another part of town. Kinda like the samaritan with a gun that almost shot the guy that disarmed Gabriel Giffords' attempted murderer. Here's how this shit gets twisted : Here's some information about the lethality of AR-15 ammo:
- Alex: Sportswriting may not matter in any great scheme of things, but it is writing, so it isn't necessarily "fluff". There is a great novel by a guy called Fred Exley called "A Fan's Notes". I suppose it's sportswriting, and it's probably something that Manti Te'O should read right about now. One thing Exley's book is not, is "fluff". You want "fluff" read Jennifer Rubin's drivel in WaPo. Paper Lion is longform sportswriting, and it is brilliant writing by a guy that was capable of acute political thought, but he liked writing about sports. Dismissing sportswriting as "fluff" is narrow-minded. For instance, there is this masterpiece, that makes the Manti hoax seem particularly asinine and questionable: Now, that isn't fluff, any more than any brilliant fiction is fluff. And was it gut joournalistic instinct that led Deadspin to crack the Manti? I doubt it. I figure Deadspin created Lennay to destroy Lennay. That's as reasonable as believing those nerdly turds ever exposed a grand hoax. Deadspin defends THE OSU. What is wrong with that picture?
- Danny @108 Then why air the AR-15 apologia?
- I'd like to go online as saying Danny is an ahole. And brian, skiing is a lot of fun if you do it off the beaten path. Manti is either an idiot or a sorry-ass hoaxster. Jarvis and Tree were both going to be picked before his ass in the NFL draft anyway. They both go sideline to sideline, but Tree goes twice as fast. To the Steelers.
- brian @15: Might as well say, another reason I'll never live. If living isn't courting danger, what's living for? But by choice and not by some idiot's wayward bullet.
- jc, danny's transparent bullshit about AR-15 rifle fire was odious and deserved to be called out. Somebody needed to do it, why not me? Since I take so much bullshit anyway? I mean, I think bloggers self-aggrandize sometimes, despite being pure as driven snow. Who'dathunk?
- Deborah, save your best actress vote until you see Quevenadzhe Wallis in Beasts of the Southern Wild. You may change your mind. And Beb, whatever, but Danny implied that AR-15s are not deadly because they are .22s. Nothing is farther from the truth, and it is exactly that sort of bullshit pedaled by the NRA that keeps weapons of mass destruction in the hands of loony toons and aholes in the USA. They sell them to each other in the parking lots at gun shows, and there are no background checks. Or they just borrow Mom's for walkabouts.
- I personally thought Jose Feliciano's Anthem at the '68 Series was about as good as that obscure Cardinal Puff song is ever going to get, But if you can get your hands on the Rainbow Bridge soundtrack to the movie Jimi never made, you can hear the most beautiful version of the Star Spangled Banner ever waved. Nothing like the Woodstock one, all stately harmonies and otherworldly sustain, and it should really be the official legal version. This is surely the one they should play at the Olympics: Well done, Ranger. That is patriotic.
- Some lunatic fringe GOPer tried to get a law passed that people could be imprisoned for singing the anthem in manners he does not approve of. Ain't that America? He'd probably like to make God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood the actual anthem. Cooze, shouldn'at be "sammich"? Jose Can You See?
- And somehow, I didn't know that the Feliciano was the initiative of the inimitable Ernie Harwell.
- cooze @45. Aha! Gorgeous photographs. If you haven't seen Beasts of the Southern Wild yet, waste no more time. Plea deal Aaron Swartz was offered.
- Apropos of yesterday's conversation, Lincoln Town by John Hiatt: And my favorite car song ever, by Tonio K.:
- About that Beyonce anthem: And for everybody that is still on that NYT liberal press bandwagon, Little Davy Brooks was sadly disappointed by the inauguration address: Fracking tool. And, in my opinion, the President and the First Lady dancing the first dance was extremely excellent. And I like the bangs a lot. Deborah @27: If you have Antoine in your name, isn't "Fats" de rigeur as a sobriquet?
- The ugliest celebs is interesting, but aside from Melanie Griffith who uused to be a beautifull and talented actor, and Iggy, who is ugly by design, haw are any of those people celebrities? An excellent post mortem of Barry's excellent speech: Maybe GOPers dislike him because he's literate. It's entirely possible.
- Tipping point, Canadian loonies: Could everybody take a deep breath and admit that the debt ceiling GOPers are afeared of is money the aholes already voted to spend: Congress needs to do its job and make sure the bills it racked up are paid for the foreseeable future, not just the next three months. I mean, holy shit, they already voted for the spending. Chew and screw? I mean, what sort of bombaclot whited sepulcher shit is this? And what sort of idiots buy this shit?
- Danny, pretending that racism isn't involved does not make it remotely so. It's a fact, Jack. Eschatological to nutjobbers is something hilarious about which they have no clue.
- What did you like? The President's bow to the first lady when he asked for the dance, Awww, they are a handsome couple.
- Nancy@6: Mo Cheeks did the best national anthem.
- Linda@6: What seriosly gets GOPers' goats is that Komissar Karl Turdblossom all talked into the idea of the permanent GOP majority, which they believe is mandated somewhere among the Constitution, Federalist Papers, and, as the stage manager would add, the mind of God.
- Most recent puzzling Manti development. Who the hell paid those phone bills? This has been a focus of more than a few NCAA investigation. Te'o and his family don't have the scratch to have covered the hundreds of hours worth of long distance calls the doof racked up to "Lennay". Where do the GOP come up with such imaginative ways of thinking?? From up Uranus way.
- What is the difference between being monumentally clueless and possessing unmitigated gall? Does Oompa Loompa remember the perpetual GOPer majority, or the prime directive of limiting President Obama to a single term? Does he actually here the inane shit he says? I mean, this is the most egregiously obnoxious thing out of a stupid arrogant GOPer pinhole since that dickhead Tagg said Mittens din't want to win. These frackers could give Richard Marx lessons in brazen shamelessness. Really Manti? 100s of hours on the phone with coma girl? I have run up bills like that in my day, and it takes a while to get out from under. Especially when your college job is playing MLB for the Irish. There is undoubtedly some NCAA violation there of reasonable seriousness. Somebody paid Verizon and I doubt it was the football player.
- We just realized Portlandia is free streaming on Netflix. Carrie Brownstein is funnier than Lena Dunham, and having been in Sleater-Kinney has considerably more credibility. And Steve Buscemi guesting.
- Best band going, and sure as shit best girl drummer: And Georgia is a damned good singer to: This is what my daughter chose as a career. Finding people back from little eyes. Little eyes are open but they don't see very far. Wake up little eyes.
- You can’t wash “nigger” out of our history, at least not while it’s used to name geographical features in New York as well as South Carolina. And Texas goober-nors hunting camps. OOPS. I'm Irish and, yep, I've been transported in a paddy wagon. If the term were actually a slur against the Irish, why were the carriages originally called Black Marias? And calling someone a cunt, in England and Australia, is pretty much the same as labelling him an asshole in America. Or a dickhead: Romney Dangerfield was a perfect example back in the days when the GOP still roamed the earth.
- Prima cunt Michelle Malkin thinks GOPers were to easy on Secretary Clinton after Clinton pissed on her bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios. Of course, I mean that in the Brit sense. Charles Pierce eviscerates the odious AIPAC shill Jennifer Rubin. I think she may be a manufactured cover for the bunch-backed toad Krauthammer to get extra column inches of poisonous, spurious bullshit into WaPo every week. And St. Patrick's Day may not be a big deal in Ireland, but at least it exists. Cinco de Mayo seems to be an invention of a brewer that makes beer so lameass they suggest you squeeze lime into it, to render it slightly less lame.
- Should a recently introduced bill in New Mexico become law, rape victims will be required to carry their pregnancies to term during their sexual assault trials or face charges of “tampering with evidence.” Damn, that is nucking futs.
- Deborah@41: That's good to hear. It was just the astounding perfection of the circular logic that stopped me cold. Giotto-like. Or the kid that pleaded for leniency because he was an orphan, after he killed ma and pa. Why Stan Musial went to the opposite field so well. That picture of the upskirt peeper looks upskirt peeper, and some idiot tried him on the wrong charges. Somebody that knows some of the people he victimized will find that ahole and rip him a new one. Some public figures seem to exude the term "cunt", and a lot of them are GOPer pols. Lindsey Fauntleroy Graham, Rand Paul.
- GOPers were all set to rig the 2012 election, but they thought it might hurt RMoney's chances. And the got hyper about messing with the electoral college in 2004, when they thought it might get Shrub beaten. They called it "transparently partisan. Back then, George "The Cunt" Will called it a "pernicious proposal". And these mofos aren't denying they're doing this underhanded shit, they are bragging about it. This is all a case of a flagrant intention to disenfranchise urban voters. And y know what GOPers mean by "urban". On the page jc linked just now, there is a trailer in the righthand column for the David Chase movie Not Fade Away. Looks good. Maybe a little like Almost Famous. There's a synagogue in Southfield that is visible from down in the John Lodge ditch. It is built in the shape of a ship pier, towering. Anyway, there used to be back in the 60s. Kids called it Kike's Peak, which led to some scuffles on my part. I lose it pretty quickly over shit like that. Some of those tweets about $palin are hilarious. During the holiday recess the DC Circuit said was not a recess, a few GOP Senators showed up every three days to pretend the Senate was actually in session. How does anybody that made it through law school and to the federal bench get hoodwinked by that. They DIDN'T. Bastards simply ruled incorrectly on purpose to go along with the nefarious ruse by the GOPers that appointed them.
- I'd say, back in the 60s, Charles Chips were best. These days, we love Cape Cod chips, especially the sea salt variety. One thing I've never understood is how people convince themselves that Pringles are actually potato chips. EEEyuck. Although popping the tops off the cylindrical boxes is mildly amusing if you're pretty stoned, and the potato-like diskettes are almost edible. All about David Sentelle, from Charles Pierce. Sentelle is the guy that pardoned Ollie North and Poindexter and saved Raygun's ass in the midst of Iran/Contra investigation. He also believes that no federal regulatory powers derive from the Constitution, which sorta makes the guy a paleoconservative originalist that thinks the US Chamber of Commerce wrote the founding documents. Sentelle was also a protege of Jesse Helms, who Pierce calls "the late pathogen", which is very funny even by Pierce Standards. Kwame's Back in Jail Again.
- The minor cuntroversy reminded me later of the agressive pushbacks of the "slutwalks": I sure hope that dumbass cop that set these women's hair on fire wasn't married when he said the stupid merde he said. "Slutwalk" is more abrasive, and I think, more effective than "Take back the night." It's certainly more attention-getting. It reminds me of "Up against the wall." from back in the 60s, or James Brown singing "Say it loud." And the GOP Senate contingent is planning to spend $3mill of taxpayer money on legal defense of DOMA. Gutdom what a waste of cash:
- When Senator Yertle admits a black Pez is something like too much he can bear? These jesse helms spit wont admit a black guy could possibly be the president.
- Whatever bullshit beb. You dislike me for some reason I can't imagine. I don't drift into naps, people ignore what the hell Hilariously we ignore
- It is an obvious thing to point out theat this is nonsense.
- Brian Stouder. That iss the NYC is the coolest place on the face of the earth syndrome. It is by a mile.
- Sorry but NYC is just way cooler. If you object, you never been there,
- Now if I'd made disparaging comments about Kate Upton's ass, I'd have gotten spanked, for sure. She's quite a nice looking woman, and I never thought it made sense to differentiate between faces and various body parts. And I'm a legs kinda guy. Kate's got pretty nice ones, but I'm quite happy at home. What bassett is talking about:
- Lawrence O'Donnell takes issue with the reaction of GOPers like O'Reiley andSenator Yertle reacted to President Obama's second inaugural address. Probably David Brooks, too, though I don't subject myself to his tepid gruel very often. Read one, you've read 'em all. Loved the musical link, and Jeff's as well, but the first thing that came to mind for me was Ry Cooder's Long Riders soundtrack: Pretty close to a perfect movie soundtrack and a superb movie.
- I was sure cooze was linking to this. Of course, this Jay Farrar songis about the homeplace of real Americans. Jeff Tweedy's better musical half, although Tweedy won't admit it. When Great White set the club on fire in Rhodie, the club owners were largely at fault. They had installed soundproofing material to head off neighbors' complaints about loud music. Problem was, the acoustic material was highly flammable, pretty much empty egg cartons adhered to the walls. Tragically stupid. As for litigious Americans, people that are suing Lance Armstrong because they bought his books really should get lives.
- This song by Hey Mama has that homeplace feeling in spades. I know them from Boston, but I think they were transplanted from Vermont. This song is as beautiful a use of cellos as I can think of. Brit rhyming slang gives Harry Rag, for fag, for cigarette. FAy Weldon has written two books of a trilogy that sound like a real treat for Downton fans: Habits of the House, and Long Live the King. Weldon is a terrific stylist with a savage sense of humor, comparable to Evelyn Waugh in my opinion. Darcy's Utopia and The Shrapnel Academy are two of Weldon's books I enjoyed a great deal. Very funny writer. I wassn't aware of this, but Weldon wrote the first ever epidsode of Upstairs, Downstairs.
- Michael McKean is a funny guy. Ann Telnaes makes a mockery of GOPer chairman Rancid Priebus. This guy makes Michael Steele seem fairly bright and a bit eloquent, neither of which the poor sod is.
- I suppose if the rich dickheads got their way with the Commonwealth of Bell Isle, the slave quarters would be Pontiac, I suppose. Or just a new Cabrini-Greene style high rise at 13th and Indiandale. I read that NYTmag feature about child porn and restitution last night, and it left me with a disturbing question. Since much of the legal strategy is based in provisions of the Defense of Women Act, is it screwed by the refusal of asshat GOPers to renew the Act because of new provisions to protect gay spouses and some Native Americans? The two young women on whose personal hells the story focuses are admirable and heroic, and as hard as the story is to read, they seem to be on the way to wholeness. One point of comfort in the Belle Isle story. When the rich fucks overbreed and overburden the island, it will make an elegant solution to introduce Glades pythons to tamp down the infestation of barely human critters. Aside from Jones Beach, what is heroic about the little Hitler behavior of Robert Moses? He tried to force the O'Malley family to move the Brooklyn Dodgers to the Bronx, the actual catalyst for the move to LA. The guy was an overprivileged bully. Suzanne@3: Bates is going to be forced to kill that rat-bastard with his bare hands, sealing the deal on never leaving prison.
- A place where men are free. And the sheep? They nervous.
- If they can't get their greedy hands on Belle Isle, I'd suggest the bastards go run all the rubes out of Warren and take over there. It's not as nice as Belle Isle, but the yahoos that live there would let it go for much less than $1bill. Plus, they are the Teabangin' sort of yokels that rich GOPers use and abuse like rented mules and tools in all of their political shenanigans anyway, and they are always painfully stupid about being happy to do it.
- Legendary Ohio musician Leroy "Sugarfoot" Bonner bit the dust over the weekend. Serious funk, whackadoo vocals (although I'm partial to the "Say What"s in Love Roller Coaster), excellent guitar playing, outrageous clothes. I saw these guys at the Michigan State Fair once, and they were amazing. It ain't Parliafunkadelictment but nothing is, and it's "all George's chillen".
- It's the 35th anniversary of that whiny drivel Rumors. In honor of that,we do the shake . Brandon, rich aholes try to pull shit like that are going to run into serious monkey-wrenchers. I will be one of them.
- In defense of my poor opinion of Rumours, I'd quote these cringe-inducing lyrics by Lindsay Buckingham, in the execrable, screechy Second Hand News: I know there's nothing to say Someone has taken my place When times go bad When times go rough Won't you lay me down in tall grass And let me do my stuff Great googly moogly, that is awful, and the vocal sounds like a cat with it's tail caught in a door.
- Video:Beautiful woman dances in boots in snow and ice caves while accompanying herself with original music on violin. Strange and captivating. Of course, it's probably fake. As David Blaine would deny, but will probably admit on his deathbed, anybody can make a Jumbo Jet disappear on TeeVee. I always find it funny when some fundagelicalictment mail fraud con on TeeVee quotes Revelations. And how do those bastards like Pat Robertsonnot get nabbed by the Feds for offering cancer cures in return for donations through the mail?
- Ultimate horrible workspace. If Sister Re says it's no biggie if Beyonce lip-synched, the critics should STFU. Can't wait to find out how the NCAA jumps on this: Gary Cole's performance in Office Space was amazing. A fully-realized character more odious than Frank Burns in Mash.
- Who knew? A Palestinian F1 race car driver. Who's Palestinian. And a woman: Now that's somebody to root for, and a good reason to follow F1. The Gabby Giffords video is particularly moving in comparison to chickenhawk Ted Cruz's recent disgraceful attempt at disparaging the commitment of Kerry and Hagel to US military personnel: That guy needs his ass kicked. Kerry + Hagel = 5 Purple Hearts 1 Bronze Star 1 Silver Star. How does Old Man Mcrappy Appletonpants not call this little POS out for this shameless behavior?
- I wonder if those two Tejas Senators that voted against confirming Kerry as Secretary of State will admit their terrible error after Tejas secedes and they have to beg for help from the USA.
- I'd have hoped a floor plan for a Kraft workspace would have resembled a Skinner Box.
- Stouder: Why you are wrong: My opinion is that people choose to play football, and it is fun and it sort of feels like you can leave reality. All of you that think football is evil, I must be a victim. Right? You can't all have it both ways. I couldn't point to a player I played with that displays symptoms, but Yeah, I played and I got battered to a pulp. I don't know what to say about shit like this. My only kid is a girl, so I can ignore this idea. I don't think any permanent damage was done to my Cerebellum, I'm fairly intelligent and use words fairly precisely. So who makes a deal?
- Me@30: What, like I don't get it?
- Top o' the World Deborah. It is actually. Nobody anywhere should work without actual natural light. And Manhattan is the crown of creation no matter what you midlandians think. I am entirely unwilling to believe anybody with a brain buys the swiftboat shit. People that continue to purport that horseshit should be hunted down and horsewhipped. Lying scum. Got that Mark H?
- Michael G. That violin dancer was doing that for real and she wrote the music. I think she's carrying on something great from the mad genius Ian Anderson, you know the one they call Jethro Tull. I was at that show, and I can swear it can be done. And Lindsey is a great deal prettier than Ian. And at least as good a musician.
- Deborah, I used to wear half a set of headphones in the office. I'd be listening to a complaint, but only partially. There was a point, at one point, in a 200 person engineering firm that was influential enough to do all of the HVAC work for Copley Place in Boston, a gigunda job, that the namesake of the founding father directed that I should proofread every piece of correspondence. I convinced him eventually that that was an horrific burden on one person, but he still had me deal with his personal correspondence. Strange job. But he was a fascinating mofo and I loved having the bastard think I was smart enough to filter his emissions. I think in the long run, we were sort of friends, or as close as Gary got.
- Believe me, the HVAC for building a massive hotel and shopping highrise over six lanes of the Mass Pike was serious business. The tunnels also contained in and out tracks for Amtrak. The project was monumental. As were the air handlers. Coolest thing I ever worked on, except for some dermisted rooms at MIT.
- Bowditch, please explain? I know I should understand your reference but I don't get it. All I think about that song and that album is that Joe Walsh added a pair that had been lacking from the desperadoes. And I was happy as a pig in swill when I figured out how to play that lick. It's actually Joe Walsh stealing from Robin Trower Whiskey Traun. But, hell steal from the best.
- Is it real? I am making it my life's work to rescue this gorgeous woman from LDS. They don't actually like music, do they?
- Bowditch, I am not as well-versed in theory as you obviously are. I can figure out how to play these things to the point they entertain me. I do know enough to understand i-V-VII-IV-VI-III-iv-V. And I appreciate the lyrics of We Used to Know as much as I do the music. I always thought Ian Anderson was a brilliant lyricist. Meanwhile back in the year one. Danny, I never said you'd done Swift Boat bullshit on this site, but you and I both now you prattled that shit a few years ago. And you have more than once claimed I posted something I never did, and that I can prove. But Swift Boat, I never said you spoke that shit here, but you have spouted it before, and that is unmistakable.
- I had a friend and co-worker who was a Christian Scientist whose child died for lack of medical care. God made MDs, same as She made climatologists. Denying actual science and human achievement in the name of God is basically sacrilegious and incredibly stupid. Mary RC: There was always a dreadnought guitar between Andy and Helen. Tim, if you liked the movie, read the book. It is superb. Didn't Jim Nabors' awesome baritone sprout around the time the Gomer/Rock story became common knowledge? He was all over early pm TeeVee with other graying poofters like Mike Douglas and Merv "the Swerve" Griffin singing show tunes. Back in the Pete Barbutti days:
- 200th anniversary of Pride and Prejudice. My memories of Don Knotts go way back to the Steve Allen Show man on the street interviews--the "nervous guy": And Joe is correct about the walnut episode of Dick van Dyke. Hilarious show.
- Peter@72: They all died. Coincidence? I think not. It's like Jessica Fletcher. People just tend to get murdered when she's around. And Adam's ma was refined, Hoss's was a big strong Swedish gal, and Little Joe's was a hot-to-trot Acadian mama.
- News on the $Palin front.
- We thought The Americans was very good. I'm wondering what shit will hit the fan when Kerri Russell decides to cut her hair short halfway through. Reality TeeVee is an abomination. Newton Minow is turning over in his grave. Duck Dynasty? Holy crap. Paintings of bunnies and chairs. I've gotten a heavy dose of Chinese 20th Century history reading Red Sorghum. Or why Chinese People Despise Japan. A very fine book, and I'm looking forward to some Mo Yan. Did anybody else think McCain acted like an utter shitheel questioning Hagel and refusing to let him get a word in? When McCain ran for Prez in 2008, Hagel was a campaign co-chair, and McCain cited Hagel as SecDef as an appointment he would make. McPoopypants is the bitterest old man pol around, maybe ever. He questions Hagel on "the surge" when everyone with a brain can see now that whatever success the strategy produced was about buyin the friendships of warlords and tribal panjandrum Hooples with palettes of cash, while managing to get more Americans killed or maimed, while pumping another trillion into the coffers of war profiteers like Halliburton. Certainly, the idea of asking for yes/no on the subject is idiotically simplisitc and antagonistic. The problems that Sens. Oldtimer and Lindsey Fauntleroy have with Hagel seem rooted deeply in the obscene alliegance both hold for Netanyahu and AIPAC, as well as the fundiegelicals that want to see the Jews reunited in Jerusalem so they can get along with gettin' rapchaed. Really embarrassing to see the US Senate reduced to a witch hunt Tail-gunner Joe would have loved.
- Ol' Dan Tucker, the difference between supper and dinner. Supper's over, dinner's cookin', Ol' Dan Tucker, standin' there lookin. Then there is the first line of The Lady is a Tramp: She gets too hungry for dinner at eight. McCain is apparently unaware that video tape can bring his every utterance back to haunt his ass at the drop of a hat. In 2008, he touted his campaign co-chairHagel as a potential member of his prospective cabinet, as, oh the hilarity, Secretary of Defense. Does the loopy old fart not understand how them video cameras work? He's like Carl the Lion embarrassing himself trying to stalk the antelopes with the night vision goggles in the TeeVee ad. You're embarrasing yourself Gramps. And McCain crashed more planes than the entire Shrub fambly.
- Sure Mark. Ya think maybe McCain wishes he could wipe out his promotion of Hagel as SecDef were he to have been elected in 2008? McCains questions about the surge were flat out stupid, uninformed, and decidedly unprofessional. GOPers will not be happy until they get somebody entirely beholden to Netanyahu and AIPAC over Iran. That's no way to run the US military. Anybody that doesn't find McCain's behavior bizarre, rude, and incompetent is a poor judge of character and behavior.
- GOPers will never be happy with anyone as SecDef these days that does not kowtow to the Rogue State of Israel, and evince every willingness to bomb the crap out of Teheran.
- Deborah, I'm envious. Great play by a great playwright (William Inge), and to of my favorite actors. We've got a DVD copy of the movie version, with William Holden and Kim Novak, Cliff Robertson, Susan Strasberg, and Ros Russell. Today is the anniversary of the publication of Ulysses, in Paris, in 1917. Read it thirty years ago and have a new copy and a concordance. It's a good book to open at random and dip into, since it relies so little literal linear sense anyway. Maybe I'll just read Molly Bloom's two sentence soliloquy, the first of which is more than 11,000 words, the second of which tops 12,000. Suck on that, William Faulkner. It's hard to believe these days that Ulysses caused such a stink among early 20th Century bluestockings. More evidence NRA is full of bull on the subject of background checks. The sad thing about Manti Te'o is that the whole :ennay brouhaha has damaged his draft prospects. Mock 2013 drafts all over the internet don't even show him in the first round anymore.
- Probably so David C., but that Saturn convertible was one of the best looking production cars ever in the USA. Robert Reich on why "Entitlement Reform" is a bullshit GOP smokescreen. Brilliant magic trick.
- I watched nearly four full ND games this year, and played football a lot back in the day, and have grown accustomed to watching future NFLL talent in college competition. My overwhelming impression of Te'o is that he's kinda slow and slew-footed, and not a big hitter. In the grand scheme of things, so what. But if he's gullible as a toddler, his NFL future is not fantastic, and I'll be happy for the guy if I'm wrong. But inside LB? Ogletree can run rings around Te'o and he's much stronger. My sole interest in Manti and Lennay was that it had been bugging me this guy got all the ink when there were much better college LBs, Jarvis Jones and Alec Ogeltree among them, and it appeared to be solely a function of playing for TD Jayhoo. Manti's standout stat this year was INTs. QBs throwing INTs to MLBs are dogass QBs, or the MLBs are way out of position. If Brandon wants to defend his fellow Islander, I won't argue. But from a football point of view, Manti was made out to be a whole lot more than what he ever did on a field. Like the famous overrated NDer Nick Buoniconti. Slow afoot, somewhat stupid. Since I hope everyone's life goes well that doesn't actually cause another's to go not well, I'm hoping for the best for Manti. I just don't think he looks that good playing football. Deborah, I'm enjoying your adventure and your description of the "in-flight" monument site @82 is beautifully written and evocative. My druthers would be making the pools several hundred ft. deep. You quick ctiique is eloquent and actuall caused me a frisson. Thanks greatly for the observation. Really beautifully reported. Please make sure to report your impressions wherever you wander.
- Deborah, Not to be non-PC about it, but does Tina Loise have non-gay friends. I just mean, she strikes me as an icon like Kim Hunter or Liza? Please forget I said anything. After invoking JJ, I actually got to work for the first time in a few months, On a stupid idea. An adult novel about a sentient animal companion to a hero of a great novel. And I think Kim Hunter was as good an actor as Judie's kid was a fracking trainwreck. Lot's of y'all know about knitting etc. Why is it when one buys a raglan tee-shirt does the body sink to nothingness on the first wash?
- I know something about football, from having played the game. I know how to be fast and hard, mean. You probably never played, so it really doesn't mean shit what you say, because you didn't do it.
- Whatever you think you
- Whatever you think you think. How do we look at this? You are a moron.
- For the trollish anti-Hagel whackjobs. Somebody that knows what he's talking about. And for anybody that wants to continue to run down Hagel, want to discuss Condi's mushroom cloud or Powell's Pottery Barn theory? The surge was bullshit and McCrabby makes a fool of himself hectoring Hagel over the failed policy. It was pure Bushit. Buying friends momentarily that disappeared overnight after the money was gone. Anybody with half a brain could see this coming. Dexter: And then there was Hal Greer's Isiah moment in the playoffs: Never happened to better fellows.
- Who exactly are GOPer constituents?
- Wit and wisdom, Earl Weaver.
- Great Deborah. I've decided a NYC trip is required. My second grandchild is due mid March in Boston so we'll head up for that and stop in the City on the way home. S has never been, and last time I was there, Frank Langella was doing Dracula. We went to a matine eafter a trip to MOMA to see the Starry Night and Guernica (The latter was on loan, and a major incentive to visit, for me. I was astounded at the size of both paintings.). Set design by Edward Gorey. Spectacular. Then dinner at One Fifth and Nina Simone at the Gate. No other city in the world
- The most common comment I've heard about the Obama skeet shooting photo sound a hell of a lot like the bullshit spouted by the wingnut Selectric experts when the Shrub AWOL papers came out. I've been taken skeet shooting, but them damn skeet are always too wily for me to bag 'em, it is sort of fun shooting shotguns, though I prefer the non-moving target provided by clumps of misteltoe. Could be a coyote. The tricksters do love to dance in moonlight. Could be raccoon, but pickings are so gras for urban coons, they run to obesity and probably don't do a lot of bounding. The Iraqi government was indeed set up to fail. US bought off the warlords in the insurgency during the "surge" to provide withdrawal cover, no matter what McCain says. After the money was gone, the Awakened Sunnis remembered de-Bathification and went back to revenge killing. US foreign policy has fucked with Iran and Iraq so much in the last six decades, it's like they were Cuba and the Dominican. Installing the Shah, arming both sides, including with chemical weapons, in a 10-year long war that killed at least 200,000 non-combatants, telling Saddam the lie to his face that the US did not care one way or another about Iraq's Kuwait grievances, being so painfully ignorant of the dynamics of Shia and Sunni Islam the moron neocons turned Iraq into a virtual fiefdom of Iran. Still, I'm sure Iraqis are glad Americans are gone. A synonym for Farago is hodgepodge. That guy sounds like he needs a Ron Jeremy email and some Cialis, oh and a blow-up doll like Dennis "Feck" Hopper's in River's Edge. To be fair, didn't all those GOPers like Dan Burton and St. Henry Hyde that were after Clinton's pelt have their subsequently revealed "youthful indiscretions" sometime after their fortieth birthdays? They just hadn't gotten their guns yet, I guess. I thought Wild Bill Syndrome was getting shot dead in Deadwood while holding Aces and Eights. The PTSD guy's victim probably meant well but gutdom, taking PTSD guy to a place likely to cause him to hallucinate and putting a weapon in his hand was monumental stupidity. In honor of yesterday's Harbowl, the Byliner website had a link to this excellent Cameron Crowe story on the Allmans, from 1973: In a better world, the Superdome power outage would have wiped out halftime. Beyonce has a fairly strong voice, but I've seen better dancing from cheerleaders at HS basketball games. As for the game, when the announcers and the postgame dissectors make so many excuse for the officials, the refs blew it. People on ESPN were talking about "non-catchable" after the 4th dow. Nobody said it was interference, it was defensive holding. Full-contact mugging 10 yards downfield from LOS. Automatic call. And no, I had no dog in the fight, although the apotheosizing of Ray Lewis will continue to turn my guts as long as it goes on. Actually on the Niners' final three offensive plays, Ravens committed PI, a flagrant helmet to helmet and holding. Shabby officiating, and the "at that point in the game" apologists are full of bull.
- I just got an email asking for a signature on an on-line petition about this: "They raped her... They raped her quicker than Mike Tyson raped that one girl... she is so raped." That's what a local man, who has been identified and is known to the media and police, said on camera about the now-infamous gang rape of a teenage girl by members of the Steubenville, Ohio high school football team last August. In the 12-minute video he is barely able to speak through his laughter.1 He also tweeted that night that "Song of the night is definitely Rape Me by Nirvana."2 The girl was carried, unconcious, to different parties and raped at multiple locations throughout the night. And the dozens of teens who were there didn't try to stop them, get help or call the police--instead they took photos and posted jokes about the attack on Twitter. Now, months later, local police are still dragging their feet and a special prosecutor has taken over the case. But only two people were arrested, and none of the teens who photographed or tweeted jokes about the crime have been held accountable. Despite the petitions, the protests, and the media attention, the sheriff announced that nobody else will be charged.4 The city even released a statement claiming that Ohio law gives them no recourse against people who took photos or posted comments online while the girl was attacked.5 But under Ohio law, failing to report a felony is a crime.6 And based on his 12-minute video, this man not only knew about the rape, but witnessed it.7 It's outrageous that local authorities are sweeping this under the rug--but it's not too late for the special prosecutors to charge him and others involved. Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine is paying attention to the media coverage and public outrage about this case, and UltraViolet has joined with NOW, Justice for Children, and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence to call on him to prosecute the man. Can you sign our petition that demands that DeWine prosecute anyone who knowingly failed to report the crime? Add your name. Last August, the 16-year-old girl and her parents found out she was raped the next day by reading about it on social networks and the local news.8 In recent weeks, Steubenville has been under a media spotlight while photos, videos, and posts to sites like Twitter and Instagram have surfaced. The crime was documented online in real time by teens on their phones.9 It's painfully clear that people were there, they knew about it, and some have even tried to cover it up after the fact. But months later, only two boys have been charged with the rape. More than 70,000 UltraViolet members have signed a petition to Attorney General Mike DeWine demanding that everyone involved be held accountable. And just this Saturday, hundreds of people rallied in downtown Steubenville to demand justice for the survivor--the third rally since December. But the town is divided, and many people are supporting their local football heroes and blaming the survivor for the crimes committed against her. We know the Attorney General is paying attention to the media scrutiny--just a few weeks ago, Ohio State University students delivered petitions to his office. He personally met with them to discuss the case and accept the 70,000 signatures from UltraViolet members. But we're running out of time to make sure that others involved are charged. The law is clear--in Ohio, it's a crime to knowingly fail to report a felony. Can you sign the petition to demand justice for the survivor? The petition link: It seems reasonable to me that GOPer assholes that want to blame violence in movies and video games for mass shootings can own shit like this on the rape law stylings of Akin and the Granny Starver and Rick Sanitarium.
- What happens when a book designer doesn't bother to read the book. Urban Rocky Raccoons thrive on the larders of Mickey D's dumpsters. They are fat and fearless. City rats are afraid of coons. That Steubenville rape: it seems obvious to me that some ofthe bastards could be charged with kidnapping, but there would be howling and gnashing of teeth if the FBI stepped in.
- Richard III, "that bottled spider, that foul bunchbacked toad" and modern day steeds? Reminds me of Donny's and his brothers' psychedelic foray: As Queen Meg says of Richard: Thou elvish-marked, abortive, rooting hog, Thou that wast sealed in thy nativity The slave of nature and the son of hell, Thou slander of thy heavy mother’s womb, Thou loathèd issue of thy father’s loins, Thou rag of honor, thou detested— There is a Richard III Society (England, after all) that has claimed for years that Shakes invented much of Richard's villainy and physical deformity to suck up to Elizabeth. Now the reports indicate scoliosis and a withered arm as indicators in deciding this skeleton is indeed the last Plantagenet king, along with the vicious sword wounds. The War of the Roses and the familial Plantagenet slaughter were recent enough history when the play was written that there were still festering political wounds. Nobody in sight, on the horizon, is likely to come remotely close to the greatness of Prince's halftime, but as long as Westerberg lives and breathes, I'm hoping for a Replacements reunion at the Super Bowl. That could be funny. No matter who they invite these days, I'm always thankful there is no more of that Up With America bullshinola. Birth of the new GOP populism. I thought immediately of the idiocy of corn ethanol subsidies and agrarian welfare when I heard the farm commercial yesterday. The other side of the story. Conflating modern American agribidness with Grant Wood family farming is a cheap redneck trick common in political propaganda. I was surprised by Bey's (what her friends call her these days, apparently) voice, but the dancing? Looked like the sort of "Hey caboose, we're on the loose" titty-bar dirty dancing thang that HS cheerleaders do, that get fundagelicals all dithered and sputtering, to me. *And what was Lindsey sitting on during that hearing? A wet spot on his velvet Blue Boy pants? And the murdered Princes are in a butt of malmsey. Clarence's body was found and is buried in Tewksbury with head intact, which gives credence to the drowning by wine story.
- The folks that did the DNA testing on the skeleton have an identifiable direct descendent of Richard Plantagenet for comparison. The likelihood of a true match is likely above the Ivory soap purity standard. When Shakespear wrote the play, much of the villainy he ascribed to Richard was also claimed by Richard's political defenders to have been committed by Tudors. I read an account that said that the corpse displayed a withered arm. I've now seen a photo, and the skeletal arms show no deformity. The scoliotic spine is unmistakable, though, and severe. I supppose this could be Piltdown King, but it seems authentic to me, from the deformed spine to the deep broadsword wounds to the DNA analysis. Hell, there are huge numbers of people that don't admit to the idea that the plays were written by W. Shakespeare of Stratford. Hell, many of those same people insist that God dictated the KJB directly to the secret Catholic Shakespeare and the public catamite Kit Marlowe. I always preferred Richard II to Richard III anyway. Since my very first NFL game in Tiger Stadium, I have always wished they would just have some HS or Pop Warner kids play football at halftime.
- Professional buffoon Rich Lowry was getting those old $Palin shivers up his backbone from Raygunite old fart Paul Harvey's recitativ" Years ago, I wrote a Paul Harvey parody for HS speech class, concerning the Pledge of Allegiance. Fish in a barrel. The "Rest of the Story" was the fact that the author of the Pledge, Francis Bellamy, was a Utopian Socialist, that Bellamy's colleagues' racism and sexism caused him to leave out the word "equality" from the "liberty and justice for all" part, that "under God" was an edit by the KofC in support of McCarthyism, and that Harvey himself had attempted to infiltrate the high security Argonne National Laboratory and escaped prosecution through the efforts of his BFF J. Ed Blowjob, who would have put the actual author of the Pledge in Club Fed in a heartbeat. I thought it was pretty funny at the time. Unfortunately, the speech teacher was a retired Marine Corps chaplain who held it against me for years. Bastard put me in Saturday jug a lot. Good one, Alex. I think they got that bit from Lord Larry. Mr. Carson played Hastings in that McKellan Richard III. Were Canadian pennies ever worth anything. Kids in Detroit back in the 60s insisted that only people from Hamtramck would bend over to retrieve a Canadian penny from the sidewalk. There was also a joke about a counterfeiter that mistakenly made some $9 bills. He took them to Hamtramck to try to pass them by asking for change and was asked "Three $3s alright?"
- New REd Bull F1 car. Video. I wondered whether the people that made that Godaddy ad tried to talk Danica Patrick into the kissing part. That was seriously revolting. Anheuser Busch could show the Clydesdales wallking highwires, I wouldn't buy the pissoir beer. I have neither purchased no used a BIC product since the Flic my Biic stewardess ads in the 60s. And always rooted against the Baron's yachts in America's Cup.
- I'd be willing to bet a bundle no professional athlete will manage to make more of an embarrassing spectacle of himself than injured Pat TE Rob Gronkowski does in these video. Maybe he's trying to get invited to live in the new Free Republic of Belle Isle. Good Lord, what a low rent dumbass. I'd find it pretty difficult to swallow that the Richard Plantagenet facial reconstruction owes nothing to this famous image.
- I don't know anything about the story but what's at Brian's link, but is there any evidence of actual criminal behavior bythat coach, other than some person that seems to have more than a couple of screws loose that snooped on his work computer? Have the cops been carrying on for 6 months without finding anything while letting the guy dangle under suspicion. From just that one news story, it sounds like this guy is getting the full boat Richard Jewell. Sure, the failure of the guy's pc to show up is suspicious, but that ain't evidence, and I get no clearer picture from that Fort Wayne story. DavidC@55: I bought my daughter a Hello Kitty 3/4 electric guitar when she was little. I don't think she would have enjoyed an AK nearly as much. Who was the female Congress critter that waved her pink Sig-Sauer around and ended up pointing it at a reporter? I think it was a gift from a lobbyist. And why are the gun nut NRA types so careless with guns so frequently in entirely inappropriate places? Every pol with a gun accidentally forgotten in carry-on luggage is always somebody with a straight A NRA report card.I'm thinking of painting the little HK tele clone with a Spiderman or Red Sox motif for my grandson. Susan@59: I think something that separates scientists form Fundaglicalictment science deniers lik Inhofe and the aholes that think Jesus rode T Rexes with western saddles is that scientists always admit to the possibility that reality may intrude on a theory. Gravity is only 100% in the observable universe, but scientists can countermand it within earth's atmosphere. Scientists don't really claim 100% surety about anything. But, with DNA it's generally at least 99 and 44 one hundredths sure. There has been "peer review" about climate change and global warming, and it represents the most incompetent, venal, dishonest "science", ever bought by corporatist behemoths. Bjorn Lomborg, ya know. Objections to the Richard Skellington findings may well have to do with the iron Roman arrow that dates BC. The whole shebang isn't even 6000 years old.
- Ms. Wallis is capable of becoming a great actress if she chooses. And anybody that hasn't seen Beasts of the Southern Wild yet, it's available for rent, online and maybe otherwise. One of the best movies I've seen in a long time, and a remarkabloriginal feat of imagination. Jennifer Lawrence will probably win the Oscar. She was excellent in a very good movie. But if I could vote, I'd vote for Quvenzhane. And whoever did her hair for that photo op was clearly thinking of Shirley Temple. My understanding of modern-day German attitudes towards their grandparents' and parents'complicity in the horrors of the concentration camps is influenced directly by the novels of Gunter Grass, who is sometimes ambivalent about it, when he isn't blaming it on his forbears. Grass is the prophet not recognized in his own land, despite being one of the 20th Cenuty's greatest writers.His attitude about what he would have doneseems to me to be expressed in Oskar's throwing himself headfirst into the cellar to prevent himself from ever growing up, avoidance. Having taken a few severe police beatings over civil rights and in Grant Park over the Vietnam War, I tell myself I would have resisted the Nazis in some way. Sugar in Panzer fuel tanks sounds good. Works on earth moving equipment. Wells Fargo shut down my debit card on a Friday pm a few weeks ago, based mainly, I guess, on my wastrel Christmas spending. An entire weekend without any means of buying anything. I've got a couple of Benjamins taped to the bottom of a desk drawer now, in case the aholes do it again. This should not be a problem. I use the signature method for purchases with the card. Vendors are supposed to check the signature against the card. When was the last time that happened? For me, it was several years ago in a Hallmark shop. I had to answer a bunch of questions about what I bought when to get the card restored to use. A severe pain in my ass. One more reason to change banks. WF is a major robosigning foreclosure culprit anyway. I'd say that whatever makes a martyr is all on the books by the time the killing happens. Happy anniversary, Blizzard of '78. We've got a framed print of the Minot Lighthouse photo, and I still have an "I survived…" Tshirt. Damn, that was an adventure I'm glad I didn't miss. Thank God for Molson Golden and Old Mr. B cherry brandy.
- I don't know about making the Dachau villagers bury the concentration camp victims. Didn't Raygun say he did that?
- Even for FuxNews, Steve Dooshey is a gaping asshole: Ashley Judd vs. Turdblossom and Senator Yertle:
- When afflicted by an earworm, I find singing this to myself a few times rids me of the annoyance: This is a brilliant cabinet appointment. I've been an REI member for a long time, and this woman is outstanding. If you buy outdoor gear and don't at least check REI, you're probably wasting money on inferior goods. What will the GOPers find fault with? This shit about cutting Saturday mail service pisses me off immensely. More privatization voodoo from the GOP. requiring USPS to fund pension and health care 75 years in advance is the political equivalent of malicious little boys pulling wings off of flies and burning ants with magnifying glasses. Let's see Fed Ex do that and operate within the USPS price schedule. On William Blake, don't forget he provided Jim Morrison and Robbie Krieger with the name for their band: If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern. ― William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell And the story of the Blakes entertaining themselve at home? Sounds to me like they were eating bread that harbored rye ergot. I wonder if drive-through ashes come with a PowerPoint presentation on a laptop. And doesn't Our Miss Brooks come dangerously close to Ted Stevens buffoon territory in that column?
- Dead Man is a very fine movie indeed. Directed by Jim Jarmusch, one of his best. Cast also includes Iggy Pop, Crispin Glover, Gabriel Byrne, John Hurt, Alfred Molina, Robert Mitchum, Billy Bob Thornton, Steve Buscemi. That's a fascinating assemblage in any movie. Crispin Glover is worth the price of admission in anything he's in, although he'll always carry the creepy baggage of River's Edge. I started reading William Blake with The Tyger and was captivated by Blake's drawings as well as the simple elegant formality of his poetry. I realize that many believe that the Doors were named for the Aldous Huxley book, but I stick with the William Blake reference based upon statements by the Lizard King himself.
- Am I hearing the RAM ad incorrectly or does it start out with Paul Harvey saying God looked down on his "planned paradise"? So God's a commie with a plan for a centrally directed socialist Utopia? And Bobo Brooks needs to learn that data is plural and takes a plural verb form. Six years of Latin and that crap really bugs me . The data is? The media is? Come on, NYT must employ editors that are better educated than Bobo. Ione Skye's full name is Ione Skye Leitch. She's the daughter of Donovan "Cosmic Wheels" Leitch, spiritual descendant and fellow traveller of William Blake.
- Two new books I'm anticipating enthusiastically: Ribald Woody Guthrie novel, and One last Maurice Sendak, another modern William Blake incarnation if there ever was one.
- According to IMDb, Ione Skye's first movie was...tada...River's Edge. I also thought River's Edge was very good, but it sure was depressing as far as kids these days are concerned.
- Yeah, the singer was estranged from Ione and her brother, also named Donovan Leitch, but she used her surname in her first few movie roles at least, which is why I was aware of the relationship. I read the credits, invariably. After he spit with their mother Donavan married someone else and has been married for about 40 years with two new daughters. One of them is named Astrella (you can take the boy out of hippiedom, but you can't take the hippy out of the boy), and Astrlla decided to wage a campaign to bring the entire extended family back together: I was always a Donovan fan, from the first time I heard Colours, beautiful finger style guitar playing and better than average poetic lyrics. What I really liked were his electric jazzy and psychedelic electric tunes like Hurdy Gurdy Man and Atlantis, and Riki Tiki Tavi (which, strangely, comes across as something like a Libertarian anthem). What I thought made Dead Man magical was having the mistaken identity of this William Blake made by an American Indian ESOL speaker. Here's a very good trailer for the movie: I also really like Down By Law, which is free online with a HuluPlus subscription. A great Tom Waits performance.. Dead Man bears a resemblance to Luis Bunuel desert movies, I think. I first watched Dead Man because the cast is astounding, and I'll watch anything with Robert Mitchum, Johnny Depp, or Gabriel Byrne. All three in one movie. Must see. Funny comment from that Anne of Green Gables page: This book is supposed to be Anne Of Green Gables NOT Anne Does Green Gables!
- And watch this terrible two shoot hoops: Probably being recruited already.
- Preventative and orientate were setting my teeth on edge long before the internet. If anybody that isn't doing some sort of George Clooney Soggy Bottom Boys impersonation says ironical in my presence, I'm cutting back immediately to listening to every third word out of that mouth. Now, people typing "loose" for "lose" and "looser" for "loser"? That's all on the internet. And "methinks" did not need a resurrection in modern English, especially when it becomes "me thinks". Godawmighty, that's grating. But the "loosers" that can't spell "lose" represent Broken English incarnate, and not in a good way. That Best ever with the periods thing? I always took that to be a written valley girlism. And the obfuscatory jargon? I have been calling that Architect-speak my entire adult working life (no offense intended to anyone). When an architect is asked to state what s/he thinks, affirmatively, s/he will invariably "suspect". Drives me crazy. It's as if they teach it in architecture school, retaining plausible deniability for when something goes to shit. "Less people" is a sure sign of tin-ear ignorance. And the day "infer" is accepted as a synonym for "imply", I'm retiring from the agora. Guys that posted embarrasing pics of exes on a website? Those women should have made sure to get photos of the pindicks undoubtedly behind the scurrilous attacks. As David Niven famously said of the Oscar streaker: "just exhibiting his shortcomings". Surely there is a statute under which those peckerwoods can be prosecuted, especially if they published identifying information. And the website and its host should have no legal way to avoid giving full aid and information to law enforcement.
- The name of the guy that owns that Packard Plant building, the cheapskate that doesn't pay his care-taker and requires him to pay utility charges, reminded me of this immortal line from the gloriously twisted What's Up Tiger Lily? "It's Wing Fool, you fat! I mean Wing Fat, you fool!" Beb: Awful way to start the day. Wise decision not to go for the gun. What exactly is the message for the revenge porn douchebags? I used to be lucky enough that this woman let me take pictures of her naked. But I was so inadequate in the sack and such a dick out of it, she won't have anything to do with me anymore. Now I'm a sorry POS trying to take revenge on the internet. Is that it? Pam@8: A few years ago, NYC paid a bundle to a sloganeering company to come up with "You gotta have Arts." John Houseman was not amused by the pop lyrics reference. Kingsfield said the correct usage and grammar should be "You must have the Arts." Just a missing "e" by typo, Danny. Forebears is a perfectly good word for ancestors or forefathers. Hardly tragic.
- Charlotte @ 15: Barb Wire is a nearly memorable high spot on Pam Anderson's resume: And mint for tea and juleps. Meyer lemon recipes: We had all-day crepuscule yesterday, with thunder and lightning. Today is bright as a new coin, calm and nearly warm. Bicycle weather. Crepuscular is an excellent word, as are lots of weather words like boreal and austral. Sitting Bulls. Made my day.
- Annie @34: Agreed about English plural forms for some Latin words. Data, though is plural, and trying to make it work with a singular verb form sounds stupid. If you want to use the singular verb, just say "information", because most likely datum isn't going to fit. If anything, the misuse of plural verbs with "media" is more egregious. "The media is" sounds dumb as Shrub, no matter who says it. Wallah? Excruciating. Alcoholic Synonymous. That V, in Fronch, is still a V, it's not German, although most modern Latin scholars believe the Romans pronounced V as we do W. They also think that Cs all had hard pronunciations, except in the case of double Cs, in which the second was sibilant (as flaccid, which is not flassid in English, but flaksid.) I have no idea how they figure this out. The "tow/toe the line" bit, I always thought, makes sense either way, with "tow" evoking a mental image of a mule trudging down the path next to the Olde Erie Canal, and "toe" referring to volunteering for dangerous duty. A boss of mine years back had his hair cut every two weeks at a salon called Crown of Glory. Made me snicker every time I heard him make a reservation. Chomp vs. champ may result from differences in regional pronunciation. I just saw a photo of a homemade sign in Massachusetts that says "Wicked Stawm comin'!"
- Jolene, I know it's supposed to be "toe" but I've never seen an opinion on the term I'd consider definitive. It's not in Mencken's The American Language, nor in Ted Bernstein's The Careful Writer (I don't think, someone has stolen my copy). All I meant is that I give the "towers" the benefit of the doubt, especially when so many of the "toers" explain by discussing starting lines, which explanation makes no sense whatever. The line referred to, I figure is a spot where military personnel are expected to present in rank for inspection, and strict (blind) adherence to rules, regulations and political litmus tests is what is expected.
- I was taken aback the first time I heard "the clothes need washed", or, more likely, worshed.
- My ex and I employed a wonderful au pair when my daughter was little, who used the term "beats me all to heck". We were mystified when Emily started to say "beats me on the neck", until one of us heard Elizabeth utter the former. I have heard gazebo slaughtered by people that should obviously know better in Architectural meetings. And some hilarious versions of clerestory (as a four-syllable word). When I was young, the word lapel caused me trouble. it just looked like a long A in an accented syllable to me, and if I were reading it aloud, I'd invariably pronounce it that way. By the rules, Lay'pull makes more sense with the single P.
- ROGirl@69: Just lie down on your chase lounge with some orderves until the vapors pass. Little Bird@65: I had a very good friend in Grad School that asked me to look over a paper for him and he had used that phrase. I explained it to him over a few beers at happy hour.
- That whack murderer cop is one of the well-trained good guys with guns the NRA wants guarding grammar schools, right? Little Bird's plaintive tale of love shot to shit by grammar brings up what might be the most interesting aspect of this discussion. When someone you love habitually get's something flat wrong, what the hell do you do? If I'm the one making the error, I want to be told immediately. Just had some new dress shirts delivered via UPS from LLBean. Bean people have figured out how to fold and package the shirts without using straight pins. I say this is a glorious achievement. I have been held up at gunpoint, on an abandoned MBTA right-of-way in Dorchester MA. I could identify the kid with the gun to this day, but I did feel detached from the actuality at the time. I was carrying two six-packs of import Red Stripe and had about $800 on me, but in a variety of pockets. The gun didn't show up until I was pummeling the original accoster on the ground. I did recognize the gun pointed at me as a Tec-9, probably from having watched New Jack City. I don't recall being scared. Couldn't say why. Scared shitless and shaking afterward, for hours. I wear a ring that my dad's parents brought here from Norway, gold with three large garnets. The kid with the gun demanded the ring and I told him it hadn't come over that knuckle in 10 years. He suggested he'd cut off my finger. I told him start sawing and I'd kill him before he got the ring. In the end, they let me go for 8 bucks from one pocket and 6 brewskis. The biggest one of these hoodlums wasn't 5-9, a buck40. Back then, without the gun, I could have done serious damage. I had been enjoying a nice summer evening watching park league baseball, and these ahole thugs had fucked that up. I'm sure my idiotic bravado came from my knowledge of how much cash I had on me, and unwillingness to give it up. I probably owed it for tuition at the time. Very strange occurrence. Happy you are OK Beb. I was also shot once, breaking up a fight where it looked like some squirrelly little sumbitch was being victimized. Guy I thought I was saving put a .22 round through my calf. Asshole. Turns out Hubba had built himself a stone turret with a 50 cal in the woods., and had already shot at somebody that evening.Patched up by my dad's peds practice partner and he never said a word. Once had a maniac in the Back Bay swing a machete directly at my forehead (is that spelled right Danny?), but the blade intersected with a doorpost before it reached my skull. Why? God only knows. Guy was named Fenway Dick and he was raging insane Vietvet. When he swung the machete the second time, he nearly amputated his own foot. My bud Stew and I were tripping like warriors when this all happened. We only went there in the first place because my ol' college roomie was known to roll his own and he owed me about $20. We were looking for smokes. Fenway Dick's dog was a fierce German Shephard named Palladin, because, as Dick said, baddest name I could think of.
- ROGirl: In Litttle Rock, it was hee-yill and hi-ouse. My parents were transplants for NYC (well my mom was from way, way upstate) and they found this like braying to the ears of 'Enry 'iggins. I think regional speech is marvelous. Like my old friend Regis used to say (he drove a Porssche with no license or registration. It's about a buck two eighty. I believe he has never been caught to this day.
- Don't quite get that shit Danny? Look dumbass, give me a break. If you bring my dad into this, you can kiss my ass. In the long run, I am smarter than you are. Who the hell cares?
- Kate Upton has some gigunda jugs and a very pretty face. For some reason, people hold that against her. what is wrong with people? I never saw the deal about big boobs in the first place. I aways thought realistic teats were more attractive
- Broke up before we hung up. Write the song keedo. total momentum-changer Gave Ray Lewis time to consider his crimes against humanity? That guy is a dick. And common law is just fine by us, in Yiddische-speak. My favorite headline ever: Goober-nor Brewski. What a gaping ahole. Making fun of an apparently nice, nice-looking and successful young woman like Kate Upton because she has large breasts that jiggle nicely, like a bowlful of jell-o seems catty to me. For all anybody knows, she might be conversant in physics or string theory, or she might know what the numbers meant on Lost. Give the babe a break.
- Porkpie Hat music, for Heisenberg and Deborah's husband: A great Mingus combo, with Gerry Mulligan on sax.
- That is one my favorite movies ever Dexter. When I was a kid, there was a place in Bloomfield Hills where my parents took us for breakfast after Sunday Mass. Round Midnight was on the jukebox and I played it repeatedly. Another fine jazz movie is Clint Eastwood's Bird with Forrest Whitaker playing Charlie Parker, in an amazing performance. That guy is a brilliant actor. There is an enjoyable Monica Bellucci movie called Malena on Netflix streaming. Sort of an Amarcord knockoff, but quite worthwhile and Bellucci is very good in it. It's got all the ingredients that make for good Italian movies.
- Here's a relatively straight-ahead version of Round Midnight by Wes Montgomery: Subtly soulful, astonishing technique. There is also an amazing sax solo version by Michael Brecker on YouTube. I'm sure the version I heard first was a Monk combo.
- Bemusing sports story: I've seen Dougie play baseball, at SS, and he's good, but he's almost as old as I am. Of course, there is always Flutie to Phelan:
- How did John Mayer damage his vocal chords. Gettin' funky on Your Body is a Wonderland? Gag.
- Shrub's paintings: I thought Incurious George was practicing his Karla Faye Tucker mockery voice in the mirror in the shower. The Kennebunkport Church painting? W goes full Kincade. The bizarre part, for me, was that he was sending those bathing pictures to his sister. Creepy. Last night's installment of Downton was the best ever: Cousin Isobel got in some great lines on the Dowager, and who's the strumpet? Edith's green and white outfit was excellent in the scene in which she learned the improbable story of her own Mr. Rochester. I think the original intentions of HOAs had to do with enforcing codicils against selling property to black and Jewish people, so surprise, surprise. I recently got shit from my HOA for displaying a Special Olympics decal and a Sierra Club decal in a window. Funny, nowhere in the rules is this precluded, and lots of people have those phony-ass Sheriffs' Association stickers, which indicate chiefly you've allowed yourself to be blackmailed by a phone call from alleged law enforcement.
- Excellent Oliver Sacks essay on memory, plagiarism, torture. I always thought Howard Stern (separated at birth from Slash, proof that Cousin Itt had sex at least once) commenting on another's unattractiveness was the height of self-delusional hilarity. Does that guy own a mirror?
- Dorner in Big Bear is starting to sound like Eric Rudolph in the Smokies.
- I thought the L'Oservatore Romana interview of Lazlo Toth by Fr. Sarducci was pretty funny. Fr. Sarducci: Lazlo Tothe. You smashed the Pieta, a beloved sculpture, with a hammer. How could you do such a thing? Lazlo Toth: Eh. It's a job.
- I read this twice, and I still don't get what the BFD is. WSJ expose regarding In Cold Blood. Seems like much ado about next to nothing. Given the source, I wonder whether or not it's not just mainly some Truman Capote antithesis toward the druggy gay liberal wild child. In what conceivable way would the writer claim this diminishes Capote's achievement? I thought The Executioner's Song was a superior book, but In Cold Blood was undeniably riveting. There is a very good book called The Pope's Rhinoceros about papal dirty politics, wars, and various hijinks and peccadilloes in the 16th Century: Written b;y Lawrence Norfolk, who also wrote the great Lempriere's Dictionary. Those Grammy dress photos? Beyonce's dress is nice. Katy Perry's is nauseating. Adele looks like a parlor sofa. Florence Welch looks like she raided David Bowie's attic. Taylor Swift looks like she's playing Athena in a cheesy late 50s Hercules movie. And who in the world is Maria Menounos? I read this twice, and I still don't get what the BFD is. WSJ expose regarding In Cold Blood. Seems like much ado about next to nothing. Given the source, I wonder whether or not it's not just mainly some Truman Capote antithesis toward the druggy gay liberal wild child. In what conceivable way would the writer claim this diminishes Capote's achievement? I thought The Executioner's Song was a superior book, but In Cold Blood was undeniably riveting. The Sessions got lost in the crowd this year, but it's excellent. Filled with generosity of spirit and great acting, and surprisingly loaded with funny lines about a somewhat sad situation. Definitely worth renting.
- Paddy'o@69: Shouldn't the new Pope be wearing diapers?
- John Mayer's sartorial decision probably indicates he's realized that no adult earth woman is ever buying his bullshit again. Shrub's painting reminds me of his infamous Lump in the Bed poem, as related by his wife:
- Snagged that trestle picture for my desktop. Very cool. Pirate songs by a very rum crew: Starting with Tom Waits duetting with Keef, Shane McGowan, Iggy Pop, Mrs. Fred "Sonic" Smith and a whole host o' ne'er-do-wells.
- The resignation of the Pope has certainly been big news this week, but as a Catholic I am not affected by it one bit. American Catholics gave up listening to the Pope a long time ago, with contraception being the straw. When the "Princes of the Church" decided to fast-track J2P2 to canonization instead of the more obviously saintly John XXIII, they lost my ass completely. When the Vatican shunned and censured Liberation Theology activists, they failed to support basic Catholic and Christian truths. Human education in modern times is based upon a single discipline: reading for understanding. American culture ceased to include a reading cultural habit a llong time ago, despite the rise of the serial chapter books. I'vew mentioned before that the first novel I read was The Mysterious Island, which I'd say is a damn sight more challenging than a Twilight book. Not to be crabby gramps, but Madden on the Gameboy may foster drone operating skills, but it does nothing for critical thinking. The situation is exacerbated by dumbass shit like this:, and the mindless trope that there is a business model for every sort of human endeavor. I mean, how soul-killingly stupid is that fracking idea? I say, teach Latin in 7th grade if higher test scores are desirable. Supporting teachers rather than scapegoating them and trying to employ them on the cheap might be an intelligent approach, too. As far as vouchers and charter schools are concerned, both programs are invariable designed and operated by GOPers as a means to providing middle and upper class welfare and avoiding teaching actual science. The aim is to do to public schools what the 75-year out funding law is doing to USPS. A question, and I'm not going to say any more on the subject. Other than Awlaki, is there another "US citizen" that has been executed summarily? I mean, he seems to be it, and if you move to Yemen and join Al Quaeda, seems to me you effectively renounced your citizenship. I'm not talking about any other aspect of the drone killings, just this "killing Americans without due process" meme that is being promoted as if somebody sitting at home in Hahira is about to be taken out by remote control, just before ATF jack-booted thugs sieze all his gunzandammo. At best, this idea is being grossly misrepresented by people that didn't find anything wrong with Shock and Awe at the beginning of Shrub's illegal invasion of Iraq: That probably ran up a collateral damage toll it would take decades or centuries of drone attacks to equal. t
- LAMary@15 Congratulations to your keedo. That's a serious and admirable achievement. The focused nature of those class units will stand him in good stead when it comes to thinking critically, for himself.
- Regarding the fracking of the GOP as described by Borden@24. I've a vivid mental image of a buncha Tejas fundagelicalictment Teabangers bing ecposed to Wango Tango or Cat Scratch Fever at high volume. Hard to believe any of them would ever support Stockman again. Part of the incentive behind No Child was the Shrub family bad apple Marvin's business ventures into canned educational programming. It legislated a niche. And taking Graeco-Roman wrestling out of the Olympics is a terribly lame thing to do. Maybe if they changed it to singlet and olive oil optional as it was at the original games, it would garner a bigger following. Better than those MMA beefcakes in their short-shorts 50's Jantzen nylon trunks pantomiming 69. Unfortunately, I'd bet that cutting wrestling from the Olympics is connected to the disappearance of NCAA wrestling programs in the US to meet Title IX requirements. And before anybody attacks that surmise, I support Title IX completely, but somebody should have thought of including provisions for the size of football teams, which, of course, generally pay for the other sports. But cutting men's programs in cross country, wrestling, gymnastics, etc. to reach dumbass numerical equality can't possibly be what the original Title IX crusaders had in mind, unless they were more misanthropic than idealist.
- I'm not an expert on Bush-ed, but I have read the law and followed its history as legislation by education czar, and it's my opinion the damage has been done by slipshod legal language and misadministration. And claiming Teddy Keennedy as a co-author? bills have co-sponsors, and Teddy signed on to the disaster that was airline deregulation, too. And Mark, a few links in, your Obama Administration blueprint is talking about an overhaul of assessment tools (testing) that represent a sea-change from Shrub-era policies: We will support the development and use of a new generation of assessments that are aligned with college- and career-ready standards, to better determine whether students have acquired the skills they need for success. New assessment systems will better capture higher-order skills, provide more accurate measures of student growth, and better inform classroom instruction to respond to academic needs.>/i> I'd trust Arne Duncan on this farther than I could throw Michelle Rhee, or anybody Shrub had on board. And nobody claimed Shrub's education policies were evil, just incompetent. He used up his reservoir of evil blowing up Sadr City, handing the keys to the defense bank account to Halliburton, letting the Wall Street banks run scot-free, and enforcing the death penalty. Sitll, evil as he ever was, W was always Wormwood to Dickless' Screwtape.
- Mark @45: Not all testing is equal. Or maybe it's all equal but some tests are more equal than others. And While no Bushie would admit W fucked anything up beyond all recognition, plenty of Obama supporters are dissatisfied with his policies in some areas. Your attempt at sarcasm is another example of GOPer equivalency derangement syndrome. Remember the ludicrous US attorney layooffs by the Shrub misAdministration. The job interviews for their replacements began with "Do you consider yourself a loyal Bushie?" Because the people they were replacing wouldn't pursue bogus legal action against Dems and in the interest of voter suppression when directed to do so by Kommissar Karl Turdblossom. My last full load teaching, I had a block-scheduled (7:30 am, 1hr.-45min., first 15 min. coffee and donuts)AP anatomy class with only eight kids in it. I tested with essay-take homes and the result was terrific. These kids were as jaded as anybody would expect from a bunch of privileged kids from gated communities (one firecracker ringer from the ghetto development). Grading those exams was a treat, and the student's comments and my responses made my day. Parents actually questioned my method and complained to the principal. How would the kids learn if they could use references. My response: They were learning to think. When I was in HS, Algebra II included Trig. Thank God for that, since the trig tables have come in handy so many times hence over the years. Those extrapolations have pulled my ass out of a fire many, many times. But gutdom, how I hated that shit in school.
- Well, every one of those kids got AP credit the next fall at college and every one of them wrote to let me know about it. We did spend a lot of time on the nervous system. And I was interrogated about past pharmaceutical experiences.
- Thanks Jolene. Great link. I had forgotten about the Sikh Temple shooting, I'm ashamed to say. And there will be wingnuts bitching about Valerie Jarret being there. I love that there is a guest representing craft brewing: that is serious entrepreneurship. And though the critics say such jobs are non-existent, there is a green job success story. And of course, Mrs. Obama and Dr. Biden are a formidably accomplished pair of women. I wonder if Nugent is bringing a 12 year old date per his abnormal predatory predilection. If they cut to Dorner, I'm hoping he's in a white Bronco with AC Cowlings at the wheel. And I'd cast Ving Rhames as Dorner, while wishing that Isaac Hayes was still around for the part (based upon his brilliant turns as Gandolph Fitch in Rockford episodes).
- Message from Seator Elizabeth Warren about her SOTU guest: Every senator is allowed to bring one guest to the gallery of the President's State of the Union Address. My guest tonight will be Kim Odom. I've known Kim for a year or so. She is the pastor of True Vine Assembly Church in Dorchester, along with her husband, Ron. They have five great children and two beautiful grandchildren. On October 4, 2007, Kim's 13-year-old son Steven was walking home with a group of friends after playing basketball. But Steven didn't make it home that night. A gang member mistook one of Steven's friends for a rival gang member. Just steps away from the Odom family's front door, Steven was shot and killed. Like so many mothers and fathers across the country, Kim and Ron Odom never thought that this kind of tragedy would happen to them. Kim asks why her innocent son was killed, and she also asks why gun violence is allowed to take so many of our children. Kim has turned her grief into action. She is an advocate for violence intervention and prevention, and came to Washington, D.C. today as a supporter of Demand A Plan, a campaign of Boston Mayor Tom Menino's organization Mayors Against Illegal Guns. She has told Steven's story to bring attention to gang violence, mental health and easy access to firearms. Kim is determined to work for changes that will keep our children safer. I'm grateful for Kim's work, and I'm inspired by her courage. And I'm very honored that she has accepted my invitation to the State of the Union. When you listen to the President tonight, I hope you'll think about Kim and Ron and other mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters. Gun violence isn't an abstraction that happens to other people. It happens in our communities to our children, and we owe it to our children to do a better job of protecting them. And with that, I say that anybody that claims 100% background checks infringe on 2nd Amendment rights, fuck you and learn how to read. Look up "well" and "regulated" in a dictionary and copy out thedefinitions until the phrase is etched into your shit for brains.
- Amazing Dorner play by play. Drudge says the big concern for law enforcement is to prevent Dorner from dying on camera. Says it would cause rioting in LA, where the black populace is rooting for Dorner. Jesus, what an asshole that guy is.
- Was it just me and my bias, or did Rubio seem to be fighting bad cases of both meth mouth and flop sweats? He was sweating like Albert Brooks in Broadcast News: Which reminds me of another tubism that drives me nuts: using the noun "bias" as an adjective, as in "Me thinks, I'm not bias, your bias." Thousands of times daily on the internets. Of course Rubio's main problem was that anything remotely specific in his "rebuttal" was a phantom rebuttal because he guessed wrong about what the President would hit on, and was unwilling to or incapable of changing on the fly. That guy was talking-to-your-dad-while-stoned-to-the-gills nervous. Then there are his egregious representations about his freedom fighting family's flight from Cuba. I too have done substitute teaching in the short bus classroom. But on a happier note, here's a link to the website of a wheelchair-bound, paraplegic former student, Sunaura "Sunny" Taylor, who was never relegated to special ed classes. Instead, she excelled in AP classes and has made an impressive way in the world. Check Sunny's CV, and the trailer for Imagined Life, a movie by Sunny's sister Astra. My favorite internet moment ever was coming across this young woman on Google. She's awe-inspiring.
- Fascinating essay on Charles Mingus. Apparently, Mingus was crazier than Miles Davis. I love NYRB. Rep. Oompa's painfully evident dyspepsia when the President brought up vote suppression was hilarious. He squirmed as if he may have sharted when the Pres called for his and RMoney's campaign lawyers to run the discussion. Hilarious. We looked at Aqua Buddha for a minute without audio. Who would vote for this twat for anything at all. Cunt. a new generation of Cubans who see themselves as full-fledged Americans and not refugees in exile And Rubio has dissembled consistently about his parents' departure from Cuba. Truth is, his parents were smarter than their rich compatriots and saw the handwriting on the hacienda muro for the evil dictator Batista. They got out early and were among the initial looters of Cuban wealth. His misrepresentations will come back to haunt his twitchy ass. Funniest thing about the water bottle lunge was his ridiculous attempt to maintain eye contact. And he looked like a frog bagging bugs with his sticky tongue for much of the address: When it gets down to it, everyone is flying by the seat of their pants. Because the credit card invasions and occupations, the PhARMA welfare giveaway, cum the unaffordable tax cuts FUBARed everything in unprecedented ways. GOPers won't admit to this, because to do so would be admitting they were out to 86 the government and the country altogether. Boner was discomfitted by the President's mention of past jobs bills sent to the House, because he personally kept them from floor votes in favor of voting 35 times in the last Congressional term to repeal ACA. The bastards' wages should be garnished and the costs of their Caddy health care should be clawed back. Fuckers have failed to do their jobs, jobs, jobs. And Smoking Man Boner knows it.
- American polcy towards Cuba has been loony for a long time, mostly because of GOPers that bought into a Western Hemisphere domino theory aimed at Brownsvill, Tejas for decades, and fueled by the Castro-hating Cuban American's that benefitted greatly from the delusional policy. Those people are the remnants of the supporters of the murderous Batista kleptocracy, and represent a generation of rich as Croesus Cubanos that got the hell out of Didel's way and took all of the wealth, which of course made them naturals for inclusion in the GOP big tent. And I don't think I said anything about Rubio's parents and immigrant status, but calling them refugees is a dishonor and disservice to actual refugees that flee their countries with nothing. When Rubio starts inveighing against "amnesty" for immigrants, he is a whited sepulcher that must gild his parents flight from the revolucion. Phony as hell. Why shouldn't everybody get the open arms welcome your family did, Sen. Tweaker? "Government school monopoly"? Horseshit. Does teaching creationism instead of science represent accountability to students? Ayn Rand instead of Mark Twain? Phony fundagelical theology instead of philosophy and comparative religions? I don't think so, especially when it ends up being a welfare program for the well off.
- Regarding GOPer voters against extending VAWA. Their objection is that the bill has been modified to provide protections specifically for same-sex partners, native Americans, and immigrants. How's that last one workin' for ya, Marco? And for everybody that read that NYT mag article Nancy linked recently, an entire brilliant legal strategy for getting justice and healing for victims of kiddie porn resides in VAWA, so a vote against renewing the Act is a vote to protect kid pornographer's pocketbooks. Sounds like a Larry Craig eruption for the GOP to me. Or maybe, they're protecting RMoney's rapist bundler Mittens was pallin' around with. Voting no on this is shameless bullshit. What sort of shitheel votes for anybody that voted against VAWA again, ever?
- What's in the thought balloon over Nugent's head in that photograph sitting next to the gay guy: Anybody that employs the term “government school monopoly”, is the sort of dumb as grunt asshole that thinks it's clever to refer to the Democrat Party. Fracking lame.
- Sherri@28: It's a matter of absolute faith among Raygunistas that Head Start was money down the drain on the offspring of cadillac driving welfare mothers that spent the change from their food stamps on cigs and vodka. It's a shibboleth for true believers on the right. Here's what I got, Jeff: Whatever that means. Back in HS, we used to use Ritalin recreationally. Can't for the life of me figure out what we thought was fun about it. The test doesn't ask about my likely indicative ADHD behavior: watching three or four TeeVee shows at once, without split-screen. Just received UPS with the Maurice Sendak book: Extremely beautiful. And I'd like to see somebody do something about the Robber Baron power and energy monopoly before the government school monopoly is addressed.
- Westminster photos. My favorite was the doggie du Bordeaux. One of my brothers has a german short hair named Jamie that used to live with my mom and dad. The fox terrier with the half black, half white face is cool, reminds me of Frank Gorshin on Star Trek, but shouldn't his right ear be white? Not very impressed with Banana Joe. The lady handler in the tight cream suit had an impressive pair of glutei maximi. Prodigious, in fact.
- You got me wrong, Brian. I just found it amusing to watch this dreadnought woman, straight out of Rubens, in a Kardashian-tight skirt, prancing around MSG with fluffy haired rat dogs.
- I'd bet years of smoking chronic kept my ADD potential low.
- Comparatively speaking, Portlandia is the sociocultural criticism icepick to Girls' blunt object. And Carrie Brownstein seems a helluva lot sharper than Lena Dunham to me. I mean really. Dunham's whiny Little Furniture or Sleater Kinney's The Woods. Wonderful TeeVee news. The Americans got way better suddenly last night when the protagonist KGB couple needed a new handler and Mags Bennet showed up. Of course, Margo Martindale's character's first act was to convince people to trust her with the life of an innocent and sympathetic woman, who she, naturally, immediately murdered. This woman is a great actor that enhances every cast she joins. Nobody does grandmotherly evil as well, although I'd like to see Anjelica Huston in roles like this. And last night's epsode of SVU was an amazing and pulled something original. Marcia Gay Harden has played a recurring role over the years as an FBI agent. In this episode, an entirely different past was revealed, and Harden's performance was electrifying. I've been a fan since she played the corporate fixer on Damages, but this one was extraordinary. I have no problems with revenge by roman a clef, but if there is a third party involved, particularly a kid, it's pretty transgressive. Still, the Shawns, pere et fils sound like assholes it's hard to feel sorry for. You will have to back up and reread many of the sentences here just to be certain that she isn’t, in some regard, attempting satire. That's about as elegant a boot up the ass as a reviewer can land.
- Dorothy@14: Have you read Farley Mowat's Never Cry Wolf? Excellent book, and you might get some tips for Dances With Coyotes.
- Congratulations on an impressive achievement Joe. Never Cry Wolf was made into a very good movie, with spectacular nature photography, with Charles Martin Smith (who was also in Starman), directed by Carrol Ballard, who also directed The Black Stallion and Fly Away Home. So much for the Pistorius worship from the last Summer Games. He's turned into Phil Specter. Talk about embarrassed animals. Started the Woody Guthrie novel House of Earth, last night. Finished the long and beautifully written introduction by Douglas Brinkley and Johnny Depp. Woody was obsessed with the idea of adobe houses as a way of circumventing villainous banks and robber timber barons.
- I could see what was coming in the SVU ep, but knowledge of the Dana character from past episodes kept me watching. She had been to hell and back with Benson and Stabler a few times, inluding getting Elliot blowed up. The "interview" scenes between Hargitay and Harden were very well written and acted, and the twist was unusual for network primetime, especially what was on opposite. Dogass comedies and disgusting Survivor. (And who in God's name still watches that inane, repulsive reality shit?) SVU is past its tipping point, but its still capable of delivering the goods sometimes. One surefire way to ignite an episode is to focus on the gifted actor Tamara Tunie. And the writers do great work with high profile guest actors, like the Martin Short as evil psychic murderer episode, and the cople with Marlee Matlin. I'll always be thankful for the pleasure afforded by seeing Adam Beach and Mary Stuart Masterson in serial TeeVee. No mythology, no JJ Abrams flashbang, just solid writing, excellent acting, and intense characterization over a very long time. Canadian national treasure, Farley Mowat: an entertaining interview.
- I meant to mention that Della. I loved The Riches (I'll watch anything with Minnie Driver, even that heart transplant tearjerker with David Duchovny), and Martindale was terrific in the show. The only two show cancellations that ever bothered me more were Damien Lewis' detective series Life, and the late great Terriers, with Donal Logue and the best TeeVee theme song ever: On the subject of Alan Arkin, he made a great movie in the very late 60s called Popi, which hardly anyone has seen or remembers. It's about a widowed immigrant father of two boys who pulls a scheme to improve their chances in life: convince the world they are heroic Cuban refugees. And of course, the classic, The In-Laws:
- I certainly never called John Irving's books idiotic trash, if anybody is suggesting that. I think Owen Meany is a great book. I've read Garp several times, and occasionally read the Bensonhaver section by itself. I've also read Setting Free the Bears more than once, and really enjoyed Son of the Circus and A Widow for One Year. I did find Hotel New Hampshire disappointing, after the sheer brilliance of Garp and the Bear Called State O' Maine chapter that opened the book. As far as Irving and violence are concerned, my view is that he effectively casts violence as a character, the "undertoad" if you will, always lurking as in real life. I was also pained by the demise of Boomtown, which was an introduction to a bunch of good actors: Donnie Wahlberg, Neal McDonough (the Mags Bennet surrogate in Justified's last season), Mykelti Williamson. Boomtown writers were also adept at doing the Rashomon thing, which is always a treat when done well. There was a great CSI episode a few years back about a murder of the mother of the bride at a wedding don Rashomon style that was mordantly hilarious. Southland is a worthy descendant. Excellent show. I particularly liked Shannon Woodward and Noel Fisher who played DiDi and Cael in the Riches, and Aidan Mitchell, who played their artistic cross-dressing little brother. Sam's mural was a superb exclamation point as the plot developed. And who was the guy that played Wayne's dissolute, loutish boss? Todd Stashwick, who played the evil Dale Malloy shows up in series TeeVee all the time, and had a particularly memorable role in Heroes. I would wish for more seasons of Dead Like Me, but it's hard to imagine the quality of the stories could have been maintained. Final Destination, but with 3-D characters incisive writing, and good acting. Ellen Muth as George Lass was delightful. Great series. Frolicking Foxes would make a good name for a tribute band for Jethro Tull, or Pentangle, but who could do Ian Anderson or Richard Thompson?
- John@53: Gentlemen of the Road is another very good Chabon, similar to a Kipling adventure. Yiddish Policemen's Union is a hoot. But his best so far is undoubtedly Adventures of Kavalier and Klay. Amazing book. First one I read was Mysteries of Pittsburgh, which led me for years to think Chabon is gay. (He's married to the writer Ayelet Waldman, who is female.) I thought it was funny when somebody here said she confused Michael Chabon with Armistead Maupin. Good book.
- I was remiss in mentioning Ayelet Waldman without pointing this out: Now I've never read either that I know of, but I've seen Katie Roiphe spouting her jackass anti-feminist shit about "no such thing as date rape". And it seems to me you can admire Norman Mailer's books without denigrating the manhood of other authors, as Roiphe did of Chabon. Lastly, Michael Chabon wouldn't marry a novelist whose novels weren't pretty damn good, I don't think. So, slip some rohypnol in Katie Roiphes Bartles & James, and Fuck Her. I wish Yiddish Policemen's Union had been around 25 years ago to be made into a movie with Elliot Gould (in multiple roles), Alan Arkin and Woody Allen. That could have been hilarious. I looked it up, and Farley Mowat wrote two biographies of Dian Fossey. The first is called Woman in the Mists, the second Verung: The Passion of Dian Fossey. Both books provide source material for the Michael Apted movie Gorillas in the Mist, with Sigourney Weaver a perfectly cast Fossey. Excellent movie. Mowat had access to Fossey's private correspondence, journals, camp records, personal papers and interviews with her colleagues, friends and enemies in writing the books.
- epithet insert: dickhead liar. Asshat shit that passes for journalism when they aren't scooping the paleo-press. O'Reilley already won a Peabody Award for that NatGeo movieie. Just ask his fat loofah ass. Here's a cool web page for the movie: I missed Spinmeister O's name on a quick scan.
- I remember an episode of Quincy, ME in which all of the bread supply on a cruise ship became a breeding ground for rye ergot. Not a pretty sight. But for me to take a cruise would require hallucinogenic drugs. I just have this impression that cruises involve constant pressure to join the fun, do the hokey pokey and the bunny hop. Like the Catskills in Dirty Dancing, only on the water. I am killer at shuffleboard though, so maybe I could come back with more money than I went to sea with. Eaters of guts find some guts not up to par? Are there classes of guts eaters? Remind me to bolt for the door if I ever see abomasum on a menu. Danny, Steve Howe does look like the Crypt Keeper, but I think Johnny Winter looks more like that ghoul. Every time I see a Pistorius story(us) I expect his given name to be Jaco. It's like writing 2012 on a check. Guy that plays Thomas interview. As I said yesterday, killing Headstart was a litmus test for Raygunistas back in the ketchup as vegable days. Ther is probably no better researched social program with a better proven, more effective outcome than early childhood education. Paul Broun may think it comes from the pit of hell, but there is no doubt whatsoever about the efficacious outcomes of these programs, both educational and economic. Denying this mountain of solid research is somewhat stupider than denying the science of climate chang, which is barely possible. Hank's son's BSA camp story reminded me of this:
- Constant cruising drove perky cruise director Julie McCoy into the sordid world of drug abuse. Gopher was elected to Congress from Iowa, but, alas, was ahead of his time. Ahole would have been a TeaParty darling. And the way conservatives, both neo and paleo, GOPers and Teabangers tend to eat their own in public, a NR cruise adrift could get really ugly, really fast. Della@40: I saw something on TeeVee last night that indicated the passenger to crew ratio on the floating snake pit is 3:1. I wonder how many of the disappointed cruisers are packing.
- I've lately given serious consideration to one of those European river tours. Theme tours? If Ry Cooder could get those Buena Vista Social club guys together, I'm there. Procul Harum would be good too, but they'd have to talk Matthew Fisher into it. Wayne La Poopooplatter is feckin' certifiable. Too crazy for a gun license.
- I love it when GOPers forget to put their reptile brains in gear before they run their mouths.
- Brandon. I know who those shitheels are. I'd leave aside my cane and beat those shitheels to a pulp in any order they chose. Sinecures based upon nepotism. The idea that a bunch of twats that claim to believe in meritocracy are so embedded in nepotism is almost funny. Danny, we share all sorts of musical tastes, despite your being a political neanderthal and AntiChristian. I love Yes, and to a lesser extent, Genesis and ELP, who you don't seem to follow. But really Danny, this is the ultimate prog song, and I dislike the entire prog tag altogether: You will notice the more refined lyrics, actual poetry. Trower is a better guitar player in my opinion. But absolutists like you rule out Bebop De;uxe. Now that boy can play the guitar.
- How about a great band youall missed?
- Sherri is the Iron Lady, but I'll bet she is way better looking than raygun's girlfriend and she will make me hurt for saying so. But a smart woman with a sarcastic bent, where have you been all my life? One name occurs to me every time I see your name Dexter. Purnal Goldie. You love baseball as much as I do. I would have killed to be Purnal Goldie.
- Danny@61: And you, Danny are a rocker spiv with a mod's heart. ELP had no guitar player. And you try to play Steve Howe licks. Me, it's Fogerty, and I can do Green River pretty well, but it's Whisky Train I try to perfect. And Brute Force and Ignorance is my guitar Valhalla: And, you know, that fingerpicking at the beginning of Vincent Black Lightning: And I don't have the cash to own a Martin, but I do have a small body Gibson 12 that was made in 1957. My best celebrity sighting was sitting two rows back from Jesse Owens at the Rose Bowl. Unfortunately, Big Farm the Ohio State University won, but OJ gashed them for a big one in the end. And what is the deal with that obnoxious The? Are there more than one OSU. Dear God, I hope not. I did ride on a plane with ML Carr once. Seemed like a gentleman, didn't bother the guy. Titanium in your jaw? How does that show up on Xrays? Xaxos.
- Since somebody brought up Gene Hackman, The Conversation is a great movie. Shoot out the Lights: That is how to play guitar.
- Dexter@1: Feckin' brilliant. And gams Brian. And gams. And brains.
- Interesting Dex brings up Piazza, the best hitting catcher ever.All you Johnny Bench partisans will point out that Piazza didn't have Bench's arm, to which I say Bench didn't have Steve Yeager's arm. Not even close. And for iron man behind the plate, that would be Carlton Pudge Fisk, also a better hitter than Bench. Nikki Haley and th Appalacian trail: Another born-again spreading the word.
- I am your density. You would think even anti-sciencee GOPers would be embarrassed by this blithering asshat.
- The picture of Bolton rampant on that Policy Review article reminds me of the sheer idiocy of most GOPer objections to Hagel's appointment, I.e., in this case that he lacks the proper temperament. Same Clngressional aholes thought nothing of sending Bolton to the UN, after his intemperance had been well documented, And he had said more than once he'd like to blow up UN HQ in NYC. And I for one would like to lend a personal hand to Little Lindsey Fauntleroy in his aim of getting to the bottom of Benghazi, Or, better, to get some Syrian teriss to the bottom of Little Lindsey. Lost his fecking mind. Must take issue with Jordan Smith's "fluently and luminously" description of the writing in those wingnut journals. Doctrinaire writers are invariable, probably inevitably, clunky writers without original voices. What the hell, they spout shibboleths, so how they gonna write well? Just read down to the precis of the Robert Kagan article about Europe and the USA. Boy lost his senses. A good season counts as a strike? You’re trying to confuse the English on purpose! Thomas Sowell should get a job as a men's room attendant. Seems to be the sort of job the jerk thinks black people are suited for. Right, leg before wicket (LBW). On Downton, I think his lordship is the sort of dumbass that will never learn anything unless bad things happen to him. And Mary may have brought tragedy upon herself by her grotesque compulsion to make her sister miserable. Those shitheels that think it's funny when there are blizzards, despite climate change?Ignorance is its very own reward. Science, straight from the pit of hell, for Dr. Paul Broun.
- I've read that Pete Hammill piece about Sirhan's murder of Bobby Kennedy before. Can't bear to read it again. I remember the Lester Bangs review of Astral Weeks very well.
- Damn JW. Sounds like a cruise ship.
- the Protestants looked around disapprovingly every time they heard laughter Irish Catholic wake and funeral the wrong place to be. My dad's was pretty uproarious.
- Nancy. My one perfect child is 32 now and expecting her second child March 18, worrying will not stop. Yo la Tengo is the indie band that means that's all bullshit: And as for Waylon, he understood: And Georgia Hubley is a better girl drummer than Mo.
- Brandon, so sorry you are attitudinately disenhanced. Much better music ahead.
- Never reduced to Doritos. Truly disgusting piecess of shit Couldn't stand them in the same car.
- Charlotte@23: Hachisu? Gesundheit.I despise Doritos. They stink to high heaven. From across the room. And corporation-run prisons? And why aren't the corporate crooks in them? Dickless? Rummy? Liddy? Colson? Why that is downright Dickensian. And it would behoove Little Lindsey Fauntleroy to get to the bottom of the astounding lies about Iraq and WMDs wouldn't it Danny?I mean, what the fuck, Condi?
- Another YouTube nobody will click: Too bad, because it is way better music than Black Keys will ever manage. And there is. Better taste.
- Had Boner brought one of the four jobs and infrastructure bills forwarded to the House by the White House up for a vote in 2012, instead of having the House vote 35 times to repeal ACA, maybe there would be something to talk about. And you can claim till you are blue in the gums that this has nothing to do with the color of the President's skin, but it clearly does. Orange guy isn't taking too well to brown guy pushing him around. Danny and Mark and the other huffy GOPers should consider the origins of Obamacare. Straight outta AEI, you dicks, by way of RMoneycare. But it was a good idea then, right? But what is the profit motive in extending coverage. It saves money for the Commonweal but does nothing for the hedge fund managers. In the rest of the rich and civilized world, health care costs less than 10% of GNP. In the US, it's heading for 30%. Now that seems to me like the market is shitting the bed, while robbing us all blind. By the way, why not just raise that payroll tax threshhold to $175thou. Then medicare could give all of us that Cadillac health care Granny Starver Ryan gets. And SSI COLAs too. GOPers like to talk a big American Exceptionalism game, but they won't walk the walk. In the way it treats its citizens, the USA is second-and-a-half world, tops. Once everybody is processed through Carpe Diem, they'll learn to love it, and not ask what Soylent Green is made of. And Mrs. Montag will have all four screens.
- pay the government tax on top of that The what? That is Teabanger bullshit and you know it. And you have made it clear the companies are the culprits and making a dime off their employees. Capital will invariably screw over producers of actual work.
- And no, I’m pretty sure that companies who currently provide healthcare as part of compensation will not give their employees a raise when they drop the benefit. If they do, I’d be pleasantly surprised. I'd have a heart attack. And I'd say employers that tried something like Danny's moneysaving plan would face class-action lawsuits they could not sustain. Good Luck, WalMart. Good Luck Papa John.
- UChicago? Fermi and Tillich, and Jay Berwanger. They made a statue out of the last guy. American home of process theology, stolen lock,stock and barrel from Teillhard, but without the poetry. Time Invades the Cathedral.
- Want to pass on this?
- MichaeaelG, How the hell old are you? I went to Holy Cross until the English Department ruled me out. Then I went to serious J School at the Grady School. With the great Elliot Brack, that was the best editor in God's history. Ran his own newapapers in Gwinett, and a better writer than anybody and fast on the dollar. Better than anybody Nancy Nall ever knew.
- Does Hamid Karzai understand that George Herbert Walker Bush invented his sorry ass from scratch? My dad went to Fordham. First person he saw at his reunion? D. Gordo Liddy. In the 90s. Liddy had set forth upon an education career. GOPers believe educcation is a great cash receptacle.Not my dad's kinda poitics. But a pleasant kinda guy, according the my dad. He couldld get along with anybody. Me? I would have biffed Liddy in the fracking mouth. Scumbag. And here's another YouTube link nobody will ever click. You'll regret it for the rest of your life, I have very good taste in music. This is so good it could make you cream your jeans. That boy might play stringed instruments better than Steve Stills or Richard Thompson.
- RE the dresses: Melissa McCarthy, have a chat with Latifah, who looked amazing. I decided to skip the show whent Seth Rogen was announced as the host. I like the dirty, stupid pleasures of family guy as much as the next inner eight year old, but that crap he pulled out for Quevenzhane Wallis should have gotten him booed off the stage.Being sophomoric is one thing but sexualizing a nine year old girl as he did with his boorish comments is egregious behavior.Also, Shirley Bassey? Damn lady. Also, Sandra Bullock's dress looked like somebody stole curtains from the Psycho set. And I saw photos of Charlize Theron on the T-Lo site. Gotamighty that woman is gorgeous. And Jane Fonda looks maahvelous for 90 or whatever she is now. Nancy, I thoroughly enjoy your dissecti0ns of Mitch, and would hate the thought of never reading another. Bastard deserves it. And remember, one of the funniest things ever written is Mark Twain's discussion of Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses. I thought he used "transgressions" which would be even funnier, but I must have misrembered. Gods be thanked, it finally stopped raining here.It was fearsome, and we are left with standing water everywhere. Good thing it's not spring yet or we'd have to be sleeping under mosquito nets. Schools have been closed in SC and NC, probably because of a horrendous storm-related schoolbus crash that killed a kid and put another 14 in the hospital. We were both under the weather and wouldn't have gone out even wiithout the rain, but the windows are all wide open to dispel the St. James infirmary malaise. Properly prepared goat meet is pretty tasty and is common for barbecue in the south, and I imagine water buffalo steaks and roasts might be tasty, but I wouldn't eat any part of a zebra in any circumstance. Too beautiful, and besides, that's catfood. The vituperation about Anne Hathaway on the internets is puzzling. No diva stories and real talent. She seems as down0to-earth as anybody in the movie business. Chicago did used to play football and once had the best player in the country, Jay Berwanger. I think they stopped playing for a time and resumed, but I could be wrong about that.
- The most ridiculous argument against newspapers publishing gun licensing records is thaat criminals would use the information to target gun owners for theft of their guns. What? You have the guns to protect yourselves don't you? Interesting piece on UChicago football. Why does Helena Bonham Carter do that to her hair. Of course, her husband has pretty much the same hairstyle, but somewhat shorter. Sill, Carter and Tim Burton are a ridiculously rich movie bidness couple, so the punkgoth shit is a little difficult to put up with. She looks like she used a Waring product to get that effect. There was an Irish bar in the South End in Boston that was our usual, just around the corner from our condo, where the great George Kimball held court, and he brought Charles Pierce with him when he got Pierce a job on the Boston Phoenix. aThe two made for an uproarious pair of derinking buddies. A few years later Matt's was sold and refasioned as a cowboy-themed gay bar. That Royko tape is a classic, Dexter.positively made my day. Sad thing about Royke these days is the wannabes like the primo ahole Johm Kass and Mike Barnacle who got run out of Boston for writing the same fabricated story over and over, and for not knowing how to spell his own surname.
- Detectable nipples are not all that uncommon with these dresses. Is that what all the brouhaha is about? And really, you'd think mre people would be up in arms about the Onion tweet in which a little girl was called a cunt. No more page hits for me at the Onion for a while at least.
- John Doe's birthday. Great rocker. Well it true that Mr. mcFarlane is not nearly as physically repulsive as Mr. Rogen. He also doesn't reach nearly the same depth of cretinism and is capable of being funny at times. Seth Rogen is not. I do know the difference and typed the wrong name by not thinking about it for a minute. I can picture Wayno Lapierre on an insamne tear were the Justice Department to demand access to those gun records in NC, but there is little doubt the second letter was written under duress, probably by some shithouse loony good old boys the sheriff gave the gun licenses to when he knew they were nuts. if he wanted to retain an appearance of legitimacy by not making the threaats himself. This sounds like Phenix City Alabama back in the day. Obviously any reasonable person would conclude there is legitimate reason for federal law enforcement involvement. But a large number of Americans will go absolutely wild if that happens.
- Most southern states have terroristic threat laws. Wonder if the Cherokee Co. sheriff's department is investigating the terroristic threats that clearly have been made against the Cherokee Scout editor. Some how I figure the investigation is somewhat less than intensive.
- Charlotte: That video is strange even by Bowie and Swinton standards. Kind of disturbing. The song is excellent Bowie that would have fit in the Heroes period or the Spiders period. And the two look very much like twins separated at birth. Titicut Follies in North Carolina. Mark May harsh on Te'o. I've watched highlight tapes of his pass interceptions last season, and every one came on an atrocious pass with Manti not clearly covering any receiver. And it turns out he's closer to safety size than MLB. He could turn out to be good in the NF, but it's looking unlikely. The thing that gets me about the guy is the constant deer in the headlights stare. And Good Grief, he got absolutely housed versus Bama.
- Brian Stouder @49, We know from Dickless Cheney that deficts didn't mean shit 10 years ago. What changed?
- Ya know Dr.Frankenstein Bill Frith also claimed to have operated on small animals, but never talked outcomes, nor did he say the animals were anesthetized. I always thought Koop looked like the second coming of John Brown. He also looked a lot like my Uncle Paul. Pretty good pick for a Misadministration that made a Cali divorce lawyer AG and a radio proto-wingnut conspiracy theorist paranoiac for SecDef. If you found the photos too much, don't look at the comments. As much blame the victim as blame the photog. Have to hope it works, but it seems more like a port in a storm than a real decision to resurrect and invest in that relationship. Well it might provide enough peace and quiet for a long enough time for Maggie to get on her feet with a job and some stability. It should be very good for the kids, who are the real reason I find the photos nauseating. This pm, the internets are filled with debates on whether or not SUV went too far last night with the Rhianna Bobby Brown episode in which the young woman ended up dead. A majority opinion seems to be "No fair, Brown didn't kill anybody." To which domestic violence professionals, the show, and I say "Yet". I once cracked a big guy over the head in Allen's Bar and Grill in Athens GA while he was beating a wife or gf he outwieghed by about a buck two eighty. Unfazed, the huge bastard came after me. Fortunately vigilante justice took over and Gargantua took a bad beat. When the cops arrived, the ahole claimed I had assaulted him unprovoked and they put handcuffs on me. Fortunately, there were plenty of witnesses to the bastard's behavior and I wasn't arrested. Maybe not the smartest thing I ever did. I'm not small, but that guy was huge. He would have killed me in a fight, though I held onto the cue, considering rhinoplasty. But he was sitting on her chest and choking her, and, even at midnight in a bar, I could see he was going to kill her, and I didn't see a choice. The DA got a conviction on an attempted murder charge and I hope that fucker got buggered in jail. Graphic witness and medical testimony made the day, and I always thought that DA did a great thing. Scribe@16: Case in point, AEI posits a health plan GOPers embrace. RMoney installs it and it's a GOPer Goobernatorial success story. Obama gets it through the tanktrap Congess, it's a Communifascist Kenyan Muslim plot to destroy America. Holy crap. Re the Bigheads, when I was in HS, there was a rival hoops team whose despispicable coach actually wore King Louis bowling shirts on the sidelines. One game, hundreds of us went to secondhand stores and bought the closest imitation we could find. Coach was put off his game, and after that always dressed in jacket and tie. I don't much like the fan crap on freethrows, but there was one instance I thought brilliant. in a game vs. NC, the Dookies behind the basket turned their backs simultaneously to the shooter while the gym wen quiet. I think it was pretty effective.
- I never heard of Marissa Meyer before yesterday but the idea of applying her most recent brainstorm to the US Congress has some merit. And I'd be willing to give these gumming goldbrickers a couple of weeks fundraising vacations if they would just vote today to repeal the sequester. Everybody in the world knows its stupid and deleterious, so what should be the problem. And nextime Boner blames it on the President, someone should get him with a cream pie or throw a brogan at his orange mug. He's had a WH bill on the subject for more than two weeks while he's been spouting this bullshit. What a mendacious bastard Rep. Oompa is. Brian Stouder@20: The plangent and salient question is, why do other big rich countries not suffer from this situation. The medical and health care systems in Canada, Germany, GB, France and all of Scandinavia produce results as good for half the %age of GNP, so somebody is profiteering or simply stealing in the USA. Culprit: Insurance industry. For fans of Seth MacFarlane on the Oscars, please explain how this is funny in the slightest, rather than sophomoric LCD idiocy: Watts and Theron looked as if they wanted to kick his ass. They probably could. Lady Archers is a very cool name for a BBall team, and good luck to them. I want to know how they do. Big hair, surf guitar, whack lyrics and videos. Cindy Wilson's Bday. B's second best song.
- Domestic abuse news: Why didn't the wholes approve this in the first place? Because it might have allowed prosecution of white men by tribal courts for offenses against Indian women, and because it might have extended protections in these programs to partners in same sex relationships. Mean-spirited, inhumane bullshit at the expense of more than half the population. And let's hear from anybody on the efficacy of the idiotic, unprecedented GOPer filibuster of the Hagel nomination. Just made themselves look more like stubborn buffons that DO NOT have the country's best interests at heart. And what did they get for their mindless intransigence? As Edwin Starr would say "Absolutely Nothin'", unless they were trying to create precedent for filibustering a cabinet appointment, or trying to erode the Constitutional foundations of Senate oversight and Advise and Consent. Cooze@29: Woodward has published more whole-cloth inventions than Janet Cooke ever dreamed of, especially all of those WH conversations he puts in quotation marks. Sure thing Bob. You had hidden microphones, right? What a jerk. The idiots have three bills to choose from currently. One from the WH, one from the House, one from the Senate, the latter two, bipartisan, all of which are better than letting sequestration happen. Those bills have languished while Boner and Yertle have tried to blame President Obama. So make 'em stay until one of those passes, or until they simply do the smartest thing and repeal the sequester legislation. Seems pretty easy to me. If they don't do it withhold their paychecks and have the capital police prevent them from leaving their chambers.
- MarkH: Woodward has made a fortune writing books with massive page inches of alleged conversations from inside the WH he puts in quotation marks and claims were somehow recorded verbatim. This is not only patent bullshit but, unless everybody he allegedly talked to is possessed with total mnemonic recall like Keanu Reeves, also an impossibility for human beings. All of that was just recreated scripts written by Woodward to toe the GOP and Shrub misAdministration line. And if those Shrub hagiographers were feeding Woodward from notes, they were most likely breeching all sorts of security laws and should be prosecuted Nobody wants to talk about Hagel's nomination being approved? As Gomer said, "Surprise, surprise". Aholes could have been working on forestalling sequestration while they wasted time on that flea circus. Like , ya know, in the house throughout 2012, there could have been votes on four jobs and infrastructure measures sent up by the WH, none of which ever made it to a vote, while the Klowns were voting 35 times to repeal ACE. As a taxpayer, I'd like their salaries and the costs of their Cadillac Congessional health care back, now.
- I always thought Scalia sounds like somebody on an FBI Patriarca surveillance tape. And I've got no problem comparing him with thugs when he says protecting the voting rights of Americans is pandering to minorities that expect "racial entitlements". Holy shit, a Supreme Court justice said that. That should be grounds for immediate impeachment, especially when GOPers went after the privileged college-going offspring of the middle class with limited voting hours and tricked-up voter ID shit in the last election. When Roberts voted on the yes side on ACA, some observers said he was setting up a Voting Rights Act ambush. Anybody that claims racism is somehow an anachronism in the USA, down south or otherwise, is a fracking idiot or has a nefarious ulterior motive. The notion is just loony. These phonies ever hear of Volusia County or the Goobernor Rick voter registry purge? John Lewis didn't march for an entitlement, he marched for his right to vote without infringement on that right. What's Scalia's point? They're still only 3/5 of a person as the Founders intended, but we deign to let them vote. We don't have to go out of our ways to protect their voting rights. Very cool story about a very bright kid.
- Danny, Anything on any show connected with Dr. Laura shoule be taken with a large dose of Himalayan pink salt. She's a fraud and a person who will say anything to cause outrage while pushing cospiracy theories. And foor once on the subject of Fast and Furious will you admit that it's a Bush era program under a changed name, that Issa's big scoop invetigation has fizzled because it turns out his star whistleblower is a noted ATF malcontent who is the only person in his story that actually "walked" any guns, and that if the NRA would stop opposing reasonable gun regulation, nothing like this operation would ever have happened? Ingraham's crediblity is somewhere in the neighborhood of Michael Savage's. Woodward's proble is undoubdetly that he doesn't get the deference to which he believes with a mighty faith he is due. In a written message, in polite society, telling someone they'll regret a statement is an acceptable way of saying "You and I know your peddling bullshit, and you'll be sorry when that comes home to roost. Much ado.
- If the sequester goes into effect, shouldn't Congressional salaries be cut before any other programs? None of those guys will go hungry, and most of them need to, or homeless but WIC moms and kids will. Lets hear it from Congress-starving grannies.
- Xo Dexter os Austin even close to Matty Kemp? I think not.
- Hope you passed on the nine months old bagels and coffee, Nancy. The fraudulent old hack demands the deference he got from Bushco and makes ignorant claims about the origins of current sequestration, gets called on his bullshinola, and gets his knickers in a twist. Why doesn't he just fabricate some more conversations? He'll make a lucrative book out of them and feel better in no time.
- They didn't kiss my ring, butthurt Woodward whines. books in which measurable cerebral activity is virtually absent Of course. He was quoting members of Bushco, verbatim, most of the time. I'm convinced Bob's tantrum is based on his feeling that he didn't get his proper respect from the Obama people. It's like the opening of a Twilight Zone episode, so maybe he'll just disappear into some alternative universe.
- Pretty funny Alexandra Petri piece about l'affaire Bob, that also manages to be informative and has a funny graphic. Bob wants more than anything to be the new David Broder. Sad little ambition. FX is running all of the episodes of The Americans tonight @10:30 est. It's well worth taping for those who haven't seen it. This network makes taut, well written, beatifully cast and acted TeeVee. I'll never forgive the bastards for cutting Terriers off at the knees, but SOA, The Americans and especially Justified almost make it right.
- Mark: It will cut more than 35,000 victims of domestic abuse from the rolls of those that are aided by VAWA, immediately. Obviously conservobots don't see that as disastrous. I think those 35,000 victims would disagree. And you know as well asI that spending under the Obama Administration. Whatever the current problems are, and remember Dickless said it doan mean shit, they're the result of spending and not taxing, and that's an indisputable fact: GOPer likely answer? Cut out coverage for LGBT and Native American victims. This business has gone beyond just mean-spirited granny starving into actual evil.
- And yet, Danny, the recently crushed GOP presidential candidate was practically vehement about the need to fire cops, firefighters and teachers, the GD union thugs.
- How deranged is Scalia's description of the Voting Rights Act as perpetuation of racial entitlement? Mighty fucking deranged. Is he a racist or is he nucking futs? God knows, but he's in for the duration of his reprobate life, most likely: Ahole needs to be impeached posthaste. Before he sees his way clear to making it possible for GOPers to pervert the voting process any more as was done with the bizarre Tejas voter ID laws that excluded student IDs and state employee IDs as valid while validating concealed carry permits. It's not just about teh blacks anymore. instead of cutting easy-to-pinpoint wasteful spending… ...that they voted for in the first place. Given the obscene level of obstructionist behavior from GOPers since Obama was inaugurated in 2009, it is very difficult to understand how all these upstanding fiscally responsible GOPers don't own whatever frivolous spending there may be. That's on the House.
- Happy anniversary to you both Brian.
- Mark and Danny, you're both forgetting the party line. Sequestration was all President Obama's idea, so the results must be disastrous. Of course , for it to have all been President Obama's idea, that would mean the President proposed something and the House voted for it and Yertle didn't filibuster it. We all know that didn't happen in this century. Meanwhile, Congress has been sitting on four reasonable fixes, as I pointed out last night. The most sensible is reapealing the sequestration legislation, but the other three bills (two bipartisan, one from the WH) are undoubtedly preferrable to letting things stand. Yet we were treated yesterday to the unseemly picture of the fiscally responsible rats skittering down the Capitol steps on their ways out of town, clumsily ignoring reporters. Fuckers work a four day week tops. Brian, it's not just race-based anymore. It's about the PA GOPer pol claiming they had won PA for RMoney by redistricting, and the Tejas ID laws aimed at disenfranchising students:
- But the president has promised a disaster that he really can’t create. Give me a break. This is the sort of horseshit that drives sane people crazy. The cuts are across the board of federal agencies, not targeted. Cut the Obama's out to destroy the country crap. That's fracking whackjob conspiracy idiocy.
- Deborah, seriously.
- Seems to me Golfism is another form of Obama Derangement Syndrome not quite as virulent as Birtherism or some other forms. Always want to ask the jackass Golfists if they had symptoms when Shru W. averaged 127 vaca days per year. Alex: But that means deregulation, which is good for bidness so GOPers will be fine with that. What will drive them even crazier than they are is losing even one of the two obsolete Virginia Class submarines the USN is scheduled to build this year.
- Those subs are $2.6bill a pop. That $2.6bill should be cut before Women Infants and Children funding is cut, but every GOPer in DC would revverse my priorities. That's not just stupid, it's actively evil.
- Cooze@2: Yeah but, Billy Carter. Of course Billy the Bubba actually went through proper channels to register as an agent for a foreign entity. Maybe he was smarter than these "pundints" And why do they all pronounce with the second "n"? Drives me nuts. Do these self-proclaimed arbiters of opinion understnd tht "pundit" comes from very old Sanskrit and means "learned Hindu"? Didn't think so. Sassafrass? Think I'll stick to sarsaparilla. And this GOPer unwittingly explains why men should always recuse themselves from voting on anything whatsoever to do with women's reproductive issues. Doan know shit beyond the end of his pecker, although I sincerely hope, for the sake of the gene pool, he always wears a party beanie if some woman is foolish enough to let him near her: What a dumbass.
- How the deficit got where it is. Any economist of any flavor will say that only an idiot would combine war efforts with tax cuts. That is the ultimate economic no-brainer. Alex: A mental image I could do without. Cooze: I thought they call each other "Brah". The doof reminds me of Marilyn Quayle's comment on her husband's attendance at a GOPer "retreat" that included hookers and strippers. She said as long as there was a golf course, Dan wouldn't be interested in the women. Shirley MacLaine is coming back to Downton. Hope she gets some juicier writing this time around. I didn't get upset about Matthew particularly, but the failure to make the Martha Levinson role into a star turn was pretty disappointing.
- I always thought the ability of (very few) people to sing and play bass at the same time was amazing. incredible performance by Esperanza Spalding. Pristine vocal, too. Purely gorgeous.
- Speaking of bass playing, this is a beautiful, percussive and propulsive bass line by one of my favorite bands ever, Yo La Tengo (non-literal translation: I got it. as in baseball), featuring a great woman drummer, the wonderful Georgia Hubley. Great fingerpicking and funny faces by Ira Kaplan, Georgia's hubby. In fairness Alex, Quayle was always clearly intimidated by his wife's intellectual superiority. She knows how to spell potato. If one of those two should have been VP, it was Marilyn. Same grotesque conservative ideas, but not bone simple. I'd think any married guy would find a public statement from his wife like that one excruciatingly embarrassing. There is no sequestration had the GOPers not threatened to trash the full faith and credit of the USA. They've decided to obstruct by moving from one economic crisis to another every two or three months, with complete disregard for the economic wellbeing of the US. GOPers in Congress are so blinded by bilious disgust at having a black President after Kommissar Karl told them a few years ago they'd achieved "permanent loyalty" they don't give a shit how they damage the country so long as they think they can get away with blaming the black guy. It's clearly dereliction of the duties they swore to perform and for which they are paid large salaries with Cadillac benefits. Treasonous shitheels. And everybody's turning the verb sequester into a noun is causing me gas pain.
- Last Thursday, the Senate voted on a balanced plan to replace this year’s indiscriminate cuts with a mix of targeted cuts and new revenues from ending loopholes for the very wealthiest Americans and corporate special interests. This plan got 52 votes and should have passed but Republicans blocked it by insisting on a 60-vote margin. Fracking GOPers filibustered it, without opening their ugly pieholes. Garnish their paychecks. Where is the "wasteful" in any of this spending. And after that VAWA nonsense, GOP is apparently perfectly happy to make sure no Native American ever votes for a GOPer again. Shitforbrains.
- I've gone by train from Savannah to Boston and back a few times, and love to travel that way, but conservative kin have made me aware that any federal Amtrak money is entirely wasteful spending, like USPS. I bring a flask of whiskey, Baby Ray's jalapeno jerky, fruit. Oh, and a couple of tins of Altoids Always have earphones, because I have chronic bad luck with seatmates. Once met a woman on that trip that I ended up spending more time with. The seats are like Barcaloungers, and I've found that generally I prefer staying up to sleeping on the train. It bugs the crap out of me that people don't understand that building the interstate system was a political gift to the teamsters and did serious economic damage to the USA by decimating the rail system (and that is almost a literally correct use of decimate). The I system was sold as a defense mechanism, as if, when them Russkis nuked our airbases, we'd use the interstate highways as B-52 runways and smash the commies back. I used to love to fly, but it's no fun any more. For one thing, I'm 6-1 and my legs are long, and some evil seating arranger always puts some obnoxious person that keeps adjusting the seatback right in front of me. When I must fly, I go 1st or business, but the whole airport thing is so bad a pain in my ass now, I still hate it.
- It seems to me that I'm not short, but not all that tall, and airplane seats did not used to be excruciating, as they certainly are now. At 6-1, I worry on any flight over two hours about DVT, even though my cardiovascular health is excellent. Compared to those La-Z-Boys they have for seats on Amtrak, airplane seats in current, greed-driven configurations are akin to medieval torture devices.
- Mark, I'd pay extra for the bulkhead seats in a flash. Regular seating, I can barely make it off the plane. I've got friends that are 3 or 4 in. taller than I and I can't imagine how they fly in coach. Last time I made a steerage flight (SFO to BOS) there was a kid with a tape player and no headphones, about seven, whose parents allowed her to play Hakuna Matata over and over while she constantly changed the seatback position in front of me. I know now, for a fact, I'd never resort to murder.
- Blue meanie alert: And Fux News comes to baby Nino's defense.
- Tomasky, on how Woodward gets way withlying his ass off. David Frum on GOPer sequestration duplicity.
- Ezra Klein, the other night, subbing for either O'Donnell or Maddow, made the point that should really be obvious to any living, breathing human. Blaming President Obama for this budget mess requires magical thinking. One must believe that election to the Presidency imparts some sort of superpowers. At this point into five+ years of mad dog GOPer obstruction, I'd be satisfied if the Constitution provided for a Praetorean Guard the President could dispatch to tell the asshats to agree to compromise or fall on their swords. Or maybe just take away Oompa's MaiTais and smokes until he behaved like an adult and a member of Congress. Somehow, from observing Boner, I just know he likes oriental parasol drinks. Or sloe gin fizzes. We just watched Holy Motors. I liked it a lot, S not so much. It's surrealist a la Fellini, but I think more straightforward. I actually think it has a discernable plot. I think the movie is clearly about making movies and has a lot in common with 8-1/2 (wish my Apple Keyboard had a 1/2 character like the one the Bushies claimed never existed on Selectronic IIs, the lying sacks of shit). In fact, the Intermezzo portion of the movie has a scene of roving street musicians that is straight out of Nights of Cabiria and an obvious homage. Pretty cool movie all in all.
- GOPers would rather starve children and grannies without medical care and leave vets homeless than deprive big oil companies of their subsidies. We live with a couple of Carolina green anoles that keep our place free of spiders and other insects. They go missing for long periods of time and it is always a treat to spot them. I think they were imported by way of a hanging wandering Jew or a spider plantfrom a roadside stand. I know, homeliest houseplants, but they're able to survive the human residents, so they stay. As do our reptiles. It's not something the C of C wants tourists (or visitors as we call them, ha) to know, but this place is crawling with spiders, and it's not unusual to wake up with an itchy bite or two. Since our mini-komodos moved in, nary a bump. This week's Sunday NYT mag is replete with great photography that everyone should check out, and a Thornton Wilder-style story of travel by rail. Good reading. And here's a guy that builds custom cargo bikes for as little as $500: The company town aspect of Argo is what I liked best about the movie. I thought Arkin and Goodman walked away with the movie, particularly Arkin.
- I know, I've beaten that Boob Song performance like Raskolnikov's dream mare, but one final thought about MacFarlane's clueless and childish misogyny. Was watching a bit of Contact Saturday night and it registered with me that in the Jodie Foster part of the song, he makes a specific reference to The Accused. Really dickhead? You mean the movie about a young woman gang-raped on a piinball table while a crowd of lowlifes watch and don't intervene? Could you be more obtusely offensive? Damn, what an asshole.
- I'll go with Dreadful Lemon Sea for McGee-iana, but the movie made from Amber is engaging. And not to be upsetting, but McDuff's Detroit book was reviewed in the NYT.
- Why are so many non-Catholics so hyper about the pope? Most American Catholics truly don't give a shit.
- Charlotte: I suppose I get it. If people believe child abuse hasn't been rampant among Babdiss clergy (where the real money is)
- With Chavez and Saddam gone, is there a neocon monster left outside the White House? Chavez was wildly popular in Venezuela, aside from the ranks of the filthy rich. Michigan's Rep. Mike Rogers was a US pol obsessed with the ultimate evil Chavez represented. They's a heddin' fer Brownsville, as if anybody, ever, would. And little Kiernan Shipka looks like the long lost Olsen triplet in those pictures. And, wannabet that started out Scziepcka?
- The "middle class" in Venezuela is the land owners, the opressors of the vast majority of the populace. The Owners of all of the newspapers, that took part in Shrub's anti-Chavez coup, are considered the "middle class". They believe the country's oil wealth belongs to them, not the share-cropper society that maintains the earth from which the wealth flows. A lot like Cuba with Battista.
- Shrubco brought out the dirty warrior specialists behind the assassination of Bishop Romero to try to get rid of Chavez. Typical ahole imperialistic American intervention:
- Whole enchilada: I got a new Robyn Hitchcock album in today's mail. Damn that guy sure sounds like young John Lennon. Strange lyrics too.
- Jeff tmmo@1: I wouldn't say Alvin Lee was a great guitar player, but that boy was mofo fast.
- Right, Mark. Chavez was somehow a Marxist boogeyman, headed for Brownsville, and everything to do with him is fucked up. How about two credit card wars with attendant tax cuts. Seems like a worse legacy than potholes in Puerto Ayacucho. When you basic idea is along the lines of: restoring equilibrium between the rich countries and the rest of the world There is always a Shrub family out to stop you.
- Actually, I went back and read Mark's link. Some fine whine paropaganda there. Making Chavez out to be the Marxist bugbear is so fracking lame it's hilarious.
- That NYT piece is a nitpicking hatchet job, and I don't care is the writer was Chavez' best bud. Chavez managed to live to govern again after a coup run by the Shrubministration, and W's back in Crawford or whatever.
- The once mighty factories of Ciudad Guayana, an industrial hub by the Orinoco River that M.I.T. and Harvard architects planned in the 1960s, are rusting and wheezing, some shut, others at half-capacity. That's the money graf for why I don't buy much about that NYT piece on Chavez. He refused to recognize Yanqui superiority and respect the white man's burden. I mean, Harvard and MIT? Why aren't them bastards grateful to US Big Brother?
- That woman's gun totin' behavior reminds me of a bad old dirty joke from grammar school days, the punchline of which was : If you help me find my keys, we can drive out. I have a hard time taking Awlaki's American citizenship seriously. He moved permanently to Yemen and became an AQ bigshot.
- This is pretty funny. Tucker "Human Tampon" Carlson gets caught paying people to fabricate the big Menendez sex scandal. More people have died as a result of gun violence in America since 1968 than have been killed in all of the wars the USA has fought since 1776. That is horrifying.
- Really fast bike.
- candlepick@21: That piece is a real treat. Remarkable young woman, with rare insight. Maggs does best with pizin'd applejack, Mark. I haven't seen the episode yet. Surprise, surprise. Strong gun safety laws correlate inversely with deaths by gun violence.
- Idiot GOPer says that those of us that ride bikes more than drive are responsible for climate change. Blatherhammers, dumbass.
- TheBucket List is a crappy version of Secondhand Lions, which is nearly a great movie, with two stars of equal weight to Jack and Morgan, and an excellent performance by Haley Osment. I dislike milk of any sort, so I've got no dog in the raw milk fight, although I'm all for unpasteurized mother's milk for infinks. That's a no-brainer. I'll give it to Rand Paul for actually filibustering. But II heard the highlights on O'Donnell's show last night and the guy is flaming nuts. Killing Awlaki with a drone means American survivalists are in danger in the USA? Young "Libertarian" Lochinvar sounded like somebody in need of men in white with nets and straitjackets. Nucking futs, for sure: There's a guy that should not be able to pass a gun background check. Can't his daddy get him some professional care via professional courtesy. No, no said the queen. What the hell? I believe that Dickless Cheney is the closest thing to a truly evil man Americans ever sort of elected to national office. In fact, I believe CS Lewis wrote a predictive biography of Cheney before Dickless even started getting people killed for his violent fantasies while collecting draft deferments.
- CPAC, Whitopias and scientific racism. Right here in "post-racial" America.
- Bob Woodward, the diva has no clothes.
- Beautiful photo gallery. Trick shot kicker.
- Here's where the immediate cuts re coming from, you wizards of wall street. These people do really try to do the opposite of WJWD at all times.
- I use the microwave to warm up a bowl of pasta.
- GOPer schizophrenia on ACA. Crazycatlady: They'll get you with drones before the milk kicks in, and you'll be glad to pass on the cramps.
- Sorry, but that AquaBuddha is fracking nuts.
- Are these mofos nuts?
- These aholes are kidding, right?
- Charlotte @3: SI jinx bit the Blackhawks. Bob Proebert was bitching about not enough coverage of Blackhawks winning streak in issue that came yesterday. And the Bs are just a year removed from winning Lord Stanley's cupand four GA better than Chicago. They are bad on the PP, which makes no sense since Zdeno Chara has a monstro slapshot. Mark P. @6: There is probably still no bread nor milk to be found at any GA grocery north of Atlanta.
- Dave@26: Legislation, o-b-s-t-r-u-c-t-i-o-n, legislation. GOPers can't spell it to save their lives, even the ones getting paid a bundle with Cadillac perks to actually do it.
- Everything the NRA claims about the NRA and grassroots is unadulterated bullshit.
- Connie@10: Where they have managed to demonstrate their mastery of gun safety by shooting themselves in the lower appendages.
- Dexter @18: Kwame needed NCAA law enforcement as Cam Newton got. Kwame'd be free and the old man would be in jail. And if you're so sure he's gone, I'd point out Marion Barry, in Chocolate Second City. When the nutcases start asking about Halal in shops in Dearborn, I want to hear an explanation of how the USA way of life is not endangered by Jews keeping Kosher: Far as I'm concerned Hebrew National dogs are straight from Yaweh, and I'd imagine Halal dogs with a similar spice recipe would be wonderful, too. I'll still always like Nathan's best, and now there are Nathan's onion rings in the frozen food cabinet at our grocery to go with them. Believe me, even with constant attentiveness regarding meds, mental illness is very difficult to deal with in somebody you love. There are times I lock up the Henckels. Now S's meager disability is hanging by a thread and it's possible I'll have to pick up the cost of the medications. I'd like some shitheel granny starver to explain what would happen to this beautiful, creative woman were she on her own. We're trying paliperidone palmitate, which is a once/month injectable, which so far produces no TD symptoms (the biggest worry, and the biggest reason people disfcontinue meds). The mail made my day today. New CDs, including a bunch of Replacements titles I haven't had around for years. And most of the CDs didn't have the obnoxious tape inside the shrink wrap. Pleasant surprise. I hate that shit like I hate the little stickers on apples. According to the NRA and its legislative arm ALEC, am I not within my rights to pull a gun and shoot that gun toter? Stand my ground.
- If I knew EC would not play Lay Down Sally or Tears in Heaven, I might pay to go see him. And it would help if I thought Steve Winwood would show up. Ditching nukes for coal? Not a panacea. Probably more like a sea of pancreatic cancer. Nukes are perfect, except it's been 70 years and nobody has any more of a clue what to due with the process waste products than they di back when Jeffrey Holder let the genie out of the bottle. Coal? It's perfect too, except that no behemoth electricity provider is actually going to spend the money involved by geometric progression in building up from 98 to 99% clean in the costs of scrubbers and baghouses.
- Coal would be OK with me Brandon, if coal production and turning coal into electricity were both nationalized in the US. Economies of scale could bring pollution control from burning coal down to far safer levels at much lower costs, while most likely lowering energy costs, with greater accountability and much more social responsibility.. Other than that, I didn't claim I had any sort of answer, but the horrendous problems are clear as the nose on Karl Malden's face. So far as the energy sphere of the economy continues to be run by born criminals like Blankenship, the Kochs, and Kennyboy and the Enron "Smart Guys", we're all in the mullagatawney, and it's increasingly airborne.
- Instant karma bites HalfBreitbart right on the ass. Ha ha ha. Idiots.
- C'Mon Sherri, the NatParks would be fine if they just housed more franchise hogslops like Mickey D's and Fuddruckers. Maybe a Hooters or two would make Yellowstone a bigger draw.
- Peter@9: As Joe Strummer said, "Sharif don't like it." First two places I looked, song was down for copyright reasons. Bet that would go over big with Strummer and Jones and Simonon. As an avid backcountry skier, I hate snowmobiles for any purpose besides ambulance service. They are filthy and incredibly loud, and in nature, tend to be driven by assholes. On the subject of nukes, I have to believe that if nobody has come up with anything better for nuke waste than the design at Fukushima where hot spent rods were stored in shallow pools on top of the actual containments (what genius thought that was a good idea? Holy shit!Let's store these kerosene cans on top of the furnace.) in the last half century+, there is no way to do it safely. Recycling spent fuel rods is somewhat promising, but it's expensive. The great "shoot it into space" contingent got real quiet real fast when the first shuttle blew to kingdom come. The thing about generating electricity by burning coal is that the technology for making it environmentally neutral (more or less) is well known and fairly simple. Problem is, it costs a great deal.I think that's a bullet Americans are going to have to bite, and it won't do a thing about the profligate coal producing companies that can't make mines safe or slurry pits safe, hell, they can't even get at coal and make a profit any more (according to the mineowners) without befouling all of the nations watersheds with mountaintop spoil. This is a job for government, at this point. Anybody with an inkling of understanding of the meaning of economies of scale, and the callous social irresponsibility of free marketeers would see this in a flash. Peak oil? The way oil companies are still sucking away at the gummint teat, and closing off on competitors for cheapie oil leases, while postponing all new drilling and whining about it, you have to figure they think we're already there and they're squeezing the last blood drops out of them rutabagas.
- No matter what sort of rotation anybody tries to put on it, Americans did not vote for the GOPer House of Representatives. President Obama was easily re-elected and Democrats expanded their majority in the Senate, so why are we stuck with a GOP-controlled House of Representatives? Gerrymandering. Democratic House candidates won more than a million more votes than Republican candidates, but districts drawn by Republicans for Republicans allowed the GOP to hold on to their majority. This isn’t even disputed by the Republicans. In fact, they brag about it. Do Dems gerrymander? Hell yeah, but the current level of GOPers flouting the Constitution, stymying the will of the people and flaunting their state level shenanigans shamelessly is unheard of in US history, at least since Reconstruction.
- Americans sure as shit didn't vote for a House that would vote once daily to repeal ACA while never condescending to vote once, ever, on four substantial jobs and infrastructure bills sent them by the Obama administration. Bastards have not earned dime one of their sizable paychecks, and I'm all for thinning their treasonous herd by cutting their Cadillac health perks back to Deux Chevaux levels.
- We gave up on the dishwasher when we remodeled. S. had been calling it the dish hider for a long time, and the damn thing was too noisy for the TV. The resulting cabinet space expansion was well worth actually doing the dinner dishes after dinner instead of stowing them in an appliance.
- Mi<There is a question regarding evolution that, up to this point, has been missing from the debate in the letters to the editor section of The Free Lance-Star. Given the complexity of certain biochemical processes (for instance, the ability of the human body to form blood clots involves 17 different enzymes, proteins, or biochemical actions/reactions), how does evolution account for the complexity of this process and the fact that all of these proteins, enzymes, and biochemical actions/reactions are necessary as an irreducible process for the clotting of blood? This is the anti-Darwinian argument that is absolutely most baffling from nitwits like this guy. The "God isn't smart enough to have devised evolution" postulate. And if God were just doing it "by magic", why would She have employed 17 different enzymes? How about mammalian sexual procreation? How did God come up with something so lusty and occasion-to-sin-ful? Seems kind of inelegant and anti-economical. How 'bout human knee joints? Incredibly poor design. Or, like, as God (George Burns) pointed out, avocado seeds?
- The Verlander story reminds me of my youth spent listening to George Kell describing Norm Cash "guarding the bag at first".
- A pal sent me a book about Detroit, and I was worried it was going to be the LeDoof book. Fortunately it turns out to be the book by Mark Binelli, Detroit City is the Place to Be, for which I've read good reviews. I'm hoping I'll be able to express sincere appreciation. Red-hot-nickel-ball-in water. This reminds me of a novel I've read that involves a discussion of shot towers, and damned if I can remember what the book is. Any ideas? Men's dress shirts with horizontal stripes? Try the timeless Bill Blass "Big House collection". Available at Abercrombie & Fitch.
- Nixon told a lie of Shrubian monstrousness about his "plan to end the war", and his devotion to Kissinger was every bit as foul as W's to Cheney. Nixon did have a much cooler dog than Tricky, though. No knowledeable or remotely considerate person calls a Down syndrome person a "retard" anymore. I bristle at the term because I remember a patient from my dad's days in Pediatrics at Metropolitan Hospital in Detroit. A newborn with the trisomy 21 that produces Down syndrome, this girl's parents stubbornly ignored "advice" about institutionalizing her. I met this kid many times and found her delightful. She was a diligent and apt student in mainstreaming endeavors, and in her twenties was a loving caretaker for her elderly parents. She kept up correspondence with my dad until she died in her late forties of congestive heart failure, a common end for people with trisomy 21 Down. That young woman was never retarded, though intellectually limited. I understand the "teatard" impulse, but I'll stick with Teabaggers, since the idiots inflicted it upon themselves, or Teabangers, for their thuggish and gang-like behavior. Or, ya know, just plain assholes. Mark H.: I suppose those pages and pages of allegedly verbatim quotes of extended conversations in Woodward's St. Shrub books should be taken as accurate, despite each depending upon perfect recall by both the alleged conversant and Woodward himself. Woodward has been fabricating for years, and he's gotten away with it. On sequestration, I see no reason to buy Frank James' explanation rather than anyone else's. What's clear is that it was a last ditch effort to prevent GOPers from tarnishing the "full faith and credit" of the US government, which they were perfectly willing to do, and still are, if it will damage Obama in any way. And the House Teabangers sure as hell voted for it. One thing for sure is that the whole idea originated in the Raygun administration, back when deficits and debt didn't mean shit. And if Woodward really saw a threat in those emails, Bad Uncle is making him more paranoid nutso than Rand Paul.
- Nixon won because Sirhan Sirhan murdered Bobby Kennedy, who would have kicked his ass bigtime.
- I meant to say that Checkers the cocker sppaniel was preferrable to Shrub's ratdog Barney, even though Barney is alleged to have pissed on W when the pretzel took the pretzelsent down. I have literally seen chirping bluebirds and stars after getting hit with a basketball, and not all that hard. A glancing blow to the nads is sufficient to put your ass on the floor. 97 mph fastball? Cor-10 steel cup isn't going to help. Today is Bill Payne's birthday, the piano player for Little Feat, the perfect keyboard complement to the incomparable Lowell George. People love Willing, but Fatman in the Bathtub is my second favorite Little Feat song: Superceded by Two degrees in Bebop, PhD in swing, he's a master of rhythm, he's a rock 'n' roll king, and he's a man to me.
- More accurate assessment of the tenure of Hugo "aka Ugo" Chavez. And before Danny or Mark H tries to claim something was fishy about Venezuelan elections, Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004, boys. Crookedest ever in the Western hemisphere. Unlikely brian, although it's a clever notion. most of those sayings come from attempts at avoiding "bloody oaths" Like the old joke about Cheese and crackers got all muddy. I have personally never felt too bad about taking the Lord's name in vain. Whose better? Hulk Hogan? Yogi Berra? Anyway, Odds Bodkins is the classic example. God's body. I finished that Woody Guthrie novel, and I loved it. It's poetic, and a lot like that Walt Whitman exuberance. It's what I'd say could be called experimental. First half is a sex act that is beautifully written and loving, and desolate and intellectual and down in the dirt; second half is fruition, the emergence of the progeny of that act. It's corny like a 40s movie by Capra, it's over the top, it's innocent love, it's romantic. I thought while reading this about the people here that love the Little House books. This might be what hal-pints folks were up to when the kids were sleeping. I liked it a lot and would recommend it for sure. On to The Tiger's Wife.
- brian stouder: This bidness of a new il Papa always strikes me funny. The world despises the RC church so what the hell do they care? I've made a point of reading a lot of theology, and I know for a fact that what makes sense for me is Teillhard and Paul Tillich..
- Charlotte, a common good man as Pope. It seems like he was obvious. XXLLLIII roncalli was pretty clear. Man of the people
- Danny and Mark H: is Mediwhatever or Social Security something I didn't already pay for? Has that cash already been used to pay for Boner's health care for his COPD that is undoubdetly a result of his smoking?
- I grew up a Vatican II Catholic. We never found any reason to find Catholics any better nor worse than anybody else. My parents took evangelacism seriously. And if anybody wants to make a mockery, I will punch your moron lights out.
- Now that is a face. Screwtape, to be exact. And they have Wrmwood's little brother on the event horizon. I am hoping Americans can't be that fracking stupid twice.
- I think Continental Divide is an excellent movie, but I'm a major fan of Blair Brown, the thinking man's bombshell (according to Esquire mag) a superb actor who made one of the greatest TeeVee shows of all time, that unfortunately failed to penetrate the LCD audience. If Belushi hadn't killed himself with drugs, we might all have been spared Vince Vaughan and Will Farrell. A better world. If Woodward is an investigative reporter, how did he buy all that Shrubco Iraq bullshit hook, line and sinker. He's a hack that writes what he's told as if it's the Pentateuch so long as he's paid what he considers proper obeisance. That's why the "threat" crap is so ludicrous. Broder's gone and the new doyenn is all aflutter when the kowtow is not properly performed.
- Dave, Blair Brown played Nina Sharp in Fringe, a marvelous character I still haven't figured out. Good Nina? Evil Nina? And I always think of the psychopathic murderer in The Mean Season when I think of Richard Jordan. And for What Ever Happened to, Richard Masur was also in that movie, as was the great William Smith.
- As good as TeeVee gets, Alex. I loved that show. Altered States, Basset. VG movie.
- John (not McCain): I can never decide whether I like William Hurt or really don't. Gorky Park? Good. Big Chill? Slap the shit out of him. And whoever cast milquetoast as Duke Leto Atreides in the Dune movie atrocity should be banned forever from movies. Guy does smacked-down bully better than anything else. In today's mail. That has to lighten and brighten even the worst day anybody is having.
- I loved The Princess Bride. I think it is a great movie. And I totally buy Kari beating the snot out of Maggs. Her family was threatened. Why does everybody care about the Pope but American Catholics? In my experience, there was Giovanni and then there were the rest of them.
- Father was likely to get shot in the dirty war, like Bishop Medeiros. And all of the Amurrcan Raygunistas are likely henchmen, and how is Oliver North not in jail. And beb, if they included drinking caffeine, and holding hands in public, they'd have the BYU honor code. How the hell did Jim McMahon go to BYU? Spring Breakers has that odious James Franco in it, right? Wrong.
- Suzanne, that is exactly what John XXIII did. And why do non-Catholics get so exercised about this nonsense. Catholics don't, at least in America. Slightly more intelligent design than hanging them out in a scrotal sac, where Justin Verlander can hit 'em with a fastball. Second best blog on the nets.
- I might have left the church, but I came across Jebbies and Teilhard. I thought J2P2 was pretty much a Basshole, and XXIII was heroic, and saintly. Some people think Michael Jordan was heroic, though he shot a career 42.7, and that was Donaghy assisted:
- White House tours cut by sequestration. Fox News is up in arms. Obviously more serious than cuts to Head Start and WIC. Isn't Emergency Manager the sort of big gummint intervention in local matters GOPers are supposed to abhor? Jim Peterik, Berwyn, Illinois' answer to David Clayton Thomas. And according to Wikipedia, they are still around.
- Kim@6: Stevie Winwood was 16 when he made I'm a Man with Spencer Davis. Sweet Valley High. Never read 'em. Tom Swift was more my line and Nayland Smith and Fu Manchu. But I kinda like this woman. And of course, that "Catholic" website has absolutely nothing to do with modern American Catholicism. And in breaking news, Kommissar Karl Rove says RMoney is still going to beat Pope Francis.
- Gun nuts are nuts. If the GOPers are so worried about their message, how do they support EM law and taking land by eminent domain for the Pipeline? Anathema, no? The EM law is union-busting as much as the Pinkertons were. And as much as unions became coopted, we could use the wild and wooly union days back in America.
- Brian, you can put lipstick on Boner and Yertle, but what bothers them most about the President is that he's the wrong color. In no uncertain terms. That is exactly what frosts their lily-white asses.
- What sort of weirdos are buying American elections?
- Lucky Ducky. I remain fiercely Catholic. And Granny Starvers ain't Catholics. And Pro-Life, pro death-penalty doesn't quite grab it. Bullshit, you assholes.
- Alex, I have no problem differing with the Catholic Church on the subject of same sex sex and marriage. I do not understand the problem. If people are happy together, that is an undeniably good thing. It seems to me to be an undeniable truth that Catholicism has been a force for spreading good. And Yep, I'm Catholic, and I believe what I want to believe. Whatever. And in South America, we believe in feeding the poor and ministering to the sick. Does anybody else?
- Insane in the brain. Trump seems blithely unaware that the neocon wet dream turned Iraq into Iran West. Or Kuwait North. And Paul Revere and the Raiders made some grat songs, and the best Rock TeeVee evah. Insane in the brain. And I take Fang over Keef.
- The Judge.
- What the hey? They're rednecks: These current GOPers would love Lester Maddox.
- RIP a great paper that introduced George Kimball and Charles Pierce to the world.
- Best Irish book James Joyce didn't write. Or it may be The Dalkey Archive. Funniest writer ever. Or James Joyce may have written it.
- ROGirl: Nibble on the little feet.
- Malkin goes all Mean Girls on Ashley Judd. Via Donald Trump??? I played football in high school and never considered acting like that. Neither did Matt Saracen, or Riggs. Blaming football for theat sort of shit is knneejerk nonsense. The fault lies in the adults living vicariously. Borden: Maybe voters will have the sense to see that GOPers in the House failed ever to vote on four substantial jobs and infrastructure bills sent them by the White House, while the voted 35 times to repeal ACA. Or maybe Amurrcans are just fracking stupid. Who votes for these morons, and I mean no insult to morons. And peope that will vote for Aqua Buddha are people that believe that foreign aid is some sizable sum. Idiots.
- Cooze, the major problem was the ridiculously long sentences dictated by "three strikes" statutes, sttupidest laws ever not written by ALEC. The USA has long placed pot in the same legal category as heroin and morphine. Senseless. I'm assuming that aside from Aqua Buddha, who thinks Obama is planning drone attacks in the USA (and that isn't paranoiac looniness at all) people seem to think Shock and Awe is a preferable means of swacking terriss. Is collateral damage likely? Assuredly, but not like the thousands of residents of Sadr City that died in the first three days of Shrubco's illegal assault on Iraq. IOKIYAAR. And that sure seems like a misused "axiomatic" to me. Which part of "received wisdom" comes into play? What exactly was aphoristic about anything cooze said? But it is a cool word.
- Legislation banning pot is idiotic. It should have been legalized years ago as a replacement for tobacco crops, regulated and sold as is liquor, and taxed. The whole country would have been better off. I know people argue that pot has similar health damage to theat of cigarettes, but who'd ever smoke two packs a day of joints? And any comparison of deriving while stoned with driving while drunk is odious, and it's bullshit.
- I can't see a picture of Elisabeth Moss without thinking of her playing the precocious kid that explained sex to one of the kids' grammar school grades. I wouldn't recognize Ryan Gosling were I to trip over him. Nor Tatum Channing or whatever that beefy guy's name is. I doubt I'd recognize Jake Gyllenhall. To paraphrase Norma Desmond, the stars have gotten smaller.
- Ann Richards was hell on wheels.
- It's all because he's the black guy. And a creitn GOPer admits it.
- Newticles goes entirely off the rails at CPAC. How do serious people take this loony for a viable presidential candidate? Nutjob. Some great Ann Richards quotes:
- Ann Richards on how to be a good GOPer: You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all on their own. You have to be against all government programs, but expect Social Security checks on time. You have to believe...everything Rush Limbaugh says. You have to believe society is color-blind and growing up black in America doesn't diminish your opportunities, but you still won't vote for Alan Keyes. You have to be against government interference in business, until your oil company, corporation or Savings and Loan is about to go broke and you beg for a government bail out. You have to believe a poor, minority student with a disciplinary history and failing grades will be admitted into an elite private school with a $1,000 voucher.
- Did anybody else notice $Palin didn't have her required bendy straw when she did fellatio on that Big Gulp? Rich Lowry wasn't sitting up straight for that on, he was creaming his mom jeans. But what the hey, she told a subtle joke about her tits and Todd's dick. Funny lady. Linda, that sort of anti-jock mindlessness also set off the Duke rugby fracas, which was pure prosecutorial bullshit in the long run.
- $Palin goes down: What an ahole.
- Next time some GOPer idiot tries to claim Pretzeldent Shrub didn't fuck over the American economy by the single stupidest trick possible, i.e. running a war on two tax cuts, describe this to 'em. Peter: It is horrible to lose a dog compatriot. Copper was a golden-poodle cross. I'd expect smart, energetic and extremely playful, along with loyal to a fault and absolutely trustworthy, which all dogs are. A bounder. I love big dogs.
- LaMary, I don't think I'd worry too much. Liking work and working hard is something in the genes. Jeff (tmmo) reminds me of the case of the Savannah, Georgia kid that had consensual sex with a girl that happened to be white when he was black. The kid did nothing wrong but ended up in jail for a long time. Should have stuck with Lakeisha instead of Britney.
- Librarians, WTF? Can't say enough about blaming rapes on footbll. That is bullshit. The idea that a aamily or group could man a samll group feel just impwrviouseto rape charges. Sure, that prabably happens. But surely antirape shit is more than likely to check in. I would say my brothers and I would have eaaten the crap out of guys like this.
- Mark H.@24: So that's where Rummy and Cheney got the idea for making a deal with Khomeini. Wascawee Weepubwicans. Why I loved Argo. The Carter administration actually did something to get those six out, while GOPers were going behind the government's back to make sure the rest didn't get out until after the election. I watch the Weather Channel and every time I hear the statement that it is "brought to me by my local cable company", as if it's a gift out of Time Warner's pure munificence, my TeeVee is in danger of being hit with the remote. I think there is plenty of good stuff amongst the dross on TeeVee. And this strikes me as another good reason for selling pot in liquor stores. Mediocre drama is improved immensely by a joint or two. And that Iraq adventure? It paid for itself right? $2.2trillion worth. Right?
- Good nutrition news aboutburgers and bacon. Lost retainer:
- The great Margaret Atwood discusses the difference between Men's novels and women's novels,
- If people are worried abotu Moorish American nationals (whatever those may be, exactly) squatting in unoccupied homes, they should consult ex-Philadelphia mayor Wilson Goode about deploying an urban air force to bomb 'em out. Sounds a lot like MOVE to me. Jeff@5, who knew being a pastor involved hazardous duty. That Left behind crap could put a sane person with decent taste off reading. Seriously atrocious writing. As if Clive Cussler decided to pound bibles instead of deal with the adventures of the hilariously named spy, Dirk Pitt. Is this any way to run the House of Representatives. This should get Boehner recalled. Not surprised this originated with Hastert, another House GOPer out to tar and feather Clinton, only to have his own pecadildos revealed. I remember opposition to helmet lawsbeing a centerpiece for the incipient libertarian political movement up in Neh Hempsha back in the 70s. Bikers invaded the State House in Boston ranting against the laws. When some bikier told a committee in the Massacusetts House he had a Constitutional right to ride with no helmet, Rep Mel King told him pointedly that if that were the case, society had a right to tell EMS to leave on the pavement when he dumped. Down here at the beach, we see these fools riding barefoot and shirtless. I've gone down on a motorcycle before, and I'd want shoes on my feet and something between my skin and asphalt. Why would anybody think going in that the Hitler Channel would do a good job of presenting the bible. I thought the guy looked enough like the President to suspect it was done on purpose. Good academic news from the Women's NCAA Hoops tourney: One thing to remember is that graduation rates for sports scholarship students are almost always higher than the general student population at big state schools. But 25 of 64 women's programs in the tournament hit 100% That's astonishing.
- Depressing or horrifying? Some of both. A remarkable timetable of a decade of Bushco screwing over America and Iraq, while strengthening Iran, the Taliban and Al Quaeda, for profits and ideological kicks. Biggest screwup in US history, founded in an immense pack of lies, unadulterated venality, and pure intransigent ideological stupidity. And at what cost?
- I think this judge may have an overinflated idea of his importance in the grand scheme of things. But great hedline.
- Really enjoyed your story Danny. I've been in similar situations in life. My brother Chris and I did a lot of tramp work when we were divers, and that would have been too much temptation, if we weren't too wrecked. Brian, of course Rush has always been pals with 911Rudy911Giuliani911, who is currently supporting himself by doing promotionsads for LifeLock as the best method for ensuring your tax refund isn't stolen by identity thieves. Didn't the founder and president of LifeLock have his identity stolen a few years ago. That's right up there with having a mobbed-up guy for the NYC plolice commish, and suggesting Bernie Kerik to Shrub to run Homeland Security. What a clown. Jumping for Jesus flat cracks me up. Reminds me of the great country opus Dropkick me Jesus Through the Goalposts of Life. 4dbirds@34: I think it's safe to say anybody that rides a murdercycle without a helmet is already somewhat brain damged. I mean, I do it occasionally, but then, I wouldn't claim not to be somewhat brain damaged. What do they call motorcycle riders in emergency rooms? Yep, organ donors. The vaginal weight lifter would be kinda scary, I think.
- And I meant to add, this is an invitation to Kirsten Gillibrand's online book club, from which a copy of the script for the show about Ann Richards is supposed to be available. I wasn't to thrilled with Gillibrand when she first won Hillary's Senate seat, mainly because she had an A rating from NRA, and because she went to college at the bastion of Ivy League conseraative bullshit, Dartmouth. She has turned out to be an excellent senator with a strong Liberal voice. I've given cash to her campaign funds, and get lots of interesting correspondence from her. She has a load of good ideas for getting liberal women elected to Congress, which is a very soothing in my opinion. Anyway, I thought some of y'all would like a chance to read the play.
- The source of the stupid and bogus cover story was the diplomatic folks on the ground in Libya, and in the end, what does it actually have to do with anything. And for all of the malarkey about Stevens fear of being in Benghazi, he want their of his own accord, and was apparently known by his staff as a swashbuckler type, who made a point of never showing fear of anything in dire circumstances. The diplomatic staff there was also deadset and outspoken against having Blackwater or Halliburton thugs for security, which by virtue of GOP initiaatives going back as far as the Lebanon embassy bombing and their current budgetary chicanery, was basically all that was available. How anyone ignores those facts aand pretends there was some terrible misfeasance is a mystery to anybody that gives it sane consideration. That this whole charade has any life left has more to do twith the faact that right now Hillary Clinto would thrash the crap out of anybody GOPers could run in 2016 than with anything that actually happened.
- This is the sort of insane bullshit NRA money gets turned into laws.
- I love the Miyazaki movies from the Ghibli studios , and this one looks great to me. The animation leaves Disney and all the modern CGI junk in the dust. I would unabashedly admit I'd love to watch all of these while stoned, a condition for which something like Howl's Moving Castle seems made expressly. I don't think being high would diminish the joy of watching one of these Japanese animations a single bit. And anyoone is hard-pressed to find more evocatively written child characters in any movie than these are. And the cast is fantastic. Gillian Anderson, Christina Hendricks, Beau Bridges, Bruce Dern, Jamie Lee Curtis.
- Individual cel images from Up on Poppy Hill. Gorgeous.
- I think maybe the people still making hand drawn animated movies take more care with story, character and screenwriting. I wouldn't sit through a Shrek movie if somebody held a gun to my head, and the Toy Story movies annoy the shit out of me. Another Raygun golden oldie that keeps on giving: That senile old coot loved him some psychopathic murderers and there was always room for them in the budget. If more cash was needed, the bastards sold weapons to the Ayatollahs in return for keeping Americans hostage to influencee a Presidential election.As much the scum of the earth as the Shrubc criminals, and a lot trickier about their crimes.
- Reelin' in the Years is one of my favorite songs, and Donny and Marie version is abominable, particularly withourt any apparent guitars. Walter Becker played bass on the Steely Dan original, but it's the remarkable lead guitar of Elliot Randall with harmonies from the weapons expert Skunk Baxter that make the song excellent. According to Wikipedia, Jimmy Page loves the guitar work on this song. I've known a couple of Joe Franks down south. not unusual. Larry Legend's actual given name is Larry Joe. According to the biographical movie abut Sousa, he intended at the start to write ballads. And he should be forever the subject of admiration and gratitude for his contribution as the "seventh Python", the inspirator of the Giant Foot: julie@13: Travel book recommendation, Steinbeck, Travels with Charley.
- Another Osmond atrocity: Not a note sung that is not sharp.
- Last time I bought pot was in 1991 and it was expensive. 75 bucks for a quarter oz. It was potent. My solution was rolling with half a paper and smoking the whole thing using forceps. Worked wonderfully. My sophomore year in college, some friends of mine and I bought a key of Michoacan grass that was as powerful as anything I've ever smoked since, including some "name-brand" medicinal varieties. Santorum and Gingrich? Oy veh, man on man, man on dog. Hapless buffoons. Is Peggy Noonan actually admitting the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq was a major league mistake and incredibly expensive? If it's more than just her typically confused maundering, that's a rare shot of clarity from anyone in her neighborhood on the political spectrum. In the past, the High Priestess of Raygun Idolatry has been consistently in hardcore purveying the astounding whopper from the GOP that President Obama is responsible for the entire deficit and the entire sum of the national debt. Fact is, nobody knows what the terrible cost of the invasion and the occupation will be (at least $2.2trillion), when all of the medical care costs for vets are totted up years from now. Of course, when Peggy bemoans the lives lost and wrecked, she means American lives. And didn't she get the memo from Richard Perle, about how questioning the invasion is "unreasonable": And remember that, coming into sequestration, America was spending $2.2mil per minute on the military. Any way and from whatever perspective you look at that, it's obscene, when Ryan wants to turn Medicare into a voucher program and the GOP attacks programs like WIC and SCHIP.
- Something else Peggy Noonan should stick in her pipe to smoke. Of course, these babies are post-born, not pre-born so they might not cause her so much trouble. Whoever thinks you can leave millions of lbs. of detritus composed of spent uranium all over the landscape and not cause genetic damage is delusional. No franking way. Oil and gas companies are suing municipalities in NY state to force them to allow franking operations. How are GOPers not ideologically bound to be on the enviro side when the issue at hand is municipal sovereignty? In the case of big gas and oil, no way in the world. As with the case of the Keystone XL pipeline, which would involve taking land from Americans by eminent domain for the benefit of a multinational that will generate no revenue nor fuel for use in the USA. Weeds is available on Netflix Watch Now.
- @19, Auto-correct. Crap. It's more annoying than being asked if you really want to delete everything in the spam filter.
- I don't know dick about fashion, but that blue and white dress looks as if somebody sewed a white rayon skirt to the bottom of an LLBean grammaw bathing suit. And she does look like she's got a serious case of either bedhead or hathead. And try the link to Elizabeth Moss in a little black dress from the JJones page. Nice, but the shoes look like torture devices. Looks like Daily Caller and its boss, human tampon (or is he just a douche bag) Tucker Carlson are really caught with their pants down on the big Menendez expose. Borden@21: Idiocracy, on acid. And spending money to incarcerate people for possession of pot is an appalling waste of money that Granny-Starver wants to rob from my Medicare and Social Security.
- Something the world could use more of: Calvin and Hobbes animation. Obama's Israel Speech (analysis). Wrong Alex. We all need it constantly pointed out that Libruls are the real racists. Like the preponderance of liberal Obama types on the Chicago PD. The statistics in that story are absurd without any weighting based on population demographics. According to the 2010 census by USDC, the black and brown population of Chicago is 62%, so while there is still a racial discrepancy, it is far less severe than the author of that piece makes it out to be. Sloppy? Intentional? God only knows, but it's some bullshit either way.
- cooze@29: Newticles figured he could con another bookoo $millions out of Sheldon Adelson. To funnel into Tiffany's. My very pregnant daughter just hit week 40 of gestation and the OB has scheduled her for inducing labor next Thursday. I'm finding this upsetting, haveing never had any experience with this. My brother's new hose in Beaufort SC, right up next to Parris Island came equipped with a greenhouse. We are planning to grow a crop for personal use. I seem to remember a very funny episode of King of the Hill in which Hank and Bobby were bonding by growing roses together and ended up in David C's store.
- And Newticles/Sanitarium would have attracted plenty AIPAC bucks.
- What GOPer Senators did to earn their big bucks today, not to mention their Cadillac health care and assorted perks.
- Jazzercise for Jesus.
- The Michael Rennie Day the Earth Stood Still is unquestionably a classic movie. The remake with the cardboard Keanu cutout was sacreligious.
- Could the Tribune Co, papers get more stridently authoritarian right wing? One of the most hilarious things around is the stupidity of the typical LA Times letter writer whining about the liberal media slant of the paper. They mean Jonah Goldberg, I presume. Could the Chicago Tribune find a more obnoxious rightwing faux tough guy than Kass? Koch Kriminal Konspiracy ownership of TribCo would be an abomination. (And, Yeah, Randolph and Mortimer undertake absolutely criminal deals with Iran all the time. Everyone knows it and nobody does anything about it. USJD shoould put their flabby wrinkled old asses through a law enforcement ringer.)
- re Shrub: The battery ran out in the little box on Shrub's back. Basset: I'm aware it's a wringer. Thought that was what I typed. Maybe the software thought better of it. Anyone with a bracket still standing probably didn't know very much about college hoops anyway. Thing about pools is somebody always just guesses, just to join in, in which case somebody might have picked the hideous early exits by both the Hoyas and the Zags. In typically self-defeating fashion, I picked Gonzaga to lose because I can't stand the team or the coach. Biggest whiners in college sports since Boeheim mended his ways and Paterno got canned. I usually throw my picks away early by ridiculous, emotional choices. I have picked the entire Elite Eight twice, and once the Four, which won a bundle, but I almost always make some dumbass picks because of enmity for a team or a coach. I saw the ending of Butler's game and thought the refs ruined a terrific game right at the end. ESPN's coverage of the Women's tournament is monumentally disrespectful, no matter what they call it. They show one game of four in progress, with superimposed real time scores from the other three and an occasional voice over comment from the games not being shown. Baylor's probably invincible, but I would like to see my alma mater, whose coach is in the pantheon in college coaching of any kind, with 800+ career victories. Meantime I'm ordering a teeshirt to commemorate UGA's fifth NCAA Women's Swimming Championship. Hooray for Allison Schmitt (Ann Arbor Swim Club, now Wolverine), Academic All America psych major. One of the all-time great American swimmers. I don't think the Mahindra looks so bad, and at that price and mpg rating, I'd consider buying one.
- We had 10+ in. of rain and the loudest thunderclap I have ever heard for the weekend. Not just loud but the rumbling went on for more than 60 seconds. I've been searching our newspaper website for news of a power station exploding from a lightning strike (or terriss) ever since, but I guess it was natural. I felt it in my gut, like Bootsy at a Funkadelic show. Sounded like Armageddon. Favorite newspaper related phenomenon this weekend: NYTMag piece about fundagelicals holding Bar Mitzvahs for their boy children. Curiously, no mention of Bat Mitzvahs. Not suitable for girls apparently. Guess that's why they don't have them for the preborn children. Gamelan: wonderful Indonesian music that would be perfect for listening to while smoking pot. Wayne LaPierre: STFU. Wayne LaPierre talking about other people influencing voting behavior with money is like Wayne calling somebody else insane.
- Whoever said "Irony is dead." obviously never heard Peggy Noonan on Americans' antipathy to black-robed masters telling them what to do. Yeah, ahole? Like appointing Shrub in 2000? I'm sure she doesn't get it. Oh, and NYT published this remarkable piece on marriage equality by NFL LB Scott Fujita.
- Game of Thrones, Season 2 in a metal song, worthy of Sabbath with Ozzie (although it sounds more like Geddy Lee singing, don't say you weren't warned).
- Interesting F1 article: Discord in Red Bull heaven.
- What's wrong with GOPers? Bob Dole is too radical for them. He stands up for rights of people with disabilities, for Jesus' sake. Bastard probably thinks native American women should be protected by law against violence.
- Anthony Lewis has died. I was a major fan of his elegant NYT columns and no-bullshit politics. He was considered a radical on the right for supporting the idea that every American, whether or not she could afford it, has a right to counsel when charged with a crime. Gutdom socialiss. Too bad Lewis won't be around to comment on whatever the Scalito court does with the DOMA discussion. Fascinating article about Nick Drake and his mum. Y'all know Nick Drake, the guy that wrote that Pink Moon song that made that VW ad so memorable a few years ago. Chag Kasher VeSameach, to anybody that is hosting or taking part in a seder tonight.
- LA Mary: If you listen to the songs by his mother, recorded only for the family apparently, the musical and poetic influences on the son are obvious, from tone to chord progressions. Pretty remarkable. I didn't know he had a surviving sister who's an actor. That's why I love the internets.
- Gabrielle Drake's excellent recitation of a poem by Molly Drake, Nick's and Gabrielle's mum:
- Disability safety nets are another area of socially responsible government that other nations in the civilized world seem to have managed without incurring massive debt, along with, obviously, health care. Why can't Americans figure these things out if the Brits and Canadians, and, particularly, the Scandinavians can. Partly, it's that American jingoism obstructs consideration of how other countries succeed at anything at all. That's incredibly obtuse and necessarily self-defeating. But surely, handling society's most unlucky's needs can's be a matter of magic. Other countries do it. Why can't the USA? Stigmatizing the poor and unfortunate and insisting on the idiotic myth of "American exceptionalism" seem two obvious culprits. A third is irrational fear of creeping socialism, and the political hay to be made from it. Strang and funny dance video. Antidote to Harlem Shakes, with some nice Zydeco accompaniment. And that disgraced Italian prosecutor Begnini won't stop until he clears his name.
- Scribe@33: And of course SSI is fully funded outside the US budget. All that is necessary to forestall SSI funding shortfalls in the future? Raise the ridiculous income ceiling on SSI and Medicare payroll taxes to $150thou. Who would that hurt and how would that not be fair? Excellent Anthony Lewis obit. Now that Lewis is dead, he can turn over in his grave about the NYT employing Marshmallow Boy David Brooks.
- Fine Jeff those countries aren't running around like gerbils with redtails circling, are they? And the USA isn't circling the financial drain, is it?. And I don't think Denmark, Finland, Sweden or Norway are laboring under the threat of any debt the country fears is intractable. The idea that national debt, in a theater of every nation's national debt should cause a country that claims to be Christian to abandon it's most needy, is horrendous. But surely your're kidding. At-risk poor children and their mothers should be the shear point for how much to spend on Tricare (a seriously bigger and more pregnant political amount) and stuff like that that?
- Sweden's 2012 budget deficit: And yet when people act like they care about each other, they all get world class health care. People are taken care of no matter what their problems, and nobody dies alone.
- Norway's debt as a %age of GNP: Only in America are the aholes that created the national debt honking about how it's the end of the world. Who'd marry a woman that couldn't pop out a kid? Jeff(tmmo) You know I'm on your side about defense spending" "Get divorced or widowed after age 45 and you’re done. You can’t marry again." And who claimed that?
- Jeff, I was making a sidewaise comparison. They don't go bankrupt and everybody is taken care of well. Do the states have oil revenue or is it only Alaska? US dwarfs Norway in production of fossil fuels. Why does the US have a large military establishment? Nuke subs. What the fuck else do we need?
- I'm having a hard time paying attention. My perfect daughter is about to have her pregnancy induced. This is somewhat rough. I've been through miscarriages and a soupcon of normal births, but this is different.
- The court has been Scalito since the Godfather got there and installed Shrub. And the country has been in the dumper.
- Somebody reads GQ? And what the hell does GQ stand for? Gypsy Queen? I don't guess Bissinger is getting into any more locker rooms in the near future. And now we know why the guy was trying to claim rights to "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose" when he had nothing to do with it. Puts my Gucci u-trou in a bunch. And God help me, I looked at those pictures Sherri linked. Are those jeggings? Nasty.
- Doctor's children don't go to doctors, only emergency rooms. And My first granddaughter was born at 6:16 last night. Natural labor set in ahead of scheduled induction. Dodged the draft. Whew!!!
- Good thinking Mark. US banks are hovering at 1% for money markets. Which might as well be 0.
- 18.5 lbs., 21 in. Reese Helen. Helen is my ex-wife's mom's name. Don't know where Reese comes from. Her photos look just like my daughter Emily when she was a newborn. Big kid. Her mom was 8-11 and 21 in.
- Yep. Typo. No records set.
- 25% of GOPers don't like the GOP. Tugs at my heartstrings, that.
- Thanks for all the congrats. I'm going up to Boston on the train in three weeks to see the new keedo. It's a long enough trip one way to finish an entire novel. I'm halfway through The Tiger's Wife by Tea Obreht, which I recommend highly. Beautifully written book. Reminds me of a Balkan version of 100 Years of Solitutde magical realism.
- Oops. The reasoning behind "Good" Friday, John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
- Assessing online newspaper paywalls. I typed paywalls and got payrolls. Damn I hate auto-correct.
- My favorite holy day. The wetback comment from Rep. Young. Pitiful asshat tried to claimm that the term wasn't derogatory when he was just a boy. It's like Raygun saying "Why, when I was a boy, who knew there were negroes?" Mysterious ways, Scribe. Why put evolution in motion? Why make avocado pits so big?
- Some of y'all were talking about the doughnut hole yesterday. I'd point out that the "Ryan budget" specifically and deliberately would reopen the doughnut hole, which was created by a flat out giveaway by Shrubco to Big Pharma. These fuckers are shameless.
- Ryan and the doughnut hole: Scurrilous, venal shits.
- Jeff@23: Beautifully put. My Easter song: How many ahole GOPers named Steve King are there.
- Dexter, SI buys Trout over Kemp and other sraffs over LA. Ignorance. Matty is the best player in the game without a question. Knowbody ever meant anything mean about wetback. Trout, the Washington guy? Not Kemp by any stretch. You know kemp can outrun those fools because hi stride is twice as long. And he lashes the ball. Just a better baseball player.
- Judy Garland says Happy Easter:
- Do they still run the small gauge train at the Detroit Zoo?
- Bob Seger is on the road again and has an album due in August. I find that invigorating. Easter Mass was long this morning, but the music was fantastic. Members of the local symphony played Parts of The Messiah, and some rip-roaring cornet and Frehch horn accompaniment for Jesus Christ is Risen Today, maybe my favorite hymn. They played this wonderful Mozart piece for natural horn while the congregation assembled. Lots of C&Es: MarkH@17: Great photos of the lions and coyotes. Those cats look like juveniles. I hope mom showed up if things got too threatening.
- Another aspect altogether of doctors and the internet. A new season of Call the Midwife starts tonight. Great show. We've got 70s forecast all of next week, and the pool guys were here yesterday to open both of our pools.
- We watched the first three episodes of Top of the Lake.. Peggy in warmups and Grace Hannadarko in dementia. excellent. Like Who killed Rosie Larson, only good, with some definite David Lynch strangeness for its own sake thrown in. And a really upsetting demise in Walking Dead. And Call the Midwife Season 2 first episode was harrowing. Went 30 miles RT Saturday to get conch fritters for lunch. Great bike weather. Love them slugs. Shouldn't Americans as a class have legal recourse to get orders of protection requiring Ney and Abramoff to stay 1000 yds. from any aspect of the political process. Those SOBs should be sharing a permanent residence at a Club Fed somewhere. That Louisville hoops injury was a little too Theissman-like, without LT of course. Gruesome. Still, it pained me to watch a Pitino team win in the end. There is no shortage of despicable little cheating shits in the annals of college hoops, but Little Ricky is as slimy as they come. I mean, he's Coach Cal slimy. Like the Barry Switzer of BBall. Kinky Friedman is the most famous Tejas Jew I can think of. I still wish he'd run against Perry. And his band is named the Texas Jewboys. Kinky also wrote a hilarious mystery novel called The Love Song of J. Edgar Hoover. He's also a recording artist:
- It sounds terrible to say this, but after our divorce, my ex unwittingly facilitated my middle-aged dating experience by hiring pretty young au pairs that were always eager to be included in whatever restaurant, beach or movie my daughter and I were headed out for. This frequently led to more extensive friendships. I do not snore, according to women I've slept with, unless I've really had too much to drink. I see people tip over because of pedal clips pretty frequently. Since I carry a first aid kit and bike tools, I always stop to help. More than one unfortunate has expressed some variation of the following: "Can you take those GD things off the pedals." This is another good way to meet women when you're a middle-aged old fart. I can understand pedal clips if you're racing, but for recreational riders, they seem like an asinine affectation.
- Big news: fracking doesn't actually cause earthquakes. But managing the millions of gallons of contaminated frackwater generated, by storing in injection wells, sure as hell causes earthquakes, and undoubtedly winds up putting carcinogenic chemicals, like lead and benzene, and stuff like H2SO4 into groundwater. Between the mountaintopper coal companies fouling the watershed for the entire east coast and frackers poisoning groundwater with carcinogenic chemicals they refuse to identify, good luck with drinking those carbon based fuel sources when the water supply is altogether fracked up. And everyone eager to have the Keystonepipeline from Canada to Port Arthur run across her land should take a look at this. And the propaganda about jobs generated by the pipeline? Bushwa: Proponents of the pipeline claim it will create tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of jobs. This is simply not true. The most recent State Department assessment, written by contractors hired by the pipeline developer, found that constructing the pipeline would create 3,900 temporary jobs, and just 35 permanent jobs. Heather: LL Bean has a nice folding bike that has a coaster brake and single gear drive, so it's simple and maintenance-light. Around $300. I've ridden one and it was comfy .
- John Cornyn says French people are going to Mexico so they can sneak into the USA. Somebody should ask Sen. Cornhole why a French person would want to immigrate to the USA. Inferior health care? Shorter paid vacation? Ya know how all the gun apologist nutcases say that background checks wouldn't have helped at Sandy Hook because the guns were all legally purchased by the gunman's mom? According to the Newtown cops, Adam Lanza had his own gunsandammo. And some sort of marksman's training certificate from the NRA. Michael G.@27: Well, there will be the repair and spill cleanup crews. Refining will be in Port Arthur, TX because it can be shipped as diesel from there to China without paying any US tax on the material. Note: The permanent jobs estimat is from industry experts advising the State Department. The jobs bonanza aspect is clearly a bald-face lie. Way I see the pedal clips, you are always pedaling downward on one side of the bike. And don't you just press a latch with your skipole when you want to release?
- 20th Century history of taxation in America. And nothing refined from the Keyston tar sands oil will be sold in American markets, even though some of it is sold now as relatively inexpensive diesel, to Midwestern American farmers. When that diesel is removed from the American market, farmers' fuel costs will increase, so food will cost more for Americans. The whole deal holds basically no benefits for Americans, and the risk of catastrophic spills is obviously serious. One Tim McVeigh size bomb and the breadbasket looks like Gulf Coast brown pelicans after the Deepwater Horizon.
- Well, Alex, it happened in an Adam Sandler movie, and she can prove it.
- the most generous health care benefit in the state – coverage for life for all retirees plus a dependent, no matter how long they had worked for the city. Who held the shotguns to the heads of those Stockton public servants to make them sign those contracts? And who held their families sitting on bombs while they looted the pension fund and health plans they signed on to. By GOPer logic, as applied to USPS, Stockton should never get out of baankruptcy until they fund the pension and health plans through 2070. Please step out of my blind spot, before he laid them out like gutted halibut at Fultons. Yeah, a very good line. I toyed with the show until they showed footage of the imperial ahole Al Haig claiming he was in charge after Raygun got shot.
- And Danny, that false equivalency, both sides do it, that just doan' fly. Obamacare, which the GOPer House has voted to repeal 35 times while not deigning to vote on a single of the four jobs and infrastructure bill sent up by the WH, was the Heritage Foundation plan a few years ago, anchored in the principal of personal responsibility. Then it was Romneycare. Then, it became negrofied, and now it is Marxist, Kenyan anathema. Explain to me when Democrats ever acted like that about anything proposed by a GOPer president. Save the gray matter. It never happened.
- Mark H: I kinda thought Patton Oswalt was more or less obnoxious stunt casting at first. But Bob vs. the psychopathic professional murderer was brilliant. Bob has got to be back to be in on a caper with Raylan nest season. I see evil befalling Winona before the babby arives, which means I see Raylan at his deadliest and most sardonic.
- Jeff tmmo: Nothing could convince me to have anything to do with an identity-theft-fest like online dating. And I generally come across as fairly charming and witty on first meeting someone that hasn't stolen from me nor dissed the President in racist fashion. I read the LaMott piece and it's sort of funny, but she certainly seems to poke around Sex as a subject a lot after putting it out front she's not interested. I don't go on dates. I have this strange life partner for the last 10 years, looks and acts kinda Ray Bolgerish in the Wizard. We get along famously except for nights when I lock the Henckels in the car. She's only 10 years my junior. I worry about what happens to S. if I die first. She can barely take care of herself, and she's been with men in the best that were cruel. I do not want to burden my daughter with her extended care, while I want Emily to have everything I've got left when I shuffle off. Lord knows. If I'm mountain biking, I want to be able to get my feet , or at least a goodfoot, down on terra firma PDQ. I did come down off a trail on Camelback in Phoenix once and ended up in a private pool. Right through a gate. It was one of my brothers' partners, steaks were on the grill, and Sierra IPAs were chilly.
- Here ya go Danny: they all do it. Nope, and nobody ever went out of their stinking way to let anyone knows where the President's daughters were. Look at this odious porky little shit telling people where the Presiden't kids are: His excuse is apparently that the Obama daughters weren't going to get butt-naked drunk and involve the cops the way the Shrubco twins did. I'd say this is stalking that is a slam-dunk conviction. And don't give some predilection away by commenting Danny.
- Sherri, Ya think Raylan shares some DNA with Jim Rockford. He's more lethal, but as far as knowing what game is about to go down, Rockfish was a master. And for afficianados, ther is no reason not to admit that the Maggs season may have been the most awesome TV season since Avengers II and all of Terriers. Terriers was the best TeeVee Americaine thing in years. Donal Logue rules.
- Jim Garner and the queen of movies, Lauren Bacall. There was never anybody a bigger star. Garner should have taken over for Bogie. Handsomer, smarter, clearly tougher. All of the women in the thirties and forties, sorry, Lauren Bacall. This woman exuded sexuality, sensuality, and beauty.
- Lame, Danny, I'm smarter than you are and your little pantomime, can't see the point. But seriously Mes Vieux. There isn't anything remoteley resembling the Party of Noe. You are smart enough to know that is bullshit.
- MarkH: You have Breitbrt asshole types following the not quite teens daughters of the president? You are scum.
- Prospero!!! Quick!!! There’s a a squirrel!!! Go chase it!!! Bush!!! Cheney!!! Haliburton!!! Nazi’s, oh my!!! There’s non-sequiturial muck-raking to be done, Sir!!! How in God's name was I acting like an asshole toward Danny? Seems like the other way around. Where did I bring up Shrubco, the most destructive anti-American force in the history of America? And what the hell is non-sequiturial? The key issue with charter schools is that it always involves giving cash to well off people that want to shrink government to kitten size to drown it in the tub to teach non-science and non-intelligence. And people doing home-schooling are almost invariably boneheads. Vouchers are subsidies for rich people and a thinly veiled attack on public education. It's my belief about education that much of it comes from fellow students. Bush, Cheney and Halliburton fucked the USA over big-time. And you don't have to be a Keynsian to understand the basic common sense that slashing taxes on rich folks while launching two, count 'em two, illegal invasions and occupations is gonna fuck the economy royally. Simple common sense. One costs a bundle, the other crimps your bankroll. Duh!
- Danny, about the smarter part? You buy the Breitbart line. Dumbass. I get along fine with Mark H. because we like the same TeeVee shows. I wasn't being an asshole toward anybody. I don't spend time on anything connected remotely with magical economy, (read Eliot Laffer and that mediocre TeeVee actor). And we know because Dickless said so, Deficits don't matter. And yeah. Danny, I'm more intelligent. And I comprehend what I raad.
- Watch my taillights fade.
- North Carolina is looking to shitcan the 1st Amendment to establish an official state religion and dump those pesky civil rights laws, and next door in Virginia, the likely next governor is intent on making oral sex a felony. I always new for certain that if Roger Ebert liked a movie, I'd like it too. I almost have the same confidence in AO Scott and Elvis Mitchell. (Where has Elvis gone, left the building?) Lester Bangs and David Fricke, both sure things. Can't think of a book critic that fits. The Tiger's Wife has an admiring blurb from TC Boyle on the dust cover, so I was pretty sure about that.
- Sherri@12: Seeing the unconscionable toll of a budget gash of that sort would require some shred of human decency from the party (GOPers) that just 86ed the international treaty on rights of the disabled because they claimed it was an attempt by the NWO or some other conspiracy to wrest parental control and influence over kids from their parents, aka, those most likely to neglect and abuse the kids. Oh, and of course the loud protest comes from GOP donor gravy-trainers that rake in the cream from the federal government buttermaking process. Very similar situation to the totally fraudulent private sector role in the student loan process, a huge boondoggle that the GOP perpetrated, protected and facilitated for years, whose usurous interest charges for imaginary services make up well over 75% of the country's total student loan debt. Some of Ebert's harshest movie disses in quick quotes: exemplar: "I'd rather eat a golf ball than watch that again." Oops, missed a "k" @13. Oh, and the GOP lords of North Carolina intend to pass a tax increase. Even Norquist will approve, as the tax surcharge will be targeted directly at parents of college students that register to vote at the locations of their school residences, rather than at mom and dad's. Could this possibly be connected to the GOP's renewed interest in ditching the Voting Rights Act. I mean, how dare those whippersnappers vote where it's convenient and mess up perfectly good gerrymandering? When GOP state legislatures pull shit like this, I say give DOJ drones:
- To the best of my knowledge, Michiko Kakutani and Janet Maslin are book critics, for a living, for the NYT. They may prefer to be called literary critics, but since they both review books, mostly novels, basically weekly for the Times, that seems an affectation like insisting on "film" instead of "movie". And I'd say the difference between critic and reviewer is a wash for people that get a paycheck from a major newspaper for reading books and writing essays about what they think of them.
- Jeff@20: Well, it does seem as if reviewing fiction, in particular, as become a logrolling game. (I haven't thought of logrolling in the political sense in years; of course, it's passe in the politics of speech as money and corporations as people, my friend.) And on Amazon, people like David Brooks and Ann Coultergeist review their own books as well as each others'. Dave Eggers managed to bring this dirty little secret into the light by calling his memoir A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, possibly the greatest book title ever. Reviews of political nonfiction can be trusted by discerning what sort of thinktank the reviewer is associated with, and how that association aligns with the book author's contentions. Gunther Grass reviews fiction for The Paris Review every once in a while. If he likes it, I read it. William Gibson and China Mieville are quite relaible as blurbists on speculative fiction of any kind; I figure anybody that writes as well as those guys probably has good taste. I have a whole library of works by RA Lafferty, who almost nobody ever heard of, simply because I saw a paperback in a bookstore called The Devil is Dead that had a complimentary blurb from Michael Moorcock, whose books I originally read because of a recommendation I saw someplace from Roger Zelazny, whom I read because of a comment from Harlan Ellison. A good review from a writer I admire is generally enough for me to give something a try. M. Kakutani. I read a review she wrote of a memoir by Franzen in which she called the book "portrait of the artist as an odious young jackass." Had to admit that was pretty damned funny, and having waded through a couple of Franzen's pretentious (IMO) efforts, though not the memoir (please!) I figured it was pretty accurate. Franzen's witty riposte was to call Kakutani "the stupidest person in New York." I believe Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump still live there, so Franzen's assessment is obviously pretty stupid itself, not to mention anemic in the wit category. Also, Kakutani has some strange dislike for Zadie Smith, whom I think is a deft and clever writer. Kakutani calls Smith "clunky". Generally, her nastiest gutjobs are reserved for male writers, Roth, Rushdie, DeLillo, Safran Foer, Updike, Lethem, and an amazingly dead giveaway, Nabokov. Really, lady? Is it the plotting, the characterization, or the writer's dongles? She also dislikes Martin Amis' books. I think Martin Amis seems like the identical dickhead twin separated at birth from Hitchens (matching neurasthenia and overblown self-regard) I think he's a gifted and imaginative fiction writer. Final word on Kakutani: leave it too Norman Mailer to be as rude as possible. Mailer called Kakutani "a female kamikaze". In her own words, she said this about Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: "Contrived and improvisatory, schematic and haphazard." To which I say: "inconsistent and internally contradictory". Of course that's a poll tax, and as such, it is patently illegal. But establishing Fudigelicalictment as the official religion of one's state seems to dwarf screwing with the polls for pure enormity of unAmericanism, illegality, and unConstitutionality. The NC argument for the former seems based upon some idea that Congress has no Constitutional basis for passing laws with binding national
- I thought Full Metal Jacket a very good movie, but I agree to some extent with What Ebert said about the plot being episodic and uneven, more like short stories than a novel. For me, once Private Pyle shoots Sergeant Hartman and himself, the movie loses propulsion, especially having just offed its two most compelling characters (and two best acting performances, in Ermey and D'Onofrio).
- Nah, Mark. You and Danny are anticlamatic, not any movie. Sorry, that was just too easy. Alfred E. Jindal's brilliant plan to make Loisiana state taxes 100% regressive. Exorcise yourself Jindal. That ain't outreachdumbass. I thought Stargate wa decent sci fi, despite despising any character played by James Spader. I mean, I always wished pretty in pink ended with Spader's Steff getting his ass kicked by Molly Ringwald, John Cryer and Annie Potts, and the king of John Hughes wimpy boyfriends, Andrew McCarthy. That would have been great. I've never seen How to Lose a Guy, but I like McConaughey and I lofe Goldie Hawn Jr. I just can't stand that sort of movie. Thanks for the links to Elvis Mitchell. I really like that guy. He also shows up with a half-hour show on TCM sometimes. Any guy that looks like Family Man Barret and worked for NYT is alright by me.
- Sherri@31: Pitino's teflon is as non-stick as Ronnie Raygun's. Stories like that one and the Miami fiasco always remind me of AJ Green suspended by the NCAA for four games (including two Georgia lost and would have won in all likelihood had AJ played--he was the best receiver and maybe the best player in the country, and he's proved that by his pro performance). That was in the middle of the NC investigation and the investigation of the famous pimp/agent party in South Beach. unCoach Rice should be clapped in stocks in public while the players throw basketballs at him. I didn't realize that about Ebert and the Coens. I think Raising Arizona is the funniest movie I've ever seen. And Blood Simple, which I believe preceeded Fargo, was the better of the two. The absolute best Coen Bros. movie is Miller's Crossing. Albert Finney and Gabriel Byrne in an Irish mob movie together. Amazing. Followed by O Brother, Where Art Thou. One way or another the Bros. C. owe much of their success to Frances McDormand.
- Dexter: I always think of Purnal Goldy. Remember the HR call on the radio, by George Kell in his first MLB at AB.
- Delightful photo. Regarding overland pipelines for petroleum products in the USA. When the pipeline ruptured and dumped oil into the Kalamazoo river, the company submitted cleanup plans to the EPA and other fed agencies as the law requires. The "experts" pegged the projected cleanup cost at $5mil. Now the pipeline company is whining that they have spent more than $750mil and aren't finished yet, though they have exceeded what the insurance carrier will pay. If I were threatened with eminent domain process to take land for Keystone XL, I'd fight it to the bitter end. And there have been three pipeline breaches in the USA in the past week. Apparently, the oil and gas concerns have no better knowledge of how to operate safely than does the nuclear power industry, which has been charging consumers for R&D costs beyond the cost of power consumed for 60 years and still have no better idea what to do with nuclear waste than to put it in kiddie pools atop reactor containments, as at Fukushima. Answer? Grow rapeseed on land currently cultivated with grain that draws federal subsidies and run cars on the clean fuel it will produce:
- I've thought for a long time that Jim Webb hit on an absolutely gorgeous chord progression with this song, and over the years, I've written several songs approximating it. But I just came across this version of the original by Maria McKee, one of the greatest female vocals in rock 'n' roll history: She does pretty well with a brilliant, lovelorn Richard Thompson song too:
- Maria McKee can also kick 'em out, and I think Fogerty would like this rip roarin' version: And, knowing I'll get grief for commenting on a woman's appearance, a lot of grief, this woman is a babe, with a rocker's soul and a lot of talent. And she can belt with the best of 'em:
- I relate things y'all have said in conversation a lot, and always ascribe it to a friend of mine. And I'm the asshole. Even though I have no idea what I said that was assholish. I guess telling me I was Swimmer Boy that was always picked last in dodgeball, when I never played dodgeball because I was a football player, nah! that wasn't assholish at all. I've been waiting to be called an asshole again for picking up on the neocon Freudian typo about anti-CLIMATIC, even though that is hilarious coming from some Shrubco acolyte that totally denies climate change. And Hope y'all are feeling better after that whipsaw yesterday between Kid President, single mom Michelle and Horreur!!!! Caroline Kennedy, that Beverly Hillbilly as Ambassador to Japan. The right thinks she isn't well educated enough. Or deferential. I think Japan is supposed to be deferential to the USA, you vacillating hypocrites. Maria McKee in a Major Barbara dress/uniform: Her godfather was Lowell George. Speaking in the fat man's tongues.
- Linda, the German Shorthair, Jamie,whose leanness and unadulterated speed I have to ascribe to some sort of whippet genetics, that was my mom and dad's companion as they went ungentle (like getting thrown out of the UGA Coliseum for riding a ref that allowed Pitino to wander to center court while play went on, in his Guccis) into that good night, Jamie, they got him from a kennel at a silent auction for my twin nephews' school, became Jamie. They had about 3 acres, and that dog could be locked inside behind double panes, if one of those deer moved he was howling and he was sure he could catch them. I'm glad he never did. They would have made mincemeat. One time, a fawn ran at Deion speed into a slider in the back of my parents' house. He was terrified and headed the exact opposite direction, which landed the 80-lb toddler right in my arms in the swimming pool. Let me say without fear that anybody is better informed than I on this subject. a baby deer's hooves are sharp as box-cutters. I got his legs under control and his hooves where they couldn't draw blood, and I thought I managed to convince youung bambi I was his friend. I walked up the steps out of the pool. That little bastard kicked me in the nads hard and lit out. What I learned? Dear are dangerous animals.
- That dear wasn't really a typo
- Peter King on Roger Ebert: In 2012, the last full calendar year of his prolific life, film maven Roger Ebert, who died Thursday, reviewed 306 movies. That's more reviews than he wrote in any year of his Pulitzer Prize-winning life. There is something inspiring about that. And good riddance to Margaret "That Cow" Thatcher. A real asshole. The Falklands War wasn't quite as asinine as Raygun's foray into Grenada, but it was close: Dumbass chicken-hawk warmongers, like the Shrubco clowns. Thatcher was apparently great buds with the psychopath Augusto Pinochet. You lie down with psychos...
- Jw@511: Maybe not Guam or St. Thomas, but the USA handed over the Solomons and the Marianas to Casino Jack Abramoff with no fight at all. Brits are in bad need of realizing their Imperial days are long gone. They had no more bidness in the Falklands than they have in Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Tyrone and Londonderry. Annette Funicello, and banging' a tambourine with the Beach Boys, on a tune penned by Bobby Sherman. The power of perky.
- When confronted with a picture of women in Bunny costumes, I'm inevitably put in mind of Gloria Steinem. Steinem was a hero of my youth, along with Angela Davis. We're going to see the Angela Davis doc this weekend in Savannah, and I hope to see 42, the Jackie Robinson biopic. I have a photo of my mom playing catch with Jackie in Vero Beach when she was six months pregnant with me. Songs about Margaret Thatcher. Shipbuilding, presented here by somebody else, is a gorgeous song by Elvis Costello, so he's on the list twice. Declan really disliked the PM.
- Neo-urbanist architecture as stunning artwork. Maybe it was the week long huge buildup from TeeVee critics, but I found that two hours of Mad Men kinda lackluster. And I now have more good feelings about Walter White than I do about Don Draper. What a whore. It dawned on me during the season before last that I just don't buy the basic premise that advertising requires some sort of intellectual or artistic gift or genius. I can't think of a single thing I ever bought because of an ad, but there are things I have boycotted for years because of obnoxious ads (Energizer batteries, anything manufactured by Baron Bich, I always rooted for his yachts to sink in America's Cup races.) This may be overly doctrinal, but I remember clearly being taught that the Sacrament of the Eucharist includes an implicit aspect of the Sacrament of Penance. Id est: partaking in the Eucharist brings absolution for sins if the communicant is properly penitential. In other words, my sins are between me an God, no middle man required. I never bought into confession even as a little kid. I'd tell the nuns I went on weekends with my parents when they'd bring us to chapel on Friday p.m., and tell my parents the nuns made me go on Friday pm. The Parish priest at St. Hugo in Bloomfield Hills, Fr. Stack, had suffered a stroke on the golf course back then, and would frequently repeat sins being repented in a decidedly audible voice. It could get pretty embarrassing. I also recall that we were taught that in an emergency, anybody can perform a Christian baptism.
- The apotheosis of David Brooks' asinine schtick: The fight for same sex marriage was self-defeating. Gay marriage limits personal freedom ultimately, because getting married is akin to putting oneself in shackles. If that weenie is married, I hope the little woman (the old ball and chain?) burns him a new one over this. As Randy Newman says of Mr. Sheep: Jesus, what a jerk.
- The constant refrain from NRA types is background checks “will not prevent the next shooting, will not solve violent crime and will not keep our kids safe.” How exactly do they know this for certain? Sounds like "true believer" bullshit to me. And even if it's generally true, is that a rational argument for not doing background checks? NFW. If too many guns are stolen, nullifying the effect of a comprehensive background check system, I'd say that is an argument in favor of strong background checks, so that the original gun owners are more responsible citizens that prevent their weapons from being stolen in the first place. I'm just as sure that many alleged gun thefts are fabrications, to cover up bad behavior, and I'd bet that large-scale ripoffs of gunshops are more than likely perpetrated by militia types. Obviously I don't know that's true, but it certainly seems likely. Catherine, you are forgetting the exorbitant cost of that safety officer's health care and pension negotiated by her venal union representatives. The total is probably twice your $24million. The next logical step in the argument for arming schools is to privatize education and give security contracts to Erik Prince and Xe.
- Kirk Cameron thinks he has a better grasp of science than Stephen Hawking does. How stupid must a person be to not realize when he's the unarmed combatant in a battle of wits?
- Poopy-pants Ted Nugent at it again.
- A terrific piece on the anniversary of Shock and Awe and Occupation from Driftglass, focused on one of the unbound and unabashed media cheerleaders, Michael Kelly, who died in a ditch in Iraq for his efforts in support of Shrubco. Of course, Kelly also bought Phillip Glass, hook, line and sinker, with less tragic result.
- I pretty much skipped that yesterday discussion, because y'all have made fun of my Continuing Catholicism and also my devotion to Teillhard. I challenge each of you to read even snatches from Teillhard. I'll explain them. Why I believe in God? "Whatever you do to the least of my brethren" doen's come from human DNA, does it? So there is a greater intelligence informing creation. Makes perfectly good sense. and what the biologist Teillhard says about Christogenesis, makes sense from a redshift point of view. Dexter. I'm the 1% on Paul Richards. In my MLB universe, there is Branch Rickey and everybody else. Triandos was a good player that I admired in his prime. I always thought he was menacing at the plate. But, y'know, not like Marichal, who might beat you over the head with a bat and not go to jail. And that is for Shrri and other Gint fans. How was that shitheel not locked up?
- Have any of the tiny dancers that want to claim the Lord, ever expressed any concern for the least of His Children? No? Thank You. They do not give a shit.
- With regards to Weiner, he has a spectacular wife, not some Evita Ho that hiked the Appalachian Trail with him on the yaxpayer's dime. Seems like a large difference, or a vas deferens, to me. I mean, Sanford is parading Evita around. Good Lord.
- Um, Nancy Raygun was already pregnant with Ronnie's spawn while he was still married to Jane Wyman. And the Raygun misAdministration's assault on Head Start proved the value of the program, once and for all.
- JW@27: That's a noun, a verb, and 9/11. He's going to bring Bernie Kerik to solicit donations from the Arizona Witness Protection Program Mobsters (he's BFFs with most of them already) and cozy up to the Arpaio posse. A bottle of Boone's Farm or Spanada ought to be enough to get Goobernor Brewski onboard. Everything Glenda Jackson says about Thatcher is true of Ronnie Raygun. Those aerial photos of Chicago are wonderful. I haven't been in Chicago since 1968, and I didn't get to see any of the good stuff that time. I spent the morning talking to a lawyer in Savannah about how to make my money last until it's time to kick it. He's telling me about eligibility for long-term medicaid. Not with Nikki "Heat" Haley, another SC goobernor that can't keep her panties on. Beb@17: The situation seems to be that all of the family farmers are basically sharecropping for Big Farm, and federal money trickles down like urine from above.
- From Brandon's linked Harpers piece about AZ: Nowadays, the capitol’s dingy, unshaded plaza is bare save for a few small rosebushes and some patches of dry grass. Heard of xeriscaping you numbnuts? Coal to Newcastle. Excellent article. I used to subscribe to Harpers, but they ran one too many bullshit Claude Levi-Strauss where he indulged his fantasy Alexis de Tocqville identity and flicked Gaulloises Disque Bleu ashes on his own imaginary America, and I couldn't take it any more. But man, this piece is good, and AZ is FUBAR: The general unsightliness of the capitol makes it a fitting home for today’s Arizona legislature, which is composed almost entirely of dimwits, racists, and cranks. Collectively they have bankrupted the state through a combination of ideological fanaticism on the Republican right and acquiescence and timidity on the part of G.O.P. moderates and Democrats. Although dozens of states are facing budget crises, the situation in Arizona is arguably the nation’s worst, graver even than in California. A horrific budget deficit has been papered over with massive borrowing and accounting gimmickry, and the state may yet have to issue IOUs to employees and vendors. All-day kindergarten has been eliminated statewide, and some districts have adopted a four-day school week. Arizona’s state parks, despite bringing in 2 million visitors and $266 million annually, have lost 80 percent of their budget, with up to two thirds of the parks now in danger of closure. The legislature slashed the budget for the Department of Revenue, which required the agency to fire hundreds of state auditors and tax collectors; lawmakers boasted that these measures saved $25 million, but a top official in the department estimated that the state would miss out on $174 million in tax collections as a result. Teabangers in Arizona privatized their state capitol complex. Now they pay rent to its owner. How messed up is that? Brian@34: Rural Americans were the topsoil ripe for GOPers to plant the seeds of the permanent Southern Strategy more than 30 years ago. Milhous and Spiro spoke their language.
- Good News!!!: Still Some Hope for Mankind Dept. I love Kickstarter and microloans. This may be the greatest Kickstarter project ever. Listen to the tone of the cello. Astounding. Here's how federal tax money goes in and goes out: Ain't rocket science.
- The latest episode of Southland was extremely intense. Fine show. Michael Cudlitz is a superb actor and Regina King, who plays Detective Lydia Adams is even better. As with yesteryear, the best cop show wasn't really a cop show. It was a private dick genre show, and as many good things as Fx ever does, they will never make up for bailing on Terriers, the best crime-based TeeVee since Jim Rockfish found Gandy Finch's long lost beloved. (Except the Araber story arc on Homicide, of course).
- Insofar as people invest in their own families, they are holding out on the state and unacceptably privileging their own kids over the children of others. These parents are selfish, small-minded, and backward. I had no idea that my parents encouraged me with Pooh and Nanny Let my Beetle Out to be part of hive mind socialism to know how to read at age four, but I'm pretty sure that reading The Mysterious Island when I was a tyke gave me a healthy dislike for GOPer style bullshit. Did anybody but a drooling moron like Rich Lowry ever think anything quite so idiotic? But, ya know, $Palin gives him a boner. What a fracking tool.
- Dickhead cheating on gaptooth cured my MadMen problem. My own SO has a pleasing gap between her two most prominent teeth (like Lauren Hutton and Sarah Sidel), but Megan's all gaptooth grin is entirely too predatory for me. Generally, what most people mean by awesome is "stunning", not "awe-inspiring", which is what it actually means. This is the "nauseous-nauseating" conundrum. Why can't words mean what they meant in the first gutdom place? I'd say, a good editor will impart wisdom in a non-damaging fashion and nip that obnoxious shit in the bud. And Mitch, maybe in Cartland Land where you reside. I say: Who knows but that, on the lower frequencies, I speak for you? –Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. –F. Scott Fitzgerald,The Great Gatsby, and the most beautiful last sentence ever written: His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead. –James Joyce, “The Dead” in Dubliners. Ah Bartelby. Ah humanity. And who wouldn't give it all up to have written that Joyce sentence. A wizard, a true star: (
- And as Margaret Atwood asked at the end of Handmaid's Tale: "Are there any questions?" or as the late very great John Barth says at the end of The End of the Road: "Terminal." "Poo-tee-weet".
- By all of which, I mean to say, Nancy, be kind to that dumbass, who may have something going for her on the other side of valley speak. Poo-tee-weet. Love may fail, but courtesy will prevail.
- The thing about The Following: How can the FBI be so bloody incompetent when the psychopath and his minions are so capable. I always read while I'm watching TeeVee, or teach myself new mandolin chords. Seems like it was several years ago that Vic Mackey pressed a guys face on an orange-hot stove burner. That was easily the most revoltingly violent thing I've seen on TeeVee. And the conversation on Justified does not remotely resemble anything on Hill Street, LA Law, NYPD Blue or Deadwood (all I know of Milch). Raylan's and Boyd's extended dialogues sound exactly like Elmore Leonard characters conversing, particularly when Boyd goes all biblical, and the Great Man has given his imprimatur.
- Boyd Crowder has been entirely conversant with the King James of Shakes and Catamite Marlowe his entire TeeVee life, and speaks in its august cadences, and he has clearly never been short on smarts. That's a ridiculous assertion. Ava is still a dumb hillbilly. Boyd never was, and he's very like Fr. Terry Dunn, the hero of Pagan Babies, but he knows more about explosives and weapons. And none of the dialogue sounds remotely like David Milch, although I wouldn't mind being compared to the guy. I appreciate TeeVee characters that are somewhat more intelligent and articulate than run-of -the-mill real life. And, Mr. Leonard likes it. Judybusy@32: The Criterion Collection on Hulu is a great source for movies.
- Boyd's eloquence and elevated, philosophical thought processes have been elemental to the character, from the getgo. Though I never get anywhere but being called an asshole when I disagree, Nancy is just flat wrong about this one.
- I remember a Christmas Special when I was a kid, with Johathan Winters. he was dressed as Santa and beamed a wide smile into the camera. He said something along the lines of "What do you kiddies think about those pearly whites kids? Every tooth made from a little elf's skull." I thought at the time it was the funniest thing ever, but I had yet to hear Don't Crush That Dwarf while high as a kite. He may have been loony, but he was insanely funny. I love Richard Prior. I think he was the funniest mofugger ever. But Jonathan Winters, Danny Kaye, and Victor Borge were comedy's golden age. I came close to bagging Sons, because of Clay's negative humanity, but the TeeVee is the inerrant and irreplaceable background at times, and I'd rather spend time with people exuding intelligence and artistic ambition (or pretension) than with morons. Nancy, I don't think anybody in the writing crew has altered Ava's randy redneck girl character. And Boyd has been speaking antediluvial Bible-ese from scene 1. Is he self-educated? Don't know. But dumb was never in Boyd's wheelhouse, and he's a pure Dutch Leonard villain straight through the heart, right to his command of the language.
- Nancy, would you deny that the old man makes his last gasp villains ariculate as hell? They all say shit he intends to spout. You should read back a few.
- Never had a dream I didn't enjoy, I seriously have no idea what a nightmare feels like. I love dreaming, And my dreams are strange and wonderful. If it's Jeff's birthday, Happy birthday. I seriously don't understand nightmares. I really embrace all of my dreams.
- David Letterman has braincells that never existed in Jay Rockjaw. Guy is Fred Flintstone, but not quite as funny.
- Jolene@88: And who is way funnier than Dave ever was. I watched a Craig interview with Desmond Tutu, and the guy is actually astute on matters of theology, He's also written a very entertaining novel. Then I went to the Grady School. That had real newspapermen running the show,I don't think Leno has. God knows what my mom and dad paid for the two years at Holy Cross, but I thank them for the Ovid and the Thoreau and Emerson seminars Would I rather have the cash? Probably. Nope. Each tooth made from little Elves' skulls. And I'd point out Ralph McGill, Henry Grady, and Reg Murphy, three of the greatest and most courageous newspapermen that ever lived,
- Swans. A great poem, I thinkl. One of the greatest days of my life was openining up my AP English Lit exam and being asked to assess The Wild Swans at Coole. I speak Yeats.I believe he's the greatest poet that ever lived.
- Absolutely lovely plants LA Mary. Jasmine is particlarly gorgeous, and lavendar. As are roses of any sort, or color. I can remember seeing pheasants flushed by my mom's '63 Tbird back in '63 on 17 Mile Road, which I think we also called Long Lake Road. It was dirt and they oiled it. Back in the Pullte dayes. He went to ouur church.
- I'm betting on homegrown. Boston.
- I just found out my keedos and the grandkids and the Son in Laware fine. I thought they might have gone to the race. I wil be surprised if this isn't the act of some sort of teabanger. Yaknow. Boston. All those colleges, and yaknow, smart people. It's a drag being smarteeople in a fucking stupid world.
- On the Asian carp: they should import some brown pelicans and some ospreys. Those fish would be lunch, toots sweet. Beautifully said, both Jeff and Jenine. Best wishes Basset.
- Wise point , Dexter. 46 people were killed in bombings in Iraq yesterday. Interesting take on the Boston bombing from Juan Cole: David Koresh or his second in command murdered all of the Branch Davidians by shooting them, and the murdered agreed to their own murders. Randy Weaver shot two FBI agents after firing on ATF agents that were at his place with a warrant; his wife and kids were his accomplices. I'm all for blaming the government, but in those two cases, the nutjobs were responsible. And Elian Gonzalez' mom kidnapped the kid, but that didn't stop Wayne LaPierre from making a jack-booted thugs comment.
- Today is the anniversary of the birth of Dusty Springfield. Adele? Madonna? Katy freaking Perry? Not in the same universe. Lulu? Sure. Those gals could sing. No autotune nor Diane Warren required. Jackie DeShannon was her American counterpart. DeShannon and Springfield were accomplished songwriters. The former wrote songs with Van Morrison and Jimmy Page and the great Randy Newman. Jackie DeShannon made the original, and finest, version of the great song Needles and Pins. And I think some Mad Men stylist saw that album cover when they designed Betty Draper. So Hank, when I stage a revolution, I should count on your expertise for explosive ordnance? And I think Joel Achenbach is a national treasure.
- And apropos of zip, don't you think it crushes Henry's shriveled little nads that Betty will always be Betty Draper, not Betty Francis.
- Absolutely perfect song for the day after something evil happens. Common sense about guns: I would not give gun licenses to the vast majority of people I have ever encountered. Scalito wants to give grenade launchers to every yahoo with an American birth certificate. I think I'd be a better Supreme Court justice.
- Brian: I love the Animals. It is, in my opinion, a great invention. In my opinion, LSD should be available over the counter. I mean, it was back when I was in colllege. And I'd be a better Justice than a potted plant. Wolf Blitzer: ahole flamer. Where is Arthur "Scud Stud" Kent, who was out on the rooftops with bombs bursting in air when Wolf was huddling under a desk soiling himself?
- And Madonna was actually Manti Te'o's girlfriend. And she doesn't steel note for note from Prince. Sorry, Brandon. I couldn't help myself, being an asshole and all. And in my mind, Madonna wrote one song and modifies it occasionally. If one of the two was going to be a hot commodity, it should cave been Cyndi Lauper, clearly, who's miles more talented. And Cyn writes better songs than Madge can imagine. Way better singer, too. And the Lulu theme song from Man With the Golden Gun was excellent, but it couldn't touch To Sir, With Love. And singing Bond movie songs in the wake of Goldfinger is a losing proposition. One very sexy woman with an astounding voice. Jonathan Winters with Jack Paar: Funny as hell.
- Did any of y'all know that Dorothy Kilgallen, (the nice, pretty lady from What's My Line, that Frank Sinatra hated, and when the biggest asshole ever hates you, you must be doing something right,) claimed to have interviewed Jack Ruby out of earshot of the Dallas police? And she died in Marilyn Monroe fashion? What she said about the unfortunate Warren Commission: The Warren Report made a great effort to note that the FBI and the Secret Service were delinquent in their duty, and that the press media – TV, radio and newspaper – also were responsible for the confusion that made Oswald's murder possible. Baloney. Oswald was not killed by a newspaperman. He was killed by a nightclub owner well-known to the police – Jack Ruby. How can the Warren Commission pretend to forget that? And nobody suspected Sinatra? I was just looking up Elbert "Golden Wheels" Dubenion, my second favorite AFL player of all time, after Abner Haynes. Wiki says he went to Bluffton Colllege, in Ohio. Was there ever such a place. And Golden Wheels is the greatest sport nickname oof all time, and I wouldn't deign to listen to arguments on that fact.
- Welcome good news about Mrs. Basset. Is there anybody on the face of the earth that thinks the Warren Commission had the slightest semblance of credibility. I'd like to sell the nitwit my bridge to the mainland. And Dexter and Sherri(if you're old enough) and some of you sports types, how about those 45-43 Thanksgiving Day games. The AFL rocked. Otis Taylor sprinting 60 yards to spear the villainous Ben Davidson. My kinda football. Bastard deserved it. Conrad Dobler notwithstanding, Ben Davidson was the dirtiest player ever. And in Dobler's defense, his accuser was Alex fracking Karras, who was nearly blind and used to tell a story about roughing up an opponent and only realizing after the game it was his brother Ted. Alex was a gentle giant type and a great host at the Greektown Festival, but a rowdy sumbitch. I loved me some Loins baack in those days. Awe inspiring defensive line, great LBs, Lem Barney, LeBeau, Pietrosante, Gibson ( we saw them at the Fox and Hounds in Bloomfield Hills after a game and they were very cool about a coupla ahole teenagers interrupting their dinner for autographs.) Jim Gibsson was like a prototype. Big and fast, and an outstanding blocker. The Loins had camp at Cranbrook. They were a buncha relly nice guys. Particularly Roger Brown, who was the biggest human being I had ever seen at that point in my life, and Darris McCord, who was almost as hugehuge. Contrary to their communal nickname, they were a bunch of nice guys.I mean, they were gigantic, but they all acted the way Alex did on his TeeVee show.Nice fellows.
- Any discussion of the Loins requires some comment about Van Patrick. What a Bozo. Hearing footprints. That is Van Patrick. Hearing footprints? Holy shit you moron. I find it confusing to keep y'all in geographic perspective. In part, it's because it's feudal and tribal. There's the Fort and CHICChicago and Detroit. I'd guess I know Detroit as well, or better than, the rest of you. Spent my formative years there. Good place to be a kid. Sort of. Got into all sorts of trouble. Met my first love, and I loved her fiercely, Was in my first play. Was there ever a better db than Lem Barney until Champ Bailey. Neon was great, but he chickened on the tackle, Well not wo much, but kinda, and he didn't drive the hammer like Champ.
- Seems likely the Lions are whatever. So the fuck what.
- Lem Barney was so good it was ridiculous, but he was not a good as Champ Bailey. Deion wasnt that good. Champ basically ate db alive. Nobody was better at that position.Care to let whatever? Lem Barney was not as good as Champ. and nobody else was either. best DB that ever played. And I was a freaking good one.
- The national anthem from the crowd at last night's Bruins game at TD Garden was pretty amazing: Actual costs of business doing business,, to everybody else. And the people that go on and on about the 2nd Amendment, what part of "well-regulated" baffles them. Of course, when it s meaning escapes Supreme Court Justices I guess it's not surprising that run-of-the-mill Murcans don't get it. I find that inconceivably sad. And anybody that believes that the federal gummint is coming for their guns, or that they need arsenals to protect themselves from the feds, needs psychiatric help.
- 13 oil spills in 30 days. If I lived in Oklahoma and somebody told me I had to let the Keystone XL pipeline be built across my land, I think I might get a gun, or a rocket launcher, or a Bradley Fighting Vehicle. How can GOPers support the pipeline, which will require scads of eminent domain taking of land? Isn't eminent domain anathema to the GOP? Isn't that why they need ether guns? Hypocrites. And no matter what the oil companies say, they have proven time and again, they have no clue how to clean up these messes. When the oil spilled in the Kalamzoo River, the company claimed it would cost $5mil to rectify the situation. They are at $350mil now, and are bitching about their insurance coverage having run out of money, and the spill is not yet "mitigated", as the industry likes to put it. Mitigating doesn't mean fixing the problem, it means making it not quite so bad. They obviously aren't great at building pipelines that don't rupture. There are still tarballs on the Gulf Coast beaches, and lord knows what the ultimate damage to wildlife will be. The recent spill in Arkansas repeats a story we know too well. In 2010, an Enbridge Energy pipeline in Michigan broke and spilled more than 800,000 gallons of toxic tar sands crude into the Kalamazoo River -- and it still hasn’t been fully cleaned up. That same year, TransCanada, the company that wants to build the Keystone XL pipeline now, built a pipeline that experienced 12 separate spills in a single year. In 2011, one of Exxon Mobil’s pipelines in Montana ruptured and contaminated the Yellowstone River. And even just last week, a train derailed in Minnesota and spilled 30,000 gallons of tar sands crude. This guy has the right idea:
- Lord knows what an ether gun is. I imagine it would be a nonfatal weapon, that might be more effective than the lead Milltown variety. Anyway, I meant to type "their".
- BP still hasn't finished the clean up three years later, and they are trying to weasel out of responsibility for finishing the job. Jpy, Rapcha. I found a Starbucks card in one of my desk drawers and found out on theStarbucks website there is $25 on it. No idea where it came from. I do love the breakfast food choices there. And that Sumatran coffee they use for house blend is excellent. So, coozledad, you don't like that guy much, eh? The problem of antibiotics in our factory farm food chain is pretty scary. There won't be any cures for the syphillitic or the gonorrheal. A few more strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and we could all be looking at The Stand. Thaat's another of those costs of doing business that society pays so that CEOs can make 300x as much as their employees.
- I really enjoy">Neil Gaiman's books, and I love the movie Stardust, so this new project looks interesting to me. What he says about physical books is a good explanation of why I'll never be a Kindle convert. Mike Luckovich burns Wolf Blitzer a new one: Turner Classic Movies is showing Carousel tonight. I played Billy Bigelow in a HS production. Couldn't sing for shit, but I do love the music in that show. We did all think the bathetic You'll Never Walk Alone was pretty hilarious though. The waltz on the other hand is simply gorgeous.
- Brian, some GOPers and Teabangers are trying to make it much worse, by bagging the direct election of Senators in the 17th Amendment. It's a direct attack on the voting power the large majority of people that live in cities. Goes hand in hand with the new supersized GOP gerrymandering. Yeah, both parties gerrymander, but the GOP version is like snakeheads in American waters.
- Jeff@101: And Perry is soliciting campaign cash from those same folks in return for big tax breaks. like his buddy with the radioactive waste dump: Pony up and Perry delivers the sweetheart deals, and it's all legal in Tejas. To think that so many GOPers thought he'd be a worthwhile President is sickening. Texas campaign finance laws are as lax as their zoning. Think Perry will take some federal disaster cash? Any goobernor that doesn't accept fed help in that kind of emergency is an incompetent asshole ideolgue that should be impeached or recalled immediately. Of course, that's a perfect description of Rick Perry. There used to be a prosecutor in Texas that went after both Malathion Delay and Goodhair, named Ronnie Earle, but Texas GOP framed him on some trumped up bullshit. Consider the source if you read this: Pretty appalling and pretty funny at the same time, considering how the Bugman ended up. I always connect DeLay with the Dale Gribbler character on King of the Hill. Excessive exposure to malathion makes people nuts.
- Sherri, back in the 60s and 70s gun registration was a large part of the MO of the Panthers.. Went over like a lead balloon with the NRA.
- If you can get to it, Sunday's NYT Arts Section had a great article about the etherally lyrical guitar man, Shuggie Otis. Shug and Shuggie are common Southern nicknames, from Sugar. And the one page article in the style mag T about Julianne Moore is superb, with stunning photos, and there is a great article about restaurants in Charleston. Shuggie played with his dad Johnny Otis' band in Detroit a lot when I was a kid, and I saw them many times. When the kid was 16 or 17, he was starting to get into Jimi's neighborhood, and the shows were always riotous affairs, with the old man's Hand Jive always the center of attraction. Johnny Otis was a Greek immigrant, who called himself "black by preference". Johnny Otis was largely responsible for recognizing the tremendous talent of Etta James and promoting her career. Eric Clapton does an absolutely reprehensible version of Wille and the Hand Jive. About as compelling as Rock 'n' Roll Heart. The sort of person Rupert Murdoch employs on his papers.
- My daughter and her husband and my two grandkids, one of whom I have yet to meet, live at ground zero of the unfolding madness in Massachusetts. I got an email at 7am today from Emily saying they are going with Governor Patrick's recommendations and staying inside with the doors locked. I'm glad, but not surprised, to hear that. And coozledad, the IRA gave advanced warnings of its bombings, to prevent carnage. Not claiming that's sane, but it's more human and humane thatn the alternative. The Brits were warned several times with plenty of time to evacuate before the Omagh bombings. They chose spectacle to make the opposition look evil, and got a lot of people killed and maimed for their own evil purposes, and they are the invading overlords. Those are war criminals, not common criminals. Meanwhile, I'm a nervous wreck, and I don't get nervous. Chechnyans aren't Russians, unless you buy the Stalin view of the world. And who knows what evidence there actually is agains these two. It seems clear that the bombs were in black bags, and the photos of these two seemed to show kinda royal blue except for white ballcap kid whose backpack was unmistakably bright silver gray. Then again, jihadists attacking Boston Taxachusetts seems rather less likely than Teabangers attacking the home state of librul Murrca. I think much of this internet hysteria over what is going on comes directly from the slatternly coverage and irresponsible editorial decisions at the NYPost. As Sgt. Carter said, "Surprise, surprise."
- Yeah, Mark. I've seen any number of images of white baseball cap kid carrying a backback that was anything but black. There are also gigantic holes in what's been reported for anybody that ever lived in Boston. The people on TeeVee don't know dick about the geography they are describing. How was an MIT campus cop involved, for instance? As for faked, wasn't the first question to President Obama in an immediate press conference about this being a "false-flag" incident aimed at gubmint coming for people's guns. Why, yes, yes it was. Save your indignation: And the hunt for these particular guys started with hysterically irresponsible shit published on the front page of the NYPost. Ever heard of Richard Jewell?
- It's entirely likely that the Russian troops besieging the hostage-takers and hostages at the Beslan School killed everyone in the building with poison gas. In fact, the Russian government came close to admitting that's what happened. It's not even clear the hostage-takers were Chechen.
- The photos of the exploded bombs clearly showed black backpacks. I believe these are the guys the FBI is looking for, but I don't see any real evidence in any of this nonsense to actually implicate them. And the TeeVee coverage has been atrocious from the getgo. Why don't they get local reporters from affiliates? And CNN doesn't have Boston reporters. And there really is no MIT campus to speak of. It's all properties bought up like urban homesteading over a long period of time. It's all urban, and any disturbance at a 7-11 on Mass Ave, the only street that MIT abuts other than Storrow Drive, which has no commercial presence, would have drawn the Cambridge cops immediately. If it were the 7-11 near Porter Square, Tufts Cops would have beaten MIT cops to the scene, and that's actually in Somerville, not Cambridge.
- I'm not suggesting anything other than that the internet "newspeople" are FUBARing this situation and that it's starting to look like all of the neceesitiea for a witch hunt are aligning as in the case of Richard Jewell, which could only serve to allow the actual bombers to escape punishment, as did Erik Rudolph. The MIT campus is a connection of properties bought on the cheap, tenants evicted by illegal means and residences destroyed to build classrooms and lab buildings. This has been a Town and Gown battle for years. I also don't believe the MIT cops carry guns, so responding to a robbery instead of alerting the Cambridge cops would be incredibly stupid. Has anybody identified the "suspect" that died at Beth Israel as black ballcap guy? Cops? FBI? I don't thhink so. All the self-congratulatory crowd-sourcers like reddit are doing nothing more than further roiling very muddy waters, and drawing attention from the ricin assault on the President. And these guys were seen walking about 15 feet apart, in a slow moving line of sidewalk pedestrians, with several other people, all of whom were carrying bags, either duffels or backpacks. But for all anybody knows, these guys picked a really bad night to jack a convenience store. And there were photos of two exploded black backpacks. Consider the questions asked of the suspects' uncle:
- You honestly think there is empirical reality related to the mass decision on the webs that these two guys were the bombers. On what evidence that anybody knows about. In Boston it is being characterized as a manhunt for the murderer of an MIT cop and shooter of a T cop, who also had no business anywhere near an armed robbery. Cops aren't saying so and neither is the FBI. That's like being part of the posse in Ox-Bow Canyon. You'd think, actually, that the care and guile with which the attack was launched would probably logically preclude the dumbass stupidity of doing something as rash as robbing a convenience store in Kendall Square, Cambridge MA. That part of Cambridge, at any time of night or day, is teeming with people. MIT cops are not professional certified graduates of any police academy. They are rent-a-cops and do not carry weapons. And an alarm from the store would have gone directly to Cambridge Police HQ, on the near side of Harvard Square, not two minutes away for a cop car with siren on on Mass Ave. and those mean, tough bastards would have been on the spot in no time. I've had experience with both groups. First place, going away for assholishness commenting on the bombing. Shouldn't that Arkansas legislative body censure or otherwise discipline this ignorant redneck mofo? I mean, if God won't strike the ahole down with a lightning bolt, or at least a sound beating with a sap.
- Nobody is getting anything right.
- Not to be a smartass or anything, but "empirical reality" is kinda redundant, and reality is one of those things, like pregnancy, that really doesn't lend itself to lingusitic moderation. Ya know, there are no degrees of pregnancy and reality is what can be seen, heard, felt, tasted, smelled. which is pretty much what is meant by empirical. It is what it is. As for Mary's suggestion@85, I think what would be a comfort in the lying prone for a fortnight situation would be one of those soba pillows, I know what would drive me nuts would be wanting to fliip to the cool side every five min.utes. Those bean-filled pillows stay nice and cool and conform immediately to any shift in posture. The cops and Feebs in Boston are conducting a manhunt for a cop murderer, not a bomber, and they have made that quite clear, to get rid of the hordes of Boston media types that have hounded them for three days. I have friends in Boston who have told me this and have every reason to know the facts better than anybody blabbing on the net.
- I've been in that SofD studio and that would be a spooky place to spend the night. I've been in there at night, drinking beer and smoking post, but with the lights off, it would seem like a horror movie set.
- Yeah Deborah and I'm thinking about no artificial light and I believe it would make a great horror movie set, with diaphonously veiled vampires women in a Jean Rollin movie. Ever see those? Right. Typos on the internet. The last bastion of small-minded folks. But I have been in that place many times, and no matter what it will always remind me of the pretentiousness of using the term charette and the ultimate pretentiousness of anything connected with Harvard. What exactly is charette? Getting really drunk and high and smokin whole lots of Gaulloise until you produce the perfect design. Designers and Architects have so small an understanding of materials Codes and details of construction, I have lost any respect for them. There were hundreds of these kids with parents that would have spent their money better sending them to SCAD. Seems to me the typo is not the same as claiming claiming empirical reality as opposed to experiential reality. This is pretty funny, and since it was a mindless joke of which I was the butt, Stick it in a butt of Malmsey ladies. The Trays makes a very beautiful place in late afternoon. I have been in there all night when my sister-in-law Carolyn was making a better Viet Monument than Maya Lin did, in my opinion. It is a very valuable thing to be opinionated. If y'all disagree with that, I'll never darken this door. Striving to avoid being opinionated is something that will wrap your colon in knots that can't be untied. When somebody tells you it's just your opinion, you tell them immediately: that's why it came out of my mouth. I will always be some clown you can make a joke of? Parbly not. And the parbly comes from beyond your literary range, from Russell Hoban. That is how Riddley Walker speaks. I thought you all were my friends. Can anybody that wants to give me shit explain what empirical reality can mean remotely? I know what eeas meant, but it's not English.
- It's a fact. I'me a smartass shithead. And it's a fact, big freaking deal. I'm a smartass shithead. Nancy, please admit I'm correct about that small point about tjat matter of languqage. I know more, you don't/ I]M SMARTER AND KNOW ENG;;ISH BETTER/
- Kissmy ass JWI've got a family in this game. You don't so fuck you.
- Then two senators, Graham and McCain essentially want to throw him into the wood chipper instead orf giving him a trial. Whereas a trial (besides being “The American Way”) might give us some insight into why they did this,thus giving us some closure. They would prefer that the wood chipper is in Guantanamo and that he be fed about 1 inch at a time into the machine. Little Lord Lindsey was a Navy JAG, for God's sake, and he is propoling an ad hoc suspension of the Constitution to deal with an American citizen. I don't understand this obsession in the GOP with not trying terrorists in American courts, except that it is a way of causing problems for President Uppity. The claim about a trial giving the defendants a soapbox is ridiculous. These two, the Tarnaevs, attended a Shi'a mosque in Cambridge. The Imam says they showed at services rarely, Tamarlan nine times in the last year, his baby brother once. At one of Tamerlan's rare appearances, he argued with the Imam and was escorted out. Hardly observant. The Russian attempt to connect Chechen terrorists with Al Quaeda is transparent hooie. Ethnic Chechens are indeed Muslims, but there are mostly Sufis and few salafis. The Chechen terrorists see themselves as insurgents in their own territory, fighting an oppressive hegemony. Like the Real IRA vs. the occupying Brits. Juan Cole is by far the most reliable source on this subject I know of, and he is an expert: And so long, bhdork. I always pictured you chuckling. Don't know why.
- Little Lindsay Fauntleroy is getting primaried by Teabangers. Not a true enough believer. Filling my mailbox with outrageous bovine waste. This week, extremely classy Cleveland Indians management had Sweet Caroline played over the PA during a game with the RedSox, and followed the game with Dirty Water, after the Sox won. Remarkably thoughtful and cool thing to do in Cleveland. Heard about this guy? Guy should obviously be sitting in a cell right now. At least the Tsarnaev's right to buy guns at a gun show or on the street weren't infringed by onerous background checks. I think the most astounding thing about the continuing dumbass news coverage of the bombing is that a clear, if inept, attempt to assassinate President Obama has disappeared down the memory hole. That is not a comforting development. the 2nd Amendment is so sacrosanct that we can’t do anything with guns, no matter how many people die, and despite what the 2nd Amendment actually says.
- People currently take the Trib Co. papers somewhat seriously. If the Kochs buy them, nobody with a brain will. They will become the record papers of Freepland. Mortimer and Randolph Communications, with all the credibility of a book published by Regnery Press or anything elsw Richard Melon Scaife has anything to do with. Think LA Times run by that cretin Jonah Goldberg and bring back the odious ninny Max Boot, and put John Kass in charge of the Chicago Tribune. They'll make a bundle on mail subscriptions to armed camps in Idaho by advertising on and, and nobody serious will take them seriously.
- Scribe @23: LAT is worse, I think, and, amazingly, there are incessant whingeing letters about how the paper is the liberal LSM. When people mistake Jonah Goldberg for a voice of moderation, it's frightening. Not being a Chicagoan nor a Los Angeleno, I can honestly say, turning those to rags into cartoon voices, like the Washington Times, might not be such a terrible thing. I also don't think people with attitudes like those espoused by Mortimer and Randolph are forming opinions from reading while they listen to ClearChannel. The people so worried about gummint coming for their guns should be more worried in the long run about plutocrats seizing means of communicating and the only real governor on government behavior now that those very robber barons have crushed the elective system under mountains of speech, er, money. Besides any real point: There have been extensive discussions here of margarine, butter, and potato chips. We have splurged lately on soft margarine and butter made by Kerrygold. Excellent stuff, pricey but well worth it. And yesterday, we tried a new rosemary and feta variety of Cape Cod kettle cooked chips. Outstanding. Mona Charen: Somebody should make her change her byline photo to one more current. That woman is a harpy. Or a gorgon.
- Great bit of gun nut paranoia:
- Will Shakes' Anne was not the woman to whom the sonnets were written. He was born in 1564 according to church records. He was also largely responsible for the grand, orotund language that comes from God's mouth in the King James version. One of my brother's is quite a Shakespeare afficianado, to the point where he might draw a cane sword on somebody that expresses a Devonian authorship opinion. We have lunch for Will's birthday every year and had a very nice one today--over-flowing bento boxes and sweet and sour soup, with quart size bottles of Kirin. Damn fine. We also have lunch out on Bloomsday. Best speech in support of same sex marriage ever, from the NZ Parliament, by way of a Margaret Atwood tweet: "It's all the black guy's fault" department:
- Oops. Misapplied apostrophe. Whatever section of the afterlife he landed in, this must make Frank Zappa smile:
- Sidney. My favorite MASH character other than the Hamilton Camp character with no name, who sang the beautiful song about how sad they all were when the nurses had to bug out. Cheney undoutedly takes advantage of his Coupla Cadillacs gubmint health service. If you think he doesn't go to Walter Reed or wherever for his heart surgery, you are fracking loony. He uses the NatGuard to shut down miles of trout streams so he could fish uninterrupted when he was VP. He probablt still uses his Secret Service detail to bully people every day. Just the sort of asshole that guy is.As far as buying the organs, I'm sure that's all Halliburton or Erik Prince, or some sort of coven/consortium they form with the Carlile Group. But the actual medical cost, Dickless is happy to eat that up like he's one of those veterans he and his fellow chickenhawks are so happy to fuck over. And MarkH, websites I read and occasionally cite have at least a modicum or credibility. No Mediaite, no Freep, no bullshit in the same depths of lying hell as Drudge. Really, Free Republic or anything connected even remotely with Breitbart, you ought to Kick that Shit, 4 It Kix U. That's from John Lee Hooker.
- SAMCRO fans and Top of the Lake fans: Hulu has a terrific family crime drama called Straits. Set in Oz and Papua New Guinea. Pretty Violent but humorous.
- My websites? Cooze. I listen to Yes for sure, but my collection is so huge. So yeah, some jerk like Danny will point out I sound jejeune. My deal on shit like this? I represent what came before and it isn't about battles, by any stretch of the continuum. Whatever could convince anybody.
- Connie@4: I think it's my pard and livein. But who's considerin. Term limits? Remember that horseshit? those assholes never believed?
- World's most beautiful woman will always be Dianna Rigg:
- I love standardized testing because I'm ridiculously good at it. SATs? I'll take them for you and guarantee high scores. They are just fracking easy.
- What the hay?
- Jeff Flake is a shithead. No two ways about it. It's official.
- Happy Albert King's birthday. A wizard guitar player: How does anybody die of cancer affecting an organ with no known function? I mean, it's a useless appendage from our evolutionary pasts. Nothing whatsoever changes when it's removed. It's basically like a human caudal tale. Alex@12: Those pictures of Korean beauty queens has made me extremely sad.
- YAF goes all the way back to Bill Buckley in 1960. Buckley and some buds produced an idealogical screed called the Sharon statement. Bunch of effete Richie Riches. They were particularly active during the VietNam war, since their asses were never going near it. I didn't either, but I wasn't a rabid suppporter of the escapade. My draft board (Royal Oak, MI) had the highest incidence of volunteers of any board in the country. Probably Fr. Coughlin's influence. So I went 1A and took my chances with my shitty number 88 and made it through. Anyway,I got into altercations at anti-war demonstrations with YAFers a few times. They tended toward slapping and scratching. Pulling hair. From the online etymology dictionary: teenager (n.) teen ager, teen-ager; derived noun from teenage (q.v.), 1922. The earlier word for this was teener, attested in American English from 1894, and teen had been used as a noun to mean "teen-aged person" in 1818, though this was not common before 20c. Fracking idiot. Maybe bringing the dead baby home was just the Sanitariums expressing their profound Alic Cooper fandom. I found his gouging of a PA school system for $70 grand for home schooling his kids in MD or VA at least as appalling. Still don't quite see how he didn't end in the slammer for that. And you know that Santorum would insist with a straight face and martyred mien that rude kid hates his freedom. Rich conservative martyrdom and victimization is a powerful emetic.
- Not your average Chechen jihadis.
- Kirk @39: On the Globe site, there was a photograph that sure made it appear the kid had been taken to one of those franchise, walk-in MacClinics someplace on Mt. Auburn St. Both Beth Israel and Mass General are pretty far from the scene of the capture. Closest would have been St. Elizabeth in Brighton or Newton-Wellesley. The more I have thought about YAF back in the day today, the more it reminded me of those GOPer shitheels that pulled the Brooks Brothers Riot (Tantrum ) in FLA in 2000. The company Ron Paul keeps. Scum of the earth. Ol'Ron be needin' that economy sized bottle of A200
- Richie Havens coverage from the Guardian. Includes an amazing vocal performance live at Glastonbury, fronting the Brit band Groove Armada.
- New Stooges album. With James Williamson, the guitar player from the Raw Power album.
- Real tomatoes first time ever Danny. What passes in the USA is cardboard pulp. I envy your sojourn in another worl. I've been to Morocco. Rhythm in all the music is different. It's a marvellous feeling. There is nothing as invigorating as hitting the jetway and out of the country. Now country reminds me. Ain't nobody sings remotely like Possum anamore. He most certainly drove to that liquor store 'cause his license was burned. and that gas-guzzler was the on'y vehickkle gettin' him cllose. I am not a fan of how George Jones sang, but, he was always just tryin' to sing like the greatest ever songwriter Nashville ever claimed. Whatever Danny. You are staying kinda clean, right? All I can say is: Kiss my mouth way down south You know you mean it. I,m sort of a jerk? Not ever, not to ever wonder, of you. If you say I am, You're lying. I lovekids
- Louis Gohmert (non compos mentis, TX) is convinced that the fertilizer that blew up the fertilizer was "dark-skinned" and entered the USA illegally. That Cambridge guy's well-oiled stream of invective reminds me of this.
- MO state senate is run by looney tunes.
- Dexter@3: How 'bout Minute Maid Park in Houston where the Astros do a fair imitation of the Bad News Bears in the first hour of the movie? Horizontally asymmetrical, with a 30 degree slope in the outfield, topped with a flagpole that is in play: This ballpark also has a replica 19th Century steam locomotive that runs on 800 ft. of track. Sadly, the train is not in play. The Park was built on the site of Houston's historic Union Station, and I believe the stations facade was incorporated into the design of the new ballpark. The architect was Hellmuth Obata Kassabaum. Another HOK project was the BP Building in Cleveland that David Foster Wallace featured prominently in the truly whack novel The Broom of the System. The book has characters named Candy Mandible and Judith Prietht, and a parrot named Vlad the Impaler, and the bulk of the plot involves a search for nursing home escapees in the Great Ohio Desert. Jeremy Irons is lascivious enough to be the second coming of James Mason, who played Professor Humbert in the original Stanley Kubrick Lolita. Irons played Humbert Humbert in a late 90s remake directed by Adrian Lyne, which I've never seen, because Sue Lyon is Lolita, and that's final. I got in big trouble with the nuns around 7th grade for having a copy of Lolita, and one of Terry Southern's Candy. Jeremy Irons always reminds me of the great line from Reversal of Fortune. One of his lawyers tells Claus (Irons) "you're a very strange man." Claus responds, deadpan "You have no idea."
- During the Claus von Bulow trial, the tabloid Boston Herald ran it's alltime greatest head: "Sunny's Kids: Claus is a Louse" Oro puro.
- Days late and $millions short, lady. Try sackcloth, ashes and self-flagellation. And what about the coworker that gives you reviews of Long Dong Silver and leaves you cans of Coke topped with pubic hairs? Back in the 80s, HOK was best known for massive, opulent shopping malls.
- Mariachi versions of pop songs. Welcome to the Jungle is superior to the G&R original, and anybody that goofs on the self-absorbed jerk Roger Waters is fine by me. I always wanted one of those bigass guitarons. And the guy that plays the trumpet on Beat It is terrific. Senator Ayotte has a serious "appearance of impropriety" . The extreme proximity in time to her stabbing her constituents in their collective back and reaping the payoff from gun Nuts iRrationAl is unseemly, and if there is no ethics investigation, the Senate has a major malfunction Private Pyle.
- Teabanger goes to the fair. Here's the Kelly Ayotte link. I'm sure Scalito think this is covered by Citizen's United, but this is corruption, a clear tit for tat:
- Re: the Congressional alien hearings. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Right, Mr. Speaker Oompa Loompa? Y'all will mock me, but I lit a candle and said a prayer for you when I went to mass this morning Nancy. And if aliens are going to be probed internationally, might as well put Matthew McConaughey and Jodie Foster in charge and a muzzle on James Woods.
- That plane appears to be ascending at an extremely steep angle over a very short distance. Which I imagine could cause cargo to break free and shift rearward. Not that I know anything about this stuff. Regarding Russell Brand, I can never get past the fact that he looks like an illustration of a virulent venereal disease, personified.
- Nancy, get the new Stooges album for your recovery. I'd go Loud Fast Rules if I had to go through it. Husker Du, early and particularly sloppy Mats, Gun Club, Sonic Youth (although it is terribly disappointing that Thurston Moore ruined a 27 year marriage to Kim Gordon by cheating, they made great albums), Screaming Blue Messiahs (particularly), maximum buzz, hum and wah. Oh, Flat Duo Jets and Dexter's and Detroit's demon child, Jack White in all manifestations. Nobody that ever has or ever will vote for Louis Gohmert should ever be allowed to own a firearm, much less to ever vote for anybody for anything again. Nearly incoherent Kelly Ayotte gets a new one burned by a Newtown victim. This shithead is going to end up a half-senator like her hero is a half-goobernor.
- Charlotte@62: Who was the PBS painting show guy with the Firesign peyote voice, the blue work shirt, and the paint-o-matic oils technique. Ethereal light brown white guy fro too. I always wished they'd make a mashup of that fellow with his voice over Maggie the ageless doing yoga.
- Or I'd get somebody to make sure marijuana wan't contraindicated and get somebody to show me Hasil Adkins videos:
- Oh, and I meant to ass, Jeff Flake has stated publicly that he is "less popular than pond scum".
- Right, Brandon. And was not Bob Ross wonderful? Thanks. Bro. Most soothing voice ever? Very cool guy, in my opinion.
- jw@67: I still know nothing sbut this shit, but some failure in the wing controls makes sense, Climbing too fast is a dead giveaway..
- Nancy, I know you will be fine. I do pray for people I care about, and it usually comes out good.
- Rifht: Bob Ross. Most likely the coolest guy that ever lived. I would love to make beautiful paintings with such little effort.
- I've had eyes that looked like that, but it always resulted from a blow with a clenched fist, and there were invariably lurid oil on a puddle colors surrounding. Good time to exercise that third eye, behind the crown chakra. Glad to find you in relatively good spirits. I looked back at your description of what this surgery entails and it set me wondering. Who the hell figured out that treatment, and who were the first patients? Pretty brave. Like those first people that ate oysters and geoducks.
- Nancy, as a Kickstarter on Wars of Other Men, I've gone on record that you're exquisitely blood-shot eye should be in all of the promotional material. I am curious. Did your medical team say anything about marijuana? I can imagine that removing pressure from the eyeball might interfere with this procedure. I know we have had our contrtemps, but I have always found you a breath of both fresh air and intelligence, and three) a jaundiced outlook. Can you read books? can you watch movies? Which one of you heathens brought up Santa Lucia earlier? It percolated and then dawned on me Lucia, Lux. The light in our eyes: If you can't read, Blow out the speakers: That's sort of what Ted meant before he crapt his drawers.
- Can you read books? can you watch movies? What I mean is in your current situation.
- I'm trying not to be an ahole.
- ROGerl: Nancy was born to sport an eyepatch. She be a pirate. I'd like to contribute this wonderful bit from Margaret Atwood: For a while I toyed with the idea of paraphrasing Kurt Vonnegut, who told one graduating class, “Everything is going to become unbelievably worse and will never get better again,” and walked off the stage. But that’s the American style: boom or bust. A Canadian would be more apt to say, “things may be pretty mediocre but let’s at least try to hold the line.” I don't know which of those two literary pirates I like best. Two superb writers, in my estimation. Nice, Nice, Very Nice. And you know what Vonnegut said: "Love may fail, but courtesy will prevail." Eyepatch with the rabbit mask and the jodhpurs, please mistress. And that's JP Donleavy, another literary pirate. Any of y'all ever read The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B? Merde.
- The rest of that Margaret Atwood: World's greatest Canadian.
- Mortimer and Randolph. The Duke Brothers: Hell no.
- For some ineluctable reason I can't quite get a grip on, Nancy's bloody eye photo reminds me of this spectacular song: I have always thought of Melanie Safka as a Detroit girl, even though she's from Red Hook. Il son changez ma chanson, ma. Feel free to correct my Fronch. It's poorly self taught. And this Melanie on Johnny Cash's show is amazing, particularly the Silver Threads and Golden Needles duet: I'm an adopted son of Worcester (three truncated years at Holy Cross), and I'd like to remind Charlie Pierce (for whom I have bought beers at Matt Talbot's and the Drumshanbo) that Cambridge started this shit about burying the guy. If it wouldn't impinge on my kid's inheritance, I'd pay to immolate the bastard and spread his ashes out on Georges Bank.
- My favorite song about red-haired girls: Unlike Richard Thompson, we don't say "red-headed", in deference to the NYT stylebook. And they are right, but it sure as shit doesn't sound as good in a song. And one from the Boss I hadn't heard before: Sounds like Woody. I've outlived many non-human companions and it's a truly horrible feeling. Mary, maintenant.
- How in God's name should anybody that votes for this shitheel ever be allowed to vote again?
- The Del McCoury version: Awesome. But RT is still the best. Richard Thompson's ex, Linda, was red-haired:
- two degrees in bebop a PhD in swing, he's a master of rhythym, he's a rock 'n' roll king: And another guys song Linda Rondstadt had no bidness ever covering: like every woman that ever covered Poor Poor Pitiful Me.
- Now Warren covering the Boss? Not too shabby: Or Warren, period:
- Something else really good to listen to if you're laid up, electric slide guitar mad genius, and an extremely good singer in my opinion: This is a documentary, with a great deal of style. I like Brute Force and Ignorance best.
- Brian: It's a fine comment on either. And it was a fine Oirish boy from way back. That is decidedly how to play the guitar. And I feel sad for Mary's pup.
- Joe K. I can explain. Clinton didn't disappear for a week. Nor did Clinton use taxpayer cash to buy a plane ticket to Buenos Aires to get serviced. Nor did Clinton claim to have been hiking the Appalachian Trail while said servicing took place. Those seem like significant differences when the guy claims to be a protector of the public morals and exchequer. As is frequently the case with GOPers in these matters, it is largely about the hypocrisy. Sanford is a whited sepulcher. And once and for all, when Clinton said he didn't have sex with Monica Lewinsky, he was answering a specific question that pointedly excluded felllatio from a definition of "having sex"". So how'd you like House of Cards, Nancy? I'm not a fan of Kevin Spacey, but I thought he was great in that show, as were Robin Wright and Rooney Mara. The asides direct to camera are brilliant. The drunken reunion night at the Citadel episode is so good I watched it twice. Apparently, there is a second season in the works. If I ever need eye surgery, I am going to Michael G's surgeon. And the Midwives are trading in their Raleigh 3=speeds for Vespas. Anyone that likes Downton would find this show delightful. Wonderful use of late 50s early 60s pop music, like this one: Whoever amongst y'all that enjoys Gabriel Garcia Marquez, particularly Autumn Comes for the Patriarch (his best, I think) should most definitely get ahold of a copy of The Tiger's Wife. Magical realism Yugoslavian style. An abssolutely gorgeous book.
- And was that a Cosby reference? Oops, Kate Mara. And you know, if a Dem candidate was hauling an Argentinian mistress around with him on the campaign trail, GOPers would want to know if she's here legally.
- Congratulations Beb. I'm all for disenfranchising the Batistaites that robbed Cuba blind and fled to Miami. Their influence on American politics is obscene and virulent, ansd grotesquely overblown for thaie actual numbers. Seems as if their citizenship came pretty cheap. And Mark, if current undocumented workers living in the USA at harvest time could be relied upon to vote for GOPers, Ted Cruz and the lying little shit Marco Rubio would be welcoming them with open arms like Eisenhower-era Cubanos fleeing Castro, and everybody knows that is true. Instead, GOPers want to stymie the Census Bureau and interfere with Americans' right to vote. Assholes even admit it.
- My dad was a pediatrician that quit pediatrics for emergency medicine in his late 50s. The firefighters' hours left him bored and he decided to give law school a go. He was a product of liberal arts education by Jebbies and in no way a technician. He was a relentless learner and self-educator. I watched him give injections to little kids without the slightest response. No pain, no yelps at all. I'd say that is art, not technicality. I'm not buying anything on Amazon until they remove this obscenity. And Krauts notwithstanding, God's native language is Shakespearean English, by way of King James, and, much to the chagrin of fundagelicals everywhere, the catamite Kit Marlowe. Take that, Phelps fambly.
- The fact of embassy security that GOPers won't bring up, is that they cut the budget to zip, in the interest of giving contracts to the murderer Erik Prince and Blackwater/Xe. Privatize. Like those palates of cash that disappeared in Iraq when Halliburton controlled them. Of course, nobody wants the rapists and murderers employed by Xe within their borders and anywhere near their wives and children, and the American diplomats in Benghazi were quite clear on wanting nothing to do with the mercenary thugs. And who did GOPers put in charge of investigating Benghazi? The well-known car thief, chop-shop operator and arsonist for profit, Darrell Issa. I mean, that's about as legitimate as Newt Gingrich and Dan Burton investigating Clinton's infidelities.
- Texas legislature is fine with guns on campus: but voting where you go to college, we'll have to raise your tuition, or otherwise stymie your ability to cast a vote: Mark Sanford's excuse for breaching the restraining order and tresspassing in His ex-wife's house: He didn't think his 13 year old son should watch the Super Boowl by himself. Because Beyonce might have a Janet Jackson Appalachian Trail moment? This guy is a dick.
- Are GOPers really so fracking delusional they believe this Benghazi conspiracy bullshit has any resonance outside the Fux News nutjob echo chamber? How'd that work out for Willard RMoney? And does Cheney really mean to bring up 9/11? "We were always hyper-vigilant on the anniversary." Well how 'bout that first time, Dickless, and the hair on fire PDB about Bin Laden and planes into buildings? Sorta fell asleep on the job on that one, right? You know, the one Joe Wilson brought to Shrub's attention? Crawl back into your bunker, you vampire POS. Maybe it's just me, but if I were involved in such a massive FUBAR dereliction of duty, I'd tend toward keeping quiet about it. And that Shakes at Connie's link sure as hell looks like Kenneth Branagh. And Liz Rex looks like both David Bowie and Tilda. And wasn't Marie Antoinette supposed to have three boobs?
- My mom's dad Charlie was undoubtedly an illegal Canadian immigrant. I don't think there was much security in upstate New York back in the day. Of course, he served in the US Army in both WWs, Cavalry in I and Military Police in II. In between, he was a US Customs Official, of all things, in the wild, wooly days of prohibition and bootleggers on the open waters of Lake George. He also owned a sulky racetrack and a cage lacrosse stadium. Those Iriquois and Mohawks played for keeps.
- Grist is a very worthy publication. It survives on donations. Now Grist is giving away a very cool electric bicycle in the interest of raising funds.
- I love The Great Gatsby. I'm approaching this film version with serious trepidation. Music by Jay Z and the missus? Remarkably bad choice. Moulin Rouge was thoroughly unwatchable, but Romeo + Juliet was pretty entertaining. For an Ausie director, Baz sure as hell didn't get that subtle genius gene Peter Weir displays in abundance. This project obviously carries immense potential for being exceptionally obnoxious.
- Phony equivalency department. You can insist both sides do it until you are cyanotic, but no Congress has ever refused to hold up and down votes on Presidential appointees the way the GOPers have since Obama was elected. This is just treasonous bullshit and an abject failure of these boneheads to do the jobs to which they were elected, and for which they are paid exorbitant salaries, with a coupla caddies health care thrown in.. No excuse for these shitheels.
- Garnish their wages, the crooked bastards.
- Crazy mofos in Kalamazoo.
- Death from above.
- Car thief legislator Darrel Issa admits Benghazi hearings are a lot like New Jersey. No there there. Congressman Chop-Shop. Do all those Issa-following Benghazi bandwagoneers know theta Issa once characterized the WTC attacks as "simply a plane crash"?
- It was originally some time in April, but it seems that was to early for all of the flower gardens to have come in in VA and NC. The date was changed to May 10 in some places, to coincide with the death of Stonewall Jackson, although I've known people and some states that eschewed that remembrance in favor of June 3, Jeff Davis's B'day. (who created a sort of slavery Utopia for his darkies, in Southren mythology). This is the day in SC that the rednecks get their way and the confederate battle flag or Navy Jack (which is properly square) is displayed publicly at the state house, though these fracking yahoos are so bone ignorant, they insist on calling it the stars and bars, which it isn't. We've still got julep fixins from Saturday, so we will invite our black neighbors over and toast the conquering Union troops. WE could stroll over to Fort Walker, the Union earth fortification around the corner in Mitchellville: The actual Stars and Bars is this flag. It's hilarious that redneck recidivists put so much effort into claiming they're defending tradition when they can't even keep their flags straight.: three horizontal bars of red, white and red, next to a blue ground with 13 white stars. Real original, assholes.
- Whatever became of Susan Powter? Stop the insanity. Mark H: On the other hand, no harm no foul. It's miles short of earth shattering, and anybody with a single rational bone in her body might question the practices of any group with "tea party" in it's name. That's the astroturfing wonderland. How do Randolph and Mortimer Koch go about running a non-profit? NFW. And when LDS spent $18mill in a California referendum election, how do they retain their non-profit status? NFW. But, anyway, read the article and it is a clear case of sound and fury, signifying nothing, like Shrubco and the alleged New Black Panthers (aka two GOPer shills with combat boots and fatigues, allegedly intimidating black GOP voters in Philly).
- Also, Stars and Bars is a very funny novel by the inimitable William Boyd. Read everything this guy ever wrote, particularly An Ice Cream War (a gorgeous novel worthy of Evelyn Waugh). Like there are black GOPer voters in the Wilson Goode Philadelphia Air Force Memorial Wasteland. Not without time-release Xanax/Dazzle cocktails and body armor. It stopped way south of Shrub firing all of the US Attorneys for not answering "Loyal Bushie" questions satisfactorily, too, and not pursuing the "rampant vote fraud and voter impersonation" agenda with sufficient vigor.
- The thing about ObamaCare is that it’s a big complex bill addressing a big complex problem. What part of Obamacare is "unpopular" ? The first five letters. I know what is in Obamacare, and so does anybody that lived through the wastrel 90s of free enterprise healthcare that went a long way to fucking our economy deaf and dumb. It's not all that hard to understand except in abstruse details, and the people that object to it's length an complexity never read a book more complicated than My Pet Goat, fracking Upside Down. You know that cosmically brilliant band Sparks, the Mael Bros. Russell and Ronald, that used to show up on Don Kirschner? That's right. Everybody's Stupid. And somebody thought we were all stupid enough to need somebody to interpret Russel Mael's lyrics. Like his other greatest hit, "This is the number one song in heaven. Why are you hearing it now, you fool? Excuse me MarkH. How was I off on a tangent? Even the Fux Newsers are backing off the Benghazi line like it is poisonous. These assholes have come close to accusing Hillary Clinton of participating in a plot to undermine the USA. Do you claim Hillary Clinton sent her friends to their deaths? They don't get away with that scurrilous shit. While you are ululating, drop some wisdom on how St. Raygun got all those marines killed in Beirut for no reason. If you think there is no connection between really obsceney rich old fucks and fucking over the body politic by spending gigunda wads of cash and sneaking under Tax Law threshholds, you are way stupider than even I thought. Not close dumbass. The Kochs have undoubtedly broken the tax laws millions of times. C'mon you mild mannered folks. I'm a raging partisan and Danny H isn't. I'm smarter than he is, I know way much more than he does. Take your pick. But I don't really mean that like that. Kids that grow up like Danny with such skewed understandings of reality, I don't know what to say. You havwe got to be considered. What an ahole.
- If one, logically, removes Americans that don't like ACA simply because GOPers killed the public option from the calculus, ACA is actually remarkably popular. Most people that disapprove of Obamacare do so because single payer is the obvious sensible thing to do if you don't own a family HMO, like the Frists. And whatever became of that presidential hopeful. That dozer story reminds me of the hilarious movie Tank, in which Jim Rockford goes nuts in his own Sherman tank to bust his son out of wrongful incarceration. Now that is taking the right to bear arms seriously. The story says the dozer maniac digs holes with the machine. That sounds more like a frontend loader. Maybe the guy is a collector. I would bet he has a concealed carry permit to take his gun into the barroom. And he'll retain it when he gets out of Graybar Hotel. DavidC@152: If bulldozers are outlawed, only outlaws will have bulldozers: And, where is the next lunatics with bulldozers convention. I'd like to attend.
- So that's how John Lydon got his hair that color. Make's sense. Best music video ever:
- A recommendation for Joe and others that like to run: Running the Rift, by Naomi Benaron. Superb novel about a kid in the middle of the Rwandan genocide. And what do white supremacists have to say about those skinny Africans that can run faster longer than anybody. I'd be willing to bet all of my retirement cash that somebody in Kenya broke 4:00:00 over a mile long before Roger Bannister did. Is that a tangent. I think it's just free association. You know, thinking.
- It just struck me, nobody has asked after your (mental) health lately Nancy. Recuperation proceeding well? I meant to ask, what was your involvement (architect avoiding blame speak) in The Wars of Other Men? I pitched in and I love the movie. You would have looked good in one of those Kafka unis, keedo. Steampunk never seems to pay its debt to Franz Kafka, does it?
- Is there a greater Rolling Stones song than Factory Girl?
- Well, Sweet Black Angel. And who played that fiddle on Factory Girl. I'm betting on Jem Fincher. And Mick Jagger is smarter on world economy than assholes like the bunch-backed toad Krauthammer or that hopeless POS Jonah Goldberg.
- How are you feeling Nance? I seriously care.
- Who digs holes with a bulldozer, unless it's a mass grave?
- "congennitaly too stupid to be Americans"? Not Fracking possible. American stupidity is impossible to overrate. People vote for John Boehner, for Christ's sake. How stupid can one buncha bastards be? Americans in TN vote for Yertle. You cannot be fracking stupider than that. And Carmelo keeps firing up those threes when he could pass to Jason, who actually makes those. And did SI actually admit the Kid is better than the the gnger went barefootin'. Raygun sided with the sleazy bastards when it seemed a good idea. After all, he had no decency. Like when he impregnated the starlet while he was still married to the other srarlet. The first one was very pretty.
- Some writers on Mothers' Day.
- Fux News' expert on the Great Benghazi Cover-up Oliver Fracking North. Funny if it weren't so sad. I mean really, this massive cover-up is almost as sordid as Iran-Contra. Why aren't the perps in jail like Ollie North and Fawn Hall.
- Rat-face Sergio Garcia claims Tiger Woods messed up his shot by deliberately taking a club from his bag when Sergio was in his backswing? That is hilarious. What a fracking ahole.
- The Anaheim Ducks are named after a crappy Walt Disney hockey movie that was nothing but a knockoff of the far superior Bad News Bears, with Charlie Sheen's brother instead of Walter Matthau. My first exposure to hockey came via radio, in the car with my dad when we first moved north to Detroit. Being football types, my brothers and I were astounded at the number of passes being intercepted in rapid succession.Those were the days of Gordy, but the true favorite of kids was Gary Unger, who looked like Greg Lake, skated like the wind, and once played a round of golf in a charity tourney in his bare feet. A real rock star.I tended toward Rangers fandom in those days because my dad was born in Brooklyn and I was a fan of the great goaltender Eddie Giacomin. Then the Rangers traded my two favorite players to Boston, Jean Ratelle and Brad Park. Pissed me off royally, and I quit the rangers and became a Bs fan, and have been ever since. One of my most painful sports memories is the Too Many Men on the Ice bullshit call in Montreal that gave the Canadiens a game 7 win in the '79 semifinals, despite Gilles Gilbert making 57 saves. Playoff hockey is a different world than regular season. When the Bruins inevitably are eliminated because their Power Play sucks, I will transfer alliance to the Penguins, because Sid the Kid is just the best player in the world. It is always pleasant to see Crosby's team beat the Caps and that revolting thug, Ovechkin, the Alex Rodriguez of the NHL.
- Reader's Digest ran a poll to see who Americans trust. The results are appalling and more than a little surreal.
- Actual truth of the Great IRS Scandal: none of those Teabanger groups are legitimately registered as 501(c)4 organizations, which are charities, not distinctly and unquestionably political entities as all of the Teabanger groups most certainly are. Legally, their registrations should be as 527s, which is a whole different animal for taxation purposes. What they really find attractive about the bogus registrations is that 527s must identify donors, while 501(c)4s are not required to do so. Thus Randolph and Mortimer Koch can drown free political speech in an ocean of their ill-gotten $bucks. Profits are being made, without doubt, and taxes should be paid on them. That is just an inescapable and inconvenient fact for the GOPers. Kommissar Karl Rove's MO always includes setting up these straw gouts like Crossroads America and his first order of business is always to sell his mailing lists to his corporate Frankenstein monsters for a $few million. This is more sham outrage from GOPers caught gaming the tax code, and there is approximately as much substance to it as there is to the infinitesimal Benghazi Burger: Being constantly reminded that something is "just your opinion" is an agro tautology. And that is "just your opinion". That's why it came out of my mouth, from my keyboard. This is a failure of logic closely connected to the horseshit claim that because somebody is a good guitar player, a talented actor, or a fine writer, she could not be capable of expressing useful political ideas. These are masterpieces of circular logic and as infuriating as solecisms get. Furthermore, opining without strength of conviction is pretty much useless. And if I say "Another Mother's Day, another mass shooting", obviously I intend it to be as inflammatory as the incident in reality is horrendous.
- Canadian astronaut does Bowie in space. And as far as the IRS designation for the Teabanger groups. How much would GOPers howl if Move-on claimed a status that allowed them to keep donor names secret when it is clearly a 527 and kept the names secret. And anybody that would like to argue that Crossroads Americca actually takes ocial welfare into account in any of its political processes, have at it, but that will clearly be a tough sell. It's quite clear that keeping this information private is the reason for having registered the way they did. And, once again as with Fast and Furious, drone strikes and now the IRS inquiries, these were all Shrubco initiatives. How does "net earnings devoted exclusively to charitable, educational, or recreational purpose" fit the Teabangers in any way?ESL? I don't trust Alex or his show, because the question the great alltime champ lost on was so simple to figure out without any prior knowledge, there had to have been subterfuge going on previously.
- Wuld y'all just admit once and for all what is immutable fact. If GOPer witchhunters want to gfind a scandal. They are going to have to follow the cash, like Kerry did. Kerry was the quintessential prosecutor and he caught Ollie and fawn annd all the Raygunistas fucking over the Constitution and stealing the 2000 election. If the crooks want to figure out some sort of scandal, they should look at the absolute Constitution fuck GOPers pulled in those days of Iran-Contr. That was clear illegal behavior. The President was a loony tune. What wasthee problem with nutcases ? That is the way we judge things. Here is the deal. People are such dumbasses they voted for Shrubco. Are we kidding? You voted for W?
- I find it perfect Garry in his bare feet. Coolest hockey player ever lived. Purely awesome. Bare feet. And he looked like Greg Lake; Handsome bastqrrd.
- Nancy. You said my eyes are athrob. I'm hoping that is good news. And for the Obama whacko witch hunters that visit here. If the GOPer nutso conspiracy types really want to go on a witch hunt, I'd suggest they read some recent history and look at how John Kerry tracked down the Raygunista Iran-Contra mob, that trashed the Constitution way worse than the Nixon bunch. You won't find anything there, despite Inhofe's outrageous accusations. Ever heard of Banco Livorno? You assholes have apparently forgotten "Mission Accomplished". How do these assholes live with themselves? Rosanne Rosanadanna was truly hilarious. And the idea that Gilda married Gene Wilder brings tears to my eyes. I love Johnny Depp, but Gene Wilder is Willy Wonka, and that boat ride is the scariest movie moment ever. The snake crawling through the skull? Holy shit that is Roald Dahl, perfectly. And yeah. Dex. I saw that. it did my old crusty heart good. Tuuka Rask is a goalie that can take them all the way, Not to mention having a great goalie name. The NHL owes the Bs one for letting Ulf Samuelson get away with it: That is hilarious about Powerball. The Raygunista attack on the Constitutio was astounding,. What the fuck was wrong with these aholee? Ollie didn't know? These fuckers jist ytashed the Constitution and they are GOPer heros, Assholes. There is your scanda, yoi shitheels. Follow the cash, youe numbnuts assholes.eeeeeeeeeee
- Gilda Radner was one of those Hollywood aholes that should have never openend her piehole, right: because she was sstupid> Right you moron?
- Dex: Anybody that didn't have their world changed by Ringo walking by the river is somebody I don't want to know. Poberto Benignit, kiss Ringos's ass.
- Mark@42 They all just do it. No they don'nt asshole. The GoPers do it like it;s going out of stylle. They boycott Committee meetings. They don;t do the jobs they were paid to do, Because we can't let a brown-skonned guy run the country.
- Well, Brian, there is hilarious standard for what you are asking, Shrubco fired all of those US Deputy Attorneys for not being loyal Bushies. Spectacular.
- And if the nauseating GOPers wanr to raise a scandal, why don't they read some history and check in to how Kerry put all those Raygunistas in jail before Raygun let their asses out. Terrorists, without a doubt. and vowed to screw over our Constitution. Right Danny? Right Mark?
- Very cool story, Woder if they both pledged Omega? And yeah, that is not PC, but really?
- Fracking GOPers, can't get over Tricky Milhous and they are still pissed that Kerry took down the Raygunistas. Look up Iran -Contra, a real scandal: Consider that there was aa Whitewater Investigation run by Lawrence Walsh before Ken Starr got his porn on. Walsh managed to run through $2.5 mill, Starr, more like $75 mill. That's fiscal responsibility if I ever saw it.
- Mary@32: But you don't know where that hand has been. Jobs, jobs, jobs right Oompa and Yertle?
- I seem to recall that Nancy was involved in some way with making this movie, The Wars of Other Men. I sent some Kickstarter cash, and recently got a copy of the film by download. it is damn good, and I'd recommend seeing it if you get the chance. In all the Benghazi blather, does anybody think about the 54 attacks on American embaassies, andd thirteen deaths, that happenedd when Shrubco was pretending to run things.
- IRS scandal is bullshit. These “social welfare” organizations — a category once dominated by civic leagues and volunteer associations but now comprising many distinctly political groups — can’t make politics their primary focus. In practice, however, they can spend anything short of 50 percent of their time fighting the good political fight. They’re not supposed to campaign for specific candidates, but they’re allowed to engage in voter education, and sometimes they “educate” voters about why an incumbent politician has a horrible record and needs to go. As a bonus, 502(c)(4)s don’t have to disclose where their donations come from, which has made them popular destinations for corporate contributions allowed by the Supreme Court’s 2010Citizens United decision. The sole purpose of these clearly flagraartly political organizations registering as 502C(4)s is to hide where the money is coming from. In the time period under discussion, there were 300 investigations. 75 of them were "tea party" or "patriot" groups. Sort of stands to reason, considering the ridiculous proliferation of such groups since the country elected that Kenyan anti--colonial socialist guy. And none of these groups performs any social welfare functions of any sort. I always have heard that tomato juice is the way to wash out skunk spray, the chief ingredient of which is mercaptan. That's what they did in The Partridge Family.
- Now here is a scandal worthy of the name, unless you think black and Latino voters should only count 3/5.
- Jenine@ 39, "nefarious and fearless" sounds like a perfect description of raccoons. Scary animals that I wouldn't be surprised could actually kill people. Years ago when I was young, a racoon got in the attic of our house in Birmingham MI and raised hell. I went up there thinking I'd just grab him by the tail and bring him down. NFW. That thing scared me more than a snake. And he was a big mofo. When we finally trapped him, he weighed in at 60lbs. Professionals should have been brought in. I'd rather deal with a gator.
- I hope you win, Dexter. I'd buy an island in the St. Lawrence Seaway and an apartment in Manhattan. And I'd be very generous. Why the hell not. Yesterday's pickle head reeminded me of Karen Finley: How cool is a major leaguer playing catch with a kid in the stands. Reminds me of my days at Cranbrook summer camp when the Lions weree there. They were a helluva bunch, and very nice to the kids. Roger Brown and Karras were hilarious. Brown, Alex Karras, Sam Williams, and Darris McCord, as great a Dline as ever played.
- GOPers have voted to repeal ACA 37 times now in ;the house. This insane obsession is costing lot of money.
- n my view, the last two Mad Men episodes have shown DDraper descending into psychosis. His %0 Shades behavior with the Dr.'s bimbo wife (and believe me, I'll call Don a bimbo as well) last week was totally bizarre, and his stalking and wheedling and depressive behavior this week is downright scary. He sure didn't need that buttload of dexadrine disguised as designer B12. I remember that from a Time story in the late 60s or early 70s. And who in hell was the old black lady home invader? She put me in mind immediately of Ruby Dee as Mother Abigail in the TeeVee version of The Stand. She sure as hell didn't raise Don, or she would have known him by another name. Then I thought of the long-suffering surrogate mom for Sally and her brother, whose name I can never remember. The maid was Carla, and I have to think that had she not been ripped from Sally's life, Sally would seem less like one of the Villlage of the Damned (the 1960 Brit, Hammer?, version, not the cheesy John Carpenter remake) psycho kids. Entirely affectless, to a spooky extent. Here's a lot of info about the B12 shots:,9127435 I remember it pretty clearly because it was alleged that Jack and Jackie Kennedy were Dr. Feelgood clients. Apparently, this has been confirmed. Wolfpacks howling have always reminded me of Whale pod individuals "singing" to each other. Wolves don't attack people any more than cetaceans do (well dolphins do, but with the exception of Moby Dick and Gregory Peck, I don't think whales do}. Oh. and I just noticed that there is a streaming link to the full version of Village of the Damned at IMDb. Great movie.
- Living with wolves.
- Edroso makes a mockery of the GOPer slime machine, and invents a wonderfully useful new verb: to malkin.
- I was a fan of all the StarTrek TeeVee series, rabid about the original when the network bailed on it, but I've never watched any of the movies. I even liked Captain Janeway, and Voyager had the benefit of introducing spectacular Seven of Nine, played by Jeri Ryan, a brilliant character study and superb eye candy. Hawk (Avery Brooks) as the captain on Deeps Space Nine, with Rene Auberjonois as the shapeshifting security chief Odo, beautiful Nana Visitor and equally beauatiful Alexander Siddig made for an excellent show that was also very well written. The two newest movies seem very well cast, so worthy of consideration. Sylar as Spock is a brilliant bit of casting. The television ad trailer makes it appear that major characters plunging from terrifying heights is a major plot aspect. I was talked into watching Vikings and I'm glad I was. Amazing battle scenes, great characters, gorgeous scenery, extraordinarily eerie original music. It's also reminiscent of SoA for me. But a lot noisier. And an amazing female lead that is badass enough to make Gemma and Tara cower.
- Ray Manzarek has died. My favorite Doors keyboard part, by a mile. Danica Patrick made a mistake goiing to NASCAR. Although I'm sure it made her a carload of cash, at places like Daytona in stock caqrs it's always going to be the whole field of good ll' boys vs. the little lady.
- DavidC@7: gunboat accountancy? Outstanding phrase. Randolph and Mortimer Koch have invaded Detroit. I'm sure they went through rigorous legal processes to turn this property into an immense toxic dump. That's not a natural disaster, but it's a disaster for sure, that could have been prevented by a few honest politicians. I've been through two tornados, in GA years and years ago, and actually watched one out the back door of the bar I was tending. It was the loudest thing I've ever heard and mor eerily menacing than outright scary. That funnel was puny compared to the OK storm. It still did immense damage. SC has the Carolina Wren for its state bird. Any state have bluejays? That would be my personal choice, for their, um, assertive behavior at our feeders. How many states were so lazy they made the trite choice of cardinals? Lotsa them. Dodgers CF Matt Kemp announced before a game he was donating $1grand for every HR he hits this season to tornado relief in OK, then went out and homered. I know, he's really rich, but this is still pretty classy. I doubt today's designer ryes bear much resemblance to the whiskey all those cowboys bellied up to the bar for. Seems as if those bottles always cost 4bits. I've seen these modern versions at more than $50 a fifth (or whatever that is in metric).
- When Asshat Coburn starts in about paying for disaster relief by cutting other fed spending, because everything must be paid for, somebody must ask him loudly and publicly how the Shrubco tax cuts were paid for. Oh, and that little expedition in Iraq, that never made it to the fed gov books until adults got elected. What a tool. At least he's willing to consider aid for his home state. He was one of 36 GOPer senators that voted flat no on Sandy aid. Dickhead. And when the whole business of pay-go came up, there was Coburn to vote against it. He didn't demand cuts to pay for the bank bailout either, though he voted for the spending. Whited sepulcher. Giant pile of bullshit hypocrisy.
- It's pretty obvious that federal disaster aid in OK will put all kinds of people into paying jobs, so it should amount to stimulus, although Keynes never intended terrible hardship as necessary to bring about economic stimulus. In the long run, it takes a moron not to see that direct federal disaster aid cash is a good thing for the American economy on the whole, and the OK economy in particular. Alabama's state bird is the yellowhammer. Guess that explains why the student body at Red Elephants (Bama's real sports nickname, of which they are obviously embarrassed) basketball games chants "Rammer jammer yellow hammer". I always thought they were all just loaded. Now if there is a bird name to explain the first part of "Rock chalk jayhawk" let's hear it. The guy is Right about too few raptors, though. I'd like to see SC be redtail, really. They are profuse on the coast. Although we also have brown pelicans, herons, cranes, egrets and many variety's of bulls and plovers, all in abundance, of which I'm particlarly enamored. We have butterfly landscaping at our swimming pools, which draws dragonflies so no mosquitos, and hummingbirds. Correct about the GA bird too. Thrashers are beatiful at rest, more amazing in flight with all sorts of white flashing in the tawny brown. Unusual bird coloring, and a very fast and nimble aviator. Some state needs to claim the redwing blackbirds. And there should be a place for the wood stork. And what about the ugly-faced, otherwise stately turkey vulture.
- Holy shit. Cllassic case of hypocrisy. GOPer congressman collects millions annually in farm subsidies, but says taking food stamps to feed your family is stealing, and he quotes the Bible to justify his claim. And people in TN vote for this schmuck? Sort of like this dickwad. And this guy is an anesthesiologist for God's sake. Probably the highest paid non-surgical specialty. Sounds like a nice day, Charlotte.
- Sherri@45: I like that. I've been wondering all day how many fudagelicals and teabangers have swallowed their tongues to avoid saying that the tornado is God's will because God hates (fill in the blank). I'm sure I know what Fred Phelps says, but all those Christian Coalition aholes are pretty silent. For a serious belly laugh, check out the Great Climate Change Denier Inhofe explaining how Sandy aid he voted against and OK aid he supports are totally different. Jesus, what a jerk, Mr. Sheep. I mean, he's having a hard enough time explaining the enormousness of the storm, when ten years ago he would have blamed it on gay rights supporters, and in the absence of bigotry, he's faced with science. An interesting Asia Times sports story about Americans playing professional hoops in Iran. And an AT sports story that has nothing to do with wickets, bowlers and tries? Tres unique. But Brandon: We love the sinner, hate the sin, right? Our TeeVee remote got misplaced for a couple of days. It became obvious that our beautiful up to date Samsung flat screen doesn't work for crap without a remote. the controls are infinitesimal and marked more or less invisibly without a flashlight. Changing channels requires cycling through the entire gamut. On our cable, moving from Family Guy to Mad Men Sunday was an incredible pain in the ass. Soes this asinine design accomplish anything other than making the boox look extremely sleek and prompting people to buy backup remotes to keep handy? Seems strange to me.
- Maybe all those would-be GOPer sleuths could look into this. They don't hate our freedom. They hate our bullying and arrogant interference in their worlds. This is nauseating while some GOPer assholes are faking emails and feeding them to the Associated Press. The fake emails are now the beef in the Benghazi burger. Who thought this was a good idea And check the link at the bottom of the page about Shrubco IRS going after NAACP. Going after the NAACP for criticising Shrub is a far cry from investigating the legal tax status of organizations that were not what they claimed to be. And yep, those teabanger organizations got those designations form Shrubco IRS, solely to allow anonymity of the donors, the only benefit it would have brought them. Keeping cash sources secret is much a pillar of GOP political strategy as is vote suppression and severe gerrymandering.
- With all of this comment about the moronic behavior of the Diocese of Columbus, let me express my extreme surprise that there hasn't been a hubbub here about the FLA case involving the teenager that has been expelled and arrested for having a relationship with a younger classmate of the same sex, undoubtedly instigated by call and whisper campaign incited by the younger girl's parents that waited until the older girl was 18 so she could be charged as a sexual predator. Way to show your love and concern for your daughter's welfare, assholes. Send her off to Jesus Camp or Marcus Bachmann yet. Pray away that gay. My Catholicism has little to do with that sort of Church intransigence, and unlike the modern Lords of the Church, I tend to go to Augustine and Aquinas, as well as modern process theologians for understanding. Makes for a less judgemental brand. And the willingness of some to claim anti-Catholicism at every instance of criticism, one can't, in reality, deny such exists. I mean, there is being anti-semitic and there is anti-Israel. I'm decidedly the latter (it's the definition of a rogue state and state terrorist), and not remotely the former. I think in the long run, charlatan psychologist's, phony repressed memory and profiteering will prove to have been part of the great clergy pedophile witch hunt, and I'd imagine, similar instance of abuse will turn up in other denominations. I know I was a target of attempted predation at a Babdiss daycamp in Memphis when I was a kid, as was one of my brothers. If folks at AP wants to whine about protecting sources, they should verify what their "sources" are telling them and not allow themselves to be abused like rented mules into publishing total bullshit like the "Misedited" Benghazi emails, one of which had exactly eight words in common with the real thing the "source" was "reciting" from. Only an idiot wouldn't wonder whether this insouciant naivete on the part of the AP people wasn't agressive. And the next press ahole that uses the term "spying" in this context of legal subpoenas for records should be castrated or get a bullet in the vagina. And is that loony in jail yet, and does he have a CCW permit. And "edited" or not, if those emails are classified, which they likely are, the GOPer fabulists should be tracked down like rabid curs and face the law. Maybe those gnomes aren't roaming but running away. Americans are showing some rare common sense about the manufactured slime:
- And IRS-Lady Lois Lerner is not a political appointee, and has been there since years before Obama. So that taking the 5th is another dead horse. The Catholic problem has more to do with size, and visibility And with the misperception that the Church in America is rich or somehow shares the wealth of the Vatican. American parishes are shuttered or bankrupted weekly for lack of funds. If Americans want to sue a rich church, they should sue the Babdiss Church over the predations of Youth Ministers. I can tell you from experience that's the real deal. I suspect accusations are simply papered over with ATM receipts. Sergio Garcia puts his eye out, certifies dickitude once and for all: I see your point Sherri, but all of the economic arguments for any state or municipality funding stadiums and arenas for professional ballclubs can be made for building an arena for DePaul. Why should Robert Kraft or Arthur Blank get public aid to build stadiums? DePaul hoops is undoubtedly a major economic engine and job provider in Chicago. Let Mark Aguirre pick up the tab. Man, I dislike DePaul hoops almost on a Carolina level. Stephen Fry is the sole guest on Craig Ferguson tonight. That promises to be pretty damned funny: Pomposity vs. the Skewer.
- Agreed, Sherri. I'm just pointing out the arguments that will surely be made, not saying they hold water. It's highly unlikely that the Diocese of Columbus has more than lint in its pockets and moths in it's pocketbook, and surely not enough money to induce a lawyer to sue them. A civil rights lawyer, sure, but the net result will be nada. The sovereign citizen types remind me of a radical rabble-rouser on the Holy Cross campus back in '69, named Marty something or other. Marty's favorite rhetorical trope was: If you shoot at me, I will deny the existence of that bullet." How the hell did Brucistan get ahold of that weapon? I'm betting on gunshow in the next country over. You know, the one that has a leegislature that won't pass responsible gun laws, despite the fact the electorate favors such laws 9-1. Cooze@13: Let's not forget that Raygun was as responsible for Pinochet as anyone. Nixon and Kissinger, too. On the business of US interference in Ca and SA politics during the the last 22 or so years of GOPer presidential misAdministration, I'd recommend Graham Greene's Getting to Know the General. Tremendously affecting and beautifully written account of Greene's somewhat improbable friendship with Omar Torrijos. One of my favorite books. I think of the US murder of Torrijos every time I see some right-winger yack about Awlaki's American citizenship. Seems to me moving to Yemen and joining Al Quaeda is a pretty unmistakable renunciation of citizenship. None of these idealogues had any problem with the federal government causing the deaths of Torrijos and Allende. Those gay predators: Expelled and formally charged as a sex offender.
- Regarding Bruce Hicks, Sovereign Citizen: More proof that FLA to funny for anybody but Mel Brooks AND Carl Reiner to make up. That guy goes to Gators games in jorts, no doubt about it. And I really do wonder how he came to have a gun. And why didn't they stop him at the border. This might be worth a train trip up to Washington. Were I the curator, I would have made it a double feature and included Walt Kelly. This accusation was a scam, straight up. Ironically, the con was uncovered by the grifter's own lawyers.
- Sorry 'bout the three links, the Walt Kelly Herblock connection occcurred to me after the fact. 82% of Americans think Social Security payments should be raised, not cut. One more reason GOPers are FUBARed no matter what sort of asinine slime they manufacture. As far as classifying in excess, there was a time that Shrubco was classifying documents at the rate of 2million pp. of government documents per minute and had no qualms whatever about going after anybody it felt was encroaching on the classifications. Shrubco was also responsible for inventing the legal maneuvers and mechanics for exactly what GOPers are currently hyperventilating about. Calling the AP subpoenas or anything else that the Administration has done spying is ridiculously inflammatory, and thanks to Shrubco, none of it is illegal or extra-legal, whatever the difference is supposed to be.. Calling the assholes on the GOPer side that bastardized the Benghazi emails sources is purely a joke and heads should roll at AP for getting used like a screwdriver by some lying sacks of partisan shit. This has gotten downright Mosaic. It's all about whose ox is claimed to have been gored. To deny that every aspect of this current nonsense is being kept afloat by misrepresentaions and outright lies is simply naive or seriously dishonest. I don't see anything chilling going on. Who's been chilled?
- Barnes and Noble offer for kids' summer reading.
- AP sure as shit wasn't "chilled" when they went right ahead and put no effort into any sort of verification of the bullshit bowdlerized Benghazi emails, were they. If they thought they were some how a target of the White House, publishing that rank propaganda without checking its veridity would be just fracking dumb as grunt. Right? And a "source" you could easily prove to be a flagrant Ananais Club-worthy liar isn't really a source, especially when you make no effort to verify legitimacy. As for the scumbag creeps that did the dirty work, I hope they broke some laws and are caught and prosecuted.
- Not at all what I said, Scribe. I said AP was clearly not feeling cowed or "chilled" when they committed that bullshit, a reference to paddyo's comment just above. It's also quite clear to me that a phony propaganda bunch like Fox damages freedom of the press when it claims, and gets away with the claim, that it was the victim of an assault on the 1st Amendment, far more than anything this Administration has done. But I'm sure Ailes and the Fox liars would just as soon drown journalism in a bathtub.
- Entertaining feature about American movies at Cannes, with lots of video and some real surprises. They liked Bad Santa? What? Billy Bob as heir to Jerry Lewis? If there is anything unclear about my comment @41, I can't figure out what it is. I mean for a news organization to be "chilled" requires previous action by the government in a case like this. Right? The subpoenas didn't prevent AP from participating, intentionally or as dupes, in a GOPer disinformation campaign. My inference is that the subpoenas had no effect on AP's (bad or incompetent) behavior.
- My mistake. Sorry, thought I heard AP from the TeeVee in the next room while making Bolognese. None of this idiocy is worthy of reading time. Doesn't alter my contention that claims of intimidation against the news community are naive alarmism or deliberate and disingenuous propaganda from people that would wipe out the 1st Amendment if they thought they could get away with it. The same people that originated this line of nonsense also claim that the Lois Lerner is some sort of stealth agent for the Administration. And if I were trying to disseminate nonsense, I'd go to AP rather than ABCNews. Instant 1400 papers. Unless I had a fellow traveller at ABCNews and knew it would be easy. Just revise what I said @43 to: ABCNews was clearly not feeling cowed or “chilled” when they committed that bullshit, a reference to paddyo’s comment just above. It’s also quite clear to me that a phony propaganda bunch like Fox damages freedom of the press when it claims, and gets away with the claim, that it was the victim of an assault on the 1st Amendment, far more than anything this Administration has done. But I’m sure Ailes and the Fox liars would just as soon drown journalism in a bathtub, anyway.
- Paddyo': I haven't been a working journalist since 1975-76, when I worked as a reporter for a Boston local news anchor. But I went to JSchool during Watergate and I'm well aware of the issues. I simply don't see a scintilla of evidence that anyone in the news world community has been intimidated in the slightest, and I find right-wing handwringing over the 1st Amendment offensive as hell, when the bastards would like to ditch it. Kirk, they are using Bushco era laws and regulations to acquire subpoenas. Can't see how that is spying, and without knowing anything about what they are looking for, nobody can comment on the legitimacy of the action, neither fairly nor intelligently.
- Alert secret service agents took the house and statuary down. People will be claiming on the Worldwide Sports Destroyer that the Pacers v. Heat game was some sort of classic. Bullshit. Classic David Stern officiating. The phantom foul on the Bosh putback where he went over two backs kept the bastards in the game. It is revolting to watch shit like that if you've ever played a competitive sport. That Gerry bust is soon to be a major Pixar release. The perfect voice would be Andre, but he had too much personal style grace and intelligence to stoop to Gerry Ford, the only guy that ever sold a pardon for a presidency. Andre would have preferred brewskis. I still believe that active journalists that think they have something to fear from the Obama administration must be a weaselly and cowardly lot. Why. Just try to keep some sort of reasonable Journalistic ethics in play, you'll be fine. And are you sure that is not photoshopped? You know the old stories about women scared by horses? That is scary as shit, and I once ended up in an open grave in a graveyard in Salem Mass while I was tripping.
- Jolene, Godspeed. I will say prayers unless that offends you. If for an easy passage through treatment if nothing else. Fine Scribe, but do you have the slightest clue what's involved. Apparently somebody at ABCNews has become part of the right-wing apparatus of disinformation and doesn't give a shit what it has to do with. Where's the Administration infringement on the 1st Amendment or any sign of government intimidation, other than Gene's wet diapers? I mean, I just don't get this nonsense. I did a very brief stint in what was called the stockade, in Athens, where I went to JSchool, for refusing to identify a source. I was only reporting for a class and possibly The Red and Black, a great student paper. In the end, my source was a completely untrustworthy thug motogang member that was probably lying his ass off. My mom bailed me out in time for a flank steak teriyaki dinner. If a "reporter" acted in an entirely partisan fashion and dealt in documents the reporter had no idea of the importance of one way or another, that isn't a reporter anymore and fuck 'im. Particularly when the so-called "source" material is abject manufactured bullshit involving classified material and a political smear-job, that is easily and quickly identified as such. Well, chop 'em up and throw the remains in the pigpen. It's up to a reporter to be responsible for the veracity and dependability of her "sources". If you have every reason to know without looking hard it's just propaganda, you've clearly ceased to be reporting. I have dealt with this sort of info on a repertorial basis, as it applies to the depths of Massachusetts politics. But it got pretty hairy. I just think the handwringing here is strange. How does the word "spy" come into this, when nobody talked about "spying" back when Shrubco bullied all of the telecoms into building the monstro listening room, which I'd imagine still exists. Which makes the subpoenas something like keeping things out in the open. It's recent history that's a bitch. absolutely no excuse Seriously? This isn't torture anybody's talking about. Maybe you're right, but it's who's leading this charge that puts a big stink on it. Right-wingers and Fox are defending the 1st Amendment? Something's more than fishy.
- That's a nice way to make a fritata, I'd toss in some pickled garlic and some pepperoni slices and some grated cheese, of some good sort. Sherri weights are good but a bike is better. But you may be way correct on this subject, since your sports knowledge is nearly equal to mine. When the tough get going, that ahole from Miami tries to act like that play for pay went on in equals the SEC. Nobody with a brain believes that's true. Actually, you might know more than I do about this shit, and it's actually more than I care to know. I just want to watch them run out and play. UGA don't cheat and that is a fact. First woman that actually scared me in a while. Nancy should, but she loves bunnies. I can't win here. Sherri knows almost as much about sports as I do. She did say UGA couldn't possibly play Bama Red Elephants. And that turned out to be pure unadulterated luck for the Red Elephants. That is their name. Why are they embarrassed? Sherri also made derogatory comments about the Bruins' power play, but in the Stanley Cup game, that doesn't really matter like goalkeepers, and Tuka Raask is better. Goodbye Rangers. This bullshit in Miami is hand over the first game to LeBron. That is fucking odious.
- Brian, I don't look anything like that. Not even close. More like Alan Ladd, but taller. Or John Hurt, as my woman companion says. And grayer. And I'd say resistance cords beat weights for a good workout, although I like weights for curls, because I can do them with large weights, and legpresses, for the same reason. What I think of immediately when I think about scrambled eggs. And I always stand on the pedals, unless I have a couple of cases of brewskis in the panniers.
- Sherri: CDC? I don't need some gummint bunch to tell me how to be fit. I started up with the bands when I read that Drew Brees was a devotee and had used them to rehab. Great thing about the bands is they are convenient when you're just sitting on the couch watching TeeVee. Dumbells, not so much. I enjoy lifting free weights, too, much for the klang und sturm, and the general feel of the thing. Dumbells way better than bars. In a gym, I like leg machines, because I can usually do the whole machine and then watch some benchpress bonehead get on and get a hernia from the weight. I recall enjoying a very tasty steak at The Stockyards in Nashville, twenty years ago when Pam and I had been married for one day I'd suggest you celebrate an anniversary of that experience, Brian. My ex and I still recall moments of that sort. We have a kid and two grandkids after all. Scowley? Generally I'm smiley. But this made up bullshit going around is doing nothing for my sense of humor. Eugene Robinson's sob-sister act is particularly diheartening. I'm a regullar reader, but where was the prize-winner back in this day? An actual son of Gort:
- And Michael Rennie, who played Gort, was a terrific actor. Watch Broken Arrow, in which he had to deal with champeen scenery muncher James Stewart (odious movie actor). Holding somebody else to a point of moral perfection is like criticizing another's grammar or spelling or typing on the internets. You will step in it, looser.
- As much as I like Hillary and think she's a spectacularly smart woman, here's who I'd like to vote for in 2016: Smartest man in this country that isn't Paul Krugman, I believe. Too bad he's about as tall as Peter Dinklage and not as handsome. And if you haven't seen The Station Agent yet, why not? Great movie.
- Why in God's name would the NRA press this fight? Assholishness? How is lead shot important, Constitutionally? These people are mindless idealogue aholes.
- ROGirl@5: Joe the artist. MarkH: Michael Remmie is undoubtedly on Bonanza on some cable this pm. My bad, but you didn't comment on Broken Arrow. A good movie.Pardon me, but I think J Stewart was a horrendous excuse for an actor. His guiding light seemed to be Ronny Raaygun. Too bad he didn't get one in the bun with the next lady, the way St. Ron did. What a phony.
- Brian: John Garfield was the star in a truly classic: The Postman Always Rings Twice. No offence to anybody, but all I can conjure about James Stewart is his Raygunism and that horrible Christmas movie I won't name. Godawmighty I hate that movie. And Jimmie was the single worst overactor ever. I liked him when I was a child, but Holy Crap he got old fast. He was just a scene gobbler. Liberty Valance? decent.
- Ya know, it's always struck me funny that rightwingers object to intelligent folks like Matt Damon expressing political opinions when they never had a problem with Jimmy Stewart and Glen Ford. Mosaic Law. Whose ox is gored.
- Are Manhattans and Old Fashioneds made with Rye actually Manhattans and Old Fashioneds? Is any drink including anything but gin and vermouth actually a martini? I say no. I have a hard time saying "vente" at Starbucks. How does anybody ever order an apple-tini, and what the hell do those things have to do with martinis? This great land of ours has certainly managed to produce Christian Sharia, so how far behind can Christian yoga be? I mean soon we'll be all Dharma Initiative, and unfettered in time. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Right Speaker Oompa Loompa? One of those Obama stimulus bills you refused to bring to a vote in favor of voting to rescind ACA for the 36th or 37th time might have put people in Washington to work and averted this bridge collapse. Dumbass. And similar bridge collapses are clearly imminent all over the USA. Wow. Turns out both those whiskey drinks are traditionally mad with rye. But if you're adding sugar content otherwise, doesn't it make sense to use sweeter liquoor, i.e. bourbon. Goes without saying that mixing any of that stuff with sour mash whiskey is revolting.
- Making Scotch.
- American Jobs Act. Would have put people to work and fixed that bridge in Washington State. But Boner thought it was more important vote down ACA again and again. That's an actual scandal. I did that gong immersion thing once. First row at an ELP show at the old Boston Garden, high as a weather balloon. Carl Palmer knows gongs.
- Jeff's point is well-taken. Actual Christian. Bishop Gumbleton was a friend of my mom and dad and came to dinner once in a while. Mad hockey player to, when he was an Associate Bishop in Detroit. I love it when a guy like this tells the fogies to go screw themselves. It's my opinion that claiming to be Christian surely requires being outspoken and taking action. And leaves no room at all for being judgmental. Or judge-a-mental, if you're the ginormous colossal head of Jerry Ford
- Leakers are not necessarily either "whistleblowers" nor "sources". In fact, when they are flat lying to promote ulterior motives, they are neither. Journalits that are taken in by such shinola deserve no protection, nor do the alleged sources. Understanding the difference is a minimal requirement for standing as part of the Fourth Estate. Couldn't see this bullshinola coming from several miles away. My favorite thing about Huckleberrybee is how he and his wife had a recommitment ceremony when he was governor of Arkansas. They sent out invitations and registered at Walmart and some other stores, soliciting gifts. Beyond weird to tacky, beyond tacky to unseemly, beyond unseemly to probably illegal for a public official, all the way to openly soliciting bribes.
- Tejas health care plan. Sneak across the border into Mexico. But God will intervene. Meanwhile, the bonehead legislature here in SC passed a law that makes it illegal to implement any facet of ACA. Take a Civics Course, you fracking idiots.
- Religion hijinks in AZ. Great goggly moodily, as Frank Zappa used to say. Joe, nobody's college transcripts are anybody else's business, and politicians certainly are not expected to publish them. As far as the birth certificate, anybody still doubting that is braindead. And questioning President Obama's academic performance is racist horsepuckie, not veiled in the slightest. At this point, neither of those things should require any explanation. And by the way, Shrub got into Yale as a legacy. That's affirmative action for stupid rich white guys.
- Spell check decided moogly meant to be moodily. Pardon me for wasting space responding to Joe's lamo joke, but that shit is just annoying as hell, and it's not funny in the slightest.
- I see in today's NYT there is a new documentary about George Plimpton out. One hellaciously great magazine writer who perpetrated one of the most ingenious hoaxes of all time, The Curious Case of Sidd Finch. If you've never read it, treat yourself. If you have, you'll enjoy it just as much rereading. And it fits with the yoga theme. Happy Anniversary Danny. That show looks great, have fun. I always thought the Doors displayed a good sense, somewhat twisted, of humor. (They got the guns but we got the numbers, in your nickels for a handful of dimes.) There was a power trio Detroit band I used to see when I was a kid called Third Power that did an astounding cover of Five to One. We always thought it was cool that Manzarek played bass on Doors records on the pedals. Steve Winwood did the same in Spencer Davis Group. I would never have thought the Doors had a lot of potential for selling to marketeers, but if somone can advertise a cruise ship line with Iggy music (about heroin and sex with members of both genders), I suppose anything's possible.
- I will not listen to Rod Stewart disco post-1969, but I'll listen to the yellow album (the one with Old Raincoat) or Gasoline Alley whenever anybody wants to play them. That's rip-roaring rock 'n' roll. Almost any Talking Heads album gets a quick hook for me, especially Burning Down the House. Any Michael Jackson after Jackson 5, but I love ABC and all of those sunny J5 songs. Mellencamp Cougar makes me actually wretch. Every single Doobie Bros. song other than China Grove, particularly if Michael MacDonald is singing causes a rejection at the speed of light. Sherri that specific bridge repair was funded with fed money in the AJA if GOPers in Congress hadn't been afraid the bill might put somebody to work and improve the economy.
- That's Weill and Brecht, Dexter. Practically classical music. Louie Gohmert is a vicious and evil little piece o' caca. GOPers never learn. One of his fellow congressmen should have knocked Gohmert's ignorant ass out for this. San Francisco public art brouhaha. This sculpture is pretty niggling next to the monumental work of art the view of which they impede.
- Where babies are having babies in the USA. How's that abstinence only shit working out for ya?
- Not trying to be a smartass or start an argument, but can any of y'all that think on the Right explain what the GOP is after in pushing raising student loan interest: I mean, is it antipathy toward a voting demographic they know already despises them and won't vote for them until hell freezes solid? Seems completely fracking loony. I like a lot of songs by the Police, but Roxanne is like fingernails on a slate blackboard (remember blackboards?). Stuart Copland was the musical genius of the group and shows up frequently for the music on TeeVee shows. His music for The Equalizer was terrific. Another guy that used to make a livelihood in that way was Randy California, the singer and guitar player from the iconic 60s band Spirit, and I won't hear any arguments about calling Spirit iconic. Paddyo': Like playing Suzanne at the folk Mass. Here's Eddie Vedder with the doors:
- Never liked Facebook much, but this is beyond anything I'm really willing to put up with. They shut down the Daily Beast's page and those of all their editors because they posted a picture of the Bea Arthur boob painting, but they want to label pro-rape messages fracking "humor"? I'm going to miss the automatic pictures of my grandchildren, but the aholes of Facebook ought to be nuked for this policy. I just came across the news there is an album called Seven Moons, with Robin Trower and Jack Bruce. Holy Crap.
- The guy running for Lt. Goober-nor in VA is crazy as a loon, even more nuts than Cuccinelli, which hardly seems possible. The candidate for AG thinks women that miscarry should face criminal charges. Toys in the attic. Another thing that gets an instant button push from me: any Aerosmith ballad, and Love in an Elevator. God those are horrible records.
- I've heard lots of jokes about wingnuts claiming President Obama was responsible for the OK tornado, but you had to know somebody would assert such an asinine theory eventually.
- Looks like anti-GMO foods to me. When the US Congress is pulling ripe horseshite like this: It may be time to start worrying about the food supply, or it will all end up Soylent Green. When Monsanto makes ads claiming to be a benevolent force for the good of mankind, I hold on to my nads and try not to think about the Canamids serving man. There is something about bee decline on the other sign. It astounds me this issue does not get more attention. I mean, no bees, no pollination. No pollination, no fruit. That is a drab and horrible world.
- Tim Curry has had a stroke. I hope he's back healthy as soon as possible and up doing the rock. I love that sax, and namechecking Maravich is very cool. I still have this on vinyl album, Fearless, which also has a smoking cover of Bowie's Putting Out Fires song, and a breathtakingly gorgeous song called SOS (a Curry original, I think). Dick Wagner (Rock 'n' Roll Animal Sweet Jane intro, Alice Cooper, the Frost) plays guitar. A great album. And how obvious is it that Sen. Blunt is on the take? When will Sen. ChopShop start that investigation? I'm not worried that GMO food might cause me bodily harm. I'm worried about the entire world food supply. They are screwing with things without considering consequences. Consider the proliferations of new strains every day of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. FUBAR.
- Sherri, GMO in the wind is like farm-raised salmon in the ocean, or snakeheads in Chesapeake Bay and zebra mussells in Lake Michigan. And the patent horse is out of the barn and galloping hard. And until the US Supreme Court has a major overhaul, nobody is tracking it down. I heard about this Lone Justice cover of Sweet Jane while reading about Tim Curry. Thoroughly awe-inspiring, but I've been in love with Maria McKee for a really long time. Force of nature. And this tune with VanDyke Parks on piano, just exudes sexuality, innocently.
- The science fiction scenario for the Monsanto patent power play is to get the whole world on it's blight-resistant crops, develop a blight that kills the crops, with a cure in hand, and hold the cure hostage. No multinational would ever do anything like that, though, would it? All anybody knows for sure right now about GMO seed in the real world is, if it blows into your fields, return it. You have no right to use it. Don't you dare, we'll sue your ass, and we have more lawyers than God. And it's hard to imagine there is any scientific model for predicting longterm effects on the human food chain, and particularly that Monsanto and other Frankenfarmers have undertaken anything so sensible and expensive. As I said, look what stoking up the cows and pigs with medicine has accomplished. And a lb. of ground pork that was about a $buck five years ago is now $4. I used to buy big fat juicy mussells for 13 cents the lb. at the J. Hooks Lobster Company on Ft. Point Channel in Boston. Now all the mussells are farmed raised and they cost more than swordgish or lobster. And natural species in the wild are probably in decline.
- Humankind has always tinkered with genetic modifications Tinkered, sure, but not by introducing genes from other species. Gregor Mendel wasn't mixing in chemicals and genetic materials from crop diseases. And when Monsanto has to buy US Senators to protect their products from being labelled GMO, they protest too much for my comfort. Sailin' Shoes. Maria McKee, VanDyke Parks and Stevie Ray cover a great, great Lowell George song. This is ferocious. SRV cuts loose. Solo, on a funny song she wrote for herself.
- No shit Sherri. And Ligers. Nobody's eating those animals, unless it's French people. We were talking about plants and food. And I specifically referred to Mendel. The monk/scientist wasn't blending Pea genes with Black Leaf or root rot. Monsanto's great innovation is combining plant diseases with crop plant genomes to make them resistant to the diseases. What awful unforeseen consequence could possibly result? I sure can't think of any. Trusting that multinational corporate scientists have put in the time and cash to anticipate all the potential problems in this program seems exceptiaonally naive, to the point of childishness, to me. The damage done by farmed slmon escapes into the wild is pretty well-documented, and I think that's a valid point of reference for Frankenfarming. Many of the "new" apple varieties are restoration of old varieties nearly done in by homogenized big Ag. Monsanto's plant genetic tinker-toying could devastate some insect populations. What will that do to songbird populations? Anybody have a clue? Nope. Screwing with any part of the food chain or the biome is screwing with the whole damn thing, and there is no way anybody is spending the time or money to figure out what bad things might happen. That's basically my point. Car camping always reminds me of Tremors, a favorite in our house. Nancy, I had forgotten you cowrote Wars of Other Men. Well done. And that red-haired female officer looks like Julianne Moore. I hadn't really expected the high quality of acting throughout the cast. The guy that plays the LT. is superb.
- Obviously I never met the guy, but I feel pretty secure in being right when I say that Tom Coburn is an asshole that talks out of both sides of his mendacious mouth.
- We began Memorial Day with a long bike ride to lay a wisteria wreath S. made on the grave of Thos. Frazier and share a brandy toast to African-American Civil War vets with some friends, followed by a picnic breakfast of cold fried chicken, devilled eggs and biscuits with pepper jelly. Here on out, it's a beach day. With shrimp salad rolls made from yesterday's early morning cast-net harvest of fresh brown shrimp. Delicious little bugs we also use for trout and spot bait, although we catch more croakers than either. cooze@24: The industries of choice in GA are "outdoor advertising" and title pawn, the latter one of the most odious and pernicious cons ever devised. Current Goober-nor Nathan Deal made money in both. But not enough, God help the poor man. Now mean people are picking on him. Wah, wah, wah.
- Haynes Johnson, RIP. A great reporter. Wisteria wreaths are common cemetery decorations down south.
- Steampunk as autism therapy.
- Wow. Worst. Movie. Idea. Ever Conceived. Ever. Some studio plans a "reboot" (Oh, moronic neologism!!) of The Rockford Files, according to the latest number of the Atlantic. In for James Garner? Vince fracking Vaughan. That decision had to be made by one of Louis Gohmert's fetuses with no brain function brought to term. Let's "reboot" Dirty Harry and cast Russell Brand or Ben Stiller as Harry Calloway. What sort of cretin would pay for a movie in which Vince Vaughan plays Jim Rockford. Nobody that was a devotee of the TeeVee show, I don't think. Not me, with an Uzi muzzle under my chin. NFW. We spent the PM watching Hobie Cat races out on the Sound. Thrills and Spills. Some pair of guys managed to cartwheel a 16 ft catamaran. Never seen that happen before. Wouldn't have thought it possible, even sans keels. It's easy to tip 'em over, but this was ridiculous.I suppose it was dangerous, but it was pretty damned funny anyway. God knows what it did to the boat.
- Mark H.: Garner is the embodiment of charm, rascality and a brutally honest personal code of honor, in every role. Vince Vaughan is a spineless, selfish weasel. And Russell Brand has the dirty part down. The guy looks like chlamydia personified. Never watched Arrested Development. Always figured I wasn't missing much. Just saw the first 21 minutes of ep. 1 on Netflix. Assumption confirmed. It's supposed to be funny, right? I mean, there is Portia De Rossi and Jeffrey Tambor, but Michael Cera? Jason Bateman? Will Arnett? Spare me, there wasn't a role for Stefon? Bill Hader is exactly the sort of funny-as-a-crutch jerk that would fit this cast perfectly. Damn, that was bad.
- The TeeVee listing for Mad Men for tonight says, portentously, "Joan goes to the beach." Don't really follow racing but I do like the confrontations in the pits. I'm assuming Kanaan got the hell out of Dodge before Danica showed up throwing hands.
- Try some Leinenkugel's Shandy. Ice cold on a hot day, it's preternaturally refreshing. I's a summer lager (weiss), brewed with lemonade. Yum.
- That's brewed with lemons. And it's only 4.2% alcohol by volume, compared to more like 6% for the IPAs we frequent in the wintertime.
- Scribe@50: Who is trying to restrict use of GMOs. People simply want foods labelled so that they can be aware of when and when they are not consuming GMO foods. Monsanto finds this burdensome. I find that fishy.
- Danny@47: As usual, we agree about television. Stuart Margolin was a buddy of James Garner's from way back. The Angel character was reportedly largely a product of improvisation that Garner encouraged on the set. The Noah Beery Jr. Rocky-centric episodes were also great, as were Dennis in trouble episodes, Beth Davenport episodes, Gandolph Fitch episodes, Vern St. Cloud and Lance White episodes, the ones with Bo Hopkins, the disappearing girlfriend, and the two masterpieces with Lauren Bacall. Oh, and Anthony Boy. And when I say fishy about Monsanto, I mean fishy as all hell. Something's rotten. Companies that buy their own pocket Senators are usually up to no good. Right, Roy Blunt? Food producers have done just fine raising food prices across the board in the last five years. Knowing the origins and the character of food products has been considered a right of Americans since Upton Sinclair talked sausage. I expect meat to be produced by artificial insemination, but I certainly don't want antibiotics with my ribs, and I have a right to know about that. When the USA is overcome by an antibiotic-resistant gonnorhea or syphillis epidemic, people will be wishing that Big Ag hadn't had carte blanche and that more beeves had expired short of the packing plant. Tuberculosis is already back. Labelling as banning is a weak argument, I think. Most people don't even realize it when they are consuming petroleum products like trans-fats, and those labels are all over packaging. TaDa. Governor Moonbeam minimizes GOPers, produces budget surplus.
- If anybody could reprise the Rockford role, it might be Jeff Bridges. For a younger actor, I'd think John Corbett, who could have made some of those Vince Vaughan movies watchable rather than drivel, or dribble, as the loosers say on the interwebs. As far as eschewing food labelling, does this mean I'm free to open my guaranteed to succeed frozen yogurt chain and not identify my secret ingredient, diazepam? A little dazzle in every slurp. Return patronage a forgone conclusion. Did I compare Monsanto with Hitler? Damn, I don't think so. Do I trust any Big Ag multinational? Not as far as I could throw one of its offshore accounts. Is Roy Blunt, by words and actions, apparently a bought and paid for creature of Monsanto? Seems to be. Should US Congress be in the business of legislation that benefits a single legal entity? Nope, that's illegal. Is something wrong when a corporation has its pet Congressman defending such legislation. Probably.
- NBC Sports channel is reshowing Monaco Grand Prix at midnight est tonight. Todays Island paper says HHI hotels are all full up. This is remarkably good economic news. I know the Bi-Lo was crowded like a madhouse yesterday. They also had beautiful local maters. And our big pool is packed with visitor kids.
- So the anti-labeling argument is "American consumers are too stupid for Monsanto's own good."
- I'm an Eagle Scout, believe it or don't, made it in 8th Grade, at which point in my youth, being in Scouts at all was considered extremely uncool. The only person in my Scout Troop that may have been gay was my friend, Michael Collins. I'm not giving back my stuff. I offered to give some time to a local scout troop a few years ago, but I was told that I wasn't really welcome, because I live with a grown woman without benefit of marriage. I'm sure I made some sarcastic retort about not being gay, for which I should probably feel regret. In my teenage years, the Detroit Institute of Art was one of my favorite places on earth. I remember a Rembrandt show that was spectacular, from sketches right up to The Night Watch. What I remember most is the astounding Diego Rivera frescoes, called ensemble, I think, Labor. Or perhaps, it's Industry. The work was panned at its opening by the Detroit News (that arbiter of culture) as "vulgar" and "un-American", and called "blasphemous" by assorted Church people. I think it's an astounding work of art with attitude, like Guernica. It's sad to think of the DIA as a commodity in the hands of Philistines and paudeens. We spent a lot of time on the water over the weekend. Ocean temp is hitting 76 degrees, which for me is ideal. I used to handle Old Orchard Beach ME and 54. My big accomplishment was catching about four lbs. of shrimp with a castnet without leaving my kayak. That is not an easy thing to do. Casting the net from the boat is a feat of balance and coordination it's taken me years to master. Dug some clams, too. Did a NE lobster roast on the beach for eight plus two (somehow a couple of sherriff's deputies always show up and must be placated with food, even though we clean up meticulously and leave no trace but footprints. I was thinking this AM how that labeling is so unfair to Monsanto. What about those poor companies that make kids' PJs from flammable material? How do they stand a chance. I'm not saying the risks are comparable, but they could be, and I don't trust Monsanto to keep me apprised of what the risks might be while they are making money hand over foot on the road to total world domination. I really thought the MLB camo was cheesy as all get out.
- Who do these bastards think they are? Elected teabanger officials telling their constituents they know better than the electorate is running rampant. I's reached pretty much epidemic proportions. Mofos should all face recall immediately.
- Two shitkicking songs: (This will wake anybody out of PM doldrums.) One of the Stones' best, and Ireland's greatest electric guitar player. I do not remember any of us ever felling a tree while I was in the Boy Sprouts. I did get into a fight with a kid that bludgeoned a king snake for no reason, but that it was big and scared the bejeebers out of the wussy. Coolest thing we did was go to the Yoop for winter camping in snow burrows and outdoor cooking on three hole tunnel fires. Even the cool kids that made fun of the Sprouts had to admit this was fairly awesome. We also went for a yearly pack it in and out father/son canoe trip on the Grayling, which times with my dad I remember with profound nostalgia. On one of those trips, we came around a bend to the sight of this kid Billy Williams and his dad sitting in a mostly sugmerged canoe, paddling like maniaces. They weighed a tag-team combined 550 or so. Lord help me, I could not stop laughing. My entire career in Scouts is something I remember positively, and I have used the first aid skills I learned in several seriously bad situations since. We did learn to bend suitable trees and lash deadwood to them to make latrine seats. No trees were damaged in the making of those latrines.
- Deborah, May I suggest Hens and Chicks for hanging baskets. Beautiful little succulents with fascinating and omni-colored blossoms and do well in full sun, I think. Sometimes, they'll put out segmented runners that look like decorated dreadlocks. I was never in Cub Scouts, but I learned a lot of worthwhile stuff in Boy Sprouts and took a lot of shit at my grammar school for it. Of course, by the time I was 12, I had heard Lou Reed sing Heroin and Van sing Astral Weeks on WXYZ FM, and seen Seger and MC5 in person, and none of those dicks had. ute. And she was indescribably beautiful. Maureen went to my first HS dance with me, in the backseat of my mom's 63 T-bird. She was one of those map of Ireland beauties. I figured I was way ahead of the game. And I knew how to play Freight Train with bass runs between chords. And the most beautiful girl in St. Hugo's School, Maureen Sullivan, thought I was cMore or less downhill ever since. In my youth, if you were iconoclastic and didn't rely too much on popular approval, and you liked roughing it and doing outdoors stuff, Scouts was fun. Did I ever buy the motto, the salute, the pledge? Shit I went to parochial school and dealt with my disbelief in Penance with subterfuge. I know Charles Whitman was a famous Eagle Scout. One of my brothers claims Lee Oswald was, but he's a corporate lawyer, that never made it past Star, so that is the pot calling the kettle black.But Nobody can blame me for nutcases, I obviously do my own nutso without help. But I learned a lot of things. In life-threatening situations, I do take charge, and I generally know right away what to do, particularly when there are injuries involved. Or at least what I decide on the block does no harm. We lost a swimmer here yesterday, a visitor. There are wicked undertows and vicious riptides. I swim in them for fun to S's annoyance (If you know where you are going to come up, you just hold your breath and enjoy the ride.) But I am a ridiculously strong swimmer, and I pull two or three folks out of that sort of trouble every summer. I hope my death is a result of swimming where nobody could swim. My love does not think that's funny. I told her it wasn't meant to be funny. Before I die, I intend to do the Channel. Alex, your pinewood story reminded me of taking my collie Sandie to obedience school commencement. It was about qqo in Memphis. My big collie was languishing so I got him some water in some paper cups. Other dogs tried to horn in, but I fended them off. Then some idiot foppy-eared hound nipped my arm and all hell broke loose. Sandy bit that idiot bassett hounds ear off and adults were accusing me of harboring a rabid dog. I tried pointing out that rabid dogs did not attack other dogs. Serious morons.
- So nobodie's Boy Sprout experience aligns. Quelle surprise. I see it as fun. And I was your random jock kid that didn't take any shit from anybody. Because, generally, they were too goddam dumn.
- Listen to duane and Dickey
- Ain't it there on a popsicle stick?
- Seriously? You RW FULL OF THAT SHITE
- I did note the President's comments. It is nice to have a President that is eloquent than one that has barney piss on his bad haircut.
- On the subject of communal apartments, I'd direct you gingerly to the works of the brilliant Russian Mikhail Bulgakov. What can go wrong can go brilliantly wrong.
- For dirty books, there is Candy, by Terry Southren, and that is it.
- Brian@10: Oscar Wilde is said to have said: Either that wallpaper goes or I do.
- Bob (Not Greene): Mick Taylor is clearly the best guit player ever in the Rolling Stones. And Woody is second best. Keef is just not that good, but he keeps on chooglin' along. And it is a better world for knowing Mick TAylor is alive and well enough to play. Saw them at the Joe on this tour: Mick played on the Stones’ best records. That's astute. But I'll always think Some Girls is mighty good. And Jeff@26: You left out bursting bosom buttons. Can't You Hear Me Knockin?
- cooze@22: Used to be able to separate them by cash spent on football recruits, but MS has overtaken in that race.
- The world is a better place as long as Charley Watts keeps baangin'. That is something I know for sure. Thinking about the Stones led me to this: Which led naturally to And don't miss that last one if you like rock 'n' roll music.
- Bob@35: I seem to recall Time holding up the lyrics of Some Girls as evidence of the Stones' immersion in the ultimate pit of depravity. I still love the Stones and keep their albums in constant play. But you are correct. from Beggar's Banquet through Exiles, nobody ever sustained that sort of brilliance, unless it was Procul on Shine on Brightly and Salty Dog.
- Signs of encroaching Communism. Perfect story to kick off summer. And whoever picked that blue for the bikes picked a winner. This moo got all the way through college on his daddy's social security. Now he wants to prevent me from getting my own SSI investment back. How the hell is that "conservative"? And while you're at it, how is dooming people to lingering deaths by cutting off Medicaid to spite Obama's nose "conservative"? Is it stupid or is it evil? brian, I'd say Shine on Brightly by Procul Harum and, unquestionably, Astral Weeks. New York, by Lou Reed. Oh, and Edgar Winter's Entrance.
- Oh, and brian, any Kinks album, particularly Muswell Hillbillies and Arthur.
- Most perfect album ever made:
- Sex rducation, down south where babies are popping out babies:
- deggjr: That would be Freddy Adu. What ever happened to that guy? Or Donovan Landon, for that matter? Or is it Landon Donovan? The brainless sport. Upfield or crossfield? Seriously dumb. Getting out of Dodge, about one step ahead of the posse.
- Is Jeb invested in his bro's testing bidness? More than likely. That would be Marvin.
- cooze@34: Or a niblick. Charlotte@33: Tuukka will rule. Old school (although Rask looks like he's about 13). Bruins are too deep for Blackhawks.
- What Nancy said @39: Every other day, I learn something I should have known back in college when it was taught to me. Even HS.
- Bob: Bs are four lines deep, and for size, they have all-world D Zdeno Chara (aka best hockey player on this planet). They hit like mofos and they have a great goalkeeper in Rask. If they get past Sid and the kids, it will be an hellacious series with the Blackhawks. I loathe the LA Kings.
- Really pissed off teacher delivers a Jeremiad. A few years ago, I taught a semester of AP anatomy.Honest too God, those bright kids thought they could cut and paste papers from the net. I spent a week making them diagram sentences and installed a take home exam per week, on which they knew they would be judged partially on the quality of their writing, as well as the science. Of course, they bitched. Teenagers with Senioritis. None of those kids had ever seen less than an A on anything, but they got a rude awakening. Those kids are all finished with college now, and I run into them occasionally. Every one of them has thanked me for putting my foot down and making them walk before college made them run. Parents were not supportive until I explained my approach at mid-term conferences. Of course, they also liked that I brought a couch and a Mr. Coffee into the classroom and blew off the first 15 minutes of the block shooting the shit and loading caffeine Whoever thought 7:45 was a reasonable start time for a bunch of 17 year olds was way too far removed from adolescence. Anybody else think Jeb might have been making a crack at his brother"s expense. Ivy League legacy leaves a lot of room for shit-for-brains, and it's pretty close to everybody gets a trophy.
- I remember when it used to be called "parsing" sentences. How does a bona fide whackadoo like this guy get a gun license? I think he's probably the serial ricin mailer.
- Ready ripostes to climate change deniers.
- Entertaining Stephen King interview. I love his books. I think The Stand is a masterpiece, as are the Dark Tower books. Guiltiest pleasure. My anatomy class English lesson ended with all of the kids at the whiteboard trying to diagram Gerard Manley Hopkins "Margaret are you grieving". A fracking riotous time was had by all: Another great Jesuit.
- Maps: Some states are better than others at some things. And worse at other things.
- How incalitrantly obtuse does the GOP look when they refuse to act upon a judicial appointment of the President's for nearly a year, and then the Senate votes to confirm the nominee unanimously, when filibuster fervor runs out of gas? That is unadulterated bullshit. I know lots of very good Italian cooks that add sugar to marinara or bolognese, or putanesca. It's my contention that the effect is better acchieved by roasting a red peppper and a whole Vidalia with the tomatoes and then processing the whole shebang together to make the base sauce.Wonderful sweetness to balance the acid tomatoes. It's just dawned on Greta van Susteren that she works with a bunch of male chauvinist pigs at Fox. Has she been in a coma? C'mon Greta that's what you signed up for when you sold your brain and soul to Roger Ailes for the makeover. That photo of Engler looks like he ate the triplets.
- How many rocks did the Virginia GOP have to turn over before they found this guy? He's a gift that just keeps on giving. If VA elects this nutjob and Kookoonelli, I'd say the state should be invited to seceded. E.W. Jackson is non compos mentis, but I'll bet he had no trouble getting a concealed carry permit. All-female tribute rock bands. Lou Dobbs and Erick Erickson may have heart attacks and Uncle Tom Williams will swallow his tongue. Vag Halen, Lez Zeppelin. Brian, I was a fan of Greta's during the mindless judicial exercise of the OJ trial. She gave as good as she got to the insufferable Roger Cossack, and she clearly didn't give a crap what she looked like doing it. She sure didn't spend much time in hair and makeup back in the day. She is smart as hell, clearly, which makes it tragic she works for scumbags like Ailes and Murdoch.
- brian@44: The entire point of E.W. is probably to make Kookoonelli look halfway normal by comparison. There is no way that any man spews that sort of unmitigated venom about gay people without secretly questioning his own sexuality.
- This movie looks great to me. Clive Owen is a very talented actor. (Cf. Children of Men.) brian@44: "separate races?" Neither of which is human.
- Thanks to James Whitcoomb Riley, I've always associated the term "hoosier" with egregiously lachrymose and corny attempts at poetry, like "When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock": Gutdom, that's inexcusable. Everett Dirksen used to recite that odious verse at the drop of a hat. Then again, the great comic novelist of the Penrod books (anybody with prepubescent boys to buy books for should get them these, and I imagine girls would like them too) and brilliant playwright of Monsieur Beaucaire, screenwriter of The Magnificent Ambersons, author of the American masterpiece of small town social climbing, Alice Adams,, Booth Tarkington, claimed hoosierdom proudly, as did Kurt Vonnegut, so that sort of makes up for the phony homespun literary transgressions of James W. Riley, the hoosier poet and Indiana can have him, if Indiana wants him.
- Every account I have read says that Kaitlyn was 17 when the girls met. And the scenario has played out many times down south to the detriment of black guys. The parents lying in wait until the elder of the kids is 18 and chargable with statutory rape or whatever is far creepier than the age disparity. That's not the behavior of a loving, caring, reponsible parent, by a fracking long shot.
- Jeff@61, you betcha. That's doggerel. I particularly object to all the cutesy misspellings. Still, in the world of crap poetry, Riley is a far cry from say Vachel Lindsay (, God forbid, Joyce Kilmer. (Trees is very likely the worst poem ever put to paper.) I'd bet that had the young girls parents seen her going out with a 17 or 18 year old fudiegelical youth ministry leader that was male, they would never have had any problem with it, so long as the charade of a chastity/commitment ring was maintained.
- Interesting music/literary project.
- Mangoes remind me of those Asian plants that smell like rotting flesh.
- These green energy stories from Juan Cole must be manufactured propaganda. Otherwise why wouldn't they all be taking place in the most exceptional country in the history of exceptional countries? A solar-powered hospital in Haiti. It can't be. Everyone knows that renewable energy technology doesn't work.
- Jake Shimakuburo. Uke virtuoso. If you ever get a chance to see the doc Life on Four Strings about this ukulele virtuosw, make the time. Remarkable musician, remarkably gentle and thoughtful human being. I'm trying to figure out how to use his strumming and picking techniques on guitar. He's married to an obstetrician: Were I Kaitlyn's lawyer, I'd ask the judge and jury whose behavior damaged her girlfriend most deeply, the parents that laid in wait and pulled the ambush, or Kaitlyn? No doubt in my mind.
- Yertle, Yertle's bank account, and the filibuster. What an outright crook. Yertle may be a biffer crook on the public teat than Roy Blunt. Hard to imagine, but maybe. Intellectual property laws have been use in US Courts against the people with the intellect to create the property. That's a fact, Jack.
- OK Sherri. you may be, probably, smarter than I, but there are sorts of intelligence,and you are certainly more academically rigorous. But why should cloned seeds be intellectual property? It sure as shit happens by accident. And why would anybody trust Monsanto? That seems like the absoposiutevely stupidest thing a human being could do. Think about the limits of science, and think about Kolton Houston. I know you know who that is. He is being screwed over by the NCAA BigTime. Original Nandrolone level after surgery five years ago: 250mg. Current after 100s of tests 2.5 mg. This is a witch hunt worthy of GOPers.
- Joe, Hey guy. Why do the corporate jets sit and rev like its nobody's business on the outskirts of HHI airport? This seems somewhat asinine and it floods the neighborhood with jetfumes. I'm sure its all for our own good. It's also pretty loud.
- If you don't get what John Lennon was saying, you are sadly misshapen. He seriously got that graphic thang.
- I'm reading a wonderful book called Angelmaker, by this guy called Nick Harkaway. It is sort of a combination of Mr. Norrell, Stephen King, Tom Pynchon, and maybe Thomas :Another Roadside Attraction" full goose loony. Damn, I love that book.
- And yeah, Tom Robbins is probably a bigger ahole than I am. But he is funny as hell. And hell is very funny. And I live for that aholes novels. But not like a new one from Valetta. That is the best you get. Unless it comes straight from the Khyghyz. For those that don't get it, we apologize.
- I think John LeCarre is a great novelist. The Spy that Came in from the Cold is as good as it gets. Russia House is brilliant.
- And here I thought all along that Michele Bachmann was right and HPV just made you go to bed smart one night and wake up the next morning a retard. Just one more thing I was pretty good at you aren't supposed to do any more. Cunnilingus is why I took six years of Latin. Maybe that's why I woke up stupid this morning.
- I believe Biloxi is the most beautiful place name there is. And the "o" is pronounced more like a "u". And you can see N'awlins from there on a clear night. Third down 110 to go. Do they still show Canadian football in Detroit? FLA? Jorts and mullets and Bud Light. Oh my.
- I think Jeb is pleading for the only thing that keeps Marvin from moving into his house permanently. SC has that giant roaches problem solved. We just call 'em Palmetto bugs, and we let a hungry green anole share our abode. I love Monterey Cali. I worked as a helper on a garbage truck in Monterey one spring. Carmel would be a nice place to live. Hilton Head used to have that sort of climate, but our last three summers have gotten hellish. Anybody still claiming the climate's not changing is a liar or a fool, or a GOPer, but what the hell, it's always cooler on the beach. Solving climate change.
- Tuukka Rask. Bruin's win tonight, and it's all over but the shoouting. They made the Pens look pretty bad in Game 1. Sid the Kid couldn't even win the faceoffs. I think it can be said safely that RMoney's biggest flaw is that he's made of papier mache and non-recyclable plastic. And his wife has a "coupla Caddies". Our ocean is much cleaner looking than the California oceaan. Ours looks blue and green. The Pacific looks like rinse water. It's gray. Grim-faced bagmen AKA Mortimer and Randolph Koch. California public radio employs more staff photographers than the Chicago Sun-Times.
- This ninny could be the heiress to Bachmann's throne.
- One more reason it was gratifying to see Boston humiliate Pittsburgh in the NHL playoffs last night. 6-1 in a playoff game in the NH Lis like losing a football game about 63-7. Embarrassing. This Matt Cooke guy is a total goon. I understand he has some nefarious history with the Wings as well, but I doubt any city despises the bastard the way Boston does, after he ended the career of the very talented Marc Savard with a deliberate and flagrant cheap shot a few years ago. Gorgeous photos of amazing places. Rim shot for Brian@52. jw's neighborhood sounds nice. But for me, FLA is jorts and mullets. And I wonder how those dumbass looking haircuts got named after the stupidest bait fish on earth.
- Best thing on ESPN last night? Yasiel Puig game ending double play throw from warning track. Laser guided. Shrooms of any kind go very well on a Boboli homemade "white" pizza with spinach, asiago, parmagiano, mozzarella and romano. It's good to mix the cheese with some OO to get a moist consistencey without the 'maters.
- Just heard from B&N, there is a new Thomas Pynchon novel due out 9/17. Oh boy. LAMary@69: That's stroganoff territory. A very good thing when it's cold outside. Ingenious bicycle accessory.
- Interesting library design in NYC. The bleachers are a brilliant touch. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
- Mark@78: That's libertarianism. Talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Pass laws that make it seem you aren't self-absorbed monsters, but don't bother enforcing them.
- 21st Century Chinese government capitalism is pretty much the John Galt dream scenario. They certainly have next to nothing to do with Communism any more. And passing laws to try to pass for human and making sure they are never enforced is certainly a libertarian idea,
- Pia Zadora? Really? Nice mug shot.
- Suzanne@16: Sharing is the single deadly sin of libertarianism. If someone benefits from sharing with you, they are clearly unworthy of the benefit of sharing, res ipsa loquitor. All hail the self-proclaimed meritocracy. I feel the same way Groucho felt about a club like that. Jack White is the anti-Kid Rock. No bluster just good shredding. Still, I'll always wonder why Dex Romweber didn't get all that rich and famous for doing what Jack and Meg did, with his great drummer Crow and now with his sister Sara 20 some years before the White Stripes.. Jack does acknowledge the musical influence, which is good. For a live show, I'd take Flat Duo Jets.It's where people like original wildman Hasil Adkins were taking hillbilly music, before it was neutered and gentrified at the Ryman: I do like the Raconteurs records though: There is a very good Dexter Romweber documentary called Two-Headed Cow that I'm pretty sure is available on Youtube. One odd fellow I used to talk to at clubs in Athens, every Chapel Hill guitar wizards home away from home. And the doc It May Get Loud with The Edge, Jack White and Jimmy Page is superb. Opens with Jack making a guitar from a chunk of 2x6, a couple of nails, a pickup and a length of wire, on which he plays some coke bottle slide. Maybe the Tribune would trade John Krass for the rights to sign Neil Steinberg. 4dbirds and bitter scribe. News like yours inclines me to actually say prayers for people dealing with grief, so I will continue to do so. Remembered your lost loved ones both at Mass this morning. Very sad to hear about these things happening to good people. And James Fallows' lead sentence for the Rabinowitz interview is about the most elegant excision of a new asshole as I've ever come across. A perfect answer to her bullshit: a mayor Boris tax on driving in Manhattan. And I would still like to shake hands with whoever picked that bright blue for the NYC bikes. Brilliant. Rabinowitz comes across as flat out crazy. Remember when the term "knee-jerk" used to be applied exclusively to liberal ideas? Knee-jerk is essentially part of whatever passes for thought on the part of moadern conservatives.
- Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, there was a song by the Guess Who about these guys from the Book of Daniel (I think). I heard them play it live but could never find it on a record. It's no relation to the old gospel song, and has a terrific martial drum line. WWJD? I doubt He would be establishing a "drones" major at his Christian university He founded with all that mail fraud euchre He got from Jerry Falwell. Truly bizarre. Sackless Chambliss consumes both feet whole. Just got the Shuggie Otis Inspiration Information reissue. Astounding music. The Hendrix connection is obvious, but I hear more Robin Trower (Broken Barricades-era) and David Gilmour. And great sax work too. I also thought Jack White was an absolute hoot in the movie version of Cold Mountain. He should do more movies, since he's obviously an overacchieving multi-tasker.
- Jeff, as a Catholic in America, I'd say without much worry about being contradicted, American Catholics find the idea of Papal infallibility rather ridiculous, particularly if one knows the history. The doctrine has been dogma for 150 years. Almost as old as LDS, but a blink of an eye in Church history. And of course, most people don't have an actual clue what it really means and what ex cathedra is. Long before there was Little Bieber and those noxious born-again Jonases, there were the Hanson Brothers and the totally infectious MMMBop of which song I'm an unabashed fan. I mean this is as good as ABC or One Bad Apple from the Jacksons, and that is pristine pop. So now the boys are selling brewskis. I'm in.
- Can citizen activism be totalitarian? This would probably make Dorothy Rabinowitz's head explode. Sharing bikes and the Lucky Ducky syndrome. Ya know, Lucky Ducky in the Ruben Bolling comic strip Tom the Dancing Bug? Always getting something his tawdry place in the meritocracy doesn't merit. What wholes like Rabinowitz dislike about bike-sharing is that it's egalitarian, which is anathema to libertarian types. They deserve better than others, because they say so. Why shoould Lucky Ducky get somewhere faster on a shared bike than John Galt in an Urban Assault Vehicle. Wah, wah, wah. It's not fair. I did indeed mean lucre. Should have used the invariable modifier "filthy" and I'd have avoided the error. Of course euchre means to cheat out of money, and I'm forever amazed that Falwell and Pat Robinson can promise to cure cancer and goiter and whatever on TeeVee in return for donations by mail, and not get prosecuted for it.
- Lucky Ducky.
- I just came across this from Isak Dinesen: The cure for anything is salt water - tears, sweat, or the sea. ― Isak Dinesen (aka Karen Blixen), Seven Gothic Tales Out of Africa is my favorite Meryl Streep movie other than Silkwood. My mom encouraged me to read the memoir when I was a kid, and it stuck with me. Another terrific movie with an Isak Dinesen connection is Babette's Feast, an absolutely superb Dinesen novella, an exemplar of her well-honed style and grace as a writer that can be read in two hours. Oh, and The River Wild is a great movie, too.
- This is absolutely insane. A stand your ground crime of passion. For want of Viagra, a life was lost. Getting out the big guns. Going after Bambi with cyberweapons. Great for self-appointed neighborhood watch bigots. Range 500 yds. I've watched Blade Runner at least 20 times. Easy Rider at least that. I'm sure I've seen Father Goose more than 10 including at the drive-in in Southfield MI when it was brand new (on a date with my mom and dad driving and treating us to dinner, first girlfriend ever). Lawrence, five or six times, three in the uncut version. Then again, I probably watched Drums Along the Mohawk and Captain Blood 15 or 20 times apiece before I was 11. Hell, I've repeat-watched Tank Girl and Cherry 2000. I have never forced myself to sit through Saving Private Ryan. And I think The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is as great a movie, or better, than Schindler's list, and I can't bring myself to watch either a second time.
- We own DVD copies of Dog Day Afternoon, Raising Arizona, Fargo, and The Man Who Would be King. And I watch them frequently, particularly the Rudyard Kipling White Man's Burden movie about Kafiristan. I know much of Raising Arizona by heart. One of the funniest movies ever made, and the yodelling theme is sublime. Octopus Grigori and the Detroit Redwings.
- I also never get tired of watching Terry Southern's Magic Christian. Guy Grand, a Grand Guy. Free Money. Makes me laugh just thinking about it, and I will pull an all-nighter, if necessary, to watch Paths of Glory for the God knows how manieth time. God, what an awe-inspiring movie. Netflix streaming service is a tremendous opportunity to see fondly remembered movies again. Salvador is another one TeeVee won't show, so I bought my own. All of the movies being mentioned here have at least one towering acting performance, and almost every one was made by a brilliant director. I like watching all the Cassavettes, Ben Gazarra, Peter Falk, Gena Rowlands gang collaborations, but nobody ever wants to watch them with me. Linda Hunt is so good in The Year of Living Dangerously it's scary. How about Heston and Wells in A Touch of Evil, with the four minute uninterrupted opening tracking shot that crosses the Mexican American border: Of course, Wells shows off by showing the timer on the bomb being set. Easily Heston's best role.
- Coens: Miller's Crossing is mighty good too. As for Fargo, I'll watch anything with Frances McDormand any time. The three principal actors in the Coen's True Grit raise it way above the original, and Joel and Ethan got a hell of a lot closer to the Charles Portis humor (read all that guy's books; I believe i've read that Portis is Larry McMurtry's favorite writer.) Tremors is hilarious. "Why would anybody bury a station wagon in the desert?" Clint: I love Unforgiven, but Josey Wales is an epic western worthy of John Ford, but with better acting, and it features Rose of Alabammy, a wonderful song. Peter Sellers: All good, but The Mouse that Roared and Tully Bascomb are a great movie and a hilarious character. Pretty sure I saw that one first run at the drive-in too. The World of Henry Orient is very good, too, and The Magic Christian is a classic. All of these Seths and Zachs trying to do grossout humor these days are a pale echo of the "free money scene" in Christian, which actually made a strong point relative to the movie's basic theme: people will do anything for money. Goldfinger: For sure the best Bond movie. Terry Southern, that wrote Candy and Magic Christian (in which Ringo was great), also was a writer on both Dr. Strangelove (precious bodily fluids (mighty accurately predictive about GOPers and science years later) and tada... Barbarella, which is also a very funny movie. Howard Cosell interviewing the SA dictator during his assasination in a coup in Bananas is truly brilliant comedy, as is the Alvey Singer bank robbery in Take the Money and Run (I have a gub.), and Louise Lasser's deadpan character in bed with Fielding Mellish in Bananas. I'd say Woody Allen is a genius at names that are just funny when somebody says them. I mean, not quite Major Bat Guano funny, but pretty damned funny. Klute is unquestionably one of the most intense murder movies ever. And for Kiefer's dad, there is Mash and the terrifying Body Snatchers remake, which has the best scary ending ever in a horror movie. I'm more likely to make time for Once Upon a Time in America than for the Godfather movies. My favorite De Niro movie. Which reminds me of The Big Easy (sexy as hell combo of Quaid and Barkin) and Mickey Rourke's excellent Year of the Dragon. And Once Upon a Time in the West is absolutely must see any time. Henry Fonda was great playing heroic characters (Sometimes a Great Notion, from the excellent Ken Kesey novel) but the steely blue-eyed stare as the villain in Once Upon a Time in the West is riveting. I always watch Cutters when I get the chance because some of it was shot in Athens GA. Spencer Tracy movie for me? Bad Day at Black Rock, when one-armed McCreedy goes all ju-jitsu and beats the shit out of the local racist bullies. Humphrey Bogart? Sierra Madre, a perfect translation of the great and mysterious B. Traven to film. If you've never read a collected short stories volume by B. Traven, I'd recommend it highly. I also believe firmly that Chinatown is one of the best movies ever. The combination of Nicholson as mr. Gitts and Robert Towns dialogue, plus the mysterious allure of Mrs. Mulholland and the horror of John Huston as her father is a heady mix, and the complications of the plot are fascinating ("Bad for glass.")
- Great WWII movies? What Did You Do in the War Daddy? (quote, from Guns Along the Mohawk: "You'll get no more guns from Kincaid" spoken by Harry Morgan lost in some catacombs, with a gladiator helmet and a trident; Dick Shawn is even funnier) and Catch 22, in which Alan Arkin and Artie Garfunkel are superb. For action, Run Silent, Run Deep, and The Enemy Below. Most disappointing WWII movie: Von Ryan's Express. We all read the book in 6th or 7th grade. Von Ryan was supposed to look like his name. Nibelung royalty. So we went to the movie to see this Arian god and we got the shrimpy Italian Frank Sinatra, who I am sure forced the adulterated ending with Von Ryan dying a heroic death to effect his mens' escape. Damn, that sucked. And I love the Homeric Cliff's Notes outline of the Coens' O Brother, Where Art Thou.
- Common sense proposal for Social Security. Amazing play in the NHL playoffs last night. Bruins 4th line center Gregory Campbell blocked a very hard slapshot by Evgeni Malkin with his leg while the Penguins were on a power play. Campbell stayed on the ice to prevent the five on four from devolving into five on three. He limped off the ice at the end of the penalty and never returned to the game. The blocked shot had broken his leg. Crazy or valiant? I don't know. Hockey players have a higher threshold of pain than other athletes, particularly in playoff games. It's pretty easy to imagine what kind of galvanizing effect something like that has on teammates. And the Bs have the hot goaltender now. Tuukka Rask stopped 53 of 54 Pittsburgh shots. That was the best the Pens can play. Say goodnight, Mario. Great story about ordering bagels, Judybusy. Last time I went to NYC was to see my brother play football for Princeton vs. Columbia in 1970. I was with my then gf, now my ex. We took the subway, but rode past our stop. A transit cop took us in hand and rode back with us to the correct station. By the time the cop turned us around, we were at the Harlem Line in the South Bronx. That cop was protecting and serving. I'm not participating in the vaccination discussion, except to say that the companies that make vaccines for years sold it in 40-50 dose blocks, with the sole intent of boosting profits. Doing so required using the preservative thimerosal, a major component of which is mercury. Mercury is a very well-documented neuro-toxin. I think that is pretty much RFK jr's argument. Under some preessure, the drug companies have gone off the multi-dosage packaging for the most part. Attacks on vaccinations in general without the mercury-laden preservatives in the discussion is stupid, like burning Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur at the stake post mortem and in absentia. LAMary@35: Well there is a virtual cornucopia of fluids already on any NYC bus.
- If Monsanto were a reliable corporate citizen, I might buy what they claim about testing and safety. Of course the Monsanto Protection Act being steered through Congress by Monsanto's pet legislators like Roy Blunt will allow planting of GMO seeds untested. Cereal grains are domesticated weeds that will propagate themselves anywhere the seeds blow. My opinions on this subject have nothing to do with distrusting scientists, I distrust international conglomerate corporations with bought and sold lawmakers to give a shit about the public good, or anything aside from profits, no matter who might get hurt by irresponsible behavior. Other than wanting their kids and the kids of others to die young? That's a ridiculously harsh thing to say. None of those people are out to cause the deaths of children. I never said there was a valid thimerosal/autism onset connection. In fact, autism onset and mercury poisoning share no symptoms. And I also said that companies have stopped using thimerosal. I would say that the use of a mercury compound in vaccines as a preservative into this century after the neuropathic properties of mercury were well-known and proven beyond doubt, to package vaccines more profitably, was a fairly astounding case of corporate irresponsibility.
- It seems to me more and more likely that Thimerosal is a chemical version of recovered abuse memories. Another dishonest means of going after the contents of "deep pockets".
- As a proud possessor of a Cointelpro file on myself from back in my Yuppie 1960s, I find all the crying and gnashing of teeth over Patriot Act intrusions somewhat boring. And laying it at the door of Obama and the Democrats is insufferably self-serving revisionist bullshit. This is happening all over the webs--Congressional Dems engineered the Patriot Act against Shrubco's objections--WTF? The creation of Department of Homeland Security was an outright and obvious attack on federal employee and thousands of union jobs were wiped out. My FBI file is disappointingly thin, but it does contain a suggestion that I might have taken part in an attempt to burn a ROTC building at Holy Cross, to which I say some of my best friends were in that ROTC unit. The suspicion was based solely on the knowledge I had participated in organizing anti-war demonstrations. We always figure anybody that proposed such a hare-brained scheme was law enforcement. It took me 25 years to get my hands on that file. It used to be classified. Lord knows why? Anyway, Nihil sub sole novum. This is a clear case of the current Administration continuing policies from the previous misAdministration. Of course that's disappointing to me on some level, but I don't see it as a threat to my civil liberties, and nobody is coming for my guns, because I don't have any. What's different for the GOPers and Libertarians? Presidential melanin: So Shrubco invented the FISA courts (much as they invented the military tribunal alternative Constitution system of justice) Oh, and on that 501(c)3 business for the Teabangers, the 100 year old federal law that established that tax-free status doesn't say anything about organizations "primarily" involved in social welfare activity, it says "exclusively". Now there is some administrative guideline within IRS that uses the term "primarily" but that does not rewrite the actual law in the tax code. Since the Teabanger orgs don't concern themselves with matters of social welfare in the slightest, applying the 501(c)3 status to them is erroneous. In the end, it's obvious that what's important to these people is anonymity of donors, not tax-exempt status. Now not long ago, Bushco went after the NAACP's tax exempt status, and I don't recall Congressional hearings nor scandal mongering in the liberal press. I used to bring dates to the Detroit Institute of Arts sometimes. I absolutely loved that place.
- One very good reason why DIA is important and must be preserved despite what some dumbass philistine and pawdeen like Virginia Postrel says about it. The museums greatest work is actually a physical part of the museum. The story of Diego and Frida, and one of the greatest works ever conceived by humankind.
- Happy Birthday Prince Rogers Nelson, purveyor of the greatest Super Bowl halftime show ever. Live version of Let's go crazy, fully-clothed and sporting a natural. Great electric guitar playing with a Zep reference. The information gathering programs have been reauthorized by Congress several times while Obama has been President. Since the GOPers control the House outright and the Senate 41-59, making this into a political issue is rankest hypocrisy. This entire discussion is taking place in a virtual information vaccuum anyway, unless you believe what President Obama says about it, or you are one of those tinfoil hat nutjobs that believe he's the Kenyan socialist anti-Christ and everything he says is a lie: And it's pretty easy to see how leaking information about both Prism and the NSA program could damage anti-terrorist operations. Shrubco supporters were more than willing to surrender freedom for security, and have no business complaining when either is curtailed, to paraphrase Benjamin Franklin.
- Grade A certified asshole Steve King and House GOPers say deport good citizen DREAMers, not criminals. Why? Because Obama, apparently. Kinda like the NRA insisting known terrorists still have 2nd Amendment rights to buy guns. Tejas in a nutsoshell.
- The Jonah Lehrer link says the book is about "the power of love", so presumably he's stealing from Huey Lewis this time instead of putting fabricated quotes into Bob Dylan's mouth.
- Fracking nitwit Senator Jeff Sessions says tithe magazines sold at PXs are the cause of military sexual assaults. As Bugs would say, "What a maroon. What an ignoranimus." Sayonara Penguins. Highest scoring team in NHL regular season, two goals in four losses to Boston. Sid Crosby and Evgeni Malkin, no points.
- That goal was deflected twice on its way to Vokoun. That's hockey. Penguins lost because the Bruins play better defense and kill penaltyies better than anybody else in the league. Penguins had the highest power play efficiency %age in the NHL regular season, and scored more points than anyone else in the league. vs. Boston, 0-13 PP and two goals in four games. Also, Boston clearly has the hot goaltender. Game 3, 2OT, Tuukka Rask stopped 53 of 54 shots. All that is a recipe for winning the Stanley Cup. Anybody that read about Hiro Protagonist, pizza delivery guy in Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash can relate to the Domino's drone story. And it might get there fast, but it will still be Domino's crappy pizza, and the proceeds will still be funding Tom Monaghan's looney-toon Xtian town in FLA:
- This is gonna cause some spontaneous cerebral hemhorrages. Now, you would think this would make sense to anti-abortion folks, but noooo. They will claim it encourages kids to have sex. That concept is beyond hilarious. I don't remember needing any encouragement as a teenager. The idiot sexist mayor of Osaka, Japan agrees with Sackless Chambliss about male troops and hormones. I wish all of the people so upset about data mining by the government would consider the far more intrusive and massive data mining operations of private corporations in the interest of profits and targeted advertising. And the telecomm giants aren't squeamish about that at all. Remember during the long Shrubco nightmare that they tried to get Congress to indemnify them against civil action for government data collection programs? They'd already been doing the same thing for cash for years for private sector merchandisers, except with far more individualized and specific information. How'd that sneak by all the hand-wringing civil libertarians?
- Sherri, I have no doubt that you are well-aware of private sector data mining and information sharing. You eschew facebook. Do you use Google? I also have no doubt that the vast majority of Americans go blithely through life unaware or willfully ignorant of it, except when they decide that targeted internet advertising is cool. I fail to see how my comment raised a straw man argument at all. Do I find it disappointing that President Obama has continued Shrubco policies on surveillance? Sure. Do I buy the President's explanation about why he changed his mind? Yup. Do I think it's some massive encroachment on rights to privacy? Nope. Nobody is listening to your phone calls nor reading your email, unless you are in fairly constant contact with folks known to have evil intentions. The level of information gathered by government agencies is a pittance compared to what retailers share about all of us regularly. Are pols like Ron Wyden talking out of both sides of their faces on this? Absolutely. The surveillance state has been operating since 2002. Ron Wyden is a godfather of the data-mining programs, but now he's making political hay disavowing them. Do I buy GOPers pushing this as another scandal? Right. Why wouldn't the Chinese truck makers just buy a couple of F-150s instead of reverse engineering from optical scans? Seems like a lot of wasted effort. Why Steve Nash is undoubtedly the coolest guy in the NBA. Remember when he said Shock and Awe and the invasion of Iraq was stupid imperialist bullshit? David Robinson, the 7-ft. submariner from the Naval Academy said that if Nash didn't love America he should leave. He's Canadian, dumbass. And I guess he was right. 7-ft. guy in a sub. That's funny.
- Sherri, I have no doubt that you are well-aware of private sector data mining and information sharing. You eschew facebook. Do you use Google? I also have no doubt that the vast majority of Americans go blithely through life unaware or willfully ignorant of it, except when they decide that targeted internet advertising is cool. I fail to see how my comment raised a straw man argument at all. Do I find it disappointing that President Obama has continued Shrubco policies on surveillance? Sure. Do I buy the President’s explanation about why he changed his mind? Yup. Do I think it’s some massive encroachment on rights to privacy? Nope. Nobody is listening to your phone calls nor reading your email, unless you are in fairly constant contact with folks known to have evil intentions. The level of information gathered by government agencies is a pittance compared to what retailers share about all of us regularly. Are pols like Ron Wyden talking out of both sides of their faces on this? Absolutely. The surveillance state has been operating since 2002. Ron Wyden is a godfather of the data-mining programs, but now he’s making political hay disavowing them. Do I buy GOPers pushing this as another scandal? Right. Why wouldn’t the Chinese truck makers just buy a couple of F-150s instead of reverse engineering from optical scans? Seems like a lot of wasted effort.
- Why Steve Nash is undoubtedly the coolest guy in the NBA. Remember when he said Shock and Awe and the invasion of Iraq was stupid imperialist bullshit? David Robinson, the 7-ft. submariner from the Naval Academy said that if Nash didn’t love America he should leave. He’s Canadian, dumbass. And I guess he was right. 7-ft. guy in a sub. That’s funny. GOPer economic policy is a dead end in a bad part of Greektown, and it pains them that the American economy is coming back.
- Why scan physical parts in your possession instead of measuring them? Saving a draftsman's wages? It seems to me that any deviation from specified tolerances is going to be magnified by this roundabout method. Great Sherri. My point was that Americans don't generally take such precautions, yet a huge number of vendors and advertisers are aware of what brands they favor, what books, magazines and newspapers they read, and other personal information the government snooping programs never get near, quite by design, and nobody gets hyper about it. The major difference between deployment of these programs by Shrubco and by the current administration is the clear establishment of Congressional oversight, a considerable change for the better Nash was also behind this initiative: when Goober-nor Brewski made it illegal to drive while brown. This is what Jackie Earle Hailey looks like these days: He looks more like John Hurt playing Alex Cutter than like Steve Nash. I read The Wasp Factory a long time ago. From what I remember of it Danny, I'd recommend you read Patrick McCabe's The Butcher Boy. Opening line: "When I was a young lad twenty or thirty or forty years ago I lived in a small town where they were all after me on account of what I done on Mrs. Nugent."
- Points of view regarding cochlear implants from a publication of Gallaudet U, the citadel of the deaf community. A CI is a prosthesis, like an artificial limb, or corrective lenses for severe myopia. Does the deaf community component that opposes implants feel the same way about getting kids glasses. I understand commitment to "bilingualism"--ALS and spoken language-- but if I grew up deaf and then found out about implants that would have allowed me to hear my childhood, that I was not availed of because of pressure from the deaf community, I'd be pissed off at everybody, including my parents, and particularly the busybodies. I remember my intense sense of wonder at what things really look like when I first got glasses at twelve yo. The idea that deafness is simply otherly-abled is silly, and cochlear implants don't threaten anybody. I'm not joking, but the intrusive long noses of the deaf community remind me of people that feel it is their mission to pressure parents about circumcision. I'm glad my own was routine and not left to me as a painful adult decision.
- 50 years ago today, JFK signed the Equal Pay Act. And today women still make 77cents for every dollar paid a man for doing the exact same job. Becausewomen don't want equal pay laws. I'm sure she'd be fine with $134grand instead of $174grand. Right you jerk?
- Strange concatenation of numbers. How would your typical Randian acolyte GOPer explain that the combined profits of JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and BoA are almost exactly equal to their federal subsidies. It's basically a direct transfer from American taxpayers to the too-big-to-fail banks. Oddly, and painfully , enough, it's the same dollar amount as the sequester number the GOP embraced so gleefully. The hell with WIC, food stamps, and children starving in the most exceptional nation in human history, these bankers can't afford the third country club. How much of this money is used for bonuses to reward a complete lack of competent performance on top of obscene salaries. How much makes it's way to tellers and bank janitors. I know the answer to that one. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
- Bob@18: And I'm sure she'd forego her Cadillac health care benefit to defeat Obamacare, because... Obama. Brian: From my one trip to Dizzyworld, I think the most valuable tip about Epcot is to go straight to the country pavillions to make lunch reservations in person. The entryway reservation center doan work for shite. And the biergarten at Germany is a lot of fun and good food. And in the busiest day of the year a few years ago, we rode Space Mountain without lines a few times by skipping the fireworks. The fireworks over the lake at Epcot are the closest thing most people will ever get to a war zone. It's overkill, but it is also awe inspiring. Had a similar experience at a July 4th Dead concert at Foxboro Stadium. I love the smell of cordite at 2am. Who hit the nadir on the creepitude meter on Mad Men last night? Don, Pete, Bob Benson. I say Don has bottomed out and has screwed the pooch completely. But Bob is undeniably creepy and if you took the creep out of Pete, there'd be nothing left, like if $Palin actually worked her ass off, as she has claimed repeatedly. I wonder if anybody has ever seen Marsha Blackburn and Betty Bowers in the same place at the same time, because only in the New Testament according to Betty could you find scripture claiming that equal pay for equal work laws were somehow a handout to undeserving women.
- cooze@23 and 22: And they have the ultimate reactionary activist judges on the SC to hack away at voting rights.
- We buy beef from these guys, and boy is it good. Came across them at the Bluffton, SC farmer's market, which has a pub with an assortment of 50 kinds of beer and ale on tap right in the middle of it, and not a few Bar-B-Q stands. I am sure the feeding regimen, home grown peanut hay, and the comfortable, happy lives these beeves lead has a lot to do with the quality of the steaks and roasts.
- Alfred E. Jindal says "What? Me worry?" Issa and the GOPers may be the most inept scandal mongers ever. It all just turns to garbage when exposed to the light of day. Maybe it's because Issa was a car thief, chopshop operator and arsonist for profit before he went to the US House of Representatives. Who let his brother take the rap for him and go to prison. What a guy. Honest as the day is long. He did warn he would pull this anti-productive bullshit when he was appointed to chair his committee.
- This is an interview with Mark Knopler's sidekick Richard Bennett. He also played on Guitar Town, the purely great Steve Earl album. Mostly interesting for players of stringed instruments, but there is a terrific music set link at the bottom, with a lot of superb steel guitar, that I think just about anybody would like. Farmer's market music, sorta.
- basset: So Steve Earle is beyond redemption despite getting himself clean and sober and back on his feet and making landmark albums, like Copperhead Road, which you probably dislike. Too much like rock 'n' roll. He also wrote a fine novel and an excellent volume of poetry. All in all, your derogatory comments about Steve Earle seem kinda gratuitous. Did he piss in your Cap'n Crunch one morning? There is currently no better songwriter in Tennessee, and that is a fact Jack. I sincerely doubt there is anybody in Nashville that wouldn't be happy to get an invitation to play on a Steve Earle record these days, including your friend. And that was Richard Bennett talking about old Epiphones, not some disembodied "Gibson". I figure a guy with his professional pedigree probably has a more worthwhile opinion than yours. And Epiphones have been Gibson knockoffs since before I was a teenager. Long time ago, Chief. Like Fender had Kalamazoo. To this day, the Epi Les Paul copies are very good guitars. Don't have an opinion about basses. Only one I ever bought is a gorgeous Dean acoustic/electric with stunning tone and sustain that I play lead parts on, to occasionally pleasing effect. I also have a Jazzmaster 5-string an ex-girlfriend gave me, but I'd like to change the neck out for fretless with rosewood. And that silly and bigoted comment about Asian knockoffs? Who makes the modern versions of Strads and Amatis? Why, Yamaha, that's who. I posted that Richard Bennett link because I found his lack of pretension refreshing and his knowledge of Hawai'an guitar fascinating. Mark Knopfler is a genius, so if he thinks this guy is worth listening to, I'm pretty sure he is. How this engendered "Get off my lawn" enmity, that is entirely beyond me.
- In my opinion, that column was funny as all hell. I'm not fat, and it isn't for lack of effort. To the extent I eat properly, it's just what I like to eat. And when I go cheeseburgers and fries, I definitely go for the full boat bleu cheese and anything else they want to pile on. Ray Davies wrote a perfect song about this: Ray has written a perfect song about just about anything people can think of.
- Bassett probably doesn't like the Kinks. Because I love them. And them Davies boys are rockers.
- And the most gorgeous song ever written: and this is Dave as much as Ray: Shabby looking black Les Paul. Astounding guitar playing. And for the whackjob contingent that somehow didn't notice when the Shrubs were following you're phone and email trees:
- I've still got my first (Stella) guitar. I've dremelled that baby and restrung it many times, and it sounds like a Martin. Why in the world would anybody want to be 116? Except for those gifted folks that can actually identify a Stradivarius by listening to it. Sure you can.
- If you are starved for attention and have a security clearance, you leak summat and claim to be a whistleblower. Or if the authorities are closing in and you're a rapist, like Julian Assange. Not all leakers are whistleblowers.
- The US House of Representatives just hit No. 39 on the moronic repeal Obamacare vote. These aholes get paid $174grand annually for this abject stupidity. What is wrong with these dickheads?
- I have an ace double Nathaniel West edition that contains Day of the Locust and Miss Lonelyhearts. Bought it about 35 years ago. How in the world did I get to be 61 years old and not know US Grant sent caucasian mail order brides to American Indians. That beats an Obamaphone all to hell. Which reminds me, we recently watched the excellent western Meek's Cutoff on Netflix. Quite good. Raymond Chandler was considered a pulp fiction writer, and I'd say he was a great American novelist. Dashiell Hammet too, though not nearly in Chandler's ballpark. The best practioner's these days are Walter Mosley and Edgar Lee Burke. And ya know, those Elmore Leonards and Carl Hiaasens are pretty pulpy, too. I would include Robert B. Parker's Spenser books and Tony Hillerman's Chee and Leaphorn tribal police novels. A modern master of pulp detective fiction is undoubtedly the great Boston newspaperman George V. Higgins, who wrote the marvelous Friends of Eddie Coyle, that was made into a great noirish movie with Robert Mitchum. I would also say that Mosley is the best writer on the subject of race in America since James Baldwin and Samuel R. Delany, whose Dahlgren is a pulp masterpiece. That was Tom Ewell in Seven Year Itch, directed by Billy Wilder.
- A loan agreement is a contract, correct? How is it remotely legal for one party to a contract to change the terms of the contract by raising the interest rate after the fact? This is knee-jerk conservative bullshit because they are pissed off that their banker cash cows lost their lucrative sideline of "administering" federal education loans, a service for which they raked in dough while providing no service of any value whatever. So, Lehman and BoA pay 0.75% and mainstream Americans will pay 6%. Only a GOPer "meritocrat" could think this is even slightly fair or anything like a good idea. The vari-colored Travis McGee novels are some more great pulp. Harlan Ellison is a wonderful pulp practitioner, and Phillip K. Dick is probably the king when it comes to SF. It's amazing how easily these works lend themselves to very good movies, as with Strangers on a Train. And Bladerunner. And Darker than Amber. No discussion of pulp fiction is complete without mentioning Sisters, by former second lady, Mrs. Dickless Cheney. It sure as hell ain't The Price of Salt. Uh, that's James Lee Burke. No idea why I typed Edgar, unless I was conflating with Spoon River.
- My ex-wife and I were fanatical about the Poldark Masterpiece shows. Serious swashbuckling. Apparently, the Beeb is remaking Poldark, but they will have a hard time replacing Robin Ellis as Ross and Angharad Rees as one of TeeVee's great tough redheads of all time, Demelza. Hell, I'd watch it if they brought those two back in middle age. Alas, Ms. Rees died last year, according to IMDb. On the Beach was another book that got the nuns pissed off at me in 8th grade. Why? I have no idea. They really didn't like my reading The Ugly American, though. I remember being very surprised to learn that Tony Hillerman is anglo. He certainly seems to understand Hopi, Zuni and Navajo culture. Skinwalkers is a very fine read and The Blessing Way is even better. It's a great writer's decision to have Chee, the younger of the partners be the one most tied to traditional ways while Leaphorn, the elder, is a skeptic. Skinwalkers and Coyote Waits were both made into very good TeeVee movies with Wes Studi and Adam Beach. I think Graham Greene was also in both. He is currently in the SyFy channel show defiance. Three excellent actors.
- One thing about movies with native American characters, they always have Wes Studi, Adam Beech and Graham Greene in the casts, so the acting is always good. My new favorite female singer, Aoife O'Donald with a hot bluegrass band on a great old bluegrass standard.
- Flannery O'Connor as a character in a novel. Excellent idea. And the unself-consciously pulpish cum psychedelic Inherent Vice, by Thomas Pynchon is a treat to read. Slumming, sorta, but with inimitable style.
- Surely there are lawyers her. How can the GOP change the interest rates on student government loans unilaterally. I never went to law school, but I got a few Little Rascal's through. If you sign a contract, you cannot change the terms single-handedly. Where do these disgusting POS GOPers get off deciding that Lehman and BoA pay 0.75% and students payy 6.2% when they signed on for 3.2% Danny. Marks. How do you defend this grotesque lawlessness. They signed a contract. The terms of a contract are sacrosanct. How do the GOPers think they can just change this shit? How is that remotely legal? It can't have anything to do with the market. The market says the rate is 0.75% you moronic bitches.
- I am not joking. If the government entered into a loan agreement at a certain 5 can congress just change it to fuck over likely ObMA VOTERS? Well that is what they did. And this is more serious than the whatsay
- Rana, maybe it's legal, but setting the interest rates at 0.75% for the big banks that took down the economy while increasing the student loan rate by doubling it is such obvious quid pro quo legislation it is not legal, it's bribery of public officials, thanks to Citizens United. For which it's likely Scalito got Koch Kriminal Konspiracy Kash. From what I understand of Contract Law, that sort of adversary provision would render the contract null. And no, I do not have any student loans. And people are worried about the NSA collecting telephone numbers with no conversations attached? Dumb as shit. Dumb as grunt.
- Too many of those photos came from Arpaio country, where perverse child abuse is much less important than driving while brown: Or maybe the sex criminals just went to Hawai'i to unverify the birth certificate. Them fundigelcalicictament thang. They be a trip ain't they? As a Catholic white guy, I reserve the right to look down on redneck assholes. We are all the last bastion of acceptable targets of bigotry. Fotos don't mean much in the days of the internet. Like magic on TeeVee. Make a 747disappear? They did that on a Jimmy Smidts series. I'd like to convince myself that the napalm girl and Bobby dead on the floor of that hotel were photo-shopped. Then there is pulp news: Brought to you by GOPer chickenhawks.
- I'm a sadly-ass dad, but I have a righteous daughter that stands up for herself, and won't tolerate shit from anybody. I am proud of that.
- I will pretty much read anything set in Boston and love movies and TeeVee shows that are set in Greater Boston. The Verdict is a great Boston movie with one terribly annoying error. When Newman and his buddy get the name of the nurse who witnessed the malpractice, they say she lives in Arlington, which is several miles inland, to the West of Boston, When they get to her front door, it's a neighborhood of three-families, on a steep hill with the ocean at the foot of the hill. That's maybe Southie or Dahchestah, maybe even Quincy, but it sure as hell isn't Arlington. Didn't entirely ruin the movie for me, but close. Really a stupid mistake. Those are some impressively large trout. The trout in their pond remind me of Grandfather Trout, in John Crowley's Little, Big. "Love is a myth," Grandfather Trout said. "Like summer." "What?" "In winter,"Grandfather Trout said, "summer is a myth. A report, a rumor. Not to be believed in. Get it? Love is a myth. So is summer." ― John Crowley, Little, Big ROGirl@5: SyFy Channel original: Megatrout Swarm. Brian@18: Or like Jerry Rivers and Capone's secret vault.
- Yeah, Robert Parker is pretty careful about geography in the Spenser books, even about Cape Cod and the Berkshires. Even the televised version was accurate. The interiors in The Verdict, outside the courtroom, were shot in the Massachusetts State House. Nobody in the Spenser books ever calls the Public Garden Gardens, nor Boston Common Commons, two things that drive people in Boston crazy, like pronouncing the "c" in Quincy as an alveolar fricative "s" instead of a soft "z".Anybody with a noirish or pulpish bent that wants to "get" Boston would do better with George V. Higgins, who is a far better writer than Parker, though I think Parker is a hoot, and Hawk is the greatest sidekick besides Lord Bowler and Watson (I haven't seen Johnny Depp's Tonto yet). I'm a fan of Julia Stiles. Beautiful, intelligent actor, almost the equal of the totally inimitable Franka Potente in the Bourne movies. One of my sisters in law suggested this Youtube web series called Blue. Episodes run in the vicinity of 10 minutes apiece. It's about a single mother with a secret life as a hooker. Exceptionally well-written and acted. The show is extremely good.
- Happy new door day Deborah. Raspberry wine sounds like something we drank too much of Down Cypress Avenue: Get the fracking Brits the hell out of Belfast. It's a chaise l'ongue. Just one of my many editorial heebie jeebies, and no criticism intended. Long chairs, like that bizarre Mad Men scene where Mr. High Colonic seduced mindless Betty Driver over that fainting couch. And They killed Kenny. Well, Kenny got Cheneyed. How did Dickless get away with that? Drunk as the Lord he mistakeny thinks he is based upon his anal abcesses. Pretty common malady of lying bastard chicken-hawks.
- And It Stoned Me. best version of all time. Where does Van find all these sax players. This reggae/ska version is ridiculously wonderful.
- I think Johnny Depp is a good actor.
- I think that in Bennie and Joon, Johnnie Depp played the nicest guy in human history. But, ya know, I would have melted at such a wondrous girl as Joon. Maybe she's Kiera Schipka. At some level, I believe Mary Stuart Masterson is the ultimate of female beauty. And when she beats hell out of that wife-beater, and drownds his treachorous ass, she is doing the Lord's work.
- Sherri. Big ups to your daughter. Or I don't. It is Diana Rigg or Mary Stuart Masterson. That woman rocks.
- Both those women rock bigtime.
- One of my brothers is a megabucks corporate lawyer that used to work for a firm that had it's Phoenix office in a building called, not very imaginatively, the Arizona Building. There was a club on the top floor, about 25 stories up. The big joke was to manipulate a Friday pm so that an associate got left with a massive tab. Ho ho. Hijinks. Anyway, from up that high, you could see where civilization left off and the desert started. Green, then no green at all, just cholla and big lizards and some feral pigs that would kick your ass and eat you if they got too close. Javelinas. Very scary mofos in person. Golf courses looked like what Freddy Olmstead was thinking about when he designed Boston's emerald necklace. To people in PHX, the big water issue is what's being stolen for LA out of the not so mighty Colorado. I love that river, but it now runs out before it gets to the Pacific. This is sad.. Almost as much as I love the Chatooga and the Oconee. The former is characterized by Bull Sluice, that almost killed Jon Voigt and Burt Reynolds when they were making Deliverance, much to the amusement of James Dickey, the latter is a lazy muddy, beautiful river that runs through Athens, GA and isn't much for rapids, but it does have snakes. People claim there are no poisonous water snakes in GA, but I'm not taking any chances. Bastards are territorial and will come right after your tube. And as Olive Oyl said, "They are large." Water rights are the story of America's west. LA left to it's own without the purloined water from the Colorado is desert. Lowland desert, nasty business, not like the high desert around four corners, which is as gorgeous a locale as God has blessed Her world with. Still, on the east coast, water rights are becoming an issue. FLA and Bama are constantly bickering with Georgia about the Coosa, Ocmulgee, Tallapoosa, Oconee and Altamaha watersheds, and of course oil and gas concerns want to frack the fuck out of those pristine areas. PHX is hot as hell. I remember when Chris first moved out there, he used to put dry ice in his swimming pool to chill it out. Didn't really work very well. When I was much younger, I played five or six sets of cutthroat tennis in PHX summer weather, like 110 in the shade, but 12% humidity. Dexter@4: Nice bit of writing. And Sky Harbor is really a nice airport.
- What the hell was that guy in Fort Worth driving? UGA had an unpopular piece of public art like that once. Eventually, it was moved to witness protection in an empty pasture in another county after several acts of vandalism against the horse. People really despised that statuary. I don't think it's all that bad, and to me it appears likely to have been inspired by Picasso's Guernica. And nobody ever called Pablo Picasso an asshole, as Jonathan Richman is fond of saying. I'd say they should leave the Fort Worth piece the way it ended up after the collision and change the title to "Heisenberg". Feel better Maggie.
- People that live in the desert should garden by xeriscaping. With desert plants like ocotillo and cholla. I particularly like ocatillo, because it looks like something growing on the ocean floor, and produces brilliant red-orange blossoms. Flowering desert plants tend to be spectacular when they bloom. Cholla blossoms are bright yellow, pure white, scarlet and a sort of neon magenta. I worry more about peak water than I do about peak oil. And after that discussion of geographical errors, I should be more careful. The Colorado is supposed to run to the Gulf of California (the Sea of Cortez, in Mexico), not the Pacific. And as much as I like houseboating on Lake Powell, I wouldn't feel too terrible if some monkey wrenchers actually blew the Glen Canyon dam. When water runs out, the whole world will be a Lori Petty movie only it won't be funny, and the soundtrack will be Johnny Thunders singing You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory. Sacrificing water resources for filthy petroleum technologies like fracking and oil tar sands mining is a fool's game, and a recipe for disaster. The spell check wants to change Cortez to cortex.
- Brass ones? NYCitybikes. Horrifying X-ray of a female human foot in a spike high-heel shoe. I like the way they enhance shapely legs, but this is barbaric to a Chinese extent.
- The guy in the actual boots is worth the price of admission. Hooray for Cyndi Lauper's Tony Award. Grotesquely inappropriate book cover. Because Sylvia Plath's depressing novel about mental illness and suicide is a lot like Goldie Hawn on Laugh-In when you really think about it. What the hell was the publisher thinking.
- Mark H. I have never seen a Steve Earle show, but I'd drop everything to get to see him. Brilliant songwriter, with a terrificc voice and singing style. You may find yourself annoyed by his politics, about which he's extremely outspoken. But for my money he is a very entertaining performer.
- paddyo'@64: "Bad for Glass." And gas and poisonous fracking liquid potions flow down man-made fissures in rock strata right into watersheds and aquifers.
- If you're the sort of person that despised the vile Richard (III) milhous, there is a very funny novel by Robert Coover called The Public Burning, which deals with the execution of the Rosenbergs, who may or may not have passed nuclear weapons secrets, not because they were traitors, but because they believed, naively, that sharing the deal on nukes might horrify the scientific community to the point that nukes wouldn't be built. Then again, the charges against the Rosenbergs were made on flimsy evidence and may have been made of whole cloth. Milhous made political hay from the case, as he did with Alger Hiss, Whitaker Chambers and the Pumpkin Patch, with the aid of the malevolent Roy Cohn. Coupla sorry ass excuses for human beings. That same artist did the dust jacket for Steve's novel I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive, that features the ghost of Hank Williams (the real one, not the obnoxious yahoo, Bocephus). He's also written a volume of poems that I enjoy, called Doghouse Roses.Good book. Beautiful work. I just looked at a SE tour date website, and the show in Jackson Hole is with the Dukes, so I'd say don't miss it Mark. Get hold of copies of Guitar Town and Copperhead Road. Great albums. And here's a Steve Earle song for that woman that was just let out of death row in Indiana at 40 something after being sent there at 16. Agree or disagree on the death penalty, anyone would have to admit the lyrics are superb and the melody is haunting (and what is wrong with a country that sentences a 16 year old to death, for anything?): I like Something Wild quite a bit. It's pretty hilarious for a while, but nobody plays "wound too tight and menacing" better than Shoeless Ray Liotta (see him in Unlawful Entry, scary as hell). Longmire is a vg hour of TeeVee, and Katee Sackhoff is fantastic. Tough as Starbuck. The writing and acting is excellent all around, and the locations are gorgeous.It's good enough I was happily amazed when it came back. Maybe A&E could restart Terriers and Life, the last great "cop" shows to sink beneath the waves of LCD America. My favorite at the moment is definitely Defiance. It's like an amalgam of Firefly and Babylon 5, but post-apocalypse. Very thoughtful, with a really creepy villain. Falling Skies is hokey, like WWII movies, but it's good. Elementary is well done too, and not just because Lucy Liu is in it. It does have the built in Bones and Booth problem. And I still find the repartee on Bones very entertaining and pretty risque for television. As for why people fuck with other people's computers, I'd quote the Boss: They wanted to know why I did what I did Well sir I guess there's just a meanness in this world. I wonder how many of the people that expect the EPA to clean up the mess left by the uranium profiteers were cheering Goober-nor Goodhair on when he was talking about shuttering the EPA a couple of years ago. Maybe the Koch Kriminal Konspiracy will buy the tailings and Mortimer and Randolph will move them to Detroit under cover of night. Do GOPers realize the EPA was Nixon's one good idea? Track the robber barons down and fine them into bankruptcy to fund the clean-up. That would be the real John Galt way, wouldn't it?
- Oops, Doghouse Roses is a volume of short stories, not poems. The acknowledgements include "Tony Fitzpatrick, painter, draftsman, printer, poet, actor, amigo, hero".
- I think Jack Nicholson pronounces Absaroka pretty closely to the native version in The Missouri Breaks. I think Henry killed the man that stabbed Mrs. Longmire, with whom I believe Henry was romantically involved before Walt was, and that that is the source of their friendship. But Henry is not a hit man. Certainly capable of killing for love and vengeance, but not for money. And damn, I can't stand that smarmy, privileged dickhead Branch. And he's crooked (see episode 3 of season 2). He really reminds me of W. I'm hoping to see him take a beating from Vic at some point. Anybody that missed episodes of Longmire and wants to catch up: Speaking of China Beach, great show, way before its time. Dana Delany has a show on now called Body of Proof, based upon a Helen Mirren British series about an ME. Delany's performance as a prickly perfectionist lifts the series above the ordinary, and the rest of the cast is also vey good, including Jeri Ryan. And along with Katee Starbuck, another BG alum has a series on TNT. Mary McDonnell (a wonderful actress), President Roslin is the lead in the Closer sequel Major Cries, with all of Chief Brenda Lee Johnson's detectives back working for their former nemesis, Captain Sharon Raydor. Now that is an extremely good ensemble cast of actors. GW Bailey as Provenza, Paul Michael Chan as Det. Tao, and Tony Dension as Andy Flynn. The backstories and relationships from years of The Closer are voluminous and enrich the writing a great deal. I was not an original watcher of Arrested Development, but thought I'd give the new shows a shot. Made it through 17 minutes and 25 seconds and couldn't take anymore. If there is a finale when the family gets gunned down en masse, I might watch that. Fracking awful, even with Portia de Rossi for eye candy. We're sticking with The Killing, in large part because of the philistine idioocy of most of the criticism of the show's first two seasons. Mireille Enos and Joel Kinnamon are mesmerizing performers. And I watched Forbrydelsen, upon which The Killing is based, and anybody that insists it's superior is probably an artsy hipster manque. Watched the first season of Girls, couldn't subject ourselves to a second. Ditto what I said about a denoument for Arrested Development. And the Hitler Channel has a winner with Vikings. Wickid pissah.
- The gardens at Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home, is a canary in the climate change coal mine. I've watched all of Orphan Black on Amazon. Really original idea. Perfect for erstwhile fans of Dollhouse and bears a literary sort of connection to Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go (and how did Never come from the author of Remains of the Day?) Both are truly great novels, I think, but as disparate thematically as two books can be. Matt Frewer played an unforgettable character, an Aussie maniac named Taggart on the late, great Eureka. We enjoy Warehouse 13, too. Fans of Ray Harryhausen should check the new Sinbad series on SyFy, but I remember him best as Trashcan Man in the excellent, encyclopedic TeeVee version of The Stand. Frewer's character in Orphan Black is called Dr. Leekie, and he is a scientifice conman villain propounding a scam about self-evolution, like willing oneself to grow more utile appendages, stuff like that. MarkH: I thought Missouri Breaks was terrific, especially the way Nicholson's character gets deadly serious when he turns his mind to revenge. And I like Brando's turn as the psycho killer. Have you seen the movie version of 92 in the Shade with Peter Fonda, Warren Oates, Margot Kidder, the beauteous ex-Mrs. McGuane, Burgess Meredith, Harry Dean and Sylvia Miles? A great cast with some marvellous scenery chewing. That "friends because they both loved and lost the same woman trope" is affecting, and I've thought that was the deal with Walt and Henry since early on. It's done well on NCIS (my guilty pleasure), with Gibbs and the FBI agent Fornell sharing an ex-wife.
- I never much liked Safari when I got this Mac so I use Firefox, and I shouldn't say this, but... Nah. Not going to tempt fate. It's like "Wilt's not very good from the FT line". If an announcer mentioned it, he was sure to make his free throws. Anyone see LeBron's tantrum last night with 40 sec left in overtime. Defensive player made a great play on the ball and bounced it over the endline off LeBron, who was in the process of committing a monstro offensive foule. LeBron seemed to think he should be going to the line, because, well, LeBron. He was whining big time. It was embarrassing. That was Matt Frewer as Trashcan Man: "My life for you."
- Deborah@36: It's a cult, the Daughters of Elvira and Peggy Bundy.
- Michael Hastings, the reporter that wrote the Rolling Stone article in which Stanley McChrystal drunkenly hoist himself on his own petard, died in a car crash in LA this morning. Interweb nutjobs are already all over the place implying the government or the Democratic Party was involved. Why? Because President Obama wasn't happy to be able to dump the insolent, overweening McChrystal? What are these psychos talking about? Because supporters of Hillary Clinton want to protect Shrubco miscreants? Seriously, suggest a remotely feasible motive, you paranoiac nitwits. Here's a friend of mine that most likely was killed by agents of the Raygun administration, because of the Raygunista crimes surrounding Iran-Contra. That's what I think from everything I've learned from Danny's friends and family, and that's what Eliot Richardson thought when he investigated the death. This shinola about Hastings accident is more idiotic than the Vince Foster insanity. Which GOPer member of Congress was in his yard shooting bullets into melons? Oh yeah, it was Dan Burton, that delighted in calling President Clinton a scumbag before his own extracurriculars came to light. Was there a single GOPer of the pack after Clinton that wasn't subsequently caugh with pants around ankles? Henry Hyde? Nope, youthful indiscretion at 50.
- Matt Frewer was also a lead acto in a good CBC production called The PSI Factor I used to like. The Eureka episodes that focused on his character Trager were always wildly entertaining. Rancho Deluxe is a favorite. Who would ever have thought Sam Waterston could be that drop dead funny deadpan. I always imagined that would have been a fun movie set to work on. I bet some Humbolt Co. Cali growers made a bundle off that bunch. I think Henry's eschewing contractions is a character thing. Lou Diamond Philips does stuff like that. I've been a fan since La Bamba. Max Headroom: One of those Youtube commenters is right. Jim Carrey owes copyright money to the creators of Max, although I also think he sounds like Barney Fife in high dudgeon.
- That LeBron video is hilarious. I think he learned from Bosh, a wizard at soccer style flopping since way back at GTech.
- The House GOPers refused to allow debate on any animal welfare amendments when the Farm Bill goes to the full House. Bipartisan amendments on horse slaughter, horse soring, and protecting egg-laying hens were left out of consideration, while the dangerous, overreaching "King Amendment" remains in the Farm Bill. The King Amendment seeks to repeal state laws regarding agriculture production and could nullify measures on farm animal confinement, horse slaughter, puppy mills, shark finning, and a wide range of other concerns including food safety, child labor and the environment. What is soring? You probaby would rather not know, so make sure to be ready if you open this link: That is more disgusting and barbaric than cutting off shark fins and throwing the sharks alive back into the ocean to die. And that is just the shit the mofo bastards want to allow to be done to non-human animals. The Farm Bill as it stands cuts $20.5 billion from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which helps families keep food on the table when they are struggling to get by. I consider all of this to be evil shit. Not just misguided, but literally manifestations of sub-human evil. You know all those GOPers backing this bullshit claim to be followers of Jesus. He'd be rolling over in His tomb had he not risen from it.
- Charlotte, don't let the kid read about McGuane's nailing his hand to Elizabeth Ashley's door in Panama.
- We call those tinted glasses Joe Pa glasses, as are probably favored by nutcases like this idiot GOPer that says that male fetuses spend some of their time in utero flogging the bishop.
- Here's a very thoughtful and moving piece about receiving a cancer diagnosis, by the CEO of Sojourners, a liberal public policy and social welfare group that actually deserves a 501©4 tax designation. Why Oompa Loompa Boehner would think it's a good idea to block immigration reform. Well, economists say it would be good for the economy and reduce the deficit: Heaven forfend. We can't have that happening.
- Mark@53: I'm convinced Waterston was channeling Buster Keaton in The Pale Face to some extent. Exceptionally subtle comic performance. On a resort island 12 miles long with developed paved roads everywhere, we don't have all the big redneck pickups. More absurdly, we have yahoo nitwits driving hummers, IH SUVs, Land Rovers, huge Escalades bigger than 24 ft. Boston Whalers and all sorts of Urban Assault Vehicles under the sun. On the bright side, there are a lot of people with actual hot rods and cars like vintage T-birds and Vettes. The jerks that drive the tanks will brake percipatately down to 0mph at every speed bump. Which is dangerous for bikers riding behind them in parking lots. I mean, if I can take the bumps with no discomfort on a hybrid bike, you'd thing a 5 ton vehicle would provide a smooth enough ride.
- Anybody know any good recipes that use pickled garlic? I'm guessing Korean. Also, any of y'all ever have to use one of those adhesive tear mender thingies on leather upholstery? I could use some advice. Three year old couuch gutdomit.
- Anthony Bourdain's thumnail photo should be in dictionaries next to "insufferably boorish", and I hear Procul singing Piggy, Pig, Pig every time I see Paula Deen. My only child is a grown woman now that grew up a fan of E Street, Tom Waits, XTC, Prince Extrapolating from their ages, Hungary was about as strapped as a country can get when the Gabimbo sisters were in their beauty queen primes. Funniest thing about Kanye is Dick Vitale's pitiful shoutout on Twitter. That is just sad. Made up baby talk, boinking portly white women, bad spelling, stupid serial nicknames and purple drank do not an artist make. I was an early adopter on rap music and I own NWA, Run-DMC, KRS-1, Public Enemy, Bone Thugs and Harmony, and Diggable Planets albums. And Wyclef's The Carnival, which is a masterpiece that completely transcends hiphop. But this stuff lately is fracking drivel, and the downward trend in hiphop's IQ started with P the Diddler. Kanye is an ahole; his bitch scorned act when he snatched the microphone was so lame it's surprising any kid is left that buys his act enough to spend money on his album. So is JayZ, especially after the maternity ward remake episode. And what these guys call music is repetitive, derivative, unimaginative and, generally, forgettable and boring as hell. I imagine this crap nauseates somebody like Chuck D. These guys are inferior to the idiot assclown Flava Flav. Maybe Flav could hit Kanye with the clock he wears around his neck. Tony Soprano aside, I really liked the at war two men movie The Last Castle, a wonderfully melodramatic scenery chewing competition between Gandolfini and R. Redford. I don't think I know anybody else that ever watched it. Anybody that liked Sidney Lumet's The Hill, with Sean Connery, would like The Last Castle. A lot of GOPer Congressvarmints are recipients of farm subsidy money. Grassley should recuse himself from the discussion and from votes on the issue. People like this dickhead TN rep. Fincher, who's a leader ion the granny starving aspects of the farm bill while collecting subsidy bucks. I bet he claims to have Christian values. I have fond memories of the Joe. Saw the Stones there in '69, with BB King opening, and later CSN&Y.
- Masterful short story writer Alice Munro wins a book award and announces she's not writing anymore, in a funny and interesting interview. Here's a very thoughtful and moving piece about receiving a cancer diagnosis, by the CEO of Sojourners, a liberal public policy and social welfare group that actually deserves a 501(c)4 tax designation, since they meet the requirements of the tax code for exclusivity regarding social welfare activities. As does the NAACP, which Shrubco IRS attacked and tried to relieve of tax exempt status. And that's the rest of the story. Anybody buy watermelon Oreos yet. Eeeeewww. Certain to taste more like Peeps than watermelon. Gross. That's some good jazz-hop Bob(nG) Diggable Planets is similar, a bit more raucous. Fishbone are a bunch of maniacs.
- If Paula Deen ever needs a transfusion, somebody will have to sterilize a stall at a dairy farm and a room at Duke's (South's favorite) mayonnaise factory. Pass the deep-fried butter and the mayonnaise dip. Mocking Kanye's product placements, mercilessly. I just got an email with the message: “Al Franken must be defeated.” Now where did these shitheels get my address? The NSA. And somebody was asking why people send malware. If I knew how, I'd be sending big ammo to the Conservative Campaign Committee and to whatever bastards sold them my email address. Guess it's not just the government playing fast and loose with telecomm info. I'm listening to George Clinton's Maggot Brain album in its entirety on Youtube right now. Pretty much leaves hiphop of the last 15 years in the dust. Last hiphop album displaying originality was probably the first Outkast album. Hiphop antidote for Basset, Steve Earle and Del McCoury band on a coal mining song: The Lady, and her hubby, the Cannonball, talk about boating all the time. I imagine they have a Boston Whaler. The brand claims to be unsinkable, and that couple looks to go about half a ton in toto.
- Oliver Sacks has a good chapter on Hildegard in The Man that Mistook His Wife for a Hat. I have a recording of some of her choral music that is very beautiful.
- Ha, ha, ha, Boehner you nit. The farm bill got it's lunch. Boner says it's the fault of the Dems, who said upfront and ahead of time they wouldn't vote for the evil homunculus Protect Monsanto Bill nor for the massive cuts in federal food aid for the poorest Americans in the SNAP Program. Nice try Speaker Dumbass. You lost all the teabangers by raising the subsidies instead of 86ing them. He's getting to be like Lear, doting on the ungrateful, scheming, evil members while defecating on those that try to take the job seriously. Brandon, there is a weekly in Linn, MO called the Unterrified Democrat that has been around for a long time. The Zimmerman jurors are all caucasian too. There's no place like FLA. The trial is FLA white tie. Jorts, wife beater and freshly trimmed mullet de rigeur.
- Judybusy: When I first heard Hildegard music, I imagined it being incorporated into pieces by Yes or the Strawbs, or a reconstituted King Crimson. Shortly after Hildegard was canonized in '12, she was designated a "Doctor of the Church", a rare honor she shares with Thomas Aquinas. Hildegard is the only woman granted this rank. The wonderful thing about reading Oliver Sacks, aside from his effortless prose style, is his ability to examine the science of neurological phenomena without losing a sense of wonder regarding the mystery, spirituality and humanity involved in his cases. When I taught anatomy, the kids did not want to leave the nervous system after I had them read Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. Beautiful and useful, possibly lifesaving, public art. Really cool piece of design. Lewis Black is on Craig Ferguson's show tonight. That should be pretty damned funny. This really fries my ass: The US Chamber is a lobbying organization that specializes in injecting money from foreign corporations into American political processes. The Chamber wants to attack SSI and call it an eentitlement? I'm 62 and have been paying max FICA since my middle 30s. They can kiss my ass with this entitlement baloney. As for employers that also paid in, they would have had to pay me more, directly or into an IRA had they not. Using the term entitlement for something that people like me have paid for already in large amounts under a social contract is infuriating Luntzian and Lakoffian horse crap, like talking about Obamaphones. I swear I will land a right hand to the face of anybody that says this in my presence.
- Zsa Zsa Gabor was Paris Hilton’s step-great-grandmother That's where she got her brains and talent. I first heard of Hildegarde from a woman I used to know named Patty Van Ness, who played violin in a superb rock band she started with her brother Paul called Private lightning. It's been years, but I see from Google she has refashioned herself into a composer and classical violinist, and is Patricia (L. noble woman) now, not Patty. She still has a strong interest in sacred music apparently, and has had jobs as a musical director at several N.E. conservatories. She has written music that incorporates aspects of Hildegardes, apparently: I don't know that anybody has actually called her a "21st Century Hildegarde", but Patty was very smart, very talented, and very beautiful. Private lightning: I'm pretty sure Paul Van Ness wrote the lyrics, which I think are quite good. If you like this song, find Song of the Kite and I Can't Kiss You When I'm Laughing on YouTube. This was an extremely original band. Like the cars with heart and soul, and much better lyrics. Who's that babydaddy, Kanye or Reggie Bush? Kris Humphries is a big SOB, 6-8, 6-9 about 250. In a game between the Nets and Celts this year, he low-bridged KGarnett. Really dirty play intending to injure. 5-11 165lb Rondo went after Humphries who retreated into the stands. Rondo was suspended. I would have thrown Humphries out of the NBA for backing up a dirty play by turning coward.
- I like the looks of Wendy. Jack Russells figure in Roddy Doyle's Barrytown novels. I've never understood the dog person/cat person dichotomy. I've been blessed with great dogs and great cats for companions, although, in my experience, the best cats of my acquaintance had a lot of dog in their behavior. My raccoon size tabby Jack used to push open the front screen door and come out a couple of blocks from home to meet me when I walked home from work in Athens. Tailproofing is a lot like childproofing. Must be done on all fours. Deborah: Hope your chimney sweeps sport toppers and tails. Is Wendy named after the JM Barrie heroine? That black eyepatch reminds me of Spanky's pal Petey, but it's on the opposite side. Pit bulls are terriers too, and obviously need human interference to be made mean.
- Reading some of y'all might find interesting. Particularly the Molly Ivins.
- It's remarkable what good taste in music the makers of Sopranos showed in what they played over the closing credits. How did they choke so badly on the final cut to black? My best Sopranos episode? Pine Barrens, especially when Paulie and Christopher get paranoid and both guys think the other is out to kill him. I also loved the fact that Bobby Bacala was the only mobster competent in the wilderness. And what did happen to the Russian? Damn, that was one hilarious epidsode. GOP's race to the drain on student loan debt. With the prevalent behavior of the GOP, one wonders whether the consequences are unintended and they are just too stupid to see what will happen, or whether it's all part of their plan to sink the American economy. Competitive pissing: Demonstration sport in Rio, '16.
- Brian@34: According to Washington Irving, the crew of the Half Moon all wanted to go ashore to go bowling with Rip Van Winkle.Rip Van Winkle. When I was a little kid, my dad loved to break out this story when there was a thunderstorm. It has a good dog too, named Wolf.
- Right. It was the dog.
- Incredible Octopus Grigori video. Soul Train spider mating dance.
- Penguin Books. This is a book about the most advanced form of entertainment ever. You can pause it at any time. Rewind and replay it if you miss a bit … It’ll fit in your pocket. It’s interactive … It’s pretty cheap. It’s completely free to share. And it lasts a lifetime. This is a book about books. Could've tried the Alou family, Kirk. Felipe, Jesus and Matty made history on Sept. 15, 1963 with the Giants when they became the first trio of brothers to play outfield together. They and Moises, Felipe's son, played a combined 66 seasons in the Major Leagues. Three of Felipe's other sons, Jose, Felipe Jose and Luis, played briefly in the Minors. My ex and I had a black cat named Shadowjack after the Roger Zelazny character, but we called him Jack for short, after a predecessor. That cat was a sneaky bastard.
- Dogs and Heaven in the Twilight Zone. One of Rod Serling's greatest.
- Food Network canned Paula Deen.
- I can't wait to see all the interweb whining about the violation of Paula's 1st Amendment rights. When I hear the name Ursula, I think first of George of the Jungle.
- Tejas continues to lead the nation in horse's asses elected to Congress.
- The dancing horse ballerina says Wah, wah, wah. We want our coupla caddies car elevator. How is anybody that clueless without having had a prefrontal lobotomy? The story of Aunt Vinnie made my day, and I'm hoisting a Red Hook IPA to that grand lady right this minute. Day after tomorrow, I get to decide whether to tap my SSI or let 'er ride.I have been paying FICA max since my mid 30s, so there is a chunk involved, which is why I find this GOPer bullshit about entitlements infuriating. The way I see it, I choose optimism or pessimism. If it's optimism, I'm betting that GOPerism is dead as a doornail, and my "entitlement" is safe. If I'm pessimistic, these vampires may rise from their coffins and hand all the funds over to private bankers to burn like a bookie's flash paper and handle with that sort of knowledge and aplomb they displayed in trashing the world economy three years ago.. This is like sports betting. In which case, I should start clawing my money back ASAP. Do I rely on my own knowledge and expertise or do I bet my heart? Sometimes it doesn't matter. When Dawgs ran out of time in the NCG at the 5yl (sorry Brandon, but UGA would probably have made ND look worse than Bama did), I still made a bundle with the points, and I was taking my team. Now, I want nothing other than happy lives for my family, and also for you all, as much as I want the GOP to be gone the way of the Tonton Macoute, of which they have been the American version. Whole thing makes me feel like Alvie Singer. I have a gub. Anybody ever hear of a kid book called Swimmy? Written and illustrated by Leo Lionni? Came across it on Barnes &Noble. Astoundingly gorgeous illustrations and a beautiful sparse story. If you have little critters around, I really recommend this book, especially if you know a little kid not too sure about swimming. I love giving swimming lessons. And I never throw the child in the deep end unless it's necessary to remove the idiotic helimom.
- Wait, it just occurred to me. Mrs. Romney is Cherry 2000, without the looks and the brains.
- Well the Blackhawks have had a Blackhawk standing both boots in the crease for seven of their last eight goals. Why do they still paint that thing on the ice? And the Bruins were down to Toronto by three with ten minutes left in game 7 earlier in these playoffs, so I wouldn't write them off yet. In my experience, Jack Russells are on the calm end of the terrier yap-meter.
- His competitors have a long fracking way to go to catch Gohmert in the Asshole of the Universe competition. He's about to lap Ron Raygun here.
- Miz Paula didn't give one of those non-appology "if I've offended anybody" apologies.
- Nobody was murdered at Chavez Ravine brian. Drunk Giants fan started a parking lot fight he couldn't finish, in front of his family. I'm not condoning the violence, but what is a person supposed to do when confronted with this sort of inhumanity. I was shot in the leg trying to break up an unfair fight. By the apparent victim, who had also waved his pistol at his assailants several miles and a few minutes earlier. I exagerated but in Game Four, it was a constant. And Toews, please. Asshole is like Bill Laimbeer: Instant Karma. Toews is a wussy, cheap-shot jerk.
- This is where Bergeron's concussions started, and the league let's this shit go:
- Toews is one noxious little shit. That likes to act like he's Terry O'Reilley.
- I've got a Mexican soccer jersey with Bimbo writ large in rubberized letters, But it's the Monterrey part that gets me free cervezas at local watering holes. I'm kinda with ROGirl on the name, but the black patch is on the wrong eye, and it was Petey. Snowden's going to Ecuador? No. I'm going to Ecuador. I will beat his ass if he's there when I show up. And the Taliban wins over the government sponsored rescue when there are mouths of children to be fed and Harrison Ford's copter needs fuel. At lunch yesterday, I found out my sisinlaw Lesa has a new car, a Leaf. This woman is a great driver, a little scary but really good. She traded a Mini-Cooper and then went back to buy the Mini back. I have done a coupla road trips with Lesa in the Mini, and it is part of her personality to me. Anyway, the Leaf takes her to work and back and she plugs it in in the garage. Sweet. No gasoline. Who wouldn't like that deal?
- Alex@7: Jesus, RUGay?
- Wendy broke up with Brian Wilson for no reason whatsoever. Last female pooch I had was named Morgan La Fey. Sally Ride is a good idea:
- Dexter: I miss Ben too. That post was a great short story. I'm not big on Gidget, but it's not my business. I'd say Petey and damn the gender issues.
- Way cool bikes.
- More GOPer bullshit: How does anybody justify letting these shitheels skate without having to vote on this out in the open?
- Never having actually had real jobs in the real world, Scalito Court fucks over normal people.
- The Voting Rights Act passed the Senate 99-0 and only 30 something hardcore Teabangers voted against it in the House. Shrub signed it. What the hell is it with these paleoconservative activist judges? If anything, the VRA should be expanded to places like FLA and PA, where GOPers spoke openly and gleefully about suppressing votes, and some of their vile techniques, like the tax andtuition penalties on parents of kids that decide to register where they go to school. GOPer voter suppression isn't just racism anymore. It is systematically aimed at young voters, female voters, and all minority ethnic groups. The GOP is like Israelis that see themselves becoming a minority in their own country, and feel that any skullduggery up to which they can get is justified when it comes to electing "rill Murricans". When people get defensive and start playing the "tradition" card regarding the Confederate battle flag, I make a point to ask them how, if they are so concerned with heritage, they allowed the Dixie flags to be entirely coopted by murdercycle clubs and skinhead nincompoops? Bobby Blue Bland died yesterday. Everyone should own a copy of the great live album he did with BB King. Bobby Bland had a great song that could be Don Draper's theme: Barone sure buys Charlie LeDuff's schtick, hook, liner and sinker.. LeDuff always seems to me to have invented his own revisionist backstory a la Nancy Medusa Grace.
- BB King and Bobby Bland, ripsnortin': Scalito is all for judicial restraint, except when it comes to their own behavior. It was not all that long ago that AZ had a goober-nor named Evan Mecham that called black children "pickaninnies". And racism aimed at Latinos in AZ is casual, second nature to people. And nobody has ever documented any actual instances of the voter "fraud" GOPers claim is rampant. There have been fewer than 80 cases made since 1960, and the majority of those were unintentional.
- Choice words for Alito in comments on this article. Pretty damned funny, but he did the same bushleague shit at the State of the Union. Classless and clueless dickhead.
- Uh, Ted was at least Peggy's second married man. Wow. George Zimmerman has a dickheaded fool for a lawyer. Ms. Smith goes to Austin.
- Serial arsonist for profit Darrel Issa sets his own pants on fire. I believe this bastard is just plain franking stupid. As offensive as DOMA was to anyone of at least average intelligence on the basis of common decency and fairness, it always pissed me off as a perfect example of the Frank Luntzian bullshit line GOPers use to confuse issues and confound dumbass voters. From whom or against what were the aholes sllegedly "protecting" marriage. It's not what you say, it's what people hear. And the GOP is positive proof you can fool most of the rubes most of the time. One more in a long line of GOPer exercises in lying their asses off, like "death panels" (how'd that work out for you Goober-nor Brewski? You killed a guy.) and the "death tax", which is a marginal assessment on estates far bigger than 99% of Americans ever deal with. Maters of the Big Lie.
- I'd like to see LDS church lose its tax exempt status for spending $8million in CALI supporting Prop 8. It's a bad day for Flat Earthers. And toodledoo to Scott Brown and the GOP MA Senate seat.
- According to a Salon piece, Tejas GOPers tried to gerrymander Wendy Davis' district out from under her, but were prevented by the Justice Department from getting away with it. Anne Richards is smiling in heaven. It appears that the Lt. Goober-nor acted illegally to claim that a vote had been taken, since the lege ceased to be in session at midnight.
- Scalia big whinge for a couple of decades was "activist liberal judges". I can't remember the last time he decried judicial activism, since he has been its major practitioner for the last 15 years or so. He should have been impeached for not recusing himself when the Cheney-Enron tea party guest list came before the court two weeks after he accompanied Dickless on their Elmer Fudd Daffy canned Duck hunt. Scribe @23: The most recent VRA extension vote was 99-zip in the Senate, with recalcitrant Teabanger bigots providing a mere 33 nays in the House. Seems like a clear indication of the will of the peoples' representatives to me. Supreme Court justices are not supposed to be hypocritical sacks of horseshit.
- Dorothy, as I understand it, your niece did a lot of work upfront and joined the Athens downtown business community with a lot of promotional ideas and strong leadership. I have seen ads for collaboratively scheduled special events and contests that seem to boost many downtown businesses together. Smart marketing. The shop has apparently become a place to meet and greet. Athens has a history of independent bookstores (Hairy Hobbit, Old Black Dog) and a very strong University Press. I will be up in Athens weekends for football games this fall, and intend to visit Avid without fail. We used to live in that neighborhood. The Old Black Dog used to serve tea, gratis, in the pm, in somebody's grandma's Sterling tea service. It was wonderful. Hairy Hobbit was owned by a couple of gay women, who I knew well from tending bar, and was a fixture downtown going back to the early 70s, a very nice place to hang around.
- Village Voice has a pretty thorough report on the NYC meningitis outbreak.
- Dorothy, Downtown Athens is a great place to shop. It used to be that we'd see everybody we knew in the week before Christmas. Then some developer built a large mall on the way out of town. The novelty has worn off the mall, and downtown is the main shopping destination again, as it should be. If you make it to Athens, make sure to hit the Taco Stand for Burritos. Made with freshly homemade whear tortillas. Really good. This is going to drive GOPers absolutely mental.
- I believe we can all thank God that the answer is zero. I knew for sure there would be nitwits claiming that Paula Deen's 1st Amendment rights had been infringed upon, but nobody can make such an asinine claim with the cretinous flair of Rush's buttboy Glenn Beck, in an actual Brownshirt uni. What a fracking bozo.
- Some cowardly shit threw a Molotov cocktail through the window of Wendy Davis' campaign HQ during the last election in her district.
- Congratulations, Deborah. As an Eagle Scout, I'm offended by Beck's masquerading as a Scout. Shit for brains does seem to have that breathing-malathion syndrome that affected DeLay. He seems in that video to have dressed up as Georgie Jessel.
- Article IV, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, known familiarly as the "Full Faith and Credit Clause", addresses the duties that states within the United States have to respect the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state." According to the Supreme Court, there is a difference between the credit owed to laws (i.e. legislative measures and common law) as compared to the credit owed to judgments.[1] Judgments are generally entitled to greater respect than laws, in other states. I can't see how a state can refuse to acknowledge marriages performed in other states.
- Section 2 of DOMA, if that's what it says, is as clearly unconstitutional as any of the rest of the idiotic law. No state can constitutionally claim that a marriage performed legally in another state is not a legally binding marriage contract. The Constitution is clear on that, and it's not surpriseing that Scalito and their gang would try to finesse the Constitution instead of actually being "originalists" about it. Southern states tried desperately to hang on to laws against interracial marriages. How'd that work out for them. There is nothing ambiguous whatsoever about the language in Article IV, Section 1. Of course, there is nothing ambiguous about the language in Article III, Section 3, and that hasn't prevented GOPer weasels from swearing fealty to King Weasel Grover Norquist.
- States that choose to nullify Article IV, Section 1, Full Faith and Credit Clause should not be given a chance to secede, they should be kicked out. That bit of the Constitution is the basis for there being a United States of America at all. If you deny its clear intention and legal standing, you are not a valid part of the United States. GOPers since Nixon have alleged a belief in Fedeeralism. Without adherence to Article IV, Section 1, there is no valid federation. Even Thomas and the Scalito gang can't finesse a way around the direct and specific language of the Constitution in this regard. The Section is utterly unambiguous. Maintenant Jolene. Torn between Mouskouri and Baez versions, but no need to choose.
- Charlotte@26: That's the Sidney Biddle Barrows argument. How dare they arrest somebody with Mayflower passengers for ancestors for something as sordid as pandering and procuring? The true Obama-haters are easily goaded into actually calling the President uppity, if they don't strangle on their own bloated blue tongues first.
- Rand Paul is claiming today he didn't suggest anything about interspecies marriage, and if he did and it offended anybody, he didn't mean it. People are beginning to write seriously about this ahole running for President in 2016. He's an admitted kidnapper, for God's sake. Of course, so was Willard, and he impersonated a cop, not AquaBuddha to commit his crime. There are neither federal nor state statutes of limitations on kidnapping. Isn't Leetle Rand's fulminating against gay-marriage about as anti-libertarian as one could get? What say, AquaBuddha, how about kidnapping and rape of women by Gods? Rand probably went home and married his orbital sander after that kidnapping scheme failed to get him laid. Vile little weenie.
- I'd pay $25 to see the Coultergeist if the price of admission included a tab of acid and a sack of rotten eggplants. Now that sounds like a good time, and it would be even funnier the next day coming down off the LSD and listening to Byron Glenn deBeckwith weep about how I infringed on the nag's 1st Amendment rights. Actually, I'd like to see her try a public appearance with Franken, or even better, Snakehead Carville, although the latter pairing would scare the living shit out of kids and even many adults. Two Voldemorts in one place.
- Wonderful comment on Justice Kennedy's bizarre Jekyll and Hyde voting week. Too GD strange. Oldtimers for just terminal hypocrisy? The VRA vote is just codifying what Turdblossom has been telling GOPers for months. No chance in Natelections unless you double down on white resentment and rage and suppress youth and ethnic, oh and women, all at one time. The whole thing has gotten sideways, because GOPer vote suppression strategies aren't as racist-based as they used to be. Now they just hate everybody that doesn't vote knee-jerk GOP. Blow up the Constitution? Who the Hell cares? These fuckers are the terriss. Would it surprise anybody in the wake of Iran-Contra, if any of these mofos were willing to sell out the country and the Constitution?
- And I have a question. I've read much of Jan Morriss' travel writing. Sublime. Have any of y'all read her novel Hav. I want to buy it and I'm running out of book room in our condo. I'd appreciate any opinions. Ursula K. says it's good, an Left Hand of Darkness is one of ther greatest novels ever written.
- Alex, I hope that guy is OK: I joined the gravedancer's union. Great band you mind like. No joke about anybody having an opinion about Jan Morriss' novel about an imaginary city. And CCCL, those people have nothing to do with Jesus. Anybody ever notice how TeeVeeangelists quot OT with nothing to do with the subject at hand. They claim Jesus and ignore everything Jesus supposedly ever said. Whited Sepulchers. And lying shits. Jesus wasn't actually in the OT. And the idea that God dictated in Elizebethan in the OT and it wasn't just Will Shakes and the well known catamite Kit Marlowe, how fucking dumn can these people be?
- Is somebody actually a fool that thinks God dictated in perfect Elizabethan poetic?
- Hard to deal with that sort of idiocy, especially when Marlowe was such a well=known catamite. Fuck you assholes. Will Shakes wrote the King James, you aholes, and he appproved of his friends catamitery. BFD, you morons. They were artists, you were bowdlerizers and morons.
- SC legislature actually passed a law that makes ir illegal to impleneb=nt any aspect of Obamacare, Because, Obana. I thought we were all the human race.
- Suzanne@13: I always thought claiming amnesia is a pretty good way out of almost anything. Paula Deen's only alternative was to perjure herself and there is something to said for not doing that, when it would have been easy as Lionel Richey to just lie. I don't imagine Goober-nor Snyder enjoyed reading this.
- Hot Buttered Soul is a landmark sort of album, and I've been a fan of Isaac Hayes since Shaft and his days as Gandalf Fitch on Rockford Files, but a studio used for most of the Parliafunkadalictment Thang albums by George and Bernie and Bootsy, and the great Eddie Hazel, is the studio where Mothership Connection and Free Your Ass were recorded. And Grafitti Bridge. And Seger's great album Seven (Get Out of Denver ring a bell?) Oh, and a couple of great albums by Sister Re. And What's Going On, for God's sake? That Marvin Gaye effort is an absolute masterpiece. Of course, de gustibus, as Peggy Noonan said as she kissed her autographed photo of Dickless Cheney. The story is that Berry Gordy wouldn't release the original mix of What's Going on that was done at Hitsville. Too jazzy, or some such idiotic bullshit. (It probably really had something to do with Mrs. Gordy. Ask David Ruffin. The album was actually released on Tamla Motown.) So Marvin took his tapes to another studio. Legend says Lem Barney and Mel Farr sang backup vocals on the song. Plantar fascitis is evil and terribly painful, and good luck Dorothy with the new knee. Robert Edwards and Bo Jackson both had joint replacements and returned from rehab to play professional sports, Edwards for a Grey Cup winning CFL team, Bo with the White Sox and Angels in MLB. Edwards' was a knee, Jackson's his hip. The astonishing thing about Peggy Noonan is her denial that Iran-Contra even happened, much less that the Raygunista attack on the Constitution was scandalous or traitorous. Peter@11: That's why GOPers despise Elizabeth Warren almost as much as they hate and fear the Kenyan anti-colonialist socialist Nazi that is out to take their guns and destroy the republic. I came across drag racing on TV last night and found to my dismay, the US Army sponsors a car and driver. How do GOPer and Teabanger idealogues sanction this ridiculous waste of money? Or crap like Blue Angels, that gets a topflight pilot killed about once a decade? HS allstar football games? The Koch Kriminal Konspiracy is an invasive species in Michigan more dangerous than zebra mussels and snakeheads. No matter what any denier claims about anthropogenesis of warming, warming is a fact and ice is melting like it was put in a microwave. Miami will be the American Atlantis, without the arts, sciences and magic. Maybe Donovan will write a song about it. And moron power companies are planning two more nukes in Biscayne Bay. It does not take a scientist of any sort to imagine the horrendous consequences of flooded nukes, or sewage treatment plants. What would you call cholera complicated by radiation poisoning. A really horrible way to die. This seems to me to be the obvious debate Waterloo for the gormless liar Rubio in '16, since he denies any of this is a problem.
- I agree with Alex about the Deen deposition. A miserable narcisstic personality disorder lawyer bullying a less than intelligent and completely addled woman with questions he knows she can't answer about shit another person said and did outside of her presence. But Alex, everybody soounds like an ESL idiot in transcriptions of depositions. More than likely, ballast water from Koch Konspiracy tankers in the great lakes probably contributed mightily to the zebra mussell and Asian carp populations in the Great Lakes. But Mortimer and Randolph have establishe corporate personhood and citizenship, my friend, by dumping hazardous waste on the bank of the Detroit River, right? Jim Demented thinks women will be happy about getting forced ultrasound procedures and that somebody else will pay for them. And David Gregory, Demented and that sleazy, creepy Casino Jack accolyte Ralph Reed all agree that Planned Parenthood operate in the mode of Kermit Gosnell. This sort of bullshit really makes me feel like beating the crap out of these shitheels. Dexter: The Miggy and Rodney fracas certainly made for an entertaining and humorous weekend of baseball. I sort of wonder why somebody with preternatural bat control, like Ichiro for example, doesn't line one right into Rodney's nads for that Usain Bolt imitation. I know Ichiro would find that dishonorable behavior, but I bet he could do it.
- Goodhair Perry response to Wendy Davis. Douchebag. We haven't been into the 90s officially yet this summer. I'd guess last year we made it every day in June. I haven't even gotten a sweaty teeshirt and grocery store AC cold yet. Being 1/4 mile from the beach is a moderator, but the nighttime temps are creeping up. Unusually frequent Tstorms, are making me wonder what's in store for high hurricane season. Spent time this weekend installing battery powered emergency lighting and bought fuel for the campstove and some REI MREs. No matter what the civil authorities say, we shall not be moved. Water and brewskis stacked behind the washer. I just learned there are more than 100,000 former military service members with dishonorable discharges resulting from DADT. Many states have decided to treat that status like a felony, and in some states it prevents former military personnel in this situation from voting and holding public sector jobs. That is a disgraceful situation, and Congess needs to do something about it. I'm sure all those support-the-troops whited sepulcher GOPers in the House will get right on that, huh?
- Mark@36: Holy shit, that's 11.5% of the world's population, and nearly twice the population of North America. If you're being sarcastic, give it up. There is statistical proof of what I said around the internet, and I took the figure from a fundraising and petition email from Claire McCaskill and the VoteVets organization, two very reliable sources of information. Also, anybody that can read is pretty well-aware that welfare fraud in the US is nearly as rare as vote fraud, which is, of course, nearly non-existent. Depriving people kicked out of the armed forces over sexual orientaion pension and VA medical benefits is a disgrace, and defies common human decency. Even AWOL W and Dickless 6exemptions Cheney would probably agree. The same activist paleocon Justices that appointed Shrub knocked down DOMA, even though they are currently trying to figure out how subborn the most basic Constitutional establishment regarding formation of the USA (full faith and credit). As Robert Plant says, "cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good."
- Jeff, This looks like it might be worth a try: One of my brothers used it when he switched from a PC to a Mac. Slower than Rick Perry's thought process? How could you tell it was moving at all?
- Judybusy @44: And God observed her work and She saw it was good and muttered "Suckers", as the nukes of southern FLA sank beneath the waves and irradiated the ocean. Interesting for Mark to bring up welfare fraud. One of W's first actions when the GOP usurped the WH in 2001 was to direct the Shrubco USDoL to ferret out all that welfare fraud that Raygun said was bankrupting the country. The newly hired loyal Bushies did an exhaustive study, and concluded at the end that of all welfare expenditures in the USA for the previous ten years, 1.9% was connected to fraudulent claims. We know now that some of that money was paid to the Bachmann kiddie farm and some to the Santorum's for their out of state home schooling. Anyway, a very small number. It's amusing to note the similarity between this stat and the actual amount of health care expenditure in the USA connected in any waywith malpractice and litigation, including insurance premiums and actual jury awards. Guess what, somewhere between 0.8% and !.9%, in real life instead of GOPer numerology. It's my strong opinion that if one person is being deprived of a military pension, VA medical care, the right to vote, or anything else because of a dishonorable discharge resulting from DADT, that is one person too many and an absolute disgrace to America. What I find interesting about paying employees with debit cards is the amount of extra work this must generate to keep adequate business records to meet government filing requirements regarding tax and employment records. Unless you are just not bothering with that stuff. No one-right or business banking records services? Seems like a way to avoid paying payroll and other taxes, to me. I was told by an allergist that rain counterintuitively to me, stirs up pollen rather than damping it down When I was a kid, we called the airport in Detroit Willow Run, after the B-29 factory that was there first, in Ypsilanti.
- How does anybody with a brain or a conscience, or even operative olfactory sense ever vote for the dickheads responsible for this boondoggle again?
- Endangered rivers in the USA, and disappearing drinking water. This is pretty depressing. I know what, let's build a pipeline to move tar sands oil across a bunch of these rivers to Port Arthur TX for the sole purpose of making diesel fuel to be used exclusively in China. Sounds like a good idea, huh? Oh, and it will raise American food prices and none of the profiteers will pay a dime in US taxes.
- More painfully stupid legislation brought to you by Mortimer and Randolph Koch through the wonders of ALEC. So much for lobster fest and endless shrimp. Ahchoo. Did they make B-29s at Willow Run or was it B-24s? Wasn't there something about one every hour seven days a week?
- GOPer voter suppression bills resulting directly from the bullshit activist SC ruling on VRA. Scalia and Thomas are ideologue activists. Roberts and Alito are actual GOP activists. Kennedy is a senile old fool who is easily bullied by the Scalito Roberts wing of activists. This bullshit certainly didn't take long, and the focus on racial issues and attitudes in the current USA was all camouflage on the right's part and stupid gullibility on the left. Making it harder for students to vote is just as anti-American as suppressing the Black vote. In American health care, insurance companies and HMOs set prices collusively, with massive profits for everybody involved but the medical practitioners, who are also under tight strictures from bean counters about medical decisions. My dad did pediatrics for years and then made twice as much in ER medicine. Does that make any ense. After surgeons, the highest paid docs are anaeshtheesiologists. Does that make sense? After orthopedic surgeons, the highest paid surgeons are cosmetic surgeons. Does that make any sense at all? Last 4th of July, I got hit by a car about 1/4 mile from a regional medical center. A cop called an ambulance for which I was billed $600. I was in the hospital for four hours, examined by a neurologist who told me I had been concussed and recommended an overnight stay, which I refused. The unitemized hospital bill was $4+grand, with separate charges for a CT scanhead X-rays and an EEG. No way a neurologist needed all three to diagnose a concussion, but I'm sure they were following some Blue Cross of SC protocol.I've had concussions before which were diagnosed without the heavy equipment, by somebody's GP dad on the sidelines of a HS football game.
- From last night: Homer Bailey did seem to have a strange bug up his ass for a guy that just had his team make some great plays behind him while he got a no--hitter. All I could think of was Clayton Kershaw, who pitched a four-hitter against a more formmidable hitting team in the Denver launching pad on the same night, and is always a cheerful and polite interview subject and has not complained about paltry run support (worse than all but one NL starter) all year. Try a stool softener Homer. Dorothy: You don't treat a concussion, you treat the headache, with acetiminophen, since aspirin and ibuprofen may increase bruising on your brain, and you monitor symptoms. Dizziness, unilateral weakness, continued drowziness, neck pain, confusion after more than a few days--see a doc. This regimen was a problem for me, since I take Naproxen for arthritis. For late-night news, what about the Pretentious Howdy Doody Jimmy Earl Carter Flagellation Show during the time Rummy and Dickless were bribing the Ayatollah with weapons deals to prevent the October surprise. That was sure as hell some major league liberal biased MSM, boy howdy. Of course, these days, nincompoop correspondents to the editor accuse the LATimes of liberal bias. My prof for JRL 101, Intro to Media (or whatever) was an acquaintance of Linda Ellerbee, who came to the class to lecture and answer questions for two days. The auditorium in which the class was held was SRO for the great lady's appearances. She drew a larger crowd than Christiane Amanpour, who was not so famous way back then. More people than Jack Anderson, who was widely reviled down south at the time, and who had a major security detail of campus Barney Fifes and Deppity Dawgs.
- Jeff: There is a great Walker Percy novel called The Second Coming that is set in the NC Appalachians around Asheville, including the cave with the petrified sabertooth. Percy is so good at settings that the NC landscape is another character in the book. And those friendly hill folk also connived to hide Eric Rudolph from the FBI and keep him clean and well fed for years. That is authentically evil. Rudolph was a good ol' boy version of a Tsarnaev. I thought of the Civil War afficionados here when I read this story in this week's Sunday NYT. Gettysburg Eddie Plank was a hellaciously good pitcher: Plank had eight 20-win seasons. With 326 victories, he ranks 13th on the career list and 3rd among left-handers, after Warren Spahn and Steve Carlton. He also threw 69 shutouts (fifth on the career list), completed 410 games (16th) and posted a 2.35 E.R.A. (21st). I like those pictures of angry preachers defending marriage with the Budoir Noir ads bouncing around on the same page. Maybe those folks whose marriages are threatened should try some marital aids.
- NC' GOPer state legislature is taking a shotgun approach to vote suppression. North Carolina just passed a law that imposes a tax penalty on the parents of college students that choose to vote where they live most of the year instead of in mom and dad's safely gerrymandered district. That is vote suppression plain and simple, and it is clearly illegal, but with the Scalito revision to the VRA, there is nothing to stop gerrymandered lily-GOP state legislatures from screwing voters over that way. This is an example of why VRA should have been expanded, not reamed out. Unless you figure the League of Women Voters are one of those liberal leaning organizations. Sorry, the ignorance of that accusation is staggering. It's more like the LWV's bias towards truth and fairness.
- Any GOPer that uses the words "vote fraud" to justify the major league vote suppression that is the GOP's only response to their embarrassment at the 2012 polls should be put in public stocks until a single example can be presented. In PA, where a GOPer statewide officeholder was absolutely gleeful in admitting publicly to vote suppression based upon gerrymandering the state legislature into GOP hands (dickhead was proud of himself, and claimed PA was in the bag for RMoney--how'd that work out asseyes?), there has been no case of voter fraud whatsoever since 2000. And the old ACORN shibboleth doesn't hold a drop of water. Hourly workers for ACORN tried to jack ACORN by using fake names and ACORN vetted them and exposed the fakes to voting registrars all over the country. It's likely the forgers of false registrations were trainees and troops of James O'Keefe, AKA, Weasel, who engineered Neh Hempsha's only incidence of voter fraud in the last two decades and should go to jail and be disenfranchised for it.
- It's not surprising that GOPers and other right-leaning idealogues can't see the damage the Scalito wing neutering the VRA does to the Constitution and the integrity of the American election system. Their last two moments of electoral glory were Blackwell stealing Cuyahoga County Ohio, and the same activist justices stopping the state law mandated recount in FLA to appoint Shrub. DavidC@30: Right. ACORN did it. Sort of like that iconic GOP photo of the last two Black Panthers terrorizing black inner city voters that really wanted to vote against President Obama. Pathetic.
- The Google Doodle for Franz Kafka's birthday is a delight. Wingnuts in WI should wake up, smell the coffee, and admit to themselves they have their Koch-infused teabanger governor to blame for Willard blowing the state.
- This camper is really expensive, but I want one. Don't forget your flotation device, Alex.
- It just cracks me up when Teabanger politicians turn out to be crooked. Of course the constituents of assclowns like McDonnell are the same morons that keep voting for the bastards that promoted term limits back in the Newticles dark ages. Those bastards keep running, like, ya know, Boehner and Yertle McConnell. Meanwhile the Randolph and Mortimer Duke Kriminal Konspiracy has taken a line from Grover Norquist and requiring politicians to sign a pledge to oppose any government action that might alleviate the consequences of climate change. Suckers. The President is bypassing Congress, legally, you dumb bastards gave away all that cash to half the GOPers in Congress and they can't help. Cracks me up. And this behavior is equally treasonous as the chickenshit GOPers signing the no taxes pledged for chubette groundhog Grover. Read Article III, Section 3, US Constitution. Death penalty, you bunch of shits for brains.
- Of course, there are no female state senators in NC. And the GOPer goober-nor of NC says tacking the anti-abortion clinic crap onto a ludicrous bill banning Sharia law is a crock of shit.
- Dave Alvin. Merry 4th.
- Jeff and Brian, did you read that story about Gettysburgh Eddie. one of the greatest pitchers in the history of MLB? I believe that is way cool. Sixtie something shutouts.? That is ridiculous.
- Black Hills, in a 442 convertible , most beautiful young woman I have ever seen. And she was a Jesus freak.
- Issa burned down his own chopxhops and defrauded the insurance carriers. What a fracking tool. Stellar GOPer though.
- Scribe@58: And I think about her every day.But I'm happy where I am. And God, she don't torment me.
- No WIC, no SNAP, no healthcare, but attack famous goober-nor/exorcist Alfred E. Jindals federal funding for some sheriff's Christian cult movement, and Bobby is mad as hell. Limbaugh is an idiot when he claims advertiser boycotts infringe on freedom of speech, but this shit is at least twice as stupid. And what idiot decided to call this the Young Marines Program.I'd say this calls for civil penalties, but that would just mean fewer funds for social welfare programs, like feeding poor mothers and kids, and most people know how Jesus would have felt about that. First show I saw at the Grande was The Crazy World of Arthur Brown (Carl Palmer was the drummer.). My first experience with hallucinogens, too. Maybe not the smartest idea, but memorable. Saw Cream there too, Yardbirds, and the Detroit bands lord knows how many times. The Birmingham Teen Center was another excellent venue, even though I think it was intended to save us subarbanites from having to go into the city. We saw Procol Harum there and they played all of the Salty Dog album before it was released. Astounding. We had company for the weekend, and I was talked into watching back seasons of The L Word. Much more emotionally effective than I would have thought. It's easy to develop serious dislike for some of the characters, but the worst of them seem to redeem themselves and there is a story arc involving the death of one of the characters that is heartbreaking. Excellent writing and acting. That headline? Boorish and clueless as hell. Chicago to Asians: "Drop Dead." There's a review in the Voice of a new doc about Alex Chilton's great band Big Star. I can't wait to see that.
- Nancy@15: Of course that stereotype was the creation of a guy named Werner Oland, who had nary a drap of oriental DNA in his genome. I imagine from Mr. Olands name he was probably from Swedish ancestry. Actually worst of the worst in showbiz oriental stereotypes were the Dick Tracy Joe Jitsu cartoons. Those were brutal. At least in the Chan movies, the detective was portrayed as a very astute fellow with a great deal of personal dignity. His sons? Not so much.
- Jolene's point about federal regulations is well-taken. Most people believe to this day that the superb Yankee catcher Thurman Munson died in his plane from smoke inhalatio, when in reality he was killed by poisonous offgassing from smoldering upholstery. They don't use that shit anymore. Reminds me of the Irwin Mainway SNL skits:
- "Pledges" of this sort to the anti-patriotic likes of Randolph and Mortimer Koch are clearly bribery of public officials, and, like Norquist's "pledge", violate Article III, Section 3 of the US Constitution. Clearly treason, and the death penalty applies.
- The 1940 classic Grapes of Wrath is clearly a movie that does not need a remake, particularly a remake with Steven Spielberg involved. Gutdom, what a horrible idea. I'm guessing Tom Hanks would be cast as Tom Joad, and it is making me wretch. I hope the keeper's of Steinbeck's legacy have the good sense to prevent this. Henry Fonda's haggard, stubbled face in the hobo camp nighttime light is one of the greatest images in the history of film. I always thought John Ford was inspired by this scene from the great Paul Muni: I like to spot movies in which the former Rev. Camden plays sleazeballs. He was a good creepy LA lawyer in The Big Picture, one of the most underrated movies ever made. (Pez People rule.) The Lucy Camden character was a sop to the "Christians" that found the Mary Campbell character offensive, and the curly-haired moppet one with the chimp too outre. And Happy the Dog was positively emetic. Death panels are real alright. Goober-nor Brewski's budget cutting in Arizona has led directly to at least two deaths from failure to fund transplants.
- And should anybody doubt what I said about the GOPer death panel in AZ, Here is the documentation, from that well-known bastion of MSM liberal bias, Forbes: The Arizona budget that previously provided transplants to people in need was $1.4 million. As there were 99 people on the waiting list for transplants at the time the cuts went into effect, the net result is that the State of Arizona valued each of these lives at something less than $14,000 a person. Or $1/2mill+ for the two death sentences. Kinda poingnant the two deaths were caused by liver failure, eh, Brewski? Just remember that when it's your turn to face the death panel; if that $1.4 million made as big an impact on AZ's financial problems as it did on the families of your two victims, I'll eat a 6-pack from one of Mrs. McCain's Bud distributorships.
- Bob(not Greene)@15: Let's not forget that, as Scam Alito and Silent Clarence Long Dong have said many times, there is no Constitutional guarantee of a right to vote. That would be a perfect illustration of the basic problem of claiming to be originalists, you anti-American shitheels.
- Don't Fire Until You See The Whites of Their Eyes: Brilliant. Miss Teen America fell pretty far from the tree, to her credit. Somebody should have told her about emancipation of minors a few years ago. Actually, Eleana's mom is like The Leader of the Pack. Good bad, but not evil. Alito and Thomas have both insisted many times that since a right to vote is not stated explicitly in the Constitution, there is no such right. Alito has a record of decades insisting on this unAmerican point of view, and insisting it is a point of law. This was the heart of Alito's majority opinion in Bush v. Gore when the Court ended a legally mandated recount in Florida to deliver the game to the Brooks Bros. rioters. Funniest thing ever on Seventh Heaven was Lucy's unmitigated string of complete doofus boyfriends. The machinations of big bro's falling for a Jewish girl were pretty bizarre too.
- Alito made that comment in his confirmation hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. I misremebered it rather than looking it up. He said it in response to a question about Shrub v. Gore. Somehow, senators still voted for the asshole, including Justice O'Connor, who later admitted it was a mistake to take the case at all in direct contradiction to FLA state law. I realized my error earlier driving to Savannah. Meant to correct it earlier. The question was a gotcha for Alito, because nobody in his right mind would have expected somebody that expressed that opinion to ever be confirmed.
- Jeff@12: Sounds like Chas. Dodgson logic on the part of a legislative body: "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less." And in that case, how would that not constitute interference by government in a religious practice? Debit cards. The gift GOPers keep giving to multinationals that fund their campaigns. Anybody that bought a Lone Ranger ticket promoted Paganism, because most of those aboriginal Americans were actuallly, um, Christians, ya know. On a slightly more realistic plane, though I haven't seen the movie yet, I intend to, because I love seeing Johnny Depp do physical comedy, ever since I saw Benny and Joon. And how would anybody decide what constitutes "too pagan"? I mean, is there a %age? Shouldn't there be a Constitutional Amendment banning this sort of affront to organized Christianity? I'd like to know how a town in WV ends up called Oceana. And the framing device in LR sounds much like Little Big Man, a wonderful movie made from an even better novel by Thomas Berger, a very funny writer.
- Having been an actively practicing alky in Williamson, Powhatton Co., WV, USA, with the guile and feral intelligence to hide such from two astute medical professional parents, I have no hard time whatever believing in nine-year-old junkies with meth-head parents. Grotesquerie does not make a story false. Cooze@33. And painfully asinine girls basketball, three frontcourt three backcourt, never the twain shall meet. Three dribbles, tops, then a mandatory pass. When I first saw this, I demanded that a monstro bitch nun explain to me why the girls couldn't play basketball that was fun. My mom and dad hauled in again. To this day, I don't get girls rules hoops. A lot of those girls were pals with me and my brothers, and played at our Pulte driveway court daily. And most of them could break you ankles, or at least break your jaw. They were also great girlfriends, more sexually aggressive than we boys were. Neighborhood hoops. A grand old game. Now, football, we'd kick they ass, very badly. Brandon: It bothers me constantly that the American Catholic Church is portrayed as big money. It is Southren Babdiss with the cash. I have said before, right here, I was a target of youth ministry sexual abuse at a Babdiss day camp in Mephis. Believe me, I would not say that if it weren't true. My experience with what passes for the real Babdiss Church in modern Murrica is that claiming kinship with MLK is pretty much in the whited sepulcher neighborhood of GOPers claiming to be the "Party of Lincoln." That they aren't struck down by lightening bolts actuall shakes my faith inalmighty God. Anybody that feels they lost Johnny Depp's charm, rent Bennie and Joon and Don Juan de Marco this weekend for a double feature. Astounding physical humor Buster-Style and great co-stars like Brando and Mary Stuart Masterson, who is such a good actor and so beautiful, she makes my heart ache. We had an amusing domestic situation today. I had to ride 20 something miles over to the other end of the Island to sign off on demolition of my mom and dad's HHI house. Filling in the swimming pool. So I did the sentimental journey and went to the grocery 20 miles from home. Then rode that load back a long fucking way. I knew at the grocery I was supposed to buy soap for S. For me, soap is Ivory bassic, Sharley likes Dove, which I contend isn't even actually soap. But, she's my girl, so what the hey? So there was no Dove at the Bi-Lo. There were marked down packs of Dove for men. It has pumice or some sort of sand, and I have to admit it smells good. Turns out, we were both in bad need of a shower, so we opted to share resources. That soap may not be worth writing home about, but we will sure enjoy the other two marked-down bars. I heard the originally undoctored tapes and Zimmerman calle the kid a "coon". Asshole left his car with a killing machine and stalked a kid for no reason. How does anybody excuse these actions? This dumb mofo wannabee was out to shoot a black kid, and that is ridiculously obvious.
- So anyway, S. likes the Dove for Men. She likes guys underpants too. This is probably why our weekend guests fo the Fourth bot my attention. Two lezzies that were my Mom's best friends, and in the long run, friends of mine and friends of my dads. My dad doesn't get homosexual relationships, but if my mom did, he knows she's right.
- I am not kidding. Read Angelmaker, by Nick Harkaway. You will not come across anything remotely so entertaining. If You like Indie: If you don't like Indie, what the fuck is wrong with you.
- My friend, Nancy.This might help. Or maybe not. I think the very short chapter on The Dog Days in which life's vicissitudes are defined as soul-crushing shit that happens to people that don't deserve it while scum skates free. It's like the best short story ever hidden in a novel, next to the Moopoly game in Cuckoo's Nest. Maggie and Dorothy: Hallelujah. Maggie, use up all of the air. You can have my portion. I love all of you, believe it or don't. I'd say, lightly steamed Kale would be good in that salade Judybusy. People that hiked the Canyon wear Tee-shirts that say Go hike the Canyon, not I Hiked the Canyon
- Don't know anything about sharharkks but that they rightly rule the oceacn. And that people that dismantle them for their dorsal fins do not deserve to be called people. More rike Peepers. Subhuman. I love swimming more than I love heterosexuual sex, that we enjoy at least once every day. Always an adventure, always new. Sharks, like wolves, don't give a shit about attacking humans. Why do humans insist upon attacking sharks? I have swum with sharks lots of times, and they did not find me delectable, and I only found them in fracking awe of their swimming ability. And that pup is a natural. She knows how much her person loves to love that she loves her doggie bed. Doggies are way smart that way. And she will be Petie so long as I am welcome back here. God bless Nancy and her puppo, A truly great dog. Laid-back my tongue gets tied, every time I try to speak. I find tthat doggie way cool., like her adoptive family.
- I really feel th same way abouyt gators, This is where the live
- Obvious grammar question: Fat, happy or trout? Pleasingly plump, perhaps, or kindly chuffy. Definitely human and I sincerely hope you're happy. That would be the Ananais Club up in heaven: Buffy was born to tell the truth.
- I think I'd prefer thae Anais club in heaven, without the Millers and the gats. Shriners are funny as shit. Old bald pot-belly guys wearing fezzes and driving go-karts? How can ya beat that? I think THC had to have been involved at some point.
- Actually, the funniest thing about Shriners is that Shriners don't realize Shriners are funny. In honor of the Segway: Too tough for a legacy Yalie. Segway's are guaranteed not idiot -proof:
- Brian, you left jorts and mullets out of your FLA hash recipe. That verdict is incomprehensible, but the jury displayed it's likelihood of fucking up when they asked the judge to explain manslaughter to them, which could not possibly be pertinent after GZ got out of his car and stalked the kid. I am also not able to understand how the wannabe cop could have feared for his life when he clearly had 100 lbs. and a loaded weapon on the kid, no matter what photos of Fiddy Cent interweb racists tried to pass off as Trayvon Marrtin. Enjoy your trip, bud. Tim Lincecum surely got an assist from his glove in pitching that no-no. Hitters were laughing too hard at the sheer ugliness of the thing to put a good swing on the ball. Majorly hideous. Or maybe it was Lincecum's sporting the rediculously wispiest soul patch of all time. Please secede. Seems to me the reasonable response to this horseshit is to fire some potshots at the dickheads.
- Zimmerman insisted that he only left his urban assault vehicle was to read street signs. Busllshit George. He was on self-appointed patrol in his own neighborhood. He went after the kid to either scare the crap out of him or to kill him.
- What really makes no sense whatever is claiming that a guy packing an automatic would feel his life was in danger from a teenager he outweighed by more than 100 lbs. That is not speculation, it's a ludicrous claim. Or was it the deadly box o' Skittles and the Arizona Iced Tea? Or the hoodie? Some tough guy, right? The claim about checking the street signs is such total bushwa as to be a patent lie.
- If George Zimmerman weighs less than about 250, the moon's made of cheese.
- When we renovated and replaced all our furniture a couple of years ago, we bought a platform bed, for those two giant drawers under the footboard. It is a pain in the ass to tuck in sheets, but it is the most comfortable bed in which I've ever slept. We make the bed together when company is coming, otherwise, only when we change the sheets. It's a two-person job. The controversy in the Zimmerman case was chiefly about local law enforcing immediately forming a protective wall around Zimmerman in thhe first place, when he would have been arrested immediately for shooting a white kid, even a white kid armed with tea and Skittles and wearing a hoodie, and any sentient American knows this is true. This is where the DOJ should be in the picture, even though I'd rather they weren't. DOJ involvement will escalate Kenyan usurper derangement syndrome, undoubtedly, in the ranks of the morons that insist the President somehow politicized the case, a truly loony proposition. On the other hand, when human tampon Tucker Carlson uses the brouhaha to characterize Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al as "hustlers and pimps", he is either entirely clueless about race, or he's displaying symptoms of Tourette Syndrome. What an asshole, seeking to inflame racist reaction, post-verdict. Flaming dickhead. Jeff Borden@12: Rioters in FLA are more likely to be the Brooks Bros. sort intending to disenfranchise more than half the state's voters.
- Plaxico Burress got two years in prison for shooting himself in the leg. In the case of Z trial, do private citizens get to practice racial profiling, instigate a fight, get embarrassed by getting a whuppin' from a kid, and then shoot to kill? Something is mightily fucked up is cops treat a case that way.
- Finally, an explanation of the rightwing lunacy on student loan interest rates, from Tucker the tampon. Unfortunately it's wildly nuts. Goober-nor Ultrasound is a serious crook, even for a GOPer politician. Remember the cash in the freezer? Kinda pales in comparison. Of course, GOPers had Cong. Jefferson pegged as the perpetrator of the crime of the century. McDonell, he's a prospective GOP presidential candidate, mainly because he's the ultrasound rapist. That may be unfair, but causing placement of a foreign object within a woman's body against her will is... well, it's rape. If Stand Your Ground was not an explicit part of Z's defense, the judge had no business even mentioning it in jury instructions. For those who have expressed feelings about the poor quality of the prosecutors' case, this is the most damning thing yet. Lawyers from both sides review and request changes in jury instructions. Allowing completely irrelevant information about stand your ground is an obvious case of prosecutorial incompetence. And if the judge invoked Stand Your Ground, he should have known better and deserves to suffer some consequences, like relegation to G'ville night court to deal with mulleted, jorts-wearing, butt-drunk young Gators. Another particularly odious aspect of the case has been the idiotic internet ranting about GZ not having any racist intent because, look, he's brown. Seriously? And objectively, GZ's story sounded like an absolute crock of shit to me. And being the only eyewitness because you killed the other is a lot like a double parricide asking the court for mercy because she's an orphan.
- It will be fracking hilarious tomorrow when GOPers scramble to claim the EZ-filibuster is mandated by the Constitution and that 51 is not really a majority in a body of 100. Or maybe that's the clear intent of some long lost Federalist Paper found in an amphora in the Dead Sea. I'd have had no trouble voting GZ guilty, since his testimony leaked like a sieve, logically and objectively and when he was asked whether he wished all of the homicide hadn't happened he displayed a completely apathetic lack of affect, like he thought there was nothing wrong with a teenager being dead because of his automatic-packing wannabeism. That was evidence enough for me, and I'd be justified in voting guilty on that basis. That's a fact in the American legal system, and why it was surprising the psychopath was put on the stand. If FLA continues to let this guy go free with a gun, nobody should be surprised if something like this happens again. His testimony when he was asked about regrets was scary. Non Compos mentis. Speaking of fracking, there is a new study that finds the process can trigger earthquakes thousands of miles distant from the injection site.That's altogether aside from what sort of carcinogenic chemicals are getting into aquifers in the form of fracking liquid the frackers won't even identify. Allowing fracking operations without full disclosure by the frackers of the contents of the liquid is spectacularly irresponsible and bordering on criminal negligence. The state of Georgia is doing something more disgraceful than FLA tonight.
- Happy birthday Linda Rondstadt. This is a great cover with a scorching vocal of one of the best rock songs ever written. It always pissed me off that LR did a lame-o version of Poor, Poor Pitiful Me. Sorry lady, that's a guy's song. But she does Mick and Keef and them up proud. Anybody know who's playing lead? I'm guessing Waddy Wachtel. It's got his brand of swagger. This is on the Simple Dreams album, and Lord she looks gorgeous on the album cover: I'm with Dexter on premeditation, although I don't see how that could have been proved. Furthermore, his "fucking assholes always get away with it: is telling, in my opinion. It's also odd. During the first couple of days after the homicide, I heard a recording in which he said Trayvon was a "fucking coon" My memory is not impaired, and I know what was on that dispatcher tape the first few times I heard it. So was what was played at trial doctored? God only knows, and as with the murder of the other witness, Zimbo knows. He made it clear he doesn't give a shit when his lawyers put his dead eyes in his porcine face on the stand. That and the sudden appearance of the kid's cellphone in the hands of GZ's lawyers, along with the cops' failure to arrest the asshole right off, makes me wonder what really went on, and is ample reason for the DOJ to investigate the FLA cops. I hope it doesn't happen, because the wingnut racist backlash will be nauseatingly fierce. Entitlements? What Humpty Dumpty said about what words mean. I hit max on payroll taces when I was 38. I'm 62 now and still paying in. Anybody that wants to tell me to my face Social Security payments and Medicare are entitlements is in for a kick in the nads from me. Congressional insurance plans and pensions for assholes that refuse to do the people's business because, Obama, those are entitlements that should be cut off at the knees.
- A cop's take on Zimmerman. This sounds as if local law enforcement should have been aware of the danger posed to other citizens by GZ. Especially the dispatcher who told him not to stalk or confront the kid. It sounds as if it's just unadulterated luck that the fool hadn't killed somebody sooner.
- I always feel safe no matter where I am or what time it is, because I know that agressors are in deathly fear of my hoodie, my iced tea, and my Skittles. Don't leave home without them
- Too bad Lester Chambers didn't have a gun. Hope that foolish shrew enjoys Vacaville or Lompoc or wherever. What sort of person attacks a 73 year old music legend? Somebody that should be sequestered from society, that's who. I saw Lester and his brothers at Cobo in Detroit with Sly and the Family Stone in 1968. Brilliant show. Lester Chambers is one of the greatest rock ;n' roll singers that ever lived. People get ready is certainly a divisive message that would drive any white supremacist nutcase to dangerous antisocial behavior. Too bad the sax player didn't bean the harpy with her instrument. Not only do I frequently wear hood sweatshirts, but I also find that a do-rag is good at keeping my scalp from getting sunburned and sweat out of my eyes, when I'm riding my bike. Luckily I like Skittles and AZ iced tea, to scare away predators that might decide I'm an " asshole that always gets away with it" despite my white skin and blonde hair. Claiming that GZ didn't engage in profiling and stalking makes less sense than the bullshit story the slimy bastard sociopath told on the stand. And anybody that thinks calling the creep a sociopath is out of order, take a look at him answering questions in court about whether or not he was sorry he had been packing, had left his urban assault vehicle, had shot the kid, or that the kid died. Zero affect. That is somebody that needs psychotropic meds and belongs in a high security psychiatric facility. Dangerous nutjob, who is likely to hurt somebody again, because Lord knows, he won't lose his CC license again. The cops had already taken it away once and given it back.
- I attended a BSA Jamboree at Valley Forge back in the 60's. That is pretty taxing terrain, but fat kids were few and far between back then. It seems fairly obvious is worried about wrongful death lawsuits that would undoubtedly arise from We took a train from Detroit to NYC and then another to Philadelphia, where I almost managed to get sent home for organizing an air raid that involve dropping water balloons from an 8th story hotel room window. I think the real problem was that we ran out of balloons, and switched to heavier artillery: whole rolls of TP soaked through in the bathtub. We were just standing our ground. I mean, this was back when Wilson Goode's urban AF was just a gleam in the mayor's eye. Regarding the Zimbo acquittal: Somebody correct me if this is erroneous, but it's my understanding that a defendant that takes the stand creates evidence with his testimony. On the basis of Zimbo's transparently bogus testimony and his sociopathic denial of any regret or remorse about having killed another human being, I would have voted to lock the nutjob up forever. That nutcase is a danger to society as soon as he gets his gun back, and when he hurts somebody else, the judge, the jury and all the lawyers involved should be brought to account. Actually they should rescind his CClicense, hand him his gun, and arrest his ass immediately for possession of an unlicensed weapon. How's that lockup thang goin' fer ya George. Yep, it's them liberals that politicized and 'played the race card' in the Zimmerman/Martin case. Breitbart is brought back from his new post-mortem residence in hell. Anybody ever noticed that when the wingnuts invoke the New Black Panthers, it's always accompanied with photos of those two guys in fatigues that Breitbart claimed were suppressing votes for the GOP in an all-black Philadelphia voting district? Yeah, right doof, really likely. Anybody ever see any of those alleged documents offering "bounties" on Zimbo the Magic Wannabe. If that shit had been authentic, some biker gang would have killed him in prison for the cash. And is there a more asinine and odious term in the American politcal lexicon than "playing the race card"? Or more of a dead giveaway of the speaker felling guilty about inherent racism? I love that Wallace Stegner book, as with everything the guy wrote. The smart Canadian band, The Tragically Hip have a very cool song that shares the title with Stegner's book. The song even uses the terribly-abused word "enormity" correctly. And before the shitstorm about DOJ getting involved starts spewing from the maws of the assholes that have spent two days applauding Zimbo for removing a "thug" from the streets, George's clear profiling and stalking is a de facto violation of his victim's civil rights. There is a large group of Americans that equate the word "thug" with young black male. I suppose that isn't racist. Which brings up all the famous slurs on the victim's character. Are these people so stupid that they believe that claiming Trayvon had THC in his bloodstream made it mor likely that he was agressive. Maybe more frightened of the creepy guy stalking him, but agressive. Being high never caused anybody to pick a fight, in the whole history of marijuana. Ridiculous assertion The nationwide character assassination of the victim in this case is utterly appalling. I went to a WFL playoff game in Tempe years ago, and ended up in a restaurant in Tempe that was literally a hole in the wall. The Salsa that came complimentarily to our table was so hot ice cold cervezas made the burning worse rather than better. Water didn't help, just spread the capsaicin around to do more damage. The waiter brought us a small pitcher of creamy cafe con leche, unasked, and that alleviated the pain and fortified us for another assault on the salsa bowl. Most flavorful I've ever had by a mile. Much better food that night than football. If I could live anywhere, cost no consideration, it would be Geneva,CH. Second would be Manhattan, not Kansas. San Diego elects Congressional representatives like the scumbag Duncan Hunter, and his chickenshithawk dad of the same name. Worse than Joe Wilson. NFW on Sand Diego, and our beach is nicer. Have a great trip, Brian.
- Michael G: Zimbo said he had no regrets about leaving his car and no regret that a kid was shot dead with his gun. he also claimed he only left his truck to read street signs to tell the cops where the kid was. He's the watch patroller. Surely he knows the streets one from another, and he did not phone that info to the dispatcher. I'm buying the first part about no regrets, but that street sign stuff is a transparent lie That sort of lie under oath wouldn't come from an innocent guy. I just don't buy it. Photos of all those thuggish black people rioting over the Zimbo verdict. McDonald's does consider it's workers indentured servants. It's easy to get by if you live in your refrigerator. Lots of space because there is no room in your budgetary allowances for food.
- Mark P.@33 They should be able to sue the municipality law enforcement that allowed Zimbo to be carrying after he had been arrested fo assault and had his license pulle. Additionally, the cops were derelict in not going to rein his ass in after his bizarro phone conversation with the dispatcher. They were well aware of his previous bad behavior and of his wannabe Poe-lice lunacy from previous contact, They should also be allowed to sue Moertimer and Randolph Koch for funding the promulgation of the ridiculous legislation that made FLA ripe for this sort of vigilantism, including buying off the FLA lege to pass the ALEC bullshit. It would be nice to see the Kriminal Konspiracy held responsible for its reprehensible actions for a chang. I don't believe a state can pass a law that immunizes civil tortfeasors against law litigation. That's unConstitutional.Ultimately the Kochs are responsible for subverting the legal system. One way or another, Zimbo's own words on tape are proof he violated Trayvon's civil rights by stalking and profiling him, for which he could be sent to Guantanamo if anybody does the right thing. Then again, Stand Your Ground and the idiot judge notwithstanding, Z and his lawyers never asserted nor affirmed facts in evidence to invoke the SYG tavelty, so they can not use it to avoid civil action now, unless another consrvo-activist judge sticks a nose in erroneously again. SYG is an affirmative defense, as self defense has always been. The affirmation part is a legal requirement. Surely the dickhead judge knew that when he fucked up the jury instruction completely and did it on purpose. Fed DOJ should be all over that, except for the inevitable ignorant lava spew from ignorant gun nut racist bloviators that would erupt. MarkH@32: How can anybody know for sure. Broder was moldering moribund for a really long time.
- Again, SYG require and affirmative statement of the law by the defense to be considered at trial. Even an elected FLA judge is not likely to be ignorant enough not to know that. So why did the judge go out of his way to inject it into the jury instructions? I'd like DOJ to ask. Still, if the defense did not affirm facts in evidence explicitly, and claim innocence under the SYG statute, any immunity to civil actions should not apply, unless one more redneck judge gets in on the action, but that one will be subject to judicial review.
- Pardon my subterfuge, but I had listened to all the sanctimonious bullshit about the jury being compelled by bad FLA law, I couldn't stand it any more. Every statement I ascribed to the murderer, he said to Dickhead Hannity, or his lawyers said in court. For FLA law regarding an affirmative defense such as SYG or self defense to have been involved, Z's lawyers would have had to affirm facts, and Z would have had to testify under oath as to his state of mind. Nobody on his defense team wanted to subject their nitwit client too cross examination, which is why the defense announce they had no intention of citing SYG in an affirmative defense. This aspect of an affirmative defense is the one safeguard in the law against a murderer getting off simply because his victim is the only other witness and he's dead. I was just fed up with all this bullshit about "objectivity. I guess it was a dirty trick. Can't believe how long it took to get called on it. The judge committed a grievous error whether deliberately or through incompetence by creatin an affirmative defense afte both sides had closed, by introducing such an affirmative defense for the defendant in the jury instructions to what seems to have been a particularly dense jury. It's also outrageous that Zimbo was free to do a Hannity interview, after which everybody assumed that Zimbo had given a true account of the events of the night Trayvon Martin died. Most recently this whacko is claiming he wants to go to law school. That's a lot of cash to spend when you are clearly incapable of passing the professional licensing exam. I suppose the law school at Liberty would give him a full boat. Broder was the anti-matter to Jack Anderson's matter for a long time. He had the intellectual integrity of Woodward, David Weenie Brooks and, oh, Jerry Rivers to whome he could have given a run for his money in an ass-kissing contest
- The Cadfael books were made into a TeeVee series that played on Masterpiece Mystery. The role of the Sherlockian monk was played brilliantly by Sir Derek Jacobi, one of the greatest actors of the 20th Century, whose Richard II is definitive, and who made the TeeVee version of Robert Graves' I, Claudius one of the best television productions of anything, any time, ever. I'm sure many episodes of Cadfael are sstreaming free on the net. Ingenius creation. Really felicitous publishing news: A new book from Ivan Doig. Fine writer and a male novelist, and Wild Wetserner at that, that writes memorable female characters. Fans of McMurtry, Someday, there will be an inexpensive device that projects a holographic made bed over a rumpled one. Anybody that likes science fiction material would probably enjoy Continuum. We love it. It's vg on time travel protocols, has Stainless Steel Rat style action and tech, and is as morally ambiguous as sf fiction can get. Like the Katee Sackhoff BG. As for iced coffee, that is a summer staple. Our guest couple from Independence Day weekend, well-bred Southren ladies, sent a thank you gift. It's an iced tea maker and boyo, what a treat. It's basically a pour-over coffee brewer, but the carafe is a pitcher big enough to hold ice immediately and the coffee gets cold pronto.They sent along some very strong Starbucks coffee, a Kiwi variety called Kati Kati I had never heard of but would now swear makes the best iced coffee I've ever had, PDQ and seriously strong and smooth with no noticeable acidity. Got a new album in the mail today, Buffy Ste. Marie's Greatest Hits. I love songs when she goes nuts with an electric guitar. Her vibratoized voice is obviously an acquired taste, that I recall acquiring the first time I heard her. She wrote a song that is a perfect theme for the brutal racial divide My Country Tis of thy People You're Dying. A country built upon genocide and slavery producesrabid supporters of George Zimmerman's campaign to rid the streets of assholes, thugs and "fucking coons". And this sort of insane spew: Should anybody nuts enough to believe that shit have a gun licens of any kind? Hell, no
- Very interesting climate change comment from that wild-eyed radical, Juan Cole. It used to be that knee-jerk was an epithet attached to liberal as firmly as rodoktopolous adheres to the Homeric dawn. Not any more. The right has fetishized knee-jerk opinions and responses to the point that they recognize each other by shibboleth. On no issue is this truer than that of climate change, although "liberals are the racists" and "Obama isn't American" are right up there. Half the politically aware population of the USA has traded thinking in on sloganeering and goupthink. Sad but true. How did this sad thing happened to the self-proclaimed deep thinkers of movement conservatism and the children of Norman Podhoretz? First, I blame that rotund floatin white fish Frank Luntz. I mean, these days, you can't swing an "activist judge" dead cat without smacking a phony originalst knee-jerk conservative right in his venom-spewing pinhole.
- Jeff Borden@30: Sounds like the moral of an Uncle Remus tale. Or this
- Despite GOPer hydrophobic obstructionism, ACA Obamacare is providing economic benefits all over the place. The NYer whose health care premium on an individual plan is going to have enough money to take a vacation and enough left over to buy all new, energy efficient appliances Thats a lot of jobs produced in several different industries.
- Comparing Jenny McCarthy to Nancy Grace is grossly unfair. Jenny seems like a minimally brain-damaged nice person that cares about others. Miz Evil Tri-Delt is as authentic a Gorgon misanthrope as has ever been spawned. Jenny would like to teach the world to sing. Medusa Grace would like to wipe out mankind, like Theo Bikel on Twilight Zone getting rid of the little people. Jenny clings to pseudo-science because she is distraught and clueless about a child's autism. Nancy would eat somebody's kid raw on TeeVee and then blame the mom, for ratings, and butter would not melt in her mouth. Jenny McCarthy didn't invent a history to back up her contract. And no matter what anybody here says, drug companies put vaccines in multi-packs with mercury based preservatives to enhance profits, and not for any other reason. Knowingly exposing kids to mercury is a criminal act, particularly, doing so for profit. Just sayin', and while I'm in no way a vaxxer, having parents that were an MD polymath and an NP maniac UGA Bulldawg sports fan, Up the innoculations, and fuck the drug companies. My personal take is that nobody should make a profit on health care, nor on food production. Kinda WWJD filtered through Jesuit education and scars from the late 60s anti-war and civil rights movements. Anyway, there is more common human decency in Jenny McCarthy's little fingernail than could be found in Nancy Grace, the ultimate misanthropist if she was pulverized into Soylent Green. I can't say why I believe this, but it seems pretty obvious. And isn't a monster like Nancy as part of the food chain the true nightmare of that story: Does anybody have an actual specific reason for finding the RS cover objectionable. I've been reading RS since it began. Got copies at the Grande. I found the first Richard Dreyfuss cover more objectionable than the Dzokhar cover. How 'bout them darkened OJ covers on national "news" magazines? Adrienne@77: Yep. Guy looks like Cat Stevens about to sing Moonshadow. The reaction you describe is what makes the photo some fine photojournalism. Cooze@75: That Dr. Hook reference made my day. Funniest play on words I've heard in a long time. Actually, Wierd Al-worthy. Greene@76: the reaction is a throwback to the Medieval Shrubco years.
- I'm considering all of these responses. Nobody seems to have remembered the purist reponse: " As yo wish". Dread Pirate Roberts, Willie DeVille? Don't like that, no friend of mind.
- Nonsense Nancy. It is a far better if we can avoid.
- Lewis Black os loonier than I am. I trust Jeff with all of my money, And there is a lot. I;d invesr in Detroit'smfuture if somebody I've never met chose to Yeah right.
- Nancy's kid is a babe. So is mine, but significantly older. Joe, it is always good news to hear of a tires down arrival. With regard to bankruptcy in the motor city, Where do the so-called defenders of self=rule as God's greatest creation get off on this shit? Or is this one of them "them blappeople" momentss?
- Simple gun control question: Should George Zimmerman be packing? Shoud Law enforcemant be giving this sorry, brain dead shitheel murderer back his gun?
- PAcking a big gun, this mofo was in fear for his life because a skinny teenager was wearing a hoodie? Sorry ass country run by sorry ass racists, and it's the President's fault, because Obama. Would the real Martians please stand up. No matter how youlook at it, this was homicide by a nutcase with a gun and no business with it.
- Cal Thomas is an utter bonehead. So is Daana Perino. Pensions are compensation. What's not paid in pensions must be made up in salary. Cutting pensions seems like a basic unilateral rewriting of a contract to me, and I don't see how this can possibly be legal. I sincerely doubt there was duress involved in negotiating Detroit's pension funds. Vendors should obviously take the hit before those vested in pension funds. I guess contracts are contracts except when they aren't.
- George Tieerney, Jr. of Greenville SC, professional douchebag. Barb Wire is Pamela Anderson's greatest role of her illustrious career.
- GOPer death panels. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Sherlock is on its way back. Hoorah.
- Equal protection under the law is just so 1960s. Jeff@27: Not likely. Like Zimmerman , they'd prefer anything but a fair fight.
- Who knew Harlan Ellison is still alive? And he has a new book. Thiis is wonderful news to me. I think of diffuse much more as an adjective than as a verb. My heros today are the three women that went into a mos
- que and removed theeir burqas, without benefit of undergarments. protesting Sharia. Wonder what Michele Bachman thought of that?
- How hot was it? • Ooh – Friday saw a new record high in Boston of 99 degrees. Nearby, the Plymouth nuclear plant was forced to cut its power output by 15 percent because the waters off Cape Cod Bay were too warm to cool the reactor, the AP reports. When the North Atlantic is too warm to cool a nuke,20 miles south of Boston, that is seriously hot. But climate change is a hoax perpetrated by crooked scientists grubbing after grant money. Interesting and optimistic piece on Detroit bankruptcy.
- Harlan Ellison is definitely a jerk, but he's also a very entertaining writer. It's not wholly surprisisg that the guy that wrote A Boy and his Dog would be a sexist pig, buty that is one funny movie.
- Another absolutely nutso FLA law. Whaqt could possibly possess a legislative body to pass this shit. Inmates in charge of that asylum in FLA.
- It's a boy.
- Food assistance programs are the justification for ridiculous entitlements like farm subsidies, paid to multi-nationals like Con-Agra. And some members of the House. It's a tradeoff situatioon. Now thanks to the Teabangers in the House, we've got the subsidies but no more SNAP programs. Hope nobody has an elderly parent that is losing Meals on Wheels. AAnd ;these dickheads talk about Christian values. Jesus said ""Suffer the little hildren to come unto me", not "starve the little bastards". This is evil bullshit, bordering on criminal.
- MLB suspended Ryan Braun for the rest of this season. Dishonest little turd got off on a technicaltiy and then lied his butt off abouty using PEDs. It was a travesty he got the MVP two years ago 2h3n h3 ws juicinga, and Matt Kemp had a better season anyway.That is going to cost himm some serious cash. And this isn't really such a big deal, but I find it incredibly annoying when people use acronyms and pronounce the last word. It's pretty ignorant to talk about MLB baseball and ATM machines in my opinion. Bugs the hell out of me. Retired Justice John Paul Stevens doesn't think mush of the Court's VRA decision, particularly dread Justice Roberts' opinion.
- Charlotte@4: It's admirable how often Forbes bucks the Canon of GOPer Shibboleths and Accepted Wisdom. And yes, the comments on these stories fill with Forbes is librul MSM, what do you expect. I expect those commenters are the same idiots that complain about the obvious liberal bias in the ChiTrib, the Seattle Times and the fracking LAT, for God's sake. This sort of idealogical myopia beggars belief. GOPers have been lying about the majority of Americans favoring repeal of Obamacare from the getgo. Mainly, they seized on the opposition from mindless, all-or-nothing liberals that were so pissed off when the government option went away (it was born extremely late in the legislative process anyway, but nobody was acknowledging that inconvenient fact), with the "because, Obama" nutjobs: A transparently bogus conflation. Read 'em and weep, dumbasses: Entertainment news to brighten Nancy's day. Nielsen Ratings service says the average age of Fox viewers exceeds 85. They stop identifying exact age at that level. Not a comment on age and political beliefs (Hell, I just made 62), I'm just sayin', hey Roger Ailes, You disgusting Tub O' Guts, heading for the great beyond. That is one nasty looking shroom. Back in the day, after a heavy rain in Athens, armies of amature mycologists would invade the endless acres of cow pastures at UGA in search of shrooms. I've hadd some good ones, with neither butter nor garlic involved.
- Mention of that reporter reminds me of the guy with the coolest name in tha annals of jazz: Gato Barbieri, the Argentine saxman responsible for the amazing Last Tango theme (easily the best thing about the movie: Well, aside from Maria Schneider. But it's an amazing piece of music. I always thought The Simpsons should do a Lisa-Centric episode in which she wants to play Last Tango in a school concert. Perfectly in character, and Ned Flanders could have an enlightening moment of tolerance. When I awoke this morning, I knew I wanted to employ the term beggars belief today. Actually, I awoke from a very strange dream about bow-hunting for deer, something i've never done nor wanted to do. If I hunted, I'd use a bow, not a rifle, but still odd thing for me to dream about. How can that dream have anything to do with processing data from yesterday, or however the use of dreams is defined these days? Of course, I also have a recurring dream about Beefeaters marching around our old backyard in Birmingham, and I rigorously eschew gin and royals, since the former gives me hives and the latter is a useless anachronism. I believe supportive housing is a brilliant bit of public policy thinking. Unfortunately, the Teabanger budgeteers are busy at the moment shutting down programs that feed the disadvantaged, the young, the old, and the infirm, to leave money to give to Con-Agra, Archer, Daniels Midland, Monsanto, DuPont etc. Anybody know the origin of "fungus among us"? I guess military (Ernie Pyle?), the fertile mind of Walt Kelley, maybe Groucho. I know it was the name of an album by Incubus, but those guys weren't clever enough to have originated it. Attack of the mushroom people. Mushrooms and people share a common ancestor.
- It read, in part, “Wind-whipped superblaze destroys barn.” The fire is described as a “rural holocaust” in the story, and the firefighters were likened to “pygmies battling King Kong” as they attempted to snuff the blaze. It’s priceless! So, Sharknado was really this Barbieri guy's idea. We're heading out on a friend's antique (1930s, with newer Rolls engines) ChrisCraft cabin cruiser up the Intracoastal to Charleston later this PM, so we're having early dinner: homemade ravioli with shrimp, chorizo and three cheeses in the pasta, And puttanesca sauce made from farmer's market heirlooms flavored with Burger's Smokehose pepper bacon steaks. Salad is mixed greens from the farmer's market with homemade Vidalia dressing and cucumbers. Moderately expensive Barolo (Barolo stands up to the spicy sauce). We're going to see this theatrical adaptation of C.S, Lewis: and go see music at Awendaw: That SD mayor is one very strange man, as Alan Dershowitz supposedly said to Claus von Bulow.
- I really wish Wills and the missus would name the kid Nigel: Or go old school (iconic, OK?), with Arthur (nickname Wart): Well, time to make like Masefield and indulge some fever. It's a little tricky between here and Charleston. Several times a year some fool makes a wrong turn and ends up in open ocean. Our craft is large enough to handle that without a problem, but it would be embarrassing to have to be fetched in by the CG. I always liked this boating poem by Rimbaud: As I was floating down unconcerned Rivers I no longer felt myself steered by the haulers: Gaudy Redskins had taken them for targets Nailing them naked to coloured stakes. I cared nothing for all my crews, Carrying Flemish wheat or English cottons. When, along with my haulers those uproars were done with The Rivers let me sail downstream where I pleased. In high school, Rimbaud was an easy way to impress girls, like, but not like, explaining existentialism. If you hear about an East Coast Coast Guard search, it might be me and my friends in The Drunken Boat, or the Ship of Fools. Our route has some great place names, like the Coosaw, Ashepoo,and Stono Rivers, Elliot's Cut. We made this trip once before, several years ago, and the cap'n is very experienced. It still makes S. nervous, but that is her disorder talking, and once we're underway, she's fine. I'm looking forward to sleeping on the water with the ceeiling fans (Yep, ceiling fans in the cabin) ventilating. Heavenly comfort. The best neighborhood watch is armed only with phones withh911 on speed dial. Best thing is, you don't end up shooting each other or your fool self.
- Funny thing about the Caroline Kennedy stuff? GOPers and teabangers going wild about how "she's not qualified". A GOPer make-believe president sent Shirley Temple to the UN, you dimwits. What do these yahoos think are qualifications for ambassadorships? They want to know if she speaks Japanese? These critics are people that didn't understand why it was funny when Shrub, on the eve of a trip through Latin America, wished he had more time to brush up on his Latin, and thought people in New Mexico speak Mescan. Given the strangeness of Japanese culture, I'd bet Ms. Kennedy will be wildly popular in Japan. She is cultured, well-educated and intelligence, and in my opinion, attractive. When people start whining about qualifications for ambassadors, MEGO. In GOPer circles, it is truly all about the money. And these same experts so aghast at a Kennedy ambassadorship to Japan that question her language skills didn't like Mike Mansfield any better, and he was fluent. As far as finding it ridiculous that Frank Bruni has a NYT column, I say David Brooks and Ross Douthat. Holy crap, those two are monumentally both stupid and full of shinola. I saw Nancy's rabbit mask in a TeeVee show (Crossing Lines, decent, with William Fichtner and Donald Sutherland) last night, worn by a bank robber. Two days away from net and television was cleansing, but it won't take. Started in on Orange is the New Black when we returned. Pretty good, but Jason Biggs? A nearly fatal casting error for any production. That guy is insufferable. Presumably he was cast for his previously displayed masturbation-face expertise. I love Tiger Stadium, and not just for baseball memories. Great football there when I was just a kid. Something very cool and beautiful for you aviation fanatics. And something even cooler.
- NRA and its allies are running recall campaigns against two Colorado State Senators, Democrats John Morse and Angela Giron, who helped pass expanded background checks and a high capacity magazine ban earlier this year. That's a reason to recall elected officials? No doubt this effort is funded by the Mortimer and Randolph Koch Kriminal Konspiracy. These are state legislators, and there is no way outside money should be allowed legally to mount recalls. Crock o' Crap Supremo. I don't think many JFK groupies are living anywhere any more. When I was grammar school aged, we always sat in primo Lions seats courtesy of drug company jobbers (the entire UAW health plan was based in the hospital wher my dad was Chief of Peds). When I started navigating the city sans parents while in HS, it was all Tigers, all dead center field, with the Ol' Timers from the neighborhood. Great stories, and a never emptied pint o' Four Roses.. Saw Earl Wilson throw a one-hitter in which he hit two majestic homers, one on the left field roof. That was one big dude. Short of barfing in the lap of the diplomat next to you at a state dinner, what damage or what good does anybody really think an ambassador can do? I think that faux pas took place in ...tada, Japan: Or how about Shrub's MerkelMassage:,28804,1880208_1880218_1880223,00.html
- When people stamped their feet in LF at Tiger Stadium, it truly felt and sounded as if the whole place might come crashing down. brian studer@18: Of course Mortimer and Randolph don't operate a fleet of obsolete single hull rust bucket oil tankers, either, grandfathered in by Shrubco and completely unsafe.
- Vocal and bass dynamo or nails on a blackboard, today is Geddy Lee's birthday: Like 'em or loathe them, anybody honest would have to admit it's a great guitar player, a brilliant whacko drummer and a superb bass player, with squalling vocals, great rock melodies and twattish Ayn Rand based lyrics, which all equal, a guilty pleasure. JJ Cale just died last week, and all the Clapton accolytes were in full mourning mode. For me, I'd rather listen to Rush excess forever than to ever have to sit through After Midnight again.
- Brandon @1> If the Teabangers bust it, let the teabangers fix it. They do not intend to. They are morons that specialize in fucking things up with no idea how to fix them,
- If spmebody threatens the Diego Rivera mmurals, I'm willing to go ballistic. There is no finer work of art, in my opinion. Not even Guernica. Jeff and Alex: How does a reasonable person argue for putting any human being to death? You just can't do it, You just can't rationalize it. It's the most dehumanizing thing a human can do, and your next act must be ending your own life.
- No homer whining tonight. Lord whart a sorrowful life that poor boy leads. No-hitter one night, embarrassed by Kershaw the next. Clayton puts it on the line, you whiny dickhead.
- Of course you own a recliner. And that is one handsome doggie. Well, sir, it's this rug I had. It really tied the room together.
- When you have the cash Mortimer and Randolph have, all your ideas are good, or people will keep telling you so, even doing active business with the Irani government. Nobody else but Dickless Cheney gets away with that shit. But, of course, if Eric Holder called them on it, it would be a scandal. Zimbo is a shooting waiting to happen. And anybody that believes that nonsense about pulling a family from a burning car? Buy my bridge.
- That was a CSI plot. But it was a narco-corrida.
- Could somebody point out to that ahole that far more "out" groups were investigated than "teabang" . Just a fact. And not one of those teabang groups was remotely entitled to that tax status.
- That dog rocks. They are at least supposed to affirm Presidential appointees. But nu-uh, Obama. Wrong color baybee. One can only imagine the teeth-gnashing on the GOPer side when they were cast out by a brown guy. What in the name of Brooks Bros.? The opera deal=breaker for me is the fucking weakness of librettos. Fat chick, predictively consumptive disease, story over. Now Don Juan, that's a different story. Warren Zwvon could see through Mitch like a glass bottom boat. Bad stories. This is where Broadway comes in. Sweeney Todd, Drac (we saw it, with Raul Julia, awesome), the Phantom, except for that one song. Stories. Shit, you can do it in three minutes: I realize I've linked this song before, but it is astounding. And if I wasn't devoted to my looney pard, I'd be stalking Ericka Wennerstrom. What a great voice.
- When I hear Pagliacci, I can't help thinking "No more Rice Crispies." One of the greatest ads ever. The Magic Flute is a good introduction to opera for people that aren't thrilled with opera in general, even though the emperor thought it has too many notes.
- House of Cardds is the only thing I have ever thought Kevin Spacey is any good in. Surely a grossly overrated actor. Orange is terrific. Superb ensemble acting, led by Natash Lyonne, playing a junkie prison philosoper (sort of the Morgan Freeman Shawshank role). She knows the junkie part pat from her previous ex-child-star past immersed in drugs. Her performance in this is a revelation. Even Laura Prepon is good in this. The weak link is Jason Biggs who whines constantly and acts as if his fiance's prison term is harder on him than it is on her. What a tool. Man, sombody at MLB sure warned the Tigers about Peralta being toast. They signed Jose Iglesias off the RedSox. Out of the blue, this career .250 hitter is hitting .330 this year, but if he returns to form, he more than makes up for Perata's lost offense with his superb fielding. Miles better SS than Peralta, and will help Cabrera's performance at 3BAnd ARod should just go away. It's interestin and a little downheartening to see Nelson Cruz and Peralta bail on their teams for postseasons in the interest of jacking their free agent hauls for next season. I'd say MLB should do something to prevent that as part of their punishments. Graceland is pretty good. I turned it on originally because of Daniel Sunjata, who was excellent as Franco in Rescue Me. The season finale of The Killing was very strange, and sad. I am really enjoying (?!) The Bridge.
- Battle of the sexists. LinkedIn, guilty as charged. The advertisers, maybe. A riddle wrapped inside a conundrum. When Norman fracking Ornstein calls Congressional GOPers out for acting like dickheads and displaying nearly-treasonous behavior, the enormity of the GOPer malfeasance is on display. If Granny Starver pulls this heinous stunt, he's given up hiding behind Constitutional oddities and attacked our form of government, our actual sitting government, and the American people. You've tried everything in the legal book and failed, you are out of tries you little jerk.
- Well Brian, You know there is tech and there is "content". I despise this word as it applies to the net. It's as mealy-mouthed as architects that never give a direct answer about how to do something or what material to use and why. They always "suspect". Content is non-existent without actual reporters gathering informatiion. Even if they are lightweight dumbasses working for entertainment coverage.
- WaPo will now be all about "content", whatever the fuck that means. Probably NY Steve King's press releases, Stories about babies stolen by dingoes, probly. Didn't know WaPo was for sale, but sure as hell glad the Koch Kriminal Konspiracy didn't buy it. Wonder where Dana Milbank will find a job, and how they can squeeze in a couple of more bunch-backed spider columns from Krautheimer every week. And whither Cilizzza and J. Capehart. I may have to start reading comics elsewhere. One thing is for certain, from now on, all those fools ranting about WaPo being the liberal MSM are going to be left with their Longdongs in their hands. Thiessen is sorry as a columnist not named Cal Thomas can be, but less intellectully able than J. Rubin? That may not be possible within the realm of the human genome. Rubin is a moron that spouts crap repeatedly that Peggy Nooonan said the day before yesterday. And she believes every word of it, for Christ's sake. Brian@13: With regards to Mitch Albom having the gall to comment on Mr. Leonard: Aside from all that, those Halloween pictures made my day. We paid for nanny's in our family, which was expensive but had it's benefits too. And did y'all see that beside killing funding for WIC and other food assistance programs, Iowa Steve King introduced an amendment to the farm bill negating state laws preventing animal cruelty at Big Farm factories. That guy is a whole nother kind of asshole. His farm subsidies are safe though: Keeping prioities straight.
- As for WaPo columnists,I prefer the bone stupidity of Rubin and Thiessen to the unadulterated sophism and condescension of Will and Krauthammer. The four are equally laughable, but the latter two seem smart enough to know what they foist on WaPo readers is an utter Crock O'Crap. And people take those guys seriously, no matter the vile partisan stench of their spews. Superb and somewhat depressing story about autism.
- The last thing the House did before Oompa Loompa left on vacation was to vote for the rfortierth franking time to repeal ACA Obamacare. Goldbrickers. The leniency with which Jeopardy allows for surnames without given names bugs the crap out of me. And it's entirely transparent when people do it because they are clearly not sure of the correct name. My daughter Emily has a close friend from her overpriced kindergarten days that she has remained in touch with. It's a wonderful friendship I get to see on Facebook now. One more reason I don't just cancel that garbage. I think Rachel was a scholarship kid, because her single mom was a nurse's aide at Boston City Hospital and they lived in JP, Boston's version of just north of the South Bronx. The two of them were inseparable for a few years, particularly on my custody days and weekends. LA Mary: did you aske them if they meant "stalagmite"? I'd have been pretty pissed off, considering what some contestants get away with
- Legal rape by cops in Tejas. I say don't wait for them to secede, kick their asses out.
- corporate suckup toady lickspittle Don't mince words, man. Say what you really mean. Back in my days sof waiting tables, I was repeatedly faced with the redneck question re the wine list. What's this Pussy foosay. Hard not to laugh, but I figured out eventually to just say, Oh, that's a white and it won't go with your prime rib well at all. Then there was the time we were raided by the Oconee Co. Sheriff's Dept. for selling liquor without a license. His best bubba from way back had a restaurant just down the street. They tried to seem professional and catalog the bottles confiscated, as if they weren't going right out later to dump everything in a trash can and get loaded and shoot guns. One yokel picked up a bottle of Triple Sec and said "Looky here. Triple Sex. What is wrong with these folks?" My other favorite was the couple at the salad bar. She to he: I woan eat onions if you doan eat onions. I thought about offering Binaca, but thought better of that idea. The money was good, especially on football weekends, but the entertainment had value too.
- What is that Dada sculpture looking thing in the right forground of Nancy's panoramic shot? Dexter, I read that TP and the Heartbreakers have been doing rousing versions of Tweeter and the Monkey Man in their latest round of shows.
- NYRB is staging a summer sale, featuring some classics like Dead Souls and a lot of vg mid-20th Century fiction Big discounts. I have to shut it down cold turkey, since our condo is running out of room for books and music. I'm at the point where I bought a book simply because I was captivated by the title: The Physics of Imaginary Objects. Mighty good, but that's when I know it's time to stop. Some Renata Adler, too. And Nancy Mitford, The Sun King. Dead Souls, which I loved in college. Lab-produced beef in the pipeline? I can see it delivered that way. And when it plugs up, Harry Tuttle?Robert DeNiro shows up to fix it. My only reaction to that stuff is "It's people". And Yeeeeeccchhhh. It reminds me of the pink slime fiasco. Extremely gross.Let's have a Big Mac ammonia burger for lunch. Yasiel Puig is exceptionally fun to watch. Bryce Harper should take a look at video of all those pitchers throwin at Puig his first couple of weeks. Trot down to first, steal second, come around to score on an infield single. Or maybe weedle Brycie should just hit himself in the head with his bat again. What a childish character. If Puig has a fault as a player, it's believing he can do anything at all, even the impossible.
- Long Dylan story songs are always a sure bet. This one's near the top of the list: The only time I saw Dylan was with the Heartbreakers. Tweeter is full of Springsteen song titles and heavy on Jersey settings. A friend just sent this great Savoy Brown song to tell me it's Lonesome Dave Peverett's birthday. Amazing guitar solo, and remarkable vocal. Listen for the slide train whistle toward the end. Savoy Brown played the Grande many times. Hellacious live band that sadly devolved into Foghat. Not as sad as what became of Fleetwood Mac, but pretty sad, I think. I'm guessing Dexter and some others of y'all liked Savoy Brown decades ago
- Can't wait for DOJ to get into this mess. GOPers will squeal like stuck pigs about the race card, but isn't freedom to move about the country a basic American value? And if BeaverCreek blows that federal money, how does anybody vote for any of them ever again? Morons. Online slap Hillary game. Because GOPers find violence against women just tickles their otherwise non-existent funnybones. These people need psychiatrists.
- Here's a potential corruption scandal you won't see Issa dogging.
- Basset: I wasn't amused about the customer's ignorance or knowledge of wine. I don't claim to know much about it myself. It was the mispronunciation I found funny. How does anyone get pussy from pouilly (which I doubt I know how to pronounce correctly)?
- Sorry, but pronouncing a word spelled Pouilly as pussy is is so stupid it's worthy of mockery. On the other hand, I didn't mock anybody nor did I laugh. I may have pointed out once or twice it's puyee foosay, but mocking a customer you want a tip from would be raather stupid, and I was certainly not being condescending in any way. And when you come from the deep south or have lived there a long time, it's reasonable to cqall a rednec a redneck. That's not elitism, it's just accurate.
- Bachelor Party was a thoroughly atrocious and odious movie, but it was also nearly 30 years ahead of its time. Half of what is released these days looks like a Bachelor Party clone. Bachelor Party would probably do very well in release these days: crude, rude and lewd. Somewhere in Hollywood, some hacks probably have a remake in the works. The Canyons is one movie I'm looking forward to seeing. In my opinion, Paul Schrader is a great director and screenwriter who hasn't made enough movies in a time when Vince Vaughan movies are what's popular, and shit like The 40 Year Old Virgin dominate the LCD box office. I also find the universal trashing of Lindsay Lohan as a spectator sport unseemly, cruel and unconscionable. It's also as American as apple pie, for which the country should feel shame. She is a victim of the combined two worst showbiz parents ever, leaving John Philips out of the equation. I don't remember Drew Barrymore taking that kind of fragging for behaving at least as badly, and she's practically America's sweetheart these days. I root for Lohan to come back and stick all this grief up her critic's voyeuristic asses. Watch Mean Girls or her Freaky Friday turn with Jamie Lee Curtis (who certainly fucked up more than her fair share in her younger days), or watch the Parent Trap remake to see how talented Lohan is. In the case of Parent Trap, it smashes the Hayley Mills original to smithereens. Merry Clayton did a more blistering version of The Acid Queen (Tommy) than Tina Turner's. As far as wailing female backup vocals are concerned, don't forget Clare Torry's wordless bansheeing on Dark Side of the Moon. And ya know, Emmylou was a backup singer for years.
- Merry Clayton's brother Sam was in Little Feat, conga player extraordinaire. Kinda surprising Lowell George never recruited her, like, for harmony on Sailing Showe. Holy crap that would have been great.
- That's interesting Brandon. Thanks for that link. I'm no fan of Brett Easton Ellis (though I liked the cinematic treatment of American Psycho) but I agree with him about creating mood and building a world. That is what my favorite movies always do, even before character development and plot. Blade Runner and Chinatown, my one and two, are perfect examples. Schrader's best movie, Blue Collar, was heavily character and plot driven, but the intensity of the nervy mood, abetted greatly by the jittery soundtrack written by the director himself, are crucial to the movie's success. It's far more interesting than Raging Bull. I believe movies should make it hot for the viewers, as Guy Grand (a grand guy) would say. Nobody but a psychopath could find pleasure in Chinatown, but it is a great movie nonetheless. Puts me in mind of another Polanski masterpiece, Knife in the Water, in which you'd have a hard time making a dent in the tension with a really big knife. The Variety comments at Brandon's link also could have been written about a lot of French New Wave films or the wonderful movies of Nicolas Roeg (Man Who Fell to Earth? Ask Candy Clarke how pleasant that was.) that critics that will bash The Canyons compulsively would insist are landmarks of moviemaking, by the auteur lords of the Cahiers du Cinema. I'm sure this is coming in a wave, and it will be pure hypocrisy when it comes. I'm planning to see the movie, for sure. As for Lohan, anybody that has managed a mistake-free life, or could have survived her monstrous parents, can go ahead and throw stones. It's a disgraceful and kind of subhuman thing to do, and in some part is the proof in Schrader's pudding.
- I did talk about Blue Collar, Jeff, even the incredibly propulsive score that Schrader wrote for his own movie. Mark, it's not painful to hear you say she's an out of control addict, except that that sort of judgmental crap bugs the shit out of me. You don't know anything about her situation except what gets reported on E! and in People Magazine, do you? Didn't think so. But, given your politics, I wouldn't be surprised if you thought addicts should be rounded up and incarcerated in a fenced in Manhattan, with Haaliburton guards, or just executed to save money on incarceration. Typical dumbass comment that misses the point. Monitoring bad behavior of Hollywood types is a preoccupation of right wing Pharisees as empty inside as whited sepulchers. Why would it pain me to be told Lidsay Lohan is an addict? What pains me is living in a society so lacking in empathy and intelligence it makes laughing at her and gratuitous criticism of her into some sort of bloodsport entertainment, even to the point of dismissing what may be a considerable achievement. Shrub didn't get himself straight until well into his 40s, andn he was certainly an out of control addict. Why do anti-Clinton aholes get to make "youthful mistakes" until they reach 50?
- (What's new?) Basset, give me a break. You accused me of doing something I didn't do. Hearing somebody pronounce the name of a wine as pussy struck me as funny and it happened repeatedly. At the same time, I was invariably polite and helpful, since that was how I was earning money.That's it. It is funny, sorry. And I lived in GA and SC long enough to know a redneck when I see one, and calling them out is not judgmental, since they are generally proud of it. It's not a slur, it's a description of a specific type of person. It is hardly anything like dumping on somebody for having an addiction, which is more like laughing at somebody with a disease. Your argument is basically BS, but what the hell. Mark, I am indeed judgmental about what elected public officials do. That's a prerogative of my citizenship.
- I remember seeing Karen Black first in the hilarious Hitchcock movie Family Plot. I have my own copy of it. Way good fun. She was also good in the film version of Come Back to the Five and Dime. She made some ungodly number of movies in her career.
- That Jehovahs stat about porn movies? They probably think The Little Mermaid is porn. It's in the eye of the beholder. I think their interruptions are a form of rudeness common to 21st C America. Still, my inherent overbearing elitism notwithstanding, I am never rude to them, until they refuse to take no for an answer. I have found that answering the door to Jehovah's or LDS missionaries in U-trou is a good way to ensure they won't hang around. The LDS types in their black pants, white shirts and black ties uniforms are far more likely to be persistent to the point of obnoxiousness. Naturally, I suppose, for future Lords of their own Kolobs. I do find it offensive when Jehovahs send a freshly-scrubbed kid to the door, and then adults with tracts leap from the shrubbery. as a Trojan horse. I GareONtee that kid would rather be anywhere else. I have never seen an adult male Jehovah's Witness at the door. Just mentioning Catholicism sends them away in obvious horror. Football needs more sane coaches, badly, more than anything else. I played at a spindly 6-1 and 150 in HS. I did suffer a concussion once (tackling a TE that was 6-7, 250 or so). My only injury, ever. But our coaches taught us to lead with shoulders, not helmets. All in all, though, I hurt myself worse diving, and even swimming, certainly playing hoops. (You have swimmers going in both directions at practice, and collisions hurt.) The concussion issue is nearly as serious a concern in soccer as in football. I mean, soccer players lash their heads violently into the ball, on purpose. I'm sure the concussions result from the motion rather than the contact with the ball. Of course, soccer has the added hazard of taking all of those swan dives into the hard pitch, and the boredom factor. Big Hank and Cooze: There's a wonderful indie movie called Alien Visitor (free to stream on Netflix) about a very beautiful alien that lands in the Outback with the message that humans are pretty much frogs in the pot with the water getting hotter all the time. Myth of the "liberal media". One more reason I can't too hyper over NSA collecting phone numbers.
- If football goes away, large portions of the advertising industry, including TeeVee, will go away with it. If college football goes away, other collegiate sports, particularly all of the Title IX sports will fade away for lack of funding. Here's a scientific paper about concussions in soccer and football: Concussions are caused by collision of brain with skull. Watch a soccer player head a soccer ball 30 or 40 yards. Undoubtedly creates concussive collision at high speed. As for lawsuits, I'd be willing to bet the soccer families will be more litigious The director James Ponsoldt was a student of mine when I taught HS.Obviously brilliant as a teenager, Jamie was a rarity for a modern public HS kid: at home with both freaks and jocks, just about the entire student body. He was an outstanding student and a superb football player, both of which he continues at Harvard. And a really goo guy. Along with the artist Sunny Gaines (who I think I've talked about here before) Jamie is one of the students I am most proud of having had some small part in educating. His new movie sounds good, and it's getting good reviews.
- Yhays a typo. Jamie Ponsoldt left Harvard years ago. should be continued. The kid knew he wanted to make movies when he was about 16.
- Thanks Jolene. I'm hoping this is a big break sort of effort. Shailene Woodley is geared up to be the next Jennifer Lawrence. Speaking of WaPo, is it true that from now on reporters that go on assignment out of town will travel in a box with a smile by FedEx? I don't mean to sound judgmental, but this guy certainly comes across as cretinous and mean-spirited. I mean, it calls to mind Ebeneezer Scrooge saying"Alms? Why? Are there no poorhouses?" And what kind of OK redneck given name is Markwayne? I'm taking AMTRAK with my own food, flask and entertainment until the Teabangers manage to murder it, or the paleocons get it privatized. I used to love commercial air travel, but with seating reconfigurations, I'd be more comfortable shipping myself in a box, like Waldo Jefferson: (Cool Lou Reed guitar and great bass by John Cale; best female drummer ever in rock music.)
- I play that three or four times a week, Dexter. The steve Hunter/Dick Wagner intro is astounding. Dick Wagner had a 60s Detroit band called Frost that played at my HS once. VG band: The bass player did a lot of the vocals. Slightly more fingernails on blackboard voice than Geddy Lee.
- GOPer Outreach: determined to stay in the dumper. Collection of asinine faux pas.
- Here's a funny story, presented for the humor and not to judge anybody by my elitist standards, that goes hand and glove with the door to door Jehovah's Winesses warning about the ubiquity of porn.
- Alex, We ran into this problem when we renovated our condo. Found a Frigidaire model that fit at Circuit City. If you must take back the cabinet bottom, a piece of trim for the bottom would forgive all aesthetic problems. The only problem with the Frigidaire was that it did not come with ice maker, but that just required purchase of an icemaker pack for another $75 or so. The whole shebang was less than $700 and it's a good machine. Also, there are specific application appliance paints, which means some work, but also that you have a wide choice of colors beyond avocado. Chris Matthews says Rand AquaBhudda Paul will be the next GOPer presidential candidate. Let's hope so--Humorama Galore. Tweety's pick is busy making a total fool of himself and lying his ass off. I hope Rand understands there is no Statute of Limitations on kidnapping. And I hope he's gotten his water closets to work. Or am I being judgmental? Nah, I think I'm just mocking the ahole.
- I'm no pholologist, that would be elitism. But if I'm not mistaken, in modern English the term would apply to one that makes gratuitous judgements about another's morals based upon perceived bad decisions. So Mark going on ad infinitum about my drinking habits? That is judgemental. My opinion that some of Mark's heroes, like the two Big Ag Kings? That would be an observation, not a judgement. And seriously, Basset, because I mentioned the Math SATs, I'm an asshole? I don't think that's fair. Other than that, I don't see what's behind the nasty personal sneak attacks. I haven't been in Nashville since Spring '69 when I went to visit the Vandy campus after I got my fat letters. Anyway, just give me a break, alright. I never meant anything hurtful, and although I know you laid in wait, I don't guess you did either. Seriously, it's just me, and most of y'all would enjoy my company. And most rednecks would recognize me as brethren. I do not want to be at odds with bassett, and I have no idea how any sort of adversary relationship ever began.
- Mark, on the other hand, his politics are in the gutter.
- No joke, Bassett. You're a grown man now.Nobody can make you do math anymore. My recurring dream is realizing I have missed a final and the won't let me out. I was in that situation many times in real life. I have this dream and a bare frisson, and I wake up knowing I never have to back to school again. Whatever I did to alienate you, I'm sorry for it. It was certainly nothing I intended. You could not possibly hated math and, I'm not sure what the painful bit was, unless it was more horrible than what I went through. In which case, I apologise. I know this goes back to some comment I made about teachers meaning the best. Sorry. All of the teachers I had and worked with meant the best.You can claim differently, basset, over some ahole, but it doesn't mean I'm wrong. Sometime soon some ahole will check in to say I'm just right
- A fine movie, JMMO. Trout Fishing is another great movie I wouldn't have seen if not for Netflix. Astounding movie
- And, The Curfew, a novel by Jesse Bell, If you appreciate Kafka read this book.
- And Sherri, sport fan, do you think it's odd that J Clowney is free because Spurrier says he is and AJ Green was guilty on the word of some guy nobody has ever heard from again? And Johnny Football? If Aaron Murray did that signing shit? UGA would get away with that? He was one of the two better QBs in the league last year than little Johnny Football. In fact, Murray, who is in grad school, is the best WB in the country.
- basset, I apologize. I didn't mean anything. I believe it's at least the second time. I said I didn't know any teachers that intentionally wounded kids. You took offense. I didn't, you obviously did. Leave me the fuck alone.
- Deborah, you make them sound exotic.
- Illegal alien Marco Rubio has the immigration solution. He and his parents only got in because they had Batista money. How in the world does anybody claim there is such thing as Country Music anymore. Steve Urban is a rocker, and so is Kenny Cowboy Hat. Good guitar p;layers too. Particularly Mr. Kidman. These guys are arena rockers. Steve Urban and Alecia Keyes: That boy can play and that girl can sing.
- And I remember when WKNR switched to FM in Detroit, shortly after WXYZ. And I remember when BCN switched to all FM in Boston. First song, I feel free:
- Are there sane GOPers? gg allin, cooze: I quit on Breaking Bad when Walter let the love of Jesse's life choke to death on her own vomit. Over money. Utter creep. Sopranos had the one great episode about the Russian loose in the Badlands. The rest? Meh. I was also defcidedly not taken in by The Wire. I think The Prisoner was vastly superior. As was any Mrs. Peel Avengers episode. Dame Diana has star qwuality like it is going out of style.. And Patrick Mcgoohan's Secret Agent. Babylon 5, too. Actually, in our house, we kinda like Bohannon better than Walter White. Best Breaking Bad? When Walter blew up Chuco's office. Absolutely. And that dialogue Nancy objected to on Justified? Straight outta the OT, which Boyd knows by heart.
- Or then, Hasil Adkins: Or something spectacular: I cannot believe such an album exists. That is awe-inspiring music.
- NC is the new Alabama and Mississippi rolled into one: Sorry, don't mean anything judgmental, but they be some serious rednecks.
- No dogs allowed. Surely, this is what you meant.
- Way back in the day, my ex and I attended a Bar Mitzvah which hac little lamb chops for HORS D’OEUVRES and break dancers for entertainment. whooeeee, a good time was had by all. Rich Newton lawyer for dad, Ed Shultz that does the dangerous toy list every Christmas. The party went until morning and breakfast was served, with fresh copies of the NYT. We went to several in the course of about a month, and it was all competition, all the time. Great parties, though. Baruch adanoi.
- Rugged individualism, like that displayed in Orson Card's political inclinations, is not unususal among science fiction writers, who tend to see themselves as swashbucklers, no matter that they are actually effete academmic types like yon Orson. Heinlein tended in this direction, Asimov the opposite. And of course, Card is LDS, which does not predispose him to enlightened political views on social issues. I haven't read any of his books, after seeing him speak at Harvard in favor of the war in 1969. Seemed like a butthole obsessed with hippies and the decline of Western Society. It could have been dialogue for Gen. Buck Turgidson. The House of Representatives has worked for just 87 days this year, but Speaker John Boehner just called for a five-week recess. His paycheck ($196,500) should be garnished. Last I looked, he and his Congressional posse haven't managed to repeal anything either, the dumbass. So far, the 113th Congress is the most unproductive in history. Nearly eight months in, just 22 bills have passed Congress and been sent to the President—worse than the famous “Do-Nothing Congress" that plagued Harry Truman with a total lack of work ethic, Protestant or otherwise. Most emplooyment situations, you have to actually do your job to get paid. Dexter: Did you see the throw that Puig made yesterday? But even though the House of Representatives has worked for just 87 days this year, Speaker John Boehner just called for a five-week recess and skipped town to go golfing with Donald Trump, and service constituents that don't have jobs. No action on jobs? No problem. No action on immigration? He doesn’t care. And, yeah, I am judging Boner's lack of effort on the work of the people. It's disgraceful. Nice legacy Oompa Loompa.
- Did I say invited? Didn't think so. It was indeed Card, and he was a member of YAF chapter at BYU, and it was most certainly 1969.
- New interpretation for the 1968 Fair Housing Act. Ada is impenetrably, pretty much. Nabokov's best novels are Bend Sinister and the incomparable Pale Fire, which is a brilliant piece of self-referential post-modernism, although I doubt the author would have seen it that way. Nabokov was also a lepidopterist of some note, and actually named some butterflies. He also proposed a theory of butterfly evolution that was discounted by most scientists at the time, but has since become widely accepted. One fascinating human being. An excellent example of SF that owes everything to Westerns is the Sean Connery movie Outlander, which is basically High Noon with Connery in the Gary Cooper role. Very good movie. China Mieville's books are pretty much rooted in Raymond Chandler noir. Mary Doria Russell's excellent The Sparrow, and its sequel Children of God are metaphorically about the European bungling in conquering America and ethnic cleansing of Native Americans. There is even a well-meaning Jesuit that manages to screw things up royally. C.S. Lewis's Perelandra trilogy is totally imagined, particularly the other planets the hero Ransom visits (Mars and Venus) but the final book is based heavily on Arthurian legend. Steve Erickson's Tales of the Black Clock is an alternative history in which an American is hired by Adolf Hitler as his personal pornographer to write fantasies about Adolf and his cousin with whom he was erotically obsesssed, Geli Raubal. His similarly alternative history, Arc D'x is about Jefferson and Sally Hemings. Nabokov wrote this poem: I found it and I named it, being versed in taxonomic Latin; thus became godfather to an insect and its first describer — and I want no other fame. We've had power go out the last three nights.Easy to tell, all the clocks are flashing. Microwave, oven, DVD player, stereo. Pain in the ass.
- My ex-wife had a Ghia that I loved to drive. The only problem with that car was that the main road from the burbs to Boston downtown, Storrow Drive, goes underwater in the underpasses when the charles rises in a bad storm. It's a weird feeling to be driving an airtight car and have all the tires leave the road surface at the same time. This happened more than once in that car. Other than that, it was a treat. My favorite though was a TR-6, that remarkably started reliably in Boston in the wintertime. No conceivable explanation. The Triumph was British Racing Car Green, and I could make Boston to Athens GA in 10 hrs in that car. It was fast, but it's about the only Triumph I ever heard of that didn't have problems with the electrical systems. Second best was the Mazda 626 we traded the TR on when my daughter was on the way. Excellent car. We had a gigantic Dodge of wome kind for a while that was a great Drive-In Movie car. It was like driving a houseboat. A little red VW wagon that was beat to hell but ran great. One night out at Faneuil Hall, my wife hit a parking garage pillar and just kept driving out of the garage. Our friends in the back seat were appalled that we weren't upset about the car. We thought it was hilarious. I've got a 69 Cougar convertible now, which I only crank up to leave the island. Sucker slurps gasoline like a rummy but damn it is fun to drive. Huge engine and dual carbs. A masterpiece of American fuel inefficiency. Very high gloss black with red striping. Been in the family for 25 years or so, used to be my mom's car, but UGA cops used to pull her over regularly thinking she was some tri-delt with a dady's money hot car. My lottery car, without a doubt would be the four seater Triumph Stag convertible or an old Volvo P1800 (seriously good styling, particularly the Volvo): I've also got Triumph Bonneville bike which S. is afraid to ride. So am I sometimes. That thing "gets away from you". I drove it 105 mph once on an X-way in Worcester MA. scared the crap out of me like my dad's Caddies.
- Even dumbass paleocons cannot possibly believe that this idiotic Cuccinelli idea is valid or desirable. Even the social conservative's cannot possibly be that stupid,
- What do Senate GOPers find objectionable about the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities? This treaty would encourage other nations around the world to meet our own high standards for protecting individuals with disabilities. This is not your normal GOP objection to UN actions that they claim impose foreign law on the US. This is an attempt to promulgate very good American law in the rest of the world. What was Bushco's little adventure in Iraq about, after all. You know, the one that paid for itself and didn't get put on Daddy's Discover card, and brought American style democracy to the Middle East. Having been unfortunate enough to see a Navy jet (F-18 Hornet?) go down in an air show across Port Royal Sound from us a few years ago, I do not ever want to be near an air show again. Of course, we lost sight of the downed plane out of the Marine Air Base before impact, but we saw and heard the results of the crash in the air. Doing something like this over Chicago seems like a definition of stupidity to me. Fairly densely populated. And you aviation buffs, how does anybody justify the cost of, say, the Blue Angels? But I will Gare-awn-tee, GOPers and the Teabanger wing would howl at any suggestions to cut out that symbol of jingoism and military bullying, left over from Adm. Nimitz and VietNam era. We used to make fun of the goose-stepping Soviet May Day marches. I'm not saying the show isn't spectacular, but what the hell justifies the cost? That plane crashing was like setting fire to $21million, aside from the loss of the pilot's life.
- My mom used to make cheesecake from a recipe that produced a superior result, California Cheesecake. Included egg yolks, but they were whisked in a double boiler, so no baking required. Add sugar, salt, milk, presto custard on which to base the fillling.After that, Philly Cream Cheese, but I don't know measurements. You can get soft cream cheese with flavors now so it would be even easier.. She taught me how to make the graham cracker crust. I wish I had that recipe, but Alton Brown has a very good one. My mom's her tour de force was pineapple upside down cake, made with fresh pineapple and pineapple flavore simple syrup. Damn, that was good. That one I do know how to make still. Alex Rodriguez is even creepier than everybody already thought he was. The olinguito? May look cute, but it's a raccoon, which vicious, shifty bastards should not be trusted not to try to tear your face off. Pete Townshend is under attack by teenygirl 1D fans. Wow, that's scary as it is hilarious. Run Pete, Run. "It's over the lake. Well the Beaufort show was over a barren Marine airfield and the houses that plane plowed through were three miles away. And I know the flight exhibition teams shut down because of the sequester. My point is that it's a ridiculous waste of money at any time and a ridiculous risk of life, like that car running NASCAR races with Army advertising all over it, particularly when you crash a $20mill plane and lose a pilot. And the budget sequestration began April 1. And why don't those guys wear G-suits? Accordng to the Navy, the pilot in the Beaufort crash "grayed out". I don't know much about this and never claimed to. But John McCain notwithstanding, nothing good comes from crashing military aircraft. Those suckers are expensive. Trucking companies pay for the interstate system too.
- I've seen video of the Chicago Air and Water Show, but that's all I know about it. And I really don't think I said or even implied anything about its being over the city, but Little Bird would obviously know better than I. Had Mies Van Der Rohe been born and grown up to work in the Soviet Union, there would be more buildings by Mies than there are Philip Johnson Palladian arches in the United States, and that is a lot of windows.
- Jack Germond was a great political reporter. I knew him first on the McLaughlin Shoutfest. He could shut the rest of those jackasses up fast. Particularly the weasels Buchanan and Fred Barnes. He delighted in tormenting terminal weenie Rich Lowry when he was on. And he had no problem telling those boorish bastards to shut the hell up and listen to Eleanor. LAMary. That is a good point, and why I cook rather than bake. I searched the house for thaat recipe after my mom and dad died and could not find it. It was the best cheesecake I ever ate, and I'm sure part of the creaminess and perfect bite came from the making custard part of the recipe.
- Iowa Steve King: Comedy that won't quit. If you look up buffoon in the dictionary, there's a thumbnail photo of this clown. I think there should be a competition between Iowa and NY: Our Steve King is a more ridiculous know-nothing ninny than your Steve King. The GOPer primaries will be sound and fury signifying nothing. Sleazy Rand Paul is going to skeeve his way to the GOPer nomination. Aqua Buddha. Working toilet jokes. Kidnapping charges.
- Isn't Ain't Them Bodies Saints a great movie title. And it's got Rooney Mara and Casey Affleck, so I'm seeing this. And since I've never seen a Forrest Whitaker performance that wasn't very good, The Butler. The Jobs movie is getting reasonably good reviews, but I couldn't sit through a whole movie of that bitch Ashton Kutcher smirking without smacking somebody. Wy didn't they get Aaron Paul for the role?
- On my college trip to Europe, we went to a friend's parents hous at an Alpine village named Marigny. Every day, we watched French Mirages flying some sourt of maneuvers at a lower altitude. This was very cool. I agree with beb on the Teabanger lunacy. They would have to have a mocicum of a capacity for embarrassment for there to be any sort of limit on it. They have none. These are people so fracking dumb and unaware they say things like "legitimate rape. And there are Teabanger women that support this shit they spew. Or, Dr. Paul Broun, running for Senate seat who actually said, in a public statement, that evolution is a theory straight from the pits of hell". This dick went to Med School, for God's sake. I forget which one of y'all is the George Saunders fan, but get Civilwarland in Bad Repair. The stories are hilarious and extremely stylish, and there is a bonus of a 120 pp. or so novella called Bounty that is spectacular. It's like a Cormac post apocalyptic tale if Cormac had a sense of humor about things like that. And a good bit like The funniest parts of Russell Hoban's masterpiece, Riddley Walker. My favorite full-time critic, NYT's Michiko Kakutani describes Saunders as the illegitimate offspring of Nathaniel West and Kurt Vonnegut. Thomas Pynchon is a Saunders fan, describing the writing as "graceful, dark, authentic and funny--just the kinds of stories we need to get through these times." In the course of one of Saunders' 15 page stories, I find I average laughing out loud seven or eight times. Sometimes it's laughing to keep from crying. A brilliant writer.
- Scout@14: That is why a large party of all women is the bane of a waiter's existence. The tips always suffer from the infighting and bad feelings. And that isn't judgement of any sort, it's a direct observation of behavior from my own days as a waiter. Brian: Nice job. You could have asked him about the tradition going all the way back to Founder G. Washington of having sculpture of Brit PMs in the oval office. The Father of His Country with the likeness of Lord North in his office? Yeah, real likely, as a spitoon. Churchill was a blowhard and a demagogue, and a superb orator. He was also a pretty outspoken racist in Kiplingesque "white man's burden" and prison camps in African colonies fashion: Chickenhawk Shrub wanted Churchill in the Oval Office to establish some sort of war heroism by association. That is embarrassing to the entire USA, in my opinion. It's pretty difficult to see how anybody can insist that residents of Chicago near the lake are safe because the maneuvres take place over the water. These planes are going pretty damned fast, and could end up anywhere pretty shortly. The crash down here in Beaufort was three miles away from the site of the show, and the plane plowed through a dozen houses and doublewides. And having heard all the TopGun and Best of the Best stuff for years, the idea of civilians flying military aircraft near heavily populated areas is seriously unsettling.
- GOPers: How's that minority outreach thing working' out for ya? Traditional marriage in a biblical sense.
- Hell. The Blue Angels used to be regulars in the sky over Super bowl stadia. They don't wear GSuits because they believe they restrict their ability to control the planes in tight formations. Or because it's some macho thing. One short period of gray out disorientation over the Orange Bowl, and... serious human damage. This basic concept is loony.
- I'm planning to read some of the Longmire novels. Great characters, and excellent TeeVee show. Still waiting for the big reveal. Branch is going to end up seriously needing a lawyer. Cady's a lawyer, right. She'd be better off with Deputy Pudgy, the two dancing at the campaign rally was a great scene. When the GOPers start talking about not raising the debt ceiling in a couple of months, here's something to remember. It was de rigeur (mortis) when St. Raygun was president. Teabangers would despise Ronny if he came around these days. But hell, go ahead and make the USA an international economic laughing-stock and try to blame President Obama. Vote fraud run rampant? Where exactly? When Shrub fired those US Attorneys, it was to put a bunch of Regent Law grad loyal Bushies (their term) in place to hunt down vote fraud. The misAdministration spent five years and book bucks and came up with …Zip. Fewer than 50 prosecutable cases nationwide, fewer than ten of which produced convictions. A perfect novel for folks that appreciate Kafka: The Curfew, by Jesse Ball. Instead of a novel within a novel (a technique I enjoy, as in Atwood's The Blind Assassin and John Gardner's October Light, or The Mad Trist, in Fall of the House of Usher) the author produces a puppet show in prose. Showing off, to some extent, but pyrotechnical nonetheless, thoroughly enchanting, and exceptionally visual. I mean that literally; I stayed up 'til 5am so I wouldn't interrupt reading it. I'd say this would be a good movie, but I know I'd be disappointed with the puppet show, unless, perhaps, Tim Burton did it in animation, or Benicio Del Toro with his makeup crew from Pan's Labyrinth. The Chicago murder rate was central to the conservative defense of Zimmerman, irrelevant in that discussion as in this one.
- beb@74: If GOPers and conservatives lived in the world they pretend to want, the Emergency Manager law would be anathema to them. More gilded hypocrisy. It is much like the kneejerk rightwing support of the ill-conceived Keystone XL, which will benefit nobody but a multinational consortium that includes Koch Bros. Kriminal Konspiracy and a bunch of foreign oil barons, but will require taking Amdericans' land by eminent domain. How do these whited sepulchers live with their own rotten stench? I've liked Lou Diamond Philips since he was Ritchie Valens, and he was the saving grace of those Emilio Estevez Billy the kid movies, along with the hilarious performance of Casey Scziemasko (I have no idea how to spell that name, but I'm sure I've got it wrong).
- Funny if it weren't so sad: Fox News nitwits claim imaginary Obama tax increases have hurt sales at Walmart. Right. Becaause rich people shop at Sam Walton's Emporium and 21st Century Plantation.
- All anybody should need to know about the NRA is that the organization insists that an appearance on a terrorist watch list should not disqualify someone from obtaining a gun license. WTF, you whackos? That's not just cognitive dissonance, that's nuts.
- Some truth behind GOPers' irrational transformation of the US House into a wing of government that does nothing whatever but vote to repeal ACA. It goes way back to Clinton in '93 and the ultimate GOP weasel, the PNAC's own William Kristol, his father must be so proud of him. In leetuw Biwwy's own words.
- George Duke died earlier this month. This guy could play any style with anybody. Played with Zappa and George Clinton, and Barry Manilow and Miles. Includes a fascinating vid about composing and his wife, who predeceased him by a year and whose death left him bereft. I believe Duke did the crazy, cackling vocal on Zappa's Zombie Woof, on the Overnight Sensation album. His normal singing voice is a lot like Stevie Wonder's.
- What sort of reasonable American would find anything objectionable about President Obama's DACA initiative. Especially GOPer and Teabanger politicians that make great hay of their claims to Christianity. Isn't this obviously WJWD? Doesn't it obviously make good economic sense? Isn't it born out of common human decency? I think it's that last question that hits the real sticking point. But look at those drug mules with the cantaloupe calves at that link. Iowa Steve King can spot 'em a mile away. This photo of Iowa Steve's anti-immigration-reform would be hilarious if it weren't so franking pitiful. NY Steve needs to get on the stick in the Doofus Steve King contest though. He's being left in the dust lately.
- Until late last week, GOPers would have had everyone believe that suppressing the Muslim Brotherhood was the most important goal the USA could have in the Middle East. Now that the Administration is acting on that very precept it's back to: because Obama. And they will continue to claim on the fringes that Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood. That's a shibboleth the Teabangers wil never relinquish. Regarding McCain, he said during his last big Mistaken Foreign Policy tantrum that he was a citizen of a breakaway republic from a former soviet Republic, so why doesn't the old fool just shut the hell up.
- There are two reasons no GOPer is going to listen to Professor Cole. First he ridiculed the chickenhawk PNAC warriors in the runup to Shock and Awe for not knowing Shia from Sunni and pointing out the whole Iraq invasion would be one godawful failure of a moronic adventure in imperialism that would turn Iraq into Iran West. Secondly, Juan Cole actually knows what he's talking about. He actually speaks Arabic languages and Farsi. When real knowledge and facts clash with imperialist daydreams, they choose unreality every time.
- Then again, we get whackos like this conspiracy loonycalling herself an "investigative journalist" on the internet. Bad for glass. Bad for everyone, but the self-proclaimed journo herself, who is clearly angling for the next open news bimbo slot on Fox&Friends. brianA10: Randy Newman already wrote that song, twice: and Randy even got Henley and Frey to sing harmonies on both songs, even though both claimed they knew he was mocking them. Deggjr@9: Thing about Kass is he doesn't recycle himself so much as he recycles the crapola columns Mike Barnacle fabricated in the 70s and 80s. I'm a tough guy and you aren't. He just changes "Winter Hill Gang" to "the Outfit". He's probably competing with Kim Dvorak for one of those Faux News bimbo gravytrain jobs.
- L'orange guy is probably considering calling the House back in to vote to make it illegal for the District of Columbia to do this, because…Obama. Sorry about the three links.
- Is Puty-Poot going to send these track star sprinters off to share cells with Pussy Riot? He'd better expect a lot more of this at the Olympic Games. Maybe Shrub has some insight into this after he gazed into Puty's eyes. Yep, Pam that's the culprit. He does apparently head straight to the bar as soon as he gavels the House of non-Representatives* to a close every day according to Wonkette and some other DC insiders. He also smokes like a chimney, apparently, which does nothing for facial skin tone. *Because of extensive gerrymandering and the built-in disproportionality of the House, the last election in 2012 saw 3.5 votes for every House Democrat for every one vote for a House GOPer. That's FUBAR in my opinion, and pretty far from what the guys that wrote the Constitution meant to happen. This is why so many GOPers would like to shitcan the 17th Amendment and go back to having state legislatures appoint Senators. Hell, why not just make it the state GOPers?
- Remember Scott DesJarlais? The TN Teabanger Congressman that admitted under oath during divorce proceedings to six affairs with colleagues AND patients at a Health Care center of which he was Chief of Staff? Virulently anti-abortion in public but admitted to pressuring both his wife and one of his patients he impregnated to have abortions? Still in the House and still has a license to practice medicine? Well, he also likes to bully children. Somebody should have beat his ass to a pulp, but instead, the Teabangers whooped, hollered and cheered, making it all that much worse for an 11 year old kid. The law's the law, you scumsucker? Why aren't you in jail instead of Congress? Why should anybody that voted for you ever be allowed to vote again?
- brian stouder@33: As long they don't use that cheap under-Code and undersized aluminum wiring. Steve McQueen and Paul Newman won't be available to save their asses. I worked for the engineering firm that did the mech/elec for the Hancock 60 story tower in Boston that carried Mies minimalism to a fault. No spandrels, very skinny mullions in a very skinny to the point of providing an airfoil shape building. When the tower twisted in the wind, the massive glass panes that made up the outer skin would just pop out and plunge dangerously to street level. Eventually, the guys I worked for did an ATC redesign that put sensors on the windows so that if one was about to pop, the room would go under negative pressure and the glass would fall inside instead of to the sidewalk. For a while there, it was raining glass on Dartmouth Street. Very bad situation for an insurance company. I do remember specing a bunch of specialty pumps. And an incident in which the sewage out backed up. Some poor plumber called in to fox it put a wrench on the pipe and the thing started vibrating and fractured, filling the basement with merde. Back Bay was not such a fancy neighborhood for a few days. Actualy the problem stemmed from the owner's budgetary stinginess in insisting on tying into the old Hancock building across the street to get by a lot of complicated licensing requirements about EISs (It's built on 18th Century landfill). All in all, I believe all the problems were worked out a long time ago, and it is a gorgeous building that provides reflected views of the Charles and wonderful neighboring architecture, including the "old Hancock Tower, which is much shorter, but quite striking in its own right.from various locations in the city. The architect for the new tower was I.M. Pei. Sherri @35: Nice. But aren't you and JK being a tad judgmental?
- I intended a ,(space) before various locations in the city. The beauty of the Hancock in Boston to my eye is as much in massing and shape as in the seemingly all glass facade.
- Here's an interesting Frank Ghery apartment building in Hong Kong. Sometimes I think Frank Ghery is an acid casualty.
- What a world: Alex and Deborah get mighty flushing action in high rises and poor Rand Paul has spent 20 years trying to get working commodes. On Breaking Bad: Jesse Pinkman is on suicide watch. Who believes that Walt would deliberately leave evidence in plain sight, or that Hank would ever open a book of poems by Walt Whitman? Walt is crazy as Ahab and Klepto Marie has big sister baby envy, since she and Walt can't manage one, and Skyler was always the pretty one. This has been an issue before for Marie--remember when she shoplifted the ridiculous baby tiara? Sherri@43: Didn't expect you would be. And Donnie Baseball managed yesterday to do what the rest of the NL hasn't been able to do lately, beat the Dodgers. Dumbass pitching decisions straight out of Joe Torre. I just opened a jar of McClure's pickles, the label of which says Pittsburgh and Detroit. Very good pickles and hot as hell in my mouth.
- Rand thinks that low flow toilets mandated by the EPA deny him of his Constitutional right to choose among consumer goods. I don't know where that one shows up in the Constitution. I wonder if he feels the same way about the rights of people living in Section 8, HUD-standard public housing? Any guesses? Probably not, since he thinks the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is unConstitutional. He's in the lightbulb brigade too, which is an even bigger loser, since incandescent lamp manufacturers were spurred by the performance specs to produce incandescents efficient enough to meet the current standards. Of course, they still get broken filaments and don't last very long relative to fluorescents, and the quality of light is glaring in comparison, so that's a rather stupid choice to exercise. This is another case of GOPers attacking good GOPer accomplishments. Does Rand realize the EPA was a Nixon achievement? So, add Tricky Milhous to the list of GOPer saints with Raygun as guys they wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole these Teabanger days. Those tanks are in the wall and are a whole different shape to fit, which might explain the whoosh boost. It's a ridiculously expensive construction detail, since framing them in is similar to framing in a window or a door. I still say somebody should arrest Rand for the AquaBhudda kidnapping. There is no statute of limitations on kidnapping in most jurisdictions. I hope the victim shows at some of his campaign stops.
- Professional boorish dolt and Michelin Man Erick Erickson called Wendy Davis abortion barbie. I'd call Erickson a living, snuffling, grunting advertisement for responsible condom use. Or, the other white meat. The conversation is one of the most intense and suspensful movies ever. I've watched it through at least ten times. I think it might be Gene Hackman's best. Interestingly, he sort of reprised the character in the Will Smith movie Enemy of the People, which is pretty good as Will Smith movies go.
- Here's a different take on this Miranda guy that I agree with. I've had it with Greenwald's self-aggrandizing and, even more, with the breathless descriptions of Miranda as Greenwald's "life partner". Somebody want to claim the Brit detention of this guy has anything to do with anybody being gay? Bullshit. The Brits are the most surveilled nation on the face of the earth since the London public transportation terrorist attacks. Not quite surprising. Miranda was transporting stolen national security documents. All of the outrage and righteous indignation about this episode seems misplaced to me, especially when Miranda's sexual orientation is hauled into it, and more especially when people conflate it with US security apparatus that had nothing to do with it. If Americans want to get up in arms about something, how about the noxious stop and frisk bullshit in NYC, which is far more worrisome where the 4th Amendment is concerned than the NSA compiling lists of phone numbers that called other numbers (without the content of the calls). And it would do everyone well to pause for a moment and consider that all this shit started with Julian Assange, a stalker and rapist. Precept No. 1 in this mess: Not every publisher of stolen information is a "whistleblower". Oh, and that poor debilitatingly nuerotic Bradley Manning? He's not being tried under civilian rules of law, because he joined the army voluntarily. He signed on for another set of rules and he broke them, apparently without considering the consequences. Boo-hoo-hoo. My personal favorite Elmore Leonard novel is Pagan Babies, about a guy that flees mobsters and the IRS disguised as a priest and ends up in the middle of the Rwandan ethnic cleansing. Before he returns to the States this typical Leonardian hero of shady character, good heart and badly broken moral compass murders four Hutus in revenge of his Tutsi flock that was slaughtered. This caused some consternation on the part of people that believe the Hutus were in the right, and an associated critical backlash. I have to believe that such nitwits long for the days of a President that called Guatamalan military thugs, Salvadoran death squads, and bastards like Pinochet freedom fighters. Anyway, the book has a huge cast, sizzling dialogue, and the exquisite moral ambiguity Mr. Leonard excelled at creating. When Fr. Terry gets back to the States, he meets a woman who is more than his match, and a wild ride is on. The Driftglass Blog has an excellent bit on Mr. Leonard's, including a bonus video clip from Jackie Brown with two brilliant lines from Samuel L. Jackson.
- Sherri, Hell no. That was an entirely different set of circumstances. The Nixon administration was behaving in an evil manner and the War in Vietnam dwarfs anybody's concerns about the NSA collecting phone numbers. I was disappointed when Ellsberg defended Snowden, because I'm sure he can see the difference between his case and Snowden's. I also don't see Greenwald as any sort of Jack Anderson figure in all of this either. Greenwald is involved in self-aggrandizement that is the equal of Snowden's or Assange's. It all strikes me as narcisistic and whiny. When I've broken the law in the interest of protest of government behavior, I've taken the consequences, whether it was bruises and abrasions or jail in Cambridge or Ann Arbor. It doesn't mean much when you whine about the consequences of your actions, and it doesn't make one a martyr. It's like the story of Emerson aghast visiting Thoreau in jail for not paying taxes, on principle. Emerson asked My God Henry, what are you doing in there? Thoreau answered The question my dear Ralph is what are you doing out there
- Mark@20: Childish and petulant. The folks doing the most handwringing over the NSA are people that willingly gave up the privacy they lament now in the interest of safety, years before Obama was elected. I believe I said the circumstances of the two instances were vastly different, without any mention of the players. Seems to me I was quite clear. There is no reasonable comparison between what Ellsberg did and what Snowden has done. That comparison is particularly odious. I don't like what the NSA is doing any more than anyone else does, but comparing it to getting 750 to 1000 American soldiers killed every week for no reason, and considering it's been going on since at least 2005, seems patently ridiculous to me. Pardon me, but I see no equivalence whatsoever. And I'm dead sure, having lived through the whole thing back then that Daniel Ellsberg made no attempt to turn himself into the ringmaster of an international circus. Ellsberg may have felt he needed therapy, but his problem was not narcisistic personality disorder, as affects both Snowden and Assange.
- I'm not saying anything more about that rutabaga around Snowden. I'd say fans of Elmore Leonard crime fiction should make a point of reading Friends of Eddie Coyle or any of the Kennedy for the defense books by George V. Higgins, the late Boston Globe columnist and crime fiction master. You'll be glad you did. The movie adaptation with Robert Mitchum is also outstanding.
- Brandon@37: Mark Twain was a pretty fair hand at filling pages with regional dialect, and I'd say he was a pretty successful artist, wrote the Great American Novel and all. The best way to get into Walter Mosley, I think, is to read the Easy Rawlin's books. If Raymond "Mouse" Alexander doesn't grab you, check your pulse. An astounding literary creation. Best of them (though I haven't read Little Green yet) is Devil in a Blue Dress, a rare thing. A superb LA book. The explication through story and character of racial and social politics in the middle of the 20th Century is worth 100 sociological treatises.Great complicated plot and astounding characterization. With the exception of Little Green, which I just got from Amazon, I believe I've read all of Mosley's books, including his rare ventures into science fiction and political commentary. For the latter, the brief Twelve Steps Toward Political Revelation is well worth reading, and more astute than anything in any newspaper column or political blog.
- Bradley Manning was offered a plea deal several months ago that would have required less that 1-1/2 prison years. He chose instead to protect the stalker/rapist/pschopath Julian Assange. Bone stupid move Brad. Assange does not give a shit about you or anybody but himself. Pfc Manning willingly subjected himself to the UCMJ when he took an army paycheck. Boo-hoo. Manning was completely unaware of what sort of damage his revelations might cause or whom he might be getting killed. I read Sherri's somewhat impassioned defense of basic American principles from yesterday, and I understand her arguments. It seems I missed the brave and vigorous legal challenges of the civil liberties community launched against the formation of the FISA courts and a host of other bullshit foisted on Americans a decade ago, when, according to the WSJ, it was much more than data mining. The only evidence of any such behavior now is the word of the sociopath Snowden and the WSJ report (brought to you by the king of cellphone hackers). As far as of the people, etc. The atrocity of Citizens United and the fact that almost half of Americans have been convinced by disinformation that Social Security and Medicare should go down the drain with ACA seem to have put that principle to rest for the forseeable future, not NSA data mining. When nearly half the population would like to prolong a health care delivery system that ensures 75mill of their compatriots will go without (including 40mill children), and when gerrymandering purchased under the CU plan means that 2.5 votes for democrats to one vote for a GOPer produced the Teabanger House, I'm a little bit shaky on by the people. At my age, and with the knowledge that my only child, her husband and my two grandchildren left Copley Square on Marathon Day 1/2 hour ahead of the bombing, I'm far more concerned about all of these things than I am about the federal government knowing whom I email.
- Putative Chicago architecture.
- Detroit Police Department goes to stop and frisk school.
- Hell, Joe "You lie" Wilson is my Rep. Nobody beats that guy for assholishness
- Goober-not Goodhair Perry, professional whited sepulcher, hypocrisy all-star. Good Lord, what a jerk. Sherri: I didn't mean to imply that the FBI or NSA had anything on the Tsarnaev bros. But it's easy to see how they might have. I just think taking away the efficacy or the reality of Americans' votes is more dangerous to civil liberties than any data mining program. And all I've seen to indicate anything more has taken place is the WSJ report and vague allegations from Snowden about actual eavesdropping back in 2002 in the Shrubministration. And I wouldn't be too quick to buy anything from the weaselly little xociopath or from the big cellphone hacking media mogul psychopath. That shirt wouldn't cover half of Rick Warren.
- GOPers willing to defund the entire federal government because of ACA. Because: Obama. Very cool videos with Leonard Cohen poems, courtesy of Alyssa Milano via Twitter sent to me by an old friend. Who woulda thought? And she's a diehard Dodgers fan.
- If Assad is indeed using gas as a weapon, it's very likely that it came from the Raygunistas, either via Saddam or through the Ayatollahs in Iran. Raygun administration armed both sides with gas during the Iran vs. Iraq war.
- Any female US Marshall in any movie based on an Elmore Leonard book should be played by Carla Gugino, who played Karen Sisco in the very good TeeVee series of the same name. The show also featured the estimable Robert Forster as Karen's dad, a crusty retired Marshall she was intent on impressing and making proud of her. Wonderful chemistry between those two, and Ms. Gugino actually is convincing as somebody that could out-tough the bad guys, including beating the shit out of them when necessary, and was better at, let's say, irony, than JLo ever imagined. I do think Ms. Lopez is a decent actor. She was pretty convincing in The Cell, a very disturbing movie. Gugino is a professional, Lopez is a stunt. Actually, that pint-sized bundle of tough that plays Raylan's sometimes partner wouldn't be a bad choice either. Mark H. It's sad that Manning said no to that deal to protect Assange, who is clearly the sort of psychopath that never considered the wellbeing of anybody but his narcisistic self. The scorpion riding the frog across the pond. Creepy as all get out. As stupid as it is that people insist on seeing Snowden as a heroic whistleblower, those who view Assange in that way are delusional, like poor Bradley Manning.
- Ted Cruz, wetback or drug mule with cantaloupe calves? Of course, he can always go to Saskatoon for free health care.
- Happily ever after? Creative photoshop. The Chronicle of the Horse is a journal of stories by Stephen R. Donaldson about equine Hansen's Disease, right? I've never delivered mail, but I certainly came across some mean dogs delivering the Detroit News years ago. Believe it or not, the worst were a pair of vicious black dachshunds. Miserable bastards, with an owner that would hide in the house on collection day and never tipped. To this day, I don't trust dachshunds that aren't that warm reddish brown they are supposed to be. Wendy is tossing that crabapple the way terriers were bred to toss rats around until they were dead. Atavistic. Maybe she should go on ratdog patrol. We have feral chickens and a gone-feral peacock pair, and scads of feral cats, but no feral dogs. We also have a few feral swamp jennies that I've been lucky enough to spot occasionally. Some people own swamp jennies and race them on the beach. Beautiful, stout little horses whose ancestors pulled plows, and surreys and buckboards on Sundays. All of this reminds me of a classic Joo-stan Wilson joke.
- My mom had a lab named Buddy that was positively blase' about the mailman but would go berserk at the site of a UPS truck. He was a damn good dog, with a strange quirk.
- Speaking of strange quirks, didja catch on the news this morning the taped conversations of President Nixon with Governor Reagan? Darkly humorous, when you hear the drunk president say “Goddamn Ronnie – how’d you get such a cute wife?”. Barf. Gag. Ralph. Well he got her by impregnating her while he was mattied to Jane Wyman actually.
- married
- One man's trash is another man's art.
- Nobody knows dick from anything Snowden spewed. That is actually funny Danny, and it owes obvious props to the stick out your tush scene at the end of Blazing Saddles. Wildfire suppression in the wild wild west,, is surely part of the calculus of sequestration, which represents a GOPer problem. And that is, big GOPer cash owns those mcMansions. They can convince Indiana rube Teabangers that because...Obama, but those bigtime donors that thought it was so funny when storms ate up Cape Cod's shoreline know better. Bite this you rich aholes. Sherri, what sort of assurance has anybody that anything Snowden presents is unaltered or unadulterated? The sociopathic weasel is obviously problematic psychologically. I wouldn't trust the ahole as far as I could throw him and see no reason to alter that opinion. Look at his nitwit anti-Obama screeds. Not a stable camper. His backup is WSJ talking about something NSA did in 2002. What the hell?
- We do not know shit from Snowden. Guy is a monster liar and anything he says is likely bullshit.
- We do know Snowden is nuts.
- Sherri, I respect everything you say, but this is not the battle. Citizen's United. That is where we are screwed. I know you are smart enough to understand that.
- Dahlia is the bomb. I am in love with that woman. Madge is just gross. Has been for some time. Ms. Marble is just outre. Whack beyond sensibility.
- Brandon, maybe it's Bob Seger. Somebody actually talented. What passes for music from Madge is about Slim Shady excuse for music. Pure bullshit.
- How Gopers think about women.
- Sherri, Robert Moses tried to make the Dodgers move to the Bronx. Pretty fucking stupid for a genious.
- Koch Kriminal Konspiracy strikes again. Painfully stupid Teabanger in support of Canadian politician Ted Cruz:Canada is not really foreign soil.Best home-school education vouchers can buy.
- More embarrassing San Diego politicians. That's doggie heaven. The entire boat is an open car window to hang your head out of.
- Ezra Klein shoots a fish in a barrel. It's Peggy Noonan whining about Obamacare, and unarmed in a battle of wits. I remember seeing cheerleaders doing that Mix-a-Lot dancing years ago, accompanied by a chant of Hey caboose We're on the loose. I thought it was pretty funny, but the local AME pastor was scandalized and got a quick end put to that godless nonsense.
- I am absolutely sure having read this obnoxious drivel that somewhere there is a dictionary with Kathleen Parker's thumbnail portrait right next to the word fatuous. I'm sure I've read lamer columns, but I'm not sure I could say when that may have been, exactly. Jesus, what a jerk. Earl Hamner and Rod Serling dealt definitively with the dogs in heaven question, and death in general, in The Hunt, one of the finest episodes ever of The Twilight Zone: Hyder is played by Arthur Hunnicutt, whi was great in The Red Badge of courage. His wife is played by the wonderful actor Jeanette Nolan. And a beautiful coon hound named Rip. This could have been maudlin, but it's absolutely brilliant.
- Lobbyists getting public pensions. Funny. I don't think I've heard any Teabangers bitching about this situation, nor any whole Midwestern state goober-nors. Not even Mortimer and Randolph Koch.
- Frightening as all hell sinkhole video. Weird shit that comes out of the mouth of a self-proclaimed GOPer physicist. I saw Cream in Boston once and some roadie used duct tape to attach Ginger Baker's sticks to his hands. He was a pretty hard core junkie apparently, but somehow came out of it alright, like Bowie and Iggy and Lou Reed. Nobody said anything of the sort Mark, although Parker comes close to saying the President promoted such a viewpoint. White people that get murdered in the USA are murdered by other white people, more than 80% of the time, just as most black victims of murder are murdered by black people. This is more a result of racially segregated (de facto) America than anything else. My original comment on Parker's olumn didn't address race, just the utter vacuity of her fatuous argument. And not to be indelicate, but is that percussive sound in the Wal-Mart video cheeks slapping together? That's impressive. It is not her shoes on the floor.
- Was George Zimbo guilty of racial profiling even though he wasn't and never could be an actual cop? No shit. Is that racism in practice resulting in homicide the chief cause of outrage over the incident. I think it's clear the farther America gets from the reality of the shooting, there is more accumulated outrage over the idea that. thanks to the paleocon activist Scalito court and the Koch Bros. unlimited funds, state legislatures can be purchased for the purpose of advancing a nutso NRA agend that perverts American jurisprudential tradition and precedent with a law so heinous and twisted as SYG. And the only violence I heard of in the wake of the unjust version in Zimbo's trial that the judge went out of her way to effect by bogus jury instructions was that loony racist that attacked Lester Chambers, when he was about to sing People Get Ready. That song will incite a riot every time with its blatant racial insensitivity. ALEC, and its purveyors, and their concentrated and vastly funded attack on the rule of law in the USA is the greatest threat to this country ever, enabled by the bullshit Citizens United SC decision.
- Julie Harris was a truly great actress. Member of the Wedding is a particular favorite movie of mine. And The Haunting is pretty damned scary. She was also very good as a junkie in the Paul Newman detective movie Harper. Her portrayals of Mary Todd Lincoln and Emily Dickinson were spectacularly good. I didn't know until just now there is a movie version of I Am a Camera, but I ordered it from Netflix. Ms. Harris also had a small part as Roz Carr in Gorillas in the Mist. Carr was a real-life role model for Diane Fossey, and I will watch this movie whenever it is on TeeVee, it's that good. Julie Harris lived to 87 and led a life of great accomplishment. She died in Chatham, MA, a great place for your last spot on earth.
- Brian@36: I was not counting slavery in the equation, because it was a foundation stone of the founding of the Republic. Without it and the 3/5 rule, there would have been no union in the first place. And ALEC is clearly in some part a way back to those good ol' days. And states rights? A frigging joke. And Mexico can have Tejas and FLA far as I'm concerned. I'd also suggest the enormity of the threat posed by ALEC and its purveyors is magnified by the shear mountains of cash involved. Bowditch@35: Even better story. But he did seem somewhat debilitated when I saw them. Hellfire when the music started though. Have to admit, my original infatuation with Cream music was with Jack Bruce's bass and singing voice. He was playing bass as fast as Clapton was playing six-string. In later years, Baker moved back to his original metier, hard bop, much as Charlie Watts is at heart a jazzman.
- This sailing talk reminds me of my last trip on the briny in about a 26 footer. Great day on the water, but a sad ending. In Marblehead (or Marglehead) Harbor. Following the harbor charts, but the spring after the Blizzard of '78. And that was the Good Lord Blizzard. Hit a large boulder. I broke my arm, my beloved ex and the mother of my perfect daughter hit a bulkhead compass with her face. We went to a party later that evening and I was treated like a criminal. Helmsman and boatowner Jerry had his hands in his khaki pockets and ripped them to the deck shoes. His girlfriend, that had been his legal secretary when he was still married to another, unconscious. I know first aid. Partly because of BSA, which in no way convinced me of homophobia, though I prefer otherwise, but mostly I know first aid because my dad was an ER doc and my mom a NPA. I always know what to do. Revived Joanne and moored the boat. It seems ridiculous, but a big sailboat under motor hitting an underwater boulder. Way bad. And when the injuries are sorted, it becomes painfully clear in the captain's mind, the hull is cracked way down there by the gigantic lead weight that keeps the boat upright. That pooch loves the boat. I'm happy y'all were having so much fun. And I would have named the pooch Petey, but that is one magnificent dog.
- A truly great band: Yeah, Windsor isn't exactly across the border the way Mexico is.
- Johnnie Football Yeeyhhaww, AJ Green Naw He sold his shirt. Greatat whit dopepe
- When brave firefighter die protecting McMansions, that is a travesty. When they die protecting McMansions because of lack of proper funding, that is bullshit. Mr. six deferments has a McMansion out there and I figure he'd gladly give somebody else's life to save it. And it will pay for itself. I find the idea of a human being owning a bald eagle reprehensible. What sort of dickhead do you have to be? And Jason T.: Insh' Allah. And I'm a firm believer in faith-based biology. French Jesuit style. And I know I've quoted Julian Bond's poetry here before, bu it is so damned good: See that girl Shake that thing Why can't we all be Marting Luther King? Mosst fascinating man I ever met, Mr. Bond. Spent hours with him on a layover in Atlanta. Nobody else on the plane knew who he was.Satch Sanders was also on the plane, and I'd bet nobody knew who he was etither. Just me and Julian Bond. Along with the night my dad walked around the corner outside of Tiger Stadium with Johnny U's arm around his shoulder, and the night at the Fox and Hounds when we spotted Nick Pietrosante, Jim Gibbons and Terrry Barr having dinner. Takes a real Loins fan to remember Terry Barr. Helluva football player. And Petro was awesome, back when fullbacks counted.
- \Miley Cyrus may have a talent, and in the age of Skrillex and those conehead assholes, it might actually be connected to music, But good lord, I pass. Thanks genetics: Levon's little girl can sing like a maniac: That is one awesome bit of music. Great bass, too and great guitar. And an astounding vocal. I hear her daddy's voice.
- There is a Best of Sam and Dave album coming out. Park me on the bumper. There were never better than these cats. Hold On, I'm Comong. And that nonsense you hearrd in that white boy movie? Shinola! Brian brings up a good point. How many of you did the straight four years, I didn't. Two schools and nearly five years. My ex made three schools and doubled down. Changed her major from mathe to education, at which she was spectaclular. I changed my major because they were going to make me read crap in English I had already read in Greek. Sorry bout that elitism. Then again, you can try lots's of bimbo schools and still be Ms. Wasilla.
- Holy shit.
- Revenge Porn? Don't take the pictures. Simple as that. I have one or two nekkid photos of women I've lived with, but I took 'em and I ain't publishing. What sort of pathetic prick would even consider doing that? It certainly makes the perp out to be an asshole, and naked women, hell, most of them look just fine to me. Wendy notwithstanding, I believe wolves are the most beautiful mammals on earth. Gators are the most beautiful reptiles, and the Brown Pelican is surely the best looking bird God created. Apropos of nothing whatever. And how is it difficult for creationists to figuere God was smart enough to work out Evolution? Kept Her from an eternity of boredom. And wolves eat sheep and ranchers have a good enough deal as it is. Better than most of us.
- Living with a schizophrenic is challenging. I have to decide every night whether to hide the knives. And I am not joking. But as Mickey and Sylvia said best, Love is Strange.
- Stanley Kubricks's best movie is on Turner Movie Channel tonight. Paths of Glory. A great performance by Kirk Douglas. Astoundingly great movie. Holy shit. Here's the Island Packet front pageI don't think bud stands a chance at trial. It used to be a weekly, but now it's a decent Daily. Cheesy name remains.
- They'll give any fool a gun license in America. I saw Seamus Heaney speak years ago at the Bosotn Globe Book Show. Vonnegut and Doctorow were also on the bill that yearMay have been the accent, but Heaney was the best speaker of the three. Kurt V. was strange, but enteertaining, and Doctorow was pretty full of himself. I do think Ragtime is a terrific book. Not Sirens of Titan terrific but mighty damn good. Heaney made a joke about having one parent Irish and one Scots. He said he knew he wanted a drink but he really didn't want to pay for it. Years later, I heard the great Scottish fiddler, Robbie Fitgerald tell the same joke at the Somerville theater. Seamus Heaney's Beowulf is a masterpiece
- Maybe those cats were after the shark that rode the subway last week.
- Why GOPers don't like ACA when they did before. The only difference is tha first five letters of Obamacare.
- My hero for today.
- Bill Clinton hit the nail on the head.It shouldn't be easier to get an assault weapon than it is to vote in the USA.
- Speaking of mental illness, Sly Stone is one weird mofo. I guess he could call up Johnny and Edgar. And how coold is this old guy?
- A great song by Sly and the Family Stone most people have never heard. The singsongy vocal and the lyrics seem at odds, like Mo Tucker singing If We Close the Door, the Night Can Last Forever. Sly''s sister Rose sings the song. I've heard all of the no-show stories a bout Sly, but I saw the band at Ford Auditorium around '68, and they blew the roof off, opening for the Chambers Brothers, who might have been even bette. Strangely, Iron Butterfly was on that bill. Great show.
- Here's a guy with a refreshingly intelligent perspective on paying employees. Jim Demented, victim of terminal assholism.
- Also, speaking of mental illness, and particularly schizophrenia, here's Louie Gohmert, full goose loony and proud of it. Why does this guy always look like he's about to break down in tears. Regarding that Taco guy paying $10/hr., didn't Henry Ford say something about its being fooish to keep your workers wages too low because they can't buy your product?
- Cat rescue. A while back, I was riding my bike to Barnes&Noble and discovered a 6 or 7-ft. gator trapped in a storm drain. Gators are cold-blooded and need to move around in the sun in cold weather to remain healthy. I finally got ahold of a private company that does wildlife removals. Sheriff wasn't having anything to do with it, nor was the fire department. The gator wrangler was a real character, in a good ol' boy way, except that a good ol' boy would have killed the animal instead of driving him over to the beautiful wildlife preserve at Savannah. That damn thing was a serious handful when they got him our of the storm drain and tried to take off on HWY 278, where he undoubtedly would have been squashed by a truck. A friend and I paid $200 for the gator witness protection transport, and agreed it was cash well spent.
- I don't know if any of y'all watch Continuum, but it's an excellent TeeVee Science Fiction dealing with the ultimate anomaly, Time Travel. But the final episode featured a knock down drag out that was the best fight I've ever seen in a television show, and the righteous woman kicked the male supersoldier's ass. It was astounding. Steve King cn really kiss my ass. What a moron. I believe the Navy can target Assad, and while I don't believe in capital punishment, that seems like a fitting end to Assad. Remember, Shrub was all over Assad and Quadaffhi saying the were moderates he could work with. The blowback for going after Assad will come from Hizbollah, and innocents will die. There was a time when backbiting the President in this sort of situation would end a sorry ass politician's career. That was a better time. There is such a confederacy of dunces and the outright feeble-minded in the GOP, it's hard to imagine anything ever coming out right for America. Look at these clowns. Paul Broun, who says evolution and the Big Bang theory are lies from the pit of hell. Rand Paul, who has lived without a proper crapper in his house for 20 years and once kidnapped some college babe and told her he was AquaBuddha and forceedd her to smoke pot. Why would anybody have to force someone to smoke pot. It's such a comfortable and companionly thing to do. Far cry from Mittens putting the gumball lights on top of his car and "arresting" young women. Iowa Steve King, a comedyy gift that keeps on giving. These people are dangerously deranged whackos that Spencer Reid and his buddies should be locking up.
- I don't know if any of y'all watch Continuum, but it's an excellent TeeVee Science Fiction dealing with the ultimate anomaly, Time Travel. But the final episode featured a knock down drag out that was the best fight I've ever seen in a television show, and the righteous woman kicked the male supersoldier's ass. But good. It was astounding. Steve King cn really kiss my ass. What a moron. I believe the Navy can target Assad, and while I don't believe in capital punishment, that seems like a fitting end to Assad. Remember, Shrub was all over Assad and Quadaffhi saying the were moderates he could work with. The blowback for going after Assad will come from Hizbollah, and innocents will die. There was a time when backbiting the President in this sort of situation would end a sorry ass politician's career. That was a better time. There is such a confederacy of dunces and the outright feeble-minded in the GOP, it's hard to imagine anything ever coming out right for America. Look at these clowns. Paul Broun, who says evolution and the Big Bang theory are lies from the pit of hell. Rand Paul, who has lived without a proper crapper in his house for 20 years and once kidnapped some college babe and told her he was AquaBuddha and forceedd her to smoke pot. Why would anybody have to force someone to smoke pot. It's such a comfortable and companionly thing to do. Far cry from Mittens putting the gumball lights on top of his car and "arresting" young women. Iowa Steve King, a comedyy gift that keeps on giving. These people are dangerously deranged whackos that Spencer Reid and his buddies should be locking up. Maintenant Deborah. You should be feeling very good about now. I'd suggest doing something you haven't done to mark your final day. Use a tool you've never used before. Something like that. Collect some flora to remember your days there. I love pressed flowers, and I played sports in HS. I would say my days of picking up trash in Monterrey were the hardest work I've ever done. Physically brutal. There was one stop with a pharmacy that had a glass crusher at the bottom of several flights of stairs to the basement. Crushed glass is exceptionally heavy, and I don't have any idea how I ever made it to the top of those stairs and into sunlight with a can full of that. Stronger than I look. It was horrible. Those cans outweighed me by a lot. But I did. It paid way better than the El Estero Car Wash. But no tips.
- Jolene, I'm aware there are two GOPer assholes in the house that compete for the honor of most obnoxious GOPer rep named Steve King. I have noted this before here, and I think there should actually be a competition to see who's the bigger ahole. There is something so perfect in the GOP sporting two Congressman so malapropistic at the same time it almost makes me delirious. In the entire history of the house, there is no way there have ever been two such flagrant assholes with the same name. Rep. King's comment about Syria, simultaneous translation, reads: Nigger is fucked no matter what he does if we play this right.
- Happy birthday Dorothy.
- brian stouder@52: But...Obama.
- Mr. Baker and those other whack Brit drummers are all fine, but this guy was the 60s drummer that really mattered. This drum solo beats Toad all to hell. And that is entertainment. The album version is even better (on Broken Barricades). Can't find that Robin Trower version on the net. And no matter what anybody says about the meaning of the lyrics of this song, it's about taking LSD.
- I've always found Diana Nyad fascinating. And what a perfect name for a woman that gets in the water and swims for three days and 90 miles. What ever put this idea in her head in the first place. First I ever heard of her, she swam entirely around Mannattan Island back in the late 60s or early 70s. Remarkable. She's 64 years old, and it is down at this time to two miles, a freakishly long way to swim in the ocean, but I'm betting she gets there.
- Naiads were water nymphs in Greek mythology. Charlotte: That's an enviable opportunity to have had.
- I wish I'd had Robert Reich for a professor for Macro and Micro. Very entertaining. Extremely lucid. I've seen some additional news reports on the colossal swim, and I understated the distance. It's actually 110+ miles, and she's been in the water now for somewhat more than 48 hours. The only person to ever make it across the Florida Strait was an Aussie using a shark cage that broke the waves. Not even close to what Nyad's doing without the shark cage. At some point last night, she flipped onto her back and got the wnitre support crew to sing Happy Birthday to one of the crewmembers. Awe-inspiring. Once or twice a year, I swim across Port Royal Sound from Hilton Head to Beaufort. I don't know the distance but I'd guess it's about three miles. But that's not open ocean, and it's shallow enough sharks are quite unlikely. Nyad is making better than 2mph in very severe currents and wave conditions.
- Tucker Carlson unleashes his inner old fart.
- So Nyad has landed. Came ashore in Key West. I imagine there might be some serious partying where the feral chickens roam tonight. Perfect spot to culminate this massive achievement.
- Peak petroleum is a pretty well-known concept. Peak chicken is another thing altogether.
- Since someone other than I brought up the post swim photos of Diana Nyad I'd like to point out that this is what she lode like the first time she tried this feat. As for why she did it, why'd that guy parachute from a space capsule? Why do people hike the Grand Canyon? Why does young Sheryl Haworth try to lift immense weights? Why do people do Iron Man competitions? Why do people climb high mountains? Identifying challenges and seeking to overcome them is innate in human beings, for one thing. I make a long distance ocean swim once or twice a year (not 1/30th as grueling as Cuba to Key West) and I do it because it's difficult and because I enjoy pushing myself to do something difficult. Why pick a landmark on a bike ride and sprint like hell to it? Same reason. Whatever Diana Nyad's motives, they are hers alone, and she is entitled to them. And of course, when you're swimming nobody notices your scalp is sweating. I believe most of the negative commentary on the internets results from the fact that Nyad came out years ago as a lesbian. She is quite outspoken about gay rights issues.But really, the nitwits claiming she shouldn't have been allowed to do it because of the danger should explain why anybody should be allowed to climb Mt. Rainier, run a marathon or even swim in the ocean or drive on a US Interstate. All of those things are dangerous. Nyad already did Bimini to FLA, so there was little doubt she could handle the distance. And her entire adventure was privately funded, with medical staff and equipment with her all the way. This wasn't going to cost anybody anything that was not eager to help fund it. Given Nyad's history of accomplishments, and exxtensive preparation, I'd say what she did was less dangerous than going hunting with Dickless Cheney.
- "looked". Must have typed it and left out the k.
- Gift as a verb is atrocious. (Regift makes some sense, though I've never done it nor used the neologism.) Hate as a noun and not a verb is worse. Hate is a verb. The noun is h-a-t-r-e-d. Growing the economy makes me gag. And one raises crops, not children. Children are reared. And what are people saying when they say verbage instead of verbiage? And should it be pronounced ver-buj or ver-bahj? And anybody that tells you they were tasked to do something is a horse's ass. Didn't Bun E. Tacos play drums with Rick Nielson in Cheap Trick? Chainsmoker? Pervy looking?
- More amusing than most cat videos, a funny baseball vid involving a great catch and a wardrobe malfunction. Reminds me of the time Steve "Pscho" Lyons got his pants full of infield dirt on a dive into first base and had an alleged brain fart. If CK's spruce goose wasn't actual size, anything it accomplished in terms of view lines and site massing studies (maybe not the dollhouse furniture) could have been done with scale models in a studio. For some reason this makes me think of the croquet game in Alice. Millions of acres of Southeastern forests were toast long ago, cooze. What's being deforested now for plywood are second generation pine farms planted and managed by Georgia Pacific, who denuded the old growth in the first place, sometimes on federal land. The Savannah River Plant nuclear facility is a case in point. We drive through it after promising not to stop for anything, particularly taking pictures, on the way from HHI to Athens and back. It always gave me a creepy feeling and one day I noticed that, looked at from an oblique angle, the trees, all pines, were in perfect aligned rows, like crops in a field. GP manages the property, which also means GP can harvest trees from the property and get paid for taking them away and turning them into plywood and particle board to sell at home depot. The Savannah River runs through it under eery dead foliage and deformed fauna (hermaphroditic frogs and salamanders), and emits a foggy steam all day and all night as it collects tritium in the drinking water supply for people downstream like residents of HHI and Savannah GA. Of course GP is a responsible environmental steward. All the ads say so.
- Thank God Congress has its priorities straight and kept those farm subsidies intact by shitcanning all of the SNAP food assistance money. Wouldn't want the USA to have starving children at third world rates or anything.
- Burning Man is what passes for the Gathering of the Juggalos in hipster communities. And hipsters ain't hippies, although I'm sure Burning Man draws a crowd of Slab City-zens. the Juggalos seem like more fun, although I'm sure the music is as annoying at one as at the other. I'd rather hang with a huge group of Deadheads. I imagine there is a high incidence of property crime and unattractive naked people at all three.
- Today is Martin Chambers' birthday, the great drummer for the Pretenders that brought a jazz player's feel for odd and shifting rhythms. And thankfully, like Chrissie, he survived success. The rest of the band didn't. More gun stupidity. This nonsense happens every day all over the USA.
- I'm a card-carrying member of Amnesty Int'l. This is the web version of an email appeal I just received. This is a classic case of a problem with no clear solution, but that al-Assad has to go seems clear. It seems to me the truth of the gas attack charges is unmistakably clear. This has fuckall to do with the Shrubco misAdministration lying its ass off about Saddam. That was simply the culmination of the furiously spurious PNAC campaign to grab Iraqi oil possibilities that began in 1997 and was aimed at President Clinton. Two of its main architects had also engineered Iran-Contra, the exposure of which is the main reason for GOPer demonization of John Kerry.The fact that they had an entire new menu of reasons to invade should have been a dead giveaway. These were people that had lied their asses off previously in pursuit of an anti-Constitutional, extra-legal assault on the rule of American law for personal gain. Anybody see that happening with Obama and Kerry? I'd trust both men more than their predecessors, whom I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw Dickless Cheney's next 50 heart donors that disappear under suspicious conditions. (Shouldn't Cheney be at the absolute bottom of any transplant lists about now?) But what to do? Hell if I know. If it could happen, I'd get Bashar the way Ol' Dirty Bin got got, and airlift bookoo humanitarian aid to the most reasonable of his opposition. Let the hearts and minds winning be done by those that actually are involved in the situation in Syria. But hell, I don't know. If anybody does, let's hear it. GOPer posturing on this is so counterproductive. It seems targeted attacks on Congress wouldn't be a terrible idea. This is more or less what the President's critics on the left seem to think should have happened already on a variety of issues, like the late, great public auction. As if there were some Praetorian Guard the President could despatch to demand incalcitrant GOPers do the right thing. But on Syria, nobody seems to have a clue. I picked up a week's worth of mail yesterday, and there were five requests for financial aid from five different groups supporting wounded and otherwise importuned veterans. All I could think was, what the hell is wrong with this country? Aside from anything else, Mark doan know dick about Dorothy's situation, nor the people involved, so a snide comment is particularly asinine and offensive.
- Nancy@58: Less than $4.50 per day per person? That was the max available from all the SNAP programs put together, before GOPers in the Senate 86d them in favor of continued funding of farm subsidies in full.
- Actually, it just occurred to me that in a difficult situation caused by another's intransigence and mulishness, sarcasm, and black humor are acceptable responses for a person with responsibility for the problem. Obviously. Pretty natural human response, although I saw nothing of that from Dorothy's comment. I'm 62 now and OMS could set in any day. I think my 20 miles daily on my bike in really hot weather followed by long showers (I don't take short showers, where's the fun in that?) probably keep me smelling fairly fresh, but I also know my housemate and lover will waste no time telling me if I start to stink. I'd also like to say, that lingering old folks and their problems may not be so terrible. From onset of decline until death, my mom and daddy took about a week put together. The suddeness and finality of it all was pretty close to overwhelming. I believe I would have rather had them around longer, no matter how awful some of the details may have been. As things turned out, I was alone with my dad for his last three lucid days, and it was extremely difficult, but we had wonderful conversations, including an extended one about Smilla's Sense of Snow, a superb thriller by Peter Hoeg. It had been a favorite of my mom's, and my dad was living on shaved ice, so the book was a natural subject.
- Never seen a disguised pickup like that. Lots of camo painted trucks with 747 suspensions and wheels, but no stadium wall padding. Is that stuff bullet-proof? Speaking of bullet-proof, my kevlar-belted tires have now gone a year without a flat, and I've even ridden into the recycling center with loads on my bike, which probably qualifies as tempting fate. Vertigo is on Turner Classic tonight. Only James Stewart movie other than The Rope I can watch for more than five minutes.
- I just read the last comments from yesterday. I meant to acknowledge that my point of view was inherently selfish. And regarding the great name of that abolitionist newspaper, it reminded me of the Unterrified Democrat, which is still truckin' as a weekly in Linn, MO, definitely behind enemy lines these days. Our mail today brought a Kickstarter CD by Leyla McCalla, who is a member of the estimable Carolina Chocolate Drops (cello). Most of the songs are Langston Hughes poems set to music and arranged by Ms. McCalla. A few are traditional Haitian tunes (the album package has translatians. The musical accompaniment is sparse, mostly just Leyla's gorgeous voice, full-bodied tenor banjo finger-picking, and what is like a banjo or guitar attack on the cello. This is as good as anything I've heard new this year. Great poetry set to pure and gorgeous music, sung by a woman with a beautiful voice. The song at the link is a good example of what the album sounds like. Charlotte I have spiffy black exo braces for both knees I wear for skiing and hoops. Don't know if it's from football, track or diving, or just an accumulation, but they are both shot. Here in SC where the goober-nor and the lege passed a law criminalizing any effort by any public official to put any aspect of ACA into motion, I'll be needing those things for a long time. They're great for hoops. Others take it for granted I'm slow and can't jump, plus there is my complexion. Suckers.
- Here in touristaland, our tap water tastes good and tests well, except it has a considerable tritium load. Five legged salamanders and hemaphrodite frogs, oh my. Tap water in Boston and surrounding areas comes from the pristine Quabbin Reservoir out near Amherst. It's the outsourcing, stupid. World's greatest health care system. Riiiight. We use the Brita pitcher (a brilliant invention) for coffee and tea, and keep some tap water filled SS bottles in the fridge for biking and hiking.
- Every well-stocked home bar used to have a soda siphon to produce sparkling water. Watch a Topper movie or any Thin Man movie. Even Myrna Loy could operate it. Just joking, Nora usually figured things out before Nick did. But they did always use a soda siphon to mix cocktails. Frequently. I love those movies. Williams Sonoma has a beauty for $75: Nice bit of design, In my opinion. They use small CO2 cartridges. One of my brothers has a siphon less fancy, and less than $50.
- Ending a sentence with a preposition is the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put. Death ray buildings. Funny post on John Crowley's blog.
- Mittens RMoney is gone, but his douchebagism continues to thrive. And while this may seem like kicking a guy when he's down, I'm fairly sure that's the sort of thing Willlard does regularly.
- Whether or not you like Lou Reed and/or Elvis Costello, or you know you dislike or like both (I have to say, I find it difficult to understand somebody that buys Elvis and not Lou), if you have Netflix streaming, a hidden gem is this episode of Declan's talk show. Remarkable guest appearance by Julian Schnabel, and Elvis back to his roots, to some extent. Surprised they didn't discuss being married to famous and accomplished recording stars. And it is so cool that Lou is a raconteur these days and not fried as he might have been. The songwriting discussion is a little fishy, because I get the feeling Elvis can knock 'em out like a gerbil making babies, while it's easy to believe Sweet Jane was just a direct bolt from the ether. The ep with the Police that follows is pretty good too.
- Whether or not you like Lou Reed and/or Elvis Costello, or you know you dislike or like both (I have to say, I find it difficult to understand somebody that buys Elvis and not Lou), if you have Netflix streaming, a hidden gem is this episode of Declan's talk show. Remarkable guest appearance by Julian Schnabel, and Elvis back to his roots, to some extent. Surprised they didn't discuss being married to famous and accomplished recording stars. And it is so cool that Lou is a raconteur these days and not fried as he might have been. The songwriting discussion is a little fishy, because I get the feeling Elvis can knock 'em out like a gerbil making babies, while it's easy to believe Sweet Jane was just a direct bolt from the ether. The ep with the Police that follows is pretty good too. Re: the Elvis and Lou tape, it's pretty funny to think about Yes guys hanging with Lou Reed.
- Actually, if you let the Lou Reed episode of Elvis' show run into the one with Andy Summers, you see who was one of the two musical champs in The Police, followed by Stuart Copeland, the best musician in that band. And Roxanne is an instant button-pusher song. Big Hank: RO is as pure as man can make it. Lab grade. It may come in handy when some MF lets monsters of capitalism foul all of the aquifers. The greatest natural resource the USA has isn't coal, it's water. Anybody that doesn't get that is a blockhead or brain-dead.
- Football pays for that, even though Purdue is inept since that griesball went there. Bigtime football pays for all kinds of good stuff. As for me, I'll help with Kate's tuition if I'm allowed and in dribs and drabs and mostly through my addiction to buying new books.
- Football pays for talented kids in other than FB to enrol, Nancy. It is in no way a drain, it's distinctly a money machine. It also clearly pays the way for Title IX sports like womens hoops and gymnastics. The cost of a college education is largely a function of the interjection of money vampires inserted by the GOP in the form of the education lend-lease bidness, and the bastards recently jacked the interest by more than 100%, while lowering the interest rates for Lehman Marcus to less than 1%.
- Remember Jobs, jobs, jobs?
- You conveniently ignored my point, Nancy. football pays for gymnastics, except for UGA, where Gymnnastics pawys foe itse;f because of that soul-killing school spirit. Every GA football fan is a Gym Fan and a swim fan and a track fan.
- Illeana Ros Lehtinen thinks eight year old girls commonly get pregnant. There is no end to GOPer stupidity. What sort of whackjob 40 year old man wants to marry an eight year old girl. These guys need thair nads cut off. Ann Coulter is a vituperative asshole, who rarely has a clue what she is talking about. She spews bigoted crap like a broken sewer pipe. But she does make a living out of it. And she does have nice gams and a prominent Adam's apple. Her bigotry and closed mind are pretty much undeniable. I think she should move in with the Tenthers in Jefferson, or just move to Mexico with the ridiculous Texas secessionistas. Funny how these Constitutional experts can read the Tenth Amendment, but Article !V, Section 3 of the original document escapes them. It's kinda unequivocal.
- It's not uncommon to hear GOPer revisionists talk bout Shrub's legacy and how future historians will judge his presidency. Here's W's legacy. Even better than SYG.
- Homeless dogs? Bucharest probably has Detroit beat.
- Canadian Senator Ted Cruz pushes that GOPer minority outreach thang by wishing for an entire Senate's worth of Ol' Jesse Helmses. Seriously What a clueless doofus. I don't imagine this will go over so bigtime with his assumed Latino constituency, either. Makes one wonder if this dickhead would despise himself for his Hispanic heritage if he weren't himself. Nice to see Rachel Maddow burn him a new one over this. It is unseemly and extremely offensive whan these GOPers speak in hagiographic tones about the worst excuse for humans and Americans of the 20th Century. Some reporter ought to ask Ted whether he'd leave room for a few Ol' Stroms in his racist Senate Object lesson on the safety of pipelines.This is a pretty sad SNAFU by somebody, but believing any international ohl an' gas consortium is going to be more careful and safety conscious about a pipeline over commandeered American lands is demonstrably stupid. And of course this reminds me of the other great American molasses spill. Shpuldn't any American paper willing to publish Putin's propaganda (plain and simple) have the decency and the brains to surround it with backgrounders on Russia's military misadventures in Georgia and Chechnya? Ya know, the both sides of the coin thing that is so important to NYT and WaPo in their political reporting? Shrub's buddy is a hypocrite of the highest order bitching about his Syrian client state.
- beb@50: That's how we get the meshugah House of Representatives in which the Dems got 2.5mil more votes than the GOPers and Boehner can claim a jobs, jobs, jobs mantra while preventing votes on five seperate jobs bills and voting more than 40 times to dismantle ACA. That is not representative government in any conceivable fashion.
- I'm looking forward to the book reviews in Sunday's NYT, when Michiko Kakutani makes her typical embarrassing attempt to try claiming Thomas Pynchon's new book isn't excellent. Kakutani is an excellent critic with whom I usually agree, but she has a hilarious blind spot when it comes to Pynchon (doesn't like Updike or Cheever either, and disparages DeLillo, but she liked Bonfire of the Vanities--Gaaahhh.). It's like Pynchon goes to her lavish NYC co-op and urinates in her Froot Loops every morning. I can understand people that don't get Pynchon's books, but for a world class critic to just dismiss everything he writes out of hand is bizarre. Maybe they had an affair once that ended badly. All of her literary acumen gets thrown out the window for gratuitous and shallow, basically meaningless cavils. And it will go on for two pages. Why an editor would assign her to continue reviewing the guy's books is a mystery. Anyway, my copy will be here next Thursday, and I can't wait.
- The Texas effect on American public school textbooks. Hly crap, this is nauseating. The "my God isn't smart or creative enough to have put evolution into motion" brigade. Did Jesus prefer Western or English when He rode that dinosaur? And carbon dating is a lie, "straight from the pit of hell." And more BS from the state with the Exordist Governor. Pretty offensive nonsense being taught to kids by corporate schools sucking the gubmint teat.
- Abundance. I love those yellow tomatoes for pasta sauce. Sweetness that doesn't come from adding sugar, which I could never bring myself to do anyway. Especially when you roast them in olive oil first. And those eggplants look beautiful. Just-right size, before they get bitter and need a salt bath before making parmigianna. Freezes well in portions and makes amazing sandwiches on crusty bread. Nice photo.
- I can't stand Alabama football. They pay players and the coach is a sanctimonius phony for publiic consumption, all the while they are cheating. But Johnny Manziel is so obnoxious, all I can say this pm is Roll Tide!!! Deborah Zucchini is a perfect substitute for cucumber in almost anything. Frequently, the lower liquid content makes things better, as in gazpacho.
- I do use carrots when I make the putanesca sauce. I also roast a Vidalia with the tomatoes and garlic to put in the food processor. Nice balance to tomato acid. I imagine the speed limit is imaginary between Santa Fe and Tem-pee. Manziel pissed away 7 for the Ackies, and threw a TD for Bama. Pretty funny, I thought. How do refs let him get away with "straight arms" that, purely and simply should be face mask penalty calls against the obnoxious little shit. And it may not have been worth the penalty, but I laughed my butt off when TJ Yeldon mocked Manziel with that money gesture. Manziel does it after every TD with impunity from the officials, so why does Yeldon get called? I'd like to see Murray, Marshall and Gurley vs. either defense. 700 yds. and slaughter rule points. Those Ds were pitiful. Manziel's INT in the endzone was pitiful stupidity, and his attempted tackle on the pick-6 was laughable. Gary Danielson is always bad, but he was worse on this game about rooting for one side vs. the other than he usually is.
- I got the carrots in the putanesca from Mario Batali. That Italian grandmaw on PBS does it too.
- All I would say about Joyce Maynard and Salinger is, is there a single witness to her ever having had anything to do with him personally? Her bootstrapping on his hermit-like existence seems unwholesome to me. Smells like a semi-brilliant fraud. She seems to be a champion Onanist to me and always has. Which reminds me of the absolutely funniest thing in yesterday's NYT. In a story about Sting, there is a small kicker headline that differentiates between Sting and "navel-gazing songwriters". Seriously? The King of Pain? The Omnipresent Stalker? Whachoo talkin' 'bout, Willis? King of navel-gazing songwriters, if you ask me. Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised by a Maynard book called A Thousand Little Pieces of Me and JD. On Salinger, of course I read Catcher several times when I was an adolescent, but I don't think of it as a particularly good book. In my opinion, A Perfect Day for Bananafish is obviously Salinger's best literary effort, no bullshit, pristine prose. And I like Franny and Zooey.. And, Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenter, along with Bananafish is one of the great titles ever, for anything. Seymour Glass is Salinger's best character. What all of my friend's and I liked best about Catcher was Holden talking True Prince Ackley Kid into farting out loud during the fatuous old boy's chapel address. For a novel of disaffected youth, I prefer John Kennedy Toole's Confederacy of Dunces, funnier and better written. Sorry, but this is all the snit I can muster on this subject. Jolene, my best wishes, and get out those old Sinead albums. @26, most likely to get out of the free-fire zone.
- I meant to say that Joyce Maynard, to my mind, comes across as a better educated, female version of Melvin Dummar. Sorry if that offends anyone.
- In the case of Polanski, it's pretty well documented that the girl's mom traded her for Hollywood access. And I certainly made no excuses for predators. It's remarkable that Maynard could have gained access to Salinger, and it's pretty obvious that he did not initiate the contact.
- Nancy, I certainly didn't say that. I said, for all anybody knows for sure, she may have. I doubt the famous hermit sought her out, though, and the story of their meeting, and subsequent "relationship" is pretty much hers. It's been around a long time, and she is certainly making hay now on current events. Trying to use Franny and Zooey as an indication that Salinger is some sort of sexual predator is as literarily shoddy as it is asinine. Anybody that buys that shit must never have read Franny and Zooey. Originallly, years ago, Maynard did claim to have simply walked up to Salinger's front door, in a Time Mag story. My only point at all about this is that she could say anything she wanted without fear of contradiction, and her popping up now is so greatly to her advantage as to be somewhat suspect. I just feel some skepticism about her entire story. Has anybody but Joyce Maynard and her mom ever seen the famous letter Salinger supposedly wrote to her? This is another viewpoint, from the NYT: I like what Alex Beam has said about Little Joyce Run-a-Muck: "She has hacked her way through three decades wrapped in a delusion torn from the Oliver Sacks casebook: The Woman Who Mistook Herself for Someone Interesting." I didn't say she was lying, nor that she hasn't suffered through some horrible shit during her life, only that much of it could have been fabricated with the author never being found out. I think that's undeniably true. The height of stupid GOPer because…Obama. Drinking water ISN"T good for you. If Mrs. Obama says it is, she's acting like a fascist. Rash Limpballs says so. Mrs. Obama thinks it's a good idea to breathe too, you dickweeds, so cut that out.
- How am I trolling when I try to explain reasonable comments that have been misrepresented? Doesn't quite seem fair. And when did I say I didn't believe old men can be predatory toward young girls? I do think Maynard is a relatively inconsequential writer, but I certainly didn't say that before right now. Meantime, I clearly said I held no brief for Salinger, and I made no excuses for predatory men. I didn't say Maynard was making anything up, I said she could have been doing so for a long time, without fear of contradiction or discovery. As for the well-established story of how she got together with the old goat recluse, Maynard is the origin. That is a fact. The hell with the whole story. It will be interesting to see whether any of his work published posthumously supports his reputation. I'm guessing maybe. Meanwhile, for a story of tortured adolescence, I prefer The Butcher Boy to Catcher, or the brilliant story of Ignatius J. Reilly and his Red Chief notebooks, which is what I said in the first place, and I still think Maynard may well be an opportunistic fabulist. My opinion, and there is no proof one way or another. In Colorado, unusually huge snowpack, early, unseasonable and intense heat, monster snow melt. USGS predicted this for this year. I imagine they're gunshy after Shrubco misAdministration in which their jobs and the very existence of the organization were under daily threat.
- Next time a GOPer espouses Christianity, feel free to snicker maliciously, and to wish eternal damnation on the bastard. They do exactly What Jesus Would Not Do. Scumbags should all be impeached. Richard Branson is seriously creepy, but I'd sure like a ride in this sucker.
- Next time a GOPer espouses Christianity, feel free to snicker maliciously, and to wish eternal damnation on the bastards. They do exactly What Jesus Would Not Do. Scumbags should all be impeached. Richard Branson is seriously creepy, but I'd sure like a ride in this sucker.
- Brian@6: Mandatory sentencing and three strikes laws may be the most reactionary and misguided steps backwards in the history of human jurisprudence. Dumber than grunt. Let's just try the Code of Hammurabai and cutting off the hands of shoplifters. Sorry about that double post. I can't fiigure out what's going on with the site. But I do mean what I said about Satan's party the GOP and what they are doing to the poors in this country in the name of Christian responsibility. Fuck the bastards.
- It's painfully obvious that mandatory sentencing and three strikes are applied far less equally to minority defendants than to whites, but I've long thought part of the intent of these unconstitutional laws is to provide a steady supply of fodder for the growing privatized incarceration mills. Of course, they also remove judges from the business of judging, although there are too many GOPer judges pulling shit like blaming that CO 14 year old for her own rape and giving the teacher/rapist 30 days in the hole. Mike Lupica is every bit as much of a clueless dickhead as Mitch Albom.
- Avid Bookshop news. This novel has an intriguing premise, but it sounds more like Charles Portis than Kurt Vonnegut to me. This could make a great movie, along the lines of Little Big Man. And if you haven't read the hilarious Charles Portis, I'd recommend Masters of Atlantis as a good introductory point.
- First Loins win vs. Redskins since 1939 (when the Skins were in Boston. Another monster game for Stafford. Van Patrick is smiling in Broadcaster Heaven. Raising a toast with Sonny "Idiot" Eliot. End of a very long dry spell.
- Brian May, Queen guitar player extraordinaire has a doctorate in astrophysics. I hope somebody has brought this String Theory according to Brian and Freddy to his attention. Very well done.
- The most disgraceful thing about the GOPer cuts to SNAP programs is that the self-proclaimed spending hawks left all of the farm subsidies on which these government programs are based in place whole. A bunch of these bastards actually benefit directly from the farm subsidies. I'm pretty much certain none of them rely on SNAP to put food on their families. How do voters feel about GOPer action guaranteed to ensure that kids go hungry in exceptional America, and some may starve to death? Kinda Third World, ain't it? This guarantees that the government will be paying Big Farm companies to let food rot in warehouses while Americans, including a few million kids, go hungry. It was marginally funny to call Ryan Granny-Starver, but now the GOP is making that a reality. People that vote for these bastards should feel deep shame.
- I'm betting Guns and Stuff sells generic six-packs of white cans identified with black block letering that says "DRINKS". According to friends and family, the Navy Yard gunman had sought out mental health assistance repeatedly. Seems as if this would show up in any reasonable background check. When Rand Paul goes for his gun licenses, does the self-confessed AquaBhudda kidnapping show up? The Supreme Court can say whatever it wants, it doesn't change the fact that the first 13 words of the 2nd Amendment constitute a restrictive descriptive clause in the English language, and the right of every yahoo to go around packing is a chickenshithawk conservative fantasy. These loony-tunes insist upon the right of people on known terriss lists to own assault weapons.
- A really nice Breaking Bad appreciation by the actor that played poor doomed Jane, who might have saved Jesse from Walt, if Walt hadn't gone over completely to the dark side and let her suffocate on her own vomits, and in doing zoo also killed all the people on that airliner. I quit watching for a while when Mr. White did that, but went back. That was the moment when Walt went irrevocably evil and Jesse's fate was sealed. So far as Jesse's committing murder, Gale was a suicide waiting to happen anyway. More than anything, in the last episode, I want Jesse to kill psycho Todd. It still seems wildly improbable that Walter would have left that copy of Leaves of Grass on the toilet tank, much less that Hank would open it. ACA preventive medicine provisions will drive everybody's health care costs down, but that's the Nanny state, as if all these chickenhawk GOPer milquetoast granny-starvers (and child-starvers, and veteran and active duty military starvers) didn't all have wetnurses when those shriveled GOPer BEVO teats couldn't produce milk. One of the things that drives GOPers nuts about ACA is the idea about MDs asking about gun owning behavior. Nucking futcakes with a severe problem with a ridiculous obsession that beggars reality. Like Hank on Breaking Bad. Or his literary predecessor, Ahab. But taking the world down with its own perfect storm of paranoia. Maybe it's Cagney on top of the bonfire in White Heatt. It's loony no matter how you look at it, and anybody that denies the racist component is a Pollyanna or an idiot. What those fools are worried about with the MD inquisition has to do with questions about guns in households. This has driven the NRA to new levels of nutjobbery? The idea that a doctor might ask his patients whether or not they have gun safes and trigger locks causes these bastards to howl at the moon, even though the vast majority of NRA rank and file believe in these safeguards, as they believe in limiting magazine capacity to 15, and limiting access to assault weapons, AND background checks. Somebody needs to make LaPierre come clean about who exactly he represents. It sure as hell isn't NRA members that pay his salary. The site will no longer remember my screen name, so I'm trying another. And another, until one sticks.
- WaPo is acting as if no information on premiums under Obamacare has been available befor today. Did those jerkwads quit reading newspapers. Or are they just trying to be neutral in th interest of "everybody does it" faux journalism. The hell everybody does it. Are Dems out to destroy all SNAP programs while fully funding farm subsidies? I think not.
- Jeff@18: The pre-existing conditions protection in PPACA helps immensely with that. Until now, insurance carriers would pounce on an hour spent uncovered. Along those lines, in Bleeding Edge, after the towers go down Pynchon has landlords using it as a pretext to move people out of rent-controlled apartments in order to go co-op. I'd never heard this before and thought it might be too scurrilous even for scumbags like NYC landlords. So I talked to some friends that live in the City, and apparently this sub-human trick was pretty common, and the rental courts upheld the landlords' position (Rudy's municipal counsel filed a friend of the court brief in favor of the landlords.). I now know three friends of mine were victimized in that exact way. The whole solidarity in the face of the terriss attack rings as hollow with them as Pretzledent Pet Goat climbing on the rubble with a bullhorn. Just when you think you've seen the lower limits of foul human behavior, the bastards think of something worse. Claudia@25: That sounds downright biblical, as in: "Yea and the night before battle David prayed "Lord let my horses bite of the penises of thine enemies." The guy was lucky. Everybody knows that horses' mouths are cleaner of pernicious bacteria than are humans'. Hell it could have been a komodo and the guy would be a goner. But it sure sounds like that horse was looking for some sort of revenge, a mare scorned, or something like that. Any of y'all ever used an ergonomic (kneeling) chair. I woke up with my back killing me today, found a chair online and on sal, with free shipping and ordered it. I'm having lower back problems that are making my toes numb. A bike jaunt would help, but we're having Dixie Storms.
- I remember the "switched baby episode. Scripts that involved Jerry and Millie were always hilarious, and the racial twist on this one was pretty daring for the time. My favorite Dick van Dyke episode by far. This was hilarious. Makes me sad to contemplate the vulgar drivel that passes for TV and movie comedies these days. I have not watched more than five minutes of any sitcom since Frazier left the airwaves (not counting animated shows, that is, I can watch Family Guy, American Dad, and most of all Futurama and above all King of the Hill, which has the greatest theme music of any TeeVee comedy show not starring Kids in the Hall): and In fact that Refreshments tune seems to me to be a variation on the Bonanza theme, and it sounds like Shane McGowan doing the "vocal". Anyway, thank God MASH is on some channel almost all the time, managing hilarious risque but never crude.
- Enjoy every sandwich. TS Eliot once said Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm but the harm does not interest them. Somehow, he knew about Ted Cruz and the Teabangers decades ahead of their time. And how smart is anybody supposed to believe Ted Cruz is when he missed the point of Green Eggs and Ham, by 180 degrees. It's not about being forced to do something you don't want to do. It's about being talked into trying something you thought you didn't like and finding that, Yeah, it's really good. Maybe he read it upside down. Not in defense of Kid Rock, but it's entirely possible (likely) that the stripper pole was his ex-wife's idea. Malibu house probably was too. Hell that fool thought it was a good idea to marry Tommy Lee and make videos. I can't help but read the forlorn quote from Squirrel Lady as "I raised him from an infink. Toot. Toot." And why doesn't the officious Mr. Bloom do himself a political favor and push that permit through? That could make a career in elected office.
- My mom and dad had a lot in common with Rob and Laura, but they never slept in a twin bed bedroom and the idea of my mom sobbing "Oh, Norm" is totally alien. But no joke, the episode with the walnuts was hilarious. It's out all over the tubes. The mockery of Tough Teddy Cruz, Canadian Senator, is a result of that omnipresent and virulent left-wing "hate", to which I repeat, for anybody too stupid to know that hate is a verb ane hatred is the nominal form, "Son I'd like to he'p you but you're too dumb to vote." And I love Buddy Holly as much as anybody, but Eddie Cochran ruled: GOPers know it was Romneycare first. Before that it was HeritageFoundationCare. They can say anything they want, but it is the first five letters of Obamacare that bug the piss out of them, and the color of his uppity skin. Best thing for GOPers at this point would be to admit to momentary loss of control due to Big House delirium. This is racist through and through. I believe Ian Dury, of Blockheads fame saw hashtags coming from way back, in Reasons to be Cheerful: Mike Stipe sort of saw it coming in The End of the World.
- When I hear that "hate" shit from a bunch of internet Nazis, it always leads me to take refuge in this perfection:
- Sorry, but hate as a noun puts me in mind of Harry Truman saying normalcy when he meant normality. Atrocious. There is actually no such word as normalcy. I'd like to see a Rob and Laura Redux when she'd say Oh, Roooobbbb, and give him a sharp knee in the goolies. That bidness about who invented Obamacare, are these mooks joking? It's Heritage Foundation. And it's quite obvious Obama is smart enough to get the single-payer head in the tent.
- Basset, You are so wrong. It is the capitol of the world. And clearly the coolest place anywhere. Nashvull idn't. And futball at IU isn't football. It's punt John Punt.
- Michigan football ceased to matter some time ago, It's SEC baybe. Same as hoops. And I went to some drug company comped ball games ar the Bif House and could never understand taking the sobriwuet from the penitentionerry. I will remain the white girl in the loop. And I'm waiting for a new season of Orange. Way better than Breaking Bad.
- NYC is the best.
- Most recent version of the Atlantic says HS sports make HS dumb. Tell that to the Jebbies ahole.Best schools, best sports.
- Have fun in the capital of the free world Nancy. There is no city finer, even Hitsville, USA.
- Meanwhile, the Koch Kriminal Kons[iracy is growing new noses all over the Teabanging landscape, to noodle then when their aholes are getting smooched by dickheads like Canadian Senator Cruz. In mid Faux- Mr. Jefferson. I do not like fake Hams and Scam. Did the asshole ever read the book rightside up?
- Football on TeeVee has way too much of the Little Shining Man. Impedes the aggression, which is why we played in the first place. It is impossible to explain football to anybody that didn't ever play.
- Ranking on football is so oldschool, you'd think somebody woulda put a cork in it. It is seriously fun, especially to play it. And if anybody tried pulling that dive-ology from the "Beautiful game" actual football players would leave the wussies lying there, writhing. And as usual, Sherri is correct. Baseball in person is the sublimest sports experience. Fenway s highly recommended. Astounding, on a Spring day. BU hockey at Nicholson is pretty fracking good too.
- Deborah, the website stopped remembering my name so I changed it. One thing nobody ever seems to remember about bigtime college football. It pays for all of the other sports, particularly the Title IX sports, and some research profs as well.
- Boston is far and away my favorite American city. For the whole wide world, it's Bern.
- Anybody that doesn't understand what is special about NYC has some sort of psychological problem.
- Houston and Atlanta are practically the same place, with horrible airports and vast stretches of sprawl and strip malls. It seems to me that people that dismiss NYC out of hand, for no good reason, are cutting off their own noses to spite their faces and succumbing to a peculiar manifestation of misanthropy. My first couple of college years in Worcester gave me and friends the run of NYC, and damn was that fun. A perfect example of the sort of thing that happens in the City is the night we had dinner at the great One Fifth restaurant, rolled out to the street, walked into the Village Gate, and realized Nina Simone was playing the club. She was playing the piano intro to her arrangement of Lady Day's Strange Fruit. Now that is an awe-inspiring happenstance, that will not occur anywhere else. Hunter Pence is a superb ballplayer, but the Jints should probably talk him off that scooter. Scooter accidents are a very common occurrence in CFB, where most of the kids don't have cars on campus, much less Black Trans-Ams like Herschel's, which his decidedly middle class parents bought for him. Aaron Murray had a scooter spill last summer, and Bulldawg Nation hyperventilated. And when LSU went ahead with almost 3 minutes left yesterday, I knew Georgia would score again. The maintenance crew that cleans up Sanford Stadium after UGA ballgames says their biggest headache is duct tape trampled into walking surfaces. Flasks taped to tri-Delt thighs where no security guard will venture. Deborah@51: Compression fittings are an example of mankind's inventive abilities. Sure beats sweating joints, although making good solder joints is a very satisfying skill to master. But under a kitchen or bathroom sink, the fire risk is something I can do well without.
- Irony killed dead. Guess who tweeted this Whiny columnists who sit on Twitter taking endless pot shots, then publicy self-victimize the minute someone says something critical of them. Glenn Greenwald, unless somebody is just making fun of the weasel. If it's actually Greenie, he shows a monster talent for being unconscious of his ownself. Isn't Chloe Grace Moretz too young to play Carrie? And why did anybody think the Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie version needed a reboot? Admittedly, the director of Boys Don't Cry is an intriguing fit for a Carrie remake, but it seems like a waste of time to do another version of one Steven King work that was done to perfection already. It so rarely happens that King's fiction is done right by moving to video formats. The TV version of The Stand was good. Jamie Sheridan was monstrous as Randall Flagg, and Matt Frewer was astounding as Trashcan Man. Gary Sinise, pull the broomstick out of his arsehole, God he is a terrible actor. Laura San Giacomo was excellent. Walter White will not kill himself. I expect Psycho Todd to get his lunch, and I sure hope Jesse gets to do him in. I'd kinda like to see Walt get to kill that weasel Ted, too. Jr. has got to be disabused of the notion that Dad killed Uncle Hank, who deserved to die the way Ahab deserved to die, killed by his nutso obsession.. Marie should eat worms and die. Obnoxious holier than thou jerk. Here's a perfect Breaking Bad drink: (pretty disgusting tasting, but it's blue like Walt's meth.
- I also hope Walt gets some measure of revenge on snivelling yuppies Eliot and Gretchen, aned on the perfidious Skyler. Swriously? Ted? What a pitiful skeevy bastard.
- Jolene@67: Adultery when your husband is dying, taken to the point of ruination in giving the idiot weasel co-respondent $620grand to raise IRS suspicions, was pretty reprehensible on Skyler's part. Insult to injury sthat Ted was such an ineffectual wuss as well as an incompetent criminal.
- Ballet in NYC. Beautiful. Things Japanese people do to the English language are endlessly amusing. Check the second name down of this department store sign. WTF? The small gubmint Teabangers are riding roughshod over all three branches of American government and a pretty clear mandate at the 2012 Presidential polls. How do they fool their base so regularly with such transparent bullshit? Because Obama. And every time one of the bastards starts in on polls about PPACA unpopularity, I want to beat them over the head with a sign that says, "You assholes don't get to count the folks for whom nothing short of single payer is good enough. If GOPers had proposed anything at all but the miserable, eidiculously expensive status quo, perhaps they'd have a leg to stand on, but all these aholes can offer is "Because Obama." You would think a message might have gotten through when Obamacare skated by a Supreme Court packed with trogloconservative activists. But no, Because Obama.
- Sherri@81: It's not so non-violent for all of those kids and elders and families of active duty service members who are having SNAP food aid yanked out from under them by the GOPers in order to make sure they get their farm subsidy checks. People will starve in the USA. Exceptional Third Worldism, brought to America by the GOP.
- Aside from crawling off to boff the skeevy MoFo Ted (and a spouse could not for whatever reason find a more insulting and hurtful POS to commit adultery with twice than Ted, Sky was a criminal long before Walter was. She cooked Ted's books like an overdone haggis. And Marie was worse than Skyler because she hated her sister for being the pretty one so she stole baby tiaras. Uncle Hank may have been a crimebusting hero to his nephew Flynn, but he was a hubristic obsessive malcontent since nobody that wasn't Gregory Peck going down with the White Whale. Like Oedipus, Jocasta and Laius. There is plenty of Sophocles here to go around. Overweening pride is man's inevitable downfall. No offense intended Basset, but Breaking Bad was just like NYC, no reason to go there. Our delicate sensibilities might be offended. I was accepted at Vandy and chose Holy Cross instead because I was more impressed with the English Dept. facullty, and Nashvull seemed kinda boring. As far as BB is concerned, how much of Walter's behavior rresulted directly from his giving up the Gray Matter dream for less than 40 pieces of silver and losing the woman he loved (no matter how rattus norvegicus the overbite) to his partner in Nerdstrom? I'd say a lot. I will say, as soon as I saw the Stevia packet, I knew Lydia was going to die of severe flu symptoms. Did anybody else feel a shiver with the continued motion of the assault rifle in Walt's trunk echoing the irrepressible bounce bounce of jesse's lowrider car out in the desert wasteland. I thought this was undeniable. And I said it when it happened. When Walt let Jane die, he sealed his fate. Subhuman. And I have loved that Marty Robbins song since I was an altar boy downtown in Memphis and Cocolas wer a nickle in on of those ice cold maze machines and I heard it on the sacristy radio, some Cubano Batistaite hiding out. Jane was a junkkie, but she was the best person of all of these. Doubt that's a coincidence. Sweet Jane, aholes.
- Sorry, Ted? Remember when Walt diddled Sky under the table at the parent-teacher meeting? At least he was never a whiny wimp like Ted. Women do this thing on purpose where they cheat with the most ridiculous ahole they can think of. It's Ur-mother instinct. Make it hurt. Jane was clearly the best person of all of the people on Breaking Bad. She loved Jesse, She was murdered by Walt. Pretty clear that Tara has to come out on top on SOA. I want her to strangle Jemma with her own bare hands the way Todd's neck snapped (and you were sure as shit right about that Dex. He snapped his fucking neck. There may have been sorrier aholes in the genre, but Ted is a putz, a disgraceful POS.
- One hellacious football player. Did he die dithering and sundowning? God knows, I don't. Sherman Alexie is a very good writer, and I pretty much agree with him on the subject of ebooks. I have books piled up everywhere. And I love them. Particularly my first edition of The American Language, by the legendary, dare I say iconic, HL Mencken. Maybe the greatest book ever written. And American English is clearly the greatest language ever. Ginormous vocab and endlessly arguable grammar. I suppose that opinion sounds like I think I'm smarter than everyone, but believe me, that thought never crossed my mind. And I never met Basset, much less pissed in his Lucky Charms. Can I just mention Mathematics. I dislike anything but geometry with a bloody passion, but bringing up the ease with which one can finesse the SAT and GRE math components, by simply working the problems in reverse, as proving, I somehow made an enemy of Basset. Here's to the math-phobic, of whom I am one. MarkH@50: Sounds like a Lowell George song.
- I'd like to express an opinion aobut opinions. The absolutely stupidest thing any human being ever said is "That's just your opinion" No shit, asshole, that's why it came out of my mouth. Anyone that lacks courage in her own opinions is pretty much a nebbish, somebody to be ignored. What is gained by entertaining an opinion different from my own? Rarely anything. I Basset thinks that means I believe I'm smarter than everybody else, I'll grant him that asinine assumption. I have never treated anybody that way, and probably won't, from here on out. Far as that goes. And Kaye@49: That is way hilarious. I prefer the homelier Montalban on Crossing Jordan and Covert Affairs. Particularly Crossing Jordan, and why wasn't Jill Cassidy cast in Continuum? Most gorgeous woman in network series TeeVee in a long time. And for a long time, so long.
- One more thing: Anybody that thinks PEDs had an effect on baseball, that is still talking about the clear and the cream is a fucking moron. Injectable, maybe, lotions and drinks, washed out fast. Not even close. Barry Bonds is the best baallplayer not named Vlad Guerrero to this day. And now, I am out of here probably forever.
- Bleeding Edge is a great NYC book. Dorothy, that is quite a nice story. In regard to Tom Clancy, straight to video. And Cit-bikes are a clear extension of socialist behaviorism Barack Obama got from his daddy he spent all of six days with, which led to his anti-colonial world-view, and sorry if that makes me seem elitist, Basset. Kiss my ass.
- And what's with that Dinesh anti-colonial accusation? Weren't Washington and Jeffeerson kinda anti-colonial? Even a little bit? And that's a bad thing? But....Obama. Mau-mauing the Flak-catchers. We are getting our hatreds out of order.
- Mike Luckovich gets it right, as usual. What is it about gerrymandering the House to the tune of three to one vote per representative and getting trounced twice in the Presidential election, and failing in the stacked paleoconservative Supreme Court do GOPers not understand? These ahole bastards have to glom onto liberals for whom nothing but single-payer is lib-rull enough. Those people ain't on your side Yertle. Nor yours OOmpa. I like slippers, but only one kind: LL Bean slipper socks. We wear them allatime and leave the heat off. All winter long. Never run the heater. Sorry, but Tom Clancy was a lot more prolfic than he was good. Somewhat better than Clive Cussler, but that isn't saying much. I'd imagine that is being judgeemental, but Tom Clancy was a hack that churned out the same book over and over. Like David Balducci or ...gasp... Jackie Collins. If that sounds elitist, fuck off. Scott Fitzgerald and James Joyce were better writers by a mile than Ernest Hemingway. By a fucking mile. And that is my opinion, which is why it came out of my mouth. It shouldn't be necessary to repeat that caveat. Unless you are droolinng in your gruel.
- Today is the anniversary of the releae of Love Over Gold, the absolute masterpiece of Dire Straits. Mark Knopfler is a true genius and Telegraph Road is as great as rock music can get.
- What GOPers accomplished by shutting down the gub-mint: Fouled the air and our drinking water, made it more dangerous to go to work, made sure more endangered species will move up the ladder toward extinction. These people are assholes. Greenbacks are more important than people. GOPer Teabangers killed people today, and they should be made to account for it someday.
- Brian@43: Ballplayers like Wade Boggs and Chipper Jones do that too. Ahole egotists, as am i in the eyes of Basset. Somehow, I got on that guy's bad side by noting how easy it was to scam the math side of the SAT. And I have the Godwful nerve to express myself fluently in English, to denounce rednecks and to make fun of Naish-vull. Criminey, y'all got a footbal coach that attacks opposing players. I actually read a D. Balducci book once. Mighty fucking bad. And I believe that James Joyce was a far better writer than was Ernest Hemingway, who wrote The Old Man and the Sea and should have quit there. F. Scott Fitzgerals was considerably better, and if you stoked Faulkner with Ambien and Abilify, you'd have ended up with Hemingway. If we aren't opinionated, what are we? Pretty much nothing. Brian@43: There are some pulpish writers I like. Steven King, Ken Bruen, Walter Mosely (best author on race in America, ever), T. Jefferson Boone, John D. McDonald, above all James Lee Burke, who is a master, and his daughter Alafair who will carry it on for many years to come. Oh, and George V. Higgins, who invented that style Mr. Leonard mined for all those years. And which produced a way better movie version with Robert Mitchum (of the Smirnov School).
- This is what the Orange Boner meant when he said "Jobs, jobs, jobs". We'll wipe them out. GOPers. Gotta love them. Couldn't trash the US economy whaed it was coming back, go for the world. I've seen this movie. It stars Rowdy Roddy Pepper and Keith David and a lot of ugly MOFOs. Tom Clancy? He invented that Iran-Contra Inslaw bullshit, right?
- Heart of Darkness is the best book ever written in English by a person for whom English was his seccond language. And it certainlt got the Vietnam misadventure right. I got in trouble with the nuns because I had The Ugly American in my bookbag. And that is exactly why those SS football players grow up to be the thugs you can legaly murder in FLA if they are wearing a hoodie.
- Try as they might, GOPers can't hang this debt limit shit around Democratic Party necks. That's a lie of Gingichian bulk. And Newt is the most Panglossian gluttons of all times in politics. Lting like there is no rapcha tomorrow.
- Actual facts about PP/ACA instead of pure GOPer bullshit. Those elections just don't count when a brown guy wins them. And three times as many people voted for House Democrats than voted for House GOPers. That ain't right, and they need to give back their paychecks and the cost of their Cadillac Health Care, because not a gutdom one of 'em has been doing her job.
- The House has the votes to pass a straightforward funding bill, but Boehner is blocking it. It would only take 17 Republicans joining with Democrats to pass a bill -- and Republicans even admit those 17 votes exist! -- but Boehner won't bring it to the floor. A straightforward funding bill has the support of a majority of representatives in the House, but not of Teqabanger Republicans, and that's all the Speaker cares about , the ultimate definition of putting party before country.
- About Alex@4: My death planning counseling: Throw my ass in the marsh and let the gators be fed. It's painful to think Americans harbor such communal stupidity they buy any of that shit. It's like the asshole Tejas Rep. berating the Park Service Ranger at the WWII site. He cut off her pay, and she is on the job. Somebody should have ripped that asshole a new one. Can people actually be stupid enough to refuse to realize that Boner is in the Teabanger deathgrip and he's fighting for his political life, i.e. bellying up to the bar with a Marlboro at Trusty's Full Serve 5:15 every night. If Cooze has a union suit, you can bet it's old and gray. GOPers say fuck the Executive, Fuck the Congress, Fuck the Supreme Court, Fuck the voters, fuck the Heritage Foundation, Fucke our last Pretzeldential nominee, we're Gumby, dammit! Fuck the gubmint. And all they want is for the Dems to shitcan a law legally enacted and given the imprimatur of a Supreme Court stuffed with paleoconservative activist judges. Nixon suborned the Constitution. These Teabangers and their pitiful hostages like Boner want to just abrogate the Constitution. I still say they could all be tried for treason based upon Article III, Section 3, for signing Norquist's idiotic and unpatriotic Pledge. Summary execution by firing squad. All of the current pop tarts should be made to take a MasterClass with Deborah Harry, including what's good music and how to behave (and how to dress and do makeup too, if that's not too sexist an attitude). Consider the former Playmate's thoughtfulness and intelligence in this interview. Shit, she managed to make Disco sound decent.: Best of two worlds. Some intellectual heft and seriously gorgeous. Maybe Chrissie Hynde can show up for a guest lecture.
- That photo of Debby Harry is pretty much awe-inspiring, no? She sang all those Blondie songs without benefit of Autotune. Talented woman. I was born in Cincinnati, and before Dusty Baker truncated into a SF Jint, he was one of my favorite players, ever. So this shit is disturbing. Cincinnati OH was the capital of the US slave trade. And a day after Yasiel Puig gets booed in Atlanta for being an uppity black guy, and gets plunked by a Braves pitcher, a Hall-of-Famer gets fired from managing a team that was until recently owned by a Hitler-phile.
- RMoney: "I can't have illegals working here. I'm running for President." And maybe not a slave trader, but surely a war criminal: DavidC@46: Wasn't the $1750 legally your money. If not, why not? It was surely a part of your legal compensation for work you did. This sounds like GOPers trying to steal my money that I paid into SSI and Medicaid for years. They can write me a check tomorrow for all of that cash, and I will be gone to Uruguay and never vote against their crooked asses again. The GOPer atacks on SSI and Medicare are a complete legal absurdity, kinda like using flamingos as upside down croquet mallets. Neither program is in the remotest danger of financial trouble, and neither has dick to do with the deficit. If you hear otherwise, you are hearing disinformation from the Right (that is invariably wrong).
- For the trade, sure, but more so for abolitionists, as it was among several ‘depots’ of the underground railway along the river, instrumental in transporting slaves to freedom in the northern states. Before the civil war it was indeed the scene of several major riots victimizing blacks freed from slavery. They just sold the bucks there. It is not an inaccurate description.
- DaviedC@55: You were robbed by VentureCapitalits. Serious assholes.
- Well, Cooze@60, the International Criminal Court should be the starting point, and Dickless and Rummy should be the first contestants, followed closely by Kissinger, Elliot Abrams and Daniel Pipes and the big foolish moustache guy. Pretty much everybody that signed that PNAC letter to Clinton about blowing up Iraq, back in '98, and succeeded in talking the chimp into it a few years later. Hell, their patron saint is R. Raygun, and he'd get teabanged out of the GOP these days. And remember GOP stands for Grand Old Party. Like Guy Grand, he's a grand guy. See you at the company sto... Er, Sam's Club. When are them Koch's buying those pikers out for America's sake? Walton's don't even do bidness with Ayatollahs. Know how them GOPers get all heated up about American exceptionalism? Try Third World. What did that Mr. Maguire say was the one word for Oliver to remember, in The Graduate? Plastics? Well, hell. Them scientists will take gubmint money and tell people the climate is changing. Can't trust anybody with a brain. The game should not have been close, but it seems that SEC officiating squads have bought into the willing suspension of Pass Interference aired first in last week's LSU game. One a Georgia receiver gets past 5yds. downfield, you tackle him. Dawgs will find a way, and having the best QB in the country helps. I'd like somebody to explain what other team could lose two RBs like Gurley and Marshall and still win. Oh, and without their best receiver. And their punter and both starting safeties. And grad-student Murray looked off the play to make the throw to Wooten to tie the score. Extremely heady play Johnny football won't be making anytime soon, unless there is money in it for him.
- R. Raygun reaches out from the grave, through his corrupt divorce lawyer AG to continue to fuck up the USA. Why is this incompetent tool still around? He's a walking around mound of cholesterol. Both those dresses look great. My daughter just sent me photos of a wedding in which she was a bridesmaid, and the bridesmaid's dresses were actually attractive and appeared to be rewearable. You and your husband have a beautiful daughter. I was pretty unhappy when Sonic Youth broke up over Thurston Moore's inability to keep it in his pants when presented with groupie blandishments. I mean, the guy was married to Kim Gordon, for God's sake. But if the lesser known player in the band, Lee Ranaldo has a new band that will make songs as gorgeous as this one,I guess it's not an entirely bad thing. It's depressing to realize this bogus political hack and bagman to the Ayatollahs is still influencing American politics and government. Miley Cyrus back in the news, making fun of Sinead O'Connor's mental health problems. Class act, and she threw in sad Amanda Bynes, too. Miley needs to just go the frack away for a while. Which reminds me, did everybody see that Raiders fan that went to a baseball game by mistake and tried to beat up some cops. Tased, bro. And it was sure funny to watch 53,000 spectators in Chavez Ravine making fun of the Braves' fans bush-league appropriation of the phony and repuldive Indian chant from FSU football, after said Atlantans directed catcalls toward Yasiel Puig for no reason whatsoever, and a Braves' pitcher plunked him in the back after he hit a HR.
- Purple Hotel: I love the color and the design. I always like exposed structural elements. Hyatt Corporation seems always to have been willing make some adventurous design choices. They built a ziggurat on the Charles River in Cambridge, that maximized the number of rooms with river views. The architect's flat statement that "The public is ignorant." is hilariously typical of Architect's of my acquaintance. They say things about colors and materials that are sentences prefaced with the phrase "It wants to be...".
- More on the GOPer/Meese plan to defund Obamacar at the cost of trashing the global economy. Even Forbes Mag, that well known Kenyan anti-colonialist rag, says that appears to be the GOPer goal. Seriously, Ed Meese brought this idea to the GOPers months ago and it has been their plan all along. Meanwhile, a group of non compos mantis incompetent Teabangers that got into the House with maybe a million votes total are demanding to run the government, and dominate public policy. The champions of American exceptionalism are content with bullshit policy that will establish the country as exceptionally Third World. And when did "anti-colonial" become something bad in the USA? How does this make sense? Nobody was more anti-colonial than G. Washington, T. Jefferson, J. Adams, T. Paine et al. And the ultimat difference between Washington's army and the MauMau is more to do with weapons of choice than political philosophy. And both Newticles and Scalia sound like they went to Woodstock and got the bad acid, and it still hasn't worn off. I'd have aced Scalia if the devil comes to him in the form of his "bad uncle". AAnd how do you interview that pompous whole and not ask him why he didn't recuse himself in the Cheney energy policy case? That was flagrant judicial malfeasance. According to the Treasury Dept. American households lost a grand total of $2.4 trillion last time the GOPers threatened default on the debt. Now I'd say, that money didn't go up in smoke it just vanished into other people's pockets. And to me, Mila Kunis looks like a pretty fifth grader not a grown woman. I really don't want to see Esquire style photos of her. Peggy Noonan obviously goes on those talk shows with Ven Halen type contract tiders about what sort of box wine and what color M&Ms are put in the green room for her. And polls should stop asking whether people are alright with defunding Obamacare. The question is, "Are you alright with defunding the entire US government?" Baja Cali and Uruguay look better everyday.
- In GA, "Bless your heart" means something more like "You're a brainless idiot that couldn't blow your nose if brains were gunpowder."
- Johnny Ramone's birthday today. Johnny was a pretty famous GOPer, but I think Joey probably felt differently when he wrote these lyrics about the GOP's patron saint. And here's one for the big orange flaccid dick that runs the House. Yesterday was an amazing and glorious day for beisbol. I kinda like the Pirates, but I want Cards to win that series and get beaten by the Dodgers. St. Louis back in the day led MLB in cheap shots against Jackie Robinson, as well as outright racial slurs that would make John Rocker ashamed of himself, if that were remotely possible. I think either LA vs. Tigers or vs. RedSox. I'm finding it hilarious that all the Braves fans are blaming the manager for not inserting the closer in the 8th inning. Hell, they wouldn't have had the one run lead had not Donnie Baseball used Ronald "the Alien" Bellisario.
- Ya know, when people point out that PP/ACA Obamacare was enacted by Congress, signed by the President, and validated by the majority paleocon activist SC, they are leaving out another striking bit of information. The House nutcake wing tried 42 or 43 times to repeal the law, while ignoring jobs bills and budgetary concerns. In the wake of that abject failure, they have elected to employ criminal extorionist tactics instead. Add up all of the votes cast for these assholes in Congressional elections, and you get a tiny fraction of the total Congressional votes cast. GOPers love the code word "thugs" for anybody with brown skin. This behavior is a prime example of what "thuggish" really is. Next, they'll be burning down the Reichstag and recruiting whackjob truckers for a new Kristallnacht. And, yeah, I know truckers have a difficult time economically, but that is because their own chosen political leaders deregulated long haul employers, allowing the bosses to pass the cost of environmental and safety regullations along to the drivers they fired and hired back as subcontractors. And that is a fact Jack. Of course, those same bidnesses got the biggest subsidy in the history of corporate welfare when the USA built the interstate system. So now, they are going to block up the Beltway because scrofulous, pediculous Glenn Beck tells them to.
- Bitter Scribe: Yeah, but the team represented the moods and opinions of the city exactly at the time. I don't cut Birmingham any slack for the Church bombing either, nor Selma, for the Edmund Pettus Bridge police riot, and I was around for all of that inhumanity. So, Yep, I despise the Cardinals.
- The great Firesign hymn was the infamous RMoney campaign fight song, Marching, marching to shibboleth, Choir: We're marching, marching to Shibboleth, With the Eagle and the Sword! We're praising Zion 'til her death, Until we meet our last reward! Men: Our Lord's reward! Women: Zion! Oh happy Zion! O'er wrapp'd, but not detained! Men: Lion, f'rocious Lion! His beard our mighty mane! Women: At First and Main! Men: Oh, we;ll go marching, marching to Omaha, With the Buckram and the Cord! Women: You'll hear us "boom" our State! Men: Ha, ha! As we cross the final ford! Women: The flaming Ford! Choir: Zion! Oh mighty Zion! Your bison now are dust! As your cornflakes rise "Gainst the rust-red skies, Then our blood requires us must Go ... Men: Marching, marching to Shibboleth, With the Eagle and the ... Women: The Buckram and the Cord! Men: Sword! Praising Zion 'til her death! Women: Ha, ha! Men: Until we eat our last reward! Women: The flaming Ford! Choir: Zion! Oh righteous Zion! There is no one to blame! For the homespun pies 'Neath the cracking skies Shall release the fulsome rain! Tenor: Shall release! Men: Shall release! Soprano: Shall release! Women: Shall release! Choir: Shall release the vinyl rein!
- I believe Pretzeldent W. was referring to the shibboleth hymn when he made one of his most famous and brilliant policy statements, We have to make the pie higher.
- GOPers have swept the top three Shutdown Stupidity Awards for today, by Sweeping the Rene Magritte Total Absurdity trophy, the Nairobi Trio Memorial, and the Kurt Schwitters Palmee d'or for Dada Bullshit. The three awards recognize the utter malevolent absurdity of shutting down Head Start programs all over the USA while deeming the Congressional gymnasium facilites essential government service. The clean sweep was surprising in light of all of the furloughed members of AFSCME that were staying home with their kids instead of taking them to Head Start anyway. These bastards have had it in for Head Start since Raygun days despite the fact that more studies have proved it efficacious than any other government program ever.
- ROGirl@46: And then, there is "She don't sweat much for a big girl." And, "Like they was raised by wolves." But, "Bless her heart." is always an expression of pity over "her" painful stupidity. There have been more studies atttempting to discredit Head Start than there ever were Shrubco vote fraud investigations (a big number), and nobody has come close to debunking the program's results. Anybody that claims to believe in Christianity-based American exceptionalism and wants to stamp out Head Start is a bald-faced whited sepulcher liar and a base hypocrite headed for the Ninth Circle rather than the Rapcha.
- That Alaska Supreme Court case story on TP was actually published last Friday, October 4, and without seeing the alleged original story, I see no reason to accuse the publisher or the byliner, Ari Phillips, of anything. That particular website generally goes to great pains to link to original material. There is actually a link to the entire original KTOO story on the station's website. Not a citation, but a pretty clear indication that Phillips is not claiming to have reported nor written the story. It would have been easier to find a more damning instance of the evils of aggregators at World News Daily or some bullshit like that that never tell you the material came straight from the Koch Brothers Kriminal Konspiracy, Karl Rove, Teabang Nation, Drudge or some other source of conservative talking points. Actually, I first read this story in Mother Jones several weeks ago and there is nothing in the KTOO story that wasn't in the MJ story. What is rational or even remotely truthful about GOPers claiming the President is causing the shutdown, when the GOP was scheming this game several months ago, under the tutelage of somebody that is corrupt as hell, even by GOP standards, eminent Cali divorce lawyer and Raygun AG Ed Meese? As John Stewart said, they intended this all along because Obamacare is an evil plot. They farted and they are pointing at the dog.
- I'm kinda thinking GOPers were disabused of political reality when the Brooks Bros. riot stopped the FLA recount and then the Supreme Court appointed Shrub. One good blue-in-the-face tantrum and some paleoconservative activist judges was all it took to trample Americans' right to pick their leaders.
- If the park entrances weren't barred and guarded and park occupancy not prevented, there would be neo-Nazis and other yahoos tearing them up with four-wheelers and firing assault rifles and 50 cals at wildlife. Anybody know how many times the debt ceiling was raised to cover the Shrubco credit card invasions and occupations? Seven, I believe. Anybody know what Dickless Cheney said deficits mean? Doan mean shit, more or less. Scout@27: Thanks for posting that link. A bunch of cheerleaders accepting a Down Syndrome kid as a teammate is a light in the darkness. I'm no Katy Perry fan. Next time Rolling Stone does a spread on one of these poptarts is the last issue I ever look at. But she showed some intelligence and humanity in choosing the Verrado kids video. Her publicity people might consider positioning her as the anti-Miley. When my dad was Chief of Pediatrics at Metropolitan Hospital in Detroit, he had a newborn patient born with Down Syndrome at 6+months gestation to mid 40s patients. Hospital social workers told the parents it would be wise to institutionalize the kid at a young age, because who would take care of him when they were really old? My dad lobbied against this, and last I heard of the family, the parents had reached their 70s and the "retarded" son was taking care of them quite proficiently. Anyway, that video made my day. And I admire those girls for seeing beyond the surface, and Megan for refusing to acknowledge any limitations.
- Cooze@32: According to the NYT, in the story by Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Mike McIntire, David Koch was a key player in the Ed Meese plot to destroy the world economy to protect the United States from voodoo Obamacare. Whoya gonna believe? Too reputable reporters from the still paper of record, or the lying sacks of shit that bought state legislatures and goober-nors in Midxwestern states. I'd give more credence to the reporters, and I haven't heard any GOPers deny the story yet: Remember when the Koch Kriminal Konspiracy held their oil tankers offshore to drive gasoline pump prices up to try to influence the 2012 Presidential election. Bastards didn't even bother trying to deny that chicanery. But Mortimer and Randolph insist they never knew nothing' 'bout no astroturfing. How does anybody stupid enough to buy anything these Ananais Club founding fathers ever say actually feed himself or remember to breathe? And it's funny cooze mentions those giants of the Nazi German economy, since the previous Koch generation made the money that the current boyos are playing politics with by dealing with those very companies, just as Mortimer and Randolph have lucrative deals with the government of Iran in violation of sanctions. They should be arrested, but the right would go berserk. How about freezing their ill-gotten assets?
- I guess voodoo Obamacare is actually redundant if you compress to account for dog whistle code. When will some reporter actually ask Orange Boner to explain what he means when he says Obamacare is dangerous? Dangerous? really? Is this a reprise of the thoroughly discredited $Palin "death panels" bullshit, or what? Here's a superb piece of guerilla reporting from inside an ALEC speed-dating convention. There may still be some valid arguments for free market economy (mostly it's all Hobbesian bullshit and we're just supposed to accept the shitty end of the hoe), but extending it to free market government is obviously anti-American as anything can get. Too bad Scalito and the homunculus Clarence didn't think about this when they foisted Citizens United on the USA. Would some of those truckers get over to the Supreme Court Friday and arrest these traitors. Only way to be rid of these troublesome paleoconservative priests. The Elizabeth Warren vid at that ALEC link is worth listening to, too. We're listening to a new album that arrived today. It's a blues band called The Rides, formed by Steve Stills and Kenny Wayne Shephard. Mighty good guitar playing, obviously. Great barrelhouse piano by Barry Goldberg.Best surprising part is Stills seems to have recovered his voice. A bit more gravel than used to be, but pretty powerful. Excellent lyrics. And a great version of Neil's Keep on Rockin' in the Free World by Steven, a viciously angry remake of Stills' own Word Games, and a cover of Search and Destroy (Iggy). Pretty damned timely. Goldberg was the keyboard player in the seminal Electric Flag. Kevin Pearce. ESPN did an excellent video piece on this kid. Anybody ever see Frum and Dodo David Brooks on the same talkoveryou show? Both of these guys are determined to get their Atwater-style mea culpas in before the deathbed. As is Andrew Sullivan, who seems to have finally tweaked to the idea that none of those people ever liked his gay ass in the first place.
- Only recalcitrant and inveterate liars could spew this park closings cowflop smokescreen to try to cover up the cancer treatment studies closed down, the Head Start program shutdowns surely putting working mothers out of work, non-payment of death benefits to military KIA, while Orange Boner makes sure the gyms stay open for the Congressional assholes that haven't been doing their jobs recently. Rep. Orange is cementing his place in history as the worst Speaker ever, by endangering the world economy to save his own sorry-ass job while continuing to collect his paycheck. He's chickenshit scared to death of a few dozen idiot idealogues who got into Congress with very few votes in the grand scheme of things, who show no signs whatsoever of intelligence, competence, sanity nor humanity. When jerkoff NYPeter King says the votes are there for a clean CR, obviously Boehner is lying his ass off about this. And, ya know, GOPers have been trying to shut down the National Parks since Raygun made the idiot racist James "Tight Pussy, Loose Shoes" Watt Secretary of the Interior, and that assclown tried to sell the Grand Canyon to Mickey D's. GOP is now dedicated to Ananias, the biggest liar in the New Testament, who was struck dead by God for lying to the Apostle Peter. The USA could use that sort of Deus ex machina soon, to get these monster prevaricators' hands off the throat of the government. Until anybody in the GOP wants to deny that the shutdown was their go-to plan since at least last spring, everything they say about it can reasonably construed as an outright lie.
- More evidence that GOPers planned to hold PP/ACA hostage by threatening to crash the global economy. And how the hell did Clarence "Homunculus" Thomas convince himself it was ethical to choose not to recuse himself on the ACA decision? Never a word about this with his nutcase wife, Ginni "Statue of Liberty" Thomas? Yeah that was Earl Butz of all Jokes. James Watt was most famous to objecting to the Beach Boys performing at some washington shindig because they wer hippies or something. But it was James Watt that wanted to sell public land and naming rights to corporations like Macdonalds. Butz was ratted out by Pat Boone, who found the "joke" offensively racist. You never know who will play the race card, eh? It's only rumor that Butz resurfaced recently with those obnoxious Hillary Clinton buttons in California. Which "joke", if they were honest, the asshole perpetrators would have to admit applies more aptly to Mrs. Shrub. I mean weren't these jerks bitching all over the intertubes not long ago about the scandalous Hillary cleavage?
- When a TeeVee show is called American Horror Story and has already been through two seasons of guignol grotesquerie, I find it difficult to believe that anybody that would be disturbed by it would ever tune in in the first place, much less let kids watch it. I watched it and the description Nancy quotes is less than accurate. That particular scene is shot in very low light and the gore is minimal. Identifying a debraided face would take several DVR rewinds and even then, you couldn't be sure if that's what you were seeing.The Kathy Bates character is obviously nuts, and believes the blood on her face will act as a rejuvenating agent. And this isn't some instance of modern depravity. The Grand Guignol theater in Paris had a lucrative run from 1897 until 1962: Anyway, I watched both of the first two seasons of AHS and last night's episode, and it is far less gruesome and gory over its entire span than any single episode of Walking Dead, and is leavened with far more humor, the element that raises the horror genre above simple guts and gore. As for Ms. Bates, I think she saw her friend Jessica Lange enjoying scenery munching for the show' first two season and decided to get in on the fun. In general, the acting is superbly over the top. The real world produces far worse horrors and they are news fodder every day. Down this way, the magnolias are the magniflora variety and don't drop leaves except in hurricanes. They are evergreens. Kwame Kirkpatrick will be running that prison in a week or two. Didn't anybody else think it was undoubtedly fan interference on Victor Martinez' homer? Since when is this an ump's judgement call? How does the umpire have a clue whether or not the fielder has timed his leap correctly? If that call is by the rules, the rules are messed up.
- David, I didn't see anything about the play as obvious other than that two fans reached into the field of play, and it appeared to me the outfielder had timed his jump perfectly. Accorrding to the way the rule reads, I'd have been as correct calling interference as the umps who made the call are calling it a homerun. This is a situation similar to the "uncatchable" rule in football which is subject to obvious abuse by football refs. Outs at bases aren't supposed to be judgement calls, and neither are balls and strikes. It's one or the other. The ball had not left the field of play, as was also the case in the Bartman incident in Chicago. If a fan touches the ball before a fielder in the field of play, interference should be automatic. A good read from the Driftglass blog.
- Bernie Sanders explains the GOPer agenda in Congress: It is not acceptable that a handful of right-wing extremists in the House have shut down the government and are now pushing for the United States, for the first time in our history, to not pay its bills -- precipitating a likely international financial crisis. It is widely believed that there now exists in the House a majority of members (virtually all Democrats and some moderate Republicans) who are prepared to vote for a clean continuing budget resolution which would immediately re-open the government. House Speaker Boehner must allow the House to have that vote. It is also important that people understand that the real issue here is not just the desire of Republicans to defund Obamacare. At a time when the middle class is collapsing and poverty is increasing, these right-wing ideologues want to repeal virtually every piece of legislation passed in the last 80 years which protects the elderly, the children, the sick, the poor and the environment. The truth is that ending Obamacare is just a small part of the right-wing extremist agenda, which is heavily funded by the Koch brothers and other very wealthy and powerful special interests. Their full agenda includes privatizing Social Security, ending Medicare as we know it, slashing Medicaid funding, eliminating the EPA and the Department of Energy and abolishing the concept of the minimum wage. Needless to say, they also want more tax breaks for the rich and large corporations. It should be clear to everyone that their long-term goal is to move this country into an oligarchic form of society in which billionaires completely control the economic and political life of this nation. Seems like class warfare to me fought by yahoo Teabanger proxy.
- Brian @28: Well, I've spent two days listening to my friends that are Braves fans whining about balls and strikes called in that LA-ATL series. The strike zone is established in the rules. Matter of fact Puig saw a whole bunch of called strikes that cleared the plate by 10 in. to 1 ft. He's 6-5 Now if his legs are seriously deformed, I suppose. But listening to Braves fans whine about the strike zone is hilarious considering how huge it always was for Glavine and Maddux. But there is an actual strike zone, and umps that consistently get it wrong arbitrarily screw up the game. There have been umps that lost their major league gigs for messing with the strike zone, most notably Eric Man-Mountain Gregg, who wass otherwise considered a good ump, but he could not get the strike zone right. There is no way in the rules balls and strikes are supposed to involve judgement. Players know calling pitches is difficult and will put up with a lot if the umps are consistent. This is what is known in sports as an "unwritten rule", like stealing signs when you are on second base is considered about as dogass as a thing as a ballplayer can do. Much less putting somebody in CF with binoculars as the Giants did when Bobby Thompson hit the Shot. Umps that seek to impose themselves on the game by ball and strike calls are the baseball equivalent of the NBA's worst ever ref, Mendy Rudolph, who thought he was the show, and Ed Hochuli in the NFL who sports a similar attitude. As far as whether a fielder can get to a fly ball, does the ump make an instant calculation based upon the outfielder's fielding skills, height, speed and vertical leap? NFW. My point is that if a fan touches a ball that is in play, which that ball off Martinez' bat surely was, that should be interference. I believe that was the rule for most of baseball's history, and I wonder if the rule was tweaked post-Bartman to give the umpires cover.
- Don't worry Sherri, the factory farmers will police themselves for the good of their fellow citizens, because corporations are citizens too.
- How'd that 100 draft picks for Herschel and then you never used Herschel with any brains or plan at all work for ya, Coach Ditka. What a maroon, what a ignoranimous. Now I think Herschel Walker was pretty clearly the greatest player in the history of college football, and one of the greatest athletes mankind has ever produced. The fact that no NFL coach ever figured out how to get the most of Walker's gifts is mysterious in light of how frequently members of that fraternity are called geniuses. Herschel ran a 9.2 100, at about 240 lbs. in high school. If he's on your team, how do you decide anybody else should ever run back kicks? Mass stupidity. Ditka was also the chief perpetrator of the Dougie Flutie is too small to play in the NFL canard. Dumbass called Flutie a midget. Guy is a pompous gasbag mental midget. His NFL career is grossly overrated as well. No John Mackie, by any stretch of the imagination: I saw this game in the company of my dad and my brother Chris (a huge Colts fan at the time), comped by some pharma salesman. After the game we met Johnny Unitas outside Tiger Stadium. I have never set foot in an Ikea store. But, I have been to Scandinavian Design and Crate & Barrel.
- And that last futile lunging attempt at tackling Mackey, yep that was the punter, but the Lion's punter was Yale Larry, one of the best Dbacks ever. Serious GOPer thinkers say "We've already got our McMansions with sweetheart mortgages, lets shut down the gubmint to fuck up the recovering housing market. Because, Obama. And we can blame it on the anti-colonial Kenyan while we act like the MauMau.
- brian @29 and 30: Sounds like Rand Paul commenting on the Civil Rights Act to me.
- Actually scribe, I was confusing Ditka with another Pork Faced Satan, Jimmy Johnson.
- With regard to Rick Reilly. My gorge at having been pretty good in a variety of sports rises. Ricky hit the big time with hi supposedly expository interview with Sosa. They spent at least half an hour extablishing that there were things Sosa could not discuss because f the Players' Association agreement, and Reilley asked that shit right off. What a supreme dickhead. A bigger douche than the unholy spawn of Dick Schaap that mimics his dad badly and acts as if he rules the sports universe. Laatest RS that is all about the sorry skank Miley has indications the Bros. Davies may get out together. That might put an end to terminal poptartism. I think what Nancy says about Miley is attributable to a mothering instinct. If your own kid was acting like that in public, you'd intervene. Listen to any, and I mean any, Kinks albun and tell me it isn't light years better than this shit from JT. My next brother Chris once acted like that in a fountain in Greektown, with a fifth of Seagrams 7 rotgut, and his dates' daddy's T-Bird. It was disgusting. And where the helll is Miley's Mom? On the subject of Rolling Stone, I have had it with this weenie bullshit. I'm supposed to think the new Justin Timberlake album is worth anything but smashing into smithereens? This is all bullshit, not music nor culture. Anybody that buys this shit is a moron. And yeah Mark H. That is my opinion. Why I typed it on my keyboard.
- MGolden@43: It probably wasn't too late to bring in Dougie to win the game.
- Not that anybody would ask, but I won't work on Dickless cheney's transplant team. He's a fucking vampire.
- Popping out of herem as abysensible person might here
- Redskins? How does that differ from Niggers?
- What that photo made me think of, immediately: Probably my favorite Neil song other than Helpless.
- Somewhat assuaged by the elongated dog I know is beneficent.
- Alex, one of my favorite songs: for your country soiree. Also reminds me of this:
- The paper of record yesterday said that demand is supposed to drive prescription costs down, but it isn't working. Do they know that Shrub's gift to big Pharma was built into Medicare Part D. The deal ensured the gubmint wouldn't use its status as a mass purchaser to negotiate drug prices to drive drug costs down. How the hell can NYT be that fracking stupid? Don't they know how Billy Tauzin made all that money running PHARMA? Why did the NYPDBlue cops always dry their hands with toilet paper? Seems to me that the website glitches might have beeen caught relatively quickly and fixed if the gutdom gubmint hadn't been shut down. It's also interesting that the problems seem to have taken a few days to show up. GOPers learning how to run them machines, finally? Maybe Mr. Diebold schooled 'em. He did deliver Ohio. Those tinker-toy earlobe extensions are totally bizarro-world. Tres Sud-Americain:
- Hilarious and right on the money takedown of Ayn Rand and Paul Ryan, by George Saunders. This could not have been done better. Devastating. I'm going to memorize some of it for the next time anybody brings up Ayn Rand. I've been thinking about getting a tat. Don't think I need to worry much about sagging. All sagged out, probably. Something discreet, like Aces and eights, with the king of spades kicker on a deltoid. Hickock's (Gary Cooper) hand in The Plainsman. Eyebrows are notorious for not growing back. cooze@35: The descent into lawless chaos for GOPers more than likely began when all of the stupid bastards signed up for Norquist's pledge. Signing that shit is a clear violation of Article III, Section 3, the Constitution of the Uniited States of America: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. Grover Norquist is, by his own words and edeeds, clcearly an enemy of the USA. He wants to shrink the US government until it is small enough to drown in a bathtub.
- Masonic devil illuminati: Brother to a Prince, fellow to a beggar if he be found worthy. That's part of the code of Masons. GOPers pulled the same sort of crap with Clinton, talking about the Tri-lateral Commission this and Bilderbergers that, and, ya know, blue helicopters. Really pretty humorous considering that the height of success in GOP-land is Skull and Bones, Rotary, US Chamber of Commerce and being invited to run around naked and play grabasss with Dickless Cheney and Heinrich Kissinger at the Bohemian Grove. Yeah, that's not some weird shit at all. If President Obama were to be a freeMason, he'd have to be a Prince Hall Mason. Right gender, wrong color, baby. Now MauMau? The Saul Alinsky branch, maybe. And it is seriously disturbing to think there are Congressional varmints that do not have a clue what Marxism and socialism are, think that evolution and embryology are "a lies from the pit of hell", think that when God talks, she speaks Elizabethan English
- The raison d'etre of Freemasons is to get drunk and drive g-karts in St. Patrick's Day parades. Oh, wait. That's the Shriners. That Bohemian Grove stuff, that is real. Rudyard Kipling was a Mason. That's how he met up with Peachy Carnehan and Danny Dravot, in The Man Who Would Be King, and it was the mason's all-seeing eye that convincfed the Kafiristanis that Danny was a god. In the story from which the movie was made, the symbol is on Danny's apron. The all-seeing eye is the symbol for third degree masons. There are some masonry poems at that link. Seems that in India in Kipling's time, they'd let just anybody. Blacks, browns, Jews, even Catholics. Turner Classicc movies is showing a very good Fellini movie tonight, Nights of Cabiria. Cabiria is played by the incomparable Giulietta Massina, who was also in La Strada. I think Nights of Cabiria is actually a better movie than La Strada, which is saying a lot. Deborah: He is outstanding. You should read Civiilwarland in Bad Decline. It's a riot. That guy has deadpan down to a science.
- New song by Tony Joe White. Swamp Fox. Badass.
- The 28 year sentence for Kwame Kilpatrick seems to fit his crimes, but it also is excessive. It's not like he's ever going to get elected anything again, so he's never going yo be in any position to rob a municipality blind again. It's a complete waste of a lot of money to keep him in jail that long. He's only going to Club Fed anyway. Weld a bracelet to his ankle and let him stay home, Actually, for Kwame they might need aa Denver boot. He's a big fella, as Sheriff Marge Gunderson would say. I think PHARMA companies should not be allowed to advertise anywhere but in medical journals. Every commercial break on every show on every channnel has at least one ad for prescription drugs. Most people do not have the brains to be telling their doctors what medicine to prescribe for them. Listen to the Chantix contraindications. Why is anybody taking medicine that makes one feel violent and suicidal. It could even get you shot. Those pesky Teaqbangers broke out their Confederate flags again, or maybe that's just some librulls trying to make the Gangbaggers look like racists.
- Breastfeeding in real life. Chantix warning: All patients … should be observed for neuropsychiatric symptoms including changes in behavior, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior.” And they advertise this constantly on TeeVee. What they don't tell you: A total of 3,659 people were handpicked for the Chantix tests before it came on the market, an almost equal number of men and women, with an average age of 43. Nearly all were white, and the tests excluded anyone with a history of depression, panic disorder, heart disease, kidney or liver problems, alcohol or drug abuse, and diabetes. These exclusions aren’t mentioned in the original “Who Should Not Take Chantix” part of the patient-information sheet, which merely states that the drug wasn’t tested on people under 18. (Pfizer does tell patients they should let their doctors know if they have kidney problems or take insulin.) The inevitable result would seem to be that the internet will suck the creative content out of the whole world until nothing is left. --David Byrne talking about Spotify Say something once, why say it again?
- Jon Stewart pointed out last night that GOPer bad behavior has shut down Meals on Wheels, which delivers meals to half a million veterans. And it is assuredly bad behavior, in the form of a freath-holding, blue-in-the-face tantrum. Surprise, surprise. These are the people that denied that any Viet vets were sick from Agent Orange. And let the VA hospitals run into the ground infested with rats and roaches, out of unadulterated poltroonism. And claimed John Kerry's honorable service history in SE Asia was somehow fabricated, which was their ultimate bitchfest about Milhous' impeachment. Remember that horrible Rebecca Black song Fridays. That same vanity producer has come up with something more execrable,and it's totally obnoxious in a racist sort of way. BP has spent $42.5 million on the Gulf cleanup and claim it's all done. Not by a longshot. Every single oil spill proves the oil companies incompetent to deal with accidents. Makes Keystone XL seem like a really terrible idea. And it's not getting better with the Feds shut down. Our Gang did that stacked up kids in a grown-up coat to perfection.
- Alfalfa and Spanky pretend to be a G-Man. Includes Alfalfa's dramatic reading of Charge of the Light Brigade. The Gulf cleanuppers recently found an oil collection mat that BP had lost track of on a LA barrier island. It weighed 25 tons of collected oil. Heckuva job, BP.
- BP's and Halliburton's Gulf oil spill. Mendacious from Day 1. The great Terry Southern on baton twirling at Ole Miss.
- Our Gang, not, despite the obvious likeness, the US House of Representatives. Has there ever been another instance in US history when a law was passed by the legislature, signed into law by the President, challenged and affirmed in the Supreme Court, subjected to 43 attempts to repeal, only to have one political party insist none of that process actually took place, and calling for the law to be arbitrarily and summarily defunded? I doubt it, and I believe in a less insane climate, the demand would have treated like the loony BS it truly is, and the perpetrators would have been treated as clueless yahoos without a leg to stand on or a pot to piss in. James Spader had an absolutely stunning scene in last night's episode of Blacklist. Well worth checking out on Hulu or the CBS website. He is great at evil creepy guy. Don't tell AquaBuddha, but them funny looking' light bulbs he thinks don't work are extremely efficient. Now ol' AB is a Teabanger's favorite kidnapper who thinks fluorescent and LED lamps are a gubmint plot to steal our freedom, and he hasn't had a crapper that works properly in 15 years, so he gets mighty riled by being told those lamps work beautifully. That is one hell of a lot of coal not burned and a lot of nuclear waste not produced by an industry that has spen 60 some years trying to figure out what to do with that toxic shit and gotten exactly nowhere. Unless you consider the Fukushima solution of putting it in leaky pools on top of containments. Some assclown thought that was a good idea.
- Give Oompa Loompa's storied lack of a Protestant or any other kind of work ethic, I'd bet he's spent his last several afternoons wanting to throw up his hands and say "No mas! I'm heading for a smoke and some happy hour." I find the terms bleeding heart and kneejerk applied to the political description liberal offensive. The former seems to be a reference to Jesus, the latter is ridiculous when there are no more knee-jerking shibbolleth spouting-fools in American politics than Conservatives. Especially the paleo and Teabanger varieties. The party line rules for those people.
- Those shoes Madonna is wearing are actually pretty cool. Like spectator pumps made into boots. But the pants legs look like that evil assistant principal in Ferris Buelller after the dog got finished with him, or a costume for a community theater production of Huckleberry Finn. But that borsalino she's sporting looks asinine. Maria Bello pulled one off in Prime Suspect, but I think thats because she is tough enough to kick Ciccone's ass. cooze@44: Reminds me of that fine old joke about the Fuckawee indian tribe. I always read this anecdotal evidence about Ted Cruz' intelligence a leavening of effective yeast. He has just completed about as stupid a three political weeks as is humanly possible to conceive. Megadumb, basically.
- Albom is rewriting the Nicholas Kristoo "I saved every child prostitute in Thailand" oeuvre. Or the Don Imus ranch, making life worth living for sick kids. Or the revolting self-congratulation of the Tim Tebow performs circumcisions for destitute Philippino kids hoopla. Idiotic GOPer public claims about sequestration. Were are those rigid talking points when they'd come in handy. These SOBs don't know what they are talking about. Jay McInerney and Rielle Hunter? Couple of poseurs, made for each other. I'd have probably changed my surname had I been born a Druck. Portmanteau meaning: dreadful fuck. T. McGuane was doing better with Elizabeth Ashley, who was actually dangerous Meritocracy. Bright Lights Big City pretty much pales in comparison to Ninety-two in the Shade. Best thing about BLBC is the Jimmy Reed song theat McInerney used for the title. Never a dull moment with The Talullah of the 60s and 70s, and he got a book out of it too, Panama, that is much better than anything Jejeune Jay ever wrote. I always thought Edwards got kicked in the balls by karma. It's the VP candidate's job to go after lying bastards like the Swiftboaters with pit bull ferocity. I don't recall the tassel-loafered weenie ever addressing the subject. The SD cattle farmers have most likely had their beeves grazing on public lands for a long time anyway, so the irony is not just kicking in now. Bastards probably would have had enough warning to save most of the cattle had the weather service been operating up to speed. But what the hay, proof positive there is no climate change. And I'm sure those Patriot ranchers would never collude in bidding for those public lands grazing leases. I find it somewhat disturbing that Jim Harrison doesn't smoke "rollies", but filter-tips? Every time I hear GOPers talking about balanced budgets the way they do them in their households, I wonder "How does anybody get elected to a nearly $200grand job making budgetary decisions that has never heard of fund accounting?" It should be a prerequisite. But the subject is difficult, and most of these dumbasses would never get it, but that would be a good thing, wouldn't it?" Just read the Stephen King review of the new Donna Tartt novel. I read The Secret History years ago and thought it was excellent, if horrifying. I'm definitely reading The Goldfinch. Before or after Infinite Jest, though? Couple of doorstops. And I have Sorokin's Ice Trilogy (another 800 pp.) to get to also. So little to as well, so much time. Stop, Reverse. So much to read, so little time. I keep putting Infinite Jest off, because I didn't particularly like The Broom of the System.
- Bright Lights Big City.
- This is paraphrased from a request to sign a Sierra Club petition. I imagine this decision by the LATimes is causing coniptions and serious invective: The most conservative big city paper in the country (Washington Times isn't a real paper) has openly acknowledged that climate deniers are flat out wrong. Last week, LATimes became the country's first major newspaper to ban climate-denial letters to the editor. I hope somebody saved Max Boot and Jonah Goldberg from suffocating on their swollen tongues, I guess. This could be a major tipping point for how the media covers climate change -- a chance to get them to stop spreading Big Coal-talking points and start publishing facts. That's why the SierraRise community is joining with our friends at Forecast the Facts to pressure other major newspapers -- The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal -- into joining the L.A. Times. The dangers of smoking are scientific fact, not a matter of opinion. The same is true for the reality and dangers of climate change. Monster hurricanes on the coasts. Terrible fires and drought on the plains. Melting icecaps and sinking islands -- climate change is happening. I don't know what I think on-line petitions actually accomplish, but if a conservorag like LAT sees the writing on the wall on climate change, I'd think NYT and WaPo would be shamed into acknowledging scientific facts. It's about time our papers started to report the truth and leave out the crazy. The L.A. Times wrote, "Saying 'there's no sign humans have caused climate change' is not stating an opinion, it's asserting a factual inaccuracy." Damn straight. The Times has been getting a lot of attention for the policy -- especially from climate denial activists who have called this new policy 'arrogant,' 'patronizing,' and an attack on freedom. An attack on freedom? WTF? With your support, we'll share the petition with The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal and talk directly to their editors. The L.A. Times has stood up for climate science -- now it's our turn!
- Just for the record... I wouldn't sleep with Rielle Hunter unless someone held a Mac10 to my head, or offered me a ton of cash. What a skanky excuse for a woman. She looks like an ex-Mean Girl and tends to wear ping sweater sets. Surpise, she went to University of Florida, where I bet she pledged Tri-Delt, never quite graduated, though. And of course, she was once married to a lawyer whose friends called him "Kip". And, of course, she was Lisa Jo Hunter when she began and ended her acting career with a walkon in the atrocious and eminently forgettable Ricochet. Excellent piece on the rise of the Teabangers and the destruction of the GOP as we used to know it by Harold Myerson. He's got some thoughts on the show trials the Teabastards will hold in primaries in the near future, when they lay the GOP to rest, once and for all. Good riddance. I think the new party should be the GOOF, Greedy Oleaaginous Old Fogies. And an incisive opinion on those Confederate flags. Their theory of government, to the extent that they have one, derives from John C. Calhoun’s doctrine of nullification — that states in general and white minorities in particular should have the right to overturn federal law and impede majority rule. Like their predecessors in the Jim Crow South, today’s Republicans favor restricting minority voting rights if that is necessary to ensure victory at the polls. The WWII Memorial demonstrations were extremely redolent of the Stalinist show trials, except $Palin didn't actually shoot anybody, nor send them to Siberia where she could keep an eye on their socialist asses. In the end, they'll be about as effective as a saffron robed Buddhist monk burning himself in Saigon circa '69. Gruesome auto da fe. And another grotesque failure on the part of the alleged newspapers of record and 24/7 cable news in giving this circus extensive coverage.
- I've always found whatever points Emily Yoffe intends to make crystal clear, and I agree entirely with Nancy's reading of what Yoffe was getting at. I think that her argument is clearly valid. The idea that drinking oneself insensate in the midst of a crowd of drunken fratboys is somehow empowering is insane, or the disgraceful invention of some society of defense attorneys for crowds of drunken fratboys. I'm glad my daughter was finished college about the time the age of binge drinking and obligatory casual hook-ups began. I could be serving life for murder right now. I can't honestly say I never had sex with a drunk woman, but not anyone I hadn't ever met, and always in the context of a history of consensual, sober sex. I'd say one way of addressing this problem is charging those that see "date rape" happening and don't do anything about it as accomplices. Dickless assholes. Three things are clear from the whimpering out of the end of the shutdown: Boehner was talking out his ass and lying through his tobacco-stained teeth about not having the votes, all along. He's done, one way or another, which probably means Speaker Granny-Starver until the next Congressional election, which I think will see Wall Street and white shoe law firms mau-mauing, uh, primarying the Teabangers. The comedy potential is limitless when the Big Money turns on the idiot pissants. Those big cash guys? You get only one chance to shit the bed, I think. Either Bachmann took a job as a House stenographer during the shutdown, to help out, somebody put bad acid in those water pitchers on the podium, or the producers of the Carrie remake perpetrated a live advertising campaign under cover of ending the shutdown. Them House Teabangers and their titular leader are incompetent. They screwed up the back pay for fed workers they designed themselves. They meant well, but Bad Uncle got to them in the end. Did everybody see the end of the President's press conference yesterday when he was leaving the room and some reporter yelled out a question about whether this wouldn't all happen again in February. He paused, turned, and with an absolute poker face, said "No", and left. With regard to the delusional stenographer, where was the Sergeant at Arms when Joe Wilson, my Congressman, was shouting? Is her name actually Molly, or is Molly a nickname for indicating drug of choice.
- GOPer FUBAR on furlough back pay. Ex-Goober-nor Appalchian Trail thinks this is only fair, like his AWOL time from the SC state house. I emailed him to ask when the SC state treasury can expect his check for the time he spent away from work on his SA trek. He married that woman, and campaigned with her on his arm. Teabangers still elected him. That seems to be several sandwiches short of a picnic. I think more kids binge drinking these days is partially a result of that stupid Nancy "Homewrecker" Raygun's Just Say Yo! campaign
- Speaker Oompa Loompa voted against the shutdown ending bill. What a shameless asshat. If he thinks this will cover his butt with the Baggers he's nuts. The long knives and AKs came out this morning. But this vote by Boehner may be the most pitiful profile in political cowardice I have ever seen. Guys from my state, Wilson and Sanford voted against ending the shutdown. Surprise, surprise. Rapist behavior at the Naval Academy trickles down from the top of the chain of command. Heather@41: A great show. I think it is between seasons, not cancelled. It was cancelled on one of the non-ccable networks a few years ago, but picked up by TNT. I hope it's not 86d permanently. Incredibly good cast, particularly Regina King and Michael Cudlitz. Sherri@39: She can't access the Obamacare website. It's blocked in Cruz' office.
- Jolene@58: I was relying on WaPo for that information about how Boehner voted. And he will undoubtedly be attacked by Teabangers next time he faces a primary. As I said previously, he will be defended by his Wall Street and banking backers, whose yanks on his leas finally got his attention in the standoff. cf. Cruz' attacks on the Senate GOPers, who he claimed rained friendly fire down on their House colleagues: The Frankenstein's golem "grass roots" Tea partiers aren't likely to do anything as logical or sensible as to realize that Boehner listened to voices of sanity in the end and tried to pull the party back from the edge of the cliff. But, as I said before, the big money that watered the Bagger astroturf will turn on the monster with torches blazing and farm implements flailing.
- Back to work for GOPer legislators means protecting tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas and subsidies for oil and gas companies. And passing a farm bill that slattens SNAP programs to ensure that farm subsidies from which way too many of them collect checks remain in place.
- Rana@68: The I get as drunk as the frat guys and it empowers me faction is far worse and far more reckless and thoughtless than the don't get so loaded you don't know what's happening around you advice, without a doubt and construing the advice to young women that there is evil in the world and they are more susceptible to it if they are wide eyed and legless as "blaming the victim" is bullshit, straight up. In a perfect world, maybe young women should be as free to indulge weaknesse for substances as men are, but claiming the world is perfect because it should be is arrant, spectacularly irresponsible crap. White people should be able to walk around Roxbury or the South Bronx without fear, and black people should be able to go to a bank in Wellesley or Easthampton for a mortgage without being rousted by cops. Sounds great but it's far from the real world. And WaPo has made the article naming Boehner as a no vote on ending the shutdown magically go away, without a correction I can find. It had a cutesy graphic with lots of blue and red squares next to the names of the Congressional varmints, and there was a red square next to Boehner. This in no way changes the fact that in the last 16 days he has displayed absolutely Wormtongueian mendacity and cowardice.
- Sherri@73: Oregon is wearing pink helmets this weekend. With their uniforms, I predict waves of nausea, nationwide late Saturday. Good Lord, this is going to be hideous. Televised Ipecac.
- Them visiting nurses will get my guns when they pry them from my cold dead hands. And if they send 'em could it be Jenny Lee and Sr. Monica Joan. The pretty one and the one that's a hoot. Julie@21: Why is there still Goldman Suchs. Shouldn't it have been liquidated, with the proceeds reverting to the USTreasury. Tough Teddy was probably taking campaign advice from Mitt RMoney, who hid his earliest vulture capitalist success for years because of his close ties to Central American death squads when Raygun was President. I mean no disrespect by this, but watching baseball last night, it occurred to me that omitting pitchers, the Tigers have more guys that make David Ortiz seem svelte than the rest of the AL put together. Good thing they aren't in old Briggs, the wooden grandstand would be in danger when they ran the bases. And seeing Johnny Peralta playing after being suspended for PED use makes me wonder whether the length of the suspensions wasn't established to make sure these guys would be available for the post-season. Seems wrong somehow. Something got short-circuited in Miley's messages from mom and dad about what it means to be an adult. Clubs? Tats? Billy Ray is old enough to know better. I'm no fan of misogyny poster boy and wife beater Marshall Mathers, but Miley has a ways to go before she should be allowed to get away with implying some connection with Slim Shady. That's like Justin Beaver trying to dance next to Usher. And to Detroit expats of my vintage, 8 Mile means Southfield more than it means Detroit. Do those Fox bimbos know the Mad Stenographer slandered at least 13 of the sacred Founding Fathers, who were, in fact Freemasons?
- Over its years Facebook has been an inveterate and unapologetic purveyor of "rape culture" and sloughed off criticism by labeling it humor. I despise Facebook and its endless self-promotion aimed at getting me to solicit friends. I want one thing from it: a constant stream of pictures and videos of my grandchildren. If not for that I'd blow it off as an utter waste of time.
- I do participate in a group page on FB that convenes a group of internet friends from the DNC effort in the 2004 Presidential election. A friend from those days just posted this sarcastic comment about FB: Please copy and paste this to your status if you're constantly being asked to copy and paste things to your status by friends who copy and paste things to their status. Many people won't copy and paste this, but my true sarcastic friends will copy and paste it because they know this was copied and pasted from a dear friend in need of more stuff to copy and paste; and if you don't copy and paste it, then this means you hate veterans, your kids, kittens, puppies, God, and bacon. And if you hate bacon, the terrorists win! I always suspect those links at the bottom of articles that brian is talking about are malware traps, so I never click on them.
- TBS Sportscaster Craig Sager is well known for wearing the most hideous clothes in the history of TeeVee. Apparently one of his puke-inducing sportscoats was ruined by getting in the way of the clubhouse revelry when LA beat ATL in the NLDC, and the story became part of the whining about the Dodgers' celebratory antics that started with Old Fart McCain complaining about the pool leap in Arizona. McCains wife bought the Maverick a part ownership to go with their seven or eight houses. Anyway, apparently LA OF Andre Ethier decided to make light, or a total mockery, of the situation. I'd like to hear T-Lo on the subject of Ethier's suit, and where does one buy something like that? Allison Williams is a very good looking woman, and may choose some old school designers, but she always looks good in the gowns. And her job is acting in Girls, in which she is a bright spot in the morass of Lena Dunham's tawdry solipsism, not parading on the "red carpet".
- The home visits in Obamacare are a vital part of ACA's emphasis on preventive medicine, which GOPers hate for inchoate, because...Obama reasons, and will drive health care costs as a %age of GNP down considerably. One of my brothers told me the GOP was willing to reopen the government if Obama would change the name of Obamacare to PP/ACA.
- Dorothy@46: You'd never know it by national media, but the housing market has been reviving for several months, but why note goood economic news when there is always another false equivalency political story to churn out. Our condo lost value almost to what I paid for it 15 years ago, but lately it has regained a considerable amount toward its high in 2007. Fortunately, my retirement accounts didn't take much of a hit from the shutdown. The banks knew they could cut that shit off at the knees if it came down to it, more proof, if it was needed, that the Teabanger movement is pure astroturf, bought and paid for by traditional big money GOPer backers. I have a friend who is in RE in Savannah who says business is revving up. This is mainly covered in national media with cautionary stories about another bursting housing bubble. Because...Obama, probably. NYT Book Review has news of a second volume of collected short stories by TC Boyle, and more about selected short fiction of Flann O'Brien, the early and middle 20th Century literary version of Shane McGowan, with better teeth I presume. I've never enjoyed short stories as much as long novels, but Boyle is a master of the form, on a par with George Saunders and just as funny and sardonic. As for Flann O'Brien I'm happy to get my hands on anything the guy wrote. If you've never read At Swim Two Birds, do yourself a favor and get a copy. Brilliant, and hilarious.
- This new novel from the youngest ever Mann Booker winner sounds very good. And good luck to the Tiges tomorrow against the House of David nine.
- Jeff, anybody that can't appreciate curling as a sport doan know dick about sports. It's like golf and bowling, Surely a sport, but calling the participants athletes, that's a waaaay stretch. I say shuffleboard is a sport, because I am very good at it, but I wouldn't call good shuffleboarding being an athlete. I'm not sure I'd call anything Prince Fielder does athleticism either. I think he has those Baron Harkonnen underarm jets. Guy is a fat slob and if I were T-Lo, I'd tell him to go old-school with his socks and uni pants. Elizabeth Smart on rape culture, a subject she has the equivalent of a graduate degree in. I hope this articulate and more than passing intelligent and insightful young woman ends up in Congress. I sort of got a kick from the Witch Haggy librarian comments. My parents would just check the book out for me (On the Beach when I was about 11) rather than argue with anybody. We had so many books in the house it didn't really much matter anyway. The first book I read through was The Cloister and the Hearth, and the second was The Mysterious Island. I liked the Jules Verne better, being a little boy. But to this day, I still love The Cloister and the Hearth and urge friends to read it. Another early read was Islandia, by Austin Tappan Wright, and I just got a new copy to replace one I must have given away. People will tell you the great Nordic epic is Kristen Lavransdottir, but Islandia snuffs it completely. I'd say Islandia is the great novel of imagination nobody ever heard of. Ursula K. owes it a tremendous debt for huge parts of her masterpiece, Left Hand of Darkness. When, in 6th grade, I was caught serially with The Ugly American and Candy by the nuns, my mom went into grizzly mom like $Palin would have run away from with loaded drawers. I came to hockey very late when my family moved to Michigan from Memphis in the 60s. I love hockey, but hockey is strange. For me and my brothers, a sport we weren't really goood at was , sorry I might annoy Basset, who I never intended to annoy in the first placeIf the unwritten rulebook were printed out it could fill a janitor closet. I started a Ranger fan, because my dad was marginally such, and the Rangers had Eddie Giacomin, who buckled more Swash thatn any goalie since. When the League was all about Bobby Orr, Brad Park was still the best defenseman. When the trade was made and Ratelle and Park came to the Bs, that was all she wrote for me. Brad Park was the greatest bigD defenseman the NHL ever saw until Ray Bourque came along, and a Brad Park hipcheck is the equivalent of Night-train Lane taking somebody's head off. Sherri pointed out to me when I made derogatory comments about the Cards that none of those aholes were even born when the Gas House Gang spiked, threw at and tried to maim Jackie Robinson. Sports is about memory, vengeance and grudges mor than it is about transcendent performance. The current Cards like PED Beltran whining about Puig celebrating his triple? Let's see the Cards pitchers and catchers when they get Puig out. Like Mission Control on lunar contact, the ridiculously phony shits. I would say anything people can bet on is a sport, and, in fact that is parbly the actual definitive definition. And for Danny or one of the Marks that was attempting to give me grieve about typing "parbly" that's borros3e from q great novel called Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban.
- Why does Miley Cyrus ever come up in conversation when the likes of Joss Stone (I think Bob Marley would approve) And Pink, And Grace Potter and Ericka Wennerstrom are around? if the world feels a need for female singers, there are a lot of very good ones around. Hell, Debbie Harry, Annie Lennox and Kate Pearson are still around. Natalie Manes. Grown women with awe-inspiring voices that don't think getting a tat makes you an adult.
- Celia Woodsmith: Grace Potter: I've been down on Prince Fielder since he completely dissed his dad. Ahole. Cecil was a big guy, but not morbidly obese like his sonnyboy. And when did Peralta go blimpazoid? During his furlough?
- Grace Potter in skimpy clothing, astounding legs, with astounding guitar sound effects by the Ol' Gumint Mule Warren Haynes, on a definitely non-chick song, Tush: Rich, white, GOPer.
- Kate Pierson is the redhead from B-52s I met her once at a Man or Astroman? show. She is friends with my friend Alice who was a singer and go-go dancer in Hillbilly Frankenstein, a very good 80s psychobilly Athens band, that had Jeff Walls for a guitar player (from the great band Guadalcanal Diary). Hillbilly Frankenstein: Guadalcanal Diary:
- Best B's song nobody ever heard: What Kate is doing these days, She's a very nice woman and very pretty: We're going to book a visit. Looks pretty cool to me. East Coast for now, but the high desert one looks good for February.
- They ought to load Walt in the Fleetwood RV, drive him out to the desert, douse him with gasoline, and burn him up like Gram Parsons. As bad as overfishing by factory ships is, acidification, warming, proliferation of new coral plagues and the ultimate deaths of coral reefs will do the ocean in before MacD's phony fish sandwiches. Those things are Soylent Green made of fish parts. God only knows what goes in them. I went net casting for shrimp over the weekend and got a meager haul that included a couple of two-headed browns. Didn't know whether to eat 'em or preserve them. Then there are the hypoxified "dead zones" Doesn't the Bible say something about being good stewards of God's creation? Fat chance when there is cash to be made, hand over foot. And, speaking of pop culture, Bones and Booth finally got hitched, with Cyndi Lauper singing an estimable version of At Last, but not until after a case interfered and the church burned down. Consistently, some of the sharpest, funniest, macabre and most suggestive dialogue ever on TeeVee. That Queen Bee song is a rewrite of Louis Prima's and Benny Goodman's Sing Sing Sing. Would have been a good choice for Amy Winehouse. Nancy, is the Carrie remake good? Chloe Moretz is a talented actor (I liked Kick-Ass despite the critical blowback, she was superb in Hugo, and Let Me In is a favorite of mine) but she seems young to play Carrie. The original was terrific, and this seemed like a gratuitous remake from the getgo. Trying to match Sissy Spacek's and, particularly, Piper Laurie's unhinged performances seems like a thankless task. I guess the conflagration FX might have been improved upon.
- Brian: Did you know that Shakira is supposed to have a 140 IQ? Dead zones in the ocean. Climate change deniers are know-nothings, for sure, but people that want to claim the Gulf of Mexico is not caused by human activity are stupid or lying. Nitrogen runoff from factory farm fertilization is the proven cause.
- Shakira is an astute commentator on politics in Central and South America, and pretty tireless in advocating for poor populations there. And she's not a pompous ass like Bono. And she looks better in photos. She's also polylingual. Senator Yertle opens his slimy mouth and proves once again and beyond any doubt he is an ignorant POS that is as clueless as he is odious. Still trying to make Obama a one-term President by wrecking the American economy and preventing new jobs. Nobody needed that $24billion anyway, right? And Vitter is holding up Presidential appointees until more pork belly spending. And did everybody notice that GOPers attached earmarks to the CR and debt ceiling deal.comes to Lousy-ana. Hypocrisy as a fine artform.
- Do those front wheels and tires on the speeding tractors go completely out of round? That can't be remotely safe. Looks like something from Speed Racer. Uh-huh.
- I wonder if that movie, Radio Bikini, was Bill Carter's inspiration when he wrote the SBM song Bikini Red. After 60 years of trying, the best recent idea in nuclear waste management from power generation was putting the spent rods in a cooling pond on top of the containment housing the reactor. The containment is a thick concrete shell. Radioactive emanations from uranium and plutonium in spent fuel rods are particularly damaging to concrete, no matter how thick it is, and degrade cenentitious mixes at an alarming rate. . Sixty years of nuke power in and nobody has figured out dick for dealing with spent fuel waste. Not looking good. And those spent rods at Fukushima Daishi 4 are still catching on fire intermittently. Not very promising after six decades of research. Seems like Thomas Edison couldn't solve this puzzle. The Japanes government is trying to figure out how to safely dismantle the reactor. Good luck with that. Oh, and the design geniuses responsible for putting the spent fuel rods in danger also put the emergency cooling system in a basement below the reactor, ensuring it would flood out first in the event of something unforeseen, like, um, a tsunami. So what did they do? They make ammo out of the deadly shit, shards of which are lying all over the ground in Iraq causing cancer right now. Anybody that decided as a teen to call himself Vox Bono may well be the king of pompous asses. Bob Geldoff's snot-nosed personality is less annoying than Bono, although Gordon Sumner could give Paul Hewson a run for the crown. Which would probably make the guy that calls himself The Edge the crown prince. Kidnap the roadies and guitar techs that tune that guy's guitars, and he couldn't play.
- Apple shares climbed 83 cents to $520.70 in after-hours trading after the new products were announced. The stock had closed down $1.49 at $519.87. From Brian's link @34: Republicans say the education department is dragging its feet and that the delay is affecting teacher raises and other issues. Yeah. Like there are GOPers concerned about fair salaries for public school teachers. And monkeys might fly out of my butt. Like the Indiana Legislative Services Agency knows dick about education, or school or teacher performance. But Indiana has transparent legislative government. A transparent, raw power grab. Assholes put an agency in charge of regulating charter school operations in charge of assessing public schools. No chance of a lobbyist induced conflict of interest there, at all. Maybe they should try assessing the charters taking gov't money and teaching "creation science", the beneficence of Southern American slavery, and the Ten Commandments first.
- What's Caribou? Expensive coffee? I'm with Steinberg about having a group of corporate citizens, too. Number one on my list is the products sold by Baron Bich. I have not bought any Bic product since they ran the ads in the 60s of stews asking passengers "Coffee, tea or flick my Bic." I can't claim to have been a feminist way back then, but I knew this was terribly demeaning to half the human race. So No Bic pens or pencils, Bic razors, and no Bic lighters tor 50 years. Period. I won't go to Home Depot and I root for the ATL Falcons to lose because because Arthur Blankis a conservative ahole version of George Soros. I root against the Pats too, because nothing ever happened bad to the Pats that wasn't another player's fault according to Wonderboy Tom Brady. In Brady's case, the UGGS and the mullet didn't help much. I despise Time Warner because the service is terrible, but it's the only high speed net here, so I'm stuck with them. I dislike Chevrolets because I like Ford products despit Henry's irrational anti-semitism. If Sherri sees this, she'll understand why I can't stand the St. Louis Cardinals and the Cincinnati Reds because of racist ownership in the past, even 50 years ago. When I was a kid the stench of choice (usually by girlfriends) was either Hai Karate (pretty horrible) or British Sterling (Durian rotting human flesh topnote over corpse flower base). No guy I knew would buy this crap for himself. My HS was a smart jock school and we all hated being caught dead with any of this shit on, but the power of what passed for sex in adolescence for most of us back then, possibly withheld for insufficient gratitude for a gift, covered a multitude of olfactory sins and was too much to turn down. Left to our druthers, we boys would more likely have preferred Mundy's Green Rub liniment or chlorine and green hair . When I was teaching HS, a gaggle of girls would produce a similar effect with overspray of some My Little Kitty or Tommy Girl stinkbomb en masse. The atrocious Hai Karate and the possibly actually lethally poisonous Brit Sterling were replaced by Brut by the time my Senior Year came around. A lot of kids hit the old man's Old Spice before sock hops. And gutdom, I jest really aged myself. I was very happy when my daughter's mom convinced her that Estee Lauder Youth Dew was very nice and considerably more subtle than some other choices. It was something they shared. I always liked Chanel No. 19 for significant others. The No. 5 makes me think immediately of funeral homes and wakes. Very fetching dog photo.
- Tom Robbins wrote a particularly (even for Tom Robbins) novel called Jitterbug Perfume, about the odoriferous industry and the demigod Pan, and Pan's heady goat musk. I had forgotten about English Leather completely. My next brother had a girlfriend that bought it for him. I've heard that Bay Rum was a libation of necessity for alkies during Prohibition. Hai Karate ads. One with Joey Bishop. And one Thomas Crowne Affair ripoff. My ex and I once shared a cottage on the beach at Truro on Cape Cod with another couple. The guy used Aramis overabundantly. Yeeccchhhh. I spent a lot of time outdoors. But eating in that miasmic funk was nearly impossible. All the food tasted like it had been marinated in charcoal lighter fluid. We only buy pizza from locals. It's much better than any of the chains. Reminds me, anyone visiting Savannah GA should head for Vinnie van GoGo's for pizza and some locally brewed IPA. Great pizza, and I lived in Boston long enough to become a complete pizza snob. The description of Domino's as V-8 on Wonderbread seems pretty accurate to me. It's as if they boycott oregano and garlic. My first college GF used the Jean Nate Pour le Bain (?) products. Very nice. One whiff makes me nostalgic, like a Proustian madeleine.
- Granny Starver thinks the next GOPer-manufactured budgetary crisis should be used to force the Administration to approve Keystone XL. The pipeline provides no benefits whatsoever to the USA. The dirty oil will become diesel for sale to offshore markets, mostly China which is already fouling the atmosphere more than the US does. The potential for environmental disaster is huge. So, logic tells me that advocating the pipeline brings monetary benefits to GS Paul Ryan. Time to make the bastards deal with jobs and immigration reform. I don't like Nike either, mainly because of Michael Jordan (Republicans buy shoes too.) We used to buy Yuengling lager, but the CEO started spewing that anti-Obamacare crap about cutting employees to part time and raising prices, so bye-bye oldest brewery in the US. Your beer was already overpriced. I won't touch a Coors product if I'm dying of thirst. Gutdom Nazi union busters. It tastes like canned water anyway. I'm pretty sure killing a snow leopard is illegal. If it's not, countries should make it so and send the poachers to the ICC.
- We have a large Hispanic population. Somebody needs to know how to run chair rail and crown molding. These are craftsmen getting paid shit wages with no benefits. We have some very good hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurants and a few excellent pizza places that are locally-owned. Far as beer is concerned, I've given up on national brands and mostly buy Dale's Pale Ale from the Oskar Blues Brewery in NC and CO. Expensive, but that's a good thing, as Pete Townshend once said in liner notes on the Empty Glass album, when he thanked the makers of Remy Martin cognac for saving his life by making the bloody stuff so expensive: Love them megahops brews. Another is Ranger IPA, which I think is brewed in the hotbed of fundagelicism Fort Collins, thank you Jesus. Really good brew. For a lager, Sam Adams is the best American, especially icy cold on tap, as it's served at our favorite pizza place, which also serves anti-pasti of several sorts that would be approved in Boston's Nawth End How is anything too expensive for Pete Townshend? Seems nearly impossible.
- Truly revolting anti-ACA tactics. Scumbag dickheads. And what is up with LATimes being rational? Did somebody lock Jonah Goldberg in the basement? Snow leopards and Shaolin monks. Jeff@38: You'd think Teabanger country would approve of what that gent did. Reading further, I'd be very happy in the afterlife to have a Beau Geste, Rocket Gibraltar Viking funeral. Two outstanding movies with great performances by Gary Cooper and Burt Lancaster. Went over to Savannah yesterday to see All Is Lost. Incredibly intense and amazing performance by Robert Redford. This struck me as a bookend for Jeremiah Johnson, one of my favorite movies ever. This is my nautical movie experience for now, because I've been boycotting Tom Hanks movies ever since Elizabeth Perkins stripped down to her brassiere in Big, while I was watching with my seven year old daughter at a matinee in a theater filled with divorced dads and their kids. Gratuitous beyond any conceivable excuse.
- I did see Road to Perdition a while back for free on Netflix. Excellent movie and performance by Hanks, but somewhat derivative of Miller's Crossing, a better movie. All Is Lost is draining, like crossing the desert scenes in Lawrence of Arabia. Alan West is running for Congress again. Holy crap. This guy is certifiably psychotic. Latest young woman to be pilloried by conservative wholes for having an opinion. I love this sign the kid made. It was guaranteed to cause a feeding frenzy. She's 14 you dumb moos. If I were her dad, I''d track some of these bastards down and beat them. The NCAA's namby-pamby penalties for Miami for having the entire football and hoops teams on the payroll of a wealthy booster just shows how pitiful that organization has become. Nine scholarships over three years and no bowl bans, because the U "cooperated". No it didn't. The rich booster did when faced with prosecution on federal charges. So, the oval wheels effect was parallax. I still think it looked like Speed Racer.
- SHALIMAR, the trumpets chorused, angels wholly all shall take Those alive will meet the prophets, those at peace shall see their wake --Keith Reid, in Whaling Stories, on Salty Dog My mom liked White Shoulders and another called Fleur de Rocailles. Translates to flowers in a rock garden (very apt for my mom). Nice scent. I recall it was pretty expensive on my budget for a Christmas gift when I was a kid. I don't use any of that junk anymore, but I have shaving lotion from a company called Harry's that has a nice herbal and peppermint aroma that lingers through the day, that we both like and it is quite soothing on my face. Harry's also makes superb razors and blades, which allows me to avoid corporate brands like Bic and Gilette. I hate shaving with a passion, but my red and gray beard looks strange with my dirty blond hair, and S. does not like beards so I shave anyway. I also have a Panasonic electric razor that can be used with shaving cream and water. It has a severe drying effect if I've gone more than a day or two without a shave, so I use some aloe vera gel after using the razor. The Harry's blades are cheaper than the higher end drugstore brands, the prices of which have gotten ridiculous, much sharper and comfortable, and last through more shaves.
- Official organ of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee. What was this Architect thinking. He should be glad the Gang of Four is long gone. Can't believe I haven't noticed any references to patchouli in all these comments. Gawd, I despise that odor. I remember kids burning incense in dorm rooms to cover pot odors. Yeah, like anybody burning incense wasn't smoking dope.
- Some of the very same assholes bitching about the ACA website are bringing suit in US District Court claiming that the law requires all supplemental aid for premiums be administered by state exchanges, not the feds. These are also the same dickheads that support governors that refused to set up exchanges, which likely would have precluded many of the current sign-up problems, unless they were deliberately sabotaged. And just because GOPers have been spectacularly computer incompetent in the past doesn't convince me the Koch Kriminal Konspiracy didn't finally locate somebody to sabotage a website for them. Had people like the dumbass yahoo Nikki Haley not done everything she could to fuck up ACA implementation, things would unquestionably be in better shape. It's like Haley put the entire state of SC through a death panel and decided people had to die before they got insurance. This is a classic case of the parricide begging the court for mercy because she's an orphan. States don't have much luck at all with electing goober-nors that are the offspring of immigrants from India. Nikki "My Extramarital Affairs are Nobody''s Business But My Own" Haley and Bobby "What, Me Worry? I'm an Exorcist" Jindal. Freakshow.
- Brandon: I was not disparaging Americans of Indian descent. Just the two asshat morons that reside in the Lousyana and SC statehouses. The exorcist and the promiscuous woman. The charges about Haley's sexual harrassment and affairs came from people that worked on her polirtical campaigns, so I see no reason they should have been dismissed out of hand by the press. But hell, dumbasses in SC just sent Mark "Appalachian Trail" Sanford to the House. The Madonna and patchouli thing just convinces me more than ever that she is a sad parody of herself. What did that basically unreconstructed bad disco music have to do with the 60s? What did patchouli have to do with church? I always figured she was basicall Cyndi Lauper Jr., but much less entertaining and without the voice. We've got an amazing TruValue that has almost anything Home Depot sells, and lots more for fishing, including bait, crabtraps, reel tuneups and all sorts of bicycle stuff. A great store.
- Why'd did the Duchess of Cambridge wear an untossed pizza dough on her head for her son's christening? Julia Stiles has a good original series called Blue on Youtube. Really good looking woman, and she was hilarious in 10 Things.
- Everyone should get an obit as beautiful and evocative as Erin Borgman's. I spent a lot of time one summer in Rapid (people that live there leave off the Rapid) after meeting and falling hard for a girl from there while on a vacation with my family in Freeport, GBI. We shared a surname, and when I brought her to a dance at my HS in Detroit the next Thanksgiving, the double takes when I introduced her to former classmates and teachers were hilarious. Alas, Shirley became a Jesus Freak and we drifted apart, but that summer before my 1st college year was an idylic romp around the Black Hills in her metallic bluee 442 droptop. Back in '69, Rapid was a pretty depressing place, but my GF's family owned a 200 or so unit HoJos motor lodge where people stayed while making day trips to Rushmore. She was beautiful, bright and sweet, and my life would undoubtedly have been completely different had we stayed together. I still have letters she wrote me at school and some prints from linoleum cuts she did. She was a talented artist. I've got no use for news feeds. Seems like to much effort for the result. I just read several editorial and oped pages every day, and a few favorite web sites.
- The arrant sophism in this exchange is why I think of Richard III when I'm accidentally exposed to that bunch-backed toad, that bottled spider. According to Charlie nobody on the cpnservoloony side is questioning the New Deal anymore. Then he says that Paul Ryan is the spokesman for current consrvatrons. Paul Ryan isn't out to destroy SSI, Charlie? Bullshit. He just wants to hand it over to Lehman Bros., you liar. Good thing that didn't happen back when Shrub wanted to do it. Krauthammer is an endless source of verbal Ipecac. What a mendacious POS the guy is. George Will does the same shit, but with a smoother delivery. That UCDavis rent-a-cop that sprayed the manacled occupy demonstrators with tear gas at point blank range has received a $38grand bonus (to add to his $110grand per annum salary) for his mental anguish over his brutal behavior going viral. WTF? SI Hayakawa is spinning happily in his grave. Taking back contractual pension benefits from any worker is pretty obviously illegal. How is it different from hiring a contractor to remodel your house, agreeing on terms of payment, and then reneging because you FUBARed your finances. No shotguns were involved in the contract negotiations. If this is kosher, why shouldn't every government entity that pays for privately contracted penal or trash collection services be able to unilaterally change the basis of payments? You'd be able to hear GOPer politicians squealing halfway to Mars, even in the vacuum of space. Conservatives seem to think pensions are some sort of largesse granted by the Lords to the vassals out of the goodness of their shriveled anthracite hearts, rather than a legitimate part of a legally binding contract for a compensation package. This approach makes a mockery of contract law. After the infantile nonsense from the SL Cardinals about Puig "disrespecting the game" during the LCS, it's hilarious to hear them whining about the umps getting their butchered double play attempt called right and claiming that Lester was putting Vaseline on the ball. Act like you've been there, asseyes. The ump that called the runner out at second originally on the botched DP should wait until at least next year to work another game. Not even close. The Cards 2B didn't even touch the baseball much less second base. Yeah, yeah, the neighborhood, but you do have to catch the ball.
- Part of what some people seem to find objectionable about Rachel Maddow's schtick is that unerring liberal bias found in reality. Why is the idea of the ACA exchange website being sabotaged treated by media outlets as some outre conspiracy theory? Bastards were willing to annihilate the world economy to deep 6 the law? They wouldn't attack the website? One bit of technological malfeasance GOPers are undeniably good at is robocalling, which would certainly mess up the exchange signup apparatus. Also, what do the signup SNAFUs have to do with the merits of the substantial provisions of PP/ACA? Nothing. And if 30 GOPer governors hadn't refused to implement state-based exchanges, would any of this be a topic of conversation now? I'd say those governors should be charged with contempt of Congress for refusing to implement the law. Now those same SOBs are suing on the claim that the feds can't be involved in the subsidies because the law says they must come through state exchanges. So if I can't get help with my premium because Nikki and the SC GOPers didn't comply with the law and set up a state exchange (hell, they made it illegal to do so), why would I vote for her again. (I didn't, that's a hypothetical).
- Mark@15: Way to go all homophobic when criticizing Brian's post. True colors. If you want to insult someone by noting his likeness to Bobby Knight, you must include a reference to Coach Knight's likeness to Shamu. Old fart asshole GOPers do all resemble each other. Bastard spawn of St. Henry Hyde's and Scumbag Dan Burton's "youthful" indiscretions.
- Here's an obviously brilliant idea: offshore fracking. What could possibly go wrong, aside from spills and earthquakes and tsunamis, oh my?
- Some fool Texan running for something is saying no to secession but advocating throwing MA, CA, and NY out of the union. dumbshit doesn't know that's where Texas' federal welfare money comes from. What a maroon. Not to make fun, but the GOPer goober-nor of Idaho is named Butch Otter. Don't mean to be impolite, but that is just humorous. Goober-nor Otter looks like a crooked televangelist, pardon the redundancy. Those Teabangers certainly didn't pay any attention to Article III, Section 3 when they signed the Norquist pledge. What the GOPers are forgetting to mention in their unmitigated glee over the ACA website SNAFUs is that private contractors are responsible, and that continued GOP obstructionism and asinine law suits kept the website development in abeyance for a very long time.
- Maybe the Cali Worker Compensation Board will send Maryville $38grand to alleviate their pain and suffering and mental anguish. Danny@6: I live in a very wealthy (in general) community that engulfs a smaller poor community like an amoeba feeding. The only way to get a state issued ID that is considered valid at the polls is to travel 15 miles off the island to the DMV. The local GOPer sherrif's department and DMV rules make it difficult to get IDs. Forms are only in English and there are no translators. And no, I'm not talking about illegal immigrants, I'm talking about elderly people that are citizens that have been here since Castro's revolution. I know these people. A cab ride is approximately %50 roundtrip not counting time waiting at the DMV. I can ride my bike there, and have, at great risk to life and limb in the oceans of urban assault vehicles, but I seriously doubt that most people my age could manage it. The bridge approaches are killer hills, and the crosswinds on the bridge could knock a Tour de Francer over. Obviously, this presents a hardship and an obstacle to the most basic right guaranteed to Americans for a lot of people. Of course you don't get it, none of these things would present a molehill of an obstacle for you. Would you like to try explaining the Tejas exclusion of State University System picture college IDs and acceptance of CC licenses is possibly anything other than an attempt at voter suppression? Or the penalties some GOPer state legislatures are imposing on parents when their kids decide to vote where they go to school rather than in mom and dads gerrymandered safe GOPer districts where their votes are certain to be nullified in an ocean of conservatron group-vote. Anyway Danny, no offense, but you sound very Antoinettish, as in Qu'ils mangent de la brioche. Try to keep your head when the Teabangers turn into a horde of irate Madame DeFarges and Robespierre Jrs. armed with AKs. Those whackos will eventually come around to eating the rich if their meth-mouths can manage it.
- Borden@22: Well said Jeff. "their stated goals"--As I see it, it's sort of like Jesus boiling everything down to the Grat Commandments, which you are as unlikely to hear from a fundagelical preacher as you are from some holier-than-thou GOPer politician, Praise Jesus. In the case of GOP goals, it boils down to 1. Make Obama a one-term President, and 2. Defund Obamacare. These people are so delusional as to believe both are still possible, when the opposite is a fait accompli.
- Borden@24: Rob Zombie will direct.
- I must say, in Little Bird's place, I'd have gone berserk and ended up in the hoosegow, or whatever they call it in New Mexico. Rich White Republican. Whenever voter ID comes up, I'm reminded of how much cash Shrubco spent trying to ferret out vote fraud, and the fact that they purged the ranks of US attorneys in doing so. When they hired new lawyers, the first interview question was "Do you consider yourself a loyal Bushie?" Of course, since most of the new hires were graduates of Regent, Pat Robertson's fake law school, the answer went without saying. In the end, they found zilch, zip, zero, nada. The great ACORN voter registration fraud turned out to amount to people that the organization paid by the name writing in names like Popeye and Donald Duck. ACORN istself reported that shit, not any election officials. Oh, and those GOPers claiming ACORN swung the 2012 election. It ceased to exist three years before that. The last verified instance of organized vote fraud took place in Neh Hempsha in the last GOPer presidential primary. It was organized and paid for by ferret-face James O'Keefe, the well known GOPer Daniel Sefretti of his generation, who has yet to be prosecuted by Neh Hempsha officials, who are undoubtedly GOPers.
- Alan@12 Buncombe County? Serendipitous. Made my day. As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. — H. L. Mencken, in A Carnival of Buncombe So Mencken predicted Shrub, pretty much exactly. The reason the cold medications are difficult to get at is that Teabangers and small town drug kingpins use them to cook meth. So GOPers believe government should have no role in ensuring American citizens' rights to vote, but should be all over limiting those rights to right-thinking people.
- Deborah, May I beg to differ. The element of purely stupid inbreeding is more influential in SC. Like, Bubba and bubba's sister BubbaNC is more of a "learned vicious racism" kinda place. SC is more like Good, beneficent massa and obedient thankful slaves. More genteel, ya know. I've thought about leaving the aLow Country. Ashevill are, in the US, or buying guns and moving to someplace on some feeder to the Arkansas. But iff the shit hits the fan, it's a beach village in Uruguay. I know people here have a low opinion of Oliver Stone, but
- Charlotte reminded me of a very fine piece of music, Possum Goes to Prague. Ritchie Blackmore. Whoda thunk it? What really bit the GOPers in the ass in the shut-down-the-governemnt to save rill Murrkans from the socialist evil of Obamacare fiasco was that they believed in polls that said a majority of Americans don't like the law. They believed people that bemoaned the ditching of the public option and the people that won't be satisfied with anything other than single payer, Medicare for all were actually on their side. Silly racists, they forgot that welfare is for Tebangers more than it is for blappeople. Denying that the confederate flag waving yahoos dislike President Obama because of the melanin content of his squamous cells is unmitigated BS. That is the problem, Whatever it may have been in the past. the GOP is currently the party of obstinate and unfettered racism. There is just no getting around that fact. Happy belated birthday, Alex. ROGirl@69: They want to return to installing Senators by state legislatures. May the best gerrymanderer win. That fool in Tejas that wants to kick Cali, NY, Mass and Conn out of the Union? You go guy, I'll move immediately and you will be left without your Texas-sized share of my tax money in the Bumfuck that's left. Budget crisis, schmudget crisis. Red states spend and blue states pay for it. Meanwhile, these assholes don't admit to being beaten on an issue. As they were. clearly, on health care. They have the perfect Conservaton activist court and still couldn't get anywhere. And Granny Starver Ryan is going to pull this shit again over privatizing SSI. That may be stupider than trying to ignore the fact that Obamacare is the law of the land. It's my money you dumb bastard. Any problem at all with funding SSI should be taken care of at the top, i.e. changing the payment threshhold to $150grand.
- Rock 'n' roll animal. And that's the Detroit boy Dick Wagner on guitar. And really, that's Mitch Ryder's song more than it is Lou Reed's. Better opening riff than Satisfaction for my money. Lesley West stole it shamelessly for Mississippi Queen. Lou Reed was married to the sublime Laurie Annderson.
- Lou Reed wrote an entire album about dying. but the best Lou Reed album is New York followed closely by Ecstasy Both made in his 60s. Astounding. I've got his entire collection of songs, including some boots and the album Lulu that he did with Metallica. I figure if this guy could make it to 71, I might too. Best song? Probably Sweet Jane, although Rock Minuet is pretty amazing:
- Danny: I've got an ID, it's my voter registration card, issued by the State of SC. The idea that somebody is going to swing election results by voting three or four times with that piece of paper is absolutely preposterous. It's a myth, like Raygun's welfare queen. It's more or less hilarious how GOPers talk themselves into believing unadulterated bullshit for the sake of the bullshit itself. Do they understand that Nancy Raygun was six mos. preggers when Roonny's divorce from Jane Wyman was final. Values, right? The self=delusion required to be a modern sonservatron is mind-boggling. Claim to be Christian? Yeah, right. Claim to be fiscally responsible? Yeah, Shock and Awe paid for itself. right Wolfowitz. Go lick your comb, while the adults actually include the credit card invasions and occupations in the national accounting. The GOP brings new meaning to the term "willing suspension of disbelief". Read 'em and weep. Thanks Nance. They still both sound very new to my ears. And way better than most everything else coming out contemporaneously. And both albums are awe-inspiring. In the bright future of musical influences, for Mike Stipe, Pete Buck, Bill Berry and Mike Mills, the Velvets were absolutely seminal. R.E.M. has done some astounding Velvets covers. particularly of Pale Blue Eyes, a song somewhat to the right of Wild Horses on the gorgeous meter. I guess time just flies by, or something like that. It is hard to believe Ecstasy has been around that long.
- Crap. Lulu is almost three years old. It's strange, but kinda good. I have tried heroin, mostly because of the song. I found it to be more like Ramone's Chinese Rock than the L0u Reed song.I would have liked to see Lou Reed play with Sonic Smith and Mrs. Sonic. Kindred spirits, without a doubt. Patti Smith on a Velvets song: Amazemo guitar solo. And buy Patti's book about her and Mapplethorpe. You won't be sorry. She's a very good writer. Wry and observant.
- And Nancy, you'd have to say pretty good output for that late in life. I hope you do as well. I imagine you will. I have always kinda seenyaas the Fannie Flagg of the Tubes. And I mean that with profound respect/ To churn out that many outstanding columns in such a short time, that woman was a riot. But to also, while doing that, produce a masterpiece like Fried Green Tomatoes, That is amazing. She wasn't ErmBa Bombeck, but she meant to be.
- Good pictures of Lou Reed with Bowie and Iggy. Judybusy@10: A glitch? Oh hell no. You have to throw the whole thing out and start over. Baby, bathwater and all. The whole shebang. Mitch among the remaindered. The last conceivable person you want to be on the other end of the line when heaven calls you up about the five people you want desperately to avoid when you're spending Tuesdays with Morrie. Mitch Albom, boy blunder. Charlotte. I played Songs for Drella twice yesterday. It's also a fine album. Magic and Loss is truly astounding. He kind of wrote the rough draft of it in Halloween Parade.
- Congratulations Judybusy. Could things somehow be returning to something resembling normality? I know a lot of people revere Harry Truman, but normalcy is simply not a word. Never was, never will be. Scathing review of The Counsellor. How could a cast this good get together with a direct as good as Ridley Scott and a writer as good as Cormac McCarthy and make a terrible movie? The BBC is going ahead with a miniseries production of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. I love that book. Difficult to get right on video, I'd imagine. Best Lions game in a long time Sunday. It's hard to believe Megatron's 329 yds recweiving is not a record. That Uehara guy for the RedSox looks like a little kid.
- A seriously intemperate rant from Driftglass. Somewhat amusing. Cool portrait of the female SC Justices.
- Rrally strange news from the Regal Beagle. What lies beyond the simply surreal. Victoria Jackson Jr.? Anybody that thinks Obamacare has anything actually in common with the Canadian single payer system is not playing with a full deck.
- Brian: They look more dignified and more judicial than their male counterparts. Scalia looks like a thug. Whenever I see a picture of Justice Sandy, I'm reminded of John Riggins' indiscretions. I guess these days he could claim concussion damage. Selection of Lou Reed songs from Rolling Stone. If you've never heard Street Hassle or Dirty Blvd. do yourself a favor. I had a professor at Holy Cross that specialized in Chaucer and Mallory. He actually made his own mead. Bad hangovers from all that honey. Basset: That sounds like good news about your wife's disability payments. I've always thought it was unconscionable that people are put through a modern version of the Inquisition over such decisions.
- Are there people in the United States Congress that actually believe Euro allies of the US don't run espionage operations in this country? Everybody spies on everybody. There are probably more Mossad agents in the US than in Israel. When I have my Viking funeral someday, I'd like the accelerant to be mead, if the stuff will burn. If someone thinks it's a good idea to get a blonde with Grand Tetons from 70s TeeVee to comment on Obamacare, why couldn't it be Loni Anderson's Jennifer Marlowe. She was always the smartest kid in the room. Considerably better show, too. One of the last great sitcoms, actually.Hell, Herb Tarleck was smarter than Chrissy. And if a newspaper can jump the shark, I'd say WSJ takes the cake with this asinine bit of stunt casting. Holy crap, how embarrassed are any real journos still working there? Oh the humanity. As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.
- Elizabeth Gilbert, perpetrator of the heinous Eat, Pray, Love has a novel out that sounds like it may make up for her previous literary offense.
- Poor Dr. Van Horn. just another victim of the evil trial lawyers that caused her malpractice premiums to shoot through the roof while the Democrats protect the trial lawyers by opposing tort reform. After all, those malpractice premiums and malpractice awards comprise a whopping less than 0.5% of all US health costs. Purveyors of privately purchased health insurance are somewhere between payday loan vultures that camp outside of military bases and outright loansharks. Peopl that believe they get any sort of coverage for their usurious premium payments live in a fool's paradise. I paid a bundle to BC/BS of SC for 15 years, and then I needed to make a claim when an asshole driving an urban assault vehicle knocked me off my bicycle and left me concussed for the cops to find. Can't say BC abandoned me completely. They approved the hospitals claim for some $10 Tylenol caps I didn't want. (That stuff is useless as well as dangerous to kidney and liver function.) I'm left with a total of $5grand in medical costs. When it comes down to it, if the government can regulate usurers and the banks they own, why shouldn't the government be able to set minimum levels of insurance coverage. And claiming President Obama lied about this nonsense, as the "liberal" WaPo has done today, is an outrageous supposition based upon zero facts. I saw about five minutes of GOPers questioning Sebelius this morning on CNN. They have no apparent motive or goal in mind but to place blame, and there is plenty to be ascribed to radical GOPer obstructionism, like SC lege making implementation of Obamacare illegal. Obviously, PP/ACA startup would have been improved if had been the painfully obvious intelligent approach: Medicare for everybody. Of course, Teabangers would have blown up the White House and most likely the Capitol too. Of course, if shitheels like Ken Cuccinelli hadn't taken things to the Supreme Court, and if moronic obstructionist goober-nors hadn't refused to set up state exchanges things would clearly be in beetter shape. But the GOPer claim that the website failures somehow mean the law is all wrong is so mindlessly stupid it leaves me wondering how these dicks feed themselves and remember to breathe. Further, nobody will ever convince me the website wasn't attacked by hackers and the entire system by robo-callers. because, of course they would. According to mass media, this is somewhat paranoiac conspiracy theory akin to the 9/11 truthers. Why, GOP wouldn't fuck with a govt. website when they were willing to annihilate the world's economy a couple of weeks ago? The only reason to believe the site wasn't attacked is the gross computer illiteracy and incompetence GOPers have displayed in the last several elections. Speaking of the Big Cunt Cuccinelli, two Fridays ago, he purged 38,000 Virginia voters from the rolls. He can do this because he says there is no conflict of interest involved in his running for governor and remaining Attorney General of the Commonwealth. There's a very good satiric novel called The Last Election by a guy named Pete Davies. The author would have found this Cuccinelli power play too absurd for his story about the insanity of modern politics. A superb book I recommend strongly. It seems completely up-to-date right now. Jolene@38: Reading that last graf reminds me of the famous GOPer tort reform victories concerning malpractice in California. Within a year of passing the law limiting awards to some obscenely low numbe, the insurance carriers had raised malpractice premiums by 50-75%. Crooked bastards. When MA passed a bottle bill to establish bottle and can returns back in the 80s (unquestionably a good idea) beer distributors doubled the price of a six-pack. Profiteering buy any affected industry will always accompany natural disasters, human suffering and changes for the better in social policy:
- The outrage from the health insurance community is reminiscent of the stuck-pig squealing that accompanie partially shutting down the private aspect of the student loan bidness. Crooks.
- Crooks and Liars has a good piece on the "insurance cancellations" hoohaw and the astounding lack of accurate reportage on the subject in national media. This is the 24/7 "news" milieu raised to Dantesque nightmare level. All the brains have been sucked out by some diabolical device. This is not difficult to understand. This is revenge profiteering in one big (I hope) for insurance criminals. Cancelling an insured persons policy when the first claim for chemo comes in is not, in any way that makes a difference, different from a loanshark kneecapping a recalcitrant debtor. Well, except loansharks would rather get their cash back while making a painful example. Insurance criminals already have that money invested elsewhere by the time the cancelled person is…dead. This has been a major profit center for these bastards as long as there has been health insurance. They obviously cannot be trusted to police themselves, so they should be nationalized. Do these folks not realize the insurance company was going to cancel them first time they filed a claim anyway.
- A story about Guy Fieri that was just made for the NY Daily News. The hairdresser's been making Guy look like an idiot for years and he just caught on. Arthur Blank owns Home Depot and the ATL Falcons. He's also a bigtime funder of more than one astroturfed Teabanger organizations. Does this sort of sharing the tax wealth with a billionsire sound like something the Teahadists would favor. When cognitive dissonance goes completely out of control. And the Falcons suck this year. Mortimer and Randolh Koch are giving away beer on college campuses to talk kids into not signing up for exchange insurance. I'm sure they are checking IDs. Wouldn't want any beer fraud
- Sherri: I wasn't going to type that because I didn't want to offend, but the guys name is Coochie-nelli, and he's famous for his interest in rape by transvaginal ultrasound wand.
- I would have used Trouble Man for that video of the Packard plant. Wine shortage. Yeah, right.Sriracha shortage? Say it ain't so. These people just now noticed this? This is the brand we favor. I like it on hotdogs and fries, and on crab cakes and oysters..
- I can honestly say I do not stare at boobs. I have been known to stare at beautiful women, but faces and gams more than breasts, unless the breasts look like some sort of natural history exhibit or are being displayed nearly unclad. If GOPers are so worried about the President not keeping his word, supposedly< on keeping health care plans, why don't they come clean on Boehner's Jobs, jobs, jobs propaganda. Wvery day, in every way, they go out of their ways to mangle the economy, destroy jobs, and make sure the economy doesn't recover with a black Democrat in the White House. Remember : while Oompa Loompa was directing 40 something votes to attempt to kill or seriously roll back Obamacare, the Administration sent four separate and specific bills aimed at creating jobs for Americans. Not one reached the House floor for a vote. That is one major league liar. If somebody wants to say I overstep by attributing this willingness to FUBAR the economy to the GOPers, remember two weeks ago when they were willing to sacrifice the global economy to stop the scourge of ACA. Ther is nothing so terrible they wouldn't stoop to it, ya know, to keep that 0ne-term Prez promise.
- Women being imprisoned for endangering their unborn fetuses. Ya mean, like putting expectant moms in privately run jails whose biggest profit centersare providing slop instead of real food and eschewing any medical care at all. This is GD jabberwocky from world-class hypocrites.
- I guess every reasonable American can agree that the asinine law suits that not even Scalito could find for and the large number of red states that refused to actually work on the implementation of PP/ACA or set up statewide exchanges certainly had nothing to do with getting the law set up to run by the deadline established 4-1/2 years ago, because obviously the GOPers want what's best for Americans and none of it had anything to do with Obama's skin color, because the GOP has never courted the most hard core raccists in the country, nor dows the Teabangers have any Confederate flag toting David Duke ex-voters in it much less any actual racists.
- It's very unusual for a baseball player to escape a rundown, or as oltimers say, a pickle. But Red Sock Jacoby Ellsbury is one very fast and resourceful baseball player. Makes the Cardinals look very foolish, or bush-league, as the old-timers say. Best video deployment of Yakety Sax in some time. Five albums is too few. Everything in excess. I'd have to have Astral Weeks and Gasoline Alley and lots of drugs if I was stranded alone. Kick Out the Jams, all SRC albums, A Love Supreme (Trane), Blonde on Blonde, Clash Singles, Never Mind the Bollocks, Lou Reed's New York and Ecstasy. Live in the Air Age (Bebop Deluxe live).Muswell Hillbillies, Shine on Brightly by Procul Harum. And Remembrance of Things Past, Proust, the box set. I've read Swann's Way and have always meant to read the rest. That thing could last a lifetime. And a Bible, so I could figure out where Jesus defined marriage. Oh, and Born to Run. Singles? Persecution Smith, by Seger and the Last Heard, with Seger playing lead guitar, and Love Me Do, first single I ever bought. Eat a Peach. I met John Lewis years ago at a Maynard Jackson fundraiser. Very impressive and very cordial. Andrew Young and Julian Bond were there too. Impressive group of men.Too bad Detroit didn't get some latter-day version of Maynard when it elected a great big black guy mayor. On the sad news about John McVie, and the tour cancellation: some smart promoter should look into getting Danny Kirwan, Jeremy Spencer and Peter Green onboard and honor the tour tickets. I'd be buying, and everybody that has been subjected to Secondhand News over the years would get to hear real Fleetwood Mac music, like the Mick Fleetwood inspired Rattlesnake Shake:
- Do y'all realize that the great organ-thumping Mighty Fortress is now a standby favorite at probably half of all Catholic Masses on any given Sunday. Particularly if the church has a Virgil Fox quality organ. Choirmasters cannot resist the urge. I've always thought this was kinda humorous, but ther is no denying how much fun it is to bellt that song out. Sort of like singing along with Burton Cummings. I first heard it at Mass at St. Hugo of the Hills in Bloomfield Hills, A very beautiful stone building built by a Michigan millionaire (back when a mil was real money) adman. The organ Mr. McManus had installed is every bit as grand as the structure. I served Mass there many times, and funerals and weddings too. I have also ventured down the creepy stone steps into the crypt beneath the church. If you'r in the Detroit area, this place is worth a visit. JPMorgan is currently negotiatng a $13 billion settlement with the Department of Justice (DOJ) for mortgage lending abuses they allegedly committed during the housing crisis. However, taxpayers could end up underwriting more than $4.5 billion of that settlement. That's because JPMorgan is likely to claim the settlement as a tax deduction. Even though settlements like these are thought of as punishment for corporate wrongdoing, companies claim their settlement costs as tax write-offs all the time. They treat them as just another business expense. Does anybody think that is right? Anobody think the deliberate malfeasance on a grand scale JPMorgan pulled should be rewarded with a tax break. Ya know, BP will do the same thing with their fines for trashing the Gulf of Mexico, if they actually pay any taxes in the USA at all in the first place. Wasn't there a book by a famous TeeVee producer or somesuch called I'm Dancing as Fast as I Can? About her experiences with bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic-depression). This GOPer Congressman makes that bipolar lady look like she's HS slow-dancing he's dancing so damned fast on the subject of immigration reform. WaPo false equivalency as fact reporting notwithstanding, this is not a "both sides did it" issue by any stretch of anybody's imagination. Fox won't touch this with a 10-ft. poll, or Pole, because…immigrants bad. So it's left to maroons in the so-called Liberal media to make this fabricated case. Pisses me off royally.
- Neko Case in gorilla costume for hogamany. I've scene bictures of her actual breasts on the internet and they are much more attractive. The all-time great Halloween movie is Trading Places, which gorilla costumes always remind me of. And Don Ameche and Ralph Bellamy playing those sporting gents, the Koch Bros. That's scary. The Stooges played their first show at a Hallowe'en party in their rented house on State St. in Detroit. My desert island Stooges song:
- Well, I meant Samhain, not Hogamanay. Samhain is the night of the sidhe, the Wild Ride of all supernatural creatures in very old Celtic mythology. There is a Canadian writer of fantasy novels named Charles DeLint that uses this mythos as a backdrop for some excellent fantasy stories set in modern-day Ottawa, of all places, called the Jack of Kinrowan trilogy. Very well written. The Faery Ride Forget the hearth, Forget the roof, Set the wheel aside: Leave your weaving, Warp and woof, Steal out to us this Samhain-Tide. Steal out to us, our tossing hair Sets sun and moon and stars aflare. The racing winds are hounds beside The cloud-maned horses that we ride. Come ride with us, have heart to dare The plunging steed; the steeps of air; The swirling, high, tumultuous flight, The aery hooves – this Samhain Night! --Ella Young Julie Robinson@35: How do you figure I'm making fun of bipolar disorder? I didn't do anything of the sort. Nothing to drink today but Zhena's Gypsy Mint Tea. And I do live with somebody who's been diagnosed as both schizophrenic and bipolar by different doctors, leading to a variety of improper medication incidents that I've had to deal with. I believe the schizophrenia diagnosis is probably correct, and the condition is difficult to deal with. And we've been in love for nearly 20 years. I was making fun of the madly tap-dancing GOPer Congressman.
- We get hardly any Trick or Treaters, because the homeowners association frowns on a bunch of little Mexican ghoulies and goblins roaming the place and security sens them home. At east that's my excuse for having full-sized Snickers and Nestle's Crunch. Leftovers present no problem at all, and the look on kids' faces is much fun. Tin five year old girls in fairy princess costumes (you can tell by the (in this case) opalescent wings) are our first of the night. With all of the Latin tenants here, skeletons are inevitable. I'm going to watch Under the Volcano later, a favorite Día de Muertos movie. I've got a vintage Polaroid camera that I found a source of film for, so I'm making portraits for the moms and dads. Somebody is bound to call the cops. We did Fruit Roll-ups one year, but I find those things too gross to consume the overage, so now it's the world's best candy bar and a close competitor. We bought some good vanilla to break the Crunchbars over, if we have some left. cooze@37: Officials say Israeli warplanes attacked a military target inside Syria. Israel, amazingly, has never bombed a non-military target, nor killed any body that wasn't a terrorist. It's uncanny. I know Israel is the key to the Second Coming and the Rapcha and all, but the US should cut Israel loose.
- Anne Rice is on the Craig Ferguson show tonight. Sounds like a good interview. I liked Interview with the Vampire and The Vampire LeStat quite a bit but ner read any of her other books. Two Vincent Price classics are showing also: Masque of the Red Death (Jane Asher is in this) and Abominable Dr. Phibes. The Others is on to, pretty scary and one of Nicole kidman's better efforts.
- Bernie's moustache. Eskimo Bingo reminds me that down in the land of jorts and mullets, the baldheaded Medicare theft champion plays Seminole Bingo. How does a state elect a guy who presided over the biggest scheme to defraud Medicare fin the program's history (by a mile) to be its governor? Please secede, and take the Magic Kingdom and Monaghan's perfect town with you FLA.
- Danny@30: Interesting how no GOPers are commenting on the fact that the website FUBAR in the first place is another FUBARed examp;e of privatization. And nobody said it takes intelligence to get a picture ID. It certainly takes access to government offices, transportation, and money a lot of people do not have to spare. Besides, when Texas refused to recognize state university system IDs and accepted concealed carry licenses, they obviously gave their game away.
- If the ACA rollout website was FUBAR, what exactly does that say about the GOPer grail, privatization. People in the most perfect position to FUBAR the ACA rollout hate it for exactly the same reason most people like it or will at least give it the benefit of the doubt. My parents went through this whe my brother Matt died of Leukemia over five brutal years. And our insurance plan at the time was through my dad's employer, Kaiser-Permanente, a company in the forefront of social resposibility at the time. I can remember fights between my mom and dad over the costs of treatment and flying to Boston for treatments. My parents didn't fight about anything but this ever. So in the end, they'd scrape up the cash aqn my mom would fly Matt out of Charleston (at great risk to their lives) to go to the Farber Center. This was my first experience with health insurance and I wouldn't trust those crooks far as I could throw them. Another anecdote. I hurt my shoulder pretty badly skiing one time. My ex and I were sharing a trailside cabin and long-skiing. At the end of the day, my Beloved ex (my only ex) was seeming to warm to my friend Nancy, like GFs before the obnoxious BFF came along. I'd been accused wrongfully of some chicanery with Nancy, so I was happy about this. Nancy is spectaculatly beautiful and speaks several modern indo-European languages. She speaks Icelandic. So, I have been a bit smitten since we were riding the Green Line from Arlington to Park Central because she could read The Master and Margarita in Russian. And she looks like freckle-face on Katarina Witt's bod, and she had become my best friend over several years. I doubt we ever touched each other. Her husband was a glad-handing right-wing shithead Martin Amis is the product of a more talented dad he could not resist trying to one-up, and a bunch of neurasthenic onanists like Hitchens that thought they had it all figured out and it was all dreck. Write something as good as Lucky Jim or The Old Devils Marty, then somebody might pay attention when you run your dad down. I don't know this for sure but I'd bet some GOPer tinkering got private contracting into the PP/ACA and I'd bet some House committee had first right of refusal on who got hired.
- And Danny: For Dickishness, you have buried the meter, I don't think I've ever been such a dick here, but whatever
- Why a lot of this shit about Obama lied is just insurance scam merde. They doan like that pre-existing conditions shit. That's where they made the big money. Off of dead people.
- Down south, we just call all them greens collards and we smoke 'em with tufkey wings before we put 'em into mos' everthing. Soups and salads the bestis. Didn't Mike Dukakis take a big hit over chard? From the MENSA-illuminati-ninja press?
- Sunday NYT wedding stories are a consistent source of humor at our house, but this is the mother of all annoying rich people wedding stories, and the Times will never reach this pinnacle of puke inducing nonsense again. What style. What je ne sais quoi. What Ipecac in print. And are those birds made out of golfballs?
- Sorry Mary. It is an exemplar of that particular brand of story. What exactly is the idea of lining a tent with saris. Wouldn't muumuus have been more all-American? Or sack dresses? And are Randolph and Mortimer renting out their property after blowing all their money on ALEC and the Teabangers? Oh, wait, Muumuus are from Hawai'i. That's not America. Wasn't Ophelia barefoot in most depictions of the time she went to sleep with the fishes? Seems to me Dr. Maartens are more likely to make a young woman Olive Oyl-like, as portrayed by Shelley Duvall in Altman's Popeye. For some reason, this Viet Nam discussion made me think of the psychopath Curtis LeMay. Americans didn't learn a gutdom thing from that painful misadventure. Reagan armed both Saddam and the Ayatollah's with chemical weapons they used on each other, and trained and deployed the Nicaraguan death squads in the name of stopping commoniss from showing up in Brownsville. Why a lot of this shit about Obama lied is just insurance scam merde. Do people forget that Obama succeeded the most damaging and dangerously mendacious pretzeldent in the history of American Presidents? Apparently, Americans en masse are stupid enough to buy this nonsense.
- Well what the hell is wrong with Jim Wright? How can you get to be 90 in Texas without having a concealed carry license? Wendy Davis was required to sign an affidavit to vote because the names on her registration card and her drivers licence were slightly different. Somebody involved enough in Texas that they are working at the polls doesn't recognize Wendy Davis? Bull. What will AquaBuddha say next? He could be an Art Linkletter show all by himself. Far as I'm concerned, that moptop scamp will never top his expressed opinion that bidness owner's have a Constitutional right to discriminate against anybody they want to. I mean, shouldn't that disqualify the jerk from running for or holding any political office. But I guess that NC lady that sewed her tyke a KKK Hallowe'en costume would probably vote for Little Boots Rand. That sleazy little bastard certainly does look like contemporary likenesses of Caligula. But a gunfight with Rachel Maddow for mocking someone for being such a doofus he plagiarizes from Wikipedia.
- Gorgeous time lapse photography. Naked hippies in Detroit? Say it ain't so. Nancy: It's probably time to move along to the heating pad for your knee, maybe alternating hot and cold is probably best. Ice acts immediately after the injury to limit swelling, but after that moist heat is most efficacious. I play hoops with a bunch of 20 year old gym rats so I deal with injuries of this sort frequently. Main thing is to stay off the leg. And elevating your knee will help.
- Roy Edroso goes to town on the intellectually bankrupt strum und drang over Obama lied about keeping your plan if you like it. A particularly acute turn of phrase: But apparently there are a lot of people out there who love their bandaid-and-a-bucket-of-leeches plans, and are outraged that they have to trade them in for something that meets ACA standards. For rightbloggers, this was the End of Obamacare Redux Part Infinity. Seems that the legions of stupid Americans are buying this horse pucky anyway. Total eclipse of the brains and the typical stultifying cognitive dissonance. Next thing, GOPers will be railing against privatization, beccause you know Obama administration went to contractors to design the website. To make an analogy, GOP reaction to the website FUBAR is like an OB nurse saying "Boy, that's a low APGAR total, might as well euthanize the kid." It's silly to say the GOP has no alternative plan though. The plan is to retain the failed status quo and kick the health care can down the road another 40 years without addressing the problem of paying twice as much for health care as civilized, advanced countries, to a time when it's more like five times as much. This is a case in which conservative really means "Don't change a thing we're doing. It's ordained by our divine right as the rich folks. So what if it wastes money hand over foot and causes people to die prematurely. They shouldn't have developed those preexisting conditions in the first place, and it's God's punishment for being poor." "Sounds like a plan, Randolph." "Cheers, Mortimer. We know better than any blackamoor whippersnapper that doesn't know his place."
- Bernhard Goetz was arrested for selling $30 worth of pot to a NYPD undercover. Laughing my ass off. If Darrell Cabey is still alive, I hope he hears about this, maybe has friends at Rikers Island. Goetz shot Cabey in the back, in self defense. NYPD never produced the "sharpened screwdrivers" in evidence.
- Susan@11: Rare and incredibly beautiful fauna in the wild.
- Detroit has a mayoral election today, I take it. Exactly what is in that job description anymore after the hostile takeover by MI GOPers? Cut ribbons? Hand out keys to the city? Which makes me wonder even more than I did in the first place: what sort of shenanigans were going on when the lady doc was buying the Packard plant property. Sounds like it was probably something akin to the deal in which Goober-not Goodhair set his friend's nuclear waste dump up in Texas in return for bookoo election dollars.
- I had not heard of Charlie Trotter, but he sounds very interesting from what is said about him in the ChiTrib. Imaginative, curmudgeonly, basically a good guy. I wish I had had the chance to visit his restaurant. re: Mayor Ford: One more holier than thou, do as I say Conservative pol, who would be right at home in the Teabang states. I've tried most recreational drugs and prescription drugs misused as recreational, but rock, meth and hillbilly heroin are where I'd draw the line. And yep, I have tried heroin a couple of times and found it quite enjoyable which was enough to convince me not to do that again. I know people that have tried rock and gone on to habitual use. In fact, I never knew anybody that tried it once and didn't go back for habitual use. The guy's Baron Harkonnen body does make it seem unlikely he's a crack addict. They tend to get very skinny very fast, and Ford makes Chris Christie look svelte. The crack (no pun intended) about the drunken stupors sounds like the product of another drunken sstuid on the mayor's part. What a freaking buffoon.
- Superb piece of sportswriting about Jesse Owens, and his greatest rival on the track, the marvelously named Eulace Peacock. No need to like sports to appreciate writing this good. Drunken stupor or crack high? You be the judge:
- Best take yet on racist scumbag Richie Incognito. If these people are right, I'd like to tell Richie "Man up, ya big Baby Huey." In the case of this guy and his dad, if all of this is true, the turd does not fall far from the anus.
- If the Miami coaching staff was at all complicit in Incognito's heinous behavior, the Dolphins should get the same death penalty NO Saints got for the alleged bounty system on much less hard evidence. As for both sides, what is the other side of Hey, what’s up, you half n—– piece of s—. I saw you on Twitter. You been training 10 weeks. [I want to] s— in your f—— mouth. [I’m going to] slap your f—— mouth … You’re still a rookie. I’ll kill you. That's a text message to Martin from Incognito, reported by Peter King. Making rookies stand on chairs and sing their college fight songs? Hazing. Holding rookies down and giving them bad haircuts? Assault. Threatening rookies lives over payment of $15grand Las Vegas trip tabs? Extortion. Where is the Dade Co. DA in all of this. Incognito's behavior is criminal, at least to the level of terroristic threats. Asshole should be joining his Aryan Brotherhood sympathizers in prison. The logic of hazing as team bonding escapes me entirely, and I participated in several sports in HS. Two of my brothers played college football. One had a tryout with J-E-T-S Jets, but ditched it for his entrance interview at UVA Law. None of us ever encountered hazing of any sort. Incognito's problems with Martin are probably threefold: 1. Racism. 2. Martin is a graduate of real school, and Incognito couldn't graduate unless tutors took all of his exams and wrote all of his papers. So Martin is elite and effete, neither of which Richie could spell, and 3. Penis envy. Those steroids just shriveled Little Richie to a nub. Nicely done, Mark. Social Security. Solvent, with money to pay all prospective participants through the 2040s. This is simple. Raise the income threshold for paying into SSI to a more realistic $150grand from less than $110grand it is now. Non-existent problem solved for many decades. No matter what GOPers say, SS is not part of the deficit, nor the debt, math. Claiming it is is pure demagoguery, and mirrors corporate citizens raiding pension funds they contracted as compensation for work performed. It's also quite obvious to anybody but a hard-core idealogue that expanding Social Security, and raising the minimum wage, would boost the American economy, as is the case with all of the social programs the GOP wants to slash.
- It's a strange feeling to find myself agreeing with Juan Williams, Fox News' bestest black friend that proves they aren't racists, but he's got a pretty good common sense take on the President's alleged lying about the cancelled "insurance" policies. People are too dumb to realize they've been scammed, and that it was a one-time only deal, that their alleged insurance would have been cancelled within minutes of the first claim they filed. And that as Americans, we are all, or should be, in the health care thing together. The status quo Obamacare shitcans is a huge drag on our economy and if failing to reach citizens is a failure, (has to be, in a Christian Nation, eh) the status quo fails by more than 40 million souls, many of them children.
- Why it is ridiculously obvious that expanding SSI would have an unquestionably salutary effect on the American economy, and it would be pretty much immediate. Conversely, cutting SSI would obviously be detrimental to the economy. In the reality of GOPers' behavior toward social programs that are proven to be a tonic for the US economy, a sensible person wonders about their motives. Crash the economy while the black Dem is president, damage the Dems and the black President. Nothing else makes much sense if something insanely bad for the country can be said to make sense. The fact is, that multiple studies of other social programs, like SNAP, have shown repeatedly that such spending provides similar economic benefits. People like Granny-Starver and Cantor are guilty of grotesque intellectual dishonesty by claiming otherwise. This isn't rocket science or one of Rand Paul's scientific papers with eight footnotes per sentence. It's simple common sense.
- GOPer economists claim that federal payroll taxes have a deleterious effect on savings. I figure my $thousands paid into SSI and Medicare ARE savings, and I challenge anybody to disprove that.
- Nice Luckovich cartoon on the cancelled health insurance policies.
- Deborah: I considered seriously buying a hatchet from those guys for camping, but just ended up spending the cash otherwise and sharpening up my 50 something year old BSA model, that was a gift at my Eagle Scout ceremony. Still takes and retains a keen edge, and I'd say there is a cache to vintage BSA gear. But I really did like those blade tools from Brooklyn. I use a cane most of the time, but I need one that breaks down to fit in my bike saddlebags. None of those are good looking. What I'd really like would be an authentic blackthorne shillelagh, with a concealed sword blade. with a custom-fitted leather scabbard for my bike. Pete Gent's North Dallas Forty is one of the funniest books ever written.
- Just saw How I Live Now. Could have been better but worthwhile. I will watch anything with Saoirse Ronan from here on out. Stunningly good kid actor. I loved her in Hana and only recently saw atonement, in which she acted Kiera Knightly under the table. Sunday's NYT Style mag (T) had a fine feature on this kid, with some gorgeous portraiture. Anyway, the movie is based on a novel. I've got a very bright niece who's in Sixth Grade and loves to read, and I wonder if any of you librarians have an opinion about the suitability of this book as a gift for a kid of that age. I cringe hearing abobut ACLs these days. Both UGA starting wide receivers and three of four starting DBs are out for the season with ACL injuries. Odd, but this damage rarely comes from violent contact. Most frequently, it's a case of athletic ability in the form of speed and agility being entirely too much for the Creator's shoddy design. I'm also considering Picture Me Gone, also by Meg Rosoff. I suppose I can get them from the library and read them myself.
- For the gruesome side of football, nothing beats David Kopay's story of having out-patient exploratory surgery while he was at Syracuse. To close the wound, the team physician pried a suture needle out of a crusted bowl. The needle went flying. The doc picked it up from the floor and with no further ado nor sterilization, proceeded to close the incision. Holy shit, must have been one of those cheapie insurance plans the anti-ACA folks are so pissed off about losing to cancellation.
- I love flying, aside from the cramped seating, but I really have been in only a few airports I could stand. I've been subjected to Hartsfield and Logan way too many times. And Charlotte, NC. Gaaaahhhh to all of them. Phoenix Sky Harbor is nice, as is Greenville, SC. I've been through O'Hare a few times, and that is the Hieronymous Bosch nightmare of an airport. Once, at a Georgia vs. Georgia Tech football game, my dad and I sat behind a shoeless guy wearing pants and a hospital gown. He was trailing some IV tubing from a needle in his arm, and obviously laboring. He had some mean looking lesions on his neck and back, and collapsed during the 4th quarter. My dad had a walkie, because he was one of the stadium physicians for the game, so we got the fellow to an ambulance and back to the hospital pretty quickly. When he was gone, my dad explained to me that the lesions were easily identifiable symptoms of Kaposi's sarcoma, and that the guy was probably an AIDS patient. (By the way, the "s" in Kaposi's is pronounced as "ch"). Several people nearby overheard and got up to leave, as if they were afraid of being contaminated. I found that behavior reprehensible, so I said, loud enough to be heard by the fleeing assholes, "Damn good dawg." The guy literally left a hospital bed while deathly ill to go to a UGA-Tech football game. One of my dearest childhood friends is HIV positive, but he has never actually said so to anybody, including his mom. I recognized the names of the drugs from his prescription bottles when he visited here a few years ago. I've agonized over whether or not to tell him I know. He left the bottles out on the counter. One thing that marked the early days of AIDS was the intense competition among the PHARMA giants to find a proprietary cure, as if it was some pot of gold. The atmosphere engendered intense secrecy, espionage and even sabotage. Corporate scum looking to monetize a terrible disease. Some effects of the GOPer government shutdown beside stripping $24billion out of the American economy and flushing it down the john. Screwing the economy was clearly intentional. Screwing with science probably was too.
- A sizable chunk of Arbor Research's funding comes from Blue Cross/Blue Shield. No axe to grind, there.
- Two astounding whoppers from the insanely bigoted rightwing: And that’s why I say this is unparalleled. In my lifetime I can’t think of a presidential lie that even approaches this, that even gets anywhere near it. That one is from famous hillbilly heroin addict Bad Rash. and, Barack Obama isn’t the first President to lie to the American public and he won’t be the last. Yet a case could be made that no President before him and no President that follows him will have lied so brashly and brazenly as Obama has done. W? Never heard of the guy.
- I wouldn't worry about Reggie Bush's finances. He reaped plenty of cash and prizes while he was still at USC. Thanks to Marvin Miller, baseball players have a better union, by a mile. And demanding $15grand from Martin while threatening his life is extortion. That's somewhere on the other side of hazing. It's weird, but all over the internet, defenders of Incognito are using the same arguments as conservative defenders of the Teabangers. Quoting Incognito's racist spew is "playing the race card". Bullshit. Heather @34: Shortly after Obama became President in 2008, some asshole that was fully invested in NRA lunacy bulllshit shot some cops. His explanation? "The n***** is coming for our guns."
- Happy birthday Joni. My favorite Joni Mitchell song: "I'm a pretty good cook, I'm sittin' on my groceries" A story song as good or better than any (except for REK The Road Goes on Forever, that even Marty Robbins couldn't touch. That is the greatest story song ever recorded. One astounding woman. Way better guitar player than anybody ever thought. Terrific fingerpicker, and, I think, a great voice and singing style. And for 70, she looks mighty good. Nancy: I'm glad to hear your knee is tending toward reusable. I doubt either of mine will ever work properly, but who cares. My hands don't. I've been seeing those ads about the Rockies Mountaineer. When I was a little kid, my family took the train from Denver to LA. It was revelatory. I'm thinking about making that trip again. Because of SC law, my accumulated wealth is at risk for government seizure by my Teabanger state gubmint if I crack my skull on a bike ride. If that happens, I want a lethal dose of acid in a slow drip, with curated musical accompaniement by MC-5 and SRC. So I've decided that my son-in-law, who is a bonded estate planner, now controls all my money. But they don't. I have control and dissappear at a moment's notice.
- Bassett: I know you think I'm some sort of ahole, Whatever I ever did to annoy you and whoever?
- I'm willing to vacate this space if it will maake y'all Danny-free. What a fucking creep.
- JC, The idea that the morons didn't hack the website if they could figure out how is kinda obvious. Of course they did. They were willing to crash the entire world economy to stymie the Kenyan anti-colonialist. These fuckers are so incensed about a black Dem being President they are willing to behave in a treasounous manner. They are nuking futs.
- Damn, Nancy. Tickling your butt has me wide awake at a ridiculous hour. I've always had a thing for intelligent women. Mitch needs a new genre assigned, I didn't read Morrie, but Lord help me, I read the five people one, and it was hideous, like plowing through a Clive Cussler because somebody you liked otherwise forced it on you. Some people can't write for shit. 8th of November And the next time somebody tells me some vet died in Afghanistan to protect my freedom, I may throttle the asshole. It was to protect Haliburton's right to run wild and make money in the third world. And that was lying to the Murrican people. So shut the fuck up about reasonable health care, you assholes.
- I love Edmund Fitzgerald, always wished Pogues had played it. Before Gordon Lightfoot became the geek's Dylan with If You Could Read My Mind. Holy Shit what an obnoxious and whiny song. And the barenaked scary Sundown. Nancy: You're in Michigan. That's a wolverine skull, beaten into submission by some random SEC team. Catnado, not. Jeff@10: Swampgas.
- Shipwreck songs: Who would name a ship after Nancy Grace? Doomed.
- I was on a near shipwreck one time. Cohassett harbor. Late spring after the '78 Blizzard. My friend Jerry was steering confidently with his knees in the boat paddock, when we ran aground on something large that wasn't there before the storm. Totaled the boat. Left me with a separated shoulder and my beloved ex with a spectacular shiner. She was below, and put eye to wall-mounted compass. I got all sorts of strange looks for a couple of weeks, but I never hit a woman. Never even thought about it.
- Ain't that a man. And then there is Big John:
- beb, some way we connect. I loved that record as a kid. I remember Tennessee Ernie's TeeVee show. Wolfman Jack was a nitwit but he played great rock 'n' roll. Y'all are forgetting the minimalist sports car: the Ghia. I floated one many times through the tunnels on Storrow Drive when legally loaded. Boston rocks.
- It is so hilarious people still think it is outre to think that there was an attack on the ACA website, These assholes were willing to take down the global economy, Come on, you maroons.
- Hehe Danny. Shrub is on your sorry ass all of the time. How many innocent people died during shock an awe? Over an overt lie? based upon Raygun's weapon's sales to both sides in Iran-Iraq? And was Dan Burton the scumbag or was that Bill Clinton? You people lie your asses off, and you expect it to take because the President is black. Shrub is the most major liar since LBJ, if you don't count Raygun on welfare queens. Just shut the fuck up on the insurance companies acting like predictably predatory corporate citizens. You can type, so presumably you are smarter than believing that horse shit;
- LAMary, interesting reference. Patty Lupone is spectacular. Her performance in Witness was amaxing. In Hostages her compatriot Toni Collette is just as good. seriously good actors. My fave musical person is Bebe Neuwirth. Dominate me. Finest legs on the planet.
- Shweei@81: shoudln't Richie stick with that well known manly man Jim Rome? Them wimps tend to stick together when they pick on guys.
- Seems like Mitch was trolling Netflix for his latest plaot. Frequency, starring the handsome Quaid bro was about a cop whose father was a firefighter and a ham radio enthusiast. Somehow, the radio equipment fires itself up and allows Dennis to communicate with his dead father. But Albom will bring the mawkish, as he always does. His nephew in that trailer looks like the same sort of smarmy jerkff as his uncle Mitch. Very disturbing video, too. The face in the bowl of beans is seriously strange. Whatever brecame of Wall of Voodoo? Speaking of listening to radio from Mexico, the marvelously demented Stan Ridgway made the definitive song on the subject. Loins beat Bears again. Move into first place alone as GB spanked by Eagles. Megatron set a franchise record for TD catches, surpassing Herman Moore's 62. Megqatron did it in seven seasons, to Moore's ten. Moore is rightfully a Hall of Fame player. Calvin Johnson is already signed, sealed delivered to the Hall, if he quit tomorrow. Too bad Megatron's and Stafford's careers didn't coincide with Barry Sanders'. That would have been a juggernaut. Charlotte@89: See. Climate Change is a good thing, unless you live in the path of a typhoon.
- Masterrepiece Rolex design work. This is no way to run an alleged representative democracy. GOPers have hijacked FUBARed the US government, while accusing the President of being somehow anti-American. The hard numbers are appalling..
- Somebody should really tell Little Boots AquaBuddha about that stronger flush restroom. Finally, a john that works, after 20 years. Amazing guitar player Roland Dyens does a hopped up version of a Jobim bossa nova. And, does goober-nor Goodhair Perry think people will take him seriously now because he's wearing those fake Dwayne Wade glasses? Watching Redford act without words in All Is Lost reminded me that he has always had the facial aspect of acting down pat. Remember the scene with the boom mic in The Candidate? One of the funniest bits of movie ever: I'd go with Firesign Theater and call it the Little Bit Older, Little Bit More Confused discount, A recent SI cover was dedicated too Oregon football, with the headline, The Colossus, and the gratuitous kicker They're coming for you SEC. Wrong again honey. It is amazing how that curse works.
- Even for a complete and utter doofus like Shrub, this is embarrassing. According to Walker Percy, the Jews are gathering in Asheville NC. Great book, The Second Coming.
- Why allied countries in the West spy on each other. And Angela Merkel can get all high and mighty as she GD pleases, Germany spies on the USA too. If the lady was being more honest about the real world, she'd be more offended by being groped by Shrub W than by American spying.
- Flogging the bishop. Great Googly Moogly,this is disgusting. This is an example of why it's smart of GOPers to shut down the government. I would think female patrons of unisex restrooms would feel more comfortable with urinals insatlled therein. Some guys are pretty careless with their aim.
- GOPers talk a big game about supporting and respecting veterans of the US armed forces. Big load of hooey, in general, when there are political games to be played with people's lives to make the President look bad and damage the American economy to the tune of$24billion.
- In the history of the Catholic Church, all of this stuff about procreational health issues is relatively new, and none of it has ex cathedra standing. Most American Catholics ignore it. It contradicts what Church fathers like Aquinas and St. Augustine said on the subject of abortion diametrically. Nothing prevents a Pope from issuing new guidelines. MREs. We have met the enemy and he is us. This is hard to figure. REI sells very tasty dehydrated meals. Why not just buy those for service members? Charlotte@29: What they told Jack Johnson when he tried to board the Titanic: Wrong color, baby. How the hell do TeeVee execs figure there is a need to do Bonnie and Clyde over again. The movie was near perfection, I think. And trying to match the performances and star power of Beatty and Dunaway (particularly the nude scene) is clearly a fool's errand. Hell, they won't come close to Michael J. Pollard for CW Moss or gene Hackman as Buck Barrow. Estelle Parsons, DDub Taylor, Denver Pyle, Gene Wilder. Good luck y'all.
- Jeff@42: One way or another, threatening to kill someone if they don't pony up $15grand for a Vegas jaunt for you and your redneck buddies is black letter extortion, and Incognito should be awaiting a trial in some Dade Co. correctional institution. That's not bullying, that is undoubtedly criminal behavior. Even FLA has a terroristic threats law, which the redneck troglodyte clearly violated. Lock his ass up.
- Now this is some good news. Now if Amazon would just stop using styrofoam packing materials. USPS provides better service than FedEx or UPS for considerably less money. Always has.
- Sherri@62: There are plastic peanuts on our kitchen floor right this minute from an Amazon package. Those damn things are hell to clean up, not to mention having a half-life in the vicinity of plutonium. I seem to remember that everything people claimed about the Selectric type balls to show that the documents on AWOL W were fake was an absolute crock of crap. And I used those suckers for years before I got hold of my first Burroughs WP. I could do magic with them cutting and pasting. The big claim was that they didn't have 1/4 and 1/2Keys. The Letter Gothic balls most assuredly had those single characters. Total fabrication. As far as the claims about line registration, I found it easy with practice to match any existing typing. More lies. Bush definitely went AWOL on a coke binge for several months in Bummingham ALA. I know people tht witnessed his profligacy while he was supposed to be guarding the Officer's Club. And the civilian clerk that would have preppared the documents vouched for their authenticity. GOPers were making up bullshit about that as fast as both sets of lips could move on both sides of their faces, compounded by lying like adders about Kerry's service. A really sad chapter in American politics.
- Today is the anniversary of Prince's release of the scintillating double album 1999. An astounding piece of art, especially the the sublimely salacious Little Red Corvette.
- For anybody that doesn't get Bruce Springsteen. Cooll thing to do for a fanboy. Regarding Richard Cohen's idiotic comment about the expansion of government: US military spending, !,165,907,000,000 annually. That is $2.2mill per minute, and that is some obscene espansion of government. Oh, and the whole rest of the world? Somewhere south of the US numbers. The foundation of the current GOP is Nixon's southern strategy, and denying the inherent racism is naive at best and more likely just willfully stupid. I understand Cohen's defense of the GOP in its endless war against the Kenyan tyrant. Obama is insufficiently subservient to the Netanyahu government. And no, disapproval of the Israeli government and its apartheid actions and policies is not anti-semitic, whatever that word is supposed to mean, since most Palestinians are as semitic as their Israei overlords. When Israeli politicians bitch about Hamas and annex Palestinian land by demolishing 2000 year old houses and olive groves twice as old, just remember, they created Hamas by poisoning Arafat. A gag response to two interracial children is a conventional view? Then fuck the human race, and Mark Twain was right about God creating monkeys becaus he was disappointed with mankind. Wild Bill Madigan, my HS American History teacher used to say "There will be n integration without miscegenation. We all thought he just really wanted to have sex with a black woman, but if the mere sight of mixed race kids causes half the population of the States to want to puke, maybe the old fart was onto something. And the racism in the Tea Party is undeniable for anybody not in serious denial. That is not an allegation, it's a fact. As for the gratuitous mention of Harry Belafonte, that is such a classic strawman it could be an example in a formal logic textbook. Did Harry say the GOP was racist? What does that have to do with Cohen's disingenuous argument. As for Krauthammer, Shakespeare described him perfectly in Richard III. A bottled spider, a poisonous bunchback'd toad. Yeah, I know he's disabled, and I don't care. Chuckie is a misanthropic and bitter SOB. Mr. Leonard favored yellow legal pads and a BIC pen. Gorky Park was a terrific book, made into a superb movie. One of William Hurt's good performances (seems like every other movie), and one of Lee Marvin's menacing best. And whatever happened to Joanna Pacula? Seriously gorgeous woman. Charlotte Rampling lookalike.
- For some reason, Miley wearing a dress with images of Biggy and Tupac reminds me of Bulworth rapping. She is as white bread as a person can get, aside from Justin Bieber and Gwyneth Paltrow.
- Anybody being paid to write a WaPo column that misuses a simple word like conventional should have his ass fired. Anybody that denies the core racism of the GOP since Milhous is not qualified to comment on social and political phenomena. Which part of the Southern Strategy was hard to figure out. As Atwater explained: You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger." What part of the Southern Strategy has been repudiated by any GOPer but Lee Atwater since the misrule of Milhous and Raygun? Any Republican pol? Bueller? Bueller? Even black GOPers don't repudiate that vile spew. Like this nutjob. I had to pick myself up off the floor after seeing this. Allen West needs 'Bamacare toot sweet so his bed on a psych ward will be paid for. Remember when the American ronin had a hissy fit because Debbie Wasserman Schultz was unladylike toward him? West and his higher than the president security clearance needs to be locked up where he cannot harm himself or others. I like the publisher's claim West's use of the term ronin is indicative of his "encyclopedic" historical knowledge. Or else, he watched a mediocre DeNiro movie. But that's just my latent liberal racism raising its ugly head.
- Richard Cohen doesn't know what conventional means, and he got a job writing columns for WaPo? Rixhard Cohen was brutal in his criticism of Jimma Earl for calling Israeli government behavior toward Palestinian Israeli citizens Apartheid. Any reasonable person would agree that demolishing 2000 year old houses and uprooting olive groves twice that old while building prison fences around what land they leave to the Palestinians is pretty far into DeClerk territory and that Israel flouts UN proclamations as if they think they are the chosen people. And please Rich, don't tell me that finding Israeli policies odious, like the one about blowing Lebanon to smithereens whenever you get a hint of a wild hair, is "anti-semitism. Those Palestinians are more semitic than Richard Cohen. That is truly one of those last refuge arguments. Does anybody with a brain believe that whatever interest Iran and the Ayatollahs have in nuclear weapons isn't by way of a deterrent for the 200 devices Israel houses at Dimona, and the nukes they built by stealing the tech and the fissionable material from the good ol' USA. Cohen has been after Obama's ass for years because the President does not kowtow sufficiently to Bibi, who, if I'm not mistaken, was found guilty in Israeli courts of having run a massive real estate scam
- Netanyahu's government like to blame their global antisocial, rogue behavior on Hamas intransigence. Someone should remind the assholes that there would be no Hamas had they not poisoned Arafat when he was already a dying old man. I was once given shit here and called anti-semitic for mocking the would-be political operative Jonah Goldberg. Jonah has an underdeveloped acrn for a brain, as does his pal Max Boot. The idea that US foreign policy should consider Israeli concerns first is offensive. If the Jews all want to gather in Asheville NC or wherever to bring on the Second Coming, fine with me. I always thought I'd have been roundly cheated if I didn't get to see Endtimes for my ownself. But if it's because Israel stole nuclear weapons from the benafactor USA, I am going to be mighty pissed off. Tell Bibi, no more millions per day unless you dismantle the bombs, you fucking crook. I don't like my country consorting with pogromist capatalist criminals, and that description fits Netanyahu like a glove. And you idiots that want to repeat the apology tour hoohaw, you did see the video of W walking hand in hand with Faisal boola-boola and soul-kissing the major funder of Al Quaeda, right? If you planned to plagiarize somebody, how many of you would choose a vast wasteland like Wikipedia? Conrad. Melville. Some really amazing writer nobody but lit nerds like me ever read. Wiki? Why not the Hoosier Poet? Joyce Kilmer, or some other hack? Wicki? Try TeeVee Guide nest time dumbshit.
- Money paid to most SSI recipients is necessary for them to live on.ergo, it gets spent, ergo, the American economy gets healthier and more people have work. Cutting SSI makes no sense, unless you factor in the lengths GOPers have gone to try tanking the US, and the world, economies, while a black deem is President. And people think it's beyond these dickheads to have attacked the ACA website. They will stop at nothing to give the White House back to an obscenely rich white guy, because the Founding Fathers stood for that as much as they hated secularism. That T. Jefferson. He was all for a Christian nation, except he clearly wasn't, and all for white people running everything except for having sex in his own bed. That R. Raygun? Nancy was six months preggers when his divorce from Jane Wyman went through. First marriage was a Hollywood sham to cover up his gayness. GOPer pf the year. He was willing to take care of that baby when it was pre-born, too. Deborah@ 72: That is a fine short story in the making. Well-observed and well-recounted. I have always found street people more interesting than cubicle-oids. Wouldn'y now be a good time for Ms. Cyrus to just change her name to Ms. Doughboy, Plain-faced , Big tongue, Cameltoe Blapgirl Wannabe? And Scout, Mental Health Days are stealing from the benevolent Makers among us. Ya know, the one's that employ the rest of us out of the goodness of their anthracite hearts when they don't really need us, we leeches, at all. After all, they will get along just fine if we all stop working and spending the money they dole out so niggardly. I'd say, no multi-$million$ bonus was ever paid to a Wall Street Capitan without at least two pension funds being raped for the cash. As I've said before, go ahead and fuck with SSI, Granny-Starver, just give me back all of my money before you do. I'm more competent to invest it sensibly than the Wall Street morons that invented the mortgage-based phony securities that crashed the Universe. Holy shit, it would have been zombie heaven if W had gotten his way and privatized Social Security. These aholes may keep telling each other they are the smartest guys in the room, but they clearly aren't. And the horror stories about how it takes as long to sign up for Obamacare as it does to register your car? Pulleaze. Which is more important? $Palin on Christie's avoirdupois. She is one of those unfortunate homely girls convinced by her parents she is attractive,presumably on those long trips to Canada for socialist medical care. How is it that most people that find Miley and her Big Sis Sarah attractive are the same people that think Venus Williams looks like a guy? Venus = best pair of female legs on Earth, aside from my sweetheart who isn't blessed with that tallness. But holy crap, we both thinke Venus is awesome, and the fact that some Jim Rome "Sportsfans", I mean the Teabanger version of sportsfans that think every black football player is a thug and corrn-fed Richie can't possibly be. Wake up you racist assholes. The modern GOP is built upon the Southern Strategy. Racist to its racist core.
- Nancy: I hope you are feeling better. So far as empty suit guy, how 'bout that Brooks Bros riot. O[[ressed GOPers wailing to be heard. Just think of the world Bedlam that might have been avoided had no Scalito interrupted. You're brain on drugs is more likely sand than you're world on Conservatives. Anybody else captivated by those Rockies Mountaineers ads on the TeeVee? I made that trip as a kid with my late brother Matthew, who looked just like me. We went to Disneyland before ther was such an abomination as It's a Small World. And those Motherless Children ads for Jeep Cjherokees? Yee haw. Bob Dylan rocks.
- Is anybody still so stupid they believe the Keystone Pipeline does anything but enrich Randolph and Mortimer, There is no benefit to the USA/ This will all be filthy tar sands sent bt diesel to Chhina. GOPer frontissculation. What is wrong with thee people? Sweipis;y assholish/
- I've never been a traditionalist Catholic, more like a Jesuitical Catholic. We believe in Jesus, and caring for the least of our brethren. Don't think Martin Luther and his ilk that have run things since the 1500s do. So fuck off. Protestantism brought out the worst in mankind. And find me an American Catholic that believes in Papal Infallibility. John XXIII maybe. None of these other poseurs, even the skier.
- Common sense on Obamacare: And the Israelis have turned into the Nazis. The pathology is unmistakable. And they run the USA because end of times.
- Sorry Brian, I disagree. The Israel of the "settlers" is run amok. Settlers? Those are luxe condos. And the gubmint that enables it is a pariah. They are actually acting like Nazis. In the eyes of the Israeli government, every dead Arab is a dead terriss, even Americans like Rachel Corrie. The Israeli body politic is facing the same thing GOPers are facing in the USA. Ain't gonna have the numbers anymore. Who is the nuclear power everyone should fear, because they blow up whoever they want whenever they want? That is the rogue, and the seriously evil state. And what they do to Palestinian Israeli citizens is just about exactly the same as what the DeKlerks did to the Bantus. Palestinians are like American aborigines, but they aren't cooperating by dying of smallpox. They live on and fight back, as they can. If there is terror in the world, it was taught to the world by Aba Eban and Moshe Dayan, and fuck both those gentlemen, with your putz not mine.
- What country has the largest spying footprint in the USA? That's right. It's Israel. Medicare for everybody, y'all. That is how the civilized word does it, and their economies withstand the corporate and hedge-fund rapers and pillagers. For less than half the money.
- Extending the cash for no coverage policies does nobody any good but the makers on the money side? What is wrong with people so stupidly raciss they hand over the carkeys to the racissist aholes that can's stand a blapPresicent?
- Sorry Brian, but when the Israeli guv actslike Nazis, I feel its alright to point it out. and that is not anti-semitic by any sandwich. It's positively pro-semitic.
- Scribe: Comparing the modern Jewish state to Nazis, is right on the money. And there is a clear, they did this to us so we can get away with it, vibe. And Israel is really sitting on a pile of shit out there in the Negev. And they stole it from their friends in the USA. OOpsie. And wouldn't think twice about using it on a neighbor.
- The Israelis do, in fact, have a great deal in common with Nazis. I will continue to believe that the Israelie governmwent does not mean the Jewish race, and I wil continue to view the racist policies of that government as I believe such asinine policies should be viwed. When Jew act like Nazis, they are Nazis, and they can't be defended by stating "They are Jews." Not even close, and you should know better.
- I'm sorry.. When Jews act like Nazia, it's somehos obvoxious th call them on it?
- Health care is an economic issue, It is Quite obviousthat when less is spent on the diving boards, less of the money is spent, Give me a break. And Scalito would have done away with the term "Pre-ex9st9ng conditions" and said that's just life. So sorry , kiddo, It's a Raygun world.
- it seems a fair surprise to y'all that health care as it was, the 'mergency room, was a white man's game, just like VietNam was. The rest of the world actually figured this shit out
- To not keep Alaskqn half governors healthy ' Priceless.
- I will die upon response. This world sucks bigtime.
- Isn't Kale a NASCAR driver or something? Deborah@4: I love mussels, always have, an no it isn't because of what they look like almost exactly. I used to buyt them by the multilbs. at J. Hook fishmarket on Ft. Point Sound in Boston (almost the dangerous wilds of Southie). Five lbs. ran about $1. Om the rare occasion they show up here in a good market, they are closer to $6/lb. Damn. I got superb looking aparegrass at the farmer's market this am and just a few days ago got one of those fancy sparegrass standup steamers from a restaurant supply, So I' going fishing tomorrow and spent some time batecasting. Them shrimps been procreating ;ike brown bunnies. Filled up the live baiteell and have about 2lbs. to spare. So I pounded out a pork sirloin roast and rolled it up with shrimp and toasted ciabatta stuffing, tossed with the OCPtrinity and hot chile infused olive oil. Braising the roast in Yellow Tail chardonnay. The chardonnay is thicker and stickier than drier whites, I think, and I'm no wine snob, but Monty Python notwithstanding, Yellow Tail produces many fine varietals in my opinion. At least I always find them tasty for the price. A' course, the prices are going up like they did for Kale amnd mussels. Come to think of it, I've had kale and mussel soup in a couple of dive bar Portugee fishermen hangout types of places around PTown, Orleans and Chatham. With some chorico of course. Fine combination, and unless you plan on a huge cruet of roquefort dressing, far and away the best a la mode for consuming kale. Sorry, but why treat kale as a vegabe in it's own right when theri is perfecty delicious spinach readily available? The Great Kale Scare, as Martin Mull, one of the funniest SOBs not named Richard Pryor or George Carlin that was ever born might say, the overlords are just getting you ready for the time when all food is bryophyta, but at least it won't be people. Not long till all food is kelp. I imagine it can be fermented, so what the hey. And any of y'all that find yourselves lucky enough to be in Boston, check out the lobster rolls at J. Hooks Not dead for more than a few minutes, practically seviche). It's right next to the Teaparty (the real one that included some Wampanoags who could not past modern TP purity test muster) and, even better, the Boston Children's Museum. Then walk down the street about a mile and cross over to Cambridge for the Science Museum with the amazing Van der Graaf generator show. I mean a reaal generator, not the 60s band that may have been a foavorite of coozledad's back in the day. I couldn't say for sure, but VDGG mau have been the inspiration for Chris Guest's funniest movie (they do sort of look like druids bereft having awakened in the 20th C.): David C@3: I get brake nises occasionally, until I adjust them, but my tires have never said a word. And people think I'm nuts for spending the $35 a pop on the Kevlar jobs. I'm still working on the somewhat propritary assumption that kale can be smoked or consumed through an atomizer to salubrious effect.
- Sherri@6: That big vat in your video reminds me of Guy Grand, he's a grand guy, and I bet you have scenes Terry Southern's second best movie. It was also the source of an absolute smash hit brilliant popsong by Badfinger, unless it was by the Walrus. If you want to treat me like a shit, fine, but I wqs a superb athlete in HS. I ran a 4:47 mile That is [retty much astoundi g, I'd say. Think you cculd run tht?bI doubt it. Sherri. I find your observations revelatory, and I almost like that you almost might more know about sports than I do. You didn't p;;ay. I woud have knocked yourass ut. Then You don't know the Lord of the Fliesinsanity with little kids will go after each other.. This seems sad and I hope it's not true, But I was brought up to believe fo siste5s could ever care about each other as I care about my Maste f the Universe tht has more money than all of uw will pass along.
- Po'k fat makes everything , including Bruckel sprouks, better. Personally, I can make a whole dinner out of Brussels sprouts and a few Yukon gold finger taters. And smoked turkey wings are good to go to make collards tasty, at least down south. Side meat is best, and really thick bacon will also serve. People down this way have been eating kale forever, the indigenous variety. We just call it poke salet, grows out by the swampy area on the way to the marsh and it's free for the taking. Like those spotted bass my bud and I killed earlier today. Fishing vs. hunting? They are fish for Godsake. Do they have brains? And, hell, we give them nice big brown shrimp to eat before we kill 'em, and eventually, we eat everything we kill. I still wouldn't shoot Bambi with a gun pointed at my temple.
- Read this shit and tell me GOPers didn't finally figure out how to fuck up a website. Yeah. They are astoundingly obtuse. but blind pigs find truffles. Aholes were so giddy at finally getting something right on the net, they couldn't help but expose themselves You know they did it and you know they have most of the cash in the world. You know nothing drives them more insane than Billy Ray Valentine in the White House. Current GOPers are neither sane nor Christian, they are Satan's minions. What sort of crime is hacking the operations of the Federal Government, and how long can the miscreants be imprisoned? Even moor important. Can they be executed? They shouldd be, but who gives a shit? Bunch of rotting meat anyway. Another reason hipsters suck. Danny@30: Huh? Was it the cartels? Were they headless? Are all Mexicans rabid killers? Does building the wall make any sense at all? Is Pat Buchanon sane?
- MichaelG: I have et poke salet at many a goat roast while buying from the Sunday bootlegger in Athens GA. I think there might be something in calling it wild kale and marketing as "free range". One thing it most certainly not is "sala", any more than the poseur Elvis should have been stealing Tony Joe White's songs in the fat 70s. And what I said about GOP and FUBARing a website, I'd like to amend by adding "somebody else's, on purpose".
- I love turnips, the big suckers you risk your live to peel. Seems to me the question about Charlie LeDuff is "Is he real or is he Barnicle?" Or Nancy Grace, who shamelessly invented her own Superwoman origin story that was an absolute crock of shit. MAybe somebody should plant kale all over Central Park, Gubmint wouldn't have to spend so much on feeding poors. But that might be the nanny state. Sorry Danny, I missed your original post about the dead family. I thought you were making some Goober-nor Brewski point that I didn't get the point of. I apologize. With a buck 42 in the 1st Half, Loins lead Steelers. Stafford has 13 for 20 for 275 yds.
- Meant Barnacle.
- Unless somebody digs up JG Ballard and props him at a keyboard, or talks Margaret Atwood into it, there most likely will not be a fitting RIP for Doris Lessing. Maybe Terry Pratchett could take the job, when he isn't sundowning, or Michael Moorcock when he has a vaca from Hawkwind. I loved The Golden Notebook, it's been a boon to my life in the world with women, and I read and enjoyed most of the Canopus series, although it's a slog at times. In my opinion, if Ms. Lessing was a feminist, she was largely doing feminism for men.
- The remake of the Everly's album Songs Our Daddy Taught Us by Billy Joe Armstrong and Norah Jones, with Ms. Jones on the high lonesome Phil vocals sounds like a winner to me. What a great idea. Easily the best music Phil and Don ever made: First time I realized Billy Joe wasn't just an obnoxious snot-nosed poseur: I'm praying that Sister Re's weight loss has resulted from healthier eating and not illness.
- I'd like to ask the advertising character that chose this song for a Jeep Cherokee ad what was the thinking behind the choice. It makes my day when the ad comes on. Not Don Draper, that's for damn sure. This is some fine guitar playing and strong vocal. Anybody think this is the way America is supposed to work? Money-based oligarchy? Lessing and Atwood = soul sisters. Or Messiah and apostle. Or Jane Fonda and Meryl Streep. Nah.I find Atwood the superior writer, but Lessing is absolutely fascinating. I always thought of the two as contemporaries, but Atwood is only 73 when Lessing has died at 93 or 4. That is a wonderful essay on Doris Lessing by Margaret Atwood that Charlotte linked to. Exceptionally graceful writing. Reminded me of what Patti Smith and others wrote about Lou Reed in the current RS. I'd say Mitch Albom ought to take a lesson about how to write about the departed, but as Lou would say, "That's a slim chance, he's goin' to the boulevard." This redemption of the governor Walking Dead edition is perplexing, in a very good way. Anybody watch Witches of East End? Pretty good show with some very good actors. Sort of Charmed minus bimbette factor. Also, credit to the writers for naming the two young witches Freia and Ingrid. Nothing beats guilty pleasure Sunday night TeeVee. And batten down the hatches in the midwest y'all. Prayers to Ss. Vitus, Gregory and Brendan for y'all to be safe in the wind and storms. Consider the kind of language football coaches resort to on sidelines in stressful situations. A ref named Penn Wagers who had his Cheerios pissed in by somebody connected to UGA, called a 15 yd. penalty on Mark Richt, the mildest mannered coach on the planet, for telling him that a blown fumble recovery call in Auburn's favor yesterday was "crap". Crap, Penn? When that bastard dies, my brother Mark and I are driving to a cemetary somewhere in the south to urinate on his grave. The two horrendous calls gave the Barn a chance to win on the luckiest catch I've ever seen. Can't get too upset, losing five receivers, the entire D-backfield and the best running back in the US for four games, and his nearly as good sub for the season, it was pretty much shot to hell. Hearing about FLA's injuries is a riot. They don't have players as good as the injured UGA players.
- Basset @r: The kings of incongruous genre covers is surely Dread Zeppelin. They play this pretty much straight, and it's a pretty good version, I think. Robert Plant is a fan of Dread Zep. Bluegrass Led Zep reggae song covers are also pretty tasty. I have heard When the Levee Breaks as elevator Muzak once in Atlanta, and I almost puked. Any mention of accordions always reminds me of the great comic and cordeen player, Pete Barbutti We get power outages on clear nights all the time. Too many clocks to reset. Today is dead calm, 72 degF, and humidity is? Whatever indicates total saturation of the atmosphere without actually raining. Not a good day to be outside. I heard some news report that there were 84 confirmed tornados in the Midwest Sunday. That seems unusual, to say the least. While I was listening to that, I read a report that belief in anthropogenic climate change has gotten through to 58% of Americans finally. But what is with that 42%. Martin Bashir's suggestion that somebody should defecate in $Spalin's mouth so she can better understand slavery was pretty funny, and sure got the conservatrons in a snit. When these dicks start accusing somebody of misogyny, it's invariably humorous. That bishop in Springfield will get smacked down by Pope Frank if he pulls anything like that.
- Excellent Pete Barbutti joke. Neil Young 's annual Bridge School benefit was a few weeks ago, and Tom Waits performed. Somebody asked Waits how his participation came about, and Waits said, "Back in the day, I borrowed a lot of money from Neil. One of the songs Waits played was Telephone Call from Istanbul, off of Frank's Wild Years , a masterpiece of an album, with the gorgeous Cold Cold Ground. I had this on tape years ago when my daughter was a little kid, She loved Istanbul for the line "Never drive a car when you're dead." I saw Waits at a club called The Channel in Boston years ago, and was struck by his penchant for effortlessly riffing on his own songs and rearranging them. A jazz genius. And a little bit scary. I have watched the ultra-violent potboiler Man on Fire several times, for two reasons: the performances of Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning. Inside Man was a better movie, but was primarily watchable for the interplay between Denzel and Jodie Foster. Anybody that likes Denzel Washington should not miss his turn as Easy Rawlins in Devil In a Blue Dress, with Jennifer Beals, and Don Cheadle as Mouse Alexander. One of my favorite TeeVee shows ever, Edward Woodward's The Equalizer is a movie in post-production, with Denzel playing Robert McCall. Chloe Moretz and Melissa Leo are also in the cast. Now that sounds like a remake worth making. My dad was a big fan of Denzel Washington, partly because they were both Fordham alums and he met the actor at a reunion. Of curse, another celebrity my parents met at that weekend bash was G. Gordo Liddy. Are Wyoming bookstores stocking up on Mrs. Dickless' novel Sisters in advance of the election? Does Alan Simpson actually possess a shred of principle? Maybe Alfred E. Jindal should handle that public exorcism. There are only a handful of priests in the entire Catholic Church trained and authorized to do exorcisms, and the rite is rarely performed. If the Bishop in Springfield is a careerist (they pretty much all are) he should understand he's committing career suicide if he pulls that sort of cheap grandstand play.
- Singapore live performance by Last of the Great Beat poets, Tom Waits at the Bridge School Benefit. Demented, in a really good way.
- George Zimboman arrested. How'd you like to look in the mirror every morning and know you're looking at someday that was on the jury that acquitted this sociopath loser? He is going to kill someone else, and he still has his gun. Wayne LaPierre ought to be able to figure out this bastard should not have lethal weapons.
- Fux News' Elizabeth Hasselbeck says Obamacare is bad for pregnant women older than 65. I figure that is a minuscule portion of the population. It's probably bad for pregnant men in their 60s too.
- Sorry, Mark H, but what SPalin said about slavery was ridiculously offensive. Somebody must be crappin in her mouth, because that is all that ever comes out of it. Yeah, Bashir's comment was rather crude, but nowhere in the vicinity of $Palins asinine remarks.
- I saw Wyooming polling figures yesterday that had Liz Cheney trailing by 52%. That is a humiliating number, bordering on absurd. Jingle Balls. Turns out K-Mart is waging war on Christmas. And there is a brewing brouhaha about rumors that Gaga's new album is tanking and will lighten the record company's (Interscope?) wallet by Waterworld-like bucks. Sounds like a Nick Lowe song to me: Gaga made a record, record hit the charts. Someone at Rolling Stone decided it was art. She made another record, it never was a hit, And over at Rolling Stone they decided it was shit. They called it rock. It wasn't. Stefani seems like a nice, thoughtful young woman with good intentions to me, depite pelling her name with an "f" and an"i", so I hope she's happy and makes lots of geld. I just wish RS would remember where it comes from and cut the MileyGagaKatyTaylor crap. That Mike Nesmith show sounds great, basset. There used to be a club here called the Post Office that brought in acts like that. I saw Leo Kottke there (another inveterate raconteur, while he retunes by ear). But the blue hairs that run things around here only want summer BS like Mike Love's latest iteration of the bad Beach Boys song (the ones Mike Love wrote). Savannah gets some good shows, but the nighttime drive is harrowing and fraught with deer.
- PPL harmonies were as good as harmonies get. I have been a fan of Craig Fuller for a long time, from PPL through American Flyer to Little Feat. Tremendously versatile, obviously. It was unfortunate that FM radio did to Amie what the AM side did to Ode to Billy Joe a decade earlier. i.e. Played it into the ground. I listen to it now and find it absolutely gorgeous. Deeds was a supporter of banning assault weapons ownership and sales in Virginia, and supported closure of the Virginia state gunshow loophole, which is a scourge to the entire east coast. He also opposed the effort in VA to ban gay marriage. He criticized both the Norquist pledge and the SC ruling against execution of juvenile offenders. The son, Deeds' apparent assailant, was killed by a gunshot. Gut-wrenching story. This is interesting. PPL on Merv Griffin's show backing Vince Gill. Great 70s haircuts including Gill's world-class Burton Cummings-style mullet, and clothes from Greg Brady's closet.
- I meant to ask basset if Michael Nesmith was wearing his dorky green wool skicap.
- watercolor video version of Blade Runner. Gorgeous. The artist made 12thou paintings to produce the 35 minute video. obsessive? Hell, yeah. Remarkable art? I think so. The scene of Roy Batty saving Deckard's life and giving the "shoulder of Orion, tears in the rain" speech is astonishing. I think Blade Runner is one of the best movies ever made, and this is a beautiful homage montage. The sound editing is pretty amazing too. It reminds me of the excellent novel Fortress of Solitude by Jonathan Lethem, in which the main character's dad is an artist making a movie by painting miniatures on film stock. My point, Brandon, was that this teenpop is miles from actually being anything like rock 'n' roll, and it's disappointing that RS panders to the tween demographic by paying so much attention. I agree that all those women can sing at least passably, but the songs are Diane Warren inflected, cliched drivel, repetitious, saccharine and indistinguishable from one another. I understand people like them, but isn't that sort of stuff why there's a Tiger Beat mag, or whatever it is tweenieboppers read these days? p.s. I felt just about exactly the same way about Madonna, but she lacked the current queenies' personalities. My complaint is with the magazine, not the vapid singers. It's a far cry and a series of missteps from the original intentions of Jann Wenner's publication. It's much like when RS went all Hollywood and started doing things like putting Richard Duddy Kravitz on the cover.
- basset: Was Vince Gill an official member of PPL? I never knew that, but I always confuse Vince Gill and Rodney Crowell. A couple of A1 pickers of stringed instruments. Nesmith hats. That hat and those Gen'l Burnsides sideburns are my mental picture of the guy. In another world, he might have played rhythm to Zal Yanofsky's sparkling leads in Lovin' Spoonful: One of my brothers was a Monkees fan, bigtime. I'd get him a Nesmith hat for Christmas, but he lives in Phoenix. I can't believe psychiatrists felt that Deeds' son needed a psychiatric hold and observation, and was sent away for lack of a bed. Sounds like a COBRA turfing violation. Private psych facilities abound like mushrooms in a cow pasture after a heavy southren rainstorm. Surely a bed could have been located in a secure facility. Things like this are always referred to as tragedies when the word is not quite right. This is undoubtedly a tragedy in the original Greek sense of the word. The one thing that could ever cause me to sell our condo is the homeowners strictures against canine residents. Pisses me off, especially when half the people that live here feed and water the feral cats. Hell, somebody feeds the Peacocks that live in our woods. Jeff Borden@30: Kind of like the Bachmann's foster child cottage industry, and Santorum dunning a state in which his family didn't reside for home schooling reimbursements. When it comes to hypocrisy, the hard right is incapable of self-examination.
- Pure Prairie League opening for Santana is an odd pairing. First time I ever saw the Replacements, they opened for Petty and the Heartbreakers in Boston. I went for the Mats, had never heard of Petty, but when theye Heartbreakers opened with Break Down and Mike Campbell went prowling into the crowd of women that couldn't keep their hands off him with his Gold Top, I was glad I stayed. That song is electrifying, the crowd went wild, and I became a fan forever. But the contrast between the unprofessionalism of Westerberg and his pals and the total crack professionalism of TP's band was striking. The one time I ever saw the Dead, they had Los Lobos open. Perfection. Since I sent a little money to her campaign in the NY special election, I get lots of emails from Kirsten Gillibrand. I wasn't sure about her at first because she had a high rating from the NRA, but she has turned out to be a dynamic Congressional breath of fresh air. She is the driving force in Congress behind a movement to change the rape culture that is virulent in the US military, and I received an email today that says: The military sexual assault bill we have spent months fighting for could come up for a vote today. More than 50 senators have pledged support, but we must overcome a filibuster threshold 60 vote hurdle. Unless we overcome them, a minority of the Senate could block justice for victims. My question is, how the hell do GOPers explain filibustering a law intended to protect women from being sexually abused while they serve in the military and punish the abusers? I mean, isn't that like coming out in favor of physical spousal abuse? Opposing the legislation is basically inexplicable in good conscience. Thanks for that info guys. Mark: I'm Not Like Everybody Else is a Dave song, I love Dave Davies songs. I think Ray sang on the record, but there are live versions on the net of Dave leading his own band doing absolutely ripping renditions. I didn't know of the Fuller Kaz album until I fell into wasting my entire day looking at this stuff. I did know about Eric because Blues Magoos were immensely popular in Detroit when I was in HS. Now that's a long and winding road, seminal psychedelic band to George Strait and Linda Ronstadt and Kenny Rogers. Blues Magoos did the best version of Tobacco Road not performed by Edgar Winter. There is a Dave Davies dooc coming out next year. He seems well-recovered from his stroke, and his singing voice sounds lower in timbre and much more like Ray's now.
- Consumer protection aspects of PP/ACA that neither the GOPers nor their insurance industry overlords and patrons (AKA owners and sugardaddies) can mess up: If you have a child with a pre-existing condition—as of September 2010, health insurance companies can no longer deny your child coverage because of that condition, and as of next year, this rule will apply to Americans of all ages. If you've had a donut hole in your prescription drug coverage, you may be one of an estimated 4 million seniors with Medicare who will soon be able to cover the full costs of your prescriptions. If you're recently out of college and struggling to find employer-based coverage in the sluggish economy—you can now opt to stay on your parents' plan until you're 26 years old. If you received an unexpected rebate from your insurance company—that's because the ACA stops insurers from keeping exorbitant profits instead of paying out significant claims. Now, somebody want to show me a poll that shows any Americans not directly employed by BC/BS disapprove of any of these substantive provisions of the law? Didn't think so. Is it worth throwing all those clear benefits of the law out with the bathwater? Because it takes as long to sign up for coverage as it takes to register and insure your car or open a bank account? Can't imagine very many people would think so. So a procedural part of the law that can be fixed means throwing out all the substantive benefits and returning control to the greedy insurance companies reponsible for the policy cancellations nitwits are blaming on the President? Exceptional American...stupidity. Jolene@52: More American exceptionalism. Best health care syste in the world. They should have put the guy in an ambulance and driven him to Alexandria or DC, where there is sure to have been a bed available. I believe ACA would have covered the costs.
- The refusal of GOPer goober-nors to establish exchanges and expand Medicare (by which they throw away many, many millions of bucks) is denying coverage to more than 4.8 million people. Americans need to develop a much more intelligent faculty of critical reasoning when listening to the Vesuvian flow of GOPer lies on this subject. The sheer audaciousness, shamelessness and volume of the spew is practically unheard of since shortboating John Kerry. I've been to Gettysburg twice, once on a family vacation and once to a National BSA Jamboree. I still have one of those artificially-aged Emancipation Proclamations and one of the Gettysburg Addresses they sell in the gift shop. And I have an authentic minnie ball I found at Little Round Top. I'm not sure what the process is to produce those things, but it has a more attractive aroma than fresh mimeograph. May sound like bullshit, but even when I was 12 or so, the place produced a feeling of reverent awe in me. I suppose it came from my experiences watching my parents involved in the civil rights movement in the deep south and making some sort of connection. An excellent piece of Gettysburg video. If Prosperatory and facebook reference is to me, I can assure you, I never have anything to do with Spy Central other than with ex-girlfriends and immediate family. If it weren't for pictures and videos of my grandchildren, I'd shitcan it entirely. Anybody have any idea at all why the firm that does Honda's TeeVee adds thought it was a good idea to hire Michael Bolton, aka the Butcher of Dock of the Bay. An affront to the human race. I love the Christmas ad with Maya Rudolph reading a seasonal poem and doing perfect valley speak. Talented woman.
- I think I'll look up shrimpin' because it sounds like something some GOPer hypocrite is certain to denounce in public in the near future, only to be caught performing in private. Like Trey Radel. Probation? For 3.5 grams of coke? He voted for a GOPer bill to retire public assistance recipients to piss in a cup. If he were a black kid caught with 3.5 grams in a NYC stop and frisk, he'd be living on Rikers Island for several months before the DA deigned to talk to him, and there'd be no One Year Probation plea deal. What a whited sepulcher dickhead. Well having read the definition, it sounds like it would require zero gravity and a very long but flaccid (redacted). And maybe a catheter instead of a straw. Mark H @16: Maybe new valid models are emerging that point to a desired stability as opposed to gonzo chart-based strength of market appreciation as a goal. I fear the markets may soon find out about this the hard way as they are approaching nose-bleed levels based on…what? Oh, privatizing SSI, dumping Medicare, bogus mortgage-based securities, and, I guess, magic beans. And freedom to use old incandescent lightbulbs and Niagra-flush toilets. Probably limiting access to health care. And freedom to refuse service to black folks in your restaurant if you just don't like 'em. Yep, that sounds like the solution on the right. Or, just gather the Israelites in Jerusalem and pray for the Rapcha and Endtimes. Then, I'll get all of their stuff. This stability idea, corporate types and big stockholders are going to go for a model that does not involve increasing profits every quarter and paying out obscenely huge bonuses? Slim chance. And doesn't it sound as if Mark is having a crisis of faith about the efficacy of Capitalism and free markets? Nancy, I hope your knee is feeling better. I have heard of athletes rehabbing even torn ACLs with exercise. Perhaps one of these might help. There are a lot of them for sale, in a wide price range. I'd say, find a source of travelogue videos, set up in front of the TeeVee and bike through the Alps and over the Great Wall this winter, but not before checking the idea with the orthopedist. I damaged an ACL years ago playing hoops and use an expensive custom knee brace for Bball and skiing. Never feel a twinge. The only thing that could interest me in Horrible Bosses 2 is a gurantee of a glimpse of LA Mary in her yard. Sudeikis in the credits is a kiss of death for me, like the dreaded Galifinakis, or the deadly Vince Vaughan
- I don’t think much about how history will judge me, because if I did it would spoil my day Or as Shrub noted gleefully, "We'll all be dead." Dumbass things he's going to be levitated into heaven. Lot's of people are in for well-deserved rude awakenings, but non as well-deserved nor as rude as W's. Shock and Awe was mass murder, W.
- That GIF of Mayor Ford attacking the councilwoman? One of those "how does he not get arrested immediately?" moments. Maybe he was in a drunken stupor and thought he was a Taiwanese legislator. He does move pretty fast for an obese fellow, when he isn't falling down.
- Now that I've given it some thought, it dawns on me that Rep. Radel (R-Peeinacup) may have gotten prosecutorial leniency by invoking the Canadian Drunken Stupor Defense. Get that ensconced in common law, everybody gets away with everything. Nancy@52: So it was like an East Asian legislature. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster. --Oscar Goldman I just took a look at Breitbart, and much to my surprise, the site reports that the sneaky Kenyan interloper left out "under God" from his part in the recitatif of the Gettysburg Address. Must have been some coded message to his Muslim masters, right? Apparently there is a first draft of the speech that does not contain those (blasphemous) words, and that was the Liberry of Congress version given the President to read from. I gather it is called the Nicolay draft. Perhaps Borden or Stouder know something about this. I left them a comment explaining that the Pledge didn't say "under God" either, until the K of C got it added in the 50s under the influence of Joe McCarthy, and that the pledge was written by a committed Socialist named Francis Bellamy, who didn't actually believe in God. re: the George Jones monument. Where's the John Deere ride-on lawn tractor? I personally can't listen too anybody singing that hiccuppy, suppresed-yodelly, nasal style of tear-jerking, honky-tonk singing, unless it's in the inimitable bass tones of a Red Sovine story song, like Teddy Bear or Phantom 309. It gets on my nerves, like American punk rockers with fake Brit accents.
- Thanks Jeff. I thought I was just getting more grief.
- Personally, I think it's very cool to have an American President that would produce this note. Last one remotely capable of such eloquence in describing a vision for the country was JFK.
- Deborah @2: Wouldn't hide the horns and tails. I read the editorial content of several newspapers daily and roam the net when I'm not dealing with clients. I have never seen a depiction of Shrub as Hitler. I've seen hundreds of the current President with a bone through his nose. And alfred E. Nemann shold be reserved for Jindal, who actually looks like the Mad Magazine icon. Personally, I despise Bush, largely because I believe that his family was involved in NAZI banking, the assassination of JFK and other nefarious chapters in American history. And Obama's supposed lie about policies rolling over? The law grandfather's the policies. Insurance companies chose to cancel the worthless policies instead of beef them up in minor ways to make them worth slightly more than the flimsy paper and bad English they are printed on and in, without explaining why. That is the President's fault. Seems like a nose cutting for face spiting stupid move. Most businesse wouldn't just cast aside captive customers that way. They'd eat the minor regulatory cost to retain the business. But not when there are GOPer pardners to please and a black President to be made to look bad. I'm sorry, bbut anybody that buys this shit is an ignoramus. Put it this way. Say President Obama deliberately lied and gave BC/BS the greenlight on cancelling the leeches and bandaids policies that would have been canceled when the first claim was filed anyway. Anybody die? The lies about WMD and yellowcake led directly to Shock and Awe in Bagdhad (50,000 deaths of civilians immediately). I'd call that mass murder based upon outright propaganda. Then somewhere around 3000 service members dead. Beginning to see a difference between the Obama "lie" and Shrub's campaign of mendacity? Slightly more than 1 million policies have been cancelled, and nothing is stopping those folks from getting actual coverage for aroundwhat they had been paying. Five mil is a Cheney sized lie. The alleged lie about Benghazi (though why this is important is beyond any sane person'ts figuring out) was information passed by the WH to reporters directly from the CIA. Wasn't that Shrubco's lame excuse about the bogus WMD claims. Fast and Furious was a remnant of Shrubco ATF programs. The only person that claimed any of the stuff Issa the Congressional Car Thief happened was his whistleblower former ATF agent who was disgruntled over a failed promotion, actuall did the so-called "slow-walking" of guns (nobody else ever did) and has since been discredited entirel. Turns out the guy is certifiable. All of this crap comes down to a load of shibboleths and cod signifying nothing whatsoever, with a whole pile of wink wink nudge nudge racist garbage attached to it. Deborah@37: The rightwing septic tank echo chamber. Joe@42: The real world.
- Scout@44: And thousands and thousands of people lost their lives, their families, their livelihoods, and their worldly possessions, based upon a deliberate tissue of deliberate lies. Tou know, when the PNAC tried to talk Clinton into blowing up Iraq for oil, they didn't ask W to sign the letter, they asked Jeb Milquetoast. Hell, they probably would have asked Marvin before they asked W. I think when Shrub got appointed Pretzeldent he figured "I'll show those smug bastards." If there were anything to all of the "Obama scandals", Joe, don't you think the endless and costly investiigations by Darrell "the Torch" Issa would have turned something up by now. After all, he started before the President was inaugurated the first time. He's spent a few hundred $mil on the investigations with nothing to show for it, except that it really echoes in the GOPer cesspool. Maybe it's because Issa is an Ay-rab. Latching onto a scandal with legs has been GOPer Grail since Milhous got caught subborning the Constitution. That's what Monica Lewinski was all about, and why she was given a pair of kneepads as a going away present when she left Pepperdine for he internship at the WH.
- Sherri: You seem to more math and science than anybody I know. I'm two thirds through Ratner's Star and I'm enjoying the math and science. I have no idea if DeLillo has any idea what he's talking about. If he doesn't it's brilliant satire about idiot savant crackpots. If he does, I suspect the same, but there is a part I'll never get. Sometimes it seems to make sense, like my clearly crackpot idea about Teilhard, redshift and the Theory of relativity. I've read all of his other books and never come across a concept I didn't get nor even a word I had to look up. I just wondered whether you had ever read the book, and what you may have thought of it. The hot new all-girl band is Haim, three attractive sisters that have been playing since they were little, whose mom and dad are both musicians. I like Haim, but I thought MMM-Bop was world class radio fare. Well, it was. Good as early Jackson's records before somebody FUBARed Michael. Hanson brothers are making even better music these days, but Mmmm-bop is entirely astounding, and anybody that would rather listen to the latest tweenie queen has no soul: Those boys could play. How does a little kid play Ringo fills like that. But anyway, I'm hoping Haim is successful, because I read a RS article about them and they seem to have a good attitude (read smartass). But my favorite all-girl ban recently is savages. It looks a little like Winona Ryder cloned, but the playing is pretty damned good and I'm open to that idea anyway, particularly the juggernaut bass player:
- I've got a turntable playing into my machine. And I don't claim to hear the vinyl difference. Probly too many SRC and MC5 shows destroyed my aural discernment. But I hang onto my records, and my turntable. But hell, I'm a dumbass that thinks YellowTail tastes alright. Oi oi oi. Who cares? I wouldn't say CS Lewis is my favorite author, but his fiction puts him close. Perelandra rules. And nobody can explain how Lee Harvey got those shots off with that gun in that amount of time.
- I have cassette's out the wazoo. Seriously good ones, too. I was in 7th grade and the nuns told us to pray for the President. Having lived through the election as a kid in Mempphis, I had no problem believing that the assassination resulted from the President being a nigger-lover. My mom and dad were nigger-lovers and so was I. I feared for our whole family. My mom and dad were benumbed after the shooting. I did the cooking, and was serving silver dollar pancakes when Jack Ruby shot Lee Oswald. Mobbed up guy waltzed into a Dallas lockup and shot the guy? Yeah, right. Anybody buys the Warren Commission believes in Iraqi WMDs. Same anti-American fuckheads involved.
- I was crushed by the Kenneddy assasination. At a young age. Thought the country might be something good. Not fucking likely in a corporate world, And yeah, I saw this coming.
- Actually, Dexter and Dave, it's a matter of luck Sirhan didn't predecease Bobby because Rosey Grier got to him first. He was throttling the bastard and was wretled off him. RFK would have won, and the world would be a much better place for it. I'm fairly sure that's why somebody went to the trouble of hypnotizing Sirhan Sirhan.
- And if I forget whose Birthday is Dec, 10 let me wish happy returns right this minute. I woke up that next morning sure I was going to California to kill that asshole, but I was talked down. I still wanted to kill Howard K. Smith. Gawdamighty, that sumbitch hated some Kennedyys. It woulda been a better world with Bobby. That is pretty obvious. No Milhous.
- WaPo front page on the website today: White House weighs strategy after filibuster Philip Rucker, Al Kamen and Ed O’Keefe Angry GOP senators still have many procedural tactics available to slow the path for more than 240 nominees. Yep, that liberal MSM press. Who's weighing strategy? Maybe Obama can nominate a joke like Janice Rogers Brown, the most absurd and unqualified judicial nomination in UA history.
- John Cornyn, USDA certified asshole. You might think any US Senator would be happy about mediation of Iran's nuke programs, but NOOOOO!!!!!because Obama. This venture into social media is nauseating and Cornyn is a cowardly pisant for committing it. I used to ride Greyhound from Beaufort SC to Augusta GA, which involved extended conversations with young marines from Parris Island. They mocked marine sharpshooter training with glee, and said that everybody got marksmanship medals, like every kid in Little League gets a trophy for participation. It was a standing joke with them. Oswald's alleged feat has been attempted in recreations, but never reproduced. The medical evidence, or the lack thereof is so confusing and full of holes it's worthless. The Warren Commission didn't produce the term "magic bullet" for nothing.The Hunt brothers had more dough than Randolph and Mortimer Koch, and they most assuredly wanted JFK dead.
- I'm not claiming these guys were telling the truth, but their attitudes were unguestionably disdainful. And I saw the medals, the ones that hang in bunches like old timey lawyer's shingles. I haven't a clue but what I heard straight from the mouths of a bunch of marines from Parris Island. They claimed to have been drunk and stoned at the firing range on occasion. Why would I make it up? Why would these guys tell me that stuff if it weren't true? That is exactly what those guys said to me, on several occasions. This was at a time that recruiters were having a very difficult time filling quotas so maybe I was talking to "low -hanging fruit".As for grim service members, none of the Parris Island kids could come close to the Rangers at Hunter Army Airfield and Ft. Stewart Base in Savannah. Those guys were scary. Bob Coker gets into biggest dickhead contest with Cornyn regarding the Iran nuke deal. I sincerely doubt Sec'y Kerry has briefed either of these clowns in detail about particulars of the Iran nuke deal, but any sensible person would likely agree that this deal is preferable to blowing up Teheran. They are criticizing an important foreign policy achievement without knowing much about it.
- Entertaining interview of Roddy Doyle, one of my very favorite writers. He is uproariously funny and a keen social observer. A Star Called Henry is one of the best books from Ireland in a long, long time. As are the Barrytown books, The Snapper and The Van are hilarious. And the hero of Paddy Clark Ha Ha Ha is as finely drawn a character as Stephen Daedalus.
- ACL injuries. Not just for the old and out-of-shape anymore. Finely tuned athletes get them too, UGA football team suffered an epidemic this year, including the best QB in the NCAA. Snakebit. Happy birthday Nancy. I'm the only person I know that is a fan of Henry James' fiction, and What Maisie Knew is particularly good. Vladimir Nabokov famously didn't like it, but hell, he wrote books about perverts and insane posts. The Turn of the Screw is the best. I read it when I was eight or nine and it scared the crap out of me. Daisy Miller is also very good. I intend to watch The Way Way Back sometime because I really like most of the cast. Problem is Steve Carell kicks off my gag reflex big time. I can't stand watching that guy. Sherri and MichaelG. Pretty clever exchange.
- Guilty of being black. In the USA. Holy shit. An analysis of the Iran nuke deal by somebody that actually knows what he's talking about and has no axe to grind. GOPers and Israeli politicians criticizing this deal need to pull their heads out of their anuses. If the Israelis had signed the NPT instead of building a secret nuke arsenal with fissionable material purloined from US stores and tech bought from the deKlerk government, they might have more credibility when bitchin about Iran. Iran is a signatory nation to the NPT and has every right to to develop nuclear means of generating electricity. Iran has also never acted in hostile fashion against a neighbor state. Neither of those statements is true of Israel, so it's time to tell Netanyahu to shut his trap on this brokered deal.
- Flinging something as light as a Sta-Puf more than 16 ft. with any accuracy is a tricky thing to undertake. If you tried to throw the mushmallow into a target that far away, you could really damage your arm. My second year Latin class in HS required a project, and catapults were very popular. I was leaning that way until I was told I couldn't throw something large like a piano out on the front lawn by Seven Mile. That would probably have ended badly. I ended up making a facsimile of a doorpost mosaic in Pompei warning "Cave Canem". I had other osaics in mind but those too got kiboshed by wiser heads.
- Here's a cautionary tale for everybody so willing to label the ACA website such a colossal failure and throw out all the ACA benefits like closing the prescription donut hole, existing conditions eligibility and the ability to keep people on their parents' plan until 26 yo out with the proverbial bathwater. These things take time under the best circumstances, like not having to fend off Idalogue nutjobs Like Big Coochie Cuccinaelli and 30 other lawsuits. As obnoxious as Seth MacFarlane was with his juvenile boobs song on the Oscars, that offensiveness pales in comparison to killing off Brian Griffin, the funniest character on Family Guy by a mile. I'm hoping Brian comes back as a spectral presence, like the Kirbys on Topper. Flinging marshmallows is a better use for the things than inngesting them in any form. That weapon could be rendered dangerous by loading it up with year old Peeps for ammo. The idea of a war with marshmallow ordnance is amusing. Reminds me vaguely of Yellow Submarine.
- Mark H@68: The deal is a framework for reaching a treaty, so GOPers in Congress are just out of the loop on this. It isn't a treaty, so no Senate approval is required. And GOPers in Congress that are attacking Obama over the deal are scurriolus assholes who don't like it because Obama. One way or another, it's a simple matter of foreign policy right now, and the President doesn't need any GOPers on his side, although I think it would be a difficult town meeting explanation to constituents gor his opponents. What are they going to say? Bomb Iran> Launch another disastrous ground operation in the Middle East? They may as well sit on their hands and keep their pieholes shut, and not look like idalogue obstructionist. For now, it would make sense for the GOP to play the loyal opposition and admit that what the administration has accomplished is better than anything anybody expected. Iran is viewed with some distrust by other Middle East states, but nothing like the distrust for Israel, which periodically gets a wild hair and blows Lebanon to smithereens and is sitting on more than 100 and possibly less than 300 operable nukes in the Negev Desert at Dimona. Israel doesn't admit to possessing nuclear weapons and refuses to sign the NPT. As a signatory nation to the NPT, Iran is within its international rights to develop civilian nuclear capability for generating electricity. Israel's nukes are the problem.
- Do modern marshmallows have any mallow in them or is it all corn syrup and trans fats? The thought of them makes me gag. Nothing ever ruined good sweet potatoes worse than Southren ladies putting marshmallows on them in casseroles. Hash browns in a waffle iron is a brilliant idea.
- Cardboard boat regatta. Kittens for crew.
- I suppose GOPers in the Senate can attempt to FUBAR the entire Iran deal by voting for enhanced sanctions, but the President can veto that shit and the whole world, including sensible Americans, will back his play. Otherwise, they are just out in the cold spouting lies and nonsense. It is going to be hilarious when they resort to bemoaning the President's non-bipartisan approach on Iran. Cry me a river, whiners. According to the wingnutso echo chamber, changing the filibuster rules in the Senate somehow makes President Obama a master criminal. Sadly, predictably and inevitably some of the bleating from rightwing and Teabang idealogues presumes the filibuster has a basis in the US Constitution. You assclowns are just embarrassing yourselves when you spout that blather. Sooner than later, we'll start to hear about the Tyranny of the Majority from these dickheads.
- MarkH@86: Don't be a jackass. I couldn't care less about the government of Iran. I do believe that a deal in which Iran is mainstreamed with other world governments is preferable to doing somethin as fucking stupid as the PNAC invasion of Iraq and the subsequent occupation, neither of which were legal in international law. I also believe that Hardcore right wingers in the Israeli government are the major source of tensions in the Middle East. And they are sitting on a nuclear arsenal at Dimona that they deny the existence of and they do refuse to sign the NPT. If the government of Iran is trying to build nukes, it's probably in the interest of having a deterrent to a nuclear attack by Israel. That's what analysts that consider the Irani government a rational actor believe, and there is no evidence in its behavior to indicate that the Irani government is not rational. If it's funding Hamas that bothers people, they should remind themselves that Hamas ascendancy in the "Occupied Territories" is a direct result of the assasination by Israel of Yasser Arafat. Here's an explanation of why pursuing a negotiated agreement with Iran is sensible, and mindless GOP opposition is stupid: Professor Cole is an expert on the Middle East, You could likely add up the sum of what Congressional Republicans know about the reason and not arrive at a similar level of informed information. I've had steak and eggs in the Awful Waffle many times. Not a prime cut of beef, but OK at 2am, when nothing else is open.
- Incredibly stupid shinola GOPers said about the Iran deal before they had a clue what it entailed. Because ... Obama. And AIPAC lobbyists. And MarkH, I decided you're right. I love Iran so much, I'm considering moving there and marrying it. Same infantile taunts preceded Shock and Awe and the occupation and the rest of the war crimes in Iraq. GOPers trusted Iran back in those days enough to basically open Iraq up to co-option by the Shiite population and cede virtual control over Iraq to Moqtada alSadr and his Irani masters. Which country has a better reason to distrust the other? Iran or USA? When was the last time Iran overthrew the US government? GOP loved them some Ayatollahs during the 1980 election when Iran held onto the embassy hostages long enough to preclude an October surprise, in return for sweetheart arms deals with Iran that also funded death squads in Guatemala and El Salvador. This arms build-up in Iran also led directly to the Iran-Iraq war that killed literally millions, and in which Saddam's army was also armed by the Raygunites.Of course, the GOP had its own Ayatollahs back then. Falwell, Oral Roberts, Garner Ted, Pat Robertson, now replaced with historical symmetry by the American Taliban Teabangers. Some recent medical study says that Plan B emergency contraception (which prevents uterine implantation of a fertilized egg--clearly not abortion by any but a wild imaginative stretch), is ineffective in women 165 lbs., and more likely than not to fail in women 175 lbs. and more. The average weight of American women more than 20 yo is apparently 166, so this hoohah may be a non-issue: Of course if you believe babies conceived in rapes and incest are "gifts from God", this is all good, and couldn't possibly lead to more abortions. I'd say this was intellectual dishonesty, if only there were a shred of intellect involved.
- John Bolton could really benefit from Obamacare. He could get treatment for his narcisistic personality disorder. Brandon is correct. Still being a fan of Madonna is a model of sanity in the face of granny-starving GOPers trying to restart the PNAC psychosis over Iran. These whackos are actually claiming Iran can't be trusted because it has taken over virtual control of Iraq. And who exactly is responsible for that happening? John Bolton and the rest of the PNAC neocon nutjobs intent on scotching any sort of peaceful rapprochement with Iran, a nation of nearly 100million people.
- De nada Brandon. I've been to both and also to the Big Island and Oahu. San Diego is nice, except for the profusion of John Birch types. Indiana? What David Byrne said about Flyover: "I wouldn't live there if you paid me." My dad once had a job offer in Hawai'i when I was a kid. I don't know why my mom and dad decided against it. What's your take on Haim. I like 'em. Good songwriting , excellent lead guitar, bass and harmonies. Best band I've seen on SNL in a long time. They remind me of Hanson. The Wire is a lot like Mmm-Bop which I think is a great song. Charlotte@34: I think Pope Frankie is a liberation theologist coming out of the closet. This insane weirdo claims the Constitution gives him the authority to kill the President. Given the clarity of the threat agains another person's life, I'd say more than 600 years of English Common Law upon which our legal system (except for Lousyana's) is based gives me the authority to protect the President's life by killing Militiaboy. Hope the asshat enjoys TGiving with the Secret Service. Personally, I'd send him to the Azerbaijanis for marinating. And let's here it from the both sides do it false equivalency crowd. Anybody ever threaten Shrub's life on Facebook? And what's with Facebook letting this dick get away with this, when they won't abide photos of nursing mothers?
- The atrocity of Black Friday is depressing. "Pretend doorbuster is a real word day". I cannot stand this shit, nor comprehend participating in it. War on Thanksgiving. I know a lot of people think The Sandlot is some great kid nostalgia sports movie, but when the kids in 1962 give each other high fives, I want to break something. In '62? NFW.
- Is Hobby Lobby privately held? If not it should never have been found to have standing in the case in the first place. If it is, it will probably win at the SC. The 10th Circuit is conservative, so the Hobby Lobby win there is not surprising. Of course, there are also two vacancies that President Obama has nominated two candidates for, that some ahole GOPer Senator, undoubtedly from Texas (C'mon Goodhair, rid us of this turbulent state) has holds on. Contraception as health and medical care to which Americans have rights is settled law, without a doubt. Rightwing pipe dreams about a return to preggers and barefoot are forlorn. The Hobby Lobby case begs a question. How do you prove Faith? How do you prove religious sincerity? Why should a single dime of my money have supported the Shrubco Iraq adventure that sure as hell didn't pay for itself, even if the neocons put it on the platinum card. The leader of the Church I attend and donate money to on Sunday's was quite clear at the time that the invasion was a moral outrage. That was J2P2, who for all his failings got that one right on the nose. He wanted to go to Bagdhad ahead of Shock and Awe. W and Dickless would have blown him up. If the Court finds for Hobby Lobby, I want my money back. On Dinesh Souza: Since when is "anti-colonial" a damning imprecation to Americans? Especially to Americans born in Mumbai. Does Souza apologize for Ghandi's actions against the late Raj? Does he disavow the patriotism of G. Washington and T. Jefferson? What the hell is he talking about? Does he know himself? What a jerk. If I lost my mind and decided I believed 100% of what passes for conservative political thinking in the USA at present, I'd keep it to myself rather than admit it because Alan West, Dinesh Souza and internet-toughboy Everest Wilhelmsen. Gutdom, what a freakshow.
- Not to be picky, but the point is not to curtail 501(c)4s, it's to prevent purely political, astroturfed organizations from getting the designation to hide the sources of the money. Nobody really cares about the tax-exemption, they want to hide Mortimer and Randolph Koch's and Karl Rove's fingerprints to maintain the Potemkind grass roots facade.
- Spatchcock etymology.
- When did Thanksgivukkah becaome a thing? And what the hell is it? That is a stretch calling some of those people New Wave. Peter Gabriel is a god of progressive rock, what New Wave allegedly rebelled against. The picture I like best is Gary Numan's. Paranoid as ever. As for XTC, I don't think they're on the outs with each other so much as they hate having their pictures taken; a brilliant band with career truncated by severe stage fright, The photo of Squeeze makes me wish for a reunion tour, but I guess that's Up the Junction. At least they still look like a bunch of mischievous rascals, like the heroes of their songs. Calling Kraftwerk New Wave is hilariously dumb. And glad to see Nena is still "looking pretty in ashes that were once a city". The Big Country phot is sad, because Stuart Adamson killed himself years ago. I play Big Country CDs frequently. Stuart was a superior singer to Bono and a better guitar player than David Evans. Annie Lennox and Aimee Mann, still beautiful. Siouxie Sioux still frightening. But where are pictures of Chrissie Hynde and Martha Davis, the real babes of New Wave. Why didn't anybody ever stage Cabaret with Deborah Harry? A natural. Would everybody agree that reducing existing nuclear stockpiles and promoting nonproliferation are two important goals of world governments? Despite the knee-jerk ravings of GOPer "because Obama" critics who spoke against the Iran deal without knowing anything about it, curtailing nuke proliferation is obviously a good thing. The politicians criticizing the deal doan know shit about the subject, so they resort to idiotic Neville Chamberlain comments, a subject about which they also reveal themselves as ignorant. Where is the Sudetnland in that fractured fairy tale analogy? How is letting the Irani's have access to $7billion of their own money appeasement? Because Obama. It's a somewhat novel thought in the age of Teabanging Talking Heads, but this is clearly a time and a subject for listening to people that actually know what they are talking about instead of grotesque political hacks like Ted Cruz or John Cornyn. Pope Frankie is right. Trickle down doesn't.
- And happy Thank Bokonon Day to everybody. Nice, Nice, Very Nice, Also not New Wave. Richard Butler looks like Ray and Dave's big brother. P-Furs, now that is new wave, John Hughes notwithstanding.
- Martha Davis. Cancer survivor. No autotune, no double tracking. Just a gorgeous voice. The undisputed queen of New Wave. Pretenders switched odd time signatures like Dave Brubeck.
- Soul Dressing. Great Thanksgiving Day song from Booker T. and the MGs, the greatest studio backup band ever, with apologies to the Funk Bros. And some taters to go with that.
- Happy Thanksgiving, Granny-starving Old Party.
- Loins 40 - Packers 10. Another massacree.
- Susan@52: I'd like a top nitro iron. I might not hate ironing so much then. Luckily, I live with a woman that actually likes ironing, in the manner that I like mowing grass. Tops in mindless.
- I think those bikes are stylish. They should get Wayne Kramer to promote them. But I need gears. With groceries and without.
- How does Rhassan Roland Kirk get second billing to anybody, unless Yesef Lateef and Charlie Parker come back from the dead?
- Pensions are compensation for work already performed. So is Social Security, and employers set wages accordingly, including public employers like the City of Detroit. The GOP talking point on this is that city workers should sacrifice for the greater good and payments to corporate creditors should be maximized. What a crock of crap, and what moronic economic policy. Out of necessity, pension and SSI payments are pumped immediately into the economy, with an undeniable stimulating effect. That is simple ECON 101, which seems to be entirely beyond the intellectual powers of Gov. Snyder and Granny-Starvin' Ryan, the alleged brains of the Greedy Oleaginous Plutocrats. Everything those people do seems intended to wreck the American economy. And did y'all see the latest from the nutcake wing, fomented by Jeb Bush about the scandal of President Obama closing the American Embassy to the Vatican? Totally fabricated in every particular:
- Pope Frank is coming across as a liberation theologist, leanings that had to be kept secret for him to ever rise to the Papacy. It won't be long before wingnut religious types are calling Catholicism a demonic cult again. I'm playing this glorious Christmas music every time I'm forced to hear Jingle Bell Rock or I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus in the grocery store. Gutdom I hate that crap. Oh, and Burl Ives singing Holly Jolly Christmas. Or the dogs barking Jingle Bells. Just in time for the new and clearly improved Obamacare website, GOPer legislators in Cali have a fake Obamacare website up and running that they spent tapayers money on: The Affordable Care Act requires young adults to pay higher premiums for health insurance because the law prohibits insurers from denying coverage to sicker individuals because of pre-existing conditions and limits what they can charge to older or sicker policy holders. This will mean that young adults will pay higher premiums even though they are generally healthier and do not visit the doctor as often. The helpful information on the GOP site includes: The Affordable Care Act requires young adults to pay higher premiums for health insurance because the law prohibits insurers from denying coverage to sicker individuals because of pre-existing conditions and limits what they can charge to older or sicker policy holders. This will mean that young adults will pay higher premiums even though they are generally healthier and do not visit the doctor as often. They also drive when they are fucked up to the gills and end up in emergency rooms more often than those older, sicker folks. PP/ACA doesn't require young adults to pay higher premiums, you lying dickheads, greedy insurance vulture capitalists do. In the long run, Obamacare, while inferior to doing something smart and just extending Medicare for everyone, will drive health care costs down, and Americans will no longer spend twice as much for mediocre health care as any other civilized industrial nation. What anybody finds objectionable about that is entirely beyond me, except ... Obama. And GOPers want to try impeachment again? Fucking delusional. For what?
- When U.S. Army officials learned of his arrest, they were stunned. “This is the first time someone has been declared administratively dead,” says Army spokeswoman Maj. Bonnie Herbert Well Maj. Herbert. I guess you never heard of the illustrious Hawkeye Pierce.
- What's the remote? Kiss my ass. Thanks for your service is relatively annoying. Holy shit, we are supposed to disremember Ronald Raygun and the Ayatollahs? Puhleaze. What an asshole.
- Aflac duck bit the dust for me when the chubs lady said he worked his tail off and the other chubs lady didn't t say it would grow right back How coulld they fuck that up? Guy's a LizARD.
- One very powerful man:
- The gunman lived three miles from the victim and didn't know him? Bullshit. And Nelson Mandela was diametrically opposed to allowing hatred to take over one's life.
- So that was an ecuse to shool the guy. There was apparently a tangled history, and the shooter knew the guy he shot. They had both had sex with the same woman. Hence the shooting. The history of American conservatives with Nelson Mandela. Well he was melanin-challenged and anti-colonial. And as Ron Raygun once famously said "Why who even knew there were black people?"
- One way or another Bassetl
- R. Kelly lyrics read by Benjamin Cumberbatch. Pretty funny. Mandela said "Poverty is not an accident. Like slavvery and apharteid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings." That is exactly why the conservatives dislike the man so much. They believe people choose to live in poverty because they are just lazy. Takers not makers. That is the conservative view of the universe. The 47%. Not like those rugged individualists that get those government checks directly from the Alawskan Permanent Fund, about a $grand annually, per capita. That's why the minimum wage is a measly $7.25/hr. and why CEOs make 300 times what the people that work for them make. That discre[ancy is unconscionable. If minimum wage just kept pace with the Big Bossmen's salaries it would be about $22/hr. In my last job, working for a big time architectural firm, they billed my time at $90/hr. They were paying me bout $20 per hour. Now I'm charging $80/hr and work when I feel like it. As far as South Africa is concerned, I'm with Miami Steve on that. And his second season on Lillyhamer starts next Wednesday. Great TeeVee show, on Netflix.
- Julie Barnes' and Quincy Jones' daughter is fed up with the pop tarts.
- Ichiro Suzuki is a class act.
- What the hell is wrong with people? Well the baker on #5 seems to have given mom a anatomically correct clitoris. Not for the faint of heart nor the weak of stomach. And definitely not while eating anything. The number of horizontal birth canals is fairly alarming. And what in the world is up with this guy? OSU's fate was sealed when Pope Urban Meyer announced he wasn't going to suspend the players ejected from the Michigan game. Instant karma you oleaginous bastard. But OSU traadition sqays don't suspend the players. Ask Terelle Prior. Thing is, he could have suspended them for the first quarter, and nobody would have thought anything of it.
- Lions lead Eagles 8-0 at half in a whiteout snowstorm.
- David Bowie made some great movies, and I always thought The Dark Crytal was one of them, along with Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence and The Man Who Fell to Earth. This is a version restored to Jim Henson's original. Entertaining video about common misquotations. Remember the first time you went to Mickey D's? Burgers were 19 cents. Paying a considerabky higher minimum wage is not going to put Macs out of business, and if you believe it will cause the franchisees to lay people off, you must be undeer the misapprehension that the company is employing workers it doesn't need, out of the goodness of its corporate heart. Slim chance. MacDonalds' immense profits come from selling masive amounts of food-like substances at low prices. Raising wages might result in small cost increases, but dimunition of MacDonalds business because of that would require massive changes of shopping habits by Americans. Again, slim chance. Mickey D's employees are paid $7.25 an hour, while the CEO is compensated $8.55 million. That is obscene. If the CEO runs the company into the ground with bad decisions, he goes out the door with a massive golden parachute.. The only decision the Mac CEO really has to make is how exoritant a franchise fee the company can get away with. Tough job.
- That MacDonalds CEO pay is closer to 600 average worker's pay than the 270-300 times American companies average.
- This is exactly the sort of boondoggle GOPers think it makes sense to spend money on, while cutting food assistance programs, unemployment benefits, Pre-K programs, and S-Chip for uninsured kids. One word for this: disgraceful. But I bet Halliburton or KGB is making money off it somehow. Nope. No racists in Houston, Texas.
- Jeff@3: In Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes famously said that life for mankind was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. It seems that conservatives in the modern world believe that Hobbes was identifying an inevitable fate for a large number of members of the human race, who somehow deserve painful and dreary lives because they lack certain virtues of industry and ambition. This view completely distorts the context in which the prescient Hobbes delivered his descritption, and beggars belief when it comes from the Randites and RMoneyists and Granny-starvers of the American right wing, who also expect everyone to renounce Darwin in favor of "Intelligent Design" by a benevolent God who answers all prayers. The salient point that Hobbes made was that mankind was possessed by its Creator with enough communal intelligence to invent government as an engine for acting in the interest of commonweal to rise above and mitigate the miserable afflictive conditions he noted, for everyone. This would be a Christian view of the uses of government. In today's political Bizarro World, the Pharisees that proclaim their "Christian values through bullhorns subscribe to the opposite view. They are blessed with wealth and comfort because of some innate grace that the least of their brethren do not possess. Religious "leaders" on the right need to have a talk with Oral Roberts' 900-ft. Jesus and get the message straight. Meanwhile, HuffPost, the bastion of "progressivism", is publishing news that the Obama administration is handing over government to multinationals: Pretty clever slander, since it is aimed at the progressive than thou. Anybody that doesn't think hard core right wingers in Canada or Australia, or Japanese Capitalists that actually do run their government produced this is naive. Anybody that believes this tripe is welcome to come down to HHI, SC and check out our bridge to the mainland. It's for sale. And I was sure all along that viewers of Family Guy had not seen the last of Brian Griffin.
- Johnny Bench's birthday was Saturday. He once guested on HeeHaw. Pretty good singer.
- One month until the next manufactured out of thin air federal budget crisis.
- I love the Bodum French press. 28 oz. of excellent coffee in the time it takes to boil the water. 30 second cleanup. And NO filters. Dorothy@13: Does DIL like to cook? This is a Kickstarter I got in on last year, and it is far and away the most gorgeous cookbook I've ever seen. I bought a copy last Christmas for one of my sisters in law, and she loves it. Susan's a cookbook collector and she says this book, with spectacular hand painted illustrations is great for just browsing. One of the best gifts I've ever given based on the reaction of the gift. This book is a work of fine art. The gift I really want to give somebody this year is the Marc Ghagall first edition Jerusalem Windows advertised in the NYT book review, signed and dated 1965 by Chagall on two original color lithographs. It's at Bauman's Rare Books. But, damn, I misplaced my spare $9800. There is a new Stax Records history out called Respect Yourself I would like somebody to get for me--Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett, Sam & Dave, Pop Staples. Reasonably priced at $30. Anybody that needs a gift idea for a smart, bookish middle grader should look into The Houdini Box, by Brian Selznick, author of The Invention of Hugo Cabret, upon which the wonderful movie Hugo was based. The Hugo Cabret book would make a great gift for anyone that loves books, It's the way to publishing's future. No way on the blue earth could a Kindle or Nook do those illustrations justice. I bought myself a DVD version of Lori Petty's brilliant Tank Girl. Looked for it a long time. That jerk that claimed "black guys did it" to protect her abusive boyfriend should start a suicide pact with George Zimmerman's GF, who wants to drop charges. Of course, the debunking of the knockout game story has produced a toadstool-like profusion of defensive bullshit about Tawana Bradley and Al Sharpton and it's not racist because "both sides do it". Remember that anti-Obama campaign worker that carved a B into her own face (karma should direct she healed with keloids on her cheek). Well it was backwards because she had to use a mirror. Susan Smith? Chuck Stewart, who shot himself in the gut to solidify his claim he'd been heroically trying to protect his wife from "black guys" after he put a bullet in her brain? Tawana Bradley was a scared tween. These others were psychotic adult racist criminals. Connie@16: HuffPost will report that the President was sealing a secret deal to hand over Gitmo. And how much does it cost to run that Godforsaken facility? When there are SuperMax prisons built, paid for and sitting empty in the USA.
- Clinton's hands were tied on NAFTA. HW left him a briar patch that could not be escaped when he bailed out. Clinton did his best to ameliorate the damaging aspects of NAFTA with the labor and environmental side agreements, which would have gone far to ameliorate the deleterious effects of NAFTA, but, lo and behold, W shitcanned them in his first couple of weeks of his legacy residency in the White House. Clinton was not blameless, as a staunch supporter of NAFTA, but he had the brains and common sense to see its inherent flaws. There is no telling whether his fixes would have worked with a real president in charge and dedicated to making them work, but W was listening to neocons, multinationals and Kommissar Karl when he was supposed to be running the country, so nobody will ever know. That horse is way out of the barn. Jolene@33: Raygun's old School of the Americas pals in Central and South America, like Pinochet, Somoza, Stroessner and their evil ilk. Nicolae Ceausescu and his good buddy Mobuto Sese Seko, a few, but not many. Of course, given the support those SA and CA thugs got from Raygun, you could toss the Gipper in with them:
- Happy 50th Charlotte. Mine has disappeared from the rearview mirror a while ago.
- Tila Tequila is one of those Asian girls that Nicholas Kristoff so heroically rescued, single-handedly, from sexuall bondage in Bangkok, but he doesn't like to talk about it, right? Actually she is a particularly nasty piece of reality TeeVee trailer trash from the first wave of MTV's abandonment of music altogether. She had a show similar to Flav's where contestant vied for her favor. The twist was that the contestants were both male and female, anatomically, or at least played those parts on TeeVee. If you know how creepy and repulsive Flava Flav is, multiply x2 and you get Ms. Tequila. Those two make Russell Brand look clean-cut. I'd be worried that Goober-nor Snidely might sell Belle Isle to the Kochs for some campaign funding, and Randolph and Mortimer would move their slag heap there. Just made it through another grocery store run with no ba-rum-pa-pum-pa. Sometimes life is charmed. Sometimes you get dogs barking Jingle Bells when they should be playing cards and drinking toddies and juleps. Or Tila Tequilas. And I surely hate these 5:20 sunsets. Ride down, 70 ambient, hot like the surface of Mercury inside my rain jacket. Ride back in the gloaming, feels like a walk-in overloading. Latest issue of RS says the Ron Burgundy sequel is the most eagerly anticipated comedy sequel ever. I weep for my species. Will Farrell vs. Ghostbusters? Please. Exquisite wit vs. unarmed flaccid putz. And RS year-end music rankings? I'd rather have anything on the best reissues list (I have two, Dylan and Fogerty) than anything on the best new (have none, Might by Haim's album after seeing their SNL performance and all the Gaga and Miley fans compaining on the net that they aren't pretty and, like, girls aren't supposed to play guitars, y'know). Gifts: I wish every child in the world would have a personal CD or MP3 recording of Peter and the Wolf with David Bowie narrating. Or the Boris Karloff version. Or the Leonard Bernstein. Or the Dylan Thomas. Or Shane McGowan. Actually there are some fine recordings of A Child's Christmas in Wales that beat one more maudlin, set chewing rendition of The Story of Zuzu's Petals. God I loathe that movie. I've given some thought to making randoomly cut and spliced versions of the Jean Shephard Christmas story. I mean, that's how everybody watches it anyway. Some scenes would go in there several times apiece: Ralphie beating snot out of Scut Farkus, the Bumpus's dogs, fa-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra, the pink bunny jammies. For a minute, I thought Nancy has a recreational passport to Detroit City Council. I once worked for a Boston TeeVee guy covering the Mass Statehouse. It was entertaining alright.
- Mandela as terrorist? Is there documentation of his having participated in a violent act with the intention of frightening people into accepting his politics. That's a workable definition of terr His wife Winnie? Sure as shit. After he was imprisoned, she sort of invented the gasoline and used tire necklace that came to be named for her. That woman needed some Stelazine. Mr. Mandela seemed to follow Mahatma rather than Indira as a Gandhi referrent. For a modern head of state that was an unabashed terriss, look no farther than Moshe Dayan and Itzhak Rabin, who founded the Irgun. In Mosaic terms, irony can be funny or immensely sad, depending upon whose ox is gored. And though he's gone, I'm sticking with those official Shrub spellings of terr and terriss. Fewer keystrokes, fewer typos. That Fogerty album I mentioned is called Wrote a Song for Everyone, and it's not really a reissue. Fogerty re-recorde performances of some of his greatest songs with hand-picked collaborators. He redoes one of his greatest songs, Almost Saturday Night with Keith Urban, and it is revelatory. A few years ago I saw the two of them on the CMT cable show Crossroads and it was electric. This collaboration is ecstatic. The album has a version of Lodi done with Fogerty's sons, Who'll Stop the Rain with Seger, and the best Proud Mary ever, with Jennifer Hudson as Tina and Alan Toussaint with an all-star N'awlins brass band. Any Creedence fan or John Fogerty fan, and I think any music fan will find this album energizing, like dancing around the place. It'll make you smile until youface hurts. The Dylan Self Portrait reissue is perfect for those that love Dylan (like me obviously, I know all the words to Desolation Row and Gates of Eden), but it is also something that would be perfect for people that were always put off by his abrasive style (not me obviously, we jam abrasive). n Adn what I said before about Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf? The collaboration betwee Saint -Saens and Ogden Nash is another wonderful piece of music that kids will like. Also, the recording of the Socerer's Apprentice with Night on Bald Mountain are a little scary but great for kids. If that's too scary, th Fantasia soundtrack is great too.
- Sherri@62: And if they decide to in the ER, they will have specialists appraise your case, and if you are some dipshit young invincible and and you have the Earl Scheib leeches and bandaids coverage, you will have diagnostic procedures that will cost enough you will need to be hospitalized when you see the bill that isn't covered. Dumb FUCKERS. And somebody pays for everything that goes on in that ER and thereafter. Personally, Having been through this experience fairly recently, ambulance service should be a cosely controlled government service. Yeah airlifts to burn centers and trauma centers are costly. But are we about the sanctity of human life or are we runing death panels? When I was knocked off my bike and left bleeding and unconscious a year ago last 4th of July, I ended up being charged $450 for transportation to a hospital ER less than half a mile away. Had I been conscious, I would have refused and ridden in the Sheriff 's car for free.
- How normal, civilized people behave when honoring the departed. Anybody that uses the term (not word) selfie, automatically cedes the right to criticize anybody else's behavior. And Obama-detesters are just making a stink about this to draw attention away from the fact that teabanger-traduced Lamar Alexander was employing a child pornographer. Who micturated in your TRIX Mark H?
- Romney defense. Or Shrub defense. Coulda been the Ryan defense, but everyone knows Granny-starver was a product of the evil SSI. Maybe AquaBuddha defense when he's arrested for kidnapping. Reverse the politics? Pardon me, but when people that dislike President Obama because of melanin criticize him for no other reason, it isn't politics. It's racism. And is there any evidence the President gave that woman an unsolicited backrub? Phonephotogate is most amazing for pointing out what a short dick Obamaissellingouttomultinationalsgate had. This whole thing is starting to look like monkeys throwing caca.
- Half-mast is incorrect. The proper term is half-staff. Lessen' you're Canadian or French or some other non-Murrican. And the flag is a glorified rag, and it's been flown at half-staff for genuine evildoers like Ole Strom and Jesse Helms and Milhous Nixon and R. Raygun.
- Another thing from which the dumbass wingers are trying divert attention. A teabanger congressman so stupid the idea that preventive medicine lowers health care costs for everybody is too much for his peabrain to take in. Who ties this bozo's shoes for him?
- Raygun got elected by bribing the Ayatollahs to hold onto the hostages from the American embassy to prevent an October Surprise. Why doesn't the car thief and arsonist Issa investigate that, since his other investigations have turned to merde?
- Mark H @42: I recorded SOA last night, but haven't watched it yet. I thought it should have ended when the bullet transected Clay's carotid. And Happy Birthday to you. And what I said earlier about wagging the dog, I thought it was pretty clear that was sarcasm. A fairly prominent dickhead GOP Senator said that not long ago about the President. Speaking og GOP Senators, Jack Kingston is running for the Senate in Georgia. When I used to go to parties with lawyers in Savannah, the consensus was that Kingston was the dumbest member of the legal community but for one other guy, who listed himself in the yellow pages as A Abel Attorney. For that jailhouse desperation call bidness.
- Missing from the list of machete usage: Making cutoff jorts so short one's nads hang out below the pockets; and, trimming split ends from mullets. Bill Moyers on the American Class War. I'd like to see Holder standing behind Shrub, slapping handcuffs on him for shipment to the World Criminal Court. Mass-murdering war criminal. Where are the Simon Wiesenthals to hunt Shrubco and the neocons, and every creep that signed the PNAC letter like dogs and bring them to justice? But as Hillary and the others seem to be saying, "Bless his little heart." Brian Stouder: The Bike Lady is wonderful. It really put me in a Christmas mood. There is donation information on that web page. Thanks for posting that link.
- Jeff: I figure if I can give donations to politicians, I can contribute to helping people give bicycles to kids. And a charity organization that pays its own admin costs is to good to pass up. And 85-15 split is good. 100-0 is outstanding.
- I'd imagine the undiagnosed narcissistic personality disordered Eddie Snowden is royally pissed off to find he's not Time's POY.How can people not understand how important he is? My thing about Pope Frankie is that his clarion thoughts on Capitalism as government have alienated the Christian right. I always got a creepy feeling hearing fundigelicals that previously called the Catholic Church a demonic cult or the whore of Babylon acting like the Church was all hunky dory with them now because Obamacare. Encouraging news about closing Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo. Should shut down the entire base. It serves np discernible strategic purpose. This is a perfect example of President Obama taking grief from the progressiver than thou for something out of his control, as GOPers developed the most virulent case of NIMBY I can remember. MRGO. Most of the detainees have never been charged with anything and should be freed. For those who can be charged with something, there should be trials in federal court in NYC, and the wingnuts should just STFU about it.
- Great story Dexter. I know you don't want to hear it, but I am impressed and you should be proud of yourself. You did a great thing. Common sense way to re-fund SNAP and long-term unemployment benefits. And it isn't a tax increase, no matter what Grover "Pigmeat" Norquist might say. And it's a return to something R. Raygun did.
- Great news about the raise, Jeff. This sounds like it's worth a try.
- Treehouses. The selfie story makes its purveyors look like idiots, but not nearly half as mindless as McCain grumping about Neville Chamberlain because the President had the good sense and sound manners to shake Raoul Castro's hand instead of snubbing him. "Because Obama" is a cretin's game, except that normally it's low-rent unacceptable to make fun of the mentally impaired. I figure Rush likes staring at boobs because that slight tingle he feels reminds him that the dick he hasn't seen in years might still be there. I'd pay money to see Limbaugh try is too funny line on one of these two women. Guy is revolting, boorish and subhuman. And no matter what any Fox Bimbette says, Jesus probably looked more like Arafat than Jeff Chandler.
- Goodbye to All That is a spectacular literary accomplishment. Considering who wrote it, that's not surprising. Still, I'd rather read I, Claudius and Claudius the God. Graves' poetry is superb, at times exquisite. Hitler was hubristic in invading Russia. He had the example of Napoleon's failure in the not distant past, but, you know, he wasn't exactly a rational thinker, much less an actor. Danny: I've been meaning to tell you to check out Vintage guitars etc. It's practically guitar porn. This was my first electric guitar. Christmas present. I wish I still had it. I'm looking to buy a tube amp, probably a Fender. I remember them as being sort of buzzy-toned. That guy going on the spending spree before his wedding, glad he's getting with somebody he has such respect for. If Karma holds true, she'll get the bike in the inevitable divorce. That is way childish behavior.
- Danny, I knew you'd like it. I like talking to you when you aren't nutso incognito. A '52 LesPaul all-gold finish? Holy crap. It's God's guitar. I've got a wonderful photo of my granddad Lowe in the cavalry. He has mammoth gloves on to do away with the brambles in the hedges the tanks passed over, and to do the smithee bidness he was hired for. Rakish SOB with a fine curled mousthache. Not surprising he blew Edna Lowe's skirts up. I'd be interested to find what sort of Christianity would stick its ugly parts into ... Danny, I enjoy talking to you about guitars. My best guitar is the Johnson 6-string my mom and dad bought at a private school auction. A really nice Johnson. But my Dean elec. 12 is the most fun to play, especially with pedals. I live in a condo building, so I really have to remember to plug in the phones.
- This is grotesque no matter how you look at it. But, ya know, that is your GOP. The Danish hellcat is just not doing it for me. Is there something about that woman that is supposed to be sexually intriguing? Well she's smart and pretty. Other than that, people are too gutdom stupid for me to partake. Jeff: I've got a kid niece that loves the heifer gifts. The Returned is astounding if you like creepitude.
- This is grotesque no matter how you look at it. But, ya know, that is your GOP. The first House designed by Frank Loyd Wright is for sale for around $2mill. Half what a typical McMansion might cost. Amazing arrangement and performance of my favorite Christmas song. Maddy Prior's voice is why the English language has the word "celestial". And there is a comma between "merry" and "gentlemen". All those photos? SI photographers don't use motor drives and Tri-X by the case for nothing.
- I wouldn't buy a bluetooth speaker that looked and behaved exactly like Cleopatra's cunt. At any price. Listen to digitally degraded recordings on an overpriced by a mile device, because it's supposed to be cool? Not this cowboy. I'd describe the last K-Mart I entered is post-Soviet. That setting, I believe, whanged out the pin on the dingy-meter. And a mighty happy birthday to JoeK. I wish him gorgeous days in the air and I wish I had a plane and knew how to fly it. I'd say, honestly, he is the singularly most bent political thinker I've ever come across. And he's a grand guy.
- How the fuck is Scott Brown running against Jeanne Shaheene in Neh Hwmpsh when Elizabeth Warren kicked his ass a year ago in Massachusetts? Money changes verything, buying government, bimbo by bimbo.
- Megatron is still getting used to a QB that can throw Dexter. Not much resemblance between Stafford and Little Joey Hamilton. Today's the anniversary of the releas of Ornette Coleman's Change of the Century. Tied for second on sax with Illinois Jacquette, all time, with an absolutely killer combo on this record. One of the greatest jazz albums ever. Actually, Ornette is probably No. 1 ever on alto sax. It seems to me that the promoters of the home and Christian School movements are the same dumbasses that want to ditch USPS in favor of private enterprise. Think they'll bitch when they rid us of the socialist pox of USPS and there isn't anybody to make deliveries for FedEx and UPS any more and service declines while they raise the cost of delivering a letter to about $12. No matter how you look at it, 50 cents to get my Christmas card to Massachusetts is a stunningly good deal, and the alleged financial problems of the Postal Service were created by whackjob members of Congress. Apparently the teabangers don't like Ben Franklin because of his rampant anti-colonialism.
- Brandon @62: Preserving the Hawai'ian language is an excellent thing. Spoken Hawai'ian is the most musical language on earth. Absolutely gorgeous. Teaching kids that the world is 5000 or so years old and Jesus preferred English saddles on his dinos is ignorant as hell. That's what charter schools on the mainland do. In what version of sexual pleasure does the 440 pounder get on top? And I'm assuming she became nauseated after taking down the wall with her noggin, not nauseous. Why can't people get that straight? I mean, I don't expect anything from the New York Post, but simple English as she is spoke doesn't seem like too much to ask. Jolene: I just finished reading How I Live Now, by Meg Rosoff to make sure it was OK for my niece. Very good book, and it's for real YA, a science fictiony romance about a smart 16 year old girl faced with a world at war. The best athletically themed book I've read in years is Running the Rift, by Naomi Benaron. It's serious too, being set in Rwanda during the ethnic cleansing. Both of these books are superb YA fiction, although I don't think that was Ms. Benaron's intention with Running the Rift.
- Hooray for succesful surgical outcomes. Best "eyes" rock 'n' roll song ever. Best Oliver Stone movie? Salvador, which is also James Woods' finest performance. I thought Savages decent. Blake Lively is a hopeless actor, but Benicio Del Toro, Travolta, Tim Riggins and Demian Bichir are all good in it.
- Pennsylvania's dickwad GOPer governor, the one that admitted openly that voter suppression is the main GOP strategy, he's trailing in polls by 8 or 9%. Savannah's own Jack Kingston is as stupid and mean-spirited as ever. Dumbass makes Sackless Campbell seem bright. Eyesight is a strange thing. I have glasses to correct myopia, but I don't really need them to drive, and my prescription has not changed since my first pair of corrective lenses 50 years ago. Last time I had an eye exam, the ophthalmologist told me I'd never need to use reading glasses, based upon the fact that my nearsightedness has remained constant for so long. I've no idea how that works, but I'm glad I won't go through the clown show with the reading glasses my mom and dad did for twenty years.
- What $Palin said about Duck Tape Dynasty guy: Free speech is endangered species; those "intolerants" hatin' & taking on Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing personal opinion take on us all Who turns the computer on for this numbskull? Can somebody stop him? How does a person get to run for Vice President of the USA who is too stupid to understand that the First Amendment does not govern the behavior of corporations. They're private citizens too, my friend. She spews this ignorant crap repeatedly, and has been corrected many times. There is nothing like a stupid person that is obstinate in maintaining her stupidity.
- Re: The Clinton impeachment. Vitriolic revenge for driving Milhous out of DC in disgrace. Monica volunteered for the job of springing the sting, and got a pair of kneepads from her wingnut friends at Pepperdine when she left for Washington. The portrayal of the Chubbette in the blue dress as some innocent child taken advantage of is possibly the most ludicrous aspect of the entire affair. Of course there is also the text of the carefully parsed question Clinton allegedly answered by perjuring himself. It specifically did not include fellatio in its detailed description of the sex acts about which the President was being questioned. The trap laid for Clinton was about as clever as GOPers ever get. Given the question he allegedly answered with a lie exactly as it was framed, he answered truthfully. But all those assholes that hounded him over this, like Dan "Scumbag" Burton, Newticles Gingrich and even St. Henry Of Hyde all ended up having to admit to "youthful indiscretions" of the same sort as Clinton's. Was Clinton dumb to fall for the trap? Sure, but every single GOPer involved in managing the impeachment was guilty of similar behavior, and their hypocrisy was monumental. As a fan of Artie's album Angel Clare, I always thought there was a likelihood that Garfunkel was probably the main author of For Emily. Astoundingly gorgeous melody. But the "organdy" and "crinoline" and "smoky burgundy" strike me as more in tune with Art's sensibilities than Rhymin's. Jerry Garcia plays guitar on that album. It contains excellent renditions of Barbara Allen and of Bill Monroe's down in the Willow Garden. The album title is a fine literary allusion, to Thomas Hardy's best book, in my opinion.
- Al Goldstein was a child that never grew up in a very homely adult's body. He never got over the sheer joy it gave him to fling poo at moralistic adults, occasionally to fairly funny effect. I always thought that if Terry Southern hadn't thought of it first for Magic Christian, Goldstein would have pulled off Guy Grand's revolting "free money" gambit. The webs are awash in ignramuses bemoaning the poor treatment for Duck Daddy's First Amendment rights. Sometimes it's both embarrassing and depressing to contemplate the abject stupidity of our fellow Amurricans. This is not rocket science. Yeah, guy had a right to spout is loathsome opinion, and his employer had every right to shitcan his bigoted yokel ass. Actually I found his outrageous claims about how happy blappeople were in Lousyana before liberals screwed everything up with civil rights more offensive then his garden variety Santorumisms about gay people. Sounds like a guy that pals around with David Duke. Rally good French cop show on Hulu called Spiral, and another called Braquo.
- Great Peter O'Toole movie streaming for free. Practically as nuts as The Ruling Class, which may be the most insane movie ever made. How is Palin so sensitive about Ole Phil's First Amendment rights (does she read English?), when she went after Martin Bashir's scalp for suggesting that her understanding of slavery in America was sadly lacking.
- A repulsive parody, of a repulsive excuse for a human being. Tres post-modern, eh? For movie variations on Charles Dickens re: Christmas, I like the Albert Finney musical version from 1970. London joining together to sing "Thank you very much, that's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me" with gusto and great joy, and Scrooge coming to realize they are thanking him for dying, is amazing. I also love the Ringle, ringle song in the Mr. Magoo's Christmas. Demerol causes instant projectile nausea for me. I have tried to warn people in ERs about this unfortunate reaction, but they never listen. Funny, neither morphine nor heroin ever had the same effect.
- Scribe@19 I just received an email from my grad school, Suffolk University with a gorgeous photo of the frog pond in the Common in Boston. The message said Season's Greetings. Am I supposed to think this is the War on Christmas, or simple common decency and respect for my Jewish and Muslim classmates. STFU about this idiotic nonsense please. In the spirit of Christmas. Nauseous applies to something that induces nausea in a beholder, who is the one actually nauseated. $Palin and her bromides are nauseous. The relationships of the words are similar to awesome and awed.
- I think PBR is a foul mixture of all of the Schlitz and Blatz people neither bought nor consumed, rebranded. I think all Spam was manufactured between 1940 and 1945, and I think Cheetos and styrofoam packing peanuts come from a single factory, but the Cheetos go down a separate production line where they are sprayed with orange tennis ball dye. I had the melancholy and somewhat depressing experience this morning of sending money to the Arizona DOC prisoner account of my niece, who thankfully has been relocated from Joe Arpaio's hoosegow to another prison facility. She got mixed up with a theft for hillbilly heroin family and received twice as long a sentence as her ahole boyfriend because she wouldn't testify against him. Anyway, I paid $6.50 to use my own debit card to transfer the cash, and another $5.00 to send her a short email, through a website called Jpay, which is the only way the state of AZ allows communication with an inmate. I was informed that to send actual physical mail, like a Christmas card, I'd be required to submit to a background check by AZ law enforcement. No thanks Sheriff Joe. Something seems fishy about the whole setup. Reeks of kickbacks. That "without a stitch" headline should go into a copy editor's hall of fame. Brilliant.
- Funny stuff about the Awful Waffle. Don't know how they missed the story about Jack White getting arrested for punching a guy out at a Waffle House. A classic Mark Trail Christmas message from Jack Elrod. The plots and the prose are cheesy as a holiday gift basket, but the artwork is wonderful, particularly on Sundays. Now if somebody would just teach Elrod about perspective, he wouldn't have those monster frogs and terrifying beavers spouting Mark's and Cherry's dialogue.
- Cautionary tale for all of those selfish hipsters and stupid GOPers whining about the bandaids and bucket o' leeches health insurance policies they lost because Obama. Pogo Christmas carols. Why hasn't some vocal group like Swingle Singers or Manhattan Transfer recorded these? I'd buy that.
- I just used the ACA website to enrol in both medical and dental health plans, for less than 1/3 of the premiumt I was paying for crappy insurance two years ago and much smaller deductible. It was a breeze, 30 minutes, I'd say if it takes you longer, you're in bad need of a neurologist. Much of the time involved ID verification, for which we have GOPers that hacked the site to thank. But this process was about as easy as setting up an online retail account. A load off my mind for the Christmas season.
- Sort of in Duckman's defense, you know he's bound to have said offensive stuff during regular taping of the "show", and they were edited out. I really can't believe people find the canned drivel about gay people more offensive than his comments about how happy black people were in Lousyana before the civil rights agitators caused trouble. But what can anybody expect from a guy so ignorant he believes that God dictated the OT in Elizabethan English to mortal stenos. Kit Marlowe, the well-known catamite, was responsible for a lot of that King James version, you cheap redneck trick. Phil and the boys ought to go into the TeeVee fraud business with Pat Robertson Destined to become a holiday classic. From the geniuses in Yo La Tengo.
- I always liked the Benny Goodman big band Carnegie Hall version of Sing, Sing, Sing. Why? The rampaging elephant stampede brass arrangement. BG's hallucinatorilly exotic clarinet soloing. And, duh, Gene Krupa. You'd think Buddy Rich might have shown a little humility having stolen all his tricks from the master.
- Regarding Kalashnikov's death: good riddance.
- In the grand scheme,Kalashnikov was more Shiva, the Destroyer, than J. Robert Oppenheimer ever was. The world has Kalashnikov to thank for every nutjob with a Bushmaster. How can anybody vote for a Hucksterby that staged a second wedding cum reception while he was Arkansas goobernor, complet with registering for gifts at WalMart. That is one sleazy mofo.
- The dancer is a babe. No disrespect intended. She is smoking. Brian@22, same people that told Honda that Americans want to hear Michael Bolton on their ads. Holy crap is that a bad idea. I'm cohabiting with my roomie, and have no intention of ever marrying again. We've been together 15 years, but there is no common law here. S. would like to do it, but she's given up on even bringing it up. I also cohabited with the woman I married. Claiming that somehow damaged the institution of marriage is freaking loony. Marriage is fine, just not for me. Jeff, should people suffer injustice because other people get nervous about whom and how they choose to love. That is decidedly as non-Christian as anybody can get. People used to think WWJD was kind of silly, but marriage equality is an issue I have no doubt about what Jesus would say. In fact, He did say it as quoted in the Book of Matthew Chapter 22, verses 36 through 40. Pretty unequivocal. And I'm still waiting for somebody to identify the biblical stricture against homosexualtiy. The destruction of Sodom? OT don't count. It must be in there somewhere. Meanwhile marriage needs defending about as much as Christmas does. Back in the day, a guy called Thomas Massey rose in the House of Commons to suggest that the name Christmas should be changed to remove "Mass" because that is what Catholics attend on the holiday. His better idea? Christide. One of his more astute colleagues pointed out that Mr. Massey would then be referred to as Thomtide Tidy. You can't always get what you want, but you might find, you get what you need.
- Ring ding diddle diddle i de o Ring diding diddle i o He said, 'Lad I don't know where you've been but I see you won first prize My Goober-nor. Gutdom, what an embarrassment. Does she actually not see what a jackass she makes of herself? Well, everything is relative. She didn't actually quote $Palin about who got the gun and who got the rack. I've still got my letter sweater, and all of my BSA merit badges. Somewhere along the way, I lost my Eagle Scout pin, but I do still have my Order of the Arrow sash. I keep the merit bsdges because my mom sewed them onto the sash. I've been moving this stuff around for more than 50 years. One of my brothers gave me the Musical History box set (The Band), and another gave me the 30th anniversary edition of Born to Run, which includes a London concert at the Hammersmith Odeon on DVD. Great presents.
- Lorde is very good, and she's not a ninny like most of the young female popstars. And she wears normal clothes. Her real name is Ella Maria Lani Yelich-O'Connor, and she's a Kiwi. She's only 17, but she has a big voice. More like Joss Stone than Stefani Germanotta. And I believe she wrote Royals, which has a sophisticated melody and chord changes that are pretty adventurous and fairly trenchant lyrics. I like her attitude. More like a rocker than a popster. The tennis court song is really good. She's got old timey movie star looks, like Anne Bancroft or Lauren Bacall. My favorite as far as young musical women currently is Haim. That bass player has serious attitude and the girl on the cherry SG can really play. There hasn't been a really good girl rock band since about Fanny, those Millington sisters. Well, they predated the Runaways. Go-gos and Bangles had their moments. Walk like an Egypgtion is a great rock 'n' roll song, and Susanna Hoffs absolutely sizzzles on the cover of Hazy Shade of Winter Today is the anniversary of the death, in 1999 of the incomparable Curtis Mayfield. Shaft is OK, but Suoerfly is the real deal. Question is MichaelG, which of us is doing the most damage to marriage?
- The Bouncy House with the vagina reminds me of an old joke about, "If you can find my carkeys, we can drive out." Jeff@19: On one side of the political debate is the GOP, whose deficit reduction strategy was to cut off S-Chip and food assistance programs that help kids in poverty. They will not back off that sort of selfish, heartless behavior. Those kids are the unfortunate post-born that the Republlican Party seems to think are far less important, less valuable than the pre-born, or even the zygotes wasting away in laboratories. They made up a cutesy name for those kids, Snowflakes. Happy birthday to Ozzie Smith, the Wizard.Usually the term "greatest of all time" is fairly useless in any discussion of sports, but calling this play the greatest of all time is not very far off the mark. It doesn't even seem possible, despite clear video evidence. Lorde's song Team. Superb melody and inventive lyrics, internal rhymes. Buzzcut Season is another good one. Her voice and her songwriting , the more I hear of it, is starting to remind me of Tori Amos, who I like a lot. She's refreshingly articulate and seems pretty bright and thoughtful, too. When Ben Stiller decided to do a Walter Mitty movie, why didn't some kind person point out that he was opening himself to comparison with the comic genius, Danny Kaye. He's not even in the same universe.
- Georgia Public TeeVee, which operated on the UGA campus and where I once worked doing lighting, was designated Channel 8 on the VHF band. Captain outrageous was obsessed with trading places to get to VHF. He was also intent upon hiring away our sound guy, my good buddy Dan Mosely Who won repeated regiohal Emmys for the quality of his work, but Mosely was an inveterate Athens townie and wasn't going anywhere. He was in our studio constantly, which was a good thing, because he was an entertaining raconteur and generally a hale fellow well met. Occasionally he'd bring us pizzas and cases of Co-Cola. A pretty fascinating guy, who for some reason never brought Mrs. Turner with him when he visited, damnit. Ted Turner was a trip. He came to the studio once when Bear Bryant was there and Turner teased the old tosspot mercilessly about UGA having beaten Bama the previous football season. We did a weekly news omnibus and TT was a frequent guest, along with the courageous newspaperman Reg Murphy, who succeeded legendary Ralph McGill as the editor of the Constitution. Those caps look like Meecheegan helmets. Yusef Lateef died over Christmas.Superb jazz musician who played tenor, flute, oboe, and a lot of Oriental wind instruments. He lived in Detroit for a long time, and I used to talk my mom and dad into taking me to supper clubs where he was playing. Back in the 60s Detroit had many such clubs. George Shearing was another performer we got to see frequently. He was an extremely innovative musician, who actually wrote a concerto in jazz idioms. We went to see the world premier outdoors at Meadowbrook one summer. He had an undergrad degree from Wayne State, and a doctorate in education from UMass. He played with Coltrane in the early part of his career, and wrote a terrific tribute piece called Brother John.
- Brother John, by Yusef Lateef. Plays both oboe and flute on this cut. His tone on oboe is remarkably warm and bluesy. Live at Pep's Volume 2 is an amazing live performance recorded at a club in Philadelphia. The combo: Richard Williams - trumpet James Black - drums Yusef Lateef - tenor saxophone, oboe, argol, tambourine Richard Gene Williams - trumpet Ernie Farrow - bass
- jc: It was Rome. My ex and I attended his marriage to Liz Mooney in a beautiful old Presbyterian church in Rome around 1972. I should have remembered how to spell his surname. Dan had a VW van that had been chopped to approximate a pickup truck. We did a lot of long lunches together on the deck of Steverinos on Milledge Ave. in Five Points.. His audio skills were largely self-taught. His college major was zoology, but he never bothered to graduate. I loved that job, $5000 per annum salary and all. I don't know what Dan was getting paid, but I'm sure TT trumped it easily. Best were road trips around the state to shoot oncert shows of good HS bands. We barely managed to stay out of trouble. And got a stern talking-to from the station manager when somebody called to complain about seeing a UGA-owned van parked at a liquor store. Another busybody Babdiss heard from. Dan and Liz were out with us the night we came upon a dualie pickup tipped up on it's side. A local restauranteur had spent too many nickels on a dring and drown night at the B&L Warehouse and tipped his ride over. We got him out of the truck and protected him from the would-be good Samaritans that would have been hell on his damaged spine. The entire bank from that night at his restaurant was strewn all over the cab of the truck, and the SOB never even comped us a meal.
- Coals to Newcastle, ice to Eskimaux. Really? FLA has more tanning salons than Mickey D's. Seems counterintuitive. And which one is the greater health risk? Well, nobody ever said the jorts and mullets crowd were the sharpest tools in the shed.
- Sweet Home Alabama. This has got to turn into the next redneck heaven show on A & E. Debris. Great Ronnie Lane song. From A Nod is as Good as a Wink to a Blind Horse.
- I don't know about any of y'all, but I am absolutely stunned to find that the for profit-hospice industry is milking Medicaid for all it's worth. Say it ain't so. Sounds like this may have been Rick "Lex Luthor" Scott's idea. And somehoow it's the fault of the bubmint in general, and of course, President Obama specifically, even though he had nothing whatever to do with writing Medicare legislation or regulations. When creepy little Edward "Munster" Snowden brags that "I already won", that seems like a textbook manifestation of narcissistic personality disorder to me. Truly bizarre comment. I was attempting facetiousness MichaelG. I'd say I'm an exemplar of how not to go about marriage that people could learn from. A Nod is as Good as a Wink is a great album title, in a class with Ian Hunter's You're Never Alone with a Schizophrenic, and The Smoker You Drink the Player You Get, by Joe Walsh.
- That's plate o' shrimp. And Miller didn't even know how to drive, despite working in the repo yard. Ernie Hudson's purveyor of Diuretics had the more cogent arguments.I don't see how Mark's Mayo Clinic definition of narcisstic personality disorder contradicts my obviously amateur diagnosis of Snowden. It seems to describe the weasel pretty much exactly. And "little regard for other peoples's feelings"? Or for real consequences that might fall upon the inferior individuals that surround the narcissist, including physical consequences. And how does Eddie figure "I've already won"? Everybody knowss who he is?
- Who in hell is pajama guy. And aren't actual jammies much more popular with GOPers than with liberals? Along with twin beds? I haven't worn PJs since I started HS. Have no use for them now. My slipper sox, on the other hand, those are rugged LL Bean products and they are practical for keeping the heat setting low on the thermostat. People are up in arms because TK Toby Keith opened a bar and but up signs explicitly prohibiting guns. That wienie wagger in Oregon might someday live that down. In about a million years. If the Ducf Idiots are actually preppies pulling a fast one, that's an apt representation in microcosm of astro-turfing assholes taking advantage of ignorant rube teabangers, Like Tom Delay and Mortimer and Randolph Koch.
- As appearance contract ridersgo, insisting on bendy straws is right up there with the puerile insistence by Van Halen on "No brown M&Ms." Juvenile idiots of a feather. But, you know VH is a band full of delinquent drug addicts. $Palin actually ran for VP of the USA. Of course, she also insisted that Paul Revere intended to "warn" the Brits. And she left this contract to be discovered in a trash can? She just doesn't care if she makes an ass of herself. Talk about scamming the rubes.
- Franny-Starver Ryan ragging on Pope Frankie? That's some disrespect coming from an Irish Catholic boyo. Of course, Ryan thinks Jesus was a radical Marxist, even though He predated to old fart by nearly 2000 years. And there is all sorts of up-in-arms shit befouling the interwebs about John Kerry fist-bumping Snoop Dogg. There is a scandal the Grand Theft Auto Issa needs to investigate.
- Some WallStreet PAC has launched a vile push polling attack on Jeane Shaheen in Neh Hempsha, in support of a putative Senate run against her by Massachusetts resident and foromer naked Cosmo guy Scott Brown. Johnny Cougar and Jakob Smirnov both come to mind. "Ain't that America" and "What a country." Remember when A & E actually took the Arts part of it's name seriously and aired good movies? The distant past. Maybe they should change the name to The Redneck Olympics Channel. And no, I didn't make up that name. Rednecks did. When somebody completely ignores the effect his selfish behavior might have on an entire nation of 300million people because he wants to "win, already", I think it's safe to say his normal human egoism has passed into the realm of a dangerous psychological problem. Seems like a no brainer to me. And anybody that wants to claim that Snowden knows whats in even 10% of the documents he has leaked is welcome to that not so comforting delusion. What are the odds he's pulled a Dickless Cheney and exposed undercover intelligence agents? Pretty damned good I'd say. I saw both Spring Breakers and The Canyons, and I have to say the former inhabits a planet far sleazier than the latter. It's not even fair given the inherent James Franco skeeze factor and the youngster bimbettes jiggling their ways through the movie. Barely disguised kiddie porn with Franco licking his chops the whole while.. And I cannot fathom the dislike so many critics had for Elysium, especially those who had previously anointed the director a genius for District 9 which was nigh onto incomprehensible to anybody not fortified by hallucinogens. Seems like some of these people were uncomfortable with the screed against the comfortable class. I figured the Carrie remake for a waste of film stock and video tape as soon as I heard about it. As for Edelstein's list, how can you take a worst list seriusly that omits a Grown Ups sequel and a third Hangover movie. Offensive LCD assaults and insults to intelligence.
- busking is defined as playing music or performing entertainment in a public place for donations. Those guys in the metallic makeup are invariably mimes, so I'd say they can't be buskers unless they break out a one-man band outfit, they are, by definition, not buskers. The lovely and inimitable Patty Larkin was a busker. Her partner in busking was Shawn Colvin (Sunny Came Home, a great song). I used to see this duo at the Harvard Square Red Line subway stop and damn they wer good (and gorgeous). I think they both made enough money to retire from busking. as did preternaturally cute KT Tunstall was a busker, and a One-woman Band, as a master of the loop effects pedal with a stunning husky contralto voice and a knack for playing guitar. Note to Miley and the poptarts: That's how you double tracck. Sing your own backup and be your own rhythm section while producing stomping guitar riffs and looking and singing like a grown woman, and writing lyrics reminding Maggie Trudeau about that piece of clothing she forgot. Jonathan Richman used to play Roadrunner down in the tunnel at the Park Street stop. Dom't mean to be picky, but miming and busking are mutually exclusive. Busking is, by definition, entertaining. Mimes are only entertaining if you like being put off.
- Mark Knopfler wrote a great song about busking, Walk of Life. Guy is probably the greatest guitar player in the world, and he was a busker, obviously. I'd say Dire Straits is the most unfairly misunderestimated bands ever, and I'd trade one of my feet to be able to play like Mark Knopfler. Hell, one of my eyes. And did any band ever look more like they were enjoying playing together than Dire Straits? Maybe Faces. The Fabs on the roof. Oh, they were having fun, But did they like each other?
michaelj on The closet.
October 6th, 2006 7:54 pm
michaelj on Soldiering on.
January 5th, 2007 1:33 am
michaelj on Frozen, finally.
January 24th, 2007 12:34 pm
michaelj on Vote for mom.
January 29th, 2007 10:35 pm
michaelj on Writing good for TV.
March 2nd, 2007 6:50 pm
michaelj on Build some character.
March 2nd, 2007 7:05 pm
michaelj on That puppy smell.
March 10th, 2007 10:33 am
michaelj on Scribble, scribble.
March 11th, 2007 2:14 am
michaelj on Scribble, scribble.
March 11th, 2007 2:25 am
michaelj on Selling papers.
March 28th, 2007 11:43 pm
michaelj on Selling papers.
March 29th, 2007 12:00 am
michaelj on A loss.
April 5th, 2007 10:09 am
michaelj on A loss.
April 5th, 2007 10:31 am
michaelj on A loss.
April 5th, 2007 10:36 am
michaelj on Rashomon in the kitchen.
April 6th, 2007 8:56 pm
michaelj on Rashomon in the kitchen.
April 7th, 2007 3:25 am
michaelj on Rashomon in the kitchen.
April 8th, 2007 2:13 am
michaelj on Rashomon in the kitchen.
April 8th, 2007 2:42 am
michaelj on Rashomon in the kitchen.
April 8th, 2007 2:53 am
michaelj on Rashomon in the kitchen.
April 8th, 2007 4:00 pm
michaelj on High-def guilt.
April 10th, 2007 8:11 pm
michaelj on I love YouTube.
April 11th, 2007 12:53 am
michaelj on I love YouTube.
April 11th, 2007 1:01 am
michaelj on The very expensive trash can.
April 13th, 2007 8:15 pm
michaelj on The very expensive trash can.
April 15th, 2007 12:56 am
michaelj on The theoretical lionheart.
April 19th, 2007 3:54 am
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April 26th, 2007 1:17 am
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April 28th, 2007 10:54 am
michaelj on The silver-tongued devil.
April 28th, 2007 11:00 am
michaelj on The silver-tongued devil.
April 29th, 2007 12:33 am
michaelj on What a boob.
May 5th, 2007 1:44 pm
michaelj on Lawng Island.
May 6th, 2007 11:22 pm
michaelj on What a boob.
May 7th, 2007 12:24 am
michaelj on What a boob.
May 7th, 2007 9:26 am
michaelj on That's not funny.
May 9th, 2007 11:12 pm
michaelj on That's not funny.
May 9th, 2007 11:16 pm
michaelj on Let us give thanks.
May 12th, 2007 1:36 am
michaelj on Let us give thanks.
May 12th, 2007 2:49 am
michaelj on Let us give thanks.
May 12th, 2007 2:57 am
michaelj on Happy Mother's Day!
May 14th, 2007 1:05 am
michaelj on Cn u rd ths?
May 15th, 2007 9:28 pm
michaelj on Taillight blues.
May 17th, 2007 12:24 am
michaelj on Taillight blues.
May 17th, 2007 1:33 am
michaelj on Bronzed.
May 19th, 2007 1:56 pm
michaelj on Bronzed.
May 19th, 2007 2:08 pm
michaelj on Trend story in the hole!
May 21st, 2007 11:26 pm
michaelj on Work the suit.
May 24th, 2007 4:15 am
michaelj on Work the suit.
May 24th, 2007 7:53 am
michaelj on Peanuts and Cracker Jack.
May 25th, 2007 3:03 pm
michaelj on Peanuts and Cracker Jack.
May 25th, 2007 3:13 pm
michaelj on Blowout, and blowoff.
May 25th, 2007 5:02 pm
michaelj on Blowout, and blowoff.
May 25th, 2007 5:07 pm
michaelj on Blowout, and blowoff.
May 25th, 2007 5:28 pm
michaelj on Blowout, and blowoff.
May 25th, 2007 11:38 pm
michaelj on Blowout, and blowoff.
May 27th, 2007 5:17 am
michaelj on Blowout, and blowoff.
May 29th, 2007 3:27 am
michaelj on Blowout, and blowoff.
May 29th, 2007 4:44 am
michaelj on Blowout, and blowoff.
May 29th, 2007 11:05 am
michaelj on Blowout, and blowoff.
May 29th, 2007 8:48 pm
michaelj on Holiday weekend.
May 29th, 2007 10:46 pm
michaelj on Holiday weekend.
May 29th, 2007 11:14 pm
michaelj on Holiday weekend.
May 29th, 2007 11:58 pm
michaelj on Another sleepy, dusty day.
June 3rd, 2007 6:07 pm
michaelj on Another sleepy, dusty day.
June 4th, 2007 4:14 am
michaelj on Hand upon the plow.
June 4th, 2007 8:55 pm
michaelj on Hand upon the plow.
June 4th, 2007 9:17 pm
michaelj on Hand upon the plow.
June 5th, 2007 3:01 pm
michaelj on Crabby.
June 5th, 2007 3:45 pm
michaelj on Crabby.
June 5th, 2007 4:13 pm
michaelj on Crabby.
June 5th, 2007 4:52 pm
michaelj on Crabby.
June 5th, 2007 11:12 pm
michaelj on Crabby.
June 5th, 2007 11:21 pm
michaelj on Crabby.
June 5th, 2007 11:29 pm
michaelj on Crabby.
June 5th, 2007 11:36 pm
michaelj on Crabby.
June 5th, 2007 11:44 pm
michaelj on Hey, Martha.
June 8th, 2007 2:16 am
michaelj on Nobody asked me.
June 9th, 2007 12:36 pm
michaelj on Nobody asked me.
June 9th, 2007 2:58 pm
michaelj on Hey, Martha.
June 10th, 2007 1:14 am
michaelj on Weekend of disappointment.
July 31st, 2007 10:59 pm
michaelj on How insensitive.
August 4th, 2007 10:11 pm
michaelj on Ouch.
November 11th, 2007 8:25 pm
michaelj on Ouch.
November 12th, 2007 5:24 am
michaelj on Ouch.
November 12th, 2007 5:35 am
michaelj on One more.
November 16th, 2007 3:51 pm
michaelj on Seeing the sights.
November 17th, 2007 3:40 am
michaelj on Seeing the sights.
November 17th, 2007 4:44 am
michaelj on One more.
November 17th, 2007 8:27 am
michaelj on Seeing the sights.
November 17th, 2007 8:42 am
michaelj on Seeing the sights.
November 17th, 2007 9:13 am
michaelj on It's a tough town.
November 20th, 2007 2:09 pm
michaelj on What I'm thankful for.
November 24th, 2007 9:31 pm
michaelj on Type A, positive.
November 27th, 2007 7:41 am
michaelj on Type A, positive.
November 27th, 2007 10:40 am
michaelj on Martha and the Mustangs.
November 29th, 2007 1:27 am
michaelj on Martha and the Mustangs.
November 29th, 2007 2:03 am
michaelj on Martha and the Mustangs.
November 29th, 2007 4:41 am
michaelj on Martha and the Mustangs.
November 29th, 2007 4:42 am
michaelj on Martha and the Mustangs.
November 29th, 2007 7:36 am
michaelj on The natural diuretic.
December 1st, 2007 2:26 am
michaelj on The natural diuretic.
December 1st, 2007 3:46 am
michaelj on The natural diuretic.
December 1st, 2007 9:08 am
michaelj on Call it, friend-o.
December 4th, 2007 3:18 am
michaelj on Call it, friend-o.
December 4th, 2007 3:48 pm
michaelj on Call it, friend-o.
December 4th, 2007 6:32 pm
michaelj on Call it, friend-o.
December 4th, 2007 6:42 pm
michaelj on MAKE IT STOP!
December 7th, 2007 3:05 am
michaelj on MAKE IT STOP!
December 7th, 2007 4:44 am
michaelj on MAKE IT STOP!
December 7th, 2007 5:05 am
michaelj on MAKE IT STOP!
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December 7th, 2007 7:59 am
michaelj on MAKE IT STOP!
December 7th, 2007 8:14 am
michaelj on Film at 11, eventually.
December 9th, 2007 1:25 am
michaelj on What I saw at the execution.
December 11th, 2007 9:16 am
michaelj on Cancel my subscription.
December 28th, 2007 1:36 am
michaelj on Cancel my subscription.
December 28th, 2007 9:44 am
michaelj on The last word in 2007.
December 30th, 2007 11:36 am
michaelj on Kilroy was here.
January 1st, 2008 9:15 pm
michaelj on And sometimes, just drunks.
January 4th, 2008 12:56 pm
michaelj on And sometimes, just drunks.
January 4th, 2008 1:57 pm
michaelj on Give Iowa a try.
January 5th, 2008 3:14 am
michaelj on The crashers.
January 6th, 2008 2:41 am
michaelj on The crashers.
January 6th, 2008 3:49 am
michaelj on The crashers.
January 6th, 2008 4:25 am
michaelj on The crashers.
January 6th, 2008 4:48 am
michaelj on The crashers.
January 6th, 2008 5:05 am
michaelj on The crashers.
January 7th, 2008 12:45 am
michaelj on The crashers.
January 7th, 2008 3:03 am
michaelj on The crashers.
January 7th, 2008 3:51 am
michaelj on The crashers.
January 7th, 2008 4:45 am
michaelj on The crashers.
January 7th, 2008 8:16 am
michaelj on The crashers.
January 7th, 2008 10:55 pm
michaelj on Michael's world.
January 7th, 2008 11:25 pm
michaelj on Michael's world.
January 8th, 2008 12:38 am
michaelj on Michael's world.
January 8th, 2008 1:20 am
michaelj on Michael's world.
January 8th, 2008 1:22 am
michaelj on Michael's world.
January 8th, 2008 1:55 am
michaelj on Michael's world.
January 8th, 2008 2:08 am
michaelj on Michael's world.
January 8th, 2008 4:29 am
michaelj on Michael's world.
January 9th, 2008 1:44 am
michaelj on The puzzling dinner.
January 9th, 2008 3:22 am
michaelj on The puzzling dinner.
January 9th, 2008 3:26 am
michaelj on The puzzling dinner.
January 9th, 2008 3:43 am
michaelj on The puzzling dinner.
January 9th, 2008 8:08 am
michaelj on The puzzling dinner.
January 9th, 2008 6:52 pm
michaelj on The puzzling dinner.
January 9th, 2008 6:59 pm
michaelj on The un-election.
January 12th, 2008 4:28 am
michaelj on The un-election.
January 12th, 2008 8:05 am
michaelj on The un-election.
January 13th, 2008 1:07 am
michaelj on The un-election.
January 13th, 2008 1:10 am
michaelj on The un-election.
January 13th, 2008 1:30 am
michaelj on The un-election.
January 13th, 2008 3:50 am
michaelj on Wire-y linkage.
January 16th, 2008 3:06 am
michaelj on Mitt's mitten.
January 17th, 2008 2:15 am
michaelj on Mitt's mitten.
January 17th, 2008 2:19 am
michaelj on Is anybody there?
January 18th, 2008 12:31 am
michaelj on The cold is coming.
January 19th, 2008 1:33 am
michaelj on The cold is coming.
January 19th, 2008 3:51 am
michaelj on The un-election.
January 19th, 2008 4:18 am
michaelj on Live capability all over the place.
January 21st, 2008 3:41 am
michaelj on Live capability all over the place.
January 21st, 2008 5:08 am
michaelj on Live capability all over the place.
January 21st, 2008 2:37 pm
michaelj on Bare knuckles.
January 23rd, 2008 6:13 am
michaelj on Bare knuckles.
January 23rd, 2008 6:41 am
michaelj on Bare knuckles.
January 23rd, 2008 8:47 am
michaelj on Half a day to do it.
January 23rd, 2008 1:45 pm
michaelj on Half a day to do it.
January 23rd, 2008 2:22 pm
michaelj on Bare knuckles.
January 23rd, 2008 3:14 pm
michaelj on Oh, it's on.
February 18th, 2008 1:29 am
michaelj on Oh, it's on.
February 18th, 2008 7:19 am
michaelj on Oh, it's on.
February 18th, 2008 9:19 am
michaelj on Oh, it's on.
February 18th, 2008 9:36 am
michaelj on Oh, it's on.
February 18th, 2008 10:37 am
michaelj on Oh, it's on.
February 18th, 2008 11:28 am
michaelj on It's a tough town.
February 20th, 2008 2:13 am
michaelj on It's a tough town.
February 20th, 2008 4:02 am
michaelj on It's a tough town.
February 20th, 2008 9:46 am
michaelj on It's a tough town.
February 20th, 2008 9:47 am
michaelj on It's a tough town.
February 20th, 2008 9:54 am
michaelj on Five minutes in movie heaven.
February 21st, 2008 2:02 am
michaelj on Five minutes in movie heaven.
February 21st, 2008 2:41 am
michaelj on You shoulda been there, Brian.
February 24th, 2008 3:43 am
michaelj on Anyone going my way?
February 24th, 2008 11:45 am
michaelj on You shoulda been there, Brian.
February 24th, 2008 12:34 pm
michaelj on Anyone going my way?
February 25th, 2008 6:17 am
michaelj on Anyone going my way?
February 25th, 2008 6:22 am
michaelj on Anyone going my way?
February 25th, 2008 8:07 am
michaelj on Burned up.
February 28th, 2008 12:36 am
michaelj on Burned up.
February 28th, 2008 12:54 am
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 4:51 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 4:54 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 5:24 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 6:22 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 6:27 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 6:52 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 7:15 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 7:48 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 8:05 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 8:30 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 8:51 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 8:55 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 1st, 2008 9:14 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 2nd, 2008 12:48 am
michaelj on Copycat.
March 2nd, 2008 12:59 am
michaelj on Copycat.
March 2nd, 2008 1:23 am
michaelj on Copycat.
March 2nd, 2008 1:27 am
michaelj on Copycat.
March 2nd, 2008 5:31 am
michaelj on Copycat.
March 2nd, 2008 5:43 am
michaelj on Five minutes in movie heaven.
March 2nd, 2008 7:27 am
michaelj on Copycat.
March 2nd, 2008 10:13 am
michaelj on Copycat.
March 2nd, 2008 11:22 am
michaelj on Copycat.
March 2nd, 2008 11:33 am
michaelj on Copycat.
March 2nd, 2008 5:33 pm
michaelj on Copycat.
March 2nd, 2008 6:23 pm
michaelj on Notes from the crater.
March 2nd, 2008 7:16 pm
michaelj on Closing time.
March 3rd, 2008 8:19 pm
michaelj on The count is now...
March 4th, 2008 3:16 am
michaelj on The count is now...
March 4th, 2008 3:44 am
michaelj on The count is now...
March 4th, 2008 4:13 am
michaelj on The count is now...
March 4th, 2008 4:54 am
michaelj on The count is now...
March 4th, 2008 8:52 am
michaelj on The count is now...
March 4th, 2008 10:02 pm
michaelj on Take the keys.
March 4th, 2008 10:26 pm
michaelj on Take the keys.
March 4th, 2008 10:46 pm
michaelj on Take the keys.
March 5th, 2008 12:53 am
michaelj on Take the keys.
March 5th, 2008 1:24 am
michaelj on Take the keys.
March 5th, 2008 2:03 am
michaelj on Take the keys.
March 5th, 2008 3:02 am
michaelj on Take the keys.
March 5th, 2008 3:25 am
michaelj on My pups.
March 5th, 2008 3:53 am
michaelj on A house divided.
March 5th, 2008 8:58 pm
michaelj on A house divided.
March 6th, 2008 1:29 am
michaelj on A house divided.
March 6th, 2008 4:29 am
michaelj on A house divided.
March 6th, 2008 7:26 am
michaelj on A house divided.
March 6th, 2008 10:39 am
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 6th, 2008 6:46 pm
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 6th, 2008 6:59 pm
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 6th, 2008 7:09 pm
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 6th, 2008 7:35 pm
michaelj on Good career move.
March 6th, 2008 8:09 pm
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 6th, 2008 8:41 pm
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 6th, 2008 9:18 pm
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 6th, 2008 10:02 pm
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 6th, 2008 10:09 pm
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 6th, 2008 10:42 pm
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 6th, 2008 10:50 pm
michaelj on Good career move.
March 7th, 2008 1:22 am
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 7th, 2008 2:00 am
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 7th, 2008 2:06 am
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 7th, 2008 2:30 am
michaelj on I'll miss the guy.
March 7th, 2008 3:42 am
michaelj on Good career move.
March 7th, 2008 12:17 pm
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 8th, 2008 12:56 am
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 8th, 2008 2:31 am
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 8th, 2008 2:44 am
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 8th, 2008 4:00 am
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 8th, 2008 4:24 am
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 8th, 2008 5:44 am
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 9th, 2008 10:47 pm
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 10th, 2008 3:46 am
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 10th, 2008 5:13 am
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 10th, 2008 5:20 am
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 10th, 2008 6:55 am
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 10th, 2008 7:06 am
michaelj on Phoned-in Phriday.
March 10th, 2008 7:15 am
michaelj on A little interlude.
March 13th, 2008 2:15 am
michaelj on That word.
March 13th, 2008 3:55 am
michaelj on That word.
March 13th, 2008 3:59 am
michaelj on A little interlude.
March 13th, 2008 12:41 pm
michaelj on A little interlude.
March 13th, 2008 1:04 pm
michaelj on The whore's look.
March 13th, 2008 8:16 pm
michaelj on The whore's look.
March 13th, 2008 9:32 pm
michaelj on The whore's look.
March 13th, 2008 9:43 pm
michaelj on The whore's look.
March 13th, 2008 10:32 pm
michaelj on The whore's look.
March 14th, 2008 12:30 am
michaelj on My inner Communist.
March 15th, 2008 12:11 am
michaelj on Mark's moment.
March 15th, 2008 4:04 am
michaelj on Mark's moment.
March 15th, 2008 5:03 am
michaelj on Mark's moment.
March 15th, 2008 7:24 am
michaelj on Technical difficulties.
March 16th, 2008 1:31 am
michaelj on Technical difficulties.
March 16th, 2008 9:37 pm
michaelj on Technical difficulties.
March 16th, 2008 10:26 pm
michaelj on Technical difficulties.
March 16th, 2008 10:50 pm
michaelj on Technical difficulties.
March 17th, 2008 12:34 am
michaelj on Technical difficulties.
March 17th, 2008 12:56 am
michaelj on Technical difficulties.
March 17th, 2008 1:31 am
michaelj on Technical difficulties.
March 17th, 2008 4:49 am
michaelj on Technical difficulties.
March 17th, 2008 5:57 am
michaelj on Technical difficulties.
March 17th, 2008 6:53 am
michaelj on Technical difficulties.
March 17th, 2008 7:09 am
michaelj on Technical difficulties.
March 17th, 2008 7:38 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 17th, 2008 8:38 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 17th, 2008 8:56 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 17th, 2008 9:29 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 17th, 2008 9:40 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 17th, 2008 9:48 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 17th, 2008 10:00 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 17th, 2008 10:01 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 17th, 2008 10:12 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 17th, 2008 10:18 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 17th, 2008 11:33 pm
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 18th, 2008 1:12 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 18th, 2008 1:30 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 18th, 2008 1:55 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 18th, 2008 2:23 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 18th, 2008 3:12 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 18th, 2008 3:28 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 18th, 2008 4:05 am
michaelj on The first ladies.
March 18th, 2008 4:10 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 18th, 2008 5:00 am
michaelj on We drink the milkshake.
March 18th, 2008 1:57 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 18th, 2008 5:05 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 18th, 2008 5:20 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 18th, 2008 5:35 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 18th, 2008 8:00 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 18th, 2008 8:54 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 18th, 2008 9:22 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 18th, 2008 10:18 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 18th, 2008 10:28 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 18th, 2008 10:32 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 18th, 2008 11:19 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 18th, 2008 11:41 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 18th, 2008 11:52 pm
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 19th, 2008 12:37 am
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 19th, 2008 1:43 am
michaelj on Ripped from the headlines.
March 19th, 2008 2:02 am
michaelj on Vanity plate: TITANIC.
March 21st, 2008 3:55 am
michaelj on Vanity plate: TITANIC.
March 21st, 2008 7:31 am
michaelj on Friday talkies.
March 22nd, 2008 1:29 am
michaelj on Friday talkies.
March 22nd, 2008 3:58 am
michaelj on Friday talkies.
March 22nd, 2008 4:18 am
michaelj on Friday talkies.
March 22nd, 2008 9:27 am
michaelj on Have at it, you vultures.
March 23rd, 2008 1:09 am
michaelj on Friday talkies.
March 23rd, 2008 5:41 am
michaelj on Family duty.
March 26th, 2008 12:25 am
michaelj on Family duty.
March 26th, 2008 2:24 am
michaelj on Family duty.
March 26th, 2008 2:48 am
michaelj on Fruit salad, anyone?
March 28th, 2008 1:55 am
michaelj on Fruit salad, anyone?
March 28th, 2008 5:29 am
michaelj on My Madonna problem.
April 2nd, 2008 2:01 am
michaelj on My Madonna problem.
April 2nd, 2008 2:07 am
michaelj on Excitable boy.
April 4th, 2008 1:54 am
michaelj on Excitable boy.
April 4th, 2008 2:50 am
michaelj on No comment.
April 5th, 2008 12:50 am
michaelj on No comment.
April 5th, 2008 1:21 am
michaelj on Don't hate me for this.
April 5th, 2008 1:58 am
michaelj on Don't hate me for this.
April 5th, 2008 2:29 am
michaelj on No comment.
April 5th, 2008 2:39 am
michaelj on Don't hate me for this.
April 5th, 2008 5:29 am
michaelj on No comment.
April 5th, 2008 7:35 am
michaelj on No comment.
April 5th, 2008 7:41 am
michaelj on No comment.
April 5th, 2008 11:54 am
michaelj on The late-Scorsese Pulitzer.
April 10th, 2008 9:29 am
michaelj on The soft belly of Hardball.
April 11th, 2008 7:44 am
michaelj on The soft belly of Hardball.
April 11th, 2008 8:40 am
michaelj on The soft belly of Hardball.
April 11th, 2008 9:19 am
michaelj on Forget it, Jake.
April 12th, 2008 2:27 am
michaelj on Forget it, Jake.
April 12th, 2008 3:36 am
michaelj on Forget it, Jake.
April 12th, 2008 5:24 am
michaelj on Forget it, Jake.
April 12th, 2008 5:36 am
michaelj on Forget it, Jake.
April 12th, 2008 6:02 am
michaelj on Forget it, Jake.
April 12th, 2008 6:06 am
richard on Oh, totally.
April 18th, 2008 1:36 am
richard on Oh, totally.
April 18th, 2008 3:58 am
richard on Oh, totally.
April 18th, 2008 6:45 am
richard on Oh, totally.
April 18th, 2008 6:59 am
richard on To the plastic mattresses.
April 22nd, 2008 12:38 am
richard on To the plastic mattresses.
April 22nd, 2008 12:45 am
caliban on Busy busy busy.
April 22nd, 2008 9:09 pm
caliban on The naughty bits.
May 1st, 2008 3:24 pm
caliban on Scowly.
May 3rd, 2008 7:19 pm
caliban on Scowly.
May 4th, 2008 6:22 am
caliban on Scowly.
May 4th, 2008 11:08 pm
caliban on Scowly.
May 4th, 2008 11:20 pm
caliban on Not again.
May 6th, 2008 9:51 am
caliban on Not again.
May 6th, 2008 9:54 am
caliban on Ready for your closeup?
May 6th, 2008 11:58 pm
caliban on Ready for your closeup?
May 7th, 2008 7:47 am
caliban on Ready for your closeup?
May 7th, 2008 8:39 am
caliban on Ready for your closeup?
May 7th, 2008 9:29 am
caliban on Um, I forgot.
May 7th, 2008 11:56 pm
caliban on Um, I forgot.
May 8th, 2008 1:16 am
caliban on Um, I forgot.
May 8th, 2008 1:22 am
caliban on Um, I forgot.
May 8th, 2008 4:07 am
caliban on The red... doormat, maybe.
May 10th, 2008 3:48 am
caliban on The red... doormat, maybe.
May 10th, 2008 4:18 am
caliban on The red... doormat, maybe.
May 10th, 2008 4:52 am
caliban on The red... doormat, maybe.
May 10th, 2008 5:55 am
caliban on The red... doormat, maybe.
May 10th, 2008 6:05 am
caliban on The red... doormat, maybe.
May 10th, 2008 6:11 am
caliban on The red... doormat, maybe.
May 10th, 2008 6:26 am
caliban on The red... doormat, maybe.
May 10th, 2008 12:07 pm
caliban on The red... doormat, maybe.
May 10th, 2008 2:05 pm
caliban on Are you OK?
May 10th, 2008 8:30 pm
caliban on Are you OK?
May 10th, 2008 10:58 pm
caliban on Are you OK?
May 10th, 2008 11:26 pm
caliban on Are you OK?
May 11th, 2008 5:41 am
caliban on Are you OK?
May 11th, 2008 6:51 am
caliban on Are you OK?
May 11th, 2008 10:28 am
caliban on Are you OK?
May 11th, 2008 11:20 am
caliban on Marital aids.
May 13th, 2008 2:34 am
caliban on Lightning strikes twice.
May 13th, 2008 2:51 am
caliban on Lightning strikes twice.
May 13th, 2008 2:55 am
caliban on Today, I'm Pat Parsley.*
May 16th, 2008 3:38 am
caliban on Today, I'm Pat Parsley.*
May 16th, 2008 9:50 am
caliban on Listen and learn.
May 16th, 2008 11:15 pm
caliban on Listen and learn.
May 17th, 2008 1:50 am
caliban on Listen and learn.
May 17th, 2008 2:19 am
caliban on Listen and learn.
May 17th, 2008 5:46 pm
caliban on Listen and learn.
May 18th, 2008 2:07 am
caliban on Listen and learn.
May 18th, 2008 2:15 am
caliban on Ready for your closeup?
May 18th, 2008 4:08 am
caliban on Ready for your closeup?
May 18th, 2008 4:24 am
caliban on Ready for your closeup?
May 18th, 2008 5:40 am
caliban on Ready for your closeup?
May 18th, 2008 5:56 am
caliban on Listen and learn.
May 18th, 2008 9:19 am
caliban on Listen and learn.
May 18th, 2008 9:23 am
caliban on Listen and learn.
May 18th, 2008 11:27 am
caliban on You guys can drive.
May 22nd, 2008 12:28 am
caliban on You guys can drive.
May 22nd, 2008 12:30 am
caliban on You guys can drive.
May 22nd, 2008 1:14 am
caliban on You guys can drive.
May 22nd, 2008 2:25 am
caliban on You guys can drive.
May 22nd, 2008 2:40 am
caliban on You guys can drive.
May 22nd, 2008 6:47 am
caliban on It's just fun to say: Mulch.
May 23rd, 2008 3:54 am
caliban on Amateur radiology, anyone?
May 25th, 2008 10:13 pm
caliban on Who wins the pot?
May 28th, 2008 1:48 am
caliban on Who wins the pot?
May 28th, 2008 2:05 am
caliban on Who wins the pot?
May 28th, 2008 5:39 am
caliban on Who wins the pot?
May 28th, 2008 7:10 am
caliban on Less pump pain.
May 28th, 2008 11:46 pm
caliban on Less pump pain.
May 29th, 2008 2:28 am
caliban on Less pump pain.
May 29th, 2008 6:06 am
caliban on The long drive.
May 31st, 2008 12:15 am
caliban on The long drive.
May 31st, 2008 1:13 am
caliban on The long drive.
May 31st, 2008 8:39 am
caliban on The long drive.
May 31st, 2008 11:13 am
caliban on The long drive.
May 31st, 2008 11:59 am
caliban on The long drive.
June 1st, 2008 12:14 am
caliban on The long drive.
June 1st, 2008 12:25 am
caliban on The long drive.
June 1st, 2008 12:30 am
caliban on The long drive.
June 1st, 2008 1:31 am
caliban on Do not want.
June 1st, 2008 5:04 am
caliban on Do not want.
June 1st, 2008 5:25 am
caliban on The long drive.
June 1st, 2008 2:25 pm
caliban on Sunday fried fish.
June 3rd, 2008 1:23 am
caliban on Sunday fried fish.
June 3rd, 2008 1:42 am
caliban on Sunday fried fish.
June 3rd, 2008 1:54 am
caliban on The end, finally.
June 6th, 2008 1:49 am
caliban on The end, finally.
June 6th, 2008 3:34 am
caliban on No more pencils.
June 12th, 2008 5:12 am
caliban on No more pencils.
June 12th, 2008 5:30 am
caliban on Brief hiatus.
June 14th, 2008 2:11 am
caliban on Five hours to go.
June 23rd, 2008 7:18 am
caliban on A little levity.
July 1st, 2008 12:33 am
caliban on A little levity.
July 1st, 2008 1:44 am
caliban on A little levity.
July 1st, 2008 4:07 am
caliban on We can do it.
July 1st, 2008 8:57 pm
caliban on Where I'm calling from.
July 1st, 2008 9:19 pm
caliban on Where I'm calling from.
July 1st, 2008 10:22 pm
caliban on Where I'm calling from.
July 1st, 2008 10:41 pm
caliban on Where I'm calling from.
July 2nd, 2008 1:58 am
caliban on Where I'm calling from.
July 2nd, 2008 5:48 am
caliban on Mixed grill on Wednesday.
July 3rd, 2008 12:05 am
caliban on Mixed grill on Wednesday.
July 3rd, 2008 6:42 am
caliban on Two from the road.
July 4th, 2008 9:39 pm
caliban on Two from the road.
July 4th, 2008 9:50 pm
caliban on Two from the road.
July 4th, 2008 9:54 pm
caliban on Two from the road.
July 5th, 2008 5:49 pm
caliban on Two from the road.
July 6th, 2008 1:53 am
caliban on Solitary man.
July 14th, 2008 3:08 am
caliban on On hiatus.
July 14th, 2008 3:41 am
caliban on On hiatus.
July 14th, 2008 3:42 am
caliban on Postcard II.
July 17th, 2008 10:09 pm
caliban on Postcard II.
July 18th, 2008 8:10 pm
caliban on Postcard II.
July 19th, 2008 1:32 am
caliban on Postcard II.
July 19th, 2008 1:50 am
caliban on Postcard II.
July 19th, 2008 11:49 pm
caliban on Postcard II.
July 20th, 2008 12:00 am
caliban on Postcard II.
July 20th, 2008 10:21 am
caliban on Postcard II.
July 21st, 2008 1:21 am
caliban on Parasites.
July 25th, 2008 2:14 pm
caliban on Parasites.
July 25th, 2008 4:24 pm
caliban on Open primaries.
July 27th, 2008 7:48 am
caliban on What election?
August 1st, 2008 2:50 am
caliban on What election?
August 1st, 2008 4:51 am
caliban on What election?
August 1st, 2008 4:52 am
caliban on What election?
August 1st, 2008 4:55 am
caliban on What election?
August 1st, 2008 4:57 am
caliban on What election?
August 1st, 2008 4:58 am
caliban on Whose bitch are you?
August 8th, 2008 2:32 am
caliban on Whose bitch are you?
August 8th, 2008 6:31 am
caliban on Still reeling.
August 8th, 2008 9:38 pm
caliban on Still reeling.
August 9th, 2008 1:01 am
caliban on Still reeling.
August 9th, 2008 1:15 am
caliban on Still reeling.
August 9th, 2008 6:05 am
caliban on What gets left.
August 14th, 2008 12:59 am
caliban on Gemini.
August 15th, 2008 2:08 am
caliban on Saturday sailbloggimg.
August 17th, 2008 1:45 am
caliban on Saturday sailbloggimg.
August 17th, 2008 7:45 pm
caliban on Saturday sailbloggimg.
August 18th, 2008 3:16 am
caliban on Saturday sailbloggimg.
August 18th, 2008 3:47 am
caliban on Saturday sailbloggimg.
August 18th, 2008 5:19 am
caliban on Saturday sailbloggimg.
August 18th, 2008 5:27 am
caliban on Saturday sailbloggimg.
August 18th, 2008 10:20 am
caliban on Saturday sailbloggimg.
August 18th, 2008 10:45 am
caliban on The local wildlife.
August 29th, 2008 4:59 pm
caliban on Whew. I need a cigarette.
August 29th, 2008 8:45 pm
caliban on Whew. I need a cigarette.
August 29th, 2008 10:58 pm
caliban on Whew. I need a cigarette.
August 29th, 2008 11:13 pm
caliban on Who made thee?
August 29th, 2008 11:40 pm
caliban on What a weasel wants.
August 30th, 2008 12:16 am
caliban on What a weasel wants.
August 30th, 2008 12:51 am
caliban on What a weasel wants.
August 30th, 2008 3:05 am
caliban on What a weasel wants.
August 30th, 2008 3:21 am
caliban on What a weasel wants.
August 30th, 2008 3:50 am
caliban on What a weasel wants.
August 30th, 2008 3:59 am
caliban on What a weasel wants.
August 30th, 2008 4:26 am
caliban on What a weasel wants.
August 30th, 2008 4:35 am
caliban on What a weasel wants.
August 30th, 2008 5:19 am
caliban on What a weasel wants.
August 30th, 2008 5:50 am
caliban on A small rant.
August 30th, 2008 10:57 pm
caliban on A small rant.
August 30th, 2008 11:07 pm
caliban on A small rant.
August 30th, 2008 11:11 pm
caliban on A small rant.
August 30th, 2008 11:17 pm
caliban on A small rant.
August 30th, 2008 11:42 pm
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 12:01 am
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 12:27 am
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 12:37 am
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 12:41 am
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 12:42 am
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 3:26 am
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 3:38 am
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 4:03 am
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 10:47 am
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 11:05 am
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 2:02 pm
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 9:21 pm
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 9:39 pm
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 10:03 pm
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 10:10 pm
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 10:53 pm
caliban on A small rant.
August 31st, 2008 11:06 pm
caliban on Labor Day parade.
September 2nd, 2008 6:58 am
caliban on Labor Day parade.
September 2nd, 2008 7:16 am
caliban on Labor Day parade.
September 2nd, 2008 3:12 pm
caliban on Labor Day parade.
September 2nd, 2008 3:44 pm
caliban on Labor Day parade.
September 2nd, 2008 4:10 pm
caliban on Solidarity eventually.
September 2nd, 2008 6:59 pm
caliban on Solidarity eventually.
September 2nd, 2008 8:52 pm
caliban on Solidarity eventually.
September 2nd, 2008 9:50 pm
caliban on The end of everything.
September 5th, 2008 3:16 am
caliban on The end of everything.
September 5th, 2008 3:33 am
caliban on The end of everything.
September 5th, 2008 7:54 am
caliban on The end of everything.
September 5th, 2008 12:11 pm
caliban on Quel fromage.*
September 5th, 2008 8:29 pm
caliban on Quel fromage.*
September 5th, 2008 9:34 pm
caliban on Quel fromage.*
September 5th, 2008 10:30 pm
caliban on The squared circle.
September 13th, 2008 1:26 am
caliban on The squared circle.
September 13th, 2008 1:34 am
caliban on The squared circle.
September 13th, 2008 3:09 am
caliban on The squared circle.
September 13th, 2008 3:29 am
caliban on The squared circle.
September 13th, 2008 3:45 am
caliban on The squared circle.
September 13th, 2008 3:48 am
caliban on The squared circle.
September 13th, 2008 6:11 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
September 14th, 2008 9:37 am
caliban on Thanks, Ted.
September 15th, 2008 8:45 pm
caliban on Thanks, Ted.
September 15th, 2008 9:01 pm
caliban on "Mad Men" love.
September 17th, 2008 3:07 pm
caliban on "Mad Men" love.
September 17th, 2008 3:22 pm
caliban on The house with the tarp.
September 17th, 2008 8:56 pm
caliban on Don't look there.
September 23rd, 2008 2:45 am
caliban on Don't look there.
September 23rd, 2008 3:59 am
caliban on Don't look there.
September 23rd, 2008 9:17 am
caliban on Don't look there.
September 23rd, 2008 5:16 pm
caliban on Clogged.
September 25th, 2008 1:32 am
caliban on Clogged.
September 25th, 2008 1:34 am
caliban on Clogged.
September 25th, 2008 2:46 pm
caliban on Clogged.
September 25th, 2008 3:04 pm
caliban on Clogged.
September 25th, 2008 3:30 pm
caliban on Saturday afternoon market.
September 27th, 2008 10:27 pm
caliban on Send caffeine.
September 30th, 2008 1:59 am
caliban on Send caffeine.
September 30th, 2008 2:07 am
caliban on Send caffeine.
September 30th, 2008 3:14 am
caliban on Just doing our part.
October 7th, 2008 1:08 am
caliban on My 9/11 movie.
October 7th, 2008 8:55 pm
caliban on My 9/11 movie.
October 7th, 2008 9:04 pm
caliban on My 9/11 movie.
October 8th, 2008 2:29 am
caliban on My 9/11 movie.
October 8th, 2008 5:38 am
caliban on My 9/11 movie.
October 8th, 2008 6:54 am
caliban on My 9/11 movie.
October 8th, 2008 7:26 am
caliban on Advantage: That one.
October 8th, 2008 11:34 pm
caliban on Advantage: That one.
October 8th, 2008 11:42 pm
caliban on What are the odds?
October 9th, 2008 3:11 pm
caliban on What are the odds?
October 9th, 2008 3:30 pm
caliban on A few words about moose.
October 9th, 2008 7:11 pm
caliban on A few words about moose.
October 9th, 2008 8:56 pm
caliban on A few words about moose.
October 9th, 2008 10:00 pm
caliban on Make up your mind.
October 12th, 2008 2:36 am
caliban on A few words about moose.
October 12th, 2008 2:57 am
caliban on Detroitywood.
October 12th, 2008 4:33 am
caliban on Detroitywood.
October 12th, 2008 4:48 am
caliban on Detroitywood.
October 12th, 2008 4:59 am
caliban on Detroitywood.
October 12th, 2008 8:55 am
caliban on Detroitywood.
October 12th, 2008 7:08 pm
caliban on Detroitywood.
October 12th, 2008 7:22 pm
caliban on Detroitywood.
October 12th, 2008 7:53 pm
caliban on Bye.
October 14th, 2008 11:37 pm
caliban on Bye.
October 14th, 2008 11:59 pm
caliban on Don't light a match.
October 15th, 2008 8:50 pm
caliban on Don't light a match.
October 16th, 2008 6:00 am
caliban on Caught up.
October 16th, 2008 8:11 pm
caliban on In the manure lagoon.
October 19th, 2008 1:28 am
caliban on In the manure lagoon.
October 19th, 2008 1:47 am
caliban on In the manure lagoon.
October 19th, 2008 3:47 am
caliban on In the manure lagoon.
October 19th, 2008 3:18 pm
caliban on In the manure lagoon.
October 19th, 2008 3:31 pm
caliban on In the manure lagoon.
October 19th, 2008 4:55 pm
caliban on But,'s organic!
October 21st, 2008 5:48 pm
caliban on But,'s organic!
October 21st, 2008 6:14 pm
caliban on Old man smell.
October 23rd, 2008 9:16 pm
caliban on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 12:10 am
caliban on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 12:38 am
caliban on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 1:05 am
caliban on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 1:55 am
caliban on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 3:10 am
caliban on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 7:05 am
caliban on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 7:35 am
caliban on Tawana told a lie.
October 26th, 2008 8:42 am
caliban on The pink heels.
October 27th, 2008 11:05 pm
caliban on My 9/11 movie.
October 27th, 2008 11:54 pm
caliban on My 9/11 movie.
October 28th, 2008 12:06 am
caliban on My 9/11 movie.
October 28th, 2008 12:11 am
caliban on This one's for Joody.
October 28th, 2008 1:22 am
caliban on This one's for Joody.
October 28th, 2008 1:24 am
caliban on This one's for Joody.
October 28th, 2008 4:50 am
caliban on This one's for Joody.
October 28th, 2008 11:26 am
caliban on Untitled.
October 28th, 2008 8:31 pm
caliban on They haven't changed.
October 31st, 2008 12:09 am
caliban on They haven't changed.
October 31st, 2008 1:15 am
caliban on They haven't changed.
October 31st, 2008 4:46 am
caliban on Spooky business.
October 31st, 2008 7:59 pm
caliban on Yes we carve!
November 1st, 2008 12:50 am
caliban on Rain on the roof.
November 4th, 2008 1:57 am
caliban on Rain on the roof.
November 4th, 2008 7:08 am
caliban on Sleeping in.
November 4th, 2008 6:45 pm
caliban on Sleeping in.
November 4th, 2008 6:48 pm
caliban on Take a chill pill.
November 5th, 2008 2:40 am
caliban on Polls-closed/closing thread.
November 5th, 2008 3:06 am
caliban on Polls-closed/closing thread.
November 5th, 2008 3:33 am
caliban on Polls-closed/closing thread.
November 5th, 2008 3:37 am
caliban on Slash and burn.
November 7th, 2008 2:13 am
caliban on Slash and burn.
November 7th, 2008 2:42 am
caliban on Slash and burn.
November 7th, 2008 2:52 am
caliban on Slash and burn.
November 7th, 2008 4:48 am
caliban on Slash and burn.
November 7th, 2008 4:11 pm
caliban on A question for the room.
November 7th, 2008 11:56 pm
caliban on Let's ask the group.
November 10th, 2008 1:23 am
caliban on Let's ask the group.
November 10th, 2008 1:39 am
caliban on Let's ask the group.
November 10th, 2008 3:06 am
caliban on Let's ask the group.
November 10th, 2008 3:09 am
caliban on A question for the room.
November 10th, 2008 3:56 am
caliban on Let's ask the group.
November 10th, 2008 4:08 am
caliban on Let's ask the group.
November 10th, 2008 4:12 pm
caliban on Let's ask the group.
November 10th, 2008 5:57 pm
caliban on For your consideration.
November 12th, 2008 11:17 am
caliban on For your consideration.
November 12th, 2008 11:59 am
caliban on For your consideration.
November 12th, 2008 7:56 pm
caliban on For your consideration.
November 12th, 2008 9:42 pm
caliban on For your consideration.
November 13th, 2008 2:17 am
caliban on For your consideration.
November 13th, 2008 4:07 am
caliban on For your consideration.
November 13th, 2008 5:09 am
caliban on Street-legal.
November 13th, 2008 6:57 am
caliban on Street-legal.
November 13th, 2008 9:01 am
caliban on Street-legal.
November 13th, 2008 11:43 am
caliban on Look, a shiny object!
November 17th, 2008 9:50 am
caliban on Look, a shiny object!
November 18th, 2008 2:19 am
caliban on With candles.
November 18th, 2008 4:32 pm
caliban on Friday, finally.
November 21st, 2008 6:39 pm
caliban on Friday, finally.
November 22nd, 2008 1:16 am
caliban on Friday, finally.
November 22nd, 2008 2:50 am
caliban on Friday, finally.
November 22nd, 2008 9:38 am
caliban on Link hors d'oeuvres.
November 22nd, 2008 2:18 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 23rd, 2008 6:40 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 23rd, 2008 7:05 am
caliban on Some side dishes.
November 27th, 2008 1:09 am
caliban on Turkey sandwiches.
November 28th, 2008 11:41 pm
caliban on Some side dishes.
November 29th, 2008 2:42 am
caliban on Turkey sandwiches.
November 29th, 2008 4:10 am
caliban on Turkey sandwiches.
November 29th, 2008 4:48 am
caliban on It's not you, it's me.
December 2nd, 2008 2:20 am
caliban on It's not you, it's me.
December 2nd, 2008 2:25 am
caliban on Pushing the buttons.
December 2nd, 2008 12:17 pm
caliban on Pushing the buttons.
December 2nd, 2008 12:40 pm
caliban on A fellow of infinite jest.
December 4th, 2008 4:05 am
caliban on A fellow of infinite jest.
December 4th, 2008 4:30 am
caliban on A fellow of infinite jest.
December 4th, 2008 4:55 am
caliban on A fellow of infinite jest.
December 4th, 2008 6:23 am
caliban on Street justice.
December 6th, 2008 6:25 pm
caliban on Boxing Day.
December 28th, 2008 7:59 am
caliban on Doing the job.
December 31st, 2008 8:09 am
caliban on Doing the job.
December 31st, 2008 8:36 am
caliban on Please, less.
January 1st, 2009 6:41 am
caliban on Please, less.
January 1st, 2009 7:04 am
caliban on Is this thing on?
January 3rd, 2009 3:05 am
caliban on Is this thing on?
January 3rd, 2009 3:34 am
caliban on Is this thing on?
January 3rd, 2009 3:52 am
caliban on Is this thing on?
January 3rd, 2009 7:58 am
caliban on Lap-beast.
January 6th, 2009 6:08 pm
april glaspie on Start your engines.
January 11th, 2009 3:25 am
april glaspie on The Roman way.
January 15th, 2009 4:05 am
april glaspie on The Roman way.
January 15th, 2009 4:24 am
april glaspie on The Roman way.
January 15th, 2009 4:38 am
april glaspie on The Roman way.
January 15th, 2009 5:14 am
caliban on The Roman way.
January 15th, 2009 6:00 am
caliban on The Roman way.
January 15th, 2009 6:29 am
caliban on The Roman way.
January 15th, 2009 9:19 am
caliban on Popping out.
January 15th, 2009 9:19 pm
caliban on It could be worse.
January 17th, 2009 7:57 am
caliban on It could be worse.
January 17th, 2009 10:27 am
caliban on To the New York island.
January 20th, 2009 3:09 am
caliban on To the New York island.
January 20th, 2009 4:04 am
caliban on To the New York island.
January 20th, 2009 4:52 am
caliban on To the New York island.
January 20th, 2009 5:23 am
caliban on To the New York island.
January 20th, 2009 5:46 am
caliban on To the New York island.
January 20th, 2009 8:52 am
caliban on To the New York island.
January 20th, 2009 9:16 am
caliban on 1.20.09
January 20th, 2009 1:03 pm
caliban on Refreshing.
January 24th, 2009 3:50 am
caliban on Refreshing.
January 24th, 2009 5:24 am
caliban on Refreshing.
January 24th, 2009 6:53 am
caliban on Refreshing.
January 24th, 2009 6:59 am
caliban on Refreshing.
January 24th, 2009 9:27 am
caliban on The big con.
January 27th, 2009 3:59 am
caliban on The big con.
January 27th, 2009 4:03 am
caliban on The big con.
January 27th, 2009 4:29 am
caliban on The big con.
January 27th, 2009 5:10 am
caliban on The big con.
January 27th, 2009 8:36 am
caliban on The big con.
January 27th, 2009 8:44 am
caliban on The big con.
January 27th, 2009 9:30 am
caliban on You haven't seen it all.
January 30th, 2009 5:10 am
caliban on You haven't seen it all.
January 30th, 2009 7:13 am
caliban on A Raymond Carver story.
January 31st, 2009 3:03 am
caliban on A Raymond Carver story.
January 31st, 2009 4:27 am
caliban on Say goodnight, womyn.
February 3rd, 2009 2:10 am
caliban on Say goodnight, womyn.
February 3rd, 2009 4:06 am
caliban on Say goodnight, womyn.
February 3rd, 2009 10:07 am
caliban on Say goodnight, womyn.
February 3rd, 2009 10:52 am
caliban on What fresh hell?
February 7th, 2009 10:00 am
caliban on What fresh hell?
February 7th, 2009 11:19 am
caliban on What fresh hell?
February 8th, 2009 2:15 am
caliban on What fresh hell?
February 8th, 2009 2:21 am
caliban on What do we think?
February 8th, 2009 7:43 am
caliban on What fresh hell?
February 8th, 2009 7:59 am
caliban on What do we think?
February 9th, 2009 2:25 am
caliban on What do we think?
February 9th, 2009 3:06 am
caliban on What do we think?
February 9th, 2009 5:49 am
caliban on What do we think?
February 9th, 2009 6:04 am
caliban on Is this war?
February 14th, 2009 1:41 am
caliban on Is this war?
February 14th, 2009 2:01 am
caliban on Is this war?
February 14th, 2009 2:08 am
caliban on Is this war?
February 14th, 2009 2:34 am
caliban on Is this war?
February 14th, 2009 8:37 am
caliban on My back pages.
February 20th, 2009 2:25 am
caliban on My back pages.
February 20th, 2009 4:20 am
caliban on Send to your whole list.
February 23rd, 2009 5:01 am
caliban on Send to your whole list.
February 23rd, 2009 5:22 am
caliban on Send to your whole list.
February 23rd, 2009 7:52 am
caliban on Duty done.
February 27th, 2009 5:47 am
caliban on Duty done.
February 27th, 2009 7:08 am
caliban on Alone with oneself.
February 28th, 2009 4:17 am
caliban on Alone with oneself.
February 28th, 2009 5:38 am
caliban on Alone with oneself.
February 28th, 2009 3:23 pm
caliban on The funnies.
March 6th, 2009 2:03 am
caliban on The funnies.
March 6th, 2009 4:04 am
caliban on The funnies.
March 6th, 2009 4:51 am
caliban on The funnies.
March 6th, 2009 5:02 am
caliban on Notes from the North.
March 7th, 2009 1:46 am
caliban on Green.
March 18th, 2009 2:39 am
caliban on Green.
March 18th, 2009 7:46 am
caliban on Calling customer service.
March 31st, 2009 1:04 am
caliban on Calling customer service.
March 31st, 2009 3:04 am
caliban on Calling customer service.
March 31st, 2009 5:53 am
caliban on Calling customer service.
March 31st, 2009 8:54 am
caliban on Miscellany.
April 9th, 2009 12:55 am
caliban on Miscellany.
April 9th, 2009 2:46 am
caliban on A break more ordinary.
April 16th, 2009 1:08 am
caliban on A break more ordinary.
April 16th, 2009 2:45 am
caliban on A break more ordinary.
April 16th, 2009 3:08 am
caliban on O.D.
April 16th, 2009 7:03 pm
caliban on O.D.
April 16th, 2009 8:35 pm
caliban on My Edie problem.
April 18th, 2009 1:21 am
caliban on My Edie problem.
April 18th, 2009 1:54 am
caliban on My Edie problem.
April 18th, 2009 5:49 am
caliban on My Edie problem.
April 18th, 2009 9:42 am
caliban on My Edie problem.
April 18th, 2009 10:27 am
caliban on Exit, leaving no footprints.
May 3rd, 2009 1:03 am
caliban on Exit, leaving no footprints.
May 3rd, 2009 2:27 am
caliban on Exit, leaving no footprints.
May 3rd, 2009 4:54 am
caliban on Who cares anymore?
May 7th, 2009 1:50 am
caliban on Who cares anymore?
May 7th, 2009 1:54 am
caliban on Who cares anymore?
May 7th, 2009 2:23 am
caliban on Who cares anymore?
May 7th, 2009 8:03 am
caliban on Who cares anymore?
May 7th, 2009 8:43 am
caliban on Inoculated.
May 7th, 2009 7:36 pm
caliban on Inoculated.
May 8th, 2009 12:54 am
caliban on Mothers, fathers and sons.
May 8th, 2009 3:18 am
caliban on Saturday morning market II
May 9th, 2009 11:45 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market II
May 9th, 2009 11:47 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market II
May 10th, 2009 7:53 am
caliban on Onward, Don Quixote.
May 13th, 2009 2:43 am
caliban on Onward, Don Quixote.
May 13th, 2009 3:20 am
caliban on Onward, Don Quixote.
May 13th, 2009 3:41 am
caliban on Onward, Don Quixote.
May 13th, 2009 10:59 am
caliban on Grub Street revisited.
May 15th, 2009 2:34 am
caliban on Grub Street revisited.
May 15th, 2009 8:54 am
caliban on Grub Street revisited.
May 15th, 2009 9:54 am
caliban on Grub Street revisited.
May 15th, 2009 10:27 am
caliban on Closeout sale.
May 15th, 2009 6:58 pm
caliban on A day away.
May 19th, 2009 1:04 am
caliban on A day away.
May 19th, 2009 1:17 am
caliban on A day away.
May 19th, 2009 2:21 am
caliban on A day away.
May 19th, 2009 3:51 am
caliban on A day away.
May 19th, 2009 4:11 am
caliban on A day away.
May 19th, 2009 12:19 pm
caliban on The plastic confessions.
May 19th, 2009 10:03 pm
caliban on Ah, memories.
May 23rd, 2009 1:17 am
caliban on Ah, memories.
May 23rd, 2009 2:29 am
caliban on Closed systems.
May 29th, 2009 1:57 am
caliban on Closed systems.
May 29th, 2009 3:00 am
caliban on Closed systems.
May 29th, 2009 3:09 am
caliban on Closed systems.
May 29th, 2009 3:19 am
caliban on The Challenge, the sequel.
June 5th, 2009 1:21 am
caliban on Leftovers and mixed grill.
June 10th, 2009 12:47 am
caliban on Leftovers and mixed grill.
June 10th, 2009 12:48 am
caliban on Leftovers and mixed grill.
June 10th, 2009 12:50 am
caliban on Leftovers and mixed grill.
June 10th, 2009 12:55 am
caliban on Leftovers and mixed grill.
June 10th, 2009 12:59 am
caliban on Tea and misogyny.
June 18th, 2009 1:24 am
caliban on Tea and misogyny.
June 18th, 2009 3:24 am
caliban on Dancing machine.
June 30th, 2009 1:35 am
prospero on The Committee at work.
July 11th, 2009 11:20 pm
prospero on The Committee at work.
July 11th, 2009 11:32 pm
prospero on The Committee at work.
July 12th, 2009 12:40 am
caliban on The Committee at work.
July 12th, 2009 4:43 am
caliban on The Committee at work.
July 12th, 2009 4:49 am
caliban on The Committee at work.
July 12th, 2009 5:07 am
prospero on The Committee at work.
July 12th, 2009 8:52 am
caliban on Lie, memory II.
July 15th, 2009 3:22 am
caliban on Fire.
July 17th, 2009 2:53 am
caliban on Fire.
July 17th, 2009 5:47 am
caliban on Fire.
July 17th, 2009 6:51 am
caliban on Fire.
July 17th, 2009 7:09 am
caliban on Glad that's cleared up.
July 19th, 2009 8:05 pm
caliban on A personal friend.
July 22nd, 2009 1:56 am
caliban on A personal friend.
July 22nd, 2009 2:38 am
caliban on A personal friend.
July 22nd, 2009 2:45 am
caliban on A personal friend.
July 22nd, 2009 3:04 am
caliban on A personal friend.
July 22nd, 2009 3:08 am
caliban on A personal friend.
July 22nd, 2009 3:23 am
caliban on Popculch Gulch.
July 22nd, 2009 7:00 am
caliban on Popculch Gulch.
July 22nd, 2009 8:48 am
caliban on A quick bite before I leave.
August 16th, 2009 11:09 am
caliban on Just desserts.
August 16th, 2009 11:50 am
caliban on A fresh thread.
August 22nd, 2009 12:54 am
caliban on A fresh thread.
August 22nd, 2009 1:47 am
caliban on A fresh thread.
August 22nd, 2009 7:30 am
caliban on A fresh thread.
August 22nd, 2009 7:58 am
caliban on A fresh thread.
August 22nd, 2009 9:24 am
caliban on Let's show some slides, eh?
August 26th, 2009 1:11 pm
caliban on Green.
September 1st, 2009 4:05 am
caliban on The birthday kids.
November 17th, 2009 11:28 am
prospero on The good stuff.
March 11th, 2010 9:14 pm
prospero on The good stuff.
March 11th, 2010 9:30 pm
prospero on The good stuff.
March 11th, 2010 10:07 pm
prospero on The good stuff.
March 15th, 2010 3:59 am
prospero on Beware the Ides of March.
March 16th, 2010 1:11 am
prospero on Beware the Ides of March.
March 16th, 2010 2:13 am
prospero on Beware the Ides of March.
March 16th, 2010 2:17 am
prospero on Go Bobcats.
March 20th, 2010 5:26 pm
prospero on Go Bobcats.
March 20th, 2010 6:23 pm
prospero on Go Bobcats.
March 20th, 2010 6:35 pm
prospero on Go Bobcats.
March 20th, 2010 7:52 pm
prospero on Go Bobcats.
March 20th, 2010 8:00 pm
prospero on Go Bobcats.
March 20th, 2010 8:16 pm
prospero on Now we see what happens.
March 22nd, 2010 6:46 pm
prospero on Now we see what happens.
March 23rd, 2010 7:11 pm
prospero on Daddy's sleeping.
March 24th, 2010 3:58 am
prospero on Daddy's sleeping.
March 24th, 2010 5:51 am
prospero on The way they did it.
March 24th, 2010 8:37 pm
prospero on My labor today is elsewhere.
March 26th, 2010 7:56 pm
prospero on My labor today is elsewhere.
March 26th, 2010 8:29 pm
prospero on My labor today is elsewhere.
March 27th, 2010 6:54 pm
prospero on He's done it again.
March 31st, 2010 6:25 pm
prospero on A loss.
March 31st, 2010 6:51 pm
prospero on Happy Easter.
April 2nd, 2010 4:41 pm
prospero on Happy Easter.
April 2nd, 2010 9:26 pm
prospero on Wow.
April 8th, 2010 3:27 am
prospero on Wow.
April 8th, 2010 3:32 am
prospero on By any other name.
April 8th, 2010 7:00 am
prospero on We connect people.
April 8th, 2010 10:19 pm
prospero on We connect people.
April 8th, 2010 11:12 pm
prospero on American ingenuity.
April 10th, 2010 11:35 pm
prospero on American ingenuity.
April 11th, 2010 12:29 am
prospero on American ingenuity.
April 11th, 2010 6:52 am
prospero on American ingenuity.
April 11th, 2010 7:03 am
prospero on American ingenuity.
April 11th, 2010 11:20 pm
prospero on The people parade.
May 2nd, 2010 3:12 am
prospero on A tortured man.
May 18th, 2010 5:50 pm
prospero on A tortured man.
May 18th, 2010 8:00 pm
prospero on Disaster, the sequel.
June 3rd, 2010 9:37 pm
prospero on To the glue factory.
June 9th, 2010 12:33 am
prospero on To the glue factory.
June 9th, 2010 12:48 am
prospero on Stealin' it.
June 10th, 2010 4:44 am
prospero on Stealin' it.
June 10th, 2010 5:37 am
prospero on Fun with numbers.
June 11th, 2010 8:40 pm
prospero on Fun with numbers.
June 11th, 2010 8:44 pm
prospero on Fun with numbers.
June 11th, 2010 11:00 pm
prospero on Fun with numbers.
June 11th, 2010 11:25 pm
prospero on Fun with numbers.
June 12th, 2010 12:25 am
prospero on Fun with numbers.
June 13th, 2010 1:38 am
prospero on Stealin' it.
June 13th, 2010 2:17 am
prospero on Saturday afternoon Ann Arbor.
June 13th, 2010 1:22 pm
prospero on Bugs.
June 15th, 2010 6:55 pm
prospero on Bugs.
June 16th, 2010 1:23 am
prospero on Bugs.
June 16th, 2010 7:46 am
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 16th, 2010 6:22 pm
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 16th, 2010 8:43 pm
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 16th, 2010 9:36 pm
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 16th, 2010 10:01 pm
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 17th, 2010 6:37 am
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 17th, 2010 6:52 am
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 17th, 2010 7:01 am
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 17th, 2010 7:30 am
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 17th, 2010 7:47 am
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 17th, 2010 7:59 am
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 17th, 2010 8:38 am
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 17th, 2010 8:48 am
prospero on Bloomsday.
June 17th, 2010 10:08 am
prospero on Pound! Pound! Pound!
June 18th, 2010 12:35 am
prospero on The cleanup.
June 18th, 2010 4:51 pm
prospero on The cleanup.
June 18th, 2010 5:09 pm
prospero on The cleanup.
June 19th, 2010 6:28 am
prospero on The cleanup.
June 19th, 2010 9:53 am
prospero on The cleanup.
June 19th, 2010 12:36 pm
prospero on The craft of assembly.
June 22nd, 2010 10:49 pm
prospero on The craft of assembly.
June 23rd, 2010 1:52 am
prospero on The craft of assembly.
June 23rd, 2010 2:15 am
prospero on Because you asked...
June 24th, 2010 10:38 pm
prospero on Because you asked...
June 24th, 2010 10:56 pm
prospero on Because you asked...
June 24th, 2010 11:36 pm
prospero on Because you asked...
June 25th, 2010 4:20 am
prospero on Because you asked...
June 25th, 2010 4:30 am
prospero on Because you asked...
June 25th, 2010 4:49 am
prospero on Because you asked...
June 25th, 2010 11:49 am
prospero on Because you asked...
June 25th, 2010 11:27 pm
prospero on Because you asked...
June 26th, 2010 1:02 am
prospero on Because you asked...
June 26th, 2010 1:56 am
prospero on Reconnaissance.
June 28th, 2010 9:09 pm
prospero on Reconnaissance.
June 29th, 2010 2:06 am
prospero on Reconnaissance.
June 29th, 2010 2:51 am
prospero on Reconnaissance.
June 29th, 2010 9:54 am
prospero on Reconnaissance.
June 29th, 2010 11:01 am
prospero on Chainsaws and confusion.
June 29th, 2010 9:10 pm
prospero on Chainsaws and confusion.
June 29th, 2010 11:47 pm
prospero on Chainsaws and confusion.
June 30th, 2010 4:40 am
prospero on Chainsaws and confusion.
June 30th, 2010 5:16 am
prospero on Eye-catching.
July 1st, 2010 1:27 am
prospero on Eye-catching.
July 1st, 2010 2:36 am
prospero on Eye-catching.
July 1st, 2010 3:28 am
prospero on Eye-catching.
July 1st, 2010 3:40 am
prospero on Eye-catching.
July 1st, 2010 5:41 am
prospero on Eye-catching.
July 1st, 2010 1:11 pm
prospero on G&B = good.
July 1st, 2010 7:53 pm
prospero on G&B = good.
July 1st, 2010 10:19 pm
prospero on G&B = good.
July 1st, 2010 11:43 pm
prospero on G&B = good.
July 1st, 2010 11:48 pm
prospero on G&B = good.
July 2nd, 2010 1:04 am
prospero on In which I mutter.
July 2nd, 2010 10:27 pm
prospero on In which I mutter.
July 3rd, 2010 3:53 am
prospero on In which I mutter.
July 3rd, 2010 4:43 am
prospero on In which I mutter.
July 3rd, 2010 11:15 am
prospero on In which I mutter.
July 3rd, 2010 2:01 pm
prospero on In which I mutter.
July 4th, 2010 1:50 am
prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 4th, 2010 3:54 am
prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 4th, 2010 3:58 am
prospero on Second languages.
July 14th, 2010 7:43 pm
prospero on It's a flat-tax life.
July 16th, 2010 4:00 am
prospero on It's a flat-tax life.
July 16th, 2010 4:28 am
prospero on It's a flat-tax life.
July 16th, 2010 5:12 am
prospero on It's a flat-tax life.
July 16th, 2010 7:40 am
prospero on It's a flat-tax life.
July 16th, 2010 8:19 am
prospero on Midsummer.
July 16th, 2010 6:17 pm
prospero on Midsummer.
July 16th, 2010 8:38 pm
prospero on Midsummer.
July 17th, 2010 2:01 am
prospero on Midsummer.
July 17th, 2010 3:00 am
prospero on Midsummer.
July 17th, 2010 3:42 am
prospero on Midsummer.
July 17th, 2010 4:46 am
prospero on Midsummer.
July 17th, 2010 6:27 am
prospero on Miles to go.
July 22nd, 2010 12:49 am
prospero on Miles to go.
July 22nd, 2010 6:10 pm
prospero on Lifetime achievement.
July 22nd, 2010 9:32 pm
prospero on Lifetime achievement.
July 23rd, 2010 2:01 am
prospero on Lifetime achievement.
July 23rd, 2010 2:14 am
prospero on Lifetime achievement.
July 23rd, 2010 6:53 am
prospero on Hot time in the old town.
July 26th, 2010 5:27 pm
prospero on Hot time in the old town.
July 26th, 2010 6:13 pm
prospero on Hot time in the old town.
July 26th, 2010 9:07 pm
prospero on Hot time in the old town.
July 26th, 2010 10:42 pm
prospero on Hot time in the old town.
July 26th, 2010 11:09 pm
prospero on Hot time in the old town.
July 27th, 2010 12:00 am
prospero on Hot time in the old town.
July 27th, 2010 2:00 am
prospero on Hot time in the old town.
July 27th, 2010 3:39 am
prospero on Hot time in the old town.
July 27th, 2010 5:22 am
prospero on Hot time in the old town.
July 27th, 2010 5:33 am
prospero on Ghetto economies.
July 29th, 2010 5:15 am
prospero on Ghetto economies.
July 29th, 2010 6:35 am
prospero on Ghetto economies.
July 29th, 2010 6:54 am
prospero on The world is watching "Cribs."
July 30th, 2010 3:54 am
prospero on The world is watching "Cribs."
July 30th, 2010 4:17 am
prospero on Two weddings.
July 30th, 2010 10:38 pm
prospero on Two weddings.
July 30th, 2010 11:08 pm
prospero on Two weddings.
July 30th, 2010 11:16 pm
prospero on Two weddings.
July 31st, 2010 1:17 am
prospero on Two weddings.
July 31st, 2010 1:28 am
prospero on Two weddings.
July 31st, 2010 1:39 am
prospero on Two weddings.
July 31st, 2010 3:33 am
prospero on Two weddings.
August 2nd, 2010 10:37 am
prospero on Two weddings.
August 2nd, 2010 11:00 am
prospero on Two weddings.
August 2nd, 2010 11:18 am
prospero on Two weddings.
August 2nd, 2010 4:00 pm
prospero on Follow the bouncing ball.
August 4th, 2010 2:22 am
prospero on Spilled tea.
August 4th, 2010 6:58 pm
prospero on Spilled tea.
August 5th, 2010 1:14 am
prospero on Spilled tea.
August 5th, 2010 3:05 am
prospero on Spilled tea.
August 5th, 2010 3:52 am
prospero on Spilled tea.
August 5th, 2010 3:58 am
prospero on Spilled tea.
August 5th, 2010 4:30 am
prospero on Spilled tea.
August 5th, 2010 5:39 am
prospero on Spilled tea.
August 5th, 2010 5:52 am
prospero on Spilled tea.
August 5th, 2010 6:03 am
prospero on Spilled tea.
August 5th, 2010 6:29 am
prospero on Follow the bouncing ball.
August 5th, 2010 7:40 am
prospero on Follow the bouncing ball.
August 5th, 2010 7:51 am
prospero on Follow the bouncing ball.
August 5th, 2010 7:58 am
prospero on Spilled tea.
August 5th, 2010 8:35 am
prospero on Word by word.
August 6th, 2010 12:13 am
prospero on Mind-shopping.
August 7th, 2010 12:21 am
prospero on Mind-shopping.
August 7th, 2010 9:35 pm
prospero on Mind-shopping.
August 7th, 2010 11:55 pm
prospero on Mind-shopping.
August 8th, 2010 12:43 am
prospero on Mind-shopping.
August 8th, 2010 9:17 am
prospero on Right here in the toy shop.*
August 9th, 2010 9:32 pm
prospero on You can't fire him, he quit.
August 10th, 2010 10:16 pm
prospero on Screamin' memes.
August 12th, 2010 8:58 am
prospero on Screamin' memes.
August 12th, 2010 5:29 pm
prospero on Screamin' memes.
August 12th, 2010 6:05 pm
prospero on Queuing in Purgatory.
August 12th, 2010 6:56 pm
prospero on Queuing in Purgatory.
August 12th, 2010 8:53 pm
prospero on Queuing in Purgatory.
August 12th, 2010 9:25 pm
prospero on Queuing in Purgatory.
August 13th, 2010 2:51 am
prospero on Queuing in Purgatory.
August 13th, 2010 3:37 am
prospero on Queuing in Purgatory.
August 13th, 2010 3:59 am
prospero on Celebrity repellent.
August 14th, 2010 7:12 pm
prospero on Queuing in Purgatory.
August 15th, 2010 5:56 am
prospero on Celebrity repellent.
August 15th, 2010 6:18 am
prospero on Celebrity repellent.
August 15th, 2010 6:22 am
prospero on Celebrity repellent.
August 15th, 2010 6:10 pm
prospero on Celebrity repellent.
August 16th, 2010 2:12 am
prospero on Celebrity repellent.
August 16th, 2010 2:23 am
prospero on Celebrity repellent.
August 16th, 2010 4:52 am
prospero on The old conservative.
August 17th, 2010 6:17 pm
prospero on The old conservative.
August 17th, 2010 6:59 pm
prospero on The old conservative.
August 18th, 2010 6:46 am
prospero on Fly-by.
August 18th, 2010 7:08 am
prospero on The old conservative.
August 18th, 2010 8:23 am
prospero on The old conservative.
August 18th, 2010 2:07 pm
prospero on Daddy's girl.
August 18th, 2010 8:53 pm
prospero on Daddy's girl.
August 18th, 2010 9:10 pm
prospero on Daddy's girl.
August 18th, 2010 11:23 pm
prospero on Daddy's girl.
August 18th, 2010 11:51 pm
prospero on Daddy's girl.
August 19th, 2010 1:34 am
prospero on Lick and a promise.
August 21st, 2010 6:07 pm
prospero on Lick and a promise.
August 21st, 2010 10:29 pm
prospero on Lick and a promise.
August 22nd, 2010 3:10 am
prospero on Lick and a promise.
August 22nd, 2010 5:45 pm
prospero on A millstone I call home.
August 24th, 2010 3:34 am
prospero on Baby let's cruise.
August 24th, 2010 6:34 pm
prospero on Baby let's cruise.
August 24th, 2010 6:42 pm
prospero on Baby let's cruise.
August 25th, 2010 3:51 pm
prospero on Baby let's cruise.
August 25th, 2010 4:44 pm
prospero on Buggy.
August 25th, 2010 9:13 pm
prospero on Buggy.
August 26th, 2010 2:11 am
prospero on Buggy.
August 26th, 2010 3:01 am
prospero on Saturday morning Milwaukee.
August 28th, 2010 8:24 pm
prospero on Later.
August 29th, 2010 2:39 am
prospero on Saturday morning Milwaukee.
August 29th, 2010 5:02 am
prospero on Later.
August 30th, 2010 1:51 am
prospero on Salty.
August 30th, 2010 7:37 pm
prospero on Upgrade.
August 31st, 2010 8:07 pm
prospero on Upgrade.
September 1st, 2010 8:51 am
prospero on Upgrade.
September 1st, 2010 9:26 am
prospero on Whiny little babies.
September 1st, 2010 9:30 pm
prospero on Whiny little babies.
September 2nd, 2010 3:45 am
prospero on Whiny little babies.
September 2nd, 2010 4:05 am
prospero on Whiny little babies.
September 2nd, 2010 4:28 am
prospero on Good weekend, all.
September 4th, 2010 5:07 pm
prospero on Good weekend, all.
September 4th, 2010 7:15 pm
prospero on Good weekend, all.
September 4th, 2010 8:22 pm
prospero on Good weekend, all.
September 4th, 2010 8:38 pm
prospero on Good weekend, all.
September 5th, 2010 12:00 am
prospero on Making more time.
September 7th, 2010 5:34 pm
prospero on Making more time.
September 7th, 2010 6:56 pm
prospero on Making more time.
September 7th, 2010 7:27 pm
prospero on Imperfect humans.
September 10th, 2010 12:42 am
prospero on Imperfect humans.
September 10th, 2010 7:58 am
prospero on (more).
September 10th, 2010 8:14 pm
prospero on (more).
September 10th, 2010 9:25 pm
prospero on (more).
September 10th, 2010 9:28 pm
prospero on (more).
September 11th, 2010 3:14 am
prospero on (more).
September 11th, 2010 4:05 am
prospero on (more).
September 11th, 2010 4:29 am
prospero on (more).
September 13th, 2010 6:58 am
prospero on (more).
September 13th, 2010 8:21 am
prospero on TMI.
September 13th, 2010 5:15 pm
prospero on TMI.
September 13th, 2010 9:12 pm
prospero on The dresses speak.
September 14th, 2010 7:19 pm
prospero on (more).
September 15th, 2010 1:02 am
prospero on Old times there: Not forgotten.
September 15th, 2010 6:59 pm
prospero on Old times there: Not forgotten.
September 15th, 2010 9:46 pm
prospero on Old times there: Not forgotten.
September 16th, 2010 3:42 am
prospero on Old times there: Not forgotten.
September 16th, 2010 4:20 am
prospero on Old times there: Not forgotten.
September 16th, 2010 4:47 am
prospero on Old times there: Not forgotten.
September 16th, 2010 4:55 am
prospero on Staying out late.
September 20th, 2010 4:01 pm
prospero on Staying out late.
September 20th, 2010 9:07 pm
prospero on Staying out late.
September 20th, 2010 9:36 pm
prospero on Staying out late.
September 20th, 2010 10:35 pm
prospero on Staying out late.
September 20th, 2010 11:26 pm
prospero on Staying out late.
September 21st, 2010 1:33 am
prospero on The power of graphics.
September 24th, 2010 7:55 am
prospero on The power of graphics.
September 24th, 2010 8:25 am
prospero on The power of graphics.
September 24th, 2010 9:34 am
prospero on The power of graphics.
September 24th, 2010 10:15 am
prospero on The power of graphics.
September 24th, 2010 11:54 am
prospero on Hard times.
September 24th, 2010 10:14 pm
prospero on Hard times.
September 24th, 2010 10:22 pm
prospero on Hard times.
September 24th, 2010 11:09 pm
prospero on Hard times.
September 25th, 2010 12:29 am
prospero on Hard times.
September 25th, 2010 1:06 am
prospero on Hard times.
September 25th, 2010 1:13 am
prospero on Tedding tomorrow.
September 30th, 2010 3:07 am
prospero on Tedding tomorrow.
September 30th, 2010 3:23 am
prospero on Tedding tomorrow.
September 30th, 2010 5:02 am
prospero on Tedding tomorrow.
September 30th, 2010 9:55 am
prospero on Tedding tomorrow.
September 30th, 2010 10:03 am
prospero on Shocked. Awed.
October 2nd, 2010 4:58 am
prospero on Shocked. Awed.
October 2nd, 2010 12:56 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 3rd, 2010 12:30 am
prospero on His ride's here.
October 6th, 2010 3:14 am
prospero on His ride's here.
October 6th, 2010 3:16 am
prospero on His ride's here.
October 6th, 2010 3:23 am
prospero on His ride's here.
October 6th, 2010 9:28 am
prospero on His ride's here.
October 6th, 2010 10:01 am
prospero on Deeds, good and otherwise.
October 7th, 2010 4:56 am
prospero on Deeds, good and otherwise.
October 7th, 2010 5:56 am
prospero on Deeds, good and otherwise.
October 7th, 2010 6:17 am
prospero on Rough cuts.
October 9th, 2010 6:01 pm
prospero on Rough cuts.
October 9th, 2010 10:00 pm
prospero on Lost weekend.
October 12th, 2010 3:10 am
prospero on Saturday afternoon sailing.
October 12th, 2010 8:18 am
prospero on Lost weekend.
October 12th, 2010 11:05 pm
prospero on Lost weekend.
October 13th, 2010 2:51 am
prospero on There is no free.
October 19th, 2010 6:19 am
prospero on Bad goat.
October 20th, 2010 2:23 am
prospero on Bad goat.
October 20th, 2010 3:25 am
prospero on Bad goat.
October 20th, 2010 4:18 am
prospero on Bad goat.
October 20th, 2010 7:34 am
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 21st, 2010 5:40 pm
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 21st, 2010 5:58 pm
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 21st, 2010 6:35 pm
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 21st, 2010 7:38 pm
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 21st, 2010 7:58 pm
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 21st, 2010 9:38 pm
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 21st, 2010 9:41 pm
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 22nd, 2010 7:01 am
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 22nd, 2010 8:04 am
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 22nd, 2010 8:09 am
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 22nd, 2010 8:52 am
prospero on Detroit, high and low.
October 22nd, 2010 8:14 pm
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 22nd, 2010 10:11 pm
prospero on Detroit, high and low.
October 23rd, 2010 12:37 am
prospero on Detroit, high and low.
October 23rd, 2010 12:54 am
prospero on Exit: Bob.
October 23rd, 2010 4:05 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 25th, 2010 10:19 pm
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 25th, 2010 10:24 pm
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 25th, 2010 11:59 pm
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 12:15 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 3:26 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 3:35 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 4:01 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 4:12 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 4:23 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 5:17 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 5:38 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 6:24 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 6:37 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 6:40 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 6:49 am
prospero on Consider yourself trolled.
October 26th, 2010 7:32 am
prospero on The Heartland speaks.
October 28th, 2010 4:38 pm
prospero on Family limitation.
October 28th, 2010 8:39 pm
prospero on Sic 'em again.
November 1st, 2010 12:31 am
prospero on The pumpkin debrief.
November 2nd, 2010 2:32 am
prospero on Come wade in the sewer.
November 2nd, 2010 8:08 pm
prospero on Come wade in the sewer.
November 3rd, 2010 12:24 am
prospero on The mop-up.
November 3rd, 2010 7:10 pm
prospero on The mop-up.
November 3rd, 2010 8:24 pm
prospero on The hospital of you.
November 4th, 2010 8:52 pm
prospero on Life's rich banquet.
November 5th, 2010 6:04 pm
prospero on Life's rich banquet.
November 5th, 2010 6:15 pm
prospero on Life's rich banquet.
November 5th, 2010 7:38 pm
prospero on Life's rich banquet.
November 5th, 2010 7:58 pm
prospero on Life's rich banquet.
November 5th, 2010 10:49 pm
prospero on Life's rich banquet.
November 6th, 2010 1:56 am
prospero on Life's rich banquet.
November 7th, 2010 2:07 am
prospero on Life's rich banquet.
November 7th, 2010 2:15 am
prospero on Life's rich banquet.
November 7th, 2010 2:20 am
prospero on Life's rich banquet.
November 7th, 2010 4:18 am
prospero on Life's rich banquet.
November 7th, 2010 6:42 am
prospero on Life's rich banquet.
November 7th, 2010 11:21 pm
prospero on One sweet hour.
November 8th, 2010 9:08 pm
prospero on One sweet hour.
November 9th, 2010 12:53 am
prospero on Calling in.
November 9th, 2010 8:48 pm
prospero on Calling in.
November 9th, 2010 11:04 pm
prospero on Catching up.
November 10th, 2010 7:25 pm
prospero on Catching up.
November 11th, 2010 4:53 am
prospero on Calling in.
November 11th, 2010 6:57 am
prospero on Calling in.
November 11th, 2010 7:58 am
prospero on Calling in.
November 11th, 2010 9:58 am
prospero on Self-destructing in 60 seconds.
November 11th, 2010 7:07 pm
prospero on Self-destructing in 60 seconds.
November 12th, 2010 3:58 am
prospero on Self-destructing in 60 seconds.
November 12th, 2010 4:55 am
prospero on Self-destructing in 60 seconds.
November 12th, 2010 5:32 am
prospero on Self-destructing in 60 seconds.
November 12th, 2010 7:09 am
prospero on Self-destructing in 60 seconds.
November 12th, 2010 8:14 am
prospero on Self-destructing in 60 seconds.
November 12th, 2010 10:22 am
prospero on Counts, recounts.
November 12th, 2010 8:11 pm
prospero on Counts, recounts.
November 12th, 2010 8:25 pm
prospero on Counts, recounts.
November 12th, 2010 8:54 pm
prospero on Counts, recounts.
November 13th, 2010 2:01 am
prospero on God save the marriage.
November 17th, 2010 6:54 am
prospero on Adults like to fret.
November 17th, 2010 7:22 pm
prospero on Adults like to fret.
November 17th, 2010 7:57 pm
prospero on Adults like to fret.
November 17th, 2010 10:58 pm
prospero on Adults like to fret.
November 17th, 2010 11:06 pm
prospero on Adults like to fret.
November 18th, 2010 12:14 am
prospero on Adults like to fret.
November 18th, 2010 1:52 am
prospero on Adults like to fret.
November 18th, 2010 2:04 am
prospero on Adults like to fret.
November 18th, 2010 5:13 am
prospero on Dash out.
November 18th, 2010 9:07 pm
prospero on Dash out.
November 18th, 2010 10:16 pm
prospero on Dash out.
November 19th, 2010 7:38 am
prospero on Worlds to conquer.
November 19th, 2010 10:05 pm
prospero on Worlds to conquer.
November 19th, 2010 10:09 pm
prospero on Worlds to conquer.
November 19th, 2010 10:22 pm
prospero on Worlds to conquer.
November 19th, 2010 11:38 pm
prospero on Worlds to conquer.
November 20th, 2010 5:13 am
prospero on Dash out.
November 20th, 2010 5:21 am
prospero on Dash out.
November 20th, 2010 6:43 am
prospero on Dash out.
November 20th, 2010 7:17 am
prospero on Worlds to conquer.
November 20th, 2010 8:40 am
prospero on That's a wrap.
November 22nd, 2010 7:46 pm
prospero on That's a wrap.
November 22nd, 2010 8:35 pm
prospero on That's a wrap.
November 22nd, 2010 9:10 pm
prospero on That's a wrap.
November 23rd, 2010 1:03 am
prospero on Under the sink again.
November 23rd, 2010 6:50 pm
prospero on Under the sink again.
November 23rd, 2010 7:53 pm
prospero on Under the sink again.
November 23rd, 2010 9:12 pm
prospero on Under the sink again.
November 23rd, 2010 9:20 pm
prospero on Under the sink again.
November 23rd, 2010 9:53 pm
prospero on Under the sink again.
November 24th, 2010 3:43 am
prospero on Under the sink again.
November 24th, 2010 4:37 am
prospero on Under the sink again.
November 24th, 2010 7:37 am
prospero on Under the sink again.
November 24th, 2010 12:11 pm
prospero on Under the sink again.
November 24th, 2010 12:53 pm
prospero on The countdown.
November 24th, 2010 9:35 pm
prospero on The countdown.
November 25th, 2010 2:15 am
prospero on The countdown.
November 25th, 2010 2:36 am
prospero on The countdown.
November 25th, 2010 2:55 am
prospero on The countdown.
November 25th, 2010 5:01 am
prospero on The countdown.
November 25th, 2010 5:58 am
prospero on The countdown.
November 25th, 2010 6:47 am
prospero on The countdown.
November 25th, 2010 7:22 am
prospero on The countdown.
November 25th, 2010 8:32 am
prospero on The countdown.
November 25th, 2010 5:09 pm
prospero on The countdown.
November 28th, 2010 8:36 am
prospero on The countdown.
November 28th, 2010 9:10 am
prospero on RevrevrevREV.
November 29th, 2010 11:56 pm
prospero on RevrevrevREV.
November 30th, 2010 1:19 am
prospero on On E.
November 30th, 2010 10:11 pm
prospero on On E.
December 1st, 2010 1:07 am
prospero on Who ARE these people?
December 1st, 2010 6:35 pm
prospero on Who ARE these people?
December 1st, 2010 8:54 pm
prospero on Who ARE these people?
December 1st, 2010 10:21 pm
prospero on Who ARE these people?
December 2nd, 2010 2:07 am
prospero on Who ARE these people?
December 2nd, 2010 2:35 am
prospero on Who ARE these people?
December 2nd, 2010 2:38 am
prospero on Who ARE these people?
December 2nd, 2010 3:06 am
prospero on Who ARE these people?
December 2nd, 2010 3:25 am
prospero on On E.
December 2nd, 2010 3:37 am
prospero on Who ARE these people?
December 2nd, 2010 8:10 am
prospero on Who ARE these people?
December 2nd, 2010 9:39 am
prospero on Who ARE these people?
December 2nd, 2010 9:55 am
prospero on Who ARE these people?
December 2nd, 2010 10:55 am
prospero on Older and still dumb.
December 3rd, 2010 1:32 am
prospero on Older and still dumb.
December 3rd, 2010 4:14 am
prospero on Older and still dumb.
December 3rd, 2010 4:29 am
prospero on Older and still dumb.
December 3rd, 2010 10:31 am
prospero on My virtual office.
December 7th, 2010 12:46 am
prospero on My virtual office.
December 7th, 2010 1:19 am
prospero on My virtual office.
December 7th, 2010 1:31 am
prospero on My virtual office.
December 7th, 2010 1:46 am
prospero on My virtual office.
December 7th, 2010 2:05 am
prospero on The joker's smile.
December 7th, 2010 8:07 pm
prospero on The joker's smile.
December 7th, 2010 8:26 pm
prospero on The joker's smile.
December 7th, 2010 9:19 pm
prospero on The joker's smile.
December 7th, 2010 9:24 pm
prospero on The joker's smile.
December 8th, 2010 2:27 am
prospero on The joker's smile.
December 8th, 2010 2:41 am
prospero on The joker's smile.
December 8th, 2010 2:58 am
prospero on The joker's smile.
December 8th, 2010 7:44 am
prospero on We all shine on.
December 8th, 2010 7:57 pm
prospero on We all shine on.
December 8th, 2010 8:30 pm
prospero on We all shine on.
December 8th, 2010 10:49 pm
prospero on We all shine on.
December 9th, 2010 1:41 am
prospero on We all shine on.
December 9th, 2010 9:02 am
prospero on We all shine on.
December 9th, 2010 5:02 pm
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 1:16 am
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 1:39 am
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 1:43 am
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 2:14 am
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 2:40 am
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 2:52 am
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 3:31 am
prospero on We all shine on.
December 10th, 2010 4:03 am
prospero on We all shine on.
December 10th, 2010 4:12 am
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 4:29 am
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 4:38 am
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 5:28 am
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 10th, 2010 5:37 am
prospero on Your holiday DJ.
December 12th, 2010 9:24 am
prospero on Your holiday DJ.
December 12th, 2010 9:41 am
prospero on Your holiday DJ.
December 12th, 2010 9:56 am
prospero on Your holiday DJ.
December 12th, 2010 10:19 am
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 12th, 2010 5:44 pm
prospero on Starbucks cracker barrel.
December 12th, 2010 5:57 pm
prospero on Yo, snow.
December 13th, 2010 10:09 pm
prospero on Yo, snow.
December 14th, 2010 3:48 am
prospero on Yo, snow.
December 14th, 2010 8:05 am
prospero on Freedom.
December 14th, 2010 9:29 pm
prospero on Freedom.
December 14th, 2010 9:31 pm
prospero on Freedom.
December 15th, 2010 2:20 am
prospero on How it's done.
December 15th, 2010 10:17 pm
prospero on How it's done.
December 16th, 2010 1:02 am
prospero on Look at the bones!
December 17th, 2010 12:03 am
prospero on Gamesmanship, part 2.
December 18th, 2010 12:25 am
prospero on Gamesmanship, part 2.
December 18th, 2010 11:54 pm
prospero on Gamesmanship, part 2.
December 19th, 2010 2:21 am
prospero on Gamesmanship, part 2.
December 20th, 2010 10:38 am
prospero on Gamesmanship, part 2.
December 20th, 2010 11:02 am
prospero on Gamesmanship, part 2.
December 20th, 2010 11:29 am
prospero on Gamesmanship, part 2.
December 20th, 2010 5:49 pm
prospero on Homewreckers.
December 20th, 2010 6:05 pm
prospero on Homewreckers.
December 20th, 2010 7:30 pm
prospero on Homewreckers.
December 20th, 2010 10:44 pm
prospero on Homewreckers.
December 20th, 2010 11:09 pm
prospero on Homewreckers.
December 20th, 2010 11:19 pm
prospero on Homewreckers.
December 20th, 2010 11:23 pm
prospero on Homewreckers.
December 20th, 2010 11:32 pm
prospero on Homewreckers.
December 21st, 2010 1:17 am
prospero on Homewreckers.
December 21st, 2010 2:15 am
prospero on Silly season.
December 28th, 2010 8:48 pm
prospero on For auld lang syne.
December 31st, 2010 11:20 pm
prospero on For auld lang syne.
January 1st, 2011 1:48 am
prospero on For auld lang syne.
January 1st, 2011 3:26 am
prospero on For auld lang syne.
January 1st, 2011 4:03 am
prospero on For auld lang syne.
January 3rd, 2011 1:01 am
prospero on Movie nights.
January 4th, 2011 2:39 am
prospero on Movie nights.
January 4th, 2011 2:43 am
prospero on That stinks.
January 4th, 2011 7:25 pm
prospero on That stinks.
January 4th, 2011 8:16 pm
prospero on That stinks.
January 4th, 2011 8:31 pm
prospero on That stinks.
January 4th, 2011 11:28 pm
prospero on That stinks.
January 5th, 2011 2:18 am
prospero on Leave the lights.
January 5th, 2011 9:06 pm
prospero on Leave the lights.
January 5th, 2011 9:52 pm
prospero on Leave the lights.
January 5th, 2011 9:59 pm
prospero on Leave the lights.
January 5th, 2011 10:01 pm
prospero on Leave the lights.
January 5th, 2011 11:01 pm
prospero on Leave the lights.
January 6th, 2011 1:10 am
prospero on Leave the lights.
January 6th, 2011 3:39 am
prospero on What am I doing here?
January 6th, 2011 8:24 pm
prospero on What am I doing here?
January 6th, 2011 8:52 pm
prospero on What am I doing here?
January 6th, 2011 9:42 pm
prospero on What am I doing here?
January 6th, 2011 10:14 pm
prospero on What am I doing here?
January 6th, 2011 11:29 pm
prospero on What am I doing here?
January 7th, 2011 5:45 am
prospero on What am I doing here?
January 7th, 2011 12:35 pm
prospero on What am I doing here?
January 7th, 2011 12:46 pm
prospero on A house for the girls.
January 7th, 2011 8:07 pm
prospero on A house for the girls.
January 7th, 2011 11:12 pm
prospero on A house for the girls.
January 8th, 2011 1:10 am
prospero on A house for the girls.
January 8th, 2011 3:07 am
prospero on A house for the girls.
January 8th, 2011 3:41 am
prospero on A house for the girls.
January 8th, 2011 7:11 am
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 2:48 am
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 2:54 am
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 5:15 am
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 5:45 am
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 6:00 am
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 11:31 am
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 11:37 am
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 11:45 am
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 11:47 am
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 12:13 pm
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 12:19 pm
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 12:31 pm
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 5:44 pm
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 5:58 pm
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 6:30 pm
prospero on Gabrielle Giffords.
January 9th, 2011 9:04 pm
prospero on Mommy dearest.
January 12th, 2011 1:29 am
prospero on Mommy dearest.
January 12th, 2011 12:28 pm
prospero on Kitchen purple hearts.
January 12th, 2011 10:02 pm
prospero on Mommy dearest.
January 12th, 2011 11:05 pm
prospero on Mommy dearest.
January 12th, 2011 11:08 pm
prospero on Mommy dearest.
January 13th, 2011 2:12 am
prospero on Kitchen purple hearts.
January 13th, 2011 3:04 am
prospero on Kitchen purple hearts.
January 13th, 2011 4:16 am
prospero on Kitchen purple hearts.
January 13th, 2011 5:01 am
prospero on Kitchen purple hearts.
January 13th, 2011 5:12 am
prospero on Wrong turn.
January 15th, 2011 2:46 am
prospero on Wrong turn.
January 15th, 2011 3:11 am
prospero on Wrong turn.
January 15th, 2011 3:40 pm
prospero on Wrong turn.
January 15th, 2011 4:13 pm
prospero on Wrong turn.
January 16th, 2011 12:54 am
prospero on MLK, the local angle.
January 17th, 2011 11:41 pm
prospero on MLK, the local angle.
January 18th, 2011 1:22 am
prospero on The bad penny.
January 19th, 2011 3:00 am
prospero on The bad penny.
January 19th, 2011 3:02 am
prospero on The bad penny.
January 19th, 2011 3:20 am
prospero on The bad penny.
January 19th, 2011 3:57 am
prospero on Tin for the 10th.
January 19th, 2011 7:14 pm
prospero on Tin for the 10th.
January 19th, 2011 11:22 pm
prospero on Tin for the 10th.
January 20th, 2011 4:26 am
prospero on Tin for the 10th.
January 20th, 2011 6:25 am
prospero on Tin for the 10th.
January 20th, 2011 11:24 am
prospero on Tin for the 10th.
January 20th, 2011 7:26 pm
prospero on Tin for the 10th.
January 20th, 2011 7:51 pm
prospero on The First Closet.
January 21st, 2011 2:38 am
prospero on The First Closet.
January 21st, 2011 3:14 am
prospero on The First Closet.
January 21st, 2011 5:54 am
prospero on Venison stew.
January 22nd, 2011 10:10 pm
prospero on Venison stew.
January 23rd, 2011 9:25 pm
prospero on Strength and fitness.
January 24th, 2011 10:29 pm
prospero on Strength and fitness.
January 25th, 2011 12:07 am
prospero on Strength and fitness.
January 25th, 2011 2:04 am
prospero on Strength and fitness.
January 25th, 2011 2:12 am
prospero on Strength and fitness.
January 25th, 2011 7:18 am
prospero on Down Downton way.
January 25th, 2011 8:56 pm
prospero on Down Downton way.
January 26th, 2011 7:22 am
prospero on A bigger page to write on.
January 26th, 2011 10:10 pm
prospero on A bigger page to write on.
January 26th, 2011 10:10 pm
prospero on A bigger page to write on.
January 26th, 2011 11:02 pm
prospero on A bigger page to write on.
January 26th, 2011 11:06 pm
prospero on A bigger page to write on.
January 26th, 2011 11:57 pm
prospero on A bigger page to write on.
January 27th, 2011 1:14 am
prospero on A bigger page to write on.
January 27th, 2011 1:49 am
prospero on Waiting for Oscar.
January 27th, 2011 9:20 pm
prospero on Waiting for Oscar.
January 27th, 2011 11:14 pm
prospero on Waiting for Oscar.
January 28th, 2011 12:48 am
prospero on Waiting for Oscar.
January 28th, 2011 1:19 am
prospero on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 28th, 2011 7:57 pm
prospero on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 28th, 2011 8:19 pm
prospero on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 28th, 2011 8:49 pm
prospero on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 28th, 2011 10:50 pm
prospero on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 28th, 2011 11:11 pm
prospero on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 28th, 2011 11:48 pm
prospero on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 29th, 2011 12:14 am
prospero on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 29th, 2011 1:24 am
prospero on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 29th, 2011 2:34 am
prospero on Waiting for Oscar.
January 30th, 2011 1:19 am
prospero on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 30th, 2011 11:41 am
prospero on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 30th, 2011 8:11 pm
prospero on Caffeine and bloggage.
January 31st, 2011 6:21 am
prospero on Won't get fooled again.
February 1st, 2011 9:51 pm
prospero on Won't get fooled again.
February 1st, 2011 10:44 pm
prospero on Won't get fooled again.
February 1st, 2011 10:50 pm
prospero on Disappointment of '11.
February 2nd, 2011 11:03 pm
prospero on Disappointment of '11.
February 3rd, 2011 2:43 am
prospero on Disappointment of '11.
February 3rd, 2011 10:01 am
prospero on Disappointment of '11.
February 3rd, 2011 2:53 pm
prospero on Disappointment of '11.
February 3rd, 2011 4:24 pm
prospero on She's got the look.
February 4th, 2011 11:19 pm
prospero on She's got the look.
February 5th, 2011 12:22 am
prospero on She's got the look.
February 6th, 2011 9:06 am
prospero on She's got the look.
February 6th, 2011 9:17 am
prospero on She's got the look.
February 6th, 2011 11:09 am
prospero on She's got the look.
February 6th, 2011 11:13 am
prospero on She's got the look.
February 6th, 2011 5:07 pm
prospero on She's got the look.
February 6th, 2011 8:52 pm
prospero on She's got the look.
February 6th, 2011 9:29 pm
prospero on She's got the look.
February 6th, 2011 10:20 pm
prospero on Dull girl.
February 9th, 2011 10:28 pm
prospero on Dull girl.
February 9th, 2011 10:35 pm
prospero on Day two of dullness.
February 10th, 2011 6:40 pm
prospero on Day two of dullness.
February 11th, 2011 6:08 am
prospero on Day two of dullness.
February 11th, 2011 12:21 pm
prospero on Day two of dullness.
February 11th, 2011 8:07 pm
prospero on Day two of dullness.
February 12th, 2011 12:47 am
prospero on Gleeful.
February 14th, 2011 8:04 pm
prospero on Gleeful.
February 14th, 2011 8:23 pm
prospero on Gleeful.
February 14th, 2011 10:42 pm
prospero on No toddling zone.
February 15th, 2011 10:29 pm
prospero on No toddling zone.
February 15th, 2011 10:50 pm
prospero on No toddling zone.
February 16th, 2011 1:29 am
prospero on No toddling zone.
February 16th, 2011 3:08 am
prospero on Cast in bronze.
February 18th, 2011 1:56 am
prospero on What happened to her.
February 18th, 2011 6:49 am
prospero on Cast in bronze.
February 18th, 2011 9:35 am
prospero on Cast in bronze.
February 18th, 2011 10:20 am
prospero on Fed up.
February 19th, 2011 3:47 am
prospero on Fed up.
February 19th, 2011 6:21 am
prospero on No toddling zone.
February 21st, 2011 2:03 am
prospero on Fed up.
February 21st, 2011 6:02 am
prospero on Fed up.
February 21st, 2011 6:17 am
prospero on Time to shovel.
February 21st, 2011 9:50 pm
prospero on Late start.
February 23rd, 2011 11:05 pm
prospero on Wag that finger.
February 24th, 2011 9:52 pm
prospero on Wag that finger.
February 25th, 2011 8:51 am
prospero on Thousands strong.
February 27th, 2011 6:47 am
prospero on Thousands strong.
February 27th, 2011 7:08 am
prospero on Wag that finger.
February 27th, 2011 9:15 am
prospero on Thousands strong.
February 27th, 2011 6:08 pm
prospero on Thousands strong.
February 27th, 2011 9:38 pm
prospero on Thousands strong.
February 28th, 2011 2:29 am
prospero on Pretty in pretty much everything.
February 28th, 2011 10:17 pm
prospero on Ruminations with eggs.
March 1st, 2011 8:20 pm
prospero on Ruminations with eggs.
March 1st, 2011 8:52 pm
prospero on Ruminations with eggs.
March 2nd, 2011 12:58 am
prospero on Ruminations with eggs.
March 2nd, 2011 1:11 am
prospero on Ruminations with eggs.
March 2nd, 2011 5:20 pm
prospero on Ruminations with eggs.
March 2nd, 2011 5:51 pm
prospero on Ruminations with eggs.
March 2nd, 2011 5:59 pm
prospero on Ruminations with eggs.
March 2nd, 2011 9:00 pm
prospero on Ruminations with eggs.
March 3rd, 2011 1:06 am
prospero on Ruminations with eggs.
March 3rd, 2011 2:25 am
prospero on Ruminations with eggs.
March 3rd, 2011 2:31 am
prospero on Gov. Idiot.
March 4th, 2011 3:24 am
prospero on Gov. Idiot.
March 4th, 2011 3:53 am
prospero on Gov. Idiot.
March 4th, 2011 3:58 am
prospero on Gov. Idiot.
March 4th, 2011 4:12 am
prospero on Gov. Idiot.
March 4th, 2011 5:13 am
prospero on Wild man.
March 4th, 2011 6:38 pm
prospero on Wild man.
March 4th, 2011 8:49 pm
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 5th, 2011 12:20 am
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 5th, 2011 12:35 am
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 5th, 2011 6:34 am
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 5th, 2011 7:01 am
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 5th, 2011 7:16 am
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 5th, 2011 7:37 am
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 5th, 2011 10:06 am
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 6th, 2011 2:59 am
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 6th, 2011 3:51 am
prospero on Pretty in pretty much everything.
March 6th, 2011 8:04 am
prospero on Pretty in pretty much everything.
March 6th, 2011 8:28 am
prospero on Pretty in pretty much everything.
March 6th, 2011 8:43 am
prospero on Pretty in pretty much everything.
March 6th, 2011 8:56 am
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 6th, 2011 5:14 pm
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 6th, 2011 9:46 pm
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 7th, 2011 9:22 am
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 7th, 2011 9:50 am
prospero on Pleased to meetcha.
March 7th, 2011 11:21 am
prospero on A 24-hour fly-by.
March 7th, 2011 9:27 pm
prospero on A 24-hour fly-by.
March 8th, 2011 1:13 am
prospero on The new ethicist.
March 9th, 2011 12:58 am
prospero on Ash Wednesday.
March 9th, 2011 8:03 pm
prospero on Ash Wednesday.
March 9th, 2011 8:51 pm
prospero on Ash Wednesday.
March 9th, 2011 10:51 pm
prospero on The new ethicist.
March 10th, 2011 2:33 am
prospero on It's his money.
March 11th, 2011 4:55 am
prospero on It's his money.
March 11th, 2011 7:11 am
prospero on It's his money.
March 11th, 2011 7:15 am
prospero on It's his money.
March 11th, 2011 7:24 am
prospero on It's his money.
March 11th, 2011 7:33 am
prospero on It's his money.
March 11th, 2011 7:38 am
prospero on It's his money.
March 11th, 2011 8:26 am
prospero on It's his money.
March 11th, 2011 8:42 am
prospero on It's his money.
March 11th, 2011 9:03 am
prospero on It's his money.
March 11th, 2011 9:23 am
prospero on Swept away.
March 12th, 2011 5:08 am
prospero on Swept away.
March 12th, 2011 10:30 pm
prospero on Swept away.
March 12th, 2011 11:20 pm
prospero on Swept away.
March 13th, 2011 5:41 pm
prospero on Swept away.
March 13th, 2011 6:21 pm
prospero on Swept away.
March 13th, 2011 6:49 pm
prospero on Swept away.
March 14th, 2011 12:24 am
prospero on Swept away.
March 14th, 2011 4:48 am
prospero on Swept away.
March 14th, 2011 7:02 am
prospero on Swept away.
March 14th, 2011 7:33 am
prospero on Swept away.
March 14th, 2011 8:11 am
prospero on Even less.
March 15th, 2011 2:59 am
prospero on Wild man.
March 16th, 2011 1:11 am
prospero on Wild man.
March 16th, 2011 1:21 am
prospero on Unshockable.
March 16th, 2011 2:23 am
prospero on Unshockable.
March 16th, 2011 2:54 am
prospero on Unshockable.
March 16th, 2011 6:09 am
prospero on Unshockable.
March 16th, 2011 11:50 am
prospero on Unshockable.
March 16th, 2011 6:36 pm
prospero on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 6:59 pm
prospero on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 8:44 pm
prospero on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 8:49 pm
prospero on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 9:06 pm
prospero on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 9:14 pm
prospero on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 9:24 pm
prospero on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 9:42 pm
prospero on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 9:44 pm
prospero on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 10:19 pm
prospero on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 10:51 pm
prospero on New Normal.
March 16th, 2011 11:45 pm
prospero on Unshockable.
March 17th, 2011 12:03 am
prospero on New Normal.
March 17th, 2011 1:17 am
prospero on New Normal.
March 17th, 2011 4:01 am
prospero on New Normal.
March 17th, 2011 4:05 am
prospero on New Normal.
March 17th, 2011 4:14 am
prospero on New Normal.
March 17th, 2011 4:59 am
prospero on New Normal.
March 17th, 2011 5:09 am
prospero on New Normal.
March 17th, 2011 5:33 am
prospero on New Normal.
March 17th, 2011 6:41 pm
prospero on Friday.
March 18th, 2011 6:19 pm
prospero on Friday.
March 18th, 2011 6:58 pm
prospero on Nancy Whiskey? I'll take it.
March 19th, 2011 1:09 am
prospero on Nancy Whiskey? I'll take it.
March 19th, 2011 2:41 am
prospero on Friday.
March 19th, 2011 4:22 pm
prospero on Friday.
March 19th, 2011 6:09 pm
prospero on Friday.
March 19th, 2011 9:36 pm
prospero on Friday.
March 19th, 2011 10:12 pm
prospero on Saturday afternoon birthday.
March 20th, 2011 6:31 am
prospero on A grand night out.
March 21st, 2011 9:34 pm
prospero on A grand night out.
March 21st, 2011 9:49 pm
prospero on A grand night out.
March 22nd, 2011 1:37 pm
prospero on Virtual travel.
March 22nd, 2011 10:07 pm
prospero on Virtual travel.
March 22nd, 2011 10:49 pm
prospero on Virtual travel.
March 22nd, 2011 10:51 pm
prospero on Virtual travel.
March 22nd, 2011 11:02 pm
prospero on Virtual travel.
March 22nd, 2011 11:46 pm
prospero on Virtual travel.
March 23rd, 2011 12:19 am
prospero on Virtual travel.
March 23rd, 2011 7:30 am
prospero on Virtual travel.
March 23rd, 2011 7:41 am
prospero on Virtual travel.
March 23rd, 2011 7:56 am
prospero on A girl and her bijoux.
March 24th, 2011 7:46 pm
prospero on A girl and her bijoux.
March 25th, 2011 12:29 am
prospero on A girl and her bijoux.
March 25th, 2011 12:32 am
prospero on A girl and her bijoux.
March 25th, 2011 12:37 am
prospero on A girl and her bijoux.
March 25th, 2011 12:39 am
prospero on The numbers.
March 25th, 2011 3:02 am
prospero on The numbers.
March 25th, 2011 4:15 am
prospero on The numbers.
March 25th, 2011 4:37 am
prospero on The numbers.
March 25th, 2011 4:44 am
prospero on The numbers.
March 25th, 2011 6:04 am
prospero on The numbers.
March 25th, 2011 6:20 am
prospero on The numbers.
March 25th, 2011 2:36 pm
prospero on The numbers.
March 25th, 2011 2:53 pm
prospero on The numbers.
March 25th, 2011 4:13 pm
prospero on They keep us in the dark.
March 25th, 2011 10:23 pm
prospero on They keep us in the dark.
March 25th, 2011 10:38 pm
prospero on They keep us in the dark.
March 25th, 2011 11:23 pm
prospero on They keep us in the dark.
March 26th, 2011 12:23 am
prospero on They keep us in the dark.
March 26th, 2011 12:47 am
prospero on They keep us in the dark.
March 26th, 2011 1:56 am
prospero on They keep us in the dark.
March 26th, 2011 3:37 am
prospero on They keep us in the dark.
March 26th, 2011 5:41 pm
prospero on They keep us in the dark.
March 27th, 2011 7:24 pm
prospero on Housework for dummies.
March 28th, 2011 8:03 pm
prospero on Housework for dummies.
March 28th, 2011 8:07 pm
prospero on Housework for dummies.
March 28th, 2011 8:38 pm
prospero on Housework for dummies.
March 28th, 2011 8:45 pm
prospero on Housework for dummies.
March 29th, 2011 12:28 am
prospero on Among other things.
March 29th, 2011 6:41 pm
prospero on Among other things.
March 29th, 2011 10:08 pm
prospero on Among other things.
March 29th, 2011 11:15 pm
prospero on Among other things.
March 30th, 2011 1:50 am
prospero on Dutchday, anyone?
March 30th, 2011 5:48 pm
prospero on Dutchday, anyone?
March 30th, 2011 8:44 pm
prospero on Dutchday, anyone?
March 30th, 2011 9:21 pm
prospero on Dutchday, anyone?
March 30th, 2011 9:27 pm
prospero on Dutchday, anyone?
March 30th, 2011 10:32 pm
prospero on Dutchday, anyone?
March 30th, 2011 11:05 pm
prospero on Dutchday, anyone?
March 31st, 2011 12:06 am
prospero on Dutchday, anyone?
March 31st, 2011 3:12 am
prospero on The clatter of the keys.
March 31st, 2011 7:06 pm
prospero on The clatter of the keys.
March 31st, 2011 7:14 pm
prospero on The clatter of the keys.
March 31st, 2011 7:22 pm
prospero on The clatter of the keys.
March 31st, 2011 7:24 pm
prospero on The clatter of the keys.
March 31st, 2011 8:29 pm
prospero on The clatter of the keys.
March 31st, 2011 8:52 pm
prospero on The clatter of the keys.
March 31st, 2011 10:26 pm
prospero on The clatter of the keys.
March 31st, 2011 10:28 pm
prospero on Mint condition.
April 1st, 2011 5:37 pm
prospero on Mint condition.
April 1st, 2011 7:21 pm
prospero on Mint condition.
April 1st, 2011 8:31 pm
prospero on The clatter of the keys.
April 2nd, 2011 2:51 am
prospero on The clatter of the keys.
April 2nd, 2011 4:53 am
prospero on Mint condition.
April 2nd, 2011 6:54 am
prospero on Mint condition.
April 2nd, 2011 7:35 am
prospero on Mint condition.
April 2nd, 2011 7:51 am
prospero on Mint condition.
April 2nd, 2011 8:47 am
prospero on The clatter of the keys.
April 2nd, 2011 10:18 am
prospero on Mint condition.
April 2nd, 2011 7:05 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 2nd, 2011 11:13 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 2nd, 2011 11:24 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 2nd, 2011 11:51 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 3rd, 2011 12:35 am
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 3rd, 2011 5:02 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 3rd, 2011 7:29 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 4th, 2011 12:27 am
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 4th, 2011 12:45 am
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 4th, 2011 2:14 am
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 4th, 2011 2:30 am
prospero on A little foggy.
April 4th, 2011 7:22 pm
prospero on A little foggy.
April 4th, 2011 8:28 pm
prospero on A little foggy.
April 4th, 2011 8:30 pm
prospero on A little foggy.
April 4th, 2011 8:43 pm
prospero on A little foggy.
April 4th, 2011 9:12 pm
prospero on A little foggy.
April 4th, 2011 9:58 pm
prospero on A little foggy.
April 4th, 2011 10:10 pm
prospero on A little foggy.
April 5th, 2011 12:23 am
prospero on A little foggy.
April 5th, 2011 6:36 am
prospero on Tuesday mornin' coming down.
April 5th, 2011 6:27 pm
prospero on Tuesday mornin' coming down.
April 5th, 2011 6:53 pm
prospero on Tuesday mornin' coming down.
April 5th, 2011 8:34 pm
prospero on A little foggy.
April 5th, 2011 9:15 pm
prospero on Tuesday mornin' coming down.
April 5th, 2011 9:41 pm
prospero on Tuesday mornin' coming down.
April 5th, 2011 10:40 pm
prospero on Tuesday mornin' coming down.
April 5th, 2011 10:47 pm
prospero on Tuesday mornin' coming down.
April 5th, 2011 10:51 pm
prospero on Tuesday mornin' coming down.
April 6th, 2011 4:11 am
prospero on Tuesday mornin' coming down.
April 6th, 2011 5:47 am
prospero on The 'ho show.
April 8th, 2011 3:45 am
prospero on The 'ho show.
April 8th, 2011 4:53 am
prospero on The 'ho show.
April 8th, 2011 5:14 am
prospero on The 'ho show.
April 8th, 2011 5:45 am
prospero on Fly away, little bird.
April 8th, 2011 6:25 am
prospero on Fly away, little bird.
April 8th, 2011 11:41 am
prospero on Fly away, little bird.
April 8th, 2011 12:24 pm
prospero on Fly away, little bird.
April 8th, 2011 1:15 pm
prospero on Ship of drunks.
April 9th, 2011 3:24 am
prospero on Ship of drunks.
April 9th, 2011 5:18 am
prospero on Ship of drunks.
April 9th, 2011 8:16 am
prospero on Ship of drunks.
April 9th, 2011 8:24 am
prospero on Strike up the band.
April 11th, 2011 9:27 pm
prospero on Strike up the band.
April 11th, 2011 10:47 pm
prospero on Strike up the band.
April 12th, 2011 12:35 am
prospero on Strike up the band.
April 12th, 2011 1:20 am
prospero on Strike up the band.
April 12th, 2011 2:50 am
prospero on Strike up the band.
April 12th, 2011 2:53 am
prospero on Go down, Moses.
April 12th, 2011 7:04 pm
prospero on Go down, Moses.
April 12th, 2011 10:21 pm
prospero on Go down, Moses.
April 12th, 2011 11:55 pm
prospero on Go down, Moses.
April 13th, 2011 12:12 am
prospero on Go down, Moses.
April 13th, 2011 1:48 am
prospero on Go down, Moses.
April 13th, 2011 1:58 am
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 13th, 2011 6:33 pm
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 13th, 2011 8:01 pm
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 13th, 2011 9:16 pm
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 13th, 2011 9:43 pm
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 13th, 2011 9:58 pm
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 13th, 2011 10:06 pm
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 13th, 2011 11:13 pm
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 13th, 2011 11:52 pm
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 14th, 2011 12:26 am
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 14th, 2011 12:41 am
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 14th, 2011 1:32 am
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 14th, 2011 2:10 am
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 14th, 2011 2:37 am
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 14th, 2011 6:14 am
prospero on Empty shelves.
April 14th, 2011 5:46 pm
prospero on Not wowed. Yet.
April 14th, 2011 9:40 pm
prospero on Not wowed. Yet.
April 14th, 2011 9:50 pm
prospero on Not wowed. Yet.
April 14th, 2011 10:08 pm
prospero on Not wowed. Yet.
April 14th, 2011 11:10 pm
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 15th, 2011 4:39 pm
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 15th, 2011 11:48 pm
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 16th, 2011 2:30 am
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 16th, 2011 3:17 am
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 16th, 2011 3:35 am
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 16th, 2011 4:04 am
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 16th, 2011 6:16 am
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 16th, 2011 6:33 am
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 16th, 2011 9:07 am
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 16th, 2011 5:50 pm
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 16th, 2011 8:27 pm
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 16th, 2011 11:36 pm
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 17th, 2011 8:32 pm
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 17th, 2011 8:35 pm
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 18th, 2011 3:05 am
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 18th, 2011 3:57 am
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 18th, 2011 4:01 am
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 18th, 2011 4:43 am
prospero on Farewell, Erica.
April 18th, 2011 6:00 am
prospero on Not wowed. Yet.
April 18th, 2011 7:17 am
prospero on Not wowed. Yet.
April 18th, 2011 7:32 am
prospero on Not wowed. Yet.
April 18th, 2011 12:17 pm
prospero on Not wowed. Yet.
April 18th, 2011 12:33 pm
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 18th, 2011 6:52 pm
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 18th, 2011 7:56 pm
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 18th, 2011 8:40 pm
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 19th, 2011 1:37 am
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 19th, 2011 1:54 am
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 19th, 2011 1:58 am
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 19th, 2011 2:03 am
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 19th, 2011 5:42 am
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 19th, 2011 5:45 am
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 19th, 2011 6:12 am
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 19th, 2011 6:21 am
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 19th, 2011 6:28 am
prospero on What the wind brought.
April 19th, 2011 2:44 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 6:20 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 6:56 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 7:07 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 7:20 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 7:38 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 7:58 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 8:08 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 8:33 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 8:35 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 8:41 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 8:43 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 8:52 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 8:54 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 11:17 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 11:20 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 11:21 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 11:35 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 19th, 2011 11:40 pm
prospero on Question for the room.
April 20th, 2011 5:12 am
prospero on Storm-toss'd.
April 20th, 2011 8:29 pm
prospero on Storm-toss'd.
April 20th, 2011 11:32 pm
prospero on Storm-toss'd.
April 21st, 2011 2:26 am
prospero on Storm-toss'd.
April 21st, 2011 6:25 pm
prospero on So what's new?
April 21st, 2011 7:18 pm
prospero on So what's new?
April 21st, 2011 7:38 pm
prospero on So what's new?
April 22nd, 2011 1:28 am
prospero on So what's new?
April 22nd, 2011 2:57 am
prospero on Storm-toss'd.
April 22nd, 2011 6:15 am
prospero on Storm-toss'd.
April 22nd, 2011 6:40 am
prospero on Storm-toss'd.
April 22nd, 2011 6:43 am
prospero on Storm-toss'd.
April 22nd, 2011 6:47 am
prospero on Storm-toss'd.
April 22nd, 2011 7:21 am
prospero on So what's new?
April 22nd, 2011 6:03 pm
prospero on Good Friday.
April 22nd, 2011 7:23 pm
prospero on Good Friday.
April 22nd, 2011 8:42 pm
prospero on Good Friday.
April 23rd, 2011 2:29 am
prospero on He was just the stenographer.
April 26th, 2011 2:46 am
prospero on He was just the stenographer.
April 26th, 2011 5:52 am
prospero on The wait is over.
April 27th, 2011 7:13 pm
prospero on The wait is over.
April 27th, 2011 8:21 pm
prospero on The wait is over.
April 27th, 2011 9:46 pm
prospero on The wait is over.
April 27th, 2011 11:06 pm
prospero on The wait is over.
April 28th, 2011 12:08 am
prospero on The wait is over.
April 28th, 2011 12:20 am
prospero on The wait is over.
April 28th, 2011 12:42 am
prospero on The wait is over.
April 28th, 2011 12:54 am
prospero on The wait is over.
April 28th, 2011 4:08 pm
prospero on Big government II.
April 28th, 2011 8:58 pm
prospero on Big government II.
April 28th, 2011 10:39 pm
prospero on Big government II.
April 28th, 2011 10:55 pm
prospero on Big government II.
April 29th, 2011 12:45 am
prospero on Big government II.
April 29th, 2011 3:24 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 29th, 2011 4:47 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 29th, 2011 4:53 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 29th, 2011 7:11 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 29th, 2011 8:08 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 29th, 2011 8:44 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 30th, 2011 1:25 am
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 30th, 2011 1:47 am
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 30th, 2011 1:48 am
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 30th, 2011 2:29 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 30th, 2011 2:54 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 30th, 2011 3:07 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 30th, 2011 7:55 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 30th, 2011 8:07 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 30th, 2011 8:44 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 30th, 2011 8:48 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 30th, 2011 8:51 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 30th, 2011 9:05 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 30th, 2011 10:08 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 30th, 2011 10:11 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 30th, 2011 10:28 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 30th, 2011 10:46 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 30th, 2011 10:53 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
April 30th, 2011 11:07 pm
prospero on All the silly ladies.
April 30th, 2011 11:13 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 1st, 2011 2:30 am
prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 1st, 2011 6:03 am
prospero on Osama bin Hidin'.
May 2nd, 2011 5:50 pm
prospero on Osama bin Hidin'.
May 2nd, 2011 5:52 pm
prospero on Osama bin Hidin'.
May 2nd, 2011 6:47 pm
prospero on Osama bin Hidin'.
May 2nd, 2011 7:20 pm
prospero on Osama bin Hidin'.
May 2nd, 2011 9:46 pm
prospero on Osama bin Hidin'.
May 2nd, 2011 10:08 pm
prospero on Osama bin Hidin'.
May 3rd, 2011 1:39 am
prospero on Osama bin Hidin'.
May 3rd, 2011 1:56 am
prospero on Osama bin Hidin'.
May 3rd, 2011 3:26 am
prospero on Osama bin Hidin'.
May 3rd, 2011 3:35 am
prospero on Geronimo EKIA.
May 3rd, 2011 5:26 pm
prospero on Geronimo EKIA.
May 3rd, 2011 6:28 pm
prospero on Geronimo EKIA.
May 3rd, 2011 11:54 pm
prospero on Geronimo EKIA.
May 4th, 2011 1:16 am
prospero on Park bench.
May 4th, 2011 6:03 pm
prospero on Park bench.
May 4th, 2011 10:33 pm
prospero on Park bench.
May 4th, 2011 10:54 pm
prospero on Park bench.
May 5th, 2011 2:01 am
prospero on Park bench.
May 5th, 2011 4:34 pm
prospero on Kremlinology for dummies.
May 5th, 2011 7:39 pm
prospero on Kremlinology for dummies.
May 5th, 2011 8:42 pm
prospero on Kremlinology for dummies.
May 5th, 2011 8:44 pm
prospero on Kremlinology for dummies.
May 6th, 2011 3:54 am
prospero on Kremlinology for dummies.
May 6th, 2011 1:11 pm
prospero on Urban explorer.
May 6th, 2011 10:04 pm
prospero on Urban explorer.
May 6th, 2011 10:07 pm
prospero on Urban explorer.
May 7th, 2011 12:40 am
prospero on Urban explorer.
May 7th, 2011 12:47 am
prospero on Urban explorer.
May 7th, 2011 1:43 am
prospero on Urban explorer.
May 7th, 2011 1:52 am
prospero on Urban explorer.
May 7th, 2011 1:56 am
prospero on Urban explorer.
May 7th, 2011 4:26 am
prospero on Repeal!
May 9th, 2011 5:05 pm
prospero on Repeal!
May 9th, 2011 5:14 pm
prospero on Repeal!
May 9th, 2011 9:56 pm
prospero on Repeal!
May 9th, 2011 10:00 pm
prospero on Repeal!
May 9th, 2011 10:05 pm
prospero on Repeal!
May 10th, 2011 6:16 am
prospero on Repeal!
May 10th, 2011 6:44 am
prospero on Repeal!
May 10th, 2011 9:28 am
prospero on The A team.
May 10th, 2011 6:08 pm
prospero on The A team.
May 10th, 2011 6:30 pm
prospero on The A team.
May 11th, 2011 2:12 am
prospero on The A team.
May 11th, 2011 2:23 am
prospero on The A team.
May 11th, 2011 6:49 am
prospero on The Bumpuses.
May 11th, 2011 6:00 pm
prospero on The Bumpuses.
May 12th, 2011 1:23 am
prospero on All happy families.
May 12th, 2011 6:39 pm
prospero on All happy families.
May 12th, 2011 6:51 pm
prospero on All happy families.
May 12th, 2011 7:07 pm
prospero on All happy families.
May 12th, 2011 7:45 pm
prospero on All happy families.
May 12th, 2011 8:42 pm
prospero on All happy families.
May 12th, 2011 9:46 pm
prospero on All happy families.
May 13th, 2011 2:00 am
prospero on All happy families.
May 13th, 2011 8:00 am
prospero on All happy families.
May 13th, 2011 9:17 am
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 13th, 2011 7:43 pm
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 13th, 2011 8:04 pm
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 13th, 2011 8:09 pm
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 13th, 2011 9:56 pm
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 13th, 2011 10:24 pm
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 13th, 2011 10:44 pm
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 14th, 2011 1:56 am
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 14th, 2011 2:10 am
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 14th, 2011 2:40 am
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 14th, 2011 4:30 am
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 15th, 2011 5:32 pm
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 15th, 2011 6:00 pm
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 16th, 2011 1:11 am
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 16th, 2011 1:44 am
prospero on King Robert, fleur de lis and rain.
May 16th, 2011 4:48 am
prospero on No fleas here.
May 16th, 2011 6:24 pm
prospero on No fleas here.
May 16th, 2011 7:43 pm
prospero on No fleas here.
May 16th, 2011 10:06 pm
prospero on No fleas here.
May 16th, 2011 10:39 pm
prospero on No fleas here.
May 17th, 2011 12:08 am
prospero on Splitsville.
May 18th, 2011 2:55 am
prospero on Splitsville.
May 18th, 2011 7:42 am
prospero on Splitsville.
May 18th, 2011 5:15 pm
prospero on When egos collide.
May 18th, 2011 6:33 pm
prospero on When egos collide.
May 18th, 2011 6:43 pm
prospero on When egos collide.
May 18th, 2011 7:25 pm
prospero on When egos collide.
May 18th, 2011 10:50 pm
prospero on When egos collide.
May 19th, 2011 5:14 am
prospero on When egos collide.
May 19th, 2011 5:36 am
prospero on When egos collide.
May 19th, 2011 6:31 am
prospero on When egos collide.
May 19th, 2011 10:40 am
prospero on When egos collide.
May 19th, 2011 12:28 pm
prospero on When egos collide.
May 19th, 2011 2:02 pm
prospero on Sounds funny.
May 19th, 2011 7:30 pm
prospero on Sounds funny.
May 19th, 2011 7:41 pm
prospero on Sounds funny.
May 20th, 2011 4:23 am
prospero on I can hear music.
May 21st, 2011 9:16 pm
prospero on I can hear music.
May 21st, 2011 9:22 pm
prospero on I can hear music.
May 22nd, 2011 3:49 am
prospero on I can hear music.
May 22nd, 2011 9:25 pm
prospero on I can hear music.
May 23rd, 2011 12:28 am
prospero on I can hear music.
May 23rd, 2011 1:53 am
prospero on I can hear music.
May 23rd, 2011 2:33 am
prospero on I can hear music.
May 23rd, 2011 2:52 am
prospero on I can hear music.
May 23rd, 2011 3:00 am
prospero on I can hear music.
May 23rd, 2011 3:51 am
prospero on I can hear music.
May 23rd, 2011 4:16 am
prospero on I can hear music.
May 23rd, 2011 4:35 am
prospero on I can hear music.
May 23rd, 2011 5:38 am
prospero on No one's as Irish.
May 24th, 2011 6:29 pm
prospero on No one's as Irish.
May 24th, 2011 6:31 pm
prospero on No one's as Irish.
May 24th, 2011 10:10 pm
prospero on No one's as Irish.
May 24th, 2011 11:02 pm
prospero on No one's as Irish.
May 25th, 2011 5:35 am
prospero on No one's as Irish.
May 25th, 2011 10:05 am
prospero on No one's as Irish.
May 25th, 2011 10:09 am
prospero on No one's as Irish.
May 25th, 2011 7:16 pm
prospero on Waiting out the rain.
May 25th, 2011 10:15 pm
prospero on Waiting out the rain.
May 26th, 2011 2:02 am
prospero on Waiting out the rain.
May 26th, 2011 2:33 am
prospero on Waiting out the rain.
May 26th, 2011 4:50 am
prospero on Waiting out the rain.
May 26th, 2011 5:19 am
prospero on Waiting out the rain.
May 26th, 2011 5:59 am
prospero on Waiting out the rain.
May 26th, 2011 6:31 am
prospero on Third world city.
May 28th, 2011 5:28 pm
prospero on Third world city.
May 28th, 2011 9:04 pm
prospero on Third world city.
May 29th, 2011 12:27 am
prospero on Third world city.
May 29th, 2011 12:34 am
prospero on Third world city.
May 29th, 2011 12:41 am
prospero on Third world city.
May 29th, 2011 6:44 am
prospero on Third world city.
May 30th, 2011 3:59 pm
prospero on Sunday afternoon bike ride.
May 30th, 2011 4:08 pm
prospero on Sunday afternoon bike ride.
May 30th, 2011 6:54 pm
prospero on Sunday afternoon bike ride.
May 30th, 2011 7:30 pm
prospero on Sunday afternoon bike ride.
May 31st, 2011 1:57 pm
prospero on Sunday afternoon bike ride.
May 31st, 2011 2:52 pm
prospero on Sunday afternoon bike ride.
May 31st, 2011 3:27 pm
prospero on Movement.
May 31st, 2011 5:29 pm
prospero on Movement.
May 31st, 2011 11:32 pm
prospero on Movement.
May 31st, 2011 11:51 pm
prospero on Movement.
June 1st, 2011 1:41 am
prospero on Radio on.
June 1st, 2011 9:38 pm
prospero on I can see clearly now.
June 2nd, 2011 8:34 pm
prospero on I can see clearly now.
June 2nd, 2011 9:08 pm
prospero on I can see clearly now.
June 3rd, 2011 1:14 pm
prospero on Trendy, trendy, trendy.
June 3rd, 2011 7:40 pm
prospero on Trendy, trendy, trendy.
June 3rd, 2011 8:55 pm
prospero on Trendy, trendy, trendy.
June 3rd, 2011 10:08 pm
prospero on Trendy, trendy, trendy.
June 4th, 2011 12:11 am
prospero on Trendy, trendy, trendy.
June 4th, 2011 9:58 pm
prospero on Trendy, trendy, trendy.
June 5th, 2011 8:50 pm
prospero on Trendy, trendy, trendy.
June 6th, 2011 12:41 am
prospero on Trendy, trendy, trendy.
June 6th, 2011 1:24 am
prospero on Faking a little blogging.
June 6th, 2011 6:49 pm
prospero on Faking a little blogging.
June 6th, 2011 9:17 pm
prospero on Battle of the bulge.
June 7th, 2011 9:40 pm
prospero on Battle of the bulge.
June 8th, 2011 12:43 am
prospero on Battle of the bulge.
June 8th, 2011 1:39 am
prospero on Battle of the bulge.
June 8th, 2011 5:07 pm
prospero on Casualties.
June 8th, 2011 5:26 pm
prospero on Casualties.
June 8th, 2011 10:52 pm
prospero on Casualties.
June 9th, 2011 1:38 am
prospero on Butt rock for beginners.
June 9th, 2011 5:52 pm
prospero on Butt rock for beginners.
June 9th, 2011 8:02 pm
prospero on Butt rock for beginners.
June 9th, 2011 9:08 pm
prospero on Butt rock for beginners.
June 9th, 2011 10:53 pm
prospero on Butt rock for beginners.
June 10th, 2011 1:39 am
prospero on Butt rock for beginners.
June 10th, 2011 1:42 am
prospero on Butt rock for beginners.
June 10th, 2011 1:47 am
prospero on Butt rock for beginners.
June 10th, 2011 3:10 am
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 10th, 2011 7:52 pm
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 10th, 2011 9:35 pm
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 10th, 2011 10:01 pm
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 10th, 2011 10:47 pm
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 10th, 2011 11:02 pm
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 10th, 2011 11:03 pm
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 11th, 2011 7:48 pm
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 11th, 2011 7:54 pm
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 12th, 2011 2:02 am
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 12th, 2011 2:07 am
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 12th, 2011 7:34 am
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 12th, 2011 7:47 pm
prospero on The blaming of the shrew.
June 12th, 2011 8:46 pm
prospero on Payin' dues.
June 13th, 2011 6:25 pm
prospero on Authority problems.
June 15th, 2011 12:57 am
prospero on Authority problems.
June 15th, 2011 1:48 pm
prospero on Authority problems.
June 15th, 2011 4:31 pm
prospero on The thunder said, "That costs too much."
June 15th, 2011 7:26 pm
prospero on Insomnia.
June 16th, 2011 8:26 pm
prospero on Insomnia.
June 17th, 2011 1:52 am
prospero on Oops.
June 17th, 2011 8:15 pm
prospero on Oops.
June 17th, 2011 9:27 pm
prospero on Oops.
June 18th, 2011 12:44 am
prospero on Oops.
June 18th, 2011 12:28 pm
prospero on Oops.
June 18th, 2011 5:27 pm
prospero on Oops.
June 18th, 2011 11:24 pm
prospero on Oops.
June 19th, 2011 12:12 am
prospero on Oops.
June 19th, 2011 3:43 am
prospero on Oops.
June 19th, 2011 4:27 am
prospero on Dead fans tell no tales.
June 20th, 2011 8:03 pm
prospero on Dead fans tell no tales.
June 21st, 2011 5:40 pm
prospero on Answer: Who cares?
June 21st, 2011 8:26 pm
prospero on Answer: Who cares?
June 21st, 2011 8:42 pm
prospero on Answer: Who cares?
June 21st, 2011 9:22 pm
prospero on Answer: Who cares?
June 21st, 2011 9:29 pm
prospero on Answer: Who cares?
June 21st, 2011 10:05 pm
prospero on Answer: Who cares?
June 21st, 2011 10:18 pm
prospero on Answer: Who cares?
June 22nd, 2011 12:52 am
prospero on Answer: Who cares?
June 22nd, 2011 1:06 am
prospero on Answer: Who cares?
June 22nd, 2011 1:42 am
prospero on Answer: Who cares?
June 22nd, 2011 4:24 am
prospero on Answer: Who cares?
June 22nd, 2011 4:30 am
prospero on Shut UP.
June 23rd, 2011 6:51 pm
prospero on Shut UP.
June 23rd, 2011 8:04 pm
prospero on Shut UP.
June 23rd, 2011 9:14 pm
prospero on Shut UP.
June 23rd, 2011 9:40 pm
prospero on Shut UP.
June 23rd, 2011 10:09 pm
prospero on Shut UP.
June 24th, 2011 2:40 am
prospero on Shut UP.
June 24th, 2011 2:57 am
prospero on Shut UP.
June 24th, 2011 3:02 am
prospero on Shut UP.
June 24th, 2011 3:04 am
prospero on Shut UP.
June 24th, 2011 6:52 am
prospero on Shut UP.
June 24th, 2011 3:16 pm
prospero on Shut UP.
June 24th, 2011 3:18 pm
prospero on Dive-bombed.
June 24th, 2011 11:01 pm
prospero on Dive-bombed.
June 25th, 2011 4:20 am
prospero on Dive-bombed.
June 25th, 2011 4:42 am
prospero on Dive-bombed.
June 25th, 2011 7:42 pm
prospero on Dive-bombed.
June 26th, 2011 2:24 am
prospero on Dive-bombed.
June 26th, 2011 5:05 am
prospero on Dive-bombed.
June 26th, 2011 6:32 pm
prospero on Dive-bombed.
June 26th, 2011 6:39 pm
prospero on Dive-bombed.
June 26th, 2011 9:40 pm
prospero on Dive-bombed.
June 26th, 2011 9:47 pm
prospero on Dive-bombed.
June 26th, 2011 10:06 pm
prospero on If it keeps on rainin', the sequel.
June 27th, 2011 6:06 pm
prospero on If it keeps on rainin', the sequel.
June 27th, 2011 10:20 pm
prospero on If it keeps on rainin', the sequel.
June 27th, 2011 11:36 pm
prospero on Writes too much.
June 28th, 2011 5:44 pm
prospero on Writes too much.
June 28th, 2011 8:56 pm
prospero on Writes too much.
June 28th, 2011 9:20 pm
prospero on Writes too much.
June 28th, 2011 11:23 pm
prospero on Writes too much.
June 29th, 2011 7:07 pm
prospero on Writes too much.
June 29th, 2011 7:09 pm
prospero on Writes too much.
June 29th, 2011 9:08 pm
prospero on Writes too much.
June 30th, 2011 2:21 am
prospero on Writes too much.
June 30th, 2011 2:24 am
prospero on Writes too much.
June 30th, 2011 2:31 am
prospero on Writes too much.
June 30th, 2011 2:33 am
prospero on Writes too much.
June 30th, 2011 7:38 am
prospero on Writes too much.
June 30th, 2011 8:00 am
prospero on Writes too much.
June 30th, 2011 8:16 am
prospero on Writes too much.
June 30th, 2011 8:17 am
prospero on Writes too much.
June 30th, 2011 9:48 am
prospero on What rough beast?
June 30th, 2011 5:51 pm
prospero on What rough beast?
June 30th, 2011 6:22 pm
prospero on What rough beast?
June 30th, 2011 9:16 pm
prospero on What rough beast?
June 30th, 2011 9:57 pm
prospero on What rough beast?
June 30th, 2011 10:38 pm
prospero on What rough beast?
July 1st, 2011 1:05 am
prospero on What rough beast?
July 1st, 2011 1:19 am
prospero on What rough beast?
July 1st, 2011 1:49 am
prospero on What rough beast?
July 1st, 2011 4:43 am
prospero on What rough beast?
July 1st, 2011 4:47 am
prospero on What rough beast?
July 1st, 2011 6:40 am
prospero on What rough beast?
July 1st, 2011 6:59 am
prospero on What rough beast?
July 1st, 2011 8:29 am
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 1st, 2011 10:40 pm
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 2nd, 2011 1:26 am
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 2nd, 2011 1:44 am
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 2nd, 2011 1:48 am
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 2nd, 2011 4:54 pm
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 2nd, 2011 4:58 pm
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 2nd, 2011 11:32 pm
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 3rd, 2011 1:34 am
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 3rd, 2011 7:44 am
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 3rd, 2011 7:58 am
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 3rd, 2011 1:25 pm
prospero on The runaway bride.
July 6th, 2011 1:39 am
prospero on The runaway bride.
July 6th, 2011 1:46 am
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 6th, 2011 9:36 am
prospero on Rules of the road.
July 6th, 2011 1:09 pm
prospero on Hangin' in the Treme.
July 6th, 2011 5:44 pm
prospero on Hangin' in the Treme.
July 6th, 2011 9:16 pm
prospero on Hangin' in the Treme.
July 6th, 2011 11:45 pm
prospero on Hangin' in the Treme.
July 7th, 2011 12:09 am
prospero on Hangin' in the Treme.
July 7th, 2011 1:07 am
prospero on Hangin' in the Treme.
July 7th, 2011 2:21 am
prospero on Hangin' in the Treme.
July 7th, 2011 2:27 am
prospero on A look back.
July 7th, 2011 5:10 pm
prospero on A look back.
July 7th, 2011 7:29 pm
prospero on A look back.
July 7th, 2011 8:42 pm
prospero on A look back.
July 7th, 2011 8:44 pm
prospero on A look back.
July 7th, 2011 8:55 pm
prospero on Fat nation.
July 8th, 2011 6:56 pm
prospero on Fat nation.
July 8th, 2011 7:56 pm
prospero on Fat nation.
July 8th, 2011 8:08 pm
prospero on Fat nation.
July 8th, 2011 8:36 pm
prospero on Fat nation.
July 8th, 2011 9:03 pm
prospero on Fat nation.
July 8th, 2011 9:22 pm
prospero on Fat nation.
July 8th, 2011 9:30 pm
prospero on Fat nation.
July 8th, 2011 10:07 pm
prospero on Fat nation.
July 8th, 2011 10:59 pm
prospero on Fat nation.
July 8th, 2011 11:19 pm
prospero on Fat nation.
July 9th, 2011 2:54 am
prospero on A look back.
July 9th, 2011 9:26 am
prospero on A look back.
July 9th, 2011 9:30 am
prospero on A look back.
July 9th, 2011 9:43 am
prospero on Hangin' in the Treme.
July 9th, 2011 8:23 pm
prospero on Hangin' in the Treme.
July 9th, 2011 8:38 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 9th, 2011 9:09 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 10th, 2011 2:10 am
prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 10th, 2011 8:11 pm
prospero on I don't like Mondays.
July 11th, 2011 5:52 pm
prospero on I don't like Mondays.
July 11th, 2011 7:25 pm
prospero on I don't like Mondays.
July 11th, 2011 10:03 pm
prospero on I don't like Mondays.
July 11th, 2011 10:57 pm
prospero on I don't like Mondays.
July 11th, 2011 11:48 pm
prospero on I don't like Mondays.
July 12th, 2011 1:50 am
prospero on I don't like Mondays.
July 12th, 2011 3:01 am
prospero on The big D.
July 12th, 2011 7:27 pm
prospero on The big D.
July 12th, 2011 8:49 pm
prospero on The big D.
July 12th, 2011 8:53 pm
prospero on The big D.
July 12th, 2011 10:37 pm
prospero on The big D.
July 12th, 2011 11:00 pm
prospero on The big D.
July 13th, 2011 12:17 am
prospero on The big D.
July 13th, 2011 12:41 am
prospero on The big D.
July 13th, 2011 1:40 am
prospero on The big D.
July 13th, 2011 2:18 am
prospero on The big D.
July 13th, 2011 5:48 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 6:51 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 6:59 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 7:09 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 7:12 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 8:00 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 8:05 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 8:34 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 8:55 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 9:04 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 10:15 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 13th, 2011 10:38 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 14th, 2011 1:28 am
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 14th, 2011 4:20 am
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 14th, 2011 6:10 am
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 14th, 2011 6:21 am
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 14th, 2011 6:27 am
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 14th, 2011 6:29 am
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 14th, 2011 10:16 am
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 14th, 2011 10:27 am
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 14th, 2011 10:45 am
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 14th, 2011 4:58 pm
prospero on The ongoing grind.
July 14th, 2011 5:52 pm
prospero on Mr. Swish and Mrs. Beard.
July 14th, 2011 6:11 pm
prospero on Mr. Swish and Mrs. Beard.
July 14th, 2011 10:01 pm
prospero on Mr. Swish and Mrs. Beard.
July 14th, 2011 10:06 pm
prospero on Mr. Swish and Mrs. Beard.
July 14th, 2011 10:31 pm
prospero on Mr. Swish and Mrs. Beard.
July 14th, 2011 10:42 pm
prospero on Mr. Swish and Mrs. Beard.
July 14th, 2011 11:12 pm
prospero on Mr. Swish and Mrs. Beard.
July 15th, 2011 1:21 am
prospero on Mr. Swish and Mrs. Beard.
July 15th, 2011 2:02 am
prospero on Going to the mat.
July 16th, 2011 1:10 am
prospero on Going to the mat.
July 16th, 2011 11:30 pm
prospero on Going to the mat.
July 17th, 2011 12:17 am
prospero on Going to the mat.
July 17th, 2011 10:58 am
prospero on Going to the mat.
July 17th, 2011 8:23 pm
prospero on Going to the mat.
July 17th, 2011 9:17 pm
prospero on Going to the mat.
July 17th, 2011 9:24 pm
prospero on Going to the mat.
July 17th, 2011 11:32 pm
prospero on The bugs.
July 18th, 2011 7:24 pm
prospero on Off to the HoF.
July 19th, 2011 5:07 pm
prospero on Off to the HoF.
July 19th, 2011 8:04 pm
prospero on Off to the HoF.
July 19th, 2011 10:01 pm
prospero on Off to the HoF.
July 20th, 2011 3:27 am
prospero on Checking in from the North Coast.
July 20th, 2011 9:42 am
prospero on Checking in from the North Coast.
July 20th, 2011 9:54 am
prospero on Checking in from the North Coast.
July 20th, 2011 10:02 am
prospero on Checking in from the North Coast.
July 20th, 2011 8:07 pm
prospero on Warped. And wilted.
July 20th, 2011 9:07 pm
prospero on Pleased to meet you.
July 21st, 2011 5:24 pm
prospero on Here comes the judge.
July 21st, 2011 7:01 pm
prospero on Here comes the judge.
July 21st, 2011 8:40 pm
prospero on Here comes the judge.
July 21st, 2011 9:09 pm
prospero on Here comes the judge.
July 21st, 2011 9:53 pm
prospero on Here comes the judge.
July 21st, 2011 10:47 pm
prospero on Here comes the judge.
July 21st, 2011 11:33 pm
prospero on Drumroll.....
July 22nd, 2011 3:37 am
prospero on Drumroll.....
July 22nd, 2011 3:45 pm
prospero on Drumroll.....
July 22nd, 2011 5:59 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 22nd, 2011 7:01 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 22nd, 2011 8:14 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 22nd, 2011 8:51 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 22nd, 2011 8:56 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 22nd, 2011 9:17 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 23rd, 2011 12:17 am
prospero on Playground rules.
July 23rd, 2011 4:33 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 23rd, 2011 9:13 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 23rd, 2011 9:46 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 23rd, 2011 9:56 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 24th, 2011 1:40 am
prospero on Playground rules.
July 24th, 2011 1:39 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 24th, 2011 3:57 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 24th, 2011 4:02 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 24th, 2011 8:29 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 24th, 2011 8:37 pm
prospero on Playground rules.
July 25th, 2011 12:39 am
prospero on Playground rules.
July 25th, 2011 12:46 am
prospero on Playground rules.
July 25th, 2011 12:55 am
prospero on Playground rules.
July 25th, 2011 1:03 am
prospero on Playground rules.
July 25th, 2011 1:15 am
prospero on Half a day at the Hall.
July 25th, 2011 6:53 pm
prospero on A little flotsam, a little jetsam.
July 26th, 2011 9:52 pm
prospero on A little flotsam, a little jetsam.
July 26th, 2011 10:09 pm
prospero on A little flotsam, a little jetsam.
July 26th, 2011 11:57 pm
prospero on A little flotsam, a little jetsam.
July 27th, 2011 12:56 am
prospero on A little flotsam, a little jetsam.
July 27th, 2011 5:23 pm
prospero on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 27th, 2011 5:41 pm
prospero on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 27th, 2011 7:18 pm
prospero on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 27th, 2011 8:39 pm
prospero on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 27th, 2011 9:47 pm
prospero on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 27th, 2011 10:13 pm
prospero on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 28th, 2011 1:31 am
prospero on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 28th, 2011 1:36 am
prospero on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 28th, 2011 11:33 am
prospero on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 28th, 2011 11:54 am
prospero on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 28th, 2011 12:16 pm
prospero on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 28th, 2011 1:19 pm
prospero on Your grill wants to kill you.
July 28th, 2011 1:37 pm
prospero on Planking squirrels.
July 28th, 2011 8:28 pm
prospero on Planking squirrels.
July 29th, 2011 1:23 am
prospero on Planking squirrels.
July 29th, 2011 4:01 am
prospero on Work-related casualties.
July 29th, 2011 11:07 pm
prospero on Work-related casualties.
July 29th, 2011 11:21 pm
prospero on Work-related casualties.
July 30th, 2011 3:50 am
prospero on Work-related casualties.
July 30th, 2011 5:30 pm
prospero on Work-related casualties.
July 30th, 2011 6:04 pm
prospero on Work-related casualties.
July 30th, 2011 6:47 pm
prospero on Saturday afternoon Maker Faire
July 30th, 2011 11:42 pm
prospero on Saturday afternoon Maker Faire
July 31st, 2011 12:44 am
prospero on Work-related casualties.
July 31st, 2011 7:04 am
prospero on Saturday afternoon Maker Faire
July 31st, 2011 4:24 pm
prospero on Saturday afternoon Maker Faire
July 31st, 2011 5:24 pm
prospero on Saturday afternoon Maker Faire
July 31st, 2011 5:34 pm
prospero on Faire weekend.
August 1st, 2011 4:41 pm
prospero on Faire weekend.
August 1st, 2011 4:47 pm
prospero on Faire weekend.
August 1st, 2011 8:08 pm
prospero on Faire weekend.
August 2nd, 2011 1:11 am
prospero on Faire weekend.
August 2nd, 2011 2:14 am
prospero on Faire weekend.
August 2nd, 2011 5:39 pm
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 2nd, 2011 6:30 pm
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 2nd, 2011 6:46 pm
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 2nd, 2011 7:47 pm
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 2nd, 2011 8:23 pm
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 2nd, 2011 8:42 pm
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 2nd, 2011 9:27 pm
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 2nd, 2011 9:31 pm
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 12:22 am
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 2:03 am
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 2:17 am
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 2:42 am
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 3:12 am
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 4:06 am
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 4:25 am
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 4:51 am
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 5:50 am
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 5:56 am
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 6:57 am
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 7:44 am
prospero on Itching and burning.
August 3rd, 2011 7:01 pm
prospero on The expensive blue line.
August 4th, 2011 12:49 am
prospero on The expensive blue line.
August 4th, 2011 1:58 am
prospero on The expensive blue line.
August 4th, 2011 3:42 am
prospero on The expensive blue line.
August 4th, 2011 4:26 am
prospero on The expensive blue line.
August 4th, 2011 3:54 pm
prospero on The expensive blue line.
August 4th, 2011 5:12 pm
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 7:34 pm
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 7:45 pm
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 8:02 pm
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 8:15 pm
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 8:38 pm
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 8:50 pm
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 10:16 pm
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 10:23 pm
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 10:24 pm
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 4th, 2011 10:35 pm
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 5th, 2011 2:49 am
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 5th, 2011 2:52 am
prospero on The slow spiral.
August 5th, 2011 2:55 am
prospero on Bearded.
August 5th, 2011 6:32 pm
prospero on Bearded.
August 5th, 2011 8:14 pm
prospero on Bearded.
August 5th, 2011 8:18 pm
prospero on Bearded.
August 6th, 2011 1:39 am
prospero on Bearded.
August 6th, 2011 1:45 am
prospero on Bearded.
August 6th, 2011 1:54 am
prospero on Bearded.
August 6th, 2011 2:14 am
Paddyi on Bearded.
August 6th, 2011 3:29 am
Paddyi on Bearded.
August 6th, 2011 3:49 am
Paddyi on Bearded.
August 6th, 2011 3:57 am
Paddyi on The slow spiral.
August 6th, 2011 5:16 am
Paddyi on The slow spiral.
August 6th, 2011 5:19 am
april glaspie on Bearded.
August 6th, 2011 6:57 am
april glaspie on Bearded.
August 6th, 2011 7:01 am
april glaspie on Bearded.
August 7th, 2011 12:48 am
april glaspie on Bearded.
August 7th, 2011 2:12 am
april glaspie on Bearded.
August 7th, 2011 2:43 am
april glaspie on Bearded.
August 8th, 2011 3:23 am
april glaspie on Gnashing.
August 8th, 2011 6:34 pm
april glaspie on Gnashing.
August 8th, 2011 10:38 pm
april glaspie on Gnashing.
August 9th, 2011 12:14 am
april glaspie on Gnashing.
August 9th, 2011 12:25 am
april glaspie on Gnashing.
August 9th, 2011 2:01 am
april glaspie on Gnashing.
August 9th, 2011 2:16 am
april glaspie on Gnashing.
August 9th, 2011 3:28 am
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 9th, 2011 7:11 pm
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 9th, 2011 7:38 pm
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 9th, 2011 8:47 pm
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 9th, 2011 10:36 pm
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 1:39 am
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 1:45 am
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 2:12 am
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 2:15 am
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 4:00 am
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 5:27 am
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 6:25 am
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 6:36 am
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 7:26 am
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 4:01 pm
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 4:56 pm
april glaspie on Out of control.
August 10th, 2011 5:41 pm
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 10th, 2011 6:45 pm
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 10th, 2011 6:58 pm
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 10th, 2011 7:19 pm
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 10th, 2011 8:09 pm
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 10th, 2011 8:39 pm
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 10th, 2011 9:00 pm
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 10th, 2011 9:31 pm
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 10th, 2011 10:15 pm
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 10th, 2011 10:33 pm
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 11th, 2011 1:54 am
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 11th, 2011 11:40 am
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 11th, 2011 11:50 am
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 11th, 2011 2:18 pm
april glaspie on Help. (I need somebody.)
August 11th, 2011 2:37 pm
april glaspie on A new way to read.
August 11th, 2011 7:11 pm
april glaspie on A new way to read.
August 11th, 2011 9:38 pm
april glaspie on Who wants yesterday's papers?
August 12th, 2011 6:51 pm
april glaspie on Who wants yesterday's papers?
August 13th, 2011 1:31 pm
april glaspie on Who wants yesterday's papers?
August 13th, 2011 4:44 pm
april glaspie on Who wants yesterday's papers?
August 13th, 2011 10:37 pm
april glaspie on Who wants yesterday's papers?
August 13th, 2011 10:47 pm
april glaspie on Who wants yesterday's papers?
August 13th, 2011 11:09 pm
april glaspie on Who wants yesterday's papers?
August 13th, 2011 11:14 pm
april glaspie on How. DARE you.
August 14th, 2011 7:13 pm
april glaspie on How. DARE you.
August 14th, 2011 7:23 pm
april glaspie on How. DARE you.
August 14th, 2011 10:05 pm
april glaspie on How. DARE you.
August 14th, 2011 11:08 pm
april glaspie on How. DARE you.
August 14th, 2011 11:21 pm
april glaspie on How. DARE you.
August 15th, 2011 3:25 am
april glaspie on The Snyderman house.
August 15th, 2011 6:41 pm
april glaspie on The Snyderman house.
August 15th, 2011 6:55 pm
april glaspie on The Snyderman house.
August 15th, 2011 7:52 pm
april glaspie on The Snyderman house.
August 15th, 2011 10:04 pm
april glaspie on The Snyderman house.
August 15th, 2011 10:16 pm
april glaspie on The Snyderman house.
August 16th, 2011 6:28 am
april glaspie on The Snyderman house.
August 16th, 2011 7:33 am
april glaspie on The Snyderman house.
August 16th, 2011 8:54 am
april glaspie on St. Bobby of Bloomington.
August 17th, 2011 5:51 pm
april glaspie on St. Bobby of Bloomington.
August 17th, 2011 7:39 pm
april glaspie on St. Bobby of Bloomington.
August 17th, 2011 8:45 pm
april glaspie on St. Bobby of Bloomington.
August 17th, 2011 8:46 pm
april glaspie on St. Bobby of Bloomington.
August 18th, 2011 12:57 am
april glaspie on St. Bobby of Bloomington.
August 18th, 2011 1:46 am
april glaspie on St. Bobby of Bloomington.
August 18th, 2011 1:57 am
april glaspie on Gotta light?
August 18th, 2011 6:22 pm
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 19th, 2011 5:34 pm
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 19th, 2011 7:16 pm
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 19th, 2011 9:01 pm
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 19th, 2011 9:43 pm
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 20th, 2011 2:32 am
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 20th, 2011 2:36 am
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 20th, 2011 2:51 am
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 20th, 2011 6:29 am
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 20th, 2011 2:00 pm
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 20th, 2011 7:31 pm
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 21st, 2011 2:12 am
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 21st, 2011 3:40 am
april glaspie on Go for it.
August 21st, 2011 5:57 am
april glaspie on Land of the raven and loon.
August 22nd, 2011 6:18 pm
april glaspie on Land of the raven and loon.
August 22nd, 2011 7:04 pm
april glaspie on Land of the raven and loon.
August 22nd, 2011 7:07 pm
april glaspie on Land of the raven and loon.
August 22nd, 2011 8:06 pm
april glaspie on Land of the raven and loon.
August 22nd, 2011 10:19 pm
april glaspie on Land of the raven and loon.
August 22nd, 2011 10:53 pm
april glaspie on Land of the raven and loon.
August 23rd, 2011 12:53 am
april glaspie on Land of the raven and loon.
August 23rd, 2011 2:45 am
april glaspie on Land of the raven and loon.
August 23rd, 2011 5:45 pm
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 23rd, 2011 6:56 pm
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 23rd, 2011 7:05 pm
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 23rd, 2011 8:19 pm
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 23rd, 2011 8:25 pm
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 23rd, 2011 9:19 pm
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 23rd, 2011 9:21 pm
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 24th, 2011 1:31 am
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 24th, 2011 1:33 am
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 24th, 2011 1:35 am
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 24th, 2011 3:27 am
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 24th, 2011 4:28 am
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 24th, 2011 6:30 am
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 24th, 2011 10:45 am
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 24th, 2011 10:50 am
april glaspie on Dumb by the numbers.
August 24th, 2011 12:07 pm
april glaspie on The University of Insanity.
August 24th, 2011 7:41 pm
april glaspie on The University of Insanity.
August 24th, 2011 9:16 pm
april glaspie on The University of Insanity.
August 24th, 2011 9:27 pm
april glaspie on The University of Insanity.
August 24th, 2011 10:38 pm
april glaspie on The University of Insanity.
August 24th, 2011 11:29 pm
april glaspie on The University of Insanity.
August 25th, 2011 2:53 am
april glaspie on Oops.
August 25th, 2011 9:22 pm
april glaspie on Oops.
August 25th, 2011 9:45 pm
april glaspie on Oops.
August 26th, 2011 12:42 am
april glaspie on Oops.
August 26th, 2011 1:09 am
april glaspie on Oops.
August 26th, 2011 1:21 am
april glaspie on Oops.
August 26th, 2011 1:31 am
april glaspie on Oops.
August 26th, 2011 1:44 am
april glaspie on Oops.
August 26th, 2011 3:18 am
april glaspie on Oops.
August 26th, 2011 3:27 am
april glaspie on Oops.
August 26th, 2011 3:32 am
april glaspie on Oops.
August 26th, 2011 3:36 am
april glaspie on Oops.
August 26th, 2011 4:51 am
april glaspie on Oops.
August 26th, 2011 7:12 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 26th, 2011 5:18 pm
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 26th, 2011 6:02 pm
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 26th, 2011 7:52 pm
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 26th, 2011 9:42 pm
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 26th, 2011 11:16 pm
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 27th, 2011 2:49 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 27th, 2011 3:10 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 27th, 2011 4:07 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 27th, 2011 5:09 pm
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 27th, 2011 11:42 pm
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 27th, 2011 11:55 pm
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 12:04 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 12:12 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 12:46 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 3:53 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 4:02 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 4:08 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 4:19 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 4:22 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 4:25 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 4:31 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 7:49 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 7:57 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 8:11 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 9:46 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 28th, 2011 9:51 am
april glaspie on The Reaper and the cutting-room floor.
August 29th, 2011 6:55 pm
april glaspie on Ed the knife.
August 29th, 2011 10:59 pm
april glaspie on Ed the knife.
August 30th, 2011 1:59 am
april glaspie on Animal-watching.
August 30th, 2011 6:58 pm
april glaspie on Animal-watching.
August 30th, 2011 8:12 pm
april glaspie on Animal-watching.
August 30th, 2011 9:30 pm
april glaspie on Animal-watching.
August 31st, 2011 1:09 am
april glaspie on Animal-watching.
August 31st, 2011 1:14 am
april glaspie on Animal-watching.
August 31st, 2011 1:27 am
april glaspie on Animal-watching.
August 31st, 2011 10:16 am
april glaspie on Animal-watching.
August 31st, 2011 1:28 pm
april glaspie on Back to school.
August 31st, 2011 7:30 pm
april glaspie on Back to school.
August 31st, 2011 10:02 pm
april glaspie on Back to school.
August 31st, 2011 10:57 pm
april glaspie on Back to school.
September 1st, 2011 1:00 am
april glaspie on Back to school.
September 1st, 2011 2:26 am
april glaspie on Back to school.
September 1st, 2011 5:46 pm
april glaspie on Back to school.
September 1st, 2011 7:01 pm
april glaspie on Give him his due.
September 1st, 2011 8:56 pm
april glaspie on Give him his due.
September 1st, 2011 9:29 pm
april glaspie on Give him his due.
September 1st, 2011 11:53 pm
april glaspie on Give him his due.
September 2nd, 2011 12:06 am
april glaspie on Give him his due.
September 2nd, 2011 12:34 am
april glaspie on Give him his due.
September 2nd, 2011 3:18 am
april glaspie on Give him his due.
September 2nd, 2011 1:18 pm
april glaspie on Give him his due.
September 2nd, 2011 2:47 pm
april glaspie on Moms like who?
September 2nd, 2011 9:41 pm
april glaspie on Moms like who?
September 2nd, 2011 10:41 pm
april glaspie on Moms like who?
September 2nd, 2011 11:10 pm
april glaspie on Moms like who?
September 2nd, 2011 11:37 pm
april glaspie on Moms like who?
September 3rd, 2011 5:47 am
april glaspie on Moms like who?
September 3rd, 2011 6:17 am
april glaspie on Give him his due.
September 3rd, 2011 7:31 am
april glaspie on Moms like who?
September 3rd, 2011 8:54 am
april glaspie on Moms like who?
September 3rd, 2011 8:55 am
april glaspie on Saturday morning market
September 4th, 2011 12:32 am
april glaspie on Saturday morning market
September 5th, 2011 11:21 pm
april glaspie on Saturday morning market
September 6th, 2011 2:16 am
april glaspie on Saturday morning market
September 6th, 2011 4:38 am
april glaspie on Crazy talk.
September 6th, 2011 3:57 pm
april glaspie on Crazy talk.
September 6th, 2011 4:08 pm
april glaspie on Crazy talk.
September 6th, 2011 4:10 pm
april glaspie on Rah rah monkeys.
September 7th, 2011 9:46 pm
april glaspie on Rah rah monkeys.
September 7th, 2011 10:09 pm
april glaspie on Rah rah monkeys.
September 7th, 2011 10:21 pm
april glaspie on Rah rah monkeys.
September 7th, 2011 10:29 pm
april glaspie on Rah rah monkeys.
September 7th, 2011 10:30 pm
april glaspie on Rah rah monkeys.
September 7th, 2011 10:32 pm
april glaspie on Rah rah monkeys.
September 7th, 2011 10:35 pm
april glaspie on Rah rah monkeys.
September 8th, 2011 7:31 am
april glaspie on Rah rah monkeys.
September 8th, 2011 9:09 am
april glaspie on Rah rah monkeys.
September 8th, 2011 9:14 am
april glaspie on School supplies.
September 8th, 2011 9:57 pm
april glaspie on School supplies.
September 8th, 2011 10:26 pm
april glaspie on School supplies.
September 9th, 2011 12:09 am
april glaspie on School supplies.
September 9th, 2011 1:38 am
april glaspie on School supplies.
September 9th, 2011 1:54 am
april glaspie on School supplies.
September 9th, 2011 4:18 pm
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 9th, 2011 5:20 pm
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 9th, 2011 7:44 pm
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 9th, 2011 8:59 pm
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 10th, 2011 12:35 am
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 10th, 2011 12:52 am
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 10th, 2011 1:14 am
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 10th, 2011 1:49 am
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 10th, 2011 1:51 am
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 10th, 2011 1:53 am
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 10th, 2011 9:54 am
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 10th, 2011 10:19 am
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 11th, 2011 1:56 am
april glaspie on Asking the big questions.
September 11th, 2011 10:54 am
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 12th, 2011 6:15 pm
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 12th, 2011 6:35 pm
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 12th, 2011 9:24 pm
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 12th, 2011 9:56 pm
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 13th, 2011 1:16 am
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 13th, 2011 1:31 am
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 13th, 2011 2:29 am
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 13th, 2011 3:20 am
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 13th, 2011 4:12 am
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 13th, 2011 5:31 am
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 13th, 2011 5:33 am
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 13th, 2011 5:36 am
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 13th, 2011 7:29 am
april glaspie on Mush from the wimp.*
September 13th, 2011 7:59 am
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 14th, 2011 5:41 pm
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 14th, 2011 6:34 pm
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 14th, 2011 7:37 pm
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 14th, 2011 8:52 pm
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 14th, 2011 10:52 pm
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 15th, 2011 1:04 am
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 15th, 2011 1:22 am
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 15th, 2011 2:04 am
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 15th, 2011 3:10 am
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 15th, 2011 3:36 am
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 15th, 2011 3:47 am
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 15th, 2011 3:50 am
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 15th, 2011 6:04 am
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 15th, 2011 6:06 am
april glaspie on The nut shot.
September 15th, 2011 3:15 pm
april glaspie on Bikes and bagels.
September 15th, 2011 9:44 pm
april glaspie on Bikes and bagels.
September 15th, 2011 9:58 pm
april glaspie on Bikes and bagels.
September 15th, 2011 11:54 pm
april glaspie on Bikes and bagels.
September 16th, 2011 12:58 am
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 16th, 2011 6:41 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 16th, 2011 6:49 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 16th, 2011 8:04 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 16th, 2011 8:52 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 16th, 2011 11:00 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 16th, 2011 11:06 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 17th, 2011 1:06 am
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 17th, 2011 7:53 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 17th, 2011 11:35 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 17th, 2011 11:42 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 12:31 am
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 1:33 am
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 1:55 am
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 5:59 am
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 6:06 am
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 6:22 am
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 7:18 am
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 7:47 am
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 7:24 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 7:40 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 8:35 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 9:30 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 18th, 2011 10:04 pm
april glaspie on Blondes in trouble.
September 19th, 2011 12:08 am
april glaspie on TURN IT DOWN.
September 19th, 2011 9:15 pm
april glaspie on TURN IT DOWN.
September 19th, 2011 9:21 pm
april glaspie on TURN IT DOWN.
September 19th, 2011 10:54 pm
april glaspie on TURN IT DOWN.
September 20th, 2011 12:40 am
april glaspie on TURN IT DOWN.
September 20th, 2011 1:34 am
april glaspie on Digital Winesburg.
September 20th, 2011 6:54 pm
april glaspie on Digital Winesburg.
September 20th, 2011 7:15 pm
april glaspie on Digital Winesburg.
September 20th, 2011 7:26 pm
april glaspie on Digital Winesburg.
September 20th, 2011 7:36 pm
april glaspie on Digital Winesburg.
September 20th, 2011 8:27 pm
april glaspie on Digital Winesburg.
September 20th, 2011 8:50 pm
april glaspie on Digital Winesburg.
September 20th, 2011 10:23 pm
april glaspie on Digital Winesburg.
September 21st, 2011 12:06 am
april glaspie on Digital Winesburg.
September 21st, 2011 12:11 am
april glaspie on Digital Winesburg.
September 21st, 2011 1:12 am
april glaspie on Digital Winesburg.
September 21st, 2011 1:46 am
april glaspie on Digital Winesburg.
September 21st, 2011 3:15 am
april glaspie on Our fabulous language.
September 21st, 2011 10:49 pm
april glaspie on Our fabulous language.
September 21st, 2011 10:54 pm
april glaspie on Our fabulous language.
September 21st, 2011 11:31 pm
april glaspie on Jangle guitars.
September 22nd, 2011 6:25 pm
april glaspie on Jangle guitars.
September 22nd, 2011 7:15 pm
april glaspie on Jangle guitars.
September 22nd, 2011 8:24 pm
april glaspie on Jangle guitars.
September 22nd, 2011 8:35 pm
april glaspie on Jangle guitars.
September 22nd, 2011 10:57 pm
april glaspie on Jangle guitars.
September 22nd, 2011 11:27 pm
april glaspie on Jangle guitars.
September 22nd, 2011 11:58 pm
april glaspie on Jangle guitars.
September 23rd, 2011 1:54 am
april glaspie on Jangle guitars.
September 23rd, 2011 3:16 am
april glaspie on Jangle guitars.
September 23rd, 2011 4:50 am
april glaspie on The last supper.
September 23rd, 2011 6:13 pm
april glaspie on The last supper.
September 23rd, 2011 6:49 pm
april glaspie on The last supper.
September 23rd, 2011 8:46 pm
april glaspie on The last supper.
September 24th, 2011 1:39 am
april glaspie on The last supper.
September 24th, 2011 5:06 am
april glaspie on The last supper.
September 24th, 2011 5:15 am
april glaspie on The last supper.
September 24th, 2011 5:18 am
april glaspie on The last supper.
September 24th, 2011 10:12 am
caliban on Saturday morning Tour de Troit
September 24th, 2011 5:29 pm
caliban on The last supper.
September 24th, 2011 5:41 pm
caliban on The last supper.
September 24th, 2011 5:59 pm
caliban on The last supper.
September 24th, 2011 6:27 pm
caliban on Saturday morning Tour de Troit
September 25th, 2011 10:15 am
caliban on Saturday morning Tour de Troit
September 25th, 2011 10:19 am
caliban on Saturday morning Tour de Troit
September 25th, 2011 10:45 am
caliban on The last supper.
September 25th, 2011 10:59 am
caliban on The last supper.
September 25th, 2011 11:06 am
caliban on Saturday morning Tour de Troit
September 25th, 2011 6:04 pm
caliban on Saturday morning Tour de Troit
September 25th, 2011 7:59 pm
caliban on Saturday morning Tour de Troit
September 25th, 2011 11:28 pm
caliban on Young love.
September 27th, 2011 7:08 pm
caliban on Young love.
September 27th, 2011 9:07 pm
caliban on Young love.
September 28th, 2011 5:47 am
caliban on Young love.
September 28th, 2011 5:54 am
caliban on Young love.
September 28th, 2011 6:07 am
caliban on Young love.
September 28th, 2011 6:11 am
caliban on Young love.
September 28th, 2011 6:12 am
caliban on Young love.
September 28th, 2011 6:13 am
caliban on Young love.
September 28th, 2011 6:15 am
caliban on Young love.
September 28th, 2011 3:17 pm
caliban on Young love.
September 28th, 2011 4:33 pm
caliban on Young love.
September 28th, 2011 4:43 pm
caliban on RSVP with regrets.
September 28th, 2011 11:10 pm
caliban on RSVP with regrets.
September 28th, 2011 11:17 pm
caliban on As seen here.
September 30th, 2011 1:44 am
caliban on As seen here.
September 30th, 2011 5:45 pm
caliban on No sexy kittens.
September 30th, 2011 6:34 pm
caliban on No sexy kittens.
September 30th, 2011 7:18 pm
caliban on No sexy kittens.
September 30th, 2011 8:48 pm
caliban on No sexy kittens.
October 1st, 2011 12:47 am
caliban on No sexy kittens.
October 1st, 2011 1:46 am
caliban on No sexy kittens.
October 1st, 2011 2:14 am
caliban on No sexy kittens.
October 1st, 2011 12:52 pm
caliban on No sexy kittens.
October 1st, 2011 8:18 pm
caliban on No sexy kittens.
October 1st, 2011 10:07 pm
caliban on No sexy kittens.
October 2nd, 2011 1:00 am
caliban on No sexy kittens.
October 2nd, 2011 2:10 am
caliban on No sexy kittens.
October 3rd, 2011 1:36 am
caliban on No sexy kittens.
October 3rd, 2011 7:53 am
caliban on Wasted.
October 4th, 2011 1:49 am
caliban on A little respect, please.
October 4th, 2011 5:34 pm
caliban on A little respect, please.
October 4th, 2011 6:16 pm
caliban on A little respect, please.
October 4th, 2011 7:46 pm
caliban on A little respect, please.
October 4th, 2011 10:50 pm
caliban on A little respect, please.
October 4th, 2011 11:17 pm
caliban on A little respect, please.
October 5th, 2011 2:03 am
caliban on A little respect, please.
October 5th, 2011 4:32 pm
caliban on Schooled.
October 5th, 2011 7:17 pm
caliban on Schooled.
October 5th, 2011 9:40 pm
caliban on Schooled.
October 5th, 2011 10:38 pm
caliban on Schooled.
October 6th, 2011 5:06 am
caliban on Schooled.
October 6th, 2011 5:47 am
caliban on Schooled.
October 6th, 2011 7:23 am
caliban on What's it worth to you?
October 6th, 2011 8:07 pm
caliban on Leftovers, today.
October 7th, 2011 5:57 pm
caliban on Leftovers, today.
October 7th, 2011 8:21 pm
caliban on Leftovers, today.
October 8th, 2011 6:16 pm
caliban on Leftovers, today.
October 8th, 2011 8:18 pm
caliban on Leftovers, today.
October 9th, 2011 5:00 pm
caliban on Leftovers, today.
October 10th, 2011 4:32 am
caliban on Konsciousness.
October 10th, 2011 9:37 pm
caliban on Konsciousness.
October 10th, 2011 10:00 pm
caliban on Konsciousness.
October 10th, 2011 10:30 pm
caliban on Konsciousness.
October 10th, 2011 11:42 pm
caliban on Konsciousness.
October 11th, 2011 12:51 am
caliban on Konsciousness.
October 11th, 2011 3:05 am
caliban on Konsciousness.
October 11th, 2011 4:36 am
caliban on Konsciousness.
October 11th, 2011 5:22 am
caliban on Konsciousness.
October 11th, 2011 3:41 pm
caliban on Konsciousness.
October 11th, 2011 5:19 pm
caliban on Konsciousness.
October 11th, 2011 5:58 pm
caliban on Rocktober.
October 11th, 2011 6:20 pm
caliban on Rocktober.
October 11th, 2011 6:40 pm
caliban on Rocktober.
October 11th, 2011 7:03 pm
caliban on Rocktober.
October 11th, 2011 7:52 pm
caliban on Rocktober.
October 11th, 2011 8:07 pm
caliban on Rocktober.
October 11th, 2011 11:33 pm
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 12:09 am
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 12:17 am
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 12:20 am
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 1:02 am
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 3:46 am
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 6:28 am
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 7:11 am
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 10:38 am
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 10:55 am
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 11:19 am
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 11:28 am
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 11:39 am
caliban on Rocktober.
October 12th, 2011 4:45 pm
caliban on Spirit of 1576.
October 12th, 2011 10:34 pm
caliban on Spirit of 1576.
October 13th, 2011 8:04 am
caliban on Literally.
October 13th, 2011 5:15 pm
caliban on Literally.
October 13th, 2011 5:23 pm
caliban on Literally.
October 13th, 2011 7:36 pm
caliban on Literally.
October 14th, 2011 1:05 am
caliban on Literally.
October 14th, 2011 1:10 am
caliban on Literally.
October 14th, 2011 1:14 am
caliban on Literally.
October 14th, 2011 1:31 am
caliban on Literally.
October 14th, 2011 1:35 am
caliban on Literally.
October 14th, 2011 1:39 am
caliban on Literally.
October 14th, 2011 2:01 am
caliban on Literally.
October 14th, 2011 2:28 am
caliban on Literally.
October 14th, 2011 10:48 am
caliban on Literally.
October 14th, 2011 1:58 pm
caliban on Literally.
October 14th, 2011 2:12 pm
caliban on Clutch work.
October 14th, 2011 7:30 pm
caliban on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 1:14 am
caliban on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 1:43 am
caliban on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 2:16 am
caliban on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 2:25 am
caliban on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 2:45 am
caliban on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 3:02 am
caliban on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 5:23 am
caliban on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 6:03 am
caliban on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 6:05 am
caliban on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 6:06 am
caliban on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 11:02 am
caliban on Clutch work.
October 15th, 2011 11:31 am
caliban on Clutch work.
October 16th, 2011 4:44 pm
caliban on Clutch work.
October 17th, 2011 6:35 pm
caliban on A spoonful of sugar.
October 17th, 2011 10:22 pm
caliban on A spoonful of sugar.
October 17th, 2011 11:20 pm
caliban on A spoonful of sugar.
October 18th, 2011 1:14 am
caliban on A spoonful of sugar.
October 18th, 2011 1:37 am
caliban on A spoonful of sugar.
October 18th, 2011 1:51 am
caliban on A spoonful of sugar.
October 18th, 2011 3:05 am
caliban on A spoonful of sugar.
October 18th, 2011 3:15 am
caliban on A spoonful of sugar.
October 18th, 2011 3:19 am
caliban on A spoonful of sugar.
October 18th, 2011 4:30 am
caliban on A spoonful of sugar.
October 18th, 2011 8:56 am
caliban on Costumed.
October 18th, 2011 9:20 pm
caliban on Costumed.
October 18th, 2011 11:41 pm
caliban on Costumed.
October 19th, 2011 1:52 am
caliban on Costumed.
October 19th, 2011 2:02 am
caliban on Costumed.
October 19th, 2011 2:04 am
caliban on Costumed.
October 19th, 2011 2:50 am
caliban on Big (healthy) Brother.
October 19th, 2011 6:20 pm
caliban on Big (healthy) Brother.
October 19th, 2011 6:38 pm
caliban on Big (healthy) Brother.
October 19th, 2011 7:06 pm
caliban on Big (healthy) Brother.
October 19th, 2011 8:33 pm
caliban on Big (healthy) Brother.
October 19th, 2011 9:23 pm
caliban on Big (healthy) Brother.
October 20th, 2011 1:42 am
caliban on Big (healthy) Brother.
October 20th, 2011 5:10 am
caliban on Big (healthy) Brother.
October 20th, 2011 7:29 am
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 20th, 2011 5:46 pm
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 20th, 2011 6:01 pm
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 20th, 2011 6:42 pm
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 20th, 2011 7:14 pm
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 20th, 2011 9:03 pm
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 20th, 2011 9:12 pm
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 20th, 2011 9:52 pm
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 20th, 2011 10:08 pm
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 21st, 2011 1:45 am
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 21st, 2011 1:54 am
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 21st, 2011 1:59 am
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 21st, 2011 2:39 am
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 21st, 2011 3:23 am
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 21st, 2011 5:31 am
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 21st, 2011 5:34 am
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 21st, 2011 12:24 pm
caliban on Fall of the Planet of the Apes.
October 21st, 2011 12:28 pm
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 21st, 2011 9:48 pm
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 21st, 2011 10:33 pm
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 21st, 2011 11:01 pm
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 21st, 2011 11:38 pm
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 22nd, 2011 12:15 am
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 22nd, 2011 12:50 am
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 22nd, 2011 1:02 am
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 22nd, 2011 1:12 am
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 22nd, 2011 3:54 am
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 22nd, 2011 4:03 am
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 22nd, 2011 4:04 am
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 22nd, 2011 7:23 pm
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 22nd, 2011 8:01 pm
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 23rd, 2011 9:40 am
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 23rd, 2011 9:57 am
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 23rd, 2011 8:42 pm
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 23rd, 2011 10:22 pm
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 23rd, 2011 10:43 pm
caliban on The un-genius bar.
October 23rd, 2011 11:40 pm
caliban on A night to remember.
October 24th, 2011 9:00 pm
caliban on A night to remember.
October 25th, 2011 2:16 am
caliban on A night to remember.
October 25th, 2011 3:47 am
caliban on A night to remember.
October 25th, 2011 4:39 am
caliban on A night to remember.
October 25th, 2011 5:27 am
caliban on A night to remember.
October 25th, 2011 5:45 am
caliban on A night to remember.
October 25th, 2011 5:46 am
caliban on A night to remember.
October 25th, 2011 1:35 pm
caliban on A night to remember.
October 25th, 2011 1:42 pm
caliban on Scary germs.
October 25th, 2011 7:32 pm
caliban on Scary germs.
October 25th, 2011 9:29 pm
caliban on This wheezing carousel we call life.
October 26th, 2011 7:57 pm
caliban on This wheezing carousel we call life.
October 26th, 2011 8:02 pm
caliban on This wheezing carousel we call life.
October 26th, 2011 9:47 pm
caliban on This wheezing carousel we call life.
October 26th, 2011 11:03 pm
caliban on Beef therapy.
October 27th, 2011 10:07 pm
caliban on Beef therapy.
October 27th, 2011 10:26 pm
caliban on Beef therapy.
October 28th, 2011 12:52 am
caliban on Beef therapy.
October 28th, 2011 8:07 pm
caliban on Beef therapy.
October 28th, 2011 8:46 pm
caliban on Beef therapy.
October 28th, 2011 10:56 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 29th, 2011 5:33 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 29th, 2011 6:40 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 29th, 2011 7:57 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 29th, 2011 8:51 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 29th, 2011 9:14 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 29th, 2011 9:25 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 30th, 2011 2:51 am
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 30th, 2011 5:09 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 30th, 2011 5:35 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 30th, 2011 7:43 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 30th, 2011 7:49 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 30th, 2011 8:01 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 31st, 2011 2:51 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 31st, 2011 3:53 pm
caliban on Priest-killing' time.
October 31st, 2011 3:59 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
October 31st, 2011 5:31 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
October 31st, 2011 6:08 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
October 31st, 2011 6:37 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
October 31st, 2011 7:04 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
October 31st, 2011 8:17 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
October 31st, 2011 8:23 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
October 31st, 2011 10:48 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
October 31st, 2011 10:55 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 1:33 am
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 5:23 am
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 5:29 am
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 5:38 am
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 5:53 am
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 5:57 am
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 12:23 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 12:25 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 12:42 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 12:50 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 1:52 pm
caliban on Travel is very broadening.
November 1st, 2011 2:32 pm
caliban on Little cat feet.
November 1st, 2011 8:51 pm
caliban on Little cat feet.
November 1st, 2011 9:35 pm
caliban on Little cat feet.
November 1st, 2011 10:05 pm
caliban on Little cat feet.
November 1st, 2011 10:09 pm
caliban on Little cat feet.
November 1st, 2011 11:58 pm
caliban on Little cat feet.
November 2nd, 2011 12:30 am
caliban on Little cat feet.
November 2nd, 2011 1:51 am
caliban on Little cat feet.
November 2nd, 2011 2:42 am
caliban on Where is the love?
November 2nd, 2011 7:31 pm
caliban on Where is the love?
November 2nd, 2011 8:41 pm
caliban on Where is the love?
November 3rd, 2011 1:04 am
caliban on Where is the love?
November 3rd, 2011 1:31 am
caliban on Where is the love?
November 3rd, 2011 1:35 am
caliban on Where is the love?
November 3rd, 2011 1:51 am
caliban on Where is the love?
November 3rd, 2011 8:41 am
caliban on Where is the love?
November 3rd, 2011 8:58 am
caliban on Where is the love?
November 3rd, 2011 12:02 pm
caliban on Where is the love?
November 3rd, 2011 5:01 pm
caliban on Where is the love?
November 3rd, 2011 5:20 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 5:43 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 5:52 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 5:57 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 6:08 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 6:25 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 6:31 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 6:37 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 6:50 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 6:59 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 7:03 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 8:38 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 8:46 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 8:55 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 8:58 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 11:12 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 11:14 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 11:19 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 11:26 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 11:33 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 11:40 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 11:46 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 3rd, 2011 11:50 pm
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 4th, 2011 12:08 am
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 4th, 2011 12:15 am
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 4th, 2011 12:22 am
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 4th, 2011 4:30 am
caliban on Details, details.
November 4th, 2011 7:50 pm
caliban on Details, details.
November 4th, 2011 10:38 pm
caliban on Details, details.
November 5th, 2011 1:21 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 5th, 2011 6:26 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 5th, 2011 7:33 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 5th, 2011 8:26 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 5th, 2011 9:56 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 5th, 2011 10:22 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 6th, 2011 1:27 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 6th, 2011 1:33 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 6th, 2011 2:02 am
caliban on Your moneybags, sir.
November 6th, 2011 7:33 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 6th, 2011 9:17 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 6th, 2011 9:59 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 6th, 2011 10:25 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 6th, 2011 11:07 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 6th, 2011 8:35 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 6th, 2011 8:41 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 7th, 2011 3:06 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 7th, 2011 3:20 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 7th, 2011 3:29 am
caliban on Another one.
November 7th, 2011 7:40 pm
caliban on Another one.
November 7th, 2011 8:45 pm
caliban on Another one.
November 7th, 2011 9:34 pm
caliban on Another one.
November 8th, 2011 12:57 am
caliban on Another one.
November 8th, 2011 1:51 am
caliban on E-day, fog day.
November 8th, 2011 9:26 pm
caliban on E-day, fog day.
November 8th, 2011 10:38 pm
caliban on E-day, fog day.
November 8th, 2011 10:56 pm
caliban on E-day, fog day.
November 9th, 2011 12:09 am
caliban on E-day, fog day.
November 9th, 2011 12:30 am
caliban on E-day, fog day.
November 9th, 2011 1:38 am
caliban on E-day, fog day.
November 9th, 2011 2:11 am
caliban on E-day, fog day.
November 9th, 2011 2:40 am
caliban on E-day, fog day.
November 9th, 2011 3:51 am
caliban on E-day, fog day.
November 9th, 2011 5:49 pm
caliban on The mop-up.
November 9th, 2011 7:38 pm
caliban on The mop-up.
November 9th, 2011 7:55 pm
caliban on The mop-up.
November 9th, 2011 9:17 pm
caliban on The mop-up.
November 9th, 2011 9:39 pm
caliban on The mop-up.
November 9th, 2011 10:18 pm
caliban on The mop-up.
November 9th, 2011 10:23 pm
caliban on The mop-up.
November 10th, 2011 1:19 am
caliban on The mop-up.
November 10th, 2011 1:21 am
caliban on The mop-up.
November 10th, 2011 1:25 am
caliban on The mop-up.
November 10th, 2011 1:27 am
caliban on The mop-up.
November 10th, 2011 1:51 am
caliban on The mop-up.
November 10th, 2011 4:00 am
caliban on The mop-up.
November 10th, 2011 9:00 am
caliban on The mop-up.
November 10th, 2011 9:11 am
caliban on The mop-up.
November 10th, 2011 9:13 am
caliban on The mop-up.
November 10th, 2011 10:14 am
caliban on The mop-up.
November 10th, 2011 2:29 pm
caliban on Ten November.
November 10th, 2011 8:52 pm
caliban on Ten November.
November 10th, 2011 9:04 pm
caliban on Ten November.
November 10th, 2011 9:45 pm
caliban on Ten November.
November 10th, 2011 10:10 pm
caliban on Ten November.
November 10th, 2011 10:35 pm
caliban on Ten November.
November 10th, 2011 10:55 pm
caliban on Ten November.
November 10th, 2011 11:40 pm
caliban on Ten November.
November 11th, 2011 12:36 am
caliban on Ten November.
November 11th, 2011 12:47 am
caliban on Ten November.
November 11th, 2011 1:04 am
caliban on Ten November.
November 11th, 2011 2:33 am
caliban on Ten November.
November 11th, 2011 3:13 am
caliban on Ten November.
November 11th, 2011 3:35 am
caliban on Ten November.
November 11th, 2011 3:54 am
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 11th, 2011 5:31 pm
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 11th, 2011 10:50 pm
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 11th, 2011 11:46 pm
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 12th, 2011 12:24 am
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 12th, 2011 7:27 pm
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 12th, 2011 8:16 pm
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 1:11 am
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 1:18 am
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 6:01 am
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 6:27 am
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 6:42 am
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 7:52 am
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 4:30 pm
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 6:09 pm
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 7:06 pm
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 9:30 pm
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 9:47 pm
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 9:59 pm
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 13th, 2011 11:00 pm
caliban on Eleven eleven eleven.
November 14th, 2011 3:10 am
caliban on HAL takes pen in hand.
November 15th, 2011 2:29 am
caliban on HAL takes pen in hand.
November 15th, 2011 6:48 am
caliban on Not guilty.
November 15th, 2011 5:56 pm
caliban on Not guilty.
November 15th, 2011 6:31 pm
caliban on Not guilty.
November 15th, 2011 6:56 pm
caliban on Not guilty.
November 15th, 2011 8:00 pm
caliban on Not guilty.
November 15th, 2011 8:53 pm
caliban on Not guilty.
November 15th, 2011 9:16 pm
caliban on Not guilty.
November 15th, 2011 9:54 pm
caliban on Not guilty.
November 15th, 2011 10:55 pm
caliban on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 1:22 am
caliban on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 1:35 am
caliban on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 1:46 am
caliban on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 4:59 am
caliban on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 5:04 am
caliban on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 5:08 am
caliban on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 5:12 am
caliban on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 7:45 am
caliban on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 7:55 am
caliban on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 10:38 am
caliban on Not guilty.
November 16th, 2011 10:50 am
caliban on Get over yourself.
November 16th, 2011 7:37 pm
caliban on Get over yourself.
November 16th, 2011 7:52 pm
caliban on Get over yourself.
November 16th, 2011 9:10 pm
caliban on Get over yourself.
November 16th, 2011 9:34 pm
caliban on Get over yourself.
November 16th, 2011 9:46 pm
caliban on Get over yourself.
November 17th, 2011 12:40 am
caliban on Get over yourself.
November 17th, 2011 1:17 am
caliban on Get over yourself.
November 17th, 2011 1:40 am
caliban on Get over yourself.
November 17th, 2011 2:01 am
caliban on Get over yourself.
November 17th, 2011 3:24 am
caliban on Get over yourself.
November 17th, 2011 5:47 am
caliban on Link salad.
November 18th, 2011 3:39 am
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 19th, 2011 1:40 am
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 19th, 2011 1:44 am
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 19th, 2011 3:10 am
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 19th, 2011 3:54 am
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 19th, 2011 3:56 am
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 19th, 2011 3:58 am
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 19th, 2011 4:14 am
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 19th, 2011 7:47 am
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 20th, 2011 2:34 am
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 20th, 2011 9:54 pm
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 20th, 2011 10:30 pm
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 21st, 2011 12:21 am
caliban on The SparkleBaby Chronicles, Part 1.
November 21st, 2011 1:41 am
caliban on Create the problem, sell the cure.
November 21st, 2011 5:27 pm
caliban on Create the problem, sell the cure.
November 21st, 2011 9:05 pm
caliban on Create the problem, sell the cure.
November 22nd, 2011 12:52 am
caliban on Create the problem, sell the cure.
November 22nd, 2011 1:22 am
caliban on Create the problem, sell the cure.
November 22nd, 2011 3:15 am
caliban on Create the problem, sell the cure.
November 22nd, 2011 6:36 am
caliban on Create the problem, sell the cure.
November 22nd, 2011 6:44 am
caliban on Create the problem, sell the cure.
November 22nd, 2011 11:56 am
caliban on This was this, but that was that.
November 22nd, 2011 8:30 pm
caliban on This was this, but that was that.
November 22nd, 2011 9:16 pm
caliban on This was this, but that was that.
November 22nd, 2011 9:28 pm
caliban on This was this, but that was that.
November 22nd, 2011 9:39 pm
caliban on This was this, but that was that.
November 22nd, 2011 11:30 pm
caliban on This was this, but that was that.
November 22nd, 2011 11:43 pm
caliban on This was this, but that was that.
November 22nd, 2011 11:57 pm
caliban on This was this, but that was that.
November 23rd, 2011 12:27 am
caliban on Create the problem, sell the cure.
November 23rd, 2011 1:06 am
caliban on This was this, but that was that.
November 23rd, 2011 2:38 am
caliban on This was this, but that was that.
November 23rd, 2011 4:55 am
caliban on This was this, but that was that.
November 23rd, 2011 6:19 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 23rd, 2011 6:34 pm
caliban on Fatheads.
November 23rd, 2011 6:48 pm
caliban on Fatheads.
November 23rd, 2011 8:16 pm
caliban on Fatheads.
November 23rd, 2011 11:44 pm
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 1:55 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 2:40 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 3:22 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 4:45 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 6:14 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 6:30 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 6:39 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 6:42 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 6:43 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 6:53 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 7:08 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 12:22 pm
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 6:54 pm
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 8:07 pm
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 8:23 pm
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 9:54 pm
caliban on Fatheads.
November 25th, 2011 9:58 pm
caliban on Fatheads.
November 26th, 2011 12:21 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 26th, 2011 12:50 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 26th, 2011 1:24 am
caliban on Fatheads.
November 26th, 2011 3:16 am
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 27th, 2011 10:42 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
November 27th, 2011 10:53 pm
caliban on Contents under pressure.
November 28th, 2011 8:42 pm
caliban on Contents under pressure.
November 28th, 2011 9:05 pm
caliban on Contents under pressure.
November 28th, 2011 9:57 pm
caliban on Contents under pressure.
November 28th, 2011 11:38 pm
caliban on Contents under pressure.
November 29th, 2011 1:07 am
caliban on Contents under pressure.
November 29th, 2011 1:08 am
caliban on Contents under pressure.
November 29th, 2011 2:12 am
caliban on Contents under pressure.
November 29th, 2011 2:51 am
caliban on Contents under pressure.
November 29th, 2011 2:55 am
caliban on Contents under pressure.
November 29th, 2011 3:36 am
caliban on Contents under pressure.
November 29th, 2011 3:55 am
caliban on Contents under pressure.
November 29th, 2011 4:00 am
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 29th, 2011 7:09 pm
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 29th, 2011 7:21 pm
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 29th, 2011 7:54 pm
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 29th, 2011 8:53 pm
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 29th, 2011 10:21 pm
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 29th, 2011 10:34 pm
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 30th, 2011 2:17 am
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 30th, 2011 2:25 am
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 30th, 2011 2:26 am
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 30th, 2011 2:45 am
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 30th, 2011 2:50 am
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 30th, 2011 3:14 am
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 30th, 2011 3:27 am
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 30th, 2011 5:37 am
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 30th, 2011 5:42 am
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 30th, 2011 7:41 am
caliban on We are not pleased.
November 30th, 2011 9:34 am
caliban on Powerless.
November 30th, 2011 7:15 pm
caliban on Powerless.
November 30th, 2011 7:21 pm
caliban on Powerless.
November 30th, 2011 8:40 pm
caliban on Powerless.
November 30th, 2011 8:53 pm
caliban on Powerless.
November 30th, 2011 9:46 pm
caliban on Powerless.
November 30th, 2011 10:23 pm
caliban on Powerless.
November 30th, 2011 11:00 pm
caliban on Powerless.
December 1st, 2011 12:05 am
caliban on Powerless.
December 1st, 2011 12:41 am
caliban on Powerless.
December 1st, 2011 1:45 am
caliban on Powerless.
December 1st, 2011 2:33 am
caliban on Who are you?
December 1st, 2011 9:25 pm
caliban on Who are you?
December 1st, 2011 9:44 pm
caliban on Who are you?
December 1st, 2011 11:02 pm
caliban on Who are you?
December 2nd, 2011 12:30 am
caliban on Who are you?
December 2nd, 2011 1:19 am
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 2nd, 2011 10:01 pm
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 2nd, 2011 10:53 pm
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 2nd, 2011 11:49 pm
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 3rd, 2011 12:10 am
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 3rd, 2011 12:19 am
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 3rd, 2011 1:43 am
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 3rd, 2011 2:36 am
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 3rd, 2011 6:21 pm
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 3rd, 2011 8:00 pm
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 3rd, 2011 9:36 pm
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 4th, 2011 12:28 am
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 4th, 2011 10:41 am
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 4th, 2011 10:45 am
caliban on Dried-plum face.
December 4th, 2011 6:32 pm
caliban on Saturday afternoon walk.
December 4th, 2011 7:24 pm
caliban on Saturday afternoon walk.
December 4th, 2011 8:43 pm
caliban on Saturday afternoon walk.
December 4th, 2011 11:12 pm
caliban on Mostly cloudy.
December 5th, 2011 7:23 pm
caliban on Mostly cloudy.
December 5th, 2011 9:32 pm
caliban on Mostly cloudy.
December 6th, 2011 6:13 pm
caliban on Mostly cloudy.
December 6th, 2011 6:19 pm
caliban on Send friend request.
December 6th, 2011 6:40 pm
caliban on Send friend request.
December 6th, 2011 7:04 pm
caliban on Send friend request.
December 6th, 2011 10:24 pm
caliban on Send friend request.
December 6th, 2011 11:38 pm
caliban on Send friend request.
December 7th, 2011 2:22 am
caliban on Send friend request.
December 7th, 2011 5:26 am
caliban on Send friend request.
December 7th, 2011 6:09 am
caliban on Send friend request.
December 7th, 2011 6:58 am
caliban on Send friend request.
December 7th, 2011 7:51 am
caliban on Send friend request.
December 7th, 2011 9:18 am
caliban on Beaten to death.
December 7th, 2011 6:37 pm
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 9th, 2011 9:05 pm
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 9th, 2011 10:15 pm
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 10th, 2011 1:25 am
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 10th, 2011 1:33 am
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 10th, 2011 1:41 am
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 10th, 2011 1:43 am
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 10th, 2011 5:08 am
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 10th, 2011 10:28 am
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 10th, 2011 1:05 pm
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 10th, 2011 1:38 pm
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 10th, 2011 10:46 pm
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 11th, 2011 12:24 am
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 11th, 2011 1:48 am
caliban on That left a big hole.
December 11th, 2011 9:22 pm
caliban on A few kitchen notes.
December 12th, 2011 9:53 pm
caliban on A few kitchen notes.
December 12th, 2011 10:27 pm
caliban on A few kitchen notes.
December 12th, 2011 11:38 pm
caliban on A few kitchen notes.
December 13th, 2011 12:04 am
caliban on A few kitchen notes.
December 13th, 2011 12:46 am
caliban on A few kitchen notes.
December 13th, 2011 1:37 am
caliban on Mission accomplished. More or less.
December 15th, 2011 8:31 pm
caliban on Gone now.
December 16th, 2011 7:49 pm
caliban on Gone now.
December 16th, 2011 10:13 pm
caliban on Gone now.
December 17th, 2011 1:43 am
caliban on Gone now.
December 17th, 2011 2:05 am
caliban on Gone now.
December 17th, 2011 2:19 am
caliban on Gone now.
December 17th, 2011 2:22 am
caliban on Gone now.
December 17th, 2011 2:34 am
caliban on Gone now.
December 17th, 2011 4:08 am
caliban on Gone now.
December 17th, 2011 6:39 am
caliban on Gone now.
December 17th, 2011 6:50 am
caliban on Gone now.
December 17th, 2011 11:41 am
caliban on Gone now.
December 17th, 2011 7:05 pm
caliban on The lead today is buried.
December 20th, 2011 6:28 pm
caliban on Cite, please.
December 20th, 2011 9:52 pm
caliban on The lead today is buried.
December 21st, 2011 1:21 am
caliban on The lead today is buried.
December 21st, 2011 1:33 am
caliban on Cite, please.
December 21st, 2011 2:18 am
caliban on Cite, please.
December 21st, 2011 4:47 am
caliban on Darkest day.
December 21st, 2011 10:11 pm
caliban on Darkest day.
December 21st, 2011 10:34 pm
caliban on Always check the film.
December 22nd, 2011 7:48 pm
caliban on Always check the film.
December 23rd, 2011 12:06 am
caliban on Festivus for the rest of us.
December 23rd, 2011 9:09 pm
caliban on Festivus for the rest of us.
December 23rd, 2011 10:05 pm
caliban on Festivus for the rest of us.
December 23rd, 2011 11:22 pm
caliban on Festivus for the rest of us.
December 24th, 2011 12:25 am
caliban on Festivus for the rest of us.
December 24th, 2011 1:00 am
caliban on Festivus for the rest of us.
December 24th, 2011 1:26 am
caliban on Festivus for the rest of us.
December 24th, 2011 3:59 am
caliban on Festivus for the rest of us.
December 24th, 2011 5:24 pm
caliban on Festivus for the rest of us.
December 24th, 2011 5:54 pm
caliban on Festivus for the rest of us.
December 24th, 2011 6:19 pm
caliban on Festivus for the rest of us.
December 24th, 2011 11:30 pm
caliban on Festivus for the rest of us.
December 25th, 2011 12:04 am
caliban on Boxing Day.
December 26th, 2011 9:36 pm
caliban on Boxing Day.
December 27th, 2011 6:18 am
caliban on Boxing Day.
December 27th, 2011 8:20 am
caliban on Hanging up.
December 28th, 2011 8:44 pm
caliban on Hanging up.
December 28th, 2011 9:15 pm
caliban on Hanging up.
December 28th, 2011 9:58 pm
caliban on Hanging up.
December 28th, 2011 10:42 pm
caliban on Hanging up.
December 29th, 2011 3:07 am
caliban on Hanging up.
December 29th, 2011 6:48 pm
caliban on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
December 29th, 2011 7:52 pm
caliban on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
December 29th, 2011 8:05 pm
caliban on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
December 29th, 2011 9:16 pm
caliban on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
December 30th, 2011 12:30 am
caliban on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
December 30th, 2011 3:39 am
caliban on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
December 31st, 2011 7:49 pm
caliban on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
January 1st, 2012 1:23 am
caliban on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
January 1st, 2012 1:26 am
caliban on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
January 1st, 2012 4:34 am
caliban on And a parrotlet in a pine tree.
January 1st, 2012 10:00 pm
caliban on The $30 chicken.
January 2nd, 2012 8:02 pm
caliban on The $30 chicken.
January 2nd, 2012 9:55 pm
caliban on The $30 chicken.
January 2nd, 2012 10:50 pm
caliban on The $30 chicken.
January 3rd, 2012 3:16 am
caliban on The $30 chicken.
January 3rd, 2012 10:40 am
caliban on The $30 chicken.
January 3rd, 2012 10:50 am
caliban on A little stroll.
January 3rd, 2012 5:43 pm
caliban on The people speak.
January 4th, 2012 5:59 pm
caliban on The people speak.
January 4th, 2012 9:41 pm
caliban on The people speak.
January 5th, 2012 2:09 am
caliban on The people speak.
January 5th, 2012 2:17 am
caliban on The people speak.
January 5th, 2012 10:47 am
caliban on A new gear.
January 5th, 2012 5:03 pm
caliban on A new gear.
January 5th, 2012 5:14 pm
caliban on A new gear.
January 5th, 2012 9:05 pm
caliban on A new gear.
January 5th, 2012 9:09 pm
caliban on A new gear.
January 5th, 2012 11:55 pm
caliban on From the East German judge, an 8.
January 6th, 2012 10:03 pm
caliban on From the East German judge, an 8.
January 6th, 2012 10:31 pm
caliban on From the East German judge, an 8.
January 7th, 2012 12:35 am
caliban on From the East German judge, an 8.
January 7th, 2012 1:29 am
caliban on From the East German judge, an 8.
January 7th, 2012 2:04 am
caliban on From the East German judge, an 8.
January 7th, 2012 3:26 am
caliban on From the East German judge, an 8.
January 7th, 2012 3:57 am
caliban on Saturday morning WTF?
January 7th, 2012 7:31 pm
caliban on Saturday morning WTF?
January 7th, 2012 8:51 pm
caliban on Saturday morning WTF?
January 8th, 2012 10:59 pm
caliban on Saturday morning WTF?
January 9th, 2012 2:05 am
caliban on Drive.
January 9th, 2012 9:40 pm
caliban on Talk amongst yourselves.
January 10th, 2012 8:23 pm
caliban on Talk amongst yourselves.
January 10th, 2012 9:06 pm
caliban on Talk amongst yourselves.
January 10th, 2012 11:27 pm
caliban on Talk amongst yourselves.
January 11th, 2012 2:45 am
caliban on Talk amongst yourselves.
January 11th, 2012 6:43 am
caliban on Talk amongst yourselves.
January 11th, 2012 9:23 am
caliban on Talk amongst yourselves.
January 11th, 2012 9:26 am
caliban on Someone is watching.
January 11th, 2012 10:00 am
caliban on Someone is watching.
January 11th, 2012 9:51 pm
caliban on Someone is watching.
January 11th, 2012 11:26 pm
caliban on Someone is watching.
January 12th, 2012 1:20 am
caliban on Someone is watching.
January 12th, 2012 1:47 am
caliban on Someone is watching.
January 12th, 2012 3:01 am
caliban on Someone is watching.
January 12th, 2012 5:32 am
caliban on Nice shoes.
January 12th, 2012 8:10 pm
caliban on Nice shoes.
January 12th, 2012 8:38 pm
caliban on Nice shoes.
January 12th, 2012 9:25 pm
caliban on Nice shoes.
January 13th, 2012 2:09 am
caliban on Nice shoes.
January 13th, 2012 2:53 am
caliban on Nice shoes.
January 13th, 2012 2:55 am
caliban on End of a long week.
January 13th, 2012 10:48 am
caliban on End of a long week.
January 13th, 2012 10:49 am
caliban on End of a long week.
January 13th, 2012 11:12 am
caliban on End of a long week.
January 13th, 2012 12:05 pm
caliban on End of a long week.
January 13th, 2012 12:07 pm
caliban on End of a long week.
January 13th, 2012 11:21 pm
caliban on End of a long week.
January 13th, 2012 11:47 pm
caliban on End of a long week.
January 13th, 2012 11:50 pm
caliban on End of a long week.
January 14th, 2012 1:07 am
caliban on End of a long week.
January 14th, 2012 1:52 am
caliban on End of a long week.
January 14th, 2012 3:28 am
caliban on End of a long week.
January 14th, 2012 3:31 am
caliban on End of a long week.
January 14th, 2012 4:24 am
caliban on More car prom.
January 16th, 2012 7:35 pm
caliban on More car prom.
January 16th, 2012 8:14 pm
caliban on More car prom.
January 16th, 2012 9:10 pm
caliban on More car prom.
January 16th, 2012 11:06 pm
caliban on More car prom.
January 17th, 2012 2:28 am
caliban on More car prom.
January 17th, 2012 2:39 am
caliban on Car prom.
January 17th, 2012 4:51 am
caliban on Car prom.
January 17th, 2012 4:54 am
caliban on The drear.
January 17th, 2012 11:19 pm
caliban on The drear.
January 17th, 2012 11:48 pm
caliban on The drear.
January 18th, 2012 12:00 am
caliban on The drear.
January 18th, 2012 1:06 am
caliban on The drear.
January 18th, 2012 1:08 am
caliban on The drear.
January 18th, 2012 1:33 am
caliban on The drear.
January 18th, 2012 2:42 am
caliban on Is that cheddar old enough to vote?
January 18th, 2012 9:37 pm
caliban on Is that cheddar old enough to vote?
January 18th, 2012 11:52 pm
caliban on Is that cheddar old enough to vote?
January 19th, 2012 12:27 am
caliban on Is that cheddar old enough to vote?
January 19th, 2012 1:03 am
caliban on Is that cheddar old enough to vote?
January 19th, 2012 1:55 am
caliban on Is that cheddar old enough to vote?
January 19th, 2012 2:29 am
caliban on Is that cheddar old enough to vote?
January 19th, 2012 5:10 am
caliban on Never darkened, but today? Dim.
January 19th, 2012 9:02 am
caliban on Never darkened, but today? Dim.
January 19th, 2012 9:27 am
caliban on Never darkened, but today? Dim.
January 19th, 2012 9:51 am
caliban on Never darkened, but today? Dim.
January 19th, 2012 7:55 pm
caliban on Never darkened, but today? Dim.
January 19th, 2012 9:56 pm
caliban on Never darkened, but today? Dim.
January 19th, 2012 10:35 pm
caliban on Never darkened, but today? Dim.
January 20th, 2012 12:36 am
caliban on Never darkened, but today? Dim.
January 20th, 2012 2:58 am
caliban on Never darkened, but today? Dim.
January 20th, 2012 3:37 am
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 20th, 2012 7:54 pm
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 20th, 2012 8:16 pm
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 20th, 2012 8:57 pm
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 20th, 2012 10:23 pm
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 20th, 2012 11:25 pm
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 21st, 2012 12:26 am
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 21st, 2012 1:53 am
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 21st, 2012 4:03 am
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 21st, 2012 5:58 pm
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 21st, 2012 8:47 pm
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 22nd, 2012 1:34 am
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 22nd, 2012 2:11 am
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 22nd, 2012 4:10 am
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 22nd, 2012 4:12 am
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 22nd, 2012 4:16 am
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 22nd, 2012 6:45 am
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 22nd, 2012 7:09 pm
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 22nd, 2012 8:06 pm
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 22nd, 2012 8:41 pm
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 23rd, 2012 1:30 am
caliban on Second opinions, please.
January 23rd, 2012 5:36 am
caliban on The One Great Scorer is ready.
January 23rd, 2012 11:08 pm
caliban on The One Great Scorer is ready.
January 23rd, 2012 11:30 pm
caliban on The One Great Scorer is ready.
January 24th, 2012 12:54 am
caliban on The One Great Scorer is ready.
January 24th, 2012 2:17 am
caliban on A bit of a breeze.
January 24th, 2012 9:33 pm
caliban on A bit of a breeze.
January 24th, 2012 10:25 pm
caliban on A bit of a breeze.
January 25th, 2012 12:47 am
caliban on A bit of a breeze.
January 25th, 2012 1:43 am
caliban on Jane Winebox.
January 25th, 2012 5:39 pm
caliban on Jane Winebox.
January 25th, 2012 5:59 pm
caliban on Jane Winebox.
January 25th, 2012 7:07 pm
caliban on Jane Winebox.
January 25th, 2012 8:15 pm
caliban on Jane Winebox.
January 26th, 2012 6:35 am
caliban on Solitary dinner.
January 26th, 2012 7:39 pm
caliban on Solitary dinner.
January 26th, 2012 9:03 pm
caliban on Solitary dinner.
January 26th, 2012 11:09 pm
caliban on Solitary dinner.
January 26th, 2012 11:37 pm
caliban on Solitary dinner.
January 27th, 2012 12:19 am
caliban on Solitary dinner.
January 27th, 2012 1:06 am
caliban on Solitary dinner.
January 27th, 2012 3:31 am
caliban on Solitary dinner.
January 27th, 2012 5:44 am
caliban on Solitary dinner.
January 27th, 2012 6:26 am
caliban on The minors.
January 27th, 2012 11:12 pm
caliban on The minors.
January 28th, 2012 12:17 am
caliban on The minors.
January 28th, 2012 2:57 am
caliban on The minors.
January 28th, 2012 8:42 am
caliban on The minors.
January 28th, 2012 10:01 am
caliban on The minors.
January 29th, 2012 3:14 am
caliban on The minors.
January 29th, 2012 3:19 am
caliban on The minors.
January 29th, 2012 3:07 pm
caliban on The minors.
January 29th, 2012 6:30 pm
caliban on The minors.
January 29th, 2012 7:12 pm
caliban on Light and dark.
January 30th, 2012 10:31 pm
caliban on Light and dark.
January 30th, 2012 11:39 pm
caliban on Light and dark.
January 31st, 2012 1:24 am
caliban on Light and dark.
January 31st, 2012 4:00 am
caliban on Light and dark.
January 31st, 2012 11:11 pm
caliban on Light and dark.
February 1st, 2012 12:21 am
caliban on Five minutes with Nancy.
February 1st, 2012 7:25 pm
caliban on Five minutes with Nancy.
February 1st, 2012 7:53 pm
caliban on Five minutes with Nancy.
February 1st, 2012 8:17 pm
caliban on Five minutes with Nancy.
February 1st, 2012 10:09 pm
caliban on Five minutes with Nancy.
February 2nd, 2012 12:56 am
caliban on Five minutes with Nancy.
February 2nd, 2012 1:54 am
caliban on Five minutes with Nancy.
February 2nd, 2012 2:13 am
caliban on Puppet show. Spinal Tap.
February 2nd, 2012 8:55 pm
caliban on Puppet show. Spinal Tap.
February 2nd, 2012 11:48 pm
caliban on Puppet show. Spinal Tap.
February 3rd, 2012 1:29 am
caliban on Puppet show. Spinal Tap.
February 3rd, 2012 3:05 am
caliban on Pink and red.
February 3rd, 2012 6:29 pm
caliban on Pink and red.
February 3rd, 2012 7:18 pm
caliban on Pink and red.
February 3rd, 2012 7:38 pm
caliban on Pink and red.
February 3rd, 2012 8:16 pm
caliban on Pink and red.
February 3rd, 2012 8:57 pm
caliban on Pink and red.
February 3rd, 2012 9:25 pm
caliban on Pink and red.
February 3rd, 2012 10:31 pm
caliban on Pink and red.
February 4th, 2012 4:06 am
caliban on Pink and red.
February 4th, 2012 6:38 am
caliban on Pink and red.
February 4th, 2012 7:33 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
February 4th, 2012 9:32 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
February 4th, 2012 11:39 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
February 5th, 2012 5:30 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
February 5th, 2012 8:07 pm
caliban on Saturday morning market.
February 5th, 2012 10:25 pm
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 6th, 2012 9:40 am
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 6th, 2012 6:19 pm
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 6th, 2012 7:28 pm
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 6th, 2012 7:55 pm
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 6th, 2012 9:23 pm
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 6th, 2012 9:28 pm
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 7th, 2012 12:21 am
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 7th, 2012 1:41 am
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 7th, 2012 7:35 pm
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 7th, 2012 8:25 pm
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 7th, 2012 9:33 pm
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 8th, 2012 1:13 am
caliban on Oh, grow up.
February 8th, 2012 1:17 am
caliban on Running on fumes.
February 8th, 2012 9:33 am
caliban on Running on fumes.
February 8th, 2012 9:44 am
caliban on Running on fumes.
February 8th, 2012 5:45 pm
caliban on Running on fumes.
February 8th, 2012 5:58 pm
caliban on Running on fumes.
February 8th, 2012 8:47 pm
caliban on Running on fumes.
February 9th, 2012 1:24 am
caliban on Running on fumes.
February 9th, 2012 1:45 am
caliban on Running on fumes.
February 9th, 2012 2:27 am
caliban on Running on fumes.
February 9th, 2012 2:31 am
caliban on Running on fumes.
February 9th, 2012 4:47 am
caliban on Writing in restaurants.
February 9th, 2012 7:58 pm
caliban on Wily.
February 10th, 2012 5:28 pm
caliban on Wily.
February 10th, 2012 7:55 pm
caliban on Wily.
February 10th, 2012 9:26 pm
caliban on Wily.
February 10th, 2012 9:34 pm
caliban on Wily.
February 11th, 2012 1:53 am
caliban on Wily.
February 11th, 2012 1:55 am
caliban on Wily.
February 11th, 2012 5:30 pm
caliban on Wily.
February 11th, 2012 8:10 pm
caliban on Wily.
February 11th, 2012 9:40 pm
caliban on Wily.
February 11th, 2012 11:19 pm
caliban on Wily.
February 12th, 2012 2:25 am
caliban on Wily.
February 12th, 2012 4:02 am
caliban on Wily.
February 12th, 2012 4:11 am
caliban on Wily.
February 12th, 2012 4:15 am
caliban on Wily.
February 12th, 2012 4:49 am
caliban on Wily.
February 12th, 2012 4:57 am
caliban on Wily.
February 12th, 2012 5:06 am
caliban on Wily.
February 12th, 2012 5:38 am
caliban on Wily.
February 12th, 2012 5:40 am
caliban on Wily.
February 12th, 2012 5:44 am
caliban on Wily.
February 12th, 2012 5:46 am
caliban on Wily.
February 13th, 2012 12:03 am
caliban on Wily.
February 13th, 2012 12:35 am
caliban on Wily.
February 13th, 2012 12:40 am
caliban on Wily.
February 13th, 2012 1:10 am
caliban on Wily.
February 13th, 2012 1:18 am
caliban on Wily.
February 13th, 2012 1:30 am
caliban on Wily.
February 13th, 2012 1:50 am
caliban on Wily.
February 13th, 2012 2:22 am
caliban on Too soon.
February 13th, 2012 11:06 am
caliban on Too soon.
February 13th, 2012 12:25 pm
caliban on Too soon.
February 13th, 2012 8:13 pm
caliban on Too soon.
February 13th, 2012 10:40 pm
caliban on Too soon.
February 14th, 2012 2:25 am
caliban on Too soon.
February 14th, 2012 3:26 am
caliban on Have a heart.
February 14th, 2012 8:06 pm
caliban on Have a heart.
February 14th, 2012 8:26 pm
caliban on Have a heart.
February 14th, 2012 9:38 pm
caliban on Have a heart.
February 14th, 2012 10:09 pm
caliban on Have a heart.
February 15th, 2012 2:08 am
caliban on Have a heart.
February 15th, 2012 2:53 am
caliban on Have a heart.
February 15th, 2012 4:05 am
caliban on Have a heart.
February 15th, 2012 9:00 am
caliban on What's your racket?
February 15th, 2012 7:07 pm
caliban on What's your racket?
February 15th, 2012 7:31 pm
caliban on What's your racket?
February 15th, 2012 8:02 pm
caliban on What's your racket?
February 15th, 2012 8:44 pm
caliban on What's your racket?
February 15th, 2012 10:47 pm
caliban on What's your racket?
February 15th, 2012 11:46 pm
caliban on What's your racket?
February 16th, 2012 12:08 am
caliban on What's your racket?
February 16th, 2012 1:48 am
caliban on What's your racket?
February 16th, 2012 2:44 am
caliban on What's your racket?
February 16th, 2012 2:51 am
caliban on What's your racket?
February 16th, 2012 3:58 am
caliban on And away we go.
February 16th, 2012 7:40 pm
caliban on And away we go.
February 16th, 2012 8:26 pm
caliban on And away we go.
February 16th, 2012 8:48 pm
caliban on And away we go.
February 16th, 2012 9:25 pm
caliban on And away we go.
February 17th, 2012 12:00 am
caliban on And away we go.
February 17th, 2012 1:06 am
caliban on And away we go.
February 17th, 2012 2:57 am
caliban on And away we go.
February 17th, 2012 8:32 am
caliban on And away we go.
February 17th, 2012 6:23 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 17th, 2012 6:47 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 17th, 2012 7:30 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 17th, 2012 8:31 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 17th, 2012 8:52 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 17th, 2012 9:21 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 17th, 2012 10:00 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 17th, 2012 10:26 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 17th, 2012 11:52 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 2:51 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 3:21 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 3:34 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 4:05 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 4:11 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 4:14 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 5:54 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 6:01 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 6:04 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 6:11 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 5:10 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 6:13 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 6:22 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 6:36 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 8:22 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 8:27 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 8:40 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 10:56 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 11:04 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 18th, 2012 11:07 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 1:06 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 11:01 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 5:34 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 5:44 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 5:59 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 6:04 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 6:41 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 8:20 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 8:26 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 8:41 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 9:09 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 9:19 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 19th, 2012 11:57 pm
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 20th, 2012 1:33 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 20th, 2012 1:43 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 20th, 2012 2:17 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 20th, 2012 3:54 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 20th, 2012 3:59 am
caliban on Friday afterthoughts.
February 20th, 2012 5:23 am
caliban on In da club.
February 20th, 2012 6:00 pm
caliban on In da club.
February 20th, 2012 6:16 pm
caliban on In da club.
February 20th, 2012 6:50 pm
caliban on In da club.
February 20th, 2012 7:01 pm
caliban on In da club.
February 20th, 2012 8:10 pm
caliban on In da club.
February 20th, 2012 8:25 pm
caliban on In da club.
February 20th, 2012 9:21 pm
caliban on In da club.
February 21st, 2012 12:20 am
caliban on In da club.
February 21st, 2012 4:00 am
caliban on In da club.
February 21st, 2012 5:02 am
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 21st, 2012 4:23 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 21st, 2012 6:10 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 21st, 2012 8:01 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 21st, 2012 8:23 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 21st, 2012 8:36 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 21st, 2012 9:31 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 21st, 2012 10:13 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 21st, 2012 10:38 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 22nd, 2012 1:22 am
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 22nd, 2012 1:30 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 22nd, 2012 1:34 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 22nd, 2012 1:48 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 22nd, 2012 1:59 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 22nd, 2012 2:45 pm
caliban on Cookies and nuts.
February 22nd, 2012 2:55 pm
caliban on Thank you and goodnight!
February 22nd, 2012 8:55 pm
caliban on Thank you and goodnight!
February 23rd, 2012 3:56 am
caliban on Thank you and goodnight!
February 23rd, 2012 4:04 am
caliban on Thank you and goodnight!
February 23rd, 2012 1:51 pm
caliban on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 23rd, 2012 3:05 pm
caliban on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 23rd, 2012 3:56 pm
caliban on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 23rd, 2012 4:28 pm
Carey Hatchett on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 23rd, 2012 8:52 pm
Carey Hatchett on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 23rd, 2012 9:23 pm
Carey Hatchett on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 23rd, 2012 9:37 pm
Carey Hatchett on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 23rd, 2012 9:59 pm
Carey Hatchett on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 23rd, 2012 10:51 pm
Carey Hatchett on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 23rd, 2012 11:20 pm
Carey Hatchett on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 23rd, 2012 11:40 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 24th, 2012 8:02 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 24th, 2012 8:09 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 24th, 2012 8:50 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 24th, 2012 9:55 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 24th, 2012 11:59 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 25th, 2012 12:19 am
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 25th, 2012 1:15 am
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 25th, 2012 1:31 am
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 25th, 2012 4:02 am
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 25th, 2012 5:44 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 25th, 2012 7:34 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 25th, 2012 8:56 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 25th, 2012 9:07 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 25th, 2012 9:54 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 25th, 2012 10:08 pm
Malvolio on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 26th, 2012 4:07 am
Malvolio on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 26th, 2012 4:08 am
Malvolio on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 26th, 2012 4:18 am
Malvolio on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 26th, 2012 4:22 am
Malvolio on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 26th, 2012 4:25 am
Malvolio on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 26th, 2012 4:41 am
Malvolio on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 26th, 2012 4:42 am
Malvolio on Spleen with a side of bile.
February 26th, 2012 4:48 am
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 26th, 2012 12:07 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 26th, 2012 3:21 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 26th, 2012 3:33 pm
Malvolio on Waiting for whatever.
February 26th, 2012 6:42 pm
Malvolio on E-day.
February 28th, 2012 6:20 pm
Malvolio on E-day.
February 28th, 2012 7:39 pm
Malvolio on E-day.
February 28th, 2012 8:17 pm
Malvolio on E-day.
February 28th, 2012 9:15 pm
Malvolio on E-day.
February 29th, 2012 1:13 am
Malvolio on E-day.
February 29th, 2012 5:24 am
Malvolio on E-day.
February 29th, 2012 7:28 am
Malvolio on E-day.
February 29th, 2012 9:35 am
Malvolio on Sweeping up the confetti.
February 29th, 2012 9:01 pm
Malvolio on Sweeping up the confetti.
February 29th, 2012 9:03 pm
Malvolio on Sweeping up the confetti.
February 29th, 2012 10:08 pm
Malvolio on Sweeping up the confetti.
February 29th, 2012 10:47 pm
Malvolio on Sweeping up the confetti.
February 29th, 2012 11:40 pm
Malvolio on Sweeping up the confetti.
March 1st, 2012 12:53 am
Malvolio on Sweeping up the confetti.
March 1st, 2012 2:23 am
Malvolio on Sweeping up the confetti.
March 1st, 2012 2:37 am
Malvolio on Sweeping up the confetti.
March 1st, 2012 3:44 am
Malvolio on Judge not.
March 1st, 2012 7:28 pm
Malvolio on Judge not.
March 1st, 2012 8:02 pm
Malvolio on Judge not.
March 1st, 2012 10:43 pm
Malvolio on Judge not.
March 1st, 2012 11:01 pm
Malvolio on Judge not.
March 1st, 2012 11:52 pm
Malvolio on Judge not.
March 2nd, 2012 12:50 am
Malvolio on Judge not.
March 2nd, 2012 1:16 am
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 2nd, 2012 5:42 pm
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 2nd, 2012 7:59 pm
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 2nd, 2012 8:07 pm
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 2nd, 2012 8:41 pm
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 2nd, 2012 10:09 pm
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 3rd, 2012 12:59 am
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 3rd, 2012 3:00 pm
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 3rd, 2012 3:08 pm
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 3rd, 2012 6:35 pm
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 3rd, 2012 9:00 pm
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 4th, 2012 1:46 am
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 4th, 2012 1:59 am
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 4th, 2012 2:33 am
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 4th, 2012 5:52 am
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 4th, 2012 7:09 pm
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 4th, 2012 8:20 pm
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 4th, 2012 9:58 pm
Malvolio on Sown. Reaped. Etc.
March 5th, 2012 6:18 am
Malvolio on Monday's laundry.
March 5th, 2012 3:10 pm
Malvolio on Monday's laundry.
March 5th, 2012 5:42 pm
Malvolio on Monday's laundry.
March 5th, 2012 8:19 pm
Malvolio on Monday's laundry.
March 5th, 2012 9:11 pm
Malvolio on Monday's laundry.
March 5th, 2012 9:25 pm
Malvolio on Monday's laundry.
March 5th, 2012 10:25 pm
Malvolio on Monday's laundry.
March 5th, 2012 11:04 pm
Malvolio on A mixed grill.
March 6th, 2012 7:13 pm
Malvolio on A mixed grill.
March 6th, 2012 7:37 pm
Malvolio on A mixed grill.
March 6th, 2012 9:34 pm
Malvolio on A mixed grill.
March 6th, 2012 10:42 pm
Malvolio on A mixed grill.
March 6th, 2012 10:56 pm
Malvolio on A mixed grill.
March 7th, 2012 2:05 am
Malvolio on Breakups are messy.
March 7th, 2012 6:30 pm
Malvolio on Breakups are messy.
March 7th, 2012 7:36 pm
Malvolio on Breakups are messy.
March 7th, 2012 9:22 pm
Malvolio on Breakups are messy.
March 7th, 2012 10:09 pm
Malvolio on Breakups are messy.
March 8th, 2012 1:36 am
Malvolio on Breakups are messy.
March 8th, 2012 1:55 am
Malvolio on Breakups are messy.
March 8th, 2012 2:07 am
Malvolio on Breakups are messy.
March 8th, 2012 2:08 am
Malvolio on Breakups are messy.
March 8th, 2012 6:38 am
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 5:53 pm
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 6:08 pm
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 6:19 pm
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 8:59 pm
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 9:32 pm
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 10:24 pm
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 10:36 pm
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 11:13 pm
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 11:21 pm
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 11:23 pm
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 11:37 pm
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 8th, 2012 11:53 pm
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 9th, 2012 12:26 am
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 9th, 2012 12:30 am
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 9th, 2012 2:13 am
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 9th, 2012 2:25 am
Malvolio on Hump-tastic.
March 9th, 2012 2:33 am
Prospero on Hump-tastic.
March 9th, 2012 2:37 am
Prospero on Hump-tastic.
March 9th, 2012 5:24 am
Prospero on Hump-tastic.
March 9th, 2012 8:23 am
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 9th, 2012 5:44 pm
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 9th, 2012 5:49 pm
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 9th, 2012 6:00 pm
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 9th, 2012 6:27 pm
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 9th, 2012 7:55 pm
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 9th, 2012 8:09 pm
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 9th, 2012 8:29 pm
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 9th, 2012 9:22 pm
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 9th, 2012 11:13 pm
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 9th, 2012 11:17 pm
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 10th, 2012 12:01 am
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 10th, 2012 3:00 am
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 10th, 2012 3:04 am
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 10th, 2012 4:55 am
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 10th, 2012 5:00 am
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 10th, 2012 7:41 pm
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 11th, 2012 1:57 am
Prospero on The soup-and-salad lunch deal is very nice.
March 11th, 2012 11:41 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 3:28 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 4:22 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 4:44 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 5:21 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 5:24 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 5:32 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 8:18 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 8:33 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 9:25 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 9:55 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 10:01 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 10:16 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 10:35 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 10:59 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 12th, 2012 11:11 pm
Prospero on How it happened.
March 13th, 2012 12:15 am
Prospero on How it happened.
March 13th, 2012 1:25 am
Prospero on How it happened.
March 13th, 2012 2:15 am
Prospero on How it happened.
March 13th, 2012 3:05 am
Prospero on How it happened.
March 13th, 2012 3:19 am
Prospero on How it happened.
March 13th, 2012 3:32 am
Prospero on A margarita to celebrate your independence.
March 13th, 2012 6:01 pm
Prospero on A margarita to celebrate your independence.
March 13th, 2012 7:06 pm
Prospero on A margarita to celebrate your independence.
March 13th, 2012 7:40 pm
Prospero on A margarita to celebrate your independence.
March 13th, 2012 8:04 pm
Prospero on A margarita to celebrate your independence.
March 13th, 2012 9:05 pm
Prospero on A margarita to celebrate your independence.
March 13th, 2012 9:55 pm
Prospero on A margarita to celebrate your independence.
March 13th, 2012 10:37 pm
Prospero on A margarita to celebrate your independence.
March 13th, 2012 10:39 pm
Prospero on A margarita to celebrate your independence.
March 13th, 2012 10:42 pm
Prospero on A margarita to celebrate your independence.
March 13th, 2012 11:50 pm
Prospero on A margarita to celebrate your independence.
March 14th, 2012 1:16 am
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 14th, 2012 4:56 pm
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 14th, 2012 5:20 pm
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 14th, 2012 5:45 pm
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 14th, 2012 6:11 pm
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 14th, 2012 6:38 pm
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 14th, 2012 7:21 pm
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 14th, 2012 7:46 pm
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 14th, 2012 9:24 pm
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 15th, 2012 1:27 am
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 15th, 2012 1:33 am
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 15th, 2012 4:14 am
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 15th, 2012 4:19 am
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 15th, 2012 9:29 am
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 15th, 2012 5:13 pm
Prospero on Dropping the top.
March 15th, 2012 5:53 pm
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 15th, 2012 6:45 pm
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 15th, 2012 6:52 pm
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 15th, 2012 7:08 pm
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 15th, 2012 9:12 pm
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 15th, 2012 10:10 pm
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 12:41 am
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 1:13 am
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 1:19 am
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 1:37 am
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 1:47 am
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 2:30 am
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 2:48 am
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 5:46 am
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 5:47 am
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 6:01 am
Prospero on Beware the Ides.
March 16th, 2012 7:53 am
Prospero on Took shelter.
March 16th, 2012 5:47 pm
Prospero on Took shelter.
March 16th, 2012 8:00 pm
Prospero on Took shelter.
March 16th, 2012 9:29 pm
Prospero on Took shelter.
March 16th, 2012 10:46 pm
Prospero on Took shelter.
March 17th, 2012 1:30 am
Prospero on Took shelter.
March 17th, 2012 5:31 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 17th, 2012 5:37 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 17th, 2012 6:04 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 17th, 2012 7:35 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 17th, 2012 10:49 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 18th, 2012 4:20 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 18th, 2012 4:36 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 18th, 2012 6:02 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 18th, 2012 9:41 pm
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 19th, 2012 3:29 pm
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 19th, 2012 4:13 pm
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 19th, 2012 8:01 pm
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 19th, 2012 8:49 pm
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 19th, 2012 9:06 pm
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 19th, 2012 9:10 pm
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 19th, 2012 11:23 pm
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 20th, 2012 6:33 am
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 20th, 2012 6:45 am
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 20th, 2012 6:53 am
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 20th, 2012 6:55 am
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 20th, 2012 7:14 am
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 20th, 2012 1:15 pm
Prospero on Movie night.
March 20th, 2012 5:41 pm
Prospero on Movie night.
March 20th, 2012 5:51 pm
Prospero on Movie night.
March 20th, 2012 5:52 pm
Prospero on Movie night.
March 20th, 2012 9:19 pm
Prospero on Movie night.
March 20th, 2012 9:24 pm
Prospero on Movie night.
March 20th, 2012 9:41 pm
Prospero on Movie night.
March 21st, 2012 1:44 am
Prospero on Truth vs. facts, a continuing series.
March 21st, 2012 2:24 am
Prospero on Movie night.
March 21st, 2012 2:33 am
Prospero on Movie night.
March 21st, 2012 4:52 pm
Prospero on The artists.
March 21st, 2012 4:55 pm
Prospero on The artists.
March 21st, 2012 5:17 pm
Prospero on The artists.
March 21st, 2012 5:26 pm
Prospero on The artists.
March 21st, 2012 5:42 pm
Prospero on The artists.
March 21st, 2012 5:54 pm
Prospero on The artists.
March 21st, 2012 6:22 pm
Prospero on The artists.
March 21st, 2012 8:38 pm
Prospero on The artists.
March 21st, 2012 9:59 pm
Prospero on The artists.
March 22nd, 2012 12:20 am
Prospero on The artists.
March 22nd, 2012 2:49 am
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 22nd, 2012 3:39 pm
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 22nd, 2012 5:03 pm
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 22nd, 2012 5:32 pm
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 22nd, 2012 6:19 pm
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 22nd, 2012 6:46 pm
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 22nd, 2012 8:43 pm
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 22nd, 2012 9:35 pm
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 22nd, 2012 10:18 pm
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 22nd, 2012 10:47 pm
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 22nd, 2012 11:24 pm
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 23rd, 2012 12:13 am
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 23rd, 2012 2:17 am
Prospero on Thursday 'n' stuff.
March 23rd, 2012 3:08 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 23rd, 2012 3:54 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 23rd, 2012 4:14 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 23rd, 2012 5:15 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 23rd, 2012 5:51 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 23rd, 2012 6:31 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 23rd, 2012 7:41 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 23rd, 2012 8:34 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 12:20 am
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 12:33 am
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 12:49 am
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 12:54 am
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 1:13 am
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 1:31 am
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 1:38 am
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 1:41 am
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 1:44 am
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 6:04 am
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 6:11 am
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 7:59 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 8:15 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 8:24 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 24th, 2012 8:32 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 25th, 2012 3:34 am
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 25th, 2012 3:38 pm
Prospero on City of lights, city of magic.
March 25th, 2012 9:49 pm
Prospero on The smell test.
March 26th, 2012 5:31 pm
Prospero on The smell test.
March 26th, 2012 7:01 pm
Prospero on The smell test.
March 26th, 2012 8:41 pm
Prospero on The smell test.
March 26th, 2012 10:51 pm
Prospero on The smell test.
March 27th, 2012 12:31 am
Prospero on The smell test.
March 27th, 2012 1:47 am
Prospero on Maddened.
March 27th, 2012 5:49 pm
Prospero on Maddened.
March 27th, 2012 6:35 pm
Prospero on Maddened.
March 27th, 2012 7:31 pm
Prospero on Maddened.
March 27th, 2012 7:57 pm
Prospero on Maddened.
March 27th, 2012 8:50 pm
Prospero on Maddened.
March 27th, 2012 10:19 pm
Prospero on Maddened.
March 28th, 2012 1:22 am
Prospero on Maddened.
March 28th, 2012 3:00 pm
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 28th, 2012 3:09 pm
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 28th, 2012 4:05 pm
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 28th, 2012 7:22 pm
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 28th, 2012 7:49 pm
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 28th, 2012 7:57 pm
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 28th, 2012 10:20 pm
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 28th, 2012 10:23 pm
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 28th, 2012 10:32 pm
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 28th, 2012 10:40 pm
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 29th, 2012 1:14 am
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 29th, 2012 1:27 am
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 29th, 2012 4:51 am
Prospero on Karma carries a gas can.
March 29th, 2012 3:31 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 29th, 2012 3:55 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 29th, 2012 3:55 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 29th, 2012 4:01 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 29th, 2012 4:15 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 29th, 2012 5:25 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 29th, 2012 7:41 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 29th, 2012 7:45 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 29th, 2012 8:01 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 29th, 2012 8:59 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 29th, 2012 9:01 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 29th, 2012 10:38 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 29th, 2012 10:46 pm
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 30th, 2012 1:39 am
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 30th, 2012 1:48 am
Prospero on Dresses and feathers.
March 30th, 2012 1:49 am
Prospero on Luck. Or something else.
March 30th, 2012 4:54 pm
Prospero on Luck. Or something else.
March 31st, 2012 12:41 am
Prospero on Luck. Or something else.
March 31st, 2012 1:23 am
Prospero on Luck. Or something else.
March 31st, 2012 2:11 am
Prospero on Luck. Or something else.
March 31st, 2012 6:33 pm
Prospero on Luck. Or something else.
March 31st, 2012 8:43 pm
Prospero on Luck. Or something else.
March 31st, 2012 8:52 pm
Prospero on Luck. Or something else.
April 1st, 2012 12:03 am
Prospero on Luck. Or something else.
April 1st, 2012 5:34 pm
Prospero on Luck. Or something else.
April 1st, 2012 7:27 pm
Prospero on Luck. Or something else.
April 1st, 2012 8:45 pm
Prospero on Divine? Not me.
April 2nd, 2012 6:50 pm
Prospero on Divine? Not me.
April 2nd, 2012 7:37 pm
Prospero on Divine? Not me.
April 2nd, 2012 8:23 pm
Prospero on Divine? Not me.
April 2nd, 2012 9:12 pm
Prospero on Divine? Not me.
April 2nd, 2012 9:43 pm
Prospero on Divine? Not me.
April 2nd, 2012 10:36 pm
Prospero on Divine? Not me.
April 2nd, 2012 11:47 pm
Prospero on Divine? Not me.
April 3rd, 2012 1:01 am
Prospero on Divine? Not me.
April 3rd, 2012 1:46 am
Prospero on Short ends.
April 3rd, 2012 6:33 pm
Prospero on Short ends.
April 3rd, 2012 7:37 pm
Prospero on Short ends.
April 3rd, 2012 8:42 pm
Prospero on Short ends.
April 3rd, 2012 9:02 pm
Prospero on Short ends.
April 3rd, 2012 10:42 pm
Prospero on Short ends.
April 3rd, 2012 10:44 pm
Prospero on Short ends.
April 3rd, 2012 11:36 pm
Prospero on Short ends.
April 4th, 2012 12:12 am
Prospero on Short ends.
April 4th, 2012 12:15 am
Prospero on Short ends.
April 4th, 2012 1:48 am
Prospero on Short ends.
April 4th, 2012 2:06 am
Prospero on Not from hunger.
April 4th, 2012 6:27 pm
Prospero on Not from hunger.
April 4th, 2012 8:18 pm
Prospero on Not from hunger.
April 4th, 2012 9:44 pm
Prospero on Not from hunger.
April 4th, 2012 11:35 pm
Prospero on Feeding from the tap.
April 5th, 2012 5:36 pm
Prospero on Feeding from the tap.
April 5th, 2012 6:33 pm
Prospero on Feeding from the tap.
April 5th, 2012 6:53 pm
Prospero on Feeding from the tap.
April 5th, 2012 8:14 pm
Prospero on Feeding from the tap.
April 5th, 2012 8:31 pm
Prospero on Feeding from the tap.
April 5th, 2012 10:01 pm
Prospero on Feeding from the tap.
April 6th, 2012 1:14 am
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 6th, 2012 5:21 pm
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 6th, 2012 10:18 pm
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 6th, 2012 10:34 pm
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 6th, 2012 11:04 pm
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 6th, 2012 11:29 pm
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 7th, 2012 12:07 am
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 7th, 2012 12:38 am
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 7th, 2012 1:22 am
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 7th, 2012 1:30 am
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 7th, 2012 3:56 pm
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 7th, 2012 6:56 pm
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 7th, 2012 8:03 pm
Prospero on A diet plate.
April 7th, 2012 8:13 pm
Prospero on Kottage kitsch.
April 10th, 2012 6:15 pm
Prospero on Kottage kitsch.
April 10th, 2012 6:52 pm
Prospero on Kottage kitsch.
April 10th, 2012 7:46 pm
Prospero on Kottage kitsch.
April 10th, 2012 9:05 pm
Prospero on Kottage kitsch.
April 10th, 2012 9:45 pm
Prospero on Kottage kitsch.
April 10th, 2012 10:26 pm
Prospero on Kottage kitsch.
April 10th, 2012 10:49 pm
Prospero on Kottage kitsch.
April 11th, 2012 1:33 am
Prospero on Kottage kitsch.
April 11th, 2012 1:39 am
Prospero on Kottage kitsch.
April 11th, 2012 2:18 am
Prospero on Winter is leaving.
April 11th, 2012 7:56 am
Prospero on Winter is leaving.
April 11th, 2012 7:58 am
Prospero on Winter is leaving.
April 11th, 2012 8:33 am
Prospero on Winter is leaving.
April 11th, 2012 2:00 pm
Prospero on Winter is leaving.
April 11th, 2012 4:02 pm
Prospero on Winter is leaving.
April 11th, 2012 8:05 pm
Prospero on Winter is leaving.
April 11th, 2012 8:15 pm
Prospero on Winter is leaving.
April 11th, 2012 11:30 pm
Prospero on Winter is leaving.
April 11th, 2012 11:42 pm
Prospero on Winter is leaving.
April 12th, 2012 2:24 am
Prospero on Winter is leaving.
April 12th, 2012 4:33 am
Prospero on Sunk.
April 12th, 2012 8:11 am
Prospero on Sunk.
April 12th, 2012 5:58 pm
Prospero on Sunk.
April 12th, 2012 7:31 pm
Prospero on Sunk.
April 12th, 2012 9:42 pm
Prospero on Sunk.
April 12th, 2012 10:14 pm
Prospero on Sunk.
April 12th, 2012 10:58 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 13th, 2012 4:49 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 13th, 2012 5:38 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 13th, 2012 7:23 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 13th, 2012 8:50 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 13th, 2012 10:25 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 13th, 2012 10:58 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 14th, 2012 6:19 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 14th, 2012 8:32 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 14th, 2012 9:00 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 14th, 2012 11:48 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 15th, 2012 2:40 am
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 15th, 2012 2:44 am
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 15th, 2012 2:44 am
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 15th, 2012 9:00 am
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 15th, 2012 9:06 am
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 15th, 2012 2:55 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 15th, 2012 6:13 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 15th, 2012 8:04 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 15th, 2012 9:45 pm
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 16th, 2012 1:15 am
Prospero on Peace and comfort, Moe.
April 16th, 2012 4:42 am
Prospero on I find correct usage optional.
April 16th, 2012 4:03 pm
Prospero on I find correct usage optional.
April 16th, 2012 5:38 pm
Prospero on I find correct usage optional.
April 16th, 2012 8:27 pm
Prospero on I find correct usage optional.
April 16th, 2012 8:35 pm
Prospero on I find correct usage optional.
April 16th, 2012 9:10 pm
Prospero on I find correct usage optional.
April 16th, 2012 10:06 pm
Prospero on Gusty. Calm expected eventually.
April 17th, 2012 4:54 pm
Prospero on Gusty. Calm expected eventually.
April 17th, 2012 5:13 pm
Prospero on Gusty. Calm expected eventually.
April 17th, 2012 5:54 pm
Prospero on Gusty. Calm expected eventually.
April 17th, 2012 6:26 pm
Prospero on Gusty. Calm expected eventually.
April 17th, 2012 8:06 pm
Prospero on Gusty. Calm expected eventually.
April 17th, 2012 8:53 pm
Prospero on Gusty. Calm expected eventually.
April 17th, 2012 9:14 pm
Prospero on Gusty. Calm expected eventually.
April 17th, 2012 9:59 pm
Prospero on Gusty. Calm expected eventually.
April 17th, 2012 10:22 pm
Prospero on Gusty. Calm expected eventually.
April 18th, 2012 2:35 am
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 18th, 2012 4:29 pm
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 18th, 2012 5:16 pm
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 18th, 2012 6:42 pm
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 18th, 2012 7:32 pm
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 18th, 2012 8:19 pm
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 18th, 2012 9:04 pm
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 18th, 2012 10:03 pm
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 18th, 2012 11:55 pm
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 19th, 2012 12:12 am
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 19th, 2012 12:25 am
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 19th, 2012 1:26 am
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 19th, 2012 2:01 am
Prospero on Almost...there...
April 19th, 2012 3:23 am
Prospero on End of an era.
April 19th, 2012 6:21 pm
Prospero on End of an era.
April 19th, 2012 7:32 pm
Prospero on End of an era.
April 19th, 2012 8:14 pm
Prospero on End of an era.
April 19th, 2012 9:30 pm
Prospero on End of an era.
April 19th, 2012 10:06 pm
Prospero on End of an era.
April 19th, 2012 10:20 pm
Prospero on End of an era.
April 19th, 2012 11:05 pm
Prospero on End of an era.
April 19th, 2012 11:38 pm
Prospero on End of an era.
April 20th, 2012 1:51 am
Prospero on End of an era.
April 20th, 2012 1:53 am
Prospero on End of an era.
April 20th, 2012 2:48 am
Prospero on End of an era.
April 20th, 2012 2:51 am
Prospero on End of an era.
April 20th, 2012 3:15 am
Prospero on End of an era.
April 20th, 2012 3:21 am
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 20th, 2012 10:33 am
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 20th, 2012 5:34 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 20th, 2012 5:36 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 20th, 2012 5:43 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 20th, 2012 10:01 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 20th, 2012 10:02 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 20th, 2012 10:23 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 20th, 2012 10:43 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 20th, 2012 11:33 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 21st, 2012 7:43 am
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 21st, 2012 7:46 am
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 21st, 2012 7:48 am
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 21st, 2012 8:00 am
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 21st, 2012 5:30 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 21st, 2012 7:10 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 21st, 2012 8:16 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 21st, 2012 9:07 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 22nd, 2012 3:54 am
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 22nd, 2012 4:45 am
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 22nd, 2012 6:50 pm
Prospero on My very own crow.
April 23rd, 2012 1:56 am
Prospero on Headwinds.
April 23rd, 2012 6:23 pm
Prospero on Headwinds.
April 23rd, 2012 7:07 pm
Prospero on Headwinds.
April 23rd, 2012 8:01 pm
Prospero on Headwinds.
April 23rd, 2012 8:26 pm
Prospero on Headwinds.
April 23rd, 2012 9:40 pm
Prospero on Headwinds.
April 23rd, 2012 10:00 pm
Prospero on Headwinds.
April 23rd, 2012 11:02 pm
Prospero on Headwinds.
April 23rd, 2012 11:25 pm
Prospero on Headwinds.
April 23rd, 2012 11:59 pm
Prospero on Headwinds.
April 24th, 2012 1:03 am
Prospero on Headwinds.
April 24th, 2012 2:09 am
Prospero on Getting (way) down.
April 24th, 2012 5:07 pm
Prospero on Getting (way) down.
April 24th, 2012 5:41 pm
Prospero on Getting (way) down.
April 24th, 2012 6:43 pm
Prospero on Getting (way) down.
April 24th, 2012 7:26 pm
Prospero on Getting (way) down.
April 24th, 2012 9:44 pm
Prospero on Getting (way) down.
April 25th, 2012 2:11 am
Prospero on Getting (way) down.
April 25th, 2012 3:24 am
Prospero on This week, this endless week.
April 25th, 2012 9:47 pm
Prospero on This week, this endless week.
April 25th, 2012 10:08 pm
Prospero on This week, this endless week.
April 25th, 2012 10:41 pm
Prospero on This week, this endless week.
April 26th, 2012 4:10 am
Prospero on Getting (way) down.
April 26th, 2012 8:57 am
Prospero on And is Ochocinco his real name?
April 26th, 2012 7:22 pm
Prospero on And is Ochocinco his real name?
April 26th, 2012 7:36 pm
Prospero on And is Ochocinco his real name?
April 26th, 2012 10:37 pm
Prospero on And is Ochocinco his real name?
April 26th, 2012 10:50 pm
Prospero on And is Ochocinco his real name?
April 26th, 2012 11:50 pm
Prospero on And is Ochocinco his real name?
April 26th, 2012 11:57 pm
Prospero on And is Ochocinco his real name?
April 27th, 2012 12:14 am
Prospero on And is Ochocinco his real name?
April 27th, 2012 5:26 am
Prospero on Justice, three ways.
April 27th, 2012 7:19 pm
Prospero on Justice, three ways.
April 27th, 2012 8:33 pm
Prospero on Justice, three ways.
April 27th, 2012 8:45 pm
Prospero on Justice, three ways.
April 27th, 2012 9:10 pm
Prospero on Justice, three ways.
April 28th, 2012 1:20 am
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 29th, 2012 6:11 am
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 29th, 2012 6:49 am
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 29th, 2012 4:47 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 29th, 2012 6:27 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 29th, 2012 6:33 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 29th, 2012 6:49 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 29th, 2012 9:19 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 30th, 2012 2:36 am
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 30th, 2012 3:25 am
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 30th, 2012 3:32 am
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 30th, 2012 3:42 am
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 30th, 2012 6:36 am
Prospero on Saturday morning mystery spot.
April 30th, 2012 6:40 am
Prospero on Madtown.
May 1st, 2012 6:14 pm
Prospero on Madtown.
May 1st, 2012 8:21 pm
Prospero on Madtown.
May 1st, 2012 10:17 pm
Prospero on Madtown.
May 1st, 2012 11:01 pm
Prospero on Madtown.
May 1st, 2012 11:12 pm
Prospero on Madtown.
May 2nd, 2012 12:39 am
Prospero on Madtown.
May 2nd, 2012 5:57 pm
Prospero on Oops.
May 2nd, 2012 8:23 pm
Prospero on Oops.
May 2nd, 2012 8:35 pm
Prospero on Oops.
May 2nd, 2012 9:56 pm
Prospero on Oops.
May 2nd, 2012 10:20 pm
Prospero on Oops.
May 3rd, 2012 12:11 am
Prospero on Oops.
May 3rd, 2012 12:38 am
Prospero on Oops.
May 3rd, 2012 2:40 am
Prospero on The cheering section.
May 3rd, 2012 6:59 pm
Prospero on The cheering section.
May 3rd, 2012 7:37 pm
Prospero on The cheering section.
May 3rd, 2012 7:57 pm
Prospero on The cheering section.
May 3rd, 2012 9:55 pm
Prospero on The cheering section.
May 4th, 2012 12:01 am
Prospero on The cheering section.
May 4th, 2012 12:48 am
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 4th, 2012 5:46 pm
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 4th, 2012 7:06 pm
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 4th, 2012 7:41 pm
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 4th, 2012 8:16 pm
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 4th, 2012 9:37 pm
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 4th, 2012 11:27 pm
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 4th, 2012 11:40 pm
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 5th, 2012 1:30 am
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 5th, 2012 5:47 pm
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 5th, 2012 6:25 pm
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 5th, 2012 7:33 pm
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 6th, 2012 12:56 am
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 6th, 2012 2:44 am
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 6th, 2012 10:43 pm
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 7th, 2012 2:51 am
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 7th, 2012 2:59 am
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 7th, 2012 4:19 am
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 7th, 2012 4:31 am
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 7th, 2012 4:34 am
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 7th, 2012 6:25 am
Prospero on Just the stenographer.
May 7th, 2012 6:40 am
Prospero on Don't primary me, bro.
May 7th, 2012 10:00 pm
Prospero on Don't primary me, bro.
May 7th, 2012 10:19 pm
Prospero on Don't primary me, bro.
May 7th, 2012 11:41 pm
Prospero on Don't primary me, bro.
May 7th, 2012 11:50 pm
Prospero on Don't primary me, bro.
May 8th, 2012 1:30 am
Prospero on Don't primary me, bro.
May 8th, 2012 2:12 am
Prospero on Don't primary me, bro.
May 8th, 2012 2:18 am
Prospero on Don't primary me, bro.
May 8th, 2012 6:31 am
Prospero on A small victory.
May 8th, 2012 7:40 pm
Prospero on A small victory.
May 8th, 2012 8:07 pm
Prospero on A small victory.
May 8th, 2012 9:37 pm
Prospero on A small victory.
May 8th, 2012 10:49 pm
Prospero on A small victory.
May 8th, 2012 11:59 pm
Prospero on A small victory.
May 9th, 2012 12:32 am
Prospero on A small victory.
May 9th, 2012 1:42 am
Prospero on A small victory.
May 9th, 2012 2:21 am
Prospero on A small victory.
May 9th, 2012 2:37 am
Prospero on A small victory.
May 9th, 2012 6:58 am
Prospero on Farewell to a few.
May 9th, 2012 5:43 pm
Prospero on Farewell to a few.
May 9th, 2012 5:59 pm
Prospero on Farewell to a few.
May 9th, 2012 6:30 pm
Prospero on Farewell to a few.
May 9th, 2012 8:03 pm
Prospero on Farewell to a few.
May 9th, 2012 9:36 pm
Prospero on Farewell to a few.
May 9th, 2012 10:25 pm
Prospero on Farewell to a few.
May 10th, 2012 5:15 am
Prospero on Farewell to a few.
May 10th, 2012 5:24 am
Prospero on The big news.
May 10th, 2012 6:53 pm
Prospero on The big news.
May 10th, 2012 7:14 pm
Prospero on The big news.
May 10th, 2012 10:17 pm
Prospero on The big news.
May 11th, 2012 2:47 am
Prospero on Progress.
May 11th, 2012 7:33 pm
Prospero on Progress.
May 11th, 2012 9:30 pm
Prospero on Progress.
May 12th, 2012 12:43 am
Prospero on Progress.
May 12th, 2012 7:12 pm
Prospero on Progress.
May 12th, 2012 8:52 pm
Prospero on The big news.
May 13th, 2012 2:21 am
Prospero on Progress.
May 13th, 2012 7:07 am
Prospero on Progress.
May 13th, 2012 6:59 pm
Prospero on Progress.
May 13th, 2012 8:01 pm
Prospero on Progress.
May 13th, 2012 11:34 pm
Prospero on Progress.
May 14th, 2012 12:55 am
Prospero on Progress.
May 14th, 2012 4:40 am
Prospero on Slashed.
May 15th, 2012 1:03 am
Prospero on Night-night.
May 15th, 2012 8:24 pm
Prospero on Night-night.
May 15th, 2012 9:41 pm
Prospero on Night-night.
May 15th, 2012 10:04 pm
Prospero on Night-night.
May 15th, 2012 11:28 pm
Prospero on Night-night.
May 16th, 2012 12:44 am
Prospero on Night-night.
May 16th, 2012 1:58 am
Prospero on Night-night.
May 16th, 2012 2:11 am
Prospero on Vroom.
May 16th, 2012 7:20 pm
Prospero on Vroom.
May 16th, 2012 9:16 pm
Prospero on Vroom.
May 16th, 2012 11:03 pm
Prospero on Vroom.
May 16th, 2012 11:47 pm
Prospero on Vroom.
May 17th, 2012 12:51 am
Prospero on Vroom.
May 17th, 2012 2:15 am
Prospero on I dew.
May 17th, 2012 6:52 pm
Prospero on I dew.
May 17th, 2012 7:31 pm
Prospero on I dew.
May 17th, 2012 7:53 pm
Prospero on I dew.
May 17th, 2012 8:57 pm
Prospero on I dew.
May 17th, 2012 9:40 pm
Prospero on I dew.
May 17th, 2012 11:04 pm
Prospero on I dew.
May 17th, 2012 11:10 pm
Prospero on I dew.
May 18th, 2012 12:38 am
Prospero on I dew.
May 18th, 2012 12:41 am
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 18th, 2012 5:31 pm
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 18th, 2012 6:18 pm
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 18th, 2012 7:10 pm
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 18th, 2012 7:50 pm
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 18th, 2012 8:25 pm
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 18th, 2012 9:11 pm
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 18th, 2012 11:38 pm
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 19th, 2012 12:04 am
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 19th, 2012 12:57 am
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 19th, 2012 3:49 am
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 19th, 2012 5:24 am
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 19th, 2012 3:54 pm
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 19th, 2012 5:26 pm
Prospero on Everybody loves Photoshop.
May 19th, 2012 7:33 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 19th, 2012 8:03 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 19th, 2012 8:04 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 19th, 2012 11:55 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 20th, 2012 1:49 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 20th, 2012 9:03 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 21st, 2012 1:18 am
Prospero on Ignorance marches on.
May 21st, 2012 6:55 pm
Prospero on Ignorance marches on.
May 21st, 2012 7:53 pm
Prospero on Ignorance marches on.
May 21st, 2012 8:39 pm
Prospero on Ignorance marches on.
May 21st, 2012 9:50 pm
Prospero on Ignorance marches on.
May 22nd, 2012 12:48 am
Prospero on Ignorance marches on.
May 22nd, 2012 3:03 am
Prospero on Who's shooting who?
May 22nd, 2012 5:23 pm
Prospero on Who's shooting who?
May 22nd, 2012 6:01 pm
Prospero on Who's shooting who?
May 22nd, 2012 7:25 pm
Prospero on Who's shooting who?
May 22nd, 2012 8:45 pm
Prospero on Who's shooting who?
May 22nd, 2012 9:42 pm
Prospero on Who's shooting who?
May 23rd, 2012 12:15 am
Prospero on Who's shooting who?
May 23rd, 2012 1:30 am
Prospero on Who's shooting who?
May 23rd, 2012 2:42 am
Prospero on Who's shooting who?
May 23rd, 2012 4:56 am
Prospero on Appalled, but not by this.
May 23rd, 2012 6:16 pm
Prospero on Appalled, but not by this.
May 23rd, 2012 7:38 pm
Prospero on Appalled, but not by this.
May 23rd, 2012 9:04 pm
Prospero on Appalled, but not by this.
May 23rd, 2012 9:10 pm
Prospero on Appalled, but not by this.
May 23rd, 2012 9:53 pm
Prospero on Appalled, but not by this.
May 23rd, 2012 10:26 pm
Prospero on Appalled, but not by this.
May 23rd, 2012 11:04 pm
Prospero on Appalled, but not by this.
May 23rd, 2012 11:36 pm
Prospero on Appalled, but not by this.
May 24th, 2012 12:57 am
Prospero on Appalled, but not by this.
May 24th, 2012 1:31 am
Prospero on Appalled, but not by this.
May 24th, 2012 2:01 am
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 24th, 2012 3:51 pm
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 24th, 2012 4:40 pm
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 24th, 2012 4:49 pm
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 24th, 2012 5:59 pm
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 24th, 2012 6:50 pm
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 24th, 2012 7:37 pm
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 24th, 2012 11:11 pm
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 25th, 2012 12:00 am
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 25th, 2012 12:12 am
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 25th, 2012 1:31 am
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 25th, 2012 2:31 am
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 25th, 2012 3:10 am
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 25th, 2012 5:49 am
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 25th, 2012 5:57 am
Prospero on Snack platter.
May 25th, 2012 6:07 am
Prospero on Around the world.
May 25th, 2012 4:34 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 25th, 2012 4:55 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 25th, 2012 5:23 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 25th, 2012 7:45 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 25th, 2012 10:16 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 26th, 2012 1:03 am
Prospero on Around the world.
May 26th, 2012 3:11 am
Prospero on Around the world.
May 26th, 2012 7:24 am
Prospero on Around the world.
May 26th, 2012 6:10 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 26th, 2012 7:04 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 26th, 2012 7:35 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 26th, 2012 8:49 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 27th, 2012 12:31 am
Prospero on Around the world.
May 27th, 2012 4:37 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 27th, 2012 7:47 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 27th, 2012 11:39 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 28th, 2012 7:30 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 28th, 2012 8:15 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 28th, 2012 9:42 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 28th, 2012 10:09 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 28th, 2012 10:10 pm
Prospero on Around the world.
May 28th, 2012 11:25 pm
Prospero on Holiday weekend.
May 29th, 2012 5:17 pm
Prospero on Holiday weekend.
May 29th, 2012 5:58 pm
Prospero on Holiday weekend.
May 29th, 2012 6:45 pm
Prospero on Holiday weekend.
May 29th, 2012 8:03 pm
Prospero on Holiday weekend.
May 29th, 2012 9:07 pm
Prospero on Holiday weekend.
May 30th, 2012 12:40 am
Prospero on Holiday weekend.
May 30th, 2012 2:43 am
Prospero on Holiday weekend.
May 30th, 2012 3:15 am
Prospero on Day one under the bridge.
May 30th, 2012 6:21 pm
Prospero on Day one under the bridge.
May 30th, 2012 7:27 pm
Prospero on Day one under the bridge.
May 30th, 2012 8:25 pm
Prospero on Day one under the bridge.
May 30th, 2012 9:14 pm
Prospero on Day one under the bridge.
May 31st, 2012 12:58 am
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
May 31st, 2012 4:50 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
May 31st, 2012 5:53 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
May 31st, 2012 6:52 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
May 31st, 2012 9:13 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 1st, 2012 4:16 am
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 1st, 2012 5:06 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 1st, 2012 6:01 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 1st, 2012 7:46 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 1st, 2012 8:13 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 1st, 2012 9:03 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 1st, 2012 9:46 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 1st, 2012 11:48 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 2nd, 2012 3:00 am
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 2nd, 2012 6:30 am
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 2nd, 2012 6:37 am
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 2nd, 2012 9:21 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 3rd, 2012 12:03 am
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 3rd, 2012 9:06 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 3rd, 2012 10:03 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 3rd, 2012 10:23 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 3rd, 2012 11:57 pm
Prospero on Day two under the bridge.
June 4th, 2012 3:04 am
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 4th, 2012 6:43 pm
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 4th, 2012 8:12 pm
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 4th, 2012 9:09 pm
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 4th, 2012 9:56 pm
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 4th, 2012 10:28 pm
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 4th, 2012 11:48 pm
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 5th, 2012 12:03 am
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 5th, 2012 1:00 am
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 5th, 2012 1:37 am
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 5th, 2012 1:50 am
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 5th, 2012 1:54 am
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 5th, 2012 2:07 am
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 5th, 2012 2:33 am
Prospero on Martinis on Mackinac.
June 5th, 2012 5:37 am
Prospero on Sick day.
June 5th, 2012 5:29 pm
Prospero on Sick day.
June 5th, 2012 5:47 pm
Prospero on Sick day.
June 5th, 2012 7:39 pm
Prospero on Sick day.
June 5th, 2012 9:03 pm
Prospero on Sick day.
June 5th, 2012 9:38 pm
Prospero on Sick day.
June 5th, 2012 11:14 pm
Prospero on Sick day.
June 6th, 2012 12:20 am
Prospero on Sick day.
June 6th, 2012 1:05 am
Prospero on Sick day.
June 6th, 2012 4:56 am
Prospero on Dulce et decorum est.
June 6th, 2012 5:32 pm
Prospero on Dulce et decorum est.
June 6th, 2012 6:55 pm
Prospero on Dulce et decorum est.
June 6th, 2012 11:05 pm
Prospero on Dulce et decorum est.
June 6th, 2012 11:53 pm
Prospero on Dulce et decorum est.
June 7th, 2012 1:42 am
Prospero on Dulce et decorum est.
June 7th, 2012 3:00 am
Prospero on Extra-large.
June 7th, 2012 6:21 pm
Prospero on Extra-large.
June 7th, 2012 6:54 pm
Prospero on Extra-large.
June 7th, 2012 8:03 pm
Prospero on Extra-large.
June 7th, 2012 8:28 pm
Prospero on Extra-large.
June 7th, 2012 10:11 pm
Prospero on Extra-large.
June 7th, 2012 10:46 pm
Prospero on Extra-large.
June 7th, 2012 11:38 pm
Prospero on Extra-large.
June 8th, 2012 1:26 am
Prospero on Extra-large.
June 8th, 2012 2:58 am
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 8th, 2012 4:35 pm
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 8th, 2012 5:58 pm
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 8th, 2012 6:07 pm
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 8th, 2012 7:23 pm
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 8th, 2012 8:31 pm
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 8th, 2012 8:43 pm
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 8th, 2012 9:14 pm
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 8th, 2012 9:19 pm
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 8th, 2012 9:51 pm
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 9th, 2012 1:39 am
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 9th, 2012 2:03 am
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 9th, 2012 4:13 am
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 9th, 2012 2:03 pm
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 9th, 2012 2:32 pm
Prospero on One more slacker.
June 10th, 2012 3:52 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
June 10th, 2012 5:02 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
June 10th, 2012 9:02 pm
Prospero on The human bobblehead.
June 11th, 2012 5:06 pm
Prospero on The human bobblehead.
June 11th, 2012 7:59 pm
Prospero on The human bobblehead.
June 11th, 2012 9:11 pm
Prospero on The human bobblehead.
June 11th, 2012 9:34 pm
Prospero on The human bobblehead.
June 11th, 2012 9:39 pm
Prospero on The human bobblehead.
June 12th, 2012 8:25 am
Prospero on The human bobblehead.
June 12th, 2012 8:27 am
Prospero on Mad men, satisfied woman.
June 12th, 2012 3:54 pm
Prospero on Mad men, satisfied woman.
June 12th, 2012 4:03 pm
Prospero on Mad men, satisfied woman.
June 12th, 2012 4:07 pm
Prospero on No showers, please.
June 13th, 2012 4:40 pm
Prospero on No showers, please.
June 13th, 2012 7:10 pm
Prospero on No showers, please.
June 13th, 2012 11:09 pm
Prospero on No showers, please.
June 13th, 2012 11:13 pm
Prospero on No showers, please.
June 14th, 2012 12:57 am
Prospero on No showers, please.
June 14th, 2012 3:19 am
Prospero on No showers, please.
June 14th, 2012 3:46 am
Prospero on No showers, please.
June 15th, 2012 7:57 am
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 15th, 2012 7:41 pm
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 16th, 2012 12:56 am
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 16th, 2012 2:40 am
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 16th, 2012 3:41 am
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 16th, 2012 4:49 pm
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 16th, 2012 5:40 pm
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 16th, 2012 6:28 pm
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 16th, 2012 11:14 pm
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 17th, 2012 1:12 am
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 17th, 2012 7:14 pm
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 17th, 2012 7:27 pm
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 17th, 2012 11:33 pm
Prospero on You can't say that here.
June 18th, 2012 2:36 am
Prospero on A couple dozen miles down the road.
June 18th, 2012 6:59 pm
Prospero on A couple dozen miles down the road.
June 18th, 2012 7:21 pm
Prospero on A couple dozen miles down the road.
June 18th, 2012 8:12 pm
Prospero on A couple dozen miles down the road.
June 18th, 2012 8:38 pm
Prospero on A couple dozen miles down the road.
June 18th, 2012 11:24 pm
Prospero on T, U, V.
June 19th, 2012 4:59 pm
Prospero on T, U, V.
June 19th, 2012 6:32 pm
Prospero on T, U, V.
June 19th, 2012 7:43 pm
Prospero on T, U, V.
June 19th, 2012 9:04 pm
Prospero on T, U, V.
June 19th, 2012 10:57 pm
Prospero on T, U, V.
June 20th, 2012 12:16 am
Prospero on Baked.
June 20th, 2012 5:27 pm
Prospero on Baked.
June 20th, 2012 5:34 pm
Prospero on Baked.
June 20th, 2012 6:56 pm
Prospero on Free Culture has misled you.
June 21st, 2012 11:25 am
Prospero on Free Culture has misled you.
June 21st, 2012 5:51 pm
Prospero on Free Culture has misled you.
June 21st, 2012 7:01 pm
Prospero on Free Culture has misled you.
June 21st, 2012 7:26 pm
Prospero on Free Culture has misled you.
June 21st, 2012 7:32 pm
Prospero on Free Culture has misled you.
June 22nd, 2012 5:01 am
Prospero on The early shift.
June 22nd, 2012 3:18 pm
Prospero on The early shift.
June 22nd, 2012 6:42 pm
Prospero on The early shift.
June 22nd, 2012 9:52 pm
Prospero on The early shift.
June 22nd, 2012 10:47 pm
Prospero on The early shift.
June 22nd, 2012 11:56 pm
Prospero on The early shift.
June 23rd, 2012 1:18 am
Prospero on The early shift.
June 23rd, 2012 1:39 am
Prospero on The early shift.
June 23rd, 2012 2:10 am
Prospero on The early shift.
June 23rd, 2012 2:29 am
Prospero on The early shift.
June 23rd, 2012 2:29 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
June 24th, 2012 4:05 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
June 24th, 2012 7:31 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
June 24th, 2012 7:53 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
June 25th, 2012 2:42 am
Prospero on The pie drought.
June 25th, 2012 7:39 pm
Prospero on The pie drought.
June 25th, 2012 8:09 pm
Prospero on The pie drought.
June 25th, 2012 8:36 pm
Prospero on The pie drought.
June 25th, 2012 8:38 pm
Prospero on The pie drought.
June 25th, 2012 9:02 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
June 25th, 2012 9:35 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
June 25th, 2012 9:37 pm
Prospero on The pie drought.
June 25th, 2012 11:02 pm
Prospero on The pie drought.
June 26th, 2012 2:16 am
Prospero on The pie drought.
June 26th, 2012 5:42 am
Prospero on Fathead.
June 26th, 2012 7:48 pm
Prospero on Fathead.
June 26th, 2012 8:06 pm
Prospero on Fathead.
June 27th, 2012 1:31 am
Prospero on I feel bad about Nora.
June 27th, 2012 2:00 pm
Prospero on I feel bad about Nora.
June 27th, 2012 2:03 pm
Prospero on I feel bad about Nora.
June 27th, 2012 5:39 pm
Prospero on I feel bad about Nora.
June 27th, 2012 6:52 pm
Prospero on I feel bad about Nora.
June 27th, 2012 7:32 pm
Prospero on I feel bad about Nora.
June 27th, 2012 7:50 pm
Prospero on I feel bad about Nora.
June 27th, 2012 7:53 pm
Prospero on I feel bad about Nora.
June 28th, 2012 12:16 am
Prospero on I can't look.
June 28th, 2012 9:56 pm
Prospero on I can't look.
June 28th, 2012 11:42 pm
Prospero on I can't look.
June 29th, 2012 2:33 am
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 4:52 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 5:52 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 6:03 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 6:46 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 7:09 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 7:40 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 7:48 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 9:58 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 10:18 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 10:20 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 11:17 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 11:47 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 29th, 2012 11:50 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
June 30th, 2012 12:04 am
Prospero on Who said that?
June 30th, 2012 4:20 pm
Prospero on Who said that?
July 2nd, 2012 12:49 am
Prospero on Steaming.
July 2nd, 2012 6:53 pm
Prospero on Steaming.
July 2nd, 2012 8:25 pm
Prospero on Steaming.
July 2nd, 2012 9:08 pm
Prospero on Steaming.
July 3rd, 2012 12:43 am
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 3rd, 2012 4:37 pm
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 3rd, 2012 5:04 pm
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 3rd, 2012 6:03 pm
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 3rd, 2012 7:17 pm
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 3rd, 2012 7:44 pm
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 3rd, 2012 8:10 pm
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 3rd, 2012 9:18 pm
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 3rd, 2012 10:14 pm
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 3rd, 2012 11:07 pm
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 4th, 2012 12:25 am
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 4th, 2012 12:25 am
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 4th, 2012 12:32 am
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 4th, 2012 2:09 am
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 4th, 2012 2:18 am
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 4th, 2012 4:28 am
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 4th, 2012 5:07 pm
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 4th, 2012 6:08 pm
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 4th, 2012 7:05 pm
Prospero on A long, long time ago...
July 5th, 2012 12:41 pm
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 5th, 2012 4:20 pm
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 5th, 2012 4:33 pm
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 5th, 2012 6:08 pm
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 5th, 2012 6:16 pm
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 5th, 2012 6:27 pm
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 5th, 2012 6:55 pm
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 5th, 2012 7:05 pm
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 5th, 2012 9:36 pm
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 5th, 2012 9:47 pm
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 5th, 2012 10:30 pm
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 5th, 2012 11:00 pm
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 6th, 2012 3:00 am
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 6th, 2012 3:46 am
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 6th, 2012 4:21 am
Prospero on Stars in his eyes.
July 6th, 2012 7:00 am
Prospero on Blown to bits.
July 6th, 2012 4:00 pm
Prospero on Blown to bits.
July 6th, 2012 5:44 pm
Prospero on Blown to bits.
July 8th, 2012 2:33 pm
Prospero on Blown to bits.
July 8th, 2012 7:04 pm
Prospero on Blown to bits.
July 9th, 2012 4:13 am
Prospero on A weekend passing.
July 9th, 2012 6:34 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 10th, 2012 4:56 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 10th, 2012 4:57 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 10th, 2012 5:47 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 10th, 2012 7:57 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 10th, 2012 9:25 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 10th, 2012 9:59 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 10th, 2012 10:35 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 11th, 2012 6:28 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 11th, 2012 6:40 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 11th, 2012 7:21 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 11th, 2012 7:49 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 11th, 2012 8:00 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 11th, 2012 9:27 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 11th, 2012 10:27 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 11th, 2012 11:59 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 12th, 2012 12:51 am
Prospero on Too good.
July 12th, 2012 2:12 am
Prospero on Too good.
July 12th, 2012 6:09 am
Prospero on Too good.
July 12th, 2012 7:45 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 12th, 2012 8:56 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 12th, 2012 10:42 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 12th, 2012 11:26 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 12th, 2012 11:55 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 13th, 2012 2:47 am
Prospero on Too good.
July 13th, 2012 4:19 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 13th, 2012 5:39 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 13th, 2012 8:40 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 13th, 2012 10:53 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 13th, 2012 11:40 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 14th, 2012 9:05 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 15th, 2012 12:55 am
Prospero on Too good.
July 15th, 2012 1:55 am
Prospero on Too good.
July 15th, 2012 7:15 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 15th, 2012 8:06 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 15th, 2012 9:01 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 15th, 2012 10:13 pm
Prospero on Too good.
July 16th, 2012 1:02 am
Prospero on What the--?
July 16th, 2012 7:05 pm
Prospero on What the--?
July 16th, 2012 7:23 pm
Prospero on What the--?
July 16th, 2012 8:31 pm
Prospero on What the--?
July 16th, 2012 9:14 pm
Prospero on What the--?
July 16th, 2012 9:58 pm
Prospero on What the--?
July 16th, 2012 10:16 pm
Prospero on What the--?
July 16th, 2012 10:47 pm
Prospero on What the--?
July 17th, 2012 12:03 am
Prospero on What the--?
July 17th, 2012 12:11 am
Prospero on What the--?
July 17th, 2012 12:55 am
Prospero on What the--?
July 17th, 2012 3:05 am
Prospero on What the--?
July 17th, 2012 3:10 am
Prospero on What the--?
July 17th, 2012 5:11 am
Prospero on What the--?
July 17th, 2012 7:12 am
Prospero on Sunday night, again.
July 17th, 2012 6:21 pm
Prospero on Sunday night, again.
July 17th, 2012 9:17 pm
Prospero on Sunday night, again.
July 17th, 2012 10:21 pm
Prospero on Sunday night, again.
July 17th, 2012 10:58 pm
Prospero on Sunday night, again.
July 17th, 2012 11:42 pm
Prospero on Sunday night, again.
July 18th, 2012 1:28 am
Prospero on Sunday night, again.
July 18th, 2012 3:00 am
Prospero on Sunday night, again.
July 18th, 2012 7:57 am
Prospero on Up and back. Repeat.
July 18th, 2012 7:25 pm
Prospero on Up and back. Repeat.
July 18th, 2012 8:14 pm
Prospero on Up and back. Repeat.
July 18th, 2012 8:30 pm
Prospero on Up and back. Repeat.
July 18th, 2012 9:28 pm
Prospero on Up and back. Repeat.
July 18th, 2012 10:57 pm
Prospero on Up and back. Repeat.
July 18th, 2012 11:38 pm
Prospero on Up and back. Repeat.
July 19th, 2012 1:54 am
Prospero on Up and back. Repeat.
July 19th, 2012 2:05 am
Prospero on Up and back. Repeat.
July 19th, 2012 2:17 am
Prospero on Up and back. Repeat.
July 19th, 2012 2:21 am
Prospero on Up and back. Repeat.
July 19th, 2012 3:30 am
Prospero on Beat.
July 19th, 2012 5:04 pm
Prospero on Beat.
July 19th, 2012 5:36 pm
Prospero on Beat.
July 19th, 2012 6:08 pm
Prospero on Beat.
July 19th, 2012 7:26 pm
Prospero on Beat.
July 19th, 2012 7:30 pm
Prospero on Beat.
July 19th, 2012 7:42 pm
Prospero on Beat.
July 19th, 2012 8:06 pm
Prospero on Beat.
July 19th, 2012 8:06 pm
Prospero on Beat.
July 19th, 2012 8:55 pm
Prospero on Beat.
July 19th, 2012 10:15 pm
Prospero on Beat.
July 19th, 2012 10:27 pm
Prospero on Beat.
July 19th, 2012 11:16 pm
Prospero on Beat.
July 20th, 2012 12:06 am
Prospero on Beat.
July 20th, 2012 12:29 am
Prospero on Beat.
July 20th, 2012 1:26 am
Prospero on Beat.
July 20th, 2012 1:34 am
Prospero on Beat.
July 20th, 2012 2:12 am
Prospero on Beat.
July 20th, 2012 2:57 am
Prospero on Beat.
July 20th, 2012 3:37 am
Prospero on Beat.
July 20th, 2012 4:11 am
Prospero on Beat.
July 20th, 2012 6:39 am
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 20th, 2012 4:07 pm
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 20th, 2012 5:14 pm
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 20th, 2012 6:29 pm
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 20th, 2012 8:18 pm
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 20th, 2012 8:42 pm
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 20th, 2012 9:52 pm
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 21st, 2012 12:58 am
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 21st, 2012 3:33 am
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 21st, 2012 4:16 am
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 21st, 2012 4:29 am
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 21st, 2012 6:06 pm
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 21st, 2012 9:41 pm
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 22nd, 2012 7:21 am
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 22nd, 2012 7:00 pm
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 22nd, 2012 8:05 pm
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 22nd, 2012 10:30 pm
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 22nd, 2012 10:48 pm
Prospero on The dark...something.
July 23rd, 2012 12:26 am
Prospero on Once upon a night in the west (of Michigan).
July 23rd, 2012 8:40 pm
Prospero on Once upon a night in the west (of Michigan).
July 23rd, 2012 8:43 pm
Prospero on Linky.
July 24th, 2012 7:22 pm
Prospero on Linky.
July 24th, 2012 7:48 pm
Prospero on Linky.
July 24th, 2012 9:12 pm
Prospero on Linky.
July 24th, 2012 11:06 pm
Prospero on Linky.
July 24th, 2012 11:18 pm
Prospero on Linky.
July 25th, 2012 12:39 am
Prospero on Linky.
July 25th, 2012 12:44 am
Prospero on Linky.
July 25th, 2012 12:46 am
Prospero on Linky.
July 25th, 2012 1:26 am
Prospero on Linky.
July 25th, 2012 2:24 am
Prospero on Linky.
July 25th, 2012 3:11 am
Prospero on Linky.
July 25th, 2012 5:44 am
Prospero on Linky.
July 25th, 2012 6:51 am
Prospero on Linky.
July 25th, 2012 6:54 am
Prospero on Linky.
July 25th, 2012 2:12 pm
Prospero on Linky.
July 25th, 2012 2:27 pm
Prospero on Oops, I did it again.
July 25th, 2012 7:00 pm
Prospero on Oops, I did it again.
July 25th, 2012 9:51 pm
Prospero on Oops, I did it again.
July 25th, 2012 9:56 pm
Prospero on The dull season.
July 26th, 2012 6:08 pm
Prospero on The dull season.
July 26th, 2012 9:53 pm
Prospero on The dull season.
July 26th, 2012 10:04 pm
Prospero on The dull season.
July 27th, 2012 6:14 am
Prospero on The dull season.
July 27th, 2012 6:16 am
Prospero on I hope the fishing's good.
July 27th, 2012 4:40 pm
Prospero on I hope the fishing's good.
July 27th, 2012 7:57 pm
Prospero on I hope the fishing's good.
July 27th, 2012 11:37 pm
Prospero on I hope the fishing's good.
July 28th, 2012 12:19 am
Prospero on I hope the fishing's good.
July 28th, 2012 12:53 am
Prospero on I hope the fishing's good.
July 28th, 2012 2:45 am
Prospero on I hope the fishing's good.
July 28th, 2012 7:00 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 28th, 2012 7:05 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 28th, 2012 7:55 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 28th, 2012 8:59 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 28th, 2012 9:35 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 28th, 2012 10:18 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 29th, 2012 2:36 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 29th, 2012 6:01 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 29th, 2012 7:32 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 29th, 2012 9:00 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 29th, 2012 10:51 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 30th, 2012 1:13 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 30th, 2012 1:21 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 30th, 2012 1:26 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 30th, 2012 1:46 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 30th, 2012 2:04 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 30th, 2012 4:14 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
July 30th, 2012 5:41 am
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 30th, 2012 6:12 pm
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 30th, 2012 7:30 pm
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 30th, 2012 8:18 pm
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 30th, 2012 9:04 pm
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 30th, 2012 9:23 pm
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 30th, 2012 9:25 pm
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 30th, 2012 10:26 pm
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 31st, 2012 12:30 am
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 31st, 2012 12:44 am
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 31st, 2012 2:12 am
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 31st, 2012 2:13 am
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 31st, 2012 2:27 am
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 31st, 2012 2:33 am
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 31st, 2012 3:25 am
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 31st, 2012 7:23 am
Prospero on What do the judges say?
July 31st, 2012 7:25 am
Prospero on The world stage.
July 31st, 2012 6:38 pm
Prospero on The world stage.
July 31st, 2012 6:48 pm
Prospero on The world stage.
July 31st, 2012 7:55 pm
Prospero on The world stage.
July 31st, 2012 8:15 pm
Prospero on The world stage.
August 1st, 2012 12:50 am
Prospero on The world stage.
August 1st, 2012 12:56 am
Prospero on The world stage.
August 1st, 2012 1:58 am
Prospero on The world stage.
August 1st, 2012 2:37 am
Prospero on Leftovers.
August 1st, 2012 8:09 pm
Prospero on Leftovers.
August 2nd, 2012 4:31 am
Prospero on Under the river.
August 2nd, 2012 2:24 pm
Prospero on Under the river.
August 2nd, 2012 6:14 pm
Prospero on Under the river.
August 2nd, 2012 7:09 pm
Prospero on Under the river.
August 2nd, 2012 8:39 pm
Prospero on Under the river.
August 2nd, 2012 8:49 pm
Prospero on Under the river.
August 2nd, 2012 10:35 pm
Prospero on Under the river.
August 2nd, 2012 10:37 pm
Prospero on Under the river.
August 2nd, 2012 10:47 pm
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 3rd, 2012 8:10 pm
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 3rd, 2012 8:14 pm
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 4th, 2012 3:32 pm
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 5th, 2012 1:11 am
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 5th, 2012 1:02 pm
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 5th, 2012 7:16 pm
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 5th, 2012 8:23 pm
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 5th, 2012 10:08 pm
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 5th, 2012 10:26 pm
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 5th, 2012 11:09 pm
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 5th, 2012 11:31 pm
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 6th, 2012 1:49 am
Prospero on Peachy August.
August 6th, 2012 2:06 am
Prospero on Baseball been very very good to me.
August 6th, 2012 8:37 pm
Prospero on Baseball been very very good to me.
August 6th, 2012 8:38 pm
Prospero on Baseball been very very good to me.
August 6th, 2012 9:18 pm
Prospero on Baseball been very very good to me.
August 6th, 2012 10:48 pm
Prospero on Baseball been very very good to me.
August 6th, 2012 10:54 pm
Prospero on Baseball been very very good to me.
August 7th, 2012 3:46 am
Prospero on Baseball been very very good to me.
August 7th, 2012 3:47 am
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 7th, 2012 7:32 pm
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 7th, 2012 8:09 pm
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 7th, 2012 8:31 pm
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 7th, 2012 9:01 pm
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 7th, 2012 9:05 pm
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 7th, 2012 9:39 pm
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 7th, 2012 9:51 pm
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 7th, 2012 9:54 pm
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 7th, 2012 9:57 pm
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 7th, 2012 11:44 pm
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 7th, 2012 11:47 pm
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 8th, 2012 12:14 am
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 8th, 2012 2:54 am
Prospero on Tyson Who?
August 8th, 2012 5:43 am
Prospero on Elections are entertaining.
August 8th, 2012 3:30 pm
Prospero on Elections are entertaining.
August 8th, 2012 3:55 pm
Prospero on Elections are entertaining.
August 8th, 2012 4:52 pm
Prospero on Elections are entertaining.
August 8th, 2012 5:59 pm
Prospero on Elections are entertaining.
August 8th, 2012 6:57 pm
Prospero on Elections are entertaining.
August 8th, 2012 8:23 pm
Prospero on Elections are entertaining.
August 9th, 2012 12:42 am
Prospero on Elections are entertaining.
August 9th, 2012 2:39 am
Prospero on A slide show of nothing much.
August 9th, 2012 7:02 pm
Prospero on A slide show of nothing much.
August 9th, 2012 7:45 pm
Prospero on A slide show of nothing much.
August 9th, 2012 9:04 pm
Prospero on A slide show of nothing much.
August 9th, 2012 10:28 pm
Prospero on A slide show of nothing much.
August 9th, 2012 10:54 pm
Prospero on A slide show of nothing much.
August 10th, 2012 12:27 am
Prospero on A slide show of nothing much.
August 10th, 2012 12:34 am
Prospero on A slide show of nothing much.
August 10th, 2012 1:14 am
Prospero on A slide show of nothing much.
August 10th, 2012 2:34 am
Prospero on A slide show of nothing much.
August 10th, 2012 7:01 am
Prospero on A slide show of nothing much.
August 10th, 2012 7:35 am
Prospero on A slide show of nothing much.
August 10th, 2012 7:38 am
Prospero on Please pay at time of service.
August 10th, 2012 4:48 pm
Prospero on Please pay at time of service.
August 10th, 2012 5:35 pm
Prospero on Please pay at time of service.
August 10th, 2012 6:40 pm
Prospero on Please pay at time of service.
August 10th, 2012 8:05 pm
Prospero on Please pay at time of service.
August 10th, 2012 9:39 pm
Prospero on Please pay at time of service.
August 10th, 2012 9:56 pm
Prospero on Please pay at time of service.
August 10th, 2012 11:31 pm
Prospero on Please pay at time of service.
August 11th, 2012 12:18 am
Prospero on Please pay at time of service.
August 11th, 2012 1:30 am
Prospero on Please pay at time of service.
August 11th, 2012 1:46 am
Prospero on Please pay at time of service.
August 11th, 2012 2:34 am
Prospero on Please pay at time of service.
August 11th, 2012 5:37 am
Prospero on It's Ryan.
August 11th, 2012 7:58 pm
Prospero on It's Ryan.
August 11th, 2012 10:00 pm
Prospero on It's Ryan.
August 11th, 2012 10:11 pm
Prospero on It's Ryan.
August 11th, 2012 10:30 pm
Prospero on It's Ryan.
August 11th, 2012 11:19 pm
Prospero on It's Ryan.
August 11th, 2012 11:25 pm
Prospero on It's Ryan.
August 12th, 2012 12:34 am
Prospero on It's Ryan.
August 12th, 2012 1:57 am
Prospero on It's Ryan.
August 12th, 2012 3:16 am
Prospero on It's Ryan.
August 12th, 2012 4:23 am
Prospero on It's Ryan.
August 12th, 2012 4:33 am
Prospero on Sunday on the road.
August 12th, 2012 9:20 pm
Prospero on Sunday on the road.
August 12th, 2012 9:55 pm
Prospero on Sunday on the road.
August 12th, 2012 10:44 pm
Prospero on Sunday on the road.
August 13th, 2012 2:17 am
Prospero on Sunday on the road.
August 13th, 2012 6:53 pm
Prospero on Sunday on the road.
August 13th, 2012 7:16 pm
Prospero on Sunday on the road.
August 13th, 2012 8:20 pm
Prospero on Monday on the road.
August 13th, 2012 8:51 pm
Prospero on Monday on the road.
August 13th, 2012 11:18 pm
Prospero on Monday on the road.
August 14th, 2012 1:25 am
Prospero on Monday on the road.
August 14th, 2012 6:10 pm
Prospero on Monday on the road.
August 14th, 2012 6:11 pm
Prospero on Monday on the road.
August 14th, 2012 7:29 pm
Prospero on Monday on the road.
August 14th, 2012 8:03 pm
Prospero on Monday on the road.
August 14th, 2012 8:36 pm
Prospero on Monday on the road.
August 14th, 2012 11:39 pm
Prospero on Monday on the road.
August 15th, 2012 2:48 am
Prospero on Monday on the road.
August 15th, 2012 4:28 am
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 15th, 2012 6:59 pm
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 15th, 2012 7:28 pm
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 15th, 2012 7:32 pm
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 15th, 2012 7:53 pm
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 15th, 2012 8:12 pm
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 15th, 2012 8:20 pm
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 15th, 2012 9:42 pm
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 15th, 2012 10:30 pm
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 15th, 2012 11:04 pm
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 15th, 2012 11:13 pm
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 15th, 2012 11:45 pm
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 16th, 2012 12:58 am
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 16th, 2012 1:13 am
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 16th, 2012 2:56 am
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 16th, 2012 4:23 am
Prospero on Wednesday at home.
August 16th, 2012 6:37 am
Prospero on Oh, you kids.
August 16th, 2012 3:26 pm
Prospero on Oh, you kids.
August 16th, 2012 4:09 pm
Prospero on Oh, you kids.
August 16th, 2012 5:38 pm
Prospero on Oh, you kids.
August 16th, 2012 7:25 pm
Prospero on Oh, you kids.
August 16th, 2012 8:26 pm
Prospero on Oh, you kids.
August 16th, 2012 8:48 pm
Prospero on Oh, you kids.
August 16th, 2012 8:53 pm
Prospero on Oh, you kids.
August 16th, 2012 10:14 pm
Prospero on Oh, you kids.
August 16th, 2012 11:16 pm
Prospero on Oh, you kids.
August 17th, 2012 1:16 am
Prospero on Oh, you kids.
August 17th, 2012 1:45 am
Prospero on Oh, you kids.
August 17th, 2012 1:48 am
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 17th, 2012 5:29 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 17th, 2012 6:47 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 17th, 2012 6:57 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 17th, 2012 7:50 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 17th, 2012 8:10 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 17th, 2012 9:44 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 17th, 2012 10:20 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 17th, 2012 10:51 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 1:34 am
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 2:17 am
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 3:25 am
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 4:48 am
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 5:57 am
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 6:24 am
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 6:57 am
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 8:09 am
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 6:45 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 8:45 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 8:55 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 9:35 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 18th, 2012 10:12 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 19th, 2012 1:07 am
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 19th, 2012 6:15 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 19th, 2012 7:47 pm
Prospero on The angry-cycle.
August 20th, 2012 2:34 am
Prospero on Two musicals and a bleh.
August 20th, 2012 8:27 pm
Prospero on Two musicals and a bleh.
August 20th, 2012 9:59 pm
Prospero on Two musicals and a bleh.
August 20th, 2012 11:42 pm
Prospero on Two musicals and a bleh.
August 21st, 2012 1:04 am
Prospero on Two musicals and a bleh.
August 21st, 2012 1:32 am
Prospero on Two musicals and a bleh.
August 21st, 2012 2:04 am
Prospero on Two musicals and a bleh.
August 21st, 2012 2:53 am
Prospero on Two musicals and a bleh.
August 21st, 2012 3:27 am
Prospero on Two musicals and a bleh.
August 21st, 2012 3:32 am
Prospero on Two musicals and a bleh.
August 21st, 2012 5:27 am
Prospero on Two musicals and a bleh.
August 21st, 2012 7:28 am
Prospero on Secret secretions.
August 21st, 2012 4:55 pm
Prospero on Secret secretions.
August 21st, 2012 5:00 pm
Prospero on Secret secretions.
August 21st, 2012 7:39 pm
Prospero on Secret secretions.
August 21st, 2012 8:14 pm
Prospero on Secret secretions.
August 21st, 2012 9:34 pm
Prospero on Secret secretions.
August 22nd, 2012 12:14 am
Prospero on Secret secretions.
August 22nd, 2012 1:23 am
Prospero on Secret secretions.
August 22nd, 2012 1:56 am
Prospero on Winter is coming.
August 22nd, 2012 6:15 pm
Prospero on Winter is coming.
August 22nd, 2012 9:01 pm
Prospero on Winter is coming.
August 22nd, 2012 10:38 pm
Prospero on Winter is coming.
August 22nd, 2012 10:53 pm
Prospero on Winter is coming.
August 22nd, 2012 11:45 pm
Prospero on Winter is coming.
August 23rd, 2012 1:30 am
Prospero on Winter is coming.
August 23rd, 2012 4:11 am
Prospero on Winter is coming.
August 23rd, 2012 4:32 am
Prospero on What's for dinner?
August 23rd, 2012 5:16 pm
Prospero on What's for dinner?
August 23rd, 2012 5:37 pm
Prospero on What's for dinner?
August 23rd, 2012 6:38 pm
Prospero on What's for dinner?
August 23rd, 2012 6:39 pm
Prospero on What's for dinner?
August 23rd, 2012 7:21 pm
Prospero on What's for dinner?
August 23rd, 2012 8:32 pm
Prospero on What's for dinner?
August 23rd, 2012 9:26 pm
Prospero on What's for dinner?
August 23rd, 2012 10:39 pm
Prospero on What's for dinner?
August 23rd, 2012 10:49 pm
Prospero on What's for dinner?
August 23rd, 2012 11:22 pm
Prospero on What's for dinner?
August 23rd, 2012 11:54 pm
Prospero on What's for dinner?
August 23rd, 2012 11:57 pm
Prospero on Nice gams.
August 24th, 2012 3:57 pm
Prospero on Nice gams.
August 24th, 2012 4:08 pm
Prospero on Nice gams.
August 24th, 2012 5:22 pm
Prospero on Nice gams.
August 24th, 2012 5:31 pm
Prospero on Nice gams.
August 24th, 2012 9:45 pm
Prospero on Nice gams.
August 24th, 2012 11:48 pm
Prospero on Nice gams.
August 25th, 2012 10:25 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 25th, 2012 5:20 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 25th, 2012 6:02 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 25th, 2012 6:26 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 25th, 2012 7:19 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 25th, 2012 7:54 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 25th, 2012 8:07 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 25th, 2012 8:13 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 25th, 2012 8:18 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 25th, 2012 10:36 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 25th, 2012 10:38 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 4:27 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 4:57 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 5:45 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 5:51 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 6:09 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 6:11 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 6:33 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 7:39 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 8:15 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 8:41 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 1:51 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 4:25 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
August 26th, 2012 8:35 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 27th, 2012 6:20 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 27th, 2012 6:43 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 27th, 2012 7:03 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 27th, 2012 7:55 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 27th, 2012 8:26 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 27th, 2012 9:01 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 27th, 2012 9:47 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 27th, 2012 9:48 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 27th, 2012 10:11 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 27th, 2012 10:54 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 27th, 2012 11:22 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 27th, 2012 11:41 pm
Prospero on First man.
August 28th, 2012 12:14 am
Prospero on First man.
August 28th, 2012 12:50 am
Prospero on First man.
August 28th, 2012 1:02 am
Prospero on First man.
August 28th, 2012 1:38 am
Prospero on First man.
August 28th, 2012 1:43 am
Prospero on First man.
August 28th, 2012 1:56 am
Prospero on First man.
August 28th, 2012 2:23 am
Prospero on First man.
August 28th, 2012 4:04 am
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 28th, 2012 5:26 pm
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 28th, 2012 6:13 pm
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 28th, 2012 7:39 pm
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 28th, 2012 7:56 pm
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 28th, 2012 9:55 pm
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 28th, 2012 10:00 pm
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 28th, 2012 10:11 pm
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 29th, 2012 12:07 am
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 29th, 2012 12:26 am
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 29th, 2012 12:53 am
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 29th, 2012 1:39 am
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 29th, 2012 1:50 am
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 29th, 2012 2:02 am
Prospero on Night rolling.
August 29th, 2012 3:06 am
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 29th, 2012 5:20 pm
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 29th, 2012 6:01 pm
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 29th, 2012 6:39 pm
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 29th, 2012 7:13 pm
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 29th, 2012 7:37 pm
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 29th, 2012 7:55 pm
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 29th, 2012 9:22 pm
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 29th, 2012 10:30 pm
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 29th, 2012 11:29 pm
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 29th, 2012 11:52 pm
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 30th, 2012 12:05 am
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 30th, 2012 12:51 am
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 30th, 2012 1:18 am
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 30th, 2012 1:21 am
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 30th, 2012 2:27 am
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 30th, 2012 2:53 am
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 30th, 2012 3:22 am
Prospero on Lance the imperfect.
August 30th, 2012 6:32 am
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 30th, 2012 4:44 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 30th, 2012 5:28 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 30th, 2012 6:09 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 30th, 2012 6:58 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 30th, 2012 7:38 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 30th, 2012 8:49 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 30th, 2012 9:57 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 30th, 2012 10:53 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 30th, 2012 11:18 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 30th, 2012 11:54 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 30th, 2012 11:56 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 30th, 2012 11:57 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 31st, 2012 12:13 am
Prospero on Doing windows.
August 31st, 2012 12:17 am
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
August 31st, 2012 1:08 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
August 31st, 2012 1:33 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 1st, 2012 2:59 am
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 1st, 2012 2:57 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 1st, 2012 3:00 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 1st, 2012 5:59 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 1st, 2012 6:17 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 1st, 2012 6:28 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 1st, 2012 6:33 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 1st, 2012 7:01 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 1st, 2012 7:08 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 2nd, 2012 3:54 am
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 2nd, 2012 4:38 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 2nd, 2012 5:26 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 2nd, 2012 5:32 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 2nd, 2012 6:02 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
September 2nd, 2012 7:26 pm
Prospero on Doing windows.
September 2nd, 2012 7:38 pm
Prospero on Conventional behavior.
September 3rd, 2012 3:10 am
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 3rd, 2012 3:01 pm
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 3rd, 2012 3:14 pm
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 3rd, 2012 3:19 pm
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 3rd, 2012 3:37 pm
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 3rd, 2012 3:51 pm
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 3rd, 2012 3:54 pm
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 3rd, 2012 6:39 pm
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 3rd, 2012 7:09 pm
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 3rd, 2012 11:30 pm
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 3rd, 2012 11:48 pm
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 4th, 2012 12:00 am
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 4th, 2012 2:56 am
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 4th, 2012 3:34 am
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 4th, 2012 3:40 am
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 4th, 2012 4:32 am
Prospero on The day we don't labor.
September 4th, 2012 6:07 am
Prospero on A nosegay of linkage.
September 4th, 2012 9:39 pm
Prospero on A nosegay of linkage.
September 4th, 2012 10:31 pm
Prospero on A nosegay of linkage.
September 4th, 2012 11:18 pm
Prospero on A nosegay of linkage.
September 5th, 2012 12:44 am
Prospero on A nosegay of linkage.
September 5th, 2012 12:54 am
Prospero on A nosegay of linkage.
September 5th, 2012 1:19 am
Prospero on A nosegay of linkage.
September 5th, 2012 2:24 am
Prospero on A nosegay of linkage.
September 5th, 2012 3:01 am
Prospero on A nosegay of linkage.
September 5th, 2012 3:15 am
Prospero on What went down.
September 5th, 2012 5:51 pm
Prospero on What went down.
September 5th, 2012 6:58 pm
Prospero on What went down.
September 5th, 2012 7:34 pm
Prospero on What went down.
September 5th, 2012 10:28 pm
Prospero on What went down.
September 5th, 2012 11:02 pm
Prospero on What went down.
September 5th, 2012 11:10 pm
Prospero on What went down.
September 6th, 2012 3:27 am
Prospero on What went down.
September 6th, 2012 6:08 am
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 6th, 2012 6:27 pm
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 6th, 2012 6:29 pm
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 6th, 2012 7:27 pm
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 6th, 2012 7:56 pm
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 6th, 2012 9:18 pm
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 6th, 2012 10:55 pm
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 6th, 2012 11:15 pm
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 6th, 2012 11:51 pm
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 7th, 2012 12:17 am
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 7th, 2012 1:16 am
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 7th, 2012 1:55 am
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 7th, 2012 2:07 am
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 7th, 2012 2:55 am
Prospero on Shoulder pads.
September 7th, 2012 4:12 am
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 7th, 2012 4:48 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 7th, 2012 5:26 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 7th, 2012 6:15 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 7th, 2012 8:38 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 7th, 2012 10:17 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 7th, 2012 11:07 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 7th, 2012 11:10 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 8th, 2012 12:10 am
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 8th, 2012 1:51 am
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 8th, 2012 4:39 am
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 8th, 2012 10:24 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 8th, 2012 11:16 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 8th, 2012 11:24 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 1:04 am
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 11:55 am
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 5:53 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 6:06 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 6:30 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 7:14 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 7:51 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 8:18 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 8:36 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 8:44 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 9:05 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 9:35 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 9:49 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 9:52 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 10:25 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 10:51 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 11:16 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 9th, 2012 11:34 pm
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 10th, 2012 1:18 am
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 10th, 2012 1:27 am
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 10th, 2012 1:30 am
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 10th, 2012 1:40 am
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 10th, 2012 1:45 am
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 10th, 2012 6:54 am
Prospero on The post-, and pre-game.
September 10th, 2012 7:03 am
Prospero on That's very unwise.
September 10th, 2012 6:53 pm
Prospero on That's very unwise.
September 10th, 2012 8:53 pm
Prospero on That's very unwise.
September 10th, 2012 9:10 pm
Prospero on That's very unwise.
September 11th, 2012 12:23 am
Prospero on Bow down. Then sleep.
September 11th, 2012 4:13 pm
Prospero on Bow down. Then sleep.
September 11th, 2012 4:45 pm
Prospero on Bow down. Then sleep.
September 11th, 2012 5:29 pm
Prospero on Bow down. Then sleep.
September 11th, 2012 6:50 pm
Prospero on Bow down. Then sleep.
September 11th, 2012 7:37 pm
Prospero on Bow down. Then sleep.
September 12th, 2012 4:04 am
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 12th, 2012 3:42 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 12th, 2012 4:38 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 12th, 2012 6:56 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 12th, 2012 7:39 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 12th, 2012 7:45 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 12th, 2012 7:51 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 12th, 2012 10:38 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 12th, 2012 11:00 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 12th, 2012 11:28 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 13th, 2012 12:29 am
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 13th, 2012 12:37 am
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 13th, 2012 4:02 am
Prospero on Farewell, Ben.
September 13th, 2012 5:43 am
Prospero on Still Bob, after all these years.
September 13th, 2012 6:38 pm
Prospero on Still Bob, after all these years.
September 13th, 2012 6:56 pm
Prospero on Still Bob, after all these years.
September 13th, 2012 7:37 pm
Prospero on Still Bob, after all these years.
September 13th, 2012 8:24 pm
Prospero on Still Bob, after all these years.
September 13th, 2012 9:27 pm
Prospero on Still Bob, after all these years.
September 13th, 2012 10:58 pm
Prospero on Still Bob, after all these years.
September 13th, 2012 11:36 pm
Prospero on Still Bob, after all these years.
September 14th, 2012 12:51 am
Prospero on Still Bob, after all these years.
September 14th, 2012 1:58 am
Prospero on Still Bob, after all these years.
September 14th, 2012 2:07 am
Prospero on Still Bob, after all these years.
September 14th, 2012 3:07 am
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 14th, 2012 4:49 pm
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 14th, 2012 6:02 pm
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 14th, 2012 7:10 pm
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 14th, 2012 7:34 pm
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 14th, 2012 8:24 pm
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 14th, 2012 9:12 pm
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 14th, 2012 9:42 pm
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 14th, 2012 10:22 pm
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 14th, 2012 11:11 pm
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 15th, 2012 12:58 am
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 15th, 2012 1:41 am
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 15th, 2012 1:58 am
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 15th, 2012 2:37 am
Prospero on All thumbs down.
September 15th, 2012 2:42 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 15th, 2012 6:22 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 15th, 2012 6:40 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 15th, 2012 6:44 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 15th, 2012 7:33 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 12:08 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 12:44 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 12:47 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 1:17 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 1:19 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 1:25 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 4:02 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 4:48 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 4:54 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 4:57 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 5:06 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 5:11 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 5:13 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 5:20 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 5:58 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 6:31 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 7:04 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 7:18 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 7:21 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 7:42 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 7:57 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 3:41 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 16th, 2012 11:58 pm
Prospero on Old family recipe.
September 17th, 2012 6:42 pm
Prospero on Old family recipe.
September 17th, 2012 8:08 pm
Prospero on Old family recipe.
September 17th, 2012 8:55 pm
Prospero on Old family recipe.
September 18th, 2012 12:22 am
Prospero on Old family recipe.
September 18th, 2012 1:36 am
Prospero on Old family recipe.
September 18th, 2012 2:13 am
Prospero on Old family recipe.
September 18th, 2012 2:52 am
Prospero on Who is in the 47 percent?
September 18th, 2012 4:38 pm
Prospero on Who is in the 47 percent?
September 18th, 2012 6:37 pm
Prospero on Who is in the 47 percent?
September 18th, 2012 8:12 pm
Prospero on Who is in the 47 percent?
September 18th, 2012 10:35 pm
Prospero on Who is in the 47 percent?
September 19th, 2012 1:32 am
Prospero on Who is in the 47 percent?
September 19th, 2012 2:42 am
Prospero on Back to school.
September 19th, 2012 4:27 pm
Prospero on Back to school.
September 19th, 2012 6:25 pm
Prospero on Back to school.
September 19th, 2012 8:10 pm
Prospero on Back to school.
September 19th, 2012 8:56 pm
Prospero on Back to school.
September 19th, 2012 9:37 pm
Prospero on Back to school.
September 19th, 2012 9:43 pm
Prospero on Back to school.
September 19th, 2012 10:17 pm
Prospero on Back to school.
September 20th, 2012 2:12 am
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 20th, 2012 3:22 pm
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 20th, 2012 3:24 pm
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 20th, 2012 3:51 pm
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 20th, 2012 3:53 pm
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 20th, 2012 6:03 pm
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 20th, 2012 6:06 pm
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 20th, 2012 6:36 pm
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 20th, 2012 6:42 pm
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 20th, 2012 9:46 pm
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 20th, 2012 10:07 pm
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 20th, 2012 10:17 pm
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 20th, 2012 11:26 pm
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 21st, 2012 2:57 am
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 21st, 2012 5:08 am
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 21st, 2012 5:14 am
Prospero on Waiting.
September 21st, 2012 11:38 am
Prospero on Waiting.
September 21st, 2012 2:29 pm
Prospero on Waiting.
September 21st, 2012 4:26 pm
Prospero on Waiting.
September 21st, 2012 5:05 pm
Prospero on Waiting.
September 21st, 2012 6:49 pm
Prospero on Waiting.
September 21st, 2012 9:05 pm
Prospero on Waiting.
September 22nd, 2012 12:26 am
Prospero on Waiting.
September 22nd, 2012 12:29 am
Prospero on Waiting.
September 22nd, 2012 2:55 am
Prospero on Waiting.
September 22nd, 2012 3:01 am
Prospero on Waiting.
September 22nd, 2012 3:03 am
Prospero on Waiting.
September 22nd, 2012 3:28 am
Prospero on Waiting.
September 22nd, 2012 3:40 am
Prospero on The elephant in the room.
September 22nd, 2012 6:01 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 22nd, 2012 6:08 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 22nd, 2012 6:23 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 23rd, 2012 7:18 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 23rd, 2012 10:05 pm
Prospero on Elegy.
September 24th, 2012 5:29 pm
Prospero on Elegy.
September 24th, 2012 10:36 pm
Prospero on Elegy.
September 24th, 2012 10:47 pm
Prospero on Elegy.
September 25th, 2012 12:56 am
Prospero on Civic life.
September 25th, 2012 4:53 pm
Prospero on Civic life.
September 25th, 2012 4:55 pm
Prospero on Civic life.
September 25th, 2012 6:36 pm
Prospero on Civic life.
September 25th, 2012 8:22 pm
Prospero on Civic life.
September 25th, 2012 8:53 pm
Prospero on Civic life.
September 25th, 2012 10:26 pm
Prospero on Civic life.
September 25th, 2012 10:46 pm
Prospero on Civic life.
September 26th, 2012 12:11 am
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 26th, 2012 6:04 pm
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 26th, 2012 7:38 pm
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 26th, 2012 7:46 pm
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 26th, 2012 9:16 pm
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 26th, 2012 9:59 pm
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 26th, 2012 11:00 pm
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 26th, 2012 11:31 pm
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 27th, 2012 12:21 am
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 27th, 2012 12:51 am
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 27th, 2012 1:15 am
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 27th, 2012 1:24 am
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 27th, 2012 2:13 am
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 27th, 2012 3:07 am
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 27th, 2012 4:47 am
Prospero on What's playing in the East Room?
September 27th, 2012 6:33 pm
Prospero on What's playing in the East Room?
September 27th, 2012 7:16 pm
Prospero on What's playing in the East Room?
September 27th, 2012 7:54 pm
Prospero on What's playing in the East Room?
September 27th, 2012 8:35 pm
Prospero on What's playing in the East Room?
September 27th, 2012 10:34 pm
Prospero on What's playing in the East Room?
September 28th, 2012 3:17 am
Prospero on What's playing in the East Room?
September 28th, 2012 3:19 am
Prospero on What's playing in the East Room?
September 28th, 2012 3:25 am
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 28th, 2012 3:38 am
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 28th, 2012 4:34 am
Prospero on Overstimmed.
September 28th, 2012 7:05 am
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 11:05 am
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 11:18 am
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 4:00 pm
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 4:08 pm
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 4:14 pm
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 7:24 pm
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 7:30 pm
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 8:16 pm
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 8:31 pm
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 10:57 pm
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 11:04 pm
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 11:09 pm
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 28th, 2012 11:24 pm
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 29th, 2012 12:03 am
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 29th, 2012 12:19 am
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 29th, 2012 12:58 am
Prospero on Waiting for something.
September 29th, 2012 2:54 am
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
September 30th, 2012 4:27 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
September 30th, 2012 5:29 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
September 30th, 2012 7:04 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
September 30th, 2012 8:11 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
September 30th, 2012 9:00 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
September 30th, 2012 9:30 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
October 1st, 2012 12:06 am
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
October 1st, 2012 12:35 am
Prospero on Pixel-away.
October 1st, 2012 6:12 pm
Prospero on Pixel-away.
October 1st, 2012 7:32 pm
Prospero on Pixel-away.
October 1st, 2012 7:54 pm
Prospero on Pixel-away.
October 1st, 2012 9:13 pm
Prospero on Pixel-away.
October 1st, 2012 9:17 pm
Prospero on Pixel-away.
October 1st, 2012 9:18 pm
Prospero on Pixel-away.
October 1st, 2012 9:29 pm
Prospero on Pixel-away.
October 2nd, 2012 12:45 am
Prospero on Pixel-away.
October 2nd, 2012 5:52 am
Prospero on Pixel-away.
October 2nd, 2012 5:56 am
Prospero on Lop-siding.
October 2nd, 2012 9:23 am
Prospero on Lop-siding.
October 2nd, 2012 9:30 am
Prospero on Lop-siding.
October 2nd, 2012 4:02 pm
Prospero on Lop-siding.
October 2nd, 2012 4:09 pm
Prospero on Lop-siding.
October 2nd, 2012 6:06 pm
Prospero on Three points? Whatever.
October 5th, 2012 11:54 pm
Prospero on Three points? Whatever.
October 6th, 2012 1:00 am
Prospero on Three points? Whatever.
October 6th, 2012 1:48 am
Prospero on Three points? Whatever.
October 6th, 2012 11:39 am
Prospero on Three points? Whatever.
October 6th, 2012 3:31 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 6th, 2012 5:14 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 6th, 2012 10:06 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 6th, 2012 10:25 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 6th, 2012 11:23 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 6th, 2012 11:25 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 6th, 2012 11:31 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 7th, 2012 2:09 am
Prospero on Mercury is fine.
October 8th, 2012 4:14 pm
Prospero on Mercury is fine.
October 8th, 2012 4:48 pm
Prospero on Mercury is fine.
October 8th, 2012 5:25 pm
Prospero on Mercury is fine.
October 8th, 2012 5:45 pm
Prospero on Mercury is fine.
October 8th, 2012 8:41 pm
Prospero on Mercury is fine.
October 9th, 2012 1:42 am
Prospero on Mercury is fine.
October 9th, 2012 2:47 am
Prospero on Mercury is fine.
October 9th, 2012 5:52 am
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 9th, 2012 5:17 pm
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 9th, 2012 6:09 pm
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 9th, 2012 6:39 pm
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 9th, 2012 7:25 pm
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 9th, 2012 7:52 pm
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 9th, 2012 7:57 pm
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 9th, 2012 7:58 pm
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 9th, 2012 8:22 pm
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 9th, 2012 9:03 pm
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 9th, 2012 9:15 pm
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 9th, 2012 9:22 pm
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 9th, 2012 9:31 pm
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 10th, 2012 12:48 am
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 10th, 2012 12:56 am
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 10th, 2012 1:21 am
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 10th, 2012 1:49 am
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 10th, 2012 1:51 am
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 10th, 2012 1:55 am
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 10th, 2012 2:23 am
Prospero on The chariot race.
October 10th, 2012 2:26 am
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 10:32 am
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 10:53 am
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 10:55 am
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 11:27 am
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 11:31 am
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 3:55 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 4:14 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 4:23 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 4:26 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 5:14 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 5:21 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 5:39 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 7:25 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 8:20 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 9:04 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 9:31 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 10:38 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 10th, 2012 11:29 pm
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 11th, 2012 12:27 am
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 11th, 2012 1:04 am
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 11th, 2012 1:38 am
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 11th, 2012 1:44 am
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 11th, 2012 2:05 am
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 11th, 2012 4:07 am
Prospero on Pie-eyed.
October 11th, 2012 5:52 am
Prospero on College night.
October 11th, 2012 5:11 pm
Prospero on College night.
October 11th, 2012 5:54 pm
Prospero on College night.
October 11th, 2012 6:11 pm
Prospero on College night.
October 11th, 2012 6:57 pm
Prospero on College night.
October 11th, 2012 8:37 pm
Prospero on College night.
October 11th, 2012 9:47 pm
Prospero on College night.
October 12th, 2012 1:35 am
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 12th, 2012 5:22 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 12th, 2012 5:38 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 12th, 2012 6:46 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 12th, 2012 8:00 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 12th, 2012 8:04 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 12th, 2012 8:28 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 12th, 2012 8:48 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 12th, 2012 9:00 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 12th, 2012 11:03 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 12th, 2012 11:05 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 12th, 2012 11:07 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 12th, 2012 11:27 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 13th, 2012 6:02 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 13th, 2012 6:25 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 13th, 2012 6:52 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 13th, 2012 9:15 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 13th, 2012 9:32 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 14th, 2012 12:27 am
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 14th, 2012 3:02 am
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 14th, 2012 6:35 am
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 14th, 2012 6:52 am
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 14th, 2012 6:57 am
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 14th, 2012 7:09 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 14th, 2012 7:50 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 14th, 2012 9:13 pm
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 15th, 2012 1:43 am
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 15th, 2012 1:53 am
Prospero on Pulptastic.
October 15th, 2012 5:45 am
Prospero on A long fall.
October 15th, 2012 5:44 pm
Prospero on A long fall.
October 15th, 2012 7:35 pm
Prospero on A long fall.
October 15th, 2012 9:52 pm
Prospero on A long fall.
October 15th, 2012 10:17 pm
Prospero on A long fall.
October 15th, 2012 11:17 pm
Prospero on A long fall.
October 15th, 2012 11:38 pm
Prospero on A long fall.
October 16th, 2012 1:00 am
Prospero on A long fall.
October 16th, 2012 2:05 am
Prospero on A long fall.
October 16th, 2012 2:59 am
Prospero on A long fall.
October 16th, 2012 6:23 am
Prospero on A long fall.
October 16th, 2012 7:16 am
Prospero on Day off.
October 16th, 2012 5:50 pm
Prospero on Day off.
October 16th, 2012 5:56 pm
Prospero on Day off.
October 16th, 2012 7:22 pm
Prospero on Day off.
October 16th, 2012 7:34 pm
Prospero on Day off.
October 16th, 2012 8:57 pm
Prospero on Day off.
October 16th, 2012 10:19 pm
Prospero on Day off.
October 17th, 2012 2:27 am
Prospero on Day off.
October 17th, 2012 2:54 am
Prospero on Dry all over.
October 17th, 2012 5:56 pm
Prospero on Dry all over.
October 17th, 2012 5:59 pm
Prospero on Dry all over.
October 17th, 2012 6:31 pm
Prospero on Dry all over.
October 17th, 2012 7:52 pm
Prospero on Dry all over.
October 18th, 2012 1:19 am
Prospero on Dry all over.
October 18th, 2012 1:40 am
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 18th, 2012 5:44 pm
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 18th, 2012 6:26 pm
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 18th, 2012 6:58 pm
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 18th, 2012 7:19 pm
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 18th, 2012 7:58 pm
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 18th, 2012 9:41 pm
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 19th, 2012 12:43 am
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 19th, 2012 12:50 am
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 19th, 2012 1:01 am
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 19th, 2012 5:33 am
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 19th, 2012 7:03 am
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 19th, 2012 7:13 am
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 19th, 2012 7:15 am
Prospero on Ring ring ring.
October 19th, 2012 7:16 am
Prospero on Strange bedfellows.
October 19th, 2012 6:25 pm
Prospero on Strange bedfellows.
October 20th, 2012 4:29 pm
Prospero on Strange bedfellows.
October 20th, 2012 4:37 pm
Prospero on Strange bedfellows.
October 20th, 2012 4:53 pm
Prospero on Strange bedfellows.
October 20th, 2012 7:23 pm
Prospero on Strange bedfellows.
October 20th, 2012 11:52 pm
Prospero on Strange bedfellows.
October 21st, 2012 4:24 am
Prospero on Strange bedfellows.
October 22nd, 2012 12:56 am
Prospero on Pop-ups, two kinds.
October 22nd, 2012 6:40 pm
Prospero on Pop-ups, two kinds.
October 22nd, 2012 7:49 pm
Prospero on Pop-ups, two kinds.
October 22nd, 2012 8:44 pm
Prospero on Pop-ups, two kinds.
October 22nd, 2012 10:48 pm
Prospero on Pop-ups, two kinds.
October 22nd, 2012 11:00 pm
Prospero on Pop-ups, two kinds.
October 22nd, 2012 11:02 pm
Prospero on Pop-ups, two kinds.
October 23rd, 2012 12:15 am
Prospero on Pop-ups, two kinds.
October 23rd, 2012 2:42 am
Prospero on Pop-ups, two kinds.
October 23rd, 2012 2:48 am
Prospero on The neighbors.
October 23rd, 2012 5:28 pm
Prospero on The neighbors.
October 23rd, 2012 6:57 pm
Prospero on The neighbors.
October 23rd, 2012 9:06 pm
Prospero on The neighbors.
October 23rd, 2012 9:09 pm
Prospero on Cerebral blockage.
October 24th, 2012 6:06 pm
Prospero on Cerebral blockage.
October 24th, 2012 10:29 pm
Prospero on Cerebral blockage.
October 25th, 2012 1:31 am
Prospero on Cerebral blockage.
October 25th, 2012 6:16 am
Prospero on Cerebral blockage.
October 25th, 2012 6:19 am
Prospero on Cerebral blockage.
October 25th, 2012 6:20 am
Prospero on Cerebral blockage.
October 25th, 2012 6:35 am
Prospero on The jinx.
October 25th, 2012 5:55 pm
Prospero on The jinx.
October 25th, 2012 7:12 pm
Prospero on The jinx.
October 25th, 2012 7:54 pm
Prospero on The jinx.
October 25th, 2012 8:36 pm
Prospero on The jinx.
October 25th, 2012 9:52 pm
Prospero on The jinx.
October 25th, 2012 10:39 pm
Prospero on The jinx.
October 25th, 2012 11:50 pm
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 26th, 2012 6:30 pm
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 26th, 2012 7:00 pm
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 26th, 2012 7:16 pm
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 27th, 2012 12:04 am
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 27th, 2012 12:09 am
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 27th, 2012 2:02 am
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 27th, 2012 3:08 am
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 27th, 2012 8:24 pm
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 27th, 2012 10:11 pm
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 28th, 2012 2:56 am
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 28th, 2012 2:58 am
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 28th, 2012 5:30 pm
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 28th, 2012 7:55 pm
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 29th, 2012 1:43 am
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 29th, 2012 2:46 am
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 29th, 2012 3:50 am
Prospero on Times a-changin'.
October 29th, 2012 6:41 am
Prospero on Awesome.
October 29th, 2012 6:17 pm
Prospero on Awesome.
October 29th, 2012 7:25 pm
Prospero on Awesome.
October 29th, 2012 8:40 pm
Prospero on Awesome.
October 29th, 2012 11:52 pm
Prospero on Awesome.
October 30th, 2012 12:03 am
Prospero on Awesome.
October 30th, 2012 1:30 am
Prospero on Awesome.
October 30th, 2012 1:45 am
Prospero on Awesome.
October 30th, 2012 3:08 am
Prospero on 'Twas a rough night.
October 30th, 2012 7:02 pm
Prospero on 'Twas a rough night.
October 30th, 2012 7:15 pm
Prospero on 'Twas a rough night.
October 30th, 2012 8:14 pm
Prospero on 'Twas a rough night.
October 30th, 2012 8:52 pm
Prospero on 'Twas a rough night.
October 30th, 2012 9:15 pm
Prospero on 'Twas a rough night.
October 30th, 2012 10:08 pm
Prospero on 'Twas a rough night.
October 30th, 2012 11:01 pm
Prospero on 'Twas a rough night.
October 30th, 2012 11:40 pm
Prospero on 'Twas a rough night.
October 31st, 2012 1:41 am
Prospero on 'Twas a rough night.
October 31st, 2012 2:27 am
Prospero on 'Twas a rough night.
October 31st, 2012 4:54 am
Prospero on We're watching.
October 31st, 2012 5:37 pm
Prospero on We're watching.
October 31st, 2012 5:51 pm
Prospero on We're watching.
October 31st, 2012 8:06 pm
Prospero on We're watching.
October 31st, 2012 11:57 pm
Prospero on We're watching.
November 1st, 2012 12:04 am
Prospero on We're watching.
November 1st, 2012 3:07 am
Prospero on Whoop-whoop.
November 1st, 2012 4:57 pm
Prospero on Whoop-whoop.
November 1st, 2012 6:27 pm
Prospero on Whoop-whoop.
November 1st, 2012 6:59 pm
Prospero on Whoop-whoop.
November 1st, 2012 7:55 pm
Prospero on Whoop-whoop.
November 1st, 2012 8:05 pm
Prospero on Whoop-whoop.
November 1st, 2012 8:32 pm
Prospero on Whoop-whoop.
November 2nd, 2012 1:01 am
Prospero on Whoop-whoop.
November 2nd, 2012 1:12 am
Prospero on Whoop-whoop.
November 2nd, 2012 2:54 am
Prospero on Whoop-whoop.
November 2nd, 2012 2:59 am
Prospero on Whoop-whoop.
November 2nd, 2012 3:21 am
Prospero on Whoop-whoop.
November 2nd, 2012 6:56 am
Prospero on The odds.
November 2nd, 2012 8:53 pm
Prospero on The odds.
November 2nd, 2012 10:15 pm
Prospero on The odds.
November 2nd, 2012 10:52 pm
Prospero on The odds.
November 2nd, 2012 11:18 pm
Prospero on The odds.
November 3rd, 2012 12:16 am
Prospero on The odds.
November 3rd, 2012 12:54 am
Prospero on The odds.
November 3rd, 2012 1:35 am
Prospero on The odds.
November 3rd, 2012 1:36 am
Prospero on The odds.
November 3rd, 2012 4:22 am
Prospero on The odds.
November 3rd, 2012 5:08 am
Prospero on The odds.
November 3rd, 2012 6:19 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
November 3rd, 2012 6:00 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
November 3rd, 2012 6:41 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
November 4th, 2012 9:04 pm
Prospero on Pops and hisses.
November 5th, 2012 4:51 pm
Prospero on Pops and hisses.
November 5th, 2012 5:25 pm
Prospero on Pops and hisses.
November 5th, 2012 6:45 pm
Prospero on Pops and hisses.
November 5th, 2012 6:46 pm
Prospero on Pops and hisses.
November 5th, 2012 7:16 pm
Prospero on Pops and hisses.
November 5th, 2012 9:15 pm
Prospero on Pops and hisses.
November 5th, 2012 9:24 pm
Prospero on Pops and hisses.
November 5th, 2012 11:41 pm
Prospero on Pops and hisses.
November 6th, 2012 1:40 am
Prospero on Pops and hisses.
November 6th, 2012 2:34 am
Prospero on Pops and hisses.
November 6th, 2012 7:19 am
Prospero on Don't forget to vote.
November 6th, 2012 6:32 pm
Prospero on Don't forget to vote.
November 6th, 2012 7:08 pm
Prospero on Don't forget to vote.
November 7th, 2012 12:41 am
Prospero on Don't forget to vote.
November 7th, 2012 1:22 am
Prospero on Don't forget to vote.
November 7th, 2012 1:37 am
Prospero on Don't forget to vote.
November 7th, 2012 1:40 am
Prospero on Don't forget to vote.
November 7th, 2012 3:01 am
Prospero on Don't forget to vote.
November 7th, 2012 4:36 am
Prospero on Don't forget to vote.
November 7th, 2012 4:43 am
Prospero on Don't forget to vote.
November 7th, 2012 6:02 am
Prospero on Don't forget to vote.
November 7th, 2012 6:03 am
Prospero on Don't forget to vote.
November 7th, 2012 6:24 am
Prospero on Did you lose something?
November 7th, 2012 5:51 pm
Prospero on Did you lose something?
November 7th, 2012 6:36 pm
Prospero on Did you lose something?
November 7th, 2012 8:04 pm
Prospero on Did you lose something?
November 7th, 2012 8:47 pm
Prospero on Did you lose something?
November 7th, 2012 9:21 pm
Prospero on Did you lose something?
November 7th, 2012 9:52 pm
Prospero on Did you lose something?
November 7th, 2012 10:12 pm
Prospero on Did you lose something?
November 8th, 2012 1:38 am
Prospero on Did you lose something?
November 8th, 2012 1:50 am
Prospero on Did you lose something?
November 8th, 2012 2:04 am
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 8th, 2012 12:36 pm
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 8th, 2012 12:43 pm
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 8th, 2012 1:06 pm
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 8th, 2012 9:50 pm
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 8th, 2012 9:55 pm
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 8th, 2012 10:01 pm
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 8th, 2012 10:21 pm
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 8th, 2012 10:54 pm
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 8th, 2012 10:56 pm
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 8th, 2012 11:00 pm
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 8th, 2012 11:10 pm
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 9th, 2012 12:42 am
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 9th, 2012 12:58 am
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 9th, 2012 1:11 am
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 9th, 2012 1:23 am
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 9th, 2012 2:38 am
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 9th, 2012 2:44 am
Prospero on Mayor of Crazytown.
November 9th, 2012 3:49 am
Prospero on Blame the weather.
November 9th, 2012 6:16 pm
Prospero on Blame the weather.
November 10th, 2012 12:28 am
Prospero on Blame the weather.
November 10th, 2012 5:15 pm
Prospero on Blame the weather.
November 11th, 2012 12:44 am
Prospero on Blame the weather.
November 11th, 2012 12:48 am
Prospero on Blame the weather.
November 11th, 2012 12:50 am
Prospero on Blame the weather.
November 11th, 2012 3:26 am
Prospero on Blame the weather.
November 11th, 2012 3:28 am
Prospero on Blame the weather.
November 11th, 2012 12:33 pm
Prospero on Blame the weather.
November 11th, 2012 5:55 pm
Prospero on Blame the weather.
November 12th, 2012 3:52 am
Prospero on Sunday morning West Michigan.
November 12th, 2012 3:54 am
Prospero on The mild west.
November 12th, 2012 8:02 pm
Prospero on The mild west.
November 12th, 2012 8:47 pm
Prospero on The mild west.
November 12th, 2012 10:14 pm
Prospero on The mild west.
November 13th, 2012 1:00 am
Prospero on I deserved a break today.
November 13th, 2012 5:39 pm
Prospero on I deserved a break today.
November 13th, 2012 6:03 pm
Prospero on I deserved a break today.
November 13th, 2012 7:32 pm
Prospero on I deserved a break today.
November 13th, 2012 8:44 pm
Prospero on I deserved a break today.
November 14th, 2012 12:36 am
Prospero on Braaaains.
November 14th, 2012 6:39 pm
Prospero on Braaaains.
November 14th, 2012 7:37 pm
Prospero on Braaaains.
November 14th, 2012 9:05 pm
Prospero on Braaaains.
November 15th, 2012 12:01 am
Prospero on Braaaains.
November 15th, 2012 12:13 am
Prospero on Braaaains.
November 15th, 2012 12:27 am
Prospero on Braaaains.
November 15th, 2012 3:54 am
Prospero on Braaaains.
November 15th, 2012 4:00 am
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 15th, 2012 5:31 pm
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 15th, 2012 5:48 pm
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 15th, 2012 7:02 pm
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 15th, 2012 8:08 pm
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 15th, 2012 9:25 pm
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 15th, 2012 11:17 pm
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 15th, 2012 11:53 pm
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 16th, 2012 12:03 am
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 16th, 2012 12:38 am
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 16th, 2012 1:04 am
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 16th, 2012 1:46 am
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 16th, 2012 6:33 am
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 16th, 2012 6:17 pm
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 16th, 2012 6:36 pm
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 16th, 2012 6:58 pm
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 16th, 2012 7:42 pm
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 16th, 2012 8:53 pm
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 16th, 2012 9:09 pm
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 16th, 2012 9:56 pm
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 16th, 2012 10:32 pm
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 16th, 2012 10:55 pm
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 16th, 2012 11:37 pm
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 17th, 2012 12:51 am
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 17th, 2012 1:00 am
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 17th, 2012 1:06 am
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 17th, 2012 1:29 am
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 17th, 2012 1:30 am
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 17th, 2012 3:40 am
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 17th, 2012 8:40 pm
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 17th, 2012 8:56 pm
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 18th, 2012 1:24 am
Prospero on Busy girls, birthday girl.
November 18th, 2012 1:26 am
Prospero on An army of fun.
November 18th, 2012 2:44 am
Prospero on Still the first week.
November 20th, 2012 11:51 pm
Prospero on Still the first week.
November 21st, 2012 12:52 am
Prospero on Still the first week.
November 21st, 2012 1:54 am
Prospero on Still the first week.
November 21st, 2012 1:59 am
Prospero on Did you lose something?
November 21st, 2012 6:29 am
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
November 24th, 2012 10:03 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
November 25th, 2012 11:07 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
November 25th, 2012 11:10 pm
Prospero on The lazy-weekend roundup.
November 26th, 2012 7:16 pm
Prospero on The lazy-weekend roundup.
November 26th, 2012 7:53 pm
Prospero on The lazy-weekend roundup.
November 26th, 2012 9:02 pm
Prospero on The lazy-weekend roundup.
November 27th, 2012 12:50 am
Prospero on The lazy-weekend roundup.
November 27th, 2012 1:03 am
Prospero on The lazy-weekend roundup.
November 27th, 2012 5:33 am
Prospero on The lazy-weekend roundup.
November 27th, 2012 7:15 am
Prospero on The lazy-weekend roundup.
November 27th, 2012 9:49 am
Prospero on The lazy-weekend roundup.
November 27th, 2012 4:17 pm
Prospero on The war, on several things.
November 27th, 2012 8:15 pm
Prospero on The war, on several things.
November 28th, 2012 2:34 am
Prospero on The war, on several things.
November 28th, 2012 2:41 am
Prospero on Squeaky-clean.
November 28th, 2012 10:09 pm
Prospero on Squeaky-clean.
November 28th, 2012 10:53 pm
Prospero on Squeaky-clean.
November 28th, 2012 11:56 pm
Prospero on Predictable.
November 29th, 2012 8:01 pm
Prospero on Predictable.
November 29th, 2012 9:05 pm
Prospero on Predictable.
November 29th, 2012 9:51 pm
Prospero on Predictable.
November 30th, 2012 12:18 am
Prospero on Predictable.
November 30th, 2012 2:12 am
Prospero on White room, red hair.
November 30th, 2012 7:00 pm
Prospero on White room, red hair.
November 30th, 2012 7:10 pm
Prospero on White room, red hair.
November 30th, 2012 7:12 pm
Prospero on White room, red hair.
November 30th, 2012 7:17 pm
Prospero on White room, red hair.
November 30th, 2012 7:51 pm
Prospero on White room, red hair.
November 30th, 2012 8:23 pm
Prospero on White room, red hair.
November 30th, 2012 11:13 pm
Prospero on White room, red hair.
November 30th, 2012 11:14 pm
Prospero on Predictable.
December 1st, 2012 7:35 am
Prospero on Predictable.
December 1st, 2012 7:42 am
Prospero on White room, red hair.
December 1st, 2012 4:46 pm
Prospero on White room, red hair.
December 1st, 2012 5:54 pm
Prospero on White room, red hair.
December 1st, 2012 7:35 pm
Prospero on White room, red hair.
December 1st, 2012 8:14 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
December 2nd, 2012 6:00 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
December 2nd, 2012 6:03 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
December 2nd, 2012 7:20 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
December 2nd, 2012 8:26 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
December 2nd, 2012 9:06 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
December 3rd, 2012 2:23 am
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
December 3rd, 2012 3:47 am
Prospero on Saturday afternoon market.
December 3rd, 2012 5:39 pm
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 3rd, 2012 7:04 pm
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 3rd, 2012 7:33 pm
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 3rd, 2012 7:47 pm
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 3rd, 2012 8:36 pm
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 3rd, 2012 8:53 pm
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 3rd, 2012 8:57 pm
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 3rd, 2012 9:46 pm
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 3rd, 2012 9:46 pm
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 3rd, 2012 10:03 pm
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 3rd, 2012 10:28 pm
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 4th, 2012 1:30 am
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 4th, 2012 1:48 am
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 4th, 2012 1:53 am
Prospero on Secrets of the industrial park.
December 4th, 2012 1:56 am
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 4:30 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 4:45 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 5:09 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 5:10 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 5:27 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 5:34 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 6:41 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 7:01 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 7:10 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 7:13 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 7:22 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 8:44 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 8:51 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 8:53 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 4th, 2012 11:59 pm
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 5th, 2012 2:23 am
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 5th, 2012 3:00 am
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 5th, 2012 3:30 am
Prospero on The murk of Monday.
December 5th, 2012 4:14 am
Prospero on Open thread.
December 5th, 2012 11:07 pm
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 6th, 2012 7:24 pm
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 6th, 2012 8:05 pm
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 6th, 2012 9:40 pm
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 12:50 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 12:54 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 2:48 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 3:45 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 3:46 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 4:27 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 4:47 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 5:20 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 6:13 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 6:40 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 7:01 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 7:40 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 7:55 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 8:18 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 8:21 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 8:28 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 8:29 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 10:05 am
Prospero on The lame excuses.
December 7th, 2012 10:11 am
Prospero on Fresh start.
December 8th, 2012 12:08 am
Prospero on Fresh start.
December 9th, 2012 7:40 pm
Swimmerboy on Right to get to work.
December 11th, 2012 11:14 pm
Prospero on Right to get to work.
December 12th, 2012 12:34 am
Prospero on Right to get to work.
December 12th, 2012 12:43 am
Prospero on One long day.
December 12th, 2012 8:11 pm
Prospero on One long day.
December 12th, 2012 9:18 pm
Prospero on One long day.
December 12th, 2012 9:31 pm
Prospero on One long day.
December 12th, 2012 10:28 pm
Prospero on One long day.
December 13th, 2012 12:03 am
Prospero on One long day.
December 13th, 2012 12:05 am
Prospero on One long day.
December 13th, 2012 1:08 am
Prospero on One long day.
December 13th, 2012 1:12 am
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 13th, 2012 7:57 pm
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 14th, 2012 1:24 am
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 14th, 2012 1:56 am
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 14th, 2012 1:57 am
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 14th, 2012 1:58 am
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 14th, 2012 2:02 am
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 14th, 2012 2:15 am
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 14th, 2012 2:21 am
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 14th, 2012 3:22 am
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 14th, 2012 3:23 am
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 14th, 2012 8:57 pm
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 14th, 2012 9:58 pm
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 14th, 2012 10:15 pm
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 14th, 2012 10:51 pm
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 14th, 2012 11:07 pm
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 15th, 2012 2:47 am
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 15th, 2012 9:52 am
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 15th, 2012 10:00 am
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 15th, 2012 10:01 am
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 15th, 2012 1:10 pm
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 15th, 2012 1:20 pm
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 16th, 2012 12:48 am
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 16th, 2012 1:08 am
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 16th, 2012 6:22 am
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 16th, 2012 4:42 pm
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 16th, 2012 4:52 pm
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 16th, 2012 6:37 pm
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 16th, 2012 7:21 pm
Prospero on Notes from the barkeep.
December 16th, 2012 8:21 pm
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 16th, 2012 8:42 pm
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 16th, 2012 9:06 pm
Prospero on Top-rack time.
December 16th, 2012 10:02 pm
Prospero on At our best.
December 17th, 2012 6:51 pm
Prospero on At our best.
December 18th, 2012 2:03 am
Prospero on At our best.
December 18th, 2012 2:09 am
Prospero on At our best.
December 18th, 2012 2:15 am
Prospero on At our best.
December 18th, 2012 8:24 am
Prospero on At our best.
December 18th, 2012 8:34 am
Prospero on At our best.
December 18th, 2012 8:52 am
Prospero on Denial, grief, anger.
December 18th, 2012 8:44 pm
Prospero on Denial, grief, anger.
December 18th, 2012 8:56 pm
Prospero on Denial, grief, anger.
December 19th, 2012 12:48 am
Prospero on Denial, grief, anger.
December 19th, 2012 2:33 am
Prospero on Denial, grief, anger.
December 19th, 2012 2:36 am
Prospero on Denial, grief, anger.
December 19th, 2012 2:39 am
Prospero on Denial, grief, anger.
December 19th, 2012 2:42 am
Prospero on Denial, grief, anger.
December 19th, 2012 2:43 am
Prospero on Denial, grief, anger.
December 19th, 2012 3:00 am
Prospero on Denial, grief, anger.
December 19th, 2012 4:34 am
Prospero on Denial, grief, anger.
December 19th, 2012 7:18 am
Prospero on Honest Abe.
December 19th, 2012 5:18 pm
Prospero on Honest Abe.
December 19th, 2012 11:43 pm
Prospero on Honest Abe.
December 20th, 2012 12:45 am
Prospero on Honest Abe.
December 20th, 2012 1:58 am
Prospero on Honest Abe.
December 20th, 2012 3:39 pm
Prospero on Honest Abe.
December 20th, 2012 4:04 pm
Prospero on Drop it.
December 20th, 2012 5:12 pm
Prospero on Drop it.
December 20th, 2012 6:14 pm
Prospero on Drop it.
December 20th, 2012 6:32 pm
Prospero on Drop it.
December 20th, 2012 6:43 pm
Prospero on Drop it.
December 20th, 2012 6:59 pm
Prospero on Drop it.
December 20th, 2012 7:43 pm
Prospero on Drop it.
December 20th, 2012 8:01 pm
Prospero on Drop it.
December 20th, 2012 9:36 pm
Prospero on Drop it.
December 20th, 2012 10:34 pm
Prospero on Drop it.
December 21st, 2012 1:55 am
Prospero on Drop it.
December 21st, 2012 2:11 am
Prospero on Drop it.
December 21st, 2012 6:26 am
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 21st, 2012 6:32 pm
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 21st, 2012 7:47 pm
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 21st, 2012 8:35 pm
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 21st, 2012 9:46 pm
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 21st, 2012 11:40 pm
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 22nd, 2012 2:25 am
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 22nd, 2012 2:29 am
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 22nd, 2012 2:38 am
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 22nd, 2012 5:54 pm
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 22nd, 2012 8:32 pm
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 23rd, 2012 1:25 am
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 23rd, 2012 1:36 am
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 23rd, 2012 4:15 am
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 23rd, 2012 4:18 am
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 23rd, 2012 2:47 pm
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 23rd, 2012 3:17 pm
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 24th, 2012 4:17 am
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 24th, 2012 7:18 pm
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 24th, 2012 9:51 pm
Prospero on Happy holidays.
December 25th, 2012 2:35 am
Prospero on Hey.
December 26th, 2012 9:09 pm
Prospero on Hey.
December 27th, 2012 12:29 am
Prospero on Hey.
December 27th, 2012 12:31 am
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 27th, 2012 4:48 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 27th, 2012 5:33 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 27th, 2012 8:52 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 27th, 2012 9:30 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 28th, 2012 1:08 am
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 28th, 2012 8:12 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 28th, 2012 8:16 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 28th, 2012 8:29 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 28th, 2012 8:32 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 28th, 2012 8:37 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 28th, 2012 8:41 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 28th, 2012 11:37 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 29th, 2012 5:17 am
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 29th, 2012 7:43 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 29th, 2012 8:56 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 29th, 2012 10:06 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 29th, 2012 11:13 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 30th, 2012 8:46 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 30th, 2012 9:12 pm
Prospero on A little light reading.
December 30th, 2012 9:52 pm
Prospero on Three Fs for 2013.
December 31st, 2012 5:32 pm
Prospero on Three Fs for 2013.
December 31st, 2012 7:06 pm
Prospero on Three Fs for 2013.
December 31st, 2012 8:19 pm
Prospero on Three Fs for 2013.
December 31st, 2012 10:10 pm
Prospero on Three Fs for 2013.
January 1st, 2013 1:07 am
Prospero on Three Fs for 2013.
January 1st, 2013 1:13 am
Prospero on Three Fs for 2013.
January 1st, 2013 2:22 am
Prospero on Three Fs for 2013.
January 1st, 2013 2:34 am
Prospero on Three Fs for 2013.
January 1st, 2013 5:18 am
Prospero on Three Fs for 2013.
January 1st, 2013 7:56 pm
Prospero on Back to work.
January 3rd, 2013 1:03 am
Prospero on That's one way of looking at it.
January 3rd, 2013 4:39 pm
Prospero on That's one way of looking at it.
January 3rd, 2013 5:55 pm
Prospero on That's one way of looking at it.
January 3rd, 2013 9:20 pm
Prospero on That's one way of looking at it.
January 3rd, 2013 9:21 pm
Prospero on That's one way of looking at it.
January 4th, 2013 1:01 am
Prospero on That's one way of looking at it.
January 4th, 2013 1:06 am
Prospero on That's one way of looking at it.
January 4th, 2013 2:11 am
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 4th, 2013 7:59 pm
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 4th, 2013 8:38 pm
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 4th, 2013 8:41 pm
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 4th, 2013 8:58 pm
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 5th, 2013 1:11 am
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 5th, 2013 1:46 am
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 5th, 2013 1:53 am
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 5th, 2013 2:15 am
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 5th, 2013 2:20 am
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 5th, 2013 2:02 pm
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 5th, 2013 8:00 pm
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 5th, 2013 11:42 pm
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 6th, 2013 6:45 pm
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 6th, 2013 7:30 pm
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 7th, 2013 1:27 am
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 7th, 2013 2:03 am
Prospero on Don't fence me in.
January 7th, 2013 2:48 am
Prospero on Couch movies.
January 7th, 2013 6:03 pm
Prospero on Couch movies.
January 7th, 2013 7:27 pm
Prospero on Couch movies.
January 7th, 2013 7:46 pm
Prospero on Couch movies.
January 7th, 2013 7:59 pm
Prospero on Couch movies.
January 8th, 2013 1:50 am
Prospero on Couch movies.
January 8th, 2013 2:34 am
Prospero on Couch movies.
January 8th, 2013 4:13 am
Prospero on Couch movies.
January 8th, 2013 4:28 am
Prospero on Couch movies.
January 8th, 2013 4:52 am
Prospero on Up too early, tunes too loud.
January 8th, 2013 5:25 pm
Prospero on Up too early, tunes too loud.
January 8th, 2013 5:32 pm
Prospero on Up too early, tunes too loud.
January 8th, 2013 6:18 pm
Prospero on Up too early, tunes too loud.
January 8th, 2013 8:55 pm
Prospero on Up too early, tunes too loud.
January 9th, 2013 2:39 am
Prospero on Up too early, tunes too loud.
January 9th, 2013 2:46 am
Prospero on The sickly season.
January 10th, 2013 6:45 pm
Prospero on The sickly season.
January 10th, 2013 7:16 pm
Prospero on The sickly season.
January 10th, 2013 7:26 pm
Prospero on The sickly season.
January 10th, 2013 8:11 pm
Prospero on The sickly season.
January 10th, 2013 10:38 pm
Prospero on The sickly season.
January 10th, 2013 11:22 pm
Prospero on The sickly season.
January 11th, 2013 12:37 am
Prospero on The sickly season.
January 11th, 2013 12:38 am
Prospero on The sickly season.
January 11th, 2013 2:39 am
Prospero on The sickly season.
January 11th, 2013 3:16 am
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 11th, 2013 7:01 pm
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 11th, 2013 7:39 pm
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 11th, 2013 9:01 pm
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 12th, 2013 1:22 am
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 12th, 2013 1:24 am
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 12th, 2013 1:26 am
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 12th, 2013 9:56 pm
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 13th, 2013 3:03 am
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 13th, 2013 6:15 am
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 13th, 2013 7:39 pm
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 13th, 2013 10:31 pm
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 13th, 2013 10:39 pm
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 14th, 2013 1:37 am
Prospero on Shrinkage.
January 14th, 2013 2:54 am
Prospero on Zero Dark Thirty.
January 14th, 2013 7:43 pm
Prospero on Zero Dark Thirty.
January 14th, 2013 8:47 pm
Prospero on Zero Dark Thirty.
January 14th, 2013 10:42 pm
Prospero on Zero Dark Thirty.
January 15th, 2013 12:38 am
Prospero on Zero Dark Thirty.
January 15th, 2013 12:58 am
Prospero on Zero Dark Thirty.
January 15th, 2013 1:36 am
Prospero on Zero Dark Thirty.
January 15th, 2013 3:32 am
Prospero on Cars, new and old.
January 15th, 2013 8:44 pm
Prospero on Cars, new and old.
January 15th, 2013 9:36 pm
Prospero on Cars, new and old.
January 15th, 2013 11:57 pm
Prospero on Cars, new and old.
January 16th, 2013 1:44 am
Prospero on Cars, new and old.
January 16th, 2013 1:54 am
Prospero on Cars, new and old.
January 16th, 2013 2:40 am
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 16th, 2013 7:04 pm
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 16th, 2013 7:24 pm
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 16th, 2013 9:04 pm
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 16th, 2013 9:35 pm
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 16th, 2013 9:37 pm
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 17th, 2013 12:22 am
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 17th, 2013 12:39 am
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 17th, 2013 12:59 am
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 17th, 2013 1:15 am
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 17th, 2013 2:30 am
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 17th, 2013 3:54 am
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 17th, 2013 5:23 am
Prospero on National Soup Month at midpoint.
January 17th, 2013 6:57 am
Prospero on A sad, sad song.
January 17th, 2013 6:27 pm
Prospero on A sad, sad song.
January 17th, 2013 6:54 pm
Prospero on A sad, sad song.
January 17th, 2013 7:17 pm
Prospero on A sad, sad song.
January 18th, 2013 2:04 am
Prospero on A sad, sad song.
January 18th, 2013 3:26 am
Prospero on A sad, sad song.
January 18th, 2013 5:34 pm
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 18th, 2013 10:24 pm
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 18th, 2013 11:23 pm
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 19th, 2013 12:43 am
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 19th, 2013 7:46 pm
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 19th, 2013 7:56 pm
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 19th, 2013 9:24 pm
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 20th, 2013 12:18 am
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 20th, 2013 12:20 am
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 20th, 2013 2:39 am
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 20th, 2013 3:50 pm
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 20th, 2013 6:03 pm
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 20th, 2013 8:10 pm
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 20th, 2013 11:45 pm
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 21st, 2013 12:16 am
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 21st, 2013 12:21 am
Prospero on Sad, but sort of wonderful.
January 21st, 2013 3:08 am
Prospero on One night in Detroit.
January 22nd, 2013 3:18 am
Prospero on One night in Detroit.
January 22nd, 2013 3:27 am
Prospero on One night in Detroit.
January 22nd, 2013 3:32 am
Prospero on One night in Detroit.
January 22nd, 2013 4:07 am
Prospero on Inauguration.
January 22nd, 2013 7:22 pm
Prospero on Inauguration.
January 22nd, 2013 7:36 pm
Prospero on Inauguration.
January 22nd, 2013 7:54 pm
Prospero on Inauguration.
January 22nd, 2013 8:09 pm
Prospero on Inauguration.
January 22nd, 2013 8:30 pm
Prospero on Inauguration.
January 23rd, 2013 1:21 am
Prospero on Play songs by what's-his-name.
January 23rd, 2013 5:48 pm
Prospero on The road to Crazytown.
January 25th, 2013 12:42 am
Prospero on The road to Crazytown.
January 25th, 2013 2:33 am
Prospero on The road to Crazytown.
January 25th, 2013 2:46 am
Prospero on The road to Crazytown.
January 25th, 2013 3:01 am
Prospero on The road to Crazytown.
January 25th, 2013 4:34 am
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 25th, 2013 7:05 pm
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 25th, 2013 9:27 pm
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 25th, 2013 10:56 pm
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 26th, 2013 12:20 am
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 26th, 2013 3:35 am
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 26th, 2013 4:38 am
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 26th, 2013 7:41 pm
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 27th, 2013 1:47 am
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 27th, 2013 3:19 am
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 27th, 2013 3:21 am
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 27th, 2013 5:16 am
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 27th, 2013 5:18 am
Prospero on Paddy, stand tall.
January 28th, 2013 4:05 am
Prospero on What was I thinking?
January 28th, 2013 6:39 pm
Prospero on What was I thinking?
January 28th, 2013 7:34 pm
Prospero on What was I thinking?
January 28th, 2013 8:25 pm
Prospero on What was I thinking?
January 29th, 2013 1:11 am
Prospero on A place where men are free.
January 29th, 2013 6:02 pm
Prospero on A place where men are free.
January 29th, 2013 6:14 pm
Prospero on A place where men are free.
January 29th, 2013 9:06 pm
Prospero on A place where men are free.
January 29th, 2013 11:23 pm
Prospero on A place where men are free.
January 30th, 2013 12:25 am
Prospero on A place where men are free.
January 30th, 2013 5:01 pm
Prospero on A place where men are free.
January 30th, 2013 5:01 pm
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 30th, 2013 5:24 pm
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 30th, 2013 7:34 pm
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 30th, 2013 7:54 pm
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 30th, 2013 9:40 pm
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 30th, 2013 9:58 pm
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 31st, 2013 1:35 am
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 31st, 2013 1:37 am
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 31st, 2013 4:05 am
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 31st, 2013 6:24 am
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 31st, 2013 6:33 am
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 31st, 2013 6:41 am
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 31st, 2013 6:45 am
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 31st, 2013 6:52 am
Prospero on Is it real, or...?
January 31st, 2013 3:32 pm
Prospero on They (finally) did.
January 31st, 2013 7:59 pm
Prospero on They (finally) did.
February 1st, 2013 3:26 am
Prospero on They (finally) did.
February 1st, 2013 3:31 am
Prospero on They (finally) did.
February 1st, 2013 3:34 am
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 1st, 2013 7:06 pm
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 1st, 2013 11:19 pm
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 2nd, 2013 12:16 am
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 2nd, 2013 2:08 am
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 2nd, 2013 6:57 pm
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 2nd, 2013 9:54 pm
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 3rd, 2013 2:38 am
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 3rd, 2013 2:54 am
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 3rd, 2013 3:02 am
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 3rd, 2013 3:03 am
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 3rd, 2013 3:05 am
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 3rd, 2013 11:38 am
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 3rd, 2013 12:01 pm
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 3rd, 2013 9:43 pm
Prospero on Bloody damn snow.
February 4th, 2013 3:25 am
Prospero on Shooters.
February 4th, 2013 7:02 pm
Prospero on Shooters.
February 4th, 2013 9:39 pm
Prospero on Shooters.
February 4th, 2013 10:09 pm
Prospero on Dem bones.
February 5th, 2013 5:38 pm
Prospero on Dem bones.
February 5th, 2013 7:11 pm
Prospero on Dem bones.
February 5th, 2013 9:20 pm
Prospero on Dem bones.
February 5th, 2013 10:01 pm
Prospero on Dem bones.
February 5th, 2013 11:07 pm
Prospero on Dem bones.
February 6th, 2013 5:18 am
Prospero on Work will set you free.
February 7th, 2013 2:32 am
Prospero on Work will set you free.
February 7th, 2013 3:01 am
Prospero on Work will set you free.
February 7th, 2013 5:35 am
Prospero on Snowstorm eve.
February 7th, 2013 6:58 pm
Prospero on Snowstorm eve.
February 7th, 2013 8:11 pm
Prospero on Snowstorm eve.
February 7th, 2013 10:56 pm
Prospero on Snowstorm eve.
February 7th, 2013 11:05 pm
Prospero on Snowstorm eve.
February 8th, 2013 12:20 am
Prospero on Snowstorm eve.
February 8th, 2013 2:19 am
Prospero on Snowstorm eve.
February 8th, 2013 2:22 am
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 8th, 2013 5:45 pm
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 8th, 2013 6:20 pm
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 8th, 2013 6:47 pm
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 8th, 2013 9:34 pm
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 8th, 2013 10:56 pm
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 8th, 2013 10:58 pm
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 8th, 2013 11:05 pm
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 9th, 2013 1:56 am
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 9th, 2013 2:48 am
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 9th, 2013 3:00 am
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 9th, 2013 3:18 am
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 9th, 2013 7:33 am
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 9th, 2013 9:10 pm
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 10th, 2013 7:36 pm
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 10th, 2013 10:02 pm
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 10th, 2013 10:12 pm
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 10th, 2013 11:07 pm
Prospero on Drifting flakes.
February 11th, 2013 1:32 am
Prospero on Who's naked now?
February 11th, 2013 6:00 pm
Prospero on Who's naked now?
February 11th, 2013 6:26 pm
Prospero on Who's naked now?
February 11th, 2013 7:59 pm
Prospero on Who's naked now?
February 11th, 2013 8:24 pm
Prospero on Who's naked now?
February 12th, 2013 1:57 am
Prospero on Who's naked now?
February 12th, 2013 1:58 am
Prospero on Who's naked now?
February 12th, 2013 2:49 am
Prospero on Who's naked now?
February 12th, 2013 3:46 am
Prospero on Some complaints.
February 12th, 2013 7:44 pm
Prospero on Some complaints.
February 12th, 2013 8:19 pm
Prospero on Some complaints.
February 12th, 2013 9:50 pm
Prospero on Some complaints.
February 12th, 2013 10:51 pm
Prospero on Some complaints.
February 12th, 2013 10:52 pm
Prospero on Some complaints.
February 13th, 2013 1:40 am
Prospero on Some complaints.
February 13th, 2013 2:21 am
Prospero on Some complaints.
February 13th, 2013 3:13 am
Prospero on Some complaints.
February 13th, 2013 3:19 am
Prospero on Some complaints.
February 13th, 2013 3:46 am
Prospero on Chime in here.
February 13th, 2013 6:04 pm
Prospero on Chime in here.
February 13th, 2013 8:03 pm
Prospero on Chime in here.
February 13th, 2013 9:28 pm
Prospero on Chime in here.
February 13th, 2013 10:00 pm
Prospero on Chime in here.
February 13th, 2013 10:11 pm
Prospero on Chime in here.
February 13th, 2013 11:17 pm
Prospero on Chime in here.
February 14th, 2013 12:01 am
Prospero on Chime in here.
February 14th, 2013 1:54 am
Prospero on Chime in here.
February 14th, 2013 3:57 am
Prospero on Do that in a designated area.
February 14th, 2013 6:10 pm
Prospero on Do that in a designated area.
February 14th, 2013 6:13 pm
Prospero on Do that in a designated area.
February 14th, 2013 7:40 pm
Prospero on Do that in a designated area.
February 14th, 2013 9:10 pm
Prospero on Do that in a designated area.
February 14th, 2013 9:36 pm
Prospero on Do that in a designated area.
February 14th, 2013 11:02 pm
Prospero on Do that in a designated area.
February 15th, 2013 12:58 am
Prospero on Do that in a designated area.
February 15th, 2013 3:18 am
Prospero on Do that in a designated area.
February 15th, 2013 4:07 am
Prospero on Voyage to hell.
February 15th, 2013 7:20 pm
Prospero on Voyage to hell.
February 15th, 2013 8:11 pm
Prospero on Voyage to hell.
February 15th, 2013 10:26 pm
Prospero on Voyage to hell.
February 15th, 2013 10:48 pm
Prospero on Voyage to hell.
February 16th, 2013 2:07 am
Prospero on Voyage to hell.
February 16th, 2013 2:11 am
Prospero on Voyage to hell.
February 16th, 2013 6:16 am
Prospero on Voyage to hell.
February 16th, 2013 4:14 pm
Prospero on Voyage to hell.
February 16th, 2013 4:23 pm
Prospero on Voyage to hell.
February 17th, 2013 3:40 am
Prospero on Voyage to hell.
February 17th, 2013 9:56 pm
Prospero on A late winter weekend.
February 19th, 2013 2:52 am
Prospero on Cruel and dumb.
February 19th, 2013 6:32 pm
Prospero on Cruel and dumb.
February 19th, 2013 7:17 pm
Prospero on Cruel and dumb.
February 19th, 2013 7:49 pm
Prospero on Cruel and dumb.
February 20th, 2013 12:57 am
Prospero on Waiting and worrying.
February 20th, 2013 4:44 pm
Prospero on Waiting and worrying.
February 20th, 2013 10:44 pm
Prospero on Tapped.
February 21st, 2013 12:36 pm
Prospero on Tapped.
February 21st, 2013 7:56 pm
Prospero on Tapped.
February 21st, 2013 8:03 pm
Prospero on Tapped.
February 22nd, 2013 7:15 pm
Prospero on Tapped.
February 22nd, 2013 8:21 pm
Prospero on Tapped.
February 22nd, 2013 8:25 pm
Prospero on Higher education.
February 22nd, 2013 8:42 pm
Prospero on Tapped.
February 22nd, 2013 9:41 pm
Prospero on Higher education.
February 23rd, 2013 1:34 am
Prospero on Higher education.
February 24th, 2013 11:54 pm
Prospero on Back at it.
February 26th, 2013 8:54 pm
Prospero on Back at it.
February 26th, 2013 9:34 pm
Prospero on Back at it.
February 26th, 2013 9:43 pm
Prospero on Back at it.
February 27th, 2013 12:12 am
Prospero on Back at it.
February 27th, 2013 3:26 am
Prospero on A grand plan of everything.
February 27th, 2013 10:48 pm
Prospero on A grand plan of everything.
February 28th, 2013 7:41 am
Prospero on A professional to the end.
February 28th, 2013 10:39 pm
Prospero on A professional to the end.
February 28th, 2013 11:26 pm
Prospero on A professional to the end.
March 1st, 2013 12:01 am
Prospero on A professional to the end.
March 1st, 2013 12:47 am
Prospero on A professional to the end.
March 1st, 2013 1:26 am
Prospero on A professional to the end.
March 1st, 2013 2:18 am
Prospero on A professional to the end.
March 1st, 2013 3:52 am
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 1st, 2013 11:22 am
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 1st, 2013 9:34 pm
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 1st, 2013 10:05 pm
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 1st, 2013 10:47 pm
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 1st, 2013 11:01 pm
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 1st, 2013 11:19 pm
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 1st, 2013 11:39 pm
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 1st, 2013 11:40 pm
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 2nd, 2013 12:49 am
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 2nd, 2013 1:21 am
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 2nd, 2013 1:22 am
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 2nd, 2013 3:19 am
Prospero on A day of conferencing.
March 2nd, 2013 3:23 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 2nd, 2013 8:47 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 2nd, 2013 9:42 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 2nd, 2013 10:35 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 2nd, 2013 11:03 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 3rd, 2013 1:15 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 3rd, 2013 3:21 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 3rd, 2013 7:46 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 3rd, 2013 7:05 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 3rd, 2013 7:08 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 3rd, 2013 8:37 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 4th, 2013 12:36 am
Prospero on Still chilly out there.
March 4th, 2013 7:18 pm
Prospero on Still chilly out there.
March 4th, 2013 8:13 pm
Prospero on A good thrashing.
March 5th, 2013 8:02 pm
Prospero on A good thrashing.
March 5th, 2013 8:35 pm
Prospero on A good thrashing.
March 5th, 2013 9:04 pm
Prospero on A good thrashing.
March 6th, 2013 2:03 am
Prospero on A good thrashing.
March 6th, 2013 2:37 am
Prospero on A good thrashing.
March 6th, 2013 3:10 am
Prospero on Love is in the air.
March 6th, 2013 8:16 pm
Prospero on Love is in the air.
March 6th, 2013 10:24 pm
Prospero on Love is in the air.
March 6th, 2013 10:32 pm
Prospero on Love is in the air.
March 7th, 2013 12:07 am
Prospero on Love is in the air.
March 7th, 2013 1:51 am
Prospero on Love is in the air.
March 7th, 2013 3:17 am
Prospero on A history of violence.
March 7th, 2013 4:59 pm
Prospero on A history of violence.
March 7th, 2013 7:03 pm
Prospero on A history of violence.
March 7th, 2013 7:56 pm
Prospero on A history of violence.
March 7th, 2013 9:06 pm
Prospero on A history of violence.
March 7th, 2013 9:21 pm
Prospero on Handle at your own risk.
March 8th, 2013 8:08 pm
Prospero on Handle at your own risk.
March 8th, 2013 8:53 pm
Prospero on Handle at your own risk.
March 8th, 2013 9:05 pm
Prospero on Handle at your own risk.
March 8th, 2013 9:43 pm
Prospero on Handle at your own risk.
March 9th, 2013 3:40 am
Prospero on Handle at your own risk.
March 9th, 2013 3:41 am
Prospero on Handle at your own risk.
March 9th, 2013 7:39 am
Prospero on Handle at your own risk.
March 9th, 2013 7:40 am
Prospero on Handle at your own risk.
March 9th, 2013 7:42 am
Prospero on Handle at your own risk.
March 9th, 2013 7:47 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 9th, 2013 8:55 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 10th, 2013 8:20 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 10th, 2013 9:15 pm
Prospero on Dietary laws.
March 11th, 2013 6:32 pm
Prospero on Dietary laws.
March 11th, 2013 8:09 pm
Prospero on Dietary laws.
March 11th, 2013 8:47 pm
Prospero on Dietary laws.
March 11th, 2013 10:35 pm
Prospero on Dietary laws.
March 11th, 2013 10:35 pm
Prospero on Dietary laws.
March 11th, 2013 10:44 pm
Prospero on Dietary laws.
March 12th, 2013 12:13 am
Prospero on Dietary laws.
March 12th, 2013 2:55 am
Prospero on Dietary laws.
March 12th, 2013 3:01 am
Prospero on Dietary laws.
March 12th, 2013 3:04 am
Prospero on The jury speaketh.
March 12th, 2013 5:24 pm
Prospero on The jury speaketh.
March 12th, 2013 5:48 pm
Prospero on The jury speaketh.
March 12th, 2013 7:18 pm
Prospero on The jury speaketh.
March 12th, 2013 8:31 pm
Prospero on The jury speaketh.
March 12th, 2013 8:32 pm
Prospero on The jury speaketh.
March 12th, 2013 9:38 pm
Prospero on The jury speaketh.
March 12th, 2013 10:09 pm
Prospero on The jury speaketh.
March 12th, 2013 10:18 pm
Prospero on The jury speaketh.
March 12th, 2013 10:30 pm
Prospero on The jury speaketh.
March 13th, 2013 1:04 am
Prospero on The jury speaketh.
March 13th, 2013 1:08 am
Prospero on Not quite right.
March 13th, 2013 8:43 am
Prospero on Not quite right.
March 13th, 2013 4:16 pm
Prospero on Not quite right.
March 13th, 2013 4:27 pm
Prospero on Not quite right.
March 13th, 2013 4:57 pm
Prospero on Not quite right.
March 13th, 2013 6:12 pm
Prospero on Not quite right.
March 14th, 2013 3:32 am
Prospero on The new guy.
March 14th, 2013 2:27 pm
Prospero on The new guy.
March 14th, 2013 3:33 pm
Prospero on The new guy.
March 14th, 2013 7:02 pm
Prospero on EM Day.
March 15th, 2013 2:44 pm
Prospero on EM Day.
March 15th, 2013 4:09 pm
Prospero on EM Day.
March 15th, 2013 5:01 pm
Prospero on EM Day.
March 15th, 2013 5:04 pm
Prospero on EM Day.
March 15th, 2013 6:03 pm
Prospero on EM Day.
March 15th, 2013 7:55 pm
Prospero on EM Day.
March 15th, 2013 8:06 pm
Prospero on EM Day.
March 16th, 2013 7:01 pm
Prospero on EM Day.
March 16th, 2013 7:03 pm
Prospero on EM Day.
March 16th, 2013 7:11 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon supermarket.
March 17th, 2013 3:12 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon supermarket.
March 17th, 2013 3:23 pm
Prospero on Saturday afternoon supermarket.
March 17th, 2013 4:41 pm
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 18th, 2013 8:48 pm
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 18th, 2013 9:23 pm
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 18th, 2013 10:13 pm
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 18th, 2013 11:29 pm
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 18th, 2013 11:41 pm
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 18th, 2013 11:45 pm
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 18th, 2013 11:55 pm
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 19th, 2013 12:01 am
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 19th, 2013 12:23 am
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 19th, 2013 12:26 am
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 19th, 2013 1:02 am
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 19th, 2013 5:33 am
Prospero on Collateral damage.
March 19th, 2013 6:20 am
Prospero on A chill.
March 19th, 2013 9:11 pm
Prospero on A chill.
March 20th, 2013 12:56 am
Prospero on A chill.
March 20th, 2013 2:09 am
Prospero on Fabulous headline goes here.
March 20th, 2013 6:23 pm
Prospero on Fabulous headline goes here.
March 20th, 2013 7:06 pm
Prospero on Fabulous headline goes here.
March 20th, 2013 7:17 pm
Prospero on Fabulous headline goes here.
March 20th, 2013 11:00 pm
Prospero on Fabulous headline goes here.
March 20th, 2013 11:01 pm
Prospero on Fabulous headline goes here.
March 20th, 2013 11:36 pm
Prospero on Fabulous headline goes here.
March 21st, 2013 12:17 am
Prospero on Fabulous headline goes here.
March 21st, 2013 12:48 am
Prospero on Fabulous headline goes here.
March 21st, 2013 1:48 am
Prospero on Fabulous headline goes here.
March 21st, 2013 3:05 am
Prospero on Marching guitars.
March 21st, 2013 8:18 pm
Prospero on Marching guitars.
March 21st, 2013 8:31 pm
Prospero on The 3.2 beer of maryjane.
March 22nd, 2013 7:58 pm
Prospero on The 3.2 beer of maryjane.
March 22nd, 2013 9:09 pm
Prospero on The 3.2 beer of maryjane.
March 22nd, 2013 9:18 pm
Prospero on The 3.2 beer of maryjane.
March 22nd, 2013 10:22 pm
Prospero on The 3.2 beer of maryjane.
March 23rd, 2013 12:01 am
Prospero on The 3.2 beer of maryjane.
March 23rd, 2013 1:24 am
Prospero on The 3.2 beer of maryjane.
March 23rd, 2013 1:25 am
Prospero on The 3.2 beer of maryjane.
March 23rd, 2013 4:51 am
Prospero on The 3.2 beer of maryjane.
March 23rd, 2013 5:27 pm
Prospero on (Palm) Saturday morning market.
March 23rd, 2013 9:31 pm
Prospero on (Palm) Saturday morning market.
March 23rd, 2013 10:55 pm
Prospero on (Palm) Saturday morning market.
March 24th, 2013 11:22 pm
Prospero on Cabin fever.
March 25th, 2013 6:38 pm
Prospero on Cabin fever.
March 25th, 2013 7:17 pm
Prospero on Cabin fever.
March 25th, 2013 7:58 pm
Prospero on Cabin fever.
March 25th, 2013 8:14 pm
Prospero on Cabin fever.
March 25th, 2013 10:04 pm
Prospero on Cabin fever.
March 25th, 2013 10:56 pm
Prospero on Cabin fever.
March 26th, 2013 1:32 am
Prospero on Cabin fever.
March 26th, 2013 1:37 am
Prospero on Looking up.
March 26th, 2013 7:26 pm
Prospero on Looking up.
March 26th, 2013 9:21 pm
Prospero on Looking up.
March 27th, 2013 1:12 am
Prospero on Looking up.
March 27th, 2013 1:18 am
Prospero on Looking up.
March 27th, 2013 1:40 am
Prospero on Looking up.
March 27th, 2013 4:08 am
Prospero on Looking up.
March 27th, 2013 4:14 am
Prospero on Shearling and shorn.
March 27th, 2013 10:11 am
Prospero on Shearling and shorn.
March 28th, 2013 2:15 am
Prospero on Blurry.
March 28th, 2013 5:11 pm
Prospero on Blurry.
March 28th, 2013 5:24 pm
Prospero on Blurry.
March 28th, 2013 5:56 pm
Prospero on Blurry.
March 28th, 2013 7:03 pm
Prospero on Blurry.
March 28th, 2013 11:23 pm
Prospero on Blurry.
March 29th, 2013 1:38 am
Prospero on Semi-vacation day.
March 29th, 2013 6:36 pm
Prospero on Semi-vacation day.
March 29th, 2013 6:44 pm
Prospero on Semi-vacation day.
March 29th, 2013 7:34 pm
Prospero on Semi-vacation day.
March 29th, 2013 11:29 pm
Prospero on Semi-vacation day.
March 29th, 2013 11:30 pm
Prospero on Semi-vacation day.
March 30th, 2013 12:13 am
Prospero on Semi-vacation day.
March 30th, 2013 12:55 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 31st, 2013 12:43 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 31st, 2013 3:19 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 31st, 2013 6:43 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
March 31st, 2013 8:51 pm
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 1st, 2013 4:59 pm
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 1st, 2013 7:08 pm
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 1st, 2013 7:27 pm
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 1st, 2013 8:05 pm
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 1st, 2013 8:34 pm
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 1st, 2013 9:33 pm
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 2nd, 2013 12:54 am
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 2nd, 2013 1:08 am
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 2nd, 2013 1:12 am
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 2nd, 2013 1:32 am
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 2nd, 2013 1:41 am
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 2nd, 2013 1:50 am
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 2nd, 2013 1:57 am
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 2nd, 2013 2:01 am
Prospero on The flabby-thighs chronicles.
April 2nd, 2013 2:02 am
Prospero on Monday-to-Tuesday.
April 2nd, 2013 7:50 pm
Prospero on Monday-to-Tuesday.
April 2nd, 2013 8:31 pm
Prospero on Monday-to-Tuesday.
April 2nd, 2013 11:43 pm
Prospero on Roll credits.
April 5th, 2013 6:30 pm
Prospero on Roll credits.
April 5th, 2013 6:52 pm
Prospero on Roll credits.
April 5th, 2013 7:18 pm
Prospero on Roll credits.
April 5th, 2013 9:48 pm
Prospero on Roll credits.
April 5th, 2013 10:11 pm
Prospero on Roll credits.
April 6th, 2013 2:35 am
Prospero on Roll credits.
April 6th, 2013 6:58 am
Prospero on Roll credits.
April 6th, 2013 4:44 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning, early spring.
April 6th, 2013 6:15 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning, early spring.
April 7th, 2013 12:08 am
Prospero on Saturday morning, early spring.
April 7th, 2013 12:15 am
Prospero on Saturday morning, early spring.
April 7th, 2013 12:28 am
Prospero on Saturday morning, early spring.
April 7th, 2013 12:45 am
Prospero on Saturday morning, early spring.
April 7th, 2013 12:48 am
Prospero on Saturday morning, early spring.
April 8th, 2013 7:18 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning, early spring.
April 8th, 2013 10:28 pm
Prospero on Picky, picky, picky.
April 9th, 2013 5:53 pm
Prospero on Picky, picky, picky.
April 9th, 2013 9:07 pm
Prospero on Picky, picky, picky.
April 9th, 2013 10:52 pm
Prospero on A long haul.
April 10th, 2013 6:53 pm
Prospero on A long haul.
April 10th, 2013 7:02 pm
Prospero on A long haul.
April 10th, 2013 7:47 pm
Prospero on A long haul.
April 10th, 2013 8:40 pm
Prospero on A long haul.
April 10th, 2013 11:30 pm
Prospero on A long haul.
April 10th, 2013 11:33 pm
Prospero on A long haul.
April 11th, 2013 5:07 am
Prospero on A simple idea.
April 11th, 2013 3:28 pm
Prospero on A simple idea.
April 11th, 2013 10:42 pm
Prospero on A simple idea.
April 11th, 2013 11:34 pm
Prospero on A simple idea.
April 12th, 2013 12:03 am
Prospero on A simple idea.
April 12th, 2013 2:13 am
Prospero on A simple idea.
April 12th, 2013 7:17 am
Prospero on Loose ends.
April 12th, 2013 7:51 am
Prospero on Loose ends.
April 12th, 2013 8:01 am
Prospero on Loose ends.
April 12th, 2013 8:05 am
Prospero on Loose ends.
April 12th, 2013 6:35 pm
Prospero on Loose ends.
April 12th, 2013 7:42 pm
Prospero on Loose ends.
April 12th, 2013 7:54 pm
Prospero on Loose ends.
April 12th, 2013 9:06 pm
Prospero on Loose ends.
April 12th, 2013 9:26 pm
Prospero on Loose ends.
April 13th, 2013 12:37 am
Prospero on Loose ends.
April 13th, 2013 5:16 pm
Prospero on Loose ends.
April 14th, 2013 7:26 pm
Prospero on White birds and snow.
April 15th, 2013 8:58 pm
Prospero on White birds and snow.
April 15th, 2013 9:21 pm
Prospero on White birds and snow.
April 16th, 2013 7:13 am
Prospero on Breaking.
April 16th, 2013 10:39 am
Prospero on Breaking.
April 16th, 2013 8:36 pm
Prospero on Breaking.
April 16th, 2013 9:11 pm
Prospero on Breaking.
April 16th, 2013 10:20 pm
Prospero on Breaking.
April 16th, 2013 10:23 pm
Prospero on Breaking.
April 16th, 2013 11:06 pm
Prospero on Breaking.
April 16th, 2013 11:34 pm
Prospero on Breaking.
April 17th, 2013 12:08 am
Prospero on Breaking.
April 17th, 2013 12:51 am
Prospero on Breaking.
April 17th, 2013 1:20 am
Prospero on Breaking.
April 17th, 2013 1:38 am
Prospero on Breaking.
April 17th, 2013 4:24 am
Prospero on Breaking.
April 17th, 2013 4:30 am
Prospero on Sick leave, eventually.
April 18th, 2013 4:00 pm
Prospero on Sick leave, eventually.
April 18th, 2013 4:33 pm
Prospero on Sick leave, eventually.
April 18th, 2013 4:35 pm
Prospero on Sick leave, eventually.
April 18th, 2013 5:04 pm
Prospero on Sick leave, eventually.
April 18th, 2013 5:58 pm
Prospero on Sick leave, eventually.
April 18th, 2013 6:05 pm
Prospero on Sick leave, eventually.
April 18th, 2013 8:27 pm
Prospero on Sick leave, eventually.
April 18th, 2013 10:45 pm
Prospero on Sick leave, eventually.
April 19th, 2013 7:48 am
Prospero on The mystery men.
April 19th, 2013 6:09 pm
Prospero on The mystery men.
April 19th, 2013 6:42 pm
Prospero on The mystery men.
April 19th, 2013 7:09 pm
Prospero on The mystery men.
April 19th, 2013 7:23 pm
Prospero on The mystery men.
April 19th, 2013 9:24 pm
Prospero on The mystery men.
April 19th, 2013 11:02 pm
Prospero on The mystery men.
April 19th, 2013 11:07 pm
Prospero on The mystery men.
April 19th, 2013 11:48 pm
Prospero on The mystery men.
April 20th, 2013 12:26 am
Prospero on The mystery men.
April 20th, 2013 1:28 am
Prospero on The mystery men.
April 20th, 2013 1:38 am
Prospero on The mystery men.
April 20th, 2013 3:45 am
Prospero on RIP.
April 22nd, 2013 8:41 pm
Prospero on RIP.
April 22nd, 2013 10:55 pm
Prospero on RIP.
April 23rd, 2013 12:12 am
Prospero on RIP.
April 23rd, 2013 2:17 am
Prospero on Outrunning age.
April 23rd, 2013 7:38 pm
Prospero on Outrunning age.
April 24th, 2013 12:27 am
Prospero on Outrunning age.
April 24th, 2013 12:31 am
Prospero on Outrunning age.
April 24th, 2013 1:32 am
Prospero on Outrunning age.
April 24th, 2013 1:39 am
Prospero on Outrunning age.
April 24th, 2013 2:08 am
Prospero on Dogs on the grill. In the rain.
April 24th, 2013 3:04 pm
Prospero on Dogs on the grill. In the rain.
April 24th, 2013 5:34 pm
Prospero on Dogs on the grill. In the rain.
April 24th, 2013 10:11 pm
Prospero on Dogs on the grill. In the rain.
April 24th, 2013 10:30 pm
Prospero on Tigers up by 2 in the 7th.
April 25th, 2013 2:29 pm
Prospero on Tigers up by 2 in the 7th.
April 25th, 2013 9:58 pm
Prospero on The bleary moon.
April 26th, 2013 4:48 pm
Prospero on The bleary moon.
April 26th, 2013 6:49 pm
Prospero on The bleary moon.
April 27th, 2013 2:02 am
Prospero on The bleary moon.
April 27th, 2013 3:01 am
Prospero on The bleary moon.
April 27th, 2013 8:13 pm
Prospero on The bleary moon.
April 28th, 2013 12:31 am
Prospero on One big happy.
April 29th, 2013 10:49 pm
Prospero on One big happy.
April 29th, 2013 11:55 pm
Prospero on Moanday.
April 30th, 2013 7:45 pm
Prospero on Moanday.
April 30th, 2013 7:48 pm
Prospero on Moanday.
April 30th, 2013 8:51 pm
Prospero on Moanday.
April 30th, 2013 10:13 pm
Prospero on Moanday.
April 30th, 2013 11:09 pm
Prospero on Farewell until whenever.
May 1st, 2013 7:26 pm
Prospero on Farewell until whenever.
May 1st, 2013 8:35 pm
Prospero on Farewell until whenever.
May 2nd, 2013 12:12 am
Prospero on Farewell until whenever.
May 2nd, 2013 12:30 am
Prospero on Farewell until whenever.
May 2nd, 2013 12:34 am
Prospero on Farewell until whenever.
May 2nd, 2013 12:35 am
Prospero on Farewell until whenever.
May 2nd, 2013 1:38 am
Prospero on Farewell until whenever.
May 2nd, 2013 1:46 am
Prospero on Farewell until whenever.
May 2nd, 2013 1:50 am
Prospero on Farewell until whenever.
May 2nd, 2013 4:42 am
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 6th, 2013 9:28 pm
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 12:50 am
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 12:53 am
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 12:57 am
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 1:54 pm
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 2:04 pm
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 2:38 pm
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 4:28 pm
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 5:02 pm
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 5:05 pm
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 5:15 pm
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 5:47 pm
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 5:51 pm
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 6:18 pm
Prospero on Convalescence.
May 7th, 2013 10:16 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 8th, 2013 6:31 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 8th, 2013 7:03 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 8th, 2013 10:02 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 8th, 2013 11:11 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 9th, 2013 12:34 am
Prospero on Upright.
May 9th, 2013 1:41 am
Prospero on Upright.
May 9th, 2013 5:13 am
Prospero on Upright.
May 9th, 2013 7:08 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 9th, 2013 7:55 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 9th, 2013 9:53 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 10th, 2013 3:09 am
Prospero on Upright.
May 10th, 2013 3:10 am
Prospero on Upright.
May 10th, 2013 3:14 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 10th, 2013 3:52 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 10th, 2013 4:09 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 10th, 2013 7:01 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 10th, 2013 8:05 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 10th, 2013 8:16 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 10th, 2013 10:57 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 11th, 2013 3:18 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 11th, 2013 3:30 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 11th, 2013 4:19 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 11th, 2013 4:39 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 11th, 2013 4:40 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 11th, 2013 4:44 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 11th, 2013 4:46 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 11th, 2013 6:38 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 12th, 2013 7:27 am
Prospero on Upright.
May 12th, 2013 6:25 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 12th, 2013 8:41 pm
Prospero on Upright.
May 12th, 2013 9:33 pm
Prospero on Back to the mangle.
May 13th, 2013 5:43 pm
Prospero on Back to the mangle.
May 13th, 2013 7:06 pm
Prospero on Back to the mangle.
May 13th, 2013 8:01 pm
Prospero on Back to the mangle.
May 13th, 2013 10:11 pm
Prospero on Back to the mangle.
May 14th, 2013 5:40 am
Prospero on Back to the mangle.
May 14th, 2013 5:51 am
Prospero on In the steam bath with Dr. Joyce.
May 14th, 2013 3:05 pm
Prospero on In the steam bath with Dr. Joyce.
May 14th, 2013 7:11 pm
Prospero on In the steam bath with Dr. Joyce.
May 15th, 2013 1:20 am
Prospero on In the steam bath with Dr. Joyce.
May 15th, 2013 1:28 am
Prospero on The big test.
May 15th, 2013 4:03 pm
Prospero on The big test.
May 15th, 2013 4:09 pm
Prospero on The big test.
May 16th, 2013 7:41 am
Prospero on Where in the world are you?
May 17th, 2013 8:22 pm
Prospero on Where in the world are you?
May 18th, 2013 10:00 pm
Prospero on Where in the world are you?
May 18th, 2013 10:38 pm
Prospero on Where in the world are you?
May 18th, 2013 11:39 pm
Prospero on Where in the world are you?
May 19th, 2013 1:20 am
Prospero on Where in the world are you?
May 19th, 2013 3:39 am
Prospero on Where in the world are you?
May 19th, 2013 4:00 am
Prospero on Where in the world are you?
May 19th, 2013 6:31 am
Prospero on Where in the world are you?
May 19th, 2013 11:45 pm
Prospero on A great weekend.
May 20th, 2013 6:33 pm
Prospero on A great weekend.
May 20th, 2013 7:47 pm
Prospero on A great weekend.
May 20th, 2013 7:58 pm
Prospero on A great weekend.
May 20th, 2013 10:05 pm
Prospero on A great weekend.
May 21st, 2013 3:06 am
Prospero on Twister. Killer.
May 21st, 2013 8:43 pm
Prospero on Twister. Killer.
May 21st, 2013 9:46 pm
Prospero on Twister. Killer.
May 22nd, 2013 12:15 am
Prospero on Twister. Killer.
May 22nd, 2013 12:59 am
Prospero on Twister. Killer.
May 22nd, 2013 1:44 am
Prospero on Twister. Killer.
May 22nd, 2013 3:11 am
Prospero on The digital grind.
May 22nd, 2013 9:05 pm
Prospero on The digital grind.
May 22nd, 2013 9:48 pm
Prospero on The digital grind.
May 22nd, 2013 10:38 pm
Prospero on The digital grind.
May 22nd, 2013 11:13 pm
Prospero on The digital grind.
May 23rd, 2013 12:43 am
Prospero on The digital grind.
May 23rd, 2013 12:51 am
Prospero on The digital grind.
May 23rd, 2013 1:09 am
Prospero on The digital grind.
May 23rd, 2013 1:34 am
Prospero on The digital grind.
May 23rd, 2013 1:44 am
Prospero on The digital grind.
May 23rd, 2013 3:57 am
Prospero on The digital grind.
May 23rd, 2013 4:04 am
Prospero on Over hard.
May 23rd, 2013 7:54 am
Prospero on The digital grind.
May 23rd, 2013 8:25 am
Prospero on Over hard.
May 23rd, 2013 10:57 am
Prospero on Over hard.
May 23rd, 2013 7:21 pm
Prospero on Over hard.
May 23rd, 2013 11:18 pm
Prospero on Over hard.
May 23rd, 2013 11:25 pm
Prospero on Over hard.
May 23rd, 2013 11:36 pm
Prospero on Over hard.
May 23rd, 2013 11:40 pm
Prospero on Over hard.
May 24th, 2013 12:32 am
Prospero on Over hard.
May 24th, 2013 1:41 am
Prospero on Over hard.
May 24th, 2013 1:51 am
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 2:18 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 2:20 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 3:17 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 3:57 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 4:18 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 5:39 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 6:27 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 6:32 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 8:14 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 9:10 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 9:59 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 10:05 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 24th, 2013 10:57 pm
Prospero on Namaste.
May 25th, 2013 12:19 am
Prospero on Namaste.
May 25th, 2013 2:00 am
Prospero on Namaste.
May 25th, 2013 2:15 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 25th, 2013 8:16 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 25th, 2013 8:42 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 25th, 2013 9:06 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 25th, 2013 9:57 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 25th, 2013 10:05 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 26th, 2013 12:17 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 26th, 2013 12:23 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 26th, 2013 6:32 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 26th, 2013 7:27 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 26th, 2013 7:45 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 27th, 2013 12:36 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 27th, 2013 1:31 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 27th, 2013 4:51 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 27th, 2013 4:55 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 27th, 2013 5:02 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 27th, 2013 7:41 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 27th, 2013 8:28 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 27th, 2013 9:30 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 27th, 2013 10:47 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
May 27th, 2013 11:09 pm
Prospero on The summer begins.
May 28th, 2013 4:57 pm
Prospero on The summer begins.
May 28th, 2013 6:03 pm
Prospero on The summer begins.
May 28th, 2013 7:38 pm
Prospero on The summer begins.
May 28th, 2013 11:35 pm
Prospero on The summer begins.
May 28th, 2013 11:39 pm
Prospero on The summer begins.
May 28th, 2013 11:48 pm
Prospero on The summer begins.
May 28th, 2013 11:51 pm
Prospero on The summer begins.
May 28th, 2013 11:52 pm
Prospero on The summer begins.
May 29th, 2013 4:49 am
Prospero on Dirty books.
May 29th, 2013 8:24 am
Prospero on Dirty books.
May 29th, 2013 5:47 pm
Prospero on Dirty books.
May 29th, 2013 7:54 pm
Prospero on Dirty books.
May 29th, 2013 10:52 pm
Prospero on Dirty books.
May 29th, 2013 10:55 pm
Prospero on Dirty books.
May 29th, 2013 11:12 pm
Prospero on Dirty books.
May 29th, 2013 11:19 pm
Prospero on Dirty books.
May 29th, 2013 11:43 pm
Prospero on Dirty books.
May 30th, 2013 12:07 am
Prospero on Dirty books.
May 30th, 2013 12:09 am
Prospero on Dirty books.
May 30th, 2013 12:19 am
Prospero on Same old.
May 30th, 2013 3:58 pm
Prospero on Same old.
May 30th, 2013 4:40 pm
Prospero on Same old.
May 30th, 2013 7:15 pm
Prospero on Same old.
May 30th, 2013 7:17 pm
Prospero on Same old.
May 30th, 2013 8:25 pm
Prospero on Same old.
May 30th, 2013 11:53 pm
Prospero on Same old.
May 31st, 2013 12:28 am
Prospero on Same old.
May 31st, 2013 12:35 am
Prospero on Same old.
May 31st, 2013 2:09 am
Prospero on Not much to see here.
May 31st, 2013 8:13 pm
Prospero on Not much to see here.
May 31st, 2013 9:02 pm
Prospero on Not much to see here.
May 31st, 2013 10:14 pm
Prospero on Not much to see here.
May 31st, 2013 10:56 pm
Prospero on Not much to see here.
May 31st, 2013 11:12 pm
Prospero on Not much to see here.
June 1st, 2013 1:01 am
Prospero on Not much to see here.
June 1st, 2013 1:06 am
Prospero on Not much to see here.
June 1st, 2013 2:11 am
Prospero on Not much to see here.
June 1st, 2013 2:36 am
Prospero on Not much to see here.
June 1st, 2013 2:50 am
Prospero on Not much to see here.
June 1st, 2013 6:49 pm
Prospero on Not much to see here.
June 1st, 2013 8:44 pm
Prospero on Not much to see here.
June 1st, 2013 11:32 pm
Prospero on Not much to see here.
June 1st, 2013 11:50 pm
Prospero on Same old.
June 2nd, 2013 7:12 am
Prospero on Same old.
June 2nd, 2013 7:20 am
Prospero on Not much to see here.
June 2nd, 2013 7:32 am
Prospero on Not much to see here.
June 2nd, 2013 7:38 am
Prospero on Not much to see here.
June 2nd, 2013 7:41 pm
Prospero on The weekend giveth.
June 3rd, 2013 4:08 pm
Prospero on The weekend giveth.
June 3rd, 2013 4:40 pm
Prospero on The weekend giveth.
June 3rd, 2013 9:36 pm
Prospero on The weekend giveth.
June 4th, 2013 1:58 am
Prospero on The weekend giveth.
June 4th, 2013 2:16 am
Prospero on The weekend giveth.
June 4th, 2013 7:54 pm
Prospero on The weekend giveth.
June 4th, 2013 8:02 pm
Prospero on The weekend giveth.
June 4th, 2013 9:58 pm
Prospero on The weekend giveth.
June 4th, 2013 10:41 pm
Prospero on The weekend giveth.
June 4th, 2013 10:43 pm
Prospero on The weekend giveth.
June 4th, 2013 11:27 pm
Prospero on The weekend giveth.
June 5th, 2013 3:39 am
Prospero on Sorry about that.
June 5th, 2013 6:52 pm
Prospero on Sorry about that.
June 5th, 2013 8:13 pm
Prospero on Sorry about that.
June 5th, 2013 8:51 pm
Prospero on Sorry about that.
June 5th, 2013 9:16 pm
Prospero on Sorry about that.
June 5th, 2013 9:18 pm
Prospero on Sorry about that.
June 5th, 2013 10:55 pm
Prospero on Sorry about that.
June 6th, 2013 1:16 am
Prospero on Sorry about that.
June 6th, 2013 3:24 am
Prospero on Sorry about that.
June 6th, 2013 3:50 am
Prospero on Sorry about that.
June 6th, 2013 7:42 am
Prospero on Sorry about that.
June 6th, 2013 7:57 am
Prospero on She said woof.
June 6th, 2013 7:11 pm
Prospero on She said woof.
June 6th, 2013 10:54 pm
Prospero on She said woof.
June 7th, 2013 1:20 am
Prospero on A wee bit testy.
June 7th, 2013 8:51 pm
Prospero on A wee bit testy.
June 7th, 2013 9:23 pm
Prospero on A wee bit testy.
June 7th, 2013 11:12 pm
Prospero on A wee bit testy.
June 7th, 2013 11:31 pm
Prospero on A wee bit testy.
June 8th, 2013 2:12 am
Prospero on A wee bit testy.
June 8th, 2013 6:51 am
Prospero on A wee bit testy.
June 8th, 2013 9:42 pm
Prospero on A wee bit testy.
June 9th, 2013 12:53 am
Prospero on A wee bit testy.
June 9th, 2013 7:31 pm
Prospero on A wee bit testy.
June 9th, 2013 8:01 pm
Prospero on A wee bit testy.
June 9th, 2013 8:12 pm
Prospero on A wee bit testy.
June 10th, 2013 12:07 am
Prospero on He hears.
June 10th, 2013 7:24 pm
Prospero on He hears.
June 10th, 2013 8:37 pm
Prospero on He hears.
June 10th, 2013 9:38 pm
Prospero on He hears.
June 10th, 2013 11:47 pm
Prospero on He hears.
June 11th, 2013 1:34 am
Prospero on CSA 1.0.
June 11th, 2013 6:50 pm
Prospero on CSA 1.0.
June 11th, 2013 6:53 pm
Prospero on CSA 1.0.
June 11th, 2013 9:08 pm
Prospero on CSA 1.0.
June 12th, 2013 1:45 am
Prospero on A fat fantasia.
June 12th, 2013 1:05 pm
Prospero on A fat fantasia.
June 12th, 2013 1:07 pm
Prospero on A fat fantasia.
June 12th, 2013 1:17 pm
Prospero on A fat fantasia.
June 12th, 2013 6:24 pm
Prospero on A fat fantasia.
June 12th, 2013 9:27 pm
Prospero on A fat fantasia.
June 13th, 2013 4:38 am
Prospero on Pulp fiction.
June 14th, 2013 8:38 pm
Prospero on Pulp fiction.
June 14th, 2013 9:30 pm
Prospero on Pulp fiction.
June 15th, 2013 1:36 am
Prospero on Pulp fiction.
June 15th, 2013 3:15 am
Prospero on Pulp fiction.
June 15th, 2013 8:16 pm
Prospero on Pulp fiction.
June 16th, 2013 3:03 am
Prospero on Pulp fiction.
June 16th, 2013 3:18 am
Prospero on Pulp fiction.
June 16th, 2013 1:10 pm
Prospero on Pulp fiction.
June 16th, 2013 11:42 pm
Prospero on Pulp fiction.
June 17th, 2013 12:04 am
Prospero on A river ran through it.
June 17th, 2013 9:15 pm
Prospero on A river ran through it.
June 18th, 2013 1:18 am
Prospero on A river ran through it.
June 18th, 2013 1:58 am
Prospero on A river ran through it.
June 18th, 2013 2:08 am
Prospero on A river ran through it.
June 18th, 2013 2:17 am
Prospero on A river ran through it.
June 18th, 2013 2:25 am
Prospero on A river ran through it.
June 18th, 2013 2:30 am
Prospero on A river ran through it.
June 18th, 2013 2:32 am
Prospero on Back.
June 18th, 2013 10:59 am
Prospero on Back.
June 18th, 2013 8:41 pm
Prospero on Back.
June 18th, 2013 9:41 pm
Prospero on Back.
June 18th, 2013 10:00 pm
Prospero on Back.
June 19th, 2013 1:34 am
Prospero on Back.
June 19th, 2013 3:20 am
Prospero on Back.
June 19th, 2013 4:07 am
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 19th, 2013 6:52 pm
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 19th, 2013 7:37 pm
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 19th, 2013 8:48 pm
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 19th, 2013 10:43 pm
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 19th, 2013 10:58 pm
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 19th, 2013 10:59 pm
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 19th, 2013 11:35 pm
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 20th, 2013 12:33 am
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 20th, 2013 12:36 am
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 20th, 2013 12:47 am
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 20th, 2013 1:01 am
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 20th, 2013 1:27 am
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 20th, 2013 2:53 am
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 20th, 2013 6:25 am
Prospero on In for repairs.
June 20th, 2013 6:29 am
Prospero on No one should have let him finish.
June 20th, 2013 7:48 pm
Prospero on No one should have let him finish.
June 20th, 2013 9:51 pm
Prospero on No one should have let him finish.
June 20th, 2013 10:37 pm
Prospero on No one should have let him finish.
June 21st, 2013 12:10 am
Prospero on No one should have let him finish.
June 21st, 2013 1:11 am
Prospero on No one should have let him finish.
June 21st, 2013 1:50 am
Prospero on No one should have let him finish.
June 21st, 2013 3:48 am
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 21st, 2013 7:37 pm
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 21st, 2013 8:51 pm
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 21st, 2013 10:51 pm
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 21st, 2013 10:53 pm
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 22nd, 2013 12:56 am
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 22nd, 2013 2:31 am
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 22nd, 2013 3:20 am
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 22nd, 2013 3:52 am
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 22nd, 2013 4:49 am
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 22nd, 2013 4:55 am
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 22nd, 2013 7:10 pm
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 23rd, 2013 1:06 am
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 23rd, 2013 1:09 am
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 23rd, 2013 1:55 pm
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 23rd, 2013 3:50 pm
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 23rd, 2013 7:45 pm
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 24th, 2013 12:39 am
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 24th, 2013 12:53 am
Prospero on Wendy, maybe.
June 24th, 2013 1:11 am
Prospero on The new girl.
June 24th, 2013 3:49 pm
Prospero on The new girl.
June 24th, 2013 3:53 pm
Prospero on The new girl.
June 24th, 2013 5:32 pm
Prospero on The new girl.
June 24th, 2013 8:51 pm
Prospero on The new girl.
June 24th, 2013 11:07 pm
Prospero on The new girl.
June 25th, 2013 12:53 am
Prospero on The new girl.
June 25th, 2013 3:29 am
Prospero on Both sides now.
June 25th, 2013 7:37 pm
Prospero on Both sides now.
June 25th, 2013 9:00 pm
Prospero on Both sides now.
June 25th, 2013 9:41 pm
Prospero on Both sides now.
June 26th, 2013 3:17 am
Prospero on A postcard on the way out of town.
June 26th, 2013 6:56 pm
Prospero on A postcard on the way out of town.
June 26th, 2013 6:59 pm
Prospero on A postcard on the way out of town.
June 26th, 2013 7:10 pm
Prospero on A postcard on the way out of town.
June 26th, 2013 8:00 pm
Prospero on A postcard on the way out of town.
June 26th, 2013 8:34 pm
Prospero on A postcard on the way out of town.
June 26th, 2013 8:50 pm
Prospero on A postcard on the way out of town.
June 26th, 2013 10:09 pm
Prospero on A postcard on the way out of town.
June 26th, 2013 10:28 pm
Prospero on A postcard on the way out of town.
June 26th, 2013 10:36 pm
Prospero on A postcard on the way out of town.
June 27th, 2013 1:51 am
Prospero on A postcard on the way out of town.
June 27th, 2013 1:55 am
Prospero on A postcard on the way out of town.
June 27th, 2013 2:34 am
Prospero on Hello from up here.
June 27th, 2013 12:55 pm
Prospero on Hello from up here.
June 27th, 2013 1:20 pm
Prospero on Hello from up here.
June 27th, 2013 2:30 pm
Prospero on Hello from up here.
June 28th, 2013 3:17 am
Prospero on Hello from up here.
June 28th, 2013 4:51 am
Prospero on Hello from up here.
June 28th, 2013 4:57 am
Prospero on Hello from up here.
June 28th, 2013 7:16 am
Prospero on Hello from up here.
June 28th, 2013 7:19 am
Prospero on Hello from up here.
June 28th, 2013 7:23 am
Prospero on Hello from up here.
June 29th, 2013 2:46 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
June 30th, 2013 10:51 pm
Prospero on Detroit summer.
July 1st, 2013 7:55 pm
Prospero on Detroit summer.
July 1st, 2013 9:18 pm
Prospero on Detroit summer.
July 1st, 2013 10:04 pm
Prospero on Detroit summer.
July 1st, 2013 11:32 pm
Prospero on Detroit summer.
July 1st, 2013 11:43 pm
Prospero on Detroit summer.
July 2nd, 2013 1:23 am
Prospero on Detroit summer.
July 2nd, 2013 1:31 am
Prospero on Detroit summer.
July 2nd, 2013 2:12 am
Prospero on Detroit summer.
July 2nd, 2013 2:54 am
Prospero on The extra room.
July 3rd, 2013 4:00 am
Prospero on This just in.
July 3rd, 2013 6:07 pm
Prospero on This just in.
July 3rd, 2013 7:13 pm
Prospero on This just in.
July 3rd, 2013 8:19 pm
Prospero on This just in.
July 3rd, 2013 8:32 pm
Prospero on This just in.
July 3rd, 2013 10:21 pm
Prospero on This just in.
July 3rd, 2013 11:13 pm
Prospero on This just in.
July 4th, 2013 1:17 am
Prospero on This just in.
July 4th, 2013 1:48 am
Prospero on This just in.
July 4th, 2013 1:54 am
Prospero on This just in.
July 4th, 2013 4:38 pm
Prospero on This just in.
July 5th, 2013 12:45 am
Prospero on This just in.
July 5th, 2013 3:08 pm
Prospero on This just in.
July 5th, 2013 6:23 pm
Prospero on This just in.
July 5th, 2013 6:27 pm
Prospero on A weekend at the movies.
July 8th, 2013 6:22 pm
Prospero on A weekend at the movies.
July 9th, 2013 2:46 am
Prospero on A weekend at the movies.
July 9th, 2013 2:49 am
Prospero on A weekend at the movies.
July 9th, 2013 4:20 am
Prospero on Tuning out.
July 9th, 2013 6:09 pm
Prospero on Tuning out.
July 9th, 2013 6:17 pm
Prospero on Tuning out.
July 9th, 2013 6:24 pm
Prospero on Tuning out.
July 9th, 2013 7:02 pm
Prospero on Tuning out.
July 10th, 2013 1:09 am
Prospero on Fast and loose.
July 10th, 2013 6:12 pm
Prospero on Fast and loose.
July 11th, 2013 4:10 am
Prospero on Fast and loose.
July 11th, 2013 4:17 am
Prospero on Fast and loose.
July 11th, 2013 4:20 am
Prospero on Stop going backward, Mercury.
July 11th, 2013 11:11 pm
Prospero on SHARKNADO.
July 12th, 2013 9:14 am
Prospero on SHARKNADO.
July 12th, 2013 11:03 am
Prospero on Saturday morning fish flies.
July 13th, 2013 9:10 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning fish flies.
July 13th, 2013 11:03 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning fish flies.
July 14th, 2013 2:02 am
Prospero on Saturday morning fish flies.
July 14th, 2013 6:42 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning fish flies.
July 14th, 2013 9:35 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning fish flies.
July 14th, 2013 10:45 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning fish flies.
July 15th, 2013 3:42 am
Prospero on I make the beds around here.
July 15th, 2013 6:08 pm
Prospero on I make the beds around here.
July 15th, 2013 6:19 pm
Prospero on I make the beds around here.
July 15th, 2013 7:28 pm
Prospero on I make the beds around here.
July 15th, 2013 9:44 pm
Prospero on I make the beds around here.
July 16th, 2013 12:36 am
Prospero on I make the beds around here.
July 16th, 2013 1:47 am
Prospero on I make the beds around here.
July 16th, 2013 1:50 am
Prospero on I make the beds around here.
July 16th, 2013 2:12 am
Prospero on B is for bingo, 37 is just a number.
July 16th, 2013 9:14 pm
Prospero on B is for bingo, 37 is just a number.
July 16th, 2013 10:24 pm
Prospero on B is for bingo, 37 is just a number.
July 17th, 2013 3:16 am
Prospero on B is for bingo, 37 is just a number.
July 17th, 2013 3:30 am
Prospero on B is for bingo, 37 is just a number.
July 17th, 2013 6:55 am
Prospero on Asking, but not.
July 17th, 2013 11:48 pm
Prospero on Asking, but not.
July 18th, 2013 1:20 am
Prospero on Asking, but not.
July 18th, 2013 1:28 am
Prospero on Asking, but not.
July 18th, 2013 3:43 am
Prospero on Asking, but not.
July 18th, 2013 9:54 pm
Prospero on Asking, but not.
July 18th, 2013 10:35 pm
Prospero on Asking, but not.
July 18th, 2013 11:07 pm
Prospero on We'll see you in court.
July 19th, 2013 3:43 pm
Prospero on We'll see you in court.
July 20th, 2013 5:44 pm
Prospero on We'll see you in court.
July 20th, 2013 6:02 pm
Prospero on We'll see you in court.
July 20th, 2013 6:21 pm
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 22nd, 2013 6:44 pm
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 22nd, 2013 7:13 pm
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 22nd, 2013 8:29 pm
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 22nd, 2013 8:42 pm
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 22nd, 2013 9:03 pm
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 22nd, 2013 9:06 pm
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 22nd, 2013 9:27 pm
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 22nd, 2013 10:20 pm
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 23rd, 2013 12:33 am
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 23rd, 2013 12:36 am
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 23rd, 2013 12:56 am
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 23rd, 2013 3:20 am
Prospero on Fungus among us.
July 23rd, 2013 8:26 pm
Prospero on Fungus among us.
July 23rd, 2013 8:57 pm
Prospero on Fungus among us.
July 23rd, 2013 10:19 pm
Prospero on A moment with the grammar nerd.
July 23rd, 2013 11:46 pm
Prospero on The long, cool summer.
July 29th, 2013 2:10 pm
Prospero on The long, cool summer.
July 29th, 2013 9:20 pm
Prospero on The long, cool summer.
July 29th, 2013 10:11 pm
Prospero on The long, cool summer.
July 29th, 2013 10:19 pm
Prospero on One for me.
July 30th, 2013 2:25 pm
Prospero on One for me.
July 31st, 2013 3:33 am
Prospero on One for me.
July 31st, 2013 4:01 am
Prospero on Oops.
August 1st, 2013 2:23 pm
Prospero on Oops.
August 1st, 2013 5:07 pm
Prospero on Oops.
August 1st, 2013 6:04 pm
Prospero on Oops.
August 1st, 2013 8:04 pm
Prospero on The fat lady sings.
August 2nd, 2013 9:53 pm
Prospero on The fat lady sings.
August 4th, 2013 9:01 pm
Prospero on V day.
August 5th, 2013 10:08 pm
Prospero on V day.
August 5th, 2013 10:18 pm
Prospero on V day.
August 6th, 2013 1:06 am
Prospero on Year by year.
August 6th, 2013 9:50 pm
Prospero on Year by year.
August 6th, 2013 11:47 pm
Prospero on Year by year.
August 7th, 2013 12:20 am
Prospero on Year by year.
August 7th, 2013 12:25 am
Prospero on A few more snaps.
August 7th, 2013 8:46 pm
Prospero on A few more snaps.
August 7th, 2013 8:54 pm
Prospero on A few more snaps.
August 7th, 2013 10:06 pm
Prospero on A few more snaps.
August 8th, 2013 12:02 am
Prospero on A few more snaps.
August 8th, 2013 12:47 am
Prospero on A few more snaps.
August 8th, 2013 12:52 am
Prospero on A few more snaps.
August 8th, 2013 2:50 am
Prospero on A few more snaps.
August 8th, 2013 8:14 am
Prospero on The ooh-wah girls.
August 8th, 2013 8:57 pm
Prospero on The ooh-wah girls.
August 8th, 2013 9:05 pm
Prospero on The ooh-wah girls.
August 8th, 2013 10:59 pm
Prospero on The ooh-wah girls.
August 8th, 2013 11:52 pm
Prospero on The ooh-wah girls.
August 9th, 2013 1:34 am
Prospero on The ooh-wah girls.
August 9th, 2013 5:28 am
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 9th, 2013 9:32 pm
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 9th, 2013 10:03 pm
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 9th, 2013 10:28 pm
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 10th, 2013 12:49 am
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 10th, 2013 1:23 am
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 10th, 2013 2:09 am
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 10th, 2013 9:37 pm
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 10th, 2013 10:01 pm
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 11th, 2013 2:02 am
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 11th, 2013 2:07 am
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 11th, 2013 2:22 am
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 11th, 2013 5:37 pm
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 11th, 2013 5:39 pm
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 11th, 2013 5:49 pm
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 11th, 2013 9:52 pm
Prospero on Doorbell ringers.
August 11th, 2013 11:58 pm
Prospero on What a beautiful world this could be.
August 13th, 2013 11:08 pm
Prospero on What a beautiful world this could be.
August 13th, 2013 11:08 pm
Prospero on Detritus.
August 14th, 2013 1:35 am
Prospero on Detritus.
August 14th, 2013 2:29 am
Prospero on Detritus.
August 14th, 2013 2:31 am
Prospero on Lonely pup.
August 14th, 2013 9:45 pm
Prospero on Lonely pup.
August 14th, 2013 11:56 pm
Prospero on In the dark.
August 15th, 2013 6:14 pm
Prospero on In the dark.
August 15th, 2013 7:05 pm
Prospero on In the dark.
August 15th, 2013 8:33 pm
Prospero on In the dark.
August 16th, 2013 12:44 am
Prospero on In the dark.
August 16th, 2013 2:59 am
Prospero on Laden.
August 16th, 2013 10:23 pm
Prospero on Laden.
August 16th, 2013 11:11 pm
Prospero on Laden.
August 16th, 2013 11:46 pm
Prospero on Laden.
August 17th, 2013 12:00 am
Prospero on Laden.
August 17th, 2013 12:22 am
Prospero on Laden.
August 17th, 2013 12:47 am
Prospero on Laden.
August 17th, 2013 5:16 am
Prospero on Laden.
August 17th, 2013 10:16 pm
Prospero on Laden.
August 17th, 2013 11:20 pm
Prospero on Laden.
August 18th, 2013 1:01 am
Prospero on Laden.
August 18th, 2013 1:39 am
Prospero on Laden.
August 18th, 2013 3:28 am
Prospero on Laden.
August 18th, 2013 3:45 am
Prospero on Laden.
August 18th, 2013 8:32 pm
Prospero on Laden.
August 18th, 2013 9:19 pm
Prospero on Laden.
August 18th, 2013 10:10 pm
Prospero on Laden.
August 19th, 2013 12:40 am
Prospero on Laden.
August 19th, 2013 3:19 am
Prospero on Laden.
August 19th, 2013 3:28 am
Prospero on Him again, again.
August 19th, 2013 4:19 pm
Prospero on Him again, again.
August 19th, 2013 4:24 pm
Prospero on Him again, again.
August 19th, 2013 5:29 pm
Prospero on Him again, again.
August 19th, 2013 5:51 pm
Prospero on Him again, again.
August 19th, 2013 7:36 pm
Prospero on Him again, again.
August 19th, 2013 7:45 pm
Prospero on Him again, again.
August 19th, 2013 8:13 pm
Prospero on Him again, again.
August 19th, 2013 11:03 pm
Prospero on Him again, again.
August 20th, 2013 12:27 am
Prospero on Him again, again.
August 20th, 2013 1:38 am
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP.
August 20th, 2013 9:00 pm
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP.
August 20th, 2013 10:05 pm
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP.
August 20th, 2013 11:14 pm
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP.
August 20th, 2013 11:19 pm
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP.
August 21st, 2013 3:07 am
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP, II.
August 21st, 2013 9:29 pm
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP, II.
August 21st, 2013 10:54 pm
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP, II.
August 21st, 2013 11:04 pm
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP, II.
August 22nd, 2013 12:32 am
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP, II.
August 22nd, 2013 12:54 am
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP, II.
August 22nd, 2013 3:02 am
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP, II.
August 22nd, 2013 3:25 am
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP, II.
August 22nd, 2013 3:41 am
Prospero on Elmore Leonard, RIP, II.
August 22nd, 2013 3:44 am
Prospero on Link salad.
August 22nd, 2013 5:10 pm
Prospero on Link salad.
August 22nd, 2013 6:23 pm
Prospero on Link salad.
August 22nd, 2013 7:15 pm
Prospero on Link salad.
August 22nd, 2013 7:25 pm
Prospero on Link salad.
August 22nd, 2013 8:52 pm
Prospero on Link salad.
August 23rd, 2013 2:45 am
Prospero on Link salad.
August 23rd, 2013 2:48 am
Prospero on Link salad.
August 23rd, 2013 2:50 am
Prospero on Link salad.
August 23rd, 2013 2:56 am
Prospero on The chicken gaffe.
August 23rd, 2013 9:55 am
Prospero on The chicken gaffe.
August 23rd, 2013 9:59 am
Prospero on The chicken gaffe.
August 23rd, 2013 9:14 pm
Prospero on The chicken gaffe.
August 24th, 2013 9:16 am
Prospero on The chicken gaffe.
August 25th, 2013 10:26 pm
Prospero on A crescendo to the finale.
August 26th, 2013 5:47 pm
Prospero on A crescendo to the finale.
August 26th, 2013 7:04 pm
Prospero on A crescendo to the finale.
August 26th, 2013 7:49 pm
Prospero on A crescendo to the finale.
August 26th, 2013 8:47 pm
Prospero on A crescendo to the finale.
August 26th, 2013 9:37 pm
Prospero on A crescendo to the finale.
August 26th, 2013 10:03 pm
Prospero on A crescendo to the finale.
August 26th, 2013 10:29 pm
Prospero on A crescendo to the finale.
August 26th, 2013 10:40 pm
Prospero on A crescendo to the finale.
August 26th, 2013 11:34 pm
Prospero on Insert local reference here.
August 27th, 2013 1:39 pm
Prospero on The peaches are jealous.
August 29th, 2013 4:42 am
Prospero on Crawling over the hump.
August 29th, 2013 8:15 pm
Prospero on Crawling over the hump.
August 29th, 2013 8:31 pm
Prospero on The peaches are jealous.
August 30th, 2013 1:00 am
Prospero on Crawling over the hump.
August 30th, 2013 4:57 am
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 30th, 2013 8:02 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 30th, 2013 8:12 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 30th, 2013 9:18 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 31st, 2013 12:28 am
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 31st, 2013 12:49 am
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 31st, 2013 1:56 am
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 31st, 2013 2:03 am
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 31st, 2013 2:59 am
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 31st, 2013 4:58 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 31st, 2013 5:58 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 31st, 2013 7:46 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 31st, 2013 7:50 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
August 31st, 2013 8:34 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
September 1st, 2013 1:32 am
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
September 1st, 2013 1:57 am
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
September 1st, 2013 2:06 am
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
September 1st, 2013 5:44 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
September 1st, 2013 5:47 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
September 1st, 2013 6:22 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
September 2nd, 2013 8:19 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
September 2nd, 2013 8:24 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
September 2nd, 2013 9:33 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
September 2nd, 2013 9:54 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
September 2nd, 2013 10:23 pm
Prospero on Death and Detroit.
September 3rd, 2013 1:06 am
Prospero on Glowing.
September 3rd, 2013 6:39 pm
Prospero on Glowing.
September 3rd, 2013 6:40 pm
Prospero on Glowing.
September 4th, 2013 2:17 am
Prospero on Calvin's house.
September 4th, 2013 8:03 pm
Prospero on Calvin's house.
September 4th, 2013 8:55 pm
Prospero on Calvin's house.
September 4th, 2013 9:42 pm
Prospero on Calvin's house.
September 4th, 2013 10:38 pm
Prospero on Calvin's house.
September 4th, 2013 11:11 pm
Prospero on Calvin's house.
September 5th, 2013 1:35 am
Prospero on Calvin's house.
September 5th, 2013 4:29 am
Prospero on Mystery truck.
September 5th, 2013 6:43 pm
Prospero on Mystery truck.
September 5th, 2013 7:16 pm
Prospero on Mystery truck.
September 5th, 2013 7:34 pm
Prospero on Mystery truck.
September 5th, 2013 8:08 pm
Prospero on Mystery truck.
September 5th, 2013 8:37 pm
Prospero on Mystery truck.
September 5th, 2013 9:05 pm
Prospero on Mystery truck.
September 5th, 2013 11:44 pm
Prospero on Mystery truck.
September 5th, 2013 11:48 pm
Prospero on Mystery truck.
September 5th, 2013 11:57 pm
Prospero on Majoring in money.
September 6th, 2013 9:51 am
Prospero on Majoring in money.
September 6th, 2013 5:19 pm
Prospero on Majoring in money.
September 7th, 2013 2:46 pm
Prospero on Majoring in money.
September 8th, 2013 4:51 pm
Prospero on That's out there.
September 11th, 2013 9:59 pm
Prospero on That's out there.
September 11th, 2013 10:04 pm
Prospero on That's out there.
September 11th, 2013 10:22 pm
prospero on You meet the nicest people at the O.G.
September 13th, 2013 11:34 pm
prospero on You meet the nicest people at the O.G.
September 14th, 2013 12:43 am
prospero on You meet the nicest people at the O.G.
September 14th, 2013 1:53 am
prospero on You meet the nicest people at the O.G.
September 14th, 2013 4:48 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 14th, 2013 7:55 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 14th, 2013 10:12 pm
prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 15th, 2013 5:59 am
prospero on Saturday morning market.
September 15th, 2013 9:49 pm
prospero on Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
September 16th, 2013 10:45 pm
prospero on Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
September 16th, 2013 10:48 pm
prospero on Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
September 17th, 2013 12:09 am
prospero on Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
September 17th, 2013 2:11 am
prospero on Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
September 17th, 2013 5:58 am
prospero on Saturday morning cycling.
September 22nd, 2013 12:21 am
prospero on Saturday morning cycling.
September 22nd, 2013 12:22 am
prospero on Saturday morning cycling.
September 22nd, 2013 3:43 am
prospero on Saturday morning cycling.
September 22nd, 2013 5:57 am
prospero on Saturday morning cycling.
September 22nd, 2013 10:53 pm
prospero on Saturday morning cycling.
September 23rd, 2013 12:51 am
prospero on Saturday morning cycling.
September 23rd, 2013 1:17 am
prospero on Saturday morning cycling.
September 23rd, 2013 3:36 am
prospero on A long ride on a grand day.
September 23rd, 2013 11:55 pm
dr. wu on More technical difficulties.
September 25th, 2013 7:27 pm
dr. wu on More technical difficulties.
September 25th, 2013 7:31 pm
dr. wu on More technical difficulties.
September 25th, 2013 10:38 pm
prospero on Old TV.
September 26th, 2013 9:07 am
prospero on Old TV.
September 26th, 2013 5:56 pm
prospero on Old TV.
September 27th, 2013 1:28 am
prospero on Old TV.
September 27th, 2013 1:41 am
prospero on Old TV.
September 27th, 2013 1:56 am
Dr. Wu on A day away.
September 27th, 2013 1:22 pm
Dr. Wu on A day away.
September 27th, 2013 1:47 pm
Dr. Wu on A day away.
September 27th, 2013 4:29 pm
Dr. Wu on A day away.
September 27th, 2013 7:04 pm
Dr. Wu on A day away.
September 27th, 2013 8:57 pm
Dr. Wu on A day away.
September 27th, 2013 9:04 pm
Dr. Wu on A day away.
September 28th, 2013 12:55 am
Dr. Wu on A day away.
September 28th, 2013 1:20 am
Dr. Wu on A day away.
September 28th, 2013 9:28 pm
Prospero on A day away.
September 29th, 2013 12:34 am
Prospero on A day away.
September 29th, 2013 12:36 am
Prospero on A day away.
September 29th, 2013 9:36 pm
Prospero on A day away.
September 29th, 2013 10:43 pm
Prospero on A day away.
September 29th, 2013 11:58 pm
Prospero on A day away.
September 30th, 2013 5:03 pm
Prospero on A day away.
September 30th, 2013 6:08 pm
Prospero on A day away.
September 30th, 2013 6:11 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Albuquerque.
September 30th, 2013 11:20 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Albuquerque.
September 30th, 2013 11:34 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Albuquerque.
October 1st, 2013 2:22 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Albuquerque.
October 1st, 2013 2:43 pm
Prospero on Farewell, Albuquerque.
October 1st, 2013 3:06 pm
Prospero on Walking and talking.
October 2nd, 2013 7:21 pm
Prospero on Walking and talking.
October 2nd, 2013 8:23 pm
Prospero on Walking and talking.
October 2nd, 2013 9:42 pm
Prospero on Walking and talking.
October 2nd, 2013 9:49 pm
Prospero on Walking and talking.
October 2nd, 2013 10:04 pm
Prospero on Walking and talking.
October 2nd, 2013 10:47 pm
Prospero on Walking and talking.
October 2nd, 2013 11:09 pm
Prospero on Walking and talking.
October 2nd, 2013 11:24 pm
Prospero on Walking and talking.
October 3rd, 2013 12:10 am
Prospero on Walking and talking.
October 3rd, 2013 12:41 am
Prospero on Walking and talking.
October 3rd, 2013 1:13 am
Prospero on Phone call from Crazyville.
October 4th, 2013 8:38 pm
Prospero on Phone call from Crazyville.
October 4th, 2013 8:53 pm
Prospero on Phone call from Crazyville.
October 5th, 2013 11:58 am
Prospero on Phone call from Crazyville.
October 5th, 2013 12:22 pm
Prospero on Phone call from Crazyville.
October 5th, 2013 7:49 pm
Prospero on Phone call from Crazyville.
October 6th, 2013 7:42 pm
Prospero on Slippery when sweaty.
October 7th, 2013 7:22 pm
Prospero on Slippery when sweaty.
October 7th, 2013 9:53 pm
Prospero on In a burning building.
October 8th, 2013 7:28 pm
Prospero on In a burning building.
October 8th, 2013 9:04 pm
Prospero on In a burning building.
October 8th, 2013 9:54 pm
Prospero on In a burning building.
October 8th, 2013 10:14 pm
Prospero on In a burning building.
October 8th, 2013 10:22 pm
Prospero on In a burning building.
October 9th, 2013 12:31 am
Prospero on In a burning building.
October 9th, 2013 12:33 am
Prospero on In a burning building.
October 9th, 2013 1:02 am
Prospero on In a burning building.
October 9th, 2013 2:05 am
Prospero on Nobody has a grammar.
October 9th, 2013 7:50 pm
Prospero on Nobody has a grammar.
October 9th, 2013 7:55 pm
Prospero on Nobody has a grammar.
October 9th, 2013 8:40 pm
Prospero on Nobody has a grammar.
October 9th, 2013 9:12 pm
Prospero on Nobody has a grammar.
October 9th, 2013 10:14 pm
Prospero on Nobody has a grammar.
October 10th, 2013 12:45 am
Prospero on Nobody has a grammar.
October 10th, 2013 2:40 am
Prospero on Listicle madness.
October 10th, 2013 9:10 pm
Prospero on Listicle madness.
October 10th, 2013 9:46 pm
Prospero on Listicle madness.
October 10th, 2013 9:53 pm
Prospero on Listicle madness.
October 11th, 2013 2:54 am
Prospero on Listicle madness.
October 11th, 2013 2:55 am
Prospero on A nation of tenderness.
October 11th, 2013 8:49 pm
Prospero on A nation of tenderness.
October 11th, 2013 9:02 pm
Prospero on A nation of tenderness.
October 11th, 2013 9:03 pm
Prospero on A nation of tenderness.
October 11th, 2013 9:25 pm
Prospero on A nation of tenderness.
October 12th, 2013 12:44 am
Prospero on A nation of tenderness.
October 12th, 2013 12:46 am
Prospero on A nation of tenderness.
October 12th, 2013 12:50 am
Prospero on A nation of tenderness.
October 12th, 2013 12:57 am
Prospero on A nation of tenderness.
October 12th, 2013 11:37 am
Prospero on Saturday morning.
October 12th, 2013 3:50 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning.
October 12th, 2013 3:51 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning.
October 12th, 2013 3:59 pm
Prospero on Arts and culture and obsession.
October 14th, 2013 7:48 pm
Prospero on Arts and culture and obsession.
October 14th, 2013 8:45 pm
Prospero on Arts and culture and obsession.
October 14th, 2013 10:04 pm
Prospero on Arts and culture and obsession.
October 14th, 2013 11:16 pm
Prospero on Arts and culture and obsession.
October 14th, 2013 11:50 pm
Prospero on Arts and culture and obsession.
October 15th, 2013 1:49 am
Prospero on Arts and culture and obsession.
October 15th, 2013 3:00 am
Prospero on Link salad, again.
October 15th, 2013 7:24 pm
Prospero on Link salad, again.
October 15th, 2013 7:31 pm
Prospero on Link salad, again.
October 15th, 2013 9:32 pm
Prospero on Link salad, again.
October 15th, 2013 11:44 pm
Prospero on Link salad, again.
October 15th, 2013 11:56 pm
Prospero on Link salad, again.
October 16th, 2013 2:33 am
Prospero on Barking at the mailman.
October 16th, 2013 9:54 pm
Prospero on Barking at the mailman.
October 16th, 2013 9:55 pm
Prospero on Barking at the mailman.
October 16th, 2013 10:33 pm
Prospero on Barking at the mailman.
October 16th, 2013 11:39 pm
Prospero on Not getting it.
October 17th, 2013 8:40 pm
Prospero on Not getting it.
October 17th, 2013 8:58 pm
Prospero on Not getting it.
October 17th, 2013 9:34 pm
Prospero on Not getting it.
October 17th, 2013 11:59 pm
Prospero on Not getting it.
October 18th, 2013 12:04 am
Prospero on Not getting it.
October 18th, 2013 2:42 am
Prospero on Not getting it.
October 18th, 2013 6:14 am
Prospero on Nobody reads anything.
October 18th, 2013 6:39 pm
Prospero on Nobody reads anything.
October 18th, 2013 7:34 pm
Prospero on Nobody reads anything.
October 18th, 2013 7:42 pm
Prospero on Nobody reads anything.
October 18th, 2013 8:09 pm
Prospero on Nobody reads anything.
October 18th, 2013 8:12 pm
Prospero on Nobody reads anything.
October 18th, 2013 10:00 pm
Prospero on Nobody reads anything.
October 18th, 2013 10:14 pm
Prospero on Nobody reads anything.
October 19th, 2013 2:24 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 20th, 2013 9:51 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 20th, 2013 10:36 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 20th, 2013 11:18 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 20th, 2013 11:30 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
October 20th, 2013 11:37 pm
Prospero on Links, not a lot.
October 22nd, 2013 8:16 pm
Prospero on Links, not a lot.
October 22nd, 2013 9:09 pm
Prospero on Links, not a lot.
October 22nd, 2013 9:39 pm
Prospero on Links, not a lot.
October 22nd, 2013 9:51 pm
Prospero on Links, not a lot.
October 22nd, 2013 10:22 pm
Prospero on Links, not a lot.
October 23rd, 2013 2:22 am
Prospero on What's that smell?
October 23rd, 2013 8:34 am
Prospero on What's that smell?
October 23rd, 2013 7:55 pm
Prospero on What's that smell?
October 23rd, 2013 8:50 pm
Prospero on What's that smell?
October 23rd, 2013 9:33 pm
Prospero on What's that smell?
October 23rd, 2013 10:02 pm
Prospero on What's that smell?
October 23rd, 2013 10:31 pm
Prospero on What's that smell?
October 23rd, 2013 11:15 pm
Prospero on What's that smell?
October 24th, 2013 12:00 am
Prospero on What's that smell?
October 24th, 2013 12:49 am
Prospero on What's that smell?
October 24th, 2013 5:57 am
Prospero on What's that smell?
October 24th, 2013 6:08 am
Prospero on Two ways of looking at something.
October 24th, 2013 8:34 am
Prospero on Two ways of looking at something.
October 24th, 2013 8:50 pm
Prospero on Two ways of looking at something.
October 24th, 2013 9:08 pm
Prospero on Two ways of looking at something.
October 24th, 2013 10:38 pm
Prospero on Two ways of looking at something.
October 24th, 2013 11:26 pm
Prospero on Two ways of looking at something.
October 25th, 2013 1:15 am
Prospero on Gimme the keys.
October 25th, 2013 7:38 pm
Prospero on Gimme the keys.
October 25th, 2013 7:45 pm
Prospero on Gimme the keys.
October 25th, 2013 7:48 pm
Prospero on Gimme the keys.
October 25th, 2013 8:42 pm
Prospero on Gimme the keys.
October 25th, 2013 9:43 pm
Prospero on Gimme the keys.
October 26th, 2013 1:52 am
Prospero on Gimme the keys.
October 27th, 2013 9:33 pm
Prospero on Gimme the keys.
October 27th, 2013 9:49 pm
Prospero on Gimme the keys.
October 27th, 2013 10:50 pm
Prospero on Gimme the keys.
October 27th, 2013 11:24 pm
Prospero on Gimme the keys.
October 28th, 2013 12:03 am
Prospero on Gimme the keys.
October 28th, 2013 1:02 am
Prospero on A one-dog weekend.
October 28th, 2013 8:54 pm
Prospero on Don't spend it all in one place.
October 29th, 2013 8:10 pm
Prospero on Don't spend it all in one place.
October 29th, 2013 8:48 pm
Prospero on Don't spend it all in one place.
October 29th, 2013 9:12 pm
Prospero on Don't spend it all in one place.
October 29th, 2013 10:04 pm
Prospero on Don't spend it all in one place.
October 29th, 2013 11:33 pm
Prospero on Don't spend it all in one place.
October 30th, 2013 2:44 am
Prospero on What you bought.
October 30th, 2013 9:50 pm
Prospero on What you bought.
October 30th, 2013 9:52 pm
Prospero on What you bought.
October 30th, 2013 10:10 pm
Prospero on What you bought.
October 30th, 2013 11:18 pm
Prospero on What you bought.
October 30th, 2013 11:20 pm
Prospero on What you bought.
October 30th, 2013 11:33 pm
Prospero on What you bought.
October 31st, 2013 1:38 am
Prospero on What you bought.
October 31st, 2013 2:01 am
Prospero on What you bought.
October 31st, 2013 6:29 am
Prospero on Hair today, and tomorrow.
October 31st, 2013 8:28 pm
Prospero on Hair today, and tomorrow.
October 31st, 2013 10:21 pm
Prospero on Hair today, and tomorrow.
October 31st, 2013 11:06 pm
Prospero on Hair today, and tomorrow.
November 1st, 2013 12:13 am
Prospero on Hair today, and tomorrow.
November 1st, 2013 2:06 am
Prospero on Hair today, and tomorrow.
November 1st, 2013 2:23 am
Prospero on A treat for you, ma'am.
November 1st, 2013 8:52 pm
Prospero on A treat for you, ma'am.
November 1st, 2013 9:52 pm
Prospero on A treat for you, ma'am.
November 2nd, 2013 1:30 am
Prospero on A treat for you, ma'am.
November 2nd, 2013 1:36 am
Prospero on A treat for you, ma'am.
November 2nd, 2013 4:35 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
November 2nd, 2013 8:19 pm
Prospero on What's it worth to you?
November 4th, 2013 9:41 pm
Prospero on What's it worth to you?
November 4th, 2013 10:50 pm
Prospero on What's it worth to you?
November 4th, 2013 11:20 pm
Prospero on Open thread.
November 5th, 2013 6:03 pm
Prospero on Open thread.
November 5th, 2013 8:33 pm
Prospero on Open thread.
November 5th, 2013 8:36 pm
Prospero on Open thread.
November 5th, 2013 8:44 pm
Prospero on Open thread.
November 5th, 2013 11:50 pm
Prospero on Open thread.
November 6th, 2013 12:06 am
Prospero on Open thread.
November 6th, 2013 1:35 am
Prospero on Open thread.
November 6th, 2013 1:49 am
Prospero on Bad men.
November 6th, 2013 7:22 pm
Prospero on Bad men.
November 6th, 2013 7:52 pm
Prospero on Bad men.
November 6th, 2013 9:15 pm
Prospero on Bad men.
November 6th, 2013 9:59 pm
Prospero on Bad men.
November 6th, 2013 10:04 pm
Prospero on Bad men.
November 6th, 2013 11:13 pm
Prospero on Bad men.
November 7th, 2013 12:28 am
Prospero on Bad men.
November 7th, 2013 1:35 am
Prospero on Acting up.
November 7th, 2013 7:47 pm
Prospero on Acting up.
November 7th, 2013 8:42 pm
Prospero on Acting up.
November 7th, 2013 8:51 pm
Prospero on Acting up.
November 7th, 2013 10:35 pm
Prospero on Acting up.
November 8th, 2013 2:17 am
Prospero on Acting up.
November 8th, 2013 2:38 am
Prospero on Acting up.
November 8th, 2013 4:52 am
Prospero on Acting up.
November 8th, 2013 6:24 am
Prospero on Home improvement.
November 8th, 2013 11:20 am
Prospero on Home improvement.
November 8th, 2013 5:15 pm
Prospero on Home improvement.
November 8th, 2013 5:40 pm
Prospero on Home improvement.
November 8th, 2013 5:53 pm
Prospero on Home improvement.
November 8th, 2013 10:29 pm
Prospero on Home improvement.
November 8th, 2013 10:38 pm
Prospero on Home improvement.
November 8th, 2013 10:49 pm
Prospero on Home improvement.
November 9th, 2013 1:46 am
Prospero on Home improvement.
November 9th, 2013 10:12 pm
Prospero on Home improvement.
November 10th, 2013 6:43 am
Prospero on Home improvement.
November 11th, 2013 12:47 am
Prospero on Home improvement.
November 11th, 2013 1:54 am
Prospero on A gray-haired Saturday.
November 11th, 2013 5:19 pm
Prospero on A gray-haired Saturday.
November 11th, 2013 6:14 pm
Prospero on A gray-haired Saturday.
November 11th, 2013 6:22 pm
Prospero on A gray-haired Saturday.
November 11th, 2013 7:03 pm
Prospero on A gray-haired Saturday.
November 11th, 2013 7:10 pm
Prospero on A gray-haired Saturday.
November 11th, 2013 9:19 pm
Prospero on A gray-haired Saturday.
November 12th, 2013 12:03 am
Prospero on A gray-haired Saturday.
November 12th, 2013 12:09 am
Prospero on A gray-haired Saturday.
November 12th, 2013 2:16 am
Prospero on A gray-haired Saturday.
November 12th, 2013 2:22 am
Prospero on New book, new day.
November 12th, 2013 6:49 pm
Prospero on New book, new day.
November 12th, 2013 7:29 pm
Prospero on New book, new day.
November 12th, 2013 10:20 pm
Prospero on New book, new day.
November 13th, 2013 2:46 am
Prospero on New book, new day.
November 13th, 2013 3:45 am
Prospero on New book, new day.
November 13th, 2013 11:20 pm
Prospero on New book, new day.
November 14th, 2013 1:17 am
Prospero on New book, new day.
November 14th, 2013 1:45 am
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 14th, 2013 6:34 pm
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 14th, 2013 7:00 pm
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 14th, 2013 8:43 pm
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 14th, 2013 8:49 pm
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 14th, 2013 9:08 pm
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 14th, 2013 9:21 pm
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 14th, 2013 9:42 pm
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 14th, 2013 9:56 pm
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 14th, 2013 10:12 pm
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 14th, 2013 11:56 pm
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 15th, 2013 12:16 am
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 15th, 2013 12:20 am
Prospero on This dog needs the couch.
November 15th, 2013 12:21 am
Prospero on Saturday morning grocery.
November 17th, 2013 1:21 am
Prospero on Saturday morning grocery.
November 17th, 2013 1:56 am
Prospero on Saturday morning grocery.
November 17th, 2013 6:55 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning grocery.
November 17th, 2013 7:19 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning grocery.
November 17th, 2013 9:29 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning grocery.
November 17th, 2013 10:33 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning grocery.
November 17th, 2013 10:34 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning grocery.
November 18th, 2013 12:11 am
Prospero on Saturday morning grocery.
November 18th, 2013 12:48 am
Prospero on Saturday morning grocery.
November 18th, 2013 6:07 am
Prospero on Birthday weekend no. 1.
November 18th, 2013 9:34 pm
Prospero on Birthday weekend no. 1.
November 18th, 2013 10:23 pm
Prospero on Birthday weekend no. 1.
November 18th, 2013 11:10 pm
Prospero on Birthday weekend no. 1.
November 18th, 2013 11:32 pm
Prospero on Birthday weekend no. 1.
November 19th, 2013 12:12 am
Prospero on Birthday weekend no. 1.
November 19th, 2013 12:41 am
Prospero on Sisters.
November 19th, 2013 7:25 pm
Prospero on Sisters.
November 19th, 2013 8:46 pm
Prospero on Sisters.
November 19th, 2013 10:15 pm
Prospero on Sisters.
November 19th, 2013 11:41 pm
Prospero on Sisters.
November 20th, 2013 1:01 am
Prospero on Sisters.
November 20th, 2013 2:03 am
Prospero on Sisters.
November 20th, 2013 2:40 am
Prospero on Sisters.
November 20th, 2013 9:41 am
Prospero on Yet another link salad.
November 20th, 2013 10:08 pm
Prospero on Yet another link salad.
November 20th, 2013 11:36 pm
Prospero on Yet another link salad.
November 21st, 2013 1:35 am
Prospero on Yet another link salad.
November 21st, 2013 3:13 am
Prospero on Sisters.
November 21st, 2013 3:42 am
Prospero on Yet another link salad.
November 21st, 2013 3:43 am
Prospero on The broken hinge.
November 22nd, 2013 2:08 am
Prospero on The broken hinge.
November 22nd, 2013 2:27 am
Prospero on The broken hinge.
November 22nd, 2013 3:11 am
Prospero on White knuckles.
November 22nd, 2013 5:21 pm
Prospero on White knuckles.
November 23rd, 2013 1:33 am
Prospero on White knuckles.
November 23rd, 2013 1:46 am
Prospero on White knuckles.
November 23rd, 2013 9:47 am
Prospero on White knuckles.
November 23rd, 2013 10:49 am
Prospero on White knuckles.
November 23rd, 2013 6:40 pm
Prospero on White knuckles.
November 24th, 2013 10:30 pm
Prospero on White knuckles.
November 25th, 2013 2:42 am
Prospero on White knuckles.
November 25th, 2013 3:16 am
Prospero on The natal-day weekend.
November 25th, 2013 8:58 pm
Prospero on The natal-day weekend.
November 25th, 2013 10:22 pm
Prospero on The natal-day weekend.
November 25th, 2013 10:33 pm
Prospero on The natal-day weekend.
November 25th, 2013 10:52 pm
Prospero on The natal-day weekend.
November 26th, 2013 1:30 am
Prospero on The natal-day weekend.
November 26th, 2013 1:36 am
Prospero on The natal-day weekend.
November 26th, 2013 1:39 am
Prospero on The natal-day weekend.
November 26th, 2013 3:11 am
Prospero on The natal-day weekend.
November 26th, 2013 7:45 am
Prospero on Monday, Monday.
November 26th, 2013 10:09 pm
Prospero on Monday, Monday.
November 26th, 2013 11:39 pm
Prospero on Monday, Monday.
November 27th, 2013 12:20 am
Prospero on Monday, Monday.
November 27th, 2013 1:21 am
Prospero on Monday, Monday.
November 27th, 2013 1:54 am
Prospero on Monday, Monday.
November 27th, 2013 4:48 am
Prospero on Monday, Monday.
November 27th, 2013 4:55 am
Prospero on Happy Thanksgiving.
November 27th, 2013 9:14 pm
Prospero on Happy Thanksgiving.
November 27th, 2013 9:14 pm
Prospero on Happy Thanksgiving.
November 27th, 2013 10:20 pm
Prospero on Happy Thanksgiving.
November 28th, 2013 1:01 am
Prospero on Happy Thanksgiving.
November 28th, 2013 1:56 am
Prospero on Happy Thanksgiving.
November 29th, 2013 12:28 am
Prospero on Happy Thanksgiving.
November 29th, 2013 2:27 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
November 30th, 2013 6:50 pm
Prospero on The cultural cornucopia.
December 2nd, 2013 9:49 pm
Prospero on Something you might not know.
December 4th, 2013 7:12 pm
Prospero on Something you might not know.
December 4th, 2013 10:34 pm
Prospero on Something you might not know.
December 4th, 2013 11:14 pm
Prospero on Something you might not know.
December 5th, 2013 12:18 am
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 6th, 2013 11:08 pm
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 7th, 2013 2:50 am
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 7th, 2013 4:51 am
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 7th, 2013 7:14 am
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 7th, 2013 8:06 am
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 7th, 2013 6:35 pm
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 7th, 2013 7:47 pm
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 7th, 2013 10:30 pm
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 8th, 2013 7:56 pm
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 8th, 2013 10:36 pm
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 8th, 2013 11:31 pm
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 8th, 2013 11:47 pm
Prospero on Check local listings.
December 9th, 2013 1:52 am
Prospero on Play nice.
December 9th, 2013 6:40 pm
Prospero on Play nice.
December 9th, 2013 6:49 pm
Prospero on Play nice.
December 9th, 2013 11:00 pm
Prospero on A tale of two appliances.
December 10th, 2013 6:03 pm
Prospero on A tale of two appliances.
December 10th, 2013 9:01 pm
Prospero on A tale of two appliances.
December 10th, 2013 9:03 pm
Prospero on A tale of two appliances.
December 11th, 2013 2:21 am
Prospero on A tale of two appliances.
December 11th, 2013 3:01 am
Prospero on A tale of two appliances.
December 11th, 2013 3:11 am
Prospero on The week of socializing frequently.
December 11th, 2013 9:36 pm
Prospero on The week of socializing frequently.
December 11th, 2013 10:24 pm
Prospero on The week of socializing frequently.
December 11th, 2013 11:27 pm
Prospero on The week of socializing frequently.
December 12th, 2013 12:18 am
Prospero on The week of socializing frequently.
December 12th, 2013 3:12 am
Prospero on The week of socializing frequently.
December 12th, 2013 5:02 am
Prospero on Such an honor.
December 12th, 2013 6:20 pm
Prospero on Such an honor.
December 12th, 2013 6:39 pm
Prospero on Such an honor.
December 12th, 2013 8:46 pm
Prospero on Such an honor.
December 12th, 2013 9:23 pm
Prospero on Such an honor.
December 12th, 2013 10:01 pm
Prospero on Such an honor.
December 12th, 2013 11:21 pm
Prospero on Such an honor.
December 13th, 2013 1:34 am
Prospero on Such an honor.
December 13th, 2013 3:28 am
Prospero on Good stories, well-told.
December 13th, 2013 2:46 pm
Prospero on Good stories, well-told.
December 13th, 2013 9:37 pm
Prospero on The blanket arrives.
December 17th, 2013 1:39 am
Prospero on The parka of misery.
December 18th, 2013 12:20 am
Prospero on The parka of misery.
December 18th, 2013 11:01 pm
Prospero on The parka of misery.
December 18th, 2013 11:56 pm
Prospero on Get-well cards.
December 19th, 2013 3:50 am
Prospero on Get-well cards.
December 19th, 2013 4:05 am
Prospero on Get-well cards.
December 19th, 2013 7:56 pm
Prospero on Get-well cards.
December 19th, 2013 8:49 pm
Prospero on Get-well cards.
December 20th, 2013 1:50 am
Prospero on Get-well cards.
December 20th, 2013 3:59 am
Prospero on Twice in one year.
December 20th, 2013 5:52 pm
Prospero on Twice in one year.
December 20th, 2013 8:11 pm
Prospero on Twice in one year.
December 21st, 2013 7:59 pm
Prospero on Twice in one year.
December 22nd, 2013 8:34 pm
Prospero on Twice in one year.
December 22nd, 2013 9:40 pm
Prospero on Twice in one year.
December 23rd, 2013 1:29 am
Prospero on Twice in one year.
December 23rd, 2013 8:12 pm
Prospero on Twice in one year.
December 23rd, 2013 8:37 pm
Prospero on Twice in one year.
December 23rd, 2013 8:44 pm
Prospero on Twice in one year.
December 23rd, 2013 9:19 pm
Prospero on Happy Christmas.
December 26th, 2013 7:56 pm
Prospero on The minimizing of the crap.
December 26th, 2013 10:59 pm
Prospero on The minimizing of the crap.
December 27th, 2013 12:03 am
Prospero on The minimizing of the crap.
December 27th, 2013 7:44 am
Prospero on Closet no. 1.
December 27th, 2013 7:25 pm
Prospero on Closet no. 1.
December 27th, 2013 7:41 pm
Prospero on Closet no. 1.
December 27th, 2013 8:11 pm
Prospero on Closet no. 1.
December 27th, 2013 8:16 pm
Prospero on Closet no. 1.
December 27th, 2013 9:04 pm
Prospero on Closet no. 1.
December 27th, 2013 9:55 pm
Prospero on Closet no. 1.
December 28th, 2013 12:45 am
Prospero on Closet no. 1.
December 28th, 2013 2:38 am
Prospero on Closet no. 1.
December 28th, 2013 3:23 am
Prospero on Closet no. 1.
December 28th, 2013 3:30 am
Prospero on Closet no. 1.
December 28th, 2013 6:33 pm
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
December 29th, 2013 12:35 am
Prospero on Saturday morning market.
December 29th, 2013 12:48 am